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Page 1: ДЕЛОВОЙ АНГЛИЙСКИЙlib.bbu.edu.az/files/book/963.pdf · 2018-03-15 · Деловое письмо международного образца имеет четкую






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УДК 802.0(035.5):338 ББК 81.2Англя2 С47


кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков

Белорусского государственного университета В.С. Слепович


профессор И.И. Панова

(Минский государственный лингвистический университет);

профессор Р. Эндрюс

(Школа менеджмента, университет г. Прово, штат Юта, США)


кафедрой иностранных языков № 1

Белорусского государственного экономического университета

Слепович В.С.

С47 Деловой английский. Business communication.

/В.С. Слепович. - Мн.: «ТетраСистемс», 2001. - 256 с.

ISBN 985-6577-81-0.

Книга представляет пособие по деловому английскому языку. Включает в себя пять частей, охватывающих основные виды письменной и устной бизнес-коммуникации на английском языке: деловую периписку, обращение на работу, подготовку резюме, презентации и выступления, телефонные разговоры и переговоры, бизнесс-коммуникацию в действии. Для основных конструкций дан перевод на русский язык. Может использоваться в качестве справочного и практического руководства.

Предназначена для получения качественного бизнес-образования, специалистов в области международного бизнеса, а также для всех изучающих деловой английский язык.

УДК 802.0(035.5):338


ISBN 985-6577-81-0

© Слепович В.С., 2001

© НТООО «ТетраСистемс», 2001

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Настоящее пособие представляет собой новый для отечественных изданий

подход к бизнес-коммуникации как отдельному курсу в системе

бизнес-образования. Именно так трактуется этот курс в университетах США, где он

является обязательным предметом для всех, кто специализируется в области

менеджмента и бизнеса. Знания и опыт, приобретенные автором во время научной

стажировки по программе Фулбрайта в Мичиганском университете (г. Анн Арбор)

в США, явились основным источником при работе над данным курсом.

Содержание пособия охватывает различные сферы делового общения на

английском языке: деловую переписку в письмах, факсах и по электронной почте,

устройство на работу, презентации и выступления на деловых встречах,

телефонные разговоры и переговоры, а также реальные ситуации, возникающие в

процессе бизнес-коммуникации, с помощью которых формируются навыки,

необходимые для достижения успеха в бизнесе.

По своему назначению пособие является учебно-практическим. Оно

адресовано как студентам при изучении курса делового английского, так и всем

тем, кто по роду своей деятельно- , сти имеет джеловые контакты с зарубежными


Наряду с учебными текстами, диалогами и упражнениями по

формированию навыков делового общения на английском языке пособие содержит

широкий диапазон практических и справочных материалов в виде выражений,

ситуативно обусловленных фраз и рекомендаций, которые необходимо иметь под

рукой при составлении деловых писем и сообщений, подготовке документов для

трудоустройства в зарубежную фирму или международную организацию, ведении

телефонных разговоров и переговоров, подготовке к презентациям и их

обсуждению, а также для ознакомления с реалиями и правилами современной

бизнес- коммуникации.

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Основным методическим подходом в данном пособии является

формирование мыслительной деятельности через ту или иную

коммуникативную проблему, а не заучивание формул и клише. Кроме

того, при усвоении курса необходимо помнить, что

бизнес-коммуникация, как и любой другой вид общения, является

«улицей с двусторонним движением», поэтому важно учитывать

конкретного адресата и предвидеть его реакцию на письменное или

устное высказывание.

Построение пособия определяется логикой речевой

деятельности, ведущей и единственной функцией которого, по

мнению выдающегося психолога Л.С. Рубиищтейна, является


Письменная бизнес-коммуникация (части I и II) представлена

в пособии первой в виде деловой переписки и документации,

необходимой для устройства на работу. С точки зрения психологии

общения, это более простая форма коммуникации. Она не требует

одновременного учета говорения и слушания, а также быстрой

перестройки в процессе общения. Кроме того, соблюдая принцип «от

более простого к более сложному», на начальном этапе имеет место

сопоставление английского текста с русским.

Устная бизнес-коммуникация (части III, IV и V) представлена

телефонными разговорами и переговорами, основами составления

презентаций и выступлений, а таюке моделями речевого поведения в

тех или иных ситуациях с помощью метода “Case Study”, который

заключается в адекватной оценке ситуации и реагировании на нее

путем принятия решения. Азбука делового общения предлагается для

усвоения в виде десяти шагов на пути к успеху в бизнесе, главный из

которых - позитивное отношение к собеседнику. Особенности

бизнес-коммуникации, которые следует учитывать при принятии

решений в бизнесе, рассматриваются на примере таких известных

компаний, как «Джонсон энд Джонсон» (Johnson & Johnson Inc.),

«Ливай Стросс» (Levi Strauss & Со.), «Эрбус Индустри» (Airbus

Industrie) и «Боинг» (Boeing Со.).

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Letter Structure H


Раздел 1. Структура письма

(Letter Structure)

Деловое письмо международного образца имеет четкую структуру,

определенный набор реквизитов и стандартное расположение каждого из них.

Полный формуляр письма международного образца имеет следующие состав и

расположение реквизитов:

(1) Заголовок (адрес отправителя)

(2) Номер документа

(3) Дата

(2) Номер документа

(3) Дата

(4) Специальные почтовые отметки

(5) Уведомление о конфиденциальности

(6) Адресат

(7) Указание на желательность


(8) Обращение

(9) Заголовок к тексту (10) Основной текст письма

(11) Заверщение письма (11) Заверщение письма

(12) Подпись (12) Подпись

(13) Пометка об исполнителях

(14) Приложение

(15) Копии письма

(16) Постскриптум

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и Структура письма

(1) Letter head (Sender’s address)

(2) Reference

(3) Date

(2) Reference

(3) Date

(4) Special mailing indication

(5) Confidential

(6) Inside address

(7) For the attention of

(8) Salutation

(9) Subject (Re.:) (10) Body of the letter

(11) Close (11) Close

(12) Signature (12) Signature

(13) Initials of persons in charge

(14) Enclosures

(15) Copies

(16) PostScript (P.S.)

Помещенное ниже письмо от частного лица из Дании британской фирме

содержит ряд указанных выше реквизитов стандартного делового письма’:

' Структура данного и ряда других писем дается по книге: А. Ashley. А

Handbook of Commercial Correspondence. Oxford University Press, 1992.

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Letter Structure El









Bredgade 51,

DK 1110

Copenhagen К


12 May 2000_

Ultrasonic Ltd.,

Warwick House,

Warwick Street,

London SW23 IJF United


For the attention of the Sales Manager

Вниманию менеджера no продажам

Dear Sir or Madam, Уважаемый/ая г-н/г-жа!

основной текст

адрес отправителя



указание на




Please would you send me details of your quadraphonic sound systems

which were advertised in the June edition of "Sound Monthly".

1 am particularly interested in the Omega range of equipment that you

specialize in.

Пожалуйста, вышлите мне описание квадрафонных звуковых систем,

которые рекламировались в июньском номере "Саунд Мансли". Меня в

особенности интересует оборудование "Омега", на котором Вы


Yours faithfully.

Искренне Ваша / С уважением {подпись)

Brigitta Kaassen (Бригитта Каассен)


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El Структура письма

1.1. Заголовок, или адрес отправителя (Letter Head / Sender's Address)

Заголовок письма помещается в верхней части листа в соответствии с

разработанным заранее макетом. Элементами заголовка являются;

- фирменный знак (логотип),

- наименование фирмы или организации,

- почтовый адрес,

- абонентские номера оперативных средств связи

(телефона, телефакса, телекса, а также адрес

электронной почты).

Если фирма является филиалом, указывается основная компания-

учредитель. В некоторых случаях в заголовок включаются сведения об основном

направлении деятельности.

Во избежание перегрузки справочной информацией часть сведений,

например абонентские номера, иногда переносят в нижнюю часть листа.

Примером такого расположения справочной информации может служить

письмо автору данного учебного пособия от исполнительного директора Совета по

международному обмену учеными с сообщением о присуждении стипендии имени

сенатора Фулбрайта для прохождении научно-исследовательской стажировки в


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Letter Structure И

Council for International Exchange of Scholars

Mays, 1995

Dr. Viktor Slepovitch c/o Janet Demiray Public Affairs Officer American Embassy Minsk Department of State Washington, DC 20521-7010

Dear Dr. Slepovitch:

On behalf of the Council for International Exchange of Scholars, I congratulate you on your selection by the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board for an award under the Mutual Educational Exchange (Fulbright) Program. This Council cooperates with the United States Information Agency and organizations abroad in the administration of the Fulbright program for university lecturers and research scholars.

Enclosed is a booklet with important information relating to your sponsorship under the Fulbright program and several forms to be completed either upon your arrival in the United States or at the conclusion of your stay.

Please read carefully the enclosed materials, particularly the "Terms and Conditions of Award," as listed on page 2 of the grant document. If you have any questions relating to your grant or program in the United States, Georgene B. Lovecky, your CIES program officer [tel. (202) 686-6251], will be most happy to assist you.

You may wish to write to Dr. Swales to discuss in further detail your research interest prior to your arrival in Ann Arbor. Please keep us informed of your travel plans as soon as they are known so that we may arrange to issue your first grant payment in time for your arrival.

We look forward to welcoming you to the United States and hope you will have an enjoyable and successful stay.


Jody K. Olsen Executive Director Enclosures

3007 Tilden Street, N.W., Suite 5M, Washington, D.C. 20008-3009

Tel. 202/686-4000 • Fax 202/362-3442 • Internet: [email protected]

Affiliated with the American Council of Learned Societies

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и Структура письма

Фирменный бланк письма с заголовком дает большую информацию о

фирме (организации). В заголовке указывается тип компании. Например,

сокращение Ltd. (от Limited liability) говорит о том, что это компания (общество) с

ограниченной ответственностью, то есть при банкротстве владельцы компании или

ее части несут ответственность лищь за тот капитал, который они внесли при

образовании компании. Для кредиторов это предупреждение о том, что при

банкротстве они смогут получить от компании лищь то, чем она владеет, а не

личные средства держателей ее акций. В США в этом случае используется

аббревиатура Inc. (от Incorporated). Сокращение PLC (Public Limited Company)

значит, что акции компании можно купить в открытой продаже.

Примеры названий компаний; Johnson & Johnson Inc.; SP Wholesalers

PLC; Hartley-Mason Inc.; Levi Strauss & Co.; Ultrasonic Ltd.

Сокращение <6; Co. говорит о том, что компания является партнерством

(partnership) двоих или более людей. Если это семейный концерн, добавляют слово

Son (сын). Sons (сыновья), Bros (Brothers) (братья). У партнерства может быть как

ограниченная, так и неограниченная ответственность. Например, F. Lynch & Со.

Ltd. или R. Hughes & Son Ltd.

В заголовке письма, наряду с почтовым адресом компании, указываются

телефон, факс и адрес электронной почты (E-mail). Перед ними могут указываться

фамилии председателя (президента) компании и членов совета директоров.

• При отсутствии бланка письма с названием фирмы или организации адрес

отправителя помещается в правом верхнем углу страницы.

На рис. 1 приводятся образцы заголовков на бланках для писем и факсовых

сообщений международных финансовых организаций (МВФ и Всемирного Банка):


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и Структура письма

DONALD & SONS, INC. Ххххххххххххххххххх

Our Ref. 221/1

November 12, 2000

1.3. Дата (Date)

Дата указывается под адресом отправителя в правой или левой части

страницы. Иногда между датой и адресом отправителя пропускается строка. Если

имеется бланк фирмы с адресом, дата также обычно указывается в правом углу


Месяц в дате не следует писать в виде числа; например, 11.01.93 означает

11 января 1993 г. в Великобритании и 1 ноября 1993 г. в США. Не следует также

сокращать название месяца, например, Nov. вместо November. Это выглядит

небрежно. Не так сложно написать полностью дату, и тогда ваше письмо не

затеряется и попадет в нужную папку.

Часто в порядковых числительных опускается 'th' после числа. Например,

24 October вместо 24"’ October. Иногда название месяца ставится вначале: October

24. Это дело выбора, но необходимо придерживаться какой-то одной формы

написания даты.



March 2001

1.4. Специальные почтовые отметки (Special Mailing Indication)

Если письмо посылается не обычной почтой, об этом может быть сделано

специальное указание под строкой с датой, например:


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Letter Structure И

January 10, 2001 EXPRESS


1.5. Уведомление о конфиденциальности (Confidential)

Данное уведомление означает, что письмо может быть вскрыто только

адресатом или доверенным лицом. Запись делается под датой или адресом, а также

на конверте.

January 21,2001



1.6. Адресат (Inside Address)

Адрес получателя указывается под адресом отправителя на

противоположной стороне страницы.

Адресные сведения указываются в той же последовательности, что и на

конверте, например:

Prof. Priscilla S. Rogers,

School of Business Administration

University of Michigan Ann Arbor,

MI 48109-1234 U.S.A.

Если имя и фамилия адресата известны, они (вместе с вежливой формой

обращения или званием) указываются перед адресом:

Mr. J.E. Smith или Mr. John Smith, a не просто Mr. Smith

Существуют следующие вежливые формы обращения:

Mr (с точкой или без) как сокращение от mister при обращении к мужчине;

Mrs. при обращении к замужней женщине;


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и Структура письма

Ms может употребляться при обращении как к замужней, так и незамужней


Messrs как сокращение от французского Messieurs употребляется при

обращении к двоим и более мужчинам (Messrs Р. Jones and В. Parker) или в

названии фирмы (Messrs Collier & Clerke & Со.).

Существует целый ряд специальных форм обращений, которые

включаются в адрес, например ученые, медицинские и военные звания (в этом

случае они употребляются в.место Mr, Mrs, Ms):

Dr. (Doctor); Prof. (Professor); Capt. (Captain); Maj. (Major); Col. (Colonel);

Gen. (General).

Если имя адресата иеизвестио, можно использовать его должность в

фирме (The Finance Director, The Sales Manager). Если известно лищь название

фирмы, можно адресовать письмо на ее имя: Soimdsonic Ltd.

Обратите внимание на рекомендуемый порядок написания адреса


Название дома или здания

Номер дома и название улицы, проспекта и т.п.

Город и его почтовый индекс


Industrial House 34-41 Craig Road Bolton ВЫ 8TF UNITED KINGDOM

В некоторых европейских адресах (в том числе, в странах СНГ) номер

дома ставится после названия улицы. Не нужно переставлять его по образцу США и


Agentura Carolina Albertov 7 128 00 Prague 2 CZECH REPUBLIC


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Letter Structure ISI

1.7. Указание на желательность ознакомления (For the Attention of)

Указание For the attention of означает желательность ознакомления с

содержанием письма, адресованного организации, какого-то определенного лица.

Оно может быть необходимо в случаях, когда отправитель не обладает полной

информацией об адресате. Обычно такое указание помещается под внутренним


International Industries Ltd.

1 -5 Greenfield Road

Liverpool L22 OPL


For the attention of the Production Manaeer

[сокращенный вариант; Attn.: Production Manager]

Dear Sir,

1.8. Обращение (Salutation)

Обращение, которое является также формой приветствия, помещается под

внутренним адресом без отступа от левой границы текста. Конкретная форма

обращения зависит от адресата:

Dear Sir: (Уважаемый господин!) - при обращении к мужчине, имя

которого вам неизвестно.

Dear Sirs: (Уважаемые господа!) - при обращении в организацию (фирму).

Dear Madam: (Уважаемая госпожа!) - при обращении к женщине

(замужней или незамужней), имя которой вам неизвестно.

Dear Sir or Madam: (Уважаемый/ая господин/госпожа!) - при обращении

к человеку, имя и пол которого вам неизвестны.

Dear Mr. (или Dr., Prof.) Smith: (без инициалов или имени) - при

обращении к человеку, фамилия которого вам известна.

Gentlemen: (Господа!) - при обращении в организацию (фирму) в



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Н Структура письма

1.9. Заголовок к тексту (Subject)

В заголовке к тексту письма дается его краткое и точное название. Он

помещается после обращения к адресату и открывается словом "Subject" или

сокращением "Re." (от "regarding", "относящийся к"), например:

Dear Mr Thomson:

Subject (Re.y New Enrollment Rules

1.10. Текст письма (Body of the Letter)

Текст письма разбивается на абзацы, отделяемые одним строчным

пробелом. В начальном абзаце рекомендуется изложить сущность проблемы или

определить состояние дел, а в заключительном - подвести итог с учетом

изложенной выще информации. Если суть делового письма проста, оно

оформляется в виде одного абзаца. В тех случаях, когда отправитель заинтересован

в скорейшем ответе, текст завершается соответствующей просьбой: "I am looking

forward to hearing from you soon".

1.11. Завершение (Close)

Если письмо начинается с Dear Sir, Dear Madam, Dear Sir or Madam (TO есть

без указания имени), оно заканчивается словами Yours faithfully, после которых

ниже следует подпись отправителя и еще строчкой ниже - имя и фамилия


Если письмо начинается с Dear Mrs. Robinson, Dear Prof. Swales - OHO

заканчивается словами Yours sincerely (Sincerely yours). В США даже официальные

письма иногда завершают словами Yours truly (Truly yours). Письмо

непринужденного стиля можно завершить словами Best wishes или Best regards.


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Letter Structure И

1.12. Подпись (Signature)

Для подписи обычно оставляют пробел в 3-5 строчных интервалов.

Помимо собственно подписи, в блок входит указание имени и фамилии автора

сообщения, его должности или звания, например:

Yours faithfully, И Л И Yours sincerely,


(подпись) John Brown J. Howart, Ph.D. Sales Manager Department Head

Иногда в деловой переписке перед подписью стоит аббревиатура р.р. (от

"per pro" - "for and on behalf of - от имени, за). Секретари часто ставят этот термин,

когда подписывают письма от имени своих начальников, например:

Yours faithfully, (подпись Магу Thomson)

р.р. J. Mill Managing


1.13. Пометка об исполнителях (Initials of Persons in Charge)

Пометка об исполнителях в виде инициалов часто используется в крупных

компаниях и отделах для сохранения информации о том, кто конкретно из

сотрудников составлял и набирал текст. Инициалы составителя печатаются

прописными буквами, а инициалы машинистки или оператора - строчными,

например: MM:pd; CJR/nr.

Если письмо составлялось и печаталось одним лицом, достаточно указать

только инициалы машинистки (оператора).


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и Структура письма

1.14. Приложения (Enclosures)

Если к письму прилагаются дополнительные материалы, например,

проспекты, прейскуранты и т.п., в конце письма (в нижнем левом углу) об этом

делается пометка: Enclosures (или сокращенная форма: Епс.,Епс1.) Если это ряд

документов, они могут быть перечислены:

Enel.: 2 или Епс.: Application forms (2 copies)

1.15. Копии письма (Copies)

Копии одного письма могут рассылаться нескольким лицам. При этом

делается пометка с.с. (carbon сору). Например,

С.С.: Prof. S. Johnson; Dr. Thomas Burke

В тех случаях, когда информация о рассылке копий, по мнению

отправителя, нежелательна, на внешней исходящей корреспонденции она

опускается, а на внутренней дается с пометкой Ь.с.с. (blind carbon copies).

1.16. Постскриптум (PostScript = P.S.)

Постскриптум - дополнительная информация в конце письма, по

каким-либо причинам не включенная в основной текст. Она размещается всегда

как заключительный структурный элемент письма с отступом от предыдущего

элемента в 2-4 строчных интервала. Начало постскриптума отмечается

аббревиатурой "P.S." При подготовке текста на компьютере перекомпоновка

текстовых блоков не представляет каких-либо затруднений, поэтому постскриптум

в деловой переписке используется скорее для того, чтобы лишний раз подчеркнуть

наиболее важную деталь сообщения.

Ниже дается образец делового письма, в котором содержится ответ на

приведенное в самом начале письмо от клиента из Дании. Обратите внимание на

структурные элементы письма и открытую пунктуацию, что считается нормой.


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Letter Structure И

ULTRASONIC Ltd. Warwick House, Warwick St., London SW2 IJF

Telephone (081) 566 1861 Fax (081) 566 1385

Your ref: 6 May 200- Our ref: DS/MR

Date: 11 May 200_

Ms. B. Kaassen Bredgade 51 D K l l l O Copenhagen К


Dear Ms Kaassen,

Thank you very for your enquiry which we received today. I am enclosing our catalogue and price-list for the equipment you said you were interested in. I would like to draw your attention to pages 31-35 in the catalogue where you will find full details of the Omega range.

We would welcome any further enquiries you have and look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Kay Reynolds (Ms) p.p. D. Sampson Sales Manager


Перевод текстовой части письма:

Благодарим за запрос, который мы сегодня получили.

Посылаю наш каталог и прейскурант оборудования, которое Вас интересует.

Хотел бы обратить Ваше внимание на страницы 31-35 каталога, где Вы найдете

все подробности оборудования "Омега".

Будем и в дальнейшем рады любым Вашим запросам. Пожалуйста, обращайтесь к



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Содержание и стиль письма

В последнем образце письма данного раздела имеются добавочные

элементы деловой переписки. Назовите каждый из них.


Warwick House, Warwick St., London SW2 IJF Telephone (081) 566 1861 Fax (081) 566 i 385

Your ref: 6 May 200_ Our ref; DS/MR

Date: 11 May 200_

Ms. B. Kaassen

Bredgade 51 DK 1110 Copenhagen К


Private and confidential

Dear Ms Kaassen, Re: Non-payment of invoice 322/17

I am sorry to see that, despite several reminders, you have not yet paid the above mentioned invoice. Unless, therefore, the account is cleared within 14 days of the above date, 1 shall have no alternative but to place the matter in the hands of the solicitors.

Yours sincerely,

Kay Reynolds (Ms) p.p.

D. Sampson Sales


Раздел 2. Содержание и стиль письма (Letter’s Contents and Style)

2.1, Размер письма (Letter Size)

Размер письма зависит от его темы. Правильно выбранный размер письма

содержит нужный объем информации. Например, при отве-


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Letter’s Contents and Style Cj

те на запрос можно выбрать следующий размер письма (указанные в квадратных

скобках номера блоков письма комментируются в следующем за этим подразделе

2.2 «Построение письма»):

Dear Mr Brown, Уважаемый г-н Браун!

[1 ] Thank you for your enquiry of 5 November. Благодаргш Вас за запрос от 5 ноября.

[2] We have enclosed our winter catalogue and price-list giving details of c.i.f. Lxtndon prices, discounts and delivery dates.

Высылаем Вам наш зимний каталог и прейскурант, где Вы найдете подробную информацию о лондонсыих ценах c.i.f. [cost, insurance and freight - цена, включающая стоимость, расходы по страхованию и фрахт], скидках и датах доставки.

[3] Though you will see we offer a wide selection of watches, may we draw your attention to pp. 23-28, and pp. 31-36 in our catalogue which we think might suit the market you are dealing with? And on page 25 you will notice out latest designs in pendant watches which are becoming fashionable for both men and women.

Хотя вы сами увидите, что мы предлагаем широкий ассорппшент часов, хотелось бы обратить Ваше втшание на стр. 23-28 и 31-36 нашего каталога, где, на наш взгляд, находится то, что наиболее соответствует интересующему Вас рынку. А на странице 25 Вы увидите наши последние модели часов на цепочке, которые сейчас входят в моду как у мужчин, так и женщин.

[4] As you are probably aware, all our products are fully guaranteed and backed by our world-wide reputation. BOM, очевидно, известно, что вся наша продукция laieem полную

гарантию и пользуется репутацией во всем .мире.

[5] If there is any further information you require, please contact us. Meanwhile, we look forward to hearing from you soon.

Если Вам необходима какая-нибудь дополнительная инфор.мация, пожалуйста, обращайтесь к нам. С нетерпением ждем Вашего скорого ответа.

Yours sincerely. Искренне Ваш,


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в Содержание и стиль письма

2.2. Построение письма (Letter Composition)

Приведенное выше письмо составлено по следующему плану:

- подтверждение полученного запроса;

- сообщение о высылаемых вместе с письмом каталоге и

прей скуранте;

- обращение внимания г-на Эрранда на часы, которые его инте-

ресуют, а также на последние модели; ШВЖ - упоминание о гарантии и репутации;

приглашение к дальнейшим контактам.

лок 3

Первый блок (абзац) является важным, поскольку он задает тон письма и

дает возможность читателю составить представление о вас и о вашей компании.

Обычно в первом абзаце благодарят адресата за его письмо (если это ответ

на запрос), представляют свою фирму при необходимости, сообщают о цели


Thank you for your enquiry dated 8 July, in which you asked us about our range of cosmetics. As you have probably seen in our advertisements in fashion magazines, we appeal to a wide age group.

Благодаргьм Вас за письмо от 8 июля, в котором Вы интересовались нашим ассортиментом косметики. Как Вам, вероятно, известно из нашей рекламы в журналах мод, мы обраи)аемся к широкой возрастной группе.

Срединные блоки представляют собой основную часть письма. В них

изложено то, что необходимо сообщить - ответы на поставленные вопросы,

определенную информацию или вопросы, которые нужно задать клиенту. Здесь

важно тщательно спланировать содержание этих блоков, ясно и четко изложить его

в логической последовательности.

Заключительный блок (абзац) включает слова благодарности за письмо

(если это не было сделано в первом абзаце) и приглашение к дальнейшему

сотрудничеству. Можно также кратко повторить основные моменты письма:


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Letter's Contents and Style Ц

Once again, thank you for writing to us,

and please contact us if you would like

any further information. To go briefly

over the points I have made - delivery

would be six weeks from receipt of

order, and payment should be made by bank draft. I look forward to hearing

from you soon.

Еще раз спасибо за то, что Вы нам

написали. Пожалуйста, обращайтесь,

если Вас интересует дополнительная информация. Кратко подытоживая

основные моменты, хочу напомнить,

что доставка осуществляется в

течение шести недель после получения

заказа, а оплату необходимо сделать

банковским перечислением. С нетерпением жду Вашего скорого


2.3. Язык И СТИЛЬ (Language and Style)

Простота. Деловая переписка часто страдает устаревшим и громоздким

стилем изложения, что усложняет понимание основной мысли. Старайтесь писать


Ниже дается образец написанного простым стилем письма- извинения за

несвоевременную оплату выставленного счета, вызванную объективной причиной,

к которому прилагается чек на необходимую сумму:

Dear Mr Craig,

I am replying to your letter of 15 July asking us to clear our June balance.

I apologize for not settling the account sooner, but due to the unfortunate death of Mr. Noel, our accountant, we were not able to settle any of our outstanding balances.

Please find enclosed our cheque for $620, and accept our apologies for any inconveniences.

Yours sincerely.

Уважаемый г-н Крейг!

Отвечаю на Ваше письмо от 15 июля с просьбой рассчитаться за июнь.

Приношу извинения за несвоевременную оплату, но из-за кончины нашего бухгалтера г-на Ноэля мы не смогли заплатить ни по одному предъявленному счету.

Посылаем Вам чек на сумму S620 и просим принять наши извинения за причиненные неудобства.

Искренне Ваш,


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Содержание и стиль письма

Велсливость. Простота изложения не значит, однако, что можно

пренебрегать вежливостью. Слишком краткое и простое письмо может оказаться


Dear Mr. Rohn,

I have already written to you concerning

your outstanding debt of $590. This should have been cleared three months ^ago. You

don't seem to want to cooperate in paying

us, and therefore we will sue you if the debt

is not cleared within the next ten days.

Yours, etc.

Уважаемый г-н Рон!

Я уже писал Вам насчет Вашего долга

в размере $590. Его нужно было погасить три месяца назад. Кажется,

Вы не желаете с нами сотрудничать в

выплате долга, в связи с чем .мы Вас

привлечем к суду, если долг не будет

погашен в течение ближайших десяти


Ваш, и т.д.

То же письмо благодаря стилистическим приемам выглядит более

вежливым (использование сложноподчиненных, более длинных предложений с

союзами; употребление конструкций пассивного залога вместо активного;

использование полных грамматических форм вместо сокращенных):

Dear Mr. Rohn,

I refer to the previous letter sent on 10 October, in which you were asked to clear the balance of $590 which has been outstanding since July. As you have not replied to the letter, you leave little choice for me but to place the matter in the hands of solicitors. However, I am reluctant to do this, and I am offering you a further ten days to settle the account.

Yours sincerely.

Уважаемый г-н Рон!

Обрагцаю Ваше взимание на письмо от 10 октября, в котором Вас просили погасить долг в размере $590, числящийся за Вами с июля. Поскольку Вы не ответили на это письмо, мне ничего не остается, как передать дело адвокатам. Мне, однако, весьма не хочется это делать, и я предоставляю Вам дополнительный десятидневный срок, чтобы рассчитаться по долгам.

Искренне Ваш,

Ясность. Ваш корреспондент должен точно понимать написанное Вами.

Используйте только те аббревиатуры, которые являются общепринятыми и

понятными во всех странах. Например, c.i.f. (cost, insur


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Letter's Contents and Style Ц

ance and freight) или f.o.b. (free on board) известны всем, кто занимается

международной торговлей, и они даже произносятся одним словом, а не по буквам:

сиф и фоб.

Будьте внимательны с числами. В США и Великобритании точка отделяет

целое от десятичной дроби (во Франции и России, например, для этого

используется запятая): 2.345 - две целых и триста сорок пять тысячных (в США и

Великобритании) и две тысячи триста сорок пять (в России и странах СНГ). И

наоборот: 10,245 - десять тысяч двести сорок пять (в США и Великобритании) и

десять целых и двести сорок пять тысячных (в России и странах СНГ).

Точность. Будьте точны при написании должности и звания в адресе и

приветствии. Если вы не уверены, какого пола ваш адресат, лучше написать Dear

Sir or Madam.

При ответе на письмо обязательно делайте ссылку на полученную


Не допускайте неточностей в указаний цен, размеров, веса и других


Проверьте наличие вложений (приложений), если в конце письма вы

поставили "Enel." (Enclosures).

Контрольные вопросы и задания






Ознакомившись со структурой письма и образцами писем меж-

дународного образца, набросайте на листе бумаги реквизиты

письма в порядке их следования. Дайте английские эквивален-

ты названий реквизитов. Проверьте себя по тексту раздела 1.

Назовите британский и американский эквиваленты русской аб-

бревиатуры ООО (общество с ограниченной ответственностью).

Как в названии фирмы отражается то, что она представляет со-

бой партнерство двух или более людей?

Что указывается в заголовке письма?

О чем говорит номер документа?

Где и как указывается дата письма?

Как пишется внутренний адрес (адрес получателя)? Какие веж-

ливые формы обращения (и в каких случаях) указываются пе-

ред фамилий адресата? Напишите произвольный вариант адре-

са получателя в США, Великобритании, Канаде, одной из стран



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Виды писем



Как начинается и заканчивается письмо, если фамилия и имя адресата

вам неизвестно?

С какой целью на следующей строке после обращения ставится

сокращение Re: и что оно обозначает?

Что пишется в начальном абзаце письма? Дайте свой вариант начального

абзаца письма, которое вы пишете в организацию, по международному

обмену студентами с просьбой сообщить вам условия участия в

программе летнего обмена и возможности поработать в летнем лагере в


Раздел 3. Виды писем (Types of Letters)

3.1. Запросы (Enquiries)

Ниже помещены несколько видов писем-запросов.

Краткий запрос:

Dear Sirs,

Please would you send me your Spring

catalogue and price-list quoting c.i.f.

prices, Le Havre. Thank you.

Yours faithfully.

Dear Sirs,

I would like some information about your Proficiency courses in English beginning this July.

Уважаемые господа!

Пожалуйста, выиитте мне Ваш

весенний каталог и прейа^рант с

ценами с.и.ф. порта Гавр. Благодарю


Искренне Ваш,

Уважаемые господа!

Я бы хотел получить информацию о Ваших курсах английского языка, которые начинаются в июле с.г.

Please send me а prospectus, details of Пожалуйста, выиилите

your fees, and information about accommodation in London for the period

July-December. If possible, 1 would like

to stay with an English family.

Thank you.

мне про- спект, расценки и информацию о размещении в Лондоне на период с июле по декабрь. Если это возмож- но, я бы хотел жить в английской

Благодарю Вас.


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Types of Letters |i|

Запрос представителя розничной торговли

зарубежному производителю:

В. Cottwold & Со. Ltd.

Wesson House, Newell Street, Birmingham B3 3EL

Telephone: 021 236 6571 Fax: 021 236 8592 Telex: 341641

Satex S.p.A

Via di Pietra Papa 00146 Roma


Dear Sirs,

Your ref; Our ref: C 351

6 February 200_

We were impressed by the selection of sweaters that were displayed on your

stand at the "Menswear Exhibition" that was held in Hamburg last month.

We are a large chain of retailers and are looking for a manufacturer who

could supply us with a wide range of sweaters for the teenage market.

As we usually place very large orders, we would expect a quantity discount in

addition to a 20% trade discount off net list prices, and our terms of payment are normally a 30-day bill of exchange, documents against acceptance.

If these conditions interest you and you can meet orders of over 500 garments

at one time, please send us your current catalogue and price-list. We hope to hear from

you soon.

Yours faithfully.

L. Crane Chief Buyer


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я Виды писем

3.2. Ответы на запросы (Replies)

в ответе на запрос посылают письма, составленные по следующему


Начало. Обратитесь к клиенту по имени. Если клиент подписался Mr В.

Green, начните письмо с Dear Mr. Green, а не Dear Sir, что означало бы, что вы не

помните его имя.

Поблагодарите автора письма за сделанный запрос. Обязательно

упомяните дату письма клиента и номер документа:

...Thank you for your enquiry of 6 June

1997 in which you asked about...

Thank you for your letter, NJ 1691, which we received this morning...

...I would like to thank you for your enquiry of May 10 and am pleased to tell you that we would be able to supply you with the...

... Благодаргш Вас за Ваш запрос от б

июня 1997 г., в котором вы


Благодарим Вас за письмо NJ 1691,

которое мы получили сегодня утром...

...Я хотел бы поблагодарить Вас за запрос от 10 мая. Мне приятно со- обирть Вам, что мы смогли бы поставить Вам...

Подтверждение готовности оказать помощь. Как можно скорее дайте

понять клиенту, что вы в состоянии предоставить запрашиваемую услугу.

...We have а wide selection of sweaters that will appeal to all ages, and in

particular, the teenage market which

you specified...

I am pleased to say that we will be able to deliver the transport facilities you require.

У нас имеется широкий выбор

свитеров для всех возрастов, и в частности, рассчитанные на

подростковый рынок, который Вы


Мне приятно сообщить, что мы сможем обеспечить необходимые Вам транспортные услуги.


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Types of Letters |p

Продвижение вашего товара. Вы должны убедить своего клиента в

перспективности деловых отношений с вашей компанией. Недостаточно лишь

сообщить, что у вас имеется искомый товар. Возможно, клиенту понадобится

сделать с десяток других запросов. Напишите о своих преимуществах и гарантиях:

...We think you have made an excellent choice in selecting this line,

and once you have seen the samples

we are sure you will agree that this is

unique both in texture and colour...

...We can assure you that Omega

2000 is one of the most outstanding

machines on the market today, and

our confidence in it is supported by

our five-year guarantee...

Мы считаем, что Вы сделали отличный

выбор, остановившись на этой линии, и как только Вы увидите образцы, мы

уверены, что Вы согласитесь с ее уни-

кальностью как по фактуре, так и по


Можем заверить Вас в том, что Омега

2000 в настоящее время является од- ной из самых лучших машин на рынке, и

наша уверенность подтверждается

предоставляемой нами гарантией на

пять лет...

Предложение альтериативиы.х вариантов. При отсутствии

запрашиваемого товара (услуги), если у вас есть альтернативный вариант,

предложите его клиенту. При этом не нужно критически отзываться о

первоначально запрошенной клиентом продукции:

...and while this engine has all the qualities of the model you asked for,

the 'Powerdrive' has the added

advantage of having fewer moving

parts, so less can go wrong. It also

saves on oil as it...

...The model has now been improved, its steel casing having been replaced by plastic which is lighter, more durable and stronger...

...u хотя этот двигатель обладает всеми качествами, о которых Вы спрашивали, “Пауэрдрайв" вдобавок имеет то преимущество, что у него меньше движущихся частей, то есть меньшее их количество может выйти из строя. Он также экономнее в расходе масла, поскольку...

Данная модель сейчас

усовершенствована: ее стальной каркас

заменен на пластмассовый, который

является более легким, прочным и надежным.


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я Виды писем

Отсылка ютепта к другому источнику. Если вы не можете предложить

клиенту запрашиваемый товар или его альтернативный вариант, напишите ему, где

он может сделать заказ:

The book you mention is not published by us, but by Greenhill Education Ltd. If you would care to write to them, their address is...

Книга, о которой Вы пишете, издана не нами, а издательством «Гринхилл Эдюкейиш Лтд.». Если Вы желаете 1Ш написать, сообщаем адрес...

Каталоги, прейскуранты, проспекты, образцы. Убедитесь в том, что

упомянутые вами в письме приложения в виде каталогов, прейскурантов и т.д.

действительно вложены в конверт. Если вы посылаете образцы отдельной почтой,

сообщите об этом в письме. Записи о приложениях и отдельной пересылке

делаются следующим образом:

Please find enclosed our current catalogue

and price-list. The units you referred to in

your letter are featured on pp. 31-34 under catalogue numbers Y32-Y37. When

ordering could you please quote these

numbers? The samples you asked for will

follow by separate post.

Посылаем Вам наш текущий каталог

и прейскурант. Товары, о которых

Вы спрашивали, упоминаются на стр.

31-34 под каталожными но.мерами

У32-У37. При оформлении заказа,

по.жалуйста, сделайте ссылку на

эти но.мера. Запрашиваемые Вами образцы будут отправлены

отдельной почтой.

Завершение. В конце письма следует поблагодарить клиента за

присланный запрос, а также пригласить к дальнейшему сотрудничеству:

Once again we would like to thank you for writing to us and would welcome any further points you would like us to answer.

Please write to us again if you have any questions, or call us at the above telephone number.

Еще раз благодарим Вас за письмо и будем рады ответить на любой вопрос.

Пожалуйста, пишите нам по любым вопросам или обращайтесь по указанному выше номеру телефону.


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Types of Letters

Образец письма, в котором содержится ответ на запрос:

Satex S.p.A.

Via di Pietra Papa, 00146 Rome, Italy

Phone: 769910 Fax: (06)681 5473 Telex 285136

Your ref.: C361

Our ref: D/1439

21 February 200_

Mr. L. Crane, Chief Buyer B. Cottwold & Co. Ltd. Nesson House Newell Street Birmingham B3 3EL UNITED KINGDOM

Dear Mr. Crane,

We are pleased to receive your enquiry, and to hear that you liked our range of sweaters.

There would certainly be no trouble in supplying you from our wide selection of garments which we make for all age groups. We can offer the quantity discount you asked for which would be 5% off net prices for orders over $2,000, but the usual allowance for a trade discount in Italy is 15%.

Enclosed you will find our summer catalogue and price-list quoting prices c.i.f London.

We are sure you will find a ready sale for our products in England as have other retailers throughout Europe and America, and we do hope we can reach an agreement on the terms quoted.

Thank you for your interest. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,


D. Causio


Перевод текстовой части письма:

Уважаемый г-н Крейн!

Мы были рады получить Ваш заказ, а также узнать о том, что Вам понравился наш ассортимент свитеров.

Нам не составит труда осуществить поставки для Вас из имеющегося у нас широкого ассортимента образцов одежды, который мы составляе.м для всех возрастных групп.


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[ill Виды писем

Мы можем предложить Вам скидку исходя из количества покупаемой

продукции, о которой Вы спрашивали, в размере 5% от первоначальной цены

при заказе продукции на сумму свыше 2000 долларов, но обычная величина

торговой скидки в Италии составляет 15%.

С этим письмом высылаем Вам наш летний каталог и прейскурант цен

в Лондоне е учетом c.i.f.

Мы уверены, что Вы найдете покупателей нашей готовой продукции в

Англии, как это удается нашим представителям розничной торговли по всей Европе и в Америке. Мы выражаем надежду, что сможем достичь соглашения

относительно цены.

Спасибо за проявленный интерес. С нетерпением ждем от Вас ответа. Искренне Ваш,

(подпись) Д. Каузио


3.3. Заказы (Orders)

Обычно заказы размещают на специальных бланках фирмы, которые

прилагаются к сопроводительному письму. В письме указывается на прилагаемый


Please find enclosed our Order No. B4521 for 25 'Clearsound' transistor receivers.

The enclosed order (No. R154) is for 50 reams of A4 bank paper.

C HocmoHUfUM письмом высыпаем

наш заказ № В4521 на 25

транзисторных приемников


Прилагаемый заказ N° R154 включает 50 стоп [480 листов бумаги каждый] бумаги формата А4.

В письме необходимо подтвердить условия платежа:

We would like to confirm that payment is to be made by irrevocable letter of credit which we have already applied to the bank for.

