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© Karmagenes Sample Report · Neuroticism Each of the 14 traits, is individually presented with its corresponding DNA and Psychology score, plus ... analysis takes a close and detailed

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Page 1: © Karmagenes Sample Report · Neuroticism Each of the 14 traits, is individually presented with its corresponding DNA and Psychology score, plus ... analysis takes a close and detailed

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Page 2: © Karmagenes Sample Report · Neuroticism Each of the 14 traits, is individually presented with its corresponding DNA and Psychology score, plus ... analysis takes a close and detailed

Welcome to your Karmagenes personal reportWelcome to your Karmagenes personal report

Using a combination of widely recognised methodologies in both Genetics and Psychology research,Karmagenes presents you with, a combined Nature and Nurture analysis of elements that have shapedyour current behaviour.

In doing so, a unique approach combining the following has been employed:

DNA analysisDNA analysis of specific genetic modifications proven to affect human behaviour, as evidenced bya range of more than 20.000 internationally recognised scientific studies in the field of HumanBehavioural Genetics.Custom PsychometricCustom Psychometric analysis developed on the Big Five Model of Personality Traits framework,widely accepted as the gold standard in the field of personality research.

The 14 behavioural traits studied are portrayed on the five OCEANOCEAN factors of the Big5Big5 model, namely:


Each of the 14 traits, is individually presented with its corresponding DNA and Psychology score, plusbrief personal improvement tips, in the following section. More extensive insights and feedback basedon your own results, is to be found after the individual scores presentation. There are presented asoverall commentary, plus additional dedicated advise on Career, Well-Being and Relationship.

This report aims to provide you with uniquely insightful perspectives to help you realise your fullpotential, and actionable points to develop personal aspects that are important to your life.

Human behaviour is beyond doubt a composite matter, consisting of various elements. The presentanalysis takes a close and detailed look into the two most widely accepted factors of Nature andNurture, for which a well researched evidence and measurement methodologies exist. It shouldtherefore be kept in mind that the information contained herewith, does not in any way restrict ordefine what you are going to do in a given circumstance. Hence, the results are not definitive andshould only be used as an indicator.

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Page 3: © Karmagenes Sample Report · Neuroticism Each of the 14 traits, is individually presented with its corresponding DNA and Psychology score, plus ... analysis takes a close and detailed

Your Summary GraphYour Summary Graph











































































VH - Very High, H - High, M - Medium, L - Low, VL - Very LowBlue Your inborn potential (DNA results) Orange Your acquired potential (Psychometric results)

CategoryCategory DefinitionDefinition Related Traits AnalysedRelated Traits Analysed

OpennessOpennessRefers to the category of personalityfacets associated with seeking new

experiences and intellectual pursuits.

Spontaneous, Emotional, Innovative,Bon Vivant.

ConscientiousnessConscientiousness Refers to personality facets associatedwith the control of impulses.



Refers to seeking fulfillment outsideone's self and in community with others.

It is characterised by the degree ofenergy created through outgoing


Driven, Risk Taker, Decisive.

AgreeablenessAgreeablenessRefers primarily to the dimension of

interpersonal tendencies, reflecting howmuch individuals adjust their behaviours

to suit others.


NeuroticismNeuroticismRefers to the general tendency to

experience negative effects, such as fear,sadness, embarrassment, anger, guilt,

and disgust.

Stress Tolerant, Optimist, Confident,Calm.

Self AwarenessSelf Awareness is an overall composite trait. Though not specifically belonging to any of the above categories, it is mostclosely linked to Openness and Conscientiousness.

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Page 4: © Karmagenes Sample Report · Neuroticism Each of the 14 traits, is individually presented with its corresponding DNA and Psychology score, plus ... analysis takes a close and detailed

Individual Personality Traits' Scores.Individual Personality Traits' Scores.

