y ,1 rather .. f t 'fis 18 1 .1 as • o.oo A V 3 ii as Truce .... i) i0 1,0.08 Jiii .JL i._ u Trace 'M $ ’ ' 2 D"’*Jrftce d»N ' Vo *»■ K .1 14 Trace /7 J - ’ t -.- QUOTE flj)Tl£TH 'YEAR— No. BO 12 Pageb This Week CHELSEA, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1001 w »— i ■■■" 1 i ■■■■« ............... 106 per Copy Ambassadors have no battle/* ships at their disposal, or heavy infantry, or 1 fortresses;' their weapons are words and oppor- tunities, Y ’ —Demosthenes' SUBSCRIPTION $3.00 PER YEAR , .{ : j dARlLVN TAJOT, chosen 1961 “Homemake^of Tomorrow" Ffron Chelsea .High school, was at work polishing silverware at I^ianw Jewelry Store1-, when The Standard photographer hap- §'Mntd by_1ust after she Had learned" thaf’-’ghe had been ’selected " rreceiye the w a rtHShe i s employed-at-thfe-store after-school-and iSaturdays. ■* . ■■■*.,.. ■** ' , . ■ "* * ,, ' ~*— - * - —— lari ms Title Bulldogs Win From Flying Dutchmen Must Win from Saline __ Friday Night To Keep Title Hopes Alive The Dutchman from Manchester came flying'Into* Chelsea last vFri- day night with plans of upsetting the_Bullddgs and didn’t let rup^or a moment in their effort to do so. The fine effort was in vain, however., as the Bulldogs, playing their^ paorestnftoor game_of~t:lre season, Ha(rjiist~a little tod hujcH* for the.Flying Dutchman to handle. The first half o.f-play ,sj»w Mart- Chester Jrustle. their way t«Ta slim 24-23~hal£-time lead, only to have j the Bujldogs -wipe -it-out-by. out- ! sepring the Dutchmen, lfi-flj in the' third''vperiod and regain the lead at 39-30: gbing„_hTtd. the^fourth qparter. - -- In the 'fbuVth.”pt*riod the. Dutch- man "wouldn't let the Bulldogs re- lax in any way, as they repeatedly came back from as far as TO points ,do.wn to cut the lead at one time to four points. But the Bulldogs were mot about to Jiuml victory over to the Dutchman, and kept’ plugging aVvay even though they were having a prior night. With five seconds—left in the game;— the-' Bulldogs- were leading 56-49, but Manchester^-ibig (>’4” Jerry Pniewski hit on a 3Q-fdot’ hook- shot to *make_the~finaL^score Chelsea 56, Manchester 5E ... Chelsenhatl balanced scoring, as Alton Nixon showed the ii* . f. ’. a * Mothers’ March on - ■4 $ .e '< ktu'i r 1961 Petty Crocker- Home- of Tomorrow for .ChelserT school is Marilyn Pajot,-'a.c- Hng-to an anmnweemefttr-made- t weekby General Mills, Minne- M inii, - .. .. - ["Havitigreceived the highest score t a writtenexamination, on home- iking knowledge and; attitudes, liken bygraduating’ seniors in her wool. she becomes a candidate Ike state Homemaker py-award-which—will in A l&rch" ~ "of Tm Iwrrow receives an award ’ pin, ihired hv .Instens-and re p - entinjrthe-stognn, "Home—is. here the Heart is.” The exnm in- in competition to nam e th e iMs Homemaker of T om orrow , [The lini.tiooliomemaking educa- te ‘program-^pensnred bv Gen-f liilh^of ferfLii-$lt500.-schi "ter'ihe rfii-rtt— ranking \gtrl-Tiv Kh state-ami-ienO-srholarship to their arrow. faculty advisors receive expense-paid -educational" tour. hYM'jrk City', Colonial—Wil- ^insburg, Va„ and Washington, I-u, April 3-1.1, the trip culminat- the the, anjuiunmueilt- nerican- Homemaker Vf To- onow whose scholarship is in- f**sed ■ to V> (Hill. Second, third ^fourth ranking Homemakers fEpw. in tin.1" nation ' will have their 'scholarships raised to ?4,00117_$3,000_ and- $2,000, respec- tively. . YT-he-tesiiirtg-ahd-4udging^-is.. con^. ducted ' by Science ^Research Asso- ciates of Chicago.' With a record 402,786. girls in 12,633 of the na- tion’§T"Schools participating this year, the Betty Crocker Search has enrolled more than two million girls in its soveri-year history.' ' : Mike Apel Rolls Perfect papers of school ■ Home- ers ofTomonow will be. Sylvan Lanes bowling alley here, won ac- c(i\ inr~fo f~Ti\TH i ifyin g f or-member - ship in bowling's -for. exclusive ”300’ Jan7“18(~\vhilecompeting in. Varden *• -Classic League at day, the Jackson. His flest 30p-game ’ was-recorded severar years ” ago at Toledo, , t). The 300 .igame W ednesday,to- gother w ith -a - 214r^ftnd a 190 ~him game, m gave a Whiio 704 is an enviable series score it is one Itras record of 705 wbiefi he compiled Tuesday night, J a n . -1 IS, While, playing in Jackson’s Palace Clas- sic-Leaguer' -------- : way witlv 14 points, followed, by Mike Marsh and Homej Nixon who had 18 and 12 points, respectively. Daryl Kee* zer scored 8 points; Ed- Lauhon 5 a nd-DFvid-M eLaugh Lin4 For Manchester, Ken Brokow and Jerry Creech each scored 14- points, wtth~Gary Pniews^ci—getting ^Tl.- The"’ Chelsea . Junior. Varsity aguin.came on strong.in the second ^alf_to. defeat the little Dutchman 6l4l. .Chelsea travels to Saline tomor- row night, foi^g game that is a MUST, if they expect to stay in contention for the Washtenaw'Con- ference championship. The flornets of Saline are presently,., sporting ^TfJne 5-0r^nterence_recordrTTrjd are 9-1 on very fast, smooth-working, hustl ing team .-With lotsz'of - barringl. a let-down ,.rin -either lent ball game. itPrious service. Mrs. .Thomas_ March chairman Rogers Comers Group flames Church Council St. John’s. Evangelical: and Re- , .................. -formetl-eliui,eh-at-Roger*--Cornarv|-^‘rg^ nt its annual pongregational meet- ing, elected Dupne Westphal as a member -of:-the Church Counciilto succeed John Niehaus whose term., had. expired. 7 - -The— Church—Councif- held -its orgiinizationul meeting Monday: evening, J ihi,— l(>,—ut—tb e - h o m e -o f the .'president,' 'Mrs. Ellis Pratt and re-elected Mrs. Pratt.- 7 Also niTmcuiLtvere"the secretary, Mrs,- -Erwin HUmderei^- and— the Mothers’; for • the New campaign, - has- completed. .final detaii^of-the-an!.' "nual eveiit tivhich -is one of the highlights -of Chelsea’sLcampaign. ( Contrary to earlier announce-' mentis wirich: erroneousi-y state<i- the event would be staged Mon- • jliiy, the Mothers’ Mgreh is toHake p 17ure” 'l'uosd’ay evening,_ J an . 31, from 7 p.m. until 8 p,m. _ .7 treasurer, Robert Tri’nkle. In addition to the^-neyrly-elected member, Huane Wesfphlvlj the re'- presentation certif- icate of achievement took place Jan.. 16 in the officev CERTJFlCATE_OhK ACHIEVEMENT— -Major Genefal Dwight EY'Beach, commanding general of The:82nd Airborne Division, Fort BraggrN»-G.;-'war^brCOl.om*I■ Byron L. Steger, eommunding officer at- present’to congratulate MajonWarjone" E.TSwlt" IVmnack—Army.“Hospital at Fort: Hragg,-where of "the Army Nurse" eorps“nfter"she^received-a-cer»— -Major-Sodt-is-now- head-nurse-in^the-receiving-of- .maming.Church Council member is Robert Koc’h. 1 ::: Tho Rcvr Donald-Voss is-pastor. of_"the church. " ' - tificate of achievement "for distinguished and mer- fice. She joined theJiQspital-staff-there Jan. 4. * _ ' r * * t Major Marjorie Sodt Earns Set For Thur At impressive ceremonies,in the office-of Colonel Byron L. Steger, commanding* o f f i c e r, Womack Army Hospital, Fort-Biagg, N, C., a certiffcate of achievement was presented to Major Marjorie &pdt, of the- Army Nurse Corps, 'for “distinguished— and. meritorious service from Feb. 13, 1958, to Dec. 23, 19(50, as chiijf nurse, attending "sxrrgeon^s-'--Qffico,— W alter - .—Reed- Army Medical Center, Washing- ton, D.C.’’. Major Sodt ia 1 tei^of^j--M r^R uth’^ :SdH*f^CheIsefi, rfschooi-teacher, and— t- h e - la tc - Re-u<, ieveinent Nurse Corps in. 1945. She has com- pleted several^ professional trairv- tirg"courses-"offered—by the Arm-j^ including the Medicnh Field m S oi - v- ice and . Nursing Administration courses at tlie Army Medical Serv- ice:- School, Fort Sum Houston, Sponsoring Tex.v and the Munagement of -Mnss Casualties course at Walter Reed imy—M-edi.eal Gonter,-W ashington, f). C. Wliile assigned to Tripler Army Hospital in Hawaii, she at i From 7 p.m. until1 ' 9 p.m. this evening (Thursday) is": the date‘ .for flic annual~~Tin'fi:rabies do'g vae- ..cinaHon__clinic-at _,S.y 1 v an ■ j own. TlaiT. ■ A” $2 -fee - is . charged cpvcr the'cost of the clinic. . Planned for' the convenionce.-of- to tended.classes at the University;of Hawaii. . In addition to "her mother,- Ker relatives hero -include • . a- sister, Mfs. Lowell: Snike.' 3200 Sharon Five Directors Chest Board At tlie~ annual meettng of the Chelsea Community Chest Wed- iWsday, Jaiw 18, two-directors word senes W aP ’d'f cngible-fop-Te^lectioh-^Lylo-HnsoI^ ben Sodt. Colonel ei Dwight- general -the-—presentaTien—-by- St ego r^. Major Soclt. was the Beach, 82nd commanding _ ’Airborne Di-] record-bop The Chelsea 1 Varsity Club is sponsoring a basketball game and vision at Fort Bragg. General and Mrs- Bench were guests of honor Saturday tfoing into Tug bt with the club’s to ' support at the ceremonies. General—Beach and- both-graduateii-froffl-Ghehtoa High--gtuU sehoolri- tlie--geuorall. |iv.-192iL-*and. Major Sodt in 1935. : Major Sodt conrpleted proceeds treasury, which helps various phases of "[lrc uthictie •pro^ Major" Sfdt-.l grain iind serve the public by or- for- the football—and- ■■basketball Nets$208fop Polio Fund ■nurses' trailing at W. A. Foote Memorial hospital,, in Jacksotv-in—19-40, iind began her career with fhv; Army tfiuorrit nnfl Miles Smith—and .five -13 The newly- ATfrcfl new ones were namedj <*lepTpd dmectors nre Mrs Mayer, Janies Allan, Armin Schneider, Jack'W ellnitz and Lyle Chriswell. ; _The 1U directors of the 21-mem- gn hies;. ....... 1 ” “ - Th(r-gani»r'wiH'-!ie-:bct\x'et‘n--thc- Ghelsea -Faculty and the WI’AG :adi'o_staff.7Ihe_gamc will start at 7:30 p.m., and will'feature nearly all of, the Chelsea- mal]* faculty members -plus -the entire-. W-PAC I’.Tdio s ta ff; - [4i ber board whosp. three-year terms ;T(l-id—not expire this year are -Mrs. Robert Daniels, . Richard Kern, Richard Smith, George Atkinson, Allen Broesamle, Willard Guest, N. II. ’Miles. Dr. Michael Papo. Robcrt/Rudd, Loon Chapman, Donald Baldwin, Howard Andersol^ a^d Miss Ger- trude Young. . ^ /At thlTTiTjnnrizntional meeting, of the jionrd of- directors, Com- munity Chest officers xvere elected as follows: Lyle Haselswerdt, pvri/ ident; Donald Baldwin, vice-presi- dent; Howard Anderson, secre- tary; and. Miss , Gertrude Young, treits.urer (re-elected). Directors who had'- served two three-year terms and thus were ineligibler forre-electiontosucceed themselves are. Calvin Summers who served as president; -William !,Collins, J. V. Burg, II, and Robert, j Taylor. ,■■■ - i —; ,V j The remaining outgoing director is Mrs. James Wihdell wh6 had Epidemic Say Local Doctors ^helsea^ physicians, crintacted yesterday concerning reports that the liver ailment known -as. hepa- titis has affected a. large_nuniber MrsTlof chil^ii'en in-Chelsea schools, said Frillowing with Dave game TOCOl'd- spinning the discs, will take place' in Chelsea. High school cafeteria. this is not .true. Because many parents are being unduly alarmed by_ the report, however, they felt it \frise to clarify the situation. Dr. J. V.' -Fishery president—of- the Chelsea' School District Board of Education, checking with Dr. A. A. Palmer, 'pf, V. R. Hansen, Dr. Michael Papo and. Dr. James Shadoan, found that he and the four, other physicians, together; Five Foxes — Bagged in Annual Hunt served the ynexpirecn^m of Mrs Fred Schumm. i Annual reports g iv e n a t Wed ncMlay’s meeting by the t r e a a u r e i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ rumors 0f « ftn- epj know‘of a total of only four veri- fied cases of the disease at the present time. This number of cases does not constitute an epidemic, the doc- tora-jioint out', .and necessity for a wholsesaje immunization pro- gram is definitely not indicated. The doctors said they are keep- ing a close watch on the situation; however, they believe that/be-. Eight foxes sighted and five bagged was the scoYo for the 50 -hunters—who^-participuted in. the annual fox hunt in this» area Sun- ihty.--A 11— five—were—downed— hi tho- Shavon towriship. area. . ..An additional section . hunted this year—along Cavanaugh Lake Rd., from Letts Creek to ..Pierce Rd. and south to. US-12—resulted Th sighting only one one "got away." - : The five foxes shot were . all bagged by beti'oTt'’mem -^—. __ This w«j * Chelsea’s sevimth an- nual fox hunt' and was sponsored jointly by.the Detroit Outdoovsincn dub, the ‘ Jackson County Out- doors club and the Chelsea Rod and. Gun club. m | ^ clAlKiHlilN was caught by the camera as h« tipped 8hot' t0 wore early In the fourth quarter of the N ty \ia ^ e sea basketball game here -last Friday, ^ ftacb« ^ h?,,ler* ,s S3, mpp«ar« much teller than his 5 7 ah M l T», */!** w attempt to stopJVlcLaughlln. Manchester s (t who ig e’l" tall, was also closing In. at the Htiw,.' 'ary I‘tllew*hl 6’3", Mancheater's No/51, Is at the right, Marah, (4%) 1* at the left, w«chtog b ‘lt ; * CheUen won the game, the final score atandlnf at -.-V- Miss Gertrude Young, indicate that membcT^ngendcs will receive only 90 per cent of their budget re- ' quests , for 1961 - Unless additional contributions are received and it Iwas .pointed out that such , nddi- tional contributions nfay bo mkdc at uny time and would be greatly appreciated. ... Total amount pledged by the close of the general fund-raising campaign was listed in the treas- ! urer’s report as $l8,90kl,ft4» which is approximately 90 per cent of. the. $15JJa7..fi«t aq tho goal for the campaign. . ■ , Hurshel O’Dell is, a" patient at St.. Joseph MercJ? hoapital, Ann Arbor, having entered The hfts-' pital Simday. ' . . Mrs. Helen Ulrich, Mrs.’ Ger- trude Frisk and Mrs.' Ruth Otto of Ann Arbor, spent Wednesday here with fora. lia Carty. Proposed Volleyball domic" the natural* concern and Gxoup' Organization anxiety of many parents has reached a stage ivhibh Is out of proportion to actual conditions., In households Wheio an illness Meet Set }or Feb. -2 —— Because of -conflict of -aetivities the proposed.volleyball group‘‘for is—diagnosed fts -hepatitiSv jxeopler -yoimg-or- j*mmg middle-agc-meii-- wht, Knvn h»>nn in nrnl/mtrad kmi. ...Li.t. ..... . ... ___ who have been in prolonged eon tact swith the patient may be given gamma globulin supplied hy the Health Department as an ImmunU satirin .measure, Casual contact, .such as going intO-«:hepatitia:pationt*s homa-ioj'Jw-..-. __________ a short time, does * not constitute announced last weok that appriix- whichAvas. to hold its. first session at the Junior High school,gyn'\na»r ium. tohight, has postponed the meeting luntil next Thursday, Feb. 2. * , ' ... r .’ ":-- 1 h A group interested in getting .the recreation program underway sufficient exposure to call for the immunisation, the doctors state. Precautions* against hepatitis, aa ift any Other infectious dsease, the doctors point nut, is adequate rest, proper diet and,normAI cleanliness, including frequent washing of the hands. The four cases In thq Chelsea schools at present Involve elemen- tary school age children. imately 40 men (should be included if the project ia to be »i successful venture.. The plan is to meet from ,7:30 until 9(80 p.m. each Thursday. Those who might he interested in participating may^contact uny of the following for detail^: Robert Foster, Haryey .Lixey, Stephen dark, Arnold Stogeti—Fremont Boyer, George Winans or David Stbieter, ■ . a v Hollow- ltd., an3”two brothers, L Dean Sodt of 6123’ Hashlcy Rd. and Howard SodfTbf TJacksob. dog'owners so th'cy may comply with th e law requiring all dogs’'to bo. vaccinated before a dyg license may be issued, tluv-Tlihic.s x) f—a—p ro g ra m —of—th v Gene’rar David Beach Beach is . a hi'ther of: Chelsea; Tf LMits were, the late Ml1 . TTTs" _a.wL pn.r- Mrs D. E. Beach, Peanut Sale Proceeds of the ‘‘Peamits-£or- Polio” .sale held here the past- two Saturdays anomited to $208.397ac- cxmitlig. to a report" by the-chair*, man, Mis. Robert Foye. Boy' Scouts of Troop 25, with TonT PeblinTlegoivTiiT”chargeV: sold peanuts . Saturday. - Jan.—-14", and Binv S o u l s of Troop ,76. with mid. peanuts Saturday; of the square <lance sponsored a t- SiVutli school Sat-. in charge, Jim. 21. Proceeds awla’y/inght by the Chelsea Prom- enmlers aihounted to (approximate.- y $60, the club paying the'school rental fee as its.contribution. Another spyeial area o f contribn- tion .is n~March~nf: Dimes,'bowline" tonrnnnient-,— in-wbieb-leugup-how ers at t’lieisen. Lanes are partici- pating on a voluntary basis, Toiiriirtinent. play began Jain 1” and will eontiimeMhrouglv .Jau.-28r High 'scorer for the two-weeks —Chelsea l.alies 'will be eligible eventually finals. will compete in slate ape par Washtenaw. County—Veterinary Medicul Asso- ciation and the Health Depart- m eat. to—keep rabies nut—of tin* county.. 1 . ■, .-Dtv -Otto Engolke,. -WaslUenaw county neat tlr off ire ly in amiouiir^ tng ttre—ctii county; said' Volunteer Teams Assigned To Call On Every Home V -.•.•■ . . ' 4 .... Bust, Marchers will calf at.every 'home'f/ in - C h e l s e a . _____ .' ~ 1 /Eight' tennis of .‘‘marchers’’ have been 'appointed;'arid-each— team,;is. in .charge of a block captain. MrsfBus'L’s list of .workers is as ^ "follows: , Teaivf No.* William' OS- i. -borne;:cnptuin; Mrs, James Howe, Mrjn—Philip—M-eGibney, Mrs." Paul— Bollinger,7 Miis. Darrel Stitterth-- waite, Mrs. Joe Scott; Mrs. WesV - Ellcnwood and -Mrs, LeKoV ley Gl'ob.' " T------; ------------ : Team Ny^."—Mrs; J. J. McCar- tliy, cantainY/ Mrs. Thomas Mc- Clear, Mrs/ Ttonind A'lberv Mrs. J. TtzrMnr." George MeKeighan, Mrs-. WjJJinm Ilitehingham, Mrs. Roland TOder and Mrs. /Carl Ben- amin..... ; Team .Nor 3—Mrs. Richard Smith, eaptanv; ~Mts. J.. V. Burg, ff MTsT faTTr yTve"\Vhit e","jl rs.^J a clr" Pfeifle, Mrs. 'Clarence Ulrich and 'Mrs, ;sStanlcy_- Beal. . . , . — Team — — 4—Mrs. —Wiljiam ■.Storey, captain: Mrs. Donald' Doll, Mrs. Donald Walz, Mrs. David Lindsay, Mrs. Robert Bertke, Mrs, Harold—Pennington,—Mrs. --Charles Celman, Mrs. Ka>’"\v<»oil- 17an’tis'. . Team No. 5—Mrs. Themlore- Faist. captain: .Mrs, Will jam Free-" nrac.ticing vetn'inar- ian.s in “ ohc I i conmniniv will' a if. minister- the -new - avianized vac- vhe-wbi elv-w r otrbt^d ogsHW"* twu-yeiu-pcxiod in.-ilead of.llre pne- yeai^pTTit^ction'^bprmeTfTvj'th vac- cine used in_the_pasL — t-li+vies—si-milar—to tlvose-]>buMiod- tbis month -have beep' conducted since 1948 when a cotnitv onlirt- man, Mrs. Victor Uussellr .Gardner, Croiich,. Mrs, Alex Winter, Mrs,, ;MTs, . Duane M shar#- Mi's. Jack Merkel. ^TT: -~Team No.; (i—Mrs, P.- E; Shar- wwlr-o«pt ai n:—Mi s. Rober-t—UouItv- -M-rs— Dowmer-rrMrs—Doniel- .Murjiliy,... Mrs. .Fredrick ._Wagnor, .Mrs. Diivid Winans aii(TMrs.">aIf). May (till'd lance- -.was ‘passed., rta^uiring—all Tdogs^to -bp^virrernated-pidoi—tir-lTc- inn'- licensed.- : ______ _ - The clinics arc hot the only means-of securing rabies vaceim ations -since veterinarians - offei' the vaceiiiat'ion tlie ,year round at thojr offices' _for. a , reguIuf fee; however, the clinics do offer low cost vaec'ituition to dog owners who might find, it,difficult to'womply with the—regn4at4on-i ■illation for their dog': This. year's clinics are under the -direct foil of Ur, .George , h,'. Bowler, vcterinai.ian-nu'at inspec- tor on the -Hiuilth -Departmenj staff, ... - - 'I’ownship clerks co-operate by being present at the clinics to is- sue'dog’licenses to all dog owners wbo~ w islr tT Ji ~se , pile. Dr, Bowler’ rennmis dog owners that the deadline for purebasmg (log license without penalty' is March .1. —— - ■In Lyndon township the rabies clinic was held last Friday IlexCTUiTut one last STrruL'dii“y“;"TTfnt lasC the Manchester ai'ea held last night. clinic was 'ream No. ' captain; Mr; i-M-i;s^-,Jatn(‘s - Binloek and "~Tenm ,No. 8 —rMrs. Fldon -Gorton, a -Donald Hankerd, Ga k o n - M rs —Dorm! d- ■Mrs. John Dettling. —,Airs. WT'llinm Bade. -Mi - stt —.George- Ca plain "MrsT'^Rirv" 'If't'fulp',"~M rs;r niachre, :Prfmcifrg^ Iluey Hardy^JMrs, Garl Reynolds', .Mrs'. .Leopard. French, 'Mrs, John Chaplin* and.-Mrs. David Sanborn. Foreign Student Tells Kiwaniam mitJii&FountrtF , ll.OW 11 stu- <if Michigan,' Ki- __ Y." Gopabln of India dent (it .the University was tlie guest"* speaker at t'fui _ wants Chib meeting .MdndTiy eve- ning.. He .related many interesting facts about the India of today, touching -oiv the food situation, as Well ns the general economy and government - policies.* • ’> 1 le a 1 so" answered KLwaniatis’ (piestions about his country.' K.iwanis President James Lie'-' herk7'w itb foil r other ^(’heIsea K i- Kiwanis eonferenoe at Kalamazoo' tftst \*i'eek/ThefmrrmooV! IiciT-pen- ballegi'ii, A, D. Mayer. M. J. An--, doi'soh and Anton .Nielsen'.- ■ ■m iwyi 14 1 f J I',"' MYSTERY FARM No. 135—Do you know this farm~-whero it<is located and who is the owner If you do. please call The ^tandafd office and tell Us? It la the 135th.. in the. series of farm photos !:■ published each week fo.r readers to identify if they can. The owner willybe given a free 'mounted' photo ’oLthe farm if he will. call,.at The Standard office, on or before Saturday. " ’ , ....... .... s \ •: ' . a - - ." •J:

Title Major Marjorie Sodt Earns ieveinent - IIS Windows Server

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.. f t ' f i s18 1 .1 as • o.oo

A V 3ii as Truce

.... i) i0 1,0.08Jiii. J L i . _ u Trace

'M $ ’ ' 2 D"’* Jrftced»N' Vo*»■ K .1 14 Trace

/7 J - ’

t -. - QUOTE

flj)Tl£TH 'YEAR— No. BO 12 Pageb T h is W eek C H E L S E A , M ICH IG A N , TH U R SD A Y , JA N U A R Y 26, 1001w »— ■ i ■■■" 1 i ■■■■« ............... —

106 p e r Copy

Ambassadors have no battle/* ships at their disposal, or heavy infantry, or 1 fortresses;' their weapons are words and oppor­

tunities, Y ’ —Demosthenes'

SU B SC R IPT IO N $3.00 P E R Y E A R ,

■..{ ■ :j

dARlLVN TAJOT, chosen 1961 “Homemake^of Tomorrow" Ffron Chelsea .High school, was at work polishing silverware at

I ianw Jewelry Store1-, when The Standard photographer hap- §'Mntd by_1ust after she Had learned" thaf’-’ghe had been ’selected " rreceiye the wa rtHShe is employed-at-thfe-store after-school-and —

iSaturdays. ■*. ■■■*.,.. ■** ' , ■ • . ■♦ "* * ,, ' ~*— - * - ——

lari m sTitle

Bulldogs Win From Flying

DutchmenMust Win from Saline

__Friday Night To KeepTitle Hopes AliveThe Dutchman from M anchester

came flying'Into* Chelsea last vFri- day night with plans of upsetting the_Bullddgs and didn’t le t ru p ^ o r a moment in their effort to do so.

The fine effort was in vain, however., as the Bulldogs, playing their^ paorestnftoor game_of~t:lre season, Ha(rjiist~a little tod hujcH* for the.Flying Dutchman to handle.

The f irs t half o.f-play ,sj»w Mart- Chester Jrustle. their way t«Ta slim 24-23~hal£-time lead, only to have

j the Bujldogs -wipe -it-out-by. out- ! sepring the Dutchmen, lfi-flj in the ' third''vperiod and regain the lead a t 39-30: gbing„_hTtd. th e^ fo u rth qparter. - --

In the 'fbuVth.”pt*riod the. Dutch­man "wouldn't let the Bulldogs re­lax in any way, as they repeatedly came back from as far as TO points ,do.wn to cut the lead a t one time to four points. But the Bulldogs were mot about to Jiuml victory over to the Dutchman, and kept’ plugging aVvay even though they were having a prior night.

With five seconds—left in the game;—the-' Bulldogs- were leading 56-49, but Manchester^-ibig (>’4” Jerry Pniewski hit on a 3Q-fdot’ hook- shot to *make_the~finaL^score Chelsea 56, Manchester 5E...Chelsenhatl balanced scoring, asAlton Nixon showed the

i i* . f. ’.a* Mothers’ March on-

■ 4$

.e '<

ktu'i r

1961 Petty Crocker- Home- ■ of Tomorrow for .ChelserT school is Marilyn Pajot,-'a.c-

Hng-to an anmnweemefttr-made- t week by General Mills, Minne-

Minii, ■ - .. .. -["Havitigreceived the highest score t a written examination, on home- iking knowledge and; attitudes,

liken by graduating’ seniors in her wool. she becomes a candidate

Ike state Homemaker py-award-which—will

in Al&rch" ~"of Tm

Iwrrow receives an award ’ pin, ihired hv .Instens-and rep-

entinjrthe-stognn, "Home—is. here the Heart is.” The exnmin-

in competition to name the i Ms Homemaker of Tomorrow, [The lini.tiooliomemaking educa­te ‘program-^pensnred bv Gen-f

liilh of ferfLii-$ lt500.-schi "ter'ihe rfii-rtt— ranking \gtrl-Tiv

Kh state-ami-ienO-srholarship to


faculty advisors receive expense-paid -educational" tour. hYM'jrk City', Colonial—Wil-

insburg, Va„ and Washington, I-u, April 3-1.1, the trip culminat-

thethe, anjuiunmueilt- nerican- Homemaker Vf To-

onow whose scholarship is in- f**sed ■ to V> (Hill. Second, th ird

fourth ranking Homemakers fEpw. in tin.1" nation ' will

have their 'scholarships raised to ?4,00117_$3,000_ and- $2,000, respec­tively. ■ . ‘

YT-he-tesiiirtg-ahd-4udging^-is.. con . ducted ' by Science Research Asso­ciates of Chicago.' With a record 402,786. girls in 12,633 of the na- tion’§T"Schools participating this year, the Betty Crocker Search has enrolled more than two million girls in its soveri-year history.' ' :

Mike ApelRolls Perfect

papers of school ■ Home-ers ofTomonow will be. Sylvan

Lanes bowling alley here, won ac- c(i\ i nr~fo f~Ti\TH i i fyin g f or-m em be r -ship in bowling's

-for.exclusive ”300’

Jan7“1 8 (~ \vh ilecom peting in.V arden *• -Classic League a t

day, theJackson.

His flest 30p-game ’ was-recordeds e v e ra r years ” ago a t Toledo, , t).

The 300 .igame W ednesday ,to - gother w i th - a - 214r^ftnd a 190

~h imgame,m —

gave a

Whiio 704 is an enviable seriesscore it is one Itras record of 705 wbiefi he compiled Tuesday night, Jan . -1 IS, While, playing in Jackson’s Palace C las­sic-Leaguer'-------- :

way witlv 14 points, followed, by Mike Marsh and Homej Nixon who had 18 and 12 points, respectively. Daryl Kee* zer scored 8 points; Ed- Lauhon 5 a nd-DFvid-M eLaugh Lin4

For Manchester, Ken Brokow and Jerry Creech each scored 14- points, wtth~Gary Pniews^ci—getting ^Tl.-

The"’ Chelsea . Junior. Varsity aguin.came on strong.in the second ^alf_to. defeat the little Dutchman 6 l4 l .

.Chelsea travels to Saline tomor­row night, foi^g game that is a MUST, if they expect to stay in contention for the Washtenaw'Con- ference championship. The flornets of Saline are presently,., sporting ^TfJne 5-0r^nterence_ recordrTTrjdare 9-1 on very fast, smooth-working, hustl ing team .-With lotsz'of - barringl. a let-down ,.rin -either

lent ball game.

itPrious service.

Mrs. .Thomas_ March chairman

Rogers Comers Group flames Church Council

St. John’s. Evangelical: and Re- , ..................-formetl-eliui,eh-at-R oger*--C ornarv|-^‘rg^ nt its annual pongregational m eet­ing, elected Dupne W estphal as a member -of:-the Church C ounciilto succeed John Niehaus whose term., had. expired.—7- -The— Church—Councif- held - i t s orgiinizationul m eeting Monday: evening, J ihi,—l(>,—ut—tbe- hom e-of the .'president,' 'Mrs. Ellis P ra tt and re-elected Mrs. P ra tt .- 7

Also niTmcuiLtvere"the secretary,Mrs,- -Erwin HUmderei^- and— the

Mothers’; for • the New campaign, - has-

completed. .final detaii^of-the-an!.' "nual eveiit tivhich -is one of the highlights -of Chelsea’sLcampaign.( Contrary to earlier announce-' mentis wirich: erroneousi-y state<i- the event w ould be staged Mon- •

jliiy, the M others’ Mgreh is toH ake p 17ure” 'l'uosd’ay evening,_ J an . 31, from 7 p.m. until 8 p,m. _ . 7

treasurer, Robert Tri’nkle.In addition to the^-neyrly-elected

member, Huane Wesfphlvlj the re'-

presentation certif­icate of achievement took place Jan.. 16 in the officev

CERTJFlCATE_OhK ACHIEVEMENT—-Major Genefal Dwight EY'Beach, commanding general of The:82nd Airborne Division, Fort BraggrN»-G.;-'war^brCOl.om*I■ Byron L. Steger, eommunding officer at- present’ to congratulate M ajonW arjone" E.TSwlt" IVmnack—Army.“Hospital at Fort: Hragg,-where of "the Army Nurse" eorps“nfter"she^received-a-cer»— -Major-Sodt-is-now- head-nurse-in^the-receiving-of-

.maming.Church Council member is Robert Koc’h. 1 :::

Tho Rcvr Donald- Voss is-pastor. of_"the church. " ' -

tificate of achievement "for distinguished and mer- fice. She joined theJiQ spital-staff-there Jan. 4.* _ ' r * * t

Major Marjorie Sodt Earns Set For Thur

At impressive cerem onies,in the office-of Colonel Byron L. Steger, commanding* o f f i c e r, Womack Army Hospital, Fort-B iagg , N, C., a certiffcate of achievement was presented to Major M arjorie &pdt, of the- Army Nurse Corps, 'fo r “distinguished— and. meritorious service from Feb. 13, 1958, to Dec. 23, 19(50, as chiijf nurse, attending

"sxrrgeon^s-'--Qffico,— W alter -.—Reed- Army Medical Center, W ashing­ton, D.C.’’. Major Sodt ia

1 te i^o f^ j--M r^R u th ’ :SdH*f^CheIsefi, rfschoo i- teacher, and—t-he-la tc -Re-u<,

ieveinentNurse Corps in. 1945. She has com­pleted several^ professional trairv- tirg"courses-"offered—by the Arm-j^ including the Medicnh F ieldmSoi-v- ice and . N ursing Adm inistration courses a t tlie Army Medical Serv­ice:- School, F o rt Sum Houston,


Tex.v and the Munagement of -Mnss Casualties course a t W alter Reed

imy—M-edi.eal Gonter,-W ashington, f ) . C. Wliile assigned to Tripler Army H ospital in Hawaii, she at

i From 7 p.m. un til1' 9 p.m. this evening (Thursday) is": the d a t e ‘.for flic annual~~Tin'fi: rabies do'g vae-..cinaHon__clin ic-at_,S.y 1 v an ■ j own.TlaiT. ■ A” $2 -fee - is . charged cpvcr th e 'co s t of the clinic. .

Planned for' the convenionce.-of-


tended.classes a t the U niversity;of Hawaii. .

In addition to "her m other,- Ker relatives hero -include •. a- sister, Mfs. Low ell: Snike.' 3200 Sharon

Five Directors

Chest BoardAt tlie~ annual m eettng of the

Chelsea Community Chest Wed- iWsday, Jaiw 18, two-directors word

senes W a P ’d 'f cng ible-fop-Te^lectioh-^Lylo-HnsoI^

ben Sodt.

Colonel ei

Dwight- general

-the-—presentaTien— -by- St ego r^. Major Soclt. was


82ndcommanding _

’Airborne Di-] record-bop

The Chelsea 1 V arsity Club is sponsoring a basketball game and

vision at Fort Bragg. General and Mrs- Bench were guests of honor

Saturday tfoing into

Tug bt with the club’s to ' support

a t the ceremonies. General—Beach and-

both-graduateii-froffl-Ghehtoa H igh--gtuU sehoolri- tlie--geuorall. |iv.-192iL-*and. Major Sodt in 1935.: Major Sodt conrpleted

proceedstreasury, which helps various phases of "[lrc uthictie •pro^

Maj or" Sfdt-.l grain iind serve the public by or-

for- the football—and- ■■basketball

Nets$208fop Polio Fund

■nurses'tra ilin g a t W. A. Foote Memorial hospital,, in Jacksotv-in—19-40, iind began her career with fh v ; Army

tfiuorrit nnfl Miles Sm ith—and .five -13The newly-

ATfrcflnew ones were namedj <*lepTpd dmectors nre Mrs Mayer, Janies Allan, Armin Schneider, Jack 'W elln itz and Lyle Chriswell. ;_T he 1U directors of the 21-mem-

gn hies;........ 1 ” “ -■ Th(r-gani»r'wiH'-!ie-:bct\x'et‘n--thc- Ghelsea -Faculty and the W I’AG :adi'o_staff.7Ihe_gam c will s ta r t a t

7:30 p.m., and w ill'fea tu re nearly all of, the Chelsea- mal]* faculty members -plus -the entire-. W-PAC I’.Tdio staff; -


ber board whosp. three-year terms ;T(l-id—not expire this year are -Mrs.

Robert Daniels, . Richard Kern, Richard Smith, George Atkinson, Allen Broesamle, Willard Guest, N. II. ’Miles. Dr. Michael Papo. Robcrt/Rudd,Loon Chapman, Donald Baldwin, Howard Andersol^ a^d Miss Ger­trude Young. . ^

/At thlTTiTjnnrizntional meeting, of the jionrd of- directors, Com­munity Chest officers xvere elected as follows: Lyle Haselswerdt, pvri/ ident; Donald Baldwin, vice-presi­dent; Howard Anderson, secre­tary; and. Miss , Gertrude Young, treits.urer (re-elected).

Directors who had'- served two three-year terms and thus were ineligibler forre-electiontosucceed themselves are. Calvin Summers who served as president; -William

!,Collins, J. V. Burg, II, and Robert, j Taylor. ,■■■- i —; ,Vj The remaining outgoing director is Mrs. James Wihdell wh6 had

Epidemic Say Local Doctors

^helsea^ physicians, crintacted yesterday concerning reports that the liver ailment known - as. hepa­titis has affected a. large_nuniber

MrsTlof chil ii'en in-Chelsea schools, said

F rillowing with Dave

game TOCOl'd-spinning

the discs, will take place' in Chelsea. H igh school cafeteria.

this is not .true. Because many parents are being unduly alarmed by_ the report, however, they felt it \frise to clarify the situation.

Dr. J. V.' -Fishery president—of- the Chelsea' School District Board of Education, checking with Dr. A. A. Palmer, 'p f, V. R. Hansen, Dr. Michael Papo and. Dr. James Shadoan, found that he and the four, other physicians, together;

Five Foxes — Bagged in Annua l Hunt

served the ynexpirecn^m of Mrs Fred Schumm. i

Annual reports g iv e n a t Wed ncMlay’s meeting by the t r e a a u r e i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ rumors 0f « ftn- epj

know‘of a total of only four veri- fied cases of the disease at the present time.

This number of cases does not constitute an epidemic, the doc- tora-jioint out', .and necessity for a wholsesaje immunization pro­gram is definitely not indicated.

The doctors said they are keep­ing a close watch on the situation; however, they believe th a t/b e -.

Eight foxes sighted and five bagged was the scoYo for the 50

-hunters—who^-participuted in . the annual fox hunt in this» area Sun- ihty.--A 11—five—were—downed—hi tho- Shavon towriship. area. ‘ ...An additional section . hunted

th is year—along Cavanaugh Lake Rd., from Letts Creek to ..Pierce Rd. and south to . US-12—resulted Th sighting only one one "got away." - :

The five foxes shot were . allbagged by beti'oTt'’ mem - — .__

This w«j* Chelsea’s sevimth an ­nual fox hunt' and was sponsoredjointly by.the Detroit Outdoovsincn dub, the ‘ Jackson County Out­doors club and the Chelsea Rod and. Gun club.

m | ^ clAlKiHlilN was caught by the camera as h« tipped 8hot' t0 wore early In the fourth quarter of the

N ty \ia ^ e sea basketball game here -last Friday,^ ftacb« ^ h?,,ler*,s S3, mpp«ar« much teller than his 5 7 ahM l T», */!** w attempt to stopJVlcLaughlln. Manchester s (t who ig e’l" tall, was also closing In. at theHtiw,.' 'ary I‘tllew*hl 6’3", Mancheater's N o/51, Is at the right,

Marah, (4%) 1* at the left, w«chtog b ‘lt ; * CheUen won the game, the final score atandlnf at


Miss Gertrude Young, indicate that membcT^ngendcs will receive only 90 per cent of their budget re-

■' quests , for 1961 - Unless additional contributions are received and it

I was .pointed out that such , nddi- tional contributions nfay bo mkdc at uny time and would be greatly appreciated. . . .

Total amount pledged by the close of the general fund-raising campaign was listed in the treas-

! urer’s report as $l8,90kl,ft4» which is approximately 90 per cent of. the. $15JJa7..fi«t aq tho goal for the campaign.

. ■ , Hurshel O’Dell is, a" patient at

St.. Joseph MercJ? hoapital, Ann Arbor, having entered The hfts-' pital Simday. ' . .

Mrs. Helen Ulrich, Mrs.’ Ger­trude Frisk and Mrs.' Ruth Otto of Ann Arbor, spent Wednesday here with fora. l ia Carty.

Proposed Volleyballdomic" the natural* concern and G x o u p ' O r g a n i z a t i o nanxiety of many parents has reached a stage ivhibh Is out o f proportion to actual conditions.,

In households Wheio an illness

Meet Set }or Feb. -2——Because of -conflict of -aetivities

the proposed.volleyball g ro u p ‘‘for is—diagnosed fts -hepatitiSv jxeopler -yoimg-or- j*mmg middle-agc-meii-- wht, Knvn h»>nn in nrnl/mtrad kmi. ...Li.t. ..... . ... ___who have been in prolonged eon tact swith the patient may be given gamma globulin supplied hy the Health Department as an ImmunU satirin .measure,

Casual contact, .such as goingintO-«:hepatitia:pationt*s homa-ioj'Jw-..-. __________a short time, does * not constitute announced last weok that appriix-

whichAvas. to hold its. first session at the Junior High school,gyn'\na»r ium. tohight, has postponed the meeting luntil next Thursday, Feb.2. * , ' ...r.■ ’ ":-- 1 h

A group interested in getting .the recreation program underway

sufficient exposure to call for the immunisation, the doctors state.

Precautions* against hepatitis, aa ift any Other infectious dsease, the doctors point nut, is adequate rest, proper diet and, normAI cleanliness, including frequent washing of the hands.

The four cases In thq Chelsea schools at present Involve elemen­tary school age children.

imately 40 men (should be included if the project ia to be »i successful venture.. The plan is to meet from ,7:30 until 9(80 p.m. each Thursday.

Those who might he interested in participating may^contact uny of the following for detail^: Robert Foster, Haryey .Lixey, Stephen d a rk , Arnold Stogeti—Fremont Boyer, George Winans or David Stbieter, ■ . a v ■

Hollow- ltd., an3” two brothers, L Dean Sodt of 6123’ Hashlcy Rd. and Howard SodfTbf TJacksob.

dog 'ow ners so th'cy may comply with th e law requiring all dogs’'to bo. vaccinated before a dyg license may be issued, tluv-Tlihic.s

x) f—a—program —of—th v

Gene’rar David

Beach Beach

is . a hi'ther of: Chelsea;

T f

LMits were, the late Ml1.TTTs"


D. E. Beach,

Peanut Sale

Proceeds of the ‘‘Peam its-£or- Polio” .sale held here the past- two Saturdays anomited to $208.397ac- cxmitlig. to a report" by the-chair*, man, Mis. Robert Foye.

Boy' Scouts of Troop 25, with TonT PeblinTlegoivTiiT”chargeV: sold peanuts . Saturday. - Jan .—-14", and Binv S o u ls of Troop ,76. with

mid. peanuts Saturday;

of the square <lance sponsored at- SiVutli school Sat-.

in charge, Jim. 21.


awla’y /ingh t by the Chelsea Prom- enmlers aihounted to (approximate.- y $60, th e club paying th e 'sch o o l

rental fee as its.contribution.Another spyeial area o f contribn-

tion .is n~March~nf: Dimes,'bowline"tonrnnnient-,—in-wbieb-leugup-how ers at t ’lieisen. Lanes are partici­pating on a voluntary basis,

Toiiriirtinent. play began Jain 1” and will eontiimeMhrouglv .Jau.-28r

High 'scorer for the two-weeks —Chelsea l.alies 'will be eligible

eventually finals.

willcompete in slate

ape par Washtenaw.

