Arch Toxicol (1988) 62:440-446 Archives of Toxicology Springer-Verlag 1988 Toxicity and ultrastructural localization of mercuric chloride in cultured murine macrophages Margot Christensen 1, Soren C. Mogensen 2, and J~rgen Rungby 1 Department of Neurobiology, Institute of Anatomy 2Institute of Medical Microbiology, University of Aarhus, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark Abstract. The effects of mercuric chloride on cell survival, phagocytosis and cell migration were examined in cul- tured mouse peritoneal macrophages, and the accumula- tion of mercuric chloride in the cells was visualized by au- tometallography and evaluated by light and electron mi- croscopy. Macrophages exposed to mercury concentra- tions from 1.25 ~tM to 10 I.tM mercuric chloride showed a concentration- and time-dependent increase in mercuric chloride accumulation, while cells exposed to 20 gM and 40 I.tM mercury showed an inverse relationship between mercury concentration and the accumulation of mercury. Mercury concentrations above these levels caused cell ne- crosis. Electron microscopy revealed that mercury was lo- cated primarily within lysosomes but also in the nucleus and cytoplasm. Mercury increased the death rate of mac- rophages in a concentration-dependent manner when cells were treated with mercury concentrations not causing cell necrosis. Further, we found that mercury clearly impaired macrophage random migration and possibly the capability for phagocytosis. Key words: Macrophages - Mercuric chloride - Auto- metallography - Toxicity - Migration - Phagocytosis Introduction Cellular toxicity in response to mercury has been demon- strated in various cell types. Mercuric chloride induces ne- crosis of the renal tubular epithelium and hepatocytes in rats (Lindh and Johansson 1987), renal necrosis in rats (Parizek et al. 1967) and induces lipid peroxidation in rat hepatocytes (Stacey and Kappus 1982). Because of their ability to migrate and phagocytize, macrophages play an important role in the defence against infections. A number of heavy metals affect macrophage function. Mercury has been shown to inhibit cellular re- sponses in alveolar macrophages such as increase in oxy- gen consumption and release of superoxide anions (Cas- tranova et al. 1980). Silver increases the death rate of mu- rine peritoneal macrophages (Rungby et al. 1987) and shows autointerference of silver accumulation at higher concentrations of silver (Ellermann-Eriksen et al. 1987). However, macrophage functions like phagocytosis, ran- Offprint requests to: M. Christensen dom migration and interferon production were not affect- ed by silver. Lead and cadmium were found by Koller and Roan (1977) to stimulate phagocytosis by peritoneal mac- rophages, whereas others have found cadmium to cause a reduced phagocytic activity of macrophages (Loose et al. 1978; Castranova et al. 1980). Macrophage mobility is im- paired by zinc (Zukoski et al. 1974). The present study was carried out to investigate the ac- cumulation of mercury in cultured murine macrophages and the intracellular localization of mercury, and to pro- vide estimates of mercuric chloride toxicity to macro- phages by examining cell survival, phagocytosis and ran- dom migration. Materials and methods Cell cultures. Mouse peritoneal macrophages (MPMs) were obtained by peritoneal lavage from 8-12-week-old specif- ic pathogen-free BALB/c mice of both sexes. The cells were harvested by standard procedures (Ellermann-Erik- sen et al. 1987) in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) supple- mented with 10% foetal calf serum and 20 IU/ml heparin, collected in one pool and kept cool to prevent adhesion. After washing the cells were suspended in RPMI-1640 me- dium supplemented with 1% glutamine, 1% HEPES, 10% foetal calf serum, 200 IU/ml penicillin and 200 txg/ml streptomycin. Experiments were performed with resting macrophages, except the assay of random migration, in which macrophages from mice stimulated with light min- eral oil (paraffin) were used. Visualization of mercuric chloride by autometallography. The harvested macrophages were counted in a hemocy- tometer and 1 x t06 cells in 1 ml medium were seeded on round glass coverslips (diameter 13 mm; Chance Propper, England) in 24-well tissue culture multidish trays (NUNC, Roskilde, Denmark). MPMs were allowed to adhere to the coverslips at 37~ overnight, after which non-adherent cells were removed by washing coverslips in tissue culture medium-199 (TC-199). Experimental solutions were pre- pared by dissolving mercuric chloride in redistilled water and adding this to RPMI medium. The macrophages were transferred to trays containing freshly prepared medium with various concentrations of mercuric chloride (0, 1.25, 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80 t.tM), and cultured at 37 ~ C in a humidi- fied 5% CO2 atmosphere. After various exposure periods (2, 6, 12, 24, 48 h) the cells on coverslips were washed again

