INCENSE OF FLOWERS, This vi.-li nlmndanie <.! il»1 '.>><.. ¡ls Uvatli. du « lililí I almost tlilMk my -"'I rtmM live: 'I'liis -wwi iimliioslii, « hi. li «veli III death Hs leaves hold <"' U»"-.- W henee IS il ? Knini 'lank earth "i.ntl. " nil Or irwin il"' inn.i- wuiet naries ol heaven? WV orel*' iii.' Iirlineh.the root-lin ll« >-ii-i there 111 I.»I, » h.'ii..' is it given '! .jilli«, oven..i tlu> morning «low, i lr distillation oi ii |»urer splieus- rho breath . .! tho immortals .???niinj; through Tn ii~ Immortals hero '.' Kxiihisiio mvilory, my heart devours 'i'lio liviii|!*iii>|iirall«iii, and I know Sn. .1 ri'volaiions with the tircalh >.i Uowor.« lin., .mr lu-iii^;- How. ItOIIKKT I.Kl..11 loN. Iti'Hisli Agricultural Statistics. The agricultural returns air threat Britain for tin- current year have just in en published, and show the following result in acres, as compared with the three previous years: 1872. 187a. 1874. Is7.*i. Wheat...:i,.v.ts,ji.:i7 :'>. i!'i»..';sn :t,i;:to,:.oo :?.:: I-J..;->. I lt. rle y.. .J,:;i t\,.V.V2 2,.'t:i"i,JH.'i 2,2S7,!»S7 2,">l V'S (»als.! ...2,70.1,8H7 2,(»7C>,227 2,.!»!'t»,;5t»4 2,Ut>4,OI8 Pi.tilines. ât»4,OS8 '»14,1182 520,428 "»22,»î.*tl Mups..... i»l,t>27 t».'5,27.s t;."..sii.-, iiíi.-jo:; The ana of wheat is, therefore, about 21HI,OO0 acres less than last year, a reduc¬ tion of nearly 8 per cent. Harley shows an increase, somewhat larger in propor¬ tion than the decrease in wheat, though no) :is large in area. The number of animals, .lune 2">th. in each vear. is as lol lows: ÍS72. IS7.I. 1874; I87Ö. I 'ali le.r»,t!2 l,'.l!l I "i,!Ui l,;"»t'.l i!.l I'.U 1.5,012,110.1 Sirp..27,t»21,ñ07 2!>, l27,<»:ti»:iO,:tl3,i>4l 2î»,ll!">.27S I'ÍL'S 2,771.74!' 2,.r>OÍ»,2ñtl 2,422,832 2,22!»,.S7U While the population ol'(¡real Britain increases from year to year.it will bcsoen by tItt* above ligures that there are fewer sheep lo furnish mutton in |S7"» than lhere were in ÍS7-I by 1,1 IS,(»(j'l. This is a large rcdticliou for one year, and fully explains titi* steady high price . »f nunton in all British markets. These facts are encouraging to sheep husbandry in the United States, ¡iud especially to the long wool, or Cotswold breed,as combing wool sells twice as high now as twenty years ago. Mogs, always called pigs in Knglnnd, have diminished nearly 2011.(100 sim e las! véar. ( ! omi fat porkers and bacon are likely to rule high fir the next six or eight months,for the cholera, the scarcity of grain last season and other auscs. have materially reduced thc priée ol'--wine, es¬ pecially in thc west and southwest. fruit Tree Planting. Have farmers thought the time for plaining orchards has arrived'.' Ifavo they set apart a few moreacres of ground lube plained in frill I trocs to furnish fruit liir themselves and their stock? Have they considered the fact dial a few acres in a good orchard will frequently bring larger returns than all of the rest ni lie Carin ? flic ground should now be got ready for piowing. Lei ii he rolling ground, If jiossible, locally oil' (he surplus waler, flic higher the ground ihr helier ii is li>r fruit, us ii is I'rcijuentiy saved from destruction hy spring frosts, ¡f mi an ele¬ vated Pjocebf groiind. . I'liiw the ground ./.y-piv now. and about lite li rsl ol' No- vviidior cross plow ii. I'm I lit; land in tin- besl condi I ion for the trees. Lay il oll'-carelullv so all the rows will be straighl and not hean eye-sorc to every passer-by. I )i^ holes about four feet square by two feel deep, and when the nee »> planted, lill iii enough surface soil *o the roots will -land no dei per than when in the nursery. Select good varie¬ ties, snell as yon know are adapted to your loca lily, and plant the ines with cai'C. Aller planting, tie newspaper or brown paper of some kind a rou nd each tree 1.1 the height of a lout and a half from the ground '.<> prevent, the rabbits from ealing the hark. liaise corii, ur |x»talocs, ur heans, in¬ ca bba ge, ur lol ia ceo. ur -nine hoed crop, m 1 he orchard fur the first few years, and yuu will soon have an abundance ol' fruit, and will be well paid tor all the vs- |»ense am) eau- bestowed in securing yon a good orchard.- 1'"'ni"n's fîuïnl. An Awful Brui". Yesterday afternoon, a young lady dressed in the narrow guage style, bad occasion lu cross Lake avenue where then- i- nu crosswalk. sin- had just alighted (Vom a ear on the opposite side ut'tiie st reel from ber bonn-. Near her paternal residence two men were stand¬ ing engaged in conversation. On the side of the street there was quite a pud¬ dle of water or rather quite a stream, as it wa- flowing down the avenue in good -lyl.-. Thi- young lady mus! necessarily eros-. Managing her diminutive skirts a- best -lu- wa- able -lu- then cast an . ye over the situation She thought --he could -lep over il. bul alas fur hu¬ man calculations, she1 made an error in tho distance, or in the supposed extent of her skirts, ur something, for -he lifted up her delicate loot ami plained it di¬ rectly in the center of the dirty pool. In her disnmv she dropped a parcel she liad in 'uer arms, timi while Irving io pick it up. in -omi- unaccountable man¬ ner -he lost her balance and sal down plump in lin-water and mud. Ohe of the gentlemen ¡il once ran ti» her assist¬ ance and helped her within the gate, Lundie and all. The other mau was un¬ able to restrain his risibles and burst in¬ to a hearty laugh, wrong as such pro¬ ceeding certainly was. Thc young lady's lace needed no rouge as she tinned round, thanked her benefactor, ami casting a w ithering, look on the other chap and ejaculating, " You're a big brute," scamped into the house. The Science ol' Storms. Prof. Tice, of St. Louis, ha- given a brief explanation ol' thc theories upon which he works in forecasting thc statu of the weather upon certain dates in the future, which an- hen- copied: Klee! rielly is the chuso of ¡ill at mos- phei'ic movements. The primary atmospheric movements are: I. A down-pour .»I air from the surface ol' thc atmosphere upon the earth, and 2, au up-pour of air from thc surface of tie- earth toward thc /.cn i th. Under thc down-pour there is high barometer, and under the up-pour there is a low barometer. All currents of air on the surface ol' the earth How from an area covered hy a high barometer, into an area covered "by a low barometer. All currents in the upper regions ol' the atmosphère flow froin_tbe top of tito up-pouring column (.VÎT ¡m aren of high barometer into thc vortex of a down-pouring column over oh area of a high barometer. Tile down pouring column is called the anticyclonal vortex ; thc up-pouring column the cyelonal vortex. ( lier and around the cyelonal vortex clouds are always formed, ami ill it rain, hail and snowstorms are generated, n gether with their attendant phenomena, such as tornadoes, hurricanes, cte. No clouds are formed over, hut Clear or clearing weather prevails within and around the anticyclonal vortex, conse¬ quently no storms of any character arc generated within it. ihough its mildew¬ ing wind when in dos«» proximity to a storm center may produce heavy gales. A high and low barometer are insep¬ arable part" of an electric couple. When a storm enters-as the lowest point ol' depression within an area of low barom¬ eter is called-passes over a continent, .ii some paris of that continent lhere is au area ol' hiirh barometer; hence, as no rain falls under a high barometer, the part of a continent covered by such may "tiller from excessive rain falls and de¬ structive Hoods. At present, for want of adequate knowledge of the laws governing the movements of thc permanent high ba¬ rometer, we can only tell the time when these heavy rain-falls will take place, bub not the localities where they will occur. When observation bas furnished US tlx- necessary facts, so that wc can de¬ duce the law. we will IK* able to forecast both the time and place, when and where the phenomena will occur; A low barometer will swing around a> high barometer, as a center, and vice versa. A high barometer lies about l~» de¬ gree." toward the left when wc stand facing the point whence the wind wanes; and a low barometer lies a- many de¬ gree-- lo thc left when we are lacing the [Klint whither the wind goes. The direction of a low barometer or "lorin center if moving, can be ascer¬ tained by observing lin- veering ol Un¬ wind. SupjMtse the wind to be southeast, then if the wind ronni II steadily in thal point, wi- are in the path ol' thc storm center, ll it \cc r> »iowa rd the south, the storm center will pa>s north of us. If it "hilts toward the ca.