Мы бы хотели подтвердить, что оплату необходимо произвести с помощью безвозвратного аккредитива, о выдаче которого мы уже обратились с заявкой в банк.


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Types of Letters Д}

Оговоренные скидки также должны быть подтверждены;

...and we will certainly take advantage of

the cash discounts you offered for prompt


...и мы, безусловно, воспользуемся

предложенной Вами скидкой оплаты

при быстро произведенных расчетах.

В сопроводительном письме

тавки: оговариваются дата и способ дос-

It is essential that the goods are delivered

before the beginning of November in time

for the Christmas rush.

Важно, чтобы доставка товаров была

осуществлена до начала ноября, чтобы

успеть до рождественской суеты.

...and please remember that only air freight

will ensure prompt delivery. ...и, пожалуйста, не забудьте, что лишь

доставка груза самолетом будет гарантией быстрой доставки.

Обратите внимание поставщика на способ упаковки:

The machines must be well greased with all movable parts secured before being loaded

into crates, which must be marked.

Станки необходимо как следует подвергнуть смазке, чтобы все движущиеся части были предохранены перед погрузкой в яищки, которые должны быть промаркированы.

Завершение сопроводительного письма может быть таким;

We will submit further orders, if this one is

completed to our satisfaction.

Мы будем делать заказы и в дальнейшем при условии, что данный заказ будет выполнен в соответствии с нашими требованиями.

If the goods sell as well as we hope, we shall send further orders in the near future.

Если товары будут реализованы в соответствии с нашими планами, мы оформш1 и другие заказы в ближайшем будущем.

I look forward to receiving your

confirmation. С нетерпением жду получения Вашего подтверждения.

2 Зак. 1877 33

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HI Виды писем

Образец сопроводительного письма и заказа:

В. Cottwold & Со. Ltd Nesson House, Newell Street, Birmingham B3 3 EL

Phone: 021 236 6571 Fax: 021 236 8592 Telex: 341641

Satex S.p.A.

Via di Pietra Papa

00146 Rome ITALY

Attn. Mr. D. Causio

Your ref: D/1439 Our ref: Order DR 4316

9 March 20-

Dear Mr. Causio,

Please find enclosed our order No. DR 4316 for men's and boys' sweaters in assorted

sizes, colours and designs.

We have decided to accept the 15% trade discount you offered and terms of payment

viz. documents against payment, but would like these terms reviewed in the near


Would you please send the shipping documents and your sight draft to Northmin- ster

Bank (City Branch), Deal Street, Birmingham B3 ISQ.

If you do not have any of the listed items in stock, please do not send substitutes in

their place.

We would appreciate delivery within the next six weeks, and look forward to your


Yours sincerely,

(signature) Lionel Crane Chief Buyer

Enc.: order form No. DR 4316

ORDER No. DR 4316

B. Cottwold <£ Co. Ltd. Nesson House, Newell Street, Birmingham B3 3EL

Phone: 021 236 6571 Fax: 021 236 8592 Telex: 34641

Satex S.p.A Via di

Pietra Papa 00146

Roma ITALY Authorized.



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Types of Letters |p

Quantity Item description Cat. Price No. c.i.f. London

50 V Neck 30 Red/20 Blue R 432 £ 13.80 each 30 Roll Neck: 15 Black/15 Blue N 154 £9.40"

30 Crew Neck: 15 Green/15 Beige N 154 £ 16.00 " 40 Crew Neck: pattern

Note: Subject to 5% quantity discount R541 £ 12.60 "

Comments: 15% Trade Disc. Pymt. D/P Date: 9 March 19- Del. 6 weeks

Перевод текстовой части письма:

Высылаем наш заказ № DR 4316 на свитера для мужчин и мальчиков

указанных размеров, цветов и моделей. Мы решили принять предложенные Вами

15 % скидки и условия платежа по выставленным платежным документам. Однако,

в ближайшем будущем нам хотелось бы пересмотреть эти условия. Вышлите,

пожалуйста, сопроводительные документы и Ваш вексель на предъявителя в

городское отделение Northminster Bank по адресу: г. Бирмингем, Дил Стрит. Если у Вас нет указанных в списке товаров, просим не приеылать вместо них замены.

Будем признательны за доетавку в течение 6 недель и с нетерпением ждем Вашего


3.4. Рекламации (Complaints]

Если вам приходится писать письмо-рекламацию, делайте это сразу после

обнаружения ошибки, брака и т.п. Нет необходимости начинать письмо с

извинений (We regret to inform уок...нли I am sorry to have to write to you

about...). Это лишь ослабит вашу позицию.

Начало письма может быть таким:

We would like to inform you...

I am writing to complain about...

Хотим Вам сообщить...

Пишу Вам для выставления


I am writing with reference to Order No. Пишу Вам no поводу полученного P32

which we received yesterday... вчера заказаNe P32...


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HI Виды писем

Стиль письма-рекламации должен быть нейтральным. Не допускайте

грубых выражений и слов ("infuriated", "enraged"). Можно выразить свое

неудовлетворение таким образом:

This is the third time this mistake has

occurred, and we are far from satisfied

with the service you offer.

Unless you fulfill our orders efficiently in

the future, we will have to consider other sources of supply.

Please ensure that this sort of problem does

not arise again.

Данная ошибка произошла уже в

третий раз, и нас совершенно не

удовлетворяют предлагаемые Вами


Если Вы не будете эффективно выполнять наши заказы в будущем,

нам придется обратиться к другим


Пожалуйста, больше не допускайте

возникновения таких проблем.

Если вам известно, по какой причине произошла ошибка, вежливо

укажите на нее поставщику:

Could you ask your accounts department

to check my code carefully in future? My

account number is 246-642, and they have

been sending me statements coded 642-246.

Будьте добры, попросите Ваш отдел счетов внимательно уточнить мой код в банке. Номер моего счета 246-642, а они посылают мне отчетные документы с номером 642- 246.

Если вы знаете, как можно исправить ошибку, сообщите об этом


The best solution would be for me to return the wrong articles to you, postage and packing forward.

Для меня наилучшгш решением вопросом было бы вернуть Вам ошибочно высланные товары с возмегцением расходов на упаковку и пересылку.


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Types of Letters |j|

При ответе па рекламацию сообщите клиенту о получении жалобы и

поблагодарите его за информацию:

Thank you for your letter of 6 August

informing us that...

We would like to thank you for

informing us of our accounting error in

your letter of 7 June.

Благодарим Вас за письмо от 6

августа, в котором Вы сообщаете о ...

Мы хотели бы поблагодарить Вас за

сообщение об ошибке в нашей

отчетности в Вашем письме от 7 июня.

Если рекламация является обоснованной, объясните происхождение

ошибки, при этом не обвиняя своих сотрудников (раз вы их взяли на работу, вы

отвечаете за их действия):

The mistake was due to a fault in one of

our machines, which has now been


It is unusual for this type of error to

arise, but the problem has now been

dealt with.

Ошибка произоиыа no вине сбоя в наших машинах, который у.же

исправлен в настоящее время.

Такая ошибка является для нас

нетипичной, но эта проблема уже


Признав свою ответственность и объяснив, что произошло, теперь как

можно скорее исправьте ошибку и сообщите об этом клиенту:

The material you complained about has been withdrawn. Its fault was in the weave of the cloth, and this was due to a programming error in the weaving machines themselves. This has been corrected, and replacement materials are now being sent on to you.

Предъявленный Вами на рекламацию материал уже снят с реализации. Причина заключалась в переплетении нитей в ткани, вызванным ошибкой в программировании ткацких станков. Эта ошибка устранена, и мы высылаем Вам взамен новый материал.


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Ml Виды писем

Если вы не согласны с рекламацией, будьте тверды, но вежливы. Но

даже при отрицании своей ответственности попытайтесь дать объяснение по

существу проблемы:

Our factory has now inspected the stereo

unit you returned last week, and they

informed us that it has been used with

the wrong speakers and this had

overloaded the circuits. We can repair the machine, but you will have to pay

for the repairs as misuse of the unit is

not included under our guarantee.

Наше предприятие произвело проверку

музыкального центра, который Вы нам

вернули на прошлой неделе. Нас

проинформировали о том, что аппаратура была использована с

подключением не тех

громкоговорителей, что привело к

перенапряжении в сети. Мы можем

отремонтировать эту аппаратуру, но

Вам придется заплатить за ремонт, поскольку неправильное обращение с

техникой не входит в условия нашей


В заключительной части письма следует написать, что произошедшая

ошибка является досадным исключением, и извиниться за причиненные


In closing we would like to apologize for the inconvenience, and also point out that this type of fault rarely occurs in the Omega 2000.

Finally, may we say that this was an exceptional mistake and is unlikely to occtir again. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.

В заключение мы хотели бы извиниться за доставленные Вам неудобства и отметить, что такого рода ошибки встречаются крайне редко в случае с аппаратурой "Омега 2000".

Наконец, позвольте заверить Вас в том, что это исключительно редкая ошибка, и ее повторение маловероятно. Просим принять наши извинения за доставленные неудобства.


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Types of Letters Щ1

Образец письма-рекламации по поводу получения поврежденно-

го товара:

В. Cottwold & Со. Ltd. Nesson House, Newell Street, Birmingham B3 3EL

Telephone: 021 236 6571 Fax: 021 236 8592

Your Ref: Our Ref:

Date: 15 August 200_

Satex S.p.A. Via di Pietra Papa 00146 Roma ITALY

Dear Mr. Causio,

Our order No. 14478

1 am writing to you to complain about the shipment of sweaters we received yesterday

against the above order. The boxes in which the sweaters were packed were damaged,

and looked as if they had been broken open in transit. From you invoice No. 18871 we

estimate that thirty garments have been stolen to the value of £150. And because of the rummaging in the boxes, quite a few other garments were crushed or stained and

cannot be sold as new articles in our shops.

As the sale was on a c.i.f. basis and the forwarding company your agents, we suggest you contact them with regard to compensation. You will find a list of the damaged and missing articles attached, and the consignment will be put to one side until we receive your instructions.

Yours sincerely,


L. Crane,

Chief Buyer

Перевод текстовой части письма-рекламации:

Уважаемый господин Каузио!

Обращаюсь к Вам с рекламацией по поводу партии свитеров, которую мы получили вчера па основании указанного выше заказа. Коробки, в которые были

упакованы свитера, оказались поврежденными, и выглядели, как будто их

вскрывали при пересылке.


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HI Виды писем

Исходя из данных Вашего счета-фактуры можно сделать вывод, что было

украдено тридцать предметов одежды на сумму 150 фунтов-стерлингов.

Кроме того, в результате проведенного таможенного досмотра коробок

значительная часть другой одежды была повреждена и запачкана и в таком виде не

может продаваться как новый товар в наших магазинах.

Поскольку реализация товара проводилась на основе c.i.f. и в качестве

экспедиторов выступали Ваши агенты, предлагаем Вам связаться с ними по вопросу выплаты компенсации.

Прилагаем список поврежденных и недостающих товаров и сообщаем, что данная партия товаров будет отложена до получения от Вас инструкций.

Искренне Ваш,


Л. Крейн,

Главный специалист по снабжению.

Образец ответа на рекламацию:

Dear Mr. Crane,

Thank you for informing us about the damage to our consignment (Inv. No. 18871). From our previous transactions you will realize that this sort of problem is quite unusual. Nevertheless, we are sorry about the inconvenience it has caused you.

Please would you return the whole consignment to us, postage and package forward, and we will ask the shipping company to come and inspect the damage so that they can arrange compensation. It is unlikely that our insurance company needs to be troubled with this case.

If you want us to send you another shipment as per your order No. 14478,

please let us know. We have the garments in stock, and it would be no trouble to send

them within the next fortnight.

Yours sincerely,

D. Causio


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Types of Letters |Ц

Перевод текстовой части письма-ответа на рекламацию:

Благодарю Вас за сообщение о повреждении Вашей партии товаров (инв. № 18871). В нашем опыте торговых операций это вееьма редкий случай. Тем не

менее, выражаем сожаление по поводу причиненных неудобств.

Пожалуйста, верните нам всю партию товара с оплатой за упаковку и

пересылку за наш счет, и мы обратимся к экспедиторской фирме произвести осмотр

повреждений для последующей выплаты ими компенсации. Вряд ли по этому

поводу стоит обращаться к нашей страховой компании. Если Вы хотите, чтобы мы выслали Вам другую партию товара во

исполнение заказа № 14478, пожалуйста, сообщите нам об этом. У пае на складе

есть эта одежда, и нам не составит труда выслать ее течение двух недель.

3.5. Кредит (Credit)

В первом абзаце письма, содержащего просьбу о поставке товара в

кредит, необходимо сразу же уточнить, какая форма кредита вас интересует:

1 am writing to ask if it would be possible

for us to have credit facilities in the form of payment by 60-day bill of exchange.

Thank you for your catalogue and letter. As there was no indication of your credit terms, could you let me know if you would allow us to settle on monthly statements?

Обращаюсь к Вам no вопросу о

возможности предоставления нам

кредита в виде векселя с условием

погашения в течение 60 дней.

Благодарю за Ваш каталог и Письмо. Поскольку в письме не было указания на условия предоставления кредита, не могли бы Вы сообщить мне, можно ли нам рассчитываться раз в месяц на основе выставленных счетов?

Ваша задача при заказе товаров в кредит состоит в том, чтобы убедить

поставщика в вашей надежности как партнера. В письме необходимо упомянуть

прежний опыт сделок с поставщиком:


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Виды писем

As we have been dealing with you for

more than a year, we feel that you know us

well enough to grant our request.

During the past few months of our transactions we have always settled

promptly, and therefore we feel we can ask

for better credit facilities from you.

Поскольку мы ведем с Вами дела уже

более года, нам представляется, что

Вы знаете нас достаточно хорошо и можете удовлетворить нашу


В течение последних нескольких

месяцев торговых сделок мы всегда

немедленно производили расчеты,

поэтому мы считаем, что мо.жем обратиться к Вам с просьбой о

предоставлении более

благоприятных условий кредита.

Стоит написать о своей репутации и имеющихся рекомендациях:

We are а well established firm and can offer references if necessary.

We can certainly pay on the due dates, but if you would like confirmation concerning

our credit-worthiness, then please contact

any of the following persons who will act

as our referees; ...

Мы представляем фирму с

устойчивой репутацией и при необходимости можем

предоставить рекомендательные


Мы, безусловно, можем производить

оплату в положенный срок, но если

Вам необходимо подтверждение нашей кредитоспособности, Вы

можете обратиться к любому из

следующих лиц, готовых дать нам


Заключительная часть письма с просьбой о выделении кредита может

быть такой;

We hope you will consider our request favourably and look forward to your reply.

Please follow up the references we have submitted. We look forward to your confirmation that payment by 30-day bill of exchange is acceptable.

Надеемся на положительное рассмотрение нашей просьбы и с нетерпением .ждем Вашего ответа.

Обращаем Ваше внимание на предоставленные нами рекомендательные письма. С нетерпением ждем подтвер.ждения того, что Вы согласны на оплату векселями со сроком погашения 30 дней.


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Types of Letters pi

Еслгг к вам обращаются с просьбой о поставке товаров в кредит, ваш

ответ может быть положительным или отрицательным.

В случае положительного ответа, если вы не считаете необходимым

проверять рекомендации, ответ о незамедлительном выделении кредита может

выглядеть так:

As we have been trading for over a year references will not be necessary, and you

may clear your accounts by 30-day bill of

exchange which will be sent to Burnley's

Bank (Queens Building, Ca- thays Park,

Cardiff CFl 9UJ) with shipping documents

for your acceptance.

Поскольку мы осуществляем торговые операции уже более года,

необходимости в рекомендательных

письмах нет, и Вы можете

рассттаться векселем с 30- дневным

сроком погашения, который будет

отослан в отделение банка Burnley's Bank по адресу: Queens Building,

Cathays Park, Cardiff CFI 9UJ вместе

c conpoeo- дительньши документами

о поставке товара на Ваше имя.

Если вы считаете необходимым наличие рекомендаций, то в качестве

поставщика вы подтверждаете получение просьбы и затем даете полный ответ

после получения рекомендаций:

We have now received the necessary references and are pleased to say that from your next order payment can be made on a quarterly basis against statements.

Мы уже получили необходимые рекомендации и рады сообщить, что начиная со следующего заказа Вы можете осуществлять расчеты раз в квартал после получения счетов на оплату.

При отказе в кредитовании поставки товаров поставщик должен

аргументировать свое решение. Причины могут быть разные, но в любом случае

ответ должен быть тщательно продуман, чтобы не обидеть клиента:


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Ill Виды писем

Thank you for your letter of 9 November in

which you asked to be put on open account terms. Unfortunately, we never allow

credit facilities to customers until they

have traded with us for over a year. We

really are sorry that we cannot be helpful in

this case.

We are sorry that we cannot offer credit

facilities of any kind at present owing to

rising inflation. However, perhaps if things

settle in future, we may be able to

reconsider your request.

Благодарим за письмо от 9 ноября, в котором Вы обратились с просьбой

о предоставлении Всич

возможности оплаты открытым

счетом. К сожалению, мы не

предоставляем кредита клиентам,

которые не гшеют с нами торговых отношений в течение более одного

года. Сожалеем, что не можем

быть Вам полезны в данном случае.

Со.жалеем, что в настоящее время

не мо.жем предоставить Вам

кредита на любых условиях в связи с ростом инфляции. Однако, не

исключено, что если в будущем

ситуация стабилизируется, мы

сочтем возможным вернуться к

рассмотрению Вашей просьбы.

Иногда поставщик может предложить клиенту компромиссный

вариант кредитования :

I regret that we cannot offer you credit for

as long as three months, since this would be uneconomical for us.

However, I am prepared to offer you settlement against monthly statements. Perhaps you will let me know if this would be acceptable.

Сожалею, что у нас нет возможности выделить Вам кредит

на срок три месяца, поскольку для

нас это будет экономически


Однако, я готов предложить Вам возможность производить расчеты ежемесячно на основе выстав- ляе.мых счетов. Сообщите, пожалуйста, приемлемо ли это для Вас.


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Types of Letters щ1

Образец письма с просьбой о возможности оплаты

открытым счетом:


11 Mead Road, Swansea, Glamorgan 3ST IDR

Telephone: Swansea 58441 VAT No. 215 2261 30

Mr. R. Cliff 18July200_

Homemakers Ltd.,

54-59 Riverside

CardiffCFl IJW

Dear Mr. Cliff,

I have enclosed an order. No. В1662, for seven more "Sleepcomfy"

beds which have proved to be a popular line here, and will pay for them as

usual on invoice. However, I wondered if in future you would allow me to

settle my accounts by monthly statement, which would be a more

convenient method of payment for me.

As we have been dealing with one another for some time, 1 think you

have enough confidence in my firm to allow open account facilities, but of

course I can supply the necessary references.

Yours sincerely,

(signature) R. Nash

Enel. Order No. В1662

Перевод текстовой части письма:

Посылаю заказ №... еще на 7 кроватей “Слипкомфи”, пользующиеся здесь спросом, и оплату за которые я, как обычно, произведу по счету-фактуре. Мне бы хотелось узнать, однако, смогу ли я в будущем рассчитываться ежемесячно, что было бы удобнее для меня. Поскольку мы уже сотрудничаем какое-то время, полагаю, у Вас есть доверие к моей фирме, и Вы разрещите нам рассчитываться с помощью открытого счета. Безусловно, я могу предоставить необходимые рекомендации.


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HI Виды писем

Образец положительного ответа с разрешением пользоваться

кредитом при оплате за товары открытым счетом:

HOMEMAKERS Ltd. 54-59 Riverside, Cardiff CFl 1 JW

Registered No. Cl35162

24 July 200_

Telephone: (0222) 49721

Telex: 38217

Mr. R. Nash R. Nash &

Son Ltd.

11 Mead Road


Glamorgan 3ST IDR

Dear Mr. Nash,

Thank you for your order. No. В1662, which will be sent to you tomorrow. I have the

opportunity to enclose the invoice, DM 1113, with this letter.

With regard to your request for open account facilities, settlement against monthly, I

feel there would be more advantage for you in claiming the 3% cash discounts offered

for payment within seven days of receipt of invoice. Nevertheless, I am quite

prepared to allow monthly settlements, and there will be no need to supply references as you are a long-standing customer.

The enclosed invoice will be included in your next statement.

Yours sincerely,


R. Cliff

Enel. Invoice DM1113


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Types of Letters |p

Перевод текстовой части помещенного выше письма

с положительным ответом;

Уважаемый г-н Нэш!

Благодарю Вас за заказ № В1662, который будет выслан завтра. Пользуясь случаем, с этим письмом высылаю счет-фактуру.

Что касается Вашей просьбы о предоставлении возможности ежемесячной оплаты с помощью открытого счета, мне представляется, что Вам будет удобнее пользоваться 3% скидкой при оплате наличными в течение семи дней после получения счета-фактуры. Тем не менее, я готов предоставить возможность ежемесячной оплаты, причем для этого нет необходимости в рекомендациях, поскольку Вы являетесь постоянным клиентом.

Высылаемый счет-фактура будет включен в Ваш следующий счет на оплату.

Перевод текстовой части помещенного ниже письма с отказом в

просьбе о предоставлении товара в кредит:

Уважаемый г-н Жерар!

Благодарю Вас за письмо от 3 декабря, в котором Вы интересовались

предоставлением кредита.

Мы признательны Вам за то, что Вы в прошлом делали у нас заказы, и не сомневаемся, что для поддержки Вашей просьбы Вы можете представить рекомендации. Тем не менее. Вы, очевидно, понимаете, что наши кассеты и компакт-диски продаются по очень низким ценам, которые позволяют нам иметь лишь небольшую прибыль, и это не дает нам возможность предоставлять нашим заказчикам товар в кредит.

Очень сожалеем, что не имеем возможности помочь Вам в данном случае, но Вам,

безусловно, понятны причины этого.

Еще раз благодарим Вас за письмо и ждем от Вас сообщения.


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я Виды писем

Образец письма с отказом в просьбе о предоставлении

товара в кредит:


Your ref;

8 December 200_

Havmarkt 601

D-5000 Bonn 1


Tel.: (221) 32 4928

Fax: (221) 836125

P. Gerard Disc S.A.

251 rue des Raimoniere

F-86000 Poitiers Cedex


Dear Mr. Gerard,

Thank you for your letter of December 3 in which you enquired about credit facilities.

We appreciate that you have placed a number of orders with us in the past, and are sure

that you can supply the necessary references to support your request. However, as you

probably realize, our tapes and CDs are sold at extremely competitive prices which

allow us only small profit margins, and this prevents us offering any of our customers

credit facilities.

We are very sorry that we cannot help you in this case, but are sure you understand our reasons. Once again, thank you for writing, and we look forward to hearing from you soon

Yours sincerely,


R. Gerdt Sales



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Types of Letters щ1

3.6. Переписка с банком (Banking Correspondence)

в нижеследующем образце письма изложена просьба экспортера из

Англии своему банку в Лондоне переслать вексель банку импортера в Австралии с

поручением выдать документы по получении;

Crichton Manufacturing Ltd. Panton Works, Hounslow, Middlesex, TW6 2BQ

Tel.: 081 353 0125

Fax: 081 353 6783

The Manager Midland

Bank Ltd., Portman

House, Great Portland Street,

London WIN 6LL

Dear Sir,

Registered No. England 266135

4 July 200_

Please would you send the enclosed draft on J.K.B. Products Pty. and documents to the National Australian Bank, 632 George Street, Sydney, Australia, and tell them to release the documents on acceptance.

Yours faithfully,

(signature) D. Panton Managing Director



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Виды писем

Австралийский импортер, о котором шла речь в вышеуказанном письме,

дает поручение своему банку принять вексель:


President'. D. Broad

Managing Director: L. Thomson

Directors: I.R. McGee, T.L, Tredman

Bridge House, 183-9 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000


Telephone: 02279611

Telex: 21260

Date: 18 July 200_

The Manager National Australian Bank 632 George Street Sydney NSE 2000

Dear Sir,

You will shortly be receiving a bill of exchange for £ 2,163 and relevant documents from Panton Manufacturing Ltd., England. Would you please accept the draft on our behalf, send us the documents, and debit our account.

Yours faithfully,

(signature) L. Corn J.K.B. Products Pty.


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Types of Letters [p

Два нижеследующих письма представляют собой (1) обращение

импортирующей фирмы из Новой Зеландии "N.Z. Business Machines Pty." в свой

банк с поручением открыть от ее имени кредит фирме- партнеру "Delta Computers

Ltd." в Англии и просьбой проинформировать по заверщении операции, а также

(2) ответное сообщение банка Новой Зеландии о получении векселя и

произведенной дебитной операции со счетом клиента с начислением 280

новозеландских долларов за услуги.


N.Z. Business Machines Pty.

127, High Street, Wellington

Directors: C.M. Perimann, L.F. Drozin

Telephone: 444 8617

Telex: 60184 BUSMAC

Fax: 444 3186

The Manager Date: 3 May 20 _

New Zealand Bank

Takapuna House Takapuna Avenue

Wellington 8

Dear Sir,

Please open an irrevocable documentary credit for £22,000 in favour of Delta Computers Ltd., England. I have enclosed your application form with all the relevant details completed.

Please inform me when you have made arrangements with your agents in London.

Yours faithfully,


M. Tanner N. Z. Business Machines Pty.

Enel. Application for documentary credit


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[Щ1 Виды писем

New Zealand Bank Takapuna House, Takapuna Avenue, Wellington 8

Telephone: 448 \Ъ51ЫШ

Telex: Newban NZ 28131

Fax: 807358

29 May 20_ Mr. M. Tanner N.Z. Business

Machines Pty. 127 High

Street Wellington

Dear Mr. Tanner,

In accordance with your instructions of 3rd May our agents, Eastland Bank, London,

accepted a draft for £22,000 drawn by Delta Computers Ltd. on presentation of

shipping documents for a consignment sent to you on 24th May.

We have debited your account with the amount plus our charges of $280 NZ. The documents are now with us and will be handed to you when you call.

Yours sincerely,

(signature) J. Close Manager


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Types of Letters Цр

3.7, Транспортировка груза (Transportation / Shipping)

Изучите образцы писем, в которых запрашивается или сообщается

информация о транспортировке груза.

XI Просьба сообщить стоимость доставки груза по воздуху.


Glazier House, Green Lane, Derby DEI IRT Telephone; 0332 45790 Telex: 901614 Fax: 0332 51977

Cargo Manager 15June200_ Universal Airways Ltd. Palace Road London SWl

Dear Sir,

We would like to send from Heathrow to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, twelve boxes of

assorted glass wear, to be delivered within the next fortnight. Each box weighs 40

kilos, and measures 0.51 cubic metres. Could you please quote charges for shipment

and insurance?

Yours faithfully,

(signature) N. Jay Director

Перевод текстовой части письма;

Мы бы хотели отправить 12 ящиков стеклопродукции в ассортименте из аэропорта

Хитроу в Риал (Саудовская Аравия) с доставкой в течение ближайших двух недель.

Вес каждого ящика - 40 кг; объем - 0,51 куб.м. Просим сообщить стоимость

доставки и страховки.


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В] Виды писем

ш Ответ авиакомпании о доставке груза по воздуху:

Universal Airways Ltd. Airline House, Palace Road, London SW1

Registered No.: L 281395

VAT No.: 116259 15

Telephone: 071 638 4129

Telex: 381215 Fax: 071

638 5551

Mr. N. Jay 18 June 200_

British Crystal Ltd.

Glazier House Green Lane


Dear Mr. Jay,

Thank you for your enquiry of 15 June.

We will be able to send your consignment to Riyadh within two days of your

delivering it to Heathrow. The cost of freight Heathrow/Riyadh is £ 3.60 per kilo, plus

£1.50 air waybill, and £ 14.00 customs clearance and handling charges. But you will

have to arrange your own insurance.

There are three flights a week from London to Saudi Arabia, Monday, Wednesday,

and Saturday.

Please fill in the enclosed Dispatch Form and return it to us with the consignment and

commercial invoices, one of which should be included in the parcel for customs


Yours sincerely,

(signature) R. Laden Cargo Manager



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Types of Letters gjl

Перевод письма:

18 июня 200_ г.

Уважаемый господин Н. Джей!

Благодарю Вас за запрос от 15 июня.

Мы сможем отправить Вашу партию товара в Риад в течение двух дней после того, как Вы доставите ее в аэропорт Хитроу.

Стоимость переправки груза из Хитроу в Риад составляет 3.60 фунта- стерлинга за 1 килограмм плюс 1.50 фунта-стерлинга за накладную и 14 фунтов-стерлингов за таможенное оформление и обработку. О страховке Вам придется позаботиться самим.

Из Лондона в Саудовскую Аравию следует три рейса в неделю: в понедельник, среду и субботу.

Пожалуйста, заполните прилагаемый диспетчерский бланк и вышлите

его нам с накладной и счетами-фактурами, один из которых необходимо

вложить в пакет для таможенной проверки.

Искренне Ваш,



Менеджер по перевозкам


В нижеследующем письме американская компания «Бентли- Мейсон

Инкорпорейтед» (Bentley-Mason Inc.) сообщает британскому импортеру об

отправке водным транспортом партии мотоциклов для последующей поставки

своему клиенту - фирме «Глоу энд Бук Лими- тед» (Glough & Book Ltd.).


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я Виды писем

Benttley-Mason Inc.

President: J.R. Mason Directors; P, Bentley, A. Bentley Jr. 618 W. Vine Street, Detroit, Michigan

Telephone: (216) 813 8532 Fax: (216) 349 0578

Mr. E. Jones 22 April 200_

Eddis Jones Forwarding Agents 12

Dockside Street Liverpool L2 IPP UNITED KINGDOM

Dear Mr. Jones,

The following consignment will arrive on the SS America_which is due in Liverpool

on 27 April.

20 'Lightning' 1000 cc motorcycles

Packed 1 machine per wooden crate

Weight 1.25 tons gross Size 6' X 3' X 2' Markings Cases numbered 1-20 HM

Value £4,800 each

Insurance Chicago-Nottingham England (A.R.)

Invoice value £96,000

Could you please arrange for the consignment to be delivered to your clients, Glough & Book Ltd., Nottingham? If there are any problems, please contact us immediately.

Yours truly,


T.N. Hackenbush

Перевод текстовой части письма:

Следующий груз прибудет на грузовом судне “Америка”, которое должно отплыть из порта Ливерпуль 27 апреля:

20 мотоциклов “Лайтнинг” (Lightning) 1000 куб. см.

В каждый деревянный ящик упакована 1 машина Вес: 1,25 тонны брутто

Размер; 6' х 3' х 2' (в дюймах)


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Types of Letters щр

Маркировка: На ящиках проставлены номера с 1 по 20 НМ

Стоимость: 4800 фунтов-стерлингов каждый мотоцикл

Страховка: Chicago-Nottingham England (A.R.)

Счет-фактура на сумму 96000 фунтов-стерлингов

Пожалуйста, обеспечьте доставку груза Вашему клиенту- фирме “Глоу энд

Бук Лтд.” из Ноттингема. При возникновении проблем просим обращаться к нам


3.8. Прочие ВИДЫ писем (Miscellaneous Correspondence)

3.8.1. Условия расчетов / платежа (Terms of Settlement / Payment)

Dear Sirs:

Much to our regret, we have to inform you that so far we have not received a bank

guarantee from you.

In view of the above, we would like to remind you of your letter of 20 May, this year,

in which you asked us to change the method of payment by L/C as inconvenient

owing to the difficulties and extra expenses connected with its opening.

Understanding your difficulties, our company made a concession for you and offered payment on collection terms. You accepted the proposed method of payment and

undertook to submit within three weeks a first-class bank guarantee for 80% of the

contract value.

However, as we are still without your bank guarantee, we have had to suspend the

shipment of the above spare parts.

We urge you to inform us immediately when the bank guarantee will be submitted and ask you to confirm your consent to cover the expenses on the storage of the spare parts kept at our port. Yours faithfully.


Уважаемые господа!

С сожалением сообщаем Вам, что до мы до сих пор не получили от Вас

банковскую гарантию.

В связи с этим мы хотели бы напомнить Вам о Вашем письме от 20 мая

С.Г., в котором Вы просили нас изменить аккредитивную форму расчетов, в свя


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ill Виды писем

зи с трудностями и дополнительными расходами, связанными с открытием


Понимая Ваши трудности, фирма пошла Вам навстречу и дала согласие

на инкассовую форму расчетов. Вы приняли предложенную форму расчетов и обязались представить в трехдневный срок гарантию первоклассного банка на 80%

стоимости контракта.

В связи с задержкой в представлении Вами банковской гарантии мы

были вынуждены приостановить поставку вышеуказанных запчастей.

Мы просим Вас незамедлительно сообщить нам, когда будет

предоставлена банковская гарантия, и подтвердить согласие оплатить расходы по

хранению запчастей в порту.

С уважением.

3.8.2. Страхование (Insurance)

Dear Sirs:

We have received your letter of March 3'“’, in which you ask us to change the terms of

insurance of equipment, suggested by us in the draft contract for the delivery of the

equipment for the machine building plant. You suggest that the contract should provide insurance of the equipment against... risks.

We draw your attention to the fact that Ingosstrakh does not insure equipment delivered to ... ports against ... risks. We know that insurance against... risks can be done with the London Insurance Company.

As to insurance against other risks, the losses are reindemnified depending on the terms of an insurance contract. We are ready to negotiate once again the terms of insurance.

Yours faithfully.


Уважаемые господа!

Мы получили Ваше письмо от 3 марта, в котором Вы просите изменить условия страхования оборудования, предложенные нами в проекте контракта на поставку оборудования для машиностроительного завода. Вы хотите, чтобы контракт предусматривал страхование поставляемого оборудования от рисков.


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Types of Letters

Мы обращаем Ваше внимание на тот факт, что Ингосстрах не производит

страхование от ... рисков товара, поставляемого в ... порты. Нам известно, что

страхование от рисков можно осуществить в Лондонском Страховом Обществе.

Что касается страхования оборудования от других рисков, то убытки возмещаются в зависимости от условий, на основании которых заключен страховой


Мы готовы еще раз обсудить условия сграхования.

С уважением.

3.8.3. Форс-мажорные обстоятельства

(Force-Maieur Circumstances)

Dear Sirs:

This is to advise you that due to force-majeur circumstances (because of a heavy storm) port Klaipeda is temporarily closed and we shall not be able to place our vessel for unloading.

We would appreciate if you would suspend shipment of the equipment until we notify

you about the end of force-majeur circumstances.

We hope this short delay will not affect the schedule of deliveries.

Yours faithfully.


Уважаемые господа!

Настоящим сообщаем, что ввиду непредвиденных обстоятельств (из-за

сильного шторма) порт Клайпеда временно закрыт, и мы не сможем поставить

Ваше судно под разгрузку.

Мы будем Вам очень признательны, если Вы задержите отгрузку оборудования до нашего уведомления о прекращения форс-мажорных обстоятельств.

Надеемся, что эта кратковременная задержка не скажется отрицательно на

графике поставок.

С уважением.


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Ilf Виды писем

3.8.4. Реклама (Advertising)

Dear Sirs:

Thank you for your letter of 23"' January, in which you offered us your services in

placing our clients’ advertisements in magazines published in France.

Our clients welcome the opportunity and should be glad to have full information about

the magazines in which you intend to place their advertisements. In particular, they want to know the readership, circulation, and one-time advertising rates.

A prompt reply would be appreciated.

Your faithfully.


Уважаемые господа!

Благодарим Вас за письмо от 23 января, в котором Вы предложили нам услуги при размещении заказов на публикацию рекламных объявлений наших клиентов в журналах, издающихся во Франции.

Наши клиенты заинтересованы в Вашем предложении и хотели бы получить полную информацию в отношении журналов, в которых Вы намерены помещать их рекламные объявления. В частности, они хотели бы знать круг их читателей, тираж и расценки за публикацию одноразовых рекламных объявлений.

С нетерпением ждем Вашего скорейшего ответа.

С уважением.


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Types of Letters |p

3.8.5. Рекомендация (A Letter of Recomivendation)

To whom it may concern:

Dear Sirs:

I am writing to introduce Nikolai Nadezhdin, our post-graduate student, in the hope

that you may be able to offer him some assistance.

Nikolai is doing research of education system of Great Britain, and I would

appreciate if you would provide him with any information which will help him carry

out his research work.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Yours faithfully.


По месту требования.

Уважаемые господа!

Я пишу Вам, чтобы представить Николая Надеждина, нашего аспиранта,

в надежде, что Вы сможете оказать ему некоторую помощь.

Николай занимается исследованиями в области системы образования в

Великобритании, и я буду Вам признателен, если Вы предоставите ему полезную

информацию для проведения его научной работы.

Если у Вас возникнут какие-либо вопросы, пожалуйста, свяжитесь со


С уважением.


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яр Виды писем

Ознакомьтесь с полным текстом письма президенту Ротари клуба в

Минске с рекомендацией о принятии в члены клуба нового кандидата от коллеги

по Ротари клубу из города-побратима в Калифорнии.

From the desk of George A. Ogden

825 E. Taft Ave.

Bakersfield, California, USA 92305 e-mail: [email protected]


Rotary Club of Minsk, Belarus Septembers, 1999 Dear Sir,

Re: Recommendation for membership to Dr. Vitali Skuratovich

1 would like to recommend Dr. Vitali Skuratovich for membership in your Rotary Club.

Dr. Skuratovich has participated as a voluntary visiting lecturer in the Sister City project here in the USA. He has unselfishly given much of his time in support of this project which benefits many people from our sister cities. We have been fortunate to host him in our Rotary Club on several occasions, and he was always eager to share with us the issues of people-to- people contacts of our cities.

Such generosity is consistent with the ideals of the Rotary. Because of this, 1 feel Dr. Skuratovich would make an excellent Rotarian, and 1 would hope you would give serious consideration to admitting him as a member.

If you have any questions, please e-mail or write. 1 am currently a member and Past President of the Rotary Club in Bakersfield, California, USA.

Thank you for the opportunity to provide this recommendation.



George A. Ogden


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Types of Letters gl

3.8.6. Поздравление (Congratulation)


We have learned from the press that you have opened a new branch office in

Rochester, NY. We wish you success and good luck. We also want to express the

hope that our business relationships will continue to develop in the same pleasant

and trusting manner.

Sincerely yours,


Г оспода!

Мы узнали из прессы, что Вы открыли новое отделение компании в

Рочестере, штат Нью-Йорк. Желаем Вам успеха и удачи. Мы также выражаем

надежду, что наши деловые отношения будут продолжать развиваться в той же приятной атмосфере взаимного доверия.

Искренне Ваш,

Dear Mr. Johnson:

I am delighted to hear of your new appointment to the Board. The years you

have worked for the company have been rewarded, and I am sending you my very

best wishes for the future.

Yours sincerely.

Т'Ут<тЖЖ/МШ/*'уЖ/̂ 1Г/Ж/̂ /̂Ж-.:


Уважаемый г-н Джонсон! Мне очень приятно узнать о Вашем новом назначении в Правление

директоров. Ваш многолетний труд в компании достойно вознагражден, и я шлю

Вам пожелание успехов в дальнейшей работе.

Искренне Ваш,


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lili Виды писем

3.8.7. Соболезнование (Condolence)

Dear Colleagues;

I was grieved to hear of the death of NN, and wish to express my heartfelt

sympathy to you and to the members of your firm.

My colleagues join with me in expressing deep regret at his/her passing away.


Дорогие коллеги! Я был глубоко опечален известием о смерти NN и хочу выразить мое

искренние сочувствие Вам и сотрудникам Вашей фирмы. Мои коллеги разделяют мое глубокое сожаление по поводу его/ее


Dear Sirs,

I have just heard with profound regret of NN’s death after a long illness. As

you know, we enjoyed NN’s friendship and hospitality on so many occasions

that we feel his passing in a very personal sense and well understand how

greatly you will miss him. You have our deepest sympathy.

Yours very truly.


Г оспода!

Я только что с глубоким сожалением узнал о кончине NN после его продолжительной болезни. Как Вы знаете, мы были в дружеских отношениях и пользовались гостеприимством NN во многих случаях, поэтому его уход мы ощущаем как потерю, и мы хорошо осознаем, как Вам будет его не хватать. Примите наше глубокое сочувствие.

Искренне Ваш,


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Types of Letters |j|

3.8.8. Благодарность за гостеприимство (Letter of Thanks for Hospitality)

Dear Prof. N:

On behalf of myself and my colleagues I would like to extend my thanks to you and your staff for your hospitality during our recent visit to your

department. We were greatly impressed by all that we saw and enjoyed our

discussions with you during our too brief stay.

It would be a great pleasure to show you our facilities here in Minsk.

Should you or any of your colleagues visit Belarus, we would be delighted to

show you our new unit.

Once again, thank you for your gracious hospitality.

Yours sincerely.


Уважаемый профессор N!

