__ AMUSEMENTS. 1MRI.OS GAKUK1. ;7~ The Oardaa is uow clixwd »mJ the entrance to tl« Thrill* 11 ou Broadway. All well warmed sod lighted for cold wwchar LAST <11- 1HK SEASON. LAST NIGHT Bl T ONE Of THE K A V E L F A M 1 LY . * HIS EVENING, October 2o The performance will eon me-vr witli the Overture to Zai etta Auber. To lolli u *d by the first net of the Pantomime of JOCKO. Jocko, the Brazil'iai Ape, Mom Muut'i The Coinic i>»rt of Lorenxo, Gabrt'1 Rvvel '"fit of trie hi.acters by tkr Rttrl Family. Af.er which a grand pat ita deux frt in . LA NAIAD »T Madame Ltou Javi-lli and Mous Martin. After which new ^iid varied performances ou the TIGHT HOPE. By tli* lla«el Family. Half as four's intermission will he allowed for promenade nod relreshments in the (irand Saloon, Whan Ice ("reams. Kinit t<*e&, and Refreshments of the choi ceat kind, and in great variety, will be touud. To conclude with 55 M18FORTI NKS OK KOKTUNATU8! Or..The Magic Cuckoo! * onsiahng of t'f Itnew and original Scene* Dresses Tricba, and Transformation*! With entirely new Slaelnnerv, Scenery, Costumes, Properties Overture* anil Music, &c bLC Doc Fortuuatus. Oabnel Havel ( A simple Signor of Salamanca ) Don Babellas Jerome Ravel Alberto M n». Martin Vulcan Mods. D'Anvergue Don Henrique Autoinr Havel >ieuor de \ allodahd Charlei Winther Gntaldo Fnuieoit Havel Skelr'on Mods. Massetti Ou|o Joseph Ravel A Inn to Leon Javelli Martin Javelli Lorento Clarke Marcia ... ... *. severe Colossus Stafford .Marcellina Madame Jerome Havel Arreline Madame Leon Javelli THIS EVENING, Oct 20.The performance will commence with JOHN JONES. (hiy Goodluck, Burton Jenny, Mrs Herring After which, A THUMPING LEGACY. Jerry Ominous, Burton Kosstuo, Misi Kerny Alter which Sailor's Hornpipe. Mr Williams To conclude w ith the BOOTS AT THE SWAN. Jacob Earwig, Mr Burton XrilTCIIELJVS OLYMPIC THEATRE. TH13 EVENING, October 20.The, performance will com meuce with I A THUMPING LEGACY. Jerry Ominous, Mr Holland ' After which < MACBETH. Macbeth, _ Mr Mitchell. After which, NEW FOOTMAN. Bobby Breakwindow Holland To conclude with ANGEL OF i HE ATTIC. t The Chevalier, Clarke I Marriette, Mrs Booth jTr res» Circle, M cents.Upper Boxes, 25 Scents.Pit, 12>» r .Private Boxes, $i.-Orchestra Boxes, $3. ^7*Doors opeu at .Curtain rise at half-past 7. i CIRCUS. BOWERY AMPHITHEATRE c JOHN TRY ON MANAGER. ! Treasurer, J. D. P. Champlin Clown and Equestrian Direct or, John (Jos!in Ring Master, Mr. Nixon. Boxes 25 cents. Pit 12^ cents. Children to Boxes, when ac companied by their guardians, 12)»£ ci-nts. Grand Display of Extravaganzas and Ethiopian Melodies. En gags-mem or the infant PAGAN I N i, Aged 7 yeirs, who will perfonn on the Violin, with the MINSTRELS . Splendid Performances by the magnificent Military Band. THIS EVENING, Octob r 20.The performances will com tnerce with the MAIDS OK CASHMERE, And the Nobles of the East. Led by Mrs. Cole. After which, a variety Equestrian Pe-formanees. Songs, &-c Besides a (fnat variety of other amusing performances. To conclae with AN.iETH'OA.N CONCERT. W' sea,°" "'"ickets for salt" at the bo* office, price £5. Doors open at 7. First overture to commence at quarter past , Performance to commenct at half past 7 precisely. o3 r AMKKItAM MVBKUM. «RUL GAftOSH AND FAIR. Corner of Broadway and Am str-et. T. P. Manager. in grJer to accommodate the great crowd? attending here, there will be TWO DISTINCT PERFORMANCES DAILY, Commencing at 3 o'clock and o'clock, P. M. GENERAL TOM THUMB, This smallest of Dwarfs, who is eleven years old. twenty-five <nchfs high, »"d weighs o;:ly FIFTEEN POUNDS, has re- tumed tn his old quarters, and may be seen every day and eveuiug this week. DR. VALENTINE, The eccentric delineator of different chaiacter, is engaged, and will oi*n Ins whole budget of comicalities, , w hims. cups, oddities, &c. MR. S. K. 0. NELL IS, 1 Born without ar^s. will delight the visiton w ifh the hundreds lit beautiful and difficult feats performed with his toes. Mr WM. CoLE, the wouderful Chinese Nondescript, with ( his DOG BILL V. who Sings. Dances, and jierforms a variety ol fents which astonish every beholder Mr H. G SHERMAN, the popmar Ballad Ringer. Albino Ladv. Fancy Glass Blowing. CITY BRASS ' I!A N I), ol twelve musicians Grand Cosmarama, the PE1I c, FETUaL FAIR, and 100,000 Curiosities. Admission to the whole 23 cents.cuildren under ten years t! hall price. oH ec 1 PKALK't! IVKW YORK JWI SKLM, f. AND PICTURE GALLERV. n {Broiuiu«iy,op}>oiite the City Hall.) Mr. H Bennett Manager. a Is happy to announce an engagement for three days with the h celebrated MONS. ADRIEN, the most remntkatle Magician and Necrmnaneer in the world. Also J THF MYSTERIOUS BOY, whose jierformances are mrarulous Sryond conception. Alio Mignor KinaliVs ceUbiafd Mechanical Figures. > La petite cehno. the graceful d ucer. i WILD BOY OF THfc WOODS'. HALK 4AN AND HALF MONKEY! Po»sessed of the power of Speech .yet has four feet.no hands, auJ walks a* ALL FOURS. . is beyond all il 'ubt the most astonishing Curiosity in w -he World. II pos ively leaves after SatnHav next j Also eue iged, the immense HEAD, TUSKS, and other bones of t! THE GREAT MASTADON! " Recently discovered in Orange County, and now for the first time eihibtted in New York. The bones of this MAMMOTH. which liveil and died befnre the Klood, art in perlect preserva(i ii, and this is the ONLY |*rfect Skull ever before disco* \ered. GLASS BLOWING A Self-Playing Melodeon, and 500,ftOO Cariosities. Admission to all only One Shilling. ol9 3tr THURSDAY, TH1, lyih OCTOBER, 1841..GRAND A VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT, by MADAM CINT1 DAMOUREAU. Prima Donna, from the Cirand Opera in Paris, the Italian Opera and tlie f Ipera Comique. and MONS ARLOT, on Thursday, the lifih October, 1843. at ti4e Washington hotel. Director Mr. Timm. , Kor programme »ee small bill*. Tickets $1 each.to be had at the Music Stows and Hotels and at the door. Concert to commence at 8 o'clock 014 'itr L'SICAL KN I > R 1 AiNMhNT.J. I'OOLE, from Kill ii hutch, retpecdullv announces to his friends and ihe jmblie, that his nest Conceit will take place on Thursday evening, October l«h, 1813 at National Hall. Canal street, j doors from Broadway, when he will have the plea*ureof introducing M'tne "f the m"»t itvirej ancie't and modi rn melodies. j. I'. *i»i*te.l bv gentlemen <>1 well know n talents, will ling The wee wee < rorman l*iidie;Tbe Flower* of the Forest; Aula l>obn> >ray IStw ye my wee thing; My ain fireside; Wander- i Willie; Here's a h-.ilth bonnie Seotliud t thee, Sic. ' Ticket* 21 cents to h»-had at'.he door on the even ng of the (oil cert. Child ten half price D< or* open at 7 to commence at 8 l>rer.i*eh\ Mr*. McDoual will preside ot the piano forte, and Mr. Hoffman the violin. "18 2t«r NEW YORK SOCIETY LIBRARY. DR. LAttDNER'8 LYCEUM. EVERY \ ENING-t o'clock..TICKETS*) CENTS U A Ml LI ES, School* and lonividual* dmrmg aubscriptitfti r ticket*, to apply at tlie Lecture room. Programmes for the week mav lie obtained at the Lecctore R"om. ENTIFI' ENTERTAINMENTS, con.utmg of popular ilisc mraes and lecture* 011 tlie most interesting and iuil>ortant Modem Dwcovene* 1a ihe physical cieurea, and their application in ihe An* Then, entertainment*, adapted lor the iwrnani an persons 01 orama/> eaucaturn, will be *luci<latad by the mint splendid collection of illaairatious ever exhibited in thu country. \moigthe mechanical illu»t rat ions will be included that splendid working m< del of Uie Solsr System, called KCSSKLL'b PLANKTAKlL'M, Which will be erected and kept in mot'un. T«ie»ro:>ic vi* we of lh« PliotU. taken generally from Original Dra>*iiiK»- prepared for Dr Lardtirr by liersche.1, and other mineul Kuropeao Astronomers. ^A series of vi»w, of From Telescopic Pr»wiiiK« by the I'rui.nn Observer*, Baer nd Madlrr, 1JJE 80LAJt SPOTS From Drawings by HtrathtJ ao<J or. here. A kt« >i wnrty of Scenic JlJuarraiioua ot Lunar and Solar THK SEASONS, And otht Astronomical Phenomena , also, Meteorological Dr nrtmat of the Aurora Borwalis, Water S|«>uts, and other Mete"i. from drawings by Lottiu, fleechev, fcc. 1 ln> collection consists ol above '1 wo Hundred Diorama*, . .eh r.f whirli will be exhibited with * magnitude sufficient to be risible in every part of the lirgest theatre*, covering nnarly Kour Hundred square Irei of Canvass. The celebrated DKIMMOND LIGHTS, will be occasionally shown and eiplained By tins invention, a single point, not eto»«Ji'ig the iimgmiiole of a |«» is rendered »o intensely lump mod- as to illuminate the largest theatre, unaided by any other luii it ha* lately been proposed to apidy this eoutrieance to illuminate theciiy ol I'aris by a single Lautarn. Piui.uvs. Inventor* and Mauul*< tureis may consult Dr, LAiUlNfcH du'iag his visit to this city, on subjects conueci ni with tit* application of me Physical aud Mrrhamcal Sciences to tlie uael'ul Arts. olTr TO hKINTERa. L1 1R 1AUt .Two fouuw of Type, Miuion and Nonpanel, which tiaee *>« used on<!lh* New Vort Herald Apply al IhiaMfiee. i f'ri marun J avein OiiUin* Mr*. C. H. Hunt tin. nroauiev Ujy"In Intiire the rerlortnuiCM will commence at half-)«st ,i i Iock precisely. iTT'A »lnci folic* w ill be in attendance, and great care to ken to prevent the admission of improper |>ersous. C.7~Tu;lteu Kifi> Cents. May be >m<i at the Garden duriut the day. [C?" A limited number of Season Tickeu will be au po»e<l of C^No postponement at this establishment on accoiintol th. w itnei as the Grand Entrance from Broadway to the Saloon » protected, and the new Saloon, which is ventilated from thf top and mde*. can be o|iened at a moment's notice. PARK THKATKK. BENEFIT OK MR M* ('READY THIS EVENING. Oct. <0.will be perlormed . MACBETH. 1 M»cb»th, Mttready Micduff, Ryder Bonquo, Barry Lenox, Tomer Lilly Macbeth, Mrs Sloman Jollowedby Mis» Julm Tnrubull. in* La Gullianna l To conclude with ! THE DOUBLE BEDDED ROOM. Mr Pipes, Mr Placide Nancy, Miss Ayies 1T7" Boies $i.Pit 50 cents.Gallery 25 cents. Doors open at quarter to 7. The Curtain will rise pre- OMtV ai quarter i«si 7 o clock. ' CUATHAM THKATKK. Bo*es 25 cents. Pit I2>i cents. Nofcce.The Doors will open at haU-pasl 6. Curtain will ris> at 7 o'clock. RENOVATED AN1) RE-OPENED. ^mm ITALIAN MUSIC..MR MANNING. (twanty ymr. I drat in Naplei.) pupil of 1'aciui and Li*»ceutmi, givaa in fruitions on term* to >uit lit* limn, in Italian Krrncli, and Knglish aingiBK. and in the inoat laahionable alyle of piano forte playing. Mr M. haa permission to re(«r to the (olio* nig >*«tlem»u:. J. M. Wainw right, D. D.; Meaan Howland & AapuiwalUJ f. Schroder. 1). DMr. J. T. Br.gham; V. L. liawkas, D. D Mr. 8 Ward. Mr M. raaidea at Hndaou »treet near Spring it. ol lm*r ___________ MaDA vit, 1 'N, PRO M * SOli OK SINdINO, J6 Varick stmt, St. Joinia' Park. al5 3ui*r NiUdIC MKSSIIS. 8C bttKlDKK fc RICBIIKKN, Profea»or» of * Muaic, UteoTBaratoga Spring*, respectfully announce. tli.it they are now pr parei' to gne their attendance at private parties soire*, serenades, it during the euauiug aeaaon, peliorrning the moat n odirn mil popular music. All o dera tor iheir attendance will be received and answered at their preaent reaideine. SO Croah> at. QIC lm*r TO PIANO FOllTE MAKKRri. JOHN GILL, m&uaiacttirprof Piano Kort* Hardware, wial e* to anurunre that in addition to Ills eatablishn ent. (on Jmh . atreet and *d Avenue) that lie has m..de arrauiemaata with .Vr. » John Phvfe, ivory devler, No. 15 Murray street, N°w York,(a* ate. t) where any article ol' piano lorte hardware can te purchased at cheap ns elsewhere and in any ijuantiliea ; J. U. ie*|>ecllully solicits attention tu tlie auiwrior quality of his manufartuieil goods. especially hit improved mimic pins, w hich arv warranted in er.'ry respect. Sitteeii yea's close attention to the above business in New York has eimbledJ. CI. to (now exactly w hat the piano forte makers require. All orders to John tiill, 26ili street and 3d Avenue, New York, or to Mr. John I'liyfe, as above, w ill meet with immediate atleu turn. < Vods forwarded to any part of the Uuued Matea. ol7 im* m " " I'H I LA iJh Ll'Hl \ P DA.'tTTi- rrro rvp- pvi'-ri.kjhvihn'T EXCH UiK"hi iuDINoTROOMS 26 AND 2' C 'T^HE t>obsc*ibrr haareceive<* a large supply of Voigtland»rs' f ! re'ebniteJ Daguerreotype Apt'artui, laijr* aud small lives, with achromatic lenses made according to Professor IVtival'i * calculation. .... *> Alto a new supoly of best plates anil chrmicalii which he tl Warrants "00<' *' J *ell« at rtduced prices. The fu'Towiug gentlemeu have agreed 10 act as agen'i, vix. n E Whi'e, h.tq 173 Broadway New York P. Haas, fciij, ai Washington, D. C. Dr A. Caspari, Richmond. Va.^ S. Broadbent. Ls|, lor ihe Southern States. Win. W«*t, Esq, * Cincinnati, Ohio. All con munication* (post p»id) and orders, accompanied ~ witn r miiltncei, will be promptly attended to, and should be directed to W ILLIAM LAUGENlI KIM. oI7 3m*r Exchange Buildings, Philadelphia. < DIPBROW'S HIDING SCHOOL, 4()8 BOWEKY. ni Mil. D. ha* the honor to announce that his School is opt» foF the reception of pupils, daily. Suudays excepted hi I or Ladies, from A. M. to 3 I*. M. ti K iOMMMI, from 7 to 9 A. M., and 3 to 7 P. M.li _ Hi, Sly trained and quiet horses for the road or parade, to In Korta <ns and particular* apply as above. au5 3m*r si RICH PARIS FANCY FEATHERS mid Chenille Caps, ft xiid 11'ail Ornaments, just lauded [and for sale at No. 6 v South William itrwt on 6i»r BlirKWHtSAT.New Bnckwheu, Corn M»al and Rye r' Hour in barrels, hslf barrels and i;uarters, Mutable for ship- *' no g or Family use, for sale by tl HOLT Sc OWEN, o!9 3t*r 209 Kront st corBeekman. NEW BUCKWHEAT.1000 packi^es in barrels, liulf barrels, quarters and eighths, packed iu a superior maimer for m he southern market.a choice article aud frte from grit. For £ tale on liberal terms by . 013 lm*r GEORGE WELLS, Jr. 196 Front at. o LARD.700 kegs extra prime Leaf Lard, in excellent order, for sale by go!9 ec E K. COLLINS St CO. 86 South it. \\T A. SMETS ha* just received per late arrivals fr >m Ha' * vre, a fine aa'crtment of Embroideries and Milliuery urt'des, for city retail tr.tde, of the latest and most fashionable Paris style, selected by himself personally, which can be seen " at 46 Beaver street, up stairs. o!4 6t*r t> EADY MADE OVERCOATS. Winter Frocks, Cloak*, V St-c..Extra Beaver and Pilot Cloth Over Coats, Winter S Frocks, Sacks, &c. Also, extra aud medium quality Cloth Cloaks, forsaleat 231 d Broadway, American Hotel, opposite the Fonutain. t( ol5 lm*r WM T. JENNINGS & CO. rPO ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS..The *ubscnber A would respectfully inform his customers and others, that in ^ consequence of his old stai d iu Broadway being burn, d down, lie has taken the premises No. 135 Crosby street near Houston, " until such time as the stores in Broadway are rebuilt, and that * he is now prepared to exeute any orders for Ornamental Work f, aud Carving that may be required, the same a* formerly. New York, September 28th. 1843. JOHN GALL1ER, J *2fl Ins*13S Crosby ifreet. g COAL..Large Nut Size $4,73, Stove i j 00, aud lre*h Broke i and Kgg $5 2') per ton, of the best Peach Orchard Ash, wel a] icrfeu*weighed Dva city weigher and delivered free of car' 6 ige A reductiou.of 26 cent* per ton if taken from the boit VETER CI-INTON, coruerof King b *1*1 Sm-»unit flwou-ich street*. DOUBLE EXTRA ITALIAN HAllTWASH IV PHS CELEBRATED preparation, the only one that fins v ever beeu discovered, for the successful extirpation of that ti uost offensive dist*t*e ot the head, DANDRUFF, « ias, during the late spring aud summer season, been applied and ~ ected by thousands of Ladies aud Gentlemen, and in uo one £ ustauce, has it tailed to effect H AN IMMEDIATE AND RADICAL CURE. £ It is recommended by the most celebrated and skilful physiians and chemists of t,,e day. Every one should avail tliein- . elves of its benefits, aud thus secure a clear head aud a luxuri- , tut coat ol hair. It is for sale bv iu proprietor.pricc $1 the lOttle, and 26 cents the single was'i in the shop. p. 014 jinnee 1' I'USSkDDU, 17 Tark Row. q I^vOCTOR J. GRANGER desires in nit'ire to limit hi* *-' i ractic*, and confine his attention entirely to those diseases, oi htMtiMtmnt of which he has met with uniform sure-ss, viz.Diseasei of the Heart. Lungs, and Rectum, in all their oi dit'.> rent forrr s. Al,o, all diseases peculiar to women 'I he lemedi.s user! for the above disea.es are new in their ap- *' plication, new in their effects and u»w in their preparation. Office of Doctor Granger No. M Amity atrect. ° Honrs from 12 io "i in the afternoon. 017 3m*r t TO THE PUBLIC. AT A GENERAL MEETING of theUoited Societyof Jonrue) men Boot and Shoe Makers, on the men's branch, of the | city ol New > ork, having lieen for a nuin^-r of years reduce''iu their wages to so low a late as to be sc trcely able to obtain the t Common necessaries of I'fe, 'he average earuirgs of the jouruej imn beine between four aud nve dolla's per wwk, and out of » tins sum the journeyman lias to pay for materials to work with 9 3< ? » cents per week. Under these circumstances we have thought it advisable to ask of our employers a small adva ,ce ' ou OU' labor.the greater majority of ihe employor* readily complied wuli our just demands, say upwards of eighty, while a Ii-h contemptibleempfo*fln, who have amassed lortune* by | * in*- niT-aji I'lAvutc ui SHrmiii; uie .journeymen to ill- 10**' si » »t»te of depredation.tin if umliers are .is few as contemptible. Wi refrain for the prejent from naming choir men, but il>c pub w lie may rest assure 1 that tii.se employer. w ho |>ay a fair rt> 0 nun.'ration to their men. employ none but fir t rate workmen. by order of the Society, which now numbers between five ^ uid six hundred men, tr Signed.JOHN S'OULAN, President. AUGUST M\ KK, Vice i'resident. 01 KfcA.NCH ROCK. " 1 THOMAS is VKKH. Secretary. N'. B..There will In- a i:>-n. r.i! m-eting of the Socie y on Monday evenidimntt, tuetsd, at 7 o'clock, at the lltti Vv.ird -iotel, corner of Grand and Klizabeih streets. olB 3t*r ' M *> ^SAOHUSETT.-S BAY / ^lYSTKRS .168K Kulton street, opposite St. Paul's.. % ^NAPOLEON COURT1N takes pleasure in it forming g h< se persons w ho have heretofore honored him with their pa- r rouage, and those who are willing to continue the same ftvor. In the .viassacliusetu Bay O'.sterj have recovered with the old weather their fresh and delicious llavor so peculiar to lieir,and which lias viven th*m the name of oysters of I aixale, h,,t his saloon, recently so elegantly fitted up, otters the injst uiet and comfortable accorrmoditions. There w ill always be found in it a choice collection of the v jllowing w .nes, vii: Chablia. Sauterne, < irave, liarsac. Her- jfa uLage, sparkling and still Hock, Champagne, Chambertin, aj 'onrnard, Volney, Lalitte, Larr re, Leoville, St. Juuej.Sic., nd all sorts of fori igu w in. s and cordials. tw He kee|>s constantly on hand the above wires, tn th» cask or on, together w ith Preserves, Sweet Oil and rr?sc!".J* ;s«gar. ci ioods purchased from his establishment ar: sent :r*< «!tria:ge > any pajt of ihe city. Oysters will be sent to trier's iaei.ee of urchasers, (if required) and oi>ened by one of tfse t:*u -'ants o tie establishments. <:2 '.:r.