-Itnnflfmente, ctr., (îlne (...cmnç,. |»v.-ni'*» TiiKATKR.."The Man o' Airhc.M l.iw- rtnee lUurBt«. KlITII AvoVAVB TilKATKI!. "Nil Nilli)« ." I'lllliv Ittvt-oporl. , Nntiai's (Jart>kn.."l'uni CUfltatd." .Tolin Collins. Oi YMPit: Thbitkii.--"K.wat livnr»«*.' I.iicillc Wmien. V«.'«.i!.4«K'sTilKATKK. "liiiNclulc." I.esU-l Wallut k |5n«x>Ki y\ Kink.- Oaaaeal «¦ m kal Talk t,Ai:i>n\. ('«»tirett. UnanllBli TbitlBM. GnomcGO iXotirco. Ohio Pam» Kolbv» Camaaaraa Bern tam*, Tit | Kirton- Iii Broi i»»v. Kvcrv lunn v.li«> travels, and every man »rho .4.1» I (nu- tliiild ¡n«iirr »cain«! a-ailn.i» in Hw I «»« ki.ïh» bil» am. A i«a!%-i as. « m-iti ni Kf.» ¦.»' llATCHKLOR- HAIR I»YK.-. I III lust 111 the »'¡.I. i. Al.l'ltVal »I IlMlrU.i V h. Willi 1.1!" AM) Wll.M>\\ SkUIN'i Mv'HIM, liai BraaaWBi }«.» m «HOiiiwu »b1 * ¡ v » lli.'Ul ill. V M For ;i Cr iriinv Si i*i.u!mi.M"m nn.l Si R- v«»,,k »t,«r,-». h. !" N 1'nl.u».. ARTii iciAi mo--Palmer Limbs. fíe Broil» i,. R, V.i 1 lx)l) ( br.luut-.L. I'll «... I 1.0 tim TRRMS OF THE Ti: 11;< VE ¡>vn v Tim;! \»-, Mini Bobaerlbera, km paraaa. Si mi» »'. i. ki«, l yaya ne. Mail Subscribers, ii peran. W11 hi.\ li.m, m.. Mail Subscriben, ftp* .."-"»I" A «I v «« r t i s t ii li at«« « Dvi! v mi si, ¡i., 40c.. :»-«., TV., sad »?' I" r -inc. m mi-W v I i.i.ii nf» » and AT) centa pei lina. \\ li ki v ¡ Lim m *¦.', gg, .iiui «*-'> per Im.-. \.. ord-M M poBittan in the iu«i>» r. I ernie, tx-h in advance. Atldnm Im Ilhi m New-York. ^fó*£íorifc JQailfi Kriïwnt THURSDAY, JUNK 15. 1871. TI. IPLE S II E ET. (on. Tro« hu IBBBBBBi lu.« «'.« fin«e ni Hie French \nj>eiii biy,yeaterday. l'aiti« ular« ai the latearían between .'! Thiers nuil Hie <)¡ Icnm« MBBB BBB puliliialicl this mornina BoehaCartlaaarlaaalirltt« Many of the Oasn» .v. i«-( n <!i-i barged rot want al teat! limn«,. Ti'i Pin lu li Ai el. in;, ha« «una ,1 ils sittill£8. .* n t.- t-.ve.i Ha n,iii<i nt to .i- i.ii.on of lintiiah (oluuiliia willi 4'anaida. \ otk oil ri tilery bu« been barnea1 m Petrolia, « ..nunn. ..'.ni rumor.al In HBBMaftBB thal I OlleetOC Mm aad. 'iii.' Weat Matgradaahas awde their farawell parad.' yesterday. Dev. Weataa al ->..»v iiitiiit»-liiro his Been laaafaraled. : Dr. ...im n nu» n path 1sti has beea Bataatateé" la the I*, n«. ... The Philadelphia Republleani lo.». mi' jp ii liomin .t.on«. \ riot n Hie Al.ilian.u and OhattaaOOfS llailro.id. iti. ii wa« reaaased batten the Käst« r .., p,.i,i, m n are hw gi d w Ith 11 u (. .Id 11'.»,. -Og, 11-'.. Tin Tin Iowa Dcinociiic.v, it appeals, baa joined in tin* general stampede o. Um party, and hal pul!-, ii np ataki ¦ an«l takes a New De- j»;ii t ni i bj a vole of .'I to 1. Tliis must be very trying business to the am um hard-shells, v»li«> m It-SCBM BWWP-rtad tO h.i\e made a lui..i ¡i.-hi .».-.m.-? tin- aew-fangled notioa <>i' udopting a I.) j)iil)li«aii platform in a Demo» « ¡.nie Conrention. Tbl ". M if I.'.«1 in-.v I »t i, ¡di imif Got- «¦iiior ot New-Hampshire, published this mo:».- lüg, .|int«' iiititlt i.iU* in finie. The (««»vciiiin in« itiiiilly hold- ia hand fron) National poli- 1 is, c!ii« tlv di voting htmBill to BBBttCtl mon* jn iliiit-nt tO t tie o«", BBÍ0B. Ii all vtiy well. ths regalar tbin_r. ia tact for him t«> ««.tv thal tin- ic.siill of tit«- lulo election in Xew-lfamp- »eliin- ,i triumph «ii tim« -lioiioi,a!, con.stitu- taiiial principi« s, vVc. t\c, lint tin Deni«.eratic managen Know bettor; something -tare pm«'- 1i.ul li,»ii in. re principle» uinli-i litis iii. Demo* « ratio sine«.«-.. 'Iii«* Hiiiieh lii.v. iniiic'.ii baa finally approved the .iiieoipiion of British Colambia uno Mm Dominion of Canada, and the ".'.Ith July has Iniil ii\ d bi th« kgmte on vvIii»li the nnion -hall take place, fine of the condition- upon which i'-.rMir Colony agreed to annexation wi's i i.it » l ia:is-Contin«fit.il Raflread throng- Brit¬ ta- Am* rica fahonlil lu- built by the Dominion l.«i\. I ¡illnlit, ililli d by the Home Coverninent. .M.W li-l n-, .-.<<. if that wölk will Im- « oinin« -li« » d x' thin the period qweifled. " ¦ reaaonable time; a || ¡i not bo neaan," nor finished, what will British Colombia do -bool i, I Tfch New foniidlanih is have iiii«\Ji«« tedly ihrowa ¦ wtA blaaket on Canadian oppo-ition to the Treaty ol Washington. The people of New*Braaawkk appoiated ¦ Coana-asioa too» Operate erith I similar body from Nova Scotia mid Newfoundland in concerting measure! to defi it the Tieaty; but, to their gnat dismay, ti.ll uni, whose whale weitere, is bound up m her fisheries, likes the proposed adjust» nunt of the fishery qnestioa very mneh. Tia* qneetioa which naturally Brises now i>, li the Fishing Caloay ii latlsfled with the Treaty, why should the others iniike any fus> altout it? The paespee» foi ¦ peaeefal Bettlesseal all aro md bl -nptoviBg. i he Ltiiulmi Timci i> auviousto impress apon Kin i-h naden the lad that Qreal Britaia «..» liol the only pam which made eOMOBSlSM wbea the Treaty of Washington wal under eoiisid« »ali«»:.- Its aullioiily for tlu> v is thal oi the Karl de liny, which is Mitlici« ni ; and poaaiblj the fact that mutual ooneessioni w.re maiie will explain the happj concliLsimí «.I Hie Treaty which 7he Timm eaiinot snf- lit i. lilly adinii« SoiilP new views oi diplo- in n y .luv, perhaps, tah« roo! in Europe whea all the negotistioni Bl« known; certainly the Bgreeaaeai t«> wnendet demands which were not piepiiei«roiis, by the two great English- rp-'tkitiv' nattOBa, hal shown wliat may thus !,(. n "in¡)!i-li« il foi Piaee and International . "ii.".. _ winn ( ooperatioo has dom ami Is doing for j K.)ll-a.i- . i i'.ii I«. I«. ai:«l plea«,iiitly told hy am «ori-espondeni, whose b-iti-i we publish to¬ day. Railroadi, bimi, orchardi, and machine« ¦hupi maared let a yoaag -stan by Cafipera"- tioa« these thtagi me -porth knowing and imi- tatiag, fog wliat hal beea done in Kansas «Mu in- «lone «Is« winn lins »'« in-iatKili. we hops», will tee the mill-im. oi now anareè-ie i., aaam of the F.u Wasl covered with tim ii .ni« s of . prosperous people, and resonant! with -In* ninnie of thone.iikU of Industriel -B rraaltiag ham the mi« Hu« nt «li ««non of Co- .mi. \n «. have happflj paasad tin sn < mere pioneering and resultle»-» laud-jobbhiii Cn unie to till up the vVasa bj argaaiaed col¬ lón bas fully «"onie. 'Iin- Peril lbpiibln ins « on ii «i. ni. Bfoord- lag io iii« :i maai-BS-B anti iii. I.'i p illili mi Tammi, t!i«t tin- airmanhlraI I»,-j.nfi< ne in ' n t!ie iit-litliliehineni of llie mon* uid in t.. .-rvenlion in llalv in 1 ''))' Pope. Io ill" »¡IK-, ti'ira »Mildil 14 ho (»VIT >M|r1rtrV* -VWWh |H>IÍIÍ(.fiI1 «4» l»f» other Ihm» a partia-iit II in veiy «veil mulei- ¦teed, fiirthcnnnre, Hint l.lt.r.iinontanisin would come in'-o France with Count C1» uni» ml og Henry V.; and it certainly BSedl no iiianifestn to 1.11 iib this in ailvanc»». There is Mnaethiag pitiful in paAt-Bg forward now the idea th.it mint»! and broken France, defeated and hui»- bled a«4 ihl if*, is lo lK«como the aimed c.iain- pion of the Chunh in Italy, restoring there a t4*in|H)r»l power which «lie ha>t pet to K''n ^',r herself. The laven of fair plav, a**»* ***$èM ami fVareawkii of .llnpaH" "r Baaaiapathf, vrill «eeeptiiKWiiKible the decision of Hie Com- ni¡e,si.m.r of Pates* in lia! at lag lo his posi¬ tion it* Examining Pension Surpon Dr. tHfll- niiiii Spoonrr ti Oaahht, New-York, li sp- peara that Df. Spooner. Who was removed by the former Conuiii^i«-«''-'«^ the IVn.sion Hunan because he wa* attaehed io the Homeopathic Scliool of Medicine, is ii resillar graduât« of that aaVaali with an honorable reeerd ; hin re¬ moval wai protested agaiaat by many tdtisens of Oneidii, and his reinsl'tteniciii k*4iiis an aft of jastial to the man and lo the partirti- bur Hoho4)l which he represents*. Of course the decision of the Ciimiiiii-tsiniicr (which is in- dorse*! by the Secret-ary of the Interior) is not to be taken as an encotiraKeiiiiiit to " self- M taught* liomoopaHiH whom» printed "dlTOO- " lions foi Bee11 constitute their ouly tiiplom;.. MUNICIPAL Pdf HY. we deprecate all picayune criticism -»n we very full Qipaeá of our Municipal affair* now pairing through our columns, (¡ive. our nilen a fair coiisitieiiilion. and judge, them by their works. Our objection to Ihn policy outlined in Mayor Hall's Mi'«skii,t is fundamental. Wo hold it, impracticable Ut abide by that Dalley without Hwainpinp it* hackers and seriously daaBBgiag the City. It clearly involves an increase of taxatiaa and an augmentation of debt. It will (hive rapitalisti out of our City, la evade ear onerou Municipal burdens. In lime, it will drive away Manufactures, ami even Comm« r«*e. A hill«« often tit tides the location of an indus¬ trial enterprise like the Waltham Watch fa«- lorv. We OBOOOt afford lo wamali such oil' of .His island. Some ought to gOJ others to ¦tay the Mayor would not discriminate, bul Iiii »it them all out. Ile must i («consider or be overmied. Our City embosoms great wealth. The ten¬ dency to local«* here is very strong. Two per cent, here is ««pinl to three per cent, in I (rook - lyn and to four in Albany, ReehsstSf anil lluf- falo. To tai people away is killin;*- (he gOOBS that lays ¡.-olden eggs« WV Blight levy la\e.s thal would work inci¬ dental good. If a license of .fl.OOii |h«i annum n- BBQtdred for selling Alcoholic Lupines in our City, ii would greatly reduce the iii'mlxr of selléis while increasing the City's income from their business. And there might Im» other beneflamt change* of like natur»*. But udfl there bet No; for that might diminish the Democratic vole, and this («al*is- trophe must, al all events, be averted. Bo a heavier hand laid on our Criminal cIsSS would reduce the City's expenses, bul it would dimin¬ ish that Sixty Thousand majority. Hence it may not bo. And here is the real obstado to the leforms W( especially commend. Heavy M our City Debt is, and slender Bl is the chance that any one now tiring will ever see it lees, ii Bright be half paid off within the present year hy simply selling property not needed for Muni¬ cipal purjioses. Let the City st 11 her Docks s< -vi rally as they st-and, Undina einli buyer to conform in all things to the plans matured hy thi Commissioners of Docks, and let every Public Market be sold at auction to the highest bidder who makes the required deposit, anil WO Shall claw olia les shore directly. Our new Consol may be iloaled on our own terms, provided we first convert into City Bands all the property that our Muniiipalily would be better Without« And the Markets will lie more commodious and bettet kept from the. hour when in the City firsts le!s them alone tor all other than sanitary purpose«. Dm counsel will probably lu* disregarded, not because it is deemed injudicious, hut be¬ cause t<»o many persons will insist on having the City run for their special hen« lit. No one supposes that the Municipality ought to con¬ ti ii ne in the Market business, hut a good many b«*lieve that their personal lateral will \h- wbeerved by her doing so, and they are in the main most assiduous and effoctive Ward politicians ; wherefore, she will. Thus the City is less economically ruled than it might and should be, in obedience t«> a seem- im,' DBlty necessity. Let ut* hope that our children will sec the end of lins con.lict of party Beeessity with Municipal weU-beiag. PBINCE NAPOLEON'S MANIFESTO. The only Napoleon who knows how to talk has at last made his voice heard. The Prince Napoleon (Jerome), who iadalgod up to the time ot the war in a certain sort of Cadet liberalism, who OOqueried from the citadel of impelialisin with the (¿amp of the opposition, who plsyed with the skill of the consummate actor i»nd with .something of that kiiimtIícíhi feeling which alone makes acting endurable, tiie doubled parts of democrat and prince, gaining popularity in the one and a million a year in the other, has at last, coine out a full-Hedged imperialist. He has written from LonioB a leaf mid virulent letter in which he ronndlv abuses Mr. Julis Favie, icspoiisible for all the wocsol France. The scle«tion of an ,'iiilarrotiist shows that the old ÜBCretioB whi« li so amused the | army in the Crimea and in Italy has not yet deeerted tin prudent Prince l'Ion Pion. He hal htokeil over the entire held alni lias sel«( ¡ted what aeemed t<» him the hast dsngeroM ¡»n- Isfimist Had His Highnem bien in that t.niriiey at Ashby he could never have resisted the suggestion of the crowd, "Touch the llos- " jiilalh i's shield. He has the least BUTC " -.cal.'