..-JV-' _ i ' '■ '-'i,.. THI yOL U. NO. 171 **1110=11 : SWEB IH ____ ______r r - ________________TU Annrlcan Archeologlsts CDl Croa-SecllOTi of History S of MmkU In Excavatioo w -------------In-Ctnlral-Part of-Turkey - no - fBfni«/«ocJ»t«IPreu> ,5 A* LISHAR, Turkey, Ocl 23 ui A —A ffray-suhbnlced «P “ 7— r^^mound-fltftnHs-toniRlit j in the heart of liic anclcnt ^ %. land of the Hittitcs. Burrow- to \ Ing through It for flvo yeara, }« American ftrchcolofffste have , . cut & crosB-sectiont«( the his* kc ■tory of mankind as they dujr «r for n solution qf the HIttlte - mystery. lOs Ihl* on* mound, the AlUhtr ) -------- hujruk-fhuyuk-ls-Tutldsh for ftrtl- 1 flcltl JiUl). mound aoo r« t lonj U Wld » 0 1 « t wide, illuated IM mUei ^ , —KitjUnairor-AiPfk. the CWenUl -I .IniUtute ot CblcsRo unUenlty, h u I Jiut completed lU (Uth u u o n o{ ex* I ctvsUou, Dr. Hans Jltnslnjr foci der Osten. Ittder o( the expedlUon: niehaid Manln. Ohinso. tnd a , 0<rauR.i;errRetfeBmuiltf, »h»ar8 U •II Tctenn plinuen ot Ulttlte ayi* terie*. ia« ihe IBU expedlUon pro* duee (he mc«t Impottant ntutte ol the Oriental lnjtltul«-» (l»e yean tn AntWlU. ' DInlni .01 (Kt belo* th* citadel »»U which eroroi the AlUbir mound, the expedition thli rear •uuck Ihe dwelling-place o( itone* «n ase m u, expoelng Kllci o( a aettle- be nent aliUfi« at im t lCt,CiDOrear* m befon Uie Chriillan era. Working th & Olher, rtllc* or len dbUnetlTe perlodi of man's bbtoiT. all Find Abandimed SetUement . ed Belov Uie lurftee, vbere itood the retnaJni of ta AmenJan MiUe* ment abuidoned tome 60 y u r t age. v en tound Iniuccculon the Osman- ili ______H itrati. the Seljok, the BfsnUne, wl ’tha nominranathBTtmalns-ot'the Ui -:=— P ^ J ® p m i n g « t onee tbe Oalllc U. J JBmlonsofAsUHrnor.thBC^Ppa* ac ; doelan kingdom, and Uie Phrrgtan; at r Downward, farther a«rar and long- III ' J : cr ago, come the itrata ot tbe new at; — Tflttlln frwplr> «T»< Bgtlp , JuTlng tbe Inn asd'comlsg to tb e' . nw(9(«»<rlathe,«ee«]<l):&cX h tbe third mlUenlum/Belem.Christ, a u d fell somewhere: round ItOO 8e* £ fon OtuM. 'Ptenlar belov thli ^ • Bieat treasure bouM for KItUle » {J • age, and 10 at last reached Neoflih- “ tain, upoilng the TOodenroot-sup- - port ot a dweUlng Inbablled by man ? M,000 rear* ago. “■ ' , fw iu leeklag the ker to Uie HIttlle riddle. V , Tbe Slble gfrei tlttte more than the « samaofUtemlgmr.mrateriouivtf. rion Whose swar orer Aalt 141nor S extended even lo Egrpt and Babr* lon. and wbne lubuquent dUap* co ga^^r^h.to,yha.notret^ HtUlte UbleU vhlch bare beeii £ dicJplxrtd fJra brief light upon ^ Ciut ipen and great erenia. There m stands out Uie same ot Uie UlUtte King Ktaltun. wtu la (he third tt mrnenluni Before Christ cooquettd „ (ar and wide and made HaUuihasli 'Ibe modem TurUih TUlage of Bo- ? ghaiiiuj.-Uie capll*! Of the nitme . empire. Fnm a Bablonlin chnn* Icle It U known that RllUtes sacked Babrlon and ended Uie grtal Uam- a u n b l driiastr. 1 ' Oreat otHitUles. Uie aomt records " (OoaUmitd on Page 11, Ool i) JONESMNCELS ADDRESS * ■. OATnz. ocTaTwHA mild at* p I 6t lafloeaa (weed Beniier F I Wealer U Jonea to eineel an ad* A drea tedar. r *^ ,*“ w gone all rar life vlthout «w«w uid. T h a n boasted ot 11 and have been vamed lo loiock on wood.' but . NOTED STOCKMAN and . . BANKER OF W EST DIES S PORTUND, Oet. 33 «>-x?Ullto « PoUman. a . banker and prtralnent ^ Weston sUskman, died b e » tcday, Ba w u president o( Uia Flnt Na* P Uonal bank and Uu Baker Loaa and p ........ 5h«t cOTpaar, B ate. Oitgja..«jd ,, vice preildent ot Uie American Na* , tiwM| Umtock ^ He v u preildent (rom im (0 « ]>M el Uie NorUiweatem Urestoek u eOilppen' Tnftlo Uacue, vhlch ea- n braced an extenslra membmhip ot stockmen In Waihlngton. Montuia. J Idaho and Ortgea . “ TWIN FALLS MEN GIVE ' 5 . IIP HOPE IN HIGH COUBTu , BOiflt Oct. a l ^ i t i B lupmae ** eoort todar dlunUscd three appeals u In ertolasl Mies towglJt (rom Twte B •Palls countr. n Tlier were Rar Balmer. charged U . Mth gaabUng for vblch be w u (In* il Jl|«0:,BorEImer.aenlencedtoJlo bi . B retn for driring an auiontobUt a . *tUla Intaxlcaltd. aod Letter A. U : p u i, eonrleted on a liquor ciiaig*. tl \ , Beano for dlBBUttlvM.the u a e n tt all ctiei The apptls vers abtn* (< ' ^ *“ *®' u igtit» umtiwt nw _ aasocmiD raca ' ~ ' -Hunters Find Aged ^ On Ti’ail In_Wooi H AlLCy, Maho. Oct. 53 (Special U Benarr Tllcomb anolher l a ^ t U TUesdar reportt came w or.^ ft w hunten had come upon Uie detd todjM Tltcomb. (or manr jetrt * la m m a r^ (lgilro‘ln'and'abournaller.‘“ — #1 The bodr w s found near U ie^^ w darr tine between B moroaiJBl^ oounU«on»traUierer»lmU«irora „ the tntelfd rwd .between Wtum ^ take and AUant*. Sberiw Oeorgo Campbell left (or Uie icene aoon „ allerward Ihough Uiere « « “ ca UwugbrUiarthe-man'a-dealh-vu — not from natuiwl cauies. Tltcomb has been around ll^ e r ^ about. M lean. Ke had no hablta* Utlon and rtlused shelter. He plcW It- up t«gt and metal »cnp« fwm the hi sWteU and hit food during Uie win* m w oWiin-ca-iSilnlr'frotn 11; nrbage cant. He v u never knovn ol U>Wand abtolulelr nlused toto p< to uie poor bbuse. Latl vlnter he et Ired In a rooll«t cellar lelt vhen w a Cblnaman'i.bouse burned dovn. ce le had no ooren, no cooking vten* till, nolhlng to thov where he lived in HBiir ■SW K ____ 1 Legato ol Machine Gun Ex- t plosions Breaks Sllenoo ! ahd J ob Aiello, Drops < - CHICAOO. Oct. « - J o e AltUft onceotOangeland-sroraltr.feUdead t befere enemr naehlne guni’lpnljht. i wearing n cheap tult Uiat teatUltd to t Uie decUne ol Uie North Side mob i In Uie face ot -Scarlaoe Al" Ca* , pone-a m?rcllea opposlUon. i ne dropped under a reriUble » aUeam of maehine gun bullets, pour* ed Into his bodr u he walked out , ot Uie courtwir of U ib buUdlng where he had been, living. A taxi .drlret, arriving almott H ilaultaneouilr at Ibe um e addreu. H viuictsed UiB amitlnaUon and no* UHcd-poUee.-Al-the d r i v e r 't - d ^ - Uon, offleen setrehed a "deaUi flat- aenss ths ttreet-vben.Uier.founit _ about 7S machine gun thtUs and a > inter o( aboul 300 elgareUe ttuta, Ihowlng Uiat me kUlen had lalirln- ■ .mat for Uielr pmrJgtwme_tim».__ _ Ko weapon v u lift br Uib titrera. >ei -A te taxi drivfr,JtmetRtiane.-told . Police Sergeant Bor aiUon U ^ b t ^ had been ealltd to Ute NorUmst tl KdeaddnMbratnan-namedTriito. ll EesaldbebadooUeedanian valk- jc tag out ol Uie oourtwar, canylng an ovenoatonbltarm. Then Uie leUial . raUle of Uie machine xun ihaltercd ci Uie quietude of Uie rieighbwhood. Aiello, according to Buane, tlart- “ ed to run. Uien turned and (aeed Uie * (ire. He appannUr carried no gun. w The bevttt gang tleUm vore a d cheap tult and Uie coat he canltd Tin»nnhi~extraTaginl type - vhleh Uie-big thou-of Uie under* o world ordlniTlr alfect. KU only curl- . ly to hoodlum ottenlaUonvu a suit . o( blue allk undervear. ^ When Um body v u taken lo the . counlr morgue. examlnaUon showed . Uiaf Uie fin had been ao terrific Uiat It had almost eut avay one ol Uie TleUml legt and perforated his chest and beck. There vere te\-eral " thou Uirough Uie'head. Police speculated on Uw possibil- ity Uiat'Uie tenant ot Uie apart^ ment Aiello had teen vUIUng, Pat- sy Tristo. had planned eiUier to (Iee . (OonUnued on Page 11, C o l» jDstiSiis CiiCKSlfEfl Former Secretary ol Navy Charges . President W ith Bowing to Big Business - 0WEmS0M7 ierT <a-irtfl= ' Jotephui Daniels, former seereUry of Uie navy, decUred In » campaign acfilttat here lonlght Uiat Preildent BMrer v u Induenctd In hit form* nliUon of gonnuaenUl poUclce by "Wg bustnett." m iB god.o( big buslnest. to vhlch Pnsldent Hoover b u given his tup* port. Is Andnv Melkra," Mr. Dan., lelt sald.-Ke;bonesUr ^U em Uut - all Uie vealUi ibould'be concenUat- ed In a (ev hands, Uiat a (ov men like hlmieU ought lo conlrol Uie da* Unlet ot UiB countrr. and Uiat Uiey a n better equipped Uian Uie mutes to govern. In oUier vords. he Is a llamUtonlan. vbO'dlstruiU the ci- ptelty o( Uib people to exercUe tbe right o( Klt'goTemment.'' U r Dinleti tald Uie signing of Uie tariff act v u “Uu itrtv Uiat broke Uie camera back.' - •Tnaldent CooUdge vonhlpped at Ult Uellon thrin^ and Prttldenl Hoover h u been very careful lo do noUilnt Uiai U not In aooord wlUi Uie Uelloo ttadlUon.’- be aald. n h e Uelloo ttglme U aa alliance ot giant builnett entereiU vUb Uie gorcn* ment. Big butlneu It mora powerful - Ulaa'Uie.goveRiBieDt' iuelt. Sueh a tItaaUoD.U illoved. to continue. m w T h e end' e f teU-goTemmenl; for no gOTcnmlnl can long.endun In vhleh Ute special InleresU control U m detllnlet tobjc^” ' TBE ONLf m . twin " sdHermitDeadrr jj lod River Countxy- I to The Nows)-WlUi Uie deaUi ot ’ atlng and eccentric ehaitieler ot Uie w u Ihe iracki Uirough Uie mow. lie never adtfitsstd twrmt. »4k(« tny fivon. except to ta let'alone to Uv8 life u he wanted to. B a m m p he alwayi iptnl ln-U» mounWia »nd Jn'the ntighbcfhocd ot ih«P cimptfound plenty to e itj_______ _ hT wi ' ow T o ytan o( W and v u never known to be tick. , Moro Uian a year ago ^ lnb»- lt«d aboul »1000. Thlt be U u id to hive lent out i t any r»U. Money mads M dUference In to way o J llrtng. Ills dre« v u *1^ a manel o( ro8» Ued togelhw a ^ b ^ a p - i pearance»dlwpuUbIeUiaUlws- L «tV«retrtih^|omeHhto.^ ^ w u . however. p e r ( e e l ^ h ^ l e i i and cert«lnJr'tn)le«UJ’ ta?eMd*nl. ^ •It U rumored Uiat b e J iu reliUvej, (J In CalUomta. il '• - l< PRESIDENT OF CHINA- becomes CHRISTIAN ^ .— suANauAiv.bcL a '^i^J:- ^ dent Chlanjr Kil-Shek of China h is been converted lo Chriitian- Uy. , a! Appearing unexpectedly In U Bhanchfll late today the general- n Uilmo wenl to Uie home of hli 0 Bwthtr.ltv-Uv. Madame K. T. « Soong and v u , baptWd Into Uie te Chrlitlan (alUi by tprinUlw. « v cording to tho riiei odSit Episcopal Chutth, SouUi. The wremony v u pertormed W B Chinese paitor, Uie .R«v. Z. T. KuMic. a graduate of Uie Soulh- ern MelhodWt Epltcopal Mission univenlly at Soochoy. ilon't hcadduarten U at vine. TenncMCf. Chlaijg explained his action ifTUiese wordi: -I leel me need of a Cod such. , uJcsuiChrtsr • BUST iSES PIG -ilifjrriaD; - SANTA MONICA, Cal. Oct, a tfl *; «One.man.m-(aUlly.lnJured, an- ^ .'oUier to leHouslr burned he w uex: e pleted to die aad M persons vere o Uirovn.lnlo*.panlelonUblwtiea* 1000-barrel oU U ak ln Uibnew Ven- « ice oU fteM e x p l o ^ - n Eujene Alien, an employe Ola pipe 8 wntlnicUon company. dW- atUr ^ Uie exploalon. Allen aad J. F. Drown ; vero vwklng ouUIde Uie lank lata a . Whleh oUwulKlngpumP*^ ,, I drenched vlUi blazing oil \ ot pumping oil Into ll w u aboul completed. inretUgiton wen unable , lo delaine Uib caiM. t -■ —. ' ------- --- ^ i| , . Is Everyone] . ../■ ' - » I i ' a ll s '. ll* f 7 J '' ©1 t ^i\ - t ' J - ^ ... I ' I, _ _ e ................ .. mCIATED PRESS NEWS FALL N FALLS, IDAHO, FlllIIA»r MOI * « E ii -IfliBiMILllJ Step.Mother oMO-Year-Old F( :GlrI Coiilesses Part In Cr.Ime Involving Glass and Points Oul Six Associates (By The Atjoelaled Prets) D e n v e r , oct. 23 peraons wcre.qucatloned by pollco tonight in the investijfatlon of the alayiog 0 bl Leona O’Loushlln, 10-ycar-pI Cl daughter of City Detectivj Leo O’LoughUn. Mra. Peat m O’Loughlln, step-mother 0 th the slain child, today ,adniit cr led orally-shcwfts.a party t( ce the jjlrl'a death- of The six wen: . ^.1 Mn. Ethel Sparr. beautr^operel^. ce and-toomlng houie proprietec; J ^ . Allen. DanleIT. 8Uhl.-Mr.-andMn. ^ Bob-LyUlI-and.an.unnamtOqant all roomen al tbe Sparr bouie. pc Mn.LyUU.deicri^by d e l^ m ar u In 'dellute coodtUon.”- told of* Jlcen a ttory vblch Chlet of Pctee ^ nobert P. need.tald “broke JJx cd O'liouehlln'a aUbL" Becauie of her at «K !M n.Ijtellw u not Ukea «r to police headquarten.but v u la- fo “"(Oontoued on Page J. Col 1). v BHTillill I isnnsE Grim Reaper’s. Toll in Coal C . Mine Catastrophe Rises to ' 255 As Search Conliniics I ALSDOnP, Germany. 0 cL» «>7 j •me deaUi toU In Uie Auna B coal d mine dluilerofTutrday, had reach* J , ed »S tonldit and It vai bellered »: J few more dead vould be (ound In Uiei^d ' debrls-tUUd-'mlne.-Ihe..toUl'tn* * eladc3.1S vho hive died In heqiUali’ * 1 oftajnrie*. k Becauae ot Uie gnat numbcr.ot, . dead, UiB local eemelery b u proved IM tmall and pnparaUont vere. made today to Uy out a nra.burial , grtunl in it, on Saturday momlnj. “ ’ Uie dead mlncri vlU be placed in » ^ eommongnvft. *,• •„ I One man who wry nelrlr bwme ) a rlcUm v u happy tonight. Ho It " , Kasper LuelUioK. and when first “ taken from Uie mine he w u Uid among Uw dead. LaUr he ahowed . , ilr o of life and v u taken lo Uie to ^ ^ ^ e cause of Uie explolon UsUll He » a mysiery. alUiough ihe theory ot to fire damp Is vldelr held. hi e K eeping H is M ind on Hii fe?#® _ ff Vs 'PAPER IN' T W im M L Di lORNlNG, OCTOBER 24, 1930 i lllSTSilEp ID IE i m p jiMiisni- ------- Dl Foreign Minister-Announces Determination of Govern- ment to Throw “ Full Forco ' Into Routing C om rplsts” (By The A»»claled Press) ' T SHANGHAI,-Oct. 23--^bo A ^ Natldnalist Rovemmbnt > ^ moved today lo crush tho at bloody Communist w ar on ol Christians in Chinn. >> Foreign Minister Wang an- u nounceti tho government will S throw “its full strength into crushing the "reds" who re* C cently massacred thousands J'i of pertona and plundertil iofclgn ° mlsiloM u a part of a campaign ot ^ wholeiale murder, robbery and In* " cendUriim In Klanjii iirovlnce. Tlie mlnlAter IniUted. however, tbe Bovemmenl could not be held n * tl Informed several American a n d 'm otherforelgnmlsslonarleiwere(^ edto flee from Jaochov.KlngUchen di and Klan lo un Uielr llrea (rom ll^ “redt- vigtng biller varfw upon re foreign and Chinese ChrUUani, at ^ (ConUnued on Page 7, Oo H i ■iseEia ; lllillBWESj County OJIicefrand Police - o t' Surrounding Towns. Spread Net lor Four Men IbBONEAU, Idaho, Oct. J3 (/P) - qHinly ofllcen and.poUce o( tur* riuixling towna were tearehlng to* . iJ jh t for lour men who robbed tafei gi Vura In Uie lion and peaultlce op* Fi (■ted here by'Oeergi R.'<>ont^ >ni .-JTwo fchool teaehen. ilarrlei rfe- £* Clun Mid BliabeUi Jonet, Uring In T .ft hotel acrosa Uie atreet f im Uie , tlore.HetTdanexpIo*lonan(lawUij robben.drive avay from at i ^ at ^ an early hour Ulls momlng. They ^ Ufled UiB.proprietor. InvnUgaUon dUcloiedUierobbenbtdbluledUie ^ safe la Uia itore and obUlned »»0. " and pried open ibe poiloince ufe P from whlcb 1171 In cash and tl6 In " money orden wu uken. ^ , mierift Blake of Owyhee county el took up-Uie letrch and uked aid di Irom-BotorpostaHnspeelort-andpo-rH llee. The baadlU in a light-colored; LI touring ear. vere believed lo have^H headed touUi. * ] B< Jls Business? ff' ........................ • . - J, 7 - -" j E -------------------------- -—I f * f 9HftE-7>» U»> X«tk 3xlliunt.i&L- .1 ' ____J' iis county ^ ^ ^ Thousands Gf-1 ^To Work As 1 Government Director ol Relief Calls On j ' i Nation's Commerce^’ to Cooperate and Federal L Departments Oiler Help j,) (By The Auoelated Preui JS tttA S H IN G T O N , Oct. 23 i .i(Vv^Thoj£dcral govern- |« rl’ ment took concrete ^ ateps today to stem the tide ,ui of nnemployment aa the * Hover cabinet committee set |» up to liundle the problem bc* “ gan functioning. m Coincident w-Jth a call, from ih< Colonel A rihur Wood*, there* lief dlreclor. u k b g Industfj' to co* mi operate, .govertiment depirlmenU . snnoune«l plana lo provide employ- 11 menl to a Urge number ot Ihe 3,. , 6O0.D00 Idle Amerieani.. II The postolflco department look il«M lo impend 'overtime work lo regular employes In order Um lub- den lo thlt ctfect will go forvard 10- Plani'of Uie shipping board to n - duce lu dometUo force by MO and lU foreign penonnel by 3J0 In lU reoganluUon program have -been abandoned lo p n n n t an Inereaie In Uie number of Joblest. lliirter AeU Secretory. Hurley moved to have j UiB ermy englneen adopt Uw “tU g. *^ ger syiiem" of employment on rtven and hariwn work, particularly along ^ Uio Mississippi r t w . Ha alM Is seek* ^ Ing cooperaUon ot eoniraclon to aid In Increasing Uie number of Jobs on certain proJecU AlUiough Chairman Ugge of Uie ^ farm beanLnoled Jhat agency had (ConUnued on Page 5, Col V toi LiDGEllWLE!’ IDAHO FALLS. Oct. as MVOr- ” ganUaUon o('Junior lodgM o( Odd in, Fellovt ln.Jdiho It provided.la t tw nev censUluUon adopted a t Uia con* m clDdlar tesslon of Uib grand lodge » hero today. ....... vi 'AppolnUve offleen of Uia gnmd he lodge vere named today by Arthur re T. Coinbi. Kellogg, nev gnnd » u * ' ter, u follows: lai lUmpton Taylor. QraagevlUe an manhal; H. H. Htyman. Bwley mi chaplain; N.EarleSuthnell.Wallace, th guardUn; C.' P. l!foU(,"Levlslon. Tt herald. mJ Anadvlsorycommltteevunamed; en Including Grand M uter Combs m mi chairman-, and Sam Blaine, ‘Boise, th depuv grand muUr; Pr^ w F. w : Uoyd, Twin FBllt; Htmplon Taylor. , H. H. Hayman and Frank Martin, wi 1Boise. .- ^ ~ ,'= = S ^ = = Y, GALLI-CURCl SINGS AT RECITAL D O T E INJURY B BIRMINOHAM. EngUnd. Oet. a ! (AV-Amellu Oalll'CuRl American; 0 UiatlesiUiinathounpnTlousIyshe a; had betn bruised aad shaken up In .U an automobUe accident. , t i She v u received wlUi g n a t en* Uiuslasm. The audience knev about [ UiB accident In which her automon t bUe overturned whUB trying to avoid I » ooUlslon vlUi anoUifr a r , and shoved .Uielr • adminUon (or her coungo in (ullUllng her concert en* gagemenl.'Hervolee showed no tnce . ot UiB aUrmlng experience. METHODIST WOMEN OF.' T IDAHO MEET IN BOISE BOISE, O et a MV-The Idaho confennce cl Uie Women's Home Mlttlonary soclely ot the Pint MeUiodlst chureh ranks among the leven hlgheit In Uie SS cenferencet of the aiiocUUoil In America. Mr*. D 0. O. Heath. CaldweU, preaidant, ft told* Uie Idalio contention here to* dJ day...... * The one-day convenUon closed “ tonight vlUi-re-eleeUon e( Mn. „ HeaUi u president and Uie elec- ' Uon et Uid tollowlng oUier ollleeni ^ Mrv. O. L. Samiel. Idaho FaUt. cor* ^ reijwndlag .lecnury; Mn. B. a * Madden, Caldvell. recording teen* |; t« y . and'M n. ■BartilU W.-C^arlc, ‘ IdjOio Falls, treasurer. ^ *| TEAR BOMBS BREAK UP n GATHERING IN GERMANY ; DBE8DEN,:0ermany. (Jet. O Wi a. -Throwing'pf-tear gu'bombfto-' tl night tnlemipled.a aocUl.Demo- f< crtUc poIiUcal meeting vhll* Preil* P dent Paul’Loebe ot Uie relcbiUg 11 w u fpeaklngi , • tl Six penont recelvedaedlcal treat* menu The bombi .vere'thrown by - pollUcai-pppohenU of.Uie SecUUitt. ^ UfA'^YbUTOERiSHES I OODrN,UUh,0«t.aMV^eotje ti o r a a t Moyes, H. Ogden high ichool ■ fi student, fell troB ft truck oa • itrM hen twlght and received Injuries b from vhlch hs died In a hoiplttJ A U y HewuUMtoa ot » "uuaWAirorrBimEAn -I)— ~ o r cnncotJtTioHa i'_______ Unemployed-M Depression Los t Forces Swing jVoods Looks __ For Changes WAHHINOTON. 0£t. 23 (fJ-Tlio r o ? ^ r t t u r ’* ^ o S 4-bellcvet Uial evenUulIy recurring pro1)1«mt of un*. employment will dbaptiear. In discussing Uie prevnlilluallon 'i today, WoodSMid UisC deipile f i t t - ing condlUons Uie.wotldwu making i (tridM towards Ute ellmlnaUon of s u ^ periods. ni •Way* and means." he said, “will t( betoundtoglwgaliilul emplojwnl AlUiough he did not explain how ll ' wouIdbedone.heclUdUiatfolk)wIng si (he 1P3I unemploj’ment conferencf, f, wblch he dlncled. eondlUons re* malned tUble for a decade. I” itsiiiB ; JlUiPJt: ... . Son of J. P. Morgan’s Part- . rer Comes to Aid ol Un- J derpaid Harvard Servants j OAMBItlDOE, Mats.,.Oct 33 (A^ o > ^ l l i s Lamont, son of J. P. Mor- gan’s pirtner, Thomu Lament, to- day took up again the cauie of Har* t vard unlvenliytW discharged ^ b t women vllh the tlatemenl t}ut the ; unlvenlty tad fiUed In.lU p t^ j made tU monUii ago to InresUgale and Kltle Uie case. ^ i A letter signed by Lamoat and ■ Mveral oUier Htrvard graduates In e today's alumni buUeUn anbounced a campaign to nlse >3880 which wUl i be presented Uie scrub vomen on j ChrlsUnuday. Tbe gnduate.greup i coBUndi that turn U duo Ui# wom* i on becauie Harrardtaied to par Uie d amount required by Uie’Maisacbusr c etu minimum wage taw.' . t -The tund." aayt U» WIct, "may i eoualeraet to some exUnt Uw (act .i UiatUiUadmlaliUaUon.wl^di^ 1 Ing Ult lu t six yean and Uu.next tvo will hare Improved B a m rtt i material equlpmenl toini.cxttnt ot i Kffle »o,oooM;.hiiaU(t.U-'i(^ i vomen out of a ^ K y .a eentt.aa ,j hour or WcreU a dty for nine vhole , smib'women v e n dlieharged J last ChrUtmu In a reorganlxaUoa i and subseouenUy It v u revealed the < minimum wage commission charged t U» women had been under p ^ Thff-unlJerrty -eUlmed Uiat. a minute rest period allowed Uie wom* y en made the vtgca legal, but U* ( monl Slid Uiat InmUgatlon shoved i thenwunongularrcstperiod-and , that Uie excuse v u “shabby and < ■nlggardlyUnCTtr.r.,, .. J Among tba slgneri besides r ^ nf < were Dr. Haven EmerHn, former New Vork O ir health commlstloner. j Frederick Vanderbilt FUld,. New , York, and'Lewls Qannett. Nev York , newiptper literary critic. ■ . , BOISE. LURES ..OFFICIAL i ' SEATTLE, Oct. a*W»-NavMn j 0 McCoy, execuUve secnury of tbe. ' community Voung Men'a ChrisUan wioeUUon here, retlgnnl todar to accept Uia general secreUrjihlp of Uie Young Men't Christian asaocla* Uon a t BolK. , FilBUlMT' ! ■ DKDii T. T. Danilson, 85, Civil War Veteran and Founder ] of City, Dies in Spokane SPOKANE, OcL a (ff) - T. T. Danllion, 65, civil v ar veteran and founder o f 'B l a c k t o o t , Idaho, dropped dead ot a heart attack vhlle Miking In front of his hoinfl here today. lift WM bom In New Jeney and enlUted In Uie Union (orcea at Uie age of 16. He went to Fort Hall, Ida- ho, in m s whero hU broUier w u an IndUn agent. He slept la a tce* pge where Poatcllo nowiundi.,Al- though lie w u (riendly. wlUi-tha IndUns he helped to suppress lev* ■*l{r.’'^ 'u o n went up Uie Snake river when the Bannock war start- ed and Uler founded the trading post en Uie present tile o( Uie town ot BUckfoot. He induced Uie Otah and northern raUroad t« put »;tU* tlen'atthe'post,-namlac'lC'SUck* foot. He ran a store Uiere. w u postmisUr.~openUed Uiree . tUge lines out of Uiere; selUog out when Uie Oregon Bhort. Line begin con* slrucUon.' . ^ He vent to Ontario. Oregon, tome yean UUr, staylng Uiere lO yean end Uien moved to. Harrlngt^ Washlngton.-whcre-ho-opented3 heUl aad came la Spokane Real etU to business occupUd UnUon ben untU Ml nUrttwnt'4 1 fev yean ago. *.. ' % Hit vldoir, v ltt iihom.ha'eela* bnted hU (lfty-(UUi annlvenaiy Ult >OhrisUnat, .one .daughter 'aad tvo soas gunrlve him. BurUt vlU be v '" 'T d D A Y :'ciiu^^ w fs 14TAGE3 - 5 CENTB “ " M e n -R e tu m -— ises Grip A n d , lg In to A c tio n Factories Resume Full Tlmo ~.Scheduler-Chicago-“Firm— Increased Forces by 1000 ! Workers and Wages Rise {ByTIiB'AuoclatedPreM)— ' N ew YORK. Oct. 23 ~ 'A series of Items of busi- ness o p tim ism asng acrosa the wires of tho nation • today—the first'anniversary-., ‘ of tlio stock market (anah, , •- I .They told of several thou* t sand men being called back to • full-time Jobs, of plants jarc I ” Nanowi^^nlmIse"theteriout*. SSngopU i^ ^ ^ ^ ’^ ^ Ihat Uie 10 planu o( the • S o S d ^ w i a ^ M l Ume openUon & . Between » M and-IMO n w t «ba have been worklnff only three dw»ave«fcwlllbeneIlt.TJie^U- ire tlluaUd in erety area o( Uie. 1 couatry. , ^ . . l»MMeaBetomloW^ -nie Yellov Oab company. C hlo^ • TeporUng a Iteady incrette la b^* . , b nest since September, made public e pUnstoaddlOOOmentolUprese^ e Joneof«OO.nrBan Pnnclieotbe • e Yellov Ctb-company loC Ttt^ Uie vagei ot lU lOOOvwketa by » oenU d ft diy, at Uie aame time,railing lU , d * * B i!^ leaden of major. Indui-' a WeMn eontcnnce at O b^.«- a pressed Uie oplnkm th a t th e ‘t ^ , , p ln»,polat“ had b « ^ ^ ' JncnaietaUie.neKtdeeade...' t ^Srthe oUw tide ot Uie p l^ • viuUiBacUonotUia ^ ^ w ^ ^ haT»*WiSl"WM“ « p u in « 4 to i ; a meet y'aamlttedy.ebOTB^e^ . e SttS'imtWOTipUoato.buil. ,• ^ At Waihlngton. OoKwel' Aitiur Woodi Uckled Uie pcoblem o( con-. • queriagunempkiymentonasaUao*.' 1 al tctle. UU Itnt'ptonouncetnent 1 w u a caU to Americaa,isduitry to 1 coopente tn Uie allBvUllpa o t ^ r fnltur amons unoMiloyed.UiU vln*. . r ter- ' ....... r HiB requeet v u met ImmedUt^ ' ; r. hr the United BUtea ahlpptBC boaitl,.’ » iftnd Uie poetottlee department . It whlch’anBounced.UielrnadlneM'to wopento (uHy wlUi UajJlani-(or • • .unemplmentrtmedlea.'niowarde*... . partawnt alntdyU'taklngaput,. leeUag Uie coopertloa ot centiact* , on aloag Uie UstlBlppl river and i lUtribuUrieato(amUh,iDoieg«n- ?• eni employm»at-.Wae.4lepattBeat, ° englneen bare beea'losUiictod to In- fr quin into all poaslbUproJecU wblch unemptoyment relief ta n rta a .to -' calltlM.' Cbatrmart Legge said tba tedenl. (arm board vould be glad to make . . lu beldbig o< ,appr^»Uly,,eo,-;. «00«0 bushels ot i& a t traUablo u,foodforUieUDemplored.lf«oa.‘.'. -. W grcM vould repUee Uie-montr used- I br Uie gnln itablUtaUoneorporaUea. ; torlU purchase._________ ' BORAH ENDORSES NORRIS.' OMAHA. Neb, OcU » WW)e- ip tcribing Senator George W. Norris, '' RepubUean. Nebraska, aa ‘one' ot ' ,o Uie ouUUndlng'pubUe tervanU to " ' Ulll country and a tremendoui ln*. (luence In Uie senate.” Senator W. E Berth. Republican. Idaho, today Ij issued a lUtement urging NebnikiT'; • Toltn to return Korrti to Uie ten* , • * ^ e sUlement ot Senator Bonlw'- V who Is campaigning In hU, b c s w ; ^ . lUte. v u nleaaed hen senator Bobert B. ' S BOOTUEGGtfis'SATERING; ' •; .TO ITUDMTS PAY HIGH ' 5! -CAiiul). IIU ortT a («--A rtte , M.Stnnge and Fred L.Oomer. wto,. ka passed out cardt among Vnlrenltr r o( lUlnols ItudenU.adverttilnf Uier; . M htd 'anyUilng Uut U wetr (or ule. S pletded guUiy In (edetil '. :■ J; niui^^ p u t. 5- STANFORD B OAR,D«IVra?' _;jlLflUR l,ONGER.l;E^^|■ ; i^&^^^®?

newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS.....-JV-' _ i ' ' '-'i,.. THI yOL U. NO. 171 “ **1110=11 : SWEB IH — __________rr-________________TU

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Page 1: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS.....-JV-' _ i ' ' '-'i,.. THI yOL U. NO. 171 “ **1110=11 : SWEB IH — __________rr-________________TU

. .- JV - ' _ i ' '■ '-'i,..

T H Iy O L U . NO. 171 “

* * 1 1 1 0 = 1 1 : SWEB IH

— ■____ ______r r - ________________TU

A nnrlcan A rcheologlsts CDl

Croa-SecllOTi o f H isto ry S

o f M m kU In E x ca v a tio o w

-------------In -C tn lra l-P a r t o f-T u rk ey- no

• - fB fn i« /«ocJ» t«IPreu> ,5• A* LISH A R, T urkey , O c l 23 u i

A —A f f r a y - s u h b n l c e d «P“ 7— r ^ ^ m o u n d - f l t f tn H s - to n iR li t j in th e h e a r t o f liic anclcn t ^ % . land of th e H ittitc s . B urrow - to

\ Ing through I t fo r f lvo yeara , }« American ftrchcolofffste h a v e ,

. c u t & crosB-sectiont«( th e his* kc ■ to ry o f m ankind a s th e y du jr «r

fo r n solution q f th e H It tlte - m ystery.

lOs Ihl* on* mound, the AlUhtr )-------- hujruk-fhuyuk-ls-Tutldsh for ftrtl- 1

flcltl JiUl). mound aoo r « t lonj U Wld »0 1 « t wide, illuated IM mUei

, — K itjUnairor-AiPfk. the CWenUl - I ” .IniUtute ot CblcsRo unUenlty, h u I

Jiut completed lU (Uth u u o n o{ ex* I ctvsUou, Dr. Hans Jltnslnjr foci der Osten. Ittder o( the expedlUon: niehaid Manln. Ohinso. tnd a , 0<rauR.i;errRetfeBmuiltf, »h»ar8 U •II Tctenn plinuen ot Ulttlte ayi* terie*. ia« ihe IBU expedlUon pro* duee (he mc«t Impottant n tu tte ol the Oriental lnjtltul«-» (l»e yean tn AntWlU. '

DInlni .01 (Kt belo* th* citadel »»U which eroroi the AlUbir mound, the expedition th li rear •uuck Ihe dwelling-place o( itone* «n ase m u, expoelng Kllci o( a aettle- be n en t aliUfi« a t i m t lCt,CiDO rear* m befon Uie Chriillan era. Working th

& Olher, rtllc* or len dbUnetlTeperlodi of man's bbtoiT. all■ Find Abandimed SetUement . ed

Belov Uie lurftee, vbere itood the retnaJni of t a AmenJan MiUe* ment abuidoned tome 60 y u r t age.v e n tound Iniuccculon the Osman- ili

______H itrati. the Seljok, the BfsnU ne, wl’tha nominranathBTtmalns-ot'the Ui

- := — P ^ J ® p m i n g « t onee tbe Oalllc U. J JBmlonsofAsUHrnor.thBC^Ppa* ac• ; doelan kingdom, and Uie Phrrgtan; at r Downward, farther a«rar and long- III

' J : cr ago, come the itra ta ot tbe new at;— Tflttlln frwplr> «T»< Bgtlp,

JuTlng tbe In n asd'comlsg to tb e '

. nw (9 («»< rla the,«ee«]< l):& cX h tbe third mlUenlum/Belem.Christ, a u d fell somewhere: round ItOO 8e* £ fon OtuM. 'Ptenlar belov th li ^

• Bieat treasure bouM for KItUle »

{J• age, and 10 a t last reached Neoflih- “

ta in , upoilng the TOodenroot-sup- - port ot a dweUlng Inbablled by man ? M,000 rear* ago. “■

' , f w iu leeklag the ker to Uie HIttlle riddle. V, Tbe Slble gfrei tlttte more than the « samaofUtemlgmr.mrateriouivtf. „ rion Whose swar orer Aalt 141nor S extended even lo Egrpt and Babr* lon. and wbne lubuquent dUap* cog a ^ ^ r ^ h . t o , y h a . n o t r e t ^

HtUlte UbleU vhlch bare beeii £ dicJplxrtd fJra brief light upon ^ C iu t ipen and great erenia. There m

■ stands out Uie same o t Uie UlUtte King Ktaltun. wtu la (he third tt

■ mrnenluni Before Christ cooquettd „ (ar and wide and made HaUuihasli „ 'Ibe modem TurUih TUlage of Bo- ? ghaiiiuj.-Uie capll*! Of the n itm e . empire. Fnm a Bablonlin chnn*Icle It U known that RllUtes sacked Babrlon and ended Uie grtal Uam- a u n b l driiastr. 1

' Oreat otHitUles. Uie aomt records "

(OoaUmitd on Page 11, Ool i)


* ■ . O A T n z . ocTaT w H A mild at* p I 6 t la floeaa (weed Beniier FI Wealer U Jonea to eineel an ad*A drea tedar.r * ,*“ w gone all ra r life vlthout

«w «wuid. T h a n boasted ot 11 and have been vamed lo loiock on wood.' but


PORTUND, Oet. 33 «>-x?U llto «PoUman. a . banker and prtralnent ^ Weston sUskman, died b e » tcday,Ba w u president o( Uia F ln t Na* PUonal bank and Uu Baker Loaa and p

........5h« t cOTpaar, B a te . O itg ja ..« jd ,,vice preildent ot Uie American Na* , tiwM| Umtock ^

He v u preildent (rom i m (0 « ]>M el Uie NorUiweatem Urestoek u eOilppen' Tnftlo Uacue, vhlch e a - n braced an extenslra membmhip ot stockmen In Waihlngton. Montuia. J Idaho and O rtgea . “



, BO iflt Oct. a l ^ i t i B lupmae ** eoort todar dlunUscd three appeals u

• In ertolasl Mies towglJt (rom Twte B •Palls countr. ■ ■ n

Tlier were Rar Balmer. charged U . Mth gaabUng for vblch be w u (In* il

Jl|«0:,BorEImer.aenlencedtoJlo bi . B r e tn for driring an auiontobUt a. *tUla Intaxlcaltd. aod Letter A. U : p u i, eonrleted on a liquor ciiaig*. tl

\ , Beano for dlBBUttlvM.the u a e nt t all c tie i The apptls vers abtn* (<

■ ' ^ *“ * ® ' u

igtit» um tiw t nw _aasocm iD r a c a ' ~ '

-Hunters Find Aged ^ On Ti’ail In_Wooi

HAlLCy, Maho. Oct. 53 (Special U Benarr Tllcomb anolher l a ^ t U

TUesdar reportt came w o r . ^ f t w hunten had come upon Uie detd todjM Tltcomb. (or manr je tr t * la m m a r^ (lgilro‘ln'and'abournaller.‘“ — #1

The bodr w s found near U i e ^ ^ wdarr tine between B m o r o a iJ B l^ „ oounU«on»traUierer»lmU«irora „the tn te lfd rwd .between W tum ^ take and AUant*. Sberiw Oeorgo Campbell left (or Uie icene aoon „ allerward Ihough Uiere « « “ caUwugbrUiarthe-man'a-dealh-vu —not from natuiwl cauies. ■

Tltcomb has been around l l ^ e r ^ about. M lean . Ke had no hablta*Utlon and rtlused shelter. He plcW It-up t«gt and metal »cnp« fwm the hisWteU and hit food during Uie win* m t « w oW iin-ca-iS ilnlr'frotn 11;nrbage cant. He v u never knovn olU >W and abtolulelr nlused to to p<to uie poor bbuse. Latl vlnter he etIred In a rooll«t cellar lelt vhen w

a Cblnaman'i.bouse burned dovn. cele had no ooren, no cooking vten* •

till, nolhlng to thov where he lived in

H B iir■ S W K

____ 1

L egato o l M achine Gun E x - t

p losions B re ak s Sllenoo !

a h d J ob A iello , D rops <

- CHICAOO. Oct. « - J o e AltUftonceotOangeland-sroraltr.feUdead tbefere enemr naehlne guni’lpnljht. iwearing n cheap tult Uiat teatUltd to tUie decUne ol Uie North Side mob i In Uie face ot -Scarlaoe Al" Ca* , pone-a m?rcllea opposlUon. i

ne dropped under a reriUble » aUeam of maehine gun bullets, pour* ed Into his bodr u he walked out , ot Uie courtwir of Uib buUdlng where he had been, living.

A taxi .drlret, arriving almott H ilaultaneouilr a t Ibe u m e addreu. H viuictsed UiB amitlnaUon and no* UHcd-poUee.-Al-the d r iv e r 't -d ^ - Uon, offleen setrehed a "deaUi flat- aenss ths ttreet-vben.Uier.founit _ about 7S machine gun thtUs and a > inter o( aboul 300 elgareUe ttuta, Ihowlng Uiat me kUlen had lalirln- ■ .mat for Uielr pmrJgtwme_tim».__ _

Ko weapon v u lif t b r Uib titrera. > ei -A te taxi drivfr,JtmetRtiane.-told .

Police Sergeant Bor aiUon U ^ b t ^ had been ealltd to Ute NorUmst tl KdeaddnMbratnan-namedTriito. ll EesaldbebadooU eedanian valk- jc tag out ol Uie oourtwar, canylng an ovenoatonbltarm. Then Uie leUial . raUle of Uie machine xun ihaltercd ci Uie quietude of Uie rieighbwhood. „

Aiello, according to Buane, tlart- “ ed to run. Uien turned and (aeed Uie * (ire. He appannUr carried no gun. w

The bevttt gang tleUm vore a d cheap tu lt and Uie coat he canltd T in » n n h i~ e x t r a T a g in l type - vhleh Uie-big thou -o f Uie under* o world ordlniTlr alfect. KU only curl- . ly to hoodlum ottenlaUonvu a suit . o( blue allk undervear. ^

When Um body v u taken lo the . counlr morgue. examlnaUon showed . Uiaf Uie f in had been ao terrific Uiat It had almost eut avay one ol Uie TleUml legt and perforated his chest and beck. There vere te\-eral " thou Uirough Uie'head.

Police speculated on Uw possibil­ity Uiat'Uie tenant o t Uie apart^ ment Aiello had teen vUIUng, Pat- sy Tristo. had planned eiUier to (Iee

. (OonUnued on Page 11, C o l»

jDstiSiis ■

CiiCKSlfEflF orm er S e c re ta ry o l Navy

C harges . P re s id e n t W ith

B ow ing to B ig Business

- 0 WEmS0 M7 i e r T < a - i r t f l = ' Jotephui Daniels, former seereUry of Uie navy, decUred In » campaign acfilttat here lonlght Uiat Preildent BMrer v u Induenctd In hit form* nliUon of gonnuaenUl poUclce by "Wg bustnett."

m iB god.o( big buslnest. to vhlch Pnsldent Hoover b u given his tup* port. Is Andnv Melkra," Mr. Dan., lelt sald.-Ke;bonesUr ^ U e m Uut - all Uie vealUi ibould'be concenUat- ed In a (ev hands, Uiat a (ov men like hlmieU ought lo conlrol Uie da* Unlet ot UiB countrr. and Uiat Uiey a n better equipped Uian Uie mutes to govern. In oUier vords. he Is a llamUtonlan. vbO'dlstruiU the ci- ptelty o( Uib people to exercUe tbe right o( Klt'goTemment.''

U r Dinleti tald Uie signing of Uie tariff act v u “Uu i t r tv Uiat broke Uie camera back.' -

•Tnaldent CooUdge vonhlpped at Ult Uellon thrin^ and Prttldenl Hoover h u been very careful lo do noUilnt Uiai U not In aooord wlUi Uie Uelloo ttadlUon.’- be aald. n h e Uelloo ttglme U aa alliance ot giant builnett entereiU vUb Uie gorcn* ment. Big butlneu It mora powerful - Ulaa'Uie.goveRiBieDt' iuelt. Sueh a tItaaUoD.U illoved. to continue. m w T h e end' e f teU-goTemmenl; for no gOTcnmlnl can long.endun In vhleh Ute special InleresU control Um detllnlet to b jc ^ ” '

• TBE ONLf m

. t w i n "

sdHermit Deadrr jj lod River C o u n t x y -

I to The Nows)-WlUi Uie deaUi ot ’ atlng and eccentric ehaitieler o t Uie

w u Ihe iracki Uirough Uie mow. lienever adtfitsstd tw rm t. »4k(« tny fivon. except to ta let'alone to Uv8 life u he wanted to. Bam m p he alwayi ip tn l ln-U» mounWia »nd Jn 'the ntighbcfhocd o t ih«Pcimptfound plenty to e i t j _______ _“ hT w i ' o w To y tan o( W and v u never known to be tick. ,

Moro Uian a year ago ^ lnb»- lt«d aboul »1000. Thlt be U u id to hive lent out i t any r»U. Money mads M dUference In t o way o J llrtng. Ills dre« v u *1 a manel o( ro8» Ued togelhw a ^ b ^ a p - ipearance»dlw puU bIeU iaUlws- L « t V « r e t r t i h ^ |o m e H h t o . ^ ^w u. however. p e r(e e l^ h ^ le ii andcert«lnJr'tn)le«UJ’ ta?eMd*nl. ^

•It U rumored Uiat b eJiu reliUvej, (J In CalUomta. il

■ '• - l<


b e c o m e s CHRISTIAN ^

.— suANauAiv.bcL a ' ^ i ^ J : - ^ dent Chlanjr Kil-Shek of China h is been converted lo Chriitian- Uy. , a!

Appearing u n e x p e c te d ly In U Bhanchfll late today the general- n Uilmo wenl to Uie home of hli 0 Bwthtr.ltv-Uv. Madame K. T. « Soong and v u , baptWd Into Uie te Chrlitlan (alUi by tprinUlw. « v cording to tho riiei odSit Episcopal Chutth, SouUi.

The wremony v u pertormed W B Chinese paitor, Uie .R«v. Z. T. KuMic. a graduate of Uie Soulh- ern MelhodWt Epltcopal Mission univenlly a t Soochoy. ilon't hcadduarten U at vine. TenncMCf. Chlaijg explained his action ifTUiese wordi:

- I leel me need of a Cod such. , u J c s u iC h r ts r •

BUST iSES PIG- ilif jrr iaD ;- SANTA MONICA, Cal. Oct, a tf l *; «One.man.m-(aUlly.lnJured, an- ^

.'oUier to leHouslr burned he w uex : epleted to die aad M persons vere oUirovn.lnlo*.panlelonUblwtiea*1000-barrel oU U akln Uib new Ven- « ice oU fteM e x p lo ^ - n

Eujene Alien, an employe Ola pipe 8wntlnicUon company. dW- atUr ^ Uie exploalon. Allen aad J. F. Drown

; vero vwklng ouUIde Uie lank lata a. Whleh oUwulKlngpumP*^ ,,I drenched vlUi blazing oil \

ot pumping oil Into ll w u aboulcompleted. inretUgiton wen unable ,lo d e l a in e Uib caiM. t

-■ — . ' ------- --- ^

i | , . Is Everyone]

• . . . / ■ '

- »

I i '

a l ls ' .

l l *f 7 J“ ' ' © 1 t ^ i \


t 'J - ^ ...I • ■ ■ 'I, _ _

e ..................


F A L LN F A L L S , IDA H O , FlllIIA »r MOI

* « E i i-IfliBiMILllJS te p .M o th e r oM O -Y ear-O ld F(

:GlrI C oiilesses P a r t In

Cr.Ime Involving G lass and

P o in ts O ul Six A ssociates

(By The Atjoelaled Prets)

D e n v e r , o c t. 23pe raons w cre.qucatloned by pollco to n ig h t in th e

investijfa tlon of th e alay iog 0 blLeona O’L oushlln , 10-ycar-pI Cl d a u g h te r o f C ity D etec tiv jLeo O’LoughUn. Mra. P e a t mO’Loughlln, s te p - m o th e r 0 thth e s la in child, today ,a d n iit crled o ra lly -sh c w fts .a p a rty t( cethe jjlrl 'a death- of

The six wen: . .1Mn. Ethel Sparr. beautr^operel^. ce

and-toomlng houie proprietec; J ^ .Allen. DanleIT. 8Uhl.-Mr.-andMn. ^ Bob-LyUlI-and.an.unnamtOqant all roomen a l tbe Sparr bouie. pc

M n.L yU U .deicri^by d e l ^ m aru In 'd e llu te coodtUon.”- told of*Jlcen a ttory vblch Chlet of Pctee ^nobert P. need.tald “broke J J x cd O'liouehlln'a aUbL" Becauie of her at « K ! M n . I j t e l l w u not Ukea «r to police headquarten .but v u la- fo

“"(Oontoued on Page J. Col 1 ). v

B H T i l l i l l IisnnsE

Grim R e ap e r’s . Toll in Coal C

. M ine C a tastro p h e R ises to '

2 5 5 As S e a rc h Conliniics

I ALSDOnP, Germany. 0 cL» « > 7 j •me deaUi toU In Uie Auna B coal d mine dluilerofTutrday, had reach* J

, ed » S tonldit and It vai bellered »: J ‘ few more dead vould be (ound In Uiei^d' debrls-tUUd-'mlne.-Ihe..toUl'tn** eladc3.1S vho hive died In heqiUali’ * 1 oftajnrie*.k Becauae ot Uie gnat numbcr.ot,. dead, UiB local eemelery b u proved

IM tmall and pnparaUont vere. made today to Uy out a nra.burial

, g r tu n l in it, on Saturday momlnj. “ ’ Uie dead mlncri vlU be placed in » eommongnvft. * ,• • „

I One man who wry nelrlr bw m e ) a rlcUm v u happy tonight. Ho I t " , Kasper LuelUioK. and when first “

taken from Uie mine he w u Uid among Uw dead. LaUr he ahowed .

