REVIEW ARTICLE The diversity and commonalities of gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors Simon Schimmack & Bernhard Svejda & Benjamin Lawrence & Mark Kidd & Irvin M. Modlin Received: 3 January 2011 /Accepted: 7 January 2011 /Published online: 28 January 2011 # Springer-Verlag 2011 Abstract Background Recent data demonstrate that the incidence of gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (GEP-NETs) has increased exponentially (overall ~500%) over the last three decades, thus refuting the erroneous concept of rarity. GEP-NETs comprise 2% of all malignancies and in terms of prevalence, are the second commonest gastrointestinal malignancy after colorectal cancer. Diagnosis is usually late since there is no biochemical screening test and symptoms are protean and overlooked. As a consequence, 6080% exhibit metastases with a consequent suboptimal outcome. Discussion The gastrointestinal tract and pancreas exhibit ~17 different neuroendocrine cell types, but neither the cell of origin nor the biological basis of GEP-NETs is understood. This review examines GEP-NETs from the cellular and molecular perspective and addresses the distinct patterns of functional tumor biology pertinent to clinicians. Although grouped as a neoplastic entity (NETs), each lesion is derived from distinct cell precursors, produces specific bioactive products, exhibits distinct chromosomal abnormalities and somatic mutation events and has uniquely dissimilar clinical presentations. GEP-NETs demonstrate very different survival rates reflecting the intrinsic differences in malignant potential and variations in proliferative regulation. Apart from the identification of the inhibitory role of the somatostatin receptors, there is limited biological knowledge of the key regulators of proliferation and hence a paucity of successful targeted therapeutic agents. IGF-I, TGFβ and a variety of tyrosine kinases have been postulated as key regulatory elements; rigorous data is still required to define predictably effective and rational therapeutic strategy in an individual tumor. A critical issue in the clinical management of GEP- NETs is the need to appreciate both the neuroendocrine commonalities of the disease as well as the unique character- istics of each tumor. The further acquisition of a detailed biological and molecular appreciation of GEP-NETs is vital to the development of effective management strategy. Keywords Chromogranin . Enterochromaffin . GEP-NET . Neuroendocrine . Serotonin . Somatostatin Introduction Although initially considered rare tumors, recent data indicate that the incidence of gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (GEP-NETs) (Fig. 1) has increased exponentially over the last three decades, and they are as common as myeloma, testicular cancer, and Hodgkin's lymphoma [1]. As such, they comprise 2% of all malignancies and in terms of prevalence, GEP-NETs represent the second commonest gastrointestinal malignancy after colorectal cancer [1]. The increase in incidence and prevalence most likely reflects improvement in disease awareness and diagnostic techniques [1]. GEP-NETs present a considerable diagnostic and therapeutic challenge since their clinical presentation is nonspecific. Diagnosis is usually therefore late in the natural history of the disease with metastases evident at presentation in 6080% [2]. Most GEP-NETs are sporadic lesions, Supported by NIH: DK080871 S. Schimmack : B. Svejda : B. Lawrence : M. Kidd : I. M. Modlin (*) Gastrointestinal Pathobiology Research Group, Department of Gastroenterological Surgery, Yale University School of Medicine, PO Box 208602, New Haven, CT, USA e-mail: [email protected] S. Schimmack Visceral- and Transplantation-Surgery of Heidelberg, University Hospital of General-, Heidelberg, Germany Langenbecks Arch Surg (2011) 396:273298 DOI 10.1007/s00423-011-0739-1

The diversity and commonalities of gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors

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The diversity and commonalities of gastroenteropancreaticneuroendocrine tumors

Simon Schimmack & Bernhard Svejda &

Benjamin Lawrence & Mark Kidd & Irvin M. Modlin

Received: 3 January 2011 /Accepted: 7 January 2011 /Published online: 28 January 2011# Springer-Verlag 2011

AbstractBackground Recent data demonstrate that the incidence ofgastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (GEP-NETs)has increased exponentially (overall ~500%) over the lastthree decades, thus refuting the erroneous concept of rarity.GEP-NETs comprise 2% of all malignancies and in termsof prevalence, are the second commonest gastrointestinalmalignancy after colorectal cancer. Diagnosis is usually latesince there is no biochemical screening test and symptomsare protean and overlooked. As a consequence, 60–80%exhibit metastases with a consequent suboptimal outcome.Discussion The gastrointestinal tract and pancreas exhibit~17 different neuroendocrine cell types, but neither the cell oforigin nor the biological basis of GEP-NETs is understood.This review examines GEP-NETs from the cellular andmolecular perspective and addresses the distinct patterns offunctional tumor biology pertinent to clinicians. Althoughgrouped as a neoplastic entity (NETs), each lesion is derivedfrom distinct cell precursors, produces specific bioactiveproducts, exhibits distinct chromosomal abnormalities andsomatic mutation events and has uniquely dissimilar clinicalpresentations. GEP-NETs demonstrate very different survivalrates reflecting the intrinsic differences in malignant potentialand variations in proliferative regulation. Apart from the

identification of the inhibitory role of the somatostatinreceptors, there is limited biological knowledge of the keyregulators of proliferation and hence a paucity of successfultargeted therapeutic agents. IGF-I, TGFβ and a variety oftyrosine kinases have been postulated as key regulatoryelements; rigorous data is still required to define predictablyeffective and rational therapeutic strategy in an individualtumor. A critical issue in the clinical management of GEP-NETs is the need to appreciate both the neuroendocrinecommonalities of the disease as well as the unique character-istics of each tumor. The further acquisition of a detailedbiological and molecular appreciation of GEP-NETs is vital tothe development of effective management strategy.

Keywords Chromogranin . Enterochromaffin .

GEP-NET. Neuroendocrine . Serotonin . Somatostatin


Although initially considered rare tumors, recent data indicatethat the incidence of gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrinetumors (GEP-NETs) (Fig. 1) has increased exponentially overthe last three decades, and they are as common as myeloma,testicular cancer, and Hodgkin's lymphoma [1]. As such,they comprise 2% of all malignancies and in terms ofprevalence, GEP-NETs represent the second commonestgastrointestinal malignancy after colorectal cancer [1]. Theincrease in incidence and prevalence most likely reflectsimprovement in disease awareness and diagnostic techniques[1]. GEP-NETs present a considerable diagnostic andtherapeutic challenge since their clinical presentation isnonspecific. Diagnosis is usually therefore late in the naturalhistory of the disease with metastases evident at presentationin 60–80% [2]. Most GEP-NETs are sporadic lesions,

Supported by NIH: DK080871

S. Schimmack :B. Svejda :B. Lawrence :M. Kidd :I. M. Modlin (*)Gastrointestinal Pathobiology Research Group, Department ofGastroenterological Surgery, Yale University School of Medicine,PO Box 208602, New Haven, CT, USAe-mail: [email protected]

S. SchimmackVisceral- and Transplantation-Surgery of Heidelberg,University Hospital of General-,Heidelberg, Germany

Langenbecks Arch Surg (2011) 396:273–298DOI 10.1007/s00423-011-0739-1

although some, especially pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors(pNETs), may occur as part of familial tumor syndromessuch as multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1syndrome), von Hippel-Lindau disease (VHL), neurofibro-matosis type 1 (NF-1), and tuberous sclerosis (TSC) [3].

The origin of the cells from which GEP-NETs arise is notwell understood. Overall, the gastrointestinal tract includingthe pancreas has at least 17 different neuroendocrine celltypes (Fig. 2). The term “neuroendocrine” is a compositedescription of a cell type that exhibits mixed morphologicaland physiological attributes of both the neural and endocrineregulatory systems. The bicameral cell embraces the pheno-typic relationship of tumor precursor cells to neural cells inthe expression of certain proteins, such as synaptophysin,neuron-specific enolase, and chromogranin A (CgA) and thephysiological secretory/regulatory role classically ascribed toendocrine cells [4]. Individual GEP-NETs usually originatefrom a neuroendocrine cell that is specific to a particular partof the gut or pancreas. In some circumstances, neuroendo-crine cells may be part of complex lesions that haveadenocarcinomatous elements and the precise lineage ofsuch cells is unclear. This review addresses differences anddistinct patterns of each GEP-NET, and focuses on the celland organ of origin as well as the functionality of the tumor.

Neuroendocrine cell phenotypes: developmentand embryology

Broadly speaking, the neuroendocrine cell system can bedivided into two systems, namely aggregations of cells thatconstitute glands (the pituitary, the parathyroids, the para-

ganglia, and the adrenal medulla) and diffusely distributeddispersed cells that constitute a disseminated system (diffuseneuroendocrine system (DNES)) and comprise at least 17different cells. These cells, either individually or in aggrega-tions, populate the skin, thyroid, lung, thymus, pancreas orgastrointestinal tract (Table 1), biliary tract, and urogenitaltract; and are the largest group of hormone-producing cells inthe body. In some organs (e.g., stomach, pancreas) thepresence of a distinct neuroendocrine system provides afunctional duality whereby an endocrine and an exocrinefunction are biologically assimilated. Thus, the acid pepsindigestive function of the oxyntic part of the stomach isintrinsically dependent upon the endocrine role of thegastrin-secreting antrum. Similarly, the digestive role of thepancreas is enmeshed with the glucose homeostatic role ofthe pancreatic islets embedded within the exocrine paren-chyma of the pancreas. Presumably, such specializedregulatory cell collections represent biology in the processof transformation much as diffuse collections of sympatheticneurons evolved into para-renal endocrine organs (adrenals).

There has been considerable and prolonged controversyand debate in respect of the developmental origin of gutneuroendocrine cells [5–7]. In the past, it was consideredthat the neuroendocrine cell system was based uponmigration from the primitive neural crest to specificanatomical sites [8]. Currently the most accepted proposalis the “Unitarian Theory” of intestinal cytogenesis, whichopines that gastrointestinal cell lineages are derived from acommon stem-cell precursor, located in the base of intestinalcrypts or in the neck region of gastric glands (Fig. 3) [9].