От имени моих коллег и от себя лично я бы хотел выразить благодарность Вам и Вашим сотрудникам за гостеприимство во время нашего недавнего визита на Ваш факультет. На нас произвело большое впечатление все, что мы увидели, и наши беееды во время краткого пребывания у Вас были очень интересными.

Нам было бы очень приятно показать Вам наше оборудование на месте, в

Минске. Если у Вас или у Ваших коллег будет возможность побывать в Беларуси, мы будем рады показать Вам наш новый комплекс.

Еще раз благодарим Вас за исключительно теплый прием.

Искренне Ваш,

3 Зак. 1877 65

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lill Виды писем

Dear Mr. N: Now that my colleague and 1 have returned to Minsk, we would once again like to thank you for the arrangements which you so kindly made on our behalf

in fixing appointments for us.

We hope on our next visit to Lxindon to have the pleasure of seeing you once


Yours sincerely.


Уважаемый г-н N!

После возвращения в Минск я и мой коллега хотели бы вновь

поблагодарить Вас за устроенные встречи, которые Вы организовали от нашего


Надеемся, что во время следующей поездки в Лондон мы будем иметь удовольствие еще раз с Вами встретиться.

Искренне Ваш,

3.8.9. Бронирование гостиницы (Hotel Reservation)

Dear Sirs: We would like to make reservation at the “Holiday Inn” for our five

employees who will take part in the annual trade exhibition in Helsinki to be

held on November 11* to IS"*.

Since our delegation is composed of one lady and four gentlemen, please make

reservations for one single and two double rooms for the period of 4 days (see the dates above).

Please find enclosed a banker’s draft for $ 350 as a deposit. Could you please

acknowledge a receipt.

Yours sincerely.

Enel.: banker’s draft


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Types of Letters |p


Уважаемые господа!

Мы хотели бы забронировать места в гостинице «Холидей Инн» для пяти

наших сотрудников, которые будут принимать участие в ежегодной торговой

выставке в Хельсинки с 11 до 15 ноября.

Поскольку наша делегация состоит из одной женшины и пяти мужчин, просим забронировать для них один одноместный и два двухместных номера на 4

дня (см. даты выше).

Прилагаем банковский чек на 350 долларов в качестве депозита.

Пожалуйста, подтвердите его получение.

Искренне Ваш,

Вложение: банковский чек


1. Составьте письмо-запрос от своей организации о возможности поставки

спортивной обуви для юношей и девушек.

2. Напишите ответ на запрос о поставке спортивной обуви с подтверждением

готовности оказать помощь и попыткой убедить нового клиента в

перспективности отношений с вашей компанией.

3. Сделайте заказ на партию товара с подтверждением условий платежа,

обратив внимание поставщика на способ упаковки.

4. Напишите письмо-рекламацию по поводу получения поврежденного товара.

5. Ответьте партнеру по бизнесу на его обоснованную рекламацию по поводу

несвоевременной поставки партии товаров.

6. Обратитесь в фирму, поставляющую оборудование для производства мебели,

с просьбой о предоставлении возможности получить их продукцию в

кредит. Убедите поставщика в вашей надежности как партнера.

7. Составьте письмо-запрос о возможности и условиях транспортировки груза

по железной дороге.

8. Сообщите своему клиенту-импортеру об отправке груза автомобильным

транспортом, указав детали упаковки, вес, стоимость и прочие детали

сопроводительной документации.


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и Факс и электронная почта

9. Поручите своему банку сделать перечисление за партию товара.

10. Напишите своим партнерам по бизнесу краткие письма:

- с поздравлением по поводу успешного участия в выставке;

- с выражением соболезнования по поводу кончины генерального


- с благодарностью за прием ваших сотрудников во время их


- с извинением за задержку поставки продукции, вызванную

форс-мажорными обстоятельствами;

- с приглашением принять участие в торжествах по поводу 20- летия

вашей фирмы;

- с рекомендацией вашего коллеги для участия в переговорах по

интересующей обе ваши фирмы тематике.

(Для выполнения заданий воспользуйтесь полезными выражениями в

деловой переписке, помещенными в разделе 5 данной части учебного


Раздел 4. Факс и электронная почта (Fax and E-mail)

Электронные виды деловой переписки (телеграмма, телекс, факс,

электронная почта) давно стали неотъемлемой частью повседневной

коммуникации в сфере бизнеса. В данном разделе рассматриваются наиболее

употребимые из них в настоящее время - факс и электронная почта.

4,1. Факс (Fax)

Факс (факсимильная связь) как вид телекоммуникации позволяет в

телефонном режиме передать написанное сообщение и получить подтверждение

его приема. В зависимости от отношений между участниками процесса

коммуникации стиль факсовых сообщений может быть официально-деловым

(formal) или непринужденным (informal). Очевидно, в сфере бизнеса

предпочтительно использование официальноделового стиля. Факс, как и письмо,

обычно отправляют на бланке предприятия.


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Fax and E-mail 121

Необходимыми дополнительными (по сравнению с письмом) элементами

факсового сообщения являются:

1) пометка на бланке “Fax transmission” под адресом отправителя;

2) указание имени и должности получателя и отправителя по об


То: Mr. John Smith, Sales Manager, Cooper & Co. Inc.


Message for: Mr. J. Smith, Sales Manager, Cooper & Co., Inc.

From: D. Boomer

3) указание номера факса получателя и отправителя (если факс

отправляется не на фирменном бланке отправителя, где он обязан


Fax number: 8-10-101-567-2245

4) дата отправления по образцу:

Date: January 12,2001

5) указание количества страниц включая заглавную (cover sheet):

Number of pages: 5 including this one.

Если в отправляемом факсе несколько страниц, в правом верхнем углу

каждой страницы стоит пометить ее порядковый номер. Например, в сообщении

из пяти страниц эти пометки будут выглядеть как 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5, 5/5, то есть

страница 1-ая из 5, 2-ая из 5 и т.д.

6) Если факсовое сообщение включает в себя какой-то отчет, таблицы

или другую служебную информацию, секретарь на заглавной

странице после приветствия может ограничиться фразой:


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12) Факс и электронная почта

Please find enclosed our annual report.

{Посылаю Вам наш ежегодный отчет.)


Please find attached the updated tables from section 2.

{Посылаю Вам уточненные таблицы из раздела 2.)

Образец факсового сообщения:


Minsk 220043 Republic of Belarus

Phone (Fax): +375-17-227-6589


Message for: Ms. Julia Collard, secretary, Main Office, School of Business, Essex University, England.

Fax number: 8-10-44-181-893-5516 From: Nikolai Kapustin, Head, International Division. Date: May 11,2000 Number of pages: 2 including this one

Dear Ms. Julia Collard:

In accordance with our previous agreement, I am sending you a list of 13 persons (12 students and one professor) who will participate in your school’s summer internship programme in the period of July 5‘" - 2F“.

For us to apply for the UK visas, we need an official letter of invitation (a hard copy) and a letter of support (by fax) to the UK Embassy in Minsk.

Please find attached the above list with the participants’ surnames, first names and dates of birth on page 2 of this fax.

I look forward to receiving your reply at your earliest convenience.

Yours sincerely,


N. Kapustin Head, International Division.


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Fax and E-mail 121

Перевод текстовой части факса:

Уважаемая г-жа Джулия Коллард! В соответствии с нашей предварительной договоренностью посылаю Вам

список из 13 человек (12 студентов и 1 преподаватель), которые будут участвовать

в программе летней практики Вашей школы в период с 5 по 21 июля.

Для обрашения за визами в посольство Великобритании нам понадобится

официальное приглашение (оригинал) и письмо в посольство о визовой поддержке

(факс). Прилагаю указанный выше список с указанием фамилий, имен и даты

рождения участников программы на странице 2 данного факса.

С нетерпением жду скорейшего ответа.

Искренне Ваш


Н. Капустин, начальник международного отдела.

4.2. Электронная почта (E-mail)

Электронная почта, которая и по-русски стала с помощью метода

транскрибирования называться «И-мэйл», за последние несколько лет буквально

завоевала рынок пользователей компьютеров.

Пользователям электронной почтой на английском языке следует знать,

что в электронных сообщениях используется больщое количество сокращений,


ASAP as soon as possible

BTW by the way

FYI for your information

RSVP respondez s’il vous plait


-:) smile

-:( frown

Mon Monday

как можно скорее между

прочим для вашего сведения

пожалуйста, ответьте


сдвинутые брови выражение

недовольства понедельник

В данном разделе излагаются основные правила пользования

электронной почтой как средством коммуникации в бизнесе или, по


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SI Факс и электронная почта

крайней мере, между людьми с разным социальным статусом, которые в силу

этого находятся в офщиалыю-деловых отношениях. Что касается общения по

«И-мэйлу» друзей, то есть людей, находящихся в непринужденных отношениях, это

их личное дело, и вопрос о каких-то правилах в этом случае не ставится.

Итак, данный раздел посвящен этикету пользования электронной почтой,

а не технической стороне (например, как связываться с провайдером, удалять

ненужные сообщения, открывать адрес в Интернете и Т.Д.).

Ш 1. Своевременно отвечайте на все полученные


{Respond to all personal messages promptly)

Даже если Вам нечего ответить по существу, просто напишите, что Вы

получили отправленное сообщение (message), например:

Thank you for your message. I will get to you ASAP. Спасибо за Ваше сообщение. Я свяжусь с Вами в ближайшее время.

Thank you for your suggestion. I am thinking about it. Спасибо за Ваше предложение. Я обдумываю его.


2. Будьте осторожны насчет пересылки личных сообщений

(Be careful about fon/varding personal messages)

Помните о том, что полученное Вами сообщение было адресовано Вам

лично. Прежде чем переслать его кому-либо, подумайте, одобрил бы это

отправитель данного сообщения.

pmi 3. Проверьте написанные сообщения, прежде чем отправлять их (Check outgoing messages before posting them)

Особенности электронной почты состоят в том, что нажав на иконку

“send” (отправить). Вам уже нельзя отменить эту команду, чтобы что-либо

исправить. Поэтому нужно внимательно вычитать текст сообщения, прежде чем

его отправить.


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Fax and E-mail

ё 4. Используйте строку «тема сообщения»

(Use the subject line to indicate the topic)

Указание темы сообщения особенно важно, когда Вы обменивае-

тесь с партнером по бизнесу целым рядом сообщений. В этом случае ни

Вам, ни Ващему партнеру не придется искать нужное сообщение среди

многих других. Это также помогает выдерживать краткость и сжатость

при написании сообщения, например:

Subject: Board meeting

The next board meeting will be held on

Thursday at 10:30 am.

Please confirm your participation.

Тема: Заседание Совета

Следующее заседание совета состоится в четверг в 10 час. 30 мин. Пожалуйста, подтвердите свое участие.

Thank you,

J. Morgan,


Благодарю Вас.

Дж. Морган, секретарь.

^ 5. Не злоупотребляйте разговорными фразами в начале и

конце сообщений

(Do not overuse conversational openings and closings)

Несмотря на то, что язык электронной почты - это гибрид фраз

устной речи и предложений письменной речи, необходимо чувство ме-

ры в употреблении непринужденных приветствий и заключительных

фраз. В электронных сообщениях можно вообще обойтись без них (см.

предыдущий пример, где отсутствуют формулы обращения и проща-


6. Будьте вежливы при выражении «деловых» просьб (Express “business” requests politely)

Имейте в виду, что даже в бизнес-коммуникации стиль электронных

сообщений - скорее непринужденный или нейтральный, чем официально-деловой.

Это позволяет устанавливать и поддерживать дружеские отнощения людям с

разным социальным статусом. Однако в случае, если, например, студент или

подчиненный направляет просьбу

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Е! Факс и электронная почта

профессору или администратору, непринужденный стиль неуместен. Здесь скорее

необходим нейтральный или официально-деловой стиль, чтобы

(1) избежать навязчивости,

(2) дать получателю возможность выбора,

(3) создать у него благоприятное впечатление, например:

(плохой вариант)

Dear Prof. Nilsson,

Finally, I have prepared something for you to read. 1 will leave my paper in your mailbox some time tomorrow. Hope you’ll be able to give it back to me with your comments by Friday. I’ll then work on it over the week-end (instead of having a good time with my room-mates -:).

Уважаемый проф. Нильссон!

Наконец-то я кое-что выдая(а),

чтобы вы могли почитать. Я оставлю статью в вашем ящике где- нибудь

завтра. Надеюсь, я смогу получить ее

назад с вашими пометками к пятнице.

Тогда я поработаю над ней в выходные

(вместо развлечений с соседями

Как видно из данного сообщения, все указанные три правила здесь не

соблюдены. Гораздо лучше такой вариант просьбы:

I (приемлемый вариант)

Dear Professor Nilsson,

As we have planned with you, I have completed the work on my paper and would like to leave it in your mailbox tomorrow morning. I would be obliged if you would find time to read it and give your comments some time before the week-end. This would enable me to work on it before submitting the final version. Please let me know when I could pick it up.

Thank you.

Уважаемый профессор Нильссон!

Как мы и планировали с Вами, я за- кончил(а) работу над статьей и хо- тел(а) бы оставить ее в Вашем ящике завтра утром. Был(а) бы Вам обязан(а), если бы Вы нашли время прочесть ее и высказать свои замечания в течение рабочей недели. Это позволило бы мне поработать над статьей, прежде чем я представлю ее в окончательном виде. Пожалуйста, сообщите мне, когда я смог(ла) бы ее забрать.

Благодарю Вас._


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Fax and E-mail (21

J 7. Используйте общеупотребительные сокращения

(Learn common abbreviations)

Многие термины и выражения сокращаются в электронных сообщениях

(см. начало этого раздела). Список сокращений достаточно больщой. Главное,

чтобы адресат понял Вас. Допускается набирать текст сообщения без заглавных

букв, опускать артикли и вспомогательные глаголы. Однако, если Ващ

английский (в частности, грамматика) «хромает», лучще избегать это и

пользоваться стандартным, полным текстом. Сравните два вида одного и того же


Standard English: I have read your message regarding (about) John’s presentation. I

will try to read his paper as soon as possible and return it to

your mailbox. Thank you again.

E-mail style: Read yr message re John’s pres, will try to read his pa

per ASAP and return it to yr mailbox. Thanx again.




Составьте факс с сообщением о перечислении депозита за про-

живание в гостинице ващих участников конференции фирм-

партнеров, а также о дате их прибытия на конференцию в Пра-


Напищите сообщение по электронной почте с просьбой рас-

смотреть возможность о выделении Вам финансовой помощи

для участия в симпозиуме, оргкомитет которого отобрал Ваш

доклад для выступления в одной секций.

Составьте факсовое сообщение организационному комитету

торгово-промышленной выставки с просьбой забронировать 7

одноместных номеров в гостинице для членов вашей группы из

расчета не более 50 долларов США в сутки на человека.

Подтвердите по электронной почте получение информации от

партнеров по бизнеса об отправке партии груза. Не забудьте за-

полнить строку «тема сообщения».

Сообщите партнерам по бизнесу об изменении вашего элек-

тронного адреса с 1-го числа следующего месяца в связи с ре-

организацией услуг телекоммуникации в вашем регионе.


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Полезные выражения в деловой переписке

6. Поблагодарите в электронном сообщении партнеров по бизнесу за

своевременную информацию об изменении условий закупки товаров по

оптовым ценам и выразите надежду на возможность предоставления

скидок постоянным клиентам.

(Для выполнения заданий воспользуйтесь полезными выражениями в

деловой переписке, помещенными в разделе 5 данной части учебного


Раздел 5. Полезные выражения в деловой переписке

(Helpful Expressions in Business Correspondence)

Данный раздел содержит справочные материалы, которые могут

оказаться полезными для выполнения контрольных заданий предыдущих

разделов данной части учебного пособия.

5.1. Просьбы (Requests)

Could you please tell me I would be glad

to know

We would be obliged if you could inform us

Would you please let me know as soon as possible whether you would be willing

We would be pleased to hear from you concerning

I am writing to ask you whether you

might be interested in buying

Is there anything that could be done about this?

1 would appreciate if you would send me your new catalogue (samples)

Будьте добры, сообщите, пожалуйста

Я был бы рад узнать

Мы будем обязаны Вам, если Вы

сможете известить нас

Будьте добры, сообщите как можно

скорее, желаете ли Вы

Будем рады, если Вы напишете нам о

Пишу для того, чтобы спросить,

может ли Вас заинтересовать покупка

Можно ли предпринять что-либо по этому поводу?

Был бы Вам признателен, если бы Вы

прислали мне Ваш новый каталог



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Helpful Expressions in Business Correspondence ^

Please send us an offer quoting your best

terms and discount for cash payment

With reference to your advertisement in

... we would be glad to receive We shall be grateful for any assistance you can

give us in this matter

Просим выслать предложение с

наиболее выгодными условиями и

скидкой за оплату наличными

В связи с Вашим объявлением в ... мы

были бы рады получить Будем

благодарны за любую помощь, которую

Вы можете оказать в этом деле

5.2. Выражение сообщения

We hereby advise Please be

advised that

Let me inform you that

This is to certify that Please

take note that

1 am writing to confirm that

As you know from previous


We have carefully considered your


We agree to your proposal

We wish to draw your attention to the

fact that

There are no problems with regard to

We are of a different opinion

Please find enclosed


(Expressing Information)

Настоящшч сообщаем

Примите, пожалуйста, к сведению,


Позвольте сообщить, что

Настоящим удостоверяется

Обратите, пожалуйста, внимание,


Пишу, чтобы подтвердить, что

Как Вы знаете из предыдущей


Мы внимательно рассмотрели Ваше предложение

Мы согласны на Ваше предложение

Обращаем Ваше внимание на то, что

Нет проблем в отношении Мы

придерживаемся другого мнения К

письму прилагается


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^ Полезные выражения в деловой лереписке

5.3. Выражение надежды (Expressing Норе)

I hope you won’t mind if Надеюсь, Вы не будете возражать,


We very much hope that you will come Очень надеемся, что Вы придете к поло.жительному решению

относительно to а positive decision on

We expect you to use every effort to

I hope to have further news for you

before too long

Мы полагаем, что Вы приложите

все усилия для

Надеюсь, что буду иметь для Вас

новости довольно скоро

I sincerely hope you will be able to help Искренне надеюсь, что Вы сможете

me in this matter помочь мне в этом деле

We look forward to hearing your

further proposal soon

I look forward to cooperating with you

on this new venture

Мы рассчитываем получить вскоре

Ваши дальнейшие предложения

Рассчитываю на сотрудничество с

Вами в этом новом предприятии

5.4. Благодарность (Gratitude)

I am writing to thank you very much indeed for

It is very kind of you to

Пишу, чтобы сердечно

поблагодарить Вас за

Очень любезно с Вашей стороны

May I take this opportunity of thanking Позвольте воспользоваться случаем.

you for

1 wish to express my appreciation for

all your efforts

I am truly grateful to you for helping me (your advice)

Thank you for letting me know that

чтобы поблагодарить Вас за

Хочу выразить благодарность за все

Ваши усилия

Я очень благодарен Вам за помощь

(Ваш совет)

Благодарю за сообщение о том, что


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Helpful Expressions in Business Correspondence ^

Thank you for inviting me to your

company office

Благодарю за приглашение посетить

офис Вашей фирмы

I am writing to thank you again for your Пишу, чтобы еще раз поблагодарить

за Ваше замечательное гостепршш-

ство wonderful hospitality

Thank you for contributing so much to Благодарим за столь большой вклад в

5.5. Извинения (Apologies)

Му apologies for

Please accept our apologies for

I wish to offer my sincere apologies for

... taking so long to answer your letter

... the delay in <.. .> which was entirely

outside our control

I sincerely regret that

I am sorry, but I cannot be of assistance to you in this matter

Приношу свои извинения

Примите, пожалуйста, наши

извинения за

Хочу принести свои самые искренние

извинения за

... то, что долго не отвечал на Ваше


... задержку в <...>, которая произошла

не по нашей вине

Я искренне сожалею, что

Извините, но я не могу помочь Вам в

этом деле

5.6. Выражение неудовлетворения (Expressing Dissatisfaction)

We are not happy about the terms you suggested

I simply cannot understand why you

did not tell us

1 am most disturbed that you will not

be able to

This sets up a chain involving several complications

Мы не удовлетворены предложенными


Я просто не могу понять, почему Вы не

предупредили нас

Меня очень беспокоит то, что Вы не


Это вызывает цепь определенных затруднений


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Полезные выражения в деловой переписке

I am very disappointed about this fact

This, I am sure you will agree, is not a good way to conduct business

I am afraid we’ll have to cancel the

agreement, as

Я очень огорчен данным


Это, уверен, Вы согласитесь, не

лучший способ вести дела

Боюсь, нам придется расторгнуть

договор, так как

5.7. Ответы на вопросы и предложения (Responding Questions and Proposals)

In reply to request for our catalogue, we enclose a copy herewith, and we hope you will find it helpful

We were very pleased to receive your

letter in reply to our advertisement in

В ответ на Вашу просьбу прислать

Вам наш каталог высылаем с этим

письмом экземпляр каталога и

надеемся, что он будет Вам полезен

Мы были очень рады получить от Вас

письмо в ответ на наше объяв-

We much appreciate your proposal

May we use this opportunity to draw

your attention to

Мы высоко ценам Ваше предложение

Позвольте воспользоваться этой

возможностью, чтобы привлечь

Ваше внимание к

We сап promise delivery within four

weeks if we receive your order


We hope our offer will interest you

We are obliged for your letter of 12 May in which you enquire

Мы можем обещать поставку в течение четырех недель, если

получгш Ваш заказ незамедлительно

Надеемся, что наше предложение

заинтересует Вас

Мы признательны за Ваше письмо от 12 мая, в котором Вы спрашиваете


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Resume Й


Раздел 1. Краткая биография (Resume)

Резюме (в английском языке сохраняется французское написание и

произношение этого слова) является частью процесса устройства на работу во всех

англоязычных и других странах.

Без резюме и сопроводительного письма (cover letter), которому посвящен

следующий раздел, вас просто не пригласят на собеседование (interview) с

работодателем (employer), а именно оно и является последним этапом в процессе

бизнес-коммуникации перед получением желаемого места работы.

В этом разделе Вы познакомитесь, теперь уже по-английски, с основными

требованиями к составлению резюме, а также различными видами (formats) резюме

в зависимости от целей и особенностей трудоустройства.

Для начала - десять наиболее типичных ошибок при составлении резюме.

Yes, it’s worth while having a look at the ten most common resume writing


1. Too long (preferred length is one page).

Слишком длинное (предпочтительный объем резюме - одна стра- ница).

2. Disorganized - information is scattered around the page - hard to follow.

Плохо продумано (информация разбросана по странице, что затрудняет

следить за ее изложением).

3. Poorly typed and printed - hard to read - looks unprofessional.

Плохо набрано и распечатано. Такое резюме тяжело читать, и оно

выглядит непрофессионально.

4. Overwritten - long paragraphs and sentences - takes too long to say too little.


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Й Краткая биография

Перебор с длиной абзацев и предложений. Слишком много времени

уходит на то, чтобы сказать слишком мало.

5. Too sparse - gives only bare essentials of dates and job titles.

Слишком мало написано, даны лишь даты и занимаемые


6. Not oriented for results - doesn’t show what the candidate has accomplished on the


He ориентировано на достижение результатов. Не видно, что

конкретно достигнуто претендентом на данное место.

1. Too many irrelevances - height, weight, sex, health, marital status are not needed

on today’s resumes.

Слишком много ненужных деталей. Нет необходимости сообщать

свой рост, вес, пол, состояние здоровья и семейное положение.

8. Misspellings, typos, and poor grammar - resumes should be carefully proofread

before they are printed and mailed.

Ошибки в орфографии, опечатки, слабое знание грамматики. Резюме

должно быть как следует вычитано и проверено и лишь после этого

распечатано и отправлено по почте.

9. Tries too hard - fancy typesetting and binders, photographs and exotic paper

stocks distract from the clarity of presentation.

Слишком много усердия. Вычурный шрифт с виньетками,

фотографии и экзотическое канцелярское оформление лишь

отвлекают от ясного изложения.

10. Misdirected - too many resumes arrive on employer’s desks unrequested, and with

little or no apparent connections to the organization - cover letters would help

avoid this.

Направлено не no адресу. Многие резюме поступают работодателю

без всякой востребованности с его стороны и не гшеют прямого

отношения к данной организации. Сопроводительные письма

помогают избежать такую ситуацию.'

' Источник: Тот Jackson. The Perfect Resume. An Anchor Press Book, 1981, p. 14.


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Образец резюме (без указания на конкретный вид):

(Ms.) Julia Long 220 West Street

New Port, New York 11645

Phone (515) 227 8562

Job Target; Senior Assistant to Personnel Manager

Capabilities: Write and edit professional reports;

Provide consultation to employees on benefits; Manage

training courses.

Work history:

1997-present junior assistant manager, James Associates, NYC.

helped preparing staff meetings arranged files

of the employees prepared materials for the

training seminars




assistant-trainee, James Associates, NYC

Boston University, honors B.Sc. (Business Administration)

Перевод образца резюме:

(Мисс) Джулия Лонг 220 Уэст Стрит

Ныо-Порт, штат Нью-Йорк 11645 Тел.; (515) 227-8562

Искомая должность: Старший помощник менеджера по кадрам

Профессиональные навыки:

составление и редактирование производственных докладов; консультирование сотрудников по вопросам получения пособий; руководство курсами подготовки.


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Й Краткая биография

Послужной список:

1997 - по настоящее время




Мл. помощник менеджера фирмы “James

Associates” в Нью-Йорке

помогала готовить собрания персонала

составляла файлы личных дел сотрудников

готовила материалы для семинаров по

обучению сотрудников

Помощник-практикант на фирме “James

Associates” в Нью-Йорке

Бостонский университет, с отличием

Бакалавр (управление бизнесом)

А job application is not so much an information sheet as a sales pitch, in which

the product being sold is the writer. Like all persuasive communication, it requires some

creative thinking.

An application package consists of a resume and a cover (covering)


Experts say that the most effective approach is to try to get a personal

introduction to someone in a specific company. Face-to-face is the best way to sell


When contacts fail to get you in the door, however, a written application may be

the only resort. Target five companies, rather than send a “broadcast” letter to 150.

Through research, determine what kinds of skills and experience the

organization needs. Get a sense of the corporate culture and of the ways you could


As was written above, resume is a vital part of the employment process.

Although a resume should give a lot of information about you, you need to determine

your main “selling points” and then to select and order facts in a way that will impress

your reader. Here are some guidelines:


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Resume Й

* Match your skills and experience to the needs of the organization. ■ Stress what sets you apart from the crowd.

• Remember that the primaiy’ aim is to rouse the employer’s interest, not to provide a


Your r€sume should include enough information about you for the employer to

feel that you are worth interviewing. Here is a list of the most common kinds of resume

information. Be prepared to omit, add, or alter according to the job.

Name and Address

Usually this information is placed at the top of the page. (Resume, unlike CV,

Curriculum Vitae, is limited to one page only.) Be sure to include the full mailing address

with a postal code. You may also add a telephone number. If you are a student with a

different mailing address for winter and summer months, give your both addresses and

the dates when you will be at location.

Present Employment

This information helps the reader to grasp quickly the basis of your experience

and the level of your responsibility.

Job Objective

This category is useful if you are a student trying to suggest that you have

definite career goals. It may also be useful if you want a specific Job in a large

organization with a number of vacancies. In any case, it’s better to give not the position

you would like (for example, a sales manager), but the area and the general level of

responsibility (for example, "a management position in marketing» or «management

trainee ”).

On the other hand, if you are willing to try a variety of jobs, it’s better not to

include this category.

Summary of Qualifications

Some consultants recommend to place a capsule “Profile” of one or two

sentences before the more detailed listing of your experience or qualifications. This

summary is your chance to hit the reader directly with your


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Й Краткая биография

most important attributes for the job, for example, “an energetic and skilled

communicator”, “a specialist with the ability to analyze needs and implement solutions”,

“full of entrepreneurial spirit”.


For students whose job experience is scanty or nonexistent, this section usually

comes first. Educational qualifications are most often the primary selling point. Begin

with your most recent educational attainment or your most advanced degree or diploma.

If you have a post-secondary education, it’s not necessary to include your high

(secondary) school, unless you have a particular reason for doing so. Be sure to give the

date you obtained any degree or diploma, along with the name of the institution that

granted it.

If courses you have taken are a selling point, list those relevant to the job you are

applying for. This is especially important for students seeking their first permanent job.

Work Experience

In most resumes, this information is the major focus. In a standard resume, it is

given in reverse chronological order. Students should include all volunteer and part-time


However you arrange the section, follow this guide:

1. Make the information action-oriented. For example, write:

■ reviewed customer service procedures;

■ organized employee training seminars; ■ prepared budgets for the promotion department.

2. Stress accomplishment. Instead of listing your duties for each job, tell

what you have achieved. Rather than say that your «duties were to supervise

customer accounts and keep the books», say that you “supervised the customer

accounts and kept the books.”

3. Be honest. A small lie in your resume is enough to wipe out the em

ployer’s trust in you, even if it is discovered well after you have the job. Integrity

[порядочность] is an attribute never worth sacrificing. This ad


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Resume Щ

vice does not mean that you should write about all your faults and draw attention to

errors. But you should not misinform the reader.

Personal Information

Most personal information, other than your address and phone number, is

unnecessary and should be left out. However, if you think that listing some personal

details will give you an advantage, by all means do so. For example, being single might be

an advantage for a job requiring a lot of travelling.


You don’t need to give the names of people who can supply references. Some

applicants prefer to wait until the employer is seriously interested, especially if they are

currently employed and don’t want others to know they are looking around. Omit this

category altogether or write: “References will be supplied on request”. If you do

include references, give a full name, title, company, and address. Telephone numbers

may also be helpful.


Chronological Format demonstrates continuous and upward career growth.

It does this by emphasizing employment history beginning with the most recent and

working back. The focus is on time, job continuity, growth and advancement, and


Targeted Format is used when you are seeking a specific position. The focus

is on your skills, abilities, and qualifications that match the needs of your target.

Functional Format also emphasizes your skills, but does not correlate these

characteristics to any specific employer. The focus is on what you did, not when and

where you did it.

Combination Format offers a quick synopsis of your market value (the

functional style) followed by your employment chronology. This format is very well

received by hiring authorities.


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Й Краткая биография


The 5 P’s of an excellent resume are as follows:

Packaging Positioning Punch, or Power Information Personality Professionalism

Packaging is a vital component to sales success. Paper stocks, graphics, desktop

publishing and imaginative presentations are part of the packaging process.

Positioning of information means organization. Organize the data on your

resume so that it’s easily accessible to the reader and the reader is able to quickly grasp

significant information. The key information should be displayed in the Introduction


Punch or Power Info is by far the most important. Here you deliver the

information that the hiring manager wants to see. Power Info is the information that

matches your skills, abilities, and qualifications to a prospective employee's needs.

Personality means a lot for hiring managers. When writing your resume,

remember that words are power. Change neutral and dull words to eyecatching and

bright ones. For example, instead of “being responsible for something”, show that you

were “a catalyst for major improvements in...” In other words, lighten up your resume

and let it dance and sing a bit. By displaying a personality, you display emotion. And

more than any other element, it sells!

Professionalism in presenting your resume is important because you want to

make a good, lasting, and professional first impression. Remember: you are the product

and you are the salesperson. Your resume is your brochure. Would you hire yourself

based on the professionalism of your resume? Professionalism will lead you to more and

more interviews. That means more opportunities.


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Resume ш


1. Chronoioqical resume

Vladimir M. Kudrevich Manager, Foreign Transactions Department, “Belpromstroibank”

Mailing address: Kozlova Str., 8-34 Minsk 200034 Belarus

office: -1-375-17-262-4526 home: 4-375-17-236-4786


Possess high energy level and excellent communication skills, ability to analyze needs

and implement solutions. Fluent in English and German.

Work history:

1997 - present Manager, Foreign Transactions, “Belpromstroibank” Managed

all foreign transactions of the bank 1996-1997

Assistant manager. Foreign Transactions, “Belpromstroibank”

Assisted managing foreign transactions, wrote and edited

reports. Sept. 1995-1996 Trainee, Foreign Transactions, “Belpromstroibank”

Got training in the main activities of the Foreign Transitions Dept.



Department of Foreign Economic Relations, honors. Bachelor of Sciences Degree from the Belarus State Economic University (26 Partizanski Prosp., Minsk, 220070, Belarus)

1993-1994 Exchange program international student of business. University

of South Carolina at Columbia (USA)


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Й Краткая биография

Charles Carey Accounting manager

2223 August Square Road Barrington, 11 60093


More than 8 years in accounting, including responsibility for department procedures,

budget, and computer operations.

Plan and conduct audits and variance analyses, process payroll and payroll tax reports and filings.


10/96 - Present Scarpendous Displays, Inc., Chicago, Illinois.

Senior Accounting Manager

- reduced accounting payroll costs 41% through automation

- successfully directed conversion from an IBM system to a

Novell Network 1/94-9/96 Lancer Systems, Chicago, Illinois.

Accounting Manager

- trained 6 employees in accounting department

- analyzed and interpreted forecasts

- successfully negotiated a credit line 5/92-1/94

Coopers & Lyhrand, Chicago, Illinois Senior Accountant - performed detailed financial audits and recommended improvements in system procedures

6/91-5/92 - U.S. Riley Corporation, Chicago, Illinois. Cost

Accountant - assisted in budget forecasting - developed cost data and variance analyses


Ridgetown college, Santa Fe, New Mexico Bachelor of Science: Accounting

(1991) References: Furnished Upon Request


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Resume щ


Address before May 7, 1999 Address after May 7, 1999 House G, Erindale Campus 24

Kilbarry Street

University of Toronto Ottawa, Ontario

Mississauga, Ontario KOB IKO L5C 1C6 (416)


(613) 6322150

Job objective: Junior of a survey crew, with the ultimate goal of becoming an Ontario Land Surveyor.



Will complete year of a Bachelor of Science Degree at the University of Toronto. Major: Survey Science. Grade average: B. Major courses: Introduction to Surveying Science Land Planning Survey Law

1997- Completed one year of Architectural Science at Ryerson

Polytechnical Institute (Grade Average: B)

Work experience

Summer, 1998 - Tree planter for Roots Ltd. I British Columbia. Summers, 1996-97 - Groundsworker for Hillsview Golf Club Ltd.

Other activities

Captain, Erindale hockey team Treasurer, Survey Science Club

Personal information

Birth Date: September 30,1978


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Й Краткая биография

Ward Gantney 250 Fort Salonga Road

Northport, New York 11678

(516) 725-5237

Job target; Management position in materials Science.


- Write, edit and approve professional reports.

- Provide consultation and support to the government on contamination prob-


- Manage programs in materials and component development.

- Conduct corrosion studies.


- Supervised analytical chemistry lab. - Conducted comparative analysis in the field. - Set up non-destructive testing procedures.

Work history;

1981 - Present




Hofstra University 1974 Business Administration Long Island Univ. 1971 M.A. Chemistry

1969 B.A. Microbiology

Gage-West Corp. Supervisor, Analytical Chemistry Laboratory Darnell Electronics, Consultant RET Surface chemicals. Consultant


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Resume Й

§2 Functional format гёаитё.


16 Osier Street

Vancouver, British Columbia V6R 2T1

Tel: (614) 741-0329

Public relations trainee

An energetic and skilled communicator, with a record of

leadership and initiative.

Job Objective;


Communication Skills

B.A., Honors, in English, Queen’s University, 1986; В + average.

Entertainment editor for Queen’s Journal, 1988-89.

Debated regularly as a member of Queen’s Debating Society.

Gave oral presentations to public as guide at Huronia Village in Summer 1988. Described background of historic site to groups of visitors.


Elected to Student Council in my last year at Richmond High School. Introduced new students to university life at Queen’s University. Elected Vice-President of English Club at Queen’s, 1985. Planned and chaired monthly seminars.


Founded my own home-baked cookie business, Susan’s Cookies, when still at school. Baked, sold and kept accounts, earning enough to pay for my first year at Queen’s.


1. Prof. Michael Hughes, Queen’s University, Department of English, King ston, Ontario, K7L 3N6.

2. Mrs. Mable Williams, Administrator, Huronia Village, Penetanguishene, Ontario, LOK 1P6


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Й Краткая биография

а. Functional format гёаитё







1998 1997

Galina Bobkova

36, Angarskaya Str., Apt.245

Minsk 220073, Belaras

tel. +375-17-246-2453

Consulted managers of small companies on designing business plans. Developed and designed a scheme for business plans as part of

internship at the TACIS representative office.

Did research in macroeconomics of economies in transitions. Made a

presentation at the conference of university students (1999). Wrote

business letters and reports on assistance to small businesses in

Belarus in designing their business plans. Fluent reading, writing and speaking English. Basic French.

Played four years university basketball.


Will be graduating from the Department of International Economic

Relations of the Belarus State Economic University with a Bachelor of

Sciences’ Degree.

Internship at the TACIS representative office in Belarus.

Work as a basketball coach in a summer camp in Oregon (USA).


1. Что такое резюме и в чем состоит его основная функция?

2. В чем отличие резюме и CV (Curriculum Vitae)?

3. Какие форматы резюме вам известны?

4. Какой формат резюме больше подходит для человека, который много

лет проработал в одной сфере деятельности?

5. Какой формат резюме подошел бы специалисту с прерванным стажем?

6. Какой формат резюме выбрать человеку, которому нужна конкретная

работа в определенной фирме?

7. В каком порядке в резюме должны быть расположены даты,

относящиеся к образованию и опыту работы?

8. Составьте наиболее подходящий для вас вариант резюме.


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Cover Letter H

Раздел 2. Сопроводительное письмо (Cover Letted

Цель сопроводительного письма выходит за рамки простой констатации

того факта, что Вы посылаете заявление о приеме на работе и биографию в виде

резюме. Сопроводительным письмом необходимо привлечь внимание

работодателя к Вашему резюме, то есть сделать так, чтобы он захотел

ознакомиться с ним. Ведь на столе у руководителя, отвечающего за прием на

работу, лежит огромная кипа таких писем. ВРЯД ли кадровик станет читать резюме

с таким сопроводительным письмом:

Dear Sir;

I am applying for the job in your sales department, which you advertised. I am graduating from college this year and would like a job in sales. Please find enclosed my resume. I hope you will find me suitable and that I will hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully, Sally Gray

Приведенный выше образец сопроводительного письма скорее похож на

служебную записку и ничего не говорит о кандидате на должность в отделе

продаж. Гораздо удачнее следующий образец:

Dear Mr. N:

I would like to apply for the position of senior assistant to personnel manager advertised in the “Daily News” on 9'*’ October.

A copy of my rdsum6 is enclosed. From this you will see that I am at present working as a junior assistant in the personnel department at James Associates. Although I enjoy my work, I feel I would now like to take on a position with more responsibility and in a larger organization.

I can be available for interview at any time, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours,

Julia Long (Miss)


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Н Сопроводительное письмо

Перевод сопроводительного письма:

Уважаемый г-и N!

Я бы хотела подать заявление на должность старшего помощника

управляющего кадрами, вакансия на которую была объявлена в «Дейли Ныоз» 9


Из моего резюме, экземпляр которого я прилагаю, Вы увидите, что в настоящее время я работаю младшим помощником в отделе кадров фирмы

«James Associates». Мне нравится моя работа, но теперь мне хотелось бы

поработать в более крупной организации и на более ответственной должности.

Я готова пройти собеседование в любое время. С нетерпением жду

Ващего ответа.

Искренне Ваща, Джулия Лонг (мисс)


Советы по составлению сопроводительных писем на английском языке как

необходимого и очень важного элемента бизнес- коммуникации при устройстве на

работу сводятся к следующим. We are going to switch over to English now.

You must include a covering letter when sending your resume to anyone.

Resumes are impersonal documents that contain information about your skills,

abilities, and qualifications.

A covering letter should do more than state “Here’s my application and resume”.

A well-written covering letter reveals important communication skills. Aside from what

you say, the way you say it matters.

Cover letters should be brief, energetic, and interesting. A polished cover letter

answers the following questions:

1. Why are you writing to me and why should I consider your candidacy?

2. What qualifications or value do you have that I could benefit from?

3. What are you prepared to do to further sell yourself?


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Cover Letter H

Below are the guidelines for a covering letter. Applicants should not produce

identical letters. Feel free to express your own personality if you hope to influence the


Get the Reader's Attention

Try to say something that will make the reader want to read on. This could be

your qualification or a reason for your interest in the firm, e.g.:

“The article on your firm in Belarusian Market suggested that you may be

expanding. Are you looking for a dynamic sales person?

As a prize-winning student of English, I believe my skill as a writer would be a

useful attribute in your public affairs department.”

Name dropping is another attention-getter: if someone respited by the employer

has suggested you make the application, mention the person right at the beginning, e.g.:

“Arthur Stone suggested that I get in touch with you”, or “Arthur Stone has told me that

your company regularly hires students as summer office help”.

