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BURROWS & CO., .51 li!:.JrMOR.E ROAD,


for every Ge~~er;ption of



11 worth. 2 6 \veelcly can for Cota\oguc and _, 1 &•Oworth 3 G wctkly !n ... pe..:: t~ood~.orwrlte

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Exclusively ucrod on the Linera of the P. & 0. and other b i&' SteamRhip Companies, hecau ac they atand climatic changes better than any Piano in the --- World. ---



&liO all ldnd1 of Jewellery, and l\1uslcal Instruments.

'W. H. KEAM. Railway and Tramway Sczrvicczs of l"''czw South Walczs, Victoria, Quczcznsland, South ilustralia, Wczstcz1•n ~ustralia, and Tasmania.


Ill GEORGE STREET W EST, VOL. VII., No. 21. Dusiness AdJresa: .Sf'"' pgi'ts 4. THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1911. Subscr iptlrm;



AUNT MARY'S BAKING POWDER. THE GREAT m:!~~e i~tlt\~~- ~~~:r~for a;o.l}~~~~~3er~~~~ ( ~~~~~;:,~~~hi~~~ ~o~~~~uJo[l~~-/~~~5 1~a l~~-~~

reductio n" of a sente nce of tn-·o year s \\'ond er did t h~ c.ablc ch8. p see the p nsst·d upo n a criminal with a bad re- po int ? Th ere 1S verv lit tl e hope fo r the cord , on the g round that "for some \\ hite race from the Mrs. Willie Carter time he ha d lt•d an honest life!" Th~ ilk (so the b irth-rate commiss ion~rs a;tonishing p. trt of the thing is that sur) . and if we could only starve Jack the judge said if tha t could be show n a J ohnson, we needn't \lor ry half so cons id erabl e rc-:luct ion of the sente nce mu cb about tb c "hope, as we are now would probably he conceded. It reall~· doing I

£100 PRIZE COMPETITION haa caught on..

Everyone can win a prize.

Ask your Groce r for a Handbill.

.----1 ~ 1'-~ Government S(lvmgs liank of New South Wales.

Head Onice: MOORE ST., SYDNEY.

THE PROBLEM SOLVED! The problem-" How to Savc''-can be soh·ed by openin~ an. account with this Bank.

Deposil) ac;cpted from I'· \l pwnrds.

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All City anll Suburban Br~nches ( exc~ p t Moore Street) ARE OPE N ON FRIDAY EVENI: JOS from 7 to 9 o'clocl:.

J . H . DAVIES, Secretary.

does appear that honesty ts the best poli cy.

There's nno ther uwful din being raised nbout the decline in the birth· rnte, due to the ra th er s tartling discov-er ies o[ the recen t census. Th e Upper Ten ls g·ctting a pretty bJ.d time a ll ro und from the innumerable critics. I heJrd a litt le convt'rS::ltion in ::t cheap r est~!ura nt th 1· other day on th e ques­tion of mnrriagc th <1 t hit s thi s subject p retty clost·. Four young m en \\·ere a rg·uing as to the n• lat ive advant3gPs of single bl essedness and wedded slaverY. In th e middle of the a rg n· ffi(:llt a young married lady chipped ln with: 11 0n ~ it's only the ~e lfi shness ot ~·ou men that keep~ you from marry -ing. You, rc afraid you' ll have to g i\' C up \'OUr cbih· nip. and cricket or foot­b,,Jf ! 11 So there now. 1s it ::tn \' won­der n chap s tays s int'(l e as long. as he cnn. when the women dictate such

1 terms as th ot?

I T he decl in e of the hinh-rnte may be a se r ious natio na l J)rob1e m, but the

===:=========~:--;:============~ I co ntroversy has it s hum erous asp ects. AlJSl0 AUAN GLLJE HERB IN E. ~l~:~tic0 fc~::~ril~~~f;l~~es~a~ed t h~ostotl:~~

I\ A vegetable s t imulnnt a nd tonic: whic!' .In - I da\· f rom M:ISS Rose Scott. Now (M de: i n Alexa n dria, N . S , W l creases muscular p0w~r -. 1111"1 mental ;• ctavJty. thfre's a good deal of solid refl ection

T~;;~GJ!~~Nn~~~!:!P,t S:d L::,:rb:::.'·~:~.~-Biood Purifier. 1 :~~~~u~n ~~~cl~~~n~;,r~~:~~v~;~/'~s ~h;';iclj;~ HENRY MARRWALD, F. PARKF.S, point sugges ted is: Is not the hesi-

307 Henf St:coect, S ydney. 26 Q. v . Ma r kets, - -- SYDNEY. ~~~i;.,ot~et:~~ l~~~~elyofd u ~o~~'g th~efn~~


THE META.OPOLlTAN is listca iiUo .!n office in which Railway and Tramway £mplQyees may --~re.

Write direct to tbe Cor.l pany !c::- any in(orm~rion I.IDOn th~ matter which you m:~y des i:-r.

- ......... THE N~WTON BU ilDiNG iiU., UO,, Office: Eauit:t.hl•.! Bh.IJ!s .. Georf,!c St .• Sydney.

W•·rksho:>~: ~(; J ~mic"''" St

£5 ~~~~, ~~::rrJ~~r:;,~J-~~~D~~~~~~!~:·~r~~re a rtic:le on terms.

C. FORSSBERG. 78 W itlia m St., City.

.£10 ~~~~~;':'d~s i~~! .. in dB:~~~·m 3s~itc':.e~~t: nut, oak, roqewood- bus t workmanship.

£15 ~~~~di!~b~;~s0j; ~i~~~~~;o~~ .. ·~ce\t':ru~f~ Se win~ ,\\ach ii1es. C: t\Sh or terms.£1./ 15/-.

£20 ~:t~~~~;~Om2~~itc: Qd~~~5~ide~~rd~ee;!:i. __ :;,:"":.:.:•·:.:.:"'::.:oak. DrawinJ!· room Su1h:s.

£30 ~~~nit~~eu~"e~d f~~~T:~~~·c~~re:~~:.~~~d: ~~ftttb'c~~~~cl;~~~~;~~ls \~<~~~~fml ~c;;~~~ M ach ines, cash or terms ·

~- FO >tSS&ER G. 7B William St., CI!!:_

Concerning Sound Teeth. It is a very s im ple matter for us to treat your tee_th so that they will remain with yo :' all your life A little fillin<> b,ere--an extraction there--a cleaning some~ here e lse--all done painlessly-­and you can be qu ite sure of postponing the day when you must have an arttficia l . set . It will c.ost you very little--ask:. our advtce--for wh1ch we

make no charge.


MILLS and MILLS, 4 City Ro:).d, CITY.

TEETH ,-RAILWAY PEOPLE-TEETH. Conault Sydne)l''a Leadln• Dentlat,

MR. OTTO A. KRACHT, Reliable work at Moderate Coat. Life-Like Teeth . Paint••• EKtraotlon•­

liDEN BUILDINGS, 731 GEORGE ST., Opp, Rallwa:~~ Station.

~ ~;=~;;~~;;;;;;~~BA~M=F=IE~L~D.=-S~ LATE

HORTON' S The Well-kt7town

Houae fol' l!Soota and &hoea,


a. .. d fo,. Lateet Catalo.ue.

Ment.lon thla !Jt&per

Buw JIOUI' ••ode fPOm ue anll

that the girls expect too much? How often is the bonst m:\de: "1 have re­jected - prbposals this year"? or course it' s right that girls should be a bl e to pick and choose, nnd it 's good t he,· shou ld exercise great care. but, hnrlg it, haven' t we men got any righ ts? \\'hy can't we s::ty: ((Oh! vcn· well then; we 1ll ha.n g ofl'," with­out. being cast iga ted by unmarried ladies?

Apropos of the birth-rate decline fuss, the following littl e story comes to m,· mind: Two marr ied men died. One hncl been ma rried twice. :Meeting some­where in th(• g r ra t Beyond t hey dis­cussed how best the\· could squeeze in­tu Heaven. They suddenly remember ed tha t in their Sundnv-schoo l dnys they hnd beard som eth ing about Peter 's dom es tic rel a tion~ h ::tving been rather unhappy. So the~· hit u pon a pla11. Th e hero of one ma rr iage approached the penrl~· gatP fi rst wit h n ha lting nnd unce rtain step. \\'hen submitted to the great or;ll ex:1min:-~:tion, he timidly suggested that ns he had been mar· r ied, he was due for a prolonged pe-riod of Jll'ace ancl rest. Peter wns sympothc t ic. "Enter into e-ternal p('acr, my brother; you 'vc had enough of th e other place on enrth !" The veteran of two m nt rimoninl ventures thought he ha d n certain passport. He approached jau ntily and confidently an­nounc ed that he had bcf'll m ::~. rri ed tw ice. Tlwn came the thunderbolt: u orpnrt intb outer da rkness. \Ve ,ve no room fo r fools here -! !"

The censure mot ion drags jts wea ry way a long in the c-i.S. \1'. State P arlia ­ment. C p to da te th e members of the Opposition have done nenrly all the tnlking, but it is quit e lo be expected tha t most Labor members will have u chip in before the dcbntr closes. \\'hole volumes of ni iansard 1

' h ave in this wny bren contributed~ and new5papcr r enders hnve bee n wea r ied out of s ight by the attempts to reduce oceans of ta lk to column s of scrappy argument. Th e l itt le g a me of ta lkr·talky wi ll cont inue, probably, for nnotber couple of weeks-and then Parliam ent will s tnrt o ff scratch. \\'h at a r idiculous "·~o:.te of time a nd mone\·l Not one si ngle vote will be infl uenced. \\'hr not limit censure motion d ebates to one s itting ?

There's a Bap tist pa rson cove up on the l\"onhern Rivers who has been Jndling out some prcttr s evere criti­ci sm about the city of Sydn~y. Bar­ker br na me, he IS eYident l ~' also a fai rl )' good bnr ker by nat ure . He s.a'·" there's a great de n I of ev1l and WICk­edness, whi ch tends to make Syd ney ugly. Sydney positil'ely appalled him . he said, because he saw there people given to idolat ry nnd seeking after the things whi ch perish with th e using! Wo nder what s,·clne,· has ever done to thi s heaven]) creature ? Does he know tha t thi s cit,· co ntai ns hundreds of men nnd women who enrn their livin gs b,· th e s wea t o f their brow s, or the r cicku~q- of their b r ;t in~. and th r ~ gi\·e n11 their ~pare t ime in ke("ping ahve his and other chu rch connections, whi le the bnck-country parsons sit back at their ea se, draw good sti pends-and come to Srdney whenever they want a holid ay?

T he cnb les annou nces th at Mrs. Wil­lie Carter appeared on the balcony of a Philadel phia hotel, clad in green tights! The sa me source announces

I~~=====:§:::~~§~=::==:;:=I.J SAVE MONEY. that Jack Jo)mso, , who a littl e, while ago boasted that he wott ld buy his way <o.,. .. ite Post Newtown, into American society (nnd that means HQRTQN' S I a free ~ook at a high-society dame in

" \\'hi.Je the < hildren enj oyed them­selves at rac in g, etc., the older folk did likew• ~c a t other games. 11

Did you notice this innocent little s ta tement in last i~sue of the n co-op .• " dear reader ? lt was contributed bv a 1\'cni> Creek co rrespondent , and il'as included in a report of a schoo l picnic. llow tantalising these corresponde nt s are? The\' cnn a lwal's te ll u s how the chi ldren p ut in thtiT time at picni cs, but t hey never do nny more tha n hint at the "rerrcat ions" of t he older fo]k. \\' hat "nthrr games" were these the older folk pbycd apart from the chil­dren? The kids can, nn d do, pl ay !C J...i o;;s -in-thc-ring," and ' ·j o lly miller/' besides leap-frog nnd marbles , and t hey can even go gathering wild tlow­£~ s. \\'hat io; Jt th eY were excluded fro m ? Please, i\Ir. Correspondent , be a ll ttl e more explicit, or failing that wi ll somcbod\· kindh· in vite the critic to a pi cnic a n·d sho\\- ·h im ?

Th e va lue of a girl's affect ions, l ike the interminable sub iect of the cost of li ving, seem s to be s t ead il~· ri sing. We ha\'c been accus tomed tu breach of promise cases where the jilted lady claimed £ 1,000 for damages, but now we hear of a case where .£1,000 is re­qui red to buy soo thing syrup for a broken-hearted lassie . Two )'ears ago in Mi la n, th e great Caruso bought a neck- tic in a shop, and whi le the fam-

f;~tle5id;~il 'c~~~ f~ho~i~n~h~g~ls t~~: rows clean through the two hearts or the custom-er and the ladv counter­jumper. Her eyes sai d " \ \'ou ld you li ke to ?" and his said " Oh! you kid" -and she th re w up her billet like a lnd;;. Now he sn;-s be can't marry her. and offers 2, 000 little quid lets. But the girl's fa ther sars s he wants 4,000, nnd C nru so thinks he'll ha ve to pay up. Mora l-be sur~ s he 's an orphan before you make love.

Those L abor poli ticians who took eithe r a neutral or a negat ive attitude on t he refere nda appear to be in for rather n bad ti me. !\.11 over th e coun· try League meetings are bein g held , ;n which resolut ions of protest are car­ri ed, ::~nd requests made for a speci a l l'. L. L. con ference to deal with th e traitor,. All this kind of thing is mak­ing: thC' pOsition no be tter fn st. Be­fore the propo:'als <an be submitted to the people 3gain there is ce rtain to be one or two Lnbor con ferences . a nd it is alm os t cqualh· certain that political developments will show ,·err clearly that the defeat of the proposals means stngn ::n ion to .'\u';tralia 's nat-iona1 pro­grc·~:;. Th rre'..: a loL of work Ill front o r t he State La bor P :trt r, and it won't do to g· i vc t he beggars a <.hancc of say­ing they were too harassed to g et on wi th it.

The cnnny Scotsman who fir s t said women were fickl e cattle mu s t h~ vc known something, \\' ithout n doubt. Saturday's cables told nn awfully rot· ten story about a Hun.Q:arian maid Sh e was a farmer' s daughter . and s h~ was so good nt fencing . nnd milking and rounding up b rum bies, that two of the hir~d ha nds thoug-ht she'd make a cnpftal wife. or cour se, when two fel_­low'i want the one g1rl. there's bound to be a ro w.· Rut these two chumps wer.e not sa tisfied with tongue~banging each ot her. Th ey hit upon a novr~ duell ing iclen. They stripped to the wa is t; were u cd to posts, and th e-n b e­lnbo rod each ot her with s tock-whips, while the gi r l s tood u mpire, agreeing· to mnrrv th e winn er. They cut each other to. pi eces, a nd bot h co lla psed at th e last m inute. Then th e bra2e n little hu ss ~ · ~a id ~he wouldn 1 t m a rry either, as neither won. ] " it any wonder w e c:.i ng about "anot he r good fe llow gone wrong?"

At la st the g-reat David-Dal'id of Randwick-has spoken! And with him spo ke tl1e combined v0ice of four other independen ts. H t:rrah ! the Govern· ment is now sa fe, sa ved-so think s Miste r D'n·id Storey-by the votes of the l,any of fiv e. lt is now being a n· nouncccl, even by th e "Telegraph," that a dec isive Government majority is assured , when the Hou se divide s on ,the censune m o tion-a nd the hero of the hour lS Dnvid Storey. Th ere' ll soon ha,·e to be a stop to this. David is ge t ting too much g lory alto.Q:ct her. Only the other d ay, at the Bronte t ramline opo01i n.Q:, the lb.ndwick di s­tri ct kids. paraph rased th ~ fam iliar lines of ct R cdwing, 1 ' and s::mg- u oh! thp sun shines bright on Da1·1d Storey, etc." 1\'111' not hand him a titl e at once, for saving tile country.

Mr. Albe rt Bruntnell, 1\t.L.A.-YOU know h im , Briggy Bruntnell, who u'sed to bang tit tambourine and shout " halleluj ah ! "-cont ributed to the cen· sure motion d eb ate on Tuesday nig-ht. " He made an impassion ed appeal for the str icter observance of the Lord ' s Day ; for the immediate dosing of a ll hotels (dens of vier and wiclcedness), and for a law to compel all men and women to subscri b<' to the s tipend s of minis ters a nd parson c; and sa lvation army <:n[ltain s gencr all v' '-er, well, that 's what he reall y ought to have

Conductor Fred Darg in , a "·e ll ­known sport and popula r man, bump· e l one of th e dangers which a rc ever a m~nace to ticket coll ectors. 1\'hilst on duty he was s truck by a passi ng cart and knocked otf the footboard, a 11d su stained concussion of tbc brain . Frequcrnh· we see in c:;tnn crs of carr­l C'~s n cs~ . Or want of though t for men of the footboard by drivers of cart> or lorr ies, cutting it fine with their bu lg­ing loads as a tram has been passing, and accidents of th is kind are all too ft t•quent. All wish the unlucky Fred. a specdr recovery. . . .

At the ten mil e op~n cycling ruad race on th e Homebush ro u r">f' on Sat­urday there was a g rea t atten dance of the knights of the "heel. I n the second hea t P. ] . FitzGi bbon won fa st · es t time, h Jving covered the distance in 2G min. 58 sec. , a very m erito r iOU$ perform ance. Fit z. would make a fi ne despatch bezrer in ~imc of .. war.

Ru g by League pbyer' will regret to hear thnt Freddie Robert s , th~ me­teori c Maoribnd half back, will not be seen further on the fiel d this sea­son. As a result of u kick his jaw bon e was fr actured on Saturday. \\ 'hat was done to the m:.1n who thus boot­~ :1 him we have not yet been inform­eel. On ou r own fie lds th ere has been too much careless booting lnteh ·, and reckless dis rega rd of life und limb. lt is up to umpires, one and a ll , to use C('mbincd effort to suppress unneces­sary rough plny. Althou!{h the pub­lic whoop with delight ui!Jon see ing men get upended, no one cares for the spectacle of a man being brutally bcoted.


