x(x), MM YYYY e-ISSN: 2549-8673, p-ISSN : 2302 884X 70 THE ENHANCEMENT OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING BY USING PROBLEM POSING APPROACH THROUGH LESSON STUDY ACTIVITIES Erwin Komara Mindarta * Automotive Engineering Education, State University of Malang, Indonesia Widiyanti, Win Windra Irdianto Mechanical Engineering Education, State University of Malang, Indonesia *Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT In general, chemical engineering has the aim to direct students in understanding the basic concepts of chemical engineering, fuel, and lubricating oil in the automotive field. One of the subjects is calculating octane numbers of gasoline which involve mathematical operations, which can cause anxiety to the learner. Therefore, a learning approach is needed that can reduce mathematical anxiety through problem posing. The application of problem posing aims to improve student learning outcomes. Before being applied, lesson study (plan-do-see) was carried out. The samples were taken using cluster sampling techniques, with the technique of collecting observation data & pre-test & post-test. Data were analyzed descriptively and t-test. The results of the study were the application of a problem posing approach through lesson study activities, effective in efforts to improve the results of learning chemical engineering. Lesson study acts as a "supplement" so that the impact of lesson study on improving student learning outcomes is indirect. KEYWORDS Chemical engineering, problem posing, lesson study INTRODUCTION Chemical engineering course in the Automotive Engineering for undergraduate program, Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, State University of Malang (PTO FTUM Study Program) in terms of the substance of learning has different characteristics from the chemistry courses at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Chemical engineering at the FTUM PTO S1 directs students to understand the basic concepts of chemical engineering, fuel, and lubricating oil in the automotive field. The questions presented in the dictate are ideally based on the application of basic concepts of technical chemistry, fuel, and lubricating oil in everyday car mechanics (S1 PTO curriculum, 2015: 22). However, the fact of learning shows that: 1) the questions presented in the dictate are basic, 2) the learning seems to repeat the material that the students have gotten during high school time, 3) the problem solving in the classroom is not optimal because the internalization process of each student is different that need different time to solve the problem. Learning time is limited to 2 hours of study, it would be better if students are given the opportunity to learn by facilitating a learning approach as a sign and control of the learning process.


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x(x), MM YYYY e-ISSN: 2549-8673, p-ISSN : 2302 – 884X



Erwin Komara Mindarta*

Automotive Engineering Education, State University of Malang, Indonesia

Widiyanti, Win Windra Irdianto Mechanical Engineering Education, State University of Malang, Indonesia

*Email: [email protected]

ABSTRACT In general, chemical engineering has the aim to direct students in understanding the basic concepts of chemical engineering, fuel, and lubricating oil in the automotive field. One of the subjects is calculating octane numbers of gasoline which involve mathematical operations, which can cause anxiety to the learner. Therefore, a learning approach is needed that can reduce mathematical anxiety through problem posing. The application of problem posing aims to improve student learning outcomes. Before being applied, lesson study (plan-do-see) was carried out. The samples were taken using cluster sampling techniques, with the technique of collecting observation data & pre-test & post-test. Data were analyzed descriptively and t-test. The results of the study were the application of a problem posing approach through lesson study activities, effective in efforts to improve the results of learning chemical engineering. Lesson study acts as a "supplement" so that the impact of lesson study on improving student learning outcomes is indirect. KEYWORDS Chemical engineering, problem posing, lesson study

INTRODUCTION Chemical engineering course in the Automotive Engineering for undergraduate program, Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, State University of Malang (PTO FTUM Study Program) in terms of the substance of learning has different characteristics from the chemistry courses at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Chemical engineering at the FTUM PTO S1 directs students to understand the basic concepts of chemical engineering, fuel, and lubricating oil in the automotive field. The questions presented in the dictate are ideally based on the application of basic concepts of technical chemistry, fuel, and lubricating oil in everyday car mechanics (S1 PTO curriculum, 2015: 22). However, the fact of learning shows that: 1) the questions presented in the dictate are basic, 2) the learning seems to repeat the material that the students have gotten during high school time, 3) the problem solving in the classroom is not optimal because the internalization process of each student is different that need different time to solve the problem. Learning time is limited to 2 hours of study, it would be better if students are given the opportunity to learn by facilitating a learning approach as a sign and control of the learning process.