-l. and thence north, then the storm center will pass south of ii". Tun Swordfish Stories. Saturday afternoon, says the Honolulu ( Lizette "i" September l"t. a boin, the time ibe frigate Repulse was ironing un¬ der way. a largo lieh \\:i" seen by the na¬ tive" ol' Waikiki rapidly approaching tho haw As lu- neared the reel"he clea re« I it with one leap of fully two hundred feel and skimmed over the shallow water inside until IK- binded high and dry on the "and beach, directly in trout ol' Mr. .1. \V. I'lingers seaside collage. Here he was seized by a nal i ve, w ho, however, was unable lo hold bini, and the huge tish (loundered about lill bc finally got into the wan r. A crowd of natives corralled him. and lin- waler near shore being too shallow I'M: him to use his lins lo any advantage they soon killed him with an ax. ll proved to bc a species of the swordfish, measuring eight loci in length, while his sword measures thirtv- six inches. Thc latter may be seen in our nHice. lb- appear- io have been frightened by thc Repulse and shot like an arrow I li rough the water and over tin reef, willi Mich extraordinary speed thal he could noi -top till out ol' his native clement and high On llic land. Those who witnessed it says it wa-a most ex¬ oil ing scene. These sWord-lishcs arc very |»oWcrflll. Wc remember I'apt. Stone telling of an incident which occurred while he was running tin- .locephine between I Iiis* port lind .larvis Island, about hSöx. The brig was an extraordinary sailer, abd while' going ¡il lu-r full speed, tell miles an IIDIII-. -In- wa- struck d.redly under the -lern counter with -neb a -bock as lo jar thc whole vessel and to awaken tin- captain oin <>i a sound sleep, who-sup- I wised i he brig hud struck a whale or a ¡eel. I inmediately thc pump- were -tarted hut lhere was no waler ill Un¬ hold. < >n returning to port thc brig was hove out io lind the cause of Un- shock, when, near I he -tempos!, imbedded ¡ii thc thick plank, the blade of a sword-lish was found fully twenty inches in length. To have hit the brijjr under thc counter the fish in UM have been going at the same direction a" the vessel; ami one may imagine Un- speed with which il moved to have plunged ils sword twenty inches, through thc planking. It inu-i have been going al thc rate of twenty or twenty-five mile- an hour, and evidently intended to hil thc brig, supposing ¡1 to have been a whale, blom this one can get a faint idea ol' thc tights which lake place among the monsters of thc deep. A Troll hied Barber. A joke wits perpei rated on one ol' thc best artists in one of our best, barber shops yesterday, says the Rochester Chronicle, which disgusted Ute young man very much and made any quantity of -pori for bis associates. The men were all busy at work when a man en¬ tered thc -hop, took bis -cal in the coi¬ ner, pulled oui a paper and began to read while waiting his tarli. He held thc paper up before his face in such a manner that thc barber could not see it, and therefore when bc bad finished Iiis job bc sharply ejaculated " Next ! " No rcspohsc from Un-man behind the new- paper. "'Shave, sir!"' came next a little louder. Still no re.-pon>e. 'I ben raising his voice rather impatiently, as he was barber whose chair was never slighted before,,he "honied: "Want something done, sir'.' All was quiet, and thc man read on as though he were ten miles from any dist nibing queries. "That man's a deaf mule.'' sud one Ol' thc artist's fel¬ low-worker". .. 1 know hint well : he wauls a shu vc, but don't know ¡is it is bis turn." Thereupon the young mau left his elniir, -lopped across Un- room ami touched ihr- quiet niau on the ."boul¬ der. He glanced up. when tin barber began a pantomimic performance intended to represent the operation of shaving, and then pointed persuasively toward his chair. " No, thank you," said the mute. " I'm only waiting for a friend." Tin- look of unadulterated, unmistakeable and un-peakable disgust on thal, barber's face ¡1- he weill back to his chair wa" painful to witness. - Rejected lover " Rut couldn't you learn to love inc?" Young lady-" I might if-if I never saw you again«" -4 Tho Physician. Thc following is from a paper on "Thc Causes of Typhoid Fever in Massachu¬ setts," published in the second annual report of the state board of health of Mas¬ sachusetts: A voung butcher, between twenty and thirty years of agc, was attacked'with typhoid fever. Ho was a bachelor, and occupied a good sized chamber, lighted by two windows, and having an open lire- place. The fever was mild, with daily febrile cerebration, hot skin, thirst, slight diar¬ rhea and rose s|Hils, With no violent symptoms. There was no inclination for drugs. Ile was bathed two or three times a day with tepid water and was allowed water freely, iced or not. accord¬ ing to his taste. The covering of his Univ was regulated by his sensation-. A slight wootl lire, just enough to insure ventilation, was kepi in the lire-place, and one of the windows was raised a little. As soon as his family, who lived in the country, bearii of hi- illness, two of them, a maiden aunt and a sister, caine to the eily lo take care of him. They reached i he I io ii-e»nie a! UM ooo i i j list ai iel lil y Visit. My patient was. as describedaliove, com¬ fortably sick, with a pulse about eighty, and without delirium. They were frightened t i lind their relative, who was sick with typhoid fever, so ooorly cared for. filthied by their theory of the proper t reattuent of fever, they pro¬ ceeded without informing mc. to reform matters. They pihhcd a blanket over each win¬ tlow, sn as io exclude thc light, ami closed thc open window; they closed the chimney with a li rel M »a rd and set un an air-tight stove, in which they made a lire. In order to make him sweat he was packed in blankets abd bot herb tea was given bim. W hen I called tin- next day I found his room dark ami tilled with hot foul atmosphere, 'flic odor was ol' thal of¬ fensive sort that -ick chambers ¡ire iou oben charged with, lint I he great change was itt the sick man. whom I had lcd so comfortable the day before. lie was wrapped in blankets, his skin was dry.his lip-cracked, his eyes wild, hi- pulse Viii, and he was so restless and delirious thal it was all his attendants could do to keep him in bed. His aunt saitl she (ramo lo nurse her nephew, and had found him with open windows, exposed to noise and currents of air. drinking cold water as freely as he choso. ¡ind taking no medicine. These evils she had endeavored to remedy, hut in spite of ¡ill her elliots he had rapidly grown worse. 'flic physician states his conversation with the aunt, and his refusal lo continue in charge unless everything was restored a- it had been on her arrival. The whi¬ tlows' were opened, the stove was removed a lire made in thc chimney and lite blankets were taken from the patient. He goes on to say: I gave lite sick mau a tumbler ol' .va¬ ler, which he drank as if he were tptciich- ing au internal lire. All this they hon in silence, bm when I called fora large tuh. and made préparai iou for a hut ll, they remonstrated, and declared tba a cold hath would kill him. UeinotislraiK.es, however, were unavailing, and my pa¬ tient got a eobl effusion by pouring vit¬ ter all over him. Ile was then put to lied, tightly covered, ¡iud soon went to shep. Ky night, his condition had greatly improved, and the next day, twciiiv-fuar hour- latei. hi- fever assn mei! its pre¬ vious mild type, his pulse ¡iboill eic it v ¡uni hi- head tolerably clear. Hematic a satisfactory convalescent. Thc case j list related is a fair specimen ufa com mott u ia I prac t ice, occurringevery day, but escaping notice hecaiisc tlc ef¬ fects of carbonic acid poison mr ¡ire nm hroilglll ont in huid relief. MOCK IN«! Kian hYioiv-To make a wholesome and agreeable Rmi I lor caged mocking birds, lake one pound of pow¬ dered suda biscuits, one pound of ground ruc om- putimi ol' ground hemp seed, ami four ounces of line lard Mix thor¬ oughly and keep in a coveted can, or corked hollie. li is ready for usc as soon as mixed, ami will keep for several mouths. Keed in a cup or hird dish. 'I'he materials must he fresh ami of good tiliality, ami the lard must he pure and free front water. It is good for birds ul any age. In feeding voling hirds, it j- itecossary to moisten with caler, bul when the hird is old enough lo iced itself, this must mit he done. Ti:.\ UrsKs.- < >nc half pint of new milk, one cup of hop yeast; -et the sponge at night: ¡nhl Hour to thc al tove to make a hüllet: iii thc morning, add one half pim of milk, mic cup ol' sugar, mir ol' huller, one egg, one nutmeg, llotir lo make it suliicieutly -till: Iel rise, (hen roll ii out ami cul il out: let risc, then hake. I'lielH niial i lu m - liv« ry one «if the nearly .JiitMM'iM'I I AKTJil! o.VK ST« » VI'S now in the lonni- nf as tua uv housekeepers have proved eiuiiieiilly praell- callie, easily kepi in order, lining all kinds nf fiinkiag ipiicklv, cleanly, and with vreat I'cnllnliiy ul' fuel and labor. 1)11. I I T I N 1*11,1.S roqiiirc II»elinore ni' lliel ur ... rtipai inn, i o ?. m t- no griping, liny « mi ni ii tin i 1.11 ir ingi eil lents. « oN.Ni iirriuv « AN m: « I ICI:I> SCill'.XK'S I'CI.MOMC KY KCl'. S( HUNK'S WKKII TOMI Si IO SK'S MANIMIAK I. l il l «, Air tin' univ nu.!n illi -, lina will nui' I'liliiiiimiry Ciiti.Hiini|ili«iH. Krcijiintiily incl ii in«- iii.;« «ni sloji n OOIIKII «ill nroasloii lim ililli li nf tin-patient ; I hoy htf-lt i| . Hie livor, slop lin- I'irrnliition ni tho lil«««!, honmrrhniio follows, ¡mil i>i (mt, they clo); the arl ion of lilli vol}1 i HU':1 M- llnit I'l'.IISOli I lu-11.null. I.IV.'I I'nlill.lainl lllnl I »> .|ii|i'-i.l HO' III«' OIIII.HH nf two-tliir<ls «ii i In- rases of'(°onsiiiii|ilion. Many nor- s.,ii- « ««ii> |il¡ii ii ot II ilull im i ti liilho «Mo. miiMiiiitioii, « .1:11 ni i miy in', pain in Ino sliitiililcr-liliul»-, fi-elintisof drowsiness mill n'.stli'ssin'ss, iii«' ÍIMMI lying Inavily on tili' -luna, li, ¡ll rom|«lllioil « itli in nilly Mini In-I« li- ini; ii i nf w iiol. Tin ..<. svni|itonis usually orighi.ilo frimi n IIK- <ir>l«>r«il i.ml il nm ol lin' M.KIMI ll or tl Im pul livi'l. I'm-..m so .it.', iel, if ihoy Itikó imo «ir i w«i in.uy < >.l<|«, ami if il.muli iii Ihi'so ra-'iK l>e SIMMÓIIIV . li.« I;.-I. uill timi Hw stoimuli ami liver . l-w «I. .i.iinin : im pia .uni inactivo, anti almost hoforo ihov aro nwa rn tin- lungs arc ¡1 mass of Mire», ami nd «rat« il. tin' r»-1111 nf «hi' «loath. .-i lo in k's Pulmonary Syrup i- an exiKrotoriini «lii.li .I...-- n..t « oni.lin opium orato'llilng ralrnlatiil lo link a l.'OIIKh Mtihlotifv. SchoiK'k'H ¡Sea Wnil Tonic illssftlv** til" lo. M I misos with tin- I'astii.