2 ال ؤ س ل ااول الDialogue ال ؤ س ل ااول ال ة حادث م ل ا( ) د ن ع اول ن ت ا هد ال ؤ س ل ا! ب! ج$ ي عاة را م ى تلا ا- : ! ب! ج$ ي. ظ ف ح اداوت هام ف ت سلا ا ة$ ي تلا ا دا$ ن! ج- : دام ح ت سلا ا ى عن م ل ا داةلا ا دام ح ت سلا ا ى عن م ل ا داةلا اد عد ل ا م كد عد ل اHow many اء$ ن سلا ا ما ا / مادWhat ة$ ي م لك ا ر سع ل / ا م ك ة$ ي م لك ا ر سع ل / اHow much L كان م ل اL ن$ ي اWhere رعة س ل ا م ك رعة س ل اHow fast ! ب! ب س ل ا ا ماد لWhy ؤل لط ا مدة ل / ا م ك ؤل لط ا مدة ل / اHow long L ن م ز ل ا ى منWhen ة ساف م ل ا م ك ة ساف م ل اHow far ة$ ي لك م ل اL ن م لWhose 1 ة حادث م ل ا را ق ن م ث دمة ق م ل ر ا ط س ل ا را ق نL ان! ب! ج$ ي ؤلة ه س! ب ة حادث م ل ال ا ؤ س ى عل ة! ج!اثp لا اL ن مL ن مك ت ت ى لك: ؤع ض ؤ م ى عل رف ع تw ت ى جن لة كام. ة حادث م ل ا2 ها . س ف ن ة حادث م ل ى ا ف و ا دمة ق م ل ر ا سط ل ى ا ف واردة ت ن كا ا م اد ه ت ف$ ت. ظا وو و ث حد ت$ تL ن$ ي ص الد ا ح ش لا ا رف ع نL ن د ا! لاب3 ى اL ن$ ي ث حد ت م لص ا ا ح ش لا اL ا مكان ن س ف ن ع ا ض نL ان ا ن$ لي ع! ب! ج$ ت فL ن$ صي خ شL ن ي! ث دور ب ة حادث م ل اL ن ا ا ارب! ن ت عp ى ا ف ع ض نL ن د ا! لاب لك د ن! عد ر$ مي ض ل دم ا ح ت س ب ا نw ت اI , you ! ال ث ؤ س ة! د وج ق ات$ ن ص خ ش ل جد ا اL كان ا دp ا لا ن م ف ة! ج!اثp لا ال وا ؤ س ل ى ا فYou ة$ ي عل رد ي ف ر$ مي ض ل دام ا ح ت سƒ ب§ اI . حدت ت م ل ى اw ن ت ر ا ا! ن ت عp ى ا عل4 رف ع نL ن د ا! لاب لك لد ال ؤ س ى عل رد ن و ال ا ؤ س ة! وج ثL ان ماp ا ق ة! ج!اثp ال وا ؤ سL ن ع ارة! ن ع ة حادث م ل اL ن م ا عل نL ن ا! ب! ج$ ي لك د ن! عد ى: ه ال و ؤ س ل اL ن$ ي ؤ ك ب ة ق$ رن ط دا$ ن! ج هام ف ت سp ا داة ا+ ساعد م ل ع ف+ ل ع ا ق+ ى صل ل ا ع ف+ وج!دL نp ا لة م ك ب+ هام ف ت سp ا لامة ع? ً ا ص$ ن ا ال ؤ س ل اء ا ر! ج ى ا ف ا! وب ساعدة م لل ا عا ف لا ر وا ن ما ض ل ل ا ن م ؤدة! ج ؤ م ل ا ة! ج!اثp لا اL ن م د$ ن ف ت س بL ن ا! ب! ج$ ي ال ؤ س ل اL ن$ ي ؤ ك ب د ن ع! دا ث! ن ت ة! ج!اثp ا اك ن هL ؤن ك ب دما ن عYes و اNo ل ع ف ل س ا ف نً ا! ن تر ق نL ؤن ك$ بL ن ى ا ع را ن ساعد و م ل ع ن! ف ال ؤ س ل ا دا! ن تL د ان! لاب ق ر$ مي ض ل ا ل ن م ة روف مع ل ا لات$ ب ؤ ح ت ل ا ض ع! ن عداعد ما سا م ل اyou ر$ مي ض ل ى ا ل ؤل ا ح$ يI و س عك ل واam ى ل ؤل ا ح يare وwas ى ل اwere و س عك ل واmy ى ل ؤل ا ح يyour ع مL ؤن ك ب ة سان! ق ل ا لات$ ب ؤ ح ت ل اL م ان عل ل ع ا مI وyou ى ه ما ك عال ف لا ر وا ن ما ض ل ى ا ت ت لك ا د ظ ما عد ف ف ة! ج!اثp لا ى ا ف وج!د$ ث م ل ا دp اyes و اno هام: ف ت سp ا داة ا! ال ب ؤ س ل ا دا! ن ت ق

مهند 1ث مراجعة ترم اول

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Page 1: مهند 1ث مراجعة ترم اول


Dialogueاالول الســــــــــــــــــــــــؤال

( ) المحادثة االول السؤال : - االتى مراعاة يجب السؤال هذا تناول عند

: - جيدا االتية االستفهام اداوت حفظ يجب

االداةالمعنىاالستخداماالداةالمعنىاالستخدام Howالعدد كمالعدد

many / مااالشياء


/ الكمية كم/ السعر الكميةالسعر

How much


WhyلماذاالسببHow fast السرعة كم السرعة Whenمتىالزمن How long / المدة الطول كم / المدة الطول

Whoseلمن الملكية How far المسافة كم المسافة How الوزن كم الوزن

heavy Whichاى االختيار

How االتساع كم االتساعwide

الفاعل/ المفعول العاقل


Howكيف الطريقة How high االرتفاع كم االرتفاع: - االتية السؤال تكوين قاعدة استخدام و حفظ يجب

االداةمساعد فعلفاعلاساسى فعل مكمالت استفهام عالمةمثـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــال


السطر : 1 نقرأ ان يجب بسهولة المحادثة سؤال على اإلجابة من نتمكن لكىالمحادثة نقرأ ثم كاملة حتى نتعرف على موضوع المحادثة . المقدمة

البد أن نعرف األشخاص الذين يتحدثوا ووظيفتهم اذا كانت واردة فى السطر 2المقدمة أو فى المحادثة نفسها .

بعد ذلك البد أن نضع فى إعتبارنا أن المحادثة تدور بين شخصين فيجب علينا ان 3 فى I , youنضع أنفسنا مكان األشخاص المتحدثين أى أننا نستخدم الضمير

فنرد عليه Youالسؤال واإلجابة فمثال إذا كان أحد الشخصيات قد وجه سؤال بـــ على إعتبار أننى المتحدث . Iبإستخدام الضمير

بعد ذلك يجب أن نعلم أن المحادثة عبارة عن سؤال وإجابة فإما ان نوجه سؤال 4أو نرد على سؤال لذلك البد أن نعرف جيدا طريقة تكوين السؤال وهى:

عالمة إستفهام ? + تكملة إن وجد + فعل أصلى + فاعل + فعل مساعد + أداة إستفهام

عند تكوين السؤال يجب أن نستقيد من اإلجابة الموجودة مثل الضمائر واألفعال المساعدة وباقى أجزاء السؤال أيضاs عندما تكون هناك إجابة تبدا

فالبد ان يبدأ السؤال بفعل مساعد ونراعى أن يكون تقريباNo s أو Yesبـــــ youنفس الفعل المساعد ما عدا بعض التحويالت المعروفة مثل الضمير

were الى was و are تحول الى am والعكس و Iيحول الى الضمير your تحول الى myوالعكس و

فقط ما عدا ذلك تبقى you و Iمع العلم ان التحويالت السابقة تكون مع الضمائر واألفعال كما هى فيبدأ السؤال بأداة إستفهام:no أو yesإذا لم يوجد فى اإلجابة

السطر : 1 نقرأ ان يجب بسهولة المحادثة سؤال على اإلجابة من نتمكن لكىالمحادثة نقرأ ثم كاملة حتى نتعرف على موضوع المحادثة . المقدمة

البد أن نعرف األشخاص الذين يتحدثوا ووظيفتهم اذا كانت واردة فى السطر 2المقدمة أو فى المحادثة نفسها .

بعد ذلك البد أن نضع فى إعتبارنا أن المحادثة تدور بين شخصين فيجب علينا ان 3 فى I , youنضع أنفسنا مكان األشخاص المتحدثين أى أننا نستخدم الضمير

فنرد عليه Youالسؤال واإلجابة فمثال إذا كان أحد الشخصيات قد وجه سؤال بـــ على إعتبار أننى المتحدث . Iبإستخدام الضمير

بعد ذلك يجب أن نعلم أن المحادثة عبارة عن سؤال وإجابة فإما ان نوجه سؤال 4أو نرد على سؤال لذلك البد أن نعرف جيدا طريقة تكوين السؤال وهى:

عالمة إستفهام ? + تكملة إن وجد + فعل أصلى + فاعل + فعل مساعد + أداة إستفهام

عند تكوين السؤال يجب أن نستقيد من اإلجابة الموجودة مثل الضمائر واألفعال المساعدة وباقى أجزاء السؤال أيضاs عندما تكون هناك إجابة تبدا

فالبد ان يبدأ السؤال بفعل مساعد ونراعى أن يكون تقريباNo s أو Yesبـــــ youنفس الفعل المساعد ما عدا بعض التحويالت المعروفة مثل الضمير

were الى was و are تحول الى am والعكس و Iيحول الى الضمير your تحول الى myوالعكس و

فقط ما عدا ذلك تبقى you و Iمع العلم ان التحويالت السابقة تكون مع الضمائر واألفعال كما هى فيبدأ السؤال بأداة إستفهام:no أو yesإذا لم يوجد فى اإلجابة

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, Yes, No ,Sure ,Certainly , All right , Of Courseاذا كانت االجابة تبدأ ب Not at allاالتية ) ( : و كان في الجملة القاعدة اتبع ذكره سبق مساعد فعل

مع ? باقي الجملة + الفاعل + الفعل المساعد مراعاة التحويالت

@ ……………………………………? -( Will you go to school by bus ? ) & yes, I will go to school by bus.

: االتية االفعال فنســــــــــــــــــــتخدم الجملة في مسا فعل يوجد لم اذا اما* do (s) اذا كان الفعل مضارع من غير * does ( s) اذا كان الفعل مضارع به * did اذا كان الفعل مــــــــاضي @……………………………………..? ( Did you go to school by bus ? ) & Yes, I went to school by bus .

محادثات جمل

- المستشفى11. What is the matter with you? ؟ مالك2. What’s wrong with you? ؟ مالك 3. How do you feel? تشعر بما 4. I don’t feel well بالمرض اشعر5. I have pain in my ) leg-ears…( ( اذنى – ) رجلى فى الم لدى6. How long have you had this? ؟ هذا من تشكو متى منذ7. Is it serious doctor? ؟ خطير االمر هل8. Do I need an operation? عملية احتاج هل 9. No, don’t worry تقلق ال ال 10. You should have a rest تستريح ان يجب 11. How long have you been smoking? تدخن متى منذ 12. you should give up smoking التدخين عن تقلع ان يجب 13. How often shall I take this medicine ? الدواء هذا اخذ ان يجب مرة كم 14. Every day يوم كل

القطار -محطة21. Can I help you ? خدمه اى 2. I’d like a ticket to ) Cairo ( للقاهرة تذكرة اريد 3. Single or return ? وعودة ذهاب ام ذهاب 4. single , please ذهاب 5. First or second class? ثانية ام اولى درجه 6. How long does it take to ) Cairo (? القاهرة حتى تستغرق الوقت من كم 7. Have a nice journey سعيدة رحلة لك اتمنى 8. Which platform? رصيف اى من 9. Platform 5 5 رقم رصيف 10. When does the train to ) Cairo ( leave? للقاهرة المتجه القطار يغادر متى 11. When does the train to ) Cairo ( arrive ? المتجه القطار يصل متى

للقاهرة12. How much is it? الثمن كم 13. it's for LE 15 15 مصرى جنيه

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-المطعم31. What would you like to have ? تأخذ ان تريد ماذا 2. I’d like to have ----------) fish ( سمك اريد 3. ; How do you like fish ? السمك تحب كيف 4. Fried, please 5. What about the dessert? الحلو عن ماذا 6. How much is the bill? 19 LE الحساب كم 7. here is the money الفلوس هى ها 8. keep the change علشانك الباقى خلى

مالبس -محل4

1. can I help you ? خدمة اى 2. yes, I want to buy …….. كذا اشترى ان اريد نعم 3. What size? المقاس ما 4. size 50 50 مقاس5. What colour? اللون ما 6. red, please فضلك من احمر 7. Can I try it on ? أقيسه ممكن 8. I want something longer / shorter / cheaper ارخص – اقصر – اطول شيئا اريد 9. How about this one ? هذا فى رأيك ما 10. Can you show me some more ? المزيد ترينى ممكن11. Well, I will take it سأخذه حسنا 12. how much is it ? ثمنه كم 13. Can I get a discount? تخفيض ممكن 14- Any thing else? اخر شىء أى 14. No. thanks شكرا ال

سائح -مع5

1. Could you tell me the way to …… الى الطريق تخبرنى ممكن ......2. yes, go ahead then turn left يسارا استدر ثم طوالى امشى 3. is it far from here? هنا عن بعيدة هى هل 4. where are you from? انت اين من 5. I'm from …….) England ( من انا ..... 6. How do you like …..) Egypt (? فى رأيك ما ......7. it's fantastic رائعة 8. How long will you stay here? هنا ستبقى كم 9. I will stay for 3 weeks اسابيع3 لمدة سأبقى 10. Is this your first visit ? االولى زيارتك هى هل 11. No, I came here twice before قبل من مرتين جئت ال 12. Why are you here ? هنا انت لماذا 13. I’m here on business عمل مهمة فى انا 14. I’m here for sightseeing للفسحة هنا انا

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1. Can I speak to Ali , please ? فضلك من على اكلم ممكن 2. I’m sorry he is not in now االن موجود , ليس اسف 3. What time will he be back? سيعود متى 4. Please, ask him to call me back بى االتصال يعاود اجعله فضلك من 5. I’m sorry you have the wrong number خطأ النمرة اسف

Situationsمواقف) الثانى السؤال (situations)Exercises الموقف

1- You greet a friend in the morning - Good morning.2- You meet a friend in the afternoon. - Good afternoon.

