r .. ,, . ' ·:·'1' ' ' . .. " I ·' .. .. •• . ' '. ,. ' I j. ., I I ! I I . ; ! ..... , ·, I . . ; . , . .. . ' ... ·. · y IJr X"\ .. , · · 'Ne'i ,. . ' . . . . . ' ... .. . ', I ,. . II .. .. . . . ' I . .. . ' . ' aunt •. . \ ' ._, ... _ . . . ... . . ' . ' .. . ""·-· --····lf! .... lll!lfl .... ... ..... - . VPJ.UA!E 70 49 . ·.'. ... . 111URSDAY, PECEMJJER 2, 111141 ··CARRIZOZO,. 1'<!£W M£lSlCO 88301 1 . ' - ' ' peratures to zero. Ruidoso arid 7 below in Carrizozo .. ThOse were 'tile 'officially ·recorded IC!WS although there were .reports .of fi!Ven lower temperatures in high. elevations. . · . · Carrizoio weiitherm·an L.Z·. Marilre says new· records for. November were set as far as bel is concerned. Calling it January weather Manire said ·that usually Noyember cold spe,lls .bring temP.,ratures. in the 20's with. really' · cold IJ!!ing ill the low teens. . ·•·. ·'· · The lowest he has ever recordeil in.28 ·· · . years is a mid winter tei,Dperature of 17 . · below zero. · The high winds and snow stranded ho.liday · travelers in Carrizozo. ··and Principal Larry Wilkinson o.p11ned the scholil hoUSil ·as ei,Dergency shelter Saturday night. The. Car.rizozo ..otunteer ,firemen bedded about 4,0 Peo.J!lll down in the school and saw that they were warm uriUI the weather settled down. · · . "'· ····· The sheriff's department the usual rash of sliding vehicles and minor. , ..... .. ' Wrecks but .there were no serious in- jurieS reported. One team of hikers were reporteo;l in trouble but managed to work. their owq waY ... \\1:. -•" Homes and buiU!ings suffered the '·'!( •' mllst i:lamage as the temperatures j · l •: .< ph!nged· to .unexpected iows .. Frozen · . pipes: and heating problems left many . . · >t : . . ..; · trouble. . · . · . ·.· ·. Carrizozo plumber Jesse English was . · .. , · · · ·. . . working all. weekend. to stop further s 1 .. erdious darnel. faget and he tdo _,. ... ;i; :; m more ec s as or.zen p1pe .awe . : .... ,'J . The killdergarte_n through fourth . :,. grade classes at school. were .. ilnable to meet becim,se. of heating problems. . By Wednesday the midday ·sun had nielted much of the snow except in the mountains but temperatures remained cold. Weather forecasters are predicting an unusually heavy · ·this year and Manire says this may be -. 't . ' ... . ' •, ·- ... t t. '•;...;.. . . ·. recor ' . de.partmerit have all ·issued of. ... .. ' . .. . .. , •; . - . . .. co· .. trees, -. _ .. .. . are ·'the warriors · in . , ' . ,,_ .. \ I . ' . " ' ·' I ·' . .... ,\ '. . ' \, . . . •• .. ··. . . ' · . -. . . ,- 'lib: . . Carrizoici ' . " . got a . Qf finance-:tor la<:al. . It w'!.• six mpnths la,te coming and · extremely tight but Sta,te Officer AI Roniero came from Santa Fe to tell the trustees and .a special ·' ·.A delegation headed by AilC!ln Lin• dainood inquired about >Using the possible funds for the.: hospital. Jim Gomei of the extension service · . ' that the budget· is approved 1977 the will be in . said that this could . . so good was the town's response . of . . ... to a .call for part'icipation hi .applying ·Housing, repairs, remodo;Jing, a $250,000 federal grant for commuruty streets; flood utilities were development. · some of lhe projects discussed and after . On!¥ five citizens were interested reviewing the most likely . to .enougli to show liP for the highly receive funding ii was dE!(lided to apply publicized meeting last Tuesday. for funds 'lo improve streets in the Mayor Bobby Dan Crenshaw southside of town. This is ·the same disappointment <,in the· . Pl'l1ject ·tliat failed to be funded last Forest tree sale,·begins ,,:". National Forests .i!t• New Mexico . again this year are Qffering Christmas tnies for families wishing to cut their own,. •. year. The failure last year should not affect the town's chances· this year, , Gomez said. . · · · · The propOsal will be presented for· ' mally at the next regular meeting of the trustees on 'Dec." 13. HoWard Abercrombie respresenting the South Central New ·Mexico Resource DiStrict presented the results of a ·study on fllj,!'l! control. · . . His study shows that water problems were ·created by the runoff fro Ill, Willow . Foresters allow Christmas tree cutting, at $1 per tree,•in .areas:· that are too heavily stocked. The removal ·of some trees jeav":s greater growing space for thpse •emaining. · Hills and sites were considered · f01: -diversion possible · "' ... for a drainage system would cross high- · way 380. Another site was. aloQg 'High- way 54 to the west.oflj,Je Sands Motel. It was also suggested repair and 'im- ·. provement of existing di t'ches behind the Crossroads Motel. .. I '• •• I -'1 ' ' ' - f'• I District Forest· Hangers ur.ged " VisitOrs tO the_ mountain. areas tO be prepared for cold weather a,nd possibly . snowy or muddy .ground. Depending on "" copditions, tire chains may be needed Abercrombie. S'!id special federal · funds were. now avaiable this type of · ·flood control but that the money had not yet been actually appropriated. . for 'traction. Some ·areas may··· be Suitable . oniy I fOI' fOUr·wheeJ drive vehicles and if conditions become ·too severe, .. :.vil!. llni\opped .. · Personsorgroupsdesiringtreesfrom :CCAPA p' lans: to-feet-linch' <10'1" J'to 20 feetin height, · . · · . . will he charged $2.00 for each tree._ · Groups such · as city .campers of etc., who desire trees oVer 20 fee be charged $z.oo.fo• the first 2 feet; anci, $.50 for each additional foot over 20 feet.. . .A. regUlar schedule of movies for childr.en and adults is being planned by the· Community Association .for the Performing Arts. . " .. only 11,te beginning. . .. ·The cold was responsible for a serious 'fire. at. the .. home of Couniy· Com- missioner Bild and D.orothy Payne. The rite which caused serious damage to the The fun of a snow is what is important to the youllj!sters and at :Capitan School there was ·plenty ·or snow and fun < Tuesday. EDen Long, Bec!lty BarkE!f, Sammy Castillo Eddie. Davis, . Tim Parker, Terry "Talbert and Janie battle 'that took place nm·l'l.a hcion hour Tuesday. . There. will be no charge for minor . amounts· of boughs (or personal use. A minor amount of. boughs is the amouq\ 'of bt>Ugbs that can reasonably be cartied in a family automobile < or station along with a tagged Christmas tree, .Such greens shall be cut from usused portions tl' Christmas trees, prul)ings frol)l large trees, or ,down material in recently logged areas. · The organitations voted Tuesdi'Y tQ purcha.se P,rOjl!\!tors· .whjcb · ' wssiille .movies at the Lyrtc Tl\eater, Tom Ward President, announcll9! · · . Wiring has been rennovated. Theater .. . .. r · chaiJ:man Les Olson said. The work was contributed by Stan Shields as. a , community benefit. ---home..was.<:aused by_a!aulty_fueplace._ . When the home was remodeled,. the house during the caused a fire to starr between the ceiling and the roof. By time it was D!JC. 4 the restoration. Tenative admission charges were set ' . Cloudcroft' Hanger District 500 · 3500 mixed c.onifers. Sales begin ..,. descovered the damage was· con· Aggie Rodeo Association members are expecting between 100 and 150 teams for their annual Lester Harrelson team ·roping 8 a;m.-5 p.m., iucluding . at cents for children, $1 .for young of school and $2 for •. . . •·: .Ranger--Distroiet-400-pinyon,'· :. · conifer. . Dec. A, · shown feature ' . ·- .. "•. high school students: The Carrizozo firemen and neighborns removed ·most. of the fur- -nishing_.fro!'l the _Jmme __ could be damaged· andllle department . was successful in battling the fire in the .extreme cold weather .. WEATHER - ·- -- --- · --by-Manire · --- -- Nov. 22 Nov. 23 ·Nov. 24 Nov. 26. NGV. 27 Nov. 28 Nov·. 29 ........ H L' 57 24 60 20 62 21. JJQ. 35. .3 ·5 15' . . . 00 00 ' . •• ohnow.and cold is injlirY 30 8 00 ·abd as fire at the home Qf ·• ;.;: .. . . ' Monday night. A .Caul ty fireplace the fire to start in the rafters · Firemen set .dance · · R.: c. D-pro1ects· a.,.PP. roved. Carrizozo Voluntel!r FiFe Department I' . at,the Carrizozo Country Club Dec. 11. Will be on -aale·. at . · The. South c:;,entral Mountain. RC&D ···public works. This Js f.or areas of high· roping and barrel rac(ng among the two days of events.., will be in the Lester ·-- Harrelson Memilrilli Arena. essrof the· New Mexico St;Jte· University campus on University Avenue. · EntrY. (ees are used to provide a a student at -- Belt lruckles will. be awarded the teams. Action starts day · . at 10 a.m. Arizona, West Texas and all of New Mexico." . . . In conjunction with the from 9 .p.m. to a.m., ac- CFFA Vice President Vera f ..... Uamb!e s .. ani! Uuevara Shop. Area Execlitilfe. and Steering. Com- priority rate. It was thought that the She said the Blue Dog Dance Band will play in · the . Charlie Dickerson Auction Barn on u.s. 70 In Fairacres. ... McKinnley. said a barbecue· will also be at the· rodeo each l!ay. . 1\IUSIC w.•ll be by s Gapg mitlees !Jiet Cot theirfegular meeting in . ,,Lincoln County figure .quoted for · with 30 in . . Is 4-H awards. . . . .. e ,.. . . . J Tlumo· are appro'ximately 3,300 for th<!.Mixed,.CQnifer . Fir, White Fir, Limber Pine, Pine, Engleman · SpruceJ Area· located on the Sunspot Road, and 450 · for. the Pinyon-Juniper on the West Side Road .out . . well as signs designating each area. ]\>laps·pnd cutting will be 'to patrops when they purchase your areas. Also vehicle, and be the cutting for your in the event of r:l:are still snow•packed·and,.icy, ·a, Arbogilsl. · · ·/ Special shows during the holidays will be the beginning of the movie schedule for Dates will be aiinouneed next week by .<:;CAPA, Ward ·said. To.p quality movies will be offered both at the shows and the ' adult shows. Bake sale· Saturday .. 'J;his year there will be a tamale sale and a 50-50 raffle, according to . Debbie Bhasker, chairman. Procl!eds Theater, t)le club : and other community . .. . .. . .. •. .. .. .. •. .. •. .. •• •. 4JQY• ;JQJ!· * Letters. to ·saO.ia , .: f ·· rf . . . . . .. .. . . ..• the afternQOn tQ .b. e . Sun d. ay, . . . :r:e 1 .:.':f 1 ! and 1\lelnbers and their .be for the afte!'"qon sess•on. He . Hl&hway Departme11t ill to be, lnvite4 to ·' . patchwork printHolly Bag with ii ?'Inch See you Christmas Eve. By• By· .. guests. Hostesses are 1\lrs. Cummings some a meeting to discuss several toad ·:The 1976 Lincoln County 4·H Awards Holly doll. And if you. can bring· me a · L. Hefker 1 and l.lianll Riska: . • " . 0 h e . th ·D. gr:o 1 · up .. e ·measurea. . . · Day }i'rogram will be December 5, typewtiter witlt billt-in storage drawer, Sa ,_ . , , · exp.ame ow . e .. ev" op_ment llarite Abercrombie, Project CQOr· starliilg at $:30 p;))l .. ilt•.tl;le carrizozo, HAVE A HAPPY CHR!Sl'MASI 1 Dear nt.a>C ...us, , . · · · · '· ' ·• · · Dlstri<!t h.-lgrown from an Infant to dillator I'I!I!Orted that three projllcts· "SChool cafeteria. The program will ... · .MelodyKayHefker·, I have'been a pretty good girl. Y11u . Tigers honored .:1 teenage status. ,T:he Sll;NMEDD Is. a ha.ve reviewed priority . star,t ore with ·a pot luck dinner to be ·· · .·, .. · know ltowmany times I got into trouble.· . , . .C: · · . . · ... . _to tlie people through. early-siart-h.utded-RG&D-mea&ures. · ,follOUJe!! ·with' .the ·4-il " Si! l won't lt. 6etween · · · The town of, C11pitan honoreq the .ml!l!lclpahtles and local governments. · Titeae 'Include · the carrlz6zo Flood completion pins ·and special· awards. · >'.ou and me <;>k' · · · . _Capitan. Tigers· by treating !he (Qil.tbaiL Theil' J11ain llbjllctl.ve . is'· economic. . .. PJ:oteclion Plan, Lincoln Acequla. Ditch . The count)' 4,H. In charge of . · • ··. •• . • , If you have an · eldra Quick Cllrl teant, Volley team and cheerll;,aders to· dllveloptnenl and pla!llllng, Tiley afC! and Ft. Stanton Irrigation projeet. The arransernenis. Raythe. Gipson of . . . : barbie on hand and' also I would like; a a steak dl!mer at't'lnny's Restaurant.' the deillgnated A95 cl!larlng houstt tor SCMRC4cJ) Plan Design is In Portland Glencoe, IJncoln .Co.unty 4·H Council Dear .. . ... . · .• . The:Capltan athletic clujj .took up maliy · . . " . .. . fCil' reVIew and shoUld ·Ill! returned .. Pl:ealde!lt will be the.:...__IJiastQt ... oL__ I if41nntloiij PI'Oflles of cofumunltlei have been • · .. . . . - .. .. ·: ..,,, II:A.S.I.C; Youth Choir". For· would }ike a n Rarif!b' •· ' • you. might sotne in, ohili"ytbllllfillll¥ . dlviduals In the town of Capitan. The · completed on sixteen. or the elltaller The VUiage of Rulc\0110 DoWilSJiave a will entertain the 4-llers with. a aelec• rifle and Smokerrlfle. WeD· I geu.the18 you.. think I might !!ke, surprll!e me .... ' .. "'' ; ·- . ' '. ' . . ·' 'l'iier very thankful for not towns( . · • . . 'IJat. ot pl'Obletna. that the SCMllC&:D · tion of Bllllgll, The 81'01111 I• under the . enogh thla time Sec YQU Cl'lstmas Eve. My Uttle' sister Lori. .. l\'ould only ·the ho(lorary dlnntr but the . . .. · . mlibl be al!le to help them with.. direction !If Susan. AIL 4·H Meand l\1elody find Marcil! WO!. hav .IIIIYihiP& at all. a year old• . , ' New Mexlt».haa been. allotted $10 wilL be January.· members, plu,•enta ai\Cl friends, are BY· . · . .. f- --, ... ··--- -'--·- _:,. .. 11\IUion_ .. _ ff!!'_'!'ltlJLLI'IIJLcll. .Jil'. ___ __ ..:._ __ , __ ,_ _.: _____ ---· .. . ack' er• · ·-- ·- c---.JoonltSUeGlblion:-" " " ...,.. "- . ' II , ' . r" ' .- " . • • . .. .A' . .. . ' < ... ,.. • • ' " ' : ' ., , ' '- , , , : ,.., •• , .f 1 , I •• >' J\ •n .:·,.,.:.: :·, __ ........... , ____ ""' . ....._ .• -........ ............... .,__•_ "'••••••- •• " --·' "''·--•-· ' ..... ... ·--- • • ..... _,._ . ..