, i l r o of life and v u taken lo Uie to

^ ^ e cause of Uie explolon UsUll He » a mysiery. alUiough ihe theory ot to

fire damp Is vldelr held. • hi

e K e e p i n g H i s M i n d o n H i i

fe?# ®

_ ff

Vs 'PAPER IN ' T W i m M L

D ilO R N lN G , OCTOBER 24, 1930

i lllSTSilEp ID IE i m p jiMiisni-

------- DlF o re ign M inister-A nnounces

D eterm ination of Govern­

m en t to T hrow “ Full Forco '

In to R outing C o m r p l s t s ”

(By The A»»claled Press) ' T S H A N G H A I ,-O c t . 2 3 - - ^ b o A ^ N atldnalis t Rovem m bnt > ^ moved today lo c ru sh th o at bloody C om m unist w a r o n ol C h ris tian s in Chinn. >>

F o re ig n M in ister W ang an- u nounceti th o governm ent will S th row “ its fu ll s tre n g th into cru sh ing th e " re d s" w ho re* C cen tly m assacred thousands J'i of pertona and plundertil iofclgn ° mlsiloM u a part of a campaign ot ^ wholeiale murder, robbery and In* " cendUriim In Klanjii iirovlnce.

Tlie mlnlAter IniUted. however, tbe Bovemmenl could not be held n * tl

Informed several American and 'm otherforelgnm lsslonarleiw ere(^ ed to flee from Jaochov.KlngUchen diand Klan lo u n Uielr llrea (rom ll “redt- vigtng biller v a rfw upon re foreign and Chinese ChrUUani, at

(ConUnued on Page 7, Oo H i

■iseEia ;lllillBW ESj

County O J I ic e f r a n d Police -

■ o t ' Surrounding T o w n s .

S p read N et lo r Fou r Men

Ib BONEAU, Idaho, Oct. J3 (/P) - qHinly ofllcen and.poUce o( tur*riuixling towna were tearehlng to* .i J jh t for lour men who robbed tafei gi

Vura In Uie lio n and peaultlce op* Fi(■ ted here by'Oeergi R.'<>ont^ > ni.-JTwo fchool teaehen. ilarrlei rfe- £*Clun Mid BliabeUi Jonet, Uring In T.ft hotel acrosa Uie atreet f im Uie , tlore.HetTdanexpIo*lonan(lawUijrobben.drive avay from at i ^ a t ^an early hour Ulls momlng. They “ Ufled UiB.proprietor. InvnUgaUondUcloiedUierobbenbtdbluledUie ^safe la Uia itore and obUlned »»0. " and pried open ibe poiloince u fe P from whlcb 1171 In cash and t l 6 In " money orden w u uken. ^, mierift Blake of Owyhee county el

took up-Uie letrch and uked aid di Irom-BotorpostaHnspeelort-andpo-rH llee. The baadlU in a light-colored; LI touring ear. vere believed lo have^H headed touUi. * ] B<

Jls Business?

f f '........................ • . - J,

7 - - " j

• ■ E-------------------------- -— I f

■ * f 9HftE-7>» U»> X«tk 3xlliunt.i&L- .1

' ____J '

i i s c o u n t y ^ ^

Thousands Gf-1 ^To Work As 1

GovernmentD irec to r o l Relief Calls On j ' i

N a tio n 's C om m erce^’ to “

C oopera te a n d Federa l L

D ep a rtm en ts O ile r Help j,)

(By The Auoelated Preui JS t t t A S H I N G T O N , Oct. 23 i . i ( V v ^ T h o j £ d c r a l govern- |« r l ’ m ent took c o n c r e t e ^ a teps today to stem th e tide ,ui o f n n e m p l o y m e n t aa th e * H over cab inet com m ittee se t |» u p to liundle th e problem bc* “ g a n functioning. m

Coincident w-Jth a call, from ih< Colonel A rih u r Wood*, th e re * lief dlreclor. u k b g Industfj' to co* mi operate, .govertiment depirlmenU . snnoune«l plana lo provide employ- 11 menl to a Urge number ot Ihe 3,. , 6O0.D00 Idle Amerieani.. II

The postolflco department look il«M lo impend 'overtime work lo regular employes In order Um lub-

den lo thlt ctfect will go forvard 10-

Plani'of Uie shipping board to n - duce lu dometUo force by MO and lU foreign penonnel by 3J0 In lU reoganluUon program have - been abandoned lo p n n n t an Inereaie In Uie number of Joblest.

lliirter AeU Secretory. Hurley moved to have j

UiB ermy englneen adopt Uw “tU g. *^ ger syiiem" of employment on rtven and hariwn work, particularly along ^ Uio Mississippi r tw . Ha alM Is seek* ^ Ing cooperaUon ot eoniraclon to aid In Increasing Uie number of Jobs on certain proJecU

AlUiough Chairman Ugge of Uie ^ farm beanLnoled Jhat agency had

(ConUnued on Page 5, Col V toi


IDAHO FALLS. Oct. as MVOr- ” ganUaUon o('Junior lodgM o( Odd in, Fellovt ln.Jdiho It provided.la t tw nev censUluUon adopted at Uia con* m clDdlar tesslon of Uib grand lodge »hero today. ....... vi'AppolnUve offleen of Uia gnmd he

lodge vere named today by Arthur re T. Coinbi. Kellogg, nev gnnd » u * ' ter, u follows: lai

lUmpton Taylor. QraagevlUe an manhal; H. H. Htyman. Bwley mi chaplain; N.EarleSuthnell.Wallace, th guardUn; C.' P. l!foU(,"Levlslon. Tt herald. mJ

Anadvlsorycommltteevunamed; en Including Grand M uter Combs m mi chairman-, and Sam Blaine, ‘Boise, th depuv grand muU r; Pr^ w F. w

: Uoyd, Twin FBllt; Htmplon Taylor., H. H. Hayman and Frank Martin, wi1 Boise. .- ^~ , '= = S ^ = = Y,


BIRMINOHAM. EngUnd. Oet. a ! (AV-Amellu Oalll'CuRl American; 0

UiatlesiUiinathounpnTlousIyshe a; had betn bruised aad shaken up In .U an automobUe accident. , t i

She v u received wlUi gna t en* Uiuslasm. The audience knev about [ UiB accident In which her automon t bUe overturned whUB trying to avoid I » ooUlslon vlUi anoUifr a r , and shoved .Uielr • adminUon (or her coungo in (ullUllng her concert en* gagemenl.'Hervolee showed no tnce . ot UiB aUrmlng experience.



BOISE, O et a MV-The Idaho confennce c l Uie Women's Home Mlttlonary soclely ot the Pint MeUiodlst chureh ranks among the leven hlgheit In Uie SS cenferencet of the aiiocUUoil In America. Mr*. D 0 . O. Heath. CaldweU, preaidant, ft told* Uie Idalio contention here to* dJday ...... *

The one-day convenUon closed “tonight vlUi-re-eleeUon e( Mn. „HeaUi u president and Uie elec- 'Uon e t Uid tollowlng oUier ollleeni ^ Mrv. O. L. Samiel. Idaho FaUt. cor* ^reijwndlag .lecnury; Mn. B. a * Madden, Caldvell. recording teen* |; t« y . and 'M n. ■BartilU W.-C^arlc, ‘IdjOio Falls, treasurer. *|


DBE8DEN,:0ermany. (Jet. O Wi a. -Throw ing'pf-tear gu 'bom bfto-' tl night tnlemipled.a aocUl.Demo- f< crtUc poIiUcal meeting vhll* Preil* P dent Paul’Loebe ot Uie relcbiUg 11 w u fpeaklngi , • tl

Six penont recelvedaedlcal treat* menu The bombi .vere'thrown by - pollUcai-pppohenU of.Uie SecUUitt. ^

U f A '^ Y b U T O E R i S H E S I

O O D rN ,U U h,0«t.aM V ^eotje ti o raa t Moyes, H. Ogden high ichool ■ fi student, fell troB ft truck oa • itrM h e n tw lght and received Injuries b from vhlch hs died In a hoiplttJ A U y H ew uU M toa o t »

"uuaW A irorrB im E A n - I ) — ~ o r cnncotJtTioHa • i'_______

Unemployed-M Depression Los t Forces Swing

jVoods Looks__For Changes

WAHHINOTON. 0£t. 23 (fJ-Tlio

r o ? ^ r t t u r ’* ^ o S 4-bellcvet Uial evenUulIy recurring pro1)1«mt of un*. employment will dbaptiear.

In discussing Uie prevnlilluallon ' i today, WoodSMid UisC deipile f i t t ­ing condlUons Uie.wotldwu making i (tridM towards Ute ellmlnaUon of s u ^ periods. ni

•Way* and means." he said, “will t( betoundtoglwgaliilul emplojwnl

AlUiough he did not explain how ll ' wouIdbedone.heclUdUiatfolk)wIng si (he 1P3I unemploj’ment conferencf, f, wblch he dlncled. eondlUons re* malned tUble for a decade. ■ I”

itsiiiB ;J l U i P J t :

. . . .

Son of J . P . M organ’s P a r t- „

. r e r Comes to A id o l Un- J

d e rp a id H arv a rd S e rv a n ts j

OAMBItlDOE, Mats.,.Oct 33 (A o > ^ l l i s Lamont, son of J. P. Mor­gan’s pirtner, Thomu Lament, to­day took up again the cauie of Har* tvard unlvenliytW discharged ^ b twomen vllh the tlatemenl t}ut the ;unlvenlty ta d fiUed In.lU p t ^ j made tU monUii ago to InresUgaleand Kltle Uie case. i

A letter signed by Lamoat and ■Mveral oUier Htrvard graduates In e today's alumni buUeUn anbounceda campaign to n lse >3880 which wUl ibe presented Uie scrub vomen on jChrlsUnuday. Tbe gnduate.greup icoBUndi that turn U duo Ui# wom* ion becauie Harrardtaied to par Uie damount required by Uie’Maisacbusr ce tu minimum wage taw.' . t

-The tund." aayt U» WIct, "may ieoualeraet to some exUnt Uw (act .iU ia tU iU adm laliU aU on.w l^di^ 1 Ing Ult l u t six yean and Uu.nexttvo will hare Improved B a m r t t imaterial equlpmenl to in i.cx ttn t ot iKffle » o ,o o o M ;.h i iaU (t.U - 'i(^ ivomen out of a ^ K y . a eentt.aa ,jhour or WcreU a dty for nine vhole ,

smib'women v e n dlieharged Jlast ChrUtmu In a reorganlxaUoa iand subseouenUy It v u revealed the <minimum wage commission charged t U» women had been under p ^ Thff-unlJerrty -eUlmed Uiat. aminute rest period allowed Uie wom* yen made the vtgca legal, but U * (monl Slid Uiat InmUgatlon shoved ithenw unongularrcstperiod-and ,that Uie excuse v u “shabby and <■nlggardlyUnCTtr.r.,, .. J

Among tba slgneri besides r ^ n f < were Dr. Haven EmerHn, formerNew Vork O ir health commlstloner. jFrederick Vanderbilt FUld,. New ,York, and'Lewls Qannett. Nev York ,newiptper literary critic. ■ • . ,


' SEATTLE, Oct. a*W »-NavM n j0 McCoy, execuUve secnury of tbe.

' community Voung Men'a ChrisUanwioeUUon here, retlgnnl todar to accept Uia general secreUrjihlp of Uie Young Men't Christian asaocla* Uon a t BolK. ,

FilBUlMT' ! ■ DKDii

T . T . D anilson, 8 5 , Civil

W ar V eteran a n d F o u n d e r ]

o f C ity, D ies in S pokane

SPOKANE, OcL a (ff) - T. T. Danllion, 65, civil v a r veteran and founder o f 'B l a c k to o t , Idaho, dropped dead ot a heart attack vhlle Miking In front of his hoinfl here today.

lift WM bom In New Jeney and enlUted In Uie Union (orcea a t Uie age of 16. He went to Fort Hall, Ida­ho, in m s whero hU broUier w u an IndUn agent. He slept la a tce* pge where Poatcllo now iundi.,A l­though lie w u (riendly. wlUi-tha IndUns he helped to suppress lev*

■*l{r.’' ^ ' u o n went up Uie Snake river when the Bannock war start­ed and Uler founded the trading post en Uie present tile o( Uie town ot BUckfoot. He induced Uie Otah and northern raUroad t« put »;tU* tlen'atthe'post,-namlac'lC'SUck* foot. He ran a store Uiere. w u postmisUr.~openUed Uiree . tUge lines out of Uiere; selUog out when Uie Oregon Bhort. Line begin con* slrucUon.' . ^

He vent to Ontario. Oregon, tome yean UUr, staylng Uiere lO yean end Uien moved to. H arrlng t^ Washlngton.-whcre-ho-opented3 heUl aad came la Spokane Real etUto business occupUd UnUon b e n untU Ml nU rttw n t'4

1 fev yean ago. *.. ' %H it vldoir, v l t t iihom.ha'eela*

bnted hU (lfty-(UUi annlvenaiy U lt >OhrisUnat, .one .daughter 'aad tvo soas gunrlve him. BurUt vlU be

■ v ' " ' T d D A Y : ' c i i u ^ ^

w f s14 T A G E 3 - 5 CENTB “ "

M e n - R e t u m - —

i s e s Grip A n d ,

lg I n t o A c t i o n

Fac to ries R esum e Full Tlmo

~ .S ch e d u le r-C h ic ag o -“ Firm —

Increased F o rces by 1 0 0 0

! W orke rs a n d W ages Rise

{ByTIiB'AuoclatedPreM)— '

Ne w YORK. O ct. 23 ~ ' A series o f I tem s o f busi­ness o p t i m i s m asng

acrosa th e w ires o f th o nation• today— th e f i r s t 'a n n iv e r s a ry - . ,‘ o f tlio stock m a rk e t (anah, , • - I .They to ld o f se v e ra l thou*t sand m en be ing called back to• fu ll-tim e Jobs, o f p la n ts ja rc

I ” N anow i^^nlm Ise"theteriout*.

S S n g o p U i ^ ^ ^ ^ ’ ^ • •

■ Ihat Uie 10 planu o( the

• S o S d ^ w ia ^ M l Ume openUon& . Between »M and-IMO n w

t «ba have been worklnff only threedw »ave« fcw lllbeneIlt .T J ie^ U -ire tlluaUd in erety area o( Uie.

1 couatry. , ^ . .l»M M eaB etom loW ^

• -nie Yellov Oab company. C h lo ^• TeporUng a Iteady incrette la b ^ * . , b nest since September, made publice pUnstoaddlOOOmentolUprese^ e Joneof«O O .nrB an Pnnclieotbe • e Yellov Ctb-company lo C T tt^ Uie

vagei ot lU lOOO vwketa by » oenU d ft diy, a t Uie aame time,railing lU ,

d * * B i ! ^ leaden of major. Indui-' a W eMn eontcnnce a t O b ^ . « -a pressed Uie oplnkm tha t th e ‘t ^ , ,p ln»,polat“ had b « . « ^ ^

' JncnaietaUie.neKtdeeade...' t ^ S r t h e oU w tide ot Uie p l ^• viuUiBacUonotUia ^ ^ w ^

^ haT»*WiSl"WM“ «pu in«4 to i ;a meet y 'a a m lt te d y .e b O T B ^ e ^ .

e S t tS 'im tW O T ip U o a to .b u i l . ,•

^ At Waihlngton. OoKwel' A itiur• Woodi Uckled Uie pcoblem o( con-.• queriagunempkiymentonasaUao*.'1 al tctle. UU Itnt'ptonouncetnent 1 w u a caU to Americaa,isduitry to 1 coopente tn Uie allBvUllpa o t ^ r ’ fnltur amons unoMiloyed.UiU vln*. .r ter- •' .......r HiB requeet v u met Im m edUt^ ' ; r. hr the United BUtea ahlpptBC boaitl,.’» iftnd Uie poetottlee department . It whlch’anBounced.UielrnadlneM'to

wopento (uHy wlUi U ajJlan i-(or • • .unemplmentrtmedlea.'niowarde*... ■

. partawnt a ln td y U 'ta k ln g a p u t , .leeUag Uie coopertloa o t centiact*

, o n aloag Uie U stlB lppl river and i lUtribuUrieato(amUh,iDoieg«n- ?• e n i employm»at-.Wae.4lepattBeat,° englneen bare beea'losUiictod to In- fr quin into all poaslbUproJecU wblch

unemptoyment relief ta n r ta a .to - ' calltlM.'

Cbatrmart Legge said tba te d en l. (arm board vould be glad to make .

. lu beldbig o< ,a pp r^ »U ly ,,eo ,-;. «00«0 bushels ot i& a t traUablo u,foodforUieUDemplored.lf«oa.‘ .'. -.

W grcM vould repUee Uie-montr used- I b r Uie gnln itablUtaUoneorporaUea.; to r lU purchase._________


OMAHA. Neb, OcU » W W )e- ip tcribing Senator George W. Norris,'' RepubUean. Nebraska, aa ‘one' ot ' ,o Uie ouUUndlng'pubUe tervanU to " '

Ulll country and a tremendoui ln*. (luence In Uie senate.” Senator W.E Berth. Republican. Idaho, today

I j issued a lUtement urging N ebnikiT '; • Toltn to return Korrti to Uie ten* ,

• * ^ e sUlement ot Senator Bonlw'-V who Is campaigning In hU, b c s w ; ^ . lUte. v u nleaaed hen

senator Bobert B. '

S B O O T U E G G tfis 'SA T E R IN G ; '

• ; .T O IT U D M T S PAY HIGH '

5! -CAiiul). IIU o r tT a (« --A rt te, M.Stnnge and Fred L.Oomer. wto,.

ka passed out cardt among V nlrenltrr o( lUlnols ItudenU.adverttilnf Uier; .M htd 'anyUilng U ut U wetr (or u le . •S pletded guUiy In (edetil '.


J ; n iu i^ ^ p u t .

5- STANFORD B O A R ,D « I V r a ? '

„ _ ; j l L f lU R l,O N G E R .l;E ^ ^ |■ ;

i ^ & ^ ^ ^ ® ?

Page 2: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS.....-JV-' _ i ' ' '-'i,.. THI yOL U. NO. 171 “ **1110=11 : SWEB IH — __________rr-________________TU

m m m

- i i C M I M

.. H . M urray Jacoby , Special

^ ^ ^ ^ i t i t a s s a i l b V P r e ' s e h M r e - :

d e n tla ls lo Hafle SelassI


•>-To Um booinbt u lule ol H |u iu, K U u m r JMoby. Uie ipeclM im-

-------tiuud9r«/U uU aJU dB U It»f(£ibt.eenmtUon of Ui« Emperor HtUe Belu&It, Wdiy presented to hl« m»- ^ lh# jrteU op ot Pruldent Her*

' Ur. Jacoby connyed to Ibe ruler or ' bM of U)« itorld’* moet indent em>' p tn i the president's "moit friendly

greetlnn «od confident h o ^ o r Uib e n u pwperiiy ef IilxipU Md Uie hipplneu o( lU people under tbe be< nljn r e in of H»U« 8el«»le.“' Tbe eoperor Ibinked Mr. Jieoby ' u d Uien, ipetUng In tbe ElhopUn Jtnruifc, Mid. wlUj ire&t e u s u t 'JICMI'

' ‘Your u fe in lril-tn EUtopla tf* fordi til much pleuurt. Webetyou teceo»<7 ourt«t»UheiU>thejirM‘ ident of Ihe UnllM filalei, bis (unlly u td the AncrlMn people.’ .

Mr. Jicoby Uien pttarnUd arijn* <SUr oenenl W. wTlUrU u d the

. . ' other memben of hli offtelil perty,. tnd ill 'ehiUedpIeuuiUy vlth Uie

* ^ r e ‘mi»ror'« reeepUon' to Uie bad apedi) ilfnlflunea

becaoM they were Ute t in t d(k|a* ] tion to be rectlred offltlUly.'

----- MfoIlCoby.W d.tlwenper^, : , (- n Is Uie alntcro tnd enlbuiUftlo t

purpoM of my lomnfflenl th it re* i liUons ot the utmoit mdUUty tn d «

' Uie iplrlt ot broUiertiood ahaU pre* i vail between Uie peopla. ot BUiopIa i •fid U» people of tbe tiDltal BUtci. j • "in Uie name ot Uie peopla and ] UiegoTcnunentottheOnlledSUtw, I and my own. I ber yw r jsaJeUy to i aeeept Uie wlihes X cjoireai vttb alt my heart for Uie peasnal hipplneu t ot your majMly and for Ull ixiCRai* a

. . . InfBtoryofUieEthopUosaUoa.” ' t

WOMEN in . d e n v e r ; . . t. T E L L S O F ROLE IN I


(OooUnuM R o a n | a o»> pteirorated a t tbe Sparr booie. J

Recall S latenrat « Mra. OXouiliUn had prtrlouily

- told police Uilt on U it-T u»day £ nlfbt. tba sU bt lieona dluppeared,abe bad been a t Mn. Sparr'i houie ^

" 'T o r * hair treatment and Mn.'Spa?r- v u lU. -M n. Olouililln-fBrther •<

u ld abe rtluned to ber own beraefor to eteetrto pad /or U rt. fiptn’. ^taklns It back to the beauty.opera* »

- - 'lor:-Thenep-tnoU «raliohad|lTen ftauttiortUei the approslmaU'.houra JJof tbese tvo TUlla to Uie Sparr bome. "

' Mrs. Iofteu,'0hlet Rm I n ld . a lu %• toU ol. Mrt. OTKWhlffs * IU to rt

the. fipair hnuo but tbe Umei dU* »i r t e d WUb thoie named by. ut*. .OloujW la-. 77» cWtff, • tjw t<

• queitloninf e t U n . loieU bad donemuch to contradict Mn. CLouih* ■ nn 'i actounU of her aeUnUei lu t

•T ueid iy tilih t." ,Tbe flre*day Intenecstloa of tbe fi

■ womaa w u Uiterrupted Uto today

a S t S v t a ^ v ^ d tw lK d S e _ b * n t e v o f loewnmimleado nWelJ 7 poil»miiiurednitt-Bujittirwi8tr id

she v u am tted. Her allomey. bi John M. Kettln«, arrived a t poUce w lienlquartcrt]uit as poUee announc* le ed tbey. were about to reach a M(u< b t ^ of the cau atter quttUonlni] al

■. 'C J - ,



AMERICA’S FDThis'isupert colle

' fasHioriableHats; : entir%',.;iqw-;a!

styles^late Modes Felt Trico Trim ai

J ; : a V ; : , B O O '

M ^ a n t i l e (

[ T h e W e a th e r•n rOBECA8t_FaEjrODAV.ASI? I TO«OBBOW>CI«Bdy ■nd''<«Itr.I w ttbtoealnJastodsyifilrwulhatid' BBietUed north lomemir.

Minimum Umpenture lotbeTvlii a( FftUs rtclnliy vas 33 detrea In

a t'bour period precedtni (I P..U, yu-

httt, Uaxlmum for Uie ume period SI w uT ldepeei. TbMky v u cloudy

In tbe afteisoon.

Mn. Otiouthlln and Frtnt.Olom h-

u. Follovloc Uie Interruption. DU- n- trict Allomey Sari Wettennl r«li- bft ir»lfdJji»jlftl»lwiJP_fiJeiJl«t *lc- He cre murder chorgti a salu l Mr>. a* O'Loughlln tomomv. He u ld he r* alto Is coiiilderlns tllln« a chir;e

agalml Ftank OXou<hlln. of T h a t e«ift order threw t man*> key «Ttnch Into thlngi.*' Wtltcnscl Iy said. *-We vere making tplendld pro*' IB erew."

F»ieit« iai*rr)t»^■' . K« did DOt permit Kesllni lo tiik - .Irtlh Mn. OXoughUn vlUiout a pro- 1 (Clt. At f tn t he Inilitcd Uiat hl;n- 1° self and pc^ee olflcers be perrnlt- *' led to sttend tbe oonterenee but , laUr panled KeAtlni a prlrate In-

tcrrlew. • . •I” Ketllnc talked v lth newtpaper re- ‘* pffrten after UlUn< Mtb Urt.’ OlAuihim and said Uiey could ^ make Uielr oin\ gueu a t vhac he

* "It v u Juit a wamlntr lhal her '• welfare muit be protected.- Keatln** laid,

Mr*. O l««hU n Uien » u return-* ed to ber M quirten and pollee> dM Dot limsedlsuJy seek to question• her further.

. Frank OXoughUn v u (aken Inlo . cuttody.M he w u preparing to at*° lend teon t'i funenii Deleclhet ■ found him a t Um 01ougt([ln home, t where he bas been llrUit, lie v u• talklns wllh DeteetlTO U o O'Lough* t Un, taUier o t Uia alaln child, vho t aiio w u /ed jround slat* • which I laboratory- te tu shoved \he girl , had ivalloved betcira belnc Uirovn> Ullo Berkeley Uke U it week. ’1 The lUtement vhlch police u ld I tmptluUd- Frank OtAughUn om e• a t Uw end of an all-night Inquliltlon

by Captain ot OelecUni Sen CUrk.Aika 8'anlly Teat

"Oet f tan k aod s in ut a unity ' Ult.” CUrk quoted M n OXoughltn

u ihoullnr. “We mutt boUi be craeyl"

I AltoneyXeaUncMughtaiupreme court order to corapil ppUce'to.per* mil him lo leo hU client but h ll ip- pllcuion for a vrll of mandamui Wll alitoraaUcalty dtaiplyed when tbe dWrtct Jud(» cTMled « peUUoa vhlch ha pnviouily had fUed. Of- fleen vere leeklnc lo cet a.vrltUn ] ataUment.concemlnc Uie'murder , rrom U n. oiiougiiu irw hitncn tto r i tnlemipled them. • . V ' - . - V : ' '

Oouilu'MUUean, < lsh t-y j> tt^ ' Mn o t Mn.-OXomhlUi by w rn r^ , , low marrUie. v u quuUoned'GiUii bjr laire»llg»u>T» for Uie dW flet,^- tomey, They u ld D oujU iT elltrt delaUi ot tho neal a t the O louth* Un home Ust Tueiday nlcbt. thorUy betoieLeena.dUappeared, TM llrl. and her /aUier both were M.tomr rloe, DougUs u ld , which U no o lb tr warned him not to e a t . . irr-':.- ■

‘She told me X had already .ealot too much.other food," D o ^ ' u l d ' h ll noUier u ld when h e ^ M d for • ■ bowl. ■ " '■ 'f l ' -



Ja Jl«u o/*W bood. 7>i:)k K'ftU- iDT^Qmtd'hls'car oRr'tt^lhe-rto*- • bale eourt hen yeiterday vben he w u amlcned on • charje of reck* leu:drlTlnc. and pleaded not.suUty belnc held for bearlnc on the charge a t to A. U . today. n U t^ .w u »1-


f^RRIVALS OMONEOP , [NE STYLISTSlection of very ] sby“ Fisk” are and^ represent !s in Wool Lace.. J md Velvets; ■



__________JlffM ^LSJJA q.'

- i i N I I O i l i .

»lllAssisi, Home ol SI. Fran-

^ :;3ls.Jipastle,ot;P.eace_and S Goodwill,twallsWeidIm

— A seisr, Ocu a (flV-ThU genUe ih . VtUaiowac{St.rnneii,lbtipoiUa

lu . Mmbled a clly occupied by cenersl ■ll- .headquarten In a lone of wsr. • dc* In the convent dedicated to repoM in : and meditation; adfoininc Ihe churcli he when King BoiU of OuIcarU and r;e Prlnceu Qloranna ot<Ilaly wUl b«

married Saturday, imartly tumed* in- out SenacJlrrisvaflkn) aboui today, jel their coxcomb plumes vsvlng In tbe ro- bree«. OUitrr«Ugl6uibuUdWci.too

are boldine their quoU of Ktnc Vic­tor Pmmanuels* men.

AU day lone deuchmenuot troopa 'Z Uiat VlU Ilne Uie vay of Uu bridal ^ couple «vn iiemly drUled In Uie

criip October air that Uiey mlihl be ,“t fertaln 0/ tbelr poiJtlOB to tte teeli *; tor Uie gau evenu Of Salurday.,

TheoceaikinUUiapeeleittaAi* ... iS rtor lour y e ir^um ely .a lo te tbe ‘ late Cirdlnal Merry Del Val came Irt here to open tbe FroneUean yiar.M .The town U crovded vlUi vUKow . Since today w u a'achooi holiday, „ ChUdren ot Uie elemenUiy and sec* y, C D itryraeam adettpcd^ntiif ** slon hen to go Uirough Uia churth

vhere Princess Olovanna viu Ije married.

» -------------------------

g GHIMilMITS^ D H i O i n E l i 10 . — —:h OJaOAOO. O ct 33, M? - Mayor fl WUUam lUfe Thompson iotilgtit ai- ^ lumed responilblUly for Uie prep*

anUon and clrcuUtlon amenc.Ne* Id cro votera pt clrcuUn. atUcklnc *« nutli Kann* RfcCOrmfck. Ilepubll-

can candidate for the United SUUs Knate:

Amplltylnc on the dreular, Uio !y {haysriald: .a -A slonguIam pennllU dtoU ve. « I will never betray Uie people ot

Chlcaco by voting for any member le of Uie 'McCormick tamUy for any- > thing."

The circular urged Chlcaco Ne­ll groei te rote for fonner-Beaator n jomei KanlKon te v b , Uu Demo- a cnUa senatorUl candidate.^ Mayor Thompson charred' that n Mra. McCormick had “broken falUi*7 vlUi hipi a t Uio RepubUcan .naUon-i ; ireonTenUon-ln-KaAiu city.--------A t ? ' r = . y = g

leged to have driven liU car Into col* » HUon vtUi R. R. Spatford'i machine A that he had been folJovtnr. vhea " It Itarted to mako a U-tum a t the I; Inleneetlon ot Main avenue and J ^ lln e t vert Wednesday ere-

I AUbama produe«d 3<S,IW balea _ of cotton-prior to Beplember K, Uils ^ yeu, govemment tlgurea ibov.-

; . B e f o r e Y o u ~ B u y

1 f o i i r N e w R a d i o

Tmt/^eN E W :V i c t o r R a d i o

E le c tro laQutUtr a t « prte* a m r M eet


W w Vlttof M l o Hom* SMrdlnc BkSoU re-57- 3 Supreme Inun. mMts in o tM -M tttbuu Petfom> uc*-Si>pe>b Beauty . . . «



ALL THB RA O BI COME IN . ^ A X I . . . M a I n « B M 0 r d 0 l


' - B U H t



r p l MILACA. u ln ^ O c l . 2 2 > H k S -?n« w irh a e p o /.U ie Clilwww. LU rtaounded over Uie north country.

•gtlQ today.Three memben of a Ctalppeva

famUy-WUUam Bedoakl. 4S. the' 30* brave. U l .wUe and Uietr ion.

. .Oeotg6-*lUcki!d Uielr tnemy o t. inCl '10 atandlDg, WUUora Mood,.------- v i u n i n r ----------- ----------------- -Ina s*rte Srown. t stale hljhway

” patrohnan, chanoed aloac la U ie ' m lditottheatuckanditoppedUiB' auaull-bu t not betore.Moon v u

31 ;! vounded aboui Uia head and luf- .tered a broken ahoulder..He. vUI

’’" ^ I n d U n a vere Jailed, charg- ed vlth aauult vllh « deidl/

S! _____;___ ____

3iiGAIIi)inttS I liSUIiSENmiiDIIGIlDLD)JM ptRNAMDacO. Brazil. Oct. a WJ dll —The Amerian cruUer peniocoU, the lent to BraxlUas w aten to ‘guard be American Uve* and property U men-

icb aeed by UurevDluUoo, arrived today In UlU port, which U held by tbe In-

^ " n ^ lfn ii s e r .remiOned ouUlda Uie ma bretkvaler, Uiough Uie rebel gover­

nor ef Pemambuoo offend right of iw fne entry.ana departure, ito aM sy, Uie American coniuf confcotd fttn K- Uie otlleen'abroad, jr . 7%a PeosacoU later departed' tor th UwiouUi.lnundlnctottopatBahU, M Uie port held by me tedenU.^ " m e norUieaitem u tea ot BmU

til continue to show enUiusliim for

5 Uie nvotuHoBarr eata* Ftemer

_ jtTOluUonarr. troopa In the aU tcot ■n Matio Oroaw. ^ ' \ •



n. HOLUSTER, Oct. S '(Spedai to ^ TUa K e« )-M rt. Fred Lloyd rtiter* nc talned aererai ot her friend* a t a n. ] o'clocfc dinner a t her bos» t o s a Wednetday. Several gamea of eanU

foUoved. In atUndance bealdes Uia to KosUta were Mn. Bdcar Patrick,

Mn. Paul Mueli. M n. Rhoda SmUh. Mn. Frank McOomiIck- and Mn.

ef Jam » Porter. oU of TwUt FftUt.

1' Relief from Curse e- of Constpiationor A Battle Cttek pbysleUa. uy i.0- 'CouUpaUon U reiponilble tor

9:or« misery Ibaa any otber cause.It But ImmtdUle rellet b u been1* found. A tablet caUed RezaU Or-1- derllei h u been dUcovered. This - U bl«t-*ltraeU-vat«tJtW tt.the.iytt _ Um Into the taiy. 'dry. evacuaUng ^ boveLuUed tha colon. Tbo 'vaUr 1. loosens tha diy—food ~w ut«-and la cause* a gentle, thorough, lu tu n l •a monmtnt wltbout /etsU sf »w or even InereaaUic t)iqi dose.Id Slop’rattertaff fro a ooutlpaUon. t- Chew & RexaU O r d e ^ a t nlghU

Kext day. bright. O et a l for'lSe to- day. a t . Uie nearest R euU ., Oru;

a Btore. 'WUcjr D n ^ Ca*-adr, ‘

■ V (j] 1500 g j

F R. With aiSy g

j for $2i5C-a n d th a ti

what i' ' •

I Please■Tbe abort o lter a t i

-.r o f e u c U jr $5.00 a s yoi . ro ltfl, h a ls o r nhocs

• h a re any doubt o f lh com parc o tir m trc h a r fe te d e lsew here a t om

Speaking■ T his 'is the man

■ r ig h t in style wit! ; most a complete ii(

cost of oiie piece, won’t want to overl

S T R iC lo th in g C

?Aflo; mwAr.imma.oci

* 5 i r

^ J D W i i E SV* • ■ ■

5 / W om an’s C a r H lls M acblna

.. . C a rry ing Tw o Badly B u m -

a s i B rid es lo H osp ita lja ‘ ____la . • • ■ , — — .U TOI.EDO. Oct. 23 (iPl^Tvo bridu /• who hid bfenieriouibf burned WhUo UI cleaning curiAlni, and a voman paa*

i* struck by Uie ambulance In which t f Uiey ver* being taken to a hoipiui.

« r e /K ir d«U i i w Waljht. •. Mii'MiJyEmeh.-U;and heraUter.- P Mn. Ethel Ungerman, 19, vere0 burned over their enUre bodies vhen

a g u exploalon wrecked Uia bate*n ment of Uie Emth home at Pember- I vUIe, near bere. .vbUe Uiey were

cleinUig curUIni.' Tlie ambuUnce rtuhlng Uitm to »

V) {nrfedohwpltaleoUldfd vllh tbe c tr lU, here, hurling M a ’Anna CUric. 4J, ird a p^n ter.-30 feet against Uifrilde fl. ol a tiuUdlnc and fracturing her liT ikull Uld back.n . Tha sUten v a n pulled Into ths

Ilreet from Uia ambuluiee u It bunt he Into niaca. A. D. Underwood, 38, » - imbvUnce driver, and John O uter, of auUURt. escaped injury, helped Uf» nd U ieibtenlotoU ieearotam otorU t. th JWd aceooponlfd Uien to. Ftowar . ho.ipltaI.or . -Herbert McCaU. » . driver ol.the U. 'auumoblte.cteapedlniurruKwa*

ihallered against a poit. Mra. CUrk cU vas taken lo SL Vlocent-i boapltol. or by another ambulance.

l i l H i l S i i N

? AMSTERDAM. Oct. 33 fSpedal . lo The Nev»)-Mn. VeUna HuddU* u stone. 33. died al Uia bome ot her- r* faUier. W. R. Sktener. near Amiter*> dan thU morning, ot tubeiculotU.

« fihe U ittrrlred br three cJiUdrfB; tU her father, W.B. Skinner, Uiree bto* ^0 llien and teven sUien, Tlie body k , «ui be Uken to Uie Drake chap* h. cl at I o'clock UlU atlemoon, to Hag* ^ erman,- vhere lerrlces vlU be con-

dueled a t UlB gnve.interment vlU take pUco by the

ilde ot her huiband. SlUi Kuddla* tione, vbo died ibnw yean a « a ’ .n ' . — •-L.

ri. ■


HOES, : E f e■ siiit sdliiig^10 o rm o rem m w fust- it says '

\e.Noteneaaa n aurlag io ; o o you can tio i boy b e t te r .1 ^ o r th e prlee. I f yon Ih ls w« JnrIJo yoo to ' ta iid lse w ith a n y of*lo r p r ic c g .. ^

? of Stylea n ’s c h a n c e t o b e Ii f t ' I i t t l e c o s t . A l - j

n e w o u t f i t f o r . t h e I: e . W e k n o w y o u I

i r l o o k t h i s . |

'Axjsm jCompany

CTOBER 24, 2520,,,


■p AGAINST CHRISTIANSiJ l -, (OOBllgued fftsa-R ^e Cve)

W aftguld: . _____’ ' Amerlean and other'forelgn mU^

rj0 alonoriei have been npeatedly vara*. ed not lo enter bandit and Com-


oUier ptovl&ces, Uie goremment c u - , nol b* held rdponalble tor velfare l u of foreldien vbo penUt In remabi* lUo tng iQdUtricUabeady dangerous or >*" ^ ly tobecome batUetlelds.betvceh,

^ ^CoQ dllioii ^ i f c cenual *** Ohtea afford a Tlvld picture ot vhat

ftie.cnlin'counttyjvdl be u te tf_tha ^ reda gain Uie upper baodT ” Cqoununlim a l prtscnt U an ab* ^ i tn c t problem In America and oUier IT naUoDi. U h U become .'OnacUvc ;L meaacelo China, Uitrelore Uie gov* • " eminent pUns to Uirow lu fuU , . lUeogUi into crushing Uie red i“'Jt WriUng tnm hUpUceot conceal- X ment near Poyanc taka In northem

kUbciI. FaUier Verdlnl. an lUUan “ prleit,gavedeUUiotthelooUncby

Tledi- of Uie.^Auriiftoltalen-'at Jaocbow and. Uie fllgbt of hlmwlf

In MdoUiermUilooarlei.3 Vetdlnl^a leUer, dated October U.

aold he kMw of tio mistlonarlce be*

^ F lw thouand communliti, aald * • Verdlnl. deieeaded upon Jaochow ** ■fterifaUoallUtguardfbadfled.All

misalon property, except Uia chureh ” Itielf, w u deatroyed. Shops and r lovnipeopU vtre robbed and many Jt lUln. ’“ ■ The mlulonartei fled. Verdlnl

UwugbVBUbop Sheehan, BUealor, lU ln ^ director of (he Jiochow rnU- alon, had eicaped to .Fuchov, 100 m llu avay, vhera he mlglit be u fe

H UUvaukee, WUooniln. had reached'* Wuyuan, aoutbem Anhwei province,

’ Tueiday.,1 .PiUier U J. CoyIe.,I.lacolD.-We-i- b ru ta , anlvM lofely^at fflunghol.tr- Leo Moore, PeiryvUle, MUsouri, fledr. wlU) Verdlnl and Father Meyer, ai Dutch priest, o n 't Chlneie junk on]• Foyasf Uke. i i u prtn ts hoped to>. eac*pe.trem“rtd4“ acUre.aboutUiejy lake.]* Verdlnl also itporUd Uio looting ot{* Klngtcehen trwn which “eight oulI* of wecT 10 realdenU have fled to

Uie countryside vhUa Ui«e remoUi-le Ing'have tumed robben'or "reds."a* —

- o E a E a s a B E

I n 'W e-carryI II : iBrgcsl se- I M lection ofI 11'-----S!.H ' . Coals, HaU

8- ' ' . and Dresses■ J bI Popular

. Pilccsl'

fC tM 'I

i mD i ™n Bm

QD M ffn: I ■I Ioxsxssiiaaeaaa

Thousands of Um 5 To Tasks i^ D e_ • (ConUnued From Page One)

^ no'meuiJ pf iUrpoilnrot-thrirtieaJ Q* puichaKd lnilabUlaUonopentloa A- 10 aid t.*ie unemployed, he taid lor* hUrtipanMloquefUoDaUiatUcon- n* greu vlsbed;to pay,for the.vheal, Qf.^th».bwdjwilit.be.cUd to.tUmJt«j orertothajobleM. . • •;

n The Hoover ub lnal coinmlttee re- 1- net director began Uie formuUUon or ot hla ««klng ottanUaUon afler an Jh w iy coafereoce.vlthtfje president ^ oUtnded ^ Secre t a ^ U m ont 1

jJ. trm w y MUU.

-colonel-woodiaaldhe''voolddraft J men from all orer, Uia country to

er r_ ~ . '

: T. F.i 5 .-1 0 -2 s TW INFAIXi

/-■ A N N U A L I ; SATURDAY5 M ET A l/ JBB l^ Ah cxcDptionnl value,,.. , ll Shade n o t included

; 4 CUP ELECTRIC; PERCOLATORS'- -G iionintood—0 - i - A A - [( in(tc«nltcly..


; 4 g l i ^ $ 1 . 0 0 -

' Thia Is the Last Daj ;1 So Be on Hand Eacly • / . o f t h e B

B i a i a E 3 B i :

r s # i-^A 'S h


dingisJ ^ l ^ v hom'ely I n H K . goo.d ii

' beautif ■ ■ offeredV ery . woIm ' ■ J jm visit .01 ■ " Z f g r .. 'vince b ■ / ' f f ® ')f.thcse

K - - y r — FnuP i

H " " 'Thisi^ .- . opportu

s e a s o i . s e a s o t .. coat'su

prices. 1 thentic

' d is t in i found a

' Note B H r a n g e■ ■ I groups-i

[P $25:$59.7

* * *

Jnem ployed R e ft irh V )epression Lo ses G rip

asslit b Uie v w t. Bequeati anlo beat t o torvard a t onfeeJoauteiad dty .■

ageadci. Uu censua btutou, tbeiS

moUonenUw ilttia tta i.' in JL -~t;~ ^ hiu/ ^ ‘ iMhiitrlaa k. j

■; isked/or daUoD oondlUontalfect-• uig employment.’ " ' :

t i ^ Moat of Uia day v u spent by Ool. r a n SffiTWtedi IngttU nclotouch vIUi f-nt mea Jn'.lnduilry to handle m k « j . to i, phaaeeofUiewmmlUee’iw w t.

not only expec^ It to do lU part.' - but added ■'I lee Usat It U olrtedy n f t dotoc 10.“ He sold he expected more — ' to ooopenUon.

SVILLMS25c Stores

i iA iT O B U H i; ,





I;. S o'vSuolay o f \yillms Fall, Sale - cly and Get Your S hare : iB a r^ in s _ ' ,

i = » a B ( B X E a i o

DThe m fist . C

I ' ■ It«dy“.ta ! ' H 'I - W ear and- HI M illin e ry I IL__S.h:o.p i a. H j)|

. town! • n

F tL L l■ 4

i h d w in g o f F o u r - t y -itinctiye Groups Ue proof o f the pud- . j j is in the eating! T ha t ,.H ily old s a ^ n g h o ld s-U

in 'the , case o f the l l tiful hew: fa ll coats, B ■edhere.Weurge-ev- II . TOman sh .o p p e r to H oUr store and con- j l -

! herself o f the value -JJ ese remarkable coats. 11 .

)urDistinctive'-^Rf) Price Ranges gis is indeed a notable .m rtunitysoearly in the II on to purchase the S ' o n ’s taost brilliant M successes a t t h e s e .S 5. Every model is a u ? . I] ' ic — typical-of the {* nc tiveness. always n la t 'th e L e a d ^ .' H ^ the unusual- price H '■e on th e s e f o u r H ■ is-of coats, .. - n

S )L $ 4 9 .7 5 8 .75 $85.00 H

jj .

Page 3: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS.....-JV-' _ i ' ' '-'i,.. THI yOL U. NO. 171 “ **1110=11 : SWEB IH — __________rr-________________TU

JUnFioc5 A b o u t 2 0 D o z e n

5 ' I r r c g u

iV. "■■■■.9A In Our Rtji

-^ z z B

5 M'E X C L U S IV E

» K N I T - T E X Ik A man’s cIoBCst friend il^ but lig)^ in 'wclffht Ait1 how you wrinkle or crui

4 \ construcUon makes themW i j . the minute tijoy’re o n ....



negulaiA })ujr& variety ot cxclu

m ica'a finest Virgin wool, regular $6.00 numbers b

• J - ' get them hero■■■>■ ......

: V "' 1 Ko matttr vbcther rou uo ili

^ . denrau- Uut MuasS U }rtu t Lmrtf - «

■ V ' ■ ■ ■ ' '£ Mtn’sSlirtJ l - W E I G H T S A U t ' “ H E A L T H U N D E

- $3,79

J ' J "The Premier Heavy ^ 1 . : V , Country

1 WrighU h u been Ute lUniL, V Trer 40 yetn. T& Improred ktf ntrei a peneet fit. The Wjli r

f ' . tn tbs MieeUon or nw mtlet^ In iu re a J^ ------ -

• ' 1 i H Are.you ' • { ' •{:. -In and li5 •

' t f ' comparli

5^ - ■Mni’B store .

5 A N f i W S H I P M E t

£ B O Y S ’ W O O L D l

S C A P S , 8 8 c

9 ' These stylish caps have o\ J fine new woolenj, ful

: S ' swca];-bands,'rubber vli

5 ' “ i " ’ ■' ■ ■ ■ '

ioor Dry GoodS'n of Those Silk Hose sulars Left

9 8 cegubr $1.49 HoseI# lerte# welslit hoie ln sUk.to Ihe ^

tUe»- ....v O v

i O V E X

9 . Men’s Store

I n d o r t i i ClothesI.$2 i50K ------ Packed Full ofI Nothinsr but I Clothing Value

I These fine c'nthes car■ the ttame ewceping guaI antecs thnt oiir- hlghcI priccd suits do. You aI guaranteed a.'pcrfect iI latest corrcct atyls ai I • sntisfactory ^tcn^ c

\ $22.51Men'« Store ",fB DISTRIBUTORS TOP COATS, $30.00

1 in the cold ‘doys. They arc war \iwa>’s stylish, bccause no matt rumple thenr the spedsJ Knlt-Ti

$ 3 0 .0 1

Men’s store .NFANCY.FLANNEL[IRTS,?4.98^liar «6.00 Values elusive PendlctonTattcros. Aroc »l, mlll'Shrunk shirts.. These ai I biit by a fortunate closc-out y(



A Slyle-for Every Purpose A Fit for EverylSIan

I liiort or Ull or.wbetber you h«ye nerc 'uuingnu tor m l u n d e rra r e f fo r t .II W uhei Ddter - I t h the Cbeipert


ore “ •LLWOOLlERWEAR, : V ■:I ;rnJerwcar of the .y - r— . y . /mdtnl ot Tilue f t • ^ / / 1 knlUlRg pcoceia In- F y f f /il lUndwU* Ihey uw


Priced from $6.85 to 5

■our (M l p topo rly s h o i I p r wint

i l e f uB ah0T7 you th o m o i t comr

jh top boots in Twin ral!s"cbu irlson.^

I - . Main FIooiFeaturii

ENT OF ■ Values!BRESS ■ Gowns foi ' ■

R e im la ra ii^

ovc rjr lh ln j r ™ ,m n iu l n l jful] ‘leather: '.uwtraent. nw».,ii »rhllei «nd modvisors, full ttrat They later A O —- lOf wa colored e

_ y S C - .«»# nect raa eu u t o tnk jM gflj-

W J F W M M j i r M M M M


i P O L K------- Our policy “If it ii

becausc i f s been 1 /u l business. Thoi value of this sam

I V , o,ur iron-clad gua L'I' generous savings,

linowing th a t a ft ™ icy.'of “I f .it isn’t]

O fferii0 FRI]


L 6 3 6 Jfusr-thcst ^ -j1 arc • A Ttm , ■ J : . Jarid

" CiI'arm Iattcr . . / >^>Tcx : sd^ / L l ^

— ' " ■ P

row- I ® 1 ^. are

^ s S i S

lerer h»d,» wll of un- , , ;Drt.',; ' : twrt fn-th».Ena'’/.


...-A ' A It• ’ These

- othqil O O T S *»; ;. • r • •. CieUK

timo:lD ?9 .85 ;;. '. cient;.

. ■ ; Hcroil•Inter woarl . mo mplete issQrtirimt ,

loor Dry Gooii ■ . j.'ring Better8 in Outing - — for Womeni ’98c . -

Id OiitsUcs Same Priee. '

inly be pletied t i Uiti Hera pUln . - 'od looUni tuey p«t- \^ |ire faoey.hetQ'itltch* *'-\Hll eabrtSdery work« • . >-M• t - I I l f e c 1; ^


,D e p a r

[ ' I E S A It isn’t righ t bring it bacV' n fulfilled 100% in the Idt lousands o f customers in imc faith-building policy uarantee to them. I ^ d e : ;s, largei: assortments to friendly store, with frier t right bring it back” sta

ing T w o Fl] [DAY a n d !MENT


K p F iSt o 's il k s t r ip

t . . VALUES s

I : • :. $1Tlie features of these slil the pre*shrunk Sta*Rltc i

^ • tual vfllue, thcae shirts w l\ town. By your own compn Ijk ' ' a Avonderful buy for you

S \ ' 264'

U d v ' * * ' :

lot conti rics you I slbac ui


I 600H Fast ColorHOUSE


Regular Values 98c to $l!jse are factory rcjccts in very fine iiqusc dresses. This same spcciai y\\ >; months ago onD tho entire h m d out in Jiul.a fcirdays. 11 look. o;for tho factory'to accumulate a it;quantlty to put on another big i roilk is-^hort sleeves, elbow slcev ; sleeves. Lots of different styles.

is of D ifferent Styles : .All K iii® o fP a ttem s ; Guaranteed V atD yeC

; In the Economy Basement

' i '" - , ■ ' SP(I k

Avcryco■ : Alitheticm m m m t K K I M Medium.]


• t i i T c n t ;f i h r m g i i t tB f i c J i

k” is most decidedly prove daho Dept. Store’s 24 yes n Southern Idaho have r y of “If it isn’t right brii e a t the “I. D.”—your hon 0 choose from—and the i cndly, efficient sale's peop tands 100% back of theii

ine Specia] SATURD.



l e D r e s s S

IPE BROADCLOTHS - : i?2.49 AND $2.98 p r i c e ;

lL 7 9 o r 3 v $ 5 .0 0Biilrts arc the flrio fabrics, tjic per lo collars. Beforo making A.staten t H'crc coTTJparod with the best to I ipnrluon we fccl sure you will agrc ou in shirts.