Recent studies of gastric and intestinal epithelia haveidentified that neuroendocrine cells are among the progeny of

Fig. 1 Neuroendocrine cell types and tumors. Individual neuroendo-crine cells (circle) and their associated tumors (rectangles) representthe most commonly clinically encountered gastroenteropancreaticneuroendocrine tumors (GEP-NETs). Chromogranin A (CgA) positivestaining (central immunohistochemical image) in a NET (red = Cy-5

labeled CgA, blue = DAPI (nuclear stain)) is the common denomi-nator histopathology biomarker for NETs. The majority (>90%) oftumors express CgA but poorly differentiated lesions (NEC) may losetheir neuroendocrine phenotype and be CgA-negative

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suchmultipotential stem cell [10–13]. It therefore seems likelythat gastrointestinal neuroendocrine cells are derived fromlocal tissue-specific stem cells, probably through a committedprecursor cell. In the pancreas, it is thought that the commonprecursor cell resides within the ductal epithelium and thatthis structure provides the basis for the genesis of thepancreatic islets [14]. A second hypothesis suggests that isletneogenesis or development of an islet-precursor cell mayoccur from an already differentiated pancreatic cell (i.e.,transdifferentiation of an acinar cell) [15].

Within the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas, at least 17individual neuroendocrine cell types have been identified asderived from local multipotent gastrointestinal stem cells. Theprecise mechanism of differentiation of cells of the DNES isstill poorly understood although individual transcription factorsincluding protein atonal homolog 1 (PATCH1), neurogenin-3(NGN3) and neuroD have been identified as regulatorycomponents responsible for lineage transformation. An exam-ple of this cell specification role is the effect of loss-of-functionmutations in NGN3 evident in individuals with congenitalmalabsorptive diarrhea. This is associated with failure topromote neuroD transcription, resulting in a specific loss ofintestinal enteroendocrine cell populations [16]. In general,neuroendocrine cells are terminally differentiated and consid-ered non-proliferating as demonstrated by the absence of

proliferation makers for example Ki67 in CgA-expressingcells [17]. An alternative proliferative mechanism, however,probably exists since neuroendocrine cells are able to adapt topathological and physiological stimuli within their environ-ment [18]. Evidence for this phenomenon is provided in theinstance of gastric enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells [19]. TheECL cells, located in the oxyntic mucosa, interact with antralG-cells, which secrete gastrin and activate ECL-cell histamineproduction which, in turn, drives acid secretion from parietalcells. Loss of parietal cells (e.g., in atrophic gastritis) or acidsuppression results in increased gastric pH, increased gastrinsecretion, and culminates in increased ECL-cell hyperplasiaand even neoplasia. If ECL cells are terminally differentiated,this suggests that the mechanism of proliferation likely resideswithin the ECL-cell stem cell or progenitor. Since a similarphenomenon occurs as a component of hypergastrinemia-associated MEN1 syndrome, it is plausible that an intrinsicgastrin-activated genetic event may also be implicated [20].

Neuroendocrine cell phenotypes: secretory function

A characteristic of neuroendocrine cells is the production ofa variety of bioactive peptides and amines (Table 1).Secretory products are stored in large dense-core vesicles

Fig. 2 Gut neuroendocrine cellmorphology. Electron micro-graph of an isolated EC celldemonstrates the typical admix-ture of electron dense andelectron-luscent granules (inset)that characterize neuroendocrinesecretory cells (top left). Neuro-endocrine cells are largely dis-tributed at the base of the gland(bottom left—yellow arrows:immunofluorescent CgA stain(FITC green), nuclei are blue(DAPI)). A higher magnificationof the mucosa (demonstrates ECcells predominantly located atthe gland periphery (brownDAB staining of CgA; glandcross section—top right). DABstaining of isolated, fixed ECcells exhibits long, axonal-likestructures (bottom right) that“synapse” with either adjacentmucosal cells or neurons withinthe gut mucosa providing theneural phenotype component

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(LDCV) and in small synaptic-like vesicles (SSV), andsome proteins associated with these vesicles (e.g., CgA orsynaptophysin) have been utilized as specific markers ofNECs [21]. Peptide hormones for regulated secretion arepackaged into secretory granules (LDCV) that bud from thetrans-Golgi network where prohormones and proneuropep-tides are stored and processed (Fig. 4). The size, shape, andelectron density of the secretory granules have been usedwith a varying degree of efficacy to characterize individualNEC types. Different granules store individual peptidehormones; however, in some neuroendocrine cells, severaldifferent peptides or amines may co-localize in the samegranule [22]. A key protein in the genesis of vesicles isCgA which, among other functions, regulates the biogen-esis of dense-core secretory granules.

Other granins (e.g., chromogranin B (CgB)) adjust proteo-lytic processing of peptide precursors and promoteaggregation-mediated sorting into mature secretory granules,enabling granules to mature into regulatable exocytoticcarriers. In certain neuroendocrine cell types, for exampleECL cell—histamine, or enterochromomaffin (EC) cell—serotonin (5-HT), amines are co-packaged with chromogra-nins in secretory vesicles. This process is energy dependent,

driven by proton gradients and involves vesicular monoaminetransporters (VMAT) [23]; ECL cells are identified byVMAT2 and EC cells by VMAT1 [24, 25].

Neuroendocrine cell secretion is regulated by a complexvariety of G-protein-coupled receptors, ion-gatedreceptors, and receptors with tyrosine-kinase activity [1].Secretagogue-evoked stimulation (via cAMP/PKA signal-ing, through MAPK or via ion channel-mediated depolar-ization [26]) induces actin re-organization throughsequential ordering of carrier proteins at the interfacebetween granules and the plasma membrane. Thiscalcium-dependent step is a prerequisite for regulatedexocytosis, and it allows granule membrane traffickingand release of neuroendocrine contents. Regulators includeneural, for example α- or β-adrenergic, muscarinic (bothstimulatory and inhibitory), and VPAC/PAC1 receptors;hormonal, for example gastrin/CCK2, histamine H1–4, or 5-HT1–7 receptors and somatostatin (usually types 2 and 5)which are invariably inhibitory (Fig. 5) [26].

Exocytosis, the mechanistic process by which bioactiveproducts are delivered from the cell into the adjacentmilieu, comprises a series of sequential intracellular events.In general the exocytotic process involves three steps: (1)

Table 1 Gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine (GEP-NET) cell types: distribution and bioactive products


A n +++ Glugagon

B +++ Insulin

D +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ + + + + Somatostatin

EC +++ +++ +++ + +++ +++ +++ +++ ++ 5-HT

ECL +++ Histamine

G +++ +++ n Gastrin

Gr + + + + + Ghrelin

GIP +++ +++ + + GIP/Xenin

I +++ +++ + Cholecystokinin

L + + + +++ GLI/PYY

M +++ +++ + Motilin

N + +++ +++ Neurotensin

P/D1 +++ + +++ +, n +++ +++

PP n +++ Pancreatic Polypeptide

S +++ +++ Secretin/5-HT

VIP + + + ++ + + + + + VIP

X + + Amylin

Although neuroendocrine cells are distributed throughout the gut, there is evidence of some spatial restriction, for example ECL cells—oxynticgastric mucosa, G cells to the antrum, and duodenum. Neuroendocrine cells of the pancreas are, however, tightly spatially aggregated into isletarchitecture. The majority of gut neuroendocrine cells are scattered throughout the gastrointestinal tract, for example somatostatin (D) andserotonin (EC) cells. This suggests a more ubiquitous role for the products of these cells. Despite a similarity in distribution, EC cell-derivedtumors are ~30× more common than somatostatinomas (yellow rows)

STOM = stomach, APPX = appendix, DUOD = duodenum, JEJ = jejunum, PANC = pancreas,

Ant = antrum, Oxy = oxyntic mucosa,

n = neonatal and fetal period, + = few cells, ++ = cells present, +++, major site

276 Langenbecks Arch Surg (2011) 396:273–298

the transport of dense core vesicles to the plasma membrane(recruitment step), (2) their initial interaction with theplasma membrane (docking step), and (3) their subsequentfusion with the plasma membrane (fusion step). Molecularmechanisms leading to regulated exocytosis have been

summarized in the SNARE (synaptosomal-associated pro-tein receptor) hypothesis [27]. These include the following.

1. Docking of the vesicle to the plasma membrane.SNAREs are present on both the vesicle membrane

Fig. 4 Calcium-dependent exocytosis. CgA is a key protein in thegenesis of vesicles and regulates the biogenesis of dense-coresecretory granules. Secretory products are stored in large dense-corevesicles (LDCV) and in small synaptic-like vesicles (SSV). Proteinsassociated with these vesicles (e.g., CgA or synaptophysin) have been

utilized as biomarkers of neuroendocrine cells [21]. Prohormones andproneuropeptides are stored and processed in the trans-Golgi networkprior to packaging into secretory granules (LDCV) as bioactivepeptides for regulated secretion (from [2], with permission)

Fig. 3 Neuroendocrine cell dif-ferentiation in the gastrointesti-nal tract. Basal crypt stem(totipotential and pluripotential)cells give rise to a variety ofmucosal cell types: Math1expression directs cells to thesecretory lineage and NGN3 tothe neuroendocrine lineage.Specific hormone transcriptionis regulated by several tran-scription factors such as Pax4,Pax6, and BETA2 (from [9],with permission)

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(v-SNAREs) and on target membranes (t-SNAREs). Thedocking site is formed by the tight binding of one v-SNARE, synaptobrevin or vesicle-associated membraneprotein (VAMP), with two t-SNAREs, syntaxin, andsynaptosome-associated protein (SNAP-25), resulting ina stable trimeric core complex (Fig. 6).