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Page 1: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINC… · r .. ,, • ·:·'1' . ' • • • ' . ' .. " I ·' . .. .. •• • •

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. ------------1111!~·--·111!'!.111. ""·-· --····lf! .... lll!lfl .... ~· lll!lfl•··lll!lfl·~-··-------lllll~·lll!lfllli!.~~ ... ~~~· 111!·~·~ ..... -. VPJ.UA!E 70 "'I)MBE~ 49 . ·.'. ... . 111URSDAY, PECEMJJER 2, 111141 • ··CARRIZOZO,. 1'<!£W M£lSlCO 88301 1

. ' - ' '

gl~S •

peratures to l$..d~grees zero. Ruidoso arid 7 below in Carrizozo ..

ThOse were 'tile 'officially ·recorded IC!WS although there were .reports .of fi!Ven lower temperatures in high. elevations. . · . · Carrizoio weiitherm·an L.Z·. Marilre says new· records for. November were set as far as bel is concerned. Calling it January weather Manire said ·that usually Noyember cold spe,lls .bring temP.,ratures. in the 20's with. really'

· cold IJ!!ing ill the low teens. . ·•·. ·'· · The lowest he has ever recordeil in.28 ··

· . years is a mid winter tei,Dperature of 17 . · below zero. ·

The high winds and snow stranded ho.liday · travelers in Carrizozo. ··and Principal Larry Wilkinson o.p11ned the scholil hoUSil ·as ei,Dergency shelter Saturday night.

The. Car.rizozo .. otunteer ,firemen bedded about 4,0 Peo.J!lll down in the school and saw that they were warm uriUI the weather settled down. · · . "'· ·····

The sheriff's department repor~ed the usual rash of sliding vehicles and minor.

, .....

.. ' Wrecks but .there were no serious in­jurieS reported. One team of hikers were reporteo;l in trouble but managed to work. their owq waY in~· ... i----~·-_,_: \\1:. -•"

Homes and buiU!ings suffered the ''~·~" '·'!( •' mllst i:lamage as the temperatures j •'·~ · l •: .< ph!nged· to .unexpected iows .. Frozen .~ ~ ·

. pipes: and heating problems left many ~·. . . · >t : . . ..; · household~r's·in trouble. . · . · . ·.· ·.

Carrizozo plumber Jesse English was . · .. ·~ , · · · ·. . . working all. weekend. to stop further ~'~~~ s1 .. erdious darnel. faget and ~said he ~xpthected tdo _,. ... ;i; :; m more ec s as or.zen p1pe . awe . : .... ,'J . The killdergarte_n through fourth . :,.

grade classes at Carri~ozo school. were .. ilnable to meet becim,se. of heating problems. .

By Wednesday the midday ·sun had nielted much of the snow except in the mountains but temperatures remained cold. Weather forecasters are predicting an unusually heavy win~r

· ·this year and Manire says this may be


-. 't •

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recor ' .

de.partmerit have all ·issued w~rds of.


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. .. , •; . • • - .

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co· .. trees,

-. _ ..

.. . are ·'the warriors · in

• . ,


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get~--~76-:7:7--~~ · . -. . . ,- 'lib: .

. Carrizoici


. " . got a ·197~-l!m

. bytheNe~ Qf finance-:tor la<:al.

. It w'!.• six mpnths la,te coming and · extremely tight but Sta,te Officer AI Roniero came d~wli from Santa Fe to tell the trustees and .a special to~


·.A delegation headed by AilC!ln Lin• dainood inquired about >Using the possible funds for the.: hospital. Jim Gomei of the extension service ·

. '

that the budget· is approved 1977 the will be in . said that this could ~n;ot~.~be~~~....;.--1

. . so good was the town's response . ~ources of . . ... to a .call for part'icipation hi .applying ~or ·Housing, repairs, remodo;Jing, a $250,000 federal grant for commuruty streets; flood ~ontrol, utilities were development. · some of lhe projects discussed and after

. On!¥ five citizens were interested reviewing the pnij~ts most likely . to .enougli to show liP for the highly receive funding ii was dE!(lided to apply publicized meeting last Tuesday. for funds 'lo improve streets in the Mayor Bobby Dan Crenshaw e~pressed. southside of town. This is ·the same disappointment <,in the· atiendan~e . Pl'l1ject ·tliat failed to be funded last

Forest tree sale,·begins ,,:".

National Forests .i!t• New Mexico . again this year are Qffering Christmas tnies for families wishing to cut their own,. •

•. year. The failure last year should not affect the town's chances· this year,

, Gomez said. . · · · · The propOsal will be presented for· ' mally at the next regular meeting of the trustees on 'Dec." 13. •

HoWard Abercrombie respresenting the South Central New ·Mexico Resource DiStrict presented the results of a ·study on fllj,!'l! control. · . .

His study shows that water problems were ·created by the runoff fro Ill, Willow

. Foresters allow Christmas tree cutting, at $1 per tree,•in .areas:· that are too heavily stocked. The removal ·of some trees jeav":s greater growing space for thpse •emaining. ·

Hills and sites were considered · f01: -diversion ditches.~ possible l~ation- · "' ... for a drainage system would cross high- · way 380. Another site was. aloQg 'High-way 54 to the west.oflj,Je Sands Motel. It was also suggested repair and 'im- ·. provement of existing di t'ches behind the Crossroads Motel.


I '•

•• I

-'1 ' '

' -f'• I

District Forest· Hangers ur.ged " VisitOrs tO the_ mountain. areas tO be

prepared for cold weather a,nd possibly . snowy or muddy .ground. Depending on

"" copditions, tire chains may be needed Abercrombie. S'!id special federal

· funds were. now avaiable ~or this type of

· ·flood control but that the money had not yet been actually appropriated. .

for 'traction. Some ·areas may··· be Suitable . oniy I fOI' fOUr·wheeJ drive vehicles and if conditions become ·too severe, ~ales .. :.vil!. llni\opped .. ·

Personsorgroupsdesiringtreesfrom :CCAPA p' lans: to-feet-linch' <10'1" J'to 20 feetin height, · . · · . . will he charged $2.00 for each tree._ · Groups such · as city .campers of com~e, etc., who desire trees oVer 20 fee till'-~11 be charged $z.oo.fo• the first 2 feet; anci, $.50 for each additional foot over 20 feet.. • .

.A. regUlar schedule of movies for childr.en and adults is being planned by the· Carri~ozo Community Association .for the Performing Arts. .

" •


only 11,te beginning. . .. · The cold was responsible for a serious

'fire. at. the .. home of Couniy· Com­missioner Bild and D.orothy Payne. The rite which caused serious damage to the

The fun of a snow is what is important to the youllj!sters and at :Capitan School there was ·plenty ·or snow and fun

< Tuesday. EDen Long, Bec!lty BarkE!f, Sammy Castillo Eddie. Davis, . Tim Parker, Terry "Talbert and Janie

battle 'that took place nm·l'l.a ihE~·· hcion hour Tuesday. .

There. will be no charge for minor . amounts· of boughs (or personal use. A minor amount of. boughs is the amouq\ 'of bt>Ugbs that can reasonably be cartied in a family automobile < ~edan or station wagon~. along with a tagged Christmas tree, .Such greens shall be cut from usused portions tl' Christmas trees, prul)ings frol)l large trees, or

,down material in recently logged areas.

· The organitations voted Tuesdi'Y tQ purcha.se P,rOjl!\!tors· .whjcb ,;wm·ma~e · ' wssiille .movies at the Lyrtc Tl\eater, • Tom Ward President, announcll9! · ·

. Wiring has been rennovated. Theater

.. . • .. • • r

· chaiJ:man Les Olson said. The work was contributed by Stan Shields as. a

, community benefit. ---home..was.<:aused by_a!aulty_fueplace._ .

When the home was remodeled,.

the house during the caused a fire to starr between the ceiling and the roof. By th~ time it was

D!JC. 4

the restoration. Tenative admission charges were set

' . Cloudcroft' Hanger District 500 · 3500 mixed c.onifers. Sales begin

..,. descovered the damage was· con· •

Aggie Rodeo Association members are expecting between 100 and 150 teams for their annual Lester Harrelson team ·roping

8 a;m.-5 p.m., iucluding w~ends .

at cents for children, $1 .for young of school and $2 for

•. . .

•·: .Ranger--Distroiet-400-pinyon,'· :. · conifer. . Dec. A, · shown

feature ' . ·- .. "•. high school students: The Carrizozo firemen and neighborns removed ·most. of the fur-

-nishing_.fro!'l the _Jmme betore~_th_E!y __ could be damaged· andllle department . was successful in battling the fire in the .extreme cold weather ..

WEATHER - ·- -- --- · --by-Manire · --- --

Nov. 22 Nov. 23

·Nov. 24

Nov. 26. NGV. 27 Nov. 28 Nov·. 29 ........

H L' 57 24 60 20 62 21.

JJQ. 35. .3 ·5 15' . . . 00 00

' . ••

ohnow.and cold is injlirY .~ 30 8 00 ·abd as fire at the home Qf

·~·· ·• ;.;: .. . -· .


Monday night. A .Caul ty fireplace the fire to start in the rafters

· Firemen set .dance · · Th.erewillbeaben~fil·danceforthe R.: c. D-pro1ects· a.,.PP. roved.

Carrizozo Voluntel!r FiFe Department I' . ~ at,the Carrizozo Country Club Dec. 11. • ~dvalic~ ~~Is,, Will be on -aale·. at . · The. South c:;,entral Mountain. RC&D ···public works. This Js f.or areas of high·

roping and barrel rac(ng among the two days of events.., will be in the Lester

·-- Harrelson Memilrilli Arena. essrof the· New Mexico St;Jte· University campus on University Avenue. ·

EntrY. (ees are used to provide a a student at

--Belt lruckles will. be awarded the

winnir_~g teams. Action starts ea~ day · . at 10 a.m.

Arizona, West Texas and all of New Mexico." . . .

In conjunction with the

from 9 .p.m. to a.m., ac­CFFA Vice President Vera

f '~ .....

Uamb!e s .. ani! Uuevara ~arbe.r Shop. Area Execlitilfe. and Steering. Com- priority rate. It was thought that the

She said the Blue Dog Dance Band will play in · the . Charlie Dickerson Auction Barn on u.s. 70 In Fairacres. ... McKinnley. said a barbecue· will also be at the· rodeo each l!ay.

. 1\IUSIC w.•ll be by ~?n?y s Gapg fro~ mitlees !Jiet Cot theirfegular meeting in . ,,Lincoln County figure .quoted for ·

~:;,o;;~:fo~~~~:a~~:~all ~- ;:c:aon~~~IIS__I'_e_cently with 30 in . . Is lllto~~:~l~~fl:ib'i:. 4-H awards. •

. . . .. e ,.. . . .

J Tlumo· are appro'ximately 3,300

)~:~~~~a:~vailable for th<!.Mixed,.CQnifer . Fir, White Fir, Limber Pine, Pine, Engleman · SpruceJ

Area· located on the Sunspot Road, and 450 · for. the Pinyon-Juniper

on the West Side Road .out . .

well as signs designating each area. ]\>laps·pnd cutting instructlo~s will be .liv;e~· 'to patrops when they purchase

your areas. Also vehicle, and be

the cutting for your

in the event of

r:l:are still snow•packed·and,.icy, ·a, Arbogilsl. · · · /

Special shows during the holidays will be the beginning of the movie schedule for Carri~ozo: Dates will be aiinouneed next week by .<:;CAPA, Ward ·said.

To.p quality movies will be offered both at the children~ shows and the ' adult shows.

Bake sale· Saturday ..

'J;his year there will be a tamale sale and a 50-50 raffle, according to

. Debbie Bhasker, chairman. Procl!eds

Theater, t)le club s~~~o~r:/:~plrggram : and other community . .. . • • .. .

~ .. ~ •. ~ .. ~ .. ~ .. ~ •. ~ .. Y~.~ •. ~ .. ~ •• ~ •. ~. ~;.'IJ..4.; ~··;;M:Jff· ~-~· 4JQY• ;JQJ!· ~·~· ~·:JQfl-~·~ll ~·~· ~-

* Letters. to ·saO.ia , .: f ·· rf . . . . . ~ • ..