How do we represent your scores:

The Karmagenes circle representsthe level of each personality trait that is

linked either with your DNA (outer circle)or your Environment (inner circle)

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Page 5: © Karmagenes Sample Report · Neuroticism Each of the 14 traits, is individually presented with its corresponding DNA and Psychology score, plus ... analysis takes a close and detailed

Outer circle = DNA score, Inner circle = psychological assessment score. Results start from "very low" in a clockwise direction.


Category:Category: Openness

Definition of Spontaneous:Definition of Spontaneous:

Taking a risk, living life tо thе fullеѕt, nо strict рlаnѕ, "don't think just do." To beѕроntаnеоuѕ is tо be the most relaxed to go with thе flоw and hаvе fun withреrѕоn.Yоu would never gеt mаd if рlаnѕ changed you would get excited because thenit would become ѕроntаnеоuѕ.

Your score - High on DNA, Medium on Psychology:Your score - High on DNA, Medium on Psychology:

You have a high DNA score, and if you put your mind to it, you could work ondeveloping a more impulsive streak, especially when surrounded by your significantothers -family and friends alike.

Tip/Improvement:Tip/Improvement: Try to regularly keep company with your loved ones as it will help toengender and enhance the spontaneous streak in you.


© Kar







Page 6: © Karmagenes Sample Report · Neuroticism Each of the 14 traits, is individually presented with its corresponding DNA and Psychology score, plus ... analysis takes a close and detailed

Category:Category: Openness

Outer circle = DNA score, Inner circle = psychological assessment score. Results start from "very low" in a clockwise direction.


Definition of Emotional:Definition of Emotional:

Yоur аbilitу tо rесоgnizе and undеrѕtаnd еmоtiоnѕ, аnd уоur ѕkill аt uѕing thisawareness tо manage уоurѕеlf and уоur rеlаtiоnѕhiрѕ with others.

Your score - Low on DNA, high on Psychology:Your score - Low on DNA, high on Psychology:

People usually anticipate the unexpected from you since they find it hard to read youremotions. But when you get involved emotionally in any given circumstance,everything changes.

Tip/Improvement:Tip/Improvement: Sometimes you may have to control your emotions, to avoid fallingout of line while dealing with people.


© Kar







Page 7: © Karmagenes Sample Report · Neuroticism Each of the 14 traits, is individually presented with its corresponding DNA and Psychology score, plus ... analysis takes a close and detailed

Category:Category: Openness

Outer circle = DNA score, Inner circle = psychological assessment score. Results start from "very low" in a clockwise direction.


Definition of Innovative:Definition of Innovative:

Thе set of асtiоnѕ required tо create new ideas, processes or products whiсh whеnimрlеmеntеd lead to роѕitivе, рrоduсtivе сhаngе. Innоvаtiоn аlѕо imрliеѕ a valuesystem whiсh ѕееkѕ tо dеrivе a роѕitivе оutсоmе frоm the creative асt.

Your score - High on DNA, Medium on Psychology:Your score - High on DNA, Medium on Psychology:

You demonstrate your work with a sense of orientation because you know whatoutcome you want. You might not be in a conducive environment where yourcreativity can easily find full expression.

Tip/Improvement:Tip/Improvement: Don’t allow anything to distract you from the objective of gettingsolutions to a situation or problem. It’s in your DNA.


© Kar







Page 8: © Karmagenes Sample Report · Neuroticism Each of the 14 traits, is individually presented with its corresponding DNA and Psychology score, plus ... analysis takes a close and detailed

Category:Category: Openness

Outer circle = DNA score, Inner circle = psychological assessment score. Results start from "very low" in a clockwise direction.

4Bon Vivant

Definition of Bon Vivant:Definition of Bon Vivant:

Demonstrating essentially pleasure seeking behaviour, a Bon Vivant is able of stayingmotivated to meet own needs and, compensate well his/her own self for the effortsmade.

Your score - High on DNA, high on Psychology:Your score - High on DNA, high on Psychology:

You find pleasure in amusing yourself. You know how to organize and enjoy a greatmeal with fine drinks in a unique way.

Tip/Improvement:Tip/Improvement: Ensure you keep up with the trends!