The police have contracted nno ther r'•iding- att-ack. Just recen tly the;· :-. ~voope.J down 0-n a litde curd J>urty near the \\.averley Depot, us a res ult ot ,-vbich a whole school was apprehended 21nd hu•tled off to prison and fined heavilv. Seve ral tramw a)' men were among·s t them , and in addition to be· ing fined h ave been dismi ssed from the service. l t is r ank in justice to pun ~ i~la men twice thus for such a mi ~dc­rneanour, and sympathy has b een ex­rJressed throughout the ·service for them. The men ar~ ta lking about rhising funds to' assis t the wi ves and coildren of their h nrshly treated mates unt il tber can find other employment.

* * On Saturday ni!Iht last the Law

n1 adc a nother pouuce. T' hey smnshetl open the doors of a Chinese house at Darling Harbur , and arrested no less than a score of P ats, and ma rched them up to th e Centra l. These raids r11r C' turning o ut to be great revenue r nising far. tors. Jt is a urri bl P crim (' e•v idently to pby a g a me of cards in th·i:; countrr. ;.1nd a nice old power taken unto itself b}' :1 WO\Y Scr govern­n.tent to send i ts poli ce LO bre:1k into places an d afterwards s~verelv puni sh nen indulging in a game of penny l\.}p. . "

TT:trry Pear ce j c; s till prc~s ing Di ck A' n s t tu s ign un to scull him on the P3.r ram..-"ttt ~ on July 15, but so far Atns t has not come up to the scrntch. ' Tis s tate tbat the champion requires longer tim e for prep nrntion. T his being- so, it wi ll he necessa rv for Arn" t tu lc-nve with a rush for Britain soon a fterwa rds , a s hls match with Dar ry for .£500 a s ide has been planned to ta kc place on the Thnmes en rly in D ecember. Mutters wi ll become some· wb a t compli cated thoug h, should P carce s ucceed in downing the gr~ot ex-cyclist.

* " * llill Squi res has s prung a surpri'e upon tb~ publi c. After his last de­feat by Bill L ang-, he s t::ued tha t he had bad e p.;ood·b )'e to t he fi s tic arena for ever before he went back to h is farm and delved in . During· th~ lnst twelve tnonths the ex-miner has scar cf>­ly been heard of~ but now comes a chn llcnge frOJn him to rn cc t Lang·. Squires has evidentlr come to the con · clos ion that L nng hns lenrned no ex­trco wrinkl es s ince his trip a broad . and fed ing fin e him self. as a result of his free healthy [arming life, has com e to the conclusion that h e can win back th fl" champion ship of Au s tralia . or1 at lcns t, a fine amount of coin by having another ba ng at his old fo eman, Bill of Melbourne. H e will, accordingl y. take his hand from the plourrh and creep into the ring to mee t Lang on Augu st ~ nex t. The fight will take p[.,ce in Brisbane.

* * * The big smiling. g·ood natured Mike

\1 illiam s h as fin ally left ou r s hores. Failing to g et the purses or terms he asked for a-'f::tinst two or three boxr r <; h e reftt scd to meet them. So got him­self somewhat disliked down in Mcl·

done. But he didn't. He actua llv had the biclc to tackl e .th e indu st nal 'ques­tion. He said th e \Vacle Government had pa sse<] the best industrial legis­lation ever enacted, .a.nd n whole lot more of similar bo sh. Of (_·ouro; e, they did. That 's why the work t•rs kicked 'ern out last election , nnd that's why Mr. Fat a lways puts up the monev for their <e lec tion or rcfe1·enda campaign!=:. NO\Y, Wf' don ' t object too much tu Bruntnell being in Parliament. But for heaven 's sake, man, talk about things you know some thm.'( of. Leave indus tr ial ques t ions to the me n who know wha t work is.

l;curnc. i\{ike mad~ rn any friend s during h is star h~rt), and :.1lthough o nl)' u crude, hard hitting pug, invari­ably drew a good crowd, nnd was u uopulnr man in the rin~. He return­c-l to South Alrica la" week, where it j.., ht<> intention to open a bu.;;incs:->. 'There i'-; noth ing for boxers over in Sruth Af1ica. The l[ame has been pr:tcticalll' banned there , so writer is informed · by Harry 11'1l son, u well known tramway man who journ eyed OYer nfter the last strike. llarr)' writes that he is doi.ng· well, cl earing at leas t £300 a rear.

* * 4t Bi ll Turner, the Tasmanian chum­

p ion, is the latest after the scalp of jack Les ter. Since Lestcr 's showing a~ ~:lins t L nng Turner's friends :ne t" lk ing big n1one;·. T hey a ppa rent!)' are p rcpnrl'd to put up a stuptndous side bet, and a lso back I heir man. It 's a good chance for L ester to pick up a po t or else tu <lrop a few hundred that he gleaned from his contes t with L ang.

* There is to be no r eturn ma tch be-

t\\ een L ang and Lcster. Bill modest ­ly ~~~ k ed for £400 appearance money, the Stad iu111 people asked for :15 per cent. of the g.<te, so L es ter wisely said " Thi s is no good· to me~ " so took a trip up to Bri sbane to visit some old f1 iends . .

:11ark Higgin s is beginning to fancy himself. He has challenged Hughie Mehega n to meet him for t he lig ht­weight champion sh ip of Aust ralia. How welterweight Ma rk think s thnt he can m a ke the light\\'Cight limit (lOst.) is a bit of a conundrum. However, the as tute Hughic is throwing away no chances . He cheerfully accep ted the challenge, pmvidecl th at Mnrk will post n forbt of .£,.200 shQJ.IJd..he uYI::uk.) Jail to make the weight (ringsid e). The chances of the fight coming off appear t> be rath er remote.

* •

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Be1·t:strom•s Tailoring ts a grade higher than the avernge tailorlna but is no higher in price. The material~ are cnrcfu-lly selected. and are tht.. rough ly stylish and durable. wh.Ue the cut;.. ting and maki ng is perfect. In fact for style, comfort. fit. wear and satisfaction BerQttrOAJ Soits m·e unexcelled. Come in nnd inspect our flne dispta.y or write for free p:::t.tlcrns and scl!·m casure (orm. Suits to Ord~r at ~/-, 70/•, 75/•, 84/•. H a nd M a d e,

HAROLD BERGSTROM, Expert T ai lor,

The Melbou rne fight promote rs are wise in thelr genera tion . Th ey are negotiating for a It:turn match between Atthur Douglas and Frank Picato. \\"hen ' t is remembered wha t a grea t and close contest t hese lnds put ttp here, th e Melbourne sports should get their mon ey's worth tb e night they

~c~l~·c p;;~~~l~7~~~ ait~rse~n~ ~rs?:i;l:c~ .l iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 82 WALKER STIIEET, NORTH SYDNEY.

c~nt d efeats . He has been also match­eJ to meet Sid Sullivan at the Gaiety, June 13. It is sufe . to tip thnt there "ill be u bumper house on the occa-sio n. . .

1\' ith the closing clown of the S ta­dium, the G.:.ti ety Club has now prac­ticall y a c ity monopoly of boxing con~ tc~t s, and it s management i.s appar~ ent lr going to work it for a ll it is 11·orth. Tuesdny n igh t , 1\'ednesd a~· night . and now next Saturdar night tht' go betWC('n Tirrn ey a nd ''Chook, ~oonon. 1\'ith thrc<' good fixtures a \red.:., ;1ncl prnct l c<.~ ll y no opposition, Cha!l i,. Cam pbell 'hou lcl b~ <il.J lc to coin mo ney during th e coming winte r mcnths.

" Delightful wcnthcr for the · football co mpetitions on Sa turday nfternoon . In th e Lcagu ~, Newtown hold s pride of place on the l ist. In t heir four ma tc he" th('y have, so fn r , h ~d o n ly 19 pvi n ts scored against them, whilst ther hold 64 tO their credit. The~· wal­loped Easts by 16 to i. The Reel legs hifl'cd an d buttered aBlmnin bv 19 to S; Annandal ~ sustained a se,·ere drubbing at the boot• of South Sydn ey. 30 tu 11 being the r nsualt ies. Weste rn ~ubur b'-; a nti the S haremen ," tu~s lt• v .. ·as a t-i g h t o ne , t he forme r packtng up H poin t ' to 13. All th e matches were splendidly attended.

Outings for Tram Signalme'n.

l\1 es"'· Alf. Paul son and George Gaudry have a rranged another of those fi sh ing t.').C ursions which have so de­lighted the tra m s ig.na1mc:n a t . ~ ~l ter­vals since the for mauon of the s tgllal­mC'n's branch of the Amalgam ated As· sociation . On this occasion. however, e ve n more elnborate and comfortable a tt angement" have been. m~de for the enjoyment of the cnthustas llL '1_llglers ol the lever brigade . Th e serv1ces of a s te am launch l1:1vc been secured, and the parties will be met a t the La Perouse wha rf, a nd will s tea m out into Bl tan)' Ba1•, th ere to make a violent raid on schn appcr shoals. In order that both shifts can participate in the outing~ t \ \O t.:...-:curswns art" being ar­ranged ~' the firq 011 Thursd a\·, J~tn r J st and th e o th er on the lollo\\ Ill!( Th~rsd a)' , June 8th. SiRnalmcn . who wish to join in should let enher Mt·ssrs. )'aul son or Gaudrr know a t once. T he paniec;; wi ll journey to Ld Perou sf' b\· tllf• two m inutes pa st onr tra m fr01i1 Circubr Quar. Th en· s hcu ld b~ a good roll -up of <i gna lm rn, to s how their ~q1precintion ot th e rc nlh· fine nrrang·cments made.

R!r Artistic Flbruua Pluter, Ceilings, Corak:es, etc., r:e tG


Art &;eiJings a S11ecltollty.

CROFT & CO., Dll'ley Chambers, 1561<ing St., Sydney

T e 1cphorw : City 48.


Immediate: interest is the interest a. ma.n tcels i n a. thin~t that i s directly a.nll s pontaneou sly interesting in itsell. Why not iuterest yourself i n the

AEROGEN GAS MACHINE whic h has bee n p assetl as th.oroughly sate by the Fil e Underwriters • Association 'l The Gas is non-ex plosive. a.nU the machine c l ectn.

.HANNAM' S · LIMITED- 134 Castlereagh Street.

UNITED INSURANCE COM,PANY, LTD., Head OUice:: Corner Geor.ce aacl Hunter Streets, Sy4neS'.

;=========='===:O:II:io:e,:) ======::;::::::~g~r~e~en~..:tights), is dreadfully ha rd-up,

~~-~-=J_'r~y......_''_A ____ tJ_. __ I_;·_D_J_O_C_I_< __ . ~'_V\T_·_¥. __ 1_1 ___ ·~_K_Y_· _r_ooT_u -~-~-D~_;v~:._rietor~s,