~ pc.~~si~:h .. ~· ~o.me;D~gl~cl.~yc~E. m~~~. ~!tent . . p~ogram ..• ~:~ti;:,e the afternQOn ~=~~~ei:!: tQ .b. e . Sun d. ay, . . . :r:e f~m:r~le ~wr.:!ri~~:t~~t 1 .:.':f1! ~::h ~=~ster and Lo~ri:~~.~~~g ad~~~ 1\lelnbers and their husbahd;;t''~in .be s~~er for the afte!'"qon sess•on. He . Hl&hway Departme11t ill to be, lnvite4 to ·' . patchwork printHolly Bag with ii ?'Inch See you Christmas Eve. By• By· .. guests. Hostesses are 1\lrs. Cummings T~I,D•nisc~ 8~C~sR~~ some ~·· a meeting to discuss several toad ·:The 1976 Lincoln County 4·H Awards Holly doll. And if you. can bring· me a · M~rcia L. Hefker • 1 and l.lianll Riska: . • " . .:rea~s ~god. 0h e . th ·D. gr:o1· up .. e ·measurea. . . · Day }i'rogram will be December 5, typewtiter witlt billt-in storage drawer, Sa ,_ . , , ~ · exp.ame ow . e .. ev" op_ment llarite Abercrombie, Project CQOr· starliilg at $:30 p;))l .. ilt•.tl;le carrizozo, HAVE A HAPPY CHR!Sl'MASI 1 Dear nt.a>C ... us, , .

· · · · '· ' ·• · · Dlstri<!t h.-lgrown from an Infant to dillator I'I!I!Orted that three projllcts· "SChool cafeteria. The program will ... · .MelodyKayHefker·, I have'been a pretty good girl. Y11u . Tigers honored .:1 teenage status. ,T:he Sll;NMEDD Is. a ha.ve ~!'I reviewed ·fllr~hlgh priority . star,t ore with ·a pot luck dinner to be ·· · .·, .. · • know ltowmany times I got into trouble.· . , . .C: · · . . · ... . se~vant _to tlie people through. early-siart-h.utded-RG&D-mea&ures. · ,follOUJe!! ·with' .the award~( ·4-il " • • Si! l won't m~nUOn lt. 'l'~ll},'s 6etween · · · •

The town of, C11pitan honoreq the . ml!l!lclpahtles and local governments. · Titeae 'Include · the carrlz6zo Flood completion pins ·and special· awards. · ~ >'.ou and me <;>k' · · · . _Capitan. Tigers· by treating !he (Qil.tbaiL Theil' J11ain llbjllctl.ve . is'· economic. . .. PJ:oteclion Plan, Lincoln Acequla. Ditch . The count)' 4,H. CoW~cllls In charge of . · • ··. •• . • , If you have an · eldra Quick Cllrl

teant, Volley team and cheerll;,aders to· dllveloptnenl and pla!llllng, Tiley afC! and Ft. Stanton Irrigation projeet. The arransernenis. Raythe. Gipson of . . . : barbie on hand and' also I would like; a a steak dl!mer at't'lnny's Restaurant.' the deillgnated A95 cl!larlng houstt tor SCMRC4cJ) Plan Design is In Portland Glencoe, IJncoln .Co.unty 4·H Council Dear Sa~:~ta, .. . ... . · .• racecarsequstanyklnd\Villdo.lf~ou •

. The:Capltan athletic clujj .took up maliy ~~~~·. · . . " "~- . • .. . fCil' reVIew and shoUld ·Ill! returned .. Pl:ealde!lt will be the.:...__IJiastQt ... oL__ I h~~Mm....Santa...are..o.k,......::..~ve..aome.exlra;clothe~~ofof-thll'-lfarl.ile, ~ ge~~erous if41nntloiij froQI._.sev@fiil~ PI'Oflles of cofumunltlei have been • lhofU~'·. · . . . . . - .. .. -· ·: ..,,, ceremomeii"~Tbe II:A.S.I.C; Youth Choir". For· Chriat~aU would }ike a n Rarif!b' •· ' • you. might pu~ sotne in, ohili"ytbllllfillll¥ . dlviduals In the town of Capitan. The · completed on sixteen. or the elltaller The VUiage of Rulc\0110 DoWilSJiave a will entertain the 4-llers with. a aelec• rifle and Smokerrlfle. WeD· I geu.the18 you.. think I might !!ke, surprll!e me •....

' • .. "''

; ·- . ' '. ' . . ·'

'l'iier ~rnu·ere very thankful for not towns( . · • . . 'IJat. ot pl'Obletna. that the SCMllC&:D · tion of Bllllgll, The 81'01111 I• under the . enogh thla time Sec YQU Cl'lstmas Eve. My Uttle' sister Lori. .. l\'ould ~~~~ only ·the ho(lorary dlnntr but the . . .. · . mlibl be al!le to help them with.. direction !If Susan. batchelor~ AIL 4·H Meand l\1elody find Marcil! WO!. hav .IIIIYihiP& at all. ~e)s a year old• . , •

' tremendousaupportth~yhave~lved New Mexlt».haa been. allotted $10 Tlte.a.~·meetinS wilL be January.· members, plu,•enta ai\Cl friends, are ~~andeookles. BY· . · . Loiltallll«~Vt .. f- --, ... ..lbll.~~· ··---~~ -'--·- _:,. .. 11\IUion_ .. ~~ _ ff!!'_'!'ltlJLLI'IIJLcll. .Jil'. ___ .u~-..----.:..-~.:..~:..-~ed--~ at~~"-~~-_.:.,. __ ..:._ __ , __ , _ _.: _____ ---· ·-~s .. . ack' er• · ·-- ·- c---.JoonltSUeGlblion:-" • " • • • " ~ ...,.. "- • ·~ . • ' II , • ' • . r" ' • .- " . • • • . .. ~....... .A' • . .. .

• ' < • • • ... ,.. • • ' • "

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• . ..

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- .-·. ·' '111"' News, l)«~mber z, 11111, ~ge~

• .. • 1 ---Around'town·· . , ,' -, -· ' - .. ' .

' ' ·--~ 'By

Cummins their niece. Mr. and Mrs. Max. Schif£ of Silver

City were Weekend _guests of Mr. and Mrs, -Wm. 'Gallacher sr: we~e. al110 guests at a

will ' stay with. Cliei-yl's parents, Mr. and­Mrs. Jqhnn)r Jol1nson, in Plainview, Texas,·until Mich;~el returns. o

. them to Silver City .Mexico Smte pp)ice attendeda .twO:<!ay-for a sheri visit. _ seminar in Alamogord_o, Nov. 11-12, on

M~. and 1\lrs. Carl Thornton . and how tO reduce crime in New Mexico. family of. Santa F~ are. expect~d Fr1day ·. The· program was sponsored by the New for, a weekend v•s•t w1th Carl s father, ·,Mexico: La'l' Enforcement Academy: J.E. Thornton and Mrs. Thornton. . An engraver . was issued tel the

' '

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the looks' of our advent calendar, is.fast r ·

them with il'!me size as cards.

!lllrd~ • . Wrote Ule numb.er .. leftunUI

day Is of( the

flna,u;Jiy~w~~;Y, .looking fo · to Christ's is

- Parents are wondering What gifts c:hildren will receive from .. Silnta this

.year . Here are.some tips for Mr. and Mrs.

- Santa Claus: Please make sure all the · .. toys are educational that say Uley are; · .-.don't be ~;exist, Jet little boys play with M~. and Mrs. Bradley Baker and· Carrizozo Police PepL, and any person

family. of_. Sa~ta Hosa spent · the wishing to- m;~rk his o~ her things of . :, Thanks~vmg \\eekend . as guests of .. value can come to City Hall and sign up ·· I'~ I Dunriings 'Milliron ,bred QUarter Bradley~ mother, -N!'Ihe Lee Baker: for-it. Contact Chief Morales at 648•2851. horses were scoring Jtigh agai11 a.t the

~ ·' ' . gelding in both ,the .I'!IMQHA ·;~nd the and 11igbpoint 1976 filly at the SWQHA SW,QHA. Skip a Slinday· ~as !ligl)point .• <111d Milliron Barb was runnerup in calf b.roodmare · in both·. associations. .,..ping~ Milliron ·'Nita was highpoint Milliron Melody was futurity :winner --. ·trial for youth)lctivities in Alamogordo.

dolls and Jiule gid~ .play with cars. Both are natUral and important if children are to take on responsible adu{t rules.;. buy toys that are appropriate for the

Mts. Wlilos Lovelace and her father, · End of the Y!lar 1976 awards. Milliron Mr. Mac Holt of California, were • Mary aria Stirling Spencer and baby · .clow'!• show11 . here 'was Hii(Ji·P,oint weekend. visitors at th~ home of Mrs. enjoye.d 1'ha(lksgivirig with Mary's ., Mabel Rentl'row last weekend. · · · fainily, the Dave Colliers in Artesia,, -.

__ ., •J\!rr -and M{s. Wm. Hays spent ·.Mrs. Trumlm Sp_encer · accmtipai'lied ·• Thanksgiving Day in Alamogordo .as them as far as Hoswell where. she spent ..

the guests of Mrs. Hays brother. Mr. several days with Truman J.- in G.W. Champman and family. .Eastern N.M. Medical Center. He will

Mrs. Alton Whittaker· and Mrs. be transported to Sun Towers in El Paso · Hobert Shafer will bt> hostesses to the this week for a heart and emphysema members of the Carrizozo Bridge -Club . evaluation. Marion will be staying with

like a veterinarian!

A :··bow/. 0~ ·· · J\pinchofwisdom! . .' 'J; · ... At Chrititinas, .the kids woilld like _ · ... . •· :\, ~ son)ething that will separate the __ m~Jn· act~v~~t~e' &.· · fl'l/m the wys. - · _ _

· ., ., -'., _, · · ~ Anyone wlio thinks C\u-istmas doesn't

.U,P .

Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. · d · h1e -~ •. •· 1 h J ~·· Wh. 1 1 b the•r .. a.ug l',.a""-"on·m· aw~t .e. .au.. _., _ IItaker in· Ntiga . Dessert wil · e ~·rosts.

last all year doo;_sn 't have a charge ac·courit. . · · ·

N·eutral Corner: ·· ... --

F: ---- - ... ,.T .. -~· rom .1.voga '. . ~

served at two o'clock folio by bJ:idge. A Christmas gift ei<c 111( ·ill be a part ofthe afternoon's ac ivit' '

Miles William~. Jr. of San F 1sco, has been visiting his parents, Mr. and

· -Mrs: Miles· Williams at Nogal. On Thanksgh<ing day they were guests of the Williams' daughter, Carol Ann Sanders and 1\lr. Sanders.: ...

Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hay Wells for the Thanksgiving weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Paul 'Pino· and daughter,

·Jessica, and Donna LaMay and her daughter, April. all of Albuquerque.

Mr. and Mrs. Holey Ward were in Ell· Paso over the Thanksgiving· weekend yisiting their daughter. Mrs. Doil Ray . and family. ·

Thanksgiving weel<end guests of Mrs. Beatrice Ortiz were her son, Manny arid two children. Jay · and Kelly of Albuquerque and her sister, Mrs. Dee Pruitt, Mr. Pruitt and their family ,or.: Alamogordo. · ~

1\!r. and 1\lrs. Dan Armstrong and


Roland Hubbard

~·uneral services were held . November 26, ih Roswell for Roland Hubbard,o· 42; who. passed .away November 24. Haland was Ray Well's­brother-in-law, marrying Lora Wells-in

".July 1955. He was also·an uncle to Ken Wells of Carrizozo. He is suiwived by his widow, Lora Wells, and three di.ughters, Mrs. Bennie Johnson, _of Las Cruces, !\'Irs. Harvey Long of Rosw~ll. Brenda, and one son Bobby of the

. home; and one grandtlaughier ·Lora. Alsci eight sisters and four brothers and hi~. mother. "He that believeth in· rhe, . though he were dead yet 'shall he live forever." John Ji:25.

- \ I

.. · · jl.lthoug)J)l's sn)art among the glib' .._ ____ • ...... b._• -R-ob.,..~.,.· B-"-:-'_k•_. __ -· -"~---·-:-·J ..• r:Y.~~~c~ f~~;a:o~~~en's Lib, . . .

Lets· get in tlie Christmas spirit · . starting with 'the Christinas tree!.

December comes. in with a white comforter of snow· over' all, the hind­scape. Tl)e dusky blue sky is calm now, by day and 1he11tars are very cliise to us by night. This is a beautiful beginning for Christmll~: · •

-ButJllst to lib and to let lib. No une can make you reel- inferior

wilho4t ypur .consent~ Uld Sayings: ~·amili.arit)r breecls • contempt. by

Publilwi SYI'us list Cent B.C.) · .. . . - ... ~ . The: more the merrier. Cicero t 106--43·

B.C.>- .. -,.. • . Lt-t· us Jet bygores be bygones .. · Eplctetus nst Cent. B.C.

Do You Know? That Beverly Carpenter <an artist in

HosweliJ was in . the Ne~ Mexico MagaZine.· .

. The two' gals who wAnt to the Medical Aui<. in Roswell? t . . .

l'hat a certain lady in the Womens Club, with the Initial A. works very

. ha11d and is very 'dependable. My receipe this week is for jeft over


hiJd:s age; • . ' · .And suggestions ~pr the parents: If

you'.ve got several kids and not a whole ·year. "it11 iJiore niirogen. and water ·m ·buncli of money_ to spend f9): things to the soil. · · · • amuse Ulem but still want If> give Santa

It .also makes ski·l!lving people. a helping hand, how abo)Jl some happ)i.I just like ~now, since ·l can't ski. ·· beautiful, j!Jnk? . . ·

The snow has some wl1at h<J.mp_ered . ' That's the term' the Peparllpent of . the progress on lbe home being buil_t Health, Educationand Welfare liiEWJ

next door to the McGinnis home but it is gives to the material yoit can get for off to a good start and we will all e free or next to nothing from neigh-rnippy when Coach and Mrs. ·Hens borhooo merchimts as: Usabl~> scrapstl.• ean mo\'e intO their new hom . from .the lumbery.ard, -sawdust· .. for _·Mr. and' Mrs. 'Franldin McKay have siutfing'balls, 'i!r~ery stor~ boJ~es for been very happy in I,.ogan sQ my son-in- easels, puppet .lheatre, postoffice or law· and .daughter <The Sam Welchs! ·store play. And how about checking said b.ut unfortunately Mrs.' Mc~SaY's your- gas station for old tires for a tire car was struck by another car on her swing. , .way to work in Tucumcari and ~he For a copy of HEW's . new booklet received serious injuries, one of which "Beautiful Junk" send 35 cents to the was. a bac;l conc!ISSiOJi .. The doctor - Consumer Information Center. '-Dept. thought she would not be able to con- 44 PnPhln. Colo. 81009 • tinue teaching this year but we hqpe she recovers sooner than he thought and can go back to her school work.