*ec WM. T. JbNi\l>iUS <te GO. fi "\flAPKR8 ANU TAILORS, 231 Broadway, Amentu ^ Hotel, opposite the Fountain, solicit attention to an assortirat of seasonable goods, including Cloths, Cassimeres, Vest- JO igs, Sir.., in all the new and various styles, under the assur- (|, act that the system of " small profits and quick returns," en rlnch has elicited so liberal a patronage, w ill be continued, w rhile our aTwuigeineiits are such aa will enable at 10 Gil all or- cj A feature in the establishment, which must commend it to io»e requiring articles for immediate use, ,j the addition to ur (tuck, ol aii a*«ortmeat of first yuality ready made Garlecta, consisting of Saitcuta, Frocks, p, Dress ConU, Pantaloons, hr Vests, Office Guam, -f Travelling K rocks, Dressing Gowns, kg. A choice collection ot it Silk and Satin Scarfs, Cravats, . Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Suspenders, Hosiery, I t> Under Shirts, Drawers, 1 J Muslin Shirts, Collars, Ste. ; *, At prices which most ofhr inducements to purchasers. |y24 iin'ac | ft MENS', BOYrt' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING.. OKO. T. GliEEN, Nos. 110 Chatham street, and 4 bowery, will keep constantly on hand a full and complete assort' meut of Mens', Boys' ana Children's Clothing, of all deacrip- tiona, made in the most fashionable style, to which l.e would J respectfully invite the attention of those in w uit As he has made arrangements to receive Cloths, Cassnneres, Vesting* f fcc kv every packet, and has secured the services of ex|>eri<'uci-d h Cutters, he pledges hi in tell to give jwtfect satisfaction to all « who may purchase. N. B..Ciarnient* made to order at the shortest notice, and with strict punctuality. o3 Im*r j QENTLEMEN'S l:- FT"oKK VVARDHOBE..GentleJ h J m«n or families desirous of converting their leit. oft weir. 115 apparel into cash, can obtain lor the name the highest cash tt MM, To families aud gentlemen quitting the city, or changing rejileuce, having any »u|«-rtluou» effects to dispose of, will lind it J much to their advantage to send for the subscriber, who will attend them at tiieir residence by appointment. *' H. LEVETT, No. 6 John street. New York. {' A line through the Post Oflice, or otherw ine, will receive * prompt attention. 1 CLOTHING cieaned, altered and repaired. o14 lm*ec BUSINESS IS BUSINESS-Therefore if you a share " ol it yoo must circulate your cards and handbills freely,. > To do this in an economical way, call on KoLGKK V. SL'T- J TON, at the office of the Locomotive I'rintinig Engine, JO John street, near Pearl, where you can kave aM kinds of Job fi Printing done in the first ityle, at the lowest cas'i prices, and no | disappointment. Cards printed at one hour's notice if required. o4 lm*r rr VfALLNTINE has leinoved Ins Eugravii'g and Printing * Establishment from John street, to No. 1 Beekinan street, t (Loveioy'a Hotel,) opposite t'ie Brick Church, New York.. 1 Wedding, Visiting, luvitatiou, aud Provisional Cards e«e- 1 cuted in the first style of the art, as regards the su|ienority of f tlse engraving, neatness of the printing, and the whiteness anil brilliancy of tne cards. Persona furnishing their own card plates,can have them printed on the most approved and fashionable style ol cards, at prices to suit the times. The Ladies and Gentlemen of New Vork, Brooklyn, and the adjoining cities aud towus, are respectfully invited to call and etamine the aj>ecimen books, tuid Irora a variety of pattern cards select to their taj,te. I in * r a IN PUH8UAN. E of au order of the Surrogate ol the County n ' "f New York, notice is hereby givn to all persons having cl"ins against John t arrnll, late of the city of New York, r Junk Shop keejier, deceased, to present the sarne with the vouchers tliereol to the subscrilier; and all jiersoiu indebted to tl the mate, are requested to make immediate payment. JOHN CON VVAi, Li r, 117 Willet st. . October II, 1843. olJ lm» rrc / ro HI J -The Premium Mills I liiiM "" " ru" «»«, "i Its mimuivv maiiluatrd tifir two iniln from New Itoclirllr, . Wr»ei onuty, and Mtateof Nrw lork.and iu unmrdiitr proKiinitt to tli* city ul New fork, bow in onier for an mi»-b- * vr buaim-aa in Hour, and can iriud >uid t*ck 100 to I JO barrHi , ft«ch day, or could I* moat advaiiu«*0u*ly rtnployrd for any r, other j>urt»j«p which might reuuiiv miami** water power. The reputation lor the pa»t thirty-fi»» jeara en.oyen v the Premium Millt. aud their proaiT.ity to Nnf York, w it, tl.e facility ol traniponatlun »n rded immed ,te|y adj.eiit, yv w ay ol the / navigation direct to the .Mill from lay muoer the licili- " ti«a lor huaioeaa Bneieei tionaMe to tin .f d>airuig audi an ra- . ublialumnt. Apply to HhNKY PATKILMJh kKLLOOU, £1 K*«|., >*w Rociwlle, N. V., Kelloggarille, or to HILAI1! i, WUOb. Laq..M Br<ad atre«t. New York . New iioclirlU, Auguit 2J, .HI ot&tr BEACON COURSE-TROTTING. S iSfei Purse $jn.Vilt '' l»at i, be<t llirt-e in five. under the saddle. W Whelan enters b m Lkiv J ompkim. cl o. Si'ier ruter» bh g Torn Benton, K' 11. Woodruff rutrri. b ui Sarah. P; 1). Kofm * enters b e Shaver. c! Immediately after mvcli f.'i $M-Tmo Mile Heats. II. Woodrutt names lir c Ajax._ <> Captain Underbill tames b g Columbus. * CMnmbus to go ill hrnitss, Aja* to a wagon ol7 it*r SUMMER ARRANGEMENT JEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA RA -ROAD LINE < DIRECT, bi Vis NKWAR*. NI wp»vfljvnc», Princeton, TRKHTOB, Bo»»i.vroWN A«» Bl'RLINfiTO*. Leaving .Ve» Vork daily from the foot of Courtlandt it. u| Morning Line at 9 A. M..Mail Pilot Line at P. M. cc The Moruii p Line proreeds to Burdentown, from thtuce by 'J! ieamboat to I'hiladrli !iia. f The Evening Line pioceed* dlreet to Camden (opposite to hiladelphia) w ithout change of cars. ri I'asseiiuen, will procure their tioketl at the office fool of J ourtlandt street, where.» commodious it<vimhor>t, will be in tadiness, with baggage crates ou botrd. j,1 lul tdelpliiu baggage crites are conveyed from city to city, w rihout being opened By the way Each traiu is provided with car in w hich are apartment* and dressing rooms exprvssly for le ladies' use. Returning, the lines leave Philadelphia from the foot of Wal- 0, ut street, by steamboat to Bordentown at 7 o clock, A. M. nd by railroad from Cnmden, at 5 o'olock, P. M. f, The lines for Baltimore leave Philadelphia at 7^ A. M., and 1*. M. being a continuation of the lim* from New York. o 8 2m*m J. J". KOKIIAf;LESTON. KKV WEST, X HAVANA, NEW ORLEANS, AND G A L V K STON, TEXAS..'The splendid "SayiJgfijGf Steam Ship NEPTUNE, Captain William Rollins.To mil positively on Wed"s'lay, 25th October, instant, at 4 o'clock P M. The unheal'(lines* of New Orleans,with oilier circumstances, J(1 is induced l iii.u I! >11 ins to delay the departure of the N«-p- j, IDS until the above day, 25th ins'ant. which at the earnest socitation of many passengers he has assented to»»ilh great re ictnnce. The public may rest assured that uo delay will be w imuted to beyond ihe day now fixed. w The Neptune has been completely overhauled, and is in per«ci order. I'a.neng-'rs may r le upou every comf'rt and con- enience in her. About one half the nuiober of her ber.hs ate ;ill "isencaged. Kir passage, for the above ports, in state «jJ )oms, cabins or stree age, and for freight of light goods or ^ jecie for Charleston, apply on board, at the Tobacco lns|>ec- |£) on wharf, foot of Clinton st>eet. E. R., or to i,; nlS tv.'5*ec J. H BltOWKH, 75 Wall street. NEW ARRANGEMENT. FARK. AND FREIGHT REDUCED. t ,mih an REGULAR MAIL LINE-FOR PRO- j VIDENCE AND BOSTON, via. STON .V^T/IM AND NEWPORT.Composed * l' the following uiiperior steamers, ninnini; in connection with J'1 le Stonitigton and Boston and Providence Railroads MASSACHUSETTS, Capt. Conutock. RJ RHODE ISLAND, Cart Thayer, PROVIDENCE. N A11UAG AN SETT. 03 MOHEGAN. One of which will leave New York daily (Sundays except1) from Tier No. 1, Battery Place, N. Kiver, at 4 T. >1. *1 ARRANGEMENTS. The RHODE ISLAND, Captain Thayer, on Monday, and Wednesday for Stoninston and Newport, aud Friday lot ^ tonington. _ ri The M \SSACHUSETTS, Captain Comstock, on Tues- | ay aud Thursday for Stoniugton, and Saturday for Stoning>a, Newport and Providence. h Passengers, on the arrival of the steamers at Stouington, will > immediately forwarded in the splendid and commodious '' ars of the Railroad i Providence and Boston, and if for u tewport win pioceeu in me steamer .vionegan tin superior or- er) from thei.ew at 6 o'clock the following morning, thus ivmg them an^opportun'ty of a uight's n'jt on Board thu * learn- ; r Massachusetts or Khoilo Island, and thru breakfast on board V le Mohegan. A Th- above steamers have been thoroughly equipped and ' re^ared to promote cejerity of travel and the comfort and se- ®' urity of passengers, and not *urpae»ed by any in the United i' tates. ' For passage or freight, which ii taken at very reduced raten, pply on board, at north side of pier No. 1, 22 Broadway, or of- f, ee of Samuel I)eveau, freight agent, on the wharf. ' J Tickeu for the route and steamers' berths can be secured on .! oard, or at the office of HAKNDEN & CO., No. J Wall street £ O- NOTICE-CHANGE OK HOUR-On and alter londay, Oct. 9th, the steamers of the New Jersey Steam Na* igdlion Company, forming the line to Providence and Boston ' ia Stonington, w ill leave pier No. 1, Battery Place, at ) 1' M. lO.Uu anil alter the 10th in*t, freight will not be received id forwarded after half-past 4 P. M. m9 6m* in SEVEN O'CLOCK MORNING LINK, . ALBANY, TROY, and intermediate \ C^sBLjE. Landings.From the steamboat pier, at tlie 11 ot of Barclay street. Breakfast and Dinp«r on board. ri« Leaves New Vork.The Kmpire on Aiouday, Wednesday » id Friday. The Troy on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, he T A. M. Landing at.Caldwell's, West Point, Newburgh, Hempton, jughkeepsie, Hyde Park, Hhinebeck, U. Red Hook, Bristol, atskill, Hudson, Ctjxsackie and Kmderhook. \ The new low pressure steamer EMPIRE, Captain S. R Roe, * i this day, at 7 o'clock iu the morning. _ of The new low pressure steamer TROY, Captain A. Gotham, lei i Tuesday, at 7 o'clock in the morning. th For passage, apply to F. B. Hall, at tlie office, foot of Barclay vi tree, or on hoard. Notice..All <ioods. Freight, Baggage. Bank Bill*, Specie, «o T any other kind of Pro|>erty, taken, shipii-d, or put on oo&rJ he Boau of thu Line,must be at the risk of the owners of such oods. nultt r ai vu* PEOPLE'S LINK OF STEAMBOATS ALBANY-Daily at t> o'clock P. M.w. <r Tt.wn.nt. direct.From the steamboat pier beweeu Courtlandt and Liberty streets. Sunday excepted. The steamboat KNICKERBOCKER,Capt. A. P. St. John. rill leave] Monday, Wednesday anJ Friday Evenings, at six 'clock. Steamboat ROCHESTER, Capt. A. Houghton, will leave Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at fi P. M. At i o clock P. .M..Lauding at Intermediate Places. -r Steamboat SObTH AMERICA, Capt. L. W. Brainard, rill leave Monday, Weduesday, and Friday afternoon, at e| o'clock. Steambo-.t NORTH AMERICA, Capt. M. H. Truesdell, 'ill leave Tuesday, Thnrsday and Saturday Evening, at live 'clock. r.is»°-cgeri taking this Line of Boats will at all times arrive in .lbany in ample time to take the Morning Tram of Cars for if east or wejt. The ?.bove boats are. new and substantial, are furnished with tat a_nd elegant State Kooms, and for s,>"ed and accommoda- / ous aie uurivailed on the Hudson. / i or i aj&age or Freight, apply on b:iard. ot to P. C. Schaltz ht t.ae office ou tie. wharf. s25 r q i m L-un aim aiffr .uonnay, uri inin,tne ooats 01 uas |,t ne vv ill IrtHVf lbr Albany at 6 o'clock, P. M instead of 7. jrt ^ SEVL.N O'CLOCK KViCNINCi LINE Cl! l*^i±*£ji"ror ALBANY AND TROY direct, without »l K^_JK^Tl_lai)(liiic.the splendid low yreasure steamboat 1,1 WALLOW, Captain A. .McLean, will leave the loot of ourtlandt street every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday ,r 'euings, at? o'clock, for Albany direct. J he Swallow has a large Lumber of state rooms,and for speed 1,1 id accoinmodetions .1 Lot surpassed oj the Hudsoa. *u8 ec FOR LIVERPOOL.Regular packet of the 2';lh ff 'Vtober.The well known fast nailing packet ship WtUkCmli vRlUCK.Capt W. Skiddy, of 1000 tons, will sail tri above, being her regular day. hi Her accommodations for cabin, second cabin and steerage an sjengers are unsurpassed by any veisel ui port, and as a num- IP r of lier pas enners are already engaged, those desirous of ba iring berths should make 1 arly applicationoii to an JOS. McMUKRAV, 100 Pine street co ol*r ('oruer of South. II NKW LINE OF LIVERPOOL PACKETS. an Jijf*WPacket of the 23th October.1The new and elegant dn MNw acket ship OAliRICK. 1000 tons burthen, Capt. W. ne inluy, will sail on Wednesday, 23th O 'to be; .her regular day. w< The slops of this line being all 1000 tons anil upwards, per- tu: us about to embark for the old country, will not fait to see lo| e advantages to be derived from selecting this line in (refer- art ce to any other, as tliejr great capacity renders them even- ay tn^re cnmfortsble and convenient than ships of asmaller ter asi. Those wishing to secure berths, should not tail to ake early application on board, or to W. k J. T. TAPSCOTT, At their General Passage Office, 43 Peck Slip, A cor South street. r The (iarrack will sail from Liverpool on the 13th December. rsoni wishing to s»nd for th ir fiiends can hiveihern J"] ought out in h-r or any of the regular line on favoraole terms. JT hose wishing to remit money can be supplied with drafts for '' y amount, payable in all the principal towns of the United an ingdow. oli<c FOR LIVERPOOL.British Vessel.The well MH^known fast sailing Brilisli ship CHESTER, Johu BjBafaVVi Uon, master, having a large portion of her cargo igageii, will have ijuick despatch lor tlie above port. Partial about shipping colonial or domestic produce, will ml he Chester a mou desirable conveyance. For freight or passage apply to the subscribers. ROCHE, BROTHERS It ( O., 33 Fulton «t., « ' Ol3ec next door to the Fulton Bank. 011 FOR LIVERPOOL-NEW LINE.-Reeular To HjJMfV Packet of 23th October..The splendid packet ship «» fal' \ i< l< I' K, < aptain Wm. Skidd y, of 10410 tons, will nl ,ta above, her regular day. For freight 01 passage, having and so me furnish' 1 accommodations,ap|dy ou board at Orleans «i harf, foot of Wall street, or to H|i E. K. COLLINS fc CO. Pri ce of passage, $T5. 3# S null street. | The packet ship HOS' II H, Captain John Collins, of 1100 ins, will succeed the (iARR 1CK and sail the 26th November, it regular d iv. r* Passengers may rely apou the ships of this line sailing punc tally as advertised. o2 Ajfr*?- FOR LONDON.Regbltr Packet of ihe 2d th Ocr.**Wt'l>er.The ist sailing packet shin SWlT/KR- iMkaL V N 11. < il>t. KiiikI:!, burthen 1000 tnus, will sail as jour, Iter regular day. H'-r accommodations lor cabin, ucoml cabin and steerage unengers are unsurpassed by any s>-«el iii port, au't a nttmn ol her pssse.ugers are already engaged, thnae desirous of «» uring berths should make rarlv application to JOSKPH McMURRAY, o!3r lOfl Pine street, corner of South. fijMr- FOR KIO DK IA N Kl l!o.The fast sailing <"< p. dfjr5Vl*'r'd barque MAZKVPA, * first class vessel, will s«il mMIm"i 88* h iustant. fir passage, having very mi|frior state room accommodations ir forty passengers, apply to < ant. Smith on board, at pier No. IK K or to OUR DON 9 COIT, :il Old Slip ®" A limited number of s'eera«e passengers will be takeu on loderate terms, il mrly application nude ol9too88#n> £ A ^ FOR NhW ORLEANS.Louisiana and .New K Line.Posiiively First Regular 'acket To 'he 110th inst. The fast sailing packet shipYA- .U<>, Captain n. J. H. Traak, will positively anil as above, er regular day, I" or freight or |iassmje, having handsome furnished accommc, ationi. apply on board, at Orleans wharf, foot of Wall afreet, r to K. K. COLLINS Oc (JO, 56 South street. _ Shippers w 11 please setid in their billa of lading »»rly this day. rasreiigert will please be on board the »h'p, at Oilcans whar', . >ot oi w..II it, [li,« day, (Friday) at 4 I*. M., at Whitehall, £ I which time the sU' iinboat Hercules wi'l take the ship to sea. 8liipi>ers may rely upon having their goods by thu line cor- ' sctly measured. ' Agents in iNew Orleans, Mullen St Woodruff, who will cromptly forward all goods to their address. The packet ship Oo ON ICE, Captain Jackson, will succeed ie V i./ i, .,i,d sail 31st inst her regular day. o20ec VIIfTER /UUtU(OEMENT-rIi M*> ) i['''^*r'"n Mai' * i lie i ail, o ijine of Ftagis will on and after M' udav, Oct. tn Id, run as follows:.Leave New York wuh the B o'clock train, ol i. M. and 1 o'clock P. M. M lieturuiiig.Leave New Rochelle at quarter past 8 A. ea I. ai d 2 o'clock, P. M. Ltave Mainaronich half-pest w A. M. and half-put I P. M. Leive Portcheater (joarter be>re7A. M. o!9 it'r tc *p K- 'h SALE.A pair of bright bty CARRIAGE XaSr^il'lKSKS, 16 to 17 hunds high, warranted only five s \ years old, aound in all respects, kind insing1' ' iid ilouiile htrness and under the saddle, and of superior sty, r * nd action, lie longing to a private gentleman in the country ,aal PI » worthy- of tht attention of any one desiring a good pair* I ol irses They may be seen lor five or iii days, on applfcatiue t TAT'l'kltHA l.l.'s llr....N V. Ill o6 «tr I ENGLISH ADVERTISEMENTS. PHE NtW YOKK IM '.KALD is regularly tiled in Lnudon i I 1>V Mr. P. L. SIMMOND8, Agent for the American Papers, ritish and Foreign News|>aper Office, II Corahill, Loudon, ;>i>osite tlie Royal Exchange, where orders and advertisements ill lie received. s28tfr J "GENEKAL AGENCY AND COMMISSION ti OFFICE ) COHNHILL, LONDON, OPPOSITE THE ROYAL C EXCHANGE Jri MERCHANTS, Domwititl Newt Rooms, Public Li J brerias, Agricultural Societies.Officers ofthe United Slates, riuters, Publishers of Newspapers, he. J P L 8I.UM JNDH, (.ieuerai Agent and Commission Mer- ~ Milt, begs to acquaint his frieuds and the American public in ? Mural,that lie IS re.iily to receive orders for the supply ot i\ews- * »pers, Periodical!, Stationery, Priming Materials, Fancy Arti- £ le», fee. of any mud and quantity, auu goods of every descrip- r ou of first rate quality at the very lowe*t market prices of the : iv, and to transact business upon the most liberal terms, pro- iueil lie is previously furnished with funds or drafts at either >wg or short oates, or a reference 011 some Loudon or Li verpool ddm fornaymant. J, P. L. 81 in moods will also receive consignments of any de- \ upturn i<l merchandise to lie sold 011 commission, anil accept j; ills at short dates for two thirds of the amount, ou receipt of P ip bills of lading. Consignments entrusted to his care will 11ft with everv possible il-spatch in their disposal, consistent ' ith themu rent of tMrTllifnrw U extensive kuowledgeof , iir: haiinsas tmjlti with promptitiule.arteution and judge- ' eut. « ill he trusts euable linn to give complete satisfaction to 1 who may favor him with their commands. , Keiereuce may be made in .New » oik to James Uoruon Ben- : ?tt, K.i'J 1' n 11 r ft' > r of the Herald, who is |<ersonMly acqua;nt^ h with Mr.Siuimonds and the nature and extent of his establishtiir. s^tftf r (7 NEWSPAPt.K AGENTS AND PUBLISHERS IN THE UNITED STATES. PHOSE excellent Illustrated Ne<v»i>«i>er«, The Pictorial Times, and ll'ustrated Loudon News, are suppled at 6d erliuK per qr. Puuch at U fid perqr, and all the Loudon and oreign Newspapers an they appear are regularly supplied, liolesale and retail, by P. L. 81MMOND8, Newspaper and Periodical Agent, IB Coruhill, Londou. Subscriptions in advance, may bei>aid into the Herald Office, i .Mr. Siminonds' account. Advertiiemenu received for insertion in all the London, ountryaiid Foreign Journals. s28tf l>.