x(x), MM YYYY e-ISSN: 2549-8673, p-ISSN : 2302 – 884X


The learning approach is problem posing. Problems mean difficulty and posing derived from the word to pose which means to propose or form (Iskandar, 2015: 113). There are two more proposals for problem posing that is making a question (Sutiarso, 1999) and constructing a problem (Suharta, 2000). The problem posing strategy can be raised as the right approach to review the subject matter in chemical engineering that involves mathematical operations. Researches on the effectiveness of the problem posing strategy show findings that these strategies improve mathematical thinking skills (Najoan, 1999; As'ari, 2000; Azhar, 2001). To improve the quality of the application of the problem posing approach to chemical engineering, lesson study was conducted. Lesson study is an approach to improve learning that was originally developed in Japan (Stepanek, 2003). Stepanek explained that Lesson study is a collaborative process in which a group of educators identify a learning problem and design a learning scenario (planing stage), teaching students according to the scenario carried out by one educator, while the other observes (doing stage), reflects and evaluates ( seeing stage), and revise the learning scenario. Perry et al (2009) explained that lesson study is one model of the professional development approach through "learning from practice". During lesson study, educators formulated long-term learning and development goals; collaboratively work on "learning research" to achieve learning goals; observe, document and discuss learners' responses to learning; and review the learning, and expand the learning approach. In this study lesson study activities will be carried out in the technical chemistry subject on the subject of calculating octane numbers of gasoline, because this material in chemical engineering subjects in general is quite complex material. The goal to be achieved is an increase in student learning outcomes in the chemistry course subject matter calculating the octane number of gasoline with a problem posing approach through lesson study activities. Some of the research results that support this study include White & Lim (2008) which shows that lesson study is an activity in which educators can develop learning development processes and professional skills in improving student learning outcomes. Haratua et al. (2011: 49) concluded that the implementation of lesson study can improve the quality of lecture results. The benefits of this study are that students can improve their learning outcomes through learning chemical techniques with a problem posing approach, can learn in a fun and interactive atmosphere, and foster an independent attitude.

LITERATURE REVIEW Chemical Engineering Chemical engineering courses weigh 2 credits of theory and are compulsory to graduate. This course equips students to be able to analyze the basic concepts of technical chemistry, fuel, and lubricating oil in the practical application and application of chemistry in the automotive and industrial fields. The material taught in this course includes: energy changes in chemistry, basic material / material concepts, basic and mixed material concepts, stoichiometric concepts, mole concepts, reaction concepts; basic chemical law, gas calculation analysis, ideal gas theory, gas mixture concept, fuel, heat value of fuel, premium octane value, cetane value of diesel oil;

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lubricating oil and the application of chemicals to various automotive industries such as the lubricating industry. Problem posing Hobri (2008: 95-96) defines problem posing as (1) simple question formulation or reformulation of existing questions with some changes to be simpler and can be mastered; (2) the formulation of questions relating to the conditions on the problem that has been solved in order to find alternative solutions; (3) formulation of questions from available information or situations, both before, when, or after solving the problem. Suyatno (2009: 6) explains that problem posing is problem solving through elaboration, which is to reformulate the problem into simpler parts so that it is easy to understand. So, problem posing is a learning model where students in learning activities are asked to arrange questions based on the situation or information provided by the teacher. Lesson Study Walker (2005, in Karim, 2006: 45) states that lesson study is an activity of studying the real classroom learning process carried out by a group of teachers collaborating for a long time and continuously to improve their professionalism. Lesson studies that developed in Japan since the beginning of 1900 directed teachers in Japan to study learning through joint planning and observation, which aims to motivate active students to learn independently (Parmin, 2007: 120). Lesson study is one form of teacher professional development activities with the characteristic that teachers open lessons and other peer teachers as observers, allowing teachers to share learning experiences with their peers (Nurcahyo).