Cheryl Dow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Dow and granddaughter of Tilbert and Oney · Dow received a . great honor when she was chosen as one of one .hundred· and two high school


· Carrizozo Plumbing . ForAnyPlumlilng Jesse Problems or New • · . ConstruciionCall ·Enghsh

Phone 648-22.42 , Lie. No.l~ZOO Carrizozo, N.M.


Eye Drops


' -1

. I

Its a wonderful liJile to purchase that .three perri\it,_ take your family and·

. after a brisk walk through the forest, chop that ~ree down your self. For soine the tree may be. a dried liinb, or branch, that can be sprayed and decorated with all kiiuls of things. Y.ou might have some scrub oak in your back yard, or pine·cones. Others .will <U:ag out their artificial tree that can .be paint!'d from year to year. it is exciting to think of the many kinds of trees and legends about Christmas-maybe you have read about the German story of the poor lady who lja<l no time or mqney to decorate a tree for . her children. She . worried and prayed, ·one night · to find the next morning ihat a spider had woven 11 web of gold all over he rtree. This brings us to the · a gold on the

Fold your tortillas in triangjes, use toothpicks to .hold them in place, then dip in hot grease lightly, then place into a pan, cut up left over turkey in!o small bites, then cut · chili strips very small, mix these 'and · intO- . '-, ~~Alg.-'42 0~-z.~. $13 9_· -r-----1

... ' ..

For a Mot11er or a Grandmother, each Ring bf Life" holds -a . . memory

of every Create·

' .. a. Swirl ling of Uf••. <;u&ti»m•made• .·Available with 1 to 12 stonea In 14 ~aro_t Gold. Mounting 1

onl~, $49.95. 'Each oynth,tlc lion•, $2.50 .. Each · genuine,. llfone, $4.50. Each additional diamOnd, $15. b. ling of tlt.8 • Holdo up-.to 8 otonel ln'lO karat .

. gold. Mounting onl~, $24.11. Mad• while you .rialt · with synthetic stone•, $2.95 each. Custom-~nade• ·

' with ,;~•nuil'le stones: Each genuine lfone, $4.95. , C::uotom·made'wlth diamondo. Each-.4(amand,$9.9S,

•· lle!iblo-1-lllna of ur.•. Cuotom•made'. Haldo '· uP to 1 ~ otpn•oln 10 kcnat aold. Opublo-row with ,6 oynlliellc otoneo, .$57. Each additional IYnth•tlc .. otone, $2.50. With 6gonuln• stonw, $69.50. Each a}:fditlonal genuln• lton•- $4.50.





' ' .

.. ·' ,-' ·~:;.,' ·• '

dolls, acrylic

4 cups-flour 1 cup salt

is my

wax paper, paipts. · ·

: -'l'o-make Clay.

n~ cups water Mix ingredients with the hands.

Knead for a few minutes u_ntil smooth. Use. immediately or

Spread paper over children's working area. Fl;~tten a handful of qn Ule paper and press into any_~~;;_pe · want. Then bake small

ROBY'SBOX Rebuke:·

is m~ted take _out put• diced up lettuce and ton\_abDes on !'Jp,_J;:at if!!Jl!ediai«!.IY, <!.el!cious •


The had all their children !lome

withtbem. includihg-Darcy age two. Anyone who is interested in giving

something in the memory of Mr. Alva Sitton please go tel the post office, the money will be sent to the Boys home.

The Woman's Club rummage· sale will be next week. oil-the 4th abouno:oo~

.:Phillips· • . . .. . ...

. time processing ' · at ·all that dim~ seeds

iQ children's eyes. ' buyers, Ulem out to 'the

. . ,_ . G .P. A great deal or time !lnd work goes Dear Roby,. .. - · . . - . inlo .this business, first: gaUlel'ing .!he

At Ule appft!a_chii\g of Christmas-the· cones, berries· or .whatever alld. then he;~rt longs of home! . · drying, sortillg, etc., but it is rewarding

, · - . · . . .. E.C. iind interesting. .· . .,, ·· • Dear ~ob)i'_, lfrom'an ,11!-'tO mechanic) The SIIOWS hllve. been beautiful ~nd

_ ·Sofarthisweekl'veworke4ollaColt, ben¢i'icial. II they keep cb111ing we a Bobcat,~J·.Mustang and a ~nto: I feel should hllve a·gOC!<I growing season ~ext'. .. . •

. . ' .... I .. . ·. . (, '~- . . . \. •' '' ,, ..

• • . ·. .. :~~~~· -~~-

. .. -.


SUCRETs-~24 . · · · . _ . _ . . Lozenges .• .. ..-

· :Parke;.;Davis BENYLIN Reg. s2.42 ... . .. ' .

Cougn~Syrup 89 • •

, . 4 Oz~ . •

Christmas . . ·a· 1 • .· ev_ons ..

·cards . ..

.. Polish $ • 1.45 ., ' -

'ARE HERE .. ' . ' ·:

·EX0ELLEN'T . . . "' . . .

· Gift Selections •

Stocking Stoffers Christmas Candle~ . . . .

5 J~35· Up· ~ . . '

.. ·' 69.4 Up ·•''

. . '




,_ ..... _•k·-·--

Page 3: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINC… · r .. ,, • ·:·'1' . ' • • • ' . ' .. " I ·' . .. .. •• • •

,.----· -- .,.. .. . . ~ .. - ' ,4 • ' • ' . ' .. ., •

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$ ._, ~ ' • ' ' ..

_ ,~~:~~~=n~~~J: wlt1111ti.-angers Gl!ild lind ihat llll!ir minds were made was an inch or two of snaw on ttlle The·NI!ws, December 2, 1976, Plflge :1 ,. -uppnor.to~aringme.I haveno .. way_of_ _ gropnd, an_d no r.eal. big . drifts Sandia: in Albuquerque, :;andia · beat · .

. aiC>Vedone calling ' knowing what he said to them, Is tllat a · . · anywbere,'We've gqt a Jot of-shoveling May· 'tielil earlier Jinbe--!ll!ason~ .·-:::--·-::·:·---c:~:

• hy afllryRtd! . I. .

· · Nobody really kilows ho"" cold it got ----.. c ..• lhis:pi!SLweekend untilMr. Manire,our _ • venerabl¢ wealllerman called ln ..

·· Jllly magic el~ctric typewri~er luiows but refUSes to tell, in. fact reruses to assi~tt Ill weatller disCussions. I left .

fre>m Sweetie, hearJDg? ': ' . · · · ' · to do togl!t a.gah! open in.our Y<Crd, That A column in the l)ec. 1916 ·earrizozci lllere a · of · people here. Offurther interest I~ the fa_ct' llll!t Mr. •· · oilier big snow happened when Tony News ll)akes . one wondet if living is who want, to meet you"~ there ·are. Guild hired someone for my 'p01;ition . · ._

1'1/. _ .. Payton edited !lie News· for week or so, better or worse up and dOwn ''E"

sev.eral rem!tions possible 1\ependbcg prle>r to~my bearing. He apparently ... ·. ·about four year& back. . . Avenue. alec! arounil: The Episcopal upon h~ long you W81;1t-lll!! marriage concluded that llle Board woql!i go Kansas wbeatfanners ha\>'e bins full ·_- Guild of Cai'J'izozo had. a musicale, or friendship to endure: · . along with him completely, The Board Ja_ .t . .,. · . · · . of ~heat an!l •. a ne~ crop ')jl~t f!.I!Sds which quole "promise$ to be one of tlle·

... ,1, W!ill, WbY .. don'tc;you just .put .. tllQm hils ge>naon record'sl!~rtlng a Policy 't. _ l .• mdis~re. A blanket of.4 IIllO mclies of . best entertainments' which·- has- ·ever ...... · on lbe. plane and bring them here •. · of extending equal employment · op- ;..;.__·· . • •-• · _ by Paul . snow ~o~d do wonderS ror the new,· . been given in Carrizozo,", which coul<l

2. I'll be 'l'ight there, · · · . porllinity. Is hiring. someone. without ~ · 1 · ·' wheat;. Many ~f the slpck ponds (not be ttue nghl up to the year 1976; Jf ·

: 3. Good. There are a few thi,ngs I'd benefit of advertising existing job tanks m Ka~as) were half full or quartet «ang, pian() solo, vocat "nd. ·.··1!:,· .lil!e to ask that ble>nde · over in llle 1' openings fclr an agency which utilizes . . . . . empl}'. Many f1elds of wheat just bare!y violinsolos, and then piano music, more. . comer. · ·· ~.. public monies coilsistent -,lib such' a Th~Jire lltm:ms and then there are .. showmg g~. Backyard ~rdners •n vocill,areadingandanotllerpianosolo, .. '

• 4, I'd rather spend llle time talking· to ·. policy? · . . · . · . . . bad stotms, . probabl:y very few what Ellsworlll say llle 1976 ~ummer was a . then duet, a.nother vooal, in()re piano, • ··


5, Marvelous,· lllere are a lot' of · to,exp~ how one feels Without fear of andsnowthathita wijJearea·of wes.tem. · How many News readers know what l not least a violin solo "Minuet" . · marvelous people here tha 1 would -like repl'isal,; Both Mr. Guild ·lind llle Board United States on Friday, Jllov. 26, will a "Red One" .is? -~bablf half will. played ~Y Rev .. Edward J: ·Hoering:'. · f

. town for llle lcmg. holiday weekelid and ate turkey in Phoenbnmder the orange trees lit my sister's, Joe Watson, house.

· ' It hl!d been a warm weekend 'and I. failed to wa~h the national weather. It

.W.1111 a Hille chilly when we left Sunday t--~--DUt.-warm-enbugh-tbat-1-almost-fo~got

you, baby. ·. · · .. · · · · I Mental health is all about being able·.- · might tie called gQCld storms. The wind dey one, garden truck did not dQ well. . another relullng, a vocal, and last but · I to talk .. ~o those marvelous jleoj,Je tliere. members named appellr. to be in the pre>bably .be remembered as a bad J>ayton usually goes m_ Ill~ Colt ~5 for a , . The wqndero~ part )s

1 Ill at· _no · •

• il. I i!P!''t '\vWI.!J!!J!leilUhern.. ... ... . . ?frong (leld l!f endJ!icvor. ' . · s~. ---~ , . . ~~- O!l!7 .while m J1lllswo~t~'---Programs,lilre-lllal.ba~een-pul.!t!l-ili,, · . · · . .. · · · ·_, · W-W · · The Boartl has been Ulll't!sponsive to. Mabel Rentfrow has been ·arollnd We lliChillthe mug f~l¢' to~alO Iu•c~. Carrizozo in 'the-past ·15 years that we -~·--plY coat. '·

. We. selected · the. nor.thern route thrOugh Hebe_r, the 1 Mogollion rim, Show Low and SocllrJ"o. The further east

1. started ·.this week's. pi!lCS 'with . repor.ted "bw!I:S ·.of nepotism. Perhapii ·" ~I!Oiif and·SO~orro counties for .more That's a Red pnec Taste OK, cs real beg , know about, and the·prior 40 years that mention of my typewriter which had weneediiBoard;whosepoc:ketbOo~sare yearsthan~meofUS~shesaldlll~lh deal in_ the _farm country of. Kansas .. · we've been reading about.We .had. · .1 refused to do much typeing-it · wail a litUe lllinner sod wfcc:i willlllink of.the stonil was worse lllan any · · she Cost _lhlrty-ftve cents. ':!'hBJ!ksgiving dinner with Dr. ;md Mrs. !

o ' ~- ·, o , - - • '• I - - - > • , • we dtove, llle deeper llle snow, cccer the

1,-~-<r'Oa'iiSI(namiil'i!'lll!liilrm111e moiiii!lims frozen. .Really,· it wns frozen and. , taxpayer who pays dearly for abuses remembers going back for about 30 - Swiped from ·Duffy-·. ·" . Richard. O'Donnell· in. Kansas. After Jj.

r.equir-<:!d-an-eleelrie-heater-'-to-start whioiJ..JuWe-beeD.,,oilgstanding-aL.the- ·)'Alll!;II--Mable..ha~ · .. · er · Ncibod who -~ri read is ever sue- 'din er Dick ·and P,ayton went to IJ!Usic mC>Ving. Now that Is what you might · Center. The lack of ~eption coverage with relatives m · ~s ~ruces, wm;- cessful at cJc:am~ out e attic. ·. -· .room and worked out· a. c mce. e11 ..


. and t~ decorated in white._ -Slidipg into Socorro \o ask about N.ew

Mexico's most dangerous · highway <between San :-Antonio and· Carrizozo) conditions about9 p.!Jl:, we saw llle sign

call cold. · ....... ,, · .... _ . for llle stated hours can 'he attested to driving home Friday, ·Wmd ca111e up · · A bo.m . loser cs a door to door listened to fine ja~ music on stereo , • • • < · • by any number of my clients. a~t Aiamog,o~do _and the clo:'er she salesman_· who_ ~oes only· to vacant watehed, football willloot .sound, and

Letter.:s to ._b·e .e·~,· .. or·. The integrity .of .an agency that gottoCarrizozo,theworsellleWUldgot .• hou..oes. · .. .· . .wet the whistle a bit on every TD, ,., u; ,., utiliZes public monies cannot be left to The snow was added to . the wind ·· · ..,..,· ..;...,...~·...;;, _______ .,... ....

ori ·the bank advising that. llle lem- · · perature was 5 billow zero. . .As._ may ·have l!een expected; ·!lie

· : · I lfnew somellling was wrong about advent of a new: administration ha.s Ucen. Some fuel.saver ))aq cut on __ llle · causeil'the Wasl)ington. bureaucracy to beat at riJY house and all the pllmts were fall into a holding . pattern until new frozen. II would be ralller foolish·to tell policies are fashioned. ThiS does not about a kitehen six inehes deep in water ·mean lllat policy IJoldovers will not willl.an inleresti!'8 fciuntail! of water occur, as incl'eed Is llle ~se. This Is Everyone in Lincoln county. has a better parUy due to ·!lie lajl which always •tale than mine. · · · accompaniel! s~gnifu:ant political

• ·1 understand ihat the· lowest tem- shifts. The!), IOc!, ni!WI.Y pass~ and perature --Sunday night was about 18 signed legislation will ta~e effect .