State Your Purpose

Don’t beat around the bush and merely imply that you are applying for a job. Be

specific. If you are responding to an advertised opening, say so. Remember that a reader

who is uncertain about your purposes is unlikely to act.

Give a Brief Summation of Your Seiiing Points

You may create a second paragraph for this part, but keep it as short as possible.

A covering letter (like a resume) should not exceed one page. The shorter, the better.

Here are some tips:

1. Link your skills to the employer’s needs.

Focus not on how the job would help you, but on how you can help the


Which sentence from a student would appeal to you most?

(a) I would like to work for < ... > this summer to up-grade my qualifications and

gain some practical experience.

4 Зак. 1877 97

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H Сопроводительное письмо

(b) I believe the courses in < ... > I have taken will help me to make a useful

contribution to your summer work.

2. Sell yourself without seeming egotistical.

You can emphasize your strengths in a sincere way. Don’t boast. Stress your

attributes simply, without using intensifying adjectives. Try to use facts that

speak for themselves.

(-) I have extraordinary talent in mathematics. (+) I have consistently achieved high marks in mathematics.

(-) I am a very good salesperson.

(+) Last summer, although one of the youngest salespeople in the store, I had the

second highest sales total.

3. Try to bury the “I’s”.

You cannot avoid using “I”, but you can place it after some word:

(-) I worked for an accountancy firm last summer.

(-I-) Last summer I worked for an accountancy firm.

4. Place your weaknesses in a subordinate position.

If you must include something you don’t want to emphasize, try putting it in a

subordinate clause, with a main clause emphasizing a more positive point.

(-) Unfortunately, I have never worked in a job requiring accounting.

(+) Although I have not had an accounting job, I have taken four accounting courses.

5. Don’t apologize.

If you don’t think you can do a specific job, don’t apply for it. If you think you

can, be confident in outlining your qualifications. Avoid such phrases as “I’m

sorry”, “I regret” or “unfortunately” when referring to your background or


Ask for an Interview

Applicants often forget to do this directly. As a general practice, mention that

you will telephone the employer rather than ask the employer to get in touch with you.


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Cover Letter H

Two final tips:

■ Don’t mention salary expectations in the covering letter. The interview is a more

appropriate time to discuss money.

■ Don’t thank in advance. Although intending to be polite, you may seem




Mr. R. Jones Personnel

Director Computer

Systems Inc.

Dear Mr. Jones:

31 Lonbard Drive Edmonton, Alberta T6H 1C3

March 1,2001

Since Computer Systems is a fast-growing company, you are likely in need of young

and energetic people with a good knowledge of computers. In one month I will be

graduating from University of Alberta with a Computer Science degree and would like to join your company as a programmer.

In addition to my university courses, I have had work experience in programming and

operating computers. Last summer I implemented programs for the design of

loudspeakers at Nortec Industries.

At you convenience, I would like to meet you to discuss how my qualifications could benefit Computer Systems. Next week I will call you to try to arrange an interview (to set up an appointment).

Yours sincerely.

Helen Graham



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и Сопроводительное письмо


452 South Rockline Avenue

Seneca, New York 11290 tel.


January 23, 2000

Ms. Sandra Breuer Curator

of Impressionist Art Museum of Modern Art 11

West 53"* Street New York,

NY 10020

Dear Ms. Breuer,

1 recently read in “Art Forum” that the museum is planning a large Van Gogh exhibit

next winter, with the cooperation of Amsterdam’s two major museums.

I have recently graduated from Washington Square College at New York University.

While attending, I was fortunate enough to spend one semester abroad. I became very involved with Amsterdam, mainly in the art. I spent many afternoons at art museums

there, and I now possess an extensive knowledge of their collections.

I feel that my knowledge of Van Gogh’s work, the city of Amsterdam and my general background in arts could be of value to you to in promoting this exhibit to young people. 1 would like to meet with you to discuss some ideas on the subject, and I will call you in a week to ten days to set up a meeting.

Yours truly.

Ken Tyson



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Cover Letter H


29-24 Crescent Blvd.

Forest Hills NY 11433

Tel. 212-646-3654

October 12, 1999 Mr. John Terriell Accounting Manager General Office Supply Co. 412 Norman Avenue Wharfield NY 11352

Dear Mr. Terriell,

Jack Thatcher at the Chase Bank told me that General Office Supply is opening a new

branch in Forest Hills. 1 have dealt with your company several times and am delighted

to see that you will be moving even close to home area.

As a member of the Forest Hills Communication Committee, 1 have gained

experience in all phases of book-keeping as well as purchasing. Your product lines are

very familiar to me, as you have supplied us with materials for our evening seminars.

With my knowledge in these areas, I am sure that I could make a contribution to your

company in the new branch in Forest Hills. I would like to meet with you to discuss

some of these ideas further. I will call you next week to arrange a meeting.

Yours truly,

Hilda Lebanon Enel.


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H Сопроводительное письмо


Nelly Nickleby

225 Hartman Drive

Portsmouth, NH 03801

(603) 555-4606

Mr. Howard Speller, General Sales Manager Speller Automobiles, Ltd.

315 Rolling Woods Highway

Dover, NH 03723

Dear Mr. Speller:

January 22, 2001

1 am a recent college graduate with a B.A. Degree in Automotive Marketing & Management. I have also been part of a family-owned distributorship for nearly all

my life, so cars are my life!

I noticed your advertisement for Automotive Sales and Marketing Assistant in

the June 14'’’ edition of the Dover Star, and have submitted my resume for your


You mentioned in the advertisement that the successful must have:

1) A bachelor of Arts degree I do 2) Excellent communication skills I do 3) Ability to work well with people at all levels I do 4) Eagerness to learn and “pay my dues” I am and I will

This is the job that 1 believe was made for me. I am available immediately and can offer you competence, dedication, and a good work ethic. If you don’t mind, I

will call you next week to see if a personal interview can be scheduled.

Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to speaking

with you next week.


Nelly Nickleby


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Introduction ^7

Введение (Introduction)

Любое выступление, тем более на иностранном языке, готовится заранее.

Даже так называемый экспромт должен иметь свой «рояль в кустах», то есть

определенную заготовку. В то же время мы хотим отказаться от набивших

оскомину «устных тем», которые заучиваются для экзаменов и имеют мало общего

с процессом коммуникации. В данной части пособия, рассчитанной на владеющих

английским языком в средней степени, и умеющих понять несложный английский

текст, предлагается система работы в аудитории и дома над семью видами устных

выступлений и презентаций (Автор благодарит Сюзан Райнхарт за

предоставленную возможность использовать ряд отрывков из ее рукописи: Susan

Reinhart. Academic Speaking Course Pack. ELI, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,

1995). Итак:

It’s a good idea to begin planning early for your presentation. You will have a

total of seven speeches in class. Below is a list of speeches you will be assigned and the

amount of time you have to present them.


Begin now to think of topics that you would like to select. Keep in mind who you

are talking to: a general audience or a group of people from your area of studies.


Keep in mind that there is a time limit on all the speeches you will give. At home

you will need to time your speech to make sure that you won’t be taking time away from

another student.

If you have a good idea for a speech, but you know it will last at least 5 minutes

or longer, use it as your mid-term or final speech.


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I Interview / Introductions, 10-12 sentences maximum. In this speech

you will present another student from your group to the class.

Problem-Solution Speech, 18 sentences maximum. In this speech you

will discuss an economic problem that exists in Belarus or a problem in your field. Then

you will offer a solution to the problem and evaluate your solution.

Possible topics: Foreign investment in Belarus’ economy; inflation; unemployment;

GNP; economic growth; banking system; taxation policies; price formation, etc.

SftfiSBTKl Explaining a Visual, Graph or Chart, 2 minutes maximum. For this

speech you will need one visual to explain to the class. It can be a visual from a text,

magazine or newspaper. It has to relate your area of studies, e.g. macroeconomics,

international business, marketing, management, etc. Possible topics: Same as in Speech 2.

ech 4. Deflnition Speech, 10-12 sentences maximum. You will de-

fine a term from your area of studies for the class. You will also be expected

to give an extended (expanded) definition.

Possible topics: Productivity problem; inflation rate; budget deficit; GNP

and GDP; income distribution; demand a supply; exchange rate; foreign trade

deficit; multinational production, etc.

peech 5. i Mid-Term Speech From Your Area of Studies, 5-6 minutes

maximum. Keep in mind, however, that it must also be possible for a general

audience to follow. You will need 1 or 2 visuals for this speech.

Possible topics: See the above, plus add your own in accordance with

your term papers or research you are doing at the moment.

peech 6. I Summary Speech, 14 sentences maximum. You will be given

an article to summarize and then present to the class. The goals of this pres-

entation will be to enhance your ability to summarize clearly and succinctly

as well as to work specifically on pronunciation skills.

Possible topics: The World Bank’s report on the economic situation in the country;

big business; consumption and investment; saving and investment; interaction of supply

and demand; price policy in your country as compared


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Types of Presentations and Speeches ^7

to the rest of the world; unemployment problems, or any other topic from your area of

studies or research.

ШВЭЗЛЕ1 Final Presentation from your Major Area of Studies, 6-8

minutes maximum. Your goal is to incorporate the speech-giving strategies you have

learned in your presentation.

Possible topics: See all the above, plus any other that you are currently studying or

interested in.

Раздел 1. Виды презентаций и выступлений (Types of Presentations and Speeches)

1.1. Интервью c коллегой и представление его аудитории (Interview and introductions)


It is important to get to know your classmates, since they will be your audience

for all your presentations. For your first presentation you will introduce one of your

classmates to the class. That student will, in turn, introduce you.



1. Select a partner to interview.

2. Interview your partner. At the same time, your partner should interview

you. Find out information about your partner’s educational background, work

experience, interests and hobbies, travel and family that will interest the other

students in the class. Keep in mind that you both need to gather enough information

for your presentations before the end of the class.

3. For homework think about:

a) an introduction to your speech (see below)

b) what material you will include or omit

c) how you will organize the material you have collected (see below)


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Виды презентаций и выступлений

4. Practice your speech. Remember, you cannot read it to the class. You can,

however, have a few notes written on a small note-card.

At home record your speech 2 times on an audio cassette without reading it.

Listen and evaluate your presentation using the check sheet (see below). Also, count

the number of sentences to make sure there are no more than 12 of them.

5. Come to class prepared and confident that you will do a good job.


There are several different ways you can organize your introduction speech. The

pattern your chose may require you to use certain organization or transition words to link

the information together in a coherent way. Here are a few suggestions (see also Section 2

of this chapter to have a larger choice):

1. Organize your speech chronologically from past to present. Or, you can also organize

it from present to past, which is more difficult. If you use a chronological order, you

may need to use such time transitions as;

- In 1991...

■ After he/she finished...

■ When he/she was eighteen...

2. Organize your speech by areas such as employment, education, interests, family. If

you choose this organization pattern, you may wish to use transition expressions to

change from one area to another, like

■ Even though Alex studies, he saves time for one of his special interests, chess.

■ Besides her studies, an important aspect of Olga’s life is her family.

3. Organize your speech by listing your partner’s achievements. Use simple transition

words for listing each achievement, such as:

First...Second....Third... In addition...Moreover....Also...

4. Organize your speech by contrasting your partner’s life before his/her entering the

University with his/her life now. To show contrast, you need to use transition words


■ however

■ in contrast

■ but


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Types of Presentations and Speeches E?


What organization pattern will I use?

What transition words can I use to move smoothly from one part of

my speech to the next?


You can begin your speech in a straightforward way by saying something like:

■ This is....

• I’d like to introduce you to....

Or, you can begin by asking a question:

■ Have you ever met someone who....?

Or, you can tell something interesting about the partner before you introduce him or


■ Here is a young lady who has travelled to many countries. Now she is studying

International Business (Marketing, Management, etc.) at the Belarus State

Economic University in Minsk. Her name is....

Which of the above introductions do you think is more effective? Why? How

will you begin your speech?


Before you listen to each other’s introductory speeches, study the evaluation

form (a check list) designed by Susan M. Reinhart of the English Language Institute at the

University of Michigan. You will use it as a guide to give the speaker oral feedback about

his or her strengths and weaknesses.

What suggestions do you have for the speaker? Your comments will help the speaker

improve his or her speaking skills for the next presentation.


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Виды презентаций и выступлений


Name of presenter:,

Introduction (got audience attention)

Needs work (give comments)

Good OK , (not bad)

Organization (clear, easy to follow)

Transition words (their effective use

to connect ideas)

Hand gestures (expressive,


Eye contact (looked at everyone)

Information (interesting, appropriate)

Voice (confident)

Pronunciation (easy to understand)

Pace (not too fast or slow)

1.2. Выступление с описанием проблемы и её решения (Problem-Solution Speech)


For your second presentation you will give a problem-solution speech. You may

discuss either a theoretical problem from your field of studies or a problem of Belarus’




You should use a four-part structure for your presentation:

1. Description of the situation 2. Identification of the problem 3. Description of a solution 4. Evaluation of the solution


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Types of Presentations and Speeches

During the first part, set the scene or provide background for introducing the


During the second part, clearly present the problem, so that your audience can

understand it.

In the third part, tell the audience what your solution to the problem is or what

you think would be the best solution. If the problem has already been solved, explain how

it was solved.

During the fourth part, evaluate the solution by briefly discussing its strengths

and weaknesses.


1. Think of a problem in one of the areas mentioned above. If the problem is very

complex, limit it or choose a different topic.

2. Make sure that your description of the situation and the problem is clear. If not, your

audience will have problems following you.

At various points during your presentation, check to see if your audience is

following you (See: Checking for Understanding below).

Keep in mind that you do not want to lose your audience during your

presentation. One technique that good speakers use is to ask a question. You may wish to

do this for one or more of the following reasons:

■ to get the audience’s attention

■ to make sure the audience is following you

■ to have a dialogue with the audience

■ to focus the audience’s attention on the topic of your presentation by asking a

question that you plan to answer during your speech (this is called a rhetorical


3. Use appropriate transitions from one section of your speech to another. Here are

some examples:

■ One of the biggest problems facing me when I entered the Department of

International Business of the University was....

■ There have been two major criticisms of this solution. The first is....

4. Practice your speech. Record it two times on an audio cassette.

H|i Remember, you cannot read it to the class. You can, however, 1^1 have a few notes written on a small note card in the form of an out-



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Виды презентаций и выступлений

Неге is ап example of an outline that could be used for a presentation in class:

GNP (Gross National Product)

1) Introduction

2) Definition (if time allows, distinguish real GNP from nominal GDP)

3) How to compute GNP (give the GNP identity and explain each component)

4) Historical data (some GNP data of the USA and Belarus or Russia in comparison)


When you give a presentation, it is important to ask if the audience is following

you. Some members of the audience may have problems understanding your accent or

even key vocabulary words you mispronounce. Therefore, remember to pause at

appropriate breaks to check for understanding so that you will not “lose your audience”.


You can use one of the following expressions to check for understand-

Are you following me?

Do you have any questions?

Do you understand so far?

Is that clear?

OK so far?


In a classroom presentation, you as a listener may wish to ask for clarification. It

is generally a good idea to raise your hand if you have a question.

Here are some expressions to use when asking for clarification:

■ Could you repeat that?

■ I’m sorry, I didn’t understand that.

■ I’m sorry. Could you say the last sentence again?


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Types of Presentations and Speeches


The organizational structure you are to use in your speech has already been

given to you. As you plan your speech, make sure you have included all the four parts.

Think of transition sentences, which will effectively lead your listeners from one

part to the next. (Consult Section 2 of this Chapter.)


1) TOPIC (interesting, relevant,

appropriate for audience)

Good OK Needs work



2) INTRODUCTION (got audience

attention and keep it, imaginative)

3) ORGANISATION (clear, easy to

follow, speech had 4 parts)

4) TRANSITIONS (made clear

transitions between the 4 parts of


5) EYE CONTACT (looked at everyone,

didn’t focus on the ceiling, windows or

1-2 people)

6) VOICE (good volume, enthusiastic, confident)


understand, pronounced key words


8) PACE (good pace, not too fast or slow)


(checked to see if the audience was

following at the appropriate time)

10) YOUR WEAK AREA - - -


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Виды презентаций и выступлений


1. The Effect of the Chernobyl Accident in Belarus

As a result of the Chernobyl nuclear power station’s explosion in 1986, the Republic of Belarus has been faced with a serious ecological problem.

After the Chernobyl accident, almost 23% of the republic’s territory is now badly contaminated with Cesium-137. Most of the Homel region has been affected by the radioactive Iodine contamination. This has led to a sharp increase of the number of people suffering from the thyroid gland cancer.

In addition, the air pollution makes the situation more complicated. Various harmful substances once discharged into the atmosphere cause even more mutations than radiation does. For example, only in Minsk 20% of all the infants are born with serious health defects. Unfortunately, the government does not seem to be helpful.

In this situation, people should take care of themselves and not wait for somebody’s assistance from aside. First, badly contaminated areas should be closed, and agricultural activities in all the other regions contaminated with radioactive elements should be restricted and controlled.

Second, much higher fines should be imposed on the enterprises polluting the air, water and land. It is also important to instruct and inform the population, for example, about the use of medications and consumption of food. The above measures combined with a number of others, in my opinion, might give us a chance for survival.

(Anna F., a 3'^‘‘-year student)

2. ’The Impact of Foreign Financing in Belarus

Foreign financing is a kind of financial activity concerning financial funds or assets transferred through state borders.

Normally, a state tends to attract this kind of financing when its economy is short of internal financial resources. The Republic of Belarus, however, due to unwise policy in the sphere of economic reforms, is experiencing lack of negotiable assets. At the moment, a certain amount of foreign financing is badly required for the country.

There are three main levels of foreign financing. The first of them is the level of international financial organizations, such as the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank. These organizations were established in order to accumulate financial resources of developed countries and distribute them among the less developed ones. The second source of foreign financing an interstate agreement on credits. And the third level is direct foreign investments. It is obvious that the latter have the biggest potential. At the same time, they are the most difficult to attract.

In Belarus, for the reasons mentioned above, the IMF and the World Bank are very reluctant to deal with the government. As a result, it is almost impossible to attract direct foreign investments any longer. To improve the situation, in my opinion.


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Types of Presentations and Speeches ^7

our republic needs to have a constitution which will not allow to violate law and human

rights as well as a realistic economic programme which will enable to overcome the crisis

and implement market reforms.

My understanding is that the above solution measures will hardly be taken in the

near future. As a result, the level of foreign financing will fall to zero, which is very sad to

state. iSeree\ Y.. a 3'^''-year student)

3. International Business Activities in Belarus

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, when Belarus was almost closed for foreign businesses, very little has changed in fact. The early 90-ies saw an influx of multinationals starting their operation in the country (for example, Coca-Cola, Wella, Ford Union, etc.). But as the situation has substantially hardened since 1994, with numerous restrictions and regulations imposed, the number of new foreign companies opening in Belarus has dropped almost to zero.

The problems which occur hereby are but evident: since the Belarus’ infrastructure and industrial complex are extremely underdeveloped, they require a great deal of investment, which cannot be obtained in the domestic market; the same is true for the research and development activities. Taken as a whole, the problem is that extremely high regulation level of international business prevents the country’s economy from receiving a desirable inflow of foreign investment.

The solution to this problem is complex and includes a great variety of options, but there are certain measures that must be taken by all means to provide a basis for successful international business activities in Belarus. First, one needs to liberalize foreign exchange policy. Then, an adoption of more liberal taxation and licensing regulation acts is sure to enhance international business. Next, the government will have to provide serious guarantees for the security of private property and introduce more liberal procedures for foreigners to purchase property, including land. Finally, it is necessary to provide stable and sufficient flow of investment. It is in Belarus’ interests to normalize its relations with the World Bank, IMF, and WTO.

The above measures seem quite radical in relation to the current situation in Belarus. So one can hardly expect these steps to be implemented, as long as the government sticks to the policy of utmost administrative control over the economy.

(Yura K.. a 3'‘‘- year student)

4. Monetary Policy of Belarus: Problems and Solutions

Economies in transition face a wide range of problems concerning changes in economic structure and infrastructure, introduction of new forms of ownership,

stabilization of national currencies, and liberalization of international business relations. In Belarus these problems tend to become more acute due to inconsistent policy of the government. Monetary policy of Belarus seems to be the most complex sphere of the overall economic

policy. It incorporates a set of interconnected problems whose solving is


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Виды презентаций и выступлений

crucial for the development of the economy as a whole in the modern market

environment. Constant depreciation of the local currency, the Belarusian Rubel,

combined with high rates of inflation and multiplicity exchange rate form a negative

background for efficient production and further integration of Belarus into the pattern of

economic relations.

The government cannot but search for resolving these problems. Strict control of prices has been established, an official exchange rate was fixed at an overvalued level,

plus denomination of the national currency has been announced without any guarantees of

its stabilization. As a result, the black market is prospering, the inflation is speeding up,

with printing empty money still going on, thereby turning the Belarusian Rubel into

useless paper. The national currency is losing its main functions, such as the measure and

store of value and means of payment. Meanwhile, there exist market solutions of the monetary policy problems.

Alongside with a complete set of structural reforms, the government should take some

urgent measures in order to curb inflation, including imposing tough budget constraints,

liberalization of prices, and establishing an independent banking system.

Combined with a secure system of law, the above measures will also contribute

to attracting foreign investment and encouraging more efficient production. They will become an excellent foundation for further reforms and growth.

(Anna A., a 3 -year student)

1.3. Презентация c описанием наглядности (Explaining Visuals)


Now you will have the opportunity to make a short 2-3 minute presentation. The

purpose of the presentation is to explain a visual from your field. It can be a simple graph,

a chart or a table from your area of studies. Good places to look for visuals are in your

economics text-books, or magazines and newspapers, e.g. “The Financial Times”, “The

Economist”, “Belarusian Market”, “Belorusskaya Delovaya Gazeta” “Belorusskaya

Gazeta”, etc. Remember to cite the source at the bottom.


In English, common ways to organize information include:

1. From general to specific. Tell what the visual as a whole is about. Then begin to

explain the specific details.

2. Linear or spatial order. Start at one point in the visual and then proceed clockwise

or linearly to the next point. This organization is common when describing a



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Types of Presentations and Speeches ^7

3. Chronological Order. Some graphs represent years and historical changes. If

yours does, start from past and move to present. If your graph tells a history, use

chronological order.

4. Comparison / Contrast. Some visuals are a comparison between two objects. One

way to organize a comparison speech is first to talk about one object and then

compare or contrast it with the other. Another way is to compare one aspect of the

first object with one aspect of the second object and then compare the second of the

aspect of the first object with the second aspect of the second object.

5. Cause and Effect. Some visuals show an action (act, event or movement) and the

result or effect of this action. Some speakers start by explaining the action and then

describe the result or effect. Others may begin with the result (the effect) and then

explain what action caused it.

6. Combination. Combine organizational types, e.g. do a chronological comparison.


What transition words will you use with each of these organizational patterns?

Some categories of phrases from section 2 of this chapter may be particularly

useful here.

When you are presenting, use the following Verbal Stratagems from Section 2 of this Chapter;

- Explaining (4)

- Highlighting / Emphasizing issues (8)

- Referencing / Linking (9)

- Supplementing / Linking / Expanding (19)

When you are responding to a question, use;

- Digressing (10)

- Buying time / Hedging (15)

- Self-Correcting (16)

- Acquiescing / Placating (27)

As a listener;

When you are not a presenter, you will be responsible for asking at least one question

to one or another presenter. Your question should include a verbal stratagem. It will be

useful to review the following categories;


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£7 Виды презентаций и выступлений

- Opinion giving (2)

- Buffering (17)

- Clarifying / Confirming / Paraphrasing (18)

- Questioning / Information Seeking / Doubting (20)

- Disagreeing / Negating / Countering (24)


Carefully go through all the questions on the check list:

1. Is my visual, graph or chart interesting yet simple enough to explain in 2- 3 minutes


2. Is my visual too complex for a general audience to understand? (If so, choose

another one.)

3. How have I organized my presentation? Have I chosen an organizational plan that

fits my topic?

4. How will I make sure my audience is following me? When is a good time to stop and

ask them?

5. What questions might the audience ask me about my visual?

6. Is my speech longer than 2-3 minutes? If so, how will I cut it down?

7. Have I practiced my speech twice and put it on tape?



for example namely that is

an example of this specifically a case in point

in other words in particular for instance

frequently to illustrate

lumeration / Sequence

first, second... finally before

moreover also another in addition next afterwards

then after again

furthermore later


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Types of Presentations and Speeches ^7



also just as

not only...but also likewise

in the same way / manner





on the other hand

conversely in fact




in spite of



even though unlike

in contrast on the

contrary despite









as a result



as a consequence for

this reason because








as a matter of fact true




m summary in

brief to sum up

in conclusion on

the whole in


to conclude

to summarize


There are a number of words in English used to express contrast. This is

especially important to know when explaining visuals, graphs and charts.


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£7 Виды презентаций и выступлений

The most common of them is but. However is also used quite often, especially

in academic speaking. These contrast words can be used to

1) relate one sentence to another, as in:

Both processes are simple to perform. However, the first one is less time-


Inflation results in a rise in price levels. Deflation, in contrast, effects a decline in


2) relate parts of the same sentence to each other, as in:

Both processes are simple to perform, but the first one is less time- consuming.

Inflation results in a rise in price levels, whereas deflation effects a decline in prices.

Notice that some words are used to relate two sentences to each other (however, in

contrast) while others are used to relate two parts of the same sentence to each other (but,

whereas). Therefore, sometimes one contrast word cannot be simply substituted for

another without re-writing the sen- tence(s).

What other contrast words do you know?

Do you use them 1) to relate two sentences to each other or 2) to relate two

parts of the same sentence to each other? Make a list of those words.

(1) but


(2) however

in contrast

There is another reason why one contrast word cannot always be substituted for

another. The meaning of the two words may be different. For example, you might have

thought that on the contrary and in contrast (or on the other hand) have the same

meaning, but they don’t.

Look at these two examples and see if you can explain the difference, on the



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Types of Presentations and Speeches C?

A: All children in the United States have a bright future.

B: On the contrary. This year’s statistics shows that one fourth of all American

children live below the poverty level.

in contrast, on the other hand '

Women’s salaries in the United States are about 25% lower than men’s. In contrast

(On the other hand), Swedish women make only 11 % less than Swedish men.

On the contrary is used to express disagreement with the previous statement. In

contrast and on the other hand are used to show difference or contrast.

Note: On the other hand can be used in a discussion to argue pros and cons of an

issue, but not in contrast.

E. g.: The US government supports the principles of a democratic society. On the

other hand, it has also propped up military regimes all over the world.


Nevertheless also has a different meaning from on the other hand and in contrast.

Look at these two examples. Can you explain the difference?

These two examples help explain why:

A) U.S. immigration laws impose fines on employers who hire illegal aliens.

Nevertheless, millions of illegal aliens are working in the United States.

B) Some European countries only admit small numbers of immigrants each year.

The USA, on the other hand (in contrast) , accepts over a half a million

immigrants annually.

Here, nevertheless has the same meaning as in spite of the fact, even so, or even

though this is true. On the other hand simply points to a difference.


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Ez Виды презентаций и выступлений

even though

Even though and nevertheless have the same meaning. However, they cannot be

used interchangeably, i.e. substitute each other. Why not? Look at the following example

and compare it with the one above.

Even though U.S. immigration laws impose fines on employers who hire illegal

aliens, millions of illegal aliens are working in the United States.


Another confusing contrast word is conversely. Look at the following example to

see if you can understand the meaning. Why is the use of conversely very limited in


When the quality of goods goes up, the demand rises. Conversely, when the quality

of goods goes down, the demand falls.

Conversely is only used in English to introduce an opposite or reverse concept of the

one already mentioned. It is not used for disagreement or contrast, unless the contrast is an

exact opposite.


Instead is also considered a contrast word, but it is used very differently from the

contrast words mentioned above. Look at the following example. What is its meaning?

How is it used?

The discussion did not focus on macroeconomics. Instead, it concerned

microeconomic issues.

How could you rewrite the above example as one sentence instead of two?


However is more versatile because it can be used to mean on the other hand,

in contrast and nevertheless. It should not be used in place of conversely because it does

not specifically express a reverse concept. Nor can it be used to mean on the contrary

because it does not express total dis


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Types of Presentations and Speeches ^7

agreement with a prior statement. Nor can it be used in place of instead to mean “as a

substitute or alternative”.

similarly, likewise

Similarly and likewise are used to show comparison or similarity. Read the

following example;

Prices depend on demand and supply. Similarly, the exchange rate is determined by

demand and supply of the currency.


Here we are going to focus on:

1. Useful prepositions for discussing graphs, charts and tables.

2. Using dates.

3. Discussing amounts, differences and changes.

Price of gold per ounce in 1987-1992

Source: “Fortune”, February 10, 1992.


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Е/ Виды презентаций и выступлений

Рау attention to the use of prepositions:

On January 1992, the price of gold was $356 per ounce.

At the end of 1987 the price of gold was almost $500 per ounce.

In 1987 the price of gold rose.

During 1988 the price of gold fell.

Gold stood at $400 at the end of 1988.

The price from $400 to $500 in 1987.

The price rose by almost $100 in one year.

There was a drop о/about $100 in 1988.

The price stayed relatively flat in 1991.

Now insert the necessary prepositions:

Applications _____ business school were virtually flat ________ the years 1990-

1993. While graduate school applications as a whole increased every year

____ 1985 __ 1990, law school applications declined _______ 1990 from the

previous year. ___ the same period, business school applications fell __________

90,000 __ 78,000.

Keep in mind whether a noun is countable or uncountable when discuss-

ing information presented in your visuals


many employees too many

reports few options

a few units


a great deal of time

a large amount of work

too much work

little equipment

a little money

Fill in the blanks with the necessary words from the above table:

1. __ employees are leaving work early every day.

2. __ employees cannot get to work on time when there is a snow


3. We have ___ money left for new equipment.

4. __ workers always play basketball at lunch.

5. Since we have ____ work to do we can leave early.

6. __ people like to work for free.


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Types of Presentations and Speeches

The graph below shows the position of the Dow Jones Industrial Average from 9:30

AM to 4:00 PM on May 11,1993.

(Source; Wall Street Journal, May 12, 1993)

10 A.M. Noon 2


Source: Knight-Fiddler Tradecenter

4 P.M. 3,425

Describe the graph filling in the spaces in the following sentences.

Choose between:

a) increased sharply (surged dramatically);

b) prices fell dramatically;

c) sharp decline;

d) remained generally steady (fluctuated slightly);

e) they fell and then rebounded;

f) overall prices increased slightly;

g) rising sharply and continuing steadily up.

1. The graph shows a ............................................. in prices in the last hour of


2. From 9:30 to 10:00 prices .....................................................................................

3. Similarly, the hour from 10:00 to 11:00 saw prices ............................ .... ............

4. From noon until 2:00 PM prices ...........................................................................

5. Between 3:00 and 4:00 .........................................................................................

6. In the last hour of trading ................................................... .... ............................

7. In general, on May 11"’ the DJIA ................................................................. ... ..


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Виды презентаций и выступлений

Making Reference to а Visual

If you use visuals in a text, you must make some references to them Here are

some ways to do it:-

These data are presented in Figure / Table 1.

T h e t a b l e b e l o w T he

f i g u r e a b o v e T he

f o l l o w i n g c h a r t

S h o w s

I l l u s t r a t e s

R e v e a l s

A s s e e n i n

A s c a n b e s e e n i n ------ V F i g u r e / T a b l e 1 ,

A s s h o w n i n i n C h a r t 1 ,

^ A s i s s h o w n i n , i

E.g.; As can be seen from Table 4, the number of students admitted decreased for

several years before rising again.

NOTICE that these passive forms are unusual in that they have no subjects. We do not say/write: Лз it can be seen in Table 4.. .because this means something different (a causal relationship is introduced).


As [^because] it has been proved, the theory can now be put into practice.

As has been proved, the theory has practical applications.

Now practice AS-clauses with prepositions;

As is shown _____ the following formula, ...

As can be seen ____ Table 1, ...

As was stated ____ the beginning ____ this unit, ...

As was mentioned _____the footnote ____ page 23, ...

As will be demonstrated _____ the next chapter, ...

As is often the case ____materials ___ this type, ...

As can be seen ____ comparing the two curves _______ the graph, ...

As can be seen ____ comparison _____ the results____ columns 3 and 4, ...


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Types of Presentations and Speeches ^7

Discussing the Visual

Visuals in the texts (presentations) are there to help the reader (audience)

understand data more easily and quickly. In discussing your visuals do not merely write

(say) what is already obvious. Use the visual to support your point by discussing some

interesting features of it drawing some conclusions from it;

- The trend/pattern revealed by this graph suggests that...

- If this pattern/trend continues,...

- From this chart/graph we can predict that...

- One pattern that becomes clear from this is...

- Looking at this table, we can conclude that...

- The column on the right illustrates...

- The rows show...


When discussing charts, graphs, and tables, you may find it useful to modify

statements about change, stability, or comparison by using adjectives or adverbs of


Greatest extremely / considerably significantly / markedly / noticeably \

a great deal \ very/quite \ rather / fairly / some\«hat \ slightly Least \ marginally

The following adverbs are useful for discussing accuracy:

entirely precisely almost nearly roughly approximately


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Виды презентаций и выступлений

Describing Graphs, Tables, and Charts

Here are some useful terms for describing visual information:

dramatic rapid sharp

an increase a rise to increase

rise grow

moderate appreciate steady graduai small slight negiigible

abrupt steep sudden

a decrease deciine fali drop

to peak/ reach a peak

/ to piateau/ reach a piateau

/ / /to ievei off/ remain level

/ ------------ ► to be/ remain constant/ steady/ stable


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Types of Presentations and Speeches £7

1.4. Выступление, содержащее определение (Definition Speech)


In your field of studies you use many important terms. When you are giving an

oral presentation, you may need to define one or more of those terms for different reasons.

One reason is to make it easier for others to follow you.

Another reason is to contrast one term with another.

Or. you might want your audience to know that you are using the term to mean one

thing, whereas others may use the same term to mean something else.


Some speakers make their definition speech more interesting by opening their

speech with a question or personal experience, such as “Have you ever experienced a

strange sensation...?” or “Yesterday I read in the paper that...” This technique helps

convey to the average person the meaning of the term by relating it to an everyday



1) Before you define a term, place it in a setting. A setting is a general idea of studies in

which the term is used or a general category in which the term is located.

2) After that, give an explanation or definition of the term.

3) Follow the definition with an extended definition. You can expand your definition by

using an analogy, giving examples or contrasting the concept you are defining with

another concept. If you are defining an object, you can analyze its parts or discuss its


MAXIMUM LENGTH: 10-12 sentences

Remember, keep it short. Think of definition as only part of a longer speech you

are giving.


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Виды презентаций и выступлений


1. In preparing your speech, first ask yourself if the term you want to define is relevant

and interesting to your audience.

2. Think of an introduction that will capture the audience’s attention and at he same

time relate the term you will define to the audience’s experience.

3. Ask yourself what general setting or category the term you have chosen belongs in.

4. Think about how you can convey the meaning of the term by using one or more of

the following: an example, an illustration, an analogy, a personal experience, or a

comparison with another term.

5. If you contrast your term with another term, be sure that the audience also

understands the meaning of both terms.

6. Record your presentation two times on an audio cassette. If it is more than 12

sentences long, you will have to shorten it by removing repetitive or less


7. When you present your speech, remember to check for understanding. Think about

when you should do this. Where might the audience have trouble following you? Be

prepared to give further examples or explanations when necessary.

8. Prepare an outline of your speech.


(See: John Swales and Christine Peak, 1994:45-47)

So far we have dealt only with sentence definitions. In some cases one sentence

may be enough before continuing with your General-Specific passage. however, in others,

it may be useful to expand your definition. In this way you can demonstrate your

knowledge of a concept more fully. An extended definition usually begins with a

general, one-sentence definition and then becomes more specific as additional details

are provided.

There may be a need to display one or more of the following.

■ an analysis of components (if you are defining an object)

A microscope is an optical instrument with which the apparent size of an object

can be enhanced. A simple microscope consists of a double convex lens and a magnifying



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Types of Presentations and Speeches £7

A discussion of major and minor components may also be useful. ■ examples

Pollution is a form of environmental contamination resulting from human

activity. Some common forms of pollution are wastes from the burning of fossil fuels and

sewage running into rivers.

■ a knowledge of applications

An acrylic plastic is a polymer which can take a high polish, is clear and

transparent and can be shaped while hot. Because of these and other characteristics,

acrylic plastic is ideally suited for airplane windshield.

■ future predictions

A compact disc (CD) is an optical storage medium onto which information has

been recorded digitally. In CD recording of sound, sound waves are converted into digital

numbers and inscribed on the disc. The digital data on the disc is read by a laser beam,

thus eliminating any form of mechanical friction that could distort sound quality. CDs can

also be used to store images as well as information. As optical data storage techniques

improve, CD technology will become more widespread and may someday entirely

replace magnetic storage.

(NOTICE in the above definition that the full name of the term -

compact disc - is given before introducing and using the acronym CD)

An extended definition may also include information regarding operating

principles or causes and effects. A description of operating principles is also known

as a process analysis.


Self - Evaluation

1. My introduction captured the audience’s attention

2.1 gave the general setting for the word

3.1 clearly defined the word

4. My expanded explanation of the word

was clear and interesting. I used an illustration,

analogy, personal experience, etc.

5. I used appropriate transition words

yes / somewhat / no

yes / somewhat / no

yes / somewhat / no

yes / somewhat / no

yes / somewhat / no

5 Зак. 1877 129

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Виды презентаций и выступлений

6.1 made а short but appropriate conclusion yes / somewhat / no

The weak area(s) I’ve chosen to work on this week is (are):

I have improved

Explain: _______

a lot / somewhat /not very much

Evaluation of other areas

I have improved my eye contact: much a lot /somewhat / not very

My gestures looked more natural: yes/somewhat/not very much

My voice was confident: yes /1 need to speak louder

I’ve improved my pronunciation: I

remembered to check for clarification


yes / somewhat /not very much

the end of my speech: yes / no My pace has improved: yes /somewhat /not very much

1.5. Выступление no изучаемой специальности (Speech from Your area of Studies)


Your mid-term speech is going to be based on your area of studies. Below you

will find some tips on how to choose a topic.


Keep in mind that your speech must:

be in your area of academic studies

be an absolute maximum length of 4-5 minutes

have a strong, well organized introduction

be well organized

include 1-2 visuals


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Types of Presentations and Speeches ^7


In preparing your speech, think about your strengths and weaknesses. Evaluate

yourself. What can you do to overcome your weaknesses?


strength OK weakness 1. interesting topic from your field

2.. strong, well organized introduction

3. good organization throughout

4. good use of transition words

5. able to get audience participation

6. good eye contact

7. relaxed, appropriate hand gestures

8. sensitive to audience understanding

9. clear, informative visuals

10. good voice control, confident

11. clear pronunciation, especially key words

12. good pace (not too fast or slow)

13. prepared to answer questions


Brain storm. Write down 6-7 topics in your area of studies that might be possible

speech topics. Look through text-books, magazines, newspapers and your class notes for

ideas. Ask yourself if any of these topics are too complex or long. If so, can you simplify

or narrow them? If not, toss them out.

Don’t be afraid to ask your Business English instructor for help in selecting an

appropriate topic. After you have chosen several possible topics, run them by some of

your classmates to see what they think.


Remember, you introduction is the most important part of your presentation.

During your introduction your goals are to interest the audience in your topic and tell

them what you plan to talk about.


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Виды презентаций и выступлений


Think about the topic you have chosen and the type of organization, such as

chronological order, spatial order, listing, cause and effect, process, and comparison and

contrast. What type or types are the most appropriate for the topic you have chosen? What

transition words will make your presentation more coherent and flowing?


If you have a short conclusion, you will probably not need to worry about how to

organize it. You will only need to choose an appropriate transition word to signal to the

audience that you are concluding. However, if you want to summaries what you have

talked about during your speech and draw a conclusion, you will need to organize.

Sometimes it is useful to look at the organization you used in the body of your speech

before developing your conclusion. Also, you may need some special transition words to

make your final point such as therefore or by now you should...

Mid-Term Speech (Preparation Task)

Please fill in and give to your Business English instructor:

Your name ...........................................................

Topic of your speech ..........................................

Introduction: (Make sure it is well organized),

Outline of your speech;


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Types of Presentations and Speeches


Financial-Industrial Groups

My presentation is devoted to my project in macroeconomics. It deals with the

problem of creation of Financial-Industrial Groups (FIGs) in Russia and Belarus. The

project in general discloses the present state and prospects of FIGs in those two countries. It has three chapters. Chapter I deals with the theoretical issues of FIGs. Chapter 2 is about

the present state of FIGs and the problems of their functioning in Russia. Chapter 3

focuses on the formation of FIGs in Belarus. 1 am going to present the main idea of my

project here according to this plan.