Post free.

~~~'l:n'f:! :.'i:.r;'!:!~~~~~,h~~rt;:!"~~~sill:~t~~~e~.Prcs~ ntlltion purpo s ~. you

!•,~·::a~~"::n';"::l•t~~o~;:et5i~t:!!::~a"n'dd-~:~;e~~c:~!~:t~~.~:~t~iiJ?.:~j':a~:~:~~~ ~~:,t:;.~~~~:-;!~,.I!I;C:~k.ote that J pay posta.ll~ on all orders . and "uuantee

M-, llluatrattd Catalotue will be aent free anywht!re. u ,on n :QUii! at.

JOEDAVIS The Hou! e for Best Values,

26 Park St. Sydney One. door from Pitt Stre.Q.t,

The Talk of the ToW"n­MARcus CLARK'S --MODISH--

Winter Millinery LADIES! Crown yourselves wtth onr stUart extra.­

specJally-bccom mg Hats. Hundreds of Stylish Modes to

choose from.

Carnage will be pa1d on all )1•llinery to any part of the


All our Millt nery is smart, up-to-date aud tl!oroughly

reliable in eve'ry way,

E\'ery Hat ;mrcbased means sattsfact1on obtained 25/­



Natural Wool Underwear tt L:- 1 ,,

Tr¥ now, tile ~ ag e !:/ make of

ALL WOOL STOCKINGS, at 1/•, 1/3, 1/6, and 1/11 p~r pair.

ALL WOOL SOCKS, at 1/3, 1/6, 1/9 and 2/3 per pair.

Made in Australia. and guaranteed All Wool and fast dye

Smart Ladies' Wear at Edward Arnold's.

We •how only three of our styles here. If you would like to see many others you should write for a copy of our Ladies' Fashion Guide, which we send post free.

--Ladies' Tailor Made Cos­tu we lu smart stri ped Tweeds Coat has wel vet collar and the cos tume is braided and buttoned in accordance wtth 45\ tbe fashion ... •

We claim these to be

the best values ob~

tainable in the



Edward Arnold & Co., Cbforcl and Crown Streets, Sydney.


Oa 1 Groceries1

Meat, Boots


Your Opportunity to Save Money


Drapery, Furniture, Millinery

1 and

Clothing, 1 Jewel~ry.

What to Buy------ ancl Wher• to Buy it.

Town Shopper's Page. The Shopping Dcpa.rtmellt of the Co-operator has .. ,,.,., instituted as ;A Mo,.ey Saver ~d & eon.vealeru~e for all readers of this paper. No Charge is made for any service rendered. "Town Shopper" will purchase all you~· 1'6.~uirementa, save all the money pos,.ible for you, act as your agent (with a personal interest in your business), send you qv.ti&tions or price Hats and advise in any matter concerninl£ tbe home, U you s"cure your household requirements through "Town Shopp..•1" you will get better value and fresher goods always at & big saving ol caah. Give this departm.,nt a trial now. Write lor anythinft you nquire to "Town Shopper," 455 K"ni: Street, Syd11.ey.

Way's Fashion House. •

Fn sh ion decr ee for 111 nter seems to be lm lt tcd garments fo1 \\ a men, Judg­lng bv the .dmos t 1.lnl\ Ci sn l a doptlon o f th r s \\ C,If er , knttt eU ;acket, etc., and 1h r lra d1ng <to1es are suppottmg fas hwn b\ s howmg ~1. gt eat \an etv of thcs<' \\ fi tm ~m m en t !!l \\' ay· s~ 111 P1tt .. stl rct. ;He, as usua l, to tho front, and h:n 'c ~L fin e a~~o rtment from "Inch to choose. I a m lilu <tl aung- here a 11ool s\\eater s u• table for bo1 s or girl sJ IJ uttons on sho ~otlde r, :tJJd has fancy

coll ar .and ruffs I n colors-!lavr, brown, ::md m) rt le , th(\ pn ces ar e, S17.C 1, 4 9 , 2, 5 /3; ~. 5/9; 4, 6/3 ; 5, 6/9 , ,G, 7/3 l:l1o\\n ond caiChn al, fan cy collars, 1un f1 om 3i9 fm s1ze 1, to 5/3 for sJZe 5 Any of the se arc se nt all over th e pos tal system free and a1 e

~~curel);r~;c ~,;~y~;'~al:r~~~f~/;Jefok~v1~;~j goods, satisfaction will follow ev er y purchase.


Conicelli s ilk~ arc largely used in emb10idenng Cl 011 ns of hats, blou ses , g love tops , s. lk hose, and colla• s, et c., .md ca n be rch ecl upon to loo k 11ell and to '' ash without chang 111g calor They arc sold bv ti ll d' ·'P''"• an d hea rt ily re­commended by usl' rs

---·---Does This Mect With Your


A Reason for the Quality.

Users of meat, and this includes us all, should not overlook the Sutton

~;J;;;, Mei\,~0fu~nha~~ P~~~ic~gf~~G~~ t1 es fot the s nppl} ing of both tuwn and cvuntrv cus tom ers than :my other firm m the State ror one thmg the great turnove t \\h1 ch they ha ve enables th rm to spcc10 il se tn each deportmen t of th e bu"nrss. The bu1 '"I' of stock, tor m s tnncc, form s a speCJ al fca tureJ and hav1ng mem bers of the firm do noth­In g ebe but selec t th e best offenng m the m.ttkets of the St.ne, th er e 1s al­ways .t guarantee that nothtng but th e bes t grade meat con be offered tO the Suu on Forest Compan\ 's cus tom ers. WI11 ls t there ar e a great m.nw 0ther features which place tins fi.m 10 front of other meat su ppltcr s, the care tn th e sd ect1o n of th e s tock a lone s hou ld be s uffi c• cnt tn cenuve to our readers to dt"al th ere, and 1f an y of our country rc;,dr rs w11l send along a tria l orde1 1ts t tcetpt wtll be sure to ensu re a con ­tmuance of bu smcss Town Shopper wil l at any u me place otd ers here and faCJhta te the despa tch. - ---"Clothes Make the Man."

Every tatlor clatm s tha t his O\\ n manufacture embodies all that is cor­rect m fit an d cut. but the mere cl a •m IS no g ood unl ess backed up by some proof. F. J. Palmer and Son, corner o f P1tt and P ark S tree ts, are at a 11 ttme s prepared to mamtain th•e excel­lence of thetr tallon ng and t o point to

Easy Shaving.

Sh avmg tool s a •e du e for a ltt tle at­te nCton at m y hands tht s " cck, 1l i., qua e a long ttm ~ since I had a look round to see what IS new in this ltne. The Gem J um or Safet\' Ra?.or seem s to be fin ding- m ost fa1 or JUSt now amongst shavers. an d reports from Anthony l lorde• n's ctttlcrv d cp~rtm cnt show that numbers of men mu't be

~'!h~ 1~ola~l~~ c~~:3r~, ;~h thsl.?e~z~;f e~r.; made of the fin cst ' tcmpcicd ste el, and have s uch a fin e edge that small su op-

ping 1s needed to kc.ep them as " keen as a razor," the feature wluch makes f01r comfon in ihm l,ng,. A n• ckcl pl ated fr ame, a n extra handle and se­ve n bl ades , fitt ed 111 a neat lea thci­cttc <:ase compn se th e Gem ]umolf outfit~ anq •s sent post ft cc a nywher e for G, :J. Extra packets of seven bl ades a lthough rarely need ed , a rc avatl abl~ a t 2 1 pos t free, and a spec~al Gem Su o,pper, speCially made for th ese particular blades , 1s landed at }our ~!oar for 5/4. \\hen l ou have troubl e !Il shal' lll g, and with mos t of us th1 s ts e\"ery mormog, tiy a Gem Juntor Safety Raz >r from An thony Hordern and Son.

~ // A Sketch 1/ i Saving Mortimer.

Of cou,.c , we knew there " as som~­thmg qu c•·r whc11 Morume1 \\ lilc} dcsc11bcd her to us , simpl y because no such goddess as he ]JJctur d "ould have looked at Mortlmcr \\'dley. l ie was the n•cc"t h ttlc fell uw 111 the \\OIId~ alwLLY~ kmd and hL1ppv, and 1n· norcutly a-r;.a cfu l for tnvtJl bl cs~ lll'-! S , and he "as pl easant to look at 111 a d ean , 10und-cherkcd WJV, li e edited the l1terary s upple ment of the "Sentt­nel ," and did 11 fturl y well, m •ratu­lously enough-for he h adn' t the br:11ns of a peanut in or dtnaty inter­course. 1 ha d been domg the "!';cnt•­nel' s" woman 's page for three years at the next desk, and so kn ew lum well, and was rea lly fond of htm, but I should a s soo n h av~ thoug ht of m a r­t ymg mv st x·yca r-old nephew, Davy And tf 1 felt that 11 av-f01, hon estl y,

f,'ed n1aa~~ :h~~r:,e~m~;~s0~~a~~~~t' 11s~o~3 to r eason that a queenly beauty wllh money enough to have t\\ o rooms at ~lot timet 's boarding-house wasn't gomg to love him for h1m self alone. And there certamh· was not anythmg el<e to love him for . He was getting thirty-fivr dollars a week.

What 1 expected to see \\as some stra\' fodormt;• who lool;cd d1mly p1rttv 111 ptnk or blue, and 11 ho never before had had a man awa1 e of her ex.-trncr; an d \\h en MortJmcr asked us all to meet i\11'8 Farnum a t tea 111 a borrowed stud•o, 1 went prepared to be

:~.'~~o~g~; 1 b~-'ccca;~ );~' ;n~n[1,,~0ndl~1 c~~~ dtal tty.

The fir st per son I saw as I enter ed the s tud•o was a ta ll g1rl being ta lked to bv t\\O men; and mv tns tincttve thoug ht was a startled . "! low d1d that come to get 111 here?" She 11 as both ;oung and handsome, but , oh, th e g 1eenv yellow of her bnttlc. \\ avcd ha1 r , the da1 k edge on he r cyehds, the smooth, c namelcd rose and wlntr of her checks, th e dreadful fa s lll on-plotc figou rc e ncased m snakv black sra le s ! H er type was unmt ;;ta k.\blr~ ~ nd L \\ as med1ta llng o. fe\\. pla. 1n wo rds to 1\1ortJ­mer on th e s ubJeCt of lcttmg su ch a thmg happen when he came beanung up to me And, of cour se, ~be was the lady, and very s1mply and s11eet ly s he gree ted me, with some murmur of hav­ing hea1d a g reat deal about me , whtch I was too da2ed to an s" er properly. I g ot n11ay from her as QUickly as I could, and found Clare Sanborn and 1 eddy Wels h lurkm g hehmd some palms, l ookmg JUSt the way I felt.

~~ar~s 1~h~n~0~g~ 1~cg3;c;,~~;c s ~o~~~~~ cd1tor, and thcv bot h were fon d of Mort tmer, a s , m deed, cveq one was, m a fasl11on. T eddy pulled up a seat for me, and 1 dropped hmply dow n

'1That poor, de ar, good MortJmer I"

said Clare, and she actuoll y had tears 1n her eyes.

" ll al\ came lw to be such a litt le fool '" I burst out.

"But he always wa s," said Clare l~~~:;; "Only 1t hasn' t jllattered be-

Mortimer flew by us at th at moment, look mg so radiant that 1t nearly broke our hra r ts .

Overcoats-Rainproof and Coldproof.

Ar e all our •c;,cl ,•t s send1ng to S} d­Jl('Y for th t' tt g Jocc·Iv requtrcmcnls? \\(' kno" th.lt g 11· l l num ber s of the m ar r, :tncl m.d-..~ng mOJH') out of sending, too, ~ L tht• "'lllH' LIIHe "r expect there :"lrl' :1 good 111 111\' \\ ho h J\"f' no t tried H

)et, and \ \C w ~tnt to :tR":un urge them to kct p so mt• of the11 hard cm ncd wage> " ' th CJ r pockets . by sav1 ng nwncy on th ese household nccessttt rs. T.he pri ces cha1 ged f01 g1ocenes by btg houses like As h wood's Ltd ., for m­stance, show very substantHt l savtngs on countrv a nd even suburban pn ces, ~nd on the Plln c1ple that th e money 1~ as good 111 1our pockets as m those of tl~ e local sto1 ckcepe1, you sho uld cons1der the ad1•.sa b1h t) of send1ng your orders olong Don '! make the m1stake of thtnkmg the1e 1s am profit tn the matter for us , 1f you send along an order for Town Shopper to place , you ca n be as s ured th at the re is no profit OI ptck mgs in Jt for us, we are JU St 111 th e same posttton a s though you sent d1rect. \Ve desi re to help you save moncv bv shopp1ng in Sydney or by r ecommend•ng reli ab le fi rms Ashwood's Ltd . a1e ab le to supply all ' 'out groccrv needs a t l O\\CSt c tty rntf's, and •f you o r ~ out to m~ kc you r cash go as fa r as you can, thf'n vou ca n ex­tend tt by shopping 111 s, dne) gener ­a ll y, a nd Ut As hwood's, for g1oce11 CS, •n pa1 tt culat. Send a tn al order and test the mat ter \\'e have been' able to save mo nev , or rather to lllCI CLlse the spcnd•ng power of a· gre,tt number of our r eaders by placutg orders for them, ancl 11 c a te quJte willing to do the same for l ou.

. the thou sands of sattsfi ed weare rs a s a proof tha t th ey ar c a bl e to de liver the goods . Moreover anv dissa ti sfied cus­tomer 1nll bavc his 'money cheerfully re turned, clearly s how1ng that the firm are not a fra1d to back the ir smts agamst you r money. The sta ff of ru t~ Lers a nd tai lors employed are th o­roughly qualdicd m the art of cloth es maktn g, mdeed , th ey clmm to be able to reproduce sat!Sfactonly anv model or style m existence, tn addtt!On to giV ..

ing- ~cveral ong ma l styles of their own At Ill ices raJtglllg f10m 63/- to 95 /­and from a very wide range of all the last moment t \\ c.eds , \\ orsteds , etc., you can have JUS.t what your particular fa ncy dictates. Counuy readers should send for a range of patterns , self-measurement form accompames tt, and wc as k all to m entton the "Co-operator. ,,

:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ";'c~'J'~-'.t 1~'nc't 5~~~reb~~~'~ ~ ae)~~~ai~:~e

For the las.t th1 ee m onth s the wea­ther has been neJther summer nor wm­tcr, ca usm g the firms who cater fl)f

seasonable wc:uables much trou ble to fit the m1d season In. The wmtry con· d1t 10 ns seem w- have now set ID for good, and any 1 eadcrs "ha have held off provtdmg the cold rcststcr should gel In now and secure what ts most necessa ry for ~Cvc ryonc exposed to the weather. Ches terfields and overcoats are now bcgmnmg- to move freely, and those firm s who spec mh se m th ese goods look fo rward to a very Profitable season. Gow1ng Bras , one of the most prommcnt jtate• ers of men 's 11 ca1 g ood s , ha,re a g:reat shO\\ mg- of over­coats both ramproof and coldprooL If vou allc verv partt cu lar and able to pa>' they w1ll tU r n yo u out an overc oat to measure1 tailored from your c hmce of a ve1 y b1g t ange of matenal s, at a cost of from 84/- to 145/-, pnce to a great extent, a<: cordmg to material. In the rready~mad e lQats, however. most of us can be sau sfiecl, tlus sea son 's models bemg m advance of all prevwus years. There Is the " Au stral" double-breas ted ramproof, fur 1\lStance, whtch 1s mad~

1n medium and d ark 11all wool" tweeds. Tlus 1s a 1 ea! traveller ' s

~~~g~, n";d 10cos~~e 45~at~~(~ a~~10~~~: Dark grey cravenettc rainProofs, single breasted, \\tth deep vctHs and etther mside or patch pocke ts arc th e thmg for n~arly any sort of wear, a nd r un from 35/- to 55/- each. Aus tra l Chcst­crs tn all latcs1 d eSigns of med tum and d a rk fan cy tweeds arc pnced 55 ' - to G5/ - - Ltght weight s howe1proofs 111 fancy stnped cravcnctte tn f a\\ 11 and green effects . and w1th R nglan sh nu]~ ders, Pruss tan collars tlncl full sknts, arc avail able at f•om 40 '- to 70/- , m otor coat s, ma cJnt o"'hcs, o ll sktns, 1n black and yellow, and otl sktn ca1Jes and sou' .. wes ter hat s a rc all ,-cr y hea vtly stock­ed lH Go\\ m ,er B1os fol t1us season 's rcqulrcm r nt s , and nt pnccs whtch are not prohJbillve. Get ) our coat ea.rh and say a \\Of<l for Lh c "Co-operator" when \\'rttlllg d1rect. All our advenis­CTS hke to hea r of the pa pe1, and it al­ways does us good.

Warm Outdoor Coats.

A smart double-breasted out-door coat took mv eye yeste rday 1n Am­old 's sho wroom, corne r of Oxford and­Crown Street s, and 1t JOUts to fl1gh t the tdea that a s tyhsh coa t cannot be had for a httle mon ey. Th• s coat was ma rked up at 15/6, and "as a particu­latly we .l l cut coat, 1n a. chevtot serge of grey, had a velvet colla r, patch pockets, a.nd buttons to match. Read-

---·---Pretty Hand Mirrors.

Here is an illus tration of a line of stlvcr plated nickel silver heavy bevel­led ha nd muror, whi ch JS beml!' sacri­fi ced a t Joe Dav.s ' to cl ear. The back , t~S can be seen from th1 s illustratwn, 1~ handsomely embossed 1n various pretty des1gns, and although most of these have been cleat ed, there are a few left at the same pnce as the

ers " tll eas1ly see bv a g-lance at thi s j tllustrat10 n that not onlv has this coat a sman appearance, LlUt 1t should wnbout doubt prove a fi'n e cold re­S!stct , too, and at th-e pncc, 15/6, tt 1s r rst. Only 4/6, or post free , 5/3 . The a 1eal bargatn. T he coat ,. m st ock r eason the cost 1s so low is that Joe m many g rey and green calor effects, D avis made a s pecia l purchase, and " Co-operators" should send a long and to clear th""' quickly, kept the early wh1lst th ey m oy have a 111de pnce nea rly down to cost. If a ny rea­ciHltCe. When wntmg dwect to Arn- der would hke one, it would be well old and Co., ·plea se ;,l11avs ment10n not to dela1 ; send at once to ] qe thts paper, 11 11tll be to r'our benefit Davts, P ark-street, Sydney. De1ay and ours. may mean dtsappomtment.


Pitt Street Hordcrns are always to the f01 e 111 then millinery show­room, with the damlles t concep­tions of seasonable heada-ear. Many of t heir Winter models are very smart indeed, and comprise the pick of oversea cr eations together with many charmin~r ha ts fashion­ed and designed by their own ar­tis ts. A very smart model is tllus­trat ed here. This has a ful) satm crown and velvet brim, sof t mount across t be front, caught wtth a s trap of velvet and finished w1th buttons and fold of fancy tnmmmg, all m a pretty shade of navy. Cost deltvered anywhere in Austraha, is

~l~ier, ~~~~:,'ako~~jo Bt~e.h~re~~


---+---A very pleasing func tion, arismg

out of tue recent award of th e R at lway and Tramway Sawmdl ers' \\ages Board, took place at the Trades Hall on 'fhursday, 18th of May, when l\11. J, 1 ham as , employees' 1 epresentatwe on the Board, and Mr A. E. j ohn s, secretary of the N S. W Sawmill and Timber Ya rd Employees' Assoctatton,

:~~~~he~~1 ~h~se1~~~~ wi~~a~h~~;~tsE~g~~ played at the Evele1gh, RandWi ek, and R ookwood sawmills . lvh N. Smtth, Eveleigh sawmi ll, occup•cd t he cha1r and after refernn.« to the abk manne r 111 wh1ch these gcnllemen b ad conducted the case on th eJT beha lf and brought 1t to a s uccess ful Issue' called upon Mr. Burell to m ake t h ~ first prese ntation .

Mr. B1rrell sa•d it gave him veiy great pl easure m be<ng selected to make th e presentat•on tu i\!r. Thom as. He referred to that g entleman's oas t sc rvtces on behalf of the sawmtll em­ployees, the care and a bility he always d1splayed 111 protectmg their mtcrests and the esteem m which he had a l: wars been held by hts shopmates.

Mr. Thom as, in th e cou1 se of a lengtqy reply, thanked th em for then beautiful present, a nd said that or all the pre sents he ha d been gwen and the trophies he ha d won, he would al­ways treasure tlus " ' the one he es­teemed the most, commg as it d 1d from men "nh whom be had been as­·OCiated so long. He had bee n a1 er 20 years now II J mg to better h1 s O\\n cond,twn and had at las t succeeded together wnh many others. Jl e as: sured them that th e poSitiOn of em­P!oyees ' t epresentauvc was a , cry pleasant one for !urn, and 1f in tlw fu­tu re h1s se rvices were agam r eqUired they were al\\ays at theu d1sposaJ. ' _Mr. Kmross r efe rred to the pleasure Jt a fforded h1m m mak1ng a pre sent to Mr. Johns tor h1s vet v a rduou s and s uccessful lab or 1n respect to bettermg the condttwns of the woad machin ist s 1n the r atlway and tramway sc rnce and a lso for the effort s he had mad~ for so many years m upliftmg Ius fel­lall·m en. In a skmg h1 s acceptance of tht s token of th~tr esteem, he hoped that he would be spar ed very many years to wear it with honor and es­teem.

. Mr. J ohn s, who wa s deeply touched , 111 thank 111g them for the1r lovely pre­sent , sa•d he hardly knew how to ex­press ht s g1 at nude. T b1s \\as t he first present he had ever r ecetvcd in bts ltre, an d therefore Lt was not ne­cessary to inform them how he would treas ure tt. As th e fir st sec re tat y of the Sawmill Umon s1ncc tt s m ceptton he had seen it pass throug h trouble: some times , but 1t was now progre s· mg as well as could be destred. !le had always tned to do Iu s duty, and he a ss ured th em that he always would try to do so 111 future and would look after thei.r 111terests -w1th the same s tnct cautton that he had done in t he past.

and Prunelle. If any r eader ts in - ,. ____________ _

The Lyceum.

A vis tt to this popular picture house •s a l11 a)> atten ded by mu ch sa tl sfac­tton to the lorgc a ud1cnces that fill the bu!ldtng on e .. ,ch occaswn. "The Fa­tal \\ edd mg " \\ as an enormous suc­ces~, and \\ Jthdta wn la st Sat urd ay t o :1n ovc r-flo\\lng hol! ~e . thou sands bem.cr un a bl e to get adm1s"'o n The PI Cture play was a rcco t d 10 several way s , be­Ing the fines t vet seen, and drew b1g busm ess. ll l r Spence r tS now show­ing a r ea lly fine Jll og-1 am me of sub­Jects, 111 th D on Morgan a~ a star. Great cnthu ..., ta sm preva il s each even· ing. Mr. Spencer changes hts pro­gramme every Mond av and Thursday, with ma unccs \\ rdnrs d;n s and Satu r· dars. A wotd or [)la.-.; l S due to the excellent orches tra and effects.

t erested in hats, whether u tmmcd or untrimm ed, a pos t card to li ar dern Bros . wtll bring the latest 11 lustrated catalogue per return m atl

As Others Saw Him.

A rath er pompous-looking deat was endeavonng to tmpress upon tl raung minds of a class of boys t l 1n1partan ce of hl•mg a Chnsttan Jtf,

"Why do people call me a Clms an, cluld1 en ?" the worthy d1gmta1 asked, s tanding very erect and sm ing down upon them .

A moment ' s pause-then a shrill I tle votce was heard to say; " Becau they don ' t know )OU-" ___ ...,_____

A Pointer for Mother.

When th e small boy of tbe fam needed a new pa1r of trousers, Moth thought it would he m ce to let h choose the I;1nd he wanted. So 11 I they got to the clothter's she sa•d him: "Kow, IV!lhe, >OU may ch< fr om these pants on the counter

I "S p 1 _ d _ d pa1r you hke. "

ay , at, P 1\Va t ~ ~ IS tmfr ey I ~~cc-e her e's Illy chmce Ma JJ

<:~~ a chafing d JSh ?" asked T•m. Willte. ' "See the card 1" ' ' _Why, man, don ' t ye kno w ? It's a 1t read : " The se pants can'•

frymgpan dat 's got tnto socJety." bea ten."