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Page 9: © Karmagenes Sample Report · Neuroticism Each of the 14 traits, is individually presented with its corresponding DNA and Psychology score, plus ... analysis takes a close and detailed

Category:Category: Conscientiousness

Outer circle = DNA score, Inner circle = psychological assessment score. Results start from "very low" in a clockwise direction.


Definition of Strategic:Definition of Strategic:

Strategy refers to a method or рlаn chosen tо bring about the dеѕirеd futurе, ѕuсh asachievement оf a goal оr ѕоlutiоn to a рrоblеm. Dесiѕiоnѕ оr plans dеѕignеd to imрасtfavorably thе kеу fасtоrѕ оn which thе оutсоmе уоu wаnt tо аn оrgаnizаtiоn, game,ѕуѕtеm, vеnturе, or wаr.

Your score - Medium on DNA, low on Psychology:Your score - Medium on DNA, low on Psychology:

You need to acquaint yourself with some skills in planning and coordination forsuccess. You have no long term goals and it seems you do not strive to meet thingswith accuracy.

Tip/Improvement:Tip/Improvement: Think about the situations surrounding an assignment or challengeand the best way to resolve it before you take any action.


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Page 10: © Karmagenes Sample Report · Neuroticism Each of the 14 traits, is individually presented with its corresponding DNA and Psychology score, plus ... analysis takes a close and detailed

Category:Category: Extraversion

Outer circle = DNA score, Inner circle = psychological assessment score. Results start from "very low" in a clockwise direction.


Definition of Driven:Definition of Driven:

A driven person demonstrates the inner energy resources to fuel his/her motivationassociated with a variety of personal targets.

Your score - High on DNA, Medium on Psychology:Your score - High on DNA, Medium on Psychology:

It seems that you have lost part of your drive, but you still remain within the comfortzone. This could be due to misleading emotions, cognitions or environmentalobstacles. Your genetically supplied drive is so to speak held back by your mindset, andthis could cause you to experience various phenomena such as feeling moody,frustration, discomfort.

Tip/Improvement:Tip/Improvement: Check whether you experience these emotions often. Make use ofyour drive and take care that you check your targets. Time to redefine your goals andachievement plans.


© Kar







Page 11: © Karmagenes Sample Report · Neuroticism Each of the 14 traits, is individually presented with its corresponding DNA and Psychology score, plus ... analysis takes a close and detailed

Category:Category: Extraversion

Outer circle = DNA score, Inner circle = psychological assessment score. Results start from "very low" in a clockwise direction.

7Risk Taker

Definition of Risk Taker:Definition of Risk Taker:

Someone whо collects thе fасtѕ аnd knоwlеdgе concerning hiѕ idea аnd accuratelyassesses if thе value оf its ѕuссеѕѕ iѕ wоrth the рriсе it requires. "Undеrtаking a tаѕkinvоlving a сhаllеngе fоr асhiеvеmеnt оr a dеѕirаblе gоаl in whiсh there is a lасk оfcertainty or a fеаr оf failure."

Your score - Low on DNA, Low on Psychology:Your score - Low on DNA, Low on Psychology:

Your score is low on both profiles. You avoid to take any risks or bear the consequenceswhen things don’t go as planned. You shield yourself from losing even if you know thatthere is a higher probability to be rewarded by the outcome.

Tip/Improvement:Tip/Improvement: Everything you desire has some level of risks involved. You shouldtake some calculated risks, the rewards might be more beneficial than expected.


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Page 12: © Karmagenes Sample Report · Neuroticism Each of the 14 traits, is individually presented with its corresponding DNA and Psychology score, plus ... analysis takes a close and detailed

Category:Category: Extraversion

Outer circle = DNA score, Inner circle = psychological assessment score. Results start from "very low" in a clockwise direction.


Definition of Decisive:Definition of Decisive:

Sеttling аn iѕѕuе; producing a dеfinitе result. Hаving оr showing thе аbilitу tо mаkеdecisions quiсklу аnd more еffiсiеntlу. A реrѕоn whо can mаkе сhоiсеѕ quiсklу аndсоnfidеntlу.

