· leans , one or out" roat bWU~Jne sc ientists . Hie nere is Ux u.ason. He is e nattoo son ot ~iacons in . He has held protessorahipa o~ tbe Massachusetts Insti tute or Teohnoloj>.y,

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To the par enta or Naval Treine$& ot Occidental College,

Deer Frienda:

lolay 3t , 19<14

The Naval trainees a• Occidental co:tege we consider a r e alan atu­

denta ar Occidental. Therefore I reQArd It appropriate t hat tbe letter ~Vhlcb

tollews, wbicb Ia eent to Occidental College parenta , aball oleo be sent to you. I ..., glad to oay that COI'.l:Bllder 1'/anglin and hie aoaociatea aba~- tbla

opinion and give approval to this procedure.

or course you ere deeply concerned by tbe recent outbreak or pol1o­

m¥elltls at Occidental College. I ~ sure that you want to be infor med ae to

what bas happened and as to what ~eaaurea we hava taken to pre•ent the spread or

the diSease .

On ~Y twelfth appeared the tlrot ceae or poliomyelitis. To date

there have boon s ix oaaoa i n all , t wo women and t~ur men.

Ao ao11n a a this 41aaasa lii&Direated 1 taelr Gn tba campus , our college

and caval &edioal ottlcera in conaultatlen with the City Eoard or Health and other

apao1al1ata met to determine our course or action ao a cnllege ooa=unity. -~lle

little Is known by the medical authorltlea as to bow the dlseaae is contreoted or

how It epreede, one raot , however , ie agreed upon , namely , that the susceptibil­

Ity to the dleeaae is related to tetlgue.

Ia view or thia tact a modification or college routine baa bean put

Into effect. Students havo been required to get eight houra ot aleep each olght; organized pbyoloal education tor women haa been auapeoded; pbyalcal educat ion tor

men baa been modified; and otrenoua or fatiguing extra-curriculum actlvltiea have

been cancelled, Ever y otudent baa been told t o report a t once to t he Htal~ . Center

any indlapoaitioo, cold , or oickneas, and hoed roa1danta bavo boon asked to watch

tor algoa or fatigue aa •ell aa 111 health, Normal college lite bas been continued

In all other reapecta , Our otUdenta bava responded ~o these measures w1tb uoder­

atandins and complete cooperation,

IA r egard to our rel a t ionship to -tho public in general , we have gone

beyond the r ac_,.,.dat1<>Do or tho City Soard ot Health and medi cal advisors.

Tba City Eoerd et H•lth bat oot recOMende4 tbat tbe college bt quaraoUnad , or

that there ba 1111 aurtallaont or ""ral oontaot with tba outaidt oo-uolty. lft ,

howaYor , havo 1apoold··upoo ouraal YII oenaln r 11trlot1one. llt have cancelled tor

a per i od ot twaoty daye, datins t rcm ~1 16th , al l eva11ta on the campuo to which

t he aentr&l Jlbllc 1o 111Yit od, u cl ban called ot t orr--campuo tuoctloAI which would

bt athnda4 by &111 lara• nuabor ot ov otudant o,

To t.ha parents ot Nenl trailleu -2.

TMre 1a at preeent a reaeeroh study be1ll8 undertaken on the oampua by Dr. Willlaa a.m.ond ot the Hooper Founda tian or tho Un1Yera1ty ot Cal1torn1a who la an authority on oommunloablo diaoaaoa, eapeolally polio­myelitla, All aepeota ot the collage and student lito a»o being studied in an effort to dieooTer the oauaea or tho diseaee.

We want to aeaure you that we baTe placed the health or your son ab&ve all ather oone1derat1ons at this time. We aher11 with you a deep concern tor the welfare or each student. It baa been reaaauring to feel t he confidence which parenta have had in the college when they are tully lntorced ot the ex­pert ~~edical counael •e have and ot the precautionary measures which we have taken, We slncerely hope that we are past the orisla at thia dreadful disease.

'ilith ldndsat regards, I remain

t:.·~ Remsen D. B1rd ·



J.:rs. Fr•nl<lln D. Roosevelt The \'Jb1 te House '6eah1netou, D. c .

!.!y door lJrs. Roosevelt:

Au{ruot 24, 1944

~Y I write you at oonslderebla length? Ptees~ torg1vo me tor doing ao but I ~~nt to present a oott er where I am sure you ~&n be holprul.

