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. :·*~~*~::\~;~,~~U'fu: I ·11~,-~t. Til:l~~lc:;l~ l\•ing I Ql'·l~:y~.i~·~~c· u--t·-·P-.. r~I. c-·e·-s o·r-1·---f-;:\ -1·1--- ~4\:101 GJ ~I. ,coR~E~POND~N.CE. "r Drying Pt'Cpn;ntl~us Rhunly di'I:C.'l·l w'-;< •• _;:,·~~~:~·.;-~·~::_~~~~; ... ' • .I .J. • • .: wonu:rmg Wu,y lfl is ''CO!.!h'itlg so •!: ~ t IIlli!! I :tnXICI~l" lind \\' illtng to• O!)~lty Cllt.U'l'h; thoy dry up the s~ort'tioa~. '•) eoUTHWESTgrtN UUSlNUSS l' •*~* **• mu·ch nttonti()n us well'as S() JUnr:tv. . complr wi!h tiH• l'<'C(IlC'~t of tlw I wluch 11dl!cre to tho mt•mh~1lllo~<n•ldt~t•Of1l· , . ( -' s b I · / pom~, ~11usmg n rm·moro bt'l't!bm< twnhh' IJt:ITl CO t..Leoe. 1

gc.>Oct things tol t.•at l.tt~ly. This eaSOI1~l e· E.wu:, Ift'lll' thnt thb \IC'l'l\l\' !h•'O!'lilllll'Y.fOl'JU,O(<'t\tlu·rh .• \\'oi<lnll~t'J"• J: ll'·-~··" I ' E. W · P:lrl(er rct11rned hom ll '· .... "' ,1. .11 . 1 ·. · 1 1,1g llllullnllla, fnl)los, smul•es :uul suu. s , I

\\'1 ue ,pOI'fectly clout· fl) this holi- ('l ,,.·~ •. \\'I I lie t•r:d !)1'(1\'(' :\ \'('1',\' IIIII\[ l1~G Umt 1\'hioh <.JCAIIH<II, ~ootlws lll ol '} '. £L PA~:J TexAS '(\

.1£1 Puso M ondny. . <l.a y bh·;t II h~HJ.t tho 2!H h.·.· w h.- ll 1: G Q()'rl C'. lvt•:t k ly otw, hoi h a.; l'(><Yrll'ds <Jil'lll· I lwnlt~. . l.Jy's Cronm ;Balm i.; suc~t c\ rout('(l;• ' , ~· I Ito '"'"'~ru h'r>hw~• l•·nhuug ••·h'.'ol of J L L ' .'1 · ~ nml r;.ll cure c:ILl"l''rh ot• coldm tho }(u 11 ) thc•Houthw•••l• ' · 1\

llnlp:'l, and :1 mp fixtures.-- h l;:c tlu.• lu:w~.s :u11l ti dw i', It e w i 11 ·\. .. I ttr nnrl <lllnl i I\'; n t h•a "( ft'cllll t IH' I <W<ily nntl pl<'a.":mtly. A tJ-.•il sizo will I C) • • Tw., <"uc u~·H: l'tl•iu~FR nml shorthlltlll 1(

.(JulJit~r. ' · I • . • . . · : lllllilt•tl for lJ ''ett\3. .All tlt••tggi,;ts oolll~•~ I' nnhr.tl'hl~t lln •k kc••r•iu~ .. \rJtlunotte.('om· • • tiC sot :l[llll't _fur IL spcoial fua:;~ fllr --~ ,Jane !)IIIII t c 1f I II tl'l't•st Ill~ lli'Ws; · :; )(•:si?.l'l, Ely llrotl:el"', [ill Wl\rr~u St., xr. Y. • l no~t·t•i•• ll.nw, lh'"'"''•ll \\'o ttinl{. 1-lr<•llinll',/

·Nick 8astfon nod Ilui•t•y Allen t!H~ multitudn fllltl will bt• ~llticlifi SJW<·ial Rah> on lllt•n\; llllll I htl\\'t•\'('1', ~~~:\til\ lot• c:tnnot bl' l·X·I'. ~'[jo.Dnl·n Oll!'<'il w~tl.lont pai~, ,,,,.,g tu·t I~ l.t•ttt•l' \\rittnjt, ii'IJ>i•l ('al<.·ult~lilll{. n ... ;.·( B ' ( . . . 1 rr:tntt\ or c:',lll>lfl SllOb:l.lll{l'. n fijll'j':\(1-:1 ltht•lf I . , ..... l'" (><•r•. llllll l,,.,_u l furnw, Hl•<>rthatnl,f

Wt'l'\l l!cre from the . .U.uido:;o Jc,!S· cd to the [Jili'Liculnr o ffi£>t' of mnldn~< OVS ~lotlnng. S!tors &c. !WdPd t 11 lllallllf.u•ltll'<' :1 fqll Hlllt, ' oval' ~n itTitnt~Jd nml un~t'Y stll'fllco, l'vlin·- , Tn•·wlltl""· om~·· Tmiuing i•• n .. en 11imc. A tnd:w. t.batnrtlcl,·•rn.ttu•l clr't;li.'Cl' .·t~l,I"C·,'~-. .'-.· • . .'' . out ofelllh tl' I~. 11 t IH ,•, I 'ingi.mme<UGt..•l,r..thol)Jtinfnlinllr.nimatinot.lt \\'iwl•·•n1jN:. l: .. ,.,,. .. ,,.':.,n, l'anl>it•li b)·,

" " l' • '" '" ~ oi'v·' ·------.... --· t ' . 'I • 111 1" .1! S!l Ul( II I \YJth }'}y'u ('rE•nm ll .. 1:n ;)'OUI\l"' nnuod I ',\clunjlln•lll•• ... l'•ac\tit'(' ' I ' Fi~t~· 2-ood Q:Ul 1i t \'. winter Gioves It will not bll'll su qui so ,tt)' un. y ,whp' Aw.ait our. sh 0~ ing or' Hoiid:.y j't n' 11\ .tl; I' I,IJ\ ;ml iaJ.~I.:y \'~'toil, t ht; In~ I( against Nu~nl <.latan·h t\.li~ .fii,I,Y'l'tlVOl', ' II j \\'o•oii••r I ho ""\1Nil~r ndnJ nt'UJII' ar P.PI<'U- ~ · ..... ..., · · : ~ IJ\:1' • ¥ • f , ~·I · . . I _ ~ __ ·. __ __,.....,.._.:.__4 _ ,,Jl(l:l''fJ'ltplnf•nlt nJul flJ'r~uU:l~'.m;:tn,rquu

01• lJirtens 1, 0 to Zci~lur BI'Us. i/.re_llt ~II t·~~~iliad,·ith tl).e good quuli~ · goo. s. .. ' · 11 o 111-11<'11:1 nu~ .t '"':II t·ho l'<',.;p•tnsl-j . 1 .... 1 . · • . , ) ~"""''' trn 1111,,1 "'"'"';'It"'"· w,. 1,,...1111 r., 1\. 0

•• ties of Chum burlu in's , Cou~;h r-t .. m~dr, , . ~ · -· - - . , hi [it ,. . W <' I.' II 11 n: :tn y l'!lt(' h,)ust !\pt•t•Ju 1.1 lg' It <'lu:-;,;p~ Ill -~ pa !.l :~h, 1 •tud••n t ~ ~ .... • tlw h~,, 1,,, •.t"m" "tuch we•" 1 The ~ee~ly prayet• meethig of t(i luiow ·th·tt people ~veryiVhL•fl! tul<e. s 'f WIE~EJit & SON I •. . . i>."it(lllOg't':tphy, llll<l '(1!11lllll0l't'llll 'j ···~·ur··· ~tch.l!•ll~ .. '"!l••tlltl.' "'!'UUUO<'tlun. ''\

I plensu. rein relating th~ir t-Xp<·l'l,llDt:e iul, e 1f. • f ·1 • IOf nuld, .w:u:m \\'~llllhl'l'\\'litl'h,dtll'·J'ln·nndtl'•·for.tht• ltt•twfit of thol-'t'/ ;\\nro.rclrmh••rto·. 1-',.llt•·•mhN:itl~Sf,l·l.· ~ 1e Bnptilll Cliureh will he be ld in .., • ' •. 1 1 . 1 · 1 ' 1 . · , , •·~· h•t11h. t~\'1'. . .1\ •

' .