RESEARCH METHOD The application of the problem posing approach to chemical engineering subjects on the subject of calculating octane numbers of gasoline was carried out through lesson study activities at FT UM. This activity was attended by lecturers from other majors at the Faculty of Engineering of State University of Malang. The activity process is carried out in 3 stages that are: the planing stage, the do stage (implementation and observation), and the see stage (reflection and evaluation). The instruments used were: 1) learning observation sheets in lesson study activities for observers, and 2) pre-test & post-test instruments. The population of this study is 1st semester students of PTO S1 FTUM Study Program. Samples from this study were taken 1 class consisting of 32 students using cluster sampling techniques. Data collection techniques used in this study were: 1) observation (observation), and 2) pre-test & post-test. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis for the results of observation and the "t" test for two small samples that are mutually interconnected that isthe pre-test & post-test. This research is carried out by following the stages or procedures as follows: 1) Planing Stage: model lecturers with lecturers from other departments at lty of Engineering of State University of Malang discuss lecture units (SAP) as learning/lesson plan scenarios, 2) Do Stage: model lecturers apply problem posing approach in technical chemistry subjects on the subject of calculating octane numbers of gasoline, while other lecturers observe as observers, with the steps

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of the learning scenario in Table 1. 3) See Stage: model lecturers with lecturers from other majors at lty of Engineering of State University of Malang together reflect learning.

Table 1. Activity Steps in a Problem Posing Strategy

No. Learning Activity

1 Open learning activities.

2 Hold a pre-test

3 Deliver the learning objectives.

4 Delivering subject matter.

5 Giving examples of problems and solutions.

6 Giving a chance to ask questions.

7 Giving an opportunity to the learner to form a question of the conditions given and exchange and discuss.

8 Inviting students to present the matter of their formation.

9 Providing other conditions and opportunities for students to form as many questions as possible.

10 Inviting students to exchange their formation questions with other students and discuss, while the assessment is carried out.

11 Directing students to draw conclusions.

12 Making summaries based on student conclusions.

13 Conducting a post-test

14 Closing the lesson.

Adopted and adapted from Iskandar (2015:117).


Research Result Results of the Planing Stage The summary of the results of the discussion of the lecture unit (SAP) as the learning scenario / lesson plan by the model lecturer along with the lecturers from other departments in the lty of Engineering of State University of Malang are presented in Table 2 below.

Table 2. Summary of SAP Discussion Results

No. Indicators Conclusion

1 Detailing of indicators of achievement of competencies refers to basic competencies

Very Good

2 The description of learning objectives refers to indicators of achievement of competence

Very Good

3 Using operational verbs that can be measured / observed Good

4 Interest and integration between basic competencies, indicators of achievement and learning objectives


5 Suitability of learning material presented with learning objectives Good

6 Pay attention to differences in the level of ability of students Very Good

7 Oriented to learner learning needs Very Good

8 Suitability of learning approaches with learning objectives Good

9 Suitability of learning approaches with learning material Very Good

10 Suitability of learning approaches with characteristics of students Very Good

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No. Indicators Conclusion

11 Empowering students in learning activities Good

12 The accuracy of apperception and motivation in the preliminary activities Good

13 The accuracy of problem posing in core activities Good

14 The accuracy of conclusions, reflections, judgments, and feedback on closing activities

Very Good

15 Conformity with the learning steps in the problem posing approach Very Good

16 Providing opportunities for students to think critically and systematically Good

17 Conformity of learning resources to the achievement of learning objectives Very Good

18 Suitability of learning resources with learning material Very Good

19 Suitability of learning resources with the characteristics of students Good

20 Suitability of selection of assessment techniques with learning objectives Good

21 Suitability of instruments with learning objectives Good

22 Representation of assessment instruments with learning objectives Very Good

23 Existence and clarity of assessment procedures Very Good

24 The existence of instruments, key answers to questions, and assessment rubrics


Adopted and adapted from Wijayanti (2017)

