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ESPAÑOLA8 y 9 fi y jija Printed

ClwuhulonThe Morning

and DlstribntedYrwtrrdMy.

Timos' 19,853METAL MAMOCTS. AiiriiM Averagr-- , 81 Hays' Bauds,

Mew York silver....'' stíe Dálly l,8MSt. Loula lesa s.7S Atigmat Average for Sundays,St. Louis spelter 18.10 SnmUy 35.71








NEWEST PICTURES FROM THE EUROPEAN CONT4JCT At left, ruins of the village of Huy. destroyed by the German artillery fire. Center, French infantrymen with guns THE FRENCH WAR OFFICE

trained on a German Zeppelin. At right, the French army in retreat before the advancing Germans, resting before renewing its flight. claims no Contactwith german troops inIty to disagree wlih him. made his entire man's liluit. winch .the pope returned lo immediately nllam herself with the itHies

cabinet resign In a body, Ylmiatatmi' Damico to have engraved with against Turkey ir the latter declares war. regionMotions, under the nresent regime, ITALIAN POPE his name. The expcrtallons also aro growing that of compiequeVILLA AND Q6RE60N LEAVE said he speaker, are grim farre. cm The pontirr proceeded from the Mstlne Italy Is preparing to side with the allies,

sens wno ran to vote as tne niciator or chapel to the Masilles oí Hi. Peter's, where ir she Intended lo stand by Uerniany and and senlis since wed-nesda- yhis minions direst, are threatened with he gave a benediction. He returned to the Austria, they believe, notirtratlon wouldImprisonment and even death. In one SIMIne chapel, where second act or have already been sent to Italian ships lo

Instance In n district where Yuan homage bv the cardinals was accorded i.i'. in neutral ports and avoid in in h war turkey mobil-izingfailed to receive any votes, lie at once hint. vessels.

ordered a new election. On the second IS THE CHOICE When the pope was aakml to present slowlyIninseir to the people lor the rirsl benedic-tion,

on theballot he saw to It that every man In thehe turned to caminal Merry Del Val,CITY HAY district was supplied with the desiredFOR DURANGO papal secretary or state, ami said: persian boundary.ballot and made to cast it. "1 pope l shall have strength lo over-

comeHi thr asséelated Prem

Masses Look on' Dr. sun as Savior, sy emotion." London. Sept. :), A dispatch to the RonThe great masaes or the people of China, Outside t rimip Clamored. ter Telegram company rrom Amsterdam

according to the speaker, are Imping snit OF CARDINALS Crowds, outsltlei clamored to see the new says:'praying for government under which the ponilfr. and several or the cardinals. In-

cludingThe bombardment of Mallnes .yesterday As the Hoes around Paris tighten

rights of the people will be respected, and Cardinals Gibbons, Farley end lasted two hours. Nearly .Tjo shrapnel and Ihe l.rnnan forces draw closer loGENERALS PROPOSE TO PACIFY OR SUPPRESS THE they look Jo Sun Yat Sen as the only man H'Coiimi. tried to calm Ihe assemblage and In lbe town. The church, (the fa mI..J'r""'h P!- - Ihe officialpowerful enough to bring It about. Yuan nbtaln silence. mous cathriiral or sit. Ilombold), In ruins mi, i, the limaren 0f theTURBULENT ARRIETAS AND REINSTATE was described ,ss a reactionary of the The excitement reached a climax when and its gateway. Its beautirul stained glass war grew briefer and are more aadworst type, a man who had received his SUCCESSOR the pope finally emerged, lie was alone winnows aim us ramous chillies were do more larking la details.CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNOR. training under the late dowager empress AS and a husb fell over the multitude. All slroyed. nml i'r V 'J1 P" I" oescemeilTal An, of evil memory, and whose only knelt and the pontiff raised his hands, "Fortunately, many of the works or art aetnallj kunun a. lo how (lieobject in participating In the revolt against with three fingers outstretched, and im-

parledwere saved." armies In the flelil are raring. Most

Improvement In the situation at Mexico not. however, escape the unofficial ele-ment

the monarchy rol lowing his mist reta' death with a tiwiodlous voice thp tpossollc JJ Infi.rrneilon in public fromCity na caused Oeneral Obregon to abandon which was anxious to place beforv was the desire for greater power than he blessing. A great cheer rang out s he IIM.TIMOHK PLATFORM, official

character,uuarlpis Is of a negative

his plan or proceeding; al once to the na-tional

him evidence of conditions in the country ever could hope ror under the monarchy. turned to withdraw. as, n.r Instame, thehis TO POPE PHIS X Even In the conclave ihe election or Ihe Declaring lar elnole Presltfrntlal ,r the French war officecapital. Instead tile commander of Several priests called on him and related no Tick Tuck is accompanied by Term.cxii lenient. Thu that has hern1he division or the northwest will leave Chi-

huahuasome of the more harrowing experiences secretary, Font chl You. Both are highly new


surroundedcaiisi'd much

him and addressed Read In Semite Hie (.crinan(here

fnrrr. Inno

Ihecontact with

nrMonday with General Villa lor prlvsts and nuns underwent at the hands educated men and graduates rrom Ameri-can

iii.ii, i.Durango City, where the two generals will or the constitutionalists. universities. They speak English per-

fectly.10 lilm then' greetings and congratulations

Washington, Sept. 3.Coinpir at and Senlln since Wesnea

in Latin. All wished to be the first to kiss Roran. dav. mili tun tne siiuaUon In theendeavor to bring; about a peaceful settle-ment

Both were fauIUessly attired InIns hand. Republican, read into the senate record northeast has nal changed.or the differences existing- - In that WASHINGTON EXPLAINS STATUS American made garments of the latest cut. cardinal Gibbons and o'Connell. who tne declaration rrom the Hnltlmgre plat the lo towns are resneellvelvstate. OF CARRANZA IN MEXICO CITY. Predicts Victory for Germana ....i,- iirwi it. on,, hhoi'ilv heron, mmti lu rortii for a single presidential term. The miles aud fhlriy-tw- mileKncouraged by the success of their By (Ac Attoctnted Prrtt Secretary Fung Chl You Is t great ad CARDINAL GIACOMQ DELLA das, expressed their gratlfVatloii at lictng senator mads no eminent, but Republi northeast ol the French capital andin ending a similar situation in Sonora. Washington, sepi. a. so rar as mo mirer of Kaiser Wtlhelm and predicted thu first cardinals not participating in the can senators viowrii ins anion as supple inrj appear to mars me points nrar-es- tVilla and Obregon anticipate little dirriculty Untied stales Is concerned. General Venus- - that Germany would finally trtuntoh in tin CHIESA, OF JS conclave, to render homage. The pontirr inentary to vice President Marshall's dec Paris to which Ike German ad-

vancein ramrjostns the Durango difficulty. They llano Carranza it not provisional president great war now raging m Europe. The lisBOLOGNE, iiiwii anil said he ai liiiunon yestfrdiiy lhal President Wilson ffiiards have approached.expect to return to Chihuahua in lime ror pre. lilted tl : forts they bail made lo conic should he nominated to sucs.ca uinvscir . With the removal .of Ihe. ooiera-le- nl

r SaUStiSB mw supreme pontl? WMmirat VsBliola.VailMtSfissreesAtf in isn. onti wuum m tne lutatuawnl choleo lo Hóriieaiis, all errurls arounddiscomfort. or mm Perls harei,i imc oantjiiiisc fwwn ui wo i ni muí II IKTirr jmrms ine ' -i ii inn - on party. hern directed to prepara-lío- sAccording to advices received in Juarez President Wilson himself so explained the neighbors in neo r.nau man tne apáñese First Conslslorj Next Tuesday. for the threatened Investmentyesterday, the plan is to reinstate In office stains or the Mexican executive In dis who are now attempting 10 seize, posses AND. ASSUMING THE NAME The pope has decided to hold his first Slll.Elt SEEKS OFFICE. of the capital by the Ornaos. InPastor Rouatx, constitutional governor of cussing Mexican affairs with callers today. slon of the stronghold. The Chinese, ac consistory next Tuesday, when he willJddltlon, Ihe Frenrh antborltlrs havetmrango, who is now a refugee In Torreón, Mr. Wilson said that so rar as he bad cording; to the visitor, have little faith In OF BENEDICT XV, HIS COR-


the red hat on Cardinal AnthMiy Menries Would Be Nominated by Manv Illfferenl aeroplane patrols to puarrthaving, been driven from the state capitalthe been informed, Carranta did not style him the protestations Of the Japanese that Bollo, patriarch or Lisbon, and- Cardinal Parties. anainst aa.v further raids by Herman

hv the mutinous Arrletas. In the. event self "provisional president," retaining the tney propose to turn tne territory naca ilulsasola y Nenendoz, archbishop orBV thr Aasorleferf Prtsa aviators. A number of French aero-

planesIt Is not unlikelysubmit cardinalsgracefully createdArríelaswill be Installed title he liad used since Madero was over-

thrownto China, once tbey gain possession of It. WILL TAKE Toledo, Spain. Hotli were Albany. N. Y. Sept. X Win suiter are continually flylna In Iheof the brothersthat one

In the A similar promise, he said, wax made in bv i'ope Plus X at the consistory last May.posed governor or New York, will neighborhood or Paris and others arecommander of the forces hisas


but ir any resistance to the plans or The slmiricancc or the president's ex connection with Port Arthur and Ma-nchuria


gflocirilon,pope will


willon Tuesday

give lo Ihe nils rail as a candidate or the kepi In readiness, with irana to attarkla offered, both brothers planation lies In the fact thai General Villa at the time of the first Progressive party. Petitions eontalnlns- any of the Grrmaus who appear In thethe envoys of Ids pontifical.peace

and informed the i mini States that, during the war, and the world knows .bow well it world lite program more than l.txm signatures, designating him sky.of all authority probably noniirr is anwill be shorn brothers of the6. One of the The aliunde of Turkey Is stillGeneral Tomas llrbina will MnnreR0t at Torreón, when tne nrsi was kept. and as a ciiiuiiuaic in ine rnigionu. primarloImprisoned. admiral In the Italian roya navy, a iv nil eii with anxiety and a Prlronrad,

then be made military commander, it was break waa adjusted, an Local Chinese ODDosrd to Yuan another Is a captain In the Italian navy. were filed today. Suiter Is also seeking (SI. Petersburg), dispatch she Isagreement wat rearherl for a convention' me nomination ror governor or bolh th sayssaid. Prom El Paso the Chinese go to New The first appointment made by the pope Ihe Perslsnniobllllnpor all generals and representatives of the Orleans and will later tour all of the I'rnliitiitlon and American parlies. on boundary,

inai or sninsiguor reruiiv, butFVERVTH1NC. PEACETTL IS army In Mexico City to designate a pro-

visionallarger cities or the United Slates. It had

wasbe canon of L'"P";Peter's. slowly.

lius Another list of Hrlllshpresident. Villa made It clear that Bu thr AuoclateS Press Pope v ONLY HUERTA STAMPS casualties,REPORT FROM SONORA. been their Intention to visit Europe, but

ir Carranza were selected he could not, Rome. Sept. Sacretl college or officially reported at London, num-berstins plan has been abandoned ror the GOfMJSonora yesterday were to FOR POSTAGE. IN nf nhmn 170Reports rrom under the constitution, be a candidate to cardinals today elected Cardinal (llacomo :,, r's. are killed

the errect that Governor Maytorena and succeed hlmseir in the general election.present, at least. Delia Chlett, archbishop of Cologne, su-

premeI'N'rrEII STATES MAILS. and wounded end 4.758 are missing.

General Benjamin Gil and ..ielr respective If Carranza wished to enter the ralo. Villa Itbin


greatestcuy tne

considerationvisitors were


the imnlirr in succeed Ihe late Pope TURKEY REFUSES This llsl shows a large percentage ofsubordinates were loyally keeping their Insisted that he must relinquish his present Plus X. Ills coronation aa Benedict XV. Mall received In the riilied Slates ofricers.

local Chinese colony and were the guestsagreement to refrain from further hostilities position as first chler In favor or a pro-visional

will ik.- place September 6. from Mexico bearing stamps or theand that the Mate was more peacen.l than president acceptable to all factions at several rat net- elaborate Functions nur Imnn'il lately erier bis election the pontirr constitutionalists will he consldsred OFFICIAL STATEMENTIt has been for many months. Governor

who would conduct an election.. That ffln riedlv arranged In their honor- said Ik could not Imagine How bis frail as bearing no postage at all, accord IROM FRENCH WAR OFFICE.rrom tne sentiment at tne la.t UNITED STATESmeeting;Maytorena Is In Hermosillo and basandresumed



followers or Carranza now have accepted ntghl and the dererence with which thebeing was capable of enduring the rnr lug 10 orders received at Ihe. F.I Paso Bv thr AKinrlatrd Prem

his duties at the capítol. Railroad mous Height of responaibUlty thrown postorrne rrom therestored the program was indicated by-- the news emissaries of revolt were treated, it upon department at Paris, sept. S. -- (delayedcommunication has been

that Carranza admitted not having assumed his shoulders, especially at a moment when WashliiKton Only old rederal stamps statement Issued today.would seem the government or Yuan ShiIhroughoiit the state. the title of provisional president. all the countries of Europe were stained used when Huerta was hi ill in power says:It is considered likely In orrtrlal circles

Kai tías rew supporters in r.i with blood; when the wounds Inflicted WILL NOT PERMIT THE CRI IHER NOR! II In Dm city or Mexico will be hon "There has been no contact with theSTATE ELECTION TO BE HELD that when a provisional president Is encas-

en,upon humanity also were Inrilcled upon U-nchurch,

CAROLINA TO PAHM nrtOUM DAR-I- I oreii by Ihe postorrice. Many letter, ernian forces in Ibe region of Complegnel CHIHLAIUA IN NOVEMBER. will be extended, though ami when countleai vlcllius or Ihe SNELLEN TO CONSTANTINOPLE. are being received hearing the rebel and senil- - since yesterday. PrecautionsrecognitionAnnouncement was made yesterday that

American rorrea probably will not be with-drawn

Awar were being out down. stamp- - hut Iho postage due Is al have been taken to slop any offensiveof the NEW BANKING SYSTEMmembers The lieelection ror governor and

from Vera Cruz until after en elec-tion

war. said, had armed Ihe. faithful when the mall Is de movement of the enemy.Chihuahua would probably be aguiiist laithful, priest and Are I'nssfelegislature or against priesi, vr Bern Mined in ereil "Meeaures have also been taken to

held in November on the dale fixed for the Is held. while the bishops of each country orfered Ho Large a Vessel, Is Ihe siicii articles received at your vide for the pursuit of Herman aeroplanes,pro

national elections, proclamation of which is prayers ror the success of the army or Explanation Given ire stamps Issued ofli especially thosii of Ihe armored whichby lype,shortly from General Carranza. CARRANZA ANXIOLS TO END Time of the Opening of Uie New Federal his own, nailon. But victory for one sideexpected than the suthoiities wilt bofoderal rrom lying over I'stlrwill be MILITARY RILE IN REPUBLIC. n in ne of preventedProclamation for the state election Banning nyfriem iTODaoiy meant laughter to the other, Ihe destruc-

tion ico should ho troated "The situation tho northeast Is theIssued by Oeneral Villa, by virtue or hit By thr Aforlated Prest Determined Tomorrow. or children equally dear lo ihe heart Bu thr AtwrtatiMl Prrf id instructions received


unpaid."post same as yesterday."


commander of the divi-

sionSept. . Provisional Presi-

dentof the pontirr. declinedposition s military Mexico City, Washington, riepl, 3. Turkey has isli r smith "They should be raleil

of the north. Carranza and the various government Final tote Thursday morning. to grant the request of ihe United States for the rollerllon of derlclent TI HKISH MOBILIZATIONAmong those mentioned as candidates ror heads were In session all this afternoon By thr A uoclattd Prtti The fonrlave of the Sacred college had for permission lo send, the cruiser North slate at double the prepaid rale ON PERSIAN BOl'MIARV SLOW.Terrajas, at present and this evening at Cnapultepee castle wasnington, aepi. J me imie ror ine Dardanelles to Con-

stantinoplegovernor Is Sylvestre been in session since the evening or Mon Carolina through 'the theirsecretary of state In the cabinet or Military discussing plsns ror a meeting of the army opening or tne new reovrsi panning aysien day, August 31, and the final vote was not lo deliver 'l.'o.i.si In gold de-




to thebe

addressees !) thr Antortntrd Per7 c,rti 4i.Ua Terrina- - Is a news-- , chiefs rrom all parta or the republic to probably will be determined tomorrow al taken until this morning. When ibe. name here lor the relief of Amen, oi In

e rorw arded Peirngrsd. (St. Petersburg! Sept J. (Viapaper man and was formerly editor of determine the manner and the date ror the a conference nire ii'iwh-i- reserv. of Caminal bella Cblesa was cried out by Ihe linoman empire.

iiuplly to Iheir destinations." l.ondom The luiklsh mobilization on theCorreo del Chihuahua, which supported the railing or general elections. It is reported board members and representatives or clear tne cdrilinai srrutinizers as having re-

ceivedThe grand vizier Has iniormeo tne smeri

that a number or generals now are on ing house associations in twenty 01 ine the prescribed vole, an government thai the waters or the liar.let. WP was assassinated wlille a prisoner their way to the capital hi response to lera clues. there was much exeltemoni among ihe dain lie. have imeii mined and that rl wouldf 7 .. r reitera! soldiers. Mr. Ter telegraphic calls to attend the meeting- The Following is a partial nsi or delegates member- - ir the conclave. Then followed te unsafe ror a vessol as large as the .North With Reference to the News andrazas has not formally announced his disposition seems to be to arrange ror the elected to attend ine conference: the traditional ronnula. the rardlnil being Carolina to go ibroiiglilhe straits. He de-candidacy, but his mends are outspoken in substitution or a civil regime for the mili-

taryDenver Chas. 8. Haugbwout and Tbeo asked - in whether he accepted Ibe elec-

tion. lared also thai n iiiigni esiaoiisn a preceregime at the earliest date possible. dore G. Smith. im.'i breathless silence he answered or other war.,TLL lVe,Ce,Hc oV"rcheslinr.quel. fiscal Dallas i. Howard Ardrey and Nathan In the arririnatlve, but his reply, owing to dent for



that thororeign

American A Word Two Aboutships,agent fer General Villa at Juarez. are Adams. profound motion, was scarcely audible. naval yacht sroiplon. on duty constantly in or Advertising.endeavoring 10 Induce Mm to announce as Amendments to liberalize tht rederal re Immediately the cardinals removed Ihe

candidate for member of the bouse of serve act, were ordered ravorably reported canopies trntn above their chairs, this be-

ingTurkish waters, along won mwr iiguv ves

3liii . th. national coila-re- rrom Chi SCORES YUAN SHI today by the senate nanking committee the tangible sign that tin- - leadership sels tii.it serve foreign missions,Carolina.

ue scni ui

huahua Mr. Perches decllued yesterday to They would permit the rederal reserve or the rnurcti nan passed rrom inem to 10 seaTina

lo meetthethe


e of a lona cableThe Morning Times is deeply gran ful Dry Goods Co. ran four full pages of id

or his becoming a board to payment or Ibe second newly elected pope. was veriislng in Ihe Timesdiscuss the probabilities postponereceived al the White House and state ror the tremendous patronage that has in June or this

andida ic. and subsequent installments or stock sub-scription

America Her to Braeaiel.gram

been accorded the for months yejr. they did not rhsrge any of It up tonom nm"". paper manyKAI AS DESPOT of a member bank and postpone Liter during the course of s reception department looay

rrom him in their Jobbing or wholesaling creditorsFL'LLER GOES TO MAKE for not more than four months, reserve or laymen, the pope spoke of America, genthau. Ihe rirsl message

no mention ofpast. This gratitude extends not only to The Popular paid tlie bill tn rull andHe made any

CARRANZA. requirements for member banks. several days the advertisers, whose wisdom haa caused charged It toPLUM TALK TO which, he ant. ras especially dear lo rererrrd to the dip-


advertising expense and thoThey would also permit member banks hltn. Me 'pressed great admiration for declaration of war, bul

critical. theni to use this Isrge volume, of space, Times bellevsa lhat It was the largest hillD. - . . it t,,.l Vi.lUr n.riiMlll to In the rederal reserve banks almallon a highly but to the readers whose subscriptions rorcarry aay the genius of its people, whlrh waa com-parable

Uiat all a single day's advertising ever pudrepresentative of President Wilson, and Mrs. PAKO CHINESE TOLD THAT NEW proportion of their reserves now required only to their religious Izeal, and he The ambassador reported

had doueAiurrlso,' and have been ralrly pouring Into the circula by any local concern and It is thu largest

Fuller, arrived here wday. It Is staled HF.PUBLIC IS FALSE TO FREE to be held In their own vaults, and allow added cans wbo wished to leaveNorth tloii department ror more Hum a yesAv that will be paid by any local concern outCarolina

that ne will leave tomorrow Tor the capi-


GOVERNMENT. them to count at pan of tbelr. lawful re-serve,

-- I am glad that my first apostolic be thought funds aboard ihe,immediate needs.

' The Times is of the opinion thai these nf Its own runds for a long time to come.accompanied by John R. Sllllman. of federal reserve notes up lo five per alirial will be forwarded lo Amer-

ica,would be sufficient for subscript lone are coming In as a racogni The Popular, like Ihe Everybody's, thethe

llie American consular service, who met cent of their net demand deposits. where the American cardinals will M lo view or iho delicate situation,, tloii or merit. The Times - tivlrdj to be White House, and tho Boston store, prob-ablyhim here today, and perhaps by H. L. Hall, Sue Val Sea Oaly Man Who Can Save ala Other amendments would permit member a later date impart U to the P di American ambassador suggested that the a real newspaper. Itlusirating mis Is the prefers lo buy rrom uianuracturer

a resident of Mexico, who lately has bevn People, la taw opinion el roo Tick banks to incur additional liability on ac-

countrectly plan or sending the hcorplwi to ineet ihe recent death, and the election of a nw and jobber who will give the most and

in Washing-to- and came south with Mr. Tuck Mho Is Visiting El Paso. of endorsement of foreign bills of Wib Carolina outside Ihe straits beat

adopt-ra- .

thepope In Home, lite Tlmrs printed the best goods ror the money. These stores

F exchange, " commercial paper The situation waa discussed ol the death when It occurred probably do not wish to fay, "Here. H

MrHall ,op ln" ,,m ' ,,w w n,Y endorsed by a member bank and such ac-

ceptancesprayer raised to the Almighty throughout stale department today, and ihe North Car-

olina,hours ahead of .any other paper Just as give you mi open order ror a car or nails

believed that he would be able to Induce Thai Yuan Shi Kai. president or China as are permitted under the rules Ihe world, peace would come; toon. now ai Falmouth, will start tomorrow It yesterday printed Ihe rlecUim nf Pope ir you'll pay ror a page advertisementEmiliano Zapata, the rebel leadvr with a despot who has betrayed the cause or of the board, not to exceed twice the un-

impairedCearlave W as l aisjua. ror the Mediterranean: Benedlrl XV. when It occurred hours with my name si the bottom as your

.whom he is acquainted, to cease Ms war-- . liberty and popular government, la capital and surplus of the. bank- In the '' ry of papal conclave ihe By the lime or bet arrival officials expert ahead of any other paper In thr agent." They kimw that lo say this meansfare He waa once held prisoner by za-

pita,Tbey would also permit bills bought in nnxia iniii I." was unlmie Inasmuch as Turkt-- will have drrlered war on either Added to that, the Times prints thai they will have to charge tbe cus-

tomerwho released blm after being unable message brought to El Paso by Foo Tick the open market to be used aa basis ror the theoretically, tlx- - IeatloR of any cardinal Russia or Great Brltsm. In that event they dslly In complete rorm i.rarurally every more for ihe product and someto obtain a ransom. Tuck, distinguished citizen of the world'a Issue of federal reserve notes, and authorize waa possible unue ui previous ronnavci deem II moro prudent lo keep the cruiser local happening in i Paso ahead of any day that customer will rind it out. rim

Mr. Fuller's commission differs rrom that oldest country and newest republic, who the secretary or Ihe treasury, to designate there were special designations. away Irom ihe scene or possible naval con- oilier medium. The Times' Mexico news same thing applies to hardware of allor George c. Carotbers and Mr. Sllllman. delivered an address at the old Salvation the federal reserve banks as agents or the ün the e leen . u of Cardinal Delia Chlesa has been first, and lias always been ac kinds- - as well as other merchandise, andwho were sent by tne state department to Army hall on South Oregon street last i miro states ana ut vornmer nexixs in tne Monnimnr p .ni am. secretary of the con "'ihe incident served to recall to officials curate. Tbe Times plays no ravorttes this class or advertising Is therefore oftreat respectively with General Villa and night. redemption of bank notes In circulation. clave, with Hi master of ceremonies, the past relations between thu cnlted Slate and doea not permit any employe to give doubtrul value because the customers, the

eneral c.arrania. Mr. FuUer la vuipowered The meeting was attended by practically dean of the ml mal and other high and Turkey on the passage or foreign vent to hit personal likes and dislikes In People who consume the goods, will surelyto deal with bolh General Villa and presi-dent

every Chinese resident In El Paso, and waa FLOOD SWEPT MANILA. churrb dlrni"1'""'Pella

nowed. before the chair through the Dardanelles. the rolumns or the paper These are find out that such a store charges higherCarranza. He experta to lose no time remarkable for the close attention with wbere Cardinal Chlesa was seated. The fluted states never lias recognized merely a few or the things mat go lo maki pnce, and must do it to continue in busi-

ness.in placing before General Carranza a frank which the audience listened to every word Fourteen Inches of Rala In t In answer t the question of Ibe dan of tho right or Turkey fo close the straits to the times- popular. Advertising Is intended to drawstatement of the Ideas of the Washington or me peeer. Honrs use snrnraa urowaea. Ihe cardinals 'tie new pone said he do foreign warships in tlmu or peace, although trade, but this son will repel It and thelake name of Henerilrt XV.in trieadministration, with regard to Mexico, and Seeks sun non lor New He. oil Bit the AtsoMatcé Prest Monaimor I assisted bv the other European powers have agrr.-- to it. The Having thus secured Ihe readers. It fol big department stores of El Paso probablyseems convinced General Carranza will offer Poo Tick Tuck, who until recently held Washington. Sept. a. Seven Filipinos orririals. recoi

vtsnt,led tne act of election and American government has merely recog-

nizedlows that the sdvertlsers give the great know this as well as anyone.

null opposition to them. a high position under the new govern-ment, and on American were drowned In a flood ano ine menuvrs or ine the custom or excluding foreign war- -

volume of their nusuiess to me TimesMr. Fuller would not discuss the char-

acterarrived froin China but a rew weeks which swept Manila after a rainfall of more tne acceplano

then ii teres! the Blstlne chapel ahtna aa a "usase." There ara two alores here that, each Sun During the month or August ibe Morningof the meaaage to General Carranza ago. his mission being the gaining of sup than a week, according to a tne saage today with

conclavethe secretary or Flah In 1873 wrote In day through Ibe summer, nave been giving Times printed S8.A97 Inches of paid adver-

tising,he bear from President Wilson. He smiled port ror a new revolt in China against the rrom l Harrison. During la Flow lugpope

Win' this connection the Times practically two pacaya ot . against fS.0t In the second paperal a suggestion of American recognition alleged tyranny or me president. the t hours ceding at midnight The pontiff is clothed ia a nowtng "The abstract right or Turkey lo obstruct Only recently one of these stores here, a lead of IS.88S inches --and the Timesof Mexico, before a real and tatlsraetory Sun Yat Sen is the man wbo is expected ruascuy. lio menea oí ram reu. white robe, red Uppers and high stork naviuaiioe of Uie Dar.lanollc-- even lo war gave the Tlines four pages in one Issue. advertising was or the kind that drawsgovernment is established. Mr. Fuller to lead the forces of the new revolution. The lower section of Manila were with a broad

Volnecravat. Cardinal Delia v..,ri. in lime or pea., is a serious ques The .i mié advertKed ware til In the business, gets results and makes prosper-

ousthat he would remain long In the cap-

ital.In his speech last night Foo Tick Tuck flooded to a depth of from lo s feet, placed r bis shonlders red tion. The nrht. howenr. has for a loo store, and the business was handle. in the merchants and business men. For

He said there was no probability that declared that the revolt Is inevitable That during blgh ude yesterday. stole, embroidc with gold. The pope time been claimed an.l been sanctioned by usnal course without a year., a month, or every Inch or advertising in the Tlmeehe would be the American ambassador to the count i y under Yuan Shi Ral Is fast Governor General Harrison's report say then mounted ' throne to receive the treaties l.eiween Turkey sua certain i.u a wwk ol preparation. It wis not neces-

sarythere w. hi tbe endorsement "value re-ceived."Mexico arier the government Is recognized drifting into worse r'nnlitlnns lliaji pre rapid work by insular government and cliy homage of the unais. ropean slaves. A proper occasion may for" lhat sime in overtly luslst upon and II Is the kind or business that

by the nitert States. vailed under Hi Maneliu dynasty The authorities prevented more loss of life. The cardinals t kissed the feet and arise for us to dlspulo iti" sPPiu:aiuity ..i the ..lu.le-ai- giving a page or a half elves sattsrartlon lo the publisher andOn bis arrival todav Mr. Fuller took up president, declared tin- speaker, has eon Five thousand people were removed In row then Ibe i jne pontiff. Who i the claim to lb rniled stales r page lo the paper with an uhderlylng in patron alike.

quarters al military headquarter and talked stituied hlmaeir a virtual dictator, havlug boats to higher ground. ihe olasje and pronoun. Meanwhile H is deemed expedient lo ac tiiiiailon lhat It would be ne,ce.ary Again, the Times thanks both readersfor some lime with W. W. Canada, the ii. ri aisniesea ine parliament ana later High water ta reported rrom province! Iba hssaadlcllon ..SMS d VolK- in the exclusion Una thai the wholesaler secure further and advertiser for btvlng made all (ksaAmerican consul, and Mr. bllHtimi Ha did when some pl in members bad the temer- - north of Manila, but no toga or lita. pieced upon ibe , Diplomáis generally bcUove tireeco wUljocdert from thai store. When u Popular possible.

EL PASO MORNING TIMES Friday. Sept 4, 1914.




raorosmoN to suspend patsucnts LOCAL CONTINGENT Of gWTU REGIMENTOr DEBTS KAILS TO AfTSAL TO On Face. Skirt Red and Irritated. LEAVES FOR PRACTHJE

XTATE LAWMAKER GROUNDS.It u based on a thorough examina-

tionBurned Like Everything. Scalp

of the title by skilled title men. Stasias aad Bets, Tare of Governor Crusted. Face Disfigured. Used Arraagssseals far Coming Military TournaPrtson Cessaslaadsn Appotslees, ment in llanos oi i.ieoiesni uoroom

lonilrmrd; Others Wilt. Cuticura Soap and Ointment. In aad Civilian Committers.It facilitate land dealt, anl it notexpensive. One Month Sound and Well. $150 Buys New Pianos this Week

pedal Wire to The TMeirt Under command of Colonel WilliamAustin, Tews, Sept. a. That lbs flat and batteries A,It protect ajjainst law raits and ad-

verseR. V. D. No. 1, Box St. Saa Asttoalo, Kenly, headquarters

tenate la op poned to lbs proposition for Field horse.and C, of the Sixth artillery,Tea.--" My sroaM began with a breakingclaims. At Jenkins'the extension of the time for toe paymenton the face. There would be a rough left El Paso yesterdsy morning for lbs ar

of debts, was indlcttad today when that Itching and dead akm tillery target range In Dona Ana countyscalyIt is the only tafe way to protect the body went on record In opposition to a Informed on my fate. Then New Mexico. Tbe artillerymen will puttitle to your property. moratorium by be decisive rote of SO to . It would leave aha skka red ihe next four weeks perfecUnf their marks- - Great Forced SaleStamps ssd Bass Confirmed.

After lengthy wrangle, which lasted and irritated aad would menshlp with tbe big guns and In maneu

about three hours today, the senate finally barn Ilka i ai listan, My vers. Hundreds of shrapnel ana otherconrirmed the appointment of Messrs. palp waaall shells, costing several thousand dollars.s lampa and Bass, as prison commissioners. taca was araatay i will be used In the work. An entirely new NOW IN PROGRESSotherAction on the recess anointments sm Tha dry cnist fanned ea my supply of ammunition will be issued toto the sensts by Governor Colquitt wentorer until tomorrow, sad there l every ftsee and would gat red aad tha regiment upon Its return.indication or a lively scrap before the mat-ter

Irritated My hair did not fall oat has toColonel

the commandOmar Bundy,

of the Sixteenthrecently

Infantry,ssslgned The number of sales Increase each day. Our dally sales is con-

clusivela disposed of. little white blisters formed on the scalp sod arrived in El Paso last night and assumed proof that the El Paso people know a good thing whan theySTEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY out



governorto make

is determinedtrouble for

to carrythose It was pretty sore. charts or the regiment, colonel nun ay, se It. This Is demonstrated by the large number of planpa we have

wbo oppose his rcconunendstlnni in the I used different kinds of nsxiedtea but who succeeds Brigadier General George sold since this Forced Sale of e pianos started. It Is thaBell. Jr.. comes from Texas City, where bematter of the emergency wsrehouse legis-lation,

they fallad to do me any good so one day served ai lieutenant colonel of the Eleventh shrewd buyers and the best people who are supplying their homesCapital, $300,000. for


convened Inofextraordinary

which the legis-lature ses-sion,

I Botleed the Cutlcwra advancement ta the N infantry. with good reliable pianos at the greatest reduction in prices ever of-feredGalveston, Houston, San wss made rlesr today when Governor paper assd made up my mind to try tbara. I uuiiarat reraojug iiu uiaccu wo , i s in any city in this western country..Antonio. for the forthcoming military tournasubmlited as a subject lor im sa directed aad wasColquitt REMEMBER OUR IRON CLAD GUARANTEE GOES WITHin the hands of his LieuDallas. Paso. and crusting at mentlegislation the absolute divorcement raUevad of that traraaag

tenant W. w. uorooD, woo win ronrdr who EVERY PIANO WE SEUL, "pianos Must Be as Represented or Tourof cotton seed oil mills' sod cotton gins. esse. In one month my face and head wereA bill carrying out toe governor's recom-mendations,

tbe committee named by tbe city council Money Will Be Refunded." Better put 16.00 in your pocket, comeA. O.sound and well." (Signed) Sosal!, and the clumber of commerce. Announce-mentevidently prepared trs an tin. of Ihe Is expected shortly. In today and secure one of our choice pianos at leas than half pricelou. programIsa. ti,of the special mease, wai at oneefiatlon CajDUln A. U. ge arpón. Quartermaster or while they lastin Hie bouse by Representative

Cope, or Childress. The bill is drastic In Samples Fee) by Matt the Twentieth infantry, bas returned from Those with the eaah looking for a high-gra- piano at a snap, wevacation In Los Cal.Its provisions and is certain to meet wltb If pea wish a aadta casar of pimples and a spent Angeles, have the very piano you are looking for, and at a less price than you

the most determined opposition. Maclih da, hands son aad white, hair Uva Diarrhoea Quickly Corsa. ever expected to buy even a second-han- d piano.The house was in session but twelvewhich drove heck the alllei' left wai fought minutes today, most of the dav lie ins- con and (lossy, aad scalp free from dandruff sod "My attention was first called to Cham STORE OPEN UNTIL S:30 EVENINGSat Hapamns Thursday and Friday. On sumed In the discussion of the general Itching, begin the regular use of berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem-

edyUNION in. Miinir the Oermins brougli up many warehouse hill In committee. Soap for the toilet, bath and shampoo. as much ss twelve years ago. At thatmini in a dense for and In Mi A deleratlon of one hundred members of rime 1 was seriously 111 with summer com-

plaint.sal atad by an srrsalssal tight applicative Jenkins Piano Co.hours or engagement the Trench surrered tho Farmers' union was In Austin today, One dose of this remedy checked tbeseverely. A British force unexpectedly the members or which devoted their time of Cuticara ointment. Althouf h Cuetctara trouble," writes Mrs. C. W. Florence, Rock- -

Neat Market imd ncmpied the French position and to a canvass of the members of both bouse Sean and Ointment are sold everywhere, a field, Ind. For sale by all dealers. Adver- -

BIG PIANOTHE HOUSEalio Weil tile voirv Frcnrlimnn In ratlr and senate, ascertaining the sentiment of ampia of each with 32-- Skin Book will be uscment.Then, though hard pressed, the British eon- - the lawmakers with retard to legislation gaat free u request. Address 2H-- 2 ix Texas St., El Paso, Texas.ii ii ii to ngni a magnificent rear guard pon

ncsircu by tno rentiers' organisationPHONE imt. tenon--" CuUcura. Dept. T. Boston.':UNION PRESIDENT FLEESCHONCE YOUNG PETER RADt'tiRD REAPPOINTEDJApAvnte finances III. Ml Or I'l III II II V 111 RK.AI UNITED STATES WEATHER BUREAU DAILY BULLETIN.