LUES 51.98TO $2.49 TOB

$ 1 . 3 9 S - M ^lior smashing closeout made- Tn 1 i nand.carcfuily packcd’aHay ti ■ which we planned to hold at oxaci nlaihs sonu of the prettlest patter »ou cvcr-saw to be priccd-so low.-! upfdr Chrlstmns.

> ;.$ 1 .3 9 o r2 lo r$ 2 :

no gradw , ■'

skalJih^ “


Colors , ^ f .


iced from ^.85 to $6.85 .complet* selection to choose fron newef atylea of Brown and-Blacl

1. low'ud college heels.


S to re nj f J


I T H B Uven to be good— -------^ears of success- jjq j recognized the n i

ring it back” as______ime store. Enjoy so qii I! satisfaction of ,Dpleandthepol- ihi, ,< iir merchandise. ' i«tico. \


lls fo r 3 lAY *?;'«is-DEPARTMENT

)AY. .. -M ®

5KlSs ■”If you

-REG U LA R':ED AT , /all to

-soft am bo had

lerfect toiloringnnd mctiUii ement as to the ac> tured. .0 bo offered around C C Tcowith,U8.Hcrois u O


BE SOLD FOR i l l j

2 .6 5 r iI New York by Qur for this particular

actly this time..Tltis terns and'finestfab* - '^ H t'. It.will pay you tp

2 .6 5 .

. 'E y - -GU

\ ' jots!

/ /

, j n Blm1

L y ' ****'

Visit the Big To 'D ry Goods Di

Assortments ai HEAVY DOU


I ' For'iTcisht,forfirmm 1 ' anywhere. Just a big l ii for a little money

• Main:Flpor Dr;A GREAT BIG 1


size 72xi Although the prieo Is i hss not been changcd

M M assortment of plaids' striking. It has A hu' and a nap that Is ‘ pcrmarient --.......

, 65% w o o l

An/desllutt for dark om. these batta is the unu ick. Isadarkgtayincoloi


JER 2J, 1030, • ......................

Miin FIoorDry G'A; New Fresh Shipraen

Washington Ci 39c for Vi Poi

p;oi /<ct«ry evi oulie lionie nude q kVwblnston plinU. Prtib til the Ume. )d ielJ, choeolde eretmt ind canmelt, wxeJ. .« •- - . - - 3 9 e ^


A R R IV E D - ;M) - $11.90 • $14.75dresses are outstanding 'l\season in style impor* fkI. and wo are receiving jMnumbers.every day. The Mian vogue for fur trim- n V ’. button fronts and jack*fceta Js most noticeable. W

9 .9 0 $ 1 1 .9 0 1 $ 1 4 .7 5 . )


.COATS i?5;90-$6.90

lU-shave a fur coat and something chic, in the ' j

if.h'dts to go with it don’t -0 sec thesft The stylo ia ind-hcttd fitting and may I idin either gold or silver- J llic.’LargS head size fea* ■ ^

5 .9 0 $ 6 .9 0

■ ' NEW ELL w o

' s izE ffU P i

' Seldom does one fii H H - ., quslity and stylo vai

at this low price.' trimmed. The flHei

^ 'most youthfuVand.i ipi Omco------------


Sizes up t o 6ajC compare'these values .with I’n so you can.see the.savinga you cy are alUwool, fur trimmcd„fui1 in shades of red ond tan aa .'Rt! I ot mixtures

Children’s sturdy Schin, uneked Elk lad bliclc, . All teiIble witerproof wle*.'a l 'iloI —aSHto.It ...................... ......l:!.......—allHto' *Jeb ev DBdtf Bmm OBb'ud ct

?owel ^ u a r e in the Dept fo r Bigger and Better Values UBLE THREAD O rELS,25c .k '22j «mess and for size this number w« rfiuffy, sturdy towel

)ry Goods(BLANKET S ' A PA RT I ' t a y s $3.98

i iS i ' ‘a low the (luality S B ■ • n cd. Comes In an ■ » • S s that arc quite jjivy.'firm Weave B . / fiw ia B

. . . ; $ 3 . 9 8 ' | ^Moln Floor Dry Goods "

3LC0MF0RX;SIZRBA^sire72x90 ; .

rk quilts and;unbclic\ibly diea; nufed materiu In a-vroolcD-blai lor. The weight . '

' Goods J ' •en t of M artha ' J . Candy S :'ound r ■ - — : J» e^ndy'Ukl the U irtbk • - % -------me. Tlie*e ceme In Miort* V ' elt, pound tnd h itf j«UQd ^ .

I S — h

r o o t c o X T s i N S

S? ; T 0 '4 6 7 $ 9 . 9 » J ~

r ' ' - i ‘find such fine fabric. k .

value together In coats, / ifliajiy of them are fur ' ' •’ tted back lines give a W '

= = ^ \C A N D I N G I N } _____

S C O A T S , $ 3 .9 0

i 6 . J - 'fith'offerings around J •- you are really making. 1| fullllnedandmay.be - J • \

S " * :i i .- .$ 3 .9 0 ^ 5ehooIShoes ^ .. leather cottitnicUon, wrt- " k ’

_____ ^$1.95 S____ .82.19 5- 1 _ _ l’S2.45 eI se t tba fret pctow C

a iwelcomes comparison ^ ■

__ 25cIA ' n B , 9 8 c V

iftS a c to rran d ’it _ J


Page 4: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS.....-JV-' _ i ' ' '-'i,.. THI yOL U. NO. 171 “ **1110=11 : SWEB IH — __________rr-________________TU

’ T W IN iiAII-.y "E W S

- •o w o u rn o j i M T nl.rll ' **nM« U ASTMCf

' ■ ■ " n^ " ' n t ^ M HMB4 UM mail nitut.

April I. in i. M tWP0»l0tn» «TJFlf KU. lAM. oa«*T tbl U tu MlKS X.

___ itw. ___ _____

x S J i r a K s a s t e

o r u io c u r tD r a a i I n « ’AMeetii(d m u !• «uluUn/r fa-

* w lu h t ot muMiuuoo ot ipKUj tU'1---------- w te to ttra n tap

I ______ un n«tni A<»acUt«l _______

I - * T M K tn ti * BiaM r ot tb« Audit aur«a ot CumiUoBi. trao aBom *11 latofmkues m u eticuiiuoa bu t m oo* talsid upes tsplletuoa. Otttliid U*

1 romttloa tuM M locaar upos itquot

I'er ouiir muiM iud ntiur.’

-------— A nida o u e tB U itd tor puWiniuatbeuM oet otMM Uini auiiiUM «m(U to loottn «M Mould M csstiart wm o w c ^ ^ w S u S u<; ta c c r< a u u iu f« n u iu ln * tu i> 0t

2 S q pew *. .national .M m tu x T iT tm -

'J2 ' n o o o n , n x o akd n tn w n i.

IJ ' ;■ IT N B m \rA T B '

'A Tounf n in t«tolr*Mren j t i r t 't i t . iru tumed.'obi o( Twla n U t

» ■ .dlyJ»UyMte«liy,indh#dl<Jntmnt

^ . In order to get ln(o Uie M two • i i f t beforcHtflitd erocoeied s weird

- . . tU n?'tbout belnt-wanted-(cr rob* W bios iK.bink In-nilooli wme;tvo

7 ^ 'm caUkii<a'- JnnaUsaUon'Ahoired Uw ttoij: lo

bc'pub' r»brlc*Uon. but U«‘ Iwiulry alw dld brlnt out tacts .to fupport

’tiU A titm u t ibU '^bt titd'’i(rTed- I tvo t ^ in tti iu pri*iM»<-oiu' (or.

. . Uiettjot an au lo m e ^ lD K tb ra ik t0 '■ •; lihenfh# w u (wintj' y e tn old. and p \u9U w (orbum tn(ftcourt)» ttH ln r i ;K ia iU t« o m ffU U r. i;,-, ; faru U io * b W c « h » rs .« u ld .5-1' ^temlne.'.ti>e"yoQDti:nt&'awiht

‘ unc to try In'Uie J tn h m . bectOM be wtA afrtld Ot niKUnf'fOTnier'tuo*

. eltlc* In c ^ e . f''* n w r t c o r d . io f t r u K w u n r u I '

- «<l, Ahowed U ut tie had paid Uie foU p tu l t r Uia U v demtnded (or Uie

— — :crifflct of-whJeh Im hA<t.been aw- iTlcttd. ButhawMnotttooni t i w ; Inr, ao Icn s 'b tie remained In r tn d tiiat feaf,w u Ttry rtal te tila, I: wbeUier ttier«‘inui any real b u ll (or U or not. ,

'/•^Orimeiiewpaya. ' |

- im C B XK j l l l I

' . , n i* t,0< naaar wiaJed: temak* J. . p«aee,ervuw U lln | to maka peace, <

vlnU ieytarBlaeUeatiuadredilxtea, • ■ haanotbM nuaoU yiiiecnt.’ 6oaa {

han . known thU'waa the eaie asd | ^ nunyittT0tutpeetedlU'.8uVMba> I m :catloifo(:thVaKr<tconwpQDdesca {

by the D nl^4 i8 t4 ta flOTtnunent |w-— H ilir a n n f f l iu a rO T n n a ttm t t . \ 5'.- lataaaM oftU flk lfit. 'Sm • Bupfcoie th» A B luhtd bMa.wUl>

^ ,;fletaD7 tubmiUedtoU»m. BnppcM e \ ptteetu4 ,b*eaae |oU ated troy ttrt

g aner.the i m Mian, n a Dolled t ^ -8 tat« iiw o^.|)^ tU T * 'ra if tt« .iitr ( S g . > taU .:troo<ort^ebi(poii^ ;vou]d I# - t ia n b e e a 'a h a o ite d b ti tA a i^ t t [

; ..Wliit % dltttfeot worid'it iP S • ,ha ri teenltodayj DUferent Iw if J g Bene DorelU. o r eome atatetnan or t p • 'etonofflUt wlUt'tmacIaaUon. mliht >

- w o rk th a to u tto ru a in a ’faacloaUsc• "book....................

^ X i s i i n s A sa x M sre p

OUbert K. cheHtrtoQ, now, bu«y J ; .. J iin tef up HuaUh jslndt la Uiir a

counibr.aarsiR neaareeaU ienrvt . , 0* taoU w m olt-U iU Uaa ftom

n ha tln i (00 n iu li Ubnty. Uti Ume U ww train tiaWnt too mUe.

5 = ■ iBunedlaUly tba an u ae n t Ij oo. U U aneatcrtalntncarrnnentvhlcb. like aU d laa ia toa about weam, °

. aettlM&othlac. ' . . ■ \ t Ko dooM .Uitre a n wcoen wbo p

db llke tb*‘1i«w{m dsa,‘’ »ewUij^t . t ■ th«7k»»JfcaBdweBJdJlk*lomura '

toVleeertaaalandaidi: andUitteari . o O n rx ^ A ^ tu w o a ld n 'O it th tm .

» • ' .1 T te ea n a lf tjM m eQ w b o w an t F 'to be Ukan caro ot, to t^ ja^aW y n C . / <CTcry woman ttela that vay tu ld e f t- ? % • ; .nuteare'tlwaiyBwaatawluwtttt J

' (0 take ^ o t the rtirto t Ult worid. 8 aodprebablytTBTTOBaafMUUiU >

j3 . wayatUaaa.:',.'- ’ *e ' - t t la aa-o^d tIcw, a p W M in a g

. ras»Da •pom by Obaoccr flra hsn* 8 » ..v.dfed jta r fM o . thU .w hat w«a*n*« * i '^ t B c a t U t m e r - t b a t t t i y w u t a,

' to tenlnate. ' m'^ .ttia jiB tuo ldaT iew U ia tw om ta ° ' want to be dem baW . , ' ;' l . ' , ,

j^iT -'-^<a«aterton.traiiyottierctattrftl. u Q W . . c i b p m u ) y t ^ .m :..’ a t o u t m n e i t ^ u i y d e m m a a ^ g . - V o B d ltp T w '^"> ' - ", ’’.“ .V.V .. _

M -i; ]■ ■ ' bl' a d r D W A K N im a w t ’ jj

' - 'I lm ii^ ia & b to a n n lT tn tiy M ai bl ‘^ 4 ;« le i)ia t* d -« ila ooo ih .'-llie artrto* • \- '/?^m tko ]d -«w idcU ye< V ien tu ilio^ *

I ■ "J 'iJ iv ; • .. -

y§ annlvereary o( the l ln l lranJ;(urt«r. ^ (oreninnerodbeliotdog. A llb u li

thU world.vinnUic cttalloa o( Utebulchet-aartwuriMtdetlstdlnVJ-

121 enna. IU maker wu )o;aJ to lili Ure town In Oemany and n»m«! Ilis

- treaaurt lu It.I t w u much liler Uiai Uk tr»wl-

i i llos/n)m(nu>Uu;Urtoliol)iIogvu . . . iaad*.--Tlili.cliange_loelc.p!»« in »t; •Amertca3 tiaUie(rtnkIur«rb«»m»01 completely naturalized under lu new

name and in Ila new irlmmlnsi. U h u been known ever alnce u a typlc*

2 ; ally American delicacy. , .» t The hot dog l»a ( rttiiiluncr. Uken2 p i ^ g nui. i«ppcd into a aUlirbtmr

andadomedwlUi^uitardanduuer* = : krauC-U U held In lhi hand-and

eaten wlthout.benetlt ot cuiltry or ^ linen. llaliiBlttnniieTfliOtrtJnltfd *11 Btalea o( America, (rom cout to iS! cou t and border to bonier. Tlic ^ occaalona on'whlch it U eonwmed ;b« ate Innumerable, Includln; ball

fima. pJcalcA, «u/ck {kkJim and w motor irlpj.- "u ^ p a Uio 'grealut accoimiUsli-

-mant’Ot the (niokfurter, AmerleanM model, h u been IU complete demon-■. atraUobo( the Invincible dijtsUon9( _ thU nation.

*. I ■ , . —

" The Forumn ArUclea on, topic* o( current

liilerut not exceeding tliree hun'“ dnd^worda In length' will be ' t publldied u n d e r thia heading.

I^bllcalKn o( auUior’a name at r ‘ortlOTOfUieliliior.Noallenllon- ^ irtll be paid to unalgnMl commun­'d IcaUona.1* - - Ie BOBAtl VS. PASTT ATOItKCKS

Editor, Twin rallJ Notri '■® D ear.pif:........ . . . .I Nearly MoO people Tuesday niglit ft neard a rare talk by one of tho great d e w n ^ ; w

" nS.- 80 ( u u could be ciiHrTed.* nearly ereryono atood up amid Uio d ipptouu U ut greeted hU Incrodoc- n Uon. I t w u * tribute bo dcitrTec>.

/ S S S s S SIt nanov party lloei.

RepubUnna at thU meeUns crtta- '• ed h te a tn n im ilr . He .deierrri- thal too; parUy becauio or hla nat-

ural abUlty. but moro b e a u u he h u. the courage to challenge Uiote whom ,, ha beUevea are more expedlent'Uian u high-minded.e Boma Umo ago “A VoUrT wrote in . Ihl* column ot Uid Mewa, urging oil-

Irena to voUi'tor toyaVparty votk- 1 en:jagseaUnt.Uut.oow.U the.Ume •. for ettry Republican lo Jiold la it to I. hll llnea and reward thoM good par- , tluna with clecllon or tf-elecUon.^ On that bu ll, Benator Borah

e W eal « N w S R- PWBi a “loyal nepubllean parly

worker- rlewpolnt. he would certain^ ly hare It coming. SecauieUuttold- guard clau ot parUun IteptibUeana emerged treen ih tir -alleneea In tho

' lR8 campalgn.a(lerUielrcandl|latei* wereaafely elected, tnd Wed to put s, orer tn Induatrlal tArl(( bill, Senr , alor'Borahwuehaisedwl.U)lneon- ' iliteney. and unfalUitulneu.-' wben* ho w u almply (IgliUng for the lame d IdenUcal prlnelplu he alwaya had

(ought for,' In U ut campaign/, tnd i throughout Till poUUcal- m ter.'-.'U* la ho who remalna Uie;aame,-.'and t Uiey who aWlt aecordlng.to how.Uia

.. deep, whoee.oonflctlona t^ ro o te d

i S S S S■ K ffiS B 'lS S .- Sd election. And’Uwy an 'so lU M only r onu who teed Borth.,'Tho,‘-Weat . neada him.-The United Btatte needi ? hln.tndU ud«ooertcyofU io«otld I- needi him. To panphrtao-;that

' ■ -We, do not need mora ptrUatm-

I \re’d o* M l'n ee d '"^ 'p o U u S ;' we . need mote atatetmtnthlp. We do ' oot seed more pre^udloe; w« iKcd

moreJutUse: We do not need'more coopUanoe; we-oeed more oontle* tlona. We do not need more ctm« palgn expediency; wo need more eon- ilnieUre acUon. Wo do not need

voUa win

Twin ftOla, October a . ' '■ ■ ' ■

SCOTCa rBE&ERTK REUC8 EDDfBURait, OcU » w w w m -

datlon or Uu SeoUiah Natlootl m x . designed lo preaerre objecU of oatu* ral or hlatorte Intereat. w u aiuouner ed here wllh Uio Duke of 'AUioU ts ptealdent.' i

W hat the Normal Man Should Weigh. A i t s 4 5 l o 4 5 " - ,

According to Leonard WUliama, M. a , a gifted writer on Obeilt^-ai g a tfi nwmal we^hl at i ^ 48 to

S fC 7 Inchet IM Pounda# n . a “ J81; - SPU # - 187 " s r t w - m «5 Pt. n • 1718 PI, 9 • H i ' •8 PI. 1 • - m •8 PJ. 3 - -• IM . “

ITuie' walghU Include ordlnaiy In­door clothing. Oet on the acalea and aee ir yog are ortrwelght and bow maeh.

Tbe Uodam w ar to take ort (at li known u Uie Knuchen U ethod- and U vtn.worUi a .ftu r .weeki M at > Cut out plea., etkea. p u tr r asd Ice c tum forii w e e k i-^ light onipbU* loca. butUr.' chteae, cicam tn ^ augv.

b in ta d fratt-4 aka ooe bair r tea * ipooa et Ibuacbefl StlU tn k^lauf U bot water en tT 'o o n ito i be(ore breaktaat-don’t nlaa a itomlng. - :• An W cent botUe or Knuchen Uttl 4 weeka-gtt It a t MaJeitlc Pharm- 1 . or any dn ii it4re in Um m r l l

i l B i i f

EJWiffliONBllJ l 'tu Body of Mrs. George H, At“1 ' belt, Camas Couiitv Reel'* dent 48 YtJrs,. Rtposeslc- .

^ A i n i ’JEtD. Oct. SJ IBpeeUi 10 „ Tlie NawD-Puneral. lerrlcea tor

Mn. Oeone H. Abbott. M. rwldant “ T ot iS m ii county lor « y ia n rw lw ;r> died Sunday a l htr home htre, were nd h«M.at.the.M»lbodW .church hBJ

yeiterday atumoon. Rer.-JohnTC or Dill, pattor. conducted Uie tmlcoa. (d -Mn.-Abbolt-liad.Ui-ed-oa^amBS u, p^alrle.alne# July 19, IW . when . the camo hen Wllh lier huibattd tnd

« llb d on their ranch near Boldler. ed She w u t member o( the’UeUiD> III dill churth. Daughten o( Uie Amer*

lcanIUvoluUon.and.prta!defitotUji Pioneer auoclatlon ol Uifi dtatrtcC

. . Storeao(FalrtleId were eloted dor> li. Uig tbe tonenl.

InUrment w u In (lie Soldier^ccm- clety. . ■ ' '

" B R E V iT tE SVblu 8ieram«nto~Joha Oren*

. nan lefl yetterday (or t vim In 6tc^ ramento, ,

lltte On Vblt-Jamea R. Munn,; Chicago, arrived yealerday to rUlt

a t Ute home ol hli-aon, Dunean R.I Munn. • ; . ,

[ lleDc ><y«m Chlngo-Mre. lUrry U r DiiikeiKkef reium *d7«tenH irK t-' ' emoon (rom Chicago whero ahe went

o n a v u iu j

r ' wm Vltli Calirerai^U ra. Mar­lon Rupert, nceompuded by two children, loit (or Newhall, Calltor*

• nla; ygU rtay-on-a-vUlt,------—^

III Itelumi to Hemfr-'Mn. L. L Be­at noil hta retumed-rrom a aererai u weeka vlilt with licr,dautbter, Mn. 9* C. A. McPhee. In Loe Angelet. / d.;« Ua>eas»’or I#w» - «n.--Davld5* flatea, CWar falti; Towa, lett yea*C- teiday lo join her hutband, who U1* high acltool athleUo cotch In Cedar

I lm (rom Delta - W tn tn O. *: Snndten. Bolte, prombient engl- ^ neer tn d /ormer dl^rfct Runagcr of t j Uio 'Amalgamated Bugar. company,

m — :— - • T ------- :------‘0 '^BoyaN ew iSland-IUyPoiteryef ,- lerday purchated tho Ponlne'tJewi ° 'aUnd and Uie Central nowa aUnd

l?asi JUn. RuU> le a lt . £ e vlH Uke t* charge November

^ ""will Vltli Ron»-^-»&r6. R .'fto lt le d yetterday a(lemoon (or Palo

. Alto, CalKorata. to tpend aome time vltlUng her (ont, Craven Bootl, pro*

7 tmor In 6lan>onl - UDlmiUy/*nd ;V WUllam Scom atudent in U ut ihaU- S lulloa. •

i ’ a o d ld a lt' n e ln rw f - W. P.' Al« Z vorUv Demoerauo' candldtle (or "J eongrett; accompanied by Mn. Al- ^ worth, relumed yetterday alter t

campaign Ulp on ,irhlch he went u J- (aruSt.AiiUMny.UewUl.leavelor

Bolte to aUeod-« meeUng Uiere.

ShlpmenU Ron' Ligbl-AlUMUgh ^ Uie harvett teatm U in (ull blaat or

doting In dirrermtlMda, ahlpmenU “ tre raUlng oft. Yeatertfty only ooe

c tr ot onloni, one ear o( beuu,' two ** c tn ot poUtoea tnd (Ire ot applea

K •’'leader Drlrei Tbreogh - Prank ^ .tfarUfl„6ct((e.-rormrr g ru d atre of

K’ . = = = = = = = = = = = = = ^ =

i ,M ]E Q E;; TODAY A N D !

id I M U & I ^

| r / j f T r ^ « n ' ' ' '

U F -m i'• I '-jr Also Showing il

L A Comedr Fun Riot, Patlre

f and SportHshi N ore liy

• : n T l ‘'c C B i 'i ! O E S T O H ii r e! ' ': .. .M alioes Todir, m and 3 ! ‘ ' E v ra in g 1 8 < , 3 0 < a n d «L I. .

~ r T f f lN FALLS DAIL^

1 w here King

. . * .for f irhoere ll i iT i i iM f i t l l l i

1C ' i M y T i ^ l T T T T r ^ T C i C

u sX” R S t l y a v v isdXr- B ftw

le t

;?* THE BASiiCA' OF ST HIA] King Boris III of Bulgaria will take p]/>CQ ih tho lowi

in, tho tomb ol the Infanta olR. . , . . - ~

Uie enUre organluUon or Odd Pel* lowa tnd tormer aUomey h n e rtl o(

U Uio aute o( Idaho, w u h t Twlo PaUa ft--a-few-mlnute8-Uat-ennln»-on-hli n t w ayhomorromldahoKuawbmhe

I attended Uio grand lodgo ot the order ^ IlnUilitUU. •

subm a rin e resc u es

«; DOCTOR ON AIR HOPn ./ ' pXRASIa. a n a l Zone, :o c t . .a

MV-A reicue a t aea by a'aubmar ^ rliu w u the climax ot- a mlUtary «• doctor'* flrtt air ride. •U . M a^or;vm ilIt.Ottrander,iU * t r tlonedttO orvuhotpltal,tookhls ,

f ln t ridp In Uw tlr wlUi Ueuten- I t n l James U. Bevtni, air oorpi

o . ,tUer. • - ■fl- WhUe over the bijr and 'out o( ) ef g M iv reacfi 0/ land, Uw eofltJef, ly, went dead and Uio men were (ore-

S m it in g * u W a r to e rA ^ ^ w it i ! «• \flune to Uw men and ,lhey .were ‘ as htcued before the plane ,«ent to nd the bottom. - (ke - Alter ehanglDf-lnto iby. cJoU>*..L

Ing Uiey bopped olf (or a aecond. Jrtp .__ ■ — ' ' I

lit • " IJo . •— ^ i ^


J . WABHlKOXON.O0t.a W H ta k ':n or m U oao(antpptia lus(oraU nd* Ic ,1. . ttUOat Uie meaauremtnt. of x - '1 t r ty “dQeet" may unlli'aU X*rty i

u t r e a t ^ t a . . . 1sr Dertloped by Uie bureau ot )

- atandarda,'Um aenalUve. In stn i'^ t ment metiurea -wlUUn.one.one* ■<

th hundred-bllUooUi ot tn tmpert. '• or Wltb Ulll u a attndard, dotage U netenutedbypbyilcltnam aybe i ' 30 cal&rtted-at the buruu ta.Uw ro aoctp(«t unit. ; 'ea I t U Deeeaatry. buretu uperli df "wy;t e r ‘pbyalelaM- m im n ime—

atandatd doao U ut ean be dupU*- . cated (eoeraly wUh Uie k»w |.

Ik edge,tbat-Uwy are ilrlilg Uie ex* , of I aet,aa» ta t la Um treatmenc.

C A i - U k l i e ^ ^ ' :


A tolorfol alary'er'* Uia daya e t - ‘i n '

J j f tu n in g a e t lea.

j F ' atroBg alttaUooa,'

L ' aad a Wg elinut.

M iell)N E ‘m D i i r~ i > ( y n A ' a n i w u »

JV W W ir ;X “ y y "

V K m u 'ig


a 30* (

LY.NEffS, • m u FALLS', ibAH

. ■ . 1

AH'a-FJimAjr'iifQRfflW , oen

g B o ris W iirW ^ 'T rF n o


lANClS in'the ancient dty of .Aj rla and Princess Glovanna of Italy ower chapclat tho Altar of the M ; of Savoie, daughter of K in; Cari

sifflElllLllfflES:riiC T lG iili

HAN8BK. Oct. 2J (Bpeelal to'The S e w t ) - ^ Hanaen Olrl Rcsenrea

- IWd recognition terrtcc* Iff the P prticneeotUielrmothenandtrlends

here a t I o’clock U tt night. Mlta ; Hanlet Throckmorton and Mlu ; Agnea Schubert, Twin FalU, gave r very blerettlng Ulka on polnU.of

Inlereat- In Uie }few England atatea ; wlilch Ihey vltlted ttii'rihg the aum- ‘ mer. The,-OlrU'Blue elub itn g two

leleetlona. .Uone Walter and Ruth ' Oeltler tang a frlendahlp aong. Mlsa , June Walker, pretidenl. tn d M in . Craw Brower, membenhip ohalr*

man. conducted tli« ceremony of■ recognlUon of nevf membert Uirough , tae u( Uie WrtlB-of-Uglil.—f l t tw r J new memben wero recognlied.

> nefrethoenU wers aerred a t the cloio ot the prognm by Olrl Re^

r - " ™ - ----------------

y SchoolNews■ 'PhiU p y o ; diib sw ln ’a r T n m

Thunday^ wlUi H oU a;Ialir; mealf dent. In Uw ebalr.: U n^j Pnnkla

'Bamhart'ouUlned tbo (an., . ^ e r *’ enee maaUog.October U W ' 2i.

forty-nine membert were ptotenl. 'U n . Barnhart gave » talk <n -In-

^teriortty ■ Oomplexear Margaret .cowan, a readlnr. -Matiyln* Ann.-

, JtndMUaBchBbert t UUe.on hetlUi;

' l i P F "

7 » K ;S i^ : Lci'the Kiddie ' to (he Momin; ^ow I

' row at 10 o'dock ,

CTOBBH'2-J, 3550

i^ s l3 io W r ia ^ ^

Assisi, Italy, where, October 26, ily will bo married. Tho weddlnjr I Iiradonna'of Good Counsel, neiu- 'orlo Emmanuel I.— Photo.


I TAMPICO, Mexico, Oct. n ( i v .' pupatchea received here tonight

aald Uu city of AUaa. atato ot Vera Crui. had been destroyed by

« noodain UioRlTerPantepec.' ■ . a . There were u ld 'to be many eaa*« ualUes but Uielr number m ild nol

be deletmlned. Thoutasd< ot hetd ^ of caUle were drowned aod Use 3 com crop In the dlsMct w u de* la rtroyed.

In Uu ItreeU Uie water roae to t .! level or IQ teet. forcUis Uw inhahl-

UnU to take retugo on the hUltopa* while Uiey watched U«lr houaea.• Uveitofk and belonglhgt awept away0 by'Uio torrent. •h ' Tbe town of Tuxptm tlto w u It reported Inundated, s ReUef work h u been-atarted ’• prompUy to aid tho 'etrleken popu* if uuoa which U repotted In the vt* h moat mltety. Fted. cloUilng. and tr oU u n m ettlUu aie le lm 'ahlpped: •

- The flood* are Uu remit of heavy . itorma during Uio p tat » days.

which cauted great properly damage - over a wide tret.

F O R S A l i r ' '-Auto-Door. Glaaa windshlelds.and window.

^ rjla^No. chkrge for'sel '|i V. -.Unj. ' la -1 . MOON’S I: Paiiitahd;! Furniture Store

SPg^V. J

IH Id n iw

i n #■ O f / ' ^

i p - # ' 'H f ’ilts Imm r tomor*,‘


t ■

iD ff lE n iim ri(lllEOJ_fi.iS

EAST u v a iP b o v o w o T d c l^ ^ OivMn.’lU ry Keenan, 39. Uy detd here tonight. tlcUm ot a 'llre whieh Jut til;hl took Uw Uvea of Uiree ot her f w children-and eauied paid* ful butna to her husband. Ctrl

- K e tB P trw n ir iib t ltempta to-rea« cue Uum.

Ttie moUier, who w u caught in t bunt of (Umea when'abe Uirew junvene Inlo a t to n lo kindle Uie (Ire, died UUa rooming t l East W , cpcolhotplUl.

------ BoaieioHhoHhrertilJdrenrBob'a t , 4; Ruuell. 8; and Aclu. e. were found huddled UgeUur 1ft tbe mlna

“ of,Uie‘d«cIllngtt Bloomfield; a-mUe n e ^ ol ben, tite r Um (Itq b tdburned lltelf ou t • -------

Edward. U. Uu oUur chUd of Um ' Keenan*, w u rtptlrlng an automo* tsiie .ln a bam near Uie houee and escaped tho (Ire.


Mn. P » c c u Bud OlMn. 8L P.U1, pr**Mftil of Uio DcgTee ot

Honor. wUI tttend rtpM U l meet*; Ing of Uie Twin FtU* lodge next S tt- J urdtyernilflcaodwiUbeUMtwfler** ed guest t t a,recepUon to be given, r by Uie local organlnUon oa- Sun*

day aftenueo.» w u anoouoced l u t evening.

• Memben ot the OTftnluUoa here.

; A m erican '' B a rry Dink(

I “Your A uthorize 115 Main East


: M

M a j i

S u p e r h e i

M f l r J w C T

It** awM ^i^AiM tlctl Tboa*tod*

d&lnlnUtmeablBM. B d U ^ h t l (hi baoca iaigtr MtlcMle ndlo*

' ' •


_____________ S a lt L a k e i

J A Seu v* i


. boU> Uu lodge meeUng-whlch'wUI bo";held lo UM Butlneae and Profet* -

. . . tional Women'a elub roooa Bttur. LC day e ren l^ .- tod Uio reoeptloa a t '! ILU Uio bome of Mn. A. 8 , tttrtya o a , •

Sundty. ' I-

-TwlnTtllalodge,DegmotBonor,,.. which wu orgonlted tbout a year !|^ ago.hunowabout33memben.'Mn.«

^ Bult Mtlone U put pruent, Mrti'ta ?,5‘ pn>d 0 ^a*,prB*^deIrt.eadM ».»•.

UUo Bvini. #ecreUrT. - ; .

I itt i . ^

Ure ■ab-- P j 'Q D £ j l f l 0 f l --------------

X ---CannokBoi!crfect':_ 'bed 'Enough To Bd. ,Um' ADEQUATE....................» : , -PR O T E C nO N and

Sound :......■:u. Irisuratice "laNeceasary.,

There b No AbMlote PrvTcaiion But Pro., lection Caa B« ■.Compl.te ; (I

let- — ‘ ' ' 1 p

Irrigated lands Co, I s/e lm B . BebertaM,Maaag«r-I ~

Thoau J^Robefiaon. See.;.. ^

Electric Co. ; ^ikelaclser, MgB

-id Majestic Dealer"

I’hone 8Z ' ’<

F ~ - r " "

k s t i c ^

5 T

e ^ r o f l i | n e ^

A n




. \ 1 IUI.)*,-'

oil ercrv day lu a r to d c b ^ tlil* - '

^ k S S . mulooa M W g u w bu m «Bi( !»•

d lo a .A n d p r le ^ r £ k lo » « B y ^ '

• ' ■ > f

, 'R A D IO . JT R IC -SU K PW rC O . % Fourth St. 8. •. ' ' -.i. tfl CHr. Utah- ■

U ^ P C D E A L E R S ^ ...... * . B T J H L , j

Page 5: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS.....-JV-' _ i ' ' '-'i,.. THI yOL U. NO. 171 “ **1110=11 : SWEB IH — __________rr-________________TU

f ================

- r i i s j | 8 s i iOne hundrtd mtmben U

Melhodlrt Men'i club.of llie Pir- U(thodlitEpluopUchurdi.«lllme

s i tn aniiuil phtisant dinner Tuc" <]i]rertulntii70'cl0cklntl3ccliun

. ptilori, Tllll meeting, vhlcb vUl I preildcd over by Dr. n. A. Pano'

■ pmliltnf. irlll be'Ui# f ln fo t d it

I n j ' o ^ j l u t ^ ^ j t o n i U l f d ' ft irout biiiqueL

A pnfrun of tttki. ions> u d mi tie Is belne a m n ttd lor ttie me« In; Tuesdty nitht.

— HARviSsEAsoiiiBom : ___ TO a q ^ AROUND HER

tu n e rt KtJon b tlwlns la mo ltn» on the (tnn t o( Tvin ?al« u n i r A ««rt‘W I®made by E. V. a ip » a , deputy ho tlcuUunl iwpeclor. IS pfr criil ■ jiM appJM. belwwn M and 00 j>

cent of Iho potoloei. all tlie Ore:- Northem b ttiu . t {teat ta rl ot tl

jb d Mexican btans. and Ihe errat< iiart of (he KCd crop liare been ha:

,_«»led.This lUteoient a;rcca

UaUy wllh oplnloni ot dealers m; olhtr* Interfiled.

Wort: In Mi» IwJ llelis U geUUi welt under wa>-, uid ihe lusar (ac tory ll malcln; a iieady run. Fro:

< nowonlli«tm 'cilieE£onw lltsnd V utUy draw lo n clow. .

SOCIETYand a -uB s '

Ura. K. B. WUUaoa

- PhO Btm .

.-'The.wriUlD? of M ta Ellen Lan don. diushier o( Mr. and Mrs. E. fi tandorfiand John P. ford, was sol emnlzed Wedn6day evenlngalMvei o'elock at.ihe Methedlat panonast nev. Cedi P. Rl^lov, otflcUllns. The: wero aUcnded by &lr. and Mra. Rut « l t JIuited, Mr. and Mra. Ford wll

- be al home to tliclr many friends a Hib CotoHtal aittrtmenU ilUr No vember (IrtU Mrs. Ford lias bten i member o( llie odice (oree n t Ui' eimpMn Wholeiale company (or « r ertl years and Mr. Ford Is cmp'.ojd a t the Star Market. ■ '— -=r-

Mra. J. n. Bottiretl was tio ilu t t< Uie EplKopst Oulld Thurtday a t tie home on Bevenlh Arenue Eait. Tlii

■. usual builneu w ^ tnnueted wltt Uie prtildent;.Mrs. I t L PlemelM InUioehilr. Mn.E.R.Atlmantalk

tomi and eharaeterUUcs.- Mn. Johi E. Hayes told o( ihe Khyber Pau li India wlilch U conitanUy Ruarded b; the BrllUli, There was a r ^ d .s t

| j§ rE V E Ii

I Cool Weather iCoinfort- ,

• I Suggests• I a Change \I toW arm ■ \ /I Union Suita ^

1 Ih B j a a a i F a f f l

t ’ ' . • ^

I lesdanca and Uishoi'less serred.! I 4rahmenU at Ihe close ot tiie atU i ~ * nflonr'asilitwl by MrsrThomai no , j j n «rtaon and-Mrs. Ceat30‘f , Sprasi

i l l u Mlu'Mllllccnl Kline, who b to • married loon, waa dellsliUuUy’si

tbe priwd by the members of Uio Shai F ln l roekClubThurulajralternoonatb mett countrr home. A mlicelliinefl rucj. ihowrtwM Icmlercd the hbnoree a: lurch the el(is were iiumenus tnd txau 111 be (ul. Tliea(UniooiiwaA«penVsoeli rrotl. ly and a delttlalj:c luncheon broug , ser* by the members was lerved. Eljhte I will mctnben were iirescnt and the (i clou iQBlng Mn A,;t.Ancnfln rd or Mr.1. Andrew no;moii..,Mr». Fr

HllU, Mr*. Joe Dean. Mrs. Jolm Dm mu* andMra.MorrLi.TheiiextcIubinei

neet- tng will be nUh*Mri. E, J. Ooodrl cn Korember lUtli.

. Q . r^etnorandM».Zel!aJordanenU : n t : itlned me M S and S ciub Wedm

- • d»y a[«rnoon «i ilw-homs of.W moit Bbticlie neenor.. Ths deeoraUo Falls «er« In-n.inowc'm'deslcas tnd natej protiuiton ot late tall flower# add hor* to the beauty of Uifl rooms. M :il ot Prank Bfhubcrt wts proeram thal

|)er nun nml preMMied Dr. Enima ireat Crc.'.sUnd who ii»ko entertaining t the em he belt books for RltU and bo; rater Tlis huilnus icwlon w u conduct- har- by Urs. Helen Eldred. Mrs. L.

' ltoWn»n.Mrs.ailldem«nd.MrB. itan- Cascywcre BUMts. The hMteu mid rer^'td rcfrcjihnienls a t tjie close

Uie alleniocii..—

(ac* The country home o( Mrs. Prai ^om KniegcrwtsUieKeneof am osle rod- Joj-able social event Wedneiday

the (orm of an “Aiiialgamnted Blrl day Party," attended by iwenty-o mcmbersoftheWomen'sProitreMl Club'and'Uie followliiB rumU: Mc

' dames Heely. etilimake. nudoli Junker, John Wnder, Bulil, J. I

' Morgan and EdIUi Bush. Klmberl Paul Betr. T. Emerick and her hou guui. Mrs. Mcman of U(tan. Uta Bertha Dickerson, Hoy Evans. U st Blaek. WflUc: Miller, Auilin Orlmi

- I • •WllIlam-F»lbushrR.-»..8ch'uiler.4i ~ Mliies Clcta nitchey 'and Re: j n - Jun»t. Mrs. Kruejer preienied tl

A. iiroiram the Initial number beli sol- Ihe Buusln; o( whlcli monlli wi iven repruentcd by Ihe eutumes wor ase. lln l prlie RolJig to Mrs. R.H.6chu •hey lerandf«ondtoM r£.J.M .M orsa Itti- Mlu Clela michey pUyea an orgj will solo. Mrs. Kriiescr read an orlcln s a t compealUon by Mrs. II. t l Scliuib So- cnllUed "nreutl: the VVWdoa- i :n tt Ute." Tliere was a clever :iiockwc» Uio ding with Mrs William Fclbm:

KT* erocm; Mrs. Poole, bride aiid-Mr lycd W. V. WUion. m incer. Miss Rer ■ JuiiRit w n Uie calender eoniest prb

and Uie ace conteit was won by Mc Ato W. Iron. A Uio compewd o( Mr h e r ' Ptrzonelte. M.-s. LlvlnsiUin imd Mi The ((avens sans "My DeauKful Lady rttli -Here Comes Uie Bride.-and-I LOI illtl You.Truly,” wlUi Mrs. T, Rmerick i alk- the piano. Tlie twelve monlhs <

s in .teaied. cach o( which waa decorate i by [111 the colors and lymbsb’sppllcab: .at* to their blrUiUay monUi. Eacli coi’i




! & ' Silk, and Wool.

w \ undcm-car. For o\-er «' ■ years “V/rlchts" liavo u idI ' '^0 Eood or

'iL . i tre won't make It a l all.’ Vou will. (Ind thla pledge

k kept In the Ions wear and» ■ Rcnulne comfort (liU jar-^ menl will give yoa

$2.95 100% Wool

N w A gtit'iiprlns needle,knit ^ from ioo% vlrsln'wool.

Theso h ta \7 union lulls - VM • slro you warmth nnd com-

tort on the coldest daji uas Pall and W inter..

; C ■ \ S3.95 !' 1

25% WoolYou can lausli nt winter •

I when }‘ou.are nvm ly clad these ll*ht but wariti

union ,BilU' of. wool and , cotton mixed. Buy now and : be rMdy for Uie (ln l ley

■ blasU . . .. I


. ■ '\.t ■' TWIN FALW DAIL'

sl.r/* wtscnarke4<lui’urindiTauUhlit tlM * day cake adorned wlUi a llshtedca: .Rob- dl«-in-Uio color tppropruia lo .t rasue. meBth.-*MrarKiuegef gare-a-pr1

tor the belt ccstume t l etch isl ^ ^ and the/< «crt awarded Meidam

,5 .1^ Neely, EdlUi btiumake. Paul U rr ' nudolpJj Juflkrr. John Kinder,. iwp Carr. J . M. MprKan. W. SnrrmTii

“ »rr;v During Uifbwlne ksilonM n.w.2.JronB areB npc o( Uie flu:al.Fedef»Uwi meeMng. Bitufday allemoon. Pltna we

^iBhi «Rililel*d tor. a wokcd (ood w htfcn October a and a Ilall: S . 1«r‘y O" October UilrtjUir

I Tfte wJilfi: fViilia n tw afc ^ i,^

Kilpatrick, Mn. Iron wilt enltrts Ihe club Norember IweUUi.

The Women's Portlfn Mlulona Soclcty o( me Melliodlst Church m 111 the church pulora TOuwlay a

'SlZl A. Rowtn. preildlng. Mra.W.N.C cll « u In ctiarte of the deroUona

,UflS Uie theme Throuih TmpleDoot!*« • KuhllD* of »»»edles-.-epreientlng iwwanlshlp coloi

Th! green repreienUng Prayer «rl . h X a KTlptiire retdlug by Mrs. Ole:

O' Psrsons. the Red represenUng Pe sLiv “ «*'«>■ * Ktlpiun m d im :

Mrs. Kuiiii; the PurpU reprcsenili , X . .Po!sculan»jiimialplure.reiKSlngJ V ' r Mrs, J. M. Wall. Mra-.Bemard ai

J Mn. E. Ruuell 8?olt K re gueils the society, ilrs. W. IL Psrker In

^ r ; . / Cliume ot itie iirogram and reporti the dlxtrlci niectlng a t Dlackfoot la Tutkliy and also outlined a vc

»r»nk liiltrtsllns program (or Uie eomii y« r. MluJofcphlnoTlirockmorti playtd-a-beimltui plano.wlo. -R.

Wo®" Hollister ai y^ne commlllee served lea. eislre —M ». Mlu Martlit Farrar enlerlalin d X i the-mcmben of me H and M Cli

M. and ffirrat ItltBdt WedHWdsy ev btfh-, nlng at tier home on Secnnd Aveni liouH Norttu Prlu for tilgh Kore at can Utah vss won by-Mlrs Faye NottSs, Bul ^ e r a SUUt or the elub, and Mrs. Dav 1mm. Bates was preiented wltli a gue r-iBd. I»« r._A J!4 )l5« in m oU t«sj£ i Rena tured In me lible appointment a: d Uie all decorative deUlts. Mlis Fam belnz wasauKied by Mlu Jean Oliikelnci

was er In ier\'tng a two courM <uppi a-om alier the games. GuesU o( the ev< :hui- nlns were Ml» Norris. Buhl. Mr rsan. David Bales, Mbs Mantiret McAti >rEan and Mlues Ann Jacobio:i. Oeorg! glnal McMaiter and Onah Darls, Fllcr. uiler ' I«• CfTY KOEL COAfPANV. Pliene:

Otd Fslllilul iloken, »MS ImuilcMh

' —MK. FAltMEIlS

aa/*- Api>Jy Anacwid* Treble BuperiSvo Pliosphile to your Altalta and-k .? Clover bnd NOW tor more prot-u of 'table relumi next year. Bui

your wpply now al Uio Trl-Blsfe^ Dtau'c orponiuotrlocated a i'B37ralj<l Sth Ave, Boulh. Phone ««,cable J. H. GUN'BOrr, Blilrlbutor

g b S ^ Ir ' '

Genuine | |

Hanes Unions I. As fibown al'tbe Letl • . |

Tills Ronnent Is known tor Its U perfect fiuing Quality and long' Ip

” ccHOT Jn t m and wWt«. HasUa Iknit for comtort. extra wido cuf(t IUiat tit around the wrlsU and gankles. e

Heary Weight. I.<m* Sleere, • i;ADkle Un{th . h

■' IRandom

. ' Part wool Ihrougtiout'in Uie pop* |• ular. random color. A ixuiular k

priccd garment ot • excepllonalwarmth and wear. Prercrrcd by Ifmany betauio ot Uio pnctlcal nand a(U«Uve color. |

“Hanes" Qaallly .lj|

-------$1.49 IMen’s to p rS h ir ts I

,0 Men-* fancy; iW siM tet, cMt M.. Ityle all wool shirts ot cx tit n“ quality cut.aad UUored lo your, mor rcQUlrtmenU. lm

$3.98 Iid • B

'■ Men’s P a r t Wool I . ..S h irts I

A huge auortment bt fancy wool i - mirts eipyclally .mftde for rough i

wear a n d W d a y s . i

'S2;98;- ^ ll. ---------------- _______________•

“ Men’s Bucfiskin » Shirts,

Wiiei) WB t ty purjt|ir)n shlrts,' im rtso ld l'^ j'w e^M U er.look '

nicer and wui n l t ' t h t require* ’^ ments'ot Uie eeoDomieal buyer.

$ i.9 8 « $ i;4 9 .:5 Men's Plaid Shirts' :d Here UH'ftill cut. eoal style dou<.' jf 5le pocket- and Wpto lUlcIied. A

wondertul sU rt'for roush usage,.

8 9 c ' .


bum* TAMILY OP tnCSPiANS ■ ■ ‘“ J : u e CvIN, Iowa tm -T ho 11 Ke>

Iter hrpmer» and-iUter».-eight t 3i yM ?ToldniavrU ieroTn barn lott theatrtcal company. They ac

v f l . direct and manage Ihetr ihow, Several o; ,,Uie elder Keystei

I S - ’lalloi- f v

p B u yS * lremend\' can* • .«lors. ..■ «rlUi

?sss9sssm gs$3$ ■Per- - I / V \ -

"«£ .

?'.a-llso t •r hariwrted

milnglortoii'Ro- ■


’ e!f^ TO.MOilROW' (If Present

Buhl. ’ 21st Golden2‘. « . I N N E B

S ■ ■ - ^----------- — M A TSrrar

I ■ ■ ■ $ 2 (:At« !(, inpttlar eonitnielorgls - • gm elH n(>b«nle

.of ten years o{ ordi -.featores:

neJi ' . }. Molrs /Inli)) Dolailed ' a. Taped roll edgo i

' o f side stllchlng,___ 3. Innenprlni conii— collJprlngwlUii_ cotton.

I i Scrtened wnUlaI and provide a i r .

9, Mads by skilled which, are mcmi dins AUlanee.

! | ’i • ■ Sm

Step in S Rochell



I Do Thos

II ; Lakeside Carpcnler’R i i j , Lakeside Ulow torch .. ^ JUtehet Brace and Bii

Lakeside Pliers----Lakeside Sleel Ilammc

T m n F a lls , I

I _________________________


iludled dram* a t the rn lftn lly c Key. '» « •It to — ■ ' —" ' ■■larn* ■"T»cnry-Uirte‘ ilatesliave‘enl<re'act the lllth Oeorgla* naUcoal eig-lay

lowi Ing conteit conducled by the itai steti college of agriculture.

Be Ready i

W i n t cious^Buying F

r ^ND ALL WEEK :nt Stock Losts) cn Arrow Speciol5 R S P R I N G

O T R E S S — --------- ^ - -

1 0 . 9 5nieUoo has bten proved by •lory l« t- lh e fflotralffil >rdlssry wear! Note these ,

Dobbeilry tJciJwr. go and button tutts; 4 i«ws ng. ,:BMlmctlon of Premier wlro ^ many layers ot all-tcltcd

lUlalors to keep, out dust ilr circulation.Ued.workmen. In faelorles :mben ot Hie Better Bed*

' •

mart ~

Hats-Direct-From- ’j '■ New. York

$2,95.:.Just when you're think* inj7 Irt terms ot economy and a new,Hat for Wnl*, ter, oiir New York buy*' era send another ship* ment of smart new Hats. Attnetive styles that aro **headllner8” and — ^ ottered s i this htv price ~thcy represent a rcc- ,ord in value, flats of fhUcrinir llncii, iiiKcnlous trims, fash* loned of the season's sue* ccssful fabrics. •

Style With lie Shoes

■WM / ’Step oul In “ Rochelie”Shoes — Fashion Foot­wear of snperio^iiyit and qijallty-ml an econ*' omy prieei Oxfords —Tfcs — flumps In Kaffor' itld. patent, lizard,-'coif and suede.

ise Repair s N o w !- :,■fl Saw $1.40'h________ $3.60Bit Set_______$2.6S

i m e r 8 5 < i


3T0BER 2J, 1030


.John .Bo)ci,.mQvle barllone, b.nc <red Uie only member ot Uie Boles cIs «y* w(ip Ij a linger. Mlu Belli Bole;

iiflie hti couibi. won ■a.conteil lo repre Mill Jaekionvlllo In the north Texa

for the Firs

e r C o a tPower Buys- Y

$ 1 9Buy one of these love! .coats TOMORROW-and warmly dressed from ) days to the very last of markable purchase by buyers brings you Coal mendous values — espt

-at-thebeginning-of-tho And the styles are riglil Misses’ sizes.

Other Ne\^

$ 2 4Alert buyers, using Wa

ing values in W inter ( son’s neir styles, fabr Buy yours TOMORROV

' for those first cold days


N a t i o n - ^ ^


■ $8^.85 .(lu ta 3 or 4 large rooms. Looks TinItke'a tine walnut oblnet. Buy ft cleiKMon's luel supply wlUi w lut 300you wTfl a t Ulls prlte. A=l

fSD ow n.W aM ealb.SBbll Carrying


D ry-Put Ensmel. Q-t A n j drUs In 4 iMurt, pt. . d i * U j . i

Itousehold Palnb 'Use It anywhere

___ _$2.98 IPUI WsJJ P sto t 1 ^ walls M d j

s r * $1.98 !