- Jiilooa nt Un- Moiiiaoli, nhl illgOHlhm, ¡uni < rotiloM 11 itivoninis ttmiollli-. Winn tlio Iwiw.-N iiro costive, shin snlliiw, ur th« HVlU|>tr,tiiH oilier«-iw of a billón» Ivinloiioy S.-l.- ii.'k' Xt.ni.lial'«- Pill* liri) ri'qoir. il. Thu .- in. .li. lin n tiro pr« pm il Olli)' hy .1. Il SCIIKSCK ,V SON, N. Iv. rnriior Isixlli ami An li St wis, I'lilla. Ami un- f..r -ale l.v nil «li ngiîists un.I .h ali rs. B. .1. ll A UT A CO.. N..s. 7H, 7(i amt 77 T. lmiipr t...la« Slri-vt, New < h lr.i ti- Wl«nlf;ut|; Attrill- líe assured, yr poverty stricken, that iii«' necessity pf ü vigilant activity i'- a happier inheritance than that <>l* piles nf cl i tieri UK hearl-hardeuim* in »ld. LtTNó PBVKI», common cold, cntarrhal fever, ;m<l nasal discharitc t»f a hrow nish color in horses, may he checked :II Oner hy lil» ral usc of Sin i iiliiii'.* ( 'am/rt/ Comlitiun t'nicth'iv. Tin-: season for eimjrlis and'colds is rap¬ idly approaeluu.!;, ami every one should he prepared tn cheek tlit* TUM Symptoms, as ;i eolith coiitrúeicd he'tween now amt Christmas freipientlv hists nil winter. There is un hel¬ ier remedy than I/M/IMMIM'« Amuh/iu Liniment. Kor all diseases of the throat ami hines ii shuni.I lu» usi',1 internally and externally. I M l'< »K I A NT I M rm »Vl'.M KNIT I N TltKATI M Ci rrriii-:.-Tho Clastic-Truss Company have 1 produced a great revolution in the treatment ni licruia. Their new Truss is wont easy ii ililli ami day: adapts it-»lt" tn every moiion ..1 the hody;'never displaced hy li:irdc.«t ex- preise; retain i ni: ruplur.I'nfurtahly, till soon permanently eured. Hold at tlieollice «>i' the » 'otiipuuy, N'i>. I¡S:Í lirnndway. Nev,- York city. Trusses sent liv m;iM. Semi for cireithir. MARK ETJR £ PO RTS. n t: ii i'll IN. Flour.* I 7". Ot. 7 7.". Corn. 7.'t (.». Oats. IS di' -18 Lani. 1 \'-0i. l".' [lacon-< lear Hides. \r>x-Oi I."; Huller. S5 Oi. .'l-> Chickens. :i <.> 1 LT» (...Ure. SS (it) Sli Wheal. I 1". <?' I JU Hay I test. Ki jill (.! '-'I .r>n Whiskey-Common. I no (-e. 1 1". Itolicrtsoit ('..linty... I 7'« (ii Soil Itnitrlioii. (.! S I .'.ne..! II ( "on ll tv. I 7.« Oi ö 110 Miidtwiiics..*. 1 I." Ot 1 1". Cotton- Ordimirv . Ill 11 (¡.I Ordijiàry. iJ'jf.t Low Ordinary. I S?» (fi IS J's Seeds -Clover.....". S 50 (iii *.' Ml «Minian Mille!. lill Oi líü Missouri Millet. 1 7"> Ot J INI II untarían. I 7."> Ot J (»0 Ihickwhcat, F'hii. 1 7."« Oi 1 no MM rsi ii.i.i-:. Wheat-Ked and Atnher 1 lo Oi I SO Corn-Sacked. (SO Ot t¡:t oats. ss tu. ir» Huller Choice. SO Ot SK Hay -Timothy. ll mi (,¡. si on I*riiit Apples tireen..... s nu (,, :i :,o Lemons, per Lox. 11 nu <.i l'A no ( Ira mies. .s ,-,n (,< |n un Pork Mess. f-i \1¿ Ad I.ar. I. I I',I I ll1,' Pacrtii-Clear sides. I »,'«(«) ',;,í ( I.s,. Cindee. I J Ot I -" .- I'h.ur. .'. 50 di i -.> Wool. oi -ir. Potatoes, irish, per I.I.I... I lill Ot 1 7'- Ci. MÍ.i.inn-. i : », r. « is; j Ord i u:i ry. Il Ot .N.tsic vn.i.i:. Kl..ur. . .". nu (i 7 00 I'..rn Mea!. I nu (ti Corn. IO (.i SO Oats. 17, (.i. tin Itacou -Clear sides. Ot l.r»».j Hani'- Snpir I 'it rod.'. ti I*. Lard. UV« !". lintier.... l"i (t¡ ÍH iMrirs. (., Wool. SS Qi 17 rut: tv «»iti,i:.t>N. Hour.§ I "."» C<t 7 ~"> Corn. 7i» Ot, 7|l. Ca.i ( h ar Sides. l.V ¡ Iii C.Ul.ni. Lil, IM-.I II.-i.. ...ti Killi, linc:.. Lin few^&fh^Lííífeo ni wYi'ëoîiimMi'sVi'K."' ,', '-:V;::,:;,,.;;:;::!,ITOT |.,..,¡.:. ii:.-,,. '«i-iy*^Wyj'>ri*8T?2 &È£&i l><> YölirOjHi l'ttaiin"! /^'Avi <!iO I'»« .'. »<?»>.!.. :«?-.!..tle~..rtc *fc>S^l:';\'! y\ lt: '(' P ¡Ml M *«C SSC^" "*'"' îstïiïiv'.VciV.'i :.!e,i.l'«-".,;\ .. .a TA t ' \ N I 1. 11 \>.i:\i.s. s.uii|.|.. mi.I 'lunn free. >\ 11.11. r llüill (J..I.I. \.i.I A '., I 11 '..' *. Aft tliXT.S ¡i .I.>/iti N.. .!.- |..r;.ll S.wini: Mil HU 1.. .Vil.li.-.So. N r.i.m.i i'".Kii..\\ ill.-. T. nu. 8.Vvi-:t:Y KA MI LS WANTS IT. M.mev in it. IVStlil Ly Au. in-. Address M. N. I ...v. II. laie. l'a. 'll « |.\| ¡ll li. Avilis tl'illlliii. (Ilillit and pJZ I. tins free. Addi. - Titi I. A ('..., Aii-u.i.i, M.- t .Moil!I».--Ani- M.ml. .1. ai I-« *l -..Ililli.' Ill il'I'-r. ill III.- U..I-I.I. Dill- s:il.l|>|.' IV.'.'. A.l- lr.-.-sJ. ltlt<».\.S<»*V. U. U..ii. Ali. li. *i( i IT \vi'«-k sainr>* >lnle..i l.-imil.-. i'livuli'il >?(? t>\f A.I - Ciysliil (...., I mliniii, i».MK, In.I. iyr\ llnilv le A.- s .n. « nilli I. -..ml ll..- I..-I #¿1/ I..mil. I'n i'.-r in \.ri....u il li lu...--, rill--. in..-, li". AMi M'K'I! ('(».. ao« llioiehviiy, S.V. «¡¿-v- sr» io NH» i»i'«- iinji. r.ii-in. --1."ii.u.ii.ii- .uni * In. Illliv... tci'ills M-,t|||«««l. lilillOH 31A lt I «I M SI' 1*1*1.V <«>.. Minien. Olde. (Ti ir (iOfl ;l dav a! lunn.-. Sain|>les iron ll «I si-nl <$0 ll) (P/iU li"-. STINSON .\ « ".. I'.iiiliOld, Mi'. C-4A Gr;C:'i'i v. S.-n.',f..rClir<.ir.< tiiiiiloi,ne d>lU" 2>¿rJ Ii M It-ri-F.iRii'nSoN«. i:.,si«i.. Mau WANrKD::r.o^;::.:;;,,:\.;^.;:?:!,i,,Ad.i;::: I'll I. ie I KUI ii'ií, 1.11 M..rn si M< niflii-. T. m.. r Illili »VII \T IS IT. S..i,i- linn..w Seil-Tili 1 »i«lil. Uli! ml.mi-Ills l.i A'.'.-n!-. Sa III liles, 'M . '?ni- un.I hilliup. A'K-nls «uni.-.1. Send l<-r I .'il I ll . Initlie. f. S. SI'Ktri A I. TV I'll..? I lilli.li M.. Iloslell. It 1 V I I.1 W llsil«'i'liil«i"i"l -I n li . ..I.;'/- Ji\ I'll iC> II««/../. HU i.«r Wiek, lili I'll - llnnh A I".¡in-.li. I-. J.J \\ <:.>( I.U. Iti.-lnll.Mll-h. KDRI0SI1Y..'.' '^^^^ i n,, 7S Nie sun .'st.. Ne« N 11». $lO$500 SENT FREE^'^ÍS IMA W|^N 'INT in .?%..!> .."Milly. I'irtlll'e ililli W " »*|l'ian:i- I'.iisiui --. sim» i m..ntli. til ". B. "TE Dal''1 'UM Mt li.il.l.' St.. X.-« V..iii. AGENTS lASfflglÄ in.-1..i Hill M i)lïl .1 mir lilioiiil term* lo Viie'iils. NA Tl OX .tl« l*ITII- I.ISHIM.' < <>.. Sullll I.Ollis, ll«,. Il 35 nul Morphine luilill iili-olulely mid |H'i'dil> eu red. I'aiiili lui piilil Icily. ?-.-.1.1 -I.IIII|.|..I null. ulai-. I»r.('.\ltl.- lox, ls; Washington St., I'hlmpi, III. V. ars i^lnlill .Iu d, .li IN KS COM M KUI SAL C'OLLKdK, St. Lintis, Mo. Write fur Circular nu.I Sue. linen of ItnslnesM IViiui¡iushi|i. I A ^ A * UUM'll. V.'. nl- »inileil evcrv- V /lill " lli'ie liilsilifs* Iniiioiiihle ami tit -1- ^-JW. '»ft^v'rs. UIS'MJ. ÜÁTARRDIÍ;.. ";:::; '/: ^^v:.;,;;^ CURED. \^:Í;\: 'r^'n^^v^ TIÏE A ll III ll \N K\|; Mil,-.. I|«al;-|- IKIAir liming a,.| $10.000 Mill,, i.-. 1,1.1,i'll 11/ iia'nota'oo'"A«!'.M,'.!,..','.'/''. ,1 Ï, iiMiiîn I FB\ «I. I'KVI', I'l'll'H, UIMIIKNA'I'l, **. Tl,.,|ipnnl ftW^ Ptfb niiJLi V Uti 9 UtM&f^tä&ß ÎV »tl Anw KiiOitlo itUI llcvi»lv«;ra{5Ma**i With Kill '.irtr. |^., ., ;l I Knllffniilt li-iW.W'rii' .>»:...<«. .......!. Iliu.i. ,-. t/. tn-I ?- \\ i'..*>Ti>,tt.« i.: s i \ i li I. ni '., l's. !!*.» \ arin -.. (Mi-C. um r -ii ., T'K s ï'1 ;. " i".,l,.V'1 n;"' *»u '.'"'.. ''j ,;- » fur Halli ti) UM hi lu rate ur .mull iiuulit tit,. ÍOI M-«M'.\l'V:it ll.NI .N, linn ,1,1»; iv,,,, I «unit» iVuntfii: M.,.'.,/. ",,.' /.... i. I, ... SïïW** PICTORIAL BIBLES. .KIO llliisli-allous. \.M,... |'"| ,,..,» ,-i,.iil:ii ». ». .1. iioi.u vv A- <.«.. ...-. AI;, H M,..I. n":., AGENTS milli., t:\ciiiuu r<i-i. [.!ua««i I'limnm: u,.n "",".,.. |tiuc..i r¡,v. Itr.ii. « i. h i:it»iit .»i A J .... I'liitii nr.|. i -lill-.l H ..tu Itt». mn. Ixilliiniii'i' l'n t-l ut-n ur Chi..:!!,.". (UM I Di'." ll. Vl.\l's<.To\%'»V 111«».; Nf Voi'h and CliictiKO. (¿r-'r0 I'KI: \VI:I:K UTAHAN TI-: KP t.. .\ ' Mal»- »ml IViimli'. in ili.i,- .»wu Imaliiv. Timi- ¡uní or ri rr 1*1:1 Aililivv, i'. '.. VICKKItY .v co.. An^ii-ta, Maim*. f 1IX< I\X \TI »Ol.I.Alt wr.f.m.v STA st. 1 \n I iiili-pi'iuli-nl l-'tt III lix Ni'W-pnpi'r. **» |I:IK<"». in 1..I111HH- ..1 i;.-."iii,_. « vr.tit. -I'i:< IMI:N rOI'V KIIKK. "* 1 Kmr nf p.i-ln". A.ulm-- Til». "STAB" i tt.. < im limali. *i. MINI' ICM.Illili l'-> r|i>.in;i nc >. 1.1-, na timi. S.nil I hut tutti'.:. Mi -UP i-in. ¡linl M.. ri iii i.-.- liuiilf, Im« ¡lie lill« .-lili, I M'X m.o I:»-, ii 1.11 .\ MI i li Iii- li-v.- 11 II illi linn ,1.11. x IMTMIII lin'V .-lu»»-»'in-Ill lilli. H»t .«.o:-. Itv uni il ?'<? Ill M A I .i.. !.. S. Tl ii Si.. I'M lu ( OT FOX! COTTON I ilttt: »-¡irliv»i ¡1 ml.i l»r«ilifi<i Colton 1:1 itu' unit.I. M¡iki- limn tn tlirrf nilli- |.-rii.-i. ,111 ».-i-li-...u lii'r limn ¡iii» nilii-r i-ull.-n. Si-ii«! I'm in ulm-. Ail.I. »V. lt. ll«-«-% lt I.KY. \x minni. Mi--. UM*^! V99aXta> Ymir Name Kleicantly 1'rtnt- n BM >y til on 12 TKAimrARKMT VISITUIU i^t^Kr CAHUS, fur'JA Cent». Koch rani cantata! scrnr which Id not vinililc until hi-hl tim-nrd» thc liplil. .'ntliinclikothcnirvi-rlirforcolTircilIn America. lliciniluri-- acnU to Ac.»-iit3. Nuvui.tv 1'III.STIMI Co., A.nlanil. Maai. fkcENTSÄVÄii».^.!v^:::; r, HBSTORY? AMERICA. Eu»( tin- Itoolt. Hu- l'< o|.l<- »taut. IIOS'T HISS THIS! Y\ -I. ii l'iiMi-litii'.: I n..SI.I.,.iii'. Mn, Vmi wnnl o. mnl(i> IVA 114 í K fit i : Si llin Un« I,. -I ailli'li' v.-i- nuVrn.l I,- Ap'iilM Mi.- Attrill llintll' SIB ni lim .? lunn- Tl-., it. Aililii'f- 11'i" A .H's Kl'll. Iiiiliam.p.ilt». Iiiil. P T VAOU TS1 Hnwilwav, N. Y.. inaiiiilaiinri'i [.J. Iiftuil.-f M'H't <iin.ii .1 Kwii.uv ..I .v.iv Iv-i-rintinn. 'Tin-clnrk i- Inrií»-. v.-ry rliiiii-f. amt 1- .tl.i.-il ni i.I ¡ii ¡o o ¡i.If int. is lu Ui i-li uni tv.nl.iiii II Milt». Hill- iiniliTil"-. C. H. ..ni. 1 in ¡i.Ivan. -. Un i ?l*».t;. O. I'. I'rhili"-'!' t«>?..xtiiiiim*. ''ainliunn :>.. Ü UVE B00K!Ä,^Vf",:':ï;V,?: i-. I. lin <'«.|ilt'iiiii:il làlitioit "! On- iiiiliifii-i'l» Wcilsr Every Mai His Own Lawyer. Anti ItlSIMlSS FOR M KOOK. \ i.lill'I Iv .ni,h- m nil lu ill- i- "I I.,» ¡ni'l l.u-iiu-- t. I'i.r in.-i v Sinti- ¡11 tin- fiiii.n. fri.-.-. '¡il.in. i l.il.|.ii>. S'J.íl.V-.-til i-.-i i'.ii.I. Si-inl l.inl.i- ...iil<ti,..»ii'i-il1¡ii». A.I.lr.-. lt* . lt i: Itt" M Al'OV. PiilijMi.r.J»*« limn «ny.X. V. Ïi.t i srH ti 11» II.IMI: M A»:\/.IM:. ','Tlif 11«.??