The absolute purity of ·sunlight Soap makes it alone safe for

dainty ~~M laces and"""".....,.......,. linen.



' ' PU"K 'COD ACT 1808,' ! aY LIV~IIII BJtOTWI.Re l.IMIT£0,

.WONI:Y. N • W fllo IT

h1m up ?" He shook hi s heau. Tedtl y was a

l ittl e ha rd to bear at that period, he 11as so full of 11 orldlv knowled~e. H e made you wan for his utterances, and barely moved ht s llJ~ S wh en at las t he d1d speak , so that you had to a sk " What ?" u nttl you were funous.

"A man in that sta te ca n' t be waked up," he explamed pa t1 ently. "The only 11 ay 1s through the g 11l ''

"Ask her to let him go 1" The crass ignor ancc of th1 s sugges tion seemed to hurt h1m ; he wm ced and moved bts shoulde rs uneaslly. " \VeJI, \\h a t, then ?" I as ked, somewhat sha rply.

Th e answer was evident!)' too obvi· ous to be endurable m \\ ords, but he fin ally bro ug-ht 11 out: "Shove some­thing better 11110 her way."

"And you th1nk she would t hrow htm OVCl ?"

"I don't n<Ocd to 'think.'" he s m1led faintly; " I simply know it. Such ~ ma1nage \\ould broaden and deve lop some fell ows ," he went on reflec tively. " In suc h a case I should not hft ~ fin ger ~ga111st tt. Du t Morll mcr 11111 not gatn b}' the cxpen cnce; he w11l be irretncvably hutt."

\\'e could hear Mm timer laughing, the ni ce, plu mp laugh that must so soo n be et u sh ecl out of h1m tf he mar­r ied that woman. I think 11 e all r ea­l ised at th e same ins tant th at 1t s1mply mu st not happen. C la re and I began to tn.lk wavs and mean s-vet~~ Ineptly, no doubt, for Tedd v was presently ii­nt "ted mto t akmg cha rge h1m sclf.

"It 1s perfectl y !:nmplc, 11 he assured us. "You have only to mlt oduce her to some fool w1th money-she will do th e Iest. T rust he r ,

"Where can \\C lind the fool wi th money?"

" \\ hr -Oh, I sa1· ! I have him I" In spit e of himself. the boy under­neath fl ashed ou t for a mom ent. " I know an 1d10t who has just pulled a fortune out of r oulette. She could land h1m in a week, \\tth Mort1mer out of th e way"

"Then we IVIll g et him out of the way/' we dec.l::ued.

It "as n ot ca~y to d evise a plan f01 thi s. We 1\eJe qutte s lumped until Clare th ough t of the Expo sn10n. The paper had its 1 egul a r m en out th ere, of cour se; hut she contended that thev ought to send a man of a ln erary cast, bke Mum mer , to ptck up s 1de 1mpres­sions and h1 stoncal alll1ston, un.:l a;J that . This seemed so bnlh ant that we went st ra11rht down to the managing edl\or 1\lth the sugges tiOn, and Tedd)• actua lly condescended to watt m the corndor, and see what luck \\ e had .

At fir s t 11e had none at a lL The managmg edtt or m all g en•ahty sat on the propos lliOn \\ 1th a fi nnne~~ that left u s onlv tll o a ltc• nat<vc s. \Ve rose to acce pt the fir s t , then J vecr.cd over to the second , and told hnn the whole st01 y, He wa s onlv a mu sed at fir s t , but he finally rccogmscd th e se• ;ous­ncs< of the case, and 11 hen we offered up two week s' salary each to help de­fray th e extra expense , he came nght down and satd he wou ld do 1t \\ ithout that-Morum rr wa s a s tll y li ttl e chap , hut he 11as fond of hnn and 11 a uld g ladly keep hnn out of a scrape. A n<l >O 11 e went out rCJOtcmg, and Teddy nearly looked pleased .

Mott1me1 's p11de 10 h1s commission made us ache.

"1 t does seem as if every good thing \\ere com mg to rn e nt on ce," he con­fided to me. " Th er e's that queenly g 1rl, born to th e htg hc st soc•ety-is n' t tt just like a fa try tale? And now bemg picked out and sent like this to the Exposllton- 1 declare. 1\ft ss Dun ­can, I don't dar e mcrze. I 'm so afra td I ' ll wake up ! " And he laughed all over wht lc I nearly cned. For the m o­ment I hea1 ttly 1\is hed tha t we need not save hun.

He came down the next m orning to :trrange hi s afTatrs, for he was to leave by the m ght tram.

"Do go to sre Mi ss Farnum," he '>egged as he "rung am hands. "Look >Ut for her a little-will you, T cddv ? ' he doc sn ' t k now many people here. "

" I \\Ill sec· tha t she has company," "eddv promtsed, and Morumer 11as so •atcful that we were as hamed to ltft m eves . I le 11 a s to be g one three weeks, and

'nddv assured us that tha t 11 as am ple '!le-for her sort. lie had arra nged •< campa1gn very ckverly, and had a •ong case of piqued cunosity_ "1th a ·al 1n r eserve , t eady to offer up to tss Fnrnum the moment her v1 ct1m 1s off. A gl1mpse of her on th<' •ect that afternoon , her lmpos<~ hlo ir a nd figure drrt\\ mg ::t ll c\ c :; ti.ft~ r

" f as she ~\\ CPt up Broaoway on '••cc-inch he els , qu1te sNtled my · ruples Good httle Mort1m er de­rvrd a better fate than that. When I arrived at the off•ce th e next

nr.rrq ov "T',..,.J ~l, was mu~wg over an

Mn.y 2tS, 1911.

open letter. 1 re ·~emed even more dtstnchncd to s peec h than u >ual, so ! turnrd to n~y deoi<, but JJresen tly J was 1nte•• upLcd br the nppeamnce of the open letter, laid 111 front of me without comment. I t w.l> •n Uorum er's hand­IHI!tng, and br van 111t h n g r eat llour­~> h or lllk.

" \\ " h me J<>l" , dear old r hap! We \\C t"C mnrt trd h:1lr nn huu r a.'(O, and ~te nil to 1h r l ·.,.pn~ ltlO n for our wed~ d1ng tn p. ll o11 " that fur a g 1rl-"to g1vc up u ou~qau Llnd b aadc smatd s an d .tl l lh .lt , ;1nd JJl.U ry on three hou r s ' nuu tc? And n \\Lls ~Ill her U\\n 1dca. l am the h~pJHCbl fello11 allvc, and 1 \\ 1s h you a ll dw ~arne Jnr , !:loo uc r or f.tter . 0[ OU ISe, J >ha ll nut le t thiS mterfete 111 the s!Jg hte st 111 th my du u c> to the ofl•ce. ),xpcct copy "1 hu1 sday at lat<·s t.

Wnh 1\ arm H'g:uds to all, I· a1thfully yours ,

1\lORTlMJ:.H ' \\'ILLEY. "

Well, t lteJe Ica lly wasn 't anytluni to say. 1 hanc.ll'd ll uau •. vc ty s.~aty . •

" lt s he 1111 1 un ly IJe la tr Jy l!'uod to hu n I" 1 Sign ed.

"But wll ,tt tn thunder does she want of bnn ?" mu sed i eclcly,

Tt1at 11 as ihc 11 cck tna t my amazmjj" legacy from Aunt Lau~:t came l1ke a de!I vcnng angel. l.l are was on ly too glad to >tep tnto my place at the olhce, so I rc~ tg-n cd at onre and set out for h om e .. the mo..,.l ctllC'd } oung woman on the >UbJ CCt' of fr cc ttom and JOUr­nalts <H tha t eve • fi e''· back to a dear shabby, pcacelul old home-nest. Clare soon left thf' uScnunPIJ' to do maga~ zme 11 u1 k, and I hea rd lmle or nothmg about the people thc t c unul 1 was 1n the ctty agam, t \\ o vears later. 1 wa~ gomg down to sec th em a ll , but before l found lime I rnc t ~1oitlmcr \\tllcy on the s treet. llc ru shed up to roe, and, to my ama1.cmcntJ 1 found h1m so JJiu mp, so rachant, that 1 presently venture d a cau1wu s,

" How are th mg~ gomg \\lth }Ou?" " \\ ords r.lll t dcscnbe 1t! \\ hy

1\fJ ss Uun can, 1 thdn't kno\\ a fellow cou ld have "" h happiness-didn' t know It C>.l stccl " li e was unmiS­takab ly >~ nce1c. "ll:ve1y umc 1 look .tt tlu t queen ly g n l, an d reali se that s he IS my Wife- ! tell l ou It takes you nght hrrr. i\nd we ' ve got a lml.e g lll-d•dn' t you kn ow th at? Do go up and sec her nght now, she 1s 1n wnh a co ld, and w1 1l be so pleased l And I " ant you to sec ou r !la t."

Of cou 1 se I went, as fast as th e Ele­vated could take me \\as 1t a case of reform-should I find he1 10 the black gown and tut n~over collar and cu ffs in 11 h1ch the crun!f turn over a new leaf? Or 11 as poor 1\ lorttmcr bemg adrmtly fooled and used? And 11hat had she wanted of hnn, an; \1 ay 1

The fir s t g limpse flouted the reform th eory. The pink sa ttn neglige was as flamboyant as the brtt tle yello\\ batr; and the face was a s elabora tely touched up as ever. She greeted me wnh very sim pl e cord taht), and asked m e to come IntO her bedroom as the sun " a~ su cam mg m ther e. I was sho11 n the small daughte r, and all our ta lk was of homel) domes u c things such as any prosa•c little 11 1fe rntght have di scu ssed l '"" ' puzz led, a httle llll tated, her affectatiOn or <tuptd!ly seemed to me overdone. On the dress­in g-table was a g lanng :u ray of bottles, ja rs and cosmcucs , all in gold ftllg1 cc cases, and p resently, impanent to get somewhere, I ventured to notico them.

" Aren' t they hanusome !" she re­turned. " Th ey \\ ere mv mother's."

"I have never used these things; I shouldn ' t know how to go about it,'' I hoza rdccl.

"Yes, I have noticed tba t vou !iter· a ry lad1es don't," she assellt.cd p]a .. ctd lv. " I suppose it belongs to fash­ton ablc hfe. My m ot her and all her fn ends did--she moved 1n a ve ry bril­liant cn clc. Sh e \\as such a regal 11 om an . Miss Duncan I I wish you could have seen her. I was at the convent m os t of the time. but home was just like fa•rylan(l."

"Do tell me about 11." I was be-ginmng dimly to suspect.

"1 was there ~o litt le it' s hke a: d ream. My mother enter ta tned pro­f u se lv, and gen tlemen rallrd every dav, at all hours, and gave her beautiful pt e scnts--everybody s 1mply •dolts ed her I When I \\ as etgbteen 1 was to go home, and the nun s Clled d1eadfullv about it , but I w,ls so happy I could hardl y bea r it. And then, just a month befor e my birthday, she dtcd."

\\'e sat s ilent un ttl her lips were steady aga in.

"What dtd you do tben ?" I asked finally,

"I staved on wi th th e sisters for three yC':1r s. T here really \\ as n't a ny­thmg else to do. We hadn't a smgle rel ative, not even a cou sm, 1t was very quee r, a nd I thmk mv mother felt badly about it, for she never hked to speak of it. For oil she had been so Jich, the estates 11 ere qutte small; but it gave me enough to live on, and when I came to the city I sttll had all her beautiful clothes-they only needed a htt le altcnng. "

"You came to the citr ?" I suggested. "Yes. I thought I ought to see

someth ing of the 11orld. so I took room s at th:r t bo'u dmg-house. The nuns hated 1t , and tbcy told me dread­fu l thmgs abou t the 11otld-oh you ' d never believe I Thcr d•dn't frigh ten me; I knew 111 my heart 1t " "' all non­<cn se So 1 came down. An d there I met l\11. \\'li lcv. He was at the table t hat fit st n1~ht. " She drew a deep bte~ th . " li e's so g-ood and dear. a nd so bnlli~nt! I never dream ed t hat a htermy g entlema n could see anytlung m me. I sn 't hfc wonderful, Mtss Duncan !"

"Indee d. in deed , it is !" I said sol­emnly, "1tb apology m my heart.

A Creat Success.

"How i s tbe new fihng svs tem? Success ;• asked the agent of the mer­chant to whom he had sold a "system" a few days before

"Great. " sa1d t h e m et chant.

h t~, Y,~~~!" ~.~~~d tl~~~~~~~ 11 ~us'.~~~~?~ "Business?,) echoed tll e merchant.

"Oh, we have stopped busmcss to at· tend to the filing S} s tem. "

----·---She Wanted His Size Slipper.

T he curate had JUS t ar m·ed. He was youn g-. handsome and smgle, and consequentlY vcn· popu lar \ll th t he lad 1es of the pansh, whose app recta­tlon took the us ual fat m of worked shpprrs .

th~s fat~tecr~;~ ~~~ e~t 1~\;e b~1ao'~~~-te~~~:~ . ,' " You see 1 wanted to make our dea r cm a tc a pau of sltpp cr s, and 1 thought you nnght lend me one of Ins old shoes to get the s12e."

" L aw, nu ss; ' \\a s the reply, 11 t he shoes ts all a-g11 en o ut four day s ago I And 1t \\ as on ly ycsterdav morning a lady came here a -unplon,ng of me to let her measu re the wet foot· mark tn the rcvc1 end g entleman's bathroom 1mmed1 ately he had gone out. ' 1 ---------Plenty of Experience.

"Urgent" was Wllltcn on her card, and the att ractl\'C young lady was s h o~> n into ' the consultmg-room of S1r Cboppha m r yne , heao of the fa­mous s urgical hospttal m Splmt­shnc.

" And wha t ts the matter w1th you?" satd the g reat m an .

" l \.Vt sh,'' s he ans\\ CJed , " to become a nu r se 1n tlus mst ttu tion . "

fh e 'urgeo n tapped a t houghtful tooth \\ nh h ts lance t "Farst one qu estion. llavc you had any 'previ­ou c; C'Xpcnence ?"

She dazzled b1m \\ith a reassuring smdr.

"'F:xpcucn ce I" she cncd , "! s hould JUSt thm k •v Two of my brothers play foot ball , anoth er has tried to cJoss the Channel 111 a.tl aeroplane of ht s own make, mother is a suffra­fOelte, ~ n-1 fother kccus o. motor-car. "

May 25, 1911 THE OO·OP&RA.TOR. 3

THE l.YCEUM I The Turf: The l atter, htl\\ evt'r l ad he1 me>.

smc at the dtstance a HI d1 "' 1 g a" 1Y defeated Domm1on b) a {ouple ol lcng hs \ Ion \\O S a h1lf lor gth behmd t he second horse and h~> nca c~t opponent~ \\Crf' ~llnbex1a

LOCO. RUNNING AND REPAIRS ger tra n \\here th1s \\as not the r ule l llr~~~~~----•••••••••••••••••••••111!11· \1 hen a helper \\ •s u-;ed ahead of the •

~ole Dlttetot •••.......••.. ••.. C. Spea eet

IV1111118S AT a M&TIIIt:t:l WID AND UT I 30

Notes and SelectioRs (&y " Musket.")

t cguln en!S•n~ for 1 f< v m les up a STEP INTO FAY'S "ecp [;"rade Roundm!'( t cune to tiH h h tl e helper cngme SU \\ ~om c !).CCt ton

- ---Answers to Queries.