C ounty—Veterinary Medicul Asso­ciation and the Health Depart- m e a t . to—keep rabies nut—o f tin* county.. 1 . ■,.-D tv -O tto Engolke,. -WaslUenaw

county neat t l r off ire ly in amiouiir^ tng ttre—ctii county; said'

Volunteer Teams Assigned To Call On Every HomeV-. •..•■. . ■' 4 . . . .


M archers will calf at.every 'hom e'f/in - C h e l s e a ._____ .' ~ 1 ■■

/E igh t' tennis of .‘‘m archers’’ have — been 'appointed;'arid-each—team ,;is. in .charge of a block captain.

MrsfBus'L’s list of .workers is as "follows: ■ ,

Teaivf No.* W illiam' OS- i.-borne;:cnptuin; Mrs, Jam es Howe, Mrjn—Philip—M-eGibney, Mrs." Paul— Bollinger,7 Miis. Darrel Stitterth-- waite, Mrs. Joe Scott; Mrs. WesV -

Ellcnwood and -M rs, LeKoVleyGl'ob.' " T------;------------ :

Team Ny^."— Mrs; J. J. McCar- tliy, can ta inY/ Mrs. Thomas Mc- Clear, M rs/ Ttonind A'lberv Mrs. J.

T tzrM nr." George MeKeighan, Mrs-. WjJJinm Ilitehingham , Mrs. Roland TOder and Mrs. /Carl Ben- amin..... ;

Team .Nor 3—Mrs. RichardSmith, eaptanv; ~Mts. J .. V. Burg, f f MTsT faTTr yTve"\V hit e","jl rs.^J a c l r " Pfeifle, Mrs. 'Clarence Ulrich and 'Mrs, ;sStanlcy_- Beal. . . , .— Team — — 4—Mrs. —W iljiam ■.Storey, captain : Mrs. Donald' Doll, Mrs. Donald Walz, Mrs. David Lindsay, Mrs. Robert Bertke, Mrs, H arold—Pe nnington,—Mrs. --Charles Celman, Mrs. Ka>’"\v<»oil- 17an’tis'.. Team No. 5—Mrs. Themlore- Faist. captain : .Mrs, Will jam F ree-"

nrac.ticing vetn 'inar-ian.s in “ohcIi conmniniv will' a if. minister- the -new - avianized vac- vhe-wbi elv-w r otrbt^d ogsHW"*tw u-yeiu-pcxiod in.-ilead o f .l lre pne-yeai^pTTit^ction'^bprmeTfTvj'th vac­cine used in _ th e_ p asL — t-li+vies—si-milar—to tlvose-]>buMiod- tbis month -have beep' conducted since 1948 when a cotnitv onlirt-

man, Mrs. Victor Uussellr .Gardner, Croiich,. Mrs, Alex

W inter, M rs,, ;MTs, . Duane

M shar#- Mi's.Jack Merkel. ■ ■ ^TT:- ~Team No.; (i— Mrs, P.- E; Shar-

ww lr-o«pt ai n : —M i s . Rober-t—UouItv- -M-rs— Dowmer-rrMrs—Doniel- .Murjiliy,... Mrs. .Fredrick ._Wagnor, .Mrs. Diivid Winans aii(TMrs.">aIf).May (till'd

lance- -.was ‘ passed., rta^uiring—all Tdogs^to -bp^virrernated-pidoi—tir-lTc-inn'- licensed.- :______■ ‘ _- The clinics arc hot the only m eans-of securing rabies vaceim ations -since veterinarians - offei' the vaceiiiat'ion tlie ,year round at thojr offices' _for. a , regu Iu f fe e ; however, the clinics do offer low cost vaec'ituition to dog owners who might f ind, it,d iff icu lt to'womply with the—regn4at4on-i ■illation for their dog':

T h is . year's clinics are under the -direct foil of U r, .G eorge , h,'. Bowler, vcterinai.ian-nu'at inspec-tor on the -Hiuilth -Departmenj s ta ff, ... - -

'I’ownship clerks co-operate by being present at the clinics to is­sue 'dog’ licenses to all dog owners wbo~ w islr tT Ji ~se , pile.

Dr, Bowler’ rennmis dog owners that the deadline for purebasm g

(log license without penalty ' is March .1. ——- ■In Lyndon township the rabies clinic was held last Friday IlexCTUiTut one last STrruL'dii“y“;"TTfntlasCt h e M anchester ai'ea held last night.

clinic was

'ream No. ' captain; Mr;

i-M-i;s^-,Jatn(‘s - Binloek and "~Tenm ,No. 8

—rMrs. Fldon -Gorton, a -Donald Hankerd, G a k o n -M rs — Dorm! d- ■Mrs. John Dettling. —,Airs. WT'llinm Bade.

-Mi-stt—.George-Ca plain "MrsT'^Rirv" 'If't'fulp',"~M rs ;r

niachre,:Prfmcifrg^Iluey Hardy^JM rs, Garl Reynolds', .Mrs'. .Leopard. French, 'Mrs, John Chaplin* and.-M rs. David Sanborn.

Foreign Student Tells Kiwaniam

mitJii&FountrtF, ll.OW 11 stu-<if M ichigan,'


__ Y." Gopabln o f India dent (it .the Universitywas tlie g uest"* speaker at t'fui_wants Chib m eeting .MdndTiy eve­ning.. He .related many in teresting facts about the India o f today, touching - oiv the food situation, as Well ns the general economy and government - policies.* •’> 1 le a 1 so" answered KLwaniatis’

(piestions about his country.'K.iwanis President Jam es Lie'-'

herk7'w itb foil r other (’heIsea K i-

Kiwanis eonferenoe at Kalamazoo' tftst \*i'eek/ThefmrrmooV! IiciT-pen- ballegi'ii, A, D. Mayer. M. J. An--, doi'soh and Anton .Nielsen'.- ■ •

■ m iwyi

14 1 f


I ' ," '

MYSTERY FARM No. 135—Do you know this farm~-whero it< is located and who is the ownerIf you do. please call The ^tandafd office and tell Us? It la the 135th.. in the. series of farm photos


published each week fo.r readers to identify if they can. The owner willybe given a free 'mounted' photo ’oLthe farm if he will. call,.at The Standard office, on or before Saturday." ’ , ....... .... s

\ • : ' .a - - . " •J:



% Clielsat >bmi>art> .*SfTS5S..General Excellence Award by Mich. Proas Ass’n., 19S149&3- 195G-1959

Walter, P. Leonard--Edrtor ond Puollaher

Published every Thursday morning a t 300 North Main Street) Chelsea, Mich., and-entered as second class matter at the postpffice at Chelsea, Mich., under the act of March 3, 1879. ■ « --------'

ft *


January's Trash__ p *■ .... .

: **s» • tv .

Tm m SDAY. JA N U A RY 26. II


m m * # * : - ;■


1 In Michigan^r - fitro VAfly M -

4~ Six -M on tbsP ^

Subscription Pates (Payable in Advance):^. Outside Michigan:

..$8.00 ' One Year

.-$1.7 5 -—Six -Months $2.25-.$'.lO~'Sfngle‘:Gopie8 .10Single Copies . . --------- - - - . ------ , n nn ^

- : ■ > Service men or women, anywhere,-! year ....RETURN POSTAGE GUARANTEED

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; i-


Probfem^rf-Nttclear-Weapons lJa n-Though-it appeared in recen t yqars t h a t C hina had bowed

to Russia, in th e ideaiogical s tru g g le w ith in ,th e 1, com m unist world," the la te st word from Moscow is t h a t the. r i f t between- th e tw o g re a te s t com m unist powers is still very .rnuch alive.

F o r-th e free w orldr-thia-m ay be encouraging news in one sense though C hina’s course a t p resen t m ay lead to very dangerous yeqrs. _The dem ocracies have long hoped th a t th e two big com m unist pow ers would fall out. On th e g rounds

' of'po litical dogm a th e ^ e e d s^ o f ja sp litra p p e a r to be present.- Yet, the refusal of th e Chinese to accept K hru sh ch ev ’s

— short-o f-w ar policies is -a n -ominous sign.- K hr-ushchev-says ~ communism can win its world strugg le^ w ith out new w ar

which 'woujd jiy.aUably wreck civilization and produce ho “ rea l winner. . - ■ — - . —- - j j -

■ " B ut the Chinese apparen tly believe th a t communism" can win only ;w ith war.vand'revolution,"’and they boast th a t th ey will have nuclear weapons., in t h e . very near fu tu re , The B ritish a re reported to' believe a nuclear-ban a rran g em en t m ig h t be,w orked out w ith R ussia now, in view of C hina’s

"d issenting-attitude? and -reliably-reported-concern4n-M osco-\vi;

'V' . ..T he-w orld m ay -h av e only’ a .few- -m phths lin^w hfiiK ^td reach nuclear a g re e m e n t A lready .four.; powers have these,

—weapons -and it is the-opkijon of diplom ats th i-w or-ld -over th a t agreem ent- banning- th e ir use w ill-becom e m ore and

; m ore difficult to obtain as additional powers develop them .-— - T h is^situ a tio n —p o ses-a p re s s in g -problem for—th e^n ew

D em ocratic adm inistration . The task" of reaching world- ra g reement on the , outlaw ing:.of:nuclear. w eapons may, indeed, be the m ost v ita l facing P residen t K ennedy^ The success

lifZ fh ispefipl ’T coulcrhave Tal^Feaclhiig~cbnseQuences "for 'all .the peoples,of th e . world. ; - ", •

Arkansas Farmer'Gives Vivid Report On Extenswe^Tour aL&paceJRlanets^

“ i j A - farnroT'-ffi- A rkansas, Buck N elson^ is: w riting trjorook about' his trip to Mars,- Venus awl the Moon." -Buck -says space ships began '.hovering ove r -his fa rm baclc in Tffoff

An April 21, 1955, he says, a space Ship landed-on-his;fa rm lan d took him aboard -and .for th ree day s , he traveled-

-abou t-w ith th e space people. He visited the"-tnree p lanets a lready m entioned and talked to the space people and saw.thm diving on th e p lan e ts— he says.

, - J Rudc"is~ frivingi lectiires and -appearances aho-ut his -ad-

Political Turmoil P rev a ils in Lansing■oei'ntic a^ministratioiv-t-unleasbed from the iron control of former Gbv. Williams—luvve been mindful of that Rroadway production called “Hel-feup'oppin."

All semblance of unstv has been tossed toLilifiJVLiiidsJiy Democratic leaders. They have started ft free-

Qov. Swainson Senator Lane, serving his 13th

year, hp» been_most proud of his service ks a member of the Senate' labor committee.

Senator Novak, once an organ­izer and business agent for UAW locals, has been for si* years a

i--uy- -ui , . ,. i,. their colleagues and lost these as^signments. . They plait retaHation.. Attyi-Gen. Adams, choffen ori­

ginally for his high office by the UAW becauseAthe- union felt he

«»unfA,» has been sentenced to

battles, Republican legislators ure not in a position to sit back and

'gioat.. The fight over Senate or­ganization,, when the youngov Re-jwMieflh ■Sli,‘1litte,)l„P;.?hl,y.^oa, itil'tip Ue m Q"cra ti c ?m iiroi'i ty r-hmPom

preme Court two weeks", age. ti the people of Michigan used g( sense in- apportioning' the Schi on a geographic basis,

Pointing to the United Stai Senate and to the American pf ciple of checks and balanc Adams told the nations high tribunal that apportionment of t Michigan Senate" on a populmi basis is a philosophy. that «gr ?,neither'with~bistory7hdr?Tjiie dent.”

“I am appalled,” * said Schol who is asking the court to unsi all *34 Senators and reapportl the districts to give Demoer

inoiis implications.............. ........Hut no one, not overt1 polticnl

A m ters-for the daily newspapers, has been pointing out th a t whon W illiftms.freed, the party , turmoil set-in ;- a - -

Am<>ng the ambushes aincA -Jan. T,""Which'-.-could- hot have, occurred with W illiams a t the helm, arethese;. ' " ........_ ’".August Scholle, p resident'of the

Michigan. API.-UI_0_nml, principal Imeker of Gov. ^wainsop in the Democratic prim ary election con/



test" demanded that Democratic. Atty3Goa Paul L. Admus he-drawa and quartej’ed for defendingvthe

rtiomrienapportionment_?of tire” State Sen­ate. _ ’

Rop. Roger B. Townsend, (D.) of Flint, charged .on the floor of the 11 o use-that Highway Commissioner

Items Taken froth the files of The Chelsea Standard

j w r a —^ . Friday evening include Mary Wi4 Years Ago. •.Thursday, Jan. 3f7 1987— ■ '- Announcement " that Dwight &•Beach has been promoted from the rank of brigadier general to major general, United' States Army; He js. currently-stationed a t Washingf ton, D. C., as Director of Ouj^td Missiles In the office o’f

Mackie is .guilty of racial discrim­ination. ; ,

.......... ...................... . Rom.tn . npm nrrats bl’oke. into

Deputy Chief of Staff far; Military Operations, Department • of ,the Arnry* * ■ .»

L. Dean__SQd.t_wasjiamei 4,Qui-

★ MICHIGAN MIRROR *j—;j . . ' ^Jnni""iv—... t....... ..m.i.i..i...j...i».....l...u......i.iillii,iltiiMi....M.........imi.i.uiilii.iiniill.nnniT7iuni,fMHIHHIIIniimiiimmiiMuinniiiiniiii...... .. ;Of~ Detl'Oiti Tpst thcTl' COVetcd .COtTl

By Elmer E. Jj^hlte^ Seceetary, Michigan Press Association

■two slugging groups th% f i r s t day of the 19151 session; with the“ vosult that veteran Senators.". Garland Lane, of Flint, and- Stanley Novak,

Money already spentyis' provid­ing? headaches fou~. Michigan’s budget drafters and lawmakers..

And the s ta te ’s fiscal-..picture, could be -.classed ’ as a kitigsizecl hangover from -the year-long Cash Crisis-Qf 1959.- EveiiTwtth. an estiL m ated-$120 million _ ip additipnai. revenue coming in from penny hikes liY”EHeTs"iiIes and.-use. taxes,’ income and expenditures are ex- pected to be uncomfrotably . near

ently are upon us. Michigan’s dur- nble goods economy (automobilesand the like) is- always especially' hard "hit? by the phenomena labeled, recession” or “economic slow­

down” or any of a dozen other names;. ; ” ■ ■

People who don’t work; don't pay taxes. - , ; ,

Qn. top of that," thousands r.ot -them-turn—to^the-state^forlmbney-

ig=-lhmugh-un"fiscal. year:-w.hich: sfiu'ts-iiext. July:f _____________"TMoney pro5lems-.for"£he State of Michigan are—not- unlike, those faced by th.e_averuge homeowp^1.

Wngfl-ea rpers - m ust^dm de^the4r

nient compensation, -program s.’ L~ feTTcteir”aisD~'depcn ti

oiv^theerating funds.

paychecks hi such a way that theyRenders of- company publicn-

t-iorts - w an i^ the-ee^em ic- f ac ts^o f

to t r y and ‘teil their readers .just how they j i t i.njto the scheme of economic" Iire7TAlso',., he says such "things as ■ company' poljcy ought to be explored in detail.

A highway, fiseal study 'has been proposed by the Michigan^.Good Roads Federation. ■~ ,?Idea of 'thc-^fisjcai study ..is—to

mittee assignments. Lane and No­vak are fighting-mad.- .

Sn Gov. .Svvaj.nson, sidetracked

standing4 Farmer of 1987.” This is tne second such annual award made by. the sponsoring organisation, the Chelsea Junior Chamber” of . Commerce; Formal' presentation of the award will -be” made” Feb. 26 at which; time the firs t; annual ‘TJisTinguishedServiceTVwaTd” will

■tak e—a - close 4 ook a t - th o- ni one-y t., on -r

last week by the .inaugural in -Washington, - now--faces -hi^ first test ns a-party pacifier; No matter the •niitcome,'- It is plain that the Democratic Party in Michigan,no' longer is the umtelPlirganizHtioir whit-h Gov. Williams held together \yi_th th;cr“ he]p -of brass-knuckled power fr<nn Solidarity House.

be presentedfalso, to a young man, 21-35, who is still to be selected.

Four new Chelsea school, teach- ers were added -for the opening of-the-hew-sem ester: Alfred-'Smith, 'Miss B etty Veres, Mrs. Hans GrosS man arfd Miss M ary H olmes.

14 Years Ago . . . 1Thursday,_ Jan, 30, 1947~-—~ "- Mr. arid Mrs. George Winnns-are

Thp Tlomncratic bbist. • a t High- spending their honeymoon in Flonfrom an7T~ where- and, how 4 t is paid: out.

way- Commissioner M ack lc-ia -su r- Ida and -upon-! the ir ' return-~wiHprisingT inasmuen as_M aekie ■ w ilf

4()ad-thft^»ar-tvks-slat&-i n_ the-A pril-Cavana ugh

Lake, Mrs.' Winlins being-thc^foUi.w u ld be. similar to, but in more detail than, the fiscal studv~con-

Afoolr place jan;-18 -at the.-Gongife- gatipnal -church,.

can meet current bills, pay o ff the m ortgage- 'or '- o ther : butstamling. -debts-expenses... , ' ..

So. it jg...with--'Miphigan;i;except

..So:says. Harry R. Hall, executivevice-president _;of • the Michigan Chamber of. 'CominerccT" H all’-Says haby~-~pictui-es,, stories about pier

that state ofifcials- must-deal-Avith- riics or other office happenings

■ v e n t u r e a n d ’ i s 4 i p p a j ^ n l J y - . U i ^ i y J a i p f o r p . ., i i„fri'>ry <„t i a s n w n s nj. 1 1 I t .% • 1 -l»1 i . ' 1 • * . 11 1 ! nM fl n-f i tk ft n>wl a i U a

• ' - o i i - o t h e r - 'p l a n e t s r t l r e s s - n r o r e - s r m - i ) l y 7ritT i( l- t-h-a t-c li:sea 'se i s - r a r e

' a m o n g ' t h e m , l l t e y l i v e b y . t h e l a w s o f G o d , h e a s s e r t s .

T h e s p a ' c e ' ^ l T i p s j t ' h e y f ly a ' r e r o u n d i r n d v a j y o u t ^ O - f e e t v i l i . ■ . d i a r h e t e i O 5 v 7 e i 0 i Q . e R ' . e . . s h i p s 7 t f a v e I I o n.. m a g n e t i c

c i L r r e n i s n r . t h e ' . a i r . a n d n e e d n o f u e l . H o m e s o n th e . , 'p l a n e t s ;

a r e ' m a d e - f r o m r o c k — o f ten:- o b t a i n e d , .o n . ' t h e m o o n . /.

‘ I

■ W e h a v e - n o i d e a - \v lu i t o u r s p t l c e s c i e n t i s t s - w o u l d d o w i t h , Y r h d ' s a y a b o u f , B u c k . I t ’ c e r t a i n l y i s ’ a h i n t e r e s t i n g ’ s t o r y "

h e te l l s . , P e r h a p s h e is a . - h e a v y d r e a m e r ; - A n d - a g a i n j m a y b e ,

h e r e a ! l y . j v . e n t - t o M a r s . . .

,, " ' r h e ' s i T a c e ^ r i p r i j a i o r s - a n c F r e p o r t s h a v e c e r t a i n l y ”C 'om e" t h . i t - k a n d . f a s t i n r e c e n t y e a r s . M a y b e t h e y a r e u p t h e r e

■ i

; •• M r s . ' - R o b e r t W , - - f - ! u n n , d a n f f h - te r d f M r o ; R l iK a b e t h R .

S r h i t l v n e w - T r e a s u r e r 'o f . . U . B . : “ W h y m o t l i e r , " “y o u 1' c o u l d

n e V o r k e e p a c h e c k i n g - a c c o u n t s t r a i g h t . ”

, ,, ■ -

- ■■CT"! - V”.--........... - - ■


IP-:.:.---_l_L** _ '

. i.*i- .. .. -4 ■ ‘*> i

tight, in emp1oyee.;publicatlons,_______ B ut,_tht‘ “ bread^nnd- bu tter” "rs="

Whcn-.any.bod-y;a-budg&t-gatS-ouL|-SUga_ol_wagcs>_cost: oCJmniOLriif

stead of hundreds or perhaps thousands. - - ~ ~

"chtafly on roath^TCVeriues.-M'hen all the faefrs. on financing

Ore in, it- will be easier to dete.r- minc w hat the needs and- defici- encies are; and how best.'to mect- them, ■ the. Federation said.

A study nn th e ' nSeds - arid de­ficiencies iSv.underway,; the group jiaid, , birt-'the fiscal mformation

election. He .has been letting "the m er Jeannette May. Their,wedding people ■ know that he > has beeti"■buildings l'oads—withbxtt mention- 4hg-the-f!ict^that AO-petceniioi-Ljut "cost”-ofnnajoT"’highways wlfs' W F plied by, form er President Bisep- how er.:

Standing candidate, to oppose hinp■..In charging the Highway Com-jYrissioner w ith discrimination. Ren.-Townsend told the House there are “4fi0,0f)0-7Votng . .N.egmes^.in..... D_e i

of whack,'he has to take steps to eo riwU^the—

so ‘forth ircetlTTot be ignored in a tzineFor-paper put out t>y—a-

business concern,In fact- Hall has told editors of.

is •

•would > g ive ii_c.anipletiL.pixdAire-----_ . t roit--and-a--t«tal-& f^0^00-4»i^Be~Une ..’ heartcnihg- . itote^Yoi^.thirfstate -aTHi- this-i^enouglr^ro^make

road builders: Secretary of State the difference in' anv cloction.'

"agen t- f sjr” the ” N ew - York Central System the past 18 years, died ^ucrderilyWeddesday, 'Jqp!.2f2, while at wmdeTat-t-he-depok.hcfeL He had- been employed by the■ iTew; York, Central for 40. years, first as tele-. gfanh oDerator "anij . then y tatiyn agent.. Always" intirfested■ in^lmna _work and conductor - of Chelsea

*nd- eoncerts which were- "pc>'pu 1 a r-e n'tei^^ n mem—somey ears

Jam es-diiL-ILvm hafr*s?d:l' sipos o flicense tabs for 1901 are running w>T5—-briikiy" than- :evor in—th e

million, deficit a t the end of theI959-60”fiscaI yeai- "Due”tb—the in- ............... ™ ..,^ ...........mn|,c„ . - . . . ...rrenqeti )e<4 nnd nw taxog, not, neneKSn«dl}L-iAe-'. ehhtfeptit-pnac, of . tile year.Michi’gan-’is expected'" to -have - a t ''fiir^thiim.*least' suuim money~td apply" to thej ~ Too many workers, from the ex- deficit a t* the-end^<■fi sc; U-y ea r -Ti e x t 4 u ne r

"L atest estimates', however, in-

nnd; challenged Townsend to pro- liuee' evirience, -

The fight among Senate Domo'-

ago, :hc orgahizeci and -conducted

sea public scFodl.FRebeknh .officers . installed . by

D istrict President' Anna McDonald

mann, noble grand; Lulu Sweei recording secretary; Lucille staetter, financial secretary Gladys\Wihter; treasurer.

24 Years Ago. , .Thursday, Jan. 28,1937—

■ J u st -before—n oon—last—We d nl day, the Methodist Home agement transferred a radio to i dining room ao Home reside jjpuid listen to the iriaugutntion] President- Franklin Delano Rooj velt at Washington, D._C.

In Manchester’s new gymnast Tuesday, Chelsea swamped three squads- in- three vietorij Varsity players Wheeler amDKoJloe scored three baskets eag girls—teannseore-was 12-lH-imdsefves, 23-6, with Stu Dingle sej ing three baskets.

A card :party." is being held | night at St. Mary’s “lfalTT roee being designated .. fo ’_.benefit Red Cross for relief of flood sj ferers in the Ohio and Mis^idr.iver valley's;

34 Years Ago.,,\Thursday, J a n. 27, 1927—

George Merkel has purchased I J^rank —A.—Leach—-the—qjroporty-—on- knawn ag~


"homestead and he and”lits fam| will movfe—there^-from their fai 3603 Chelsea-Manchester Rd.


lu rsday rit Syl

iden t r -and - Elba Gage, seeretai treasure^ of the Chelsep . Co-Qa ative •, v^opiatToiy’ {Tt t)re^ a-nnij

teet-iftff-Thursr Hall...

Ffre completely destroyed j» thljs Bert Young pfopal

on’' McKinley St., at ■-midmjf Tuesday, firemen and area ra do nts—u n a b !e—t6—do—.a-n-y-thUv - stand- and—watch, since-ih^-ii hydrants were frozen..

. ..On^Nov/lO, 1960, the U.’ S.--3D rine—Corps- celebrated its 18S| birthday. ,

(iicato; there, will stiR b_e some $00 million in outstanding, bills.

Besides increasing expenditures .for state servides and hiking the pay of most state workers, Michi* gnn—in-expected -to - t ry-and--start .whittling away at the accumulated deficit.

'-lewoUon=dow-i>T--just-.-ai'<intt- - ivwa (,e--qf^justr-imw?-th,fr-wages'-oi^ salaries paid them fit into the over all picture^ of th t” economy, of the o6mirnriyu the city' of other municipality w hereuthey -arp-rU).- cated, ‘th ^ state and the nhtion.

There is, of course, a direct I i n k - be tw edn -w ii a t e« e h i ridiv iduii 1 - makes and the financial operations of the federal government?.—it's


Tffini f r -n itfhtx." a f t ^ r all. T r iU a jy n te . \V u-liom > I h f v ’H-^wYk- An imniitiripatiul-----stifmhlmg- long nnd s^iipentine, hat i t ’s thmaro u t f o r . S a n t a C l a n s o i l C h r i s t m a s E v e a n S o n e o w n - c o r n - 1 ' ollld 1,1 0,l! . ^ t a i H i m

m o r c i a l a i i ' i i l a n o s a s t h u y ’r e ' l i a v i n g e n o u g h t r o u b l e r e c e n t l y ‘• t r y i n g - - t o . a v o i d o a u h o l h u r . - - .

months .of 1961-to throw the whole revenue picture ou t-o f focus.

.Unemployment problems a ppar-

ship is more than- ju-F "voting'-or reading the: newspaper.

And company publications ought




I T ’S J t J S T G O O D H O R S E S E N S E t o

choose ft car financing plan like ours tha t offers low'coet, convenience and a bank contact for future borrowing.


DEAR M;ISTER EDITOR: v ... " _ I 'see where the U. S. D epart­

ment of Agriculture reports that farm income is now, .down 10 per dent-f-rom -the-l949 -ievcf. T he "far*- mers ain’t plowing enough in the■I'-igh-t-place.- .' i . ■ ~-------------

When ! was a J?oy I- recollect my~Gi'and]m?telling 'h'ow-he got riel of a feiler th a t come to his h'ouse selling books .on ,how to farril. Grandpa said he- tolll" the feller, “ I a in 't farm ing now half a s good as' I know how.” I t’s been 40 year- since my Grandpa told th a t story and 1 canT see much improvement. The farm ej's js farm ing eusivr and" f a i ’t’eiv^iut ~ wRe ^a pound for somopun th a t’s selling" at the store fer 00 cent,, they aitit’ learned how to . plow the middle" man under. : r—' -

Tlfey was a piece in; the papers tht>- o ther-dny-about -srime town in

taxes ■' and ' g itting someplace ? Come to think about . it, MiKter Editor, where a re ' we today ?_ Well, np\y that we’re g itting new — PfesTdent in” “officer- 1“ "hope" the, political scars .is all healec

_ tfro—Novem-bcr electh dental, political scars ain’t ns-h^rc Xd~ Heal "ffs" They was in th p b ld " days. In these- times the enndi* dlTtes discuss w hat they call tho “ issued,”, but when I . w a s ‘ a boy the issues wasn’t never men- ,

rtioneth-The-camUdatcralw'ays: s ta r t­ed out accusing his opponent of looking, like Judas Iscariot, acting

J ike Benedict Arnold, and jti i Iking. his'-neighboPs-cow through a crack in the fence. He took it from .there arid wor.ked down.

As I was se ttin g , here w riting this piece I heard a news feller <fh the radio announce tha t the Guv-


Utah that has "cut city taxes and don’t owe a dime and ’has got money in fhg- bnnkf; I ’m dlsap- pointed in learning thr\t we got such old fashioned towns left in

. this country. I knowed a feller


ernmont Is reducing the nutribeT of fvoathcr bureaus around i die country. 1 hope they’ll, keep erimif


MemberFadsral Reierve System

Member Federal De^etlt Insure nee Cerp,

from Utah onct and I always thought they had real live-wire, modern, up ‘ and, coming, bustling towns that was floating bonds,borrowing money,....apd raising'taxes and going in debt fer all, sorts of things like a ll other good towns. • I think they need to have a election in that town and git some feifers running the place that knows, about these new* meth­ods of progress. ; ’

I wonder where the folks i/a that town think we'd be in this country today if our Federal Guvernment hadfl*t”^eM-*in- debt*f«ir 285 bit. lion .dollars. Where would we bo today., if we w asn'ts, borrowing money by the billions add raising

fer s farm ers and ranchers, lo­g it our usual "widely scattered thunder-show ers” from some place e lse.

Yours truly, Uncle Lew


$OR YOUR LIVESTOCK Coniiffn to the

Howell Livestock . Auction

We. hove buyer* for, all kinds of livestock, Sole every Monday

r . t? : ; «L”2rP;nT,~-_...Phone 1089 Howell

... For Anv Information



... TiiiwsHdriijniiMifWtflnnroTgfewtiyoer mguetf

" ■ ;- , : . ' ' 5

p i s c o v e r t h e - n a t u r a l b e a u t y o f M i c h i g a n . ^

e n j o y t h e n a t u r a l g o o d n e s s o f M i c h i g a n b r e w e d b e e r

i c h i g a n u r e w e r s A s s o c i a t i o n_350 Ma<lifion Avenug #v Detroit.2^iMl«btpn

oirSh, Bmtog a , , a m a , .

B m m dTM-------- T— ------------------- ---------f t / . .



ary Wei i. Sweei cillu tary IV,

i i i j

—WedrJ ime dio t,o ■ resideJ

unitjonl no Roo| C. _ ymnasiiJnpcd viotoril

and-Koasts eajt>j—itndagle scJ

heldi procee| icnefit flood sJ

!■ • * *1

■farnlns heir fi ■ltd.

etokpisocreta_Co-0fl 10 ’ a-tinlj van T«


iron ravi


-f-U. S.--3Iits 18

TT 7 ^ '.tA N U A R Y -2 6 r 1961

Plans for Annual i rpairick’s Day Dinnerl:y* mooting of the

ego tM used gj te Sent

.. . regular meriting 9f , "A*- *■ jfnlghts of Columbus Lei?)*®, \unnintfv-it was, voted to

sending individuaf. „ ^oticer to *e(4fh member

| jieetmg aru scheduled ireg-

ed-. Sta| icnn pfj balanq

s high snt o f■ DOpuTut] at agr of'Tfe

^ " c o n d and fourth Tuesrtfb jach month, beginning at * * and general notice of the. i P'®‘ ® 8 Customarily included


Benson Brennan Anderson Wicker*

i. Schol to utisl mpportl ^emucra

fC ? Mary’s" ehurch bulletin.

Tuesday;*»# -—•• •Jan., di,

^ tIlICULTlJHB» Fieldhouse. The forum, part of MSU’s Farmers!1933 to the n ^ BOnt «er ^ off *! Btr*Jch from Week> l« *‘> b« at I :30 p.m. The Theme i a “AgrlcuL

■ ' S / V n n r n m - n ^ on » *ure in aii Uneasy World” The five are Henry A.f at®0yn^ersity on Wallace; Claude Wickard, Clinton I>. Ar ‘

Wednesday Afternoon,- F e b ..^ it t3 1 , inJem son^ChO rlcs F. Brennan and Ezra: Taft Bcnsort;* ' • * * _ _ . ■. * :-r»— "A----- ' , . ____________ ■ ■"■.■■■


will 'be' held Jan. 3t, with the Jtev.

| : j j 3 J n £ JMnliszewski_ conduct-

w«S?,dlwussed ; for tho1 1 JJM lZ 6.-., \o* Pnir 1,.W« P ay

Speak dt Farmers’ WeekbS^faBnunl 'St. -Patrick’s -Pay- f e dinner scheduled for Sun*f - I 19 and annqunce-[day, Mai«hmem

te 7 15-!&'*S2!,dJr| n{n{ was mude that^ 0 a.m. J^n.

^2,000-seat Jenison Fieldhouse will bo the location :i>f_ aVspecial__Far?L

the date for the K. of C. mers* Week forum by five formersecretaries. of agriculture. The

MniUiM...— r . rt. u n event is Vo begin at 1:30 p.m.

. Admission will be free Jo both a reserved -section, and a 6,000- aeat

Other 'business,........rating included the decision to r L a Rnv Scouts of Chelsea to

wj]l cjlsms_ "Agriculture in ai> Un. easy World.” After the talks a panel of news men -will direct questions' toward the secretaries.

The questions will be otj topics raised in the 12-minute-tnlkft and

Urticit Boy Scouts _ j j j a display in the frontSow of the K. of C. hall dur- JJgcy Scout Week in February.

next-regular meeting of the v if c. Chelsea Council is ached-

.for Feb—1 . ■

Harold Bair has_ returned home lifler being a patient" for 11 (lays |>t St. Joseph Mercy hospital where lle'-underwenta varicose yejn-oper- litiori,

unreserved section. Tickets for the reserved section, near the speakers *stand, can be picked up free by any interested person at his: County Extension office.

Seats will be held in the re­served section unttf-l:15-p.Titv

ulso on agricultural topics of ape- ciul-intercst-to Michigan farmers^ says. Byron Good, gcnpral chair­man of Farmers’ Week-.-------, Anyone interested in hearing a

discussion by one^orffirTflve oh aviirviila* Innin «Un<.i.1,

County ASC Clerk Wini Cash Award for Helpful Suggestion:.Mrsi: LUliafrGutA¥nst,;'-oleririh

the Washtepaw County Agricul­tural StabiUzation and Conserva­tion office,, has been .awarded $25; in j cash and* also a certificate of appreciation from the > Michigan ASC office, for a syggestibf re­garding the revision of a form used in the County ASG offices in Michigan.- Mrs. Gutekunst has been ployed in the County ASC

The five secretaries are' Henry A. "Wallace, Craude"^7~Wickard7 Clinton P.' Anderson,—Charles T . Brannan - and Ezra Taft Bensoh.

In 12-minute talks each, the five

particular topic should- mail his question to Good at the Depart­ment of Animal Husbandry, Mich­igan State.:Univwirtyr East LanV sing, Michigan. ; . j

P a rt of the questions asked by the panel of newsmen will be based on questions mailed to Good by Jrn. 27. , . . .

for : the_.past seven years.

Boy Scouts

SE E — F R E E — F I L M


World's LargestChristian-Convention

i/4 m iIJion p e r s o n s f r o m 1 2 B : la n d s T -M o ss b a p t is m ' o f 7 , 0 0 0 ^

Also, scen es o f C h r i s t i a n a c t i v i t y w o rld -w id e '. '

Kingdom Hall o! Jehovah’s WitnessesI36$201d US.- f2 (ohejnile ea ir o lC hfilsear

Thursday February % 1961 p.m.

Preparing for Cold Camp

Personals _A "Klondike-Derby” is being

Guests Saturday , at the home of Mr> and. Mrs. Elba Gage were the^fermev’s

held this week-end at Bruin Lake Boy Scout cpmp. - ^

Many . years ago men raced ^by means of-dogs^hndi-aledgea^acrnaa

band, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wilcox• the frozen wastes of Alaska in“dT. Saginaw. —

Mr. and' Mrs. Stanton Walker and daughter, Marcia, of' Shreve­port, La., spen't-the-week-end here' with Mrs. Walker’s parents, Mr. and - Mrs— -PauF"TPrerce, and at­tended . the wedding of the for- mer’s—sister,—Linda—JV-alker, aj

x sfl»r^ of Scoiiting has oani- « oycnai- .on I "Area RedevelopmeiTfTtalized on this theme and has de- veloped-the -Klondike Derby as an activity for Boy Scouts and Eji> plorers. 7

Putrols; and Explorer units will have to be prepared with sledges, as OacTT^dog team” of 4-C boys

Okemos on Saturday. - -Mr. and ‘ Mrs. iThomas Bear and

ch i 1 dr en-o£-Leweilj-In dry-a re-s pen d- ing - this week with Mrs, Bear’s parents, Dr.-nnd Mrsr-Lr-J—Pauh

Senator Philip*. Hart’s{*%

The . father who has been laid _off his job"and has exhausted hja unemployment compensation, the young .fa rm -b o y ^k o r 4f-lHH*-tor work, must have a job in town; the older miner who has seen his company close the pit—these are some of- the- people" foi-yhom , the Area Bedeveiopment progranr is being developed by the Kennedy Adiiiinistration. . . .

While: nation-wide unemploy­ment has moved up to seven per cent this month,, there are cities and rurAl'areas of our state and nation * whero chronic unemploy, ment apd underemployment have been over 10 per cent and bven_ as high as, 20 per cent;

Automation in the factory, Inechanization. on the -farm,, deple-

*tjp_n of mineraLresources, changes• 3n buying habits of eonsumeYs

all hai?e, hurt these a reas ‘of high and continuing unemployment.

Those depressed-or "distressed’uroas are not ju s t’clustered around major industrial centers such as Detroit. .They, include the rural and small town regions of our Upper Peninsula and northern 'Michigan

and there are some 500 counties in the United States where the low income and ’lack of job op­portunities has " bceri'_the"patteriffor-many-years;

W stfDecemberv-President-elect Kennedy appointed a special Task

It was instructed to work on plans tQ-assist people in t-hosq floohotniirvally, distressed areas.■ The recommendations made by the . Task Force resulted , in the Area-Redevelopment Bill recently

rS e n a te ^ Ie o -fo ow the d reefona of the “dnv. , m o„ d w b ||| , ia- dc3iBn(!(t<Pf& fk °r prosK'e.“ t» help, .the unemployed, notl-only

^ . . ^ k ’ .k J 'th , V " „ , . ? k ' f ln th» «!«»> hut in the email .course w th the aid of a map -that rowu r a n u r a r S e a s of MicBipiuf e u n ^ u t h e ^ t u t e e :to -vartoua -•.‘cities,

.1 ■ «i> . ' whom Vtrn/vr«PQl nmn amo

Ciustonier SatisfactionGuaranteed

113 P A R K S T•* ' ' ...


P h o n e G R 9 - 6 7 0 1

Dependable_ .1 . ; . • . ' * i


and son, M alatyos, w ero called’ to Cincinnati, O., Monday of last -week by-^he^eath-ofUthe-former^fl- mother,- Mrs. Sophia Misailedes, w ho' was 98. years old. She Rad m ade' her home since .1921 with

wTierp practical problems involving basic seouting skills will be en­countered, ; Each- -city—will—havo-a “Mayor” ■ .who will

•MI'- M isailedes^sister,- Mrs; MaryKarpides of Canton.

Mrs. Mike Misailedes of 459’ North St,, re turned last w,eek from the home of her cousins, the

pr^gfint the problem and act 'as judge. Depend­ing.upon how'welLYhe team works. ouLits-problemsj it.will be awarded a number ol “gold nuggets.” The final count of nuggets will deter-; ■mine the team’s standing.

-Since the specific problems areHarry Andreadies, in Detroit, where she had become ill while

_ for “severaldays.- . .

Lyle Wenk, o O Ianhatton Beach,Calif-iji—flew—here—to- spend the week-end. a t the® home" of TTs mother, Mrs. Eleanor., Wenk and

to be secret, only the title, can be given at this timet. At “Fairbanks” =the^teama=will-facea-problem=in Compass'; a t “Polar. Cove” a prob- lem in measuring; at “Skagway”,

Recommended special programs include,;-. (J). Stepped-up vocational truin-.

for workers to gum new skills; for new-^jobs with —subsistence pay­ments to_,.woi:kers jaidcr’going re-

-training; —(2) Special grants to survey and

restudy the economic potential of depressed regions. This would beespecially__important to the U.P,

(3) Special grant and loan:pro­grams to ussist local development -groupg^Ji-epare"planrsifes forliew

.btr'a-memberrof the wedding' party' at . the - marriage ofTTis cousin,

first aid^-‘Kodiak”, -rescue^und^at “Yukon“Peak””a plohlepi^in i?ig nalingi "Capitol. City” -w ill-be the

industry .and provide necessary *axi- .ditional public^facj'Uties—for—tlifr

start and finish of^the course and,

:p lan trsites,^such as r o a d s ^ v a te r and sewage facilities;.

(4) Immcdiafe^adilitio-nal work

pale Koebbe,-to Sue Carpenter, a t Manchester, Satnr<bvy mim ing

will also be the main headquarters. -Ea"ch""tToop_Tfnd“ postr-is respotF

opportunities through recreation site k.c.on3.triiction 'in our national

Cars aren’t designed"by accident;why try to alter them that way ?

IOOO 1-1*4 if.cl KjPei'3ovi£\.l \

^VcT-clvess ,

YouVe been askingfor them!

Now Available at


-sible -fo r its—own-■■tentage-, cook-g6ar. and food.— A1 H par t k i p a t i ng^u n rts-m us t—b e iir~cafnp by 10 a.mT~Saturday and

forests. We have five nationul for- •ests-in-Michigau—irud-aiiyone^wiTg:has ■ -visited'-thein knows • the need "for "m ore recrea'fiohtd facilities;

niustdhftva-complctedv.rogistrution by th a t ' timer . “ ^■™

Break' camp is scheduled ’ for

(5-)—A—sizeable-expansion-in our •nation’s ’ -mineral research pro-

grumsr-wittrspecial work on low- gradc iroti-di’es, suclv us those i in wic -Luke Superior region;

Local Conference Superintend­ent,, the Rev. Liesemer of Detroit- conducted the meeting of the local.Conference of..both \ Ev. '■ U. . B.churches of the Waterloo area on

’Friday—eveni ng—at-l^iriit-ch o rehT- ll©votionii-were in charge -of—the Rev. Liesemer. Repots were given by various jefficers; In the absence of the_ secretary,' Mrs. Ethel Hurdt was appointed secretary.' pro-tem. The delegate to Annual Conference was elected, .being Mrs. Virginia Wajter, and alternate, Mrs. JessjeJS<dtu^^Re'p>flaemtfttim'-.:tdi'-Lake^

- ............ side-#ark in_Jury-is.,Mrs.' Verbita(d)-Agriculture consem tion-^sfp^eT| j TC, - ^ j j 8 _ j ejirii(j McOuffie

and Mrs. Annabelle Woolley, wore elected to keep up to date, the history of each ichuj-ch' in Waterloo and Fii-St Churcii.'rJoint ^Easter

a means ot; getting worthwhile work p rograms u n tier way th roug h tho iSoif Conservation Seryico./ihis would stres.s^reforestation, stream bank stabilization, erosion control, drainage, apd:small ■.■.watershed pro* jects. that could be done quickly with supplemental appropriations;

(7) As a long term measure, funds earmarked for permanent; conservation practices providing maximum employment in dis­tressed areas.: Programs - such as forestry on priyatc land held by low-income farmers^ and -.-timber s'tand improvement vvpold be es- p’eciully4veipful as additional funds are provided.- The people 6f Michigan, whether they live in the cities, the small towns or the rural countfes, have a

.realYatakeZLiVLithe ”"new:"pi'0gl'arfls recommended in the report of theTask Force and proposed iii Senate Bill 1, the Area 'Redevelopment Bill. , These aye programs: for all the many areas of our country suffering, from high uhemploy-ment. People must work to help themselves, of course, but under these* new and speci’al programs they, know _thc_ goveroment.see.s its" responsibility- to help, — - • - ..s~s-

SMART T E E N - AGUK ^Denver-—A’ quick thinking'^tbbn-

agBi-.-was standing- in u-<li'Ugstoi:ewhen bandits arrived.