There 11 a aa.a in paaedet!a , one or our mst d1st.1n.gu1sbe4 Mer­leans , one or out" roat bWU~Jne sc ientists . Hie nere is Ux u.ason. He is e nattoo son ot ~iacons in . He has held protessorahipa o~ tbe Massachusetts Insti tute or Teohnoloj>.y, Ya l e , Univer sity or :tlscon$ 1o; ho was pl'es1dent of the University ot Ch1cogo from 1925-28; ho waa d i rector tor netQrol sciences or the Rockefeller Foundation, lecturer at Harvard , r.orabar ot the r;ettonal Aeedemy of Sc ioncea, end pres1dont ot tho Rockefeller Foundotion until 19!6 r.beu bo cane to Peaedone in tho ~ovelop~ont of the Col1rorn1a In~tt\ute ot Techrlolou end the t.bunt t'JU &01'1 Observ~tory oePecielly ln connect l ou w1t.h the gl'ent mode by the Foundation tor tho Palo""'r Observatory. l!e 1s ch•lr-mu.n or the Observatory Council end e member or tho zx.ecutlvo Council .

l!e h a very dear personal rrlend or Helen end l<a;asen Bird end ..., ha>a been especially close to b 1m thle leat ""ek.

ll'he year& esc he marr i od a very wondorrul wo:nen. Hie lite had he4 oany stormy experi eocea end thero cnmo in theae rtve year s an un­believably beeut1rul experience.

His Holen L:.aaon. !.aoodietel y round o great place in ou COIIliiiWII ty and in oQr heorto,

In en environment t h& t bad been extr aord1ner1ly conservative, to put It mildly, Dr. end wro. L:.aoon baYe conot antly held up tho banner or diCIOcraey , the aup1 ort or our Prui4ont and all that ba baa souj!jlt to do in ... kill& tho uchanisa artiolont tor the people .

As you know, t ho ao i entla t In opeoklns baa prestige In t he tr.ld ot tho eooiol eoilllCII and tho lnUreoto ot huoen!ty fftr more t han the roat ot ue who ere YMri ously cl,aa1!1ed , ~tnerelly aa ~visionary mortar boe.r4a".


~s. Fren~l1n D. Roosevelt .• poge 2

A tew wo oke ego ~s. t!eson, ,·,ho hed apparently been very well, suddenly died , Tbo tragedy has eome do1m heav lly upon all or us end oapoo1olly upon her bolovod husband .

~:e spent the evening dth hl.J:l end ho r deugMer ,.ho, by the uy, Is t he wife ot Eugene Roynal or xeyool end riitchcock. In the cours~ or tho con­versation, In his toollna thot lite hes hllon doi•D oround hl.J:l, we t oll<od &bout t he possibility ot hla groetor usefulnes s os e men or scientific reputa tion lo t.be service or his country. He W!.l$ not UNBOVUd.

A.s you explol'O blm ond his usefulneeo you will discover that he has been ono ot the outstanding men or science oaslstln3 I n this end ths eerliar war attorts. tl1a work in discovering tho mooheniemo to meet the submorlno menaco you w111 t1nd boa been one ot the moat Important 1o both wars , That will thrill you when you tlnd out j us t what be did 1n both wars in t h is vory important service.

I han nothlll8 particularly 1n lllind. I want you to e:rplore him end bis usefulnaoo . Tbara Is SOVA spot tor him that Is very important. Ha teals now that ha ~'ot s to give eve r ything he's got t o the good causa or o hotter society.

we lovo him, e e you see , very dearly. t'e know ell or tbo etories ot hio complicated lite and reoognlze that bs hao eomo through to this glor ious poroon not jus t by omootb. selling down a pleeaent valley. '

Our Helen Oebogun and Colvyo know b1m ... ry well. \o'a bova , the six of uo, been together many tlaes and she con odd bar word of approc1ot1on of what I h .. a 1d'ltten, In teet, I om El)1ng to send her a copy of th1a lettor .

lla hove boon ontertallliDg bare at tho college t his last Mek I&" . Xennoth L1ndsay or tho British Intorr.lOtion aerviee and he mads tho oc.cmant that perhaps tbe JDOn usetul parson 1n the Ottloo ot l ur I nfort,..tlon, troo hh corner , 1n B~lond at thla time ~~• our Louisa ~orl ay . That was prot ty good , wuon •t it?

i'lith tlfteotlonato resards and beat ot good wishes tor you ood yours,


P.S . It thla lottor atrlkoo tiro and you wont more preolee Information , lot me know.

I •

September 7, 1944

Chief of the Bureau of Naval Personnel Navy De].l6rtment \hsh.in6ton 25, J .C .

117 de"r Sir:

I huve ho'J.rd informally tbat there is th" poaoibil i ty of inore.,aing the number o t' Nllvy Reserve Officer 'l rainlny. Corps.

our experience here at Occideutel with the 1/avy hae been of the very l>eet , Wti would like to record ow· iutereot und would l16e vary muoh to have the opportunity tor eonol~eration cf thio mat­ter aa may be approp::-iate,

I b~g to relll81n , with readiness to enter into thia Mtter as ~y be euited , and speaking for the college author ities ,

Very sincerely and cordially your s ,

Remsen 0.81rd

\ ., ,

States t~~llr 1 J.f:X "*""" is acUvely con.~ected with the l'ro,.,...,. or the ortico or Sciontiric Reoearch , etc .