thll· use or that splethli·l w••dicino uud I lilg' l H' at"l ft•w 1 ays, ·won •I 111\'1' whos1' d:tilr . dut IC'~ Jll'l'\'t'Jl( tlll'it' 11 t't ~lth s1. 11. !r,.c.,,.~;. l'rnu·irnl'' the Dnplist. Hull Tucsduy.cveuing .. Ill telling llf the l)oulllit lbl'~· hcw{l re.·eiv- ... , . B· s .-1- R. t s I ./, tltllll' Cl'('dit to tuh·un(•('tl tl[H'i'n"'. li nttt:>nding 1111111 t•:tl'lil•t·limit·. ,. ~~ ..... -.,... "-• ~ ''. -. -..._,, ..J

d •·· • nec1a em nan a e . . . · . . "" · .. -.- __ . _ -·- '· · · ~, -.. · "'-· ........ fl' A · I · S • . ·e from it, ur lm•l o .. J.ts it bas ourod, ur 1" A 1 1 1 1

J --PP ell,, ~veet Pot:Ltnes, C.thh:t,g.e, rlirt>nteMI.l nttat•ks ;,t p~orimooi.l ·,t hns This Week · · e ua · Ht~!ll<'~;; t;; q uwt • 118 .IIlii! 11 · Red Hot From the Qun. 1·-.. . ·: - · -·-

·· Irish ~totatoes, Onions.- Colliet•, ·uvertt>d tm,JoftLochili:lrcn it.lius fo<lll'etl ~--------·-----· :_ hl' ('XP<'~'tNI at thi.s ~('uo;on pf. lh<• wn9tltn.ball$hut l;itO. B St;·u1huanf /'1Il.Hf'II .DlHEC TOJH:. ' D ·· 1 . ~ rr.•m nttncks ·or cro11p IH•d' wl!oopinti Richardson N~WS· \'<'1\t'; notwith,.,t:ln~liu;r \\'hit•h 1h<'I'O .or ~.•wurk, Mi.:h.: in tho <'il'il War. 'I• j ·u,. 11,.,.u~a. · • · · ·

I'. Plit en .. lDf{)J'I1lS ·. ~tS tbnt Mrll. cough. !t ·iA_·a crrrttlll, "Ood. m"!ll.ct'un, • f' 'f · 11 · ' Ctlllf.O I horrrhlo Ult•t\r·u tl111' n'o ll·~:tlltt ''l'l • " ., " ~ 'On l\Ionda.1', Nu\'\'tnh ·r Hth, D. G :lll' l"\\' I :tn \' I< " nwn· Ill town· , n •· h '· • • • • •• Oscur Hyde. pl'e~Sented hN• bus- l~or sals by~[. G. J•adoo. • · • . . . ' lwlpt•tl ·rur 20 Y~>•.t·rr~. !'l'hl•n llnckl""" · ·;\I fh{• i\1, thndwt ( hur,•h, in \\lute . ( , • . . · 'Waugnu('r.!lmplt')Ctlhnlhfl Block r.uie'J. :IS IH'al'ly ul.l:ll'l' <>tlh<•t• 1\'lll'king fw· .\ri1j[111 Sulvo 0111 •.• c1 hiin. <llu••A Cnt~. I' t)nl,s. !IOt•w i\h•xh-o. ·mud with u fiuo huhv bny .lusJ , So.mc thirty st:ihool chil!.lrtln hl'ld r·an umnok nurl liot.t up th·" m .. n on'th~ otht•r,;, or dt·•n·lopin•; duims of u.r~i·"~· lluntfi, !lutl~> •. l•'t•lou~. ·•:orn~< Ptt>llddn~: tll' .. rfHtuHhl'' 1rt 11 o'clrwk · wcct;:. t' I t tl . I f pnulicJ rl)ud It r ... w 11\iltltlt•U~t or Riehllnl .•• · ' "'. _. • I l->_Jon ·E~utltlt'nA. h .. ~, Prlt' ('llfl' till burt h. : \ .• "!. lillcl ~, Ji, •t'. • ' . a wn c 1 par.v at 10 t'I!:!H en.ce o tl1 11 1 t · tl "' ,..- '' ' .

Jobu Y. Hewitt left moi·n.ing to 'ntfend tb~ :m<l. Uniled Stntcs c,,uJts

J 'sop. H6 litet trie.l it ()() l~·Hu!uno ~In· 1.) own :•n• ,pl'OS)I(.'(' lllg' Ill )(• "''<"fl. II )•IX, Cum gmir<llttl•vtl 1-\llld '" ' H I : J . ' ' T 'lt• I '1 1~ "? G' 'I' ' • , 1 ·~. (),. P11d~n ·l)r•t·"•tot · · I • IIIII ay :Sl•lwu <'\'t•ry bur~tlny at !l::lll liCE>d:l.)' ••. (II)( lt l'S. > . .v. :ti.Uill nus- l'II"BUilefi\htias Hetlillo, WlJI Wl•rtl N Slll'l'Olllliltllg (IOltnll'.}'. In fat'l to :1',_ . ' • ..,.., n. I\. i\1. D'i:.triet day nigh.t. They lrept up the turn111g from R ,s,voll, · b<1t E~toh,t11o, ~tJ",If!gl'r, 01• t<•lld!•l"·f~H>t, stwh :t:-1 / ~ " ; l'r~t)t•r Moo twg \\:t·\lnl'!idny E>\'Puir..g 110\V in watch uutil I·o'clock IIWIIitill" the lhtNgh unanq ul jumpJ.l out' of hi~ \'Olll' sct·ilie till' w:l t't-1.! (loi:J Ill'\' 'A.DVERTI$. NG I) A YS I at 7 1'. ~1. . . '

' '

·Fine. tine of new. sh· les StebJon lints just rl'ceiv<•d nt Zie,!!'lei· BI'O!l, .

Uev. J, B. Jonc11 who l1:1s IK''Efrt ·here. fot· sum~ time. in thu intt·t·est of tho Uhril:!tjan Church, ll.!ft: :\Jon ~l.uy tu l'e(Um to Jds holll(! in Split' t11,· l'<'Xa?·, ·

)j'incst ~:~t••ck of f''P.!:ih <.;antlics nt z;l·~J(•t·'s.

. I f I · "' IVIIg••n •. ~rapplr•d wirh Wagztill!r fur•Ulll • • _ . " _ . . f, 11 cttr•ll l'rtt\t•r l\lcoti 1 !: 'Frhluy ·nftt~t· :IITIVII' (1 t lat Uli?~OOl~ip ·ShOWCI' "U•Se,Msi >ll ut his f'•'teltll, 1111J •~tlttt'tl• .. • 11 lll this Sl'ulit)!l ,lll)lle"ll'.-; to :sll!l,l\'

' " U t () l '\') rpJ lnotiu nt !!::IV o't•lnt•k , : . ~Chl'dulcod to :lppenl' at :sonw time rtway fro1,11 ~lilll .• tnr'ulltl itin·or to Wrl:~ur~ m·idener:-; ofmitwt•al Wt•ulth in llw 11' H Y lf~ll ·)p .I•:•nr)body c:11

rdlutl_y in 1:ilod lo·rittenrt tlul'in.!! tlt·e fit•.st h·1lf of tl1•1t tlr',O'IJI. i\Ic'l"arJ.u,d, ·a u.v stan.ler. "'u,.gnn.r f · f ·1 · ,· 1 1 · :Pt;O}le.l' ~.If'tUUntls all tilt' "•·r11·,., ....

~· • <ll'tr,l .o ~·1 \'CI', .!!•1 I 11111 "l'llJl<'l" " ~ · tlwn PonliltUNl dowi1 thil roi1•l unci ~ '-· ' Innnlly tlwy Cl\llle to the conqlusion . e.~]ll'PittiiJ' tltc• l.·ttl<'l', 111.''11,\' ,,f tltc' s~·li·('~PII meetJlll:' a IVIIgon wi!b fh· .. men bonutl • that pos~ji,Jy Unclo S:lll\ hll•.ltnot rrom R 181\'llll to ,Notgul.' "tht•t•\V dowu'' ~lll'Citnens nr whidt ,;hJlw t'X<'<'P·

ll'ithrcvorscsintlwPhilippincsnnd ouallorlLwtu,~ut.the•.uiu u 'lm~ u11d tiorinl•·icluws.;, "'l111t ~llllll' };J'ulllillt'llt J J\fornutg ................ Jln. m

I hat thu pt·opascJ celoht·ation hud wt11H th.ro tliL•:r pooltots, t tkiug all A l . ~ ')f 'I' I l·~''olllll~. . . . . . . ..... 7:-t:i j,, w, tho ~y they hac!. He then or.JoJ·<)ol Antllllg olhPt' .Wnl'lc ~oing Oil 1111 ( \'t•rtl:-ot'l'l"' :fy '- · It' ' (-lnnd".' 1whonl,., ....... 10 ,.., n\,

for the pt·c~~~t~~~·m po~I£H>IlCtl'.. m.tou~ol~arll.eSathl'ir b.et hors~und l)l'('l'l(;'IJ(, I!H'n'tron lli:IJ' lu~ lllllclt• ofl'i w~~~-ve:i" fP{~~~tllbJJ~~h ·/ \'.l'.t:;.C. K'l'LHilthl)· .• ' ..... i:!!U.