The tw’o gunmen demahded- money from Mrs. Wahncta Bul­lock from ' Mrs. Wahneta Hillock -and-she handed—them— from the cash - register.- Clifford Hide, 16, raff1 from the store—bori-owed ' a dime from a

the--puHce~==The—baijdits=Svei-e—arreated—by two. patrolmen who g e t' the woi-li from the police radio th a t there was a robbery at a nearby drug­store.' ■'■■ — ----


services will be held during I.eiit, altenlating at both- churches. An?' nu»Y-Conference- will ’be held at 'Blissfi^jd in- May, .when ,tbat church will cole bra to i ls 100th an-mveLsury. * f

T^ort? will be no services at theVillage church next Sunday but a union service will be held at the North ehurchi with preaching serv­ices a.t 10 o’clock, fojtowe^l by'Sun­day .school at ll.;05i Members' and friends of both churches are urged to ' attemi. Except. for the_ sermon by the" pastoil the Rev." Silvernail, the services will be' in charge of Youth ,Fellowship '.members. :

Dlmlehe7 Becmamapent theLweekt*nd at the home of her aunt anduncle, Mr. and Mrs'; Wilbur Bee- man and Gordon^

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrejice Rieth^ miller of Grass Lake: were, after-’

"noon callers a t the Martha Oesterle home’ one day last week. •

Mrs, Beyer and * baby son^jire" now home'froih the hospital.

Mr. and Mrsv Gottlieb Rothman called on Mr. Joe Brand at Mercy hospital on Monday.

Mr, anil Mra.'filunn Cramloll of VandeL'tyok: Lake*, were Sunday visitors a t the homo of her. sister and' husband, the Gottlje.b Roth­mans.

M,rs." Glenn Rentschlor . spent Wednesday afUFi'iiyon at the home of her unde, .Chester Notten. ,

The Richard Hadleys have a son bqrn.-early thjs__week at; -Foote:


hospital; Jackson.

MILK PRODUCTION ItECORI)The Holstein-Friesian Associa­

tion _oL_ Anieriea . has ■ announced the cympletioiT of un outstanding officjalT production record by a registered Holstein''"cow Tn-' thrs'T area. < 7 —

.Leo - Bur , Robinhood Ileen, 4510551, owned by Leonard Bur- meistcr; Ann Arbor; : produced 15,944 lbs. milk and-<537 lbs. biit- terfat Jn ^GS days on twice daily milking as a two-year-old.- •

Michigan State University .su-'' pcr’vised the. weighing, and testing of production as a part of the official • herd. testinifY programs of the national Holstein organizatin.

.These program s provide contin­uing lactation and lifetim e p r o ­duction1 records on every cow in m iorQ harO i^O Q lpirrt i c.i pa ti n g ' r e g - . ; istered Holstein herds.

. . . . .

v More than 1,000;000 books go out of ■ .'America’s ■ 7,$00 ■ 'public■• libraries.daily,.

Compore Our Coverages, 1958 CHEV.J ta te s ju U h is Automobile: bel aire 8 impala


-----------$2,QOO—MEDI-CAL-'SERVJCE.S $14300. DEAXbLBENEF-WU$ 7.OP $13.00





Upholstering Co^•nnouncoi their new location

^ -4 2 5 ,GREGORY, MICH.

-Temporo ry— hey dquorterj—dwinp- construction of Cur na^BUlldlng, will be. in my home at the some address;—■—----------H-—-----------

Savings up to 40%-on rebuilding/, restyling- "and reuphols+ering- fur- niture,


Phone ALpine 6-2800.

D rive in n o w ! G e t ,



eUARANHEO To Satisfy You Or Wo Poy ^

PettKng-s MarathoivServiceGorner Sr Moin and Old US-12 Phone GR 5-7821

8:30 a.m, Sunday after an 8 a,m.presentation of awards.____

Officials for the Klondike Derby project includei Alfred M ayer of Che I se"d 7 1 islcd '-SS^’ ten- i tori a I

*r«tei)tatiye.” . _ r

iT-QS—ft ANNED Palm Bench, Fla. — No photo­

graphs of President-elect Kennedy golfing, pr^ss secretary, Pierre Sa- linger, declared r ecently.-It. is nota ban planned to shield the Presi­dent-elect against the sort of criti cism some Democrats, have directed

Newsmen who want to play the course ar e ^ vclcomc, however, ao-■lonr as-it- is understood: they-pre- th'crc' as guests^and not a s re ­porters. ,

From Infant to Grandad, we*ve

J M o u ^ A G o o d T i m e t o

0 * S U B S C R I B E T O


Here’s What You Get for Less Than 6c per Week:FILL OUf AND MAIL THE COUPON BELOW—TODAYt

News I

+ Social Events


Please send m e THE CHELSEA STANDARD fo r one year, for~which l'enc lo se $3.CO. , |

NewsSports News

t Dollars Saved.


Rout*. or-Slroot

i , 1 ICity State

I wish m y subscrip tion to s ta r t w ith th e issue o f

■fcy ihopping Advertfitd Special! end by Ifollowing the Wenty Ads for your neadi, ' — —f “ *—• —


for_discontihued styles, broken sizes... . . they are allon our Second Floor at Drastic Price Reductions. . . Every item is plainly marked with size and price. . . Come to Anderson’s Second Floor . . . . Choose at leisure. . . and Save Real Money. Infants’ . . . Girl’s

.Hoy’s^r^Stndents’ w M en’s . . . Women’s.

Goodrich Foam RubberPillows

S l c e p c r a f t e x t r a p l t im p .

M u l t i - s t r i p p ' * 3 9*p o l is h e d c o t to n


Twin p rin t. Covered , w ith ;fine quality

v French crepe.

•New $ 5.0colors .......... J r '

49c Hand sixe 35c 35c Hand size .. .25c-' 25c Wash Cloths 2Qc

52x70 Simtcx Rayon and Cotton-


$2 .9 8 V aluer New prin ts

ANDERSON’S Where Courteous,. Friendly Service Makes Shopping

A Pleasured

-j .,••


P i

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! - J


RENT» d e



i!'T T 1■

i 'r


TheChelsea Standard


vertiMmanta. 50 cents (or 26 word* or loss, each,- Insertion. - Count »#c.n figure'fti-ft word, For more than 25 words’ add 2 cent* |* r word for men Insertion, "Blind'' .ads or box num­ber ad*, 35o extra 1* 1' Insertion. CHARGE RATES-Same an, cash in.

advance, with 15 cent* bookkeeping charge tf not paid before 6ji.ro. Tues­day preceding publication.- Pay In. ap*- vnnee, send? cash or stamps -and anvo 16 cents, -CARDS OF THANKS or MBMOR-

IAMS*--Slngle paragraph style. *1.00 per Insertion, for 60 words or leas t t rents »er word beyond 60 words, DISPLAY WANT. ADS—Ratg, *1.10 -per column lncnrwfngle column Width,

only, 8-i>olnt- and ,-14-polnt light- 1>ie only. No borders or. boldfuco typo. Minimum, l Inch,Copy DEADHNB-rf6 p.ro, .Tuesday,

week of. publication.. .s

AM RE-E$TABLISHIN(1 Lonely Frien^shij) flub. Free listingrfo.r

short time. Capitnl City"Spend ■■ Ex­change;-FO Box -408;-Albion, Mich,

* . -33-WANTED—Position as.babysitte r.

by com petentwom an with ’.ref- erenccs; Day or night, W rite-Box

1 J26, care of- Chelsea Standard. '30

C L E A R A N C E S A L E/S till in ProgressShop and Save on

----- Suits, Topcoats,. Jackets.!___

. F o s t e r ' s - M e n 's W e a r30

LOST, Saturday, Jan. 21 „ in Water-, . loo Area, vicinity. -oX --Crooked Lake—Cavartliughf .Lake -Rds., -{iraH-apflyffd-fenrnro - beagloT-White-■with black markings, brow tv ears. Nume" is “ Lady." Household pet. F> ypftrs'n ld . Not, ueeustomed to children—GtiJl-etAieel-r—W-rhyne-y-IiA-

T-4464.— - ■ ‘ .IP


= C t = i A 1 4 1 t ^„ - Prompt,_Loliiible ' ,service by a , docal firm you know you ’

-e*fr-dbpend-ti-))oihFREE ESTIMATES

B O L L I N G E R -

S a n i t a t i o n S e r v i c eLicensed by- Mjeh. Health -Dept,

■Phone GR-9-5971.....Chelseai-Mich;------------------ ■ - - — ---7tf

CHflFO R- SALE-—Used furn iture Richard Korn“Mrs, GR 9-78817

28tf-^E-ELSEA-ROD ANfMtHN-ClTttlt — Lad ies -Night—bnaqual—E cb^L L St. Paulas TeTFurc

-WANT ADSFOR SA UE-^eiarinet in good con*

ditloh. Phone GR 5-734L 30HELP WANTElPrWaitress.' Ap

ply in' person; Weber’s Dairy■■ ----- MBar,4Ut94iS6U 31

FOirSALE—4-bedroom home, fur­nished or unfurnished on .acre

of ground ill Chelseu.Fhone. GR 9-2,032.' 1 ■____ •' -32

C L E A R A N C E S A L EStill in 'Progress

Shop and Save on ; ‘Suits, Topcoats, Jackets

F o s t e r ' s M e n ' s W e a r30.

FOR SALE OR TR A D E-1948 Ford H i ton truck, .good...condition;

1948 Ford pickup, good condition; 1955 Chev. fl 2-Dr., good condition; 1950 Pontiac engine; 1952 Chev, ■trtrek-engtrre; ,b»th^motors-in^good; v a hdition, 155QQ Cassidy Rd, 30

WANT-ADSFOR SALE—'Two hand-knitted

swoaters. Woman's grey, large size, and child’s beige, size 9 years.Mrs; Kiss, GR 6*7192.IT WILL PAY YOU *—to drive

out and look at our used fcar selection. Ample parking space. Chelsea implement Co. GR'5*60117

FOR HOME DELIVERY, of the ‘Detroit News, phone GR 9*8921;

or Detroit Free Press, phone GR 9-1371. » *30WANTED—Licensed/practical .or

graduate nurser Methodtst'Home.- Phone GR 5,-3961.__________ 29tf

F o r J h e D o - I t - Y o u i

We have all commonly used sizes of pipe fittings and pipe, all sizes

of pipe cut and threaded to size ivhire-ybu-waitr— * ----------------- :


Located-on - M-50j Napoleon,. Mich, AUCTION

— TEvery- Monday, 2:00 prm.Buyers for all kinds of livestock.

- D airy-cattle-tested sale day.S.tnte_approveir to handle Bangs

Cows.-For .Pickup Service, .call Napoleon,

------- KEyj ‘ “lEy stone 6-4201ORIN and DALE


■FOR*SALE—Set of French doors, plus hardw are( with glasu. Some

Used fu rn itu re / Gall . GR 9-7681.22tf

'’OR. RENT—k ro o n i apartm ent w itir prtvmev e n tTirnce and- bath

Unfurnished except for‘stove and refrigerator.: Reasonable rent .forparty—serving-!—ivK-^c-ni-etaker... forsmall—apitrtmcntr-;building;—-Phone GR~5r4851 aftcr~5 n-.mVor/lkecBkends.- - -30--FOR RENT-- '3 -bedroom—r a n c h

home on Taylor St. AvaMable Feb.-l. Seen-by- itppoihtment: only .Phone OR 9-64 82... - j__81FUR SALK

on DeliciouApples, Red "and Gold- s, Jonathan and An-

joU; :.Pe'nrs._ii'am_$1.50._,.ahd-,up-, a bu. Bring your_.coatainer. ’ C/.Ap­ia's Orchard, 1817 Rank Rd., Grass Lake-, 'Mic)i. Phone Chelsea GR

13-6468. ^7.__ -35

T V , R a d i o , H i- F iA1 l_m akes_and_m adcls__exp er.tly =:r.cpaircd_by;.radio-TVTtechniciahf Service-call $3.00 .plus parts.

W I L L I S P O R T E R -GR 5-8380 -34

Make .reservAtiwf with George Doe o r Carl Mayer, 31

-G-RA ■SfrdvAK- P T C O

C pi a ^ 1A c k wiitnuETvairrty^6 in to^1 'V lirJ7r = ^f<<ts'Pi=V!g^-"hirpe^un

—authorized Sales anil Service _ , ^ • , rx < ,-for-hTtornatiorra)—1 hi-n-r/lcr f< T id t iT § Q 7 T a -G T a V 6 F D T O C D if t machinery and. tractors- in tliis

In excellent condition. 617 South Main St. GR 5-7962,’ -30

jim i^X un ip lo te .- line - of—parts—in­stock. Filmic Grass Lake; 2531.’ _____ ■ -r ■ .. .30ON' AND AFTER this date, Jan.

19; 1961, ] will not-he rt;sp"onsi- Ble for debts incurred by anyone other than mv.sclf. Edwin-Collins,

■ ’ ■' ■■ . . -31



-C le e f Y Y o u r O w n R u g s

'a ;"With Our Amazing Rug Cleaner.,

Rental charge, $6.00 per.dav.

F R I G I D P R O D U C T S_ — Phone - GRr-9-6661. ■/ ■----- -

_ ____ . . _ _ _ 4 tfFOR RENT/-Furhishe<r. upstairs

apartment, suitable for one or .two people. Phone GR.9-5441 after 1>"p7rvn T ' ' 23IT

C . T r i n k l e & S o n 1 'Ralph Trinkle, Owner

.12241 Scio Church Road . Phone GR 9-1296

- m-In Chelsea, furnished tht'd r -ow?— or two-bed-

FO.R RENT —r;r unl'umv^htid ,■■000 room apartment- a t - 413- MndiHQIt 8t. t.'al) utt-back ent-rnnoje. Utifitiesf furnished. F o r tun appointment to s^e, o n l/N O 5-5801, 30tf

For the Birds—'Sun . Flower and mixed fce'd'in bulk.


Brooder lamp, heat reflectors, safe to-use, Special Price Each $2.39

M E R K E L . B R O S .

WANT ADSA - l . U S E D " .C A R S

1959 Ford Club Sedan-- Just like new* ,

1955 Fold 2rOoor Sed a n s

WILL SELL vacuum cLeaneri Elec-c trolux, with attachments. Total $24.70 Qt assume paymentsf'$5 per month; Write B oxA R 22, care of Chelsea Standard. — 1- - - 30

30 ond the wallet I got in the Standard Wont Ads for Alvin—has a secret-confportnientl'' *

G u m O T T P r o d u c t s WANT ADS mlimFuel Oil and Gasoline.

A L B E R O I L C O .Dexter, Mich.

/.Cat!-Collect:H A '6-4601 or HA 6-861T

FOR RENT—Two-bedroom 5^rooin apartm ent a t 318 Ann A rbor St„

Manchester. Gas heat. Large en- 'closed p0rctTTFlrofftrtj'A 8-2902. 31


- ©tt-Limited Quantities Ready Mixed

—Colors-Interior ;Puints. Mi -Brice-—-FOR RENT-*—Bachelor • apt. Also r u / l f ftw

vnrtm fwul narkinf? stiacG: >^ilwlS6Q riQ .rQ W Q r©sleeping room and parking space; 163 Orchard. _ „•.............-30FO R-REN T—4-room-up'stairs-j.in- -^furnished apartment.-131 E. Mid^m ----------^ — :--------/__T=:3afT

-LET GEORGE-DO -I-T— IIome-j;o--T'lkGo^stainles8 tablc-wane.,.~aemce

P L A N T S - - , $ 3 . 0 0 —U p -. ■ t

■ C yd amen a zal on s j-daffwlils^—

pairarand niaintenance/Odd jobs io t--a lU Kinds. J=fehono--GR=9i7462r George Ellemvoo'd, 563 McKinley

a :


C h e l s e a G r e e n h o u s e s7010 Lingane Rd., Phone tiR 9-6071

‘ SOtfFOR RENT—■Smnll --house. .Couple- —only. Phone GR 9-3597; ... 30tfFOR SALE—F irst cutting alfalfa

hay .. Phone- GR 9-3181- 32HrCHT" SCHOOL~"SENLOR wants “ Work-after- school- and --Sat^il8. years ' old am l^-d- hard .^.worker.Phone GR 9-7452, Dan Ellenwood, 563-McKfrdcy S t r - - ,30-TRA ILBR—fcOT-for-TcnT^at-Chebf-

sea- trailer, park,. North Main St. ■Phone G R fi-4121. . R O tfFOR SALE—M.y entire herd of 24 h-H olstein- cows.—M ostly--young” cows; some registered. Bangs ana TB~tMtlRlZ=Q"i3"on—BMfruIn,”/&016 -Beeman Rd. -Phone- 0-11-0-444-4? ■ 30


- M O R - S U N —

G a s o r O i l F u r r t a c e s

for. Btx.. -Sale—... Z


R e a l E s t a t e F o r S a t e :

1 ACRE LAND, 2 miles ou t. Small Barn, O iv ln g units, on blucktop

road_____ — . - : -

4-BEDROOM HOME, gas Jieat, garage, dining and living rponl,-

carpeted. Glassed porch. "Close to' North Elementary school,

2-FAMILY APT., new gas furnace. 'Close to business and schools.

2-BEDROQM HOME, on 1 acre irj_ 7 CRelseaT^Plus 2-c¥r g¥rage7/Mayc tjs bought with, small -down-pay 'meni-r—— ----------------------- —

I ^ e r n R e o t E s T o t e -“GR 9-7681


R e n t a l E q u i p m e n tFLOOR SANDER, -

— j.’t.QOT/F'DfrER:FOR- SALK—Rcfi'kaualor Wl'l

-----r — type—wOsht-ng=mrrchino; oilspan1 heater; rocking chair; lounge ciiair; (linnei' .hcfll mid post; Phone

-.GR 9-3562.__ ■ y y _ «IF.. FOR RENT—Mmiern.'coni(jniti 11 >Je,

warm room fur' t\vcT men. Hot w ater day and night’. '617 Smith

7 MainrGR 6-7983. ---------” - .;g)FOR _RENT—IJ6wiit0wn 3-room


(Oscillating type)■ W ALLPAPER STEAMER

Rent this* new, modem equipment by hour or day.-

G A M B L E S1 Hi N.-.1

- A

'\ 1 A

T h i n g s o f t h e H e a r t

' R e m a i n i n t h e M i n d

The memorable beauty -of om lerH eir w comes one of the family's treasured ceoolle»)t ions* .... -:/'!:......... ■ , — .— ^ -

X funeral home of hom elike appoint, m eflttaodqpk tw ey



-■ C o n v e r s i o n B u r n e r s -

Before You. Buy—See Us.We can. save you money.

H ours ; Dailyi 8 a .m, to 5;30 PtWWto 8 p.m.

Emergency service calls: GR 6-8175

H i l l t o p P l u m b i n g‘H E ATI NG=Jf ELECTRIC ATT-

; “CONTRACTORS" / / 7 /Authorized Dealer for Mor-Sun"Furhaces and- A"frCondittwiers-

S A N D - G R A V E L

S T O N E - F I L L D I R T

Basempnt Digging"4 — Bulldozing Crane. Work—Beach Building... ....—.— Iv-..;... .... .... .... ..0-----r---—--—, FREE ESTIMATES

WANT-ADSFOR—RENT-^Modern trailer^hom e

a t .Green Lake,’ 5”0’x l0 ’. Available' now, $50 per month. GR 9^4872. -30F^OIl SALE"—1'54 Ford, in very

good condition. Phone GR 9-3597.30tf

FOR SALE—Second - cu tting—al-- flafa hay and straw ; also, oats.

Phone GR 9-3597. - ' - — 36tf


Regular, $l4;49. Clcai'ance 7$2Jm

•Ovonette muffins, meat bakedloaf, cup

eh .-pie.Clearance Sale . ................. $4.50ihickage of five, cotton "pre-shrunk • k ita hca towels. Regular 99c, Glen ra nce-Stde . ....-----— :—:—48e

One own^r no rust.1969 Rambler Wagon—— —Y-deor-bne.- owner— - ■1960 Ford 2-dr. Hard Top— •

, New car guarantee.1957 Ford 2JDoor_Sedan— ____

Now point. . . . .1956 Dodge Vi Ton Pick-Up—

/Tgrpty, tires. Real Clean. —— -We have 25 cars to choose from.

All makes-and modela-fTom-$10Q. Some with no money down.

P a l m e r ' M o t o r : S o l e s’ __ GR 6-3281./ I______'■

P i t t s b u r g h P a i n t s

iQVER J ,0 Q i j ia tO R S - _

C h e l s e a H a r d w a r e--------- 16tf

W AN T ADSZIG ZAG sewing machine, Singer, in lovely; console (not- an attach* ment). D.oes hutidrods of decora­tive stitchoB, makes buttonholes, sews on buttons, etc. Will- aelKfpr $07;20 or payments* of $8.40. per month. ^Wrlte Box~AP 22, care ofCheiaea Standard. ______ROOM FOR RENT—JGentlemon

preferred. 124 Lincoln St.- Phone GR 6-8146. ______ ^>88


Three bedrooms, livingroomi din­ingroom '^ mbdorn -‘family*'kitoh-*1 en. New gas furnace. Attached gar­age.IDEAL FOR RETIRED COUPLE

o r - a .small family—Two bed-rooms ^ phnelted Uen (or third bed room) , livingroom-& large kitchen- dinette^ attached garage. ' /LARGE FAMILY HOMES—Three

to choose f?om. Two can be bought on land contract.FARMS WANTED^Have -buyera T for farmb* in Chelsea School Dis­trict. lOO.acrea^Ljup. ___-

PAINTING, paper hanging and . carpenter worx. G. G. Hopper* Phone* days, GR 6-6581; evenings. Gregory ALpine 6-2148. . 44tf

R E A L E S T A T E - F 0 R -


SEA’S FINEST HOMES and-close- to schools, churches and the" down­town area;-.- -----LAKE HOME LOCATED NEAR


ern kitchen,.. fireplace,_.hot - water- hcat“and”full basement.

Brown-Servo and Biscuit pans - \ \ xf e x V h x % . Regular 49c. Ciear-

nnco Sale . 25cPortable Electric Grill-by General . Electric." Regular ’$24.50. Clear­

ance Sale- ................. $16.95Hibachi indoor-outdoor charcoal

grill, for s teak ’s,-bu rgersrfranksr etc. Regular $8.95* Cloaranee Sale-........................ J6 .963-pc. plastic mixing bowl set. ..Col­

ors yellow, pink. Regular $1.79. "Cluttl'ance Sale .................

b-r u 8 h e*8. „l5c

Electric Blanket, single:sizo, fitted.. Regular -$24.50. /C l_e_a r a n c e

- " TTci-le' — ------------ ■ $9.95,.Electric Blanket,-full,.size," 'beiges

Regular . $22.50. C l e a r a n c e , — S a k ir^ ^ r r — ........‘.,.$.14.95,

B O B F I T Z S I M M O N S7 North L’ake Phone Chelaea=GIMLJ>7UF

FOR SALE—Singer sewing ma­chine in beautiful wood cabinet

with zig zag for fancy sewing,, overcasting, etc. Pick un forments of $5. pey month total, $45.50. Write Box care of Chelsea Standard.

C L E A R A N C E S A L E "~ ~ J - ..—StH k-iriiFragresa--.__

M E R K E L B R O S .

PABEICON WEAVING — Roimirburns, moth holes, cuts, tears.

Save that garment. Reasonable prices.' 316 East street. Phone UR 9-4072.------------ -------*------=30

ROOM HOME WITH 2 BATHS LOCATED 3 blocks from Main root. Has rmw- giYs furnace~and

water heater. Price just $9,500tion-of these-prop

erties. c a l l ' .- ; . ‘ ' f

A .- P O M M E R E N I N & *BROKER

Phone Chclseay GReoriwood' 9-5491/We also have other homes and lake

Gottages, I mlustriatrrCommercial and Residential sites in the Ann •Arbor and Chelsea areas. " ; '

. 30tf-PRO-T-EGT--your. cl oth ear_£u rnitur e.

and woolens from moth damage for 6 years., One spraying of BER- LQU does it o f BERLOU payB forthe—damage....I t’s -odorless,-Stainsless^and di’y I"move itV Merkel"BrBsVFOR SALE—Slab wood. . $6

cord delivered, phone GR 6 z:7rc^___-30

63-ACRE FARM, 20-acre orchard.36x42 hduse, not finished. Fair

barn and othet-outbuildings.__:___blacktop.

— Nearlymew 2-bedroom home. All aluminum storm s and screens. Sev­eral outbuildings. Also tractor. Some tools included.

Shop and Save on its, Topcoats, Jackets

201 South Main St, Chelsea, Mich. Phone GR 5-7201

l6 tfMEN WANTED—To own and op­

erate your own investment with­out capital investment. Watkins dealership-now available in Wash- tenaw county. Pro£ita_upv to.J$5,00 a year and more possible first year. Car or truck required. Write today for personal interview. Write Louis Jacobson, T70 "Bancroft St„ Iihlay ■City,- Mich. -31

......E V E S - T E S T E D .


Phono 5-5481-for-appointmeht. 28tf

H o s i e r ' s - M e n ' s W e d ?: 30

FOP.D TRACTORS and equipment.Also New Holland machinery.

Sales and service. Cobb A Schreer, Stockbridge. Phone ULyases 1-4528, ....■ ■ 41tf

Other acreages.LAROE-RIHOK-HOME neai-down-

town. ■■■■ ■■■—-■■■ ,■ " ■"2 Chelsea lots.-each 66,xl32*7'both —for-$2r500i—--—“ — - ’—*—We nave clients w aiting fo r rea-

sonabUy priced homes in Chelsea.

WINNIE SCRIPT,ER, BROKER Chelsea Phono GR 9-2789

* If no answer call ,GR 5-4811' ' : 29tf

FOR SALE-r-Modcm 6-room hbuse on Freer Rd. Has-lnrge living

room with fireplace; laYge kitchen; full eight

Ptile bath, two large bedrooms; basement; oil heat. ,Only c „ yearR old, Phone GR 9-3901, 29tf

FJVE-ROOM HO-USE, _3_mil.es_out. Q iL fu taace , 2^car g a ra g e /a b o u t 3 -acre lot. Price $ 8 ,5 0 0 /$ 1,500 down,

15-U N IT MOTEL-—Modern. 5-room overseer's home. Excellent Income. $ 1 0 ,000 down, bolance .monthly.

SUMMIT STREET— 9 rooms, -2 boths, ;oi 1 furnace,-" garage, large -lot;---May be- used os 2 -ap artm en t income or 4-bedroom home. $16.500. Port down.

B U L L D O Z I N G' Pftf

Prompt Service - Quality WorkD I C K K I S S

6846 Workner Rd. Cheleea, Mich, Phone GR 5*7182

If no answer call GR 6-76628Stf

CLEARANCE of Certain Pitterns of


Reg, $6.49SAfcE * $8.66 -


119-ACRE DAIRY FARM, 4*bedroom house, 7^*^oot |.tt~ —h ip -roo f -bam . -L arge-L silo^-^ t-toohed-m itk^houser'

Bargain at $18,500.NEAR jM|JNIT.H. 30-acre farm,.* Modern 2-bedroom

—r-bouse^-Bdm ^and-chicken-houser-'-^& ^QO-eoshT-—List your real eztote with R. D. Miller

for fa4t, efficient service.HAV1 BUYERS FOR CHELSEA HOMES.


Offleo: 15775 Cavanaugh Lake Rood Poit Oiffico Box 388 Chelsea, Michigan

\ Phone; OR 9-5892

FOR RENT—-3-room an d b a th .fa r- ^ni'sK ed-upstai r 8" fiptrr tmentL/Priv^: ate entrance. H eat' furnished;"Phr GR 5-8516 a fte r 4 ;3() p.m. 30WILL CARE for children in my

home, houi’ly or weekly. Phone GR 9-4621 , , .30


- S E W E R -

R e y r r o 'l d s S e w e r

S e r v i c e .

We Clean Sewers Without Digging -Drains-^/ieaned Eieetr-iGally——


Phone Ann Arbor NO 2-5277 ""Sewer Cleaning Is’Our Business—

Not a Sldcline’* 38tfPAINTERS. Db-It-Youraelfers. —

Have Paint You Want-Colored? We1 will tint any color, ■ size or brand ■ you- "~may^avgr~M grkol" Brothers. .. -I4tf-

F A R M L O A N S !Buy land, livesock, refinance.

Free Appraisals. - Fast Service .'6‘/4% interest

L a n d b a n k

646 Flanders St. .GReenwnqd 9-4603 ' ,

RUDY SCHMERBERG/ BROKER • -.NOrmandy 5-8669 .. .


S k a t e s S h a r p e n e d

.NEW & USED SKATES "—/ — ;— We Trade- • ;

C h e l s e a H a r d w a r e. GR 9-G311

■ ------ T ------- ~ WFOR^SA'EF^Dresse'd porkrhalf or —wholfe- Jjpv, -Weiss. PKorie GR


~R E A L v E S T A T & ~PHONE GR 9-3752 / / _

m ^ r w r B u s sREP. .

JOHN“ B, FAHEY/BROKERT" ^5564-^Fahey Rd., Manchester

C L E A R A N C E S A L EStill in. Progress.

an(1 Save on.......Suits, Topcoats, Jackets .

F o s t e r ' s M e n ' s W e a r

- H u i g l d a i r e ^ - N o r g e -

Freezers - R efrigerators 4 Vftah&V8^ - ^ p .ayei’B - "Rangca T

/ , ‘^ E N J T H ^ rTV - Radios - Hi-Fi

i . . .

FLOOR COVERING , ' and _Complete Household Furnishings

Chesty RobiiLeads Paradlrobirf takesy e a r a^ he- nerm us m e -app-roi of the 1961 M ichigan Week to| Observed next May 21-27.

ThTs" year" the sta te 's ’ offii bird, who has been the symbolj seven Tprevlbus sta te colplji'atti is pictured w ith a new band le e r’s" cap7 a s U h e -J p d s / th c pnrj with a banner proclaiming 1961 slogan, “Michigan -Marchl Forward,” which w asa dopted [ the- Michigan"—Week- organizati itarJbbing anggasted by -GoVcr|

John B. Swainson.The map of Michigan, app

to -the.-right-of the.robin.,-The J idenrw iH —being-ai^H

rJrthxUugtrcation it will be seen by milli| before the year ends!

In—p revious—years _the_- pnj robin .jn variousr^^ositiotls

•eatn e sa /if Midgan.. H e _ w a ' a io p in u io L l huge .towers of" the M.tckiq

-bridge-w hen^that-great--span- completed in 1958. Th'en in 19 he donned a sailor’s cap proudly . hailed- th e . sta te 's- positij on. the St. .Lawrence seaway. La year he. emphasized Michign| 'strategio^p.ositian -on-- the-g(ob8j the world.,__ A rt, work; -has_bee n_^mpleand soon p rin te rs 'will be tuinif but hundreds of thnnsmutspieces of materials which will used ovorYwh»p»4o-advortisp Mi(j igan’s greatness,.

M E A B O N 'S

- I t is a criminal offense for al ■person to use force or violence

---f-threats-of-f orce-or-v iolenee mgaiH union members who-exerciselttil rights- 'trntieT~the tabor- Mfmnj ment Reporting 'and Disclosure , of 1959. For further, inforinalil about this law, contact the UniJ States. Department of Labor, reau, of . LaboY-Management ports. 1966 Washington Bonlcval

T V , F u r n ; Or A { g p l .

1170 South M-92 Ph. GR 5-5191 25tf

BAD CROP YRAIt“Moscow — ;ey a poor crop

year, the Soviet Union has a' new Agriculture Minister,-—Premier Khrushchev transferred Vladimir V. Mntakevich, one of his

M m e-v-fay or i w> s—n nd named Mikhail" OIshansky7_vtco president of the Academy of Agriculture Sci- ence, to take Kis~toh. "

The_transfer -Way—not signify disgrace. The shortcomings in ,ag­riculture during the year were blamed mostly on bad weather,

ROBERT-HALfc, MGR. -2221^Jaekson Ave. -__Ann Arbor,_Mich._ .

Teleph|Jne-NOrmandy 5*6139

WANTEIiiTO" l i UY^-SomelVilUi^ t of Chelsea bonds. Write box JA 3.0, .care of Chelsea. Standard.

D i g g i h g

F o r S e p t i c T q n k s /

r r A T i i l D r a i r f F t e t i s l

AVrth the addition of our now power digging equipment we are now

able to/offer you complete servico.Septic tanks from’ 300 gal. to 2,000 ■—gal-nvnttabhi-Tor-promptr'lTiTOl - lation.

Hours! Daily; ‘8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tf ri,, 8 a.m. to 8 pmi, i

•. Emergenoy service calls;GR 6-8175


201 S, Main, .Phone GR‘ 5-720l — ---- i— ' 15tfVINYL-LATEX WALL PAINT

$4.29 gal,Custom colors $4.08 ■ '



Building, Detroit 20.--

Your * so’cial security accoi; number'is used to keep a vcconij your, earnings. You should use same account number all your so that'you will get full . ck| for all your earnings. ;■ -—■

fARMERST; We buy disabled, down .and ~~ ■ ’ old cottio.

TOP PRICEI PAIITelephone Collect

D etro iK L lS -d lS S ^ D a y s 1 TY 6-3739 Nightt

Keykomargarine 4 lbs. 83c1-LB. CAN DEMING'S ... ' '

Red Salmon. . . . . .efruit 6 for 39d


Sausage . 3 lbs. 89cSteak .


Instant Coffeelb. 49c

Also i Select Cuts. f BEEP . VEAL - PORK . LAMB

w, K„ mbats . oRocikiesWE DELIVER RHONE OR 9-2411

I s

JANUARY 86. 1961

Un Margaret Dietle’s IZeme.it from V-M hnered at Party ,I iiri. Margaret Dletle, whose re-I - i t from employment a t theT tf,,.rg|ty of Michigan become «f- [‘Ujivetslty lfi00> wa8 honored

rK w rty-Sunday evening a t the 1 *m(A r Mr, abd Mrs. Lawrence

♦ In addition to members I wart the Rev. P. H.

f S S 3 £ Mr. and Mrs. William ' Mr, and __Mrs/ Norman

MIsr Gora-Feldkamp, Mrs. ^ . S f ’shaver and Mrs. John

_ f f l1 Pintle had previously been . of honor at a retirementfdin- hay

another retlrement_party_siUij

given by fellow ertfployees of the University residence; halls.

-Mrir. Dietle had been employed by the University for 13 years and a t thfe tim$ of her retirement was chief cook a t Mosher-Jordan hail. She had been' a t Mosher- Jordan for. eight years and prior to that a t Besty 'Barbour house.

Friends at the University pre­sented her with several g ifts^a t the retirement parties1 held at Ann Arborr” ™ r~"- ~ ■>--

AKW -bushelcom crop is equal to 120*'bushels of-hurley-200-ef oats or. 85 bushels of soybeans in total ‘ feed- value - according -to Michigan State University, speeial- U ts /T h e 100-bushel drop^is also equal to 4.4 tons o f .alfalfa-clover

a n d ; 11.8 torts' of good corn go----------

W e riciver get our-— signals crossed

Noconfuied moments hero! Wo got your initructlons right tfio FIRST tlrtie « . . then hop

m rjo b . ; —If this is the l^nd of prompt,'efficient, service you're lookjbg for . . you're the kind of customer we're looking for.

P U R S 0 1 L P R 0 D U C T S




NOT ONLY A HOME, r. but a new way of life _

; A life filled w ith sw im m in g , hunting! fishing, ‘ tobogganing, cam ping . . . m in u tes ;away from theatres, dancing, bowling . all m ade possible by the ideal- location a rid vlow er-than*rent ;m onth ly payments of Ghelseo's^-Sorensen Subdivision;

insula ted ,isto rm . a n d - screen .doors, T herm opane p ic ­ture-windows . o short; q u ick d rive to-Ann~Arbori-

“Oil Heat/ Ga*~Avdifa6 le : —.'Ar City Water, Sewers, Paved Streets

-fet^eWfittfr^ehoolsr-Reereation-Faellitles- F.H.A. Approved, Low Down Payments

—— See furn ished-m odel— L ocated north of-U;S;—V2 on M-92, then tu rn w est onjO ld U.S. 12 to 'SorervseriSubdivision. AC 9-6045.

Call C helsea, GR 5 -8 4 4 8 or B righton,


LOREN W, CAMPBELL * * * * ..

Attorney NamedTo Head CancerSociety-Campaign,. Loren W. Campbell of 8175 Ford Rd., Ypsflanti, has been named: Washtenaw .county chairman for the-JOdl G^usade of the American" Cancer, Society. :

A campaign goal of $30,000 has been established , for the drive, wljich 'will take place during the month of April. , t

Campbell, an Ann Arbor at­torney, is a member of the Board of-Trustees.=of the.-Chelsea Meth­odist Home andr the Ann Arbor Senior Citizens Guild.v.the board of the YM-YWCA of Anh Arbor, and is . a . director of_-the Washtenaw

The students—crowded around the teacher's desk straining' to see the open grade book and bom­barded the instructor with a multi- tudacol frantic queries. ' ; ■

"Ho* did I do these last Six weeks?” “How many zeros- do I have?” “What will my grade be

- ■for-this'-markihg period?”Thejuestioning was followed, o f

coursephy fumbling through Fiber? Magee like1 notebooks for the precious scraps and bits of home* work that even thqugh late might help repair the damage of adoles­cent forgetfulness. ,'

But'that time is well past now, mentally and chronologically; Ex­ams are over and in the minds once crammed with facts and phobias about testing there 4s perhaps lit* tie but concern over the end re­sult. . . the semester, grade. •

And how great that concern , for some whose fate hangs upon -a

H of a point in their aver-

Couhty Humane Society.-He is -a memher-rand-^past-president-of the~[s Ann Arbor Kiwaqis Club, state appointed member and chairman of the Washtenaw County—WeU

mereage;-For they kpow that if they fail to achieve a particular letter on their report card they wifl have to sit through another 360 l ty r s of their failure. and this is thqiegreatest fear.. ___^T heJrconcer t r i s-rarely-centered upon-the=alphabetical-evaluation of performance, fp ra f te r all, What will an A,:B, C, D, or. E . really, mean in the future ? Certainly a f­ter :f he .brief^I3~_years” of "agtiiTy there is-no longer the need for.

fare Board, antLa-member of theBureau-1 of Communtty Services Committee on the Aging."

He holds two degrees from-the ^niyersity733.fr^M icliigajTT; ("ArB'.,' 1940,- and LL.B., 1949) and also received a > Bachelor of Divinity1 degree from— Oberlin Graduate School. He'was pastor of the Dix- boro Methodist .-church for 10 years until beginning-the-practice; of law. > — ;---------- -------^ ------

pigeon-holing processes abandoned . . , or is it?—The point being that there often appears to be a noticeahie lackof concern over the loss of an op­portunity to learn. The' “E” or

accumulated or over he might have deserved hie grade

Excess Proper!

through wasteful spending of class hours. He seems most distrubed about the fact that he will be’cor­ralled—into another^semester _ of- the -same—kind, of work-dodging i f He' doesn't \somehow manage

ough—effort-in-the-book for—a t

or several persons involved. .Man­kind is responsible to mankind and with today's and tomorrow's me­chanical , advancements this draws, the world’s , 250 billion joula, 249,992,999,999 pluft t , closer to facing this responsibility. “Competition in what?.You.might

say just about every field that man has or will investigate^!: eluding peace.

“But this is to o -Ja t removed from students : and youngsters,” some w ll say. "This is a lot-of meaningless hot_air that is beyond the student’s "understanding. Be­sides, a kid Is only a kid once and ifter-ali if there is any real burden to be taken upon shoulders, that's an adult'B jobr” — ;

Yes, the-seriouspess of woste of an/ything-^-money, time, ambi­tion—is often too much io r a younger person to ' realize, but the' fact remains that the same care-; free, “excusable--behavior won't automatically stop when the “youngster”-turns adult at 16, 20, "or 25- years of age. \

The same " bad habits; lack of concern for,learning those things

% T '' ™

StfdwiB Schweiacrt»• v * .......

buildings. Many will be a t Spartan Stadium. The Agricultural Exper- iment Station barns dnd^armsrWilL he open all. week. * , =

Visitors are urged to use park­ing lots at the south of the main

'cumpus. Tuesday, Wednesday and T h u rs d a y ,u n iv e rs i ty bus will run continuously to provide trans?; portation from the parking' lots to points of interest throughout the campus.

/ i

to 3 at Farmers’ Week^_Elans are completeJor Michigan State University's annual' open- house to" Michigan agriculture?^ Farmers* Week—and MSU officials hope the 5^ay-pvent-Jan^00*Febr 8 will prove as big and as valuable as ever to Michigan farmers and many city people who annually attend.

Highlight of the Farmer’s Week this year may well be the^^Wednes- day afternoon forum in Jenison Fieldhouse at which the five for- mer secretaries of agriculture, give theiy view.f on “Agriculture in an Uneasy WorW,” beginning a t 1:30 p.m.

during Farmers* Week—many‘ to elect officers for the coming year,

Distinguished service awards are ^oHae presented--Tuesday a t 1 ;45 p.m. in the University Auditorium to Glenn Lake, North Branch; Veril Baldwin; Stockbridge, and- ThomasFvSchweigert, Petoskey.

Special week-long1 exhibits willbe open to visitors in'many campus

BABY IN "MEN’S HOSPITAL?N. J . — I t took three

hospitals to usher in a baby born Ttlexian B rothers’ Hyspitat;

which haB.7 no “facilitveV for -female .-patients.-- --------

Mrs, Perkins was picked up a t ■ her home by an arnbulance from St.-ElizabethHdspital.-High-anow^- ’ drifts ' compelled the vehicle .to '

ke Mrs. Perkins to Alexian emer-

n; !i' : a "

After each has spoken, a panel w ldch-wjjUhejp^a-yQung-peraon-yiii—quegtion-the groupT-P a n el

Lmembers are. to be Milon GrinnelK editor of the Michigan Farmer, East Lansing; Carroll Streeter, ed­itor of the Farm "Journah Phll'a-

hanrdle “Kir" after-school life , (the redson we have schools in the firs t place) will still persist.

If a student doesn’t care about iiis^career in school at th js- age, chances are that he will tackle his job““and adulthood with' the same 1 ack of direction, and purpose.

The end result blights mankind because waste is parasitic- and drains from the . ^nergy of those people- v who care — enough tcr

gency room. Meanwhile, Elizabeth General Hosptial rushed over, anincubator. ' - . -----

Mrs. Dolores Perkins, 21, and--, her son ore reported to be doing well.:. =

Phone GR 5-4141 or

GR 5-5141^


use whatever they have- inherited Genuine ■waste~ofrtime’J(a '’hon

> distressed about rflapnnhjvft. . towarH -wViat-.-the. low m ark 'o r average he h as '

delphia; Loren Soth, editorial page editor,. Des Moines (Iowa)- Regia? ter-Tribune, and. Dale .'Hathaway,; MSU Department of Agricultural Economics^

Admissionvia. free to,the forum, The five secretaries will be,

amoTig“the moro'than'236"persans from and: off campus .who, will talk at 76 programs being pre­sented- to—cover—in detail—all- -



BURGHARDT FUNERAL HOMEn „ fail that gver *s happening around us) is a phases, of Michigan agriculture.

, , . I waste of life and it seems there in addition, about 80 farmgroups will 'meet JOn th e ' carripusis more-“wasteu-in^m an7 than in

B y NICK PRAKKKN, M a n a g e rUfa

ti^hwayDeptAnn Arbor—Six parcels of

S tate H ighw ay^D eparfm erTtr'surTpips property1 were "sold at pyblic auction rfere cently for $19,600— almostr-three “times’ the lowest-ac­ceptable price on the- pronextiesv-

Five of the parcels sold were in Washtenaw-county and one was in Livingston county. Tw.o parcels in Jackson county were withdrawn, from the sale after review by the State Highway Department,

rleast a passing grade.

do not m ake the man- a tle a s tth e rebetween

the effort honestly expended on grades and1 the ability to. tackle problemst to use commonvaense .and.

any basket" or barrel reserved fop that purpose. «

Students must learn to care about- their - opportunities, wha ;- ever—they are and whenever- theyoccur, for their lives, the love of nations, like the—gradebook, i will reflect the amount of energy'they put Tntb" THE-COURSE.

"==A" Teacherr

The largest sale was a 33.7 acre parcel at the northeast corner of ‘US-23 “ Freeway and Northfieid' Church Rd. in Washtenayv county. Succe8sfu]"b'id(ier was Ch'arleF"Bo- toi’o of Ann Arbor a t ,$9,800’. Lqw- est- Acceptableparcel was $2,(TOUT

Other- Washtenaw^Include:

Tw.o_ ac res _on ,M -17_.one - haLFm i.l e_ west "of Ann Arbor._to_ Alice C. Navarra,--W hitmore Lake- _ fo r$6,900. MinfmumTprice on this .par-cel was $2^00.---- : - ...