Soptoabor 2), 1944.

rq dllll' Dr . B1rclo

lao. Roooovolt ht.o uked ,..

to ••nd rou tht. onolo11d letter tro11

llr. CaJTOll L. 111leon, l!ltecutive A01l.t&nt

to the D1rootor, Ot rieo ot Sc1ent1!1c Re­

.. rch and DovelOJ>Mnt.

Yeey o1noer el.y yo~,

Sooret.uy to llrl. Rooaevelt.


f: ~ OCCIDENTAL COLLEGE • t!o,l~ ~ L08 AN lULU 4 1, CALirORNIA /L ~. ~~ l• \Y)

. ) i I J\


s ecretary to .rs. Rooeovolt l !.:iss l:elvlno C. 'lbompaon \ \.1 The ;":'hi te House .:'o sh!ngton, D. C. \y ) ) !:y dear !..las Tbo~~:paon: ~ I /· , ( , (j

A!.A l \...! '.A ·- I / .J I I

Thonlc you tor you 1-. t.ter or Septenber 23rd in r~upottso to my lotter to lrs. Roosevelt ~nd in reference to my very dear rrtond , Dr . t.:ax ltaaon.

I em tully ewaro tMt Dr . ~:Sson is usod to tho 11n1t ot his energy in the 50rv1c~ or the country es e sc1ent1Mt, Thut in e very wonderi"ul s tory l'·h1ch Mrs . Roo8evolt may S()n~edey wish to exploro ror hor-sclf. I knov~ or no ono in my oO'}\lBi ntencesb lp •11ho 1s rooro devoted end mor e intelligent ond .oro useful In the field or ae!onoo .

' But Dr . L~eson l s not pr1marHy o sclenth:t as greet es he ~~ is 1n his chosen tteld. He is a ~r.on or ~eep concern tor hu~n balnga 1 and their llelfare. R• ia strongly moved in these Umes , ar.d very properly • so, to tho reaponaibiltty that is upon us tn education to ~ke tbe acicntlflc ~ethod ertect1vo 1n oreoa where tt i a either • tsunderstoo4 or unknown. Violent prejudice obto ina oaooc people who :;hould ha•e be••n taught tro• the -;lL.e they began to emerr e oo hO\f raets aro kno~m 'tnd b<:.w ooo eoea ebGut esttaat1ng th•m. He ls ~· bot gospeler- on t ht a subject.

Furthermore, h& is in no way held beck by per~onel lntere~ts.

pride , etatus or enythln.g else . .;y enthusles11 ror him, wh t ch I em sur-e you telt in the laat lettor ond Ulsc:over taga i n in thi e one , te tor Dr. uax ~e son beyond hie tmmedieto preotee services es e scientist . Tbet •a the point . That' a tha point I am atrossl~ and 1 know Kolon reola tho ssmo ""Y about tt .

\~a neod e comploto new ut udy or our sohoolo ond colleges In the f~C ft or propaganda , prejud ice , relae notions , greod, 8bl1oe und dll th& other toxee that are ••tins at tha roots or ou r bijMutitul vinay~rd.

It 11 ln th11 conneotion tb6t I want ~ra . Roosevelt to •~plore Dr. ~ason.

~iss Ualvine c . Thompson •• 2

Hecenny, 8$ I wrote her , his gre•t sorrow in the l os• or bl s beloved wife ht~s addec! ro t.t1e int.en!:ity of his desire t o olf\ke his 1 1 ftt vt.tluable t o the "greet cause ••.

'.ViU you please slip tbis note on the de•l' l•dy •s tbble sor.>e t i rr.e at your conv enience and when she is not too burdened with meny things . I om sending e copy o f it to Helen end I om send ing o copy of the two let ters which you have sent me to Helen ,

Af~ectioMtely end nordl • ll y fol· you ~11 .


Septeaber 2.5, 1944. '111'/ear Or. Birch

lira. a-evelt. hae &eked - to

t.bank fOil tor TOilr DOh ot SaptMber 20tb.

lira. Rooaevelt. aa 1nt.ereeted to

to know ot the poee1b1litT ot 1ncreaa1ng the I •

nlaber o~ NaY¥ ~~ .. M'e Ottioer Traln1n.: Corpa . -· . . .. -.... _ and B).ad to a" TOilr attar to the Chiet ot

the Bur .. ll ot .. Yal Pareonnal.

--- ··

Seoreter,v to lira. Rooaavelt.