-.*?.. *l*t' Mnüir/.iiii' ni AmiTlrii."' Twn .-.1 ii Sturii- mls^ii r. tUI.KSt'I.IFI'i:." I.» Mi- .lulin C. lt. Hull Ul.I "tl I lt IA ll." In T. >. \illnir III III.IC U'li'S N.-xn-l l'.iOrin» in rxi-n niinili.ii-. TriiM> tS.n» |ii-r ti-ur: H i-iinii- for Mi.r.O. S|.¡. mli.l I. Iii-1 - .1 ml pm lu III tn-. ,»»u I'ÍMI ur min f. IO .. ,.t. T. S. All TIII IC A SOS. I'llilail'tt. I»«. ^ir>.oi) SHOT (a x. \ it..illili' Imrii'l Lim.1 .11 r Irmil m linn lnrlt>: » ..ni.' i:iiiuiiii- o«i-i l in. 1-. ¡m.I ¡i :.I -I.i "i. .i. SAM:; willi I 'li i-K. I",'ii' li.¡uni Wini »III Ot. \-< W ., ¡i I.Ht t '. O. |l.. wi til lu ivili'l!«' lu V.lli 1-I" .rt- |«¡n iiní lilli. Si'li»l»:nni|» r.iri ii'.'iilüi In I' 1'HM .:i.l.A SON, (¡lili llrnl-l-. Mull! Si .. iiiriunili.*'. 1:. W. rii'i i i' .v i II., iv. "Tt'ín''s.*-..'Í'.'..'|ii '.. II ».Viii! lll'|!| |.'..n-i.li l il H.. .-I Cntiim l'i.« l.t. in ii-i-.' I llfiiiouil. Hill» «V Niit.i'i'- »»»M. ... /'.. I/»--... "\\ lii'ti'viiwi. In.»- -..I.I ymir SfII I'., nu il lui- ¡.-i»» li i x. . Ili lli Kili-- A liii'liiiii. nuil il i- iirniii'iim ..-"nc-i lui lurlimi. nuil il i- iinnioiiiiii'iloil: Sî-TTstW/JR M-rini !?. ii » Um!« ii llukiiiu *»-lil. lu'l ...I>|-. S.-u.l Im .11.11 hil- !.. Iii ", r. I ; » \ '/. ,V Ililli .? M S' « V"l "I'lii- in-w- Ti n-« i- »i.ru . rr.' ?' '71 v. uh p. !. il , ..nil,ill tii :ln »lui lin» \<lii|»lr E ?, A X ll U S S. !,!,,.' i'in.iur 'i'l i.ftR- Ó.S / i< \ i> rr i rn. ur - -.. u -i t&"VJ -lunn uiiiil pi'iin.uii'iil- ff Iv nu .1. S.'l.l h. .|. l.j ß Ut" I LlSTIC 1 HI SS m.. li'.t Iti-iituluii, . >.-»» Viirk «'II.» . ni l.j mail .'¡ill m - int l. i' iti-iilaI- ¡uni nu .1 MERIDEN i Ä . Ink«' ¡ill kimi- I I" i'l.- l\ ni vi- II ml i', !.:<. 1i>- mkrri ni' IMTKST MOllV." .»1 ,lum VIII l i; ii win i l.i,..un. Al«:,»« ,.,'1 Tinitf Mini.' mi Un I.lu.li SnI.Hu nllilrnli i-.ni.l I I*, ll I li KN Cl'TI.KIIV 1 li., (f> .|iiituli.'i> si.. S CUSHING'S MANUAL Of I'aiiiaiiiciitavy Tract icc. Kui-.-I ?<rni'i-i'iliiii:timi ilil.iiii, 1,1 i|i'|¡t".,"i¡M n». -milln-. I'lii- i- lin -I II minni untlmiit» In nl| (hr nu, ,i Sluli- muí I*. .111 I|UÍÍ-;M-IIMOI|I> HutuI IIHUIÍ lor VlU'J lin Ul ll I nt ll lill I... I ill x .? Inuit ll - ll ll ¡I.!»- I I'l t ...?>.- III. lim lui Ilia 111 \ mil I . -. I ! V ni' nil. III.i illilifj ni ili linli-. I'i i. IIA mn. S. ul li, mn iI nu in .?. 11! nt prli-n. A.l.lt. - I'lCOlIl'SIIN. IlltOII'S .V « «?.. ICo»loii. Un»». XIII: iti:sT FA.nii.v III;I»M ISI;S: \ Quarter of a Century. PK. s nil IM;S SA N \TI vi: IM 1.1.s un 1 'iiiint ipn linn. .Iniiinlii'i'. lil vt*r ' '.un pin int, I'ini Inn, 1 .> -.111 m .. '..I ir, Kin n um i-III. Ki v-i pi !u- .1 ml Dili.III-.il Hin I.in i. Siniiim lt uml ltiiwi-1». IO!. slltiiMi'S l'KITOIIA I. STOMACH I'll.l.S ut.' ri.UL'li«. Cul.N. Cn.np. |lv«pi'|>-iii. Sir!. II,.ul- .Im. Hi-..I Hm II.url. I', nuil.' C.pl.nm- nuil ll il. l.iir.-i lni lits ni lin- t in »-I ¡uni Slnlllllt'll. tSii mm AWAIT 'n ft IT» ii'üiliTiil Til«' I ¡nuil.» .lom-iial : CENTENNIAL AMERICA v MlllTlMtio.il Knut'»» l»li- l»l*l* Our l.nrnf uiul ItiMiiOrul Tiiilf.l Kii^riivint! rnii lilting min' ano lli-ti.t i. .il Vlf »n toni I'minilli, ol' !l i' ?.!!m.- t vi ai- mul i"i-..ii.i.--.- I'ri.iii il.. L.tntliiy ..1 ? 1I11111I111-In lin-pii'-i-nt linn', iin-liiillni! it m.i- niii- -ii I ¡1 ml i II fi ri vtim ni lin < 'nil 11-li II in ll ii l-l n.;'- lt ¡iiim.'uni pm ..I I'lillniifIpliiii. « ill lu- nu ». '!'.> .. l:.."l,l*,,l nut I.Vuif /.«»villi; um/ /'. -/»..... /.../.... ir,.;.-,. /.,.I11.1.c.i.ii.iùiiiin iii" Srl>»'t"I :. ilhii" il >/...,. -. In::.-tli.'|- « iili -In.i I -I».-I- In- mul it ll'.Jf ¡itu.ililli ..|' ini-i i ll.un nil- mn.linn. s. ul li.ll I' "lilli- nu li in I. i ti, I II,I i UL' lin- Kti-j ru vilit;, |inSI pnlil, S I.«IO. .1,»/ .V.... /»»«/»». nHI .liri- .1 ../../.',< . -.1,1...... ri- i\,"i;ii,.i.mif,ailis iir«.u.i«n>..S'. v. Agents Wanted Everywhere. WIFE NO. 19 BY ANN ELIZA YOU NC, Brigham Young's Rebellious wife. Thc only complete F.XMMC cf nil Hu- SECRETS "f IR IOU AM'S HAREM iver »» limn. Horn \»>]¿'T¿ inn'miu. ANN ELIZA now rxp..-i>ito »''^*<^'AS »IO OTHER WUntAN CAN, thc SECRETS. MYSTERIES "ml CRIMES "f ItnrrnMr jy.toin f AiUreamy, Iroin Hu- »i rv lu-sinnini:. Nriiily ?O0 N< »» llu-trnPioiiñ hraiililv thc wink. Il i- Hie liml HMtinii Imnk iulill«lirtl. |o,0QO i'. Asenta, tuon aili] »?.»» mvccmplnviiii-iiltiniTiiiiilii' fmin $B tn* IO ''"''.v-.. ALL IVE ACFNTS im- «ritiiiL* for Illinlnilnl ( imiloiH nih LARC E TERMS. Sent free, lin ftiHtU-lay. hut .l.lriMnt m n OURTIN, OILMAN <V. CO., lURTrilRO, Cl.. CIIH'AOO,Tl l..,Or ClNf'INJiA II,(llllu DR. .T.'.O. mC-MiîXJ0"W, KKSIDENT PHYSICIAN. 111 vitlltlN «rlHliiuK lt» knott tim fm nil» .. |>l np. 1 I I. M nf Hot .Hiirluc*. fun olititlii lt l>.V llrttirfrnlitr; I>r. Itl^floW I,y^^pij Hot Bpringir, Ark, REMINGTON. V I'KltSON uwnlnti u How I nt; Mn. Iiiim u lo. h Iii ll' ll» »? <i| I. lull, ni lim - lilli lin till' »»lill, I I I. »» ill liml ii t.. H..-ir uti vii ii I UK« l" ffiiil ns .1 ,11,11 ,.| iL.ir Marillin., it it. I rn mir tlkfrnj t tu* ul fVoJiniiiff I'm Om I.u: lil ItlllinlllB Ki'in- ?mtoit. li i- full) «¡01 .mt. -I im ti», »flu« ni"! n I ii Inri ipil i- ¡uní i.-i :>i> r.l III n».-n iu>iuiiif ; ill Hut Ililli.}' xx ill l.n 1 ft ll. ur.I lu Hf nilli Itu-. I 'I In- lin.-I ilii'iul t rin.H ttlii.v nt 'ntul rtitili IniyiTr. Siiiiihlt'i nf M»rU mill ult P-ul ruliUH li» until tn partit- livllIK m aiKtitiice. Atltlrv**, J- I'liARY A «'<».. «««*! lH*ti». :to s«»u«ti»v>' NI-. Sunlit nu- Tenn, ?SPAHI LOW RESERVOIR NA,- Ure SuitBd to all Climates, AND FAMOUS FOR UEiNG BSST TO USS ! CHEAPEST TO BUY:i EASIEST TO SELL!-! Kttiiiniis fur dníiiti '.SETTEi; COOKING, xP>» -: ' "IN ; «. flQSt^* <t«îclt«»r RIKI Clioitpor . .. f/ . 1 mum:: '.or lucir -0 .-';??íty : WORTH, - >v - U&IFOäM BAKING. I AMOUS foil tílVINÓ ¿^Rf>^ Satisfaction E very v,'aero, f^OAK'^ : AN,» «UNO ^tyfflfê? Especially Adapted ffAHTS OF EVES! ISM1ÜB- SOLI"j BY KXt'iiiiSiiiR «.\xi:F\rn ;¡v¡; niMnx. VI'. MÏÏTN,. »II»; A N.I I lt Y I'll i ;.«.: i's. i:: ¡r«»::¡ r .«, co.. SASHVII.I.K, TI.XN I:. ; inti si Ü: i" .'- co., M \i rm-, TKK N ICK'I*. ttitON. A ; «>.. N'KW llMI.KASS, I A HIMHS I;U<»S.. I.I I TI, K I ¡i ASH lim' si'uiNiis, AUK. i:i,iAtV(iK'ru. m\NS.:«.r. »\ < MAKE fOi Si Élíll. «orI*;li1(1 (i « > u I < . ; rn w mi:' Louisiana S träte Lottery Ta li Ch I'liKT s. i it i*i* un, IVÏ5. Capita? Prize, $ J.00,000. :i.5s.» l»i-t'.i--. «.mini.Mi\t\¡ (.. SiWJ.ft«»», A lil j ! N < I « I il ). Ovi ti PIM xe to Kv erv Six Tk*k< t s ( )i\iv -JOO.OOO Tickcl H :it Ar»« >.i ii u Ï . . s. < 11* TO S u; V. Tenthsn»(t^\yruti tl-, i'»uMoilioiiaic. OttlcT ?i'li'lt-.i'- nut: .Vrtii' t .».- Cirt'iitar Lt itllSl \ N A S i \ i KL» iTT KL Y « « ». |.«»rk l"'\ i?".'- .:..>'... "Ci H Orleans. I.a. r,iiiii>.'ii M .u .i v-1 .i v . mt i!.nitij. i i-vi 'inn'.i M. AV ililli KIMI fl M I. HMKI HIM' ! i : ri ©-ll aro CABINET ORGAN. R :V,rï.H'': vi"1.iii.'H. ii.i.iiii'. t.. ii.. .i.iM. ih ..i ll..- I,III. I, .. I ,1,;. ,|" ., I,,, « ".' ;.ILL I.-I Ht,;.,!, .,;..| I.. , ," ». .> " -..' '. '.I«"¡III'.I .. i,. ,. ¡||«lllll.l».|!l H I'l AN.I-ll XIII*. Iii.« I..I.......I "1,1. || ¡,|V i., ,.. l.'IIUUl'M .! I'll! "M.'U fl III »|, ,.| ,,),,,.. ;.||. v. j,..., -.",?.'...- I'.'X a,,.l-l,.fl. |., I..Hun,, ,. ,., ai .l-l.TI.-. III.' I...if ..I a |.iii'... »il,,.,,. |"||.|,|... .II;.lill. ..itv I 111111 I". mill ti,iii,.,, .nail, niall..ll with ¡li- ...II. l.-ii. ILan lu..1 h.- u»,.,j ahm. . ai..li» in i' % * i. |i.»|'.'.l a- i >Uil|i|.l" alfi i II I.', i :,ii I.I ¡?all « illi. ut ll,. I" I A N 11* 11 A I", ur Ililli II-,-,I willi ihr I'lANn-II.XIII-, th. hn:..|. -, ,| uial.'l> m in ??.?iiiliiiiniii.il « II!. a-.. . r ¡ill tin- »i..|i- ..f tili- urtiiiii. lu »\Illi li il ¡I'M« VII t. in liia.ilv. lil.« IHI.I mri.'ly, u.hi|>liir-il I" ¡un.! « nh i iain!.' ilf liiilriir. I'l'.niIii. iiivi'litl.ili nil.J ¡ul i ".Ita t hui. alu.ul a luiir Mia r, lin» iii'U Ill»l i'lliii.-itl « a-i r. ..iv. .1 M itli -u nut. h la KU . I ha I th*' .!.-m.i ml tl "-alli . \ " .'ili'.l I lu-'.lim nu hu lin I»' llllu..»l al.ilin I., »lim 11 -. I hat lln'V hui" lill.I H.. I-I . a»i...I !.. II.I\. ... u i N|. u i%.'!'. Il':.vl|..i ili.w- |.. | I'. i-I. .1 ta. illli... I',.i a l.ivji.. »ii|.|.li . lit |'.-i il !.. ll,' |.illili.; w¿ltli . i.iill.l.'ti I il ulai - 'i lt ll il ru will: »... -I li.li i fl .-lu-.ti M XSON A ll \M I.I V Killi \ i' . . sin"!, ii«»STUN: as i M:\\ \KI:U.M> uni -HU \.la ni- -.iii IIJi Vl.'tl xvvomxt; iiiiMiin I »I a\t.lin-"Jilli ul i-ii.'li m..mu I;, nil...tit. ... ld.. I.. :i-l inn' S-Í".-».IHH» in C*.i*l« fri/i's. un«' 4 Illili: .- in li » «.- 'l'i«'li«'!» »> I «..."!.. ...i |..|U lim <.!?..... ili'il..! Iriiu iii. |.ti/." "lt. ih. .Ililliiii'--, l ull iiiilli ntuii » iii fi.-.\ ,...:t.»-. j. »I. I- x ii I I: I.»Iaiiii<< < li», xx .«fniiiii». --^Jä^*- -£4¿Jfe>> T 300THI1W SYRÏÏÏ ro:i onîz.DTî:r T ;. ?<}. l'»K SAM! ItX. «li?, ! '. 'M i - ,". .."Hu. I.'iiiliuiiil Si...I.. Iii.ml-, ?fllMIlilli'**»! «:..l.l h.'.iuhl ... "t xi:- H K H I i*'* vs- ...'«'.T«l fXI * «-<... fl» £f]íl [1 |||«j|y«>»K .;; " JjUU. Itl I li XX X I Tl'îl' .X i«:.. .ltlinJ«V» UH..-.. XII. I.» .X:.ll S.. .i i '?. »» *«i... X < X N ¡J Kl, RM II»« '". .'- ;m t.- ». fin u- t.. n ii-iif ,.,,|.i».m--'.?'!' '.,",'<, vu- '«"'I I-' " .' «?'??'M' ; an . »«.' !' lu »1.1.1.li I. flu. > » a'f hi- is LIFE. XVIli-n ii .?. I ii.II l!u IIHIM'' SSKîS^S Hu!'«»-'' H .i.lh... « ././?-< llii'ltil lalâ l'"i' m?» .?? ... y '., lr, ,..tiof.iltirnb ¡i. ni>. ICasHj Iniiiitli il willi iui-.it ii f KiiiiiCictiuii I Write «t mico and wivo nionoy N. Y. Sliito Rooflni/, Co. y H II ai N ,"

