The Phylum Arthropoda By Group 1 Name : - Agung pratama - Ahmad Mahzuri - Desti Ayu Martika - Dhea Destiani - Desi Urbatul Alawiyah - Dina Mustika Sari - Helwa Nurpikriyah - Herdianti komara - Irgi ambari - Irma Novira - Ismail Fadlurrohman English Teacher : Drs. Agus Martono, M.Ed

The Phylum Arthropoda b

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The Phylum ArthropodaBy Group 1

Name :- Agung pratama- Ahmad Mahzuri - Desti Ayu Martika- Dhea Destiani- Desi Urbatul Alawiyah- Dina Mustika Sari

- Helwa Nurpikriyah - Herdianti komara- Irgi ambari- Irma Novira- Ismail


English Teacher : Drs. Agus Martono, M.Ed

Vocabulary Reading Translate-words -CompoundWords-Part of speech-Sentences - Sample - Compound - Complex

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What is Vocabulary?The noun vocabulary (or "vocab" for short) refers to the words used in a

language."Vocabulary" can have at least three different meanings: all of the words in a languageNew words are constantly being added to the vocabulary of English. the words used in a particular contextIf you want to do an MBA you need to improve your business vocabulary.My neighbour is a doctor so he has an extensive medical vocabulary.I've just bought a book on the vocabulary of slang. the words an individual person knowsThe teacher said that my vocabulary is good.When learning a foreign language, our individual vocabulary in that language is one of the most important micro-skills to develop. Of course, all micro-skills like grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation are important. But it is far more difficult to communicate with no vocabulary than with no grammar. :-)

What is Vocabulary?Active And Passive VocabularyIn our own individual vocabulary, there is a difference between:

words that we understand and use (our active vocabulary)

words that we understand but do not or cannot use (our passive vocabulary)

This is true for native speakers as well as for learners. In your own language, there are many words that you use regularly when speaking or writing. These words are part of your active vocabulary. And then there are many words that you understand when you hear them, on television for example, but do not use in everyday speech. These words are part of your passive vocabulary.

Vocabulary{ Scintific words used in the text and elsewhere that are not explained in this vocabulary may be found in the general vocabulary on P.205 or in the glossary of biologocal names on P.218 }

Annelid/’aenelid/25 a member of phylum annelida, the segmented worms such as the earthworm : ‘the body wall of an annelid’ (L. Annellus a little ring – a reference to the ring-like segments)Antennale/aen’teneit/65 in the form of an antenna : ‘with the first appendage chelate not antennate’ Appendage /e’pendid/64 any considerable projection from the body of an animal: ‘with the first appendage chelate not anntenate’Arthopod /’ar/35 a member of the phylum Arthopoda : ‘bristles, formed as hollow outgrouwths of the cuticle, are common on arthopods’(Gk arthon joint, podos foot)

annelida arthropoda

Kosa Kata{ kalimat ilmiah yg digunakan di dalam teks ini tidak menjelaskan secara menyeluruh di dalam vocabulary ini melainkan hal-hal yang umum tentang vocabulary di hal. 205 atau di dalam kamus biologi di hal 218}Annelid/’aenelid/25 anggota keluarga dari filum annelida, filum yang terdiri dari cacing bersegment antara lain cacing tanah : ‘structur tubuh annelid’ (L. Annellus memiliki cincin kecil melingkar seperti segment)Antennale/aen’teneit/65 berbentuk seperti antena : ‘dengan anggota badan pertama chelate not antennate’ Appendage /e’pendid/64 Sesekali menonjol/muncul dari tubuh hewan : ‘dengan anggota badan pertama chelate not anntenate’Arthropod /’ar/35 Anggota keluarga dari filum arthropoda : ‘bulu, dibentuk sebagai hasil pertumbuhan dari selaput/kulit ari, yang umum ada pada arthropod ’(Gk arthon joint, podos foot)

annelida arthropoda


Cephalization /sefalai’zeition/21 the formation of a head in evolutionary stages: ‘the process of cephalization’ (Gk kephalos head)Chaeta, pl.chaetae/’kita, -ti:/32 a stiff, bristle –like projection from the skin of animals, especially annelid worms (Gk chaite long hair) See Explanatory Note 30, p.117

Bristle /’brisl/34 a short, stiff hair: ’bristle, formed as hollow outgrowths of the cuticle, are common on arthopods’ See Explantory Notes 30,p.117due to : caused byAn interesting feature of difference between the Arthopoda and Annelida is the absence from the former phylum of the chaetae……though bristles, formed as hollow outgrowths of the cuticle, are common on arthopods : The author is here apparently distinguishing between bristles and chaetae, although the word bristle is normally used for any stiff, hair-like structure, including chaetae (see polychaete in the vocabulary, p. 114 ). But it is possible that, in spite of the punctuation, the phrase ’formed…..cuticle’ is intended as a defining one (see Grammar and Ussage, p.58), in which case the word bristle would carry its normal meaning.