The Results of the Do Phase This stage aims to test the effectiveness of the learning model that has been designed. Other lecturers from other departments act as learning observers. Lecturers or students can make observations in the learning. In this activity a pre-test & post-test was carried out with the aim to see an increase in student learning outcomes in the chemistry subject subject matter calculating the octane number of gasoline with a problem posing approach through lesson study activities. The results of the pre-test & post-test were analyzed using the t- test for the two small samples which were related to each other as follows. 1. Formulating a hypothesis

H0: There were no differences in students’ learning outcomes before and after studying the material calculating octane numbers of gasoline with a problem posing approach through lesson study activities

Ha: There are differences in student learning outcomes before and after studying the material calculating octane numbers of gasoline with a problem posing approach through lesson study activities

2. Making a design description of the data in the form of an auxiliary table calculating the t- test for two interconnected small samples.

Table 3. The Design of t- test Description Data of student learning before and after studying the material in calculating octane numbers of gasoline with a problem posing approach through

lesson study Activities

Respondence Number

Skor D = (X-Y) 𝐷2(𝑋 − 𝑌)2

Post-test (X) Pre-test (Y)

1 84 78 6 36

2 88 82 6 36

3 90 78 12 144

x(x), MM YYYY e-ISSN: 2549-8673, p-ISSN : 2302 – 884X


Respondence Number

Skor D = (X-Y) 𝐷2(𝑋 − 𝑌)2

Post-test (X) Pre-test (Y)

4 90 78 12 144

5 90 82 8 64

6 92 76 16 256

7 92 72 20 400

8 94 72 22 484

9 94 76 18 324

10 96 86 10 100

11 96 86 10 100

12 94 76 18 324

13 94 72 22 484

14 92 72 20 400

15 92 76 16 256

16 90 82 8 64

17 90 78 12 144

18 90 78 12 144

19 88 82 6 36

20 84 78 6 36

21 84 78 6 36

22 88 82 6 36

23 90 78 12 144

24 90 78 12 144

25 90 82 8 64

26 90 82 8 64

27 90 78 12 144

28 90 78 12 144

29 88 82 6 36

30 84 78 6 36

31 84 78 6 36

32 84 78 6 36

Σ 2872 2512 360 4896

�̅� 89.75 78.5

3. Counting tobservation through the following stages:

a. Searching Mean of difference = MD:




32= 𝟏𝟏. 𝟐𝟓

b. Searching standard Deviation (SDD):



𝑁− (




= 𝑆𝐷𝐷 = √4896

32− (




= √153 − 126.5625 = √26.4375 = 5.14

c. Searching Error Standart from mean of different = (SEMD):

x(x), MM YYYY e-ISSN: 2549-8673, p-ISSN : 2302 – 884X



√𝑁−1 =


√32−1 =


5.57 = 0.92

d. Counting the result of tobservation by using statistic formula:

to = 𝑀𝐷



0.92 = 12.23

e. Interpretation and Conclusion:

From the calculation result to = 12.23 and if consulted with the table "t-table" at the significance level of 5% and df = N - 1 = 32 - 1 = 31 at the significance level of 5% t table = 1.69. This shows observations = 12.23> 1.69 = t table. Then it can be interpreted, accepting the alternative hypothesis (Ha) and rejecting the null hypothesis (H0) which means that there are differences in student learning outcomes before and after studying the material calculating octane numbers of gasoline with a problem posing approach through lesson study activities, and the difference is quite significant. Therefore, it can be concluded that the application of the problem posing approach through lesson study activities is effective. Improved learning outcomes can be seen from the comparison of the scores of the post-test and pre-test. In Table 3, the post-test score = 89.75 is higher than the pre-test score = 78.5, so it can be concluded that there was an increase in the chemistry learning outcomes with the problem posing approach through lesson study activities. Results of See Stage The summary of learning observation results with lesson study by observers is presented in Table 4 below.

Table 4. Summary of Results of Observation of Lesson Study Learning

Question Anwer Summary

Observer 1 Observer 2 Observer 3

Do all students study

Students take part in the study with enthusiasm, good lecturer preparation so that students are disciplined to follow learning process.

Students follow the initial & good lectures in a conducive manner, preparation is well done and there is a pre-test provided by the model lecturer.