She^-was—also—successful bidder. at $400 for a vacant lot a t the northwest corner of the US-Z3 FreeWay and Barker rd. overpass

to- develop good--A^ork habits The parallel is often faulty and

understandably so when any ratlier"rigid, and hypothetical" scale

-re-applied to the widely disparate entity called man.v Y^t; isn’t it true that by whatever scale you choose men and'women are alw-ays ranked 'according to ‘‘best house- wife,L’- : <JboVi4errL-^ ‘assemblyman,”^tgood -citwenA^andy^parenti2—;■ .■ And if veeords could be pro duced, _ianlt_.it likely t hat ther<r will be > correlation between what. these people were- v?hen they were, young and jn the very ..important formative.' stage " (the' stage . in

-habitiadulthood are fixed) end their ac- tuai perfori sonalities ?

Ith ink -so,-and-the-very-serious* ness of the too prevelant. lacka^ daisical attitude of: some students .THANK-.YOU strikes fear or ought to. into the heart of apy who are involved in the- development _of- young- adultsr

To skim

THANK YOUI wish, to jexpreas^my. thftnka to

my relatives, friends and neigh- bors fo r . their cards, gifts .and visits while I was in the hospital; Everything— is-deeply— appreciated.

■ Regina Eder.'

THANK YOU -: r - t w ish-to extend jny sjincerest; thank you tp_.all my -.friends, neighbors and relatives- who r membered me with ,cards, flowers, gifts and prayers' during my long

return .home.—I- especially wish to thank my " en^pfeyerr^Mr^ Ander- [ son, for Jiis many acts of kindness' to me and my family; myJpastor, Father?" Smithy-the-American Le _ gion' asid Auxiliary; the Knights 'of _Colum_bus; ithe Hurshel O’Dells and William Wilkersons fo^ .their charitable acts; .my~~drd~~neighboitr


Roasted Sausage-...lb. 55c

Facial Tissues 2 boxes 43c


Thanks kind neighbors for the kindness shown us during the holi­day season it was very much ap-preciated.—— .............. ’ .

; ' ' Beutlefs,

t h a n k y o u ;.. Many! Jhanks to all who sent

me cards and^ ther remembrantes and to those who visited me while

JosephMercy hospital, Ann Arbor ,an^ mnee -my return home. ....

Reverend Grqbbwski, and-my new neighbor, * Reverend Schnake,. for their calls and '.kindly^—mterest.- “'Woi&a of thanks are hard to

j a • i i . , - , , , , -

;boejn. jjo kind.” Although .I'm pot allowed visitors^as. -yetr- I trustHt- will hot be ,, long before I can thank you all personally.

■William Kolb,

2-LB:- JAk S'HEDD'S ' . —

Peanut Butter ^ . , - Ajax Cleanser. 2 cans 27c

THANK-YOU Many-thanks to my friends for


my . stay'Sincerely, ,

— Teresa Laier,

hospital. HaroTdBair.

fag to our best iiiformullon, this fa* motua- phrase originatedJnXhicdgp, way b^ck in 1895. Before this, tele* phone operators responded wjth such phrases a ^ r “What do you want?**,

‘‘N um berY iyw d—11jPhat-numberYLWThe whole Bell System adopted the-wofds in 1904—so you can see that our present operators are followfag%a long tradition of tourteous servicer ! —— .--------

Ralph Lupi, Whitmore Lake, was successful bidder on two_pareeTs -$300' for a~Vacant"lot at.the south-;-

little effort as possible is especially dangerous in an age of ferocious


I. wish in this way to thank my relatives and rfieii'ds for their acts of kindnessngiftsr^ards, arid visits"during- mv- stay in the hoa

..fectB-.Jiot lust -single

pital and since returning home. These acts of kindness will al* waya-be-remembered.—— - 4'>— •

THANK YOU- My-thanks^and-!appreciation are

•extended, to my friends and rela­tives': Who' so thoughtfully TenreiTF

’bered me, with carder- fruit and other- gifts, telephone 'calls and visits-while I have been confined a t home because of. a foot inUry.

Sincerely,. ■Iza Cartv

west' cornel1 of the US-23_ Freeway and old US-23 and $100 for a* small lot —at—the -northwest . corner, _o_f_- US-23 Freeway and Grqve St. nearWhitmore -bake;^

Peter SafeTvBrigh'ton,"" was -the" sUCcessfuUbidder at .$l,95Q_for_2_4 acres south of'and adacont to the Brighton-Far mington F r^e^ejWra^L 'about three miles easT^f'Bfightoir in Livingston county. Its minimum-


I n te r m ,*, o f th e a v e r a g e a m o u n t o f w o r k ^ r e q u ir e d to b u y a q u a r t o f m ilk* th e " p r ic e ” is 7 0 % less

- -price was $1,200.

S O N r e T H ttr e ntelephones being Inst ^The Area Code is

ed these days is an Area Cq^ ** o f your telephone "address,”

Indicating your sectioy o f the ^ o untry. J r i nted on th e_ ^iel, it’s'easy to give yjbur Area Code to persons in other parts of the county I f they m e the Area

Code when catling you, their — — calls will go through faster,

whether dialed direct or put th rou gh hy an op erator.. Y ou r A rea C ode is u sed only for calls from distant placies—tfaver on local calls, or calls to phones with the same Area Code*

Michigan-ranks- seventh--in-the

jrhe~state’s 750,000 cows gave over .6.5_million pounds of milk .last year.

today than it was 45 years ago* ____ 1 .__ ________'■ __The real price of a quart of milk

fa measured by the amounFoTwork— not the amount of money—required to obtain it.

Chelsea Theatre 5. ri

dcoos 313

KL 5•23681

CHELSEA, MICHIGAN -Complete-Skews-? lOO - S:0O- p, CenHnueui Sunday fwm 3:00 p.m.

THURS.-FRh-SAT.JA_N, 2 6 -2 7-28

It li extra funny . . . You’ve pot o surprise'coming!

.* „ WCIIWIH O P E B A U -


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

* * 4? 4* 4» ‘J | > *

A NEW VOICE^evelopedrbyBi Laboratories

^ave lost the use* wrds. Weighing

eunces, thiVartific


“ b being n ijjeav! nonprofit b a* . F(

f c « o n , | 0HMh*l»n Bdi l,u

Id has been Tblephbne

those who f their Vocal only seven

larynx k comes In simulates woman's, table on a more in*

1 yotit resi office*


SU N .-M O N . JA N . 2 9 -3 0A fest*ond*furieus comedy

with sonSs end loushsl

¥ a : q u a i t

Ih 1914, for example, the average h o u rly w age-earner worRed-22.9s minutes to earn the money -to buy a quart of millc. (Sec table.) Todayfa average wage earner works only 6.8

~aimitesjt(Learn enouglnnoney to buy a quart 6f milk.

In terms of the_w_ork required to obtain it, the same q u a rt of milk

“^ c o s tr^ O ^ e s s - to d a jr - th a n - ir did 45 years'ago. _ 1 __ _

Bargains like this are few and for between,___ ____

"Source: U.S.=Bureau of taborStsMcs-


n o r t ht o


W *

1 11^1

ItAR . « / * ' Jm m * *vJOyLMCWE*.. BOUkU

tugm ..


..».««#...\T tg fiPv/.' 1fiT,§F|HLK

lM4 8.9*5 S 733 22.9 min.1929 ' 14.4fl .588 15.3 min.1947 19.6d 1.237 9.5 min. "1953 23.4 1.77 7.9 min,1958 25.3d 2,13 7.1 min.1959i 25,2 - 2.218, 6,8 min,

M o m* 9 Ol « ' • * * * * ♦ * *


n6ti show timesSUNDAY SHOWS ATi

2:30 • 4j46 - C'sSS - 9tl0 p.m) Menddy Shews et 7i00-9i00 p.m,1 1 1 ■■-Hds

Pounds of trash become mero ash when you have

m es a day! See the latest models now—the most effi­cient ever built—a t dealer or our company showrooms.


M i c h i g a n M i l k P r o d u c e r s A s s o c i a t i o nOWNRD AND OPHNATCD BY 1 3 ,0 0 0 MICHIGAN D A drf f ANMtNB

Uve, m o d e m ,, ,fb r l e s s . . .vvlth CA Q A S, MICHIGAN CONSOLIDATED GAS COMPANYsod listso to ufiuansu Barometer/' $447 p

f; 7





1 V

» 1

(Community☆ ☆ ☆ '

T -'""itr

!__ s t. R a u t 1111“ Tlfurs'/d ay , Feb. a, 2 jJ.ih., a t the home of —Mpbi- Alviu-VaiL----.— « . . . —_

Salem Grove, WSCS-Wedmwdayr Fob. I, 2 p.m., a t the homo of Mv».) Clifford Wolfe.

„_Chelsea , Wonuiri’s Kehublicim club annual meeting at the libraryTuesday Jan. 31, 8 p.m.

*...*■ • * ■

— Anieriean-l,eyion. Auxiliary HastTrosidonts TiieijdayT Jan. 111. 8 p.m.; at-tho home of: Mrs.' George West, 140 East Middle St....■■■ V '• * '•


Public lecture by - Samuel Wylie,“ Facing the Future)” Friduy, Feb.

■ a t1 Ann Arbor ~ Public Library, sponsored by Theosoph- icul Society. Classes every Friday.

- ■ v;/:-./VChelseas Products Credit .’Union

' m e v } u} « !V’ f Umi’ i- in o 1Jthiy" incctinu /'T hurspot-luck duiner at South Women- 2(} 7;45 w>( ut tho hom.-tary schouLJaaturdayj aan.j 28,vb - ■ ..... . . . . . ..

■ p.m. Speaker: Robert H. Van Riper of the' -Michigan Credit ■-Union.League. Bring own. tabic serviceand—diah-tui^paSs

. WSCS of M ethodist church Wed’ lies day, Fob. 1 p.m., in the church social, 'c en te r/- Devotions; and pro- g ri|n u Afternoon Pliilathpa Circle. Refreshments. Deborah Circle. ^ -

Church Women of St. Barnabas,day Jan.

home of Mrs. dtidson Goltra, 508 A rthur St, ■

Cub,Scouts Blue and Gold dinner a t Chelsea High, scliool_caf.oteria Thursday, Fpb. K>,: 0:30 p.m,

Bi^Annual-Mefiliug Girl Scout' Council Being Held in Ypsilanti

Approximately 180 delegates are expected to “attend the Huron Valley GliT SFout Council b ia n ­nual meeting a t Ypsllanti this m ornjng-(Thursday). The. mooting

•ia~bfling, held7Ut Emmanuel ‘ Luthe­ran church, 20rT tiver Blvd„ from 0:80 a.m. untiM&dHMi.nL------ -

Presiding is Mrs, LaVerne How- ard of Ypsllanti, president of. the Council which' embraces all of Liv­ingston, W ashtenaw, and the w est­er i r pa rtT of Wayne counties.

On the agenda a re the .revised •106} budget, a p la n lia r GirIJScbut troop accident insurance, “Opera­tion Birthday Present,” and a re ­po rt from the 10(30/ national Girl Scout convention.'

‘.‘Operation B irthday Present” is. a plan fo r bringing two. Girl Scout Guidos and a chaperort from. India, to visit thisj-area as guostB of-.tho Huron Valley Girl Scouts next yoaV. - -. * /.

Will Appear in Ann ArborL The Capital University Ch'apel Choir, a ivell-known concert group fronT CupitaT University, Colum­bus, O., will appear, ut Zion Luth­eran ohurch, 1501 - W est L iberty St., "Ami A rbor, Saturday,, Jan , 28,ut 8 p.m.* -

Dr. ElBs Snyder, who founded the^cboir aa years #j&_jvjn_<lirect the a cappplla group,,at the Ann 'Arbor c o n c e r t - - — ----------- -ykJV» vVmvv* wt ■»

Zion Lutheran ’church, in an­nouncing tho concert, mentioned that tho Chapel Choir has been "recognized ~by crftfc8 ii11'ovo£ the nation for its ^emphasis on sacred situsic: (Works -of__such m asters -as- Bach, Palestrina, ah'd M o aart'a re coupled with.such well-known, mod-, erna as: Darius Milhaud, S.eth Birg- 'uym, Francis Powlene, 'Jean Ber­ger, Benamin Britton, and others.

Several Chelsen and Dex,ter area young people were members of the

choir while they were students JCapital University,

L a s fy o d r the choir toured oyel 5,000 mile_s and drew a crowd' 0| $000 people to their annual Christ mas concert.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pommorcn ing returned home la s t week aftej spending a month on the wcu coast.' They spent the hftjidaysa|

-the home o* their ..son and family Dr. and Mrs,, RohcrLA. PQmtnercnl ing in Seattle. W ash., and the visited in California fo r 10 dayj They, made the trip by plane.

— Mr. a n d Mrs.. Dudley Foster urj family. • have, returned home free

*u m onth's vacation _a t ' Acupulccj Mexico,

’ M ic h ig a n ,m a n u fa c tu re s m«r than 500 million dollars in forcsl products each year.

Girl' Scout: Neighborhood, mict-jng-Momiuy. Jan. 30, 7:45. p.in., at. Home" Ee. room, Junior HighBchoo 1; Spcukan- Kuy•: Kimbu 11 of v.

-> * ' i ^> \ U ?

.ANTI-RABIES' CLIN K ^-flolly Powers and \lu*r brother, Rod,-go along to give moral support as their collie, “Taffy,” gets an anti-raW es injec­tion adminis'tered by Dr. W. C, Lane,^ Chelsea'vet- erin‘arian7at^the-clinic-heldd»T-the^DeX(t«r-F4r«/HalL

on Saturday, Jan. 21. Holding "Taffy” are owner H. C. "Charlie” Powers and Deputy Willis Clark of the W aehtenaw County-Sheriff’s Department. - Dep- uty-C lark-serves (pf the. "Dog. Control" unit.- ’

-Arm—Arbor,' with- film about;-.-troop- committee' and-ihi responsibilities. All leaders, troop committees ami.

-jittU :SebIR^mt>thfriIg=^ked^-(>:a t / tend.- . j ' - -

•7A -daughter, Tonya Rae, Satur-'

difv' Jan. 14, to Mr. and Mrs.' Claude R. Deatrick*, 18000 'M-92.

... . ~1fr. r >P

Transportation Needed for Blind Girlin Yosilanti

'URelseirRebekuh Lodge-No7-13(5" J,J>aked goods party a t lOOF hall,

Tuesday, Jan, 31, 8 ..p.m.,. -Inembcrs to .fu rn ish baked items,: H usbands’ anil -w ives .invited.

A daughter,. Lisa Jean,. Tuesday,. -Jan , 17, to M r,—and Mrs»- lli.'iiry, 15000 Cassidy Rd.

"couselby" for


Chelsea Rod and Gun dub. 1, a -...dies' Night: banquet_Feb. T4, St,

./P au l’s: Church. $2.25 p]ate. .Make reservations by P\>b. 7 with George Doe'or Carl Mayer* adv.8i

■ 4------ -——-------—-----------------—wr-

George : Bergman^....olsea schools, is .issuing _a n /ap- pea [ToTTlMi sta rreef r o m-j n d i vidua 1 s or organizations: in the Chelsea

• The “young lady” is a blind girl wh<F<iuarifibs:Lffi^raHy^llm'Shtary education. - .

■ A- son, Michael day, Jan, 10-, to Charles Hatcher of Detroit. MrS. H atcher' is. the, f-'ofmer"Judy Doe,

Charles, MoTT^|yte!H/'7«n-effor-t-to-proyide_t Mr. and Mrs.

•gnmddaughtei— ancFZMHZ

portation to and from special" c lassefltrY psilan ti for an elemenr taiy scbool-;age_git'J who, i s “b!ind

X~eharinifi'g' young 'indy,vhigh 1 y

trained in a specially equipped class by a qualified 'te a cher, ; ■

She offers the potential of learn-i ng~ m o r C7 successfutly-^than- an -avr

George LLoe^

your' driving:.,at all times.

intelligent,.iipensonabTeZ/aM_____affectionatcr —faces— an— obstacle.,

■h_calls for the immediate ap­peal to the "Spirit of Chelsea.”

very erage chtld^vith similar-handhrap.The Ypailim ti .schotds-have~such a' special program " in W ashtenaw

JpehL their—winters, io r-the past- 30"TyeHrs.

- ■ t - ■

G r c w n H M . ^JANUARYGounty—jiist “made to order” for the little1 girl apd .they a re y i t l in g to take her. into the program .

The Chelsea-School D istrictrhow -Vllfnw VlHB .« n WAW ftiw/luVTvrj tltrO 11V j/* V.TlOlVlIOTlivJ J.UUUD


He was one of. the founders and, until L[)47, president'of-the fo rm er Lewis & Frisinger Co.,-a construe^ tion firm speci,aliizng in highway and airfeld -construction. —He-^was-aiso^one-of-the ‘founders

Hu; fcen-Jiy HURRY! SALE ENDS SATURDAY!possibility of receiving sta te reim ­bursem ent up to $60. — •— --

Any person or organization in­terested or willing to assist or give information abo^uj;;-pptsiblbT"d&ily transprta tion to and from Ypsi-

-hrnti— (on -school '-days)—is -.invited-U_______ m\- ir;

Ff-superintendent,, or George Borg-

L /.A / / .


I •

j ;

man, counselor, 5-3461. "

-by calling GR

PTA Groups i^isruss Tax

rppr.oximately 100 persons a t ­tended ,the ChclsQa PTA meeting held W ednesday,'Jap. jl8, !n the

Th is number included teacliers^and IMU’ents,

_The -Kevr-Philip Rustou was- in_ Lcharge. of 'the.nrngl-uin...v^bkk ,m \A

CHEST, b o o k c a s e b e d


[ cncried out, according-,-to the pbm previously aimounced — small

.u n d e r group leadeTR“ to-"d iscu ss_ pu bl ic ed uca^ tion in Michigan and how finances

I are used, in the 'local school dis-. TtTict

Group leuders who participated



M ahogany


na\ < $2.00Per W eek,


arq Mrs. Charles Winkns, George W iimnsj 7lack"“ tiood, Mi's. A., H. Mayer, Jack Musser, George P r in t­ing, George Frisinger and WilliamiGhuniiler;-'


Dcpervd on Gomb.les to g la m o riz e a '.b ed ro o m p rn n n m irn lly 1 H nnd ru b b e d M ojave fin ish

A quusLioii uml. answer which followed the group discus, siorrs brought clarification of vuri .oirsTopics includfriystatCieqnaireect/to7 mttkc .valuation for tax purposes.

Tho m eeting , was opened, by th eres is t s st o in s, s c ra tc hes— D raw ers do v e ta i le d ,- B h t a —presideutr-D aviti-Soule.-------

DEATHSR , N . F r i s i i i g e r

Wen-Known^us "Par tn e rin -/Highway Gonstruciion Firm. .Rolta' N: Frisinger of 2110:Xim-

donder_ry,_Ann Arbor, diod early MoMay-'Tit—Santa,_Monica.. Culif., whore he and''M rs. Frisirtger^have

t o l

DIAL 6R 5-3391 for


-the Mchigan-sociation a t Landing, serving as the association’s '-f irs t- president;, was form erly a director of the Ann Arbor T rust Co., and of the Ann /A rbor -Federal. Savings ahd Loan Association;- a life member



Presttyterian church, Ann A rbor. . Frisinger P a r k . in Ann Arbor was named after him and his'busi-

Born a t Rockford,. O., Fob. 19, 1890;'Mr.- F ris inger■ was a son of George W. and Arena Hesser F ri- singer. Before coming to Ann Ar-bor, he-hfid- ser-ved-as-postm astor gnd_ mayor, of Rockford. He re-ceiVed h isp education, in the schools of ~ Rockfdl'd,. O.,- and a t Ohio Northern University, Ada, O. . •

He was married April 19, 1908, a t Newport, Ky., to Destina Robi-

areAlso surviving are six sons,- fipnrpp- -Frisinger of 13450 Jerusa-lcm Rd., Gh'elaeu, Hubert of Toledo,

G.E. AUTOMATIC WASHER^ _ c y cb 3 ,

w ash temperertttfesr

H.- Max and TA itir'Arbot-; -arfd-Ralph"-

Frank of

Inti.:' and one brother, M errit Fjri-singer of Roun'dhc:idt ,0 ^-Funcral-services: \yill-be-hold-at 1 ISO" p/iTt7~Friday~at' the MueliligChapel at- Anri- A rboov ith the Rev. Raymon__Bair, of - the. _YpsilantiPresbyterian 'church, and the Rev. Richard Miller o'f the W estm inster Prcshyte'rian’ . church, .officiating. Interm ent will tuke place a t ForestHill 'eemetery7 ~AmT Arbtn,r'»

TO«> -f-n m i 1 y—hax—dosi u nated --thr■Westminster .Ri'.cahyt.ariah_churchbe the recipient of. any memorial contributions friends m ight wish


d u stp ro o fed . chest.

Includes b ed , d resse r, rViirror,

SensationalB uy!Large plastic laundry-, basket. 3 colors. ........ TEXAS-WARE DINNER WARE! SAVE $ $

50 Clothes Pins< Stock up now.-----.—Only— ~ r . —

Plastic Dish Part1 5>Qt-'v{,v2e, round.

PLASTIC PAIL1 ?.-Qt. size. 3 colors, . 0

SERVING TRAYLarge size. "Brass handles, ..

H i t r o m a t i f i f e Q i ^ g jP ressure Cooker 7

HOUSE FUSES—Cord—of—5—


Prostone PrimeGasoline onti-freeze...........

S p ray EnamelGiont’ 16-oz. ..Many colors.

VINYL RUGSNew Vi-King, vinyl coated.


At the close of the . meeting he" | announced that the February m eet­ing will take place 'immediately

| following the community Lenten i hpi-vI™, WerlneMflay, F<di—tr,T_nnrIt^m bers'Tweve - urged to" make special effort to be present. •

A t .the close of .the meeting, rc- freshments- werd served by Mrs. Rfflph^MeCatia,- assisted by- Nancy


~' —★ mr”

and Carl McCalla, Mrs. Ray .Man l.zel, Mrs. Bruce Bycraft and Mrs".. , W arren -Hoover, - - -

This is the time oF"the yea r "for hunters to be careful.

Let o reputation of Honesty xand Integrity be the guide to yournext auto purchase.


a t

Chelsea Implement' COMPANY

-Phonfim 5-5011

7 4

4 \

3 P


Autumn Leaf |ti TfXflSIllflftfrr«limlr>*

d ln n trw tr*1

45 pieces— f a r —

_ ..v

open stock volue $44,60 •

11 Ills contemporary floral. pattern [fecilures airy waadlond flowers in j|fKigmnr pink blooming omit) groep. leaves. Call leaf appears on (jlafcs

land platter with' a write back-. [ground, Cups and bowls arc white. iNo chips_fir— cr.QckVJo_.worrylyou.,. ITEXAS WARE ft" guaranteed In' [writing.Z.fOtl years against breok- lage. Perfectly , safe in boiling Iwater and automatic dishwashers.

Cewrfrf* t t n k t for i <nelu(f«,' 8 dccoritcd , 10" dinner pU lf i •8 decorntcd 8" i iu m h• 8 whit# eupi * 8dreorttrd . b in d tnd butter plttH ,• 8 whft# ceretl btrwN • I d«e«* Mt#d pl»tt#r• X whf|« rervlng bowl• 1 w h ite e reem ee• 2-plece white ius«l with ltd ,



"A irt't T h a t Just Like A W o m a n " ..... .....;;::..Fats Domino""D on 't Read the L etter* ................... i................. Patti Page 'u G host Riders in the Sky" ......... J h e ” Ramrods"I Count- "O nce in-

the-Te<3rs" ..... ........... The Driftefs-a W hile" ..... !......................... .............The Chimes

—i hefe^~-G"MoOfV-Qut—TonK}ht"” 7?r-r:rr:rrrrr.vrv7rrThe-'-GaprtS—

- ALBUMS IN STOCK -Glenn Miller ..........aM illdr's Original................... ......................... RecordingsPete Fountain 's N ew ’Orleans:---. ■ tN aitghty, N aughty, N aughty .................. Teresa BrewerT h is Is Brend aPaul Anka Sings His Big J 5 Square Dancing M ade Ebsy ...

' Brenda Lee*

......Calls by Slim Jackson

o f Former. Hit * Records for only 1 3 \ #

^.By..PauiAnJsq,7..Bobby^Darinr .Stan.Rreberg,.PabM n;-Johnny M athis, Stonewall Jackson, Sarah Vaughn,

Perry Como,„ Don Gibson.



21” PHILC0 CONSOLE TVNew." A real va lue. ■

■ ; , * ‘ V '

9 iS i A OWith trodc

11 Cu. Ft.




13 Cu. F t

DELUXE REFRIGERATORFreezer in bottom. Sliding shelves.

__— Automatic. ■ defrosting.— :—_

$3 4 9

5 0with trade

G.E. STEREO CONSOLEHas record,storage.

9 5

11 Cu. Ft.G.E. r e f r ig e r a t o r

"Across the top freezer. Dial defrost.

5 0with trado1 8 9

G.E. 30” RANGE-Laiige oven.

* 1 4 9 with trade

NEW ELECTRIC DRYER-.'Slight m ar on* cabinet,

Li L

as as

ALL I 9 6 0 FLO O R M O D E L T V 'Si

113 N MAIN ST LL0¥J) R -HEYD1-AUPF MS N. MAIN ST. , .rH O N E fil» .«65I

.The. km N lUariil,

miLtogrt Jfarm Ik!) ' lffalfe

----- H M p

I t I I

The r



— _ — r -

S T A N D A R D)rmts

'<1 ovej )W(l’ ol Christ"


> wos lays a]

I the ) daytj fane.

top ha

3 fronupulco



Methodists To Participate in ‘W itness for Christ’ Program

Methodist o f .„ the Chelsea area will participate in -th ree ' special activtttsy aa~ part of~the UUnited;

^ re e ^ h T T llr r Heofyer^Rapert-dfTUye- __ _______ _ j F l w t M sthod ia tchurch.-Ann Arbor.W itness fo r C hrist” being carriedT^M ethodist-wpast^M T-jiv^the--area.’on in M ichigan congregations,’Feb,

mt5^ ~ A c e e r ^ g ^ ~ t h a r Hevr-S.-h»^ Jn a tru c tio nr - in- . Ann , ’Arbor—Went- -| Kinde. oasto r of the F irs t Method Side M ethodist church on Feb. fi. l|

. II . A. . r . f . t ” 1.1__A . Q -• « wJ/>~ Tn ■ v- -Id ist c-hurchrrthe w itness misaidh is designed to ^ s tre n g th e n l o c a l " churches in their communities, "

Youth o f . the area 's M ethodist congregations w tir 'a tte n d a Dis­tr ic t Youth Rally in_Ann A rbor, Saturday evening, Feb. 4. The, pro­gram , designed as a “kick-off” fort the mission, will include an ad*

MfiII» attend a 'fo u r-d a y .School of

0 STERY FARM No. 134—This is a secpnd recognized it as the. Hueh] farm at 10876 US-12, into of 8 farni which w as- originally shown Dec.- cast . of, C helsea.... Even the- ucr in i-photographer : g & "Mys tery Farm No. 130.” The-Dec. 22 didn’t recognize it as a farm he had photographed .i rearvie'v of the place and very few people ---------before.

ist Week’s Mystery Farm Proves To Be »peat

llfystcry Farm -No. 134 proved It* a front "view of “ the Hxrehl

ist 1087(5 US-12, cast of- Chel- rear view of the sam e'farm ;

pplareTin“ tlTe“ Decr 22: issue 'The. Standard as'-..“M ystery

Lm No. 130.” .... -ffiardly anyone recognised- the

‘View photo-but the f r ont view more familiar. (Even t he

itographer didn’t recognize it i s lj[Brni he had photographed be-Inf) "]ffalter Huehl of ' Indianapolis,

is now the owner of the. farm -the David-—Sehaerers - make-

!eir home there.' . ' -"f------[The

bought t he farm in 1010 a fte r it had been , in- Mrs> Hueh^’s farnlty since 1882.- Mrs. Huehl ms«h~ flio form er Berthu^Fm kbciner. :; w

Former, owners included Govev- nor zAlpheus -P h e lp s ,; f rortr whom the Finkbeiners bought-the place, snti^CMUWaiL.General Qeorge-Wil -Hams—who—is—believed to have} built- the_“hduse “■ and other farmbuildings.- ^ - , , j ~

Among those, who, Ctrl}ed The S tandard offi.ee soon -afte r publi­cation of The_ Standard last week

_to. identify , the farm a re Paul

Clifford Heydlauff fam ily id there for 22 years until mov- to their present home on Kalm- h_p in. Sylvan tfrwnship. ’ ThTpesmit~mvnevVparentsrMrr

• Mrs. Benjamin Hliebl " diad

Elevator men, Mrs. Jerald Heyd- lsufL,cand“ thEr H erbert Hinderevs

NEW W EAPONSan - Anton io/-


-Tex—— —A—nigtvP watchman used his index finger to cap tu re a would-be burglar. . — Jesus— tfonznles;—a—-G0-yeaiwoid


J490 SugarLoof-ta k e ­en Waterloo R o a d *

ijr Appolnlmenl only - GR 9-47 .43

dry-cleaning 'p lan t watchman, spot­ted ,an: in truder slipping, through a window. / [—H e’ slipped up-behind..-..tha..: in­truder,. jabbed a< finger in his back, and told him to freeze.

The man froze" until police nr- Tived. rT_ ■■ '• •

GIVE IT TIM E-A enkfl■ in tbe freezoiii-nCed's

[k grind-our .own lenses which eons qt/ick service at a reosQn-

pnee. ■ ......

sopie tim e to thaw before serving. Home 'economists say a two-.layet, nine-inch'cake tha'ws in about two hours a t room tem perature.

H im 11I U !1 1 4


a mu TOWNSHIP Z0MNGB0ARCjThe proposed p e rm o n e n f" - ro m rrg-rfrrd i'nQ nce- -and -m a p ' p r Lyndor T ow nship will be a v a ila b le fo r p u b l ic jn s p e c - |hon and d isc u ss io n -a t a p u b lic m e e tin g , ' •

"February 16, 1961The

• at 8 vp.m. ...— — •— .—

LYNDON TOWN HALL7“* - • ■■.rc?p..a n d o r d i n a n c e w i l l a l so b e .d is p la y e d f o r . . s t u d y .

fifore. the hearing on. Saturday/ February 1 V, from p,m. at the home 'of the secretary , Donald Porath,

<0900 Inland L ake'R oad..


ow Is the Time!TO ORDER YOUR

'EWEUES BADGER BRAND SEEDS;* d u r a - s t a n a l f a l f a

Scout Leaders AtteM District Planning Session; A nu m b ef o f Chelsea volunteers

in Gab -Scout and Bov Scout work attended a Huron Trails D istrict' roundtable m eeting Thursday eve­ning a t the Ifirst"M ethodist church,Ann.Af.bor. • . - ---------- —

A ctivities a t the m eeting . in­cluded- the W ashtenong Indian

J)iin.<‘ers group: a film strip on railroading IVlTiCh is“^to'be the Cob'

_____ _ . . .._____ _, Scout program th eme for Marc h ;r u n n e r s ’ W e e k C is t s I ami a question and answer period

. .. « ■ ’ .S p e c m l P r o g r a m s f o r

C h r i s t m a s T r e e G r o w e r s— Farmer-’s -Week -wi 11 be observed a t^ Michigan -State Univcrslty in

*Jtf“ Lo Keb. .1, There will be many interestjijg programs_a_nd_ exhibits, available to visitors, on the campus <luring the entire week.

D istric t'F o rester Victor Horvath of Ann A rbor‘ has ’ listed some "of theiniportant-.sc^sian3-takliig_pliiCiL

'bf"1nterest to own ers-of-foresH ands- and pi a nta tions,

'M<7mjuy"-.1;5 :p'.m"“ ^ ‘ Michigan Christm as T ree-G row ers Associa- .tion__wnr..mcet a t Afithony-H all; (i:30 p.hn—Evehlhg Dinner meet­ing of. .Christmas_Tre£.-GKowers at Union Building.

“Tuesday H)7t2 p.m.-—Christmas Tree Growers- Association meet at, Kellogg Center; 1-3 p.m.—Fisher­ies .a nd—W-ild H f e . - meeti n g u se'ufti- Auditorium; 1-4 .p.m.—Tree Farm program ' a t Kellogg Center,. . Wednesday 9-12—Maple—j-Syrup'

-Prorftit*«‘s-m eoting-at-the-J*!<«ie s tiy •Cabin; 1:30-4 p.'m;—“Agriculture in an Uneasy W orld” 'b y five for- mer-.-r ■ Sbcretaidea—.of. ■ Agriculture, Will 1 Iree, Wrekard7"Ande"rson, Br5b^ non and Benson a t Jenison Field House. ».. Thursday 1-4 p..m.—“Use and M aintenance of Chain Saws * and C hattfs ''-

Announcemfents were also made pertaining to a “ Po_w ’Wow” sched­uled for Jan.* 28' a t -Ann Arbor Hjgh school. For Cub Scouting, it -was_ stated a t the - roundtable dis- -cuss i o n, the top i c“ f or “ A pr i l l l s to b e - - ^ i r r-Adventureu - an (P-f or^-M a yr -‘ irrcHnn—G o u n try ^ -

Cub Pack No. - 125 . was rep re­sented a t th e m eeting by^M rsrCar- tis_ F a rto y t Airs. George M arshall, -Mrs. -Richard Hoelzer,- Mrs. Rich­ard _Smith, M aynard. Poertner, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gardner, Dan

_Mnleolm -NoAvess ——Jobu.Potts, Mr. and-M rs;-Vernon Parks and- Ralph Fr-isc-h^-who -is—the - in­stitu tional representative for the Cub Scout sponsoring organiza­tion—the--Gheisea—Junior-C ham ber of Commerce. , —

O thers who' attended the meetr. ing from , this area included Scout “R epresentative Douglas Danger

i)c rT C raven;-N u t Growers mooting at1^6“p:nTr

PI a r t i cu 11 a va _fi u ild ing .'Forestry e'xhihits and displays

n tlf-w eek ill the F a s t Concourse of S tadium. •

Further- fhfbFmatuui:_on Farm -

Scoutm pster ■ Robert Foye and Webelos Den Chief Donald. Dickel- ■mvvn—af —Ti-onfT S5.- — ..............

H a r o l d C r a v e n s E n j o y

G lo s e - u p V ie w o T ------

I n a u g u r a l C e r e m o n i e s '•M » ndJVlrawJial'uIcD5ravetL-aiid

their granddon, \ Gary Craven, re­turned .Sunday night, from W ash­ington, D. C., where they had been the guest of their, sbnnrnd daughter-in-law , Mr. and Mrs. Hu-

f o r . the-Ceremonies. — - t l .

for t l ie J U .J . .Coast Guard, his of^

ers Week m a y ” bc"~ obt ained fromCo-operative Extension Service of- fic<v-Ann^-Arbor.

Macomber Holstein

Passes 1 0 0 * 0 0 0 lb. Mark—Ttnr- HtfktrrirpFriestaiTf-ArssOTia- tion* of__A'mevihn hn<)—announcedtti a {“ a'TGgistertrd- Hv 1 s te i n . co w - i nthe; herd of" George Mtvctmrber“TjfC844. Park T h k '"has completed an nfficini record which brings its lifetim e _p.L(.K.luetion ; total to more than lOft’.OOO pounds of milk.

The cow, registered under the name bf Rustic Miftual Countess 31fi91f)2 (OP), p ro d u ced •110,144 poptuls of millt and 3,097 pounds of bu tterfa t in 2,091 days, on offi- cini 'tes t. ' .. : _ /

To date , more thau J-1,700 H.ol- steins have exceeded this 100,000- pound production m ark on official test. Many more have achieved sim­ilar goals in unof ficial testing pro^ grams. This volume, of production, representing ■ approxim ately five times- the lifetim e total of the average dairy cow,, can be a ttr ib ­uted ■>. to the registered Holstein's unpariilleled longevity -coupled with recent advanced in , b'rcetling, feeding, and m anagem ent, accord- ng to the association’s announce­

ment. ... ‘ , ' . -• - f '!

fiee. hcing .loc'atcd.-midway-bet'vvben- th e’ . Capitol and th ; reviewingstand a t the corner of Pennsyl- y a n n u a v en u e 'a n d --‘K—streot^-TheCravens had a warm-,-eonrfqrt-able “jdngaidel^sp(R^frOm--Avh-ich “to

fl, 8, and TO._ T h e " R e v . " J b h n T e h h a n t - o f the F i r s t M e th o (! is t“ "cKureh', " A lb io tu -Vlijl h a v e : c h a r g e o f th e in s t r u c t io n . : ' " ' A p u b l ic m a s s ■ m e e t i n g o f y o u th a n d a d u l t s w i][ be h e ld _Siim Hay - - a f t e m o o h y F e b ; T D r a t ^ A n n A rb o r . T h e s p e a k e r f o r t h e r a l ly ^.ill be D r . C. R r A r m s t r o n g of In d la n a p o l isy - In d ."— --—' The. three special activities will

be in addition to evangelistic serv­ices Feb. 5-9 in this area,. Guest m'inisters from the Michigan Con. ference are to assis t local minis­te r s ’in these services and to train, team s of laymen who will cull at homes of the community^— >

D. Protfinow Promoted%y=-==- Ann Arbor Trust" DcFwddd 1 )7 Prochnow “ of “353 Washington St., is 'one o f threenew appointees as assis tan t vico- presidents; of. the Ann Arbor. T rust Company.

Announcement of the promotions; was .rpade, b y _ E a d -H J. Cress,___the' com pany-president, -

Prochnow . was nromotod - from his form erm fttfager-inThe R ea lT is ta tc Divi-sin of__the— T rust ■. company— He-joined Ann Arbor' T rust Co, in1^62_afte r operating Prochnow’sM arket, 'now Steeb’s M arket, a tAnn Arbor for , 10 years, - - ..

•He is a member of the Ann Ar- ir“ Bourd. o"l“ Uualtors”and— iSr-.-u.c-

tjve in the Elks and“h r th e .l‘Da(ls>' organization of the V eterans of Foreign W ars.'^ -O ther ussistant-vie-president up-' ppinfees-irre Gerald V, Alcock and George -H.-Gr^sg, bolh_of Ann-^Ar- bor. . ' ' .'“ TbommTUrDickinson of"A'nn Ar- bor, a form er assis tan t vicc-presj, (lent, was promoted to the posl- tion of truaU-off-icer . . .

D i a n e W o r d e n I s G u e s t

A t A n n u a l f l e e t i n g o f

M i n e r a l o g i c a l S o c i e t y-Diane /W orden, who won thiixj

prize in a 19(50 jiatfona! essay c'on-r test sponstued by the Anverican L apidary- and Mineralogical So- aiety, was guest of iionor a t the luTnual (Tinner meeting" of the Cen- ti'a i- Michigan—bnmeh—of—the—st>^let-y,—held—-T-Ini i'sda.y_ _e.v(iu i ng—m.

Junior school at- Lansi dr's. !IWllT)ei:I Woiide n,JI.er_mother,

was also a,, guest a t t he ,d inner'.

Tvatch"hte processkrti—as outgoing P resident Elsenhower arrived with the .new president and vice-presi­dent, jJohn F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson.

They rem ained to watch the in- augural' - parade wmen passed di-

f.rrfnt of . the office.A "public “a'ddfess system- kBpf

them in touch with, the entire pro- ceedlrrgs, ■ " — ■ “

The Cravens made the trip by aulom obrlt!, a rr iv ing in ' W ushing- ton W ednesday evening-and s ta r t ­ing the re tu rn trip early Sunday.

Approximately 250 m ineralogists and . g.uust«V-atUmded-, the; ■; d«vnoiv and an-open - house-' h e ld T u ic r- a t th e :home o f ,the" re-tiTlng^Jifeitrlentof thtj-group-,--Ghtrcnce-Kirkbyr—

The invitation to attend^:the nf.- fa ir )vas extended by Mr-'-and Mrs. H arry Bennett of Okemos, on be-half -of—the society.-— —...---------- -

A t the - Kirkby home," the guests!

[DIMES BOARD FOR POIJO—Don Sicgmund Wolverine Tuverir hadTontributeiE'in the first M T^shown“lre5tdeA1h_c‘large board" \vltlV“'*‘Tbe“NerW duys^ofTtreT’ctrrrFnt" campaign. The board wasTt*'- -March. of ..D.inu^” ' aiielied out in dinu*H—(»87, to be ' -fnoved Saturday and another,.jjut in its place, ’Siegi-' exact, for a total of $fi8.7t)~-»which patrons of. the mund and Carl Dredge ar^ert/bwners-of-thtiTavern.

U sa b ility Benefits . . .Five full_ycars of iwoi'k\:mvero(T.

by^'lsdc-iaF security .-is enough -to1 tttttrtify a “severely disabled w o rk e r f or cnsh~dIsabilrty~bcnefity,~ Robcrt A. Kehoe, l:mnnagelr ~bf~ the local :social “ security office, -reminded workers . and YKeifi familiesv : :"T he five years of work m ust -be

earned’ in : the 10-year ;period just preceding the onset of: the (Hs-ljiility, orui thtv Hisohility . iKolf ihust be of aD least six m onth’s: du­ra t ion •- a nd—<rf^suf-f icient—severR-y^ th a t the insured worker is unable to:do any, kind of substantial, work,

Until September of this year, no disability- benefits .could be paid .to ..the ''d isabled wpiker before IPs.50th birthday, but with the enact­

ment :<>f the ■ll)(iO“amundinents"thr.T age limit has been removed; Dis­ability benefits!for workers! uTuieiL 50-yenrs of age who meet the. re*" quirem'ents can —be gin--w i t h the month n f November.

Before The enacl’ment oUthC’ltMid

ready done-so. lie al$o po in ts out; t h a t . (Usability b enefits-^are^no t paid- in - addition;' to old-age .insur­ance benefits. Once a: w orker has- reached; age ■(>’), disability benefits

d^bn-no-ionger^.-bo paid,-M -thaJ^uge the persons receives o ld -agc^n-'" suranco benefits.-

amendments, m any’disabled w ork­er's ...under? 5 0 - years.:.of- age...-had taken advantage of a .provision to "freeze" their social: security rec­o i ls .to protect their future bene- £i t—cights^-T-h esc1: p e rs on s—wi 1L not need.!to £urm^ti(lii.IO.o.naL»vjdcnci. of—disab ility ,;b u t- do need -to —file an ' application. Most of them al-r.eiuly have rcceved a letter giv­ing tirenv this information.

Kehoe. urges all d isab led work- ers who believe-.-the}—a n r~eligibleunder the new law to inquire at

the local office a t ' 11.4; South 1th' Avo., prom ptly if th ev 'h ave not al-

Wurm th<*-j{oom.^fk?2r- If no one likes to sit. iii the base-'

m ent-recreation room, take a good look' a t . th e furnishings. Concrete walls and floors; plastic covered

-funufifRs={Wi- c astdrffs—frorrmtrV=-stiiirs cnti c reate a cold, "uninvit­ing atmosphei e. -Ilome economistssuggest bright, sturdy ;c.otto». fab ­rics for covers, p a in t for old furni- tufe and an ..inexpensive area vug ■can give the room a wn’rm , frietldly-fee 11 ng.'-

Trdvel on Michigan highways has more than doubled- (luring the last 15 years, from Id ..hi 11 ion--va.h ide miles in 1946 to an estim ated 32.8’ billion miles in 19G0.

were given an opportunity to view a large (Hsplny of racks and Diane was“ given. H“ bag_ of- stones and- jt large piece of salt, crystal to add "to“ he'r own" collecTfon,' •“ “ ~ “

A t-th ed in n er-sh e -h ad “been' pre-- -suir ted- wiLli a g ift box ,uf moun ted stones. •

Her prize-winning . essay was based on reasons why she was in­terested in collecting- rock specr-

f E N P T f IB R T O R Y 11


A newspaper, like a friend," is missed ’\ 7Yen not availnbleK

- .. t I K

wPeople who accept Jnvitations

should sometimes send them out,

T h e t7 i:

’ never forget



Protect your valued ' possessions with an Auto-Owners Homeowners policy and enjoy true pcaco of mind.

