lub a t»*—"nie * tod»y «h*r*« «ul I* gy.^U'.ble- twe»tert ,, >'Q. 2S2- - oice 0] cr.TON, J a n 3 2 '( U iR)= ^«rsal military tralf jo^'GrniiRcr'tho-Ai nipsl' {Sin T f»iii!Bh"of MOBlcValie [hjn 11 has been for the , of th» hospltaLboard.tq ^ jt»r. Jftn. 13. J tam ( occupancy so Sar miicli higher ihsn f ttai oJ the hospllaVa ovt ^^ted-buaBoU-*ubmltU uiacome-AncJ expendltui , a'Jflct the budget ^ iS l T.'urDacon-as-li iff.Buhl. vice chnirmnn; J . Babcrly, ifCMurcr. iMOrt from lu commltto ^ U ie Interior ot U)o bu lln tccepted a report trc thovRl satisfactory co {Assured- 1 OTON. J*n. 23 (Spe- Bitisnil production uid Montlay ll will rriftrstlmo-p-ccr.- ,iMl ind copper to ut T»1n Falls lilgh ' B toM Howard Mof- J jywn»raset-cf Tft'ln ^ abtr of Commerce, °®' tillMle for the atruc- “*■ wter Ihe vital metalSi^ «“ ]{[jt u!d tlittt bW8 0” ltd Feb. 13. , < leli - thl 5,000 Is S . ' . ' Rrt H io ^H c I dibatWeed rON,J»n.2a-<Spcolol) — lh* Mbonoai weed, on lib tiQd;et m u s s e e T h ________ . X wti toro tba,.terttt va urtenftnro,deport- 3oi Said' 11 .will spend lux a a funds in batU- wli •] taW lhat ■•the con- fn< Jnlloa of halOBcton ar< fiscal year, uo IMj polsonou.1 weed orr twpornllon with go, r iwtlmenf* burcflu ««nt-tt-ould spend--=7^ lie nn sum and the ^ 3 ilfairs. *300,000, "■« M It tpent lost ----------- -:z r ----------a r lerailed ^ rBieiri(3i ^ JjR. Js-Trntlle was *lo ^"ta-pacifirmriln- hu ww"d4i|""™ , OT » ‘ns day hna been wo ■tfll. eamp ntg.hii-K te __ 12!,11“ “'c Die- T mind 9 a. tn. Union JL nu uid ont e.ir ot ^ on R ,s«(()Ountf ^ ■ t h a t - tr.Mric-wu3~ ~ “■•«_*mllnieht. they ~^"S.*H?arrilliicr had r” ‘['ffiJKh Jerome ‘1 It ll Impouiblc to ‘®’ ■“ Of the derailment “ Hnilfilii have been wheel. pr ---------------- - lio LtQ-Name_^| cersf6fl!)52'S ctflcers pe iJ. J fdnho Ur '« Natiomil Safely i ‘‘‘lerihcntw ,,f Ini J wmmiticM to Ro th. r-uwonuitlon, u„ ;^_'’’^=''''5n:oiirE?cnw "ci'i « ntw directors were -serc-arnrKtziJeirra.- = g;v™»«fSK: A ne,-Term— c ei on Driver 5 in ii tn;. ‘ cl'artte of S'l" » fed- 7 ^ (Cd » jf-]* -------- ^ arkct- - I •• «Je- . S 9 . I 1 IS »nd' - I J . “ATtegioi OlllrUI Cilr '<n4 CovlBljr Nt«ip>pf| itrOrganii Opposition S^Th'o'niloh'ffeTfiFjOfSSBig nniiTE^ I ^ -AuicricanrEarmiBurcnu:icdcra ' c finances » rhf^ Years; licyM cmorjal hospital was declared r he pft3t three years Tueiday night r to review lla'condition aC^tlie end _ far thl5 year showed an average of * ,n during tlio post few months, ami ’ avullftble beds. The report does not L Ittcd-by-varloua-depurinient-licadi.. n .ture of' opproximntcly ^COO.OOO per ^ jct uubmltted by the board to the ^ j-lt-'rchnlrmnrr-OthcrrTtclccwa-nTr •*■ : Mrs. Gordon Orny, secretary, and ^ ;tce on the nurses home, the board ^ building nnd to lay tile In the haJN j; from nn Insurance company boiler ? conditions. P ~~ ^ c Traffic Code ; Passes First * Board Ballot j An ordinance to enact tho new xi trnfflc code won annroved by the _ board of“clty commlsjloners on lu first reading Monday night. Tlic or- I dlnnnce will become law if approved Ji on two more readings. li City Attorney Hoberl N. W. Bal- « lelsen announced two changes in li tho codo as worked out between tlie board and. Twin Falls Safely coun- clL-jcprcscotaUvci_-Orl8lnally,-Uw J groups had plnnncd.lo allow aery- » Inic" of'flnes"111 the cltT'jall fit a ^ rnto_o£_S3.B0^dally.. Howcvcr..Bal- " lelsen aald atate law llmlUi the ° amount thnt may be credited on fiJioa » t »J,50 da)iy; ® ______ No Weavln r ___________ i^nothenichttnffetcanctmsnwsslas. rc on the right on four-lane iitreets. t This constituted reclcle.w driving p w ttsn-k drlirer weaves from ono lonei li driver may piiiu^ 3 ■*WWBv*Jrho IS HI' UIB right laoS 1 mf4tfdxlver In the leftiane sIowh' J d c r^ or If the driver in Uie right lnne JncrcMea JUs speed but remains within the speed limit, Three copies of the code are dn file nt,, Uie city clerk's office ond are open to public Inspection, No ne- tlon wna taken on Dallclsen’a rec- ommcndntlon thnt nbout 5,000 coplc.i of the code be printed and anld many attorneys have requested eopica, nnd the board. agreed_?iich copTci^ourd act out tiie law In full.* Space Rented ,, T he board ngrced to rent n vacant ti room-ltrth»-iitinilnistTTitloirb«tldrn#- -~ a rjo s llh ■fl(?Id"tb'EdMnii!c7MBBlc' ? Volley Aircraft, at $15 monthly for - three monthfi. An option wos In- i eluded to renew tho lease if his fa- j, arc not replaced within that time. HaJe nlio wm granted permls- i alon to construct n clnderblock hrogrtr-on-tho-nlrporpiniperty-for j, use as a temnorarv hangnr nnd for j, Inter tiae for Btonvse. The buiming ^ would hoiwe one airplane. Airport .. (CamlnBHl o r ^ » I. C.1m.n l> J, LuU Ends in ; Spud Marfcet" - IDAHO PALLS, -Jan; 32 W -W llh ,, Uio wholesale celling _prlee on potn- tocij In effecfslhce Stttuolay.'Uie I feilernl alate market news seri'lcc ! iftoelvwl-enonstranlcazreporta-yca- £ terdny to esUiblhh a price' lo grow- era for the first time since Jnn. 2. ; There was n difference in Uie ' priccfl <iuoecd In Che two reporta. . however. On Jan. 3 Uic price to J RTOWcrs wan $4 to H.25 on U. S. No. J Jii. Yestcrday'fl report listed U. S. ; Nor3s-ftr*3-ftna-oniy.'ftTtcff:j»lc*. .*; were r'eJjOrUd. Spudmen- polnlcd <• out they, nre losing m mucli a.i Jl.25 per 100 and atnnd to lose moro as ^ time Roes by. - * Shippers reported Idaho poUitoea » already are getting competiUon from Mftine potniocs, which are atill *etJ- 2 Ing below the celling and predicted t thnt tho sltunUon will get worse aa 1 the n o rlda, Te«ns and ^aUfomla F 'MopTrTiir 'the market ' In full r strcngUi. __________________________ r W e and Bruts Its Grip on nol»! ThU U Oi* flr«t ef » T •wl.lr.1 ITm, .WrIUr Don WhlUhw'l K« >IUE into lha f ||n nf Ihi U, 8. ntrroltM 1 burr.u >nj oll.n » u n n In >n >>rort lo - •ho>» h.,w r..ulhi , .ddlfU. how « ' I>lu pHclirr I> IrtdP'’). >n,l ohat *<I- C •nn* .nd think .tiuuU U -lo"' «> c h*lt lh* ir.ffi, wh(,h ,.k„ .bout lit:.- o o ,n o o t mm It. t k lln-.l. ^ ny Don whiteiiead t —WASHINOTON, Jan. 33 — d Tljcro Is IX slave world In Uic United Ji Statca_todtty_whlch-l*-aa-iilO-l>M. « degrndlng and brvtal as iny;»lave cnmp behind the.lroa curtain. f — AV-least~80.00(r-mcn,“'women*«nd Jj children ate prLioners In thLi twl- n »g»^t yttrJd. II hn,i Tin mpni)f- n j; no • laws pstcept Uie law.i of and oclfi5^ci5nc*pn)nil5ca-'S5lh- — ■onal Newspaper Serving izations ? I on UMT iZattunS -Hskoil 4nr<r.y ^ ratltiinuTarUiTNational’Faijnr to' cr.v union said UMT would jeopiirdize the food supply to and miKlii undormine dcmoc- oe racy. us< ^re Uic home nrmed sen'lccs cotn- ^ mlttee in oppo-ililon to a proposed proRMni undfr,whlch.all.iari'car^old. maic.i Would bo called for alx .. montiw training. ~l>ottrr tleui^lricp. Henry M,"jock7 son, p.. Wash., predicted congrea* m, would turn down a renewed admin- IstraUoii request for funds to tie toaeUier -CalUornia and Pacific north.wcsl-SDvcmment-poKec-iict- __ works, Chlnn-siate Depnrtmeiit Adviser 1 John Foster Dulles held out hope I -Uint-red-Ohlnn'miar-not-alwayB-bo «J nrd. ife told Uie eenate foreign relaT • tlons committee Uie U. 8. must help Asirt "keep alive the love of freedom." Dulles discussed tha • • future of Chinn In urging qalek aen- ate ratification of Uie Japanese pence Ucaly. ca Blnme—aovcmment crop fore- p, ensters blamed the weather and * farmers’ errors for Uielr misUke lost t*" foll-on over*csUmaUng cotlon pro- dt ducUon by 2.000,000 bales. A housa subcommittee Is InvestlgaUng. Budget—Chairman Clarence Can- TTOh—01—the—hemse-approprtttUota Tri cornmmce jald-“evcry little ilem” In cn the mllltnry budget "must be exam- „„ Ined very carefully to see If It Js needed." fu m ite .Prpbe SUlcd________ Wusle — Chnlrmnn P. Edward Hebcrl, D,. Ln„ ordered public P* hearlng.i by his'house armed serv- m Ices Aubcomihltteo aa soon as pos- til alble on •'tlie whole mesa" of wasto In military buying.. Atomic—Chairman Brlen McMa- hon of the congressional atomic gi( -cuergv-commlltee- nredlctwl “wide- iiprcnd aupport" of President Tru- ^ Rrnm. The committee takes Its first •oincinl-lboK-bchlnd-closed-doers uj today a t tho (5,000,000,000' to tS,- . 000.000,000 blueprint for atomic ex- panslon. ^r: _Tltlelnnd!r;rnie__r,ennto__^Interior jiJ MmimlttciciipDnivWTn-comrTOmIsc Udelanda bill to give aUttes a teni- ' porary "veto power” over federal t* iawM oX -the gubmerged lands. l&eSli Claims ^ T. F. Pioneer S la: At Age of 78 h . Daniel Ulahman Hill, 18, pioneer he resident of Twin Palis, died at 11:30 or _n,m. Monday at the home of his nephew, u. w. ungTeJTllIir SUtlr 'iff avenue cnst. ed Lelshmnn HDI. he wan bom Juno 0, wl 1873, In 'Wcll/ivllle, Cache county, su tJlnh. He Tno^^d with his fnther Jn ~and-iamUy to Tol6n-bailn'-Aug7l8.' 'Ql 1893. and mnrried Cora May Cran- he dall July 24, 1003. He moved to in Twlri Pnlls May 0, 1905, where he to hn.1 resided since. He resided east wl -of-Twln-PaUi»-from-19ia-untiUl«t. iu year, when he made hla home with his nephew. Hill; ft leumstcr, nl an early nge cu IFeisHtcH^liniliNOTwr-lht^UIItr Tfl Wyomlng-.He moved Ui Idaho three co yenrn tiftcr the territory was ndmlt- of ted to atntchood and was nctlvo In dc Hhe-development-of-tho-Twln-FftlU tract, helping In construcllon of the Twin Falls county courlhousc and m hospital. Pcrrlne hotel nnd Salmon « dnm, Hc.wM.a member of the LDS le rhnrch. , . . *. ^ Hla Wife preceded lilin in deaui y ’ In June. 1937. Survivors Include one *c nleixlnuBhter. -Maud—BuJili- .Hois. Edcn: one ntcpaon; Olen Miller, «' Klmbc^ly.;_.th'rcc_Jl5^er8'._^^^^rBnwt •8.-McI^nnan.--.Pocatcila:_Jlc.bcfcn L Hill Bnglcy. Vlctorln, B. C.. 'and M athilda IIIU Lartion, Drlgga. O th e r ).ur>-lvors are five half- brothers, Albert S. Hill and Melvin S. Hill, both DrlBR.'i: Archlbnld-Hlll, pc WelLivllle, Utnh: Ro.sa S, Hill. Dll- to •Ioti,-Montn-ond_Brl£linni_S._illl].' "pt •Orftvly.-Calin -nrid' -four'holf-sJs- be ter.i, Mary Hill Lewis, Rexburg: th Norlllft Hendrick. Jackson, Wyo.; yc Maud Hill Spencer, Spokane. Waah, and-H niel Hill Call, Pocatello. fli Funeral services will be held at m 3 pjn. Saturrfay In Ujc LDS stoke wi tabcrnncle. Friends may call nt tho In Twin Falls mortunryrftoni 3 to 0 m p.m. Friday nnd from 10 n,m. ^ pJ noon Saturday.-Tntermenl-wili-be ba made Jn Uie-Twln Falls cemetcry. rc 1 Nation, Gtabs . Ihg except a' fleeUng pleasure, then in the oaln and misery and suffering I> o r u i r - d i n f t t f t a r - ; --------------------------- Anyone who wishes may enter, w Each year an alarming number ' either wander or are lured Into thla bt : oUier world. Many deliberately u choose to go tliere. ' It It haa no barbed wire fence*. No guard.1 prevent escape. Yet few find di their way ouL They may want to— ht dcsperatelj'. B ut they discover Uiey of havo nelUier Uic sU'ehgth nor the ca willpower to leave otic« Uiey enter. *t ~ I l'a n h e “ aUve‘TPono-DfTiBrcoUci: — In recent years It has become a sin- or , i.^i.F-T>lrrt • T»lnfr litrlng more and or moro young people Into Uie worUi- IQ lcs.1 life of ft "Junkie"—n dope a ^ fit -.Ilighf-now-itla jlw*_wrW..c^ts _ W IN FALLS, IDAHO. TUES Science A __ Search r ■.~SbN..VALLEY._Jan..33-ScTlVch strt - C1UW .1. wna naVc-been-dli?BlhK“ for ' era _ .thr?e_dnya.at.Sun_VnllcyJn.aticaipt ,oI_ , to loentf_the bodies of the Uiree T [ missing ptrsons believe iMt iii Uie to anow nvalnnche Saturday, resorted noi to wlence Tueitlay In their search, the . Geiger counters were brought Into Thi use In hoi>e iho faint' clicks might Ru reveal the-locntlon of the dead-men.- tm' ^ Anouier similar Insmiment used In Val , locating rnmerals also.wns expected bet } to be uaed. . not Ohnnccs-of-succcss-tn-Uslng the C aclentlfle liibtrumenta arc.admUled are lo be slim bui searchers ftnvc had Me - no Buecessin trencnmyihe enormous -Ne , pile of snuw wlilch -cascnded off aid Mount Baldy Salurdny. Tlie fnlnt wa hope Uiat iJ being held out Is tlint rec the metal on Uic bodies of Uic cat . mltelng men way react on Uie in- ^ ;Jaycees Bad s Hear Talk B UnanijnouR endorsetnent of thi campaign \vns voted Monday nig I George Bevcr explained the cam] t tributed about 50 atickera to bo - down of members’ autos.; ® Feature of the meetinfr wa.“i a . gupcrintendcfit of Twin Falls sch 8 m orem pid adftptntion'ofTic'VTnS * cation are a "Herioun ond challen{ I such matters as sufficient funds for improving educa- f J 4ion^ljmination-of-parts-ot- -t- g present curriculum a^d mak- ' - ing schools "appropriato to j * the times.’’ ^ At their business session preced- ing tho address, Jaycees heard com- ■ mlttee reports and a short discus- « olon by Jack Threlkeld. past presl- J * Jeat>.oiuun»3cs of the Jawee nro- of * gram. ------ -------- rt- Tho superintendent told Jayceea ■s lhat Often 50 years-elapse-Uetween Bn ■ A Bood.lnvenUon In eduenUon nnd ] ’ its genera} use throughout tho coun- pr, try. He hinted strongly that suf- ihi llclcnt financing wna the major . F- .cnuae.dLUicIIflgT^'.: ^ : Other reasons he cited were reals- -.i tance to accepUng new ideas nnd „ _ jnethoda.inl.ttnjeluetancejojaisj:. cnra old meUwdt. Driver trtUnlng courses, If Uiey follow the pattern, win not be In Bcneml use for'50'years, ho opined. Ouses Ior the p}y*l«»3V handl- capped are tnoUier example, Rog- land anld. c' » Cn Uie oUier side of the story, cc 9 he suggested Uiat more emphnais re be placed on physical educnUon, Ju I' home and civic competence and less I) on (AUn and such courses. U( Rngland said emphoala on ndnpt- ag fr ’WjremicaUcm-to-thcrttmerrmodern: ba educnUon—docs not menn teaching ee e. J d theac.- dlsctoUnc. tgachtog - only ^ ), wlwt Uio children wwa to icarn, iq i', sugnr-cootlng or n primary Interest ■T In mnking educaUon Interesting. ^ 57 'QuolEgnrom _a_ fonncr'—wliartiT I- he termed the new emph'aala leach- p? 0 ing so children "will learn nnd w ant “ le to live by finer design .. and carry It what they leam back to their m It. " _________________________ Jo h DlscuisM Aid pc federal old to education waa dls- tb :e cusa^ briefly by the superintendent 76 tr TflthThe wiirjiing"^Rl "vre uiightr — d. somwlitv hnve a system ot federal te control, aid and support oy reasoir "C > of our own default—If thej locnlltlca n do not bring schools Up to the U. jtandnril «imc_thcy_fihoulcL-hg.l _ le He snld he preferred flnnnclng .d educntlon at Uie slate and local n level but pointed out thnt In dlf- s ferent cfepartments federal aid haa gt “ exLitcdrlor'somo'Ume.-He-sald-lt cc <iot vo^hfivfr ”pi le fcdeml control wlUi federal aid; th n t bi I. ll_«lepended_on Uie way the bill was _al r_ written; ac ; BaBy’^ D eatini^ i Caused by Polio r n BOISE, Jan. 33 W—Idaho's firat al 1. polio-fnuillty of 183L wan-reported -tl 1- todny to the stale p^llc henlUi de- J.' 'patiment. A n-mnnth^old Twin Falls __ '• boy haraicd-ef Uifl.-dUeMC.-Ho V as «, t: the third polio paUent reported this w .5 year. hi 1 , In Twin Fnlls, the boy wns IdenU- di field as Daniel El«-ood Roholt, 0- c( it month-old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. El- ;e wood Roholt, Ta-Jn Falls. He died ,e Inst Tuesday In Magic Vnllcy M e- . 0 morlal hospital of bulbar polio, a ^ o paralyUc type which alrlkes- the >e base of_the_braln and offecta tho respiratory system. N la TigKtens"^""; bs Youngsters d n in such clUes as New York, Chicago, vi Ig Detroit. Cleveland. N c w .- O r ^ n M _j>( r. worst examples. j P :r But It has no boundaries, it could »' la become * part of your home town, ly It could spread Into your r«hools as w It has spread Into olher achoola. ai fo That 1* the purpose of these nrtl- di d clc»—to sound a warning and per- O - haps to give a lltUe understanding ■y of what makes n "Junkie'' and -ft’hai tl le can and U being done to help, de- r. stroy this slave world. f. —IVs-a-world-bullt-^ktmst-mtirtiy — I- on, the street comer sales of stolen " d or (Riuggled nareoUcs, noltlng prof- l- lIFWalwlf plkera ofthose-who-traf- « I- flc In mink aod Inttuence nt, S.pcr - ^cnt ___ " ___ -_______ a ___ .(CwJe^ M lPu<J. C«l«Ba » - UESDAY. JANUARY 22. 1952' ^id E nlT ^ h for Miss 5tram cnts.£very ski harness, aenrch- i Rn era point ouC nasTrsmall amount bo , Qf-melal-on it._________________ Bo TolnJ_qfmiulnR persons waa mlsed hli r to three late Monday wllh the an- M; 1 nouncement Uiat anoUicr guest at ro . the resort also Is reported missing, of I The name of Ihe missing peraon is gli , Rudolph Mnndl, SouUi Bend, Waah.. .- ttnrAujtrtan-itho had-come-to-Bun- Cs 1 Valley In search' of work. He had ha I been slaying et the chalet and has nt not been seen Saturday momlng. ; O then’miMlng-ln-Uie-snow slide oc 1 are Sluart Fraser, 33. &isenadu, ne I Mexico, and ArUiur Gardner, 39, Vi J ‘New'yorlc'CIty.'Vletor Gottschalk. re r aid jHslructor at* the resori. ct. I was klUed in the slide. Hla body was m I recovered ahortly after the snow r came to a atandsUll, Bi Mandl was last seen at breakfast w! ck Drive, J k on Schools f the Traffic Safety Volunteer • night by T\vin-Falls iaycees. campaign to members and dis- bo displayed on the rear win- bi ........................ve s a talk by Ernest H. Ragland, schools, who told Jaycees that tii Tnethods-BTidinvcnb'bnB-iircclus- ^ llenging thing." Ho cmphasizod t --------------------------------------------------- «* i -OES-Extends:_ “ > A djustm ent of Potato Prices BOISC, Jan. 23 — The office ?c . ot price stablllzallon has extend- qj IT and recognlied Uie- Idaho standard IJ t grade. - --------- 1 ____1 jg 1 Previously, tbe OPS announced n - prJce atlJu.iSraenSa /or —storage m - through Mny. gi L _lli£_Bol4iid$5tdcLoIflcp-oL-OM. _ - .said-UieJaS^dard^grffloSinftyJlba- T • sold at a reducUm ^ only 00 cents » “ per 100 pounds below the shipping »’ - •polnt-bnso-celllng-'prlce-Xor—C,-Sf- — No. 1 rnUicr than tho orlglnnl 11. n No change lias been mnde In the [ 1. seasonal price- adjuatmcnta—for- {. February through May, announced last week. They ore: February, lo cents; March, 10 cents; April, 5 cents, and May, 5 cents. The new la regulaUon makes another S-cent ad- 1, Juaunent for June. i3 Tlie OPS snld the following addl- Uons have been Included for paek- a > aging potatoes lA window-type ^ bassb»UroitftrI00rPOUndrbasi»i-aJL JI R cents for is-pound bags; 40 cents 1 'y for ia.boun,rbag».-anV-ao-cfnts- -- *» for S-pound bags. w **’ A dcducUon of 10 cents per 100 J ^ pounda—for-poutoes sold In ■'tt.- pound-papef-bags-hafl been lif. * eluded. •y AddlUons for packaging In cotton, lr mc.ih or burlap bags ore as toi- ^ _ lQws;-rrom 45 to SO cenla per loo _ pounds for lS>pound bags; 00 fttua I- tb 70 ccnt* lor 10-pound bags and it 75 cents lo'Yl.40 for S-pound bags, n itr ------------- * ----- » ----- * ------*---------------2 al * TT . " J |?pird1\Iai'kup ^ I —M argii^Hilced ^ f- WASHlNaTON. Jan. 23 tlV-'I^O T la govemment has .hiked dfstrlbutors' o It co5t"n^“proflt-piarglns"on~whiiB n ffr TJOtate-«i»lM-by-neftriy-60-l»r-c«Qt,; -d it but Insisted the Increase will not b w jiffect roUbacks to consume^rlces t act tor 'Jan. 33. - • t --------Tho-offlo#-of--prloo-#Ubm«Uon (OPS) snld Uie maximum dlsulbu- ' - • 'tor'-mitrSln, ot~M-ccnts-pcr_aOQ _ ^ pounds set In its order issued Jnn. ( J s waa loo low. In a complete revl- 1 st alon of the original potato rcgula- « rd tlon.-tho margin VOS boosted-to 8C x S- ccnla,. 1? __QP3.s.ild an order llmlUng the < « pereeniagcjni>iKua»^3ilsLl9We^^^ la WlU use In compuiTng priced for housewives will be Issued Wednes- f !• day. These markups over wholesale I costs WlU be effective Jan. 38. Jj The revised order does not change ' the base cc/ltng price at the iarm- shipper level, in any itale from _ those llaUd In tha Jan. 5 regulaUon- - No Parkiiig Asked = On=^Local-Streets ^ To faclUtate removal of snow from the principal atreets here, H. J t H. Bnllenficr, superintendent cf the f ) dty atreets and'wnUr deparunent, c asks moU;rlsts not. to park their t o, vehicles overnight on Main avenue li 4. 10 Shoshone street between the Union ^ Pacific railroad tracks u d Slxtb g Id avenues north and east. n Ballenger Mid removal of snow - ai will begin early In Uie. morning In , - an effort U) have them clear before J. donTitowh U-affJc becomes heavy. T. OUicr alreets,wUI bo hit by city J snow removal equipment later in J the day. '■ REPBE8ENT8 IDAHO ' F ly _B01SE.-Jnn. n_f/Eb=Attt,-Qai-. .. rX Robert Z. Smylle will represent t f_ Idaho at n securlUes and exchange »_ r nmml.tsloii hwuihg on Sale or "> Washington Water Power conipany e _ glpck_on_J«n'r.M. SmyJle will Icai’e ^ ; Iw WajSngloo, D. q , enturdaj'. ^ ^ - N JntinJentcd Idaho.Countlc UmiiWt i>t Au^lt AuocltM I’m ted in sing-Men- iRfttiirriftT momlng after which he ____ bought a Ucket tor tS# "Moiiiir . Baldy_skl_lUt.. Olher_mcmberi of _ hla party have left Bun Valley, but ------- Mandl'a clolhlng was sUU in his < room. A check ot the nearby towns . of Ketchmn and UsUey failed to . give any clues to his disappearance, ' , Harriet Chamness. Beverly HUb. Callf.;-whom—Oottschalle—w aa-to — have married in tho spring, arrived I nt Sun Valley Monday altemoon. Funeral services for Mr. Gott- DlO^ I »chBlfcwlllbeheldat4;30p.m.-Wed- ofH , nesday at tho opera house at Sun whi , Valley wllh Uie Rev. SUiart RuUi. , recer or“ the -m iley . Episcopal " . churcJi. offJcJatlng. Burial will be ivill I made In the Ketchum cemetery. i.-tn He Is survived by his mother. In . Bavaria, a sister and two brothers ■7 . whose addresses are unknon'n. fall "T---------------------- ---------------- ‘“ I --------- ‘d iti Expert()pens_ “ffi Local Sui'vey OnFii-eRates ,.S' Olenn T. I>nvls, Betse, chief en- *''** Rlnecr for Uie Idaho Surveying ond Rating Bureou. Inc„ is starting tho bureau's first comprehensive sur- vey ot factors nffecUng fire Insur- ance rates made-here alnce 1030. I* Ho said there Is a general Indlca- lag tlon_olLn-r«lilcllon..b«lng. ih_<^er >■— ' "through nddlttoii' ut Unce major I pieces.,_of. 'flccIIgT)ting__eq\ilpment __ . nlnce the 1930 survey and recent im- provement in tho city's water dla- trlbutlon system. • ,,, ___________Exolalns-Ctadln*_______ _ Davis explained his grading ot ,v the dty Is based on these factors: Si V/oter depnrtmcnl, 34 per cent; flro department, 30 per cent: ilre alym , system, 11 per cencj structural con- ^ > dlUons, 14 per cent; flro prevention program, six per cent; building laws, 6 four per cent, and police depart- ■ ment, one per cent plo' »— cltj^offlclaU-polnted-ont-the-im-- l»-< I pnrlment in ita work wllh tha water the , jiyatcm lnndjn checking plnns for to-' 1 major eonstructlon, whlch'tOB«Oier-Onl J occcunt for 48 per cent tmder tho alW grading system. s 3 More Extensive ' cou y =pnvntaig'nu»:prcsentju rvcyjwin -oih 5- be more-exlenslve-than Uift 1B38. .iidi . survey wbish found lltUe change in "ing tC«aliq^ J^ ^ £ ^ « S. C«lBiiim 4) jjH 'JSoneHurtin s“ > Auto Crashes E OnlcyRoads 2 One car skidded into n power pole - and another overturned but there B were no Injuries in accidents In "1“ tt. JDrln_F-nllg_-gQUnty Monday and s Tue.^day. - J- - Lrle Wln'ir, Pfler,-reported to tbe - ^ - 'BHerlff-lHSt-htt-IMO-Btudebaker^ ia j [V went out of control two ond one- cou *■ hfih mlles^ w ^ of Twin ___ car skidded across the highway and T ' struck a power pole, Ho listed dam- I, '• ago to the right side, door, wlnd- ~ shield, fender and hood ot his car. i fitjjte police were colled three » miles eaat of MurUugh on highway jn, _ .30 at 7 p. m. M0Ddflyjghcrtr-ft-lg.«l .t|oi driven by WlUIsHadsell, P o ^ dnj the rough road, climbed » snow "5^ bank and overturned on iUi left side. Damhge to fenders was esUmated ^ Tho FVed Reod ConstrucUon com- / ,0 pany reporied to city officers lhat ”* s' one of Ita pickup traeJcs slopped at 8P* e nn lntcrsecUon-8t-S;45-p.-TnrMon- «"« Hay.iinri « m r rirlvrn hv n Mrs. Bo- ,t bier, jinnble to slop, collided wiST a the truck, damaging the front of • tho-carr-A-aelUement-was-renehed ln« n. Jictween_thB.pa(flw.JnT.ol¥ed.------------- J I- CnrsCoUldB 10 Cara_drJyj:n_by. CUjt^De^cUvc 1. rtaude Wlley and S?Ivfe-CdircoK-“ ° ;• llded at 8:1S pm, Monday at Third .- avenue and ntlh street norlh, but ™ •Ji aelUicr .vehicle w u damaged._____ Max T. Stuart, 344 Fifth avenue ,e cast, was the driver of o 1950 Mer- •fl corr'-whlch-eoUided-wlUi-ftrlM® ^ ,r Chevrolet driven by nbbtrt a; Ding- ~ field, 316 ElghUi avenue east, at *“ le Fourth avenue and FourUi sU «t ^ east at 10;13 ajn. Tuesday. Fender .. and bumper damage resulted. ^ SeUi Blake, 138 Elm street north, (C«iillna«4 aa !■«(• X. Calaaa S) n ^ Panel of Six to Dj 5 Edu<;ation.Eroj *r BOISE. Jan. 23 MV-OoT. Len TdJ I. Jordan adjourned his educaUon con- edi 'O ference to alJow * slx.jaan aubcom- leg t. mlttee determine Idaho's educa- 1 lr tlonal needs. . «a ® ReprescnUUves of 13' organltn- ^ conference yesterday agreed tha J® ^ smaller group would be mor^ effee- \l ' tlve. Jordan aald the subcommittee w would devise a yinn and present It to tho general commltUe. ? l^ e suboommlttee was not named, y But it was agreed It ahould be com- jaj, n posed of a rcpresentotlve from lobor, i<i, business, agriculture, women's osso- -t, claUons. educaUon groups ond. tax- - r payers. ' up 1. .ThitjtoverMr said the suboommJt^ 'Uo iT 'lee wourdTo convened'soon. < ;c "Theyll have a tree hand and can ael >r «rrlte” their-ow uetet,"-thB gov- |iui ,y ernpr'EnlO.' " :<m 'C ■ Ycaterdny's srsslon wns devoted to Jn untlca ________ . •_ I • Au^lt Butmb •( Clrrnlillea UO I’ro t and Unltnl Piru M o re E l ^EEx] —^Jtorc'Bnow-fell*in'most:-parts- changing the speculation from ‘ blows, conditions rcnlly will get to of-the-^'allcy-cxccptin-thc-HftilC7 whore hea\7 clouds hung low and Meanwhile forecaflters aro predl will continue at- least through V winds may sweep into tho valley All main higlm'nya in tho area fall of anow but driving con- ^itions aro not good. Officials -ry at the state district highway J j pffico_in_Shoshono FffuB# to make predictions as to road J conditions for moro than on hour in advanco. ahould a wind whip Inlo the new fall of snow, they said. It U possible every road in Uio valley would be- '> como plugged. The new fall of snow Is light and powdery and tiot much wlna will be necesiary to make it s h u t poslUori. The road from Fairfield to Oood- . iq, L thg la being widened by sUte rotary i: l ^ -T ------- ■■ , t: I _r __ JTiresome ______S •T know." said Uie weaUier- man. “I'm Urcd of 11, loo. But It'a aUll a long time until spring.” f ahlvered as he read Uils predlc- mil ; Uon for tho next five days: tht : *Trcmperaturcs considerably cle below normal through Wednes- ( : d ^ . Occasional snow." -wii (Probably). rec : L ___________________ I wu plows but travel over Uie rante sUll . ^ •• l»-dUfleultjmghway_ offlUals have r tho road before they would be able ^ r to vlden the cuts through Uu drifts, r -Only-«oo*way-trftmcjiaajiacaj>o^ _j s alblo In tpoU Sot days. in School bus routes In Lincoln tet ' county u e passable but almost all m t olher c i^ tv ronds art closedrCon*- ko 9. -•tderabSrfeiow felflntmojhone-dur- -W a "tag the morning bufOWPB-WM no- ^ O ooSht Tiow has 33 Inches ol ‘•J anow on Uie ground aod anoUier “ inch fell Tuesday momlng.. It .w u 1 accompanied by a alight wind and while there were a few drifts they f wero not deep enough to bloclc Ou traffic. I Rupert opened school again Tues- dn^ in spile of tha addlUonal snow B th a t feU during-Uio night and Tues- , doy momUig. Somo ot Uie school »» , buses were atuclc temporMlly whUe ^ 1 bringing chUdren to school Tues- ^ 9 - All of Jerome's sch'ooTiuses.'WjOT e. In bv 0:30 a. m. It snowed Jn J erome ‘‘ . ^ ty during -MB' lUlpiC tnd mtu~ « , (C«alli>s*4 • « r» i» i. C4l«iia I). ^ ■UrN-VmiS ^ _ loi aiuceilQ pess ® X»ANMUNJOM:..K<?r8*’ . (Wednes- . ^ day) Jan. 33 (lh—The United Na- , L >TprfMWl'hnnB to- ^ * dnythottoec^munlsU^wlU 3 0 - d v cleadlock in l n j c e '^ 0tl*=' , i lions and make a reaUsUo armlsUce 1 a m Wo. S A formal statement by Brlg.-Qen. <je t WUUam P. Huckols, chief U, N. t spokesman. Implied tha tsOks may . end-ln-faUure,-unlett;Uie-reds-4lo wi ^ make some concessions oa the dou- ^ n ti e aBinnock''ovar^tbo^^«xchange-of ,f war prisoners and terms for enforc- d Inc an armlsUce, . , _ Nuckols Issued the, etatement . ofkr theretunTfromained'sapi^o ™ „ headquortcni In Tokyo of Maj. ““ I- -Ho'wararM.rJnTnfin-chitCidelegato 5? L for Uie allies of Uie subcommittee It on aimlstJce tenns. , ' NuckoU aald Uib allies sUU have i hopes that the communlsle wlll-baok : down from Uielr present stubborn ^ 5 JnsUtenwLoiLtJyIr own program-. -nKre hepe-tEat-the eommusis(« “ ,t finally will come to the reaUzaUon „ ,» that the V. N. poslUon 1s a firm ono J? [r and that Uiey wUl make aome ges- „ ture, a substanUal gesture, toward 3 meeUng the U.N.-half way," Nude- H ________________________ s tw D raw tip Nfew j cogram iorJdaho _ n fdaho. described as Uie “most vital" .. I- educaUon problem fadng the next f- .- legislature.' ^ ' Bm er Crowley, Idaho paUs, rep- °] resenting the Idaho EducaUon as- J. soclatlon, said "Uie. legal minimum I* j rogratn_<?Lthg-^?«tOJB.gOQd but th e _ .g flnancu are not. Educators certaUi- >> .. ly are IdeaUsta or .they wouldn't sUiy tl In Idaho very long on Uie basis of « the salaries they are getting." la Low teacher talarles yero conald- * . cred one of the "most vlUl" educa- "• Uon problems fadng -the next Jeg- t ialature and responsible for half tho « ‘‘ Idaho-trained teachers leaving the J I" atate for employment eUewhera. n •• -.Tho.^onferenceVMcaliedtodraw I up a unified program for jrtsenU - * ^ t^ lo-the next legislature. Crowley sald'publlc apiUiy to n aehool bualness ahould be corrected K)** oyera-agreedraaylng it-wns J< to in moUoa that the public raises ob- »i FINAL EDITION. _ ll PRICE 5. CENT3 . . ilil now I :pected^ ^-of-Magic-VnHer-Tucfldayr-.— n "if” to “when" the wind. . : tough. Snow fell in.all parts |H ilcy=Ki!tchum-Sun-Valier'#r«t— md posed a constant threat -||H redicting thot ’Tuesday’s snow ..... Fi Wednesday and that high rea are open despite tho new ' _______ * » * # _____________ Bad Weather I ~NuiiiI)s"Large"^^H Area of U. S. V , Prom AP aa4 r r Bcporti |H Snow and coU -whipped aerou |9B wide areas of the naUon Bgitn to- uH day. A bllnard struek wide areas IJ of the northern plain* states. 8nov- spread across the Intermountaln'r*^ } glon, cenUrlng Its heaviest blow ta northern UUh. 1 __ypreggKtefn «iiti4 >w1nw wfO-COld •wDUltt"creeirtnt<niiBtennflil«rto*------- 1 nlght.but.ths.remalndBr of tbe ta- .— termountaln area Is Ukely to escape the extreme low temperatures. | CIw In Booth. —The-enow-exteotled-leas-tiien-Bfli------- miles souUi of Balt Lake City with the southem half of Utah repottloc . clear aides, - Salt Lake City's snowfall for th * ------ ■winter was within tlx Inchea of tb* record depth piled up In the sever* winter of 1848-49. A bUizaid swept across South Dk- to^m a to TempcratBrce Plmamctl _A coldjroot pushed Into tho een- IraJ iljileyTKa~CauulMr-Walmua ------ temperntures plunged below, tba *ero mane In North .Dakota,. South ' kota,— Mlane#otSf-Montan»—*ad ------- louthem atat^ Tamie«M»t,.Mlwu^ 11^ I j I ep&rsely covered -wloter wheal I Imcfrdry and loose lltaa a drougbt,........ > was picked up and wltlcted tkav tf dust storms in the southwest U on dust trouble wts expected <«rtb» . west ........................ DrowHarFasl. Temperatures were dropping fast I In Uie Texas-Oklabom» penhandl* . , where Monday highs wero In the . bahny 00a. Kansas temperature* wtTo In the aos In mast places. ^ I high 'tnotmtafn-areas-of ^northBtn----- - ^ no nU service through mountain i passes. AU roads la lha stonniwept Reno w u cut off bjr road''e»epl from the east. Tbe old Omutoclc lode community of Virginia City, IS (iH , mUes southeast, was cut off com* ‘ H - • - • • ’ ~ - 'I Can^ Train . ThB SouUiem Padflo nObvtd , canned plaM to resume yamavr ■ ■ seivlta over DonnerTiess-today^-An....... - t ^ attem pt wUl be made tomorrow, tba ' “ c S e s " " ^ — 7- ' PacUlo to order. lU. westhound__ . ZephvT leaving Balt Lake CitT to be detoured south way of Union P*- clflo tracks througb Bantow, ' Dual Calls Noted "ByTCaitMimr^ . -T h e local-eelecUvo-aerrtce-bowrd----- ^ ; haa-reoelved-tWMialls-each-for-ln--------- ducteea aad for men to take tbe ; pre.lnductlon examlnatloos at Boise , during'yebruan^‘~ ———. ' Mrs. Pearle Aldrich, derk of tbe local board, safd the February In- . ducUon_lndudes eight men on Peb. ' 6 and anoUier dght men on PfiK ia. ‘ The total ot 16 Is conalderably hlgb- The call for men to taka their ‘ pre«lnductlon examlnaUons Indodet ' seven on Feb. 37 and 13 on Peb. 38. : Mr#. Aldrich aald tbe toUl cl IB ^ la about normal but Uils Is the first time since the autumn of 1950 that, the board haa been called to send two groups In one month. New Helicopter I — RescuePlanned— MOUNTAIN HOMB,-Jan. 33 , An air force helicopter, will be re- .11 tumed here-to'fly. four stranded II men out of the Uny mlntng camp . of Rocky Bar. aome 70 miles norta a of Ijere'." " ----- f. Mountain Homo air force baae o f. ___ _ . HcTahTiaJirtMirMen had oeen xsor, , titled to remnJa. at Rocky Bar rath-., if er than try to anowshoe ont of th* - Isolated canyon in a snowttonir.. . - I. which struck souUiem Idaho today..-, -:'-: Tho air force aald Oapt. Buiaea Uhlmnn, who commanded - laiti'\-V: lo week's mlsslon.to rescue Un..Qeoai, ,B Jack, wUe ot one of the etraa^j-. men. would hrln».» hellsoptae' ftqittj. # March-field; Callt. *• I- weather pgnd,y'Vi s -— :— d BOISE, Jan. 33 (fl-aoT. Left - UI Jordan hae signed two blUsapiaopil.J ;.— ^

newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...lub a t»*—"nie * tod»y «h*r*« «ul I* gy.^U'.ble- twe»tert,, >'Q. 2S2- - oice

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Page 1: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...lub a t»*—"nie * tod»y «h*r*« «ul I* gy.^U'.ble- twe»tert,, >'Q. 2S2- - oice

lu b a t»*—"nie *tod»y «h*r*«

« u lI* gy.^U '.ble- tw e»tert

,, >'Q. 2 S 2 - -

oice 0]cr.TON, J a n 3 2 '( U iR)= ^« rsa l m ilitary t r a l f j o ^ 'G r n i iR c r 't h o - A i

n i p s l ' {Sin T

f»iii!Bh"of MOBlcValie [hjn 11 has been for the

, of th» hosp ltaL board .tq ^ jt»r. Jftn. 13.J ta m ( occupancy so Sar

miicli higher ih sn f ttai oJ the hospllaVa ovt

^^ted-buaBoU-*ubmltU uiacome-AncJ expendltui , a'Jflct the budget

^ i S l T .'u rD acon-as-li iff.Buhl. vice chnirm nn; J . Babcrly, ifCMurcr. iMOrt from lu com m ltto ^ U i e Interior o t U)o bu

lln tccepted a report trc thovRl satisfactory co

{Assured- 1OTON. J*n. 23 (Spe- Bitisnil production

uid Montlay l l will r r i f trs tlm o -p -c c r .- — ,iMl ind copper to

u t T»1n Falls lilgh '

B toM Howard Mof- Jjywn»raset-cf Tft'ln ^abtr of Commerce, °®'tillMle for the atruc- “ *■wter Ihe vital metalSi^ « “]{[jt u!d tlittt bW8 0”ltd Feb. 13. , <

leli- thl

5,000 Is S. ' . ' Rrt

Hio HcId”ibatWeedrON,J»n.2a-<Spcolol) —

lh* Mbonoai weed, on lib tiQd;et m u sse e T h

________ . X wti

t o r o t b a , . t e r t t t v a u rtenftnro,deport- 3oiSaid' 11 .will spend luxa a funds in batU - wli

•]taW lhat ■•the con- fn<Jnlloa of halOBcton ar<

fiscal year, uoIMj polsonou.1 weed orr

twpornllon w ith go,

r iw tlm enf* burcflu ««nt-tt-ould spend--=7 lie n n sum and the ^ 3 ilfairs. *300,000,"■« M It tpen t lost

------------:z r ---------- a r

lerailed ^ rBieiri(3i ^JjR. Js-T rn tlle was *lo

^ " ta - p a c if i rm ri ln - hu

w w " d 4 i | " " ™ , OT» ‘ns day hna been wo

■tfll. eamp ntg.hii-K te __12!,11“ “ 'c Die- Tmind 9 a. tn. Union JL nu uid on t e.ir o t ^ on R ,s«(()Ountf^ ■ th a t - tr.Mric-wu3~ ~

“■•«_*mllnieht. they ~^"S.*H?arrilliicr had r” ‘['ffiJKh Jerome

‘1 It ll Impouiblc to ‘®’ ■“ Of the derailment “ Hnilfilii have been

wheel. p r ■---------------- - lio

LtQ-Name_ |cersf6fl!)52'S

ctflcers pe iJ . J fdnho Ur'« Natiomil Safely i

‘‘‘le rih cn tw ,,f Ini J wmmiticM to Ro th. r-uwonuitlon, u„; _'’’^=''''5n:oiirE?cnw "ci'i

« ntw directors were -serc-arnrKtziJeirra.- =

g;v™»«fSK: A

ne,-Term— c ei on Driver 5

i n i itn;. ‘ cl'artte of


» fe d - 7 ^(Cd » j f - ] * -------- ^a rk c t- - I•• «Je- . S 9 . I 1IS » n d ' • - I

J . • “ A Ttegioi

OlllrUI Cilr '<n4 CovlBljr Nt«ip>pf|

itrOrganiiOppositionS^Th'o'niloh'ffeTfiFjOfSSBig nniiTE I -A u ic ric a n rE a rm iB u rc n u :ic d c ra

' c

finances » rhf^ Years;lic y M c m o rja l hospital was declared r h e pft3t th ree years Tueiday n igh t r to review lla 'condition aC^tlie end _

fa r th l5 year showed an average of * ,n d u r in g tlio po st few months, ami ’ avullftble beds. The report does not L

Ittcd-by-varloua-depurin ien t-licad i.. n .ture o f ' opproximntcly COO.OOO per ^ jc t uubm ltted by the board to the ^

j-lt- 'rchn lrm nrr-O thcrrT tc lccw a-nT r •*■ : M rs. Gordon Orny, secretary, and ^

;tce o n the nurses home, the board ^ bu ild ing nnd to lay tile In the haJN j;

from nn Insurance company boiler ? conditions. P

~~ ’ c

Traffic Code ; Passes First *

Board Ballot jA n ordinance to enact tho new xi

trn f flc code won annroved by t he _ bo a rd o f“clty commlsjloners on lu f i r s t read ing Monday night. Tlic o r- I d ln n n c e will become law if approved Ji on tw o more readings. li

C ity Attorney Hoberl N. W. Bal- « le lsen announced two changes in li th o codo as worked out between tlie bo a rd and. T w in Falls Safely coun- clL-jcprcscotaU vci_-O rl8lnally ,-U w J g ro u p s had p lnnncd .lo allow aery- » Inic" o f ' f l nes "111 the c ltT 'ja ll fit a ^ rnto_o£_S3.B0^dally.. H owcvcr..Bal- " le lsen aald a tate law llmlUi the ° am o u n t thn t may be credited on fiJioa » t »J,50 da)iy; ®

______ No Weavln r ___________i^ n o th en ich ttn ffe tcan c tm sn w ssla s . rc on th e right on four-lane iitreets. t T h is constituted reclcle.w driving p w ttsn -k drlirer weaves from ono lonei li

d r iv e r may piiiu^ 3 ■*W W B v*Jrho IS HI' UIB righ t laoS 1 m f 4 t f d x l v e r In the le ftiane sIowh' J d c r ^ o r If th e driver in Uie right lnne JncrcMea JUs speed but remains w ith in th e speed limit,

T h re e copies of the code are dn file nt,, Uie c ity clerk's office ond a re op en to public Inspection, No ne- tlo n w na taken on Dallclsen’a rec- om m cndntlon th n t nbout 5,000 coplc.i of the code be printed and

anld m any attorneys have requested ” eopica, nnd th e board. agreed_?iich c o p T c i^ o u rd a c t out tiie law In full.*

Space Rented ,,T h e board ngrced to rent n vacant ti

room-ltrth»-iitinilnistTTitloirb«tldrn#- -~a r j o s l l h ■fl(?Id"tb'EdMnii!c7MBBlc' ?V olley A ircraft, a t $15 monthly for -th re e monthfi. An option wos In- ieluded to renew tho lease if his fa- j,

arc n o t replaced within that time.H aJe nlio w m granted permls- i

alon to construct n clnderblock h ro g rtr-o n -th o -n lrp o rp in iperty -fo r j , use a s a temnorarv hangnr nnd for j , In te r tiae for Btonvse. The buiming ^ w ould hoiwe one airplane. Airport ..

(CamlnBHl o r ^ » I. C.1m.n l> J,

LuU Ends in ; — Spud Marfcet"■ - ID A H O PALLS, -Jan; 32 W -W llh ,, Uio wholesale celling _prlee on potn-tocij In e ffec fs lh ce Stttuolay.'U ie Ife ilern l alate m arket news seri'lcc !iftoelvw l-enonstranlcazreporta-yca- £ te rd n y to esUiblhh a price' lo grow-era fo r the f irs t time since Jnn. 2. ;

T h e re was n difference in Uie 'priccfl <iuoecd In Che two reporta. .how ever. On Jan . 3 Uic price to JRTOWcrs wan $4 to H.25 on U. S. No. JJii. Yestcrday'fl report listed U. S. ;N or3s-ftr*3-ftna-oniy .'ftT tcff:j» lc* . ■.*;w ere r'eJjOrUd. Spudmen- polnlcd <•o u t they, nre losing m mucli a.i Jl.25 ‘p e r 100 and atnnd to lose moro as ^tim e Roes by. - *

S h ippers reported Idaho poUitoea » a lre ad y are getting competiUon fromM ftine potniocs, which are atill *etJ- 2Ing below th e celling and predicted tth n t tho sltunUon will get worse aa 1th e n o r lda, Te«ns and ^aU fom la F'M o p T rT iir 'th e market ' In full rs trc n g U i.__________________________ r

W e and Bruts Its Grip on

nol»! ThU U Oi* flr«t ef » T

•wl.lr.1 ITm, .WrIUr Don WhlUhw'l K«>IUE into lha f | |n nf Ihi U, 8. ntrroltM 1burr.u >nj o ll.n » u n n In >n >>rort lo -•ho>» h.,w r..ulhi , .ddlfU. how « 'I>lu pHclirr I> IrtdP'’). >n,l ohat *<I- C•nn* .nd think .tiuuU U -lo"' «> ch*lt lh* ir.ffi, wh(,h ,.k „ .bout lit:.-o o , n o o t mm It. tk lln-.l. ^

ny Do n w h it e iie a d t— W ASHINOTON, Jan . 33 — d T ljc ro Is IX slave world In Uic United Ji S tatca_todtty_w hlch-l*-aa-iilO-l>M . « degrndlng a n d brvtal as iny;»lave cnm p behind th e .lro a curtain. f— AV-least~80.00(r-mcn,“ 'women*«nd Jj c h ild re n a te prLioners In thLi twl- n »g»^t yttrJd. II hn,i Tin mpni)f- n j; no • laws pstcept Uie law.i of “a n d oclfi5^ci5nc*pn)n il5ca-'S5 lh- —

■onal N e w s p a p e r S e r v in g

i z a t i o n s ? I o n U M TiZ a ttunS -Hskoil 4nr<r.y ^

ra tltiinuT arU iT N ationa l’F a i j n r to ' cr.v union said UM T would jeopiirdize t h e food supply to and miKlii undorm ine dcm oc- oe racy . us<

^ r e Uic home nrmed sen'lccs cotn- ^ m lttee in oppo-ililon to a proposed proRMni undfr,whlch.all.iari'car^old. maic.i Would bo called for alx . . m ontiw training.

~ l> o ttr r tleui^lricp. H enry M,"jock7 son, p . . Wash., predicted congrea* m , would tu rn down a renewed adm in- IstraUoii request for funds to tie toaeUier -CalUornia and Pacificnorth.w csl-SDvcm m ent-poK ec-iict- __works,

C h ln n -s ia te D epnrtmeiit Adviser 1 Jo h n Foster Dulles held out hope I -Uint-red-O hlnn'miar-not-alwayB-bo « J nrd. ife told Uie eenate foreign relaT • tlons committee Uie U. 8 . m ust he lp Asirt "keep alive the love of freedom ." Dulles discussed tha • • fu ture of Chinn In urging qalek aen- a te ratification of Uie Japanese pence Ucaly. c a

Blnme—aovcm m ent crop fore- p , ensters blamed the w eather and * farm ers’ errors for Uielr misUke lost t*" foll-on over*csUmaUng cotlon p ro - d t ducUon by 2.000,000 bales. A housa subcommittee Is InvestlgaUng.

B udget—Chairman Clarence C an- TTOh—01—the—hem se-approprtttU ota Tri cornm m ce jald-“evcry lit tle ilem ” In cn the mllltnry budget "m ust be exam - „„ Ined very carefully to see If I t Js needed." f u

m i t e .Prpbe SUlcd________W usle — Chnlrmnn P. Edward

H ebcrl, D,. Ln„ ordered public P* hearlng.i by h is 'house armed serv- m Ices Aubcomihltteo aa soon as pos- til alble on •'tlie whole mesa" o f wasto In m ilitary buying..

Atomic—C hairm an Brlen McMa- hon of the congressional atom ic gi( -cuergv-commlltee- nredlctwl “wide- iiprcnd aupport" of President T ru - ^

Rrnm. T he committee takes Its first •o inc in l-lboK -bch lnd -c lo sed -doers u j today a t tho (5,000,000,000' to tS ,- . 000.000,000 blueprint for atomic ex- panslon. ^r:_T ltlelnnd!r;rnie__r,ennto__^Interior jiJMmimlttciciipDnivWTn-comrTOmIsc Udelanda bill to give aUttes a teni- ' porary "veto power” over federal t* iaw M oX -the gubmerged lands.

l&eSli Claims T. F. Pioneer S


At Age of 78 h.D aniel U la h m an Hill, 18, pioneer he

residen t of T w in Palis, died a t 11:30 or _n,m. M onday a t the home of his nephew , u . w . u n g T eJT llIi r SU tlr 'iff avenue cnst. ed

L elshm nn HDI. h e wan bom Juno 0, wl 1873, In 'Wcll/ivllle, Cache county, su tJlnh . H e Tno^^d w ith his fn ther Jn

~and-iamU y to Tol6n-bailn'-Aug7l8.' 'Ql 1893. a n d m nrried Cora May Cran- he dall J u ly 24, 1003. He moved to in Twlri P n lls May 0, 1905, where he to hn.1 resided since. He resided east wl

-of-Tw ln-P aU i»-from -19ia-un tiU l« t. i u year, w hen h e m ade hla home with h is nephew .

H ill; ft leum stcr, n l an early nge cu IFeisH tcH ^liniliN O Tw r-lht^U IItr Tfl

W yomlng-.He moved Ui Idaho three coyenrn tif tc r th e territory was ndmlt- ofted to atntchood and was nctlvo In dc

H he-developm ent-of-tho-Tw ln-FftlU trac t, he lp ing In construcllon of theTw in F a lls county courlhousc and mhosp ita l. Pcrrlne hotel nnd Salmon «dnm, H c.w M .a member of th e LDS lerh n rc h . , . . *. ^

Hla Wife preceded lilin in deau i y ’In Ju n e . 1937. Survivors Include one *c nleixlnuBhter. -M aud—BuJili- .H ois.E dcn: one ntcpaon; Olen Miller, « ' Klmbc^ly.;_.th'rcc_Jl5^er8'._^^^^rBnwt

•8 .-M cI^nnan.--.Pocatcila:_Jlc.bcfcn LHill Bnglcy. Vlctorln, B. C.. 'and M ath ilda IIIU Lartion, Drlgga.

O th e r ).ur>-lvors are five half- b ro thers , A lbert S. Hill and Melvin S. H ill, bo th DrlBR.'i: Archlbnld-Hlll, pc WelLivllle, U tnh: Ro.sa S, Hill. Dll- to

•Ioti,-M ontn-ond_B rl£ linn i_S._ illl].' "pt•O rftv ly .-C a lin -nrid' -fou r'ho lf-sJs- beter.i, M ary Hill Lewis, Rexburg: thNorlllft Hendrick. Jackson, Wyo.; yc M aud H ill Spencer, Spokane. W aah,a n d -H n ie l Hill Call, Pocatello. fli

F u n e ra l services will be held a t m3 p jn . Saturrfay In Ujc LDS stoke witabcrnncle. F riends may call n t tho InT w in F a lls m ortunryrfton i 3 to 0 mp.m. F riday nnd from 10 n,m. ^ pJnoon S a turday .-T nterm enl-w ili-be bam ade Jn Uie-Tw ln Falls cemetcry. rc

1 Nation, Gtabs. Ihg excep t a' fleeUng pleasure, then in

the o a ln and misery and suffering I>■ o ru ir -d in f t t f ta r - ; ---------------------------

Anyone who wishes may enter, w E ach year a n alarming number

' e ith er w ander o r are lured Into thla bt: oUier world. Many deliberately u■ choose to go tliere. ' I t

I t haa no barbed wire fence*. Noguard.1 preven t escape. Yet few find dith e ir way ouL They may w an t to— htdcsperatelj'. B u t they discover Uiey ofhavo nelU ier Uic sU'ehgth n o r the caw illpower to leave otic« Uiey enter. * t

■ ~ I l 'a n h e “ aUve‘TPono-DfTiBrcoUci: —In rec en t years It has become a sin- or

, i .^i.F-T>lrrt • T»lnfr litrlng more and ormoro young people Into Uie worUi- IQlcs.1 life of ft "Junkie"—n dope a ^ fit

-.Ilighf-now -itla jlw *_w rW ..c^ts _


Science A __ Searchr ■.~SbN..VALLEY._Jan..33-ScTlVch s tr t- C1UW.1. wna naVc-been-dli?BlhK“ for ' era _ .thr?e_dnya.at.Sun_VnllcyJn.aticaipt ,oI_ , to loentf_the bodies of the Uiree T [ m issing ptrsons believe iM t iii Uie to

anow nvalnnche Saturday, resorted noito wlence Tueitlay In the ir search, the

. G eiger counters were brought Into Thiuse In hoi>e iho faint' clicks m ight R u reveal the-locntlon of th e dead-men.- tm '

A nouier similar Insm im ent used In Val, locating rnmerals also.wns expected bet} to be uaed. . not

O hnnccs-of-succcss-tn-Uslng th e Caclentlfle liibtrumenta arc.adm U led arelo be slim bui searchers ftnvc had Me

- n o Buecessin trencnm yihe enormous -Ne , p ile of snuw wlilch -cascnded off aid

M ount Baldy Salurdny. T lie fnlnt w a hope Uiat iJ being held ou t Is tlin t rec th e metal on Uic bodies of Uic cat

. m ltelng men way react on Uie in - ^

; Jaycees Bad s Hear TalkB UnanijnouR endorsetnent o f thi

c am paign \vns voted M onday nig I G eorge Bevcr explained th e cam] t t r ib u te d about 50 a tickera to bo- down o f members’ au tos.;® F e a tu re of the m eetinfr wa.“i a . gupcrintendcfit o f Tw in F a lls sch8 m o r e m p i d a d f tp tn t io n 'o fT ic 'V T n S* c a tio n a re a "Herioun ond challen{ I su ch m atte rs a s s u ff ic ie n t —

fu n d s fo r im proving educa- f J 4 io n ^ l jm in a t io n -o f -p a r ts -o t- - t - g p re s e n t curriculum a ^ d m ak- '- in g schools "ap p rop ria to to j* t h e tim es.’’^ A t their business session preced­

in g tho address, Jaycees heard com-■ m lttee reports and a short discus-« olon by Jack Threlkeld. p a st presl- J* Je a t> .o iuun»3cs of the Jaw ee n ro - of* gram . ------ -------- r t-

T ho superintendent told Jayceea■s lh a t Often 50 years-elapse-Uetween Bn■ A Bood.lnvenUon In eduenUon nnd ] ’ i t s genera} use throughout tho coun- pr,

try . He hinted strongly th a t su f- ihi llc lc n t financing wna th e m ajor .

F- .cnuae .dL U icIIflgT ^ '.: ^: O the r reasons he cited were reals- - .i

ta n ce to accepUng new ideas nnd „ _ jn e th o d a .in l. ttn je lu e ta n c e jo ja is j: .

cn ra old meUwdt.■ D river trtUnlng courses, If Uiey

follow the pattern, win n o t be In Bcneml use fo r'50'years, ho opined. O u s e s Ior the p}y*l«»3V h a n d l- capped are tnoUier example, R og- la n d anld. c '

» C n Uie oUier side of th e sto ry , cc9 h e suggested Uiat more em phnais re

be placed on physical educnUon, JuI' home and civic competence and lessI) on (AUn and such courses. U(

Rngland said emphoala on ndn p t- agfr ’W jrem icaU cm -to-thcrttm errm odern: ba

educnUon—docs no t menn teach ing eee. J d theac.- dlsctoUnc. tgachtog - o n ly ^ ), wlw t Uio children w w a to ic a rn , iq i', sugnr-cootlng or n prim ary In terest■T In mnking educaUon In teresting . ^ 57 'Q u o lE g n ro m _a_ fonncr'—w lia rtiT I- h e term ed the new emph'aala le ac h - p? 0 ing so children "will learn nnd w a n t “ le to live by finer design . . and c arry It w hat they leam back to th e ir mIt. " _________________________ Joh DlscuisM Aid pc

fed e ra l old to education waa d ls - tb :e c u sa ^ briefly by the superin tenden t 76 t r T flth T h e w iirjiing"^Rl "vre uiigh tr — d. somwlitv hnve a system o t federa l te control, aid and support oy rea so ir "C > of our own default—If thej locnlltlca n do no t bring schools Up to th e U. jta n d n ril « im c_ thcy_fihoulcL -hg .l _ le He snld he preferred flnnnclng .d educntlon a t Uie sla te and local n level b u t pointed out th n t In d lf - s feren t cfepartments federal a id h a a gt “ e x L itcd rlo r 'som o 'U m e.-H e-sa ld -lt cc

<iot vo^hfivfr ”pile fcdeml control wlUi federal a id; t h n t bi I . ll_«lepended_on Uie way the bill w as _al r_ w ritten; ac

; BaBy’ D e a t in i^ i Caused by Polio r

n BOISE, Jan . 33 W—Idaho's f ira t al1. polio-fnuillty of 183L w an-reported -tl1- todny to the stale p ^ l lc henlUi d e - c«J.' 'pa tim ent. A n-mnnth^old T w in F a lls __'• boy h a ra ic d -e f Uifl.-dUeMC.-Ho V a s «,t: the th ird polio paUent reported th is w.5 year. hi1, In Twin Fnlls, the boy wns IdenU - di

field as Daniel El«-ood Roholt, 0 - c( i t month-old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. E l- ;e wood Roholt, Ta-Jn Falls. H e died,e Inst Tuesday In Magic Vnllcy M e- .0 morlal hospital of bulbar polio, a ^ o paralyUc type which a lrlkes- th e >e base of_the_braln and offecta th o

respiratory system. N

la TigKtens"^""; bs Youngsters dn in such clUes as New York, Chicago, vi Ig Detroit. Cleveland. N cw .-O r^ n M _j>(

r . worst examples. j P: r B ut It h as no boundaries, i t cou ld »' la become * part of your home tow n, ly I t could spread Into your r«hools a s w

I t has spread Into olher achoola. ai fo T h a t 1* the purpose of these n r t l - di d clc»—to sound a warning and p e r- O- haps to give a lltUe understanding■y of w hat makes n "Junkie'' and -ft’h a i tl le can and U being done to help, de - r . stroy th is slave world.f . — IV s-a -w orld -bu llt-^k tm st-m tirtiy — I- on, the s tree t com er sales of s to len " d or (Riuggled nareoUcs, no ltlng p ro f-l- lIFW alwlf plkera o fthose -w ho-tra f- « I- flc In mink aod Inttuence nt, S .p c r ”- ^ c n t___ " ___ -_______a ___ .(C w J e ^ M lPu<J. C«l«Ba » -


^ i d E n l T ^ h for Miss

5 tram cn ts .£very ski harness, aenrch- i Rn era po in t ouC nasT rsm all am ount bo

, Q f-m ela l-o n it._________________ BoTolnJ_qfmiulnR persons waa m lsed hli

r to three la te Monday w llh the an - M; 1 nouncem ent Uiat anoUicr guest a t r o . th e resort also Is reported missing, of I T h e nam e of Ihe missing peraon is gli , R udolph Mnndl, SouUi Bend, Waah...- ttn rA ujtrtan-itho had-come-to-Bun- Cs 1 Valley In search' of work. He had ha I been slaying e t the chale t and has n t

n o t been seen Saturday momlng.; O th e n ’ miM lng-ln-Uie-snow slide oc 1 a re S lu a r t Fraser, 33. & isenadu, ne I Mexico, and ArUiur G ardner, 39, Vi J ‘N ew 'yorlc 'C Ity .'V letor G ottschalk. re r aid jHslructor a t* the resori. ct. I was klUed in the slide. Hla body was m I recovered ahortly after th e snow r came to a atandsUll, Bi

Mandl was last seen a t b reakfast w!

ck Drive, J k on Schoolsf th e T ra f f ic S afety V o lun teer• n ig h t b y T \vin-Falls ia y c e e s . c am paign to members and d is-

bo d isp layed on th e r e a r w in- bi........................■ ve

s a ta lk b y E rnest H . R agland , schools, who told J a ycees t h a t tii

Tnethods-BTidinvcnb'bnB-iircclus- ^ lleng ing th in g ." Ho cm phasizodt --------------------------------------------------- «*

i - O E S - E x t e n d s : _ “

> A d j u s t m e n t o f

P o t a t o P r i c e sBOISC, Jan . 23 — T h e office ?c

. o t price stablllzallon h as extend- qj

IT and recognlied Uie- Idaho standard IJt grade. - --------- 1 ____1 jg1 Previously, tbe OPS announced n- prJce atlJu.iSraenSa /o r — storage m- through Mny. gi L _ lli£_B ol4 iid$5tdcL oIflcp-oL -O M . _- .said-U ieJaS^dard^grffloSinftyJlba- T• sold a t a re d u c U m ^ only 00 cents » “ pe r 100 pounds below the shipping »’- •polnt-bnso-celllng-'prlce-Xor—C,-Sf- —

No. 1 rnUicr than tho orlglnnl 11.n No change lias been mnde In the [ 1. seasonal p r ice - adjuatm cnta— for- {. February through May, announced

last week. They ore: February, lo cents; March, 10 cents; April, 5 cents, and May, 5 cents. T he new

la regulaUon makes another S-cent ad- 1, Juaunent for June. i3 Tlie OPS snld the following addl-

Uons have been Included for paek- a> aging potatoes lA window-type ^

bassb»UroitftrI00rPOUndrbasi»i-aJL JIR cents for is-pound bags; 40 cents 1'y fo r ia .boun ,rbag» .-anV -ao -cfn ts- --*» for S-pound bags. w**’ A dcducUon of 10 cents per 100 J ^ pounda—for-p o u to es sold In ■'tt.-

pound -p ap e f-b ag s -h a fl been lif . * eluded.