\DO\.ST. KATHEKINES HOTEL, opinwiie the C J St. Katherine's Dock Gates, and near the Royal Mint.. HOMASLEN^ ( Y, late Chief Steward ol the British Queen teamship, res|<et"M ullv informs his friends in the United Stales at be Ml tMnil IKttMMai Of the above uew and elegant estaishmeut, which is 'lurltand furnished regardless ol expense, d is ill every re«prr: adapted for the reception of families and utlemen visiting . *; land, as the liolel Ironts that pail of the £ >rk in w hich the liners and most of the other American ves- I Is lay, and is wiM» in live minutes w alk of the Bank and Royal C Ichange. The lioiisewill lie conducted on liberal and eco- |i finical principle The coffee room is supplied with the Lon- > in, Americwi, E,'.«! Indian and colonial! pai>ers. The viands. B ines, itc,, are ol the Iirat quality. A good billiard room and (_ arm baths will lie found in the house. Gentleman may con- S ict by th» Meek or mouth for board, ike., on the same terms H in America. ']'. LENNEY begs to assure those who may honor liiin with A eir patronage that nothing shall be wanting to render them 1J imli rtable, and by attention to the wishes of his guests, hopes (J merit that confidence and good will so liberally bestowed on (J m w hen steward of the British Queen. s2!)eod lmr s MM U JAMES LACY, a \RAPER AND TAILOR, 62 John street, near William, P. ' continues to make up Gentlemen's garments of suiwnor A orkmomhip, and in the most fasliiouable style, at his usual S w prices. Gentlemen in want of new and lashiouable cloth- P g, should call and examine his select siocg of goads before K ircliasinf elsewhere. Atrial will be sufficient to convince '1 c most economical, that for beauty of lit, style of workman- U ip, and at such extraordinary low prices, this establishment S nuot be surpassed by any iu the city. Ci [p?" Gentlemen furnishing their own goods can have thein C ade and trimmed.a jierfect fit warranted or the price of the V lods returned. o,2 lmec TERMS GASH. G 'DEFOT 8 OF GENTLEMEN'S FANCY DRESS ARTICLES. ^ IM11V Milll' I.TNIT.MS I TMnki'.H <i A R M VISITS ftuv&iv »: M1K Subscriber would cail the attention ol'their patrons and li strangers visiting thi* city, to their rich and extensive as- ( rtinent of stocks, scarfs, cravats, gloves, suspeuders, pocket | ludkerchieis, dressing gown*, hosiery, Iambi wool, merino, s Ik, cotton, Berlin, buckskin and other under shirts and draw- JJ t Their assortment of theabove goods, and all other articles J. 'pertaining to a gentleman's w ardrobe are rich, varied, and s tensive, and well worthy the attention of the fashionable p immunity, they would particularly recommend their new H vie of gentlemeu's shirts, as containing many improvements. L lie shirts at present manufactured by them, ar« cut to suit the u rm of the wearer, thereby doing away with the large overplus s lineu used under the olu system of cutting, and adding not J. uly to the comfort of the wearer, but to the beauty of the [' iran This improvement was so manifest to the Judges of the te fair at the American Institute, that the first premium was (j warded to the subscribers; their pateut elastic Brace is particu- > rly recommended to all persons who have acquired the habit s 'stooping. They will be found of immense benefit to persons "sedentary habits, by bracing the shoulders, they strengthen ie back, and expand the chest, and will be fouud of no impedi- > ent to the free use o 1 the arms. They would also call atten- t on to their patent elastic Russia or riding belt, Gentlemen i ay depend on being suited with the bust and most fashionable [ ticlea, by calling at the old establishment ol S 1'AKSKLLS & AGATE, L. au il) 3in*«! 337 Broadway, corner of Park place. £ TO THE LADIEST t /flSS FY. GODEKIiY having just returned from Paris, J -L with a handsome assortment of Silkfc, Laces, Kmbroide- ' >s, Caps, Bonnets, and ladies' articles in general, will open on *liursday lien, the 23th iust, several cases of the above goods,iu r store. 349 Broadway, corner of Leonard street, up stairs. s24> lm*ui I). M. PEYSER, & GO., TO. 110 William street, corner of John street, and 437 Broad" way have received, by recent arrivals, au extensive supply the following FANCY GOODS, which were carefullv sected by a competent person at Paris, Berlin, Sic., and which ey offer for sale, in wholesale and retail, on liberal termsi x:. Berlin Zephyr and German Worsted.the most complete airttnent. Berlin Embroidery Patterns.a choicc- selection. Canvass for Embroidery, of cotton, worsted, linen, silk, gold id*! iver, of all widths and qualities. Silk < henille, for embroidery, trimming and flower making. Pursi Twist, German, French and English, plain and shaded, ski-ins,sticks, and on snools. Floss bilk for Embroidery and Fringe makers, in skeins and a spool. Suspenieri, superbly embroidered, and Suspender Trimlings. Gold, 8 ilver and Steel Beads, in all Nos. Mother ol Pearl, Gold, Silver and Sreel Purse Ornaments. Gold and Silver Fringe, Braid, Cord, Twist, Thread and 1 'assets. i Embroider? frames, and a variety of different Fancy Artilea. t| Artificial Flowers.a choice selection. t Fringes, of cotton, worsted aud silk, imported and domestic . Gimps, Tassels, Buttons and all other kind of trimming. r, jy 17 3m*ec ^ UFJbMNU OF THE r ALL KASH1UJN3, AT THE MAOAZIN DE MODES, * No. 60 aivai. Sthkf.t. k CAHD-TO THE LADIES OK FASHION-MA- ' a- DAME BEHKMAN begs most res|>ectfallv to inform jj r frieuds and customers that she his received, by the last arri i!s from Paris, her tail mid winter fashions, and she flatten ^ irself that tfte same will stand unrivallen in the city. The w shions consist of the following : full and entire new styles ,| it, nucut, plain, watered, and changeable velvet bonnets; do Ik, satin mode and quilt) d hats, ul an enure novel description, . ladies', misses', and children's sixes. Also, a complete as- jv rtment ol caps ami head dresses, Paris ribbons, artificial flow s, feathers, and li.iir ornaments of tne beat artists in Paris. Mad tme B. solicits the ladies to favor hei with an early call d examine for themselves. T Magazin de Modes, (it) Canal street. o3 Im'r 1 L. BdKUNlU, RTIST, in Alabaster. Marble, Scagliola, Sic., from Italy ,j s-Hespeetfully invites tlie sentry, the inhabitant*, shopkeep». Ua/.iars, country dealers and the public in Keneral, to see . sMusrumof Arts, No. 23 Orchard street, (between Grand t( d Division streets,) which is now o(>eii for inspection, with a u, lendid assortment of Italian and English ornaments in Ala- ster, black inarble, spar, agata, yellow stone, stalactite, rtd d various other marbles, verde di prato, granite.. Sic., Sic. tisist11ik of Tarions si/.es of croups, figures, busts, Uzzes, . rbe ewers, Etruscan vases, candlesticks, ta|iers, pen trays, ink J mils, watch cases clock stands, time pieces, spill pots, urns, ,l Lique lamps, shell vases, oval vases, bottles, groups and single :, gs. tables, florentine basket*, bulls, cows, lious, broaches, ckiaces, obelisks, bell vase*, gozzoly vases, ring vases, |ia|ier £ ighu, ring stands, card boies, siiult boxes, birds nests, imiu- i, paintings of.Vlount Vesuvius, of Naples; books ou conchomineralogy, geology, marine botanist, Sic. tic. Trice of icles from 12k cents to $100. leaning ana repairing of every description on moderate ,, ms. Admission free. sW tw* r premium SOKA HEDSrEADa T McORAW'8 PATENT EXTENSION SOFA..This ' article is so well known to the public, and it* advantages ve been so incontestibly proved, that the inventor deems It j luecessary to make further coinm -nt. He would, however, | g lenv to refer to the few following highly resectable gen men who have these solas now in us as to their convenience " Ei-Pr^ideiit Van Buren, Kinderhook, N. T. James II. Whiting, District Attorney, l u. 11 Hon. C. C. Cambreleug, dt Hon. Senator Preston, 5. C. Sain'l Ward, Esq.. firm of Prims, Ward Si \ lag, N. Y. Brown, Brothers Si Co. do. Col. Crosby. do. P Kiv Dr Nott, Sc.ienect-vly, , do ?' A thousand more namescould be given of geu'ltntii am1 id- .' of the lint respectability il it were necessary; iilii needs ? ily to be seen to be itsowu best rrcoinmen ration. Jt hertous ' lining to purchase iotas, sofa bedsteads, recliuing li ce or Cl eking chairs, are res|>ecitiilly invited to call at <t».l Dio \i way, cond door above Gnuid street. '' N. B. The above sola lias been awarded, as premiums, at ti e riom F airs where it has been exhibited, one gold medal, t ti»« vermec. ils, and six diplomas. 163 Broadway, second door * Wl (jltnq »nmU 08 Im'iii ) M. nKNKltiUKM, 51 William street, resjiectluily an' uouiice* to Ins liiends and the public thu lie lias con- f intlv on liand the following choice brands of Sugars, war- L nfed genu me and of tha first quality :. ( I.a Norma. U La Cabana. |'i Hionda. n Yunemiid.nl. it Noriegas (of a most superior quality.) ei lii Kspcrann. o: Do. "London Segar," small iim. tl Paneielas, of a most superior quality. it J'rimaveni. " u I'e Moya. it Kspirtern.i. o Begalias (of rh« Norma brand.) a! King Kigali*. Ir tyueen uo. ci Cifballeros. y l'rinci|ies (of the favorite braudx of Jurto Sans, Kendon*«itnil Cruz.) o Sinoker-'wotild do well t^ call belore purchasing elsewhere, gl the tastesof the most fat'idious can always be suited at this pi tabl shmint. ol2 Imr ci 1CE-1CE-KJE. « iOOO TONS of [lure l ike Ice of the best quality. The ci lliiihland Ice esUblishment, expreasly for shipping, ai prrpjied to. and will sell, by the cargo, and smaller qnauti- g «. civ iper tnau can be oh'Aiui'd from any other source, and g iUmI hi tlie but manner, to go to any part of the world. A 11 ijfny rf the best approved racking always on hand. JOHN M. LYON, rr Ol0 2w*ri CO Division street. ci TKA TRAYS, TAULE"cUTLEllY,<kc. 1 \ ^ W. IFJEI k CO. 218 Pearl street, »re now opening sit p . 111 new Mill eie^ant pattern* oi lea '">)»> emnrae- ci K every variety of quality, color and *iie», Irom eight to thir- a IIH.Iiea. ft Alio, >00 grout Ivory i*lf-tip and Stag handle Knive* and (> orka. Alto, on» c**e n»w pattern* Crooker'* fine Fen Knirea 19 lm*ecti ITATCH KB..1The largest and inott iplendid auortmentol " Watrhe* in the city, i* to be found at the *ub*criber'e.. r he i* constantly receiving all description* of (iold and Mil>r Watche*, of the newest atylea, direct from th« mannfkc . rer*, in Kngland. France, and Switzerland, lie it enabled tr, Ii>r a larger x*»nrtinent, and at much lea* price*, at retail, thru ly other hoime in the city. Uold watchea aa low a* S20 to t'Jl. ch vVatchea unj jewellery eichanged or bonght. Al1 afee be* warranted to keep good time, or the money returned. VVatchea, cluck* and jewellery reiwired in the beat manner j" id warranted lower than at any other place in the city «J. C. ALLKN, importer of watchea and jewellery, 11 |7 I in rind retail. M Wall *treet, np *tair» "J I RTIFH IAI. rLOWEM AND RtUCHIti, wholtaalt " land retiil, cheaper than any hou§« in tha trade, at T ol HI' K'S Manufactory, 2«lH Onind *treet, aecond block en*i in the Boweiy, «oiith line. Pedlar* and country milliner* woold do well to call and *ave irty cent* on tha d liar. ni (K»ld and ailvar liead dm*** for ball* aud partia* o!7 lm*r " CHEAP STORE ( ro MY OLD CU8TO.MK.RS AM) THE PUBLIC GEN- ,v tKALLY " )RU(3S, LYESTUFFS, PAINTS, MEDICINES. J GROCERIES. &c ui tnffo. jUOREENWICH 8f ii.EET.NEW YOEY. w TOHN C. MORRISON offi-rs foi mIc, oii tii* most liberal 01 Ijfjju. a very eitentive assortment of uoods, among them w le folio wing, to which ha would solicit the atwutiou of tl AT0THECAK1E8. pium, Corrosive SubliinaW, :«M'hor, Aqua Ammonia, ream I arter, Spirits iNitre Dulcis, astlle Soap, Su wr Cartwuaie Soda. " .Kiiaone*. Tartaric Acid. " Epsoui 8alu, c! Ihubarb, Lau«Lnuiu. ' ".' P Seiina, i in .1 SulphmU QRUUM, " Chamomile, Wll all £.4W1| a .um Arabic. tial Oil., «> astpr Oil, (ium Myrlih, »< luicksilver. Canlharides, <? lauiie-m.i, Guin Tr*|(4caiitb.' II u. I U PowdewdBark, ^ loll and »lour Sulphur, Coiks of all kinds " klcohoL Sarsaparilla, " lorn, ri'tiurd and crude, Spongea, coarse and fine, «1 alom-l,Druggists'Glass VVaro '' led Precipitate. Vials. fi PAINTERS. tl Vindow glass, of all size* and Briti.h Lustre, tl qualities. Glue, all sorts, ti Viiite lead, dry and iu oil, Gold and Silver Leaf, u led Lead, Gold and Silver Biouze, tl .ithame, _ Copper Bronze, d pirits '1 urpeotine, Chalk, whitt and red, tl utty, Paris whim, a Vhxiny, Spanish Browu, " reidigris, dry and in oii. Venetian Red, 'hrome Green, Sand Paper. tl )brome Yellow, Pumice Stone. c VIlow Ochie, Kieath and Tai and Kosin, 11 American, Jap\n, copal, coach and liar; c Vnssian Blue, ue«s varuish. " runnion, liliU'i i (linn. lotteu Sioue, Terra de Sienna, vory Black, Red Chalk, iuin Copal, Oum Shellac, Hint Brushes, all sizes, Blight Varnish, lose rink, Sash Tools, all sizes, .amp Black, Black Lead. nil 4 n Ml. Fall. oil, Train. ? Winter, Lintseed, Summer strained sperm, Neatsloot, Rel'med. whale, Olive or Sweet, Unrefined, whale. Sea Elephant. V Tanners', l>ard Oil, J' Sperm and Stearic Candles, 1 >YE WOOD DEALERS AND MANUFACTURERS. e ^iKwood, Brazil Wond,J1 nmwood, Red Saunders, ,1 ustic, Haten Wood, Jlit-aragua, Red Wood, " tarwood, Hypernic Wood, lum Asphaltuui, Peach Wood. i al Ammoniac, Ebony Wood. [; l0SI)"' MANUFACTURERS. }> ilum.Fullers' Earth, " Hue Vitriol, Madder, Dutch and French,1 " opueras. Eng. and Amur. Indieoes, of Bengal, Carracas ; MVilrol, aud Guaumala, " uKar Lead, While Tartar, ' ile*chinn Salts, Red Tarter, ochiiiesi, Glue, . iijuaKortis. Sumac, ,, iutgal's, Lac Dye, *J innatto. Starch, oda Asli, Prussi.ite Potash, ot and Pearl Ashes. Oum Senegal, ' ixtr.ct Lo*wood, Powdered Curcuma. ^ 'artaric Acid, Powdered Blue Smalts, * i-chromaie of Potash, Quercitron Bark, ! al Soda, Spirits Nitre Fortis. ' ium Shellac, Salt Petre, 1 udbear, British Oum, " Vo.nl,Nitric Acid aud iraiu and Bar Tin, Oxalic Acid. " oaps, . OROCEK8. oung Hyson Tea, Pepi>er Sauce. ly»on " Macaboy Snuff, rntx>rial Scotch Suuff. n runpowder Maca, lyson Skin " Indigo, Fletant, c ouchong " Castile Soap, iohea " Cloves, v re.ich Brandies, Caster Oil, in bottles, pauish Segars. ; Alcoh 1, ot and Pearl Ashes, Kjuom Salts, 11 -. Cinnamon, u iNUflgice Ball, Friction Matches, tin Brick, Carbouate Ammonia, "' ratus, British Lustre. IK Blue, Soda for washing,) cwriered Ginger Root, Mu.tard, London, 'Jam, Cayunne Pepper, |i Hive oil in bottles St baskets, Powderud Nutmeg, lutmrgi, Powdered Cinnamon. ' altnetre, crude and refined. >' .CONFECTIONERS, DISTILLERS AND BAKERS. a ochiueal, Oil of Anniseed,\ jutmegs, Absynth, d ***' Carrayway, d ;!<Jvei, Juuiiier, ;"iuauinn. Rose, Orange and Peach W»| assia Buds, ten, il illspice, Vanilla Beans, c Tonqnin Bean*,) o 'uin I ragicantli, Coriander Seed, jum Arabic, Turkey, Carrayway Seed, fi jum Gamboge, Aniseed, B 111 of Roses, Jnjube Paste, I ejipermint, Pearlash, E Wintergrean, Saleratus, Cinnamon, Super Carbouate of Soda, Orange, Tartaric Acid, Brxgamot, Oiutcr, white Jamaica, Lemon, Giuger. East India. . PAPER MAKERS, HATTERS, fcc. Ileechiug Powders, Nutgalls, 'owdertd Blue Smalts, Blue Vitriol,, . i Verdigris, lil Vitrol. Cot peras, opper Call, Sal Ammonia, ««' «, Antimony, Llcohol, Sugar of Lead, .xtract of Logwood, Aloes, Alum. Sic. PATENT MEDICINE DEALERS. inlsara of Honey, Anclt-rseu's, Lee's & H*oper'i urlington s Balsam, Pills, Juemin'sDroiw Oi*defdoc. larlein aud Brtfish Oil, Seers' and Liquid. -idlitx Powders, Sod« Powders, ttoughtOQ s Bitters, Godfrey's Cordial, extract &arsapirilla« Anderson's Cough Drops, ephalic 5Ju>iff, Thompson's Eye Water. 05 in dy&wy*r yj AL>AA1 COSTKLLO, Kfc vlALK PHY SICIAN- . ft* / at-l,,e Radical Faculty ia Paris, and Graduate offfls her profess ion*1 services to the ladies of his city ana country. Having had long experience and surpri* P wg success in the treatment of diseases incidental to ner sei, pprises i.tdies on the point of confinement, or those suffering 0 inn suppression, irregularity, obstructions, fcc. ina* sr.e will 0 e hapi»y to atturd a comfortable temporary home st her resieuce, where they can always hare the best medical treatment d nd the most matronly care anal nursing, or if preferred, will c rait on aud attend tnem at their own houses nntil perfectly re- P overed.Maoame C. particularly begs to impress on the minds P I tne delicate, tnat she officiates personally in every case, so V lat tvnitation or dreed need uever be apprehended. " N.tJs..Mauame Costello would inform ladies residing out of J ie city whose health would not admit of travel ling/that she p ro«!d devote her personal attendance upon them in any part of ie United States within reasonable distance. Madame C. can be consulted at her residence, 34 Lispenard fl :reet, at all times and w«tli the strictest regard to the wishes of L er patients. All communications and letters must be post paid, m 06 lin*r a: MADAME COSTELLO. ft j'EMALE PERIODICAL PILLS.uuar utml in every c.w where the monthly periods have become irregular a cm colds, Xc Their certainty of action has long been r< ci.uowledged by the medical provision, and hundreds ' m hare uselessly tried various boasted remedies. Care " sometimes necessary to their as* ; though they contain no lediciue detrimental to the constitution. Advice given gratis r > all those who use the Pills, by Madame Costello, 24 Lispe- *1 ird street, between Walker and Canal, where the Pills are sold. « rice $1 per box. oG In'r " <J<IU<JHS. COLDS, CONSUMPTIONS, See. n pORBES' AMERICAN BALSAM will erradioaie any K coukIi of however long staud>ug. No one at this reason of P le\eai when cold* are so prev-lent, should be without a bonis " r it, as a fe« doses taken at the commencement "ill |>erfectly *< move all symptoms of tlie cough Persons Inborn, gundtr J>. ni&uinptioii, n.thina, diflinlty ot breathing, or any affection u I' the hi' tn, are requested to give it a trial, as no >*medy »s yet ITered to tin j ubnc will so effectually anu so easily cure these « jmplaints. , 5j To be had only at 505 Pearl street, corner of Cross street, at " ie low price of 5" cents p»r bottle. o!9 1m r lj COUGHS, CuLUS, CON SUMPTIONS, R » ASTHMA, See., Sec. ' FORBES' 2 AMERICAN BALSAM, j"OR the effec'ual cure of coughs, colds, catirrhs, consnmp- 1 tions. wliojping coug-i, liver complaint, asthma, difficulty <J f breathing, and all affections of the lungi, kc. Sic. ' The above Balsa n has been prepared an J sv Id in New York y ihe proprietor lor upwards of «>-ven years, and for the cure of teabove complain* cannot beequalled intnecty. Nomedicine ierye' offered to the public possesses the same invaluable pro- £ i-rtiei. lis expectorant, combined with its anodyne qualities, uder it oncof the most effecacion* remedies of trie day. Its igredients being all vegetable and the |ieculiar process of Its " eparalion give it a fl'Vor and pleasantness which render it " (r^etble to the miist delicate stomach. The cures performed 1:1 i it. the quantity sold and the lestimonials of those who luve ? en benefitted by it, have induced trie proprietor to offer it to " ie public as a certain, snre, and effectual remedy for th* above p jmplsints. No one laboring under any of the above complaints should r< flay, but give it a trial, and the medicine will lie faran- u ed to give satisfaction. w To be nail only at 505 Pearl street, corner of Cross st. New ork, at the low price of 50 cent* per bottle ol9 1m*r I g MEDICAL AND SURGICAL CARD. ',! "PRINCIP1IS OB»TA." tfORTH RIVER DISPENSARY, 204)f Knltoostreet. ne*> Vr ' (Jreenwich..Dr. MORRISON, Member of the Royal ! ollege of Surgeons, London, and formerly Surgeon in the ritish Navy, continues to be consulted confidential!) "m t o'clock A. M. to 10 P. M. daily, on all diseases of a pn- / It* nature, and all those distressing symptom* consequent on V ijudicioos treatment and the imprudent nse of quack medi< n me*. A regiklar rmdieal education, with an extensive practice tt f over 23 year*, enable* Dr. M. to adapt the proper remedies to t| ie variou* coiistitations aswell as to the different forms oftho** c, i*idions maladies. Dr. M. is daily consulted by patient! 