' Phone 29

U 8 rtdJotudlUoQatO«Uift8h«lst» prano. Another couiln, Jika Bol:

n rt ' ’'*** O*'”**-.—tlin ’}leJ. A gUclal boulder ot Caatdltn o ne* Igln wat rectntly found by geol xai gUU in Henry county. Kentucky,

st Cold Day

t s T o mYou Irmendo

1 ^ 5'ely fur-trimmed id be smartly and

those firs t cold M of W inter! A re- a t C our New. York ® ata th a t are ti:c- peeially now justlO-Wintetseason. ___lit! Women’s and


w Goats ^

95 J■ ■ . * S ISard’s g reat pur- M d these outstand.Coats. The sea-

irics and colors.)W and be ready . ra! ' ' , .

Feature Valin

tide Stov


$114,85 ; 'nie lail'word In cooking efri*:lency and beauty. More Uian Mod ioojwo In UM todayl Think ot It tie*l

range. ^

U Down, tl( a MeaUi Small CanjiB* Charga

Up For iter

Marproof Vamlih. Olres floors •

TYed-Prut Floor Painl. " W e a ra ^

; ,SflpFslnt Sruitz. Ptin SUdt CtUaeu

• 'Fa’RlFK-e-.

a io - ‘ itoM'’th » r iJ « o 'i .HBoles, will compelo (or the tllle-A 'A ls*'',, , Hama's healthteit In a conteil'elM* ,r-.— ingrMayi.-lWl.rr--------.T.= ^ - ; ._ j r.

geolo* Dlvorcti are prohlbll»l..'lv><'Uia ky, slate coMtlluUon ot SouUi CirellDa, ffr-t 1-- -■

ys I

l o r r o w llous. Values!]

V B R M I r a S S B u ^ K k ^

I U /c ^ S -

ues of ■■ :1

i e Weekt

P i P E f u r n a c e '

$96.95 4Modern desl^ assures ubnost.-' liuUng etriclency. Extra tieary Eohstruetlon assures n U i > ttrt Dt serrlcel.

>10 D0WB.SI Da ManUi SfflsU Carrying Charge

■The I :

Elks Building ; k 'I

Page 6: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS.....-JV-' _ i ' ' '-'i,.. THI yOL U. NO. 171 “ **1110=11 : SWEB IH — __________rr-________________TU

|-®aJi{oir - i i i wH ■ RiLIS l iG

: I ' Repeal o l S la lu ie Govcrnin

f a ----------~ n i 3 5 l l l i n i f T i t l r t a ' ' ' l s -

j | ( I Helps Comition-

w c a i lh " '



jj I Ellwood Field N ear S an t

Ij j I B a rb ara Yields 4 8 ,0 0 0

I j -------- -B a rre ls o f C rude—

l i ' OII Dally :| H • • •

^ (Oy Ttie AtMcUUd P n u )

S ANTA BA RBA RA , Cal Oct. 2 a - C a l l f o r n i a ’

ji nmklnjc m oney, from il« ■‘flubmnrine"'olI fields, g — B x X o j-o -rc p cn U n g - o f It e parUicritlilp in th e bunlness o a Uippinjf th e occnn's ofl Bupplj

------ tlle^tntc~ncc|u^^td-B-ToyaU :e in te re s t in t h e o u lp u t o § ' scorcA of wells expected t ^ pour mllllona of doUvs Into th

tU ts tm iu rr . .Z Thtn. like Itio liere o( »n old Ju

. I«TCPT)te «lio “milked rijlit In m—,.......... . lumed Meund «)d w»lk»d rlsht ou

nstln.'* (lie Oolden 6Ut« did IU bu r .1 0 eet..oul. of tlie k » tnd luvi

• bcMtje* uiupollcd for rccTtilloni purpose*.

Bul Uio law lovcmlnc ttie leu 1(18 o( lu tide Unds w u repetlH!

, f • ■ nnd tlt t portion of llw renlur ' whlcn lurvlved li expect«d lo yleV C th« lUte up to in etUauted 100. ' / ' 009,000 btrreto of petnleum.

' - ‘--'DliifKca en RojtlUet

It w u ribl enUrclr kii neitlictl Mnie «hlcli luul rebelled. There %% a belter llie ro^nltln asrecd uiwi were nol Urte c(uush. and Uien

« •• WM oppoilllon to aerelopliiB’ v u > 'new oil Kturtes.irlieQ.Uie.itale.uiP'

7 . noKdtr i r u UUnK iMdmtilp tr 1 ' UmltaUon o r production.' ji ■ Leulnt acrremenU n i^ la le d be­ll fore JinuAtr IT. l» a . could nol bt i ' cfineelltd. and u a resull t ju j t iU

. atiy i lri Uie oil bu»lne« u a l e ^ .;i ‘ and oirotr or iitoperty on whkli j . iw rljr UO operallnj pem iu hivi

j ' Frmfi&Eltwood Held near heri . nkm Ib in If a dally producUon o:

T , ,tarrtU .-ln »hlch J4 itellI Im ve.m n compleled and In ulilel

r .- y W or ifdown new wclli arc belni i 'tuok., .; ‘ 'Hi* lUte-Inlierlled rrom Uncli

Stm,UUo Ui UM miles o( oeeii fronUtr. counUnc Uu Islands vlth

; . In tbe Uute-mUe tlmlL ' TTk t m v coottderod Wrtoillj . valuslea .until dlicorery Uist un'

. (lertytof Ui« ’ tea a t . coniUtrabli-------depths « r « vart rtienrolrs’ot oU

A Shtllow »em Ions aco had pro\t(H *Uie.«Wencp^of oil but the supplj a . - w u s o H(Blled^-<o-inal[e-eperttte ! tcarctly pronuble.tt Itecentl; depUi drUUnc dlKloactI oU In eomparaUTely larso qusnU'I ties and Uie lerafflbls to produte 11

followed.'Piers u lonir u a quarter of i

mile pteiect Inlo Uie ocean and un­der 60 feel or waler a low Ude.drUl-

• In jtie srrledon .^


■ PARIBtJIT-Bhort Urer*! and •clOTU a rt put forth for winter In . the f^rm of a suit of bluD’p a y wool . mbrtore, tflBKned wllh gray caracul

and completed by tong btue suede Slora.-

,3 , MoiorlourUttra«lfro(nllVeUnlt. J . cdBUltato New Brunswick, Canada, : h u been so per c tnt crtsler Uils ycai


«.T5\ To Ball U ke City ,

kandnrlam« m s

To 0(dcn and n e lm OCTODKR IlHT

ftom Twin PalU vU Ortson Blwrl Lice Railroad. TlckeU cood onljrlA

J ' cosehu or etisir ears, llmlled for I ■ rttum to Iwcne deaUnatlon before

‘ mldnlihl'Norember 3rd. Aak local • arcQirordettUs. Adv.

I M. r . MiLWJoiri ' r riano luner from Ssll Lske at j . . Perrlne HoUl for short time. Adr.

^ o « s € h e c k e d

■ m v i s j s s .m g w m iu o N w s i m D veabiy

RADIOTRICIANla m c^ B lp p ed ttfN n ld iw y n r ra to . (ntlftr t i W and .hallcr. ic i (1 u y nppUet for rt-

, AH w r t rBsraateed. .

MAIUON HAMMONSJ n i rheae asd I.H ia

' Can' : .-l.A a Kat'8til<fle4 UbUm Yet


■ ■ . i . ■ ■■■ :

: ' • : T -


inta H l l S H H l

I — a

:al.la’s AJohk th e Pacific near S h ilA by derrickK built ncnr xhore

opera te subm arine drills.i ts ------------

s of -

5| BabsonrReprotm Higher Than Pn

I CominodilyPbelt Iu re . '

P h e n o m e n o n o f L o w i

5 rt, o f B u y i n g V a e u u nlure - r »field i s t i o a n s

" . f o i 'U

Idle ■ By ROOEB W. HAD80N WM BABSON PARK. Maaa.. OcL 23- ipon lilitory ihowa — and rtceni ertnl Here lare imived - lIuU durlnj period vast f depreaflon. senUmciit becomea i iup> ireat«r~liifluenee—In—delermlnln,

fn prtces (tuin fUndomenUI tconomli facta, tlius Uie pendulum ot value

be.,lends 16 twiiw loo far on Uie dowi ' be ,aide and wide sap< appesr betweei

MlUnc prico and cotl of proUue m (lon of many eonuaodlties. iivB Today tlio’averate price or baal ' • waterlaU 'u itd tn Industry lia

■g]]j reached llie' ItU low*. Tti'esc -nr ,1, 1, tnerel7"averat'eii..'Many Indlrldut . U commMIUea Iiave declined muc:

* m ere .^e have lo 'so back to 191 nclj to find a comparable price for col xan lon. lUfl for copper. IIIS for trot lit,, and im 'f o r wheaU. Rubber, alli

and aigrar have never before In hli ,jjy toJT siMjI M low OS now.,UJJ* Today we find lhal cerUln pro

ducen' InrenlorlU'ConUnue heav] «“• u in copper and lumber..but Iha

ilocka on hand In many retan line W hart been rtduetd to abnomiall“<« M n e T e trw n x n B p ie m titr i t« »

. ot collon gooda are reported a t Hi lowdt lertla In years.

The aame situation extots In oUic ® “ fundaiaenUI lines. We cannot go o , . Indetlnltely contiimlng more Uia

wt produce. Tlial la wlial the fig urts shew we are now doing In som eommodlUes. ConiumpUon lias fal ten off only 10 per cenl wherta pioduellon h u fallen otf 3 0 .pe ctnl. .A buying vacuum Is being ere

6nt s ltd /o r Djany foods.' "\n - ■ ■'

rool --------------------------- :----------------

^ It Has tlcar I u r e V e r i


dv. JM i B n B T in l i m l

! DEMO- r a :. S A T U R D A Y , 8 F

a n d W . O r r C h ;

• S c h o o l . A

■ tlONDAV. 8 P.O rr C hapm an, 1 . 0 ,

I MONDAV— C B e n Roi , . . B .,W llM n, U n h l.C

eans l i j

3 ^ > fi

r j X I •

- fffliHfl


Siintn liarbara..California, oil is. re (abore). Inset fihowB'battery c

ing-Consumplion— Voduclion, Claims Prices Must Increas(/Inventories and Creatipi um Brings Forth Stat- I’s Prediction. '.Upturns

Tlltre are (wo types of movi 3] _ menu In commodity p rlxv Fin enU Uiert Is Ihe u.called major trtm 'lods tnd KCond. the minor iwlne. Char n ft Ins commodity prices Irom IBOl : nlns .dstejre.obtaliLa.striUii8.Plcluroj ,mlg Ui« mi}w tnm}. Tet W. y e w U ,lues innd aetma lo be upward, Jinului own >t flrat and I h e ^ l n s a lrf i^ >'ei reen durins the boom period, due* (s rtached. Uu bubble bun

and prlces'cruh.drullc&lly. Fo . lowint the ahakedown a t first, 11

^ decline bccomea more gradual.'c) tending orer a period, of about I yeari

•nre ■nw lilclr polnls of UJcm' mBj< ijurI trenda wore itselitd In ISH, 16$ nutj, and IWO, which eorreaiwnda rouglil I t u wllli the ending of the Naiwleoiil cot. Cltll, and World vrars. If ony rei: trom la to be pUeed upon hlstoi allk. ' ' s tre lUll In a decllnlns phaae < h ll. Ihe major price Q'cle.'whlchitarK

downward In IMO.OTo. It Will a l» be noted, li'owevc

Uul during thete long term decllni lhal there-are letnporary.'Upward mon lln tt >”»>(s of much ahortcr' duntloi nally ‘n ioo minor twtngs'often asauir

ci/(iildcrablc iloleiKie. 'Obrlms '. ^ , the SK now close to the boUom ot ot

of. Ills minor awlnsi, and the log cat Interence If that a rtcovet

“ ■ j M d t e i w . .Uian Laltr, Uie major downward tren fig. wlikli ll a gridiial proctas and n

»me accompanied by tny catutroph fal. vmploma may be returned. Tl

i r tu itilngs thal hurt bualntss are tl .p tr iharp and' dtastio price, decllm ere.' such u wc liad .ln .ino tnd 191

and'iuch; u ve 'htV e'htd'rroni'll

the Taiig o f

I '

r o ® Syrup


P . M .-W .W . Spiers, h a p m an, M urtaugh Auditorium

Sand W: Falls

Ross, W. F. Aiworth. Asher , Coiy-Theatre, 8 P. M.


g P rofit

■;,' ’

is pumped from bcnenth the ocea y of bollcrH which Tire ctiglncs ths

BjWtHe ol IP3S lo Ihe wc8e(Jt.1 • A* for Uie short lenn.'.treml <

bearliii facton are^.now well dli eotmted nnd tliat llie lUge for a upnTird movement b bclnj set;*’ •

roKlfB OulbrtSk* ' C p roUilcAl dbturbnnces and reralt O V ihrousljoul ijij.worjij t n beln

blamed Uy wme persons for Uia d( inoraliud price Mtuatlon. There an

i o n t'owever. U o aides to tliU queilloi • Rubber l« ao low bm uie tho Pi

Eaat anct Soulh AmerfM have m<tl Ij- over-produced. If Uuit U so. «i

. recent pollileal outbreaks Iri- Bout America and .India ihould 'be cor atrued u a bulllih raUier Uiaa beai Illl factor on ptlees for rubber an coffee.

Any marked IntempUoti In Ui Jove. normal flow of commodlUea froi n n t- foreign countrie*. lucIi u reralu ^nd; Ilona caux, «ould reduce the aur htrt- plus of Uie.ie commoillllea with re 01 (0 aultlnc price advance. Certainty r ro.of. ont_waula_io_Ktt„ajti:olutlonJ H J« Cuiw.'bol If one d/d occur It ts , idual Mfo bel tlu t iiigar prices woutd re ^er* (teclf ll by an upi’ard movemen d. A Hence, Imtead ot dumping thei u n u {ortlgn commodities overboard.be Pol* cauie of rtporta of pollileal revotu

- llie lion, ttie aalulc buj'ers are plscln . ex- conlracta.i t 30 Of cfutie, general Buroptawvur

r t i l and economic deprtkijon'dot inior '‘Ot eur export tradft'tniV It I jgjs, the raw insUrisla Uut.'Iiltt-e dr ,-uiJ cHntd most, in price,- whereas will

Ihe exetpUon ot cMtoii and wliea we export mostly manufaeturc

Iton CO*Vl*-Incidentally, It .U no mere Imp

ever, ! L A R G E S T » S A L E

io"ve“ iItlon. I

toil* ■' H I

d e l i c i o ,u s ^s 9 ^ HJplUc ' M W E S H IN G

5 A T IS F Y .rN O A

s \ i a a B S s a i = - i i r i ^

h l y i i i

k . r o *

•itMccfcFor unuiual richneu. unique trai dtpeadable rnuIU, me Camatlo rich la cream, it is mott econcni a t (Ae sotOts farcTean housinso tbe oSIk.-Asd thil p r a ^ o a a

- lAtlwben&eticsnyaealedcaDt^

Wiii»/9rCeok. I CAlWATI0:<Coi4PJ


------.iI*ITrSBUROir,Oct.J3 MWAnemcUiai_otJccniliig.-«sMlly .wli hnpi> iU ID I bumininnrticle'la^ ported lo the American a»rmlt ioclety by AuiUA Oudmei)dten

IniUmtc of Teehnoloi ' and David H. 6(nllh of tlie burn

of nilii«.I___ Tlie pnrtJtle U l>wltd In an ti

nol bum, Uini iwldenly blailed wl: a itream of air.

TTie toucJi cf aJr prodocM InsUi....... bumln».-b«t bcrort lhls-hu-iroi

■-I. for Ute porflclQ.H plunged back In Uie tn(Tt'gaa. Tills puU out U flro «lUioul changing cffecta i

' burning, Thua a p^lclo li burnt atep by atep, wlUi itops to atu whai Impptna attcr M li air blast

■f' "• ^ 'n ifaliM 'liu r'lhT 'S 'irtird 'liraly aiul rollon buyers of Oeniiaiiy ar? Orral Driuin have taken mo!;. . wlienl and collon from the AmeI Ican markeU In the lait Iwo motiU , , than they luve any two monlhs fi i Itie Ull two yeart Cotton expor S advanced BI per eent In Auguit ori ij . Auguit, 1939. Wheat export* a< * rsnced 39 per cent. And wnv a t U TT, litgliMt point since Odober, m t.

' Principal Creepa*eanth n l All commodity pricea do not moi - alike. Thla makei 11 abMlultly. »e<

euary lo itudy carefully Uie fai----- to n Inriuendne tpeclllc commod:

ties. Ttie near lerm proepecU fc tlio prtndjiaJ erouw of commodity

II of anpears lo bo nboul as followi k-Uie DalrrpHees ehould'WW-SAme-furthi dls^ waMnal.Improvcment.. Kood-pric.

r an ihnuld be aomeshat firmer. Pu '' • p’ricet tend lo alralglilen duo lo lei

wniil tactora. Orala priees are ci ralle, but are expected to recovi

rolls 'foni the extreme lo « In U x ins months ahead.I dc- , InduiWal pricei lu te well dU are, counled untaiwable .builncia fu

tlon. tore and mould Improve wlUi’ P t r pick-up In busliiei#. Uveitock prie«

real- tre Irregular wllh doimward rea< , the lions probable. Melali are'iUll'eai ouUi 111 price, but appear yell abake con. down. TexUles are attractl\'ely lo' « tr - although a very earlruptum tren and appcan likely.

If ode n r e ttlUns fur coaU I Uie Uie Weit Indlei. or electric fans 1

trom Labrador, he mlibtwett'ezpecl end I'olU' leis pijee*cu(tlng. With nicli .con aur- modules u cotton, however, whlc I re. (lie worid iieed* evetr year (o'tli y no exlent or U.OOOMO bales, and wl n j i i coniliiutJojiccdJnJIieJutureai! Is tt preneflC extreme Jow tece] wj]( nc 1 re* endure, 'me lameils true ot coppe: lenU Iron and ite«l,-augar, rubber, whea: hese and other basic commodities'Uu . be- are lelUne fsr below. Uielr Inlrtnsl rolu- value, . . , icin: Dmlnesa by Uie B a b s ^ u r t 'no<

nglsieni 18 per .csnf below nermi vun- eomiiared,wlUi-Jip«<:cent. tbot does nerrnal a l;t|il i,tll jft '^ j t a r •tjo,. I t u (0 > p y rl8 h tr)i^ jS t^« l» v dr- eblbureawV - t . j T J i S •

with Copyright,'1930,'rabU^bcTs’ Flnan lieat clal bureau.--' 'o v V.i'V , ured — .~ i .1 I

Only ene foot a p ^ b t In Twi Imp- FalU I'lwoe Mt. Or. Foster. . Adi

M E D A U C E Y I O N 6 -

traoothmtt oT texture andcoopltlely Itlon MUkln aU your cobktty. Doubly otalcal. Carnation Milk la ufesuarded leof cTean berds and desfl hcad% of I caotlauts until It fiasOy rtkbes youtiiaer.o kS oekkaiB thS ttk I .-. . . 'HrAKV.SaSSa.ttklt.Mu J , .


“SubmaifSTUMJiS-BMiniis i s l i M i i i i> new .}<EW VORK. OcU-33 W - Tl w|iat ••umorcd car holdup" U u myllilc

-ffUiffiesend-pfhcnoramongUilevi mlcs) » COM br eompeUDl ago:n ot cles h u rtvealed thal'rtrely'do rol olosy bers alUck imeks which really i vcau alieaUied In itcel plate and.pr

tected by armed guards.1 tn . ngures ihow m at In the pail i ■can' .»«Mw4h»f*4»ve.been no hnldiipi.' wlUi armored cats operaUd by Indepen

ent companies and Uial only toi jlant armored trueki belonging lo nation

*’ m »risV r« ;iw 1 ilI^ ’ bylheMe U,8 chanu Trucking corporaUon, ind

. q( ansDoUs. are clud to counUract I imM popular belief U ut robbers make S S w«Uce of lucceufully holding i J l armored Uucks.

• o ru n In the exclUmenl that = s partlcultrly bruen piece or bandit — -fflUJU,.Jt.li.rtported.Uiat Oie e,

J held up »as annwed.- IrweallgalK ahows ll probably wus protected Iarmed guards and In generil appealonce rtsembled an ^rmored tfuck.


nove AMAIULLO. Texas, Oct. 73 (.TViiec* The coetot helium, widely 'u a ^ 1rac- buoy airships but onea a high pricelodl. icIenUtlc curiosity.Iiu betn redueei

rca by llie bureau of mines.UUes Operating * newly eompJeled uiiiows;. o t lU Amarillo plant, Uie. buret'rther *" « nnwiii'K timB a reciricts .onl output or 1,T0,3S0 cubic fett iPuel rin opertUnc coat ot leas Uian leerKft. a cubic toot.I cr. The plant now has a .capacity cnver WmfiOO 'cubic feet of helium I

Ihfi meet all needs of Uw army an navy to rut their, alishlps. •

^1. At prtwnt ceet. It b estimate^?.*• tlu t (he g u ror the navy's new t.

MOWO cubic lool dirigible, und(^ > construcUon In Akron, Ohio, will b^ producedsisnbtexpendllureforlli'

easy . = =


BUITEF13 ■ 'Clover'Form B

Pacltetl Exclusivclj

z SHELLED- ---------- KIlchcn-Klug SI

In Cans

3 5 c Cnn , 3 Can

' POP COBk b While Rlcc Varicly -

Ciianiiitccii lo

2 Cnn.-..... ............

SNOW dr:.3 pound pail...........

6 pound pull.........

t : ToiLFr're■ Scolt TiMue.

4 r o l l s ........Waldorf,

r' , fl rolls ...... :___

We have receiver Date Pudding), I

VWodd Cross Ganne

1 . Have Used.

M S IS treaiury of MOJ500, •

ITIur to 1917 Uie coit ol produ

r , n a cum: loot.-------------------------'8R - -Thc-forem m enr»nlroli U»-« Iml pul ot helium Ul 50,000 acres e r u

and llmlU production lo actual n« . of ariiy and navy shlpa.

Tlie ------------ — . ' ■------lilcal A Lcsliorn hen 81 the Pletl eve«r ttate-ev))tt»-«r-t«rleuliur*-lald-i gcD; tgg, unitr an ofllelal^ Icjt lait jtrob* .................... —' are OtUy one f»ol ipeclalUt Itf Tv prO;- Fallt. rtiBoe SIO. Or. Poabr. Ai

i s U = = = ' ' ' ^



cent .



iidVr . ■ SWireONOw ' Wholcsah

m : o a

IRBrandcly for Us . .

7 2 c 2 pound

A LN ll’S- 3'MINIShdlcil—— — -— Each 1»1

Ijl.oo' X .«N. CAI- Vnciiuiii I’nck • If hc is \ 0 Pop

...... : 2 5 c 2 (nrgc c

R l f l ’ . W

......: 7 8 c .....

.....$ 1 .5 1

ISSUE ^ CA4 4 c ' • '

:...... 3 5 c s . , : .....

e d ' p u r B r a n d y H a r d S i

, C a n d i e d P i n e a p p l e , C h

^ e d A s p a ' r a g u s . C o m p a r

i . N o t e t h e T e n d e r n e s s n

)il WeUsI'AMILY FLIBS uoaie

rodiK., OSSINING, N. V. WVNoel Macy, u m - B«»ipspfr,pubUiher, uied t»o am-

phibbus to carry hi* <tm!ly of (hree, ■e'ouu' ab aerranla-tnd SOO-pou&ds lUs- if Uiid gage home from tbelr vaollon cot- I needs tage on MarUia'a Vineyard, Tl\e trip

took ooe hour tnd 3i minutes In wn-_____ IraiV.to ft full days liivel by boatnetlda “ fl

tj ta r . 'Barley bas been adde^ to UieTut of yinter cover e»ps sown In well.

r TwiB em North Carolina for b a y and Adv. g r ^ p .


sale D istr ib u to rs; .


KAISINS • ; :K itchen K injr


nd p i(f. 1 8 c

NUTE oAt FLAKESpaciiago co iila in s a picce o f— , lln n d Fain tc t] .Chins

0 36c'

\L0 DOG FOODis w orth l<copinK he dfiscrvcs

■ th e b e s t food '


WESSON Offi....I.....:.:....:..;53c',:!.... .... . 98c

3ANNEDC0RNShoe P c 7 B ra n d

N o C o b - N o W o l e r T he V ery B e s t


Sauce (Black W alnut Cherries and Citron

are I t With-Aliy You 5 and the Flavor

Page 7: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS.....-JV-' _ i ' ' '-'i,.. THI yOL U. NO. 171 “ **1110=11 : SWEB IH — __________rr-________________TU

: -TilfliDfllDColontl'C.<S..'l.eonanl, Rc-

servoiOfRoors’. Instructor,---- — in-TallfiHep Calls-Alten-

tlon .to' Jtciuallty as Duly

Thert w u nolhlnj to condlUoM In iwiwtfii«telir m rc^ lng tlie

break oMhoAVorU.Mr In .lJlT io• eom |*«irlthprtM ntpailliUm esln

the Old World for anoiher «nn»«ni- Uon, Colonel <C; & Xeonard. Bol&e, ifutrurtor d-"uroy raerve ofricer*, lold B iroup ot reKHTO ofllctr*. iin> (JontI guani'.olflnrs. and enlbtcd men, •nd-World W Teltniu a t a m e < ^ t l at'Uw P*fk Iwiel here l u l ercDlns.-"

Colonel Uooanl,. veteran I t luo Amerlean nais-and wtarln; Uie in> alinla oC tlis ThlrtcenUi ln[antr7 reslment on hi# lapel, « u here prl*

• • •••jnartlytoconferwUhreMfveumcfra , ln thU dUtrlcl. and lo deliver lib lecture on Uie Siberian campaign In

, ■ »hlth .ItMlOO: United males trooiH , wllh BriUih and French contlnienU,

' ■ were eagxgtd tJurivf ihe WorJd var. ^ na^w lbiU iyiot Knenlrdfe

' *W« who bare biowledte ot vhat . v a r la uiil Rhat t( U Ukel; (o tie mtuin'l fortct or pcimlt Ihe jrounger ceneraUm< lo ktoit up wlthoui due

. undenUndlhfotUiflmenac«ot»ar." Colonel CmoarddKlared. ‘ We know that var b n s l a glorious att*lr; we knoff var la a th ln i.o t tnuck aud

■ '• dJrt toil i m b a lf t b M /a rt U at mutt be reeomlud.-

■ ■ “We__can't'keep war otf by lalklnB

‘I'he UiUttd B i^ n ia 'T i i a r r o w aflUfir' in thew ar *UU Spain. Col- oneiUonardauerted. "PWtymllHon

- dollin lliaiconvreai voled wlien th t l war w u declared wasn't worth a

' Unker.wlUioutllghUnsmtnandms* ttrlab 'fo rw tr. Wllh tvo-thlrds ot

. ■ a e t m / l o Cuba aJclt» U uf the Ditn could uarcely.draB a kus, and with new iroope In'the eiatei dylnf Ilka tiles, tliB array w u In a btd tU, and It lh« tl(liUii| h id tone on Iwo or Ih m moolht longer, or It we had been opposed by an-abler loe, and If we had Dolhad KoaTy lhat w u abls to render, ao 'CZCtlleDl account ot It* aeir, Ih tt war ml|hl<hare'htd a dl(« tertnl outeome.--' •

• “WeeajDeloUM.WwW.war.-Co). ofiel Uonard continued, "and we had teamed DOthlnrct the leuon ol pre*

.parcdnets. Not a. single American sun erer reachcd the flghUns.mnt, and we could not have conlrlbuled lo the wlnnlng'ot.tliB war but tor llie munlUona thS'AlUu tumlihed.“

Tlie vetcran>pald higti tribute to_________Qfntf«l PgraWBy,-»hn. he Mlrt la

<~becomlns-more.and' uiore a coin* nuniUiig./ijure..«lth the lapse ot

K J Ume. Sul-forPetahlng's dogged In- ■ ilAknce upon maintaining an Am* r - ' erlcan Army wllh lls own scclors on

' the tlshtlnrtronU'Oolonel L m ard Mid. “we-would bavo eome obi ot the World.wacateoondary naUon”' The.<etb«ritn;«xpedlllcn,. Colonel

X<0Rart«liLInaa1ar u Uie Unlled ■ ■ ■ filslea wu-,oaocanie(},.hid two ob -,

• JecUvifc . One w u to prevent stora or iniutai7 suppll(s'at Vladivostok, ArchtmetftDd Ifoia (alUns Into tlie hinds ot tho'Otnnans following the nuuian wlUidrawal In ISIS, and U>a other w u:lo assist In eurletllon ot

. some .'J iom o. -Ciecho-SlovanUn uooiU'.xhoihad deserted from Uie armies ot Qennany and Austria and gone to Ruaia. ‘

> r ra lu re r Uader

to UlutlnUo Us dlscunlon ot the 81* berlaDicuipalgn. whleh he eliarac- Icrlird a i beloe/lull oi Intrigue asd things not prtily lo u lk about."

He lauded. Uie part played In Uial ' caupalgn^by General Oravu, com* minder of Ibt Amerlean forces en*

' ' KS|ed,wboatoneUnieliadbeen Col­onel Uooard's eompany commander. O rara part,' lUe colonel u ld , called for a high order o; dlpIomaUo skill u aell u fflUltary ability. He met both rtqulrements lucceulutly, hold* Ing f u l to Ult objectlru set tor

- ■ Anerletns:lD Uiat tmderUklng. snd _______ MjnplMtoj’ It wlU> credit lo lilmstlt

^ I:; : DO]sale of good

.charges to b< BC Tj27th, 1930, i w a re h o u s e a t I 'ANWSHOSHONE ■V The goods to be I pallji o f household

'pianosjtvictrolas, r chhies; .washers, ta isers, iheds, rugsi I leaUiorl u p h b ls te ff herei a re also a

•itnmks,'boxe8 of be books."

' tiC ari G. BiS iic c c »

.--ii.W A nD E R G T R A N S F I ^.inOEtBNBECK & SU£

llj “ P redjckV ictory -

D | 1e*>r,




ra,ltd .

it* F K E D E . L U K E N S , Iiiahi Rccrclnry of state, Tw ii

'‘o , FnlU visitor j-cfltcrdny wh( 1' foresees re*clMHon of th( rl- Republican tickct:m ’ _____Ills ------------- i ■In and his country, the coloSel detlsr- >iu ed.Its, The outstanding' conclusion lo be sr, drtBTl/rwn a sur>»y of the fllberiir

campaign. Colonel Uonard said, u Uial agreements between niUons ol

Itt different standards and tongues be musl 6e e u l in languaie that can- x r oot be misunderstood, ue ■

^iHiiDoys'n;: fisifijiP iis)w “ Ywo HnailTwys who set oul Mon-d* day of l u t week from Flint, Mlcbl-on gan. In a stolen car on a fishing trir At 10 the Pugel Bound, were overhauleda by officer* Iwre yesterday .and de-

s* talned l u l nlghl ta.Uia.clty.JiU. of They gave Uis'iiames of Dexleihe TayJor and Ed Beasley. Offlcm «•nd UoudedtlKlr ages a t about 13 yeart n l They alopped'here to luve UitltU, car repaired, and were picked up by»o officers In a-round-up following dls*ad coveiy ot burglar*’, visit'to a dga:If slore on Second avenue souUi wbere

lie clgaretlu«nd candy wero taken.It* Under quesUonlng a t poUcohud<If. quartera they admllted Uietl ot Uie

ear In which U>ey had traveled trom}). Michigan and surrendered a ctrtlfl-sd ralo ot ownership and other papen1* whleh they confess^ lo having ilol<in en. Ono of the beys. It w u staled.It, had aaumed the name ot tha right-lo ;ul owner of Ihe car, which a'iipearUhe lo be'Emest.Hallon. Flint. Mlehl-

8»n. ' , . '


'.Alleging liability under an Idsho '>'* farm products dealer's bond, Peggie

8toller,John6harrerAndM,K;Jen- senliavebroughuultlndlalrtetcoun

» for M21JB from W ;U ffum ef aod ‘f i Oeorge H;John»n.'en£igtd'tnlJuif- ” nets here under'tlie linn nune of

Uie.Tnln.FallsOrokcrage-compuiy. « and Uielr aurely, Uie Hanford Acet­ic dent tod IndfmnJt/eoqpsnj', They

claim Ihls sum In payment for two D” arloads of poUtoes delivered to Uie

brokerage eompiny a t Paul,-Idtho, PJ l u t Seplember 30." n . V. Creason, Rupert, u d Wtll^ "5 en. Parry and Thoman. Twin Falls,

are aUomeys tor the plslpUfts.

c- Window G l a s s I" AUTO GLASS



> N ’t : .

rrget ' -ods fo r unpaid Btor- be held MONDAY, a t 2 P. M. a t our FOURTH SOUTH


e sold consist princi- Id effects, indadihg , radios’; sewing ma- tables, chairs, dres- !

bed d a v e n p o r t s , te re d , stoves, e tc .J g rea t num ber of bedding, dishes, and

lensonCo.i^ rs lo . •FER & STORAGE CO. ULLIVAN, Atietionetra


p i M i Fh f i M i iI S c c rc ta r y ' o f S ta te .S a y :

I .N orlll .Id a lw W ill Rct'un

I Norm al M arg in to r Part:

B - Pred E. Lukens, Idalw setrelar

I enforcemeni. m Twtn Falls yesler■ . day on hla flr»t Ulp during Ihe cam■ palgn ltl which he ts a undldii■ . for re-eltcllon. expressed eonlMenc■ that Uie cnUro nfpubUcan Ucke■ win be cltcled by good majorlllei

of Ihe Slale where I reside,' Mi■ Liikens jtid . "IncticMe U ul Join■ . McMurray made a most farorabj

ImBrcMlon.lherc-TlftllO^noflher■ counUn ot Uie sUle are-noraisii■ ItepubUcan, nnd 1 prtdlcl th i l lUc.

will return Uielr norms! mi)ocli. t , . ol l l least eooo,- “P Bpeiiint ot Uie wwk of the »Ut

H tralflo totce which he. u commU vho sloner of law enforcement, orgsii th e Lukens said UiaC Uiougl

tironiotlon of highway o f tly prt senis msny problems, Uie iraflk

— organlnUon-eeema lo bo metlln; wlUi excellent results.

Metor D «tb Decline ),be He relerred wtUi an expreulcn o rUn p r u in s W s w k of Uit'sUte lrsf 1.1» Ilc offlcefs during. U»# four-monu so t period Irom May to Auguit, boU) In :ues, elusive.« • 'D urtnj that period,'' Mr. Uittni

said, "our 15 highway" offli^rs p». irolled 10> » mile* of roads, n in brought aboul Uie corrtcUon ot de fccUve IlghU ot 3SM0 automobUe; ajtd collected or eaused wllecUon o. fees and lines totaUns WI,800.

TE 'Oood m u lls are beginning. U \ J allow up. 1111 number ot moior vc. ' hide faUllUes for Uit f tn t uim

*1- ing period ot 1929. When Uie per trip cenlage ot, reduction U figured oi llled a buU of Uie Increased tratflo otci de* the highways of. Ui'e aute. It meaui

U ut Uiere h u been a reducUon u xler Ute automobile deaUi rile amount. «■ ln f to JU per cenU"

ar*. • . ■heir


U dit] of Uie Orand Army ot lh< • . nepubUc, Oan McCook circle,, wli:

meet this afternoon a t the home ol ^ Mr*. L. c . Petereon, m Dlue Uktt

S ' Too L a to To C lassily ' —WANTED - TWO-nOOM LlOltt

houMkeeplng aparUnent In prlvtu ftmlly by elderly couple, amwc: Oslly .Vews, BOX 101.

„ eAtEaMEhrWA>ITED=MtI5niE ES ABSOLtJTELX free U travel anj'

where out of atale. TnnsporUUon .hQ and commlssloDs. Oood rropotlUon. ^le Apply room.S. Perrine hotel._____

POR RENT — SMALL HOUSE J S . PaiUy modem; 1»8 Eighth avenu(

I «f L08T--8ETWEEN TWIN FALU uiy. .>and lunstn,-blick uiveling bag cci* eonlalning lad iu wtarlng apparel M / Notify wtier o n t store. nweJw IM ttward. • ’ _ .Iho, = s ^ = ^ = s = = =


= S A T U R D A YSalurday is the

I , Hj food buying day ‘ Tor'many famiyw.'

IflB a day of. ape- ’eiat s lo cks and many unusual liricc m Jn f offerings In our'store. You are' sure lo miss much

— ili saT lngs-and-.sat*—

^ Ufaction ir you fall . to see our windows .. .and store displays before you do your

' Salurday. buying. F ry.o iir slore to- . ftiorroV."

E V E R Y P A YOf- course we

hare a lot of good.: Ihinss to eat and at -

pleasing prices ev­ery day in Ihc week, too, but we do

. spread ourselres for Wednesday and Sat* • urday s h o p p e rs. . Vou’U like our slor toy day that you '• nay be in> nerd of rood .things to cat

,.t l fair priccs. ••


LV NETO BVrn. M tis . id ah

^ B E G W M ii r f i i i s i i i liays ^11. .Who E xpcct to Vote

:um . M ust G et N am es. On .th e

i r ty B ooks Inside T w o D ays

ilary Thoae who are uiutglstered al 9

Sler- to v ^ a t Uie elecilo'iToh'HOV'em- w * ber ♦. ThOM who registered lor Uie Win primary Uils year and htve' not lence moved,oulskle Uie precinct In whicti <« et {ftey wers Jinnr a t th« lime of such Ulet rtglsUaUon, aro not reoulrefl'to reg- isa «pln fnr thg flfftion. Votwa Mr. Kin register now are n o i f ^ l r t d to

"h n reveal party' afflllaUon.The following Is a completo lUl

S oI Uie.n.pr«clneU*nd.rtglstfaraln Twin FaUs county:

Twin Falls No. 1-Mrs. Charles

►Ute . —ml».

JUjUprt. • “ “Iflk! .:llnj

n ot ' • ,« f r ------------------------------~~Trn~imsnui M^TiIln-

tms ■

ni;; , GUNSENSATICde. . .

biles -• T h i n k o f I t ! »

; lo 'X IJT U Ga. Stevens Pump •

hIbJ ll# V s£ g i« " ''B im r5 « 'n T ‘ani. gauge n—-gO.

per- . ' ■> onover • S» VHUS »vtw i " i 1 1=1—n In

T l i i n k o f l t ! ■12-CiBge LMded Shells ~~-1

‘he • ' ' ' /' M

e e t 1skts

S T h i i i l t o f l t ls*cr tuneh Kit w ill. 'p in t.tac t _ _ bolllc. "Clean Up'’ -------S i

^ ^ g ' . N e w q i l l e

twier blade*,:

Sf; ' '

■nl/ \ / H '■me Ne*!

—■ /i®/AGillel(

x z ' ■ T l i i n k o f l t !

' " iM Iff le OnjellTTB -VsM old'or new-ttyle *b1a

• -a e a n U p ---------------------ig|.M Keen Ksller Baser, "ClUp’ ..........— ‘----- ---------ii

T h i n k o f J t !«.«* cnM eat. ose man w

,u r . best Sleel

- —

T l i l n K o t l t !Fliir.'iprlnty, longh men's

. .,h*nd1e,cnly_,.---------------1

T h i n k . o f l t !A toed C.04 IXL u e . fibigle wim handle, en ly______* i :

^ ' ■ T h l n k a r i t l T

T h i n k o f U ! ” .

• n J « he Usibe



T l i i n k o f l t !

I H f* . *1M Had cepper belferi r u n ; • teed WBVEB (o rw t or cofro<

' "Oean V p'-------

VHO, FRm'AY morninV oct^

r . Burton, a s SUUi avenue east.'L. -Twtn Fab;Ko..3-JteU*-McOoy,[ B un j^rg roceir.»® i'’iwrtft»»’«u»

t n - Twin FatU Ko.H-Mrt. Burkhotd- I er,-Burkholder Fumllure company,

I II OT Shoshonewtjl;......................-Twin FaUs No. 4-Rov* Hayes, MJ

touUi Main (Arrington- grocerr.) Twtn Falla Na S-M rs^W -Sian-

Jlc ley, n i Walnut, .Twill Palis No. 6 -0 . U. Colemin,

hn Five Polnl gtwety- . _ : • • • ' .TwlH-plsa* No. 7 - MraTeiara

lyg Wlrth,

Dulil No. I -Oertnida McBroy. Buhl, Idsho.

<l 9 Buhl No! :-Vemle M. Cliirlton,

:m- • Buhl‘K iT^M rs.'Bm er WUlUpe;Uie Buhl, Idslio.not Buhl No. 4«Ut9. Chtrle* U.ilcti Krelgh, Buhl, Idtlio.uch A]!tiat}e — Mn. & FuUer, Twintg - Fall», Idiho.lew nier..M rs: IL.W. Uveke, Hler,

nog’et»n->MT3. 0.' A. Boas, Rog- llil craun, Idtlw.Iln _-niomclt-Mrs.P.8.CiDP«l.noule

No. 1. Twin Falls, Idtlw. rles . M tros-M n. Ota C. SIcrer, Flier,

TWOf Diamond H


■ . Think oMt!»«•«« «-G»W« Springfield Au tomille G on_________SaU.UISUM Doable Darrel Cbm. an:r - " - ___

1 3 Bests >VlocbAt(r2

ihert shells, 'Clean Up

5 ter only--------- 30

— ThinkofU! ~

maleh our*-CIean Up-sale. ,f« ' • only — :~ ?2 .1 I

l e t l e

le*,V«l , .style ' '

J T " T h i n k o M t !

t ^ 9 ^

-RiM F — blade*,' —


^ ThinkofU!. ' SOe ThUlU r i f balls, dot. 9.%0:

M»9 Fairway balls, ddseI wood f a r - ____________ -— W .tfS&U8 » M U , S. Re;il p i t balls, dose— V * .fer__________________57.-I


" * Think «•

B :

sr .S S I .. ■ . . T h i n k o f I 'l !ILSj t-eell Urge site flsshllgb

. wlU« batteries __________ -Till

ThinkofU!.0 8 f f .

--------. • T h i n k o f U !


heavy pen;

son eoaker

VniUrtti( fer tlTJt,

TOBER 24,1030 • : ' ^ = ^ s = = = = i = = s s s =

Idsho. ,oy. —Kolluur-^^Urs.'^JoitS'KtuinMyarrlue «o:u>ter, idaha

Dergtr - Mr*. Oeorge McOtegor, td- Berger, Idaho.ny, ciover-Mr*. Beorse Ballarrl, B u ^ ' ■" Idiho (Clover store). —WJ Deep Creek-Mi*. Bay WUkinsoo, ) BulU. Idsho."— - - m- :Luc«m»>Mi>.’W..O. Stuart, BuU,

Idilw. 'so, nosea-orUt-AlIcn Iteynokli, Rots-

sni Iierbert~Uinlnf,It* Kimberly, Idaho;

Uansen - Bmo Kerr, lUnsen. 'ey. Idaho. ' ' "

nock Creek-Mrs. Charles CUne, on, lUnsen, Idtlw.

Muruush-Mr*. P. J. Fahey. Mur* Ip? TaiSli, IdiHtu ■ ---------


Icr, — —___3g- oourlhouie hera euly Thursday

moming to mtke itp t ln in Ui« ule brickJtckel_on Uie big boiler In

Uie courUiouM''h'ealfng plsnt,' Uiai ler, w u broken and tcatlered by force

VO D A Y S M (Hardware C o .


a n y ------

T h i n k

UUO, ti-pJcM' t t l beaaUfiil baiid

wllb oien glti* Uut wlU Issl a Ilfe

^ '* ■ lug Uils set wst you — .

I . AU Blsbes, Cbloa, GUss Warr, Va

I . FZn CENT D18C0VNT. .

i T h i n k o f U !u u t Scl Hand Pabted Engtbb

t.t« i.____2 0 H *<^'>t*pl<t«scUChina.4 3 .0 8

■— I S o f l t i

t ' » lW v ^u n ,

. spedai ^ 9 t

S T h in k o f U I

1 ^ T h i n k o f I t l .

/I jo . |U (,C W -

— “ ~ T h t a | r f l I t ! ■:

' i r a S v v w loasttf.'ToastsM rfw n

J | M J I S t o i t b n ^

1 ^ ' T l i i n k o t U I ,

e O«s>iml*peBBd

noi r e ls t t le e t^

Irw , - a t a a tip"

f » r ._ L - .W .2 8

: S i n k o f Uf .

I' .(JnI d e e lr ie 'b e a te r ,

r o y ' J wlib iwt, "icitan

.48 .........." H i i n k o f i t l

, J ^ . Me HoBKbeM

of a coil g u esploslon lhat oocur. r , red'shoftly-afl«r-u»-nlghi*}tnuor

damped some fine eoal into Uie tire* IT. box. Ihe explosion w u o t such force

U to tear loose Uie boiler-room door,. ..................................


: - FO R^ rtarim lllrotlorw llh:

"■ • " '. ..

~ ~ — n5-.30-Jl£Col'mltk:

E„ REYNOLDSS . rhone 4!0In •■■-‘ V.i iee a n M M S M M v v v M W H

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U painted English pettelaln Ivery.

Ife Unt. M p e f e u t ^ a a t . ^ * . I

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‘ i \iy I I er. A remarii-

I I J a b le v a lv e ,

* V 1 ***! Vp" ^ 1 0 . 0 8 (

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ll,«jgtnalncKetaKBtUrsbear(, ■i » c £ i i I/p" , • ..... - t i . s 5

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’ C l Z i - J ! ® II W Tree reaper 7ibehba W «

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Ire* o o l ln j u te d ,8 o o l 'lh i tv u . tc a l l^ ^ ace generally over toe bnlldlnr. add*d lo ^ oor, Uie Janitor^ butdens; ;, ^

I SA LiE |;:|th 2-Bqtlom Plow anil Power.Mower___

lc k :D c « lH rT ra c to r^ ri th ^ -------- -

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DS MOTOR CO. ^:0T ;20I S h n l iin i, So. .

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tS-pleetMl.'eonsi^e{tirfcaU«r ':■ T K r-T e w u rn w tr rw w iw a K rr: r.Utrte Uble spoeu and e a t Alter,... '

• |l tM M ^ r ”» p l« e s e t , 'f » C 'enly ------------ ----------# 1 0 .0 8 ,K tN M-year »-pieee set. for '< only ..................... .4 a O .M l..)


HM teupeens, set of I .Jft2^08

tSM teap ipeens. set B fT |a 4 H U M deasert ipeens, t t l ot I,te r__________________tO .4 8 ■ ■ITJt saladueU...............tS .4 8 .

‘ T h i n k o f U I


tl7.M M-year knivc* and forks.ter____ _____ _____L S ia .0 8 , • ;

t a w M-year kalvts and foefcs. . .■ f t r . . . ^ „,„ ------------ :V

T h i n k o f J t l ' "

. SALA'DFOBU^ ' ' ' - .V..V.. 'jV '-S SM U -yearsa ltd tetk il|3 .08^> ,• y. « .M « .y e « ttls d s e l* ‘- ^ 0 8 > .-

r . T h i n k " o f I t ! " -V - ■;

Ils tM )-iramer L *'a.'E icctrteV -t 'i B<«n wtth M-tfltb fan eaaaeW ; ovea and ABlemaUe l lta t .Oea* ... tre i only • f |07JM )v '4:

. ' r h i n k o f U ! * • ji

|1 « 8peed‘9wa'g**eUne wish* er. Fan heavy baUeea .w riaier.:.^ trtli, wblta' portelala .'U aed.;:,5 DeBUe waU heat TttalaiDC'Ub;..;^ ^-Cleui W T 4 1 0 0 - 4 # - ^ ^ L

Page 8: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS.....-JV-' _ i ' ' '-'i,.. THI yOL U. NO. 171 “ **1110=11 : SWEB IH — __________rr-________________TU

H”Magic Gityjp ' T H r s t o T j r - o i

-In-RegiorCui'i'eiit Periodical ]

rt_____by John E. Hayes]~ ~ C 6 i5 p a n y rw ic ie r t

Desert of the Past,'

rj T O H N E . H nycs. member

]■ J^nun^'STami'iv!m! la te r to bccome Kcnoriil m: ■j • company,-ims w ri({en n-fl(or,

|i | ' F a lls ficettpn o f fioiithcrn I I] I th a t Is published In th e cun

"D rnlninfr a D esert o f t w hich tlio sto ry appenrs, wit scction o f sou thern Idnho th w a te r w hcro early pioneei onoe found only snge l>rusli.