* He ha- nothing lint kind words for ihe (.ermau Conqueror-, for His- maick and for Hottke. He treats with giageri] resp. «i Mi. Thiers, " win, accepted the " I »c ilia ps inevitalile prelim inai i.*« of Versailles .;ind the Assembly which ratified them.'' Hut as it s«-em«*«l probablen fortnight iga thal Mi. lav n* w«.ubi no1 long reniain a nieinliei of tin i,nvcriiin«*.it, and as thai coiisoientiourt and .elf-denying rtattnitr had i>cif<>nne«i hln nild ami «liilicull tnak willi such nil-inching sL«.'id¡- m ess as to «all upon Innis« If a great |»oitioti ..t the nnis.piihiiity which has naturally coni«. io Hie I.overnmeiil whOM fetal lol it hal I"'ii I., make peace ¡u the ruin «if France, ihi- juill« ions exile sel««1s him as Nie 1-lgft iif BU attach upon the (¡oveiiinieiil air! iii«" cause til« l.( pill.lh . WC had almost forgotten lin- <*\iistcii<<- ¦! he »lout pun««-. The wai begaa m such :,, i1,- .uni inn , thal when »I was deals» I,, w., on | Iga .<<¦ N n vv.i.V. '»ml ,io time to ;' Ki.. sllUOtilh iiil-s announce .. policy* ¦ W1W "..i*«,,,<- '*°on Hut h.« hi»« MA opportunity to organizo an anny of tourist" such as hi« had formerly banded vt»"» BMm) UNM and diversion. Since lhi«n h»' Im*« flitted about in Italy and Switzerland, lOO silent for .1 living li)Jill, ililli too coi-piili-nt for I gftmt, lint at last, in Ixm loll, lilt g-YM .tolll"!!.', mi.l WPWtS llOCt Of Ins letter ikoWB UM Conican verne -mil bitt.-r- q.-hh It i-» not ililli, nil I.» iiii_i*ii)i» tin» mo¬ ir«'- \-Liu ¡i li.iv.i «Iiivi ti him to Un» uiiu--ti.il elVnt. It in r,i\\ ami worm¬ wood io linn lo opook in tl.f. tin.» of Hi.» Emperor. He has never concealed iii»« BOB« tempt with m lililí li.« tAtJAMtiA lum, as .1 «lunn anti fraud Ln name, in pit-tension, an.I in eveiy relation. Ile feels it a* a hiirniiti* u 10114 Hint lie, with Inn ^inline Itali.in blood and Napoleonic profile, .-h,mid Im- sulior.liii.ile to tins Dutch ellan;*, lim*. l.ut le- has bOOB fun- ii to mrl» his worn anil a«-e.-pt tin- glftl llial fortiini» hari bestowed l»y the Imp.-Hal li.in«l. Ile would no1 admit tin!, tin- gentle¬ man in tin- Tuileries wtw his cousin, bul he (oiiltl not forgot tli.it through Ililli Iii.- Pilau lioyal mi Iiir* home, .*»inl I placo vom hi.-» on the st.-v-t of lin« tluoiic. Art. r .1 few months of e\ilc lie bOgU to r.-ali/.» what it moant to have lost his l'i-ini-cdn-m. Il wau very pl.-as- ant while in Paris lo talk deni'*, ra. y to tin« |ml 1 n ians of the Senate, but the serious busi¬ ness ni' life after all was to touch the million ol' the Imperial tlot.iti.in. JoBOpk II who was I bettet demoor.it himself Iban a palofifl well could harbor. Mid one day, "The trade I live '' by is that of a roy.il.st." Our clo.pieut radi¬ cal, Niip.ileon Jerome, has evidently come to the Haine conclusion. Ile MOI his hopes of lutine e.i-f, and the chance ol' I lie crown, which is only removod from him by the narrow upa ti of the little Montijo's life, fading away in the HtublMirn disinclination ot Fiance I») recall her fallen tyrant. He 1MB there is a possibility of the Kepublin suivivillj* the llltl U'l. s of si'.ret enemies and the in ulness of open friends He MM the old monarchical parties plotting Coff Hie throne, as if the Bonapartes no Inn-fur existed. He lulim lies lins Inhumation Rgaiaet Hie head of the (..-public in p.iitv in tin» (,ill¬ ili, t and the coiiuii.v, artfully chathill;, immiu him and his COHcOgnee UM whol«- train of ilis- aateta which th». Umpire precipitated npoo Fiance. iTince Napoleon ti too clever a man t«» !><.- lieve DM word 0*f Ibis ari.iii*iniit nt. Ile cbargM Mi- Favre with repeated capitulations. What has he to say ot Hie BgUfi which Hie Empire eut ¡it Sedan ? II» ttsft tin» F.inperor could hav»» obtained better tarrea fi»»in Ger* in my than those actually granted. Thoa why did he sl»i:lk fi.nn all iv-poii.-ihihty when LUamarch received him, m*ing bo mrreaidarad only hiniM-ll. that bil wile at Fans was now I(11 head of the lil n. The I'i ince d. untune-, the -*ratiililiN|in nee of tin pi omi-es of .leleii-e mai le by the i.oveinnieiil ol September, T!n- -ouinls Klraii^ely from the mouth of »» champion ot that groteaqaa Empire which wen- to uni willi a comedian's equipment ol tiasel and fanfaronade. TtiioacanOo-a niani.e-.io is only int'mied to ImpiCM the niial ma-m-s, union? whom both the Napoleons found heir blindest adhérents« It isas cay, m it iadiaingenaooj to persuade the anthinking ¡H-a-antiy Hi,it under Hu- Emperor th.y bad peace and under the Republic they hav.« li.ni wai, and that th's wicked Mi. Favre is the cause of it all. The Frince, concludes hy Hie unfailing pana¬ cea of his house.iii ve, us ¡1 plcliiscitiiin. It, has been manipulated so often hy diabon -< hand- into a seuibliince of tin iniinous support, Hi.i* the BanapartM rely upon it as implicitly Bl Mi. Weller 11 li.il upon ¡in ¡ililli. Be thinks tin- is Iii.« gaBM which will circumvent all op- po.-itioii, and although he appears to dread Hu- Ki-public mo.I of all, he does not close without a vicious little du at his brother-pi (-tenders. Ile wi-hes it distinctly appreciated that the hope of tin- country iii "no1 in a principia which i- the negation of "modern society; in a white flag which France "no longer icnionilicrs ; 111 the negation o' " iinivcr.-al sull'iaf-e; in the 'white tenor' su.- "eoeding the red terror; in the fusion of pre- " tenders; in the m lum of the Fninh BtUVtl¡ "il is not thus that France ian lind the haven "of safely.'' There is e\idently but one nilli.- whereby the atllicted people of Ft BUM run -O MtTOd] and lhat name His HighneM is too modeet to pronounce. THE 6 ccat t di:coi:a Tíos. The battles of Oiew and Viinih ibilt, the great MragglMOf Elfo and Central, lin- war of 11 val line^ for the ..iii.-ini* trade between the West and t!i<- New-York and New-Kui* laiul seaports, wi-ie ffBgod with ko niucli vió¬ leme and stilled up so ni.tny in*ly scan¬ dals, that for it tune tin« people se.-in.-d thoroughly alarmed at the imminence of the railway problem, and the danger of glMping and cnoriiiou.-,ly wealthy corpora- tions was a theme of treneml di-cus«,ion. Hut the alarm soon died away. The railroads per¬ fected their plana ; the m1 ron f* gMW stron^er; the weak wen! t»j the wall ; and the .piestion how lo meet the political and economical dif- lictilty which OBgBCiOO-l observers foresee so clearly in the near future, was poMponed, as Americans love to postpone all iiiicoinioitaUe Hun«-*., to some indefinite period. .Meanwhile a eoiporali.ui inoie formidable than either Km- 01 ('entrai has been Strength¬ ening ilself in I'ennsylvaiiia, and slreteliiin* its iron bondi toward all the granl avenues and centers of trade. It has iiot been the inaiiiiei of the 1'. nn-ylvania I'ailroad Coinpiuy to -lull», the coiinliy with su.l.l.n strokes of IhiI.I enteipiis.% 01 to bribe its log-dgtôn Openljr, or to buy justice 111 the inarki t-plac but its plans have Im-cii laid with such c.iiiMimnialc skill and executed with such (..iiak.i-like ipiiet and pre. i-ion that it \vx* taken aluiost complcic control of the second Stat»- in the Union, and mad»- itself pfoboblj the nins! |iuwcilul mon» yed » mp..ration in the world, li own- 400 miles .»I r.nlioad in the Stiit.« of I'l'inisy Ivania. it leases neaily '2,-too mile- beaidea, li ontrob -io. k compani. ¦ ol vin ions soils, hy means of investnients iii their shan-. It -Bl sei nu ii, all.i a brief ¦trnggle, the gro&I Weutern thoroui*hfares be- »«uni 1'ilisl.iii-h. Al piiMiit, ihn.iil'Ii its ..w11 ti.nk or the lines which it leases or otln rwi-»»- controls, it has the j-reut artery Maning Koot and West .blOn_b Lim niulille of Um) state from Philadelphia to PHtaborgb, with binnch.-M or feeders at short inlet vals. Towards the Noith-West it send- out an ann «Í00 miles loin, and nailns Hu MMUOTM of the Lakes at Erie; another, 4711 mil. - long, given ii the immense trade of ('iiit-_-*o , bj a Nurd it rrasps Hi.« Iiiisin. «s of Cincinnati Rta Sl. Leniai while a ntl-work ot leased lines »bains foi it the whole of Ohio mid Indiana I hus it collects the w.allh of tin» «-.nilen of the greal c.ntial gmifl (oiiiitry iulo a lUUnbOt «»I ...iiv. rtriiij* » liiinii.-U, iiidI 1 art 1. m it tlir«»ui-li Us main lu,,« lo the seal.oird at I'liilaib-lphii One illina only waa oaodod to oomplete thio 'lilli«-' r-y sl. in, au,I i!iai |,.,, ,,,-t l.-, ¡, ... i.mc»l by AelOàM whi.h gfVM tit» VtMAti vania Company control of tho thorough farra betwe-on Philadelphia and Nflw-York. By this consolidation tho two main avenue« of railway from New-York nonthwaril, 185 miles in length, and u cuni (W miles long, pass into the hands of the saine gigantic cor- IMiration. All the railway system of Southern New- Jcrney, embracing nearly 300 mile- of road, beoeaaM auxiliary to it also. Thus too the whole Southern overland trade of New- York munt piws through the Pennsylvania Conipauy's hands, and ii further extension sou! h ward han been fniade by means of the Northern Central from Harrisburg to Bal¬ limore. The length of route owned or eon- troOed by the corporation exceeds ."»,000 miles; it all run-» through the richest and most thickly Bottled agricultural and manufacturing districts of the Union; and it represent», in storks, Ir-onds, and funded debt the enormous invest¬ ment of nearly tttOyOOtyOOQ, It. is hardly ne- eesMiry to say that circumstances point to a continued extension Bt this ahcivly unpnee dented power. The Camdon ami Aniboy _n.iHj.ob/ QWied New-Jersey so absolutely and u.-.cil its privi¬ leges so ill, that mobt of us are pleased at its virtual extinction. But here is a huge corpo¬ ration whose control extends not merely over a little State like Now-Jt-rsey, bul a great Commonwealth like Pennsylvania. It siic- eeedl IO UM rights of Camden and Am- boy over the Legislature at Trenton. It molds, as meant eiaerimei hal shown, the Hegislaturo at Harri.