RICHINGO.Lo. p<ttbiBBilddleou;hl't'XCUtlllg'\llg"llllrSl'B/thcf)lll'\'l.ll'' (' (T I I I J '. ·l.f'.:)>;o.'w ' ·~ r' .Jr..o.A.HCII.l .. \llH,Pttstor. 1 t • 1:.· r.•o. Ill cH'IVIJO,, ·

Will tho.n. lL; so,•urerl uhuut tweury . . • I· ------ ·-- •. --. ·-The Old Abc Ct.llllp:tny hiH-1 just soveu clollurf!. Thu '!" 111,,8 uf thu ruen A.h•J :\l·.•y nnd othur·.;, !ll'fl opt'lllll!! H. W W k' · · ·: "';"" ____ ,__ ·

• .

(•uu~:••ttJ.,...a.4 •onnt.

cl I 1 t I 'I' 1. T.' HITE, General Mang'r or 111g Night and Day. · (r['Jeut• It ('j((.) of the .t·iolteHt (\1'(• lwh llljlllr .. Pllrl'i.IUCt•, t;;:unson, llustou a Ill('"' \'t'l' Jll';l:-lj'('l'l on 'Ol'lo !1.11 . ·~ ' . Tl I . I r I I I'

.R. c. Snow nnd f.tuniJy lll'l'iVe!l tlwy ha\'C ltutl ,iiii.'C siilki.llg tlw lhi'UP6 .1~1111 G!lh<·.rt. Ollie ·rli uro " 11 th~ (' lll,\'Oll, 111'111' Nc•,gal, i'ht' ql'l' taken l'tclt~l' 1t')ii'Qtl r thnt ·::1.:.~\:~;: :::~· .•• :':: ·.t,·;·:~ 1\::,·~: l,~i:.',! lool(uut ror tho l,J.,Inl'n''"'·'"· • I · . :>• ~ • ,1 "'J . ... 1 ·r I' 11 '·' . I .

' ~ICI'e tilL; \\'P<!k ·fr·om To:as, 'l',<ut .. new t<lwft. Thi,j lo:.td \\'a~ :::tt'IJ<•Ir l' . , "' . oul "" f.al' no!dP,!! \'!'I'J' ·li kc h11~i r- -.."' ' " ' 6. l!.l'lll'Y ptl ~~ u ·'"'Jtlll'·l:•.llllec& - "' ' ~.lwurel Me Lt•lglle td alltUIIIOIJl'll lu ·~ " · J 1 1 • 1. · •

(J,Illlllly,. this tc.•t•ritcii:y. Ml': Huow on \be l'l50 font lt•\·cl, :and the UuittlU i:itntc~ l'(HIIt llt\•N, In additiclll to tho uhol'l' ' J ' "Tiw re•ull~ ,.,,,.,. t. ...... • ~:.ullol tJofh.•lllth. lult l!!lllll).l't'fl 1\l'lllttu·~!> l J U 1:), 1•,1 • • ' & tit' trill' ht>)<llool 1'l0111 ""'I') 'Jn(O llfl'l•Uglh, li~IJI•I'•rll'!\ll into tlll'llllll · i::~ ll Lal'ltel' hy tl·:td<! a.n'cl ·lws Oflt'll·ldrift,. at th.i,; <~t'pth lll't' l-ltowing · 110 ~ 111

" J:I'OllO to 1\oswt•'l lu, ll:llll!'d OJii.'J':tli:>no:, it. is. lt>:·o·n(•ol · · /'"'ceeil. l'r•••·t ..... '" !n~e l"'"'''r. Th,•)'tn "'"''clt•tf•tl in huildlllg' ('"II~''"!' iul!t('·huildil),!!,· IH'Xt d•Jtll' I llp imtal('lll-1•1,\· ri,·h !ll'l• it: ll'l'IIH'II· "".llfrnct for ruedaug II lur;,!O Otlllt'h. LJ[ that 'L'. E. Pt•ll•l':-1 (Jf 1::1' l'a~>i) j,; tlt•m·~~r, ,.;; .. ,,.,ltln., .lottllllr) "<'<lulu .. e l·••lic•l't• U[Jihn h .. ulth. 'o.tl) :.!,"1(' llUr UliX H.,ld.

. larnlu, · 1 '''"' .ulv•·oti•iu~ l'tllil.., I . 'l (I 1, I ll . . to Ah Kue'tduun.!l',!l.. dulls quuut·itics; · Tho leu<! j,. • -----, <'Pllllllt•nl.'ing work ngain . 011 tlw "' 1 1> •• · · •• •u• •'illl't.{l~l. HOTEL R I , . .Jnl), 1'18', ' '-..'tt '

111 wi•Jcning out r.tld the oro getting . AR IV1\I. s. 1·Cilt't"'lntn.-: lllill,<'On I he B.mito, nnd e Warning · mol'c l'(•ft·:u;turJ'. !Jilt c:u1 nil ht• ·· has lu.•en ltil'ing 'llll'll fol' tll:'1! )1\li'- • ·,\II JH'l'"'"l.h u1·o lll't'l'b," <'lllll.t'l'n •.

l\Inck<'rcl' iJUtl White • Fish Zil't;IN· I'SI'OS. .

1\Ir .... WHI Littell :tn<l chiltlt·en . \\'Nlt to El P:um l<1 <.lu '~,. · 1\h·., I. -1uts lJ<·en ('lll,['lll_rl'<l in El Pasn feu·

tlw p:a:-t ,reur :unl i8 · now mc'H·ina . ~

l1i-s fmnily t het'•! to n:side for the \\'intel' if nut (ll't'm:tnently.

C:1rpctf<l, Mut titigs, Linttlcnm Hu.!!~, wimfmv Blt:ull•!.ol, l:trgt•st rhl·

sm·lmortl .i.n lowu.-Zic·gld· llt·cs,

!\lr. mul ~lt·s. Mom·e, nf Ni'O'Il) C:·

N. ~~<'x., will ~ing iu tite Uoil-gt·eg:ttiou:tl Cbllt·ch nt•x.t Sul'!rlay 'll!ot·ning. Tlwy nrc sweet singet•t;, ~·,·•·t·yt.ody cordi11lly indtcu t'o lllltll' th(llll.

}'1111 line of Arctic•, ltuhhert!, =ttJtf Rubhet• Buot>~. j•.t:!t I'Oceived-­ull sizcs ut Zi<.•glea~·~~. ·

{ HO'l"Cf, U.\LL\C!ImH. 1 ,

~'1\'Cd hy n,'lllll.CII'II r • , . (H>:-;<' Ill !hi,; }luiut. , l.f•d ll!!llill~t lin• rlhwlilll'"ill'• of fil•o. ~· • \...J ~· V.tv: I ( 111rlo, ,J,,h 1 C. It 1s1•l, (' ns 1 • S d' · '. · ·· ,.. ,.. The Oltl Abe h:ts,rich.o;·u in'the [{uis .. r. El'h 'l'riftt•r. 1•'•···1 II"c:II,Ur.ty,, Mt·. Cox ltrsoj)Oil<'ll:t liciC enp·., <::,. -· ,,..,:> ' an er\ i "': 1111' \\!lltm :h····t• lllll,lllu·tl .}'111'11~

new Wot·kiugs fi'Onl IHllll' th(' I,!'I'IIS~ N . .!\1.;, 11"'HY t:iltoem:ulll, Hel~tlllt•Jilj i Pl'l' l(•.t.l miite 111':11' tlw '1\ll·tolit:t Onr r.•rur.l inolil•nt•••llbnt l '. urt :til{ lllh:~ltt·:l lto~t.~l'. ~l .. ho p(•n­i'ollt:S t(, tho H!I'Y hott.om ot till' Hnrt·y Uulf, 0, A. Hytl~. D. H .. Lunr••~. <':Ill '<Ill all Hit II milt• 1111 I 'l h Llf 'u~lv"'' "'""I'~" ,.f ""rili<'ll· l··dri' ~ !i :1 .}' ~~·· \In u111111 ,.., IL 1111<' uot

ltuu<'u1ou; Wilt•y Ou:~~ ort, W.tltor Umy; I . ~ . , , ' , , . : : · I ;..,,. r ...... tlw H .. 1,111•1i('u 11 . \ ( .~j(' ~·Xt'l't:drng. llltl' I holl,..llllcl clollul'>~, o,. shuft, wltieh i::~ now down ne;il'l)• Oruy, N. M.;.Junn'l Uaor1s, H.O p,,rt.-1·, f!olll hq~. ::i. 1•,. Butl11• Is nl,..o hrln"'"""'""'huMi'"""'hau • 1 1111Jtl'l>lollllll'll1tlll( <'XI't•t•diutr tht•t•t1

• , · · I · hu e..t\1110 llnntllut frnnl nl1\ (tC') ' . I ' 12(10 fc•1•t. Tho.· l'XC<'Il"IJt C"Jil<lt'· CJrl'll'.ozu; l•corg11 Bra>!g, P.uk; IJ 1\'0J'<IIlg" 1111 11 !'lllllll'l' )II'O~IWI't 11 11 1.: Cij' , )t'Jtl'~. nt• 1olh .