I OuUlninff .the r o m n n t i • lackRTound in hifitory for thi

ou tatnndinjr h n d Interestin tJrrtJopmciit, Hid »(oo' <i<><

■As the nallon tiima IU nttcn Uon wntvard In dedication of th Orfgon Tnil!.,« monument honoHm tho wlor and «urw « of «fte Mrt

' pioneer, 11 U (UUnt that «e |<au» Tor ft moment to pay tribulo to i J« j«r ro o p or ploneen wlto. »U llitir vUlon and courose. tn n i

> fonned w tut v u • bnrren. u(te• . eorerrt «-«l« Into ft paradise of ler

I . '(fle neltb. proliflo oretunb finepteuant Iwmea,

jl lU fen io DloHt*! ' . 'We m v rtad In tlw dJoriei ol r ths (ur>traden nnd In Wuhlngtor g ' IiTl«Wtomp«iingn r c f l hn li»riea r ' odheCrMk-nunt-expMllUon'nsn [ | how thete (tn t adrenlufen (ufftrtd [I f\er7 hardahlp eoneelrablo In Ihelt I batUe with the element and ecar

cllr ol Seed: W« find }wv' tbe Ctoolt'Hunt, party abandoned Ihelr hone*, loaded all nppUe* and pro- YUlon* Into boaU In Oetolier.a

f r Idaho Pall*,-ext>«tln« lo tlfp down I r.. .U io.vratm of Ibe Snalu rlrer and I on to .tha Paclllc ocean btfor« the

f j comlns ot »lnl«r; liw» U» 'CaUren I Lynn" ju it below the »ll« of Milner i dam caught » boat, oriililnK It to

, blla and carrylns one or the men ftlon< vllh the cupplle*, doim IhroujU tha ireacberous rapid* nerer to be rtcovered. We read how tlis party, feren) lo stendon thrlr

• ■ boali, made a cache a t Milner d toalie, carrrlns wllb them the Unit

! potilble amount of lupptlei In an attempt lo ;o on foot down tha riv­er, and wero »avtd from alarratlen o n l^ y tbe timely raccor of friend*

: _____yrju ila iu . RiotforB BPd V ta^, tol-, fcrlnj hunger and Uilnt. they

' croiaed the verr ground vhlch h u today become one of the most fer>

^ lU eareu In lbeU nd . - - . - “Accidental dlaeoTtiy..or sold

' brought ft TUlb ot leekm for for*, .,tuMJDim>tolboe*t«Jl'lhatieroB

r ' - MOO people con«rt«ftttd ftl Sprlog- S . tovn, Idaho, near ibe jidnt nov P known u Manaen bridge. Tbe roI« L ' 'den.promlis.pnned ft dliappolnt- H' . --m enlrto nuny. Some vandertd on

to rlcbtr field*, but oUxn could IW . Jn ttao fUftfnliw mountain a lm o*

, . ths m l gold or ths counlry-Uie ! chance to p r o d u c e nutenoncs

thrtmgh the u»e of lrrl«Uoh. . 'About 18 miles aoutheott of t6e

, present d ty of Xvln FUU.,tbe fbst IfriBfttlon In that country v u begun

. CD ft m a ll *ole„up and dovn tlie i banks ot Rock o t e t vbero brim-

mlng'fuU ditches v trs made to-------- aena.onlT H'lmall ftita. TbU.land

' ao prated lU Vftlus.Uitt from It cams the, Injplratlon, for vhat la

. nov perhip* the lartett eonllguout JnlfotM areS'lQ U» IfAlted mates

I ' ' ^ b e Tvin faUi trac t I "Hoard* paitlni orer tha Orejton, ItaU and faUlns lo tf t the golden

prbmlie, (rareled on aerwi the . tire lenttb of Ihlt bounteou* area

Ihrougli a veary vatte ot tage bruih aod U ta rock to aome other lure,

I . I«a»-tn* behind them tbe fev cour- ■ _ aceoua men and vomen vho held

I • 'W o fook acroa our broad acres I today, holding the dignity and bear*I Ins of ft century of cultlrallon, and

accept tbU fair la n l ready mtde, as a plcaunt place for a pleasant iiome. v llb scarcely a thought for the Inlrtpld 'late pioneer*' vho

•; eame In after Jhe building of Ifia . MUner dam .and cleared the bruih

''I from their de»rt acrei, sometimes iH haullns evety. precious drop of va- III ter for stock and household.tlx or !§ seren miles across ft IrKlesi, sun*: 1 beaten sago land.; ■ Water Chief K « ^ t y

•W attr had been the chief Tieets- ; . ally of this country unUl It became

ftfl ogeoC of (feitniedan, and U is fn U ibis phase of ths Twin Falls IraHII ' and Its development that ve are In*!/ . . . t e r ^ h e r e . .

i T lie pioneer ttftrclers vho Jour* neyed acrou the Oreton Trail Ibought that nature v u serere in

Its fttUm (0 adorn (hls vIda land V «nd that It v u pecultar.ln Its bulld-

Ing. Tbey taw monotonous Uva \butlcs, roUlns on endlessly, layer on

la jefb f J>l(i^ uortlenUn* tava. the ' (udden ttranfic'.QUtaoppIng of a

craler’a edge. These''MMned but to m ir tfw land*eap«.'fervJnff‘'»jme-

I tu n d It Is true, u ralutble land*I marks, but nerer u liidlcaUons or

hidden cavcm*. vhere there might ! bo underground rivers cr bot tub*.I Urraneanlakci

•WhUe acme of those vho came to stay noted ths pfteoooenon of a ‘sink.' ft stream disappearing to re­appear again tome mUa dWant. tn

• Bort cases they mads uta of vhat Vftter they needed, and the dls* appearftBce of vhat' remained v u

., ' of DO particular concern to them.. ' Oalr Uhm v to cams Zstcr slttdled

■ A LFA LPA SBEl)W« are tn tha market for high

- T — - -«uiWr*«alXfc»eed;s» US be/crs . . . MDlnt • •

. a L . GUNN '- t u 4Ui A n HeUb

. rhoao iw i . . Tvto r»n i, Idabo I

r P n g o -E tP E ^ -- - —

Engineer Pens if-;^clama-t-ioE m of -Twin FallI Publishes story'W i'ittc es, Ex-Manager of Cam -Headinff-of-^Draining- :t,” Telling of Soutli Idah

)cr of th o p a r ty o f engineers th fio Tivin FfllJg Irriga tion ayj>tcni ho re tu rned iT qun rter o i u ceniiii mnnaRcr o f th e Twin Falls Cnn ;orjr^flf-Uio,-rccJamfltion.cf.thc_TH'I Idiiho fo r tiie D uPont mnunzii u rre n t iium ber o f th a t periodical. ■ tiie I 'n s t, '’ Is flic captfon tind' vith n siili-hend, " In th e Twin Fal th e re is now nn ovcr*Dbunilaiice <eerit*— -------------------' ' —sll.'' ilhe.niytlcry of the natural itrucluII ic jlii 'llils fasclnstlrw counlry at 11,1, ralliomed 'die problems of Ks nv. ,V'‘” liiR M ter Ubles. .

-When Uie canals and dUWbutli fsjtlejn vere cwulrucled-from' 10(

‘«n* t«i 1005 - to lerve tho <00 squni the miles of the Twin Falls project. W

nng depth of iho valer table appro): [mated 300 feel, ns deducled fm:

‘““ lUie condition of « lls Orlll«l n fe o " years later. Blnce (lien It J iu rlM- *'“» iM some arwu te points ncnr tli ‘M- turfacc.

“The Snaks river canyon, begin " ‘j nlwj a t the point of valer dlverslo;

at Milner dam, marks tbe nortlien boundary or ths Imct. Extendlm ve tvard , the depth of Uie canyoi

' of inovscef «pWly to nppmlmtUt', ^ n coo nt Shoshone falls. Tlie vei «** bm m ajryTirtnrtrecnrnw rkrt-b:

Little Balmoh river canyon, vhlcl ■fw h u eroded to a depth of approxl iclr nisl«ly 800 (eet. and - Rock creek

ahicii passes norUivcticrly tlirougl tb® « pitrUoa ot Uie tract, aJUIns i lelr depth ot 300 feet. Thus the bank to* ol three canyons otfer a clear |ilC' . ftt ture ot IhB atratleraphb (onnntloi iwn or this area and reveal tlis maniiei tnd In vhlch ilio Uva (iQa-a have over' the laid tlie older fofmaUoiis and bull rw> up tlw Snake rlrer plain."JJ Falls «r IMO Feet,en, “The total^fall In the Snako rlv. im er u iC craaet tbe Tvtn ra lti tracl Ids approximate* 1300 (eel — most ol unr vlilch Is accounted for by manj irlr rapids and vaterralls. Promlnenl t o ftinong ihem Is Twin Falls, where out the vater drops It} feet, Slmslione Rn falls vllh lls 3IMoot drop, and (V. Atigqr falls, dropping M feet, lon “Beneaih ths lop soli .lie la\-a ul* sheets vlth sedimentary or olhe: Jf* drpwlLi bctvffn, TJie surface to- >ey pocrapliy'or'thls'tract'li'lndleatlve IU of the form assumed by tho la\ii ;r* sbeels. slopUv off a t tbe n te o( ap-

ptoxtmately 30 feet per mile. Tliese lid lavft shceU are more or less flSurcd ir* or porus. thua admlttlns'Uie surf •'.« ne voter vhleb Is not abaorbed by tbt lg* toll and plant grovlh. Ground va* ov t«r accumulates rapidly beuuse ot ol* the open fltturet which occur fre* i(- qutntty (faroughoQt (be enllre area, on and because tbe Isvq'U penetrated ise by continuous' orerlees vlilch acl ns much tbe aame u tnuU pipe ilnei he “OrdlnarUy. ve mlghf'expcct to ice ■

5e ,. , ‘ •


(t Coogbs frota (oMi BIST Icsii le U Tiees itouble. You ttn liep them us BOV Vllb CreeainUloB, snoanltlfied es erteiele thtt Is pleouat te tske.

CreoBiiiUiea is a nedles] dlmvtty m vllb two-fuld actions it aeetlic* aad. •n 'beaU the IfiSsaied BtiabrtMa sad lo­i r -UU(('(Kna-|re>n&. n 0 ( all kuna dngi creosete It w - M cgelsed br blgh medlctl inihorlilea

;•\a inlttllons. Otwaahlea eeatilu. la

addltloa to creowu. ether b ^ |

“ r o R T H E c o v G H m o hW T______________ •1 0 -------------- * " ;—

TheGreatiest Transportat the MODE


1323 Foitl. R o a d s te r ............................

_1928 C lievroletC a b r io le t..... .................. —102t) ChevroletC o a c h __________— —3923 F o rd Tow n

■‘ '.S d d a n --------------------------JS29 F o rd o r 3 W lndo'fr S e d a n ---------------- --1925 FordC o u p e ------------------- :— -1929 F o rd .S tan d o rd C o u p e ---------------------------1928 Bufck J f fls tc r Sedan ..... ..1929 Fo rd S p o rt

1926^W h(ppet ^ S e d a n ____________—1926 C h e v ro le t.

, Coach __________________


jllnd ground vaUr outlits on'0 river, creek and coulee,valU, bui ^ rlWj-«a»-ti»‘l4raihefU are-lali

jtlsbUy one lipbri Iho olher that t> , v t loutlru are ({fecilrcly sealed, A rn~lrrt.> llt,~ tll^-4^^a^nQlallonl are' i

Indent to n lse the vater ts T l >cnou«h,to produce a seeped ni

1 C lw ater entering the Ura cavltiow-tor- tnllet uaJcfjrou

Erantwilljr reaclUn{[ the lover i Ivallous and being sealed there,

t t o n if'*” throysli liydrostatle pressi lthovln« upon the lurlace as se<

inal ««• We rind that there li a def . Ito Xlucluatlon of.the water u i

i h o maximum deration occurs dur Iho early tprlnj; months. Msrch I April:* the minimum Is react

ii,n . labout September, or u soon u 1 ^ ''fH pround valer lus'luid tlmo to i

ni in leufflulats.___________________i tn 'i I T h e T*'ln Falls iJanurMHips ’nnnl pioject h u an exceptionally fl

fl«ht. Tlie main canal hai ,,!_„lcapacliyofBppnixlmately <000 s«

ond feet. There li no liieentlvo :nl. consen-e vsler under preaent op< nde r condlllow and thf rwuH [•'alls itiot more than nix ncre (eet-p . - . / a c r e ara diverted annually fre

tSnake river (or use on the projei h lie canals nre operated (or the fi

icture IS'month perloil vlth mors thi nndlfour acre (eefdlwrted during tl

« f r - *rrJ«tJon teuon and ibe remalnd Iduring tlie vlnter. From this It mi

utlwribe Interred tliat s«page on ilia i n ' 1003 Is due lo a rantlderabls extent juare tlio extraordinary amount o( v a t ; lh c applied Upon tha.land ilirougho' ■roxl* the ciitlrs year, fmm T h o first recorded seepage In fl > rev lava area occurred In »13, aboi rlM'n eight years atUr the Icrtgalloa pro.

tl'c fct VM sUrted, Wster v a j teen c the turfae», breaking through In it

ltln- manner o( an artesian veil. \VIie rslon leepafia betran to appear, the opei liern atlngf'company adopled tho (11 ding dralnige syitem generally uted else ij'on whenf. but tha peculiar BeoloRlcj lUly /wraqUim pro'sUlng rendered sue vest a method useless except In the smi J-by «reft-wh»r*ahare-vaiJoJ4v a _ hleh ■ • Three Types or nnlnage 0x1* 'T tues types of drainage con •eek, structlon are .proving successful 1: mgh rtmoTlng- ths ground valer accumu IS a ItUojiS a t prc«nt: Open trend inks drains, combination tile conduit am pic- drainage welLa_aadJypnels. tlon “Open trench drains are satUtae jiicr (cry ln.the.amniLsravcIjL-«a..«ni ver* In aolld'rock vhere'the land Is o jullt no material value. Pover sliorel

and drag Uiies coiutruct them.•■For ths comtlnallau llie condui

drains, trenches nre'excarated 6. t rlV' 12 fMi In depth, lii which bult*]oln

Vitrified t«8 conduits a n placed ■ of The 'Joints are viped lliree-fourth 'ftn>‘ aiound Tltli cement mortar, super « n t CKijnjf Uia gravel band uted hereto >«re fore. It v U round that the tmnl ono tirip of gravel did oot tenxaln li and piBco and permitted sluirinj of toj

earth Into the (Ite lines, erentuallj a\*a producing sunken areas In cultlvat' iier ed held*, Wells are drilled a t Inter, lo- t-ols of 12, fS and. SO feet. TbrousI

Uve th u s tho ground vater rites, and b) a ra means of a tile elbow connection I ap- discharged Into the tile conduit: Thi lese lover half of tbe conduit (renctici ircd ts' usually In wild lara, to tliai

blasting Is necessary. The earth L the excarated vllh pover ahorelt anc wa* drtir lines.I of "Where coulee and m ines an rre* nrcKn\ thi tunnel drainage metliod rea, ta u te l TuaoeU ire rirtven approxl. ited matelfSfl (cel belov tlirw rfaee ol act tlie solid lavn rac k .'I t required, nes. greater depth Is ntlolned, eo tliai

to the ground «-aUr flov may be mon

DEVELOP - ) PNEUMONIA» UtUmed nJb rsae t s*^Uop thri> ed illstloa, «U1» iba crtoMia goes oa lo i» ths uoaiieh, It aluMbtd lala the

a bleed, sitieks the sett ol lh« ttaahle tad chKki the growih of iha g ^

io*' OeoDDltlon it g«ittnK«|.uilitte< lerr Is tlie im tarm af co u b inw

«• eolds. htonchltlt and nlnor (ermt ef ica hrenchltl irtlitiioai, snd It execUeat lea fer lalUlag up the tpiem slittcoldi lai er. I k ihntf ttlw M ff'ael re-' la lleitd slier ttklagaccetdlagiadlree.


st Value In Used ition Today IiS EfcAFORDRD DEALER FIRST 'PAYS



!___ :_..$495._______ $50____.^$395_____.„:$675^ ._ .„ $ 4 5 0^ ___ .^$95

..855Motor Co.


’Eutinla ld » ---------- -------It such' ^ ^ i h H r S K ^ 'V C H H

M s B w y f l iI area. a m / m j M B B g Mavltlesround.


defln*Ubie. . I

tucof ■r n x -during

lached u theloaa* W 1 lllliw

' fine h u a ) s*e- -


e full Uian .

I the Inder may

nt to' vaUr

T H E U. S. S, PEN SAC O LA 1 n the G u/intanam o, Cuba, to 1 Ibout zil, fo r evacuation of A n pro/- como fiecessnry.— P-n on lih e

reaaiy Intertepted. In Uie c u e o Viu U» £ioolli Park tunnel vhlch va •lie. driven In the wuth vnll of nocl „1-1 creck canyon, construction v u ear S S , ried on for HOo feet v ith ^ plck*ui ,nuJi of approximately (firee second fcji

or water. Part of tho rock encoun------tWfrt'viL’rrnMttly-riryrThcn.-ttt-ieoa point IVO fctt from the portal o ,1 In the tunnel, a (low of 15 second fee m i. v u released when a single sho cnch OP*""! “Pand construction ft < bj

«.rool tuiuiel lias-becnadoptcd. Thi ijae. longer tunnels awraga .about b: -nrf S f« l. cross tection. When flntllj ; fl( completed, tomo of them will bi »i>u about one nnd one-hal( mUes long

“The plan for relief h u thus-fai .A„[, ini-oived tho tiiilldlnR of tndlrldus 8 tn unlU to meet (he local need. &ven‘ loir^ tuaUjht vlll includo the cntlni arei ifrt vJlblA tbe xones tmbject to seepage X “Before constnictlon beslns on i p ^ . dnlnago unll, a terics bt veils li

- ■ — — - -------mall • ,>^ln

ralJy ^

1 5 Friendl)n is S . r -

M 'Atten Is ^and j , .

, ; j Ik i s i i w a y s y o u r s a t l

^ B e f e f f a r e . l i s t e d i

y s a i ^ g i t e m s f r ®

nore >■ ■, c e r y D e

J S P E Cr N - ^ F '‘ 5 FBIDAY ASI! S l i __ ^i 5 M o t i h e r ’s C h i n a O z i* . J -- -----------------------------------

| - ^ - Vb« Cflm {)^Jom iny r.N o

“ y L o g r ^ C a b in S y r u p j I

^ p . & -G . W hite Laum iry

a ___ 33c^ D u r u m W h e a t M a i

^ ‘ P in k Snlmon. 1 Ib. tol

5 3“oV:.___33cj _____________ l'-

{ K r a f t ' s M ^ y o n n a i s

^ ----------------------------- —^ E m era ld Shell W alnuts

___: 37c^ B i s h o p ’s C r e s t , p u r i

^ P c a rlh V h itcT n p io c n n n d

S ' f o r - . . . . 23c5 ■“ — ^

■ A l l D e l i v e r i e s 1

iiaafroDepat^ {IfitisntRiiij j PH O N E

ID A H O , r m p A Y M ORNING, O

merleahs in BrazU

HSS Mi''

H E p ' r l i

k h a s been ordered to proceed fro i 0 TrJjiidai), 1000 m iles n e a re r Brs A m ericans in e v en t th is should b< Pholo.

s ot drilled alone lliB proposed trend v u tspplnc the ground vater and pro

lock rldUis ft means for lls 'dlicbargi car* The veils along Ihe tunnel Ittevl :*up provide ventilation 'during tbe oj ten testlaas. Tho larvcjt flovs hsi iun- been encountered .at from 30 to I st-fk -re«Ub«lov.the siirlace, filngle-Kll J of alx Indies In diameter, haro pn feet duced u much u tvo tecond fd thot dbcharse. Ordinary veil rlgt ai

ui«d for drilling tlio tlx-lnch hole by TTiff* are nov » lanneJs on t*

The project, raring In length from .3( by to 1300 .(eet. and 60 mllet o( Ul

Ally conduit dralni . be “All Uia.4unnel vork h u bee onj. done on contract. The bids rtng • (ar (rom « to tlO per fool (or the (In Jusi too feet. vlUi added compcnsatlo ;en* n( so to 7S cents per foot thertaftei trea The expenditures to date for drain age. ace Mnstnictlon on this project ex n ft ceed Sl.U0.0Q0, s Is “Based upon available data, e

ly, Prompt 1 :ention \

. ■ I

t the Idaho D ep t Store \J some of the inoiiey. jam .the Sanitary Gro- jDepartment-' j

CIA;LS|f 0 B — ~ |

1 SATBRDAV 1Oats, Ig. p k g . 3 0 c I

■ N ii^M M ii i-P -» .m r U n, Nn, >

1 .0 c - }

I, medium size can 43e ^

liry Seedless I ta l s ln s i . ■! lb . ' ^

27c[acaroni,.3 Ibs. 1 7 c ^

ta ll L lbby'fl P re p ared Mua- ^

f c ir . : . ! . . ! ! . . . . _ 1 0 c |

iise,pt. ja r . . . - , 33c ^

i ts , O valtlne, t h o h o f t i t h ^

'c 43c jare, cocoa, ib; 2 3 c ^

i»a P I I t F ly Spray ; Q a a r t S

— ----------s TVithout Charge ' ^

iTtmieritSfofe^ t b n n ^ i t B a c ^ ' ^ J

■ PH O N E 1 H

v" nin>EllT, Oct. 33 (Special to T Ksvs)>.&(rs. A.IL Jenlea v u ele<

\c sdcampaJgaebalrmaaofJi^pubUe,T vomen- for-Uimdokft.-couiitylui r.. Mrs. VlrjU.King,s-lco.chalnnMn,

a meeting o( a group of Republla • vomen voteri field Wednetday ai

emoon a t Republican headquartei on Ihe occasion or the rlilt to Ri

- pertorMra.-Bo»eGllfan, Dolie,’ld- ho-iuie-ofsan ttcr'o f'fifpubllci

vomen volen.Details of the esmpolgn for vou

<n ve tt nfsced in their bands, i ft rota of the metUng (hey vers b stTUCtcd 10 co*opent« v lth il

. Cfxinty and'precinct commltteeme

Jerome county and vent from h t a to Casila county,

a j - -AU-peachet.8Tovn-fn Clart coui ^ 1 ty. Kerada, ai% purchoted by

InDscontinenUt raU sj’ttem (or I H - dicen.

n l ' timstes IndJcale lAst ths ettnii■ . vater accumulations approxlma V I ; SOOJWO acre feet per year, and tl B measurement ot the dlschvso fro M tll-dnlnago constructions on il■ project toUU 164.000 acre feet p n year. I t vlll be necestary to provli Z ) - drslnaeo faculties /or « moxloiu

drainage ot approximately 1000 so rom ond (eet b«(oro the problem Is lli Jra* ftlly solved."

Only e u root specUUst ta Tv RiUs theae »0, Dr. r«tei-. . At


H I ■ 1feet


“ ^oufColi

1 BAITC o ld m o rn in g s m e a n <

V ■ h a r d c r s t a r t in g . C ong

S d e m a n d m u c h (U tra

a n d s h o r te r h o u is J a b a t te r y designee

' S c x trc n ic c o n d it i (

^ W E S T E R N G l

in U a d In E co n i

k cause li l ^ everything else to they m ust live Up to o u r 1

' ^ ‘‘sad jfaction flt

Jl W I Z A R D b ;% . CU4ft»U«d8y«trs(Wi*iI? Cw'tfTw ' rrt« c

5 °&JnJira-6- . $ 6 . 8 5

■J . . . 1 5 .6 0

? “ 5 ® “ . ' ' . . . 6 . 8 5

5 . . 8 . 9 5

5 . . . ; . 6 . 8 5 "

j . ' 8 , ? 5 .

2 - ^ - 2 9 . . . ' , - . 6 . 8 5 *

■ 5 a - r . ' 5 . 9 5 u p - •"

S ' W ES T E R N G IA N T S .p ,^ ' CMftnlsa'dak €»91m ■ ■ ■ hki c*

^ . . 9 . 9 7

5 ; ' , 1 W 5 - ' f :

.S ' . y. .1145 AS . '

.8 ' : :

^ f f i lB S X i';!SI Act«s»*rl«, Camp ^

g««^#,Qcr/B9»l^ > m o , A tte im S«t>. > > :t

J l J

OCTOUElt 24, m o


ING RUPEnT, Oct. U (8p«W to '------w w j—DlscnsilBrthe-lBoes-of-_ ctmpslgn at a poUUcal meeting.The the Ulnldcka county wurtholect- Wednesday evening a l 8:00 P.^ DjMn Defeobach, state tresrun. a t ------ ---------------------------llcanOfl*

r 7 ’

f =""YOlJlIhere ' ^

r. You Gi— UNLESS YOJund

Te SATURDA'from • .iUo . '

•Vida’ TW IN FA LLS C’(num


r.; i I 111 liim

rERY&n co ld m o to r s . . . tm d e v e ry m( ng ca led o il, s lo w e r a n d m o re di: r a p o w c r .. .a n d w h e n y o u a d d ] rs o f re ju v e n a t io n , ic is v e ry C’

;cd a n d b u ilc to g iv e c b c uCm<

d o n sT T rm o re ^p o w c r-o v cr .a io r

i lA N T A N D W I Z /

||inom y T o o . . I .

irds arceconomical In f in t p w f «

^ d l y " W « t e m A u ^ r reputation fo r g iv b g ^ C a t a saving .

iAT.TERIES ' TRACn»rd SpeeU11 Year) . . O ur 1

c*#r« it JH. bojlfr:

" , f e , . . 8 . 9 5

.................8 . 9 5 <»»™

% ______ 1 5 . 6 0 'K u h ' ---------.

‘L t-4 S p « ,-6 - . 6 * 8 5 I

“ i i i r a . . 1 0 . 8 5 - I

3 | . : . . . . 6 . 8 5 m

. . 6 . 8 5 ,

' ^ n - : . ' . 8 . 9 5 , ' “W i?net pfeperthttle ttrlfst . ■

iper S tre tis th B a t t e r i e s . I \ iX u n V . ' , ■ ' • Ha>9rm ' - II j S i ^ . . 9 . 9 7 . I I

•ZZ-'M . ; . . 1 1 A 5 2 « t r a

r 9 . 9 7 ' ' s iu f v e ik re a r sM “WosceMhlrhef l y m

1 6 9 Stores

* “ 222 iS J^ o i t t i t ■TBTO m is , 1PA}I0

e p tlI7 ju iid t t .8 u « il« .,o f Ul, MlflMobCounty nepubUcaa central'coBUJilt PERT leJ,cpenedthea(pubUcanea»i»l«i I h m . vlth an sdottit to a isTge sud

V-' jien ci 'T :',. .- '■• ■to Tlie Tbs meeUiu v u p ^ d e d orer b] ■of'the-Tom-Bsecli. Repubucaa'-oouotl Ung a t ' chairman, vho, before prttenUo] rthouso Detenbaeh, Introduced iho canU' P. M., dales for office on tbe county Ucke •srurer,lf(>r fhe nepubtoa party. .

w m s T ^l A N C E ;

jian’t Vote -ro u REGISTER BY


; c’o 'U N T y REPU B LIC A N


tttisfM ionm oto ris t know s lAat-incans

: d ifficu lt carburction aJone Id longer h ou rs o f scrvicc r ev iden t th a t you need CmosC ift.scrvice u n d e r longex-Pcriod.oFjImc.


lis^Ionger and sreater]wive'r, ttie«- li eveiydemand fotcold weather ivfng: H ete ik u tU n v m : .. Pl.ATESi.New Btlitjy oiidts. evenly picked bymichiat'prcMurc, ffltka tba

iceslufhlytciive.niiuci/.orttaU^Jcttf' • andgiveihemjentaliiel . ,COVERS. Dtublagt neu iad in thecor*

' eth and vdded to T tm iiiil Pp»«s prer nt tenalnai cocrotlon fraai .bsRoy addl.' ' SEPARATORS! PortjOtford Cedar- ' ‘ ttiiitht artlned and tot4Ii'fibrrd.'.Sp*- -

i chemiai truinenc ptrniet add M psst «lrtbtmi{h tht tra!ns'of(lievood.t**.. ; . [ling in Miimum bjifery capjcitjr and .II benefit from (be action of tb t i^ te t. 'CONTAlNEKStV/ixtrdCoqalneriand' (•;

CONNECTWfrSTRAPSt'wVtdedtotba'Pott Scrapi.andataaetiinid to cany t2»;*

iiimua a ^ e vith I tttt .pottibla re*

V£NI5i Kowled dnifoed t« m * ventipnylnsaiuleiape of add, andyef;

m itcses|«ofgti.v. ■ 1'^ ' •' • • '

th^ng in ^ r i l r te auura‘to lid 'M ooar

^ ” lt to g l t a * a ^ o i y w ^ ^ * ? b “

I t Oifmd c a ^ M ^ ^ o ts . ' ^tsid Rub-

ade'-in vour. b ib BAn RV;.- 'a Tyotle-In AUjmionce on your cU itcTj mulcj tli«e Wprtccseven louCT Don't wail untS k 'su ra you crank' :...m4eyoiffoUbcsaeninrightKiw, '■ anni',/uU)fu{);miIaiV('ejtCTnGi(ml Wlsird, et any"\VetterjtAm"me}


.■>■ "* ' <

^osco'& volbU ji^tcbattcqr.hu •• itrapUtestoslvegreatcrstartinl «cicy for coIiTmoton snd in cola ilhcr.^Replaces 6 .11 batterie*. ^osco"—guaranteed J -c a r . ................. ... $ 6 . 3 5

r a I S a t u r d a y ‘

Ws ^9

Page 9: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS.....-JV-' _ i ' ' '-'i,.. THI yOL U. NO. 171 “ **1110=11 : SWEB IH — __________rr-________________TU

p p 'S J I O E l« S S F rc s fim c t i 'a n il F o u r l l i 'a m

l ; _______ F lllh G rades W in H onor

■ r ; - i : r v \ i i i h A iiendance-R eco rd

’ KJMBEItLy. Oct. 23 (BpecUl t . The N en )-«onor roU* jnd Utend

ance rwOTds ire» IWed by BuperliitwiHr.nl n n Olbhi ot tha Klnberl lehooiTheronSrSeeSr!

UlB. high Khool frejhmea w , fln t plite im itWDilMM w l*

i r t " ' . a u k of SIX per ten t et I*rtteU~ vl ^ > In the gndei. the tourth A *ni

FUth B room czceUed v ltb « m>r. ' cf M.79 per eenU • . '

• I i v i ThoN'«borecelred no sndg loir '* ' tribSiA »oUo»:

Norau nupe, Esther Sbevmakei - I . -f. Butter Step. OUI; Citherlna Ctund

Cotad. Rulh Cutler. Mtr; ' ’ - ' MkUuan, OJi«teJto UWlj. WUllin

iM bl. Helen M i; Crow, Naomi Dop ( too. Leonard Fisher, Belt; OlMn

I , ,i i< Flor Dnwn. Utdelyn# Doujlu IJ. n .'- S e tt; Bbeptrd, Uenll, Otenn and I . LoULaughUn.\ ■ B boson v e n u IoUoki:K K itr Bennett, DUle Edvardi. Dob-

\ br Emenoo; Fru ieu Bchmldt, Ira- ioti mttiirnSOt. Paul Watklu, Xes-

S g a N i aetH- Hambj. n«by Kairal. Oladji ' r ■'"Ptohler, Oarlcen tJeitrteh, Wayne r.-;.—.-Kloui, Buddy 8U «n, OUIlon Bea-

oeU. Reba Jannui, Everett AUdrltt,1 Marjori Poitlevalle. Jeannette t a a i t f ; i^lM .UiluKanoo.l<TjuIdOough, r e ^ R e y m o n d UeSlnliter.’Junior-Snelr

toa; J o b WUkenon, O u r-m u o n ,S ’ ’iTn M uls» JODO, JuaoiU roe, F>d1

E g ^ "tr»-Enfana-Bucl[, LoU'. ObanUr* d m Jala..Onlelte Coiner, June.Fonley, S » J " i a n r Anne aourley.'Ua Sudoreeki, fV T ^ iU a n a n l Potter,. Warrea Deilil. J BUly Pemberton, Kattiryn Dougla*,

- Audrey ThompMn, Oraco Tate, , - OJoriaWol.l«utllaIiop»OB, Mar-

------ g a n l Douiberty, Nlns Olten. Violet. / 'A Olten. Melvin Jonet.Xeola NonU,

••- k : ’ Ruby Krueger, Loulr-Uhllj. Mary V lnlnu Koeb^'Rtyniend Jenalnp,

r i ^ \ . Bocnle Byram. Kathleen Btraugbn, '* ' ■ ■' Uarstrct'FUber.LollFletcber,Lena2 -Dlerkef,JanctleWUion. Jean Whit-

■ fity. Fracctt KewUrk, HWedovcoluf. Dorothy WiUer. EDea 6«4t,

i ’ i <Lee Scbmldt; Ja sm Uollmu, Beuie '•O '^J’-BbewBiker, AUea Merrill. Ada I« -

: thank Kent Fluaaee; Feme Adktni, OUbert Halrerton, aeoiso Turner, EUloU-UetJemild. Dorothy. Requa.

- .Maniret8bepard.DoaaWflamblU. ........‘A O . R..Mtrrtll, Dorta U nen , and


W ' nUPEIlT, Oct. a (SpeeU to ITie i f - Newi)-«errlU Oolf. 23. ekiat toa

■ ” ■ > Of Mr. and Mn. Obailes Goff, llot*' ' well dlttrlet, lU but 10 dayi, lucf

eumbed ta typhoid fever Wedaeaday k^w loiaiibt a i .Ruport'generalJtofpUal

. where ha m t taken la tt Skturday.-as ' ' torn a t It w u detcnnlned tha t bo . -v-'r-watiufferingfrornQrphrtd,' ‘ 'A t the time of h lt Ulnea ba.waa,

, ' -emptoycd by the Minidoka ltrlga> — ■' * tkm dlttrlet. He waa ■ nember ot Iha

paduiting' c laa of Rupert high I 4 K..; } (^ promlbent.ai ^1 ‘-.i ;• Itudent.> BurrtTlng are iilt parenta, weU>: itnoTO pioneer famer* of MlnldokA ’ ■ ' oounty, hll younger brother, Oor-

J f don Ootf, Itudent a t the UnlTcnltr

' ' ‘'r a n d a lister, Mn. Ooa’R o n , alto' of.PoeaUllo. They arrlved.ln'R u-

ti i i- pert Thunday rooming. No funeral :r'<';,arTaagtmenU hare been made. '•


• •Btm iEV rO et.'a (Speclal.to Tha '■ N«wi)-A comedy will be.preieated

.» - - a t tho Butiey th u te r Monday and• l y eiday, uader_the auiplcu.of the

a n BOW enroUlnc home talent tor ' ^ T “ --.U>eeast AboutWhouseTIuepUnt r ;tt wUl appear In the ptay, “Corporal, n i — Eigen* b the tlUe of tbe produeUon. U L .^F rankW lU U m ivU lbe.ln the UUa f f- '" '* ® * * '

p : W E A R E

B ‘ Can I Buy Johns-]

f f w t ' . Shingles 0 lA ndtheA

YES.TIi«Jiiluii.M inrtI«. v in - enable y o n to pnrch

loof o f these s h ta s lc s fo r ' th e balance to be p&Id o


■ ' * ! t ‘' OtJE TENTH CAR]■ . a r r f

" f ■ ' W ’'

k m s m i❖ ; L.C.DOW,

' O h i Block W e i l o f P o rio ff

i l l B I I S l B I I ITcfHAQERMAH-HAN'GETS- IQ -EHEASAM-WHEN-BIRO- r p . HITSCAHWINDSHIELC[ u . HAaEmiAHToTt. 53 (Bpedal - - .to T tw .M nJ-U iojr H«pgm«n

.......iportsmeo h tto betn afltldJ ! ■mmualUon

and 'h a t been expended In punull of the cluilve ChlncM pbeaiant Var-

lOPS led degitet o( lueceu hare bee& reported by hunten. 8om e«air-

l«Js-ed.Uielr.llmlu.*bU« othen return-. , M Wth cmply ctme b t ^ flo tar;

ft. a, Cfore. CtWnU, U the only , iQdlvldutlknoim here wbo obtain* .* i® ed one of the wily • game bW i « « - w ltboutnrtnjathot.orerenhant-

Ing for li: - >eriy whUe Mr. Ctort w u m m n y *n

“rouw irom uuhl to liagerxsiiB IBl ’ 'OO drtvlng a t a Itlrly rapid raU of > * tpeed. a ptieaunt.evldaQUy fright* *• . ■«erf b)-hunft«ftw a“'« -nearbr

litid, uck wing trom .betldt tbe iiigiiMr close to hla ear, itarted ilralsht'ahcad. changed lU tnlnd Mddenlyandheidedflralghtbacfc

. ipvud the c tr a t a high rate of (peed. I t cruhed into the wind.-

‘O'l* thleld In.a hetd-ca coUUlon that thaltered half of the g la ttlo frag- menu; 71ie bM'fcU detd <t t^a

»P- drlvetVtett. un,

■"f« M1I5 ST. I lEillFLllSidyi .................. ......... . 7 •HM IIAOmiAK, Oet S (S^Kdtt U

iel» iBrt wtfV. ■ •» " f i t n . a o v tn d i , wlw b u Jiiit»ol f«d her cwp of clorer iw d ttoWb-

K s s ' . ' s ' r t i s j r a t s>V<,damageTby recent wet wniher.'; '

s s i . r . £ ^ ' x a s “3U n b tm m U b r O tn t in iU a designed when compMled to' aooom*

rU> jnodate 35 head of mUch oowi, Oon< ‘W. Crete noon.end up:lo-.dato equlfl- ip ,.m ent will bo pufln the new bara.

Mr. Beddtngfleld. wbo h u a large 1“ ha tt.o t dairy eattle. la .milking J l »]* betd a t Ihe pretont tine and tn< ‘fo taadt-to tm the sew bam lo c*>

OKitr. rtth Bl!»e«i when i t li fla* !»>«, Shed, Pred Thompwrn U ddng the ■** oamentcr work.

Fred renfoM. Hagerman >'aller >"> farmer, h u traded hU place two >>*• mllea wen ofHtgerman for a larger

plaee located a thort d lituce wett ‘odofTutU e.

f iP lM if f lIlLBEIlEIMOyiEOl

PAUL, Oct, 33 ( S p e ^ Ui !%« !be »ewi)~SoUerlng Uw beet poUlo m yield .known th^ aeaioQ.ln Mini- X- doka cdunty,- Jim Temple, on bU XT farm Juit ouUlda the city llmlU-ot lay Paul, baneated 2330 iackt of Idabo M -A u se U 'tH n ’W llxklM 'field.'rU i as .likttaverigeotaUtUeoverlSSMtka bo per acre. .• ■ . ' ■ . ' •

. Onlr.two oon ro tthe crop btve ru , been told, ‘nxy were dug t a ^ and » •; placed on Uie market wtien^number ho la brougbt |t . t f and number'U M gh-canta K.hundrtd.'He;recelred mere ifL than «700 for the wi oan, UMjIald

of nocqiilte two im i. Oecar .Kel- :U> aoQ.-Paul. handUd lbe p o ta lo e a .'’ kA . Ur. lymplD b u a tlre-aore field X- TH to dig and be taya b e ll aspect- Itr ing a good yield, n e cnp w ugnw n to. &0Q eertuUd-Med and tba-Iand- i» ' had been In clorer for .UMe yean, u - he aald. • ■ » ral' ' I ____' BURLEY„DEi«OCAYCLtlB

-SELECTS NEW OFEiCERS‘Y BOBLEir, Oft. a fspwlil 1 . m

« l i w : JKltH.n(lenon,mul*ri»ua- nd cller; .Jim Bendeteoo, leaior coun-

ia l4 u 5 ' ’% r ° V a ° ^ ' i f f l *ub Parke, tna iunr. -:or - .'There are n nambtra of thli n t jrnitbi* onmliaUoD. im uorfd hy ral. the ScottUh Rite club; Oeorge Booth 0.^11 adTltor, n * group bu.planned ia ,to bold a *pbeuaot feed’ ibortlr.

land t dance evty In Norember.

E 'O FTE N ii W : ' _ , |

j-Manville Asph‘S t ~ ^ ; ON TIME? . :«

Answer Is; '•>Qe jDefezred P s r a e n t P U r 1 * x h ts o a darahle, colorfta o r a m n a ll down paym enl, ❖

on m onth ly Inatallm enls lod o f a y e a r • . *j»

RW AD h a s JUST I ilVED <•

^ ILDPERWlY ,B fiin a fe r ' , , . ❖ )fflee % , 'H o n « ‘' « ’.

D _ . - C t o — T T T - I - ^

ID 4 - 1 h 2dal 1 1 - i ilan-leldw ZANE GREY THRILLER - £ , FEATURES AT IDAHOur- I n “La»totllieDuanei,"PoiMoT. rn-_ leUjn*-ali.talklng.-romaDe* o M h i

great 8ouih«eji. whleh openi lls lO' nlr cal eogtitment thli aflemoon toi to- a two dty run a t tho Idthc r ^ thettre. Oeoise OTrten enact* lb< Dt- featured rele ot Buck Duane, hand-

- eome aad dtrtng young outUaw.- en B»|n> ,n

tlgllance, no home, no rett. no con- h t. on Ihe dodge, alone and

'*« itiought th tt he. I s»

And tuch w u the exUtence ol [M young Buck attcr he kUled his fa- ^ ther’c ooiinUy auasainr but' the

tweelneti oC lire comes to him fin* ally In the lore ot a beaullful gliL

u t ' Thli thrlUtn; Weitern'. drama li ig- baud on Ztae Grey’t widely retd \ht siOTT ot Ou U09 n tm »M wa!

adapted tor Ihe screen by £me« P u a L The leading feminine role* tre pitytd by Lucila Browne and

' Myma Lay, with Walter McOnll alu portraylsg one o( tbe featured cha: *

' actert.QU Supporting the featured playen n i are Jtmet Dradburr. Jr.. Rrank

Campem, Uoyd Ingraham. M t Pra- dieton and olhert. Alfred U Wetker,

I lo wbo w u rupontlble for many of the irer late Fred Thomwn'i ’ W rium j" dl- lrr, reeled the production.R * A momlog matinee will be glvta

for cbUdrea tomorrtrwat 10 o'clock.

IS OAKLEY CHURCH HOLDS iM OUARTERLY CONFERENCEUtt- — . ---------:---------; OAlOer . Oct. 33 (Speclal lo The « • Kewi)-Cu*la itako quarterly («n- ^ ference and Prleithood convention

w u held a t the OakJey Latter Dty ' ol SalnU liibemscleBaturdey and Bun. i itr . Memben of (he Stake pnil- « • dency and eoma members or . the

prlutbood quorums were tpeaken. ><fl* Apodle Onon F. Whitney, Sail Uke ^ City, tpoke at each leiiioh.'' rga .

I filewhenjois: PilliBISlENIStwo . _____

S FILEIC Oct 33 (Special to Tlie Newi)-Qoodlng C ^ g e night pro-

' gram w u enjoyed a t the Filer Ueth- odlit chunh lu t Bundty evening. Mlu HtnleUe Throckmorton, a graduate ot Ooodlng college, gave an

, ■- addrest on "My Student Day lm- 11 Pitttloni of Ooodlng OoUege." Viola

l y Bbenole, a frethman In the college, ipoke-en-Ber-Flntnrnpreutonrot

, Ooodlng o^ ete .” A vloUn lolo w u Rm given by Eleanor Anderton. Cora llo Linn Crockett, dean of women, told nl- or gtrti* Ute In tbo dormitory. Fol- h lt lowing thls.wu an-address by iteg- -ot W rarV. O: Hnmphrer,>ho gava a ibo dtaolptlon' ol (he couego/ and lie hU neSu. The pngramclcaed with the Iks tinging ot the. coUega alma n tte r

i « " £ t Smaoy evening Ihfprogram 53 of-the'. Melbodltt ehureh wUl be » ^ p o ie d of muileal nbmbeS end M readings). The choir ol th j churclj » WlU tl^:tereral'nUmb«n'aiid tev- M eril'toloa al|0 wlU be given. • Mlu <1* Orace Daley, a t ^ h e r In tha 'nrln

.J Falb'blgb .acbool. will. rCK 'SaUy Anh'i Ez^^nee.^ and'Mn.' W. A.

et- Orar, Buhl, wUl glre a reading *The r o Great Ou u t Comeo" ’ • .

"■ KWDLWa WOOD.'A t TwlnTalis->eed uid-lcfl Co. Fhone MU Advi— - ’ < '

I S .

^ mSSSSSSSSmmmlmmmmD» . • I •ag .

I Touches of GS A(idMuch t(ith • . .

« GharmingHt“ F u r n i t u r e , “ o d d p i e c e

. ■ p a i n t e

; ' BENNy ■ . . .

■Jamn MI H Hm\ s


Quick]* B l t b p V a n a t t m t !* E ilam el la c « y to uso— fav ' p ro feu fona l decoratora. Off<

> W hile decorating , seo < . fra m e d pleturea— o r h a► : . . o r i te p ic tu r


. OSTBANDXB ttW B P A f ^ O W ^ ^



m i s j i l“ “T H E 'L O N E R ID E ff ' -

HO - COMES TO o r p h e u m

lov- Tluiu aner UuiU, tnd then tome;

110- ^ ^ o S r t S a a u S c ^ ' r i S S ^ tor eru" ttarrlng Buck Jonet, whlcli

aho opened a t the Orpheum' tbcatre.to* tbe day;

>nd- I t there ll cai halr-raltlng.rldlng ttunl-that tbla famout cowboy and

m.i iw y s uvf fd o not perfona. it

and to the dayi o f . 'k . li i Beildet performing a nubibcr.of

tialr raainrTtdiag itunU thit'falrly ■ , itke onal breaih awty.'Buek Jonu

liroves.hlmiell a ctpabla and eon^ ,T. vtnelng actor. . Dainty Verft' Iteyi

noldt-tupplles an exeeUent foU’fo^ the cowboy itar, and Harry Wood* Korea u the heavy bandit: villain

‘ U who. tnilsti .«a making lnjuble''f« ^»d tlte two. Oeorge Pearw contrUralet

a nice bit of'chincler work u tha ”*« Judge. The itorr underlyinglbd

ictlonhurealdram itlBtoierutand *f>d (),«» b plenty of romance t o ' t t t

off (he d ^ e v U honemanihlp of the Itar; Loult Klag h u directed the production wtlh ikUI.

ren iank MOTHEB, SON IK POLITICS' tu - ATHENS, Oa. OlV-lfn. Ifonoe ker. .M. Holden, Atheni, and her ton, (he Fnnt, bo(h-'were named delegXee dl- to Iha tUte Demoentlo convenUon.

Mn. Holden repteienU Clarke ooun- n n ty and her ton, Fulton county (At- X);. Itnu.)

QJ Hon. Wm.D. Upshaw — Praises Now-Sargoariic • • . ,on- Few'men la America a n known.Ion lo more pe^Ie.tram cou t lo coast3ty Uian WUllam D. Uptbaw, fonnerun- Congressman Awn tha Fifth (At-111- Iinta) DlKrlct of acorgla. Durinf tho Ills eight yean' to Waihlngton ha tn . titaliied'. nauonal prominence.. A »ke. nxUJajomuaUonal.Bogwino.dei

tolbed him u nbe mott amailng nan to Congrca."‘ Obeying a grateful Impulse be- auM ol Uu) gctat phyileal bleaitog received Uirough Uio uio of Sargon.

. . Mr. Upsluw wrllea Uiat lie l i alm- fP ply doing unto othen u lie would J havo them do unlo him to making , the foUowlng volunUry sUtement:

'My flrtt expetleaee with UUs re- n,9 markablo tovlgontor camo to Uw ro- lumnier ot in s , wben Sargon w u th . bnnd new. I w u iufterlns\fnun nt. nervoui debUlty and an a la ^ n g

a phyjlcol depletion u tho result of an over-work on Uie lecture plaUorm, m- tnd reaUy tcartd I would not have Ola itrengtli enough to get me Uirough ge, Ilis pollUcal campaign of July and -ot Augujt.—U nbelle»able-u-lt_may. r u seem, two-bollles taken wlUt Uie

'Borgon Fills limply made me orer. old Alter Uie most hecUo ipeaklng cam- ol- palgn UiTougli which 1 ever patted, rg- I came out actually feeUng lo r > Iironger than when I began.Il»' 'U te r,' niihing away on anoUier M buiy.'speaklng (our covering teveral tor ttales, 1 did not persevere to tbe'

• daUy ute of Uia'medicine unUl m r im system w u thoroughly cleansed, be wlUi me rewlt Uiai twice tlnce U»n nd 1 found myself again suffering from cl) general deblUly, coniUpaUon and •■f' dislnett, and eacb Ume the Satgon

comblnaUon hat eleartd ma up aod ;to Jett me feeUng Up-top.. 'IV -Living now to Uie aflennaUi.of ^ Uum retreihlng etpertences. I am ?® moved by common graUludo to

. hearUly eommeDd tbls wboJreoae — TOnffecUTrraedlctoe-towjfbodr-

whou run-down condlUon caUi for :o. complete redontloa* - Schramm-

: Johnson-Drug. tgenlfc-Adr. -

Gay Color to The [ome:ces”'and other articles) ; ted m th


Enamelictlvo room. Bcjuicll’s Quick favored illke by apateur and ' Xfe^dh eight brisht colors.0 our stock, of beautiful have us frame your fav- luresforyou . .


MBKftCa,TwbiValiiBA U W A B (.Eieau w m . Bob] «W ^ f O e r - . : - . . . „ v

...- • > —


BlMlIN SMElliK" n S15HD|CiPm|

. BHOWIONS, Oet.‘ 3J (Specltl to : The Nevs)~Uemben ot Uw Sho­

thone ciiapter of U>e JSutem Star'

Mwere hosts a t a can) party foUow- > Ing Uie regular lodge wort Tuesday: evenUig. !

le, oueaii were: Mr. and Mn. M. T , ' Ai .WhUenaek. J i r . JU U IiL .B U )den ,; rt- Mr. and Mn. Oeorge FauUt. Mr. H\ and t o II. D, Heist, Mr, and Mn.0- W. ^ Cutter, Mr. and Mm Jim

Kllptlrick. Mr. and Mn. WUUamng fiaggs, Mr. aud Mn. Lambert Dot- Dd phln, Mr. and Mn. Newton Clark. n Mr. and Mn. J. O. Baker, Mr, and

ed ■MTK-schTOCM m nd M a a w.. JJales. Mr. and Mr*. lUckok. Mr.

of and Mrs. Rob Schuppmlet. and Mr. 'Iy and Mn. ?. W.''Orette.'MeKltmea M TVnman Andenon. Charles U. Allg. a-} c . H. Spencer, Marj Newman, W. 7 ' U Dartah. L. J. MoU, Frank Olem. ^ Helen Wttherell, A. W. Bllva. T. II. d l Ooodlng, Jr.. adwU Omse. Jtck in Chtlttenseti.J.W.Whl(e.S.O.Une. « W. H. Jtckson, J. E, eciilUer, Rou <• P, Borden. J. E. Potter, Roy WUton, no Loulte Disney. Mable Sorenion, Uie t>; Mlttee Nadine Tucker, BeU Me­ad oulre, 01ad>-t Andenou, DoreUiy > « HoiMUn. DoroUiy. Wliltnack, Itoka of JUiTls. Loit Taylor and H a w Ston- «> er. Ed Hahn. KenneUi McOuIre and i

WllUtm Strode.Woman's blgh-prlie w u won by I

' Mlts OUdye Anderson and eeoond 09 htgh went to Mrs. j . w. White. , «• Men’s lilgli prise went to 'WUMam M Strode, and second high lo Ed Uthn. j n.

AGEiAN FOLKS 111. iN'siiciyciiis

n HAOmiAN. Oct. 33 (Spedil to ‘ TliTT(e«T=S6e ia rac U rtU trT tf m nageraitn o\er Uie week end In- S, eluded a Hallowe-en toclal and a gt bridge ptrty and plans .for oUier u aeUvltles were .made.

A HalloWen rnlertatoment given X a l Ilia MeUiodlst cliurcli Saturtty A evening by a circle of Uie Udles' e ; Aid toclety w u weU attended. - Tha na piogiam'lncluded **readlnron'the ^ origin or HaUowe’en hy Mrs. F. 0. ^ MarUier, apUnol08Ue byMra..R.l{. ^ Oreene, with Mn. Enid BapUe u ^ aecompanUt. and a eJever ImlUUon i

Dt A radio aimouneer by MUs Dmel-1 M la Dtusli. Mn. WUUt, costumed u i " a glMt. welcomed ttw guests, aad,I

* Mrs. Wllta JuiUce, alto to .coftume, M : took Uia p trt of a wltcb, UbeUng^ P! out stories ot fortunes from a..buge.,: ~ keula to thote preteaTlIillove'en;' “ games were plaj'cd and a lunch of.i “ landwlehes, applei, doughnuli and• elder w u tened, II

U n . D. H. Blalr eotertalned wUh l four tables ol bridge a t.ber home i

^ Tuesday artenoon. 'OuetU pm ent i were: Mn. ArUiar McQulvey. Mrs. 11

[“ R. D. Bndthaw, Mn. N. t t Leland. i

le s = ^ ^ = = s = = = = s = = sar.

d, • ■

ad . n

1- ■.