•y AddlUons for packaging In cotton, “lr mc.ih or burlap bags ore as toi- ^_ lQ ws;-rrom 45 to SO cenla per loo _

pounds for lS>pound bags; 00 fttu a I- tb 70 ccnt* lor 10-pound bags andi t 75 cents lo'Yl.40 for S-pound bags, ni t r -------------* -----» -----* ------*---------------2al * TT . " J

| ? p i r d 1 \ I a i 'k u p ^

I —M a r g i i ^ H i l c e d ^f - WASHlNaTON. Jan . 23 tlV-'I^O Tla govemment has .hiked dfstrlbutors' oI t c o 5 t"n ^ “proflt-piarglns"on~whiiB nffr TJOtate-«i»lM-by-neftriy-60-l»r-c«Qt,; -di t bu t Insisted the Increase will n o t bw jiffec t roUbacks to c o n su m e^ rlce s t

act tor 'Jan . 33. - • t--------Tho-offlo#-of--prloo-#U bm «U on

(OPS) snld Uie maximum dlsu lbu - '- • 'tor'-m itrSln, o t~ M -ccnts-pcr_aO Q _^ pounds set In its order issued Jnn . (J s waa loo low. In a complete revl- 1s t alon of the original potato rcgula- «rd tlon.-tho margin VOS boosted-to 8C x S- ccnla,.1? __Q P3.s.ild an order llmlUng th e <« pereeniagcjni>iK ua»^3ilsLl9W e^^^la WlU use In compuiTng priced fo r ‘

housewives will be Issued W ednes- f!• day. These markups over wholesale I

costs WlU be effective Ja n . 38. ‘J j The revised order does no t change '

the base cc/ltng price a t the ia rm -shipper level, in any i ta le from _

“ those llaUd In tha Jan . 5 regulaUon-

- No Parkiiig Asked= On=^Local-Streets ^

To faclUtate removal of snowfrom th e principal atreets here, H . J

t H . Bnllenficr, superintendent cf th e f) d ty atreets and 'w nU r deparunent, c

asks moU;rlsts n o t. to park th e ir t o, vehicles overnight on Main avenuel i 4.10 Shoshone street between the U nion ^

Pacific railroad tracks u d Slx tb gId avenues north and east. • ♦n Ballenger Mid removal of snow -a i will begin early In Uie. morning In ,- an e ffo rt U) have them clear before

J . donTitowh U-affJc becomes heavy.T. OUicr alreets,wUI bo h it by c ity J

snow removal equipment later in J the day. “

'■ REPBE8ENT8 IDAHO ' Fly _B01SE.-Jnn. n_f/E b=A ttt,-Q ai-. .. rX Robert Z. Smylle will represent t f_ Idaho a t n securlUes and exchange »_ r nmml.tsloii hwuihg on Sale o r ">

Washington Water Power conipany e _ glpck_on_J«n'r.M. SmyJle will Icai’e ^ ; I w WajSngloo, D. q , enturdaj'. ^ ^

- N J n t i n J e n t c d Id a h o .C o u n tlc

UmiiWt i>t Au lt AuocltM I’m

ted in sing-M en-i RfttiirriftT m om lng a fte r which he ____bought a Ucket tor tS# "Moiiiir

. B a ldy_sk l_ lU t.. O lher_mcmberi of _h la party have left Bun Valley, but -------Mandl'a clolhlng was sUU in his

< room. A check ot the nearby towns . o f Ketchmn and UsUey failed to . give any clues to his disappearance, ', H arriet Chamness. Beverly HUb.

C a llf .;-w hom —Oottschalle—w aa -to — have m arried in tho spring, arrived

I n t Sun Valley Monday altem oon.Funeral services for M r. G ott- DlO

I »chBlfcw lllbeheldat4 ;30p .m .-W ed- o fH , nesday a t tho opera house a t Sun w h i , Valley w llh Uie Rev. SU iart RuUi., recer o r“ the - m i le y . Episcopal " . churcJi. offJcJatlng. Burial will be ivill I m ade In the Ketchum cemetery. i.-tn ’ He Is survived by his m other. In .

Bavaria, a sister and two brothers ■7 . whose addresses are unknon'n. f a l l "T---------------------- ----------------‘“I--------- ■ ‘d i t i

Expert()pens_ “ffi Local Sui'vey OnFii-eRates ,.S'

Olenn T. I>nvls, Betse, chief en- *''** Rlnecr for Uie Idaho Surveying ond Rating Bureou. Inc„ is s ta rting tho

• bureau's f irst comprehensive sur- vey o t factors nffecUng fire Insur- ance rates made-here alnce 1030. I*

H o said there Is a general Indlca- lag■ tlon_olLn-r«lilcllon..b«lng . ih _ < ^ er >■— ' "through nddlttoii' ut Unce m a jo rI pieces.,_of. 'flccIIgT)ting__eq\ilpment __. nlnce the 1930 survey and recen t im ­

provement in tho city's w ater dla- trlbutlon system. • ,,,

___________Exolalns-Ctadln*_______ _Davis explained his grading o t ,v

th e d ty Is based on these factors: Si V/oter depnrtm cnl, 34 per cent; flro departm ent, 30 per cen t: i l r e a ly m

, system, 11 per cencj struc tu ra l con- ^> dlUons, 14 per cent; flro prevention “

program, six per cent; building laws,6 four per cent, and police depart-■ m ent, one per c e n t plo' »— cltj^offlclaU -polnted-ont-the-im -- l»-<

I pnrlm ent in ita work w llh th a w ater th e , j iy a tc m ln n d jn checking plnns for to -' 1 m ajor eonstructlon, w hlch'tOB«Oier-Onl J occcunt fo r 48 per cen t tm der tho alW

grading system. s3 More Extensive ' couy = p n v n ta ig 'n u » :p rc se n tj u rvcyj win -oih 5- be more-ex lenslve-than Uift 1B38. .iidi . survey w bish found lltUe change in "ing

tC«aliq^ J ^ ^ £ ^ « S. C«lBiiim 4) j jH

'JSoneHurtin s“> Auto Crashes E• OnlcyRoads 2

One car skidded into n power pole- and another overturned bu t thereB were no Injuries in accidents In "1“ tt. JDrln_F-nllg_-gQUnty M onday and s Tue.^day. -J- - L rle Wln'ir, Pfler,-reported to tb e - ^- 'B H erlff-lH St-htt-IM O -B tudebaker^ i a j [V w en t ou t of control two ond one- cou *■ h f ih m lles^ w ^ of Twin ___

c ar skidded across the highway and T ' struck a power pole, Ho listed dam - I ,

'• ago to the right side, door, wlnd- ~ shield, fender and hood o t his car.

i fitjjte police were colled th ree » miles eaa t of MurUugh on highway j n ,

_ .30 a t 7 p . m . M0Ddflyjghcrtr-ft-lg.«l .t |oi d riven by WlUIsHadsell, P o ^ dnj

th e rough road, climbed » snow "5^ bank and overturned on iUi le ft side. D am hge to fenders was esUmated ^

T ho FVed Reod ConstrucUon com- / ,0 pany reporied to city officers lh a t ” * s ' one of Ita pickup traeJcs slopped a t 8P* e nn lntcrsecUon-8t-S;45-p.-TnrM on- «"«

Hay.iinri « m r rirlvrn hv n Mrs. Bo- ,t bier, jinnble to slop, collided wiST a th e truck, damaging th e front of

• tho-carr-A -aelU em ent-w as-renehed ln«n . Jictween_thB.pa(flw.JnT.ol¥ed.------------- JI- • CnrsCoUldB10 Cara_drJyj:n_by. CUjt^De^cUvc 1. r tau d e Wlley and S ? Iv fe -C d irco K -“ ° ;• llded a t 8:1S pm , Monday a t Third .- avenue and n t lh street norlh , bu t ™•Ji aelU icr .vehicle w u damaged._____

Max T . Stuart, 344 F ifth avenue ,e cast, was th e driver of o 1950 Mer- •fl corr'-w hlch-eoU ided-w lU i-ftrlM ® ^ ,r Chevrolet driven by n b b tr t a; D ing- ~

field, 316 ElghUi avenue east, a t *“ le Fou rth avenue and FourUi s U « t ^

east a t 10;13 a jn . Tuesday. Fender .. and bum per damage resulted. ^

SeUi Blake, 138 Elm street north,(C«iillna«4 aa !■«(• X. Calaaa S)n ^

Panel of Six to Dj 5 Edu<;ation.Eroj*r BOISE. Ja n . 23 MV-OoT. L en TdJI . Jo rdan adjourned his educaUon con - edi'O ference to alJow * slx .jaan aubcom- legt. m lttee determine Idaho 's educa- 1lr tlona l needs. . « a® ReprescnUUves of 13' o rganltn - ^

conference yesterday agreed th a J®^ sm aller group would be m or^ effee- \ l ' tlve. Jo rdan aald the subcommittee

w would devise a yinn and present It “ to tho general commltUe.? l ^ e suboommlttee was n o t named,y B u t i t was agreed It ahould be com- jaj,n posed of a rcpresentotlve from lobor, i<i,

business, agriculture, women's osso- - t ,claUons. educaUon groups ond. ta x - - rpayers. ' u p

1. .T h itjtoverM r said the suboommJt^ 'UoiT 'lee w ourdTo convened'soon. <;c "T heyll have a tree hand and c an ael>r «rrlte” th e i r - o w u e te t," -th B gov- |iui,y ernpr'EnlO .' " :<m'C ■ Ycaterdny 's srsslon wns devoted to Jn

u n t l c a ________ . •_ I •

Au^lt Butmb •( Clrrnlillea UO I’r o t and Unltnl Piru

M o r e E l

^ E E x ]— Jtorc'Bnow-fell*in'most:-parts- changing the speculation from ‘ blows, conditions rcnlly will get to of-the- 'allcy-cxccptin-thc-HftilC7 whore hea\ 7 clouds hung low and

Meanwhile forecaflters aro predl will continue at- least through V winds may sweep into tho valley

All main higlm'nya in tho area fall of anow but driving con- ^itions aro not good. Officials -ry at the state district highway J j pffico_in_Shoshono FffuB# to make predictions as to road J conditions for moro than on hour in advanco.

ahou ld a wind whip Inlo the new fall o f snow, they said. It U possible every road in Uio valley would be- '> como plugged. T he new fall of snow Is lig h t and powdery and tiot m uch w lna will be necesiary to make it s h u t poslUori.

T h e road from Fairfield to Oood- . iq, L th g la being widened by sU te rotary i: l ^ - T ------- ■ ■ , t: I _ r

‘ __ JT ire s o m e ______S•T know." said Uie weaUier-

m an . “I'm Urcd of 11, loo. But It'a aUll a long tim e until spring.”

f ahlvered as h e read Uils predlc- mil ; Uon for tho nex t five days: • th t: *Trcmperaturcs c o n s id e ra b ly cle

below norm al through W ednes- (: d ^ . Occasional snow." -wii‘ (Probably). rec: L___________________ I wu

plows b u t travel over Uie rante sUll . •• l»-dU fleultjm ghw ay_ offlUals have

r th o road before they would be able ^ r to v ld e n the cuts through U u drifts, r -O nly-«oo*w ay-trftm cjiaajiacaj>o^ _j s alblo In tpoU Sot days. i n

School bus routes In L incoln tet ' county u e passable but alm ost a ll m t o lh e r c i ^ t v ronds a r t closedrCon*- ko 9. -•tderabSrfeiow felfln tm ojhone-dur- -W a "tag th e morning bufOWPB-WM no- ^

O o o S h t Tiow has 33 Inches o l ‘• J anow on Uie ground aod anoUier “ in c h fell Tuesday momlng.. I t .w u 1 accom panied by a alight wind and w hile there were a few drifts they f w ero no t deep enough to bloclc Ou traffic .

I R u p e r t opened school again Tues- ’ d n ^ in spile o f tha addlUonal snow B th a t feU during-Uio night and Tues- , doy momUig. Somo o t Uie school »» , buses were atuclc temporMlly whUe ^ 1 bring ing chUdren to school T ues- ^

9 - A ll o f Jerome's sch'ooTiuses.'WjOT e. In bv 0:30 a. m . I t snowed Jn J erome ‘ ‘ . ^ t y during -MB' lUlp iC tn d mtu~ «, (C«alli>s*4 •« r»i» i. C4l«iia I). ^

■UrN-VmiS ^_ loi

— a i u c e i l Q p e s s® X»ANMUNJOM:..K<?r8*’. (W ednes- . ^ day ) Ja n . 33 (lh—The United N a- ,L >TprfMWl'hnnB to - ^* d n y th o tto e c ^ m u n lsU ^ w lU

“ 3 0 - d v cleadlock in l n j c e ' ^ 0tl*=' , i lio n s and make a reaUsUo armlsUce1 a m W o. S

A form al statem ent by Brlg.-Q en. <je t WUUam P. Huckols, chief U, N . t spokesm an. Implied tha tsOks m ay . end -ln -faU ure,-un lett;U ie-reds-4 lo wi ^ m ake some concessions oa th e dou- ^ n t i e aBinnock''ovar^tbo^^«xchange-of ,f w a r prisoners and terms for enforc- d In c a n armlsUce, . , _

Nuckols Issued the, etatem ent . o f k r th e re tu n T f ro m a in e d 's a p i^ o ™

„ headquortcni In Tokyo of M aj. ““ I- -Ho'w ararM .rJnTnfin-chitC idelegato 5? L fo r Uie allies of Uie subcommittee It on aim lstJce tenns. , '

NuckoU aald Uib allies sUU have i hopes th a t th e communlsle wlll-baok : dow n from Uielr present stubborn ^ 5 JnsU tenw LoiLtJyIr own program-. “

- n K re h e p e - tE a t- th e eommusis(« “ ,t fin a lly will come to the reaUzaUon „ ,» th a t th e V . N. poslUon 1s a firm ono J? [r a n d th a t Uiey wUl make aome ges- „

tu re , a substanUal gesture, tow ard 3 meeU ng the U .N .-half way," N ude- H

________________________ stw

D r a w t i p N fe w j

c o g r a m i o r J d a h o _n fd a h o . described as Uie “m ost v ita l" .. I- educaUon problem fadng th e n e x t f- .- le g is la tu re .' ”^ ' B m e r Crowley, Idaho paUs, re p - °]

resen ting th e Idaho EducaUon as- J. soclatlon, said "Uie. legal minim um I* j rogratn_<?Lthg-^?«tOJB.gOQd but th e _ .g f ln a n c u are not. Educators certaU i- >> . . ly a re IdeaUsta or .they w ouldn't sUiy tl

In Id ah o very long on Uie basis of « th e salaries they are getting." la

Low teacher talarles yero conald- * . c red one of th e "most vlU l" educa- "• Uon problem s fad n g -the n e x t Jeg- t

ia latu re and responsible for h a lf th o « ‘ ‘ Id aho -tra ined teachers leaving th e J I" a ta te fo r employment eUewhera. n •• - .T h o .^ o n fe ren c eV M c alied to d ra w I

u p a unified program for j r t s e n U - * ^ t ^ lo -the n e x t legislature.

Crowley s a ld 'p u b llc apiU iy to n aehool bualness ahould be corrected — K)** o y e r a -a g re e d r aaylng it-w n s J<

to in m oUoa th a t the public raises ob - »i


P R I C E 5 . C E N T 3 . . i l i l

n o w I

: p e c t e d ^^-of-M agic-VnHer-Tucfldayr-.— n " if” to “when" th e w ind . .: tough. Snow fell in.all pa rts | H ilcy=Ki!tchum-Sun-Valier'#r«t— md posed a constant th re a t - | | Hredicting tho t ’Tuesday’s sn o w .....Fi Wednesday and th a t high

rea are open despite tho new '_______ * » * # _____________

Bad Weather I ~NuiiiI)s"Large"^^H

Area of U. S. V, P rom AP aa4 r r B cporti | HSnow a n d coU -whipped a e ro u | 9 B

wide a re as of the naUon Bgitn to - u H day. A b lln a rd struek wide areas IJ o f th e no rthern plain* states. 8 n o v - spread across the Intermountaln'r*^ } glon, cenU rlng Its heaviest blow ta n o rth e rn U U h. 1 __ypreggKtefn «iiti4 >w1nw wfO-COld•w D U ltt"creeirtnt<niiB tennflil«rto*------- 1n lgh t.bu t.th s .rem a lndB r of tb e ta- .— te rm oun taln area Is Ukely to escape th e extrem e low temperatures. |

C I w In B oo th .—The-enow-exteotled-leas-tiien-Bfli-------miles souUi of Balt Lake City w ith ■ th e so u th e m ha lf of U tah repo ttloc . c lear aides, - •

S a lt L ake City's snowfall fo r t h * ------■winter w as w ithin tlx Inchea of tb * record dep th piled up In th e sever* w in ter o f 1848-49.

A bU izaid swept across South Dk- to^m a t o

TempcratBrce Plm am ctl_A c o ld jro o t pushed Into tho een-

IraJ iljileyT K a~C auulM r-W alm ua------tem pern tures plunged below, tba *ero m ane In N orth .Dakota,. South ' kota,— M lane#otSf-M ontan»—* a d -------

lo u th e m a t a t ^ T amie«M»t,.Mlwu^ 11

I jI ep&rsely covered -wloter w healI Im c frd ry and loose l l t a a a d rougbt,........> was picked up and wltlcted tkav t f■ du st s to rm s in th e southw est U o n

dust trouble w ts expected < « rtb». w e s t ........................

DrowHarFasl.T em peratures were dropping f a s t

I In Uie Texas-Oklabom» penhan dl* ., w here M onday highs wero In th e . bahny 00a. K ansas temperature*

wtTo In th e aos In m as t places. ^

I high 'tn o tm tafn-a r e a s - o f ^northBtn----- -

^ no n U service through m ounta in i passes. AU roads la lh a stonniw ept

R eno w u cu t o ff bjr ro ad ''e» e p l from th e east. T b e old Omutoclc lode com m unity of Virginia City, IS (iH

, mUes southeast, was cu t o ff com* ‘ H - • - • • ’ ~ - 'I

C a n ^ T ra in .ThB SouUiem Pad flo nO bv td

, c a n n e d p laM to resum e y a m a v r ■■ se iv lta over DonnerTiess-today^-An.......- t a tte m p t wUl be m ade tomorrow, tb a

' “ c S e s " " ^ — 7- ' PacUlo to order. lU . w esthound__. ZephvT leaving Balt Lake CitT to be■ detoured sou th way of U nion P * - ‘ clflo tra c k s througb Bantow , '

Dual Calls Noted " B y T C a itM im r^

. - T h e local-eelecUvo-aerrtce-bowrd----- ^; haa-reoelved-tW M ialls-each-for-ln---------

ducteea a ad for men to take tb e ; p re .lnduc tlon examlnatloos a t Boise , during'yebruan^‘~ —— — .

' M rs. Pearle Aldrich, d e rk of tb e local board , safd the February In -

. ducUon_lndudes eight m en on Peb.' 6 a n d anoUier d g h t men on PfiK ia .‘ T he to ta l o t 16 Is conalderably hlgb-

T h e call fo r m en to taka th e ir ‘ pre«lnductlon examlnaUons In dodet ' seven o n Feb. 37 and 13 on Peb. 38.: Mr#. A ldrich aald tb e toU l c l IB la ab o u t norm al b u t Uils Is th e f irs t ’ tim e since th e au tum n of 1950 th a t,

th e boa rd haa been called to send two g roups In one m onth.

New Helicopter I — RescuePlanned—

M OUNTAIN H OM B,-Jan. 33 , A n a i r force helicopter, will b e r e - .11

tu m e d h e re - to 'f ly . four stranded II m en o u t o f th e Uny m lntng cam p

. o f R ocky B ar. aome 70 miles n o r taa o f I jere '." " -----f. M oun ta in Homo a ir force baae o f . ___ _. HcTahTiaJirtM irM en had oeen xsor,, t i t le d to remnJa. a t Rocky B ar ra th - . , if e r t h a n try to anowshoe o n t o f th * -

Iso la ted canyon in a snow tton ir.. . - I. w hich struck souUiem Idaho today..-, -:'-:

T h o a ir force aald O apt. B uiaea U h lm nn , who commanded - la i t i ' \ - V :

lo w eek 's mlsslon.to rescue U n ..Q eo a i,,B Ja c k , wUe o t one of th e e t r a a ^ j - .

m en . would hrln».» hellsoptae' ftq ittj.# M a rc h -f ie ld ; C a llt . *•I- w eather p g n d ,y 'V i

s - — :—d B O ISE , Ja n . 33 ( f l - a o T . Left - ■UI Jo rd an hae signed two b lU sapiaopil.J ;.— ^

Page 2: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...lub a t»*—"nie * tod»y «h*r*« «ul I* gy.^U'.ble- twe»tert,, >'Q. 2S2- - oice


■ T ra ffic G )de I ’ P asses F irs t P -^ B o a rd -B a lio tL . (P n * r««* Om )I ' o u t e r plana had se t u ld e th e apace I I I to r the la tte r purpoae, and llnle I I I ' : — crentuatlj’ -hopes>t«-bulM -Rlx-auoh I I I h a n sa n .H I - PodUon CreatedI A ' rcTlMd sa lary ordinance ere> l | a tine the poslUon o t M l ttme water B m eU r reader v a s passed bjr the■ .— :-tviarrt »nH>.r niiBptmslon ot ^ e rules. H The m atte r-w as-d lscussM bjr Ufe H board la st week.- .............. ...............

V ......to«en e f-*-<f . ^ lumen-lam p-on-Ad-B dUon avenue w est a t the en trance [■ ___ta-MnBlo_VBHB7_MeinorlM_ho''plta1I I — faectiuse It w aa-felt mule llgnc~wmI I needed for safely. T he new lamp G? will replace a 3.500-lunien lam p a t r l an additional cost o t 41 monihljr.

Appelated Tem porartir W alter FeamsCer was irranted

r UnipoVaty— appolnlm enl td ~ U ie f . board of e*amlnera to r conirncUirs' t Ueenslns code, u n til Fred n ead . per-iLi------m anent-m em ber o t thejboard. la rc-7 I leased troni th s hosptCof. scuart

> Bwan. eltjr representative on the i board, m ade the reoommenaatlon I on behalf of J . A. Clawson, board I chairm an. Swan said a num ber of■ lleenses have been held up un lll n !■ . replacem ent to r R ead was named.i f l | -------- NUifl“ rUins~sUbmltl«d bids ton furnish Tenetlan blinds for th e new n c ltr hall. T he bids were refirred to B j ew an , purchasing Assistant, fo r con- IM | «M»t.nHnn Thu, wnmhar nf pnMlhtf ■ I bids wUJ be redueett to nbout three

to r consideration by th e board next n week. Chairm an R. J . Schwendlman m g fussested plastio U pe as p a rt of the ■ I bUnds.H Bids. LtsledH I Subm ltU ns bids were 0. O. An*

derson company, 310 Main avenue east; Adrians Maglo Valley Pum l-

t t ' - tu ra company, 144 Second avenue |I': . n o r th : Kenverl, Inc„ S4B Addison r;i a n n u e west; J . C. Penney com- g 'l -pany . 303 Main avenue south;i l l-------W d |« ^ y - ^ ‘iV .» « » P » n y . jy m :^ 1 ------ berly ; flea rsT R oebucr^d -com pa n r311!____ 430.MtliLKyfinua_wes(:.sneflL£unil-

to r« oocnpany, a s i Main avenue ;; i' e a s t: VeneUan Blind Renovators

1800 Kimberly road, and Oress and Pum lture company, 180 Sec-

I I I te d several b j ^■ I *1110 board approved paym ent olH I e h an ta orders which complete pay-B n a n t on th a c ity hall, o the r th a r■H tb e blinds. The final paym ents arcI 11 JAI JO to th e arch itect and 113.-I I 39C.13 to th e contractor.I B id C«U Set A rsfa| B) '■ QI»r-M aBaget-W llllanr T t r SmlO' IQl n l d several persons have ihqulret n abou t purchasing th e dwellinz or H th e a llp o rt property for w hich ni B bids were received. la st week. Bid; ■ _ w l U be called to r a ja in a t th e nex^ H M iairanJiB -boB rti:-------------------! ■ ■ ■ . i;J « W » -m rfljH u e U o r_ ro o m ln j | | ! f oouse, Idahomo rooms, c iaudln |! ] l D ay: second-hand store, o and ! - V — . A uction, .0 ..W . Christiansen; jour------------■ neyman—plum ber.—J ^ _ H ^ B ftlllla

‘H nowball'BporfBhop, Oorman’ MIr M le, and beer, Johnn j's Drlve-1

. M arket, Jo h n DlumenU, and Oree L an tern Cafe. C harles Jansson.

NEVADA v i s i T o n s 'I jl; nUHL, Jan . 33—Mr. and M n . . Roger Erb, Duhl, recently vlsUeII I M rs. Leo Davis, tn McQlll. Nev.

H I l l i e H o s p i t a l

n t — ------ ^VU^tlna-hour»-•t-M#Bl{^-VaJl^IH I— r-M em orla l‘h c a p ita ra ie trom '3 to ' IU 1_____ an d 7 to e p jn . ___________III { ADMITTEDU l Mrs. Dale Nelson, Mrs. Rickm k ' ------H e c te -O u y -K in n ey r-J e n y ■ Cuve■ H Mrs. John Rogers, Mrs. Norma M f Showalter, Peter Berrell> and Mr M ff Lucy NeUon. all Twin Palls; Mr I ] I Alice Wygal, P ller; Homer Tlploi t i J — .TnmTnn; Mrs, Olsn -iritcus aad Mr <i; l B a rry Weber, bo th Buhl; Mrs. Rol

• e r t Lawrence. O lenns Perry, a r _________M arjorie Fowler, Pocatello.

Mr*. Merle StoddanJ, Mrs. Bl Newbry. Mrs. Ed Askew, Mrs. U. 1

• T erry, Mrs. E. V. Plsher, Mrs. Rol r r ~ « tT n d d rM n r J o h n - iU B p iB n r - B T

I _____ VlTBll Templln, a ll T^ -In FnlU; M »--------Pflley— Egbert: HurLaugh; H i

< II, PYed Schaff and son and Mrs. Vii |k { to r Carter, Pller; Mrs, A. E. Lars( I ( I Rogerson: Mrs. Gilbert Callen atI ] I daughter. HollUter; August HieI I R p p ty tr m a ~M tr~TTCiihew~ 7 nW | Pocatello.

I W eatherI :.......... n o m tJP a n d AF S p o r tsI ; M ltfle V aliey-M osUy cloudy wi I ■ in term itten t anow to n ltb t and We

nesday. I ll(h tem peratore W edni ^ D _ day Z& Low W ednetdaj momi ■ H . 11. Twla PaUs tem peratnre a t I n i T n ^ ' « t : < n e w f a t l ; l J tochea. -- '

SUtloB ^ Mil!

— ■" 4*, ,

: • : « 18

' -------- llI & ..... ....... :|1 n

I ■ s.Tt ” k . " a i T ; ; : ; i i z z :» « •b FnM lM o-Jj______ .»(■ 41 —i ‘ liiiiff’**....... J*B T»in VtTiIt IJ :»■ WMbliKtoB -■ ------ 41 JJ

f!i Applicantsf r Several appJlcatlons for- ^

position -of c ity mBnaRcr’ hes f T' have beea received so far, ac| i ! cording to R . J . SchwendlmaiI fil chairm an of th e board of cll■11 commissioners. *1 9 E e said m a n y more a re ei| | pected trom • lUUng of th e vtn | cancy tn th e City M anaseiI Bl ' N ew sletter w hich ts c irculated I | | i | I ’ abou t 800 cities w ith th a t type < l l l l ... .adm in istra tion .I in Schw endlman said th s boa:Jlj I s te n d i to proceed slowly In IM ............. fd ec tlo o to o rd e r to fin d th e bejS!l ' ' applicant. "Tn th e cseantlm e ti; 1 1 ^ - L t o o a r d r ^ ^ t - a l o n g . u - t> a f -wSHI------------ean,'*-he eald.---------------------------•yV_____ o i t y M anager W lUlam . IJ n t T - B m i a m w n p » t J w n i ' eitiRitttj U L _ _ ______ 1--

K e e p t h e W h ite F laK o f S a f e ty F ly in g

- 1 ' ---------I t ----------- I___________

re- llter |H \:he

a f f — f l o i i H o u i ^ d a y ^ i i h c r u t z a- - trafH c d e a th iii biir M adie

-V g » e y -’ ■ ----------

E Eormer-Resident- Of Burley Passei

BUnLSY, Jan . 23 — to u is \ Fisher. 00. form er resident of Burle;

led died a t 10 p. m. Sunday n l Sebac UiT 'w p o irC a llf lT fo n o w m ira 'ltn B m n >rs' illness.e r- Mr. F isher was bom Feb. 8, 1B» rc- s t Belptilne, Kans._HB_ resided 1 a rt Buriey with h Jj-tw nH y 7or mw lhe thnn 33 years and moved lo Calll lon om la In 1840.-,Dui-inK-hls-lonR-re9l ird denee In Burley, he operated a welt of ii)R shop on' E as t M ain slreet.

1 ft Mr. Flslier wan active In civ: I. orBnnliallorui. Ho was. a membcr_< ~to’ Claremont O range, Burley lodge (

A F and AM of w hich he was twl< to worshipful m aster, a member i

,n . the Royal A rch chapter of Masot h t . in Rupert and the K nights Templt

•in Tv.’m T am ."yonm um bfcro r7« tt'h e was ch ief of tlie Burley fire di partm en t and was a member of

i t " F irs t M ethodist church and om lim e m em ber of Ita olflclal boan

He Is survived by his wife Mr Lennle P lsher, thrco sons. LewU PUher, Jr., Eugene, Ore., R lftiaj Fisher, R upert, nnd Barry Plslie B ebulopol, Calif., and two daugl ters, H elen Plsher, aebnstapol. ar

*«" Mrs. B arbara Doie, California. Funeral services will bc conuucu

a t the F irs t M ethodist church : iQ::. D url«y-»nrtftr the-dlrectloa_oI.-tl w r T a y n e - m o m a r y r T h e - t lm r - n f - t l

tunera l-tenU U uely h as been s« t fi 3 p. m . Prlday. Oravealde servlc

3rs, a t P leasan t View cemetery will 1 m d conducted by Burley Masons, ec- ________ __

Forester Slates Meeting Jan. 3

are V em on Burllson, Moscow, exie 13.- slon service forester, will be he

Ja n . 31 to confer w ith T w in Pa county 4 - n eJub Joarfers on to rfsi

n o r x lu u iJiujecta a n a -T tquir tmeuwr ired U announced by Robert X em s.cou on ty club agent.no ' K em s sa id th e meellng will b

Jlds gin a t 3 p.m . In th e conference roc lext od jscen t to the couniy agent's <------.tlo«*4n-tbo-nldJioaDltal. T here wiling five forestry clubs In thls~5bur

l i s r y e a f r K e r n r - a a d e d r a n d 's i I H more aro hoped for this year. >'>«■* '

M wineH^ny aitiff Paid Final Hone

Funeral services for Edwin Adams wero conducted Tuesd aftefnoon in tho Reynolds tune

^rs- homo chnpel by the Rev. E . Us « e d Holls o t lhe Church of th e Ascr

Blon Episcopal.Mrs. Nellie Ostrom Babcock v

nololst and musician. Members th e family served as pallbearc

_ _ J in U rm en t wns made In Sunijj*y. .Memorial p a r k . _____________tO-4 J------------ ^ ------

-----------— M a g r i c - V a l l e y —

. F u n e r a l s . .

t w i n F A L L S-S cnleca for D( Mrs )cl Lelahmnn Hill wilt be held a Iton" P- >«• Sftlurflay In the LDS aU Mrs,- tnbernncle. In term en t fflll.bC-ni] ?ob- In the T w in Falls cemetery. Frio

m ay call a t the Tw in Fnlls mortu from 3 to" 0 p . m . Frldny and fr

____ jD.a.-XD..»ft.noon Snt.nrrisy.

W EN D ELL-rPuneral. services ^ b - H arry A. F r ith will be held n t 3 p ^ a - Friday a t th e Wendell Melhw Mn, c h u rc h 'w lih 'th e -R o v rn iirry -a t v» ri^ U U C lrrofftdn ttnp—Burial— will- Vjg.’ mnde In the W endell cemctery.