3 -You meet one of your friends in the evening. - Good evening.

4 -You meet a friend on your way to school. - Hello. or Hi. How are you?

5 -You are going to bed to sleep. - Good night.6- Your friend asks how you are. You reply. - I'm fine, thanks.7- You leave your friend to go home. - Goodbye.8- You meet your boss for the first time. - How do you do? or Pleased to meet you.9- Your friend introduces his brother to you. - How do you do? or Pleased to meet you.

1 -Greetings:اليوم - 1 تحيات

ReplySituation Good morning Good morning Good afternoon Good afternoon

Good evening Good evening شخص – 2 f مقابلة

ReplySituationHow do you do? تشرفنا How do you do? I'm fine, thanks � شكرا ?How are you بخيرA lot better, thanks أفضل

كثيراHow are things?

Pleased to meet you, too � أيضا سررت

Pleased to meet you

شخص – 3 مغادرة

مريض – 4 زيارة

شخص – 5 تقديم

1- You want to borrow a book from your friend. Can I borrow your book,

2 - Request الطلب

meaningSituation ؟ أن يمكن الفعل + Can I / Can weهل ?مصدر

ReplySituationGoodbye – Bye bye Goodbye – Bye bye See you later. See you later. بعد أراكBye for now Bye for now السالمة معGood night Good night خير تصبح

ReplySituationI'm fine, thanks. � شكرا ؟ ?How are you بخير حالك كيفA lot better, thanks.

شكرا ، بكثير أحسنHow are things? األمور؟ كيفHow are you feeling?

ReplySituationHow do you do?Hello, I'm + اسم Nice to meet you.This is + اسم Pleased to meet you.I'd like you to meet + اسم

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please?2- A friend of yours requests you to lend him a pen. Here you are.3- You ask your mum politely to let you watch TV. May I watch TV please, mum?4- You don’t agree to give a friend your dictionary. I'm afraid you can't. or sorry, I need it myself.5- You agree to help a friend with his / her work. Yes, of course. 6- Your sister asks if you mind giving her somemoney. You agree to give her. No, not at all.

؟ أن يمكن الفعل + May Iهل ?مصدر؟ أن يمكن الفعل + Could I / weهل ?مصدر

؟ تمانع الفعل + Is it Ok if Iهل ?مصدر؟ تمانع الفعل + Do you mind if Iهل ?مصدر؟ تمانع ? would you mind + v. + ingهل

الرد على الطلب

Refusing رفضAccepting قبول

Sorry, I can't.Yes, of course. / sureSorry, no.Certainly. Here you are. تفضلSorry, I'd rather you didn't.All right. Go ahead تفضل I'm afraid you can't.No problem./ No, not at all

مالحظة على الموافقة أو القبول عند (No, not at all) استخدام - الحظ مثل أسئلة

- Would you mind …….. ?- Do you mind …………..?

Ex:- Would you mind if I took your mobile? - No, not at all. القبول - Yes, I would. الرفض

1- You are at home. You suggest watching a film. How about watching a film on TV?2- Your sister suggests playing computer games. Agree. That's a good idea.3- You don't agree to go for a walk. You are tired. No, thanks. I'm very tired.4- You suggest going to the club in the evening. Let's go to the club.

3 – Suggestion االقتراحاالقتراحات تقديم -meaningSituation

ال ........ مصدر + Why don't you/weلما?

؟ ....... فى رأيك What/how about + v. + ingمابنا ........... مصدر + Let'sهيا

؟ ....... أن لنا مصدر + Shall weهلأن ........ . مصدر + We couldيمكننا

االقتراحات على الرد -Refusing رفض Accepting قبول

No, thanks.Good idea. جيدة فكرةNo, I'm afraid I can'tYes, great idea.No, I'm not very keen on Yes, let's.

1- Your friend tells you that his father is ill in hospital. I'm very sorry about that.2- Your sister tells you that she got the full mark in English. Well done. 3- Your brother hasn't passed the exam. What bad news.4- One of your friends has

4 – Congratulations and sympathyالمواساة و التهنئة

meaningGood news يا لها من أخبار

عظيمةWhat wonderful news !

! Congratulations مبروك –تهانَّي¥ ! Well doneأحسنت

! Great newsخبر عظيم� .That's really greatذلك عظيم حقا

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got a gold medal in tennis. CongratulationsmeaningBad news

يا لها من أخبارسيئة

What bad news !

! Oh dearشئ مؤلم أنا شديد االسف

لذلكI'm very sorry about that.

� .Oh no ! I'm so sorryآه، ال أنا آسف جدا

1- Your friend apologizes for losing your ball. You accept. - Never mind. or - It doesn't matter.2- You borrowed a book from your friend and lost it. - I'm very sorry. I have lost your book.3- Someone spilt tea on your new shirt. He apologised. - Never mind. or - It doesn't matter. 4- You apologise for your friend for losing his pen. - I'm very sorry. I have lost your pen.

5 – Apologisingاالعتذار meaningApologising

أنا آسف ،ألنى .......

I'm very sorry, but + فاعل + فعل

ألنى ....... + فاعل + Excuse me. I'm afraidأعذرنى فعل

أعتذر أن يجبفعل + I must apologise, Iألنى

عن ...... أعتذر I apologise for + v. + ingأناالرد

Refusing رفض Accepting قبول

Well, I hope you will + v. أن أتمنى � .... حسنا

That's OK. ما شئ كل يرامIt doesn't matter. يهمك ال و

Oh dear! well, please can you )mend it( هل ، ويحى

تصلحها؟ أن يمكنك

Never mind. بالك تشغل ال

Don't worry about it.

1- Ali visits you at home. You want to offer him Something to drink. - Would you like some orange juice?2- You politely refuse a friend's offer to have a meal in a restaurant, giving reasons. - No, thanks. I have to go to the dentist now.

6 – Making offersعمل العرض

ReplyOffer- Yes, please.Can I bring you + شئ ?- No, thanks.Could we help with + اسم ?- That's kind of you.Would you like to have tea?

Would you like some juice?Will you have fish?Shall I carry this bag for you?

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1- A friend asks you what you would do if you were a teacher. - If I were a teacher, I'd do my best to help the pupils.

2- Your sister is in trouble. She asks your advice. - If you are in trouble, you should your parents for help. 3- One of your friends isn't good at English. He asks your advice. - If I were you, I'd read and write more

7 – Giving advice اعطاء النصيحة

meaningGiving adviceكنت ، مكانك كنت لو

مصدر + If I were you, I'dفعلت .

عليك مصدر + You shouldيجبعليك يجب مصدر + You shouldn'tال

أن االفضل مصدر + You had betterمنأال االفضل مصدر + You had better notمن

الردNot acceptingAccepting

I'll think about it.Yes, I know I should.I'll make my mind.You're right.I'll see.I know I shouldn't.

Yes, I'll do it.

4- Your friend asks you about your opinion on Abu Trekka. - I think Abu Trekka is a fantastic player.5- You ask your friend about his opinion on Arabic films. - I think Arabic films are interesting.

8 – Expressing opinionالرأى عن التعبير

Expressing opinion

Asking for opinion

I think he is + صفةWhat do you think of + ?اسم

I think she is + صفة

ما رأيك فى ...... ؟

In my opinion he is …

Exercises1. You are introducing your friend Sami to your friend Hisham.2. You are going to entertain your cousin Omar to dinner.3. You seem worried about passing the exam.4. Your father is angry with you because of spending too much time in front of TV.5. You got lost in the centre of the city. You are asking a traffic policeman the way to the National Bank.6. A tourist asks you about the historical sites in Egypt and you advise him to get a tourist guide.7. You ask your friend if he is ready to go shopping with you.8. You don't know the meaning of some difficult words and you ask your teacher about them.9. You are a tourist and you are visiting Egypt for the first time. You ask your guide about the places you will visit.10. Your father is giving you a present on your birthday. 5 I - Your teacher is angry because you are making a lot of noise. 12. Someone is talking to his friend in the school library and you are unable to read well.

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13. You see an old man carrying a heavy bag.14. Your friend Ahmed got high marks.15. You want your teacher to tell you about the story you are going to read.16. Your brother made a big noise.17. Today is your sister's birthday.18. You liked the food offered to you.19. You want to borrow your friend's camera.20. Your friend Omar offered you a present.21. You apologize for coming late.22. You thank someone for helping you.23. Someone is crossing the road without looking right or left.24. You suggest going to Alex to spend the summer holiday.25. You wish to own a car.26. You hear the door bell ring.27. The sky is full of dark clouds.28. Your younger brother asks you to help him with his homework.29. Your friend says he hasn't got a pen.30. You don't understand the meaning of a word.31. You can't hear what somebody is saying.32. Somebody is talking too quickly.33. You don't know how to spell a word.34. You have completed an exercise.35. You want to know what to do next.36. You want the teacher to tell you what an Arabic word is in English.37. You want to know the answer to a question.38. Your friend thanks you for your help.39. Your friend suggests not to do the homework today but you disagree politely.40. You request your friend politely to go with you to the library.41. Someone asks you the way to the bank.42. You go through your English book.43. You want to know something about scorpions.44. You want to know where Ahmed Zewail was born.45. You ask about the use of microscopes,46. You ask someone politely to open the window.47. You want your teacher to repeat the question.48. You want to borrow a pencil from a friend.49. Your classmate asks to use your ruler.50. You want your neighbour to allow you to use the telephone.51. You want to ask your teacher a question.52. You want your brother to close the window because it is rather cold.53. You want to borrow your neighbour's dictionary for a while.54. You want to use your neighbour's telephone.55. You are sitting at the table for dinner. You want your neighbour to pass the salt.56. You are busy in most cases on Saturday.57. You believe your neighbour is nice to some extent.

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58. You are not sure your uncle will visit you tomorrow.59. Your friend has written a story. You politely tell him you don't like it.60. Your friend wants you to help him. You agree strongly.61. You say politely he is poor.62. You strongly disagree that he will be dismissed.63. Advise your brother not to play in dust.64. Your sister tells you she is thirsty.65. Your brother asks you why you are climbing the tree.66. Your father asks you when you are going to the club.67. Your classmate tells you he has forgotten his pen.68. You want some information about Dr El-Baz.69. You want to know when your plane to London takes off.70. You want to ask what Remote Sensing means.71. You want to know what would happen if ice in Antarctica melted.72. You don't know how to spell the word "conceited".73. You want to know what to do next.74. You want the teacher to tell you what the word is in English.75. You want to know the answer to a question.76. You thank someone who helped you carry your bag.77. You ask a policeman the way to the station.78. Your friend thanks you for doing something for him.79. Your friend asks how your lunch is.80. You are seeing your pen-friend off at the airport.81. You don't like a film.82. You visit your friend, then you want to leave.83. You don't understand what your brother says because he talks too quickly.84. Your friend believes education will be at home in the twenty-first century. You agree but not very strongly.85. Your brother says there will be no shopping in ten years. You agree strongly.86. Your friend thinks war settles problems between nations. You disagree politely.87. Your friend says he believes in astrologers. You disagree strongly.88. Your host says, "Stay with us."89. Your guest says, "I must leave now."90. Someone thanks you for your help.91. A relative asks you to visit him.92. You are visiting your uncle and it is getting late.93. Your guest thanks you for the tea.94. You find you should leave early.95. You would like to watch TV.96. Your host hopes you will visit him again.

المنهج كلمات أهمadvice نصيحة internationally � عالمياalive الحياة قيد على jewellery مجوهراتancient عتيق. قديم junior . . ناشىء السن صغير

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archaeologist أثار عالم land on يهبط. أرضarticle مقالة leader قائدastronaut فضاء رائد major رئيسىbiography ذاتية سيرة modern حديثbrave شجاع ordinary عادىcalm هادىء nuclear نووىceremony إحتفال photography التصويرchampion بطل points نقاطchampionship بطولة polite مؤدبcheerful مبتهج popular شعبىchemistry كيمياء prize جائزةchess شطرنج professor جامعى أستاذcollect يجمع project مشروعcritical . حرج نقدى qualities صفاتdiscuss يناقش quantity كميةeducate يعلم quiz فزورة . أحجيةeducation تعليم race سباقenjoyable ممتع railway حديد سكةexciting مثير receive يستلمexpert خبير remember يتذكرfact حقيقة remote sensing بعد عن إستشعارfamous for مشهور sand رملfemto second ثانية فيمتو satellite صناعى قمرfirst aid أولية إسعافات score هدف / يحرز يسجلfit مناسب. ألئق shape شكلfinger إصبع society مجتمعforget ينسى soil التربةfriendly ودود space الفضاءfunny مرح squash إسكواشgeologist جيولوجيا عالم statue تمثالgive back يعوض. يرد stone حجرgoal هدف strong قوىgrow up يربى. يكبر succeed in فى ينجحhard-working عمله فى مجتهد successful at ناجحheadmistress ناظرة talented موهوبhigh school ثانوية مدرسة thanks to بفضلimportant هام the same as مثل. · تماما مثلinclude يشمل tools أدواتinfluence يؤثر. تأثير underground . مترو األرض تحتinstitute معهد youngman شابinteresting مثير. شيق guess ·خمن يauthor م·ؤلف wear يلبس- يرتديfeminist نسائَّي neck رقبهpredict يتنبأ metal معدنَّيpartner شريك the pharaohs الفراعنهrocks صخور professional محترفlater بعدذلك competition مسابقهappearance المظهر character شخصيهgirls' education البنات تعليم laureate - علَّي الحائز ب الفائزeducation تعليم educationalist تربوي عالمadopt يتبنى on board ) سفينة ) متن علىadult بالغ paid األجر مدفوع