-abnig. It** in- tluenoe in Ohio and Indiana threat-ens soon to beCDBM formidable ; and it is making rapid advances southward. We, may well ask our- selve-t with MUM anxiety whether the Pennsyl¬ vania Railroad is hereafter to appoint Con- greeaaMM and Presidents, and whether any¬ thing i in be done to regulate the power of these great corporations before it is too late THE PVKSK (IF FOETUSAT17S. N li onlv since wo have had au opportunity to siiiily the Reports of the Mayor, Controller, and th«) various departments of the City Gov¬ ernment, that wo have bren able to appre¬ ciate how great a reform Mr. Tvvetid proiniseil when he undertook tt» carry on the local gov¬ ernments of the City and County of New- York, pay the interest on their debts, and the principal is H fell due, and turn over to the Controller at Albany the City's shire of the Btate taxes, and ¡di this out of a sum not exceeding two per cent of the assessed valuation of the real and person ii erat ,:(M of th,. city. This is an undertaking from win. h a Hamilton Blight have -.hiiink appalled, in Mmperiaea with it. m the Mayor and The World de BOt hesitate te hoist, Mr. Ho'itweil's iU'hieVi mellis -ink to ¡n-tignilirani.«¦. Maik bOW bold and specific is the pledge. It is in Chapter M <>f the Laws of the Btate of New-York, popularlyknOWa .14 the 'Two Per "Cent'' bill, that the pleasing prospect is spread before the lax-payer. We QUete the arbole of Section 2 : ¦ Trun iii.» elim m raised Is oath of mid yton shall be ]> ti.I .:! Hi'« eXpBBMBBf MS t':l 1 iinl «'nitit« f liovnni- in. ir«. fur 1.1 ia-1: i. i.... tai ci, :, t;i,i porpoese, fat oath .if ..1.1 ).*:«re, lilli ille.l lill! Illti'Il'.et nil Hü' Itv tai Omiiity il.-i.t->, the prln.'ipil nf BBdfe Isbts fillili»? «In.., an 1 tlio |im¡)urti,>u nf tlio st.no tax pitv .bl.) Iiy -.ml I itv .«ml County in MME of e.inl y ir» r- «speettl '.!)' «n-l no llsln trias »--ill lui nu 'i:i..!I lui ,ni> p r| !e«. ¡;i t-.Hut of saul fOkt vv!r. !i hIi.iIi, v. uti Hu- St ile t,i\ :,ir -in Ii v.iir, illili Hi.) jil 111, ¡»'ti i'i>! Intrri'.t nf tin» City .01,1 Cuniilv ili'lit. p iy- slilit in mu, h ji'itr. in.ike tho aKK»«'«aU:» of thi; iSIM-ilii's nf Hut 1 Hy itml County (.ovvriiiiirut-t togi'tlier lor culi of «nilli > it - ui, in nt tij mon- than twopi»r .cut upon til« v.1,11 itioii i'.,ir-.i..| wifti Hi- ,1,1 ¡iii,iii liiii'iuliifui'it pro v 1.1.. 1 " ,,., Um ex, i-riit of tim <|.iot.i oi the MM*tai fu .N'.'W York Co'lnty lil I-171 or \i71 ovi-r tim gOti i nt H")) Hen» is I solcnin prooiisOi arawa np by Mr. Tweed binueif, enacted hy Mr, Tweed*! Legislature, approred hy Mr. Tweed's Qor« ernor, and to be enforced by the Courts.in line, a compact fort-Bed by every pledge and sanction thal aaa mrrouad ¦ lau .a promise that 1. Tue Btatl tax, '.'. All the expenses of the City an«! County l.overnineiiH, .». Theintereet ou the City and County debts, ami 4. The principal of such debts falling «lue in the.yean HT1 and 1831 rcepeciivelv, -.hall not, all told, exceed in each year two per cent of the assessed valuation of the real and personal estate! of the city, plus fjßntßXtOTOOHnf fjtltfl tax, or, te b«> specific, !?--. {.:i00,0()4). (Mayor's IfeeSBge, p. ft.) This was hailed OD all sides .is signifying reform. Mr. Tweed received «¦redil from hot h Republican! and Démocrate, and since that time every Utterance from tho reconstructed City QoTeraaaaats has beea anxiously awaited ami carefully studied. The public, though not exactly satisfied, and per¬ haps no» piepaiad to give Mr. Tweed their full confidence» have still aot condemned him« If he «arms out his promises, in« doubtless hopes by this " New Departure* to carry this State for UM Deinocrain* party ia lolB, and pare thi nay toe stepping into the Dnited H »tee Senate M the success«)! Bl Mr. Conk- Ung. \V»; art; not in a position to know all the expenses which th«* City ami County will have to meet in the cm rent y«ar, but tin« Depart¬ ment Report s enable us to estimate some of them, which we have noted down: Tim State tai will be. B. ItLßM T1)D IntiTCMt on th«* City (l,-l,t .l.Ul.lll TI.,' nit, i-i-t ..ii IBB County UsM. I.MB1II Tin- Scbools will ref|tiin-, oviir .uni above tin« .iiuonut rc«'«-iv«;«i from Hie Mat!. 2,i>«),i>xi TI.« I'rtion», Altn.biiii.v », Ilotpit-l.«, nnil other Pilbil.' C'luntll'S. 1,VKI..KK) Tin- l'n!iii- I>..|iiiitiiii-M* . J, .i)ii,i»») Tlio Kir.« I)i-p,irtiiit ut. 1 .«rKl.OO«) Street f.nrnp-4 mid QflS.. IßtkAgt stri','1 etoeataa. NMtf lu" l'n kB. MMH BalBI-M o! Jüdin*--, tin- Courts, Mt . I,!»»),'»»! M ",... i.«'Kia|.i!inii, Ma) or.tlty, Fin nice, W.,lk-, llniltll. It- lit- V. .*),.«.,.-) T.itnl.MOsXtkMt We presume Mr. Tweed would not think ol' dispi ming with any large poiinui of the In,-- men, poli« «ineii, public school teachers, or street chañéis. He would not «lose the coiiite, hospitals, prienne. lunatic a-tylums, and abns-housi'fa. II«- would not have tis in «lark¬ ings hy patting OUI the stre«t lamps, or in tilth by eeeahig to sloan the atráete» We hare allowed a handsome retrciichiuent from last year's outlays in «acli of tin; above-nanie«! .aoiiit'es ol e.\|)eudltuie, while lor the " inis- " cellaneoiis" we have gone a st.«»p further tim» tin* Beard al Appui ¡tournent, having cut them down bil p«r ««nt. We have mentioned but om« c1 MM of tin- demands which Mr. Tweed iindeitaki s to meet out <»t thi proeeedi al his two j»«»r cent tat« As we lean fr«»tn the exhibit of the City .uni County liiiaiic«»s pn'pareil by Controller Connolly anti Mayor Hall, the following m- oebtedaae. faDi du«' la thi -seel reu ending May 1, |gn iii) Btrsaas baads ..... t-».vi.i.». niJIily 10 Ti line mind» .lü,*XI,»tt»> Ha«-ki .tnd Mips bond» .', ,.i»»i V,ilntit., r s,," I n , ro)ii:> Ai.l i-.ti li, No 7 tghJWA «I l.'l.l:l,Ii»i Mr. I.«i did not promise thal he will ilivmi i.e l,iy uni « «»»nil y i.ov.-ii. als .oui pilbil) VfJi'itn lui I33.3CO.000, pim an nu limited amount of money to bfi ranci from the nale of bond». Anybody could do that, the credit of the City continuing in its pnv «ent robust condition. That would »>«. no re¬ form at all. At all event* it is not the reform to which Mr. Tweed ha« invited us. The lui- gUga of the "Two Per Cent" bill in bflM (»x- plieit. We have that celebrated law before, us in the -h:i|s« in which it passed the LogWo- turi-, and received the approval of Mr. Winans and the Uovenior. It siiyK, as will be seen by consulting the section ipiol.il in full ahove, " and no Habilitiert shall he incurred for " any pnrpoge in either of saitl yearn which shall, "with the. State tax for such year and Hie ''principal and in'crest of the City and County "debt* payable in such year, mike the BgglO- "gBJM of tho expenses of the City and County "(joverninents together for each of said years "amount to more than two per cent," fire. We know that Mr. Tweed is not in the habit of put ting the Legislature to the trouble of panning laws which are to remain as dead letters on I lu¬ st atnie book, and we are confident, therefore, that, he propose« to use at least a portion of the money« auHmrized to be raised for the follow¬ ing purposes by the sale of bonds: .',»r ii rest timnt in Vi.uluct liaihvay «t.x-k .I".,.«».«).) Pur I'ark iiiiprureiiiünt*. i.txri.ono Fur li.M-k liiiiirov.iin.nU (JUUtmf. not ol 1370). MM/MI l-'.jr w«_t»«r-iii|x*rt. water inflU-r*. M. 1 ßm\ßM Yat hMma-Bg Wiitcr UXpfif (yearly). 1,1100,'wo Fiiriu-.w MotM-aaaat, «vc. sso^ooo I'liriotiipi.tinii of dual li Ifenai la fWy Itali IBM :5o,o»o For Fire Alarm T.-li-irraph. enfin) For 1'ara.lo Or.mn.l al«»».» Fifty-iiuith-Ht. BMB For coiuplotiou of Court House, IXtli Jud. DOE- »»'.000 For.o"i.pl.«ti.>nof C.iirt II.» DM, IlI.lJinl. Dist.. W0.000 For BB-Clff O'J'ri. ia'l c-iiui (a -tii_.t*(l). Mt\ttt For ii'p:»irin>J.H.«w.«rs'(v.«iirl.v). 100,00"» For i-ar« of ftrtUU» IihvIiij. rontairiotiH «lts.-a.-i.-rt.. loo.ooo For now Isll lowur, III.! Juill, lal _»_»triot. 60,000 Total.tn.coo.ooo If we bring together the sums which Mr. Tweed is to pay this year out of the ptOOOOdfl ot tho taxes, which are rigidly limited to $ii'i;,m,OTjO, we shall he inore than ever sur¬ prised at the wonderful naturi» of this under- takin-*. Wo have read of great linaneiers who have "Kalvauized the corps« of public credit," etc., but never before have, we heard of a man who won renown by paying three dollars willi one hundred cuts. We recapitulate: Or.llnary tapeaMI »f Hi" OMf, Wkmt Tax, »U-.. Aku\t iv».i .>.-. lieht** -aaO-Bt-f in uni. -MM.na Extr.-turdinary <. x*>.<iiaoii. 17,0-M),(«io Toti.l. .I06.3W.-S8 To walk 1,00!) unies in 1,000 hours is a great feat. Hut that is art nothing ill comparison with what Mr. Tweed has commenced to do. BaOQMI to bim and his brave MULUM-M! M A nsess OF Tin: COMMUNE Mr. Francisque Surrey propounds in the Oattmpft a theory intended to explain Hie out¬ break ol' Mardi in Paris which is Ml only in form and application, He says that the popu¬ lation ol' the capital, as a result of the priva¬ tions and the excitement of the Étage, wen at¬ tached by a contagioni mental alienation« un¬ der the LoflnenM ol' which they rushed into all the extravagant MB <>i the revolt. It. is, after all, only a Qoectionof definition, It is not do* nied lh.it, there have been seen several times in the history of civilization insl inn a s of a aide* .spread epidemic ol' mental disorder, resulting m deeds of cold-bloo.led cruelty which would neem .BipOO-Jhlfl iu calmer times. The Mar.m- ii<- massacres, a few years a-*»», were til trib¬ ute.I lo a paafiiag mania of this sort. The in¬ stances of the Conviilsionnaires of St. Mi'-dartl, of those mysterious at lacks of hysterical chorea which ravaged the nunn, lies of the South of .'tañe«« daring the aatatecntb and seventeenth eantnrtea, ami of iiiat boreibla di lnii.m of witchcraft which stain- with so indelible a etigan the .inly Naw-*England his¬ tory, ufl all proofs incontrovertible of the power of mental disease*, to sweep willi I rapid cnntagilWI over entire communities. The behavior of the ('oininuiiists was in many in¬ stance,-, ol thal fantastic and extravagant char¬ acter which naturally MggeatB Mine such ex¬ planation M that above ment ¡oneil. The set¬ ting up of Uaaonlfl emblems on the ramparts, the (le.-iiuction Of the Vendome Column, the minder of the ecdeeiaatica, and tinally the bnrning of Paris, are not tim acts of imu in the full enjoyment ot their mental and moial faculties. One of the nio.-t cn lions manif.-siat ions of the high-WIO-ght .-»tate of unnd under which the Bomben of the Oommnne hahilually la¬ bored, is seen in the debeM which took plaç¬ ât their last session upon the pi. -»lion ol' the release or trial of Cluserel. The Commune was already doomed. The foils oil the souih side of the city were abead.v lost, and the de¬ fence against Versailles was known to be hope¬ less. Every man in the commit!»-e-room knew that his hour had come; that not only his oaiuebal blalifo nae jadged and forfeit. Vet the majority of tin in were as rigid and un- beadiag ia what thej Laiagined to be rapnblicaa diacipline m if they vere th.