Let me start with the definition of the Financial-Industrial Group. This can be

defined as an informal integration of industrial companies, financial organizations (such as banks, insurance companies, investment funds, etc.), research, trade, construction and

other companies which maintain steady financial economic relations. FIG is a form of

economic dependence juridically independent companies (legal entities).

Among FIGs one can find corporations, concerns, holdings. Many FIGs are

multinationals (e.g. Panasonic, Daewoo, Volkswagen, etc.) They are widespread in the

world now. At present, there are about 40,000 FIGs and multinational. They have about 180,000 subsidiaries in 150 countries.

There are a few ways of creating FIGs depending on the purpose of their


- Dividing. (Fiat was divided into 12 companies to allow each of them to get to the

market of capital.)

- Gemmation (1950. Toyota ; Toyota -i- Toyota Motor Sales) - Take-over and Merging

(1996. Boeing + McDonald Douglas; Volkswagen : Skoda)

The majority of FIGs are created on a voluntary basis. In this case they are more

effective. However, for Belarus, with a large share of state property, the command method

is important, too.

In addition to the issues that I have already touched upon, it is important to talk about the management of FIGs.

1. Coordination of activities through a holding company that holds the control

package of shares belonging to subsidiaries.

2. Coordination via a bank.

3. Trust management.

4. Crossed share holdings.

5. Open joint stock companies. The advantages of FIGs as compared to other forms of business are as follows:

1. The union of financial, production and trade capital gives a chance to shorten the period of capital circulation to attract investment to viable production projects and increase the profits of all the participants of the FIG.


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Виды презентаций и выступлений

2. А bank is interested in operating the assets of the FIG, including the investment. By

investing in the FIG, the bank reduces the risk of a loss.

3. From the technological point of view, there are 3 types of the FIGs:

■ vertically integrated (their advantage is not paying VAT)

■ horizontally integrated (enterprises from the same market increase their share in

the market) • diversified (enterprises from different markets explore new markets)-

FIG may also become the cause of monopolism.

4. FIG provides the labour market with a lot of jobs.

In Russia the first formal FIG did not appear until 1993. The largest of them

belong to extractive, machine-building and chemical industry. At present, there exist

about 30 formal FIGs in Russia (e.g. Nizhni Novgorod automobiles). It also has about 100

informal ones (e.g. Gasprom, Menatep, LogoVAZ)

In Belarus, the main purpose of creating FIGs was to defend the market from foreign companies and products as well as to reorganize industry, to attract investments

and restore the economic ties of the former USSR. One can mention here a joint stock

company «Slavneft», a number of state-owned concerns and amalgamations in the tractor

and automobile manufacturing industries, telecommunications and others,

[Attached to the paper was a chart presenting the organizational structure of a

Financial-Industrial Group.]

To conclude, FIGs are treated in modern economy as a fast growing tendency of

its financial and industrial development. They speed up the creation of corporations and

concerns. The new independent states of the former Soviet Union are no exception in this


(Dmitri B., a 2"‘‘-year student, upper intermediate level group)

1.6. Презентация-обобщение (Summary Speech)


If you are asked to give a presentation, you may to include a summary of

information contained in one or more texts.

For your б"’ presentation, you will read a text and summaries it. Then you will

both present your summary to the class and give your impression of the text.

SPECIFIED MAXIMUM LENGTH: 15 sentences including your impression of the text.


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Types of Presentations and Speeches


1. When you summarize, it is necessary to decide what the most important information

in the article is and then organize that material so that the audience will understand


2. Think about the type of article you have read. How is it arranged? Is it a

news article which answers the questions of “who”, “what”, “where”, “when” and

“why”? Is it a story that is arranged in a chronological order? Is it a problem-solution

text with a standard organizational pattern? Is it a comparison between two entities

or people? Or, does it focus on a controversy where several sides are presented?

3. Make an outline of your speech. Will you organize the same way as the write or does

it make sense to organize the information in the way that suits you beat? Remember,

you are to comment on the article after you summaries it.

4. Make a written outline. Follow a standard outline form:

• Introduction - Body

A. B. C.

- Conclusion


Summarize the text in your own words. Do not use the words of the author

unless you indicate to the audience that you are quoting. Paraphrasing is an important

aspect of academic speaking and writing. Plagiarism, or using someone else’s words

without citing them, is not allowed in academic work.


After your summary, you will give a short opinion of the text. You may wish to

use a standard transition before stating your opinion, such as In my opinion or I agree

with the author of the article that... You may wish


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Виды презентаций и выступлений

to state your opinion in a forceful way, such as I strongly disagree with the author’s

contention that... or in less harsh tones such as The author makes a good point when s/he

says.... However, I think that...


1. Carefully read over the text. Before beginning to write your summary,

make sure you understand what the author has said. Look up the key vocabulary

words in your dictionary.

2. Study the organizational pattern of the author and decide whether you will

use the same or a different pattern in your summary.

3. Underline the major points the author makes and eliminate any information

that is not essential to the summary.

4. Make an outline of your summary. Remember to use the organizational pattern you

think best fits the information. Choose transition words that best communicate to the

audience the organization you have chosen.

5. Paraphrase the ideas of the author of the text. Use your own words in your

summary rather than the words of the author. If you wish to quote from the text,

indicate to the audience that you are quoting the author’s words.

6. Prepare a short statement of your impression or opinion of the text. Remember to use

appropriate transition words.


Read the following two sentences:

In recent years, the number of students applying to the Ph.D. program has

increased steadily, while the number of places available has remained the same. This

situation has resulted in greater competition for admission.

What does the word the situation refer to? What is the effect of using this instead

of the or that!

Situation is a summary word; it refers back to the idea of the previous sentence

without repeating it all.

Which summary words would you choose to complete the following?

Early in September each year the population of Ann Arbor suddenly

increases by about 25,000 people. This ........................... changes the character of

the town in a number of ways.

a) influx b) growth c) invasion d) rise e) jump


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Types of Presentations and Speeches ^7

Can you think of any other possibilities?

Summary words are nouns. Many of them refer to statements or mental events of

some kinds rather than physical facts. This phenomenon (summary word!) is one reason

they are so important in academic writing and speaking.

Here is another example:

Nowadays, portable laptop computer are lighter, more powerful and

easier to use than they were five years ago. These ..................................... have led to

an increase in the sales of these machines.

a) changes b) developments c) advances d) improvements

Below are pairs of sentences in which a summary word in the 2 sentence will

refer to the idea of the sentence. Choose the appropriate summary word from the list










1. They said they would give us every support. This ............................... was very


2. They say they will cut off supplies very soon. This ...................... must be taken


3. He said there must have been 10,000 people present. This ....................................

seems somewhat exaggerated.

4. All men under 40 are required to do military service. This ......................... is re

sisted by certain religious groups.

5. They said they had been unable to find the cause of the explosion. This

............... aroused a good deal of concern.

6. The weather service says the dry weather will continue. This ................................

will doubtless be a relief to the farmers.

7. After a long delay they said they would support the project. This ..........................

came as a relief.


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Виды презентаций и выступлений

8. Не said he could supply the equipment at cost. This ................................ was ac

cepted immediately.

9. It seems they are not willing to help. This ............................. obviously reduces

our chances.

10. He said he could not possibly have known about it. This ......................... seems


Now choose an appropriate summary word for these passages:

1. President Clinton said that he wanted to raise the tax for cigarettes.

This ..................... was greeted with enthusiasm by medical organizations.

2. Ethnic rivalries have existed in this area for centuries. This ....................................

is not likely to change soon.

3. Investors have poured money into stock mutual funds over the past year.

This ....................... is attributed to the low interest rates available from other


4. The companies profits have gone down every year since a new competitor

entered the field. This ............................. may ultimately lead to declare bank


5. The CEO’s salary continued to increase even as the company lost market

share. This ........... angered many stockholders.

6. Is globalization a better strategy than localization? That ........................... contin

ues to be the main subject of discussion at management meetings.

7. Since 1980, when Congress passed the Superfund Act to reduce industrial pollution,

only 34 of the 1,245 identified priority sites have been cleaned up. During this time,

approximately 40% of the fund’s money has been

spent on trial litigation and administrative oversight. This ............................ is the

result of provisions for ;strict liability» in the law.

8. The advertising agency presented several new ad campaigns to the client.

None of the ..................... .... however, was quite what the client wanted.

9. The town’s main source of income dried up when a large factory moved its

operations to another state. This .............................. will affect the entire sur

rounding area for years to come.

10. Consumer spending has increased only negligibly over the past quarter.

Economists consider this ............................ a sign that confidence remains



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Types of Presentations and Speeches ^7

1.7. Заключительное выступление по основной изучаемой специальности (Final Speech from your Major Area of Study)


For your final presentation, you will have the opportunity to present a 5-7 minute

speech to the class on an academic topic of your choice. You will follow basically the

same procedure as for the mid-term presentation, with exceptions explained below.

The purpose of your final presentation is to incorporate the speaking skills we

have focused on this semester into a longer, well-developed presentation.


The procedure for your final speech will be different from the procedure we used

for the mid-term one.

Your speech must:

■ be in an area of academic studies

■ be on a topic of interest to students in the class

■ be an absolute length of 5-7 minutes

■ have a strong, well organized introduction that tells the audience what you are

planning to do in your speech (see instructions below)

* be well organized

■ include 1-3 visuals, one containing a short outline of your speech that you will use

during your introduction (se below)

■ be recorded on audio tape at least 2 times

For help in choosing your topic and organizing your speech and conclusion, look

at the mid-term speech.


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Виды презентаций и выступлений


Attached is а final evaluation form. Record your speech two times and listen to

it. Then fill in the self-evaluation form. Work on improving your weak areas. Then record

your speech one or two times more to evaluate your progress.


Think of the following advice to those giving an oral presentation;

- Tell them what you are going to tell them.

- Then tell them.

- Then tell them what you told them.

Plan your introduction carefully by doing the following:

Get your audience’s attention and introduce your topic. Then tell your

audience exactly what you are going to talk about. Use expressions like “First I’ll.... Then

I’m going to .... And last I’ll...” At the same time, show a visual that contains a short

outline of your speech.

Final Presentation (Preparation Task)

Please fill in and give to your Business English instructor.

Your name .............................................

Topic of your speech .............................

Introduction (see the instruction


Outline of your speech:


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Types of Presentations and Speeches ^7

Major Speech Evaluation

Name: ......................................

Scale: from 3 (needs work) to 5 (very good)

Content / Topic knowledgeable about the topic

provoked audience interest developed the topic



captured audience’s attention

clearly stated the topic

well organized


easy to follow, good use of transition words

highlighted important words

made a clear conclusion


communicated the meaning effectively,

defined the necessary words appropriate vocabulary effective grammar

pace appropriate for audience comprehension

(not too fast or slow)

Gestures / Eye Contact, Audience Engagement

maintained good eye contact

used helpful gestures to support the meaning ' body language relaxed

sensitive to audience’s understanding

gave appropriate response to questions

Voice Quality, Pronunciation

loud, clear and projected to audience

clear pronunciation, especially of key words intonation pattern aided

audience understanding

Visuals / Board Work

clear visuals

good blackboard work

Presentation Mark: Comments: ..................................................


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£7 Виды презентаций и выступлений

SAMPLE PRESENTATION EVALUATION (courtesy of Erica Weaver, CEP visiting lecturer in Belarus)

Student: Kate



Date of Presentation:

February 24, 2001

(ЭЯВ1Ш8 Excellent.You chose a good length of time. Although it was

shorter than 20 minutes, you were wise to judge the quality of what you

were doing (making an effective presentation) more important than arbi-

trary time guidelines.

You spoke in a way that your audience could understand, translated par-

ticularly difficult yet important words, and made good eye-contact to keep

your audience connected.

Particularly good was that you put your outline on the board. By providing

your audience with these well-organized notes, it made it easier for them

to follow your presentation. Since the goal of any presentation is commu-

nication with your audience, this was very well done.

ЯЙЯШ?! You presented all of the most relevant features of EU institu-

tional decision-making, and you did it in such a way that even complicated

mechanisms and processes were clear and easy to understand for someone

who hadn’t done the reading. Excellent You also included reference to in-

direct decision-making influences, such as interest-groups and agenda-

setting (the Commission), and tied in the key concepts of the Democratic

Deficit and the tension between efficiency and representation. For the pur-

poses of this class, you successfully included all the important aspects of

EU decision-making; you judged your audience well.


Sjiliis and Griti 11 want you to realize that although this was

an A+ presentation, this does not mean that there is no room for improvement. There is

always room for improvement in life, and in academics it is no different. So, with the

understanding that your presentation fulfilled all my expectations of an excellent one

for this class, here are some things to consider for the next one you have to give in a

similar context. You made certain statements in your presentation, certain claims, that

are not necessarily “fact”. They could be, but a more informed audience would have

challenged your interpretation of them. For instance, you said something like, “the EU

institutions are equal to national institutions” in reference to their powers (legislative,

executive, judiciary). Some people make this comparison, and supply good reasons for

doing so. The reader article by Wallace is one of them, where he supports this


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comparison by saying (p. 105) that what determines whether or not a community is

similar to a national government is "... the presence or absence of authority and

resources at the center which effectively limit the behavior of the member states and

which impose obligations on them are generally accepted." Since he chooses to use

THIS as the determining factor, he can “make a case” for the statement that EU and

national institutions are similar. He can logically provide proof that member states

are bound by obligations from the “center”, and conclude that therefore as an

organization the EU’s institutions are similar to national ones. When you include

claims like this one, you must support it. Otherwise, your presentation should

include a reference to the issue, like “scholars disagree and debate about whether or

not the EU’s institutions are similar to national ones.” Then follow such a comment

with the arguments for and against such a claim.

Grade: A+

Of course this kind of perspective involves a rather deep knowledge of the issues, of

the history of scholarship around a topic. But even with the materials in the reader, it

should be clear to a critical reader that something is undecided, that an author is

trying to convince his/her readers of something. If the author is taking so much

trouble to convince you, it means that some question exists about the issue and

he/she is expecting you to NEED convincing.

I was impressed with your level of preparation and public

speaking skills. Overall it was an excellent presentation.

Раздел 2, Ситуативно обусловленные фразы (Phrases Used to Make Conversational Moves)

Предлагаемая классификация фраз, которые позволяют устному

выступлению быть связным, а также используются для интерактивной

коммуникации, укладывается в четыре основных вида:

фразы, начинающие выступление (беседу, диалог);


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фразы, связывающие отдельные высказывания или утверждения друг с


фразы, употребляемые при реагировании на высказывания собеседника;

фразы, завершающие выступление или беседу.'

Generally, the following verbal stratagems fall into four main categories:

OPENERS open the way for you to say something; to initiate a

dialogue or conversation.

CONNECTORS tie your statement into what has just been said. RESPONDERS

respond to something that has been said to keep the conversation going.

CLOSURES bring the discussion or conversation to an end.

I Привлечение внимания, прерывание выступления (Attention Gettins /Interruptine)

Pardon / excuse me Do you have a few


Just hold on a minute May I interrupt

for a minute If I may say something

here I’d like to comment on that

I’m interested in Could I just say something about


У вас есть пара минут?

Подоэюдите минутку Разрешите

вас прервать Позвольте здесь

заметить Мне бы хотелось

отметить в связи с этим Меня

интересует Можно мне кое-что

сказать о

ш Высказывание своего мнения (Opinion Giving')

As I see it

From my perspective As

far as I can tell It seems to

me that In my opinion

Насколько я погашаю это

С моей точки зрения

Насколько я могу судить

Мне представляется, что

На мой взгляд

С разрешения Б. Имбер на основе ее рукописи; В. Imber “Verbal Stratagems"

(English Language Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1991)


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As I understand it If you

want my opinion

If you ask me

Насколько я понимаю

Если вас интересует мое мне-


Если вы спросите меня

Высказывание предложений (Suseestine)

May I just suggest If you ask me (on this issue)

Perhaps we could / should

Would you consider If I were

you, I’d Why not try What if

Разрешите мне предложить Если

вы спросите меня (по этому


Видимо, мы могли бы (нам стоило


Не считаете ли вы Я бы на вашем

месте Почему бы нам не А что


И Разъяснение (Explainine /Elaboratins)

What I have in mind is

Here’s what I plan

For the purpose of simplification

To illustrate my point

A classic example of this is

To develop this point a bit further

For one thing Let me try to spell it out for you

01 Выражение просьбы (Requestine)

I could use / do with

Do you happen to have

You wouldn’t happen to have ...?

Any chance of getting

What’s the possibility of

What I’d really like

Я имею в виду, что

Вот что я планирую

С 11елью упрощения

Для иллюстрации моей идеи

Классическим примерам этого


Если развить эту мысль далее


Позвольте, я вам разъясню это

Я бы мог воспользоваться

Может быть, у вас есть У вас не

будет ...?

Есть ли возможность получить

Какая есть возмоэ1Сность Мне

бы на самом деле хоте-


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ш Сообщение информации (Information /Reportine')

The information I got was

According to the From what I’ve

been told

Strange as it may seem

According to the latest reports

Recent studies have shown

Информация, которой я располагаю

Согласно (чему-либо)

Исходя из того, что мне сообщили

Как это ни покажется странным

Согласно последним отчетам

Последние исследования показали

ш Изложение по порядку (Orderins)

First of all

To start / to begin with

The first / second / next thing is

(And) furthermore


Another thing is

Moving on to

Now let's look at / turn to

Lastly / finally

As will be shown later

This will be covered / discussed later

Прежде всего Начнем с того, что

Первое / второе / следующее ■


(И) далее Затем Кроме того

Переходя к

Теперь давайте взглянем на

(обратимся к)


Как будет показано далее Об

этом речь пойдет позже

И Выделение главной мысли (Hishliehtine /Emphasizins)



The (main) point is

Getting to the heart of the matter

The real issue here is

That’s just the point The interesting thing about... is that

The significance is What we have to remember is

В первую очередь

Главным образом

Главное - это ...

Переходя к основному Главная

проблема состоит в том, что

Дело именно в этом Интересным

в ... является то, что

Значение (этого) состоит в Нам

необходимо помнить


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Drawing your attention to Of

primary concern is

Привлекая ваше внимание к

Основным моментом является

I Ссылка на другие положения высказывания (Referencins / Linking)

As I mentioned previously / earlier

Returning now to a point made earlier

Looking back to what we saw

As with ... that I mentioned earlier

As we'll see when we get to

As I've already indicated

As opposed to our first statement

Like / Unlike

il Отклонение от темы (Dieressim)

If I may be permitted a brief digression

This is something off the point, but

To jump ahead a bit

Before I forget

Putting that aside for a minute

Before I continue

Although not directly related to

By the way


Возвращение к теме (Redirecting)

Getting back to the issue at hand

Now, where were we?

In any case

To get back on track

Returning to

Let's try to stick to the point

Как я ранее отметил Возвращаясь к

высказанной ранее мысли

Оглядываясь на уведенное Что

касается о чем я гово- рил(а) ранее

Как мы увидим, когда будем


Как я уже отмечал

В противовес нашему первому


Как и/в отличие от

Если мне позволено несколько

отклониться от темы Это немного

не по теме, но Забегая несколько

вперед Чтобы мне не забыть Уходя

на минуту от данной проблемы

Преэ!сде чем я продолжу И хотя

это прямо не связано с Между

прочим Между прочим

Возвращаясь к нашей теме Так, на

чем мы остановились? Во всяком

случае Возвращаясь к теме

Возвраи(оясь к Давайте будем

придерживаться темы


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Let me bring things back into focus

Going back to Let's not get side-tracked

That's beside the point

Разрешите мне вернуться к

основной теме

Возвращаясь к

Давайте не будем уходить в


Это не по теме

Размышления по ходу выступления (Contenwlatine)

It’s worth considering

I’m really not sure

In light of

On second thought

Well, on the surface it looks as if

Let’s run it up the flagpole

Это стоит рассмотреть Я что-то

неуверен (а)

В свете

Хотя, если подумать В общем-то, на

первый взгляд это выглядит, как

будто бы Давайте пройдемся по

основным моментам

т Затрагивание трудных моментов (Introducine Difficult Issues)

Frankly speaking


The real problem / trouble is

To put it bluntly

Roughly speaking

I hate to say this, but

There is no other way to say this

This is a rather delicate (sensitive) matter

Откровенно говоря Если oiieimeamb

реально На самом деле, проблема в


Грубо говоря Г

рубо говоря

Мне неприятно об этом говорить,


По-другому этого не скажешь Это

довольно деликатный вопрос

ш Спор с собеседником (Areuine /Reiectins)

You are missing the point That’s not

what I’m saying In a word, no That’s a

blatant distortion

There is not a word of truth in that

That’s just not possible

Вы не понимаете Я не это хочу

сказать Одним словом - нет Это

явное (очевидное) искажение

В этом нет ни слова правды Это

просто невозможно


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You’ve just taken it out of context

I’d just as soon / rather not

EH Оттягивание времени (Ви\тя Time /Hed^inei

I'd like to give that some thought

Вы это просто выдернули из


Я бы пожалуй

Well, let me think about that Are you

asking if... or if...

I'd prefer to comment on that later

I'd like to have time to consider that

Мне бы хотелось обдумать


Дайте мне подумать над этим

Вы спрашиваете ... или ...

Д пожалуй, выскажусь позже

по этому поводу

Мне бы хотелось какое-то

время пораз.мышлять над


The best way I can answer at this time is Моим лучшим ответо.м на се-

годня будет

Well, it's difficult to say exactly, but Трудно точно сказать, однако

Could we hold / save that for later? Может, мы отложим это на


What do some of you think? A что вы думаете (no этому


01 Исправление себя по ходу выступления (Self-Correctine)

Let me try to put it in another way

What I’m trying to convey / say is

Perhaps I’m not making myself clear

What I mean is In other words

Maybe a better way of saying this is

In order to avoid a misunderstanding I’d

like to go back and start again

On reconsideration

Позвольте, я это изложу иначе

Я пытаюсь провести мысль


Видимо, я не совсем ясно


Я имею в виду, что Другими словами

Может быть, яснее эту мысль

можно выразить Для избежания

недопонимания Мне бы хотелось

вернуться и начать сначала.

Поразмыслив еще раз


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1¥11 Сопоставление разных точек зрения (Buffering)

While I'm aware of that В mo время как мне известно

об этом

Perhaps it's already been mentioned, but Возможно, об этом уже гово-


Though some studies show that..., others... Хотя в ряде исследований это

показано, ... тем не .менее, в


Поправьте меня, если я не

прав{а), но

Возможно, я здесь что-то про

пустил(а), но

Может быть, я не совсем по

делу {теме), но

До тех пор, пока я не услышу

все до конца

Я как неспециалист считаю (с

.моей лючки зрения непрофес-


Прошу вас воздержаться от

возражений, пока я не закончу

Предположим на минуту, что

Ради дискуссии давайте пред-

положим, что

Грубо говоря

Не для протокола {печати)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I may have

missed something here, but I may be out of line

here, but Unless I don't have the whole story

From my lay perspective

Please hold your objections till I'm done

Just suppose for a minute that

For the sake of argument, let's say that

Roughly speaking Off the record

Ш1 Уточнение (Clarifying / Confirmins /Paraphrasine)

Could you go over that one more time?

Would you mind repeating that?

I didn’t catch that last part

What was that again?

Now, if I understand / read you correctly

Do you mean that

Are you saying that

He люгли бы вы еще раз

остановиться на этом?

Не могли бы вы повторить это?

Я не совсем уловил (а) последний


Что вы сказали, простите? Если я

вас правильно понял{а) Вы имеете в

виду, что Вы хотите сказать, что


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Let me see if I’m following In other


So, what you’re really saying is that

To put it another way

So, according to your statement

Then would I be correct in assuming

ГС1 Добавление к сказанному (Supplementins/Ыпктя /ЕхрапсИпя')

Правильно ли я понимаю

Иными словами

Так вы на самом деле хотите

сказать, что

Иначе говоря

Таким образом, согласно вашему

утверждению В таком случае,

прав(а) ли я, если делаю


And besides...



What's more


Building on that


Within the same

In keeping with


And another thing

To elaborate / expand on

Not to mention the fact that

И кроме того

Более того

Также (в то же время)

И более того В добавление к

Исходя из этого Более того В

этом же плане

Придерживаясь Аналогично И

кроме того В добавление к

этой теме Не говоря уже о

том, что

т Вопросы и сомнения (Ouestionins: Information seeking /Doubtim)

Do you happen to know

I have a question

Could you explain why / how

What if / about What does it mean?

I’m not sure I understand

Isn’t it possible that How is that


I don’t understand how / why

Вы случайно не знаете У меня есть

вопрос Не могли бы вы объяснить,

почему / как А что если / как насчет

Что это значит?

Я не совсем уверен, что понимаю

Разве нет возможности Как это

может быть?

Мне непонятно, как / почему


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Is / isn’t it true that

The question still remains as to

Yes, but will it work if

Then what happens if / when

Разве это правда / неверно, что

Вопрос насчет (...) по- прежнему

открыт Да, но будет ли это

справедливо {сработает ли это) в


В таком случае что произойдет,

если / когда

ш Высказывание предположений (H\pothesi7.inQ /Postulatins)

Given that....then....

In theory

By all indications

Barring anything unforeseen

If that's the case Unless

In the meantime If, and only if

In that / which case/ situation, we...

Hypothetically / theoretically speaking

The best / worst case scenario Excluding the


Если учесть, что ... тогда


По всем показателям

Исключая все непредвиденные


Если все будет mieiiHO так

Разве что

Тем временем (между тем) Только

при условии, что В данном случае мы

Если рассуждать гипотетически


В лучшем/худшем случае Если

исключить все неожиданност и

Рассуждения в ходе выступления (Reasonine /Processim)

As а result Consequently

Therefore Owing to

As a matter of fact / course Thus


In view of the fact that As

would be expected It’s

not surprising that

В результате Вследствие чего

Поэто.ту Благодаря

Собственно говоря Таким

образо.м Учитывая тот факт,

что Как ожидалось бы

Неудивительно, что


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It would be safe to assume that

Taking into account

It should come as no surprise

It would naturally follow that

m Выражение согласия (Asreeine)

I totally agree

You have my whole-hearted support

Yes, without a doubt

That would seem to be correct

Absolutely / exactly

That's got my stamp of approval

Sounds good to me

No objections here

I don't have a problem with that

I couldn't agree with you more

OK, if that's what you want

I'm inclined to agree

It’s a “go”

Было бы вполне надежно


Принимая во внимание (учитывая)

Не должно быть удивительно

Естественно в таком случае, что

Я полностью согласен Я г^еликом

вас поддерживаю Да, несомненно

Пожалуй, это верно Совершенно

верно Я целиком и полностью

одобряю это

Мне кажется это вполне под-


Здесь у меня нет возражений Не

вижу здесь никаких проблем

Полностью с вами согласен Ладно,

если вам именно это нужно

Я склонен с этим согласиться

Пойдет! {Согласен!)

31 Выражение несогласия (Disasreeins /Пегаипг / Countering

No, I’m afraid not That’s out of the


No way!

Where did you get that idea?

I don’t see it that way I think you’ve

missed the point

Hem, боюсь, что нет Об этом не

может быть и речи

Ни за что!

Как вам пришла в голову эта идея


Я так не думаю

Мне кажется, вы упустили



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There are а few holes in that argument

This may be true, but

You are “barking up the wrong tree”

That’s only one way of looking at it

With all due respect Aren’t you mixing apples and oranges?

Yes, but aren’t you forgetting I’m not

convinced I can’t accept that That’s highly

unlikely You don’t really mean that

I’d say you’re on shaky ground there

В этих доводах есть ряд нестыковок

Может, это и так, но Вы совсем не

о том говорите Это лишь

односторонний подход к делу

Со всем уважением к вам По-моему,

вы путаете боб с горохом

Да, но не забываете ли вы Я не


Я не могу этого принять Это

маловероятно Не думаю, что вы

имеете это в виду

Мне кажется, у вас здесь очень

шаткая позиция

Сравнение и противопоставление (Сотрагтя / Contrastins)

On the one hand ... on the other hand

Contrary to what we would expect

In direct opposition to Diametrically


Measured against Similarly Analogously


Ш Обобщение (Generalidne)

C одной стороны ... с другой


В отличие от того, что мы могли

бы ожидать В полной

противоположности Совершенно в

другой {противоположной)

плоскости Если это сравнивать с

Аналогично Аналогично Однако

{тем не менее)

As а rule

For the most part

As a matter of course

By and large


As expected

Как правило В большинстве

случаев Очевидно

В основном, в 11елом


Как ожидается


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Phrases Used to Make Conversational Moves ©

On the whole

Generally speaking


В целом



ЯД Высказывание поддержки или компромиссной точки зрения

(Acquiescins / Placatine)

On second thought \

Well, in that case

Since you put it that way

Now that I think about it

Sure, why not?

Well, I guess you could be right

You've made a very strong case for

That might be worth considering

Let me think it over

On further reflection

You've argued that point very well

You've twisted my arm

Подведение итогов (Summariz.ine)

So, in a nutshell

The bottom line is

For all intents and purposes

To sum it all up

In effect

To make a long story short

All in all

In brief

So you see

To put it all together

So what we’ve seen is

By way of summary


Ну, в таком случае

Раз вы излагаете это таким


Хотя, если подумать об этом

Конечно, почему бы и нет?

Пожалуй, вы и правы Вы очень

убедительно выступили насчет

Это, видимо, стоит рассмотреть

Позвольте мне обдумать это После

дальнейших размыите- ний

Вы эту мысль провели очень удачно

У меня не остается другого выхода

Итак, одним словом (eKpamife)

Подводя черту Если подытожить

сказанное Суммируя все

вышесказанное Фактически (на

самом деле) Короче говоря В целом


Итак, как вы видите Сводя все

сказанное воедино Как мы убедились

Подводя итоги


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© Ситуативно обусловленные фразы

ш Обращение к аудитории (Cueine /Sienallins)

Having heard my thoughts on the matter

How does that sound? Does that answer your question?

Is that what you were asking?

Did / does that clear it up?

Am I missing something here? Does your

silence mean you agree?

I'd be interested to hear your view

I'd like to hear your perspective

How about the rest of you?

gil Вежливое поддержание разговора (Attendins)

После того как вы услышали мои

соображения по данному вопросу

Как вы находите это? Ответил(а)

ли я на ваш вопрос?

Вы это имели в виду, задавая


Я прояснил(а) ваши сомнения?

Может, я что-то не понял{а)1

Означает ли ваше молчание, что вы


Мне бы было интересно услышать

вашу точку зрения Я бы хотел{а)

услышать ваше мнение

А как остальные думают?


You don’t say so

Right And then I see

You did (didn’t)!

В самом деле?

И не говорите

Действительно И к тому

же Понятно

Вот как! {Неужели?)

ш Сожаление и сочувствие (Svmpathizin9)

'What а shame / pity!

I'm sorry to hear that That's too

bad That must have been awful

My condolences

Is there anything I can do?

That's terrible!

Oh, I'm so sorry I'm here if you

need me

Как жаль!

Очень сожалею

Очень жаль!

Это, вероятно, было ужасно

Пргшите мои соболезнования


Могу ли я вам чем-то помочь?

Как ужасно!

Я так сожалею

Если я вам нужен, я здесь


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Phrases Used to Make Conversational Moves ©

Цитирование (Ouotins)

In the (immortal) words of

And I quote here ...

As ... put it

To borrow / lift a phrase from No one has

/ Few have said it better

As the saying goes According to

As X and Y point out / state X claims /

proposes that

Цитируя {бессмертные) слова Ия

здесь цитирую ...

Как сказал ...

Заимствуя высказывание Никто

{мало кто) сказал об этом лучше Как

говорится По словам

Как отмечают {утверждают) X uY

X считает / предлагает, что

Поддержка и одобрение (Conwlimentine /Encouraeins)

Good job!

Keep it up!

I knew you could do it Nice try!

That's great / wonderful /terrific


So far so good!

Absolutely right!


Так держать!

Я знал, что ты это сможешь!

Хорошая {удачная) попытка!

Просто великолепно


Вот гшенно!

Очень хорошо!

Совершенно верно!

itgp Завершение выступления {Concluding)

In conclusion Let me close by saying

Due to time constraints Wrapping it up

I see my time is up

Thank you for your attention I

appreciate your interest

Thank you for the opportunity to

В заключение

Разрешите мне закончить те.ы, что

Из-за ограниченного времени


Я вижу, что у .меня заканчивается

вре.мя Спасибо за втшание Я

признателен вам за проявленный

интерес Благодарю вас за



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Телефонные разговоры

Раздел 1. Телефонные разговоры (Telephone Conversations)

Телефонный разговор с зарубежным партнером по бизнесу требует определенной

подготовки и навыков устного делового общения по


В этом разделе мы остановимся на следующих моментах:

1. Подготовка к телефонному разговору {Preparing for а phone conversation).

2. Как ответить на звонок (Receiving phone calls).

3. Как принять и передать сообщение (Taking and leaving messages).

4. Как переспросить (Asking for repetition).

5. Как оставить сообщение на автоответчике (Leaving а message on an answering


6. Выбор стиля в телефонном разговоре (Choosing а style in а telephone


7. Полезные выражения для телефонных разговоров (Helpful expressions for

telephone conversations)^

' Более подробно см: R. Gairns, S. Redman. True to Life. English for Adult

Learners. Upper-Intermediate. Cambridge University Press, 1998; M. Irvine, M.

Cadman. Commercially Speaking. Oxford University Press, 1999; S. Sweeney. English

for Business Communication. Cambridge University Press, 1997.


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Telephone Conversations

1.1. Подготовка к телефонному разговору. Preparing for а Phone Conversation

- think of all the questions you need to ask or things you are going to say;

- prepare all the documents that you will need for your phone call; - have your diary at hand (for appointments), some paper and a pen; - make sure you know the situation before you make a call.

Here is a phone conversation between business partners. Pay attention to the useful

expression in italics. What is Brenda Dyer up to?

Mr. Jackson-. Good morning, Sales Department of the L.L Bean company.

Brenda Dyer. Good morning, my name is Brenda Dyer. I’m calling from GMC in

Detroit, Michigan. Could I speak to Mr. Jackson, please?

Mr. Jackson: Speaking. Good morning, Miss Dyer. What can I do for


Brenda Dyer: My colleague Joan Smith wrote to you recently and we

received your sales material. We’re interested in ordering some

T-shirts to give away as Christmas gifts to our customers. We

understand we can create our own design. Is that right!

Mr. Jackson: Yes, that’s right. You send us a deposit and we produce

a proof garment from your design.

Brenda Dyer: We are a little anxious about the delivery times. You

see, we need the goods by mid-November at the latest.

Mr. Jackson: Yes, I see. Well, if you send your order off now, you

should receive our proof garment in two weeks.

Brenda Dyer: Two weeks?

Mr. Jackson: Well, we could make it one week if you write a note

saying it’s urgent.

Brenda Dyer: Good.

Mr. Jackson: Then if you send us the order, we can send you the in

voice immediately.

Brenda Dyer: If we fax you a copy of our banker’s order, would you

accept that or do you wait until the money is credited to your


Mr. Jackson: I’m afraid we have to wait until we receive the money.

But it usually takes two or three days at the most.

Brenda Dyer: Thank you very much indeed, Mr. Jackson. You've been

most helpful.


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Телефонные разговоры

1.2. Как ответить на телефонный звонок? Receiving

Phone Calls

- if you expect a phone call, think about what they will say or ask; - check all the relevant documentation regarding the call; - if you are not ready to answer their questions, ask them to call you

back later.

Compare the following two samples of phone conversations.


Mr. Headington:


Mr. Headington:


Mr. Headington:


Mr. Headington:


Mr. Headington:


Mr. Headington:



Is this “Bendon & Brothers”?

Yes, who’s speaking?

My name is Alan Headington from “Mennings

Constructions”. I’d like to find out about the

progress of our issue.

Oh, Mr. Herrington...

No, Headington, as in “head”.

So what was it, Mr. Headington?

Well, the contract, of course! I called you the day

before yesterday.

Ah, the contract... I don’t have any info on that

from our main office yet. Perhaps they’re still

working on it.

Do you think they’ll be ready before this week-


Maybe, I don’t really know. Call us tomorrow.

No, better on Friday morning. Okay?

I’m not sure my boss will be pleased with this at-

titude, Mam.

Well, I don’t think I can help you in that, I afraid.


Secretary: Customer:


Hello, Jason Travels, how can I help you?

I’m calling to find out about group air tickets to

Minsk, Belarus, for a conference on Chernobyl.

Who is calling, may I ask?


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0 Что нужно для успеха в бизнесе

Топу Conroy: Hi. I’m Tony Conroy.

Bill Madsen: Hello. My name is Bill Madsen.

T.C.: I’m sorry. What’s your name?

B. M.: Madsen.

T.C.: Madsen. How do you spell that?

B. M.: M-A-D-S-E-N.

T.C.: Do you have a card, Mr. Madsen?

B.M.: No, I’m sorry. I don’t.

T.C.: Let me write down your name and phone number.

Introduce yourself to your classmate. Follow the above pattern Exchange

business cards with your classmates.

ШШШ ■ Remember names and faces.

■ Don’t be shy.

■ Ask for clarification.

■ Ask for business cards.

■ Write follow-up letters.

1.3. Умение работать в команде (Be а Team Player)

Personal Success Hint:

To be a success, you must know your business well.

But you also must learn how you can work as part of the team. Be a good team player.



Compare and discuss two situations.

Situation 1.

David Hunter has worked for Holiday Travel for 15 years. He is a Purchasing Clerk. He

wants to be the director of Purchasing Department someday. George Monroe is a new

employee. He is a Purchasing Clerk, too. It’s his first day on the job.


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What you need for success in business 0


Bob Wright sells computers. Jack Barnes is a potential customer. Bob writes Jack Barnes a


Complete the follow-up letter using these words:

Barnes coming call


have our you

looking questions yours

*Energo Computers*

442 Walton Drive

Reading, Massachusetts 01845

February 21, 1994

Mr. Jack.

18 South Street

Reading, Massachusetts 01845 Dear

Mr. Barnes:

Thank for


Sincerely ___ Bob Wright

to our store yesterday and . If

you _______________ any



You sell fax machines. Your classmate called you about your fax machines. Write him or

her a letter.

Review remembering names:

Introduce yourself-^ Ask for clarification -> Ask for the spelling of the name Use the name

Write the name down.

7 Зак. 1877 193

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0 Что нужно для успеха в бизнесе

Andrei Zaitsev

Belarus State Economic University Post-graduate student of marketing

Home address:

Koshevogo Str.,11-4

Minsk 220009


Ph.: +375-17-230-2214

E-mail: [email protected] |

Associate the name with something. To remember a person’s name, write

something about the person on his/her card.

Help people remember your name. After you meet someone, write him or her a

letter. This letter is called a follow-up letter.


Ken Woods sells photocopiers. Charles Watts is a potential customer. Ken

writes Charles a follow-up letter.

*Central Photocopiers*

345 West Broadway

New York, NY 10007


January 18,1995

Mr. Charles Watt

Acme Machine Works 1230

Central Street Newtown,

Connecticut 20007

Dear Mr. Watts:

Thank you for coming to our store yesterday and looking at our new

photocopiers. If you have any questions, please call me.

Sincerely yours, Ken Woods


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What you need for success in business Ф

A as in Alpha. N as in November.

В as in Bravo. О as in Oscar.

C as in Cinema, P as in Paper.

D as in David. 0 as in Question.

E as in Echo. R as in Ronald.

F as in Fox. S as in Sam.

G as in Golf. T as in Tom.

H as in Hotel. U as in Uniform.

I as in India. V as in ’Viktor.

.T as in Julia. W as in Whiskev.

К as in Kilo. X as in X-rav.

L as in Lemon. Y as in Yes.

M as in Mike. Z as in Zulu .

Business Hint:

Use last names until people ask you to use their first name.

Mark Brown: How do you do, Mr. Grant?

Bob Grant: Please call me Bob.

To remember a name, it helps to see it written. You can ask for a business card or you can

write down the name and a phone number.

Bob Wilson: Do you have a card?

Julie Robins: No, I’m sorry. I’m out of cards. / Yes, here you are.

Bob Wilson: Let me write down your name and number. / Thank you. Here is mine.

Practice the above dialogues with your classmates.

Make a card for yourself.

Julie Robins


1212 Newton Street

Ames, Hometown, Iowa 51523

USA E-mail: [email protected]

Ph.: (521)554-6434


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^ Что нужно для успеха в бизнесе

Situation 2.

Jack Barnes sells computers. Bob Wright needs a computer. He was in Mr. Barnes’ store

last week. Mr. Barnes sees Mr. Wright on the street.

J.B.: Mr. Wright! Nice to see you again. My name is Jack Barnes. We

met last week at my store.

B.W.: Of course, Mr. Barnes. How are you?

J.B.: Fine, Mr. Wright. Really fine. And you?

B.W.: I feel great, thanks.

Questions for discussion:





Who is a better salesman? Jack Barnes or Bill Smith? Why?