TENDKR Ml vis IN I i SHAPE Vsecsol Wire to The Timet "By

newthe. A, mr. in led Preen ron worm, texas, sept. 3. president FRENCH CITY SURRENDERS Muckle McDonald Got Away Fro si Butle Observations Takes at 8 p m , 7Mh Meridian Time, sept. 9, mi.torn. j.- -a cableSept. dispatch to liarles m. linii' it, or tne Farmers' Kduea- - I'reclpl- -Porterhouse Steak lbs Eisl rweive Honrs Alter Arrival oiant Weil Newt Bureau todsv30c tlonal and union or America; -- Temperara re-- Wind tatlonSlate Troops.par pound Myt: tonight announced Ibe reappointment ol Lowest Velocity last 24

"Tosió. fTt. s. At the conrerencs or I'eter Itadford as lecturer of the national Aniens Delivered Over lo the Germans by Highest last State of Dl- - ' per hours,Sirloin ateak 25c local governors today the minister or union for the omlng year, ine Mayor niter ss tiour g today. night weather. rcctlon. hour. Inches.Bu the Attoolated Preper pound flnanre slated that the special approprla-llo- n xtenslvc plan or nubltr.llv work to Parley. Abllene Clearfur tear purposes to.be submitted to be conducted by Mr. Hodford's department nuite, Mont., sept, s. martial law wasAmarillo PL Cldy. Meteak 25c Ih special session of the Diet will be ñas unen outlined ana win be carried out made more effective in Butte tonight by Atlanta Cloudyper pound HWMJm yen. IW.MQJMI. Together wllh inrougnout tne nation. The publicity; pro By Ihe J.teoeiated Preen Major D. 1. Donohue, who named l.leuten Boise, Idaho .... Clearih sum alrrndy expended for the present pairancln will be modelled after and con London, Sept. 3. It was 7 o'clock Sunday Boston CloudyRound iteak and Arthur A. Baker as news censor.20c II miniums in a 10ISI 01 05- ,- ducted along the lines of similar work done evening,, said the Mill's correspondent Chicago clearA court organized by Majorwi.ooo summary wssper pound yen, (MMMOO), This will be de in tne past in tne state or Texas, with the CinclnnaU Clearfrayed rrom surplus runds. The when a parly of Uhlans entered Amiens by jesse ii. Hoote. wno assumed me lurisaictreasury vie.w to bringing farmers' problems Denver ClearLamb Chops ai present hu a enrpiun or iro.ooo.non yen.

promthe Rue Jules Bar yesterday. Ho con lion or tne ponce judge and tried tne casesoriure ine,20c nouuy people in general. Detroit Cloudyor an . tneper pound (twi.ono.CMMi,. Upsides there re various Unites: persons arrested uy ponce

Duluth, Minn. .. Clearsearch continuad ror "Mucue" mcspecial mini wnicli ran be utilized Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take was ClearAfter a brief reconnalsance they forged EL PASOMutton Chops war funds. There will, therefore. Donald, president of tbe Butte Mine Work15c neither rirregse In taxes nor any new loinsGrove's. to the German main body at Camon. Later ers' union, who is reported lo have fled Oalvcslon Clearper pound The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Havre, Mont. PL Cldy.from Butte twelve boura after Ibe slateTonic Is equally valuable at a General Tonic they returned, accompanied by an envoy Jacksonville CloudySpare Ribs troops arrived. With McDonald Is J. y.17ic because II contains the well known tonic uesnng a wniie nag, ine lauor inter Little Rock CloudyCAPE TOWN Bradley, the union's vico president.per pound NATIVES properties of QUININE and IRON. Drives viewed Mayor Figuct at tno town nan .Los .... ClearM II I. M 'I Mill BRITIHH After an hour's discussion tho mayor sn or the 3,200 miners employed on tbe dsy Angeles

out Malaria, enriches Blood, Builds up lbs Nashville Clear01 tht Attorlettd! Prete pesren in rrom or tno town nsn wiin sniri or the Anaconda copper Mining comHOME MADE SAUSAGE. wnoie system, cue (Advertisement.) New Orleans .... Rainin the Butle it saidwas thatLondon, Sent. 3. The correspondent of trumpeters and officially announced psny camp

New York Cloudysun under of the city. He urged that tbe only mirty-nin- railed to renort ror dutyiitiiu'i i e icirran) romnanv nt I'm.The Clean Sanitary Market. of the Zeppelin airships on Antwerp, says rite or saloons Omaha clearTown, Union of South Africa, sends the citixens make no disturbance. today, closing is given ClearPhoenix ! . .ne nss arrivea ni me conclusion taat lue "Later the mayor and the municipal conn credit oy mine bosses ror tne large perPhone ITS. MB 8. Stanton su WHWWHWI carrying power of Ihe Zrppellns bas been Rapid City, S. D. PL Cldy."Tin inaglslritoi in Hie Transkel terri illors drove In carriages to pay a formal centage of .men reporting.greatly exaggerated and that with Roswell Cloudytories, (a division on the

proper it to tbe German commander, who told Memners or ino western roaeration oreast coast of precautions a city can guard almost Bt. Louis ClearwhollyQMS Colony), the them that they would be held personally Miners were Jubilant over the arrest ororpopulation which la against airships with auch powers of mis-chief

Salt Lake City ... Cloudyl.nro.nnn, hare been traveling the responsible with their lives for the good several men connected witn the new union.among at the Zeppelins bave demonstrated San Antonio Pt; Cldy.nanve, conduct oi ine citizens. These will be tried tomorrow on chsrges toirslan boundary is upon insiriirtiom rroin the govern io tne time. ... Clearslow. Manv Chris up present The Germans thereupon went be Ihe commission. San Franciscoment explaining the wsr situation. The preferred by militaryns ano surtís navo to Join town ball, where they hauled down tno Severs members or tne industrial work Santa Fe Pt. Cldy.

beén cotS nf.'iYi ?r 'wlly nveThere has serious D,"r la" to ine government. U. S. ARMY ORDERS French flap and hosted tne aerman. Tne ers of the World who were arrested In a Seattle Cloudyfilet between Turks ami Armenians U ssrfiSBfj cloudyGerman troops began entering, the city raid by the police on their headquarters WashingtonBulls, in Turkish Armenia. "bout midday Monday, singing aa tne came Wichita. Kan. ... ClearI'NRROKEN I'ltot I ssi were tne rir.it to oe tried ny tne sum

ol I I l, PARISIANS, nor wscdi am name. mery court. Four were found guilty of Yuma Clear'AN ITALIAN EDITION wasnmgtun, tjopt. a. rirst Lieutenant! orders"no time was wasted, however, as

By the .iMMtatrrf Smi Frank W. Lowpon. retired, his .owaj vagrancy, fined SUM and sentenced to threeOF BERLIN NEtVUPAPER. upon wei e to move. swIXUy out oil tup nigh road todetailed of silllt aaooina m jau. caier tne line ana sennew. Walter nuelevBtltfie Anoiatet Prtti nnrrm ih. application ,Ih as professor Paris. only v rew men esrwint io go am ten ce were suspended provwirut the men An opinion nr wsr Is not essentially a I'lirarlo on ihe Island, containing 94.74American utlst, returned today from lary science and lacucs artiuacnita college. iha The onlv casualties in connecRome, Sept. (Via Paris.) An Italian would leave nunc witn in twelve nourg ract, but may cause more trouble man if acres; Sept. 2.

edlilon of the Berlin Tageblau la being ...ni.-- , iic unserved aioiir a beautiful road Arxaaeipnia, arc.. 10 nuce citen sept, t tion with Ihe Ocoian occupation were those For tbe first time 4 tne it were.since Julyfriiin Paris to Orleans Llnutenant Dawson will proceed to Arks-distributed throughoul Ilaly. It contains, an almost unbrnkcn nr a chauffeur, who waa shot at tbe gales Building Permits.American flag flew from the city hall.under Ihe caption "The Truth of itm 'War," nrislansrnre.ision ir automobiles loaded Willi delphla and report lo the president of the because he did not stop quicaiy enuugn t which in normal times Is presided over Real Estate Transfers. B. C. Bscs, to build adobe, on lot 8, blockand their hartare. Atimit oiiru-- for duty. order or tne sentry, ana or s io-i-an article which arruaes Ihe news aréneles 38. in 400.socialist sdininisirauoii. provost Msr- - Mayrield Building tt Improvement Co. to Add.;la) yards wis a disabled Lieutenant Frederick Boachrn ny amarhlnd. First W. orwho intoIi maker, aot a wariiiuhof the saysnotoriously serving countries at it slial Frsnk conley, who has taken charge 0. R. de Hernandez. S4.S00, east 11 feci W. M. Hediler. to build sleeping porch,apiieareil as tliouirh all the taiir.h. in of tho Seventeenth Intimit y will proceed with some troopers over the pricewar with Germany by circulating false words rsiie f feet of 26, at 1S06 Wyoming; too.of the city hall. Issued the order to of lot 91, all of 29 and westreporta necessitating a direct appeal to the rasps vto soma aouinwsra. tu ton Mcpnerson, ua., ror temporary outy, of bis wsres. W. H. Hansford, to build brick bungalow.I.the thereof will ihe flag, lie also ordered mat nags be block 98, Bassett Add.; Septandcalm judgment of Italiana upon completion pro-

ceed"ch,n the Hermans enierea Amiens uto

After a summary of war news lh article GREAT Nl' USERS OF VMM Mil it to Fayettrvllle, Ark., as heretofore Frenrh retired to Plqulimy, eight miles placed over the doors or the police depart W. 0. Turner and Emma C. Fakes to J. H. Castle Heights Add.; 2,000.

emphasises the excellent treatment extend-ed

ARE ARRIVING IN' BERLIN ordered. northwest, blowing up bolh bridges over ment. Goodman. 85. 50. north 8 feet of lot 8. allto all foreigners In Germany. Bu the A umetated lrmi First Lieutenant Junes K. Abbott, Tenth tho Sonune." of 9 and 10, block 87, Campbell Add.; July II.

l.i ii nloii, Sept. J. A ril. natch lo ih. p.. cavalry, Is taUMfjRred to ihe Slxih cavalry. SOUTH AMERICAN CONDITIONS. rranK ri. ierren io s. u. penning, asuyau-si-, ChildrenBATTLE AT RAPAI MK Ing from (.'nneninn ... Lieuteani uoionei wmtam unan, general JOINT CIIMGREB9I0NAL SESSION etsl 79 reel 5 Inch or lot 5, block 102, l Cry

THL'RtDAY AND FRIDAY. staff, at his own reuuest Is relieved as a Sea Trsnvportallon Halted by European Add.: July 30.re FOR FLETCHER'SHrlln SPSssj arriving member af Ihe general staff Io take l oiluv lo llrnr I'restdeni vv ar ano nuiirr ior .rrcssmes.Bm tht .Associated Fresa dllllv. The Iran. ... ,,, ,,. ,i.,., corps. Hill l oin cue P. E. Kern to A. B. Dormán, lio, all of

London, Sept. I. (Delayed.) The) Paris en iiDill dirk In order to avoid undue crrect fccpi. is. Resd Mrssifle Askinp lor tvsr ssx. Bu the Associated Prttt;i.

block No. 227, Alexander Add.; Aug. l. CASTOR I JXPanama, sept. neporis received herecorrespondent or the Dally Mall sends the ruiiuMiy on in part or the public. The Captain Augustine Mrintyrc, field By the Aetoi ia trd Press from points on the west coast or South Luclle McClure Jones at al. to Max Moye,following dispatch: WcuMad are coming mostly from Easl tlllery. Is relieved from bis present duties Washington, Sept. J. Congress will meet tl.050, lots 26. 27, 30. 31 and 32, block 18,Indicate that conditionsano station ami win repair to this city ana America are worse also lots 3 and I, block to, all Government"I liare Just returned from In staff in ioipi session tomorrow afternoon to than In many years, as a result of theComplesrn. "ITinress l.ou se. nt RelHnm k. report person tu the chief of for Hill Add. May is.The French have lert town. The bring duty. bear President Wilson's message asking Eurooesn war. 'over the Olse were blown up this morn-ing.

"lcu wave Vienna wnnin 84 hours. second Lieutenant Harding I'oix, Kieventh wax tsx revanuo measure that will I ne conflict wnicn Is now occupying- the Mrs. n. F. HoUlmon et al. to MelchorThe Germans were expected hourly. IHK BANK DF lit Ml. cavalry, will proceed at the proper time provide IIOO.OOO.oiio. A concurrent resolu attention of the world, has virtually hailed Calderón, 1107.50, lot 8 and east of Candy Sale

"One important section of tht bailie vit.a, move TO Ii it III ii A to Foi l Oglethorpe, Ga ror temporary tion providing for the Joint session was irinsponsnon aiong me raeinc coasi 9, block 88. Highland Park Add.; Aug. .

Bythr Attorialnl Preu duty, and upun the roniplctlun thereor will adopted today in nntn nouses. or South America, putting .an end in. large Morning Side Heights Co. lo P. C. White.The president shimmied the message to 200, lots t. block I, Morning .de Heig.a; on our

Paris, Sept. L The govrrnment will la proceed to Fort lllley, Kan., for duty at measure to tne importation or necessities. Sept. I. ,day to Representative Underwood, chair There is reason to believe that manysue a ine inoniiiiMi service scnooi.the Rank

proclamation(if France

lomorrowrmin Paris

transferringto n,.,-- Colonel Henry I.. Hawthorne, coast ar man op loa ways and means committor coast towns are in actual want and that coles Building A Real Estate Co. to Italian Cream

tillery his la who will frame the revenue bill. The 1st thousands of people are out of employ- - Wllhelmina L. Brown. 700, lots 7 and 8,ilea It 1. corps, upon own application with Nuts.block 7, Castle Heights Add.; Aug. 96.retired from active service, lo lake effect communicated to the president theRESTRICTIONS GIVEN Nov. I. framework of the isx plan he and his as Business In all cities as far south as Anto Et Psso Heights investment Co. to Mrs. 15c the Pound.ENTRY INTO PARIS. captain Orval P. Townsend. Porto Bico sucintes have proposed to meet the ex fagasts, Chile, is reponed to be virtually Stella M. sisnton, i2(i, lots 5 end e, block

peeled deficit caused bv the railing off In 31, El Psso Heights; July IEfAr.tisooiulril I'm rlment of Infantry, is relieved from fur a sianasnu. Saturday only.C. A. Beers to F. W. Berkshlrde. 2.400,customs receipts. The proclamation of partial moratoriumParis. 9pt. :i lieioinning tonight ther duty on recruiting service and will aWhen You persons may lcnve or enter Parla between iiceed lo join ma regiment. rnderwood ssid ister the DISS vu at Lima. Peru, permits bsnks to refuse Elizarlosurvey No.


Julyon tne

II.Island. In the San Fresh Peach Ice Cream.

s orioca in hip ciouinr and r. o'clock In Leaves of sbsenre: Second Lleutonant calculated io pronuc nno.iss).otn ny an "in payments in exeats or rive per cent of P. M. Murchlson F. W. Berkshire,tolis McClelland, Ninth cavalry. three ternal revenue tax on a very few com their deposits weekly, while the PeruvianGardnersine morning


Iresh veremhTeaa military

acepassnap. n... un .. Csplain Robert Davis, field arni- - modities, dui orno not niscuss government has ordered the stoppage of 52.19


lotSept123 In

t.San Elizarlo, containing The Elite Confectionery Co.

inltted arceia tt lialf hour Intervals duiln lery, one month; i.apialn Henry. M. Mer further. me eioriauon oi gusa. ' F. M. Murchlson lo f. w. Berkshire, 1,237.Get Old lin o. roast artillery corps, ten dayi: Lieu President Wilson silted to callers today Conditions at Guayaquil and other Euro. the of Ho. t03. in Banwest ftenanl Colonel David C. Slianki. infantry tutu ne did not expect the war tax meas pean ports, as well as pons In Colombia, survey

MORE Al'STRIAN TRIIOP8 twelve days; Major William K. Bertscb re to be in effect for a long Ume. H are ociievea nere io oe equally pad.KENT ACAIVKT SKHVIA, Third Infantry, seven days; First l.leuten pointed out Hint ir the tariff had not beenfig IJie Aaaocln led 1'i rn ant John f. curry. Firm Infantry, one nanged oerore the beginning of the war MLJOEN SEEKS SCRAP.

l.ondoh. Sent. I. A dlanatrh to the siar month. Ihe deficit In the treasury would beWill you be able to go to the rrom Aineni siys greater, under the new tariff, he 'said Former Leader Declares New Is Time torbank and draw out no srrvians are send ne ss manv W. I. BIZZELL ACCEPTS. the finances of th treasury do not depend liners to Rise Against anilsa.money troops as possible to reinforce those as largely upon ine tarirr as formerly J. v II loen, formar commander nr theaccumulated in your younger already at the river Prim. There la no Will Become Head of Texas Agricultural noer army, yesierasy mane ououc a cable

AGREEMENT ON gtam which he had d snatched to his rormertruth In tii.- report that ihe Austrlans are ano unnatural concur.days? snUMrawiDl iroool rrom lie Servan Kpecisl Wire lo Tht Timet TRADE COMMISSION BILL. cnier, tienerai louis noma, in Pretoria, att iroimer ami s,.,ning inetn lo meet the Bus Houston, ieas, sept i. k. n. cunning By the Associated 'res. follows:

tlafi. On Hi contrary. Austria Is sending or ine ooara or receñís nss rernvcn mror Washington. Sept. completion of the "This is a most opportune time for SouthBear in mind, if you live, ago more men agalnil Hen m to prevent the insumí that V. B. BlueU, president of the administration HfltUfVwi pro Africa to cast off English rule forever.will compel to Servians entering Bosnia. ere or industrial Ant ai Denton, nu gram was advanced a step runner today Boars In this country will rally to theyou stop crepied the presidency of the Texas Agrl wlien the conference committee on the d flag.1.working. Your earning ca-

pacityAMERICAN ni CROSS mutual ami Mocnanicai college. trade commission bin rationed an arree General VlUoea-- U now a resident orSERVICES IN DEMAND. Several weeks aro the directors of meat. The report of the conference will Chamberí no, H. M. He Is a natui shiedis then cut off. Bf I e in iril Press k tendered Mr. Blxxell the presidency ne sunnutiea in noiti houses tomorrow. American rltlxen and baa taken a some-

whatNew Tort. sect. 1 Mm Mabel Board at salary of MAM a year, after which The principal changes made m the con active part In the politics of IheNOW for that man. ehairiutn of the national committee of ibe dtreciors of C. I. A. agreed to raise ference reiste to. the provisions of the community where he resides. FollowingPrepare lime the American Red Crois, who Is In New his salary to an equal amount. He has s court review, sppeala from decisions the outbreak of the revolution In Mexico

when a BANK ACCOUNT York dire, img the work ol rnttng out the high reputation as an educator and the commission to be made direct to the he served for a time as military sdvlserliner Hamburg, which, news of bis acceptance will meet with the coun or appeals. Iroin which there ran be to the late President Madero. When Madero

will bo your best friend. under the name of Ibe .lied Cross, bat been approval or moat oi tne . mi patrons. appeal only upon rit of certiorari to the became president Vluoen was senl tochartered to take the Anserlran Red Cross supreme court. Sonort to treat with the warring Vaquls.units to tne arsr tone, said todsy that she MMI'I 11 IKSIMI M HAS Prohibition of "unfair methods of com Following mis service ne rruirnea io isiew


COUNThad received a communication from the M'SPENDEB PUBLICATION politlón" Is substituted for "unfair com Mexico and hat since taken no part inGreek Government klnr If the American IN I.KRVIAN CAPITAL. petition" by the conlereea. who made no Mexican affairs.AT THIS BANK. society wa In a position to supply doctors attempt to dehue what oonsUtulea suchand nursei for service who IBS orees; (Correspondence or Associated Press.) unrair metnoas INTERNATIONAL HOSTILITIESarmy. Berlin. Aug.THE BANK THAT She had received also, through Ambsssi the widely known satirical paper California banks are now using more Americans, Though Outnumbered, Havedor MorpsRIhau at Constantinople, she ssid Shade In Battle Near SaaeHer.which sharply rtrtratures pretty currency and less gold. Sat the goldenPAYS 4 PER CENT what aid could be given On tbe af-

ternoon,an Inaulry as lo ic all one of smelter cars yesterdaynearly existing slate Insltutlons weat win continue golden to long as me Tha instrumentthe Turklah army If Turkey was Involved four Americans and ten Mexicans ihown her.in the conflict. The Greeks offered to pay in

publicationtimes or




as itsupply ui wurists Holds ouu got into an argument. When Ihe car la th Victrel XVI. tOOO.

the salarial of the doctors and nurses thai announced, that the present is no stopped out near Ford's saloon, the two Other styles 10 ta use.were sent to mat country, nut miss Board factions slighted and Joined In atime to caricatura Internal affairs,man said that If Orcece went to war the flghc Spectators say tbe Americans heldbesides one of Its editors Is at theAmerican FttBI Cross would Day for all their own against their opponents, thoughION doctors and nurses sent to the front with frost "My wife and I resotninend oumumnrred more man two 10 one. none TheIII armies. Of the combatants were Injured, though music of the VictrolaThe work of leading the Hamburar la oro-- SANDERSON. TEX. Dr. Malea' Nervine for Fita several or them were a bit bruised.8AFXlRUrJTCa, ixiinr atitrartorllv and the shin will aall By fiases SpsoW Correspondes! and boy whoSanderson, Tax., sent. o. Davis apaams. w. have a isno it Moo cuy sxatrnooD, is is experiea.and little daughter. Sarah, have returned us nine

sincereara old now. aad has

old.badWi IN THE COURTS always enjoyable

to El Pasó, after visit with her daughter. apaams he was two yearsIS GROSSLY EX AGGKHA Mrs. D. K. McNall. had

tooktriedhim to differaat




TTHrti Eourtk District Court. After you have beca motoring and enjoying the beauties ofhu ISr iaMiatsal Fresa Mrs. F. W. Peeve is visiting her daugh-ter It would only be a Short time until (Dan M. Jackson, Judge.; nature, you cao come home and enjoy the beautiesin El Paso ofi... ni. ni s..nt. s i3:tr a. m The Ant iBaaa flu would kill him They would Gollnlk ra. Anton Ooetalk. suit sons?

warn rorrespeMent of the Morning Pots, Mrs. W. H. Lemons has returned rrom not allow him to go to school: finally ror divorce; rued. on the Victrola.after a close awasUgaUoa Into the attempts S short visit al Marathon. wife Stive aim.my commenced to And whenMr. and Mrs. w. H. MansTleld aad chil-

drena stormy day comes alone and you have to stayrawty-rtra- d WsSMst CearLreturned Tuesday from Marathon. Dr. Miles' Nervine (A. M. Walihaíl. Jadas.) indoors, you will be doubly triad to have a Victrola.Mrs. F. B. Carter entertained the mem-

bersHow be siciM oomptetaly cured and Winnie Beety Frank Besty. suit tor in and willvs. Stop musicor tbe B. B. Club 00 Wednesday govs to school regularly and has net we plsy any yon with to hear W.M1 .uLevy Grocery Co. UndcrtieU afternoon. had a spasm for months' aivorre;


Robinson vs. John yod the various styles of tbe Victor and VictxoU 10 to brjO--an-d

All Others Miss Johnnie Lemons of Marathon ar-rived

Stephen O. Hurllek. Ambridg-e- ,salt ror divorce; riled. plain our system oi easy terms.

Wednesday oa viali to her broth-er, hts. convulsions, St Vitus

Phones 50S-JO- 6 204-20- 6 E Overland St. W. H. Lemons and family. dance and afflict Special District CearLepilepsy frequentlyMrs. M. Tankertaey and daughter, Miss M Nasi. Judge.)Kathleen arrived Tuesday from Alpine W children. If you hare a child suf-

feringWilliam 8. Hallar vs. Bad la Hallar, sun W. G. WALZ CO.Just Arrived, Concord spend ihe winter. from any ol thste diseases ror cuvorce: ruea.Grapes Mrs Dells MaMabaa or El Paao speai do not. hesitate to give Or. Miles' Ceotrel Labor unloa vs. Henry

35c Basket; 3 lor $1.00the


Roberthere.Duncan and children base Wervtne a trial Walker, injunction; riled. 103 S. El Paso Streeta returned from S visit to relailvaa at rvturo a"? the ydatJT&M tsrWtéSTta JnsUee Caart.

aaaaai avfi (E M. MaClustock. J adra.)

Place Your Orders Eeurlv Miss Margaret Nunn has returned rrasa a Ms M atflV .01 ajtugwujta, hum tuts vs. w UMoTelagxaphvisit to Miss Ada Jonas al .1 tsars.

Friday. Sept. 4. 1914. EL PASO MORNING TIMES

Headquarters for FILTHY HOVELS

ORDERED RAZED The 'Topular" Will Remain Open All Day FridaySchool Books Followingr j

our usual custom, this store will, from now on, remain open all daycm r.nrxr n. conmmis WNngrn a nuay .


Dealiess Given TMrly Days Within Which T9.. 1Is Comply with order; mgktrul rriaayanions KereaMM ay neperi.

Acting upon the recommend it Ion or the XXtra RENFREWEL PASO health department and Ihe report or thecommittee Wednesday appointed to inspect

I BOOK CO. I the houses sprctried in the report or thehealth department, the cltv council veiier. Specials DEVONSHIREday passed resolutions ordering the destruction 01 more tnaii 100 adooe nuts in

because of the unsanitary condi-tions.


A number of the residents and agents of Regularly 6O0 the boa,the conrletnnAfl tintinen. anneiroil Iwtrnre CLOTHthe city fathers yesterday morning, and their assorted tints.swers in tne questions astea ny tne at-

torneysEtweka Corvino-- .

and aldermen bore out the sisté-menla

Sta Talcum 7C Irr-gs-Tmade la tlx health department re-port.PLAZA They admitted living under the mosi Large sise box, usually 32 INCHunhealthy and Immoral conditions, many sold at l(o.bouses or two rooms, housing as many astwelve (amines. OUTWEARS GALATEA

The resolutions adopted by the councilallows the occupants and proprietors orthe condemned buildings thirty days inwhich to vacate and destroy the bouses, and Friday11 is provided that, if this order is not car-ried out In the time snrririeil. the nmnerauthorities of tbe city shall raze Ibe build-ings.

AN IDEAL STURDY FABRIC FOR CHILD SCHOOL APPARELSpecials FULL 3S INCHES WIDE Woven from extra strong yards, to outwear anyThe beautiful scenic driveway and park, cotton fabrlo suitable for thta purpose. It has been giving unsurpassed satis-faction

which baa been the subject of much dis-cussion on tbe ptrt of the proprietors or Ilnen Section. for years and we gladly recommend It to mothers whose childrenthe Improvement, no longer Is s mere pos-sibility,


are unusually hard on school clothe. Considering the life of a garmentbut Is an assured reality, the coun-cil Comes In 10 yard made ofhaving yesterday adopted recommendsnous presented Dy Alderman w. a. Clay-ton,

bolts, quaint, unusual RENFREW DEVONSHIRE CLOTH it is the most economical cloth you canashing tbat tbe city attorney be m Japanese figures in two buy for school clothes.m rue ted to learn the lowest price for which badea or blue; regular-lyblocks tt, 70, M and oo, and portions or SHOWN IN STRIPES, CHECKS, AND PLAIN sumh :s.

blocks 107, 14 and 3i of Alexander's ad-dition,

76o bolt; Fri- - CA YARD 20cmay be purchased. day All Day OUCTRANSFER STATION it Is proposed to authorise tbe issuance Limited purchase of. (Cn Sale in the Basement.)

or bonds to obtain the amount necessaryto build the highway and park. two bolts to a customer.

According to plans recently submitted to All JUnen inihe committees appointed to take up the Gaeat Towel ..lfCnialterwill be


the newSO feet




properwill A Friday special orne Moirne DiressmakeirsAttentñoinilIEL PASO BOOK CO be a tract or land 30 feet wide on ihe ara hemstitched, some

sloping side or the mesa, and about go foot seal loped, some withon the other aide. It Is planned to makebeautirul parkways or the two strips bor-dering

raw edges to be XXtra Special Fridaythe boulevard. Regular 25c;Health Department Report Friday 1 AA Fine Automatic Book Strap. Tbe report or the twalth department shows each IVCFREE a total of IS deaths during the week endingWorth 18c Got One. nepmmnar a, ttvo 01 wntcn were Ameritan Limited purchase of Íind IS Mexican: Si births, 8 or which were to n customer. We Offlfer theYouAmerican and SO Mexican; sixteen cases or Lg loth r Today Genuinetypbotd fever, eleven of which were resi-dents or EI Fsso, and five Frlday. boat sPJUvd

vice at Juarez, stated that the special police-man

his rcquost, and he offered to sell mo the The Inspectors visited 1,780 business houses, II yard bolts of No. 600 "Price Form" Dress FormsBRONSON HELD ON stationed In the Black Cat restaurant $10,000 I needed ror 91 cents in gold for Including groceries, dairies, meal markets,.rave him (200. which be said Robb gave lo csch dollar Mexican money, the entire sum laundries, restaurants, hotels, fruit and

Longcloth, 16 In. Wide,the waiter to sell, and stated turther thai pain over to mm aggrcgaung ati.ro gum vegetable stores, etc., and 1,011 bead of or IS In, cross barredhe immediately placed the waiter under ar-rest.

Slv Thousand Pesos'

Was flood. cattle were examined for disease. One hun-dred

Nainsook either of That Are Kejularly Sold Evare whereThe money, be said, he turned over "Six thousand dollars of the money It. and ninety pounds of meat wera con-

demned,CURRENCY CHARGE to the financial agency to stamp aa coun-terfeit.

sold me was old and worn, as If It had and 197 pounds of rruit and vege-tables

these are regularly In the We$rt et f1S.00. $12.50been in circulation Tor a long, time, but were ordered destroyed during the worth 12 the yard. Friday All SiseeTell of Arrest of Robb. $4,000 dollars waa new and unused. asked week. Friday IS"I later placed Robb under arrest." he him' ir the money was good, and he said The report of tbe sewer department $1.05

PHYSICIAN IN JUL IN DEFAULT testiried, "and lodged him In Jail In com-pliance

tbat It was, telling me tbat he was a pretty showed that nearly 5.000 reel of eight inch Yanto ... These are the original Pneumatic Dress forma that are, or can be made,KIVE THOUSAND DOLLAR wltb an order Issued by the mayor gooo judge or good money, ana mat sewer pipe was laid during the month of the exact counterpart of your particular figure, thin allowing the home

BOND. or Juarex, on a charge of having in his thought it waa all genuine. August, and si plugged sewers were dressmaker the sunt advantage of the professional.possession and circulating counterfeit con-stitutionalist

"in order to protect me, he said that he cleaned.money." would give me a written bill or sale, and The city blacksmith shop report for the Remnants (Sale in the Notion Bcctlon-Kl- rst Floor).

A. J. Mo j sr. Arrested on Similar Charge, The night clerk at police headquarters in a guaranty of the money's genuineness. month or August gives the total coat ofIs Helrased by Judge Murphy oa Juarez was placed on the stand for the This ho did, and lert hla orrice, satisfied operation as $878.05.

and testiried that he that all or the money was legal Seventy-nin- permits issued OF TABLE LINENS$500 Ball After Hearing. prosecution, was pres-ent

were duringwhen officer made a saareh of "la Juarez, I visited the bank and asked August by the department or In-

spection,an building Will be offered In a big Auk to See theBoyce's person, wben be was Incarcerated them to examine the money ror me, more the valuation or tbe Improvement

After a l battle which lasted the bettor in the Juarez Jail on a similar charge. ror curiosity than anything else, and they and new buildings Involved aggregating choice of desired kinds ffleébfajmtat--.part or three days, In the court or Justice "The officer found WOO bad money on tbc said there that they Uwurht the money $$17,410. and good lengths at a New "Gossanl"or the Peace James J. Murphy, Dr. A. S. man," he said, "and Instantly turned it over was counterfeit. I immediately took It to The report or tbe plumbing and gas In-

spectionbig savins In price.

Bronson was yesterday remanded to the to me. I counted It, placed It in an en-velope,

tne matinal agency, ana uey pronouncea department tor August showed that CorsetsTheao will be foundcustody or the sherirr In default or 15,001) and took It personally to the higher it counterfeit and placea tne stamp "raise" 57 plumbing permits and 85 gas permits onbond, to await the action or the grand Jury. authorities." on all of It except the $6,000 which was old were issued, totaling a valuation or $883. the Second Floor Ceu

Forty-nin- sepárate and distinct com-plaints

Attorney uunther Lesslng then look the ana worn. Thirty-nin- permits ror work, valued at tor Aisle.or having forged instruments In' his stand, and testified that on last Thursdsy Innocent Cotton Broker Arrested. lira were issued ny mo department of dec .A.possessIon contrary to the laws of ibe he was present wben Military Judge Rodri-

gueztrlclty during the month or August.

state of Texas, In such cases made and turned about gMO of the illegitimate The department or weights and measuresprovided, bad been lodged' against the phy-sician.

issue of currency over to Mayor C E. Kelly. telephoned to Moyse to ctuue over Into repus'icu mw wuignrn nunug AUgtlThe justice, after hearing the testi-

monyA touch of levity broke the monotony or Juarez, telling him that 1 wanted to discuss the revenue- totaling $45.00.

the hearing, a business transaction with nun. ism The report or the meterIn lengthy preliminary tne testimony or tne witnesses concerning Inspection de-partmentheld the defendant to answer In 200 on the the illegitimacy or the money used aa evi-

dence,nothing of my arrest, but he said tbat He ror August states that tt leaks on

rirst complaint and in $100 on each or tbc when Judge T. A. Falvey, engaged was 100 Dusy. the consumers' side were reported during the construction or sidewalks on the south given up to the annual address or J. A. Cossrova and Mrs. Julia Cossrove.remaining to derend Dr. Bronson, asked witness Les-

slng"When they released me from the Jail tne moiim. side of East Hlo tirando street by block 67, Gardner and routine iiust- - or Han Anlonldi O. werley, Alfonso Mon-

suddenly, "Who swiped that missing came to El Paso and told Moyse abotr Heights addition, and on the south ness. I.HKI. ram lisco ana Ainort ueroia, or ciExpects uncase Today. the bad money. Ha expressed bis sorrow Tax Collector's Resort. side of Montana street by block $, The Women's Reltcr Corps elected s Paso.ten Mil. Lesslng?"Judge T. A. Falvey, or counsel for Dr. peso The tax assessor and collector's reportfor my having been subletted to such treat addition. end the election wss marked by sev-eral"I do know. AllMr. Leasing replied, notBronson. at the conclusion or the hearing ment on bis account, and told me that he ror tbe month or August follows: .smount The first reading of an ordinance to spirited contests. Mrs. Sarah E. mithat know Is that I gave It to a man whomannounced that be expected to duo ctly, s5.OM.6S; amount or commissionsyesterday,

I have reason to trust implicitly. Further would be has good aa his word and make a grade on Division, Itaynor. ton or Rochester, H. Y., waa made presl- -arrange for bond and the release or his good any loss I sustained In buying the and lines for delinquency, $144.57; to ml San Marcial, Martinez, MyleS and doni.than that I know nothing."client today. money. I sold him back the entire $10400 amount due city, ge.oso.n. I.una streets, was beard. Mr. Bessie A. Bowser or Indianapolis

When the bearing was resumed yester-day

The Folly of Trustfulness. and he gave me tne amount 1 paid ror it. The water works department report for Petitions Under Consideration. wss today elected president of the Daughmorning, counsel for the Mexican gov-ernment

Justice Murphy broke In with the re-mark.

Believes Defendant Oullllcss. tne monin lonows: gross operating reve-nue. The following petitions also were con-

sideredters or veterans auxiliary, me miniwithdrew objection to the testi-

mony"So did Bronson trust a man he "I do not think that he roaiiy knew that 1111.689.58; direct operating expenses by tbe aldermen yesterday: States Veteran Signal association has elector one Fuentes, manager or a gamb-

lingbelieved to be loyal, and look what It did the money was bad. or be would not have Si2.08J.H7; not operaUng revexum, $7 DM. 08: A petition from Z. 8. Johnson, to have a ed Oeorge Carr nomol, Manassas, vs., pres

bouse IB Juarez, concerning the dif-ference

to him" given me the written bill or sale or bought Indirect expense, $2,S3.M; net Income, pool or water drained at Brown and East ident.between the genuine and the coun Moyse Held to Grand Jury. back the money.' B9.0S7.1U. üviirland streets, ftererred to the street TTRACTIONSterfeit Villa currency. Testimony on this A. 0. Moycv, connected with the Aztec The cashier at the financial agency or Street Denartmeat Activity. and grades committee.point bad been Interrupted Wednesday on Commission company, and arretted on Juarez, testified tbat Oomez brought $4.000 Tbe report of tbe street department for A petition rrom Ibe property owners on Among the insny nrrlvsls at Hotel Clark,the ground that It tended to reveal secrets twenty-riv- counts or having forged Instru-

ments Mexican money to mm to ne examined, and August snows mat 708 sweepers were em-ployed. Noblo street to compel Ihe owners of vacant l.os Angeles, from Texas, are the rollowlng:

or toe Mexican government, tes-timony

m bis possession, was bound over thai he proved It to be counterfeit and 104 night teams were eiiwloved. 17 lots to remove tne growth or weeds, Mrs. K. M. i.ancn ot lianas, nr. aim sirs.served to corroborate that or Mex by Judge Murphy under (500. stamped It as such. "Oomez told me he sprinkler teams were hired, and SJhMJJOU o ranted on second reading.

ican government experts who were placed Raoufllomei. who claimed to be engaged got the money In El Paso," he said, "and gallons or water were used ror sprinkling Okeet te Luurb Manon.on the stand ror tne state Wednesday In the business of selling cotton from bis to make sure that there was no mistake purposes. A Detltlon rrom restaurant kevpers to(.lerU fif .Inner Court Testifies. father's plantations In Mexico, was the I had the experts In the financial agency Resolutions were passed authorizing Cltv prohibit tira keeping of s lunch wsgon at Contlnuoua Performance 7

Carlos sanmartín, clerk to Military Judge principal witness placed on ibe stand. examine every bill or ihe money." Clerk Kasseil to serve notice on proprietors, second and El Paso streets. Referred toHodiiguez or Juarex, testiried that he took "On August SI I came to El Paso 10 pur-

chaseWben placed under arrest Monday nlgbt tenants, agents or residents or tbe houses the streot and grades committee. OBSERVE THIS First Show Begins at 6 p. m.

down the court proceedings in the trials or constitutionalist money, which I or naving tne counterreit money in nis pos-session.

specified in the report or the board or a nntiiion from W. R. Dritt. aaklnr ner- - That ActRobb. Lombardo and Boyce. when the needed in business a cotton broker," health submitted at the Popularap my as Moyse said that he gol the money previous meeting, uiiustoii to iirect a balcony on a bulltlliutpeared before the Juarex court ror passing he stated, "and about 10 o'clock tbat morn-ing from an American In a hotel in El Paso. to appear at the meeting of the council on lots 3 and , sunset rieigms aaamon

.counterfeit money, tie swore mat ssuu in I met Moyse and told him that I needed but did not give the name or the hotel or to be held at 10 o'clock Thursday morning. Granted. MURPHY'S COMEDIANS!!! The Dallas Comedy Fourcounterfeit money was found on Robb. and $10,000 constitutionalist money Immediately. of Ihe man rrom whom he claimed lo have Mcptfiiiiier tu. ann snow cause, II any, why A petition rrom Alice c. nariueimy, asking1500 or the Illegal Issue was found on He told me that be thought he could raise bought the money. He stated tbat the the recommendations of the beard or health permission ui coiisu-uc- i a irom They are still drawing bis crowdsBoycv, who was known also as Frank the amount ror me, and asked me to come should not be carried theout and housesAmerican was to have called on him next ihe haspmcnt of a building under construe-tin- Are Mnkins; a Terrific Hit at the with their tuneful melodies andJames, wben they were placed under ar lo bis of rice in the First National bank day ror the purchase price. condemned and destroyed. nn lota It and 11 and Den or lot ISrest bv the Juarez authorities. building at noon of Ibat day. Moyse waived the right or a statemcnl Resolutions also were passed authorizing on second afreet east of El Paso street. RS. sparkling comedy.

Nogales Porras, chief of the secret ser "I went to his orrice In compliance with yesterday. rerivd ti tin" street ana graues conuniiieeHis attorneys immediately arranged bond. with lower ro act. Crawford Theater Those Dainty Bntertanleraand lie was released pruning action of t A pennon iiora s. inscun, iihuiiiii

giunu jury. Children Ory a grade si lots 9 and 10, block I, Altura

1 I'irk addition. Referred to the street and E G N Y AND M U N D E LLFOR FLETCHER'S grades committee.a iiciiiiim rrom the Union Católico (Ask Anybody) Hla violin playing and her posingJOINT MUNICIPAL CASTORIA Han Jose, ssklng permission lo Install an

The Fate of arc ltglil t ser.ona street ana cotton ave are real treat.Europe ñu 1, muí. it on the second reading. "THE CALL OF THEThe applli'stlon or w. E. gchaefrier for "Tha Fatal Plunge."the position ot cusioatan or wasninirKiiiBUILDING URGED mHRI Park,

committee.was referred to the street and grados WOODS" A Thrilling Motion Picture.

in the Napoleonic Wan rested upon the state Chamberlain's blnlnonl. Ihurs., Fri., Sat. and Sun.HOT till WS TO WITH CITY if won are ever trouliled with aches, pem Next week's, will includeof man's stomach. And because Napo-

leon'sprogramone ' " wn .111 l.nuii suvant or soreness of ihe muscles, you will apprc-ci.i- With Matinees 3 o'Ciock ALHAMBRAihn rood uiialtlles of Chamberlain's the orchestra, re-

inforcedIV. rROPOHITION.stomach in such condition that hewas a l.lnlllK'nt. any Sllllirurs iruili rununi.iimu Sai. and Sunday by a mandolin and a

could not think quickly or act decisively, the mi umv sufferer rrom rheumatism guitar. Regular i acts fromJudge Kylar Espials Mains of Undertsk-la- suits. It is especially valuable ror luratagoYesterday at Luncheon and lame Ick. ror ssiu uj warer. the Bart Levey circuit, otBattle of Waterloo was lost. m mi unce .Jipoisico.

Contrail- -(Advertisement). Night Prices; l&o and SOo the Paclflo coast, ar

Matinee Pzteesi: ISo and SSo now being booked.Need (ilasses? Ask rlezall. 108 Texas SU,

Dr. 11. L, Barney, 8. C. for the safeguarding of (Advertisement.) They are the bestIt helps mind and body to use a nourishing, Awbery, A. i. near Oregon.Foster, Jr., C. H. Flnley. w. T. Mlxaon, PHONE FOR TICKKTB NOW on the coast.

easily digested food such as your valuable popera In-


ror 8snall Aparlnieata.it ' N. Hoover, Hobert Krakauer, it. u. i, r., u.hi.ir.nv rasp lioudolr Piano.Orndorrr and Joseph Wright wera chosen Policies, Bonds, especially made ror small rooms. Priceas a committee to co operate In securing $lbm. iNi per month. The quality la

'siuai to that in a $3W.OO, large síie piano,a Joint city and county building with an Stock Certificate, Deed. o i,.,, ni.nn r ixis .south Side or Texasauditorium and market house at the notary (Advertisement.)St.club luncheon given yesterday at the Hotel can you afford to take riMW roa vagrancy. Unique Today Wigwam TheaterGrape-Nut- s Sheldon, as s result or a speech made by UNIVERSAL 1KB Comedy.County Judge A. 8. J. Kylar. Judge Eyier the great chmss of loss Parly of Half Dozes Mexicans Provided HEX DRAMA ALICE JOYCEin bis speech asked the Rotary club 10 lay W I in nm. - andaoiae an political auierencea and work by fire or theft of not only unihniit mnnev or employment, a Party H k Kit, Comedy. intogether to assure tbe or half a dozen Mexicans were beforetucceaa of tbe pro Well Balaooed Programthese do ill sail, best of Judau Ballard Coldwell In corporation

' Made of the best wheat and barley, it contains ject court yeaterdsy charged with vagrancy. Tomorrow Ihe Old Army Coat"Judge Eylar stated tbat since tbe city jewels and heirlooms Thev were In III.- Iiabll. the court waa told. DATyour FORD HTERI.INI iall the nutriment of the shout Ihe Munsou plant ontrue grain, including already had Issued bonds to luuri, ih. u.. of hanrlnaallowed by law the county could issue bonds also when absolute Kan Overland street. Permission was Bring the Kiddle. Sixth of the Alice Joycethe vital mineral salts. (Phosphate of Pot-

ash,... unci ui inr uunuiiig ano tne niv


tectionsriaiiivd ibeui to work out a fute of $lu SUNDAY and MONDAYooaU rent s tthe rata of di on the cltv rock Pile. series andetc.) often kicking in the ordinary diet, S

pay" "' !"

si.osurne struci

a month in our vaults may B. J. Alexander, a nero rrom east Serle No. I otwill cost approximately uoo.ooo, secure Tun, uld to l addicted lo tim cocaine TUB Tin-- : y O' HEARTS." Two Biograph Comdiea.but necessary for balanced up keep of body to Juu- - tlyar. Includlna tha 11....1 be had for a very small habit, wsa found guilty ot vagrancy and Read Sunday Time for Story.wing wltb cliy and county orrtces, tbe fined SCO. He wss witnoui minis ana winand brain. the rockurn ...u ui.fuu. ny senilis join the rorce onloe ore&em nil nrtmariv ih -- h.. wtilie women, Virginia Hartell andshould be able to raise enough money tó Ruth Melbourne, ware before the courtbuild the market and auditorium, which deposit boxes charged with vagrancy. They pleaded notWhile war in Europe is sending prices up here, be esu .isted will cost $tOO,ooo. iiiii urn were released on bond. Their

The suggested plan la 10 pot in Joint cases will come up this afternoon. Both BIJOUit's time find $5.00 GRECIANgood to out there's $2.60 to &a economy building op the front of the court house per year woini-i- i have been in court before on oiru- -

and better health in Grape-Nut-s.block,novae ano

and onuuiiorium-Judz-

the rear erect tbe market and up. Usr charges. X O DAYtylar also spoke or rasa wnrk CRAN'D ARMY IsaaTIMe.'saying tbat the north loon road wauan k RomaJne Kteldlas; In "

99 completed lo a lew day, and Um mixers forty Kluhtii Aaasal Est assgsMol Prsrtl "THE lK KAMBR." TODAY

There's Reason could then be brought in ror tbe work rally Concludes Ha Sssgias. Two Reel l.uiiln Production OUR MUTUALa or reconstruction of Magoffin avenue and Hi, Ih. .,. KI It d ', ,,Mundy street, through the city, and .or briroli. pt- - I. -- Willi Ilia spectacular GIRLImprovements to be mads on the roads features or tne national en THE RKVHluBR." Chapter SI.iroiu ti raso 10 nnuwny ano rrom Ysicia Another Good Western Comedy.sad rabeos. 1. 1.1. lo i.ra. mIIv coiiiliiil.il. the aderlnm COMJNU

It. E. Sherman raed short talk aa jm or for next year's rallying .SATl'RDAYa city grouiiu SEPT 1No advance in price at Grocers. ekih's proposed seseas M saw ay and park occupied a great aru i "w sssnsison vo Ada'sOne ot Geo comedies "SPARTACUS."day. Much sent unen waa manifested uheve Tutu trouble lo aecartng the desired Will make everyone laugh. Greatest picture Made.oonsiiuas vs sasn. Today's pruram was almost eaureiy ft' s.