Kosa KataBristle /’brisl/34 kecil, rambut kaku/keras, : ’bulu-bulu, dibentuk sebagai hasil pertumbuhan dari selaput/kulit ari, yang umum ada pada arthropod’ lihat explanatory note 30 hal.117karena : disebabkan olehkeistimewaan yang perlu diperhatikan antara perbedaan arthropoda dan annelida adalah ketiadaan dari terlebih dahulu filum chaetae……kekurangan bulu, formed as hollow outgrowths of the cuticle, are common on arthopods : The author is here apparently distinguishing between bristles and chaetae, although the word bristle is normally used for any stiff, hair-like structure, including chaetae (see polychaete in the vocabulary, p. 114 ). But it is possible that, in spite of the punctuation, the phrase ’formed…..cuticle’ is intended as a defining one (see Grammar and Ussage, p.58), in which case the word bristle would carry its normal meaning. Cephalization /sefalai’zeition/21susunan terpenting/teratas dalam tahap evolusi : ‘proses cephalization’ (Gk kephalos head)Chaeta, pl.chaetae/’kita, -ti:/32 panjang, bulu –persis seperti tonjolan pada kulit hewan, terutama cacing annelida (Gk chaite long hair) See Explanatory Note 30, p.117

Cephalization /sefalai’zeition/21 the formation of a head in evolutionary stages: ‘the process of cephalization’ (Gk kephalos head)Chaeta, pl.chaetae/’kita, -ti:/32 a stiff, bristle –like projection from the skin of animals, especially annelid worms (Gk chaite long hair) See Explanatory Note 30, p.117

Chelate/’ki:leit/65 in the form of a chela, or pincer, c.g. of a scorpion, crab or lobster: ‘with the first appendage chelate not antennate’ (Gk chele claw)Chitinous/’kaitinas/3 made of chitin, a horny substance with the chemical formula C15H26O10N2 : ‘a chitinous cuticle’ (Gk chiton a coat)

due to : caused byAn interesting feature of difference between the Arthopoda and Annelida is the absence from the former phylum of the chaetae……though bristles, formed as hollow outgrowths of the cuticle, are common on arthopods : The author is here apparently distinguishing between bristles and chaetae, although the word bristle is normally used for any stiff, hair-like structure, including chaetae (see polychaete in the vocabulary, p. 114 ). But it is possible that, in spite of the punctuation, the phrase ’formed…..cuticle’ is intended as a defining one (see Grammar and Ussage, p.58), in which case the word bristle would carry its normal meaning.


Cephalization /sefalai’zeition/21susunan terpenting/teratas dalam tahap evolusi : ‘proses cephalization’ (Gk kephalos head)Chaeta, pl.chaetae/’kita, -ti:/32 panjang, bulu –persis seperti tonjolan pada kulit hewan, terutama cacing annelida (Gk chaite long hair) See Explanatory Note 30, p.117

Chelate/’ki:leit/65 in the form of a chela, atau , c.g. of kalajengking, kepiting atau lobster: ‘dengan anggota pertama chelate yg tidak memiliki antena’ (Gk chele claw)Chitinous/’kaitinas/3 terbuat dari kitin, zat kimia dengan rumus kimia C15H26O10N2 : ‘a chitinous cuticle’ (Gk chiton a coat)

due to : caused byAn interesting feature of difference between the Arthopoda and Annelida is the absence from the former phylum of the chaetae……though bristles, formed as hollow outgrowths of the cuticle, are common on arthopods : The author is here apparently distinguishing between bristles and chaetae, although the word bristle is normally used for any stiff, hair-like structure, including chaetae (see polychaete in the vocabulary, p. 114 ). But it is possible that, in spite of the punctuation, the phrase ’formed…..cuticle’ is intended as a defining one (see Grammar and Ussage, p.58), in which case the word bristle would carry its normal meaning.