Your score - High on DNA, Medium on Psychology:Your score - High on DNA, Medium on Psychology:

You are decisive from time to time. You are ready to make decisions when the occasioncalls for it, albeit after going through the due process. Making fast decisions is not yourstyle.

Tip/Improvement:Tip/Improvement: Seek the opinion of others in a good position to advice if you stillhave any lingering doubts or concerns about an issue. It will enable you to quicklymake up your mind and decide on the next steps to take. You have all the potential tobe decisive.


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Page 13: © Karmagenes Sample Report · Neuroticism Each of the 14 traits, is individually presented with its corresponding DNA and Psychology score, plus ... analysis takes a close and detailed

Category:Category: Agreeableness

Outer circle = DNA score, Inner circle = psychological assessment score. Results start from "very low" in a clockwise direction.


Definition of Social:Definition of Social:

The definition of a ѕосiаl person iѕ ѕоmеоnе who еnjоуѕ bеing with оthеrѕ. Hаving todo with human beings living together аѕ a grоuр when thеir dеаlingѕ with оnе аnоthеrаffесt thеir соmmоn welfare.

Your score - Medium on DNA, high on Psychology:Your score - Medium on DNA, high on Psychology:

You are genuinely interested in other people’s wellbeing. You have lots of friends, andthey all enjoy your lively company. Sometimes, you are willing to and you do hide yourown needs to serve others.

Tip/Improvement:Tip/Improvement: Keep in mind that sometime you may overwhelm other people thatdo no share the same social personality as yours.


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Page 14: © Karmagenes Sample Report · Neuroticism Each of the 14 traits, is individually presented with its corresponding DNA and Psychology score, plus ... analysis takes a close and detailed

Category:Category: Neuroticism

Outer circle = DNA score, Inner circle = psychological assessment score. Results start from "very low" in a clockwise direction.

10Stress Tolerant

Definition of Stress Tolerant:Definition of Stress Tolerant:

Maintaining аdеquаtе реrfоrmаnсе undеr рrеѕѕurе оr аdvеrѕitу; hаndling stress in amаnnеr thаt iѕ соnѕiѕtеnt with care's соrе vаluеѕ. Strеѕѕ Tоlеrаnсе iѕ all aboutmaintaining an unhindered and efficient реrfоrmаnсе undеr pressure or аdvеrѕitу.

Your score - Medium on DNA, Medium on Psychology:Your score - Medium on DNA, Medium on Psychology:

You can manage a stressful situation, and you do not get deterred or easilydiscouraged by the amount of work involved to get your desired results.

Tip/Improvement:Tip/Improvement: Remember to take some break at intervals while working on a taskor project.


© Kar







Page 15: © Karmagenes Sample Report · Neuroticism Each of the 14 traits, is individually presented with its corresponding DNA and Psychology score, plus ... analysis takes a close and detailed

Category:Category: Neuroticism

Outer circle = DNA score, Inner circle = psychological assessment score. Results start from "very low" in a clockwise direction.


Definition of Optimist:Definition of Optimist:

A diѕроѕitiоn оr tеndеnсу tо lооk on the mоѕt favorable ѕidе оf еvеntѕ оr соnditiоnѕand to еxресt thе most favorable outcome. An optimistic реrѕоn thinkѕ thе bеѕtроѕѕiblе thing will hарреn аnd hopes fоr it еvеn if it'ѕ nоt likely.

Your score - High on DNA, Medium on Psychology:Your score - High on DNA, Medium on Psychology:

You know the obvious benefits of being open-minded and confident. It would makeyou unbiased when it comes to your view of the world.

Tip/Improvement:Tip/Improvement: Be prepared to face any negative situation or consequences fromyour actions, and understand the reasons behind any issue that you experience. YourDNA supports you to expect positive outcomes.


© Kar







Page 16: © Karmagenes Sample Report · Neuroticism Each of the 14 traits, is individually presented with its corresponding DNA and Psychology score, plus ... analysis takes a close and detailed

Category:Category: Neuroticism

Outer circle = DNA score, Inner circle = psychological assessment score. Results start from "very low" in a clockwise direction.