\ ' •





o•••tt• e • ,.,. ,.,..,., . . .. ,

~~. Franklin D. Rooaa•alt Tbo Wh lta House Weahlngton, D. c.

lAY door lo!rs. Roosevelt :

September 20, 1944

Beceuse or your gracious inter ­est In our oxper ienoe with tho N.R.O.T.c . end tor other reasons , I er:1 eeod ing you e oc.py or a letter addreaaad to the Chief of tlJa Bureau or Nevel Personnel.

.. ,'f>.;



1 \u / ·} 6

Oot6ber 6, 1944

lira , l"rankl1D Del ano Rooaeval t Tha Wb1 ta !lou a a waahiDgton, D. c,

ll.y dear llrs. Roosevelt: !t,

' ' I am onolos1Dg hol]_wit~· a latter whiolt I have Jus t re ce1Yed tromt'f':B:' Hervey who came t o ao at your auggoation.' Bor- 'li"tt'er" end. my anewer ere eel f-explenatory. She i s e yery nice pe:rson.

Cordially a d oiDcerely ,

' . f


Box 126 . Rou te I. Octobe r IOth.44•

Fairfax. C11l1f.

My de$r Dr Bird

! You will .hardly r emember our interview of some eiehteen months oeo,when Mr s RoosAve l t so kindly wrote to you to know how I w,;s getting on!

I spent a yea r with Dr Titcomb as housekeeper, and was ver y happy with her, but los t July fealine myself to be utterly worn out as I hed not han e holiday for two yeers and e half,I decided to l eave e nd came nort h t o miss t he hot summer .

I heve b een stayine at the ,,bove !'dd r ess since July and in return for my keev did f our hours a day we tering tl:le . garden . I also got a small selgry to keep me going .

This j ob fin i shes end of e c tober as th·Jre wont be any more wat,ring to do I I hnve very very much apprcc i n'ted the chon<Se end light work,and hAvine a l it tle time of my own,to cl1tch up with v~rious matter s of interest to me .

Our home in London has bee n badly wrecked for t he second time, this time by a r obot I AS there ~re nlill ions of peopl e now homel ess my hush11nd be ine; just about worn out and very nervous with all the'strain that he has been through, is anx i ous tba't I should not return home tnter t he v.ar,so we hove err '· n~ed t o meet in South Africa ss soon as i t is poss i ble for us to get there.

"From what I hea r from s South Af ric a n f riend, it seems thot Cape Town and all the norts ore so conges t ed wi th refugees

and visitors, thot now nobody extre is allO\ved to l and. So 1 t wont be for sometime after the wa r, be f ore we are el l ov1ed to go t here!

I am returning to 2965.Waverly Drive. Los Af18eles .26 .

on November the 2ond, where I shell be stayine with a former employer Mr• Lattin, who very kindly allows me to make her house a headquarters, where I can keep my extra belongings . I cannot go back to her because her gardener's wife now iioes 1'or her, a lso I am f r a nkly s ick of k1 tchen work! I found Dr Titcomb's housekeeping too much for me,o'o'l ing to a spinal injury caused hy a fP. ll winte r sporting mcny yea r s ae;o,I have mever been atrong,and itR a l ways di fficult for me to do any standing, nnd I ought not to lift things etc. So you can 1mot:::ine th~'t 1 t wos not easy from the bee;innine to do domestic work , whare so much is always expected of one.

As I r e ckon to h11ve t o remain in th i s country for some six months or even lone:e r ot'ter the war (German war) hns finished, I am anxious· to ~ind some kind ot" o lieht job with a good home attached to it. Have you go t enough peopl e to keep the college £8!'de ns watered?! I dont really mino whot I do,es lone ss I can work sittina l I c11nnot tak~ on any kind of secre:Hriol work,es I

u~ suffering from e good dea l or eye struin, Ao would not like to do anything to intensity thAt condition.

. . I thoucht perhaps you would cere to Mf.l ntion my position to yciur secretary end if sne thinks _that there is any kind of situat1on the< I could ti t into,! would be very c l od if she would kindly wri t e end let me know. Then on my return I could come ond see her , first week in November, I do not wont to etPr t work eesin befot·e the midd le or thet month . Pleas e tell her , tlwt I rePlly do nt mlna what I

do , prov i ded t he houDs ore not too long .

With ki ndest reeords end ltopine to heul' rrom you.

Yours sine~·

P. S . By the way my f~ther woe the patrist ic scholsr ond armenian expert at Oxford . J, think you mixed him up with e ereet ubcle who was joint author along with Howson ot the Life e nd ~pistles or St Paul!

l.ly husband i s Lt Colonel G. O. I.Hervey .o . B. E.( protessionol soldier ,now retired) ''Y brother i s Dr J .J . Conybeure of Guy ' s Hos pi tol, " hose "Cony be .re • s text book or me~;ci n~•is in its rourth edition ·in America . He is e t pre.,ent Air Co.cJ!\odore in tne R. A.F.