Toxicity and ultrastructural localization of mercuric chloride in cultured murine macrophages

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Arch Toxicol (1988) 62:440-446 Archives of

Toxicology �9 Springer-Verlag 1988

Toxicity and ultrastructural localization of mercuric chloride in cultured murine macrophages

Margot Christensen 1, Soren C. Mogensen 2, and J~rgen Rungby 1

Department of Neurobiology, Institute of Anatomy 2 Institute of Medical Microbiology, University of Aarhus, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark

Abstract. The effects of mercuric chloride on cell survival, phagocytosis and cell migration were examined in cul- tured mouse peritoneal macrophages, and the accumula- tion of mercuric chloride in the cells was visualized by au- tometallography and evaluated by light and electron mi- croscopy. Macrophages exposed to mercury concentra- tions from 1.25 ~tM to 10 I.tM mercuric chloride showed a concentration- and time-dependent increase in mercuric chloride accumulation, while cells exposed to 20 gM and 40 I.tM mercury showed an inverse relationship between mercury concentration and the accumulation of mercury. Mercury concentrations above these levels caused cell ne- crosis. Electron microscopy revealed that mercury was lo- cated primarily within lysosomes but also in the nucleus and cytoplasm. Mercury increased the death rate of mac- rophages in a concentration-dependent manner when cells were treated with mercury concentrations not causing cell necrosis. Further, we found that mercury clearly impaired macrophage random migration and possibly the capability for phagocytosis.

Key words: Macrophages - Mercuric chloride - Auto- metallography - Toxicity - Migration - Phagocytosis


Cellular toxicity in response to mercury has been demon- strated in various cell types. Mercuric chloride induces ne- crosis of the renal tubular epithelium and hepatocytes in rats (Lindh and Johansson 1987), renal necrosis in rats (Parizek et al. 1967) and induces lipid peroxidation in rat hepatocytes (Stacey and Kappus 1982).

Because of their ability to migrate and phagocytize, macrophages play an important role in the defence against infections. A number of heavy metals affect macrophage function. Mercury has been shown to inhibit cellular re- sponses in alveolar macrophages such as increase in oxy- gen consumption and release of superoxide anions (Cas- tranova et al. 1980). Silver increases the death rate of mu- rine peritoneal macrophages (Rungby et al. 1987) and shows autointerference of silver accumulation at higher concentrations of silver (Ellermann-Eriksen et al. 1987). However, macrophage functions like phagocytosis, ran-

Offprint requests to: M. Christensen

dom migration and interferon production were not affect- ed by silver. Lead and cadmium were found by Koller and Roan (1977) to stimulate phagocytosis by peritoneal mac- rophages, whereas others have found cadmium to cause a reduced phagocytic activity of macrophages (Loose et al. 1978; Castranova et al. 1980). Macrophage mobility is im- paired by zinc (Zukoski et al. 1974).

The present study was carried out to investigate the ac- cumulation of mercury in cultured murine macrophages and the intracellular localization of mercury, and to pro- vide estimates of mercuric chloride toxicity to macro- phages by examining cell survival, phagocytosis and ran- dom migration.

