Motorcoach and school bus occupant protection and passenger safety in Australia Ian Faulks Safety and Policy Analysis International Pty Limited & Department of Psychology, Macquarie University and Julia Irwin Department of Psychology, Macquarie University for TRB Session 694 - School bus and motorcoach restraint systems. Cosponsors: The Occupant Protection Committee; the Truck and Bus Safety Committee; and the School Transportation Subcommittee January 2009

The Australian experience with seat belts on buses

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Motorcoach and school bus occupant protection and

passenger safety in Australia

Ian Faulks

Safety and Policy Analysis International Pty Limited & Department of Psychology, Macquarie University


Julia Irwin

Department of Psychology, Macquarie University


TRB Session 694 - School bus and motorcoach restraint


Cosponsors: The Occupant Protection Committee; the Truck and Bus Safety Committee; and the School

Transportation Subcommittee

January 2009

REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE Report No. Report Date Pages SPAI 2008-24 / 01 January 2009 28

Title and Subtitle Motorcoach and school bus occupant protection and passenger safety in Australia

Authors Ian J. Faulks & Julia D. Irwin

Performing Organisations Safety and Policy Analysis International Pty Limited PO Box 140, Wahroonga NSW Australia 2076.

Abstract This paper is based, in major part, upon the international review and synthesis performed by Barry M. Sweedler, Kathryn Stewart and Ian J. Faulks, of Safety and Policy Analysis International during 2008 as part of a major project examining seatbelts on buses in Singapore. Several issues have been raised regarding unintended consequences and impediments to seatbelt installation and use, including the cost of retrofitting buses and equipping new buses with seat belts, the weight of the seats, the cost of maintaining and servicing belts, potential reductions of passenger capacity when each passenger must have his/her own seatbelt and seat, and that ridership will decrease if cost goes up or convenience is impaired. This review has concluded that:

• The standards set by Australian Design Rule ADR 68 are world leading practice for bus occupant protection at 20g.

• Over the past 15 years of research and development Australian seat manufacturers have built seats which are economical and lightweight, so there is no longer any economic reason for regulating lesser protection.

• The cost for retrofitment is estimated to be about A$1,000 per seat, with costs reducing for bulk orders, and lower for original equipment

• The Seatbelts for Kids subsidy program may speed up retrofitment • Changes may be Australian transport authorities adopt proposals for improving

safety management in Australia’s bus industry Other remaining challenges include: Convincing bus operators and transport regulators; Achieving higher wearing rates by passengers; Ensuring removal of older buses (which may cost more to refit) from the Australian fleet; Development of an appropriate seat anchorage test to facilitate certification of retrofitted vehicles to ADR 68 performance levels; and Ensuring there are sufficient trained engineers competent to advise on and certify retrofitment. Keywords Seat belts, Traffic safety, Australia,

Citation This report may be cited as: Faulks, I.J. & Irwin J.D.(2009). Motorcoach and school bus occupant protection and passenger safety in Australia. Report SPAI 2008-24 /01. Sydney, NSW: Safety and Policy Analysis International.

MotorcoachMotorcoach and school bus and school bus occupant protection and passenger occupant protection and passenger

safety in Australiasafety in Australia

Ian J. Ian J. Faulks & Julia D. IrwinFaulks & Julia D. IrwinDepartment of Psychology, Macquarie UniversityDepartment of Psychology, Macquarie University

Ian J. Faulks is a partner in Safety and Policy Analysis Ian J. Faulks is a partner in Safety and Policy Analysis InternationalInternational

January 2009


This paper is basedThis paper is based, in part, upon an international review , in part, upon an international review and synthesis performed during 2008 by Barry M. and synthesis performed during 2008 by Barry M. SweedlerSweedler, , Kathryn Stewart and Ian J. Faulks, of Safety and Policy Kathryn Stewart and Ian J. Faulks, of Safety and Policy Analysis International as part of a major project examining Analysis International as part of a major project examining seatbelts on buses in Singaporeseatbelts on buses in Singapore