2. Priming of the exocytotic machinery. After docking,vesicles are not immediately competent to fuse withtheir target membrane. The trimeric core complex

serves as a binding site for N-ethylmaleimide-sensitivefusion protein (NSF) and thereafter NSF crosslinksmultiple core complexes leading to hemifusion ofvesicle and target membrane.

3. Triggering of exocytosis by calcium. Synaptotagmins arev-SNAREs that comprise a component of a clampingapparatus that prevents spontaneous fusion of vesicleswith their target membrane. Synaptotagmins most likelyfunction as calcium sensors and after a sub-plasmalemmal

Fig. 5 Regulation of serotonin release from enterochromomaffin (EC)cells. Tryptophan is transported into the cell from the apical luminalcompartment and converted to serotonin (5-HT) by tryptophanhydroxylase. Serotonin accumulates in secretory vesicles whichundergo exocytosis in response to cell activation. Positive regulators(green) include noradrenaline, dopamine, serotonin itself and pituitaryadenylate cyclase-activating peptide (PACAP), which excite secretion

through receptor activation and either cAMP or calcium ([Ca2+])signaling pathways. Inhibitors (red) of secretion include serotonin,dopamine, acetylcholine, glutamic acid, and somatostatin. Therapeuticactivation of somatostatin receptors by somatostatin analogs haveproved effective in the inhibition of excess serotonin secretion in“carcinoid” syndrome

Fig. 6 Mechanism of vesicledocking and exocytosis at theplasma membrane. SNAREshave been identified both on thevesicle membrane (v-SNAREs)and on target membranes(t-SNAREs). The docking site isformed by the tight binding ofone v-SNARE, synaptobrevin orvesicle-associated membraneprotein (VAMP), with twot-SNAREs, syntaxin andsynaptosome-associated protein(SNAP-25), resulting in a stabletrimeric core complex. At thecompletion of docking, vesiclecontent is released into theparacellular space

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rise in intracellular calcium, interact with syntaxins(t-SNAREs) as well as membrane phospholipids andother yet-unidentified target proteins to allow.

4. Fusion of the vesicular membrane with the plasmalemma.This final step results in exocytosis [28].

Neuroendocrine tumors: etiology and pathogenesis

NETs are generally thought to represent malignant trans-formations of either terminally differentiated neuroendo-crine cells or a precursor/stem cell. The mechanism of theseevents is largely unknown. It is postulated that damage toearly, neuroendocrine precursor cell types leads to thedevelopment of high grade or poorly differentiated neuro-endocrine carcinomas (NECs). G1-NETs (previously calledNETs) and G2-NETs (previously called WDNEC (welldifferentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma)) develop fromlater stage or partially differentiated cells (Fig. 7).

The mechanisms for “damage” are not known but thesequelae are largely considered to be either epigeneticmodifications, for example differences in histone acetyla-tion or chromosomal methylation, or spontaneous muta-tions in critical genes, for example MEN1 [29]. Althoughan attractive pathological concept, there is little evidence tosupport the proposal of progression from a GEP-NET-G1 toNET-G2 and finally to a high-grade NEC (the so-called“NET–NEC sequence”) [30].

While the majority (>95%) of GEP-NETs are sporadic[1], a small percentage are either familial or associated withfive independent autosomal dominant inherited syndromes.Evidence for the familial basis of gastrointestinal NETs hasbeen assessed in large cancer databases, for exampleSwedish Family Cancer database [31] which indicated thatthe risk of developing NETs was significantly higheramong individuals with a parental history of NETs (relativerisk (RR): 4.33) and in individuals with a sibling history ofNETs (RR 2.88). Parental NETs were strongly associatedwith the development of small intestinal (RR 11.80) andcolon NETs (RR 2.78) in the offspring. Although this typeof analysis cannot identify candidate genes, it indicates thatthere exists an individual predisposition to GEP-NETdevelopment. A separate defined group of NET geneticdisorders includes MEN types 1 and 2, which are the mostcommon forms, VHL disease, von Recklinghausen diseaseor neurofibromatosis (NF1), tuberous sclerosis (TSC), andCarney complex (CNC).

MEN1 is an inherited disease classically constituted byparathyroid hyperplasia/adenoma, pancreatic endocrinetumors, and pituitary tumors. Variations of MENI includein addition adrenocortical secreting or nonfunctional

tumors, thymic NETs, and bronchial NETs [3, 32]. Thediversity of MEN1-related lesions and the divergentembryonic origins of affected tissues implicate the MEN1gene as exhibiting a critical role in early embryogenesis.The MEN1 gene is located on the long arm of chromosome11, band q13 [33], and comparative genomic analysis oftumoral and constitutional genotypes has identified evi-dence of somatic loss of heterozygosity (LOH). This isconsistent with the likelihood that development of MEN1-associated tumors is a two-step process, a germlinemutation affecting the first MEN1 allele, and a secondsomatic inactivation of the unaffected allele (LOH).Tumorigenesis in MEN1 likely involves loss of functionof the growth-suppressor gene MEN1 [34]. Menin is a 610-amino acid nuclear protein encoded by the MEN1 gene andinteracts with Jun D and the AP1 transcription factors tomodify growth-regulatory signaling. It also interacts with aputative tumor metastasis suppressor nm23H1/nucleoside

Fig. 7 Transformative events (putative) in the development of GEP-NETs. NETs develop in inherited/familial tumors of the stomach(gastric type II) and pancreas (pNETs) as a consequence of either asecond hit or LOH. Somatic mutations, the most common event,perhaps due to environmental damage at a committed neuroendocrineprecursor stage, lead to well-differentiated NETs (NET-G1). If damageoccurs early in stem cell progress (e.g., stem cell 1), poorlydifferentiated neuroendocrine carcinomas develop. If damage occursat a later stage, for example to a pluripotent cell (stem cell 2), then awell-differentiated NEC (G2-NET) is the consequence. There is littleevidence for evolution from a NET to a NEC in this schema [29]

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diphosphate kinase (nm23), and exerts GTPase activity[35]. Truncation or instability of MEN1 gene products hasbeen proposed to culminate in loss of transcriptionalregulation and/or GTP hydrolysis, thereby providing apossible mechanism of MEN1-driven tumor formation [34].

Germline mutations of the RET proto-oncogene encodinga transmembrane tyrosine-kinase-receptor, confer predispo-sition to clinical variants of MEN2, which can be subdividedinto 2A (Sipple’s syndrome), 2B (Gorlin’s syndrome), andFamilial Medullary Thyroid Cancer [36, 37]. In MEN2A,medullary thyroid carcinoma is associated with pheochro-mocytoma (30–50%) and primary hyperparathyroidism (10–20%). In MEN2B, the major clinical features are medullarythyroid carcinoma, pheochromocytoma, mucosal neuromas,and cranio-skeletal abnormalities sometimes associated witha marfanoid habitus. Additionally, angioneuromatosis of thegastrointestinal tract may also occur [38]. It is noteworthythat the majority of lesions associated with the MEN2/RETabnormality are NETs outside of the gastrointestinal system.

VHL disease is an autosomal dominant syndrome whosecardinal features include a predisposition to renal cancers,retinal and/or cerebellar hemangioblastoma, pheochromo-cytoma, and cystic and/or pancreatic endocrine tumors [39].Ten percent to fifteen per cent of patients with VHLdevelop pancreatic islet or ductal endocrine cell tumors [40]and more than 50% exhibit multiple tumors. The VHL geneis located on chromosome 3p35-26 [41], and its productinteracts with the elongin family of proteins to regulatetranscriptional elongation [42]. Other functions involvingthe VHL protein are hypoxia-induced cell regulation andextracellular matrix fibronectin expression and localization[43].

NF1- and TSC -related GEP-NETs include multiple tumorsin the pancreas and/or duodenum with psammomatousglandular histological features and immunohistochemicalexpression of somatostatin and/or insulin [3]. The NF gene,located on chromosome 17q11.2, acts as a tumor suppressor.Mutated (non-functional) neurofibromin, the NF-1 geneproduct, results in a loss of normal function, downregulationof the P21ras signaling pathway; this loss leads to aconstitutively activated GTP which results in abnormal cellproliferation [44].

TSC-determining loci have been mapped to chromo-somes 9q34 (TSC1) and 16p13 (TSC2). The proteinproducts of the tuberous sclerosis complex genes, hamartin(TSC1), and tuberin (TSC2), have important cellularregulatory functions. These include a role in cell signalingin growth and translation regulation via the PI3K/AKTpathway, in cell adhesion via the glycogen synthase kinase3 pathway, and in proliferation via the mitogen-activatedprotein kinase (MAPK) pathway [45].

The CNC, described in 1985 [46], is an autosomaldominant disease comprising skin pigmentation, myxomas,

melanotic Schwannomas and endocrine tumors of theadrenal glands, Sertoli cells, somatotrophs, thyroid, andovary [47]. The CNC gene, located on chromosome 17q22-q23, encodes PRKARIA, the protein kinase A (PKA)regulatory subunit 1α (R1α), and is a tumor suppressorgene. The role of this gene in GEP-NETs is unclear.