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arrest على يقبض play . يلعب. يعزف مسرحيةbecause of بسبب pocket جيبbelong to يخص prison سجنbirth ميالد punish يعاقبBritish بريطانى refer to إلى يشيرcentury قرن reflect الضوء. يلقى يعكسclerk موظف report تقريرcriminal مجرم reward يكافىء. مكفئةcrowded مزدحم Russian روسىdeath وفاة sequence نتيجة . . توالى تتابعdescribe يصف sew يخيطdetails تفاصيل share يشاركdiscover يكتشف society مجتمعearn يكسب take place يحدثedge حافة the country الريفEngland إنجلترا thief لصevents أحداث thousand ألفfactory مصنع village قريةfelucca مركب workhouse العمل بيتforce يجبر. قوة writer كاتبFrench فرنسى tale حكايةgang عصابة choice اختيارgroup مجموعة crew البحارة طاقمgrow up ينمو. يكبر real حقيقَّيhard صلب. صعب fisherman صيادillegal قانونى غير field مجالin debt مديون unknown معروف غيرinstead of من� بدال introduce يقدمkidnap يخطف thriller مثير/ كتاب فيلمkinds أصناف. أنواع science fiction علمَّي خيالlook after بـ يعتنى office clerk مكتبَّي موظفlook for عن يبحث break into يقتحمmain رئيسى half bother شقيق غير أخmoral - عبرة- اخالقَّي

عظةniece االخت او االخ ابنه

nationality جنسية novelist روائىnearby مجاور niece . األخت بنت األخ بنتpocket - جاكت) جيب

بنطلون(novel رواية

address عنوان once مرة. ذات مرةaloud الصوت عالى pain ألمanalyse يحلل painful مؤلمaround حول partner شريكattach يوصل password مرور كلمةbelieve يعتقد photographic فوتوغرافىboastful تباهى phrase عبارةbrain مخ pick up يلتقطbreathe يتنفس possible ممكن cells خاليا powerful قوىcomplex معقد pronounce ينطقconcentrate on يركز receive يستلمcontinue يستمر recent جديد . العهد حديث

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control يتحكم recently . � حديثا قريب عهد منdelete يحذف repeat يكررdigestion هضم reply to على يردdisappointed محبط scientist عالمdistance مسافة second ثانىdownwards ألسفل send يرسلeasy سهل senses حواسe-mail إليكترونى بريد smell يشمeyesight النظر sound صوتfeel يشعر special خاصfind يجد specific محددforget ينسى store يخزن . مخزنfree time فراغ وقت suggestion إقتراحglasses نظارة sunlight الشمس ضوءguess يخمن sure متأكدgym ألعاب صالة

رياضيةsurprised مندهش

hearing السماع take out of يخرجheart القلب taste يتذوقhide يخبىء. يختفى temperature الحرارة درجةhold يمسك terrible فظيعholes حفر touch يلمسholiday أجازة useless at الجدوى . عديم فائدة بالhuman بشري voice بشر صوتidea فكرة weather طقسimagine يتخيل remember يتذكرincredible مذهل . ·صدق ي ال for example المثال علَّيinformation معلومات immediately الحال فَّيlearning التعلم add يضيفlight خفيف . ضوء calculator حاسبه الهlist قائمة damage يتلفmaths حساب . رياضيات together � معاmemories ذكريات normal عاديmemory ذاكرة weigh يزنmessage رسالة promise وعد- يعدmodest متواضع bright ساطع- المعambulance اسعاف سيارة method طريقه- وسيلهinsect حشرة heart القلبread out مرتفع بصوت يقرأ useful for ل مفيدturn the other way االتجاه فَّي يقلب

االخرapartment شقة panda دب ) ( بنداarchitecture معمارية هندسة president رئيسarea منطقة pride فخرathlete رياضى proud فخورAustralia إستراليا quality صفة . نوعيةbeach شاطىء quotation إقتباسbeat يهزم race بشرى . جنس سباقbiology األحياء علم recent . حالى حديثbreak a record رقم يحطم

قياسىretire يعتزل . يتقاعد

British بريطانى Russia روسيا

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English انجليزى sailing اإلبحارcapital رأسمال . عاصمة several عديدcapitalism رأسمالية spend ينفق / وقت يقضىchampion بطل sporty family رياضية عائلةchampionship بطولة squash اإلسكواشcharity خيرية جمعية Swedish سويدىlose against ضد يخسر swimmer سباحcommon شائع swimming pool سباحة حمامthe most common � شيوعا االكثر sympathetic عطوف . متعاطفcontinue يستمر train قطار . يدربcrossing عبور trainer مدربcup final نهائيات كأس trip قصيرة رحلة

decide on+اسم يحدد turkey تركياdecide to+مصدر يقرر type = kind(of) نوع

design يصمم at university جامعةdisability إعاقة weekend أسبوع نهاية عطلةdistance مسافة world العالمdrowned غرق giant عمالقEngland إنجلترا give up عن يقلعevent حدث graduate يتخرجexhaust يتعب hero بطلexhausted متعب heroic بطولىexhaustion تعب how long / المسافة المدة طول ماfollow يتبع interpreter فورية ترجمة يترجمgenerosity كرم Italian إيطالىgenerous كريم Italy إيطالياnews أخبار king ملكnickname شهرة . إسم لقب language لغةmountain جبل manager مديرbusy مشغول medicine دواءcharity خيرية مؤسسة moment دقيقةat weekends العطالت فَّي

االسبوعيةgeography الجغرافيا

several العديد narrow ضيقsports woman رياضية امراة nickname الشهرة- اسم لقبsports man رياضَّي رجل save ينقذhelpful نافع- مفيد details تفاصيلhero بطل a government building حكومَّي مبنَّيheroic بطولَّي the English channel القنال

االنجليزيheroine بطلة northern شمالَّيchina الصين the crocodile of the Nile النيل تمساحabsolutely � تماما manage to يدير . ينجحaccident حادث marlin المارلين سمكهalive الحياة قيد على mountain جبلambulance إسعاف natural طبيعىAmerican أمريكى nature الطبيعةapprentice حرفة يتعلم صبى Nobel prize نوبل جائزةarms أسلحة novel روايةathlete رياضى novelist روائىattack هجوم . يهاجم ordinary عادىbait ط·عم outdoor خارجى

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British بريطانى pain ألمcamp يعسكر . معسكر poem قصيدةcamping الخيام . ضرب

يعسكرpride of بـ فخر

childhood طفولة promise وعد . يوعدclimb يتسلق headlines الجرائد عناوينcompletely تام بشكل raise - يربَّي . يزيد يرفعdanger خطر rather بخالفdesire رغبة red cross األحمر الصليبduring أثناء relationship عالقةEurope أوربا remain يبقى . يظلevents أحداث report تقرير . يبلغ تقريرEverest إفرست rescue إنقاذ . ينقذexhausted م·تعب rest راحةextremely للغاية sail يبحرfarewell وداع set off إنطلقfiction خيال shark قرش سمكةfurious حانق . غاضب sink - sank يغطسgive up عن . يتخلى ·قلع ي skeleton عظمى هيكلglad سعيد Spain أسبانياguest ضيف storm عاصفةhuge ضخم successful ناجحillness مرض talented موهوبimaginary خيالى tent خيمةin detail بالتفصيل together . � معا � سوياinjured مجروح wartime الحرب وقتintroduce يقدم world war العالمية الحربjoining words ربط كلمات worried قلقjournalism=the press صحافة wounded مصاب . مجروحjournalist صحفى presenter مقدمknowledge معرفة language لغةknowledgeable االطالع واسع crash يصطدمlifeboat نجاة قارب activities انشطهlength طول storm عاصفهliterature أدب a farewell to arms ( اسم للسالح � وداعا

قصه(lose weight وزن يفقد degree ) - حرارة ) علميه درجهput on weight s وزنا يزداد flag دوله علمtitle - كتاب) عنوان

لقب(/ قصهgo back to=return to الَّي يعود

according to - حسب ل � طبقا sort of من نوعagainst ضد idea فكرةairbag الهواء حقيبة implications المتضمنة المعانَّيamount كمية airbag هوائية حقيبةas well as إلى على/ باإلضافة عالوة inflate بالهواء ينتفخbattery بطارية inspector موجه . مفتشbring in يحضر. يجلب instead of �من بدالburn يحرق interior داخلىconsequence توابع invention إختلراعdamage يتلف- يحطم lungs الرئتينdesign يصمم make out of من مصنوعefficient كفؤ natural gas طبيعى غازelectric كهربى navigation االتجاه) تحديد مالحة

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والموقع(electricity كهرباء ordinary عادىenvironment بيئة oxygen أكسجينexcited مثار protect from يحمىexhaust عادم recharge الشحن يعيدexpect يتوقع replacement for بديلexpert خبير report تقرير fill with بـ يمالء run on بـ تعملfor أجل من satellite صناعى قمرforms أنماط . أشكال store مخزن. يخزنfumes عوادم suggestion إقتراحfurther أبعد system نظامfuture مستقبل take over المسئولية يتولىgases غازات traffic jam مرورى إزدحامhealth صحة vegetable oil الخضروات زيتhydrogen هيدروجين vehicle مركبةhusband زوج working on على يعملengine موتور- محرك fuel وقودempty فارغ type=sort نوعroute طريق bright المع= ساطعfield مجال engineer مهندسaffect علَّي يؤثر industry الصناعةeffect تأثير increase يزدادevidence دليل decrease=reduce يقلenergy طاقة pollution التلوثlead to الَّي يؤدي pollute يلوثresult in يسبب solve يحلstore يخزن solution حلpetrol بنزين without بدونburn petrol البنزين يحرق instead of �من بدالefficiently بكفاءة solar power الشمسية الطاقةattract يجذب for and against وضد معavoid يتجنب infect يعديbathe يستحم infected ملوث . بعدوى م·صابbird flu الطيور إنفلونزا infection عدوىboil يغلى infected birds مصابة طيورcall يتصل insects حشراتcaller متصل make sure يتأكدcleanliness النظافة meal وجبةcover غالف. يغطى pass يمرر- يجتازcovered with بـ م·غطى poison سمdamaged محطم poisonous=toxic مسممdirt قذارة promise وعد . يعدdirty قذر protect from من يحمىdisappear يختفى recent حالىdisappointed حزين. م·حبط rule قاعدةdisease=illness مرض sanitation=public cleanliness النظافة

العامةequip بالمعدات يجهز smell رائحة . ذات يشمexpert on فى خبير stomach معدةextremely للغاية subject مادة. موضوعfarm birds المزارع طيور tap صنبور

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flies ذباب tin صفيحةgerms جراثيم touch يلمسgym رياضية ألعاب صالة unusual عادى غيرhumans بشر weather طقسhygiene=personal cleanliness الشخصية النظافة wild birds برية طيورcatch ·صاب ي worry يقلقoutbreak of المرض انتشار بداية multiply يتكاثرdomestic منزلَّي under control السيطرة تحتlaw قانون wild مفترسlimit يحدد get fit جيدة صحة فَّي يصبحland on علَّي يهبط public عامelectrical كهربائَّي kettle غاليةcleanliness النظافة sink حوضloneliness الوحدة carelessness االهمالspread ينشر politeness االدبfresh طازج setting an example � مثاال يعطَّيrecover يتعافَّي- يشفَّي cause يسببkeep safe � امنا يظل exercise تمرينseat belt االمان حزام advertisement أعالنthe middle east االوسط الشرق wear يلبس- يرتديserious جاد- خطير out-of date قديمequipment اجهزة- معدات up-to-date حديثstaff الموظفين هيئة ward مستشفَّي فَّي عنبرgermicide للجراثيم مبيد improve يحسنsubject موضوع believe يصدق- يعتقدlimit يحدد domestic منزلَّيdie of من يموت kettle غاليةprevent يمنع visible مرئَّيlead to الَّي يؤدي invisible مرئَّي غيرprecautions االحتياطات tinned food=canned food م·علب طعامalert تحذير- أنذار organ الجسم من عضوlying around حولك من متناثرة more often المعتاد من اكثرa glove maker قفازات صانع poem قصيدةa hat maker قبعات صانع play مسرحيةa play مسرحية poet شاعرa rich patron غنَّي- نصير مشجع poetry الشعرactor ممثل prison سجنartist فنان refer to الَّي يشيرat the age of سن فَّي retire الَّي- قايت يحال عد

المعاشcapture يأسر revision مراجعهcompare يقارن river Thames التيمز نهرdiary يوميات road accident طريق حادثهdiscuss يناقش soldier جندىdiscussion نقاش- مناقشه the owner صاحب- مالكfamous مشهور theatre المسرحfinancial problem ماليه مشاكل true حقيقىinjured أذي- به لحق مصاب truth الحقيقةmusician موسيقار wander يتجولobvious واضح well known مشهورpart owner شريك ashamed بالخجل يشعرpatron . مشجع . مؤيد راعى without بدون

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perform يؤدي wonder يتعجبplane طائره writer كاتبsave ينقذ part-owned � جزئيا مملوكةseveral العديد theatre people المسرحيينquiz معلومات مسابقة a theatre group مسرحية فرقةdaughter ابنة a turning point تحول نقطةprepare يجهز- يعد guilty مذنبeffect تأثير make mistake خطأ يرتكبdefinitely بالتأكيد midlands او االوسط الجزء

الدولة من الداخليfinance يمول obvious واضحbeat يهزم realize ·درك يtruth الحقيقة risk مغامرة- يخاطرsample عينة at the beginning of بداية فَّيplaywright مسرحَّي كاتب support يؤيد- يساندon the stage المسرح خشبة علَّي luckily الحظ لحسنadvantages مميزات negative سلبىdisadvantages عيوب positive إيجابىarchitecture معمارية هندسة palace قصرashamed of شَّيء من خجالن