Joll.•a. lunG H.nuy llo:r. 12€., Routel Ywlrtax, Colltornle

117 4Mr Mrs . H.rvey:

October 6, l ll 4t

Tber.lc yuu very r•.uch t <Jr your lufom in1; lo~~er. I wl8b that I oould ~lve ,cu peuoe •nd the kind of a lite that ..:>ulcl rr .. you t o b& yoUI' own gooc\ self ln tbo t::onersl lh-1~ an~ •arvloee of t be good aoo1ety.

You oerUlrol7 ore DDt oonc11tionecl by uperio·>.oe as e &•rcl•nar encl meobanio ot the kltcben.

Tat• ear• or youraolf and wben you get bock, drop in and ••• •• Mild we ven tel ~ tblnsa over and 1 shall be very beppJ 1.o talk ., ltb 1'l"'• l auur• you.

11th baa\ of sood wlebea,

Cordlall7 7our o,




Ootober !11, 111«

Dear Dr, Bird:

I &an tne Pruid<m~ a MIIOJ'andllll on tne contents ot yo~&r letter, which 1a ol1 that r CAn <1o,

1 aKTee with you tnat Helen haa done a •aadertul job a nd ah~ 1a a srand and rare peraon,

Sincerely youra,

Jlr, Remaen Bird Preaident Occidental College Lu! Anse1eo, Cali!.



J!rs . Franklin D. Roosevelt The Wh ite House Washington, D. c.

lly 4eer ltrs. Rooseyolt:

I am onclooi ng horewi th otter the gr eat e44reea in New York. She

'\'oTote Holen e a finer job.

we were over the'te yesterday afternoon end spent the

afternoon talking things over w1Lh ber . Helen entered into tho servleea

ot her country , ea you know, first of all through th6 oxperl ence with the

migrant oh1ldren. OUt or that experience her vision, ber devotion, her

~Azing quality, t here bas grown a person who is no~ only ablo but is

groat in tbo !nnerooat being.

You will note in my letter to Helen thet I expreseed e per110nel vuy groH 4'uire. ,fben the "'"r h over and there ia e gathering

so""' place or people concerned "ltb tho way .o sl>.a ll boheve, I ..,nt very

111110h to be there.

In tho days preceding the wer, a very great friend ot 01ine wbo 1s a paoiriat ond w1 th v:bom I woa in Frunoe in the leat war told

&o that be would b& .. DOtbing to do witb U1ia w..r. l!e bear~ the boners or

great eouraae ill tbe leat war and be £1iY& hlmaelt with cc&plete 4avotioD at

that t1cte. Be eaid to 01e, ·~!beD the Will' is ever people like you , Remson ,

whO or e 1doal1ste and who see tbia war on the side or rigbt end juotioe oo>l

peace will bovo nothing to do wbon they sit around tho green tebla, '!be

toug3 guy s will be thoro than and you will not bo conoi4ered,"

1 aa1d to him, "1\ot only t1Ul cy kind be thero but

I eball be thero 01yeelt', •

'1/Ul you bolp me to tult ill this destiny?

1 tbou&bt tbe ProaldeDt'a addross before tbo PbreignPolicy

Auooiation w e 1n every r oapeot just whet it should bo. Cod bleaa billl aDd

take cere ot btm.

IIJ don HalCit

leU, 10\11' aUnu ... perteott Whet f Oil oa1d 0

tho ••1 JOil ool4 lt, tho qualltJ o f ..ottoo that wwo l D

1011, the 4eptb 111111 rlollll• .. ot 10111' -.peooloo, the trc adoa

froa l oJ ~1D4 of UD!''r••• • or dtooourteor or hltttD, out 'IUI4ar the a\rau and ot l'l tD, ell thlo oort of thlll8 t h•t

oo\114 lmrt tho ~:oodDeU ot talth and dn oUon coaaplououolJ


¥a uo aow ondtas • oollaco 11ar tD t bta atrollll• U JOa. BJ the oc:coloraUGD procraa .. ., olooe a ... eatere at tho c 4doot


I tbl.ok o il'C•t 4ool 1n tho rudot of the e<>otext ot

our ""rld DQOIIJ of the colleso ollll lt:> }'0\IDG people eod the

iaedl.a ta preutoc tact to ae tbolt thl o n~tog 1 oholl '

sroGude t he 1011a end douf>ht ou ot tho eone 11M deugbtero

I hun anduoia4, I b•.'f ~ c- to the\ tllrlo, It la a tlloo

of -~~ oou.l oxutD~on, J!Ml •1 well l!B•tt.tDo.