• ~1ow 'in Ruidoso. The sl)~lt says it - despite a new 'President. New bills of was 15.below in CarJ'iZDZil and I can say cocfcern to New'Mexico include:

. · i~ Vjas arouod z~ro in my .bedi-_ciom. · - A . total of $2:5 million has. been Fred ·English. had B)1 interesting· <CUillorizeq ~~r. th!l NSF. to 'be used for

_broken' 'pipe case. Somehow the matehing grants: for states to study · resultipg:Spray saturate~ a livingroom ways in-which to_ incr!1aSe the effective . C!lilin!! ~ Qn~of his apartments anq it, -~u,tilizatio_n of ~cience icnd ~c~~ology

llle ~eilmg fell down. ,. · .,·1!P~"tll mvestigate llle feascbchty of Jesse; Ehgli!lh;· our pliunber, is·:· .u~y_eloping a spience and technology·

. usually calm pnd.col)ected in llle midst cicp;rcily willlin boih llle legisiictive and. · of disasters but Monday morning he · executive branches of state govern-

was Uireatening to drive his truck away ment. Unfortunately, it is not known down llleroad and listen to sweet music how much of llle $2.5 million will ac-instead of tlie screams of householder!!. - tually .be available, as it will have to be What on earlll did we do before· Je!jse prorated from oilier, existing programs moved to:Carrizozo? . willlin llle Foundation: I hav«: been in

¥ Johnson-Stearns obServ,ed, ·it is a toueh· willl Ed Kelley ori the matter and · beautif!'l aJtd' _needed snow. And, be indicates he will advise all..states .

.. although it is a mile coolish .• we can be tlirough llle NGC as soon as a final • th!!.fikful that llle ~ind stopped blowing decision. is made.

· wHen it did. We are all in a winter ,tnood P.L.94-573 wat~. signed by President now. • Ford and extends Emergency Medical

·: W-,-W .. Services for two years· at funding levels Pat Dunning sends this bit that is of$~ million for FY 77 and $75 million·

appropriate still today, The remark for FY 78. Funds may be used for ex-was malle by Jim Reed during the · pansion and improvement of extant 1950's inflation spiral while attending a. · EMS syst!!ffiS and fOr llle creation and Tucson .horse show. The irate cowboy initial operation .of research, training said to the ice;cream cart man:· "That .ronrl romm~nication prOj~ts.

hole in your head must be your navel, The· Civil Rights Attorney Fees evecytbing else is so big))." · . Award Act of 1976 has been signed by . · w-w th

• Most of you will be receiving warm e ~si®nt. II allows . for federal . , and loving calls fr.om your _dear ones courts ~ award reasonablor ~!!orney's during the holidays be<'intling at cfees. toltbe prevailing party in civil

" rights cases, including slate and local Thanksgiving and sifetching on to _New governments where tlle plaintiff brings

those who ·run it. Integrity does: not sometime Friday night and continued . From Justice Dunn, Goodness, :Me.: • alWI!YS eome naturally. ·You the tax- on througll'Salurday. ·Wilen yOU' have a fight with'your con'

payers must be llle guardians of it and' The Paytons were driving frcim Clay science and get licked, y11u win. . hopefully you will c:Onfinue. to S\IPPOrl ·eenter, Kansas to Ellsworlll.l!l·mid-day Sign.at a hearing aid center: "Let ui; · llle center for its much needed services Friday, the last 30 miles-Vn the road a give you some sound advice."

to ali of llle Community. ThiS ~n. best co}drain was faJ!ing and looke(llike tile · Political asylum is what a politician~&- .. -bedoneeyyourinputintolllegoalsand:' grey sky was alSo falling. By late af- nephew enjoys when he's handed·. a policies of the Center aild by demaoding · ternoon the storm was on Ellsworlll. · government job he' can't perfotm yet . ll!llt fully itemized budgets be For llle second lime, folloWing a 'trip can't lose. , . . • · pu~licized. · · of 11 to· lll hours from north central · Flip eQuip: Some husbprids are

Thank you· {or listening. · Kansas to· Carrizozo--we saw- the humbly grateful to their wives-Gillers


·. . . . .. · .. biggest drifls right in llle Payton are grtimbly hateful; .. , · .. . _. , . Edwina Garcia 'backyard,. All- through llle Texas and ._,.qurclloice.isLasCrucesMayfieidlor­

A_Iamog?rdo, NM' : Okiahom<C: Panliandle eo~q~try thet!! ~e Qua.d AAf.A chainpions))ip against ·


J ' .. . ~- . ' .

Qffice 'Machine~ Office Supplies

· Office Fufnitur41 CiilFT (':\HI>S ..

£~.~L1 , ~ ~~ ~. '1·~· "~"1· k • .. •

~~-~-~)~cr aw .. £1~-~~0 R-{ra+. .

·. J(;;u~;v 'v -futrk ... '


• ~~~-• . .

Yearssis and I are ex~erts on receiving suit' ·ror clearly unwarranted -1---suc:ncalls,.having raised nine children, harassment purposes ..

Federal legislation has been in-

· 1 o-0 ;.VcJi; ~~r. . . • . .

~-- "-•;,


a few husbands and coming froni what troduced to aid hi llle reeycliog of must .be one of llle nation's largest and . school space. HR _13575, would~


news and still are designed to cut short unenjoyable conversations.

1. H .your son calls

.purposes..--JIR-l356l~would provide tax incen~ves to private iti;: dustry to return school space to the tax rolls. HR 15134· would perniit the rental of in . federal buildings. for

f=====~co~ll~e~g~e~,~a~ft~er~a~c~c~ep~t~in~g~~~~~:=~~~ r says, Don't. Either hang allows·· . to use their entire 50

. cultural and-or

. up imm!!diaJely or say, "VI'!Jat is !lis P.,rcent share of revenues generated name?" rrorn-Ietleral minerarTeases, -oonuses- - -

3. H your husband calls from tlle and royalties for impact . assistance .. company Christmas party· three hours · The revenues, as direcle<! by state

. after he is supposed to be at home· to legislatures,. may .be 11!1~ foi-'Jllllnning, .help willl llle last minute Christmas construction·and maintenance of public shopping, and he rather boozily tells facilities, and provision of public ser-you say Merry Chr{~Ufia~. to good ole .vices. Ills anticipated lllat llle earliest ·Joe· say, •·Merry- Cliristmas· Joe, tell .date £or release of funds wilfbe Oct. party boy there to have a .good lime 1977. '· until I can get there in my new Mark IV Graciela <Grace> Olivarez to give him a · kiss for my new fur State Planning OffiCer

your Grandma out of her of the family farm, and your dearly adored sister calls with a big· Merry Chris!f!!.as .. to tell you how mueh fl!n llley are all haviilg arid doll'-t\'1-ou wanfto say hello to ali llle family, and here is gocid old U.llcle Bill, start coughing like mad and tell her something must be burning and

·. you gotta go. • . Fil)llliy, holiday or !10~. if you are one

of us who Is not wild aliout exchanging

Dear Editor,



New Mexico

Board hearing, better !="lied farce, which took place Nov. ·1st., at which !lie following Borad me1gbers were present: Paul Jones, Adorinne .Mallow, Dr. · Dr. Ashdo.wn, Dr; and Vincent .. The

oil my being fired Center.Direetor, Stan he accused me ot ani!

he called "Ih­acllon consisted of

. . Pump and' WlacJmlll ....

S..les and mnkie ·· •.. ""'' .. ' ~-- . ·····-· - .... ~., '• . 'r' -. •. . .

Dee P.rdctQr ~ • . P,O,Bqitl-&1 , '

Lincoln; 'Ne'lf Mexico 118338 ..


·---- ·---,.l.- . ,_ .... Phone U05l653.4361:,c:..: .. , ... ,'"' .,i: .-•• . . . ·. · .

. ·-.... ·.~ .. . . · .. . ) • ,.

• . ""-9' ~·i





·"· . ·-···· -· _ _,_.,. _______ ~,. ._


II. " .. ~ . t(.

' •

• •

W/~ A~

uuvli-n~- fN'

A member· of the BSI Family*. • • . . • · ·Banks that believe in helping New Mexico;

. arid that means helping. you! . . · Opportunity

. .,... . • •





D Vaughn ·o Carrizozo 0 •Estancia, ···- ... __ --~ _,. .

--~ ~-· <:--~~..._,_._,_..:~~-·"""''~·~-;~:_~-=-~~~!;-~~- -~- ...... ..; ···-- : • •


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• ' ... • •• • • • . . -··-·---~·- -···· ---- .• -~--- ···- . . .. _. .. _ _....,

~I 'j'l

• I

• -' I'


. j .

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. ~e Ne"!s, ~eeem,bl'r. =· 19r&. PageA ·

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. .. .. '


. . . .

' - ' ' .

• '·

Mrs;' Jam:es a

Pri~e~ good t_l:lfu Dec. 4, 1978. we: re~ervethe right to hm1t quanttt1es. None sold to d!!alers.

• · ©W:J~ 97~:- AU 'rights re·served; ·

·full Cut, Heavy Aged Beef ....... . · · · .steak·· •


l,.ink Sausa-ge. Harmel

Little Sizzlers . .

Heavy Aged Beet

or· •• • ·• •


'' : -·•.------ ,- .. . . . ' •

Lb. 81~8

~b. sac --03.

'_. }

-. · FamilY.. P·ak, As~orted Chops

... Po ps . .

. .

• .. Lb.

.. • • · Blade Cut, Shoulder

.'!/' .. ·._S . . ..

Lbs. • • Pellqious . .

-oa - -· ...

.. •·L~-4-.gc-Pk •• · . . "' - . ' -- ~

· ..

. ' .

__ """ ___ _ ......

• . ~ .. . , . . . ''-.... . '

• ' . ' . ,_




CASH ·with··

is 81SYI-~ -·_,. · •----~· • .. . l'

~ged -Beef,- Blade Cut

. . . .



MEAT SPECIALS ~-Horavv Aged Beef •

Roast · s1· oa-Lb.

~-·- Lb.

12-oz •. Pkg.

F: rozi!ll. Foods

'All Varieties Frozen

·fox PizZa 13.5-oz •

. Pkg,


s.oz • Pka;s.

. . .


. . . . z-i>acli a·· gc . . a-~.Pka; . ·:

.• 'lo'

iG•o.z, a· . gc Pklo .· '

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___ ,_...,."":"'_. """""'!''·-··-~··· .... ···--···-----· ... •

. ' . " ....


.. . . ,\.

Heavy Aged'Beef

·Sirloin Steak.

• ·s· . .

• .. : ::


Fatmer Jones, Salami, Bologna, Olive Lo~f

49C ..

.. Meat ~:::

Cheese Lean'& Meaty Pork

Fresh Dai


Oleo ..


' •.


. . ' .


. .


8-0~-sac· Pkg. . .'

. .. ,,

' . •• c


' -... ----~:-~-~-· .... - .. --,...,---:---;- ---:'1-:.-;-~r':-"·---- :;·- ____ :_io ·~·.!~;->-,----.-: -~

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' . ' •, ' • ' - ..•

' ' ~--

. ··~ . "

'WEEK: •. •

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.,·$495_ • ·* Ro~a~ Chavez · * Rita Delgad~ . * Carinen ·Hill '



· One·(l) 49-oz.




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42-oz·. 8117 !lox .

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5-oz •. ' 'Btl.

25Q~·r·. • . Ill.. ' -


troliliiiiB'ist- ·: . · ·: --- --

Tomatoes -- -· -- -.---3 16-ot. 1

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I I ' "


• •

. ' • ·. 'The'.News, D~emlle~ 2, ma. Page 6 • ju!liors ·

- ' . . . . ,_

By Kathy··

-Garfield * Corona hail a meetlng.November 24 to• :

elect • Senior offtcerli. The · officers · elected were; Pre$ideQt, Tllwnya

' Alford;-vice-pr~siilimt; Dale 1\!cPahiel; . - . '

· &hoof lun;ed out ternoon at 2:30

, ·secreiary, ~by Mo;:Daniel; treasurer, . af- Lon Holley man;: reporter, Clay

ng ·" and · leader-,. Tom

high point girls for points each. Tawyna Alford had 5 points. Jackie Merritt, had 4 points. Sandy Sanchez (had 4 P9ints, . and Janetta Foster and Teresita Stewart

· each had 1 'poinT 'vor the . Estancia Girl's gam!i··cthe statistics were: Tawyna Alford 7 points, Janella Foster 2 points, Cherly Gensler 17 points and

. Laura ·Stewart-4 ppint.s. . . . . '. . The Birthday Calenda•s have come

in. They are selling for $2.00 each. If you would like to buy on~ ple11se contact Pat Perkins, Kathi Garfield, Kelly Gibbs, Cully Nalda;_or any other Annual Staff member. .

For the past month all eighteen

Durham's-· Lincoln, Mercury,

· ·· lnc.

*New Car Sales *Used Cars *Superb Service


Chapel,.,~1 Roses Funeral Hom~~ ··-·

-. . .. " .




257-7304 Rl'ID<ISO, NEW MEXICO

Turkey Shoots in the . The· Corona Boosters, who. have

stayed very busy since ofganizing in September, ar2 now selling chances on • a htibting permit for a. wild ·Mrican

.Mouflan 1tam .. ~~~'t{;~~f;rfc~~ ' · these beautiful wild sl!eep usually sell for $250. The hunt take place on the Hindi Ranch,at Puran, New Mexico,. with the· winner of ~e permit choosing his own time ·to hunt·

· -Chances can be purchasea for $1.00 each from Braha.im Jiindi.~ Jr., or any · Corona Booster Club member. The drawing will be held·January'll at the Corona-Encino girls. basketball. game.