- aeknowledged arbiters of a laOOgniaed power. The Citizen Valles was in (he chair, supported by Citizen Courbet as Assessor. Two or three members of the Commune, among others the journalist Ver- inorel, in view of the fact that nodi -tillite charges had lieeti made against Cluserel, moved that be be set at liberty. Felix l'.al, who »vas cer¬ tainly never deficient in energetic iinpul-.s winn they had in the direction of illegalit\. had logie enOUgll lefl IB his mimi to s,e that it was absurd to keep Cluecnt in jail when he hail done no wrong. Bttt the Citizen Paschal (iroussi-t the most (levant m dlCM and man¬ ner of all around the council Is.ar.l, a niau who-..- gloTM and cravats excited in pcaccful- l.r times the ire and envy of his llohemian CoUeagUM ami gained him the name of the jo til trêve of the Radical press- announced this cool and ferocious creed of in-nu re«'! ¡.mar. poli¬ tic»-, " I think our proMOt circuiii-iaiices make a " military thief MMnetbingof an outlaw. Ile must "have ut the .--ame time very extended |n»\v. i- " and a sentiment of absolute subini.«-.-ioii to "thom- wh.» hare confided thom to him. He "ocenpieean exceptional position winch Jaeti- " lies toward lum all lOTtl of .li-uu--t, -urveil "lance, ami prevent;vc measures. In révolu " turns it is no1 enough to dismiss a Muii-i« r " of War who lo-es your confidence. Von "must Mtaal him. Formerly, lie was shut.*' Ile then went on to state that the Citizen ClnMtel had promised in twenty-live or thin.«, days to have a lone of ELRtS nun i.ady for oileusiv»; opeialiolis; thciclôie. when twenty- five day-« had pas-ad, and this army was not ready, the Commune amatad Gan. Claeeret The Citizen Franki 1, the I'nissiau iiicinl«cr of the Ci.mmuue, who had been natiiiiiliz.il with such eda! a few days before, BgBOOd aitb IJtousset that incapacity w isa p«-nal clime. Hut ii was left foi Hu- Citizen A mirum io -a.ite the BOOl Mtonndittg theorem <>t the republican lyetom M .vel recoi.l.il. He .-»al.I lh.it in the arrest of Linacre« "Hu- Committee had obeyed that ie " |.'ililn-iiti in,l .Li,,,,, atic «..-»ii im.«ni ivlil. li ni- '. si-t thal o m ia win« l.i.i Ulled ><i ii.ip'.it.uii i liai ol' Minierer oi W ¦" »hoidd -in he lit.award I i, icottni nt ...«' »ti I ... u las tory- The Brahmin thinks * lui- w|,t>m ho has «lone, the honor to marry should bum her- si'lf at hi« death. The fa vont»-* of (ho ('ah olic Kings of Spain wen« urnt into c-.nvfnU when their royal masters tired of them. Hut »re think this is Ihe Iii at t1)m. ,t was « ver pro posed that ex-ofliceboUlcDi should go from their desks to jail Yet tin* man they werr» hatg-Bg was aametb- odicnlly mad M his «lc<*mst« rs. When hi- lost l'on issy, heaaatttiepiafaateteaa dkpamhta the iimi minent he. waa making Ix-lieve «bber : "War to Kxe-rutive: With all thom lwfa__tt_eB> "in the irraad-maaaaam and all then«' p,,.ii,»y- "ings of truce without my knowledge t»V "trench at le,y li.in li-e-mi abandoned Iff oui "men and taken by tim Veneflaiei thia in " disagreeable. Don't «livide the eomnuunl ; "and above all, punish the Mailors or M "them lu; punished." It is omi of Uni most striking oomnieiitaries ever maa uj>oii tin» inania of bloodthirsty suspicion that usually acoompaanai revolutionary itruggleii that tins riL'id n puhlie.in agitator, who joyfully t.'ncw away his life in the tappet, of his wild ideal, at the very moment his rolleagiies ri* con- demning him for the constructive ti«-a<sori of failure, was Innis« If li uri i ni; lierai ciirtalioiis of treachery ami dame-tag for the Mead ot trsitors. _ - | We Sheerre that then« has Ih-^h sun.» fe,'!- ing at West Point, over the effort «d .-«»ii.ii4»r Carpenter of Wisconsin lo le« lure tin Cadetii on " honor.*1 The young gentlemen, it must b<« conf(s.s«'d. have nison in theil grum¬ bling. A Senator who delilx-rntelv commits a penit« ntiai y idlen.s««, night await his own pardon, before inlruding himself a- a moral teacher on younger ami le«ss guilty men. On the N of March we did ourselve-. the lion >r to call the Senator's attention to his often»-« in these terms: '. .Mindi )>iu»iieiit is !>r!i[».rl" provoked l»V 'b'' io¡««r iiii.i' of tbft IIou. M. li. ( .tr|Miit.-r. .1 ImbMM of lim Unit.-d States« tiri a MUBSSISS f. th. New York Osaual In Hie iii-Hin.nt iH'foiv Hie cnuiuiiMionar of Internal 11« -vi inn »SB UM (|iic.elinii ol ¡ni} iii.- In, inn tal on Uni t-Tr.if rip dlviilend. Hueti employ mini bi-i-ius b-.trly iliconip'itilile nilli MI IllW of the Lind md Hie Mistier law* ii «eil. A Member of ( omrroata .hoidd n ver ».-»- |h- t ,., ri.t- ii.ml itttorney of um .IjiiiiiiiI nr ling-til tim Hoveriinieui." li hariag sin««» beea decided thal the eflbrt in which Mr. Carpi nt4i was « uga .-ed was one» te deprive the (.overnnienl of largs Hum,, te which it || legally entitled, and no e_M_a having 1h««»ii ollered be him save thal ho acted "for a «aiclv frii-u-l," tin laaalted Cadet* may appropiiatelv comniiiid to tin ir volun¬ teer exhorter this pungent sdsBoaitioo from the leading journal of hi> own region, The ( 'ttieiujii I rilni ne : " tk ll.lKil" « liptllter ii', ililli liffUI'e.1 ta liNJilltli; I041II- no1 ni .irniilti,,' lw-iore (l,e I.nu.in i,j Int. mai BsfBBBS iiK'tii, Iat I lie mil«.( linn lu UM I'lilli'd 8*.iles tt Hu« In (onie tSX SB the m PH («ni «UV idi mi of tilt- New York Central B-Uvar- U ntsMtksl i».* «ij.i nu« sttfeial «my «..min ii-,ii.on ,,i ,i,.-r<i»iiii'iil for (oiii|M'ii».tHoi,, «lin-rt or iii.iiii !, I>n .-»-nt or pio»pc< Uve. Bat Hu.-, in .mr jinUc lu.iil.n.i'.| believe! 'I'lie C.'titril Unir» ni I ninpsiiy mi en, d nie, li.rn, a.'iil iiiiprnl«»«"!«««! fruíale M tB ne. d the yi 11 nit- iii.- -i'ivni-1. of a chlvalnNM kv,nrht errant for it» NMBB| nor is Mr. CBfpMM nuy «ni, li elm inr A'li, BOtB te to I'XjM'inl Iii.» «lie. ¦rtii in Bgktlai lb! hattlss ,.f rie_ aotpetatloM without henni paid for it. Kilt If li«! Hi ie,'i.o -r IggOt rei.-n.. my romp, iim'ioii for tin» xrvi.e, .11 r>-. t or linliieit, then time* M SB Mt M ! .lilli« li. UMb -".I eiiiiiled, 'An in! ifl.it.in» to ineinb« of ('lillians-., li»»itrdi of doptrtineiit«, and trtkOt ttBhott of ti»*» <;..-.,'nilli,nt,' under ulm h Mr. CBlpHMM should Ixi c.iiv uti d of a misdemeanor, tlne.l in buiii imI r v i ...! intr $10,1100. and iiiipri>»oii<-<l for it Urtu not oemgOilmt l*o vi tie., ,,,|,| \m forever uft«T Inospable of boliliinç any tom** "f tiiiei, honor, M profit under th.« i.overiiiiiviit Of ihr Halted -i..t..-."' Pish, ji-, li.is HBUSSl th» Methodists. Ceiintn M.l--»;ii linen-its regimenté prop.«*- Is tflMtt that iiiiive .md li im lmr.lv veterans ont of Ii.w-t<>i. n.'it Siiim1.iv nicht. I lu- Hethsdlsl ininist-eis ol l!|<at<m lnive luid i ni(-(tuiir «ml ,ip|M,iiii.d n isamU-Sm «if si vi n to wait ujhiii (,ov. Clatllll nuil hen hill!, M Coiiiiiiamh'i'-iu-< In, f, to forbid hie tn>«i|>s to turnout on tin* Mcred day. l'lt.-K' Methodist prot.-stants iiniílit lind an Buist WSJ out ti UM mitti« r hy pro¬ em in» tin- arrest Of Fisk, jr., .mil Ins in, minion» Inr Iiavi lim: mi the Bi di I, nth ii|s)ii no " Merit of BBBB> sitv it ii.ini.v .md 'imili.iry t«> lit.* form of thei Statute III »in li , .lee mule .uni pluv ided." Tin« law is as pi nu M tin» BOM N Mr. Fisk s I,ki-, I Bfl i|ti«»4- tinii win tin r iek. ji'., .md his nn ii-at-ariiis shall Ins allowed pul,In Iv to s.i^ tin irpiavi'ieoii ILmtoti Cora- iiioii apeathsssmsSunday is ,iIho itmi.ttiii-lln»ia« ¡lirions mind st thal my. Ii api'e.ue tliat ths < ity autln.lit les hive r.f.ie.il to allow this devni/t war¬ ri. .1 the us,' of the CiiiiiiiKUi for Ms dcvotiniittl .».ten le, s. The] e:i\ if ha wants to pray h«« nnut »rii IO .Inn. h like oilier hollas MB. 'i hey lilli.» know tin-I'Vpiiieiie rliaiiii ti i ni' tin- Cstomlh piety. II« Mould Is» lial.le n. some inspired moment to raise the roof from Notre I»,uni', in to piii .in added IhiIkh BU ths "Ionic of St. PBbTs. T1i«j turf ».hall h». lit' fi.tis'i.iiit -»Inin« iiinli i tin- lilli«« an h aliiiie « an lui »pu n iimi elbow-room. Bo he ha! U lograpasd i«> the M ayu r if 1' ha leeton n ne ki nu ii he know.s Sn\ tin in his (itv ordinal.«.".!« to pnveiit lue to-esini; oil a praver m two In ihe «hu«!«' <.f Buuhm Hill M.iiiiiiiienl. I'll«* MsjrSf savs he «I.««« not own the ground. We esuld have vtrimd the M.i\iir had let lum SSmS. Ihl tttA that Col I- isk.jr.. is willina ko IBJ hm priiveis at all atourh- III« one. ml Ins ii.»..! ii'M.I.it.x. we think, «ahoiilil he ellitilir-.l-ed. There I.e Ho lil..'. W ho Ile« d.t to ¡iCif inore than he .liM-t on the Ann-man i untineiit, and tB BO l8 evidently willum to «Hain i |»nnt anti not nilli to pra\ l'Ut to putt in pul.li. we an ttttj Ion.- that lu* UdisesuraaBd md hiadi rsd tai -Mt sap. Kven it lu« should niel»! ajMiii coinir into the » ild«»nn*«W and >tav ni- .ivviiv finin nt for the n ei of his hf'«. en- ifiL-'it m iciiLiiiiie m,.in ltini,. we shooldmsksaa i.l'J. linn. I In- oh ii thal w li.-n ii pulili. in.in le In IkiBBBSSld lill lilli lill he lillie! he .lelud If ii lilli - .«Il Hu lieh ..ii. : for l.ii-liehnii n havi bo treal tm ihty f'»r the graesfal, and is hi.v a i ).i).'!i respe» t Im the hu- m.m sbdflou n. Hm Mi B. Bsihsssd Bsea tom .i..mi HiL'h Cos-B-Bstoner,hcteg toEoi hy mriaia ttolnl ni.'ii ni I'.t.eifii I., a. .«pi lln nihill, "f bau .111.-1. lu iTL'i.i leave, ill the 111. si sensible WS. tk h0 eXCBSed. I am no loli-ei a pnl'ln man." said Mr. Hoar. " ¡uni 1 do Bl ««.».. w BJ I eholllll U" an Ollj.l I <.f pul,lu .»ti. til ion iii chert. Mi. il.'-ii dtsHssi i«> din.« at the etpOMM "I I I "iiiiintt.e I e; lni(« the eerie! le lll.il kit. HOBT*« OTgBB 11 »Lit Hi IV BO-fli ¦- etiuilii iii.in usual. We belie»! it au ti«- rifely -«lill lilli he le II I "li«'"t the il-e! »UK .Hld -BBMM__| kind. _ \ uie.It III.lill drOll -.''.II.'.-« I.e luid |l|et Ituvt- to illii.atiiile lln1 i-in.inn.«" ol iii'.ip.ieitv ol tho I Uni- k jiir.ir-s. hilt «viiv MM ol theaaWe« «n mil' h willi like J.H'O.M1 ISlStOl Willi« |llH.|e. \\ hut. ll.t-hiat'OIlM ni tin! Ii-lit-.fioii'l lui.)! who Ifiind eliviii shsfeV na!«« iin-n «>n iii«" jm.v with him' .Juill. i.iLiniiula are lull «>I naiiaiivis of the stupidity Bl jurer*», hut iiiii>o.i\ thu.ke ,,i üiviii- up thesrutMnapsuthat mt,nun li tarni ported sot bmbq aVhtp am la this wfiid hut n .e ths hut, srtoSBfBssidtehB the h.ei win. h ere rannt. The Blaefce al» a tory n,ntative ra cr. ei ih. SvtartwoB Heuttasni juneo get th'll dliskl .i-e.. i.tle.a a ffOSd «A.lluple. if -Mf .m tin» h su«.n will md ).». IMS. W i I. ive l.rell pleav.1 tn ohe. rve that lh«* \ntell- HI II. nu. opalin. In.ellliile. fore (he lose of »U late se.e.sion III 1'hll nI. Iphl.1 I.il.lllv lils, I.lillie.I 111« ii'lii.ii)ii.>a 1,,-niinieiiis tmhsdfod in tl»«*ir aiimi.il ad- draea, waieh we coBsand whn M wtt aaMrsBsaes oui nt pla««» and m h¡»«l »asi«-. A resolution was sltO PBBBSddoiMSWB. willi ihe di lit, t nt nu »nilli»! .nlih. «a m in,1.u. Niilhei" ti»«» l»i-tit ni<* »iijl any of Hi« ni. nil., i-, 'na .i i_hl In -ml.Ile lln ,i ..wn pm liar li .lillie,li ih.l 'I I'. I- lt|M ». Um li ¦ i. mt h hi BU :¡!¡, ol-«!- ...i fui thi ni lo du i" rtuwaae is in, t v.c-t i, rotnpt »ni juit lu^tii'A'

chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1871-06-15/ed-1/seq-6.pdf-Itnnflfmente, ctr., (îlne (...cmnç,. |»v.-ni'*» TiiKATKR.."The Man o' Airhc.M l.iw-rtnee

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1871-06-15/ed-1/seq-6.pdf-Itnnflfmente, ctr., (îlne (...cmnç,. |»v.-ni'*» TiiKATKR.."The Man o' Airhc.M l.iw-rtnee

-Itnnflfmente, ctr., (îlne (...cmnç,.|»v.-ni'*» TiiKATKR.."The Man o' Airhc.M l.iw-

rtnee lUurBt«.

KlITII AvoVAVB TilKATKI!. "Nil Nilli)« ." I'llllivIttvt-oporl. ,

Nntiai's (Jart>kn.."l'uni CUfltatd." .Tolin Collins.Oi YMPit: Thbitkii.--"K.wat livnr»«*.' I.iicillc

Wmien.V«.'«.i!.4«K'sTilKATKK. "liiiNclulc." I.esU-l Wallut k

|5n«x>Ki y\ Kink.- Oaaaeal«¦ m kal Talk t,Ai:i>n\. ('«»tirett. UnanllBli


GnomcGO iXotirco.Ohio Pam»

Kolbv» CamaaaraaBern tam*,Tit|Kirton- Iii Broi i»»v.

Kvcrv lunn v.li«> travels, and every man »rho.4.1» I (nu- tliiild ¡n«iirr »cain«! a-ailn.i» in Hw I «»« ki.ïh» bil»am. A i«a!%-i as. « m-iti ni Kf.» ¦.»'

llATCHKLOR- HAIR I»YK.-. I III lust 111 the»'¡.I. i. Al.l'ltVal »I IlMlrU.i V h.

Willi 1.1!" AM) Wll.M>\\ SkUIN'i Mv'HIM,liai BraaaWBi }«.»m «HOiiiwu »b1 * ¡ v» lli.'Ul ill. V M

For ;i Cr iriinv Si i*i.u!mi.M"m nn.l Si R-v«»,,k »t,«r,-». h. !" N 1'nl.u»..

ARTii iciAi mo--Palmer Limbs.fíe Broil» i,. R, V.i 1 lx)l) ( br.luut-.L. I'll .« «... I 1.0 tim


¡>vn v Tim;! \»-, Mini Bobaerlbera, km paraaa.Si mi» »'. i. ki«, l yaya ne. Mail Subscribers, ii peran.W11 hi.\ li.m, m.. Mail Subscriben, ftp* .."-"»I"

A «I v «« r t i s t ii r» li at«« «

Dvi! v mi si, ¡i., 40c.. :»-«., TV., sad »?' I" r -inc.

m mi-W v I i.i.ii nf» » and AT) centa pei lina.\\ li ki v ¡ Lim m *¦.', gg, .iiui «*-'> per Im.-.

\.. ord-M M poBittan in the iu«i>» r.

I ernie, tx-h in advance.Atldnm Im Ilhi m New-York.

^fó*£íorifc JQailfiKriïwntTHURSDAY, JUNK 15. 1871.

TI. IPLE S II E ET.(on. Tro« hu IBBBBBBi lu.« «'.« fin«e ni Hie French \nj>eiii

biy,yeaterday. l'aiti« ular« ai the latearían between.'! Thiers nuil Hie <)¡ Icnm« MBBB BBB puliliialicl thismornina BoehaCartlaaarlaaalirltt« Many of the Oasn»

.v. i«-( n <!i-i barged rot want al teat!limn«,. Ti'i Pin lu li Ai el. in;, ha« i« «una ,1 ils sittill£8.

.* n t.- t-.ve.i Ha n,iii<i nt to

.i- i.ii.on of lintiiah (oluuiliia willi 4'anaida. \

otk oil ri tilery bu« been barnea1 m Petrolia,« ..nunn.

..'.ni rumor.al In HBBMaftBB thal I OlleetOC Mmaad. 'iii.' Weat Matgradaahas awde

their farawell parad.' yesterday. Dev. Weataa al->..»v iiitiiit»-liiro his Been laaafaraled. : Dr.

...im n nu» npath 1sti has beea Bataatateé" la theI*, n«.... The Philadelphia Republleani

lo.». mi' jp ii liomin .t.on«. \ riot i«

n Hie Al.ilian.u and OhattaaOOfS llailro.id.

iti. ii wa« reaaased batten the Käst« r.., p,.i,i, m n are hw gi d w Ith 11 u

(. .Id 11'.»,. -Og, 11-'.. Tin

Tin Iowa Dcinociiic.v, it appeals, baajoined in tin* general stampede o. Um party,and hal pul!-, ii np ataki ¦ an«l takes a New De-j»;ii t ni i bj a vole of .'I to 1. Tliis must bevery trying business to the am um hard-shells,v»li«> m It-SCBM BWWP-rtad tO h.i\e made a

lui..i ¡i.-hi .».-.m.-? tin- aew-fangled notioa <>i'

udopting a I.) j)iil)li«aii platform in a Demo»« ¡.nie Conrention.

Tbl ". M if I.'.«1 in-.v I »t i, ¡di imif Got-«¦iiior ot New-Hampshire, published this mo:».-

lüg, i« .|int«' iiititlt i.iU* in finie. The (««»vciiiinin« itiiiilly hold- ia hand fron) National poli-1 is, c!ii« tlv di voting htmBill to BBBttCtl mon*

jn iliiit-nt tO t tie o«", BBÍ0B. Ii i« all vtiy well.ths regalar tbin_r. ia tact for him t«> ««.tv thaltin- ic.siill of tit«- lulo election in Xew-lfamp-»eliin- i« ,i triumph «ii tim« -lioiioi,a!, con.stitu-taiiial principi« s, vVc. t\c, lint tin Deni«.eraticmanagen Know bettor; something -tare pm«'-1i.ul li,»ii in. re principle» uinli-i litis iii. Demo*« ratio sine«.«-..

'Iii«* Hiiiieh lii.v. iniiic'.ii baa finally approvedthe .iiieoipiion of British Colambia uno MmDominion of Canada, and the ".'.Ith July hasIniil ii\ d bi th« kgmte on vvIii»li the nnion -halltake place, fine of the condition- upon which

i'-.rMir Colony agreed to annexation wi's

i i.it » l ia:is-Contin«fit.il Raflread throng- Brit¬ta- Am* rica fahonlil lu- built by the Dominionl.«i\. I ¡illnlit, ilillid by the Home Coverninent..M.W li-l n-, .-.<<. if that wölk will Im- « oinin« -li« » dx' thin the period qweifled. " ¦ reaaonable time;

a || ¡i i» not bo neaan," nor finished, whatwill British Colombia do -bool i, I

Tfch New foniidlanih is have iiii«\Ji«« tedlyihrowa ¦ wtA blaaket on Canadian oppo-itionto the Treaty ol Washington. The people ofNew*Braaawkk appoiated ¦ Coana-asioa too»Operate erith I similar body from Nova Scotiamid Newfoundland in concerting measure! todefi it the Tieaty; but, to their gnat dismay,

ti.ll uni, whose whale weitere, is boundup m her fisheries, likes the proposed adjust»nunt of the fishery qnestioa very mneh. Tia*

qneetioa which naturally Brises now i>, li theFishing Caloay ii latlsfled with the Treaty,why should the others iniike any fus> altoutit? The paespee» foi ¦ peaeefal Bettlesseal all

aro md bl -nptoviBg.i he Ltiiulmi Timci i> auviousto impress apon

Kin i-h naden the lad that Qreal Britaia «..»

liol the only pam which made eOMOBSlSMwbea the Treaty of Washington wal undereoiisid« »ali«»:.- Its aullioiily for tlu> v i« v» isthal oi the Karl de liny, which is Mitlici« ni ;

and poaaiblj the fact that mutual ooneessioniw.re maiie will explain the happj concliLsimí«.I Hie Treaty which 7he Timm eaiinot snf-lit i. lilly adinii« SoiilP new views oi diplo-in n y .luv, perhaps, tah« roo! in Europe wheaall the negotistioni Bl« known; certainly the

Bgreeaaeai t«> wnendet demands which were

not piepiiei«roiis, by the two great English-rp-'tkitiv' nattOBa, hal shown wliat may thus!,(. n "in¡)!i-li« il foi Piaee and International

."ii.".. _

winn ( ooperatioo has dom ami Is doing for jK.)ll-a.i- . i i'.ii I«. I«. ai:«l plea«,iiitly told hyam «ori-espondeni, whose b-iti-i we publish to¬

day. Railroadi, bimi, orchardi, and machine«¦hupi maared let a yoaag -stan by Cafipera"-tioa« these thtagi me -porth knowing and imi-tatiag, fog wliat hal beea done in Kansas«Mu in- «lone «Is« winn lins »'« in-iatKili. we

hops», will tee the mill-im. oi now anareè-iei., aaam of the F.u Wasl covered with timii .ni« s of . prosperous people, and resonant!with -In* ninnie of thone.iikU of Industriel -Brraaltiag ham the mi« Hu« nt «li ««non of Co-

.mi. \n «. have happflj paasad tin sn< mere pioneering and resultle»-» laud-jobbhiiiCn unie to till up the vVasa bj argaaiaed col¬

lón bas fully «"onie.

'Iin- Peril lbpiibln ins m« « on ii «i. ni. Bfoord-lag io iii« :i maai-BS-B anti iii. I.'i p illili miTammi, t!i«t tin- airmanhlraI I»,-j.nfi< ne in

' n t!ie iit-litliliehineni of llie mon*uid in t.. .-rvenlion in llalv in

!¦ 1 )» ''))' Pope. Io ill" »¡IK-, ti'ira »Mildil

14 ho (»VIT >M|r1rtrV* I» -VWWh |H>IÍIÍ(.fiI1 «4» l»f»other Ihm» a partia-iit II in veiy «veil mulei-

¦teed, fiirthcnnnre, Hint l.lt.r.iinontanisin wouldcome in'-o France with Count C1» uni» ml og

Henry V.; and it certainly BSedl no iiianifestnto 1.11 iib this in ailvanc»». There is Mnaethiagpitiful in paAt-Bg forward now the idea th.itmint»! and broken France, defeated and hui»-bled a«4 ihl if*, is lo lK«como the aimed c.iain-

pion of the Chunh in Italy, restoring there a

t4*in|H)r»l power which «lie ha>t pet to K''n ^',r


The laven of fair plav, a**»* ***$èMami fVareawkii of .llnpaH" "r Baaaiapathf,vrill «eeeptiiKWiiKible the decision of Hie Com-

ni¡e,si.m.r of Pates* in lia! atlag lo his posi¬tion it* Examining Pension Surpon Dr. tHfll-niiiii Spoonrr ti Oaahht, New-York, li sp-

peara that Df. Spooner. Who was removed bythe former Conuiii^i«-«''-'«^ the IVn.sion Hunan

because he wa* attaehed io the HomeopathicScliool of Medicine, is ii resillar graduât« of

that aaVaali with an honorable reeerd ; hin re¬

moval wai protested agaiaat by many tdtisensof Oneidii, and his reinsl'tteniciii k*4iiis an

aft of jastial to the man and lo the partirti-bur Hoho4)l which he represents*. Of course thedecision of the Ciimiiiii-tsiniicr (which is in-dorse*! by the Secret-ary of the Interior) is notto be taken as an encotiraKeiiiiiit to " self-M taught* liomoopaHiH whom» printed "dlTOO-" lions foi Bee11 constitute their ouly tiiplom;..

MUNICIPAL Pdf HY.we deprecate all picayune criticism -»n we

very full Qipaeá of our Municipal affair* now

pairing through our columns, (¡ive. our nilena fair coiisitieiiilion. and judge, them by theirworks.Our objection to Ihn policy outlined in Mayor

Hall's Mi'«skii,t is fundamental. Wo hold it,

impracticable Ut abide by that Dalley withoutHwainpinp it* hackers and seriously daaBBgiagthe City. It clearly involves an increase oftaxatiaa and an augmentation of debt. It will(hive rapitalisti out of our City, la evade earonerou Municipal burdens. In lime, it willdrive away Manufactures, ami even Comm« r«*e.

A hill«« often tit tides the location of an indus¬trial enterprise like the Waltham Watch fa«-lorv. We OBOOOt afford lo wamali such oil'of .His island. Some ought to gOJ others to

¦tay the Mayor would not discriminate, bulIiii »it them all out. Ile must i («consider or beovermied.Our City embosoms great wealth. The ten¬

dency to local«* here is very strong. Two percent, here is ««pinl to three per cent, in I(rook -

lyn and to four in Albany, ReehsstSf anil lluf-falo. To tai people away is killin;*- (he gOOBSthat lays ¡.-olden eggs«WV Blight levy la\e.s thal would work inci¬

dental good. If a license of .fl.OOii |h«i annum

w« n- BBQtdred for selling Alcoholic Lupines inour City, ii would greatly reduce the iii'mlxrof selléis while increasing the City's incomefrom their business. And there might Im» otherbeneflamt change* of like natur»*.But udfl there bet No; for that might

diminish the Democratic vole, and this («al*is-

trophe must, al all events, be averted. Bo a

heavier hand laid on our Criminal cIsSS wouldreduce the City's expenses, bul it would dimin¬ish that Sixty Thousand majority. Hence it

may not bo.And here is the real obstado to the leforms

W( especially commend. Heavy M our CityDebt is, and slender Bl is the chance that anyone now tiring will ever see it lees, ii Brightbe half paid off within the present year hysimply selling property not needed for Muni¬cipal purjioses. Let the City st 11 her Dockss< -vi rally as they st-and, Undina einli buyerto conform in all things to the plans maturedhy thi Commissioners of Docks, and let everyPublic Market be sold at auction to the highestbidder who makes the required deposit, anilWO Shall claw olia les shore directly. Our

new Consol may be iloaled on our own terms,

provided we first convert into City Bands allthe property that our Muniiipalily would bebetter Without« And the Markets will lie more

commodious and bettet kept from the. hourwhen in the City firsts le!s them alone tor allother than sanitary purpose«.Dm counsel will probably lu* disregarded,

not because it is deemed injudicious, hut be¬cause t<»o many persons will insist on havingthe City run for their special hen« lit. No one

supposes that the Municipality ought to con¬

ti ii ne in the Market business, hut a goodmany b«*lieve that their personal lateral will\h- wbeerved by her doing so, and they are

in the main most assiduous and effoctiveWard politicians ; wherefore, she will. Thusthe City is less economically ruled than it

might and should be, in obedience t«> a seem-

im,' DBlty necessity. Let ut* hope that our

children will sec the end of lins con.lict ofparty Beeessity with Municipal weU-beiag.