Belao 4MZ,/f aa 'fii'J 11Uoll -ad bJ tho 4aa1ro to

h11Ye , .. po r \ tD tbe oo\\11111! or tbl. pesoo. I h•·• • oold

to J111aolt t hrousll t blo t lmo ot etora \bat I Wllntod nr1

.. ch, .., "" 1t I ""re 01111 a oDloolt:er, \0 be ot tho P• • oo

tabla. I \blolt: I bon • 1 llf• a4 o~tcooa 1110rlt:od

ll ;-out eo tal<¢ I oollld bo there lf 1\ wro poollbla.

t:bOD JIOII co 'caelc \0 1\'oobiDC'OD en4 JCU ott •round ,

J OU •4 tho other creot ·~• ot t b o f!C"Ortllle·t, plou o t hla

of .. oo4 of tblo oto t ... ot,


ID tlw Maotllla, hb goo<l oaro of }'Ouraolf ftlld lt:aow

boor eoeplJ JOU aon oll ot JOill' h'lonlh at t'cai IJ'Mt -oot

tD JOIIl' Ute whoa JOil ~e tor the 1D4lopouoble phllo•oph:r

of rlp\ecllAIIoo u4 -...1\J oad roll 4.oorocJ a4 the

foluldoUou ot • •nh1 peeN.

004 blau fOil •DO JOII1'I •l•:r•.

LoY1tllb ,


0 Of',. IO C Of' THil

~ra . Franklin D. Roosevelt The Wbi to House Washingto~ D. C,

IIY dear llrs. Roosevelt: ...........

November 6, 1944

Onder separate cover I am mail ing you tho Annual Report of Occidental Coll ege . Attached to this report is tho list of names of those who have mado so good a roport possible.

Among others there is your own and we express again our very sincere appreoie. t·ion to you for your confidence. cooperation and support. .

We are no• in tho year 1944-4·5 . We cont inue our w&.r sarvicos but we look to the new responsi bilities of peo.ee .and the strengthening of the traditional college.

In this effort we have sot for oursel ves the goal ot $100,000 for tho current need of tho year , for tho renovation or our resi dences, and for the building of tho vory much needed water mains to supply the inorea.s1ng campue.

We have groat hopes that it will be our experience once more to onrry the col lege through with the expenses of the year met and the work ot the year aoeompliehed.

We are among tho most fortunate of all eollogoa in tho steady 1ncr&A96 of the number who entor into tho care of the COll l l l year by year.

Wo thank you again for your part nnd shall approciato what­ever you may be able ~o do in tho year 1944-45 .

With kindest porsonal regards,

Cordially yours.



MonGer 211 1944.

~ dear Or . Oird•

oi yow- loLLCI' 01' Uov&~ber Uth, IO!lich wao

lliYen to Ill·•· nooscvel~.

Secret.ary t.o Ura. aooawel.t..

or. a- ... D. MrcS Oocicleat.&l Colleae ~ Anplee (U), Calitomi.a. VDS


!.. I




November 8 , 1944

Mrs, Franklin D. Roo•evelt Tho Wbi t4 House Y:aahington, D. c. NOv 15 1944

loO)' dear ll:rs, Roo48 .. lt:

Th.ank you 1'8ry 11uch tor your letter concern ing ce oo4 a.lne.

I 11l'Ote a nota to Dr. Guy s""voly In which I sent h1a e copy ot ~ letter to you and Ill¥ letter to Helen,

Wba t eonoerna m. le that there may not be et t he so-celled ftpeace tabl e" adequate reproeontet1on ot the edueot1onel torcee tbat can work together tor the rohobtlltatlon ot tho instltutlono or the world lllce tb.ls one,

I eleo lalow that It 1e eo easy at o time 'Ill on appoint~~~<~~~ t o are lll!lde to p ick tboao .mo are kncwn on t ba Atl., tio Seoboord. Tb.et io generally what happona and underetandobl y.

I ba'f'e, •• I wrote yOU• epecial reaeona wb7 I wa11t to be there aDd I think I ba•e .:>•thins to c.ontrlbute to the conference, ab.ould a couterenee take place.

Wo opont .toot1on night at Belon•o. Vory 10011 It woo clear that tho ~oald011t 100uld be returned but it woo ""t oo oloar that Halon would be olootod. Sho tnUed tor a while and we d14 ""t know until just a tew b.oura ago that bar eloot1on wu sure.

Ao 70U bow, her • •palp """ an oxcoodlnaly •holy" one. Sbo oe1d nothing about bor opponnt : abo plod tor the ~eoidont ood all that be repro48nted. She bold tba oaapalgn to tho high purpoao ond tbet wo o all dono in a district t hat woo ecouotomod to tbo ol111-bans.