^ Vlt i e m b e r y 5 0 c p e r b u s h e l d i s c o u n t

o n t i l l o r d e r s o f 5 b u s h e l s o r m o r e !

Pre-Noculated Seed A vailab le

b la es sCo.

9 - 6 5 1 1 C h « lM a ,

Call tis today.

, / i u t o O i v n e r sINSURANCt COMPANY

A. D. MAYER”lnsuronc« for Every Need”

1J 5 Pork SL : Chelieo, Mich, Phonet Office QR 5<*7I31

Ret, OR 5-4201

Her*, truly, is tlic finost of all fine gifts. For Krfp-

, »9}Qq is perfection , . . for- even This perfect quality is guaranteed itt writing* Remember you can pay' more hut you cairt buy a finer diamond ring tliun -aKccjisakc*

BELFAST $350.00

Fmai Clearance at xh Price on Items Listed Below

LIVING ROOM SUITELight line m odern, by- Kroehler .with foom rubber cushions-. A qua tex tured upholstery is SCOTCH-GUARD tre a ted to, resist-soil.

"Reg"." $ 2 7 9 ^ a - — - - ------------- —

SPECIAL AT $136.50 OGCASIONAL CHAIRSFan .back trad itional style. Toast or green u p h o lstery. Reg, $ 5 9 .9 5 .___ _ __


Solid cherry with an tiq u e brass hardw are. Double dresser with fram ed mirror, chest, sp inale bed. Reg. $255 .00 . .


4-Pc. CURVED SECTIONAL SOFAM odern design w ith-reversib le lo a n l rubber sea t and back cushions. C hocolate brown upholstery .C ushions striped one side,

-R eg^$535 .Q 0 . '


with two cushions. -.W alnut finish, $21 .95 . •


DANISH $.tyfe with walnut- frame. R evers­ible-foam1 sea l and back 'cijshions. Z ippered tweed covers in toast. Reg S2-49.

00ERN LOUNCE CHAIR MODERirUORNER TABLESMrrde, by- V olentine-Scaver Foam rubber cushion, nylon upholstery, beige. Reg. $1 19.50. : . . '

i . ■ . ■ !



Legal Notices1 ■ ■ ■ HBjor


Default having been mad* in the term* and condition* of a certain mortgage con­taining therein a power of rate made by Arlln C. (Mllle end Elisabeth Mill*. hi* Wife, an Mortgagers, to American Midwest Mortgage Corporation, a .Michigan oorpor- atlon, ael Mortgagee, which mortgage ,JL«

-dated August 17, 19S0 and recorded August SI, IMS in. Liber- R82 of Records, page*


— —- h/ •

,*;."■ . now .County. Michigan, and .thereafter as. . signed by the said mortgagee . to-Faderal

■' National Mortgage (Association, a National. Mortgage Association, jvhlch assignment is dated August 17, 19fi9»ml recorded Au- gust- 2!, 1950 In Llher H82 of Records, page 200 Register of Deeds* Office. Wash- tenaw County, Michigan, on which mort- gage, there Is claimed to be due on the date of this notlre for principal and in- •terest-and-other chargee allowed by {Said mortgage the sum of 113,270.(5. and an attorney's fee of (7C.OO ns provided for'In said mortgage and Yio suit or- proceedlng t law having been- Institute to recover

lltu proviucu. on rrmai FVU, at ten o’clock In the forenoon, the under, signed will, jat_the we.dentiniiceofthe Washtenaw t County Building In I he CityAnn--Arbor.—Michigan,-~that--bejng-theplarewiWto^

f-,V .

w ■

the “money secured by- said mortgage, or nnv part .thereof.

Notice Is-'herehy ,given sthnt by virtue of thn (tower of sale "contained In snld ■mort­gage.' which -.upon default has become op-

- eratlve, And the statute In such case made and‘Provided, on tjmday Mnrch 3. 1961) nt

'.Jen .'O’clock in, the forenoon,, th« under- signed will,.-at the’west entrance to the Washtenaw County Building In the City

— of Ann .Arbor, “Michigan,—that, helng thei_ptaee—where the . Circuit Court for the■ County of Wnshtennw I* held. ’sell,at pub­

lic auction to the highest bidder the.prem- ires described in said x mortgage, or so

) much thereof as may be necessary to pay■■■■’ the. amount. aforesaid due on said mort-

aageu with interest at i5>/i % per annum thereon to date of sale and all legal,costs and expenses, together with said' attor­ney's, fee, allowed by law. and also any

■ sum or sums which may be paid by the■ —undersigned, necessary to protect—lts In-

terest In the promises, sltjjijted In: the■ Township" of Ypsllnntl County of: Wnshte-

nnw and State of Michigan, t o - wl t ;' Lot* No, 363, -369, nml 379. South

Devonshire Subdivision No; .-2 of linrt - • otlhe jiouthenst_uiinrt»r_atrSectlon-:-M.-.:

\towrj 3 south, range 7reimL' . "Ypsllnntl:■■■ Township, iWnshtennw County.. Mich*

---- jRBnn-nerordlni? to' the pint thereof nrecorded'in- lllier 8 of'DInl's/ page. 18,"

.'Washtenaw. County.. Records, - ■’Dated: December ---1, 1999,-—_ v _ •


HOOPER A BLASHFIELD Altornoys-for Assignee of Mortgagee ■

" hasiness Address!1091-8 First Notion nl Building- ' i '

"Ann A'bor, Michigan . .... -Telephone: NUrmnndy 2*4426"~.

______ . Dec. I-Fell. 23

i Jefa'i'ilt- h aving-bcen -made In ■ the twn* and condition's, of n-,certain mortgage con­taining- therein a power -of- l^n»»devb*. Frank Alton and Olivia Alton, busbgnd , ami wife, a* .Mortgagors,, to James. T. tomms ft Comiinnv.- "n Michigan coriwra- thm^^■Mort^e^vhTcK-mm'Wfig^ls dated Jariunrv 1«. I0 '8 'and .rc.corded_Jnn- mirv 2" ter,8 .In Llher 813 of ■Records.

.“.r e ^ iM ^ - Regl ■r of-^ejj^i-D»jc^

.. 4‘

1 -V


DefaufTThavIng been made In the teim and condltlons jif a certain mortgage con

_ tntnlng. tho_reIlfMPfiio_wei■ "of * nale~mm!e: by.L. Greer-nml Kathleen Greer, his

■wife, n*. Mortgagors. to Atnerlcnn Midwest Mortgage Corimration, a Michigan cor _ porntlon, las—Mortgagee;—which—ihnrtga—ia/i mum, -nnirrortMTYKiitfr -w im’ll ititii vkiikvIs dated„June 17, 1959 and recorded. June 22, 1959 in Liber "874 -of - Records) pages ZBl-zSa Register of Deeds' Office, Wnshte-

,naw_County. Michigan, and. thereafter -as­signed by theCrsaid : mortgagee to- Fedeml National Mortgage AsKocintion. a 'Ntitlonal Mortgage Association— nnd- which—nssli/n- ment is.dnted June 24, 1959 and recorded

'■"June- 29', tWB9~ln—Liber—fCTfi—■of ■■ Records, Page .99 Register, of DcctlS’ Office. 'Wnshtenaw County, Michigan, on which mort­gage there is claimed to be due on the

-t|nto~of • this—not I ce—for—p-rlnc Ipa I - a nd—fpterest and other charges-allowed -liy - said mqrtg gn the sum of ,.'613.036.44 ami an ntlorh.cy's :fec of -Srfi.OO ns--provldtsi—for-In said mortgage, and no suit or .procood-

■tjrsrtwrat to—t!e-cover the money seen reel t>y said mortgage, or any part- thereof.I ■ (H IT 6- f 11 I T I I I C I U t i l ,----«--- ■— ---- :--------------------------------------- :

Notice is hereby given that by . Irtuc.nf the power of sale contained in said mort­gage, which upon default has hceomq op­erative, and the statute In such case made nnd . provided, —on Friday '.February • 24; 1961, at (eli obdock in the forenoon, the

'lUitdersigncd will, at the west• entrance to" the Washtenaw Couptv lluililing In the City «f Ann Ailim. .Michigan, that- beingthe place where the Circuit Comr,for the • County of Washtenaw is held, .salt at public auction' to the highest bidden the premises described in'said mortgage, or so much thereof ns mnv ho. necessary to pnv the n.mount .nforcsnld due on snld moit- eage -With. Interest dt 514 % per annijm theienn to dnte of ante nnfi nil -legal cost-an(T~cfvrI'omies f<>eefher with snlTi attorney s

. fee,, allowed bv Inv. and" illsoLnny. sum or sums which, may he-.paid by the under- algne<l. necessary to protect its Interest Inthe premises, situated -in the Township

.of Ypslhintl County of Wnslitcnnw ami"State of- Michigan.- tO-win

Lot 394, South Devonshire. Subdivision---No. J-Uf part- of-the-remthenst quarter

of Section. II. town 3 south, range 7flnjdi .Ypvjlanti—Township,j Waslilmni'u. County, -MichigaiVT—aiicordlnv. -tn—tW~'■jdnt thereof as reconlcl In liber ,8 of Plats, page- 18, Washtenaw County Records. ‘ ... .

Daleil: November 24, 1969,FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE

----ASSrrn'VnilN; A . - ; . o f MoilgageHOOPER* ■.RLASHHELD'.'.

~"AttoTnpyT"for Assiupee of"Mortgagee" ■Business Adtlress r- _____

OilLj... Fii stHSatumul.-.Rulldiag- —-• --- Apn Arbor; Michigan Teleplinne: N Or mu nil v 9-1426

of needah-Offlw -Washtenaw County, thyebn totlateof-sale _»aU Ml M dcoaia?!. stSU'. w m s a r ts s e is im wtthv *ard triot-U( woMiyni»fc.„niniaMfi» iMichigan, on which mortgage there li clftimed to bt due' on tne ante of tnU notlc* for principal and Interwt and other charges allowed by said mortgage the sum of *14,714.47 and an attorney'* fee of 173,00 ns provided for In said mortgage, and no salt or -proceeding at law having been Instituted to recover the money se­cured by said mortgage, or any part,hNo?lce l» hereby given that by virtue of the (tower of sale contained in said mort­gage, which upon default has become op­erative, and the statute In such'case made and provided, on Friday hebruttry l7. 96i'

i i,„i v ylfine ~t,,,County of Washtenaw is nem. wn «v nusiaess nuarew; ■ .MBRc auction to-the hlghest-Wddei^Uu-==l001-^Flrsl National Building nfemlses dewrlbod -Itt-Mid njortgty(*ii.or4- _ a-~ mi»Mo. o* v i -L__ * mnii -ka nAPAggnPV tDpraoilnpt uew>niwu *u—so'much thereof -as may * e . necessary to pay the amount- aforesalU due on said mortgage with ■ !ntcrest--at- 4VV ’! ? " num thereon to dale of sale and all l*89j- costs and exi>en*es, together with snld attorney/* fee. allowed by law, and,also any sum or sums which may I’*J4 ^ the undersigned, necessary to protect Tjs

'East, Ypsllantl Township. Washtenaw Countv, Michigan, nccordtnir to the Wsiu* thereof hp rocor<le<i ■In-.Wwr lo* Pages 4 anil 5 of .Pints, Washtenaw

" County Records.Dated: November .17. I960. :

FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASsnriAT O -7 Assignee of Mortgage

HOOPER ft BLASHFIELD •Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgage® , Rusltjes* Address: -tnni-8 First Naflonnl . Building

Ann Avbor, -Michigan Telephone: NOrmandy j2-«-«7.Febi 5



Washtciiaw' County,sMIchltran, and. there nftpi* ..ftunlenwl'‘by .("thp hhUI moi'tprtffee Fndeinl Movtmic'o. A**nclntlon. n

” l«l February MV 1958 In .Liber .816 of .Recoids._pnge.-496 Register of Dewls OtfLno, WH»btchHW-..Cmintyi JRwhirh rnort ri c there ■ In . ■rtnl.Tn&d to ho

- * . 1 1* * ' . / I L I A MA.J t i , A ll\ l<

a'nd expenses', together' with"'’ asrd"StRST: ney'e fee. allowed by Inw. and also apy sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned, necessary to protect ,ite in­terest liC the premises, situated In the Township of Ypsllantl County of Washtef iiaw and State of Michigan, to-wtti ’

(g>t 6*. Washtenaw Concourse No. L..-.part of the northeakt quarter of Sec­

tion 3, town 3 south, range 7 east. Ypsllantl Township, Washtenaw Coun- -

■ ty. Michigan, according to the^plftt • thereof as recorded in liber 14 of Pints,

' pages 15 and 16, Washtdnaw CountyRecords. __ .

Dated: November 19. 1240.FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE , ASSOCTATrONFAsHlgnee of Mortgage

HOOPER * .BI1A8HFIELD ' __Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee..' Business Address:

1. s-.«i i m-Janujiry- 15r “t Deeds' Office.

-Ann Arbor -Michlaan Tcltphone: NOrmandy, 2-4426Nov.. 10-Feb. 2

— ■ p e — m m m m m m 1 ■ — - , . t . ~


Default having been made.In the terms and condltlons oM^certaln^mortgege-con talnlng therein a\ power of sale made by George W.t Varney and Cleo J. Varney, his wife, ns Mortgagors. ,.to ■’ Amerlcnn Midwest'.Mortgage "Corporation*. % Mlchl-" Ban Corporation, as Mortgagee. ■ which mortgage is dated August 14r,1959 and recorded August 20., 1959 In Liber 882 of Rccordn* ■ of Peoa*.;Office. Washtenaw County, Michigan,- and thereafter' assigned by the catd mortgagee to Federal National Mortgage Association, a Nntionnl, Mortgage Association, which assignment is.dated: Attgust 14. 1959. :(tmj recorded August 29, 1959 in Liber ,882 of Records, page 68'Register of Deeds'. Qf/ice. Washtenaw Counljtr Michigan,--on-wmclr mortgnge thero Is claimed to be due: on the date of this notice Jerr-prlnclpai and Interest-and other charges allowed byiBald mortgage the sum of *13,178.71 and an attorney's fee of *75.00 as nrpvlded for in said rtiortgage, and na'anlt-or-proceedlng at law having been ’ Instituted to recover the money Recured by said mortgage, or any pnrt thereof,. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of the -powee- of. sole contained in said mort-

hlghest. bidder the Premises deBcrlbedln said merttfagOf ny an mnch_thereoLna may be necessary to pay the amoubt afore- said due ‘ on said-nsortgnger with Inteieit at 5M% tier annutfT'th repn to date of aale aml'all legal coats.and expenses, to- getfior wlth- Nnra vXt ornW jr fwr^Uowejt

grt(te. which upon defnult hnn become op- .erfttiVo. ■ an<i->Nthtotonoh e-nnd . provided oh ■Filday.- 'FebYfiRiy 17i*-1961« at ten o'olop.k. in th(« forenoon, :the undor«tKnod wllleT' at; the we«t entrance pf the " WHBhtefrmw' .i&nh

nai'v in i<|r'X nrui recurut«u.;vmr 'Ctty of Ann AThort M chi nn. that-b lnflr.\n T-lher Rll of ■ Rer.ord"»,1 the plnco whore the C rruit Coni-t for the:

1 ■ ' . County-of—W««htenftw ifi_hflliL_«i£y_at._inihi

ecordA,’Dated; November- 10, ,1060. ' ^ ,


HOOPER ft BLASHFIELD >Attorneys- fov. Assignee" of Mortgagee -Buslne<s Address: — - -4991-8 First National Building

Ann Arbor, Michigan • -,^lei.honoj NOrmandy ^ ^ -

Ho n ction jo the -•-r.in ?nId ~mo}■ tRfl.j?e; oj* Ao.m'iich

Kniiein! Nnt onftl MovtirJitro'; A»Nocifim»i.. ». thereof on nmfr be Jo JJJ J J JN n «1 Mnrtgace -Associntlon, which as- amount aTorosald _dtie on said mortgageuinVSXni u iinted Februhrv 17, t9"58'and "with interest at -B-y % ner annum-thereon sign merit is_ datM 'PemnarY. u, •- ». < < v- , . ■ f nii »ffn posts arid

nri ?n.u>rinrv r» »v«: v»i , -r,* ~tIn snld morlMKOi nnU .no stiinrr pvoceeU- fiiR nt ln\v hnvintf.heen institute to rccov. er-tha mOn j* )tsnld mortKft e, or

thereof-n*—i>im *t-l'UUI VS» I ■ • . .Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of the 'liower of sale .contained in._ snid mortgage, which-upon-defnult-h’aH_be'eome opoinllve, nnd' the statute In such case made'and provided.-on /Friday March 3, .ln«l;-.ut too oU-loek In the, foionoon, the

to date of sale nnd nil legal .costs and expenses, together -with said ■ attorney’s fe'i*. allowed by'la'w, ifnd 'rtlso any sum or sums -which—mny.—bc—liald—by_Ihc- tltider ,I ... V A . .. k.,.Ajtsi I*,- . t— I Ak.Aii 4. 2m.u-'hinh innrtcnire there In flAlTnM to iiv-wpirn morigm c - notice for nrlncW signed, necessary.to protect Its- Interest In

!*"!' „°J-, (,;v i! ri-,l"oth-6r--oharKes nlloweiP the -lU'emises,. jdliintClL In the Township, o l t f t M m o r t g ^ t i ,^ of ?\{!'.'(ir.d19 andnn'attorney's fee of $75.99.as provided, for of Michigan, tvi-wlt.

undersigned will, at the wcHt entrance ...to the WasKlonaw- Countv BuIRItiig til 'the City of Alii] Arbor. Michigan,-thntibelng the pi ace where the Circuit .Court for the County of Washtenaw is held, sell at pub­lic auction to the-highest bidder the.'premr lues .'described In said mortgage, or soINCH ■ ' ITT- HRHl mOrtKnKt*, Or fHJ f\llA»r, miLmxnnnuit-H' OierV-df"ns- rn'iiv"be ii'ccossitrrrttrTmy-J—TcleiihoTiFi—NOriTiHnriy"2 4426;11. ........ . „fiMiniin!<l iIlio ciiv V-aM mnsfirnifft ’ . ... ,----NflV. lflthe amoiint aforesaid due oil said mortgage with ‘interest at . 614% per anruim thereon to dale "Of i=!rli, and all leva I - - costa . nnd expenses,: together with said attorney’s fee, allowed ' by law,. and also, any sumpi-.sums which may tie ••pnid'bvTflie UUdet'- slpiu-d, 'nceeasarje_to'.protect its interest Ijr Ihe m:emnies. siluateii in. the- TiiwnsHIp '.ofI l i e III i:imeio, niiuiin.i - I U n u : •*«»;» n e i i i ) ’ |wi'YpHiliinfi ■ flminty of Wnshtcimw and State ,o4- M4<iixitfinu- >»<*'■ i ■ - i- n.

■ Lot 29S rijid lot ■297. -except the sonih* -effv—(6—feel- thereof_Washtanaw—Con.

of Michigan, tvi-wlt:I sit .437, South Devonshir- ..... ...—

* No. 2 "of pnrt of the southeast quarter " of Section 11, town 3 south, .rnnge .7

■ - east, Y-ps 11 a n 11 - To w n sh I p. -Wn sh t on a w- Coimtv, Michigan, according -to the pint thereof ns recorded in liber 8. of

-Finis..' page .187" .Washtenaw■ County, Records,

Dated:] November 19, 1960."■“■FEDERAL NATIONAL 7*,-,..». >, *ASSOGIA-T!ONr-;Aaslgneo-of Mortgage-. HOOPER ft BLASHFIELD Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee , Business Address: ;

- -1901-8 First- National Building --- r—,Ann Avlsir, Mlchlgnn

----- Nov. 'in-Feh.- 2,-H11-331-

MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE BALE , Default having been made In the terms

arid crindltlons nf. n ecrtnln mortgage con- fal'rrlng 'therein a power of sale made by I.uclel Bray and Vonclel Bray, ns jt. tent... , ..J!— ...... . ----with rt. of surv, *' no: tein. In common, nt Mdrtsmgoi^to-Amertciui Midwest Mnrt-

courso No. 2, part of the northeast \ \■ of Section 3, town 3'south, range 7 . . 'east, _Ypsllar)t[ Township, Washtenaw

County. Michigan, according .to the pint thereof as recorded In liber 14 of

j Plats, paves 11 and 12, Washtenaw;■ County Records,Dated: ’ DoccmTief"l-, 1960,


gage. Corporation, a Michigan . Corixirntloh, Mni.tvnveo ~ which ■■ mortvnge_la _dfltf<tjit

.DOoi’ER** BLASHFIELD Attornyyartor Assignee of Moi tgngooHosin ss midrosH i ......

.1091.8 First Nntionnl BuildingAnn Arbor. Michigan----- -- ----Telephone: NOrmandy 2-4426 I

■■______; Dec. "1-Fell. 23UB-327-..., .......... .......

-MGRTC.ACK FORECLOSURE SALEDefault .having bech made In the terms

and ennui!ions of a ccrtnvn mtfrtgnge-’-Oon talnlng therein a power of sale made by. George Jcniitngs-nnd-Patiiine

Aiigust 12, )959 and recorded August 11»,, 19,"i9 in 4.lher 881 of Records, pages 427- 429 Register of Deeds! Office, Washtenaw County. Michigan, and thereafter, assigned hv the-sald-mortgageo to Federal National Mortgage . Association, a National; Mort; gage Association, which assignment la dated August 12, 1959, nnd .recorded Aux- ust 17. 1959 In 'Liber 881 of Rtrords, page r<i,*Ul—Rmilst/.r nf -needs' ftffice.- Washtenaw- County, Michtgan,—on whi l)—-Mmrtgng®- there la-claimed to be’.duo on the date of this notice.,for'prlnelpal nnd interest nnd other charges allowed by. said- mortgage the sum-of $19,214.69 - and -an attorney’s fee of 676.90 as (rrovided for.. In sald.mort- gage) nnd no suit or nrftceeding_nt. law hhvirrg been"' instituted—to- Recover the money--seen r«l hy said mortgage, .or any pail thereof.

Notice is hereby given that hv virtue of

hls wifc, ns Mortgagors, to American Mid- west Mortgage :._CQi,jioratlon‘,___fl_ Michigan'eorporafion, ns Mortgagee, which mortgngeis dnjeit July—I7,'~f!l5i) mid rec_Oj‘dc<l July22.// lbf>'j“ fit" T.iher, m u ot'.'keedrdhr- rages'

the-power of salo-eontalned-in-Said-mod. gngc, which upon default has hecomamn<le nntV jtrqvide<i, on Friday. February17, - 1 nR 1,. atZ-ten—o!clock_in—the forenoon.'the undersigned will, nt the"West entrance.tn the Washtenaw L'oiintv ll'Ultlltig-Irt/tjrg

3tTTi'- l 2 RegbUai1 31 ■ 1WM8—Offlt'eT WTsTi- ,.tonaw_Cminlst,—Michigan and thereafter* assigned hy the said mortgagee to Federal National-Mortgage Assoclatlom-a-NationRl- Mortgage .Association, which assignment Ih dated July 17, 1959 and- recordisl July 227 Lliior"HTR .oTTtecdrds’.'.pifgo ,T13"Reglstor of liccds’ Office, Washtenaw County,- Michigan; - ori 'which mortgage Ihcre Is claimed to he due on the date of

rtKbv.-ntgieei foe-pr! nrt pnl'p and-Interest-'nnd oilier ehargos-Ttllnwed hy snid mortgage the sum of. 611J29.62 and nil attorney’s

T7|tv of Anti Arbor, Michigan, that being The place where tUo Circuit (.ipud (or the .County---of—Washteruiw" Is -hold—sell at (U{1>ltc mietion to’ the highest bidder the premises- described In-said: mortgage, or. so much 'thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount aforesaid due on snld- mortgage with interest nt 4,er 8n*mim thereon to date of sale and all legal •cnstR_nnd. exrienscn, together wlth said .' at­torney’s fee, allowed hy law, and also any supi .or sums which" may -he paid hy the undersigned, necessary to_protect its in-♦ - In. t.k« ■ |Mml«M "nltila'tnd in tna

qrd», p«g« 680 Reglstor of ---Ll £Washt naw County, Michigan, on which mortgage there Is claimed to be due on Jiwt.jato of this, notice for- principal and jnterwt and other

Z e £ \ \ W ItTUSr& W , instituted - - 1.......— ............ . mortgage, or.m.yA. slid iMAitau tAMItwl hv fULldto recover the. money*', webred by said mortgage, or any part thoreof.• Notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale contained In said mortgage, which upon default has be* come bperaiive, and the. statute In such case. made and provided, on Friday; Felp- ruary 10, 1961 at ten o'clock in the forenoon, the undersigned -will, at theBuilding in TRe CiqrrorAnn-Arbor. MtaM* gnnt that t being the jil.nce where thc Washtennw.ls held, -sciKat public aurtlonnew rts ’ hrtd sell nt-publlo- aucHOn rt.o" thVj^rlbedin iVinortaiiHC, «i; o n«»eh thereof new.in nviu. i * _ . m nnv tho amount

by law, nnd also.nny surn or Suhis which jmiy he paid by the undersigned, nocossary to -protect Its Interest . In, -the luemtsee. situated In the TownshRi■ of—Y|)riimitt County of Washtenaw and State of Micht* gan,- to*wlt: '

Lot 110. except rthe west 30 feet , and the west 20 feet of lot' 199. Washtenaw Cqncourse No. 2. part of the northeast of Section -3. town 8 south, rnnge 7 enst, Ypsltnntl Townshtp. Washtenaw County, Mich­igan, according ,;to the, thi

.ftk wordwl In;ttgcH~ 1 t“nnd-~l-2r-Wftshtenaw-County -

County of Washtenaw ' Ib" held), of the pinmlsns itescrlhrti In said mortgage, or bo

dated June 23. 1858 and mcorded June 25. tff5T ln -Ltbei'.-&3Q of-Recor*is, p » Register of Deeds' Offlvo- Washtenaw County, Michigan, on ’ which- mortgage there I* claimed to btAdue on the date of this notice for principal and interest and rther charge*" allowed by said mortgage the sum Of *9,869.01 and an ututmvy b foci of *75.00. and no suit or proceeding at * ' » T.I_'FAt'nVfll' th6moiiey secured by said njortg«go> or.miy' NdGce Isfhereby given thnt by virtue of the power o j sulo contained in sold mort* g#ge,Which upon default has Become nit* eratlve, ami the statute In such ea» marfc and provided, .on Friday. April 7, 1J01 at ten 'o'clock in the forenoon, the .under., signed will, a* the west .entrunce'of the /Washtenaw County BOilding in thivUiy. of Ann .Arbor—Mkhlgp.p.,. that being the pined w hora't he X’l rcu irTourV” fo r t haTColKSttir

as may bo necvssaiy .Business Address:' ’tgago with . In- 1 1901.8 First National Buildingaforesaid due on said mort . lum-o rum

terest at 5 Vrfc per annum thereon "to-date- Anri /ArrhorTWIchlgannf-sale and nil -legal-.costs and oximnses. together with satd: attorney's fee,, allowcjt by law, npd nlsu any sum or .sums which Tmrybe' pnfd'by_tho iiuderstgned, ■ iiccessnry to protect Its interest In tho. uroniises, situated. Iri- the 'Townshlti ./of, • Yiudlanti, .Countg'of/Wnsh|enn>v and State of Michi­gan, to-wlt: ,

Easterly 31,28 feet of lot 296 and , westerly .29.92. feet ■ of . Jot 267,. Wash­tenaw Condourse No, 3. a part''of the ■;

' northeast Vi of Sect Ion 3 and t the' northwest ^ .ef , Section 2, town 3 „ south, rnnae 7 east. Ypsjlnntl, Town-

' ship, Wnshtennw County, Michigan, • nccordlng to thel (dn.t thereof ns re­corded In Ubcr 14 of Plats, pages 21 ' nnd 22.- Washtenaw Cqunty Records,FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE. '

. ASSOCIATION.;-Asslupoe'of Mortgagee HOOPER ft BLASHFIELD Attorneys, for Assignee of Mortgagee - i- Business Address: ,1991-8 First- National BuildingAnn Ailior, MichiganTclenhono: NOt'mnndy''2.442B , Jiin5-Mnr.3n


- Default—hnvlng;heemnndr4n—fhe-tcrmr and conditions of a. certsio mortgngo'.can- tnlnlng- Therein" n power - of. sale made- byBlnlne Hensley and Delta Lou Hensley, his. wife, " ns Mortgagors, tov American MliLwest . Mortgage Corpovatloti. a—Michi­gan Corporation, ns Mortgagee, whlth mortgnge Is dated March t3,, I96n-eml-re- corded April L 1069 In Lllier 095 of Rec- nrits.- pages. 198 —"—*“------ '—“—*-

MORTGAGE SALEDefault having been made in the terms

nnd condition* of n certain moitgngo mnde; by Millard "Hamilton-and Claire- Hamil- ton. .bis wife, of Detroit, Wayne County,Michigan, Mortgagors,., to . James 1.Barne^ft Comiian^-a^Uhlgnn orporn .tlho'2 h Ilay'of August,': A.D./1956, and recorded In the office of:tho .Register of Deeds, for the County-of Washtenaw and Slate of Mlchlgnn, on the 7th 'day of Septombor. A.D* 105iri, tn . Jlbor 712 . of Washtenaw County Records, on pagos 63.fi, which'"said mortgage was ■■■there­after oh. to-wlt the-Ut day .of November.A.D. 195.5. nasign«l to Drj’ Dp ngs on lf)e aRte 0, tn)R notice tor principal?onle*r ori Jnmmry 5 ° 1966~1n~ thh--offlce-|^^int«tc^ »^ -® t,,a^ ebtvvp ta4?^ hy of the Register of Deeds- for Bald Cpun-

O.f.f i.c.e, - Washtenaw County, Michigan, and thereafter assigned . bv- the snld mortgagee to .Federal Natlonal-MprtgnKe Association, a “Nntlonat Mortgage Association, "which assignment—is—dated -May 17, 1990 -and recorded May, 19, 1999 in Libor 919 of Records, - pa«e—78' ReglBter-of. Dee<ls’—Of­fice. .Washtenaw.; -County, Mlchlgnn, oji whtch mortgnge "there Is claimed 'to-ho duo on the date of thin notice for principalsaid, mortgnge the sum of $12,695.16 and an _BUoj'Jiey-’is_feC;of_J.7.6,QD_fl] in_Hnld mortgage, and no suit 'or . pro ceedlng al law having been. Instituted to recover the money, secured by .said-.mort- gage. ~ or nny pnrt~thoreof, — —■, Notice Is hereby given thnt bv virtue of

the" pameii.o’f.srtle r-

"ty 'of Wnshtennw In: Liber ..... . tenaw County Records, on page 872, on- whlcli mortgage 'here Is claimed to be due at' tho-date_ot_thiajiatkl!,_.fpj: prin­cipal and Inkiest, , the aum Of Twelve Thousand Fifty One and—08/100 . Dollars ('SlT95i;98)J ' ■ :-----1-----------;

Now, Therefore, by virtue-of-the power of sale contnlncd "In said mortgage, andMichigan-In-Ruch-caBe made - nnd provld ed, notice Is 'he'roby—glven; that"on~ Wed­nesday, the 1st day of '.February, A.D,'10617 at 9:45 o'clock A/M., EaaternStandard Time, said mortgage..will heforeclosed hy a sale nT public auction, to the /highest bidder, at the Booth aide or Huron Street entrance to The County Bulldlngrtn the-Glty-of-Ann. Arbor^Waehr . ... tenaw County, Michigan (that bein* the .with Interest .nt 6%% per annum-thereon "building where the Olrclilt Court for fh "to 7Ta(e of sate and. all ,legnr cosls niula m m — n * m,« a4 l« a,- ' * ,■ 1 S 1. .inlit >, 41 a i, i; mp hi An

gage, which upon dSSJntilt has become op­erative, nnd the stntTie/'lir 'such case made and provided, on Fridnv'Febr'uary 24, 1951, nt-ten-<yrtoek-ln-tho - forenoon,-i the—muiorj signed will,_'Bt—the—wcRt entrance-.to the WnsKtdnaw CounV .Building In the City of -Ann Arbor. ..Michigan, that being, the place where the Circuit Court for the County --of—Washtenaw—ts—hrtd__-solL_at- pdbltc. nbetlon to the highest hidder the, premises descrihed in said mortgftgp/-oi ao much, thereof as may lie necessary 'to pay 4he*nmount nforesald-duc on unid lnartgrige

much thereoL..a3.jnfty__fee-.pecessavy_ to pay the amount due, as--aforesaid, on said mortgage, with Interest thereon at 4U| pcf. cent per annum and all legal costa, charges nnd—extwnBes -ineludlng the attorney—faeaallowetl by law, and also any sum or-flums; which may' be paid by the undcrwlgnedi

expenses, together with snid,attorney’s.fco.Al I owed_by_law, and also' any, sum o rsoma which may .ho jmid by the undei> slgued; neCesSarylo protcet Its Interest In the urnmises, situated In tiho Township of'Ypsllantl County of ■ Wnshtennw and 3tht«..of—Michigan, to-wlt

necessary to protect Its Interest tn thepremises..- Which..said _ oretnlseiil ..nro . d<s-agrlbed fts follows!. All that certain ’piece oi7 pareel--of land situate-Dt-the-Tow-nsiilp- of_Y(Jstlantl In the_County-of-Washtenaw,' and-State-of Michigan, and described asfollows, to-wlt: ...............

Lot 141; Westwlllow — Unit One. a BubrUvlslon iof part of-east ‘‘A of.Si ttapa-ll-ftnd-l:4 =TowTi-3~8(ni 7-rEnst, Ypsllantl Township

’ ■ pni j«-of—tho noutheart ■ quarlwr—of— *etlon“ .lJ, town,. 3 south. ,ninl:o 7 ist, -Ypsllantl Township, Washtenaw

County. Michigan," according-“To the_-plat.—thereof ns recorded in .liber 14

of Pints, tinges 49 nnd 59, Washtenaw- County Records.

Dated: November 24. 1960, • ’ ■FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE' ASSOCIATION. Assignee of Mortgage

HD0RER=*=M7,VSHF " '.rmw County, Michigan, according to ..tho plat recorded In Liber 10-Of Plats,. Pngc 28, Sheet 2 thereof having been, revised In LibaC 10 nf -PJata, Page 87, ...

■ Washtenaw County Records. ,-Dated, at—Detroit, ■ Michigan,—October—23r 1969 .. DRY DOCK SAVINGS BANK. A NEW

........... YORK CORPORATION■■ Assignee-of—Mortgagee,

HARRY S. BENNETTnay for-,ABsl«nee_Qf_MorlgDKiis.

1509 Cadillac Tower .Detroit 29,- Mlch.-W.O.2)8870-1

Nov:3rt0rp?v TDec7lrttrt5r22 0r . Jan.5-12-10-2 6

MftHTr.Afifil a'Al.R

tne sum HI . XI i, iuu.uz anil nn attorney's ' in. is ,. r wl,«. in tlmfop pf *75.99 ;mi providnd. for In said 1 Tnwnshln of Superior. County of 'Wnahtd* . riKicLuiiuii. iiml" -Irn-Tnilr-uv-fll'ftoeemHW"at I H,nw,"a'nd "Si'afe of Michigan, to-wlt >

. .Default Jiavlng been_mnde-ln- tho fer£ns- ftnd conditions of a certain moVtgage made by. Theoslore J, Washington and Catherine F/ Washington• bis wife, oT .the City of Ypsllahtl, Washtenaw County, Michigan, .Mortgagors, to Giles Mortgage Corptirn- tion, a' Michigan "Corporation, " Mortgagee, dated the 19th.day of October, . A.D., 1954, and recorded In the office of the' RFglfc ter of Deeds, ’ for tho /County pf'Wnshte- naw and State of Michigan, on the 28th day of Qctoher, A.D. 1954, In Liber 677

Washtenaw Coumy Records, ort pH'gtT jubl.-b said mortgage was thereafter

Lot. 57. Dianne Acres, n subdivision

much thoreof »* may b; nocewry to pay iho amount aforesaid due on said mort­gage with Intaient at SW'ft t'eir-annum thereon to date of ,s«le andi all legal, costa and exiwnses. together with said attorney a fee. allowed by law, and also any sum o sums which may bo paid by ,th# under­signed. nMesxaryto protect Its Interest tn the premises, situated In tho Town­ship of YiUlInnll County of, Washtenaw InarstTSlfi' of 'MrridgoTi, .

The kast 1* feet Of lot .214 and tho 1 west \*4 feet of lot 218, Washtenaw

Concourse No, 2, part of the north- "’ east U of Section 8, town 3 south,

rnnge17 east, Ypsllnntl Township, Washtenaw County, Mlchlgnn,’accord­ing to thajilat thereof as recorded Jn liber 14 39 Plats, pages 11 and 12,Washtenaw County Records, __ __


ASSUGtATION.-AssIgnee- f-Mortgagoe— HOOrER'* BLASHFIELD Attorneys;for AssIgnde of Mortgage*.

.Telephone: NOrmandy 2-4426■ , .Dec, 1-Feb. 28HB-402

MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALEDefault having been Aiada in the term*

nnd conditions of n certain mortgage con- tnlnlng therein a power of ante made by Leon Joseiih Dufek, a single man. as Mort­gagor, to Amerloan MIdweat Mortgage Cor- ]iornt{on, a,Michigan Corporation,:a&Mai't?: gagee. which mortgage Is dated March 25, 1990, nnd recorded'March 30,. i960 In Liber 994 of'Records, pages 647-660 Register of Deeds. .Office, Wnshtenaw1 County, Michi­gan, and 'thereafter assigned by the said mortgagee to’ Federal National Mortgage Association, a National Mortgnge' Associa­tion. which assignment 1s dated March 29; i960, and recorded April 13, 4960 in Liber: 906 of Records, pnge 2j)8 Register of Deeds’; Office, -Washtenaw County, Michigan, on which mortgage there is claimed,to be due on- the dato of this-.notice -.foi' principal and interest nnd other charges nllowcd hy: .snld mortgage the sum of. *14,554,01 and an nttornoy-’s-fee-of j 75,00' aH provided for In-said mortgage, and no wilt, or proceed­ing’-nt law having, been Instituted to re­cover "the-'moirey-'seeuved - by said mort-. gaee, or any part thereof, .;-Notice is hereby Riven thnt by virtue of

the power of side, contained In saUT"mort­gage, - which upon .default-has become op­erative, nml the statute In stieh. ense'/roadb nnd provided; on Friday. February 24V'4B5Tr nt' toll o'clock In : the fordnodn, tho un dersigned will, nt the west entrance—1< the * Wnshtennw Conutv '- Building In tho

A'6'o Arlinr," Mlrttlguiu that, "being;the place where., the/ Circuit ■■Court for. the County of ..Washtenaw Is held, sell nt ])uhlie rturtlon""l<T the. highest bidder the liremisos described in snld mortgage, or so much thereof, ns mav-;|ie-iieresHiivy- to-pay the nmnuntj aforesaid duo on snld mort­gage' with" Interest"/at 5 Vi % per nnnum thereon to date of-side nml all legal costa ~innl~exTwtrse">r~tggathci'"w1th said attorney - fee, nllowcd by law. and also any sum or Hiilmr-which may—be-paid"--by- thtf-intdeiv' signed, necessary to protect its Interest- in the-promtsesi-slumtirt m -the-Township of Ypsilaiitl -County of "Washtenaw nnd State of'Michigan, to-wlt: , ’ .r of" -108/ Dianne Acres, ft subdivision

of part oTthe southeast quarter ofSee- "tlon.1l, town -8 south, range 7 east,

."ty'."" Michigan, 'according to the plat thereof as recorded In lllier 14 of Plats, pages 49 and 50, Wnshtennw

Daleil: "Novomher; 24. 1080, '■ ."FEDERAL NATIONAL ’MORTGAGE •--ASSOCIATION. Assignee of Mortgage HOOPER ft BLASHFIELD’ l Attorneys-for Assignee of• Mortgage . Business "Address:-199L8—First-National—Building—--- «.._Aiiii_.Aihor, :..MLe.hJgan ,. • ■___“Telephone: NOrmandy 2-4426 ------------ ---------- ' ....Nov..-24-Fch. 19-


-- Default- having-been Jhatte itpjive trtW and condition* of a certain mortgage, con­taining. therein e power of sale,made h* Edward R. Will* and Ann* E. WHIa, hue* band and wife. Mortgagors, to James T. Barne*, * Company, a Michigan Corpora­tion. Mortgagee.’which mortgage i» dated September 28, J9«8 anU recorded September 85^t#5#^lii-4dbe».sA4fcof Reoq|d»v 29-81 Register of Deed*’ Offlo^Waafitenaw County, Michigan, and ther^fter aaslgned by the »ald mortgagM f?TIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION, a National Mortgage Asaoclatlin, which As­signment la dated October 30*.lufi8 and recorded November 8, 1958 in Liber 848 of Reeorde. page 28 Register of Deed* Offtw. Washtenaw County, Michigan, on which mortgage there i» claimed to .be due on

. date of-thiaJiotlse Xor,principal nnde sum 6f~ <9,781.04- a«d- «R "“SMrtoirfr^nd thanorthweat U- of'

Ypellantl-Townahlp, Waahteimw,;' ty. Michigan, according to " the _

\ thertof as recorded in liber 14 of I‘i!j ■' wiireT 21 ond”22rWaahtennw^rej|DateS December 22. 166ih DF&BR4a NATIONAfiL MQRToai

ASSOCIATION. Assignee of Mortgi HOOPER ft BLASHFIfeLD ■ 7 / Attorney* for Assignee of Mortgagee BuBlnesa Addreaat - - ■

I00V-8' First National Building ■Ann Ai^fv Michigan. ’Telephone) NOrmandy .

. / , DSC. 22-Msi

5tforney'5”fee-of'FIM0T arnTn®" suit -or proceeding at. law. haying • been instituted to'' recover the money secured by aalq mortgage, or any- part thereof, , ; . .Notice!»• here&y“glven thatby vlrtue-of thertiower- of sale contalnad-il); laid, mort­gage, which ui®n default. b>» beconte ojiei’atlve,. and the atatute in, such f case made and provtdwT on- Thu rid ay, March 28,4961 at ten o'clock in the forenoon, the undersigned will, nt the-west entrance to theV Washtehaw County Buljdlng ,1m the City of Ann Arbor, Michigan, that be ng tho place where the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw I* held, *eli at publlo auction to the highest bidder the premtHs described in said moitoage, ~oi; so much thereof as may be necessary. to pay the amount* aforesaid due' on said • mortgage With interest nt 514# Mi' annum thereon to date of sale' and all legal ooiti’and extienaes, together with aald attorney’s fee, allowed by law, and also any sum or auma whlch~ m'ay be paid by the undersigned, necessary to protect. Ita interest . In the premises, - situated : in the Township of Ypsllantl, County:of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, to-wlt: ' -

The southerly 82.90 feet in the front -_a»d the southerly 26.0 feet in the rear.■ of "lot 8C~and.the northerly 19.63 feet

of lot 84, Washtenaw Ridge No.-1 -part of the northwest 14 of Section 1, town .'3 south, range 7 east, Ypsilhntl Town-

_/shl|i, Washtennw_’County,~Michtgan,—- : according to 'the' plat thereof as re- - corded ln= liber -14 - oL_Fiat»,-Ikge-I7r_

Washtenaw County Records.Dated: December 22, I860.


HOOPER ft BLASHFIELDneya for AssIgneB jf’Mortgngee— jp-y


1 No. 45978 'State of Michigan, The Probate v’nurl

-the County of‘Washtenaw... - In the Matter of the Estate of CL


At a session of said Court,■■.held on, uary 6, -1961. - .--r ■Present, Honorable John W. Co Judge of Probate.