January 2009

Overview of the presentationOverview of the presentation

Discussion of:Discussion of:

Injuries to bus passengers Injuries to bus passengers

Timeline of bus safety in AustraliaTimeline of bus safety in Australia

Australian Design Rule ADR 68Australian Design Rule ADR 68

Development of new seatsDevelopment of new seats

The The Seatbelt for Kids Seatbelt for Kids subsidy programsubsidy program

Improving safety management in AustraliaImproving safety management in Australia’’s bus industrys bus industry

Small busesSmall buses

Concluding commentsConcluding comments

January 2009


Important factors in bus design include the maximisation of Important factors in bus design include the maximisation of operational economy, seating capacity, passenger visibility, andoperational economy, seating capacity, passenger visibility, andthe ease of loading and unloadingthe ease of loading and unloading

As well, buses are also designed to be price competitive, so As well, buses are also designed to be price competitive, so design is, in part, a trade off between construction cost and design is, in part, a trade off between construction cost and passenger safetypassenger safety

This is a common feature of motor vehicle design, and the This is a common feature of motor vehicle design, and the inherent tension between vehicle manufacturers and the inherent tension between vehicle manufacturers and the community has led to regulatory interventions to provide for community has led to regulatory interventions to provide for improved vehicle crashworthiness and to require minimum improved vehicle crashworthiness and to require minimum safety features, such as seatbelts, to be introducedsafety features, such as seatbelts, to be introduced

Regulatory interventions, in the past, have tended to be Regulatory interventions, in the past, have tended to be prescriptive and punitiveprescriptive and punitive

There is a significant tension over the issue of seat belts for There is a significant tension over the issue of seat belts for buses, between bus operators, transport regulators, and road buses, between bus operators, transport regulators, and road safety officials who are mainly on one side, and public health safety officials who are mainly on one side, and public health workers, educators, and communities on the other sideworkers, educators, and communities on the other side

January 2009

Injuries to bus passengersInjuries to bus passengers

The large mass of buses, and the consequent inertia of buses The large mass of buses, and the consequent inertia of buses relative to the majority of other motor vehicles, means that relative to the majority of other motor vehicles, means that buses are not subjected to high levels of deceleration followingbuses are not subjected to high levels of deceleration followingcollisions with another vehicles (Irwin & Faulks, 2000)collisions with another vehicles (Irwin & Faulks, 2000)

The occupants of the other vehicle are more likely to be killed The occupants of the other vehicle are more likely to be killed but the bus passengers are more likely to be injuredbut the bus passengers are more likely to be injured

In the main, this peculiar outcome arises because the interior In the main, this peculiar outcome arises because the interior of a bus lacks appropriate and proper fittings that provide of a bus lacks appropriate and proper fittings that provide energy absorption in the event of a crash (e.g., seat belts, energy absorption in the event of a crash (e.g., seat belts, padding, structurally strong seat backs and points of padding, structurally strong seat backs and points of attachment)attachment)

In the event of a bus crash involving a motor vehicle of In the event of a bus crash involving a motor vehicle of equivalent massequivalent mass——such as another bus or a trucksuch as another bus or a truck——or a fixed or a fixed roadside object, the protective interaction of larger vehicle roadside object, the protective interaction of larger vehicle mass and inertia is not available, and the risk of injury and mass and inertia is not available, and the risk of injury and fatality to bus passengers becomes extremefatality to bus passengers becomes extreme

January 2009

Injuries to bus passengersInjuries to bus passengers

In general, the injuries to bus passengers in crashes are In general, the injuries to bus passengers in crashes are associated with either the penetration of another vehicle or associated with either the penetration of another vehicle or roadside object directly, or with impact with bus fixtures, or roadside object directly, or with impact with bus fixtures, or some combination of acceleration forces and intrusion (Irwin & some combination of acceleration forces and intrusion (Irwin & Faulks, 2000)Faulks, 2000)