historicnewspapers.sc.edu · INCENSE OF FLOWERS, This vi.-li nlmndanie

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Page 1: historicnewspapers.sc.edu · INCENSE OF FLOWERS, This vi.-li nlmndanie

INCENSE OF FLOWERS,This vi.-li nlmndanie <.! il»1 '.>><.. ¡ls Uvatli.du « lililí I almost tlilMk my -"'I rtmM live:

'I'liis -wwi iimliioslii, « hi. li «veli III deathHs leaves hold <"' U»"-.-

Whenee IS il ? Knini 'lank earth "i.ntl. " nilOr irwin il"' inn.i- wuiet naries ol heaven?WV orel*' iii.' Iirlineh.the root-lin ll« >-ii-i there

111 I.»I, » h.'ii..' is it given '!.jilli«, oven..i tlu> morning «low,

i lr distillation oi ii |»urer splieus-rho breath . .! tho immortals .???niinj; throughTn ii~ Immortals hero '.'Kxiihisiio mvilory, my heart devours

'i'lio liviii|!*iii>|iirall«iii, and I knowSn. .1 ri'volaiions with the tircalh >.i Uowor.«

lin., .mr lu-iii^;- How.ItOIIKKT I.Kl..11 loN.

Iti'Hisli Agricultural Statistics.The agricultural returns air threat

Britain for tin- current year have justin en published, and show the followingresult in acres, as compared with thethree previous years:

1872. 187a. 1874. Is7.*i.Wheat...:i,.v.ts,ji.:i7 :'>. i!'i»..';sn :t,i;:to,:.oo :?.:: I-J..;->.I lt. rley.. .J,:;i t\,.V.V2 2,.'t:i"i,JH.'i 2,2S7,!»S7 2,">l V'S(»als.! ...2,70.1,8H7 2,(»7C>,227 2,.!»!'t»,;5t»4 2,Ut>4,OI8Pi.tilines. ât»4,OS8 '»14,1182 520,428 "»22,»î.*tlMups..... i»l,t>27 t».'5,27.s t;."..sii.-, iiíi.-jo:;The ana of wheat is, therefore, about

21HI,OO0 acres less than last year, a reduc¬tion of nearly 8 per cent. Harley showsan increase, somewhat larger in propor¬tion than the decrease in wheat, thoughno) :is large in area. The number ofanimals, .lune 2">th. in each vear. is aslol lows:

ÍS72. IS7.I. 1874; I87Ö.I 'ali le.r»,t!2 l,'.l!l I "i,!Ui l,;"»t'.l i!.l I'.U 1.5,012,110.1Sirp..27,t»21,ñ07 2!>, l27,<»:ti»:iO,:tl3,i>4l 2î»,ll!">.27SI'ÍL'S 2,771.74!' 2,.r>OÍ»,2ñtl 2,422,832 2,22!»,.S7UWhile the population ol'(¡real Britain

increases from year to year.it will bcsoenby tItt* above ligures that there are fewersheep lo furnish mutton in |S7"» thanlhere were in ÍS7-I by 1,1 IS,(»(j'l. This isa large rcdticliou for one year, and fullyexplains titi* steady high price . »f nuntonin all British markets. These facts areencouraging to sheep husbandry in theUnited States, ¡iud especially to the longwool, or Cotswold breed,as combing woolsells twice as high now as twenty yearsago.

Mogs, always called pigs in Knglnnd,have diminished nearly 2011.(100 sim e las!véar. ( !omi fat porkers and bacon arelikely to rule high fir the next six oreight months,for the cholera, the scarcityof grain last season and other auscs. havematerially reduced thc priée ol'--wine, es¬pecially in thc west and southwest.

fruit Tree Planting.Have farmers thought the time for

plaining orchards has arrived'.' Ifavothey set apart a few moreacres of groundlube plained in frill I trocs to furnishfruit liir themselves and their stock?Have they considered the fact dial a fewacres in a good orchard will frequentlybring larger returns than all of the restni lie Carin ?

flic ground should now be got readyfor piowing. Lei ii he rolling ground, Ifjiossible, locally oil' (he surplus waler,flic higher the ground ihr helier ii isli>r fruit, us ii is I'rcijuentiy saved fromdestruction hy spring frosts, ¡f mi an ele¬vated Pjocebf groiind. . I'liiw the ground./.y-piv now. and about lite li rsl ol' No-vviidior cross plow ii. I'm I lit; land intin- besl condi I ion for the trees. Lay iloll'-carelullv so all the rows will bestraighl and not hean eye-sorc to everypasser-by. I )i^ holes about four feetsquare by two feel deep, and when thenee »> planted, lill iii enough surface soil*o the roots will -land no dei per thanwhen in the nursery. Select good varie¬ties, snell as yon know are adapted toyour loca lily, and plant the ines withcai'C. Aller planting, tie newspaper orbrown paper of some kind around eachtree 1.1 the height of a lout and a halffrom the ground '.<> prevent, the rabbitsfrom ealing the hark.

liaise corii, ur |x»talocs, ur heans, in¬cabbage, ur lol iaceo. ur -nine hoed crop,m 1 he orchard fur the first few years, andyuu will soon have an abundance ol'fruit, and will be well paid tor all the vs-|»ense am) eau- bestowed in securing yona good orchard.- 1'"'ni"n's fîuïnl.

An Awful Brui".

Yesterday afternoon, a young ladydressed in the narrow guage style, badoccasion lu cross Lake avenue wherethen- i- nu crosswalk. sin- had justalighted (Vom a ear on the opposite sideut'tiie st reel from ber bonn-. Near herpaternal residence two men were stand¬ing engaged in conversation. On theside of the street there was quite a pud¬dle of water or rather quite a stream, asit wa- flowing down the avenue in good-lyl.-. Thi- young lady mus! necessarilyeros-. Managing her diminutive skirtsa- best -lu- wa- able -lu- then cast an. ye over the situation She thought--he could -lep over il. bul alas fur hu¬man calculations, she1 made an error intho distance, or in the supposed extentof her skirts, ur something, for -he liftedup her delicate loot ami plained it di¬rectly in the center of the dirty pool.In her disnmv she dropped a parcel sheliad in 'uer arms, timi while Irving iopick it up. in -omi- unaccountable man¬ner -he lost her balance and sal downplump in lin-water and mud. Ohe ofthe gentlemen ¡il once ran ti» her assist¬ance and helped her within the gate,Lundie and all. The other mau was un¬able to restrain his risibles and burst in¬to a hearty laugh, wrong as such pro¬ceeding certainly was. Thc young lady'slace needed no rouge as she tinned round,thanked her benefactor, ami casting aw ithering, look on the other chap andejaculating, " You're a big brute,"scamped into the house.

The Science ol' Storms.Prof. Tice, of St. Louis, ha- given abrief explanation ol' thc theories uponwhich he works in forecasting thc statuof the weather upon certain dates in thefuture, which an- hen- copied:Klee! rielly is the chuso of ¡ill at mos-

phei'ic movements.The primary atmospheric movements

are: I. A down-pour .»I air from thesurface ol' thc atmosphere upon theearth, and 2, au up-pour of air from thcsurface of tie- earth toward thc /.cn ith.Under thc down-pour there is highbarometer, and under the up-pour thereis a low barometer.

All currents of air on the surface ol'the earth How from an area covered hya high barometer, into an area covered"by a low barometer. All currents in theupper regions ol' the atmosphère flowfroin_tbe top of tito up-pouring column

(.VÎT ¡m aren of high barometer into thcvortex of a down-pouring column overoh area of a high barometer.

Tile down pouring column is calledthe anticyclonal vortex ; thc up-pouringcolumn the cyelonal vortex.

( lier and around the cyelonal vortexclouds are always formed, ami ill it rain,hail and snowstorms are generated, ngether with their attendant phenomena,such as tornadoes, hurricanes, cte.No clouds are formed over, hut Clear

or clearing weather prevails within andaround the anticyclonal vortex, conse¬quently no storms of any character arcgenerated within it. ihough its mildew¬ing wind when in dos«» proximity to astorm center may produce heavy gales.A high and low barometer are insep¬arable part" of an electric couple. When

a storm enters-as the lowest point ol'depression within an area of low barom¬eter is called-passes over a continent,.ii some paris of that continent lhere isau area ol' hiirh barometer; hence, as norain falls under a high barometer, thepart of a continent covered by such may"tiller from excessive rain falls and de¬structive Hoods.

At present, for want of adequateknowledge of the laws governing themovements of thc permanent high ba¬rometer, we can only tell the time whenthese heavy rain-falls will take place, bubnot the localities where they will occur.When observation bas furnished US

tlx- necessary facts, so that wc can de¬duce the law. we will IK* able to forecastboth the time and place, when and wherethe phenomena will occur;A low barometer will swing around a>

high barometer, as a center, and viceversa.

A high barometer lies about l~» de¬gree." toward the left when wc standfacing the point whence the wind wanes;and a low barometer lies a- many de¬gree-- lo thc left when we are lacing the[Klint whither the wind goes.The direction of a low barometer or

"lorin center if moving, can be ascer¬tained by observing lin- veering ol Un¬wind.

SupjMtse the wind to be southeast,then if the wind ronni II steadily in thalpoint, wi- are in the path ol' thc stormcenter, ll it \cc r>»iowa rd the south,the storm center will pa>s north of us.If it "hilts toward the ca.-l. and thencenorth, then the storm center will passsouth of ii".