غلطper cent بالمائة

shy بطبعه خجول pleased with من مسرورcriticise ينتقد popular with لـ مألوفdecide to أن يقرر population السكان تعدادemperor إمبراطور public عام empty فارغ queen ملكةentertainment ترفيه- تسلية safely بأمانentrance مدخل safety األمانfare أجرة skyscraper سحاب ناطحةancient قديم stand in فى يقفfill in إستمارة يمأل the statue of liberty تمثالfill with بـ يمأل structure تركيب. بنيةforeign أجنبى symbol ( of ) رمزfreedom حرية talk about عن يتحدثharbour للسفن مرفأ tall building طويل مبنىhistoric تاريخى town مدينةhome of موطن wide . واسع عريضimportant for لـ هام overcrowded مكتظimportant to لكى هام metal معدنboring ممل narrow ضيقbusy port مزدحم ميناء main رئيسَّيstate والية park منتزهcost تكلفة- يكلف add يضيفarticle مقالة capital عاصمةempire أمبراطورية traffic المرورtheatre مسرح the united states المتحدة الوالياتbusiness centre تجاري مركز swimming pool سباحة حمامtourist agencies سياحية وكاالت immediately الحال فَّيfree time الفراغ وقت represent - ·مثل ي عن ينوبemployment توظيف sightsee سياحية معالم يزورpopular شعبَّي- محبوب advertise ·علن يespecially خاصة facilities تسهيالتexample of ل مثال on the underground مترو فَّي

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االنفاقin the centre منتصف فَّي in the middle of منتصف فَّيdon't miss a visit to ل زيارة تفوتك ال prices are sky high مرتفعة االسعارget to الَّي يصل stand for الَّي يرمزreside in فَّي يقيم living ) عايش) حَّيabout حوالَّي poster بوستر- ملصقdo so badly in the school test المدرسَّي االختبار فَّي � سيئا اداء يؤديone of the world's most important business centres التجارية المراكز أهم من

Choose the correct answer1.I know the (famine / family /fame /fortune) next door to me.2. He cannot use his hands; he is (a disabled/ an abled / an active a healthy) worker.3. A group of criminals who work together are a (team/ gang/ tent/crowd ). 4.(An adult / A child / A baby / An infant) is a fully grown person.5.There's a very serious side to her (person/ character/ individual/speaker).6. He is the ( guard/ soldier/ official / guest) speaker at this conference.7. Many artists were dependent on wealthy (singers/patrons/ patterns/ actors).8. A female principal in a school is a (headmaster/headpiece/ headphone/ headmistress).9. (Architects /Archaeology/ biology/ Geography) is the study of ancient societies by

examining what remains of their graves and tools.10. He's a long distance (runner/ walker/ mover/ footballer).11. Please return the keys to the ( apprentice/ adult/ boy / clerk) at the front desk.12. He presents the news on television; he is a (footballer/ teacher/reporter / writer).13.( A work house / A house / A flat / A palace) is a building where poor children are sent

to live.14. The use of electric cars could reduce (solution/ pollution/ refusal/ oxygen)15. Everyone looked happy and (relaxed/ bored/ tired/ upset).16. Dr Hawass wants the (diamond/ Rosetta/ gold/ silver) Stone to be in Egypt.17. There is a big (rock/ stone/ statue/ diamond) of Ibrahim Basha in The Opera Square in

Cairo.18. You should (shake/ change/ check/ charge) your answers before leaving the room.19. Geologists usually study (rockets/ blocks/ clocks/ rocks).20. Patients (gain/ score/ take/ give) medicines to get better.21. Dr Farouk El-Baz is the world's greatest (explorer/ dramatist/ writer/ expert) in remote

sensing.22. "Major" means very (short/ tall/ bad/ important).24. Your battery is empty. It needs (recharging/ filling/ pushing/ shocking).25. Who is to (blame forgive/ love/ respect) for this bad situation.26. People have to pay much to travel because the (weight/ amount/ price/ measure) of

petrol is very high.27. Students have to write (ideas/ lines/ requests/ hopes) before they write a composition.28. In the (past/ present/ future/ year) all cars will use vegetable oil.29. Cars are (damaging/ building/ raising/ moving) the environment as they cause

pollution.30. Fm going to (shake/ discuss/ push/ pull) some of the ideas for and against this

suggestion.31. He was badly wounded and sent to (factory/ school/ charity/ hospital).32. We decided as a (group/ gang/ team/ crowd) of honest people to agree on this

suggestion.33. Nurses should have special (adjectives/ qualities/ faces/ movements).34. The main (character/ champion/ person/ individual) in the story died.35. (Flies/ Animals/ Seeds/ Salts) usually land on uncovered food.

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36. Uncovered food usually (attracts/ detects/ detains/ runs) germs.37. This food smells bad. It may be (healthy/ poisonous/ wealthy lively).38. He is (ill / happy/ pleased/ free) in hospital.39. They were (appointed/ disappointed/ infected/ reflected) by the bad news.40. He asked for roast (chickens/ flowers/ onions/ tomatoes).41. You can only get to the island by (rain/ boat/ coat/ umbrella).42. Industry continued to expand at the (expect/ expense/ acceptance / refusal ) of

people's health.43. The look on Tom's face (painted/ expressed/ photographed/ pictured) utter despair.44. Can I make a (quiz/ suggestion / trick/ queue) about spending our holiday?45. He went to hospital because he was (wealthy/ healthy/ injured/ rescued).46. The police have caught the man (inspected/ suspected/ respected/expected) of

murder.48. She was (satisfied/ upset/ confuted/ reflected) when she lost the diamond ring.49. If you had done enough revision, you would have done well in the( ).50. Cordelia doesn't know how to (ascribe/ upset/ describe/ expect) her love for her father.51. Shakespeare (managed / worried/ married/ beat) a farmer's daughter.52. Shakespeare became (unpopular/ unknown/ famous/poor) because of his great plays.53. She loves her work; so she takes great (hate/ pride/ scorn/ price) in it.54. Thousands of soldiers were taken (guests/ visitors/ prisoners ) during war.55. Nabawiya Musa was (unknown/ famous/ infamous) because she was the first Egyptian

woman to go to high school.56. Dr Zahi Hawass wants to ( fetch / bring / lend / borrow) ancient statues and jewellery

from other countries.57. Modern is the opposite of (famous/ known / ancient / deep ).58. A femtosecond is a millionth of a billionth of (a second / an hour / a minute / a day ) 59. When Dr Zewail received his prize, many scientists, students and important men came

to the (party/ festival/ wedding/ ceremony).60. Dr Farouk El-Baz was (taken/ educated/carried/learned ) at Ain Shams University.61. Teachers always ( score/ win /give/ take) advice to their students.62. Plants grow better in (soil/rock/space/pets ).63. Dr Farouk El-Baz gave advice on where (astronauts/ astrologers/ astronomers/

geologists ) should land on the moon.64. ( An amateur/A geologists/ A professional / A biologist ) is a person who does a sport

as a paid job rather than a hobby.65. To be a successful actor, you should have certain ( qualities / adjectives/ marks /

proofs )66. The young man committed the crime under the ( watching/listening/influence/

reading ) of drugs.67.The police should treat prisoners in a (rude/severe/wicked/humane )way.68. (Education/ Birth/ Death/ traffic) control is essential to solve the problem of over

population.70. He has (made/ caused/ reasoned/ told) with the salesman for an hour.71. What's the (reason/ advice/ cause/ moral) of the crash?72. We (caught/ brought/ discussed/ fought) the problem of unemployment together.73. Charles Dickens is most famous for his (poems/ epics/ novels/ plays).74. Ramez has a good (memory/ information/ knowledge/ eyesight) for faces.75. A teacher needs to (remember/ forget/ abolish/ delete) his students' names.76. The human (heart/ lung/ brain/ stomach) is responsible for controlling the whole

body.77. Shakespeare is so (popular/ polite/ interested/ funny) that all countries know him well.78. Nasser fought imperialism ( cheerfully/ cowardly/ bravely/ politely).

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79. Large numbers of people came to cities to (want/ take/ make/ look) for work.80. Many poor women wash clothes at the (edge/ front/ back/ end) of the river.81. There were many complaints from the (nearby/ narrow/ lost/ large) neighbours.

82. They worked for very long hours to (win/ earn/ gain/ beat) enough money.83. The patient died because he hadn't taken enough (entertainment/ care/ surprise/

shock).84. Oliver Twist grew up in a School/ workshop/ workhouse/ greenhouse) because his

mother died when he was born.85. Mr. Brownlow was so kind that he stopped the police from (feeding/ forgetting/

drawing/ arresting) Oliver.86. You have to enter a user's name and (passport/ key/ password/ master) to get into the

system.87. In a restaurant the waiter offers the customers the (list/ menu/ mile/ mat).88. A camel can travel for long Speeds/ balls/ distances/ halls) without water.89. Normal human body (heat/ sweet/ sweat/ temperature) is usually 37° C.90. Our brain is more complex than the most (beautiful/ powerless /priceless

/powerful; )computer.91.Our brain (fuels/ trains/ receives/ stores) past memories.92. Our brain (divides/ controls/ subtracts/ adds) our breathing.93. My father (thanked/ warned/ promised/ begged) to buy me a new computer next month.94. He is loved because he is (proud/ unkind/ humane/ inhumane).95. Someone who studies soil and rocks is called (a chemist/ a geologist/ an astronaut/ an

astronomer).96. (Physics/ Chemistry/ Biology/ Phonology) is the scientific study of living things.97. Abu-Heif was one of the best Egyptian (doctors/ swimmers/ scientists/ teachers).98. My brother did a (heroic/ generous/ proud/ relaxed) thing last year. He saved one of my

friends from drowning.99. Abu-Heif became internationally famous when he swam across the English (Lake/

Channel/ Sea/ River).100. He (began/ postponed/ started/ denied) retirement after a request from President

Nasser.101. Hemingway won the Nobel Prize for (Peace/ Medicine/ Chemistry/ Literature).102. Hemingway (happened/ suffered/ caught/ thought) from illness & died in 1961.103. Novels and short stories, are both kinds of (verse/ poetry/ phonology/ fiction).104. There were 89 killed and 200 (allowed/ exempted/ injured/ wounded) in the war.105. My brother enjoys reading, but I prefer (abroad/ outdoor/ overseas/ outside) life.106. When Rose heard she had lost her job, she was absolutely (terrible/ furious/ happy/

greedy).107. He told us (a tasty/ a believable/ an incredible/ a trustful) story which we didn't

believe.108. (An apprentice/ A child/ An adult/ Female) is a young person who is learning to do a

job.109. He had great (stamina/ wealth/ health/ misery), he didn't want nature to beat him.110. In the future, all cars will use (crude/ purified/ vegetable/ cotton) oil.

االمتحان ورقة فى الخامس finishالسؤال1- Dr Farouk El Baz is one of Egypt's most famous men . He was born in Zagazig and ….(1)…..at Ain Shams university and universities in the United States. He is a space scientist and a ….(2)… He is the director of remote …..(3) ….. Using satellites , he could find…..(4) …. Water in the desert. Dr El Baz also worked ….(5) ……. The Apollo project which…..(6) .…. astronauts on the moon from 1967 to 1973. 1- educated 2- geologist 3- sensing 4- underground 5- on 6- landed

2- Dr EL-Baz who is a space scientist and a ….(1)….. is the Director of …..(2) ……sensing at Boston university in the USA. He is the world's greatest …..(3) …. in romote sensing. The use of

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satellites to find …..(4) …. under deserts. Underground water was found in the western Desert and in Sinai. Thanks to the ...(5)……which he took from …..(6)...

1- geologist 2-remote 3- expert 4- water 5- photographs 6- satellites3 - Nile Armstrong was the first person to land on the moonHe ….(1)…on the surface of the of the moon. Armstrong and his colleague , Buzz Aldrin , stayed on the moon ..(2) … nearly 90 minutes the first day. The next day they …..(3) …. a lot of photographs . A third ….(4) …, Michel Collins,waited for them in their spaceship, Columbia,which went around the ..(5) … until they were ready to ....(6)...to the earth.1- landed 2- for 3-took 4- astronaut 5- moon 6- return

4 - Nabawiya Musa was one of the most famous Egyptian women . She was the first Egyptian woman to go to….(1)….school .She helped other women to…(2) …in education .She wrote a very famous…..(3) …. In 1908 . It was about girls'…..(4) …She also became the ..(5) ……. of Almohammadia school for…...(6) ..….1- high 2- succeed 3- book 4- education 5- headmistress 6- girls

5- Dr Zewail was born in 1946 in Egypt where he grew…(1)….He became a professor at the California Institute of Technology . Zewail …..(2) …the femto second ..(3) …… is one one millionth of one billionth of a scenod .In 1999 ,Dr Zewail …..(4) …The Nobel Prize for chemistry. Now Zewail's discoveries help scientists to..(5) ……new medicines. Dr.Zewail received the Medal of Honour in a big …...(6) ..….1- up 2- discovered 3- which 4- won 5- make 6- cermoney

6- Oliver Twist grew ..(1) ….. in a workhouse because his mother….(2) …when he was born. Life for the young boy was …..(3) …..when he asked for more …(4) …, he was punished. So Oliver ran away to London. There he met a boy who was in a ….(5) …..of thieves .The old man ,Fagin , had taught the children ….(5) ….. to be thieves. 1- up 2- died 3-hard 4- food 5- gang 6- how

7- Dickens is an English novelists . He was born in nineteenth…(1) … His father went to…..(2)…because he had got into ..(3)…Dickens had to work in a factory. He saw how hard …(4)…was for poor people. He went to London to ….(4) ….money .He worked ..(5)….an office clerk and after that he was also ….(6) ….writing magazine stories about life in London. 1- century 2- prision 3- debt 4- earn 5- as 6- started 8- The brain is the most important organ of the body. It controls our five….(1) ……The senses…..(2) …..information to the brain .The brain…..(3)…this information .Then' it sends…..(4) ….. back to the senses . The brain also…..(5) …….the heart , breathing and digestion …..(6) ……the brain no sense can do its function . 1- senses 2- send 3- analyses 4- messages 5- controls 6- without

9- You have got something that is more complex than the most..(1)… computer. With it you can see and…(2)…flowers, remember holidays and ….(3)…pain. This thing is in your head and…(4)…a kilo,is your brain.It has about a hundred billion…(5)…and..(6)…every thing you do .