In particular, impact of the face and upper body with the seat In particular, impact of the face and upper body with the seat back in front of passengers' seating position is a major back in front of passengers' seating position is a major mechanism of injury resulting in lacerations, fractures and mechanism of injury resulting in lacerations, fractures and bruisingbruising

Other bus injuries are associated with:Other bus injuries are associated with:Falls by passengers standing in the aisle of a moving bus, Falls by passengers standing in the aisle of a moving bus, which also result in lacerations, fractures and bruising;which also result in lacerations, fractures and bruising;Falls by passengers embarking or Falls by passengers embarking or egressingegressing the bus; andthe bus; andEntrapment of bus passengers in bus doorsEntrapment of bus passengers in bus doors

January 2009


1970: Australian Design Rules (ADR) introduced that made it 1970: Australian Design Rules (ADR) introduced that made it compulsory to fit seatbelts to all new passenger cars . . . by compulsory to fit seatbelts to all new passenger cars . . . by 1973 all Australian states had passed laws making it compulsory 1973 all Australian states had passed laws making it compulsory to wear seatbelts wherever they were fitted in passenger carsto wear seatbelts wherever they were fitted in passenger cars

1973: Joubert completes a review of truck and bus design in 1973: Joubert completes a review of truck and bus design in relation to road safety in Australia for the Commonwealth Officerelation to road safety in Australia for the Commonwealth Officeof Road Safety (crashworthy seats, but not of Road Safety (crashworthy seats, but not seat beltsseat belts))

1980s: 1980s: Australia adopts policy of harmonization with European Australia adopts policy of harmonization with European coach occupant regulations (ECE Regulation 80), requiring coach occupant regulations (ECE Regulation 80), requiring effective effective compartmentalisationcompartmentalisation of coach occupants in crashes of coach occupants in crashes involving decelerations up to 10ginvolving decelerations up to 10g

Between 1970 and 1990 there were numerous fatal and injury Between 1970 and 1990 there were numerous fatal and injury crashes involving buses (including many buses carrying school crashes involving buses (including many buses carrying school children) . . . but no significant investigative action by road children) . . . but no significant investigative action by road safety agencies (most information on nonsafety agencies (most information on non--fatal crashes is known fatal crashes is known from crash database records only; Paine, 1995)from crash database records only; Paine, 1995)

January 2009


1992: Australian Design Rule ADR 66 1992: Australian Design Rule ADR 66 -- requires requires compartmentalisationcompartmentalisation of coach occupants in crashes involving of coach occupants in crashes involving decelerations up to 10g, with seat belts only for occupants of decelerations up to 10g, with seat belts only for occupants of the front seatsthe front seats

1992: Henderson and Paine (1992) find that most buses built 1992: Henderson and Paine (1992) find that most buses built since 1991 had seats that met the intent of ADR 66 and that since 1991 had seats that met the intent of ADR 66 and that these buses required less upgrading than older busesthese buses required less upgrading than older buses

They also recommended that a national code of practice They also recommended that a national code of practice be developed for retrofitting seat belts to small busesbe developed for retrofitting seat belts to small buses

1994: Guidelines issued by the National Road Transport 1994: Guidelines issued by the National Road Transport Commission, Federal Office of Road Safety and Australian Bus Commission, Federal Office of Road Safety and Australian Bus and Coach Association for a voluntary code of practice for and Coach Association for a voluntary code of practice for fitting seat belts (and other occupant protection measures) to fitting seat belts (and other occupant protection measures) to all sizes of busesall sizes of buses

January 2009

At the same time . . .At the same time . . .

