The Occurrence of Mycoplasmas in the Lungs of Swine in Gran Canaria (Spain) P. Assunc°a¬ o 1 *, C. De la Fe 1 , B. Kokotovic 2 , O. Gonza¨lez 3 , and J.B. Poveda 1 1 Unidad de Epidemiolog|¨a y Medicina Preventiva, Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Trasmontan¬ a s/n. 35416, Arucas, Spain; 2 Department of Veterinary Diagnostics and Research, Danish Institute for Food and Veterinary Research, DK-1790 Copenhagen V, Denmark; 3 Departamento de I+D Laboratorios Syva, Le¨ on, Spain *Correspondence: E-mail: [email protected] Assunc°a¬o, P., De la Fe, C., Kokotovic, B., Gonza¨lez, O. and Poveda, J.B., 2005. The occurrence of mycoplasmas in the lungs of swine in Gran Canaria (Spain). Veterinary Research Communications, 29(6), 453^462 ABSTRACT The study was conducted to investigate the mycoplasmal £ora in the lungs of pigs with enzootic pneumonia at Gran Canaria (Spain). From 54 pneumonic lungs collected at an abattoir, 85 isolates were cultivated. On the basis of cultural and biochemical characteristics, the isolates were preliminarily identi¢ed as Mycoplasma species. Using di¡erent species-speci¢c PCRs, 40, 27, 11 and 7 of the isolates were identi¢ed as M. hyorhinis, M. hyopneumoniae, M. hyosynoviae and M. £occulare, respectively. Nine of the M. hyopneumoniae cultures were found to be in mixed culture with M. £occulare as demonstrated by PCR. By use of a M. £occulare antiserum it was possible to eliminate M. £occulare from M. hyopneumoniae mixed cultures. This study is the ¢rst report on isolation of porcine mycoplasmas at Gran Canaria (Spain). Keywords: PCR, isolation, mycoplasma, diagnostic, porcine enzootic pneumonia Abbreviations: dNTP, deoxynucleoside triphosphatase; EP, enzootic pneumonia; NCTC, National Collection of Type Cultures; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; PRDC, porcine respiratory disease complex INTRODUCTION Enzootic pneumonia (EP) is a chronic respiratory disease that causes considerable economic losses to the pig industry worldwide (Kobisch and Friis, 1996). EP has been described as a multifactorial disease the consequences of which are greatly in£uenced by environmental and management factors (Done, 1991). Owing to the description of a new respiratory syndrome in which several infectious agents are involved, the tendency now is to speak more of a porcine respiratory disease complex (PRDC), in which Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae is one of the most important pathogens involved. (Calsamiglia et al ., 2000; Thacker, 2001) Conventional laboratory diagnosis of M. hyopneumoniae is based on cultivation of the organism in arti¢cial media and serological identi¢cation of the isolates. However, Veterinary Research Communications, 29 (2005) 453^462 # 2005 Springer. Printed in the Netherlands 453

The Occurrence of Mycoplasmas in the Lungs of Swine in Gran Canaria (Spain)

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