Kosa Kata

Coelom/’si:loum/6 a body cavity found in most types of multicellular animal and formed within the mesoderm (‘mezodarm), or middle tissue layer :’the coelom in adult much reduced’ (Gk koilos hollow) Coelomoduct /si:’lomodukt/ 9 a duct, or tube, leading from the coelom to the exterior and formed from the mesoderm/’mi:zodarm/, or middle tissue layer: ’with one or more pairs of coelomoducts as gonoducts’ Complex/’kompleks/23 a whole made up of many parts: ‘the complex of hard pieces constituted by the jointed cuticle Constitute/’konstitju:t/23 to make up, to form: ‘the complex of hard pieces constituted by jointed cuticleConvertible/kan’va:tabl/17 that can be converted : ‘jointed limbs can now be adapted for various purposes to which those of polychaetes were not convertible’Cuticle/’kju:tikl/3 the non-cellular layer on the outside of many animals and plants :’a chitinous cuticleFactor/’faekta*/27 a thing, state or process that contributes to a result :’ turgescence of the body wall is no longer a factor in locomotionFeature/’fi:ta*/14 a character, a characteristic:’the key to most of their pecular features Gonoduct/’’gonod^kt/9 a duct, or tube, that conveys the products of the gonards (ovaries or testes) to the exterior: ‘with one or more pairs of coelomoducts as gonoducts ‘ (Gk gone a seeed, +duct) Habit/’haebit/44 a way of life : ‘only one {group}, the crustacea, remains predominantly of that habitHaemocoele,haemocoel/’hi:mosi:l/7 the cavity of the heart and blood vessels: ‘enlargement of the haemocoele’(Gk haima blood, koilos hollow)Haemocoelic/hi:mo’si:lik/28 adj./haemocoele :’ the replacement of the perivisceral coelom by a haemocoelic space


Coelom/’si:loum/6 dinding rongga banyak di temukan pada hewan multicellular dan dibentuk dengan lapisan mesoderm (‘mezodarm), atau lapisan tengah :’ coelom semakin matang semakin berkurang‘ (Gk koilos hollow) Coelomoduct /si:’lomodukt/ 9 saluran, atau pipa biasa dikenal coelom yang berada di bagian luar dan dibentuk di mezoderm atau lapisan tengah: ‘dengan satu atau lebih banyak pasangan coelomoducts sebagai gonoducts’ Complex/’kompleks/23 pada umum-nya terbentuk beberapa bagian: ‘bagian tersulit memberikan dan menngabungkan kulit ari Constitute/’konstitju:t/23 , membentuk: ‘bagian tersulit memberikan dan menngabungkan kulit ariConvertible/kan’va:tabl/17 dapat di masukkan : ‘jointed ldapat beradaptasi unuk tujuan berbeda to which those of polychaetes were not convertible’Cuticle/’kju:tikl/3 lapisan non-cellular yg ada di lapisan luar banyak ditemukan pada hewan dan tumbuhan :’kitin kulit ariFactor/’faekta*/27 alat, bagian-bagian atau proses yg mendukung untuk mendapatkan hasil :’ tekanan tugor pada dinding sel bukan lagi sebagai faktor pendukungFeature/’fi:ta*/14 karakter, sifat:’kunci paling penting ke khas-sannya Gonoduct/’’gonod^kt/9 saluran, atau pipa, untuk menyalurkan gonard (sel telur atau sperma) kebagian luar: ‘dengan satu atau lebih banyak pasangan coelomoducts sebagai gonoducts ‘ (Gk gone a seeed, +duct) Habit/’haebit/44 a way of life : ‘satu-satunya(kelompok), Crustacea, yang tinggal dan menetap di habitat tersebutHaemocoele, haemocoel/,himosi:l/ 7 rongga jantung dan pembuluh daranh : ‘Pembesaran dari haemocoele ‘ (Gk haima blood, koilos hollow)Haemocoelic/,himo’si:lik/ 28 adj./ haemocoele : ‘pergantian celoem perisviceral oleh haemocoelic

Kosa Kata

Imbedded/im’bedid/33 sunk: ‘the chaetae, imbedded in and secreted by pits of the skinKey/ki:/13 an underlying cause (of), an explanation (of) :’the key to most of their peculiar feature Locomotion/,louka’moujan/27 the movement of the entire organism from one place to another :’turgescence of the body wall is no longer factor in locomotionMedium/mi:djam/40 the physical substance, such as air or water, in which an organism lives: ‘the lack of support from the mediumNephridiumpl. nephridia/ne’fridjem, -ja/8 an excretory organ found typically in the annelids and formed from the outer tissue layer or ectoderm/’ektode:m/ (Gk nephros kidney)Pecular/pe’kju:lya*/14 distinctive, distinguishing: ‘their peculiar features’ See Explanatory Notes, p. 117Perivisceral/,peri:viseral/7 around the viscera, or internal organsPhylum, pl. phyla/’failem, -le/Tittle, one of the 20 or so major groups into which zoologist divide the animal kingdom: ‘the phylum arthropoda (Gk phylon a race) Pit/pit/33 a depression, usually with sides at approximately right angles to the surface: ‘the chaetae, imbedded in and secreted by pits of the skin’ See Explanatory Notes 32 p.117 Polychaete/’poliki:t/17 a member of the class Polychaeta, annelid worms also known as bristle worms (Gk poly many, chaite long hair)