19891989--90: Series of severe bus crashes, including:90: Series of severe bus crashes, including:Cairns Cairns –– Roll over crash, 6 school children killed on Roll over crash, 6 school children killed on excursionexcursionGrafton Grafton –– TruckTruck--bus collision, 20 passengers killedbus collision, 20 passengers killedKempsey Kempsey –– BusBus--bus collision, 35 passengers killedbus collision, 35 passengers killedMt Tambourine Mt Tambourine –– Roll over crash, 11 passengers killedRoll over crash, 11 passengers killed

Crash investigations concluded that ECE Regulation 80 Crash investigations concluded that ECE Regulation 80 protection would have done little to prevent passenger deaths protection would have done little to prevent passenger deaths in these severe crashes . . . for example, a peak deceleration in these severe crashes . . . for example, a peak deceleration of 20g was estimated for the of 20g was estimated for the KempseyKempsey crash (crash (DalDal NevoNevo, , DuignanDuignan & Griffiths, 1991)& Griffiths, 1991)

As noted by As noted by Griffiths, Paine and Moore (2005), tGriffiths, Paine and Moore (2005), threehree--point lappoint lap--sash seat belts able to withstand 20g deceleration were sash seat belts able to withstand 20g deceleration were requiredrequired

Moreover, crashworthy seats (at the level recommended by Moreover, crashworthy seats (at the level recommended by JoubertJoubert in 1973) and stronger bus floors were required . . . the in 1973) and stronger bus floors were required . . . the seats tore loose from their anchorages in the seats tore loose from their anchorages in the KempseyKempsey crashcrash

January 2009

From Griffiths et al., From Griffiths et al., 2005 2005

The headThe head--on collision between on collision between two buses on an undivided high two buses on an undivided high speed rural highway at speed rural highway at KempseyKempsey, December 1989, 35 , December 1989, 35 bus occupants killed bus occupants killed

From NSW Office of From NSW Office of Emergency ServicesEmergency Services

January 2009

Australian Design Rule ADR 68Australian Design Rule ADR 68

1994: Australian Design Rule ADR 68 imposes objective 1994: Australian Design Rule ADR 68 imposes objective standards for occupant protection and crashworthiness in standards for occupant protection and crashworthiness in buses, with specific provision for: seat belts; seat belt buses, with specific provision for: seat belts; seat belt anchorages; seat design; seat strength; and seat anchoragesanchorages; seat design; seat strength; and seat anchorages

ADR 68 requires three point seat belts mounted on seats, with ADR 68 requires three point seat belts mounted on seats, with the seat assembly able to withstand loads from restrained the seat assembly able to withstand loads from restrained occupant and an unrestrained occupant striking the rear of the occupant and an unrestrained occupant striking the rear of the seat:seat:

Requires a dynamic test with 20g deceleration;Requires a dynamic test with 20g deceleration;Applies to all Australian coaches built from July 1994, Applies to all Australian coaches built from July 1994, but route service buses are exempt, as are small buses but route service buses are exempt, as are small buses seating less than 16 passengers (plus the driver) and seating less than 16 passengers (plus the driver) and buses with seat heights of less than 1.0 mbuses with seat heights of less than 1.0 m

As reported by Griffiths et al. (2005), ADR 68 has led to strongAs reported by Griffiths et al. (2005), ADR 68 has led to strongconsumer demand for threeconsumer demand for three--point seat belts on coaches used point seat belts on coaches used for charter and excursions, and a significant industry has for charter and excursions, and a significant industry has developed for fitting ADR 68 seats to older busesdeveloped for fitting ADR 68 seats to older buses

January 2009

New integrated bus seats developedNew integrated bus seats developed

Innovative designs were developed that were similar in weight Innovative designs were developed that were similar in weight to the replaced seats, but which were compliant with ADR 68to the replaced seats, but which were compliant with ADR 68

Griffiths et al. (2005) report that concerns about cost and Griffiths et al. (2005) report that concerns about cost and weight of ADR 68 seats have proved to be unfoundedweight of ADR 68 seats have proved to be unfounded

McConnell Seats Australia

January 2009

New integrated bus seats developedNew integrated bus seats developed

SchoolsafeSchoolsafe ADR 68 seat ADR 68 seat belted seat designed belted seat designed specifically for the school specifically for the school bus and day charterbus and day charter