Yes, all students are able to do the pre-test well, besides that, students can also answer the opening questions from the lecturer.

Students who cannot take part in learning

The rightmost student in the second row is like not concentrating on learning,

There was 1 student who could not attend the lecture because of

All students present can take part in learning activities.

x(x), MM YYYY e-ISSN: 2549-8673, p-ISSN : 2302 – 884X


Question Anwer Summary

Observer 1 Observer 2 Observer 3

this is indicated by thedistracted focus divided by "gadgets".

sick leave on behalf of Tria Ananta and there was a student who had difficulty working on the pre-test.

Why students cannot study well

It is possible for these students not to master the material.

The student may not have mastered the material / questions of the pre-test given by the model lecturer.


Lecturer’s efforts in encouraging students to learn

Lecturers provide material reviews and request feed-back to students to find out students' understanding.

Model lecturers provide material reviews that are obstacles for students.

Lecturers give students the opportunity to form questions from the conditions given, discuss and present the results of their discussions in front of the class.

valuable lessons that can be learned in learning

Chemical engineering courses are suitable if implemented with a problem posing model.

Chemical engineering courses are courses that can be applied with the problem posing method, so that it is in accordance with the expected goals / achievements of graduates.

Inviting students to play an active role in the learning process not only makes learning better, but students also seem to be satisfied with the learning process, and each activity must be appreciated.

Discussion Based on the research data presented above, it is shown that the chemical engineering learning techniques designed using the problem posing approach through lesson study activities can improve students’ learning outcomes. The results of this study are in line with the opinions of

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some researchers who examined the effectiveness of problem posing in learning, such as 1) Rasmawan (2010: 63) concluded that there were significant differences between students' initial abilities before learning the problem posing model and the student's final ability after learning the problem posing model; and 2) Gusnardi (2013: 219) concluded that student learning outcomes in taxation subjects on the subject of Article 21 Income Tax increased by applying problem posing learning methods. The effectiveness of the problem posing approach in improving student learning outcomes involves important elements that characterize problem posing strategies such as the elements of mathematics, learning structures, and student responses (Iskandar, 2015: 115). The main element in this strategy is mathematical calculations. The subject of calculating octane numbers of gasoline in chemical engineering can certainly involve mathematical calculations. In line with the opinion of observer 1 who said that the problem posing strategy is most suitable to be applied in learning chemical engineering. The second element is the structure of learning which is the uniqueness of the problem posing strategy since in its implementation has a transition from teacher-centered instruction (teacher centered instruction) to student-centered instruction (Redolfo, 2001). Submission of material by lecturers at the beginning of the lesson is teacher-centered learning, while further problem posing by students and problem solving by other students is learner-centered learning (Iskandar, 2015: 116). The third element in this strategy is the learner's response. From the conditions given by the instructor, students are expected to respond in the form of questions. In learning the subject of calculating octane numbers of gasoline involves mathematical operations or calculations, where the instructor asks students to work on the problems which according to Moses et al. (1993) state that situations like this cause great anxiety to the learner. Moses (1990: 91) also said that problem posing can reduce mathematical anxiety (mathematical anxiety) because in the application of the problem posing strategy anxiety does not occur because the one who made the problem is his own partner, and if the problem is difficult to solve, the question maker will explain it . The effectiveness of the problem posing approach in improving student learning outcomes is also inseparable from the advantages of problem posing as a learning approach that involves counting or mathematical operations. As stated by Patahuddin (in Siswono, 1999: 24) problem posing has several advantages, including: 1) giving opportunities to students to reach a broader understanding and analyze more deeply about a topic, 2) motivating students to learn more , 3) provide opportunities for students to develop creative, responsible and independent attitudes; and 4) students will be remembered for a long time because they are derived from learning outcomes or experimental results that relate to their interests and are more useful for their lives. While lesson study acts as a "supplement" to improve the quality of the application of the problem posing approach to engineering chemistry. According to Lewis (2002), one of the most obvious ways to be taken in order to try to improve learning is to collaborate with other lecturers to design, observe and reflect on the learning done. Lesson study is not a method or model of learning for students, but rather a way or system to develop the ability of lecturers collaboratively to improve the quality of learning / education (Susilo, 2018: 20).