..,. .. . . ~ , •• . , •. • • . .. . o H'r mN um tu t Htt • ....._\4<-: I . , . . fiou of tht•minE>, .nftt•l' two )'CUI's V~·~e't.),Jtc.aral;u, L: t:. Aveur, H·::~weii:.!'HHtlh of ,Jo<'. \ <•ga',; rundt: thi:-: tl'l'rltoq." - •·. ,?1' . :\tttlH'I~tll~ e•oni!•IHIIl(..., lt:t\'111].{

J. (-. !)ultth, No~tul, lhoHUas C.nnuoy,l - I • I I , . llrm···i·, t'ol•·· ltc'l'll 1'1'1'1'1\t"cl l'l'i•clt\1' Ill thll di ''r mot·o <>f <'<;tltJ"rttl:rl <l(l"ul,,p· nt<'tlt ' 1 1 Ol · 1 , · 11 : 'IH'"I'PI' J' t,; I'C'J' , .. ,,., :\~,. tol\'lll" Ill) a _ · . ,. · . ... L<• •1111 ·~1s, 11,1•;, J,liJ . ~rlc•y nn I wtr•'·j· · , . "" • ~ Jul). 1·1" dlarg·1• of lil'l'l'llltl-.., \ Jol.tlnt•s f

wark. SI1ca.ks 1\'t•:l fm· the •1lt.tetit·al cit1; fl·org~ Sp~n"o and H•u, ll;tlliuu~<' 11'PII. nn I t)l•• ~-'JI:'I'IIII~Il>~ sh•JII'Il ltr . llrco J. 111.·~1 't'll 1 1,

1 1 . '' ·

· 'f • • ~~W'Ww...-....-...-w.._.."',....~""'·....,,... .. ,.w~ • 1 It• J(• •, (I :• h l'l("t %ll'• judgl'ntcnlof the. snpPI'intPndcnt .Mtllunll>a•i""''•U'!liuad;l~lm..rLlns•·~ ~f1·. Blilit• itldie•.tlt• "eu.l "c'elliUI~ .-&:='"=-- ---- . .,__.- .. · I ,.

1. .

Al'izonu;_ J<;dtl'llld llrolll:lnt. O:·uruhlo!l fill' Ill' <'"II. t rt't ., ::> r t;r·r;:;~::·,;· ,r ...... -,_ . --- :,;,, -~-,.·. ·-. ~)~ I'Ollllta •: rty. of it;-; opel':tlinnodudn!! I hat tim(l, f> I I I ' . . ,.. .• l(' I lllll!. ' 1\ 1\1:' a c. ~ .... Uilllll l'l;\ ...... , 1' II I. I I . \\' .. ~tt'l\',•tt•t, ~-, '""'•iflJI•Hit- f··m··n,eti);Allon• . , ·,. ,.'t'"' ·,;• .• :~ • (

1·· . JI'HU ,.,

tl:! \\(•11 1\8 ful' the ~[Pit:mlltl :.1\111 Ur.tbt .. wl!t', rauuh; Waller Ilyd··· r:IIH·h; I By 1\'11\' of l\l.II0\'1:1~ tl1e IHHII )L ''i'rH.,h."' ~(' · {( ,J11


•1, of lht• p


.c•. of Whitc Oul;s mim•t·s. Hurry Q.,fT, Rabt>ut •u; J . 0. Nuhour.a. 1

1 11louolclllllll>~ '('lh•t of ollt'l'\'<'llillig'~ ~-~--'~·- ~ _ . _ · . .~ - • ,._ S I · tnuoh· W P lllanchnrd Ft Htan• n 1 · o • · ~=- - -·, .. -- ·---~

houhl I:'OIIIChe)( y lllly ll)(' T IN. • • R I • ~ • ·'' . !1:11 rug.IL~, IIIII' wl'!l lwown :tnd Dt:NVER, COLORADO. JULY, 1898. For' Sale. , , ' 0111 orton, •elttnlon,; ... t.·F.trlnml.l. : . . .. N!ll'th nnd South HotnPstnkc pt·op· ·runeh; E nH·r Lin•is<•y, Nogul; w. 11 lilll>:lt'ICIII~ ft•II!J \\'('1111.1'11 l\lr. "\\'l'nttrlhutn tim 177 hnhy~it1iu 11" wo• h:ul . , , . . • ~ l'l't ies for ,the· plll'pO.;o of Ill :t k iII r. \\'hit 111 irl', John Pich lur, J i<!olrt I h ; N ll' I\ . Sin•(' It·•· I h· n 1 (' y h:t" I :t t r•l r in I tn-cltly to tht• ·'""''~I n••ult " .. un r .ad l'l•r<l•t•llt<'IJ t I I H' L Ill t ., "II ( 'o llll t y Lt'lld 1'1'

lhem ptmlucers in~lcnd n,:; iti n:\ lltt!ilii!D, Harty .Allen, Ruido~o. ll'lleftli'l'd' in OIIJ' lllid~l hi~ wel/1111 your BUNB:A,¥; P~ER~~R'; 'P~·inting .:tllti.Jc.Jit olll<:t·. A h:al'g-niu 'CI,Se Ut J.ll'l'SCilt, fot• fl!lC('IIJr(ijon, IIOTEL llZANNrt. tl'ainecl VOt':J) ht'lll' ·hntitl!l~, lllliO!I)r . · • . \\"IJI IJC g'l\'(lll !Itt! J'lll'l'hll>-1'1' of thi~ they, wi'th the ()J,l Abe nnd the .. ·!"hn C. Uuss~ll, J?·•v .. Clal'l;, Alhf'rll till' p:t('Jt is :t·PI'illl 1 tl,•nna. n lt!llllt', plnnf. Thl' llllll'hiu<•t·y :tnd l.}'pt1

lrlf·tor,JniJnKtser,,.uclyH.\'Iiman Frotl · • I I'' · \ lJndy Gotlivn, hoth of which lll'll flo k C .1 • ., 1 1 u (' 1 · 1 . nnd a h:ts;o prufwJiJ,1, wh·t with 11 Ill'<' Ill ~1101 <'IIIII rtron. J gowl·

S, H 111 n n .t ['!~· \\'" r< ~7. J()lU .a. ' us hm) lu l" Vt'r\' I t lectm·o on vnlu:tlJic Jlrotluct>t·.:, would mul\1' Brout, Chua. Hull. fo:d and Hurrv Colnl•ry full Ch~H'U:l hl'lp Lu Ill rl~l' thing~ c:~~~~~~ n )'car. ~~~~lll'illlt'llt Or lwdJ nnd joh l_rpNl;

Wlaito Ouks 11 city in 11 very shot't cit) i E(h\nnl. Mc'fo·•guo, It.chnnl,..ou; W'!t'y lh·l'lj', nud nuPtl 1 !lny I'll 1111 old '"'t,r1t• (ltmlun j,oiJ pro"s !lx t.l, Rcv. J. U. Joncs's

sauctiticatiuu nt tha U!mgt·Pg•t·

tiuuul Church . lust Irdcltly night \\:as lilltenetl to hy r1 crowtled lwuse. The lcctm·e showed that bit~ urgunwut Wilt! tlto result of u dt~liiJt..rate itwet'l igatiun. The sub· jllCt was well pt·csented.

New Tapioc:t, Peurl Bal'ley, ~ngn, fre:<h l\IincP l\'lllut, new Nut" a;eedecl Ruisiu~, Curt·;mtt!, Citr11n, l;runges, Dale~. Cl'ttnllf't'l'iPs, etn., etc., in fact ull the Delicacies of

the sousoll ut Zi.,gler Bros.