McConnell Seats AustraliaMcConnell Seats Australia

January 2009

New integrated bus seats developedNew integrated bus seats developed

Executive ADR 68 coach Executive ADR 68 coach seat with integrated seat with integrated seatbelts seatbelts

McConnell Seats AustraliaMcConnell Seats Australia

January 2009

Are ADR 68 compliant seats effective?Are ADR 68 compliant seats effective?To date, there have been few crashes of coaches built to the To date, there have been few crashes of coaches built to the ADR 68 standardADR 68 standard

After a fatal bus crashes at After a fatal bus crashes at TenterfieldTenterfield in northern New South in northern New South Wales in 1996 investigation found 47 of 52 passengers were Wales in 1996 investigation found 47 of 52 passengers were wearing three point seat belts and had no serious injuries, but wearing three point seat belts and had no serious injuries, but an unrestrained relief driver asleep in a bunk and child in the an unrestrained relief driver asleep in a bunk and child in the aisle returning from the lavatory were killed (Griffiths et al. aisle returning from the lavatory were killed (Griffiths et al. , , 2005 reported the crash pulse was estimated to be 6g in an 2005 reported the crash pulse was estimated to be 6g in an offset frontal crash)offset frontal crash)

Do passengers wear the seat belts provided?Do passengers wear the seat belts provided?Griffiths et al. (2005) note Griffiths et al. (2005) note police anecdotal records of police anecdotal records of several other coach crashes indicating wearing rates of several other coach crashes indicating wearing rates of less than 20% less than 20% ButlerButler--Moore, Roper, Coutts, Newman and Styles (2004) Moore, Roper, Coutts, Newman and Styles (2004) reported varying wearing rates of 14reported varying wearing rates of 14--89% during a school 89% during a school bus seat belt trialbus seat belt trial

No large scale objective scientific observational studies have No large scale objective scientific observational studies have been conducted of seat belt wearing rates on buses and coaches been conducted of seat belt wearing rates on buses and coaches in Australia (in Australia (SweedlerSweedler, Stewart & Faulks, 2008) , Stewart & Faulks, 2008)

January 2009


Late 1990s and early 2000s: Reviews and reports, for example, byLate 1990s and early 2000s: Reviews and reports, for example, byBleakly (1994), Bleakly (1994), AndreassenAndreassen & & CusackCusack (1996), (1996), AustroadsAustroads (2001), (2001), Queensland School Safety Taskforce (2001), NSW School Bus Queensland School Safety Taskforce (2001), NSW School Bus Safety Working Group (2004) continue to reject the need for Safety Working Group (2004) continue to reject the need for seatbelts to be installed on buses seatbelts to be installed on buses

e.g., the NSW School Bus Safety Working Group report e.g., the NSW School Bus Safety Working Group report argues that priority should be given to dealing with the most argues that priority should be given to dealing with the most risky school bus routes in the state (steep, winding roads) risky school bus routes in the state (steep, winding roads) with funding to support rewith funding to support re--engineering of roads and vehicles engineering of roads and vehicles (but this (but this couldcould mean fitting seat belts), with bus routes in mean fitting seat belts), with bus routes in rural areas and urban areas given lesser priorityrural areas and urban areas given lesser priority

MidMid--2000s: After bus crashes involving school children in 2000s: After bus crashes involving school children in Queensland, WA and SA, seatbelts were introduced for school Queensland, WA and SA, seatbelts were introduced for school buses in some areas in those States buses in some areas in those States

there are significant differences in cost estimates for there are significant differences in cost estimates for retrofitmentretrofitment -- in 2006, the South Australian government in 2006, the South Australian government states a cost estimate of A$70 million for fitting school states a cost estimate of A$70 million for fitting school buses with seat belts (between A$90,000buses with seat belts (between A$90,000--123,000 per bus), 123,000 per bus), but the bus seat industry says it can be done for about but the bus seat industry says it can be done for about A$35,000 per bus, reducing for bulk orders, and with small A$35,000 per bus, reducing for bulk orders, and with small buses costing as little as A$15,000 for full ADR 68 lapbuses costing as little as A$15,000 for full ADR 68 lap--sash sash integrated seat belts if done in bulkintegrated seat belts if done in bulk