Neuroendocrine tumors: “functional” versus“non-functional”

Some NETs are associated with specific symptomatologyconsequent upon the release of bioactive peptides andamines, for example insulin and 5-HT into the systemiccirculation. Such tumors have in the past been designated as“functioning” tumors and recognized as the cause of avariety of syndromes, for example hypoglycemia related toinsulinoma (insulin), peptic ulceration and gastrinoma(gastrin), and the diarrhea, abdominal pain, sweating,flushing, bronchospasm, tachycardia, and fibrotic heartdisease of "carcinoid syndrome" (5-HT). Other functioningtumor syndromes reflect pancreatic primary lesions associ-ated with either excessive secretion of glucagon (glucago-nomas) or vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIPomas). Incontrast, many NETs (~50%) are not associated with aclinically defined “hypersecretory” symptom complex(syndrome) and were previously termed “non-functioning”.The wide variation previously reported (~10–85%) reflectsthe limitations in current reporting systems and thedifference between older series and more recent ones wheremore sophisticated biological tools are available. Thisclinical distinction has artificially led to the conclusion thatthere are two separate types of NETs. In general, however,NETs are indistinguishable at pathological, immunohisto-chemical, and transcriptomic level, while therapeuticallythey appear to respond in an almost indistinguishablefashion. There currently appears to be little scientificinformation to support the concept that functional NETs arein any biological fashion different to non-functional NETs.

Gastric nets—predominantly ECL-cell tumors

The stomach contains at least five types of endocrine cellswhich collectively comprise ~2% of the cells in the gastricmucosa [48]. Each endocrine cell secretes a “dominant”chemical messenger: ECL cells secrete histamine, G cellssecrete gastrin, while EC, D and P cells secrete 5-HT,somatostatin, and ghrelin, respectively [49]. The histamine-secreting ECL cells are the most common gastric neuroen-docrine cell type, constitute up to 80% of oxyntic mucosalneuroendocrine cells, and constitute the predominantneuroendocrine tumor type in the stomach. Gastric (ECL

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cell) NETs are classified into three subgroups based upontheir responsiveness to gastrin: Type I and type II tumorsoccur in the setting of hypergastrinemia (Table 2). Type Ilesions represent a physiological response to low acid statessuch as chronic atrophic gastritis (CAG) and perniciousanemia. Type II tumors are driven by autonomous gastrinsecretion from a gastrinoma, almost always in the setting ofMEN1. These ECL tumors are similar to type I in respect oftheir gastrin-responsiveness but the MEN1 genetic abnor-mality renders them more susceptible to malignant trans-formation. Type III tumors occur in the absence ofhypergastrinemia, are not always of ECL origin, andinclude a more malignant subtype described as “atypical”.These three types of tumors are usually considered distinctfrom a poorly differentiated subtype (type IV in someclassifications), which had been previously been regardedas anaplastic, high-grade NET, or small cell carcinoma ofthe stomach [50].


Gastrin is the most important growth factor in type I and IIgastric NETs. In type I tumors, a loss of parietal cells isassociated with a diminution of acid production and anelevation in luminal pH with consequent loss of negative

feedback on G cells culminating in increased gastrinproduction and thereafter G-cell hyperplasia (Fig. 8).

The destruction of parietal cells is most commonlyassociated with CAG, pernicious anemia [51, 52], and avariety of autoimmune diseases [53]. Sustained elevation ofgastrin secretion results sequentially in ECL cell hyperpla-sia, with progression to dysplasia, and culminates inneoplastic transformation to a gastric tumor [49]. Therehas been some debate in relation to the causative role ofpotent acid suppressive medications (proton pump inhib-itors (PPIs)) in the etiology of type I NETs; little evidenceor support, however, exists for this assertion [54, 55].Animal studies have identified that Helicobacter pylori mayhave a causative role in type I gastric NETs and studies in aMongolian Gerbil model infected with H. pylori (toxigeniccagPAI + strains) noted elevation in serum gastrin and thedevelopment of ECL hyperplasia and neoplasia [56]. H.pylori eradication was followed by diminution in gastrinlevels and a decrease in neoplasia in these animals. To date,there is little evidence to support a role for H. pylori inhuman gastric neuroendocrine tumorigenesis.

The trophic effect of gastrin is also responsible forneoplastic transformation in type II tumors in which thesource of hypergastrinemia is autonomous secretion from agastrinoma; approximately 20–40% of gastrinomas occur inpatients with MEN1 [57]. Gastrinomas in MEN1 occurpredominantly in the duodenum (70–100%) with theremainder in the pancreas; for reasons that are notunderstood, they very rarely occur in antral G cells. Thesubsequent gastrin-driven type II tumors occur exclusively inthe ECL cells of the gastric oxyntic mucosa. In contrast tothe type I gastric carcinoids, parietal cells remain functional,and type II lesions are associated with excessive histamineproduction, excessive parietal cell acid production, reductionin luminal pH, and the characteristic gastrinoma-associatedpeptic ulceration (Fig. 8) [52]. Gastrinomas may also occursporadically, however, the frequency of associated gastricNETs are much lower (2%) than in MEN1 relatedgastrinoma (~40%) [57]. This difference is consistent withthe MEN1 gene mutation being permissive in gastriccarcinoid type II pathogenesis [58].

Neoplastic transformation in type III tumors and NECs isindependent of gastrin and is not associated with a knownfamilial predisposition to malignancy. The absence ofhyperplastic and dysplastic ECL cells (commonly identifiedin type I and II lesions) suggests a different mechanism oftumorigenesis, and type III tumors are substantially moreaggressive exhibiting early gastric mural invasion [59], andfrequent penetration into lymph and blood vessels [52].Type III lesions and NECs often contain cells other thanECL cells [49]; these can be of endocrine (e.g., EC cells, Gcells, and pancreatic polypeptide positive-cells) or of non-neuroendocrine origin [54]. Concurrent gastric adenocarci-

Table 2 Gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine (GEP-NET) tumortype, distribution and 5-year survival


Tumor Incidence (%) Five-yearsurvival (%)

EC Intestinal NET(Carcinoid)

30 68

L NET 16 72–92

β Insulinoma 7 97

ECL Gastric NET 6 65–91

α Glugagonoma 3 50-60

G Gastrinoma 2.5 30–100

δ or D Somatostatinoma 1 40

I CCKoma <1 ND

PP Ppoma <1 30–50

VIP VIPoma <1 60–95

? Non-funtional* 10–85* 31–59*

GEP-NETs exhibit a wide range in incidence and outcome. Survivalfor the individual tumors is linked to the cell type of origin. Forexample, β cells that give rise to insulinomas are only rarelymalignant as are gastric ECL cell tumors (type I). In other cases, forexample EC cell NETs “carcinoids”, survival is predicated on theproliferative index of the tumor as well as the presence of metastasis.The precursor cells of non-functional tumors (~50% of pNETs) areunknown and may be different in individual non-functional lesions.The variable survival, which ranges from 31–59%, may reflectdifferent cells of origin

ND = no data; ? = cell type unknown; * refers to pNETs

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noma can be present in 5–10% of type III gastric NETs[60], but is more common (34%) in NECs [60].

The coexistence of endocrine and epithelial cells in bothNETs and adenocarcinomas has led to several etiologicalhypotheses: that both types of cancer derive from amultidirectional gastric stem cell; that secretory productsof neoplastic endocrine cells create a transforming milieuthat encourages epithelial carcinogenesis [6]; or that poorlydifferentiated NECs may represent transformation from awell-differentiated carcinoid tumor, although this appearsunlikely. These proposals all remain unproven. Growthfactors implicated in ECL cell proliferation include con-nective tissue growth factor (CTGF) [61, 62], insulin-likegrowth factor I (IGF-I) [61], pituitary adenylate cyclaseactivating polypeptide (PACAP) [63], and transforminggrowth factor-alpha (TGFα) [64].

Epidemiology and survival

Type I gastric lesions are the most common gastric NETcomprising 74–78% of gastric NETs; in two series ofgastric NETs, the frequency of type II, III, and NEC was 2–6%, 13%, and 6%, respectively [50, 51]. There is a female

preponderance for type I gastric NETs (as might bepredicted given the female preponderance of atrophicgastritis), and a male predominance for type III gastrictumors and gastric NECs [50, 52]. The incidence of gastricNETs is steadily increasing and is currently 6% of all NETsreported between 2000 and 2007 (Surveillance, Epidemiol-ogy, and End Results (SEER)) [65]. The 5-year-survival ofpatients with gastric NETs has improved from 51% in the1970s to 71% [66]. This largely reflects inclusion of morebenign (type I and II lesions) in datasets and earlieridentification based on increasing availability of upper GIendoscopy.

Molecular markers

Gastric NETs are classically identifiable by immunohisto-chemical labeling for the neuroendocrine markers synapto-physin and CgA, although synaptophysin, cytosolic neuronspecific enolase or PGP9.5 may be the only indicators ofneuroendocrine origin in poorly differentiated gastric NETs[52, 67]. An ECL cell origin can be confirmed by stainingfor histamine and VMAT2. Gastric NETs that contain othernon-ECL NEC types or exhibit an adenocarcinoma pheno-

Fig. 8 Gastric NET (ECL cell)pathogenesis. The physiologicalregulation of acid secretion (top)involves luminal amino acidactivation of G-cell gastrin se-cretion to provoke fundic ECL-cell histamine release, whichstimulates parietal cell acid se-cretion. Luminal acid increasecounter-regulates gastrin via asomatostatin-modulated nega-tive feedback loop. In Type Igastric tumors (left), diminutionof parietal cell function (e.g.,pernicious anemia or atrophicgastritis) increases luminal pHwhich stimulates gastrin secre-tion and sustained hypergastri-nemia, culminating in ECL cellproliferation. This growth pro-ceeds through phases of hyper-plasia, dysplasia, and neoplasia.In Type II lesions (right),hypergastrinemia originatesfrom autonomous secretion by agastrinoma (G-cell neoplasia).In type III tumors (bottom),neoplastic transformation occursindependently of gastrin levels

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type can be identified based on properties of the other celltypes (e.g., immunostaining of a specific peptide). At atranscript level, CgA discriminates gastric NETs from othergastric neoplasms (including GISTs) [68]. Over expressionof MAGE-D2 and MTA1 differentiate type III/IV from typeI/II GCs and MTA1 appears to be a marker of tumorinvasion [68].