Notice Is Hereby Given. That all.« tofir"<jf_ssld deceased are required",tort ent their clftlmn In writing and ■under, to said Court, and to serve a copy ihi "upon".'-Martha- DuRols _of— BSJ—IJilli Ypsllantl, Michlgfm, fiduciary .of said tnte,-and’thnt-«uch olalma_.will h» head "sard Court "at the Probate Office on ji 15, 1061, at 9:80 A.M..f i

It I* n,.<lpi’e<t, That nottlce thcivnf lu1 en, by publication of a. copy Jiprcdtj three weeks consecutively .prc’ittTtis to

Busltiessr Address:___________FT001-8 First National Building1A"nn Arbor, Mtchlgqn .Telephone: NOrmandy 2-4426 Dec22-Marl6


Default hsvlng been made In the terms and conditions of a certaliv mortgage,con­taining-therein n (lower of sale made" by- Billy Hnlt and-Betty Hall, his wife, Mort-

-gagors,. to Advatu'e Mortgage-Cor(KiHA4kWr a Michigan Corporation, Mortgagee, which morteaae-ln—dnte<i—Deeemher 8. 1059 nnd recorded December 39,1959 trTLlber .896 of Records, pages 406-408, Register of_Deeds’ Office, Washtenaw County, Michigan, nndthereafter asslgned-by Gie -sald.mortgageeto Federnl Nationnt Mortgage Association, ft rNational Moitvave Assoclntloji7 which assignment Is dnted" December/30,'"195w. and recorded December 80, 1969, In Liber 896 of Records, imge '400 Register of Deeds’ Of- flee, Washtennw .County, ", Michigan,-- op which mortgage, there is claimed, to bgllugon the date of this notice.ifor'principal and interest: and other, charges allowed by snld nfortgnge the sum of $10,167.27 and an attorney's fee of $76.1)0,. and no suit or proceeding'at law having been .instituted tt> recover the money secured by_spJd_m_PCt.

H1MR9—SfORTGAGR-'-FORECLOSURE-SALE— ;Default having been made-In the terms

nnd conditions of a..certain mortgage .con-- tnlnlng therein n power-of sale mide by Thom HR' W 11 row n. J r. nnd Thelmn L.-Blown, husband rtrnl v?lfe, Mortgagors, to Jumper rJ1| pnvnPw & Comnnnv." a Michigan

Attorneys fniZ-A-ssIgnec. of MOJ lgaKcc. . •_.1. Business Address: .. . ... .,

1001-X First National Rulldl.ngAnn Arbor,- Michigan ■ ■ ....Telephone:.,. NOrmandy 2-4426

Nov. 24-Feb. 16.

I95K—in—Idbei'- tS25- of".Rer*mls. -Uaug 3r*(/ -the—premises;—slpmtcd in—the Tournshlp of— .Register of- Deeds Office, Washtenaw Ypsiinntl County, of "Washtenaw and StateGrtimlv: Mi7‘IIIIrnn nn wri 1 nn inorlTorve- sr ■ ...itt—----5--------- —.-.r. ■ -.


Default having—been—made in._the terms iviuhiijindit*oiin-of_ti eertaip mortgage—ecm- fiilning I herein n .power■■ of snle njadojiy JiimcM, . K,-. Westhrooks_nild ■■ Geraldine—Le.Westbrooks, hnslmrid and wife. Mortgagors, to. James _T, - Barnes ft Company, n. Michir Trail Coi iioi atlon,: SforlgTIirSe; tvljlch- morl*.' gage is date<l July..16, ,1958 nnd recorded

tv Llbei*—833- of Recmds,-446-44K=Regtster=of Deodtd—GKIee,

Wtirtitennw- County,- Michigan, -nnd -there*, after assigned by the'-Hiild mortgagee ■ to Federal National Mortgage’ Association, n National MoligJige AsHocfat 1 on, which ’ an- Igiiment la dated August 6, 1958 and rer

cdriltsl August’ 11, 1058 In Liber 836 of Records, pngo 284 Register, of Deeds' Of. flee, -Washtenaw County, Michigan, (5i which mortgage there Is Claimed to be duo on the date of this notice for principal and interest, and other charges Allowed, hy said mortgage the. sum of $9.806.67 and an nt-.

Corjiorntlon, Mortgagee, which .mortgage is dinted - April 20, 1958 and recorded. May 2, 1958 in 'Liber 824 of Records, imgc8 "."26n.- 267 Register of Deeds’ Office, Wnshtennw. County, Michigan, and-thoreafter assigned by the said mortgagee to Federal National Mortgage Association, a National ' 'Mort- gngo Association, ■ which assignment, is dated Mav fl, 1958 nnd .recorded Mily 12.

'County, Michigan, .on which inorornw there Is claimed to be.due on tho date of this, notice for principal and Interest nnd other clmrgos allowed by -.said mortgage the sum of $10;890.93—And ■ , nn -dltortie: fe« of $75.00. nnd no sult’or lunoeedlngat law having been Instituted" to recovor the money secured by snld mortgage, oi'nnv iiart' thercof. . __ ••.••r* ____ •*■■■■

Notice 1- hsrehy ftivpn"ithnt hv vlrTun "fthe pwvmr "of" snl cLicantn 1 ncitilh-Kni d-mort- gngc.' which upon default has become op- ofativv, and the stafure in such case mnilr nnd provi(lo<t,-on - Friday-' March 17, 1(101 -h4—frti.-<)h4»T';k“Vn 'Uin "Tn'i'enbon, the nInter, signed .will, at the west .-entrance' of the Wnshtennw. County Building In. the_Clty of Ann—A'rhnrt"Michtgum—<hu|—l)rtng—|hfpliii.,. Wirei’p _ thn_. Circuit Conit for 1he_

iinil i hkl* i:n;,nt:iii ui y,7[Ot/u.u: mum <iu- «h-.toi ney's■ fcp oT $75.,on, and,no suit or pro-' ruiailimr nt law having been Institute*!' to

County of Washtenaw is held, sell at public mielion_tti_the_.highesi.'l)j<l(ler the iu'emlsf,s ile'sertbed- in—salth mortgiige,—or-strT-much- tllercof ns may be necessary tn imy the. amount aforesaid due on . snld' mortgage with Interest n't..,5V}% per annum thereon to date of- sale anil all legal costs nnd expemies, together with sniil attor noyt* fee. allowed" by" law, nndnl-o any sum or'sum's which may be (iniil bv the Undersigned, necessary to protect Its interest In the ■t'limb1"".—siUmtod In—llio Towonhlp *>f ■YjiSllTnUI County of Wlistitcnaw and" StntJL nf Michigan.' to-wlt

gnge, or any part thereof, _Notlca'.lii_hereby_gi.ven . that ,by.i_virtue-nf

the liower of snle contained In said mort- gnge. which upon default has become op­erative, and tho * statute dn such ca e_mBdo and .provided, on FridayJBarcK 17 1961 at ten o’clocfc In the forenoon, the under­signed will, at the went entrance of the Washtenaw County Bullding..!» the City of Ann Arbor, Michigan, that being the place_.where..County. of Washtenaw Is held, ■ sell at uuhlle-ftncl.inn tn tha highest hidder thnpremises doscrllje'd In' Bald mortgage, ok bomuch thereof as may -bq necensary to pay theftmount-Hfoi'esHuPSue-on-Bald- mortgage with interest at "5%% per- annum-tliereop to date of sale anil.all .legal-costa and ex­penses, together with said attorneyV fee, allowed by law, and also any sum" or sums which; may be paid- by the under, signed, necessary to protect Its inteywt In

of MlcHIgnn, to-wjfIail Twenty-Five (25);-Devonshire Sub­division, Townsnip of Ypsllantl, Wash- tpmiw County, Michigan, according to the pint thereof as recorded IfnClhcv 6 of-RlatHvon-Rago-ilr-WaHhUnaw Coun­ty Records,

Dated; December 15, I960.FED FRA I, NATIONAL-MORTGAGEAMSomATtUN. Assignee of'Mortgagee

HODrFRTft" BLASHFIELD‘Atttil lieys fur ABHlgllptf 'Bt ".■MglltHSg^°s’ Business Address: ■ ■*"

190L8/First National Building.Ann Arbor, Mlchlgnn Telephone: NOrmandy 2-442j6_

Dec. IPvMnr. 9HB-sir


and conditions of u certain mortgage con- talnlng thereln a power of salo mnde by James Clayton Williams and Juanita WllHams, hiH wife; aH Mortgagors, to Ameri­can.' Midwest' „Morlungo .-Corjioratloif,'"~a Michigan CorpornLlon,. na Mortgagee,Which mortgage is dated January 21, 1959 and recorded January 27, . 1950 In . Liber"k57 of- -Records, jihuph 4I3-417" Reg- Jrt evof , .Deeds'."'•Office,, 'Washtemrtv £aitnty, Mlchlgnn, ami thereafter■ assigned

" ' ------- ' ................. tm '

•»d provided, on Friday March 24, is Un o'clock In tho forenoon,, the ’■lanad will, at the wcat: ontrance „ WaahUnaw "County ’Buttdlnjr-ltr'tli? of Ann Arbor, Michigan, that belt, place whore, tha Circuit Ctourt for County of Washtenaw i» held, e«)i 4t; lie auction to tho hlghoij bidder th« ires described in said mortgage, much thereof as may bo necessary tq tho amount aforesaid 4j» on M jgage vrith jnterojtrtft 6% ^ ^thereon to date of rele ana all legal' and expenren. together with said alter fre, allowed by Jaw, and also any N auma which may to paid by.the i rigned, necewary to protect Its Inter the premise#, situated in the Towimhi Ypsllantl County of Wnahton.aw and i of Michigan, to-wlt i , , ^

Lot 864; except northwesterly 129.0 . thereof and the northwauterij* ,m fret of tot 868, Washtenaw Concoir

"" oT^rk^Psrt of the. northeast Vi

pa HtaniIjpH tHnt lha fiduciary cause ft copy of; notice to ~be~Kerved unon each Knawn y In Interest nt his last-known ailtlresi registered,..certified or .ordlnni'y.m.ail (■ proof of mailing), or by .personal at least .fourteen. (14). days prloi:. tn i hearing, . -__ . JOHN W; CON'Lt]

__Judge. of'!’reb.ijA true copy:.Anna Douvitsns.Reglster-of Probate,- .. .Jack. J. GniTls, Attorney 217 Municipal.-Cuilit Bldg.Ann Arlior,7Michigan.



Default having been made "In' tin* ti and conditions of n certain imutgaaej talnlng therein a power of sale nmdi Gleude-G CheDher-ancLJuftnlta-J . Chw Eusband and wife. Mortga'go'fsT rto JlT, Barnes ft Company, -a Michigan poration, Mortgagee,/ which mort«ai dated May 12,. 1958: and recorded Mi 1958 in Liber- 826 of RecordB, pages Register, of Deeds’ Office, . Wnshti .County,- Michigan,_and ...thereafter: sssli by the Hald mortgagee to Federal Nalij-Mortgage—Association,_a_NatkmuUnnora-Assnclatlon. which assignment hed June. 18, 1958 and recorded June] 1968 in Liber 830. of Records, page j Register - of—Deeds1—O4G0e' Wishta County, Michigan, on which mortgage t. Is claimed to bo'due .On- tho date of ] notice for prliialpal and Interest amid charges atlowed by. said mortgnge the rif—$<>7784:1—anitr-ftB$76.00, and. no suit or proceeding sfj having-been InstltOUd to-rccoyer the isecured' by said mortgage, or any thereof.

Notice 1'b hereby given that by virtuj tho power of Bale contained in said id gage, which- upon-default has becomij eratlve, and the statute in hucH cn*e i and provided, .on_J?ridny March* 24, i nt. tSD o'clock Jii the forenoon, lhe.nl

| signed will. uU .the west entraiw of|Ann Arhpr, Michigan,.that-being.the i where the. Circuit" Court for1 the Foimtl Washtenaw Is- hold, sell at .i>uld to the highest bidder the ■ )ircmiie»T jjrlbed in snld mortgage, or._so, nuTch 19 of ns may be necessary to pay the anil aforeeald—dttr-tm—B«ld—mortgage- with] terest; at 5'A % per nnnurp thereon lo J of sale and all legal costs min_ csjai together with snld attorney's fee, ellaby-luwL arid also any sum or sunis may be* imld -by-the-underBlgncilr neertsituated In the Township of . Y|.'ill County o£_Wn»htenaw and- Stat'e-of xj gan. torwltl 1 " ■ .The. northeasterly SO, feet- of 'lot -feet of—”Y8T"Wifshtohaw Concouree l'Jrrr -of'the Ttort.3 smith, .rnnge. 7 east,-Ypsilnuli Jcr •shUH -Washtenaw—County ""according- to the plat" .thereof ft* 1

1 corded1 in liber 14 ol ’ Flats, page/l and 16, Washtenaw i County Reconls.1

Dntetl : December 22, 1960. ;. JFRDERA L NATION A L- MORTC.Al

'AMOC1 A'TTON,' Assignee of McitgM HOOPER A BLASHFIELD Attorneys for Assignee ,of Mo;tgreet|

-ntrsmesa—Address:1001-8 First National BuildingAnn- Arbor, Michigan

New, 21-Feh. 16."HB-32S -a

- mortgage 'hi>r fu .’Oriu-R'i/ 'g'A'i;b■Default having boon made In the '.terms

_ftn*t_condl.Liiiu;i.of- a__w.rt«ia-mortH«Ke—ism,- talhing. IheiM-in u fuVvvr■,- r,f sale mTulo by Farley Gileum ami Mini'rv;i_.Gibsnn,_Hus-. Imml and Wife, as Moripiemrs, I*) Jams*

law having been Instituted to recover the •"Lot—"1"4.—Washtenayv 'Autump No. 1, ft on. to-wlt the 23rd day Of November A.D1964, assigned—to. Beacon—Federal—Shv Ings ft "Ixmn Association, nnd recorded .In the nffleo of the Register of Dee*ls for the County, of Washtenaw aml T5tsto of Mlchlgnn, on the Stth-day-Tof December. A,D, 1954, In ijber". 681 of Washtenaw County—Record* -en -t*age- 461-i..whleh-Bftld

eedver the money secured hy -snld mort- T sit.. 48, : ex rent* thn southwesterly IS by-the- saRI mtu-tgngee to -Feitefah-'Ngtiona Mortgage Association, a National Mott- Ifoy*. Association, which aislgnmant.la

Telejihorie; NOrmandy 2-4420 — -..... - Dec. 22-Wi'lmoney, secured-by said mortgage, or any

part thereof.■Ni

t41V Hai nen, & i 'uinim.ny7 ■ "M'trhhmn ,*'iji,pnr;' njiiin. ns [ Mortgagee',' whlrtv mnrfvage I* Inled Fclinfai v• 8, 1958 and iciordeil Fi'h*. Many 6. 195s in Lllier V15 trf ■ Reeuid-i(laves 241-213 Reglstir of Dceil*' Office .Wji lili'naw ("rmnU’. Mirhi*'aii,- and there-

. . nf>|er acsKMu'il ■ iiy- tlic yaitl nim lviigee, to Federal. Naljunal Mortgage Assaciatlnn, n Nali'oanl ■ Mori cage -Ansociat Ina, - which ig- slgnrtlent Iq.diitisl Felirun'i'v 28. 1958 iituI

.'.recoriii-d • March .cc.x III- I.iher 17 of Ri’i’ord*. page 589 Rpgisler of .needs'. Of. flee,- Wnslitcnnw rrmatv. Mlehlvan, on

___whlch mort nayi* 11w*g** b* rtaiuii'd' to I ilui! on" fhe "dnl*. of . thl*. rioltre for p inoi-

(>nl niul InlrreHi Bail oilier charge* ahlowed 1>V_. .will nHi'.'ljUl'.'C_the .mm—nf$10,158,29 and nn iitioi nev's fen of $75.00 as provided for in cnirl moitgnge, ami "nr

—-suit-or. proceeding at l;(w having—heeir- ■ r Instiluteri' ‘to , recover the- money, securer). by said mort'rave, nr-uiiiv -onrl thereof. i Notice i* 'iierchv vivnu tlinl hy' virtue ef the power of sale emit id mil in mild mort- gnvp. which upon rlefrtnlt . hn* liccumn nu- pratlvd, nml the Mat at c m. such .ease made

'.nn_(l_iirovl'led, on Frirlnv February 15. 1 nr,t ■ at ten* n'rlnrk In. the forenoon, the on. dertui'noil will, id .Ih". vert enlrniice of the Washtenaw Countv. IlillMIng -In the

v City of. Ami—Aj'hor, Mtchigan.-lluil- liein*' the -place.—whr.r.e ■ the. -Circuit . Cieu t 2 foil tho■_ Ctmnly of’ "Washtcnirw • 4*i- held *eP at piddle., nurllnn In the Jilghert bidder flip (icemlses dearrlhed' in .;aid mortgage or so much thereof iim mav lie nrresxnrv to tiny the aminint ■ nforeanid *1’'" on ■.mib’

' marlgmre with Iriterenl at Ti.V|Cf . pen an- nurw- ..thereon, to dato of sale ami id’ legal eostn nnd "expenses, together with ,snbl attorney’s Tee, allowed hv_ b’W, nm1 also any sum nr soms which may be lurid hy "the iin'lerslvnrsl, neenssn'iw th proteci Hr Interest In the premises, situated In the Tnwnshln inf Yjutllnrdl County nf WaKhle- haw nnd .'State.of Michigan, to-wlt;

frf.lce—Is—hereby • given—that—by—virtue-, of the :power Of salo contained In Halil,

-mortrtage„-whlch uiion-ilcfault-has become openitlve, ami tho statute In soeh rasemuile_ltftrt.. Iu!f>vld<yt7-<iiv Frlilay .FehnntTy to, 1961, at. ten o’clock In tho forenoon, the. nadei'slghcd..will. tit.the west entrance of the Washlennw' Countv Building in. the City nf.Ann Arbor, M!ehk>n»,_ Uuit being j the plnco- wh'usi the Circuit Court for tho i County 'of Wnshtcimw is hcldt- soil nt mddle 'auction to. tho highest bidder the premises ’dcserllicd in said: -mortgage; _pr so — oh, Iharanf. as unim he hoe ■ .......

(AH* iii tt nnutuiirnv ntmiiuD »*«• *» *•subdivision of- irart-of the southeast quarter- of nSiictlon 35, town 2 south'i

-range 7 oast, Superior. Towpshlp, Washtenaw County, Michigan.' accord- Ing to tho pbnl"thereof*ns recorded 'in ■ liber 14 of Pint'*, pn'ge 26, Washtenaw

gage, or any pnl't thoreof.Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of e-l>oiyore-of—sale-contain erl-rinsslU-mort

foot thereof, Wnshtennw Conrourbe No. 1.

gage, which upon_def«ult has become oinu - ullve, and the statute-iii such ease miub-1 and provided, on Friday, April 21, 1961 ntten o'clock in tho loronoon. tne umiersigncu will, at the west entrance of Jhe Wnshten-. iiw County 'Building In tho City of Aiim Arbor,. Michigan, -that being/, the’ lilnro where the. Circuit G.otirt for the County;of Washtenaw Is hold, soil nt jnilillr :uir|ion to the highest btdder the prcmixe:i described In said mortgage,, or ho. much -thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount r.foi o>

iniges 1.5 and 16, Wnshtennw County , Reeoid*. ■ ■ '.■Jllrbi'dr Deeomher 15. 10fli). ' '


HOOPER & BLASHFIELD 'Aftdi'tieys far Assignee of. Mortgagee BbsiiioS* Addres*: '

.1091-8 First -National Building

part of the nortbonsP Vi of ^ec- Gon il—train..3 vsmttli,...rnnge: 7 . uiihI, Y|isllaiil' Township, WnRhtonnw' Coun* ty, ‘ M'rhi rnr., arcorTUiig to 'the' plat thereof ns rcroriierl In Hher 14 of PlntH. ;-

datca FeTuamry 8. 1059 »Ad recorded Feb­ruary 9, 1959 in Liber 868 of Records, page 646 Register of Deeds' Office, Wash-t«nnw-"Cgufftyi'TMfchfgnri/"biii whlrti (riurt-

ORDER "OF. PUBLIC ATI (Dj'” Notice of Hearing— Probate of .Will*

Determination of Heirs ," . No. 46134. ' ,.State of Michigan, The Probate Gourl|

the County, of. Wnshtennw •In. the Matter of tho Estate of / ’K

L, LASKEY, n/k/n Grant - Lnskey, >/| G. L, Laskey, DecenRedi _ " ', ,.l

At a session of wild Court, nral January 12,'1961. ■ J

Present. 'Honorahle John W.

.b _ .

■cswH'y. tn imy- (lie, amminl aforesaid (Inc on said mort- imge with Interest, al D-l4 p e r nnnum thoreon to date of sale nml all legal onrta nnd: expenses, tovolher with said attor- tiov’fi fee, allowed by inv. and' also nnj' su'rrt or sums which may ,bc paid" bv "the nliil"irtr*4i«b—Bee'esynrv—to—proter -rlH* -In- terest ins.. I he premises, silnntL’d Tr the Townshin of Yjisllantl County of Wnshte-

"tnw’l nnrl State, of Mlcliivan, 'to-wlt: :Lot 43, Washtenaw Ridge No, 1, part or the' northwest’ ipmrt.ctr Section 1/ - town 3 south, range 7 east, Ypsllantl Township,. Wnshtennw County,-. Michi­gan. a,cording to tho pint thereof as ri’i'cipled In lllier 14 nf Flats, page 17, Washtenaw Countv Records.

Uatcd ! November 19, '1560. ■ ......FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION, Assivnep of Mortgage —

-HOOPER ft BLAStlFIELD— /----Attorneys' fpr Assfgnee of Mortgagee"--- -Business Address; . —

1991-8 First. National Building -Amt Arbor, Michigan ■ ■Telephone i ‘ NOrmandy 2-'-M26 ' ■ V Nov. 10-Feh, 2

Tho southerly 9 feet of lot M3 and the

County . Rrrnrds,Dsted: November .10. -196(1, ■


HOOPER ft ' BLASHFIELD •Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee Business Address!■ lrtOJ-8 First National Building .

Ann—Arboi'.-MlahlgaTeloithpnc't NOrmandy 2-4428 ■Nov. 10-Fcb. 2

1111-326— MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE '..Default having been made. In fho terms

ami-ciiiiillllotis of a certain mortgage con­taining therein a power of sale made hy .ls*stot’ .M /Uov'ie ft Vc<la/-Q_-_Hogue,.hit*

raw Concourse No, 2, part of (he northeast Vi of Section 3, town 3 amtth, range 7 east, ..Ypsllantl Town­ship. Wnshtennw Couure, Michigan,

■ arroi'dintt to. the pint thereof ns record- • ed I" I.lher 14 of Flats.' nn*'".i 11 and

12. Washtenaw County Records,Date.': November '17 ■ 1980,


.. It

Attorneys for Assignee of Morlgngc«f Huslness Address:

I69I-H -First NnUntinl. Building ■Ann. Arlxrr, Mlchlgnri .Telephone: NOrmandy 2-4426 ■ .......... ...... . ........... . 1 Nov. 17-Feb. 0

Saw1 rW 3 :

, . H *1-331“ MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE-.....Default hnvlng-lteen made In the-terms

«nd conditions of a certain- mortgagecontaining rtherelnra. ltower-of-, eale-mad*’by Carlos- W. Fcpdergrass and Maggie It.

v Pendergrass, his wife, ns Mortgagors, to Central'Mortgage Company of Detrbtt, a

--- - Michigan eoViwratlon, ns Mortgagee,.which mortgage Is dated December 12, .1657 and recorded December 16 1667 In LJtor 859 of Records, pages 395-308 Register of Deeds’ Office, Washtenaw County, Mlchl. (tan, **td thereafter asidgned by the said mortgagee to Federal National Mortgage(tan, **td thereafter asidgned by the said mortgogee to Federal National Mfirtgngr AisoeUUon, a National Mortgage Assorts tlon, *whtch assignment Is’ dMw .Jaauajv to, IflflN and recorded Jantiar9 18, 1968 In tlhe* «12 of Rlcordscpage 485 Register

vrifjU ns M ivt*ngrrr'' to Anif.r r.nn Mill west ^atlon, ak- Mortgagee, which, mortgage •!« dated October 21, 1958 nrid recorded Octo­ber 39, 1068 In I-llicr 847 of Records, pages 398.1)1 1 Register of Deeds' Office, Washtenaw Cmwity. Michigan, and.- there- 'Utir assiirnerl. hy the said mortgagee to federal Nallotml Mortgage Association, a National Mortgage Association, which as- slgnmcnl Js dated Novemher 5, 1958 and

---- "ORDEfa FOR PUBLICATION—Bair orlMnrlgage of Heal Estate.

No, 45892 s\Sluti* of Mk’hlgan, Ths Ptohntotoirt fore

—1 he Count y -'of—Washtenaw,-—. Iji the Matter of the Eslato. of, MARY

■RUB BE I .L McWl LIJAM3,- Dei’eitHcrb------At , a nnsslnn of, said Court, belli on

janmnr'nih, fMl. " .Present, Honorahle JOHN W. CONLIN,

Judge .'of- Probate. . '■Notice Is Hereby (liven, That all persons Interested In said estate atjo directed to nntiear before said ■ Probnto Conit on .Feliruaiy Mh, 11181, nt; H :B0 A.M., to show "cause'why a license HhmtM not ho granted to Kenneth L, Hchan*. ExitwitOr of said estate, to sell or'mortgnge the .Interest of. sftld-osiatorin-certain-real. eAliite.described ln_hls_ tictltlon for tho puniosc_of pays nient' oT debts,' rtulms," legacies iitul ox- (tenses nf admTiilstrnTfoh: . /

It Is Ordered, That notlco thereof be given hy publication of., a. cot,y hereof for three weeks eonsecuHvoly previous to said dav of henilng, lit Tho Cltelson Stanilarii,. mid that the' petitioner emtse- rr ropy of th)s nolle,.,, to he served ututn each k own party In Interest al hlk last known address .by registered, certified or/ortlln* ary mall (with proof of mailing), or frv versor,.*' rnrvlee et Most fourteen ()4) days prior to such hOBtlr.K

A.nna 1 Doovltsas Register of Prohnte, Hetldlcv A Rademuehef Attorneys nt Law Chelsea, Michigan

JOHN W. CONLIN, ' Prohnte.

moi’tgftgo was -thereafter, on, to-wlt the 39th day of. August. A.D,, 1960 assigned to : Federal"' Snvlnga ..ft ’ Tatan Insurance Coi’iioiiitlon, ti Unltorl States Corporation nnd "recoitded In tho- Office of tho Reg­ister of Deeds for tho County of Wash­lennw and State of Mfchlgnti on tho 80th. day of September,--A-B.; 1960, In Liber 926—nf. Wnshtennw County . R6rni’ds. onpngo 327, bn which' mortgnge thero Is nlalmwl to he due, nt the date of this notice, for principal nml IntArent,"Tho sum of Ton Thousand • TworUy-NIno Dollars and Ninety-Two /Cents ($10,029,92) No suit/or proceedings nt law/ or In crptlty Tyivlrig been iPstTtuted to recover the debt ’fiecur«l“ hy" said mortgage or' any part' thereof.“ Now, therefore; by virtue of " the" po erof aula, .contained In..said mortgaged -and(nirsuan.t to the statute'of the State of Michigan liV flUchrcnhe-made-and-provWetl, notlco is-hereby given that on Fi'lday, the 3rd ,lay of Febitini'y, A.D. 1961, at 10:00 .O’clock “A.M., Eastern Standard Time, said mortgage will bo foreclosed by. a sale.AI public auction,, t'o the. highest bidder, *) the . west entrance to "the—Washtonittv County ....Building- In the. City of Ann Ar­bor,: Washtenaw County. Michigan (that being tho building where the'Circuit Court for tho County of Washtenaw !» held), of -the—(vremtses-denrlbed * ln-*uflH-mortgago, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount'due, ns aforesaid, on. said mortgnge; with the Interest thereon ns provided in said mortgage and .nil legal rusts, chiii'gps nnd exnemteB. Jncludlna the attorney fees allowed by law, and also any sum or sums which may he paid dry the undersigned, necessary to protect Its In­terest In the* premises. Which said prem­ises nro described as follows: All that rcrtnln piece or parcel of land situate in- tho Clty of Ypsllnn11In—the County of -Washlonayy nnd State of Michigan nnd (lescrllrbd-ai ollbwSr-tsKwlu.

-mid duo on skid'mortgage with Intviusi at 6)4% Per-' annum thereon to. date of smlc itnd alt legnl costs and. axparises, togethcu tylth snld attorney’s fee, allowed by law, and nlso any sum or sums which irmy be phld by tho undersigned, necessary 'to pro. tect-Urt lnterest iri-tbo-tmemlseM, .slhml-al In the Tow.nshlt, of Y|,'sllnlitl.5(>)unty-of-\Vasli.tenaw and fjlato-of- Mlrttlgmi,-1u-wll t------

Ixit-. 317. .except northwesteiiy vic.tr'j feet thereof, -and northwesterly 15 22feet.of lnf"$48,' Washtenaw "Coiiciiurse

:_.No. 3. JL l")' l of the iioi lhoast 111,a,ter of SocTTon 3.- arid Otc* nbrthwosY <inni‘t<*r of Seel Ion 2, towii .3 south, rimvo 7' east, Ypsllantl Township, ■Washt**imw County, Michigan, according to the tdnt thoreof us recorded In liber 14 of Pints, pages "21 uml-- 22—WfiKhlcnirw Cou my Kt'roMK,

Datedt Juittmrv 19. 1'in;, __■ 5L. ^ ATI ON A I, MORTGAGE

a.' 'i' ''"ce of Moi tviig,*,:HOOPER ft HLASHFIELI)........... '

Ami Arlmr, Michigan Trte(,lu>nui NOiwiindy ■ 2-4(126 ' ■'

.... . ■ . . . . ".. Rod, 15-Mar,. 9■ HB.4S5'

MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE s>IHt^hW:bce»>-wmde-dft--tto-tort... niul riilidltlolis of ft- certain mortv.igo coil-

tainln’g--therein ft power of sale made by Arthur 1), Edwards niul Shirley—Dr—Ed­wards, husband and wife. Mortgagors', tc

- ■■ •;‘-/.r DJT Wlljgil TfHTTV*.gage there is claimed to be due on the ditto of this notice' for prlnclpnl Rhd'In­terest and other charges.allowed by siild mortgage the sum of. $10,098,01. and nff attorney's fee of $75,00 as provider 1 for in said mortgatm, and no suit or proceed­ing atrtnw havilig been Instituted to re­cover the. money secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof

■crTgirilRt"Nn"vefnl",eF lrT95V"id" 1 jhbr *848 "bf ar.d -roTntlttnna -of—n-: certain- -mortgnjr#-Jfecoi'ils, 1,ago 377 Reglstor of-_.DcedsL.Of-. cAntoWng therein ft pbwot' Offlro, WiU’hlminw rmiuty* Mlchipfftrt, ■ on ny (lorilon K, Millft .nnd Mao M. Mllln,

Jan 1.9-2 Or Eeb21IR-S26 ■' )' .

MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE .SALE Default having been made In the terms.

which mort gage there Is clalmeti .t» bb duo on the date of this notice for. prin­cipal firm ..interest and other* charges al­lowed hy said '.mortgage the sum of 6.10,996 73 apiL.art attorney's fco.of. $75.90 as provided for In said mortgage, nnd nb suit or proceeding at law. having been Instituted to..recover the money-securedby. nald_m.oittgft«e, or any. pnrt-thereofA__• Notice. Is herclty* given that by vlrtub of

the- power, of sale contnleed- In said-mort­gage, which, upon defnult has -become operative, and the sintute in’ such ease, mnde and provided, on Friday February 10, 1961 nt ton o’clock In the forenoon, the undersigned will, at the west entrance of tho Washtenaw County Rulldlng In the City. Of Ann Arbor,.Michigan, that being the place where .the Circuit’Court tor the County of Washtenaw Is held, sell,at pub­lic -auction to the highest bidder the prem­iere described In said mortgage, or m milch thereof as may to necessary to pay the amount aforesaid duct on said mort­gage with Interest at 4-%% per annum

husband ■ and wife, nt Moijiisnorj, to James .T, Barn«H ft Company, Mlchlgnn corporation, ns Mortgagee, which mort­gage Is dated December. 6, 1957 ahd rt« ' ' “ 1 * 1967 In Liber 808

" Ti 14 Register ofcordod December_Q>_195of* Records, pages 512- Deeds' Office, Waiihtnnnvaiihtnnnw County. MJchL gan, ’nnd thereafter assl«ne*1f.by-'The/said, moi:tgngeo__to Bank Of The Common, wealth" which assignment Is dated De- aomhc r—18.-1057— and—r ccord ed—J antt a ry 28, 1958 In LtfieT 8lT/of .Recwds. page 134 Register of Deeds' Office, Wnshtenaw County, Michigan, And thereafter nsslgn- ed by Bank Of Tha Commonwealth to

Lot 5, Amos Washington Hubdlvl-;— eton, a Subdivision of part of French Claim No. 699, Town 3 South,. Range 7 East,' In the City of Ypsllnntl, Wnshtenaw County, Michigan, accord­ing to tile plat thereof as recorded Jn I.lboi1 12 of Plate, Pago 11, Washtenaw County Records, ,

-Datol—November 8,- 960— —- -— FEDERAL SAVINGS ft LOAN INSUR­ANCE CORPORATION, A United Staten Corporation

1 Assignee of Mortgagee JACOB I. AL8PECT0U Attorney for Assignee of .MOTtgngce ’ 1518 Ford Building, Detroit 26, Michigan, WoodwatdT-nRss , • " ", " ■

1 Nov.8-10-17.74-D.ec.t-R-16.22.29-............... Jnn,0*i2-!t!-'26

II limvvr in BH40rtHft((e-rtlV r : :v r .Ill, rnuHft- a sm -t--tohn-ReynoWs and. An net In IGiynnids, bus- I .l(l—nt- ’ton 0 clock In the "foreneen, th*Jttuj wife, ns (Mortgagors., tn James "" ..... ' " *L'1 ---- --

* Company, ft M!oiti>jnri cor- point Inn, ns Mortgagee, which mortgage '« dated Dceemher 31. 1967 nml recorded'r,Vn’m,'yJt- J9!5i ln Hb6F 811 of Rcnrrds,-mges .421.425 Register of Deeds* Office,Wnshtenaw Cpuhty., ’Michigan, and thoid


James T, Barnes A Company,, a Michigan corporation, tfhleh assignment Is dated Jnnuarv 8, 1958 and recorded February 26. 1058 Irr Dlber hW^r-daecords, page 179 Register of Deeds* Office, Wakhtertnw County, Michigan, nnd thereafter assign­ed by James T. Barnes ft Company, a Michigan corporation, to Federal Na- tltmal Mortgage Association. A National Mortgage Association, which t

■ • T -

,», * ' . . wijfmjfnn* nnn more- V1'-.nvsitld mortgagee to I 'afinuu.it .i„ , ........n- ..............

-------------- -— W ..... *.................—MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE

’ 'ifcmilrhnvlng-tbetm-mmte-’in^hirtrimf'- .and rojidltlona of a certain mortgago con­taining therein a power of sale made hy lunior.H, (ionite and Julie M. Gordie, hits- hand and,wife, Mortgagor*, to Jamas T liiirnCH A Company, a Michigan coi-porn- tlon, Mortgagcb, which mortgage Is dated

2, J?a 8 JR)ltl-to?9r'l.ed June 6, 1058 l" Rscords. ttsRcs LT Reglsterof poetls’ Office,'WHshtenaw County, Mich-

:!«nn, nnu theronfUn* AHMlKnetT h y hiiIcI morttfimoo to FEDERAL -NATIONAL

- .......... WORTGAfIK ASBOCIATION; a Nationsassignment Mm-tgage Association, which assignment is

Attorneys for. 'Assignee, of Mortgagee- Business Address;1991-8 First Niilloitnl Building \A nn A rlmr. piclilgan,Tele],hone t NG-mamiy 2-4426 / ...■ - Jan I9-A|,r. Cl

. i . . irii-336 :, NOTICE OF

Mortgage foreclosure bale■ Default having been made In the terms

riml conditions nf h certain mottgavr* cm,, tatnii_iK_thei'(jln 11 power of saloHnarlg-rbyr

G . ,***>, ikiiko AssoriftllortvnZ.Ji mnl ir!lKr . ""delation, which a*.KUnm nt. dnt<y| Vohni«ry 17, mr>s mid ^ ' ^ ^'^tuary (0. 1958 In Llhcr 813 nf

re w K r -ltl° Jointer of Deeds* Df.' LS’ u'^n U!l,n , County. •. Michigan,.: on which rportgnge njere Is claimed to be due 0.’' t<i" date of this notlco tor..iirinrtmrimid mortv'n„on 1 v0th6r cl'Jl’8es allowed by <nid-mortgage the sum of $19,921.49 andd!' httornoy s -fen of $75.99 as provided for n -*"1'1 niul; noYsult or. priJeSI:

.ui'®. h*|eby glverf that by virtue of the power of sale contained in snld mortgago,; which uporf default hns become operative nnd the statute In such case

'‘."’l I’tovlded, on Friday, March- 9* 1961, at, ten o clock In" the forenoon the '^l^lRned wlll st the west entrance toCltv^rAnftftA In thoiu Arbor» Mtchlffnr\« thatiho v/hoM? tho Circuit Court for »h2Counfy of Washtenaw la hehl,Tll at pnln . hlfrheHt blddoV Ptho

James ,T, Ititi acs ft Cpmitany, a Michigan coiluiratlnit, - MoilgAgce, which mortgrigc Is. dHteiFMTiy 5, IU5X irfiTT recorded Maji 7 1958. In Llhc 825. of Records, pages 28- So Register of Deeds’ Office, Washtenaw County, Michigan, and thereafter assigned hv the said mortgagee to.FEDERAL NA- TlON’ALrrtdOKTGA'fiE' ASSOCIATION, a National Mortgage. Association, which p*. sign'luent is datrsi June 18, 1958- and : rc=- curdl’d Juno 29, 1958 In t,liter 830 ofRecords; page 141 .Registet of Deeds’ Of- tuic,—Vvashtiinaw. County. Michigan*—oiv

f any part thereof. - -------------- -----.Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of

the power of sale contained In said mort­gage, which upon default has become operative, and the atatute such case .outdo and provided;-on Friday, February 10, 1061, at ten - o’clock -In-tne—forenootrr the-undorsigne<l""w]ll, nt the west enfrnhec of the. Wnshtennw (County Building In the City of Ann Arhor, Michigan. that belng the place where the Cli'ctilfCourFfor the ' "’dv of Washtenaw. Is -held, sell at

which mortgage tfiero is claimed to be due oil tho date , of tills notice for principal-' and inlcrcsl and "other charges nllowcd by 't.ul,Lvmortgage„the sum of; *8,875.71 .and. un attorney's fco of $76,9i>, tlnfl no suit- or lu’orocdlng id law having been insiltutcd to recover tho money secured by said mortgfigo, or any pf*rl thereoL i Nnljco is hereby given that by virtue of

the (tower of sale contained In snld mort. gage, which tiiKirt, default has become operative, at,d",the ri9l",Tfo""ln bvTcH ttiisr mrnlo .untLjj.myldeil, on, Fridayr-April—7-•"V,. "t* * ',«»» "* mo loronoon, tmutulers gnod will, - qj th6_weat_entrance-to the WiislTlottaw Goiinty Btnkllng In the ( liy of Ann Arbor, Michigan, that bel nr the. "place where thb Circuit Court for tlu (aunty of Washtonnw Is held, sell at pub. lc ntiollnn to theVhlghest bidder the prem* ,98 descyilied In .snld mortgage, or so much

r . < . V . , - , > i * v , u m « . n n v v / u ( s u m _ j n i i n v n t z f

with interest st 5Vi% (ire annum thereon to date of side and nil legal costs mi*’ exiKtiiHes, together, with .said nUorney’r fee, allowed hy law, and also’nny sum or «ums which. .mny.J»._pnld hv the unde,’, signed, necessary to protect its Interest In

j ri’ Wnshtenaw and Stateof Michigan, to-wlt:Tho east 28 feet of lot 90 and lot 91 (werpt .the east 85 fwt thereof,'Wash- tenaw ConcouVse No. 1, part of the northeast V\ of Section 8? town 3 south, range 7 east, Yf.sllnntl Town-

- „Wn t81?w Michigan,■aeeore ing .to the pint , thereof ns re- ' cordetl in llher 14 of . Pints, pages 15 nut,, 16, Washtenaw County Recorda, Dated 1 January 5,. 1961 -

, -FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE u"/\a80ClATION. AsriW«rbf -iQAr!E HOOPER ft BLASHFIELD Attorneys for, Assignee of Mortgagee Business Address: lOOi.R. First National Building Ann Arlgtr, Michiganpremises described In-sald mortgag/, or. so Tel?phon^''NOmtt 2.4426 JanR-tiarM

•\ V . 1 1 . t 1 ........ .. * ‘

1 r ! . ” nnlHtSDHW,- TR- nf|uf "Rflll fitpublic auction to the. highest bidder the premises descrlbod--in~sald_:movt«age,-o)’ so much thereof os may bo necessary to pay the- amount aforesard due on said mortgage With Interest at per an­num thereon, to date of sale and riI legal cpsts niul _expenses. togrthac__r,i(h- »ftld attorney s. fee, allowed by law,, and nlso nov sum or; sums which mny be paid by the undBiftlgned, .necessary to protect its interest In the .premjses, situated In the Township, of. Superior, County of Wnshte* naw.- and_State of Michigan, .to-wlt:

. 1 / ’, Wnshtenaw Autumn No, 1, r subdivision of part of the southeast quarter of Section 85. town 2 south, range 7. cast, -Superior TovJnshlp, ■

- £ H te"!lw County,- Michigan, accord- }iJ8 to tho plat thereof ns rocorded ins L S t " "■ w«"»*»™v

Noyomher-1(h I960,AoenrA! T ^ Ti0rfAt MORTGAGE

■ H O O P E raS A m tL D 01 Mort«aR« "-Attorn -----Tlusltt,’;* A fill i‘0»m : ............ .... '........tom-k^lrst National Building;A*’n A ,4,or, Michigan |.

Telephonet NOrmandy 2-4429 , ________ ‘ Nov, 10-Feb, 2

HB*414^MOPTGSGF, ‘foreclosure sale

*nd condllhum'of a* coitafn mortgage *con-Wtlllnm I). Mattingly and Anna M, Mat­tingly, husvnnd and wife, Mortgagors to James T, Barnes ft Comimny, a Michigan C£ ! i r i " o u [l!*11®*' which mortgage"Is1958 uo H ."n1 'J""® 2I an «« . Dlber H27 of - Rocords7TfnRe"s'"4f 8i

M?'uof Dowl,J WashtonnwCoumy, Michigan, and thereafter assigned hy the wt'd mor tmgee to Federal Nntlonn' Mortgage Association; n • National Mort-

Association, which nsslgnmcut Isto58 t s 'n w aPdTJr8COrJ,*<J Jun#1968 in .Llher 880 of Roeords, page 626S » S ' MLES?*' 8>«SJ. > X n . J

thereof, 'bV _ d m<>rtKn«»' °r any part Notice U hereby given .that by vlrtua

Wll# « n t a lh X lM mort- hM become 011. efatlre, and the statute In luch « » maX■»4»_a fl '

Judge of Probate.Notlco Is Hereby Given, That 1 be 1*4

of Ruth’M. Laskey'praying that" tlic ment filed In said Court be .ulntiU probate as the Last-WrU and Te.-inw«isaid.decs need, that ndmlnlst r atj on _ ol,entatc-be- granted-to State Bank nail Oomiftuty or some other suitable r ftnd that the heirs of said decciiscd_wj termlned, will be heard at"'tho Pij Court on February 8 , 1961, ar9 :3iv A,*|

It is Ordered, That notice thereof «| ®P_by publication of n copy. heioi'f irt.T weeks consecutively previous to -.*aM hearing, In tho Chelsea Stohdaril. an<H tha petltloher cause.a copy of thlyfl to he served upon each known purtydi terest_at. his, last known nddreaLif.J istered or certified mall, or by b*7' servlco, at" least fourteen (14) day* ’ to such hearing, ,,,a

JOHN -W. cnN .'l Judge.of I’mW

A true copy "..Anna Douvitsns 1 —Register of Prohate, .D. A. Simons, Attorney ,, rJMlinnrMIchlgan Jan. tnAf’/J. , STATE OF MICHIGAN,.U3Ulll8. Circuit Court for the ('

Washtenaw, In Chancery, ARDEA R. DAVEY, Plaintiff--'VS,2— ’ . ■JERRY E. DAVEY,-Defnndnnt..________ ...No- 1C-277

, - ■ / Order To ApplAT" ■ . .-- At a session oLoald- Court hrif!/[J Court House in tho City - of Ann fl In said County this 22 day of 1-080. •/• .