Materials and methods

Cell cultures. Mouse peritoneal macrophages (MPMs) were obtained by peritoneal lavage from 8-12-week-old specif- ic pathogen-free BALB/c mice of both sexes. The cells were harvested by standard procedures (Ellermann-Erik- sen et al. 1987) in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) supple- mented with 10% foetal calf serum and 20 IU/ml heparin, collected in one pool and kept cool to prevent adhesion. After washing the cells were suspended in RPMI-1640 me- dium supplemented with 1% glutamine, 1% HEPES, 10% foetal calf serum, 200 IU/ml penicillin and 200 txg/ml streptomycin. Experiments were performed with resting macrophages, except the assay of random migration, in which macrophages from mice stimulated with light min- eral oil (paraffin) were used.

Visualization of mercuric chloride by autometallography. The harvested macrophages were counted in a hemocy- tometer and 1 x t06 cells in 1 ml medium were seeded on round glass coverslips (diameter 13 mm; Chance Propper, England) in 24-well tissue culture multidish trays (NUNC, Roskilde, Denmark). MPMs were allowed to adhere to the coverslips at 37~ overnight, after which non-adherent cells were removed by washing coverslips in tissue culture medium-199 (TC-199). Experimental solutions were pre- pared by dissolving mercuric chloride in redistilled water and adding this to RPMI medium. The macrophages were transferred to trays containing freshly prepared medium with various concentrations of mercuric chloride (0, 1.25, 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80 t.tM), and cultured at 37 ~ C in a humidi- fied 5% CO2 atmosphere. After various exposure periods (2, 6, 12, 24, 48 h) the cells on coverslips were washed again


and fixed in 3% glutaraldehyde in 0.15 M phosphate buf- fer. The fixative was changed after 10 min and the macro- phages were postfixed for 12 h.

Light microscopy. The coverslips were dried and covered with protecting gelatine and after drying again for 1 h the cells were exposed to physical development in a dark box at 26~ for 70 min according to Danscher and Moller- Madsen (1985). The developer contained silver-lactate, hy- droquinone, citrate buffer and a protecting colloid based on gum arabic.

During development, intracellular accumulations of mercury sulphide or mercury selenide catalyze the hydro- quinone reduction of the silver ions by acting as an elec- trode that conducts electrons from the reducing molecules to the surface-bound silver ions. This results in the trans- formation of silver ions to metallic silver adherent to the surface of the catalyst, thus forming a shell of silver. This layer increases in size as long as the developer is present. Thus, mercury sulphide and mercury selenide in the mac- rophages are visualised by silver staining. After develop- ment coverslips were washed gently in running tap water at 40 ~ C for at least 40 min to remove the gelatine, dipped in Farmer's solution for 10 s and rinsed in redistilled wa- ter. They were then dipped in fixative and rinsed again. Fi- nally, the macrophages were counterstained with 1% tolu- idine blue, dehydrated in alcohol and xylol and embedded in permount on glass slides.

The percentage of cells containing silver grains was de- termined in the light microscope (magnification x 400), and the degree of intracellular silver staining in individual cells was evaluated semiquantitatively according to Eller- mann-Eriksen et al. (1987) on a 0 -5 scale: 0: no mercury visible; 1: a few just visible grains; 2: a few small but dis- tinct grains; 3: many medium sized grains; 4: numerous medium to large sized grains; 5: diffuse staining covering the cytoplasm.

Electron microscopy. MPMs were exposed to mercuric chlo- ride in various concentrations and with exposure periods as described above. After fixation in 3% glutaraldehyde cells were dehydrated in propylene oxide and embedded in Epon. Sections of the cells 3 ~tm thick were cut of the blocks and mounted on glass slides. After autometallogra- phy as described above and examination in light microsco- py sections of interest were re-embedded in Epon. Ultra- thin sections were cut and counterstained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate. The cells were examined by trans- mission electron microscopy.