SPENCER'S THEATRESCOPE CO., R F r au 'econd to Rcg n the b1g

race at Mooreficld but the l1tter \\ as a lot too good fot hmt over the last bn Reg IS 0\1 ncd b, Andv Kerr of long- odds fame and thl< popular field Ct made no secr et of h s hur ' e s chance of >ucce-. consequenth all Iu s fremd s \ Cre on good tern s \ tth thcmsch e~ \\hen the bnk' J)rad b01dcd hom e "ell m ad\ a nee ~f ln ~ o!>ponen~s

H obble Sk1rt and llandblll

an~h;e~~';,tdo~);~~' 11~d ~~/b,~ll~~~nr;r~: One of t~e ' tr0171{e<t t ; s for a b !l

Rtvors•ng Rod ami Plata Test ­\\ th.out tak ml! off the •te un C\ I nde< head of the 8 m cl purnp or of the g ~ 1 H'h pump h a v can , ou dctcrmm c \\h e ther tl e re \ersmg valve t od 1s b1okcn or 1hether tl1'c reVClSID!< plate

m en on n hnnd cat on a bndg< IU >t A d '11 b ' g "lh t f t'OD •he ad and " l"• tted stop r11c seconu n you Wl step OUt eamm Wl sa IS ac I • cng1ncer <'ou ld not ~e~ them d1d I ot 1ea.h !:)e th r cmctgenc:\ and m 1dc a scr \I C'C 1cchnon l hr lan<.lr r \\ a!) ~tn ck at ~ 1 0 !0-.])~t.:cl a nd one m:J 1 " a!; t h o vn fro n1 tlw br d~ <' 111d \::t ~ cl a n J.rrrous h 1f n n f 111l l• InJured An <lll Ci g:c n n :1ppl1r:1. t on dd ha \ c sa \ ed th1 s SC' ond cou nt n C' m r rgcn c tes and th r n1 a n nh t.:acl can ~cc bes t

The Home or Ptctures,

A cre:at vnrtet) or t c I :.l test Sub e~ta n Mot on Photogra.p1 y nc1ud ng

Moorcficlu un Saturda ) goes to sav I ar (heap for w n o ume \\as Ors dc for rl at the ro mpam 1he) met \\ere of not the ~ l oorehcld llanrl cap He opened much la's \I hen racmg a t pon y t G to 1 and 'm a ncd at that pnce

DAM MORGAN m~llng tl e<r t\\v \ e1e \en oltcn 11 tluough tl e betung bcatrn b\ m akes \\ ho coneded them * * *

IS loose 1-\\ f Answer - I\ 1th steam shut off and

ull pump dram cock, open rcmovp tt e reversm g \ a lve cap nu t \.fs ng- \\as tc n glo•e o r pl1ers take hold of 1h e ex posed end of t be rc, cr< ng- ' :tl~r rod Jnd hft c.. ~u e £ulh un t I n: ~Hc;;tantc c;

fe lt lf the rod 15 broken th uppo e nd " ll USUJl\y CO IIl C OUt \ 1th01 t JC St!; tan cr but 1£ n ot the I C' \ l!rs n g va h r plate Ill be felt \1 h en t he but on on the lo 'er end of the rod '. trIe s thr pl a tr In t l c.. l<lttr r cas r t dc.:mor n ex t t > I ft the tod t 1rthe• a nd f tl" pla te u 1p sc r c\\ S a1 e loose tl e p la te wtll 1 f

Pr ce!t as Usual Plan P!l l n&s

\\Cight I Rr c:: 1t one wr c " 1s at 5 to 1 but ~ * ,.. O\\ ncr Aoch Kc1 r put m h1 ~ " lll

Ors le pan ned out n fro t on Sat \\h eh mu 't ha\C been a LH Ct t\ b ~ 01 e

The Ne•H·a, tl c Cup " 1nner Strath roy~le '' as a s kinner fot the 1 om

urd ' 1n the b1g race at Mooreficld Jl dg ng ll\ 1he mann c1 11 \ h eh th e He never once looked like takm 1t d es tnut ,'hort< ned 1 1 P er llr \\ a' out fir at r; t 1 l at flog loll and be<

Jack o·oea, ~~lfss tl~b anm~~t:~~ "~~t " 1 noia~t~ll • • b1<l eel of otl e1s ttt• cil of the t I <J

Sant~ago ha, cos t Sydne' punters a nent onr d \\ ete I uoau e and Rostc enough to sugge'l h rn sconng 111 Sa t urda\ s event 1 I~\ l ran h1m \t:l\

clo•e and on]) suflercd a half head defeat !lrackcnbut g \1 as tl11rd Con sequen h tbe placed horses balled

~ng- o:,e';~onc\0 ~ n~c c ~~~~~~n~rpe~~~~5 1r0a;t; of Lanras t c~ he has been hea\11 b acked but fa1kd



Paddock at Randwick ud all PoAy Meat~ngs

S P ON ALL EVENTS •1 Cowm1ss1ons Executed JU Small and Large ~mounts

'Phone 576 Rand,


Grow Your Own Vegetables !

Try Our Cottagers Collection One plil.cket each

Beet Ca.uhllowcr Cucumber Carrot L e ttu ce Omon. Sw~de P ~rsn P

A:a..tH•h Turn•P Tomato

For 1 /6 post pa1d Ster1 nt Value

P.L.C.SHEPHETW & SON Ltd Seedsmen and Nur~er1o men

(Foundod 1827) 202 Pott St Sydney








- SH. MAY 27 - WED MAY 31


J UNDERHILL Soo Phone 2082 11 Ellzabet:h Street

Albert Maher Reg AJ C

M ember


LEG ER at all Sydney Race Meehngs


Rose hill, Saturday, Randwtck, next



from S) dnel * Call Boy cam(' " rroppcr near the

home bend tn the l'\ c\\ caot le Cup and <has te \I 1se man and Safrano fell over h1m C ll B01 !ltobabh galloped on one of Ins OD.I>Onent s heels

• * .. At the post Argument s tamls all

nght hut he w1ll not lea\C the mark "hen the st arter shouts go 0 1 Saturdal: he dtd not go nft er Ius I 0rscq t 11 they had travelled near!) IOU\ ards \1 h eh na urallv >)lOIIt Iu s chance of success

" .. Pensant " I o I as a g-ood Queen s

l;~na~,f,e~t~~'re~t.n"~he aFh~~~o~~le ~~ds after meet ng '' 1t h 1ntereference \\on cast l1 h) a couple of lengths from ShafteS>bur)

* * .. There "as plent) of das h ID Am• cams d spla\ m the Hurdl e Race at

~~~ol;efie~•~e~o~~~~:;ubl~tso,o:r ~~;e tl~;t quarter of a m• le !le has not been long at hurdlmg and as he 1s a f1ne b g fello' and a bold jumpc! th ere ap pears to be a good future 10 ' tote for han 10 thts depart m~nt of racmg

" . Laughcra after gett ng r d of hts

nder 1n th e Hurdle Race at Moore field JUmp ed all t he heurdle!i D cely ,.,thou t hts ptlot .. ~ *

Fred f oote and Pcrs1an }e\\ell were the onl) s t trters m the Q T C St L eger the former scor ng Pcrstan }e\\ell \\a s fO\on te at 5 to 2 on aDd af ter a btttcrh cont<'sted race "as de feated by a *half he,.ad *

A strong fa,or te n M1ss Gavonn1 "ent under w the Stradhrol e Handt cap on Satu da) He 1an second 1n the Thou,and at the Alb10 Park meet ng recen t\\ and \\ as looked upon :1.G a certnmh for the b1g race la't Saturda So h1 s no ~here came as u surpnsc

* * * A so rn perfo rmance \ a!:) the out

come of ~l1n o r ' ex ploit 1ll th r Hu rdle Race a r l>l oo refi eld !le should have run cons dcr1b l\ bcttet on lns recen t runnmg a t Rand\\ ck and Cante rbury.. but the m an ner n \1 Inch the geld ng " "' handled d d not >Ull h• s m am backers

* * .. The open ng 11 and1cap dec ded at

Ne' cast le on San rdo. cnt to ~1a lt Man ll 3 to 1 11ho •on ell ' lv by t\\ O length from 1h< f 1\ 011te f. [a. u ' On f.lal t ill n s 1un ng at th e teccn t r artersall s Club meet ng she appear

ed o be a s plend•d In\ estm ent at the abo\ C pncc

* Those m search of a good da ) " rac

mg " 11 find H at \ 1ctor a P ar k on Sa.tt rda\ fh r sum of 50 c;u " ou t of tl e ga te mon e\ \\111 be de \ oted to lSS s t 1n :.c ndm K ~om e ot our cadets Ome . .

A n orthern fi'tu e that hould at tract a good fC\\ \dnc\ \ s Hot .., next Satutda) ., the Cessnocl J C Meet

lllg * * T he Austr~han J ocke; Club hold s a

meetmg on \\ edncsda' next One of tl e pon. club s •>as done out of a dav s racw>r through the 1\ J C ]umptng ItS date The Kens mgto11 Rac mg Club fir s t cla med next \\ cdnesda• but of cours e the pom club 1s not fooh sh enough to bump a Rand\\ICk fixture-

" . . BtlCbeeru "ould no doub t ha\ e ac

counted [or th e Scar borough \\ clter on Saturda\ had s he been mo c vigorou s ly ndden at the fim sh . . .

llad the fi eld fo r the Opemng Hand cap wl eh ' as dec1ded at Ne\\ cas tl e on Saturdav s tarted 1n S\ dnev 1t 1s a lmost cella n that Malt Man \\Ould have gone out at nothmg- beller than 5 to 4 nstead of 3 to 1 winch \\as ob ta ned up nort!:J . ,. .

to n n up to cxp cta.twns • * ..

Mctalh s t ""' ob<cned to be co rn ng alnog e ll m the Hurdle Haec on

Sat urda' at !lloorcfie ld but he " •' not good enough to out T emom• ood \\ho \\ On ea" h Metall s t ho e er m:n be ha nd' <' I c long 111 a JUmpmg event at one uf the suburban meet 1n g.._

- .. * \\ nr Sta r \\a' not b ack ed I ea1 I) n

th~ F h ng Il l le on San rda 1 but he does not take t he C\ c at prcsP:nt

- .. * P add\ Nolan too k AdJacent to Ne \\

ca s tl e last c< k " tl a , C\\ lo cop tJing- the Open ng- ll and ca p but the c;, afton ma re fa •lecl to fill a drum She ho\\e\er •s .en \ell and ma~ soon pl ace a \\m to her accoun t . . .

Kurnell s th rd 1n tl1 e Op en ng- Han d1rap sa\< he " pretl> \\ell Th e p~ld ng " 11 be hand' soon 10 a m1d dle d1 stance race

* * .. No one wdl begrudge And < Kerr

the b g pom bookm oker the wms re centh recorded for h m b• Reg Th e gen a! Coogee Bum m IS n sport to the core and t l c public kno" th e• 1r on a tn er "hen bar kmg 1 s hor e n the \\a Reg hos bFen o spl e nd d vest ment Bought b l11s r r r.:;pn t o f1

about m 1e mnoth s ogo for l OO f' 1 n eas he 1 as started tlnrteen 1 mrs smce out of \\ h eh be I as " on '"'en t mes second tw 1ce nd thnrl thr re tunes He has 'on near! £ 1 noo ol reoch 1n s tokes alone for the por br kn ght of th e ba~ \n offer of £400 1\ as r ecentlv refused fo r the horse

* • • Thoug h R o<~ of [ onco<ter fo d ed

t\\ ce ot \loo rc ~ell 'hr ' I kel to set up " fa r "" 1 at Ro <eh 11 1n wh chever m ce sh e s t1rt s Th s m1re \\On a ~rood do 1hlc t \\ ar\\ cl !-arm ol o 1 t\\ elve m or th' agn one! s i e 1<0 ld onh need to he at I e r bes t to g1ve Sat urd rn s dou~le ~ sh 1bng- •

Mr Cl 1nc• < geld ng Terrag'ong-1 :1c:; not c:; \('I ~ PDf'~u ed ovrr hL rdl es 10 p 1bl r b t f I r b rh h m m the r ace ot Roseh 11 t ran be pur do n to th e horse hav ne:: • ho\\ n h1m someth1ng prem good ;n h s ;' or! *

C st < enS!' • gecl n a counle of t"\ C' n t-.: to br rl,nclcd n connrctwn

th the Rosch 11 mee t n,.- on Soturd'l\ H e < 10t t oil hndl t reated 10 ether on. I f sto rt ed the chestnut w1ll not lack pub! c su pport

* .. * To• ulo hoe clnnr \\PI! s 1nce hr ' on nt

R nn I cl Tlr , ] np r I ala <1: 1 cch ovPr n. m lr nn T C'" ' mn 1 ng- GT1 thP

<rra« t rock ot R '' d 1 ck ond should run p1rt1cul rh 1 11 1n the b1g race on Saturd a\ nt Roseh 11 . .

T he T ortl Robert< llan rl CJn to be run a t \ rtor a P 1rk " onh half a m le \1 h cl ohou lr.l un Sa !let;

• * * On Tht rS<IO\ n e~! the Tll a\\ arra R or

n~ (I! h \\ 11 I old •t < ~ st meet mr and tud g- Dff 1}\ tl e excel!~ t oil ro nd e I r es ecr ved tlw fixture should be \\ell p1 tron1 <ecl The pnnCIPal e\ ent to be d ec 1ded IS the llla\\ a rra Cup


L as t Saturd a s m eet ng of the ~loore ficltl Rac~ng C lub \\as held m fin e \leather and the attendance pann ed out abom the be st on record for the club . .

Lemon\' ood 'as the fir st '' mner scor ng 111 the ll urd lc Race for wh1ch he \\ ent out 'ol d l1 bacKed but he 'as hatdl) a s much m reques t as

Am corn .. *

Th ere s nan> n true \\ ord spok en m Jes t \\I e ' j ack 1\ foore annexed the S) dne)' Cup " th Mat ll a I re member sa\ 11\g to Junm' Mutton that he \\ould be the next to wm a Cup 1 he u expected happened OD Saturday dten the \C te an " th the J\c\\castl e Cup \\ tth a rank outs1der 1n Strath ro) ale

Th e latte r veut ugl t a"al \\lth the lead and led b) nea rh 1u lengths a f ter travcr .:~lng a mllc but Lemon\ ood commc 1ccd to clo~e on hnn atter th s and c C'ntu a1h "on ea.;. h by s tx lengt l s lrom Meta l! st 'ho JU St cut Amtcorn out of second m one\ "h1le M no n~ '' ~ ppcd tn it or near I;. so

Pen sant a strong t1p for the Fh: mg M .! ~ \\ as backed from G to 1 do 'n to half that pr ce \\ h1le Rose of Lancastc1 "as \\ell supp<orted at 7 to 2 The frn ont e ho \ e\ er ''a s Mc1e1 at u to 2 and t l o~e \\ ho back ed I m \\ ere not ~ all pleased v. bcn they

• .. * Cremal to \1 ho r a n a JrOOcl fourth to

Torula at the recent Rand1\1Ck meet

~~g ~~~,scas~f~n~~ uga~~rd~~ 0 ~~~a s ·~h~

ob<crvecl h~> l ad get a \a\ * * *

The \\Inn er t rned u p In Pen sant \1 ho on handth b) a couple of


Celebrated Bread.l ENMOAE TERMINUS.

Rlnt up TELEPHON E 18 for cart to call

nearest to vtn.n1ng he got \\as 1n be mg beate n half a nee ! by M10cene m the Hamtlton Hand icap ..

S1 dn<!y horsemen h ad a good ume m Ne\\cas tle on Saturdav when thev were succes~fu l m no less than fi• e

lengths from Shaftesbury and R F \\ha cut out tl c runnmg \\as a fan th1rd Mere• and Rose of Lancaster \\ ere the neares t of ot hers to the plac ed horses but each may "1n a race soon . . .

Menes a son of Duke of M eltat 'as ru<hed b) bac kers for the Kog a rah St a kes bt t the bookmak ers 1 '"' S had hiS fa vor tc fh e prad \\ent to th e post ver) I ot at 6 to 1 \\h1le Sanua~o 1 as backcil flom 6 to 1 to u to 2 a cl outs ide of them JO to l \\ a' la cl though some c.f the roug-h stu fl

" ' J mm1 Ilack et of trottmg- fame mu s t ha\ c put n some good \\Ork on Vcronne to uet her to run a m de r ght out F o r pnor to ann ex1ng a heat of 1he Fl) mg I [an d cap at I PI? ng- la s t \eek the mos t s he could do \\US to

run 6 furlongs nght out

* Horrocl s would probabh have been

mt eh clo,cr at th e fimsh of Saturda• s Hurdle Rac had the td erl ess Loug-h rea not nterfercd "1th lum at almos t every hu rd le .

And) K err The Coogee Bun)lP

as a t 50 to 1 l retty tall llfiCC' for a reg1stc~U m eett~g *

Fla\ esrc nt clea red nght out 1n the earl\ sta~c of the rncc but she \ ~~ headed bv 1hr f:1.vor tt- on C'nter ng the s t atgl t ht ~ nca.re"t fo lio' ers at that po nt bc•ng I ad, Splcnclora Meadow 1-. ng and ~I « M'O •a Lar.l\ Splen dora made her h1d at th e L cger and fin. sh11 g \\ell ~tndc r the 'lup s he do\\n ed •he pot b\ a good lcngtl

~~~ ;e t~;~~~do~JJe~m;,,;~1 S B~lle l e\fi~~s 1- l"s Mona Ct nport a Jr.l Sat tlago \1 h Chaffinch half a fuilong a\\a; last .

.. " " Th e book s fi elded on the l\ ewcas tle

Cup dur ng the da\ and as Strath TO\ Jlc I US a skiDTI CI l l aSSIS ted them g rca th 111 <0 n ng 01 1 on top at tl e d n\ s end Loch Sple 1dora and Kum mull \ ere tl so c ad horses for tl em and clesp te the oth er fot r "ell backed an mals gett g first past the pos t t he ab01 e t1 a cas h ca used them to sho • n n ce pTofit 1 he cto\\ d as prc\ 1ous h mrnt oned " as on<! of the best on r rco d for 1 h s course and but for th e

e\\ <astl e Cu p m eetmg- be nf'( I eld on th e •a me da ' the club would 1 ave re g iSte red absolute!\ the ' en best at trndancc eve-r seen at one of 1ts fix tur es


(B" Musket )


propo rt10r atcl I\ th the n odern pun p the ll ' er> ng

pi ne rap scre" s ex tend t l rough the ream Jll ,tun he ad an d ... hould be nvet

<d ne or up,ct 'ilght h If th' I' done thn C'l l n('\ C l" \\ ark l oo~t:: \\ th ffilJt nvrmcnb r dr d 11 1g thf' pn <;;t

[C\\ \c:lr" 1n the d es g 1 rna tc n J. Ic; and r 1 muf H lmc t here \\ 11 br r o b1ol rn 1C\ Cr mg \ah e rods t1 ti l:' o.rc st ra ght \\he n apphed Rem o' ng or rep l 1cm~r the top head ' nh th e re' rrs ng \ a h e rod m pos lion 1s al" U\ s ha

bl c to be nd 1t Hence t ohould al \ 0) s be taken o t bcfote re mo \ r ~ 1 1 s hea d and pu t back after th e head s 1 pl ace

Releasing a Part Alr-B rako!l Train - If nf'c~c;sar) t o t clcnsc '' tth a J) ::l. r t a tr braked t r a1n wh en mo' ng how >hould the automatic brake valve be handled ?-\\ T Answ~r - 1 h s quest on s now prac

ttcall) obsolete As th e I_\\ 1equ res that all tram' <ball ha\ c at least 8u per cent of tl e cars 1 eacl fitt ed \\ 1th a r br:tkcs and u sed as 1t fm thrr s t pulate that aD} addlt onal m b ak cd cars that can have then brake [Hpe coupled <hall a lso ha• c thc•r br.! es u sed and os th1 s no 1 means th tt the pcrce 1tage mu st be nemh or lull} 10C almo st a ll ca rs no' bemg cqu pp ed 11 1 .!I be oeen wby the quest on lS ob sole te

H O\\ever 1n s u<.:h a ca~e there JS

noth ng requ~red but to r elease tn th e usual manner The unbraked cars '"11 pre\ ent th e slack from runnmg out enough to do am dam age

It IS \\hen a pplymg while 1unn ng espeoalh at s lo\ speeds and \\lth the s lacl out 1f mov ng- ahead tl at <a • c mus t be exercised to n n the slack 1n genth Al so a ft er stoppmg on an as cend ng grad the bra! cs mu st be te leased at once or Ju st ac;; th e sto p -; be 1g complet"d so as to prev,nt thr s lack flom tunn ng b"ck ha r , bl ' llh the head end on ch ore<) and tr ere b) damagtng dra! t ngg og

Testing Brak~s -ln m al ng a t1 01 ough test of brakec:; h s t I ccess;Jn to hold them se t !or a H 1nute o.r lung er?-\\ T

Answer - T he obJec t of th• s oue <t on \\ O llci seem to be o cmpb ac;; se thC' 1m

1 ~~~~~a~~~u~hkf~t ~~at;l~o bcr:,kr~s~~~{:~~ l ~~tb~::':~~1 tl~~o~;;e~c~~ 5' ~~~: :1 01 ~~~~ 1 ~~~~~'fJ1 ~'~~:,a oW0~~~~f:rs b~yk~h~es,; o ;~e

those of th e bra! e t 'poet on as \1 el l as h s o 1 n Stated b1 e A) the<e a e

(1) Be prepared to cl a rge the tram prompt\\ b\ hav ng both <'I od e s nf the pump lul" rated m1 1cse1 or dra ned of "ate pump I rattle 1 e ll op en and max mt m m a n rese t\ o 1

1 prc~sure 'l en eo t l ng to I be tr al 1 (2) If , fre l'(ht tra D or f a pa<Sen

geT tr::un that mu s t be hu rr cd lea e tl e brake ' a lve handle ID release h le ch a rg 1ng but ta l e care not to 0\ e1 KENSINGTON.