Booster members sold football programs at all )!orne footrW!ll J:laliles .. and are now selling prpgrams at home basketb'!ll galOJes. The members have voted to•donate enough money tu ·tl)e schoOl athletic fum! for thll pUrchase Of· warm up jackets to be ,used by the Cardinal girls basketball team.·

· With Class A football offiCially ended for this year; the BOQ5t.ers would lille ·to: · thank all, the parents who made pos~ible the pre-game meals served to the cardinal football team throughout the'

· se-ason. This. was not a Booster Club project, but because' the Boosters ap­.preciate all help and support given .to the various school athletic• programs, they extend their sincere thanks to the group of mothers who were responsible for initjating · and carrying out this project. These volunteer mothers donated all the food. the

cheerleaders before the. games .. They were more than generous with their 'donations and their time. ·

Booster. Club meetings_· are being rescheduled during basketball season so as. t<rnot interfere with gam~s. The. next meeting will be Wednesday night, .. Dec. 8, at 7:00 in the school recreation

sports fans and parents attend these

meantime, support your Corona Car­dinal girl.s and boys basketball teams!' ...-- . .

Women hear doctor .. Cl!pitan with Dr.

' -9

yesterda-y, today, and In the future, ·Capitan is very :lucky to haye this [ine..: young-doctor and his-wife,· Annette, In our town. •) . ·

Capitan Woman's Club works for the community. The project this year Is to landscape the comer by the new gymnasium, along with finishin,& the cemetery project. ..


Daily from 11 am to 2 pm

Mexican Lunch Specials

. 0

. . every


* * * *

' .

By popular demand t. "• \ .. ..

will be back '

later this month . . . '

' . ·'

.. meals at down to earth prices

flf&? . -~~

ii;li~ ..

,• .. - - _;.,:. .... ~---·~-: .. ,...,., .. , ' ..... ~ "' ................ t.. ............ ..


... ':~ ' ... " ' ··,. .· I~Lounla·

·Mexico· ··· .. . .

• I ,.,.

' ... • '" ' .. -·-• • ·' " . • . .. . . . _..._ __ .......... _ . ' .


. . '

' '

. '-:~ •

I ... • .. ' . .: .' j :·"· .•-·

·•·.• • '• i .. '

. I


Marc:h 31, 1962 Kettle: -Steel's, Cows, . -etc.~., " ... ~rench; !;>lace where Kettle are kept.

· Vest: Out where Kettle Wrenches are-.

Wool'market . ' . ..

loo.ks .

wool price .continues, . · the · incentive payment ·will be· around. 10 percent. The, National average through September was

· around 64 cents a This



• +. CU$tom 'CUitlnll. . +·:Game'prf~C!l~iilng · ~ ~- -·-. · 't Wbol!!~"!le 4<. ~tall· '+ lmt>orted'CIIeeae

~-•tom Sfau~hterlng &~roeessl~jl!,

Nosker's · country Fresh · · . ··Meat co.,. ..

• E;ver.y DreaiiiHIIS Its · Prlce-HePaldlt.


.. FRI-BUN DEC, 3·5

. . .



• · ·. · pe~cent

. . - . ' . ' ' . It is basketball time and the Grizzly girls are playing and practicing. Mona

.. i'ayne' bounceS cine off the rim with <;oacb Dennis Jeter watc~~r, · , ... . A-Z . '


Oct. 8th, Tatum 22 & Carrizozo 6, · "Sorry seems to be the hardest WOfd". . Ocl. l5, lJagerman 26 & carrizozo, 16, .

UiQSe Grizzl.iC!I- ''Never Cry". Oct. 22nd, 'carrizozo· · 26 · & Resetiri> · o, "Its our

, w~;~.y". . '

Bnnilli Uaduy aad .fnlm. tile mclellDeL . .

Oct. 29in Capitan 8 & Carrizozo 6; tbats OK Gr-izzlies "The end is not not in

· sight". Nov. 6th; Carrizozo 29 & Navajo ·Mission o, Grizzli'!5 your "On your way· back Home". Nov. 20th;'Carrizozo 8 & .· capiiano, o ya G~izzlies "Tonight's the Night"! ·.

.. J .,,;;.· ~ .-- . '.


Did you know? That ·the longest recorded rocking

chair "Rockathop·" is 3~ hours by Gilbert Norilon in Charlotte, · North carolina, April 5:18, 1975.


The carrizozo Speech T-eam .will be Selling Grizzlies State "A" Champion ship T-shirts, for $5.00. a shirt, contact llliY Speech Team member, or ask Mr Salgado before or after .school, or call me at !J48-2910 between 4':30 p.m: and 10:00, p.m.


say, thanks to Laurie Voss!!! ..


2. Wreck of Edmund by · Gordon Lightfoot . • · •

.. :t ~ilve ~ right by Tile_ Bee Gees .. . 4. Muskrat }.oove by Captain & Tennille

It m_. ••• hell a,g!IOCI one. from lite smUes o.( Annette Chave7, and Veda Stephenson, the girls' coach.

0 ·ya! How sweet it is ! ChJ~mpions, · It Champiuns

to tile

what he lneant!H

The BlQ Red and Whllii demolished the " 'f!Bm:s on Tiger field.I!Bturday .

a weels(aso, 8-0, alld returned ."code three" with t.'1at BlUe


· ·Grizzlies No. · 1. ·

. '


ta~:~rizozo 41 1c Ailfmas -12. 'Qf

. . • , 1·. , 'I ,, , -

5. Disco Duel.< by Dees-Cast of Idiots 6. The Rubberband maq by Spinners 7. Rl!ck 'n Me by The Steve MiUer Banet 9. Beth by Kiss · • . 10. Do y011 feel by_J'eter Frampton . u. Nadia's Theme by Vurzon Balkin! • , 12. More than a feeling by~oston

.13. Femando·l5y ABBA 14. You the Women Fireball "

. -'


• ..

. ....


. -

.. ' . • •

--·~ ., . . '.. .. ...

...• but · . ·been· higher and · could average.~;~rice slightly.

•. Consider the smaller fi'ult trees for · .the liome. orchard. The spur type tree with a dwarfing rootsti!Cll are some of the better. adopted fruit trees· to use. The ~rootstocks more· adopted to this area are the 1\IMIOG, MMiu or EMVII. · The Qolden Delicious·; Red · Deli~ous, . Mcintosh. and Winesap ar.e some of the varletl~ of spur. type trees. It. is genei'S:UY.• best to get two or three • varieties to get a better-fruit crop by croSs-pollenation. Dwarf trees start beiuing fruit sooner· than standard· trees as well as easier to take care of. Pears on a Quince root are a good choice · for · a home orchard. Wilen · • 'pj8nting dwarffruit 'b-ees always be · sure the graft union is about three in'

. '

ches above the ground level to prevent. . . •. . the standard variety from rooting.

. . Ever Notice? .

Nothing niakes you feel l!Q much like an amateur as your take-home pay.





..... ---~.,----11--


other perils. n



_, .... --'

' •

Phone 648·2911 Carrizozo, New Mexico

. . vers -_-For--Big'~~uns-And·Lftt~e' Uns .. ·

. . .. . ' . Denim. & Brushed Cord •

' ' . . ' ..

• Many Styles

' .

' Up' ' . . ' ' ' .

' ' . .•

' ' , { . • ... ..

. .. ........-...~--~ ' -~~-· ..... ·-- ' .




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Page 7: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINC… · r .. ,, • ·:·'1' . ' • • • ' . ' .. " I ·' . .. .. •• • •

01, ... __

. -:· ' •

' ' ' .,,. ..

• ·} . . ·.

• " . ,

In·Q~het:y~ars ., .....

. . . - J . . . quilt paher')s pqrll'ayed historical

. evenrs. • OtHers had ·sentrmental · The N!'WS1 Decemller 2, 1976, Page .7'

. ' . \ ~ . ~ .

' ',

"' ... ;rwent:r Y 1111rs ,\go .

.. ·by, Paul Payt9n · . '·~ .______ . ~ . .--. . ·-

• . .• •

From Lincoln · New~ . .

significance. · ·'' · . Figu~~ of lov!lbirds ofren deccirared

the quilts· .• or young brid~; Other : •· ·popular des1gn11 included the "Wedding I:Unl!," ihe. "Flower _Garden,"·and.. the · "Dresdeh Plate " · · ·. · - . - - --- __ .._ __ -- ...... ,. ' - ~

; . early quilta were handed i16wn.' as and a nUJilber can be seen on . museums. . • .

long· . . With the Irl · .. In · days . wasn't mUI~h

.'l'he News wllli)O yoiur prlnllng! I ~- .

·<--1- ... ,_.I ···.-•,···

.. . Full Merketing Schedule

Special Stockt!r and ·· · Sale.$

No Paeker CatOe to he sold on ·these date~~.

' and M Clouse families. Other chance for soeiallifl!, ail<l no·l!llephones

gu1!Sts of Jilr, and Mrs. Irl Wel~h were for .chats with fioiends, Lack of tran­mother,, Mrs, W,R. Lord and ;the .. sportation ·made· it hard to get··

··..Jerry Welchlil; of EliJiice" and Ricky anyw!tere, especially in the winter: The :. Thur~~ays 12;30 p.m: ··

Welch who is a\l!lruling .ENMU-R. · 'quil.ting.\>ee serted as a wond!lrful way ·, The BW Sharps have moved . .from to filet together and exchange news, bits

Olathe,; Colorado. to Bill of fiiOSSip and household hihts.. ·, .. • · w,ork~ in' BLM. · · · · · :

Mr .. and Johnny,.

in were: .·Kelt, . 1936. CollorlldoSun!)ay. Mr. a•"···"'"a. ; ' ca. JTiZOilO; Mr,s.P,earl Stearns, Nogal·,· .. M_rs. w.C:Mcn. onald passe_d;AWay e ·. ; ,. . Frank Sultemehir Jr. and Sr.. the !-lm'S.-"'~MIIry'l"l!:il\lps,. Lin;coln; . ~ov728tli llt1tQbillsoiiltos:pi~ai;Shellad--~.-· - .- r ·o' r· . o-n'- ·a·"-•-- ,. -Poweiis ate ThankSgiving diru!er with l Aildr~y·owen; I::Qrona; M.J:Price, . 'lieen in dec,lining ·.liealth for several . · Mr .. and Mrs. ~ill ·.Ledbetter in

Hollywood; Mrs. Dorothy paired was active in club and • Mrs.

,. ... '

. . . ' .

. Qecember 2, 1976 D~cember,i'6/1976 · . . ·. . . ; . .. ..

Consignors '

Take ~dvantage of We have tlje and

; CC" .. ;s!ta~n~tlo~n~;~M;lrs~.ZM~a1bile~~~~~· ~-yle~arEs!.·i~~f~orle~hfer~hlea~lth§~bec~iun~~ei!m~-~~:1~~~~~ Hagerman.· · · CapitAn; ».rs..- ··Babers, San. affairs of stare. In 1691 she was in · · that her aanghter, . ·Select·your dl!l!l anot notify us -as.

, "PatriCio; Mrs:. . Nosker Glen- marriagewlthW.c. McDonaldwhowa8 .~ero made- · Mrs.Ambi'osioChavezpnd Mr. Chavez soon a:s possible .. j coe; and-Mrs. Aileen . Alto. owner and manager of the Carrizozo area ever the-weekend, Our high- . 1\ave moved from Albuqner.que. to ' B

•. The following clerks attended: Mrs.· cattle.-Raneh and El ~pitan Liveiltoek. ,way crew deserve· another pat ·on the · .Farmington. ,Patsy. worked for seven , · · uyers Fr!ln Luallin, DorothyThojhas, Mrs. companies. After holding various ·back. Tl;le four man crew .. went to _work )'ear at st. Joseph Hospil;ll·and is now The source or,·qUJJt names was the _.. 'Bunehe&. and, loadlots wUI be


•' • •. I

' ' .... j •·•

- .. ,.

. .

Oleta·· Cloud; Mannie ~ilillo, Roy · c!lunty · ani! rerritorial . offi!!~. Mr,- at 3:30 a.m .. Saturday and. contm~ea ~atrending college to get mbrecourses in everydayobjectsseenaround the house. sorted for quality, .s\zli .. and ·welgllt

1:.---H~:ar~m~a~n~·~:~~~;;;:~;;~~;;~~:~-~JilicD~o1na~l~d:b~eca~m~~e:f~ir~s~t!g~ov~e~rn~.~o~r~o~f~th~e~~~~~:~~~~~~~re~sc~.~u~ln~g~u~n\h~l~3~•-1n~u~r;~~s~tr~a~in~i~n~g:.~·:~;;:;;;;;~~;~~~~~--~T~he~tr~-ja~d~es~~~ocijct.u~pa~o~~-oj.ns~~or~t~im~;;es~-~·~··~~~a1n~dlh~ea~lrtlh~··rrlN\~·Jn~~IY'~~Ie!~t-~~-4~ I prospectilig permits from the Mrs. · was a most challlling kept the coffee hot. hunt and again for the holiday. She was lit · '' 1~ which will enable rest drilling for water and popular hostess. . members were back in the job for a· full returning to Kirtland Sunday but had to There were.also' Civil War quilt names.·


on ·tWo. state-owned- tracts of land' Already a holi<)ay spirit seems to be day ·sunday. This ere"' has to be the. spend the night at Cuba after the· road Religion was a guiding force in l\ariy ~ Packer. ~ows and

between carrizozo and Water··C;myQD. · abroad in the city; the store~ have their best·in New Mexico.. was closed because of ice and. snow, . · .. America· so it: is not surprising that · L'riadlOts ... ·, •.• -•• ~ •.•.••• 12:30.-p.m •.

~ . . .