. We ha'

I —'■ JarhquE

S S S desirabl | m | | Every, c

- ® S ii im a g in s

■ H —

; y W M/ A dandy

. h Superior qua y . colon to pU

ALL woo;’ This ll an aU woil blanket to i

SaUna bound and double Hyle

- ~ ESMOND RCBrerrone knowi about Uw Ea Noted for Uielr quaUty. 'QzSi 1

' wide range b t'co lon-----------

' Fart- wooi blanket ilmUr to U TBty good blanket'■■ for tb t money ,

'o f coun* we have Uie doublt ’ blanktU-Uiat are so popular. ; _ c ^ of p tr . and l u wUh'.l bortsn. •

w n s o N - E

; . M ttK lN G W



iHo, FRroAY H piw iN G . ocrro:

'-~'Mh.'.QeorgeBaTTrttandMn.'Ralpb j ■-^McatUn,-aU-ot WendeU: Mn. John

^ R o y P a r * m 4 M n U I^ S w M to i ■ T Mn. R. II. Oreene, Mn. John BapJ I ,lkt, Mn,.Rou Ftoeh, Mn. Tim Tor?.

Mn. ArUn Alien, Mn. Charles Ab- 'boK and Mn. Ed Owtley, Hageman.

Z lUgh score w u awatded'Mrs. John f'.Saabome and low toore went to M rt ] ‘ ,Otorge BarreU. Old rote and white ] 3 .oolor scheme w u uted by Uia hoe- i V i i t u to-decoraUoos and Uuougbout . -Uiemeau. Mra,R07VieUner.diugh- i i ' ter 01 Mrs. Blalr. vlslUng her p u - , !^ienu,-asslged<ig-no tberaa.enitr£ j

** An elecUoo night dance wUl be i “ glvenTueiday.NovemberibylUg- , ® enaeu Modero Woodmen, according j >* to aanouncement mado here today. , 5 Be«Uon returns. wUl be rtcelved-at ,


ImmMM-ir yMOFUPiii

' ' i «j OAKLpy. O ct.» (Special to -Hie i 7 Newi, - Funeral aervlcee tor Fred i

PukHt. wbo died October }8 or ly- i I” phold te\-er to Uie Rupert iueplUl. i c : were heU to Uio Oakley Sccond i ^ w vd churctv. Sabirday. Oetober IS. • ^ BlslK^pWallace n a le w u ln c a irg e , ‘T.OlUietervlcet. j

Opening tong w u a quirtct nrnn- ; _ ber, "My Father Knowi," by Oeorge i 2 ' JL Severe, L. J. Roblnton. Jr, Ber- “ Uia Severe and Jennie Hale. Pnyer

I w u oltertd br Jolm Jelti. A \w*l ® ,-tolo.-Just Beyond Uie Vale ot “•IYean,- *ws lung by U J. RoWn-

son, Jr. Ttw l in t speaker w u Ivan Holt. A duet. '-Day FoUows Nlgbt,” w u sung by Bertha Severe and Jen-

'' n it Hala. Preildeot-OtiarW S. Clarfc

S WU tecond tpeaker. Clotlng tong. -Lead Mo OenUr nome, PiUier," w u sung by Uia quartet. Mn< U J. Rob- Inton. Jr, waa Uw accompanist to

io all ot Uw muslo.i f —Aft*r-the*ierTleM*the*bodr*wu 1. taken loO rouu creek for Interment.

f E B i i i s i i j.FM‘'BATTLE EM’i BimLW . Oct. 23 (BpeelsJ to The ts Newi)—Local deer huntera are re- in.tuming trom the Twta Falls eounly 1- hunUjig Iiounds, tome of them wlto It Ihelr quota of venison. They reported d Uiat deer are tonuwbat icarcc, and e, lUiat numben of huntsmen not much « in excess of the total population of ;e.,Burley are,oo.Uw g r o u ^ armed n'wlUi aU m W r of.ahootUng Irons )f,and fowUhg pieces, id AtUiadcaUioradeer.lt.w usald,

Ithere were usually teveral clalmanU h for Ult prey. In idhi» « l ei Uie eer­ie cau being riddled wlUi buUeti.- A It fow laitaneei of narrow escapu by s.lhumani from.stray buUets were rt- i . ported. - '


H o u se ' B o s s e s —-lave ju s t received an- shipment of those popu- use dresses. All the hew' .ble styles, and patterns,

c o l o r c o m b in a t io n nable. ' ' ^

98c..d$l-98'B L A N K E T S^ "i.part .wool plaid btaakit, saUne bound.

^ ■ . S4.45t n wool blanket; nttoo >»ad. 99*80 luaUty. A largo tariity of w j n e - plaid paltem a-------------- ® / » < p

OL BLANKETto a niHety of plaid colon. ^ 0

tO B E B L A N K E T ^-L :Etmind btanket..^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ .

> Um Etmond. A

Ible colton sbeet ir . MiM s l a In A'.bhu a a d jo ^




rbBER 24„lB3b ■

■PiLSlEPABTIII-- i AGTIPESmiLE!i O A KLEV .O cia (B p ^ to T i ie■ N ew O -a g b ichool acUvUlea ben> bave beea numerous during Uw Itit . week.t A talk b r McrUn Btock a t Uia. OakJey blgb ichool Wednesday was> enjcved by aU high actuol students, i M c-6 tock. Eraduate ol Uie school,■ iriJl'Jeare jo o n 'fo ra ehiKdi mlt- I t im to Oermany. MerUn w u grad-■ uated from tbe high ichool ta inr.- I staee Uien be h u ipent one year• a t the Dntvenlty of Idaho t t Mos- I eow'and'two'Tean a t Uw-sgrioul-

tural c o U ^ a t Logui. -

Oakley high school papq-. -Tha s m ,” Sor tWi leboc^ m t: Editor, Thebna-Martlndale; asistant tdl-

I tor. Olaudla MeMumy; business manager*, Harold Hunler and Oeoige OritchfleJd. publishing manager, Lawreooo EUlot; art, Freddie U r- KKi: sporti. Ronald Hollman and

> DarrWWtUe:te*UjrM,ThelmaMar.1 Undale and DotoUiy SchifUng: re-• porien, 'Melba Onrtngr, Geneva , Pw kett-llelea WUion, NeUle Bach,

O lart BcU, Leo Uooper, Larerda• TWmao and Leooa WeUt; date re*' porters, .eenlon, Zkma Dale; Jun-

ion ,‘Hatel Lake; sophomcra. u ia• DahlquJit: frethmen. Oene Rich-> uxiion.• A new department. Uw orcheetia,I r = = = s = ^ = = s =


F E I; P u rina Cow.'ChowDs

-Hayes-Daiiy-Eeed, c\ P u rina Calf Chow, 25 P u rina Chowder tay i Hayes’20% Laying: I

' Hayes’ 15% Laying 1 ; "Hayes'Scratch Feed,I Bran,, cw t.................; Rolled Barle:j, cwt....I Rolled Oats, cwt.......I Purina Fox and Dog i Custom Grinding, cw


: . HAYES flI-GRA460&IA1N


l E R L Y

T rav e l (H ere i f a travel crepe q u a li^ P rln ted iia tte i Navy blue; dark brow inches m de and pri'cec

' 98c:t,$COTTON UNE

Three aeaaon’a heavy cotton v A d c r f u T l l t t J n g g a rro en C

■ MEN'S NECJu I received n dandy new lot of nocktlo.s. All the n(w shades and patterns...You're suro to bo pleaaed with this usortment. Just tho thin; for e a rly ahoppfnar Chriatmas rifU.


GROCEMother’s Chinn Oats Mother’s Aluminum Oats »::u. :AI1 Soups,,any brand or flavoi Any Brand Milk, can — ...Tom Thumb Coro ...... ..Van Camp's medium size Po ] Del Monto Fancy Fcachcs^ o. halves. Buy them by tbe do:oiBrinff In Yonr Coupons and.G






h io '-b e w -S k led io W o a id ^ icbool tb lijeir..U oft.oL U w ^ittts__ :

_ denu are making rapid progeu,a e < . -j FII 'c o rd ln r^ 'Fictreanr'Dcrgeoer.' tbe •— Ll initnictbr. Tture are-M memben, .Ll including 11 v k iU n ls ta :^ oiatk.

Olen FalrchUd.Bdna Oaratd. WUma . OK>in9(»kJ.Don>^Reed,VerUEt](b be Maurlne Robtosoo, Ftmum .-WWi ers VelmaWblUleaodLeoilooper:tvo u t 'oelkiUt*>Oeneva Puckett aad Nel-.. U aBscb;twotrum pe«rs-OrioOer-. • Oia ard and NUe Oiltcbfleld: Ume dar^ . n s toet player* - RuUi' UlrtiodaI^ ' Its. KeUb Hunter aad Earl Msrtlndile; -, »l, two trombone pUyara-Melba' Oor- '. ' lls- rtog'and'»4iOl4«iarafUBUfl«^=— id- Louise C U rt----------------------------------------- _

? FOLKS VISIT HAGERMANUl- — ---------------------- ---------------—

itinntMATi. rw . n 'fRiwdal to 2®' Thlt N an)—Uagerman n ^ tc n our- ^ tog Uie week-end were ufoUcnn!.

--R olanlO rem ,:w 1» U'atieiadlttK-'- Uw touUiem branch of the' Xdaho

n a unlvenlty a t Focatello, spent'F rl- [1, day aad Saturday a t Uia bome o t bis . S i parents. Dr. and M n.R .H . oreene.^ lie returned to Pocatello Sunday, tr - Rer. 3. B. Wakem, Twin FtUs. re- and Rev. W. A. Shanks. Boise, ex- !va ecuUve le o tta i? of the Idabo B w - di, Ust convenUon. visited a t Uw D. a rda TtnvUlohomeaiidwlUioUierMends re- to Uw Hagerman valliyUw lost of m- Uwweek.ila I ■Jl- orrTFUEiiCOMPANt. Phone M

Old FalUifuI sloker»,.i:MJnJiWle<L__ iia, complete.. Adr.

A N D D A I R Y , ■’

lED SD a i r y E e e d , - c w t . $ . 2 y : 0 ^ -

, c w t . - ...... _

2 5 1 b s . $1.60, c w t . S 5 . 5 0 '

l y i n g M a s h , c w t $ 3 , 6 5

g: M a s h , c w t . . . ...... S 2 . 7 5

g M a s h , . c w t . ........$ 2 . 1 0

: d , c w t _ . , . _ ...........$ 1 . 9 0

.................$ 1 . 0 0

.......... r - . . . . ........ S 1 . 3 5 ■

........... ...............................S 3 . 4 0 ■

D g C h o w , c w t ........ $ 8 . 0 0

lADE HATCiRYI N : 'A V E :S 0 .. ♦ - • ],.

" •

3S .

C rep esipe in above a v e ra ^ '. ; te m stn rsb lid ^ lp rs frr “ Dvrnt.red and tan.;40: .■:e'd, a ’y& ^rfrom ;’;;:.r •:

$1.95 'i J D E R W B A B . ~

n un io n su its . C I . Q O i ’ ' n t ; ' A - B u l t = r i M - i 0 5 / — ■ -

E R IE Sivor, can — .i-—:— H .,---------------------------------------------------------> o rk :a a d ^ e a n 5 :. , , , ' ■ No. 2 ^ tin s , e ith e r a l l ^ ^ - - - ;

I .G e lY b a r Palm olive B e a is


---------------------------------n r - \

tDELAVAL II < H E L P Y O U , ' i r

. A l t !

u s iB E L T . .

, ; P a g » j j ^ J

Page 10: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS.....-JV-' _ i ' ' '-'i,.. THI yOL U. NO. 171 “ **1110=11 : SWEB IH — __________rr-________________TU

“Cow ICougars Upset All

— Prediclions-Wilii California Victory

0. E. (Babe) Hollinitery ■jlevcr’ a 'C o l l to o P laye r,

L eads Band o t W arrlo re

T ow ard Unique Rccord

(Sy T ie AmocUM P rtnf

PU LLM AN , W ash., Oct.' 23 - A littio "cow coliego” ou t on tho Palflus(! w heat

lieldB o f easte rn W ashinirton •- haa risen to national football

fam e overnight.Coached by n man-yha.ncv-,

e r a ttended college n * played Lljr t ta f l footliaH, tlfe IVash- ingion S tato college C ougars u w » bombiheU In lin e

. S « ■eoo(pew?*{S# Unlrmlly oT ■ C., o l& v D li. e ln ra uu t (li« hKftljr

Sofjthtm O»llfornl* tn m on — — TOooB*HTr8ownUy».

O. E. (Btb») noIUn#b*fT. » Bta TTudKO ttw une dMier durioi tha

----------*amraenn«th» tnd * f» tb « l men..|.

■ Ioelober 4 tod trtuoeed iha C«U- I lonJtB m » ln * b l* u p M t.l8 to O ., Then tJj#. (»unr» nuhed baek

. born# to PultoM to protect ft unlme recorf of ool h»Tln» tort ft _»lncl# crbt tune on Uielr own flcJd ia fin

i n u j l a lm cJoae but tl w ■ Tlcua7 Bndi«nt»,000eutw nW uh- |

ington fu u home vonderlni how ll i •11 happened. The aeon v u 1 to S | wjlb the now Junou* one-polnV Jinx! (tUl humUn* CoKh Howard Jonei

• o flheT roJuu . • 1And the Ooutu vletotr kooekt .

the Sons o( Troy e ln r out o( the P i- cllle cteat eonterenoe and naUonal cjitaplonihlp pletun (or'thU 1'

em CaUfomla. - HoUlngbtry Jtut J .. tbout asiured hll aehool of at least a

one AU'Amarieanllhts year. d MelTln iteln. e nny ctnler, li the n

B W itapttoB H thB caU forlhanr- » eted hoaor. ItolUmbenr oonilder^ !f hll cenUrtnAU'Aoerlean latt year » •nd nl«8 him e « n lUU peater ihli »

la ft d ^ p w e r , a moat V powerful man’ ^ e fe n a o and aa « ftU-around a tu on the Une. lie U « H Xeel 3 inehtt taJJ and vtlsba JU n pounds.. ' 1'

U vaa Heln who eauaed the Trol> ■ •na to mils the aU.lmportujt i r y ^o^polnl. He votried the Itojan ccntsr,WllUamioo,aokuch Uial the * ItUer mads a bsd pan. <'

n e n lfd a M a tm rK th ro u n C h e » . D o lR n ltro t QouUtem OalUonla'a »

Une U »t nothered the pUy befon ^ Baker, plaes-kleklnc cuard, bad Ume > to boot ths ball J

Tto oUier mlihty plajtn ,on tha “ . Ooutir eleren are Cart (Tu/fy) El. ^ Ungten, halfback, and am er iTIis O m U Schvarta, fulUwck. I t n a P SlUnpen-a long ipLnl piuU and

-njtmderlni HenT dovn. to defeat.. .S e h n r ti n » u i AU'FaeUle eoail fullback aad Jttduig aeorer o( the * PacUts eoail ouferenco last aeaaon. .

.One o( the rtmaikabls features of tbs game vas the faet thal llolilns* ,,

. btqr uied oaly 14 men agalntl ths gnat Sosthein CaUfomla aquad. Hs aubsUtu(edtvoendiandftbal(back. «

" 4 5 i . » S p ? . u S : ' S 5 S f ; i 5the Big Ten OsDlplonahlp latt yeu. ^

' la TlnuaUy the only ototselea nov » . . . toa taiullatheC ougatt'nyfor'U ie 'V

' fffl It »- ,. -s — • to

D e e r S e a s o n E n d g “

. . T i n F o r e s t R e s e r v e »

1110 open waion for deer, for the ” . ...U lDldokaforatreamelnTvlnFalb

■ county vUl close tohlghfat midnight *" after ft period ol lire hecUo day*.’

• ■■ froffl the Tlavpomi oT the detr' at leaat. The cUm o T the aecond day 11 v u uUmatcd by 0 . S. Jenwo, of ^ the fortal ran * r force In Bhoshone = B tsln.'that 900 oC ths 400 detr In _ the open part of Uie rewrre had been klDed and the m t neuly aU hldUig

-------- -or-ftlght<atd lato.Canlacounly.__ -

-------- oew iw rco tton produellon priorto Septeaibe » vai 5M.T13 bales, according to oinelal figures.

• m * bay crop o a a Weakly wunty, Tenneoee farm; vaa tripled thlf yearbytbem eofUffle.---------

■^>^^flnlxUaf» com crop thtl yetr h a a ^ W tt^ la t lM a t 13«0/X)0

WAmcn'a h e p t t i l n Clab vUl I hold ft- COOKED FOOD SALE ^ .doer to (ha d rtte Bhep,Kafa) Nerth. Salarday, October . X8, littUng a t 11:00 A. »L I

' THESMOKER. ^ b N o w .U n d e r N e w , . ' ;

S lo n ag e ae n t

<yoti a re cordlally-InTlledlo- , a d e » n place o f a n tu e m e n l

: ; ; ‘=' T H E N E W SM OKER

P /R 'M A lW r O in ic r^ '- ^ ’

Pago Ten


■ my ' ’


“ u111 '

lie Jff MELVIN ^

^ ^ HE'NI-' ' . ■

W ashington S ta te has pulled y C a lirom la un lvcntlty and Uni “ M uch o f th e team ’s power l8 81 a fy " ElUngscni' tripIe th rea t b(s J I ■' -I ~

Daniels fins on \ FouIFromRiskoI

■ Low Blow In Smnlh Round •j 'Ends Hard-Fought Battle

Wilh Boxers On EvenTermi BOSTON. Oet.'!5J'WV^DIck Dan- ■. lell. hard-punching MlnneapoU*., hearyvelghl. voa on a foul from I Johnny RUko, CleveUnd, In the t aevenlh round oC the.-Boiton Otr* '

den'i 10«round feature boul here to-I nlghl. The lov blow,'vhlcli appear* i . ed unintenUonal, v u itnick . whUs :II RUko v u uVagely bitterlng Dan* :

felt’ body vf(h both handi. niiko i vetghed IN and'Daniels lU<i. i

DanleU dnpped under the lov 1 blov and had to bs carried to hU i comer. Ttie referee, Johnny Uar* : Un. vho had vamed RUko bul a round before, unhesitatingly dlt* qualtfled h im ., . . . . i

' On Eten Temu. 'The batUen v e n on eren Urmt i

vhen the eonteil v u itopped. lUtko ' Itarted- ttvagely and gars Danlelt i ft iurloui haltering 'during most of' j Ibe opener. .The Clevelandd tubber i man” gnw c tn le u n u r the end of i that leuIon and cams out of a | clinch vide open. Danleli caught him v llh m right to the head and i floored Rttko, bul for no count.

Rftko was a bit (fued, eKher from pain or lurprlie, vhen he cams out for the second and Oaolelt ntUed tUm vlUi another right book and Rb (iiupiitij fui lUserRttko.'bowtTcr.f* fought hit vay out ot danger and managrd lo keep Danleli off vllh ft tong tetl. . .

lU nm en Bliko . I DtnleU did not fltih M tln uiiUI

Ihe filth vhen he gave Rbko a heavy hammering.. The lailer’i vide ring ezperJenee euns to h it roKvs and he eicaped the knockout blovi thal Danleb-Umed by crowding him closely. tUiko mode a great recov* ei? during ths ilxth.and took. Uis i round by pounding Danlelt^ body at i clots quarter!. Eaeh had three t toundt and vere making tbe battle t ft’seniBltonal ftffftir vhen the Jow g blov v u itruck. p

Jack DorT8l.promliUnhe»»y from a Emporium, Penntylranla, teond an « impretilre two-round knockout over « Knute Hanten, Kew Yonc, In vhat v u to bave been anolher 10-nund* « er. Dorval floored Hanten tvlee anit b ended the battle by dnplng' hhn s over the ropet. a

Oeorge pavllck.. Olerelind, out- • pointed Joe Zellntky. Beaton, over c the lO-mtmd no te : f

.B A R G A M L i


4 bnnd nev tiru . motor- - SaeH ffceprice'/w qukk'uirB e

A . L S M I T H

U< Sad Ave. Kerth '

P o l i t


s ta te Senator GJe ro it

7:14B roadcast Spe

- ■r-'-i R ipnbfjcan State

01 W,

l l V '> [: , i

i k . ( . ELMER ■ ^ 1 ISCHWARTZ

lied the most startling upset of I /nirerslly of SouJhcm CaiifonjI J supplied by Elmer "The' Great” I baw, and Melvin Hein, center.

rEx^ruiiTGriairon Star Wins Honors

3 In Pennsylvania' CHESTER, Pa. Ort. 21 (Bpedal to The N evtl-Jlm Finch, grid alar at

rj Tvin Fallt high tchool l u l yesr. Is “ making a name lor hlmMlf In Ea-iU fl em foolbsll clrclu u left end on the ' ' Fenns}1ranlB niUlttry college vanl'.

H *^^n*?h'u a fellov heme-tovner of JuttwnTlmm famoui llllnoli unlver*

. ilty s tt r and • former Twin Falls I- Bruin, who waa recently appointed I t . coach of PenntylranU military col- a lego squad., succeeding Bl PaiixtU, e who went to Univenlly of Pennt>'l.’* T tnlt as Une coacli.I- Weighing 200 pounds, and vlUi an '* BllUudeoftlxfeet,lvolnch(4.younB s Flneh almost ImmedUtely mado the .*' loeal vanlly, and h t 'h u made t 0 oaAmendsbJeReonlJfnMthebegln-

nlng of the teuon. He played In the IT hard games wtlh Lehigh unlrenlty.It and Oeltytburg college, and his play '* rose to brilllancs In Uia harf.battle a wllh BLJoteph's college.;* . In Ihe waning moments of the

game. FUuh plucked a pau out of the t l r from Uie Ungers of McNabb, 8t. Joe halfback, and need M yardt for

^ ft touchdown, penmylvanlft rooten0 yoddledthelrioyuFtneiiiucceufu]*It. ly eluded enertiy Itcklen and croued>f SL Joe's goal Jlne. J t It expected' ) r that Finch vUI go Ui for batkdball c >l andbfttebalLi! ■ i jVanilals Strainp—For-Eugene-Griditl _____ ‘

Overfiauling and C hanges in i

} B ackfle ld of Moscow’s |

J T eam M ako to r Confidence1 ^ >J ■’ MOSCOW, Idaho, Oct. 21 UV-The B Idaho foolbalt machine, a l u t llebt < t bantam model, pulled oul for Eu* ' e gens today, IU ownen ttld ll hsd <> been oreriituled and'the btcklleld • ' greased vlUi ft new brand of trick >

pityi, Sevenl gtdgelt, deluding an <> aulomatlo Webfool pan ttopper acd t * Vandal bnnd aerial* attack, aUor vere nported to have been atta^ed. ( t CsUand's mtehlne wUj be out: 1 • weighed an tvenge of 13 pounds, , t but lie pointed v llh pride (o the ' 1 mileage It ean cover <« ft very tmtll

amount of reserre fuel ■ -In four games the ruut grid ma* r chine h u mtde S9 flnt dovni to M

for iu opponenU. TTie compettton

LSEECiAii!.,:_______0 LIKE NEW .JR O U G IM ,itor rebor^, nev plitoni ■^e»rK iyiriow B.*flit'qulck

[I AUTO CO.. Fbena SU

i t i c a l


Gilbert WWte•omeiI4

Sponsored by - 'ate COmralKce _j_



E L L &

f the foo lball season by licking n iia on successive S a tu rd ay s , t” Schw artz , fullbacltj C a rl “Tuf* r . '

J TedK^Wffi^“ Foul From Lewis0 ■ __ li^ H apsen lilghtvyeight I to ld s

1! U pper H and T liroughout

,i B a ltic in A rena a t--B uh i '

; . — " ' . ' I '■UUHL, Oct,'-2J (Special to The • Newt)-Ted Kopp, 133, llatiien

\ lightweight, won on a foul In the : l. flllh round from Alvin Iiewit, 14J,j

Poeatello. In ft teheduled-10-round . n main event boul a l Ihe American | g Legion hall hen tonight. The llghl ] le v u Kopp't Irom the fln t. but Lew-1 ft U' low blow In the flfUi canto', I. tamed the re/ene, Dr. J. 0 . Venler. e Buhl Legion commander, lo award ) y. the decision to Kopp. Approximately y 1000 penout wlinctsed the bout. j

In.ft six-round lUiftl. 'J tke" Cop- , . enbarger, 1S5, Buhl, won on# knock-’ * oul In the lourth ro u n i from WJI-!, ? Uam Rogerfc ISS, Pocatello NfgT0.i‘

Copenbuger Iicld Uie upper hand , f .throughout-the batUe. , : ‘ . In a four*round preliminary, Clyde { 1 BeU, lM,'Buhl, and Ralph Wlntgu, i- lU , also of Buhl, foughi litnl to a \ I dnw. '

“Red" Wynn. 1J5, Buhl, *-on on . poInU from "Kid" J.-icUo». 155, ItaUey, in a four-round curtain- 1 ralxr. ” ~ |— — . — ' 1 were Watlilngton, Ifontana' su te , f

i College of Idaho and Wtiliman.'In ' ytrds gained from icrimmtge Idaho |j ItUflft" 10J8"jBranir374*b^larger teams.

OaputeslJwVandtlmjirJjlnehBS I been weak but Caliand bellerts with

1 recenWdJuitmenU ll will wprk J

« ' -Idaho will hare 38 men sgaloil Oregon Saturday.

B ■ • ' ---------------------- ;>. . cm N A PLANS STATION ,

, NANB3N0 (AVPrepanllQDs for I , Uie ootttlTvclkMi ot ft largo rsdlo I . tUlloa for the broadcaitln: of u o n . t i tpeeehes and muilo over central i ] China are now betng made br the c radio admlnlitnllon of tlw ministry t X o t communlctUoni. ,■ Ii ' t , Only two detthi from imallpoa ^ L occurred In Korih Carallu durlni

'• — .......... "9 ____________ __ -1 —

i| NIG- F O O T ]


' H U T C H I N S t

POCAlM ost everyone you know i g a la festival th a t you ju s t < . . . a new th rill . Come i

T iger

v s ,

I B.Y.IJ .]


on EarnT w i n F a l i f C n b s ^

1 Invading A ggregation Bow s

to M agic C ity Football

T earn by S corc of 18*6

Twin Fallt Wgh le h a i’c i ^ * . feat«d Uie Shoshone lilgh tchool fooUxOI .(etoi yetlerday on Lincoln Held, is to e. AlUwugli ragged a t Umea’wlth noracnnts fumbloi, It n s ft hard-fought contest fettured by

' -long mtrcliee by boUi leamt onljr to iMO the btU u they neared .Uie

goal. .-Shoihone kicked-olf and the Cuba

Riunxd the b^ l to Uie 30-yarf Une, losing lio n a fumble. Coacli L.DOU plUn't boys manhed Uie remain* ins 30 y ^ t for Uie first counter

■ n-iili 3 mUiutcs of pity. 1110 rest, of Uie first quarter Uie ball changed hands several times bul remained in UK cenler ol tee IIM First ot

' Uie second qutrter Cubs Uiretlened only to be held for dowtu wfChln tbe

, lO-ytrd Une after losing S yardt on a lumble. A stralghl m ar^ dom

g the field from Uie 40-yard line gtra f Coach John Flatl’s tads Uielr l ln l ^ counter. Half ended «-«. .

I^ lh Teami Threaten

r Third quarter boUi teams Uutat*■ ened to score bul boUi lacked Uie “ ;n*c««ty punch u Uiey netred'the

llns. TIis quarter ended wlUi (he ball In Ttp-ln Falls posteulon on Sho* thone's lO-yard tine. First play of last quarter Cuta croeed Uie goal Ibe.

2 Try lor u l n point again failed. The !> TlilrdtouchdOTOWU made by Coin­

er who intercepted a pass on tha 30* yard line and rued to ihe goaL

Twin Falls made nine flrtt downs S to 13 for Iho visitors. The blocking

and tackllnc ol Jolinun, aod Uie t tackling and open field running ot

Coiner were parileululy good for the ll Cuba. Pa(0ga.5h<shono'qiurter.'did !' some nleo wOrk for Uio Norih Side

h "” '-le.TWIN FALLS , , SIIOSIIONB; n (IS) • (0> ;le MUler ----------------------OUeldftJ.i endd ! Johnson________ .:_____ Wlxonn | Ucklell Keel— :-------------- :_____ Cllfloa'•I guard ' '0 John Wearer ________ BelU ,r. • centerd Rude _______________WUwn

A.Kurkenhall!!!!l?_____ i.”m b te '■ - la c k le •

.. SmlUl------------------------Oreaham

“ P in o n j____________ Mink |hfttfback-'- • ‘

'e anhain - -------------------lAmrtlahilfback.

‘ WalU______ 1.......... ...... Chessfullback ‘

1 ButeUluUons: Twin FW s^W ll- I, Uams for Ortham, D nliun for Wll*. Uams. Woody lor SmlUl, SmIUi for - Woody, Lyons for Parsons, Tliomu

for Rude. Coleman for Wearer. '■ DaU n/or K«d. ZhulBg tho last fev ‘ . minutes Coach FlaU senl In neuly '

ft new Une-up betides the abore mentioned, Shoshone-a. WU»n for

- . Mryrrs. ^^fl^en JOTJThnp.__________Ollleltls: Referee, Jeff swlm; um*

, plre, U Ludla: boUi of Twin Falls.I — — — — —

‘ Perlick Floors . Jackie Shupack

PATERSON, N. J , Oct. a Herman Perlick, Katamasos. Ml:lil*

' Ran, knocked out Jackie &li'.i|).:’’r.} Ptterson. In the first rouud cl <i lU*:, round boul hen lonlght. Perlick I weighed 139H, and Shttpftck. MOH.} In Ute semJ-flnsJ, Veair P"»ck. r twinbreUierotHerman,stoppedPet«

PelroUe. SchenecUdy, New York, ia Uie seventh round. The itlgh larcrc :

I « r tlc k labli, PelroUa m i i .

Oet Salwea and be saUsfled. A4r.

JHT '",'1

Y, Oct. 25' . M .


rELLOf f w in b e t h e r e . ' . . I t » 8 a s t can’t Bliss. A new tre a t e and roo t— root fo r th e je rs

.Tigers'S ..



IS Nado_ Zuppke Expect

- I —

11 ' iH

" f l ' H i


w ^ w ^ .£?"rrrTr

d B we f S f t '

a '{ '■a ll /MMLtli LA. ^ I t t k i

- lO L A F R O B I N s S

10 ' I I — —J* OLAFTlOBINSONTwlio-loolici

season, will probably get t ■ year's University of Illinol. !. few veterans that Conch i I . (/P) Photo. ■

B u rley B o a tm en P la n f o r M arin eP o lo E n c o u n te rs

. ' •BtmtEY. Oct. a (SpecUl to The

Nevs)-Memben of .the Buriey BoaUng dub on> preparing for a teries of marine polo gamei, tho flnt to bc pUyed Norember Z EQUIpmrnt hu-bM n sent for and’Vlll'be~on hand for the loumament, according to Oeorgo Kimble, dlreclor,of the elub. -

Marine polo It played v llh ttep plane outboard motor boats, of vhlch ilien a n nearly a doien ovned oy boatmen here, some of vhleh are u id ' lo be ctptble of m tkbg In ezcm of! 40 mUes per hour. The game Utlin- Uar to auto polo, except Ih tt Uie In­flated ball Is puihed by a tong rod Instead of struck by a mallet. Thero a n fram three lo live boats on each side, Vllh ft pilot acd “Jouit maa" in each croft. • ' ^

The game Is aald to be thrilling, wllh an .oeculonsl capslwt vater plane to add ze» to Uie entertain­ment ,

Ni>TtCE OF REGISTBAR Mrs. Chutes-Burton, rrgtstrar for

predlneti; will be In Uie olllce of Uie SUndard Printing comptny Friday and Saturday eveolnp betveea 1 p,

■ ' 1______ ■


Dont take o u r won!

for it

V ! ® I„ Fure Partffme Bast ■' ,Tbs sa trt long Itailog *Ueos>.Ity e< V s tlt r P trt iC is rB m •" motor oH w k ts It (hs ss/est aad mosl .ecosomlesl motor

’ iBbriesiien yoo u a eie. T b in l i t w clgbtlod grills bl Ksf. t t t OH lo r if iry typs e t tatomobns, track er in c to t -.

. motor. I t vlll psy yea to ase . V tltu Oil toasiitsatJy.


mal Gri

icfl'ROoa'loinirdlholind 'of Itiit :t the call at fullback on this' lols gird cntry, Ho Is bno of tlic 1 Zuppko lias back tills j-jcar.—

Stlome apples a n nov a t thelr'' belt, going fut Adv.



.b ay .a n d N ite )Phoni

. . Towing - Tire - 1

ilfuwreiiitfii Vfaeaffiii — I r a o r r t .M w ie - - ts tm th w /

I iiAKecAffwiivE lu^iHe In 6or-surir . loiNfiNi I SURe’<4iffj'6or Vies MS

^ t h6 Q(/jEejo f V e l t e x

In these dajn of 'congeti and inappy get-away an g»»oUne. ;You can easily prove thi

: LINE your motor will r faster and tootn-you tbn than any gasoline you’ve Th re is nothing else on

'.'QASOLINB-nothingels this in yoiir own motor j' hsve done. VELTEX }i

' .fuel—the heart of the - ' exclusively treated.

V E L *f GAS'

F L E T C H E R 0 1Tbe Qf3ut Indeoendwt Mai

Id Fame'N a K c r S i t g t e i i

Clouting .’F irs t B asem an o (

Now Y ork Y ankees M isS o j,

B o rO irB a rn s to m iin rT r i ii— ‘

H ^ Y o m T o c u M i n ^ o e h - ......‘ rig. cloulliig f ln t bateman of Uie .

New York Ytnkew, vho misted out by a couple of polnU In his btUle with AJ fifmmons toe the American Ingue batting crovn, Is ln-ne<tf of surgical r e p w , bul ts'Dol la soch

• shape Uial he cannot eonUmie hUI bamitormlng . tour vllh ' "Ctbo-

RuUi's ali-itars.. ' Icu h u .a to p ta y /in l b u t for Uis Bamblno’s.outUt Sundty la Brooklyn bul fpUovlsg that he prob* - tbiy «-iu go Into a hospital lor a serlet ot operations bn a linger £ • . i broke Uiree-vwkt befort U» ead of \ i the 19)0 eeaton, u i elbov dunagtd U (wo yean ago, and .cyit» .that hafi r farmed In Uio lobe, of h it right .ear./

The big hitler played Uitougb Uw I ltl three weeks of the seaioD vlUi a smtU call oa a broken finger ot his right tiand and mteied beaUag BtmmoDS, ths Phlltdelphto douter^ to the v ln . by the clojert.pl m u -

' glnt. although tinofflelal 'areragu s i llrst awarded him Uio' batUng championship. He said hla )eft-el-

lls monUis a t a.tlme during'the p u t l,„ two (Caioos. Tha cysts Ui his esr

are Dalnful but ot minor Import-— ance, lie ,u l i

= 0nTFDELC0MPAMT,«jb0tM ' Old FalUiful stokna, |3».lnsltlJed ■ complele. Adv.


e Road Scrvice me 75- Batt,ery Service:

grresponse ^X G a s o l i n egested tralflc, quick retponie' are important qualltlei In't-

thlf with VELTEX OASO-II respond quicker, a$celept* ibni traffic withrgreatOr eaie I’ve'eVer used.' • ''..I ''. • .*■ on the market like VELTEX ,else neir It, You can prove' ir justas thousandi of'ottiera'C if an extrabrdliiir; motor tie -crude—luper-reflned and'

T E XI I L c b M P A !M Y UarkAen in the Northweit .. JT .

Page 11: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS.....-JV-' _ i ' ' '-'i,.. THI yOL U. NO. 171 “ **1110=11 : SWEB IH — __________rr-________________TU

j^ n k s fBnuns’ Contest. WithBoiseTeam Appears ArTest’

W eek o l F ootball in N orth

— U p s e l s rB u l- A p p r o a th ln j

' ; .F ra y s H a in la in In te re s t

(Br Cw AnocUtod FRU)'n O I S E , O ct. 23—A football :

b a ttle th a t 'w il l th row a ' " flood o f U ght on the com- I po ia tlv o s lr e n g th o t leading 1 t r a in s In s o n th e m Idaho will t o p layed -In T w in Falls th is ' wcek>cnd betw een tfie Twin

I F a lls B ru in s and th e Boise ■ M Braves.

' Both te am s have defeated .' \i>Dcatelto.ln]lwirnom M n(»t,s»l >< ■ are (nH«(ju)dtay In Uiflr see-

Uoiu. ': ■me week a tk r Uie T*-ln PUIs same Ihs Bolu team tn>tU to Idaho TUIi, there to meet ttie lUte chom- plooi In the (ourth IntmeeUooal m e tho Boise.leam bad e n ;iu ccbtdule. Of Uie two gamei ptayed. hi BolM won from Pocatello aoa t a t «, Ao PUer, Uio UttCT Uw pa*t week- oi

------- end. ............ wOMf iDteneetlonal play lent Mlor

.(a, tbe gamu in the' four districts to .U ut wtre In Ih tnuelm bartns plen- ^ ot colorful guncs. m

The wttk-a footbaU In NcrUi Idabo mwM no upscu, and the develop- lo menl wm Lewirton'a Uouneln* of br

, the Coeur d'Alene VlUng*. U lo e. m Everyone knew Ujc Tigers would pro- « | duos Uieir tutnj A-l Uim Uili year, f({

' but Coeur d'Alene hat always been kr A powerful factor on northem erlds. pg

The WalUce' Miners did not even m ' have to uM rtgulan to trlm Uie ih

, Burke BobeatJ, t i to O; In a Pan- th d hudIeconfertQcegame.ti[ullanlo«l ^t n A anference game to 8U Mariea, M gh r loO.t • ': ■ • • • • • jej' I - OUier ecorts wera Itoy, 7, Oro- { tino 0; N a Perce 7. QrangevUle 0: '

£ Upwat-37, Cmlgmonl Oi'Genese^J 37, culdceat 1; Priest lUver 0,.Bon- sb H . | u n Fary o. < onf l ' ' ' W*na» Uads t b t < ^ I |-'The PanhAnote'sraup aow.^aees ..

. J ' fabout as foUon; WaDaee, St.'Mar- Ui J fes, MulUn,' Ke1!o». Coeur d'Alene, «tl r i ~ prlest-Wrcrrdandpolnt-and-Burke; lai ifL Sandpototen Jure had 0 iltjmp Jel’7 ¥ >■*"• W''SA t The Moscow Bears dlstlnguUhed re< ' W themielTts tv a O-to-0 victory over en

f ' ;Uie strong St. John, Washington,Muad by using a pass,' and are pre- ro

fit parln; to Uke on SL btaries. ht■ 1 SouUiwestem district's two n ld - ba■ ' i e t teams conUnued UBUllIe^ Tl

U . Sny, Parma taking £m ne^ Into, « -camp. 19 to 0, while FrultUnd rested, on

o a Utter'eam had a letd for beat-Uw Jng Parma although Panna beat'iilj eoix, Uie'dittrJet iUwL PTutUMi Uji t a s a running chance lor dlstrlcl en' .‘championship II Boise Is tb it to clear coi }lampa out of Uie way. - toiA. Nampa blotted WcUer out ol Uie '

' picture AlUi a 33-to<0 vietory wbUe bo Oaldwell coatUd with no gtnie tcheduretf... ’ .

In Um SouUi Ceoualilutrl&,'PU< X er t vletoff ovw Botoo last SaUinlay.

“ i r B ' i s , ooritinUHruiiTem 'rtecy — ord ()t DO deraals, while Twin palU enurtalned Uu> Pocalello lean with , ft 37-to-I3 defeat. Wim nupert Uiese J three are unbeaten In confeiti^

- gamca..Rupert .was beaten by Twin i r Palls ta an early pracUce game. Jer-1 f*' ome and Gooding pUyed to » o-O “ tie, boUi being somewbftt'shy of of- J* fenslre power. • . .. ."J

PocateUo Uhalcked>- , >• American PaUs defeated BUck^ =

foot, IB to 7, In Uw Easton dlsMct, i M p l a ^ the daaulte team In line po* M S'am onlnU iedlttrtetvranklngasatnst -B Idaho, PaUs. Uie unbeaten stale . M champJoBS. PocateUo bas not been ’ - nicked In lls home dlttrlet alUiough s. j s Uw two defeats by Boise and Twtn ^ jm PaUs Jndlcato no great probabUlty n the team will upeet Amslcaa PsUs j■ and'Idaljo PUIs. <■ Idabo PalU h ts t.tougb aebedula .■ .a ljead after testing. last week-end,■ L but Is reported r ^ .to make It g \A with Uiree or four teams of chan- / B ^ i w t , Boise.

' Blackfoot and Amerlcao PaUt wUl i a « ^ Tiger on successlre week­ends, Uw latter gtme probab^ to de- tcrmine the Eastern ehamplonaWp, ida to PaHi:hartn* taken Uie uue 'fwUwuorUjembaU'Ot’Uw'dliUlct.

' AT THEHOTELS ^nOO EiaO N -M n. W. BtKldoek.

, • J. W. WUUams. Mr. and M ri J w

L & Ciimmlnts . E. 8. W l o i ^ W, Va Bowen, Eugeilw Meyer, a~B. Lud- <,wlg. Oecrge L. Watera, W. a Duff,A. S. EUlott, Joe ..E*tcr, R. U Woods, Salt lAke City; O. P. Uon- *Jd. R. J. naiTU, W. W. CUrk. P.,JL Soott, Austin E. UUey, U n. Cope, Bolie; C.O. Bolton, R. A. P tr- - kins, PocaleUo! M.FUher. a L .E t- J ter. a 0 . ColUni. San Ptandsco; ? ? 0 B. Eckelman, SeatUe; Mr. ind Mra. W. B. Jones, S. E. Reine, Bpo-

. kant; H. D. Uuterbach, PocaltUo:.3. a BUOty. MlnnespoUs: Oeoge ^ !L James, fit. Paul; L.. U Hunt, WUder; Elmer B. -WUUamj, Boise; Otareflc^ Neely. Preston; Mr. and ^ Mra. W. Slengen. K am rd. Idabor Mrs. J. J.'AUen. Mrt. Boy Naylor, “ o Moscow; Mrs. P. V. RlUey, Elk RIT- m er; tfra. Fted PerUns, Oenesse; Texas'B ojar, Deary; Mia. Uarla Utieh. BoTfll; toa.* Olga Tbotaen,’ Jo t Nes Perce; Mra. Barry MorrU, Bk

■ Rlrer;. Urs. U .0. fiUnchneld. U Pee>■ acande; R.-'U. towety.-UwUton; .■ M .& S W ' *

Bermuda gray, wlUi the additloD V » o ( IttUan rye.;jask(s.an tTcrsreea « g l a w Q l a iU i i s tU te L . ^

Of idahoipip you Hemce V a t/9tOf I 1t^ e FUR COWON J MOO J IH6 wbMAH 1 ^ e n w ie f

_ s i r r t H o l u f A .p i t tV o i^ 1

: . . V > fg A io I V ,..

: King Tut iijs ! BiDy Townsend!

Milwaukee'Pugilist wins On;Techhlcil Knockout (n ‘Sixth Round ol Bailie E

___ . P

DETndlT, Oct. a m -K lng Tut, A hard-hitUne wetterwelgftt from UU- t waukee, won on a tedm ktl knock- u out from BUly Townsend. Vawou- ai Ter,-BrlUsh-Oolumbla,-ln Uit aUUi d< of a icheduled lO-round bout hero bi

*°Tut^*eIgbed . lO '-i, Townsend aifc

TutstartcdoutwlUiabaRf.send- ec Uig an enUrely unexpected andbruUUig left to Townsend's head 10 gseconds after Uie beU opened Uie „first round. Townsend went down jjiflat on hit bock, iio e n r M to boUi r.knees and took an eight count tn Uiat j|,poslUon. Tut lott no Ume in foUow- i).ing up bU advantage'and soon bad „the VancouTcr boy .wlUi his btck to „Uieropos,bulUieUtleTsunlvedUiis ^attackTjust beforo Uie bell TMt “I shook Towniend w l* anoiher hardlelt to Uie Jaw. , »

Takes Six Ceanf’ . [oIn tho.seeond Townsend.took.a “

slxcountasaresultofarlihtpuD chonUiechin.lIoraUledsUghUy,hoWf "ever, and lust before Uie ben s ta le r- *" cd T t t WtUi a left and rlgbt. .

.After, taking a nlno count to Uta ^UUrd, T D i^ n d itarted a rally wiUi " stinging rIghU'to T u tt )»ad In Uielatter's-comerrHe foUowed-up-wlUi «lefts and rlghU In a Uapente a t- °tempt to recover losl points but Tai ^ recovered shorUy belore Uie round

'The' fourUi'was Towsend's b tlt 'l! round. In thU ttand he conUnued hU n lly and won Uie round with a t t i rw e ^ W ts ind rights w bitih i^

Billy took anoUitt.nlns count on one knte In Uie JUUi and'wu down twice more In Uie tlxUi belore T utt highly elf ecUve lelt caught him on tbe Jaw-Bfaln. J t ]n s U)U blow Uui ended Uie light for, alter taking a , count of seven. Townsend's seconds totsed in UiAloweL -Twelve* Uiouiand penona taw Uie

bout. ________________ •

Totnmy Loughj:ail -WinS^ver^aieP]-iULWAXTKEB. WU, Oct. a W>- i

ftl a one-<{ded ]9<nuad bout, nm m f Loughran, PhUadelphU, tomer Ught' heavyweight cbtmplon, lonlght-won • the judges’ decUlon bere 'm r DavU, Maler, Milwaukee.. Maier took but ’

‘ ^ a t i o n without . Representation Is

Tyranny*'l lw OemooaUo SUte PUtfom

prarldea (or a su to Highway Com- tnlsrioa, made up of Uirto members selected to Uut every p trt of Uie

l» «l>resented and get a fair dUtrUniUoa «f Ihe.gu tax re- eelpla. Id UiU way only w ..T w la PUU Oounty hope for recognlUon tnd ^ t lU thare of road oonstnie- Uon. The Citlnet Ftem of'Oovem- ment has proren an axpenslre lux­ury and the Depaitoent of PubUo JVorkirWJeldsa pow eflhii dmild u t be tselmled-to. any ons n a a rots 'the Dem m U o Ucket and Ttetum Uia Oovcrsatot to Uie PeopUu-,


) GridiroI Calaiid Boaste of! FourQuarterbacksj ForGridCmnpaigmQuartet ol Star Ball-Totcrs — Includes-Emmert-llavis, -

. ■ iBuhi, With.Reputationjs i ' Trippie Threat Backlielder =

I ___ . . ' i:,(SpeeUl to Tbe News) ®

.i MOSCOW, Oct. 2J-A quarter- - btck tor eveiy purpose U Cotch Leo b

CtUand't motto. He has Uiem to » - H four In ail. Three are sophomore) » with two more seasons on the Van- daj rarsUy. The lourUi. Waldemtr ti

I PederMn, better known as Uie "as t. r 1 loping Swede,- U k Junior and wiu t I bfl-bsck for ona more reaion aller

Uw present campaign closcs. „ Heading the Ust oC ball. loUng l!

quarterbteks U Oeorge WlUon; Moi. r 1 cow, sopiiofflore. whow exploits

agalnit Uie Viilverslty pf Waslilnt- ,, } toa and IVUimsn mtltirs hars 1*. '' ‘ bcUed him "poUcn." WUson would *■ , bo considered a midget on mort grid- “ > IroQs, but lor aU hU »0 pounds lie “

packs more dynamite punch llian ^ any other jiUyer oti Uie iqustL

. AgaUul Whitman, WUton ran the■ batt 105 ysrdi from {itMt-/o^tlo.i, L■ Uirough lbe cenler ot Uie MUslon. I! • ary. Une. An lOfl-ytrtf gain U Ml- ,I dOQ},.lf.evcr, made from a Uno buck. It 1 but let Wilson get ptst Uie Uno ol l<

lerlmmcge and tie U lUble to wreck any ball game. He tuns faster Ui a football uniform than mort players I eould ta n track suit.

Emmcrt DavU, loptiomore from Buhl, U another ball packer who can te counted on to do more tluiii . his share when Uie VandaU need a rev yards around end or through dm Une. DarU U a triple threat btek. - though running with the ball U lUs 'h main forte, lor he is a sure passer bt and ca'pable of holding up his cr.d >‘( Ul a punting dual. DavU threw ono, pau agalnit SVhitman whUh result- al ed Ul a OS>yard run and a score tnd ' ee a few minutes later tore around end for U yards and anoiher touchdovn,: - kicking his own goal from pUcemeni.' ~ -The "Oalloplnr8wede."-'iHio~l$-wl really a Dane, UanoUier triple threat wl field general, though not os good a at paaier as tome of hU Uam males, n "The Swedr pUyt lootbaU for lhe'he love of the game and probably has to

a better footbtll hetd than tny tosof the bert footbtU teams on the JolCoait Usl season'but U having a lotlov Itart thU year, though he heads <the Vandal scoring Uit a t the p m . usant time. «1

Por a Tiasscr CaUand lias Normin UiSather, KelJcjg, anoUjw sopliomere. uj

A d i s t i

- b m a t j - t

arid c

N e v F o r J C o n v c i

% 2 5 ' f zXau tuvTT o t l io BCW f a tn d color,'extends alio to' i

pe latm enu. Yon aoto i t u y

tea tbo a tuactire lDterion,.Y

. important .little detaili o f t r

woman’s practiced eye It qolc

> .Tbeto is about the u r « d

wblcb r«Secls the nbiUntita]

bn ilt in to It, In e x tm a l .tb

jeoostwctlon, the new Fori^bi

. C aH or|ibonarordem ontti

: P O N mIYour FORD

Twin M i ; !

------— TWj>l-FALt3-DAlLV-m

on Chair[ Stars Win Second. “ s | l i h H i A j i g t l s :

1 Hollywood H its F o u r L o s i

~ *“ A n g e le s - H o u n d s m e n - to S

s Claim V ictory by 1 4 :1 2 fi

f --------- :-------- “ -------- 7LOS ANaELES. Oct. a U V Pour

S Los Angeles moundimen w m _ lil t ..iJjsril by JloJlywood today and tha

r Stan look a ' 3-to-O lead lo tho play-otf series for Uio PacUlo coast title they defend by Uklng the aee- ri ond Mnteit. U to 13. ' lu

The game was another battle ot0 borne runs, with the vletora coUect* (« . Ine tire of th t half doxen during Uw «) J wild conlUct. , til• Dave parbee was llolb’wood's hit* R< r tl6j liero, Re scored three of tbe vl - runs with two bomen. two tUiglca ITandawaU:. ' hi

The losUig club collected 18 WU l«oil Frank Sbellenback and Oeorge In

; llollersob, but they were unable to Ui• make them e«unt consUtenUy. . ai1 etieltcnlieck and Roilerson helped “ . Uielr liurUng along wlili a homer, aiilece but the spltbstl artist a m d ...

out ol Uie rlcture Ui tiie dUastraus ; lourth, whlclt taw Los Angeles push ; (icros.1 halt a doun runs to lake an = 'e .lo -tlcad . „; The K ore- . R Jf B, V» Aiigeka-------------:— n Jg 0. Hollywood ------ - 14 15 I. Uatttrles; .Ballou, Yerkes. ,Oag>. itr.andJlamub:^heUenbact,4IoU. i lertoiiand.Basskr, Bevereld.