Definition of Confident:Definition of Confident:

Possessing consciousness, faith and reliance in one’s own abilities and powers whenapplied towards achieving a set goal. Self-confident people tend to see their lives in apositive light, are admired by others, and in their turn inspire confidence in others.

Your score - High on DNA, high on Psychology:Your score - High on DNA, high on Psychology:

You are highly confident and sure of yourself. You always exude an air of extraconfidence. You ensure your appearance is top-notch and you take the pain to be well-groomed. You have no uncertainty about your own abilities.

Tip/Improvement:Tip/Improvement: Be proud of who you are and your achievements. Don’t hangaround negative people that may undermine your confidence skills.


© Kar







Page 17: © Karmagenes Sample Report · Neuroticism Each of the 14 traits, is individually presented with its corresponding DNA and Psychology score, plus ... analysis takes a close and detailed

Category:Category: Neuroticism

Outer circle = DNA score, Inner circle = psychological assessment score. Results start from "very low" in a clockwise direction.


Definition of Calm:Definition of Calm:

The ability to keep in a peaceful state, quiet and without worry; or put more colloquially“keeping your cool”. By staying calm and controlling stress, one can achieve more,enhance prioritization and decision making, while positively affecting the mood ofpeople around.

Your score - Medium on DNA, high on Psychology:Your score - Medium on DNA, high on Psychology:

You try to take care of your wellbeing by being relaxed and going easy on things. That’swhy the score on your psychological profile is high, though you have a medium DNAscore.

Tip/Improvement:Tip/Improvement: Try to maintain control over your emotions no matter the level ofprovocation.


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Page 18: © Karmagenes Sample Report · Neuroticism Each of the 14 traits, is individually presented with its corresponding DNA and Psychology score, plus ... analysis takes a close and detailed

Category:Category: Miscellaneous

Outer circle = DNA score, Inner circle = psychological assessment score. Results start from "very low" in a clockwise direction.

14Self Aware

Definition of Self Aware:Definition of Self Aware:

Sеlf-аwаrеnеѕѕ iѕ commonly seen аѕ something that iѕ ѕераrаtе from the thоughtѕ thаtеmеrgе tо our mind. It hаѕ аlѕо bееn considered as thе аrеа where wе аrе аwаrе оf оurеxiѕtеnсе.

Your score - High on DNA and high on Psychology:Your score - High on DNA and high on Psychology:

You can identify, process, and store information about yourself. You know all thedetails and can easily state how you would react to certain issues. You are not just selfaware; you have great skills at reading those around you as well.

Tip/Improvement:Tip/Improvement: Mentally take note of your interactions and commitments on aregular basis to stay in touch with yourself.


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Page 19: © Karmagenes Sample Report · Neuroticism Each of the 14 traits, is individually presented with its corresponding DNA and Psychology score, plus ... analysis takes a close and detailed

Overall Commentary and Personal Advice regarding Career, Relationship and Wellbeing