PBINCE NAPOLEON'S MANIFESTO.The only Napoleon who knows how to talk

has at last made his voice heard. The PrinceNapoleon (Jerome), who iadalgod up to thetime ot the war in a certain sort of Cadetliberalism, who OOqueried from the citadel ofimpelialisin with the (¿amp of the opposition,who plsyed with the skill of the consummateactor i»nd with .something of that kiiimtIícíhifeeling which alone makes acting endurable,tiie doubled parts of democrat and prince,gaining popularity in the one and a milliona year in the other, has at last,coine out a full-Hedged imperialist. Hehas written from LonioB a leaf midvirulent letter in which he ronndlv abuses Mr.Julis Favie, a« icspoiisible for all the wocsolFrance. The scle«tion of an ,'iiilarrotiist showsthat the old ÜBCretioB whi« li so amused the |army in the Crimea and in Italy has not yetdeeerted tin prudent Prince l'Ion Pion. He

hal htokeil over the entire held alni lias sel«( ¡tedwhat aeemed t<» him the hast dsngeroM ¡»n-

Isfimist Had His Highnem bien in thatt.niriiey at Ashby he could never have resistedthe suggestion of the crowd, "Touch the llos-" jiilalh i's shield. He has the least BUTC" -.cal.'* He ha- nothing lint kindwords for ihe (.ermau Conqueror-, for His-maick and for Hottke. He treats with

giageri] resp. «i Mi. Thiers, " win, accepted the"

I »c ilia ps inevitalile prelim inai i.*« of Versailles.;ind the Assembly which ratified them.''Hut as it s«-em«*«l probablen fortnight iga thalMi. lav n* w«.ubi no1 long reniain a nieinliei oftin i,nvcriiin«*.it, and as thai coiisoientiourt and.elf-denying rtattnitr had i>cif<>nne«i hln nild

ami «liilicull tnak willi such nil-inching sL«.'id¡-m ess as to «all upon Innis« If a great |»oitioti..t the nnis.piihiiity which has naturally coni«.

io Hie I.overnmeiil whOM fetal lol it hal I"'ii

I., make peace ¡u the ruin «if France, ihi-

juill« ions exile sel««1s him as Nie 1-lgft iif BU

attach upon the (¡oveiiinieiil air! iii«" cause oí

til« l.( pill.lh .

WC had almost forgotten lin- <*\iistcii<<- ¦!

he »lout pun««-. The wai begaa m such:,, i1,- .uni inn , thal when »I was deals»I,, w., on | Iga .<<¦ N n vv.i.V. '»ml

,io time to ;' Ki.. sllUOtilh iiil-s

announce .. policy* ¦ W1W "..i*«,,,<- *» '*°on

Hut h.« hi»« MA opportunity to organizo an

anny of tourist" such as hi« had formerlybanded vt»"» BMm) UNM and diversion.

Since lhi«n h»' Im*« flitted about in Italy and

Switzerland, lOO silent for .1 living li)Jill, ililli

too coi-piili-nt for I gftmt, lint at last, inIxm loll, lilt g-YM .tolll"!!.', mi.l WPWtS llOCt OfIns letter ikoWB UM Conican verne -mil bitt.-r-q.-hh It i-» not ililli, nil I.» iiii_i*ii)i» tin» mo¬

ir«'- \-Liu ¡i li.iv.i «Iiivi ti him to Un»

uiiu--ti.il elVnt. It in r,i\\ ami worm¬

wood io linn lo opook in tl.f. tin.» of Hi.»Emperor. He has never concealed iii»« BOB«

tempt with m lililí li.« tAtJAMtiA lum, as .1 «lunnanti fraud Ln name, in pit-tension, an.I in

eveiy relation. Ile feels it a* a hiirniiti*u 10114 Hint lie, with Inn ^inline Itali.in bloodand Napoleonic profile, .-h,mid Im- sulior.liii.ileto tins Dutch ellan;*, lim*. l.ut le- has bOOBfun- ii to mrl» his worn anil a«-e.-pt tin- glftlllial fortiini» hari bestowed l»y the Imp.-Halli.in«l. Ile would no1 admit tin!, tin- gentle¬man in tin- Tuileries wtw his cousin, bul he(oiiltl not forgot tli.it through Ililli Iii.- Pilaulioyal mi Iiir* home, .*»inl I placo vom hi.-» on

the st.-v-t of lin« tluoiic. Art. r .1 few monthsof e\ilc lie bOgU to r.-ali/.» what it moant tohave lost his l'i-ini-cdn-m. Il wau very pl.-as-ant while in Paris lo talk deni'*, ra. y to tin«|ml 1 n ians of the Senate, but the serious busi¬ness ni' life after all was to touch the millionol' the Imperial tlot.iti.in. JoBOpk II who was

I bettet demoor.it himself Iban a palofifl wellcould harbor. Mid one day, "The trade I live'' by is that of a roy.il.st." Our clo.pieut radi¬cal, Niip.ileon Jerome, has evidently come to

the Haine conclusion. Ile MOI his hopes oflutine e.i-f, and the chance ol' I lie crown, whichis only removod from him by the narrow upa ti

of the little Montijo's life, fading away in theHtublMirn disinclination ot Fiance I») recall herfallen tyrant. He 1MB there is a possibility ofthe Kepublin suivivillj* the llltl U'l. s of si'.ret

enemies and the in ulness of open friendsHe MM the old monarchical parties plottingCoff Hie throne, as if the Bonapartes no Inn-furexisted. He lulim lies lins Inhumation RgaiaetHie head of the (..-public in p.iitv in tin» (,ill¬

ili, t and the coiiuii.v, artfully chathill;, immiu

him and his COHcOgnee UM whol«- train of ilis-aateta which th». Umpire precipitated npooFiance.iTince Napoleon ti too clever a man t«» !><.-

lieve DM word 0*f Ibis ari.iii*iniit nt. Ile

cbargM Mi- Favre with repeated capitulations.What has he to say ot Hie BgUfi which HieEmpire eut ¡it Sedan ? II» ttsft tin» F.inperorcould hav»» obtained better tarrea fi»»in Ger*in my than those actually granted. Thoa whydid he sl»i:lk fi.nn all iv-poii.-ihihty whenLUamarch received him, m*ing bo mrreaidaradonly hiniM-ll.that bil wile at Fans was now

I(11 head of the lil n. The I'i ince d. untune-, the-*ratiililiN|in nee of tin pi omi-es of .leleii-e mai le

by the i.oveinnieiil ol September, T!n- -ouinls

Klraii^ely from the mouth of »» champion otthat groteaqaa Empire which wen- to uniwilli a comedian's equipment ol tiasel andfanfaronade. TtiioacanOo-a niani.e-.io is onlyint'mied to ImpiCM the niial ma-m-s, union?

whom both the Napoleons found heir blindestadhérents« It isas cay, m it iadiaingenaooj topersuade the anthinking ¡H-a-antiy Hi,it underHu- Emperor th.y bad peace and under theRepublic they hav.« li.ni wai, and that th'swicked Mi. Favre is the cause of it all.The Frince, concludes hy Hie unfailing pana¬

cea of his house.iii ve, us ¡1 plcliiscitiiin. It,has been manipulated so often hy diabon -<

hand- into a seuibliince of tin iniinous support,Hi.i* the BanapartM rely upon it as implicitlyBl Mi. Weller 11 li.il upon ¡in ¡ililli. Be thinkstin- is Iii.« gaBM which will circumvent all op-

po.-itioii, and although he appears to dreadHu- Ki-public mo.I of all, he does not

close without a vicious little du at his

brother-pi (-tenders. Ile wi-hes it distinctlyappreciated that the hope of tin- country iii"no1 in a principia which i- the negation of"modern society; in a white flag which France"no longer icnionilicrs ; 111 the negation o'" iinivcr.-al sull'iaf-e; in the 'white tenor' su.-

"eoeding the red terror; in the fusion of pre-" tenders; in the m lum of the Fninh BtUVtl¡"il is not thus that France ian lind the haven"of safely.'' There is e\idently but one nilli.-

whereby the atllicted people of FtBUM run -OMtTOd] and lhat name His HighneM is too

modeet to pronounce.

THE 6 ccat t di:coi:a Tíos.

The battles of Oiew and Viinih ibilt, thegreat MragglMOf Elfo and Central, lin- war

of 11 val line^ for the ..iii.-ini* trade betweenthe West and t!i<- New-York and New-Kui*laiul seaports, wi-ie ffBgod with ko niucli vió¬leme and stilled up so ni.tny in*ly scan¬

dals, that for it tune tin« people se.-in.-dthoroughly alarmed at the imminence ofthe railway problem, and the danger ofglMping and cnoriiiou.-,ly wealthy corpora-tions was a theme of treneml di-cus«,ion. Hutthe alarm soon died away. The railroads per¬fected their plana ; the m1 ron f* gMW stron^er;the weak wen! t»j the wall ; and the .piestionhow lo meet the political and economical dif-lictilty which OBgBCiOO-l observers foresee so

clearly in the near future, was poMponed, as

Americans love to postpone all iiiicoinioitaUeHun«-*., to some indefinite period..Meanwhile a eoiporali.ui inoie formidable

than either Km- 01 ('entrai has been Strength¬ening ilself in I'ennsylvaiiia, and slreteliiin*its iron bondi toward all the granl avenues

and centers of trade. It has iiot been theinaiiiiei of the 1'. nn-ylvania I'ailroad Coinpiuyto -lull», the coiinliy with su.l.l.n strokes ofIhiI.I enteipiis.% 01 to bribe its log-dgtônOpenljr, or to buy justice 111 the inarki t-placbut its plans have Im-cii laid with suchc.iiiMimnialc skill and executed with such(..iiak.i-like ipiiet and pre. i-ion that it \vx*taken aluiost complcic control of the secondStat»- in the Union, and mad»- itself pfobobljthe nins! |iuwcilul mon» yed » mp..ration inthe world, li own- 400 miles .»I r.nlioad in

the Stiit.« of I'l'inisy Ivania. it leases neaily'2,-too mile- beaidea, li ontrob -io. k compani. ¦ol vin ions soils, hy means of investnientsiii their shan-. It -Bl sei nu ii, all.i a brief¦trnggle, the gro&I Weutern thoroui*hfares be-»«uni 1'ilisl.iii-h. Al piiMiit, ihn.iil'Ii its ..w11

ti.nk or the lines which it leases or otln rwi-»»-controls, it has the j-reut artery ManingKoot and West .blOn_b Lim niulille of Um)state from Philadelphia to PHtaborgb, withbinnch.-M or feeders at short inlet vals.Towards the Noith-West it send- out an

ann «Í00 miles loin, and nailns Hu MMUOTMof the Lakes at Erie; another, 4711 mil. - long,given ii the immense trade of ('iiit-_-*o , bj a

Nurd it rrasps Hi.« Iiiisin. «s of Cincinnati RtaSl. Leniai while a ntl-work ot leased lines»bains foi it the whole of Ohio mid IndianaI hus it collects the w.allh of tin» «-.nilen ofthe greal c.ntial gmifl (oiiiitry iulo a lUUnbOt«»I ...iiv. rtriiij* » liiinii.-U, iiidI 1 art 1. m it tlir«»ui-liUs main lu,,« lo the seal.oird at I'liilaib-lphiiOne illina only waa oaodod to oomplete thio

'lilli«-' r-y sl. in, au,I i!iai |,.,, ,,,-t l.-, ¡,

... i.mc»l by AelOàM whi.h gfVM tit» VtMAti

vania Company control of tho thorough farrabetwe-on Philadelphia and Nflw-York. By thisconsolidation tho two main avenue« ofrailway from New-York nonthwaril, 185miles in length, and u cuni (W miles long,pass into the hands of the saine gigantic cor-

IMiration. All the railway system of SouthernNew- Jcrney, embracing nearly 300 mile- ofroad, beoeaaM auxiliary to it also. Thus toothe whole Southern overland trade of New-York munt piws through the PennsylvaniaConipauy's hands, and ii further extensionsou! h ward han been fniade by means ofthe Northern Central from Harrisburg to Bal¬limore. The length of route owned or eon-

troOed by the corporation exceeds ."»,000 miles;it all run-» through the richest and most thicklyBottled agricultural and manufacturing districtsof the Union; and it represent», in storks,Ir-onds, and funded debt the enormous invest¬ment of nearly tttOyOOtyOOQ, It. is hardly ne-

eesMiry to say that circumstances point to a

continued extension Bt this ahcivly unpneedented power.The Camdon ami Aniboy _n.iHj.ob/ QWied

New-Jersey so absolutely and u.-.cil its privi¬leges so ill, that mobt of us are pleased at itsvirtual extinction. But here is a huge corpo¬ration whose control extends not merely over

a little State like Now-Jt-rsey, bul a greatCommonwealth like Pennsylvania. It siic-

eeedl IO UM rights of Camden and Am-boy over the Legislature at Trenton. Itmolds, as meant eiaerimei hal shown,the Hegislaturo at Harri.-abnig. It** in-tluenoe in Ohio and Indiana threat-ens soon tobeCDBM formidable ; and it is making rapidadvances southward. We, may well ask our-

selve-t with MUM anxiety whether the Pennsyl¬vania Railroad is hereafter to appoint Con-greeaaMM and Presidents, and whether any¬thing i in be done to regulate the power ofthese great corporations before it is too late