Tun Swordfish Stories.Saturday afternoon, says the Honolulu

( Lizette "i" September l"t. a boin, thetime ibe frigate Repulse was ironing un¬der way. a largo lieh \\:i" seen by the na¬tive" ol' Waikiki rapidly approaching thohaw As lu- neared the reel"he clea re« Iit with one leap of fully two hundredfeel and skimmed over the shallow waterinside until IK- binded high and dry onthe "and beach, directly in trout ol' Mr..1. \V. I'lingers seaside collage. Herehe was seized by a nal i ve, w ho, however,was unable lo hold bini, and the hugetish (loundered about lill bc finally gotinto the wan r. A crowd of nativescorralled him. and lin- waler near shorebeing too shallow I'M: him to use his linslo any advantage they soon killed himwith an ax. ll proved to bc a species ofthe swordfish, measuring eight loci inlength, while his sword measures thirtv-six inches. Thc latter may be seen inour nHice. lb- appear- io have beenfrightened by thc Repulse and shot likean arrow I li rough the water and over tinreef, willi Mich extraordinary speed thalhe could noi -top till out ol' his nativeclement and high On llic land. Thosewho witnessed it says it wa-a most ex¬oil ing scene.

These sWord-lishcs arc very |»oWcrflll.Wc remember I'apt. Stone telling of anincident which occurred while he wasrunning tin- .locephine between I Iiis* portlind .larvis Island, about hSöx. The brigwas an extraordinary sailer, abd while'going ¡il lu-r full speed, tell miles anIIDIII-. -In- wa- struck d.redly under the-lern counter with -neb a -bock as lojar thc whole vessel and to awaken tin-captain oin <>i a sound sleep, who-sup-I wised i he brig hud struck a whale or a¡eel. I inmediately thc pump- were-tarted hut lhere was no waler ill Un¬hold. < >n returning to port thc brig washove out io lind the cause of Un- shock,when, near I he -tempos!, imbedded ¡iithc thick plank, the blade of a sword-lishwas found fully twenty inches in length.To have hit the brijjr under thc counterthe fish inUM have been going at thesame direction a" the vessel; ami onemay imagine Un- speed with which ilmoved to have plunged ils sword twentyinches, through thc planking. It inu-ihave been going al thc rate of twenty or

twenty-five mile- an hour, and evidentlyintended to hil thc brig, supposing ¡1 tohave been a whale, blom this one canget a faint idea ol' thc tights which lakeplace among the monsters of thc deep.

A Troll hied Barber.A joke wits perpei rated on one ol' thc

best artists in one of our best, barbershops yesterday, says the RochesterChronicle, which disgusted Ute youngman very much and made any quantityof -pori for bis associates. The menwere all busy at work when a man en¬tered thc -hop, took bis -cal in the coi¬ner, pulled oui a paper and began toread while waiting his tarli. He heldthc paper up before his face in such amanner that thc barber could not see it,and therefore when bc bad finished Iiisjob bc sharply ejaculated " Next ! " Norcspohsc from Un-man behind the new-

paper. "'Shave, sir!"' came next a littlelouder. Still no re.-pon>e. 'I ben raisinghis voice rather impatiently, as he wasbarber whose chair was never slightedbefore,,he "honied: "Want somethingdone, sir'.' All was quiet, and thc manread on as though he were ten miles fromany dist nibing queries. "That man's adeaf mule.'' sud one Ol' thc artist's fel¬low-worker". .. 1 know hint well : hewauls a shu vc, but don't know ¡is it isbis turn." Thereupon the young mauleft his elniir, -lopped across Un- roomami touched ihr- quiet niau on the ."boul¬der. He glanced up. when tin barberbegan a pantomimic performance intendedto represent the operation of shaving,and then pointed persuasively toward hischair. " No, thank you," said the mute." I'm only waiting for a friend." Tin-look of unadulterated, unmistakeableand un-peakable disgust on thal, barber'sface ¡1- he weill back to his chair wa"

painful to witness.- Rejected lover " Rut couldn't youlearn to love inc?" Young lady-" I

might if-if I never saw you again«"-4

Tho Physician.Thc following is from a paper on "Thc

Causes of Typhoid Fever in Massachu¬setts," published in the second annualreport of the state board of health of Mas¬sachusetts:

A voung butcher, between twenty andthirty years of agc, was attacked'withtyphoid fever. Ho was a bachelor, andoccupied a good sized chamber, lightedby two windows, and having an open lire-place.The fever was mild, with daily febrile

cerebration, hot skin, thirst, slight diar¬rhea and rose s|Hils, With no violentsymptoms. There was no inclination fordrugs. Ile was bathed two or threetimes a day with tepid water and wasallowed water freely, iced or not. accord¬ing to his taste. The covering of hisUniv was regulated by his sensation-. Aslight wootl lire, just enough to insureventilation, was kepi in the lire-place,and one of the windows was raised alittle.As soon as his family, who lived in the

country, bearii of hi- illness, two of them,a maiden aunt and a sister, caine to theeily lo take care of him. They reachedi he I io ii-e»nie a! UM ooo i i j list ai iel lily Visit.My patient was. as describedaliove, com¬fortably sick, with a pulse about eighty,and without delirium. They werefrightened t i lind their relative, whowas sick with typhoid fever, so ooorlycared for. filthied by their theory ofthe proper t reattuent of fever, they pro¬ceeded without informing mc. to reformmatters.They pihhcd a blanket over each win¬

tlow, sn as io exclude thc light, amiclosed thc open window; they closed thechimney with a li relM »ard and set un an

air-tight stove, in which they made alire. In order to make him sweat he waspacked in blankets abd bot herb tea wasgiven bim.W hen I called tin- next day I found

his room dark ami tilled with hot foulatmosphere, 'flic odor was ol' thal of¬fensive sort that -ick chambers ¡ire iouoben charged with, lint I he great changewas itt the sick man. whom I had lcd so

comfortable the day before. lie waswrapped in blankets, his skin was dry.hislip-cracked, his eyes wild, hi- pulse Viii,and he was so restless and delirious thalit was all his attendants could do to keephim in bed.

His aunt saitl she (ramo lo nurse hernephew, and had found him with openwindows, exposed to noise and currentsof air. drinking cold water as freely as hechoso. ¡ind taking no medicine. Theseevils she had endeavored to remedy, hutin spite of ¡ill her elliots he had rapidlygrown worse.

'flic physician states his conversationwith the aunt, and his refusal lo continuein charge unless everything was restoreda- it had been on her arrival. The whi¬tlows' were opened, the stove was removeda lire made in thc chimney and liteblankets were taken from the patient. Hegoes on to say:I gave lite sick mau a tumbler ol' .va¬ler, which he drank as if he were tptciich-ing au internal lire. All this they honin silence, bm when I called fora largetuh. and made préparai iou for a hut ll,they remonstrated, and declared tba acold hath would kill him. UeinotislraiK.es,however, were unavailing, and my pa¬tient got a eobl effusion by pouring vit¬ter all over him. Ile was then put tolied, tightly covered, ¡iud soon went toshep. Ky night, his condition had greatlyimproved, and the next day, twciiiv-fuarhour- latei. hi- fever assn mei! its pre¬vious mild type, his pulse ¡iboill eic it v¡uni hi- head tolerably clear. Hematic a

satisfactory convalescent.Thc case j list related is a fair specimen

ufa com mott u ia I prac t ice, occurringeveryday, but escaping notice hecaiisc tlc ef¬fects of carbonic acid poison mr ¡ire nmhroilglll ont in huid relief.

MOCK IN«! Kian hYioiv-To make awholesome and agreeable Rmi I lor cagedmocking birds, lake one pound of pow¬dered suda biscuits, one pound of groundruc om- putimi ol' ground hemp seed,ami four ounces of line lard Mix thor¬oughly and keep in a coveted can, orcorked hollie. li is ready for usc assoon as mixed, ami will keep for severalmouths. Keed in a cup or hird dish.'I'he materials must he fresh ami of goodtiliality, ami the lard must he pure andfree front water. It is good for birds ulany age. In feeding voling hirds, it j-itecossary to moisten with caler, bulwhen the hird is old enough lo iceditself, this must mit he done.

Ti:.\ UrsKs.- < >nc half pint of newmilk, one cup of hop yeast; -et the spongeat night: ¡nhl Hour to thc al tove to makea hüllet: iii thc morning, add one halfpim of milk, mic cup ol' sugar, mir ol'huller, one egg, one nutmeg, llotir lomake it suliicieutly -till: Iel rise, (henroll ii out ami cul il out: let risc, thenhake.

I'lielH niial i lu m -

liv« ry one «if the nearly .JiitMM'iM'I I AKTJil!o.VK ST« »VI'S now in the lonni- nf as tuauvhousekeepers have proved eiuiiieiilly praell-callie, easily kepi in order, lining all kinds nffiinkiag ipiicklv, cleanly, and with vreatI'cnllnliiy ul' fuel and labor.

1)11. I I T I N 1*11,1.S roqiiirc II»elinoreni' lliel ur ... rtipai inn, i o ?. m t- no griping, liny« mi ni ii tin i 1.11 ir ingi eil lents.

« oN.Ni iirriuv « AN m: « I ICI:I>


Si IO SK'S MANIMIAK I. l il l «,Air tin' univ nu.!n illi -, lina will nui' I'liliiiiimiryCiiti.Hiini|ili«iH.Krcijiintiily incl ii in«- iii.;« «ni sloji n OOIIKII «ill

nroasloii lim ililli li nf tin-patient ; Ihoy htf-lt i| . Hielivor, slop lin- I'irrnliition ni tho lil«««!, honmrrhniiofollows, ¡mil i>i (mt, they clo); the arl ion of lilli vol}1i HU':1 M- llnit I'l'.IISOli I lu-11.null.

I.IV.'I I'nlill.lainl lllnl I »> .|ii|i'-i.l HO' III«' OIIII.HH nftwo-tliir<ls «ii i In- rases of'(°onsiiiii|ilion. Many nor-s.,ii- « ««ii> |il¡ii ii ot II ilull im i ti liilho «Mo. miiMiiiitioii,« .1:11 ni i miy in', pain in Ino sliitiililcr-liliul»-, fi-elintisofdrowsiness mill n'.stli'ssin'ss, iii«' ÍIMMI lying Inavilyon tili' -luna, li, ¡ll rom|«lllioil « itli in nilly Mini In-I« li-ini; ii i nf w iiol.Tin ..<. svni|itonis usually orighi.ilo frimi n IIK-

<ir>l«>r«il i.ml il nm ol lin' M.KIMI ll or tl Im pul livi'l.I'm-..m so .it.', iel, if ihoy Itikó imo «ir i w«i in.uy

< >.l<|«, ami if il.muli iii Ihi'so ra-'iK l>e SIMMÓIIIV. li.« I;.-I. uill timi Hw stoimuli ami liver . l-w «I..i.iinin : im pia .uni inactivo, anti almost hoforoihov aro nwarn tin- lungs arc ¡1 mass of Mire», amind «rat« il. tin' r»-1111 nf «hi' I» I» «loath.

.-i lo in k's Pulmonary Syrup i- an exiKrotoriini«lii.li .I...-- n..t « oni.lin opium orato'llilng ralrnlatiillo link a l.'OIIKh Mtihlotifv.SchoiK'k'H ¡Sea Wnil Tonic illssftlv** til" lo. M I

misos with tin- I'astii.- Jiilooa nt Un- Moiiiaoli, nhlillgOHlhm, ¡uni < rotiloM 11 itivoninis ttmiollli-.Winn tlio Iwiw.-N iiro costive, shin snlliiw, ur th«

HVlU|>tr,tiiH oilier«-iw of a billón» Ivinloiioy S.-l.- ii.'k'Xt.ni.lial'«- Pill* liri) ri'qoir. il.Thu .- in. .li. lin n tiro pr« pm il Olli)' hy

.1. Il SCIIKSCK ,V SON,N. Iv. rnriior Isixlli ami An li Stwis, I'lilla.

Ami un- f..r -ale l.v nil «li ngiîists un.I .h ali rs.B. .1. ll A UT A CO.. N..s. 7H, 7(i amt 77 T. lmiipr

t...la« Slri-vt, New < h lr.i ti- Wl«nlf;ut|; Attrill-

líe assured, yr poverty stricken, thatiii«' necessity pf ü vigilant activity i'- a

happier inheritance than that <>l* piles nfcl i tieriUK hearl-hardeuim* in »ld.

LtTNó PBVKI», common cold, cntarrhalfever, ;m<l nasal discharitc t»f a hrow nish colorin horses, may he checked :II Oner hy lil» ralusc of Sin i iiliiii'.* ( 'am/rt/ Comlitiun t'nicth'iv.

Tin-: season for eimjrlis and'colds is rap¬idly approaeluu.!;, ami every one should heprepared tn cheek tlit* TUM Symptoms, as ;i

eolith coiitrúeicd he'tween now amt Christmasfreipientlv hists nil winter. There is un hel¬ier remedy than I/M/IMMIM'« Amuh/iu Liniment.Kor all diseases of the throat ami hines iishuni.I lu» usi',1 internally and externally.