And, boeldu, tbero were IIIODy now people l.n t ba dittrlot. ' She 414 not 11 .. iD It, Sh e woo t ho T1otlm ot o nry ooilod, -•r OOICpdp

but 1bo11 WOD IJ!d lho will OODI book to WaabingtoD a TOry sreat addition,

I \alkod w1tb Toa rord aneral U•• during tbo ... o1os and he opoko ot Sol• U ODO wbo WOO dolt l.nod t o r CODY I:'OliODI l•od1Ual7


Mrs. Frankl in D. Roose•elt •• 2

to be e Terr real f orce in Washington on tbe side or tbe greet purposes or our t lmes.

You will m1s s him in washington I lcuow and I know also how much personal eat l e!act ion you will have in Holen'e collling,

It wes o I!J'O&t gathering. SO""t!Jile I'll tel l you about it tro10 my point or obeonatlon. I doubt it there ever bae been quite tho same kind ot e group meeting in ao apacioue e home mindful or our democreey and sitt ing in unity !or its und er standing and proll'IOtion,

I thonk you !or keeping me in lllind and t aking the trouble to put the me:norendUID on tho President's desk. It nothing comes ot it I shall tully und erstand .

Thank Ood our Pres ident continue& and the angry young gentl&­man hae mt dlepleced b.lm. tor that wou.l d heve been e very greet t ngedy.

With affectionat e regards.


• .,.. ..... 18, le«

bnll 1 QU tor eendllla ae • oopr ot

row' l•U•~ ~. llnn•lr· I aa alad to bear

1011 are DOt beini per .. wW a nd ere not oeeine

JOUr ool h a• •utter beoauu of peraonal belief s .

Si na• r•l r JOUr•,

) J}r, Re..,en Bird 1

. .




OCCID E NTAL COL LEG E La• AHa~u:• • •· CA Li r O"HIA 1\(J~ z 1 l:J44

••,..•• • • no• ••••••._,..., !;o .. mber 21 , 1944

wra. FranKli n D. Roosove l~ Tho \'/hi to 11ouao ~oshington, D. C.

l!y dear :urs . Rooeevelt.:

Hare io e copy ot o letter which is >mat it is:

tlmo . Tho best to you thia Thsnksg1v1 og

Dr. 0 117 I, Sanel.r

'--*'" Ia \loa of Aaer l coo Collopo l' woot '''b stro•' ... York, llow York

w, door 01111


HoYIIO!bOIT 20, 19 ..


Pooplo 117 t o .. , "Are \bore llll)' ot boir ooU o~~~t pro814cto ox­GOp\ rouroel.t ... pporhd t ho l: r es i4aot'l" I b ........ , bllll • •rJ &\lGb uao to tho l' rl814oD\ ia rotorcC>e to tbu powc ot 111 oupport, .\ a )Oil lalow I h••• o tboorJ that • • prooidom o f U4 o oolloa• 1 oa 0118 who ebool4 DO\'

oo4oroo oaD.414otoo. I eo\ "T t1114!•ro terribly burD.od iD oar lJ Jlera •baa I did oD4ono, ooD414otoo 111d tba oodoro•ent ,..,. looked uroa as a ooUoso oodoro-.nt oad aot oo " porsood ooo,

lloW't'll', 1 bno 'futoG tour t!Juo t or ~r. !lOOOO'folt ftDd t bot soh broosod al'OIIA41

ID toot, I bno 80ao teleo wh1ob ia tho long 'flow Ire • b U oaa .. 1Ds. Oao ot our aooorouo booofeotoro hrood tb.o seso •·••1 rr .. tba C>ollos• b• oowoo 1 •• wbat I aa oad bold tba po.ttloD. tllot I b•.,. h••ld,

'tllo o\bor d•J obo •oto •• 6 l1Ulo DDh, now ottor IMODJ )'llrl 1Dtc'foaioc, oDd •noaod t o 11114 • • illite • ••aorouo ohoolt on ooo41t1oo thot I ooul4A'\ aha H to tbo Prooldeat or to Helc t)oboi!•·D·

So U 11 lllto tbot,

• D4 tho o\bor 4oy IJII', IIebert Uocrrer'o 'tlrf boot trt....S, Ill'. aD4 lira, Bo-14, tor thor oro lllro ou porooa, ooa t .. • \boalro~h 1111 cba'* .. 10 1\ 1• 11ko 'be\,

BolA r our crollod a, lie trolllt oDd tolr ond c011pooolonoto and fOil will lalaorU \bo ••tb,


!Irs. !'raDkl.1n D. Rooan aH ~ba lfbHo Houaa llaob1ng<on, D. c.

ll;f 4eer l!ro. Rooonol~:

Dec..,ber 0 , 1944

WbeD I get ~ur kt.nd let ·ers ouet. as t hta one ot November 28th, and I realize tbet you hove token tho troubl e to read my documents, you o~erWbelm me a bit.