' m S t w i n FALLB—Services for J uleb Ella Myrup MeteaK will be helC

•S - p a n r^ Wednesda y . a t .Oimnii ' U tnh. In term ent also will be m

therel ,____________ ■

SUN V A LLEY -Funem l sen'— fnr Vlelar_qQH.v;h«llt<wlU_ be i , e t 3 p m . Wednesday a t th e Of w ith House, Sun Valley. Burial will

kVed- made In the Ketchum eemeterj- Ines- --------m in t JEROME—Ornveslde services h a t 8 been sel tentatively to r Johr

— Magnelll a t lO-o.m. W ednesdaj-------- -the—Je ro m e--c m e tery — w ith—n Rev. Fa the r E. A. 'Schermaiuon ■ (icUUng.

v ! H o w T o H o l d

FALSE TEETlM o r e F i r m l y i n P l a

.I t Do fcnir ( tlx U*IS-«buu..ui4 (ir nt* by illppltut, dropplni or »»bl

;i>. ithrn jou tal. liucti or Ulk! Juit ipc Tr. «• till!* KASTKKTH on your pl*li».

T “.o r -.ll'illn»“ {nini-icia)—p»irtn— hoW.— .1* (rtth n o n (Irmtr atMl tnor« eonifsrt

— ilJ : :Wft.fumni7.-rBD0»T.-:Ti»»l»-t»»l»-or ft. •H I>oM not »our. CS«kt "pUl. » W ( .01 uira braUi), Gtt FASTKCTU lo<Ur nt ^ dnic (tor*.—Ad'trtlitfflini.

__ __j3UESDAXL—the

'■ ™ a n d W E D . 'nan , ' •c ity —

B*” ' - d In

Dard I Its» > ^ - • I kth e


N o n e f iu r t ina s

A u to C ra sh es — — On-l<^y-lioad

( fn m r tt» Ob.»was th e driver of a 1040 PonU whleh collided w ith a 1040 Intern

___ tional truck and sem l-traller drivTjy ■Denrnn-'WrWirberhoTBtr-route Buhl, a t Fifth avenue and Seco stree t souUi a l 8:30 a jn . Tuesd: Tho fron t of th e c a r wns domag

Damatte estimated a t <200 to et ear-resulted In a collision n t Heybi

- a - avenue enat and-L ocust street^no; jjg ariTgO p ju : P i l»e]j-of-the-oaf>-w 1__ I^n ltw m eiy . rou to^3^^T i

^^ank*R elto 'lx !^ ^433 V an B ur------ reportsrt M onday.evsnlng that, a ■

hlele backed Into, h is c a r in the ,A a block on Mnin avenue south. He

ported the license num ber of ' M. o the r c ar to police,

rley. a e a r driven by T ed Pfelfle.bas- W ashington s tre e t n o r ^ ,__wj

Itacklng 'from - a park ing apace fro n t of . the postoffice collided w

IBM. a c a r driven by R nlph Lehm anI In 3 :i3 _ p m . Damnge wns se ttlednw e iw ecn Uie driven.......................a lli- A t th e Intersection of T h ird sir re s l- n o r th nnd F ifth avenue,- car* drli eld- by Mrs. Fred Kolouch, 333 Sevei

nvenue norlh , and .'D r. Ole civic Voyles crashed a t 3:15 p.m.'‘‘.o J - Rny Cortcr,-route-l,-Pller,-repo 6,0® ed a pickup truck backed Into .wice c a r whUe It was parked tn th e c f block on W ashington s tre e t noi

« n s T he nccldent occurred Jn n . 11, iplar ___

I I I T.F. City HaU to ”4; Get Recognitioi^ardBlier, National recognlUon will be-ghush - to th e unusual fea tures of th e nand city ha ll through lU ustra ted arU<

- In four msgaslnes dealing w ith tsleted ous phases of c ity ndm lnlstratlh tn It Is nimounced by C ity M ana_tho . :ffJ.lllam^R,_Smlth,___- th e — A rtlo les-in—th e —fo u r-m a g a» l t- to n JBllLdeiiLwlthJls.constTUCtlon.co vlcea design to m eet epeclflo space ne 11 be nnd unusual nspects o t engineer

snd cantilever constm ction. T ^e tid e s will be IllusUntod .with t

------- ■ tu re fro r ttn n ju i id in ra ^ n te r io nexterior.

T h e artleles and p ic tures will ,-{1 pear In Building S tanda rds , ma

d n o of the Pndflo Coast Build xien- Officials conference: th e Amerl hero o ily m asailne, th e W estern ( F a lls m agadne and th e Interm ouni ; W .................. ........

Virgil A. Mayes ;"«i Claimed by Deaiwero RUPERT, Jan . 33—V lrg ll'

3unty -M nyes;-63rdled-nl-4i;3».aj& -l.! ' s a w day—n t-h ls -h uuie following a -i

Ulness.M r. Mayes was bom Nov. 17,1

______ji t Blue Ej-e. Mo. He moved to Idl 8 = 3g a in a 3 ettllm . Pii-tt-tnm 1i.sout

R upert where he lived until l O r hcnlUi failed. He m arried N ' „ Bnlley in Rupert liflO lB ; He'wi

rf member of the B ap tist church meriX “ o t W orld War I.U sile children preceded him.(•En- death. Survivors.Include h is wli

R upert; a brother, ArUiur Mi c wa.1 Ooodlng, and two sisters, Mrs. L >ri of May, Rupert, and M rs. M innie 1 :„ „ g . chlnson. Orass VaUey, CaUf. lunset T h e body Is a t th e Ooodman i _ lunry where funeral arrangerr

bogs Kill SheepI 'ixjiila eVAHs, 4 n “'EoCUSt~8'

south, reported to city police T 1 «V 9 dny th a t two dogs killed om .in v r h is sheep and a white- m bbltZ a l 1"® niaht.

riends OfflcWS SXt^rnpted ‘ n ' trail* rtuary dogs Tuesday morning, but 1 from trncka were lost In the snow. ______ ncers^reported^tu^

(s to r likely to die. because, of serious3 p.m. Jtirles to Its Uiroat.hodlst — '

llll be Women fall Into th ree elai These try ln r to lose w eight, t

. t r j i n t (o gain w elcht, and tDhnnlS to r^ > r r .n ,e it.

Kayler Lodge No. 1PH A.F.&SrM;lace. r s F, C, Dostm"'Thu Thursday, Jan . 2.1— 8 P.I*—tmlu “fsrtablr. Bar Rlurttr, W. Ui '



T w i n r F a l l s

■'® Grange io Meet—t — — T hf TV-ln PalU f l rflnfff Will mi H a fl Wednesday In lho O rer

T ts ir ------------................ ............ .... -

jnuac Marrla«e Llcen«! ^ ^ _ «m a* Kenneth R ichard Robert a Irlven Joyce Dorothy Bush, both Jeror ,u U -lr wer^ l.w ftl a m arriage lliensc Mo econd day by Uie county clerk. .esday. ----------,ingetL Birth> each A daughter was bom Monday rvbum Magic Valley M emorial ho.ipltal n o ^ M r.-a n a-M rs.-R le k y -H e ck . Ti

s-wsre- .B»lls. •_______Tw in ■ - ----------------------

J —j j y ■Rnw»T»t-Cellece- 7._ - . .- - • Pour-new studenta have enrolBuren * t Twin Falls Business college. TJ

. y . - m Marlon. H am m ond, CasUefthe 100 and~ire1en“ E n B « * r^ ® * ^ '‘ ^®™Se re - *nd O c"y Hngler, a ll T»-ln P»)f tho --------------------------—

I.. iM Wendell Resident ftiii ~Dies-a1rAge-of-(lan a t WENDiiLL. Ja n . 33—H arry !d be* & lth , 12, died M onday n ight

......... _W ende)J.______slree t Mr. Frith was bom in Bel

driven Wine., Feb. 14. 1880. He m an •venth Corn B. Tool Aug. 4.-1DH. a t W O lenn 'dell He came lo Idaho In 1000 i

to Wendell In 1000."He wns n fam ■eport- — Survlvliig"»re~nita"widowr"86 ^ soai, James R. F rith . Thomas

*9? PrIUi. lU rry A. F r ith nnd Lawre n o r t t . JL PriU). all W endell; EdwinII, ho p fn j, nnd Frederick F rith , t--------- .o o o d ln g -an d -jlo n o ld .F rith , B"■— I ford. Me.: e igh t g randchildren (

two siep-urandchlldreni 5 Funernl services wlU be held a_ pjn . Friday a t the W endell Meth o n u t church w llh th e Rev. Ha

Starbuck ofrielatlng. Burial will ' made In the WendeU cemetery i

• given der the dlrecUon of th e Wiley

JiS" B Gooding Man Sue________BOIBE, Jn n. M

' costs, court” today ngainst J a y c T Nneeds berry, Ooodlns, as resu lt o f a tr i

leerln* automobile nccldftit Sept. 39, 1V ' O m ni H. Fox, S a lt U k e C

h p ic- gucd (or $(5^27, nnd M nrylln L. 1j n u a - n iw ‘s iiin :a ic6“ c ity r iu k ed -?3 3

■m . p . __________

3 5 K VIBITINO PARENTSlerlcan ' DIETRICH, Jnn . 33_M r.1 C ity Mrs. I'nlnier M urphy nnd chllt iuntaln are vLilting'hls p a re n u . Mr. _____ _ Mrs. MlUnn i^lurphy, . In Ni

_ Deadline Near. a k l l "Only nine more shopping doJTl ■ X -b efore ■9a n ta -Cla us-comca_S:l—Mon«. n ticket." w arned S tate Pola - lo n r ^ s u U C la rk T im in rrn e rfar -

Lleutenant H and referred 1 tfiHA the altemnUve for 10&3 passeni> id n l^ car license tabs w hich m ust

ri5.s»T.niB 000 passenger cars In Uie com |-w as-a *>“''« licensed Uius tn r. ch nnd I



Also 'VAniETIES ON PARAlin mor* lements

---------- --------------- STARTINO-----------

ep WEDNESDAY!~ 8 tM tt ; — ,.=A*g=l';3Q— ■ 'B Tues* | | g g g | _ - | _ _ _ g p | | | ^one of )lt dur*

-ill-the- the Of*

rere at*r ~ b m tr ^lous In*

1 thosB-

}. 94 CmimES ' ‘ ^ W S• tAUGHTON-KMOt


P .M . /

^ m fi /O l /J tM■■■■ i m m M - € # _ i J V T o

-A ...

~ M- STOlUNG YDm- i - » - V I V K f r H N D F O R S - ^ 1 THOMAS M IT C H ai

• /■


s News in B rie fGOP VoU Set

-m ee t Twin p a lbi...y o u a g - ReptabUc m ngo will meet a t 8:1S p. m- todny a t- - - L e g i e n - h a U - t» - e l^ a 6 w - o m e

Trade Name Filed and M. U . Barron. 1220 Seventh n

rome, nue east. Mondny filed n certlfle M on- of trade name for th e B aw on Se

[ay n t Lien Released ta l to An Idaho Income U x lien agn Tw in Mr. and Mrs. W .-M . Cnrter,-

Twln Fnlls. has been relca-ned, — — cording t o 'n notice filed Mon

Eletled to O ffice' . . leford, .MagBle Oandlagn, daughter SrookJ M r s T ^ s e 'S o Ila .lln3 '5«en ele PaUs. vice president of U jeP l B eU Phi

orlly chapter a l th e Unlverslt; Idaho. Moscow.

, - . Tmeker Fined P -fiA - — James-Maddox,-Twln-FftUs,-C '■ ' ' ' ' re tt prelghUlne. Inc., driver, ry A. nned »25 nnd cosU Ih JusUce c ih t n t Monday for overloading. He------ 'cited by slfite police Snturdny ntBeloU, HoUUWr port, of en try sU U on.

Wen* Driver Fined JJ M nnd Donald C. Steldley. 130 Qi arm er. slreet. paid n fine o f » n n d S3-iiMpn- -ln-Ju»tlee-court-T uc*day-ofto111 C plended BuUiy c t driving wlthc vrence ’ " d license. He w as c ited by

police Jnn. 11._____

VlsiUng ParenU, n nnd - BN A rthtir-M elvin-FIorenofl,

of Mr. nnd M rs. A ndrew . , . Florence, T«’ln’ PitHs. is hom e

d “ V 20-day leave. He Is s ta tioned In malnlennnce section of th e n a ir staUon nt Corpus ChrlsU, '

viU be U j enlisted jjcrc ln«t Feb. 14.ry un - --------cy fu . I.XA to Meet

.T he Pre-School PTA w in hei address by Luther Jones, dli *c>l conservaUonlst n t 8 p .m .

L lc U nesday n t the DAV hnU. H ar inmnae nvenue.a islrlcf -m eetlnirls oxp«ou>d-to-bo-^>f-si: “ New- ^ t C T e s ^ - f a t herB. — _

'Named to Board ' ' Sandra Price, dau ghter o f Mr ! City. M j,. Vaughn Price, Bol.ie. has' ^ Fox, named to the execuUve bonrd o ^3,479- -V n lv ^ t^ r ih M le ra t- lh e -m T lv .

of Oregon nt Eugene. Mls.^ Pri former Tv.'ln Fnlls resident, pledged Knppn R ho O mlcron,

. „nd tlonnl radio honorary, n t lhe hlldren verslty. _____

\o " " ih " ' “ " “ ' “ ' J , ' ’ y M,— - ™wlU b e . discussed n t mceUns

I Lengue of Women V oter u n lu . ,M one will meet .it 8 p.m. Thui 11. wllh Mrs. EuRene B rienholt : days unit two will m eet a t 1:15

w llh Wednesday wllh Mrs. P ra n k Police Tnlyre. __

ed toicngcr ------------------- .. -------


^ lll'fW f]flADE*

w i STARTS WED.m K RANDOLPH sconB B S —tn—



1 ^ 1 1 1 5 a | g


^ JVIDHARILr^^ H/fir CO¥SflillCE~<iwffi r i : SMITH

I H U B I iY l

J 'tA B T T n v JIS

fm \ ‘‘BRIGHT

Lyi \ ■-

■~| Record Crop — Of Democrats K —^ye-TopJol

ave- dtnttol eandldaies fleate suddenly today as m s l ^ n t Serv* nian kept mum aUCCl. _ 8 e tn e party PO '^clnw t

l u t ' ^ y swell-1^> 20 Mr. i r u m delays his decision unUI n e a r eo vrntira Ume In July.

d, nc- role of "favorite

■■ . S c r a s.cr o t date. ’ ^ ___

h f m - Two-DemocraUc h a ts landed 51 y of Uie presldenual J

nilnoli. Slates were filed xor i> ators Kefauver, Tennessee, and 1

- Mahon, ConnecUcut, for t h e A

r°u“S ' ® 'T h'rn?publiean-prc im eiittal“i I'Miirt. mary In lUlnols also wss cnllve e WM « h S Harold E. S tassen. for At-ino- Minnesota -governor.—a n -d - .C r DougJas MscArthur were ent«re<

OpposlUon to S en a to r.T a ft, om M'Arthur W ithdraw a

Quincy ShorUy afterwards, however. M a coMs Armur was quoted as snylng •tor.'he -would have.h ls..nam e w lthd r; hout n th a t It had been entered w ithout V state knowledge.* But Uie roan who e n te re d '

general In Uie race. Lar D aly . < cago, said he would take legal

............ uon. If necessary, to p reven t ^? ifeU iuTor nny6 il< n lM -rro m -«' ‘ drawing the general's nam e.In the Daly, founder and direc tor i nnv^i eral of Uie “M acArthur and

I Tex CarUiy for '52 club," said. "We '■ aware Ujat G eneral MacArUiu

nol a candidate bu t we believe accept a draft.’'____________


■arriwn PoeaWllo.-visited In Irich over Ute week:end.

Mr. and xs'beenI ot Uie, ■________________ _

Price, n It, has

le ' uni-

ngs of J . Unit lursdny

r ’

oM Olympia's r

sian water t


• flavors fron

W ' < _______ tation. givin

---- -------- Purity. Enjb

---------1 - w i l ' w a j T i s ^___,1 V Olywpia Brevrtng-CortTB-ai

_____ A - --One ot America's Excebtl

...............— ^ ' '

Seen Today® . H ire i m en pooling m uscutnr ;

1 aotirees to move w oman's heavy i ) b - K r f - a n * l e - p M k l n g ^ P « e _ ^

Bnowsboes being tested by .a t - 'A -Pollce-L leul. C lark -H n n d - bef «»*- •d i l i t t them to standard eqjilpmJUng of s ta ti pa trolm an . , s P rank BrlTru* navlng early visit to courUtouse , '1*08. ^ r t ^ k s - o n - B td e w a lk a t coi

“ *« ? o m e ^ . Red c ro ss office look buslnessUke after wnUs are pair

.and furniture Is m oTed-tnto-pl Al W estergren concentraUhg

reading aa fellow snys someU the ^ u n d a lUce, "Ylngle; yin

ildate looking wistful ns h e h(‘ he'8 snowed In a n d can 't mnke • 0 * " he didn't wnnt to U ke In f irs t p

: ;T 7 D & w e i^ - H iK h w iif iB ^ ^■Slnejni"cam m entrng '(hat-sflofd oc^^t b o m ^ ?

S'"Lou Kimbrough «street . . . D river-b linded I pomrlly by snow sliding trom

‘J d -Sw hcT iSirB S-B c^o^«iuenklng loudly.

------D EATn-nBPO RTED —FILEfl, Jan . 33—Word haa

received herO-Ot the death of cook, -Creston, In . Mr. Cook

' lho fa ther of Joseph Cook.J l Creston, form er FUcr h ig h «

!I°S I n i w o l " - - ----------

d ' t h e _


te h e 'd . w ’ w icnt

KLO\'o f e U

zt makes . npia so

f l



s t ^ e f: r ic h , s a t i s f y i n g f i a v b r i s a t t r i l

r f r o m o u r o w n w e l l s a t T u m w

i r o v e s - e u e t v -p r o c e s s o f b r e w i

im h o p s a n d g r a i n s , i t c r e a t e

i n g - s p a d d i n g - i i f e - t o - t h e - b e e r .

j o y O i y m p I ^ r . A m e f i c a ' s O f i i

vmbol ofHospitaU

coma~Bt~'i3any^l^~pli;:W fli>ilfigtih|.:— t)tloqa1 prewerlea** - ■

,T D I!S D A T ,’j a !(5 j j J

y A d d e J ^

T l} B o o s t s v l

~ J i h d ^

raent Tuesday3rlggs ■“ccompanled ^ 2 , l |I B . . . Burley r e p ^ ^ Iwurt- nre open butx,klng only one y S k ? !alnted many pltcei. -

Ihg on s c h S S ^ ^

hopes and some drltilM’**! te u ip in the tplaco Sun Valleypowder-nw-^W'Lal lowfalt pncked=jhbw on s pros* are 12 Inches o t l ^

m rrtng over 70 l n c h « « ^ | Is . . . ond 12 Inches O TttSy

flown- 'valley-fiM rT’ ^ H I te m - Fnlrtleia » u v _ I >m to p hea\7 fall of o n ^ • A nd ing. S o j a r - S Z ^

o -d o o r Tios-IIad u j I w h o S renUy Uiere sre u a ground. Schools W f,3

- n o w i s n o t ^

k. also " S v a lb s r tT lsn d ^ K hool - is Uie ancient

------- .BplUbcTjen.— q

N O W o m----------^ 7 -N IG H T S -V w ee J

from 4:30 p.m. to Vm U D A N C IN G NIGHTIyI

loy an evening's relantloalaij mdly atmosphere. 1

V ER KLUBO p po .lU lh ,J

1---------------------- I

W aterributed to the

iwater, Wastiington.® wing-ltlxtragsjMjji;.

tes more active f*™*


riaHarnehtTable ja -

% -^ y B

Page 3: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...lub a t»*—"nie * tod»y «h*r*« «ul I* gy.^U'.ble- twe»tert,, >'Q. 2S2- - oice

^^ .j ANU^BY 22.-195

rk e r L ists (ew-p e c l i n e ,

wrM‘S T “”“;’”Vr'

s i S s S S S ;

;gKd SA»-“ :^ 1 «npIo>'n'cnt M ^ J

“ ^ riW iO O in Novtm-?S)ln • f1500 m lumberlns '“5-con5tTutUOT;-;»«t,«.l}ier. Tlie n tx t InrK-

L tool proccsflnB. was ' „ ,,n n n l nature of ,

Julrtm«nl5 for U. S.-ftlr nppllcfinta have

ot the '^ 'I n^.Di»opowcr.,commlitco ^“ Lal II. ^tft^#hoU. «rmy ^^K cn illcrhcrc . ; ,oBaati formerly were re - ,& a pn-islnfc K orc of , ^ (lU oU flca tioa tcslfl, i- . . ^li-anH wltl bB'COn» _

U)fy «O fe 71. I S w r e hM been lower- , fiuform cn applylnu for . ffTtr iralnmg. U U «n - i rlMU thb new policy will ; jfleeU 'rt.t»s«d the ehanRO <J°e» the tducatlonal require- , ,ri»Uon cadet trnlnlnR. ■ Bt !tlll required to hnvo t n years of colleRC. In

isliU iD ms Uie m rtital Uocxl requblten. men ap- ■»«ininff muat mect--tnft

S 'S iinnoT at-K antlB rts:

i-ilirriuauurseaJiualirieA UU within the ore llm lU - «ttc t hiJ recrtiltlnB of- [■tn-»vftnue-eatt.JpfJKl^ ionDitlon*tniJe, employlnir 37.800 , N8\-cmber, prepared tor aiboUduy by addins ap- r IW workers. Approx- Occrkers were added by tu lltas u extra clerka

gtbc stoup to ahow.ouy ome wns minlns. ilffljuilry sroupi report-

-® » » f lp -T D IT SATEiBcto *52 o ,

Sifety Cl ttfety. ft „ anJ liMdllR

,on r .y ,


MagicDamNot^ Inclined to Free Winter Visitors

D IETRICH. Jn n . K -T lire e Diet- ' rich niera 'ftrc'w dhdcrlnc If Uity cv tr' 1 are goins to be free of Magic dam.

Last week Preston Purc and Ben Louer flew to th o dnm but wn.ilied ou t tb e lr land ing Rear. In landlnR. •Ben K lrkpatH ck went to their rt».

fluffy snow on tlie ground co ilcln'i take off w llh th ree men aboard.

K trkpatrlck. leav ln j tlnrfiroTncn w ith the a irp lane , flew to Twin Full* fo r parLi and relum ed to Mnslc dam whero th e y repnlred PaKc’a

~L a5i-prld fl'y niomlng the wcniiicr W05 so cold Uve thrcc-incn couliln’t pr t thf» nlrplaneaiatartcd-EtantuaU u. Calvin PaRC a n d J. D. PnRC «lrove n Jeep to w ithin a mile nnd one>hnU bfllio~'n»'pWTiC.?Tin<rRnow»hoc(rilic‘ rest of Uio wny with tools'. Tlioy succeeded In Rclllng Page's air* p ln n e Jn to thc_iilr_l)uC_nlJiwi_rcr, ports Kirkpatrick'!; airplane sull was n t Magic <]»ni.

Youth JVlovemenr” Meeting Planned

■ A United ChrlBUan Youtlj Move- m cnt.-«ommltt«o-niccUng-U-iclJcd. uled a t 7:30 p .m . Tliursday In the hnseinent of th e First Methodist church. Gue.U npenkcr will be Lcll- Un Eder. field rupresenlatlvo for the cnovemeni.__Com m ltttea .wULbC-prcacnl .fromench parUclpaUng cliurch. Comtnlt- tee.1 Include a Junior hiRh school studen t, high school student, n post* grudunte m em ber and uponsors. Represenlallves are welcome from churches n o t y e t psrtlelpaUng.

A youth w eek proKram will b« presented a t 3 pjn . Feb. 3 In the F irs t BapUat church. Members ef the T w in Falls a cappella eholr will be irtieaU.

] Loeal goal of Uie United ChrUUan . V outh M ovem ent Is <00 young peo- 5 pie. 12 to _2«_ycaT»_oId>-lrccLJia. f cSurohc*. .

t ed.Jncrcaaed_ny.enisc^KM kli_enri>- ings by more than S3.S0 from Oc- • tober to November. Food proces.ilng i_ enmlngfl u 'c a t -u p -» 3Q-fl-wrrk nnd

communlcaUons eamlnga rose $3.10 0 A week. A m ajority of the remaln- r Ing groups reporttd smaller In-- crcased enrnlnBs.

Average weekly hours lield up well f w ith Increases reported from Octo- a ber to Novem ber.for a ll except two

y .T licjncreiiic3.werej!mnll..exc?pt for the food processing group's leasona]

/- Increase.


| - - B If G &l - S H C C T

C - M i

________E T io iA S S

- DownO odgs. . . ^ w B ts b

^ fcatnre^T^featare T.C 1 « S d i r d s o f ^ U a a m aoils <lo«u One after the oth

lliRbtj . . . - performnnce. comfo;11% ...................... 'n c w 'S 2 D o d g o « g i

— ■ ^ N O W ^ O N

t O B ^ R l E S g3KUE-NGRTH— ----------

V ile a n d B ru ta l I t s G r ip o n

„ Pm * Ob«) |dO!

. Juoklw. jv s n^de frpm the for- juue-of-ihe-poppy secd.-A pound 'o t -pic

ntroiM Ln worth nbout $300 In T u r- me■ Tl'-'t w m c pound Is w orm from ;1 S75.000 to *100.000 on the sidewalks reci of.American clUea. , . ^

For theic profits men -will risk »« ,f. JLCklUl_UCia^i)i_anti-eomm lV-ftil ^ , ■ni'micr.of crlme5.'Men. women and by

chuortii wiiiinRiy take Ui? snnio co; nsus lo Bct monci-_to buy_the.«tufl -f“’

n to ^nt^{y Uielr craving. c 'h ' 'n Uiree weeks ngo feder- n '■g al bureau of nnrcoUcs ORent* staged yc

- W‘‘r>'l.in;thc-nailQiJ'a_hlstiiry.-ThBy fti. rou:i(Jcd up more thnn 500 suspect-ed pcOdltrs bcUcvfd to h ave »ui>- Vt

y-T H rn -n aa ie l^ -w Iu rm o ? r'ih 'a tr ii6 .. „*® 000,000 worlli of Illicit dope yearly.~ —TlmVg-tt-airnble-TOnndupr-B ut-the —

clcnnup job Is f a r from finished, th l i i c average dope addict spends n l en Icnxi JIO n day for nnrtollcs and |n

j7- nboul-50.oeo 'nrc*addtets—Jn— th ts 'o r counirj'. Tliftt menns the nnrcollcs «ti uii(leni,’orl(l takes $500,000 a dny or u,

_ S1B2.00QOOO in ir lbu tc.nnnunllv from .w, th e Junkicsbves. »:

Once "hooked." n narcotlc.i addict ci

iwlll do ahnobi anything for the mon- • cy he needs to buy another ahot of e> e- ■ ,

i . .

; ; ■t ^ Z - ^ ^ c c A n m r !

m U affuai m M L

S January 1

I D U PLER F l S ContinUL _____________________ ___

“ - SAVE 25% to 50« ^ ~Em fy~fur~rrrever5i -TnADE.IN-ALLOlV-ANCES-0 n- M c zz a in-

ell I J 'I I

A ^ 1 * 1 1 ^ 1 ^ Io r ■ M - # - ila] ’ ' .

201 ISlain Avc. E ast —T\V1

K S V l \

i r p Q H ^

v l i t 2 n t ]

EJT TOO conn In to se« T n d ^ e s t e wosdtinff new ’52 Dodgo safer, more <fadK oitthenew "Sho«f- prolceUytwto" Way. Youll see in prido and pr

bow Dodge compares Here's tbe9 with cars costing nun- o«w car . . .CBoio.' - gamble! Whiother you can chcck tho . . . no « r tifort and economy of tlio today and coi,gain«o lb» cars. You’D Dodge ^ “5

• ' s r . d n « i t ^ ' - J i - 'w - *• o - ^ " '

)N D I S P L A Y ^ — — — r

a v i O T O R t


ta l S iav e~ W o rld ' n N a t io n , G ra b s

dope. Teen age kids have idmllied olhef theT-n»edea*Trom-$IO-to-tM-tt-asy Incfe for narcoUet. Crime la Uie only cm- the f -ployer a l) le - to " p a y tn a t:; fc u m -o r nge; - money to a teen-ager. kies'* The nation has been alioi'kwl in ii a recriii niQniha to le am Uie »lave Uen

world includes on a rm y ot yoiyiR. pub Ic sters less thnn 30 years old. Tills Lex H shock.ta me-iftfKely- f rom-dl.r loiurer t R d by the scnnie's crim e invcjilKnilng ■io5( ,0 committee headed by Seiinior Kc- 700. l l iu\lvcr. D . T ciitu and_byJicaiUiK» —,

In. New -York nnd Detroit'. ‘‘No matter how fnntasUc the story.

■* I f Ll true. A school official lu New ^ York City hns conceded tli.n nne [♦ ■«5.urT)rrvpr>'~:00”]tlin6r'n iitl senior' _rt p' higli wliooi Students In Uie elly ^ probably is a user ot tuirfollcs. ,,V, C. Thflli-aboul_l400-youU u_4U -*aia-

nnoUier 3i00 teen nRem nol In • Mliool mny be using dope.

d- tliou.vaml teen ngers In one clly, i»l ench pityliiK up to $10 n.diiy ur tnorc 10 In n dcMwrntc senrch tor n " thrill" ' ■Is 'or to iiiolil wlUiTiibrc dope ilie uwful' es sicknds.' nnd (inlns th n t come when _

the effects o{ one sh o t bcRlns to h

with no etulliiK unless Uiey cnn be c t curcd or drilled narcotics, n- 'Coveriinient offlclaU, educutorK. of experts on Juvenile delinquency and

^ 1

ry Sale of

FUR COATS tinues!

50%-AND MORE!------------IweryytylfTincluded!--------- -;s -O N _ y:o u i u ) l d - e u r - c o a t - -


... .

T W I N F A U ^ F h o n e 2750


O D M SEr i x a ^ i K O J V

ittires tfact n n )» drivine essler, tore economical^ . . value that your invcstmcnfmid adds to iho

id prestigo of Dodge^ownenblp. s tbe sensible way to'tiio<wa> ^ r . , . to end sD guessworfc and

What's more, tho proof is freo . cost or obligation. So come in id compare the beautiful new ’52 ite "Smw Down" W ay ..

~ PHONE 187(i


d 'K g h t e n s ^ ^ ^ JS Y o u n g s te r s r

o thers have become alarm ed a t th e .,to In c re a se i r fS te -D ra a a ic t lo n -^ o n irtho boys and girls of high school j , . nge; T h f nvcriiRe flce“o r in o —JUH~kies'* has dropped in 're c e n t ycnr.v - j

In 1046. only 20 teen src pn- whUents were' adnilited lo the U. S. uiipublic hcnith service hospltnls n i ngiLexlnaton. Ky„ nnd F o rt W nrtli. jmT «?X r~ T nT ic~ riisrT o iIr 'lno iin iso t cvi'1950 Uils number hud Jumj>ed to —

■700. ' M ‘ —s n a r of thr.ce cnme from CW-- f

cftgo and New 'V’ork nnd a few other T; la rge clUe.s. Alino.n nil ot thw n Clime I

from broken honie.H,’ from fnmlllM R

I ert JieiRhborhnofl!;— holding little Pi hoi>«'ol n bcUer life to a yoUrigV J

; s ler. 'B u t some come from good U■ •K Siiieim nfi'Trom 're.'Tw cteflrw rlt^- - I ‘ do families. | _ IL '.i.A _gtnvc.problcm -ftS-hatd-to. - j

solve ns It Is to cxplnln.