EL PASO MORNING . TIMES Friday. Sept. 4. 1914.

GUni Co Back Into T. H. S.hnaUaa iona Take TwoBaseball Lead in Nation! Racing Sportfn Editar Boxing rom Dodger and BowlingLeague' Great Race Morning Time. Philiea Beat Bravea




tow proceedtheor




whichpgve and




go to

the Rio Grande.














notBnttiea to Automobile, Motorcyc.t und Horse Race close at the Oaapla

the peot-l- of thst section In the various Cigar Stand at 8 p. m. Friday, September 4th.events, there being several machines which BE 8URE A ND ENTERtot management desires to nave eniereo

'8 MI.N NOW II AVE II M l IT HAS BEEN LONG TIME MVCF. MORI II H I. him im.ii l.F.ADKRs tiki riiinu TODAY'S WORkOIT II. t. CON'CUJDE In the anto events rrom thst section.i;amk mmii.iv mi mi si i.i r i IIMII Hls DROPPED DOUBLE M III H. It I I.AMK THE TRUMV. FOR SIMl FISTIC Answering s popular demand, lio

VEJTBROWS GAMES. III Mini minus. CARD. vetterdav decided to add a trotting and pacing race, in which no less thantlx horses hsve been named to go. This

Clanl lake I n i. I mm Dodgers While Hunk is Beitea In First Game, Wall Mack Kawfcda Defeat Ike Motaleds 1st Twelve Evin Money Roles In the Betlblf Beth event It always an interesting one and asPhlinc. with Alexander Pitching, la Forced la llae Tno tnaln Id Second While oilier lour Glubs MvM nam ana ine tour r iswsra ."a-

ppear(he six horses named lo go have beaten MORNING TIMES' FORM CHARTSravea Cardinals Drop in. Hair; Vankrek Ural Senators rd Two Ooubla Headers. . la Re la Fine Shape each other rrequently Hie rices shouldprove exciting. - Deer Lodge Results

itiosi or ine stariers lougni 11 ous iuNATIONAL LEAGUE. AMERICAN LEADLE. UUOUE. By T. H. BCIINEIDAO. special race at the Jmroi race course BUTTE. MONT, Sept. 3. ton Weather fine; track fait.

Today, Tor the lui time, the fans will some few weeks ago snd are In fine shape. Upcetal Wfrs lo 7"Jio Timesof iba Ciaba. standing at UM Cluba. There ts side lift wagered amonga bigWon. Lost, Pel. Won. Lost Pet. have the chance to see the rour princi-pan ihem and alt have been awaiting the op-

portunity1572 FIRST RACE Five furlongs. Time :, :50, 1:03 start good; won easily.

Hew Vork 55 SI .MO fmiMWBMi S3 40 .67 Indianapolis 00 r,5 .570 in their training for the bouts which to again try conclusions.Boiinn JBttltkMton 71 M :.S7 Chu as will feature the fistic card to be orrercdiu r. ago tt 64s of their last meetingUpon the occasion Index Horse. Wt.81. 44 W 4 Sir. Pin. '?ockcy. pp. CL

HI ratrn i. ... JHI3T'.' 61 98 .513 Baltimore 63 U .530 In the Juarez arena across the river. Y heat. Prince Aillo anTeddy won oneSt. Liu ; i.i Ml JH iimron ,.1 .109 IiiM.ikl.yn 60 14 .117 With today marking the rinaie or tbetr other and won two. These three 1147 Lady Mint .119 ... II i i i Peak estpiit.htiiirh m at MMiuftietn 60 63 .4SS Burnio at M v .M0 training til four will travel through, a Tempest

In this event, together 1647 Ethel P .109 3 .. S" e t 9' Steven! 4 6

clnrtnna.il M A.'. .HA SI. Loilll M 67 .41 Kansas Clly h) 64 .467 strenuous woraom, inrowiog uia an arewith

nsmedFelix K


goRichard B. and Pal c. ' I486 Saucy Nell ... .107 5 9' 3 4i 3" Mulligan 30 10

krouklvn .. &4 SI .411 Vork 17 67 .460 .M. Louis M 66 .490 gloves aside ror the Hat tlrno at Ibe rinisli, There Is deal or mystery regard-ing

1946 Abigail K .107 9 Pi 3 II t Weber 4 9

nuaacinau w ei .459 'Cleveland Ml n .314 Pittsburgh M 66 .at not to don a pair again until they face the lasta great

named and he is said 10 be 1694 Tilllnghait .... .118 6 .. 6" II Montour 8 8

each other In the ring Sunday with the 1946 Ilirum Scarum .110 4 .. 4'i 4 9"6 Bobbins 3 3will boHeWhere Wberr Piar mils with which punish-


the dark horse or the race. Ray 8 .107 7 ..7 7 T 7 Smith 40 iOWlnre The j Play Tsday. They Pity Today. They Tetar. small six ounce driven by S. J. Kelly, the turrmm, whovslilngion 11 New York. Indianapolis ei nilcago,' will be dealt oul.Bolton at I'lili.i.V ipliiM. Is stld to be a skllimi driver in spite or Lady Mint, place, show, ouL Elhel P. place, x; show, Saucy Nell, show,

New Vort il Brooklyn. Philadelphia at Bolton, Baltlmoru at I'lttaburtb. That the two riehts win prove exciunx his handicap or but one arm.'lumen at Cleveland. Brooklyn at imrialo. la the universal otilnlon of fans who have on. Bcraicneo: waiso, wneeier.Mini)" 11 to addthe promoters expect best her resdvBy tonight Lady Mint ran as If much the of field and drew swsv when toSI. Louts at OclrolL k ansas city at St. Lotus. watched lha fighters In their daily work-outs

I'litsburgli at Si. ..in-- . to those they aladditionalseveral names win witn plenty n reserve, i.uiei r raced closest to the pare throughout ann liadtheir records carefully.and studied ready hava, making the program a record- - no opposition for tbe place. Stucy Nell finlslied fairly wen sno ouigtmea .uiganllu the 4sflr'ldfaf Prtm II V far Aumirlalrd Pren All four ire noted for their gamones and breaking one, bom ror quauiy ana quan-tity.

k ai. ena. itarum m arum was always outrun.Boston, Hept. 3. Boston took both gimea Chicago, sepl. Indianapolis, bl their ability to take punishment as well isof r today. of a double header from f'hiladelpliia today romhiiKMl with Chicago's errors, won, 5 lo lo desl it oul In large amounts. t7i SECOND RACE Four and r rurlongs. Time :96. to :96. Startrimes a 1 today. Take the feature event or tno ariernoon J J '

Score (first gime,. R. H. E. Srore -- I irst game; . R. U.K. Score: R.H. E. on the card, the twenty-riv- round bout good; won easily.New York 000 40 mío- -e n 9 "ostein 001 mi do- t- s u Indianapolis ...110 001 900 9 9 I between Louis Albert and tranxtc row ser. Index. Horse. Wt. 8L fi y 4 Sir. Fin. Jockey. tip. Ct.Brooklyn oou 101 onl- -3 13 Philadelphia

Batteries Foster andKM

Cirrlgab;000 100 I

riank4 Chicago 11)0 000 300 4 the outcome or which may bring a new LAS CRUCES PLANS 1990 Salnest 114 9 .. St 11 ! I'l Donovan

Balterles HaftWwaMI ami Meyers. :Pennoek mid HcAvoy. Batteries Billiard, Fafkenberg and welterweight champion lo the ristlc world. 1199 in mac Lad .. 114 ..1' 31 91 urines II lo

Lean; llagan. Solimutr. and MoCarty, Klshcr. Rartden; Johnson and Wilson. Here two lough, willing fighters will mix 333) Lady Stalwart 114 4 ! 94 3 S" Bezanson fi.,. in.. hik. Hums. HnbTlaun. cut' Two base hlls Osnlner. Slronk. Three tt, two boys mat arc rigni now prscucauy líos Ernest H 109 6 4 4 I' 4' ' Steven! 4

thaw. Rases on bslls, orr llairan 1, orr base mi speaker. Hlls iff I'lank, 8 In Kawlrds. 12; Terriers, t. In the prime or ihelr ting careers. BIG COUNTY FAIR 1609 Zool 114 3 .. S 14 91 91 Klrsclibaum 10 ISSrtitnuix I. Rouble plays. Egtti to cutalinw rr Pennoek, I In 1. Double plays Collins 11,. l 4. ., ,. I iv,-.- It will be something or the old lineup 1609 t. H. Barr .... 114 9 .. 6 0 6 6 Nolan 10- - 19

to nauberi: Ciitshaw lo Kgan to banned; 0 Barry lo .Mctnnls; lo Mclunls; Ml. i. muís sept. Afirr 'twelve tnnlnt or the boxer pitted against the tighter. 1148 Joe Rusher . .. 114 7 .. 7 7 7 7 Bolind 30 40Dovle to Fletcher lo Morklc. Siruck oui, lisrry 10 Collins to Mclnnls. Siruck out- - battle Kansas cuy won front St. Louis Albert 111 his training liss not impreiaeabv'llaitun bv Mnthewsntt 3. by Schmtiu ny i'lank. i; Dy hosier I'mDlres loday. II to 0. Score: R.ll. K. the writer is being exceptionally clever Saltiest, place, show, Orlmar Lad, place, show, Lady stal-

wart,I.' Hits, orr Hagan, s in innings. rr UrLouglilln unci Hfldebrsnd. Kansas City 303 I 000 903- -19 11 4 as a boxer and he appears to lit 1 man ELABORATE PREPARATIONS BEING MADE allow,Schmulz, s in t innings. Umpires, Lason nii asme: n. H. K. St. Louis 000 ISO 040 900 9 It 4 rather easy to retch, although he may bare FOR SHOW COMMKNCINU Salnest need I.idy Stalwart Into submission early tnd going into a good lead,in1 Qulglcy.. Ilosl.iri 301 000 M- X- 6 tO 1 Batteries Packard and Kasenroth; Keup-pe- been laying himself open on the occasion! I - SEPTEMBER 33. easily held Orlmar Lad safe at end. Orlmar Lad broke in front, but was shurricd

Second trame n. il is. I'hllailnlphia 100 0UO OU 3 It t Wlllett, Davenport ind Hartley, imp- when no was unuer ouaervanou. back at start, moved up gradually and rinlshed rast, bnt could not get to theNew orlt inn flno 114- -7 it Batirnos Wood and nomas: snawkev. man. However, after watching the two in their winner. Lady Stalwart, had no excuses, was not good enough today. Ernest H

Brooklyn iito ooo ool it 8 i I'cmnoek and training, It cannot be doubted thai Fowsor District Court la Session Hesrlnf Impor finished strongly and would have been third In another stride.Batteries Teareau and Meyers, McLean; two uaso nils speaker ii).. inree naie Terrapins, Rebels, Is the more clever of the two. This does hint criminal and Civil Cases;

Wins Suit.Atchison and Steel, Mccarty. hlls túilllns, Lewis. lllis(irr Hliawkey. 4 Bu the Aitoctatrd l'rei dot mean tbit he Is a better general or Mine company

1574 THIRD HACE Five furlongs. Time :4 ;BI, Start good; won easily.hits. Merkle. Teareau, llelrher, In 1; orr Pennoek, 6' in 7. Struck out By Plttsliiirah. Sent. 3. piitsbureh and Balti that be knows mora about the flgmiag

Ggw. Homo rnn, Burns.. roiille play,, Shawkey, I; by Pennoek, 5; by Wood, 5. more each won a game or s double header game, but thst he relies more upon hisLas cruces, N. M., Sept. prep Inn-i- t. Horse. Wt. 1L ti 5 Fin. CI.Sir. Jockey. Op.Ciitshaw lo Danbr-M- . Bases on bill", orr umpires liiideiirana and u i.ougniin. today. cleverness to win his victories, while his

Altrhlsnn l; on Stock . orr Teireau t score -- rirsi game: n, n r. opponent prefers to stand and mix It, rations are In progrets for the coming (ili9)Ylpress ...118 4 ., 31' ll l 1 Boiarid 8 5

Struck tmt, by Altchlson I, by Teireau 4. Yankees, 6; Senators, . Balllmoni 009 00 00- 1- S 7 choosing to swap punches wtiti tils rival, county fair on September 30. The ITanie- - (l903)Skinny B 116 1 .. 41 3 3' " Mulligan 3

By Ihe Aaiovlatrd Pm Pittsburgh 000 100 Oto J C confident thst he can stand just a little work or the main exhibition hall is up and 1431 Avgicado 113 9 .. It 3" Ortnes 4PkHHat,.7i Bravea, New York, Sept. a Now York had little Halterios Billey, Wllhelm ind Huasell moru thin the man racing-- him in the (l91T)Mlss Lewtston ...118 8 .. 44 41 4" 4' Psuley IS 90

Br; the A nmrlateil Prett trouble In doreatlng Washlneton today In Wnlkcr ami Berrv. srjuared circle. within a week the large structure will be (1435)Eme May H8 7 .. 7 S'l 94 51 Mempa 4 4

Philadelphia. Hept. 3. Boston a top-

pled1110 rirsi game, or tno senas, ine score Score Second game: R.H.E. Ai to the probable winner, only the completed. At the sanre time t large roixe (i40T)Petit Bleu ...lit s .. s 7 7 e noten t

oul or rirsi place today when Phila-

delphiabeing 10 to 4. Score: R. H. E. Kallimore 000 010 000 1 3 nebí Itself can determine this. The bet of nun tro at work erer.iing ine grann-tan- 1649 Little Harry 108 6 .. 64 o 6 7 Bezanson 13 IS

the Bnves, 7 to 4. and Washington uuo iou jou 1 7 e I'lllshiirirll 011 001 01 4 10 une upon the firm has ruled at even and rradlnr the rare track In the

Set Yorkdefeated

defeated Brooklyn twice. .New York g4 Olli OOx- IS 0 Batteries Conley, Wllhelm tnd Russell; monov since the match was made and it south end of the fair grounds. The grounds. Ylprest, place, thow, Sklnney B. place, show, Avocado, show

n. E. Batteries Ayers, Harper, inntlcy and Uargor ano Kerr. bids ralr to remsln there when the two are across the Santa Fe railroad track Scratched: Elisabeth Reed.Score;

,000 003 0044 13 3 Williams; Wnrltop anil Nunamaker. take their comers next Sunday. If ever about throe blocks west or the depot and Ylprest moved up rast on back stretch and taking the lead, opened up a big gap


hllartelnlila 840 01 00 7 II 1 Two base hit Malsel. Home runs Malael. Tiptops, Burteda, i. two boys were evenly matched these two wlu lie very accessible to tne visitors and was. easing up st tbe end. Skinny B raced rorwardly throughout tnd was easilynext best. Avocido hid no excuses, forced the early but tired badly tt end.Cocrcnam ana (Isndll. Double plsy Bentley to McBrlde appear to no una onus on ounce wouia ne noeted rrom ud and down the valley. pice,



and Klllirer. 10 iiandll. nasos on diiiis iirr iieiiucy, Burralo, Sept. 31 Brooklyn and Búrlalo gelling Just 1 little the best or it, on all imiisnallv rtne exhibit Is promised of agri Effle May and Petit Bleu were outrun alj tbe way.

Two hit. Whaling. Connolly out By Bentley, I. Umpires Chill lodav spilt a doubts neaoer ana lien ior rorm. dope and training camp appearances cultural, horticultural and mineral productsbert. Kllllfer. Home run. Becker. HIM. tnd Connolly. rourlh place. There has been a great amount wagered as well is of live slock rrom the rich I

1 JtC7CJ FOURTH RACE Six rurlongs. Time :t5 :80 1:16 Start good; won

orr Tyler, a In I lantng (none oul In Score First game; R, II. E ubon the outcome of this right, probably county of Dons Ana. The Improvements easily. ,

ofr Davla. 4 in b inning-- , orr Cocre-h- TEXAS LIC AGUE. hurraio ...,....002 000 000 . more so man upon any previous light yet hoine made are or rjennaneni character Wt. SL H Mi y Str. Pin. Jockey.S in 9 lnrrtngs. Double play. .Hrnltn Urouklyn OIO 390 004 10 IS : stsaed across the river. Albert Is tno and will be used for the annual fairs of

M997)Bsrsac .... .118 1'i Rosento Schmidt Bases on bills, orf Tyler . Batierles-Mora- n,' Woodmin and Bltlr idol of the soldiers of L'ncle Stm's army, the county. iir,30ciark M .. 110

Alexander 3. struck oui. Won. Intl. Pel. Maxwell and Land, who tlilnk tin the nest noy inai ine serv Imnnrtant Criminal Cases In Court. .- .- 5 9' Boltndorr

UavlnDavis i.


I. by Alexander x. Waco . M 48 .671 score Second gimo: R. H. E ice Ins sent Into the fight game. They The district court Is in session, Judge 1108 Martre .... 103 3 3 Nolsnby

Klera and Bmslle. Houston . 08 10 .669 Burralo 000 311 00-1- i 7 J are backlnc t heir opinion Willi all tney Medlar presiding. During the present week 1196 Manganese 99 4 4 urinesLrrplrea. Oeaumont ,. .SS 12 .69 KM-- 14 ! confident that criminal docket Is taken contain-ing

Brooklyn 000 100 cm net covered and are the up. Barsac. show, out. Clark M,place, place, show, out. Martre, show,Ualveston . SB 61 .M2 Battt'iles Anderson and 1. aviene, chap thov arn not wrone in Ihelr Judgment. a large number of misdemeanor and out.Cuba, 7; Reds, a. Fort Worth . M 71 .488 pello and Walton. The other right or the afternoon should felony cases. One case of more than ordi-nary Bartac in rare form at present, outbroke his field, but was outrun to the rirsiAm the tflworlatril Pmt . 67 78 .491Dallas more exciting than the main Interest it the esse or the state of

rtctit 3. Chlcaao cinihaited .317nrove even turn, moved up fiat on back ttretch and drew away rrom bis Held it' end to winUtnclnnatt, .46 09Antonio ........ which the deSan event, in fact It should even have 11 on New Mexico vs. Do La O. In

ratirinnail today and bad no trouble c .. II 113 117 easily. Clark M raced Martre Into submission ind hung on well under a drive, butfendant with criminal assaultAn right snd fan who it chsreed aeveryN. H. the was no match for the winner. Martre tired badly at end. Mtnganete outrun all thetiv 7 in 0. Score: DRUMMERS SCORE taw that battle classes It as the most on a prominent married society lady of

.hlcao Oil 1M 000- -7 lo 4 Where Tbey Play Tadsy. reroclotis ever pulled off In this section i. as Cruces. On account of the prominence way.in mi iuii two 000 DUO 0 I Waco at Fori Worth. of the parties concerned, and the nature or

and Arcbor: 8cb- - Beaumont at ualveston. the evidence, the court room is crowded 1 17 ft fifth RACE Four and furlongs. Time :34. :90, :56 Start good;neider. I'alirrr and UOhlMlei. i:iarke San Antonio at Houston, PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. with curious spectators, day rod nlgbt won driving. ' .'

hlls, Arclier, KUUIvr, Daniels. Austin si Hullas. DOUBLE VICTORY St indina ol the Cluba. Turullo Minias Conutaav Wins Suit. Index Worsei T 81 Ai H Str. Fln, jomay,tni. nrf srlmeider. 14 In fi Innlnun One of the most Important civil suits itfalirer. I In innlinr. Double nlays. NIC- Yesterday's (ames. Won. Lost. Pet. tho present term or the court, was tried 1110 Boslrls .... it Si f at i Mulllginhorf to Oroh to Olark; llerzor lo Oroh At Dallas first gune: n. Portland SO 6 .663

list nlaht. entitled Robert lulley vs. the 1967 On Parole . ll' 1 1 Pi IN RotenSan Franrlico 83 6 .119 1107 Simnor ... 5 .. 4 3 3 3" Robblnsto iraiam: Herarlianinier to Herzot lo urn lulls- Turgtie Mining snd Judgment wis

ham. Baaes on baila, orr Schneider t. orr Austin 8 3 TAKE TWO GAMES FROM THE AVIE- t.os An gules 84 70 .140rendered Dy Judge

company,Meutar in tavor or me 1483 Dr. neurer S .. 6 S 4 4" Corey

Edwards Hid Query; I.OPKS, CETHfiU Venice 70 74 .010 1567 LetlUa 4 Í 41 9 S SmithHumphries 4. Umpires, syron ami Lincoln Batteries Miillns. defendant. The defendant company Is comLEAD IN HBST GAME. Sacramento ,. 08 87 .433iioirnun and Lewis.Oakland 18 99 .387 posed of prominent El Pasoans, Including Roslrlt, plaee, show, On Parole, place, show, l 3. Safranor,Pirales, Cardinals, 3. Score second game; Prof. J. c Carrera and associates, and in-

volved show.Ay the Aiftoriflfrrf Prras Dallit In Western Win. OrtZ- - the title to the iron mines situated Roilrls taken back off theJ 6 AH Three Leaders Where They Play Today. was early pice, rinlshed gamely under urging ind In i81. Louis, Sept. 3. Pittsburgh and SI. Autlln

Mulling and (Hast; Bowen and rlles Defeating Boosters In rilciiers' Portland at Sacramento. across the Rio Grande about four miles long stretch drive Just got up In the final strides. On Piróle showed a high turnLouis played iwo weird games and tilo Batiónos Battle, one la Nolhlnu. Oakland at Venice, west of Las Cruces, in tho picacho moun of speed and making all the pice wis only besten In the last nod of a driving finishviiflors won bolli today. Lewis. l.os Angeles at San Francisco. tains. The plllntirr contested the title or Safranor outrun early, rinlshed rist. Letltla showed a Hash of early speed, butNiull

Score (fliat game); R. H. E. (Both 7 innings ny Hgrcenrciu.iR. H.

defendants on the claim that thev had to a walk at end. IPittsburgh 101 010 33311 10 1 At Houston: WESTERN I EAGLE. Yesterday's Gamos. located the sanie as placer ground InsteadSt. Loi)ls 000 000 Ml II 4 Houston

I 1. v At Loa Angeles Oakland 0, Venice 0. or ss tone claims. Tne evidence snowenS?XTH BCE-O- ne mile. Time :S5 iwj 1:16, I 14. start easuV

Batterlea Cooper, Harmon and Coleman; San Antonio ,At SacramenioPortlsnd 6, Sacramento t. that the deposits of Iron consisted of tur 1 577 good; won

Batteries Ware and Kltchem; Country-nian- rare deposits or beds of marine origin,Perdue, noblnton, I'errlll, Williams and - At (Oakland ins Angeles t, San FranSnyder, Wtngo. ind Itiuentteln. -

R- H- - K Rloux Clly . .V35 cisco 9. lying horizontally In form and character Inrtpx. Horse. Wt. 8t 14 H ti Str, Fin. Jockey. Op. CI.At Oapestun: similar those of the Iron Into depositshits, Konetcliy. Wilson, Cirey. 13 St. Joseph . .173 1961 Bob Firley ll

hits. i:arey, tiinnan. HIM, orr ualveiton9 4 Denver .WU TODAY'S SELECTIONS. the Lake Superior regions, and according ism Rcllsnlcker 9! 94 2! 9i Rotentoperdim, o In ó Inulnis; orf lloblnson, S in Beaumont Dei Moines .118 numerous recent decisions, could prop-

erlyBarefoot and Noyes; Marnnl lite Medio 109 6 3W 3 3 3 Stevens. orr Piirttt, j In I ; orr Wllllima. 3 In I; Rtuerlea Lincoln lest Schneldau Deerlodge. be located only tt placers. Judge c.

1548 Marie Coghlll 107 4 4" 4 t 4 4 Leedson cooper, o in fi i- orr Harmon, i in and

AtBobo.Wsco: R. H. K. Omaha .150 I. Real Worth. Binocular, Sierra. ai. wane or lis cruces represented ine 198 Tim Judge Reían nn 6

v 13. Bases on balls, ofr Perdue orrWaco Topeki .413 8. Kid Nelson. Coir Ball, Superl. The liso Ormonde Cunningham (pulled up) Mempa 10Turgtie of iron mines consistsorr I'errlll 3. Struck ... 81 .380 groupCooper '. out, by wicntia 3. Decency, Orbi smile, Stltlgrade.WorthFt. of the Turglte, Turgite No. and Fourthperdue , by Coopt'r 6, by Hoblnaon V, by Batteries Sage and Carson; Applet. md granees u, swans inn, rami Lear. of 3; Show, Medio.claims, 160July of acres each, or 480llirmon I. t'mplres, Btgler ind Hart. Where They Play Today. 9. Lew Hill, Otilo. Flying.

Second game (eight Innlnrs): B. i.Halgh.

darkness.) Wichita at Sioux city. 6. Roy Junior, Elhel P, Ltylow. acres or Iron ground, showing heavy e Bob Fsrley running 10 his best form snd showing the most sneavi ii,,ooi.i,.,,(Called (ii aft IsPlttaburrh 003 000 TO 10 a t Lincoln al St. Joseph, outcrops over a mile and a half long, wsi under restraint first tlx furlongs, then drew away from his Held to win easily.St, oulh 000 110 10 9 3 4 Primaries. litnver at Des Moines. Dobsoo Deerlodge,

or great thickness snd width, several Bellsnlcker rorced the Issue all the way and was easily next best. Medio outlinedKaw Hampshire Omaha. thousand dollars have been expended In Mtrle coghlll at and. Latter was outrun all tbe OrmondeBatteries- - Kantlelmer and (Jtbsoii; (inner. Bu tk ínñttnlntrd l'rea Topeki at Real Worth, Binocular, Aspera. exploration and development work and.way. Cunningham brbke

down and was pulled up.Mehaus ana iiccne. Concord, ft. M Sept. With 44 small Priu Superl, Tony Koch. Kid Nelson. according to one or the experts there. Ishlls, Magee, J. Miller, konet-nh- roone. Bv IA .4 Vicia led 3. Decency, Orbi Smile, senator Junes.A. W.still to be heard from,Three-bas- httt, Carey, Hoclie. mts, of

townsPelersboro, 'tonight was loading John C. St. Jost-rd- Sepl. 3. SI. Joseoh won both Palm Loir, swans mil, Frances o. ore



l.iaju.uooper cent




granelow I57Q SEVENTH RACE-fie- furlongs. Time :4 :90. 1:16 i:M. Start good;

otr firmer, a' In 7 Innings, ofr Mehaus, I Mutehln. or siisllnrd. bv the narrow 6. Lew HUI. otilo, Flying. In sulphur snd phosphoros. The ore Iswon easily.

In 1. Double plays, Vlox lo Mccarty to maiKin or nine voles for the Democratic cum. scores: 6. Ethel P. Laylow, Dovle. mainly hematite, containing various hydrous Index. Horse. Wt. 8L 4 H sir. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI.Koneir.hj Bpjtjtci; to Nasli; Matee lo oche. viiliiTiiutoriat 1u1111n.it Ion It 81 banco: R. H. E.Lincoln ooo mil 001 9 It 9 oxides, such as Turglte. 151 HeTeffHawklnt .119 2 9 8 9" 1l Boland 3 9off KutlehnerBases on balls, 3. oil iirlner Holland II. .Siiaiililma-- . of lo u hosier, who - DEER LODGE ENTRIES.

OOx 6 10 S reoiiic.. and llmonltes. This It said to be 1993 Binocular .108 1 1" It 11 1 Garner sOrinar St. KM) 000t. Struck out, by t, by k mm. l-

inerthe Republican nomination, continues Josephwon

liiiurlo. one or the largest deposits of high grade 1374 Nellie Fiiz .101 4 9 4 3' 3 31 Bobbins Uind Star-ter

s. Jordan, Pope Hehor; TP Ire fo The 'fwrima ieaa over n. w. Special10 increase Iron Inand Schaiig. Butte, Moni., Sept. 3, 1914- .-. the southwest and its proximity to 1910 Deal Carroll .... .106 6 4 5 8 44 41 Smith 12r.i raso Doing only imy miles norm, make .107 3 3 41 5' 91991 Joe Woods .... Rosen gSecond R. H. E.driVeri. Pbont tto. RACElio ne IV Beit autos, ctrerul Ftum-- : FIRST Five rurlonss. It or groat Importance ror the future for 1178 Edwin T. Fryer .109 8 7 6. 6' 6 6 Leeds 6(Advertisement.) Lincoln 190 000 000 3 8 3 1146 My ra Helmert03 tit 3 Gibson itt sioet and iron msnuracturing when a plant 1419 Reene w .11 8 6 7 7 7 7" Ktrsehbaum 8St. Jotenh ..900 400 oi x 7 te 3 1119 Ileal Worth. IOS, 1301 Krytok 108

Batteries snail ne csiamisnea in LI PISO. 1946 Lou T .. 06 7 t 8 8 8 8 Bezamon 30 30Dessau, Rerior and Blackburn; 1166 100: 114Aspera i.v.'l Sierra It is reliably stated that Col. N. C. Foster,Vance and Schang. 1191 Joe woods .ill) nil Binocular . ..114 oi aiioninis. Wisconsin, owner or the ra- - Helen Hswklni, place, show, out. Binocular, place, 1; show, Nellie Fill,SECOND RACE six furlonsa. selling. nious Torpedo copper mine In the Organ show, 4. scratched: Adelaide.Omaha II; Topcka 1. 1149 Golf Bail ...iisi lies Mamac ......110 mining district, has bonded tbe same to Helen Hawkins, tbe class of this field, rollowed Binocular closely to stralghlenelates Hotel By thi Auactatcd Preit mo Kid Nelson ..Hi me Lou T Colonel Butler, a New York millionaire, and out ror the run home, then took tbe lead when ready and had plenty In reserve at end.ciiiaha. Neb.. Sent. 3. Dosnlte errors be 1437 Tony Koch no iiab L. Adelaide associates, ror the sum of 3390.000 ror the Binocular showed a rine turn of speed, but wss used up setting the pace. Nelliehind him. ripple held Topeki to one run 1667 Superl 1041 1487 Virginia S term or sixty days. A party or engineers Fltz rinlshed with a ruth rod would have been second in another stride. Joe Woodso 'my. wiiiic nil icaramaies

iMrnaac cirvrii TII1IIÜ RACE Five and furlongs. including Mr. Ihltlng and others closed quit badly.

Score: R. H. L selling. tne deal ss representative! of Colonel ButOmaha 000 060 MX II IS (IsMIDecency ....in cjiiSalilgride ..114 ler. Unless the financial conditions causedTooakt too 000 oo- o- I 9 l 1898 Angelus ...IIP i.v.'s Sen. Jamos by tbe European war should prevail, It Istoo fioomi. 360 Baths. Every asedara accommodation Balterle Tipple and Kreuger; rteislgl, 1907 Orba Smile tOs'l oeiievco tne trtntrer win ne consummstedtor comrort of guests. orover ind iuppt. KII P.TH RACE-S- IX lurlnnes. Sellhur. Mark the SchoolOYSTERS Children's Cloth-ing

FOR FRESH' 1193 Art Rick ,o Hill 111 PROGRESSIVES IN SESSION'.pjHHiui aaBa3S ROOMS WITHOUT PATH 11.60, 31.38, 32 06 Sioux Clly ?; Wichita, (. 1908 S. Knight ..111! 1351 Frances 0 ..100 Served In all styles, go to with an ft '.ROOMS Willi BATH 31.40. 32.S0. 18.03 Bv Hi Atnifialed Petit lilt Bogart tl5 71 liara W ...111 New Mexleo Bull Moose Hold State ConSioux city, la., Sept. 3. A moth. toning I486 Palm Leaf . 10: vention at I PHIL YOUNG'S CAFE EllisWeekly and monthly ratas on application. Stamprally nosed out a victory for the riFTH RACE one mile and one sixteenth Special Wiee to The J'tmea And ill kluds of Mexican dishes, hot or

Visit our splendid cafo. Popular prices. Cloaa t Indians today. selling. Balen. N. M., Sept. 3. Tne Progressive cold lunches.stores, theaters and beach ear Unes. Score: R. H 1149 Evelina ...in 1TO Rake in tute convention wit called to order here Moerleln Cincinnati Beer. Edge wood 20 CentsSioux Clly 610 018 1097 18 139 Flying .till 1971 OHIO It! todiy at 9 wltb too delegates, IS ALX, ITLea HeUaday. Pres. Gee. A. Collins. Sae'y A Treat. Wlchlla 00O 600 000 6 II 1107 Parky ..Ill; 1171 LOW Hill resenting

p. m.,counties, present.

rep COSTStwenty-on- e

Ritchie and Murphy; 09l)EastmanBatteries Clark, Seven thewomen were among delegates.Baker, Jonea and era ham SIXTH RACE Five and one half furlongs Elmer E. studly ot Raton presided asseiung. chairman and delivered thotemporaryDenver 1; Dea Moines 8. 1916 Dovle lOOl I kiy sw..:::iJ3 keynote speech, in which ne severely ar3. Denver took the - Hooray 1141Dos Moines, la, Sepl. - ralgned both of the older partita. E. C

third gstue of the series with tin Det 1166 F. 0. lloaran IMi ir47 Ethel P 109For Quick Baggage Service Moines Boosters this ariernoon by I score 1968 Id mi tot; isg Roy Junior BurkeIndications

of saniapoint

Fe wasto the


secretary.orRey mif I 0. N. A. Otero of Santa Fe or Jerry Leahy or

score it. av.coiiax ior congressman son c. a. wnne SPALDINGm Mullios OOO 000 OOO - 0 8 3

Pboee ua oi coirax ror corporation commissioner.Denver OOO 000 oto troHitrtrtet Thomas mo naiey; narruigton NOTED NEW MEXICO WOMAN DEADand Spahr. ,

FORMER CHAMPIONS SURVIVE. Mrs. Eloísa Luaa de Berwere Succumbs Foot Ball GoodsBOtrTIIERN LEAGUE. roiianiug snack oi Heart failureTrsvera. Oultset, Tratera and F SbccIuI tt'lrr to 7 At. timetBleadtag al Ike cubs Still Remain la the Running Santa Fe, N. M.. Sept. 3. Mrs. Eloísa

Won. Lett. Pel. Each Pltyer Forced, Luna de Borgere, daughter ol Ibe lateBimunghun v He Jawlntf lvc Anionic Joae Luna, sister of the lata Solo The same as that used by all of the leatfag colleges and

7 it l Manchester, vt sept. 3. Again players moil Luna or Loa Lunas, and wife of Alfred schools throughout the country. We the mostMobil" carryTT.A 79 61 .961 or Hie Mghosl rank were the survivors In M. Bergero, died suddenly at noon today completeAtlanta f JJ MJ lite match play ror the United Slates Goir rollo in i an attack of heart failure. stock in the city.NasbvHM jo association iniateur championship over the Mrs. Bergere was one ot the best knownChattanooga ?4 73 .47 links or the Fkuanok club. women In New Mexico, and was especiallyMviimhit K 2 ÍX Jerome Tracer- - or t'pper Monttlelr, the active In temperance work. Tbe present Footballs ShoesMontgomery present title holde r, won by 6 up ovar W. drastic New Mexico anil gambling law and

P. Seeley or Hrooklawn. the local option law. were enacted by theWhere They Play Today. Francis nuuu former national open last session of tbs leglsliture, largely isCall Phone 1 New Orleans u .Memphis. champion, won nn Robert A. Gardner of tho result or her efforts. Her first husband. Head Harness Jerseys.Montgomery It Atlanta. Hinsdale. up. Manuel B. Otero, died In 1883. Surviving

Birmingham al Chattanooga. Walter J. Trans or Garden City, snd W. are Nina Otero Warren, Eduardo Otero uidMobile at Nashville. C. Fownes or lukmont, title bolder In I9IO. M. B. Otero, children by her first marriage Pantssurvived their .mi irulttes. Each was and seven daughters and two soot by her Sweater CoatsLONGWELL'S Yesterday's Games. forced to an extra hole. second marriage

At. Chattsnoga Chattanooga 3, Binning MANY ENTRIES Oddfellows Plan Oullnahtm 6. A large Party of oddfellow a. members oi

Al Ailanta-AUa- nta 3. Montgomery a Far the Labor Day tum te BO Held Mount Franklin encampment, will learn W. G. WalzAt Memphis Mataahll 4. New Orleans 6. stiurday aHerooon ror Hueco Tanks, where CompanyPassenger Automobile and Baggage tOofy tcbedHad.) With each or ttie events fitted far be-yond

they will spend Saturday alght sadthe expectation of Ure minagenirni, About anu rtv members or the 103 El PasoAaaatica Association. It is certain that one of the best srtrrnoons order and tneir ranunes nave South Street

Autos Any Hour of Day and Night At St. Paul-- SL Paul 19. Columbus A or sport yet enjoyed aaros the river at thai intern ton of part trip ling in the tnp. Distributor for A. CAt Kansas City E ansa, city 9. Indian-apolis

ibe beeutirul home of the luarct Jockey wnicn win fcno asede by aivioraaaila. Not Southwestern Spalding At Broa7. club will be held Monday aterooon. The a tew es uva nau-i- wui eouua at tee

Al kUwsuiMa-mwau- L LouitvUle a officials or Jusrea win' 3MMd the tpaed cor- - Tanks until Monday.

Friday. Sept. 4. 1914. EL PASO MORNING TIMES

m Nature Never Intended '"1:Ox Mrs. A. K. WTU and Miss Riith Hill, or enjoy perfect nealtn sndSociety Constance ley? will arrive soon on a visit to justEditor

Mr. sad Mrs. s. Kranithor snd family. Woman to be Sickly :KÜi2i5 asmsnJlnthony, Dr. and Mrs. II. H. Ilughart of Tomb-stone.

aaaaaawMaMi Derhsrw mora so Iin view rfAril., passed through the city en mm tact mat it is arte wno nrtngs into the worto tne ortspnnaj.SCHOOL BOOKS route to points In Virginia. Every woman can be strong and healthy. Don't resiga

yourself to delicate life.Parktnoeter and Xrs. v. H. Erkhorst, or Ill aCANOEING. Moore still has a r contract with tM Ftrteenlh cavalry, left tor Okvudrrort If you suffer from headaches, backaches, nervousness,

and Maude Powell, which will tsk hum from Thursday, where they will spend some time low spirits, lack of ambition, or have lost sll hope of beingA strong stroke, and the boat leaps, and El Paso ror some time to come on their ranch. . well again -- it's mora than an even chanca that yon will

the heart grows merry! o speedily regain health if will tryHot think or a little farm slid by, and Geaeert at Cleveland Ssuare. Mrs. r. W. Seward, who spent the sum-

meryour you

SCHOOL SUPPLIES a dark girl at the ferry. . The concert to be riven at Cleveland in Sidney, Nova Srotls, Is on her wayThe sun dies and a bird cries, and a bright square this evening by the band or the to Boston and wui return to El i'aso the Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescriptionstar's gleaming; sixth Fniied statea infantry will com-

mencelatter part of September.

And I alone in my small boat, with all the at 7:30. Director MSI Muller hasnight ror dreaming. - arranged the following program: Mr. sad Mrs. Geo. Ferguson and family, (In Tablet or UmyM Form)Stock Mann. "The rnlverslty or have closed their cottage In Cloudrrort andComplete A strong stroke, and the boat leaps, and Seiu returned to El rise. This famous remedy is the result of years of patient

Overture, "Uer Tambour der liardc '..Tin research by s physician who baa made women's peculiarAnd here am I by the small white town, Waltz, "impassioned Dream" Rosas Mrs. W. M. McCoy, Who has been quite ailments a life study.Now Ready llumorcsqur, "Everybody Works Bui III. Ik now considered out of danger.Lovers sigh and the leaves sigh and bright Father" Ilavet III Sine Its Introduction -- mor than forty man age

Potpourri, "German uederkranz". .Tobani Mr. and Mr, .sirred Prater have relumed weaoaa la anranr part of the glob have teatlrmlA boy laughs and a girl laughs Duet for two comets. "From Vienna's from their trip 10 California. to in wandorfal narRw ten. too, will find M batMfletal.