Which customer is more pleased? Marry Kent or Bob Wright? Why?

Who would you buy something from? Mr. Smith or Mr. Barnes?


Do you ever forget a name? If yes, how does it make you feel? Embar-

rassed? Apologetic? Unconcerned?

Has anyone forgotten your name? How did you feel? Embarrassed?

Angry? Unconcerned?

How about you? { Y e s / N o / Sometimes) Please explain your answer.

1. Are you good with names?

2. Are you good with faces?

3. Is it important to remember names?

4. Is it important to remember faces?

Spelling for clarification

Some letters sound alike when we spell. For example, В sounds like D.

Bob Bolt: My last name is Bolt.

Julie Robins: Pleased to meet you Mr. Dolt.

Bob Bolt: That’s Bolt with a В as in “boy”.

Julie Robins: Oh, I’m sorry, Mr. Bolt.

To clarify, it’s a good idea to ask: “B as in boy, or D as in dog?”

Do people sometimes confuse letters in your name when they spell it? You may

need to give examples. Look at the following examples of spelling clarification. Add

more examples.


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What you need for success in business Ф

Complete the following statements about the USA:

1. When I give a negative response, I make a _____ ____________ impression.

good / bad

_____ in the other person. 2. When I don’t make eye contact, I am _

interested / not interested

3. When I don’t smile, I make a _________________ impression.

good / bad

4. When I smile, make eye contact and offer my hand, the other person

is ___________________ in me.

interested / not interested


■ Smile.

■ Make eye contact.

■ Be attentive.

■ Be positive.

1.2. Внимание к людям и делу (Be Thoughtful)

Personal success hint: When you say a person's name, you tell the person:



Compare and discuss two situations.

Situation 1.

Bill Smith is a salesperson for ABC Motors. Mary Kent is a potential customer. She wants

to buy a new car.

B.S.: Hi! My name is Bill Smith.

M.K.: Yes, I know. I was here yesterday.

B.S.: I’m sorry. I’m very bad with names.

M.K.: And with faces...


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0 Что нужно для успеха в бизнесе


J.Ch.: Never been better, thank you. How are you, Mr. Ginns?

R.G.: Very well, thank you.

Questions for discussion:

1. Who is more positive - Mr. Carey or Ms. Chapman?

2. Who would you like to work with - Mr. Carey or Ms. Chapman?

3. Do you ever have little problems? Do you talk about them? With whom? When?

4. Rewrite situation 1 so that Mr. Carey would make a good impression.

How about you?

Read the following and say how often you do it: never, sometimes, always.

1. I say “Good morning” to everyone.

2. I give positive responses to “How are you?”

3. I like my job and studies.

4. I make eye contact.

5. I ask people “How are you?”

6. I make a good first impression.

7. I remember people’s names.

8. I smile

Business Hint: You have only ONE chance to make a FIRST impression.

Practice making a good impression. Look at the different responses:

Positive Responses “Middle-of-the-road” Negative Responses


Fine Not so bad Awful

Really fine Not too bad Terrible Never been better OK Don’t ask

Great So-so Horrible

Terrific Not so good

Very well Not so great



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What you need for success in business



Раздел 1. Что нужно для успеха в бизнесе (What You Need for Success in Business)^

1.1. Позитивное отношение (Be Positive)

Personal Success Hint:

Everybody likes a person with a positive attitude. Smile. Look people in the eye. Make a good impression.


Compare and discuss two situations.

Situation 1.

Helen Stewart is a Personnel Director. Tim Carey is looking for a job. H.S.:

Good morning, Mr. Carey. How are you today?

T.C.: Not so great.

H.S.: What’s wrong?

T.C.: Oh, lots of little problems.

Situation 2.

Richard Ginns is a Personnel Director. Jane Chapman is looking for a job. R.G.: Hello,

Ms. Chapman. How are you this morning?

' Based on; Lougheed, L. Business Communication. Ten Steps to Success. Addison

Wesley Publlishing Company Inc., 1993.


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Q Переговоры

There are a couple of outstanding points.

The question o f . . . remains to be clarified.

We’ll set up a meeting ...

You’ll get further information about...

By our next meeting you’ll have worked out the procedure of ...

We’ll discuss the questions (issues) of ... at our next meeting on ...

Have I covered everything?

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

We’ll set up another meeting if necessary.

Please feel free to contact us any time you need.

Есть еще ряд нерешенных вопросов.

Вопрос о ... еще предстоит прояснить.

Мы назначим встречу ...

Вы получите дальнейшую информацию насчет ...

К нашей следующей встрече вы разработаете процедуру ...

Мы обсудим вопросы ... на нашей

следующей встрече ...

Обо всем ли я сказал?

Хотите ли Вы добавить еще что- нибудь?

Мы назначим еще одну встречу при


Пожалуйста, обращайтесь к нам в любое время, если надо.


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Negotiations Q

Комплекс 7. Как вести торг и продвигаться к достижению


How to Bargain and Move Towards Agreement

We could find some funding if there were

additional inputs as

If you accepted these terms, we would

cover up to half the costs.

We’d have no objection provided that

the details were worked out together.

We couldn’t possibly guarantee that at

the beginning, but we’d be prepared to

If you increased that amount to ..., I

think we would have a deal.

That would be acceptable.

I think we could go along with that.

We’ll agree to this provided that you

allow us to ...

We’ll be able to deliver ... provided that there is ...

If you accept... I may be able to

Мы могли бы найти финансирование

при условии участия и с Вашей


Если бы Вы приняли эти условия, мы бы

оплатили половину расходов.

У нас не было бы возражений при

условии, что детали были бы оговорены


Мы бы не смогли, вероятно, гарантировать этого вначале, но мы

были бы готовы ...

Если бы Вы увеличили этот объем до ...

, полагаю, что мы смогли бы


Это было бы приемлемым.

Я думаю, мы бы nouuiu на это.

Мы согласгшся с этгьм при условии,

что Вы позволите нам ...

Мы сможем осуществить поставку ...

при условии, что ...

Если Вы примете .... я, возможно, смогу


Комплекс 8, Как завершать процесс переговоров (How to Close the Negotiation)

Perhaps I could just summarize our

agreements so far. Я, возможно, смог бы подвести итог

нашим соглашениям на данном эта-

As we have agreed, we’ll take care of

(be responsible for) Как мы договорились, мы

позаботимся о (будем отвечать за)


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LD Переговоры

Yes, we’re also interested in but... Да, мы также заинтересованы в ....

но ...

I feel we should go even further than Мне кажется, мы должны продви-


1 have some doubts about that option.

My immediate feeling is that it would

be too expensive.

нуться здесь еще дальше.

У .меня есть определенные сомнения

насчет этого варианта.

Первое, что мне показалось, - это

слишком дорого.

ISSSSSSSE! Как выдвигать предложения и реагировать на них

How to Put Forward and React to Proposals

We propose that the new company should

be involved in ...

Our proposal is to create ...

We propose that we combine ...

Maybe a better solution would be to ...

It could be a good idea to ...

So, if I understand you correctly, you feel


1 see what you mean. (That’s not quite

what I mean.)


Not necessarily.

1 appreciate that.

I take your point about..., but...

That’s certainly worth considering.

I’m not sure how realistic that could be.

Мы предлагаем, чтобы новая компания

участвовала в ...

Наше предложение заключается в том,

чтобы ...

Мы предлагаем сочетать ... Воз.можно, лучш1ш решением было бы


Было бы неплохо ... Итак, если я правильно Вас понимаю,

Вы считаете, что ...

Я пон1шаю, что Вы имеете в виду. (Это

не совсем то, что я имею в ви- ду.

Вот именно!


■Я Вам признателен за это.

Мне понятна Ваша точка зрения

насчет .... но ...

Это, безусловно, стоит рассмотреть.

Я не уверен, насколько это может

быть реально.


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Negotiations Q

KOMnnekiisS. Как собирать и (How to Generate

оценивать варианты действий and Evaluate Option)

It seems to me that there are a number of ways we could work together.

There seem to be several possibilities for ...

Shall I suggest we list the options first and

then examine them in more detail one by


Should we brainstorm the options before discuss any in detail?

I’d like to start by suggesting ...

How about trying (using)...?

Have you considered the idea of...?

We could also ...

Why don’t we go through each of these in more detail.

At this stage I think we should look at each

option in turn.

I think the main weakness of this for us is that...

So I’d say that was the least favourable

option for us.

The problem with ... is that...

Right. I think this fits in with the way we

look at the situation, too.

I think that’s got a lot of potential.

The main strength of ... , as I see it, is that


Мне кажется, cyujecmeyem целый ряд направлений, по которым мы могли бы сотрудничать.

Существует несколько вариантов для ...

Может быть, мы рассмотрим сначала весь

список вариантов, а затем подробно

остановимся на каждом из них.

Может, нам сначала следует рассмотреть

все идеи, прежде чем обсуждать какую-то в


Мне бы хотелось начать с предложения ...

Как насчет того, чтобы попытаться

(использовать) ... ?

Вы рассматривали идею о ...?

Мы бы также могли ...

Давайте рассмотрим каждую их более подробно.

На данном этапе, как мне кажется, стоит поочередно остановиться на каждом варианте.

На мой взгляд, основньш слабым звеном

в этом для нас является ...

Я бы назвал это наименее благопри-

ятньш для нас вариантом.

Вся проблема с ... в том, что ...

Верно. Я думаю, это совпадает с нашим видением cumyatfuu.

Я полагаю, здесь большие возможности.

Основным сильным моментом ...,

насколько я это представляю,

яв.пяется ...


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Q Переговоры

As I understand it, ...

As I recall, you said ... (If I am not mistaken...)

Yes, that’s the situation.

Yes, that’s right.

We think that you are the right kind of

company to discuss these things with.

I think we should be able to help you.

Насколько я это понимаю,

Как мне помнится. Вы сказали (Если

я не ошибаюсь...)

Да, ситуация именно такая.

Да, совершенно верно.

Мы полагаем, что Вы как раз та

компания, с которой следует

обсуждать эти вопросы.

Я считаю, что мы смогли бы Вам

оказать помощь.

ш Как задавать вопросы и отвечать на них How to Deal With Questions

Can 1 just ask you a few questions about

your basic requirements?

Can we now move to another question?

Roughly how many deliveries do you have

in a year?

How important is the environmental issue

to you?

It’s our top priority. *

It isn’t important to us.

What emphasis do you place on ...?

Does that mean...?

When you say ... do you mean that... ?

Well, it’s certainly something we can’t

afford to ignore.

This is indeed what we have to take into


Разрешите задать Вам несколько вопросов о Ваших основных требованиях.

Давайте теперь перейдем к другому


Сколько у Вас приблизительно

доставок в течение года?

Насколько важна для Вас проблема

окружающей среды?

Это наша главная задача.

Это не является для нас важньш.

Какое значение Вы придаете ...

Значит ли это, что ...

Когда Вы говорите .... значит ли это, что ... ?

Безусловно, мы не можем оставлять

это без внимания.

Нам на самом деле это необходимо

принять во внимание.


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Negotiations Q

Certainly (Yes, indeed).

I think we should start by (looking at your


Would you go along with that?

We could then move on to...

Perhaps we could (outline our objectives).

I’d like to eheck what you hope to achieve.


Я думаю, нам следует начать с

(рассмотрения Вашей ситуации).

Вас это устраивает?

Затем мы могли бы...

Вероятно, мы могли бы (определиться

по целям).

Мне бы хотелось узнать, какие Вы

преследуете цели

I Комплекс 3. Как обмениваться информацией IHow to Exchange Information)

Our company was founded (established,

set up) in ...

We manufacture (produce)

Currently, we are the largest producer of...

Our exports now account for...

We are interested in ...

Our key interest here is ...

It’s vital for us ...

International cooperation is extremely important to us.

... is of lesser importance to us.

... is a lower priority.

Perhaps I could just recap on your main


I’d just like to go over your main points.

Наша фирма (компания) была основана в ...

Мы производим

В настоящее время мы являемся

крупнейшим производителем ...

Объем экспорта у нас составляет

сейчас ...

Нас интересует ...

Основной интерес для нас здесь представляет ...

Нам жизненно важно ...

Международное сотрудничество для нас чрезвычайно важно.

... менее важно для нас.

... является менее приоритетным.

Разрешите мне суммировать (подытожить) основные положения Вашей позгщии.

Мне бы хотелось пройтись по

основным моментам Вашей позищш.


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Q Переговоры

This is your first visit to Belarus, Вы ведь первый раз в Беларуси, не isn’t it? так


Unfortunately, this is very short visit, so К сожалению, это очень краткий we won’t be able to see much. визит, поэтому мы не сможем мно

гое увидеть.

That’s true (That’s quite right).

That’s a pity.

Oh really?

Совершенно верно.


В самом деле?

Комплекс 2. Как приходить к соглашению (How to Reach an Agreement)

Can we now agree on the overall procedure?

First of all, I think we should establish the

overall procedure.

Our main objective is to...

What we’d like to achieve from this

meeting is...

We’d also like to talk about... (Another

issue we’d like to discuss is ...)

Another objective, as we see it, is...

Something else we’d like to achieve is...

Does that fit in with your objectives?

Is that OK with you? (Does that sound


Does that seem acceptable to you?

Could we now agree on (the order in which we want to talk about things)?

Давайте сейчас договоримся no общей


Прежде всего, мне кажется, нужно

установить общую процедуру.

Наша главная задача - ... На этой встрече нам бы хотелось ...

Мы бы также хотели обсудить... (Еще

одна проблема, которую мы хотели бы обсудить - это ...)

В качестве другой задачи, как нам

представляется, ...

Нам также хотелось бы договориться

о ...

Соответствует ли это Вашим целям?

Как Вы на это смотрите?

Считаете ли Вы это приемлемьш? Можем ли сейчас придти к соглашению

(о порядке обсуждения вопросов)?


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Negotiations Q


10. You are at a formal meeting and

would like to make a proposal. What do

you say?

11. What is the casting vote?

12. You are the chairperson and are

opening a meeting. What do you say?


J. a) Well, it’s rather difficult to say at the


Or: b) I’m not in a position to comment on

that just now.

K. a) Mr./Madam Chairman, May I have the


Or: b) With the Chair’s permission. I’d like to

comment on ...

L. Nodding occasionally; smiling from time

to time; keeping eye-contact with the speaker.

2. Ha основе помещенных ниже восьми комплексов полезных выражений для

переговоров составьте диалоги, которые относятся к интересующей вас теме

переговорного процесса.

Коелплекс 1,

Полезные выражения для переговоров

(Helpful Expressions for Negotiations)

Как устанавливать отношения

How to build relationships

Let me introduce (I’d like you to meet) Разрешите мне представить Вам

my colleague Alexandr N. моего коллегу Александра N.

This is Nina N., head of the planning Это Hwia N.. начальник планового отдела. division.

How do you do?

Pleased to meet you.

Pleased to meet you, too.

Здравствуйте (ответ тот же).

Приятно познакомиться.

Мне тоже приятно с Вами познакомиться.

By the way, please call me by my first Кстати, пожалуйста, зовите меня по имени (Ричард). name (Richard).

How are you?

Very well, thank you. How are you?

Как поживаете (= Здравствуйте)

Хорошо, спасибо. А Вы?


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Q Переговоры


1. If everyone at a meeting votes the

same way, the decision is...

2. How do you as a chairperson

postpone a decision?

3. How can you interrupt politely?

4. How can you show complete

agreement with the last speaker’s


5. How can you politely avoid

answering a question?

6. How can you show disagreement


7. What non-verbal communication

shows you are listening?

8. You are the chairperson. The

discussion is getting away from the

point. What do you say?

9. You are at formal meeting and

would like to speak. What do you say?


A. a) I would like to propose the motion

that... Or; b) I would like to move that.

B. a) Ladies and gentlemen, I declare the

meeting open.

Or: b) Let’s get down to business, everyone!

C. a) Sorry to interrupt, but could I ask for


Or; b) Could I come in here for a moment?

D. a) If no one objects, I suggest we leave

this matter until...

Or: b) With your approval, I propose we defer

this until ...

E. unanimous

F. a) I’m sorry, but I can’t agree with that. Or: b) I can see what you mean, but...

G. It means that you decide not to vote. This

is called an abstention.

H. a) If no one has anything to add, can we

move on to ... ?

Or: b) Now I’d like to turn to item number ...

I. a) Could we stick to the agenda, please?

Or: b) I think we’re getting sidetracked here.


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Negotiations Q

The price we’re offering excludes installation costs but does include a

twelve months’ guarantee.

I’m afraid that’s not really acceptable. You know that other suppliers

offer free installation and a two-year spare parts and labour warranty?

I think that the minimum investment in advertisement must be $40,000;

otherwise we cannot reach enough of our market. It’s not much to ask for.

It’s a pity, but it’s still more than out budget. I can’t go that high.

What you, as a negotiator, need to be aware of can be listed as fol



1) How to build relationships 2) How to reach an agreement 3) How to exchange information 4) How to deal with questions 5) How' to generate and evaluate options 6) How to put forward and react to proposals 7) How to bargain and move towards agreement

How to close the negotiations >


1. Найдите ответы на вопросы по теме о встречах и переговорах

(based on: А. Lloyd, А. Preier. Business Communication Games. Oxford Univ.

Press, 1996)

More in detail see: O’Connor Ph., Pilbeam A., Scott-Barrett F. Negotiating.

Longman Group UK Ltd., 1992.


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Cl Переговоры

Well, the first point is that the property includes all the land presently

occupied by the station buildings and also the former car parks to the east of

the station, the offices here to the west and the warehouses alongside the

tracks. It does not include the present government-owned housing on the

north side of the railway lines. The remaining land will be developed by

Gibson Trust and later sold off separately. Is that an accurate summary? Yes, that’s right. It’s fine.

Okay. So I think that’s fine then. Shall we stop there? I think we’ve gone as

far as we can today. We just need to decide on our next meeting. Can we do

that now? I mean sort out the next steps... Yes, okay.

Well, as I understand it, in our next meeting we should examine

development plans. Finally, we’ll draw up contracts. Then we’d need a little

while to consider the contracts. So probably everything should be in place

for signing contracts by the end of June. Does that sound reasonable?

Yes, June, that should be okay. So when can we meet to look at

development plans? Well, could it be April 10*? Or any time that week? April 10* would be okay. Same time? 10 a.m.?

Yes, that’s okay. Well, thanks for coming then. And I’m glad we’ve been

able to make progress, to reach agreement, you know. It’s been very

constructive, and we’ll send you a report. Very well. We’re also pleased to have reached this stage.



Pattern 1

Let me make a suggestion. If you agree to buy 100 units every month fort

the next twelve months, we’ll agree to a 10 per cent discount.

Unfortunately, I can’t say how many we’ll need in six months and

certainly not in twelve. I can’t take the risk on such a large order at this



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Negotiations Q

Preparing for a negotiation includes the following issues:

1) Prepare your negotiating position - know your aims and objectives. 2) Identify your minimum requirements. 3) Decide what concessions you could make. 4) Know your own strengths and weaknesses. 5) Prepare figures, calculations and support materials you may need. 6) Know your role as part of a team. 7) Prepare your opening statement.



(based on S. Sweeney’s “English for Business Communication” Teacher’s Book.

Cambridge University Press, 1997).

Well, we’re happy to buy a machine if you can give us a good price.

I’m sure we can. As you know, our prices are very competitive. Even so.

I’m sure you can allow us a discount?

Okay, well a discount could be possible if you agree to pay for the shipping


That sounds Okay, if the discount is a good one.

How about 4 per cent?

6 per cent would be better.

I’m sorry we can’t manage that unless you pay for the installation. Okay,

our engineers will take care of that.

Okay then. So to confirm: a 6 per cent discount but you pay all the shipping

and installation costs. That sounds all right.

Well, I’d like to summarise - go over the points we’ve agreed on. Is that

Okay? Yes, of course, go ahead.


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Q Переговоры

Раздел 2. Переговоры (Negotiations)

Самая общая схема переговоров состоит из определенного предложения

(suggestion), контрпредложения (counter-suggestion), компромисса или соглашения

(agreement) и подтверждения этого соглашения (confirmation), например;

А: What are we going to start with?

B: Why don’t we invite our colleagues from the Accounting Department to discuss

this issue? [suggestion]

A: We could do that. But I think we need to know exactly our line and keep to it.


B: Right. This is perhaps what we’ll discuss now in the first place. [agreement]

A: Good. Let’s do it right now. [confirmation]


A: We would like to have a 10% discount for immediate payment, [^ug- gestion]

B: We can give you only 7% if that’s OK with you. [counter-suggestion] A: That’s

all right, [agreement]

B: Well, then a 7% discount and immediate payment, [confirmation]

Существует целый ряд подходов к ведению переговоров, каждый из

которых обусловлен той или ситуацией. В переговорах, нацеленных на

установление долгосрочных партнерских отношений, обычно используют

формулу, предложенную исследователями Гарварда, заключающуюся в

преследовании собственных интересов при сохранении хороших взаимоотношений

с людьми, интересы которых не совпадают с Вашими'

'Fisher, R., Ury, W, Getting to Yes, Negotiating Agreement without Giving in.

Arrow Books, 1981.


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Telephone Conversations

A: B:















Phone Conversation 2.

Good morning. Denver Trade Company, how can I help you?

Hello, my name is Ted Treaster. I recently wrote to you about an

interview date, but .................

I’m sorry ........................................................... ?

Yes, Ted Treaster. T.. .R.. .E... A.. .S.. .T.. .E.. .R.

All right, Mr. Treaster .................................................. ?

I wrote to the Human Resources Department.

I see. And did you suggested the interview date?

.................................... because I’ve got exams after May IS"*.

So you could come any time between lO'*’ and IS'*"?

............ , if that’s OK with you.

Hold on ............ Does Friday May 14"' suit you?

................................... ? II a.m. How about that?

Then we’ll see you on Friday, Mr. Treaster.

Ed Butler: Tod

Green: Ed

Butler: Tod

Green: Ed


Tod Green: Ed

Butler: Tod

Green: Ed

Butler: Tod

Green: Ed

Butler: Tod

Green: Ed


Phone Conversation 3.

Hello, Mr. Green ................................... ?

Very well, thank you. What can I do for you?

Yes, Mr. Butler. We received your order yesterday.

The problem is that we have to change the number of

sweaters from 25 to 40. ............................................. 7 No, the colour doesn’t matter. Please leave the same size.

All right. I’ll send a fax right away. Thank you, Mr. Green.

............................................................ ? We’re going to place'our orders for other items as well.

Feel free to contact us any time.

3 Составьте диалоги (телефонные разговоры с партнером по бизнесу), пользуясь

помещенным выше списком полезных выражений для телефонных



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Телефонные разговоры


Д Оставьте сообщения на автоответчике своим партнерам по бизнесу в следующих


Practice leaving messages on the answering machine of your business partners:

A. you are calling to confirm your arrival time;

B. you are calling to ask their parking lot location;

C. you are calling to invite them to a press conference;

D. you are calling to let them know how many people will be present at the


E. you are calling to remind them of their promise to bring sample of product

for tomorrow’s meeting.

3 Добавьте необходимые no смыслу реплики в следующие телефонные разговоры.

Add the missing phrases to the following phone conversations.

Phone Conversation 1.

A: Hello. Procter and Gamble. How .............................................. ?

B: ............................... My name is Viktor Savin, from Minsk, Belarus. I’d

like to speak to Mr. Trent please.

A: Oh, I’m sorry. Mr. Trent ..................................................... Could I have your

name again please?

B: Yes.........................................

A: Right, Mr. Savin. From Minsk, Belarus?

B: ..................... Could you ask Mr. Trent to call our office when he’s back

after the meeting?







Does he have your phone number?

..., but just in case it’s -t-375-17- 284-1600

..... -t-375-17-284-1600

OK, Mr. Savin, thanks for calling ..................................... later today. That’s very good ...........................................


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Telephone Conversations i|j

Will you call back later? Вы можете перезвонить позже? I’ll see what I can do. Я посмотрю, что я смогу сделать.

How do you spell your name? Как пишется Ваша фамилия?

Could you repeat that please? Не могли бы Вы повторить?

I’m interested in... Меня интересует...

I’m really sorry about this. Я действительно сожалею об этом.

Can you give me information about accommodation?

Дайте мне, пожалуйста, сведения о размещении.

Is there a discount for bigger orders? А на более крупные заказы есть скидка? I’d like to speak to someone about

Мне бы хотелось поговорить с кем- нибудь


Could we arrange a meeting some time next week?

Не могли бы мы устроить встречу на следующей неделе?

What about next Wednesday? Как насчет следующей среды? We have an appointment for next

week, but the problem is... У нас назначена встреча на следующей

неделе, но дело в том, что...

I’m afraid I can’t come on that day. Could we fix another day?

Боюсь, я не смогу придти в этот день. Может, мы смогли бы назначить другой день?

1 think you have the wrong number. Мне кажется, у Вас неправильный номер телефона.

It was nice talking to you. Приятно было поговорить с Вами.

Thanks very much for your help. Спасибо большое за помощь.

You’ve been very helpful. Вы мне очень помогли.

Please call if you need anything else. Пожалуйста, звоните, если Вам нужно будет еще что-нибудь.

We look forward to hearing from you. Будем ждать от Вас известий.

Bye for now. Всего доброго.


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^ Телефонные разговоры

Г11 таке sure Mr. X gets your message.

Shall 1 get him to call you?

If you give me your phone number, I’ll ask him to call you later.

Would you like to leave a message?

I’ll get back to you later in the day.

Would you like to speak to his assistant?

Shall I ask him to call you back?

That would be great.

What would you like to know?

How would you like to pay, sir?

I’ll pay on my credit card.

You know, we haven’t received...

Unfortunately, there’s a problem


It’s not the first time we’ve had this


If the problem is not resolved, we’ll

have to...

I’m very sorry about the problem.

I’m sorry to hear that.

I’m afraid that’s not quite so.

Can I ask you a favour?

I have a question for you.

When could I reach him please?

Я обязательно передам Ваше сообще-

ние г-ну X.

Передать ему, чтобы он Вам позвонил?

Если Вы оставите Ваш номер телефо-

на, я попрошу его перезвонить Вам


Вы хотите что-нибудь передать?

Я созвонюсь с Вами сегодня попозже.

Вы бы хотели поговорить с его помощ-


Попросить его, чтобы он перезвонил


Это было бы замечательно.

Что бы Вы хотели выяснить?

В какой форме Вы собираетесь рассчи-


Я буду рассчитываться по кредитной


Видите ли, мы не получили...

К сожалению, существует проблема


Мы уже не первый раз сталкиваемся с

этой проблемой.

Если эта проблема не будет решена,

нам придется...

Я очень сожалею по поводу этой про-


Мне очень жаль это слышать.

Это не совсем так.

Можно попросить Вас об одолжении?

У меня к Вам вопрос.

Когда бы я мог с тш связаться?


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Telephone Conversations ^

Could you give me the card number and expiry date please sir?

- Sure, it’s 2235-2500-97664, January 20"’ „2003.

Thank you for calling us. Please make sure you’re at the airport forty

minutes before the flight.

Thank you. Bye. 1.7. Полезные выражения для разговора по телефону.

Helpful Expressions for Telephone Conversations

How can I help you?

Could I speak to N please?

Who is calling please?

N speaking.

This is NN from...

I’m calling from...

I’m calling about...

I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.

Чем я могу Вам помочь?

Могу я поговорить с...?

Кто это говорит?

N слушает.

Это NN из...

Я звоню из...

Я звоню насчет...

Извините, я не расслышал, как Вас зовут.

Sorry, could you repeat your num- Извините, не могли бы Вы повторить Ваш номер? Ьег?

I’ve got that now.

I see, thank you.

I’d like to speak to...

Hold on (hold the line) please.

I’m afraid he’s not in the office. I’m

sorry, he is not available.

He is in the meeting right now. Could

1 speak to someone else? Could you

give her a message?

Do you know when she’ll be back?

Can I take a message?

Please tell (ask) him...

Теперь понятно.

Понятно, спасибо.

Мне бы хотелось поговорить с

Подождите, пожалуйста.

Вы знаете, его нет в кабинете.

Извините, но его сейчас нет.

Он сейчас на заседании.

Могу ли я поговорить с кем-нибудь еще?

Не могли бы Вы ей оставить сообще-

ние? Вы не знаете, когда она вернется?

Что-нибудь передать?

Пожалуйста, скажите ему (попросите



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Телефонные разговоры

This is Brenda Winter from San Diego, California.

Oh, hello Brenda.

Have you heard about the accident?

Accident? Oh yes, I have. And your desks were damaged. What would

you like me to do?

Have you any more available?

Well, not as many as you ordered. You asked for fifty, we have only thirty

available today. But we could produce another twenty by the end of the

next week. Let me see, by Friday the eleventh.

The end of next week! But we need them now!

Right, but we have a lot of orders, you know.

Yes, but our goods were damaged. Can’t you do anything about it? Can’t

you help us?

I know how you feel, Brenda. Well, let me talk to our production

manager, and I’ll get back to you later in the day.

Thank you, and can you send them by air freight? I mean it’ll save us a lot

of time, you know.

Yes, and I’ll send someone to the airport with them.

Oh good, but we must have the desks by the seventh.

Okay, I’ll see what we can do. And I’ll be in touch later.

Thanks a lot, good-bye.

Phone Conversation 3.

Hello. Western Airlines. Can I help you?

Yes. Can you check if there are any seats available for a flight to Los

Angeles please?

Yes, sir. When are you thinking of flying?

On the morning of the twelfth. The fist available flight.

Is six fifteen too early?

No that’s fine. Well, maybe it’s a little early. Have you got something a

bit later? Around ten or eleven perhaps?

There’s a flight at ten twenty that gets in at two thirty.

That would be great. How much is it?

Two hundred and ten dollars plus tax.


What’s the name please sir?

Weyels. Jack Weyels - W.. .E...Y.. .E.. .L.. .S How

would you like to pay?

I’ll pay on my VISA card.


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Telephone Conversations %

Phone Conversation 1.


Hello. Is that you, Bob?

Yes, it’s me. Who’s calling?

This is Peter.

Crocodile Pete himself! How are you?

Am I disturbing you? Is it a good time to call?

Sure, I wasn’t doing anything special. As a matter of fact, I’m on a train

[speaking on a cell phone].

So am I.

Going somewhere nice?

I hope so.

Excuse me, that’s my other mobile ringing. Hang on a minute. Your other

mobile? You mean you have two?

Sure. One’s my private number, and one’s for work. Now what can I do

for you?

I wanted to ask you for a telephone number.


Do you remember that guy at the party last Friday? The one who sells

special cards?

Yeah, Ted Willow.

That’s it. Ted Willow. Do you have his number?

Not on me, but I can let you have it after the weekend. I’m going on a

course this weekend to improve my business communication skills.

No! Really? So am I. At a hotel near the Zoo?


Hey, we might be on the same train! What can you see out of the


Right now I can see a field with some farmers.

And a green tractor?

Yeah, a green Ford tractor. We must indeed be on the same train. See

you in the coffee bar.

Sure, I’ll be right there!

Phone Conversation 2.

I’d like to speak to George Robins please. Just

a moment.

Good morning, Robins speaking.


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Телефонные разговоры

Hello, my name is Nikolai Pashkevich. I’ll spell my last name;

P...A...S.. .H.. .K...E...V.. .1..,C...H. I am calling from Minsk,

Belarus, regarding the arrival time of our interns to your company

next week. I tried to send you a fax, but I never got an “OK”

reception. They will arrive at JFK airport next Tuesday at 7:10 pm.

Please give me a call to acknowledge this message at

-1-375-17-238-6521. Once again: -1-375-17-238-6521. Thank you.

Hope to hear from you soon. _____________________________


Hello, I’m Steve Banks, B...A...N...K...S from Cooper and Brothers.

Please give me a call regarding the delivery time of the stationery

you have ordered. I’m available every morning between 9 and 11 at

412-6528. Thanks, bye.

1.6. Выбор стиля в телефонном разговоре? Choice

of Style in a Telephone Conversation

|M The choice of style (formal or informal vocabulary, grammar and into- 1^

nation) depends, in the first place, on the relationships between the participants of

the telephone conversation {formal or neutral for people whose social status is

different or those who don’t know each other and Informal for friends,

fellow-students or colleagues). Other situational factors, such as the

subject-matter of the conversation, the place of the conversation and others

also influence the choice of style, or, to be more exact, a variation within formal or

informal style.




[based on: M. Irwin, M. Cadman Commercially Speaking. Oxford University Press, 1999]

Are the conversations below formal? neutral? informal? Why? Where

are the interlocutors - in the office, at home, calling from a public

phone...? What is the subject-matter of each conversation? Are they

talking shop, i.e. discuss business, or having a small talk, i.e. speak

about everyday matters?

Are they using full or elliptical (shortened) sentences? Is their

vocabulary formal, neutral or informal?


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Telephone Conversations ^


Lilia Korzun:


Lilia Korzun:


Lilia Korzun:


Lilia Korzun:


I beg your pardon, I didn’t catch that.

To Mrs. Lynne Wright - Human Resources Department.

Oh yes. Was there a date for the interview suggested?

I thought I would be able to come on June 4"’, but at this

point the best time would be between June 8'*’ and 11'*'

because of my final exams.

Right. I’ve got that now. Could you hold on please?

Okay, Lilia. Mrs. Wright said she would be able to see

you on June lO"’ at 11:30 AM.

I’m sorry. Could you please repeat that?

On Tuesday, June 10‘^ eleven thirty.

Oh, thank you very much. You’ve been very helpful.

No problem at all. Bye-bye.

1.5 Как оставить информацию на автоответчике?

Leaving а Message on an Answering Machine

When there is nobody in the office you are calling, an answering machine is a good device to leave your message. Here are some hints on using an answering machine:

- speak after the tone in the recorded answering machine’s voice;

- speak slowly, clearly and use simple language;

- spell your name when introducing yourself;

- leave your phone number with a full area (country) code;

- make your message short and informative.

Here is a sample of the recorded voice:

You have reached the Telecom office. We are not able to take your call

right now. Please leave your message after the tone, and we’ll get back

to you as soon as we can. Thank you for calling.

Below you’ll find a few messages left on the answering machine:

Good morning, this is Greg Martin calling, M...A...R...T...I...N, from

Iowa State, Ames. I wanted to check the number of orders we placed

with you last week. Could you please call me at 512-349-8712.

Thank you. ___________________________________________


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^ Телефонные разговоры

Now, on the basis of the following phone conversation write down a telephone message.


Chris Witt:


Chris Witt:


Chris Witt:


Chris Witt:


Good morning, “Riegling and Co.”. Can I help you?

Hello, I am Chris Witt from “Sadler and Sons Ltd.”.

Please could I speak to Mr. Jeff Smith?

I’m sorry, but Mr. Smith is not in at the moment.

I see. When do you think I could contact him?

Well, at the moment he’s away. He hasn’t left his

schedule for today. Would you like to leave a message?

Yes, perhaps you would ask Mr. Smith to call me? My

name is Witt, W...I... double T, Chris Witt. And my

phone number is 181-166-7851.

I got it, Mr. Witt.

Thank you. I look forward to hearing from Mr. Smith.

It’s a pleasure. Thanks for calling. Bye for now.

1.4. Как попросить повторить информацию? Asking for Repetition

m When you are not sure you have understood something, ask for repetition. Any request for repetition or repetition itself must be fol- lowed by acknowledgement (confirmation of receiving the informa- tion), for example:

I beg your pardon. I didn’t catch that.

I am calling from Minsk, Belarus {repetition)

Oh, I see (acknowledgement)

Read the following phone conversation and pay attention to the phrases of asking

and giving repetitions:

Receptionist: Good morning, Johnson and Johnson Inc. How can I

help you?

Lilia Korzun: Hello, my name is Lilia Korzun. I recently sent you my

resume and wrote about an interview, but I haven’t had any reply


Receptionist: I’m sorry, could you repeat your name please?

Lilia Korzun: K...O...R...Z...U...N, Korzun, and my first name is

Lilia, L...I...L...I...A.

Receptionist: I see. And who did you write to?

Lilia Korzun: To Mrs. Lynne Wright in Human Resources.


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Telephone Conversations '4

Telephone Message

For: Mr. Scherer Time of call: 10:20 am

Caller: Sergey Klimov Company: didn’t say;

from Minsk, Belarus

Phone number: 375-17-227-6534


Please call back in the afternoon of the


re the agenda



Susan Todd:


Susan Todd:


Susan Todd:


Hello, this is the IMF office in Belarus. Can I help you? Hi, this

is Susan Todd from the IMF Fiscal Department. Is Mark Horton


I’m sorry Mr. Horton is in a meeting right now. Shall I ask him

to call you later or would you like to leave a message?

No, it’s Okay. I’ll fax him.

Oh, good. You’ve got our office fax number, don’t you? Yes,

I’m sure. Bye for now.


Telephone Message For: Mark

Time of call: 4pm

Caller: Susan Todd From: Fiscal Dept.

Phone number: (available in the IMF directory)

Message: none, she will fax.


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^ Телефонные разговоры

Telephone Message



Time call:_

Company _

Phone number:

Message: ______

Below are two samples of a phone conversation with telephone messages following them.


Secretary. Hello, Philips Company. How can I help you?

Sergey Klimov. Good morning. My name is Sergey Klimov from Minsk, Belarus. I’d

like to speak to Mr. Scherer please.

Secretary: I’m sorry, Mr. Scherer is not here at the moment. Could

I have you name again please?

Sergey Klimov: Yes, my last name is Klimov, K...L...I...M...O...V, and my first name

is Sergey, S...E...R...G...E...I.

Secretary: Yes, Mr. Klimov from Minsk, Belarus, right?

Sergey Klimov: That’s right. Could you tell him to call me back when he’s got a

moment? I wanted to check the agenda of our meeting.

Secretary: Yes, I’ll ask him to do that. Does he have your number,

Mr. Klimov?

Sergey Klimov: I think so. Just in case please put it down: + 375-17- 227-6534. Let

me repeat it. 375 - this is an area code of Belarus, 17 - this is for

Minsk, and 227-6534 is the number in the city of Minsk.

Secretaiy: Correct. All right, thank you for calling, and Mr.

Scherer will call you back in the afternoon.

Sergey Klimov: Thank you very much indeed.

Secretary: You’re very welcome, sir.


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А, Telephone Conversations i|.















My name is Kent Brown, the order wan placed

on my name.

All right, Mr. Brown. You order is being proc-

essed at the moment, but if you have any ques-

tions on the flight itinerary. I’ll be happy to pro-

vide you with all the information.Customer.- First

of all, we’re going to be eleven, not ten, as origi-

nally planned. Is that any problem for you to

make this change in our order?

Let me see, Mr. Brown. Now, we can put another

person in, but it’s going to be at the back of the

plane, and we need the passenger’s full name


Yes, of course. This is also Brown, my wife

Nancy Brown.

I got it. How are you going to pay, Mr. Brown?

I’m going to pay on the credit card.

Could you give me the card number and the ex-

piry date please?

It’s 224-0045-8733561, August 3''“, 2002.

And what’s your phone number please?

My number is 505-3457-7811

Let me repeat it: 505-3457-7811. I’ll call you

back this afternoon, Mr. Brown. Will you be

available between 4 and 5 p.m. ?

You know, I was going to leave after 4 pm. Can

we make it before that if possible? Or I could call

you from downtown after 4 p.m.

That sounds good. Thank you for calling us, Mr.

Brown. Bye-bye for now.


1.3. Как принять и оставить сообщение?

Taking and Leaving Messages

When you are taking a message, put it on a message pad:

When you are taking a message, put it on a message pad:

6 Зак. 1877 161

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What you need for success in business ^

D. H.: See that guy over there? He’s in charge of accounting. Stay away from


G.M.: Why?

D.H.: Believe me. Just stay away. Also don’t talk to that woman there. If you need

anything, just ask me.

Situation 2.

Ron Howard has worked for the East West Trade Company for 10 years. He is Assistant

Manager for Pacific Sales. He wants to be Vice-President of International Sales

Department. Mark Curtis is a new employee. He will work with Mr. Howard. It’s his first

day on the job.

M.C.: Hi! My name is Mark Curtis. I’m the new Assistant Manager of

the European Sales Department.

R.H.: It’s nice to meet you Mark. Welcome to the company. Let me in

troduce you to your other colleagues. This is Mrs. Wilson, the secretary

for our department and the most important person in this company.

M.C.: How do you do, Mrs. Wilson?

Mrs.W.: How do you do? If you need anything, let me know.

Questions for discussion:

1. Who is a friendlier colleague - David Hunter or Ron Howard? Why?

2. Who feels more comfortable - George Monroe or Mark Curtis? Why?

3. Why doesn’t Mr. Hunter want Mr. Monroe to talk to the other employees?

4. Who would you like to work with - Mr. Hunter or Mr. Howard?

5. Why is it important to be a good team player?

How about you?