Long-term toxicity of mercuric chloride. MPMs in RPMI- 1640 medium were counted and 20 x 10 6 cells in 10 ml of medium were cultured in Falcon tissue culture flasks and allowed to adhere overnight at 37~ The cells were washed 4 times in TC-199 medium supplemented with 2% foetal calf serum. Medium containing 0, 2, 4, 8, 16 or 32 ~tM mercuric chloride was added. In each flask five areas with a medium density of macrophages were selected and marked. Adherent cells in these particular areas were counted in an inverted phase contrast microscope with a squared grid mounted in the eyepiece. Cell death was thus determined by the decrease in the number of adherent cells (dead cells detached from the culture substrate and disinte- grated in the medium). At the same time characteristics of

the macrophage morphology were noted. The cells were counted immediately after exposure to mercury and there- after at 48-h intervals. The total cell numbers on days 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 were expressed as percentages of the cell count at day 0. Cell counts were performed blindly.

Assay of macrophage random migration. In these experi- ments a microdroplet method described previously by Mogensen (1982) was used. Stimulated peritoneal macro- phages (SPMs) were obtained by peritoneal lavage of BALB/c mice inoculated intraperitoneally with 3 ml ster- ile light mineral oil 4 days before cell harvest. Agaros e microdroplets containing 5 x 105 peritoneal cells in 1111 were placed in the center of the wells of Falcon tissue cul- ture plates (Microtest 11) and overlayed with 0.2 ml medi- um containing various concentrations of mercuric chloride (0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 pM HgCI2). The area of the cell migration from the microdroplet after overnight incuba- tion was calculated by measuring two perpendicular diam- eters of cell migration in an inverted phase contrast micro- scope.

Assay of macrophage phagocytic activity. In this assay MPMs on coverslips were used. The cells were exposed to mercuric chloride (0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 I.tM) in 2 ml medi- um and covered with latex particles (Difco, diameter 1.6 txm, approx. 10 7 particles/ml) in RPMI-1640 medium. The multidish trays were centrifuged to ensure contact be- tween latex particles and the MPMs. After incubation for 30 min at 37 ~ C the cells were fixed in 3% glutaraldehyde, mounted in 50% glycerol-PBS and the amount of phago- cytized latex particles was evaluated by phase contrast mi- croscopy.

Statistics. All data were evaluated using Student's t-test (two tailed) for non-paired data.


The localization of mercury in MPMs

Light microscopy. Macrophages cultured in mercury-free medium contained no autometallographic grains. The cells were fusiform or spherical and the nucleus was oval with condensed chromatin. Cells exposed to mercuric chloride showed autometallographic staining; with a low density of grains these were scattered in the cytoplasm and in the cy- toplasmatic extentions. In macrophages with a high density of grains they were situated primarily in the perinuclear re- gion. The morphology of cells exposed to concentrations of mercuric chloride up to 20 ~tM was normal, whereas cells exposed to 40 IxM mercuric chloride were affected by the mercury. In some cells the nucleus was pycnotic and the chromatin had lost its characteristic appearance and localization. Large vacuoles filled the cytoplasm, giving rise to swollen cells. Mercury staining was found scattered in the cytoplasm. In some cells the cell membrane had vanished and left the pycnotic nucleus surrounded by re- mains of the cytoplasm and extracellular mercury precipi- tates were observed (Fig. 1).

Electron microscopy. At the electron microscopical level autometallographic grains were situated mainly within ly- sosomes. However, precipitates were also found inside the nucleus and scattered in the cytoplasm (Fig. 2). A few


Fig. 1. Light micrographs of toluidine blue stained MPMs exposed to medium containing a no mercuric chloride, b 1.25 ~tM, e 5 p.M, tl 10 I.tM, e 40 IxM or f 80 txM of mercuric chloride for 24 h and cells exposed to 10 I-tM mercuric chloride for g 12 h and h 48 h. In a, h, c, d, g and h the macrophages are normal and well-stretched, whereas cells in e have vacuolized cytoplasm or are pycnotic. In f the cell nucle- us is pycnotic and the cell membrane and cytoplasm have vanished, b, e and d show concentrat ion-dependent mercury accumulation; cells in b have few a~d small grains (single arrow), cells in e have many medium sized grains and MPMs in d have numerous large sized grains. The double arrow in b shows MPM with engulfed mast cell granules, g and h show that mercury accumulation increases with exposure time; g showing few but distinct grains, h showing maximal staining. Magnification • 400


