SPAIN. Electoral management: ICTs tools and Public Administrations cooperation.” «Electronic tools of Local Democracy: collection, decision-making and transmission» Atelier de travail/Workshop CDDG (Bruxelles/Brussels, 01 04 2015) Ministry of the Interior. Spain. Directorate General of Internal Policy. Deputy Directorate of Internal Policy and Electoral Processes. www.infoelectoral.interior.es

SPAIN. Electoral management: ICTs tools - Coe

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“SPAIN. Electoral management: ICTs tools

and Public Administrations cooperation.”

«Electronic tools of Local Democracy: collection, decision-making and transmission»

Atelier de travail/Workshop CDDG (Bruxelles/Brussels, 01 04 2015)

Ministry of the Interior. Spain. Directorate General of Internal Policy. Deputy Directorate of Internal Policy and Electoral Processes.


1. Territorial organization.

- 17 Autonomous Communities/50 provinces + Ceuta and Melilla.

- State Administration territorial delegations:

Delegaciones del Gobierno: 19

Subdelegaciones del Gobierno: 44 Direcciones Insulares: 7

1. Territorial organization.

8.121 municipalities

2.1 The Ministry of the Interior is in charge of: (N.B. at nation wide elections and referenda). - the electoral budget (EPE 2014 120,58 euros.); - the coordination of all Public Administrations* with tasks related with electoral management; - the planning and implementation of strategies to improve the electoral Management (i.e. the use of ICTs etc.); - election logistics: electoral materials; public procurement… - all tasks required to ensure that Government makes public the provisional electoral results on election day (according to article 98.2 of the Electoral Act) - Political Parties´ Register and public funding (electoral expenses and regular funding); - running pilots (i.e. Electronically Managed Electoral Board -MAE- etc), with the previous authorization of the Central Electoral Commission - drafting and implementation of regulations related to elections (i.e. electoral processes management, accessibility etc.) ; - voter education campaigns on Public Radio, TV and online (art. 50 Electoral Act 5/1985); information and electoral data (available via: www.infoelectoral.interior.es)

2. Electoral management: ICTs tools and Public Administrations cooperation.

* Electoral Management. Ministry of the Interior:

Cooperation with Autonomous Communities: MoUs

Cooperation with Local Administration: vía Ministry of Finance and Public

Administration/ State Administration territorial delegations.

2.2 Ministry of Finance and Public Administration: SARA NETWORK.


The SARA network is a high-speed administrative communication network (a set of

communications infrastructure and basic services) that connects Spanish public administrations

(including 4.000 municipalities –February 2015-, more than 80% of the population)


“Spain has made significant gains, improving its position from 23rd to 12th in the global

ranking and from 15th to 5th in the European ranking. This improvement is the result of

long-term e-government planning.”



2. Electoral management: ICTs tools and Public Administrations cooperation.

1.1 Laws and regulations. • Law 30/1992 on the Legal Regime of Public Admins. and Common Administrative Procedure.

• Law 11/2007 on Electronic Access to Public Services and Royal Decree 1671/2009.

• Royal Decree 3/2010 amending the National Security Scheme in the field of e Government.

• Royal Decree 4 / 2010 on the National Scheme of Interoperability in the field of e-government.

• Law 19 / 2013 on transparency, access to public information and good governance.

1.2 Action plans: Plan Avanza 2005; 2010 and Plan Avanza Strategy 2011-2015


2. Electoral management: ICTs tools and Public Administrations cooperation.

2.1 Back office software applications.

a) Ministry of the Interior´s back office electoral software applications provided to province level and local administrations via SARA network:

ELECTORAL INVENTORY. INVELE: This software application keeps an updated inventory of election materials (ballot boxes, booths, polling station signs, envelopes, printed handbooks, etc.) which are available throughout the national territory; as well as it allows for the processing of such electoral materials´purchase requests by the delegations and / or Sub Government and control the storage of the material.

FORMULARIO DE CAPTURA DE PERCEPTORES. CAPPER: This application helps municipalities to manage accounting data related to the electoral process.

CAJA PAGADORA ELECCIONES. CAJAELE. This is a payment management application (electoral budget.)

b) Back office applications are also provided to Electoral Commissions to grant secure access to the political parties´register, to manage procedures related to list of candidates´as well as those related to the tally/definitive counting (three days after ED).

c) Back up ballot printing application.

2. Electoral management: ICTs tools and Public Administrations cooperation.

- IMPORTANT: It is not an e-voting system.