'here the leading symptoms have been only checked, still leav # ig tlie poison to lurk lu tlie system, nntil nlt'mately it devcl- « l»*s itself in the deplorable shape of "*econdary typhili*." Ib p, I una Ur. M. wnrraiita * perlect cnre without mercury or at- C) tenons dmgs, or hindrance. In mm' forms of the disease, lt urn ur* performed in three to five day*, and in proportion if rith malignant casee. . . H STUM TURKS OK UR-ETHRA..Obstructions in the p rethra, such as stricture* and enlargement of the prostate n| land, accompanied with mnch irritation mid dull pmn in those »rts, an* some of the consequences ol mal-treatment Dr. M, in'iilnrturnint scientific manner, promoting tli»ir ahtorpon without any pein. In iomf advertisements on the subject .U1ctu-r.th«»ym|.fom» are defined. Tim is delation.I*- tin* enlargement ol the pro»'at« gland, fcc. would produce nalagous symytoms. It is cruel to torture patients with boo- r les, Stc. wh»n in reality th-'re 11 no stricture. Dr. M. is fre- T Matty consulted where patients hare been injured by inch as tj, npmper course ni Constitutional DKBiLiTY.-Thonsandsorvoong pl len aresnffering from the confluences of indnlgen«« in a »» .i pet destructive liabit, and whose nerves are further injat*' from «. le nse of nostrnms and pretended specifics, which stimulate on r r to induce greater depression. Dr. \1. treata such cases ot «l nrely pathological principle*, and never fails iu establishing » UP'. Strictly confidential. Letters post jmid, and containing lee of $10, will ensure advice and medicine, which will be .t ir warded 'oany |wrt of the U<ion, and a cure warranted by the M srt**t a ing a history of his case. k Office 2MW; Kulton st. near Greenwich it N IJ..Withoneeiception Dr. M is theonly qualified adwr«inff Surgeon in the city. See his diplomas suspended in uis ol ffica. olfl Im'r ih IV) WOOL MANUFACTURERS, fcc-The subscript 1 (tires notice that he is tlie legal Assignee of JOHN a IOuLDINO, late of Roihury, Machinist, and aa such is one authorised to claim and receive pay from thoae individuIs or companies, in various parts of the United States, who ave made, or Used, certain unproved machinery, invented by ^ ml <Moulding, for the manufacturing of Wool, wnicn impr.ivelenta were secured to him by L'tters Patent dated Dec. pv]' IM, and 20th July, IH;#i; and he heiehy cautions snch Individ- in lis and combines against paying any thing to any one,escrpi a imself for the use ol said improvements; as no one else c.in ve them a legal discharge tor the damage, or cntn|>ensalieii, which said Iionldii.g's estate is, by l»w, entitled tor the use r tlie improvements securest to him by Ihe Pstwts above ns- u> * ' B- c°p"iVraH»< !>O"I®NO. 2 -SAxsangttffBJSlA?s8rr; a nc» lhal tim. oil ! > » «- ^ONTAQIOUB DlttUAHF.fl. AN1) CHANGES OF ' TEMPERAMENT..Water mu.t be adapted to tlie u* irt of the fiah, or there will be 110 propagation of the ipeciat. he toil mast be adapted to the seed, or there will be no inwise. The climate must have those mat ten in it which will nite and keep alive epidemical or con tag ious poisons. or ill become eitingnished. aa a lamp that it uniupplifld with il. 80 it is likewise with the Human Frame;it cannot he ma* ffiully affected by epidemic il »r contagious inaladiei. utile** lere be thoae matters floating in the circulation which utter le appropriate auil. By purifying our bodies with the Bnanokth I'ilui, which have affinity with thoae impurities upon hich contagion feed*, we may alwaya feel aecue, whatever iaeaae may rage around ua. 'I'rue, we inay have it. but it will >011 be over; our aickneaa will !>« the affair of a day or two, bile thoae who have beeu too wiae to use this simple and !client remedy, aithar die, or have weeks, perhap* months of ckness. Sudden change* from very hot to chilly weather are unfavorale to health; and it i» a lact universally admitwd, that heat ud moisture are l>owerful agents in producing disease, and lit constant dkv and constant wkt weather are belli favorable ) its generation; it doea not siguify what we call it; it may bn itue; It may be bilious fever; it may be yellow fever; it may be it mjf l>a* ifuiir if mav h*» tirnnrhitia: it iiiav e cholic; it may be constipation of the bowels^ it may be inanimatio of the bowels; it may be iullaininaliou of the stolach; it may be a nervous affection; but Mill it is disease, and a i*e«e curable by the Brandreth fills, because they remove all mpurities Iroui the body, all tluit can in any maimer leed the jrther oroKres* of the malady, no matter how calh-il; thus tiese pills are not only the most pro;ier tnediciue, but.generally tie only medicine Out need or ought to be used. At the present ime it is every man's duly who wishes to secure his health to »e them; it is the duty of everyone who> kuowi any thing ot neir health-restoring powers, to make it known in his nnmeiate circle. For there are some alarming signs, which tell o! tie approach of disease. The sudden changes of temperament re more to be i'eared and guarded agaiust than any coutagiow nlady. The lpfruTKNZA has left manv in such a state of weakness hat there is in them a ureal susceptibility to be affected dv these hange* of the atmosphere and coutagious maladies; but by'the imely use of Brandreth's Fills, even now this susceptibility an be iu a great incisure removed, aud power given the system i resist those morbific poisous, and the suddeu changes |U the reatlier with which it may be brought iu contact during Uie ext fifty days. Nature has formed the bowels for the evacua* iou of all unhealthy humors, and if man would but use coin ion sense, he would take care they performed this office faith* illy'. If the bowels are out of order; if too slow or too fast, a »w doses of Braudreth's Pills will bring them to order. Ask lie dub who was dying from constipated bowels what cured im; he tells you, Braudreth's Pills. Ask him who had had vsentery for six months, and every remedy had failed; he will I.so tell you the Braudreth Pills cured him in a week. So with ther diseases. Twelve Brandreth Pills, rubbed down in liall a Hit of molasses, cured a little boy or an ulcer of the face, rhicli was rapidly spreading to his eyes, aud which a doreu octors had tried to cure, but could not: the poor parent* would ave giveu half they were werth to have had it cured, but very thing they tried did no good, until they gave it a teapoonful of molasses every day, in half a pint of which they ad rubbed down twelve Brandreth Pills; before the whole of le inolasj.es was taken the ulcer was cured. And yel some polish people call Brandreth's Pills a quack medicine. It rouId be well if there were a few more such quack medicines. Vill all your pretended Sarsaparilla Compounds cure like the Iramlretn's Pills ? Can they send you to persons cured as Dr. Irandreth cau f Can they noint out to you people who had een helpless for years from Epilepsy and St. Vitus' Dance who ave been cured by their remedies t If they cannot, Dr. Brand?th can. Can they point out to you a person who for twenty ears had never hau a stool without having used medicine^ or lecliauical means, and whom the Brandreth Pills cured, in a louth, and gave him as healthy evacuations as he had wheu he tas a child. If they cannot. Dr. Brandreth can. The BllANDRKTH PlLLS not only do cure, all curable iseases, but it can be demonstrated, that by their timely use lev must infallibly cure. In a very short time, 15r. Brandreth fill bring before the public a concentration of the virtues of the randreth Pills, both in the form of Pills, aud in a fluid form, ad then he will explaiu the reasoii of the cures that must ne» P-Strilv lw> till' fr nf iiai.ii/ fhft R It A VI) RKT111 AN RE- lEDifiS, whether tliey be internal or external 1 have just re rived the ruJ of a medical gentleman, who reside* at Slierrook, Canada, who for twenty years was sorely afflicted with disease, which came out iu Llotches and scabs all over hia ody. This ({eutleman so for forgot his prejudices which too fteu curse his profession, as to apply |*noually to Dr. Bran reth, and his course proved a hanpy one; within six mouths he 'as entirely cured of his miserable and tormenting disease by lie use of the Brandreth Tills The use of the Brandreth Pill can in no case do injury, beMise they are made of those herbs and roots which experience as fully proved always harmonize with the human body. The mission of purging with them in cases of sickness, is often the mse of a long attack, often ending only by a cessation ef life. How important it is that this course should be pursued.it rill not ouly be the surest in-aus of restoriuK, but it will iu a reat measure prevent the recurrence of constitutional maladies -it will surely weaken the maliguity of the attack* and iu me secure robust health. As with all valuable medicines, the Brandreth Pills have een shamefully counterfeited, but I have succeeded in liavine (ecuted THHKK LABELS (and whioh are appended to eacli ox) of such intricate workmanship as bid deliance to all fu ire imitators. Now, a new evil presents itself. My advejsemeut* are taken verbatim, and used by all the medicine lougers of the day, wl'o merely take my name out aud insert le name of the medicine iu the place of Brandreth Pill* occuied in the advertisement thus sloleu from me Time will rove how these *|>ecu'alive yeutleineu will *u*tain themselves. My Friends may rest *atished that I shall, so long as my life nd energies are i>ermitted me, by an OVERRULING PRO'IDENCE, attend jiersonally to the preparation of the Branreth Pills, and that those properties which have thus farntuered them so popular will be sLill continued unimpaired. B. BRANDRETH, M. D. The Brandreth Pill* are sold by one a«eut iu every place of nportance throughout the world, each agent having a certinate of agency from l)r. Brandreth, having lac simile* of label* n the Brandreth Pill boxes engraved thereon. BRANDRETH'S PILLS are sold at 25 ct*. per box, with ill directions at the Principal Office, 241 Broadway,.27i towerv, 189>» Hudson st The following are duly appointed agents for the sale of the Irandreth Pills lu the city of New Vork and vicinity, vii. A. L. Towndsbury, Mauhatlanville. D. D. Wright, comerTrfwis and Houston *t*. E. H. Tripp, 167 Division st. Geo, B. Maigue, 98 Catherine st. J. O. Fowler, cor. Greenwich and Murray sta B. G. Cordey, i9 Whitehall st. Will. P. Powell, 61 Cherry st. B. 8. Taylor, 8u Vesev st. Mrs. Wilkinson. 412 Cherry st. IV 11 ll.,rr, ... l,r .t ..l I., Av,nn< John Howe, cor. Iliviugton util Ludlow its. Thro. Martiue, 21*t it, cor Dili Avenue. Benj'u Rich*r<i*ou, 43d »t, cor 8lll Avenue Palmer & Fisher, White Plaius. Stephen Hunt, hut Cheater. B. II. Carpenter, Mew Kochella. BashTord ac Rose, V outers J S. Ken>on, Harlem. Thorn.,* C. Lyou, Mamaroueck. Aaron Smith, Wejt K trim. W. & J. Orion, Port Chester. Mrs. Booth, No. J Market it, Brooklyn. Mrs. Terrier, Williamshunt, L. I. Wm. E. Parker, Newark, N. J. D. W. Stone, Jersey City. sM 28teod*r CAUTION TO K EMALES 1/f ADAME RESTELL, KEMALE PH \ SIC1AN, would J. inform ladies who, with a proper delicacy, have a rernfance to the treatment of their complaint* except by one of their wn sex, that in all cues ihe attend* to them personally, her iperieiice, practice and knowledge enables her to do so. She MMitHMMrjrto state this, as the does not wish to be lassed with the pretenders continually appearing and disap paring, advertising as " Kem lie Physicians," wno too iguo: ict an'l iucompetent theinsilves are obliged to eel nima scarce f less guoraut quack to experiment instead. Consulting par )rs and residence, 148 Greenwich street, between Courtland iid Liberty streets. Hours of attendance from 9 A. >V. tot ,M sin 3m*r TO MARRIED LADIES. tfADAME RESTELL'S PREVENTIVE POWDERS. Those invaluable Powder* have been universally adopted Europe.bnt Knuce in particular, for upwards of thirty years I well as by thousands in this counwv, as being the only inild( lie and efficacious remedy for muried ladies, whose health >rbids a too rapid increase of fam.ly. Madame itestell, as is well known, was for thirty year* folate Physiciau in the two principal Female Hospitals iu Eujpr.those ol Vienna and Paris.where favored by her great iperience and op|>ortnnities, she attained that celebrity^* ios < great discoveries in medical science so specially adapted ) the female frame, for which her medicines now stand Hnnilled, as well iu this countr.y as in Eurcipe. Her acquaiutaces with the physiology and anatomy of the f> male frame, lables her.by tracing the decline and ill healtn oi .married 'males, scarce in the meridian of life, and the c.-usyquent raid and often apparently inexplicable causes which coiisiga lany a fond mother to a premature grave.to their true source, I arrive at a knowledge en the primary cause* of female indisusitions.esp of married females.which, in 1808, led to le discovery of her celebrated " Preventive Powders." Their iloption has been the means of preserving not only the health, ut even the life of many an affectionate wife and fvutl moler. The advertiser feeling the importance of this subject, and climating the vast beuelils resulting to thousands by their adopon, would most respectfully arouse the attention of the maried, by all that they hold near and dear, to their consideration. I it not wise and virtuous to prevent evils to which we are Libject. by simple and healthy means within our control.. Ivery dispassionate, virtnoui and (nlivhtaied mind will uuheitatingly answer in the affirmative. lTrice (ire dollars a rack HP, accompanied with full and particular directions Ther an forwarded by mail to any part of t)ie United Stain AH tten must be post-paid, and addressed to .MADAME UF.S'KLL, Female rhyaician. Principal Otflce, HA Greenwich :reet, New York. (Jthee hour* from S A.M. to 9 o'clock P.M. loatou office, No. 7 Essex at. a 10 3m "r FOKTUCiUhiSlt FKMALfc PILEsT tnriRTtD arm rnrrtHi:n bt I. DE BOUDELOQUE, M.D., LISBON, fORTUOALl rlK Scientific cembiuation of ingredients of which theM Tills are composed, have made them the wonder and admiktioti of the world. They are known all over Europe to be le ouly preparation ever discovered that has proved invariably rrrain in producing the monthly turns. Their certainty, in all wea, beiug such that they muat not be used during pregnancy, >r though always inild, safe and healthy, they are certain u> roduce miscarriage if nsed during that i>eriod. The directions are translated into English, and are enveloped >uld with the seal of the importer. stam|>ed. Each box eontius the signature of M. de Boudefooue, and the Eliglish di* actions have the signature of Dr. F. MELV EAU, authorised itent for the continent of America. They can be transmitted by mail to any part of the United tares. SoUTby Dr. F. MELVEAU, agent and importer I of ie United States, office 129 Liberty street, near Greenwich »t. riee $j.half botes t'i. No halt hoses sent by mall. Sold i Boston at No 9 Salem street. Letters directed to Dr. K. telvean. box 24, Ne* York, will meet with immediate alteuon All letters mnst post paid. sl-0 2md&.w *r * EMAl.E MONTHLY PILLS. "\WINO to the celebrity, efficacy, and invariable success ol ' Madame Kestell's Female Monthly fills in all rases of if gnlarity, sum reasion, or stoppege of those functions of nv >re opon which the health el every Nmsle depends, since leir introduction into the United States,nowTibont four years, irnnterfeirs and imitations are constantly attempted 'o he slmed off for the genuine. Cheap romfann pills are urchnsed twelve cents a box, put np in different boxes. ami called. Female Monthly rills," with the object of selling them, if ossihle, at one or two dollars a box. Females are therefore nitioned against theae attempts ro impose npon them. It ie rfficient here ro state that all Female Monthly fills aee rour.rfeira, except those sold at Madam- Kestnil's Principal Office, 8 Oreenwieh street. New York, and 7 Essex street. Boston I rieetl Madame lies tell's signature is written on the covet F each box. N. B.They can be used by married or a ingle, by following ie directions enclosed inside of each box. Sold also by apnntment al ViX Grand street, eoruer of Allen, New York. slfl 2m* r MADAME IIE8T ELL, FEMALE fHYSYCIAN, Office and residence, MS Giwawich street, between Courtlandt and Liberty streets, where ie can be consulted with the strictest confidence on comaints incident in tire female frame. Madame lleetail's experience and knowUdge in the treatmi nt obstinate cases of female irregularity, storage, supnressiou, c is such as to re<inire bat a lew days to effect a perfect cure, ailies desiring proper medical attendance during confinement other indisposition, will be aecommodawd during sucb me with pi ivate and resl>ectabie board. " Preventive i'owders," for married ladies, whose delicate 01 wxrions health forbids a too raprd increase ol fain'lv, will be ttSymii to any Part of the United Sutes. Pric. *4a pack,p All letters (post-paid) addressed to box, Ml, New York, nston Office, No. 7 Essex street." N B..Maiame REST ELL would inform ladies residing it of the city, whose health would not adsnit of travelling, at she would devote her personal attendance npon theui in iv part of the Uuited States within reasonable distance .18 2m*r PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMER UOHUON BENNETT, .W. CORNER FULTON AND NASSAU STRElCTS Th« Nr.w Yon« Hkrsi.d.A daily paper, issued eve-f ortiing of the week.price two cf.nts i>er copy. (Joantty ibecribers furnished at the same rate, for any specific period, a remittance iu advance. No paper sent unless paid in adwee. Th* Wimlt IIcftsLn.Issued every Saturday mnrutus at hwl to country Mhirribon nt $3 Vt i*r anuum, in it'lram *, At th» nmr nu* for any nwil'ied period. (IninnmNiir.NTi ar» minuted to «,Id mi their Utt»r» to kMita (ioBDon Bknkktt, rro|>nttor nail i.«nd nlHd Iiqiimu must b< nt-mid