Past" wsgner Try It now. Year dealer In medicine will supply yoo orsun aui winj s wotifhibw Miller and Howard. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Dyer returned nú ran send BO t etamps ft trial Sox. AddressExchange. sergeants R. V. Places. M. D . Hoffalo. N. Y.rrom California.Selection from "Romeo and Juliet" Gounod Thursday trip toCURRAN'S Mrs. Gregory at Aaslln. "Star spangled Banner. John S. Hunter. Jr., arrived from Doug-las.Mrs. T. W. Gregory, wife of the United

Concert st Fort Bliss. Thursday, on a visit to his mother,States attorney general, Is a beautiful wo-

manMrs. I. 8. Hunter.

Tbe regular Friday evenlnr concert st ing his crops to make the ground yieldof the southern type. She was born Fort Bliss will be given tonight by the Mrs. W. S, Stevens left 'Thursday ror a TEACHING SCHOOL is Urge a crop as possible."and raised In Austin. Tex., and lived In thai band of the Fifteenth cavalry, the music visit with her mother. Mrs. M. K. Williams Miss Harrell Pioneer In Her Use.BOOK STORE city an nor itre until her imsnami re commencing St 7)0. Director Kocco Hosts or Alatnogordo.

look up his orriclal lire In Wash-ington,

announces the program as rullows: Miss llarrell Is generally conceded to beD. C. ' Her rather was the late March, "Chicago Tribune" Chambers W. R. Edison or Las Cruces, passed the pioneer teacher r agriculture In hi

Joseph Nallo or Austin, who left an estate overture, "Martha" .notow through on his way to Chicago. CHILDREN FARMING Taso coimly schools, as her wnrk last yearIn teaching the pupils to plant, cultivatevalued at more than st ,000,000 10 be di Sulie, "Peer Oyilt .Suite" xirieg

108 Mesa Avenue vided among ins children. 1 The Morning, s Ase'i ueatn. i Mr. and Mrs. l'rank E. Hughes and baby andwis

harvettthe tint

vegetablesever undertaken

and suple producein ibisIn the Hall of theDance.Mrs. Gregory met and wea her husband Antrles returned yesieniay from Denver. Qolnrado. county.when the latter was a poor, struggling Mountain King. where Mrs. Hughes and the baby spent the hi s nos OP M till I WORK OK

lawyer. She Is a devoted tome body, her Waltz, "Valse Septetnbre" ..(jodin summer. Mis- - HARRICLL IN LITTLK (M N ' Miss llarrell this year will endeavor tochler Interest being In her husband and Song, "Reverie" ocunmuuin TRV Sr.HO4ll.H0l SE. have an ethlblt placed In the K.l Pasotheir four children Iwo girls, Just bloom Medley overture. "Sunny Soulb" ...Lampe Miss Regina l.nhman. n recent visitor in chamber of Commerce showing what lbs

into and two Ballat, "William Tell" Rossini l.os children can do in agricultural pursuit.ing womanhood, hoys in their Angeles, passed through on her return'teens. her March. "Ween Blelbt Wlen" ..Schraiumel Seth omdnrff addressed Hie tetrhers.Notwithstanding devotion to inp 10 91. LOUIS. Illgltly Inlerrsllng and RiircesslulK3QI her family, Mrs. Gregory has round tune "Star Spangled Banner." 0- -, Nestrioa.i of Count v Inslllnte briefly outlining the best meihnda or cul-

tivatingto equip herself ror the high social duties A. Prunti is en invine a nleaaant visit Held Vrsterday. alliira to obtain the greatest Pebthat will devolve upon her as the wire News from El Paseana In Palis. from his father anil mother, who arrived Orudorrr

ble crop. Aflor completing his speech Mr.Invited those pnsnnt to askor cabinet orricer In the national in the city few diva rrom San Dleso. anya capital. Mrs. Margaret Buckler, w ho has lived In a aro questions Ihey wished concerning agricul-

ture.She Is a delightful hostess, and her splen-did

Paru several years, with her daughter, cal. The afti'timon seuslen Many availed ihemsélves or the op-portunity,EL PASO ISN'T SHE? womanly qualities quickly win lor her Mrs. Stevens, has been heard from and it i.l Paso county Inslltuie, being h and tbe latter part of theIS GROWING, WELL, ine warm rrienosnip or an wno meet ner. quite out of the zone of danger In Euro-

peanAfter spending a row weeks with his niau ciiuoi uiinuiiiK. it. iironounreo ny was spent in questions and discus-

sionswar troubles. family W. H. Anderson returned list night many of Ine rnthuslasilc dUciples or edu-cation or agriculture.

Growing, and a healthy growth, too. While this is true, Wedding of Interest to El Pasoans. Mrs, Stevens, who was Miss Marguerite 10 nanas.ami inieresting

to be onesessions

or theutmost

theentertainingconvention. Discussion of Taxation Problem.or El hat been studyingPaso, oDr. H. H. Stark and Charles Bassett left HiirUer,

remember that possibly your house needs a coat of paint, and under Dr. Reskc and has allrsrled much Mrs. Edward W. Bryan has returned fromThe afternoon wis dunned 10 the stibleet At the morning session local tav.it ion

El Paso Sunday Tor New York, where they attention In Parlt by her beautiful voice. of and a general dlacuislnn or was the topic or discussion, 8. R. Olllellethat we have everything in the paint line. will be Joined by Eugene Fox and later The Duchess of Tullyrmd and Miss Reed, fromMarfa,

SanTex., where sho met her sister. the papen ireented. delivering an Inieresting' talk on the useAngelo. went aulo toThey by A .paper read by Miss lesrl Hsrrell, to which the Vinton dlslrlct has ItsWork Speaks for Itself. meet Mrs. Bertha Congdon-Stoug- and her and other prominent Parisians have enter-


various places in Texas add New Mexico. "Wllkl Havo Wo Anompllsbed In the school Mr. nilletteboh.de. paid a highnot ner, Mrs. congdon, at tito home or Mrs. extensively ror Mrs. Stevens.stough's sltcr. At high noon on SeDtember Teaching ur Agriculture.'' was generally tribute to Mrs. S. C Garrett, teacher or tne

Mr. and Mrs. I. A.. White and arm. UNI. considered the inasleriieee of the conven-tion.

canutillo school, tor tne excellent resTiildTUTTLE PAINT & GLASS CO. 7 Dr. Stark and Mrs. Stotigb win be united Trinity Church Srtvlnn Circle.in marriage at the unitarian church. Im lird, are in from the ranch for a few days. she has obtained and the obstarles whichPhllathes Circle or TrinityThe Sewing Miss llirrell granlili ally described the she In her work. Tile Concordiauediateiy after the ceremony a wedding church spent a very enjoyable morning work done IB' her school at Tegico lasl aud Minium c district bunds also were dll- -breakfast at the BUtmore will be enjoyed. Thursday with Miss Lucy Clare Hoard, 710 Mrs. Mask Crawford and children came year In the leaching of agriculture, ami cuaged.mrs. aiougn is a gitu'a and home Wednesday evcnlnar rrom Smith stacnariiung The morning wasNorth Kansas street. in neu un euoris e uy inn pupilwoman, making many mends in musical pleasantly passed with sewing and con tion, Ala., and other points In Georgia and lo acquire the rudiments of the selence

Following is the .program for today:and social circles or El Paso, and her re-turn verversatlon, and at the close delicious Florida, where ihey have been visiting the of rarinlnr In their Hule school garden. Hnrnlnp Ses.lon.

here as a permanent resident will be past three monlbs. "The Rest Tilings In Our Schools." Gentcrreshmenta were served by the hostess, "We were very careful In the selection

a delight to all who know her. For the assisted by her mother, Mrs. H. T. Hoard, of lite seed wo used," said Miss llarrell, eral discussion r Mr. Horn's book.past several months Mrs. Stough has been Thomas "and ihe pupils worked raithrulfy Section Meetings

and aunt. Miss Lucy Henderson. Peach and rami ly have re-- prepar-ingSchools studying in New York, being unable to go O t tinned from two weeks Irlp lo Silver the soil tnd properly planting (he seed (s)

(1) Primary.-Mr- s."How Much Spanish

Yoe, presiding.Must Re Used Into Naples as at first planned, owing to mi U. II. C. Beard Meeting. City, if. M. in get, the best resulls. And you should Teaching Knglisti to Spanish Speakingsanitary conations prevalent there. Her The members of the board or directors o have seen Hu m Jealously ruardtng iheir Willis ano narria.pupils?" Missesexquisite voice needs no further cultiva little plots or vegetable atl riowersor the Confederacyof tbe United Daughters Mr.". Claude MiidMieth b""iNalure Study" Mlts Harper.ami children have from md Wo worked undertion, in the opinion of musical critics of weeds grass!met with the president, Mrs. A. H. Harlow, returned rrom a visit to (c "0111108 in Primary instruction"relatives Inhis country, as Mrs. Stouxh has spent adverse conditions, but Ibe Utile raruiersher liomo on tbeSchool for Girls Thursday afternoon, at where they were on the nnch. industrious in caring for their Miss While.El Paso several years abroad studying under Signor Boiilcvsrd. Plans were discussed for the were as () Intermediate-M- rs. Yoe, presiding.Vlsettl and other of the great masters. entertainment or the stale convention or rami as any planter would be In cultivat Mrs.(a) "Spelling" seay.a school for people woo know um difference. Mrs. S. 8. Rlrchfielri daaiarhtsv.Dr. Stark la club and Mm.a prominent man and In Ei Paso Oc-

toberthe U. D. C which meets (b) "Routing" Mr. yoe.School. Courses. Music.throng li High SpecialAll (Trades from Primary havis.well known professionally, having been an und children, will leave today ror

For Year Book and full Informa non address MISS SLATER. 1111 Terrace street. eye and throat specialist In the city forMM, Inclusive. llaclilta to visit Waller Dlrrhrield and wire Tnxss, urn wii In Cloiidcrort Monday night (c)



UirrotLsunset Heights. El Pato. Texas. and occupied the Pennebiker cottage.1111some yea v. Tuesday. Mrs. s llln hnelil leri for'Popular Society Visitor Leaving. E. c. Taylor and family have raturned to Allrrnoou Session.

Atter a month's visit in New York Dr. Miss Sue Dixon, the very charming sister me same oiace Wednesday.Ariz. "The Rest Things In Out Schools," eon-

lliiuedand Mrs. Stark will be at home to their of Alves Dixon, who his be cm a visitor In o llaydon.Mr. W C. Dunn and children and Miss discussion or Mr. Horn's book.

Modern School of Business friends In the Knickerbocker apartments on El 1'sso for some time, has returned to Miss Annie llarner will leave the int or Jmetl Maek, who have been occupying the "How Con Our Report Cards Be Un.itesa avenue. Chicago. El I'aso has seldom had a more Iho week for pecot, where she will leach coojey cottagn returned tu El Pato Wednes-

day.proved?" general discussion.

hot Weal Boulevard. Phone S632. attractive or a brighter visitor than Miss in ins puouc scnooi ror another year.Complimentary to Miss Srhullz. She is

DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL. Dixon proved herseir to be, snd Art Woods and ramlly closed their collage Oisollne Explosion Causes Bisie.Fall Term Opens September 8. ) A Jolly crowd of young people were the leaving many regreirul mends at her de-

parture.Mrs. Albert Murdoch han her meat Wednesday mid returned lo Kl I'aso. Mexicanor gasoline In a nntUBookkeeping--. Banking, Business Artthme tic. Shorthand, Typewriting, Office Train-tnr- . guests or ltussrll Mitchell and Dimmer tier slater, Mrs. James Toinllson and two K. M. Ilray arrived In cloudrrort Tuesday Kxploslon

06 South F.I Paso street,atBusiness English, Spelling, Penmanship, Commercial Law, Commercial Gunning, with Miss Hens Shea acting as I'.il of Ciivnniel. Honduras Cenirnl nlghl and he und Mrs. Bray will occupycausedreslaurant

small, blaxe thit was extinguishedIn Spain. aGeography, Literature, Spanish. hostess ror them, at her home on North The Kellugs America. They will he Hero ror some time their summer home, "The Outlook," until rrom the central station, yetter.MARY I. STAirrON, Principal Kansas street. Miss Bcrnadlmi Schultz, who Friends in Kt Paso or Mr. snd Mrs. c. W. the end or .September. by nreman

The ws annul.leaves soon to attend Columbia university, Kellogg, hive received word that they are Mr. and Mrs. Harrv narneti hai .,,, huí i." Davis und ramlly anil Mra. day morning. damagenew lora, was me inspiration oi tnis nap-py

leaving "sunny Spain" this week and will returned in El I'asn Wednesday.lair. Yellow was the color used, and, reach Boston shortly, where their two chil-

dren where"


will remainavenue



winter.i.inden Mr. ami Mrs. O. 0. coles closed their

oinbinod with quantities or ferns aim are visiting Mrs. Kellogg's parents. summer cottage Wednesday and returnednewer, formed an effective decorative Mr. and Mrs. Kellogg retvort a deilghtrul o

lo Kl i'aso. PURE RICH BLOODSt. Mary's Hall scheme. Bunco was the game or the eve-ning,

trip abroad, in spite of the disturbed con-

ditionsMr. and Mrs. A. It. vvnnsa an.i n.,,,n, Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Walker of Like I'rnvld

with dancing at a later hour. Hist ill over Enroll.'. ence, La., are apendlng several days at thecry, nam roturOt'd from Chwdcrutl, where Texas.neniadme se.nuiiz won tne first prize, for PREVENTS DISEASEthe girls and Nat Itussell for the boys. Church inny epeni ine summer Mint B a. f

SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS while the consolation fell to Edsel Mscbat- - The officers and tea. hers of the Flrtt d Acule Indigestion.THE 35TII YEAR WILL. OPEN IN SEPTEMBER Arter the games aud dancing Icod Rantlit church Sumía v school, will meet Telegrams were received In the cliv v "I was annoyod ror ovar a year by st

melon was served. this eventng at the home or Proressor and tsrday telllnr or the arrival r li. it i,. uck or acule indigestion, rouoweii uyStudents prepared for any college they may wish to enter. Special courses In Those present were Misses Bernadlne Mrs. O. P. Putnam, isvt Nurili i Paso cimuuk en i wire in New York rrom Eu writes Mr. M. J. llalligher, lio Bad bipod, lhat Is, blood that Is

schultz, Katherlne Peak, Hena Shea, Juanita street. Business or an Important nature rope. The messages liso conveyed Um m na, n v tried everything that WIS Impoverished, thin andVocal and Instrumental Muslo. Art and Expression. For catalogue address Smith, 1,111a Thomas, Mae i'ulllam, Vera 111 be taken up and a lull attendance is lor uiation thai the McCllniocks would reach recommended to mo for this complaint bul Impure or

SECRETARY, ST. MARY'S HALL, SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Ballard, Irene Crane, Vera Thomas, Jose desired. r.i raso suniiay iukiii wuhiMir iiiii i iiui'h rood until ul mí i four pale, Is responsible for more all-- "

phine Silvia, Anna , B. Murray, Fields. The Highland Park Heller Society are gl mom lis ago I law Chamberlain's Tablet menta than anything else.Georgia Stewart, Amanda Helmun, Mabel Ins a narty on the lawn tonight al II advertised and Procured a bottle or tneiuShea and Mae Campbell; Arthur Robertson, home or Mrs. Charles Montfocj, al 73U. renin nor 1 soon reanr.eu mat It RffectM every organ anil function.

Loretto Las Cruces, Clint Ballard. Philip Slmpech, Hal Stacey, o TEXAS WOMEN'S CLUBS had gotten Hie right tiling for ihey helped In some coses it cauaes catarrh; InHUSSeil Mucneil, it. si. union Parly for Miss Bowen. mo at onre. Hlnce taking two Domes oi others, dyspepsia; in others, weak,Burleson, Edael Machattan, Howard Rlx, Mrs Will T. Owen Is entertaining tills them I can eat heartily without any bad tired, languid feelings und worsellerhert II. lieimao, Harry Henderson ana moraint t q:mi o'clock complimentary Granted Slalc Fsderitlon, ffecls." Sold by ail dealers. Auvcruio troubles.Academy Matt Httssell. j Miss Nellie Mae Bowen, who leaves soon Austin as Headquarters. in. ni

California, where she will continue her It ts responsible for n con-ditions,Francis Moore Leaving. musical studies. Free Scratch I'ails. und Is the most common

The loss or Francis Moore from the kprcial Wlrr to The Time I'rinklin Prln.ing c.o. cause of disease.musical and social circles of tbe city tor SOCIETY 'PKBHON.VLS, Austin. Tea., sept. 3. The Texas verllscmenl.)the winter, will be greatly regretted by or Women's Clubt, no capital stock Hood's Sars&parllla Is the greatestmany. El Pasoans will follow Mr. Moore's and enricher of the blood theMrs. h'rancls Moore and Utile daughter and For Small Apartments. purifierheadquarters SIconeerl tour with Maude Powell with a have gone to Sun Antonio, where they will Austin, has been grant

Rnsntirul Mahogany case Boudoir Piano world has over known. It has beendeep personal Interest, reeling that one or mis s charier by the secretary of state. made Tor small rooms, pricebe me guests or san. jsoore inouier, esoeciallv wonderfully successful In removing;our very own has gone forth to express

Ellis. This orgunlzillon lisa been In existence for S17s.no. toon per month. The quulliy Ii scrofula and other humors. Increasingtbe great talent given him. milliner ir years nerfoi inline lis work equal lo lhat In a rj&A.no, Urge size plsnoJfmjm 'Tag IsibVTw' Mrs. Moore and baby daughter will be

uaoiiofl la IJ. iiik loi.niYi,, of fralemliy, culture and education with-out l Paso 1'iuno Co., ns South Side of Texn thp d corpuscles, and building;

(MM '"'"if aflsMowH Joined by Mr, Moore in San Antonio Mon-day,

by her mends In New York a charter under the stale laws. Now --(Advertisement.) up the whole system, del It today.leaving Immediately for New Orleans, It has heroine essential, In order to carry

from whew Ihey will sail shortly for New ut fully Its objects and mimóse as aYork. Mrs. II. S. Potter Is at home after s Iraleinal anil educational organization, lo

The flrat or the scries or concerts will with her parents, In Plslnfleld, V I. operate under a charter. Inmrporaiors die:occur In Denver on October 3, when the Jin. n. moren or nrguun. su-- , w i.celebrated Denver orchestra will assist In Mr. and Mrs. W. D. (treat have moved lo spell of Waco and Mrs. Mirslmll Spoontatbe New York city will be an-

otherprogram. the l ander apartments, 1124 t.'uson avenue

important point on the tour. Mr- where they will be st home lo their rrlvnds The orncers who will icrvo the firstfor the winter months. year are. mra. Henry r, Fall or Houston,

president; Mrs. Maggie Harry or Sherman.Mrs. J. If Hutsell Is having a Kin i ii vice president at large; Mrs. W. C. corte nChildren Ory visit with her friend,. Mrs. T L. Ely or Houston, corresponding secretary; Mrs.

R. I'. Itoliblns of Cleburne, recordingLos Angeles. ,'-- secBOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. FOR FLETCHER'S retary; Mrs. Edmund key of Marshall, We are showing a vary strong' LAS CRUCES, noted for its climatic attractions, la a healthy location, free rrom --o

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Csvode, f Urand ireasairer; mrs. n. r , nruugnx or san An-

tonio, forof children's Shoeslinethe distractions or Ideal rr The buildingscity life, an spot an Academy. are commo-dious OASTO R A auditor-- , Mn. S. H.Rapids. Michigan, will spend some tine Burnslde ofand equipped with all modern Improvements. Beautiful grounds afford everyfacility for outdoor exercise. Parents and guardians will find this a most desirable with Mrs. Cavode'g sister, Mrs. J. F. Will u mi ii. rails, president rirat district; Mrs. school wear, Quality andInstitution for thorough training- In physical. Intellectual and rerined culture. Isms. Vl1' Williams and Mrs. cavode ar C. I.. Bradford or llonhum, president second style combined. Prices as

Ta r,ait....lrB .Xm. MOTHER SUPERIOR. daughters of captsln tad Mrs. T. I. Bead district; Mr. W. T. Spencer of Marshall,who. wuii their two grsnddaushiers. Mai president num dlairirt; Mn. J. L. Cun low us good, shoes can begsret Men and Nancy Wllllsms, have spcni ningham of Beaumont, president fourth sold for.Good Coffee the mouth or august in in and Hapiot uisinei; Mrs. ii. v. mown or San

Ionio, president nrth district; Mrs. reuu n, um or ballat, Mrs. 0. R. Scott of

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Moore returned to i.orpim enrían anu oiga Kohlberg orDRESSY That Coffee with the rich Coffee Alainogoriio Thursday, after s two days r.i milliners oi irte executive boardfragrance that makes Coffee a ioy visit in ni raso,to drink. We sell it and at the i I oi im itm LOTMHC CLOaHt.

air. 'and Mrs. Udolnh have returnedHATS--- - price you are paying for the ordi-

naryChicago. iritT having been in El I'ato for Hall) Train sentir lo Continue Until

kind a year. sepirmner is.Sunset Blend, per pound 35c By Timet Bpevlnl Cormondtnt

F. M. liurkee returned Thursday from a Cloudrrort, .v M . Heit. 3 Dally trainWith Distinctive S pounds $1.00 trip or two mollina ipem in Chicago, kan serviré wui rouuiiue iieiu-ee- AiamogordOOld Mission (Mocha and Java) 40c las ciiy and Ohio. aud this place until September it, afterStyle 3 pounds 91.10 which a tri weekly service, with Ibe same

Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Dolsn or TuJarosl schedule and connections, a now will beA WONDERFUL display Caracolillo, per pound 40c are here on husmeas ror a rew days Inaugurated. The Lodge closes Prlday. Porof new fall headgear is Pass City Blend, per pound . .45c tne convenience ot cottagers us ugnt serlira. J. A. Iieldrtck. who has been a vis vice will be eonlliiued uiiiil September 11.being shown here an Faso del Norte, per pound . .. . 50c iter in the city, has returned to ber home Morare B. steveni and family returnedvariety of bota) Always Freshly Roasted and In Calirornia. to Kl Pato Tuesday, rimy nave spent thesoft hats and derbies from Never Ground Until Ordered. entire summer in Cloudrrort.the world's best makers Mrs. J. I". Howe, who hat been visiting

her mother. Mis- - C. l. Jones, and lister, Mi Kalvy. returned lo their home In ElCoffee Mrs. P. J shelly, returned to St. Louis i'aso weunesnay.FantKnox Hats Company Thursday. H. U. Newlon ind wire, of Uilnetvllle,

Oil Baa Antonio St. IMioue 3 IBS teeing in hi I'sso sad Jusrex for s rew".r,.., uht.li aha mi til - , . n ,,.rr...Stetson HatsDiss Mary Moore left Thursday for an

We can not posstbfy eon- - exiennen trip uaiaeuiiia i.ny GRA 1 HAIR PEW SHOE CO. 'vey to you an Idea of all

Mrs. s. i ii gni ii or ei Paso, win be nwthe snappy new styles we guest or Her iier. mrs. Hoy, In Wiehlla Stl San Antonio st.are showing. You mast kanoas. for a monta.see them to appreciate I K. Thornton. J. IS. McKeel

Mr. and Mr- - Hank sinlih, a recent bridethem. anil groom. Iiae moved to tbelr lMme on

Sponiob English Tulsrosa slreei..

vn. Smith was popular Dor traed-Su- re PogSe Evenly mi OneinviiiDer oi - mnnpnia, Term

R. C. UGHTBODY CO.DfriAhirirpifig

ft. F DAVIS,- Steitograpio where

Miss Anna

they v.


re married.

Jane Surge and limb

ten Tell.

ned fromlilll. have rem an extended trip M'tten your Mir turns gny. faded,1484-146- 5. Trust Bid. lo california alreaked wllh gray or preiuaiurely gray,

slnuily apply, like a shampoo. Hairhoo o Oklah city color Restorer lo hair and eralp. Apply

CORNER MESA AVENUE AMD TEXAS STREET nlgbl and morning soon Ihe gray dis-appears ami ihe hair becomes beaulirully

Mrs. I. D. her and grandson, Airred evenly and completely levenSTUDY SHORTY. AND dark, so loHANAN SHOES ALFRED BENJAMIN SUITS leri ThurMlay r.i mrve Rivers, N, M. edtes wlierr hair join- - Ihe ralpi that no Your Face Is Your FortuneitrnoersoberCompetent are in constant de o one un n il you use anything. sjso tbst remind one ofWrinkles, hollow rbeeka, baggy eyelidswand. Ltani the Uregg System simple si Miss Jessie l e, retire, who has been makes the hair luittmus. sort, fluffy, thick Illness dlislpiuon, superfluous heir and moles thgi coarsenoreenlesi nd visitor tu Kaii- - .11, Mo,, aud Hi. mil ami ahuiuiitiii and slops iiiiiuig scalp .m lbs foco. Ipaiseii ihretigb ..n her way oVxtm to La .ii,initr ii Ran Is 1 i lean Haiilil. lis in

urvees. ice-- , hoi sticky or iuess. and will darken MRS. BENSONo your gray luir and make you look youngJ. H. Brotuberv left Thursday ror poinl Money bark If II falls - ror a big 7 oi pacb spr.ciA4.isT of cm

in Wtscasato on .me. I...HI.. at tellv k Pollard and I'euolc', Sail i ii .ii these defectsUSE THE TIMES WANT ADS iinnr store. I I'aso. Trxaa. Out of lown Cists id x ! CI Paso references can be given.Jar. sad Mrs. .haría Loowu bets t people supplied by mill -- lAaveiUaauuculy.J 1

h jiVB- . '.jSKOaMaMBMaal

EL PASO MORNING TIMES Friday. Sept 4. 1914.

Texas Pecan Crop Short. McLmorrffchfe Contest. Goldberg in Europe. ealftreated



than h couldbut a

handle.trifle late.

The gendarme

fl'J!a?o(3llornin8iineí Information from the paean producing- auction of Jeff McLemnre, of Houston, who was declared By R. I GOLDBBRQ. Man With the Green Beard.Publubed Kvery Dty In tlx Tear by Tax a la to tb effect that the real Texas pecan crop eae of the nominees for newgrassan from Let me see. Where was I when I last unbridled my Most of the

violence.demonstration were conducted with-

outla going to be very short this year, mash anortar in Texas, by ths state Democratic convention held In lumbering thoughts and, II ved over again the scenes personalAs I wandered back to my hotel to rest up for theEntered in th Po.tofnc

milhi El

mutt.PuO, Tetas, M second dm (act than last year, whan the crop was on of the this city recently, snd whose nomination Is contestad the stage manager of war built around me when the strenuoHjs events of the morrow I passed up cms of

ahortest on record.' by W. p. Larte, of Autln; tug prohibition candidate, big trouble was first started. Oh, yes' I was seated those wlndlngslde streets that trickle through Parla In


SOUTH OMOOW BTMaTT. According to the paean experta, the crop in the ae not had! much to say on Um subject during the on my trunk, looking out upon the peaceful harbor of all directions. Just before emerging Into the broadHavre, France, with Its many canals and locks and street, where I hoped to gain peace In slumber, tAddre II communications 10 northern and central portions of the átate was killed continuous performance pat on by Mr. tsuse,. In the

THK MURWIWU TIMED, Et PM. TEXAS.. drawbridges and piers. I am still sitting on tny trunk, noticed the dark figure of a man crouching in a door-way.by the lata freeze, which played havoc with the Texas shape of a contest. But the threat of Lane to carry and my trunk is still sitting on ths wharf. None of un I knew he was an apache. Law and order had

fruit crop generally, and In other portions of the state the matter Into the courts, and his Injunction proceed. has moved neither I, the trunk nor the wharf. At disappeared. He was out early to ply his vile pursuit.was ruined by heavy rains Just at the time when the lugs to prevent further action In McLemore's behalf, present the only action I can hopa for in this direction My walch, my IS2, my tie pin, my shirt, my Ufe. my

AUVBHTISIMU REPRESENTATIVES. Is that I shall soon be moved to tears. everything was all but rone. I figured I may as wellKOHEION trees ware In bloom and In condition to bethe pollen have conspired to cause an svpruaejuii from Mr.hw Tora, rt. C. Beckwttb Bpsclal Agency. Tribune fs"rteg. go I take another pull un my pipe snd have It over with. Death Is not such a terrible thingá 1' n.,.mit train. TrlbUM washed away. It la only In a very email section of who say: go back to Parla to the day when France first realized when life has had all Its sweetness removed by thsbi. Louis, íí'. C. Secawltli special Agency. nird Natl Baa alia. South-wes- t Texan that the toothsome Texsa paean Is "THe convention declared me tbe duty elected that She was about to take one of the leading parts In eruel and mysterious workings of war.

Aeni miner uino mun.Traveling wani.ru,AuibuniM cuy collector O. Morgan MUler. Ed Leigh, going to be la evidence title year, and the general nominee of the party; whereupon Mr. Lan went .to the war of all wars. I walked up boldly and faced a man with a green

Clauue Audru. I had Just emerged from the bank with the last $92 beard. I opened my vest to make way for his blade.scarcity Is going to put price on so nearly a war time Austin and mandamused ths newly-electe-d state I able to rala stilt healthy letter of creditwas on my With a yell, he pulled off the tapestry, threw hi armsSUBBCIIU'TIO.N(BJT Nail ID Advance."

HATES. basis that they will be almost prohibitive. executive committee to meet In Austin on Friday of snd something told me I was In wrong. around me and kissed me. It was my friend ShultzDaily and Sunday, one year Last year while the crop was regarded as very last wsek to again canvass ths returns. This wss Mobilising tbe Sostp. from Short Hills, New Jersey, He was German andDally and Sunday, ait inoalto. :!tt short, a total of IS cara were shlped from the state dons snd the meeting at Austin again declared me I hailed a taxi. I did not expect to ride back to the green beard was his only chance.latly aim sunuay, twe mouth. America In It. I Just hailed It for want of somethingLialiy and suuuay, one month .. .? but the view of experts who have made a careful in the nominee. (Copyright, 1114. by R. L. Goldberg.)better to do. Hailing a taxi Is like raising a mustache.The Sunday units, uU(i year

(By carrier.) vestlgajlon Into the situation during the past few "This did not satisfy Mr. Lane and So the case There's no reason for it. So, being shorn of reason byDally and Sunday, one month .n weeks, is that not exceeding ft cars will be shipped has been taken into the courts. I do not know, of the rapid succession of startling developments, I lialled Glimpses Into the Past.

subscriber, who fail lo retente tnelr papereTTacU

regularly ar out of Texas during the coming season. ouree, what the Judgment of the court will be, but a taxi. ' (FROM THE FIIKS OF THE MORNING TIMES.)requested to notify toe Dunnes office to last The driver, rare specimen of paleozoic foliage.tme po.tofflce address to full, Including couniy and Uatt, Tbe report of the experts conducting the Investí have an abiding faith In the Judiciary of Texas, and looked over his hedne, bowed sweetly, and kapt THIRTY YEARS AGO TODAY.

Renin by niuney otuer. urai r rin : gatlon. says that In all the territory extending from firmly believe that It will consider only tbe facta as moving: There Is no change In the local market report.Pnone WSo, private nrsmn

Tellezchange Willi


eirvieysirunk linea

or Austin, the state capital, to, Ked River, there Will not they are presented and will apply, without fear or I hailed another. He thrsw me a kiss and kept Beef steak 1 12 1.2c per pound; Mexican beans sUllall operatorcouuecungwhat Oeoaruneui

acpariUKiit.jou wia and connection will be made. be one single car of pecans available for shipment this favor, the law of the state applicable thereto. moving. I hailed taxis aa they were never hailed be-

fore.at It per hundred.

After Id p. m. and oa Sunday afiemoon and holiday mo But they all kept moving. Bach one had adeparuueult will answer direct: season. "The official and unofficial returns show that I soldier on board. Bach soldier had a cigarette In his Mrs B. F, Deal offers tii for the return of the

KOI Manager WW... .Editorial and llouorter The Texaa pecan, as a rule, Is regarded aa the am the duly and legally elected nominee of the Demo mouth and a lady In his arm. They were going to watch and money taken from her last night Sheatw' societ'y Ed", and Bu. Mgr. Ml .Adv. and Clrc. lepta.deliver lbs papar promptly, uonfjr oa very best that finds Its way to market, and Texaa con ralle party for congressman at large. I have long Join the colors. They were mobilising. slates that ne questions will be asked.U Um carrier fallí to

.over any of tbe above telepaones. tains more natural pecan orchards than any state tn been a citizen of Texas, arriving In ths stste In 1878, That's the word mobilising! I went to the post- -office and asked the man In the when the next

Header of tbe Morning Time leavlug lb city iui ii.o the union. The demand for the Texas nut is so great and everyone who knows me knows that I bavs beencage Yesterday morning a Mexican standing on themall steamer sailed for America.mountain or rural reorU, or lor Europe, are reiuinded He looked at me other side of the Rio Orande deliberately fired fourthat It always commands a fancy price, and the fail conslstsnt Democrat all my life. I am not only pityingly and answered, "Mobilisation." I rushed over shots at the boatman in charge of the ferry. None

r" ',... rSZ awn to tne rime urctilitm ure of the crop this year is going to result In the loa willing to abide by the decrees of my party, but to the Oallerle Lafayette and asked one óf the up of the shots took effect.Department, or any branch orrice, tnrourb tbe nuil. Adireaaj of considerable revenue to those who own pecan or hall accept with equal fortitude the Judgment of ths holstered floor walkers to direct me to the lawn

. .n.'r,.,,i nrtau aa deaued. bubacrlpilou rate am sprinkler department. He lifted his embroidery Brattain & Long, the contractorschards. courts of my state. If that Judgment ahould be in who have agreedaa printed above clutched a butter mold, wavsd It In a warlike gesture to build the court house and Jail, are expected to

Any erroneou reflection upon the .landing, cracteror my favor, as I believe It will, I shall go to tbe congress ana answered, "Mobilisation. commence work within the next few days.rinu U.in . any ,jrp. nun or corporation, nub

correcieflrosy Ths magnificent resistance put up by the Belgian of the United States aa a representative of ths whols The strain was beginning to tell on me. Thewill be gtadlythe column, of it Tunos,aimear

upon being brouvtil t the attention or law in people against the terrible odds of Uerman aggre people Instead of a factional few." strangeness of everything was beyond my understand A pet crow recently sent to the editor of the Clip-perIon, has won the unqualified admiration and approv-


ing. I suddenly remembered I had had no breakfast. at Colorado City from Pecos City, has rsturnedI slipped quietly In Vlel's. gilded loosely into a chair to Its home In the southwest. It escaped from itsProgreu. of the civilised world. Lent Hutchlns of and looked around forSouthwestern Enfield, Maine, read recently a waiter. An r- cage and flew home In a single day.of lhat whiskers were unsanitary and without consulting old hat boy was dosing In a corner. I tickled him be

Fine apeclmens of uranium and larga sheets hind the ear with his crutch and he wokeLu British suffragettes are showing a disposition to Mirandy, the partner of his bosom, he proceeded toup I The Renilhllr-Ji- rarvmlk. ..J...N. M.. bymica have been brought Into Santa Fe. "r m fanttahsd." I said. "I want something to eat."were found become ugly again, and it Is a fine time to test their the barbershop and had alfalfa A.n..i ,.f Trinidad. The specimens an patch that had He arurwsredv "Mobilisation." and sank back ütotSEÍia tWSSSjTm

in Rio Arriba county, near Petaca, and are considered real fighting quaJltles. If Mrs. Flora Drummond, been standing athwart his countenance, removed. It dreams of bis schoolmate, Napoleon. was then taken.a mot jvaluable discovery. Aunt Ummellne Pankhurst and othera pf that kidney was late when Lem got through with the operation My thoughts dashed through my brain in hyper-

bolasIs preparing to were sent out on the French firing line It would ne and he went home and sneaked to bed without and parabolas. Everything was rapidly growing A report comes from Montana to the effect thatRailway company dim. I sank downTV,. Rants Fe into chair likemy an automobiledoubt take quite a lot of belligerency out of them. two cowboys were hanged whenN. M.. in response awakening Mirandy, who when she awoke a poase of citizensbuild extensive stock pens at Talban, at early owner who had Just received his first bill for repairs. thought they were horse thievea It learneHt hv stockmen that they were being com dawn and found a smooth face on the pillow besldo A menu lay before me on the table. It seemed to late that they were innocent.


pelled tt drive their stock too far for shipment. It Is South Carolina has put an affective crimp In the her, proceeded to get into her fighting clothes and read:estimated TOO cars 01 atoca wau we senatorial aspirations of Oovernor Cole Blease, the kicked Lemuel clear down the stairs. Then she threw Canteloupe de mobilization. Mobilisation consommé. One of our moat popular cafe keeners. who iban thla fall. ranting demagogue who has done so much to bring Tu root mobilisation. about to become a marriedhim over the fence Into a neighbor's yard, where he an Poalet a la mobilization. man, yesterday received

Cantaloupe htpment from Fort Sumner, N. M.. are the old Palmetto state Into disrepute. And ths blast remained until he was able to convince tbe neighborMobilization Frxvxaage. Mobilization Melba. nis nrn present. It was labeled "10 years old," and

averaging fotir cars dally. In spits of the fact that the Ing of Cole Blease'a 'senatorial aspirations Is Just about of his identity. Lemuel is letting his alfalfa patchMobilization Tasse.

wasWas said-t-

the doner.be of the leading brand.

:The bookkeeper

growers are experiencing difficulty In obtaining effi-cient

the finest bit of political work ever performed In It was mobilization from soup to nuts. magain tntocome prominence andmarket was low for the early ship vows that never Outside, the air fullpickers. The was of the music ofSouth Carolina. Men of his type are out of patriotism Theplace in gentleman who startedments, but of late prices have been eteauuy pica.wa ui again will he be a convert to the germ theory, as he yelling, cheering, singing and the tramping of feet. nroanect In tbthe United States senate. vicinity of El Paso and Paso del Norte forfound It much healthier to wear wh inkers than Tremendous crowds of men, women and children were gold saidto be in this

Melrose buyer are taking all the wheat offered on attempt to go without them. marching through the streets, making noises which, of citizendistrict, and who was paid by a number

of Bl Paso, hasthat market, and the price paid Is averaging about 70 The equipment of the German forces operating In when properly assorted and carefully foenssed on a rsturned to this city andnta ner bushel. One buyer who is seeking to pur sensitive eardrum, registered the French national

meu a aetaiieu report or Ms findings. He states thatFrance and Belgium, la wonderful and every detail of Financial and commercial Interests he finds aare gradually very narrow pay streak whloh ! Hrh inchase ten cars, has gone out in an automobile among anthem. A little girl, with a coarse, rugged shawlthe farmera and is making every etrort to get an mere their accouptrement is perfect. That explains why bringing order out of the existing chaos that thrown over her narrow shoulders and the light of

gold, but In too small quantity to pay. Thus endsis in light. the German advance has continued In spite of the attendant upon the European war, but the situation heaven In her dark brown eyes, waved a French flag

the much-talke- d of gold find in this vicinity.many formidable obstacles. tVhen the kaiser went to ha not yet regained the normal. A very hopeful in tbe breeze. Four hundred waiters fell in behind

The university of Arizona, located at Tucson, will and "vlved" themselves Into hoarseness while We FIFTEEN YEARS AGO TODAY.war a few weeks ago, he moved with everything In a view la taken of the outlook, however, and It is uni-versally

pooropen Its fall session on September 18, and the Indica boobs sat at our tables trying to recall the features and Justice Spencer's

enrollment In all Its atate of readiness and he moved sufficient forces to believed that Une of action in remanding the slayertlona are It will have the largest every business In the general appearance of a steak. of E. M. Hunter to Jail without ballhistory. All the old student will return and 71 new overwhelm Just about everything that arises In his United States will soon be enjoying perhaps the Grand Old Flag Staff. met with th approval of all who haveseemsread the



havenames have already been enrolled. In spit of the fact path to Paris. greatest era of prosperity It haa ever known. There When the extra editions of Figaro, Matin, Petitthat the preparatory department has been discontinued Joúrnel, .Temps, La Patrie and other Paris dallies,is plenty of money available for all legitimate pur-

poseswhich were literally flooding the tri. - t..

The Kl Paso & Southwestern railway has granted The statement Is often made than f per qpht of in i he United States, and Just as soon as means digested by the Inflamed crowds and a vaguer idea of onTha belated



team istrain

here. They arrivedthe farmers of New Mexico the privilege of hauling off the men who engage In business meet with failure, if exporting uur surplus products are" provided, busi the order and sympathies of the various allies began to boy will do soma practice jvork

last night. Thetoday. Theold railway ties for firewood. Instead of burning them snd the editor of Bradstreefs has Just made a care-

fulness will bum In every line and there will soon be

twine around the blood corpuscles of the people, flags a model one. :';club Is

on the right of way. And it is a conceaston that will of other nations appeared upon the boulevards.compilation which proves that the annual rate of evidences of unprecedented activity and prosperity Inbe generally appreciated. The English flag was soon as much In evidence .busines failures la less than 1 per cent. It la evident every portion of the United States. the French."