Honorablo James It. Brenkey, f t* [lli Judge L ._ Suit pending In the Circuit Cmiri f“l County nf Tn Chanrcry, <*121st tiny of Decernbor,. Iu69.

tii tho nhove-entltlcd cause It I'ri’Pl 'hat the Defendant, JenT ;K, »>" ft| not a resident- of this state nisi ',,‘1 cannot l>by ftseortnlncd In what eountry the, Defendant resides, h*"| on motion of Igircn Wr CamiilicH' tey-Jor Plaintiff,"

ft is ORDKR1 enter his’•tore thiciT rronins rrom inv | 2i ■lor.1. A'Kf that, Within forty

HtnBR’ED. (hat the D ljl. ...., ap]>enranco ln sal.d’ifore .three months from the didM * Oidore and that, Within forty Plaintiff cause this Order to he 1"' ,nLiThe Chelsea Standard, a n*\ Jl puhllshwl and circulated within *6”, 3 ty, said ptibHcatlon to be eont|n>i<'/1 In each Week for six Weeks In sllftPl Dated) Deoemtou-'21,*1980,. tl

. s/James R. Diesk ',James,S, Rreakey, Jr,, Circuit J'”

s/Loren W, Campbell - , nrt*Loren W. Campbell, Attorney for "1*f* Ann ArJ>or<,Trust Bldg;Ann Arbor, Michigan

Luel'la00 Smith, County Mfldrcd .fi. Crawford, De,^^


IP a'V- JANUARY 26, 1961! . Ml,f

** February 28. 1058 and re-C0f<j»d March 5, ,1868 in Libor 817 of Hocordtf, t>K« fi83 UoodB1 Of.

,3«SU,iS * * 8 s S J " * ~ .......................................

U r o f l^ „ i;inaafl, |nBth. wiwti’■rail b»»H ^ , “rta]n mortgage con.

« TortawoV». w Juno* V. J2 fi Wiehiaun Corixmi"(^piiift 1 nlortiraaa ia utttad

« n d ; ^ .X i Sana 80. IBM.& 18S8 »i}“ oe,,t)l.1ii*< |iutfC« ^ 5,2o7 . Office. AVWHlltiyittW

'—of—Ptw??;;,,;i thereafter ant)l*n«d- -tr, to Federal Nationala?old National MortgaR*Zi* A ^ 'f 'r 'a Mortgage Atmocla-

‘ merit iMnti*1 July H,•tlth i,,iv 17, 1958 in Libor, $ m RekWer.of ««xIh*W^wimw County, Michigan, on “ in claimed to be diw

toort8Vfhla acjtico for lujufUmLaUfl &<W«/U^h„J«eH allowed by wdd l.«4«lh*f. of iir;i>71.13 and an «t-.j , iBr WP :;Ht-:nd\WtF»T=7mF'»fw;°L ht^»FWrffi5ftrafsd'-iTS i s ^ V * ® S

« M. g i r c n that ;by._villus-of '«^ uintiiined in »aid morU-

default hatt become oper- wltiih.Katnte In '*ueh cure made■ Uj, t.h® n 1KiidHy,-April 28, IBBt aC

r t f n th" forenoon, the unilereigned 5, we t entrance of the Wsahr*k,uMv Bulldina In the c.^y ot 6nn* that Ih.'Iiw the place whore

. ffirt for the County of Wa«h- '~'h,ij «llH nubile auction,to the „ ebA lh e lucmiaoH deaoribed [n■ ,c]r,p or m> much thereof-«» may Wh*be. 0C the amount aforewdd

morlKaae with intercut at .614 % (late of ante and all C . »idXa«'H. together with aald ^ . allowed by law. and atao any

.,,'Vwhlch (hay be paid by the un.r«n.rotect Ita Interest .umii K situated in the Township •JL®County of Washtenaw andr ^r^ ilg3l'.78U feet* of lot 340' and , KJk?i*t«rIy 21.02 feet of lot 341. Kaiuiivr Concourse No.-.3. a part of 'ffleVt '4 of Section 3 and the- i of Sccllon 2. town 3 south, • J2J 7 east. Ypsilanti Township, Ktwiw- ipUy.Jdicliiaan^Jtecoi'd- . u, >yf (fcs-ntate-tfereof - ira-rccord edln

It of Pint*. I’uk®8 ,2 r and it, ,W»w -Conntyjfecords.• -January- '36.--1W6 ~EBAb NATIONAL MORTGAGE

iatIGN, Assiirnee of Mortgagee PER 4 BliASHPIRLP ■p for Ahsigrieo- of Mortgagee tru Addressi«| .i'iuitJfsti(>naJ Building

Add Arbor,, Mtchteim- . . .—-

HIM26 -HORTGAGS FOKKGLOSURF, .SALEDcfflirlnn'titir'bceti made-in-the"terns.

renditions .of a certain- mortgage ton- labiir therein a insw of sale made-by "ion -YounK alul Stella Young. husband ills Meitaajtasar to: James- T- Barnes ; Comj'any. 11 Michigan_Corporation Moi l, 'ditled'~Decei n be~S’ VTiirh' mgrnnnrF-Ts____________US' ami recorded Jleceniber IB, 1957 in ffng.of Records,' iuvkcm '289-288'licg-

Rhii'inrTnd'tlfercafiur aaKigne<l"."by the ‘ mortcarrte to Hank of The Common- Ihwhich' Rsy>Himeiil _. is dated .Decern- "7-1957—ltn<L'recorded January. 28, 1958 liber #H .of- Records, riago 129 Register iieeds’ Office.'' Wiishtenaw- County, ti;;:;, sr.;t tlictcafto -a.ssitfneel-by Bank The Commonwcaltli tbjamea T. tlnrnes feminity, a Michigan Coriioration, which gnir.ent is dsteil January -H, -1958-‘and rd«d Februsry 25.-t-1958 in' Liber- 817 of ob, [mite 136 Rwister (if Deeds' Office,

iditenaw County, Michigan, and there-' Mrs.idcntd'by J«™T'7"BniTTeir'A""Comr ny.’i Hlchiitan (loi jioi'alion, to Federal HonaPMffftSTtjanVssociallim, a NjittoiialTtroe A-iirPciiiiioii, wliinli assiumtient is1 ted January 9. 19-jX and recorded January . 1958 in Liber 813 of Records, paKe 362. st«r of Dcctls' Office. .Waahtonaw aty, Hichifiait.-on which mortjraKe there claimed to be due nh-tho-date-of-this- no*-

for pcjncipal anil interest and otherfldSTinSUn attorney's fee of $75,(l«, . nojoit or.lil-ncwylinir nt_law hn«|n|T0 Imtituled to recover the money Ke- td.byuil.tnoidyaae, (ir any.-imrt-thereolice It hereby Riven that by virtue of .[lower of Mle foiuained-in said mort- t, which iron default has become oi*er- ve, and.the statute in such case mwle ■pmded, on'Frfdny. April 28f 1961 a.t oclxk in the forenoon, the unrterslurnwl , w in* wwt entrance of the Wash- w-Cmiji -BulUHnjrri rhe Ci.ty of Ann dhat lu-liiK; fhe place ert the Circuit C nun for the Gnunty dfkhhll'iiW' * ’' l11 italic auction to'

PlodCTRc, 01 so much • thereof ns'd(li* fk' 17 l»-Pay .the amount afoie- ■W--M mort/ave-With interest at.- idi 1 a?niim of-Rirte1"la .. o4’; ,UI<I °8Pen«cs. together .-gjjitPffley^.fre ,-idlowod-hy-law,r*nb any sum or ' ' ' 'whiehn may'' ha,. uniTcrsitniod,-- necessary to pro-

,Lh. « lh« proi ises—situated;! 'k7"Y|miliintlr CountyTif

- 1 in eVoi-fHa*',,f Mi{'hiKan,' t<> wlfJ™k_e\cc]it-.thc..oast " ' ■

ortto.,| '-1 of SoTTioi, town 3 south,_ 'ite'awT'l L_7 hsUanti— TovvnAhlpr— it In iYI' .olm(y- M-ichijjap, nccord- ‘“r H at I’bd thereo'f as record In

a-nd l?'/ .0CiATOwTl<)l7AI' M°RTqADE.

4 of Mo»;l#8ee'.A.\dviuiiu(,f- Mm.(1.ngee , ,,lnf-« Aildross,

Ws,First Naiiii'nai.PulldlnuW Arbor, Mirhj.nnr'Itl’bone: Normirndy 2-ld20

jJ.an...2fl,Apr 2ia

f' ^ ^ gosure SALE — iii!lv n><, licei1 nmtlu in .tha tedma'Cntherein“ l'ci taln, mior’taaire .cott- n W i,,|w!C1, °f sale made by- nd K ? i : »°ri8 ■». McPhail.4 plvm V AtorlKnjiorB,- to James

“• Horivau! 1, ufva Michtirnn Corpor* ary n Xi-?;u vh l',h nim'tRasre is dated I94S In' 1 Hl'il ‘ccorded February Mo111 S e,,e le of. Records, ’page;(loum7«,if .V ^ ’-WflpprWgahtft-

tnsl bvlha *KHn' ai'd thereafter ionj uni)„,m ortgagee-to Federal- «*Jte Anl aA kh00i retion 1 a National "f AsKociation, which assignment

on. the date of this notice for 'Principal and interest and other charges allowed by said mprtgugo the sum of $9,089.73 and an attorney's fee of 176.06, and no suit or procoeding at law having been instituted to recover the money secured by > ealdmortgage, or Htiy part thereof. • _.j__.Noticg la hePOby-glvetCtKat TijCAdrtue-ef- the power of sale contained in said mort- gage. which-ution default him become op­erative, 'and the statute in such case made andUBjovlded, on Friday March 34, 1961, at w o'clock In. the forenoon,.tho under- signed will, a t‘the west entrance of the Washtenaw County Building, in the City of Ann .Arbor, Michigan, that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw is hold, soil at pub­lic auction to the highest bidder the prom- lyUMBtll^.lnH{attrm q ^ theBeofaah-may-'he-rnecetsiiy=tg=spi ==t>tyamount .aforesaid due on said mortgage wltb-lhtereet at 5V4f/c wr annum thereon W^date~“of~SRle and' all legal costa Vijd expenses, together wlth-^said-attarnerr eej_a|lowe«V by law, and also any sum or sums which' 'may he' paid by the under­signed, necessary to. protect its interest in the Pi'emlsearrHituatedrln—the^Towiishlp'of Ypsilantl County of- Washtenaw and State of Michigan, to,-wit t ,. v

Lot 159, except'the- northerly 20 feet ■ • thereof, and thn- northerly 5 . feet of lot 158, fWjashtenaw Concourse No. 2,- part of the'northeast ’A of Section. 8, town 3. south, range 7' east, Ypsilantl '

Township,. Washtenaw County, Mlcht- ' gan, according to the plat-thereof as as recorded In liber {14 of Plats, pages 11 and 12, Washtenaw County ltecords.

Dated: Pecember 22, I960,' FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION, Assignee of Mortgagee HOOPER ft BLASHFIE.LD Attorneys for Assignee of. Mortgagee : Buslnesa Address:1001-H-First-National- B u i ld in g .. ■ —

Ann Arbor, MichiganTelephone! NOrAiandy 2-4426 ‘Dec22-Marl6HB-428

MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALEDefault having been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage contaln-

lTfg"therein a power of sale -matle-by-James M. Frazier and Martha Frazier, husband and wire, Mortgagors, to James ..T, Barnes ft Company, a Michigan Corporation, Mort- gagee. which mortgage ls..dated_M.arch 20. |958:and recorded March 25, 1,958 in Liber 820 of Records, pages 123-125 Register, olj Deeds’ Office. Washtenaw—County -Mlehlgan, .and thereafter [assigned by the said mort«atfeo to~FedBml NaUmvHlzrMoi'tgageAssociation,, a~ National Mortgage Associa­tion, which1'assignment is dated -April 17, liyiK-And recorded April- 22, 1968 in '-Liher 893 of Records, page 62 Register of"Deeds' Office,^Washtenaw County, JMIc'liigim, vonoh the ,date of thla notice _for. principal ami Interest- and other-charges—allowed-by—said mortgage the sum, of $9.,746.74, and an at- torneyia. fee. of..42iiJio,_aud_'na. sult-ojt-.prak cecdlng »it law having been instituted to 1 etovgr 't nc money secured—by said mm t-:gage, m1 any part thereof.

Notice , is hereby given that .by virtue of tho power-of-HgLe-contatned I11-; shI(I—mort-erative, -rind the statute In such case made and. ]>rovldedi»:ori Friday,. A]iril. 28, .1961 at ten 'o’clock in the forenoon, thc'undersigncd will, at the west entrance of the Wash­tenaw County Building in the City of Ann Arbor, Michigan.—that—being the—tdace- whero the Clrcult-Cotua. for the County of Wiishtenaw Is held, sell at-public. auctiojL to the highest, bidder the premises desoribed' in-’-said mortgage, or. so much-thereof, as may be' ne'cfsWi'y-tO rwy'the "amount "afore­said due on said mortgage with interest at 6y,'%-per-[miram-ther«)ii to- <hite—of"-Hide and all legal costs , and expenses, together With said attorney's ‘fee, allowed- by law, and ulso-nny' sum or—sums'-whioh-may bepaid by the undersigned, necessary to pro- tect its interest in the premises-, - situatedn the To wash 111’ of Yiisilantl, County of Waslitenaw and State of Michigan, t'o-wll-:

Lot 46, •• except, -the' southwesterly 24,55 feet thereof. Washtenaw Concourse No, 1,________northeast V, of Section 3- town3 south, range 7 east-,.-Ypsilantl Township. Washtenaw County. Michigan, according tothe plat thereof-11s recorded In liber 14 of JliRtai_ini«e!i-15..an!l.l.6.-.WaBhteimw.County.Records. —•— ------°-----———Dated r January 26, 11161.-


HOOPER A BLASHFIELD.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgageo-— Bdalness Address!


i^ t hi" J ntor®8l the premises, situatedw«!kf Towi,lttljl> ol Ypsilantl, County of ” ?^lfini*iW Michigan, to-wltt^MLiiL^fllanne-Aersis,-* sjtbdivlslen-

^ “ of. th* wuiheart nutfrter of Sec 1*0“,, ‘I;, town 3 south, range 7 eaat,' i.Township, Washtenaw Coun-^'Michigan, according to the plat thoreqf mb. recorded In liber 14 of PlaU,. ^8es^40 and 60, Washtenaw Countylljltii ^ *

i . f W AA oa si B t e 0'

1001-8i First National Building • Ann Arbor, Michigan

Telephones NOrmantjLy 2*4426 ' Jah. 19-Aprll 13. OHDER.ilOR BLBLUQAJIQN

__ " :No...46206 : v—v-.-.Final AccouhlStjte-of-Miphfginv. rr.“ me - (^u n ty-of" Was hi en a w _ In the Mutter 'of ih . 'a ,,.T|.f f i f & . g A- ^ ,A/> -UHAl ^ R«ld on Jan-

'PfeJent;~n"ohoril>lo : John Wjudg;'orp)obute:"",w gumi ” • \Ccnlln*nfNt«k^ i" l?«leby (iivc“. That the petition 91 John A; Loaner the Executor of sutd ea-

prayHg that, his final account be al­lowed and-the lealdue of said estate as- * ^ thS l*«ianna entltlcdv thereto, his

r - i P - f o r extruordlpury services »nd_ His petition praying .that the Court " J - .i? .determination «B to who Is re- j}|>or)4lUl9 for the witnew feen-nrui to Kive Distt uction-us- to’ the-,ros|)ons|blllty of the' esUto. its. to the wltneffB fees will lie heard

A0.?1® Court 011 February 16, 1961,HI (lloil A1M1 . . . VQrdercd,/that notice thereof be giv­

en by publication of a copy hereof for threeof Rearing, In the Chelsea Standard, and that the petitioner cause a 'copy of this no­tice to be served upon eaeh*known party In interest at his last iknown- address by reg­istered, certified, or ordinary mall (with proof of-mailing,) or by. personal service,.at least fourteen (14) days pPlor to such-hearing,---;-—— '.f - —tfc

--JQHN~WrtiQNUN;-. ■«' Judge of Probate.A true copy

Anna-Douvltsas ■ v Register of Pi'obate. —- B, A, Slmoiis, Attorney Milnn, Michigan


Notice of Hearing—AppelnlmMt of . Administrator and Determination of Hclri„ ' No. 45901State of -Michigan, The Probate -Court for . the County of WaHhtenuw /. -v ■— —In-tho. Mattel' of-the Estate of LOUISE R1EMLNS.CHNE1DER, Deceased,.--At a-nesslon of - Huidveouri,-hdlU_oir_ttra18th day of- January A. 1). 1961. r PresenL--Honorable -John- W.. -Conlln, Judgu of Probate,—jM.freJH.Heieliy r.lven^ThaUthe"petition of.'pnul L. AcJum«» Attorney (ionei'Klv by JoHeph-J.-PlnnT-AH Ihtiint-Attorney Cienernt iu'nylng~(ha t~the~miminiBtrnttoTT~of~snid ■ cb 'tHte- be 'gTaTited to Richard K. Rbbertk' or to some ■other suitable --person; and that tho heirs, of said deceased -be dctormlfied. willbe heard af tho Frobafe Court on February- 24th, 1961 at 10:00 A.M.: .

It Is Ordered, That notice thereof die glv- en-by publication of a copy hereof for three weeks consecutively previous to said day of hearing, in the" Chelsea Standard, and that the petitioner cause a copy of this notice to. be .served ..upon..each known party Jn in­terest at his last known address by—reg­istered or certified mall,- reUua. receipt de­manded— atr-least-'-fourteen-fl+F-daya-prlor to.suqh hearing, or by personal servleenab teasrffve TSFdays prloFTo such" Hearing; ■ —------- — JOHN W. CONLIN,-A true Cony, v - - . . Judge of Probate.Anna Douvltsas' Register of Probate.

Jan. 26-Feb. 2-9B 16264 "CHIT 1H6615.-


..Telephone: NOrmandy.- 2 4426 •' :------ -................ Jan. 26*Aprl. 'SoHB-422

MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE^Default having been made ln the- teilftif and conditions ofla_certain-.mortgage_con-tainlng therein a lwwar of sale-made by______■James Fred Stone and Anita L. stone, his I Washtenaw County Records, op, page 149 wife. Mortgagors,to " American—Midwest") on' whtch-rhortgage', there is clnlmci1 1—'~

due, at the date of tHl's notice, ToMortgage Corporation, a Michigan Corpora tibd, M5Ttfflriirtig,' 'vcimii iirni'UAige- Jununi v li). i960 and recorded Jiinuarv 21966-in-Llber—809-of-Records,-pBgO»-39-41- Keglster of Deeds' Office, Washtenaw County,-Michigan, and -thereafter- assigned ■by-*he--wtid=Hnbitilgagee=4e=Eedeiwl—National- 4iuaaunnt=tfe= Mortgage' AsHofiiation. a National Mortgiige **'-Ul— -Association, which assignment Is jdated

,iary 5.ry 26. 1960_______________1960 in Liber 90(1 of Records, pAge 66 Reg­ister of Deeds' Office, Wiishtenaw County,Michigan, on . which ' mortgage there . Is claimed ■ to-be due on the'date of this' no­tice for'principal—and Interest and other _ . M. ... _ K.,~— ,««charges'allowed by said mortRMK -t-Ho BWftr i®*}!*!? -County,- MiIchigan itijat, be:ing tnc of $11,828.25 and an attorney's fee. of b« Whig where th^Ol cuR Comt fo the476.00, and no suit Or' precccding at law tniuliuA hppn Instituted-'to recover, the moneysecured .by thereof, '

Notlco—U-said. mortgage, or any part the amoimt due, as aforesaid, on said mort-

coHts7~ch~Rrges-nndthe power of sale contained In said mort- gage, which upon default, has become op­erative, and .the statute in such ease made and provided, on Friday, April 21, 1961 at ten o'clock in; the ,forenoon,’ .the ■ • unddr-suijpvad \u II11 at thn witst.' enrrnnre of. theWashtenaw County' Building In the City of Arm Arbor, Michigan, that being tho place where the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw is held, sell at-public auction, to the highest bidder tho premises described In said mortgage,, dr .so much-thereof as may.be necessary to pay the'amount afore­said due on said mortgage With Interest at ftyidir-per-ami um- thcrebn- to-date-of—sale- arid all legal costs and expenses,, together with said „attorne>ii'N fee, -allowed by law, and-also .kny sum or' sums which may lie paid 4>y the undersigned, necessary to pro-

DUST FILTERS20x20x1 - —20x25x1 —


80c each

W . E . F A R R E L L



PHONE QReenwood 9*2011

e .I#n R Build or Remodel Your HomoCal1 U r f o r . . . — — ------- - ■' ' " v -

FREE estimates or bids

’■mi, WIRING and HEATING,rk G u oran tced w ith 1 T i e r F rio Sftfvic*:0R LESS . W l W ILL SAVE YOU MONRY“f** Oally, 8-5:30; Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m,WRGINCY SERVICE CALLS: GR 5-81f5

Default having .been made in the terms and - conditions-of-.a certain -mortgage-.riiRde ■by—John—Wr—Bunn- und_Mari e~Dmnr;—IrtH wtfe, of Detroit, Wayne,County, Michigan, ■Mortgagors, to James T, Barpes ft Com-" PHny, a Michigan Corporation, of the same place, Mortgagee, dated the 2nd day of De­cember, A. D. ‘1955;' and recorded In -the office of the Reglater of Deeds, for the


The Rev, Paul M. Schnake, Pastor Thursday.,'Jan, 2 6 ^ t 7:00 p.m.—Mailing ■ committee., .

7:30 p,m.—Junior choir 'rehears- a!. - ■ - v ■ ' • •

8:30 p.m.—Senior choir rehears­al, .Sunday, J a n , 20— ...... _1 8:i6-ahm.-*-Early worship aerv*

ice with the Rev. Henry Kroehler of" Jackson, in-charge,- — 0t3Q a.m.—Sunday school. .-

10:45 a.m,—Regular w o r s h i pservice"with7 the RevrKroehler in charge.

7-9 p.m. — Youth Fellowship meeting.Wednesday, Feb. 1—

8:00; p.m,—Church Council meet­ing. No confirmation classes until Tuesday, Feb. 14.

CHELSEA BAPTIST CHURCH The Rev. David A. Wood, Pastor

Thursday, Jan, 26—7:30 p.m.—Conference service*

Speaker: the Rev. Gerry Johnson, of Gospel Fellowship Association; Japan.Friday,. Jan. 217—

6:30 p.m.—Youth banquet a tives^Junction Baptist-church. 8:00: p.m.—Symposium a t Han-

over^Baptist church.Sunday, Jan.

10:00 a.m.-29--Sunday; school.

-11:00.- a.m,—Worship seiwice^-Morning -speaker : - the —Rev?

Stephen Sitole, of South African General Mission, Southern Rho­desia.

Evening speakerrthe Rev.: Man­uel Marquis, Euvopean'Evangelistic Incorporated?-Portugal. - -

6:15;p.m.—Young people’s serv­ice. ’ . '— ' . ■ ' -

7-i00 -prm.—Final-^servjco -of fourth- annual‘ South Central Mis- sionar-yr-ConferenGe;: —


Freedom TownshipEllsworth and Haab Road"

The Rev. Richard W^Bierlein Sunday, Jan. 29— , , - _i_.

10:00 a.m.—Worship service. ^_lL:QQ_a.m.—Sunday school.


Did US-12, Community Fairjfrbtmda The Rev. Allan W. Reed, Vicar

Thursday, Jan. 26— .. ,'4:00 p.m.—Choir rehearsu! a t tho

vicuruge. !7:45 p.m.—Episcopal Church

Women of Chelseu a t the home of Mrs. Judson Goltra. .. 7 .Sunday, Jan, "29— _ ’“ ^'iOO a.ih.—M ornlr^Trayer, ser­mon and church school.

FU T ASSEMBLY OF GOD - . CHURCH __ _ _14900 Old US-12

The Rev. James O. Sutton, Sr.,, , \ ' Pastor

Sunday, Jan. 29—9:45 aim.-r-Sunday schdol. • -

.11:00 a.m,—Morning service. 6:30 p.m,—Christ’s Ambassa­

dors young people’s meeting.7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic meeting.

Wednesday, Feb. 1—10:30 a.m.—Prayer meeting,6:30 p.m,—C A . -group visits'

shut-ins. . ^Thursday, Feb. 3— -'‘ 10:30 a.m.—Bible study., Saturday, Feb. 4—

6:80 p.m,—Choir._teheajrdal.

CHURCH(United.Church of Christ)

—The^Rev-Philip-Rusten, Fasto Thursday, Jan,. 2.6— __ _ ,

7:00 p.m.—Youth c h o i r re_-hearsal. __ ' i~-— _______—-7:30—p.im—Senior^c-h o i r—re­hearsal. . _ ''Saturdayr Jan. ‘28— ---------------- 7 a.m. ,to 8:30 a.m.—Men’s Fel­lowship. breakfast,- Co.me. any time between ' those' hour's,Sunday',--Jan.-29— -

^—10:00 .a.m.—Worship-service-and. -ehurch-sehool, - ------ -—r- 3 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.—rJackson A"s sociation. of Congregational Chris-

:tian"Churches.Monday, Jan. 30— .

8;0U p,ra.— Church Council meet- ing. AH elected officers to be p r esent. ’ —

cured by said mortgage, or any part thoi'q- oft"

Notice Jn hereby given that by virtue ofthe—nower-nf-aaln contalned-ln-wald-nioi't- _ __gage, -which ut«>n default haa become opCr- rM-92, % Mile South of Old US-12 ative. and the etatutc in mich caae mademi . provided, on Friday, April 21, 1961 at ten o'clock in the forenoon, tho underalgnedWill, : nt.-t.li'e -wPMt -entranre. n t thatenaw County Building inythe City of Ann Arbor,— Michigan, —I'

County-oPWakhtenaw arid- State of_MIchl gan, on the Bth day of December, A. D 1965, in ...liber 723 of Washtenaw County ReCordn. on nagea 397-400. which aald moi-t- gage waa thcreafter on, to-wit tho 19th d«y-of-July A. D. 1956, aaaigned to East

a New York Cor on Auguat in, refits

Brookljn Savinga Bank poration, and recoi'dec in- the pffice- of 'the—Reglater of DeedH -for aaid Coiinty nf In T .ihni- ,.7&4-nt

pnnThousand Six Hundred Eleven and 64/100013,511.641 Dnllai-a: ___~ "

NoWj Therefore! by virtue of the power,-jind

he State of■M Ichlgan In auch caafe milder a n(Fplovlded _ notice la Hereby given that or. Friday, the28th day of'April, A. D.-1961, at 10 o’clock AlM;,E!iHtei‘tr"StH7TrtHrd""Tlmc,nmlil-hK>i'lgage will be foi ecloaed by. a aafe-at; public auction,’to the hlgheat 'bidder, at the aouth aide or Huron Street entrance to the County Building In the City of Ann Arbor, Waah-

County,- Michigan, (that belng-thc

—rTelephonoi NOrmnm!y -2-443g-

Courity of Washtenaw Is held), of' the pi'eralsea-described in ail id mortgagej.or so 'IllUt’ll flirirwjf as may be neecaimry to pay-

I»er luinum hiki nu i«x«u wunvn, t.iiM»vn b**iv*.expensearThclgding the attorney feett al- 4ftWed. riy-i'»W|-iinil hImo Hnv aum or sums ttiUlnk muu ivnLl 1w f lip imdrll'MifftlEHl.- TtGC*-fOWtKl T>y 1WW| unu hiho Hny »»m ui nmn; which may be paid by the undersigned, nec casnfy to protect its interest in the prem- iae»: All that certain piece or parcel of ■inmi situate in the Townnhip-of, Ypallantimi tu nininttf i«■ m*«- ------ 'ztn the County of Wnahtenaw, :nntl State _of Michigan, and described, ns follows, to-wit.:

Lot 108, Westwlllow Unit-One, hccord- ing to the-plat thereof as recorded in Liber 10 of Plats, Pages 28 and 20 and Revised Sheet 2 of 2\ Sheota of HHiil Pint hk1 i'euortleft'.In Liber lo of PlaU,.. Page 37, Washtenaw County Records,

Baled At "Detroit.-'-Michigan1 EAST BROOKLYN SAVINGS BANK.

A NEW YORK CORPORATION •! Assignee of Mortgagee

Harry S. Bennett .Attorney fpr Asaignee of Mortgagee> Jan. 26-Aprll 29


Stale of Michigan. The Probate Court for the "Colirily oTAVaahtcnaw . _ . ~ —In ,the Matter of the Estate of EMORY ALSTON, MenWlly.IncomiielcnL At u session'' of said Court, held on

Jnnumxlj, 1->61 , , , , rPresent, Honorable John WT Cofillff,Judge of Probate. ..........*

Notice Is Hereby Given, That all creditors of said mentally Incompetent arc rwuircd to present-their claims in writing,Hnd-un- de r old It, losiilrt Couit, niid lu serve a^opy thereof upon Kenneth A ston of 250 HrHt ,St„ Milan.' Michigan, fiduciary of said oHtale, and that such claims will bo heard -by said Cemt at the Probate Office on

It Is Ordered, That notice thereof be given by publication of a copy' horeof for three weeks consecutively previous to said day of hearing, In the Chelsea StAmlard, and that the'fiduciary cause a copy-of thisnotice to t>e itervetl utK>n carh .known:party n Interest at His last, known address by

proof' bf "T7Valllrig), or by persomtl service at least-fourteen (14)-days prior..to such hoitr.hiK- J0HN w . C0NMt^

Judge of Probate.A li'tio copy:Anna Douvltaas .Rogisler of Probate,

41 -A^Sl nioipu-Alionncyx.,Addross Mllrtn, . Michigan Jnn,10-26-Feb..2


. Default hHvIrig boert made In the terms ■lemt condltlons-of a oertaln-mortgage-txrrv-UliJ ining therein a power o$ sltlS' Wi»d»' by

mrlle Mitchell and Ida Mitchell, his wife, Mortgagors, to American Midwest- Mort­gage Corporation, a Michigan Corporation, Mortgagee, which rportgago is dated Octo- bnr •£ 1958,aml recorded October 8, 1958 In Liber 848 of Record8, pages 470-472 Reg­ister of Deeds’ Office Washtenaw County, Michigan, and thereafter assigned by the said mortgagee to .Federal National Mort­gage Association, a National Mortgage As- soelatlen, which asalgnment Is dated Oeto* lx.i- 16, 1058 and recorded' October 24, 1958 In Liber 846 of Ree'tfrds,-page 884 Register of" Peed**. Officer Washtenaw Otmgry; Michigan, on. whloh mortgage there la claimed to bo duo on the date of this notice ’or principal ana Interest and other ■hurges allowed by said mortgage the Hum

of $9,808.00 -and an attorney's fee of $75,00, and- no suit or proceeding at law having been Instituted 'to recover the money «•>

ufhere the. Circuit "Court for the County of WaBhtenaw -iK-.heldr-SjsU-at-publfe auction

"thtrrpi'emiHeH described ln_ aald mortgage, or ag...irnich thereof as may be neceHsary to. pay" the'amount afore- aald due on aald movtgage with Intorest at 5JA%'Per annum thereon to dute of sale and all legal costs-and expenses, tcgethe.i with said atturnev-'a fee hIIqwmI hv" law

METHODIST HOME CHAPEL The Rsv.-E, J. Weiss, Pastor -

Tho Rev. G. P. Stanford, Ohftpjgin Sunday, Jan. 29— ^■ 8:00 a.m.—W orshi^ service.—


__Stanley Hudgins, MinisterSunday,. Jan . 29— ---------

0:00 a,m.—Sunday schoolBible study.

11:00 a.m.—Morning worship 6:00 p.m.—Evening w o rs h ip ^

service. , .

FIRST METHODIST CHURCH; . The Rev. S- D. Klnde. Pastor

ThursdayrJarti" 26—9:00 a.m,—WSCS study group in

the educational unit.7:15 ' p!,m,—YoutiK c h o i r

h' rsal. ■..8:00, p.m.—Senior : choir

nearsal.. ISaturday, Jan.«28— "

10:30^LmT—Junior choir r eheari-ah— — — --------

Wa t e r l o o Vil l a g e c h u r c b (Evangelica) United Brethren)

The Rav, Wilbur Silvernall, Pastor Sunday, Jan. 29—

10:00 ,a.m.—Sunday school. 11:15 a.m.-~Wor8hip service.



Sunday, Jan. 29—— 10;00 a.m— Morning w o r s h i p service. —

10:00 a.m.—Nursery, kindergar­ten, primary and unior Sunday school departments.

11:00 a,m.—Fellowship coffee hour. • ' '

11:10 / a.m.—Junior -and senior hitch and adult Sunday school de­partments, ■-

6:00 p.m.—Junior Highly MYF meeting.

7:00 p.m,—Senibr High MYF meeting,Monday, Jan. 30—_

7:80 p.m.—Church nominating committee. meeting in the educa-tiortal unit..^ ___Tuesday, Jan.. 31— / ’. 7:3.0 p.mi—Committee "on Mem bership- and Evangelism meeting with chairmen for the^United Wit­ness Jo rC h ris t meet in the educa-

y ■ ■■" Uonaf unit,Wednesday'? JRohjL-Lrr'

12:30 p.m;—Executive board of the-WSGS;

l:00~PTm.—General- WSCS-mgetving; Devotions and p ro g ram : Af- tem oon Philathea. R efreshm ents: Deborail. ..Gii'cle,... P.rogra.m■ Mrs, L aura Wiles of the M ethodist Rpme will speak and shdwv_pic- tu res on the topic, “A-laska.”

F riday and Saturday. -"Feb, 2and 3, the M ethodist Y o u th . Fel- lowshi))—mid-winter - in; be held at- the-^- F irs t M ethodist churcll,-^Ann- Arbor—

— "— ■ . ST. MARY’S— ^ — " CATHOLIC CHURCH

The Rev. Fr. Leo-Jr-Smith, PastorSunday,: Jan , '29-

Masses a t 7 a.m., 11. a.m.

The self-employed farmer has the same disability protection under social security as tho^wage earner. Thus, a disabled farmer age 50 to 65, who has social security credit for five years'of work;, may qualify for monthly disability1' benefits be­ginning April, I960, provided hehas been...disabled,- at least sixmonths, in.addi ti on,diis-dcpcndenLr+ may also qualify"^for benefits__niLhis account. He should contact his local soctal, security office- now.

__Ti-uth-Jis the last t hings~thaL some educators want to teach.’

Tp a g e n i n e

Michigan State Highway Com­missioner John C, Mackie is an offieeroft-woof-therflation's-larg-" eat highway groups—tho American Association of State Highway Of­ficials and the American Road Builders Assn,

Whosoever Will Full Gospel Chapel

116 Someth Main Sr.t s '*1

Sundoy School ......... 10:00-o.m,"Morning WorshTp ......1 1:00 -mrift;Evcning._.71l.l-L7Jr7-Z-7v7Z7':30 p.rr>— AMfedneVdoy. p;m."

Rev, Louis Kephart------------ PASTOR .--------

■i, v

N O T I C EE f f e c t i v e F e b . 1 , 1 9 6 1 , S u p e r i n t e n d e n t o f

P u b l i c W o r k s K e l l i e A l l e n w i l l a s s u m e

t h e d u t i e s o f B u i l d i n g I n s p e c t o r f o r t h e

V i l l a g e o f C h e l s e a . P l e a s e c o n t a c t S | r .

A l l e n ; f o r a l l i n q u i r i e s a n d b u i l d i n g ,

p e r m i t s .


9 a.m, and


US-12 at Notten RoadThe Rev. Harry Pyspher, Pastor

Su nday, - J a n . 29— - ... ..........10:00 a.m.— Sunday school. 11:16 .a.m.—W orship service,

and also any" Rum"oi:’»umH which may he paid by the underHlitned, neceasai’y to pro-, tect Its Interest in the iiremises, situated ln_the...-TQwnship_o£._Y|inilBntl,_County--oL WashtenRW and State of Mlchlfran, to-wit;

Lot""""103 exceiit westerly ■ 22.29 feet —thereof' and westerly 14.80 feet-oi

104 :■ Washtenaw .Ridge No, 1, iiaiit-of.._■ the northwest Quarter Beet inn' I. tnwn a south, range-7. east, Y]>silanti Town-

Mlphigan, hi'-cprding to-the-jilat thereof as-rccorded

rli^e,? j£itenaw County .Records,Dated (- January 19," 1961-/ - - .......

FEDERAL NATIONATT-MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION, Assignee of MortgageeHOOPER ft"BEASHFrELI> ' ---- -"ArttarnuyH fur ABHlgnce-of Mortgagce— —"Business-Address':"—101) 1-8-Flrst Natlortal Building^-Ann—ArbouT-Mlchlgiuv=

Jan. 19-Apr. 13- ORDER FOR PUBLICATION Sale or Mortgage of- Real Estate-.

No. .45978 .Sljiia_of Michigan, The Probate Court for

the County "of Washtenaw JjLthe Matter of-tho Ewtate of CLARA

LUELLA HOWLING, Howling. Deceased.

At- a - session of—saida/k/a Clara I,.

Court.—hold—otvW, Conlln,

January 11, 1081■ Present, Hohorkble John1'

Judge of-Tiobatc. """"T-■ Notice la Hereby' Given, That all perHons

interested.in.. Hal'd estate are directixl to aii- tiear. before HHld .Pmhatn Court on March16, 1961, at 0:3.0 A,M, to Hhow cause why a license, should'not be grantetl to Martha DuBoia! Executor of said estate, to sell or triortgage the Inlerest-of said estate In cer­tain real estate described lit her potltlon, for the nui'iiose of imylug debts , and ex- PcnscH'of admlulktration :' It Is Ordered, That notice thereof be glv-

an:, by inihUgatlnn nf a. cony; hereof" forthree, weeks consecutively previous to said day, of hearing, In theoChelseh'Standard, and that the petitioner can so a coi>y of this notice to bo served- upon each known' imrty In Interest at his last known address hy registered, eertlfloil cu- ordlhary mult (with iiroof of mailing), or by iiersonal service nt. I oast fourteen (14) days prior to such hear­ing.-

: , JOHN W; CONLIN, . Judge of Probate,A true cony 'Antia-Douvltsaa ... ......... ...Reglater of Probate.Jack J. Garrla, Attorney 217 Municipal Court. Bldg. - Ann Arbor, Michigan



“NbrrcnirStale, of Michigan, The Probate Court for

tho County of Wnahtenaw.MhH01' °f-tiio_Estatc of WALTERKOP1NSKI. Deceased. - __ _

At a ses'sfon of said Cmi|'t,~"hcT(i"ori t4te tlth day of January A.D, 1981

Present, Honorable John W. Conlln, Judge of Probate.

It appearing to the Comi' that the time for presentation of.,claims against sald-bs- tat» sKmdd beTlImlted,- and that A tirire andadjuht alTcifdmti nm? d c m a n d ' n ° H,K ilcecased by and before wld Com t : iirid that the legal helm of sald'deceasb<l hntitletl to Inherlt-the estate of which said deccivsed died seized should be adjudicated and de* terminal.

It Is Ordered, That all of the erc<lltors of said deceased aro required to present the.rr claims In writing and under oath n*

. ^l^fidJuualatuth^ta-said-Court-ab-aatd- Prohnto Offlcerand to serve a copy Ihdre of either, by registered dr. ceidlfksl mall dr hy . 'W ""! j ril'rin FerdinandKoitlnskI the ttduclmy dftanld estiito whose ad.iress Is R.F.I), No, 2, Dexter. Michigan

b« o>0« the 22hd,dny of March A.D, 4061,•■■at-tt-tSd-ocloelHiv-tho forenoon, said time and place being hereby apiwlntod for th* examination and adjustment of all claims and demands against said deceased, and for tho adjudication and determination

i"! Rt, of *n.M deceased at the time of. his death entitled to Inherit the estate of.whleh the deceased died HClretl,

Ju Pui,% r Th«t P'lbllc no*ALc.°u '**. "Wen h v publication of a copy of this order onco each week for three successive weeks previous to said day of Oho1'*- «»-—*•hearing, in the Cheisea StAndaixl a news- loiter printed and clreulaUtd In said C un-

JOHN W. COLLIN.. Judge of Probate,A true copyi

Anna Douvltsas Register of Probate.John P. Keusch, Attorney Chelsea, Michigan



(United Church of Christ) v.(Francisco) .

The Revl-Donnld-H. Voss, PastorSunday, Jan , 29—

9:45 a.m.— Surrc°T1TITnniTm. —W HYs H i


The Rev. William Yauch, PastorSunday, Jan. 29—

10:80 a.m.—Worship service. 11:30 a,m.—Sunday school.



.(United Church of Christ)The Rev. Donald H. Voss,.Pastor

—(.Rogers Corners)Sunday jiTJan. "29-7-1

"9:30 ::a.m.=iiWorship- ser.vice.lOrSO-arm^Stmday-sehoeiT—

GREGORY BA PTIST CHURCH - The-'Rev-.-W.-T. Cochran,' P asto r Sunday, Jt\n, 29— ,

10:00 a.m'.—^Morning worship... '11:15 a.m.—Sunday echoolr"

UnioiL_— 8:00 p.ni.—Evening worship.«. ______________


The Rev, Carmen,Carponte.r, Pastor Sunday, Jan. 20—

10:00 a.m.—Sunday, school.11:00_a.m.—Worship s e r v i c e . 7:00 p.m.—Young p e o p l e ’s

meeting,7:30 p.m.—Evening worship.

Prayer meeting Wednesdays at 7:45 p.m. .


The Rev. HaYtfy Pyscber, PastorSunday, Jan. 29— •

9:30 a.m.—Worship service,-, 10:30 a.m.—Sunday school.

REFORMED CHURCH (United Church of Christ)

Freedom' Township- / The^RevrTrWrMenzel, Pastor

Su'nday>-Jan, 29-

Lima Township "Treasurer will be at Chelsets State Bank, to collect Ltmo Township taxes oil doy Friday, Dec. 23and eoch Friday thereafter, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., until further notice.Those" who"wish:may send check or money order by mail.

-=—-- Receipt-W itl-be-retum edrbyTm ail.--------- -

All Dog Tttcenses must be paid fo, Lima Township Treasurer on or before --- Mofch—l"r-196h—to avoid penalty.

MALE AND. IJNSEXED, $2.00 - FEMALE. ^S.QCL, , i ‘ i

-Rabies- Vaccination Papers must be presented jn order to obtain dog license.


10100 -a.m,—W orship- sci'vit!L‘._" . 11:00 a.m.—Sunday school.

_ZIQhL_L3Jfr_HF!P A Nf PTTTTTfrjTJ-((Rogers Corners)

The Revi CTJ. Renner. Pastor Thursday, Jan . 26—



m g,Saturday, Jan , - 28— .

9 :30 ’ a.m.—Ju n io rclassr ■ "

10:45 , a.m.—Senior ■_ catechism class.

8:00 p.m.— Concert by Chapel Choir of Capital U niversity, Co-lumbus, O., a t . Zion church, Ann ArtiMi


Sunday, Jan. 29—— 9:15 - aun7— Sunday - sc h o o ls— ■

10:30 aim.—-Worship s c r v,i c'e. Sermon topic: “The Use of God’sHoly Name." , ■ '. — T ”Monday,, Jan.- 30— ___ .

8:00 p.m.—Choir rehearsal. W ednesday, Feb. 1— .' 7:30 p.m.—Women of Zion m eet­

ing. ' ,Thursday, Fob. 2— "

8:00 p.m.— Men’s Brotherhood.


1883 Washtenaw Ave., Ann ArborSunday, Jan. 29—

9:30 a.m.—Sunday school.__.11:00 a .m ,-M o rn in g s e r v i c c, Lesson-sermon: "Love,” Goldente s t: ' Jerem iah 9:24.

Lyndon Township Treosurerr wlif be~;ot Chelsea"State BahirtoToTfeet Lyndon Township raxeson Friday, Jan. 27 and Friday,' Feb. 24,

or any other day except Fridays at my home,11437 Boyce Road, R.F.D. 2, Grass Lake, Mich,

All Dog Licenses must be paid to Lyndon Township Treasurer on or before

March 1, 1961, to avoid penalty.MALE AND UNSEXED, $2.00 - FEMALE, $5.00

Rabies .Vaccination Paperi must be presented in order to obtain lieenae* .