I M l'< »K I A NT I M rm »Vl'.M KNIT I N TltKATI MCi rrriii-:.-Tho Clastic-Truss Company have 1

produced a great revolution in the treatmentni licruia. Their new Truss is wont easyii ililli ami day: adapts it-»lt" tn every moiion..1 the hody;'never displaced hy li:irdc.«t ex-preise; retain i ni: ruplur.I'nfurtahly, tillsoon permanently eured. Hold at tlieollice«>i' the » 'otiipuuy, N'i>. I¡S:Í lirnndway. Nev,- Yorkcity. Trusses sent liv m;iM. Semi for cireithir.

MARKETJR£PORTS.n t: ii i'll IN.

Flour.* I 7". Ot. 7 7.".Corn. 7.'t (.».

Oats. IS di' -18Lani. 1 \'-0i. l".'

[lacon-< lear Hides. \r>x-Oi I.";Huller. S5 Oi. .'l->Chickens. :i <.> 1 LT»(...Ure. SS (it) SliWheal. I 1". <?' I JUHay I test. Ki jill (.! '-'I .r>nWhiskey-Common. I no (-e. 1 1".

Itolicrtsoit ('..linty... I 7'« (ii SoilItnitrlioii. (.! SI .'.ne..! II ( "on lltv. I 7.« Oi ö 110

Miidtwiiics..*. 1 I." Ot 1 1".Cotton- Ordimirv. Ill11

(¡.I Ordijiàry. iJ'jf.tLow Ordinary. I S?» (fi IS J'sSeeds -Clover.....". S 50 (iii *.' Ml«Minian Mille!. lill Oi líüMissouri Millet. 1 7"> Ot J INIII untarían. I 7."> Ot J (»0Ihickwhcat, F'hii. 1 7."« Oi 1 no

MM rsi ii.i.i-:.Wheat-Ked and Atnher 1 lo Oi I SOCorn-Sacked. (SO Ot t¡:t

oats. ss tu. ir»Huller Choice. SO Ot SKHay -Timothy. ll mi (,¡. si onI*riiit Apples tireen..... s nu (,, :i :,o

Lemons, per Lox. 11 nu <.i l'A no( Iramies. .s ,-,n (,< |n un

Pork Mess. f-i \1¿ AdI.ar. I. I I',I I ll1,'Pacrtii-Clear sides. I »,'«(«) ',;,í( I.s,. Cindee. I J Ot I -" .-I'h.ur. .'. 50 di i -.>

Wool. MÍ oi -ir.Potatoes, irish, per I.I.I... I lill Ot 1 7'-Ci. MÍ.i.inn-. i : », r. « is; jOrd i u:iry. Il Ot

.N.tsic vn.i.i:.Kl..ur. . .". nu (i 7 00I'..rn Mea!. I nu (tiCorn. IO (.i SO

Oats. 17, (.i. tinItacou -Clear sides. Ot l.r»».jHani'- Snpir I 'itrod.'. ti I*.Lard. UV« !".lintier.... l"i (t¡ ÍHiMrirs. 1° (.,Wool. SS Qi 17

rut:tv «»iti,i:.t>N.Hour.§ I "."» C<t 7 ~">

Corn. 7i» Ot, 7|l.Ca.i ( h ar Sides. l.V ¡ IiiC.Ul.ni. Lil,

IM-.I II.-i.. ...ti Killi, linc:.. Lin

few^&fh^Lííífeo ni wYi'ëoîiimMi'sVi'K."',', '-:V;::,:;,,.;;:;::!,ITOT

|.,..,¡.:. ii:.-,,. '«i-iy*^Wyj'>ri*8T?2

&È£&i l><> YölirOjHi l'ttaiin"!/^'Avi <!iO I'»« .'. »<?»>.!.. :«?-.!..tle~..rtc

*fc>S^l:';\'! y\ lt: '(' P ¡Ml M

*«C SSC^" "*'"' îstïiïiv'.VciV.'i :.!e,i.l'«-".,;\ .. .a

TA t ' \ N I 1. 11 \>.i:\i.s. s.uii|.|.. mi.I 'lunn free.>\ 11.11. r llüill (J..I.I. \.i.I A '., I 11 '..' *.

Aft tliXT.S ¡i .I.>/iti N.. .!.- |..r;.ll S.wini: MilHU 1.. .Vil.li.-.So. N r.i.m.i i'".Kii..\\ ill.-. T. nu.

8.Vvi-:t:Y KA MI LS WANTS IT. M.mev in it.IVStlil Ly Au. in-. Address M. N. I ...v. II. laie. l'a.'ll«|.\| ¡ll li.Avilis tl'illlliii. (Ilillit andpJZ I. tins free. Addi. - Titi I. A ('..., Aii-u.i.i, M.-

t .Moil!I».--Ani- M.ml. .1. ai I-« *l -..Ililli.'Ill il'I'-r. ill III.- U..I-I.I. Dill- s:il.l|>|.' IV.'.'. A.l-lr.-.-sJ. ltlt<».\.S<»*V. U. U..ii. Ali. li.

*i( i IT \vi'«-k sainr>* >lnle..i l.-imil.-. i'livuli'il>?(? t>\f A.I - Ciysliil (...., I mliniii, i».MK, In.I.

iyr\ llnilv leA.- s .n. « nilli I. -..ml ll..- I..-I#¿1/ I..mil. I'n i'.-r in \.ri....u il li lu...--, rill--.in..-, li". AMi M'K'I! ('(».. ao« llioiehviiy, S.V.

«¡¿-v- sr» io NH» i»i'«- iinji. r.ii-in. --1."ii.u.ii.ii- .uni* In. Illliv... tci'ills M-,t|||«««l. lilillOH31A lt I «IM SI' 1*1*1.V <«>.. Minien. Olde.

(Ti ir (iOfl ;l dav a! lunn.-. Sain|>les iron ll «I si-nl<$0 ll) (P/iU li"-. STINSON .\ « ".. I'.iiiliOld, Mi'.

C-4AGr;C:'i'i v. S.-n.',f..rClir<.ir.< tiiiiiloi,ned>lU" 2>¿rJ Ii M It-ri-F.iRii'nSoN«. i:.,si«i.. Mau

WANrKD::r.o^;::.:;;,,:\.;^.;:?:!,i,,Ad.i;:::I'll I. ie I KUI ii'ií, 1.11 M..rn si M< niflii-. T. m..r Illili »VII \T IS IT. S..i,i- linn..w Seil-Tili1 »i«lil. Uli! ml.mi-Ills l.i A'.'.-n!-. Sa III liles, 'M. '?ni- un.I hilliup. A'K-nls «uni.-.1. Send l<-r I .'il I ll .

Initlie. f. S. SI'Ktri A I. TV I'll..? I lilli.li M.. Iloslell.

It 1 V I I.1 W llsil«'i'liil«i"i"l -I n li . ..I.;'/-Ji\ I'll iC> II««/../. HU i.«r Wiek, lili I'll -llnnh A I".¡in-.li. I-. J.J \\ <:.>( I.U. Iti.-lnll.Mll-h.

KDRI0SI1Y..'.''^^^^i n,, 7S Nie sun .'st.. Ne« N 11».


IMAW|^N 'INT in .?%..!> .."Milly. I'irtlll'e ililliW " »*|l'ian:i- I'.iisiui --. sim» i m..ntli. til ". B."TEDal''1 'UM Mt li.il.l.' St.. X.-« V..iii.

AGENTSlASfflglÄin.-1..iHill M


mir lilioiiil term* lo Viie'iils. NATlOX.tl« l*ITII-I.ISHIM.' < <>.. Sullll I.Ollis, ll«,.


nul Morphine luilill iili-olulely mid|H'i'dil> eu red. I'aiiili lui piilil Icily.?-.-.1.1 -I.IIII|.|..I null. ulai-. I»r.('.\ltl.-lox, ls; Washington St., I'hlmpi, III.

V. ars i^lnlill .Iu d, .li IN KS COM M KUI SALC'OLLKdK, St. Lintis, Mo.

Write fur Circular nu.I Sue. linen ofItnslnesM IViiui¡iushi|i.I A ^ A * UUM'll. V.'. nl- »inileil evcrv-V /lill " lli'ie liilsilifs* Iniiioiiihle ami tit -1-^-JW. '»ft^v'rs. UIS'MJ.ÜÁTARRDIÍ;.. ";:::; '/: ^^v:.;,;;^CURED. \^:Í;\: 'r^'n^^v^

TIÏE A ll III ll \N K\|; Mil,-.. I|«al;-|- IKIAirliming a,.| $10.000 Mill,, i.-. 1,1.1,i'll 11/iia'nota'oo'"A«!'.M,'.!,..','.'/''. ,1 Ï, iiMiiîn I FB\«I. I'KVI', I'l'll'H, UIMIIKNA'I'l, **.

Tl,.,|ipnnl ftW^ PtfbniiJLi V Uti 9 UtM&f^tä&ß ÎV»tl Anw KiiOitlo itUI llcvi»lv«;ra{5Ma**iWith Kill '.irtr. |^., ., ;lI Knllffniiltli-iW.W'rii' .>»:...<«. .......!. Iliu.i. ,-. t/. tn-I ?-\\ i'..*>Ti>,tt.« i.: s i \ i li I. ni '., l's.!!*.» \ arin -.. (Mi-C. um r -ii .,

T'K s ï'1 ;. " i".,l,.V'1 n;"' *»u '.'"'.. ''j ,;- »fur Halli ti) UM hi lu rate ur .mull iiuulit tit,.ÍOI M-«M'.\l'V:it ll.NI .N, linn ,1,1»; iv,,,,


«unit» iVuntfii: M.,.'.,/. ",,.' /....i. I, ...

SïïW** PICTORIAL BIBLES..KIO llliisli-allous. \.M,... |'"| ,,..,» ,-i,.iil:ii ».». .1. iioi.u vv A- <.«.. ...-. AI;, H M,..I. n":.,

AGENTS milli., t:\ciiiuu r<i-i.[.!ua««i I'limnm: u,.n "",".,.. |tiuc..i r¡,v. Itr.ii.« i. h i:it»iit .»i A J .... I'liitii nr.|. i -lill-.l H ..tu Itt».mn. Ixilliiniii'i' l'n t-l ut-n ur Chi..:!!,.".

(UM I Di'." ll. Vl.\l's<.To\%'»V 111«».;Nf t» Voi'h and CliictiKO.(¿r-'r0 I'KI: \VI:I:K UTAHAN TI-:KP t.. .\' Mal»- »ml IViimli'. in ili.i,- .»wu Imaliiv.Timi- ¡uní or ri rr 1*1:1 Aililivv, i'.

'.. VICKKItY .v co.. An^ii-ta, Maim*.

f 1IX< I\X \TI »Ol.I.Alt wr.f.m.v STA st.1 \n I iiili-pi'iuli-nl l-'tt III lix Ni'W-pnpi'r. **» |I:IK<"».in 1..I111HH- ..1 i;.-."iii,_. « vr.tit.-I'i:< IMI:N rOI'V KIIKK. "* 1 Kmr nf p.i-ln".A.ulm-- Til». "STAB" i tt.. < im limali. *i.

MINI' ICM.Illili l'-> r|i>.in;i nc >. 1.1-, na timi. S.nilI hut tutti'.:. Mi -UP i-in. ¡linl M.. ri iii i.-.- liuiilf,Im« ¡lie lill« .-lili, I M'X m.o I:»-, ii 1.11 .\ MI i li Iii- li-v.-

11 II illi linn ,1.11. x IMTMIII lin'V .-lu»»-»'in-Ill lilli. H»t.«.o:-. Itv uni il ?'<? Ill M A I .i.. !.. S. Tl ii Si.. I'M lu

( OT FOX! COTTON Iilttt: »-¡irliv»i ¡1ml.i l»r«ilifi<i Colton 1:1 itu'

unit.I. M¡iki- limn tn tlirrf nilli- |.-rii.-i.,111 ».-i-li-...u lii'r limn ¡iii» nilii-r i-ull.-n. Si-ii«! I'min ulm-. Ail.I. »V. lt. ll«-«-% lt I.KY.

\x minni. Mi--.

