Global Shiatsu Virtual Gathering Presents: ZOOM Sharing #27 10/17/2020 October 2020 ©2020 Five Lights Center, Inc 1

ZOOM Sharing #27 10/17/2020 - The Five Lights Center

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Global Shiatsu Virtual GatheringPresents:

ZOOM Sharing #27


October 2020 ©2020 Five Lights Center, Inc 1

Today’s Sharing10/17/2020 11am

• Opening Three Bows by Kumiko

• Introduction to Shizuto Masunaga sensei’s

Zen Shiatsu by Roberto Palasciano, Shiatsu Milano Editore Team

• Closing Meditation with Kumiko

To see all Zoom gathering recordings go to:

The Five Lights Center:https://www.fivelightscenter.com/globalgatherings

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Fivelightscenter

October 2020 ©2020 Five Lights Center, Inc 2

三礼: The Three Bows Chanting

• Namu Shinnnyo Ichinyo to Totoki Mi-hotoke o Nenji Tatemastsuru.

• Zangi Zenge Rokkon ZaiShou Metsujo Bonnou Metsujo Gosshou.

• Om, Saraba Tatagyata, Hanna Mannanou Kyaromi.

I meditate on the Buddha to be in oneness with Shinnyo.

I humbly reflect and repent for what I have done driven by the six senses and vow to eliminate delusion and karmic impediment. I shall also help others not to make the same mistakes.

I prostrate myself before the feet of all Tathagatas.

October 2020 ©2020 Five Lights Center, Inc 3

Yin – Yang

October 2020 ©2020 Five Lights Center, Inc 4



• Introduction to Shizuto Masunaga sensei's Zen Shiatsu

• by Roberto Palasciano, Shiatsu Milano EditoreTeam

[email protected]


October 2020 ©2020 Five Lights Center, Inc 5

1.Our experience of translating and publishing ancient Japanese texts by

Serena Trotti & Manuela Perardi // shiatsu therapist and Shiatsu Milano

Editore: editorial collaborator

2.Practice Zen shiatsu: Shiatsu through the meridians – a trip in Shizuto

Masunaga Sensei’s original books

3.Talk & demonstration by Roberto Palasciano – shiatsu therapist and

teacher, Didactic director of the Milan branch of the International School of

Shiatsu Italy Editorial director of SME

4.Self Anpuku practice by Manuela Perardi

October 2020 ©2020 Five Lights Center, Inc 6

Shiatsu Milano Editore

Our experience of translating and publishing ancient Japanese texts

Serena Trotti / Manuela Perardi

shiatsu therapist and Shiatsu Milano Editore editorial collaborator

October 2020 ©2020 Five Lights Center, Inc 7

we are in connection from

2011 with IOKAI Shiatsu

Center in Tokyo and we

have a good cooperation

with Haruhiko Masunaga

Sensei (Shizuto

Masunaga’s son and

present Director of IOKAI

Shiatsu Center, IOKAI

Shiatsu Research Institute)Keiko Masunaga San

Roberto Palasciano – Tokyo 2011 Haruiko Masunaga Sensei

Roberto Palasciano – Tokyo 2011

October 2020 ©2020 Five Lights Center, Inc 8

October 2020 ©2020 Five Lights Center, Inc 9

2.Practice Zen shiatsu: Shiatsu through the meridians– a trip in Shizuto Masunaga Sensei’s original books

Roberto Palasciano

shiatsu therapist and teacher, Didactic director of the Milan branch of the International School of Shiatsu Italy Editorial director of SME

October 2020 ©2020 Five Lights Center, Inc 10

«Keiraku shiatsu» shiatsu treatment by Shizuto Masunaga Sensei

Shizuto Masunaga


Keiraku to shiatsu «Meridian Shiatsu»

“The meridians represent the flow of ki and ketsu, two elements basic to life itself ” (by: Shiatsu Manuals 1st months – S.Masunaga )

@Keiko Masunaga

@2017 licensed by ShiatsuMilano.it Srl

All right reserved

October 2020 ©2020 Five Lights Center, Inc 11

Shizuto Masunaga Sensei – Books


“Shiatsu” by Shizuto Masunaga translated into English and

many other languages around 1970/80 as “Zen Shiatsu”

SHIATSU - S.Masunaga

October 2020 ©2020 Five Lights Center, Inc 12

Coming soon:

Stories of Zen Shiatsu Treatment

This is the book that will be released shortly in English.