Fig. 2. Electron micrographs showing macrophages exposed to 20 gM mercuric chloride for 2 h. In a autometallographic grains ate seen in lysosomes as well as in the nucleus and cytoplasm (x 7000). b shows larger magnification of macrophage (x 14000) with grains in lysosomes and nucleus. In general, most autometallographic grains were lysosomal

3 a 1 0 0

I I I I I 3b

; / I I I I I


Fig. 3. Kinetics of mercury accumulation in macrophages. MPMs were cultured in medium containing (O) 1.25 I.tM, (A) 2.5 p.M, (O) 5 ~tM, (O) 10 IxM, (&) 20 IxM or (11) 40 I.tM mercuric chlo- ride. At each time indicated, cells were fixed and stained for mer- cury by autometallography. The percentage of cells containing grains a was determined by light microscopy. The degree of mer- cury staining b was graded semiquantitatively on a 0-5 scale

A 80

69 z 60 < r r (9

40 7-

2O ..,I - J W o o

5 (.9 Z

4 I---

>- rr 3

O t 'r w 2

LL o

1 W w t r L9 w 0 0

g 11111 I I I I I / 0 f 0 2 4 6 8 1 12


Fig. 4. Percentage of adhering MPMs in culture at different time intervals after exposure to various concentrations of mercuric chloride: a control medium; b 2 ~tM; c 4 p.M; d 8 IxM; e 16 I.tM; f 32 IxM mercuric chloride. The values of each graph represents the mean percentage adhering cells and the vertical bars 1 s.d. in five culture areas

grains were found in mitochondria and some in the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER). These findings were not re- lated to any specific mercury concentrat ion or time of ex- posure.

Influence of concentration and time of exposure to mercury on the amount of autometallographic grains

The results of the examinat ion in the light microscope of MPMs are illustrated in Fig. 1 and summarized in Fig. 3. Cells treated with 2.5 IxM, 5 txM and 10 IxM mercuric chlo- ride showed mercury deposition after 2 h while cells ex- posed to higher or lower concentrations showed deposi- tions after 6 h. Examinat ion of cultures exposed to mercu- ry for increasing time periods showed that for all concen- trations of mercury the percentage of stained cells in- creased with exposure time. The same relation was found between the degree of mercury staining in individual cells


1 2 0 _


_1 o nr-

8 0 Z 0 0

~ 6o

Z o ~- 4o r r

~ 2o

o a z o

I I I I I I I I c 2 4 8 16 32 64 128


Fig. 5. Random migration of macrophages exposed to mercuric chloride. Mouse SPMs were placed in agarose microdroplets and overlayed with medium containing from 2 to 128 I-tM mercuric chloride. After overnight incubation the migration area was calcu- lated and expressed as percentage of the mean area of migration from droplets overlayed with medium containing no mercuric chloride (controls). The dotted lines indicate the mean _+ SD of control cultures. Each point represents the mean of six cultures and the vertical bars l s.d.