January 2009


2006: National Transport Commission releases Draft Code of 2006: National Transport Commission releases Draft Code of Practice setting out requirements for modification of existing Practice setting out requirements for modification of existing buses with the intention of improving occupant protection in buses with the intention of improving occupant protection in crashes (Paine, Griffiths & Bailey, 2006)crashes (Paine, Griffiths & Bailey, 2006)

The Code replaces the national guidelines that were issued in The Code replaces the national guidelines that were issued in 1994, and is based on: 1994, and is based on:

investigations of bus occupant safety research since the investigations of bus occupant safety research since the 1994 code was introduced; and 1994 code was introduced; and commercial availability of ADR 68 seats with integral commercial availability of ADR 68 seats with integral lap/sash seatbelts from several local and overseas lap/sash seatbelts from several local and overseas manufacturers manufacturers

It is recommended that, where seatbelts are to be retrofitted, It is recommended that, where seatbelts are to be retrofitted, then only lapthen only lap--sash seat belts incorporated in ADR 68 certified sash seat belts incorporated in ADR 68 certified seats and anchored to withstand a 20g crash pulse should be seats and anchored to withstand a 20g crash pulse should be permittedpermitted\\

January 2009

Seatbelts for Kids subsidy programSeatbelts for Kids subsidy program

2007: Federal government announces 2007: Federal government announces Seatbelts for KidsSeatbelts for Kids subsidy subsidy programprogram

The objective of the The objective of the Seatbelt for Kids Seatbelt for Kids subsidy program is to subsidy program is to increase the number of school buses equipped with seatbelts for increase the number of school buses equipped with seatbelts for students in rural and regional areas. The scheme provides up to students in rural and regional areas. The scheme provides up to $10 million per annum over four years (2007$10 million per annum over four years (2007--11) to fit seatbelts 11) to fit seatbelts to new buses or retrofit existing busesto new buses or retrofit existing busesA subsidy of up to $25,000 per bus is available for the A subsidy of up to $25,000 per bus is available for the installation of seatbelts in school busesinstallation of seatbelts in school busesIt is estimated that the funding would enable at least 1,500 It is estimated that the funding would enable at least 1,500 regional school buses will be fitted with seat belts over the neregional school buses will be fitted with seat belts over the next xt four years (375 school buses a year in nonfour years (375 school buses a year in non--metropolitan metropolitan Australia)Australia)New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania and Northern Territory New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania and Northern Territory governments do not support the program, arguing bus travel is governments do not support the program, arguing bus travel is already the safest form of travel for school childrenalready the safest form of travel for school childrenSenior transport studies academic states that advocates for seatSenior transport studies academic states that advocates for seatbelts on buses are "irrational" belts on buses are "irrational" After change of Federal government in late 2007 the After change of Federal government in late 2007 the Seatbelts Seatbelts for Kidsfor Kids subsidy program continues, but more than 16 months of subsidy program continues, but more than 16 months of the program no summary information of take up has been the program no summary information of take up has been releasedreleased

January 2009


2008: National Transport Commission releases discussion 2008: National Transport Commission releases discussion paper on improving safety management in Australiapaper on improving safety management in Australia’’s bus s bus industry industry

The document reviews current safety arrangements for the bus The document reviews current safety arrangements for the bus industry to establish whether a national, riskindustry to establish whether a national, risk--based approach based approach could improve safety outcomes, discussing regulatory best could improve safety outcomes, discussing regulatory best practice and suggesting some alternatives for bus operator practice and suggesting some alternatives for bus operator accreditation, based on a risk management approach accreditation, based on a risk management approach