---•--- r harge !'>.no\\ \\hen th e t am " lull) There "as a great Clt tend ance >ester charged and thrn \\ a tch I or "gnal to

da• a t the old popular K RC meet ~f,~J; ~r o:,~~J(d JO do so ' hen cha rged

mg • (3) Ma ke a f<ll oel\ cc aPJ I cat on One of the bes t da) 5 s port \\ 1tness un!c<S local rul es t equlle d•fferentl

ed fo r some nme at a metropohtan fix Make th1s m one reduct on th c1 hold ture was the result of thts meetm g the btakcs a1>Pl ed t 11 11 s lgnalled to

and tb e bettmg assumed huge propor re\~}s 'Cal~• ~r bt~ a'::\~~f~l0~0~~~)~ :~:~~~ twos • ,. • ::15 far as poss tble have the tr1 n

Winners, R•ders Prtces, and Post ~~~~~~ ~~a~~u~cclhar~,\~1~ ~~~~n 1;,~k~~ Numbers are bemg charged tb~y should m spect

Spot Cash (Harn s) 33 to 1 (4} for and s top leaks As soon as the Bouquet (Moulden) 20 to 1 \4.) brakes are appl ed th"' should m spect \Vb1sper (Ha,es) 5 to 4 12) for p~>ton lta,el and brakes that ha. e L ady Norab ( \~ alsh) 4 to 1 (3) not applied ha\ e leaked off or are Mahmga (McM1llan) 8 to 1 \7) l<!ak111g off \\rang- pts ton traul Royaltv (James) 12 to 1 (~) should be remed1ed prompt I\ Br tke< L ady L•on lH M•ller ) 5 to 1 (5 ) that do not appl' or th at le:1 k o ff M ern 01 vet \ [ bompson) evens (3) shotld be carded Some road' llm t

Coldhnk !Mould_;n) 10. to 1 ~;~Y nb::'~1ke~f ou~e ;~c~v~ra~~akesa\~ ~,t The 14 3 H wd cap was dec1dcd b alone lS a suffinent 1easo 1 for th ' l t

d vs ons For the fi1st Lord 11\ nllo 1s better to locate defcctn e bra! cs o opened f::wont c but s tart ng pnces nconung tl ::nns nnd mar! th e cnrs fo r " ere G to 4 01 venc 2 to 1 Lord Mu the repa1r tracks \1 I ere p1 act ca b!€ a 111lo and 8 to 1 Parn nea ' re of eco 10 m from I sa. d

~ * 4 po t~ AfteT th e eng1 necr 1 ~ ., n M aste1 Tr em led a t the home turn tempted to re lease a n <pect•on

but , an oft th e cou• se 011 entenng the should he made 'h le st 1 d 1g "' t stra ght 01 venc "ho "1s m second the tram 1S pulled out s lo \1 \ so a, to pbce be ng tal en out 1}\ h1m P tm ca tch and release an bra! c, 'et hole\ a1 p ea red to h n e the race to herself at g e rhcr a1r or hand brak es and m th . d1s11nce hut Spot Cash \\hO \\ aS fleezmg \eathe• am s hoes frozen to fin slnng on the outs1de of the course, th e 11hecl s caus ng <l1dm g got up"' time to beat her by " length Leadmg Engme do Braking -\1 I en

Lord Mu ~ll o sha~ed bad\, but Ol1 l\\ o or more engmes a e coupled to vene ma' have on but for bemg run g<!ll er IHch si oulcl do the brak ng- 111

out at the tu r 1 moun ta n sen 1ce '-1\ I * * * AnSVJ()" -\\ h eth e r mount:.11n o r

M1Jg aro \\ aS sent out hot f1vor te for level grade se rv ce \\lth p asscnge, or the second d1v15.10n the onh othe•s fre gbt tra ns the brak ng- should m to recc1ve support bemg Re1chert ' anabh b don e from tl e lead 1 g- en Home Rul e and Bouquet the tno be g1ne Ord nary p ud ence d cl otes th s

1ng at e1gh~s • • ;1JrS~~~~ rSe~~~ l~ete\ 1~~kC~~~g;;;:~ 1t r~ T he fa,onte led mto the s t1a1ght Illus trate the \\nter \\a s on a oassen

but Bouqu et fim shed \1 ell and beat h rn hom e b' h alf a length Hom e Rule "ho met " th mterference dunng the race "as a very close thud

The run ;ff "as "on b; Spot Cash v. ho star ted n t 5 to ~ on . ~ ..

\\Ius per \f;n onl e) \\On the F lytng ![andtca p IJ\ 1 1 cl from Alberta \\hO made the run n 1 g to the h alf d stance Rosv lvv hll( d third place a head be h m d Alberta

* • • Chtter " s well fon\ ard to th e turn

and w1 1l no doubt score s hort!) - * •

I a<h Norah (4 to 1) fi111 •hed 1 ell 1n the J J 3 I land cap an d preva1l ed b1 t length from Don Olive T\ phom " "' a ISOOd tl rd but BIOI\ n Pnnce "ho w"' sohdh bacl 'd r n second l ast Magg c Doon f 1 shed fourth

Mah ng a 1 ex Ne v Zca londcr ac

Hnnd•cap C ame La ss 3 to 1 " as abou t the only other s ta rt er backed tor much mone} . . .

Lntle Ceor ge ~nd P op Cu 1 led m to tl e s tra1ght but a t th e half cilstance Mc1 rv Ohver had eve•' th tng se tt led and eventual! \\On b\ a couple of lengths from J:labv \\Jth Came L ass a fa tlu rd . . "

S• m le Mmd at evens w ts the elec t fot the Ke•;smgto•~ Haud~cap

Co ldl111k •fho otarted Jt 10 to l led al l the\\ av a nd eventt 11\ 'o 1 b h df a length from S mile Mud 1 ho fin s h d verv fa st fh e L ad) Flora fi ll ed tlnrd placee:e:e~:e:=

Calety Athletic Club.

Small Charlotte n ll 'et four years old was gtfted \\ llh so \I \Id a n 1mag 1nat10n that her mother began to be troubl<!d bv he fa r talcs and felt lt ume to tall senou h 10 her upon the

, ackno" lrdged b\ the s portlnl{ press and public to be the longest odds bet tor on eanh A 1d 1f l ou care to h ave a I tt lc flutte r on an) race run '" an) part of the \1 orld he \\Ill be pleased to do bus mcss " th 10u either for a " ' " or a pl ace and w 11 g-uarantee 'ou the bes t p r ce n Australia lie ts a member of C1t\ T atter sall s Club and guaranteed l}\ the Cll\ Bank to anv amount So 1f ' ou are luck\ enough to stnke one of h.s long pnced one s tt 1s JUSt bke getung a T atte rsall s "'eep Drop h•m a line Andy Kerr Coo,.-ee \\Ill find h•m"

The '"nne1 01 the ] U\ en le Stal es \\ as \ a l)can 1 ho opened at 5 to 1 but 'o con s 1 s t~nt \\as the su pport a t corded h1m that he \\ent to the st ar!

eo n ted fo1 th e 14 2 I land c p She , as "ell bacl ed at se\C ns but on h \\O, b1 a head from Odd Sod \\I o fin1 shed v<ll 1 he Cave led bv two length s 11110 the s tra1g ht but fin shed th11J Energy \\hO led for the fir st furlong fint shcd badlv . .. .

La' t Saturda} n g ht before a l arg-e cro\\d an unmtercsung bout w .. s t nessed bet 1ecn the hgl t\\c1ght... Me Cann (Rucks) and Dawes (llond ) Aft er gomg ten rounds dunng- \1 h1 ch Da" es <!astlv outclassed Iu s OPI)Onent "as declared the \\ mner earl y n the

beautv of truthfulnPs, "ot s ure of the 1mpress10n s hr had made she closed "1th the' arnmg that God could not Jo, e t c h1ld ' ho spo l e untruthful l y and \\CJU]d no t an t her 10 heaven

Charhot e con sidered a moment a nd then ~ad

' \\ ell 1 •e bPcn to s,dnev once and to the theatre l \\ cc and l don t s po se I can expect 'to go e\ ery1.1. here

Clad for Something.

One mght rec~ltl y "h1lc the cadets

o~~e ~~r::I>• ~~0 o;~~tt~1re~l as ~~~rd co~~t find any of l11s o11ter clothes So h e v.ent from one place to another ask 1ng 1f an \ one knew ''here they ''ere

H h h as a n•y one s s seen m my bl ank~t '

H., "as told t:.bat no one bad Has a a nv one s s een m m~

tun1c or t.-t trousers' No I

Tbr man saatched In s head for a moment

\\ " \\ ell l m g g lad th tb that 1 b h ave g g .o;ot a " " warm p p paJr ei h hr:a cP:e, on