The county court will open this week, There Isquite) a heavy docket.The Alumogordo. N. M.. commercial club, which that someone haa been doing orne very wild figuring When the Russian colors loomed upon the horizonhas been enjoying a vacation during the month of and there la a suspicion extant that guilt Ilea at the Dr. Aureliano Urrutla, formsr member of the a great cheer scattered the garlic fumes In all direc P. M. Whit, formerly of LosIs preparing to resume business at the old tions. Angeles, arrived inAugust. Thedoor of former Chairman Hllles, of the Tart campaign Huerta cabinet, and often designated by the appella-


Belgian flag, the Turkish flag, the Chinese this city last week and at orice decidedstand. September 1. The first work of the club will flag, the Bolivian flag, the Montenegrin flag, the Hln. to remainbe to get ready for the year's publicity work, It having committee. of th.e butcher of the Huerta administration, has dustan flag any flag that had no trace of the frank

here. He has opened offices in the Sheldon building.decided to spend t.iOO tper month, during the coming settled with his family In the city of San Antonio, furter or pretzel upon it was welcomed with a great Miss Maud Kieferyear, for the purpose of advertising the advantages secretary McAdoo advisee the country to sit where it Is announced that he will practice medicine. cneer. charge of a school

has gone to New Mexico to takeLasof Alamogordo and the Alamogordo country. The near Cruces In the Rio Grandesteady and not rock the boat. He says there is plenty And Dr. Urrutla should be given to understand from people soon forgot that Austria and Servia valley.were arguing over a mistake in

Hopes long cherished, of a new postoffice building of money available for transacting the business of the the very moment of his arrival, that be cannot mix or something or other. All theygrammar

fel andor

knewa bad


Thefer tbe city of Barita Fe. N. M have been rudely shat-tered

entire country and that money will be used to fi-

nancethe same kind of medicine In Teaxs that he was ac-

customedthat the expression on the face of the frankfurter was

city schools will open Monday. YesterdaySuperintendentby the information that come from Washington. all the Important crops of the country. McAdoo to administer to some of his patients in nara ana cruel, the dachshund w as an artistic calamltv teachers whoPutnam called a meeting of the

The supervising architect at the national capital has the pretzel have charge of the various schools ofhaa proven Just a limit the greatest secretary of-- the Mexico. was criminally Indigestible and beer was the city. Me made a short addressnotified the chamber of commerce at Santa Fe, that it ranx poison. outllnglng thewill be Impossible to get around to the new Santa Fe treasury this country haa aver had, and la equal to 1 was seeing history. I did not know whether to be

policy of th city' school system to the new teachers.building until 120, and that la a long time to have to every emergency that presenta itself. He saya there is That a close watch should be kept on Lassen happy or sad. Whan you rend AlBtorv von ran iwait. The new building is a necessity and it hoped no occasion for the manifestation of any form of hys-

teriaPeak, the smoking mountain in CalifoVnta, is the ad-vice

arid ride on boats and send out laundry and bow to When Your Girl's Engaged.some means can be found to expedite Its construction. and the financial world haa learned to take him pf Prof. J. 8. Diller. of the United geological ser peopie ana can ror ice water. But I was aeelng history , There's a song in her heart that Is buoyant and

at his word. vice. "The Lassen outbreak," he says, "Is essentiallyand I could not take out time for receas. I Just had (Aa new as her mother's before her!)

newThe El Paso & Southwestern railway Is negotiating to keep on seeing It. It had me licked In all directions There's a light in her eye whichwith the owner, of land lying hetween Polly Switch. volcanic, although no molten products have been So there was nothing leit for me but to keep on look-

ingOr for even the mother who bore

was never for you.N. M and Willow Springs, a distance of about aix James E. Ferguson, Democratic nominee for found In connection with the eruptions. Lassen may at lt I had a very vague Idea in my mind that It

her.miles, for the privilege of putting in a spur to the new of Texas, la In attendance the would be wise to leave Franceupon state legis subside to Its former quleence, but we must not tor- - flat on Ita back at this Four heart overflowed at her first littlecoal mine recently discovered For months cryaomo stage of tblature at Austin, the guest of Governor Colquitt. He get that the blowing off of the top of old Vesuvius

game: And leaped at her first little laughter;coal from this mina haa been on sale In Carrtxoxo and But my own confusionis said to 1e similar In quality in the Cerrillo coal, denies there Is any friction between the governor and made Mount Semme and the Vesuvius of today." total of my organized aggressiveness

was so great that ths sum But now there's a note, half a song, half a sighFor allwas to wish of her toyearswhich burns down to a fine uah and leaves no clinkers. himself, and says he is In Austin simply for the pur-

posemerely myself elsewhere. My reason was not clear

come after.Several Kl Paso parties are reported negotiating for of learning how It la all done. It Is probable. In the prevailing European war the services of enough to tell me the only way to keep from remaining Vou know never Galahad shatteredtbe purchase of the new coal minea. however, that Jim is on the scene for tbe purpose of various forms of flying machines are adding much to In the same p.ace is to go away. Who was fltVto presume to possess


That the Carranza Is keeping some of it from being dons. the horrors of the situation and are aa entirely newI soon found myself In the Boulevsrd Montmartrs And tho' glad of her gladness, you eye him askancegovernment preparing to re-

sumetending in front of what was left of a large plate glass And rebel that he dare tooperation of the railways in Mexico, is evidenced factor in military operations. The great air machina window that bad been smashed to a million bite. Many

caress her.by the appointment of Roberto V. Pesquería, of Honor i. SJenor R. 8. Bravo, Huerta consul in the city of hovers over Its objective at a sufficient altitude to dill pickles were lying torn and bleeding upon the She is flesh of your flesh, she is boneM superintendent of railway It U understood that thelg.,, Antonlc, n used to surrender his office to keep out of range of tbe enemies' guns. At the as

pavement, and the adjoining street was paved with You have known all her gladness andof your bone

Señor time It lowers coffee cake. An angry crowd had demolished a deli-catessen

But the call of a new Woodsorrow

railways under government control, and. the poaltlon Carrillo, his constitutional successor. Senor a steel cage, attached to a steel wire store because the proprietor's has entered her ownThat thecarries with It a salary almost aa large as that Bravo declares he has not been officially notified of rope two or three thousand feet long. Tbe cage smoked a German pipe. As I floated alonggrandfather

with theworld shall be peopled tomorrow.

by the president of the republic. Operation of the passing of the Huerta government and declares divided into compartments, and It oarrtes one man tide of excited humanity I saw dosens of beautiful Oh, the old must oldgrow and theDie railway of Mexico is necessary la order that y he will not concede the legality of the Carranza gov-

ernmentwhose duty It is to hurl the bombe. ' Tb fact that the German shops totally wrecked. I heard later that this So rejoice at ths nsw Joy before


must renewand progress may resume Its sway, and the In-

formationdamage had been done

that auch a move is pending Will be greeted until It haa been officially recognised by the steel cage Is constantly in motion, makes It a vary Inby a mob led by a gentleman But oh, there's that look which, was never for you'baggy trousers who. In his anxiety to stock himself Or for even the motherWith delight in all quarters. United States difficult target. who; bore her!up with absinthe before the price went up, loaded hlm- - Edmund Vance Cooke.

POLLY AND HER PAL- S- Well Ashur Isn't Anybody, Anyway. By STERRETTWtfBIrt MATXtR rYTHl

VXJ Ldifcly Rs, SfcU li. l I , av it H lhK4VH4T a RlOrtTULOUw

IXAtfgttWCULOU. t lit1. f KmJ Bt Of AtN SONtCt To MUlHW' DOW' Asno "MX sktfT 6fas TStkO

HOV iWAPPRfcCMTlWfc. fOLMiéWtO! IP SoMtBoooV'o --for iWK Lift 1LOOK VtfcJ Aj

VH4D 4 Acocear O r,tíüRwtó-- 15- - DoiT rtDrop a BRktk oHj SHALL Bt HAPW JO OBU&t:ill Wfii Í--Cii Mt ID (fiT rOÜR--XAV I ISWSft MUTHIJ" WOULD r Z HuuoRfeD Dollarsi I 11 fta JFCVAXHAPPtU l I Would'.'! r' X imSiY nvbou-- r mi fifi mp

SB :t,

Friday. Sept 4. 1914. EL PASO MORNING TIMES


The Store for Black Satin HitsEverybody

Black satin trimmed sail-ors,In accordance with pre-

viousin combinations of

a nnouncemen t, black and white, mercurystarting Saturday, Sep-tember

wings and stickups. AS, this, store will dozen different styles,

remain open on Satur-days

worth $3.95. Friday $1.98until 9 o'clock p. m. Millinery Section tnd Floor

We Give Double $?C Green Trading Stamps All Dayn haa berti & buiy month In ODD tiOT About 60 boxes of roodour wash goods and Unen section. FRIDAY-REMN-ANT DAY quality stationery, worth 26c box.

hence we hare scores of Remnants Some boxea are slightly soiled fromto offer for Friday, Remnant Day, handling, but paper la perfect. Friin these sections at remarkably low day Special, ISe box or 4C.prices. for UU

Friday, Remnant Day, at "Everybody's" is a day of special sig-

nificance to all who would economize. During the week's busyselling1 many lines are entirely closed out, while others are sold JAP. SILK WAISTS, $1.69 That AreRemnants of Wash Materials Remnants These Worth $8.98 Just the blouse for summerdown to and odd lots. are offered at radically

Remnants of Gingham, Percale, Kindergarten Cloth, Galateá, reduced'prices for Friday Remnant Day. Besides Remnants and stripeswear.





ofwashable $1.69Organdie ;Shirting, Madras, Linen, Ratine, Linetie, Crepes, Etc. Very de 1L odd lots, there are many special values offered for this day only, excellent values (Third l;loor)sirable lengths, especially suitable for children s school dresses. in every department of the store.


REMNANTS of 'White Ooods, Long; Cloth. Cambric, Nain-sook, IN WE TOILET ARTICLE SECTION FRIDAY Summer Blousealso Sheer White Materials, suitable for dainty blouses 1 Specialand lingeries. Very specially priced for Friday, item n ant day.

PALM OLIVE SOAP FREE A large shipment lately received that are specially pricedja REMNANTS of Table Damask, in all pure linen and mercerised.'. Lengths from 1 2 to 2 yards. Excellent for lle-h-t houaelceenlmr $1.00 each. See them in our Ready-to-We- Section.

J linens A GREAT SAVING. With every purchase of a 50c jar of Palm Olive Massage Cream at 30c will- - o ,a - : ri . c? tttt Third floor. Beautiful blouses white and coloredlit given o i" tiKC oí i in vmvc ouij rnaa, in

'jT ODDS AND ENDS In hemmed and hemstitched table cloths, TOILET ARTICLESft crepes and voiles, fancy tissues and mar-- :

all sizes ranging in price from 7c to 12.96. All are extraordinary OTHIR UNDERPRICED $1.00 UiJ values. 60c Bath Brushes, Ions handle 29c tl.OO S.quart Hot Water Bottles quisettes, worth to $2.08, are marked....for for

BOo Hiker's Violet CerateStc Colgate's Toilet Water 23c for . . 29C REFfor lb. Cake Rose De Prance

HANDKERCHIEFS, 6 FOR 25c Men's and 1.00 Pond's Extract Glycerine Soap, 3 cakes for HHHssns A CUBAN CP OF THIS SEASONlc h, . . 68c 36c Hand Brushes ON D1U2S8ES THAT V1 111. 1'RICKD TOwomen's extra good quality handkerchiefs in for. :for 80.00 A few very deslrabla dresses In Im-

portedsheer, dainty lawns, some with initials tic Buthymol Tooth Paste 15c 16c Tooth Brushes voiles, crepes and nets, most of which $9.00and some with colored borders. Also some suit-able

for , for have lona; Russian tunlos and are values fromfor school use (Main Floor) 6 (or $15.00 to 130.00, are priced for final clean-u- p


i REMNANT cPStWOaíTfíUí Another shipment to go on tale in Main Aisle as REMNANT VErvóoavWtmSpecial Feature for Friday. We have just opened 'm. i r ipa$1 up another large shipment of beautiful blousesDUTCH COLtiARS In allover embroidery ana hand C-- k that are exceptional values at the price. Youembroidery; regular 25c values. Friday, 3 for. fcUC may Two Hosiery Specials for Remnant Day

Main Floor expect great values, for these are made of finewhite voile, colored voile, white embroidered WOMEN'S sn.K BOOT black.'A small lot of Flschus, Chemlsettea and Collars pretty H08K Tan, ujue, white, fray,

chiffon, organdí valuta to SI. 00, Friday tUIi voiles, fancy crepes, brocaded silks, fancy tissue,, pink and white. Borne have slight imperfections, but f AflMain Floor flowered silk and silk marquisette; every color to they are extraordinary values; 3 pairs for $ I illU$1 chpqse from ; long and short .sleeves; Dutch co-

llar; SI rJi MEN'S socks in lisle weight, in tan, navy, gray, wine, purple,LOT CHIFFON RUOHING ANDODD, CF1XINC In all..I 3v plain and fancy trimmed. A1! heliotrope, white and black; worth 3io pair. Cftmcolors, specially priced at, yard

Remnant Friday, 3 pairs for UUCODD LBAGTH8 VEIL Are all marked Specially low for Friday Day p liVvFriday. Hosiery Section Main Floo-r-21

Friday Specials in Rugs, Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Draperies Summer Dresses GIRLS' DRESSES In the Silk and Dress Goods Sections Aro Many SpecialROOM-SIZ- BRUSSELS RUG FRIDAY FOR SB. 9.1 Por Friday we offer' A SPECIAL PURCHASE Values for Friday Remnantyou choice of our entire line of Brussels rings that sold fl AC END OF SEA SON CLEAN- - UP A special , purchase f girls'

Dayregular at Sir.. 00, for yejaejü 50c RATINE STRIPE PONGEE, 89c.

IRON Main Aisle of Store Friday , dresses have just arrived in timéWe have several White Iron Beds which

BEDS,have been used aa floor samples Values are up to $18.00. to be placed on sale ait a special Ratine Stripe Pongee, colors Cerise, Delft Blue. Shell

that we desire to close out. These we offer you i4 AC We have transferred the balance feature for Friday selling in Main Pink, Light Blue, Maise, Old Rose. Taupe, Golden Brown,Friday at 40 1 7 3 of our women's dresses that sold Aisle of store. This is of special Stone Gray, Sailor Blue, Dutch Blue, Tan, White and C(They are In both and full size. Black; 50c value, Friday, yard smvOSPRINGS up to $15 to the Main Aisle of interest to mothers, for they areBED SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY A steel tempered luster colledBed Spring in either or full else; regular spring. QCr store for Friday Remnant Day excellent school dresses for girlsSpecial at, each wvu Special. There are not many left, 6 to 14 years old. New fall styles 23c Seco Silk. J 5c 73c Brocaded Crepe, 39cCOTTON MATTRESSES. but in the lot are beautiful voiles, in fancy and printed crepes andFor Friday we offer an all Cotton Fancy Tick Mattress, 25 lbs. 4 Efl 25o Silk Tissue In plains and em-

broideredYard wide Brocaded Crystal Crepe.fancy tissues, marquis-

ettesvoiles. If bought in a regularweight, either 4 or full sise, at . wHiwU crepes, way dota. Colora, delft blue, Colors, Copenhagen, American

Or a 40 lb. Rolled Edge Fancy Covered Mattresi. either 4 or tfl embroidered voiles, long these dresses would sell as high tan. taupe, scerleC' P'nk, emerald, Beauty, mahogany, light blue, pink,full aize. at yUaVU tunic styles. Only one or two of as $2.98, but as a special feature cardinal, navy, old rose, lavender. navy, old rose, reseda, green, wis-

taria,CURTAIN SCRIMS AMD NETS. a kind, but values are up to $15. for Friday Remnant Day we have Nile green, golihii brown, wistaria. taupe, Nile green, terra cottu.For Friday e offer a large assortment of Is'ets and Scrims, both plain and white and black.

Yardblaek and white; tío value. 4As long as they marked them (Main $' 15cfancy bordered, that sold at regular up to 34c. Your cholea for IE. $2.95 1.59 Yard 3 VIC

Friday at, yard I 3C last Friday Aisle of Store) .

Great Values in Muslin Un-


A new shipment of black silk5 We have grouped in one lot the balance of ourmessaline petticoats in both regular and for Friday children's and misses' white embroidered para-sol- e, 50cvalues up to $2.50, to close out at (Someextra sizes. Bought to sell at $l.i5. A ANOTHER SPECIAL MAIN AISLE FEATUREFriday Special t Second Floor) women's in the lot) each . , , . , ,

An opportune time to replenish your supply of muslin wear, for thesewere bought at a very low price and are affored for rnday accordingly.remnant tvewsocs-rm-FThere are gowns, corset covers, drawers, combinations, skirts, chemise REMNANT tVWñe&3Tmand Princess slips oí fine nainsook, crepe, muslin and plisse, 'all

MODESTY SKIRTS In both plain and scalloped, daintily trimmed in laces and ribbons. In the lot are values up towith plain and embroidered double panels; JW $2.95, but we have include! the entire shipment at the NEW NOVEXTY HAIK I'INB of Tortoise shell, set with bril95c liants that have been Helling at $1.10, art; marked for AC.worth up to $1.25; Friday (2nd Floor) QvC one price for Friday Remnant Day. Friday at. pair v

Jewelry Dapt. Ma In FloorSILK GIRDLES HALF PRICE.Clean up on balance of silk girdles in plaid, moire Roman Silk and Wool Remnants OMCAN UP ON BAIiANCK OK OtTH PATEÜfT LsCATHKRstripes and messaline silk, some kid lined, also some BfcXTK AT HALF FORMER FHIO- K- There are plain black.knitted silks in the lot worth $75c to $2.98 AT HALF. AT ABOUT HALF REGULAR VALUE black trimmed In white kli; iihtc are aliio plain white 25cbelt in the lot. Value that sold for 10c; Friday are. .

(Main Floor.) POR FRIDAY REMNANT DAY.in transferring our Woolen dress good department we found manypieees that were too short for regular stock, so we have taken theseand all short lengths of silk.--, and for Friday will display them on i SO

SILK GLOVES SPECIALS POR FRIDAY large table in Main Ahvle of store at about half regular value. In the ONE IMMENSE TABLE Killed withOdd lot of silk gloves in. black with assortment are lengths suitable for dresses, skirts or blouses. The beautiful dresses, including dainty lawnswhite stitching and white with black stitching, 95cx wool remnants are especially adaptable for children's school dresses. and crepes, trimmed with embroidered $1.00also light blue, pink and red ; values up to $1.75 ; Every wanted silk is to be found in the assortment. Friday Main collars; regularly priced at $3.fi0. Yourspecially priced Aisle of Store. Choice for Friday ( Fakement)

3LJ Kitchen were One Drapery Remnants Me' Collars All Men's Dress Shirts wmTWmviS tabitable tilled with Scrims. Marquis slightly soiled. M onsrch andkitchen utenalls. ettes, Nets and K laKID OLOVKS--- In tan and white arc OQ Special (or Friday, minas. Hpaclal tor branda Cluatt brand: worth

RAIN COATS FOR SCHOOL OIRLS-Exccpti- onalodd lot. Specially DUG HI without C 3 hp to tl.tii. 7 Calso an priced, pair 10c 10cST.. for I illGlove section Main Floor reservt üC Mpeclal values, sites 14. 10 and 18 years, injftQ Qfi

KIBUO.V SFUCIAUi POR KKIOAY. black, tan and navy blue Special 3MMblack velvet ribbon, satin bach, heavy nap, IRje

extra special, yard 196 Men's Fancy Striped Athletic Under u r, Walste Immense asjaortmenl, new ar i Kjitra tmality Ehk1s" Serge Skirls, withStripedregular



ribbons. In gtrdU widiha;33QQs

C Specialworth up to 12.9 per garment

...Ql07 at'r r,v1 ur linen, ratine, crepes, new long tunic ; Friday only $2.95Friday, per sarm.nl. awwg gripes. While they last BE.PRKTTY HAIK RIBBONS VOtt BCHOOL GUULAV A. lot of (Basement.) - (Basement) UUC Hou.sc Uresst s . guod quality percale ; regular Qf4pretty new aad -- Inch Ptuian, striped and checked rib- - AB.

bona that are very suitable or hair bewt; ard 3C price lie, Pfida) nly (Basement) OvC


El Precio de "El Morning Times"Es Cinco Centavos Oro o 25 Centavos MexicanosNo Se Pague MasCOTIZACION DE METALE.


Washington. Sept. 1. En Arliona, Nuevo Piala en Huera Yort sJJtMexico y Oeste de Tria, despejado t Plomo SU Louls , s

aibado. Zinc SI. Louls

AÑO H EL PASO. TEX. VIERNES, SEPBRE. 4 DE 1914. eipafloi.)Véase pira máa tintinas en PRECIO 5 crs.


Autorizados por Junta do Sanidad dot Sitado MR. PAUL FULLER REINSTALARANde Texss, como Doctorea Registrados para corarEnfermedades del Cerebro; Enfermedades Con-tagiosa o Infeccioaaa do lo Sangre; Acotamientoo Debilidad del Statema Mervloao; Insomnio; un l ISO DISCI TIR EL MrSWK DfX El. I I MX HALEN PARA Dt'RANOO LOS



LIInfalible latratamiento paro, Impotencia; NO IIP, WAHHINOrov chinar KL CONFLICTO.completa y permanente sin estimulantesdañosos. Curamos bajo (garantía sin pérdida da Plenas conferenciar dlreetsaseale eos En rato de no rendirse lo herma Arríetiempo y ero operación doloroso, la Estrecha, en muy pocos días; se pata y erre poder eonvereerlo para la, por la tuerza serin ellmlasdoa

curan pronto la Gonorrea, Fístula, Catarro jr en muy corto tiempo ana dre Ina sures ais Is guerra. del Estado de Dursngo.enfermedades de lo. Vejiga, KstOmaco, Hígado, Piel. Ríñones, Hydro-


Varicocele otras enfermedades crónicas del hombro y la mujer;y De. la Prensa Asociada. Nuevamente han anunciado los Orales,Solicitamos especialmente aquellos llamados "casco Incurable," Veracruz, Sept. s. Paul Puller, repre-

sentantevilla y obregon un cambio en su programa

que no han podido ser curados por otros doctorea personal del presidente Wilson, de pacificación. En vez de demorar suFf Jcho en el nAmero del cuarto. Hay otros doctoreo en el mismo acompañado de an eapOH,' llegó hoy s proyectado viaje a Dursngo, pars con-

ferenciaredificio de nombre semejante. Busque coarto) No. o. Veracruz. Be dice que mañana saldrá con los hermanos Arríela, a finCONSTOTAS GRATIS. SB HABLE ESPAÑOL. rumbo a la capital de la republics, acom-

pañándolode solucionar las dificultades interiors

DOCTORE ALEMANES joim ii. siUlUao, empleado del existentes en aquel Estado, hasla despuésservicio consular americano; que vino s de que el Oral. Obregon sHoras: De 8 a. m. a 1 p. na.; de 4 p. na. p. na. encontrarlo ojie

regresaraa Silpuerto. como tam-

bién de su visita a ls ciudad de México,Dominaros de 8 n. m. 12 m. H. L. Hall, róldenle de Is ciudad deCoarto No. t. Calle Mesa No. 20H- México que a ultima recluís le encon-

traoshoy manifestaron que el lunes saldrían Fáciles lBfeH1l Fucilesen Washington, habiendo regresado psrs Ditrango y comentarían su trabajo de lsLAl Frente de "La Krctw." Secundo Plan. El Paso, Texas. las república en compartís de Mr. Fuller. pacificación mmcdltamente. Emplearan en

Conferenciar ron el Oral.Dlccie que Mr. Hall ha sllaientsdo desde este viaje no menos que una semana; pero

hace tiempo, la creencia de que podrt estarán do regreso antes del 18, fecha enque lis dispuesto una revlta de tropas, per-tenecientesuidurir s Emiliano .apata, con quien Mr

Hall tiene relaciones, a que abandone lot s la división del Norte. y

azarea d la guerra. Mr. Hsll estuvo hace Este cambio se debe s comunicaciones de gssjjpjp sissmI B JB Bctiempo en manos de Zapata como prlslone la ciudad de México que afirman que. lsro: pero lo puno en libertad debido s que situación en ta capital na mejorado, por

los desordenes nue ocurrieron en la capino nudo obtener rescate. tal el Oral, obregón habla resucito salirTENEMOS i.a misión de Mr. ruiier dinero de lsque de las conferidas a Csrotbera y 81111- -


de Durango.para Mexico y después arreglar

man. quienes nieron mandados para uqe Ayer su arirntaba que era el plan de losonrerenciaran res lectivamente con vine Orales. Villa y iibrerón Instalar de nuevoFuller lleney Csrrsnzs. poderes tra

anunciar cambio tar con ambos, es decir, con el (iral.para

Ca- - si gobernador Pastor Houlx, para sustituir Grafonola Columbia Marca "Jewel" $35.00el gusto de nuestro ranza y con el oral. Villa. Mr. Fuller no al eral. Arricia que lo destituyó. Uno delos hermanos sera puesto como Jefe de 1SShacerleespera perder tiempo en conocer

de local a la calle San Francisco alacerca


Carranzalas Ideas


sedeclaracionessustentan en


delen el





estaren Iss

de Esta Grafonola Columbia marca "Jewel" toca lo mismo los discos Columbia queWashington por lo que respecta s la situa miicuiiaaes y suspender tas nosiiiiugae los, Victor. Se equipada de doble, elcualquiera clase, f.q caso contrario, se encuentra con mot or resorte cuenta con masción nu Mexico y parece convencido deNúmeros 105 y 107. quosición

Carranzaa euas.

ofreceri poca o ninguna opo Estado,rin retirados

y el Ural.de

rrblna.toda Ingerencia

seré el escondoen el moderno de los reproductores Columbia y por ende reproduce la música con sonori-

dad,por el Oral. Villa, para que sea el Juro mili-tarLleva un raenssc para Carranis. en tonos claro, naturales harmoniosos.en el Estado. y

Donde Pagamos los Precios según el Aviso al Calce. Mr. Fullerde

no discutir el carácter del De Sonora llegan noticias que tanto elmensaje que es portador psra el (iral.Carranza y procede del presidente Wil gobernador Maytorena, como el oral. HUI,son, muer

quese sonrio ruando le su que sustituye a Calles, respetan las con $1.00 a la Semana Unicamentediciones impuestas en oí arreglo ultimo.girió el reconocimiento del gobierno, dando

U. S. & Mexico Brokerage nhasta

entenderque un


tal cosasatisfactorio

no so efectuarlay real de



hostilidadesy Its comunicaciones







y el



y Es todo lo que se tiene que pagar después de que se ha hecho el primer abono.queders í establecido en México. Negóauemas is especie oe que permane-cería

Maytorena ha regresado s Con una de estas Grafonolas en la casa, se pueden oir y. celebrar las cancionesreasumir funciones de eje-

cutivo.a sus

Dijo quepor



probabilidadesen ls


que favoritas, asi como selecciones de orquesta y banda y todo eso tantas veces comoel fuera el embalador iimerlcinio en MeCompany jileo',, cuando el gobierna de este Ultimo se desee.país rucre, reconocido por ci de ios Data IMPORTANTE Nuestra la única el Suroestedos Unidos. LAS ELECCIONES : casa es en que cuenta con sur-

tidoMr. Puller se alojd en el Cuartel Oeneralde las tropas americanas y habló durante de discos Columbia y Victor en español. Tenemos un surtido como dos veces

TELEFONO 4524 algunas horas ron Wm. w. Canada, consul el puedan ofrecerle en cualquiera otra casa.americano y con Mr. Sllllinan. FuUer no DE CHIHUAHUAmayor que que para escoger

nudose manifestaba

escapar alansiosoelemento


evidenciarleoficial cine Ademas, tenemos en existencia todos los tamaños, precios y estilos en

las condiciones del pals. Varios sacerdotesse le acercaron y lo relatraon los sufrimientos que hablan experimentado SE VERIFICARAN AL MISMO TIEMPO QUEmanos de los constltuclonallitas. kas riii.siin.-Mni.i-


Compramos Moneda Contltucitnallsta el Dia da Hoy:El uez federal Pope resolvió que .Salaar El periodista Silvestre Terrazas seré uno y

Moneda de Carranza té 2 renta senium en wingaie, ra, .ni- ios candidatos probables pars

del Estado de ChihuahuaMonedu de Chihuahua 24 2 cents De la l'renss Asociada. Victrolas VictorMoneda de Villa Vieja 22 2 cents Sania Pe, N. M., Sept. A El Oral. Joaélnuz Salazar, del ejercito del Oral. Huerta, Por el anuncio hecho desde ls ciudad do

V. H. x MEXICO BROKERAGE CO. 105-- 7 San rnui. lsi nene quedar como prisionero de los I léxico sobre las elecciones presidendos unidosresuelta

en ronasi

wingsie,el Juez Pope

n. m.,en I cíalos se verificarían

queen Noviembre, i Desde $1 5.00 a $200.00. Nuestras condiciones de pago son tan fáciles como el

corte federal, después de haber oído los funcionarlos de Juárez dicen que también abono de $ 1 .00 a la semana. -argumentos en favor do la libertad de Sa-lazar, las elecciones locales del Estado, para de

EXPIDIO PROCLAMA. deriende a Psrts .habla expedido la si en el escrito de habeas corpus, ba-sadoguíenla proclsms dirigida s loa liabltantes en que él no ora un fugitivo ni re-tomado

signar al' gobernador civil, 1 Legislaturade la ciudad: on este ptls. y los demis funcionarlos de elección popu- -

"Los miembros del gobierno do la re-pública tendrin lugar el uróximo Noviembre Tri-Sta- te Talking Machine Co.De la Prensa Asociada. han salido de Parí psra dsr nuevo UNA MARCHA TRIUNFAL. , .' ; Probablemente las elecciones de ChihuahuaImpetu a la defensa de la nsclón. He re-cibido

aeran el mismo illa nue las alecciones gei 3. Se anunció elni- Sept. hoy que órdenes de defender s París contra Lss Irupss rimo se vsn abriendo camino neral"-,- . Las elecciones locales se convo-caran

Esquina de las Callss Texas Stanton.Oral. Oalllcnl, comandante del ejercito que el invasor. F:sta orden la cumpliré hasta nacía Berlín y vieaa. por medio de uns proclsms firmada yel fin." "Firmado, ilalllenl, gobernador De la Prensa Asociada. por 01 urai. vina, jere de la división delmilitar do París, y comandante del ejér-cito."

Moma, Sept. .i. l.a embajada rusa re-cibió

norte.un inrorme oficial de petrograd. se asegura aun Silvestre Terrazas, secre

que las tropas rusas marchan tarlo de gobierno en la presente adminis-traciónPLATA Y ORO NECESITA ANTEOJOS? trliinralniente sobre l emberr. rechazando del Oral. Fidel Avila, sers uno de

a los austríacos en toda la linea. La lucha lo candidatos la delNo ss nos compite e. precio por oro Pregunte a Segall. calle Texas No. ios. para gubernaturay pl.iia eo cualquiera cantidad, fundi-da

establecido desdo 1001. (Advertisement.) se ha verificado en gigantesca escala; Gstadp. Es un periodista de buena cepay ensayada Liquidamos compras rusos han batido a 600,000 austríacos. y me airecior mírame muenos anos uei

sobre kilos y gramos. Johnson Assay 81 las Indicaciones no fallan, según la In "Correreo de chihuahua," que ardiente A LEY MARCIAL Ensena Taquigrafía en Ingles y español, scgflnCo. Oficina, corredor del Hotel Sbel-E- l Los mejores ñutos, con cuidadoso chau-

ffeur.formation de la capital rusa, lo ruso mente apoyó la administración del sober Istema moderno y en el Uempo mas corto

Psso, Texsa, P. o. Box 070. Telf. CIO (Advertisement.) serán al fin victoriosos y como resultado nador uonzalet. asesinado por Huerta. Des-de Colegio posible. Recibe Internos. Garantís lalos caminos a Vlena y a Borlln quedaran ls ocupación nor las fuerzas del Ural. en-

señanza.amenos a ios ejerciins rusos. vina ue ia ciudad de uiithuanus, na sinosecretarlo do gobierno: y aunoue el mis SERA EFECTIVA Pal Kl Pas, Tea. ff. Oregon SIS. Teléf. 3430.

II Hill IV SE MOVILIZA. mo Terrazas no se lia anunciado como tal. moreSe camilla niñero de carranza, del De Prensa Asociada se dice que sus amigos lo inducirán s que L. Wilson, Directors.

AUTOMOVILES JDE It ..VI A llamado al mejor precio de Petrograd (San l'etcrshurgo). Sentiré. J. acepto ls candidatura.El Paso Auto A Taxi tiene para plaza. También dinero del Estado de La movilización del ejercito de Turquía Hasta el presente no se sabe cuáles serán I AS TROPAS DE LAS MILICIAS DOMINAN

Cblhuahui, del conocido "Villa lo otros candidatos en lapor some a romera persii, se verifica lenta que se presenten LA SITUACION GOMPLICAUAalquilar SO rundo autos de ca-mino

Nuevo." Los linos.Mejores mente. Muchos cundo- - y cristianos se han elección. DEL CAMPO MINERO.y taxis, durante toda la nuche Plrst National Unnk Hulldlng. negado a unirse al movimiento. Se ha re

' Los amigos de Ignacio Perche Enrlquez PIDA IJD. el telefono 2675 cuando désey todo el día. L,a estación est Tercer Piso, Num. 304. glslrado un serlo eonriicto entre turcos ágeme confidencial del ural. vina en jua Almada Refineries ordenar carne freses de todas cltiea.

situada frente al Hotel "Paso delTelefono 4. armenios en la población de Bltus, Turquía res, dicen que también traían de que scep Por primer vez. desfiles del i del Julio, Sugar

Alberto tiiitlérrot, Pglsclons. .m inciiia. te ls candidatura de diputado, para e is Denser americana nota aoare ios Meat Market, tí. Love, 8. Stanton SIS.Norte" Calle W. San Antonio Congreso Nacional, representando a alguno mírlelos públicos de Bulle. NavolatO, SinaloaNo. US. Telefonea 862 y 44. de ios distritos del Fsiado de Chlnuanu Vendedores de

'j por ciento de descuento en todos losrefrigeradores para terminaren las runuras elecciones. por mayor con ello.Los garantizamos devolviendo el dinero siDe la Prensa Anortada. no dan .saiiM acción, l'outx t Zlnkler. Calla

Cuando quiera vender - ' ,. Butte. Mont.. Sept. 3. Ests nomo la ley Azúcar y Alcohol N. Rumión 113.FAMMACIA NIO URANO Arañamos porORO O PLATA marcial lia llegado a ser mis efectiva en

DIAMANTES su p roídaNo.

salud). Callea Stanton yHECUEHUB NO ES PRESIDENTE Butte por el Mayor Donotnie, que nombro Rankle & Peacock, lac. OE VENTA Un gran surtido de ropa yTercera 410. TeléT. 70.- - lime MolleaPasamos los mas altos precios la dudad Qus nosotros uniente Baker, como censor cíe la nu para señoras y caballeros, en unso en donde se baila un Agentestlclas. lugar excelente, con un largomis alto cual-

quiercontrato. SePagamos precios quepor diamantes, también oro y completo suritdu de medicinas rrancess sumarla fue oriraiiliaua el podiin lomarna rnrte por cerca de SMMO deinmediatamente al con-


cíasplata, en cualquier forma. de patente y productos da Mexico. otrosin

ocobrsr presupuesto .Mayor Hcoie. iiue aBuml6 el puesto de Juez 212 West Overland Street para tirarlas. La razón para venderCUIDADOSO DESPACHO EN LAS HKCK- por SINOCalle Son Antonio 225 TA8. Visítenos, telefono lo pesamos y ensáyame mientra Ud. PRIMER JEFE y juagara toaos IOS casos ne uu personas es falta da acuerdo con el compañero oo pidapor arrestadas por la policía. Se continua el Mino. K. A., care Time.necesita ae ls llavera en le seto a spera;que y nrcslGENEVA JEWELRY CO. registro uara enromar a MelionaJd,diez minutos de plata,domicilio. para ensaye HESTALHANT LEON'.' DE ORO,mínelos de Butte, dedenle de la union dede oro.media hora para ensaye Calla Segunda No.LOS ESTADOS UNIOOS :ONSIIEHA dice huyo doce horas antes IU3 y El Paso.

Se expiden csVUflcados de ensaya y NO quien se que En los alone de este restaurant--O- LOMO PRESIDENTE PROVISIONAL. te que las tropas oe la muiría negaran aefundición si se desea. sirven lasIIE MEXICO Bulle. el afirma se mejores comidas a 50c y octraíamos amalgama A CARRANZA. También con se queCompramos o

halla el AVISOS de OCASION Eapeilalldsd en Ordenes a la caria, cocinay precipitados. empánala. Alimentos abundantes, nutritivosne ios J.aio mineros empléanos en iosNo venda otra parte antes deen sanos. Venga I'd.y a vernos. Lvernos. El Oral. Villa Isslslr ra que si Csrrsszs trabajos de dls, por 1 compañía minera cocina

Cía neftaedora y Compradera de es candidato drbr abandonar la prest Anarouda Copper, e afirma que solo su fal Una palabra una sola vez...Metales. órnela es una perseas escolda. taron noy. se asegura ei cierre ae las uus una semana ... ... c INSTITUTO INTEHN ACloN Al. InstrueclópanuiraAZUCAR DE CANA Calle de San Prsccltco No. 10. cantinas ha sido la cauaa de ese porcentaje Una linea al mes , ..S1.U0 Primarla, Superior. Comercial y de Idio-

mas,de mineros que se presentaron al trabajo. i Especules ESCoUAHDe la Prensa Asociada. Los miembros de la Federación Occiden ACi ENTES ACTIVOS. callo han Antonio Talif seziWasblnriou. Sept. 3. Por, lo que con tal de Mineros estaban Jubilosos por el Para 1 venta de "EL Paso MORNINü w, wv. .o,. isa.cierne a los Esiados Unidos, el Ural. 'Ve arresto de vsrlos sujetos relacionados con IIMi.S" solicitamos agentes eu los ESladosnuitlano Carranza la nueva Unión. Falos serin Juxgados ma de TEXAS. .NUEVO MEXICO V AHI ZONA J. ARELUANO HIJO Compremos yUnited Sugar Companies 110 es presidente provl ñana por los rsrgos que loa naga la en general en todas Isa poblaciones ue la vendemos moneda mmam h.

b&A ORBS COMERCIANTE ro slonsl de Mexico, mo simplemente "Pn militar. lUXUSUtiA MfcAHAlVA. Ult.Ao LUU1- clases. Mills Blclg. So!. TeL sosa.MAYO!: mor Jefe del Ejercito Constltucloaalista Varios de los mineros pertenecientes a SIONES.IO Mot 1118, SINAIAiA, MEXICO. Vendemos toda clase de mer-cancías encarnado provisionalmente del poder eje loa Trabajadores lndastrliles del Mundo, Escribanos boy mismo. Dirección: P. u. SU LIMPIA relojes por Míe; cueras

a precios sumamente arrestados también, serin lo primeros en So 6SI. El Paso, Tez., U. 8. A. IS. Pagamos por uioneaa mexicanaex-


culivo de la república. ser Juagado en corte sumarla Algunos 3c villa. Carrañas, cnilmíbu. Calis si"Particípame a atiesaros client, y al público en general, que baratos por ser asentes Fue asi como el presidente Wilson ez ior vanos recibieron ls sentencia de una Juan N. Hodriguez contador, profesional. cweiry uo.liemos abierto una oficina en El Paso, en el No. 4X8. First National de ka fábricas. Com-

pramospile, el estado o ..o del ejecutivo inexl mulla de SlOn y tres meses de circel. MAi oí rece us so vicio si publico, caite NOganado. Aceptamos cano s laa personas que lo entrevistaron larde la imilla y la sentencia ae prisión 1 Paso 700. VENDA, compre ni cam oís nataBank II ul!runa;, en I ordenes listos .otamos atenderque sus para ttarramlantaa dadiscutir i,,s ussdo 1 de salie-

ranclase do dinero en psra asuntos ha tue levantada bajo condición quepedido que se nos haga de aatVoaur y alcohoL de cuyos pro-

ductoscualquiera titulo de "presidente provisional," sino que de Bulle dentro de un pía so de It COLKUIO PALMOME. I precios.

tenemos grandes itnn asjui. pago d mercancías y al me-

jorlia conservado el de primer Jefe, desde el horas, saur. su

Upo. urrroiuacieiiio tic Madero. Por primera vea, desde el i de Julio. 1 M. Creyón SU. Teléf. SU. Pauso.Esta siirnihcaiiia eiDlteaciÓn del prest bandera inarlrana ba Dotado en el palacioAzúcar Cúbica y Granulada en Sacos, Marca ''Aguila" JUAREZ COMMISSION CO. dente Wilson se n.ova en el hecho de une del Ayuntamiento, que n tiempos nor-

malesCursos de Inglés, Espsftol y Comercio. U1C VENTA tljo caja úsanos de

Tercer Piso del Edificio el Ural. Villa tiirormó a los Estados Unidos esta dirigido por una administración Cuatlro Docente completo y competente. Imprenta. Oficina Bl Pasoy "Sitiaba" "First National Bank," S17. que durante la inferencias de Torreón. socialista, u marshal, que habla lomado Irepara uuularafoa antos v elemetos úl- - irnlntr Time.minino ilición aiTctriana las primeras ar carro del Ayuntamiento, ordenó que se ttle I sociedad y a la patria.