Duodenal GEP-NETs—G- and D-cell tumors

These are usually small, non-functioning tumors, which donot cause any symptoms, and are often diagnosed by agastroduodenoscopy performed with a different indication.Most duodenal NETs are discovered at an early treatablestage (tumor diameter ≤10 mm) [69, 70]. In the instanceswhen tumors are associated with a syndrome, for exampleZES, lesions are often metastatic [71].

G cell—gastrinomas

Gastrinomas arise in the duodenum and in the pancreas. Up to70% occur in the duodenum, arise directly from G cells, andtend to be small, multiple, and exhibit a less malignant clinicalcourse than those arising in the pancreas [72]. Since G cellsare not identifiable in the adult pancreas it is assumed thatpancreatic gastrinomas arise from a different neuroendocrinecell or precursor. The more aggressive nature of mostpancreatic gastrinomas would support the concept of a differentmodel of tumorigenesis compared to duodenal gastrinomas[73]. Clinically, gastrin secreting tumors, irrespective of theirorigin, are associated with ZES. This syndrome comprisesgastric acid hypersecretion, recurrent, multiple, and intractablepeptic ulceration (duodenum and proximal jejunum) and isoften accompanied by a secretory diarrhea.


Sporadic duodenal gastrinomas constitute 80% of all gastri-nomas, and their etiology and pathogenesis is unknown. Theresidual 20% of duodenal gastrinomas are part of the MEN1syndrome. Duodenal gastrinomas are located in the first andsecond part of the duodenum (90%) [69] and are limited tothe submucosa in ~50% of patients [69]. The anatomical areacomprising the head of the pancreas, the superior, anddescending portion of the duodenum, and the relevant lymphnodes have been entitled the “gastrinoma triangle”, since itharbors the vast majority of these tumors [74]. In someinstances, gastrinomas in peri-pancreatic and peri-duodenallymph-nodes have been considered to represent a primarytumor rather than metastases from an occult lesion in theduodenum, and reports exist of occasional individuals havingbeen cured after resection of the lymph nodes [75, 76].

Duodenal tumors comprise 50–88% of gastrinomas insporadic ZES patients and 70–100% of gastrinomas inMEN1/ZES patients. In rare cases, non-pancreatico-duodenal gastrinomas have been described in the stomach,liver, bile duct, ovary (5–15%), and extra-abdominal (heart,lung) locations [69, 76]. Overall, more than 50% of duodenalgastrinomas have liver metastases at the time of diagnosis.

Epidemiology and survival

The reported incidence of gastrinomas is between 0.5 and 4per million of the population per year [69]. They are the mostcommon functional duodenal tumor. Approximately 0.1% ofpatients with duodenal ulcers have evidence of ZES. Ingeneral, the progression of gastrinomas is relatively slowwith a 5-year survival rate of 65% and 10-year survival rateof 51% [72]. The most significant predictor of survival is thepresence and extent of liver metastases at diagnosis [76, 77].The 10-year survival of patients with local tumors is 96%and only 30% in those with metastatic tumors [77].

Molecular markers

There is no established marker to predict the biologicalbehavior of a gastrinoma, although LOH at 11q13 occurs in44–48% of sporadic duodenal gastrinomas [78, 79]. Hyper-methylation (with subsequent gene silencing) of the promoterregion of p16INK4A occurs in ~50% of gastrinomas [80]; therelevance of this is unknown. Some investigators havesuggested that HER-2/neu amplification, over expression ofepidermal growth factor (EGF), and hepatocyte growth factor(HGF) may be associated with an aggressive growthphenotype [76, 81, 82].

D cell—somatostatinomas

Somatostatinomas secrete the bioactive product, somatostatin.This tetradecapeptide is a ubiquitous neurotransmitter,paracrine agent that in general exerts a widespread inhibitoryeffect on exocrine and endocrine secretion and bowel motility.These tumors usually produce local symptoms secondary tolocal mass effects, for example bile duct obstruction, jaundice,abdominal pain, and gastrointestinal bleeding [83, 84]. Thesomatostatinoma syndrome (steatorrhea, cholelithiasis,diabetes mellitus-like symptoms) is very rare, and a smallproportion are associated with the MEN1 or NF1 disorders.The majority of somatostatinomas are solitary, sporadic, andmalignant.


Approximately 14–43% of somatostatinomas develop in NF1patients. The lesions occur predominantly in the duodenum, in

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the vicinity of the ampulla of Vater but rarely in the pancreas[85, 86]. Tumors are often small, well differentiated, and lowgrade. Nevertheless, lymph node and liver metastases occurin ~35%, and the risk of metastases significantly increaseswhen tumors are >20 mm [87]. Tumors that occur in thesetting of NF1 are usually identified earlier due to increasedsurveillance [84].

Epidemiology and survival

To date, more than 100 cases of duodenal somatostatinomashave been reported [88], and the relative frequency ofduodenal primaries is ~6 times higher than pancreaticprimaries [85]. There is no statistically significant differ-ence in the rate of metastases and malignancy betweenpancreatic and extra pancreatic tumors [89]. The overall 5-year survival rate is 75% when the tumor is localized butdecreases to 60% when metastases are present [90].

Molecular markers

Somatostatinomas exhibit positivity for endocrine markers,especially synaptophysin and CgA, and most cells expresssomatostatin receptors [85]. Expression of the latterindicates tumors may be amenable to somatostatin receptortargeting.

Pancreatic endocrine tumors

Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (pNETs) represent 1–2%of all pancreatic neoplasia [91].The majority of pNETs areG1 or G2 neuroendocrine tumors in the WHO classificationof 2010, and approximately half secrete measurable levelsof site-specific bioactive peptides (insulin, gastrin, VIP,glucagon), or other non-pancreatic hormones, for exampleadrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) or growth hormone(GH). These peptides are associated with characteristicsyndromes (ZES, Verner-Morrison syndrome, glucagonomasyndrome, Cushing’s syndrome, and acromegaly) and less-specific symptoms (hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia) [4].Depending on the predominant bioactive agent secreted,individual tumors are identified as insulinomas, gastrino-mas, VIPomas, glucagonomas, etc. (Table 2). However,approximately half of pNETs (~10–85%) are not associatedwith symptoms from a clinically defined “hypersecretory”syndrome and are termed “non-functioning”. Irrespective ofthe secretory status, pNETs are usually well demarcated,often solitary, ovoid tumors that can occur in all parts of thepancreas. Although pNETs are histologically “well differ-entiated”, they are frequently malignant, with the exceptionof insulinomas. Tumor characteristics associated with poorprognosis include metastases to regional lymph nodes and

the liver, invasion of adjacent organs, tumor size more than2 cm, angioinvasion, and elevated proliferative activity(more than 2% of cells positive for Ki67) [92]. Recentreports suggest that angioinvasion may represent a morecritical role than previously assumed [93]. It is probablethat a tumor be considered malignant if angioinvasion isevident even if no other criteria of malignancy aredemonstrable.

Embryology, development, and phenotype

Human islets consist of approximately 3,000 cells produc-ing insulin (β cells, 54%), glucagon (α cells, 34%),somatostatin (δ cells, 10%), VIP (δ 2 cells), pancreaticpolypeptide (PP) (PP cells), and substance P/5-HT (ECcells). Gastrin-producing G cells are present in fetal but notnormal adult pancreatic islets [94, 95]. The quotient of allpancreatic endocrine cells is 1–2% of the entire pancreaticcell mass [96]. Both, alpha and beta cells appear to arisefrom the same precursor cell, namely the ductal epithelialcell. By the fifth month of fetal life, islet cells produceinsulin and glucagon [96, 97]. Cytokeratin 20, a marker foradult rat pancreatic ductal cells [98, 99] which is not found innormal adult islet cells, is co-expressed with insulin orglucagon during islet cell neogenesis in the fetal [14] andneonatal [99] pancreas.

Pathogenesis and pathology

The pathogenesis of pNETs is not clear. However, sinceductal cells may be a precursor cell type, at least for normalpancreatic endocrine cells, these are also consideredprecursors for pNETs themselves. The mechanism ofmalignant transformation is unknown but for non-hereditable tumors, is considered similar to other GEP-NETs, that is, reflects an environmental damage-drivensomatic mutation event. The etiology of inherited tumors,for example MEN1, has been discussed but usually is basedon the general schema of an overactive/unregulated growthphenomenon.

Histological examination is not able to define whether alesion is functional or identify the type of hormoneproduction. There are two exceptions to this rule: amyloiddeposits are indicative of insulinomas, and glandularstructures containing psammoma bodies are commonlyobserved in somatostatin-producing tumors [100–102].Poorly differentiated endocrine carcinomas can be misdiag-nosed as pancreatic adenocarcinoma unless appropriateimmunohistochemical is undertaken to define their neuro-endocrine phenotype. Such tumors exhibit pleomorphiccells with high mitotic index (≥10/10 HPF) and oftenangioinvasion. PNETs can be identified using antibodies tomarkers common to all or most NECs: that is, CgA,

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synaptophysin, NSE, and protein gene product 9.5 (PGP9.5) but can also express cytokeratin 8, 18, and 19 [103]and sometimes either VMAT1 or VMAT2.

Molecular markers

Under some conditions, the molecular basis of familial pNETshas been identified and comprises inherited mutations and asecond-hit somatic mutation of MEN1 and VHL genes.However, in contrast to other tumors, for example pancreaticadenocarcinoma, activation of classical oncogene-mediatedpathways does not seem a common event in pNETs. Little isknown in respect of pancreatic neuroendocrine oncogenesisand the molecular basis of the progression of sporadic NETs[103]. Thus, mutations in k-ras, P53, myc, fos, jun, src, andthe Rb gene have not been specifically implicated [104,105]. In contrast, copy number alterations, for example inproteins that regulate some of these pathways, MDM2 andP53, have been noted [106].