Draws an explicit parallel between the bus and coach industry Draws an explicit parallel between the bus and coach industry and the rail industry:and the rail industry:

like the bus and coach industry, rail is also a passenger like the bus and coach industry, rail is also a passenger transport provider, so while the risk of an incident might transport provider, so while the risk of an incident might be low, the consequences of a crash can be very high be low, the consequences of a crash can be very high with large passenger capacities (seated and standing) with large passenger capacities (seated and standing) there was a potential for recent rail crashes (e.g., at there was a potential for recent rail crashes (e.g., at Waterfall near Sydney) to have been far more Waterfall near Sydney) to have been far more catastrophiccatastrophica similar potential exists for school bus travel, where a similar potential exists for school bus travel, where more than 80 seated and standing school children may be more than 80 seated and standing school children may be carried carried

January 2009

Improving safety management in Australia's bus industryImproving safety management in Australia's bus industry

The National Transport Commission concludes that the The National Transport Commission concludes that the development of safety regulation in the bus industry has development of safety regulation in the bus industry has largely been actions taken by individual jurisdictions (rather largely been actions taken by individual jurisdictions (rather than national), prescriptive and reliant on actions to remove orthan national), prescriptive and reliant on actions to remove orprohibit accreditation in the event of a breach, focused on prohibit accreditation in the event of a breach, focused on vehicle standards (introducing rollover standards, etc.); and vehicle standards (introducing rollover standards, etc.); and not focused on processes or systems for safety not focused on processes or systems for safety

'While serious bus crashes are infrequent events in 'While serious bus crashes are infrequent events in Australia, this does not necessarily mean that safety is Australia, this does not necessarily mean that safety is being well managed. A shortcoming of looking at reported being well managed. A shortcoming of looking at reported statistics is that this only captures a part of the whole statistics is that this only captures a part of the whole picture on safety. In most states and territories police are picture on safety. In most states and territories police are only called to crashes that result in a death or serious only called to crashes that result in a death or serious injury, and . . . while some road transport agencies collect injury, and . . . while some road transport agencies collect incident information, national reporting and collation of data incident information, national reporting and collation of data is far from complete.. . . . Many is far from complete.. . . . Many ‘‘incidentsincidents’’ or situations or situations could increase the likelihood of a serious crash, but unless a could increase the likelihood of a serious crash, but unless a crash occurs the issue may go undetected [or crash occurs the issue may go undetected [or unrecognised]'unrecognised]'

The National Transport Commission is yet to release its final The National Transport Commission is yet to release its final report into safety management in Australia's bus industryreport into safety management in Australia's bus industry

January 2009

What is happening with small buses?What is happening with small buses?

Griffiths et al. (2005) argued that as the vehicle structure in Griffiths et al. (2005) argued that as the vehicle structure in small buses is usually adequate, then seat belts can be highly small buses is usually adequate, then seat belts can be highly effective in rollovers effective in rollovers –– investigation of a fatal rollover crash of investigation of a fatal rollover crash of a small bus on a steep descent at a small bus on a steep descent at JamberooJamberoo in Australia in Australia showed seat belts would have been highly effective in showed seat belts would have been highly effective in preventing ejection and fatal injury to two passengerspreventing ejection and fatal injury to two passengers

National Transportation Safety Board's 1999 study of four National Transportation Safety Board's 1999 study of four fatal crashes involving small buses used to transport school fatal crashes involving small buses used to transport school children that did not conform to the U.S. Federal standards for children that did not conform to the U.S. Federal standards for school buses (called nonconforming buses) school buses (called nonconforming buses) –– if conforming if conforming buses had been involved then less damage to the vehicles and buses had been involved then less damage to the vehicles and fewer and less severe injuries would have been expected; and fewer and less severe injuries would have been expected; and if passengers had been wearing seat belts then ejections from if passengers had been wearing seat belts then ejections from the vehicles would not have occurred (which resulted in fatal the vehicles would not have occurred (which resulted in fatal injuries)injuries)

January 2009

Small busesSmall buses


ADR 68 provides an exemption for small buses (with seating ADR 68 provides an exemption for small buses (with seating for 16 passengers or less, plus seating for the driver)for 16 passengers or less, plus seating for the driver)