Ucv. B1·uco l\:inney of Albtt· I

qucl'que, pnstor d the Bapti'lt (!bureb of thnt pluce willns5ist Rev. Pope in tt sc1·ie~. ~f meetings .at 1bc B·1ptist Chnrcb bei·e, com­mf'ndog ubout the ~4th. of this ,tnmtth. The Rev. Pupe is enid to lte un ttble mnn, nnd nn tJnuht the

- .peoplf.' of White O:~ks will- be l)leused to beu1· him.

ll.ltl". C. 0 Wiggins l•'t. W~ylltl, lnd ; U 1<'. t<•I'Llliniu,; Ill t tl r. •I I -l·illt•h PIIJWl' t•nt !t••·. (llt',, <.'tl~. " ''\''II' AI I 0 . "' :I.J, ! I I• JSO W .to , 1 turns, nmog·•r• o.; ~o t:.JIJ, H. uc.lu . \\' 1 II I' f ·

Millions C iveh Away. so; M. L. Gooclrn, rotnch. ollll'I'Wllitlii'Ollld t~ourt thl• 1'111111'11<' l'! t• 10 •· •• \111.1•: ot· fll'lt'I'S,

It i~ certainly gruttryiug tu tho public ---· ~- - c-. of ·~IOI·pht•fli. hl't WC!lO the hollt':; k Cbtunbr-J•lutn"t~ 111nlu llnhll C urc.·• Otht-rM f · 1 t 1 J to oo1v of one cool.'orn iu the luo,J 1vbo o t•lg 1 11111 hn• l't! )l.rn. 1\lt-.

t r 'd b \1"11y Not \"on7 -\ C't'IJ'I: h~>nt~ltful cnloretl t•l.&te•, I· 'r.11.1 are llo n rat tn " generous to the lll'IIIC"' rtftl\',"111'•1 1·,. •tl-. 'I tIt" ltllllr>'' '"'''"'"'· J, •. ,..,, '~'"" ''""u''"",' "'' , ,.,,.-,, u .J l•••rl.,h•u• .. tltu!Jhulrll,lnl·•u, .. t,~ 1 h nllt'tly ROd suff .. ring. 1'ho propria tors of llfy wife bus b~>en using Chnmhorlniu'~ • . . I ".,,,. '"' •l•v. "'· .... ~ ~ '"' '"'"''"''Y Dr. J{in~·s Now D.scove:y fnr Cun- Pnin Btllm, wilh gnutl re~ultt~,for n lamP• ro,.;s(•s:o()l' of HOIIW duninllti\'I•,J l.od~u,;cnto"""'"'' ·'""'"'''""··

· 1 · l St ''~"· Ri.'llabl~, Simpll', trp.1,.,. snmpll•JD, Cnnghs and Cultls, hn\"1! givo·n shonlcl.or !hut hus pniued hir continual I trnlllC< )11;!~. whie·h ll(!Jl('lll' to l1e l • .:un.,.nr.:.tl anti t\b.,.•lutciJ

.. ·ct·l•'ittlllll Ptap.·r Pa&h.·r·u". nwuy .. ver lun ruilliou. trral b·•ttlrs of ly fur nine yt>urP. We have triotlull·l on <'Xe(•liNJt t<•rm;, with the lnll~· ,,_.....::!!_ · ------- . lhia gr~ut. mlldicin~t; and Lrave the satis/ kiud~ of nl!!dicines nnrl doctoJ'II wirhout • 1 1 1 1 · II

, • . • , . • ICa IOlllll " IIIH OC'l'll•IOIIII )' 110 f11otwu uf lcnowmg 1t hns Ulleolutely 1 rllcoiVIIljl nov bo'ncmt from uoy of tht>m. '

A LADIES' MAOAZINB, --- .......... --

81!!00 .\ Wl~J·:t\ at )our lwbltJ, oithE>r lUI II rur111 or l11 1ll\\'lf; 110 tliUIVIUWtll(,t'i

\Vl' lt<nl'h.} uu lrtw. In llnillh JlnriTnils tor .u~.-1>.\(ll.,I<; I'OHTH \I l' CO.,

1\1 u rphyRhow, I II --·----r ~he

·1 TOLEDO WEEKLY BLADE cured tbnusatul~ · or hnpt>h•ss caseFI,I One dav W«Ysuw nnadvertisom1•nt nr thiR compnuy th<•IJI und tlwil• owner Asthflla. Bmuchitis, Ilu•trricness rm•l, m•~llcinennd lhougLtoflryin~: it. whic•h ~ill tlu•it· ufll•rnoon I'OIIHiitillional:; . Evi'I'V httt•l•lgt•l•t fo~~nUy n~ctb In nrl· nil dldeosos uf lllo Throm~ Ch,.st and we tll<l wi1h tho ho·st or anti~ractlon. Sht' I Jll'evions to tin' ni~rht (ll't'formunP· eli lion lu lh<·ir lr~t·nl pnpt•f, u good llutll.unl Lnoi!'FI are surely cur"d by it. Oall ou hue U~t'd noly uno bottle noel h•r1 • , "" . INo•Stam•AIIo\'/aneoPattnn•.J wc.•_kly Tht• gr••nl<·~l nml moqt widely M. o. Pudlln DrUI{gist, aud get-rloetriul sh•mlda is ulnHst w~II.-AnoLPII r •. jcs gt\'CII • 11~ .the COI'I'U( l~lllplll- n .. ,v· .. , ond ·~"' each-n .. ro ,,,.,,., IUtn\1'11 A'l'l•l'l'lll '"""'·'' 111'\I'~Jllllll'l' h llu• b •tt lo• R •gu lur eize liO..:. and et. E \"t•ry I M I LLETr. Mlu.chestl'r. N. II. l•'vr sulo I bert t CJI' UciJ IIIII I ng I hn ( hnnt tor uti ~:3 .:~:.~'::-,"1., ~.:~'.1 r~~.~··tlr over~ clly Tole·tlu w t•t•k ly Blouli•. 1-'nr I h lrry ycrlr~ boUle gur.anleot1_ or priM tcfound€d. by 1\I, 0. l:'aut-n. , quartcl':l of. ''Otli'S tndv, I THB McCALL CO., It h.t~ bc•t•li II l'('A'Itlnt· ''l•llor in t'\'cry purL

J -' 138 140 Wut 14th 81., New nf lhl' Vnlnutllltlls 111•1l knu"'nlnuln.o~t lA It 00,.. Claal'l.,y, lll. H. Webb-;:;or ru·ng• ~::. JJoolco. Or. I\ nO IV thut the citiz:•IH tlf \V dit) t!Vc•ry unu or Ill<' 70,0()1) pos•ul!li't~H In tltiJ

8pecl~l"' the hews. • dC>r• prnmptiy llllrd. •:J I'UMn. TtlX!••. I Ott!{:'! r.t·o mu~ically inclined. I Clllllltry. II lri t•dllcl) with l't•fi•I('J•e•o to ll

PHOENIX Ariz, Nov~ 11.-, Word - -- -- shnll h·y tu pot'l':llllldc Pt•uf. J~cnley NEW YORK WORLD nntlonnl c•h;<~ulnthm. h l11 it ltt•puiJII<:nh 'IVBB reot~ivPd here t<l-doty or 11 lt>rrtble FOU ntcsr. I . f II · llll{•tlr. hUIJII!Uf'l~ uf nil JJOlhrcJI t.tku II, e:rplo&iun lu tho ·Coppt·r Qneen min~ ·rwo comfor tahlc l'ii!IUIS lJxHi t.o move IIi. 1~ <'olllpany up to , t hec•IUMtl flf l111 hnrwHt.)' 111111 f11lrue"s lu llui yeaterd11y;in which Otlnrlen Atthutz, 11 lla 19 G rour IIJiprcctntiVC towrt on 11 visit, fHRI.CE~A-WEEK EDITJO~. lll~cu~~luli'ol 1111 Jtuldlo CJIU•~<~tlon~. hlr~ · m~ner, J,st.hlalit\". APbUtz bad loft his rmr x • J"Oncl watct· conveui· . J tl t I . • '\ tlw fi\Vol·lte fn'mlly Jluper, \ll.h snmr· shirt purlner nod wont iuto th" drirt l'nt. Inquire of S. J. "' ullttc.:o. m or Ol' m J'Olll' on. l-1 V~ttetl cHi- The Best PapGr' atthe Lowest Prlc:c thlug f••r cvt•ry nwmbcr of tho hou's(oblild • wher .. the powdsr box wns k~pt.. A --- ·-~-- ---- "'"'-'--- __ .. zens mny h:wc. an np~·mt·tunitr . . M6 P•tiM''"· . Surlul Mtnr,lcH, rw<•lry, wit llnd humor; terrilltt oxp) 'flitm ocurtec:J, iv:l!ich flhook · 1 O_llCU more t~, e_nJIIV cbuwe. seloe- FOB ONE DOLLA D, the llma~cllold llt•tll&rtUJuut, Lht•6t lu th~ the wbule workln,ll's. The minHe ruehetl 7;;";"1:!k:"ir()ij_....,.,_l tJOUS ft'OI.Il l!.IDwiJio, Luct'Olt:t, rutd · ... ., world]. Your• if l~t}lk", Sundny Bclhunl