. ·. M:rs. Abe Sanchez has· ~ed the holiday decorations and beautiful Mr. and. Mrs. Rex Dial, Kayla Dial Mr. and Mrs. John ·D. Holleyinan mimy_qu;ii!S have a religio~ referen~e. - Biil"gliillHouse on·E-Avenue in location merchandise . on dis!llay .. Mr. ·Ben. and Phoebe Foster were ·over from · · were in Pnoeilix· recently. John D. won formerly_occupied l:iy Roselle's jewelry . Sanchez is the artist who achiev<ld 'the Albuquerq~e. Thursday. . ·one .;gp_ round of the century steer · " store. The store will carry ciQthing, . Jpvely whitll and crystal effects, . Susan Wdb,ams was home Thursd~y . 'stopping and with Lefty Wilkins .placed HELP WANTE; D · 'The 11i57license-platesgoon sale Dec, -combined with brilliant .red and green. ·but had to b~ back to w()rk 1P. · .. ol.eventh among the 202teaii)S entered in · The News wants t•i get every eopy 1 at thellob Means Motor .Supply. Rita . Treasurer L-.J. Adams and his Albuqum:que Friday at noon. · . . · . the ciii\tury sreer roping wbicli paid in the hands of-its subscribers. BaldoQado, registration clerk at Means;.· assistant, Sat. Chavez Jr. have been· The Kllgores. were shoppmg 10 • eleven places. . Please notify .us imm:ediate.ly asks motorists to' bring their papers. very qqsy tal!;ing care· or the. large tax. Albuquerque ·Fnday. Maty returned · Mrs. Kennan Fuiler and Mrs. A.J. when you plan a. e)lange of address.·

Bryce· Dilggar and fellows were .. collections this month. _Sunday t~ ENM~ · . , . Gibbs were in Albuquerque pn business THE POST .OFFICE NOW .. talking it' up at the Big Jo. office. Said Ramon Items-Mr. Crosen of Leach, . The Wendell "'!Ills ·family went to El Friilay. . . · . CHI\RGES'US 25c FOR EACH

, .aryce, "We used to drive our hacks and· Okla., has moved to the_place he bought Paso for t~_.hohday. · Mr. and Mrs. Emery·Owen -a•e--th"--'- -111\!J:!ELIVERED NEWSPAPER. · wagonsintocarrizi>zoinadayfrom the· from·L.Ec -Morgan about seven miles ThanksgiVI~ggqests of.M:. and Mrs. parent.s or a son, Rustin Lewis,' born · You'll help k-eep-sub~criplion cost · Bonito, coming into Nogal oveJ; .th.e west ~f Ramon. , · • · ~ R .. Owel) mc!uc;led fou' of 1h!'1r flve • ·saturday . a:rtern~l'in, Nov. 27 ·in · down by ·noii!ying ·us of address '

same road as today and' down the big Bingham Brevities--Mrs. ·Frank · ~hildren and 'Mrs .. Brya'1·· Hodge of .. Alamqgofdo': The baby flas one ·siste'r, changes: · · · .

hill. We'd put thMiorses up for the night _Hefner and children ·spent the holidays Albuquerque: Tamn:'y Owen was home .Tiffany D'Lynn .. Grandparents lJre Mr. Thanks from your Local.Reporter.' · at the liirery stable' for 50 cents and in the Bingham community. A large : from WTSU at Canyon, Texas •. The Ken and Mrs. Cotton Yancey afld Mr. and L.---;_' ,.... __ ...,...;.. _____ _.

' ·''' crowd attended the dance Saturday for . Marlows <;:arne fro!D Roswell, and Mr. Mrs. Elbert Owen. • the benefit of B~am School. · ~d· Mrs. J()e Frank Reeves and san, Russ and Hoss Gray of ·Lovington 'The·News haS . en shorthaitded this Mike, were here froll) Columbus, Tex. were hunting with Lon Holle~man.

week.' In fact, Job' ·was' our only .help 'Nlr, and Mr.s. ~don Owen ~nd .. boys, ~Friends received word Monpay of the tiil\il Thursday. However, Rev. L.D. LmcolnStationJOIDed thefamlly group.. death of Fred Shum.ate ,82 · of

, Tough Going The biggest problem in life is how to

stay in the .groove~without turning it .. into. a rut: ,

For More Information

505-835-2219 Car~ Shores· ·. · or· .· ..

505~_,35•1028 .. 505-835-2219

Henry Torres . or 505-835-0990

Soco·1rro livestock Market, Inc'.· ,. '

1'.0. Box 1736 Socorro, New Mexico


I .... Jordan of Albuquerque· arrived this · Shorty:an_d Roland Vickr~y were h~re · albuquerque. Mr.· Shumate, ~ former · .momjng in answer to an S.O.S. atJd will from K~r.!mt, Texas;for fouc days With· · residento(CJaunch and.Cet!arvale, was

. ' I

We reco·mmend • Custom· . "Mimcle-Ear"

your ear. m,atch"d to your hearing Joss Uses the eM itself to pick up sounds. Secure. Comfm1able. For mild to

a "' Try Be/or .. You Buy!

. on our 30-DAY


. assist for awhile.Mr. Larry Go~z' ' a. cousm, Nolan VIckrey and Mrs.. . hospitalized Friday and passed away · county commissioner from P.i~c!!.~IOVIckrey. · · . · Sunday. Graveside .services were set' · was here last Saturday accompamed1"'"' Mr.and Mrs, E.D. Bond a~d Mr. and · for Wednesday afternoon in

his father. . . ' ·Mr~. Lerry. Bond w~re m Pagosa . Albuquerque. !lis wife •. Meidr!!e, sur-Make her heart glad by buying one of Sprmgs for- Thanksg1vng w1th the vives.

the new 'streamlined ears at the City, Tarleton Bonds. . . . Garage. You can get them with every _Mr. and Mrs. Nola V1ckre~, Pame!a accessory and appliance already .in- VIckrey, and Mrs. L. R. ~e_rr~ttwere m · stalled heater .radio and ·whatever Ft. Sumner for Thanksgtvmg. else y~u want. ' ' · · Mrs. John Leary bf T or C is spending

· a 'few days with Mr. and Mrs. Clint

From Carriiozo News Dec. I, 1916. • Fort . Stanton· News--A number of

. merchants from surrounding cities were present last Saturday afternoon to witness the opening of the bids on the various commclditi.es to be furnished for the next

William · · and son Jack · were

explosion the ranch near·


who teaches at Animas and Mrs. Dwayne Kibbe and Mr. Kibbe of Floyd. · Mr. and .Mrs. Robert Bradford and Mrs.·Cora Prestridg01ha!J Th;mksgiving dlnner with· . the · Pe~kins. Mrs. ~e!:~~~~~a~:n~~d~jMr~. Bradford returned h · afternoon to their

The . - .


' This tnore on

the · aQd English colonists brought quilts to Amedca to· protect themselves from the severe cold of the

was a favorite art in frontier homes.





Get our best deal on any new V~ga ·or , Chevette. Make your purchase and take delivery from stock before January 10,'1977, or order one by December 10, 1976, and

~- . you wiiCI·eceive a-check for-$'?OOTrom ----- - .



No obligatio" to buy .. See me Thursday, December 9, 1976 al the crossroads Motel. Phone 648-

.'238:1, 3'6 p.m~ For Toill-lnformadon ··

West Higlnyay 70 Ruidoso, New Mexico Phone 257-4081

see Mr. TOny Gutierrez, Consultant. Stover's Hearing Aid Speelalists 112 Amherst Dr. SE, Albuquerque, ·New

~~:U\'t~c; .\1,1. il~' J.IM'CII,S ('Ot'sT\'


··257-4025 .. • LP GAS TRUCK · \


·W.e Have ·Parts for ~ . . . -

' ' • • • ..

Ancho Store.





• . . ' '

. ,•

Main • Office Phone 847~2521

01' . 847-2522' •

·', ·J

., ·-

•. ••

,. · .. te

S-''"g ... ~c'\~. r ....


.... •" .

one of oUl'·braneh&


.. •

. . .

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•. . '

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. '• .-·-:: "' ... -. -- ' ' . " . ' ·. . . " ' . ,' -~ . ' .

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·, . ' ~.- . '

• ! .: • .

· by l;JecJty· n~;::Iui

·. - ~ ' - '· . ' .· •' .....

. . •' .. credit .courses In· .or .and·

mini"COUI'lll!$ at Socorro (All courses are ·available to school seniors with

, .permission from their ·-high · sc:hool-pr~pal or g1,1idance counselor. · - A £ourse in "·Teaching Reading .in ..

Content · 1\.reas," presently •'>pen to teachers in the Public'

.... , ' .-:•,' .,

' ·,

counselor. • .~ ·. . '

, SS funds.possible-'

feople may .tuive some income and still .be eligible for Slfpplemental

· Inco.! !SSI). pa~ments, to D n · Mathis, social

. . re . esenta tive. .


.. (IIIIIIIIB"'-..,...._ ....................... :-~'' .. ,.,,., '' .. ~ '


' .. ' .. --~ •. >. '/ '~ . . ' .

of the ·oi Continuing payments . . to IN THE . special to be held !-'OR SALE: Alfalfa Hay. Gordon in Tatum. tim~ ., Educat1'on. "The resp' onse · this, · income. J>ISTRICT DIST-RICT , Thw·sday, Decembc1· 16.

'II RUII!Oi,o STATE BANK, · · th B;"ger 3 Rivers, N,l\1, . 51-3tp . will be at :00 p.m .. Their next gaine-~1 , 'semester in T or C has been .. excellent The SSf payments. may b!! reduced . ·cou· RT "F .• ,.--~, -1976; ·a~· 7:00. p.m •. m e. ,., · · · E · • , a N!!W Me,Pco Banking u V'll ll 11 1 (' p1'tan be .play_ed against Encnio at ncmo on and _we are. planning a simiha1· program becaus!! of . income such as social OOUNT.Y • 1 age a • a a . _ · . WAI'ITED: E'xperienc<ld Ranch

·labor. Non-smoker, non-drinker. Must furniSh references. C.L. Dutton, Box 176 Capitan, N .M. 354·2405. • . . 49~ ·.

December 6, Game time will be at 6:00 · in Carrizozo for the spring semester." security· checks, company pensions, · · Corporation,. Ll~~~EXICO ' ·:·New Mexico' the Cover-p.m. , . . •. The three courses offered in T-ot C · veterans ·compensation, or workman's P.LAI:TIFF, ·TWELFTH ning Body wiii con~ider fodr . The Tigerettes played the1r f1rst · are: Elementary Spanish, taught by compensation, Howl'ver, the first $20 a . DAVID B. W~LLIAMS: JUDipAL final action a propose

game of' 'the season .. a&alnst· the !-'rank Trujillo, Hot Springs High School 'month .of slll'h income doesn't count CHAR L Q T T E A . DISTRICT . ordinance, enacted. pur-Hagerman Bobcats on November •28. .Spanish instructor; Bu~ii)~S~ Law I, .,gainst ,the SSI payment; IN THE MAT'l'ER OF THE suant to Chapter ,3!S.S.l of

WANT TO u,t;y. LPG space )lea!et. 'rhe·.Junior Varsity -l<is~with the final .. tliiigbt ·by 'Lyle. · · "Also, the .fi~f\t '$65 a month in · ~-If'i'I~~D his ~f~; M E ESTATE. QF: ROY B. the Laws oi 1976iPlposing a,· Call 648-2333. . . ·. ~9-llp · ·score being· 49-6. The Varsity folight , ",;": · .. . earnings from a job ~;~rself employmo;!nt d supplemental · Municipal

.. " hard but. W!!re o~erpowEl~ed in_ Jhe The three courses offered m T or C doesn't count," Mathis continued: "SSI CEI\I'I;ERS, INC:;· DAVIS, Decease .. Probate Gross Recipts 'fax o~ .an


MISSING: • Beagle, blllck and white (ourthquarter with the final score being are: Elementary . Spa'nish, t,aught b~ payments !'re reduced by 50 cents f~~ ~lfr'iri'~IJ.~E~~:XIg:, ~ Cause No. 163

.additional one-fourth P;l with big scar under neck. Ancho area. · 31·39. T-he Tigerettes will play Corona f''rank Trujillo, Hot Springs Uigl] Sehoo eac!J $~ ~rned ?ver $l!5 f~r the month. . . . ,. DEFENDANTS. . of 01111 perc!lnt .(I perc. en! l $20rewardforreco~ery.Call648· . , Cardinals on November 30th anti they Spanish instructor; Business Law I, ·' AddltlonaL!II_forn:ta..lliln....IDa¥-iJe------- . . Cau e'No NOTICE OF ., in compliance with the . 2480 .. liP will also participate in the Hag~rman taught by Leslie Smith, practicing . secured fro~ any soeial_security·~ffice. "~O,ooS. APPOINTMENT . . MUIIicipaLGrOss !leceipls ·I

.• 'rournament on Decemb.er 3 & 4. !heir aitorney; and Business Methods .. I, · · Mr.,.Math1s.'!'ar be <;ontacted _at the · NOTICE OF THS UNDERSIGNED Tax Act, defi!Jin~c~ terms_, NOW THREE COLO~S _You can get first game in. the 'l'o';lrnament ':'Ill be taught by Lyle Henderson, formerly a County Co"!m1ss1on.er's ROOm m the . SALE OF has been appointed providiqi{ for deposit ·of

. '· f played against the Rmdoso WarriOrs on business college instructor. - courthouse m Oarrlzozo o":. Tuesday, . • REAL ESTATE .Ancillary Independent proceeds, dales of your re!!•ster forms, . snap-out 1 orms • December 3. Gan1e Time·wm be at 3:00 Each course is .taught for three h~urs December.21, between ~he hours of 10 - UNDER Executr-ix of this ·Estate, payment, c:xemptions. and busmess forms prmted

3 co o~s on · ··'·,,credit· classes are held .at Hot Sprmgs 12 d 1 2 ¥ • and a:u persons having deductions, ·nontaxable

front side, or 2 colors on the front a~d 1 P·~he Betty Crocker 'fest will be taken High. Business II and Business Law II . an ·- ·. FORECLOSURE ·claims against the Estate transaction c<:J'tif(cates .. ·.i on the back. Le.t us quote you a price.. by Capitan High School Seniors on-' will, be offered during the -sprl~g B~~bara Swenson's. inu~ Ribbon Spice DECREE of the decedent· 'are and othef• ·evidence I The News, Carrizozo. · Tfnp. D · mber 7 1976 during third period.. semester,- Cake NOTICE "l$ HEREBY n;quired to present them ~equired to entitle persons ·

ece ' ' "Our department is atte1npting to Bake 25 to 30 minutes at·350 degrees .GIVEN. that, 'under,and'by within the time prescribed· to · deductions... , and On Tuesday, November-9th, awards recruit instructors to teach freshman %c.shorte~ing virtue of the. Default b La • provi.dingfo~ an effective.