But NHTSA found rollover risk is 3 x higher with a laden small But NHTSA found rollover risk is 3 x higher with a laden small bus and Griffiths et al. (2005) noted that delta V in crashes bus and Griffiths et al. (2005) noted that delta V in crashes involving small buses is likely to be higher than for larger involving small buses is likely to be higher than for larger busesbuses

Griffiths et al. (2005) reported that ADR 68Griffiths et al. (2005) reported that ADR 68--compliant seats compliant seats have been successfully fitted to a number of models of small have been successfully fitted to a number of models of small buses used in Australia (see below)buses used in Australia (see below)

January 2009

Retrofitting to ADR 68 complianceRetrofitting to ADR 68 compliance

The Code of Practice aims to ensure that all retrofitted buses The Code of Practice aims to ensure that all retrofitted buses meet the same high standards as new coachesmeet the same high standards as new coaches

Paine et al. (2006) therefore proposed that:Paine et al. (2006) therefore proposed that:all seat belt retrofits be certified by an approved all seat belt retrofits be certified by an approved engineer;engineer;retrofitted buses be fitted with a modification plate or retrofitted buses be fitted with a modification plate or similar for clear identification; and thatsimilar for clear identification; and thatfurther work be undertaken on a simplified seat further work be undertaken on a simplified seat anchorage test to facilitate certification of retrofitted anchorage test to facilitate certification of retrofitted vehicles to ADR 68 performance levelsvehicles to ADR 68 performance levels

The availability of consulting engineers who are competent to The availability of consulting engineers who are competent to advise on and certify retrofits was one issue identified by Painadvise on and certify retrofits was one issue identified by Paine e et al. (2006)et al. (2006)

January 2009

Concluding commentsConcluding comments

The standards set by Australian The standards set by Australian Design Rule ADR 68 are world Design Rule ADR 68 are world leading practice for bus occupant leading practice for bus occupant protection at 20g (Griffiths et al., protection at 20g (Griffiths et al., 2005; Paine et al. 2006)2005; Paine et al. 2006)

Over the past 15 years of research Over the past 15 years of research and development Australian seat and development Australian seat manufacturers have built seats manufacturers have built seats which are economical and which are economical and lightweight, so there is no longer lightweight, so there is no longer any economic reason for any economic reason for regulating lesser protectionregulating lesser protection

The cost for The cost for retrofitmentretrofitment is is estimated estimated toto be about A$1,000 be about A$1,000 per seat (in accord with the per seat (in accord with the estimate by Griffiths et al. 2005 of estimate by Griffiths et al. 2005 of about US$750 per seat (with costs about US$750 per seat (with costs reducing for bulk orders, and reducing for bulk orders, and lower for original equipment)lower for original equipment)

January 2009

Concluding commentsConcluding comments

The The Seatbelts for KidsSeatbelts for Kids subsidy program may speed up subsidy program may speed up retrofitmentretrofitment

There may be very rapid changes if Australian transport There may be very rapid changes if Australian transport authorities adopt the authorities adopt the National Transport Commission proposals National Transport Commission proposals for improving safety management in Australiafor improving safety management in Australia’’s bus industrys bus industry

Other remaining challenges are:Other remaining challenges are:Convincing bus operators and transport regulatorsConvincing bus operators and transport regulatorsAchieving higher wearing rates by passengersAchieving higher wearing rates by passengersEnsuring removal of older buses (which may cost more Ensuring removal of older buses (which may cost more to refit) from the Australian fleetto refit) from the Australian fleetDevelopment of an appropriate seat anchorage test to Development of an appropriate seat anchorage test to facilitate certification of retrofitted vehicles to ADR 68 facilitate certification of retrofitted vehicles to ADR 68 performance levelsperformance levelsEnsuring there are sufficient trained engineers Ensuring there are sufficient trained engineers competent to advise on and certify competent to advise on and certify retrofitmentretrofitment

January 2009

From Davis (2001)From Davis (2001)

Thank you Thank you

January 2009