Which of these characteristics describe you ? {Yes /No /Sometimes)










A team player


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^ Что нужно для успеха в бизнесе



Mr. Smith invited Mrs. Pomeroy to a reception at the company’s new offices.

*Mable Pomeroy* 29 Bucks Lane

Deer Glade, North Carolina 30303

September 16, 1995

Mr. Frank C. Smith

Smith Serviees, Inc.

Durham, NC 30303-4444

Dear Mr. Smith:

It was very nice to invite me to your reception last night. I enjoyed the chance to

see your beautiful new offices and to talk with you again.

Thank you for your kind invitation. Best wishes for the future.

Sincerely yours,

Mable Pomeroy


Mr. White invited a client, Mrs. Rosalind Prince, to a seminar on improving telephone


Complete a thank-you note with these words:

Dear, invitation, nice. Thank, chance, future, last. Sincerely, the.


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What you need for success in business Ф

* Rosalind Prince*

49 Luck lane

Norman, OK 87450

September 16, 1995

Mr. Cleveland White

White Consulting Company 9

Franklin Place, Suite 4 Norman,

OK 87450

___________ Mr. White:

It was very of you to invite me to_ seminar

_________ night. I enjoyed the opportunity to learn about telephone skills and the __________ to talk with again.

you for your kind and best wishes for the

. yours.

Rosalind Prince


Mr. Easton invited you to a workshop on remembering names. Write a thank- you note

to him.

umma Я

Make new colleagues feel welcome.

Learn about your colleagues.

Know people’s job titles.- Write

thank-you notes.

Be a good team player.


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^ Что нужно для успеха в бизнесе

1.4. Заинтересованность (Be Interested)

Personal success hint:

People like it when you use their name.

They also like you to be interested in them

as a person - not just as 'company employee'.


discuss two situations.

Situation 1.

Mark Winston wants Sam Tenly to meet Mary Chapin. Mr. Tenly is the Vice- President

of the European Sales Department. Ms. Chapin has just returned from a three-week visit

to the European offices.

M.W.: Sam, I’d like to introduce you to Mary Chapin.

M.Ch.: How do you do?

S.T.: How do you do?

M.W.: I’ll let you get acquainted.

Sam: Well, it was nice to meet you.

Mary: Nice to meet you, too. Good bye.

Situation 2.

Bill Revson, a potential client, is visiting from Toronto. Tom Patterson is introducing him

to the employees of the company.

T.P.: Bill, I’d like you to meet Jane Steele. Ms. Steele, this is Bill Revson.

Mr. Revson is visiting us from Toronto.

J.S.: How do you do, Mr. Revson?

B.R.: How do you do, Ms. Steele.

T.P.: Ms. Steele is the manager of our Accounting Department. She is also a great


J.S.: Tom tells me you play golf, too. Why don’t you join us for a few

rounds tomorrow?

B.R.: Thank you. I’d love to join you.


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What you need for success in business ^

Questions for discussion:

1. Who makes better introductions - Mr. Winston or Mr. Patterson? Why?

2. Who feels more comfortable - Mr. Revson or Ms. Chapin?

3. Who is more interested - Mr. Tenly or Ms. Steele?

4. What did Mr. Revson and Ms. Steele have in common?

5. What did Mr. Tenly and Ms. Chapin have in common?

6. How could Mr. Winston help Mr. Tenly and Ms. Chapin get acquainted?

How about you? {Yes /No /Sometimes) Explain your answer.

When you are with strangers,...

1. you introduce yourself.

2. you tell something about yourself.

3. you are shy.

4. you tell something about others.

5. you wait to be introduced.

6. you let the other person start the conversation.

7. you look for things in common.

Here are two rules for making introductions:

1. A lower ranking employee is introduced to a higher ranking employee. 2. A younger person is introduced to an older person.


Ms. Jones is a retired accountant. She is 60. Mr. Brown is a Director of Sales. He is 45.

Complete the introduction: _________ , I’d like you to meet , this is


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Ms. Wright is a member of the Board of Directors. She is 30. Mr. Reed is Vice-President

of International Sales. He is 55.

Complete the introduction:

_________ , I’d like you to meet , this is

Practice making introductions with two of your classmates.

When you introduce people, provide some personal information. This will start the

conversation. You can provide a job title or tell something about personal interests.

Personal Success Skill

[! When you meet someone, try to find something in common.

Look at the following models and practice with your classmates:

Ted Cohran:

Margaret Perry:

John Smith:

Mrs. Perry is our President. She’s a great tennis player.

What do you do, Mr. Smith?

I’m a sales manager in the Pacific Rim. I like tennis, too!




Where are you going for your vacation?

I’m going to London.

London is a great city. I went there last year.


Use personal information in introductions. Try

to find a common interest.

Stay in touch.


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What you need for success in business Ф

1.5. Организованность (Be Organized)

Personal success hint:

Always know your schedule. If you control your time, you control your life.



Compare and discuss two situations.

Situation 1.

Sharon Kurn wants to make a lunch appointment with Mark Stevens.

Sh.K.: Are you free for lunch tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?

M.S.: Tomorrow? I can’t say for sure.

Sh.K.: What about today?

M. S.; Today? OK. Wait a minute. No, I can’t. I have an appointment.

I’m running late, as usual.

Situation 2.

David Dasher wants to make an appointment with Nancy Gordon.

D.D.: We need to make some decisions on this project.

N. G.: I’m free tomorrow morning.

D.D.: Great! Let’s meet at nine in my office. First we’ll look at sales figures. Then,

we’ll plan our marketing strategy, and last, we’ll work out a budget.

N.G.: That’s a full agenda.

Business idioms and expressions:

market strategy = plan for selling a product to work out = to

develop, to plan a full agenda = a lot to do


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Questions for discussion:

1. Why is Mr. Stevens not sure about his schedule?

2. How could Mr. Stevens become more organized?

3. What is the difference between Mark Stevens and Nancy Gordon?

4. Which person are you like?

How about you? Are you organized? {Always /Sometimes/Never)

1. Is your desk neat?

2. Is your address book in order?

3. Can you always find things?

4. Are you early for appointments?

5. Do you meet the deadline?

6. Do you get up at the same time every day?

7. Do you plan ahead?

8. Do you make lists of things to do?

9. Do you write your schedule for a week?

10. Is your schedule tight or open?

Business Hint:

When you make an appointment, add extra time to it.

Then you are stiii on schedule.

Keep free time on your caiendar.

An "open” schedule is more flexible than a “tight” schedule.

— ________________________________________ -i.. . ^ ^ . -

An organized person has plans for all possibilities. Be prepared to suggest an alternative.

Look at the model and practice with your classmate:

A: Let’s meet tomorrow.

B: Are you free for lunch?

A: No, I’m not. How about 2:30?

B: Two thirty is fine.

In the business world, everyone is very busy. Business calls are concise and “to the

point”. Remember to be positive.

Which is the best expression?


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What you need for success in business Ф

Situation: Mel Jones is calling to talk about his company.

1. Which of these is a good way to say “Hello”?

a. Hello. This is Mel Jones from IMT.

b. Hi! Guess who?

2. Which of these is “to the point”?

a. Are you familiar with IMT and its telephone services?

b. Г11 bet you’re wondering why I called.

3. Which of these is a good way to end the phone call?

a. Don’t hang up yet. Just one more thing.

b. I’ll call you when you have more time.

Situation: Greg Thompson wants to apply for a job.

1. Which of these is a good way to say “Hello”?

a. Ummm. Do you have any Jobs?

b. This is Greg Thompson. May I speak to the Personnel Department, please?

2. Which of these is “to the point”?

a. Do you have any sales positions open?

b. I was wondering if you have a job for me.

3. Which of these is a good way to end the phone call?

a. Thank you for your time. I’ll send my resume to your attention.

b. If I can’t find another job, I’ll call you again.

Practice with your classmate making an appointment.


Make appointments.

Set agendas.

Keep a calendar.

Be direct.

Plan for changes.

Be prepared with

alternatives. Write “to do”



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1.6. Пунктуальность (Ве Punctuaf)

Personal success hint: When you keep someone waiting, you imply,

“My time is more important than yours.” If you are going to be late, call and reschedule.


Compare and discuss two situations.

Situation 1.

Paul Ward is making a sales call on Roy Minor, the Head of Purchasing Dept. Mr. Ward

wants to demonstrate his new computer products to Mr. Minor.

R.M.: It’s 3:45 now. You’re 45 minutes late. You have 15 minutes to talk about

your company’s products. P.W.: Fifteen minutes! I need at least an hour! R.M.: Be on time then.

Situation 2.

Pam Green has a 2:00 appointment with Henry King. Mr. King arrives at Ms. Green’s

office at 1:50. She comes out to meet him at 2:00 p.m.

P.G.: I didn’t keep you waiting, did I?

H.K.: No, you’re right on time.

P.G.: And so are you.

H.K.: Actually, I like to be early. I don’t like to keep YOU waiting. Questions for


1. Who is more successful - Mr. King or Mr. Ward?

2. Who is more impressed - Mr. Minor or Ms. Green?

3. Whose time is more important - Mr. Minor’s or Mr. Ward’s?

4. What should Mr. Ward do after the meeting?

5. What should Mr. Ward do before the next meeting?

6. Are you more like Mr. King or Mr. Ward?


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What you need for success in business О

How about you? Use these adverbs to answer the questions.

Always Usually Sometimes Never

1. Are you punctual?

2. Are you on time for your class?

3. Are you on time for your supervisor?

4. Are you late for a train departure?

5. Are you late for a meeting with your friends?

6. Are you on time for a meeting with your boss?

Business Hint: Add extra time before an appointment.

It's better to wait for a client than to keep a client waiting.

Sometimes you are late. If you are late, apologize. Say you are sorry and give an excuse.


Ann Downs is George Arno’s boss.

A.D.: You’re ten minutes late.

G.A.: I’m sorry. The lift was out of order. I had to walk up 12 flights.

Practice apologizing and giving excuses with your classmate.

A: You’re ten minutes / half an hour/one hour late.

B: I’m sorry. The bus broke down. / The plane was canceled. / The train was

late. / There was an accident.

There are two kinds of reasons for being late:

’“reasons within your control = YOUR fault ♦reasons

outside your control = NOT YOUR fault

The only excuse for being late for a business appointment is something outside your


Which of these reasons for being late are your fault? (Yes/No/Maybe)

1. My alarm clock was broken.

2. It was raining.

3. The bus broke down.

4. I forgot what time it was.


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^ Что нужно для успеха в бизнесе

5. Му watch stopped.

6. Му watch is slow.

7. I lost the address.

8. I missed my train.

9. I couldn’t find a taxi.

10.1 overslept.

When someone is late, you become worried about the person or even angry at that person.

When someone tells you he/she will be late, you are usually more patient. You will

forgive the person for being late.


A is B’s boss. В is calling from his car phone.

A: Where are you? The meeting starts in 10 minutes.

B.: V m in my car. There is an accident on the street. I’m sorry. I’ll be late. I’ll

be there as soon as I can.

A.: Don’t worry about it. We’ll start the meeting without you. Thanks for


Business Hint:

In a business situation, you should always accept an apology graciously.

Look at these ways to accept (or not to accept) an apology. Choose the type of response

(Patient/ Forgiving or Angry / Worried).

“I’m sorry I’m late”

1. That’s all right.

2. I was worried about you.

3. No problem.

4. Don’t worry about it.

5. I’ve been here for 30 minutes.

6. It can happen to anyone.

7. You should ’ ve called!

8. Don’t let it happen again!

9. Where have YOU been?

10. Next time call!

Practice conversations with your classmate.


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What you need for success in business Ф


invitatton 1.

You are cordially invited

to a presentation


Mr. Ronald Preston


New Marketing Strategies

Date: Monday, June 4

Time: 2:00 p.m.

Place: Conference Room, 2”“'floor


You are cordially invited 'p If

to a reception for

''6 Mr. James Reynolds

Date: Thursday, March 28

Time: 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Place: Executive Dining Room

Answer the following questions about invitations 1 and 2:

1. What is the invitation for?

2. What time does it start?

3. What time will you arrive?

4. Is it OK to arrive late?

5. What time will you leave?


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Business idioms and expressions:

I was unavoidably detained = I was late, because I could not get away.

This is a polite and very common excuse.


Joan Hughes arrived very late at Mr. Preston’s presentation. She apologized to Mr.

Preston in a short note.

From the desk of Joan Hughes

Dear Mr. Preston,

I am very sorry I arrived late for your presentation.

I was unavoidably detained. Again, my sincere apologies.

Sincerely yours,

Joan Hughes.


Max Wood arrived late at Mr. Gray’s seminar. Apologize in a note to Mr. Gray.

umma Ш

Leave early to be sure you are not late.

Allow extra time.

Call to reschedule.

Apologize if you are late.

Accept apologies from other people.


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What you need for success in business Ф

1.7. Профессионализм (Be Prepared)

Personal Success Hint: When you meet a client or make a presentation, be prepared to state the problem, give a pian,

and support the plan with details.


Compare and discuss two situations.

Situation 1.

Anne Parker has an idea for a new product. She is presenting her proposal to Karen

Maple, her supervisor.

K.M.: How long will it take to develop the product?

A.P.; I’m not sure. Maybe a year. Maybe more.

K. M.: How much will it cost?

A.P.: Not very much. Well, a million or two.

Situation 2.

Martha Reynolds is a sales manager. She has a plan to increase sales. Larry Spitz is her


M.R.: We need to increase our advertising budget. Last year we reduced our advertising

budget by 50 per cent, and sales fell by 30 per cent.

L. S.: How did we spend our advertising money?

M. R.: Look at this chart. Last year 50% of our budget was spent on print

advertising, 25% was spent on radio spots, and 25% on TV.

Questions for discussion:

1. Who can support her arguments with facts and statistics - Ms. Parker or Ms.


2. Who is more impressed with their colleagues - Ms. Maple or Mr. Spitz?

3. Who would you like to work with - Ms. Parker or Ms. Reynolds?

4. Why is Ms. Reynolds’ presentation more interesting?


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Ф Что нужно для успеха в бизнесе

Business Hint: When you give a presentation or make a report,

it is important to have all the facts. Details make a presentation more interesting and more credible.

How about you?

Use these adverbs to tell about yourself: always, usually, sometimes, never.

1. Before you seal a letter, you reread the letter for errors.

2. Before you mail a letter, you check the address on the envelope.

3. You keep all your receipts.

4. You practice your ideas on others before presenting them to an audience.

Before you go to a meeting, be prepared. Think of the questions people will ask. Prepare

the answers for these questions. Know how long, how much, and what is required to do


Practice with your classmates:

A: I think we should develop a new project / redo our budget/ rewrite our catalog/...


B: How long will it take to develop/to do/to write/... ?

A: It will take J8 months/a few hours/a week/... .

B.: How much will it cost /be / take/... 1

A.: It will cost $ 4,000/be about $ 1,000 / take about $ 2 million.


Read the following announcement from the company bulletin board.

=All managers are invited to a meeting-


The meeting will be held in the conference room

from 2:00 to 4:30 p.m.

on Thursday, January 1C/''


Call Rick Crane at 340-7979 for more information


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What you need for success in business 0

Find the details;

1. What is the announcement about?

2. Who is invited?

3. Where will the meeting be?

4. How long will the meeting be?

5. What is the date of the meeting?

6. How many speakers will there be?

7. Who do you call for more information?

8. Do all managers have to go?

9. What is Mr. Crane’s phone number?

10. What day is the meeting?

Read the model notes for the announcement. Then read the model announcement.


Business Meeting «Starting a New Business: How much does it cost?» Friday, May 2"‘‘,

2:30 p.m., Carter Auditorium, 495 Elm St., Free. Call (412) 456-6845


«Starting a New Business: How much does it cost?»

Friday, May 2'“‘, 2:30 p.m.. Carter Auditorium

495 Elm Street. Free admission.


Read the notes. Then write the announcements.

||!1ЯЯ1Й Planning meeting «Marketing New Products», Monday, March 6''\ 4:00 pm,

Fairview Hotel, 6940 Amherst Avenue. Free. Call (613) 459-6832.


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Что нужно для успеха в бизнесе

Meeting for small businesses «Sales and Marketing», 1:00 p.m.. May 30"\

Tuesday, City View Hotel, 960 Park Avenue, $10, call 703-594-7854.

[?ВЯИ From the desk of Bill Rogers. World Trade Seminar «New Trade Policy», Friday,

December 12, 3:30 pm World Conference Center, Drysdale Circle. $75.

Call 512-433-3344.

tilhunar 1 Be prepared

Give sufficient details

Ask the right questions

1.8. Вежливость (Be Polite)

Personal Success Hint: It pays to be polite in business


Compare and discuss two situations.

Situation 1.

Barbara McKain is the receptionist at Green and Sons Company. One of her duties is to

answer the telephone. No one gets past Ms. McKain.

Ms. McKain: This is Green and Sons Company. May I help you?

Mrs. Croft: Let me talk to Mr. Green. Quick.

Ms. McK.: Who may I say is calling? (or: Who is calling, please?)

Mrs. C.: Mrs. Croft.

Ms. McK.: May I tell him what the call is about?

Mrs. C.: It’s none of your business.

Ms. McK.; I’m sorry, but Mr. Green has just stepped out.


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What you need for success in business Ф

Situation 2.

Jack Winston is talking to Barbara McKain, the receptionist.

Ms. McK.: Hello. Green and Sons Company. This is Barbara speak

ing. May I help you?

J.W.: Hello, Barbara. This is Jack Winston. How was your va


Ms. McK.: Oh, hello, Mr. Winston. My vacation was terrific. Thanks

for asking. How are you today?

J.W.: Great, thanks. Is Mr. Green in?

Ms. McK.: No, sorry, he has just stepped out.

J. W.: Do you have my number?

Ms. McK.: Yes, of course, we do. I’ll tell him that you called the

minute he comes back.

Questions for discussion:

1. Who is more polite - Mr. Winston or Mrs. Croft?

2. Why is Ms. McKain nice to Mr. Winston?

3. Why does Mr. Winston call Ms. McKain by her first name, Barbara?

4. Who is a positive person - Mr. Winston or Mrs. Croft?

5. Who is more successful - Mr. Winston or Mrs. Croft?

6. Who would you rather talk to - Mr. Winston or Mrs. Croft?

7. Do you like secretaries to ask why you are calling?

How about you?

Use these adverbs to tell about yourself: always, usually, sometimes, never

1. lam polite to strangers when face-to-face.

2. I am polite to strangers when on the phone.

3. I am polite to acquaintances.

4. I am more polite to strangers than to my family.


When you answer your phone at the office, you should identify yourself:

Hello. Charles Palmer / Charles Palmer speaking / Charles Palmer here / This is Charles



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When you call someone, you should identify yourself and give your company name.

Hello, Mr. Palmer. This is Rob Cranston from Parent magazine / This is Jane Doyle from

IBM calling /...

Practice with your classmate saying «Hello» on the phone.

Business Hint:

To identify yourself on the phone,

always say: “This is (vour name!”

Don't say “I am (vour nameV’

Read the conversations.

A polite conversation:

A: May I help you?

B: Yes, please. Could I speak to Mr. Carlson?

An impolite conversation:

A: What do you want? B: Mr. Carlson.

Match the polite and impolite expressions:

Щ Polite expressions Impolite expressions

1. May I help you a. I want Mr. Fox. 2. Could I speak to Mr. Fox? b. Who is this?

3. Who may I ask is calling? c. Make it quick. 4. Could you help me? d. Jim.

5. This is an emergency. e. What do you want? 6. I’d like to speak to Jim, please. f. Get me some help.

Practice using polite expressions:

A: May (Could / Can) I help you?

B: Yes, please. I’d like to speak to Mr. N. (the secretary / manager). A: Of

course (Surely / Certainly). Just a moment, please.


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What you need for success in business Ф

Business idioms and expressions:

If you are busy doing something, you can say "I am in the middle of a meeting (dinner/a


Suggesting aiternatives

If you need to get off the phone, provide a reason and a suggestion to continue later.


I’m in the middle of a meeting. I’m

on my way to a meeting.

I can’t talk now.

I’m very busy right now.

I just got in.

Suggestions Could we

talk later?

Could you call me after lunch? Call

me tomorrow, please.

Call me in about an hour, please. Can I

call you back later?

Practice ending phone calls with your classmate:

A; You know. I’m on my way to a meeting. Could you please call me later?

B: When should I call?

A: Call me early tomorrow.

Expressing appreciation

Study these sentences:

Thanks / Thank you for asking / calling / coming..

Read the situation. What do you say?

Д Situation: Somebody asked about your job. You say: Thank you for ____________ _ .

3 Situation: Somebody came to your party. You say: ____________ .

3 Situation: Somebody helped you. You say:.

Jj Situation: Somebody asked about your family. You say: _____________ .

3 Situation: Somebody called you. You say: _____________ .


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Taking phone messages

Practice taking phone messages;

A: Good morning. May I help you?

B; Yes. May I speak to Mr. Bill Robson?

A: I’m sorry. Mr. Robson has just stepped out. May I take a message?

B: Yes, please tell him that Mark Goodman returned his call.

A: And your number, Mr. Goodman?

B: 244-4569 (or; I’ll call him after lunch).

A: Let me repeat that (spell the name and repeat the number).

B: That’s correct. Thank you very much.

A: Thank you for calling. Good-bye.


Identify yourself on the phone.

Speak slowly and clearly. Return

your phone calls. Express


1.9. Терпеливость (Be Patient)

Personal success hint: Good work can take time to accomplish.


Compare and discuss two situations.

Situation 1.

Alice Duff supervises Wilma Cochran, who is a typist.

A.D.t Look at these typos (typing mistakes). Don’t you know how to type a letter?

W.C.: I’m sorry, Ms. Duff. I’ll retype it right away.

A.D.: Forget it. This letter is too important. I’ll type it myself.


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What you need for success in business Ф

Situation 2.

Betty Brooks typed a letter for Charles Decker.

Ch.D.: You’ve done a great job typing this letter.

B.D.: Thank you, Mr. Decker. The job gets easier every day.

Ch.D.: Of course it does. You forgot the date, though.

B.D.: I’m sorry. I’ll fix that right away.

Questions for discussion:

1. Who is more patient - Ms. Duff or Mr. Decker?

2. Who do you want to work with - Ms. Cochran or Ms. Brooks?

3. Who do you want to work for - Ms. Duff or Mr. Decker?

4. Is making a typo a serious mistake?

5. Is forgetting the date a serious mistake?

6. Which is worse - making a typo or forgetting the date?

How about you?

Answer yes / no /sometimes.

1. To do a job right, I do it myself.

2. I never make a mistake.

3. I explain things carefully.

4. I give everyone a second chance.

5. I check my work carefully.

6. I fix (correct) mistakes neatly.

Business Hint: Never forget to say "please” and “thank you".

When you give instructions, be patient. Explain how things should be done.

Positive suggestion: In this office, we use wider margins. Positive request: Could you retype this letter with wider margins?


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Ф Что нужно для успеха в бизнесе

Match the positive suggestion with the appropriate polite request.

Positive suggestions

1. In this office, we always use

white paper for letters.

2. In this office, we are very clean

and organized.

3. In this office, everyone helps

the receptionist.

4. In this office, we are always


Polite requests

a. Could you please come


b. Could you please clean your desk

before you leave?

c. Could you please answer

the phone while she’s out?

d. Could you please retype

your letter?

Making Positive Comments

A positive comment makes people comfortable and ready.

Negative comment: You can’t do anything right.

Positive comment: Thanks for trying. I really appreciate it.

Rewrite these sentences:

H I really appreciate your help.

Thanks for ______________________ . 3 I really appreciate your staying late.

H I really appreciate your meeting me.

3 I really appreciate your coming early.

3 I really appreciate your working overtime.

Business Hint: "You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.”

This common English expression means: If you are nice (sweet), people will do what you ask.

If you are nasty (bitter like vinegar), people will not want to do what you ask.

A polite way to correct someone is to use the passive voice. Instead of saying “YOU

made a mistake”, say “A mistake was made”.


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What you need for success in business ^

To make a polite suggestion^ use the word should.

An impolite suggestion: You had better finish your report.

A polite suggestion: You should finish your report.

Practice giving polite corrections with the verbs rewrite, call again, send again, copy

again, retype.

Practice making polite suggestions with the verbs talk, know, finish, write, call.

umma 7Ё

• Always say please and thank you.

■ Be positive.

■ Compliment good work.

■ Point out mistakes politely.

■ Provide clear, complete instructions.

1.10. Преданность делу (Be Loyal)

Personal Success Hint: “Give credit where credit is due.”

This expression means: By sharing your success, you show loyalty to your colleagues,

your boss, and your company.


Compare and discuss two situations.

Situation 1.

Richard Costner is Ann Edward’s boss.

A.E.: We made this sale because of me. I worked night and day on this project. I

worked through lunch breaks.

R.C.: Did no one else help you? Jim? Mary? Martha?

A.E.: Between you and me, no one else is qualified here.

R.C.: Really? They were qualified when I hired them.


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Что нужно для успеха в бизнесе

Situation 2.

Pam King is part of Bruce Grayson’s task force.

B.G.: You did a great job, Ms. King.

P.K.: I can’t take all the credit, Mr. Grayson. I had a lot of help from everyone here. It

was a real team effort.

B.G.: That’s great. I like it when everyone works well together.

P.K.: You put together a good team. The credit for our success goes to you.

Business idioms and expressions:

Team effort = employees work together on a project

The credit goes to you = you are responsible for our success

Questions for discussion:

1. Who is more loyal - Ms. Edwards or Ms. King?

2. Who is a better worker - Ms. Edwards or Ms. King?

3. Who do you want to work with - Ms. Edwards or Ms. King?

4. When is it important to share credit?

5. When is it important to share blame?

6. Who is most likely to be promoted - Ms. Edwards or Ms. King?

7. Rewrite situation 1 so Ms. Edwards shares the credit.

How about you?

Answer the questions using always / sometimes / never.

1. Do you use WE more than /?

2. Do you share credit?

3. Do you share blame?

4. Are you loyal to your colleagues?

5. Are you loyal to your classmates?

6. Are you loyal to your school / university?

7. Are you loyal to your teacher?

8. Do you thank people who help you?

Sharing the Credit

There is a common English expression: “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts."

When people work well together, the company benefits and the individual benefits.


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What you need for success in business ^

Which statement expresses "Sharing the Credit” and which expresses “Taking the


1. I did it all myself.

2. I had a lot of help.

3. It was a team effort.

4. I couldn’t have done it without you.

5. We all worked together.

6. No one else helped me.

7. Without me, it wouldn’t have happened.

8. I must credit my colleagues.

9. We all did our part.

10. You three deserve the credit.

Read this model and practice with your classmates:

A: You’ve done a good job (finished on time, finished ahead of schedule, pleased

the client, written a good report).

B: Thank you. Actually, we did it. It was a team effort.

Reading a letter of congratulations

City Business Association

22 North Street * Seattle, Washington, 10401

October 13, 1996

Mr. John L. Sims, President PMA Associates

1000 Concord Avenue Seattle, Washington,


Dear Mr. Sims,

We are pleased to inform you that you have received The Best of the Best

Managers award from the City Business Association for the year. You will find

the award enclosed with the letter.

Congratulations to you and your employees.


R.J. Carter,




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^ Что нужно для успеха в бизнесе

Answer the questions on the above letter:

1. Where does Mr. Sims work?

2. Where does Mr. Carter work?

3. Who won the award?

4. Where is the award?

5. Who congratulates whom on the award?

Writing a thank-you tetter

PMA Associates 1000

Concord Avenue Seattle,

Washington, 10401

October 16, 1996

Dear Mr. Carter,

Thank you so much for your letter. I am honored to receive the Best of the Best

Managers award. But I couldn’t have done all by myself.

As you know, PMA Associates hires only the most qualifies employees. All our

projects are a team effort. For this reason, I will share credit with my employees.

Thank you again for the award.

Sincerely, John L. Sims


Mrs. Jenice Powler has received a letter from Mr. Cooper. She has received an award for

“The Most Successful Seller” of her company.

Write a thank-you letter on the above model.


Share the credit.

Be a team player.

Congratulate colleagues.


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Making Decisions in Business ^

Раздел 2. Принятие решений в бизнесе (Making Decisions in Business)

в этом разделе на примере известных компаний (Джонсон и Джонсон;

Ливай Стросс; Эрбус Индустри и Боинг) с применением метода “Case Study”

рассматриваются непростые ситуации, в которых необходимо принятие важных

этических и управленческих решений, оказывающих решающее влияние на

развитие больщого бизнеса. Студентам, изучающим данный курс, предлагается

принять участие в сложном процессе принятия этих рещений.'

2.1. Компания Джонсон и Джонсон

(Johnson & Johnson Inc.)


Johnson and Johnson Consumer Products, Inc. (J&J)

■ has its headquarters at:

One Johnson and Johnson Plaza,

New Brunswick, New Jersey 08933


■ was founded in 1885

■ employs 80,000 people

■ is an international enterprise, with 170 affiliated companies in 55 countries

The company’s most profitable single brand is Tylenol, a mild pain reliever. It

accounts for over 15 percent of earnings. Tylenol is manufactured by a J&J subsidiary,

McNeil Consumer Products Co.

In 1982 someone in Chicago opened the capsules and poisoned them with

cyanide. Seven people died. J&J decided to protect the public and change the package by

using a safety seal.

Данный раздел составлен на основе материалов книги: Boyd, F. Making Business Decision: Real Cases from Real Companies. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc., 1994.


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Принятие решений в бизнесе

Answer the questions::

1. Is J&J known in Belarus and other CIS countries?

2. What kind of products does J&J manufacture? What are they used for?

3. In the USA, Tylenol and other mild pain relievers are sold in pharmacies and

other stores over-the-counter, that is, without a doctor’s prescription. Is this a

safe practice? Is such kind of medicine sold over- the-counter in Belarus?

Gathering Data: Reading

Read these articles on the changes in J&J and focus on these questions:

■ How was drug packaging changed as a result of the Tylenol deaths?

■ How did J&J’s response to the poisonings affect sales of Tylenol? ■ Was the criminal ever identified?


The day after J&J’s McNeil Consumer Products division learned that some of its

popular Tylenol capsules had been poisoned, the company started withdrawing 31 million

bottles of Tylenol from store shelves around the country. They were afraid that other

bottles might have been tampered with [=opened and changed in a harmful way].

At the same time, the company began redesigning the package to restore public

confidence. Within 24 hours, J&J had contacted many of the companies that would be

involved in the redesign. By the end of the first week, J&J had decided that the new

Tylenol bottle would have three barriers to prevent tampering: a glued box, a “shrink”

[=tight] neckband and an inner seal.

To get Tylenol back on the market, J&J spent $1 million on engravers to redesign

650 pieces of artwork for the product. Cartons and sealing equipment cost more than $5

million during the first few weeks.

By the fifth week after the Chicago deaths, the first 500,000 units of new

tamper-resistant Tylenol packages were produced.

While J&J led industry efforts to protect consumers, the Food and Drug

Administration (FDA), the U.S. government agency that approves products for sale to the

public, began developing stronger packaging regulations. As a result, all capsules and

liquid drugs must come in tamper-resistant packages. These guidelines also apply to any

drugs that are imported into the United States.


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Making Decisions in Business JSS


After seven innocent people died from taking contaminated [=poisoned] Tylenol,

sales of the painkiller [^analgetic] felt dramatically. But J&J responded to the frightening

incident in a notable way. Its executives’ decisions turned out to be not only ethical but

profitable, too.

James Burke, the Chairman of J&J, made a decision that will probably be studied

in business schools for a long time to come. Going against the advice of government

agents and some of his own colleagues, he decided to spend whatever millions it would

cost to recall [=withdraw] 31 million bottles of Tylenol capsules from store shelves across

the USA. Officials at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) feared that the recall

would increase the panic already touched off [=suddenly started] by the poisoning deaths

of seven Chicago-area residents who had taken capsules laced with cyanide.

The FBI [Federal Bureau of Investigation, the U.S. government police agency]

argued that such an expensive action would demonstrate to potential terrorists that they

only could bring a $5.9 billion corporation to its knees [=ruin].

But Burke prevailed, and his move proved to be decisive in a remarkable and

unparalleled winback of public confidence in his company’s product.

Tylenol regained more than 80 percent of the market share it held before the still

unsolved poisonings.

The manufacturer of Tylenol, instead of becoming defensive about the deaths,

opened its doors and its checkbook [=willingly spoke to the media and spent money to

help solve the problem].

The company fully dedicated itself to the investigation.


People all over the world were horrified by the deaths of seven innocent people

who took Tylenol capsules laced with deadly cyanide. It seemed that anyone could have

bought those deadly pills.

There was a huge effort by the city of Chicago, the state of Illinois, and the entire

United States to find the criminal. However, the search for the Tylenol killer has not been


Though the investigators worked relentlessly [=very hard], one of them concedes

that the trail is “stone cold” [=there are no more helpful clues to investigate]. James W.

Lewis, who is accused of trying to extort [=obtain by threat] $1 million from J&J by

offering to “stop killing”, will go

8 Зак. 1877 225

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^ Принятие решений в бизнесе

on trial. Police have failed to find evidence connecting Lewis directly to poisonings.

J&J’s reward of $100,000 still stands [=is offered], but Illinois agents doubt that

anyone will ever collect it.

Agree or disagree:

___ 1. The redesigned Tylenol package is as temper-resistant as possible.

___ 2. The FDA packaging guidelines have probably caused drug manufacturers in

other countries to make their packaging more temper- resistant.

___ 3. If the Chairman of the board of J&J had not recalled Tylenol, the

U.S. government would have done it.

___ 4. J&J withdrew Tylenol in order to avoid lawsuits from other consumers who

might be hurt by the product.

___ 5. If J&J had given more money to the search, the criminal would

have been found.

___ 6. If J&J were not so large and wealthy, the company would have

been ruined by the poisonings.

Read the sentences containing information on J&J and find expressions under the line

(a,b,c...) that mean the same as those in italics:

___ 1. J&J is a household name in baby-care as well as medical products.

Nearly every family in the USA has in its house at least one product made by this


___ 2. J&J enjoys a reputation for high quality products and business integrity.

Consumers feel that they can trust J&J products.

___ 3. Trust is a big issue for a firm that makes pharmaceuticals.

___ 4. According to its credo, the J&J company is required to place a high

priority on the needs of the customers. Protecting customers is the company’s first


___ 5. The Tylenol case was particularly frightening because it involved

drugs available over-the-counter that any person could have purchased and used.

___ 6. The Tylenol poisonings posed a dilemma for J&J. There would be

negative results whether J&J recalled the product or did not recall it.

___ 7. The company decided to recall Tylenol on the off chance that other

contaminated bottles were on store shelves. It was impossible to know if other bottles

had been poisoned.


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Making Decisions in Business ^

__ 8. The recall turned out to be good for business. Tylenol not only regained but

increased its share of the market.

__ 9. The Tylenol poisonings touched off a revolution in drug packaging

in the USA. Almost every package had to be redesigned to meet new standards.

__ 10. Although the police said that they checked out all possible clues in

this case, the criminal has never been identified.

a) was in the end

b) investigated

c) very difficult choice

d) very common

e) because of the slight possibility

f) suddenly started

g) honesty

h) care a great deal about

i) medicines

j) without a doctor’s prescription

Making Ethical Decisions in Business

Exploring Business Culture: Business Ethics

Read these statements about a business practice related to ethics at J&J. Then say

whether you consider them as usual or unusual. Compare your answers and discuss the

ones that you have marked as unusual.

1. The ethics of business decisions are discussed openly and frequently. 2. There is a written code of ethics, or credo.

3. The code of ethics is communicated to customers, stockholders, and the media.

4. In a crisis, executives of the company talk directly to news reporters.

5. In a crisis, top executives take responsibility by staying in their positions, rather

than resigning.

6. Company executives, not government officials, decide when a product that has

had a problem can be returned to the market.

Strategies for Negotiation: Answering Difficult Questions

As a business executive, you may have to work with a public relations

department or face news reporters yourself, especially if your business has a crisis.

Knowing how to answer difficult questions can help you a great deal.


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-gS" Принятие решений в бизнесе

Неге are two techniques and appropriate expressions to help you answer difficult


Paraphrase Questions.

By putting difficult questions in your own words, you take control of them and

give yourself a moment to think.

E. g.; In other words, you are asking...

So, what you want to know is...

(Think of other expressions. Write down them.)

|УЭД|'1'111'1»'1ТЯЯ1 Repeat Your Message.

Answer the question you are asked. But look at the question as an opportunity to

bridge to the main message you would like to communicate.

E. g.: And that brings us to the main issue here.

So, you can see that the point is...

(Think of other expressions. Write down them.)

Work in small groups. Discuss one or more of these situations. Some students

will ask questions, others will answer. When you have a difficult question, use technique

1 or 2.

Situation A.

After the first poisonings, several J&J executives are interviewed by FBI agents.

The agents ask difficult questions about who may have done it and how it was possible.

The J&J executives insist that their factories are completely secure.

Situation B.

Reporters from a news program want to find out from FBI why the criminal has

not been caught yet. The reporters ask hostile questions about the quality of the

investigation. FBI agents emphasize that they are doing everything possible to find the



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Making Decisions in Business JS$

Conducting a Business Meeting: A News Conference A.

Preparing for the Meeting OH Business problem:

It is now four years after the first poisonings. Unbelievably, another woman has just

died in the state of New York from taking Tylenol laced with cyanide. Today, shocked

J&J executives have called a news conference to tell their story to the public through the


■ What can J&J do win back public confidence in its products this time?

■ If tamper-resistant packaging does not work, how can J&J protect the consumer?

■ What can J&J do to find the criminal?

3 The format of the meeting:


James Burke, Chairman of the board of J&J, opens the news conference by

welcoming everyone and thanking them for coming.

Mr. Burke states the purpose of the conference to let everyone know that J&J is

doing everything possible to protect consumers and find the criminal.

Mr. Burke invites the news reporters to ask questions of him or any member of

the J&J Crisis Team. When the news reporters ask difficult questions, the

executives use the appropriate techniques and expressions to answer them.


■ Mr. Burke closes the conference with a statement in which he repeats his main

message. J&J is so concerned about safety that it is now redesigning all capsules

and actively participating in all aspects of investigation.

B. Conducting the Meeting The Roies:

El Mr. Burke, Chairman, will begin the meeting and follow the format described above.


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Принятие решений в бизнесе

3 Members of the J&J Crisis Team are anxious to reassure the public that J&J will do

everything possible to the safety of customers. They emphasize that:

■ J&J is cooperating fully with federal and local investigators to solve the crime.

■ J&J credo will guide your actions: All Tylenol capsules will be recalled and

replaced with caplets that are easier to swallow and cannot be opened.’

■ J&J quality control prevents any tampering at the factory.

• (Add your own)

P News Reporters.

For a national newspaper, they want to know:

■ how the poisoned capsules got into the victim’s hands;

■ whether the criminal might be an unhappy J&J employee;

■ if FDA regulations for drug packaging are strict enough;

■ (add you own).

For a local newspaper, they want to know:

■ how J&J plans to compensate the victim’s family;

■ where the poisoned Tylenol was purchased;

■ what consumers should do with Tylenol they have at home;

■ (add your own).

For a story in a financial newspaper, they want to know:

■ if J&J will stop making Tylenol since its stock price has fallen drastically;

■ if packaging will again be redesigned, making packagers’ stock prices soar

[==fly up, rise];

■ whether competitors will also replace capsules with solid pills;

■ (add your own).

Final Discussion: Making Ethical Decisions In Business

Answer the questions based on what you have learned. Use the expressions in italics in

your answers.

‘ Capsules have two parts that slip into one another. They can be opened. In contrast,

caplets are solid pills that cannot be opened.


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Making Decisions in Business ^



Do you think it is necessary or even possible for every company to have

clearly stated business ethics? Do some companies, such as pharmaceuti-

cal firms, need a credo more than others?

When a leading consumer product is found to be unsafe, what is the re-

sponsibility of the manufacturer: Must the company recall the product,

warn people to get rid of the product, or pay compensation for injury?

Should the government take action?

After the Tylenol crises, drug packaging in the USA was made temper-

resistant. Which groups of people benefited from the new government

regulations'? Who pays for the packages? Should all packaging for over-

the counter medications be tamper-resistant?

Many people thought that the deaths would destroy Tylenol as a brand

name, but the product rrmde a comeback twice. Does this surprise you?

Can you give examples of other products that were (or were not) able to

make a comeback after a serious safety crisis?

2.2. Компания «Ливай Стросс» (Levi Strauss & Co.)


Levi Strauss & Co.

■ can be reached by mail at;

P.O.Box 7215

San Francisco, California 94120-6928


■ was founded in 1850

■ makes more than 5,000 different products

■ sells its products in more than 70 countries

Levi [li:vai] Strauss & Co. is the largest clothing manufacturer in the world. For

years, the company depended on one basic product that was invented over 100 years ago:

blue jeans. Top-selling Levi 501 jeans have remained almost exactly the same since they

were created.