Transcription factors (TFs) regulate organogenesis andPAX8 (paired box gene 8) is a part of a group of TFs thatare cell-lineage specific in multiple organ systems [107]. TFanalysis has identified that PAX8 is expressed in normaladult pancreatic islet cells, and is also expressed in asignificant proportion of primary and metastatic well-differentiated PETs [108]. It has been proposed that lossof PAX8 may have prognostic significance since PAX8-negative tumors are significantly larger, associated withmalignant behavior, and are associated with an increasedincidence of liver metastases [108].

At a chromosomal level, molecular and cytogeneticanalyses have identified a number of chromosomal alter-ations in pNETs. Comparative genomic hybridizationstudies indicate that chromosomal losses have occurredslightly more frequently than gains, while amplificationsare uncommon (Fig. 9 top) [109, 110].

Furthermore, the total number of genomic changes pertumor appears to be associated with both the tumor volume(size) and disease stage, indicating that genetic alterationsaccumulate during the natural history of the lesion. Thus,large tumors with increased malignant potential—andespecially metastases—tend to harbor more genetic alter-ations than small and clinically benign neoplasms. Thissuggests the loss of tumor suppressor pathway(s) andgenomic instability as important mechanisms associatedwith progression but not initiation of a pNET. However,losses of chromosomes 1 and 11q as wells as gains on 9qappear to be early events in the development of pNETs,since they may already be present in small tumors.Prevalent chromosomal alterations common in metastasesinclude gains of both chromosome 4 and 7 and losses of21q, implying that these chromosome imbalances maycontribute to tumor metastasis (Fig. 9 top) [111, 112].

Deletions of 9p which occur in ~30% of pNETs, contain thelocation of the p16INK4A and p14ARF genes, both of whichencode tumor suppressors; loss of this gene locus may leadto tumorigenesis due to deregulation of the p53 and CyclinD1/Rb pathways. Alterations in the cyclin D1 pathway inpNETs indicate over expression of this proto-oncogene in43% of tumors [113]. Chromosome 16p, which containsTSC2 (a tumor suppressor of the AKT/mTOR pathwaywith GTPase activating function), is lost in ~40% of PETs[111, 114], while PTEN a second tumor suppressor at thislocus, is lost in 10–29% of lesions [111, 114, 115]. Lowexpression of either TSC2 or PTEN correlates with pNETaggressiveness, a “non-functional” status, proliferationindex, presence of liver metastasis at diagnosis or follow-up, and with time to progression [116]. This suggests theinvolvement of the AKT/mTOR pathway in pNET tumor-igenesis and progression. PNETs also over-express MDM2,MDM4, and WIP1, all of which may attenuate the functionof p53. Since p53 is critical in maintaining genomicstability, alterations in regulators of p53 are thereforeconsidered potentially permissive for pNET pathogenesis[106]. Fibroblast growth factor 13 (FGF13) is upregulatedin metastatic compared to non-metastatic pNETs [116], andis an independent predictor for shorter progression freesurvival [116]. Little, however, is known about themechanisms by which FGF13 regulates pNET proliferationand metastasis. Deletions on the X-chromosome wereassociated in one study with 100% of pNETs [117]. Twostudies of pNETs found no evidence of microsatelliteinstability [118, 119].

Glucagonomas (α-cell tumors)

Glucagonomas represent about 5% of pNETs and 8–13% offunctional tumors.


Although the majority of α-cell-derived tumors are large andmalignant only a minority (8–13% of functioning tumors) areassociated with the glucagonoma syndrome [120]. Non-syndromic glucagon-producing tumors have been describedunder four different conditions: (1) as solitary tumors thatbecome symptomatic because of their size and/or malignantgrowth; (2) as micro tumors (≤0.5 cm) found incidentally;(3) as multiple microadenomas and macro tumors in patientswith MEN1 [121]; and (4) so-called glucagon cell adeno-matosis. The latter constitutes multiple pancreatic neoplasmsexclusively producing glucagon, associated with glucagoncell hyperplasia of the islets and unrelated to MEN1, VHL,or the recently identified [122] p27 MEN syndrome [123,124]. Glucagonomas commonly occur in the tail of the

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pancreas. Extra pancreatic glucagonomas are extremely rare[125, 126]. One example is a kidney enteroglucagonoma(described in 1971 [127, 128]), which was associated with amassive hypertrophy of the small bowel villi and slow boweltransit times.

Epidemiology and survival

The estimated incidence of the glucagonoma syndrome is 1per 20 million of the population per year [103]. Approx-imately 60–70% of glucagonomas are metastatic at the timeof diagnosis, and only 50–60% of patient survive 5 years[129]. Even small glucagonomas are considered tumors ofuncertain behavior since in some instances the neoplasmmay grow slowly, and patients may survive for many yearswhereas other glucagon-secreting lesions are locally inva-sive, metastasize early and follow an accelerated course.Occasionally, in multihormonal tumors, the glucagonomasyndrome may be associated with or followed by anothersyndrome, such as hypoglycemia syndrome or ZES [130].


Markers include CgA, CgB, and the glucagon peptide.

Insulinomas (β cell tumors)

Insulinomas are the most frequent of all functioning pNETs.


The etiology and pathogenesis of insulinomas is unknown,and no known risk factors have been identified. Clonalitystudies on pNETs suggest that insulinomas may beprimarily a polyclonal or oligoclonal neoplasm which iseventually overgrown by a more aggressive cell clone thatmay give rise to invasive growth and metastasis [131]. Themajority of insulinomas are located in the pancreas or aredirectly attached to it. Ectopic (extrapancreatic) insulinomaswith symptoms of hypoglycemia are extremely rare (<2%)

Fig. 9 Chromosomal abnormali-ties identified in gastroentero-pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors(GEP-NETs). In pNETs (top), thecommonest losses occur on 6, 11,X, and Y. Common gains includeChr 9, 12, and 17. In smallintestinal NETs (bottom), thecommonest loss is on 18, while17 and 19 exhibit the mostcommon gains. It is evident thatpancreatic and small intestinalNETs express significantly dif-ferent patterns of chromosomalrearrangements, however, theprecise implications of the alter-ations are as yet unresolved

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and are most commonly found in the duodenal wall.Tumors are equally distributed between the head, body,and tail of the pancreas. Approximately 85% of insulino-mas are single lesions, 6–13% are multiple, and 4–6% areassociated with MEN1 [103].

Epidemiology and survival

The incidence of insulinoma is reported to be one to fourpatients per million of the population per year, and 5–10% aremalignant [132]. The molecular basis for the latter is notknown. It is difficult to predict the malignant nature of aninsulinoma on the basis of histology alone [133]. Criteriawhich are associated with poor prognosis are the presence ofmetastases, gross invasion, larger tumor size, higher percent-age of mitoses and proliferative index, and vascular invasion[134]. The distinction between malignant and benign insuli-nomas is often difficult and is generally based on intra-operative evidence (metastases in the liver, regional nodes orlocal invasion). In some circumstances, the tumor may be theidentified at the time of a recurrent hypoglycemic episode[134]. Overall, the 5-year survival is ~97% [135, 136].

Molecular markers

Islet 1 (Isl1, 349 amino acids, 39 kd) is a transcriptionfactor that binds to a β-cell-specific enhancer element in theinsulin gene, and is required for the development of thedorsal pancreas mesenchyme and for differentiation of isletcells [137]. It is expressed in the majority of β-cell-derivedpNETs and their metastases [138].

Somatostatinomas (δ cell tumors)

Somatostatinomas represent <5% of pNETs. Based on itssecretion of somatostatin, the lesion has been proposed togenerate a so-called “inhibitory syndrome”.


Little is known regarding the etiology and pathogenesis of δ-cell tumors. They are occasionally associated with NF1,although rarely with MEN1 [86]. Somatostatinomas usuallypresent in the 5th decade of life, are usually large (averagediameter 5.1 cm), have a predilection for the pancreatic head,and are associated with local symptoms and/or symptoms ofexcessive somatostatin secretion (steatorrhoea, cholelithiasis,diabetes mellitus-like symptoms) [86]. Between 70% and92% demonstrate metastatic spread at diagnosis or operation[139]. A third of somatostatinomas may, in addition tosomatostatin, produce multiple peptides which is usually anindication of a more malignant phenotype.

Epidemiology and survival

The number of patients undergoing successful completeresection ranges from 60% to 80% [140]. The overall 5-year survival rate of all somatostatinomas is 75%, butdecreases to to 60% when metastases are present.

Molecular markers

Little is known regarding molecular markers for theselesions.

Rare pancreatic endocrine tumors

VIPomas—Verner–Morrison syndrome

Tumors secreting VIP are associated with the waterydiarrhea syndrome (WDS), eponymously referred to as theVerner–Morrison syndrome, pancreatic cholera and WDHA(watery diarrhea/hypokalaemia/achlorhydria) syndrome.Pancreatic VIPomas constitute about 80% of diarrheogenicneoplasms and 3–8% of all endocrine pancreatic tumors inthe pancreas. The majority (80%) of VIPomas are located inthe pancreas and most of these occur in the tail [103]. Theprognosis of VIPomas in childhood is more favorable thanin adults, because~two thirds of VIPomas are of neurogenicorigin and benign. A small percentage of VIPomas (5%) areassociated with MEN1.