1- powerful 2- smell 3- feel 4- weighs 5- cells 6- controls10- Everyone knows Hossam Hassan. He is one of the best Egyptian football…..(1)….of all time.He has scored more …..(2)….. than any players . Hossam was ….(3)…..in Cairo in 1966. He started playing for AL- Ahly, but he has played for other famous…..(4) …He has played in Switzerland , Greece and other ….(5) ….Hossam's brother also played over 100 …..(6)……for the Egyptian national team, but is now retired. 1- players 2- goals 3- born 4- teams 5- countries 6- matches

11- Abu- Heif was one of the best athletes ever. He…(1) …born in 1929 in Alexandria. His father was a primary school teacher.He spent a lot of time….(2)…..in the sea. At the age of ten he …..(3)...the Egyptian primary school swimming championship. He….(4)... the record for crossing the English Channel by crossing in 13 and 45 minutes.He…(5)...when he was 46. He was named the….(5)...of the Nile .

1- was 2- swimming 3- won 4- broke 5- retired 6- crocodile

12- Ernest Hemingway was a very …….(1)……American writer. He was …..(2)…..in Chicago in 1899. His father was ..….(3)..….and his mother was a music ...(4)…The old man and the sea is really .....(5) ….. than any of his stories . People see that is is his most …..(6) ….. story.1- talented 2- born 3- doctor 4- teacher 5- shorter 6- successful

13- Santiago was an old fisherman. He had not …..(1)…..a fish for nearly three months . He has an……(2)……called Manolin . Manolin's parents advised him to work with a more …….(3) …..man .

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Santiago decided to …..(4) …fishing alone . He could catch a huge fish but it was so …..(5) ……that he couldn't bring it to his boat . The sharks ate the Marlin and only its ……..(6) ……remained .

1- caught 2- apprentice 3- successful 4- go 5- big 6-skeleton

14 - One day, there will be no oil left. Everyone …..(1) …that, but more and more ….(2) …are traveling by planes. This is because …..(3) …..travel is cheaper than ever before. It is sometimes cheaper to…..(4) ……to another country than to travel a hundred kilometres on a train. As well as using fuel, planes produce air …….(5) …We can't stop air travel, but we should ……(6) ……carefully before we decide to fly.

1- knows 2- passengers 3- air 4- fly 5- pollution 6- think

15- Pollution is man's problem. The…..(1) ….. gases from cars and other …..(2) …have their bad effect on us. They can cause…..(3)….. to our health . In the future there …..(4)….. be any more oil to …..(5) … cars . We should think of finding a …..(6) ….. to it .

1- exhaust 2- vechiles 3- damage 4- won't 5- run 6- replacement 16- Fredrick was an American young man.He went to …..(1) …….. During the first world war . He wanted to help the Italian…..(2) …… There he was badly wounded in the…….(3) ……. He was sent to a special ……..(4) …… in Milan . An English……..(5)…… looked after him . They became friendly and ……..(6) …….. after they left Italy .

1- Europe 2- soldiers 3- war 4- hospital 5- nurse 6-married

17- You should be careful about the food you eat . Make ….(1) …. that flies and other….(2) ….don't land on your food . If they land on it , they may…..(3)…their….(4) …on to you . You mustn't leave ….(5)…of food or dirty dishes lying around because will….(6) …flies . 1- sure 2- insects 3- pass 4- germs 5- pieces 6-attract

18- There are some rules that you should follow to protect yourself from diseases. …..(1) …your hands before you eat. You should also ….(2)…more often in hot weather. You shouldn't leave dirty dishes ……(3) …around so that flies don't land on them . …..(4) ……tap water before drinking it. If you follow these…..(5) ……, you won't ….(6) …any disease 1- wash 2-bathe 3- lying 4- boil 5- rules 6- catch19- William Shakespear is one of the greatest English playwrights. His father was a glove ….(1) …He had to ….(2) …school because his family had …….(3) …problems. He went to London to become an …(4)…he wrote many successful plays . If Shakespeare hadn't found a ….(5)…he would't have become a famous writer . He ….(6)…on April 1616. 1- maker 2- leave 3- financial 4- actor 5- patron 6- died 20-Lear was the king of Britain. He decide, to …….(1) …his country to his three daughtes. Before doing that, he ….(2) ……them a test. He asked them, how ….(3) ……they loved him, the first two daughters ……..(4) ………….their love to him but the third one couldn't. So he not only deprived her of his ……..(5) ………but also ….(6) …her away, and gave his country andwealth to the first two daughter . 1- give 2- set 3- much 4- explained 5- wealth 6- sent 21-Today Cairo has the largest population of any city in Africa, and is the most important city in the Arab……(1)…..for more….(2) ….. a hundred years, Cairo has been an important ……(3) …for tourism. Visitors from all …….(4) ……the world come to see buildings since the time of the ancient …..(5) ……., especially the three ..(6) …….1- world 2- than 3- place 4- over 5- Egyptians 6- pyramids22- Tokoyo is the…(1)..of Japan. About seven percent of the …(2).. in Japan live there, so it is very …(3)..It has fast , wide….(4)…These roads are always filled with traffic. It is the ….(5)…. of Japan's emperor,whose…(6)…stands in a beautiful park in the centre of the city 1- capital 2- population 3- overcrowded 4- roads 5- home 6- palace 23- New York is one of the world's most important ……(1)…..centres. The ……(2)….. of Liberty , which is at the enterence of the New York ……(3)….. is a symbol ……(4)….. freedom and welcomes visitors from other countries. New York has more ……(5)….. than any other ……(6)….. in the world .

1- business 2- statue 3- harbour 4- of 5- skyscrapers 6- city 24- If you need to make water safe to drink,this is what to do,Start by ……(1)….a kettle with……(2)…..from the cold tap . Next……(3)…..the water in the kettle until it boils,it should boil for ten ……(4)

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…..After that , leave the water to ……(5)…..then put it into a jug in the fridge to get it really cold . Finally ,you can……(6)…..the water . 1- filling 2- water 3- heat 4- minutes 5- cool 6- drink

FILL IN THE SPACES :3 عندك درجات من بكلمة اكمل الخامس السؤالRead the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:

1 :Dr Zahi Hawass is one of the most famous archaeologists in the world. He was born in Damietta …...1……. 28th May 1947. He often speaks on radio and television, and he often ……2………. in the magazine called "Egypt Today". He wants to …….3….. ancient things back to Egypt from museums in other countries. Dr Hawass wants the Rosetta Stone to …..4…. in Egypt, too. Egyptian people don't ……5…. these things if they are in other countries. I think that man ……6……. Our respect.

2 :The human brain is more complex than the most powerful computer. With it, you can see and smell flowers, remember holidays, feel .....(1)..... and, hear your favourite...(2)........voice. Your brain receives ....(3)... from your ....(4)...., analyses sends messages back. Your brain also stores past memories and this makes .....(5)..... and remembering possible. At the same time, your brain controls your breathing, your heart, your body .....(6)....... and your digestion.

3 :Abu Heif was a great athlete. He spent a lot of time ...(1).... in the sea. His father was a primary .....(2).... teacher. At the .....(3)...... of ten, Abu Heif ....(3)...... the Egyptian primary school swimming championship. He ....(4).... to Cairo. There, he ....(5).... at Al-Ahli club. He ....(6).... in April 2008.

4 :Rivers have become …(1)… as a result of throwing…(2)…material from factories into them. Air has become polluted by …(3)…coming from factories and caused by car fumes. Fertilizers and …(4)… are used in agriculture. Crops are …(5)…to kill insects and pests. Above all, atomic and nuclear radiation is destructive and has had …(6)… on our health

5 :We have many famous Egyptians such …(1)…Naguib Mahfouz …(2)…won the Nobel Prize in Literature and Dr Zewail who was awarded it in ...(3)… . Dr El-Baz is the most famous expert in remote …(4)…whose useful information helped the…(5)…who landed on the moon. We are proud …(6)…all of them.

6 :Ernest Hemingway was a famous writer. He was ......(1)...... in Chicago. He ...(2).... many stories. "The Old Man and the Sea" is….(3)..... than any of his stories. People see it his most ...(4)..... book . He ...(5).... the Nobel Prize for ....(6).... in 1953.

7 :Air pollution has become a serious problem. It damages health and the .....(1).... as well: .....(2).... fumes can also damage our lungs. So, scientists are trying to ....(3)..... vehicles that run on vegetable oil. ....(4)..... cars using batteries will not affect us badly. When there is no oil ...(5)...., pollution will be less. But we'll have to find a ...(6).... for it.

8 :Shakespeare was one of the greatest playwrights who ever existed. His ....(1)..... are still performed now. One of his longest ...(2).... made him famous. At the beginning of his life, he wanted to be an ....(3).... . With the help of a rich ....(4)....., he became a great writer. Hamlet and Macbeth are among his ....(5)..... plays. When he got old, he ....(6)..... to Stratford.

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9 :Cairo is a great city . It is the ............ (1)....... of Egypt It is an important business...(2)........ Its .......(3).. is the largest of any African city. A lot of ..........(4)...... visit Cairo to enjoy seeing its sights. The ........(5)..... Egyptians built many historic buildings. The......(6)..... are one of them.

10 :It only rains every 20 - 50 years in the Western Desert. However, two million .......(1)...... ago, very heavy ...(2).... fell there and a huge quantity of ....... (3) ...... collected under the desert sand. Today, we need this water. We have to thank Dr Farouk El-Baz, one of Egypt's most ........(4) ........ men, for fining it. He is a space scientist and a .......(5)....... and the world's greatest expert in ......(6)...... sensing.

11 :Nabawiya Musa was the first famous Egyptian woman to go to high school. She helped other women to succeed in ....(1)... and work. She became the ...(2)... of a girls' school. - Dr. Zahi Hawass is also famous as an ....(3).... He talks about the ....(4)..... on television. He is interested in bringing ...(5)... things back to Egypt. He wants to bring kinds of things like statues, ....(6).... and the Rosetta Stone.

12 :Dickens is the' most famous writer in the English language; He is known for his novels about life in the 19th......(l)....... Britain. His father went to prison because he had got into ......(2)..... .Charles went to London to earn his ......(3)....... He saw how hard ......(4)... was for poor people. In "Oliver Twist," he describes the lives of child...(5).... and life in the .......(6)..... where he grew up.

13Bird flu is a serious disease. ....(1)..... can catch it from birds. ....(2)... 2007, more than 300 people caught the disease. But only about half of them ....(3).... . The .....(4)..... started in Asia in 2003. Scientist think the disease is ....(5).... control So, people

shouldn't ....(6)......

14 :There are some of the rules of hygiene. You should always wash your ....(1).... before a meal. You should have a ......(2)..... or wash once a day in hot weather or when you have been running or been to the ....(3)..... You should be very careful about the ...,(4)..... you eat and the water you drink. Make sure that ....(5)..... and other insects do not land on your food. You must not leave pieces of food or dirty ...(6).... lying around.

Important expression

هامة تعبيرات


1 – She 'd prefer ) eat – eats – eating ( fish. 2 – I'd prefer ) eating – to eat – eats ( fish .

3 – Ali prefers ) study – studies – studied ( English يفضل

+ d rather' المصدر

+ d prefer' المصدرto +

Prefer+ v + ing

Read looks forward to ) see – seeing – sees ( you .الى يتطلع Look forward to + v + ing

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She is busy ) reading – read – reads ( a story. مشغول busy + v + ing

1 ( - Although – However – During ) winter, they played .2 ( - Although – However – During ) playing , she fell to

the ground. 3 – During ) reading – read – reads ( , she slept .

اسم v + ing/ اثناءDuring+

1 – She likes ) play – plays – played ( chess.2 – Ali enjoys ) cooking – cooks – cooked ( rice.

3 – They prefer ) catching – catches – catch ( fish 4 – I don't mind ) watch – watching – watches ( T.V.

5 – They feel like ) listen – listening – listens ( to music 6 – What about ) read – reading – reads ( a story?

7 – I can't go without ) take – taking – takes ( my pen.


عن ماذاعن ماذا


love like enjoy

prefermind +verb+ingfeel likewhat about how about without

1 – I hope I ) visit – will visit – visits ( England. 2 – She predict Ali ) win – will win – wins ( it.


hope +will +inf

predict +won't+inf

1 – She is sad ) because – because of – to ( he failed 2 – They won't go out ) because – because of – to (

rain .


+ because جملة + because of اسم

v + ing /

1 – She wants to ) return – returns – returning ( early.2 – Samy decided ) visit – to visit – visiting ( us.

3 – They intended to ) write – writes – writing ( it. 4 – I need to ) eat – eats – eating ( fish.

5 – He managed ) succeed – to succeed –succeeding ( in the exam.

6 – Samy agreed to ) see – sees – seeing ( us.

ان يريدان يقرران ينوىعلى قادر

يبداءان يحتاج من يتمكن على يوافق

want to decide to intend to

able tobegin to need to

manage toagree to

1 – She waited ) in – on – for ( the bus. 2 – Nagy is ready ) in – on – for ( the exam.

3 – Ahmed aplogised ) in – on – for ( coming late .4 – She went to the cinema ) in – on – for ( fun . 5 – I paid 3 pounds ) in – on – for ( this cassette.

6 – When she was in trouble , she asks ) in – on – for ( help.

7 – They bought this car ) in – on – for ( a good price. 8 – Giza is famous ) in – on – for ( its pyramids.

9 – I thanked Ali ) in – on – for ( the present .

على متأخربـ مشهور ينتظرلـ جاهز

للمرحيعتذرلـ يدفعجيد بسعر

مساعدة لالبدعلى يشكر

late for famous for wait for

read y forfor funapologize forpay forfor a good price

ask for helpfor everthank for

1 – She will stay )) in – with – for ( her friends. 2 – Can you replace it ) in – with – for ( another one?

3 – They communicate ) in – with – for ( other people in English.

4 – Ali is angry ) in – with – for ( friend. 5 – You can start ) in – with – for ( this question.

مع يقيمبـ يستبدلبـ يعملبـ يتصلمع حريصفى يساعد

stay withreplace withwork withcommunicate with

careful withhelp with

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6 – I hope I work ) in – with – for ( a computer. 7 – She helped her mother ) in – with – for ( her work.