Ш L-JSLdf Answer the questions:

1. When was the company founded? 2. What is the basic product of Levi Strauss & Co.?


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^ Принятие решений в бизнесе

3. What makes these jeans so popular all over the world? Consider, for example,

fabric, price, style, quality, fit, durability, availability.

4. Do you think that a man wearing Levi 501 Jeans would buy Levi Tailored

Classics? Why or why not?

Gathering Data: Reading

Read these articles about Levi Strauss & Co. and focus on these questions:

■ How did the original Mr. Levi Strauss create Jeans?

■ What new Levi products have succeeded or failed in recent years? ■ Why does Levi Strauss & Co. continue to develop new products?


The life of Levi Strauss is a U.S. success story. A German who immigrated to

America in 1847 at age twenty, Levi Strauss began by selling needles, thread, and buttons

in New York. On the invitation of his brother-in- law, he appeared in San Francisco in


Gold had been discovered in California a few years before, and the Gold Rush

had begun. More and more people came to try to get rich overnight. Suddenly, thousands

of people started mining for gold. Strauss noticed that the miners complained that their

pants were always tearing easily and that the pockets ripped apart as soon as one put a few

nuggets [=small lumps of rock with gold] in them.

Levi Strauss saw a business opportunity. He began making pants out of some

heavy brown canvas he had brought to use for tents or wagon covers. These new pants

were stiff, but they sold fast.

When the original fabric was used up, Strauss sent to Europe for more. What he

got was a lighter, more flexible fabric from Nimes [nim], France, called “serge de Nimes”.

This cloth, which became known as denim, proved even more useful for pants, since it

was Just as strong but much more comfortable. With indigo (blue dye-stuff from plants),

the pants were dyed the familiar blue color.

Miners still complained of problems with their pockets. On the advice of the

Nevada tailor Jacob Davis, Strauss went to a blacksmith and had the Jeans pockets

reinforced with metal rivets. In 1873, they patented [^legally - registered as company

property] the popular innovation. The rivets, along with the patterned stitching on the hip

pockets, became Levi trademarks.

Levi Strauss & Co. has continued to flourish. Since those early days, it has been

a leader in the garment [=clothing] industry. Jeans have become


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Making Decisions in Business ^

desirable and even fashionable clothing for not only miners, farmers and cowboys, but

also for movie stars, executives, women, children and teenagers from all over the world.

The company is still run by descendants of Levi Strauss. It now markets a wide

range of clothing and accessories, all under the brand name Levi's.

Many new Levi products have been launched over the years. The company is

still best known, however, as the maker of Levi jeans, the pants that are guaranteed to

shrink [=become smaller after washing] and fade [=lose color].


The original and most famous Levi Strauss product is blue jeans. Throughout its

history, however, the company has researched and developed a number of other products.

Some of those have succeeded beautifully, but others have flopped [=failed] completely.

In 1954, Levi brought out a line of permanent press (no-iron) slacks [pants,

trousers]. Within six months, 5 out of every 100 pairs sold had been returned, and Levi

had to admit it didn’t have the right fabric for permanent press.

Fifteen years later, as the company was planning its major expansion, it had a

couple of other flops. First was the denim bathing suit - which, when wet, weighed the

wearer down to the point of immediate drowning. Next was a line of disposable

[=throw-away] sheets and towels. They were not high on the consumers’ list of priorities.

The company was “saved” when the factory that made the sheets burned down. Levi

absorbed [^suffered] the $250,000 loss.

Eventually, Levi created six new divisions, ranging from jeans to accessories

and including a sizable [=large] effort in women’s sportswear, Levi’s for Gals. The

diversification [=manufacturing different kinds of products] worked.

In the mid-1970s Levi’s sales hit [=reaehed] the billion-dollar mark. Four years

later sales hit $2 billion. In 1979 the company ranked 167* on Fortune’s (an important

U.S. business magazine) list of the 500 largest industrial corporations and 20* in net

profits [=profits after the company pays income taxes]. Between 1970 and 1980 Levi had

grown an average of 23 percent a year. In 1979 alone it sold 143 million garments.


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Принятие решений в бизнесе

In menswear, though, all Levi products had been aimed at the middle of the

market with moderately dressy slacks and polyester leisure suits. The tempting upper end

of the market remained untouched.

They needed to sell more expensive clothes - like the Tailored Classic. If Levi

could sell sport coats, dress slacks, and suits, a whole new market would open up. The

Tailored Classic might make money all by itself. But even more important, it would get

Levi into the business of producing fancier [=more fashionable] and costlier [more

expensive] clothing. Then Levi could spin off [=create other related products] many more

such lines in the future.


Why, with such a record of success, would any company be worrying about

making new products? Part of the answer is the sheer riskiness of depending so heavily on

a single item. The boom in jeans was in many ways a historical accident, and what history

has given it can also take away.

Then, too, the demographics of the marketplace were already beginning to

change. Jeans, to be sure, were no longer the exclusive province of youth: baby boomers

[=U.S. citizens born immediately after World War II (a period of high population

growth)], who had grown up on Levi’s, kept on wearing them into their twenties, but not

everywhere and all the time, as they did when they were teenagers. And the next

generation of adolescents [=youngsters] was not so numerous. The birthrate had peaked in

1957; by 1964, the baby boom in the USA was over. Soon those born after WW II would

be moving into a world of leisure suits, coats and ties. From a marketing point of view,

that’s where the action would be.

Finally, the competition had been gearing up [=growing fast]. Levi’s had always

shared the market with Blue Bell’s Wranglers and other national brands like Lee. But now

everyone seemed to be selling jeans. Back in 1970, Levi probably couldn’t have foreseen

the popularity of «designer» jeans skimming off [^taking away] the upper end of the


To sell their jeans, Levi knew, retailers would have to slash [=cut] their prices.

The profit outlook in a saturated [^completely full], competitive marketplace like this was

bleak [^=very uncertain].

Agree or disagree:

_1. Levi Strauss & Co. should stick to manufacturing menswear prod



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Making Decisions in Business ^

__ 2. Levi Strauss & Co. is known as a clothing company, so a new

product should be clothing, too.

__ 3. Levi Strauss & Co. should work on varying its jeans to expand the

market. For example, it should bring out a line of designer jeans with a special fit and


__ 4. The Levi company has been so successful selling jeans that it

should stop trying to grow.

__ 5. In order to expand, Levi Strauss & Co. should create a new brand

name. The company would manufacture the products, but they would not be called


Read the sentences containing information on Levi Strauss & Co. and find

expressions under the line (a,b,c...) meaning the same as the words in italics.

j ___ 1. When Mr. Levi Strauss first created jeans, he had no idea that he

was launching one of the best business ideas of the clothing industry.

^ ____ 2. The rivets on the pockets of the jeans were a special feature of the

design. Mr. Strauss patented his invention so that it could not be copied for a number

of years.

__ 3. Levi Strauss & Co. often uses market research to guide its new

product development. Independent consultants interview customers to determine

their buying habits and priorities.

j _____ 4. Some new Levi Strauss products have succeeded; others have

flopped. As the company has learned, careful market research does not guarantee


_ 5. Levi Strauss & Co. was first and foremost a maker of menswear, but

it has become very successful as a manufacturer of women’s and children’s apparel,


__ 6. Levi Strauss & Co. expected that it would do a brisk business with

Tailored Classics, but the new line of dressier sport coats and slacks did not sell well.

__ 7. According to Levi Strauss market research, some customers look for

cut-rate clothing, that is, low price for them is much more important than high style.

Others like to follow trends in fashion. They buy the latest styles and enjoy looking


__ 8. The Tailored Classics line includes ready-to-wear sports coats and

slacks. They are designed to require no custom tailoring.

__ 9. Tailored Classics were designed for people who do not mind spending money

on clothes. When Tailored Classics did not sell well, prices


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Принятие решений в бизнесе

were cut somewhat. Levi Strauss executives, however, did not feel they should slash

the prices.

a) greatly reduce

b) quick and active

c) very inexpensive

d) legally registered as his company’s property

e) introducing

f) clothing

g) most important concerns

h) failed

i) prepared

j) recent changes of style

k) changes to fit the individual

Making Decisions: АооМпа Market Research to New Product Deveiooment

Expioring Business Cuiture: New Product Deveiopment

Read these statements about a business practice of new product development at Levi

Strauss & Co. and say whether you consider them usual or unusual. Compare your

answers and discuss the unusual business practices.

1. There is a continual search year after year for new product ideas.

2. Extensive and costly market research precedes new product development.

3. Market research is often carried out by independent consultants who are hired by

the company.

4. New products share the same brand name as older ones, though their markets

may be very different.

5. If a new product does not succeed in the first selling season, it is abandoned.

Strategies for Negotiation: Expressing Disagreement and Doubt

Л5 a participant in business meetings, you need to be able to express your

disagreement or doubt clearly. One way to disagree politely, but clearly, is to start with I

or we. It makes people less defensive; they do not perceive your comment as a personal



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Making Decisions in Business JSS

Here are some expressions of disagreement or doubt:

Гт concerned that...

Maybe we need to look at...

I’m not completely convinced...

Work in small groups. Discuss one or more of these situations. Use the above

expressions when you disagree or doubt.

Situation A.

Some Levi Strauss executives want to work with a major European clothing

designer to create an elegant new line of designer Levi jeans. The new line would have a

double name: (Designer’s Name) Levi’s. Is this a good idea?

Situation B.

Imagine that you all work for the same company. An important business

associate is coming to visit the city where you work. The person will be in town for 24

hours. What should you do?

■ One of you would like to demonstrate your ability to control costs by choosing a

modest hotel and inviting the guest to dinner at your home.

■ Another would like to impress the person with the best hotel, restaurant, and

entertainment your city can offer.

■ Still another thinks it best to ask the guest for his/her preferences.

Conducting a Business Meeting: A Division Meeting

A. Preparing for the Meeting

[J Business problem:

Robert Haas, director of the Tailored Classics division, is anxiously seeking ways to

improve Tailored Classics sales which are terrible in this first selling season. If this new

product line fails, people in the division may lose salary increases or even their jobs.

■ Why are Tailored Classics selling so poorly? ■ What changes can we make to increase sales?


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^ Принятие решений в бизнесе

3 The format of the meeting;


* Robert Haas, Director of the Tailored Classics division and great-

great-grandnephew of Levi Strauss, opens the meeting by welcoming and

introducing everyone.

■ Mr. Haas states the purpose of the meeting: to analyze problems with the troubled

Tailored Classics line and identify changes to increase sales.


Each group meets to discuss the problem from its point of view. Mr. Haas invites

all participants to analyze the Tailored Classics problem and offer suggestions for solving

it. When appropriate, participants express disagreement and doubt.

■ Mr. Haas summarizes the main recommendations made during the meeting.

■ He closes the meeting by thanking everyone and says that he will decide what

steps to take by tomorrow.

B. Conducting the Meeting

The Roles:

3 Mr. Haas is going to run the meeting.

ЗТор managers for the Tailored Classics division believe they have a great

product that was developed with careful market research. Everyone in the

division simply has to work harder to sell the line.

They want to emphasize that;

■ Sales people must be more aggressive. Department store managers should make

special displays and talk about the line to customers.

■ Advertising has to be more creative. It must show wealthy 30-40-year- old

customers that Levi Strauss & Co. can make stylish sport coats and slacks.

■ Prices may have to be cut further, at least for this selling season.

■ (Add your own)


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Making Decisions in Business JSi

a Line managers for the Tailored Classics division have worked hard for the

new product, but they disagree with or have serious doubts about some of

the business decisions. They want to express the following concerns:

■ Advertising concerns: They have tried to create an elegant image for Levi

Tailored Classics, but they are convinced that this image does not fit the Levi

Strauss brand name.

■ Sales concerns: They have sent their sales representatives to the department

stores that always sell Levi’s, but they know that wealthy customers do not

usually shop there (they prefer specialty shops).

■ Design and production concern: They were told to design Tailored Classics to

require no custom tailoring, but wealthy customers like to have their clothing


■ (Add your own)

3 Market research consultants hired by Levi Strauss executives to do the market research

on which the product is based. They believe that the company’s executives have targeted

the right market, “Classic Independents” (wealthy customers in their 30s and 40s), but

have designed the wrong product for these customers. The consultants want to point out


■ “Classic Independents” enjoy shopping in specialty shops that sell expensive and

distinctive clothing, and they do not mind paying for it.

■ They prefer natural fabrics.

■ These men want custom-tailored clothes, not ready-to-wear apparel like Tailored


* They do not think that the company can make dressy apparel. To them. Levi

Strauss & Co. means sportswear.

■ (Add your own)

dditionaliii/diimifftion on Le vi Strauss & Co.

After Tailored Classics division had run into problems of fabric, price, image and

distribution, the company tried again to enter the upper of men’s apparel market, but

without success.

It was not until recently that the company brought out a successful new

menswear line. Dockers. Instead of designing for the «Classic Independents», the

company targeted other segments of the market with medium- priced clothing that is only

slightly dressier that Jeans. The look is casual, the fit is relaxed, and sales are brisk.


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^ Принятие решений в бизнесе

Final Discussion: Levi Strauss’ Continuing Search for New Products

Answer the questions based on what you have learned. In your answers, use the

expressions in italics.

U A saturated market is one that has enough products at a certain price and quality level

so that it is not profitable to introduce similar products. Is the jeans market saturated

in Belarus? Could Levi Strauss & Co. expand here?

3 The characteristics of a particular group of people are called demographics. Describe the

demographics of the jeans market in Belarus. Consider age, gender, size of the

population and economic status. Are the demographics of this market changing?

3 Diversification is the production of different kinds of products (and / or the acquisition

of other companies that produce such products) as a strategy to reduce risk and gain

markets. Why is diversification necessary for Levi Strauss & Co.? Do all companies

need to diversify in order to stay profitable?

H Spin offs are related products created to build on the success of an earlier product. What

spin offs of Levi’s jeans are familiar with?

3 When a company identifies a market and tries to sell especially to it, this is called

targeting a market. Why did the Levi Strauss & Co. plan to target the “Classic

Independents” market with Tailored Classics fail? Which segments of the menswear

market has the company targeted with Dockers?

2.3. Компании «Эрбус Индустри» и «Боинг» (Airbus Industrie and Boeing Co.)


Airbus Industrie

■ is located at 1 Rond-Point Maurice Bellonte 31701 Blagnac Cedex France

■ produces aircraft for civil purposes

* is a consortium of airframe manufacturers from France, Germany, Great Britain

and Spain


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Making Decisions in Business ^

The Boeing Company

■ is located at 7755 East Marginal Way South Seattle, Washington 98108 USA

■ produees aircraft for civil and military purposes

■ is a privately owned company

The customers for these planes are commercial airlines. The Boeing and Airbus

companies have many similar products. Most of the U.S. customers buy from Boeing. The

competition between the two companies is intense, especially in the long-range plane


7^ Answer the questions::

1. How do Airbus Industrie and the Boeing Company differ in terms of location,

form of ownership and aircraft they produce?

2. If you were a president of a eommercial carrier, how would you choose which

plane to order?

3. If you were an Airbus official, how would you get U.S. carriers to buy your

European-made planes?

4. What do you know about the competition between Airbus and Boeing?

5. When you fly, are you aware of which company made the aircraft? Should you

be aware?

Gathering Data: Reading

Read these artieles to gather information on the two aircraft companies and

answer these questions:

■ What is the history of Airbus Industrie and the Boeing Company?

■ What is the nature of the competition between them?

■ How does the United States differ from the European Union on the issue of

government involvement in the aircraft industry?


In 1970, four European nations created Airbus Industrie to offset [=stop] a

decline in the airframe industry and challenge U.S. dominance in the global commercial

aircraft market. Airbus is a four-country international consortium: Deutsche Airbus of

Germany, with 37.9 percent ownership, makes the fuselage [=main body of an aireraft];

British Aerospace of Great Britain, with 20 percent, makes the wings; Construcciones



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Принятие решений в бизнесе

(CASA) of Spain, with 4.2 percent, makes the tail; and Aerospatiale of France, with 37.9

percent, assembles [=fits together] the planes in a gigantic facility at Toulouse-Blagnac

international airport.

In this unusual business structure, the four partners are both owners and

suppliers, the common language of business is English, and all sales are transacted in U.S.


In the early years. Airbus Industrie was clearly an underdog, lagging far behind

the U.S. companies of Boeing and McDonnel Douglas which had dominated the industry

for years. Since the consortium had no track record [=performance history] on safety or

maintenance [=technical servicing], airlines were reluctant [=unwilling] to purchase the

new aircraft.

Through favorable pricing, generous maintenance contracts, and other

competitive offers, the company was able to attract a number of carriers, including some

in the USA. As a result, in less than 20 years. Airbus was able to produce a full family of

airplanes and, with over 100 customers, it moved in to the Number 2 spot in the global

aircraft industry.

Airbus succeeds because civil aircraft manufacturers from 4 nations pool their

financial and technological resources in a true multinational partnership. It also succeeds

because officials in these countries believe that European industry must be supported and

protected by a strong industrial policy. For Airbus Industrie, the largest single industrial

undertaking in the European Union (EU), support takes the form of $26 billion in

subsidies [=government funds]. As a result of this financial backing. Airbus has been able

to recover from 70 to 100 percent of its product development costs, which are enormous

in the industry. It can easily take 4 to 6 years, for example, for a plane to move from the

design stage to actual production. During this time, the project yields no profit.

Government subsidies also compensate for losses from discount [^reduced] pricing.

Airbus officials felt was necessary in order to gain a foothold [=begin to compete] in the

U.S. market for aircraft.

Airbus officials defend subsidies as a way to help level the playing field [=let

competitors compete on a fair and equal basis]. They are quick to point out that Boeing

and McDonnel Douglas receive millions of dollars in contracts to build military aircraft

and spacecraft for the U.S. government, which is clearly a form of subsidy.

Airbus officials point out that the consortium is a source of pride for the

European Union, a model of international cooperation. Moreover, high quality Airbus

products provide a visible alternative to U.S. airframes. Predictions of increasing

worldwide air traffic are fueling Airbus’s growth. The consortium is already anticipating

the need for airplanes that are quieter, more fuel efficient and more comfortable on long

trips. According to corn-


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Making Decisions in Business JSS

pany literature, “Airbus Industrie looks forward to lasting success well into the 2V'



The Boeing company was founded by Bill Boeing from Washington State, on the

West Coast of the USA. In 1916, he set up an airplane factory in Seattle, Washington.

During World War II, the Boeing Company established its reputation as a

supplier of military aircraft. After the war, in the early 50s, Boeing made the first

passenger jet which soon replaced all of the propeller-driven aircraft in the passenger

market. It has also built a number of spacecraft used in the U.S. space program.

Over the years, the company has developed a strong reputation for reliable

products and the service of those products. It has been Number 1 in world-wide sales for

years, controlling over 50 percent of the market for commercial aircraft.

Aerospace products are the number one U.S. export after agricultural products.

The country has a long and proud tradition of dominating the industry with technological

breakthroughs [=significant improvements] leading to superior products. But this

dominance is now being challenged.

Airbus, a France-based European company, has bumped McDonnel Douglas into

the third spot in the industry, and it threatens to step up the competition. Boeing executives

argue that they cannot compete against the deep pockets [=unlimited wealth] of the four

European governments that subsidize Airbus. The continuing decline of the U.S. lead in

aerospace has sparked [=initiated] an intense debate in the USA on the whole issue of the

proper relationship between government and industry.

Traditionally, the United States has maintained a ffee-market philosophy which

holds that government should not regulate market forces. In this view, better and more

efficient production occurs when world markets are open. According to Boeing and other

executives, this philosophy has the backbone of American industrial power from the

beginning. For the health of the civil aviation industry, the free-trade argument goes, the

USA must convince the EU to stop subsidizing Airbus.

However, there is less agreement than there used to be on the issue of

government’s role in industry and trade. Some U.S. officials and academics [^university

professors] point out that the free-market philosophy no longer suits global economic

conditions. The development of a strong industrial policy would develop and support

important U.S. industries. Such a policy could


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^ Принятие решений в бизнесе

work through such protective measures as tariffs [=import taxes], import quotas [=limits]

or direct subsidies to industry. It could also work through policies that encourage research

in certain high-tech industries. According to this emerging view, a carefully constructed

industrial policy could help the USA create jobs, increase market share and improve

profits, especially in high-tech industries.

Those in favor of the traditional free trade and open market philosophy reject the

notion of an industrial policy. At worst, it sounds like a centralized planning of a socialist

system. At best, it sounds like protectionism, a policy that simply uses government money

to protect industries that would fail in the market without it. They point to some examples

of big government-supported research projects, like Concorde superfast passenger

aircraft, that resulted in products that became commercial failures. Yet, even the free

traders have to admit that U.S. industry is not as competitive in the global economy as it

once was and that, increasingly, it must compete against nations that have strong

industrial policies and are unlikely to change them. So, the debate at Boeing and in the

aerospace industry has far-reaching implications [=consequences] for the way the United

States should manage its economic future.

r'. Read the questions below and discuss your answers in — class:

1. Airbus Industrie, a four-nation European consortium, was established in 1970 to

challenge U.S. dominance in aerospace. How well has the company

accomplished its goal?

2. Why do Airbus and EU officials believe subsidies for Airbus are necessary and


3. Why are most Boeing and U.S. officials opposed to financial backing of the

airframe industry by the government?

4. If Boeing were not losing ground in the global airframe market, would it

complain about Airbus subsidies?

Read the sentences containing information on Airbus and Boeing and find

expressions under the line (a,b,c...) that mean the same as the italicizea ones.

__ 1. Since the beginning of commercial aviation, such U.S. airframe manufacturers as Boeing and McDonnel Douglas have led the industry in


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Making Decisions in Business ^

technological know-how and sales. Until recently, all other companies lagged


_ 2. Airbus Industrie was formed in 1970. For several years after, the

multinational partnership was clearly an underdog in the airframe industry. Boeing

was not worried about the competition since nobody knew how long the new

enterprise would last.

_ 3. The Europeans hoped that Airbus would both ojfset the general decline in the

airframe industry as well challenge the dominance of U.S. companies. Even if the

plan to revitalize the industry worked, they knew it would take years to reach their


_ 4. At first. Airbus had a hard time selling its planes to U.S. carriers,

who buy over 50 percent of the world’s aircraft. Since the products had no track

record, airlines did not want to try them.

_ 5. In order to gain a foothold in the U.S. market. Airbus offered special prices to

U.S. airlines. These deals were possible because the company was subsidized by the

governments of its four partners.

_ 6. Boeing has complained about Airbus prices and the subsidies that

make them possible. Officials say that no private company can compete against the

deep pockets of four governments.

_ 7. Airbus officials say that subsidies have helped to level the playing

field in the industry. They point out that U.S. companies get large contracts from the

U.S. military. Without financial help. Airbus would not have been able to compete.

_ 8. In just twenty years. Airbus moved into the number two spot in the

world’s airframe industry, pushing out McDonnel Douglas. This represents very

rapid growth.

_ 9. The airframe industry is expected to continue growing throughout

the next decades. An increase in global business activity is fueling this growth.

_ 10. Boeing still leads the industry with over 50 percent of the commercial market.

Airbus controls about 30 percent and is gunning for 40 percent. The fierce

competition between these two companies is certain to continue for many years.

a) aggressively seeking

b) position

c) enormous wealth

d) performance history

e) an unsuccessful competitor

0 stop


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Принятие решений в бизнесе

g) developed more slowly

h) begin to compete

i) feeding

j) let competitors compete on a fair and equal basis

Making Decisions: Negotiating an International Trade Agreement

Exploring Business Culture: Relationships between Government and industry

Introduction to the Problem. The commercial airframe industry is the subject

of the latest round of trade talks between EU and U.S. officials. Airbus, the European

consortium, and Boeing, the U.S. firm, are the two biggest competitors in the airspace

industry today. The major problem in these trade negotiations is a dispute over

government subsidies.

Read the information on Government and Industry in Three Important

Regions and discuss it to answer the questions below.


The Ministry of International Trade (MITI) sets a strong industrial policy.

■ MITI identifies and directly supports key industries, for example,

high-technology industries.

■ MITI helps to gradually shut down less competitive industries. EUROPEAN


The EU’s role in setting the industrial policies of its member nations is expanding.

■ The EU had broad guidelines for development of present and future industries.

■ The EU finances such long-term projects as the development of civil aircraft and

high-speed trains.


There is no overall industrial policy in the USA.

■ The U.S. government gives research money and contracts to certain military,

energy and health industries.

■ The United States a strong free-market tradition although there is some

dissatisfaction with this approach.


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Making Decisions in Business -SS

1. What is the relationship between government and industry in Japan, the European

Union and the United States? In which region is the relationship the closest? In

which region is it the most distant?

2. If you know about other regions, describe the relationship between government and

industry. How about Belarus or Russia?

3. In your view, what is the ideal relationship between government and industry?

Strategies for Negotiation: Identifying Areas for Agreement

A common problem for negotiators is to focus on the differences in their

positions: “I want this. You want that.” The negotiation easily becomes deadlocked

[^impossible to make progress] and cannot go forward. To help overcome this problem,

the participants need to identify areas of agreement. By establishing this common

ground, the negotiation has a better chance of moving toward a satisfactory accord.

Here are some expressions for identifying areas of agreement:

- What seem to be our areas of agreement?

- What are your priorities?

- We both seem to be upset about this matter. Clearly, it’s important

for both of us.

Conducting a Business Meeting: An international Trade Negotiation A.

Preparing for the Meeting

U Business problem:

Airframe industry trade talks between the USA and the EU have been dragging

on [=slowly continuing] for years. This latest round of talks focuses on the subsidies that

Airbus receives from the governments of its four member nations. U.S. trade officials

argue that open markets are better for everyone; EU officials argue that open markets do

not and cannot exist. The two sides know that a trade war would be disastrous [^tragic] for

both, so they must negotiate an accord.


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-gS" Принятие решений в бизнесе

i The format of the meeting:


To open the meeting, the mediator (a person who acts as an intermediary

between two or more conflicting parties) welcomes and introduces everyone.

The mediator states the purpose of the talks: to negotiate an agreement on

government subsidies of Airbus Industrie.

Each negotiating team meets to study its position and plan its strategy. The

mediator opens the negotiation, inviting participation from all the delegates.

When the negotiators become stuck in their positions, the mediator asks them to

identify areas of agreement in order to continue.

■ The mediator summarizes the main points of agreement and disagreement.

■ To close the meeting, the mediator thanks all the participants and sets a time for

the next session.

Conducting the Meeting The Roles:

Q The person who runs the negotiation as an impartial [=unbiased, taking no sides],

professional mediator.

3 EU Trade Representatives stress that:

■ Airbus’s share of the airframe market is not yet 40 percent. Boeing’s is more

than 50 percent.

■ Subsidies from the governments are already from 70 to 100 percent of product

development to only about 45 percent. U.S. military contracts subsidize Boeing.

■ The EU must have a strong industrial policy (with subsidies, import taxes, etc.)

to be competitive in the global market.

■ If the USA keeps control of the airframe industry, customers all over the world

will be hurt. Without competition, safety and maintenance standards will



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Making Decisions in Business ^

3 U.S. Trade Representatives stress that:

■ Airbus is cutting into Boeing’s market. This hurts the U.S. effort to increase

exports since airplanes are the Number I nonagricultural export.

■ Subsidies EU nations to Airbus allow the company to sell its airplanes too


■ If Airbus stops accepting subsidies, U.S. airframe manufacturers will also

continue to refuse help from the U.S. government. The USA will maintain a

free-market policy.

■ If Airbus continues to accept subsidies, the U.S. government may be forced to

set up such trade barriers as higher tariffs and lower import quotas.

Final Discussion

Answer the questions based on what you have learned. In your

answers, use the italicized expressions.




How might government subsidies help as well as hurt industry? What

industries are subsidized in Belarus? Do you agree with the govern-

ment’s policy?

In the Airbus consortium, aerospace companies from four nations are

both owners and suppliers. What advantages might such a business or-

ganization enjoy? What problems might an international high-

technology consortium like Airbus have?

Why do many U.S. and Boeing officials defend a free-market philoso-

phy? Why are they against creating such trade barriers as tariffs and im-

port quotas!

To some nations, an industrial policy is essential; to many people in the

USA, it sounds like protectionism. What is the difference? Are they al-

ways different?

Who are the major trading partners of Belarus? Are you aware of any

recent changes in their trade agreements?


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Ш Литература
















Альбов А.С. Письма зарубежному партнеру. Ленинград: Судостроение, 1991.

Богацкий И.С., Дюканова Н.М. Бизнес-курс английского языка:

Словарь-справочник. Киев: Логос; Москва: Рольф, 2000.

Бороздина Г.В. Психология делового общения. Москва: Инфра-М, 1998.

Васильева Л. Деловая переписка на английском языке. Москва: Рольф:

Айрис-Пресс, 1999.

Гойхман О.Я., Надеина Т.М. Основы речевой коммуникации. Москва:

Инфра-М, 1997.

Деловая переписка с иностранными фирмами: Практическое пособие.

Москва: Имидж, 1991.

Деева Т.М., Кичатова Е.В., Чхиквишвили Н.А. Деловая переписка для

.международного сотрудничества. Москва: СП «Прин-Ди», 1992.

Денисенко Г.В. Англо-русский словарь сокращений: Деловая переписка.

Минск: НКФ «Экоперспектива», 1995.

Добсон Э. Как писать деловые письма. Пер. с англ. Челябинск: Урал LTD,


Дубинко С.А., Пихлак А.И. Деловая корреспонденция на английском языке.

Минск: Наука и техника, 1989.

Израилевич Е.Е. Учебник коммерческой корреспонденции и документации на

английском языке. Издание 3-е. Москва: Международные отношения, 1970.

Котий Г.А., Гюльмисаров В.Р. Деловые письма на английско.м языке. Москва:

Федеративная Книготорговая Компания, 1998. Котий Г.А., Гюльмисаров В.Р.

Образг/ы деловой переписки на английском ирусско.м языках. Москва:

Инфра-М, 1998.

Паневчнк В.В. Деловое «исьл(о. Минск: Амалфея, 1999.

Рогожин М.Н. Документы делового общения. Москва: Русская Деловая

Литература, 1999.

Слепович В.С. Basics of Academic Speaking. Устное выступление на

английском языке. Издание 2-е, перераб. и доп. Минск: БГЭУ, 2000.

Слепович В.С. А Guide to Business Communication. Учебнометодическое

пособие по деловому общению на английском языке. Изд. 2-е, испр. Минск:

БГЭУ, 2000.


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References ш



19. 21.
















Тэйлор К. Основы делопроизводства в современном бизнесе. Пер. с англ.

Москва: Сол Систем: Финансы и статистика, 1997.

Ashley, А. А Handbook of Commercial Correspondence. Oxford University Press,


Block, J. 101 Best Resumes. McGraw-Hill, 1997.

Boyd, F. Making Business Decisions: Real Cases from Real Companies.

Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc., 1994.

Fisher, R., Ury, W. Getting to Yes, Negotiating Agreement without Giving in.

Arrow Books, 1981.

Gamble, T.K., Gamble M. Communication Works. Fourth Edition. McGraw-Hill

Inc., 1993.

Gairns, R., Redman, S. True to Life. English for Adult Learners. Upper

Intermediate. Cambridge University Press, 1998.

Jackson, T. The Perfect Resume. An Anchor Press Book, 1981.

Irvine, M., Cadman, M. Commercially Speaking. Oxford University Press, 1999.

Lesikar, R.V. Lesikar’s Basic Business Communication. Irwin, Inc., 1996.

Littlejohn, A. Company to Company. A New Approach to Business

Correspondence in English. Cambridge University Press, 1993.

Lloyd, A., Preier, A. Business Communication Games. Oxford University Press,


Lougheed, L. Business Communication. Ten Steps to Success. Addison Wesley

Publishing Company Inc., 1993.

Northey, M. Impact. A Guide to Business Communication. Prentice- Hall Canada,

Inc., 1990.

O’Connor, Ph., Pilbeam, A., Scott-Barrett, F. Negotiating. Longman Group UK

Ltd., 1992.

Svrales, J.M., Feak, Ch.B. Academic Writing for Graduate Students. A Course for

Nonnative Students of English. The University of Michigan Press, 1994.

Sweeney, S. English for Business Communication. Cambridge University Press,


Tedford, T.L. Public Speaking in a Free Society. McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1991.

Wayne, F.S., Dauwalder, D.P. Communicating in Business. An Action Oriented

Approach. Austin Press & Irwin, Inc., 1994.


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Ш Содержание


ВВЕДЕНИЕ .......................................................................................................... 3


(BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCB ........................................................................ 5

Раздел 1. Структура письма

(Letter Structure) .............................................................................................. 5

1.1. Заголовок, или адрес отправителя (Letter Head / Sender's Address) ................................................... 8

1.2. Номер документа (Reference) .................................................... 11 1.3. Дата (Date) .................................................................................. 12 1.4. Специальные почтовые отметки

(Special Mailing Indication) ........................................................... 12 1.5. Уведомление о консЬиденциальности (Confidential) ............... 13 1.6. Адресат (Inside Address) ............................................................ 13 1.7. Указание на желательность ознакомления

(For the Attention ofi ..................................................................... 15 1.8. Обращение (Salutation) .............................................................. 15 1.9. Заголовок к тексту (Subject) ....................................................... 16 1.10. Текст письма (Body of the Letter) ............................................. 16 1.11. Завершение (Close) .................................................................. 16 1.12. Подпись (Signature) .................................................................. 17 1.13. Пометка об исполнителях (Initials of Persons in Charge) ........ 17 1.14. Приложения (Enclosures) ......................................................... 18 1.15. Копии письма (Copies) ............................................................. 18 1.16. Постскриптум (PostScript = P.S.) ............................................. 18

Раздел 2. Содержание и стиль письма

(Letter’s Contents and Style) ........................................................................ 20 2.1. Размер письма (Letter Size) ....................................................... 20 2.2. Построение письма (Letter Composition)................................... 22 2.3. Язык и стиль (Language and Style) ............................................ 23

Раздел 3. Виды писем (Types of Letters) ................................................... 26

3.1. Запросы (Enguiries) .................................................................... 26 3.2. Ответы на запросы (Replies) ..................................................... 28 3.3. Заказы (Orders) ........................................................................... 32 3.4. Рекламации (Complaints) ........................................................... 35 3.5. Кредит (Credit) ............................................................................ 41 3.6. Переписка с банком (Banking Correspondence)........................ 49 3.7. Транспортировка груза (Transportation /Shipping) .................... 53


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Contents Ж

3.8. Прочие виды писем (Miscellaneous Correspondence) ................. 57

3.8.7. Соболезнование (Condolence) ................................................. 64

Раздел 4. Факс и электронная почта (Fax and E-mail) ............................ 68 4.1. Факс (Fax) ...................................................................................... 68

4.2. Электронная почта (E-mail) .......................................................... 71

Раздел 5. Полезные выражения в деловой переписке

(Helpful Expressions in Business Correspondence) .................................. 76 5.1. Просьбы (Requests) ...................................................................... 76

5.2. Выражение сообщения (Exoressina Information) ...................... 77

5.3. Выражение надежды (Exoressina Hope) .................................... 78

5.4. Благодарность (Gratitude) ............................................................ 78

5.5. Извинения (Apoloaies) .................................................................. 79

5.6. Выражение неудовлетворения (Exoressina Dissatisfaction)... 79

5.7. Ответы на вопросы и предложения

(Responding Questions and Proposals) ........................................ 80


(JOB APPLICATION) ......................................................................................... 81

Раздел 1. Краткая биография (Resume) .................................................... 81

Раздел 2. Сопроводительное письмо (Cover Letter) .............................. 95


(PRESENTATIONS AND SPEECHES)............................................................... 103

Введение (Introduction) ............................................................................. 103

Раздел 1. Виды презентаций и выступлений

(Types of Presentations and Speeches) .................................................... 105 1.1. Интервью с коллегой и представление его аудитории

(Interview and Introductions) ........................................................ 105

1.2. Выступление с описанием проблемы и её решения

(Problem-Solution Speech) ........................................................... 108

1.3. Презентация с описанием наглядности

(Explaining Visuals) ....................................................................... 114

1.4. Выступление, содержащее определение

(Definition Speech)......................................................................... 127

1.5. Выступление по изучаемой специальности

(Speech From Your Area of Studies) ............................................ 130

1.6. Презентация-обобщение (Summary Speech) ........................... 134

1.7. Заключительное выступление по основной изучаемой

специальности (Final Speech From Your Major Area of Study) ........................... 139


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Ш Содержание

Раздел 2. Ситуативно обусловленные фразы (Phrases Used to Make Conversational Moves) ....................................... 143


Раздел 1. Телефонные разговоры (Telephone Conversations ) ........................................................................ 158

1.1. Preparing fora Phone Conversation ............................................ 159

1.2. Receiving Phone Calls .................................................................. 160

1.3. Taking and Leaving Messages .................................................... 161

1.4. Asking for Repetition .................................................................... 164

1.5 Leaving a Message on an Answering Machine .............................. 165

1.6. Choice of Style in a Telephone Conversation ............................... 166

1.7 Helpful Expressions for Telephone ................................................. 169 Раздел 2. Переговоры (Negotiations) ...................................................... 174

Часть V. БИЗНЕС-КОММУНИКАЦИЯ В ДЕЙСТВИИ (BUSINESS COMMUNICATION INACTION) ...................................................... 187

Раздел 1. Что нужно для успеха в бизнесе (What you Need for Success in Business) ............................................... 187

1.1. Позитивное отношение (Be Positive) ........................................ 187

1.2. Внимание к людям и делу (Be Thoughtful) ...................... ... .. 189

1.3. Умение работать в команде (Be а Team Plaveh ..................... 194

1.4. Заинтересованность (Be Interested) ......................................... 198

1.5. Организованность (Be Organized) ........................................... 201 1.6. Пунктуальность (Be Punctual) ................................................... 204

1.7. Профессионализм (Be Prepared) ............................................... 209

1.8. Вежливость (Be Polite) ................................................................ 212

1.9. Терпеливость (Be Patient ........................................................... 216

1.10. Преданность делу (Be Lovaf) ................................................... 219 Раздел 2. Принятие решений в бизнесе (Making Decisions in Business) ................................................................. 223

2.1. Компания Джонсон и Джонсон

(Johnson & Johnson Inc.) ............................................................. 223

2.2. Компания «Ливай Стросс» (Levi Strauss & Со.) ...................... 231

2.3. Компании «Эрбус Индустри» и «Боинг»

(Airbus industrie and Boeing Со.) ................................................ 240

ЛИТЕРАТУРА (REFERENCES) ......................................................................... 250


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Об авторе

Об авторе

СЛЕПОВИЧ Виктор Самойлович - кандидат филологических

наук, доцент. Преподает на факультете международных

экономических отношений Белорусского государственного

экономического университета. Стажировался в США (Fulbright

scholar at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor) и Англии (Chevening

award, London). В качестве приглашенного лектора преподавал в

университете г. Бейкерсфилда, штат Калифорния (California State

University, Bakersfield).

В.С. СЛЕПОВИЧ занимается проблемой бизнес-коммуникации

как составной части бизнес-образования. Его статьи опубликованы в

отечественных и зарубежных изданиях. Выступал с докладами на

международных конференциях и симпозиумах в Сан-Диего и Бостоне

(США), в Московском, Киевском, Варшавском университетах,

университете им. Мартина Лютера (Халле-Виттенберг, Германия),

Карловом университете (Прага). Разработанные им англоязычные

курсы бизнес-коммуникации, перевода, академического письма и

устного выступления используются в практике преподавания в

Белорусском государственном экономическом университете.


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По вопросам оптового приобретения книг

________ обращаться по тел. 286-13-93, 213-68-99 ___________

Книжный Интернет-магазин издательства "ТетраСистемс"


(доступен в Минске по БЕСПЛАТНОЙ линии: тел. 210-57-87)

Справочное издание

СЛЕПОВИЧ Виктор Самойлович



Редактор С.В. Процко Дизайн обложки Е.Ю. Бобковой

Компьютерная верстка Е.Ю. Бобковой Ответственный за выпуск А.Ф. Мясников

Подписано в печать с готовых диапозитивов 26.06.2001. Формат 60x84 Vi6. Бумага книжно-журнальная офсетная. Гарнитура Таймс. Печать

офсетная. Уч.-изд.л. 7,46. Усл.печ.л. 14,94. Тираж 3100 экз. Заказ 1877.

Налоговая льгота - Общегосударственный классификатор Республики Беларусь ОКРБ 007-98, ч. 1; код

Научно-техническое общество с ограниченной ответственностью «ТетраСистемс». Лицензия ЛВ № 76 от 19.11.97 до 19.11.02.

220116, г. Минск-116, а/я 139 (тел. 286-13-93; E-mail; [email protected]; http://www.ts.by).

Республиканское унитарное предприятие «Издательство “Белорусский Дом печати”».

220013, г. Минск, проспект Ф. Скорины, 79.