Alcohol Marca "La Victoria," Cajas de 34 Litro rerenrlas surmda mu-- carranza y .Villa tasra la bandera en el palacio y en el SE venden, cuarto amueblado a MSVsen se convino en celebrar una convencida de edificio de la policía. ÜNSTITLTU "LYU1A PATaUSVON.''t:llc Uoiente S83, El Pase. Texss.todos los delKcncmlcs y representantes SE VENDE en Ocnoa SI. lie, UM bonusCuarto Na 428 ejercito en la uudad de México, para SE LES CONVOCA A Jl ATA Eslsbleclmieuto selecto para la educación casa: ocurra a t aris Makérv at c, .....

un provisional. Villa de Jóvenes mexicanos. Edificio moderno y81. -

manifestó entonces de manera precisa Tedas les teles roaslllnelassllsia sea elefanta. Be reciben Internos y citemos.y

First National Bank ISE COMPRA ORO qué al Cansina resultaba designado, no llamados trlegrAlIranenle a Meileo. Apertura do las clases, Septiembre 9 de 181 L ÍNUI.ES Clases uociurnas. Ajirendlzaje rá-pido.al Hsv.Para Informesmejores dirigirseBuilding Colegio Palmopooria. ue com. ,1 uudad con la consiiiii De la Prensa Asociada. re.Y PLATA Laurence Heynolls, B. 3. Presidente.non. presenta) - .uno condioato para su Mexico, Sept. S. El presidente provisional SE CAMBIA, propiedad ubicad

Teléfono en cualquiera forma o can- - iiiuir.-- e a si o. 100 en las elecciones sen Venustlano ('arrama y varios funcionarios 0E VENTA Plano automático, buen con-dition,

Cal., por naranjal de lot..en Lo ...812 H rales. SI Csiiam deis presentarse como de la administración celebraron uns se-

siónpara venderlo barato por salir de sí a en Julrez, Chlbuabu. o


-H lidad. Precios sin COOV candidato y .miar a la lucha, el liral-- que duró ' toda la tarde y parte de la población. Telefono-Sisa- Edificio de ladrillo de dos


H Villa insisto cu lm abandone el ejecutivo ls imelie habiendo verificado en Chapul do lotespisos, dos de-partamentospeteiteia. de la nación en manos de un presidente leper part dlsratlr lo planes relativo UANICUHA para ramillas, s domicilio. Calle con valor de

yS31JXX) (dólsres).

en Venice clLoJOYERIA provisional, a. piable para todas la ra una Junta de iodos los Jefes militare de Tezai' tltfe. TeL Ittd. lodo o parte por hotel o tienda. B. banms

cambioclones, y que con lo airado lleve a efe la republics a fin de aite se determine 1 roclni en Hotel flobUtson,CUARTOS INDEPENDIENTES con Chihuahua. Mxlss elecrlonc- - Dsrtklarloa de Ca la Terna de leccioneslicrasunoe iinu los manera j convocar s 30.la Calle s. Stantonr cania han aceptado le oíijeclOii. lo tndlcau generales. Se informa que un buen no SE NECESITA empleo. Cliaurrrur deseaComprams Moneda Const itu ció na lista Mass y I ios intornies de qUe Carranza no lis asu torio tie generales van ya a camino de MOGAA UOOAH HOGAR. empleo, puede Itscer sus propia renard

Moneda de Carranza asido el titulo iio i, residente provisional. capital respondiendo al llamado telegráfico Tras cuartos parcialmente amuebladoi en cloee y desearla Ir a Mexico p. O BoaTexaa En los clnulns oficiales de Washington que se les nito para asistir a la Junta da do lotes completos, uraua view.Moneda de Chihuahua Resellada IStlbrbr; Banco Rio considera un herbó el reeonocitoieoio que e habla Carece que laa Intenciones al contado y Su mensuales, in LAS MEIORESMonoda de Chihuahua Sin Resellar llalli. Un presiuemi: jruvi son iss tie camotal cuanto antea ei regimen eluyendo ínteres. OANOA3 en muebles en todoMoneda de Villa Visir. fl slonsl: lien, proba multar por el ehrll. Tenemos varias casas, que podemos ve Fout

ta Paso,Zlnkler.

al contado. "IIS" I. sianioabáemenle no iiiarán de verse ma nasta der en pequeños paso al contado y eCHIHUAHUA IMCHAjTOE, 0 City MUtL Banii Hide;. que se hayan efrctuaasT ISS rcpeuoss esse Loa mejore autos, coo cuidadoso resto Dneosualmsnts. ESPECIALIDAD en empaque declooes. TS Teléf. Uú (Advertisement CftEEL CON AUSTIN MARK. iOTl. para Mixteo. Teléf. Ho. Fonts fe lliútíZc.

Friday. Sept. 4. 1914. BLfrASQ morn inc "Timesrecibió con el cambio dicho, esta viendo

QUIEN ES EL PAPA la situación tal como e. COTTON GROWERSLoa aecreto militare n están guardan

El Viernes El Viernes es el do tan bien, que rualqulera referencia quoa enos se naga, ea moneo ae gran espe-culación. Por lo demás, results ratonsble

Dia de Retazos RECIEN ELECTO la suposiciónaceptar



el Uní.decisiva



Dia de 10 alemanes rrente a los ruarte y laaes en la Tienda irinrheraa de Parla.EL CARDENAL GlACOMA DRTLA t HTF.SA Kl "Temps" publicó hoy en la tarde otro NEW ORLEANS CONVENTION PLANS TO

rtH El. AGRACIADO AYER CON articulo pronosticando un etilo rinal de lo MEET EMERGENCY ANO CARS"EVERYBODY" LA TIARA PONTIFICIA. aliado'. Las ratone que el periódico tiene FOR FUTURE.RETAZOS para manifestar este optimismo, se en-cuentranDobhs Estampillas en siguiente resumen de la

A laa It se la taaSiaa ae Mae el anuario y situación, tai y como la re el "Temps' : Early Picking. Warehouslag. Insurance asal Dia a laa lldS se eneren las faertatse "La disminución en el ernmile del ene IMstrrsseit Cotton and Reduction St

la Tienda JWtf Durante todo la Sestiles és Sea Peeré. migo obre la extrema liapilorda d loa 30 Per cent of Acreage I raed.en aseaos; is inactividad aseonua en el cen-troAcostó ha sido un gates mucho y el progreso de las iropn francesa

movimiento en t tienrua y a De ls Prensa Asociada. en Lorena y sobre el banco derecho del fly rimei Snrclel Corretpontrnt4a Rom, aenbre. s. 81 ranal que pai a unas cuanta millas de Dkllls, Texas. Sept. :t. president I H,de U magnitud Bhpesar Pella Coleta, artobltpo Lunevlllr. departamento de Muerthe y lonneil or the Toxis division of the South-

ern"Everybody" UM Tenuw, han atribulo ctrato le Cotton sssocistlon, Has sent out thede retasas, te. en raída no de ad católica, en auatttüfoon del último Esas clreumlanclaa las toma el "Tempe" following statement with the request thstnuestra dopetfmmto Todo papa rio X, que murió el de Agosto. romo uní evidencia de que el enemigo ha It be published by newspapers throughout

Remar bajo el nombre de Benedicto XV. nao severamente caaugeoo, surrienao per the 01 mi:esto lo heme panno en vente El Cónclave del sarro Colegio, cuyo de-

beresdidas enormes en vida y encontrándose convention was held at new Orleans

para el V tornea Me de Retesos, son elegir papa, estuvo en sesión la escaso ae provisiones. on August to secure a fair price forn precios verdaderamente bajea. tarda del lunes. Amisto si. El anuncio del tnia year s counn crop sna to counteract

resultado de sus deliberaciones se hito hoy the depression now felt In many lines ofDobles Estam-pillas

Para disponer de espado en a las 11 ae manan. business throughout tho cotton states. Twomucho de aestroa departe- - Los cardenales americano Olbbons y LARGE RUSSIAN hundred delégales were present rrom nine

montos. O'Coanell están aún a bordo del vapor states, Texss being well represented asVerdes the result of two state conventions held"t.anoplc" one no deberá llegar a rtapoiele olaee detras de loto de mejor sino baila m afluía. recently for the purpose or arousing amercancías al bnUldoso Sao-par-a, radical interest In the sltuilton.Durante el Dia el VIERNES una exhibi-ción

Por lo tanto ninguno de lo dos tomaron ARMY HAS LANDED that the Convention Did.parte en ia elección del nuevo psps. r. "I. Proposed a nlan for savins- tn thecompleta. cardenal amerlrn.no Farley llegó hace va south the value ot the counn crop In thisríos día á Roma. season of general distress. The plan em-bracesEl nrinclDe ciiia-- Altiant. uno de los ayu tvESTX-1.BrS- Tbtousaisi) hen come early picking, warehousing and In-

suringríanles del trono n la asa canal, fue no FROM ARCHANGEL AM) LAND AT distressed cotton, retiring from

Visite el Viernes sin Falta, las CINCO MESAS DE GANGAS del Departamento Principal uenatincado

uniega la

narjiaonce y


etecio.que el cardenal ABERDEEN, SCOTLAND.

ractiverodii agreements,

market i ,000,000building



El nobernndor del Córela'. warehouses, calling for Increase of dea IBs ii:ru mtinftenor ra triolein, suuioo- Taken on special Trains u English Ports posita In national banks by congress, pledg-

ingfertn de los ixlnrlon ararlos v goborn- - and Beard Traassart tor Osteal tsr faithfully 1 reduction of fifty per centdor del Cónclave, recibid comunicación del service la Aala-er- m coirón arreige ror ivts ny rsrmers na

El Precios Extraordina nuevo papa para que laa rajas ae is business men, and agreeing to fix the final

El Viernes, Blusas a f1.00 Viernes, da Ban Pedro fueran abiertas, porqueSat tAe Aumtaté freí September

n ice or cotton89.

at a meeting to be neinten pocos minutos se proponía expedir una Raw York, SepL a. A iiusslan army ot Invited cordial and rrectlve ro nrios SeñorasOtro embarque que, como acontecimiento especial, pondremos en en Ropa para proclama.

A ette ñora, ei maestro ae ceremoniasn.ooo men, transponed from Arching 1. in thee plan-b- the Parmers' union.

venta, el viernes. Acabamos de- desempacar otro; gran cargamento de anaredó en el balcón central de Ban Pedro Russia, was landed at Aberdeen, on the east Southern Cotton eongren. Firmer' Insti-tutes,' Acontecimiento Especial, Departamento Principal extendió el rojo. La multitud coast of Scotland, on August tt and con and agricultural ind mechanical coly lapnteprimorosas blusas quo representan valores ertraoddinarios por el tgred on special trains to Harwich, leges.

Una oportunidad para aumentar tos juegos de ropa interior puesto abajo, que habla estado por muchas boras Orlmsby and Dover, where '. Declared theprecio que tienen. Y se debe esperar tal cosa porque son de fino ei anuncio ae ts erección, com-prendió

transports were present collón croo terollé blanco, vollé en colores, vollc blanco bordado, crept de fan que venderemos esas prendas a precios demasiado bajos, el viernes. eperinoo

que esta se habla hecho. El pueblo wallingto officer

to take them to osiend, according luve coil about twelve cents per pound roeand passenger or the Cunard lt production, and called upon all mer-- 1

tasia, seda brocado, tissue de fantasía, seda floreada y seda marqui Camisones, cubre-corsé- calzoncillos, combinaciones, fondos, camisas, aplánalo cun entusiasmo. liner Mauretanla. which hare to-night

hunts, hunkers, rnamirirlurer. railroads,batas, de fino mansa, crepé, muselina y pilase; todas eses prendas I anuncio ritual ñ la etseelóa. from Liverpool. snd business men of the south In itanitsette. Hay donde escoger: magas primorosamente adornadas eon encajes y listones. Helio vnlne1 menos .'5 minutos,

en el balcónet csraenai

ion Every precaution was taken by the Eng-lish

by this crop and prevent a sacrifice) of Itcortas o largas, cuello holandés snd Russlsn military authorities, value with consequent depression In allEn el lote se hayan comprendidos valoree' hasta monseñor Caposiotl. llevando la cms papal per-

soneon adornos sencllos o $1.00 on the Mauretanla si id, to keep the linei of business.y de $2.95; pero nosotros hemos Incluido toda al em-barque 95c en derecha v m (inundando el nuncio fact that foreign soldiers were being "4. Established a buresti of Informationcaprichosos. Viernes dia al precio único para el Viernes día da ritual d la elección del


el nombroDelia transported to Englind rroro becoming In crop diversification, 'si It Is claar that

de Retazos Retazos definesa; añadiendo que

aclaknown end tbe service on the East Coast soinnem rsrmers must produce more roodda Benedicto xv. Millares dé gente railway Unci waa the stuffssuspended during snd less cotton If thev would ivold

T maron y e ungieron a la Basílica para seventeen hours the troop trains were on cotton.rcelhar la bendición det nuevo poniiii their Journey. 01. Memorialised war department andHmvki h nun-il- ni iis ( mesa. It was generally believed by those on other branches of government to use cot-

tonLanas Casi El cardenal Helia chiras recibió él capelo the Mauretanla who made those statements bags andRetazos de Seda a la Mitad de su Valor Normal alendo ahora wrsnpers, ropes, tnd twinsy cardenalicio en Mano de iU. that the Russians would be Joined st intend in.stcid of jute. Crested a standing com-mitteearzobispo de Polonia, icio en raga, en by itrltlih marines waiting there to receive or domestic consumption of cotton--EL VIERNES DÍA DE RETAZOS Nnviemhro de 1851. v fue ordenado en 1878 iiiem ann mat tne roinoinea rorces would "0. Called on ititc commissioners ofSirvió como secretarlo en la nunciatura de vllh the Belglsn army at for dsta showing number and

Al traslador nuestro departamento de géneros de lana ños encontramos muchos precio demasiado cortoa para nuestro surtido nor-

malEspaña ds 83 a 87. siendo en este ano Antwerp. eiparlty or Cotton warehouse in eachnombrado secretarlo del rirttenal Rampollu. state, etc.. or food stuftisupply and feed

es por eso que los tomamos juntamente con todas laa sedas de medida corta que pondremos el viernes en una masa, en el Fus nombrado secretarlo de Estado susti-tuto

THINK TAt TELEGRAPH sturr available on farms, and other dateen 1801 y en 1607 so ls nombró conse-jero

TOTALLY INTEnRUPTSD. relating to the rollón holdingdepartamento principal de la tienda, para Tenderlos a casi la mitad de su verdadero valor. En el surtido se encuentran tamaños pro-

piosde la oficina Sant. En el mismo ano Bp tu aléeteles Presa "7. Issued Instructions covering

movement.cost ofse le designó para la nunciatura de Madrid iew York. Sent. 3. The Commercial warehouse eonitructlon, cotton Insurancepara vestidos, faldas o blusas. Los retazos de lana son propios, especialmente para trajecitos de niños, que van a la escuela. pero el numbi amiento fue cancelado tres Cable company tonight Issued a statement ratas, etc.

úlu después. Cuando se le hlio arzobispo laying that it had been idvlaed by the "8. Urged speedy adoption or a ruralTodas las sedas que se deseen podran encontrarse en el lote. tío Bolonia lúe con el objetó de combatir Chinese Telegraph company thai com credit system by congress.U modernas Ideas religiosas. Bolonia es munication with Tslns-Tau- . the Herman a. Rasolved that the Southern Cottonel aalenlo de Liga Democrática Nacional, base In man chow. Is totally interrupted. association hold county meetings and or-

ganisecuyos miembro proclaman 10 que as ror the cotton holding

Muchachas Vestidos de Verano. Limpia de Estación conoce por el "Modernismo" en religión. j MARATHON. TEXAS. September 1, 10 all countleicampaignwhere such


Trajes para Kn Bolonia, en tnero ae usté mm. en una JSy Times e7pdal Correapoitdeitt ''tí meeting have not been held; that statecarta pastoral, condenó el baile del Tango. meetings be heldMarathon. Texas. Sept. 3. The BiDIIsI re throughout the south-- ,Acaba de llegar una compra especial de trajes para muchachas, El Viernes' en el Departamento Principal de la Tienda Hace 176 anos que reinó el papa Bene vival lervlces, conducted by Ilev. schuylar tptember Si; snd thai a central meeting-b-justamente a tiempo para poderse realizar como un acontecimiento dicto. Hill or Georgetown, which lasted fourteen held at New Orleans September if,especial para el Viernes, en el Departamento Principal de la tienda. Los precios que tenían llegan hasta 115.00. Hemos trasladado el resto days, were very succoaaful. Rev. Mr. Hill where the value of our cotton will de-

termined.Esto es especialmente interesante para las madres de familia, pues de nuestros trajes de mujer que vendimos hasta a $15.00, ni Departa-

mentoGRAN AGITACION EN SUIZA ha left for Fori Stockton where he will at the county


meetingshouaes st


be heldconouci services. p. m. on

los trajecitos son propios para la escuela en tamaños para muchachas Principal de la tienda para que tomen parte como una Especia-lidad

lina de las obras maestras de Ruben lúe Miss Iva Leo Rhodes, who has been tho '., Tne ,s MX convention,ed 6 a 14 años de edad. Están rechoa de crepé a dlbujls y de fan- - el Viernes Dia de Retazos. No quedaron muchos; pero en el milagrosamente salvias. gueat of Miss Roberta Hooka for some meets in Dsllis at 0 a. m.. September si.

asi de vollés. Si se compran lote los hay de hermosas vollés, crepés, tissues de fantasía, marqul- - De la Prensa Asociada. time, departed Tuesday for her homo in South Carolina lias already organised everytasía,. como uei county. Farmers,Londro, sepDre. a. ei eorrespouiii Floresvlllo. merchants, bankers andestos vestidos en venta regular, no pordtan seties.vones ooraaaan, estilo ae tánica larga. 'star" en Eslocoliho, telegrafía lo sigui Mr. snd Mrs. Bryon Leo returned Tues in business men arc urged to

obtenerse por menos de 12.88t pero como un$1.59 Tenemos solamente ano o dos d la misma ente: day from El raso. They were iccompinleil loyally and vigorously In thl campaign.'"

durante el Viernes clase, pero los valores llegan hasta 116.00 y $2.95 Helm gran anaieaaa en cepuei ae by Mr. Lee- - inter, Mill Pearl Lee, who nVrSVoN,acontecimiento especial Milita debido a los esmeraos que esta na-

ciendowill be their guest for some time. PORT N. M.

dia de Retazos, nosotros los hemos marcado a los venderemos hasta que se acaben, si Alemania, según e ve en los articu-lo

Miss Bsrt Bourland, wito has been the(Departamento Principal). Viernes a que publica la prensa alemana, para meat of her aunt Mrs. Louis Granger, tor By Times Special Correapofldesly

inducir S SU1I1 a que auiuiuuiic su mmuu the, put month, left Wednesday Tor her 'SI ,8,nion, N. M.. Sept. 3.Meisrw.neutral y se convierta en aliada de Alema Borne In El Psso. Smith. Hannah. Babb, and Cirr motored tonia." Mrs. Archie Miller is visiting relatives 1n oarrlaoio Bunday.tn see the ball game.

1111 despachó de la Haya para la Ex-

changeAlpine mis week. Postmaster Gentry has returned rrom hitEn la Sección de Enca-

jesEspecialidad en Listo-ton- es Camas de Fierro Telegraph CO. intuí ma lo siguiente : Mrs. Uookur . Adams la visiting Denvor


"una de las ooras mieatra os muren quu mother, Mrs. K. B. Kendrlek, on the ranch. Rose snd Belle Lutz. or Lincoln,mucho tiempo estuvo colgada en la Mr, jarosa supper aepartea Tueeaay 5 " ' """ eecii during tne week.Tenemos varias camas blancas de fierro porBordados el Viernes que Rev. Father tllrma. of Lincoln,y para iglesia de Nueatra señora, en Matines. for' l.angtry . relebrated

las hemos usado como muestras y que desea-

mosseigica, me saitaua wi wi"i Mr, and Mrs. Everell Touaend. and daugh-

termass in the Cithnllc clupel list Sundiv.

surtido de encajes valencianos Listón de tercipelo negro, de dos pulgadas de administrador del Museo Ileal de Ainberea. Mlis Mirgrett, passed through Marathon Expertarter


Weber is able lo be iboutUn inmenso y realizarlas ofreciéndolas al precio excep-

cional"Duniont, al enterarse ds que lo ale-

manesSaturday, en route to the Señora ranch gain recent injury.

blanco. Regular-mente

anoho o de raso con bastante pelo; P Rev. Father Chrlitmann, of Roswell, whoribetes, en colores crema y de 13.95, en tamaño entero de . estaban bombardeando Malinos, near Fort Block ton.y lia buenlos vendemos' a 15c, extra especial,- la yarda . aCDC sallo de Amburés en automóvil y a riesgo Mrs. O. T. Ward, of Del Rio, arrived here visited


Rev. Father QTrma at Lin-coln, ai Fortel cuadro Ambe-re- Hhe will spend few wveks last Thursday.vC de su vida misma, irajo a Wednesday. a

El Viernes, especial, yardaListones Dresden y rayados de ancho propio Habiéndolo eniregado a la custodia del with Mr. Ward on tnetr Olaas Mountain WEED, N. M.Primorosos encajes matizados con nuevo di-

bujos.ranch.para las muchachas de escuela, tenemos un lote rey Alberto."

Mr. and Mrs. Claude Millar, orUna compra especial. Vale OA Resortes Cama Alpine, Si rlmuSafC de primorosos liatones persas a cuadros o para REDIMIDA A BHCOUBR06. were week-en- guesta or relatives her. special Oorr capes dent

50o la yarda, El Viernes, yarda W. K. Bates returned Monday from Mer-lin,

Weed, rv. M., Sept. 3. Mrs. u. A. Spencer,de 5 6 pulgadas, de ancho,rayas, y muy .pro of El Paso,Surtido completo en Retazos de encajes, ri-

betesResortes para cama, de acero lustroso y tem cslearal de Saint Rembolt desipereclo whore be ha been ipendlng the sum has returned home irier a

pios para monos de la cabeza, Ls Dleisam visit of a month to her niter, Mrs.y bordados para el Día de Retazos, a ia 25c piado. Tamaño entero ode 14. Regularmente bajo el ruego ae ia sruiisria. mar, , C. E. Paulson. Mrs. Spencer, was accom-paniedyarda Mrs. John Gardner, who has been visiting

mitad de precio. los vendemos a 1.50, Especial, $1.15De

rmrirHla Prensa


a. En desDáclw de Am her ister. Mr. Jackson, or Sanderson, re-turned

by Mist Margaret. Rennet, ofand Pearl(Departamento Principal). (Piso Principal). hoy Viernes a sierdam para la Hauler Telegram Co., se Tuesday. who enter school


andEI Paso.

Terry Paul-son,F. or the Fourteenthni In (ill lente: Troop cavalry, sta-

tioned UIlarveaUng going on rapidly, andhero Tor time, leftsome Wednesdsvki bombaraao de Matines efectuado although the heivy rain have damaged con-siderable,for Port Clark. They were relievedayer, duru dos boras, como SUO granadla

the Fifteenth cavalry from Morraby there will be good grain crops in

Excelentes Ves-

tidosKimonos Largas de Trastas de Co-





m uwcwcwnomnoia m

-There are


dlitrlcl.Elkhorn school cloaes this Friday afterSuceso Especi ... .,.(.( i.iicnmsmt. núes ei atrio. 10 mis exceptions to all rules, ind a very successful slz months' term, taughtorne or the boya who leave the farm tomo que 10 Hermoso viurio a wmvic by Mrs. E. T, Col.

Linón y loa feiiniumarlo fueron destruido. . dodge hard work, aucceed. The summer visitors si the Paulson ranchEiMiuestro Subterráneo la venta a have returned lo El Paao, with the excep-

tionYou m v recall thai Ule Slithnr r n,nsaivsaas. of Mr. R. Krister and Mrs.fueronarte Georgede Diosas en una gran CC. Para Niños de Escuela theory thu true love doesn't run a smooth Newman.mesa a - 29c POR LA GUKRRA EL'ROPEA. course wis married man.

He thinks ihe will always look well isEstas blusas están escogidas de 79c 5c El comercio naval a lo largo de la costas


resemblancemay have observed the ummiiii when he roseta her in the evening. And

Solo siete docenas del Perineo ka sufrido. between me orrirui he may be fooled lo other respects.hay oomo count and the coroner' intrueat.lanuestro gran surtido en n De Prensa Asociada.El resto de nuestros vestidos de para venderse a este precio; ta-

mañosPinamí, nepnro. según uiiunuci Somo women support their huibands. butde prendas, y consiste en

color para niños han sido en-

viadosgrandes y anchos, valen ihisn. oniii romo reau tado ae 11 guerra Of course the bathlna srlrl rnn't iirn tint isn't what s man means when ha re-

fersto iwlm withoutblanoas de seda UNA MESA prevalecen las pecorea condiciones going near the water, but to toe matrimonial game as a "dog'sblusas negras o el Subterráneo para 76c, mientras )A en nuestro ataread pdesuropea,

que se tiene Idea dése hae muchos anos, great li the bower or publicity.con cuellos bordados y también el viernes corno' Resi-

duosduren sseTC Subterráneo, día ds venta ds re-

tazos.an virioa lugaru ra m ,i wuwm. --

lahermosamente bordadas de del Día Especial. Bo'n los (Subterráneo). Sartenes, caxuleas, platos America del tsur.moteado, voilé a rayas, valores mas notables hemos El colímelo guerrero qua aciuinawicrepé que para pasteles, moldes para jelea, atrae sobre al la atención universal, na

marquisette y linones. Valorea ofrecido en esta estación. Venta pat illudo por decirlo ail el trátlco marí-timo Five Girls Goingque se ha vendido a especial a cucharones, tenedores lar 5c a" lo largo de ls cotas del Pacifico de

ahora al precio 55c 79c Medias Señora etc, etc., a escoger li America del Sur, poniendo un rin casi$1.96, escoger para extremoprimera


Importación de loa articulo de Five EI Paso Young Ladies Accept Offer ofliedlas de gasa Hale, para señora, Hay ratón pira creer que muchos pueblo Morning Times and Are Nowsolo blancas, valen líe costeños se encuentran .necesitado y que Busily Engaged in

miles de personas se bailan sin colocación. Earning Free San FranciscoIC Trip toa ,'. Exposition;escoger' REDUCCION, ROPA INTERIOR DE SRl LOS negocios oír luna is uutwm, cu unHermosos Vestidos recorrido Sur hasta AntoragasU, Chile, se All Find Task an Easy ami Pleasant OneMedias de gasa lisie para señora, En El Subterráneo, dia de encuentran piral liados, según noticias.café, azul, balbriggan y blanoas, Retazo. La inoritorli parcial prociimade en Lima.

Aquí se puede encontrar los dibujos exquisitos a precios notablemente valen 20c; dos 25c Cubre-corsé- faldillas, bataa, Perú,que exceda


a locinco

bancospor cíenlo

rehusardsel pago

sui Flv El pato girls are going to the Ran campaign manager, procure tas neceisarybajos, como se orfrece en nuestro Subterráneo durante la venta de

paires por calzones, combinaciones, y ba-tas

depósito semanarios y por otra parle, el Francisco exposition next year st the ex blanki and Instructions, and the trip will be(Subterráneo). sueltas, todo a medio precio gobierno peruano ha ordenado la suspensi-

onpanse or the Morning Times. Doubtless

your almost before you realize 11.

Revoltura. Vestidos de las modas de último Verano con túnicas ple-

gadasvalor da uro. ihere win be many morn, yuung men loo Thousand and lens or thousands or peo-

plede su real, como venta es-

pecialfrom every section of the Unitedrundir lunes en ouayauuii otros ror that ntiiter, for ih orter is by no mearía Statey tanas rusas, hermosamente adornadas eon bandas de seda a del viernes. Muestras, miarlos ecuatorianos asi como en 10 limited either aa to age or sex. Bui this will be in San Francisco next year, the

rayas romanas y encaje; muchos estilos "Basque." Color ds com-


verdadera ganga, Por nuestros puerto de ColotnbU. son igualmente m-alí,

particular flv are going together. They fslrgetting

offers probably Hie beat opportunityBeit

ofwill form a congenial bunch, all tbe more acquainted with the peoplede Hombresde linones floreados y figurados, bonitos vollés francés Trajes compradores podemos ofrecer a según rrenets.

because they will luve no worries rrom all over the United states ever ifford-e-prendas excepcionales de since the foundation or the republic.muse-linablanco y de color, crepés, marquisettes de dubijos floreados también It Ht TA NO DA PERMISO. California laCamisas, números descontinua-

dos,fina, nansa, crepé y pllssé, g esr ire and hotel expenses, all will be have visited

alwiys lovely. Those whocrepés bordados. En nuestra sección de pdendas en el tercer piso se aviar ua buque paia by tne Morning Time it at dirrerent times disputepero en todos los tamaños. adornados con bordados, encaje, A los Estados I nidos gara

isn't the prospect an alluring one? And as to which saaaon, li the best. Some claimvendían al precio regular de $11.60; pero al ser llevadas do Valen más de S2.6S, a rr entredós y listón, t. per IOS iFsrnnaunus. It ls really open to all. Just II at the it la best In winter, others that the springal Subterráneo, la venta especial es de Vá&awí) escoger el viernes Itf C a Escoger DUC Wa.Hlngton, üepbre. S Turquía s b Morning Times ornee and aiupalgn autumn


the summerThoie who

glorloui or theIhewill acceptManager be pleased to ettunn detallalo LsladO!naaadn a conceder pemil Morning Timet orrer will be permitted 10enrnu name in triesna yourel "urlh Caroenviar crucero,.mrm select their own season. Tbe expositionpactlve fair visitors.

lina" 1 Constantinople por el estrechoátsOMO

de Many of those who look advantage or the opens Id February snd lssls practically thelos Dardanelos, yendo a entregar entire year.

depoaltade orrer laal week. Including the riv girlstdólires) que se encuentran who are working together, hive ilreidy In addition to ths sttraciiona of theLOS MILANOS EN AMIENS. Poco hombres se dejaron al dudado de la respectivamente a y ta milla de la "Tokio, sepore. i En la conferencia aquíTT.en eiltdid de tuxlllo par 101 erosn- -

almoil earned the trip. The work Is simple ttseir. which It Is acknowledgedciudad. La única desgracia fue la de un capual francesa y marcan los puntos más celebrada hoy entre los gobernadores ló-

cale,....a.n,., n ,1 lmnerlo otomano. ana may oe aeeompiiiBeo during your will bo the greatest ever held In any coun-

tryEl teníale en la noche cauro eaa partida chauffeur que fue herido por no obedecer cerca de Parí en lo que Isa avanzaos el ministro de Finaliza declaró aun H gran visir ha mrornudo iluardanak

gobierno leisure tune If desired. Juit go amona or age. there are countless other sanct-ionsde saldases lemanes. la orden del cení inda de pararse s la alemanas han llegado. la apropiación especial con fines de gusrrs Americano que las aguas de lo your friends, secure number of yearly which may he aeen at Utile or so

De .la Prensa Asociada. entrada de la ciudad, y otro que te puso Con el cambio del gobierno a Burdeos, que ssris sien' m.. . . uHoaiosracion oa la se encuentran minaoa y que i i.i.iv-- subscriptions lo Ihe Morning Times end the expense.Londres, Sept. 3. Fue como s lia 7 de a discutir con los soldados el precio de los esfuerzos de Psrl se han dirigido a Dieta, serla por W ,000X01 de vana rasJt.- - para un buque como el ".Norm Caro-

lina."trip 11 youri. toii ao noi nave 10 roueci You may visit the many beach or moun-

tainla noche del domingo, dice el corresponsal su talarlo. ' las preparaciones para resistir el ataque 00 de dólares que sumados eon lo que e striveisr el estrecho. Declaró from your subscribers. Psld men on the resorts, the wonderful treea, mightydel "Mili," ruando una partida de uníanos "Cuando lo alemanes entraron a Ami en de los alemanes a U capital francesa. Ade-

mas,a zaaiauu y uissrno un, aun un mía cun cao se ettablecerle un prece Times mrr will attend .to this detail. All monarch or Ihe red wood forests that

entró a Amiens la calle Joles Bar. Y con-

tinua:las tropas francesa se retiraron a ls autoridades francesa han orde-

nadototal de mooo .000 yens Etta candMad dente para lo demás barcos de .guam you have 10 do li 10 secure the pledge of braved ih wind and the rain centuries be-

fore, ocho milla al noreste, volando una vigilancia de aereoplanos para sera aisiraiaa o'- oímos panucos, pus parlan ocíente a otro países. snpiieMS, rour customers to use use nornmg Tunas Columbus dreamed the dream that led"Después de una breve reconocimiento, todo los puente soble el Bótame." vitar la invasión de la máqum volado-

raa la vet. que el yate nival anierlraiso 'or twelve months, turn In your lilt and to tbe dlacovery or the western continent.

se retiraron al cuerpo principal i teman, alemanas. Cierto nil mero de s bnnte de ciento veinte millones de yens "Scorpion," flue se encuentra constante-nieni- eJUS task accomplished. You will rind roses blooming in midwinter,

en Canon. Más urde regresaron, atom IN HF.Hl MKN JKNERAL. constantemente están volando alre-dedor

seso sesenta millonea de dólar .densa. en servicio en igua ó Turquía, Many Miecenrui caodldate have made velvety lawns snd green follsge thai knowpaitad! de un mensajero con bandera de Parla y oíros se tienen lisios, xlsten otro rondo eapeclalet que pueden juatimenle con ortos barros ligeros sue by imiig ihe telephone, no wlntery blast, and all wilnln 1 shortManca. Elle entrevistó al Mayor en el De las bus sitiases aeoateclstlesles se la con canorn-s- . para atacar a bs aviadores i tullirse como rundes de guerra. Por lo catan allí, con mlalone extranjeras, podían calling up their rrlendi. thus securing the ride of snow capped mountains that frowapalacio de la ciudad. Después de uoa tierra enroses actual. alemanes que se presenten. lanío, no balirt necesidad aY aumentar la enviarse al encuentro del ".North cero aubncrlptloti without leaving their hornet down upon vine elad ana fertile villey.hora de discusión, el Mayor apareció fren-

teComo la linees se etrechsn alrededor La actitud de Turquía también se espera contrtnuctonr ni m lanzar un nuevo em laa" Being Ihe- biggest and fattest growing The wonders of the Yotemlt valley, of

del edificio con clarines y oficialmente de Parla y las ruerna alemanas están cada con ansiedad y un despacho de Petrograd prestito" newspaper in Ibis section of the United which rotintloia page have been written,anunció la rendición de la ciudad. Pidió día más cerca de la capital de Francia, lo dice que ya se raovUita sobre la frontera PARIH HE MUESTRA RESUELTO. Stiles, mikes Ihe Morning Timet iy u nave never bean described in true grandeur,que loa ciudadanos no cometlrean deso-rdene.

uiíoimes oficiales acerca de la marcha de perss, aunque lentsmente. sell. You will rind mil nine persuasión and mull be seen If one would gain 1 truela guerra son breve y más y más caren-tes

Otra lista de bajas británicas, oficialmente

Lib every one else, yod are seiruii sod A ledas roaliaaeaeia Se la guerra, II needed 10 moine your iriana to or insight Into beauties of the land wnien"Más tarde el Mayor y el concillo sa-

lieronde detalles. sniinriada en Londres, llega a tJSS, think more of the

uaprice of coal Hum of he tener aesresall alguau. come regular patrons or tas papar, lm-- uncle Saw haa set aside as a playground

en carruajes a visitar al coman Por lo que respecta al público poco conoce

de lot cuales 70 son muertos y el resto he-

ridosuarobiiip or ine iinanv. n Preñas Asociada. 11,.. Tit i arknawledaed to for hl children forever, and which Is

lente alemán, que los alzo re sposables do de cómo los ejércitos se mueven en el y disperso. tila lista mueaira una Pant. heui. a. Parí volvió a manifestar be without itrlous couipelAllOB ID It chuten jealously guarded from the hand of thesus vidas por la conducta de las ciuda-danos.

camps de operaciones. La mayor parte ds gran número de oficíale. Moat men are k lad that dueling Is BC noy u notable adaptabilidad a laa eld. vaiinai.li información oficial e de carácter ne-gativo:

tonger copsldere.i good fotm; most men Por otra parte, a la prensa ae le i. The offer I bv wj insana confined to All this and more may be aeen at Ih oo''Les alemanes fueron al palacio, en don-

depor ejemplo, el anuncio de la ofi-

cinaUNA APROPIACION JAPONESA. atoriU wsnt 10 do a targer regular work. lia prohibido hacer alusiones sobre tal o RT I'imi alone. Iti vldriili of all the town or but a lutie time and effort which, one

bajaron Is bandera francesa a Izaron de Guerra francesa da que no ha (ni tconlrrinilenio un e asi que lu Ui Wot Txas. a lr portion of New Mex-

icoundertaken will be round a delight Instead

la alemán. Las tropa alentaos comenzaron habido contado con laa fuerzas alemanas tü gobierne del topos aumenta la auatss Mow do tady . "Wi m a circuí ue que el asiento del gobl'-m- agria tralla and Arltona will, find a glorlout oppor-tunity

or a Ink. Those who contemplate Joininga entrar a la ciudad a medio día, cam lando en la regida de Compiertu y Benita, desde jleotlnadat a la narra so wall and sr corasí si tke ssnv n. Huriieus. era un "jercMo" que. ci to vlill the' exposition si the he campaign anouia to.se no time in con

el Der Wschl sin Rntne.' el miércoles y que la situación del Noreste De la Prensa Asociada, usvi w aw us) 11 I Dry ao taba en el conocimiento de lo periotlKla or this by canvassing sulting me campaign manager ai me rimes",1o ae perdió tiempo, poique se dieron no ha cameledo. New York. Sepnre. a Un despacho ca- - deads harta ja rapo ais. ,v- Pr' nS W?m ornea and securing fun particular or una

órdenes de moverse por al camino ds Parta. Las Sos pqblsTlosa saesrlwnidM ealán'cione Esat West,, Oles lo siguiente: aest sad 'trmr El público, después de ls remarkable utter.

2,-.- -'

3: r10 EL PASO MORNING TIMES Friday. Sept. 4. 1914. l


LOST IS EASY AND FOUND COLUMNAdvertising Rate Card Male Help Wanted. Situations Wanted Housekeeping Rooms for Rent Rooming Houses for Stale. For Sale Miscellaneous. Real Estate for Sale.

WHY not out your Want Ads in Tinas. ROOMING HOUSES. If yea want to reach all tba people FOR EXUHA.NOE Los Angeles property rorCLASSIFIED LI ITERS. n aki.fi. thop. If. M.. 30 mo., b. and r. where you are aura of tbe beat reattlu wbere sou are ur oí usa nasi resuiter We have some rare bargains. Two ex the tima ose TUnet wants ads. luarei, Chihuahua. Torreón, Mexico

I rent per word each In Mr lion. Section foreman, It. M., roo. If ad amounts to 75 casta cash you ui aa amounts to im you perts look sfter tins department if yon orange grove, business property, brickIH cenu per word on Sunday. Woman cook, ruicti. ft. M., MO mo. Cook, win

youra K"Oii lountsin tree. csu ret a aooa lounxein Call want results list your bouse with ua. and building (g stories), S nits, s lots In Ven-

ice;I CMU per word each 7 waertlons. woman, faintly. N. M., 130 mo. Cook, phonegci

5050 for the Want Ad Boy.pen

ror ine w sns isa sanei If you want to buy we will tve you a value $31.000. Will exchange an orII Mr lina per month. . family. K. M., 840 mo. (took, Jap-

anese,square deal. Pean pari for hotel or business property, B.

No td laken tor MM than cent. nd HOUSEXEKPino rooms, close in. tot Mesa. Pas Tlsnea orriofamily, Texas, mo. WANTED Poattion as mine master me-chanic,

BUSINESS UHAnUBB- - Morning Dannls. Hotel Robinson. Chthnahua.culi nuil accompany tbe oraer. PALI, at MITCHELL. by mechanical and electrical en-

gineer)pnone asst. We nave them, cigar stands, restaurants,

All CUirVOTU!aaveruiing

MS aOUBMClassifiedrim.

PUT 203 San Francisco Si. Bal. Moa. It years experience as maater me-chanic; iiski'U.- aultes. Hi air, N. OaaDpbeiL" saloons, groceries. Oet our prices and FOR

halfSALEblock rrom Southwestern

cement blockshoDs.

cottage,Justutaplty best or bustlerreferences; ara a

IOUDW yiJLC, Ro cuts permiued. and get i ran its; am not looking for some-thing


and porter- - what you want. If sold this week will leiyou have It for $500 lets than its real

ADVERTISinO. easy, but a good salary, apeak Span- All sixes and Drices, both no and downLEGAL worth; very easy terms. We have otheri.n win to cor- - WANTED To buy second-han- tools andrata. uuenny; gu aiajwoere; giaa the valley. We nave several trading propo-sitions.

at legaladvertising FOR RENTLegal Nice. large houtekeepin What have you? guns. h. monr. boo h. ei Paso si. bargains It will pay you to see.rooms. St i M San Antonio.