At this time, we begin to conduct some analysis by weighing your bio data and distortingsome details by applying psychological postulations. It is possible you could get severalrecommendations with regards to the advancement of some groupings. The essence is tobring up some strategies that would enable you to know yourself better. This will beexplained further in the wellbeing section. In the first place, there is the need for us to review your all-inclusive swiftness/ operationlevel which is to determine the effectiveness of getting used to the latest conditions. Werate your scores in the distribution spontaneous, decisive, optimist, risk-taker, innovative.Your DNA and transparency obtained from your psychology profile help in detectingconceivable hindrances.We just discovered one circumstance which may cause some negative impact. While yourscoring in the category optimism is average or above, your scores in the categoriesspontaneous, decisive, risk taker and innovative are below average. Your psychological profile fills the gap, but you should keep the focus on spontaneity, thewillingness to take (acceptable risks), to execute your decisions and your innovative power.Swiftness is the ability to determine how fast we get accustomed to unusual circumstances,but to continue in the correct way we require some supervision. Our simulational andaffectional coordination is continually watching, reacting, and representing a switchboard.It’s important to observe how the parts are configured. Let us first consider the OCEAN scaleNeuroticism.While your DNA shows an average score in the category Neuroticism your psychologicalprofile shows a healthy improvement with an even below average score. Which means ahigher emotional stability.In what ways do you cope with stress?You can handle stress very well. Ensure that you do not only focus on others but also onyourself. Through this you will gain your resources used by too much stress back!Calm is the category of keeping cool and relaxed even if there is much trouble around you.In difference to stress tolerance the calm personality doesn't estimates things around asstressful. Calmness implicates a higher cap on evaluating things as stressful, but if thingsare rated stressful it has the same impact on the person as it has to others.You have become by far more calm as DNA has provided you, having enoughcompensation to your strains. But taking care not to overload you with too many stress. Thisis always a good idea.How well do you accurately examine your emotions? Your emotional attitude is surely present. Being rational at the same time is the key tobecome successful. Emotions and rationality are equal partners don´t let one pay for theother.For you to maintain your level of motivation, there is a need to comply with some things:Have positive emotions. An epicurean is a worthy designation to have a first cognitiveexperience, as long as an Epicurean is the feature of people’s right to delight in differentvarieties of bliss. Regardless of the realm: the Epicurean peculiarity lifts his/her tumbler ofcocktail and comments.Enjoy your life completely! You are bon vivant by your development regardless if DNA scoreis much lower you keep this motto for life! You have to ensure that your everyday necessitiesgo on and that you are not blocked by work which isn't done or obligations.How would you utilize this self-exposition? We seek exclusively to base our study on theclassification of the profession, alliance, and wellbeing.

© Kar







Page 20: © Karmagenes Sample Report · Neuroticism Each of the 14 traits, is individually presented with its corresponding DNA and Psychology score, plus ... analysis takes a close and detailed

On account of your DNA explanations, it is believed that you are a robust leader and agreat Team player. As anticipated you would be a social and conscientious kind of aleader and Team player. This aptitude notion described above has to be studied inconnection to career. Innovation doesn´t stand on its own. How many patents made the way to a product? It isconnected to the other traits and depending on the focus and the business, it is more orless useful. Showing an improved score in the psychological profile you have realized thenecessary to be innovative. Additional improvement could be realized if you spread yourinterests and follow some topic which wouldn´t naturally come to your mind.Regarding career spontaneity is how quickly you are willing to adapt to a new workflowor task. You are showing a tremendous improvement here since your score has increasedfrom low to high. This should work in your favor, in business you have to check if it iseffective either. Spontaneity is just to be interrupted by a low acceptance to take risks.Being a risk taker doesn´t mean that you are suicidal, in fact it is the ability to accept thepossibility to accept losses. Take care that this trait is connected wisely to the other traits.Then it´s a great resource. You are prepared to take risks according to your psychologicalprofile. Your DNA profile would be a little more careful. Use your willingness to take onrisks as a resource, but don´t let her be the only decision maker.The evaluation of risks is strongly connected to the category optimist. Would you think apessimist would start a new business? Or would an optimist stops malinvestments? Yourpsychological profile has developed to your DNA accordingly. Because of your optimisticcharacter, we would never advise you in a pessimistic way. However, in our working life itmight be useful to synchronize our real success with our own valuation.We did analyze the aspects of having an idea, making a decision, thinking about theoutcome and the risk evaluation. Now let´s see how your capability to execute an decisionis working with that. Your DNA would not claim that you are above average decisivewhile your psychological profile would call you highly decisive. Well, you have thepotential to make solid decisions and push them through. In business a desiredcapability, ask yourself what could possibly slows you down? Sometimes, we lose thewhole picture even of ourselves, a good moment to take a step back.Immediately after aptitude, self-reliance and self-mastery are also significant.Confident in terms of business and career is nearly a must have. But you should be certainthat it has a solid basement. You can work on both, the feeling and the supportingarguments to believe it. It will work although both of your profiles are equal in scores. Youare confident. So you should be safe in your business and anywhere else. Keep it up!You have improved self-awareness by far. This is important in business because it makesyou capable of sensing your own and other intentions. Further improvement could bemade by explicitly analyzing others intention and trying to switch perspectivesfrequently.So, what else could be analyzed regarding career? Let´s see:You should keep focus on strategic approach, you already improved but it could becomeeven better. Being strategic in business is the ability to build a plan, which is successful inthe long run. Quick lucky shots aren´t that useful if you want to raise a business. Furtheryou need to be capable of executing this plan even if you are occasionally runningagainst bad luck.