(Next; Tlie Mory of two tcou I I- ■nce-"Junkles“—n - b o r-a n « l - ' '-K ir l - - J , who become slaves lo narcoUcs.) 0

il . B l


_ “ J t ■ ■

'^ 1 ^ i '

I I •

_L _ Field & Stream _-f - ^ ^ R M - € O A T :-™ ^ = G o b o r d in e S h c ll, D ou b le - -

W id th M o u to n C o llo r, Sno-L U c L in ing .

Reg. S 5 7 .5 0N O W O N L Y .......... H O

Twin Falls, Dorley, Jerome

— - ^ 5 —S-A-VE- " l i B l l l NOW "

YOUR■------------------N E W - -------f S ~ S \ i \ T -

■I— — m - T b p c o j S s "


5 U IT S -Fine eu lts $ Z QValues to $85.00, WOFine Suits $ C O

— ~V aluea to$7BK»zi.L-' ::z : n r - - J O -Flne Suits * ^ . . $ 4 Q .

Fine Suits . ' $ 0 0Values ta $85.00_________ - J O

- Fine Suits 5 0 0Values to $«.00---------------- * 0


HIGH QUALITY N a t io n a lly A d v a r t

’ Ju s> R c c e i v e d ^ ^ H ^ H— -zIpper—^— —overshoes-^ ^ 4 . 9 8 — ~

u » ■

Sale. Agreement TL Suit Dismissed

D istrict court neUon conWriilng p _a snlo nRrecment for the Rex Clgtir D cstore. 138 . 8 hn6hoqt_flU cel-aou iii, _ k i jWll* ^ sm lssc d - Mondny by JmlRe jjanct iCnlC3_E._lK>wt.vipoii_«tlpii!nUon_(jL Dim#

parties to th e .suit. ................. Valle' Blnnche Cox nnd Neal R. Dnlioii. ony 1

who hnd executed u sale agrcitni'iil i t Iwith M. A. Spellman, flle<l suit ____ngalnst th e Inttcr to-<oree cotiipll- 1^

ever, Uta m n tlcr hns been M-iUrd ^

' -K lip S t iBiipb Hipltlt Fir ClW ru ^1 I'rabed by mollu-n l>ccauK>UblcUiire I--K odulldo^-L U uxiby«W ldrM b»au» . —

of iU pure or»o|o flavor. Huy It today. 1


SMfflWow . , . Big R



-------------------------------------------------------(left) Sum m it heavy duly w

f iv.■lth m outon fu r collar, warm . quilled lining. In tan . bar: \ Sizes 30 to 40. O ur finest line .: I $20.75.

/ :N © W — O N L Y I V

Chippewa----- —r - -W a o l~ Jo c k e ts— r

Poc-Jncs . . . 2 lp-«iocs , . 77 ............6 l(idlum .Coota.Jilm lted Quan-____ n

- a i : .................

t N O W Y i OFF BBurley, Rupert. J e ro » ^

Twin FalU T


r a Flno Topcoats 'S t Q) 0 Values to $tOiO------------------3*>'Q Fine Rock-Knlc Topcoats $ 4 01 0 - -VnlUC8-tO$50.60.--::-v..:......■■- ■j- * * 0 ------1 0 Fine p ock -K n lt .T opcoaU .$A O __ -1 0 ' -V atuea-io $66.00.r.-..i...-........ ------------------> 0 Fine R ock-K nit Topcoats $ ) QS o Values to $40i0____________ ■ <50

a P ine R ock-K nit Topcoats

Values to $3950__________ ilEE ALTERATIONS


NUNN-BUSH SHOES---------- A n d - o t h ^ l n o . -----S l-O .-S S —

Voluea to$10J)5___ ' I * J^ {Not all styles Included) ^

. Woyonbcrg SHOES ' ' *3 | ^ — 'Miiratfter-flno-mna — j


TO $11.95

M oft Sizes--------.1 0 Groups

out of court and both parties a n t ' Agreed to th a dismissal w ith prej- ley C udice provenUng elUier party Irom rcopcnlng.Uie ease. . . . _____

Benefit Scheduled DB—KiMBEiRLVr Jan. 2; - A uaiiBfir ------dnnco and auction for the Morch of vis oim(WTWiU-bo-lip|<|.flt-lhe-Plea«ant- — « Valley school south of here Snlur- ‘ dny nlghi:

l l Is being spon^red by the Pitas-

m er

r- , F O U i'H O M P T , E F F IC IE N T> ■* a u t o m o b i l e o r h o m e

---------i r A D I O H E P S p i - " '^ —

A T X O P E l

Reductions ^\ TACKLE TW ILL I

DATS Mita ^ ------- iB nJuly saUa tw in, warm. sno-llt« m

bark, green. t line. Regularly

0^hm drnM ^ SL__H eQ v y .B urlIng ton .tQ ck le .tw lU ——-— lin in g ------M o u to r t-co llo r— G roen

to ■<16.


NOW ONLY . . .



f r e e ' a l t i

« - S R O R T j C3 - l i r o l l o ™ d J y p e 3 6 % J » « o I . l i i t

S M ostly Smoll sizesBurtey/ Je rom e a n d Twin Falls

I i to r e t only. V alues to $29.75

1 Hundreds of Nation


I Pi>Tiilnr and Long Qvals . Moet SlSC

$ 5 .0 0 V o lu e s ------- NOW $ 3 . ®$ 7 .5 0 V alues --------NOW $ 4 . 0 '

; ' $ 1 0 .0 0 V o lu o * - .^ N O W S S tO

■ - $ i 2 : 5 0 “V a i u 6 * - : n r . N 0 w s 7 : 0

» $ 1 5 .0 0 V o luci ....N O W $ 1 0 . 0 $ 2 0 .0 0 V alues ....N O W $ 1 2 . 0

"l> U 'i~F rom R opeK s- * BURLEY— RUPERT—JEROMI

' P A G E

m t VaUey olub sn d P l e a m t ' - V ^ ^ l ^ ^ H ey Orange. '."'.L..';t l E ^ T O ^ N E W B WANT

DR. GEORGE P . SC H O L E R .. i f f i |

visual Analysis O ontiic t I/enaet H A H "Tfioo# tlM V 11$ W iltT N o rtt • ~ '

Twla Fftlls A m H

f 6 M “ T R ~ A m E D ~I S P E C I A L I S T S - ~ H

, 1 U iir ig ^ n ly “iH T 'f lH ir t I parta and factory meth*I ods wilt g ive y o u r rad io

i -c*ftKfttPnttcnttonatre&>r: <^sonablo-pricc8—We-TO*- — ^J? -p n lr nil m nkow nnd tnod— q cIs, all w o rk guaran* | | | | H F tccii. .._______________ _

JT PHONE jUj E ^ 2 8 6 0 --------------iRS l l

ale: I

;U R C O A T S 1— 100 %-WooI quilted In te r-^ ~ -edn nd berfccolorK:S^38-i ::—

I m


"PAIRS}f High (:{uality[QNALLY KNO.WN__ __ __LrWOOl SLACKSnes tn D esert T e a t t . .C b « k « ,__________ _lly a ll of our l a m slack - •aai-cciawnati - aa- t j - o .--------------lLTERATIONR

vALgEs.._gQ:SL^ - v a l u e s . ............ . * 1 2 ' “ r r |

COATS- J^ ^ 2 2 5 5 " " ^

ionally Advertised I

' j _____

Page 4: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...lub a t»*—"nie * tod»y «h*r*« «ul I* gy.^U'.ble- twe»tert,, >'Q. 2S2- - oice


I B *” ■ lu 11S B ] mbIUh«d dallr IBd S«iu9m7 nt ISO IbBPU-------rall«rI<*lMrkr-lW T t e ^ m ^ b l U h :fU ' mUr«4 M iwcntt (Ihm 'b*II tpalwr Alj[i_ ^ «»l«» Ib Tula r»ll». I4th». Bnd«r tb« «« B h “ " • nunncm im oN n /t t . ^ CABRlER-PATAnLE I

l : » ~ - . g ^ = = = = = H I By U»« >»«r......- ............................—H Z HTMA1I—PA TA BtxiNI M WtthU Ilaka «14 Ilk* C na lr. Nrr*«ai■ g s y i:a ,i j z = --......... .I ' ' 5!JS.yir . , » . i , . , - — ^g H I ' n r Ik#W l TbJ'.u t J ! ^M l — ~ g y ^ y » «r--i:iz—— -.= r:;^.;===:,-^

m } »( *"*i i n ft'a twar |MB» of Ulll pap«T purauant to2 | j ! KATIOMAT. RKPTIESENlli( l : i M aiiit 8 lr« t. £ « Kt»°i- , — -------------------------------------------{-------------- ------G O P 's -F A C ?n O N A I^I'l Back In 1024, Democratic ]!l pecta looked bright beforet r — Tffir-wcumBgnt HUpua imm

ll was shot through w ith scanc - on tho country seemed to b

J l [ Yet the GOP won th e ej£ ■III slide. Undoubtedly m any -1I I I I----- for_thla-Gutcome.-but_not_t| |H fact th a t th e Democrats cm H l | factional fight which fr ltt ID I atrength and alienated coi H I -The battle came t o a hei M l craWc^onrentlon o t MadJaoi H i The delegates struggled th t | M before they finally agreed i H candidate. John W. Davla. W H | the party was exhausted— | | | r chances of election.

Sxccpt th a t th e partie s at Is a ccrtaln .parallel a t thl 1024 and 1952.-Thla tim e It

Ifl;.' administration th a t Is -sea K;: apparently held in low put

Ih'B^Rcpubllcana'^whose—cl___yeors, look bright.

-- And yet i t is th e R epulface the kind of fBctlonai.s

, Uck tho Democrats of 1S24. J*i'' O f course, there la notl

b the cleavage between th e i liberal wings of th e GOP. : between northern a n d sout i t Is continuously evident ir the country -at large In p:

-------- M eyerthelw. tho .combiytwo OOP wings promises t<

1. year than ever. T he conser n , h ind Senator T aft believe t

H I and they are going all>out I M dedare the liberal faction h;

<0 capture the presidency ai H | --------The-llberal-group-doesn't

they have a caifdldate wl-----------^who-has-the-maklngs-of-a-:

Senator Lodge's words, thej...... —to to e finish.. _ . _

Bueh competition Is hea esscnce of America. B u t thi

L; sides of this battle ahould ' I':- tory. A party which consul Ujl!|! tlonal bitterness invites gra* H ; As was dem onstrated in :I : no strength left for a vlgoilUUl___ tIon_cam D algn^^d_byJnd■ |1 tremes of acrlthony i t m ay t M |L-r^f-tt8-potentlal-8upporterB<- H I be .to rub the fine sheen off H |j dentlal prospccts and virtuei l j l l ----- Uoiv-to^«-opposition.-------H | This danger lies ahead f< ■ H party. How It m eets it is jam Amerlcaii electorate will wo j l l l L — tgfo-it -_____________________

PRESS IN STIl World pcace based on wo:

is a happy state of affairs never achieved. Such under

' i j i . ___ course, derive from knowlec"i][ Iji - K n o w le d g e , in t u m . T riust ^ III, a n d h o n e s t f lo w o f i n f o r m i . ii c o u n t r i e s o f t h e w o r l d a nUl „__dlWdHaLco.untilejj,___M . That's-been the h itch . 1 W ] of'Ignorance,'prL'judlcu und' n 1 . th is flow.■ !-------- I t is-hea rten ing ,-there iff progress of an organization K “ to-sm ooth*thff-^y~for beti 8 ' standing among th e pcopli U {;, The organization is tho I: HjyL Institute. The chairm an of 1 ■ i — la.Lester,M arkcl..Sunday_c m| |D ^o rk Times.

----- -JPr&annQunced.almJs-to||® |:i--.:~»r4ndlvldual-«)imttlea_aip

| rate 'plcture''or o th e rx o u n t lly... newspapers and if they i ||gI remedy the situation. To diII i I i n i t t e e s composed of leadij He I ;■ tors have tjeen formed In 2III ! A main part of th e ir Jol nE ]\ lind report on th rea ts to pn i ii * individual countries.I V The flow of news betwc'

Iji 1 :;:;;-:» n y rc rltlc lsm sra jn o rd ls t :l^ I I quality, will come under thiy||l -----of-tbe-varlous-world-preas-iIW [I Fortunately for its futuri !W || sound financial s ta r t with I |j I from th e Ford and Rocke

fo r expenses th e firs t three■'ii;: .....do now 'ls tu m 'ln a Tccori

----- eompllshmcnt:-------ji,: The U. S. s ta te deparlm c H (Ifl ' wide Information service M l o ther countries. Is telUni 1 1 throughout the world, but H I II agency with.-a.deflnlte ax.;■ I lim itations.■ I • B yj)pU cing.and_s^nB U I IP — nwrworld’fl estobiiahBd-pre | [ j | . Jc«s can offer th e ir re ad en %[ | | . th a t can 't be m atched .I j |i IP I can go a long way I j j -!-------Ing-thls-quality.---------=----------

Statistlclans’estlm ate f t ;-----b a b te s-^ l^e = * w m ~ « t* = tl

| f l |! P m e l l ba a 2ot o f change


S W A a H iN o :f April I. I»ll. iriK. »Mt LjUiftl cantfol

RATKii • th reshed outE IN ADVAKCI |n the 1953

- - ....INAaVANCE - .......

erdn-efw ^ "f wepMil t to 8«<. Idilia Cod*. R*r ftck*:N atives------------------CO., INC.tamnco. Calif.------------- AOBeE.ME

a l - f i g h t ---------Ic p r e s i d e n t ia l p r o s - r e u iy Achci ■c c o n v e n tio n t i m e . c h i'm i ■ndniin ls tra tlo n ____Zhft-Unt_^ndol. I ts b r i t t h o ld

b e s l ip p in g .. th e quenUone le c t io n I n ff l a n d - - t h in g s a c c o u n te d

; - t h c . l c n s t . Jvn8 t h e , _indQ .Chinn.. e n g a g e d I n a b i t t e r M aU yi, post i t t e r e d a w a y t h e i r «ommunlaia :o u n tle s3 v o te rs . otil e a d in thfe D e m o - „J»n SQUare f l l f a e n ..h r o u g h 104 b a l lo t s w e woum tu r 1 o n a c o m p ro m is e now slvlni; u W h e n I t w a s e n d e d , of mllllonn oi l - a n d . 0 wore Ite

o t C hins pre a re reversed, t h e r e nnuonmiit ti

th lj-s to B e b ttw e sn i t Is a D em ocra tio .gut invulor

can d a l-r ld d e n a n d ttnTl«-rteh- lublic esteem . I t Is « oouW net t - c lw iic i» r - .l te i^ 5 0 =

. Thus th e , lu b l lc a n s , to o , w h o decisions ani L . t H ( e t l m t . h e l p o c L . g ' . | ? S

S h in s new «Uout» conMljaUve and J S S i n?

L ike th e div isionm th e m D em ocra ts , iiandicaiin congress a n d in rjghi to ate:p res id en tia l y ea rs . lery in a eu

b a t betw een th e s e tion ito be sh o w e r t h i s deliver,

lervatlve forces b e - On th eo u> th i s is th e ir h o u r , dlvbion* in Lt to prove it. T lieyh a s h a d its c h a n c c s k r u s s Ii ka n d fa iled . thre«-<ioy w;

w h o c a n w in a n d prcsidenUal a - f i n o - p r e s ld e n t^ I n - - i lght - undet. .ey aro In th e l i g h t “

lealthf.ul; it is th e precede: th e leaders on both bccnu-ie. wiu: d ta k e n o te o t h b - •“ium es Itse lf In to o - rav e rlaka. , ttio mdo-n 1024, I t m ay hnve ” ,io roM post-co h v en - adtilglng, In .the-cx=. — iiaving-e i' tu m away millions Hovise nppm B,-The-upehotr<ould- tff its current presi- ually hand the elec-


fo r th e R epub lican mentwirn i is a ' t e s t th a t tho decision m

w a teh w ith t e e n in -

experience tlr iT U T E Xorelgn Bffn

im‘><Are>nwfllr»g -thC-RoOMVCworiQ u n a e r s t a n o in g permlit<I r s l o n g s o u g h t b u t a i«o u al e r s to n d ln g m u s t , o f th e »lott-ne.viledDP m en t and t) is t 'c F m e ~ f ro m n f re em a t lo n b e tw e e n t h e i t w in be oia n d - w t t h i n - t h e ~ tn * - - p a i j iu - ___

, Too o f te n barriers V T ^ id - fe a rh a v rb lo c k c d -

re fo re .- t o - n o te - th e -on «et up a year 0 5 0 S , “ eUl»'e t t e r n r a t u a l " u n d c r = ' “th is ybar’a ■p ie s o f t h e w o rld . f in a l and coi. I n t e r n a t i o n a l P r e s s•f i t s e x e c u tiv e b o a r d ihe 'p rw ''-e d ito r_ o L _ T h e _ N e w ____r » m - ih e .

cornea wnnito .d e tc r m ln e .w lie th = - ^ . g e t t i n g a n a c c u - n t r l e s t h r o u g h - t h e i t -w B e w rried ’ a r e n o t to t r y t o b e dlsmemb d a t e , n a t i o n a l com*: »h ie h ^ i l t

d in g new epaper ed l- I 24 c o u n tr ie s . go mnjor p r|o b w ill b e to c h e c k enstcm Wn p re s s f r e e d o m w i t h i n g The UilnK

v e e n c o u n tr i e s , w i t h p^cjliS '^th is to ra D n -m rr rg e i ie n i lT roirtttB-jDDo: t h e e y e s of o f f i c ia l s

u rl.1 S > " l\* o ro if~ * to a~ i th a $270,000 g r a n t i n Idaho, u k e f e l l e r f o u n d a t io n s Hells can>o c e y e a r s . A ll I t h a s t o ,o r d Of s u s ta in e d - a c ^ -

--------------------- 'fu n s in o f ityn e n t , W ith Its w o rld - poin^- :e to new spapers of , ,}f Ing A m erica’s s to ry de«iopmeni l u t as a govem m ent blueprint i x .io .g r in d . i t h a s I ts : restonai. ws

If the 4»fcn!thenlnB _them selvea,ire ss a n d news serv -’ enako me;sra % quality p ro d u c t biueprfnt^^............ englneerlnsly toward Mtabllsh'- u-----------— ___________ __ plftce it In.. — ■ ___________ _ jielulenfo-ma record of 3 .000 .000 ,= the= = ^ ?F «p ln«= ll)63 i=jes made, , • , - - ^ppea—w


HIRLIGIGtOTOK.:.— Tfo gTaye^qtsttUona-lnvol -ol over A m erican toreign pdllcy, InclUi to WBBB w ar o r a "poUee action,” wll

lUt a t th e 'cu rren t aesslon of eonere** .3 presldenU al campaign. The debate :____ ^ .fm b a r m a _ £ L e n .e ral_E laeiU u

a n d hla backers., AlthouRh these problems 1

' Y , n o t a ttrac ted seneral attenUoi V' th e press or on the hou4«*»e: j floor, bo th Democnita and R«i

llcans have held numerous m and Informal conferences on

t e \ i : m a tte r. T hey were discussed a t ^ y . rcc en t San Francisco meetlnt

T n ea tte m p tto 'so lreU ie m .o r i J o declde^qn ^ ^ a ^ roach^to tJ

ck*r heads o f presldenUal candidates •seat advisers. .

HENT8 — T h a problems have assu pressure and prominence because-of a 'reaeTjea~byT»re*rd«nt*Truiniin-'Bna- heson tn th e ir recent talks w ith P :hurch lll and Foreign M inister Eden. it_ c o n c£ m s-lh a —atat£imen'*-d*clsl«n— 1 S ta te s shall n o l employ any atom ic 1 )Ut BriUiln's p rio r npprovnl. Cliurchlll rt lo n -o f-o u r posseulon of atomic base

ond Involves th e W hite House promis le F rench nnd BrlU.ih In southeast At fl._T hallond . _Bnrmn, the J^deraUon wsslbly D utch Ind o n csln -lf the Chi is Invtkde th a t storehouse of valuable on a grand_Bcnlc. __

-B ven-thou8h-U »o-U nlt«d-eu te4-fliay I supply troops, the undersUndlflff H [um lsh a ir and naval reinforcement. W< ; th e F rench force In Indo<chlna hund I of donors' w orth of flRhUnR cqulpmen 1 a ls o 'th e prospect th a t the three nal re ft n aval blockade and economic boj proper, besides utilizing Ohlang K al-sl . txoops on Formosa. m an-C hurch lll w arning of our prepared • frigh ten the Chinese reds ou t of an Ion. O n th e o th e r hand , alnce th la r lit :h Teglon la f a r more Im p o tu n t th a n K< It th e staRO and scenery for W orld war jicU on" here m ight p o t jw reatflcUd I, a s ' in K orea.le quesUon of control over foreign p and overseas alliances In an atomic k lore acu te thnn ever before. I t Is agirrav ic t- th a t-P re s ld e n t-T ru m a n , llko Frar e lt before and during th e last conflict, 5 1 ^ ‘lheio7«r-rc«eK l«g-i’frt?hftMUrK ■ ratification . He regards than aa execi n o t treaties.

3AP—T ho B ritish objection to ou r exclt leclde on use*of otomlc bombs and t European w ar Is understandable. Such 3 m ake E ngland the firs t U rge t for |,1_Vlnri - a.^iTnlny thnt, lhi« niiMliin^

o the r h and , th e UnlUd Slates now ha: in Europe, and mny sh ip more, if com e also hnve sm aller mllltAry forces In : xlft. I ta ly . T urkey and N orth Africa, d « « r a ttae lu . ahe »JJI n o t serve u.t wl w arning of h e r Intentions, I t will 1

n ffn ln . w ith poulb la uso of every varlei ;apoh ahe pos.iei«eii. a llon r a ised ' o n -c npih>l-h l>l- Bi>d - ln 'v n al candidates ' camps la r M ust-our sol .eE_thl4_hJmdlcttD_RIl_a^nctnl_^^J\£A! they aro now doing In Korea, while we

h consent? ^ ^ ^

OENT—TJie difficulty bccomes more se rim thla p act A3 prcccdent, we probably same ngrcem cnt w ith o ther counUle.1 « forces are aUUoncd In " the contnlnme;

JTvtcBy.lO 'C hlna pledge revives and sharpens w hich stirred conRresa when Mr. Trv

ir small and w eak forcea Into Korea wit Ig capltol h ill npprovnl.

pnrcntly believes th a t I t can be repe

llghU ng cnta.

:R— 8euntor T n f t nlrendy has taken hn.i no t dlscu.-Cicd'yet the fttomlc nrrt

> London, b u t h e haa criticised the K( IS "nrbltrary and unconstltuUonal." - ! Elsenhoft'er, nn turally , has saJd no t h e w in.have to fnce th o problem eventt U iry-«nd-«ll!tlom aU<u«pott_ho-knoa-s- B th e danger o t BrnnUng too much power ffBlrs to tl>o Presiden t. He disagreed >vclt-Trum an-pro8ram -tm der_w hlcli-Il Itted to become so powerful, a m ilitary m an , h e h a s eulfertd becau e.vi w ith w hich congress, the B ritish go I tho BrlUsh p a rliam en t se t In time 01 rll.-M|u««Uon. •'Ike '* must, speilc h li m 'n ilI one of the m a jo r Issues of the lOSl

IW S O F O T H E I: E r S MAKE OUnSELVES HEABD s3.carrlcd.ln-Our_columni.fl»lurdBy_Iror ■lleUn'a special W ashington correspond :lKTbQ£_dnm w ould juobably .be overlook 's presidential budget re’que.ila may m conclusive. B u t I t m ust b« evident to all papers th a t n o l only ICe HBtbor dan Snake river p rop 'am n re in serious Jeoj

re.ient Ume.he_ldalio>O resaa_U ella_CaayQn .u io d irn lng th a t th e stage Is being set l ■Ale ebopplns Job- tha t-u 'lll sever Uie r i h c cdmprehcnalVB-deveiopment-of-P ; w ater resources. I f these plans are all led-tttrouRh,-the comprehenalveiprosTfto nbercd a t th e m outh of the SnakeII become n "aanctuary" on the pretext ;er development la controversial, l ^ e Sbe sold ou t o f the,ayatem and w ith 1

projects for economic development of ^ •Vashlngton. easte rn Oregon and sou

ng th a t dum founds us about th is unde nent la th a t apparen tly the wishes 0 UUs area ore to be enUrely dlsregardei

pojiUonz-lt-muat-be-rtmenjbered.-comes his cJIstrJct—wo have yet to hear any jalaatlc_aDDraYJtl_from_fttiyone who llv e m W nshlnRton o r ea.item Oregon for < Snake river dam s c r th e Hells Can>*on

, to be sure, the re are areas of opposlU i>-on project, b u l no t one has yet uke: o ascertain w h at th e people ' them, r . K U C«,ls,.lhat_the southern Idaho 01 om a sm all b u t voca l a n ^ j^ lU e a l ly p •ity, U ioupi we ccrlalnly cnn n o t prov

people o t Uils. g rea t a re a sit back and em berm ent to U ke place. It win ham per e n t fo r yeara to come. There Is a de

fo r Uie comprehensive ^devclopmei w ater rcMUrccs.- w h ic h ' m ust -be -foi tense needs of. th e nation and the ecoi Jils a rea nre to be meu Ice Harbor. H elb - t> ie ::o th f r -d a m a -o n ^ e - to w e r -a n d -n iver have Uie h ighest pHbrlty In —w hich happens.to be baicd on econeiin] ng conslderntlons.' n o t po’uUcal onei these project* now would no t only ser th e defense o u tp u llo f the area bu t '

In the unw anted role of a 'backw ard b-U tposr:on~the-irtnge3-o(-re<loniJ-d«<

o_ llva .b e're m ua tlie tliil.ih. to see th a t this ij no t allott 'WAlla W sUs UZzioS'BuUeUn.

T IM E S -N E W S ,

A L | | . - . ^ - : . - ; .......

n . P o t , j g

i s S H 0 T S - ^ 8win b« . i ' I L m 09 andte m ay ' nhflwcT-

BMALL’ bUFFtT -A V A ttA gI have I^ear Sir:Uon l a 1 would like to help Homer. senate pulp. * •I tep u b ' - Two daya ago w c got a lltUA

secret In Jerome. A lter we gaUieredOQ th e we had aboul 35 pounds. LucUa t th e h a d a UtUe wind and it blei

Ung o t >now off the road, so I t la not

orevcB However, you d o n 't need jo^ B them , ‘ bout Jerome aa Uie last 0 ,e. fore- banarias were harvested, l^wt tes and s O 'n ^ o n c ^ io h u r t by Llio r . t

weather.Mr. Beclpulp cnn .*et Uie

___ by conUcUng me.Asumed Jerom e’sof two T an LoUid 'S e f - ------p .- s r s n o w -on ■ d tep lsr-^ t-h t

Prim e dny six m onths ft year, m. • . • .

i .T £ frdm 'Bn~ extrm poraneous 11niso to • • •" s js ls la n t dlreclor

Aala— scheduled la give Uie next Uon of (U r new* Item)Chinese' -Unaecustom ed-aa h e - ls U)J le r a w s p e a k i n g . . . ^ ^ ^

P U rS FOB KIDS DETT T he folks a t 604 Qujncy

m y -n o t- Jiavft.A-jnalfi_pup_Sfliose_mQt H th a t a cocker, to Rjve away. B etter We are —this ono wUl go fast, iindrcda And you can pick up *i 2-cr len t. old pup, p a rt cocker spnnlcl. 1 naUona pourth street sou th or phone :

j j j j j avenue east. Thenumber la 207-M. O ne la a 3-m old female, p a rt collie and thi

r S i l « r ' r a t terrier.K oreC W anU dog sn d a cat? Yo:

var UT. BCt both by phoning 3i3. The ( (d to a Is female fox U rrle r ab<=----------- -itio iiu rs^u u iil-ttiB .k liiu j.Jc sI policy * y w r oW. la PU «: world report the c a t- la -a .m a le . bu rav a ted h a sn 't been verified.Vanklln * * * ____ct does NOW H E KNOWSria U iB " .D ear-P ot-B hota j------------------cecuUve Somebody should Inform M

CMttlley. c rea te r of Vlc Fil th e T-N.nomlcs. th a t those at

, , a fte r Sport Feeder are, no t Di xcluslve o r Cowhd artU - . . .uch nc- -TOO DIRECTfor re - poUy;

, p e rt way haa an awful lo t tohas six J l he InWnds to rem ain a bncongress forever, he w on't w an t to leiIn E ng- b u t If h e has any Idea ol (

... hitched, he's hopeleaa.‘ * lit 'th e f l n t place, the propeiL . ^ nlque Is no l to say. "Come ni— _ £ L m ^ R ir ls r ’ T h a t 's all wrong. X

' o t couriie, you wan t ’e m 'to

soldiers r e ju ju con be obU lrw x in u r .taUlng ■Chd-altls-how ba ih fi we w ait ypy pJ[^n re g a in

forever, etc. Make It aound... ........... e a tin g -fo r them _ .P lra t thin■ serious know, one o t them has cnugli lly shnU B u t thla dlrcct approncli—II a wfiere good.m ent of X Periei

(Twin Pa ens the . . .T rum an o u r Bachelor says the hlgl wlUioul o f living- has mnde h im prui


epcftted. - SO T SPO B-nN Qllttcren t j3cftr_Pot_8hoU : ______ .

I hereby U ke l.uue wllh pnper nnd challenge those r

. , , Bible to n duel to the bltte icen—Ills -ujjng-fjyroda as-.weapoQa,_irrnnge-- paces.- — ----------K orean ^ y beef ts th is : In your J

' , Issue, th e re waa a big headline noUJJng, •'SUver c re ek ArcA la £ sntUBllj'. p jy Pishing." And where w ft'a-jrom - ■on-the-aporta-T>age-that'B-wh< *5^ I " estlmnUon U iat lUtl

I shoulda been printed as fai -the sport s ' imgc -aa-ya-coulda-

Lnke N. Lcause o t (Ooodlnigovern- • . . .

S of n a . FAMOUS M S T LINE, . . . Ju it -m a k e » pew lliInfl. m r -wen'tsU(}-0R-lce-^nd-7 ea're-4l 51 cam - worklngl"--------------- --------------- GENTLEMAN IN


[ronU htL ___________ _

....... / • C l J R 6 e - S - S Mi a u w ^ I t h e S t B L C ia m 'b u ? V E . O FJeopardy V ^ ^

lodaU oa. _____ ■;t fo r ale SnaVe ^

aUowed ___ - • ^ram WlU. . ' - . j r . . , - -ce river, 4 ■ /e x t th a t _e Snakeh It will ^it south-southern

ndercoT-I o t the / S 2rded. AU J g . f fnes-from; r----------inyching // IH L

| - - i ----------:on dam. L dlUon to P .iken Ihe emselves I opposl- ___r'pow e'r-................. .......................rove Uie ,

nd allow ,per the ir .d e fln iu ^

Ils .-Termrie l b C a n - ____________________________

' £ ' ^ t T h ' e n ^ L M ^

i l VOLCOEi«V5jOfc. =

.iowo<na ------- -------------

!, T W I N F A l L S, ID A H O

^ PEGLE]—P A H IS -a ra T B iig ljT I Ia M

I f * — U )»-command«r.m.chlcf.clf.U^ bryo arm y of the la -N orth A W naUona and a candidate f<

Republican nomination for.......— dent. Is «2 yeara old ;m d a flni

• m j : of m an, bu t overweight 1p o iS a r R C IT is r tw B B ^ a B I

er B eet- s u d d e n l y Q u l i ~ « l ® | smoking one a l u r ^ H l ^ ! ^

;U« m ow emooD about two -ed It up years ago. ickUy we H e aoon gained blew th e a little over 15 H t S lOt soiled pounds. He sUnds

. of th e uirough the S i r ^ C f l B ^ H ist week. rel. H e haa b e e n V c !^ ^ j •freakish- a i e t m r t n e l r i ' 0 P '» S i ^ ^

Ing to Uke It off. w » ik « u l he enow H e also eats raw

carro ts fitfully, b u t thla in' a Son nothing, one way o r ano ther. 1 ,oUon people try eaU ng.raw c arro -hours-* itH tyttlT iW lcinfle'thBt'tlU s'ls'

unappeUilng root except coo . lam b atew-and give up. U k e 1

mlrtweatem gupfrsUUon th a t . i oea M * pyj carried in Uie pan ts expUln- waixJed o il rheumaUsm, th e p exeerpM uon th a t raw carroU restore

ipeecn foiling e y e ro r- tr re s tn t iB - lor w»» g f organic senility 1rxt day. departm ent, haa been dlscre

U) publlo - j.{olhlnTl8’ v.tong-wlUi-El8( er's eyea except th a t he h a s t glasses to read, Tho reaacn ’

kiree t q u i t a m o k ln g w th a t l t h a d 1

up aboul M fags a day a n d th e common experience of

ir?r “ P tbe navor of a moU: • ?=.ir> glove'and feellnc num b In t

ne 1B<5K. BCftlps. which comca to ao ir oches a t us a fte r 30 or 40 years of Ad< ^e phone o n e afternoon h e ju s t qul l-m onth- cold turkey proposition Is a t the o th - ordeal especially to th o at icr. wife who gels blam ed f< You can damnedest things w hne th o le conlno cai • process Is working I n ' si about 8 cardlo-vascular system, lessrtbair —B ut-lka «tood off- a ll eom pi The kids w ith potent cubebs, trick clg bu t thla holders, which tako ab m uch

tho amoke th a t you m ig h t i___ aave yourself the .b o th e r^ a r

J tlvo sm iuhes of chewing tob------------------^After-nboul-»t*-w»aki^wl

Michael p a r for the event, he got th F lin t In down and he Is now acclal

I anlmala hero by members of h is atnf. . BULLS. M rs. Eisenhower gets n o c r )whBnd an . Like the poalmLiUc foi

of Pm nkle and Johnnie , th l only goes to show th a t th e r no good In men.