ACTHomas, GRFomas, and other -omas

Other rare pNETs have been reported, including ACTHo-mas (adrenocorticotropic hormone, 110 cases), GRFomas(growth hormone releasing factor, 50 cases), neuro-tensinomas (50 cases), and parathyrinomas (35 cases)[141]. In rare instances, pNETs can secrete enterogluca-gon, cholecystokinin (CCK), gastric inhibitory peptide(GIP), gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP/bombesin), andghrelin. The occurrence of Cushing’s syndrome as theonly manifestation of a pNET occurs in 37–60% ofACTHomas and may precede any other hormonal syn-drome. Ectopic ACTH secretion originating from apancreatic tumor is responsible for 4–16% of Cushing’ssyndrome [142] and ~5% of sporadic gastrinomas mayalso secrete ACTH. ACTH secreting gastrinomas gener-ally exhibit metastatic disease, aggressive behavior, a poorresponse to chemotherapy and a poor prognosis [142].Acromegaly due to pancreatic GRFoma can be cured bysurgical resection in the absence of metastases [143] whileindividuals with unresectable disease may respond tosomatostatin analog therapy [103].

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Small bowel NETs (EC Cell “Carcinoids”)

The EC cell is the predominant neuroendocrine cell of thegastrointestinal tract and plays a key role in the physiologicalregulation of secretion, motility, blood flow and visceral pain.Intestinal EC cells synthesize, store, and release this amineand contain the majority (95%) of 5-HT in the body [144–149](Fig. 10). Abnormalities in 5-HT release and availability(reuptake and catabolism) are associated with alteredgastrointestinal secretion and motility culminating indiarrhea, constipation, and pain, as in the carcinoid syndrome[150, 151].

Pathogenesis and pathology

The biological basis of small intestinal neuroendocrinepathogenesis, malignancy, and metastasis is unknown.Although EC cells are considered terminally differentiated,they express proliferation-associated transcripts, forexample Ki67 [90]. Despite this, EC cell tumors areconsidered to arise from abnormal mucosal precursor cells.It is likely that the cell which accumulates the mutationsnecessary for development of NETs is a committedneuroendocrine progenitor, a cell not as yet defined in thehuman gastrointestinal tract. The precise mechanismsunderlying the lineage pathways of neuroendocrine cellsand their precursors remains poorly defined but the Notchsignaling pathway is implicated in regulation of celldifferentiation from stem cells [152]. Basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors Math1, NGN3, and beta2/

NeuroD are expressed in neuroendocrine precursors al-though Notch is inactive. Precursor cells induce Notch inadjacent cells, switching off neuroendocrine differentiation.Math1 commits cells to one of three secretory lineages:goblet, paneth, and neuroendocrine while NGN3 appears tobe essential for neuroendocrine cell differentiation [9]. Theregulatory role of these transcription factors is consideredessential for final entero-endocrine cell specification [16].

Typical small bowel EC cell tumors display an insulargrowth pattern (type I), which consists of solid nests orcords of cells with clearly defined boundaries [153]. Atrabecular pattern (type II) consists of narrow cell bandsforming ribbons, regularly anastomosing along a highlydifferentiated vascular network. Type III has a glandularpattern, consisting of cells arranged in alveolar, acinar, orrosette patterns with glandular cavities or pseudo-cavities.Type IV and V NETs consist of undifferentiated and mixedcells, respectively. Multifocal lesions are evident in ~30%of small bowel EC cell tumors [153]. Most of tumorsdevelop as independent primary lesions, and only aminority are due to metastasis from a single primarysuggesting a polyclonal series of synchronous neoplasticevents [154]. In general, hyperplasia of neuroendocrinecells in the associated mucosa is also evident [155, 156].Transmural invasion and an extensive local desmoplasticresponse are common features contributing to the aggres-sive local behavior of the neoplasm [153]. Local spread intothe adjacent mesentery and peritoneum are common as areregional lymph node and distant metastases. The latter arepredominantly hepatic but also may involve lung, bone, and

Fig. 10 The distribution and role of serotonin secreting EC cellswithin the gastrointestinal tract. EC cells are ubiquitous throughout thegut and represent 0.25–0.5% of the total mucosal volume (left). Theyare chemomechanosensory cells (center) and respond both to luminalproducts and mechanical activity of the bowel by serotonin (5-HT)secretion. Locally produced serotonin regulates mucosal secretion and

absorption as well as peristalsis and secretory reflexes (right).Abnormalities, for example increased EC cell numbers (e.g., smallintestinal NETs), result in excess 5-HT production with accentuationof normal physiological events, for example increased mucussecretion, secretory diarrhea, and excessive peristalsis

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brain [153]. The tumor cells are characteristically argyr-ophil and argentaffin [153] and over 85% of the tumorsexhibit positive immunohistochemistry for CgA, Leu-7,NSE, and 5-HT [153]. The vast majority of these lesionsare “classical” ileal carcinoids with production of 5-HT andsubstance P, but rare tumors producing enteroglucagon, PP,or peptide YY may occur. EC cell NETs exhibit the highestfrequency of non-NET tumor association, for examplecolorectal cancers (39%) [157, 158]. Other associatednon-endocrine tumors include adenocarcinomas of thesmall bowel, stomach, lung, prostate, and cervix uteri[159].

Several factors appear to be determinants of malignancy,including lesion size, local spread and extent of metastasesat the time of diagnosis, mitotic rate, multiplicity, femalegender, depth of invasion, and the presence of carcinoidsyndrome [153].

Epidemiology and survival

Small intestinal EC cell tumors are the second mostfrequent type of NET (17.3% in the 2007 SEER analysis)[160]. The highest frequency of small intestinal NETs is inthe ileum, and is ~7 times more frequent than in theduodenum and the jejunum [158, 161]. Small intestinalNETs exhibit an overall higher frequency of metastases atthe time of diagnosis (~60% of staged tumors, SEER)compared to all GEP-NETs (26% of staged tumors SEER)[1]. The overall 5-year-survival rate is 68.1% [1]. The 5-year-survival rate of patients with hepatic tumor spread is18–32% [1]. An increased median survival (4.4 years) isevident in patients with jejuno-ileal carcinoids whichexhibit a mixed insular/glandular pattern [162]. In contrast,patients with an undifferentiated pattern have a mediansurvival of only 6 months. In those lesions with a pureinsular and trabecular pattern, an intermediate prognosis isevident with a median survival time of 2.9 years and2.5 years, respectively [162].

The relatively poor prognosis of small intestinal NETsreflects the inherent clinical difficulty in identifying smallbowel malignancies (Table 3), as well as the intrinsicallymalignant nature of the tumor with dissemination to boththe lymph nodes and the liver.

Molecular markers

Comparative genomic hybridization strategies have identi-fied gains in chromosomes 17q and 19p (57%) and in 19qand 4q (50%) in EC cell tumors [163]. Gains were alsofound in 4p (43%), 5 (36%), and 20q (36%) and losses in18q or 18p (43%), while 21% had full or partial loss of 9p[163]. Of 14 tumors, six had full gain of chromosome 4 ofwhich four samples also had gain of chromosome 5. There

were four tumors with a gain of chromosome 4 along with apartial or full trisomy of chromosome 14 [163]. In aseparate CGH study, losses in 18q22-qter (terminal end ofchromosom18q) (67%) and 11q22-23 (33%) were the mostcommon genetic defects although losses of 16q (22%) andgains of 4p (22%) were also identified [164].

Of note, since the 18q and 11q chromosomal lossesoccurred more frequently this suggests that they are earlyevents in EC cell tumorigenesis while a loss on chromo-some 16 and some gain-of-function on chromosome 4 arelater events in tumor/carcinoid development (Fig. 9bottom). This proposal is supported by a report thataberrations in 16q and 4p tend to occur in metastases[165]. Lollgen et al. reiterated the notion that 18q deletionswere characteristic of midgut NETs by finding losses in88% of tumors [166]. These findings, particularly lossesand gains in chromosomes 18 and 14 have been confirmedby more recent reports [167, 168]. One of the genesencoded on Chr18 (18q21) is the tumor suppressor geneDCC (deleted in colorectal carcinoma). Loss of this gene,which has been linked to the tumor suppressor NCAM(neural cell adhesion molecule) on 11q [169], is thought toplay a role in carcinoid genesis [170]. A 40 kb heterozy-gous deletion in Chr18q22.1 has been suggested as apotential inherited factor, but the low occurrence of this(only ~6% of cases) make it difficult to appreciate the realsignificance [171]. A gain of chromosome 14 has beenidentified as a marker of poor prognosis [167], while theanti apoptotic protein DAD1 has been identified in one ofthe chromosome 14 foci, and confirmed to be over-expressed at an immunohistochemical level [168].

A separate CGH study identified that ~20% of EC celltumors exhibited alterations in the distal part of 11q(location of succinate ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunitD gene—SDHD) [165]. Furthermore, two of five EC celltumors exhibited a missense mutation in the SDHD gene inassociation with LOH of the other allele, suggesting thatalterations of the SDHD gene might be implicated in thetumorigenesis of these lesions [165]. An analysis ofmicrosatellite instability in well-differentiated EC celltumors or their metastases using an analysis of the BAT-26 microsatellite locus in intron 5 of hMSH2 and the BAT-II microsatellite region of TGFβRII [172] identified noMSI. In contrast, carcinomas of the small intestine exhibitMSI in approximately 20% of cases [173, 174], suggestingthat neuroendocrine cell tumors probably evolve differentlyto epithelial tumors in this organ [172].

Affymetrix transcriptional profiling has identified >1,500over-expressed and ~400 transcripts that are decreased inexpression in a large group (~30 samples) of EC cell tumors[175]. Further analysis of this data identified three potentiallyuseful malignancy-marker genes. Specifically, over expres-sion of NAP1L1, MAGE-D2, and MTA1 mRNA and MTA1

Langenbecks Arch Surg (2011) 396:273–298 289

protein in tumor and metastatic EC cell NETs was confirmedsuggesting these genes may be markers for identifyingmetastatic tumors while NAP1L1 may be a neuroendocrinetumor-specific marker [175]. Expression of these markers aswell as CgA has been demonstrated as effective in theprediction of EC cell tumor grade and stage [176]. Othercandidate marker genes have been identified in EC cellcarcinomas [177], the utility of which are still beingexamined. Over-expression of MTA1 has been confirmed[178]. Analysis of microRNAs in EC cell tumors hasidentified the cardiac-specific miRNA-133a to be downregulated in metastases [179]; the relevance of this observa-tion remains to be determined.