' ’ ■

UND of! hittites SLaWLY GIVES UP

ANCIENT MYSTERY. ICoatlnaed ftom “Page One).

; fhow. was King ShubbUuIiuma, who'' brought the empire to Its greatcft '.hrlglit round 1400 Before ChrUt.

Alter the year 1300 Before CbrUt . all'rtcords of the Hittites suddenly . ceasc. by some still unknown catai- troplie, tlieff empire was obliterated

;-wlio>ipKla]Uti-ln-a—buUet -pass . B'lilcli wUt knock the receiver down

BBltfis ho U OKVlBS s t n fflWy fast rate ol speed ta Uie dlreetlon of the

'heave. SaUier Ucks the avoirdupoU s to be a baU packer, but he knows how

to mn the team and with June Han­ford. sprint Itar and hallback, and PtM ^yiorrw dron-the-T teclrteg Job. tjie VandaU wUl tw daogeroua 10 any team on the schedule.

Coach Leo Calland wUl probably use ail four ' ol hU quarterbacks when the VandaU ungle with Uie University of Oregon Wcbfect, Sat­urday,-in Eujtnt. •

i r ic t iv e I~ ’ ' iH

c o l o r :

’’c r t i U e C a t r i o l e t ,

aiptn tad ipen I/re txtn ttlct0 a i L l __________

Ford, ao tp p a m t l a Boo

> 'tbe npbolitery and it£; .

i yoB open tb e d o o n and

u Yob find i t abo in^ bo io

' trim end finSib w b ! ^ a '


a diitlnetire'ttylo o t toBo

U i l ' W i r i i M i i u t " ".'tbingi, as tn mecbqnical

I,bat been bu ilt to endure.

ittradoB. I

JTORCO.ID Dealer ■



npionshiIrom .the Itce of Uie.n-orld and from |the annaU ot history. I

Uow thU lost.race. lived In the | days«Mu-power,-U-belnt-brougUt-lo Ugiit by the Amerlean expedition . m Anatolia. BalUtag against bias­ing tun, drought, and malaria, theciprdUiou U layUv. b a » ' Ulttlte .dwellinsi, palaces, fortresses, and '.

ol the men and women to whom Uiey b tIc f t|^ _ T h U , season alooe, the excavators rtmoved ll'.tft‘cubio-me=- ~ (eno f earth la Ihelrsearclifafrei-


(ConUnued Rom Page One) ' CiUeago with Aiello cr Uiat he-had lured AUilo lo bU deaUi.

In Uie TrUlo apartment Uiey ^found a rolled-up sheet ot paper on Iwhich liad been noted Uie fare and \ the slop from Cblca^ to LittleRock. Arkanw. by way of Browns- tlvlilc. Tcxaa. ^

The taxi driver's rtory U ut AUUo t,had eUdently tried to ring a door- ”beJI In iha veitlbuJe after Ihe aJwot- C Inc ttarted brougiit tho reveiaUonUiBt tiie bell-board had been ripped ]|away, possibly for Jusl such an ^CRiergcncy. y

Oranlie production In North Caro- lina shoncd an Increase of »T9B«3 U lt year.' rl


^ I

FridayWhen we say specii

Ladies’ 2 ^ ie PAJAMAS

__ _B e« l-qualily -R nyon-8 IlRtoel n ttra c li re -i» m b ia o ra. W ell woirth double 1 W hile th e y d* l a s t _____ ...1 .:___ _ V

Pullover ~ , SWEATERf

A l la s t they a re here young indy and th e yoi Gorgeous p a ite m s and e ry color j 'o a '« n (h lo l

.. dny and Sa tu rday Specl

I ^1.95 "-$2


tp ConteBfe Six. Sefe a As Complaints of i HUfrongs-Increasei------------- -— - - ------------------rc

Charges and Counter Charges Id -dUuhsldiatlon.andJ>».S

selyttng -oLAthlelcs .Ex- gj change Hands In Mid-West ^

(Qy The Atsocialed Preu)

C-O L U M B IA .M o .,O et.2 3 - er C hargM an d c o u n t e r " charges o f subsidization

tind prosely ting of a th le tes to« e. n ig h t involved h a lf th e m em- « bers of th e B ig Six confer- H] ence, n

T h e .solution' o f th e prob- Bi lem s res t w ith conference fac- ^ tlity repre«cnlativefl n l a reg- ular meetliig tomorrow and Satur- ^ day. u

Pint ceiilerlnR on James A. (Jtr- coi ring Jim) Bauich, Kansas iulfback.jmi

sH e r e ’s P os

N E W Y C a n a n d ]

- - E a c h D

F ine Q ualit


i y i•WELLWORTH$22.5(

f and Sati:ial, we mean exactly whs


iece F o rtIis u t t l e :Bilk In lh « - ---------------rlinaUon col- > su rp rlsle th e price, Dtin’t m is s th is sp' e i Q C ' c i a l a s l t w U l f i e t l v X . £ / « / (nilt o f . th e 'lo w i

. ' I s l ' F i l Color

, Ginghamsre fo r th e ^ yoDng.man, D r e s s e S:id s io s l e r-Ink oJ, F r i- A s c » 7 t o 'M . n -eclaL day a n d Sa tiirdn

;2.95 | i : l_ , 53(


T W IN F It r a s t e M e r 'I - T ra Iw«

B E R :24.a93Q __--------- L .

i l a i Jwho haa been a perennial subject ol Li Investigation sinre hs fonook the he Unlverslly ol wtchlu for the Uni- de «r»Uyot-:Kaaias.-.Uie-cbugaita. Ui nlghl Involved not only Dtusch but ol hU footbaU coacii. H. W.‘ (QllD Har- 1C lU t; ^VUUam IL (BUI) Meltloter, tr

Agfle hallback; and Clies- lr ler L. Brewer, athleUo dUector and Dr. It, A. Hull, track coach, both ot If] liie Ua«t»!»y of MUsoufl. iC

Qeorge O. Bhatd. Ktrnss fscully ^ rcprtientatlVB of athletics and pres- „ Ideal of the cosfertneefaoiltycreuii admltUd today he had rcceHed lor- ^ mal charges agilnrt BauKh md

nature. I t U undwitood, iiowcw, h< BauKh la charged with proteutonai- bmaod-HatgUswlUirccTumiig -an sthUts iB'-vloUtiui of conftrrn» > ruU *...-- • '*

UenUily Btlsry f UeUtlnger tald todsy, tn confcr- ^

enoe wlUt Dr. H. H. King, raculty reprcsenUUve, and M. P. Abeam. aUiUUo director of the Aggies, he waa receinng a monthly uUry-from E. tt. Uipion, Jr^ Topetm and Uw- M itDcs insuraoes man. wlileh was in fr Uia nature' ot a retainer lor a poil- nl llon u manager of Luplon's larm th attcr bU graduaUon. Lupton UiU di Bausch on bU psyroU at t7S monUi- ly wage-as a salesman. tii

Bausch Usued a statement In pi: which he tald be had been approach­ed iDdlteeiJy by Hulf; regarding air c« tendance a t Uie Unlvenlly ol Uls- oi socirt wtlh premise cC a U:^er itl monthly f age than lie rcctived Irom en

mj s i t iv e P r o o f f O R K S T O F D o S e l l F o r ) a y i n t h e Y<

'' I ' i . ... i .A MESSAGEl y — ^

X T his seiling event I ' l I who shop for men, A l V . - ih en iB ek c s ;B u f,P

th e shopping, the - trac tive sav ings, £

of any th ing In se i J , apparel from head

coat, sheep lined weor, flannel sh ir

-boots, w arm wool . M have the kind }-du' 1 r : - cannot be surpasse • ^ that, f it today’s pu f , V ^come.-Wc have pie

serve you courteoii ' A t itll tim es w e di

Its, So a g a in we. It browse a round . ,

' you w llh ft pleasai5 0 . and “Come In agal

;urdaySpl i a t w e s a y — b u t y o u m u

u r s e l f

t h e H e r e ’s O n j

^ ' You ta n ’l bu:

^ “ “ B o y s ’

T he ^ P L A ’

m l 'V . a re a ll gone f

express com M M l Uvering. Drcases, i ll(U ; 0 m j ■ le'iJioirTW'tlM

■ \ . \ . et BossUn Diet• V\ ' • trimmed ■

'A 5. ' \ , They areU iesii

[c -J VO T H E S C O S T L E S S " H -

K S io i?ALLS. . v''w oseiwm tafcaiiasi.' .

~ - N / r tg

____________• P age E le v cn ';i.v ^

)win(lleI Lupton and other loducements I f ': ha would trsotfcr hlf.athJetia cn* . ‘ . deavors to MUsourL Bauich ssld - . UiU'otieC-TMjnade ta the tummer~— ••• t ol 1(09 before h t h td com^ted on . Kansas 'varsity- tesms. Huff 'was .

tnek mach a t Kansas Ui Baoscii's• Iretliman year.’ ‘ . j . i I Dt. Porrcst 0 . (Pltog) Allen, aUi-I ict{g,dJttcloc.flt,ma nnlTrnlty nl--------

tCansas, reiterated a previously ex-. ", pressed desire lor open tavestlgaUoa' ol Ui* conference by.an oulslder, or■ group of outsiders, wlUi the sehooU' pronlJflir cost. Kansss olUclaU'; reiteraied statemenU lhat Bsusch .' had been Investigated. belOT, and

blemished.• Mluourl atliieUs olllcUls denied’ llicy had made overturts to any ath-. - ....f ietes.

. C o l u m b i a ’s E l e v e n

: M e e t s _ ^ l d w e U ’s .

\ PORTLAND. Oct. M WV-Ocne_. Murphy and 30 ligbUnc IrUhmm I from Columbja' university Iclt to- . nlglif for Caldwell, Idaho, whero I they play the College ot Idaho Ftl- I day night.• Columbia has not been defeated,

tliU teason. Cenlraila Junior coUegoI played Uie IrUhmen a tcorelen tie.• 'BuUh" Clements, fuUback, ac-• companied Columbia. Uo had been ■• out all season because ot Injuries.‘ Uurpby esid his return ttreBgHf I ened tee team.

m•f T h a t R E S

r 'L e s s , ■ , ;fear;:'-/.-;'^ :3 E . T 0 T H R B T i r -

[ 0 P P E R ^ " 7 ' ~' :.

m t will appea l to women ien, as'w oU a s to Ihe m en ' t rcgardfestf>tif-who doea : th e re ’s bound t(r' b6 a t- s. So, i f y o u .a re In 'n eed ' seasonable cold w e a th e r.!Bd to foo t, S u i t o r O v e r - ■icd • Coals,' ’wool U nder*....ih ir ts , b ^ e r s , h igh-top 'ool sox - * come In. W e ~ :ou w an t, a l sav ings l h a t .ssed an y w h ere , a l p rices - •;purse . W e.lnvitft.you to - ‘p len ty o f salespeople lo -eotisly a n d In telligently .5 do n o l u se to rcefu l/o r , ow er methodJTtTBcn o u r ' 7 T T . i s s o l d o n l l s o w n m er* ' e .JnfJto j-oii to c o m e In,, . W e 'w il l ,a lw ays g re e t— isa n t .^Glfld lo see y o t i " ' ; gain.”

piecialsn u s t c o m e a r i d s e e 'y ,

I n e f o r t h e L i t t l e

T o t s , .buy ih e m a teria l fo r _ .

s’ a n d G i r l s ’

A Y S U I T S •a rR o in p c ra ) ............

oomptny U f c e B t . ta t f 'l^ .' set aoA.CoaU m l to u ,Te(k bayer and we ars ’

Uita. Ws wlU be glad ■ttw-inesl beauUtBl itylet...Dlone, Caracal a n d . f o , ; • '

)RESS£St snap e( the seasoa aad

_ _ ' $ 9 . 9 5 ' - " ■-■■■

g E I

Page 12: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS.....-JV-' _ i ' ' '-'i,.. THI yOL U. NO. 171 “ **1110=11 : SWEB IH — __________rr-________________TU

p a ^ 'T w e lv e ,

T i i i f f i f i rTX iM E

In ao s lria ls am i UDIIIIt

__ _____^DB m onstrate S lrcng lli 0

" “ 'N ew 'Y o rk : S tm k M arke

_____ H a r k a l s a t a G la n e e

HEW Y 0ilK .O et.aM l- Btoeta: U W iU rf V»n 8ww-

. lne«» l«Mfi *#« ! K> N .w lnu lo an )o««. 'Doiidi: iJW ilur: rslU tnd In*

duitrUb mov8 kwtr.Curb: Plnn: uUUUm \n i n ir-

rowrl«.--------FWel<n fxe!un?M: I m r w ;

oS m : ’ Ulsto:'*’unf»\DmI)r6 jwtos In tli# 6ouUi*tBU

euew; lUjher; Cuban jupport. Oo« m : lUgliCT! t»*de burlnf.

OHIOAOO:B«eJy stettdr: jwtJ

n ln s uhS 1u8» IncTtiM In irorW# vUlbl* »uppl;.. .

. „ ■ ■ com: fawy: bwrWj i<m rf* porta 1sr;er Arteiittne pacU.

OitUff; Ilielifr.

Dr JOHN L. CObUY (AssoeUW PrcM PlntaelM Wrlttri

N8W YOIUC. Oct. a - WtikiWM ' otUMrtUrotili.not«bt7111066 or Itie

Vtn SKcrlngtn croup, tnd ttrensUi In tbe InduiUltU ind uUlltles gave

'« cloudfd eomplolon to Ihe ttock sntrktt todtr. anOnt held ui> vtl<

T iitT 5 n a r» li* im rtik rn td r 'h lch KU rtUirr ptrplulos tinoe nothliic d*re]oped toinflutRcetuchft (rtnd.

T nd in t Id iloekt (tened (o u - cumt t mon proCeitlontl chtrtctcr (htn i iu bttn cTiden( rtctn(^r inuch (tock Ih tt v u boutlil ou lito

- rtU7 of (hs etrller ]inin w u told liefon (ha. dOK. TTili r u htnftj-

. . . EurprUinii hovewr, In view ot (lie ntentlTS llqulditlon (hat « u In p n w tii tH d t r itnMW (iw eiiTlw luuu , t tcore of vhlch venl to new lovt. Volume of Irtdlnt t u com* ptnuJreJr Jlilit, *jpeftUB« 3.WIW0

, th ir« . ^ •Beptember rtllrotd etmlhgs, now

flitertnf lo.tSow til®/iffllJttrihrtnlt- teet In Qomptrbon vlth t jretr iso tnd toma of the executlTtt wUUns

.to comment on praeptcU are nana too enthutUiUo tbout the VKks lm> nieduuljf thetd. Brie. Cheupetke CVvponUoi], AllefluDjr Corportdon tnd Nickel PUto dropped 3 polnta or'more, tnd Cheupttke tnd Ohio

' lttta% . PereUtnjueUe broke more Uitn 70. Millns.belov p tr for Uia t in t Uma In tour r e tn on t tmtll

--------lumorer.—Wetkneta-in-U»l»-BTOup' v u pnmouaccd from the openlnc

tn d It ipreid lo numtroiu oUitr itU t In U)« tfiemoon.

EiUmttet on united Slttet eitel’s .. ..e u n ln p tor the third quirter, to bg

publUhed next Tueadt)'. tre iround ts t ahire. vhlle torecuU for the r ttc ftT or ibout IIQ. Thellkellhood

. of tn exln dividend .ptjrmtnt U n< gtrded In n o il qntttea nmole,

' . Baildltt'rimprem Hie buUdicsilttliUes »nUnue en*

eourttlcc.' CoutrueUon in (Ut«t e t i t of Uie Roeklet U mnhlnt only on the b tilt of Ull dtll7 trenge. >0 per cent under UiU mohUi,

^ v h e ttti In Beptember Uw dlKrep* iK7,wu3S per cent.^ 1 |I»MO,000 deeretM In fed-

,»nU rtierre brokert* low* brought ' Uie drop la Uia lu t tour veekt to

mMO/M tnd put Uie total i t Uie toveit Ilnce Kovember at, iwe. Thto

, . T w ln F a iis M a rk sU ',.BUBSCBUtBBS A&C URGED NOT TO AMETT AS PWAL TIIB QUO­TATIONS a pfbarin o in n i b




‘rM .IVlO 'niu ri'aut.n iiitiS'l rb-

Ufbi bulciiny. i n lo w iim------»«->«

liwT>>oti,„, ^i w 7 b » ^ ^ , — i i Mi oj eM ' ^ g c S T T r - . - — 4e.ooyMg I

- roBiUf

.........'• iMdj

oCTw; rw>-j : . d■ Qruun. ' ■ ** lc ^■” '^ n S ! - T B = ---

- , , , . . g ' j = = = = = I S ! ,

s s ! s s s a f e t = = ^ 2 i

Bna. uo>Ib. lat* O'

. f S 5 K * , 4 " . S S , 5 ^ S ; J• .. >1----------lg M

• J»*eo ta^ ^ (ise iJ)7 p eu o 4 -jrrr/^

■ . .m it/» ^ (a -- .. iw w '(n y l» i- ----- - ^ a

, cl.

■ I >lstk Market AMragcs_ Kew ToiiH. Oct. a i/jv-cwn inCQ

^ p . v , Jilles i i r l d s s i « j s ! | I

i r n w — lU'M ‘I!'On S / f M S ii!S !!i| |•Wftkir airrwf.Toltl Mlf.

decUne, vhlch IncldenUlly Is M'-« l in e u the dtritllen wUiit!«il Jrpi

•— J w u i . t n July 2, fsrrlrflctnce llun Uio recfni.recM.Mon l livik lotnton collaitral. Ior It ua j i

‘0 the u tu r tccount.UiiUlie Uii« liwi den of epeculutlve borrowiiiR v,"

In- inutfferrtd alter l u t ftll'i coli*i*s.Btock* pu&hed iliesd one to Hire

ir - polnta In liic etrly utdlng. aivcrln lUehUr vlitn Ihe n ib imde m iw

a ; I ihovlns. Hovevcr,.lli«..»'l«nc v ia resumed In Uio aJtcmoon im

bte gatns of J to T vere TlilImprorement v u more Unn hilrc

■r by Ihe Itta telllne tnd ilie mirkeivcnstd 3 polntfii/gher.si cJmdexuiu Uifi luitalned Bcikiim o Ui« carrier*. United BUSts Bite

0 , vhleh h td b«n op 4 i»uiu. f w i In IMilgher. OentnlEIecwic,Oerer

t l Motoi*. AmcrlMii Telcphor.e. Am «* frtctn Can, WaUfljrJiousf, • 6e»t

noebutk, Eiaiman KodiJ;. Alllei Chfmlctl. Herthey, Badlff. Jonn* StarirtJJtf tnd SUsdtJiI OU ot >f.

_ _ l Jecter heI<LLl JLDMi>lA nf lirte nd vtncet. 'AtcWaMn lost t 3 li«ln

tti t*'”- ittf ' ‘-•'t Ih . MONEYtlil ' NEW YQltiC. Otl. n m - r Cti ive mone/: Study: 3 per cent all dty. t t nm e Idkns: Steady: CO diyi 3 k rdj, 3 'i ; lijree ami four monUa 3',i u

ine WiMCommercUl paper i n lo a'T nd. Baatm " »c«pUiiec»: Uhcliangtd

ter GOVERNMENT BOSDS .nd NB\V yojlK. Oet a W - Bond

9ld Liberty SHt 33-47 ______1101.&ity U bertyll:it<M iM .47------- 1103,IJhe Liberty tourUj t '.it 33-3B _-»i03,H In Treiiuiy 4» «*M _,____»108.1H ler l>e*niry3S» — — tl03 iew Treuury 4Ui 47-5J....— — IlllMm- —T—WO MlvTAtS

NL-W YOIUC, Oct. a M>-Oopper: ov Uueuied; electrolyUc, tpol tnd fu- ik- ureSMotolOc. so Tin: Euy; ipot and netrbyt3(.t0; n t future $37.na Jrom' Quiet; unehanstd. • n> Lead; Quiet; ipot New York IS.IO; ke Eaat St. Louli MJS. on zinc; Qulel; Etat fit. Louii rpot ■ta tnd future Mill lo M. llo Antimony I7J7 to I7J0.-re Quick Illver IllO. •Iio 'HI ' bAr silv er

- NEW YORK, Oct. a WV-Bar iU-

15‘ ■ “-suoA n

^ NB\VYORK.Oct.aMV-TlieT»w ^ lu sv m u k e l’v u more tc^ve lodty . aud prices •drioee(l>netily one-

^ elghUi ot a cetii on tncreucd buyinc ~ by.bomopertlonMidiillBet8.vim ' Uu m uket elotlni t t |3.tS for apoU

duly Mld.'-Tlia u le t reported In­cluded^ 115.000' bt«» of Cuban- (or

H' Oclobe> tod November ihlpmeot t t u from ti3no|3.4S ,vlU i the lu t ulM ly t l the toUer prloe. vhlle IJJOO b iji e. of'Philippine* lokl for Jtnutty . ti. Tebnitry tlilpmenl a t K ii ; and 18.- t . 000 btei of phlllpplnea for I^bru-

«7-Mtrch thipment t t tSiS. Thete I- v u 'i l u t aale of KfiW b t( t of It Porto mean M promirt ihlpmenl a 1119.40.Ifl The (trong ipot muket. (Itmnua to a^ireid tnd reporU Utat Uto«ec«»-— »ary-le|l»lttlon-fw..Uift.cttnliitJmli.- or Uie committee^ plan for Uie t la - ;

bllUaUon o f 'iu str vould finally be

T for Ulfl furiher opium io nw. fu- I- turce. vlQi Itnt] priees ihovlnc net .ii cBlni ot S to 7 point*.H ApprodmAte aSis a,HO torn. V Numter 3 eonutcto cloicd 1 polnu N higher t t 13.11 tor December vfih A no itle*. Cloilnf price* fer numWr K 1: Decembtr tl.47, J inutry »I.4D,

M uch t l i s , Mty »1.8}, July fl.0 , I Seplemberll.77.e Polovlns Uu conUnued tdvtnce u la th o 'n i w mtrket, rellnen tn- T ntam'ctd. U ut lomorrow Uie; would * advance th tlr prlte o( retlned sugir ■ ftom Uie preieni level ol f4J5 to

)I.SS. Thto tnoouDoemfnt led lo t more tcUve buying movement.

9 SAN FRANCISCO PKODUCB » BAN PHANCISCO, Get.« - ^ B u U ^ tl 39<ic.0 Onion*; JobUnffuckedyellovtUc 0 lo .T ki.lvce too lo |l : .r e d globe*0 BOo to II; Auitntlan b e o m 11 to

D IHita'ioes? JAblng Stocklon. hma jTvtiltnriiio-toii^O cw tT-W aihlni- ? ton Netted Otmi I1J5 lo 11,00.: Poull0: Uroilen 38c to 4Sc: hens . 17e to38c; lurkq-i SSc to^aoc. '


duce exchiRje rtcelpU: Butter 78,- BOO pound*; cheeM 39;iM pounda; e ro none.

DuUer In bulk 37c Esgi: E x tm 40c;, fln l fre ih-re:

ctK count 3Jc; medhuoa W'.ic; ■

Poullrr: Brollen l to U( poundt 3k : over IH to 34 pounda SBo: leghorn frym a^l ta 3 poands lOo: ooioml soc; ro u ten 3 pound* tnd u p '^ ; levhom hens under 3<; pounds 17c; 3U to 4 p o u i^ SOc; i over 4 poucxto 30c; cokved hens 4 pound* tnd lip SSc, Docks; Young lOc; old 14c. OttM 13c. Turken: Voutij loms diwied IJ pounds ite:IS pounds 3(e: hens S8c; dreaed sicMinder 8 pounds :»e; old t o u - Sic; dimed 30e.


Butter, eggs tnd checse: Uocbtsgtd.

C trtC A G O ^D C C B " ' OinOAOO, Oct 33 UV-Ura poul* try: Reeelpu tvo c in , 37 trucks; ftrrt; fovJ* Ite u 2Jc; sprtop !8o (0 30e; rocsten lie ; spttnc turkeys a c ; ducks iee lo l>e: geesv l«e. .

BuUer: RooeipU S094 (ob<; re s t ; eretmeir«xtruTme:sUiuUrds36c: . ex tn first* 3S«e to 37c; flnU Jte to a u e ; seeoadi 2Pe to M e.. . -

Bgp; Rectlpu, 847;'steady;,ua- cliaaitd.

— - n n N 'r A L ts - D A

“ T 'J.__________________________

t” i ^ - ^ L D S IS A PSAi I'jilo S H E CAUCMT 6 K eeIrjo-- A M O ^ L O ^HIM TH M» ; » VJHO SM OKED t u r n ; I5JS -OV ER. -rUEM VJHBM

\ A S L E E P LAST NlCW .rf’» J _ P A I f s J 7 5 0 A S f tf f -Q £ nv2o s - ro N iA o

iiiTti” i

‘" ' f 1 1 I T ^ ' ^ ' j P K :V.US ■ " r ' I A v —Jirce -rring \ i l ( p |S c / Liw r -fante b .and yO*ni| | |

Tiib J T ^ b . ' lllred' ti «

* of „ — ■Utel.« N E W1 i fiaaNew “ “ V i L . 'L J .^ - 1 - U i i «l- CLOS

lOllllro rT h t 'OoiaDuit

/« « » • ' MMrlelt I■ . . a ? - c w “' i z = s r s s w Ml S L S ay. Am * ror F ov tr-^ » : niluU c<2_to Am Loeo________» mt croira

i “ | S « g r l . | SAm Koli?^lu

»«>• AstmM ceppef-. M},' Xn«» 8 J

Birudill A'....:__ I9U UttbltMnond JUtUtlim eiffi 73 W tal CetDurrtniiht Add__ _ Uii Uid Can |(

1« Ctlumtt il i l K l t i t , Utuourl Pi , . Cu« TOmhini ...IJ ti, UlwoOrl rJ:li S ? o W _ r r : i ! ’‘ S S

CuniM WiKK___ 4 Ptnn tl n

S w. (len Mpnait_____a t t s r n i

K Kouaatn 'co------Shell Unloi

‘“■ | l l l E 8I D C K « i S -

LOS ANOELES Lim TO C^t . LOS ANQELB8. Oct a W>-iU S O A )-a itle :JU edp (s 809; less flctf iw.' mortly sSeady; *poti weak lo

i u »l‘«bUy lover; run mottly Inter- l„ . mountain stock; (m iotdi food

Iteen t8.40; loid I83S; p.trt-loid* ^ medium $7j$U )U:loid fed Aritona

tn r Afexiciins feeders$7.40r-lov good covs ta to U.10;

^ bulk eommon to medium lt.7S to7 . U.M. Caiifj; IKceJpl* M; HWMly

common lo medium vealen steady I t IS lo ItDiO.

„r ' Bheep: nweJpltSOO; drone >o un* »■ evenly higher; tvo detka good 73*

pound Utah Iambi |8 ; 3S per cent u , out a t 17; lale WfdJJtaday four decks " Bl-pound Caliromto lunbi t7.is.Ml ■ Hogs; Recelpla 300; around lOo~ lswrrrwjr-»»-on-toadUBfcDQuasL^ Butems; 158-pound load I10.7J; few KW hMvlei W.83 to I10J3: 104.pound [(,. Tftder p ljt |iq.7S; pKklng v m IJ, let • .

CIIICAGO LIVESTOCK «,*• ctticA oo. Oct a 6r»-(U% d a j ),f Kon: Recelpu 17^0. Includlnc

3000 dlrtcl; doling ilov; euly lOc *”■ lo Be idvuhea Itfstiy io«; pickinff

w n Ileady td 10c higher; bulk 140 io 3<0 poundi IB.1B .10 19.73; top- tiO for choice 290 pottnds; p ie tfw »<n 18 to $9; good and choice 140

n; lo ICO poundi WJ4 to M.8S: 1*0 to wo pounds W.W lo 19,75; MO lo : »

” pounds I9J5 10 I9i0; 2M to J50 ” pounds 19.60 10 110; psckIng mwi, > medJum aad good 37j io MO pounds

' 18 lo 19; aliughter pigs, good nnd choice 100 10 ISO poundi tS.iS to P.fiS;})oldo>'en800D.

- OnlUe: IlecflpU eSOO. calve* WOO;beat medium veljtlil steen tollng

Oc ]30a pound* 113.00; other imden ei iteadytoitrong:topi-earllncsll3M; 10 b n i welgbly beeves II3io; oUitr

killing clauei moilly ileidy; clctrs, lg good tnd choice COO to MO poundi I - » lliO -lo -ll3« i MO to 1100 pouijd*

t io j j to tlJ.M; 1100 10 noo pounds IS t m lo I13.7&; 1300 lo IKO .pounds

19.23 10 813^0; helfen. Rood and ' clMleo KO to 8M pounds 110 to II3J0; covs. good uid clwlce, » i0 to « ; cutten U3i to M3S: bulto. yearlings excluded, good ind choice, beef. *3.73 to M.7J; «a len . milk ted. good and choice 8I0J3 to 8I3.S0; itockrr and feeder calUe: Mten,

i; good and tholce JOO (0 lOM pounds ;• 17 to 88.75; cleartoco good except

i "3 JUSTK ID S ■.

I r ( H E Y , W W



_____ ' ^

JACH, A V E R -S IN . ' SO I£521!* SMOWMC } __ _ . C n -lA T -L rrrL E BOMS.RKIEC? BROVJM a l l S V I ^ SM w e W A S / ^ - A s . SMT S H E / J ® ■OR IODIM g>~-^ W ____

MOT^y. — :BAO.

' 4 ^liy- '’-J

IV YoniC '

( S M S '(»s)N(; l i tn .

m i e e ?■''Honh Ur pt~ ct Bsuiii cal uuoa— 4iti Wnl Buiir.- IS'i Muitvcrn r>ellle _losMatflf_____7U BUM Bnaat _____llli1 Cintnl „ « sund Ou it Bie--T2(

S f e i« T - 8ll» BKwitt Wim . _ 11M trcepprrrm ';— aiwi»tt«kwflorp-=-i»H■«” --= =!l! SSf.?ars=-S’'r*T O I.— lO . TnniiUaMlc* n t i Uycta TDD 0 U 'i Und*r«ood bllotL- H len Alkill . . 34U Union Ciibld* C!i

rl Ptcilla — 41 Unlt*d Alrentl 3<U rl rtellle pi loit^ U H ind Ale«bol_ Ulia - ~ Sll s s s 'z — &

Sji S , 5 > S a - ‘!l

,“ = s i : S S ! ’S S 5 i g i i ? S

f“ —f fflstt'—aa l a l S l E ?

'S S f — ’! a w s r ' i "taloa ■ - ■ 10!-, . BUBd OU of Isd — <Qli

■ few load* plain native tnd ihort tcd

!— ■'^*ecp:'Re«Ipts-M.ooo;-/il-l*mbi ' clMMhoueUy SOc lover, dull t l

decline;' choice feeden lUonc, oUi-. eta barely ateady; etriy.top MUre

evei and veUier tombi to city U S butchen $8.73; feeden WM to 1733: ictf tullysteady;sheepuoeiURte(t;Jambi

to 90 poundi dovn, good and choice ter- 17.73 to 89| evea M to 'lU pounb. ood medium (o ehoiea UJS. to H ;/e« l- Id* in* tojnbi 80 to 73 poundi, good md )n t choice'88.73 to 87io. er*10; OMAHA LIVESTOCK

OMAHA. Oct a yp)-iu 8 D A) Host; R m lpts 4000; noiUy s liiJp. per m trktl; opeaod tcUw lo ihlp- pen,.el6ied ilow to ptcken; moil- ly 100 to S3C Wgiier; lop IMJ on » 0 lo aso-pound butchen; bulk

1?^ iainevelghUlS.lStopa3:bulklOO 10 300 pounds 8843 to packing » v a 17.75 to ISJO; imoolh light

'low* upvard to 88.83; teedcr p ip

** Cattle: heeelpU 3000. calves JOO;ted steen and yeirUngiaeUrt.iUong

**“ lo 3Je hljJier; oiher kUltoi ctoises ' Ileady toatrqng; stocker snd feeder

ite cn scarce, ileady: fed ittcn and Al ye*rJlns»81plo»11.7J;w(iiblyiieen

(491 pound*.tll.60; yearllnp m a s ; ; ^ ' ^ T e l f e n mosUy UJO lo I7A1:1 » sra ts c»Ks H30 to 85,7j; fev M s' liQ 80 to '18.73: cutter g n d n » .» to !n ^ J4 : medium naUre bulU t<i.7J'to

odd head velghiy kindi »JJ3 in to 18'M: practical top na len ill j S few 111 JO.IM ' Sheep: Recelpu 3000; co per cent ,xn Ot run feeden; ilaugliter limbs Me ... lower; aheep and lecden tleadj; I ^ bulk range atoughUr Itmbi ts. aoma M held tbore;, moit nallvtj and fed M vooledlamUH7J0tal7.7J: fedcUp-' ” ped I7J0: evo top UJO: bulk n n p A. range feeding Iambi 10.40 lo $8.73;

____ ■ ■

” KANSAS CITY UVESTOCK ' t r KANSAS c m ’. Oct 3 Ml lU 8 rs, D A)-lloBi: Reeelpu 5000; faltly dl acUve, maiUy 13c to Me higher Uiin da Wednoiday'i b « i Ume; ipoU up (to more: better grade 170 to 380 poundt (ll I9JS to I9J0; one load cholu a8 nd'pounds 19.80; detinble 140 to i«0 lo pounds 18.83 lo 19.13; .patklng m «t 50 »7J0 to I8.M; I ta p 87.2J to 1815; to, rtock pigs Itrong to 10c higher, 17.73 i ;e. to 88J0. ,d. 6hecp: RecelpU I3JN0; extremely ■ 0; Ilow, pnetlctlly nolhlng lold e«rly;' -s, bidding wound Mc lover for f t t ' Is Itmba.pi Cattle: Recelpu 3309,.ea]Tei S00;l

* U \S S ^N - t i'e.' a m ' w h s u » n b l

' ' m I ‘'w e o o iKTHREE O O llP iR s Ps.iX P o p SA\X> V/I

W a p p o i n t a


---- GASOUI^j

IOL) HUP.P.M A » 7 ^ (f n P R E S S E O . K e e T tv - .c A N o u O IK J- B B -tiA T B — • •P O R SC H O O L . ^

0 W ^ k 'j

---- -

ftd iieeri and yeuUngi ftbly aet lve. tirong lo 33e higher; ihort f« WeMm grtsien up most; commoi lo medium grass s l ^ strong, most ly Itesdy for Uio veek; site atoci and bulto mostly stesdy: vealen^m (laughter calves ilov. steady U weak; s',ockers and feeden oempahi. ilieJy scucf. iteady; top m lw

H , ypulinp I13J3; choice lllO-pounc \l\i Ittcn fI3; J3»-poond steers.lil; 4iiV balk ted grassen I8J13 to *10; fea 01 good light velghu up to 810.75: «m - ^{Sm on to medium gruMrs 13.75 u 415 17.73; short loads fed htUen.up to u]* IllJO; buuher covs |4J3 to %iiO\ ?i’'-ffltdlam buliJ i^vard to »5; bulk »u-v talm ^l0 .dQ vn.


Al-I(ogi: necelpu 400, Including U M* on eootraet; ilesdy, mwt IJO M il. pound butchen IIOJO; few i4J-poucd H'V p ip to klllen t l am e tlguie vlUi i tn 128 (0 Mi pouKi « .» te 110; few

333 u Sll.pound butchen IIO and 383 poundi ID; icatteied hesd rough

n<4 ptckiner to n M; psduse good ]03- iU pound feeder plgi 110.73, .

“ cattle; RecelpU IM. Including 40 onconirsc:: ealia . IS; toJklng ttoady onall.cluati:noculytA lciloipeak

*" 8)»ep:. Aeceipu 700; tlo u l half "U ol lupply drive-lrj; ^ U ib g u td aVj early: Ulklng ileady.KU ---------Mli OCDEN LIVESTOCK J OODEN. 0 0 . a Ifl «U 8 D A )-

llogn ReceipU m IneJuliaf 77 for inV market: early s a l e s ttuektd-ln

butchen IDO to 330 pounds 39J0 lo “ ■ I9.M; fev ouU MJO. iti catlle: Recelpu 433, laeludln« 433

for muke.; sieady; -odd. lott me- nbi divsi and good sieen tSJO to 87.S3;

al htUen UJO to 10.73; few good younc Ul- eovs 1333: mixed e o n 8323 to 83; Ure' toiey«UrdayUu«el0ads|00dIdaho -Ity itetrs 000 to IlOO pounds 17; lotd 36; 800-pound sUen 18.75; pu tlo ad S8Z nto pound y eu llnp OJO. . lice Sh»p: Recelpu 1918, tU tor mtr- ib. get; four decks H-pouQd'Idsho tst fd. bm bsn;.fe«.louruucked-tn eo.lo ^ n pounds MJO to.83JQ:-ytittrdty

i<w'decks SJ-pouad'.feeden UJO; IS out a t 14.

ST. JOSETII .UVUTOCK ,5’ ST. JOSEPH. O ct a WV-IU 8 D f ' A )-Ctttle:BecelpU:»3,caIra300: P* ted sum ta d .y ittU np tcUve,

Iteady; itocken tod feeden tcarce, ibouiiUady:coloeM7-poundyeari* In p II3JS; belter grtde led naUre »ltei> uid. yeu llnp 8WJ0 to 813;

5f fed Weitemi t8iSi t« r stniigW p u ie n 18.40 to I8.7B; beet covi

'•* «4a3 lo |5J0; cuUer grtdes 83 to — <4sbu(6h«rJidfemiaeroi;.Z»t!miL ? i grides ntglected: medium buUsttJO W tot 14.75; top ^-ealen IIIJO; heavy ** « t« * extremely tlow. no. demand;

fev stock calvei »7.40 lo »8; ptoln ttock steen 18.’ ■ • • ' I

'!» Hop; RfceJpU WOO; 13e to 3So i ' higher Uian bett Uma yestetday; 5*! trading Urgely to thlppen;- top J* I9.4J; m a t lalet better Ilnlshtd to hop IM pdiinds to d up .I0J3 10» 83.40;IllUodoneonunflntohedllglit-“ tr. kinds; pstkera ttarUhg to buy;

tevhoptrt>und|9aSU >|9J0;pae^■ tag lov i mostly 33o higher, lalei i5 IJJO to « J0 ; choice Ujht lowi oc- ^ , cwlonally 88.73; stock p ip nominal. J< I Sheep: RecelpU3000;noUslnsdone « etrly on Umbs; lndk*Uons weak to “ lower: tged shetp strong; Oolorido »• nnge ewe* 13,75 to klllen; brodlnj P ewea 84.75.


Sheep: Reeelpu I3 M . including 8 SOOO through; saltbls mpply.about; ly 75 per cent feeden; no early tcUon A on t t t Umbt: blddlns tround SQc IP lower than Wednesdays 40 lo 30c, lil lover cIo«e;'lop'ltt«''W(^Bedty-to 18 shippers 18.10; packer (Jp 88; -lwlk SO feeden Wednewlay ttrong to I3e r r higher; icveral loods 87.10; numtr- I; OUS loads 87; today, font bm dln; r5:evtH 3.B 3.^ ____ . I

y DOSTONWOOLr ; ' BOSTON. O e t» WV-BuilncM lu It vool eooUnuet to be rectrlcted to

,'Mf and fiocr. QUtJiUet. Oradnl. uiSVench oomblnj terrliory vooli of i

J fe s .’ S E E N P O P TOLO HIM V je c o u l d n ' t im A T T O Q u Y MVtk?. P«MN tH ^ ' P R £ S E N T w ™ a . RAH TWEKTX-^»\X C E >4T ^ WHAT VJK SHOULD DO IBfiL f --- -

•OCTOBER 2 4 .1930


W "^ \O M T |g BLO SSO ^

0 ANHBOO-. r -S T A tv re o


/ / S T O P -T L--------( i f : ~~ -

/ i S f e ■■ '^ ■ f b P 'S T

rE*"**" 11 I r a

f t : n

l i a i p i f f

g ilEiEiillx«d . -und . ,

Sudaen Upturns In A][ Grain Prices Arouse Much In-

'jS terest Aniong ‘"Tr'aders'Ulk _ , ___ ^,

Dy JOHN P. DOUcniW fAuwisied Pmi Market EdJier)

I D CinOAGO, Oct 33>Sudden up- ; a turns in lU pain prices UU todsy. SO' reacJilflfBBiaxlBuraefaUcfllJuahtl ind from Ihe dsy's biUom level, troused lUi much Interest tmong (radin. Thi rev Bdnnce vas.larjely ascrlbfd '^ rt- ind porU eurrent thal ehtnges In prts- Igh peel would permit mtnuftcture of 03-, 4‘i per eenl beer, tnd would afford

tn tddltlonal outlet for millions of 40 buhclsofgraln.NontUfa:to:yeon-

uly firmatlon ot iho report va* obtain- •ak tble. hovcVer, and Ui«‘upturns In

. grain quouuons. moiUy tiUtd lo a lf held.otd ‘ ’Wheat eloied Irregular, a t Ue net

, decline to He advance, com closed ; H to IHc djvn. otU H to ?io oft.

. 'andprDvuisnsunchansedtoa'ttoeof ) - Wc.for Lively Inereaie•In . A lively uanslent Increase of buy- 10 ing on ttie p u l ot house* v lth c u t '

em conneeUoM preceded Uie lale ad- i3] \-anoe or vheat Thtoburincrtreal- n«. <d Uiat for t l le u t Uie Ume being 35; th« vheat muket hsd been oversold. tu - tn d 'U ie tUmuUUn8-flffeci:vtt.Ute 15: (retter as t result of neuly *lmul- itio laneou* nevs Uut Chtlrmtn Legge >ad of the fedent farm botrd ttld (he w i priee otRusilsn vheat ta Europe htd ' . been rtlaefl 4e lo 8e a bushel during ir- Um Ust’few dsys. Uetnvhife. mtr- tat )ttl tuUiorlUes here explttaed Uiai ,10 Uve useof tll g n la u leed beeaute ot lay' coraasdhaycrapshdrtagercshitk- 50; tng cereal priees move laneiy a* a

unit; tnd Uist Uie reneval of beer muiuftccure jrauld lend to lift Uis m ukel vtlue of tll grtln.

; D ' Com tnd OtU fluctuiled chiefly 50; teU nertm U ieadJenofvh«i.P»r- ve, onbleVetUierforcomhusklntp^-i ce, vailed largely lo a riie ta the viluo ri- tffiwga.- _____ I

12; 1Vbca(>- Open iUgh Low' CIom '•W’ Dec. ___80H 81S 79S 80*4-n M u, - = 6 4 4 » -6 t i ;— 83H 8451to Mty ---- 6311 80Ti . 8 tS , 8i».(fl_ July -.gJO . 87!i 834 88H

S ‘* D » ^ 7 » H 80 7BH T8KII]; Mtr. ___61<& ' 8IH BO‘i 80UOn May - _ 0 ! i 84U O ’i OK

I July -----84K MU MU 84UiSo O a t^y; Dee. ___37H 37<4 36H it%op M u ..___3»U' 39» 38H 3KKtd Mty ___40 40>i 39K 39K

t- CIIICAOO.CASU GEAIN y; cincA oo. O ct a un -W beat: io- No. 3 hatd 80!ic to 804ie.M Con: No. 1 mixed BV4c; No, 1 c- yellow K34c; N a 1 vhllo 8l<{)!r >1. new No. 3 mUed 79He;'No. 3 yel- ne bw774cto7BI4e;No.SvhlU74Hc. to - otU : Ko. 1 whlto 37Kc; NO. 3 lo *h lu 38VO lo are.IS R>-e; No u let.

Btrley 480 lo 83c. - TlmoUiy letdlSJStoiaJO . • Clover seed 81810 8M.75.

\) — — 1-------13 PORTLtVD GRAI.VIt; PORTLAND. O ct a {.n-Wheat in futurta dosed: May 81c, December nc Tdsc. Cash; Big. Bead Bhuttem )c,BI'4c; sott vhlte, vestem vhlle

} t j '^ Ulls gnde tro bringtag 88o to 70c.> scoured btsto. CMgtatl b i ; Unet « from thfl lenltorT scction self t t Mi

lo 89c Kourcd hails, ror short aver- tge sUplfl line*, vhlle Uie beUer lU - pia oNeiiaa bring up (o rOe. icoar*

n ed btito. Nev Mexlcin and Colora*0 doorigtaalbac.voolHUsatSSO'to <f STe, leoured bssls. The I'olunte-of If ' tiles ll tiot lu se oa any case.

|\^L fr"PoP -E V E rtT H iM /A ».n ufi

. -F « rS O AWV\ARj'?wVCOMKm • AM‘ M E At>4’ Pf^T

■PEPiVJT Am’ B A Q - V : ^ ; 1 ' ' - ^ EARS «O T T oeE T «C ^ i-fS Jf< )K f\H* PIPPOIWTCO


N 6 S . ^ D M ,s p 6 a i h A s v ^ 2 r A . W D-^ HAS ' ’W S U R E JF a iO -IO .rruB M T H 5N -V 6. 1 J FA O M D SC lO eD K lO T -j y o o TH BS S M O K E I

sJIPT H eM - ^fW S N > L L C 8T

. i J ’ ^ ^

L -A —S y d to


I ' D liBAKA.m,Oct.J3W l-niB u l ;ashlos*b!aPkrUlanof lodty eaU

Uie same spsclals of sailto Uitt men tw 40.C00 yean teo. tays Dr. Prtnk 0. Baker, cunior of

‘I" Ute mustum ol n tlu n l htotory t t Uie Unlrertlty ot Illlnoto.

Its h « oompieted a comptrison .f t . ot SOOO living apeclmcns ot ttiaUs

seat fnm Alglen wlUi fossilised snSUs from tho samo piaeo-4nd

------- fotiadJhem jobetfietam e. • ■.

) — -__ —j :p- : :>y. 7SKc;'hard vinier, northern iprlni Jtl 73>ie; ffestemrfd 73«c,:d C u rtcelpU 47. t.e ■

OHAItA OltAIN Of' OMAHA. Oct a W) - Wheat ltd D uk bard N a 3 TTc; hard No. of 74c lo 73e; No. a.73e to 73UA m* ■ Com: Yellov No. 1 77c lo 78crtfe In- 3 Tic to 78c; mixed No. a 77<«In OaU: WhlU No. 3 34c.. •. to ^

i - P O IIT iil irof . I

IDAHO MABKCT f ’ niAIIO FALLS, o a a MV-tU T .8 0 Al-bpoUteea: Dtmand Boot) ? markel wrakerjJUisstt No, J tto il . “ ly ILU, tew higher; No. S 78ct« ^ 90«, acMrdlog to MndlUsh, moit- ^ ly 8»e; Borals Na< 1 ILtJ (a

8U0.'few lower.--------------- -—“I : n m FALLS-Demand uod- • ; enU , market steady; RotseU No.

1 IIJ3 to 1148, (ew higher Mid lower; No. S7SotoKle,metUy80e;

Jf sales by dealers meaUy 5e higher, at • .ot . . ■ CUICAQO BIABKBT,

CHICAGO. O et M M>-(U 8 O* AI - PoUtoei: necelpU lU car- ” loads; en track X99; taUI Unllcd

SUtcs lU pm uU lU l: barely ileady.. trading fair; Wlieonila

Y ueked roand vhlUa 8L85 to-C;' I 3((noeioU tacked roand vhKcs, ;* b tit I1J« (o ILBS, poor 8LU op;

North bakoU lacked H tad whllta 81.70 (0 IL88; ueked Bed S lm

^ I Obloi lIJO (• IS, fev hlihert ^ Idaho .lacked Bo*ieU_ No. I gUO

(a C .U ; No. 1 81.70 U fiJSt Cole- ndo ueked Brovn BeaaUes and ' McClatts, BotUy a touqd .tt.

7 —fllssliuppi peean gTwen expect 5 to sell ’10O/XI0.000 pounds,of. nuu ? thrwgti Uwnatlocaieo-cpUiliyfar, i ~

\ ' - ' F a l l d p i

Kimberly S T U E S. 0

* TJlggerteventofUiflsettoa — Th ; btnd In .Uie su te of Idtl* . S tB dof ftw«


1. . ■ ■

; 2 1 0 - 2 2 0 u d ™

; 2 n d , A y e . S , : „

IIAHD' M schlnlsU Wheleatie

A fa n |ifu (u rc rs tndostrUi, . ; . ■ AUbuiki.ji

-'i. .- rf . = a = g = ^ = g ;

I ■ ■ ' '

W l» l| ;Fm50 ,ftW HPRilTfl ( A N ’ .H E A N 'p f f f y '

H E e! F lN N E S W f t n ' / jg J E P E f tM u T ® B ftSEh R St > f i l j

. . '■ M

:___ :_____ '■ - n y .

L _ J l S S 5 ^ i S ^ .


‘ AODifl-A'ABABA. Abyulnto. nio Oct a c n -T h e Rat Talari h u t . >aU passion for hli-«lrcleii se t ha t RxenUy Uia Ras t r u u d . Hto il tsys set had 8 « » M t of rommlsslon. ' ’ of The 17-yctr-old ton of Ul&lster ory de Retfyo v u home on ft vacaUon

tron We Polyischnlo * school In Paris. U aw u called tnd la flfuen mlnulet he htd tuned In EUfel

J S Tovcr. ■ . u!d Hap;il]y a m t :^ the Rts, vbo

to'ioca to.be crowned Emperor of

The Ud. UunUng ^ soverilgn, trlng could sot te » a t M.ho hu t to n*

ium to tchcoi. ^ r t u p o n Uie klnilook tr e a hto ovn uniform a

* msTsltlecnt plaUnua decortUon siuddtd vJUi diamonds and pinned'11 on the.youth'* chest

l)«‘; The mtaliter^ ion U .now th# io. I youerrrt officrr of tbe ’SUr of

Abysilnla." tnd Ite. klnf to once rtfST more happy- •.' .


• ’MADISON. Wto. Oct a , •tubber tubilKule' vtiieh doea not

— ' reptoee rubber but to Itld 'to extend- iU uset to deecribed to Uie Ameri*

m ' CUI Ohemfeaf aodety iiy Blerr H. lUrvey and IL A. Bchuetto o( Uie Unlvenlty of Wtoeontln.

, to I t to mtde by combtafns a formjC. Mt. sulphur vtUi fitly olto, tn d v u dto*

to oovered 80 yean tgo by -t French___chemtot who tcc(den(|my mixed the

lulphur'vlUi olive o lt ' • -


AUOUBTA. Mtlne, O ct a WV . Faulty UghU tnd poor brakes havo .

ID been found U um tjor ilto otU ilne 't ar- tulomoblles.-. ■ • led Of 119.043 e tn Inspected In a.tix* ely week “uve-t-Itfa" campaign. UghU •• Iln were tdjuited on B8,m e tn ' tnd t t \ . btafces on 40J33 can. es, Fbr tbe cunptlgn 3T0I InspecUon ip( ittUons were totmed.tk» ' •______________ —rer ■ ■ . ,enJ8 A. N. Bonwel^ot .Carry, Idaho ' >«* ' b u been tppoln&d SALES BBP- nd ' BBSENTATIVB' f ir Twta FiUi

tnd Jerone Ca. .for .Uit 6Uhl (hildeir enferprfie Co. U v ta(-

KCt lag nbblU oa U w-cenUtcljUa. _ »“« tee him. :car.

ipening of .