- The MAE (electronically managed electoral board) is a set of ICT tools

provided to make it easier for ElectoraL Board staff to carry out their duties

on the election day.

- The MAE is adapted to the Electoral Law provissions. No legal reform was

needed. Organic Law 5/1985 on the General Election Regime (LOREG).

- The MAE is a system supervised by:

2.2. Electronically managed Electoral Board.

2. Electoral management: back office software applications and other ICTs tools.

The Congress of Deputies (1st Chamber)

Constitutional Committee The Central Electoral Commission

- Nationwide Elections with MAE: 2009, 2011, 2014, 2015.

- Each electoral board has the following equipment:












2.2. Electronically managed Electoral Board.

2. Electoral management: back office software applications and other ICTs tools.

1. Quick and easy search in the electors’ list.

If the elector identifies him/herself with the non electronic

National ID the polling station staff will search his/her data in

the Laptop (i.e. search by name, surname or NID number).

If the elector has an electronic National ID (DNI-e),

he/she inserts it into the card reader device and

introduces the security pin.

2. The numbered voters’ list and the protocols are printed. (No

handwriting needed.)

3. The EB may print ballot papers whenever this is considered

to be necessary.

4. Inmediate identification of the postal voters in the electors’


5. Security is enhanced with this cost efective system.

2. Electoral management: ICTs tools and Public Administrations cooperation.

Autonomous Community/

Autonomous Cities (Ceuta + Melilla) Municipalities

Electoral Boards

Andalucía Jaén 153

Andalucía Sevilla 938

Galicia Coruña (A) 300

Cataluña Badalona 239

Cataluña Tarragona 188

Ceuta Ceuta 94

Melilla Melilla 82

Asturias Avilés 117

Cantabria Santander 195

País Vasco Vitoria 305

Navarra Pamplona 273

Aragón Huesca 72

C. Valenciana Torrent 96

Murcia Molina de Segura 73

Baleares Marratxí 35

Canarias Ingenio 47

Canarias Candelaria 31

Extremadura Mérida 69

Castilla y León Burgos 269

Castilla-La Mancha Talavera de la Reina 123

Madrid Alcobendas 115

TOTAL 3.814

2.2. Electronically managed Electoral Board.

MAE. May 24th 2015 Local and Autonomous Communities´ Elections

2. Electoral management: ICTs tools and Public Administrations cooperation.

•Provisional counting (public) takes place at every Electoral Board immediately after the close of

polls (20:00 PM mainland time). Definitive counting is undertaken by the Electoral Commissions

and published by the Central Electoral Commission in the Official Gazette.

•The Government’s representatives in all polling stations reported the provisional results (the

Electoral Act established that they get a copy of the EB tally sheet) to the Data Dissemination

Center (Madrid) either via portable electronic devices ( ‘tablets’), the Electronically Managed

Electoral Board (MAE) or by phone.

•The government publishes provisional results on election night (online/media/and also apps

available at ). Press conferences are held on election day at the Data Dissemination Center

(Ministry of the Interior/Ministry of the Presidency).

•Electoral results are available on the Ministry of the Interior permanent website.


2. Electoral management: back office software applications and other ICTs tools.

2.3. ICTs: Provisional electoral results collection and public dissemination

2. Electoral management: ICTs tools and Public Administrations cooperation.

•Electronic devices: tablets and MAEs –Electronically Managed Electoral Boards- are used to

send the data from the electoral boards to the Data Dissemination Center (Madrid)

• Data on provisional electoral results, as well as turn out data, are transmitted electronically via

portable electronic devices or MAES:

a) Portable electronic devices:

•Parliamentary Elections 2008: all municipalities over 50.000 inhabitants (46% of the

electoral census). (PDAs)

•Parliamentary Elections 2011: (PDAs) all municipalities over 2.000 inhabitants (86% of the

electoral census). In Madrid, Barcelona and the Canary Islands: 100% of the electoral

census. N.B. Municipalities under 2.000 inhabitants (only 14% of the electoral census)

used telephones.

•European Parliament Elections 2014: tablets 22.000 / 94% of the electoral census.

•May 24th elections: 21.000 tablets will be used.

b) MAE (Electronically Managed Electoral Board)

Parliamentary Elections 2011 1.753 Electoral Boards in the city of Madrid used the MAE. MAE

has been used in different cities since the European Parliament Elections 2009.

EPE 2014. MAE were used in the cities of Barcelona, Valladolid and Córdoba: in 1.746

electoral boards.

2.3. ICTs: Provisional electoral results collection and public dissemination

2. Electoral management: ICTs tools and Public Administrations cooperation.