من يحذربـ يبداءمن غاضب

take care withstart with

+ angry withشخص 1 – I ) do – make – read ( well in the exam.

2 – You must )do – make – read ( you homework. 3 – They )do – make – read ( the experiment in the lab.

4 – She always ))does – make – read ( a business.5 – He ) do – make – read ( a job overseas.

6 – Will you ) do – make – read ( me a favour ?

يؤدىوظيفة يقوم

بالواجبجيدا يؤدىبعمل يقوم


يقوم البشىء يعمل


do a jobdo homeworkdo welldo business do an experiment do nothing

do a favour

1 – I 'm sorry , I ) made – did – do ( a mistake. 2 – Can you ) make – did – do ( a suggestion?

3 – He ) made – did – do ( a promise not to come late. 4 – He can ) make – did – do ( friends easily.

5 – Can you )make – did – do ( your bed ? 6 – They ) made – did – read ( a decision .

يعملخطط يعملاقتراح

خطأ يعمليوعد

قرار يعمل يعمل

اصدقاء يرتب


make plansmake a suggestionmake a mistakemake a promise make a decision make friends make bed

1 – She is worried ) in - on – about ( the exam 2 – He always talk) in - on – about ( himself. 3 – Can you tell us )in - on – about( the film?

4 – She is angry ) in - on – about ( breaking the glass .

بـ يفكرعن يتحدث

على قلقعن يخبر

من غاضب

think abouttalk aboutworried about tell about angry about

1 – Salah ) robbed – stole – played ( the money 2 – The gange ) robbed – stole – played ( the bank .

يسرق شىء

يسرق مكان

steal rob

Grammarاالزمنة : - ملخص اوال


المعلوم تكوينةالدالة كلماتة



ط سي


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ع مست




مال ع






مر ست




ط سي



الى ست مال







ل ط



1 – Samy used ) to – in – of ( come early 2 – They used to ) leave – left – leaving (

early. 3 – Ali didn't ) use – used – uses ( to play. 4 – Did you ) use – used – using ( to run?

1 - used to ان اعتاد

+ used to – 1المصدر +didn't use to – 2المصدر

+ did – 3 فاعل + use to + المصدر ?

1 – She runs fast . …….. , she lost the race. )although – However – despite(

2 ..……… - rain , she went out. )although – However – Despite(

3 ..……… - they are ill , they played. )Although – However – Despite(

4 – Kamal is lazy . .................. , he is clever.

)On the other hand – However – Despite 5 – Nagy played well ........... he was

injured. )although – However – Despite(

2 – Contrast conjunctionالتناقض روابط

1 - Although + + + although +

2 . + - However + , , + however + ,

3 – Despite + +

4- + .On the other hand, +

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6 ........... - coming late , he caught the bus. )although – However – Despite(

1– she is ……. bad at listening. )as well – also – despite(

2 , ……… - they like playing the piano. )as well – also – despite(

3 – She has …… been to Alexandria. )as well – also – despite(

4 – I ………. Read the magazine. )as well – also – despite(

5 – Samy cleaned the sitting room.…… )as well – also – despite( 6 – Heba learned French………… )as well – also – despite(

7 – Sara saw Ali.……… )as well – also – despite(

8 – They visited Aswan……… , )as well – also – too( 9 – Nagy wrote a letter..……… ,

)as well – also – too( 10 – They sold a car . … , They sold a

house. )as well – In addition – too( 11 – She cooked fish ……………. Rice.

)as well – in addition to – too( 12 – She played chess … playing tennis.

)as well – In addition – too(

3 –Contrast addition االضافة روابط

1 – also1 – Also + ,

اساسى – 2فاعل + also + فعل

اساسى مساعد + also + فعل فعل 3فاعل +

also + v to be + 4فاعل –

2 – as well .…………………… -As well.

3 , - too .…………………… - ,too.

4 – In addition

+ in addition +

5 – in addition to + in addition to +

1 –She studies hard ( to – in - on ) succeed

2 – They run quickly to ( catch – catches – catching ) the train .

to – 4 لكى +to المصدر

1 – While they ) are eating – ate – were eating – eats ( , They saw their friends.

2 – I was reading when the telephone ) ring – rang – rung – ringing (.

5 – while / when بسيط +While مستمر ماضى + ماضى

بسيط + مستمر ماضى + When ماضى

1 – They have ) learned – learn – learns ( it.

2 – Have they ) yet – never – ever ( visited the pyramids?

3 – She has ) ever – never – yet ( seen the lion.

4 – Osama hasn't learned French ) ever – yet – already (.

5 – Samy and Reda travelled ) for – since – yet ( 1999.

6 – I have learned English ) since – yet – for ( 3 years.

6 - present perfectالتام المضارع

She has just studied. justShe has already studied. alreadyShe has studied since 3 o'clock. sinceShe has studied for 3 hours. forHave you ever studied Arabic? everShe has never studied Arabic. neverShe hasn't studied yet.

yetHas she studied yet ?

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1 – They ) visit – visits – are going to visit ( the zoo tomorrow.

2 – Ahmed ) return – will return – returns ( in the future.

3 – Next year , I ) will travel - travels – traveling ( .

7 – Future المستقبل

+ willالمصدر tomorrow – next – in the future – soon

1 – After they ) came – had come – comes ( , they watched the film.

2 – As soon as Ali had arrived , he ) thanked – thank – thanks ( us.

3 – By the time Reda ) eat – ate – had eaten ( the meal , she had washed her hands

8 – past perfect التام الماضى

afteras soon as

till / until

1 – She ) probably – probable – think ( visits us.

2 ( ,.……… - perhaps – think – probably ) they are the thieves .

3 – It's ……. ) possible – possibly – probably ( that Nadir is the thief.

4 – I …… ) perhaps – think – probably ( the boy was injured .

9 – Possibilitiesاالحتماالت

thinkperhapsprobablypossibly probablepossible

1 – If Adel studies hard , he ) pass – passed – will pass ( the exam.

2 – If they ) am – is - are ( clever , they will get full marks.

3 – She will buy a car if she ) get – gets – getting ( a lot of money.

4 – You will win if you ) play – plays (

10 conditional " If " " الشرطية If" قاعدة

االول النوعIf + present simple + future simple.

( plays – play ( ) will win )

1 – If They learned , they ) read – would read – reads ( well.

2 – If I ) was – were – where ( you , I 'd buy this car.

3 – She could catch the bus if she ) run – ran – running (.

4 – You ) come – would come – had come ( if you apologized.

5 – If she attended , she )' d speak – speaks – speak ( about herself.

11 - conditional " If " " الشرطية If" قاعدة

الثانى النوع +If + past simple + would المصدر could البسيط الماضى

1 – If he had studied , he ) would pass – would have passed – passed ( the exam

2 – If they ) played – had played – plays ( well , they would have won.

3 – If you ) prepared - had prepared – prepare ( well , you 'd have visited us.

4 – She would have learned if she ) waited – had waited – waited ( more .

13 - conditional " If " " الشرطية If" قاعدة

الثالث النوعhave + p.p If + past perfect + would

(had + p.p)

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General exercises

5 - Choose the correct answer from a, b. c or d :Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :

1 -What are you going to ........... a quiz on?a) make b)take c)do d)play

2 -A person who studies buildings and tools from the past is a/an………………a) engineer b) mechanic c) professor d) archaeologist

3 -The ..... of my daughter's school is a very clever woman.a) singer b) actress c) headmistress d) professor

4 -There are wonderful..... at the Temple of Karnak.a) statues b) houses c) schools d) classes

5-Dr Zewail.......... the femto second.a) invented b) invited c) discovered d)made

6-The femto second is ..of one billionth of a second.a) a million b) one million c) one millionth d) millions

7-Dr El-Baz .......... astronauts advice on where they should land on the moon.a) took b)gave c)did d)had

8 ........... -his help, I got high marks.a) Because b)As c) Thanks to d) Although

9-He travelled abroad for the first time at the ....... of 20.a) height b) weight c)age d) length

10 -When the spaceship on the moon, the .......... came out to collect rocks and soil.a) travelers p) passengers c) astronauts d) geologists

11-Remote sensing is the use of..... to take pictures of the earth.a) magazines b) satellites c) stones d) televisions

12 -Charles Dickens wrote great.......... like, "Oliver Twist" and "A Tale of Two Cities."a) plays b) novels c) reports d) poems

13 -Thieves must go to. ............. a) the cinema b) prison c) the restaurant d) school

14 -A ...... writes for a newspaper.a) scientist b) journalist c) teacher d) doctor

15 -Naguib Mahfouz wrote novels to describe life in 20th ....... Egypt.a) decade b)time c) century d)age

16 -TV presenters .... sports stars on most favourite TV programmes.a) test b) interview c) examine d) check

17-Oliver is the main ..in Dickens' story "Oliver Twist"a) actor b) actress c) character d) student

18 -If you spend too much money, you will be... debt.a) on b)at c)over d)in

19 -Oliver Twist grew up in a. ................

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a) workshop b) garage c) factory d) workhouse20-Because the man didn't have children, he..a child

a) adopted b) adapted c) admired d) adored21-A..... of thieves broke into the bank and stole a lot of money.

a) company b) crowd c)gang d)team22-The gang .... the child and kept him as a hostage.

a) found b) held c) helped d) kidnapped23-The writer wrote a/an ................ of his own life.

a) biography b) autobiography c) paragraph d) e-mail24-Wise people should learn the ........... of the stories they read.

a) morals b) minerals c) mirrors d) mayors25-If you are ....... trouble, call the police at once.

a) on b)in c)at d)with26 -The human brain is. .........

a) uncomfortable b) incredible c) probable d) possible

27 -When you operate your computer, enter the.... a) passport b) password c) crossword d) vocabulary

28 -The weather is .......... good today.a) quit b) quiet c) quite d) quietly

29 -I always set the alarm to...sure I'll get up on timea) take b)do c)make d)wake

30-The human brain ............ all senses.a) plays b) controls c) examines d) checks

31-The human brain ................ about 1 kg.a) weighs b) costs c)buys d) sells

31-Brains store past .................... a) memories b) souvenirs c) museums d) merchants

32-Have you ......... any calls today?a) taken b) received c) guessed d) closed

33 -I don't know who is phoning. Can you?............... a) find b) guess c) reach d) remember

34-Taha Hussein lost his ............. when he was young.a( touch b) eyesight c) hearing d) smell

35 -Pictures can help children learn new. .................. a) friends b) bikes c) words d) days

36 -Abu- Heif was welcomed as a national hero when he ......... the record for swimming across the English Channel.a) beat b) won c) broke d) gained

37 -Fishing and cycling are ........ activities.a)indoor b) indoors c) outdoor d) outdoors

38-Fishermen use ....... to attract fish to their nets or fishing lines.a) base b) biscuits c)bait d) basis

39-Everyone left but Ali........ for some time to have a word with me.

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a) slept b) remained c)held d)ran40-Rain hasn't stopped even for a moment. It has ....... to rain all day.

a) contained b) consisted c) continued d) canned

41-Now, people use modern fishing ........... to practise their hobby of catching fish.a) rows b) lines c) links d)lies

42-Bones that form a human or animal's body are called the......... a) skin b) skeleton c) skill d) skull

43-An ....... is someone who works for an employer to learn a skill or craft.a) apostrophe b) apparatus c) appearance d) apprentice

44" -The Old Man and the Sea" is a fight between one man and.......... a) nation b) nature c) scenery d) landscape

45-When two countries fight each other, they are at……a) peace b) war c) love d) silence

46-The crew couldn't control the ship during the. ... a) holiday b) vacation c) storm d) ball

47-The thief told the police......... detail how he broke into the house.a) on b) at c) in d) with

48-What do you .......... tea or juice?a) refer b) prefer c) interfere d) compare

49-My father was ... great pain after the operation.a) on b) at c) with d) in

50-According ......... the Press, our national team will be qualified to World Cup Finals.a) for b) to c) by d) with

51-The old man ......... off in the early morning.a) sat b)sit c) set d) seat

52-Novels, poetry and drama form the .... of a language.a) learning b) literature c) nature d) headline

53-1 read the .......... of the newspaper before moving to the details.a) heads b) titles c) headlines d) pictures

54 -Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:55 -The man walked .......... to work.

a) slower b) slowest c) slow d) slowly56 -A/An ... protects us from the rain in the street.

a( caller b) sky c) umbrella d) ceiling57 -The school........... visited our classes last week.

a) conductor b) educator c) inspector d) instructor

58 -The speaker thinks it is going to rain because the sky is really..…a) sunny b) dark c) fine d) mild

59-These days, cars can use ... made from vegetablesa) drink b) food c) juice d) oil

60 -Cars, buses and lorries cause air. ............. a) delusion b) raids c) pollution d) illusion

61 -I got stuck in a traffic .......... for 45 minutes on the way to work today.

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a) jar b)jam c) jaw d) jail62-If you sit in a traffic jam hi Cairo, your lungs will fill with the| ......... from cars.

a) dirt b) rubbish c) exhaust d) light63-A .... stores electricity for a car, radio or watch.

a) balloon b) bag c) briefcase d) battery64 ............is a gas in the air that we need to live.

a) Hydrogen b) Oxygen c) Carbon dioxide d) Methane65 ............are parts of our body that fill with air when we breathe.

a) Test b) Kidneys c) Lungs d) Fingers66-Air which is polluted by exhaust can ........ your health.

a) damage b) denounce c)deny d) deposit67-Now, all cars .......... petrol more efficiently than in the past.

a) burn b)move c) exploit d)form68-Scientists have ... engines which use natural gas.

a) drawn b) painted c) designed d) discovered69-Many buses in Cairo and other cities use ....... gas.

a)general b)genuine c) natural d) artificial70-In an electric car, when the battery is empty, the petrol engine takes...........

a) after b)over c)part d) action71-Scientists have also discovered that cars can run .......... vegetable oil.

a) across b)on c)away d)after72-Some time in the future, there will be no oil in the world, so we need to find a/an ...... for


a) engagement b) replacement m c)enjoyment d) entertainment

73-Engineers are now working ...... a new type of car battery.a)out b) up to c)on d) against

74-We don't know who is to blame .......... pollution.a)for b)on c)at d)out

75-Although we need industry, it leads .... pollution.a)from b)at c)of d)to

76-To .......... the environment, people should only drive their cars on four days a week.a) make b) damage c) protect d)keep

77 -Three hundred people died .......... bird flu.a) by b) about c)on d)of

78 -Bird......... is a disease which both farm and wild birds may catch.a) cold b) cough c)flu d) illness

79……protects us from infections diseases .a) Clean b) Cleanly c) Cleaned d) Cleanliness

80 -The ..... of bird flu in the world started in Asiaa) break in b) outbreak c) breakthrough d) break

81-Bird flu can ............ from an infected bird to another.a) go b)pass c) leave d)move

82 ............ -is personal cleanliness.