The. fullowina· new Bt·eukfust to I be liCIIIJ(' of tho ·diSU<ItoLr 1111·1 tlliW T • . ' I' All uoorl tt8 a i!llilU nt the zn·ic•c: of a I r.l·~ll'nll•, 'l'lllmuAO'III':!c•J'Iii(lll~. tho J.•nr,n· ~OtJdl.! j1111t rcl'ei ved at Ziegler ~ros: th11 wulla hospattored "itb blood ond I'll \'In tn, to suy.' nn!J,mg of 'flu.• tcft~l.:l,!J. . , ·. lllll•ud. tlw Qun1l•m Urntonu l whlt•h ,j 11~ h d l · rrugwonts of ftt>sh ubout. I tune the. old ~mw clio< I of" uu<.l lJttrln tit""' 1 1

A · 1

,1, tK\\'t•racct&oJtlfiiiHfrll huh~f•rlhcrMJ. tim Ni!l'l'll ouTnnulute lominy Gritz W heut I{ u .,pnn s ,. m11r cno wnr ne

1 W

1 oiUl'l' fl11Uili.u· nnu time honot•ctl l'JlltiOih\· W£JU( Wour..o provt•d its or I IU I}Ck II COilllilclc fnrm. nud other ·.F.,n·inu. Pettijultwl Drcakf:tst food Brave M 3n Fall COPPE' R RIVETED llfl'lll v . .tue ,,.. I hll' ,,re•IIIJIIII"Ra I '1111'· Hpct•illlfr.n,turo~. lipccltnt~n cnrlttsglndly · v· t'• ' 'b · lllOI'OOllllX. • ~ ~ • II I &Jf .r~ai,;i1iO" an1l ·.old f:tlibioned IC Jma to 8lJJffitlll • livBr .and kidney. . <:ng!t~wsuautl uccura••y ur lt11 rPJJortA dCtlluu ll'PI' t•nt ou. un~llt vou will t.(lnd n · k l ~ p·n ·.b · Wb t, troubiL•s us·well ae wome••, und ull fool i OY ERA LLS Tho Nognl Puhlid ljchnol rro1u ull tlur .. r:ouo" nf ltnJwrtrwt uveut~. 1111 n·IIHt ur llddt(l~SI!IIr wo will mall n enpv

w )('U • I s llrY..!!.. eu 'the rsult In h 1:11 r tit . i l SPRIM BO ·r_t s . I . f II . h. It WH8 Ill! u•ufultlfl "d.tlly to ti.Jo rtmder; Ill llllt'll. Only •• ,n ~-l•flr. ' If Y<IO WIAI& ~ W tl Cel , I J..' • 1 0 t. I ' o upp~ t~, pfltsoue n i ,.Q TTOttt .-ANT "punct ''"' u scKslon ere lind It IV ill boor erjuul V~jolutl In roru>ttill~e tel ruiH<· "dul!. "'•·he tor tt•ruu•. 0 ebi'U tel J'lt,mt .:f • .1 ~ tbu 'blood,. I.Jnckue~~· nervUUSII0$9 bcnd-j l:tt~t ~ltllld.t y with Pl·of. '1'. 1". ' thll l(rout Hnd Clltn JlliCnh•d ••II"" tlrmP Addrl!iiS 'I'll II, Br.Aom. '

' . t "• r. r

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• '

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.etc., . ~c::t~\~~~)~r":o'':t!:~fl ;,:nr:"~w:k~~~~~~::~: i :)u·u.nwic~'.t late of Liticoltl nntl :~::;~.ttre lUIIV boruro lbo Am<'rluuu Tbe E,\Gr.l!lltntl tboU!ndo~;~';~· Ublo, Artbu 11. Roller ijas hel'n bcre Listl•o to J \V, Oardru•r, Idaville. Ind.; I Pimwbn, 1111 principal. The school It prints nil tho uows of tho wotltl. • •

' Ho 11ays; •'EIPCtrio u·ue "· j t tb • • I' · lunloq IIBfJCOIIII corruupttruJ~nu~:~ frmn 11uj .. -1

. t;;"-fl'llle past week testma tho I • • I rs re ue

0 jll:l fll mg ll{l t",tpldly IUtol 61lVtH'Itl luwurtunl D•'WII !JOilltll ••n tiJO ••IIIII"', lt~ lib ter INt. ~

1 thtnJt ftlr a man when be Is ••II run b '" "

of Lone Mouutnitl fell' d"-11, Otld don't "kre ·-hutbur b"' ·J,~ ... or ; families lll'C l!IOVillg into' town IIIJ. brllltil&tlt iliUIIItlllhiOB. llturlt•& •• ,., Lott('F$ l'<'lllniniw., unC"tlll<'tl :to .. . ...... ~.. w " 9 " •• uu •• 1 1 · j'ttlll. Hilt Jnr•, u oupll11l hurnur pntto. • N "

l~ltEIO & Nol·theustcrn[H!opltl.j cliee. It ditl mo~e to ulve me new • ft•om t.hc ~>lll'l'flllnrliug cuunll·y ln. CUIIlPhtl6 uwrl<ut•, (lev,rtrJJoOtH r,r tho


111 tho. P••st-oni<·c1 Nuv. bt · ''00~ . strength nod 1{0 ••• appetite thsu 1• • t I • ll 'I • I bllllKOlmt.J I&Uc) WlltDI!n'a wurk llud (jHJtir 'J' El~k ' IJ a IJ k

t r. b t I . ' I or lll ') EUUrl'l.l w a Uc:ttumn I'IIJI'('i<&lrleuurtukcnhl of lti'IIHUIJ.I brlf!t'l•l!t. '"" n Lr'· d t• ·-· 'r. • Ar r , . . ·ftre no nown, . ·~ an,•b!o_, I coni~ rake. 1 illl"' now .en! ud":antugc~~ nnw 0 tt111.1:!d · It i<4 , wa..~lY..r 't1ri~. 111,111Mth1,J ·11 ui\'1!1J>UJ.t(lt llir j J 0) 1111t'~~· Nr. t,~\)· ~·~""•

rtwwns tests bttvc shown th11:1 ... yt.IJavg .aud hu; 11 11 ,nuw locrwo 0•0 lite. r •· I • ''"'' nHIT£ OAKS AEGlE tosetbor m1 J It 81 ·' ' .._. , · llvl)f• · ' . 1 Only 50 cenle, at. r.t. G . .PIIdt•ll II Dru ... I unclt•l'iilllnd t hn t I be l'l•ofes!IOI' )'Nil' fllr'lt.HliJ .. ' O(liiiU, .. mr. J •. ';J;, illlal.l)IJ • ' · "tL~~ r_~~~!,~~~=~J · 1'b 1 • b 1 tl t Sr. Du. Jotv P, lWmi!'rh • . _,'to l'llD 62 to 63 per coot. Store. E.v11r,r botlle ftttraotced. 1.: ; <-l'•ntcmphtt.crJ tb<' it'IUII''Ut'atioo ufJ ~ "'.1{11 r"t1121~ .. acr P on Pflll~ u tbe . v•rra~·~t.)Jr, 1 . = hv.; P:ll)i!l'll 9

•iM OJufiti,\, lltit,-.rt(,l'.'Jr.o • . '

' ' . . . ' •

. . • '

• ' • ' .

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,• ' ' • ' •• ,.' - HL·- ·~~JJ.o:iA.O>"' ~

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• -- - -

m1ependent Assay Office : . . GO.I.V J\tt~.u. . -........ '!., ..... l New ),lex leo'• l'illl1hrrn Ntlgla\Jor PIIIA'Il c•t·

D.W.fleolchari,E.fl!l, ·tturnla lnlhe bee tur. Great.eat Oold · . r ... r~o,·.,., rrodiu:Uon.

:,.~~~~~:r-,:.7-s~ The . St. Loui,. ~~l!pubUo of lh ..... ~.~~.~""1,.u the Rl h, · i~nt, l!'nj·~<: IIU.fl nJIIUII _... · '

au.oulu;ro•. Cnli.f,,•·uiu'JS pr41Kiigfl Ill:! the hnn~ -hllit1terh~.' net' golcJ ht>aring staltc of the.: union . ~ : •. :;,. ••• I IIIli IJe<•n Ink c~1 n w u y. Its twept,e r

. .. , .. ~, . . · Uhllluahum.~ta. ch~cti11ll'hus JIU!!I:It!<l·into tlic •. luwds lL P~&(p, TEXAS 11 • .1 . · 1· l . . .• , _ ..• .: • ... •.:. •... --· ; 'I Ol II r:-IV\J ·C<11lliJI'Ill (Vfll t l. ' ·

•,...... ... ~·····"· . .. · b .The CtJllto,.t bel Wl.!l.'!n C1ilifurnia' WHAT MAKES TRA ~. • ,,4;,, _; . .