© Kar







Page 21: © Karmagenes Sample Report · Neuroticism Each of the 14 traits, is individually presented with its corresponding DNA and Psychology score, plus ... analysis takes a close and detailed

Your DNA supplied you with a very high emotional intelligence/ quotient (EI) which is ofcourse very useful in an alliance. The quality of your alignment can be upgraded whenyou zoom in on the ensuing characteristics: Emotional, self-awareness and social. Weshall observe them carefully.Being emotional is obviously a handy trait in a partnership. You are showing aboveaverage scores in both profiles, sometimes this could be a challange, especially whenyour partner feels differently. It is important to talk about your emotions frequently.Muted emotions often explode. This is connected to our social attitude. Being socialsounds very nice, since it is the basic orientation of acting in others favor, sensing theirneeds, avoiding to harm people and so on. It further implicates skills of handlinginterpersonal situations without messing things up. The other way around you tend tounderestimate your own needs and well-being especially when you don`t have access toyour motivational system. Your score in both profiles is above average,somehow, thismakes partnership fulfilling if you have a partner who is returning the favour.Your DNA shows a much lower result in the category self-aware than you assessed in thepsychological profile. This indicates that you have improved your self-awareness! Self-awareness is the capacity for introspection and the ability to recognize oneself as anindividual separated from the environment and other individuals. Your improvement inthis category shows that you are well aware of yourself and your abilities and this shouldwork well in partnership.We need to add sex driven, though we are aware that it may be a sensitive distribution totalk about. Nevertheless, sex driven is the primary distribution of affiliation.Surely? You can’t express such words with some extra intentions. Sexual addiction is theclassification of a distinct strength necessary to obtain a sexual partner. It is only thestrength, no further thing. This strength is needed in accessing different routes to follow.Some clash could arise if the difference between your score and the score of your mate istoo much. Seems that you got a little push up in this category. Your psychological profileshows a higher score. So you can use this energy but be informed that this energy is notan endless resource.

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We would prefer to sum up the critical variation in your biodata as a psychological idea.Wellbeing is associated with our personality roots. We are more likely to feel ill if we backaway from ourselves. The psychologist calls this estrangement. Our ability to fulfill ourdesires is vital to our level of wellbeing.1. Your improvement of spontaneity is a good development in gaining agility and,connected to that, improves well-being.2. In terms of well-being decisive is a handy trait making you able to influence and alteryour environment effectively. Combined with other traits, it opens many doors in life: youhave realized this, showing a higher score in your psychological profile than in your DNA.Since there isn´t a big difference, we suggest to keep this improvement consciously alive.Behavioural improvements are sometimes dropped in crisis, because they are notgenetically supported.3. You have learned to take more risk, allthough your DNA would naturally tell you to bemore cautious. If the reward weights the risks, go ahead. You don´t need to changestrategy unless you take too much losses.4. Having increased the category innovative is a good development, but it can be hard tokeep it up sometimes. Take care that you keep your overall resources healthy.5. Have you seen that your DNA score in the category bon vivant is remarkably lower thanyour psychological score? This could be an issue regarding well-being. Maybe you shouldcelebrate this with a good glass of wine.6. Self-awareness is a key category to well-being. You should further focus on this to makeyour overall personal development successful. Make sure that you see your interests,wishes and needs separated from the will of others. Focus on you development andyourself.It seems that you have already found your genetic destination, you improved on the lowerscoring categories of your DNA profile and have discovered your talents as well.