chroniclingamerica.loc.gov€¦ · __ AMUSEMENTS. 1MRI.OS GAKUK1.;7~ TheOardaais uow clixwd »mJ the entranceto tl« Thrill* 11 ou Broadway. All well warmed sod lighted for cold wwchar

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.gov€¦ · __ AMUSEMENTS. 1MRI.OS GAKUK1.;7~ TheOardaais uow clixwd »mJ the entranceto tl« Thrill* 11 ou Broadway. All well warmed sod lighted for cold wwchar



;7~ The Oardaa is uow clixwd »mJ the entrance to tl« Thrill*11 ou Broadway. All well warmed sod lighted for coldwwchar


K A V E L F A M 1 L Y .

* HIS EVENING, October 2o The performance willeon me-vr witli the

Overture to Zai etta Auber.To b» lolli u *d by the first net of the Pantomime of

JOCKO.Jocko, the Brazil'iai Ape, Mom Muut'iThe Coinic i>»rt of Lorenxo, Gabrt'1 Rvvel'"fit of trie hi.acters by tkr Rttrl Family.

Af.er which a grand pat ita deux frt in


»T Madame Ltou Javi-lli and Mous Martin.After which new ^iid varied performances ou the

TIGHT HOPE.By tli* lla«el Family.

Half as four's intermission will he allowed for promenade nodrelreshments in the (irand Saloon,

Whan Ice ("reams. Kinit t<*e&, and Refreshments of the choiceat kind, and in great variety, will be touud.

To conclude with55 M18FORTI NKS OK KOKTUNATU8!

Or..The Magic Cuckoo!* onsiahng of t'f Itnew and original Scene*

Dresses Tricba, and Transformation*!With entirely new Slaelnnerv, Scenery, Costumes, Properties

Overture* anil Music, &c bLCDoc Fortuuatus. Oabnel Havel

( A simple Signor of Salamanca )Don Babellas Jerome Ravel

AlbertoM n». MartinVulcan Mods. D'Anvergue

Don Henrique Autoinr Havel>ieuor de \ allodahd Charlei WintherGntaldo Fnuieoit HavelSkelr'on Mods. Massetti

Ou|o Joseph RavelA Inn to Leon Javelli

Martin JavelliLorento ClarkeMarcia ... ... *. severeColossus Stafford

.Marcellina Madame Jerome HavelArreline Madame Leon Javelli

THIS EVENING, Oct 20.The performance will commencewithJOHN JONES.

(hiy Goodluck, Burton Jenny, Mrs HerringAfter which,

A THUMPING LEGACY.Jerry Ominous, Burton Kosstuo, Misi Kerny

Alter whichSailor's Hornpipe. Mr Williams

To conclude w ith theBOOTS AT THE SWAN.

Jacob Earwig, Mr Burton

XrilTCIIELJVS OLYMPIC THEATRE.TH13 EVENING, October 20.The, performance will com


Jerry Ominous, Mr Holland'After which <MACBETH.


Mr Mitchell.After which,

NEW FOOTMAN.Bobby Breakwindow Holland

To conclude withANGEL OF i HE ATTIC. t

The Chevalier, Clarke I Marriette, Mrs BoothjTr res» Circle, M cents.Upper Boxes, 25 Scents.Pit, 12>» r

.Private Boxes, $i.-Orchestra Boxes, $3.^7*Doors opeu at .Curtain rise at half-past 7. i


JOHN TRYON MANAGER. !Treasurer, J. D. P. Champlin Clown and Equestrian Direct

or, John (Jos!in Ring Master, Mr. Nixon.Boxes 25 cents. Pit 12^ cents. Children to Boxes, when ac

companied by their guardians, 12)ȣ ci-nts.Grand Display of Extravaganzas and Ethiopian Melodies.

Engags-mem or the infant PAGAN I N i,Aged 7 yeirs, who will perfonn on the Violin, with the

MINSTRELS.Splendid Performances by the magnificent Military Band.

THIS EVENING, Octob r 20.The performances will comtnerce with the

MAIDS OK CASHMERE,And the Nobles of the East.

Led by Mrs. Cole.After which, a variety Equestrian Pe-formanees. Songs, &-c

Besides a (fnat variety of other amusing performances.To conclae with

AN.iETH'OA.N CONCERT.W' sea,°" "'"ickets for salt" at the bo* office, price £5.Doors open at 7. First overture to commence at quarter past

, Performance to commenct at half past 7 precisely. o3 r


Corner of Broadway and Am str-et.T. P. Manager.

in grJer to accommodate the great crowd? attending here,there will beTWO DISTINCT PERFORMANCES DAILY,

Commencing at 3 o'clock and o'clock, P. M.GENERAL TOM THUMB,

This smallest of Dwarfs, who is eleven years old. twenty-five<nchfs high, »"d weighs o;:ly FIFTEEN POUNDS, has re-tumed tn his old quarters, and may be seen every day and eveuiugthis week.

DR. VALENTINE,The eccentric delineator of different chaiacter, is engaged, and

will oi*n Ins whole budget of comicalities, ,w hims. cups, oddities, &c.MR. S. K. 0. NELL IS, 1

Born without ar^s. will delight the visiton w ifh the hundredslit beautiful and difficult feats performed with his toes.Mr WM. CoLE, the wouderful Chinese Nondescript, with (his DOG BILL V. who Sings. Dances, and jierforms a variety

ol fents which astonish every beholderMr H. G SHERMAN, the popmar Ballad Ringer.Albino Ladv. Fancy Glass Blowing. CITY BRASS '

I!A N I), ol twelve musicians Grand Cosmarama, the PE1I c,FETUaL FAIR, and 100,000 Curiosities.Admission to the whole 23 cents.cuildren under ten years t!

hall price. oH ec 1


{Broiuiu«iy,op}>oiite the City Hall.)Mr. H Bennett Manager.a

Is happy to announce an engagement for three days with the hcelebratedMONS. ADRIEN,

the most remntkatle Magician and Necrmnaneer in the world.Also J

THF MYSTERIOUS BOY,whosejierformances are mrarulous Sryond conception. Alio

Mignor KinaliVs ceUbiafd Mechanical Figures. >La petite cehno. the graceful d ucer. iWILD BOY OF THfc WOODS'.

HALK 4AN AND HALF MONKEY!Po»sessed of the power of Speech .yet has four feet.no hands,auJ walks a* ALL FOURS. .H» is beyond all il 'ubt the most astonishing Curiosity in w-he World. II pos ively leaves after SatnHav next jAlso eue iged, the immense HEAD, TUSKS, and otherbones of t!THE GREAT MASTADON! "

Recently discovered in Orange County, and now for the firsttime eihibtted in New York. The bones of this MAMMOTH.which liveil and died befnre the Klood, art in perlect preserva(iii, and this is the ONLY |*rfect Skull ever before disco*\ered.GLASS BLOWING A Self-Playing Melodeon, and 500,ftOOCariosities.Admission to all only One Shilling. ol9 3tr


Prima Donna, from the Cirand Opera in Paris, the Italian Operaand tlie f Ipera Comique. and MONS ARLOT, on Thursday,the lifih October, 1843. atti4e Washington hotel.

Director Mr. Timm.,Kor programme »ee small bill*.Tickets $1 each.to be had at the Music Stows and Hotels

and at the door.Concert to commence at 8 o'clock 014 'itrL'SICAL KN I> R 1 AiNMhNT.J. I'OOLE, from

Kill ii hutch, retpecdullv announces to his friends and ihejmblie, that his nest Conceit will take place on Thursday evening,October l«h, 1813 at National Hall. Canal street, j doorsfrom Broadway, when he will have the plea*ureof introducingM'tne "f the m"»t itvirej ancie't and modi rn melodies.

j. I'. *i»i*te.l bv gentlemen <>1 well know n talents, will lingThe wee wee < rorman l*iidie;Tbe Flower* of the Forest; Aulal>obn> >ray IStw ye my wee thing; My ain fireside; Wander-i Willie; Here's a h-.ilth bonnie Seotliud t thee, Sic.'Ticket* 21 cents to h»-had at'.he door on the even ng of the

(oil cert. Child ten half priceD< or* open at 7 to commence at 8 l>rer.i*eh\ Mr*. McDoualwill preside ot the piano forte, and Mr. Hoffman the violin."18 2t«r


EVERY \ ENING-t o'clock..TICKETS*) CENTSU A Ml LI ES, School* and lonividual* dmrmg aubscriptitftir ticket*, to apply at tlie Lecture room.Programmes for the week mav lie obtained at the Lecctore

R"om.*« ENTIFI' ENTERTAINMENTS, con.utmg of popularilisc mraes and lecture* 011 tlie most interesting and iuil>ortantModem Dwcovene* 1a ihe physical cieurea, and their applicationin ihe An* Then, entertainment*, adapted lor the

iwrnani an persons 01 orama/> eaucaturn,will be *luci<latad by the mint splendid collection of illaairatiousever exhibited in thu country.\moigthe mechanical illu»t rat ions will be included thatsplendid working m< del of Uie Solsr System, called

KCSSKLL'b PLANKTAKlL'M,Which will be erected and kept in mot'un.T«ie»ro:>ic vi* we of lh« PliotU. taken generally from OriginalDra>*iiiK»- prepared for Dr Lardtirr by liersche.1, and othermineul Kuropeao Astronomers. ^A series of vi»w, of

From Telescopic Pr»wiiiK« by the I'rui.nn Observer*, Baernd Madlrr, 1JJE 80LAJt SPOTSFrom Drawings by HtrathtJ ao<J or. here.A kt« >i wnrty of Scenic JlJuarraiioua ot Lunar and Solar

THK SEASONS,And otht Astronomical Phenomena , also, Meteorological Drnrtmat of the Aurora Borwalis, Water S|«>uts, and other Mete"i.from drawings by Lottiu, fleechev, fcc.

1 ln> collection consists ol above '1 wo Hundred Diorama*,. .eh r.f whirli will be exhibited with * magnitude sufficient tobe risible in every part of the lirgest theatre*, covering nnarlyKour Hundred square Irei of Canvass.The celebrated DKIMMOND LIGHTS, will be occasionallyshown and eiplained By tins invention, a single point, not

eto»«Ji'ig the iimgmiiole of a |«» is rendered »o intensely lumpmod- as to illuminate the largest theatre, unaided by any otherluii it ha* lately been proposed to apidy this eoutrieance toilluminate theciiy ol I'aris by a single Lautarn.

Piui.uvs. Inventor* and Mauul*< tureis may consult Dr,LAiUlNfcH du'iag his visit to this city, on subjects conuecini with tit* application of me Physical aud Mrrhamcal Sciencesto tlie uael'ul Arts. olTr

TO hKINTERa.L1 1R 1AUt .Two fouuw of Type, Miuion and Nonpanel,

which tiaee *>« used on<!lh* New Vort Herald Applyal IhiaMfiee. i

f'ri marun J aveinOiiUin* Mr*. C. H. Hunttin. nroauiev

Ujy"In Intiire the rerlortnuiCM will commence at half-)«st,i i Iock precisely.iTT'A »lnci folic* w ill be in attendance, and great care to

ken to prevent the admission of improper |>ersous.C.7~Tu;lteu Kifi> Cents. May be >m<i at the Garden duriut

the day.[C?" A limited number of Season Tickeu will be au

po»e<l ofC^No postponement at this establishment on accoiintol th.

w itnei as the Grand Entrance from Broadway to the Saloon» protected, and the new Saloon, which is ventilated from thftop and mde*. can be o|iened at a moment's notice.


THIS EVENING. Oct. <0.will be perlormed.MACBETH. 1

M»cb»th, Mttready Micduff, RyderBonquo, Barry Lenox, Tomer

Lilly Macbeth, Mrs SlomanJollowedby

Mis» Julm Tnrubull. in* La Gullianna lTo conclude with !

THE DOUBLE BEDDED ROOM.Mr Pipes, Mr Placide Nancy, Miss Ayies1T7" Boies $i.Pit 50 cents.Gallery 25 cents.

Doors open at quarter to 7. The Curtain will rise pre-OMtV ai quarter i«si 7 o clock. '

CUATHAM THKATKK.Bo*es 25 cents. Pit I2>i cents.

Nofcce.The Doors will open at haU-pasl 6. Curtain will ris>at 7 o'clock.


^mmITALIAN MUSIC..MR MANNING. (twanty ymr. n»I drat in Naplei.) pupil of 1'aciui and Li*»ceutmi, givaa in

fruitionson term* to >uit lit* limn, in Italian Krrncli, andKnglish aingiBK. and in the inoat laahionable alyle of pianoforte playing.Mr M. haa permission to re(«r to the (olio* nig >*«tlem»u:.

J. M. Wainw right, D. D.; Meaan Howland & AapuiwalUJf. Schroder. 1). DMr. J. T. Br.gham; V. L. liawkas, D. DMr. 8 Ward.Mr M. raaidea at Hndaou »treet near Spring it.ol lm*r


MaDA vit, 1 f« 'N,PRO M * SOli OK SINdINO,

J6 Varick stmt, St. Joinia' Park. al5 3ui*r

NiUdICMKSSIIS. 8C bttKlDKK fc RICBIIKKN, Profea»or» of *

Muaic, UteoTBaratoga Spring*, respectfully announce.tli.it they are now pr parei' to gne their attendance at privateparties soire*, serenades, it during the euauiug aeaaon, peliorrningthe moat n odirn mil popular music.

All o dera tor iheir attendance will be received and answeredat their preaent reaideine. SO Croah> at. QIC lm*r

TO PIANO FOllTE MAKKRri.JOHN GILL, m&uaiacttirprof Piano Kort* Hardware, wial e*

to anurunre that in addition to Ills eatablishn ent. (on Jmh .atreet and *d Avenue) that lie has m..de arrauiemaata with .Vr. »

John Phvfe, ivory devler, No. 15 Murray street, N°w York,(a*ate. t) where any article ol' piano lorte hardware can te purchasedat cheap ns elsewhere and in any ijuantiliea ;J. U. ie*|>ecllully solicits attention tu tlie auiwrior quality ofhis manufartuieil goods. especially hit improved mimic pins,w hich arv warranted in er.'ry respect. Sitteeii yea's close attentionto the above business in New York has eimbledJ. CI.to (now exactly w hat the piano forte makers require.All orders to John tiill, 26ili street and 3d Avenue, New York,

or to Mr. John I'liyfe, as above, w ill meet with immediate atleuturn. < Vods forwarded to any part ofthe Uuued Matea.ol7 im* m "


I'H I LA iJh Ll'Hl \ PDA.'tTTi- rrro rvp- pvi'-ri.kjhvihn'TEXCH UiK"hi iuDINoTROOMS 26 AND 2' C

'T^HE t>obsc*ibrr haareceive<* a large supply of Voigtland»rs' f! re'ebniteJ Daguerreotype Apt'artui, laijr* aud small lives,

with achromatic lenses made according to Professor IVtival'i *

calculation. .... *>Alto a new supoly of best plates anil chrmicalii which he tlWarrants "00<' *' J *ell« at rtduced prices.The fu'Towiug gentlemeu have agreed 10 act as agen'i, vix. n

E Whi'e, h.tq 173 Broadway New York P. Haas, fciij, ai

Washington, D. C. Dr A. Caspari, Richmond. Va.^ S.Broadbent. Ls|, lor ihe Southern States. Win. W«*t, Esq, *

Cincinnati, Ohio.All con munication* (post p»id) and orders, accompanied ~

witn r miiltncei, will be promptly attended to, and should bedirected to W ILLIAM LAUGENlI KIM.oI73m*r Exchange Buildings, Philadelphia. <


Mil. D. ha* the honor to announce that his School is opt» foFthe reception of pupils, daily. Suudays excepted hi

I or Ladies, from A. M. to 3 I*. M. tiK iOMMMI, from 7 to 9 A. M., and 3 to 7 P. M.li

_Hi, Sly trained and quiet horses for the road or parade, to In

Korta <ns and particular* apply as above. au5 3m*r si

RICH PARIS FANCY FEATHERS mid Chenille Caps, ftxiid 11'ail Ornaments, just lauded [and for sale at No. 6 vSouth William itrwt on 6i»r

BlirKWHtSAT.New Bnckwheu, Corn M»al and Rye r'

Hour in barrels, hslf barrels and i;uarters, Mutable for ship- *'no g or Family use, for sale by tl

HOLT Sc OWEN,o!9 3t*r 209 Kront st corBeekman.

NEW BUCKWHEAT.1000 packi^es in barrels, liulf barrels,quarters and eighths, packed iu a superior maimer for m

he southern market.a choice article aud frte from grit. For £tale on liberal terms by .

013 lm*r GEORGE WELLS, Jr. 196 Front at. o

LARD.700 kegs extra prime Leaf Lard, in excellent order,for sale by

go!9 ec E K. COLLINS St CO. 86 South it.

\\T A. SMETS ha* just received per late arrivals fr >m Ha'* vre, a fine aa'crtment of Embroideries and Milliueryurt'des, for city retail tr.tde, of the latest and most fashionableParis style, selected by himself personally, which can be seen "at 46 Beaver street, up stairs. o!4 6t*rt> EADY MADE OVERCOATS. Winter Frocks, Cloak*, V

St-c..Extra Beaver and Pilot Cloth Over Coats, Winter SFrocks, Sacks, &c.Also, extra aud medium quality Cloth Cloaks, forsaleat 231 d

Broadway, American Hotel, opposite the Fonutain. t(ol5 lm*r WM T. JENNINGS & CO.

rPO ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS..The *ubscnberA would respectfully inform his customers and others, that in ^consequence of his old stai d iu Broadway being burn, d down,lie has taken the premises No. 135 Crosby street near Houston, "

until such time as the stores in Broadway are rebuilt, and that *

he is now prepared to exeute any orders for Ornamental Work f,aud Carving that may be required, the same a* formerly.New York, September 28th. 1843.

JOHN GALL1ER, J*2fl Ins*13S Crosby ifreet. g

COAL..Large Nut Size $4,73, Stove i j 00, aud lre*h Broke iand Kgg $5 2') per ton, of the best Peach Orchard Ash, wel a]

icrfeu*weighed Dva city weigher and delivered free of car' 6ige A reductiou.of 26 cent* per ton if taken from the boit

VETER CI-INTON, coruerof King b*1*1 Sm-»unit flwou-ich street*.


PHS CELEBRATED preparation, the only one that fins vever beeu discovered, for the successful extirpation of that ti

uost offensive dist*t*e ot the head,DANDRUFF, «

ias, during the late spring aud summer season, been applied and ~

ected by thousands of Ladies aud Gentlemen, and in uo one £ustauce, has it tailed to effect HAN IMMEDIATE AND RADICAL CURE. £

It is recommended by the most celebrated and skilful physiiansand chemists of t,,e day. Every one should avail tliein- .

elves of its benefits, aud thus secure a clear head aud a luxuri- ,

tut coat ol hair. It is for sale bv iu proprietor.pricc $1 thelOttle, and 26 cents the single was'i in the shop. p.014 jinnee 1' I'USSkDDU, 17 Tark Row. qI^vOCTOR J. GRANGER desires in nit'ire to limit hi**-' i ractic*, and confine his attention entirely to those diseases, oihtMtiMtmnt of which he has met with uniform sure-ss,viz.Diseasei of the Heart. Lungs, and Rectum, in all their oidit'.> rent forrr s. Al,o, all diseases peculiar to women

'I he lemedi.s user! for the above disea.es are new in their ap- *'plication, new in their effects and u»w in their preparation.

Office of Doctor Granger No. M Amity atrect. °Honrs from 12 io "i in the afternoon. 017 3m*r t

TO THE PUBLIC.ATA GENERAL MEETING oftheUoited SocietyofJonrue)men Boot and Shoe Makers, on the men's branch, of the |

city ol New > ork, having lieen for a nuin^-r of years reduce''iutheir wages to so low a late as to be sc trcely able to obtain the tCommon necessaries of I'fe, 'he average earuirgs of the jouruej

imnbeine between four aud nve dolla's per wwk, and out of »tins sum the journeyman lias to pay for materials to work with 93< ? » cents per week. Under these circumstances we havethought it advisable to ask of our employers a small adva ,ce '

ou OU' labor.the greater majority of ihe employor* readilycomplied wuli our just demands, say upwards of eighty, whilea Ii-h contemptibleempfo*fln, who have amassed lortune* by | *

in*- niT-aji I'lAvutc ui SHrmiii; uie .journeymen to ill- 10**' si »

»t»te of depredation.tin if umliers are .is few as contemptible.Wi refrain for the prejent from naming choir men, but il>c pub wlie may rest assure 1 that tii.se employer. w ho |>ay a fair rt> 0nun.'ration to their men. employ none but fir t rate workmen.by order of the Society, which now numbers between five ^uid six hundred men, tr

Signed.JOHN S'OULAN, President.AUGUST M\ KK, Vice i'resident. 01KfcA.NCH ROCK. " 1THOMAS is VKKH. Secretary.