. The t~uo piorll?l'r of ClOJ~nica·c~ !11 t_u;cl Cu1orncln 'Juts hC'c•n uOloinily t Jw "drummer,'' n11t . the d1.;1im .. cledd,('ll ·hy t.hc figures ()f tbe · Pi· Trude foll"w" tJi,,.[.rke.niul <ttlftli-: l'(•ctor nf tho .Mint·. Tlltll!C (·rc1!it i'y of tlw go~"'"· rnliwr. thniJ Jlw the Ce~lhmninl8tu.ln• )\·ith on~:·\hird

. .tt:.g 111id~r "hich tlwy wut·o. tnn1h•. ,,f l.he iiniiw ({•>It! olll'put (if the . 'fh(!ac trtith.c w~·ril ~ntpluh·izNI. Uui.tNI Stutes nn<J 50 . JWr cent

in tiw uddlot<'l uf Gci~r:gil H. ni;.~,·c .thnn CnHroi·.~j,j t.um'cd utit

Duui<•l14, GtH~•·nd Plli!ll(!llgrr A_gr•nl in the lnkt twclv~· month11. · ,;f the N1•w \',rt( c,~ntr•illluilhlad. Jn 189·~. tho gold ·prll{lnct ·nf twfon• the Intl'rnntionnl Cum.- Uulorudu ·\\';ll! $2i1, lUii, :300,·.' whill! ni~>rciol Cnnt:n·~~~ 111 J»hil:~dclphin. thut i1f <;nlifumii~ ~vns hut' $15, l\lr. Da1lid" r~ftll'l'cd to ihtt ·fttd~< 037.000. The. jC!'p~~th·o. · )il;ltll\

of the hn' stntci! in. 1 t-1.117 \VI't.·c lhtll-- . . • . .

Arn .. rlonn lllJ\n urnt!l~trl"r• no• Wf!ff! ~ 10, liH .• 200 fua· ci,Junulo 111111 unly lor!JiahlniJ'Ir~eornutJYI'B to r"ll~ay~ nut 1(\.13,618,300 fua·UulifurniJJ, ouly in ~nuh111d but hi ''vory.country on In the· eul'ly llliys Cnli.foruiu tb.,.:l'oht; tbnt.lhu Trunii·Stlwriltn Jta•l·

'·wav would Ill! lllid ·with alucl ruil4 from yiclolcd enormou"ly fn\m . p111ct•l" )'uuneylvuulll upon croAalil•~t.lrum· tb•· mlnin,r, hut inv~·ntion intm-il<ifit•!l r .. ,, .• t ••• Or"ll"''· 111!<1 thllt · 11111 111111 . nl· 11 iul ch•vclnpl'd. the "nwthocl~t · of' A rnt<rlf•nn '"""' o••rl mrll'llinnry •oulll · . · . I 1 ·{ 1 · TotftUIIIn tho rnllDirul'llouol lh111 rtln•lnl I'XII'UCIJO~ llllll('rtl WCII th U llli.'

lttuetlwn.) t"''" 1u 1uh tom·o ol J•JJl••l"tnOnn .P'III'l!l, tin!) .Iiiii('. ft•ll _·hrhind. . AI· Tlw•·•· npuww hi ;Jupnn, nt~coril 1 bough muri,y .Califot;uin . mitws

inJ,ttu :\Jr. J).uddr~, ruol'c th:il1 mu• arc lilt~IHI.ily m.uintniuing thcia· on·t.

huTHh'cllloronH·IIin·~ lHailt in ·th~· (Hit, twnrly n.JI· tile ricw strike!! . .

n n i I~~" St nil·~. II I Ill .iII Ru, .. ia· 0'11>1'1' _h;l\:o hllllll muJo in Coloa·ut.lo.: ·lliun ono lhtHI•IIIlt'l Anwl'i•:nu lu!'O· lnuth·i··H. Tlw>4o ,;n)p•, lw Mni•l. llrl' .t•u• to 1111' "npt•riority i1f ntrr . . llllll'hinur·y nnd •·1-o. tlw f,wt thnt llw J.!l•lllll'nl J"'K~«·)r~•·l' ~~~~·nl~>~ nf th•~ J\nwrh~un t'llllwny~. thmuglr t.lwir nthc•rth•iu~. bnl'tl rnnd11 tlw mnn't•ll••U>~ l't'~l.tt~ lllll'OIIIJili,Jwd hy IIIII' )nt•omntivml : llo~l•t•lwld wot•tl14 in N't•ry t•orlllll',l' im tlw J.(lOhl' .• ,

HtH'h fad" nnd . h•KI itrllii!J ll"

tlw~l' tli~JH'nVI' nol·o11ly tho t•lninr· of llw milit•1ry t>XjuUJt<ioiliiiiH tlrnt ··tt·rHin f,,IJow,. th1• lbg," hut Iii'''. WiKI' tho lllli!,!I'OWII Cllll'lt'U(illll of lilll ndvm·utt•ll of ;, . truKL fo~t•·riug ltll'ilf thnt IIIII'. \\'OI'IIingnu•ll 1111d

lllllllllflll'l\11'1'_. Ill'('" fill lll'f '1'1'111.

proLt•c·tionnJ.:ain~l thcrh·:liPI whiun WI• nrt• tm•l .. r ... •·lling 111111 onl,;l'lli11g

in th1• mo;l di~<lunl J.IIIHkt•lt~of tiH'

\\ u1·hl. ·- \\'odd. · -· . ..-.- . -·-· ..


!ohiJ•t.lgl•& Tlwll•lltul Arrr• lh llllltn

"n" ""d 1-ldtJrtrro C'uunta....,, . .

t'IUI Cl.f'u\~IJIXO

A,.l) 11&.\t..lNO c:tJ w.l .-c»IL·

CATARRH .. Elta Creaia Balm .. ,

.. ' . . '

li't•i•m tlw tii.'WI.'I' miiwt~ n•·e · ex-. . . .. r.·iwtNI vn!olt qti:mt it it•l'l of low .fit'llde . . . ' . ori-11, lllld tlll'~tl Ol'l'B lll'e ht•tilg C·X

I , . truet•••l in gnmh·a· ul•und1mco ,-in. Collll'rlllo tlann on· tho· l'u.m6u t\0111< I. .

--------' :1..._ _.!...__ _ __._

.. -~,.~-_.., -~ ~ ~ ·-~~ ....._.,..,. ~ 1 ~.


t .. lluJ•I . . $ .:.11 I UJOIH•r . :$1,0() Htl\',,r. · .... J llthtl.to>~h''r~lf'Rr.i I ?.!'t Ci·•hi '"' Kahtlr :i t,(loltl, "''lv'r,t,•iH t.~IO

{. 1, ncl • . . . . .!lu•O'Id,tl\·r,cult.i'd 2.11\J

( · &llp)r.~ hy inti tt.rthf_ prempt Jitltutlun ~ llilrblr1, I'' lr.r pAid hr IMllu11 · ~

~ oc~:~~b ~.~~~~~,;~.9°·' ~ t ..._ __ ._.... •• ~~-"-.r.-4-"'""~-.i.,...._,(~~-'*

' . .

l.usul OtluuJ nt U''""'t•ll, S. l\1., • J" Ut•tuhPt U J-,00.

Sotlr~ ~~ hnnhv t~l¥1111 I hni 1111' fullc•ll llhl· HIUII•'•I '.ul tlt•r lua"" 1\ t•t,t UuUt~ll uf lun .ltWIIUUI\ ''' uu•~•• Ji.un1 t•ru~tf 111 ·"'IJtphrt of hnr t'l·lhu.· ~t(all Lh;'' ,.111rl l•tuhf w1H hr• ll:tn•h• llf•fo·f' ttw · P'r '"'•I•· f't~r" AI Llnt,•t)IH, ~- M . Ctll Stift mtn•r t~. 1•<~•. Y•a· I 'lllrn I'.. l'.dn·o), lou ln~rll' l'luru It. Jn,.••h-.. llutu••·l•·n•l ·\t•l•hrnuuu Nu, t!\2, f11r .tlw •I·.•, r-.w•,.. 'IW ·~ St.4nucll .. l• ~ '"'d 3, 1-i•'v. l, T ~ 14 .. If. II 1·:. ·.

tth4, h''IU"" t h•• (n11nwin~ wUnttf41('ft tu l,r,•Yr lwr c•ur C..•unuu• rt•utlunfMJ lii,OU urul c.mhJ-.u.uon ,,f •tttt.J lund. VI-I:

l··dwnnl tH1m4.rt~, uf (lr11v, N, M. ltuirnntt (' Jnc• •hM. •• ~ •• t&t,,th•\Vr•l1 J. 0 run,hlt•a, .. .. Jvil~J"r,.uu. ll. Th• tnrt... '' ••

lie'" 11111• I,J!J.,\HI>, lll)!liAtor, · . . 0 - .. ·- • ... ·- -- - • - ~ ._ ~ - • --- ·- & - ... M ...