^ In tbl,< Job on the ouUk? Pnrls. Uie'Bcnernl doesn't gei

f chnnee for exerclw beyond aI geiung Qj rounda of golf a week. So

moments during h is workli In ft room about 25 fee t loi

I, ®f, h a lt th a t wide, he Krabs ft big

I M w tb e narrow dlmonKlon. — hf?.? T he club head Li loaded i

oimiC-ror-T3Mtn!7tr-rrT7ns-in n i Wilson. ClilenBo, nnd preseiWnT ? o u L 'cut.-acii. Lnrry ^

th e commnndcr of hLi a ir It'« nn ''■blch Is lnTKcly theoretical.

M nJ.-O en. Slick Peraon, r lrn c rd <>f you-know otflccr.Palls) " 'fp genernl of the old trndtU

scc.t people and cfecWcj v h o c iiinh cost ">>ouId see EUcnhower, snld tlirSnc his hnblt o t >fCftr:

gigantic swInRi w ith this terri_________.wbUp illrlfilinc lrr,t.rra-----------, You belter try th a t- ro u rs '

fore you believe it. However. 1 iUh~‘M u r inKo rwlpos-In-tho-offlc«” ft; B reapon- control of Uint club hend < liter end. ^op of ibe baduiwlng, wltl J . ot, 30 Inch or ..io of the osTrhead i

S „ r J ? N .7 T n d U.ed


All Moke, ond Mode Phono 2769-J, Art Will

A A A" m .ih .t S ew in g M a c h i i itM taroutli -------------------^ S n O p ----------

112 SU ln A te. N . . trem U m

; F O r L E t > '" A S M 'N ^ “ ' .O C K C A N 'T D R E D 5 , ;


r ' • • • . . * • . ' . .•__^

-Lit- ^


ite Trouble!


G S a p p e a r F R C

;R’S ANG i:

a t 173 ears close together, sjow oacs fTTiike .tbflt g n d j ie never I

^ ^ ” *dlcUUag when I eafltji:

‘ ' ‘b is partners .when’ h e goe f M O ’' tmiallr a re American genera K r o f - ; ' hlJ-staff.-but I seem to have

laid niv notes on th e ir names, way there Is no regu la rlt:^ O n o nem exr-day-«nothcrcJX *-J m-the-W s:— J---- -------------------

__^ . i.n tipfofc Qeneral Elswi:k p .il .r got innouneed ^ i h e R e ^

^ i n a t l o n by young H enry indicates bage Lodge. Mnssachusetui, r. Lota o t wants ta be secreUry, o f a tate : roU, bu t new, It so. regime, the re Was * Is-ft-rerr inU on-xroimd-6HAP£-M )d-xi coked in the JoumalUts and oUier Ame e the old jn parb concerning Ike a auc

s ' pock'eC '*''H^'*sccond In com m and h . propoai- Oen. Alfred M. O ruen the r, v ire vlalon tm t coming up 53 years, a fou Buorm al genenl w ith a-flrst-claw rocoj

In th is on that record, one of our be ^•edited. uice Senator T aft, h e is a

shorl of glamour and UiCy nr asenhow- working on a plan w shovo hli s to wear sItuaUons and news-picturea I why ho Ike and by himself, w hich w, d become verUse h im to o u r people ar

r-bum lng —H *alght.bfi.the.l3esljn the d he had but he la widely unknown f waking among soldiers nnd It m ig h t b lUsrmon'a w get th e olher na tions to

th e fin - him.many of . . •

xddlcUon. in Uils asslBiimcnt. Generr lUlt. ThU 'enhower'a rcRulnr chauffcur : X terrible James Perrym an, a soldier i aubjcct's regular army, who was w ith h fo r th e a while when Iko wns presld

e cheml- columbtii unlvcnlty . T h ere Js STJbJect's of drivers for th e flee t of pas

cars necessary to c arry ofllc ipromlies. .<,ffleUl-mUaloas-to ParU and i :l«a re ll* - ■Snd“K o u irb u r th e y -n n > -« l l :h .out'of m osU j-'A m erlcnn-i,, . t aa weU - There nre a few Belgian and-Jur* . British,-too. bu t there oro obR obacco. Q9 iromen and the re will be .w hleh-ls. —There— are— tom e—XVACs. th e devil wAVEs of several nntlonalltl lalmed a gome a ttractive civilian An nff while - ifij on the Inside s ta ff and y cred it a t ju jt jay-tniirtncTC-tTnbRolul folk-song exctue for Uielr prc.scnce In .hla story projtct such aa th is bccausi lere afh 't of Uie nnUons concerned Is

hard up for manpower.--------_ _Jk lrls of population In th e g rip o t Ingot muclj ------- -----------------------------------a couple

30 a t odd king daylong and ^Mg driver ; ■ 1

r o tf a l i io f '---------------------- -

1 with 22 i - J- i r n id im r --------------------------------—lented to {■ i —N oraud , ^ .

ilr force, \ll. • \)n. Ike's \. n very \ lU onwho ,, \ jo fU ie n j '* ■ I i the boss > arlng off \ rrlble ba t _________

T s e l f - b e - ------- . ”'. he doea . “f t n d ' t h e --------- '

I on th e ■' \ \Ithln a n ......... \ \1 tubular ’ \ \

1 . \ y

ines \\fR IN G —Je ts _______ • • . . . 'Uill io m s -TT.';;

in o [---------------------L _ ^ ---------------

■: ___ ■ f e S Z " _

, , WHO’SW h o '

____________________n o i g h b o


• w r i n g i n ;

P ^ c i o u s

« r - J g

t ........______ .’fe u —

m s ^

- T 7 » - S & - t h e - U n lU d - S ta t e a > _ , H . But « e have fftUen In to an

J X 2 J hAblt Ol pretending th a t w<y c h e s '

; S d» ■»».a irauon g e nem lr-hav tf>,i« le t cuUes swishing In and o u t fo:

ick and This Is no t ft com m ent on • scuffs eral Elsenhower In particu:

S ^ o r - t h ^ b o l ^ u a l n c ^h im do em m ent a n d w ar. T h e pretenj- ^ e e d women because th e reoes out enough m en of th e aam e <•rals o t icnce Is-ft He.,ve mU- The whole reason la t:s. Any- thoroughly com petent m ale et3ne day or male civilian clerk o r

simpering rnnlrk on you. I t wMihower be th e same._______________juB lIcnir----------- _ - -------- -J MOVE TO NEVADA e 'tn the d IETTRICH, Jo n . 2 3 -M r. ai s spccu- Bill W nrren nnd M r. and Mx -amoDg. W orren -andJam iU ejJinve m nerlcaa* H awthorne. Nev., w hero~hc ucccsjor employment_______________

- H c r n r

Mr. & Ml“ “ i m . a n n o u n c e t (

I I tAUNli ' S " ; ------------ P E R Sbe hard

. . . . U mr Ll 8gt.

S °J«K r 162 b l u e LAKES BLildent ol

la H cn ^ r OFFERINGd around Q u ic k , e c o n o m ic a l ,^« ii-m e n r ^ w o s W n i r a n d - d r y l n g 'a n s and ' y o u r : f o m i ly - la u n d ry ,bsoiuieiy - o w n -c lo th e s - In t h e m >e none.:.t a n d ____________________Itles and *Vmerican k L1 you can « j n titlu te ly ^ o ----- COin n war, . c loth.

rIvIL ______________ ,liisidlous


S THE lU C K Yo's th e lu ck y housew ife?

_au to m atic-« lec t» c-lau n d cy -t ng, and h a n g in g of h eavy

us time— a n d sp e n d s i t a s i f

.......................... P. S. I n t h

w ives a re cxti

a re still way

r O A H j O '£ iS > £ A u i^ ...D 6 tt s

snnda ofIkes and • / P fO A i! • .’are we ®vUPtl__________^ V E R a r r y ^an effete we need ! • » » “ '!

on Oen- _______cular. I t The ancittTfc:: u L eqi: .ense lhat bait. T“«ni•ro aren't -----I compe. LEGAL AOVBm

that_.a ■ sergean t o•J"« tary a.',"t.7n.ilr:|,U?« _AiKl._aL ^ . » u i - w - ^ ^

=------------A -and Mrs. "j;'"?! *nj

Mra. Pete r . r mo¥ed ta ih« ri»h» to ■ficFhave coui^


irs. Roy H.t h e i r p u r c h a s e o

DRI-MA(S Q N A P j g

IL V b; ■ " PHOI

G . • . ^I,, indivudual__- ^ ^ 9 %ig -s e h 'ic e - f o 'r^ lJ L 2 Jry,-(on!y-your--AM®j| machine) —

S A V I N G S . , ;time (as UtUe as one bourses convenience— trnxioney - i j i Ihcs.. a p d the friendliest tervlctraa: Dp in , let u s show you hsrxi3| pe your laundry, done hett

f ■ I

^ ---------

—........... . 1


I f m iy b« four n"*

y a i . W h y It l i lt Ijj!?

J l u t j r i i m i iu U l i U * *

y w is h . S h t MV«« l»

sh e chooses.

th e Snake'RIvarVin«y»l

t t r a lucky . Their • !« '*

y b ilo w t h . **

W i > o y ^ ^

Page 5: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...lub a t»*—"nie * tod»y «h*r*« «ul I* gy.^U'.ble- twe»tert,, >'Q. 2S2- - oice

. j j , ! E v e n t s

lld-by GKiJ

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^■ .rC aunrll.— .-. - .

S 5 j ' S . “ T« S^ r w snicn- rc o u n - -ch . ^ n of the S rc m rea .K‘ iw n conducted the

^ “nt wndlilatej to r B

^ l ? “ood, Mrs. E n rrJ^Th H. Dnrrlngton. P( r A «unc lt *« re - J l ^ i^ ^ U o n -a iu U ils O . fill Jfrem me district pre&l- arn ^ 'b c f - N "'" '* - °P “S i i l m d district bw U

Srters of the d iurch. to Bonlc. treuu re r.

S u d #1«> anriounced -He w ore O r-

S C S w t . p u rc iiu ; £;S ehurcli choir #nd r,j.,-w om en'a sroupsUflUta Mid proJccU fw ^

jrtje Melton wm In M proftrftm, whlcli In- rw I trie. Mra. Jomes ^ Holdcrrced andujichael. aecompanled

MeiWn. Lorraine Dcngie

i o n M a r t i n j

Q t t e r n ' j

> 'V i i r < ^ , , J•lEW :.plE C E tl ■« J Kw &j Ifa amurl to t ll th8 crUp two-plecer I M» and all throuBh Md_-}aclcot, has—n » -j •UrthM only two m ain i 't«! Three-quartv o r :

®: Mlaev jires » , 14, I 5. M, 3<, 30, 38. « . <2. I •>^^y«ds 35-lneh: %

^ B f o ^ m c ^ n a l f l r t h l a '

s, M e e t in g s u r ^ H r G f o u p s "(tave, tu 'o readings and Mrs. Earl HoUtfiitar- ftC C om panltd-froufFaln^ -

A tc a -a n d 'a o e la l hoiiTfollowed’ “ w ith m em bers of th e Ladlca aid In c h arse . Mra. Edwin C rtit and M n, Oharlea- M otfett . were In charge ot tho tab le , w hich waa centered wlUi

aUver candelabra. Frealdlns a t the . tea. tab le were Mrs. E tta Melton ; and M ra. Irw in. . j

- jnn tor'Fello iw hlp jKew officers and committeexbalrmcn_oI_UlLJunlo£_W;, tml5ier_ I

tellow shlp o t tho P J n l Presbyterian charcli~w ere Injtallcd Sunday eve­ning In th e Presbyterian Memorial

atone conducted the ceremony. 1 M arshall Olah la new moderator;

Connie Lu Thoraon, vice moderator; | E lizabeth Petcreon, clerk, and Mi­chael L<eda. ireaaurer.

C h i ln n e n Include ' KaUierlne' Peck, ta l th and life commlulon; Jim ' Bolton, stewardship commls* ^

S S ^ ^ f f i g S h V ^ i S * S I ^ ' ;reach._AduU leaders are Mrs. H arry Bol­

ton a n d Mni. Oren Boone.

Opportunity C lan T h e Rev. R ichard, DcVllllera was

honored Monday cvenlns on hl.i b ir thday anniversary a t a aurprtse potluclc supper held by members o( the O pportun lly elaaa ol the First C h ris tian church. ___ . _______

Flckefi C lan ‘. A potluck dinner and -program

was he ld by Plckct'a class o t the M ethodist church Sunday followlne c hu rch aervices.

T h o ' program featured a piano due t by Mra. Earl Dahistrom and Shirley K estler, and vocal solos by Alice H ow ard, accompanied by M lu K eatlcr. .M ra. B. M. Kestler waa program chairm an and Earl Dough­erty la prealdent o t the group.

— tt :

.D a n c e s P la n n e d -- “ B y V a lle y ^ C lu B s

— Are*-aquare-daacers-haT*-planned- aeveral evenU to r Wednesday.

T h e Doccy-Doe elub of Buhl will m eet in th e Falrvlew O range ha ll to r ft regular club dance a t 8:30 p. m . W ednesday wlUi Bob Daley, caller. T he Oakley square .dance club nlso *wlll m eet a t 6:30 p. m. W ednesday In the high achool gym-

caller.T h e H ansen Hoppers have planned

a club m eeting Wednesday n igh t In the H anaen O range hall. Max Mot- tlt t , K imberly, will calL

I— G areQ f= ¥ 0 i_____________ B y A N G E L

Jack ie i l l yeara old and hla eoualn T(^fnmy U 0. Jackie waa visiting T om m y while hl.i ;nother was visit­ing Tom m y’B mother. The two were In th e playroom, a porch th a t opened from the living room. Tom­m y h a d ft farm laid out and waa building a bam . Me had It h a lt tlnlahed and waa preparing to work on I t w hen Jackie appeared.

"D on 't touch tha t. Jackie. I t Isn't

now.""Shoot.** shouted Jackie, and

klcked-not.Qnly_ihe.bani-dowa..but. a ll th o o the r llttte liuta and house-V sending tho toy anlmala flying about th e floor.

; , : ^ i r o u ‘ro.n.nB6tyJlltle.goao. T hat’s . .w b a t j ’QU.ftce,'-ahauted-Tommy.-’‘l ’ll

show you—" and he laid hold o t the t ecrenm lng Jackie and smacked hla• tace.I B o th m others came rushing. Tom- r -tny’B—m other—w « —ashamed—and- I angry . "Vou get upstairs to your ' room, young man. I 'l l attend to you

, boy like you. Instead of playing nice- . ty w ith your little cousin—”

" B u t he—"' "N ever mind w hat ha did. He’s

• O nly a~bftby and you 're 'a blg 'slx- ’ yeo r-o ld b o y r o e t u p tta lr i and su y

the re ."I I t waa too bad, o t course, but the t -hlam e-resta w lth-the-m otheta-w ho . did n o t remember th a t there la ft ^ very wide ronn o t Intererta between.. 6-yeor-old children-oiul-3>ycar>old

[ones, ‘r a e y d g _ n o ^ p h y well to -

k For Your Old m Living Room ■ Suite-O n~~—

P ^A J< tew Qne

■ Large-----Selection of -

Jl Styles and Colors H LOWEST PRICES


'• i r o r l i to do b tu ln u i wilh"

b r o w iLU ^IC -------- y A f f t l A N C H - -------


9 5 2 " - ~

B e t r o t h e d • T v

. lease— the-:

i W Lois.■ H ' the


: Pho' '; J l # N>. cey,

- Mr? met

.all-slotdaya n


DETTY j o JENSEN------ --<Sf«ffrnfTaTlngt------------------------ /

* . * * * ■ pla

M f e d d i n g _ S l o t e d — i'n B y B e t t y J e n s e n

- - VIEW. Jan. n - M r r and~Mra.“T .r p - LeRoy Jensen announce the en- f ' gagement and approaching m ar- rlftRe of th tlr dauRhier. B elly Jo.

' to Arthur McCIeilAii. son of Mr. and ’ i> Mrs. Scott McClellan. Rupert. gta ; They plan to bc m arried in Feb- Ea ■ funO’. - • ■ ho • The brlde-cIcct. a graduate of j _ D urley, h igh -4chQ ol,-a tiended_the id«

LDS Su.'ilnf.y collcte a t S alt Lak^. jdtCity and la employed a l tho Cassia ««

I N ational bank. Her fiance, a gradu- II a te of the Utah S late Agricultural m ir college a t LoRan, U a.«oclated wlih o c

h is father In farming on the M ln- int I Idoka project.I * ¥ ■ ¥ . to

I G a m e s F e a t u r e d .lo‘ B tn iL . Jan. 22 — Florence Cobb <=h ' and in s Jacques were hostesses to

the Cedar Draw club m e e l^ g ja a t _

Bm iiee^Gwt^” M i ^ u In charge _ o f . U je ..p tegram .-conducted-three ot

r Hicks. Mrs. Boy M oniioa and Mra. M.> Oladj'a Hicks. I Della—R aedela-and—AnniB—IiOq -sa

MacKay will be hostesses Feb. 20 daII w ith Laura Crtsp In charge of the11 program. ch0 * * * n ,

1 C l u b M e e t s ">• JEROME. Jan . 22-M rs . A. A. S« ^ Woodhead and Mra. W ibon C hurch- J}|

Sm ltli wna hostess to her bridge d club. High prize won won by Mrs. i f» WlUlam Spaelh. sr.. nnd aecond high- prize by Mrs. Bert Fuller. Mrs.

Churchman won the guest prise. p

» i^ ~ G M ld re n -4 iSLO PATRI_______n gether because they cannot. The ^ g thing to do b to see th a t each haa £,■r tl i e 8a m e jie .c an p la y ,_ su y c iir jh aae Nsme constructive ability, usually,.t nnd three year.i no t very much. Tlie- younRcr one loves to pile the blocka a high and knock them down whileIt the older ono w anls lo build with " k them . , .

I t w on't do lo say to any group ^ o t children of any- nge. "Pluy nicely _0- T i o ^ r ^ e - v .m - i T v E i r r w i « i e ’':i- S

and leave them to tinil their way. ~ d I t la best to s ta r t them a t play be- V *-j - to rfr-leav lng rand -once -ln -a -w h lle _

take a look n t them to see how th ings a re going,

T he host child Is llltcly to be a M blt-'\ipplshril3clng::in_U it-:drivcr’s : :» ‘ aeat, and h e may need a b it of , coaching. I n any cose,. remember g

th a t age and experience make a lot ■, of d itterenee between children and

j . -« .ct_accoM H B ly,_^----------- ---------------;r —

*** '"""Jl.^ alUul* tomtUilnr Ju l (MkI. Dr. F«lrl

npUlTu how to e tt chlldrtn tn n t tJit C.

Cp«r fooili In hit booklat Ko. 90], n

Children," To obUlB » copr nml H■S 0."B«"w.°fil.S.)n S: litw Yeikl"ti. y! ^


f-C H O eO L A T E A/

l l O t lI I PURE PORK

- S a u s' 1 "Taste Good"




&f e a w M g i g i i B i i a

T w i n F a l l s G i u b ’ H "

M e m b e r s R e p o r t ___

, W e e k ' s S e s s i o n s ™leason on "the old prospector" # t * the-m eetlng‘M onday^f'C aiiii>Tiiary Lois. D aughters of U U h Pioneers, a f * the home of Mra. W. L . Chauiicey. ' Mnu Richards was asalated by Mrs.Violet Beus.

Mra. Chft»nf>v « pA«m'w ritten ' In honor o t h e r mother, Th Mrs. Horace Ilancey, and Mrs. MeU Phoebe W nilams read "A Miner's p. m Ten Commandmenta." Mrs. Chaun- E. S; cey, aajilstcd by Mrs. W illiams attd Mra. Mabel Judd, served retreah* M: ments. a t 3

-------- hou:________ M niinlanlile. Club________ Mr.

Mrs. Joe Berks was hostess a t an . l U ^ - m e e t l a g - a n d —acwiiig_ica- _ m i d ^ - w L ^ e ^[” "| t'{*.‘‘‘'*_c lu b - ^ e

• needy family and a potluck lunch- eon was »er\ed. Mrs. Oeorge R ltler i>-

I and Mrs. H. Burgm an were gutjis.

P ast Oraclea „- — A -new -T tig.m aklng-proJect—way

planned a t Uie m eeting of the Past Oracles' elub M onday a t th e home of Mra. Chris SIms. The nrnlfft.

- wll! be Rtnnc(r"ai tne ciub'a next, ■ S“

r R i J p e r t ' M e r r i b e r s ' , J

■ , H o l d C e r e m o n i e s S1 RUPERT, Jan . 21—T lje annual In- Ma

atallatlon ot Adah circle, Order of hos• EasU m s u r . waa held Friday a t tho on , home of Mrs. F rank Harris, r New ottlcers are Mra. Harris, pres- ^6 Ident;-Mra,-C,-H.-Bur8her, vieeprr.i- tCM

Ident. and Mra. L ila B. Benedict, p.» aecrelar>--irta.'surer. wll

Tlie ln»tn1Iatlon wan eonducted by fur1 Mrs. Tom Cook and Mrs. Charlca sch» Goff wllh Mrs, H. B. McMillan read- to- Ing the prayer. me

The commUtee preaented corsngeato new ottlcers. (

Tlie afternoon featured a dLvrus- Prislon o t Uie work pertaining to Uie soc

b chapter. Tli0 ¥ ¥ ¥ - wit

' — b a d i e s ^ A i d ^ — Ir1 — D E C C 0 r 3 i 5 r i i = r f i r r a t t i - r a « 't o t.lhe .D ec lo -P resby tcrlan church n. m e t.ttt-lh e -ch u r eh ..T h ut« lay_»iim- -Jip 1. Mrs. Ray Hosmer as hostess.

Mrs. Lawrence McCall announced . xt -«sslgimtent»^or^>rereea9-«nd-Oran>:0 da mlaslons spwlng. le Tho new aewing committee In­

cludes Mrs. Clifford Sutton. Mrs. Robert SImplot. Mrs. Viola Schrenk and Mrs. Annabell Bogby.

The lesson was given by Ktrs.» Schrenk. ’riie nex t mceUng will be nc

held a t Uie church Jan . 31. Mra. T l

S ’ W C T U M e e t s - ws. Mrs. Mackey Brown was hosteas

Friday to members of the Women'a ChrlsUan Tem perance union. Tlie ^ meeUng opened wlUi group singing !

- Ky .4Fg ^tirr^lIsabelle Spademan gave devoUons. J l

The program on world peacc was i,. given by M ri. May Blake, assisted

- T}y-m tm bcrr-or-The-gTonp.-M rs.-J. — „ P. Ferguson, aaslatcd by Mrs. Anna, , Irw in, ser^’cd refreshments.M ---------------- ^ ------------------ .

'• E v e n t s P l a n n e d Sle MURTAUOH. Jo n . 32—David O. tl ■h Moyea waa speaker a t the MIA aa- u

sembly program. T h e Scout troop n was In charge. u

2 Plans were made to r the “ m eet h m*-«t-MutuaV=-ovenli»ir-io-bfr-held- —

_ Wednesday and also to r th e ward ^Oold and Oreen ball lo be held s

; ; -

B i r t h d a y F e t eJL _ JlB Y B U R N ,.Jan ..22= M tjm dJ.Irfl,‘7 E lw ln-S teubo 'en tennlned ' in 'Jionor

ot tho birthday anniversary of Mrs. CorlU Ham mer, Idaho Falla, who Is vlslUng relaUves here,

nd ¥ * ¥

— B o ) ? e s “S ’e n t — ^«•- ePRINQDALE. Ja n . 33—Members

clety have sen t U boxes o f home- fi- made candy, cookies and cake to

servicemen. I t waa reported here V: Monday. ___________________ _


■ L S ...E a (

s a g e 31' C R A N I

1 Pound P ack ag e .___

' ' T I M E S - N E W S . T W I NI N F A L L S , I H A H q

C a l e n d a r •

SH O SHO N E-Jotly SUtchera will m »ot-«t-3;30-P.-in>-Frlda y -a t-U ia .■name of.M rs. r ium rcg ro a T g n r—________ * ____________win. n i ^ —T he, Filer W oman’a club will meet- Wednesday' lor ft program j j „ on.Amcrlcan homes by Mrs. MarUn- dale 'Woods.

The Wesleyan Service guUd of the Prii Melhodlst chureh wll m eet a t B orlg p. m . Wednesday w llh Mr*. Vemon- -wn E. SmlUi, 010 Blue Lakes boulevard. • 7

* * * Uia M aioa elub membera will m ret Ryi

a l 3 p. m . Thursday a t tho school- urd house. Mrs. Homer Craw tord and

— T he-L oyal-W om an 'a-cU ss-a t-tiic , ^ P lrs t C hristian church will ho ld_ i parly a t p. pi. T hursday with Mra. Edna Sm llh. Co-hoatesaea will '' '* be Mrs. Earl Miller, Mra. Oabe wc Johnston and Mrs. H. J . Reynolds. B*‘

* * » C -;__ RQlL,call_wiU_be an 5wcred_wi!h,"niy husband's best alibi" a t Uie „ Oood Will club meeting a t 2:30 p.m. Wednesday wlUi Mrs. H . H. Soper. ^•906-T hlrd-avcniia wntt M n , .Inhn __Rodman will fumLMi the whlto ele­phant._________ . .

The Rock Creek WorthwhUe club J will meet a l 3 p. m. T hursday, In- M stead of Wednesday aa previously I reported, a t the homo o f Mra. Jake ■

• Ma.son w ith Mrs. Ru.uell 'Larsen, « t. h03ic.vi. D r. Olenn Hosa will talk ' 9 on polio.

¥ ¥ ¥Mrs. E. M. Do.wett will be hos-

. tesa to U ic-E m ftnon-olub-at-13:30 - , p. ni. Prlday. A poUuck lunclieon t

will be aerved and rolls will be ■ > funilshed. Election o t offlcera la s scheduled. Members aro requested . to bring old ChrMlmas cards to the

meellng.S ¥ ¥ ¥ .

Oroup meetings Qt " Uie Flr.^t . PresbyU rlan chureh W omen’a as- ) Roclatlon wll! bc held a t 3:30 p . m.

Tliursday. Oroup No. 1 will meet w ith Mra. J . M. Pierce, leader, 2D0 Seventh avenue north ; group No.

- 2.-wltn-M r/:ru-U T5reckenrH l88n3T “ J- Seventh—aventie-norlhr—w llh—M rsr

Oeorge Moore, leader; group -No.- 3. a l the homo of Mra. £ a r l P iun ty ,

■4COTOUTth"avenuBTiortnrwlth"Mr».- ~. Calvin See. leader, and group No.’

R. L. Dunken, leader..................... f ..................

“ C h a p t e r M e e t s»• ALBION, Jun . 22-N aom l chapter 16 No 4. O rder o t E astern S tar, met »• Thursday n igh t tor lhe. secretary's“ ■nna ireuBurur'a rejiuria;-------- ---------------

The charter wns draped In memory of Mrs. Allle Butler. Mrs. H. E. Welsel nnd Mrs. J. H. M ahoney con-

I,; dueled th e ceremony... Mrs. W alter Amende and Mrs., , Mark Bowldcn were on tho refrtsh -

m ent commltiee. ' •!r The next meeting. Feb. 7. will

reaturo“ a“ d r l i rb y T .IS rS lc v c “jra -* honcy-anfl-sym bolism o f l h o ' east ^ by Mra. C. E. Slmonscn.t ------------- ---------------------------- --

P a r t y S p o n s o r e d“ ■ - PA IRPIELD .-Jan.-33 — ADubllc -

'card party wan sponsored by Uie Camaa club Thuraday evening a t ,

O* tho American Legion ha ll and took : s- tlie place o t the regular January • sp meellng. Proceeds will be given lo j

the liludent council to pay fo r new • e t high school band unttorms.Id— no5HKses“ lo r~ tn8“ ewninif“ wefS’ “ rd Mrs. T. T . W okerslen. Mrs. Wayne Id 8toke.< and Mra. M. J.-K tm a.

• ■ I L et Us R e b u ild Your ] 'OLD MATTRESS

or " ^ n l ^ $ 5 ; 0 C T D o w i i "V • and *1.00 per week

New M atlreaa and Box Springs Made -to Order

Onn Day Rervlra ___ .10-Year O uaranteo

sra T W I N FALLS- M A T T R E S S -F A C T O R Y -

Booth Pork Phone IWO-E 15 Vears Experience


nd WED. I

K h l 9 c

3 L b |.* l IiBERRIES I

1 5 c i

W est ^

K i m b e r l y G r o u p . P i

S e t s H a t D o n e eKIMBERLY. J a n . 33—A ho t dance gram

will be held_at_B:30 p,_m.^8aHirday. ,Woma iy-m em borr-of-tlie-D ouU aud-Shp*- -vnicra pera club of Kimberly. Tlie event a revl w in.be hekl-ln.lhoK lm betly-Oranse. .. h a ll with Mr. and Mra. -Clarence H eath a n d Mr. and Mra. Al Han­kins a^ hosts.

Members are to wear ha ts repre-

^ r" * e ^ w m ^ " g lv e n *foTuie*'mMt original chapeaux and those nol w carlng-^hata wlll. b e .penalltfrt,’ The Kimberly club abo announces th a t members were gaests ot the RVPert Hoedownera club laat Sat­urday.

¥ ¥ ¥ .

— — P a r t y - G i v e n * - ^ —Mr. and Mrs. J . D. Staata were

hoat3~to~Uie:r.ueky-13T:lub-gauirda!r '-evening~wiut Mr. and Mrs. J. O.Winkle aa co-hosts. Pinochle prizes were received by M r. and Mrs. J . N. Blakley, high, nnd Mr. and Mrs. B.C.- H uffman, second high.

Tlie nex t meeting will be a dinnern t- 7 - p m —P e b .- lf r - a t - lh f r -h o m * -o t-----Mr. and Mra. Roy Smalley, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Blakley._________

le '- 4 0 3 M ain Ave. W e lt - >0 Phone 2860

t e

- U s e d

c— u p ^

: all F(•R

! • Rad

Buy N<

P r o g r a m G i v e nRICH FIELD . Jan . 33-H latory of by d

larly Id ah o settlers was tho pro- lUustr gram Uiple to r the Richfield Peten WomanU—elub—«lU v--M r»^D .-E .- aerapl w iie iu . p iugiuiii um iium n.'une tivs* 'Veiw‘ a review o t M n . Claire Bracken’s Wllco

P r o p e r d i e t . . . aupc rv la ed b y y v e r y h n p p y I n c f d o n t . . . g iv in g y b e i n g n n d h c n lth fu l jo y .

“ E n e r g y ' ' iti a m u c h n e e d e d qu in g d i e t s . . . O lym p ic M e a l B re a i c o m b in n t io n o f f in k e d w h o le g r f l& v o r . . . p ro v id e s e n e r g y . . . d i e t s .

O ly m p ic M e a l B re a d m alteB V. t a s t e d . . , a n il b r in g s y o u itm ri

- p r o t e in ® .--------------------------------------

. ___l- .-Y o u T -G ro e ^r-h aB -O ly m

f e . . . Famoua For Famous N a

i S a lour entin

L A p p l i a

Famous NomisRefrigerate idibs=-4.Ra swing Mocli dsHiiirig Mac 4ow!...;AikIk's - Easy Payirii

Bok. H U lorr 'o f Idaho. . 'Club a e m h e rs answered roIl;e tll. f deacrlbm s Idaho aeenle lu slra tedw lthp lc tu rtf.M rB .A ltbu r . eterson oulUned plana tOf t t e du ft ’ J J

/llcox. ' .

)y y o u r d o c t o r . , . e a n f a ’ft. j _Ig y o u a n e w f e e l in g o f w e l l ' -.-i

1 q u a l i ty . • . d u r in g re d u o - r e a d . . . m a d e f r o m a a e c r r t ,! g r a in s . . . w i th a b u n d a n t . . d u r in g t i r c s m e r e d u c in g ' '

a th e " b e B t~ to a ir t • y o u w e r ~ n o re y l ta m in e . m in e r a ls a n d . _ _ c H

ly m p ic M p b T B re n il. ______ ■ —^

^ T “ire stock of

a n c e s —

and more

3 . - . - . ‘ ----------------------— '

ors anges :hines— i^ines id Save -[riien^ Plan;^ —

Page 6: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...lub a t»*—"nie * tod»y «h*r*« «ul I* gy.^U'.ble- twe»tert,, >'Q. 2S2- - oice

R M t A U A N G U S-----------D r.D O D -O IL lliV H ----------

W l Bllver-cre'elc. U ia t fcunoiu strear th a t wln«l< Its way. through th Wood river vaJTey. haa become- .