THE PVKSK (IF FOETUSAT17S.N li onlv since wo have had au opportunity

to siiiily the Reports of the Mayor, Controller,and th«) various departments of the City Gov¬ernment, that wo have bren able to appre¬ciate how great a reform Mr. Tvvetid proiniseilwhen he undertook tt» carry on the local gov¬ernments of the City and County of New-York, pay the interest on their debts, and theprincipal is H fell due, and turn over to theController at Albany the City's shire ofthe Btate taxes, and ¡di this out of asum not exceeding two per cent of theassessed valuation of the real and person iierat ,:(M of th,. city. This is an undertakingfrom win. h a Hamilton Blight have -.hiiink

appalled, in Mmperiaea with it. m the Mayorand The World de BOt hesitate te hoist, Mr.Ho'itweil's iU'hieVi mellis -ink to ¡n-tignilirani.«¦.Maik bOW bold and specific is the pledge. Itis in Chapter M <>f the Laws of the Btate ofNew-York, popularlyknOWa .14 the 'Two Per"Cent'' bill, that the pleasing prospect is

spread before the lax-payer. We QUete thearbole of Section 2 :

¦ Trun iii.» elim m raised Is oath of mid yton shallbe ]> ti.I .:! Hi'« eXpBBMBBf MS t':l 1 iinl «'nitit« f liovnni-

in. ir«. fur 1.1 ia-1: i. i.... tai ci, :, t;i,i porpoese, fat oath.if ..1.1 ).*:«re, lilli ille.l lill! Illti'Il'.et nil Hü' Itv taiOmiiity il.-i.t->, the prln.'ipil nf BBdfe Isbts fillili»?«In.., an 1 tlio |im¡)urti,>u nf tlio st.no tax pitv.bl.) Iiy -.ml I itv .«ml County in MME of e.inl

y ir» r- «speettl '.!)' «n-l no llsln trias »--ill lui

nu 'i:i..!I lui ,ni> p r| !e«. ¡;i t-.Hut of saul fOktvv!r. !i hIi.iIi, v. uti Hu- St ile t,i\ :,ir -in Ii v.iir, illili Hi.)

jil 111, ¡»'ti i'i>! Intrri'.t nf tin» City .01,1 Cuniilv ili'lit. p iy-

slilit in mu, h ji'itr. in.ike tho aKK»«'«aU:» of thi; iSIM-ilii'snf Hut 1 Hy itml County (.ovvriiiiirut-t togi'tlier lor culiof «nilli > it - ui, in nt tij mon- than twopi»r .cut upon til«v.1,11 itioii i'.,ir-.i..| wifti Hi- ,1,1 ¡iii,iii liiii'iuliifui'it prov 1.1.. 1 "

,,., Um ex, i-riit of tim <|.iot.i oi the MM*taifu .N'.'W York Co'lnty lil I-171 or \i71 ovi-r tim gOti i ntH"))Hen» is I solcnin prooiisOi arawa np by Mr.

Tweed binueif, enacted hy Mr, Tweed*!Legislature, approred hy Mr. Tweed's Qor«ernor, and to be enforced by the Courts.inline, a compact fort-Bed by every pledge andsanction thal aaa mrrouad ¦ lau .a promise that1. Tue Btatl tax, '.'. All the expenses of theCity an«! County l.overnineiiH, .». Theintereetou the City and County debts, ami 4. Theprincipal of such debts falling «lue in the.yeanHT1 and 1831 rcepeciivelv, -.hall not, all told,exceed in each year two per cent of theassessed valuation of the real and personalestate! of the city, plus fjßntßXtOTOOHnf fjtltfltax, or, te b«> specific, !?--. {.:i00,0()4). (Mayor'sIfeeSBge, p. ft.) This was hailed OD all sides.is signifying reform. Mr. Tweed received«¦redil from hot h Republican! and Démocrate,and since that time every Utterance from thoreconstructed City QoTeraaaaats has beeaanxiously awaited ami carefully studied. Thepublic, though not exactly satisfied, and per¬haps no» piepaiad to give Mr. Tweed theirfull confidence» have still aot condemned him«If he «arms out his promises, in« doubtlesshopes by this " New Departure* to carry thisState for UM Deinocrain* party ia lolB, andpare thi nay toe stepping into the DnitedH »tee Senate M the success«)! Bl Mr. Conk-Ung.

\V»; art; not in a position to know all theexpenses which th«* City ami County will haveto meet in the cm rent y«ar, but tin« Depart¬ment Report s enable us to estimate some ofthem, which we have noted down:Tim State tai will be. B. ItLßMT1)D IntiTCMt on th«* City (l,-l,t .l.Ul.lllTI.,' nit, i-i-t ..ii IBB County UsM. I.MB1IITin- Scbools will ref|tiin-, oviir .uni above tin«

.iiuonut rc«'«-iv«;«i from Hie Mat!. 2,i>«),i>xiTI.« I'rtion», Altn.biiii.v », Ilotpit-l.«, nnil other

Pilbil.' C'luntll'S. 1,VKI..KK)Tin- l'n!iii- I>..|iiiitiiii-M* . J, .i)ii,i»»)Tlio Kir.« I)i-p,irtiiit ut. 1 .«rKl.OO«)Street f.nrnp-4 mid QflS.. IßtkAgtstri','1 etoeataa. NMtf

lu" l'n kB. MMHBalBI-M o! Jüdin*--, tin- Courts, Mt . I,!»»),'»»!M ",... i.«'Kia|.i!inii, Ma) or.tlty, Fin nice,

W.,lk-, llniltll. It- lit- V. .*),.«.,.-)

T.itnl.MOsXtkMtWe presume Mr. Tweed would not think ol'

dispiming with any large poiinui of the In,--

men, poli« «ineii, public school teachers, or

street chañéis. He would not «lose thecoiiite, hospitals, prienne. lunatic a-tylums, andabns-housi'fa. II«- would not have tis in «lark¬ings hy patting OUI the stre«t lamps, or intilth by eeeahig to sloan the atráete» We hareallowed a handsome retrciichiuent from lastyear's outlays in «acli of tin; above-nanie«!.aoiiit'es ol e.\|)eudltuie, while lor the " inis-" cellaneoiis" we have gone a st.«»p furthertim» tin* Beard al Appui ¡tournent, having cutthem down bil p«r ««nt.We have mentioned but om« c1 MM of tin-

demands which Mr. Tweed iindeitaki s to

meet out <»t thi proeeedi al his two j»«»r cent

tat« As we lean fr«»tn the exhibit of the City.uni County liiiaiic«»s pn'pareil by ControllerConnolly anti Mayor Hall, the following m-

oebtedaae. faDi du«' la thi -seel reu endingMay 1, |gniii) Btrsaas baads ..... t-».vi.i.».niJIily 10 Ti line mind» .lü,*XI,»tt»>

Ha«-ki .tnd Mips bond» .', ,.i»»iV,ilntit., r s,," In , ro)ii:> Ai.l i-.ti li, No 7 tghJWA

«I l.'l.l:l,Ii»iMr. I.«i did not promise thal he willilivmi i.e l,iy uni « «»»nil y i.ov.-ii. als

.oui pilbil) VfJi'itn lui I33.3CO.000, pim an nu

limited amount of money to bfi ranci fromthe nale of bond». Anybody could do that,the credit of the City continuing in its pnv«ent robust condition. That would »>«. no re¬

form at all. At all event* it is not the reformto which Mr. Tweed ha« invited us. The lui-gUga of the "Two Per Cent" bill in bflM (»x-

plieit. We have that celebrated law before, us

in the -h:i|s« in which it passed the LogWo-turi-, and received the approval of Mr. Winansand the Uovenior. It siiyK, as will beseen by consulting the section ipiol.il in fullahove, " and no Habilitiert shall he incurred for" any pnrpoge in either of saitl yearn which shall,"with the. State tax for such year and Hie

''principal and in'crest of the City and County"debt* payable in such year, mike the BgglO-"gBJM of tho expenses of the City and County"(joverninents together for each of said years"amount to more than two per cent," fire. Weknow that Mr. Tweed is not in the habit of putting the Legislature to the trouble of panninglaws which are to remain as dead letters on I lu¬st atnie book, and we are confident, therefore,that, he propose« to use at least a portion of themoney« auHmrized to be raised for the follow¬ing purposes by the sale of bonds:.',»r ii rest timnt in Vi.uluct liaihvay «t.x-k .I".,.«».«).)Pur I'ark iiiiprureiiiünt*. i.txri.onoFur li.M-k liiiiirov.iin.nU (JUUtmf. not ol 1370). MM/MIl-'.jr w«_t»«r-iii|x*rt. water inflU-r*. M.1 ßm\ßMYat hMma-Bg Wiitcr UXpfif (yearly). 1,1100,'woFiiriu-.w MotM-aaaat, «vc. sso^oooI'liriotiipi.tinii of dual li Ifenai lafWy Itali IBM :5o,o»oFor Fire Alarm T.-li-irraph. enfin)For 1'ara.lo Or.mn.l al«»».» Fifty-iiuith-Ht. BMBFor coiuplotiou of Court House, IXtli Jud. DOE- »»'.000

For.o"i.pl.«ti.>nof C.iirt II.» DM, IlI.lJinl. Dist.. W0.000For BB-Clff O'J'ri. ia'l c-iiui (a -tii_.t*(l). Mt\tttFor ii'p:»irin>J.H.«w.«rs'(v.«iirl.v). 100,00"»

For i-ar« of ftrtUU» IihvIiij. rontairiotiH «lts.-a.-i.-rt.. loo.ooo

For now Isll lowur, III.! Juill, lal _»_»triot. 60,000

Total.tn.coo.oooIf we bring together the sums which Mr.

Tweed is to pay this year out of the ptOOOOdflot tho taxes, which are rigidly limited to

$ii'i;,m,OTjO, we shall he inore than ever sur¬

prised at the wonderful naturi» of this under-takin-*. Wo have read of great linaneiers who

have "Kalvauized the corps« of public credit,"etc., but never before have, we heard of a man

who won renown by paying three dollars willione hundred cuts. We recapitulate:Or.llnary tapeaMI »f Hi" OMf, Wkmt Tax, »U-.. Aku\t iv».i .>.-.

lieht** -aaO-Bt-f in uni. -MM.naExtr.-turdinary <. x*>.<iiaoii. 17,0-M),(«io

Toti.l. .I06.3W.-S8To walk 1,00!) unies in 1,000 hours is a great

feat. Hut that is art nothing ill comparisonwith what Mr. Tweed has commenced to do.BaOQMI to bim and his brave MULUM-M!

M A nsess OF Tin: COMMUNEMr. Francisque Surrey propounds in the

Oattmpft a theory intended to explain Hie out¬

break ol' Mardi in Paris which is Ml only inform and application, He says that the popu¬lation ol' the capital, as a result of the priva¬tions and the excitement of the Étage, wen at¬

tached by a contagioni mental alienation« un¬

der the LoflnenM ol' which they rushed intoall the extravagant MB <>i the revolt. It. is, afterall, only a Qoectionof definition, It is not do*nied lh.it, there have been seen several timesin the history of civilization insl inn a s of a aide*.spread epidemic ol' mental disorder, resultingm deeds of cold-bloo.led cruelty which wouldneem .BipOO-Jhlfl iu calmer times. The Mar.m-ii<- massacres, a few years a-*»», were til trib¬ute.I lo a paafiiag mania of this sort. The in¬stances of the Conviilsionnaires of St. Mi'-dartl,of those mysterious at lacks of hystericalchorea which ravaged the nunn, lies of theSouth of .'tañe«« daring the aatatecntb andseventeenth eantnrtea, ami of iiiat boreibladi lnii.m of witchcraft which stain- with so

indelible a etigan the .inly Naw-*England his¬tory, ufl all proofs incontrovertible of thepower of mental disease*, to sweep willi I

rapid cnntagilWI over entire communities. Thebehavior of the ('oininuiiists was in many in¬stance,-, ol thal fantastic and extravagant char¬acter which naturally MggeatB Mine such ex¬

planation M that above ment ¡oneil. The set¬

ting up of Uaaonlfl emblems on the ramparts,the (le.-iiuction Of the Vendome Column, theminder of the ecdeeiaatica, and tinally thebnrning of Paris, are not tim acts of imu inthe full enjoyment ot their mental and moialfaculties.One of the nio.-t cn lions manif.-siat ions of

the high-WIO-ght .-»tate of unnd under whichthe Bomben of the Oommnne hahilually la¬bored, is seen in the debeM which took plaç¬ât their last session upon the pi. -»lion ol' therelease or trial of Cluserel. The Communewas already doomed. The foils oil the souihside of the city were abead.v lost, and the de¬fence against Versailles was known to be hope¬less. Every man in the commit!»-e-room knewthat his hour had come; that not only hisoaiuebal blalifo nae jadged and forfeit. Vetthe majority of tin in were as rigid and un-

beadiag ia what thej Laiagined to be rapnblicaadiacipline m if they vere th.- aeknowledgedarbiters of a laOOgniaed power. The CitizenValles was in (he chair, supported by CitizenCourbet as Assessor. Two or three members ofthe Commune, among others the journalist Ver-inorel, in view of the fact that nodi -tillite chargeshad lieeti made against Cluserel, moved thatbe be set at liberty. Felix l'.al, who »vas cer¬

tainly never deficient in energetic iinpul-.swinn they had in the direction of illegalit\.had logie enOUgll lefl IB his mimi to s,e thatit was absurd to keep Cluecnt in jail when hehail done no wrong. Bttt the Citizen Paschal(iroussi-t the most (levant m dlCM and man¬

ner of all around the council Is.ar.l, a niau

who-..- gloTM and cravats excited in pcaccful-l.r times the ire and envy of his llohemianCoUeagUM ami gained him the name of thejo til trêve of the Radical press- announced thiscool and ferocious creed of in-nu re«'! ¡.mar. poli¬tic»-, " I think our proMOt circuiii-iaiices make a

" military thief MMnetbingof an outlaw. Ile must"have ut the .--ame time very extended |n»\v. i-

" and a sentiment of absolute subini.«-.-ioii to

"thom- wh.» hare confided thom to him. He"ocenpieean exceptional position winch Jaeti-" lies toward lum all lOTtl of .li-uu--t, -urveil"lance, ami prevent;vc measures. In révolu" turns it is no1 enough to dismiss a Muii-i« r