DISPLAY AD SPACE. HOMES AND VACANT LUTB. PRAIRIE HAY.Open ftat rte. week daye, per inch, EMPLOYERS' CLEAR! HO HOUSE. WANT position overseeing ranch or large FOR RENT Light bousekeeplna; We have some attractive buys. 500 tona pure white grama hay: new

column wide, each ineerUon. 75canU.

bookkeeper, Sito gold. farm, anywhere in tbe west; can give roomg. ei3H aan Antonio at. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. crop. Can show sample any time. Phone 4488. LOBBY UK HEM ALU BLDO. PHONE ISO.5 furnished. Aileacn insertion. Positions secured and helpsame. Sundays, White man for janitor work, Arlt., muit neat or rtterem ' a. J. c- - Woodson, croaStanding display aula, per Inch per month. speak Spanish. 375 month. Room m Mills by ton, Texas. kinds. desk and chair ror ssle. Ph. 48!. for SALE Farm and stock ranch; mutt bemag., im RENTALS. sold to settle an estate; aw seres, all level,Wcón"trscts tdfor larga amounts

diaconal.of fjj&t THOROUGH dry goods, clotbing and fur FURNISHED ROOM BUREAU All kinds of We rent and collect rentals. List with tu. well fenced, 6 miles from Tularosa, oneapace orreedert subject to nlshlng goods man of it years' expert rooms and roomlnr houses, pnone 407. INSURANCE. frame nduse, one barn, outbuildings,

competent to take charje, at present Rnih rire and lire. We are arenera! agents FOR SALE Twin motorcvcle. in good con- - 6 wells, B windmills, one pumping plant,BEADING NOTICES.eacn Insertion, per employed, desires posltlMI as manager or tor tbe Equitable Life of San Antonio, Tex. dltlon, cheap if sold soon. Calí st El all In good condition; one lank,Pore reading matter, asalHtant with largo mercantile concern U six. experiencea salesmen ami two casino Bar, corner Fifth and Stanton sis. some fruit trees and shade; tu acres under""locS totf" Men Insertion, II cent. BIO SPRINGS, TEXAS. touinweKi or Mexico, speaa spanisn flu are at your service. Louis Weber. rabbit wire fence. Price ax.000. Title per-

fect.line,Howard wants 300 work ently. Will furnish jrllt edge references. rurnlabed bouse, Mundy Ave...86JX) Vr. L. rje.L.ucrs nc.At.1 1 tjw., For particular address Wm. Sundby,county

EL PASO TIMES CO.. bands. We need them to help take Addiess ii. v.. care rimes. bouse, fumlahed. steam heat.. 75.00 ios N. Stanton st Pnone em. Lost and Found. iularosa, N. M.

Publishers El Paso Morning Timas, care of the Immense crop raised, nouac. unriirnianeu, nouievaro. sg.50 W. W. LEWIS. Phone 4444.El Pato. Teiaa. can use ibera la the feel crop now BUSINESS conditions require competent apartment, rurnlabed 40.00 STOLEN From 314 Broadway, last night, A RARE BARGAIN Corner, iatxixu; a 5 and

and cotton later. stenotraDher and booutaoar bolduiB re apartment, rtirn., w. .Missouri, ae.ou S rooms: rent SM SUM no 4 room brick house; good rental proper-tyI. X. SMITH, sponsible position to seek another position, I housekeeping rooms, W. Franklin... St.00 10 rooms; steam heat: fine 1,500 ward





spot onasked.

ears, investment R. H. Thome, sols agent, litsecretary Commercial Club. ny location nignest references. Attoreas XNIUHT, WITH I Art HMDS. 11 moma-- , all llsrht hakna.: rant 145.... 800 san Francisco Bt. El Pao. Tex.

I. C, care Times. IS rooms: rent t&Ort 1,100 LOST One gold charm, marked "DenverTIMES BRANCH It rooms; an ugnt naxpsj.s rent aw.... Lodge." Return 10 lsot Myrtle and re-

ceivefor SALE Lower Mimbres valley lands

CHAUPKEUH wants position; can do own It rooms: rent aso reward. and relinquishments. A few government

OFFICES repairs; would state to go utto mexioo. it rooms: rent S75 1.600 homesteads stUT open ror filing. Seer. U. BOX 0X3. M rooms: close in MOO Blair, Its r Bldg.TEAMSTERS, railroad work, Arlx., 11. Automobile DajStiera.FOR utt-W- .phonepractical nurse

For the convenience of Its patrón umi free fare. Women cooks, city, 'Si rooms; close In 3,500 FOR EXCHANOE or Sale By owner, mod-er- a

the Times malntalni branch ornees al family, to weak, r. and b. Mexican ho u te YOUNo info, bookkeeper and general of- - SUITE of nicely furnished housakeeplnc St rooms; new: steam best 4.M0 NORTH CAMPBELL STREET GARAGE. ' bouse. Price 88,500. Willtbe rollo wing- placea: nnis. iiv, at weea, r. uno d. woman cook flee man. wants employment; can use rooms. tun n. ti raso si. we are ine leading rooming House Deal Storage and repairing; all work guaran take small tract or valley land,

small ranch, N. , 820 mo., r. ind b. Tree lYBewTlter: reference from present em ers. We give you what you want teed; second-ban- cars for sale; open, day house or desirable lots In trade. 004 Upson.tot Texas St; Elite Citar Stand, corner faro. Woman cook, city, 375. Woman to pluyer; any kind of office work consirJsrsML W. W. LEWIS. Phone 444. Creel, with AUSTIN a MARR. Phone 5075. and night. 61 N. Campbell St Pbone 661s. Phone 507.

Texas and Mesa Ave.:East

HighlandEl Peso Drug

Drug care tor child, He month and expenses. .. t. it, car Times. for RENT i or s furnished housekeeping 5 rooms; cost ll.ooo Price SSM AUTOMOBILE BAHOAINS.Store, Highland Park; FAiLil IwHIHAN tflll LUl IIC.X i close to Vilas school, ivilrooms, Prospect. 8 rooms; swell location Price 800Store, ilt Alameda St.: Boulevard Drag AOENCY. WANTED situation to do general house Bulck 10 d. ivery wagon 8800

Boulevard ana Florence sta. work In a good family. Call ait. rwu large housekeeping rooms, fumlahed 9 rooms; clean as a whistle Price 600 Chalmers 30 (fore doors) 8350Store, os W. San Antonio St. Phone 1441. S rooms: Ideal borne place Price 750 WE have 7 bouaet, all In differentOne Block Weal of Hotel Paso Del Norte, or uniurntsnsa; moaern. pnone . touring car 8400 parts of the city, for sale, willwant Ads and Subscriptions taken. THiiROUCH a:ciuiitant and auditor, with to rooms; MyrUe Ave.; rent 840.. .Price 850 see Hoteboro. adolph auto co., ei

lean, progresiva record, open ror en. TWo or three furnished houaekeeplng is rooms; fine location price wu i'aso and San Antonio Sta sell at a sacrifice and give, terms.WANTED Extra stlesmen for necia! sale. gagement; prefer banks can leave city. rooms, ins t.. Missouri, rnoue oaie. ltj rooms; worth 11400 rnce sou Prices range rrom 34,600 to 317,000.

International Book ana stationery Co.. ELAddress r. u. vox iirau. we can arrange terms on any or ine PA90 ASSN. OF CREDIT MEN,

Estate Dealers. HOUSEEEEPINQ rooms, a N. uresjoa, Meats 307 City National Bank Bids.Real Position meat cutterWANTED as by ex trouble to show you:

liases' Registry of the Leadla- - Real Estala WANTED A printer. Phone 8846-- penen ceo man; good references, x'uooeWanted to Rent, JAS. A. MCMAHON, VEAL, pork and mutton al lowest prices.


904 N. Stanton st. Phone 6453. Call 8B75.aaeate of El BOY WANTED. Cut Price Oroeery. FOR SALE Income property, so per centANDERSON-FILLE- REALTY CO, With wheel. The FAMILY of turee want to rent furnished 4 on your money; 9 adobe houses on one

Buckler Bids. WANTED Delivery boy, or r, room bouse, close In, ror a Houses for Rent lot, Canal StI and International Book and Stationery Co. Furnished Rooms for Rent ONLY-PA- RK BROS. ONLY on Owner wants the moneymonths. D. K., care Tunes. to build on lots adjoining, which will in-

creaseAUSTIN A MARR, WANTED Bookkeeper. W. O. Wals Co. The following splendid rooming housesCM. WANT TU HENT HOUSE. WHY nut put your Want Ads in the Tunea, the value of this. Price this week

Capias BuUdtng. Telephone WHY not put your Want Ads In the Times, 4 or 5 room bouse, close in; win rent tor re for .sale by Park Bros., only: wbere you are sure of tbe best results? looo. We have other good investmentsBILl.ARD a HENRY. PHONE WW. YOUKU men of EI Paso and vicinity, please wbere you are sure or the beat resulta? year; must be lit good condition

nicety 1111 rooms, uesi aoeaiion, It your ad amounts lo 76 cents cash you that will pay weU.If ad rent only Hi; lease, t6s, this is jammed

' note mat Mr. ll. Laurens caul win De at your amounts to 71 cants cub you Mil wui get a gooa lountain peu arse, oauPnone8ROADDÜS A LE BARON, the McCoy Hotel In El Paso on Monday, win get a goon lountain pen tree, cau good neighborhood. 12U0 or full, coining money. phone 5050 for the Want Ad Boy. La Salle Realty Co.Bell tut Kept. 7, ami uestros to meet woae wno are pnone uno ror ine waits ao any. LADY wants desk room for real estate, on 25 rooms. oiiDostte Dostofflce, rent IS0;

Phone IMS interested tu prepnlng ror clvu service po-sitions.

Itul'EL MENUblt now in cuanto oí Mr. and ground floor, pilone 4907. lease, easy terms, 2,0OO. t.i i no t or oluu. riiaAE 18V.HEl.LBERO A; BLAIR. 8 rooms, opposite library; lease, omymall, poBlofflco and de- -Hallway lira J. W. walli CO., piirtmcnl i lrrks, letter carriers, etc., 7U

Bishop, large, furnished. WANTED 6 or room house, between now 8300 down. S00. FOR RENT. 83,250 A real bargain, and a dandyuntil 0 see tnose 14 megniuceni rooms; house, eloso in I23.no bungalow borne, on paved extension Mon-

tanaPhcnaaHotel Sheldon. Roth up. There one day only, noon p. in Ample bathing facilities. Entrance vsersaad Jawns, elegant;- - West Missouri; bouse, on Hlo Grande... 68.00 St., for the Who hasSee blm. Minors must be accompanied by at. near a. sm ass. person 81,000 orrawE P. COLES BH03.. netl Estate and In-

surance.parent. iittiilrc u bolei clerk. mtist he sold, i,700; terms. BROADDUS 4t LE BARON, more to pay first payment; balance 833 per

Morehouse Block Phone 108. SH.END1D rooms. Court House Block. We bave some splendid bargains In con-fectioneries,

First National Bank Bldg.. month, Interest Included.Special Notices clarar stores. Phone 1558. ANDERSON REALTY CO. PHONE 1441.DOUGLAS ü. Clio WELL 0OVERNMENT positions are easy to get My WANTED An experienced Iviardlug bouse Oil. don't overlook those rooms. North

Real F.atate. Insurance 308 NIllS Bids ee iiooatici, inu, tens now. write to WHY not nut your Want Ads in the Times Oregon, complete for szmi; terms. DO YOU WANT A HOME?HAMMETT at SON daynow. Earl HupkHn,, WsuUtlCgton, D. C. VS7, where sou are sure of tue beit results? Then, let us show you some of tbe goodB. F.

Phone t. If your ad amounts to 75 cents cash you PARK BROS- .- Phone 608 FOR RENT A beautirul furnished bargains Just listed lor quick salesHammett Block. WANTED -- Boy to work In creamery, Aft win kci a gooa lountain pen tree, 113 Main 81. Crswiord Thoater Blda. bungalow, with sleeping porch and heat new bungalow, all hardwoodHORACE B STEVENS, ply El I'oso Dairy Co., oil) Texas St. phone S0M for lite Want Ad Boy. THE BIO ROOMING HOUSE DEALERS. ing plant, nnone . floors throughout, beam celling, panel

Real Estate and insurance. wall, furnace beat, on my such good terms;AGENTS Mb a week snotiM be made.ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE. for rent Pebble dash stone boute, mod 3 car lines; paved street

JAS. it WATTS. Write al once, learn our' extraordinaryreliable 5 rooms on Florence, rent 830. Pries 8875, era, 5 rooms and sleeping porch, also r, room pejble dash, i full lots; 81,000,

.It! San Francneo St error giving absolutely free ourorder for 5 rooms close In; rent 88i.50. Price 8350. Karaite, in Altura tau month, i. s 8100 cash, ir you hurry.kitchen set with every

Cale former location of the American 7 rooms; rent 35. Price 850. crozler, 703 Two Republics Bldg. Pbone good brick house, El ei Paso:nosoSouthern pattern teaspoons,Educational. tl Rogersable Kllclicn. ltd San Antonio St 8 rooms close hi; rent 160. Price 8800; 2880. 81,700. 1200 cash, 835 per month.You ar.ould bo tofully guaranteed. FOR RENT Close m, W. Missouri, modern Nowty furnished. Iiandsomclv decorated . new brick; 31,650, tiso cash, bal-

anceIf you want tu reach all tue paopla ad make tu lo i sales a day orterlng the S rtirnisbed room, ltol and cold water, Spotlessly clean private booths for ladles.terms.

rooms, full of boarders; rent 860. price FOR HENT Hair of furnished cottage, close 825, Including intereal; bath and toilet.kitchen set free; 17 to SI0 a day canpiece sleeping porch. Phone I4M-J- sam wsh, fropneior asno. tn. Phone 3787-- Altura Park; 38,300, 8300 cash.spamsh taimiit in the shortest time. Pal



everybodybuy; one

needsof our

teaspoons;agents sold

every7 FOR RENT rooms and apart-

ment;IK YOU WANT your old auto to look like 10 rooms; rent 160. Price 1,000. This Is

View; 8850,rrsme



8month.full lots. Grand

more College. sols In leas lust! II hours; customers runt reasonable; close in. Its E. new, call on us: auto.j varnished, from a beauty. Automobile Garages. Creel, wllh AUSTIN It MARR.kitchen set MIssourL 10 rooms on Myrtle: rent 34s.. Price 1650 Pbone 5078.lo iiieinlier, we give a 110 up. CrantT's Auto Painting Co., 410 MillsSPANISH Fall coilises open. tMUtM wnli six stngejig teaspoons at our own si., rnone e4, imperial oarage. IS rooms on Texas ; rent 850. Price 81,000.

tour. Prpf. pravo, tM Puekler Mldy.o help sgtnts tu- quickly introduce COOL BEDROOMS, CLOSE IN, CHEAP. 16 rooms on Texas; rent 850. Price tew

this nose pattern. Write today for terms FAYETTE HOOMS, rlsfc MILLS. Pb.l7aV. BEAUTIFY YOUH HOME. t rooms: rent 175. Price 1550. soeclaitv; attlslaclioa guaranteed:83,600.

Art stone la something new In El ruso, Florence; rent 888. Price stored. 15 Nf Campbell St PbonePersonal and free outfit to workers. Tbe McAduus rooms on - room bungalow, modern; 8800Co.. (sua First Ave., Dallas, Tex. and In order lo get you Interested we are I1.W0- , cash, balance 885 per month.

jeweu-- fresi old watches, making-- a special price on MANTELS and A so downtown nouses up to t rooms. Spanish Lessons. 8I.100.BRINti pollslies FOR RENT furnished close i auk uhns. would like to tno old before buy, as I canlewelrv made new. ill San Francisco. Large room, In. replace See tny listing you - room adobe. 3 lots; 8100 down,Heip W suited. iDliuslto Cleveland suuare. 811 Ucson Ave. inuiuel for you and make the living room ave you money, see nye, wim oassiuy 815 per month.PROFESSOR BRAVO, 24 Buckler Bldg.PsY&cll MEDIUM locates water, oil, min-

erals,Phone 811. or library look at trae uve. We build them rteel, 811 Mills St. Phone eao. l,60fc

etc. Courthouse Block. Room 7. WHY not put your Want Ads In the Times, lgni in your nomo. - frame wellof the bast resultar STEAM HEATED rooms, Wllh sleeping ROOM! NO house, entral location, rooms al room locsted; 1150where you sre sure The yard or porcb would look 100 per cent For Sale Real Estate. cash, balance 815 month.RIGHT WAY I.At'NnnV PHONE 1119. If your ad amounla to 75 cents cash you porch. Phone 6106. belter If there were a pair or .out- urns in ways occupied, buy rrom owner, Ad- -84.500.


FREE rlatrvnyant reading Willi La Belle will get a toot! fountain pen free, call Fur RENT Two nicely furnished large view with some pretty ferns in ibem. dress S. ll.. ctre Times. bungalow, elote in, allface cream. SI0 Texas. Phone 9043. Illume toso for the Waul Ad Boy.

from rooms; all modern conveniences. 505 can us up mid we win send a man out to built-I- features, basement, walkinghave WANTED girl. American, El I'aso 81. Phone 3841. tell you about It. AutomobUetv Second Hand. HOME 11.000. distance.

WON'T he in t tl of money. If youMexican or colored, ror housework. 1131 HAIiLEY AMI STONE AND MANTEL UO. pebble dash home, on 83300.

--any security, we have plenty of moneyArizona. FROM' room, sleeping porch. Hio Stewart. BlUard it Henry sales Agents, AUTOMOBILE ror sale. A model 60 over-

land3 full lots, located on high ground bungalow, hardwoodloloan. Phonu 14. Phone W6. 16 Clamber of Commerce. touring car. Owner will in East El Paso. The lots sre easily floors, all built-i- n features; terms

Clairvoyant, TOO N. Stanton. WANTED Colored woman cook; references NICE furnished rooms, with cold and but give bargain for cash. For particulars tele worth 8600. You can buy this for to suitrequired. Apply - Boulevard,. water. 504 Texas Phone 0384-J- . phone 1142, or call 407 Myrtle Ave. 31, ooo if you hurry. Address T. 18100.

care Times. - room bouse. 8 lots, chickenBARGAIN Touring car, perfect condition,need ol money. If you have houses, treesDON'T he In grsss, everything. 3100any security, wo have plenty of money to For Sale and Excheuige. cash or payments. North Campbell Gar-

age, cash, balance 335 per month.loan. Phone 144. o'clock Friday, Sept. 4. TWO large, airy rooms, nicely furnished, 613 N. Campbell. Phone 8818. Two Bliss St. lots, 3900. Can you

' for rent. 4te Upson. WHY not pill your Want Ada tu lito Times, AUTOMOBILE for Sale 1814 Studebaker BUY HER Jacob's candles; "made laat best It?WANTED A good cook, rhone isos. where you are sure of Uio best results: touring. Phone 1148 or call at night." at Times Branch No. 8, 105 Trades We sre headquarters. We

Money to Loan. WOMAN to cook and do Housework in100 Florence. if your ad atnounis to 75 cenu casia you 407 Myrtle Ave. Texas St. can match you.

family of 8; must be good cook, uiiarlere will get a good lountaun pen rree. wall WHITE PADEN REALTY CO.,MONEY to loan on Improved city property. No. i!. Fori Bliss. Phone 4W0. TWO tii'iil.slied hi'droDiiis, hot and cold wa pnone MJ50 for tbe Want Ad Boy, AUTo truck ror sale cheap, suitable for Morgan Bldg. Pbona 1518.

Ml. Franklin Mortgage Loan Co.. wri Two water, steam Item for winter, close in; transfer or delivery work, 8 tons' cs- -

Republics Bldg. I'hóne Mil. nu sick taken. 718 fl. Sluinon. Phone 58. FURNITURE of house, good piano 6aclly, 50 horsepower. See at Two ANY ONE WHO WANTS A HOME Will notApartments for Rent antl Jersey cow lo nude for lols: house 430 Texas St 8700. criterion pass up this une on Bllas St. rur ta.vOOMONEY You pay back on easy in-- i MODEHiN Hoo.Mt- -5 minutes" walk from post for .rent, alt River si. k . 8T0 San Francisco St 4 rooms, bath, glassed sleeping porch.

atallments. ir you have household imm-une,

WHY mu put your Wain Ada in the Times, o.ornee; prívate family; pilone unscnieni and heatingdano. diamonds, real estate, vendor wnsre you sre sure or ine nasi resulta i FOH SALE Oil Ai .HANOI-:- plant BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW,

and Deed If nu amounts to 75 canta caao you looniiiik-- house, best navintr res Furniture for Sale. NEARLYHen notes or idly good security, your ROOMMATE WANTED.Congenial

COMPLETED.Building sites school site.will a good fountain e Call laurant in tbe city "tmd grocory store. near new blghinonry we will let you have It. get pen young genilemau desires room PRICE 33,750.5050 for the Want Ad Boy. t r.nui.'u.Ti i.tttsiMhnl RIO GRANDE Hardware a Furniture ..Co. I'avetl street, walk and curb. Buy now,

EL PASO LOAN .AND REALTY CO. male. Terina very reasonable. 80S E. Hlo co.,when price Is right FJ Bull! or red rug brick; the ex-

terior300 Two Republics Life Building. Household goods bought, sold and ex IsFun RENT Apt., v rooms, kitchenette and Uranos. changed. 407 N. Oregon St Pbone 885.typical bungalow, the In-

teriorMusical. bath. 711 N. Stanton. Georgette Apts. FOR SALE oil TRADE. 3 southeast corner lots In Bassett addition. most artistically rinlshed.ATTRACTIVE, nowly lurtiislied rodnu, rea-

sonable;400 acres good land, 2 miles rrom good block hoiii car line, for 8875 each. TERMS TO SUIT YOU.

FOR HENT I or 5 room modern furnished, board li deairod. bol novada growlug town in line water beit cheap Dr, ANDERSON-FILLE- REALTY CO..PAHVIN WIT'l'E, teacher of voice. 3 Buck-ler

Phone . cash price 130 per acre, or will trade ror I lo I Buckler Bldg. Phone 481 ON BEAUTIFUL MONTANA St.Bldg. Phonea iil'J aud trust!. and best, close In on W. Missouri St. Phone a well established business. P. O. BOX 783 One or the prettiest bungalows oniw-- j .

ITIAVEI.EHS' HOTEL, H.KV6 San Francisco Arteala, N. M. the street. This home Is complete InSt. Private baths, electric funs, bol and NEWMAN INVESTMENT CO every respect It must be seen to beBusiness Chances BEAUTIFUL apartment al the City. Ph. 056. told water. All outside rooms. Day or week. TO EXCHANGE tloo ulano ror LI i'aso lots. MISS L. HENDERSON. Dressmaker. Ph. 3814 appreciated.REAL BONDS.FOR 11E.NT-8- 0Í BOULEVARD, VENDOME IP l.l. nil u E. overland, nicely What have you.' Address Piano, care MHS. S. Y. PEALE, late or Philadelphia, has



furnished rooms, iuiioiiik water in every nines. WHAT "STERLING" IS TO SILVER43 and rnoin apartments, furnished, 87,500 home. 50 rt. frontroom; tree bams; transient; si s aay sua up "MAYFIELD" IS- - TO A HOME.835, tuo and 40. i 50 ACHES, partly Unproved, valley laud. Arlxona St. Bargain, few days, cashand round aleak, I7!e. PnoM CASMIDY A ft EEL- - r. o. no i tn, tas ca uces, n. at. DHESSMAklNQ neatly done. Pbone 5018. 83.650 New bungalow. Grand Ave. MAYFIELD BLDO. AND IMP. CO., Inc.kNICKEHDUCkF.ll APARTMENTS. Mesa Ave. Grand View; 8500 cash, tetina to suit

aud California St New, elegant, close in. Auction Sale. 33.750 bungalow. Nevada St., 8300Plume C. W. Croom. Stt: A. It Uruiublluar. cash, balance suit. DAILY BULLETIN.FOR SALE. 586.Jktlione AUCTION SALE. SEW1N0 by the day. Phone. 43ti-- 83.800 modern home. 70 ft. corner. red brick, hsth o, ,.,.1,,I grocery store 11.800 FUHNISHED outside room, with btuT; price Auction sale of iransrer wagons Sept 4. Grand View, oren bargain. Small cash porch, 1(4 lols, south Trent, Tine,I grocery store r.5Q0 icisoll.il, I. Lockle, on car

. 1, Wagons, Duals, buggies, harnesses, sad-dles

payment, balance suit. rather close In; 500Livestock for Sale. down, balance 130I store a. 500 pergrocery and other anules as Usted below: 1All of these stores LAHtiE front loom, nicely furnished, in url 88J50 modern Dome. Pittsburgh month. Price 83,800. one of the best tiuvaare making BLEUANTE Y ruralahed apartment In the Co-

lonial,vete lióme near Bailey unci High schools; large iiuai; lucumui site Ilottai 8 trunk

FRESH Jersey cow. 80S N. Stanton. Ave.. Highland Park, sioo cash. 825 a month. In El I'aso. See It tt once.money.close In Sunset 3 wakens, 1 farm wagon; t hack aud har-

ness; red brick home.EL PASO ASSN. OF CREDIT MEN, in Heights; large privan- hoarding house on opposite corner pressed BYROM E. FENIMORE,rubber807 National Bank rooms and tile bath (no kitchenette) , suit-

ablesuitaiiK lor l ur a lauy scuoui icacm-i- t single dray wagon; new

CATTLE. 01110 st, Highland Park. ITSO cash, 885 mo 808 Trust Bldg. Phone 538S.city Bldg. for oartlea taking meals out Call at Ml) N. Campbell. Pbone 3850. tired buggy runabout; I top buggy, good800 native cows; all have calves, some 8 8150 Per Aero 80 teres North Loon road

AUSTIN 4i MARR, Agents. Phone 4350. as new; t cheap ouggy; 3 sets single har-ness; Y'slett, exchange for El Paso nronerty. 507 TWO REPUBLICS BUIljuinn

t sel double Harness; S slock sad-ules; 800 Per Acre borne tract half mile Bungalows for ssle Phone 4444

FOR SALE Besuly parlor in one of tbe apartment. 1 olilce san-- good siso; t orflce desk;308

FERGUSONTwo Republics Life Building. 1 ateta; to per cent cash, small monthly pay-

mentReal estate for sale Pbone 4444

wheelbarrows; forks; shov-els;

Business chancesbest towns In New Mexico. Address 8 oiucu chairs; fur sale Phone 4454horses; mules and other articles too 885 Per Acre 100 Socorro, Ranchea ror sale phnn m,t. H. L.. care Times. aeres countyNEW APARTMENTS "RIO GRANDE." uumeroua to uieniiou. Salla surta lu a. ni. Board and Rooms smaii Money to loan .pnone 4444roan; caan payment, balance to suit.Prettiest apartments In tbe city; unfur-

nished;Friday uiornlng. 807 TWO REPUBLICS BUILDING).

817 N. El 83 ytt Acre 5 acres; cheapest buy onwell ventilated.1 rooms each; back and front ST. LUCIS SALES STABLES, CONVALESCENT HOME ine ísiaiKi san small casnall latest bulll-l- feslures. Prices mano; payporches;AN OPPORTUNITY of eaceptlontl Corner .Mills and Caunpbell Sis. ment, balance to suit Good Buysreasonable, Applyvery W. A. W illiams, Auctioneer. FOR TUBERCULOSIS.merit open to a man who is a Hi i.l. UELMAH. 417 It. Stanton --Hot andAUSTIN MARR.worker. An investment or a few

acold water: free oaths all hours; rooms W. A. WILLIAMS.

s accommodations, nursing and NEWMAN INVESTMENT CO. Modem cottage. East El pnhundred dollars required. Will bear pretty apartment, with private 50c io It day j IS up weekly. Phone 1030- - Auction Sales aud commission Broker. excellent table hoard; ratea gto per week 84,750.

8 cottsges.300 down,

EastbalanceEl Paso;

easy.Cor. Park and Frankfort Sis., Altura 31,400 each,strictest investigation. See bath and sleeping porches. Pbone 5808-- up. easyHoweU, 3550.Ofltce m. pbonepbone ltetlueuce 84,7505 rooms on Montana 81. west of the terms-

18 Morgan Bldg. UEDltoOMS. cheap, close la. i'ltoue 4831. Park. Fort Bliss car to the door. Pbone 4081. ,

See the Alexandria Apartments before lo-

catingorflce Entrance to capias Bldg. Highland Park car line; sDiendld home Lots in Altura Park, gtM each, as down

for tba winter. Pbona 5484 tor ap-pointment cool rurniaheo. and bskug. rooms, not I bell Everything a Auction or Private Sale. FRONT room, with board, for couple, tarrns. and 15 per month; no laxet or Interest.

- baths, desirablu location, tout A. EI Paso. family, close in. Phone 4871 J. 85,300 8 rooms Bliss St. beautiful real one cottage, near para car line; 8350.ALMOST new Urniinglon typewriter, cheap. ROOM aud board. 601 Myrtle. denre psrt of the cliv and near school 45 acres valley land, near Clint, blahlv Im.

401 New First National Bank BTdg. Wanted to SPECIAL PRICES to boarding Houses. U. Furniture Packing. win tax tots as first payment balance proved, all In cultivation. A bargain alBuy Meat Market Phono 8871. W. W. LEWIS. Phone 4444. assay. 8800 per acre.EL PASO SURGICAL INSTRUMENT AND WANTED sLctiNO-HAN- iCHNITURt. at .out) e rooms on Wyoming SI. ; best bar Wfcal IttALTl CO.,

APPLIANCE CO. Artificial limbs. 304 Mesa. WHY not pul yoilf Want Ads In the Timet. CUM SHED looms. tOD N. Oregon. STOVES, Hi 03, sfcWINO MACHINES. LAS CHUCES Home for Convalescents gain in the city; 5oo cash and balance to 908 Mesa Stwhere you are ture of the beat resultar ElC IN EXCHANGE roll ALL EINDS Or s accoinmodatlon In modem"NEAL SPECIFIC" eliminates tbe dJlnk If your ad amounts to 75 cenia cash you cool ruruisiiud snd iiskpg. ruonu.

A. El Pasohot NEW ooobs. w pay 30 per cent more In nouse al reasonable price. No children 88,850 on Eirl lillas car line. 5 rooms LAND BARGAINS

and drug habit Day phones 4648 or 6tt; win get s goou aouniaun pen ires, cau baths, desirable location, tool tt aue liiau any ikjusv in El Paw. Fouu a Plione 252. Mrs. Strong. modern bungalow; 8800 cash, balance Four sections Crane county, allbight phone 174. P. O. Box Sta- - ' plione 5050 for tote Want Ad Buy. ZUikier. 113 N. suuion at Phone 1108, ault tural; the best or water, aud shallow.turn., all modern eccounuaodtKiifnT mom. WHY out put your Waal Ads in tba times, 4.410 acres tn CulbersonCONCERN desires to dispose of exclusive nous, fine porch. I tut MUOdy. Phone 1861. where you sre sure or the best results! 85,000 Mckinley Ave.. 0 rooms, basement smooth, small payment down.

county, allIf ad nesting plant Make us. a bid for termsright to manufacture and tell In El

your amounts 10 71 cents cash you 10 acres down trie valley beautifulPaso RAMONA HOTEL. Second for Sale. homeHand Uootis 84.000- - tsoo balancewill Mckinley Ave.; cash,get a good fountain ben free, callone of the best selling articles known; In El Paso stop all In fruit. Tbe price will surpriseWanted too steel and gat ranges st once Whan visiting or shopping pnouc auto for the Want Ad Boy. easy. you..needs no machinery; enormous profits; re-quires

Hotel, centrally located at FERGUSON INVESTMENT CO..in exchange for new rurnllure. Fouls k at the llMiuona all me people au six rots Government lltu; ginu each; flueinvestment or 1150. Address Stiver Cool with or with-out

reach 308 Two Republics LireN. rooms, Bldg.iinkler. Pbone 110. MO Stan ton. ads. Boa 11 and room; good home cooking. suH building site.Dollar, care Times. bath. Hates 50c to 31.50. Special rates a wantsSB In Pecos valley, nesr Lakewoodacres SALEFOR BY OWNER.from owner. 1. B Me. .sinhouse, waek month.by or WHY uuvw furntturo wiieoWANTED Partner to Invest your old N. M., all In cultivation. Will trade ror in Five handsome building sites, feeing12.500 in

business. Investigate". Addresscity. DOWNTOWN, cool, outside rooms; rates We sue postncly toe nUrtwsi payara for ROOM AND BOARD. come property. Good boose, flowing well south, overlooking city, on reservoir hill,Wanted second band uunuura and aaufiatld arti-

cles.tn private family or three; prefer x lady Worth IK'.oju. will tske 88.000 and makeI. 100, care Times. To buy income nroperty, teasonable. Orient Rooms, luuv 9. staxtton. 13 blocks rrom poslofftce.; graded ready to

aide. Address E, J., care Tunes. El Piso .New sad eieooUU Itauu Store. teachers or contrenlsl coucle: one the terms to suit you. build; 58X145. Price very reasonable. PhoneI in. ne iitl. 0u s. Ei ftaov. Mock of Bailey school: very reasonable BILLA RD A HENRY, Sta.HOTEL VENDOME. tllVi E. Overland St SELL YOUR rUiMiottk for all lis worm. rates, voe r.. mo uranae. Pilone VI. 16 Chamber or commerce.Wanted Miscellaneous. not tno coio water in au ruuaias; utu FOR SALE GRAND VIEW AVE.rree: ll per day aim tin, Rangos, sious. aU kinds; .heaters, lino-leum, SELECT board, rooms with sleeping porch. FOR SALE RIO CHANDE ST. HOME Modern house, lot 37xt3u, in finEGOS WANTED If can supply 5 doxen Ice boxes ana clothing. Texas Euro-Co- . fare when we aellyou

408 S El mrm. ampxm, iutt r. sienaou. xtw-x- Why pay car ran you shape; large glassed-i- sleeping porch;o.M MOUSaWrtome Bell 4887."""""-'rhe- fl Rooms for Rent aiiore 00AUU- - Paso. Pboavc No. 815or largr, wane eggs dally write this cottage. E. Rio prende completely ruruished; 88,880,care Tlniea. COI N. Oregon. No sick. wanted-- 1,, buv ecood-ten- tools and CONVALESCENTS Hoonus and sleeping si. 7 laving ana parsing rata; 101 JVXltt) CA8SIDY A NEEL.

FURNISHED room, eonnr.ciing with bath WANTED-T- o guns. 11. Moln . ;M S. El Paso Si. porches; home cooking; ate week, luto onlyhot baths, private family, phone 5781 J. buy second-han- tools and ai nona, nigiuaua i trs car. ntooe am. CABSIDY k NEEL.runs. h. Notv, aos a. a paso at Houses Fumisheo for Rent it pilcos ror .cona

Chemu- - I'haas 854.rooms, board, new manage FOH SALE ROOSEVELT ST. BUNOALOW FOR EXCHANOE or Ssle By owner,

Store for Rentgaaat Phone 8858. tnt N. Campbell. t rooms: has all the bulll-l- feslures modern s- - room bouse. Price st.&oo'IT HMSHHD HOUSE FOR RENT. Wa.MEO AU kiuus of furnace glassed in sleeping assailactxuntsxsdarloas heal, porch; Will take tract of valley landflM 'Vmt)n: ealy one' In town. ' Ad- WATKu--T- o borrow HMO ou vendor lien

6 rooms, a sleeping porches, completely more for your 8 at aay Ifraa la the for paving paid; good terms; only tt.euo. bouse or desirable lots tntareas aa. a. atevens, LordSDurg, H. gL notes. Pbone 3808.

OHuiMnu, cans aa un unuy fw, city, tot s. Ll bastera rurtuiure CASS1DY NEEL. Wade. 04 Upton. Pbona 557.1TSK RAMSEV REALTY CO. Co. Phots 1438. A COOL rooms utd beard, tag Proseóos, til yus EL

Friday. Sept. 4. 1914. EL PASO MORNING TIMES 11.

THE GRAIN MARKETWHERE TO DINE WK ha vi- - on ait at10 City National Hank afoLFAWNG HOTELS50 great Texas ne.it oTétoek.



parnUfa In. Co.

- WiOin mr..'uiüsa v ti.FLORENCE CAFE nasarte. IMk Harta Stork.PajrvSar Aj4azav jj9RaBa 10 Bonds 3an Tomas Farms Co-

al iiiiilAPARTMFNT HOVSFSCorn SrorM aa Anvanr. I 14 Oeata 100 and accrued Interest.I. thr Day an a! 10 abares san Tomat Parma 00.Upward 1 Cent, Stock, al 05.

10 American Trust a Saying at aT" O W--V It .e---v. gflSlBank Stock.

Bp the AsaoefatM Pre Ct HTISS MANNING CO..

The New Three Nations Cafe Chlrago. sept. 3. Darkening prospects Slock aad Boat Dealers, few aUa 1 rit?Vthat Turkey and Italy would enter the First National Bank Building,European war brought about new high El Pase, Texas.Next to A ham bra Theater, on South Kl Paso Street, la HOW open. prices today In the wheat market here.

The cleanest, coolest plaoe In town. There was s strong close at sr to 3cabove last night. Corn rose tc to r. THE LOCKIE I áfkéM M HOTELnet and oats to ic. The outcome in The Grand Hotel PASO DEL NORTEprovisions ranged from c decline to an hotel and APARTacKrTTadvance or sc. - - atraiga Os freta BaaMt BR raao'a Million Dollar Hoaaa

Wheat was on the Jump from the very CLAIMS HE "QUIT corner Mills and Rtaato axiaata P B A TÍ. ,n f: atea with bath 3100 and tap.EAT AT outset. For the first time the English Bl Pa Tasa.trade was showing alarm over the bread' Waal SrltS J! 5 S "u,,n wa,,r- - "dThe Wo Stuff sunnlr. British otriclats were re B. . Usable. RR .OR, j kSSl I

ported as buying rioiDr on a large scale, all Mgr. "f ITmiTZIREAD THE WANT ADS Club House Cafe runningmilling Interests

heavily andor the




nook Poy and Bob Oang, 1 pool.Canadian

Inwheatthe lait

In eagerminutes

requestof the


Liver Assayer and Chemist wa.. hotelthe market soared above any previous ng BALAZA. TELLS ROW HE HAPPENED Weat--urea or the year, and at the final bell May TO LEAVE MINACA BEFORE NcCOYdelivery was not to be had for less than IH8ASTROIS BOUT. GEO. W. CAMERON 3M 8. Stanton.'t.8S4,' as against 31.35, the acme ot the A new place-n- ota hotel, nor rh. leading European hotel or El

For Sale Real Estate. Legal Notices. wildest excitement of any advance before General Mereaae Told Him Net ta Report Representative For Shipper, to tbe Jhhr"nw ehííT i'n'lieri! ri'r'n íi'r3r' p"0' Furnished with the world'ine present war. El Paso Smelter. ? bnt- - AH room, with either ahtrw- -

Fun SALE, QUICK In Alta Vista district. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING- OF 8TOCM- - corn ana oats, uxe wneat. went to new Any wore, iy men ne Tens New Hét-ico

Taxrom depotadobe, pebble dashed, on 2 lots; I HU1.UEHS ANO DIRECTORS OF EL. high prices for tbe year. The outlook for Court He Considered Discharge. te Rata Francisco Bt B3 Peart Texas cl'8 niC.8, Mfir. r or tub bath. Every room aa

block pared streets, f blocks to street car I'ASO SOUTHERN RY. CO. a short yield had much to do with tti 14 years Willi El Paso's leading hotels. outside one. Rata 11. BO and up.line. A Utile money spent In repairs will The regular annual meeting of stock bullishness of the com market. Oats fait . o. Box ess.make you a pleasant home'. For a quick holders and directors or the El Paso the atlimilous of big exports. The tea Special w ire so rae Tintedeal $t .too takes It. This la only one or our uthern Hallway Company will be held board admitted that 300,000 bushels had Santa Fe, N. M Sept. 3. In the Unitedmany bargains. Come and see. at the office of the company in El Paso, oeen sold to foreigners. states district court riere today judge w.

Texas, on Wednesday, the Dth day of Sep-tember,

teaming sues causea provisionsH. Pope decided that tleneral Jose Ynetbalazar fled O nana with the balanceii4, at to o'clock a. oi. average lower. Custom OfficeAssaythe Mexican refugees and ordered him sent lVIailWALTER CLnRKE, closing prices were as follows: back QankirLg Byl.ullBV Uf HHHALU BLUG. FhjiNE 189. Assailant Secretary. Wheat September. 01.144! December. to Fort Wlngate. Writ ot babeas CRITCIIKTT A FKnCTJSOM,corpus was denied.

fUH ÜAÍJC fl.18; Nay, SI.S5V4. H He "quit the army and came boms" it the Asaayara. Chemlata, MattUlurfrlata, jriTST AS AvASY TO OPBN A SAVING 8 ACCOUNT WITH TJ8 ASAT SACRIFICE PRICE. OFFICE D. Q. M., El Paso. Texas, Aug. 8. com ueceniDer, 7Tte; May, 77c. claim or Oeneral Jose Ynes Salastr, of the Bapraaantatiyaa for Oro Jthippara. THOUGH TOO LIVED NKXT DOOR.

Z85 PER LOT. 1914 Scaled proposals will be received Oats December, 5346c; May, 56e. Huerta federal army In Mexico, In A Kan Franclaoo St,support twice We toPork 4 oant Interest, compounded every year.Wehere until it a. m. September 5. 1014, and September, WÓ; January, m.45. pay per19 tots on Estrella St., Including I cor-

ners;of his contention that he was not a fleeing ltl Paao. Tnvaaperfectly level; t block snuiu or Ala-

medathen opened, for furnishing oats required Lard October, tlO.tO; January, I0 rotiibalant on American soli when arrealed bv business under the depositor guaranty taw ot tbe Stat of Tasan, and

Ave. Have pean orrered gait par lot by this depot for troops serving on the Ribs October. It.tty January, ttl.18. ine united Stares government. Is not are a Guaranty Fund Hank, aa provided by auob law.lor S inside lots. Must sell all IB lots with Mexican border during the nine months refugee and cannot be lawfully detained la ARconvenient, aafe,la addition to being profitableOur plan,to next lo days. Atlractlva terms. commencing Oct. I, 1014, and ending June META L MARKETS. in the Mexican interne camp at Fori Wln-

gate.JAS. J. WAITS. 30, 1815. Information furnished on tripli-cation.