PILCHERS (Frank, Perce, Stan.) wtll be tn both Paddock and

Leaer at


DotnJ Sust;;;~ all Racea run at Roaehdl

Alwaya S P on anythtn& and everythiDl·

N B - Commtsstons executed on all Licensed Course•

Telephone• 1 liS SS5 Aandwlck, 835 Burwood

tng post at J to 2 * Mn bex a held pr de of place 1n the

quota tions at 7 to 4 \\Hh Ce,Jon at 3 to 1 and ba r Dom1n1on at double

l,~~~e ~gee~< n~~{ ab~~~ 0~~~~s t could

Mmbex1a "" ' fortun ate 1n tl e des patch and before the rest o f the

~~~n~~~er~uf 0i r:~i~h~y .~" a~:e~~c~'~1 \ahean

Th e "Nov•ce Hand cap \\ as ru n 1n dl\1sons RO\ olt\ (12 to 1) annexed the first the runner up be ng Rag tnnc \\ l o ' a~ p t tl ng cm 1n strong over the fin tl b1t

( . T ad' I 'on fin1 s ncd fas t n the s cr.

ond flutter ond beat Our Ccorge by a length for first place Burle1q-h \terv ran wel l a 1d fi ll ed th rd pl ac~ . . "

F.vens l\ [eHv Oltver 1as the bes t on offer a t the c•osc of betting on the 14 1

ROSBHILL RACES Next Saturday, 27th May.

First Race, 2-15 p.m.

ge~~~tt (ftJs' s~~~~cr';~t') m~~~,,;~~ \\an en (A me net) o 1 1 uesdav t11gh t last 1 he latter ' ho 1s qu1ck on lu < pm s forced the pace and had h s op pon cnt do\\ n se• era! t mcs 111 the fir <t a'T1d second rounds fh e Am enca n crea e rl a tavo ra l le mprcsswn on he la rge aud cnce a 1d made tt qUltc C\ de t that h e carTes n knock out pu1 <h •n hh k t I n the m1ddle of th e thud round the Jefetec sto pped the conteot and dec 1ded 10 \\ arren s favor






20 & 21 lmpcr l"-1 Arcade

All along ou 1 ~ ~ oolwenr Lmc thcro '" w11l bold an<.t br ght that grnnu wo11J-SA1IS~ AC 11 0~ lt '" there fm you wl ether you step ID or Wllio 111 II AVE OUR C ATALOGUE lli LJVINO ANY Dl6TANCB AWAY

Tr;:y a hn of our •Fa;:yree' Shiner- BlacK or Tan, 4d


If you want a real ly h1gh grade P1ano, for cash or on easy terms, and at a mod erate prJCe, wr1te, or call upon us. We can supply you w1th a Ptano exactly the same as those fop Wh1ch we rece1ved the Grand Pnze at the Franco - Br1t1sh Exhrb1t10n, London, and the same as we supplled to the mag mf1cent Strand Palace Hotel, London.


8 Doora from C P 0

And throughout Australta,

SYDNE't, J ·~ruE co .. wiR"A'roR .. I Price Une Peos.y-l'.very Thursltay.

'5/.- Per A.am:m 1n AA:v:ou~ce

• Mny be obt:lined rrom Any brauch af 1 Bf; N S W BOOKSTALL CO •

or from

THE CO-OPEillATOR OFf'lCE 4SS Kent ~t.~cet Sydney

, ___ _


!nd at 716 George Stred, Hayma rktl

DENYER BROS., Trt. sq and Abdo n na l Se t Makers

281 Ceor~:e St (Opp l-1 nter:..St) Sl dney nd a t Me bo rne-Corne of Swa nston & Lons d:l e St&.

When m d"'ubt about


PRIDDY, 424 George Street,


275 Pitt Street.

TRAMWAY MEN ! ~he~~~s:'~~~c!1

dcb:t'tw ~~a~ E. H :EDWARDS

!Regent S• • Rediern, THE L EADING BUTCHER.


For years the great Ptle Cure.

lmmedtate Reltef All Chemtsta.

Washington SOlA Patt n~n&Co A Hordern & Sorls ond Ln.,,c ttcrs



0 s R e-stocked Do. rele Re b:rowued llc JOmte l and Re bo eel Rer a t"i t o Guns R1f1ew Revol,.era ete neatlt e:xecut.eo RETIJltN FRE OUT .PAID ~N ALl. lUa .uas 2U Years Loudou a•d lhr nnngb m RUd 20 Yea • Colomal

Erper enue


Dr. W. B. Curgenven, L R C P Lond M R C.S En' ,

Taylor Chambers (Flrit Floor) ,

ol O xford aDd Fhnders Sts

Consultat on Houru tot 2Jlmto5 7 to 9

I Fee (Adv ce and l\led cme) Ftve: Shilltnat:t

To those un able to pa_y for cogsultation Monday Wednesda1 F n dar 7 9 pm.

A.dv1ce Free


~~ ~~

~~ Appropriate Footwear B.~ ~~ -- AT-- P.~ X~ ~~

~~ PITT STREET HORDERN'S. a~ XX x\:1 ~9, Every man and woman lruows the importance of wear.ng boota e.nd XX x>! shoe• that ... . otrlctly ID lreepmg 'Wtlh the Natty Suit or Costume !::lP. XX Bha.pely Beeh and HurtlciS, Dressy Rufined Btylea made fr'Om the boat :-::>-: E ~ Le&tbero a.nd lla.terlals ~,....


s~ ~·· ~~ ~ ~ :>< ~:>1 ~:-- ~:>'! xx ated xR ;:if;:j Catalol{ueof ~~ >-:X "FaShions tn XX

Q~ MEN S CALF FootwEJar" ~~ r ~~ GOLOSH E D LACE _.•fj XX (os t ust~~~fs, th Toe mat led post .NlEt:cEGk~~sHID X~ X~ C ps n nd 1 ul ROl nd roes f"'ree to any ( ts I strated) V1. cited ?:: U X>: Made fro n s pec 3lly se! cc: Soles I ull Hound l.ocs ;:""~ 8 :;<?:! t ed m t er Is throughout addreSS 'Se ll rue C V~ V.. hol e :) :':;

X,.- Pr1ce 8 6 ~~~~s:cr2~d t~o~ ~·c~ P.~ ;;;;~ paor ~:>'!

:><:>:~ ~~\\."' ~g~ ~~ ~ .. "\ ~~ ~:;:1, WE PAY ~~ ~~ OARRIAQE ALl. B.>(;.: x:>: ~ ><X OVER rADIE"" FINEGLACE ~ X:-< MEN'S CALF LACE 1\ID OEt~8Y CUT TIE ::.<;,-: BOOTs AUSTRAI.IA, SHOES ~

~r ...l ~ (ne It stratcdJ ' lh Toe (as illustratEd) P mp ?'j ;,.<

X ~r\3~~~d\~ e~; ~:uR~1T~:J~ So l~ Large ~ eletc; rJ ~ ~ Boot ~~~~~t H~e}lf Toe CliPS ?';; ~

~ ~ Prace 6 11 pa•r Prrce 7 6 10 G Dtur ~~

8B. HORDERN BROTHERS, g~ ~~ Boot and Shoe Importers, ~~ ~g 203, 205, 207, 209, 211 PITT ST ' AND 422 GEORGE ST., SYDNEY. E~ >-' ... xxxxxxxxx xx:-..--xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.."C\:XXxxxx.{xxxxx."{XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXJXXXXXXXXXX~XXXA~Xx~~XXX~~AX



PURE FOOD M&adac:tued and Grown



Ed tor J H Catts M H R Trades Hall Sydney



THE CENSURE MOTION ___ ., __ _ It 5 no\\ pract cally certa n hat

censure mo on mo cd by Mr Wade m the Ne v Sou I Wales S a e Par a meat w 11 t>e defeated by a 5uffic en 1) declSlVe ma]or y o g ve he J abor Government good hear o go on I the work of he coon ry Of course 11 lS JUSt poss ble that the hope of an entirely 1 fferent result may ha c been c:Derished by some few mlllds bu u; ce:rtam that the development doe s not surpr se many people The cl ef eause of surpnse has been that the idea of wasung the valuable me ha has been sacrificed n he deba e "a> enterbuned by sane men for a mo ment. It s perhaps too mucb to ex pect that Mr V. ade v I ever lo se he idea that he 5 the g ea pro ector n ~reneral of the sacred ngh 5 of th e people, and that as such t s h s bowxlen duty to harass and ob!>truc h1s political opponents n every pos s ble way Bu the country w ll soou tire of such a needless waste of t me and mo~y To l:(egtn Wlth there s very li tle JUst fica on for he cbal

1elllr1Dir of a Government s ex1stence on a s ogle det:ul of ts pol cy There aner yet .-as a Governmen wl eh was abl e to ran sfer s r ol cy p opos als o the statu e hook en globo Bu for a Leader of an Oppos t on to p ek aut one fea ure from probab y the most prol fie policy sp~ch ever del v ered n he Sta e foam and hasp upon that a demand lha the I le of the Go ernment shonl.d be abruptly term nated s f not absolutely " h ou p eceden a rare and somewl at mexpl cable proceedl.ng When th1s s added he fact 1 a pr or o Ptem er McGowen s depa.r ure fo Et>gland to represent al par es alike as th s State s delegate to he cOronahon ceremon1es a cl s ne pro m&se was g ven no to harass tbe wo k of the Parhamtmt Mr Wade s s ock falls st 11 lower

"- b 1r effort I :us been made by the O'!>t>os t on " obscure every other 1ssue and to focos pub! c op ruon on tQ the one ques:t on of be Labor Go ernment s land proposal s It appears to have been altogether 01 erlookcd that that vecy fact pre supposes an absolute inability to ehallen~re he GoTemment npon any question of ad m n1stra 10n. Mcssrs McGowen Ho! man Trefloe Carm1chael and Co have not been at all die s nee tak ng over the control of our lfieat pu bl c dcpartmmts s x or seven months a~ro They hne as a matter of fact been CODSP IC'UOUS!y VlJj'OrOUS m several ad m n strat ve d rec oos Yet the course taken by Mr \\ ade may JUS ly be taken to be an adm ss on tha he was perfec ly sa sfied w h he ad m n s rauve capac y :~.nd he adm n • trat ve ac s of Labor M n stcrs I e satd m effect It 1s no poss b e o find cause for censure for any I ng that you h.ave done but you ough o be k eked out bec01.use you ea! Y m gl t ck> some h g dangcrous hen yoa re:aoch the nd p oposal s of your progrronme Ho vever for the sec and am e n s x mon Is M \\ ade Will find h rru;e lf on he s de of e mnaonty when the cen sur>! root on d1 v SJon s called fo

fhere s an asi)C(:t of the new land lq •lat on proposals which a pears o hue been pract eally los.t s g t of ye t 1t 11 one wh eh we believe w I find an echo m the minds of ,he very great maJOr cy of the people of th s S ate It a adw ted on ev.ory hand I at from the ery be~r•nni.tlg the la nr;l leg •ialoon of Neow outb Wa cs has left

very mud to be des..red. The mnum erable Lan 1 Acts of the Sta e constl tute a mos undesu:able monument to the 1ncapadty of he many small m nds of nnker n. r le~1slA ors It s also ad m ttcd en b rho•e "ho attem pt to dPfenq I e unholv raffick og n land h l('h has mac.IP A us a a a very parad •e for the Jobber the landlord aRc! the speculator ha t he State suf fers aU the tnne from be absolu e aale 1tf the land. ancl the ptacllce of th. ~ oi t.MoiL It ia aurel7

GROCERIES The Per Way Appeal Case

Ta the Mtmbera of tilt N 8 W Amal •amattll Railway anll Tremway As 1ootatton


- ---+--


Thrown to the Wolves

May~~ !911,

The Co-Operative Commonwealth. UNION ORGANISATION.


Vi~wa of Professor W. T. Malls, A.M.

Professor W T M Us A M has del v>etcd some powerful lectures m

M~lhourne Hobart and Sydney dur Ing the last few veeks li e s n spe ct:U comm ss oue r representing th e c ty of Mtl vaukec of the Unned States makmg \\ orld w de nvest ga t ons concernmg muntc pal ente r pr ses I n addlt on he ts a Soc ahst a lec turer a Un versny professor and an author He <Jrga n sed and conduct ed the Amencan lnternat anal Scl col of Soc al Economy which h as g\ tded thousands of \\Orkmg men through w urses m the stud~ of h1stor~ eco nom1cs and po u cs, bes des g V1 ng spectal m structlon to professiOnal wnters lecturers and organisers

Professor Mtlls has made a spec al study of Unton organ sauon In tts relation to the Soctahst c obJectiVe

the secunng to the \\ orkers the fu ll results of tlhe r 1ndustry l t ' 11 therefore be not only mterest ng- but mvaluable to have the cons dcred op Inton of Professor Mtlls on the mud 'cred questton of Un on organ satwn

Modern Scte nce says the P roles sor s the gat\ er ng together of the ma.tn facts relating to any st bJect b1 ~xact observauon and theu arrange ulent and classtfic:.uon m such a \ay as to show tbeir relatton to each otl er

In this spu t the Professor ha s wnt ten one of the ireatest econorotc pro­ductwns of the centur;-a book called

The Struggle for Existence ' h eh Is an unans.,erable exposttwn and de fence of the mevnable soctaltsanon of mdusny based upon modern science.

The Struggle for EXIstence has run mto 32 000 coptes tl e seventh ed tton haV1llg been published The cost of the work IS 13/6 As tb1s s beyond the reach of tbe ord n ary VI orkmao schools of arts workmen s clubs etc , e tc should be prevailed u pon to place the book on thetr sheh es

\Ve append a r epr nt of several sec t10ns beanng on the question of U nion organtsatlo:.l -

Maohlne Production and Col• leotlvlsm.

ArlstDtl'o rm Machinery -A.u stotle said that slavery could not be abol sb ed without he destru ction of soc et unless perhaps som e machme cou ld be devtsed w h1cb could undertake tl e drudgetv of to I T l c era of tnl<mtl{)D ltas realised the suggest on of Ar s tutle Not some mac! c to take the place of the m=. but a m It tude of mach nes each n tt s tt rn e.t her tak IDg t he place of the vo rker aJ og-ether or muluplpng h ts producu1 e po\\ers many fold have done a vay "Itb the 1-as,t !>OS s 1 b! e ~etceS& ~ for ~~es t)ru c me human labor

Jol"lt Ownership and Uae -But n the cr eation of th1s machmery the use of g reat 11 calth IS n ecessan and thts great wealth has been wov ded by 1he JO nt possessiOns or sav ngs of many people 1 be use of mach nery also

~~;o;~d tiruesatm':cta~ esa~~~du~:~o~ ar~s seen to b e necessanlly assoc ated or sac al product on l t 'as mposs bl e that JO nt producnon should be carr ed Qn :v1tho:ut po nt tnterests 1n produc

on If JO nt or coli .cttve mtersts m

b~~~~ect:h~ }~~~t n~~~~~he; ~~~g~~t: use of the great m a cb.ines the JO nt t se of the mach nery 10 the process of producuon and the necess y for a wtde market m order to dispose of the g oods would have mado the s gges t on and enf{) rced t he necesslly for s uch an arrangement

Co operation N eoessai".Y --collect v 1sm \ as a necesslt) n t he pr m t ve ;truggle tor ex stence ma nl y for ea >Ons of lcfence Machme produc o n Js a nccess , Not so mu ch fo r de f.cns1ve rca~ons a.., becau se of ts greater producttvc poss b I t cs But JUSt as the neceSoltles of defence made pr mntve nan a c~operator so the ad 1 ant ages of a greater product on corn pe\ co-<J perat on under the macb ne

Drudgery Unnecf>Ssary - Under the u<e of rude too ls eacl orkcr could o" n h , o ' n tools and largelv use h s o; n products AssoCiation tn o vner s h p 1 1 producnon or dispos ng of the prod uct wa5 not so necessar; as nnder the se of modern machmery P ersonal mteres t m 1 e struggle for supremacy under capllah sm ha s car ned the equ pmen.t of labor to a po nt v here t has attamed tl e greatest ef hCienc; just as tbe roach ne as ne

d;~d~~o ~t\r0 rfe ,}arghe~~~~re ~: ~~~ \\E'Ie tQ be dehn:red from tl e drudgerv of t01l so the g-reates perfect on of machmery means that he geratest possible d ehverance of the to I er from the long hours and hard tasks of product ve m dus t ~ ts also poSSible Th s ser v ce capttahs;n h as rendered for un der cap tal sm \be equ pment of IDdus try not ou\y makes necessary soc al use but under cap tal sm the machm ery Its.e\1 has been brought to great perfecnon

Machinery And the world•Market -The mach nery has made necess~ry the foretgn market for survlus pro

~~~ts ao"-ddf~~ech~~~af~r x!~~~:.f~Ism::s sounded every sea and has drawn the mdus.tn al maps of a ll countncs of the earth In thts cap tal~ m has ob tamed the knowledge of the earth s resources and connected for the most effecltve use m thts process of pro duchon each separa te port on of the earth The = c wo rld market s be ng rapidly followed by the one orld or

~ gamsauon of tndust rv bv wh eh every .u:nural resource an d every advantage of so I and cl mate v1ll be used to tl e vrry best advantage tn prov dmg th< necess ties and comforts of hfe All th s helps to make unnoce ssary the brutahsmg drudgery of modern m dustry

CIII'IOentratlon of Private Owner• lhlp 1-If tt nad been posstble that all these acb eve nen ts rould lt a\ e been brought about Withou t the concentra tton of cap tai in few hands lt wonld have left great multttud cs of people personally nterested n the perpctua t on of capttaliSJll because of the great

~~ge; I~f tV:e05:'n!~~ ~f Pgr~~ct0~n who would then have retruuned owners under the present o rd~r of th ngs

IISY Traneltlon to Celleatlvt owner elllp •-Some years ago the problem of the ttansltton of ca pttal sm to Social 1sm was re~ard.,d as a mos t dtfficult <n>e because of the great number .,r




(TC> tl e Ed tor )



~:::.i..~e:;.~~,!~.!'::"J:.::~.!":!~.\:. •• 11 .. w Pl&ae Taala& &ad M-e Tead•ioll

HELP THE BLIND TO • ELP THEMSELVES Be4dinf of aJl kiau mu'daotmed ClWn Md Coud,.. 1lA <laiOOoll Matt;- Re-•&tle Now ll.a~ Nottlag

Fo.uoy llaabta Cetr J\lattina: o.lld DOOI' ll&ta to Order Horse Halters, B..,.laeo .Ad Broomo eto H HEDQ!;III, Maaa.au

Tbo Iut•~utioa ,_-a Free Cucula&g Llllrary colltojw11g nearly 6 080 ~clllooks tor the .Blind Wo.p• po.ld to tloo Bl all dllnllC 1810, A6 '17L IK Bhad People tept C~t.o.Atly Ellq>loyed & oeo llooko Oireu!Med J'roo d11ria1 1110.


vc ga n The Tra mVIay Traffic Ptes dent

Mr F J Coogan IS our representat ve for Wavetlcy Depot 11 e was t I e sccretarv for tl e s tr ke v et ms after the troubl e and ex secteta ry for K 1g on d E as t Sydne; P 1 L nt d s now n I ve member of the Amalgamated Counc I

All patttcul ars c n be gamed at Ne 1 town Depot from Hr \\ G Hard ng 11 ho 1s t\ e undefeated ex p esident of thP Tram'" Un on bes des other pes t o s held w h cred t v ce prest dent of the Marr ckv ll e P L L etc

M R J B rke formerly an A W U lt'ember r epresents the Assoet:ttiOU at Dew! 1g s treet Depot o

The tepresenta ttve at Ulttmo " Mr \\ McNamara an ex v1ct m of th e str ike

Fort Ma quar e IS represented b Mr J W Po>~e ex coll ector a t Ro zelle for t\ e Amalgam a ted

Mr J S ucke s now collector a Rozell e where he can be seen any pay da1 111 r J Gooley Pres dent Cam denville Labor Leng e and most oth er L abor League members at Rozelle Depot can g ve all mformatlon and are mosllv a lread y members

Mr P A Freeland s authonsed Lo enrol at North S; dnc'

Mr J McDonald ex comnntteeman for the T ramwny Umon ts Amalgama ted Prestdent for the Power Hous e btancl ass1sted by Mr Kavanagh secretaf}

Mr J Warren ex Trades and La bor Counc l delegate for the Tramway Un on 1s the Pres de tt and authonscc1 collector for tl e Sta rters and Ticket Ex amme1s branch

Mr A Paulson IS abays al ve amongst the s gnalmen as th e!t col lector and secretary He 1s another ex commltteeman of the T=v.a) Un on

Mr \\ T homvson the Amalgama ted org:u1 ser whose VI ork amongst the Per \\ "-l etc as or~ran ser makes h m a well kno vn personage an a wa) s be seen and s a l vays ready to enrol

The vork Of orR"am s ng the Ama\g"a mated 1s a! 1 ays progresstng and VI hat ' c do g ain " e expect to I old We are sttll growwg a1 d the uco opera tor never stops It tells our mem bers ho" aroaJgamation g rOI\ s

Yours etc A G PAULL

Traffic Branch Secretary


(To the Ed1tor)

S r -The \\ n~rkmg hours for the Per Way men comwg mto opera t on a fe ~ days ago once agam sho vs up one of t he g ea t est m]usnces "e ot the Traffic branch la bor under viz Excessive "or king hou rs The P er Way men have llme dunng day! gbt eit her dunng wmter or summer to at tend to the r household chores such as ood choppmg lard ork etc Do ~e Traffic men not eed the same? We have to have fi r es a nd e are not pa d su ch pr ncely sa lanes tha t 11 enable us to pav a laboret (even f e could ge t one) to do ou1 ood chopp ng for us a d wood chop pmg or domg other outs de dut es by lamp I gilt tsn t a fmr thmg to expect from a laborer­although he be a stat ton master

It IS almo st dark when \\ e star t orl no V 6 a m and 1t IS after dark 6 p n \\I en e nmsh You 11 say perhap s )OU are a\l o ved a full hour for meals-breakfas and dmner Yes b; staff and d ty sheet t ts a llo ed­but n mos t cases dur ng those hours a tra n ru s n o the stanon or 1 ne clear r eport s arc 'a.n ted a.n d ~ ou mu st be a t 1 our station to attend sucb mat tcrs thcref ore ) ou don t get your hour s meal t n e Al so compare our hour< and clcr cal dut es " th those of the cle1 cal s taff n D stntt Super n tendents offi ces (9 a m to G p m and Saturday aftemoo off) Add to those the heavy ar d d rty physical duues Ne do-compellod tO do-as many of us hnve no day asststant and then say should \\e not have shorter work ng hours a Saturday afternoon off duty once a fortmght commence duty 7 a m fin1sl at 6 p m or else be patd very much better salanes To men over 45 ear s of age I cons der shorter hours are speetally needed and I hope abler pens tl an m ne v 11 gtve tb,e r help m bnng ng the matter before the pnbl c and our Board of Comm <swn ers will so learn If they don t already I now what \\C consider unfau condt lions of labor


Successful Case at Harden.