F in e s t q u a l i t y c o n c r e t e m a d e t o y o u rs p e c i f i c a t i o n s ^in o u r n e w a u t o m a t i c p l a n t / a n d d e l iv e r e d to y o u r jo b lo c a t io n . _

A f l e e t o f 6 m o d e r n ^ r o n s i t - m ix t r u c k s- a s s u r e s —y o u o f p r o m p t d e l iv e ry o n y w h e r e -in t h e a r e a .

PROMPT D ELIVERYSTONES: 1 V i", I", 3i " , V i", %" — 2NS SAND


Phone Chelsea GR 9-2712'4950 Loveland Road ~ Grass Lake, MichT

NOTICESylvaB Townsbip Taxpayers

Sylvan Towifihip- to collect Sylvan Township taxes all day Friday, Dec. 16 and each Friday thereafter, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., until further notice.

All Dog Licenses must be paid to Sylvan Township Treasurer on o r befO ro

X March 1, 1961, to avoid penalty.MALE AND UNSEXED, $2.00 • FEMALfc, $5.00 ^

* . 1 - \ •Rabies Vaccination Papers, must be presented

in order to obtain dog lijeense.

L E T H AsV l v a n t o w n s h i p TREASURER





F o w e n r Bowling- ClubStandings as of Jan. 18

.............. -W L_

-28MU. 24% -

■20 HI 21% 81%

.32— .82% 39 '■ 39% 39%4243 43%

. 11%

* "

-Chels$a_Milling......... 51 %~, Chelsoa Laws .... .50 %Palmer's T-Birds ...... . 40 %Anderson's . ................40Wilson-Dairy....... . 39%Chelsea Grinding . . . 33 Louisa-Dairy Bar 32%Jiffy ’BttJTora . ' ;32%Fo_ster’s Men’s Wear ‘ 30, ’ '‘Chelsea Cleaners \ .. 29Balmer Brake Service Stop & Shop '

Congratulations, to Anita Eise- maim with ; a high game ..of 220. Very nice!

600 series and over: JR, Hummel -552; N. Kern, 51'4.-

450 series .ami- over; D. Alber, 489; A. Knickerbocker, 484; 3: •Woolley, 484; *R.: Johnson, 473; B. -ChviswOllr 40B; Lb F. Duult, H65; D. Eisenmami, 403; M. Winchester; •402; G, ,Wheeler, 451; A. Kisemumi,

■ 450* ■■ ^ '■ ■' ■■ ■■ *-<tr ■■400 series: amiwover: M, Mo Fad-

don, 448; J; Merkel 443; T. Hank- erd, 443; D. >1. Dauit, 438; T, Doll, 429; Pr Poertner," 4287“R. WirT Chester, 428; J . , Pilkington. 420; M. Abdon, 425; I,. Dove. 419; B. W ordeiv 4 1?.; -B, Ede iv 417:: I'\ M i I •

-lev,' 412; E.—Waller. 410.;.D.’ -Km- sey, 409; S, Trop|>, 408; "F. Alber.

,4 0 7 : p. \Wellnitz, 406; C. Klink, 4(j3; J. Harris, 400. . ,

Splits picked up: M' Abdon, 7-5; Donna Dauit, 3-10; i,.--Dove, 3-10;

- Vi Guest, 5*7; T. Hankerd, 5-10;■ PrMarone'y; 6-6; P. McCarthy, 2-7, 5-7: ft; Winchester, 3-10;-M .W in-

Chelsea Mixed LeagueStandings as of Jan. 20

- - — j----- W h49 23*-Ninc“P i n s —;

Jack Pots .. . ....... , : ......48 24Alber Motor Sales ~40 26Stinker? _. . . . ^ .34 ‘ 88Bull Dozers ' . 34 88LWashington T igers . ..33 39 .Town & Country . 33 , 39First .Niters ” 31 ■ 41HoydJiWf’s GE ... 27 45.-Ten'Pinners - .25 47

475, men: L. Mayne, 577; G, Lawrence; 55T7J. Tumor, 530; F, Schumm, 528;; J. Eisoman, 504; M; Packard, 504;’ D, Foytik, 491; C. Clark, 476, -

425,-women: V. Geer, 488; R. Johnson, 485; N. Simpson, 400; G, Wheeler, 446;, E. Muyrte, 442; R. Winchester, 433; N. EiBomnn, 428; A. Turner, ^426; E. Harmon, 426. ' .

175, men: L.- Mayne, ,214-182- 181; M. Packard, 209; F. Schumm, 204-184; G. Lawrence, 203-178; J. Eisoman, 186; Turner, 184-180;- C; Clark, 183; J. Harmon, 179; D,■FoyttkrlTS.------ - —-------------------

150 women: V. Geer, 182-154- 152;JTRT- Jobn"sonv 171-162-152; N.; Simpson. 100-102; N. Eisoman, 104; Ar-Hishop, lli2‘, ‘F. Alber, .100; L Rrl«dim)w7’13tt'rPr W inchester,-156; (J, Wheeler, 150; L. Clark, 155; E .-M ayne, 153;—A-, Turner ,. 150.-

G r a s s L a k e - C h e l s e a *

W o m e n ’s L e a g u e ~

xDexter Mixed LeagueStandings as of. Jan. 21 „

W---- LO’Connor’s .Service .....DrewryV"™- , - —. 51%—28%Rnbbitt A Dove .......... 4 7 ____33 ’Go* W illies-.............. *“~46 %^34%Alexander & Wilkerson 45 35 .H & M’s ................ -...44 .80 ,Schneider's ’Grocery ..... 44 • 30Williebobbers ......._........41 .89Sanderson & Norris ......38 42Price's’Service , ......... 38 42Gimco Engineering ....36 45Trailers .... -............ 34 46Grftf & Herda .. ..... ,,...38 47Wolverine Tavern . . ......38 , 47Robertson & Simpson .. 82 V 48Bowen & Schwartz......20 54

Tearn high ^series:/O ’Connor’s; 1,901. :

Team high single; O’Connor's, 697,.

Men’s high series: Tony Bowen, 584. " ■

.Men’s High single; Don Trout, 230,

Ladies high series: Jocelyn Bab­bitt,! 461.

Ladies high single: Pearl Fltz-Simmons, 181. ~

Wolyerine “Kegs? J ......47Frigid Products.... ........47UAW Local 1284 ......... 40Weber’s Dairy Bar .....37Carling’S Black Label..86Drewry BeerT-T.:..Frank’s Bar,...'................34Tison MotoriSales ..... . S3 %Dettling’s Marathon .......83 ^Four's ’Mobil G as..........32 -The "P u h ^ TOm™ ™ 3 1Knoll’s Ashland Service’26% 45%’ '200 "scores: Frihkle, ?20; Padg- .ham, 215-215; Wade, 215, 213; Car­penter, 215;. Waller, 212; Poort- ner, 211; Cowan, 210; Swanberg, 203; Edick, 203; Pnlewski, 201.*■ 500 series: W ade,578;Poertner, 571; Pnlewski, 570; Padghnm, 569; Frinkle, 551; Stecher, 544; Hoi- linger, 529; Cowan, 528; Artz, 527; Bowen, 520; Carpenter, BIT; Stev­ens, 612; E. Kiel, 510; Swapberg, 504; -Lake, 500*. , /

■ i' I |» : •'Junior House-League^

Standings as of Jan. 21 -■ ‘ w ^ ‘ r:L £

Senior House league■. “Standings as of Jan*. 16

------------------- .W---------LSylvan Center ... Chelsea-Grindlng- Alber Oil Co

46 VI- .44

■25 VI- 32

’44 32-.43 s33.42______34 _.40 36

. 3*8 38■ i ; K. Wine

Chester, G-g'-lOHigh team_ser.ios without hnndi-

enp: Chelsea Millitnr. 2,245,High team series : with hnndi--

capj Foster’s Men’s Wear, 2,222.■ High- team'single gnme~without handicap:’ Chelsea Milhng,’ 790.

High tealrn single "game with handicap: Stop”& Shop, - 776.

-Standings-as-of- Jan. 18

Classic L e a g u e———Stnndings-as—«f—Jam—19- -Seit^s Taytum '------- 4J-'%—_S.troh's Beer . - • Cheisea.Lunes ’Wo!veririeTTavern

JEabst E'xcavating -Three Sons, Bar .......N i e haus„Gro c e ry • ,..;ColoriiaTManor Pete’s ..Shell .Service-7.:.. Hank’s Kefrigcratioh Meyers Grocery A. D. Mayor, Ins.' Fortier's Take-Qut ■... Dottling's Marathon Strait & Prentice- Sail Jnn ....

:-88%:-37’VS* 81 45

,.78,. ‘ ‘48 - ,69 57 _.:61% 64% TTF ~ 65 59 6757 6955 . 7151 75"48 ~ 78“-47— ~79^

Chelsea Mfg. No, 1 .Spaulding Chevrolet'McKaig Dini-ng RoomSchneider's .. . _ .___Chelsea Products.,NK 5. 37 ■ *, 39 Chelsea- ProdUCtS-No-1"38%— 4th% Stop & Shop ■ - 33 - 43—Chelsea Milling Co........27 ■ . 49^.49’ers '17 ’ 59

200 games: T. McClear, 243; O. Kruse, 224; D. Alber,- 223-208; R,

beck, .211; Ht—Burnettj—21 Kern. 208: S, Slane, 202.

Pfeiffer Boer Blatz Beer .

-200 gantes: G.,Burnett. 236-211;

-j-W. -Bahnmiller iva(l”~a^209“garne and ft 522- series!

“450 arrd-uver: green- (mib)r493,; B. Wyers,: 478; D. W qlfinger (sub); 468;~M:"BreitenwicheiT-r459,

S. Polieht.- 230; MeCManahnn, 227; Kuzenski, 213; McManliis, 210-201; Johnson, 204; Scherdt, 203; Law­rence,- 202; I/arson,. 200; II.„ Bur­nett, 200. ' \

600 series: G. Burnett, 635; ^—~ 500 ser.iesi S^.Pi'lidvt, 593; .Mci

_J^Anahmj^.a8fliZSIcMahnis.~57iHrTl Burnett, 572; Larson, 563; John­son, 560; Kuzenski, .555; Fahrner, 549; Scherdt, 538; J, Polieht, 536; Lawfence,.620; Schumm. 510: Win-chostcr, 518:'Pilkington, 515; .Kuhl,

."'OK; lfinr.r,-51Trr■ bring, '505.

-400—and uver: M;—Stt/fer^—447f- V. Padgvanr, 434-; M. Eubanks,.431; G.” Reed, 427; R. W est, 426; J. Ambs, 425; J, Weaver, .412; D. Dwelle, 408; B, Hafley, -406; G. Cook, 404; .1). Iloopingarner, 402; C.' ll.ansen; 402; 1). Thelen"- 401.

500 series: S.. Slane, 585; T, MC- Clear, 585; H. Burnett, 569; 0. Johnson, 574l G. W inchester,'557; V. Hafley, 556; K. McM annis,.562O. '_Kmse, 547;_ G.^La.wr£hce,_544;, R. Eder, 543;’ E, Keezer, 636; R. "Kern, '638; GTKnickerbocker, 520;P. DcFant,- 514i^G7JBurn.ett7_61‘4T J. Ford, 511; R.. Spaulding,- 507;- Br Prielipp, 5Q4; C. R itter, 502; El Mil lev, 501; - W l’Eis'ehbeiser, 500; G7~Pirdgham,-"5©ft

600 series: D. Alber, 618; C. Baize, - 600.



j L

ChryslerProving Ground League

Standfhga as of Jan. 17W L


Slocum.......VFW '..........Sutton’s .... _UAW ............Jiffy Mix ...P e p s i .........

High toanr

...53 .. 38 .... 36%...23%. 22 . 18

T O t r t tS D A V .: J A N t h

Increase in Roa4 FundsL M n g - E v ^ r o M g a S ^ u n - M | o h ! g ( 1 „ , a a„port|onmc„t w|ll

ty,- with tho exception .of Wayne ;t0 counitfla," Macklo aaiti.county, will receive an increase in Jackie said the increase in' sec-•epeiycfederal matching funds for .con­struction on county secondary.roads, State Highway-Commission-or John C. Mackie said toduy.

Mackie said Michigan will have " illghtTy more than’;$8’nraitlion-in

federal fmu)a for secondary roat)Construction auringihe^fiseni-yearstUrtin'p^JuIy I r an ;■ ofnearly half’ a million dollai-s over last year.-. - - " -

The State Highway Department will keep approximately $3 million for uso on its secondary system* the same amount it has received during the last thfee"years, Mackie1 said, The, counties will receive $4,9 million compared to $4.4 million lafct- year.

“This means the iontiro iiicronse'

series :Siocum-Gon^tractors, 2,189.

High individual team game f-Slo* cu nrContractors*; 81 lr . . :— _ ■

High individual series: Dave;Feldkamp, 534.

High individual.. Shackleton, 207.

game: Lloyd

T he- University of Michigan broadcasting- system WUOM- pre* sented more.'than 40 complete op­eras last y e a r . --------^ ---------- :




TROOP 76—•_ '■. Twenty-three Boy Scouts were -present for the-meeting held-Mon^ day evening in the Tower building* This -was uniform inspection night.

A. Klondike camp-out' is being held Jan. 27 and 28 and Troop 76

.urday fr.om the Tower building.

Mackie said the increase in' sec ondary funds for Mchigpn was a.result-of-the-&tate’s.pQpuiationjn*crease between I960 at\d 1960. -

W ayne' bounty will receive $609,804, about $6,000 less than it recetved—lasLTyeav,-M ackieM ldcThis is' *the result of a "generalpopulaMon-shift-in^^fiehigftn^d ing tho-last, 10'years, he said* All 82 other counties will receive in­creased . opportionments ranging from’ a fe w : dollars to nearly $50,000. ' \

Each -county rohd commission must match the federal funds op a: 50*60-busiSe-The-monfiy is allocated to the bounties on* the basis of land area* population and road mileage.

Under this allocation Washtenaw county will receive- $82,870 and Jackson county $76,405T

BrowniesTROGP-51— ‘ 1

Brownies of Troop 61, a t their meeting Tuesday at South school* made .valentine invitations for their mothers and then held a short business meeting.

Refreshments were brought byBarbara Bury.

Diane Schneider, reporter,

Social Security disability bene- f i ts , are .notr-bused-on-ireed—.they are baaed on a person’s inability to —work, because of _,his_impaii’-ment. They are payable yegardless of the amount of income he mayiiciu. uhhi « «u .mjim *4vw|/ :»v uit; muuuut m invumv iw

wiH^envrmro m p tly -a^ a.m. Sat- .have from ’sources other than' work^ U A . M A t U n ' n ^ A l f f A M K t l l l r l l M A I _ . ; „ . ' . f . . ' « . t . . U _ A. U A A' -"such as savings,' bonds, ‘company

etc. •; -I-

tree Film Showing Scheduled Feb# 2 by Jehovah’s Witnesses*:■ R. P, Tysklewiw, presiding min- Jeter of the Chelsea congregation of Jehovah’s, Witnesses announced today that he hast arranged for a free showing of'the 114 hour color film “Divine Will International -Assembly of Jehovah’s Witnesses,’’ a t Kingdom Hall, 13699 Old US-12, Feb. 2, a t 8:00 p.m. K

The public press*, tigmaeLJUiA. ^other’ news channels gave world.?: wide attehtion- to ^this assembly, acclaiming it aOh® world’s largest Christian Convention.; For eight days it packed both, Yankee Stad­ium, and the Polo Grounds in Now York City. A iquartev-million. dele­gates from 123’ lands were present a t the climnx.of the_eyent to hear Nathan H. Knorr, Watchtower Bible "arid Tract Society’s":presk dent*speak.

Tyskiewicz described the .film as informative and educational He stated^that^’it- will provide—hopa and inspiration to all people in­terested in godly living and world peace.*’

Drive as if you were early for an appointment with yo.ur dentist.


vbl«$5.95 or left h*

> 4 8 ^. if _ ._ ______

..■A - fining, _ form-fit Unf wmImU? *upp«rt 'for reducible Infulnal hernia. Back lacing •«rtju.mhl». Snapa up In front. Adjuslable -leg »trap;-8oft fUt groin pad.-No ateel-y Heather banda. For men* women and cnU- drfn. Mall order* give measure around lowest part of- abdemenr- flate right, Idt l«Lur»noui»i«.


■*MaMaauifWuaaHii«uHia MHUHii«UM,u,uo


DEN 7—Den 7 met a t Mrs. (Potts’ h

Jan. 19. We hod the flag sal After that Tim Schnake and Potts showed how to fold th e . Then Den 7 had a South Amerl game. It <wa» carrying beans-o •spoen—wi^iouttoising—you r ha The first one to get all the b«to the other bowl won. Then had acontest of naming the c< tries of South America. Then washed our hands.and had a bl ing and a treut, a South Amerl product* bananas. Last wc ply hang tgg, outside.

Tim Schnake, sciit

'Michigan added 175~inilos ing I960' to its fast-growing work of freeways, -


B E C K E R- H B i f A P I E I |m E M wR rfl Li- 6033 Jaekson Rood.

• • ' o

f i ni ■ i ■ r «

- Si')lits-nicko.(i-ui'H—D^HquIg, 4-6- 10, :LIU; C.‘ H-iinsenr7'!-!)-10; • lJ 'Pennington, .4-9-10; J. Ambs, 3-10;R: Knupp,......3-lQ;-;.J. ' Ricthmiller,3-10; M. 'Breitenwiscser, 3-10; J!

Chelsea Junior LeagueStandings as of Jan. 19

. W L

Freysinger,: 5-7; W. .Furlong,,.6*7.;

—41— 31 —Farrell Sheet- Metal .. 40 32Lou & Sam ’::............. 39% 32%.Piilmeris- T-Birds ........ 39 33Chelsoa Spring ...... 39 33-

i ;I- 1 39— -33 %


h '

Keep ’em Hmlthy!~Keep ’pm Growinn!

: G i v e ’y o u r . . l i v e s t o c k - a n d —

- p o u l t r y — o u r - v i t a m i n i f o r « —

t i f i e d f e e d s - a n d s u p p l e ­

m e n t s t o m a k e s u r e t h e y -

g e t t h a t “ n u t r i t i o n - p l u s ’’

- t h a t p r o t e e t s - h e a t t l y p r o ^ ^

m o t e s , g i’o w t h -.a n d p a y a —

o f f h a n d s o m e l y i n p l u s -

- p r o f i t s t o y o u .

■ m



Jiffy Mixer;?Merkel Bros. Hdvv. Gambles .*...............

-Stiver’s-B ar . ,32 . 40Sloeufn Construction . 2^ 49

200 games: H. Nabb, 245; J . 1!^J).eEanC2La,G ,

Harmpn' 209; L. H,afner, 207r -C.- -Lake, 204; T.! Tirb. 201: F. Gee. 201 j"-'R. • Wurster, 200; Hv Salyer, [ 200..

500 'scries:: C. Lake, 590; J. Dauit, 585; • P.' DeFant, 579;. It. I Worilen;- 575;- R. Fouty, 560; Ct [ Popovich, 554; H. Nabb^ 550; W .[ StoihuvVny, Sr.* ■ 546; LL Salyei.-,~538t~ Jt~ Ringe, 537; V. -Haneeftr] 536; P, Kinsey, 532; R* W urster, .ri3J2 ;—it.—Ha rook, ,525^-3 .—Hay den,1 520; F. Klink, 520; S. Hopkins,] 517; F. Gee, 513; G. Harmon, 612;

-R, ■StI6Rolfoi,i 51Q*-E. Harook, 507f O. H art, 505; T . . Tirb, 501;- W. lowe, 600,

Monday Night OwlStandtngB~sg'of Jan. 16

-------- WVleyer’s Filfer Food .... 43,Foster’s Men’s W ear ... 42Turner E lectric ':—.’-',.'...41 %George’s Tree Service . 39%Trinkle Excavating ..... 38%Chelsea State Bank , .....37%

T r r r





ic McCulloch exclusive shock-absorber assembly______________ ■' » _ '• ■ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

Rubber fittings soak up vibration, reduce fatigue ~~ ic Weatherproofed ignition for fast starts, hot or cold i f Weighs only. 21 pounds—takes bari up to 30" i f . Direct-drive, light-touch cutting ' — - ;;

. + See your nearest McCulloch Dealer during McCul­loch Demonstration'Days. Ask hbw. you tan win .0 ShakesbeareTlshing Rod & Reel—offer expires Jon, 31, 1961.


Chelsea Implement Co.,,3231 Monchester Rood

-Chelsea Drug. M ich iga n Boll., j.^33.%.-Waterloo G a ra g e ... , ..,|..38%Gholsea L u m b er.. ...........31%bightw oights,.. .... ,28 .Klumpp Bros,— .: . -. : . 26 %. A .

200 games: Klinki 231; Harmon, 1 216; E. Boyce, 207‘; B, Clark, 200.

-500 series: Harm on, 590; Klink,] 550; B., Clnrk, f t2 ; E. Boyce, 537; J. Dauit, 526; Koch, 522; Buku, | 521:. Mann. 508; W ilkerson. 504; Packard, 603; Ki'bse'yV’W l.-

7f it's a fob for BottledGa§

L o o k in g fo r v a lu e ? See, M e r c u r y . E x t r a v a lu e in 7 s e lf - s e rv ic in g f e a tu r e s - s u c h a s s e l f - lu b r ic a t in g c h a s s is a n d - s e l f -

_ a d ju s t i n g b r a k e s t h a t c u t m a in te M n c e . V -g/ s i h a t g iv e u p t o 15% b e t t e r gaB m ile a g e . T h e r m s e x t r a v a lu e e v e r y w h e r e .

Mercury's highest-priced series costs less than thelowest-priced series of its competitors



Product o f tho Shelfo n ' ...Company


*201 S. Mata St. Pb. OR 3-7201

M e rcu ry

v s .


1981 M e r c u r y s - A u , :s the popour m o s u m




Monterey is * 9 7 1 2 lo w e r

Monterey is $ 1 3 4 Z 5 lo w e r

Monterey is * 2 0 0 2 2 lo w e r.

B U IC K IN V IC T A Montjerey is ^ 3 8 4 1 2 lo w e r

O L D S M O B I L E , S U P E R <<8 8 ,? Monterey is^ 5 0 2 Z4 ,ower

C H R Y S L E R W I N D S O R Monterey is ^ 4 0 3 2 2 lo w e r

MMCURV MONTIRIY Fino*t, moat tuxuriou* of all 1961 .Morcuryg— • America’* lowc#t-pHcodJuxury car.

MinOURV MRTIOH MOPriced to compote with tho top series In thq low-pfico field.

MinouRv MkTton moPriced right In the heart of the tyw-prlce field. .

Won,,*... man lacturerV b.M wAl p r lc ftfr 4 -dow H.,<U.j> M l , *qu!pp.a »l,h tr. 0, m,.rton>.



' \

'•Simp ta|<tyqt a£ | |>pD o*o*)d Muotudiqi WJtp joj ■0 |qc»||ddo ftioq* xo i « |q$ #10 *5 uofimatw PPO «o«ld MOdOd JO ;W|S »)QJQd«t WO 9)jJM tuopjo |pUO||)ppO JOJ

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l i .


ff l1«


- --- -r*--

NotesOn Nov. 23, three residents of

the Hospital cclobratod their birth­days in the eompuny of other pa- •tients a t a party put on by tho Ypsilanii Women’s Fellowship of the Congregational church. Anti to

-s ta rt • th e - -December—activ lthe Hjaspital the monthly birthday party_waa given on4ho l3th by the

[ X 1 ... -

HAR.AWAKU WINNKHS—8howvn In ih , Lhoto a y .I f f - g w * <*•«?'■ » » ' »l»“ l»?i&ht_iifeh school seniors of Washtenaw county who were choscp by their fellow students and teachers of their respective high schools to receive t he award of “ DAK <>'")(M ’itizen,n Jt'he eight girls and their parents were guests of the simnstiring organization, the Sarah Caswell Angel] Chapter of the Daughters of the, Amer*

.ican Revolution at the Women's City Cliil) at Ann* Arbor I hursday evening, included were Carol iteddeman (third from left), dough* te r of Sir. and Mrs. Clarence Redclemait-of Chelsea, and Marjorie Wheeler, daughter of Mr. ■ and Mrs. Ralph Wheeler of Dexter, The

Morfch 17' ln'"tlm'W,|j^comb llbt'erpt S trd o aep h H F h V g irla^o -ap ^ - fpr-the -patients

E ast Aiin Arbor Women’s^. Club, Mrs, A rthur -T aylor,— President. Children of Mrs!! Otto Schefflqr’s afternoon klhdorgarton class from the Pittsfield_School pu t on a play,

pear in the photo (fronLleft) and the high school each represepta are as follows: Caroline Liston, Spline. High-School; Lisa . Ann Goode, University High school; Carol Keddempn, Chplsea pign school; Mary Jo Huber, Manchester High school; Suzanne-Hortpn, Milan High school; Joan Baiier, Whitmore Lake High school; Mar? jorie Wheeler, Dexter High school; and Connie Maezca, Ann Arbor High school. ' ~ _


RURALher' parents, Mr. and Mrs. FloydBalnter. __________ ___ ____________

..MrT a n T IJr ir 'S a m u e rW R ttm a rr ^ hased^y -the -A uxH m ryr^ ide

Christmas at.theXounty Hospital had Girl Scouts wrapping pres*: ents, Cubs, Bro'wnfes"and Boy Scouts helping wjth the festive decorations. Mu Phi Epsilon mem* bers from Ypsilanti gave ,a coh* eeft-on-:Sunday- and Boy Seouts S o l d i e r S e r v e ssang*cavols. The Auxiliary sent cards'and dollar bills- to patients in the county boarding homes-54 of them. New wheel chairs were pur-

• • hems of Interest About Peoole lVe\Ali.Knotot as Gathered l^Cof respondents

-jLIMA TOWNSHIP Rohde: and family. The occasion'

Mrs. Eva Dancer spent-several days.; of •; th e . past week,_ a t ■ thtr home "-of~her~ son, Howard, and' family,.’ in’ Ann Arbor, and spent the- week-end with her son and daughter-in-law, Mivatid Mrs. Lynn Dancer, at Base Laker H er other; son, DdnakHof “Chelsea, called on. her Tuesday a f te rn o o n .— _ _ _ —

NORTH-FRANGISCOMr, and Mrs. W alter . Ricinen*

.echneidcr were Wednesday evening vi-sitors-of "Mr—and MTST-^hmtr.h.*lomice FuuserrMTS. Nina Wahl

honored the 12th-~weddi-niF-anm? versary of . Mr. ' and. Mrs, Rhode

-and the. 20th -annivers and" Mrs, ■ Norm.an - Peterson'.

Mrs, Leonard-Loveland" was' a- Sunday -guest-^of^-M iv-and Mrs,. Glenn Rentschler.. In the 'evening Mrs'. Loveland" aJuLMrs.' Rentschler ca 1 led o n ' Mrs. .Ev'a'"Not

-Gilbert Main, -•ttijltiPfcrLoveln'Iid^.-was a -Thurs­day , caller of his mother, Mrs.• Leonard Loveland, ------ --' Last week visitors of Mrs. Iva Straub were Mrs. Paul Pletcs,-Mrs

Peterson. ML and. Mrs. "Will B ar­ber wer e Thursday a f t ei'iioun~ nrIlers there and:~Viv.an Peterson of t 1 ; —

the -Misses Gertrude -and-^Electa Harr,"''and Mrsi Jacob JStraub, Mrs,

Grass'Lake spent from^Friday un­

parents, Mr. ' and Mrs. Peterson.Mrs. Rudolph : Rohde and son,

Randy, Mrs, Neisort ■ Peterson and "Mrs. Clifford" Peterson. were-in Li- .. von ia, - M onday,. _where. they . vi s- ited- -M m oid- Mrs—F rankHM-mtck;*

Mr. and—Mrs; Norman Iietevson-

vw ainn:Sunday caller.

and family, of Grass Lake, Charles-*DorrrTth< Pson s-;-of;Gh else irpMYr-1 tn d-

Mrs. Clifford Peterson, Mr, .and Mrs. Nelson Peterson and Ray­mond -.Peterson 'w e re Sunday guests of_Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph

FOUR MILE LAKEMr. and Mrs. Wayne Osborn and

family, of Jacdtson, and Miss Mar-' gare t, Moore of 'Ann Arbor were" Sunday" evening' visitors of their" parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Clarence'

"Moore. : ' : ■T“ M r;;T and^A tnr- tihrilT^TInrmann of Detroit, were Wednesday din­ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. H'en'ry Knglehart and Mrs. Mata I.u^ht, ■Thursday- . ovcninir. Mr. and Mrst


Chefsea Fire D eporfm ent r. GR 5-345-1Chelsea -Policed ,___ GR 5-^22LShenff NO 2-2^04T i m e . : ............ :......t t.:: n o it s


Sponsored by:

Winons Jewelry Store Gamble Store—

Chelsea Drug ' Hankcrd's Pure Oil Service

Palmer Motor Soles The Chelsea Standard

* '


Englehart visited M r. and Mrs. Nelson-Tucker.

ML and Mrs.. Clifford “ Key'd- ipand son. Ned

and Mr. and Mrs. Conrad T urner o f-D ex te r were Sunday dinner guests off Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Hcydlauff and family. I t was a birthday anniversary honoring, the

teLsldaughter", . Sue_Annq,_._ ______Air. jm d Mrs, -Roy C arpenter ofAnn Arbor, were- Saturday after*: noon visitors . o f ; -Mr.—and—M.rs. Henry Englehart and Mrs. Mata_ Lucht. - - -■ Mr. and Mrs. Donald W right and daughter; of Ypsilanti, were Sun-- day afternoon v isitors, of his par* ents, Mr. aml-Mrs. Burton W right.

Mrs. Burton W right and 'son,

jy.^re. Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs, Bruce Whitman* -t-tt-

Mrs. Edwin Schoenard of Jack- son, Miss Ruth Cummings of De- troit, and Miss Dorothy Cummings of Pontiac, caljed last Monday^on their cousin, Mrs. John O’Connor,____ ifra. Ray Moi*gan andchildren, of Stockbridge* and^Mrs, M ary-derk^-and -son,—Dean,—were- Saturday^veriing callers^ of Fran ces and H erbert Mclntee. ■ - _ MrsLi i r e n e J-CdlliDgs.:and_^8onL Tom, of Stockbridge, called Sun­day evening oh Frances and Her- bert-^Melhtee. •

-Frances-McIntefe-entered SL Jo»;

a special contribution,- The board-of-therA uxiliary -was informed th a t Mrs. Carolyn Ses­sions is to be in charge of visiting the Nursing Homes in the AnnArbor area. The chairm an of volun­teers 'o f the Auxiliary is Mrs. John Kollen. 4L1 Lenawee Dr.,-A nn Ar—bor, She arranged fo r the sale of pa tients’ handiwork made in. t he* hospital workshop. $95 was cleared fo r the patients with the sale a t -Krugers- on Fackard~Rd.-M rs. -Roe Bennett, Mrs. Lennon, Mrs. Evin- ger; and M.rs. Kollen conducted the■Strle;-—<77—" .. - --.-r—~~_>■— •—

seph Mercy _hospital, Alin Arbor, Tuesday, fo r X -rays on Wednesday, — M r~ ’and—Mrs;—Wtttianb—Hogan and daughter, Kathy, of- Detroit, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Eva Stofer. All were Sunday-dinner guests- of- Mr. and Mrs. Harold W idmaycr.

Mr., and Mrs. Wynn .Boyce spent the week-end . up . north fishing.- Rosalyn and M arilyn.;Bbyce were guests of th e ir grandm other, Mrs, W. C. Boyce.'


. “Speefal- - thanks^" are ~duer th is month, to Mrs.^Grant. Laskey. and _Mrs. W alter Bulbiekf Trustees from Milan,-" who—-provided— n MerryChristm as for ' the boardings pa­tients in the Milan a rea .--- - -

J e h b v t f h V - W itn e g a e sMrrrk, were Sunday-dtnner-gtrests- of Mr. and Mrs. Robin W right of Chelsea. ■ ... . y

Mr. and Mss.;- Wilfred ; Ketz ofSf’hmprt.pHy, -N. Y.r spent several ____________days with hex.jnoth_ety Mrs, John philrlrpn. of Chelsea, were Wednes;

........ '" day eve^ing 'dinner guests of her. . . ________ ____________ r. _ aunt-andr cousin,-Mrs,-Afary Clarkand. Mrs,--Jerry Kelly and-fam ily,[and--son, Dean, of Livonia, Mr, and .Mrs. David *Fiscficr and family, of Hamburg,

C o n v e n t i o n 'S c h e d u l e d

A t A d r i a n S c h o o l .Jehovah’s

rea congregationsW itnesses from


convene semi-annual

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fischer and | son, of Ypsilanti, and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Spiegelberg’of G helsca.v

circuit o.r.embly F e b ., 3-5. to ,bo "heldTat Adrian Senior. HiglrTchooi.

Purposet of t he convention, ac­cording to circuit minister, Kt^Ht i Knight, .^4s ^ t o -- provide—advanced.


M o n te C a r l o N i g h t P a r t y

A t V e t e r a n s H o s p i t a l"Herhert ,T. MeKune Post No. Sl>

"■ Recent dinner guests of Mr. and | AVnevic-an-Legion, continuing, fhet»hW |.C felaea^^rv tce_orgaiuzatTOTfs"BDe-

Mrs. Kenneth Buaza and children I cm1 projects for hospitalized vet- and Air. and Mrs. William Lowe of ergns, held a "Monte Carlos-Night” Detroit; " ‘ program a t the VA. hospital a t

Mrs.’ Bptty Pickett and son, and Ann Arbor on Monday !of. the, past Mts ; R^srrker_'0'f=Fen to n'^vlsrttrd-the-l-week.former's parehts, Mr. .and Mrs. | Those who assisted wit'b the t7httt^JiimTiriw""dFc^tta y c e k ? I cmng^ prog ram" “included- MtT

Mrs. Gladys Bowen is a pa tien t and Mrs. Eldon Gorton, Mr. and at.M ercy hospital, Jackson. She is [Mrs. Keith Boylan, Mr, and Mrs.

fu r i a—hiouH-rWlTlTaiii ^IaeStf7"MF. "fihd"Ml'S. H et^1

training in, niore efficient. Bible teaching for approxim ately 1,500 ministers expected to attend. . ^-The —Chelsea congregation- —of. Jehovah’s Witnesses; will be^repre___ " . v • _"seated p rrth -e -Fri'day evening prdigram b'y—fheir "presiding nimister Raymond Tyskiewicz. His portion of the program ,will be an actual demonstration of ‘a model school

Serviceman’s Corner

. Here is a list of the bobks best liked in tli9 Chelsea High\ school:"Th'e-Coutrt-of-^Mantu-Cid.sta,- ‘‘Tlio.lGrapes of Wrath," !‘The Old Mun

.and the- Sea,-1034,"., "Tha^Anlmai ■Farm,” >‘The Yearling," “Huckle- berry-Finn,” Tom Saw yer^s^ati'^ of Anno' Frank,” and "Oh ’ th.eBeaehT’ r- — -- - ------------

Authors frequently called for are-Ngvtl—Sliute, John Steinbeck,

- J»VT. MAX L. RANDOLPH• * ■ + *

Pith Unit Participating In Inaugural Parade.

. "orT SFyer. Va*— Army Pvt. Max L. Randolph, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Randolph, 507, Main~St„ Munith,^Michi, participated _in the inaugural parade for"' President- elect Johm F. Kennedy in W ash­ington D. C., Jan .t 20, as one o f .the Presidential ' military- es­corts.;. . -----—. _ — ----- ---------

Randolph is assigned to the _lst "Battle Group/. 3rd_:IhfantiYr:(Tlro:: Old Guard) from - Fort Myer, Va., a specially selected' unit: which Serves"regularly^ as-the President’s personal- honor guard! .The group also perform s .ceremonial activi­ties--a t—high-levelprovides guards a t the: 'tomb. of*, the unknown soldier.■ A tank crewman in" the in fan t

t r y’s Headquarters— Coinpanyr—hc entered the Army last'ATune and completed—b a s ic - tta in in g ^ a t-F o rt Knox, Ky-

The 24-yenr-old soldier-attemleti-Stockbridge High ■ school, and was employed by the Clark Equipment Co. in Jackson before, entering^ the Army,

Pvt. Kelly Carpenter •Completes Marine CorpsRecruit Training Course

San Diego-^-Marine Pvt,- KellyGv* Carpentort s on- of M r^and-M ra

Edited by studeolt of tho Chelae* High Bchool JounuUiaa Club

Co-Editor* ■ ,Barbara Irwin • 1 Nancy McCalla

Edgar Allan Poe^Ernest Hem ing­way; and Sinclair Lewis.

- All Latin classes a re tak ing ad­vantage. of the new language la ­boratory. A t a later date the French classes will, also ; do . sq' The. school acquired the laboratory through “the ' National Defense Ed-, ucation Act. I t cost $5,000 with the State paying for' half of it. I t was bought from the Howard & Smith Go;, which in the last year alone has sold the language la ­boratory to over* more than 100schools "in Michigan- alone;-........

The equipment consists of .12 sounU-proof bootkes, a microphone and a set of ear phones. The micro- pho®sir&mtTeaT.:phone s are acti-vated so th a t 'th e student ean hear

set- up -where by the "instructo'r has.the ability to lis ten a nd speak w ith th e - student^- inHlyidually, ,CheIsea!fLj^atin.-instructqK)'^fe..Y^L; fred Smith, has, aIready" made-up-: about 12 tapes which are placed .at the -disposal of the students.

The main puTpose of the- labora­tory is to motivate the students Und11pve^the- student*ian=--ojfpor=. tunity to learn the language by. hearing- i t -spoken, rather, than the, present method. It. also makes- the

pealing to,..th6 - student. ^JxmioiT'Ertghsh---classes have been

asked to keep -a. Journal—for. thV

and tlio Erom which is planned late in May, . 1

The Seniors made some fin plans for the trip und were meu ured for th e ir caps arid gown

On _Friday, Jan. 20, the imti student—body .watched the ina gua'ratipn ot President. Kciinc; and Vice-President Johnson on (] televisions" in the Auditorium."

4 4 0 N 0 R

RO LL I-^-FfttST-SBM E^fEB 1960-lil

Grade 12 (All A)—-Carol Gan eron, Marilyn Pajot, Kay Rune man.

Grade 1? (B average)—Cnrolj Bareis, Sue -Eisenbeiser,- Peti Fli.ntoft, Susan Grossman, Diat Hayes,- Daryl Keener, Kathij Kinde, Lynn Lipphart, Daniel Myj er, Carolyn Miller, Patricia O’Neil Carol Redd^man, Kathy Salsburj Ann Schmunk, Charles Waller. ;

Grade 11 (B average)—Dona] Atkinson; Michael. Cross, Sherri Frisinger, : Mary Anfv Hr -Linda-Koengeter, Ava-Macpbugai James—Maynard; Patty ' PaBto] Donna. _thowski,

Grade 10 (AH^A)—Wendy Gi|bert--------------- \ ■ _ - ■ - -J Gradc 10 (B average)—Mnrjori Bauer, Margaret Bauer, Diand Edwarcjs, N a n c y Fairbrothei Nancv— Huelebergy—Jean— Piijg

re s t- of the sem ester-along with the usual assignments.

AH" classes held meeting’s- Monr Jah.day,

-problemsz a . to discuss iucure

- -T h e —Juniors diseii^sed th.eii-Hip-

Ellis L, Carpenter of 128 ‘West. Middle St., Chelsea,' Mich.; com*, pleted recruit training, Jan. 12, a t the-' Marine- "Corps Recruit Depot, San Dlepro, Cdlif.

The Tl-w eek course included in-s traction

review of previous lessons will , be

treutmunlreceivingclot, in her-:leg.—...... -• . . I man Reed,_Mr. and Mrs. Lfio.n_Fox,

Mrs. Marion Longworth, Mrs. David S trie ter, Ray Eutovsky and #hn?F^Kalmbach^and<--rMrs7=WinbnmrJack^--Hummeh- ilkdcctt—spent, witli Mrs. Jan

and. .written. Bibl^lreviews are" a" scheduled curriculum of every conr „g.|’<^i^intx-.afi..-.lah<iVah ’aii Witness,”.Tyskiewicz said.'■: The- public is rinvited

a ssembly, feat ure.— —to this

subjects anct~ihrfantr.y^weal>ei"is.''Upon completion‘of training new

Marines are assigned to a unit .for further infantry*'training*, o r to


b—many Corps

Modern road huilding equipment has reisulted in a reduction of the ■eest *of"--CTt4lr exeavatI#n o4r-uMtfeh-i-gan’s new highways from 75 cunts a cable yuird in 1922 to about. 31 cents todays— ----------------- :------

coming play to be held in April,

Marie Pattarozi, Sandra S’harrard Barbara Wenk, Catherine Wei] gren, Kathy • White.

"Gfa'de“ JTTAll A ')^C arb l_ May()j Susan Schroen. '.

Grade_ 9—(H—average)^- Lipd Blaess, .K enneth Bollinger, Dour; Brand, Joyce Colvia, Curtis T ; ley^ Gloria H eydlauff^ .M ichJ -Hitchingham,. Pam Kushmaul, Vi] "lor Parks, Douglas . SpragulDavid WJnans, Janice Wb'od.

—Your social security ■record the key to your fu ture social.Ss< curity benefits/M ake certain you

-repohts^y.our - earning Check- ’"on your socia

-employer correctly, security account a t least once eve:three years.

For"farti9srRltlb»HWetfdmfSret<■Speeiql rates for teen -ag e and school activities.

——— ------ >--------- ---- -----------^ ... — ’ J. Xr!' .'^ H o n e for rates and opfen "dates, .♦. •• ;; -rf

Phone GR- 9<390t

Lake.-Longworth near — -

-Nnc_>rth __ _Thu Young People, will "have I

charge of the morning .services a t the Unadilla church next Sunday. |

Visitors jof'Mrs.; Mymc. Rose and Mrs. Dolores Ilgno the past week | ^ ■g rg rM r^ in d Mis^W -iliism Jades

M argurite Hadley, the I “Mrs. Yauch and Mi'sr!

son, Mrs.Rev. and John-H u nter.

Robert Meyers skntim* were Mr

-Mjv-and-Mra^ fo r. dinlicr and I and Mrs. .Vincent

Oliver of Detroit. On Sunday their | guests were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Glover of 'Ann Arbor.. Mrs. "Milo C urser visited rela-:

lives:. Suturd ayJ.n__Lanslng.Mrs. "Winonu-Pickcttrvisited-Mrs. I

I.cone Weber' near—Atm—A rbor rsday.

ulfs An Expensive New Model Designed | For People Who Love Status Symbols”The kind of " s t a tu s symbols" ,thdt m ean most to us are our m any satisfied custom ers. We work dayand night to m ain ta in bur status as the best p la c e * __to Have a c a r ’ serviced. ’ • ,

* ' >

Alber Motor Sales, Inc.

LYN'DON TOWNSHIPMr, and Mrs. Clarence B o t to f l

Battecsc - I.akeF were — Tuesday guests of her sister and nephew, Mrs. Mary Clark and son, Dean.

iMrv^and ~M t i l ;' OleTrrr^Conde—o fj Milan, called Sunday on their] niiM'.e and her-fantilyrM r, and Mvs,} George Beeman.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hadley called] Saturday afterhoon on Mr. anfl Mrs, Ralph Collings in Stock-1 bridge.

M r.nn<! M rsi' George- M utter" oTl Howell, and..-S.tcvij: jla d le y .jw e rc ; .wcek_ugo.,-Saturday-4Lfternann- caL-_ lers of'M n.'nnd Mrs. Fred Hadley.

Gale Shears of Chelsea spent I Saturday with3 M fr-and. Mrs. W es*: ley McClain. Sue McClain was a Saturday guest of Mrs. R obertl

TShew s-of- Chelsea,— ! : .._..:.rrr Mr, and Mrs. Ted Balmcr of!

Chorea called Sunday afternoon | on his parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Aus- thi "Balmer. ; " "

Mr. and Mrs! Gary Roderick iyiu?kofryir»pent-the^w.eekier

Stamtard Want Ads Get Besults!

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