N. M. General Salazar took the alarm Dr. Carl StrultH liberal. Nobody ha arar loot a dollar 1b a State Bank In Texaa.104 Ban Francisco SU Phone ul Win. E. Hunt, D. q. M.

Jig rae AnnotatedNew

FreeYork Silver. In his own behalf in federal court hare tu VV'ltlTK TODAY FOR OUR FREE BOOKTjBT, "BANKING BX MAIL'

tew nny, m tne neanng or his application ror LIVER KID-

NEYOR KIM PDX MAI Ij YOUR DEPOSIT.York, Sept. 3. Bar silver, 314. BUPTURR. BLOOD, 8EIN,NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' AND a writ of habeas corpus. In Ills testimony

DIRECTORS' MEETING. St Metal.he described in a graphic manner the fight AND BLADUER DISEASES. EL PASO BANK & TRUST CO., El Paao, TexasLouisNotice Is hereby given that the regular ing at the battle of ojlnaga. which resulted

annual meeting or toe stockholders or the V the Aeenclatrd Preet ine arrest nv united status author tins. RoomONCE AGAIN Noriiieasiern Railroad St. Louts. Scot. 3. Lead iinrlinnaert at or Pint National Bank Bldg.El Paao it Cm., a somo 4.000 Mexicans who fled across tbeWE ARE OQlNG TO AJJVEltTISE WHAT WK corporation organized under the laws of $3.78. . 10 i.ranno.

KNOW TO BE ONE Of I tit. bhST the slalu of Texas, will be held at the Of-

ricoSpelter unchanged at ts.oo. in answer to the question bv DistrictIN THE MfcsILLA VALLEY. or tne company at No. Olí El paso k Attorney Summers Biirkbart, alt to whether1M LESs iitA.N a iViiLCá FROM lit Paso Metal.ACRES, Southwestern uulldlng. El 1'aso, 'Texas, was discnurireii from the jnnv liefor,ANTHONY, X. N., MILKS NuHTH UP EL commencing at 10:so o'clock a. in. Wednes-

day,Mexican currency, coining to the. United States, 8alatar saidPASO, ALL IN THE VALLEY, sept, u, 1014, and upon the. same date, Mexican gold. 40, nuil i.enerai .Herrado roid hlin "not to re H. MOHRSILT SOIL, álüMil UP Tllb r,u bii.VUbiVf STATE NATIONAL BANKimiueauttiy upon adjournment or such Mexican pesos (Él Paso buying pries), to. port rurther at he considered him dis-

charged."ONLY PER ACRE.I) FUR (3aAM, siucKiioliiei s' meeting, there will be held, Villa currency. S3: Carranaa currency. Salazar aava he left minar that Cut Rate Hardware,IF THIS Du.VT UAT lttoULiS WE FEEL at the same place, the regular annual meet-ing

8414; Chihuahua currency. 34. night and came to El Paso to join his wire B8TARI1ISHED April, íaai.LUCE QUITTING. of use board of directors or such and children; the latter, he said, ho feared Paint and Glass,BAILEY LAND COÍ, . for the election or Us orricers ror Bl Paso Smelter Quotations. had been kidnapped. He said he was first CAPITALS SURPTiCS AND PROFITS. ...... v $B0O.00Cte

PHONE tOoB. t06 MESA AVE. ibeSensuUng year, and tbe transaction of (Corrected Daily.) arréate nv tne united State orflclals I eat south Ta ra aasuch other business as may cuiuc lrerore Pig lead, 3.00. Marta. Texas. January 3.

the boaixL A. L. HAWLEV, H. a H. Hirer, tali- --


That General Salazar "tin returned tn snn Interest Paid on Savings AccountsSecretary. wuijaie ana mere rieia in nonoriiDle deten

MARKETS. tion until the war ends," was the ule of to clou estímales, will be shipped out of a JR. MORBHBAD, President, JOBHPH MAQOFFIN, Vlce-Pr- acaptain 0. H. Estes. Twentieth United the Española valley north or Santa re. dur-ingNOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' ANJ Fort Worth Livestock. States lnrantrv who ru.,i Br.n... ... the present 'season. The peach and a M. BASSE TT, QKOHOK D. FIRT. Caahler.

UIRECTOHS' MEETING. Special Wire to The rimes application filed for Salastr by Attorney apple crnns as well as the yields or smallerNotice is Hereby giran that tne regular Fort Worth. Texas. Rent nn,,. a.. fruits,, have been tremendous. Development Xa Ji OrXCHRIBT, Asat Cashier.stockholders theannual meeting

k southwestern01 tue

Hailruau u.,uior celpts, 3,500. Top, aa.M): bulk. to.4uúM.a.v

nay Burkhart argued that Salazar was ar. companies have beep organized to bringbl Pasocornoralio:: organized under the cattle Recelnts. i.ann in..ii,rfin . iw resion as a refugee rrom Mexico and that large additional tracts under cultivationleías, a

ol the state or Texas, will be held calves. Steers, tsfin an- - i,.. me uiiiiiimeni or treaty obligations urnund Kspsnola and put them on tbe mar-ketlaws quired hit arrest and detention. In small fruit farms. This ts rapidlyFOR SALE. tne office or tbe company at Mo. I5 eiat oeneral Devoro Lopes was on the stand taking rank as one of the greatest; bulls, 34.S54S15.75: calves.8 cheap lots, south rront on Alamorgordo paso It southwestern uuiiutng, ti raso, SSAT sn tms arternoon. Mexico.captain Favler Sanchez growing sections In NowMake orrer. at tu o clock a. Sheep ReeelDts. BOO. wmhrn imuk.street. us an leías, commencing Soto and Colonel Alronso Para are also Ouy vmt-- of Alamotfoi-do- tells the37ft feet, north front on Montana, paving Wednesday sept. a. 1914, and upon eoVw iM07ni rtirigV. here 11 witnesses. In addition to Captain slate corporation commission that lie tentand sidewalk paid- - for, $1600. Terms. same dale. Immediately upon adjournment no reason why he should help bear tho

A good red brick house, corner on of such stockholders' meoliug, Ulero will Lieutenant George H. Guild and Private J operating expenses of the telephone com-pany NEW FAST SERVICE TO DENVERWilliams street, 13300. cash, balance be held, at the samo place, tne tegular Chicago Livestock. nauuarui are aiso ncre rrom tne pott In the Otero county city. Mr. Watt1, s and 3 years, annual meeting ot me uoaru 01 airactors Bit the .luoeiateá 'Prttt uenerai salazar, In an Interview, declared wants to know Watts watt In tlw telephonePortland south tor tne election 01 itshouse. Ave., rront. or sues company no uriniveti me war Mexico at an end business. He says the company seeks to VIAbeautiful loo balance officers tor the ensuing year, and theview, $2700. down, ho laid he would likely engage tn business charge him 33.50 ror the Installation of ttransaction of such other Business as1, i, 3, t, years. may m, mixed, ti:fow:i'h.;vy:mW35o ui JMuuuucruuc, ii reieaaea. telephone in addition 10 tbe regular rentalA good corner, close In, East Missouri St.. come nerore tne Doara-- Republicans Unusually Modest. for Its use. The commission writtenhasrm." I08-?- : P'ts. t5Ji8.t5.A. L. HAWLEY,MOO. Secretary. El Paso and Southwesternto the telephone lor Informationurnciai predictions as to the probable companyt lots on the canal, t80o. Buy this before BeeVe.; ".o.osTSerT.: majority ftr 0. 8. Hernandez, Republican and will investigate the complaint.this street la ptrked, and get advantage Mockers and and1 Albuquerque Girl Weds In Paris.candidate ror congressman, are shrinkingof the raise In price. hellers. t3.90.40: cilvesVTtWLM rapidly. During the state convention here An Hem of society news of considerableJ. H. SMITH A SONS. fg ai

NUR-O- N , 17,000. Market steady various speakers prophesied confidently Interest In Albuquerque and Santa Fe, IsFire insurance. Notary work. a that announcing the wedding yesterday tn Rock Island andorPhone 441 too Texas K tt'r"'1"''- - majority at least 1,500 from Bernullllo l'trts, France, of Rebecca Brevard Pearce,leading iVemmHHnT. SSZ . daughter of Dr." and Mrs. John F. pearce of JnvtVKansas City Livestock. .'' nallllo county majority at only too and the Albuquerque, to Baron Kdoilard dtBtl the At tocia ted Prett total majority in the slate ror Hernandez member of tbe French nobility. Colo. & Sou.at only 1,300. 11 is pointed out by me Mlas Pearce, who resumed her maiden nameBrK!nS'ti.,Ur' ,,eDt- - VHo's-f,e':'- Pl. ',,, i e ursi nine in after her divorce from Barbee Hook, or

GEO. I. ..END ALL makes Glasses right hesvy. 0.S5.35; history that the Republican nartv In thl Los Angeles, some year ago, following awhen all others tall. "'"'

packers andttSw. state ever went Into a campaign with such row months or wedded Ufe, la a dashlnirWS? ; 100.35; pigs. beatity who has been08 MESA AVENUE iiioncai ciaim tor 11 candidate. prominent In society

K2S 'tLXsf',6oo.

o.i; d",aed bejf "Spite Work." aays Elleao. hereSlate


abroad.Care for Insane Woman. Lv. El Paso 1050 P.M.BiregoLegal Notices. " ""'era sieers. SS.60tJO.35; Baca, today made his first atata Tbe fact lhat an Insane woman is takenment since the licking administered to the In charge on land acquired thet5.26aji6.75; calves, t6.D04lt),50. ' lurue ui las aiaie neoubiirin con stales for

by United Ar. Denver 7:00 A M.CITY WATER DEPARTMENT, 4tC Mesa LONG WELL'S TRANSFER vention. "it was spite workan irrigation project, does nofagainstAve. El Paso, Tex., Aug. S3, 1914 Sealed 7.UU0. Market higher me uuaiuir ncr iui- me siato insane asylum,

proposals; indorsed "Proposals ror Water-works

wether'., ZZl WEl. ; Baca.spue


a fewpure


I Willsimple,"


a man!.Mr according to an Interesting opinion handed

Machinery" and addressed to C. W. ryg. t.lHjlo.t9. forth down by Attorney Oeneral Frank W. Clarysettingfyito my altitude toward tho In tbe case or an insaneFassett, city clerk, will be received by him woman rrom EleAUTOMOBILES, HACKS, LIVE ftX nepiiuiii-D- amiMONEY WELL party its candidates.SPENT. Phant Butte, N. M.,at his ornee In. the city hall. El Paso, Tex., Amies from Eaatanola Valtav about whose statusuntil j p. in. or Thursday, Sopt. 17, toil. Auto Baggage Trucks V District Attorney B. D. Titlnun, or HillsBids will be received on the following. Light and Heavy Hauling Alamonordo

AflerEafovs Inaaaany from Disease

Élghty-flv- carloads of apples, according boro. Sierre county, asks Information. Round Trip SummerKilling Off Klle.s.Two or more Internal combustion enginesor surrtciunt power io arive tne air cum By Timet prolal Corrcapofldrnt $35nressor-- i and pumps mentioned below. Aiamogordo. Sept. Dr. E. D. McKlnley, Tourist FareOne or more air compressors or rrom 3,500 counly and city health olflcer, made an ILiMJfflEO BUSINESS DIRECTORYto 4,500 cubic feet total capacity of ree air Dr.CheHok 4nd ,nlere8,ln siatemenl to tbeper minute against ISO pounds gauge pres ,,. uusiecs, ui me mommy meet FOR PULLMAN RESERVATION, INFORMATION INQUIREsure. CHINESE

ing held lost nlahl. as ne crcnted a bill ARTISTS AVD DCCOBATOBS OPTdMETRIRTS ANDOne or more power pumps of rrom PUVblLIAS

tor riles which had been killed durlnr the Hilt. 60s ifesa. fsssrm. OPTICIAM8.

to 4.500,000 gallons capacity dally spring and early summer. He said thai this WEEP sisases 1 001I, tn uvarlaml City Passenger Officeagainst a head or 31 feet. was tin- nrst summer, during his many ACCOUNTANTaBidders are Invited to submit their own ;urea Rbeumatlam, years of practice In Aiamogordo, that nodesigns Tor the above combinations, but Blood Poison and baby had died or stomach or bowel com- - mUHSTUft AUDIT CO. FbOOe U66. Hootna Goons packed Roberts-Bann- Buildingthese designs must be in accordance with til internal and Ex-

ternalSlalM, and that he attributed the Immunity City isatlonal Bank Bldg. Transfer,

by Oelger belt thestorage,tbe specifications now on rile with tbe L seas tt such maladies 10 the extreme scarcity repairing. Ph. 34C

... . LOHONCCKliH W1CKSTEAD. Phone M4.city clerk. A. copy of these specifications special treaunenu v. n.i. iiiutciitt:i , inai 14101 ar asinav-b- seen at the office or the consulting lor woman ai e lie knew, there had been only two oases or American nana Bldg. p. o. Box PLCatEEJtB.engineer or the city and at the office of the Fees. such Illness, with both attacks or s mild PUoTo l'LCMBEB, M Ttus. Hbone loot.superintendent or the city Waterworks at nsture. This yesr the board or trustess or-

reredADDING MACIUNtb. Work guaranteed- -

430 Mesa Ave. Each proposal must be ac-companied

. rewsrdjor ten cents a pound rorby a certified check properly all filet killed, to which Dr. Mckinley per oali'd.n Adding Maeztiaea. tie muu sc fay cash and1 sav money on your plumb-fo-

Indorsed and in amount equal to 10 per cent sonally aooea a similar amount. He re-commended

work. All work guaranteed. Phono We Buy Constitutionalist Currency Today at Following Pricesof the bid. The bidder to whom the eon- - that during lire month of April i i r. i .MM. AND PHKSHINli. tow. El Paao Plumbing Co., tie Southof next year, the board or trustees orrer a " ' Virginia. Carraña Currency 24 centtract Is awarded must be prepared to enter LAbitb' and géhW 'denning and' "pressing.reward or tt a pound, and thereby make the Chihuahua Currency 34Into a contract and rurmsn surety com we tase ouiy su uuautes 10 ttx up any centwork or exterminationpany bond In the sum or 35 per cent or the The and

even more thorough. suit, low W. overland St. Phone 380. asPAiitiNa Old Villa Currently 2J centamount of the contract within 15 days from mayor every member of the boardthe date or tbe award. Independent Assay Offtot agreed that the town's funds could not be OUMb repaired- - Allen Arms tt Cycle Co. V. s. MKXICÓ BHOKEBAGK CO. 105-- 7 San Frauctaoo

The right to reject any and all bids Is aavaausHga tees. expended to belter advantage.

reserved. C. W. FASSETT. City Clerk. D. V. Ractnusa. RJL. Proprietor. asax aeauee atooa License. SEWING Mi:MsihWAtnt ftr 0r eafaaara Jaaaaw eag The board discussed also tbe advisabilityF. H. TODD, or reducing the license or the sbWiNu machín ror rent. Toror the ciiy. OMemlMl Aumímlt. Ule Ilimited Aiamogordo easyConsulting Engineer nsi end Hiparle Umtrn. JWSSWi STsrS saloon from tl.sou to tl.suu a year, the re-

duction, uaiaGllVE JUaMNt-tE-running siauuard. Pnone Hoc. Fouls a

ir made, to become effective on ZtOKier, lit ft. Stan toa.isepl. to, when the payment or license for lut bLN vvii.LlAMo DeuicUvo Ageucy. Gunter HotelRAILROAD TIME TABLES Office and Laboratory: tbe nut quarter Is 10 be made. Authority ihvesugatlon tnauo ut civu auu cruuiiui

rl.fc.NT the easy l uunilig Wulle bad Slind-ard- ;sr. aes PsaMtaas A Utkaakaaani beat uuebmes m theuas delegated to Mayor McHee to coaler Vtaws. o u oi 11 itat. Bank aiug. i n. use.

world lor fam-ily C1RBFROOF BAN ANTONIO, TEXAS KVROPEANcl PAao. Tgxaa. kepau a guarameed.with Walter H. Keber, lessee andEffective 13.Ü1 I proprietor,Time Table No. 58, a. WHITE SbWIfili MACHirtfi OFFICE

May n. 1914. ne DikAl .A 4 11... to s. plantón. li. L. Btawart, Ágt. A Hotel Built For the ClimateTime Only.)(Mountain

usad caiiie, nor aes, mulsa, I'EKCY TYRRELL, Manager OFFICIAL HEAIIQCAHTEIIS A- - A. A.E. P. S. W. System. DR. Ay BURTON uauieu away i rae. fuoua 7 utuueuiausiy. SAFE AND LUCE EXPKMTR

BIG i:I(0LLME.T THIS TEAS.Front North and East Arrive. SAFES AND VAULTS opened by sound; 001 Callfornian 4:38 a.m. DENTIST 10 Hundred students Already Registered DHAUznsAN. drilling. 310 S. El Paso au Puoo ur--

Limited ,1:4&3 colden State p.m.At New Mexico A. aad M. College.

From the West Graduate Louisville College 13. c Tiilioch. LAST CALL!8 Copper City special... U. 7:45 a.m. Established her since lu. gTimc-- Hpcciet Correa pen nt OivAuGMiattAn. BTOitAU WAMEMOUSK.

4 Golden Slate Limited 3:30 p.m. College. N. M.. Sept. 3. The enroll All Ciaste ot vvora neatly Dune. EL PASO TitUNa. FACTOKY flew ware-house,Msli and Express pjn. 425 Mills Bldg. ment al the .New Mexico Agricultural college phone t. note! Monger, ga Texas. ales, tuceuoii; poallivvly luwasi Summer TouristPer North and East Depart. Pilones UHlce 1076; Re for the nrst two days of this scholastic raies. Phono lost.

4 Golden Stats Limited 3:41 p.m. year is the largest bad for many years. Of3 Callfornian p.m. Tuesday ana weanesaay over two nun KHMILlUt RatesFor tbe West dred students were registered for the ajIUtaT METAL VVUtUtS.

5 Mall and Express t:t0 a 111. preparatory and college course. This Is an3 Golden State Limited 3:00 pjn. Increase of t per cent over the enrollment ACME BIILL1 MtiAL vycimab Ueherti7 Copper City Special 7:ta p.m. OPEN ALL NIGHT lor tbe rirst two daya of ibis laat scholastic

year. From the present oatiook the raculty 65.' 1 0QZA-'h- - OsAoil, ON SALEBle Grande A Bl Paso Railroad. forecast a record attendance for ittl-iA- . UALO. B. OAS., Jtcj etc. I'll.

(Santa Fe System.) The engineering department or the college kluA rASAiiLMb.Arrive. f?i " has been rearranged and placed nadar Iba DAILY UNTILFrom the Nort- h-

tt :00 a.m.rtgn riMa d Tl iwautlT bead of a dean. Prof. A. F, Rara, assisted U't'Y BlOM CO., JV fl. Slauiuu. 1 bone tMt,

Mexico Express309 ueuvu a:, mainwAruntva pringa auc, SEPT. 80A W. uoddaid. iui meMO by puts depart-menttt5 El



North Depart,p.m. A. E. RYAN CU in much belter working order and kainwcu !. oau lúa' uiu gutu. Spanish bKabUAB- -

lit Kansas City and Chicago Past.. S:30an. place It 00 a level wun toe agricultural do 1M, oau Anion utuVKt vewtut ouparttaanL cuNVEMztAiioAAL uwiuou. Musi practical,

310 Chicago Fast Mall S.0Op.m.Lewis atanco, 01 iuuin, n. m raituur cohsg.

Hsrrlsburg San Antonio By. rived Wednesda;Galveston.

Pacific byatatu.) vear ht.h acboo WAfCOoB WaptHl af. MtaiU aptuaga tK,(SouthernArrive. Piral Lieutenant Samuel P. Herrén. United crystal, u. aU work guaianmua twoFrom the Bast:40p.m. AUTO STAGE UNES Stales amy, has been assigned to duty a geata. irttiwv. Jvwalrg Mt, oaii AU- -

.Sunset Express if..irurinr .1 ine róllese. COZfUBa bee. from101 Sunset Limited 9:15 p.m.

!torih Dakota Agricultural college, where be Jll'tMlUlfcitt. Flione No. 7Prom the West tsAAMsa to held a similar position. itpEW itiibita auu 00 100 auppiy i.u. Alt103 Sunset Limited t.J0a.m, Via Ana. car iaavaa rilnaa a.

uiaxca aoiu, leuieu aaa tvpaueu. sioi caltrornian 10 Jo p.m. Ally. Time s hours. Make raTihiin at RAM BOl'MD OVER. 1,1. Iiuj.i au aa&sAL ut., 140 aau Atui. el. Ji. AgL uoiuii. ijpuwMiui.DeparLFor the Eas- t- ucaici a Ul sciajy is oil, iuIuau,103 Sunset Limited t:tt Charged With VlolaUoa 4 Mana Aalte lárass. uuuea, W. Ptsutla 4auu. lAjUil.nUls10 Sunset Express :.llip.m. EL f d titUUfeJf AITU LINE. Slavery Act.

For tbe West .bbiAuis ttolii-t-, AStr J OA uo-- a lew McuLncLAA tutu, y Mine 70U. M i riscoFOH ALL MESILLA VALLEY KJIMTa.t:33 W. p. Bain, who was arrested last weeks.m.I Caltrornian Leave Auto cafa. a. El St. daily. In rnarre of having violated the white a. ovwiaitu. ovo taa101 Sunset Limited tJupm. cluding Sunday, at 4:46 a. to. naturnlng, lave statute, was bound ovar to the rodera) VtltJtlNAUt BtlMlaMOMB. We Euy Constitutionalist Currency

Tesa a Pacific Railway.leave Las Cruets po.tofnca dally. ioclJtt- - Brand jury which maesa In October, at hU maí jL?.utWMatai. lav a. A- - inuolNo pnon wo. aa souui Oarranzu CurrencyuiK aunaay. mr m risi tv a. IB.

From the East Arrive; vretinuDary ncmi i ikiu oemic ut Mao WtLóaJÍ Mol. oregun. noapiuu tur nortea auu uo Chihuahua T'.esiatnped CurrencyIU.S.W1.1 ir.uuiyj.yji mail UJOL United states iiimiaiawoer usiver yester-

day.3 Past Expresa 0:a.m.SO Faasanger service leaving bota AoawaB Hl bond, set at ISJjU, vat furnished llbl. octavia Chlhuuhua p

i Cannon Ball p.m. Jnaeuhlne Barger was the Dlincioal wit- OU Villa Currencyand Cagnaow daily and auadar al t a. aFor the East Depart.lor Picacho. Tinoie. itoudo. LlacouL Furl in the tiam white slavery eaafiM. sha WLSltOtt IVAsitl.Nü. Nat'l. Panh Phooe tt ISClannon Bait 7:4 Am. iM'-al- . Mlii ArtTlLaí AUk.Nct. CHIHUAHUA KXCHANOE. ot City Btdg.v that she came here from Central,Sisutoa, Caul tea and ItogaL Tbrouxb far teatinedt Fast Express t) pjn. uparía aad isiuig 04 luoivuiuar.. cut Vv am b o-- Window to clean, Phooa 7z.11c u ae.au. laicrzzmztaie pass as Dtt n. sa., an zeaposiaa wij auuic luairuc-ttoo- 01 the bauotiatwile. Bagtrta carried us to 17 frota Bam. who placed bar in the leetsuaa. amous-uu-

u --safeWaltsaal BaMways af tteites. 50 American bouse at Juarez a house-

keeper,at ttascaatu. Mrencle.

arrive-6:3- 0 "fártu she said that tata aad woaaeav rre RAIUtZ l AIcajaj,, Mgr., what finally bee aro of ihc colonel s iibal WANT ADS ALWAYS BRING RESULTSam. Juaras t:0Spm. owners sua uperaior. Hi m naratd Btdg. sunt TIMES


We Clo Monday On Account of Labor Day" OYSTER SEASON IS

A Thrift-Da-y Feature of HERE ONCE MORE

New Silk Dresses At $4.95 SXPTEMBIRrA80 Met'

Adrices rrnm Mobile aa New Ofiesas Give

A PREVIOUS shipment of these garment oíd out to fast that it was Not inierrerss WUB STe

necessary to eecure another collection. They are truly wonderfulThe firm nr September, which marks the

values and the new showing of fen some clever new ideas and patterns. opening or the oysterclosed

season snd the be-ginning or th.- season for straw

In the lot you will find striped mescalines, black and While, tan and white, hata, was hailed with delight in El Paso sndhundreds or people have crowded the

blue and white and the new solid color mescalines in navy. Copenhagen, snd cafei rr the past few daysto partake, of ravorlt m rood.

brown, green, wisteria and black, Also small floral effects in foulards Some little worry wan caused by the re-port thst the oyster rieet was about to be

made with box plaited tunics and wide girdles of self material and Glad - mobilized ror possible service against aforeign foe or to relieve the caused

one collars of white organdie. A Special White House áá AC by the withdrawal rrotn service or merchantS vessels of the warring nations. Telegrams,tyWrnVDature today at bring assurance that the alarm Was

assurance that t be alarm waa un-necessary snd that the gallant rieet ofdredgers, with full complement of OfficersAmoskeag Gingham Dresses $1.00 and dredgers, had sailed as usual tor theoyster beds, and that the specimens thusrsr brought in are worthy of the palate of

Just received a big shipment of thirty-fiv- e dozen new dresses made of the most exacting connoisseur.Oysters on the half shell, cocktail and

checked, striped and plaid Amoskeag Ginghams. Also plain colors in Íiaiiy asnow


as inaa dozen



on Schlitzpink, blue and lavender. The collection includes black white, pink-whit- the menu of all the popular downtown restaurants, and the amount spent to date by

blue-whi- te and other combinations. Plain and tunic skirt styles. Self those who have been patiently waiting fortne montn witn tne -- r nsi aireaoy as.

and button trimmed. Many with white collars and cuffs. Amoskeag sumed proportions calculator to bring Brownto the heart or the proprietors.label on each dress which guarantees the best d AA Before leaving ror Austin .Sunday evening,

Mayor Kelly Issued a proclamation author.J i .UUvalue in America at ,- zing waiters to serve oysters to men wearing straw hats until Hept uilx-r Id, takingthe high ground that there me those who,were they forced to buy a rail hat on theTlrst of the month, would be obliged toEvery Kiddie Will Want One! deprive themselves of their favorite deli-cacy, to the extent of the price or the ltd.

A New Shipment of Character Dolls Chamberlain's Colic,Remedy.

Cholera snd Diarrhoea

"I advised the 'boys' when they enlistenTor the Spanish war to take Chamberlain's

25c, 39c, 49c, 95c and Up tnem.Colic,






rortne advice given." writes J. it. iioughlanri, StrongEldon, Iowa. "No person whether travel-ingthe biggest shipment of dolls that ver came to El Partió ts now on display at or at borne should bo without this great

PERHAPS House and such Helling! Seems like Christmas time. Every Kiddle must have one. remedy." For ssle by all deslers. (Advertisement;.

Every style Including those dressed in rompers and long Infant dresses.styles and the best values wu have ever shown; No War prices on Dolls at The LinkWhite House. 4 ASKS INJUNCTION

Thrifty --Day Specials Today Only AGAINST WALKER Ifs your safeguard against impurity. It con-

servesNEW PARTY CASES 1.00 The beat values COLORED SILK GLOVES 7 Sr. Regular 1.00 the effort and integrity put into theyet Real Caff Ian leather and fully. 4 AA values In full IS button lengths. Fowne's and CENTRAL LABOR UNION BRINGS ACTIONvlVV AUAuvDa i! r.r.M.i rartvnequipped. While they last Myers Make. All sizes and colors. brewing.S6c Usle Vesta 17c. A special lot mercerised Extra special, the pair 79cHale and sleeveless. 1 "7Today 1 f V NEW ROMAN STRIPE BLOUSES $2.96. Just Organization.


ClaimingThatto Have

Dcfcndnnllie Iu-

la. It protects the beer from light

gSc SUMMER HOSE lac. One broken lot of in, the best valuo we have shown thus tar. Fias dorsemenl for "Official Orgaa."odds and ends In black, tan, blue and ky. Male messallne with new stripes. Some white plans

All sises. Extra special C vestee fronts, collars and cuffs. Othere No how the beerma cotton. $2.95 The central Labor union yesterday filed matter pure light playsthe pair self trimmed. While they last . an Injunction in the upectgl district court


Henrythe Texas

m. walker,Union,

ownera weekly


lisher havoc with the purity and starts decay;published Ml El Psao. to temnoi-acll- restrain Walker from advertising his paper asme otticist organ or tne central Labor healthfulls,rMiJ,SJirBHSA.iX)j union. Pure beer is a food.

In the petition the plauttirr states thatPhono when the Texas Union was established In4580 tow the


indorsementLabor union


authorizedthe news-

paper Beer in light bottles is ??? See that Crown iswaiaer to sdvertise the paper as the orri branded "Schlitz: Hrlsl organ or the plaintiff. This Indorsement, however, waa revoked in October,'The Store of Service' :E3 hum. according to tnu petition, and tne defendant was notiried or the action by theccnirsi i.auor union ana was requested todiscontinue advertising nts psper as tne or

FIVE GATHERED IN. ricial organ or the plalntirr. apose or lila person, and J. C. Teles, re-

ceivingPrfsaaert la wnd Trlsl st Forthcoming and concealing stolen property.Wslker

The plaintiffhas not


In the.with

petitionthe request

that ft a in Brown BottlesTerm or County Cauri.

BUUAR FOR MEXICO. aim nas conunuea 10 aavcruse ms newsFive srresft ere raids yesterday by the Dsner as the official organ or the Centra

sheriff office in Pises to umi berore AMUSEMEPffSj LaborEl Paso Sells KIS.MO Cosslsa union, obtaining many subscriptionsthe "county court during the tteptemher

tm- ni to Mexico. in thst manner and, the complaint setsterm, Names Of derendsnti snd


., One or the bigg'st alea or sugar ever tortn. doing great damage 10 tne plaintiff Phone Bell 261or which they stand rliargedconsummated here was concluded yester-day

ana 10 me pupuc.itimon




Manuel when an CI Paso mercnant sold a Plaintiff prays the court to grant a tem- - Bert Ramsay & Co,weapons', consignment wortlt or IS5,U0Q to tho arinjr porsry injunction restraining Walker from aV I" sJH5sbsi 800 So. Oregon St.authorities in Chihuahua. The sugar was advertising ms paper ss the official organ BBV

paid Tor In Mexican money and wis entered I MM lit DAY AT ALUAMBRA. of the Central Labor union, and from fiir- he Beer El Paso, Tex.Labor Day will be a rala one at the At.at the Juarei custom house ror Hhlpinnnt thtr advertising that he has the indorsementCASTORIA outh to diirerenl point!. In the division orinadoIiattibra



the management.to announcement

Fromor tne planum snd that tne temporary re w

tho north. '. o'clock In the afternoon, the M straining orncr do made permanent upon

For Infants and Children For Small Apartments. inliaiubra

the confectioneryquintet will give

on thea special




hearing.case win come up at 9 o'clock this That Made Milwaukee Famous.Roauttrul Mahogany case Houdolr Plana, The Dallas comedy quartet, now appearing morning before judge M. agio or tne spe

In Use For Over 30 Years especially msde ror small rooms. Price St the theater, will also render a number ciai district court.' walker nas peen orAlways bears H7í.oo. Bi.oo ier month. The quality Is or their songa. Herearter, every Monday dered to appear in court and show causa No orders solicited or accepted from any counties or subdivision of any counties In Texas where ths qualifiedthe rein-- not boequal to that In a isso.oo, large sue puno. arrernoon will be why prayed for should

El Paso Piano Co., W8 South Side of Texas new playhouse. A"reception

concert willdsyy"


the granieu. voters thereof nave by a majority vote determined that the sale of intoxicating liquors shall be prohibited therelaat 81. (Advertisement.) every week on thst day, In the conrectlon-ery- ,

between S and t o'clock. BREVITIES"Our. building Is completely rinlshcd which was destroyed bv fire a few day Lewis, who stated thst Tsylor had crim-

inallynow," uld the proprietors yesterday, "and (Advertisements.) (go. He expects to return Saturday- assaulted his daughter, Madge Lewis,we are In a position to give the public the who he claims ts under 15 years of see.best there la In the vaudeville line. We Dr. Ebert, Dentist, Mills Bldg. The Heidelberg, Phone 27. the best Lewis claims that on Sunday night hehave booked s month's program of acts ill South Santa Ft is now open for busi cleaners. White work specialty. missed his daughter from his home. Insti-

tutedrtrnoon will be "reception day" at tho Dr. Anna Reum. t Buckler Bldg. ness, ir you want a real genuine Dulce a search Tor her, knowing that shebest on the Pactric coast. The babies' rest Lunch there I the pise to go. Everything Dr. Paget. Dentin. Hob, a Ban. Bldg. was with the soldier. He claims to haveroom is proving a popular place, as we Don't give your haggago checks to any new and clean. Fritz ts manager and you proof against Tsylor.knew it would when the Idea was first one on the train. Save ihem for Longwell's u know what that means. VITAL RECORDconceived. quick auto delivery service, phone 1

"Beginning- nest Monday, the Alhambra Southwestern Weather Forecast. Twenty-fiv- e dollars reward for lnforma--will open st ll o'clock very morning New York Cotton message. B the Amociated Prett leading to the arrest of the party 'WhoMotion plcturei will be run until 6 o'clock stole Dr. P. M. Rlgdon's automobile Thurs- -tn the evening, when the

By th' Anoclatrd Prraa vyasnington, sept. 3. west Texas, wew GARCIA M liarla Ontlveras Viuda deI ucgiu.

vaudeville will New York. SeDt. 3. The meeting of tne Méjico and Anconi: Fair Friday and Sat Garcia, su, sept. l. Burled Sept. s in Con-

cordiaNew York Cotton Exchange members held urday. County cemetery.here todsy to receive the report or the aiMON Eugene Oulon, ST, Sept. t. Burled

THE BIJOU. International conference, unanimously' ap Finest goods Sept. 3 In Evergreen cemetery.ttomalne Fielding will be seen todsy lit proved the plan suggested for tne seme

GALVESTON AND RETURN . .$34.40 "The Dreamer," a t Lubln pro- - ment or the straddle interest snd conttn Marriage Uceases.aucuon. i nts is tne first picture Mr. Field ued the committee for the purpose o large stock or roofing oaner of best FEUILLE-LEV- Frank FeulU to t

On Sale Daily; Limit Oct. 31st. tng has appeared tn ror a long time and working out the details of the liquidation. quality, ll.so per roll and up. Lander Lum-ber P. Levy, both of El Psso. FAYWOODhis rollowers will be glad to see him again. Co. Phone sre. KLE1 N - sch.ne l lER Lawrence Klein to

GALVESTON AND RETURN $26.80 "The Reveler," another of Seng's west- - Save your baggage checks for Longwell's Fannie Schneider, both or El Paso.em r.onicnies, mat sre Becoming so DODU quics oetivery service, Phone t. Gevemaient Insurance Bureau. Eldredge G. Hows to Hotlar. will also be on the program. Bv the taoei(g Prest Elizabeth J. crorr. both of El Paso. SpringsOn Sale Fridays; Limit 0 Days. Saturday, as usual, the Bijou will show Nr. D. W. (lourley, who was operate;' on Washington, sept. 3 rne government HAURCHAN QUIQLEY John J. Haurchamone of George Ada's funny comedies, en bureau of marine war risk Insurance began to Margaret Qulgley. both of El Past.

VIA titled -- The Fable of the Two Mandolin organization today, bnt quoted no ratesPlayers, and the Willing Perrormer." This and received no requests ror insurance Automobile Licenses. The Cure for SCIATICAis a good one, don't rail to see It. SUA M. A. Jahon. ess San FranciscoPhone I for rent cars. street, ror a rive passenger Overland tour-

ingand all form of Rheu-

matismSUNSET ROUTE PROGRAM AT THE UNIQUE. car.Todiy-go- nd program. Unlveraal Ike Jr. 5S7 ro H. w. Lackland. SIS ateas avenue, and Gout.come, they are always good. Rex drama. r s two passenger Reo roadster.

"Daisies;" pretty theme for the subject ann WW To Jim Turner. 05 Mesa avenue.City Ticket Office No. 206 No. Oregon. Joker comedy "Oh, What's Galveston Parties Safe. ror a Bulek roadster. DR. JU F. MÜBRAT.

the Use?" Tomorrow. Ford Sterling dar. Jfg k associates' Pre Resident Physlolaa.This awfully funny man In a laughable ssninirton. sept. 3. TOdsv's dlsoatches 80LDIER FACES UGLY CHARGE. T. C McDEHUOTT.spasm "A Bogus Baron." Also fine Victor to the state department, reported the safetydrama, "The Derelict and the Nan," with or .Minnie Rteardo of Galveston, and Anna Proprietor.

mat is ainerwni. Hunaay and Non utestecK or San Antonio, at Bremen. Mistreatment ofday. serle Ito. 3 of "The Trey O'Hearts.' ThirteenthC. L. Taylor, a private of theiiw.iwy.iwwwigvyswkw.i Better each time. Phone l for Longwell's taxtcabs. infantry, will be given a preliminary bear Faywood Hot Springs

"TrW FATAL PLUNQE." ALMAMBRA. Dr. Jamleson. diseases of ktdnev. mg at 2 o'clock tuts afternoon perore jusder. skin and rectum. SIS MIU Bldg. ttce of the Peace E. B. McCltmock, on ;

This Picture node Now Mexicowas In Germany and charge of criminal assaulu Taylor wasIs full or thrills- The story is one In which arrested Wednesday by the contable s of-

ficeFine Planning Sunday School Work.Mountain love and hate are the supreme, emotions. W.on a complaint sworn out byAn exceptionally good vaudeville bill f A committee from the Baraca clasi or theottered, In Kgny and Mundell. and the Dallas Trinity eMthodlst church. Is at work onComedy Four. Big attendance this week plans ror the fall campaign which startsproves their popularity. Piral show begins

on Sunday next when W. B. willo. y. in. i.uuioiuuus porionusuce. For Absolute Success GillespieCrabapples resume charge. A special effort will be NEXT TO THAT COMESHONESTY n THE BK8T POUCT. OCRS.ALICE JOYCE AT WIGWAM. In Raising Chickens Feed msde to have every member present. DurAlice Joyce win be seen st the Wigwam ing r. iuespie'9 aosenre me ante as-

sistanttoday In tne sixth of the Alice Joyce series teacher. 0. L. Jones, has been in The Two Republics Lifeor complete dramas, entitled, Old "PERFECTION" HEN charge. An effort Is being nude to induceArmy Coat. ' Tais Is a two reel feature ung men not conneciea wiin any oilierand wa made at Jacksonville. Kla during AND CHICK FOOD ble class to make Trinity Baraca class Insurance Companythe recent Confederate reunion there. There tneir -- nome.will also be two or those It will produce healthiertunnyFourteen Pounds for One Dollar chicks, than food oa tho GoJding, ths wall locatedoiograim awmucg. any papar man. now Am honest man without an honest policy Is neglecting his honestmarket. at sit Trust Biag. pnone titr. duty to those dependent upon him (or support.

ANOTHER BIG CROWD. TRY IT afford' to take the chance of leaving your wife"The Call of the- Woods," produced by Electric motors sold and repaired. South Ton cannot suedMurphy's Comedians, at tne Crawford thea-ter

western Electric A Machine Co., BM Sao children without protection. Make It your first duty to ass that theylast night, drew a full house and For Sale By All Grocers francisco sireei roone in. aro provided for in oas anything should happen to you.



It Isoiu,


a biggeris saying

plesaer thanPhone I for auto baggage trucks. If your hone Is mortgaged take out a policy in aufflciawt amountWATSON GROCERY uuug- -

some- - W. D. Wise Seed Co. to cover It Toar family will than hava a horn that no taadiordRev. Dorsey S. Mcwborn, returned last earn drive them out of and Into th street.

Psr Sagall Aparta!. night to ms nome it Anmony, n. si. Phots sit, or call at office, adxth floor Two Republic Lafs210-21- 2 TEXAS STREET Wholesale and RetailBeautiful MibSSSBy Boudoir Piano.case will furnishedBuilding, and full particular ho by a courteousNeed Glasses! Ask segal!. IOS Tex St.,especially mad tor small roohii. Price

siw.tio. so.oo psr month. Th quality U Seed Feed Poultry near Oregon. agent of th company without any obligation oa your part.Telephone. to tint In tSM.oo. large sis piano. Don't put Off until tomorrow "delays are dangerous."Suai Supplies Imported beer oa draught at the Osa.Co., BOS South SidePiano of Texas IT your birthday is near at hand, got your policy now. Bvery ywaur

pi. i.uenimiiui. 10 N. Stanton, I Rev. J. B. Cochran has gone to Arts a lldtS ta your aga oail fag a higher rada.Reed (Masses? ask Sagall, Ms Teas St. Phone 11 LSI.. .. io aasisi i!

mar Oregon. (advenuK-mea- JMprss oa ths Me