UM*^!V99aXta> Ymir Name Kleicantly 1'rtnt-nBM >y til on 12 TKAimrARKMT VISITUIUi^t^Kr CAHUS, fur'JA Cent». Koch rani cantata!scrnr which Id not vinililc until hi-hl tim-nrd» thc liplil..'ntliinclikothcnirvi-rlirforcolTircilIn America. lliciniluri--acnU to Ac.»-iit3. Nuvui.tv 1'III.STIMI Co., A.nlanil. Maai.

fkcENTSÄVÄii».^.!v^:::;r, HBSTORY? AMERICA.Eu»( tin- Itoolt. Hu- l'< o|.l<- »taut. IIOS'THISS THIS! Y\ -I. ii l'iiMi-litii'.: I n..SI.I.,.iii'. Mn,

Vmi wnnl o. mnl(i>IVA 114 í K fit o¡ i :Si llin Un« I,. -I ailli'li'v.-i- nuVrn.l I,- Ap'iilM

Mi.- Attrill llintll' SIB ni lim .? lunn- Tl-., it.Aililii'f- 11'i" I» A .H's Kl'll. Iiiiliam.p.ilt». Iiiil.

P T VAOU TS1 Hnwilwav, N. Y.. inaiiiilaiinri'i[.J. Iiftuil.-f M'H't <iin.ii .1 Kwii.uv ..I .v.ivIv-i-rintinn. 'Tin-clnrk i- Inrií»-. v.-ry rliiiii-f. amt 1-.tl.i.-il ni i.I ¡ii ¡o o ¡i.If int. is lu Ui i-li uni tv.nl.iiii IIMilt». Hill- iiniliTil"-. C. H. ..ni. 1 in ¡i.Ivan. -. Un i?l*».t;. O. I'. I'rhili"-'!' t«>?..xtiiiiim*. ''ainliunn :>..

Ü UVE B00K!Ä,^Vf",:':ï;V,?:i-. I. lin <'«.|ilt'iiiii:il làlitioit "! On- iiiiliifii-i'l»

Wcilsr Every Mai His Own Lawyer.Anti ItlSIMlSS FORM KOOK.

\ i.lill'I Iv .ni,h- m nil lu ill- i- "I I.,» ¡ni'l l.u-iiu--t. I'i.r in.-i v Sinti- ¡11 tin- fiiii.n. fri.-.-.

'¡il.in. i l.il.|.ii>. S'J.íl.V-.-til i-.-i i'.ii.I. Si-inl l.inl.i-...iil<ti,..»ii'i-il1¡ii». A.I.lr.-.lt* . lt i: Itt" M Al'OV. PiilijMi.r.J»*« limn «ny.X. V.

Ïi.t i srH ti 11» II.IMI: M A»:\/.IM:. ','Tlif 11«.??-.*?.. *l*t'Mnüir/.iiii' ni AmiTlrii."' Twn .-.1 ii Sturii- mls^ii

r. tUI.KSt'I.IFI'i:." I.» Mi- .lulin C. lt. HullUl.I "tl I lt IA ll." In T. >. \illnir III III.ICU'li'S N.-xn-l l'.iOrin» in rxi-n niinili.ii-. TriiM>tS.n» |ii-r ti-ur: H i-iinii- for Mi.r.O. S|.¡. mli.l I.Iii-1 - .1 ml pm lu III tn-. ,»»u I'ÍMI i» urmin f. IO . . ,.t.

T. S. All TIII IC A SOS. I'llilail'tt. I»«.

^ir>.oi) SHOT (a x.\ it..illili' Imrii'l Lim.1 .11 r Irmil m linn lnrlt>: »

..ni.' i:iiiuiiii- o«i-i l in. 1-. ¡m.I ¡i :.I -I.i "i..i. SAM:; willi I 'li i-K. I",'ii' li.¡uni Wini »III Ot. \-< W

., ¡i I.Ht t '. O. |l.. wi til lu ivili'l!«' lu V.lli 1-I" I«

.rt- |«¡n iiní lilli. Si'li»l»:nni|» r.iri ii'.'iilüi In I' 1'HM.:i.l.A SON, (¡lili llrnl-l-. Mull! Si .. iiiriunili.*'.

1:. W. rii'i i i' .v i II., iv.

"Tt'ín''s.*-..'Í'.'..'|ii '.. II ».Viii! lll'|!||.'..n-i.li l il H.. .-I Cntiim l'i.«l.t. in ii-i-.'I llfiiiouil. Hill» «V Niit.i'i'-

»»»M. ... /'.. I/»--..."\\ lii'ti'viiwi. In.»- -..I.I ymir SfIII'., nu il lui- ¡.-i»» li i x. . Ili lli Kili--A liii'liiiii. nuil il i- iirniii'iim..-"nc-i lui lurlimi. nuil il i- iinnioiiiiii'iloil:Sî-TTstW/JR M-rini !?. ii » Um!« ii llukiiiu

*»-lil. lu'l ...I>|-. S.-u.l Im .11.11hil- !.. Iii ", r. I ; » \ '/. ,VIlilli .? M S' « V"l

"I'lii- in-w- Ti n-« i- »i.ru. rr.' ?' '71 v. uh p. !. il , ..nil,ill

tii :ln »lui lin» \<lii|»lrE ?, AX ll U S S. !,!,,.' i'in.iur 'i'l

i.ftR- Ó.S / i< \ i> rr i rn. ur - -.. u -it&"VJ -lunn uiiiil pi'iin.uii'iil-ff Iv nu .1. S.'l.l h. .|. l.jß Ut"

I LlSTIC 1 HI SS m..li'.t Iti-iituluii, . >.-»» Viirk «'II.» .

ni l.j mail .'¡ill m - int l. i' iti-iilaI- ¡uni nu .1


Ink«' ¡ill kimi- I I" i'l.- l\ ni vi- II ml i', !.:<. 1i>-mkrri ni' IMTKST MOllV." .»1 ,lumVIII l i; ii win i l.i,..un. Al«:,»« ,.,'1Tinitf Mini.' mi Un I.lu.li SnI.Hu nllilrnli i-.ni.lI I*, ll I liKN Cl'TI.KIIV 1 li., (f> .|iiituli.'i> si.. S

CUSHING'S MANUALOf I'aiiiaiiiciitavy Tract icc.

Kui-.-I ?<rni'i-i'iliiii:timi ilil.iiii, 1,1 i|i'|¡t".,"i¡M n».-milln-. I'lii- i- lin -I II minni untlmiit» In nl| (hrnu, ,i Sluli- muí I*. .111 I|UÍÍ-;M-IIMOI|I> Hutu I IIHUIÍ lorVlU'J lin Ul ll I nt ll lill I... I ill x .? Inuit ll - ll ll ¡I.!»- I I'lt ...?>.- III. lim lui Ilia 111 \ mil I . -. I ! V ni' nil. III.iillilifj ni ili linli-.I'i i. IIA mn. S. ul li, mn i I nu in .?. 11! nt prli-n.A.l.lt.- I'lCOlIl'SIIN. IlltOII'S .V « «?..

ICo»loii. Un»».

XIII: iti:sT FA.nii.v III;I»M ISI;S:

\ Quarter of a Century.PK. snil IM;S SA N \TI vi: IM 1.1.s

un 1 'iiiint ipn linn. .Iniiinlii'i'. lil vt*r ' '.un pin int, I'iniInn, 1 .> -.111m .. '..I ir, Kin n um i-III. Ki v-i pi !u- .1 mlDili.III-.il Hin I.in i. Siniiim lt uml ltiiwi-1».IO!. slltiiMi'S l'KITOIIA I. STOMACH I'll.l.Sut.' ri.UL'li«. Cul.N. Cn.np. |lv«pi'|>-iii. Sir!. II,.ul-.Im. Hi-..I Hm II.url. I', nuil.' C.pl.nm- nuilll il. l.iir.-i lni lits ni lin- t in »-I ¡uni Slnlllllt'll. tSii

mm AWAIT'n ft IT» ii'üiliTiil Til«' I ¡nuil.» .lom-iial :

CENTENNIAL AMERICAv MlllTlMtio.il Knut'»» l»li- l»l*l*

Our l.nrnf uiul ItiMiiOrul Tiiilf.l Kii^riivint! rniililting min' ano lli-ti.t i. .il Vlf»n toni I'minilli, ol'!l i' ?.!!m.- t vi ai- mul i"i-..ii.i.--.- I'ri.iii il.. L.tntliiy ..1? 1I11111I111-In lin-pii'-i-nt linn', iin-liiillni! it m.i- niii--ii I ¡1 ml i II fi ri vtim ni lin < 'nil 11-li II in ll ii l-l n.;'- lt¡iiim.'uni pm ..I I'lillniifIpliiii. « ill lu- nu ». '!'.>.. l:.."l,l*,,l nut I.Vuif /.«»villi; um/ /'. -/»..... /.../....7« ir,.;.-,. /.,.I11.1.c.i.ii.iùiiiin iii" Srl>»'t"I:. ilhii" il >/...,. -. In::.-tli.'|- « iili -In.i I -I».-I- In- mul itll'.Jf ¡itu.ililli ..|' ini-i i ll.un nil- mn.linn. s. ul li.ll I'"lilli- nu li in I. i ti, I II,I i UL' lin- Kti-j ru vilit;, |inSI pnlil,S I.«IO. .1,»/ .V.... /»»«/»». nHI .liri- .1 ../../.',< .

-.1,1...... ri- i\,"i;ii,.i.mif,ailis iir«.u.i«n>..S'. v.

AgentsWanted Everywhere.

WIFE NO. 19BY ANN ELIZA YOU NC,Brigham Young's Rebellious wife.

Thc only complete F.XMMC cf nil Hu- SECRETS "fIR IOU AM'S HAREM iver »» limn. Horn \»>]¿'T¿inn'miu. ANN ELIZA now rxp..-i>ito »''^*<^'AS»IO OTHER WUntAN CAN, thc SECRETS.MYSTERIES "ml CRIMES "f ItnrrnMr jy.toinf AiUreamy, Iroin Hu- »i rv lu-sinnini:. Nriiily ?O0 N< »»

llu-trnPioiiñ hraiililv thc wink. Il i- Hie liml HMtinii Imnkiulill«lirtl. |o,0QO i'. Asenta, tuon aili] »?.»»mvccmplnviiii-iiltiniTiiiiilii' fmin $B tn* IO ''"''.v-.. ALLIVE ACFNTS im- «ritiiiL* for Illinlnilnl ( imiloiHnih LARC E TERMS. Sent free, lin ftiHtU-lay. hut.l.lriMnt m n OURTIN, OILMAN <V. CO.,

lURTrilRO, Cl.. CIIH'AOO,Tl l..,Or ClNf'INJiA II,(llllu


111 vitlltlN «rlHliiuK lt» knotttim fm nil» .. |>l np. 1 I I. M nfHot .Hiirluc*. fun olititlii ltl>.V llrttirfrnlitr; I>r. Itl^floW

I,y^^pij Hot Bpringir, Ark,

REMINGTON.V I'KltSON uwnlnti u How I nt; Mn. Iiiim u lo. hIii ll' ll» »? <i| I. lull, ni lim - lilli lin till' »»lill, I II. »» ill liml ii t.. H..-ir uti vii ii IUK« l" ffiiil ns .1,11,11 ,.| iL.ir Marillin., it it. I rn mir tlkfrnj

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M \i rm-, TKK NICK'I*. ttitON. A ; «>..


I.I I TI,K I ¡i ASH lim' si'uiNiis, AUK.i:i,iAtV(iK'ru. m\NS.:«.r. »\ <

MAKE fOi Si Élíll.«orI*;li1(1 ( i « > u I < . ; rn w mi:'

Louisiana Sträte LotteryTa liCh I'liKT s. i it i*i* un, IVÏ5.

Capita? Prize, $J.00,000.:i.5s.» l»i-t'.i--. «.mini.Mi\t\¡ (.. SiWJ.ft«»»,

A lil j ! N < I « I il ).Ovi ti PIMxe to Kv erv Six

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|.«»rk l"'\ i?".'- .:..>'... "Ci H Orleans. I.a.

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M. AV ililli KIMI fl M I. HMKI HIM'

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--^Jä^*- -£4¿Jfe>>T300THI1W SYRÏÏÏ

ro:i onîz.DTî:r T ;. ?<}.l'»K SAM! ItX. «li?, ! '. 'M i -

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vu- '«"'I I-' " .' «?'??'M' ;an . »«.' !'

lu »1.1.1.liI. flu. > » a'f hi-

is LIFE.XVIli-n ii .?.

I ii.II l!u IIHIM''

SSKîS^S Hu!'«»-'' H .i.lh... « ././?-<llii'ltil lalâ l'"i' m?» .?? ... y '.,

lr, ,..tiof.iltirnb ¡i. ni>. ICasHjIniiiitli il willi iui-.it ii f KiiiiiCictiuiiI Write «t mico and wivo nionoy

N. Y. Sliito Rooflni/, Co.y H II ai N ,"