N'. B..There will In- a i:>-n. r.i! m-eting of the Socie y onMonday evenidimntt, tuetsd, at 7 o'clock, at the lltti Vv.ird-iotel, corner of Grand and Klizabeih streets. olB 3t*r '

M *> ^SAOHUSETT.-S BAY /^lYSTKRS .168K Kulton street, opposite St. Paul's.. %^NAPOLEON COURT1N takes pleasure in it forming gh< se persons w ho have heretofore honored him with their pa- rrouage, and those who are willing to continue the same ftvor.In the .viassacliusetu Bay O'.sterj have recovered with theold weather their fresh and delicious llavor so peculiar tolieir,and which lias viven th*m the name of oysters of I aixale,h,,t his saloon, recently so elegantly fitted up, otters the injstuiet and comfortable accorrmoditions.There w ill always be found in it a choice collection of the vjllowing w .nes, vii: Chablia. Sauterne, < irave, liarsac. Her- jfauLage, sparkling and still Hock, Champagne, Chambertin, aj'onrnard, Volney, Lalitte, Larr re, Leoville, St. Juuej.Sic.,nd all sorts of fori igu w in. s and cordials. twHe kee|>s constantly on hand the above wires, tn th» cask or b«

on, together w ith Preserves, Sweet Oil and rr?sc!".J* ;s«gar. ciioods purchased from his establishment ar: sent :r*< «!tria:ge> any pajt of ihe city. Oysters will be sent to trier's iaei.ee ofurchasers, (if required) and oi>ened by one of tfse t:*u -'ants o

tieestablishments. <:2 '.:r.*ec

WM. T. JbNi\l>iUS <te GO. fi"\flAPKR8 ANU TAILORS, 231 Broadway, Amentu ^Hotel, opposite the Fountain, solicit attention to an assortiratof seasonable goods, including Cloths, Cassimeres, Vest- JOigs, Sir.., in all the new and various styles, under the assur- (|,act that the system of " small profits and quick returns," enrlnch has elicited so liberal a patronage, w ill be continued, wrhile our aTwuigeineiits are such aa will enable at 10 Gil all or- cjA feature in the establishment, which must commend it toio»e requiring articles for immediate use, ,j the addition tour (tuck, ol aii a*«ortmeat of first yuality ready made Garlecta,consisting of

Saitcuta, Frocks,p,Dress ConU, Pantaloons,hrVests, Office Guam, -fTravelling Krocks, Dressing Gowns, kg.A choice collection ot it

Silk and Satin Scarfs, Cravats,.Handkerchiefs, Gloves,Suspenders, Hosiery,I t>Under Shirts, Drawers,1 JMuslin Shirts, Collars, Ste.; *,

At prices which most ofhr inducements to purchasers.|y24 iin'ac | ft

MENS', BOYrt' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING..OKO. T. GliEEN, Nos. 110 Chatham street, and 4 bowery,will keep constantly on hand a full and complete assort'

meutof Mens', Boys' ana Children's Clothing, of all deacrip-tiona, made in the most fashionable style, to which l.e would Jrespectfully invite the attention of those in w uit As he hasmade arrangements to receive Cloths, Cassnneres, Vesting* ffcc kv every packet, and has secured the services of ex|>eri<'uci-d hCutters, he pledges hi in tell to give jwtfect satisfaction to all «who may purchase.N. B..Ciarnient* made to order at the shortest notice, and

with strict punctuality. o3 Im*r jQENTLEMEN'S l:- FT"oKK VVARDHOBE..GentleJ hJ m«n or families desirous of converting their leit. oft weir.115 apparel into cash, can obtain lor the name the highest cash ttMM,To families aud gentlemen quitting the city, or changing rejileuce,having any »u|«-rtluou» effects to dispose of, will lind it Jmuch to their advantage to send for the subscriber, who will

attend them at tiieir residence by appointment. *'H. LEVETT,No. 6 John street. New York. {'A line through the Post Oflice, or otherw ine, will receive *

prompt attention. 1

CLOTHING cieaned, altered and repaired. o14 lm*ec

BUSINESS IS BUSINESS-Therefore if you a share"

ol it yoo must circulate your cards and handbills freely,. >To do this in an economical way, call on KoLGKK V. SL'T- JTON, at the office of the Locomotive I'rintinig Engine, JOJohn street, near Pearl, where you can kave aM kinds of Job fiPrinting done in the first ityle, at the lowest cas'i prices, and no |disappointment.Cards printed at one hour's notice if required. o4 lm*r rr

VfALLNTINE has leinoved Ins Eugravii'g and Printing* Establishment from John street, to No. 1 Beekinan street, t(Loveioy'a Hotel,) opposite t'ie Brick Church, New York.. 1Wedding, Visiting, luvitatiou, aud Provisional Cards e«e- 1

cuted in the first style of the art, as regards the su|ienority of ftlse engraving, neatness of the printing, and the whiteness anilbrilliancy of tne cards. Persona furnishing their own cardplates,can have them printed on the most approved and fashionablestyle ol cards, at prices to suit the times.The Ladies and Gentlemen of New Vork, Brooklyn, and the

adjoining cities aud towus, are respectfully invited to call andetamine the aj>ecimen books, tuid Irora a variety of pattern cardsselect to their taj,te. I in * r a

IN PUH8UAN. E of au order of the Surrogate ol the County n' "f New York, notice is hereby givn to all persons havingcl"ins against John t arrnll, late of the city of New York, rJunk Shop keejier, deceased, to present the sarne with thevouchers tliereol to the subscrilier; and all jiersoiu indebted to tlthe mate, are requested to make immediate payment.

JOHN CON VVAi, Li r, 117 Willet st. .

October II, 1843. olJ lm» rrc /ro HI J -The Premium Mills I

liiiM "" " ru" «»«, "i Itsmimuivvmaiiluatrdtifir two iniln from New Itoclirllr, .

Wr»ei onuty, and Mtateof Nrw lork.and iu unmrdiitrproKiinitt to tli* city ul New fork, bow in onier for an mi»-b- *

vr buaim-aa in Hour, and can iriud >uid t*ck 100 to I JO barrHi ,ft«ch day, or could I* moat advaiiu«*0u*ly rtnployrd for any r,other j>urt»j«p which might reuuiiv miami** water power. Thereputation lor the pa»t thirty-fi»» jeara en.oyen v the PremiumMillt. aud their proaiT.ity to Nnf York, w it, tl.e facility oltraniponatlun »n rded immed ,te|y adj.eiit, yv w ay ol the /navigation direct to the .Mill from lay muoer the licili- "

ti«a lor huaioeaa Bneieei tionaMe to tin .f d>airuig audi an ra- .

ublialumnt. Apply to HhNKY PATKILMJh kKLLOOU, £1K*«|., >*w Rociwlle, N. V., Kelloggarille, or to HILAI1! i,WUOb. Laq..M Br<ad atre«t. New York .

New iioclirlU, Auguit 2J, .HI ot&tr


S iSfei Purse $jn.Vilt ''l»at i, be<t llirt-e in five. under the saddle.

W Whelan enters b m Lkiv J ompkim. clo. Si'ier ruter» bh g Torn Benton, K'11. Woodruff rutrri. b ui Sarah. P;1). Kofm * enters b e Shaver. c!

Immediately after mvcli f.'i $M-Tmo Mile Heats.II. Woodrutt names lir c Ajax._ <>

Captain Underbill tames b g Columbus. *

CMnmbus to go ill hrnitss, Aja* to a wagon ol7 it*r '£


DIRECT, biVis NKWAR*. NI wp»vfljvnc», Princeton, TRKHTOB,

Bo»»i.vroWN A«» Bl'RLINfiTO*.

Leaving .Ve» Vork daily from the foot of Courtlandt it. u|Morning Line at 9 A. M..Mail Pilot Line at P. M. cc

The Moruii p Line proreeds to Burdentown, from thtuce by 'J!ieamboat to I'hiladrli !iia. fThe Evening Line pioceed* dlreet to Camden (opposite tohiladelphia) w ithout change of cars. riI'asseiiuen, will procure their tioketl at the office fool of Jourtlandt street, where.» commodious it<vimhor>t, will be intadiness, with baggage crates ou botrd. j,1lul tdelpliiu baggage crites are conveyed from city to city, wrihout being opened By the way Each traiu is provided withcar in w hich are apartment* and dressing rooms exprvssly forle ladies' use.Returning, the lines leave Philadelphia from the foot of Wal- 0,ut street, by steamboat to Bordentown at 7 o clock, A. M.nd by railroad from Cnmden, at 5 o'olock, P. M. f,The lines for Baltimore leave Philadelphia at 7^ A. M., and1*. M. being a continuation of the lim* from New York.o 8 2m*m J.

J". KOKIIAf;LESTON. KKV WEST, XHAVANA, NEW ORLEANS, ANDGALV K STON, TEXAS..'The splendid"SayiJgfijGf Steam Ship NEPTUNE, Captain WilliamRollins.To mil positively on Wed"s'lay,25th October, instant, at 4 o'clock P M.

The unheal'(lines* of New Orleans,with oilier circumstances, J(1is induced l iii.u I! >11 ins to delay the departure of the N«-p- j,IDS until the above day, 25th ins'ant. which at the earnest socitationof many passengers he has assented to»»ilh great reictnnce. The public may rest assured that uo delay will be wimuted to beyond ihe day now fixed. wThe Neptune has been completely overhauled, and is in per«ciorder. I'a.neng-'rs may r le upou every comf'rt and con-enience in her. About one half the nuiober of her ber.hs ate;ill "isencaged. Kir passage, for the above ports, in state «jJ)oms, cabins or stree age, and for freight of light goods or ^jecie for Charleston, apply on board, at the Tobacco lns|>ec- |£)on wharf, foot of Clinton st>eet. E. R., or to i,;nlS tv.'5*ec J. H BltOWKH, 75 Wall street.



l' the following uiiperior steamers, ninnini; in connection with J'1le Stonitigton and Boston and Providence Railroads


MOHEGAN.One of which will leave New York daily (Sundays except1)from Tier No. 1, Battery Place, N. Kiver, at 4 T. >1. *1

ARRANGEMENTS.The RHODE ISLAND, Captain Thayer, on Monday, andWednesday for Stoninston and Newport, aud Friday lot ^tonington. _riThe M \SSACHUSETTS, Captain Comstock, on Tues- |ay aud Thursday for Stoniugton, and Saturday for Stoning>a,Newport and Providence. hPassengers, on the arrival of the steamers at Stouington, will> immediately forwarded in the splendid and commodious ''

ars of the Railroad i Providence and Boston, and if foru

tewport win pioceeu in me steamer .vionegan tin superior or-

er) from thei.ew at 6 o'clock the following morning, thusivmg them an^opportun'ty of a uight's n'jt on Board thu * learn- ;r Massachusetts or Khoilo Island, and thru breakfast on board Vle Mohegan. ATh- above steamers have been thoroughly equipped and '

re^ared to promote cejerity of travel and the comfort and se- ®'

urity of passengers, and not *urpae»ed by any in the United i'tates. '

For passage or freight, which ii taken at very reduced raten,pply on board, at north side of pier No. 1, 22 Broadway, or of- f,ee of Samuel I)eveau, freight agent, on the wharf. ' JTickeu for the route and steamers' berths can be secured on .!oard, or at the office of

HAKNDEN & CO., No. J Wall street £O- NOTICE-CHANGE OK HOUR-On and alterlonday, Oct. 9th, the steamers of the New Jersey Steam Na*igdlion Company, forming the line to Providence and Boston '

ia Stonington, w ill leave pier No. 1, Battery Place, at ) 1' M.lO.Uu anil alter the 10th in*t, freight will not be receivedid forwarded after half-past 4 P. M. m9 6m* in

SEVEN O'CLOCK MORNING LINK, .ALBANY, TROY, and intermediate \C^sBLjE. Landings.From the steamboat pier, at tlie 11

ot of Barclay street. Breakfast and Dinp«r on board. ri«Leaves New Vork.The Kmpire on Aiouday, Wednesday »

id Friday. The Troy on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, heT A. M.Landing at.Caldwell's, West Point, Newburgh, Hempton,jughkeepsie, Hyde Park, Hhinebeck, U. Red Hook, Bristol,atskill, Hudson, Ctjxsackie and Kmderhook. \The new low pressure steamer EMPIRE, Captain S. R Roe, *

i this day, at 7 o'clock iu the morning._

ofThe new low pressure steamer TROY, Captain A. Gotham, leii Tuesday, at 7 o'clock in the morning. thFor passage, apply to F. B. Hall, at tlie office, foot of Barclay vitree, or on hoard.Notice..All <ioods. Freight, Baggage. Bank Bill*, Specie, «oT any other kind of Pro|>erty, taken, shipii-d, or put on oo&rJhe Boau of thu Line,must be at the risk of the owners of such

oods. nultt r ai

vu* PEOPLE'S LINK OF STEAMBOATSALBANY-Daily at t> o'clock P. M.w.<r Tt.wn.nt. direct.From the steamboat pier beweeuCourtlandt and Liberty streets. Sunday excepted.

The steamboat KNICKERBOCKER,Capt. A. P. St. John.rill leave] Monday, Wednesday anJ Friday Evenings, at six'clock.Steamboat ROCHESTER, Capt. A. Houghton, will leave

Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at fi P. M.At i o clock P. .M..Lauding at Intermediate Places. -r

Steamboat SObTH AMERICA, Capt. L. W. Brainard,rill leave Monday, Weduesday, and Friday afternoon, at e|o'clock.Steambo-.t NORTH AMERICA, Capt. M. H. Truesdell,'ill leave Tuesday, Thnrsday and Saturday Evening, at live'clock.r.is»°-cgeri taking this Line of Boats will at all times arrive in.lbany in ample time to take the Morning Tram of Cars forif east or wejt.The ?.bove boats are. new and substantial, are furnished withtat a_nd elegant State Kooms, and for s,>"ed and accommoda- /ous aie uurivailed on the Hudson. /i or i aj&age or Freight, apply on b:iard. ot to P. C. Schaltz htt.ae office ou tie. wharf. s25 r q

i m L-un aim aiffr .uonnay, uri inin,tne ooats 01 uas |,tne vv ill IrtHVf lbr Albany at 6 o'clock, P. M instead of 7. jrt

^ SEVL.N O'CLOCK KViCNINCi LINE Cl!l*^i±*£ji"ror ALBANY AND TROY direct, without »lK^_JK^Tl_lai)(liiic.the splendid low yreasure steamboat 1,1

WALLOW, Captain A. .McLean, will leave the loot ofourtlandt street every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday ,r

'euings, at? o'clock, for Albany direct.J he Swallow has a large Lumber of state rooms,and for speed 1,1id accoinmodetions .1 Lot surpassed oj the Hudsoa.*u8 ec

FOR LIVERPOOL.Regular packet of the 2';lh ff'Vtober.The well known fast nailing packet shipWtUkCmli vRlUCK.Capt W. Skiddy, of 1000 tons, will sail triabove, being her regular day. hiHer accommodations for cabin, second cabin and steerage ansjengers are unsurpassed by any veisel ui port, and as a num- IPr of lier pas enners are already engaged, those desirous of bairing berths should make 1 arly applicationoii to an

JOS. McMUKRAV, 100 Pine street cool*r ('oruer of South. II


Jijf*WPacket of the 23th October.1The new and elegant dnMNw acket ship OAliRICK. 1000 tons burthen, Capt. W. ne

inluy, will sail on Wednesday, 23th O 'to be; .her regular day. w<The slops of this line being all 1000 tons anil upwards, per- tu:us about to embark for the old country, will not fait to see lo|e advantages to be derived from selecting this line in (refer- artce to any other, as tliejr great capacity renders them even-ay tn^re cnmfortsble and convenient than ships of asmaller terasi. Those wishing to secure berths, should not tail toake early application on board, or to

W. k J. T. TAPSCOTT,At their General Passage Office, 43 Peck Slip, A

cor South street. rThe (iarrack will sail from Liverpool on the 13th December.rsoni wishing to s»nd for th ir fiiends can hiveihern J"]ought out in h-r or any of the regular line on favoraole terms. JThose wishing to remit money can be supplied with drafts for ''

y amount, payable in all the principal towns of the United an

ingdow. oli<c

FOR LIVERPOOL.British Vessel.The wellMH^known fast sailing Brilisli ship CHESTER, JohuBjBafaVVi Uon, master, having a large portion of her cargoigageii, will have ijuick despatch lor tlie above port.Partial about shipping colonial or domestic produce, willml he Chester a mou desirable conveyance.For freight or passage apply to the subscribers.

ROCHE, BROTHERS It ( O., 33 Fulton «t., « 'Ol3ec next door to the Fulton Bank. 011

FOR LIVERPOOL-NEW LINE.-Reeular ToHjJMfV Packet of 23th October..The splendid packet ship «»

fal' \ i< l< I' K, < aptain Wm. Skidd y, of 10410 tons, willnl ,ta above, her regular day. For freight 01 passage, having v«andsome furnish' 1 accommodations,ap|dy ou board at Orleans «iharf, foot of Wall street, or to H|i

E. K. COLLINS fc CO.Pri ce of passage, $T5. 3# S null street. |The packet ship HOS' II H, Captain John Collins, of 1100ins, will succeed the (iARR 1CK and sail the 26th November,it regular d iv. r*

Passengers may rely apou the ships of this line sailing punctally as advertised. o2

Ajfr*?- FOR LONDON.Regbltr Packet of ihe 2dth Ocr.**Wt'l>er.Theist sailing packet shin SWlT/KR-iMkaL V N 11. < il>t. KiiikI:!, burthen 1000 tnus, will sail asjour, Iter regular day.H'-r accommodations lor cabin, ucoml cabin and steerageunengers are unsurpassed by any s>-«el iii port, au't a» a nttmnol her pssse.ugers are already engaged, thnae desirous of «»uring berths should make rarlv application to

JOSKPH McMURRAY,o!3r lOfl Pine street, corner of South.

fijMr- FOR KIO DK IA N Kl l!o.The fast sailing <"< p.dfjr5Vl*'r'd barque MAZKVPA, * first class vessel, will s«ilmMIm"i 88* h iustant.fir passage, having very mi|frior state room accommodations

ir forty passengers, apply to < ant. Smith on board, at pier No.IK K or to OURDON 9 COIT, :il Old Slip ®"

A limited number of s'eera«e passengers will be takeu onloderate terms, il mrly application b« nude ol9too88#n>

£ A^ FOR NhW ORLEANS.Louisiana and .NewK Line.Posiiively First Regular 'acket To'he 110th inst. The fast sailing packet shipYA-

.U<>, Captain n. J. H. Traak, will positively anil as above,er regular day,

I" or freight or |iassmje, having handsome furnished accommc,ationi. apply on board, at Orleans wharf, foot of Wall afreet,

r toK. K. COLLINS Oc (JO, 56 South street. _

Shippers w 11 please setid in their billa of lading »»rly this day.rasreiigert will please be on board the »h'p, at Oilcans whar', .