The Swedish Family Cancer database study identified anincreased risk of EC cell NETs among the offspring ofpatients with squamous cell skin cancer (RR 1.79) and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (RR 2.06), while the relative risk ofthis tumor was 2.21 for individuals whose mother hadendometrial cancer [31]. The offspring of patients diag-nosed with EC cell NETs had an increased risk of cancer ofthe breast (RR 1.39), kidney (RR 2.08), and brain (RR1.65). This and other epidemiological-based studies [31,180] suggest that an increased risk of developing EC cell

NETs occurs in individuals with a parental history of thedisease while a family history of any cancer, that is, notonly NETs, is a risk factor for the development of thesetumors [181]. This study could not identify predisposinggenetic factors but suggests that gene mutations common tothese different tumors may play a role in triggering EC cellNET development. Genetic analyses in a family with threeconsecutive first-degree relatives [182] could not identifythat inheritance of EC cell NETs was linked to MEN1.This, and other studies [3, 183], provide further support thatinheritance of the tumor in this location (small intestine) isnot linked to the MEN1 syndrome.

At a growth-regulatory level, EC cell NETs, which donot express mutations of the menin gene are, however,characterized by a loss-of-responsiveness to TGFβ1-mediated growth inhibition that characterizes normal smallintestinal EC cell proliferation (Fig. 11) [184].

Colorectal NETS

Colorectal “carcinoid” tumors comprise ~35% of allgastrointestinal NETs and 25% of all NETs [65]. The

Nomenclature Type

NET G1 Neuroendocrine tumor G1 (carcinoid)*

NET G2 Neuroendocrine tumor G2**

Stomach Gastric NET (ECL cell)†

Gastrin-producing NET (G cell)

Serotonin-producing NET (EC cell)

ACTH-producing NET

Duodenum Serotonin-producing NET (EC cell)

Somatostatin-producing NET

Gangliocytic paraganglioma (periampullary)

Pancreas Non-functional pNET





VIPoma, PPoma

Serotonin-producing NET (carcinoid)

Appendix Serotonin-producing NET (EC cell)

Tubular carcinoid

L-cell, glucagon-like peptide and PP/PPY-producing NETs

Bowel Serotonin-producing tumor (EC cell)

L-cell, glucagon-like peptide and PP/PPY-producing NETs

NEC G3 Neuroendocrine carcinoma***

Small cell NEC

Large cell NEC

Appendix Goblet cell carcinoid (mixed adenoneuroendocrine carcinoma (MANEC))

Table 3 Gastroenteropancreaticneuroendocrine (GEP-NET)classification 2010 (based on[201])

*G1: <2 mitoses per 10 high-power field (HPF) and/or ≤2%Ki67-index

**G2: 2–20 mitoses/10 HPFand/or 3–20% Ki67-index

***G3: >20 mitoses/HPFand/or >20% Ki67-index† Associated with autoimmunechronic atrophic gastritis (A-CAG) or MEN1-ZES

290 Langenbecks Arch Surg (2011) 396:273–298

distribution is cecum (~11%), ascending colon and appen-dix (~22%), transverse and descending (~3%), sigmoidcolon with recto sigmoid junction (~10.5%), and 51%rectum. The increased distribution in the right colon may beexplained by a higher density of neuroendocrine cells inthis region or reflect inability to clearly differentiateterminal ileal lesions that have invaded the cecum [185].

Pathogenesis and pathology

Little is known about these tumors in terms of pathogen-esis. Due to the embryonic development of the mid- andhindgut, two types of common well-differentiated endo-crine NETs have been identified in the colon and rectum: L-cell tumors and EC cell tumors [186]. Rectal tumors areusually L-cell tumors, producing glicentin-related productsand PP-PYY peptides. EC tumors with typical 5-HTproduction are rare in the colon and rectum [187, 188].Specific markers that identify rectal NETs include thosethat identify L cells, such as glucagon- 29, glucagon-37,glicentin, PYY, and PP and their precursors.

Epidemiology and survival

The incidence of colorectal NETs has increased fromapproximately 0.2 per 100,000 in 1973 to 0.86 per100,000 per year in the 2004 SEER database (430%

increase) [189]. The true incidence of colorectal NETs,however, is likely higher since these tumors are consideredbenign by some pathologists who do not therefore registerthe tumor for the SEER database.

Colon NETs proximal to the rectum appear moreaggressive, with a 5-year survival of ~62% across all stages[190]. Data for the 5-year-survival rates of colonic NETs,however, are inconsistent. Some data report 80% [191], andothers 6% [192] which are worse than colonic adenocarci-noma (~43%) [191]. The heterogeneity is likely due to arecruiting bias of NETs and NECs in different series orinclusion of lesions of different as yet unclassifiedneuroendocrine cell types. An analysis of ~8,000 colorectalNETs demonstrated a 5-year-survival rate of 41.6%compared to 60.9% in colonic adenocarcinomas [185].

Rectal NETs are associated with the highest 5-year-survival rate of 88% in comparison to other NET primaries[190]. This finding reflects that most of rectal carcinoidtumors (82%) [190] are localized at diagnosis, with amedian size of only 0.6 cm. Tumor size, depth of invasion,and lymph node involvement significantly predict malig-nant behavior in localized rectal NETs. A literature analysisreported that metastases were observed in 2% of patientswith rectal NETs measuring less than 1 cm, 10–15% oftumors measuring 1–2 cm, and 60–80% in patients withtumors measuring greater than 2 cm [193]. Another studyhas shown that metastases occurred in only 2% of tumorssmaller than 2 cm, which had not invaded the muscularispropria, compared to 48% in tumors with muscularisinvasion [194]. Five-year-survival rate in rectal NET is72–92% depending on selection bias for small tumors.Overall, the prognosis is substantially better than for rectaladenocarcinoma which exhibits an overall 5-year-survivalrate of 46–59% [191, 195].

Molecular markers

Neuroendocrine marker molecules differentially expressed inlarge bowel NETs include α/β-SNAP and synaptophysin aswell as SNAP25. In contrast, CgA and VAMP2 are lessfrequently expressed [196]. Proximal colonic tumors areusually EC cell tumors with similar markers to smallintestinal NETs. Metastatic colonic disease is only rarelyassociated with the carcinoid syndrome and only a smallfraction of hindgut NETs (<1%) produce and secrete 5-HT orother bioactive hormones [193]. Therefore, measurement ofserum 5-HT or urine 5-hydroxyindoleaceticacid (5-HIAA) isnot recommended. Poorly differentiated small cell carcino-mas of the large bowel usually have extensive expression ofsynaptophysin and cytosolic markers of neuroendocrinedifferentiation like PGP9.5 and NSE. Prostate-specific acidphosphatase is expressed in 80–100% of rectal carcinoids[187], and may be useful clinically. Serum CgA can be of

Fig. 11 Proliferative regulation of EC cells. Proliferation is differen-tially regulated by a variety of growth factors through activation of anumber of signal transduction pathways such as AKT/ERK/SMADand mTOR pathways. The somatostatin receptor system is the bestcharacterized negative regulator and signal transduction is predomi-nantly via the p38/cGMP pathway. It is likely that the majority ofneuroendocrine cells exhibit similar signal transduction circuitry

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some utility for monitoring patients with metastatic disease[197, 198] or for surveillance in patients with resected stageII or III tumors. False positive elevations in CgA arefrequently associated with the use of proton-pump inhibitors.Elevated levels of CgA can also occur in patients withchronic gastritis or other inflammatory diseases. P53 may beuseful as a marker of poorly differentiated tumors. Immuno-histochemistry for somatostatin receptor-2A may be per-formed in specialized laboratories. βHCG may be expressed,and is associated with greater malignancy of the lesions[199]. Identification of lesions with high malignant potentialcan be determined by mitotic indexing and Ki67 percentagestaining to determine the tumor proliferative index [200].


In this review, we examined GEP-NETs, focusing on thedistinct patterns of each type, by examining both the cell typeand organ of origin. GEP-NETs are derived from distinct cellprecursors, undergo specific chromosomal abnormalities/somatic mutation events, have different clinical presentations(are either syndromic or not), and are associated with widelydiffering survival rates reflecting the different proliferativeregulation as well as intrinsic difference in malignant potentialof different neuroendocrine cell types. In the past, thesetumors were considered under a common rubric “carcinoid”as indolent and uncommon. Overall NETs occur far morefrequently than previously considered and exhibit distinctcellular and clinical behaviors; each cell-specific lesion shouldtherefore be considered and examined as a separate entity. Ingeneral the tumors exhibit both commonalities as well assignificant diversity. The former include common secretorymachinery and physiological responses (neural/hormonalregulators), a relative high proportion of sporadic tumorsand development from precursor cell types. Overall there is apaucity of information regarding transformation from thenaïve to the neoplastic cell state except that microsatelliteinstability does not occur often and adenocarcinoma-associated oncogenic events, for example K-RAS mutationsare very uncommon. Differences include restrictions in loco-regional distribution (e.g., gastric ECL cell in the oxynticmucosa compared to extensive distribution of EC cells),significantly different growth patterns such as the relativebenign nature (high long-term survival) of some organ-restricted cell specific tumors, particularly gastric Type Igastric NETs and pancreatic β-cell NETs (insulinomas)compared to others, for example colonic or non-functioningpNETs; the significant difference in chromosomal abnormal-ities (and potentially etiopathogenesis) between pNETs andsmall intestinal NETs; and the relative lack of informationregarding growth regulation (except for gastric ECL cells).

Conflicts of interest None.


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