and the exposure time. The maximal increase was found in cultures treated with l0 I.tM mercuric chloride and will be described in some detail. After exposure for 2 h, 6 h and 12 h these cells contained a few but distinct grains of mer- cury and the percentage of stained cells rose from 13% at 2 h to 30% at 12 h. Treatment for 24 h with l0 IxM mercury increased the percentage to 83 and the cells contained nu- merous medium to large sized grains. After 48 h exposure to this mercury concentrat ion all the cells were stained and the density of the staining was extensive. Comparing cell cultures exposed to medium containing 1.25 IxM, 2.5 IxM, 5 ~tM and l0 txM mercury revealed that the mercury stain- ing increased with the concentrat ion of mercury. Cells ex- posed to medium containing 201.tM mercury contained just visible grains of mercury at 6 h and at 24 h 20% of the cells were stained and the grains were small and of low density. Maximal staining was found after 48 h of treat- ment with 20 IxM mercury. Mercury staining only reached 39% in cells treated with 40 txM mercury and the grains were medium to large in size but the density was lower than in cells treated With l0 p.M or 20 IxM mercury. Thus an inverse relationship between mercury concentration and mercury accumulation was present at concentrations above l0 p.M (autointerference). At 801.tM mercury all cells were dead and contained no intracellular mercury.

Fig. 6. Phase contrast micrographs showing phagocytic activity of macrophages pre-exposed to mercury chloride. MPMs were cultured in medium containing a no mercuric chloride, b 16 IxM, c 32 IxM or d 64 IxM of mercuric chloride for 24 h and thereafter allowed to phagocytize latex particles for 30 min. In a and b the macrophages are distended having phagocytized many particles, while cells in e show fewer engulfed particles. Macrophages in d are vacuolized and contain no particles. Magnification x 500


Long-term toxicity of mercuric chloride

Preliminary experiments showed that mercury concentra- tions above approximately 40 p-M were highly toxic after 24 h exposure. For this reason mercury concentrations be- low 40 p-M were chosen for the experiment. Cell count da- ta are shown in Fig. 4. No significant differences were found between the mean values on day 2. However, after 4 days of exposure cell counts in cultures treated with as little as 2 p-M mercury were dramatically lowered as com- pared with non-treated cultures (p < 0.001). Increasing the mercury concentration gradually from 2 to 16 p-M had a comparatively smaller effect on the macrophages, al- though values for 2 and 16 IxM were significantly different (p <0.001). A further increase in concentration to 32 p-M left only a few macrophages adhering beyond day 4.

The results showed that mercuric chloride significantly affects the viability of macrophages in a concentration de- pendent manner. The morphology of adherent cells treated with medium containing 2 I.tM or 4 p.M mercury was nor- mal throughout the experiment (fusiform or spherical cells with no signs of pycnosis). Cells exposed to 8 I.tM or 16 p.M mercury maintained their spindle shape but seemed slimmer after day 6, while cells exposed to 32 I.tM were small and pycnotic already at day 2 and continued to have this appearance throughout the experiment.

Effects of mercuric chloride on random migration and phagocytic activity of macrophages

The capacity of stimulated peritoneal macrophages for random migration in medium con'caining mercuric chlo- ride was examined (Fig. 5). The migration of cells exposed to 2 p.M, 4 p.M and 8 IxM mercury was normal when com- pared to cells migrating in medium only. Cells migrating in medium containing 16 p-M mercury showed a migration area 50% smaller than controls (p <0.001). Cells treated with mercury concentrations of 32 p.M, 64 IxM or 128 IzM did not migrate at all. This is in accordance with the result of the autometallography experiments which indicated that macrophages die when exposed to a mercury concen- tration of 40 p-M or above.

Figure 6 illustrates the phagocytic activity of macro- phages pretreated with mercuric chloride for 24 h. Macro- phages exposed to medium containing mercury concentra- tions below 32 IxM were distended and filled with latex particles, while cells treated with 32 lxM mercury showed fewer engulfed particles and some had died. Medium con- taining 64 p.M mercury resulted in vacuolized necrotic macrophages containing no latex particles. Thus the phago- cytic activity of macrophages was affected only at mercu- ry concentrations shown by microscopy to be rapidly cyto- toxic.