Shizuto Masunaga Sensei – Books Coming soon:

October 2020 ©2020 Five Lights Center, Inc 13

Shizuto Masunaga Sensei – Books

“Shiatsu Manuals” 1960s / 1970s

Even today they are current and are used both at

the IOKAI Shiatsu Center in Tokyo as a textbook

(and now, thanks to translation, in some Italian


These 4 Manuals complement our knowledge of

this great master's original shiatsu.

October 2020 ©2020 Five Lights Center, Inc 14

Keiraku to shiatsu

A series of articles written for two publishing houses of

Japanese Natural.

This book is currently only available in Italian and French.

Shizuto Masunaga Sensei – Books

October 2020 ©2020 Five Lights Center, Inc 15

If each of us really should live

stopping to see the world according to

a dualistic way,

we would start a revolution.

Shizuto Masunaga,

Keiraku to shiatsu

October 2020 ©2020 Five Lights Center, Inc 16

3. Talk

by Roberto Palasciano

shiatsu therapist and teacher, Didactic director of the Milan branch of the International School of Shiatsu Italy Editorial director of SME

October 2020 ©2020 Five Lights Center, Inc 17

Keiraku to shiatsu

The three principles of


- Vertical pressure

- Stationary pressure

- Supporting pressure

two hands = equal pressure

two points in contact



Theory and


tonify Kyo - sedate Jitsu

apply meridian’s theory

yin- yang

features of the 5


and meridians

Sho (diagnosis)

Abdomen (hara)


Arms and legs stretching



physical, psychic and

spiritual Sho (diagnosis)

October 2020 ©2020 Five Lights Center, Inc 18

Back Diagnosis

In Oriental medicine, haikou-shin (hai = back, kou = observe and shin = diagnosis) is the method used for diagnosing back conditions through observation

Arm and leg stretching

Hara Diagnosis

kyo e jtsu meridian’s sheark trough by Shizuto Masunaga’s 4 Diagnosis

October 2020 ©2020 Five Lights Center, Inc 19


Back Diagnosis Map











October 2020 ©2020 Five Lights Center, Inc 20



LUNG (Large Intestine)


(Triple Heater)

HEART (Small Intestine)

October 2020 ©2020 Five Lights Center, Inc 21


Hara Diagnosis map

October 2020 ©2020 Five Lights Center, Inc 22

3. demonstration

by Roberto Palasciano

shiatsu therapist and teacher, Didactic director of the Milan branch of the International School of Shiatsu Italy Editorial director of SME

October 2020 ©2020 Five Lights Center, Inc 23

October 2020 ©2020 Five Lights Center, Inc 24


October 2020 ©2020 Five Lights Center, Inc 25


4.Self Anpuku practice by Manuela Perardi

October 2020 ©2020 Five Lights Center, Inc 26

10 minutes ???

Our English books

S.Masunaga - Shiatsu Manuals – 1st month

S.Masunaga - Shiatsu Manuals 2nd month

Y. Muraglia - Do-in Masunaga - Zen Exercises for long life

available also in e-book version on the major platforms

Coming Soon:

Tales of 100 treatments

Masunaga Shiatsu Manuals - 3nd and 4nd month


[email protected]



October 2020 ©2020 Five Lights Center, Inc 27

October 2020 ©2020 Five Lights Center, Inc


September 2020 ©2020 Five Lights Center, Inc

Hannun Lyn - Ceramic Artist


October 2020 ©2020 Five Lights Center, Inc 29


Our Hands together – One Heart ~ One Planet

October 2020 ©2020 Five Lights Center, Inc 30

Youngbloods - Get Together (1967)

October 2020 ©2020 Five Lights Center, Inc





Add Ewa’s global shiatsu video from

home page

Thank you!

See you soon!

October 2020 ©2020 Five Lights Center, Inc 32