N 0'1'1 l'l~ I' Oil 1'1' l.IJ, 10,\ 'I' I 11 S.

• • • . . . . . . . . . .

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. ' ' ' '.. ' ~ ' ' .•


No. Gl Olnln~J Room Table

Ototh • . '

'.l'ti.bi~·Cli!Jb. whir• wltb re<1 bllra, l<lzf' 1.0 ll l(i Uicllea.

fileac •a•rpnld all re<relpJ of a ~l'nC ·•"•••lie •uttnp and CIO filomuarea ~~;>-'•. IIIII trull> Wr~IIP""' ot ArLU~"""'' ~~~::;;;:~?!~; · ~Wuwu C.:Uik)<. .,_

• 4' ••

No. B7. A Pair of

.. acle•or•.

w h Uo Jawn, ·

wl•tu st:Jnc• and fancy lace ' h•wrtlon. !jlz~ j 3.~ x lP lncbps. ·

""twnt po•t• P!!.ld an re• ccilpc .or ,,..., e c ·u ~ p a·u.

nncl 2:il .~I•· . . outure•· cuI trom·,yra.p. p<ro p, o\ •·

tJ ~ c k I O,U' . . Rol>lltecl t.: (j r.


~-·. . No.:6o, Lady'~ Dolt.

wide two 1Ulf1


yar'dil lon~;.

Sea~ po111~ 1

• ' . I


No. as. A Pair of Shc.ar•~

. . . '

.,-.. . ~ .

, or Uie heftt Amerl~an ma)Ce, 8 Inches long, $ent pllal•ilold paid on rc• · receipt of2 "'~"' posto•e •tnm• n11cl I~- sl•uauarea ce. lp r: of !J .. cut from wr.apP.,r,, 1>f Arbuclolles' noaated C"l!ee,. . · · . . .

••e acamp . llllcl 03 •••• na&urea cut

' from . .-n>P· peu of-At­. ·buc!<,lea'

lloaate<l cor. teei

No •. B9~ ~D&Or m'ade. by J. R. Torre,. ' iii!Ml "". .

~--;.. l.' J. R. 'l'orrf!7 1tru:or II

lcnO..n ,..the best.m.i.detntbe United '.l'be pr:IDted g""'rantee of the iliani•fac­

·i.nrer soes wllb rucb ·razor. Sea.t . post•itald oD !I eerie r•••••e otamp aDd J:!'J al•llntare• cut from· wrapp.en of ArbuckiH' . . . .

~~--------------· No. cu.· Man's Bolt. I . No. 02. A Carving Knife and F'ork. ' .

• . . ' . . '

IAtoot'otyle. gra1n lca.tlwr t.tn color 1'~ GJ"tt;in l~tbcr, ta!' ·co~or,.nlcl&:el-pJat~d . ln. <vldu, nl•l<el l•lat~u hucl,!e. lktU t.ro· buckle and ~lngs .. When orderln~r ~:tvc · . . · . foUowl.t~ "-'"'" uuly, J;I\'O "'ZC l:t hll'h<a · s•ze Af wulsl In lncbea B•lts run from 3! • v\ f.rst..claSB set mounlecl .villi nenuln" bnrl·-bom handr.& I'nlfe blout•

MAlle by th"· belli

Am•rrcan m~~~~· r..c­IUI'I'r• •nd well fln11h· ed, 6~,. lnchelf -Inn~~:.

8ent · jo"'ol•pnld on

. recelpJ af ll . ceac P••t•~•e lltutiiP a ad

~~ pt•nntoiri..i ~"' fro!il wrappel'll or .II rhiJC!IoiiH' J~ted


wl~en ordurmg, frum '!.! tu:W 1:1. i hum ::.1 • •. v • • · . 1 " · '· b "'· . · ~ · ·

to~~= lu.: fr··m :J:I tuM, "'· :;,,.,, pit!tt• I to 42 _lncbetln lonGib. -Senlpollt-pnld' e l~cb .. long. Sent b)' ""'11r"""• charlie .. PI'CIPRid. Oft rtlllll!lpt or J'a'd ou rtu•t•&pt c.• ~ :! ci!'Ut J•u~tt• on reeel~ of~ r.eat poHtnQio stamp, ~ cent a)o•tace &lnmp oocl 90 eicuaton• cut ·frt1P\ wrnppera of -RIJON!Utnp Rtlll '~0 ~l411tllllll'<''" CUt! d ,1 . r , . b .. 1 ; 11 (' d • " d . ·,; • rr_otn thuwruppt!nsut Art>Uclil~ • Uvaatcd .. nn -0 ehfD&lur~a_cut ruol wrappera


.A r uck. as ons e l.:ouee. :WbE-D or erln.,. name- y~_ur nearest E::tpresa l!ti,-ue. . ' ' . I ot Arbuckle&' !toasted· C.offet. . Ofllc" n, well Ul!l )•Our Poat _Oftlt"e. . ' .

- -'<--.....- -----~- .. No. 63,; A Butcher's'KnlfG.

. '


J).l.ady's Pen Knife.

woocl hlln•l!e, r:prut material• R!l<l llnloh•d. Flea' i

~~~~~~n;n~~~:~~ ,,, or :a .. .,,., ........ nee Bloml!! ::o ••• a .. tur.... - I Arhuttklea' 1Coa8t@d t'orft!l!. .. · ' ~ · -- -...- ..:... · ___ ....... _ ··I 1

·No. 64. A Klt;~hen· Knife. ·. .11 ... tw" llnelr lluloh•d blaMs. • . · .,, • ,. ·" _, :;r,..;v· . Hun rUe beauUfully ·varteg~t~d /.

~-::::: :: ZT·3"'··=·• -~::;; 'J · . . ; :o~;~~:~~nu:r r::::~r. :;"~ j . . =- ' Urlll pnPI'R"t• t4•RIIII' nod 30 ,

l Will Mit bread. •II<"! bAm and ""'" thl! bone. f'prvtr.eable, an~ 'hould b~ In · ; f · ·o~er)' kllch~n. ~enr·pp•l•pnld "" recelrot of !I<'L'IIt I'Oitn•l' .tuwp .. ud algmHnrr" cu. rom wrnpJ*ral 1-1 •l•nattfrn• c·pt from wrllpJ*\'ll M A rbuuklea• nuaHteil t"ulf,.. · ot A rhuc;kle:o' J~unst•cl l'otr.e.

-""' No. 67. Picture Frame.

• · C.bhln •fro, bra!S. lllv~rpJatM. ~enr POl ......... 0111 rr• cei11t. af· II CIIDI paa1 .. e •tnmp n•• J:a ••••n-· tore• cut front' wrappCin of At· hiu•k!es' Roaate4 t'ull'~.

-____________ .,:. ____ ...... __ ----- ----- ~·- - ---- ..--- --~ ------ .---'--·------------ I ·~

·No. 69. A Centleman' .1 Watch. . · '1 1\Jo. 7 I. 'l'ho "~ .. w Jlnvon"'l• .. "utch of ~~~ .. urdlnur:r •l•.e., !'t-_m ' Enameled Alarm Clock~ ·

wlnc1 nnd ait:JD &et, dust priJil(, nt.•kt•l-pbtet1 case. solid boc-k·. ' .

No. 66.· !to Ccntlomon's Pocket Knife~ T·wo-bladod knife ma<l~ or h••~

ml!.lerlall and 1\nlahed In work· . mftnlllie rilPI!ner. ~ll!nt. pi>Bt• . ••lei on,recelpt 0~ <'!>Dt pool I~ :

KIIGJilDIRI' tlDII 40 tii.DllCDrC.O" . 'letJt rrom wrapper:a or Arlmclll""' •

ll9•"'te<l eoa~<~: · I -------,--

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· A Porcelain Clock.

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• Conut>cta ot Onnl:io:aD witb etaae liQU to Nogal, MtliiC~lllrO, n: . Stanton ·and \VhUe Ouka.

.. Sa.u Antonio. New ;u:,.ue~.

Prei~rbt forwarded to an points in Lincoln County.

Address Correspondence to San Antonio. N. M •

4 Important

S.M. PARKER. Local Ap.


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