x(x), MM YYYY e-ISSN: 2549-8673, p-ISSN : 2302 – 884X


The impact of lesson study on improving student learning outcomes is indirect. Improvement of student learning outcomes is due to the application of the problem posing approach which in the plan stage, lecturers from other majors at the FT UM provide input to the model lecturers on learning scenarios / lesson plans related to 1) course identity, 2) indicator formulation and objectives learning, 3) learning material, 4) selection of approaches and learning models, 5) learning activities, 6) selection of learning resources, and 7) learning assessment. In the do phase in this study, some observers said that the lecturer model prepared learning well. Then, it can be concluded that the implementation of learning is directly proportional to learning planning. If learning planning well, it can be ascertained that learning is effective and interesting. So that the main purpose of this study is the increase in student learning outcomes in the chemistry subject subject matter calculating the octane number of gasoline achieved. The effectiveness of the implementation of lesson study in this study was supported by various research data, such as: 1) Purwanto (2012: 88) which concluded that collaboration between lecturers was formed in order to improve the quality of learning, 2) Misnar (2013: 27) which concluded that the results of learning through the lesson study model has shown an increase in the ability of students in speaking, 3) Supriyanto (2013: 38) stated that lesson study can improve student learning outcomes on pavement engineering courses, 4) Hasanuddin (2012: 27) draw conclusions that through lesson study can improve Student learning activeness in plant cell material, and 5) Haratua (2011: 49) concluded that the implementation of lesson study can improve the quality of lecture results. From the research data above, it can be concluded that any learning approach applied through lesson study can improve the quality of learning. This is supported by Susilo's (2018: 23-25) opinion which explains that through lecturer lesson study: 1) more concerned about the right of students to learn as well as possible, 2) thinking about how to do the best learning possible, 3) more seriously making plans for implementing lesson plan (RPP), because the results of the thoughts of one of the lecturers will be given input by other lecturers to improve / improve the quality of their lesson plan; 4) jointly choosing and applying various learning strategies or materials that are in accordance with the situation, conditions, or learning problems faced by the lecturer; 5) helping students achieve learning goals, 6) helping students learn to develop habits of scientific thinking, 7) making improvements to the data base, 8) paying attention to motivation and social climate, 9) obtaining directly acceptable input, 10) providing a coherent learning environment and consistent, 11) adopting similar learning in their own classrooms, and 12) developing professionalism.


From the results and discussion, the points are summarized as follows: 1. From the calculation of the t- test, it shows observance = 12.23> 1.69 = t table, which

means that there are differences in student learning outcomes before and after studying the material calculating octane numbers of gasoline with the problem posing approach through lesson study activities, and differences that is quite meaningful.

2. The application of the problem posing approach through lesson study activities, effective in the effort to improve the learning outcomes of chemistry, the main technique of

x(x), MM YYYY e-ISSN: 2549-8673, p-ISSN : 2302 – 884X


calculating octane numbers of gasoline, proved that the post-test score = 89.75 is higher than the pre-test score = 78.5.

3. The effectiveness of the problem posing approach in improving student learning outcomes involves important elements that characterize problem posing strategies, namely the elements of mathematics, learning structures, and students’ responses.

4. Lesson study acts as a "supplement" to improve the quality of applying the problem posing approach to chemical engineering so that the impact of lesson study on improving student learning outcomes is indirect.

5. The implementation of learning is directly proportional to lesson plan, if lesson plan is good, it can be ascertained that learning becomes effective and interesting, therefore, learning objectives are achieved.

6. Whatever learning approaches applied through lesson study, it can improve the quality of learning.

Suggestion Based on the research findings of this study, the researchers presented the following suggestions: it is necessary to carry out further research on the application of other learning approaches through lesson study mainly related to improving critical thinking skills, increasing student learning activities, increasing student motivation, improving the quality of independence and collaborating students, and other variables.

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x(x), MM YYYY e-ISSN: 2549-8673, p-ISSN : 2302 – 884X


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