Shadowiandi)C T .28 th■ T helugest ballroom tnd best dtnco Idtho. Dont mtoi.tlito dtnee rt«m 9:90 ta liOO'' - LOO - bd iM Fner s DANCE BAND

I PRDWARE ^» le '— Bet^I B l a c ^ l^ lh s .

(ru issppuet ' JM sr,S d t!d ta . ■ es-Mone Aieolc .

T H E S J i E C r i E B W . ,

1 1

Page 13: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS.....-JV-' _ i ' ' '-'i,.. THI yOL U. NO. 171 “ **1110=11 : SWEB IH — __________rr-________________TU

^gTHfi^RCj cm U nB rfftw ate

I IWTKB lU m a ^ O T H E B R O K B* • I t t l e Btwm w i o o n W B ^ •

_ s s s » r ' . « » 1 i f r s s s s ’s s sI Y o tt 8a ihB^TO iKlnf rtubbcra?

Well, he'd m DoUilBt -

I , !s»“r s ‘.fs.‘s .“ ‘'ol is r .a t« , Al “ S

T b w »Bfir. I to»»

J S S E S i . 'W W i . u S S »w a w u a S w i. K*ier. Ilood birt- beZded u d «lUi eu 7 UufbKr in Ui hli eyes. '

» X In no huny.' honesUy-so “ • AlMtd ftod Uka Ul a o io n t u l f«<.h Um tvtlra o'dock Iron Pttm. , ‘ S S o I'm Ul r tb t" K

TJut I rt t quarttt W twtlTt nowl- th# girl crtetf. “Vou cant i ; pottlbUr mako I t r

I •Oh. well, then IU ciUh the tb M ' m t l ' ' o ld Letier. He « u MUj ‘ m Dt the od te n ea t asd sd> u i

\ mlralloa In the-glrl'i e ro u ihe Br ^looked up a t him, T bere 'i alwajs ]

plentr of tmin* lo SouihelUf." tta -Ohi- nuttered Iha glrL -Oh," bei

bov luanyl X mean, it's realty a im . coincidence but I'm io>d< to Boulh* vii

clU(. (oa Not br ths trelra o'clock, he of course, bul tv the-the next." vo

Lester had dealt with this kind liei of coincidence before. ’ Ut

_____ "Then thb 1< certalnlr our t*xl.“ (iE T ttta . « t U r ^ n r * e y " S 5n 5: —

, -Well har# a prelty Umt wilt for .our-train," be ttld. "W h a t,,,

— about at^pInK In a l Sherry's on Ij

"rd*ilmply adore to," the aald. Leiter «tUea baek and took -a .

l«od look U tha slrl «h» by nov, no doubt, cotuldeitd berseU oadly U love vlUi hlra. -Pretty, Iw thought, but much too much mk ' j "You dant,come a ilep further than Shetiy'i lUler," xtuUti LeiUr.. . . «f

' And nov the v u a a b ii tiln to tell v« her vhat he v u thlnUni of. vu

• "You." relorted U Scrnechanl. {jjj

"Then you're vlihln; v s hadn't n | met and you dldnt hars to bother m v lth met" ’ Kt' "I v u thlnklnt hov perfectly -wooderftil « ll ot yeu to, boOMr Vllh rae." ’he conlrlbuled. "Bay." j ,iVd be tve» If j-ou'd lell me your a t name.'* ' • ' ' im

"I dont^knov youia." ihe coun-

- LeilerBaTsll. boi"Letter Bnon," .ahe npcaUd.

'" i're lecn jwu* name aom evher^ n (------ oh-yej. dancln j-a t-lha-im a-v lth g ;

. Oyrla Cullen. I m t ihe lonly7 I .

r • "flhe'i a Utlla llio you," uW Uf * ' • Letter, "bendlnj illihlly tovardi

' ber. "In fact Td atrnut think you ;v m her kid i l i t^ v e D . h m 'i .

*• -a tie lp e d her'OTl’a a d ' v a i * entlyaleerinrhertoaiecludedtable. I

. 'T herovufloene-hB looked around Th ' ;th# placo-no one he.kniv. No one be

be could dump her on to. tbl“Vou.baTen'i told m< your luo# mb

' yet, you knov."-he u ld . after n# Wi had ordered her a tufldia'aod black a f

■ -coffee for hlnuelf. tlrt• - "Oh. dldnt I? Ihe atked Jn t i

t etabwaUiurpnie. "Ifa Conaldlne. nM iBoie con ildbe/ ' M ' Leiter’i coffee v u at that a o - Imeat plascd belore him and he

'■ drank It a t a gulli.. • . A l ^ g h li# lul* 'h a d iddnued hU ktltr to “mUa

------ iBa»in»re--al'eouthdlif. Ke had »u|g lm "R oieC onild lne"uhlib ;lde’j c « ‘ name at llie rrglitrar'i offlcc. In* » ' .undlnK to make gulls ture of llie .ralldlly of hU mjuriage.. foiI Ills flnt iliought va i that by iioms Ulck o tthe brain h s v u again

• »heartoB HsUle'a toJcs utter JlalUe'i H/

• But hll 'confuiloti paaKd. Like Ll >.Buny men vho poueu beauiy; ol ’ :bodyvuhout beauty o( mind and - u :vlio therefore attract only'the raoet Thi imlndlfM of vomen, lie v u ready (or :to believe lliat they vould go lo u d lao rlen jlh i to gain hit allenllon. bui t . "Klee name," hs tald. eyeing ber ini svllh dellbtrale liuolenee. "And only ttn nv o of you In all Nev York to far h « ;u lk n o v ." put

. f:. T « 'o of us?' Ihc Hammered, cha

^ • ' Prince and Princf

I H m i r a OF ASTURIAN t t e croiI Insr to rum ors .dreulaU tiff InI m ay soon bccomo c n sasc d 1B l fiourboD, 16-ycar-oId daught S I B ourbon, capta!n*itcnei:^ o t'BkB T n*1>ona_

hI darKIe«taday*sHevs

H m j 'toov'an'o theT.'iW oF 'my ! safflsf OooaJdlnef' . '

Letter grinned. ■ .- rm afraid you dont Uka ym r '

lundae," hs u ld . "Let n o «der TOQTomroiu^riiiprMiu' lujwoon* *aldlne tbe-Becoad."— ----------------

"Why. you wund—" aho faltered —"you aouad u Ihough you dldnt beUett It ll ray n trae r

"Oh. 1 dont u y th a t r Lut«r leaned back. Ughtlns a clgant. ;■ 'ei»-roie angrily. —— ~ "Bye*bye." he murmured. 'Shall i

I jlTeyour love to-soatbcuffr—- Arrlrinc In SoutbclUf Leiter vest

a t onM (0 i ln . iSarthoiosev'A "Mill-nteimore S t 'h o m e r be

atked, u hs opened tha. door. .' ."Then'i no one of that nanu

Urti htre." _■•Oh.I«<l"Luterehockled.'Then j

aik Mlu conaldlne to aeo me." _ \ "Mitl Conaldlne h u left here.". - ieaer raged fnwafdJr. . » «»•

iracled a M hUl from hU blUfoJd. t •^"I vant i i i u EUeimora'a-I bes your pardon. U ln Cooaldlns'a'ad*

b ^

“Tbera'i no myitery aboul ‘ i t U iu CeeaJdisal atayJor up a t . tba , Broon bouie." '

Lester tvoro freely. Tbe vocnan Itood quietly tUl he had flnlihed, ^ ber eyei averted. Then vltboulmoT* T Ins or looUns a t him. ahe relorted T vllh a itream of profanity n ich iu ho had never heard,equalled by any t voraan. young or &d. Anduu be t deparw; i h e W hU IS bill to the kltehen and dropped It Inta tbe ilove. ,

(Ooprrlght; »30. by noy Vicken) j

(Continued In Wait lu ue) - ^

HIGEBiN'SlSKIlIlTimcopfpl' HAOBUIAN, Oct. 3S (Special to Ths N evi)-A t an annual raecUns a of ftockholdera of lbe Hagerman a Valley Mutkral Farm eompany held htre Monday aftersoon. tbo foUov- :lnsoffleeravhoaerTedlutyearve» ^ titclcd for another Itnn: S r . R. U. ^ Oreene, preildenl; Earl Povcrt. vice T prealdeni,-and Charle* Abbott, ice- £ retary •treaiurer.. B . O. Praxler and Roy Panoni vcre elected dlrecton . (0 terra u a board vf(h the ofacUli. A

Planrfor addin* addlUonal equip- “ ment to tbe farm before Utt fur aea- " ion cornea on vere dlicuited a l the “ ntellns and a raeetlnr of tbe board • of directors vlU b t b tld a l lbe Ab- ^

ibolt nnch Friday. I tw u announced, a: Ivhen a Ihoroush Inipeetioo of the 'ra(/ar82VlUb»aadavlU }*r)evlo U

S i l S l I 'IJITIJPPiiSf

FAIRnOD, OcL'M (Special'toThe Kevt)—Camu eounly aoon wUl — be vllhoul a medleal doctor or den-Ult. Dr. ShHta, vho h u been here upMme time, vtU leave Prlday •for nuWakefield. Nebraika, to p r a ^ BjatdltUu Ihm. D r.-au b b t^ dea- ar tilt llTlog Jn Fairfield; baa announe­ed th il be VlU leave aoon, but h unot defjnllety decided on a location, . .although he favors' CaUfomla. ”• Doetor SheeU b u -b ee n - eounly E,health officer and coroner for the ® lu t tvo. yean. His reilgnatlon h u not been femally accepted by theeounly comffiln tonen an d-go-m ic- Pacenorhu been named. Indeed Ihtre __u no ons In the county who can -qualUjr for tbs olflce. Unofficial te- ■ port4. b u 11 t la t anoiher dociorwon VlU l l y t prtctlelnt here. j


Tbs Nevi)-A crew of men vorklng for Uu Mountain SUlea Telephons u d Telegraph eorapany-bu been buiy thli vetk. In H ateraao remor* ln|O i»virufrom 'poIes along BUle I itre^ aad lubilltuUns cable. Five 1 DSV' M le t'v ttt ael' and lines .vets I pul In fln t clau condition. Ths c chantt, It U said. wUl reduce cost of C

................ • -------- • • I•r-------------------------- - ficessMay^Ved . J


'C ■ I.








x m prince o f Spftlii, accord* ^ In- Bpanista p o lm u ] circ lu ,- o

! to \t l) ( i P r ln c e u M aria d6 l o rh U r o f In fa n to Carlos de ; ' I 'B i^ I o n f t , a n d th o P rioceaaI__f m PiiAfA •



f J CikH'V 6 PT MBR OtfT \1 ' 0^ M't MIHO “ • V . » H E A N E N f i l t i - \ ; I Vi()OLt> 6 UDLY OO ^ ' . ANyYH(N& SHpAStjSO tP I ONtY C0M8 B ^ tH -; I 5IMPI.Y M sr ro N S B '- 1 TH? W E b t» m G ^ * 5 w r i

CCULO FiN b 'THA'T *■ ~ftN0 '6 ivg~i'r fP 'H C ft '

^ vi5bt>iN6 n s i t n r y

^ —

• / '

I 'I I

i f f l iB i t . . ' 1

TiETABLES 'ScbedQlu ef PaatBgtr T n ln i and

Metot BBMCi Pudag T bm sb Twtaput*. =

OEEOON 8H0BT UNB f £uttoond

Ita ln M leaves______ LS:OS P. M.Train im leaveu^---------7:30 A U.

WeitboadTrain U le av u ______.11:55 P. M.Ttalo 155 J»T ci______ 2;«3P.U. <

WeL(.S BRANCH BoBlhbonna

3 f t i n m k « ^ = g = i 2 0 A 5 L _

Train S « wnvei--------- J:M P. M. F(PICKWICK 8TAQE8

E u tc n Behtdnli ^learo Eubound______ 10:tS A. M.Leare Eutbound------—IWOA-U. _Antre from E u t.:_^— 1:30 A. M. C;Atrlve from X ut-----------8:35 P. M.

Walera Scbedala mLeavo Weiibound-----------«:30A.M. -Leave Weiibound----------»:45 P. M. AlAnlre irom Weit______ 10:0s K U.Arrive trom Weit,,,,.,., .»:01 A. M. m


- *■"« A M,s

. - " p m ? E ulbeud Fl

Arrtve_____________ .11:40 A. M.»>««> • Noon of

T-Mf ' n-MAfct.BOISE LOCAL -

L e a v e _ _ _ _ _ — — WO P. i t DArrive______________ «:18P.'M. ,

TWIN FALLS-BUSB flLeave________________^TiOOJl. M.

- i i . in A - u K Uave ___ ■ • • • _ 6!18 p . M. S


A rr tv e -_ ;___________ 1:15 P.M. o■ _ . . _ ra a p m. “


Arrive-------------------- 1_<:10 P M. N ihi

— • »upkeepandlmprbvereccpllon.Anew ? main f ra o o h u been Iniulled in th# Bagennan telephone office! itand- f-. arduia^r office equlpncot.

-------------- ------- , beHunt deer and goat vllh my outfit bo

on. Eait Salmon. Leats a n on -r: north fork Wood river, 13 ml 4bors Kilchum.' Ned FWttr, gulde.-Adv.

Only one fool Ipt: J il t ' in Tvln n


necelpis Oct.' lOlh to Dee. 91,1K>:• Cash on h a n d __________:_______T uea ___________________Inlerait on taxes-------------------------

"MlKrCaacous_______ ____________

Hay aud Feed' ZDeceniber

Ubor and*team hire Z 3 I Z Z 3 Z 2MUea«e, DIrectora_______ ________ :Drayagfl— ----------- ---------- ---Telegraph and Telephone---------------

Offlco Suppllea-------- Z Z - Z Z ZCare and Feed for animals _______Duu. American TtotUns Aun

Capital ouUay,Caib on hand Decenber SUt, 19»___

BeoelpU January 1s t to oetobcr'soih. 1 C a ih o n h a n d -:________________

Inten-tt on t m m _____Oale aod OraodtUad _ _ _ _ _ _BoxauUiu;— _______________ __

■Cooceitloni _________________ _UllMllMWIIl.-Hay and F»ed — ____________

. DlgJ^ a p a o o ., ....... ,, ,

Ou’tsUndlair. .-.

. DUbunenenU Januaix lal to OcloberStcretary-'rtMwrer----------------------Offloo help_________________ _

H fk tt ________Judsca -__________________

,flupeftotenrf..nt . ------■Ubor abd team bU«______________MUea«s qd c a r __

.............' Telegrapta. Teltpbooe and postage .

Feed ta d eare of animals .Prtmlttns . ■........................Firo< acu Jadodln* band.

■■Henab^~!!!^.-.'' “ T - * -

: B tfun^ 'coaeasato i • " Z .: ------- - I - -

•• • • ■■•T«

N l^ -T f f l W - F A L L g r l D A H O r l

l»R(>BABl.Y A I Z 'I / 'jws aW T IvlNCr • / m^ 'TMAT HAve / NI I -HAPfSMSb f tW O - *\ \ S BLEtVMfr / V,

Y V IM D lS G U iiS y . -



AltW .atAdiiUlT,udKllT.aiid. ^ - U » j biliis Ut. bojir. —

n r n a U • ™

f d r S a l e - F r u l t s , .V e g e t a b l e s ^_____ _ - ............ beirrALIAN PAUNES-ORCKARD —

run, l l « iwihel « h NtrtJi AP

CABBAGE l» o 9 MILES 80D1B nu !jvu lo tO uU e(o id . Loren Bta> r r

telhoft ranch. ' ^APPLES. DEUOIODS,, BAKANAj Ra

Jonathan, bring coatalnera, « — mile v'uthof Kimberly. Sharabausb. FC

FOR SALE-DEUCIOUS WINd’- mo filli. 50 eenU box. Oood grade - -

cuUiUcenU. Jean Day. One rail# 8 U nonli and haU mile e u l of Kim* tberly. _____________

FOR SALB-CABBAaE, 1 AND 3o —2 mUei eu t, H iouUj. and H e u t FC

ot Tvln FaUi. or liave ordm alSM h Malti Ave. So. Tvln FaUs. Fred, bul Bttr.DELICIOUS APPLES BUSBEL 3Sc,|fQ

3 for tlXO,' bring conUlnera have 1 olhtr vegcublu and fruit.-R tuon* I > ably priced. 3(0 7th Notth. Fhone Co

-----------------------------CHOICE DELICIOUS APPLES IIM '(■

per buther: sccond grads IIM , •:t culla 3Sc, Btaytnra-Wlneup Tto per lAt buthtl. Bring contalnera. Kenyoo- bat Orten Pbone 80J3. . • ; , ^ FOR SALE-POTATOES. F0R A ‘‘ ■.'•fev'dSB-v«-vlllaeU'cotnblnatlon « » No.-landNo.3NeUedOemallJ3per Bai hundred at ths ranch. Culls fiOe. n t Kenyon dteen. Phone m i l . wDBLIciooS.JONATHANS.PEARS, O.

prunes, and elder, by the pound or = truck lotd; glau or barrel Yoursfof.ierrfee. L. OCwjiwr. Kim- • •'betly Texaco BUUon, Kimberly, Ida- ^

APPLES FOR SALEr*YOUR w m* = Itr spplei aro nov.ready for you ,,

alE.L.W onawlt'4 Orchard. S mllea ± e u l H south of Tvln Falls on high- vq

Allva rle tto sl^tto^^to^ ^

f u

PALLS COUNTY FAIR SA'I m i f , U)0 ' - . li

Vai■ • tl3I9.n roo

# j m nai------- .. . 3939 por

ww-vi leti_____________ 1M30 *prl_____________ SJO ■ ■ chaber3U t,in#: . • Wa--------------------- .115000 Ml«_____________ _ . 3UM ^

es30----------------. 10,75------ ;-----------. OM

: i ± = m . H ? ! '" '_____________ <3.70 i i— --------------- lM».eo - -J— — :_____ ___________^

»3t7Ul |3 i7 « l “

:r—tz : “ S-------- 1M83.77 „--------------------- ~= . H ■ -

. S “ 11— — I - B K 11«

_ _ _ ----

------------- - I 1350.00------------------ 300.17 ... _

- - '■ « 0J 0 }---------------------- 6000 a

------------ 311.19 • - . byt«»r.73 ■ of t

------------ 1----- lttO.13 • of.tl------------------ JJW# Boll---------------- L m i M.I

<935 . for------------- -- 3J0JI Sloe----- .u;.-: ■ , 913.10 - (d l..— V.- 54555 Uoa____________m u . toot

----------- - 2J5.10 Aid• MI7.0 Cou

— . ........ , »60i)0' - PJ_________ __ <I3IM . Ucl)

— - T n n . - ■ Pl------------- --- 100X0 trae

n ,„ - 3« « fore — — . j r s j j effl

• -. 3KM1 I353SIJ3 Boll ■ I • DUt

.....• 3«.90 and■ iJtoJt Uia

— ------- Coo"t3606M -A

TWIN nuxs o o x n n r f a i r , wui


^ -H E -= G U M P ^ <OUST t o W i K OP r r - X



i BUT IT’ ■ V*HY 010 I V/AIY ?

\ - A<*A»N THSY COWB - , /

F \ .

s s = : = ' , ,

Lds-Bar^For Sale Miscellaneous

B K S T « B r o ( a H n « i r c ^ Helage 33 City Auto Camp.

FRESH PEEOINO BUTTERMILK,' FO IcpergaUon. Swift^ O o . 5

I W SALE SU A U iv HAV CHOP- FO per A-l Shape, 310 Blue Lakes So. I

FOR SALEI-A POTATO SORTER; ^ linllB north and IK cut.Of Kim* j

berly. Bttm tr Place. —

APPLE BOXES AHD DASKETS** - j See J. W. Jiardln. KImberly. or J. —

tt,JUnUn. Tvln FaUs. , fOTWO BECT BODIES A-l BHAPE. —

Plione 4l5J.oM eo them a t 1S8 U( Ramigs'St. South P a r t ,^f

FOR SALE-CLEAN LARD BUCK* — e!s aod iarja Uack ladles « i{ ,a l* FC

nioitnev. Sit Snd Ave. North.

B I ; L ^ ^ R sale - MADbNNA — Ully, mlxtd tullpa, peonle, (red. LA

vhlle, plnkj prlots altracUve. H. t e Muner. FUer.

FOR SALE OR RENT - WARE* FO: hDuieonrallroedavenue. Utedcar

buUdlng on MaUi Ave. NsrUi. Mra. met L. W. Voothtea. ^FOR SALElpAililALL TRAcflOB h

In good condition, used ona year, qul I mile t u t «H louUi of Kimberly. — Conrad Migtl. Jr, Route a. Klmbtrly. ™

FOR-SALE-WIND-SUIELD-AND av< idoor glua. Auto lops and curUIn . 'T

.; repair, u n r u and u n v u rtpilr- mg. Ibomeu Top and Body Works,back of Danceland.___________ ^

T W IDAHO SALES CMIPANV £ 2 a{ Klmbetiy, Idaho, h u a ^

AU Bne.of .rtefd bagi and Branded B ap a t a r ea l SAVINO InteiU- n te before BUVINO. We are al-, t o vays m the MARKET for POTA- e TOSS.. Ttltpbono No. I, Klm^tly.0 . Steinberg, manapr. phi

. .•■■For Sale-FurnlturT" ^OOLD SEAL RUO SALE 11.00 A.

W eet SveefA______________ J*!FOR SALE-UNIVERSAL HEATER ^

a n d C :^ tV lc tro U ._ ^ e lO M W - 7


:<»5W.; , , _ £

SAT.’ ACC7nON--8AT. 1 P.. M.aharp.. BoUenbeck Is Sullivan Sale

Vards Baek of Idaho D cptrSattrlO-p-a roomaofgoodfumltureccniUUngof — Ranges. Realen, DavlneUei.Davea- . ports. Dining' room aeli.-Bedroom Mis, OhUfkntera, Rugs. Extra btdi, ~ tp rinp aad m allrtiiti. roektn. ehalts,- ^tc. Aluminum Eltclrlo Waiher almoat nev. Atlend -UUs u le for barnlm . everyUilng telli.

Legal Advertlsemenls „*NOTIci OF WRIT Of"n T A cIT —

; . • • MENT p a In Uu DUtrlct Court ot Uie Elevtnlh . 0

Judicial DUtrlcl of Uie Slate of tO, .-Idaho In and for Tvln PaUt Coun- ~

tr. . . ^BOU# Payilta Lumber Compiny, a _ «

corpotiUoo. PlalnUff '•

1. B. Perrlna and Kortenie Ptalne, huiband arid vUa; Defendanta.NoUce U hereby fiven mat on Oc* WA

toberl7Ui,mo,avritofalUchmcni U v u U u u d oul of U)t above untied Uw courtlnUwaboveenUtledaclJon.at. ^ UcWng Uia property ol Uie above named defendant for Uie sum of 13191.17.. 2 5

IniWltatts Whereof, I hive hen- ualo set my band and Ihe t#il of UlU Court thU 171 day of October, t =

■ . HARRY b . PARSONS, aU (SEAU CItrk of Uie Dlilrlct Court,. PJrt

By FRAHK J.S M m f. M»1 ___________ __________ Dtpuly. A

liO T lC e TO COJfTBACTOBS by Sealed propoiaU vUl be rewlvtd poil

by UiaCommUalontr of Public Works - 'T >r the SUte of tdaho. at (he otftix prof ^r.UMCommlulontrofPubllcWorU or,; BoUe.ldabo.unUItvo 13)o'cVKkP. SUI iL on-Uia MUi day of Oeiober,.lMO, < N [or Uu fnrnUhlng cruthtd grartl.ln leu itodtpUii and surfacing vlUicruih* Proi td gravel portlona of the 15 mils tec- eqm Uon north of Rogetaon on Uie B av toU :00th PirlrBfghvxr, knovn as SUte Octi Ud ProJeel 119-B, In Tvln FaUa cal^ County.. . .. a a i

Prtpottls irUl be opentd and pub* Um llclyread.at.Uie above hour. bon

£U&s,spteUleaUOQi,formaorcan- ...U Iract, pr^XMl forma and oUitr In* ilco tormatta may- ba obuintd a t Uie Uu’ >ffic« of the Bursatt of JJJsbitin to a SoUe. Idaho, and from A. L Weaver, weU DUtUct engineer. Shothone, idabo, Uve u d w t ea fU» for examUuUon a t c a - ba efOes e t Uie AisocUled Otneral D coDtitetcn, Ball L & Clly. UUh.•A cbana «f TWO DoUan <1340) ' irUl ba mada for cach ttl.of plant

JE R -2 4 r -1 0 3 0 ^ --^ ^ -------------------

^ e H ,E E R -V P ^ -~

/C H Ig^U P N O w A I . .OUb B O 'f-

t o r o r YAW IT

g a i n s - 0For Rent—Furnished

R O O U A N D B O iSD aSsE lN rm ?Ot . todAve-N. b<


FOR R E N T - F U E M I B I E D ^ ^ Foi Ing twm. Phono 13IU - H

ROOM,' hirtH T O m B A T ,'T w nnj; ^ garage, dote In. Plione iTU, _ _

FRONT BEDROOM aBNTLEMDl ^ preferred. 3<B 3rd, Ave. North.

FOR RENT-NICB CLEAN APART* -mrolaulUblefortvo.PhonellOtW J®

UOHT HOUSQCEEPIND ROOU bU.• for tenl-Elderly people pttlcrred. tani tiO M hEut. per

FOR RENT-FURNISUEO ROOM. Id j aenUemtnpretened. 35)3tdne. =


clean vlUi Iteal, cloea In. Apply ua ' 413 Main NorUt uFOR RENT-.9.R00M FDRNISB* ^

ed spartmeot flaaraJo*-Apart- © menu. 3nd av^ eu t. • —

FOR RENT-TWO ROOMS FOR tk hsuMkecplng. Close In clieap. in* —

qmra iL 318 3rd SouUl._________ FOI

FOR RENT-BEOROOU IN MOD* em nome. AUo garage. 301 EtghUi MH

av<nm.eu t.^Phone MIW, ' ’ v ROOM .TOR RENT-SUTTABLE

for tv» ladles.. Breakfut'If . pre- WA ferred. <43 Main Weii; Phone 101«. ' ■ le FORNISHED A PA R T M B N T - n r e e roomed, new, Bept tin t, la* .WA dividualapanmenU/-<OhUdtta)-No - p Italn te climb.' Pbons 1005. ’ . spe<

LONG'S A O -6.ROOM FURNISH^ TO ed house. ISO; S-room fumUhed . dl

US: 6- m n ' tnodem houu .; |4 t.' Fall Phone MJ. A. N. Lons; • ' vnrCALIFORNIA-BOSTON .APART*

a eo U ;jK a a 2iMt,elefMoe(«kIay. OAl [urhUhed, no <UUs to cUrnb.. AU rt MV. oae block north of Post Office, aed popular prices. Pbone lWS;3«a«e* anb wdAve. North. t o

' ■ Miscellaneous,

F. MUIuek, Perrtno HoUL -

MATTRESS DIRECT FROM FAC* = tory to you or yoia old one raads ■

■ For Sale—llvesloolf: / P O T T s H i ^ o o D w o ^ S j S —’ and h a n eu . velgblnr a to o UOO - ibs. Bound and good.. WUI ba’aold HoUenbtck ti Sullivan Sals .'Yard g n BaUirday..-_______________ _

For Rent— Sn O A RA oV roR^IuSj^^ W 6

POTATO STORAGE-BAC0K.«r gma . Otyder. 30} 8U> Ave. BouUs. Pbeoe i m K$. Tvln Falls.* " nlnj

roR R E N t~ A p h £ AND POTATO alorase. tvo room ofllee or Uvioc,

Phone650W. P .O .B ox7K —

; Help W an te d ^ 'S v A K T Z M P ^ J c S i ^ S 2

loppen. 'Tom Whllworth. Mur* — laugh.

SAVE ATTRACTTIVB OFFER F o n FOT “ c n v manager either man or wo* ye nan. Call room fHly-lwp PetWnb Horl BoUl for Interview before Saturday —^ • .........................

nade by check payable to lbe Oe* ^ >artraenl of Publle Works. SUt« of daho. '

AUpropoula muil be mada oa tba orma fumUhtd, and mutt be algned n Uie bidder, vlUi Wa' name aad Mit ofnee addreu.

The right U tuerred to reject aU itoiMsali. or (0 accept Uw propQitf v p r o ^ deemed beat fo r' t te ^ Ute of Idaho.

^No propoul vUl be contldtredun- c u accompanied, by 'uaocepU t4e u i- >ropoul-Ouaranty In an -amount t e , iqual to five per cent (8%) of Uta n » OUI amount of Uw Propoaal ThU ~ Jetanncr may ba Is fatm of, !ft> u h : (b) a certified check dravn on in Idaho bank and made payable to r = : taJJomnlUiloner: e r (c) % b l d ^

--uiiUM'purpou.W.UMXacDiBli*Jcoer. to buUd U» Improniaeot ta he'ibertest Ume eboaUUsl v ltb nN< n M 'G o D stru c ttm a n lm a p lftt^ a , reU.dttl|ned equipment and atfe6* f.eu Ive oiianlttUcQvm be la s te d up-

s a l e d 'o c t ^ i u m . ' > S a,R.H.6B0EM AKBt.' .' -Sc

Offlca BagiBeer. S8e I J.D .W 00D , ' ........... S m


■ ■.............m i t P A D E - V >

. W . V P W R Y U

\ . o t B U S ^ 7 ' >>

= g s a i s = ^ ^ — -

)p p o r t i iFor Sale-Real Estate

OR SALE 8 ROOM MODERN house. Pbona eilR or 448,

OR .8ALSMO ACRES OH PAVE- mcatclMOln. pbgneSWl.

OR 8AU^>»T'1< ACRE mAOT IH'mU «ifrcm cattrottovn.Nev

o ^ ^ w o d out bulldlnga. Phono ^

>0 a BALE-in,4 ACRES, I MILKc u t of Ooodtag on oUtd load, _

nder Amtriun M U dam. About »mUMefihttpftQe«.e>nooU>eute, ^ tell,vlndmUI.alotantaak.eoncf^rater tnugh, csncrtia granaty,.lOOO w .lU. capadty. AU In aUalU In Mon. rana whlla btan dUlrlct. Prlee 178 — <r icrc. 150000 down. Urms. In - a .Wlto further 0 . B. Ueu, Ooodlng, ^

SlliiatlB ns W anted ™

lA'ITRNtnf k u ifS IN O , “ H(Tron..PbQPO 14M. - ■ -

WANTED SEWINO. PHONE 1411-J. Coatfifltefaspeetaftr. —

IRS. SMUA OAMHmR. PRAO* c Ucal nu n a Phoae 1U8W. .nu

oB A aooD M A T E R N irvtnm sa S Iphone 837RI, Mn. Eaana Harral. 0

MDDL8 AOED COLORED. LADV S vould 1 sKuatlin ta a famffy.

l»-3nt-Ave.-Eaiti-" T- ..........

VANTE1>-BY UDY WTTH C o C ^ « .legeeduceUon.'vorkuelttkorot* ■ = Icenurae. PlwnilU9J. - . ■ , -

VAHTED-CARPENTERAKDRe- wJ -palr v o r t conpcslUm sblagUas i peclalty. Fhone MtRU. mITEADV. SOBER, REUABL6 MID* M7dla age man. vaaU'votk In Twin A

•alU, Filer or BubL Permanent ptu mrk desired. P. 0 . Box 94, T vla ts s ’UU. ' . ■'JA H PEN l^aBO lLD lN O ./^ ^remodtUng of all klndi. CabUieU . ti

ad buUt Ins. Worknanihip s u u - eatlnleed. Builaeii Pbooe 3«M. R u i . =:tnce9»4W. __ ___------- :------- — r ^ AU

ForSaleorTrade . , ^)N * -T O H -ro R O -T O U (« ^ ^ — Ford’Coupe. 3 5 3 jm to W ,^ ^ ^

' F o r S a l i - D o o j ■ . ™___ J(0

tJR SAlBi-TWO BOSTON BTOt, ei Terrier SctwrtaU, Pupa.. Pbone —

J34R. __ :_____________ • ■ I®L

TOAYEO- OHE BAV KMW, 01 weight aboul 1509, futula lear on Art!

houlder. bnndtd on left'blp a y — Ufle joint. Phone 3«f. > P® OST-DIAMOND'RINO-NEAa. lept lyKanUpUUnumiettlaf-TwelTe. mU

^ I diamonds In mecmUns. R«- rard. Phona 373 days, 1813 cvfr* 1 4-

' -■ - r " "

. W an teD toR en l ; .

ICE JA PA I^E ’P A R l^ B O T wanlstorenloniharesaboul30lo —

0 acru. Phone snR4, 7 o'clock lomlni or evening.

For Sale-Poultrv, ^OR SAL^BARREO R 0 ^ ,1 & ) S 7 yearUng htaj. 50 puUets, « ^ l e „ WUiWalCT'SComtr.' PbooeHSR I. __

lABV” :iilCKB - WE ARB NOW booking orden for sprinsdeUvety

1 prices lover U»n ever btfore. WA n J l9 Letbent Ue and JSc. TfUOt s nd Rocka ISc and lie.: No deposit tqulred. Send for tree UUrature, WA D dprlm Hajta Hl-Orade Hatch-'T' • .1 WAAYINO MASS 30% PROTKK.er. 01fiber, 4r» lat, cantalnlog: com Avt

ieal.vhiat.oiU.bailty.bran.al«ek ^ )0d, alfiira Itaf. meat urap, fUhiea!..bono,muL Unwd meaL dry ^uttermllt uyabean m tal ealduia- ^ irbonale and u lt. UTS. 18* Pro-Iln >3.10. Start fetdlng-Maih DOW, 5 ggs WlU soon be 40c. Hayu .Hi-

— y = ^ 5 = a e s = ^ = = = ^ P e r s o n a l . . . . a

. or IRPHEUM SHOP AND SCHOOL Kta Permanent i p e ^ U40. MaroeUs — nd ChUdrtn't hair cuU tree»aUtd- ' '3ta vanted.-Phone 837.:------- — --t-

tNOERWAVlSSOeWrTaDBVni. VA oarcBiUog Ms,. .Baatofftaf: « « :H icula Me. b r experienced opentor, dly K 8Ui'L'orth. Phone jWi. - ' N nEAUTYPARL0»,MTEB8»>mi FOI Sden. ' Flagn waves 80c, Eatt cat ,nle Permaseat Waves WiiO," TIm muixoaleU PTOducU an haodM alM. waj

- - . P a w TTiirtSa f^ :^

' HOW tO N t F E a TKM* J way nbout I t t/NttJS 81M*/

\ HbU SYlLt. HAVE 0 1 - j • , :v


J ■;aruoeiCnnv<i>AMT>4<kiM«Ti>\s» '


i i i :.' Prp!flssldnal~— r —

‘ a ito en c tb " ^ '

M A D ^ o o a S T R o S r r S d T i • \ S ^ a ad T p u tB au 2 lK .P b ea a< . . . ..

w . u OUNN-Roomi s aad 4 em iu i.iu c « B ,u ik ^ - - - -

a . a B a n ^ e OIM’ Book su ra .

)OBN w . QBA0AU*4Awyer, BankaadTttatBultdIog. .K>888W *ff. . ,

BW BCIR * BWEELS7<»^W efSceS'; Moarmaa BttUdlng. '

-. .; ;:.,Biis)nesj -. ■ :.FlUMBINO

BOMB PtUKBlNO * BIATINO CO.-«b(nr fteoD aad Bbop*. U»

•’nu rdeast'-ghane W ;

BALUNTXNB FL O M D IN G *- BaaUBf Co«>Shtet UeUt Werka.

For huuatfaouhiet. Pbooe ai*W.%

; 'OBOBAHai . . . . . .a B to d < 8v £ w c £ ^ ^ ^

poUerHealErtaU. PBoaeWi

' \ n u i i B f g t - • ; / ' , ■

W A B u ^ i i u n r n A .AOB W ;s C 6U^aad>oed.'Pbooe

I t t -

tTNICaOLS TKANSFEB * 6T0 B- • A O B .-oarbaia 'hau led ',daU y.,,

FAixnNQ 4 in> X A i a o w ^ o '9, A. EOWAM.AlnUBy,papetftiBf. .. tag and kal»mlBlac.va9’dUi av*.

east Phoae m w . - ■~ > T O 8' l O m f l ^ A -

S m f i r T r a H S ^ A Z e e d t t S ■flo U a U ^ .^ P b e a s 'S U A -



NlNSrEEK YBAR r S D B I lA L •- Loana. 8»«.-Bee or Ulrpboae J.


MONEY POR B n tA ia a r l o i u n - : "oar.modiQ botues la Twin Falla ' . .

A r t to L ,,8wlm.Si'<^ •, ■■

D im T B f m n FARM LOAN OF- • tet^ Uu best et ta tero t rates aad \ H yl «payffltt»-prlrtlefet_Ne cash'com- •• ■V.'l'i mUrioa: .L«tiel) .di wUUanu.

I 4M OFFERINO A VERY CBSAF -aaddetlnblefarftiloan. I ttln k K : U u 'b u t farm loan'prepetlUoa ever effettdna Uie Twin FaUi trael I t wfll pa|.yoa to lee me before pU dni . ymit loaa. a A Roblnio*. . .

Wanted—Hlsceilan'eousi,':C M . • UKDERWOOD, POULTli? • ’ .'v

barer, phone 74, Klmtoly. , ■ . . . ; : WABTED-POOLTRY.H.aHUKr* ‘

er P b m eo a n - ,.

WANTED - CORNBTAIK -OUT-! ' ' .■ I' ?' , .ter. Phone toata. • ,

W ANTED- RUG AND CARPSP , ■ c!’- , vtarJpf. Phone t m .

WANTED-8MALL P IG ! A. D. V Moor; Wttlpolnt. WenMl, Idaho; ,

WANTED TWO LADV.ROOMERS ; . ' or boardetf- Nice hcme.vau Hb

A ve.Eut. . . .

WAJffSD - raUCK TO .HAUL ' ^ s beeU.-J. a MuUlns,’-1 mile .east o n '.

Kimberly Read.;'.,’, - ' ':

\VANTED TO BORROW ON O O W .: ■.; Security, IIJOO or IlSOa-.SWie A.

B,p.'CareNevi. - ~ ; . y

WAN7BD-PARTNER. IK '.CaiH - > .'chUUrabbttbuiinen.' FtWOiKOr or 85U3. -See tbem..;IK’ l u t coKlTibt lr n»«l._________ ^

WANTED T O .T R A O aN I?eO a^* j'% > i

way.; F a ia in p c o re a e a b ^ in tto A ^

Page 14: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS.....-JV-' _ i ' ' '-'i,.. THI yOL U. NO. 171 “ **1110=11 : SWEB IH — __________rr-________________TU

"liilTEESfiSi 1 CDilgPlAiS

Nearly 400 Girl Reserves •r—'■ Prepare to Holi Session

--- TffO"Days-|n-Twin-Falls

A total innntxra of t]ie IlIjli Bflliool Olrl nexnu oul^lde of T»'ln Fall* li»d rtglatfred up K» lu l

. ' • nlghl for Uie fnll wnlftfnM wlilch

tc M Mr-Bitunlar In ,l»o Say. .. . ------MMion,- fcccor(llni!-lo ^avl Claia

Umrtlind. Olrl «cjwrre«crtlaty for Iha MaRlc Valley dlstrlcu Tliero ate , 200 mmibers ol the T»'ln Fall* or* Banltatlon, Mira Lanselatid wld.

' pracUcally oil of whom are Mpcctcd

‘ •• Tlie follozlnic are the ciiiilde'tce- ' Utntlons to date: llazellon, I Buhl. « : Hler, « ; Kimberly. 13; lUnscn,17;Ed«n. iTirocatflfo.tC. •

fDlIoA'lns rtsUitratlon at the hlih . Khool llbrao'. Hi* mecUiiR wUI M - ealltd to order m U» audUorlum by - Qenctlev# Nleliotoon. Filer, vlc« prejildcnl of Ihe Msjie Valley <11*- trld.. Tlifre will b* a upeclii pro- j sram by Mlw Ida Allen's band and « Belly Oabcoclc. I

At 10 A. M. A ru Und. prMldenl 0/ Ul# Tjrin Wi:* Blue Tritntle, will t*tend greeUng* to which mpoiue || Wll be made by the prwldlnit olflcer. « There will be Jlnslns led by Helen u Wpci. Twin ralU. and a chonu of |i aU Rlrlf, wlUi Dorolhy Ooode, Filer, n HI Uie piano./ Tho pruldlnir officer will .Uien b.

______ Tii-y the mil lo Ihe confCTenee; MlM t,H oreni Phlllliis, Mcn.wllfRlre.^Tiieloi Palaw.of My Spirit.- Tlicre will bc «; alnalnj of the hj-nin. “Holy. HSIy. q, UoIy,“ introducUoM, sretUnjt from BolM snd Pocatello ami a tCRj by . * Irio from Bol*e. At 11 A.M.lfiere “ MIlbeadlKUUlonbyTarloiugToupa. ”■ Al li:lS P. M. Uiire «m bo a. tl fricndihip luncheon which will bo wr\'cd by Ihe Qlue, Camp and SoeUI r, eommltleeA Tlie jirogrom tor thla hi luncheon (oUovs; Flag la luib; tong: (c -fliulDCi* Of Delng I PHend," Ml« jj; Helena Flacky Bolte, regional McreJ

* Ury Voung Women’a Clirlsllan tuof n - claUon; “Prlend»hlp song," Klmbei'. K

- ' lyi "PerMnal Charin." Pocatello: T' wng. Pocalello: -Loyally.- Buhlr ‘ Song.Buhl; -Cllquu.- iianMin; lont. llaw«n: -Older Prtend*,- Filer: •; “Younger Friend*.- Mra. Prankle fn Barnhart, dean ot girla. Twin Falla Rl Illgh Khool; tong>HaaclUin;-world In Frlendi,- Eden; aong, Eden; an* mi nounccmenU; loolbaU game. foi■ Al 7 P. M. there vlll be a bannucl WIUl the theme “Dream CuUei,- i ,

- S r o S J i i f i S q i T s ; : ' •ance a l Uio Preabyterlan,' ha


Thieve* have itolcn money fromroom* 111 a nnmlwr of rooming liouie* •In Durtey rectntly. Burley aulhotl- n I ln Ddrued ottleen.bero yetterday. ioi

On Wednesday nlghl. they lUted. or a a a n who (led ui<l made good hla

' cscape vhen the nlghl watchman = , . appeared, entered • toom vhere two

men were fleeplng and *to!c47. ~


' Burslan uxd a brick bat lo break ' oul the glau tn a front vIndov and Ret Into Frank O. Abel'a cigar iton.JM Second Bvenutt ioulh. A. \ l Pet-

. e d 'a t police headQuarten early Thunday. morning. A check-up ahoved lou ot aereral carton* ot cig­arette*. *U one-pound boxei otcandy

. imd about one dollar tn nickel* aod dime*. , , ■ —

• I

,Y o i i m i l h e f f r e a t l y i t

i n g a T u x e d o a t e v e r j

q u a i n f e d w i t h t h e s t j

a p p ' - . n r a n c e o f o u r n e '


Paso Fourtcerf

' T l a i bo®k of Jlamma'a It alt bunk. : Fat Rlley ean moKle aul moie Iban '■ I ran. an' b t ain't n» tplnach- eaUr.-

u'iilriisSUTE OFflCIJl

> ------Byron Dtfenbach. Lewuton'. Ida*

‘ ho atate tnaaurer. returning: fron I atrlptoaoullieaatldaho.wuaTwln

Falls visitor for a ihort time ycitcr- ■ day.' Ke earrfcd In a s»ng Uie left arm

Ihat he Injured In a fall aiDalanctd Rock on a former vlilt here lait Bep*. lember, and he lUted Ihat Uie injury lud been cauilng him conilderibla Iroublc. and prevented regular ileep.

On Uie former viilt'Mr. Delen* bach cam# her# to alUnd a meeUng

and lo d«llver an addrera al a bin* quet mecUng of Uitl body.

;re look advantage of opportunity Uien lo vlill Calanud nock, vhlch la one ot Idaho'j mott lingular acenle vonden and which U tlluaUd on tho weit rim of Salmon lUrcr can* yon. veil of CaaUeford. In. an al- m u t Inaecexilbis region. He was hurt when he illpped on a rock and tell, throwing out his arm to break Ihe fall. I

RUPERT OFFICERS CHASE TWO BURGLARY SUSPECTS. Several artlclet taken by burglar* fron a mercantlls eiUblbhment at Richfield lata lau week wcre found In a room al Rupert from vhlch tvo men had mod# Uielr exit ihorUy be* (ore Ihe arrival of membert o( tbe iheriffi force, SherlH R. R. SpldeU, nupfrt, advised oHIfen here yeiUr*day.^---------- - - r - -------;• The (uglUvea-wer«- bellevtd'^to h a n Itarted toward Tvin Fall*. - .One. named Whllcy WUion, M to

(S yean old. waa deterlbtd ai.hav* Ing gray, hair and being ot thort, stocky buUd., • ' -

The oUier was aald to be aboul U yeara old and 0 feet ta ll He vore a low-crovn b luk hat, tan tveater, overallt and oxtord*.




UMBAUGH’S. A l l 8TAm.\nD tIAnSB

in favor o f weM- ry party when ac- . tylc, comfort and lew fali showings.

0 0 - •



Wool mixed fancy piit- - -^msr- ExcepUonshqual-



. 49c” Fancy nntlcms Iri all uic


.*nn ■

11 ■

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m \ 1 / 1 \

I H i / - I t a j ____ r l j fc

iVt ,h 5 U —-

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K \ v A

1J | j 0 | P /■ , ^

W o r k P a n t i

o f M o l e i k i n

I Extra Qiu^ty a t i> Uw.Prlee , ,

The “SwaM a f a t h o n ’i

P a c e - S e t t i n g

V a l u e f o r F a U

$3.98h /g a ia llie tnapbrim hat is to . the fo re . . . and lliis Fill it is ready for ytui in the tu* perior (juatiiy o t this funous b In nuny yearsl

F all

I' " B l riJ

' Sm■ 'C o


J.C .D E P /


" ■ .

re rcQ So S u n i l l

high f|i\

■ • W e w atched .,, we w aited..', timely b u y i^ la r e d s p in ! these splendid overcoats {or si

Inspect these fine, slngle-bra • pert tailoring. .’smart im t t

agree that they are truly ex above pa ri ,

b o m e t n a n o e l

n n e O nd« CottoB" ■ lo r Meo / "®*'

agger Set’*

4 brand a t a low pricc not e q u a l]^ '•. J

SllT<. uitk more value

t } ^ you’ve ever found- before at '

. t r A iU B b tiM ic p o to ofy o n FaD PfB «autJcn of . ;

nea’t and ysuag men'a taita.Strlea aze neW aad Qp-to-tli»' BiiBtA.' aa o n a l . - . . woric* m taiUp J* of tbo bcA-fab. rk s a id colorbp ara.new aad osa itle r.E U M m tt l u T i l s a t l u t yoQ win tlio r, >o n a Jy ap p ttd a ta .,

C o m ia aew—whether jmt ' . a n ia tba matket for a n h o r not. kaov that odm

v h s n y o « t r «, * , » a ^ . . /■

E i t a Paata a t tSiSO.


.B i i i iA R T M E I

• '

Share h


atsisnallyinalitya d


J*’ ®and then our hard'hittlng^

n I T hat's why we can oS tf ir so‘tvf^ little.

ifeasted models. . . th d r ex- • aleriats and coIorlni;sI You’ll exceptional. , . values f t ;


a o .------------- ------- ’ ■ f if ln ra fn iL !

Now is the time to lay] ' populai'. brands of toil

ceptionally.low pric^. •.


■nachd aad oeekUad b ^ U Cat I ^ rigid ipedfieatfcet.

’ Wortn FaU

He iaerSsii f or SiiurtB i b b e d S t i t c h K n

«*.98Rovier thaa tbe epul ivcaier i t lU

; prtce. Tlifally bkted wonted plait«S ^ esttoa b a ^ t r r o l , tvo pi'. 'fedata ; rcisfonsdwTeRd aam t: Mi

- . « « « » « • v " • “


beyCN T l » S I

n These

i i y

i r i i J H H Q I

" I 'H' •



A P,.29c in a supply of these

lilet soap- artbis ex- " i

■ tNew FaU : Shirts

Valoct that.Break A IlRecord t

1.49yprfniedinilrMonHriMdlroid* . i pallenu and eelori in Uxh cullir • fi It (oil aod finiiW leeordin#-1®..,.; _ ^

' i u w A98 Iloxt Coats t Service ^

lh!i tow •ted over TfUMKflJ - •.

V r ■ ’

roBERiM , 1930' • ;

r b il E ^

-------------------- r . — i



r By their / will reeojuii / -tanee of tbe ' their bnphasis on the i

hips and softly fUring; i include fiat,crepe, w

: I Jome th to ' silks'. . . Ii tones of brown, red, gi

■ ■ - .....■ -^ .fo iiy o m en .jiisse ijp j


! 7 - ln c h w la U i.'E x cc p - S :i»iaI-At,-yard ct

10c >

Velvet r Hats

— H a v e - F a a W o n — -

I m p o r t a n t .

•Tbc ibft,' drany qtiaii^ o f Telvel softer,.lines of clothes in general.

. brims and doiibte brim effects are that' n ^ e these oew b ^ Irrelstib

Ftor Trim

c ^ a n j iu t b i kT b m t<

L A D I E S ! F A B R I C

G L O V E S ____________

49c -A n exceptional va lue. In dll th e l a t o t s ty le s and


- •P o re -r iH c^ th -rin e ree iw — — lie d t o p . S em i-aerv iea w c ljh l, F re n ch heel and lU th o la te s t c o lo n .- - _

;V /"^8c

m art

resses 6*90

1 4 7 5 -JeeN 'C |,p»{tl^rly ,yo tf , , jn ite th e fash im lm p o r-tbese dresses. . .a n d ^ he natural waistline, flat ng: skirts. T h e m a te i^ . canton c r ^ ; satin and ; lit black, and rich new

I, green and blue. Sfies

s e a ™ e s s b b i>S P i t E A D S

• S i r e 80x105. Scallopcd ' ' 1 edges. . . .

98c . .

Jv«t Is In ‘keeping,w ith-the ral. Shallow crowns, rolled ire jtisi: a few of the details

p t t e ' d ' ; : ' . "

'5Coats - ^



I Kit*' c a a ts 't e a ' im irtrt with . I i i , ' d f t ^ . l ^ ,M ad ^ ^ . e t[bos t t .t lN f i s m Fan.e o a t r i b s M . ' t a i t b ^ 's ^ .iriih a p » -ilU a Iim t. dboit .a n ^ e s lU n !tk tb m a flt» >C ^ e < ' ' f e s ^ ’tlw /ac<s s ^ a s d t U v o b ^ , .

M 'fiad go^ .M 'coats a t »

'S . - ; - ■

• ' .}•- • T

■■■■ ■'v ■ . . i - l