Autometallography demonstrates metals and molecules containing metals including mercury (Danscher and Moller-Madsen 1985; Danscher and Rungby 1986). By autometallography we found mercury mainly within the lysosomes, which is in accordance with previous studies, but also in the nucleus and scattered in the cytoplasm. Thus, mercury has been demonstrated in lysosomes of the renal tubule cell (Fowler et al. 1974; Madsen and Christen- sen 1978; Baatrup et al. 1986), in hepatocytes (Norseth and Brendeford 1971; Baatrup et al. 1986) and in neurones

(Danscher and Schroder 1979; Thorlacius-Ussing and Graaboek 1986).

It is well known that mercury has high affinity for sul- phydryl and selenium groups (Clarkson 1972; Magos et al. 1987) and forms complexes that can be visualized by auto- metallography (Danscher and Moller-Madsen 1985). His- tochemical demonstration of intracellular mercury by this method requires conglomerates of three to six or more molecules of mercury sulphide or mercury selenide (Danscher and Moller-Madsen 1985).

By using autometallography in fish exposed to mercu- ric chloride Baatrup et al. (1986) showed mercury in lyso- somes only; however, by combined exposure to mercury and selenium, mercury was demonstrated in other organ- elles also. The presence of mercury in lysosomes might in- dicate a detoxifying process as indicated by Norseth et al. (1971), Fowler et al. (1974) and Sternlieb et al. (1976). However, if mercury binds to sulfhydryl groups of lyso- somal enzymes, the presence of mercury within iysosomes may be of functional importance.

The mechanisms underlying mercury toxicity are wide- ly unknown. However, Stacey and Kappus (1982) found that mercuric chloride induced lipid peroxidation in iso- lated hepatocytes in a concentration- and time-dependent manner and that cellular toxicity of mercury was evi- denced by loss of cytoplasmic enzyme from the hepato- cytes into the suspension medium. Other investigations have shown that mercury has a labilizing effect on lyso- somal membranes (Lauwerys and Buchet 1972; Chvapil et al. 1972). Madsen and Christensen (1978) studied the effect of mercury on lysosomal protein digestion and found that the metal impaired lysosome capacity for protein degrada- tion. However, it was shown that the membranes of lyso- somes were not disrupted during mercury intoxication. Our findings suggest that mercury may also impair cyto- plasmic, mitochondrial and nuclear processes.

Defects in the functional capabilities of alveolar mac- rophages, which are part of specific and non-specific host defence mechanisms, have been studied in cells exposed to different metals and among these mercury (Castranova et al. 1980). The mechanisms most affected by mercury were oxygen consumption and production of reactive oxygen radicals. Additionally, this study showed that the phago- cytic rate was inhibited by cadmium. Accordingly, other investigators (Loose et al. 1978) found that the phagocytic capacity of macrophages was severely affected by cadmi- um and that this metal had some effect on the microbicidal activity. These studies are not in accordance with an ear- lier study by Koller and Roan (1977) showing that the phagocytic activity was enhanced in macrophages treated with lead and cadmium. We found that the morphology and ultimate survival of macrophages as well as their migrating and possibly phagocytic capacities were af- fected by mercuric chloride, suggesting that an organism ex- posed to this substance may have decreased macrophage functions.

The autointerference of the autometallographic visuali- sation of mercury demonstrated in this study may also be regarded as an impairment of macrophage function, as- suming that the amount of lysosomal mercury is the result of a detoxifying process. A similar phenomenon has been described in silver toxicity (Ellerman-Eriksen et al. 1987).

Mercury altered the morphology of cells after long- term exposure while short-term exposure to mercury made


no obvious structural changes in macrophages. Cell necro- sis was found in macrophages exposed to mercury concen- trations above 40 IxM.

The present investigations suggest that mercuric chlo- ride is toxic to macrophages in vitro, affecting basic mac- rophage functions.

Acknowledgements. We thank Lone Podenphant and Bjarne Krunderup for excellent technical assistance and Gorm Danscher for advice and financial support. This study was supported by the Aarhus University Research Foundation.

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Received June 22, 1988/Received in revised form September 12, 1988/Accepted September 19, 1988