>ot oi w..II it, [li,« day, (Friday) at 4 I*. M., at Whitehall, £I which time the sU' iinboat Hercules wi'l take the ship to sea.8liipi>ers may rely upon having their goods by thu line cor- '

sctly measured. '

Agents in iNew Orleans, Mullen St Woodruff, who will cromptlyforward all goods to their address.The packet ship OoON ICE, Captain Jackson, will succeedie V i./ i, .,i,d sail 31st inst her regular day. o20ec

VIIfTER /UUtU(OEMENT-rIi M*> )i['''^*r'"n Mai' *

i lie i ail, o ijine of Ftagis will on and after M' udav, Oct. tnId, run as follows:.Leave New York wuh the B o'clock train, oli. M. and 1 o'clock P. M. Mlieturuiiig.Leave New Rochelle at quarter past 8 A. ea

I. ai d 2 o'clock, P. M. Ltave Mainaronich half-pest wA. M. and half-put I P. M. Leive Portcheater (joarter be>re7A.M. o!9 it'r tc

*p K- 'h SALE.A pair of bright bty CARRIAGEXaSr^il'lKSKS, 16 to 17 hunds high, warranted only fives \ years old, aound in all respects, kind insing1' '

iid ilouiile htrness and under the saddle, and of superior sty, r *

nd action, lie longing to a private gentleman in the country ,aal PI» worthy- of tht attention of any one desiring a good pair* I olirses They may be seen lor five or iii days, on applfcatiue

tTAT'l'kltHA l.l.'s llr....N V.Illo6 «tr I

ENGLISH ADVERTISEMENTS.PHE NtW YOKK IM '.KALD is regularly tiled in Lnudon iI 1>V Mr. P. L. SIMMOND8, Agent for the American Papers,ritish and Foreign News|>aper Office, II Corahill, Loudon,;>i>osite tlie Royal Exchange, where orders and advertisementsill lie received. s28tfr J"GENEKAL AGENCY AND COMMISSION ti


EXCHANGE JriMERCHANTS, Domwititl Newt Rooms, Public Li Jbrerias, Agricultural Societies.Officers ofthe United Slates,riuters, Publishers of Newspapers, he. JP L 8I.UM JNDH, (.ieuerai Agent and Commission Mer- ~

Milt, begs to acquaint his frieuds and the American public in ?Mural,that lie IS re.iily to receive orders for the supply ot i\ews- *

»pers, Periodical!, Stationery, Priming Materials, Fancy Arti- £le», fee. of any mud and quantity, auu goods of every descrip- r

ou of first rate quality at the very lowe*t market prices of the :iv, and to transact business upon the most liberal terms, pro-iueil lie is previously furnished with funds or drafts at either>wg or short oates, or a reference 011 some Loudon or Li verpoolddm fornaymant. J,P. L. 81 inmoods will also receive consignments ofany de- \upturn i<l merchandise to lie sold 011 commission, anil accept j;ills at short dates for two thirds of the amount, ou receipt of P

ip bills of lading. Consignments entrusted to his care will11ft with everv possible il-spatch in their disposal, consistent '

ith themu rent oftMrTllifnrw U extensive kuowledgeof ,iir: haiinsas tmjlti with promptitiule.arteution and judge- '

eut. « ill he trusts euable linn to give complete satisfaction to1 who may favor him with their commands. ,Keiereuce may be made in .New » oik to James Uoruon Ben- :?tt, K.i'J 1'n 11 r ft' > r of the Herald,who is |<ersonMly acqua;nt^ hwith Mr.Siuimonds and the nature and extent of his establishtiir.s^tftf r


PHOSE excellent Illustrated Ne<v»i>«i>er«, The PictorialTimes, and ll'ustrated Loudon News, are suppled at 7« 6d

erliuK per qr. Puuch at U fid perqr, and all the Loudon andoreign Newspapers an they appear are regularly supplied,liolesale and retail, by

P. L. 81MMOND8,Newspaper and Periodical Agent, IB Coruhill, Londou.

Subscriptions in advance, may bei>aid into the Herald Office,i .Mr. Siminonds' account.Advertiiemenu received for insertion in all the London,ountryaiid Foreign Journals. s28tf

l>.\DO\.ST. KATHEKINES HOTEL, opinwiie the CJ St. Katherine's Dock Gates, and near the Royal Mint..HOMASLEN^ ( Y, late Chief Steward ol the British Queenteamship, res|<et"M ullv informs his friends in the United Stalesat be Ml tMnil IKttMMai Of the above uew and elegant estaishmeut,which is 'lurltand furnished regardless ol expense,d is ill every re«prr: adapted for the reception of families andutlemen visiting . *; land, as the liolel Ironts that pail of the £>rk in w hich the liners and most of the other American ves- IIs lay, and is wiM» in live minutes w alk of the Bank and Royal CIchange. The lioiisewill lie conducted on liberal and eco- |ifinical principle The coffee room is supplied with the Lon- >in, Americwi, E,'.«! Indian and colonial! pai>ers. The viands. Bines, itc,, are ol the Iirat quality. A good billiard room and (_arm baths will lie found in the house. Gentleman may con- Sict by th» Meek or mouth for board, ike., on the same terms Hin America.

']'. LENNEY begs to assure those who may honor liiin with Aeir patronage that nothing shall be wanting to render them 1Jimli rtable, and by attention to the wishes of his guests, hopes (Jmerit that confidence and good will so liberally bestowed on (Jm w hen steward of the British Queen. s2!)eod lmr s


JAMES LACY, a\RAPER AND TAILOR, 62 John street, near William, P.' continues to make up Gentlemen's garments of suiwnor Aorkmomhip, and in the most fasliiouable style, at his usual Sw prices. Gentlemen in want of new and lashiouable cloth- Pg, should call and examine his select siocg of goads before Kircliasinf elsewhere. Atrial will be sufficient to convince '1c most economical, that for beauty of lit, style of workman- Uip, and at such extraordinary low prices, this establishment Snuot be surpassed by any iu the city. Ci[p?" Gentlemen furnishing their own goods can have thein Cade and trimmed.a jierfect fit warranted or the price of the Vlods returned. o,2 lmec TERMS GASH. G



M1K Subscriber would cail the attention ol'their patrons and listrangers visiting thi* city, to their rich and extensive as- (

rtinent of stocks, scarfs, cravats, gloves, suspeuders, pocket |ludkerchieis, dressing gown*, hosiery, Iambi wool, merino, sIk, cotton, Berlin, buckskin and other under shirts and draw- JJt Their assortment of theabove goods, and all other articles J.'pertaining to a gentleman's w ardrobe are rich, varied, and stensive, and well worthy the attention of the fashionable pimmunity, they would particularly recommend their new Hvie of gentlemeu's shirts, as containing many improvements. Llie shirts at present manufactured by them, ar« cut to suit the urm of the wearer, thereby doing away with the large overplus slineu used under the olu system of cutting, and adding not J.uly to the comfort of the wearer, but to the beauty of the ['iran This improvement was so manifest to the Judges of thete fair at the American Institute, that the first premium was (jwarded to the subscribers; their pateut elastic Brace is particu- >rly recommended to all persons who have acquired the habit s'stooping. They will be found of immense benefit to persons"sedentary habits, by bracing the shoulders, they strengthenie back, and expand the chest, and will be fouud of no impedi- >ent to the free use o 1 the arms. They would also call atten- t

on to their patent elastic Russia or riding belt, Gentlemen iay depend on being suited with the bust and most fashionable [ticlea, by calling at the old establishment ol S

1'AKSKLLS & AGATE, L.au il) 3in*«! 337 Broadway, corner of Park place. £


/flSS FY. GODEKIiY having just returned from Paris, J-L with a handsome assortment of Silkfc, Laces, Kmbroide- '

>s, Caps, Bonnets, and ladies' articles in general, will open on *liursdaylien, the 23th iust, several cases of the above goods,iur store. 349 Broadway, corner of Leonard street, up stairs.s24> lm*ui

I). M. PEYSER, & GO.,TO. 110 William street, corner of John street, and 437 Broad"way have received, by recent arrivals, au extensive supply

the following FANCY GOODS, which were carefullv sectedby a competent person at Paris, Berlin, Sic., and whichey offer for sale, in wholesale and retail, on liberal termsix:.Berlin Zephyr and German Worsted.the most completeairttnent.Berlin Embroidery Patterns.a choicc- selection.Canvass for Embroidery, of cotton, worsted, linen, silk, goldid*! iver, of all widths and qualities.Silk < henille, for embroidery, trimming and flower making.Pursi Twist, German, French and English, plain and shaded,ski-ins,sticks, and on snools.Floss bilk for Embroidery and Fringe makers, in skeins anda spool.Suspenieri, superbly embroidered, and Suspender Trimlings.Gold, 8 ilver and Steel Beads, in all Nos.Mother ol Pearl, Gold, Silver and Sreel Purse Ornaments.Gold and Silver Fringe, Braid, Cord, Twist, Thread and 1'assets. iEmbroider? frames, and a variety of different Fancy Artilea. t|Artificial Flowers.a choice selection. tFringes, of cotton, worsted aud silk, imported and domestic .

Gimps, Tassels, Buttons and all other kind of trimming. r,jy 17 3m*ec ^


No. 60 aivai. Sthkf.t.k CAHD-TO THE LADIES OK FASHION-MA- '

a- DAME BEHKMAN begs most res|>ectfallv to inform jjr frieuds and customers that she his received, by the last arrii!s from Paris, her tail mid winter fashions, and she flatten ^irself that tfte same will stand unrivallen in the city. The wshions consist of the following : full and entire new styles ,|it, nucut, plain, watered, and changeable velvet bonnets; doIk, satin mode and quilt) d hats, ul an enure novel description, .ladies', misses', and children's sixes. Also, a complete as- jvrtment ol caps ami head dresses, Paris ribbons, artificial flows, feathers, and li.iir ornaments of tne beat artists in Paris.Mad tme B. solicits the ladies to favor hei with an early calld examine for themselves. TMagazin de Modes, (it) Canal street. o3 Im'r 1

L. BdKUNlU,RTIST, in Alabaster. Marble, Scagliola, Sic., from Italy ,js-Hespeetfully invites tlie sentry, the inhabitant*, shopkeep».Ua/.iars, country dealers and the public in Keneral, to see .

sMusrumof Arts, No. 23 Orchard street, (between Grand t(d Division streets,) which is now o(>eii for inspection, with a u,lendid assortment of Italian and English ornaments in Ala- i»ster, black inarble, spar, agata, yellow stone, stalactite, rtd

dvarious other marbles, verde di prato, granite.. Sic., Sic.tisist11ik of Tarions si/.es of croups, figures, busts, Uzzes, .

rbe ewers, Etruscan vases, candlesticks, ta|iers, pen trays, ink Jmils, watch cases clock stands, time pieces, spill pots, urns, ,lLique lamps, shell vases, oval vases, bottles, groups and single :,gs. tables, florentine basket*, bulls, cows, lious, broaches,ckiaces, obelisks, bell vase*, gozzoly vases, ring vases, |ia|ier £ighu, ring stands, card boies, siiult boxes, birds nests, imiu-i, paintings of.Vlount Vesuvius, of Naples; books ou conchomineralogy,geology, marine botanist, Sic. tic. Trice oficles from 12k cents to $100.leaning ana repairing of every description on moderate ,,

ms.Admission free. sW tw* r

premium SOKA HEDSrEADaT McORAW'8 PATENT EXTENSION SOFA..This' article is so well known to the public, and it* advantagesve been so incontestibly proved, that the inventor deems It jluecessary to make further coinm -nt. He would, however, |g lenv to refer to the few following highly resectable gen

menwho have these solas now in us as to their convenience "

Ei-Pr^ideiit Van Buren, Kinderhook, N. T.James II. Whiting, District Attorney, l u. 11Hon. C. C. Cambreleug, dtHon. Senator Preston, 5. C.Sain'l Ward, Esq.. firm of Prims, Ward Si \ lag, N. Y.Brown, Brothers Si Co. do.Col. Crosby. do. PKiv Dr Nott, Sc.ienect-vly, ,

do ?'A thousand more namescould be given of geu'ltntii am1 id- .''» of the lint respectability il it were necessary; iilii needs ?ily to be seen to be itsowu best rrcoinmen ration. Jt hertous '

lining to purchase iotas, sofa bedsteads, recliuing t» li ce or Cl

eking chairs, are res|>ecitiilly invited to call at <t».l Dio \i way,cond door above Gnuid street. ''

N. B. The above sola lias been awarded, as premiums, at ti eriom F airs where it has been exhibited, one gold medal, t ti»«vermec. ils, and six diplomas. 163 Broadway, second door *

Wl (jltnq »nmU 08 Im'iii

) M. nKNKltiUKM, 51 William street, resjiectluily an'uouiice* to Ins liiends and the public thu lie lias con- fintlv on liand the following choice brands of Sugars, war- L

nfed genu me and of tha first quality :. (I.a Norma. ULa Cabana. |'iHionda. nYunemiid.nl. itNoriegas (of a most superior quality.) eilii Kspcrann. o:Do. "London Segar," small iim. tl

Paneielas, of a most superior quality. itJ'rimaveni. "

uI'e Moya. itKspirtern.i. oBegalias (of rh« Norma brand.) a!King Kigali*. Irtyueen uo. ciCifballeros. yl'rinci|ies (of the favorite braudx of Jurto Sans,

Kendon*«itnil Cruz.) oSinoker-'wotild do well t^ call belore purchasing elsewhere, glthe tastesof the most fat'idious can always be suited at this pitabl shmint. ol2 Imr ci

1CE-1CE-KJE. «iOOO TONS of [lure l ike Ice of the best quality. The ci

lliiihland Ice esUblishment, expreasly for shipping, aiprrpjied to. and will sell, by the cargo, and smaller qnauti- g«. civ iper tnau can be oh'Aiui'd from any other source, and giUmI hi tlie but manner, to go to any part of the world. A 11ijfny rf the best approved racking always on hand.

JOHN M. LYON, rrOl0 2w*ri CO Division street. ci

TKA TRAYS, TAULE"cUTLEllY,<kc. 1 \^ W. IFJEI k CO. 218 Pearl street, »re now opening sit p. 111 new Mill eie^ant pattern* oi lea '">)»> emnrae- ciK every variety of quality, color and *iie», Irom eight to thir- aIIH.Iiea. ftAlio, >00 grout Ivory i*lf-tip and Stag handle Knive* and (>orka.Alto, on» c**e n»w pattern* Crooker'* fine Fen Knirea

19 lm*ectiITATCH KB..1The largest and inott iplendid auortmentol" Watrhe* in the city, i* to be found at the *ub*criber'e.. rhe i* constantly receiving all description* of (iold and Mil>rWatche*, of the newest atylea, direct from th« mannfkc .

rer*, in Kngland. France, and Switzerland, lie it enabled tr,Ii>r a larger x*»nrtinent, and at much lea* price*, at retail, thruly other hoime in the city. Uold watchea aa low a* S20 to t'Jl.ch vVatchea unj jewellery eichanged or bonght. Al1a fee be* warranted to keep good time, or the money returned.VVatchea, cluck* and jewellery reiwired in the beat manner j"id warranted lower than at any other place in the city

«J. C. ALLKN, importer of watchea and jewellery, 11

|7 I in rind retail. M Wall *treet, np *tair» "JI RTIFH IAI. rLOWEM AND RtUCHIti, wholtaalt "land retiil, cheaper than any hou§« in tha trade, at T olHI' K'S Manufactory, 2«lH Onind *treet, aecond block en*i inthe Boweiy, «oiith line.Pedlar* and country milliner* woold do well to call and *aveirty cent* on tha d liar. ni(K»ld and ailvar liead dm*** for ball* aud partia* o!7 lm*r "



tnffo. jUOREENWICH 8f ii.EET.NEW YOEY. wTOHN C. MORRISON offi-rs foi mIc, oii tii* most liberal 01

Ijfjju. a very eitentive assortment of uoods, among them wle foliowing, to which ha would solicit the atwutiou of tl

AT0THECAK1E8.pium, Corrosive SubliinaW,

:«M'hor, Aqua Ammonia,ream Iarter, Spirits iNitre Dulcis,astlle Soap, Su wr Cartwuaie Soda. "

.Kiiaone*. Tartaric Acid."

Epsoui 8alu, c!Ihubarb, Lau«Lnuiu. '

".' P Seiina,i in.1 SulphmU QRUUM, "

Chamomile, Wll all £.4W1| a.um Arabic. tial Oil.,«>astpr Oil, (ium Myrlih,»<luicksilver. Canlharides,<?lauiie-m.i, Guin Tr*|(4caiitb.'

II u. I U PowdewdBark, ^loll and »lour Sulphur, Coiks of all kinds "klcohoL Sarsaparilla, "

lorn, ri'tiurd and crude, Spongea, coarse and fine, «1alom-l,Druggists'Glass VVaro''led Precipitate. Vials.fiPAINTERS. tl

Vindow glass, of all size* and Briti.h Lustre, tlqualities. Glue, all sorts, ti

Viiite lead, dry and iu oil, Gold and Silver Leaf, uledLead, Gold and Silver Biouze, tl.ithame, _ Copper Bronze, dpirits '1 urpeotine, Chalk, whitt and red,tl

utty, Paris whim, a

Vhxiny, Spanish Browu, "

reidigris, dry and in oii. Venetian Red,'hrome Green, Sand Paper.tl)brome Yellow, Pumice Stone.cVIlow Ochie, Kieath and Tai and Kosin, 11American, Jap\n, copal, coach and liar; c

Vnssian Blue, ue«s varuish."runnion, liliU'i i (linn.

lotteu Sioue, Terra de Sienna,vory Black, Red Chalk,iuin Copal, Oum Shellac,Hint Brushes, all sizes, Blight Varnish,loserink, Sash Tools, all sizes,.amp Black, Black Lead.

nil 4 n

Ml. Fall.oil, Train. ?Winter, Lintseed,Summer strained sperm, Neatsloot,Rel'med. whale, Olive or Sweet,Unrefined, whale. Sea Elephant.VTanners', l>ard Oil,J'Sperm and Stearic Candles, 1


^iKwood, Brazil Wond,J1nmwood, Red Saunders, ,1ustic, Haten Wood, Jlit-aragua,Red Wood, "

tarwood, Hypernic Wood,lum Asphaltuui, Peach Wood.ial Ammoniac, Ebony Wood.[;l0SI)"'

MANUFACTURERS. }>ilum.Fullers' Earth, "

Hue Vitriol, Madder, Dutch and French, 1 "

opueras. Eng. and Amur. Indieoes, of Bengal, Carracas ;MVilrol, aud Guaumala, "

uKarLead, While Tartar, '

ile*chinn Salts, Red Tarter,ochiiiesi, Glue,.iijuaKortis. Sumac,,,iutgal's, Lac Dye,*Jinnatto. Starch,oda Asli, Prussi.ite Potash,ot and Pearl Ashes. Oum Senegal,'ixtr.ct Lo*wood, Powdered Curcuma.̂'artaric Acid, Powdered Blue Smalts,*i-chromaie of Potash, Quercitron Bark, !

al Soda, Spirits Nitre Fortis. '

ium Shellac, Salt Petre,1udbear, British Oum,"

Vo.nl,Nitric Acid audiraiu and Bar Tin, Oxalic Acid."oaps, .

OROCEK8.oung Hyson Tea, Pepi>er Sauce.ly»on" Macaboy Snuff,rntx>rial Scotch Suuff. nrunpowder Maca,lyson Skin " Indigo, Fletant, c

ouchong " Castile Soap,iohea " Cloves,vre.ich Brandies, Caster Oil, in bottles,pauish Segars. ; Alcoh 1,ot and Pearl Ashes, Kjuom Salts,11

- .Cinnamon, u

iNUflgice Ball, Friction Matches,tinBrick, Carbouate Ammonia,"' ratus, British Lustre.IKBlue, Soda for washing,)cwriered Ginger Root, Mu.tard, London,

'Jam, Cayunne Pepper, |iHive oil in bottles St baskets, Powderud Nutmeg,lutmrgi, Powdered Cinnamon. '

altnetre, crude and refined. >'

.CONFECTIONERS, DISTILLERS AND BAKERS. aochiueal, Oil of Anniseed,\jutmegs, Absynth,d

***' Carrayway, d;!<Jvei, Juuiiier,;"iuauinn. Rose, Orange and Peach W»|assia Buds, ten,ilillspice, Vanilla Beans, c

Tonqnin Bean*,) o'uin I ragicantli, Coriander Seed,jum Arabic, Turkey, Carrayway Seed, fijum Gamboge, Aniseed,B111 of Roses, Jnjube Paste,

I ejipermint, Pearlash,EWintergrean, Saleratus,Cinnamon, Super Carbouate of Soda,Orange, Tartaric Acid,Brxgamot, Oiutcr, white Jamaica,Lemon, Giuger. East India.


Ileechiug Powders, Nutgalls,'owdertd Blue Smalts, Blue Vitriol,,

. iVerdigris,

lil Vitrol. Cot peras,opper Call, Sal Ammonia,««' «, Antimony,Llcohol, Sugar of Lead,.xtract of Logwood, Aloes, Alum. Sic.