M l aportffineo a lthough th s genera H I ib h in s M u o n Is g m m t t m a a m IB ' . .aeveral

H ___ ^ T lio *tat« tlab■ ■ ■ arid gnnie Com- j p —■ I m lulon se t aside| H A two'inllB A retch i S z 'Z j S K t . J j| B oT tho .n trcam .ro r 1 ... ^H — T l y ^ » s h « m e n - o n l r * r - ^ « S J ' '*M lajit week 'A n a ~ e u r% '—M — th c bayTrmnltr^taI I I ■ nv e -rish in - th o t

M l Many leaders in ' ," ' . '■*•‘jjp f the o r R a n l s o d .I ? ! unortsincn’s movement In Magii ; • Vnllpjr h i t th a roof when newn oy ' In from Dol!ie_. Pay

T T Thomnn. Tw in Fallfl, dLiirlct com,^ P th

tlon mada bo I t O. Cole, ColKi .* - r rew Jy-nam ed commUnlon chalrmniJ ^ . ----------T ho-U iu8 -U _ la£_ I«n i_< Icad^ IA t may chanfte before fishing sU r t III There aro argumentu on both aide IH of tha eajse. And there Is more to th W iW ry .th an meet* th e eye a t flr« IB glance.H I ■ T he Silver creele conlroversy wl. I l l - ba providing aomo eklrmWies In th | H near future.

W | —— r5y ih tnk"youT iava-trouW «?-yr ■ I thould ba In th e ahoea ot U r rH i a io n t, bead coach a t n ie r.

Tiil.i U ona o t those yeara «hei I H Filer U short o f experienced. U! m and big m en fo r' a ll sportfl. Foot m f ball waa disastrous. The baaketba, J l l f l season hasn’t provided m u ^ mor

w ith Filer coming ou t on the shot i j u l end of tha score more times tha:

i l l , " 's to n e sold. •'Wo haven 't given ui K. ._ We’re still in there battling altlioug

J i l |. ■ tha odds seem to be groyln g .J vtl-------to t to "h an d “ ll” tO“ TnyTrtd«rThe

• i l J ' _ aovsr Klve.up, bu t havs yau got------ipftrB^lByer~^W lnff~in"7our-T i|

i '> |r ^ •a e ^ c o a e h of th e Wildcats wa

— ^ n i l h n S r a ^ i i y T i n n o - ^Iklli Rupert. Ha discovered th a t tour oiIB l l of th e flvo sta rters on hls team wlI H n ba sidelined tor a spell.IH H Sehatt has chicken pox, DoIHn M arlin has n brolten rib, Jerry Wi:V Uam wn la bod*rldden wllh a strej I th ro a t Infection and Boyd Tlplon H y t of

V "S av en j o ther kids were runnir H a round w actlce w ith runny nosea.' H I f , tW ngs Ilka thla U.at mak(

■ . you wonder someUmes why .youn H T m en enU r tho coaching protesslo ■ f t and why the older ones have ulcer

!l| .Two Teams in “ ~THflFTom-ney r Maiiitaiirtead

i L ! ' Stayner’s Sporting Oooda aiK ra i's Plnwheelers swept match

I ha re In tha rifle tournament spoi

B0red..by tha Twin PalU Rlfls ai

----- plaMrciulrto*7nBlntalf>-a-cloM-<>ntwo lead a tte r Uio sccond match th e la s t hn ir o f flrlnR.

-------- The-PlnwhoBlors-dowied.QerrJ.Sporting Goods 5-0 and Stayne;

H igh score of tho week was tiri by David Tlcknor with 351 out ot

___ pOMlble 400. Ha wns ttfllowed 1— " E iT iIo 'l^ l w ith 300 arid LcwU Hi

wlUi 388.Bcores Included:

—‘1 'iF jj 1* '

X«>li l u l l. C ip t.---- IM IW H M :i i »i i : :

O«l»^v^huinor» M •» •*l.|j |[ij--- OrJJ n«*»W V— Jl *: «»

I' \yf ■ . Jm khuO nnlMI Jl»ak J»nklM, C*»l. jOO IM 11 II

I(j — - ? s -

] ” «3 *i ?«1 _

l l i atAnii^* Biwtlni Ceodt , »H . J*ektn« CSrrroltl -I •M Cwrkh 8p®rtlB« OooJt . I

; Game Switched'• HANSEN, Jan . 22-T he sehedu

I - basketball game between H an

and Hazelton Friday night will Clayed *at Hazelton Instead ot KI berly as previously announced. ') chnngo'w a.1 mnde because ot a c f llc t In dates for the Klmbi gymnasium. Coach Jerry Bellon : nouneed. H ansen Is playing Its he cam es a t 'k lm berly UUs season.

TWagic Val.IeyT — ■ Cage Schedule


-V-*------------- liiu|.I»Jlu"ilufn-»l-Ilal>«rt______lUnien at MsIU

I. fiSMhoDi »i Clmni Tm r ]<>IItr «t Ctrrr

J.mm* «t nur1*|r “nnWltlB I I - BUM---- .£dtn «t Jm o»Jlmiiun kt lUiflloB y.til »t CMtWonj ^ .

- KknBi r«7T7 »* Coo<H«« BUI*W«Bdell >1 KlmUrU

y*)U----------------- -------------

rf— — -


^ l ^ e C l a B x H i 0


I The Rupert Piratc.«i nnd *'aolo’’ conteat tonight in B other Icnguo tcnmu take a •%caiiIng-for.,a_hig week-end night in Magia Vniley wi l l “ c o m in f ro n " P r id n y T in d bc «n-on-SfttuWla->^-Qthcr gan] toiilKht pair BuhVat Wcnd(

H n n s e n n t M a l ta , D ic t r i c h .B e llcvufi, G o o d in g S t a t e

,g E lia n , S h o s h o n o a t G le n !i ot F e r r y , H a i le y a t C a r e y a ?aul H a g e r m a n a t F a i r f i e l d . T om* Twin ra lfT T Jru ln s nre Idle ui

Saturday n igh t w hen they eni , the lain lhe Pocatelte.Indian*. • mo»- nupiT t; w ltu uu uynnd'rlpw n-T olKe, ord to to r thla season,' fhould nnn. on the up cyelo fo r th e game n t ^ U . Je r-T l)e Plratea. h lL iia rd hj'.g ra i krts. ntlon. a re developing rapidly hi Ides ever under Coach Jack i m t nnd the a constant th rea t,

tlrst Filer, already the w eakest team the league, received' ano ther b

will Monday when Conch Larry Si- the learned tour o f his five sl.irl

men wilt bo on th e sidelines uIUi ness and Injuries.-

You -m m rsM & s ou t 0/ thu-Blff'Oe- »rry to r a game a t W endell and Coi

Lee Popplawell’s crew will be out hen even the scorc w llh llio Trojn ta ll Wendell defeated Quhl earlier t

oot- month- In a hectic ' overtime gn •ball a t Diihl. The con test rate.'t as a to lore up. w ith any edge going to tiort homestandlng T rojans, h a n Pnul and Heyburn lock hom a

Rupert In th e top clfts-i B game up. Uie evening. Both have IiIrIi-sc

lUgh Ing (lUlntet.s and are nn)ong th e >: I ’ve t t r c lass‘B tennw iri the d ls lt

-‘n»e-con tes t-p rom lM ft-io -be -a— 5t a and tuck a tfa lr with nny pre-gn.^ ip . : f a v o jita 's .;n le -a ^ ff - to ^ a u l.------

H nnsen plnys a t M alta and Is was vorcd to score a win. nlUiough- fnn . Huskies will have irouble In

■mall-M alta-gym nasmm T lir gn out eould go e ither wny. vlU D ietrich Invade.i Bellevue nnd

th e underdog. Bellevue hns pro Don to be tough on Its Kyna-sium 1 Vyil. season and hoa rolled up a tine i ren . ord for Uie size o t lls school. , . ‘u Oooding su ite plnys a t BlLu f In . another game Uint ha.n tha <

^ r k ln g s J

m ” * e r team cnpablo seorlnB a win akef Shoshone plays n l Olenna Fc

a n d Coach P au l o .uyn 's ylsH ,,i„ r ra te as a sligh t prc-Romo-favoi

Shoshone has la st several hei * breakers this season by Alnglo po

fH-HfltlrM»-HnrtT:hnT-n-hfttr t—tlthiin’ lts 'w on and lost-record-w t

[ Indlcntc. O lenns Fcrr>', however, ba tough on Its home court.

------------ Hallfiy plftvfl- aL ,C arcy _ a n (l_^ Wolvertnes will have (o be a t t: / best to de tea t th e Carey stjund. C

i.' ey has a po ten t tenm and cnn i

Hnlley a batlla unle.u tlrs t ntrl

and Hagerm an travels to FairfI tches w eather permitting. In a no ther gi pon- th a t has no pre-gam e fa v o r ite . ' and M ushers will bo ou t to win this

J n r . t hftlr ennf.h. W nvna_Fagp ..' ;h o f hns been hospitalized In 1> ’ln F

SS Local Bow lers C on tinue Lea( IffEU iTLoop

Twin PaUs n k s eonUnued-to-1! ! n a slim lead In the tr l-clty Eika b<I . »7s ing league ntUrr Uie second mee8 - s » of-thB-Tilx-lengiie-atjunds-over-* jJ I post week-end In Idaho Fnlls.a $ss ITae Ta-ln r a i l s tcflm held a IJ j j j Ba flb~^ a j^ i i~ o ver~its nearert*

Idaho Falla.» is t Tn-o-team each are en tered f f 5‘» Twin Falls, Idaho F a lls nnd Pii t«? tello-

. Sternberg. Pocatello, 185: McCu ,, . . . Pocatello. 183: Coleman, Tw in F n »u IBO; Stone. Pocatello, 170; Yo T 3ts Pocatello, 170; MeMnlna, T a'In f '*_a** ^7H'■----------pMatollo,.^#^:Jl«ruohr-'CUr'lU-£is-sM ns.-nnd- Commdn*, T w in Fnlls.

__Id a h o -F a lU -E lk s-h a v e - th e -:17 SM team game record for boUi ser IS s n and handicap play w ith l.OOl iJ 55* scratch nnd 1.1J8 for handicap. 1 ’• Fnlls Elks have Uie h igh team s>

for scratch play w ith 3.803 a n d Ii . t « i Palls Elks hnd the high team s

, fo r handicap play w llh 3.170.. “ I -------T he"nex t meeUng o f-the-3e

» win be held Saturday and Su)-------- 40 Jw la ,f» U 4 wlUx-play-startit

G p. m. Saturday and 0 a. m . I dny.-

•duled Domer B ertich. Tw in Fnll; ansen p residen t of t h e - traveUng .. >111 be league.KIm* ■ ----------------------------

"S- Robinson Signs V - Pact to Defend'

Title in ’Friscor r n i J^SA N _I31A N C16CO_Jan._:2-Q -- WHll«m-P, K)7ie, prom oter or

15-round mIddlcwelRht title -1------ here~Peb.— H —between—chnn:>-■ Sugar nny Robm^on nnd _ _ J (Bobo) O bon. Honolulu, nnnou--------- •n r 'lw d -m rlT td '-R o b ln to n is-s l

contract along w ith a $3,300 c ^ guaranteeing the la ttc r's npi

_________ T he hftiir, nrlclaally schcdulala sl Dec. 20. hfts been postp tw ic e 'n t the request of n o b t He stopped Olson In 13 rounds i they m e t In PbJJnrielphJa. Oct invi. finrt UMII- . pm h» favorite to win Uits Ume.

Robinson's stnblemate, mi<• w eight Baby Day, will appea

th e sim e prognun against an ponent to be^niimed la ter.

• YA.VKS Sl ^ ' C O I X lS ^=: — rJEW -VORK,janz3XW i^Tl)e

Y ork Y ankees have announeec lUTw^ •slgnln*-of Joe .C allliJi_£m iuit.

m meTous f irs t basemen. *rpm----------- tH T "cbntiacrw oT rT I5rTiK non______Collins batted .sac In IZi gome:

ashes SetIFTalle^aiiTimighJnd t h o F i l e r W i ld c a t s w ill p la j B i g S e v e n c o n f e r e n c e a c t io n w l a b r e a t h e r f ro m c o n fe re n c e g a r

n d . N in e c o n te .s l s a r e a c h e d u lc d w i t h ' r — — "

B o w l i n s S c o r e s

id e ll, "" c :„ ,|„ c „ —

a t c 'n w i T . I Z ' I Z I Z Z - i i» i” J n t ^ ^ li. ’, t 1«e n n n T h o m .i'............... ii : i «

n n d • = ' — i l ! J U J i lT h e “ *

h l i iaifWiiiu m ................. it:, k i i«i

ltd be Nfr _ i«

xadUr. fia ««i,ow- II *1

am in K rv»n-------------------- i n ij" litWow •h’l lJ .X ' ..........— r \ l ' i l l -3

BUmo • - *■ -----------

..... ISeven' -Jrhn.nn—j -------- ------- M—|M—JJtCoach ------------- ---- ” III ! a

ojnns.r thU T o u i . ----------------- «»Rame flt, Kdwir4‘i Nb. S

, tOM- H.t-’llrip ---------------- 1J« US U«' ^ r» -" u " .'!L Z Z Z Z r Jj l is m■na.nt A. ils j «me o t w. U n e --------------- _u i• scor- TnUU _____ KflO Sll M7e bet- . 'rrMbir'itrUnjtlrlcl. ----------------'I JJ IJJ };.'.■ ^ p . '^'^','1.------------- =i!S - ! ; ; - ! : i-game j , r.^m rr........... ..........n» u i IM

Is fn- *'■ -------------- i i ’ J i ih - th e Totii* __ ______ iio is i sss

t s s t tI Itnnttro ___ IS ^ U S

ind ts Jll'*, i n i»;proved ---------------^ ihuj ........ . vu n i;e rec- iiurkii.n .... ...... .......... isi u ;

iLlS In Lolhii/n*e ar- iinn'iie^p __________ ms ms i«

choois !;: r z z z r r : ? ? ? {» i ”k'ln. T.' Mrrrr '— .....""l.-.-lJK- lU IStFerry --------------J ' -IsItor.H • Tou’» , . • "3j Bil n>avorltor ______ — . .henri* MKnaiASTH i.kacui!

^ e " m !?S 155would ii“ uuri .....................l i i - i ’Ktl-iJ;

i:-J'lntrr ...IHI HI UJi-iWs. ____________ — —r —

I th e ir Toiii. ------- •WTiUwK'.'’ *”'• c « r - H .ncllc.^____W

string- IJ!' 15'i

irfleld, u i J i * ' _____« ' w . —lls ona A a II I’liimhimJ, who .. ................... n>; n s ivI Fnlls. I ? ” ; !*": - -"— I*;

I li r ln l t ------------— ...... l^.t" l l i ■ I j;

a -ho ld ToiAta --------- --------«o< «« »»■< bowl- W altrn Opllc«lacetlnR n .c H f .p ....... ............in u i uer-the->• Shlrr.ri .................... i ; j ll<fl two- tUiyrik y __________.,>m l« ' !«■

i from -.................... ,13 ,{5 .*■Poca- il,,..!)*',------- -------m no la

^ u l ’d?!’ sT co ^ om -----------1 Falls. Touu __________ SJJ f . : i :Young, — — -

IUn.K.->p o; t

i.Z alkT .jivv<.c -------- --------113. b i ; : - - - ....•e-hlKh. ' i ' - i r n - i.-.scratch -------- -------Ml to r -------- *’*p. Twin ii.n.iio.n _J._............ u:. t.r. r,n series S. lUli ...................... li«i im ll

IK 1;E. Johnion_________11* ::5 U

■league --------------------Sundny ---------------------

^ ■ ^ R i m b C T l y W ' i n ^ ”nils. U KIM BERLY, Jnn . 'j::-lIon ry S Elks duce, Kimberlj-, detented Buhl

cees 77.55 In n Mngic Valley o league gam e. T lie w inners built 41-18 lend n t the h.ilf nml co In for Uie vlc(br^•. p';iccd by

. . Malone w ltii I’J jioUii. . Aiu lliistcncl nnd Ouckeiulorf cnch : 11 to r Buhl.

K eith .Thomns, newlv^aec : 2_ t.c _ outflolder 'f o r th e Plillnrielphli o l Ute spcjjas tlic o//-.'iPn-'on as n st:

e - tlRht n l Knnsiis S ta te college, nmplon i Carllounced ^

m ' t o eS n G LO SS ' . - i S r i E N A M E L ............ . . .q H .

