First Quarter Exam on Wednesday, October 31. Leave your notebooks with me today for final notebook check of first quarter. Seniors report for PSAE retake tomorrow from 12:25- 3:20.

First Quarter Exam on Wednesday, October 31. Leave your notebooks with me today for final notebook check of first quarter. Seniors report for PSAE

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First Quarter Exam on Wednesday, October 31.

Leave your notebooks with me today for final notebook check of first quarter.

Seniors report for PSAE retake tomorrow from 12:25-3:20.

Serves as “narrator” of the play by relating deeper meanings and motivations.

According to the Chorus, what should happen to the man who doubts old prophecies?

A defect in the psyche of the tragic hero.

Brings about or contributes to downfall of tragic hero.

What makes the tragic hero great is inextricably connected to this flaw.

Character in a dramatic work is unaware of the full significance of his or her words, because the audience knows something that he or she does not.

Page 268 Lines 140-142

Hint of what is to come later in the story:

Page 280 Lines 476-479

Extreme pride, arrogance, overconfidence exhibited by tragic hero.

Page 272 Lines 245-247

All spectators could see enlarged faces and heads.

Emotions and moods of the characters shown.

Status and role of each character emphasized.

Greek playwright credited with inventing tragedy in 534 B.C.

Influenced Sophocles, writer of Oedipus Rex.

Actors are known as thespians.

What great deed did Oedipus accomplish on behalf of the Theban people prior to the events of Oedipus the King?

What must Oedipus do to rid Thebes of the plague?

What does the name Oedipus mean? Where was Oedipus born? What news from Delphi does Creon share with

Oedipus? When Oedipus asks the prophet to reveal the

name of the murderer, what is the prophet’s response?

How does Oedipus respond to Tiresias’ news? Of what crime does Oedipus accuse Creon? Why did no one attempt to find out the truth

about what had happened to Laius?