Some time a1r0 we puhhshed corre spondc 1cc 1n connectton wuh a request f om the Gen eral Secretary to the act tng Ch ef Mechamcal Engmeer for accommodat on for cleaners and fuel men at ll arden The followm1r let ter has no v been r eceiVed by the Gene r al Secretary -Chief Mechat Ical Eng neer s Offi ce

Sydney 1st Mal 1911

H Ca tt s E sq M P Cen Sec A R and T S Assoc

Trades Hall Syd 1e; S r - In further rep\ to your letter

t • acco nmod at on at Harden I have to 1form 'o tha t a van fitted up for use of cleaners and fuelmen at Harden to ha e meals m was sent to that de J)Ot 01 27th ult

Yours trul y E E LUCY

Actmll Cluef Mec Eni


Austral Sac Suit



Maolune Made-63/ 1 70/· and 75/·

Hand Made-84/ I 90/ 95/· and


Send for Wmter Pattern Books w1th tapa and self measure­ment form and our Illustrated Catalogue of Mens and Boys' Wear contain­ing 120 pages


COWINC BROS. 486 to 490 GEORGE ST ~, and 7 to 11 Row at Arcade, Sydn&J

The '~Bosker"




The H Bosl<er" Rug, 21/-c.Prlaa• Pad tn Australia, deserves spec al recogn l on by n 1trahans To bogln with ts s ze a eJtlfl large be ng 100 Ins by SO ns or 8ft 41na by B ft I In• Then t Is a pure Aualral on Woollen Rug made spec a ly for ua by J V CARS & CO at lrlarr okvllle Sydney Send for our Catalogue of Men 1 and Boys Wear conta nlng 120 pages fully ll u.trated

COWING BROS.--. 486 to 490 BEORGE STREET, and 7 to 17 Royal Arcade, sydaey


Promptly and pnvately rendered by a well known and reputable firm Ad' ances from £5 upwuda

made agaiUst fnnnture deeds etc Specaal terms for loans on hfe pohcies. Actnmees wathout security to approved apphcants Easy repayments arranged I.-owest lnterest cbar.-4· We have many sat1sfied rat! way 111en as customers See published testlmonwls Wnte for paitk:a1ar1




Country lr ends have. on I,. to write. a nd ad a little ~xtra for posh~te W e w 11 ae.e th&t orders are carefully pa.c:ked

and promptly forwarded


WHAT'S ~~:d::::'~e~~:!,·;l ORCHARD;:.~~= M'-::= thanthat Jtmeans allthB.t sBEST an .Jewe llery and ~lcctro Pl&te Be•t ID quallt"r In llnash In weal' inl& proparttee

These. are a lewol the many de sllt n !t w.: atock if ther do not pha•e eaU In and inspect our lar~te •elec io n we aba.ll 'ba pleased to •e.e you


Opp lln 1way Sh.t en 12!6



lt • Good-It • Strong-

It s Accura t e

m Gunm • tal Case

10/-Pest Free

J W. MARSHA LL Wa. eh Spec a s t

Cr Marlce t & York S s Sydney

D. A. Hutchison, Th~ Noted Cheap


George a~d 8athurst Streets 79 Oxford Street (Between R1ley and Crown Stretts ' and 430 Cttvcland Street (our Crown Street) SYDNEY

D rect Importe r of all klnda of Bu ld cr• Ge era! and Furm•hlng honmongcry Pa•nts 0 Is and Colors Crockery Glassware Cu t ler y Fancy Goods Bruahwa.re Enamclware Ba.al et ware Flsl • g Tackle and


Wa may not be the Largest Shops but we arc absolutely the cheapest

lo •ydney

A.ll Oooda Delivered Free to City and Suburbs Country Orders

Packed Free

Do you 'Want a Honu::. of Your O'Wn Y Jf 1~u llo we c n s DP v 10 ant" \c I a c Co tagf!!!i Fo a e n ev Y d s r et

on Easy te ms £50 t.lepcs t :md b::t cc as en ln c s ~ J'er cen

,J. FRANK COX & DUNRICH, TelophOn()e 1

1&57 City, waverloy 483






OBRMAN CONCERTINAS 8 ng e toned £rom 3 6 Org:a.n toned r o m 9


Stee Reeds from 31 6 BNOLISH CO>ICERTINAS

From 70 to £21 CATALOGUES FRilB


A Breakfast Fit for .a King.


,. aa Absolutely Pure Cocoa and a Breakfast Food an itself 'We tm• port direct, and our pnce aa only 3d per 2o& tan


Send for Our Grocery Catalo& We auaraatee you wall aave money by purchaata& your Groceraea from ua

~~~~~!>Ma~~;~~~ep~~:t·, Central Square, SYDNEY.

ran.ehe• ta all Suburlls

Best Brands\


Alk~~~~~: 1n I DELICIOUS COFFEJ:: Freahly Roasted and

Ground datly We tmport the Beans direct It "' then trea ted by our expert blcn

d ers Ashwood s Turkts h Mocha Coffee •• the

ftne•t grown Pure Plantation 1 91b

2 / lb l/4lb



Amalgamated Railway & Tramway JERVkE


•••u11oh141 "" (Roal&lorel unlor IIIo Trado Union Act of 1111 allll lnduotrlal Dloputu Act at tiN J

PAUID.NTVI;. ::~~;:.~L;;• G &nv e) t E. D CAMPBELL (Per W11y Rec:kda e ) T FLYNN (Tram P~r Way Ersk oev lie)

•XBOUTIVI OPPIOUI E LA\\ LESS (T eke Callec or r Sfdas~AGE (S M T boraAc a'ta) PAUL (TraiD Traffic Rotel e)




May ~~ 101!.


Report of Argument Continued.



Tl e appenl ca s~ 1n connect on w tl

!"s R~a';dY ;:•rn:h~cnN ~VW. fnd~r5d r aJ Court on Monday Tuesday and

Wednesday 1st 2nd and 3rd n s an s M r R Crof represeu ed I e N S \V Amnlgamatl!d Assoc at on

jfjl ~;s) 1rep~cs;n~~~il~h~S~h1~t'R!Y a) Comm ss oner The case was commenced by tl e

q~ne;;t'h s~;~rr +r: ~ h~e cb~s ·~ ~'f he •PP.Cal as set forth n our ssue

of Apnl 20th Br elly the pom s ap p~aled aga nst are as folio NS -

(1 ) Aga ns t clause 2 of the a1vard Rates of Pa) as hereunder men

uoned -(a) Laborers (bJ Ex rn Gangs (c Fe tl ng Gangs

'- (d M echan ea! and arti san staffs as fo lo s -

( ) Rough Ca penters ( ) House Carpenters and Jow

crs ( ) Lead ng Carpenters ( v ) Foreman Carpenters ( v ) ':i nrd Gan~rers (\ ) F cncers (v ) Br ckln}'ers (specral

classes ) (v ) Br cklayers ( ~eneral) (tx ) Bncklayers Laborers (sec

tons l and 2) (x ) Pa n ters (x ) T a rpnvers and Dramers (:< ) Stauona:ry Eng ne Dr v

crs (2 ) Agamst cl ause (d)

rates of pay to employees d s ne s

(3 ) Agruns t clause (6) away from home

(4 ) Aga nst clanse (') to closets

(5 ) AgnlllSt clause l<>l. !Ions - --.--

l!tOUSTRIAL COURT. (Before H s Hon or Judge Heydon )


(Continued from last Issue )




EVERY ta1lor cla1m11 correct f1t and good fabnca but cla1ms

\ ..., are not proofs Our tadonnr -~ "'~ contamG no d1sappomtmenta

4 5o certam and honestly aure are we that we w1h cheerfullf re­

turn you your purchase money 1 you are not satisfied W1th Ul the f1l,

or1rmal atylea and honest good ta1lormg do not depend upon the pnce Each awl we produce from the lowest to the h1gheat pnced measures up to one standard of excellence- that 11 perfect shoulders, cor reel drape and shape-retammg qualities Of course the fabr1cs and lmmga d1ffer, but the fundamental fea tures that go to make up correct tailormg are never ab.

rent There 111 no style we cannot produce, and WJlh an orgamsabon second to none, we can gtve you many oragmal styles peculaar to ourselves It w1ll pay you to become Palmer aaed and obtam aallsfacllon a t a moderate pr1ce Now 1t sup to you We are ready to put our sk1Ji agamst your offer of a trial­THEN the JUDGMENT RESTS WITH YOU' ........ 1 . .............. -r

MEA~URE SUITS ~:.a:tst;'i!! And 500 Dastinctive Fabr1c1 at

70/-, 75/-, 84/-, 90/-·

COUNTRY READERs--we caD FJt you Corr ectly by Ma~l

Send for Styie Book, Free Patterns, Tape and Easy Self Measure Form CARRIAGE PAID ANYWHERE

F. J. Palmer & Son

N OTE - VIe are very an xious that th" thousands of men throughout the sorvlco affected by t he Per Way Award will appreciate our elrort to g ive them a full report of the big tight put up en tl elr bohalf on appeal W1 cannot however allot more than on111

0 page oach Issue to lt Specoal attention Is directed to a let­

t " on this subJect by Mr d H CPttP on PaJe 4 Of this ISSUO

• Staff Changes and Promotions.




Inspeclaon Invited to our w ork roo11.1 We ONLY employ men to m ake our coab, which Is sulfle<en l guorantee that our su rts are properly tailored Our Mercery 11. Hat D~partrnent •s one of the choicest and cheapest in the City Straw Hata, In any Style or R1m from~!!.. Fa ncy Vests, Dark oound or pia o lrom

~ Fancy Vest s L tght '"'ashab!e bound or plaiD, intercball!l'eable bultoos Spots or Sh ipes very cho ce 4 P •nd G G

Locomotive Branch Railways -F t tors ] mes Sm tl a no J ames Pollock E clc gh

T raffic Branch -r>~ ter Tl ompson \I 1gga

Railway and Tramway Ap~~als. FR I D AY MAY 19 1911


MR THOMAS HALL (Cb e A ouu an) Cl a nan

~!R J S SPUR\\ AY (Sec for Ro. way s) Corn~ ss oner s R epre sen

la e

MR CUTHBERT BROWN IPte iden Ama~. gama ed Ra way and Tu ro

way Ana) Employees l{ep e sec at ve

Ern est H A ~lason t ram conduc tor as charged ' tth usmg obscene l&nguage to a recel' ng officer

The deos on of he Department \1 as that l e be ch sm ssed the se rv ce

Appellant appeared m support of I ts 0 \1 n case He pleaded g u lty and

5ked for mor e lement t rea tn ellt H > a!Jpcal ' as dtsrn ssed

James F orrest engme dr \er Bath U1st and Thomas LJa dson fireman llathurst had both appea led agamst be ng fi ned half a d a > P.l) on tl e ~:une charge a d the t u appea l• were b\ consent heard togetl er M R llolhs M L A defendmg both a J pell ants

fhe cl arge " "s (1) Not compl; 1ng th 1nstru ct o 15 n tl a t fir e nan did not lk " front of eng ne to c ~u r e safet dunng 1ovements n Loco } a rd Orange l2) ll ea cl of r ule 9G l ere b) the engme becarr c d eratled at catch potnts Ora ge

fhe brem:m (l>av dson) gtv ng cv t dence 1 1 support a t h s o 'n and h s dnve r s appenl sa d that some fe\\ m nutes before leav g the Loco shed he \1 alk.ed up to have a look 1 tl e sh p pomts and came back to h s eng ne He "as 'aved back out of the Loco Ioad 1th the green I ght h1ch he tool as an md catton that tl c potnts "ere rght

The guard of the tra n made a state mcnt that the pomt s lt~ I cid ' ere about 30 ) ards "" '" from the "hP pomts The pmnts the gnat d held were to let t l c eng ne out of Loco m to Traffi t the si p pomts 1 here the .. ng1ne 1a~ derru !Pd ere those that s hould have been beld b\ the fireman fhere as a po nt md ea tor fixed o t to these slip po lt> but tbe lamp "as not hgh t It \ as t ontcnded b he Department that the het of the lamp not betng ahght should have beet t reated a<; a danger "gnal

Mr Holl::i s argued that a po nt mdt cator ts not a s tgnal and for that re~ son rule 9G \of 1b eh breach as

Ueged) dtc 1 ot appl fl e cha r u an overruled th s obJeCt on to tl e cbarge

The sta!I rep! esentatlVe on the Board (Mr Bro ' n I \\ s of optnJO 1 tl at a caution 1ould h ave been s uffi ctemly severe pums hmcnt 111 vte\\ of the c1r cum stat ces Both dnver and fi i eman \\ere s rangers to the 'ard fhe de raJ lment orn rrt!-d on a Sunda\ ntgn t '>'hen there' as no shunter n the \a rd

n'd t '' "::td1mtted th t 1 \ OS a \ CT} dark n ght B) ma]Ont dec1s10n huwever the Bo rd d srr ssed both ap peals

\\ lha m A For vood dr ver Eve lctgh a~ <barged ttl r Il::ing to keep a proper look out and to exerClsc rea son ab le care m movmg eng ne 850 P dnss m Cl) de Locornottve ) a rd re sultmg m s1de colltsJon " Ith engme 884 T class dera1hn~r that eng10c and cons derably damagi 1g both engmes Jt \\a• also alleged an the charge tha t thert- \\35 a p revtous unsattsfact ory record

Pumshmeot - Redu ced to pos tton o f first cla~s fireman (at r educno 1 of 2 per day m wages ) for a penod of 3 months

Tl ~ const utw n of tl e Mel Journc Tram a a nd Omn bus Compan s E nplo ees Un <>n I or~rants at on 1 e ng formed apa rt from tl e Austra I an Federated fran ' o Emplo) ces Assoc atton ha' been drafted b tl e comm tree :lPl>O nted at tl e last meet ng It 1 as submitted to a meeung

at the Temperance Hall

Cootamundra Football.

T he footba ll season s ' 1th us once aga n '1 h the usual bu stl e and excttement Coota has dec ded not to take on League footba ll th s seaso n but to adhere to the old Umon rules A cup for comvctn on has been do nated b\ Mr J McNamara the p ro pnetor of th.e Star Hotel ho to sa; th e least of h m s a real sport 1 here are four clt bs affil ated tb the Coota branch of the Rugb L n on vJt School of Arts Our Bo; s Be thungra and Ra h1a

A game 'as pla)cd to day (13tl ) be t een Scl ool o! A rt s and l{a 1 a) n

h1ch Rat! ay ' ere victorrous b\ 15 to 3 B rrell scored for School of Arts but Gehr g fa led to com ert F our ].{a I 1 a) tnes 'ere scored by Large (2) Gr ffit h s ( 1) K1rkman (1) and a field goal by Steamer Drenma t

If th s s hould meet the e; e of any ~fet ropol tan sccretanes \\ th dates to spare for countn mat ches \\ e feel sure the Coota spqrt s \ OU ld g" e them 1 good me and b commun qt ng

t h Mr l Pmkstone \ ho ts s.ec re ar} of the Cootn bran ch of the Rugb) Umot there ould be no <.1 fficult) abo ut anal g ng a na eh \I e mtght mcnt on that 1f they ere una ble o engage Hammon d s or Mc Donald s aeroplan~s the tra 1 se rvtce ts ver) conven1ent


The Interlocking Wages Board. GOOD EVIDENCE BY A SIGNAL FITTER.

Association Making Out a Strong Case. (CONTINUED FROM LAST ISSUE )

EDMUNDS Elq 1 Chair­man

Member~ ol (J•a Board-\\ JIOTC I!Kl SS for the Appl

cant Un ot ll!r J 1 RA SE R Cl ef F.ng neer for

l::x s t n;r Lmes for the Cltef Corn m ss oner

Then n d epot s or t stde the mctropo l tan area 1~ 11 ~' ha' e th e mecli on sm tth other thi gs tacked on For tn

s tance on the m~m South Goulburn and Ea st <ec ons where the expre ss goes through h~ tram s do not stop

I:.:~~;:;:LMENTS W'OLFE'S SCHNAPPS I Th er have the tablet exch~nger \1 c h:11 e tO look after that also ). ou h ~ve to be ver accurate and ven true The dnver puts Ol c tablet do1 n an d ta kes on e up 'htle travell ng

Accordi ng to grne r I \\Ot k r g ' -f n the ard tl c hours per eck arc for • etlfht-supposed o be

fc ~roL'r~~e a clam here for for;


May 25, 1911.


Anthony Horderns' Famous Low Prices

2UO VELVET HAT Tr ,.,.,. ~";eel Bud .. d F .. c, W1111

When A Man's Married

rHe gene rally leaves at to h 1s w ome n folk to buyl h1s underwear and py]a mas; these men wear " OSMAN 1 P y] a mas, because the tr women folk know of t he sple nd1d V!oear m g a nd was hmg q uaht1es of " OSMAN. ' M en not so fort unately placed should look fo r t h e "OSMAN 1 lab e: l when buyanJl pyJama s , the destgns a nd co lormgs wall please all w ho care anythmg about t h e ar a ppea rance, and the purchaser IS protected by the " OSMAN" GUARANTEE Rea d •t - "Any Ga r ment bearanJl the reg1stered ' O SMAN L ABEL as guaranteed, and the merchant who so ld at 1s author1sed to RE• PLACE SAME F R EE OF CHAR GE, should at not gtve satisfactory wear. For sale by the


TYPEWRITERS £3 to £30. Every one cnrr1es 011r GUARANTEE.

CAS H OR TERMS. Let s send you one on approval Send w poi!l; card to-da7 st t 11!( p ce ) OU a • preptred to pay (Mention Co 0!l"rator)

STOTT &. HO ,RE, Ltd, Moore Street, Sydney


W. W ELLER, 21&23Regent St., Red£ern.

The sllop for tresh






H. M. WILSON, M a nufacturang Pastrycook,

KIPPAX STREET, SYDNEY. Co tn try Orde rs SpecJall v Ca.tcrl!d For Sen d Fer P ra ce L •t

AFTE R ALL t11ere is noth ng 1.1.1:ore sa t1sfyn1g or Ilea thf 1 t ha 1 a ptece of ln gh grade beef or muttou s eh as "e sell

We are aulc to supply Top Quality always nud "e bn1e a knack of cult ng o r eat thRt wakes It cook well carve well and tnste "ell Let uo supply }au \lilt Jmcy !lee( Ten ter :.I ton or AppettstUg Pork F or this q• Altty our pr ces are the Lo" est In t he C ty

Delici ous and Taaty Stnallgood•. A LWAY S ON HAN D AND ALWAY S FRE SH

COUN T DY ODD E RS RECEIVE SPE CIAL ATTENTION Promp t Dehve r1es to R a 1l or Boat

~pecial Quete to Country Customers. Corned Beef 14/· per 100 lbs.

THE SUTTON FOREST MEAT CO. (flal ph W a lker and S o '\s)

Wholcs~le "-:Id R e tail Bu tch " • Con !I a c tors to the P rmc1pal Sh pp1ng C o mp an1c"

761GEORGESTREE~SYDNEY \ Phone N o 1152 P ho n e No 1151 ....