" of War who lo-es your confidence. Von"must Mtaal him. Formerly, lie was shut.*'Ile then went on to state that the CitizenClnMtel had promised in twenty-live or thin.«,days to have a lone of ELRtS nun i.ady foroileusiv»; opeialiolis; thciclôie. when twenty-five day-« had pas-ad, and this army was not

ready, the Commune amatad Gan. ClaeeretThe Citizen Franki 1, the I'nissiau iiicinl«cr ofthe Ci.mmuue, who had been natiiiiiliz.il withsuch eda! a few days before, BgBOOd aitbIJtousset that incapacity w isa p«-nal clime. Hut iiwas left foi Hu- Citizen A mirum io -a.ite the BOOlMtonndittg theorem <>t the republican lyetomM .vel recoi.l.il. He .-»al.I lh.it in the arrest of

Linacre« "Hu- Committee had obeyed that ie

" |.'ililn-iiti in,l .Li,,,,, atic «..-»ii im.«ni ivlil. li ni-'. si-t thal o m ia win« l.i.i Ulled ><i ii.ip'.it.uii

i liai ol' Minierer oi W ¦" »hoidd-in he lit.award I

i, .¦ icottni nt ...«' »ti I ... u las

tory- The Brahmin thinks * lui- w|,t>m hohas «lone, the honor to marry should bum her-si'lf at hi« death. The favont»-* of (ho ('aholic Kings of Spain wen« urnt into c-.nvfnUwhen their royal masters tired of them. Hut»re think this is Ihe Iii at t1)m. ,t was « ver proposed that ex-ofliceboUlcDi should go fromtheir desks to jail

Yet tin* man they werr» hatg-Bg was aametb-odicnlly mad M his «lc<*mst« rs. When hi- lostl'on issy, heaaatttiepiafaateteaa dkpamhtathe iimi minent he. waa making Ix-lieve «bber :

"War to Kxe-rutive: With all thom lwfa__tt_eB>"in the irraad-maaaaam and all then«' p,,.ii,»y-"ings of truce without my knowledge t»V"trench at le,y li.in li-e-mi abandoned Iff oui"men and taken by tim Veneflaiei thia in" disagreeable. Don't «livide the eomnuunl ;"and above all, punish the Mailors or M"them lu; punished." It is omi of Uni moststriking oomnieiitaries ever maa uj>oii tin»inania of bloodthirsty suspicion that usuallyacoompaanai revolutionary itruggleii that tinsriL'id n puhlie.in agitator, who joyfully t.'ncwaway his life in the tappet, of his wild ideal,at the very moment his rolleagiies w» ri* con-

demning him for the constructive ti«-a<sori offailure, was Innis« If li uri i ni; g« lierai a« ciirtalioiis

of treachery ami dame-tag for the Mead ottrsitors. _- |We Sheerre that then« has Ih-^h sun.» fe,'!-

ing at West Point, over the effort «d .-«»ii.ii4»r

Carpenter of Wisconsin lo le« lure tin Cadetiion " honor.*1 The young gentlemen, it mustb<« conf(s.s«'d. have nison in theil grum¬bling. A Senator who delilx-rntelv commitsa penit« ntiai y idlen.s««, night await his ownpardon, before inlruding himself a- a moralteacher on younger ami le«ss guilty men. Onthe N of March we did ourselve-. the lion >r

to call the Senator's attention to his often»-«in these terms:

'. .Mindi )>iu»iieiit is !>r!i[».rl" provoked l»V 'b'' io¡««riiii.i' of tbft IIou. M. li. ( .tr|Miit.-r. .1 ImbMM of limUnit.-d States« tiri a MUBSSISS f. th. New York OsaualIn Hie iii-Hin.nt iH'foiv Hie cnuiuiiMionar of Internal11« -vi inn »SB UM (|iic.elinii ol ¡ni} iii.- In, inn tal on Unit-Tr.if i« rip dlviilend. Hueti employ mini bi-i-ius b-.trlyiliconip'itilile nilli MI IllW of the Lind md Hie Mistierlaw* ii «eil. A Member of ( omrroata .hoidd n ver ».-»-

|h- t ,., ri.t- ii.ml itttorney of um .IjiiiiiiiI nr ling-tiltim Hoveriinieui."

li hariag sin««» beea decided thal the eflbrtin which Mr. Carpi nt4i was « uga .-ed was one»

te deprive the (.overnnienl of largs Hum,, tewhich it || legally entitled, and no e_M_ahaving 1h««»ii ollered be him save thal hoacted "for a «aiclv frii-u-l," tin laaalted Cadet*may appropiiatelv comniiiid to tin ir volun¬teer exhorter this pungent sdsBoaitioo fromthe leading journal of hi> own region, The( 'ttieiujii I rilni ne :" tk ll.lKil" « liptllter ii', ililli liffUI'e.1 ta liNJilltli; I041II-

no1 ni .irniilti,,' lw-iore (l,e I.nu.in i,j Int. mai BsfBBBSiiK'tii, Iat I lie mil« .( linn lu UM I'lilli'd 8*.iles tt Hu« In

(onie tSX SB the mPH («ni «UV idi mi of tilt- New YorkCentral B-Uvar- U ntsMtksl i».* «ij.i nu« sttfeial «my«..min ii-,ii.on ,,i ,i,.-r<i»iiii'iil for (oiii|M'ii».tHoi,, «lin-rt or

iii.iiii !, I>n .-»-nt or pio»pc< Uve. Bat Hu.-, in .mr jinUclu.iil.n.i'.| believe! 'I'lie C.'titril Unir» ni I ninpsiiyI« mi en, d nie, li.rn, a.'iil iiiiprnl«»«"!«««! fruíale M tBne. d the yi 11 nit- iii.- -i'ivni-1. of a chlvalnNM kv,nrhterrant for it» NMBB| nor is Mr. CBfpMM nuy«ni, li elm inr A'li,BOtB te ,« to I'XjM'inl Iii.» «lie. ¦rtiiin Bgktlai lb! hattlss ,.f rie_ aotpetatloM without

henni paid for it. Kilt If li«! Hi ie,'i.o -r IggOt t«

rei.-n.. my romp, iim'ioii for tin» xrvi.e, .11 r>-. t or

linliieit, then time*MSB Mt M ! .lilli«

li. UMb -".I eiiiiiled, 'An in! ifl.it.in» to ineinb« r« of

('lillians-., li»»itrdi of doptrtineiit«, and trtkOt ttBhott of ti»*»<;..-.,'nilli,nt,' under ulm h Mr. CBlpHMM should Ixic.iiv uti d of a misdemeanor, tlne.l in buiii imI r v i ...!intr $10,1100. and iiiipri>»oii<-<l for it Urtu not oemgOilmt l*o

vi tie., ,,,|,| \m forever uft«T Inospable of boliliinç anytom** "f tiiiei, honor, M profit under th.« i.overiiiiiviit Ofihr Halted -i..t..-."'

Pish, ji-, li.is HBUSSl th» Methodists. CeiintnM.l--»;ii linen-its regimenté prop.«*- Is tflMtt thatiiiiive .md li im lmr.lv veterans ont of Ii.w-t<>i. n.'itSiiim1.iv nicht. I lu- Hethsdlsl ininist-eis ol l!|<at<mlnive luid i ni(-(tuiir «ml ,ip|M,iiii.d n isamU-Sm «ifsi vi n to wait ujhiii (,ov. Clatllll nuil hen hill!, MCoiiiiiiamh'i'-iu-< In, f, to forbid hie tn>«i|>s to turnouton tin* Mcred day. l'lt.-K' Methodist prot.-stantsiiniílit lind an Buist WSJ out ti UM mitti« r hy pro¬em in» tin- arrest Of Fisk, jr., .mil Ins in, minion» Inr

Iiavi lim: mi the Bi di I,nth ii|s)ii no " Merit of BBBB>sitv it ii.ini.v .md 'imili.iry t«> lit.* form of theiStatute III »in li , .lee mule .uni pluv ided." Tin« lawis as pi nu M tin» BOM N Mr. Fisk s I,ki-, I Bfl i|ti«»4-tinii win tin r iek. ji'., .md his nn ii-at-ariiis shall Insallowed pul,In Iv to s.i^ tin irpiavi'ieoii ILmtoti Cora-iiioii apeathsssmsSunday is ,iIho itmi.ttiii-lln»ia«¡lirions mind st thal my. Ii api'e.ue tliat ths < ityautln.lit les hive r.f.ie.il to allow this devni/t war¬

ri. .1 the us,' of the CiiiiiiiKUi for Ms dcvotiniittl.».ten le, s. The] e:i\ if ha wants to pray h«« nnut »rii

IO .Inn. h like oilier hollas MB. 'i hey lilli.» knowtin-I'Vpiiieiie rliaiiii ti i ni' tin- Cstomlh piety. II«Mould Is» lial.le n. some inspired moment to raise

the roof from Notre I»,uni', in to piii .in added IhiIkhBU ths "Ionic of St. PBbTs. T1i«j turf ».hall h». lit'fi.tis'i.iiit -»Inin« iiinli i tin- lilli«« an h aliiiie « an lui»pu n iimi elbow-room. Bo he ha! U lograpasd i«> theM ayu r if 1' ha leeton n ne ki nu ii he know.s Sn\ tin n«in his (itv ordinal.«.".!« to pnveiit lue to-esini; oil a

praver m two In ihe «hu«!«' <.f Buuhm HillM.iiiiiiiienl. I'll«* MsjrSf savs he «I.««« notown the ground. We esuld have vtrimd theM.i\iir had let lum SSmS. Ihl tttA that ColI- isk.jr.. is willina ko IBJ hm priiveis at all i» atourh-III« one. ml Ins ii.»..! ii'M.I.it.x. we think, «ahoiililhe ellitilir-.l-ed. There I.e Ho lil..'. W ho Ile« d.t to ¡iCifinore than he .liM-t on the Ann-man iuntineiit, andtBBO l8 evidently willum to «Hain i |»nnt anti not

nilli to pra\ l'Ut to putt in pul.li. we an ttttj Ion.-

that lu* UdisesuraaBd md hiadi rsd tai -Mt sap. Kvenit lu« should niel»! ajMiii coinir into the » ild«»nn*«Wand >tav ni- .ivviiv finin nt for the n ei of his hf'«. en-

ifiL-'it m iciiLiiiiie m,.in ltini,. we shooldmsksaai.l'J. linn.

I In- oh ii thal w li.-n ii pulili. in.in le In IkiBBBSSldlill lilli lill he lillie! he .lelud If ii lilli - .«Il Hulieh ..ii. : for l.ii-liehnii n havi bo treal tm ihty f'»r

the graesfal, and is hi.v a i ).i).'!i respe» t Im the hu-

m.m sbdflou n. Hm Mi B. Bsihsssd Bsea tom.i..mi HiL'h Cos-B-Bstoner,hcteg toEoi hy mriaiattolnl ni.'ii ni I'.t.eifii I., a. .«pi lln nihill, "f .« bau

.111.-1. lu iTL'i.i leave, ill the 111. si sensible WS. tk h0eXCBSed. I am no loli-ei a pnl'ln man." said Mr.

Hoar. " ¡uni 1 do Bl ««.».. w BJ I eholllll U" an Ollj.l I <.f

pul,lu .»ti. til ion iii chert. Mi. il.'-ii dtsHssi i«>

din.« at the etpOMM "I I I "iiiiintt.e I e; lni(« the

eerie! le lll.il kit. HOBT*« OTgBB OÍ 11 »Lit Hi IV BO-fli ¦-

etiuilii iii.in usual. We belie»! it au ti«- rifely-«lill lilli he le II I "li«'"t the I« il-e! »UK .Hld -BBMM__|kind. _

\ uie.It III.lill drOll -.''.II.'.-« I.e luid |l|et Ituvt- to

illii.atiiile lln1 i-in.inn.«" ol iii'.ip.ieitv ol tho I Uni- k

jiir.ir-s. hilt «viiv MM ol theaaWe« «n mil' h willi

like J.H'O.M1 ISlStOl Willi« |llH.|e. \\ hut. ll.t-hiat'OIlMni tin! Ii-lit-.fioii'l lui.)! who Ifiind eliviii shsfeVna!«« iin-n «>n iii«" jm.v with him' .Juill. i.iLiniiulaare lull «>I naiiaiivis of the stupidity Bl jurer*», hut

iiiii>o.i\ thu.ke ,,i üiviii- up thesrutMnapsuthatmt,nun li tarni ported sot bmbq aVhtp am lathis wfiid hut n .e ths hut, srtoSBfBssidtehBthe h.ei win. h ere rannt. The Blaefce al» a toryn,ntative ra cr. ei ih. SvtartwoB Heuttasni juneoget th'll dliskl .i-e.. i.tle.a a ffOSd «A.lluple. if -Mf.m tin» h su«.n will md ).». IMS.

W i I. ive l.rell pleav.1 tn ohe. rve that lh«* \ntell-

HI II. nu. opalin. In.ellliile. I» fore (he lose of »U

late se.e.sion III 1'hll nI. Iphl.1 I.il.lllv lils, I.lillie.I 111«

ii'lii.ii)ii.>a 1,,-niinieiiis tmhsdfod in tl»«*ir aiimi.il ad-draea, waieh we coBsand whn M wtt aaMrsBsaesoui nt pla««» and m h¡»«l »asi«-. A resolution was sltO

PBBBSddoiMSWB. willi ihe di lit, t nt nu »nilli»!.nlih. «a m in,1.u. Niilhei" ti»«» l»i-tit ni<* »iijl any ofHi« ni. nil., i-, 'na .i i_hl In -ml.Ile lln ,i ..wn pm liar

li .lillie,li ih.l 'I I'. I- lt|M ». Um li ¦i. mt h hi BU :¡!¡, ol-«!-

...i fui thi ni lo du i" rtuwaaeis in, t v.c-t i, rotnpt »ni juit lu^tii'A'