PATENT MEDICINE DEALERS.inlsara of Honey, Anclt-rseu's, Lee's & H*oper'iurlington s Balsam, Pills,Juemin'sDroiw Oi*defdoc.larlein aud Brtfish Oil, Seers' and Liquid.-idlitx Powders, Sod« Powders,ttoughtOQ s Bitters, Godfrey's Cordial,extract &arsapirilla« Anderson's Cough Drops,ephalic 5Ju>iff, Thompson's Eye Water.05 in dy&wy*ryj AL>AA1 COSTKLLO, Kfc vlALK PHY SICIAN- .

ft* / at-l,,e Radical Faculty ia Paris, and Graduateofffls her profession*1 services to the ladies of

hiscity ana country. Having had long experience and surpri* Pwg success in the treatment of diseases incidental to ner sei,pprises i.tdies on the point of confinement, or those suffering 0

inn suppression, irregularity, obstructions, fcc. ina* sr.e will 0e hapi»y to atturd a comfortable temporary home st her resieuce,where they can always hare the best medical treatment dnd the most matronly care anal nursing, or if preferred, will c

rait on aud attend tnem at their own houses nntil perfectly re- Povered.Maoame C. particularly begs to impress on the minds PI tne delicate, tnat she officiates personally in every case, so Vlat tvnitation or dreed need uever be apprehended. "

N.tJs..Mauame Costello would inform ladies residing out of Jie city whose health would not admit of travelling/that she p

ro«!d devote her personal attendance upon them in any part ofie United States within reasonable distance.Madame C. can be consulted at her residence, 34 Lispenard fl

:reet, at all times and w«tli the strictest regard to the wishes of Ler patients. All communications and letters must be post paid, m06 lin*r a:

MADAME COSTELLO. ftj'EMALE PERIODICAL PILLS.uuar utml in everyc.w where the monthly periods have become irregular acm colds, Xc Their certainty of action has long been r<ci.uowledged by the medical provision, and hundreds 'm hare uselessly tried various boasted remedies. Care "

sometimes necessary to their as* ; though they contain nolediciue detrimental to the constitution. Advice given gratis r> all those who use the Pills, by Madame Costello, 24 Lispe- *1ird street, between Walker and Canal, where the Pills are sold. «rice $1 per box. oG In'r "


pORBES' AMERICAN BALSAM will erradioaie any KcoukIi of however long staud>ug. No one at this reason of P

le\eai when cold* are so prev-lent, should be without a bonis "

r it, as a fe« doses taken at the commencement "ill |>erfectly *<

move all symptoms of tlie cough Persons Inborn, gundtr J>.ni&uinptioii, n.thina, diflinlty ot breathing, or any affection uI' the hi' tn, are requested to give it a trial, as no >*medy »s yetITered to tin j ubnc will so effectually anu so easily cure these «

jmplaints. , 5jTo be had only at 505 Pearl street, corner of Cross street, at "

ie low price of 5" cents p»r bottle. o!9 1m rljCOUGHS, CuLUS, CONSUMPTIONS, R

» ASTHMA, See., Sec. '

FORBES' 2AMERICAN BALSAM, l«j"OR the effec'ual cure of coughs, colds, catirrhs, consnmp- 1

tions. wliojping coug-i, liver complaint, asthma, difficulty <Jf breathing, and all affections of the lungi, kc. Sic. 'The above Balsa n has been prepared an J sv Id in New Yorky ihe proprietor lor upwards of «>-ven years, and for the cure ofteabove complain* cannot beequalled intnecty. Nomedicineierye' offered to the public possesses the same invaluable pro- £i-rtiei. lis expectorant, combined with its anodyne qualities,uder it oncof the most effecacion* remedies of trie day. Itsigredients being all vegetable and the |ieculiar process of Its "

eparalion give it a fl'Vor and pleasantness which render it "

(r^etble to the miist delicate stomach. The cures performed 1:1

i it. the quantity sold and the lestimonials of those who luve ?en benefitted by it, have induced trie proprietor to offer it to "

ie public as a certain, snre, and effectual remedy for th* above pjmplsints.No one laboring under any of the above complaints should r<

flay, but give it a trial, and the medicine will lie faran- ued to give satisfaction. wTo be nail only at 505 Pearl street, corner of Cross st. Nework, at the low price of 50 cent* per bottle ol9 1m*r I g

MEDICAL AND SURGICAL CARD. ',!"PRINCIP1IS OB»TA."tfORTH RIVER DISPENSARY, 204)f Knltoostreet. ne*> Vr' (Jreenwich..Dr. MORRISON, Member of the Royal !ollege of Surgeons, London, and formerly Surgeon in theritish Navy, continues to be consulted confidential!)"m t o'clock A. M. to 10 P. M. daily, on all diseases of a pn- /It* nature, and all those distressing symptom* consequent on Vijudicioos treatment and the imprudent nse of quack medi< nme*. A regiklar rmdieal education, with an extensive practice ttf over 23 year*, enable* Dr. M. to adapt the proper remedies to t|ie variou* coiistitations aswell as to the different forms oftho** c,i*idions maladies. Dr. M. is daily consulted by patient!'here the leading symptoms have been only checked, still leav #ig tlie poison to lurk lu tlie system, nntil nlt'mately it devcl- «

l»*s itself in the deplorable shape of "*econdary typhili*." Ib p,I una Ur. M. wnrraiita * perlect cnre without mercury or at- C)tenons dmgs, or hindrance. In mm' forms of the disease, lturn ur* performed in three to five day*, and in proportion ifrith malignant casee. . .HSTUM TURKS OK UR-ETHRA..Obstructions in the prethra, such as stricture* and enlargement of the prostate n|land, accompanied with mnch irritation mid dull pmn in those»rts, an* some of the consequences ol mal-treatment Dr. M,in'iilnrturnint scientific manner, promoting tli»ir ahtorponwithout any pein. In iomf advertisements on the subject.U1ctu-r.th«»ym|.fom» are defined. Tim is delation.I*-

tin*enlargement ol the pro»'at« gland, fcc. would producenalagous symytoms. It is cruel to torture patients with boo- rles, Stc. wh»n in reality th-'re 11 no stricture. Dr. M. is fre- TMatty consulted where patients hare been injured by inch as tj,npmper course niConstitutional DKBiLiTY.-Thonsandsorvoong pllen aresnffering from the confluences of indnlgen«« in a »» .ipet destructive liabit, and whose nerves are further injat*' from «.le nse of nostrnms and pretended specifics, which stimulate on rr to induce greater depression. Dr. \1. treata such cases ot «lnrely pathological principle*, and never fails iu establishing »UP'. Strictly confidential. Letters post jmid, and containinglee of $10, will ensure advice and medicine, which will be .tirwarded 'oany |wrt of the U<ion, and a cure warranted by the Msrt**t a ing a history of his case. kOffice 2MW; Kulton st. near Greenwich itN IJ..Withoneeiception Dr. M is theonly qualified adwr«inffSurgeon in the city. See his diplomas suspended in uis olffica. olfl Im'r ihIV) WOOL MANUFACTURERS, fcc-The subscript1 (tires notice that he is tlie legal Assignee of JOHN aIOuLDINO, late of Roihury, Machinist, and aa such isone authorised to claim and receive pay from thoae individuIsor companies, in various parts of the United States, whoave made, or Used, certain unproved machinery, invented by ^ml <Moulding, for the manufacturing of Wool, wnicn impr.ivelentawere secured to him by L'tters Patent dated Dec. pv]'IM, and 20th July, IH;#i; and he heiehy cautions snch Individ- in

lis and combines against paying any thing to any one,escrpi a

imself for the use ol said improvements; as no one else c.in

ve them a legal discharge tor the damage, or cntn|>ensalieii,which said Iionldii.g's estate is, by l»w, entitled tor the use

r tlie improvements securest to him by Ihe Pstwts above ns- u>

* ' B- c°p"iVraH»< !>O"I®NO. 2-SAxsangttffBJSlA?s8rr; anc» lhal tim. oil ! > » «-

^ONTAQIOUB DlttUAHF.fl. AN1) CHANGES OF' TEMPERAMENT..Water mu.t be adapted to tlie u*irt of the fiah, or there will be 110 propagation of the ipeciat.he toil mast be adapted to the seed, or there will be no inwise.The climate must have those matten in it which willnite and keep alive epidemical or contag ious poisons. orill become eitingnished. aa a lamp that it uniupplifld withil. 80 it is likewise with the Human Frame;it cannot he ma*ffiully affected by epidemic il »r contagious inaladiei. utile**lere be thoae matters floating in the circulation which utterle appropriate auil. By purifying our bodies with the BnanokthI'ilui, which have affinity with thoae impurities uponhich contagion feed*, we may alwaya feel aecue, whateveriaeaae may rage around ua. 'I'rue, we inay have it. but it will>011 be over; our aickneaa will !>« the affair of a day or two,bile thoae who have beeu too wiae to use this simple and !clientremedy, aithar die, or have weeks, perhap* months ofckness.Sudden change* from very hot to chilly weather are unfavoraleto health; and it i» a lact universally admitwd, that heatud moisture are l>owerful agents in producing disease, andlit constant dkv and constant wkt weather are belli favorable) its generation; it doea not siguify what we call it; it may bnitue; It may be bilious fever; it may be yellow fever; it may be

it mjf l>a* ifuiir if mav h*» tirnnrhitia: it iiiav

e cholic; it may be constipation of the bowels^ it may be inanimationof the bowels; it may be iullaininaliou of the stolach;it may be a nervous affection; but Mill it is disease, and a

i*e«e curable by the Brandreth fills, because they remove allmpurities Iroui the body, all tluit can in any maimer leed thejrther oroKres* of the malady, no matter how calh-il; thustiese pills are not only the most pro;ier tnediciue, but.generallytie only medicine Out need or ought to be used. At the presentime it is every man's duly who wishes to secure his health to»e them; it is the duty of everyone who> kuowi any thing otneir health-restoring powers, to make it known in his nnmeiatecircle. For there are some alarming signs, which tell o!tie approach of disease. The sudden changes of temperamentre more to be i'eared and guarded agaiust than any coutagiownlady.The lpfruTKNZA has left manv in such a state of weaknesshat there is in them a ureal susceptibility to be affected dv thesehange* of the atmosphere and coutagious maladies; but by'theimely use of Brandreth's Fills, even now this susceptibilityan be iu a great incisure removed, aud power given the systemi resist those morbific poisous, and the suddeu changes |U thereatlier with which it may be brought iu contact during Uieext fifty days. Nature has formed the bowels for the evacua*iou of all unhealthy humors, and if man would but use coinion sense, he would take care they performed this office faith*illy'. If the bowels are out of order; if too slow or too fast, a»w doses of Braudreth's Pills will bring them to order. Asklie dub who was dying from constipated bowels what curedim; he tells you, Braudreth's Pills. Ask him who had hadvsentery for six months, and every remedy had failed; he willI.so tell you the Braudreth Pills cured him in a week. So withther diseases. Twelve Brandreth Pills, rubbed down in liall aHit of molasses, cured a little boy or an ulcer of the face,rhicli was rapidly spreading to his eyes, aud which a doreuoctors had tried to cure, but could not: the poor parent* wouldave giveu half they were werth to have had it cured, butvery thing they tried did no good, until they gave it a teapoonfulof molasses every day, in half a pint of which theyad rubbed down twelve Brandreth Pills; before the whole ofle inolasj.es was taken the ulcer was cured. And yel somepolish people call Brandreth's Pills a quack medicine. ItrouId be well if there were a few more such quack medicines.Vill all your pretended Sarsaparilla Compounds cure like theIramlretn's Pills ? Can they send you to persons cured as Dr.Irandreth cau f Can they noint out to you people who hadeen helpless for years from Epilepsy and St. Vitus' Dance whoave been cured by their remedies t If they cannot, Dr. Brand?thcan. Can they point out to you a person who for twentyears had never hau a stool without having used medicine^ orlecliauical means, and whom the Brandreth Pills cured, in alouth, and gave him as healthy evacuations as he had wheu hetas a child. If they cannot. Dr. Brandreth can.The BllANDRKTH PlLLS not only do cure, all curableiseases, but it can be demonstrated, that by their timely uselev must infallibly cure. In a very short time, 15r. Brandrethfill bring before the public a concentration of the virtues oftherandreth Pills, both in the form of Pills, aud in a fluid form,ad then he will explaiu the reasoii of the cures that must ne»P-Strilv lw> till' fr nf iiai.ii/ fhft R It A VI) RKT111AN RE-lEDifiS, whether tliey be internal or external 1 have just rerived the ruJ of a medical gentleman, who reside* at Slierrook,Canada, who for twenty years was sorely afflicted withdisease, which came out iu Llotches and scabs all over hiaody. This ({eutleman so for forgot his prejudices which toofteu curse his profession, as to apply |*noually to Dr. Branreth, and his course proved a hanpy one; within six mouths he'as entirely cured of his miserable and tormenting disease bylie use of the Brandreth TillsThe use of the Brandreth Pill can in no case do injury, beMisethey are made of those herbs and roots which experienceas fully proved always harmonize with the human body. Themission of purging with them in cases of sickness, is often themse of a long attack, often ending only by a cessation ef life.How important it is that this course should be pursued.it

rill not ouly be the surest in-aus of restoriuK, but it will iu areat measure prevent the recurrence of constitutional maladies-it will surely weaken the maliguity of the attack* and iume secure robust health.As with all valuable medicines, the Brandreth Pills haveeen shamefully counterfeited, but I have succeeded in liavine(ecuted THHKK LABELS (and whioh are appended to eacliox) of such intricate workmanship as '« bid deliance to all fuire imitators. Now, a new evil presents itself. My advejsemeut*are taken verbatim, and used by all the medicinelougers of the day, wl'o merely take my name out aud insertle name of the medicine iu the place of Brandreth Pill* occuiedin the advertisement thus sloleu from me Time willrove how these *|>ecu'alive yeutleineu will *u*tain themselves.My Friends may rest *atished that I shall, so long as my lifend energies are i>ermitted me, by an OVERRULINGPRO'IDENCE,attend jiersonally to the preparation of the BranrethPills, and that those properties which have thus farntueredthem so popular will be sLill continued unimpaired.

B. BRANDRETH, M. D.The Brandreth Pill* are sold by one a«eut iu every place ofnportance throughout the world, each agent having a certinateof agency from l)r. Brandreth, having lac simile* of label*n the Brandreth Pill boxes engraved thereon.BRANDRETH'S PILLS are sold at 25 ct*. per box, with

ill directions at the Principal Office, 241 Broadway,.27itowerv, 189>» Hudson stThe following are duly appointed agents for the sale of theIrandreth Pills lu the city of New Vork and vicinity, vii.A. L. Towndsbury, Mauhatlanville.D. D. Wright, comerTrfwis and Houston *t*.E. H. Tripp, 167 Division st.Geo, B. Maigue, 98 Catherine st.J. O. Fowler, cor. Greenwich and Murray staB. G. Cordey, i9 Whitehall st.Will. P. Powell, 61 Cherry st.B. 8. Taylor, 8u Vesev st.Mrs. Wilkinson. 412 Cherry st.IV 11 ll.,rr, ... l,r .t ..l I., Av,nn<John Howe, cor. Iliviugton util Ludlow its.Thro. Martiue, 21*t it, cor Dili Avenue.Benj'u Rich*r<i*ou, 43d »t, cor 8lll AvenuePalmer & Fisher, White Plaius.Stephen Hunt, hut Cheater.B. II. Carpenter, Mew Kochella.BashTord ac Rose, V outersJ S. Ken>on, Harlem.Thorn.,* C. Lyou, Mamaroueck.Aaron Smith, Wejt K trim.W. & J. Orion, Port Chester.Mrs. Booth, No. J Market it, Brooklyn.Mrs. Terrier, Williamshunt, L. I.Wm. E. Parker, Newark, N. J.D. W. Stone, Jersey City. sM 28teod*r

CAUTION TO KEMALES1/fADAME RESTELL, KEMALE PH \ SIC1AN, wouldJ. inform ladies who, with a proper delicacy, have a rernfanceto the treatment of their complaint* except by one of theirwn sex, that in all cues ihe attend* to them personally, heriperieiice, practice and knowledge enables her to do so. SheMMitHMMrjrto state this, as the does not wish to belassed with the pretenders continually appearing and disapparing, advertising as

" Kem lie Physicians," wno too iguo:ict an'l iucompetent theinsilves are obliged to eel nima scarcef less guoraut quack to experiment instead. Consulting par)rs and residence, 148 Greenwich street, between Courtlandiid Liberty streets. Hours of attendance from 9 A. >V. tot

,M sin 3m*r


Those invaluable Powder* have been universally adoptedEurope.bnt Knuce in particular, for upwards of thirty years

I well as by thousands in this counwv, as being the only inild(lie and efficacious remedy for muried ladies, whose health>rbids a too rapid increase of fam.ly.Madame itestell, as is well known, was for thirty year* folatePhysiciau in the two principal Female Hospitals iu Eujpr.thoseol Vienna and Paris.where favored by her greatiperience and op|>ortnnities, she attained that celebrity^*ios < great discoveries in medical science so specially adapted) the female frame, for which her medicines now stand Hnnilled,as well iu this countr.y as in Eurcipe. Her acquaiutaceswith the physiology and anatomy of the f> male frame,lables her.by tracing the decline and ill healtn oi .married'males, scarce in the meridian of life, and the c.-usyquent raidand often apparently inexplicable causes which coiisigalany a fond mother to a premature grave.to their true source,I arrive at a knowledge en the primary cause* of female indisusitions.especiallyof married females.which, in 1808, led tole discovery of her celebrated " Preventive Powders." Theiriloption has been the means of preserving not only the health,ut even the life of many an affectionate wife and fvutl moler.The advertiser feeling the importance of this subject, and climatingthe vast beuelils resulting to thousands by their adopon,would most respectfully arouse the attention of the maried,by all that they hold near and dear, to their consideration.

I it not wise and virtuous to prevent evils to which we are

Libject. by simple and healthy means within our control..Ivery dispassionate, virtnoui and (nlivhtaied mind will uuheitatinglyanswer in the affirmative. lTrice (ire dollars a rackHP, accompanied with full and particular directions Theran b« forwarded by mail to any part of t)ie United Stain AHtten must be post-paid, and addressed to .MADAME UF.S'KLL,Female rhyaician. Principal Otflce, HA Greenwich:reet, New York. (Jthee hour* from S A.M. to 9 o'clock P.M.loatou office, No. 7 Essex at. a 10 3m "r

FOKTUCiUhiSlt FKMALfc PILEsTtnriRTtD arm rnrrtHi:n bt

I. DE BOUDELOQUE, M.D., LISBON, fORTUOALlrlK Scientific cembiuation of ingredients of which theM

Tills are composed, have made them the wonder and admiktiotiof the world. They are known all over Europe to bele ouly preparation ever discovered that has proved invariablyrrrain in producing the monthly turns. Their certainty, in allwea, beiug such that they muat not be used during pregnancy,>r though always inild, safe and healthy, they are certain u>roduce miscarriage if nsed during that i>eriod.The directions are translated into English, and are enveloped>uld with the seal of the importer. stam|>ed. Each box eontiusthe signature of M. de Boudefooue, and the Eliglish di*actions have the signature of Dr. F. MELV EAU, authoriseditent for the continent of America.They can be transmitted by mail to any part of the Unitedtares. SoUTby Dr. F. MELVEAU, agent and importer Iofie United States, office 129 Liberty street, near Greenwich »t.riee $j.half botes t'i. No halt hoses sent by mall. Soldi Boston at No 9 Salem street. Letters directed to Dr. K.telvean. box 24, Ne* York, will meet with immediate alteuonAll letters mnst b« post paid. sl-0 2md&.w *r

* EMAl.E MONTHLY PILLS."\WINO to the celebrity, efficacy, and invariable success ol' Madame Kestell's Female Monthly fills in all rases of ifgnlarity, sum reasion, or stoppege of those functions of nv>re opon which the health el every Nmsle depends, sinceleir introduction into the United States,nowTibont four years,irnnterfeirs and imitations are constantly attempted 'o heslmed off for the genuine. Cheap romfann pills are urchnsedtwelve cents a box, put np in different boxes. ami called.Female Monthly rills," with the object of selling them, ifossihle, at one or two dollars a box. Females are thereforenitioned against theae attempts ro impose npon them. It ierfficient here ro state that all Female Monthly fills aee rour.rfeira,except those sold at Madam- Kestnil's Principal Office,8 Oreenwieh street. New York, and 7 Essex street. Boston Irieetl Madame lies tell's signature is written on the covetF each box.N. B.They can be used by married or a ingle, by followingie directions enclosed inside of each box. Sold also by apnntmental ViX Grand street, eoruer of Allen, New York.slfl 2m* r

MADAME IIE8T ELL,FEMALE fHYSYCIAN, Office and residence, MS Giwawichstreet, between Courtlandt and Liberty streets, whereie can be consulted with the strictest confidence on comaintsincident in tire female frame.Madame lleetail's experience and knowUdge in the treatmi ntobstinate cases of female irregularity, storage, supnressiou,

c is such as to re<inire bat a lew days to effect a perfect cure,

ailies desiring proper medical attendance during confinementother indisposition, will be aecommodawd during sucbme with pi ivate and resl>ectabie board." Preventive i'owders," for married ladies, whose delicate 01wxrions health forbids a too raprd increase ol fain'lv, will bettSymii to any Part of the United Sutes. Pric. *4a pack,pAll letters (post-paid) addressed to box, Ml, New York,nston Office, No. 7 Essex street."N B..Maiame RESTELL would inform ladies residingit of the city, whose health would not adsnit of travelling,at she would devote her personal attendance npon theui iniv part of the Uuited States within reasonable distance.18 2m*r


.W. CORNER FULTON AND NASSAU STRElCTSTh« Nr.w Yon« Hkrsi.d.A daily paper, issued eve-fortiing of the week.price two cf.nts i>er copy. (Joanttyibecribers furnished at the same rate, for any specific period,a remittance iu advance. No paper sent unless paid in adwee.Th* Wimlt IIcftsLn.Issued every Saturday mnrutus at

hwl to country Mhirribon nt $3 Vt i*r anuum, in it'lram *,At th» nmr nu* for any nwil'ied period.(IninnmNiir.NTi ar» minuted to «,Idmi their Utt»r» tokMita (ioBDon Bknkktt, rro|>nttor nail i.«nd nlHdr« o» Iiqiimu must b< nt-mid