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a) Sanitation b) Hygiene c) Laundry d)Soap83-Sanitation is .............. cleanliness.

a) personal b) special c) secret d) public84-You must ........ food to protect it from flies.

a) uncover b) cover c) discover d) recover85 -A/An ............. performs in a film, sereal or play.

a) patron b) actor c) novelist d) writer86-An orchestra consists of a group of. .............

a) writers b) actors c) musicians d) singers87-Unless the athlete ......... fast, he wouldn't have won the race.

a) ran b)runs c) had run d) has run88 .............-is me study or desigining buildings.

a)Entertainment b)Archaeology c)Architecture d) Structure89 -Means of ............. in Egypt are not cheap.

a)transfer b)transport c)transplant d)translation90 -On cartoon programmes, children get quite a lot of. ................

a) population b)entertainment c) money d) homework91 ............-libraries everywhere are part of the "Reading for All" festival.

a) Gen era I b) Public c) Special d)Secret92-The tourists would like to go .......... around the country.

a) looking b) viewing c) sightseeing d) staring93-Although he .... his best, he achieved nothing.

a) tried b) dried c) cried d) fried94-The Eiffel Tower is the most famous metal............. in the world.

a) statue b) structure c) culture d) sculpture95-The Statue of Liberty .............. at the entrance of New York harbour.

a) walks b) waits c) stands d) looks96-There are more ..in New York than any other city

a) clouds b) stars c) skyscrapers d) flies97 -Fancy .................. you after ages!

a) to meet b) meeting c) met98 .Your battery is empty. It needs.……

A: recharging b: filling c: pushing d: shocking99 .Dr Zahi Hawass wants to ……… ancient statues and jewellery from other

countries.A: fetch b: bring c: lend d: borrow

100 .Abu-Heif was one of the best Egyptian ..……a: doctors b: swimmers c: scientists d: teachers

letter , paragraph and e- mail الثامن السؤال وهى التعبير موضوع لكتابة العامة القواعد مراعاة :- يجبالموضوع إ من فقط األول السطر فى مسافة .ترك

بحرف إ جملة كل وواضح Capitalبدأ جملة (.)ضع و كبير كل نهاية .فى الموضوع فكرة على مجملها فى تحتوى رئيسية بجملة الموضوع .ابدأ

نكتبه إ الذى الموضوع لنوعية والمناسب الصحيح الزمن .ستخدم المعنى فى والسهلة البسيطة الجمل استخدام وعليك المعقدة الجمل استخدام .تجنب الموضوع كتابة عند سطر تترك أن ويجب االمتحان ورقة فى للموضوع كاملة صفحة .خصص

التعبير لموضوع هامة تعبيرات

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we should… .... أن ينبغىdouble production اإلنتاج نضاعفto achieve prosperity and welfare والرفاهية الرخاء لنحققto overcome ( solve) our problems مشاكلنا على نتغلب لـــــto lead a peaceful quiet life هادئة مسالمة حياة نحيا لــــــtake part in = participate in = share in فى نشاركplay an important part in فى sدورا يلعب

devote ( him self) to… لـ حياته ..يكرسspare no effort s وسعا يدخر الdo (his) best جهده قصارى يبذلfor the sake of our country بلدنا لصالحcooperate together s معا لنتعاونa revolution of information resources المعرفة مصادر فى ثورةmodern technology الحديثة التكنولوجيا

great projects ( عظيمة ( ضخمة مشروعاتin the field of education التعليم مجال فىpress plays an important role s هاما sدورا الصحافة تلعب

the welfare and happiness of man اإلنسان وسعادة رفاهيةgreat achievements عظيمة إنجازاتaim at إلى يهدفsupply with = provide with بـ يزودraise the standard of living المعيشة مستوى يرفعdecrease the consumption اإلستهالك( ) تقليل تخفيضincrease the national income القومى الدخل زيادة

ومتوقعة هامة نماذج1 -The person I admire most 2-Friends

3-Mobile phones 4-Water5-Health 6-The problem of over - population

7-Computers 8-Technology in our life 9-Schools in the Future 10-Sports

11-The television 12- spare time"13-Preventing pollution 14-Reading For All

15-Bird Flu 16-English and The Internet

The importance of scientific research

No one can deny the role which the scientific research plays in our life. The improvement of agriculture, industry and medicine achieved in the last centuries was the result of scientific research. Scientific researchers have an important role in solving our problems. There’s no doubt that scientific research plays an essential part in developing our society.

The governments, wealthy businessmen and big companies encourage scholars and researchers. They provide them with the necessary funds الموارد, They equipment the laboratories to carry out their researches. It is no doubt that scientific research is the cause of progress and prosperity.

Modern technology plays an important role in the progress of many aspects: industry, agriculture, education, medicine and surgery. By applying technology, modern means of

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الحى - اسم

البلد - و المدينة اسمالخطاب - ارسال تاريخ و يوم

20 Tahrir St.,Benha,Kalubia, Egypt.Sat., 12th Oct.

Dear + اسمإليه المرسل

جملة* ( هي التحيةافتتاحية )

الغرض* الختام*

التوقيعالمرسل اسم

transport are faster, safer and more comfortable. Technology has enabled us to launch satellites

Modern means of communication enable us to get in touch with anybody in any place all over the world. Through the computer we can log onto the internet and surf the Web to get any information we need in any field of knowledge.Thanks to modern technology our life became more comfortable and easier

Computers have become one of the necessities of our modern life. A computer has a perfect memory which can store thousands of data items on its hardware or on compact disks and C.Ds.

Through the computer, we can log on to the internet web to obtain any information we need, Thus the computer can help students to learn and do researches, and type and print their papers and theses in the world of business, the computer is used for sending and receiving e-mails and faxes. It is even used for shopping and selling through the Internet. Computer games are very popular among the young and the adults as an interesting means of entertainment.

Pollution is one of the double blessings of modern life. For example, modern means of transport enable man to travel comfortably and fast to any part of the world. Yet, trains, buses, trucks, cars, ships and aero-planes pollute the air with the smoke. Moreover, they cause sound pollution with their sirens horns and the noise of their engines.

In order to reduce the pollution and keep the environment cleaner, scientists made researches and produced fuels without lead additives. New laws are issued banning using harmful chemicals in food production. Planting more trees and fixing efficient filters to industrial factory will help to purify the air and keep the environment clean

( ) حفظ الخطاب مقدمة I am very happy to write this letter to you ,

how are you and your family? ( ) حفظ الخطاب خاتمة

Best wishes, ( ) كمساعد الضمائر تحويل

youhim / her Iyou


15 El sadat street Cairo ,

22th Jan. 2009 Dear Yousef,

I 'm very pleased to write you this letter. I hope that you are well when you receive this letter. I'm writing to invite you to spend the weekend with me in my home , I'm sure you won't be sorry for coming because you will enjoy a happy time with my family. Give my

hands to all your family . I'm looking forward to seeing you soon.

Yours, Ahmed

Write a letter to your friend inviting him to spend a week at your house Your name is Ahmed and you live at 15 El sadat street , cairoYour friend's name is yousies

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It is said that the youth are “half the present and all the future”. This is really true because the youth of today will be the men of tomorrow. If we don’t find them jobs, they would be idle and a burden on society. They can work under the hardest conditions in the deserts or in very cold climates

It is our duty to create job opportunities for them by carrying out different project which enables doctors, engineers, accountants, farmers to find jobs that suit their abilities and skills. Even those who are not fit for a certain job can go through different conversion training courses to learn new professions.

Great achievements made in Egypt

Many great achievements have been made in Egypt during the twentieth century. The building of the High Dam South of Aswan was the greatest achievement carried out in the life of Gamal Abdel Nasser. Many other useful projects have been carried out for the good and welfare of the Egyptian people. Thousands of factories were set up to employ thousands of workers and increase the production. During the reign of President Mubarak, great progress has been achieved in the fields of school ,university ,computer and technology. Two satellites, Nile sat 1 and 2 are now on orbit. In the field of transport, two underground lines were carried out for the first time in the Middle East and Arab world. The Toshka Project is a great achievement that will use the surplus Nile flood water to reclaim thousands of feddans

The Best Qualities of a Good Friend

In fact man can't live alone. He needs to live with other , but we should be very careful when we choose our friends .The true friend helpful indeed because "A friend in need is a friend indeed"

The true friend is always ready to help his friends and those who are in need .The true friend should also be truthful and honest .He should keep secret and never tell lies .He shouldn't be selfish . Finally we can say that a true friend is as precious as gold .

The job you would like to have when u finish school.

When I finish school I’d like to join the Faculty of Engineering as I’d like to be an architect. I admire modern buildings and our country is in need of constructing thousands of buildings to provide comfortable housing for the youthful families in the new cities. By designing new original houses provided with the modern commodities. I’ll be able to share in solving the problem of the increasing population. I’ll design and build suitable comfortable homes to accommodate for the youth.

Different types of tourism

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Tourism is an important source of national income in Egypt. There are different types of tourism which attract tourists to our country. The most common type is travelling for pleasure and relaxation. Tourists from cold countries in Europe, America and Asia come to Egypt in winter to enjoy our warm weather.

Medical tourism also has its resources in Egypt such as the natural hot water springs in El Eein El sokhna, Sinia and the Oases, which cure rheumatism .Some tourists come for adventure and exploration and go hunting wild animals and birds in Sinai, the West Desert, El Fayoum and the Oases. Many International and Arab conferences are held in Egypt where five star hotels, conference halls and centres accommodate for the attendants.

“The advantages and disadvantages of travelling abroad”

Travelling abroad has many advantages. By travelling to other countries, we see and learn a lot about many things, which we would have known nothing about, if we had stayed at home. Many students and scholars travel abroad to learn in the famous European and American Universities Besides many sick people travel for treatment in medical resorts and specialized hospitals abroad.Thousands of young men travel abroad on business to make money. Travelling abroad helps the youth to depend on themselves and gain self-reliance.

On the other hand travelling abroad has disadvantages. Homesickness in one of them. Another disadvantage is the possibility of gaining some bad habits which don’t cope with our Egyptian traditions and customs.

The Short stories القصيرة القصصAn artist’s story

1- Who was Augustus Pokewhistle? بوكويسل أوجستس هو من-He was a failure artist فاشل فنان2- What did he think about the immense man? الغريب؟ في اعتقد ماذاHe thought that he was the doctor.3-Why didn't Augustus think the man would help him? الغريب ان اغسطس اعتقد لماذا

يساعده لن- Because the man didn't know the story of his life.4- Why did Augustus call the visitor one of the uncaring public?

مهتمين الغير العوام أحد الرجل أوجستس سمى لماذا- Because he thought that all people were not interested in him.5- How was Augustus brought up? أوجستس تربى كيف- He was brought up delicatelyبرقة.6- When did he win a prize? and why? لماذا و بجائزة فاز متى- When he was seven years old for drawing an animal.7- What had he intended to draw? يرسم أن ينوي كان ماذا- He wanted to draw sun set over London.8- How did Augustus' parents help him? والديه ساعده كيف- They provided him with paper and pencils and gave him the chance to study under great painters

9 -Why didn't Augustus succeed as a painter? ( ) رسوماته يبيع لم النه كرسام اجستس ينجح لم لماذا

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- Because he didn't sell any painting10- What did he do to draw the country? الريف رسم عندما فعل ماذاHe painted 9 times the view from his back window and 7 times the view from his front window.

11- Why did he decide to forget his soul? روحه ينسى أن قرر لماذا- As he needed money .12- What did he struggle for ?

؟ اجل من يناضل اغسطس كان ماذاHe struggled for drawing for money .13- What did Augustus do to get money ?

؟ ) ( روحه ينسَّي المال علَّي ليحصل أوجستس فعل ماذا- First, he draw for newspaper - funny pictures - and then for advertisementاإلعالنات ..14- Why did he decide to take to bed? الفراش يالزم أن قرر لماذا- As his heart was broken.15- Do you think that Augusts has a good reason for never rising from his bed?هلفراشه من يقوم ال لكي جيد سبب لديه أنه تعتقد - No he didn't because he should have looked for another job.16- Why is the man from the furniture shop certain that Augusts Pokewhistle will rise again from his bed?

فراشه من يقوم سوف أوجستس أن األثاث محل رجل اعتقد لماذا- Because he came to take back the bed as Augusts didn't pay its price

Augusts said to the man from the furniture shop قالها عبارات1-" No body came to have their pictures painted and I had no desire to paint any." 2-"Nobody seemed to want them and if you go into my sitting room, you will see them hanging sadly on the wall.."3- " It is very kind of you to come but I don't think you can help me."4-"At the age of seven I won a prize for a drawing of an animal."

5-So,I gave up the struggle.My heart was broken and I determined to take to my bed".6 -May I mention that there is a certain repetition in your remarks?

7" -If I had had the soul of a true artist, I would have died rather than do such a thing".

the man from the furniture shop said to Augusts 5-"I feel certain you will, because I've come to take it away."6: But ,…..

1-What is the writer's remarkable memory like ? ا الكاتب ذاكرة هي مميزة؟لما - He never forgets a faces.2- What is his problem and how does it affects him on his business ?