I onjoy thoroughly -.r1t1ns to you trom my corn.,. but I do not •flab to 'be e nuisance. P l ease don't let me 'b6 o


I b.evo bad en interesting correspondmoe with en old trland In llaohington nomad Robort LaFollette. I om going to toke t h8 UbartJ or oen41ng you ay lotter t.o bill and b1o to

., .. secator La1oll•tte comes or liberal atock and bed •

fathC' of groat vll1on ud graot bumn1tar1u1.,. Io tb.,.o

11110rk: to be done here?

I have jiUit hoeD talklng with Rolon. 'lo ara bev1Dg o farewell portr at tbe bouao OD Saturday night. 11bJ don't you tly

out tor it?

ollll cordially,

...__ --

( I I

/ tiU ru ,. , .,.. '

74. . ~ 1-c,...~rtK.. r~~~pJ~ ~ - ~~-.J D ~ lv k. u. tt z·~ ;;.. ~ _

..A...- ~elf ~ (J,(lbl' ~ 4;;: }c+'" - ~ ~<t ~ ~~ &r-~~n. /L ~ ~­~ ~ I'J?Ia.tiS ~' t) ~ ·/. l.i:e.< ~ he« fJI' - ~ r. ~!; nr ti; tvrl. ~ S'~ U?t~ - 3k... ltUR ~ uUA p ~ 7-' f:w__._ ~~~ - .9~--x ~ ~ 4~~J ~ J-t?" -

4c. ,f_ l4ftct

fie~ J




Mrs . Frankl in D. Roosevelt The whlte llouao washington, o. c. ll.Y deer Mrs. Roosevelt:

" ' 1 Oeconber 11 , 1944


Thoele you very Eucll tor your quiet ucdenten41 ng and sy~~pethy with tbo work which Zletko and Joyce Balokovlc are do ing. Joyce writes r.o frequently or your W>llersteod1ng. In bar latter received today is this sentence: •Mrs. Roosevelt is one ot the greet people or this world, as you know. She arranged tor uo to see Sacy. Stettiniua on the day or h1s eppointrAnt end J.lr , l.lcCloy, the Assistant Secretary or \fer , etc,•

I have t be following Interesting letter from Ierry voorhis which Is sol t-explonotory . I have sent I t to Ouy 'Jnnoly, seek i ng his counsel.

Really , th• rore I thi nk about it, tho m<D'e I om impressed with the solemn tact that unless our schools are mbullt throughout tho world we aholl very soon dritt into tho kind ot when people era not trained in thoir clnda em In their hearts .

Viltb etteotlonate regards lllld bast or good wishes tor the Chrlatmaa time,

p,S , We bad a farewell party tor Halon Satu rday night, Sbo 1s le aving for Woehington on the lSt b. ~ary Helon goes tod8y with ~rs, Oah oga n and will otey with h~r in Now York unt 1l things oro worko4 out ,

Dr, Jleruen 1\, Bird Oco id on t<ol Coll oge Loa A~olu 41

COliC~; OF Tl't UNIT •• D ST. 'rt:l uou e• ot R~reacntattyoa

washinston, n.c.


I ht1va your sood letter ot November 16th und alao copy ot touz letter to Wrs . Rooeo"felt ~blob 1 awreclute 70ur letting • •••·

1 em de ... ply 1J1Preased by your M.lg~asttoa tor a conteronae on education u.nd tettl t hot it 11 eOJtothlng that 1 a "''-'")' bodly n•eded 1nllee4. I am not 'ure, bO'jlt&Yer , thDt tha tp't'erGmobt oug.ht to sponsor euoh a oont.ronce. On tbe oootrary I 101 inclined to thllllC thot it 'lo0ul4 ho m re aaoctt~lful tr .!lponeored by so. e ot tho school people tbeaal.Yes. ror one \blno, I tbink t horo 1o a crrino need tor t~• oolle&• people upec1oll7 to get together oDd discuss tbo proble.,. tbat oro L{Oing to •riao in ooD.DooHon wi tb tbo G. I , Bill ~•4 helping returnino 'fdorona to take ld1't.ntage ot tt.

Mo w I .,uU be aight~ f!le4 to cootoct Dr, Studebaker of the Office ot ¥4ucat1on d rd trJ to oncour ac.~ hta settJn~ up aucb • oonrereaoe 01 you propos~, it oo me ture oonaldere~lon you think 'hBt 11 the way to so about it. As l eoy I wtts ju!St \IOndering Jf Jt v.o uldnot be more tru.U­tul tor t bl school people to 80 ahead \ll"''dlr their own he eel or eteaa. Ploaao l ot .. !<now w!lat ,.,u tliiDl< about this • ngl.e of tho aituatiou and whether or m t you wn t ae t o contact the Ott1oe o t Sducet1oD about. the •tter.

l hope i hno " " do 1t aloar tbolt I 11ost 4aoi4edly egroe wit h you and t'ba t auoh a oor:terenoe a.ltou.ld be blld.

Slnoercly y~ ura,