FOR SALE - 1965 Ford pit:ku'p, 390 with 4-specd, runs good, needs clutch. $500.00, Phone 648·2584. 49-Stc

FOR SALE: ~ale Queensland , Heeler, 16 mo. reg1stered NSDR and ARF. $115 Ted Zumwalt, Nogal, N.M . 354·2513.· 2tc


were presented to outstanding citizens .. E.nglish an\1 math," Ms. Cha~ez said. '· 1 c. sngar Judgment entered "by the y -s~D~nni~e Cobb Davis date of July 'I, 1977. · of the community by the Sierra Blanca "We occasionally have difficulty fin- . 4 eggs . · · District Court of· Lincoln Dennise Cobb Davis The title of &aid proposed Organization. President 1!-ichard ding qualified. instructors willing to 2c.flour · ' County, New Mexico, on -s- Bill G.· Payne ordiliance is·as follows, to- . ! Sanchez presented awards to Mr. teach some of the most popular courses 1 teasp. cloves the lOth day of November, BILL G. PAYNE wit: ' Herman Otero, Mr. Pat Huey, .Mr. . such asfreshman,psychology,.Eanglish 1 teasp. cinnamon 1976, the undersigned Drawer 39 AN 0 HD I J'i AN C E Edward Jonson, Mr. Bill Ward, Mr. and math.'' . 1 teasp. allspicE~ Shpeciafl Master, wlillk, aAt Mthe carrizozo, New Me~ico ENACTED· · PUHJiUANT Norman Renfro, Mr. Hollis Cummins, · · 'fhe program to begin during the lleasp. nutmeg our o 10:00 o c oc · ·•

88301 ·· 'fO CfiAPTEifi6 tS.S.l OF

Mr. Paul ·Patt~rson, Mr. E.B. spring sem,este1· in Carrizozo will in· lleasp.soda on the ,15th day of ATTORNEY FOR THE-LAWS Or' 1975- AS Gutierrez, Mr. Tommy Aldaz, Mr .. Tony elude: College Algebra, taught by Mike · pinch otsalt December, 1976, at. the ANCILLARY AMENDED BY CHAPTER Padilla, Mr. Jake. Freques, Mr. Henry Pavalus, a math teacher at Carrizozo , . 1 c. buttermilk South Front Door of the. INDEPENDENT 3 Of'' THE LAws or• 197!1,

Saab of Sweden makes jet aircraft and a few good cars. You'll like this '71 sedan . with 4-speed stick, front wheel drive, rack and pinion steering, ~uckel

~·~''~------~~~~ kr-dovnrre~~ 2i jjlg too. 'fest dri\'c it and you'lll<hOw

•• A-·hy it's worth $1950. Marie Cortelyou, r Carrizozo. 648·2804. 49·1tp

Griego, Mr. Art Salas, Mr. Hichard l'Yiiddle School; Speech, taught, by Paul Oream shortening. and sugar. Add Lincoln County Courthouse EXECUTRIX. IMPQSING. . A S'UP· j Clifton, and Mrs. Tom Abbott. Awards Sal ado· and 1-'rcshman English,. ·. t 11 1 ther flour in Oarrlzozo, New Mexico; · 'St-pulllish~he----R~.EN1!hl'N!l:Ab-~----J were a so present to Tommie Lee taughtbyTeresaSalgado.Mr.an rs .• spices, soda and salt. Add alternately. o er or sa eandse to e Lincoln County News MUNICIPAL GHOSS

f. .. ,

~~ , ... ),) ....._.

~ ~ ' . ' +------

•. -~+

-~>--- -

' :·'-,:\ '



I .,,, ' .

. I ,, . ' .. l

i .,

. ' . ' . _ .. _,,..

'' .,.

:,. '-,I

Watson, J.ohnny Sellers, IA'o Brock, Salgado are English Instructors , at with buttermilk to sugar.mixture. Mix highest' bidder for cash, November )8, 1976. Last .){ECEIP'I'S TAX, which Howard Taylor, Jessie Cabezuela, and Carrizozo lligh. A course in read1~g well. Bake in 9-inch layer or 9 by 13 ·subject to the approval of published December 9; m'ay be cited as the Orville Castle; aU are members of teaching_ may also be offered for pubhc oblong pan. • . the <?ourt, Uie following 1976. - "VILLAGE Of'' CAPITAN, Sierra Blanca &! Company. The Sierra , . · , described re~;~l ·estate a!'d NEW MEXICO, SUP-Blanca OrganizatiQn is very thankful to LEGAL. NOTICE the decedent are ·recwlred 39, Carrizozo, New Mex1co, personal prQperty CMob1le Pl.EME1'\TA!;

"IIOlU:WOI!KEI!S WAN'mD IN TillS these people for helping'them. . • to present them tij the !!11301. . Home), situated in the NOTICE<?FWARNII~G MUNJt'lPAL ·GROSS .\1t"A: men, women, ·students. No court within the time WITNESS my hand and County of Lincoln, St;tte of NOTICE JS hereby _g!v.eq RECEIPTS TAX on-experience necessary; stuffing & ad- IN THE prescribed by lllw. . . the ~al l!f ~aid Court at New Mexico, t~·wit;· that in accordance . w!th DINANCE". • ·

....J!r.essiJJg envelopes !Commission . ..------- PROBATE C::O.URT-. .. --s--Mar!ow-E.Sbllrpe-Carl'lzozofLin~ln Cou~~ts-20,.-21,--and-22 --~ ~f-the-New-Mmae&-= ·S·JayJohnston. Mailers). Earn sparetime m~~~I. • ·OF MarlowE. Sharpe New MeXIco, _th1s 15th day Block 62, of the Town of Statu_e~ Annotated, ··, ' Mayor, home. $100.00 .weekly possible. ~end SCBEJJULI'- . LINCOLN COUNTY -s-KeithL.Sharpe of.November, 1976. . Capitan,. Lincoln County, Compliation of 1.9~, Z-F. )llllage..OLCapitaJL_ $1.25 trefundableJ & a long, ~tamped, . ~ ,. ' . ·~ .-·. -'-'-'---~-='-"""':-NJSgTVIAfiTV!E]EOiFcu-·---=- Keith-bShal'pe- .. . -s- Margo E. Lindsay New-MexicCI,lls-shown-by--CATri;E---eiT.--deSJres to. ATTEST· addressed' enveTope for· delails; PPS-~~0

•1 "!:UIIT- 8

';':3:' - .b.!Hr First published ·in , the District Court the map ther~f filed in the ""!teet the ga!"": birds an.d · ,

708,216JacksonNo.612,Chicago JJec. ti Encmo. a"a)- 6.00 INTHE·MATTEHOFTHE ';;ounty--, ' . . . . . eF~onty--eJ . Village Clerk , . ~ li06d6"- ·· ·---- 51·3p l:l · LAST WILL AND November 18, 1976. Last. _FII'st published m the and Ex-oU!Cio Recorder of en c l.o sure s i saId . Published in IM Lincoln

• JJec. II l'orona -away - Cl::IO • TESTAMENT OF RUBY published in December-9, Lmcoln Cqunty News, Lincoln County, . enclosures bemg more County News Dt!!>ember 2

• •· JJec ... 16,Lal<e Arth'ur- Home· 4:00 M. CUR R ELL, 1976. ..,. Nov~mber 18, 1976, Last· '(ogether with a 1~7 ·particularly described as '

1976. ·~ · '

' ·.

Soft Water? Dec. 17 Mountainair . Home - 6:30 DECEASED. . published December 9, Town & Country Mob1le foll9:ws: , :. . . . , Uec. 1H Hondo - away - 6:tJtl . NO. 1405 IN THE ~1976. · ·Home, Serial ·No. 5610-481- . . Lot\ .1, Sectrop .19,- •

Call 178-4150-

Harkey. Real Estate

See Jolin llarkey, Marv Rleh, Jack llarkev

('arrizozo, New Mex.ico Phunt: 648-2383

1>ur hu)t••· will bt•ln ('arrizuzo at the 1-1\'Jnds l~o·stum·unt . .,ach Monda)' 11'11111 11::111 ....... till 12:0(1 "'"'"'

In C'unnm at tilt" \'iUagl" han rrom 111:1111 u.m. til 10::111 a.m.: Qnd- In t'atJIIan at til<' ('a11ilan ('hevron 11·nm 12::m JMn. till 1 :no .,.m, 1\'o• bu~ g,..,,.,. and dry lurs of ull kinds. Skill case all fur !like op­l•mnliunui •· nut OJ)(m up (he middle. \\'<• ulsu buy de"r lllde~! Well' han­dlo•ll fm·s briug Till' PIUCI-:S!

sc m·•·nwi-:s·r~o;ns n1n l'o, t 'olm·adit·('i.ty, •rcxas

:· .


~-- ••iOOil tot PROFIT -Gel CO.•t IO eoU.t I~

•' Jan. 6-7-8 Smokey Hear Classic AMENDED DISTRICT COURT OF .. 7866.. . ' Towns ip 8 South, Range _9 • ---c-Jan.-1a-.bak~H1u1~.tw-~-:-!JtJI-~~~OE...c_-~-LINCOLN-COUN-T-¥,..·------------'--~ · · · , ~6,-_--""·N...,;d,'I'"ICr"E~>"~1'1'•0.-:--'- .__ - -

Jan. 15 We-ed - !101 -··-i:ClO . PROBATE• . NEW MEXICO Mexico NEI'• SE\'4, Se~;tion 20, TjlS, PUBLIC Jan. 22 Cloudcroft . a .. - ti:!~J THE STATE OF NEW TWELFTH A tract of land in the NW;' 'R9E, Lots 3, 4, 5, SE1/• SCHEDULE - LINCOLN Jan. 27 Weed -away - 5:00 ~0~~.:;~ To Whom It May JDUJSTDIRC~ALCT .. . NOTlC!':! OF 4.NW-4o£SeetionlO,.T •. 9S;1 NW'I• Section 2!;,"1'8S;ij9E, COUNTY • BOARD OF

·Jan; 29 Hagerman . away- 6:00 • SPECIAL R. 14 E.," N.M.P.M., N'h Section 29, TBS, R9E, COMMISSIONERS r'eb. 4 Hondo - Home . 6:!l0 An . .ins t rUm e-n 't IN THE MATTER OF THE . ELECTION &:scribed as commencing NW\<4. SW''•• SW 11•NW\~ MEETINGS Feb. 11 Corona - Jlonie - 6:00 purporting to be the Last ESTATE OF JACOB H. BE IT RESOLVED by the at the northeast COI'!Ier of Section 27, TBS, RUE, SE'14, . Monday- December 6th, Feb. 12 Hage1·man . Home • 6:(l0 Will and Testament of FULMER, JR., Deceased. Governing .Body of the that certain tract of land E'hSW'I<, Section 28, '1'88, 1976 • Special meetipg • Feb. 18 Carrizozo - Home - 6:!l0 Ruby M. Currell, deceased, Probate Cause Village of ·Capitan, ·New· conveyed by the Titsworth RUE, Lots 1,_ 2, 3, 4, 5, 10:00 A.M. Z.'eb. 19 Cloudcroft ,_Home- 6:00 ·has·lieen produced; read, No.l42 Mexico, that: .. . Company. to Pauline .C •. S1r..SE~. Section-15, 'f!IS· · Tuesday- December.7th,

· · · · · ... · · and riled as required by · . NOTICEOF A. A Special Ele~:llon Herron ~ September 29, R~E, Lots I and 2, Sect1on 1976. Ruguliu: • 10:00 A.M. CAPITAl\; G IHLS law. On December 22, !976, HEARING ON will be held on January 18, 1930 and recorded in· Book 21, TBS, R9E, N11.!NE1/4, J\olonday- Janu~ry 3, 1977

at lOL~O a.m., at the FINAi.REPORT 1977. A·14ofDeedsatPage226in NI!!NW\'4 , Section 22; TBS, -Swearing, in ceremonies • ProbateCourtin.carrizozo, ANI;IACCOUNT B. The following the Office of the.Clerk o~ · R9E. 'elected officials and JJec. 2,3,4 Hagerman lnvit. Tourn.

Uec. - 4:00

Jan, 5,6,7,H Smokey Bear Classic Jan. ta Lake .Vthur -.1\way·- 4>00

IH llol)jlo • Awuy · Jan.' ~5 Weed - Away • :10 Jan. llagerm,l!n ~ Home •. 6:00 l''eb. 4 & 5 Ulstrict Tel!,l'.Jl. All games are A~B Girl

' - -· ... Beta· Sigm~ .. pl~s Xmas·

Xi Beta I•:psllon uf Beta Phi

" H~:leP ·Kilgore · fQr its' 1'lumksgiving · ·meeting, l'.reseul ·,were -Hynnle. Crjst, June 'l'yre~, IMly Hnnohue. Helen Kilgore, <lei'Uldint• l'c:u·kins, Jean Suliellll!icr lind KUlby WllliamK.

'J'he \\'~!H 'to order

New Mexico, the Court will THE STATE OF· NEW· will be submitted New All


9, at. District



L 1 n c o'l n County Carrl~ozo, lhe above will heal'

to. said Filllll


g,-oos ordinance imposing an

ta:K or .one,rourth

. ., . ..

. Deceased. NOTICE OF

APPOINTMENT The undersigned Is


Mae lM fm•

and' Account iind setUe and

, of this .

' I

. all·

the to present time

'' ! I