Imbedded/im’bedid/ 33 menanamkan : ‘chaetae, menanamkan kedalam di lubang sekitar kulit’Key/ki:/ 13 an underlying cause. (of), an explanation (of) : ‘the key to most of their peculiar features Locomotion/,louk/ 27 pergerakan the entire organism from one place to another : ‘turgenstion Medium/’mi:dj/40 zat padat, sama seperti udara dan air, yg mana organisme hidup :’ kurangnya dukungan pada mediumNephridium, pl.nephridia//8 organ ekresi yang biasa ditemukan di annelid dan dibentuk dari lapisan luar, atau Ectoderm//(Gk nephros kidney)Peculiar//14 khusus, istimewa : ‘ke khas-annya ‘ Lihat Explanatory Notes, hal.117Perivisceral//7 sekitar viscera, atau organ bagian dalam sama seperti usus: ‘perivisceral space’ (Gk peri around, +visceral [adj./viscera])Phylum, pl. phyla// Gelar. Satu dari 20 dari banyaknya anggota utama yg terpillih, pembagian menurut ahli hewan :’ filum Arthropoda’(Gk phylon a race) Pit/pit/33 a depression, biasanya dengan bagian sekitar permukaan sudut yg benar: ’chaetae, ditanamkan kedalam dan rahasia/tersembunyi di lubang sekitar kulit’ Lihat Explantory Notes 32 hal.117Polychaete/’poliki:t/17 anggota keluarga dari kelas polychaeta, cacing annelida juga diketahui sebagai cacing bulu (Gk. Polys many, chaite long hair)

Kosa Kata

Predominantly/pri’dominantly/ 44 chiefly, mainly : ‘only one, the regarded as derived from the same rockSecreted//33 formed (by the process of secretion ): ‘secreted by pits of the skin’ See Explanatory Notes 32, p.117Somite/’soumait/2 one of the segmented animal like an insect or earthworm is divided (Gk. Soma the body)Stock/stok/ a group of organisms of similar characteristics :’the arthropoda .....must be regarded as derived from the same stock as the polychaetaStout/staut/4 strong and relatively thick : ‘a chitinous cuticle, which usually is stout’Trilobite/’trailobait/43 a member of the Trilobita (52): ‘their earliest known members, the trilobites, were aquatic’ (Gk trithree, lobos lobe)Turgescence//26 the rigidity caused by the internal pressure of a fluid :’ turgescence of the body wall’


Predominantly/pri’dominantly/ 44 yang utama : ‘satu-satunya, dianggap berasal dari batu yang sama Secreted//33 dibentuk (oleh proses sekresi ): ‘tersembunyi di sekitar kulit’ See Explanatory Notes 32, p.117Somite/’soumait/2 salah satu hewan bersegment seperti serangga atau cacing yang terbagi-bagi(Gk. Soma the body)Stock/stok/13 anggota organisme yang memiliki kesamaan karakteristik :’antropoda .....diangap berasal dari keluarga yang samaStout/staut/4 kuat dan cukup tebal : ‘kulit ari yg tipis, biasanya sedikit kuat dan tebal’Trilobite/’trailobait/43 anggota keluarga dari trilobita (52): ‘ereka dapat diketahui dengan mudah, trilobita, hewan yang hidup dilautan’ (Gk trithree, lobos lobe)Turgescence//26 kekakuan yang disbabkan oleh tekanan dari dalam cairan:’ turgescence of the body wall’

Kosa Kata

Any Question ?

Conclusion- We didn’t need to be smarted in learning english, because in learning english we just know and understand about vocabulary and practice much more every words- When learning a foreign language, our individual vocabulary in that language is one of the most important micro-skills to develop. Of course, all micro-skills like grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation are important. But it is far more difficult to communicate with no vocabulary than with no grammar. - In your own language, there are many words that you use regularly when speaking or writing. These words are part of your active vocabulary. And then there are many words that you understand when you hear them, on television for example, but do not use in everyday speech. These words are part of your passive vocabulary.

Thank’s For your

Attention Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.