عمله في عليه تؤثر كيف و مشكلته ما- He forgets names. It makes him lose business more than once.3-What does his wife suggest for him to work ? زوجته تقترح - ماذاShe suggests that he should work as a reporter 4- Why did he sometimes lose business? أحيانا صفقات يفقد لماذا- It is because when someone he makes business with, realizes that he forgets his name.5-What did his wife complain of? زوجته تشكو مما

- He doesn't remember the names of his next door neighbors.

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6- How does the writer know the people of Bradfield?باردفييلد بأهل الكاتب معرفة مدى ما

- He knows most of them by sight شكال يعرفهم7- How does the writer overcome his problem with names?األسماء مع مشكلته على الكاتب يتغلب كيف- He connects a face with a place and reminds the person of the place where they have met.8- Mention two social activities the writers reminds his listeners of? من اثنين اذكر

المستمع الكاتب بها يذكر التي االجتماعية األنشطة- Attending football match or big dinner.9- Why did the writer take a late train that night?

الليلة؟ تلك متأخرا قطارا الكاتب أخذ لماذاBecause he was kept late at the office in London.10-What did he know about man on the train?

القطار في الرجل عن عرف ماذا- That the man's face told him that he was from Bradfield. 11- How did the writer try to begin a conversation with the man on the train ? حاول كيف

القطار في الرجل مع الحديث بدأ .He asked him if he generally took that train الكاتب12- What did he mean by “human nature”? البشرية بالطبيعة يقصد ماذا- He means when you ask someone a question he answers and adds another information.13- What was the last attempt to make the stranger talk?

يتكلم؟ الرجل لجعل للكاتب األخيرة المحاولة كانت ماذا- He boasted about his work to make the stranger boast too.14- What was the stranger’s reaction to the writer’s attempts? على الغريب فعل رد هو ما محاوالتHe didn’t say much and agreed to every thing I made.15- What made the writer give up talking ?

الحديث؟ عن يتوقف الكاتب جعل الذي ما - because the other man seemed unwilling to speak.16-How do you know that the writer was kind-hearted?

القلب؟ طيب الكاتب أن عرفت كيف1- He woke the man up when they reached Bardfield. 2-He offered him a lift because the weather was very bad.

17- What happened when the writer slowed down?The man hit him hard on the back of his head.

18 -What surprise did the writer find out when he went to the police station? تفاجأ بماذاالشرطة مركز وصل عندما

He found the man's picture on the wall of the police station. The man was called John and was “ wanted for robbery with violence and attempted murder” الشروع و باإلكراه سرقة

قتل في

The writer to the reader إليها عبارات انتبه هامه1-"But I'm not like that . When I say I never forget a face, I mean it."2-"My wife says I ought to be a reporter for newspapers”

الترجمة العاشر السؤال1. العربية- , الحملة به أبدأ و الفعل عن ابحث العربية إلي االنجليزية من الترجمة عند2. , االنجليزية- الجملة به أبدأ و الفاعل عن ابحث االنجليزية إلي العربية من الترجمة عندالموصوف- 3 بعد تأتي بينما تجمع ال و االنجليزية في الموصوف تسبق العربية الصفة .فيباستخدام- 4 االنجليزية في فعلية جملة إلي تترجم العربية في االسمية .)To be(الجملةنضع , ) s(' / 'نستخدم- 5 عاقل الغير المالك أما العاقل مع الملكية عن .)of(للتعبير المملوك وبين بينه

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* Ahmed’s bag . أحمد التعليم The ministry of education * حقيبة وزارة6. ( االنجليزية- ( إلي تترجم ال العربية الجملة بداية في للنصب إن7.( / / / ) هكذا- كذلك ثم من حيث مثل بكلمات العربية إلي الترجمة عند بعضها مع الجمل ربط راعي8. للسياق- المناسب اللفظ وتخير الكالم سياق خالل من الجملة في الصعبة الكلمة تخمين حاول9. الجملة- سياق يهدم مما للكلمات اللفظية الحرفية الترجمة تجنب

Arabic العربية االنجليزية Englishاللغة اللغة

الماضي + في فعل التام have / has + P.Pلقد المضارعمضارع + فعل المصدر may + infinitiveقد

يصرف + ( فعل مفرد اسم كل(s مفردا

each / every + non مفرد اسم

يصرف + ( فعل جمع اسم كل(s جمعا

all + noun جمع اسم

( العربية ( الجملة بداية .…………It is / It wasمنأفعل + وزن على تفضيل صفة اثنين + one ofمن من أكثر يبن مقارنة صفة

أن / / يجب علي أن المصدر + must / have to / has toالبدمضارع + فعل كاملة + that / المصدر + toأن جملة

+ ( مضارع ( فعل النافية haven't / hadn't + P.P / المصدر + didn'tلم + ( على ( يدل فعل النافية لن

المستقبلdon't / won't + المصدر

جهده قصارى ) do / doesيبذل ملكية best (ضمير............ ,....... حدث حدث ..……the more…………, the moreكلما

General Words , Expressions & IdiomsFor Secondary Stage Newcomers

PeacePeacefulAgricultureIndustryCultureHealthTradePolicyCrimePrivatizationMigrationUnemploymentAddictionTerrorismTerroristTerror = horrorTourismTouristCongestionCrowdednessPopulationPollutionRationalizationFactors





فزع – رعبالسياحةسياحىالتكدساالزدحامالسكانالتلوثترشيدعوامل

Public sectorPrivate sectorDrug takingTerrorist actsTourism industryFlow of trafficTraffic lawTraffic jamsFamily planningMeans of comfortMobile phonesDeveloped countriesInformation technologyPeaceful meansPeace treatyPeace of mindPeace makerMan of peaceSecurity councilUnited NationsWomen's rightsSocial workSocial workerSocial reform

العام القطاعالخاص القطاعالمخدرات تعاطىإرهابية أعمالالسياحة صناعة

المرور انسيابالمرور قانونالمرور عوائقاألسرة تنظيمالراحة وسائل


المتقدمة الدول تكنولوجيا

المعلوماتسلمية وسائلالسالم معاهدة

البال راحةسالم صانعسالم رجل

األمن مجلسالمتحدة األمم

المرأة حقوقاالجتماعية الخدمة

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TransportCommunicationsDevelopmentRevolutionBelongingLoyaltyResponsibilityDuty StabilitySecuritySafetyEconomyInflationAwarenessHumanityGlobalization


االتصاالتتطوير – تنميةثورة






Education reformEconomic reformEconomic problemEconomic siegeEconomic crisis Rise in pricesFood shortageHuman beingRadical solutionLocal productionStandard of livingNational incomeMass mediaExports and importsReading for all projectPeace-loving nations

اجتماعى أخصائىاجتماعى إصالحالتعليم إصالحاقتصادى إصالح

اقتصادية مشكلةاقتصادى حصاراقتصادية أزمة

األسعار ارتفاعالطعام نقصبشرى كائنجذرى حل

محلى إنتاجالمعيشة مستوىالقومى الدخلاإلعالم وسائل


القراءة مشروعللجميع

المحبة الشعوبللسالم

Important TranslationsDr. Mohammed EI-Baradai was awarded the Nobel Prize Owing to his efforts for world peace.

العالمى السالم أجل من لجهوده نظرا نوبل جائزة البرادعى محمد الدكتور منح لقدIt has been proved that the sank of the Egyptian Ferry is the result of negligence and indifference.

المباالة وعدم االهمال عن ناتج المصرية العبارة غرق أن تبين لقد *The terrorist attacks that happened in Dahab affect the tourist .. industry in Egypt greatly, .

كثيرا مصر فى السياحة بصناعة يضر ارهابية عمليات من دهب فى ماحدث ان »The Egyptian National Football team has achieved a historic victory winning the African Cup of

Nation for the fifth time.امم بكأس الخامسة للمرة بفوزه تاريخيا نصرا القدم لكرة المصرى المنتخب حقق

افريقيا Egypt has taken a wide step towards achieving economic and democratic reformation.

والديمقراطى االقتصادى االصالح تحقيق نحو واسعة خطوات مصر اتخذت لقد *Birds' flu infection results from direct contact with infected poultry.

المصابة الدواجن مع المباشر االتصال من الطيور بانفلونزا االصابة تنشأ •Any nation depends on its youth in carrying out its agricultural and industrial projects.

والزراعية الصناعية المشروعات تنفيذ فى شبابها على امة اى تعتمد •There is no doubt that pollution has its bad effects on environment whether man, animal or

plant.او الحيوان او لالنسان ذلك كان سواء البيئة على خطيرة اثار للتلوث أن فيه الشك مما

النبات The establishment of many libraries for children is an important step towards enriching the children's culture.

الطفل ثقافة اثراء نحو هامة خطوة االطفال مكتبات انشاء يعدFreedom is to live in peace and let others live in peace too.

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سالم فى يعيشون االخرين وندع سالم فى نعيش ان هى الحرية *The computer is used in all educational, social, economical, and agricultural fields.

والزراعية واالجتماعية التعليمية المجاالت كافة فى الكمبيوتر يستخدمMy friend thanked me for the present I sent him on his birthday.

ميالده عيد فى له ارسلتها التى هديتي على صديقي شكرنى لقدTourism is considered one of the most important earners for the national income, so we must attract tourists to visit Egypt.مصر الى السياح نجذب ان علينا ولذا القومي الدخل مصادر من مصدرا السياحة تعتبر

*Schools are greatly interested in schools activities.المدرسية باالنشطة كبيرا اهتماما المدارس تهتم

*We should give due care to children.كبيرا اهتماما باالطفال نهتم انم يجب

*Tourism and Marketing festival is held every year in Egypt.عام كل مصر فى والتسوق السياحة مهرجان يقام

#The state celebrates Labours Day on 1st May.مايو فى عام كل العمال بعيد الدولة تحتفل

*School libraries provide students with a lot of general information.العامة المعلومات من بالكثير الطالب المدرسية المكتبات تزود

#Success in life depends on patience and hard work.الجاد والعمل الصبر على الحياة فى النجاح يعتمد

#Modern technology has a vital role in our life.حياتنا فى حيوى دور لها الحديثة التكنولوجيا انExercises

#Remote sensing refers to the radar from satellites that can penetrate through land to record the presence of areas of water, oil and minerals.

االنسان على بفائدة تعود علمية ابحاث الجراء الفضاء يستخدم *Your brain is considered the most important organ in your body. It receives information from

your senses. It analyses them with amazing speed and sends messages to all parts of your body to control it.

االلية الحاسبات من اعظم البشرى العقل ان ينكر ان احد اليستطيعPollution is a very serious problem that affects our life badly. The government and individuals should co-operate to put an end to this problem.

البيئة على نحافظ وان النيل مياه نلوث اال علينا يجبEvery country must try to avoid polluting the environment where they live as pollution causes most of the diseases that man catches.

الشوارع فى بالقمامة تلقي وال نظيفة مدينتك على حافظThanks to modern inventions, man lives comfortably. Television, for example, helps us to enjoy watching films, plays and matches. A washing machine helps housewives do their washing very fast.

بالقطار لحقت لما مبكرا استيقظ لم لو *Today our life is much more comfortable than it used to be. The cause of this is modern

inventions that save man's time and effort.حكمة اكثر بشكل لتصرفت مكانك كنت لو

«You must never eat food that smells bad It may be poisonous Do not eat tinned food if the tin looks swollen or if it explodes when you open it. The food will be bad.

وعيوبها بمزاياها والعولمة واالنترنت الكمبيوتر عصر االن نعيشOur deserts are one of our chief sources of wealth, if we give them due care, we increase our national income and solve

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many of our problems.حضارى مظهر النظافة الن مدننا نظافة على نحافظ ان يجب

Cleanliness is tremendously important in the prevention of many kinds of infections. Hygiene and sanitation are both important. It is always said that prevention is better than cure.

للوظيفة بطلب تقدم االعالن قرا ان بعد »All members of a family can participate in making home clean, healthy and attractive. In this

way we can lead a happy and comfortable life. We should also take some exercises to keep fit.الحياة عن الكثير يعلمونا النهم والمعلمين والدينا ونحترم نطيع ان يجب

*Health is better than wealth and prevention is better than cure. *Smoking is very harmful to our health. Doctors have proved that it is the main cause of serious

diseases like cancer and lung diseases.االخرين واحترام بحب يحظى ان انسان كل يتمنى

*From the health point of view, we live in a marvelous age. A long number of fatal illnesses can now be cured by modern drugs and surgery.

افضل وحية التقدم الى يؤدي الذى الوحيد الطريق هو التعليم *Schoois are not built for teaching only. They have many other purposes. One of which is

providing the society with good citizens.والفقر واالمية للبطالة حد وضع فى نأمل

#The ancient Egyptian monuments arouse the admiration of all who visit them. They are marvels that show the greatness of our ancestors.

الشتاء فى مصر زيارة يفضلون السياح من كثيرا #Mrs. Suzan Mubarak has led a campaign to set up different projects for the benefit of the

Egyptian child. A lot of businessmen have responded to this call and offered to lessen the burden on the government shoulders.

الشخصية بناء فى هاما دورا الرياضة تلعبThe sight of the sun at the sunset is of matchless beauty. It is one of the miracles of Allah and his creation. We have to worship him for his endless blessings.القومي الدخل ولزيادة للشباب عمل فرص لتوفير عمالقة مشروعات الحكومة تنشئ

We always respect people with good qualities, if they are honest, kind, tolerant, co-operative and hard working.

الطالب بين الثقافة نشر فى هاما دورا المدرسية المكتبات تلعبBooks are human knowledge treasure, which provide the reader with information that helps him to evaluate his matters. So, we should urge our coming generations to read.

وديني قومي واجب االرهاب مقاومةIt is important to get everything right on your first day in a new job. Make sure that you get to work on time. Do not be in a hurry to leave the minute the working day is over.

االوسط الشرق فى السالم لتحقيق عظيمة جهودا الجمهورية رئيس يبذلThe state has given great interest in education to face the future andto raise the standard of living. The Book Fair has become a centre for culture, literature, education and science.

للشباب عمل فرص بتوفير وذلك البطالة مشكلة على للقضاء الحكومة تسعى