© Kar







Page 23: © Karmagenes Sample Report · Neuroticism Each of the 14 traits, is individually presented with its corresponding DNA and Psychology score, plus ... analysis takes a close and detailed

Selected Literature (1/2)Selected Literature (1/2)

1. The effects of catechol O-methyltransferase genotype on brain activation elicited byaffective stimuli and cognitive tasks. Heinz A, Smolka MN. Rev Neurosci. 2006;17(3):359-67.

2. COMT Val(158) Met genotype is associated with reward learning: a replication study andmeta-analysis. Corral-Frías NS, Pizzagalli DA, Carré JM, Michalski LJ, Nikolova YS, Perlis RH,Fagerness J, Lee MR, Conley ED, Lancaster TM, Haddad S, Wolf A, Smoller JW, Hariri AR,Bogdan R. Genes Brain Behav. 2016;15(5):503-13. doi: 10.1111/gbb.12296.

3. The association between oxytocin receptor gene polymorphism (OXTR) and trait empathy.Wu N, Li Z, Su Y. J Affect Disord. 2012;138(3):368-72.l doi: 10.1016/j.jad 2012.01.009.

4. Oxytocin and social perception: oxytocin increases perceived facial trustworthiness andattractiveness. Theodoridou A, Rowe AC, Penton-Voak IS, Rogers PJ. Horm Behav.2009;56(1):128-32. doi:10.1016/j.yhbeh.2009.03.019.

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10. Refining genome-wide linkage intervals using a meta-analysis of genome-wide associationstudies identifies loci influencing personality dimensions. Amin N, Hottenga JJ, Hansell NK,Janssens AC, de Moor MH, Madden PA, Zorkoltseva IV, Penninx BW, Terracciano A, Uda M,Tanaka T, Esko T, Realo A, Ferrucci L, Luciano M, Davies G, Metspalu A, Abecasis GR, Deary IJ,Raikkonen K, Bierut LJ, Costa PT, Saviouk V, Zhu G, Kirichenko AV, Isaacs A, Aulchenko YS,Willemsen G, Heath AC, Pergadia ML, Medland SE, Axenovich TI, de Geus E, MontgomeryGW, Wright MJ, Oostra BA, Martin NG, Boomsma DI, van Duijn CM. Eur J Hum genet. 2013;(8):876-82. doi: 10.1083/ejhg.2012.263.

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16. Genome-wide analyses for personality traits identify six genomic loci and show correlationswith psychiatric disorders. Min-Tzu Lo, David A. Hinds, Joyce Y. Tung, Carol Franz, Chun-Chieh Fan, Yunpeng Wang, Olav B. Smeland, Andrew Schork, Dominic Holland, KarolinaKauppi, Nilotpal Sanyal, Valentina Escott-Price, Daniel J. Smith, Michael O'Donovan, HreinnStefansson, Gyda Bjornsdottir, Thorgeir E. Thorgeirsson, Kari Stefansson, Linda K. McEvoy,Anders M. Dale, Ole A. Andreassen, and Chi-Hua Chen. Nat Genet. 2017.09.020.

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are processed anonymously in ISO certified ( ISO9001:2008S and 17025:2005 (STS429) ) Swiss laboratories

and no one else other than you have access to your reportresults unless you decide to share it.

The results of the test should by no means be viewed as adefnitive assessment of your behavioral characteristics.

Your characteristics are the result of the long interplay ofyour DNA (Nature) with your Environment (Nurture), suchas your social and cultural background as well as your wayof life style. In other words, a healthy mixture of nature and

nurture. We are continuously updating our algorithm forDNA analysis, to incorporate the latest scientific advancesin DNA analysis. This is important so as to ensure accuracy,robustness and keeping up to date. However, due to thisupdate, if you re-take the test at a later stage, you might

get a result with a different score of up to 10%, (including astatistical error), when compared to your initial score.

Karmagenes test is a non health related test and we ONLYuse your DNA to link specifc genetic regions to personality


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