^ ^ A T I N - S fnilddle-lear on —“ * O u r B i f f W a l

Beautifu l Patternl i e a j c f f - __________ _____eea -tn e A '■ g ~

— ~5TA J-t-loilhctd: ^W»-MAIN-AVE.-C;----------n M .lu t

R i c h a r d s

t twhile;ames


; s

Tio i m

l a « s The Rer. Robert Richards, i : t 411 clears the bar w ith polcvault i

” delpliia Inquirer ciiarKy trackown record of 15 feel, two Ine

h ls pfllerauIL (NEA telrpli'olo

11 Illinois M« Y i T % • 1.

J i J J ; , K E V V t^ Y O R K c J a n .^ f ebn.skctbnll team , which

*” time lo take over the Nc .i3i-tec Preaa poll, finally made il

jji I B e n g a l s B e a t

7 ^ n s W e s t e r n S t a t i

l j | l l L 6 5 : : i 5 j G a m :l«i 46J POC.\TELLO. Jn n . 22 LTI-V

- - — • Inc n tiiNt-brciik to uetir-pc n>a STJJ iio„ iiie Idaho SUilo colk'Ke

gnls easily detented We.iicrn eolIcRc B5-45 M onday nlghf.-H

100 so# the Uilrd victory I n . f o w . Ij3d_4M M ounlalu__ toutcrcucc__ bask}5; hil slnrl.i to r Uie DciiHnlii. i : i s i: "nie vl.'.ltors never ihreni IJI « ; Sam Beckham of JSC eniinei

~~~ 7p* fl rrt flplH L-f>n1 nnd Ed* ‘ 2-2. 77:c!i Che loc/ti.i drew In

:• Si 14-10 and made It 24-13 n t Uii _ f '" of Uie quarter,

n , ' While Beckham and Dick I ien I'.ci;) topped Idaho SUUo .icoring wl

pom u cach. I t wns Dill Hnys. Ri . , 5, who caugh t tho tnns ' fancy,

a re.ierve all season, -itarted . . . wound up w ith 13 points.

_1!1I___ A U_nnil_H iu)K_Bl'i2Sij£or'if.u even two-ililril;; or Weaicrn £'''• I’olntJi. Atl liinked IG, a n d '!

jjl!’ 14. Mo:il of tiie Io. er.s polnt*m---------comp from f;ir. o u t.a lte r they.»«« ;«5o to succe.vtfully penetrate the

:ni 'n i IDAHO KTATK *5. WKSTKtIN RT> ' .-‘"''Ji" WV«I»rci SL »c <l pr .Sl. (II.J <ii> AU f c 4 S'litikciwf :

Jnnnion-t----I-n '.-o ;|irrlti.rrrf~ 1*°» t>ouJ / 2 2 1 I.«eh r 1• »t i : « ?Kirok*t » 2 * !

ii” -n*e 0 0 o'il‘ « 'e* i 1“ V'? f '

Im Ml * 0 0 0

thrnwt' riiii'iVl r WMtttn Hl» « <:» :. 1)011,1 -J. iiu)..k 4. i-.,n- sun.i

i j i ('” SU>'—"'"“Iff. •'"'■fr «. lliyt

S m a s h e r - o f - € a g i

■ " ' ‘ F i x e s H o n o r e dt : ::f. NEW YORK. Jn n . 22 «>—D

•AttowBy-FTfink R Uncnn w JKMJQa!a-»fl?.^'?lU2cn o f . Uie

llll u : by Sports LodRC, u Knl'TJ'RV .11,^ V ontnnlsnUon'B— llrst— a

mu awards dinner a t Uio Hotel Sunday night.

« iM O thers who will rcceive a' }-•! It was nnnounced today. Ii iv; I'H) Jersey Joe WiilcoU. Ford un i;o Diclc K am 'iaier, Florence Chc

. nnd Al Schacht. _______•_

• FHENCH HOXER DIES;---------------- R O U B A IX - i^ a n c C rJa n - lI - M iistapha Mustrtphnoui, 20

Tl- old form er fli-weighl champi i Frnpce. died Mondny of li

r i , . w received in n bout Sunday ulli u n i “tminst th e Bclglnti tighter,. co.i.Med ______________________by WebMidrcivj, I GUARANTEED:h scorcd R A D I O S E I I V I (

) RA.VC 10^. tn C. r.I tB i kiOTnaoi.A tUDios

.c c i .iM ; COM M UNICATION!-------- BAI>IO-SERV*CB—

aiuurni j p j,„ ,

V W l-A T J-H E S E^ IV -B A R G A I N S

, $1.7 9 '^ $ “4791 iPRED G O, $ 4 .9 i' a l l p a p e r S a l e C o n t i n u e s

rns (li Alonei/ Stfving- Prices

e:h d w e . c o ~------------------------------------------- FHONS-U

\ ----------------------------

T I M E S - N E W S . 1

s Tops Himself

r . . . .—

rds, representing lh e Illinois Athletic' lit a t IS fed , th ree Inches during tha Fl ack meet. The Ver. Str. R lehird* broki Inches a n d le t a new track meet recort I'OlO)____________________

floves Into» i , « c 1 1

------The-Univpr5ity~of~IHh h n s been threatfciiing for f No. 1 spot in the weekly Ahso'cI 2 it today and dropped Knnsius t( — ■ I n iin i^ -up iilaccT~Tinra~ . • .4ns, which barely manas

IL . 'C9-66 win over Nebniaka week, skidded from the

i f p perch Uic Jnyhawks hnd held Jan. 2. K ansas hnd been No

--------n f i 't iis t three polls, wim Illl;l l g clo.^e up second ench time.

—W ork- cclvcd trom the nnUon'.t sporLi ■-iierfec- er» nnd .niwrLsci'isters, nnd I KC Ben- KOI J25 first place votea, K rn su ite oiihCLl7._ In _ lolnt totnls. I .•.••It“w n .r’Imd 8C0 nnd Kansas, 834. r_ Rocky _Fof the th ird straight week, nsketbail 'tucky Li' No. ’ 3.‘ WlUl—ro?-!

while lowii rcmiilns No. 4 wli reatencd. voie.i. lowii cl2.0), beat I med lhe wr.^tern and Mlnne.sota handl mnde It gcele.Jn fron t Oihem'J.se Jn the top JO. th n the end tome Juggling nroRnd, nlthoue

same teams remained In the k Bauer list us n week nRo.

with 10 St. Boiiaveniure <10-0), mm . Rupert,, froni sixth to the No. 5 po ;y. Hays, siirprislngly, Diiqiiesne, the ted and other mnjor colleRO tenm witl-

rtef«-nt. skidded trom No. ^•ored a n j^£t;lc_ICLMoUO-._____^ :1 SUle.% Wn.shlnRWn, lender in the 1 a Buyok coa.si conteri-nce norlhcrn dl

folklltled It-s poMUon with twl ey.-lniiecl. jarioA-ovcr-OroBon-lasi-weck. h e URht and . 04-33. T lie lhwklc.v No.------------- Jinolt-mn.fvl iip ’n, fi,STATH 4S Team f.tnndlns^. with point

Is n i<t iifed on a 10-0-0-7-0-5-4-3-2-1 ;(lkai:;plncc-votca In-parcnthe:

J I a F irs t ten: 1—Illinois (25) 8C 0 « 2 Kansas (17) 834: 3-KentU cl l l i 707: 4-IOWft (12H 003; St.« 1 2 venture (10) 4141 0.-Wa8hl f ' " 17) 401: 7 -K iin sa s Stnle <5

— o ~ o ~ i' s r rx m iir -f4 ) '^ 2 o ro = w 'c s rv i 110) 312; 10-Duque.sne (0) 3(

; 7 ' r r 7 Sccon<l ten; JJ—Holy Cras, JO »—<.*i I fJ : u —icx ns ClirIs[riinri3T i r •SctoTr-Hflll-130;_l4-Jiiuiiyll

' ” <5: 1 5 -S t. John 's 102: 1(5—r u J i 'T (2) 00: n - U U h 72: 16-L n

CO: lO -sle n d SS; 20-lnd ia i O thers: 23—Senttle; 2J^B r

i r e ------- T&ung:.-2g= w yom ing'35:~3y =° (1): 3D -PorUnnd: 40-UCLA.

—D istric t T h e rccord for the longes L_silll_bc_£2GUiUlic_Iii\UQnttLlMll)alL he ycur" w 54 yards kicked -bv Glenn .■RWr.-at-MH-U o t-D olrolt in -1534.. ......—annual tel Astor i

t a w ard s .' •, Include •d Frick.□hndwIcU' ^

^ 2 2 - i v i - _____20-vesru.- ■ . . g . . ^ s = = J - i y M T = ^

mploR o t . • — In ju r ie s ;

ay n ig h t CUSHION SOLE SOCKsr, P ierre ■ R eg , 6 0 c p a ir — P a r t V

J FLIGHT BOOTS! Sheep Lined (Air Corps

I C E : TROUSERS, Heovy W( 10°o nylon for exlra j

,NS : SWEATERS^ J .0 0 fi_ W o o i.—-0_CU:

..SH!EPSKiN_LINERS.T.= = = = I For Bools ond Overshoi■ ; COMBAT BOOTSM , S turdy, comfortoble,...,C — : -M E M !S JACKETSJ C I W ool P loid — Double 1

I _SHIRIS_AND_DRAW.I' T o rlT W ooI underwear

>8 ™ u1 7;5Q x20 Single* ..........! 7 ;5 0 x 2 0 Duolt (Triple

8 :2 5x20 Duoli (Triple

M ------zz S w p l

, T ^ O N 'F A L L S . I D A H O

I WalcHii 1'I Tlitle Unit

■ N E W YOUK. Jan . 22 (/' f j m mission, snid M onday cn fronrHmruHlfJBB-hc'Til! '^ t r h a f d - h i t t i n g - N e w - p ion F->TJird Chnrlca and rtt>fcfltcd Rocky M arciiino B rockton . Jlasa., a s th F ’'f '

' m o s t contenders."Christenbcrry made the slaU:i

a fte r he hsd been asked It he r ned action similar lo Uint ot Loutajana-ktaUl-boxlnc-com^U^w hlfh withdrew rccognlUon :

H r - W alco tt Mondny.B P a T h «> Louisiana-commlMlon

th e action was tii lfcn 'tccnttfte o ti failed lo defend his tl'-Ie wsix month.i ns required by Uie

i ^ l ' ' UonaTDftxinrnssocIatlon:--------W alcott won the UUe by knot

o u t Charles In the seventh roui Pltt-sburgh, July 18. His six me period ot grace ended threo

I n Pittsburgh. Jnko Mliitz. n co-manager ot Clinrlcs. declare ' " I am very grnUfled th a t

chrlsienl)«rry-hns actcd--Ccr!: e elob, w alcb it should not be allowe P h lU . rttn a in inactive IndeliniUly.”

jko h lf xn Ifoli’oke, where WnlcoU jrd for scheduled to box nn exhlbUIon,

fcy Joe's manager, P e lk Boc----------- ehlo. declined to conunent or

action of Uie Louisiana eommU Bocthlcchio sold W nlcott Is

ing to defend his UUe against e Mnrciano or Harry (Kid) MaU

■' In M arch nnd then m eet ChariJune.

I — -------- He’ d ian 'fsny whnt-wouldhn--------------ln-lhc_cv(Jlt_W iilC O tL JW i<

* la « la n o or MatUiewa nnd-lO(

H om e - i l , nddllloh to flghUng c ic ia t e d Mnrciano or Mntthew.i in M t o t h o we will agree to give Eauird Cl

tv'iit. in_June.’- B occch io said.

tigect a "We'd prc(cr Mnrciano over k a l a s t thews and would Uke to hnv „ t n f tv boui In Boston, which would b lid since

1 ?n ________________lllnols a

..... Melbv ShootsrLswrlt* ^11 Z Z T l “I ^

i';= For Tide m : : : MatHighiigh

—aajo-Jun lo t-licav i-w cigh t-c i plonshlp ot Uic intermountnin

1 I will be n t stnke- here Wedn dlly last challenger Billy 1

In Uie mnln event of Uie wcckJ; program siwnsorcd by thele select

. ^ Action M aru at 8;30 p. ni.*1 '° ° ‘1>” <=

m ntches till oul Uie cnrd, ■ v.u , , r : appea rs to be tlie strongest

r « n t« d this jcu^on.A seml-tlnal will pnlr Fr

o ^ l ^ n r n ^ 'n T ^ w i t ^ ^C n l Roberts in a 45-mlnute 1 A s nn 'opener. Promoter Tex :

1 ; .? I’M -Pa'fw* unpopulnr-JnekJ. O lliSl. jjj jy JdllhO

iu u K . - tn^.tu?,' nesday by defeating Lip.%coml

o u t ot three fslls In a roug! tum ble m atch la.nt week.

Melbv. '"■■ho has populnr bn in rc in ia- -hcrc ..b la_ la iL _n iau_ ln_U ic

a n d among tlie stronKC.M ti ’/ii> sam e. He will have to i>e a l hi

A gainst f:iinim lngs..a,nng^’b.

- f r o m - r l ^ ' g ^ ^ ^ o a u l ! ! - ^ rP 'sM tn '3 '’® Of ll’* - m a t c h e s seer

'.n >“ « matched CimimlnR^ e lb y . The two grnpplers b J n r a nnr-hour.draw.alUi.efldi. la g one fall. "

T he match belweenlloy-nnd e rts . should be InterexUng. Boi

:est field atudenLs ot Uie "clcali" ty;iU c asiio . .w icaU lat__________________nn P re s - Tha oppp.slte will be «een I _________ ppe^ncr., Lipicomb _ls notorlou


:W o o l . . . . '..........3 PAIRS l . O j

PS>.... 10.9Vool M e lto n , ^ q 3 serv ice .................................. 0 * O '

^ lo r,J3 .-l.-sly Ie t,.„„nT T jj—3 * 2 '

■ ' 1 , 8 :

.... ................ 8.9,T t o k ........... ; . ... ........ — 8 7 8 -,

^^fe.lfrBAcTr^ ;9 JCK CHAINS

... ............................. ....... 27.!

I n s S a l c i................... _ Plione

Faces Loss c ess He Has(/T>>—Bob C h ris te n b e rry , c h a in

.y h eav T 'v eig b t ch am p io n Jerse; n g r c e d - w i t h i i f - l S .d n j ^ j n e c ^' Y ork h oss s aid he cond un- ' ' —

Zh- Carey KesidMit Ask Deer Study

, Z n - CAREY, Jnn . 22-Cnrey 1b t the denUH n.sked th e sUitc tlshyMiion, B“ «LeI Irom to m ake ntrlm m cdlB te-stud

deer conditions In Uils nrea.n snid 're q u es t was made a t an ciB Wn!-- -Honcy-mccUng-called.ito_dl? within w h at 1 * "

he Na- have m igrated- lo - lh 6 foot---------- .noac-CarcyJjccause-Qr.liIgh_slocklne L eonard Howard, who dirtlund a t th e mecUng, said coaiervimonths e stim a tes place th e deer a tr< ls v s O the r esUmales run as hig-------— -i,OQO. Deer have been foun

nlso a fu lr condlUon. b u t rcsicrci'" M in ted ou t t h a t two 1a t "Mr. m o n th s ot snow nnd cold wei

Ila nhend nnd conditions mo;wed M eom o c riilcS l'a s 'av a ila a irb t

!.■! used up.lit wns Clnude M atthews, Sliosm, Je r- conservaUon officer, wns nocehlc- to conUict Uie dcparUnenl Ion the e ffo rt to hnve a big gnme fcnlsslon. conditions soon.Is will- c n re y group will withhold rete iU ier mendnUon un til th a t sur>-(ntlhcws m nde.irlca In In th e meanUme. some f

ors have offered to donatehnnnen to r deer ond PeUi Ccnar

eithw will contact Uie Mountain 1

_______w ould.bc avnilnblc to mako JelUier drops.

March. L ---------

SSSL o d in g i io Outlaw Cage Tourney Ne:

(■C OOODINO, Ja n . 2 2 -T h e 3:_____nunl Gooding LlOns outlaw

: -bTni lournunielif. Ull} Rmnamall ouUnw bnskctbnll tournam th e T acltic northw est, will I

. here Ja n . 30-Fcb. 2. RalphI I f- tou rnam ent, m anager, annoi • U l Sixteen of th e leading Inc "ry< i . , - en t-n n d -A A U bar.koibnll-ta

'lotitliern Idnho 'w ill be cnn the tourney und oompeUng tc

1 M ca-ih prizes and many mere: 'Melby n^-nrds.— T h c- tn ttrn n m cn t-wns- sta:

» 1020 '‘nd has been held cvc' cxcep t for 1043 nnd 1044 whimdevoo. re.slrlcUons p

even t tempornrlly ou t of bu.sl r w T odny Uie tournam ent Is t

, Which ftttrac tlon In Uie sta te 1 Pfc- jn „ ^cftms. I t tops the new

_ outlnw cham pionship" 'tourFrcnchy j ,d d In the Idaho PnlLs a 'W' t lSbL anil-hrntifl l.^U.■ moving V lllers snid because it Is tl: ! l^ittle. nnnivcrsnry of the tourney ' * Hnger p innn lng on some extras to : k U ps- b igge r nnd betUjrUinn-ever.' 10 Fnlls; -- T h e 'G a te s B rothers Oem i i g ^ o ^ -Arc-tlcfendlnR-chftmplon»<-n

S in te r s won the Shoshone o_iiieet ja i im c y UUe Salurday . Ooodl ■e-WcffT m o crown-in 1030 w ith m b two c an P a lls tak ing top honors Igh and —

backing S c o r i n g S p r e ehc ..rlng . — H O L liIB T B R r-Jnn ,— W—

111 the H nM lton ran wild here ' his best n ig h t to defeat Hollister 122.

.li'Ji-vet . . -Mngic —Vniley— outlaw — be )sr him ^am e. Newbry led Eden-E-------------- w ith"^rT w in ts. fonow ea'D ypen here jj„ w ith 30. Wlllls was high f MRS nnd lis te r w ith 14. batued ------------------------------------------

^ i l l s rough acUon in th e ringnd nob i v e te ran Thlede Is copabla c3oi|, nre misery for Lipscomb ty « ot

In the lous for

L BASI" 8:15

J5 B u h l iJO —^ z H m r y ^5? In Its> 0 -------------------- e tjltT T fa l lj-D

- ------------- Q m d tn c t t r i i x ]?S" 1--------- joe-cl-eM

12 I| S 0 C O M I ^ L E T E

^ _ J

of-Kew Pjj - Bout Sooiirm nnot thc Ncw Y»,i, ^ ,Bcy J o 0 ,W « l m l t K i l l h „ *;t a J c g ltimatii-em, i . . a o n g itto tiU J o .r m a iiiuav .^ .^

rt^ “Former Cj K AtWSCFo

-StafLaUo,^ lo w A .c iT Y .U i.

emer- Forest Evsshevjiti ,* dl?cuss._ Jo o U ja ll- to sy r^* *:r th a t thn t he expecu iT J!ooUillU- uons to his

llrectcd Flora arc DrAfnlTS■rvnUve BoUi Evajhetjii«a t 600, Uielr families,W , 1 l»K -8 m a . " i Kund In from PulimnnV-V'!sidents conched a t Wi^iTj?■ more Evashevski u i d ^*enth«r tlons to the juj{ «nay be- come to iow». bu. ^-browsB- -amiQuncHfiearMiiit

un til Uie m rt eia wloshone the Jobs they not C. asked Evnshcrski e«nllr=Bt In an l» r t» Uim he hid 35 blolo- <Bump) Elliott, u mm. The Oregon State sad terecom- 1* 1» one al Ua ,r>-ey Is

He said Unt m afarm - '" 'cn t jnuirtjt la a

Ite hay wouldn't sny »h«lBi a ^ decided to Uke1 Homo , ^ ash esk l »a« nU - p la u c i- .talked wim BtmVi Q nerlnl E l io t t .

He tntlmntrt-oiiju Holt hnd not beta a posl nt lows.

In Epokan^ tla qM I S - -Es^aliuskUhLwij

Leonard Yount* traS bu t Vounee t ^ w

■ Bump ElllMt«a» Kirchev, on E r i i^ win gia t2,coo sars

• 35Ui an- ---------— -

imttrayTTT T T ty ix c tfJT lQ B Jaments In « m «I bo held 4U lounifiTs

r .r f ; SJi.-'S'uiSj

e for out- I:w "Idaho n

— ‘ BaskeMtho silver —

y “we are ijih s su u u,M moke It

m'sut,!, -sS'£.=sia-Tlie-Gem— ne ouUnwodingEika iiiH:!:___________ :th Amerl* r s la 1040. I . .i Money h

{ • Fana U a------ E den - •-C ity -a itfaUt Mondny T « c ity Botcdil 32-30 In a * ^ f f . iB c n ^ t basketboH- ±i-Harelton 1ly-MeCaS^ '* • lu to J i 1 for Hoi- I J g ^

♦ A O l UiglmathB’ T~15"M»5TSi“ s of dUh- X n b . .

K fliA l15 TONIGHT


I tB ro a M is Entirety I'F o llo w E v e r y P l«y

) A E N T S = D O > t- r i . lW > «

; M o n lh l or E S P O R T S C O V E KExclusively on

" T T O S D A Y .J A > ^

Page 7: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...lub a t»*—"nie * tod»y «h*r*« «ul I* gy.^U'.ble- twe»tert,, >'Q. 2S2- - oice

. S S S m" . J

t l "••ISSSiiS . — - a i f f t e r - —

I a»irtur« L1-1 I..

d in g h o u s e -

gruKl M O A b u

M ^lepuew iHf . ;n»U A /-f?A D O L 'M O ST ' rp » A C O JC L A v e c ^ A t P iH C ftM E tJ A M O I-IsA«s te y)£.t>c m a TJ

I- flJR * w a A lJ lM A L - ^ iafiotf&xora Ofcitwa-

l u T a s FfiLUJvJ— ^ tAM B A 6 A k t r r f i )

-U K E -T H A T —

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Bf _ihiep doesn't h e h iiliTnV 6f tliTTilgK pri

GUMPS^ ■ r Mwjf }


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■‘ ■' ........ ..— w ...... ..................

a ------------— ;■— --------------

■' 9«tutlan 6f y*ilird«y*i Puzu'DOWN I. Llfht brewB

'^ SaB aiiirt fc n» r» rt” ’ *%alM^Tli i um

i .o w a ■

PpBiffc::::________ »1 A w jrH w ld --

t. Com**” *”*"T^M — . », KS"nJa w»Ui

E l i K f eT " t e }k li: }\XaKL Initnlffltnt

W ~ ~ m

J I I * •*tirAp»rtuMMa

i H a n r * Bi»ai»m * \ A _ \

- M A J O R H O O P L E

S x Y o o ^ i r w v n i o s o ^‘By A a n Of* H e e a <?M ALL


T O BRIM S AKiV . r M O R B A )JlM ALS’ ^

TW'S H o u se ^ " " i i ^ t •— 'TWe xoo

___________B y - N E H E R - -

, -]

sip anymore,, doctor . . . It |)rlc> ofT annraioipH.” ' -

^ aJtf^ L A iX S H ir .S y T I '>J-PBEAMBP TU tff A FLOCK .1 OP VULTLM& AJTACHBfi J


■ rTM?cbcKOO WA> WEAWW* VOUR FACE . . . ^

• ■ ■ o u n ^ — y C - p a s a s u ^ - ■ ^ O p y - s C T L j r ^ S w H x r t - ^ • - o


7 ? ^ " ^ 1 / NCrrME' M o y e V e c u c v E

Dtt»ve A

* S > ~ 7 ^ v ' rtu_A kjtiV / ' - . ^ 2 S w V u .v K v « s j r i


• •53^*

I eS a 'T H tic ry veAa&TQgvfl


f i S U a c - M t / ^

- "W e're sav ing like m ad to pay Tlfiitlng frien d s in s te a d o f st«ppi ■elves!” *

C A R N IV A iF--------- -Bl-I_________ " ' I g

q T ! D I M

I ^

" — : " ' " i f t ?

- ^ — A 4 | V

---^ 'R oeefl»?--D i»-4dn-fc-no-tim V -'

T w iN K y jtro * 1 n * n o t tub. CUTI, DON'T MX»? OF BIW> 7WCT

. WiLL,LfiTM8 M Y N E 5 rW <^ TBLL VOU .C L O C K ^ w JB


O N - P B 0 P l 3 ^ \ ^ O : A t j a A ^ t ; S W

'S k S j T B D ^ s l

~ r ' TIM ES-KETW B, T W I N ]

By W ILLIAMS _T ME--^CU fOEVER ~ X ViCvepwoMENshohlpA : - ' . y we A M ?w .coij>N © J^ ), i

X = G =L A t j y p i a s - - r : = ^ l < = ^ -----------

ALCws' .1 J ■ r'^ 1 1 . 1 ,^ ,~ f Jj


f i f e M ' ^ r a R S x ~

H i E l i f c a i . _ ________. _ _ p _


^ . - ' ‘ j ~ - .

S "

^ ^ / t — ~ — i -

a = e f e - ■ E

. . . / 1- ....... . ■ - ' ■ -E -pay our taxes—so we’re ju s t Y,

upping out and enjoying our- ___


-----------r ^ - - t -

' - - B 3 Um - r ^HTL ^s U


r ^ ' ”®Smiit

m V - to :a to p ^ im L ;p I a y :i iu n M l'4 i : = G

. >, - - ^ ----------------- YTUB KIWO 'v ■IWT BUILD. \ - r w CUCKOO ^,JBUJLDM?NH > C > l .........WDLT4— I 'M - y s e ^ - 1 - “' -CAMARV/ ^


fI . . E

J .


^pK^e>f/m ^ (PLEASii £

& ^ . | y ^

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[ N F A L L S l lD A H g - —

iw f e y i^ p is o u y ^ . 'a msroev. 9Forr suppI PB4R n a W A * ■"* HAVE

pjOKajftAWAv; wHQge au ca: G = e m * a o Y t t« £ t ia B e E B 5 fc r s y iPBK C H ig a a .7 * - .^ W l r .Z.

TOS-CAItA—nL tft»tlU J^lSrl-''>JIS -HeK^iV tfL O ua* TO t W \ ir«



. l i l ^ w S n w w s i l e o i n N r T n o n H l m M M M ^ w i>S Q « 'I i i r i - i tlVW W B w t >Wf

A ^ W i , ^ < l ' r - ^ ^ c (TOOLoat ftoH-offlccLJ

— w 5 tir t= v rsk « « rK > d ;;v ^0 ““" sticuU a« Iteir -nKWtoigttL BTIIKIIIlBtElKNE ' ^ - « T

L M a i B y i [ | ^ g . | ^


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Q iB r m P U n w s H N M •* ® UVW.M FVOUBTTUI I j K 1C -• f l ia p ^ u a u L P ^

- yC l ^ ® $ L _ H




— . . . ' fW p 'ic S T ig T ^ n f l /T ir w g v B O '

IY T O H i

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T “ 'II

w sM jem cop 1[ . iA V M W i-tov \A « A m 9 j I u e e i M j IUPPOS6I7 TtJ •. * • TH B L KA1L» AVE COSW«TrHC» CUKTAIfJ IUq P g -KAMBJON 'R<.L5

W i V 11 IM ■W l OWWV 0 « % ‘ K \ VOMk- \ hV M vw n.0 " W t ^>ocrR%\iv

W 3 H \- TrtXCl. -KWO W OKIt V ^ IW ,V »RH * - 6 0 1 W W W

r e Qwr 2

T o o S r i uBaKSogpBc;Aw n » \ l - w p w JO N T iw iw irv -

, %mmu§. FoaiHBBijeoMAM/ <

^ODtP^-THCSC TUmtlM * n L L . \ |1 SMEUS u > « 'n ja N iM . a h i J V o ft i f / rs z iM r w r ’XM

SCWCWrVfW'fWg^^OHjiWtUjiT O W t l


M e u ? ^ W B j XM f « B » 0 tLnojraou! TO N iatfc »— Wf l l t L TAKB -TXtt „aL»


s 3V n ^ ^ i o ' i r . S T ”


OMk-fWO 1 foOO«%\VXft 10«AV . w t ’ »U.V O S \ ^ V W \l> iC t«^ s i w i« i i - a a u \ c « y * i — e o w tlOWBtTO I

' r Itt * * r t ; »ie?'-f f t a S o t s r t t n R i d d r f t t o t j i h e v ta t Moa •i)1j < 3a(,

> s .^ v e to t-y _ -^ - ? ^ _ 8 a y ^ - p £ j S ^

* j A « « N r w o N D M f / r * g i m r ^ M

AAMMOiomoour W HI WNV T u t e m i R S ^ A i H -

- i i a g g ; c i ^ Jffl

^ H r g ^

l ^ t f f l l i H H H K V i l H r ' 1

Y" w w / " S iff J | K

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n i S 5 ? < K S ! A S S A x S I f aa ?!'^ AftOMArr-- / ^ >


^ T ;ra itO N e w ittr ]^ -m £ P H o r^

INTO THE OLD/ yR O U H N E j^^ y

■ 4 J B » * 8 B i S 6 t i i ^ ^ B


p X S S S X ^ K ^ ^ I [ g g s ^ g g s & r . ; «

ffiS*. t j |iH H L R B i . .

/ MMS MASCOTK* tU lU .V \ ‘ ■■'■

- V IHIHC«BO 0«AN9 WWSTH/OP oon W ffl

J ' 'f r n t i U l . i i nW O W K l M i a t e - r r L - f - t i W -------UNTY ■ ^ ■ ■ i f l B t o j g i l •

% \s vworkI 'I oon»^ 'x

^-T O Q 'I Ull ll >A ^ - r . n y f l \ t V ■ 9 ^ 1

to u h e r aboufc W j B bu t n befc h t W t.o u fc V - ■

^ 9 ^ - c < j » J i 5 a j ! a ? ; ^ : ___ 9

I f K ^ i i 1 V

W ^im ^C O m lA H 4M f* ff\ -

D N ^ f H K r W K W V f W O t j t e T " ! ^ -----

Page 8: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...lub a t»*—"nie * tod»y «h*r*« «ul I* gy.^U'.ble- twe»tert,, >'Q. 2S2- - oice

H p A G E E i a B T

I I MarkeIII * * • *

S to ck s ■Wl I m a r k e t s a t a g l a n c e

H P«nil»—sut<tr: wlMUd n ll t la i -H “ ccti«ii=JU*»iartf»d*'toyJaf. l l« l .■ <4tlon.B wbMi—8tM4r.t* n n i «*r«H fioor

I __I ** **” * •B ___ ~ 0«u—3u ^ ' t a firm; tdritaert withB ■ Jt<'e»—StrDBir''to IS «»Titi"'H£b«fFn - ■ " g ' . i i a ^ i , . u ^ . '■ —

i KCW TORK. ‘J m . 21 «>>-Th« ttMlq m tk tl tilTincx] a nobii to4>r la It* *«<en'ta I ilrtliht r.i« II j —T high. TK«r» w»J b- MBiUtraU* erotlt Uklns n u r lii* «:«•‘ ’ Glint »«r« pronsoncKi In o»«. «OB[Mr>i I nbb tn tnd. chcrnlckU. At tta t>Mi Ui

IJI ' t.MO.OM (hkTM.Ik . Billrovl luna* w n t sbMd tb* eQ; l Ib Ua « r lr l» n ef Ux Maiimi. bol UrI llii l _ tiluieS.tnd luniri b»ck m (h«'<j'>y~pioT|fl cmitd. Lomh ••Idom war* •rrR* >i«I V a m r UMlianfcd.T^{' -----Um « ran /*—o£_(

• , , ttMk> ••UbIlthM • n«w bifk i<tUr<Irl i l t ^ IIOt.M Ihtt toppxl th* pmloQI hilll l l l •> IIOAU ««t Oct. U. It w u th * bt>I H I <><«« S «1. n . I8te. -ATM] rlfht *t u<■ ■ I it»tt t»Ur U»« m>rli«t puth*>l osi n SUnlaM Oil (NJ)..*n InvMtntnt «rcxi:n rixrilf, w u htstlly traded.U ____ Hlth«r «Wk» lneludri_ Nlclrtl Tltl.I H r»iri< TIB. Dow Cbtffllul. OMtril ElK I I I tri«. flb RxU P*p*r. D*thbbra 6lN I n (M rlek i(»d no«lin. •U rizw roRic srocxsI B KZW TORK, Jan. M Lut •*Ui H I AIIM Slrt SIti K rat* *»U■ I AlItt Cbtl ai Lockhr«] 3iS

Am Alrllnw U S I^w * 17%I ^ B Aa C«r * Fdr U% Mid ContFrt

t o W.rd 8(1if i n AmS A R (B HiU nivttit *:I D I A m T t T i s t i i S t t C fh «7>( > n i Am TtUcto U N«t 0*lrr «>PK;'l ABU0t>d4 MH N*t DUl Uo V Arm CO AtMl 40U N Y Catitnl :0«4 Is ,! ' AT * a r lioS Kor Amrr At 1}i1

|i siSP i s » H : a . : - , ! « ' , ! S

-aa J)rT ■ 1 H ['hllllpi FH -- LlSi-I----- Cin l-t<IIla 4 rullman 42SU; J I Cu* 1 [*ur« Oil ' <71. W K ! — U*!

HIK ill Com So }9U Roe Vm ' S)■ Con cocpn 11% Ko racim «n; ■ Con EdBOT------------- M tt Spcrrr - • l»S■ ConU)!:^ MU SS Oil Cil U■ S ! ^ ‘pr«?*’ Btud b k J 11lll l Cd m «H Ban Mln llSI D to fA lr. n Rwlft * C«I I Da rm t- >0U T*xti Ce W ■If E*it Altllata i l i , T«x GuK 8oi I07U IH Eyun*a______ Tlmli«n «<{

I S S .S .T ,™ r H H r ^■ H - i " ■ !!s ' i i ,

C«a Food* 41H Un Alrtrtll i!%

Pi fEiT'lInl llirv^ MVJ Whll* M«» III!

ji. I 1 “h ™.,o'sr.i”ws-"[k|i ^ B k«nrili TMhnleelor'^ :!i!i l .£ < * iiD « 5 3« Tran* ZKI U*cU Win .n u Uuh Idt SacI IKVESTUEKT TRUIT8

if —ffiK& afa-g = = = - yn ............ ............ .■ l iL KcnIOB* 11 "~— I "'----------------1 J

KarwloBa D -------------------- i-^»Koiloa* K « .1■ ■ X«ntsM n __________________ I JH b Xantona S - «n n Ktiwlettt St * .’[fill} Karaton* St ___________________.■

^'^'1 S t o c k A v e r a g e s

Jndut. ’lUlU Ulll. Bloc' 1-ij •- NH tbanva _ A.7 0.3 A.1 A^ - Fravloaa dur_ IM . ‘II.S ( .S Ifll

S rjif IlL'.I} « ! l •« .* t .0 l«j1 m u x tow _.U 8,> IM 4M • II

l i *J On-Wool^ hla:n i l Marab Mar UI.BDI }a)T m .(IB

I ' ” ^ f l< a t* d ipol wcnl Uft 1IT4M. U (B.BIdi N*Naaila*l)

J r . . .. T w i n F a l l s

H L i v e s t o i i P r i c e s

Djjll -.....Th* foUowlnc Twtn'ymi UmtoI I ' prlec* s n provided br tb e T a E . . FaUi' L lvejtock C om m lulon coi li ' p tn y b u e d on tb e resu lt! of tb« li

iij weeUy aucUon m Ia.I - 8 t« r#E B u ^ * « < » -* «I Heifers

I ....... V esJe is-_______________ KS.OO-Mj tlH ------- C»iniers-pjid-«ittcra=U 15.0& .w o1 ........ L aa b a '_________ _______ *37j)o tH ] Ewes ------- »iaw> (n .E opi t

I ] _■ R e d s R u i l d i n g J i i x -

w A r t i l l e r y S t r e n g tItf tM T m A PQ PA

l l i , TE R S. K orea, Jo n . a (IB—T h e coiIII 1 m unU ts u « bulldlDE up tbe lr i I Hi ' tlU err power s lo n e the MS-mI / I K orean f ro n t bu t a ppaw ntJy for t 111 fenM purposes, o n elfihlb *n i l i l fipokeamen sa id toa igb t.I M . Tho reds a ls r ted tbe lr siUDi n n i buildup l u t sum m er, tb s spokesn I KJ.. EOld, n n d a t tbo sam o Ume Incrtas i n Ihc lr fir ing offeeUsMeM.II I . In tb e lig h t f l« b tta it on tb e frt |h llj—— T uesday U ijte d N ations tanks a lj .1_____infan try -des troyod -il»» -cccam uni I t— .bunlccM >n j i . r a l d b e h l n d - ^ ^ c t l lines v est o t cmotrwon on t b t we; J ceatraT T rebt.

li l l _ ___U ia - trn lto d . S ta te s J s_ n o w _t: 1 • W irld’.i-1.>Vt^y*/^mnV>.r.

i .

ets and I.. .' ' ■* ' ■ * . "■ 7

^ - - M v e s t o c f c> OGDEN

• - OGIIiaf. J»B. M On-fH8DA)-Jl« '£ t t l tb u :»0! iaulur bon abaadr to ttmn

choka lb. buUhar* tl.»»>]ts t__ Innjt h«uU llJOi »5 ^ <bol(« »OJM lb. towi II.OWI.OO.. 1.

cUI to food •Uatbtar aUan :» .M J1.1 cann«r and «alt«r cowa lC.CO-M.Mi bUI

xr M.S4-U.MI M «»aim l«U off.»d-..rl Ut* «i«id«r part-lo*d «hole«-h»tfaf»-||;i

^ oo: dUllir to commmUI bolU I4.0M7.I<*w tlnck ttdtSt ^ullr iul!™* ^adrunr

~ "«ipiirtiMciAiv<;3to(KiB»ir3tuaniifl "‘I- piirt lMd-rhol«a litifar t»l»i» I4.M4S.C

M^b._ J Bhao ulibla H i markat sot aaUblbbi . . lat* Msndtr | 00d tnekad In aUotb

UmU 2I.M4a flat! ulllltr 2<.00-2t.( <0nd uUlUr to (Md •Uuzii(*r *w« lO.OO-l*.

BAN {'JtA.VCIBCO ‘"i7a riUNCIsCO, Jan. 22 bPt—(USD»[>u —>!»(• ••Ul<l«-iw: no. ahoica llo.; “i ““ .lw-b.uk*a.a«lH.a».3I-tol-«boU««M . „ butchm alMdr at ]*.M| «bola*aowa ilaa ’ “ M li.OO) Uondtr f«w cbola* 1S0-J40 .n . buUhtra H lawtr a t XO.OO.

^^CtlU.^uUW*^100^4»^^^ aolwi^Mand ll-«Ol <»» “tuny ,ta l„ bind MXiOi atx

cannm down to I«.«0: amall lot Hood • L.W. «'■'''?♦ tlaaibUf *l*«t» $tM S <al»«» 1hliS '^S h ^ « 't1 i* U ]» 0 |* a t^ r coBtliti m a“T i JlauJhU? a^ia » "o '| «*?T .nd olllIlT*#.'

.W >*•“ ” aall’*. ataadr: I«l-10»SO« ’ « S.”? - V________ Los ANGELEll

eikI LosX$T5L'tKOi5ni"OPl=TTSOT- IImI, Callla ultbla l.ltOi aarlr trada atM<

IntitncM alroofar on eommircltl and I----- «^-Mfaf«i-*>HM>l.-tw» l«*d* bUb m

and cbolcr around UCO Ih. M »t» , i:.SOi fonmattlal lo low cholc. f«.l hair »U 90.00.li.:S; uUIItf cowa 2I.U.U.e0i ci 2^ n rn *nd culUrt IS.00-21.00; faw 17 7% down: <il<raa aalabla ZSOi aUadri mil «il uUlllr and eommarclal alauihUr cat :41i 2V.CO-9I.OOi k«d cboira ajT Ih. al«V aal' .] iloira aalabla 400: aUadr to t i hlsh>

i j j . .


• . Itofl Ultbla 20ftl alaadr. aarlr aal<* cho 4U No. I and i 110-290 Ib. barnwi and ll ;»{{ I0.00.JS: cbelea IW-MO lb. aowa 1«. •H5- tTJ«rirood-*Bd-*ho*f*-II*h»-<»»l«-j. ;a” nBmlr.tlr IT.BO-IIJD.is; -C.«I. aaf.6Ia r«f-m arl(» t atnw.f-t ji^ aarlr talra about alaadr wllh’Itt* MonJi 71. oDwa onarallr 1.00 towar for 3 darai tp

S 5 -29.0MT.00: aarlr-taln cannar and cut

It cowt moallr UJO-IO.OO: faw t/> iO.iIIU utllllr cowa 2I.OO-:i.OO: anma h'I<l hlahIJ^ odd culUf and Ulllltr bull. 24.00.27,1u ealoa aalabla « ! mtrkal a tndri ehfIt^ Ytalara «.00-90.00i odd prima

lt\J *11 htarr lamta which clnr*< cronru> todar: maallr choica 112 lha. SI.OO: k11U good and «M«.-UJ-lba-SI.SO! ona174’ «h<rfca and prime f*d wnoled Umba ilnniIffi-

19 DKNVEn 'IJ4 DCN^TR. Jan. 22 (T>-<US0A1-Cal's ^ ln( ncalir •tV/d*r!'7ntl»er» allghtl^ h°sIJ t;- on thotca-IHht Tr*rlln»»:-Jf1-heltfTa-7U; fullr-aauLlliLh«!i_juklna _atron»i ct41^!- m»tlr.^laidr .»Jlh,M"n.U.’a diclln.rviI til an acarca; law loaila cimka T*4~at«K> M .^ U O : cholc* ll»hl raarllnn upJ4S Hot* l.»Ml modaralalr acUa* butchi|«« around I t hlihari aarlr aalaa cholc* Vctil! to * bauhati.:i0.3«0 lha. 17.7MI.2G..fj --Sb»w (M 0| -oa .-*atIrpiB<IWat(a111 Incladaa 14 lotda Colorado br truck;

load rmll ahlnpMl partir taltanxt Idab balance amall loU n a llra and l**d<

:!S OUAIIA. Jao.°22* On-<USDA1-H aaiaUa l .m : t^tlr*. SKO hlfhrr; ch<

|U No. J to t birrowa and sUla IIO-2IO , 17.M-1I.2S: latlar for around ona da cholc* Ko. 1 210.270 lha. moallr Ko, 2 i

tt; * I7.OC.7l: 270.:0n lha, 1«,24.1T,2S; 900- (bole* »ow, op.W 4«

^?.Jl CaMla *alU>|* <M« t fid Vto.re-tiwd'iii }.il •°tlra. 21 hlahar; fata up mora: h.l: 1.7#- itw nria-2»l'm itr; ru»n in m«»Tr l up j.M alaadr ta alrruic; bulli and Taalan atra US packan and >**dara acarra. firm; II M wtiiht-frd *tntir»,9M«.M|-b>>lh-*h..IV :a %r,Si;,-;rShSira';,t44 clmlca ataara :i.00>9i,TS: -(Md and rh ,]0 hairara 19404440; (aw choice t4.7kU .T< tilllltr fnd commarclal cow. 1S.M.22 ,71 caanan and cullrra 1840-11.00: soo>l b

----- .^ ',^ j« ^ n jh ? l« _ » ~ !tra _ !K e u b t .

1 lambr^37o'*5lth**r1'’oihw'’cUaa.S’*ia' __ alaadr; rrrti^ooi U> prima we©)«! Ia----- ■2CI0.-2WM^n*T-pTlta Tor-|-Ia«iS»-100.____ lb. waliSlaiVmia nnntad 2» c*nla paraa "BuTTeaVreTiriecoatiSrupToT^nHrTTnr'I ” k»' wmM * iVmu"anT” n r b ' a i n i

A.2 for Wadnaadar'a markaL1«»'» ______ CnICAKO '.

"’" T aalibVa°l?M^7*lihlw « i7 lJ t> a iw ^t l . l sllu atnnc te » hlfhar; bstchara 2>0

•*110 hl«hari” KiwhoU^*‘vib-ncr*Ib.^bulc1".»M0S 2J0-270 It^ 17.2».H,2S: tJO

Caltia aalabla 1.000: o iraa UOl raatl M.ini and, s r lm a _ t^ ,u a d r : raarllni.hal

hlthtr: prima alxra 9«.T{.9t.SOl prima aUara |}.fln^t40-'rommarrM to

•tK* 3»-SM!.TJriUI..«ommartI»UtaPfima halfan :>.2«-9S40t ulllltr and .

I martial cowa ]t,7S-2S.OO: comaartlalptima raalara t».«0-3ll.00.

— Ar.''i'i.i'Sii.-nrAA-aad 14.00 on fad yaarllnn: bulk io» prima IM U lb. fad wnola<yiamba 2

t.COOj Birkat lS -« hlfharl tcrp 11 Stock abl<*-lM-tU Rw bM* 17.C#<M,

, ' S ; | 3 S i . a u s “» c s i ; . a v .

h i m 'im oo laaha 1740.2»,C0.i m o . '

H ___: JC«diLE£0 to p ■ ■'■ —0 top LIVESTOCK0 to p CbflM butchara. II0.2SO Iba-----------1

^ <TWo daalcra auoiadtneca. 1»-I_W and 2W-2M tba. _ _ _ !

IX—5 t h !

'2STt a r - S'*** t’o itaTdMk).__ !____ ..tioloo.‘•mil# n S ir»■ d e - >>.!/#».

^ ; u m * " _ - = z z = j U ; r o : :UDeiy “''cri'Amisnan Bott wheat, par bvuhal----------------- 1« « < * io^f'iSar‘dl„':„“d.^^.'"a?,

pricm qoolad. Mar »ar» 16. to Ua f jo n t <n>o'aUoni UiUd UIow) t.-.na ssr'.r,i“-.— =lUnlst —<0sa.daeler-^o4«dl— ---- -----------» red ^Pg*N»* 5 1 - C r a .t 'K o r th a T n 'i^ s '^ ^ !

________1 ilK aJiilBi-a'»«aw — ,-----------------------

Finance- ........*j'-

f= = -7G T ariji= ?=■ CniCACO; Jaa- 21 W»-8oma naw fl

S ' S . ‘ . 7 S K S . 'U 3 ”S r? n lS ‘ “f t ! l morad wbial ahead, and t«T* olhar (n ; a batur Iona.

todar** arulon Imt ware forcwl lo aba a«n. pro»a,uklB,. unlll la.1 bafora

;{"s?* A‘ tha IlflUh wbaat wai V. lo hla

17.M: '5'* * “ ** *® hlinar, Mar 2.10‘j

'ir■h»«»r mliad »»WTTf«

iiiiUr ” l)MlaT~Mmlnal':'*mak^i MO-TIl 1 2<.0O: l.iMO.•12.S0. Flald aaw3'p<T c«l. nominal: r*d <U 1240-9100: timolhr »40-ic.00j |i

tiartr 10,2M0,72; redlop :i40-ai)40i■BOA) 'Ik* «-«•«-««• ______i i • FuniRE* TADLB.laadr ■ClIlCAOO.-J,ii,r«-OTJ=r-----------40 lb. Opan llllb tow C

cow* Mar ‘ 2.81114 !,»»H M lU 2,1 lUlO. Mar • S.MS S.4eU 2.55 2.13“ .;; ‘A S 8 ? ~ B <• aa£ Vk 2 J m 2-4J'.’ -» IH J.l

^ 1 : S ? 0r S.o£ Sapt 1,*T I.HT J l.MK l,i

«-«■ -l\r* •;ju ir .■'"‘i -•’ «■ il

f:!S l:!l« iSS. t■?*”*“ !.9I ■— 1,M....... l.«4-

'•I'*” KANKA.I CITT CRAIN' 17*40 KAK.1AS CITV, Jan. 21 (,«-W bc*l1 n lv ^ cara: lowrr 10 *c hBhar; No. 2 1 S l r t and d«k hard IJ40>i lo IM llU : H u]ra* (1,4:>7 to m o i.i : Ko. 2 rad «2.4«a;

t 2.53<K i No. 1 17.40^ lo t244^K,

ll.»l>^ to I 1.99HN: Ho. i I1.71H

S ’,;; "u 'S .'t '.S ’ii.um u ,!.u.I llll* Kallr i:.70H to l:.l*UN.

fS Butter and1! I s -----------— BAN-nUNCI*CO----------cutl«' SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 22 (U P)-' 20.00: tan AA S9 acora >0'^ : A 02 acore >.2*7,00! Chrraai Orada A loaf.47-4B: sradchAica alnsla daUIrt 4S-10.rj!rm >!<»■ Crada A largearadta A 4«-<a’j ; amall A 4^42 ^ .lupcir aiiCACOmipilr CHICAGO. Jan. 22 -Ml-Tmtirr fl; load rwrctpl. «2.S9»i whol»<*I* ••llln* p:

«| an<l carai IW II 79; «8 Caalllni pricta unchanaol lo H i can doc^n hlehtr: V. 9, n tn * 3!>4: V medium, and U-S. .lanilarda a0.i; tw

JTallU ratalpU >«-94.»: diplf* 39: cliatka opan- Lira poullrr alradr lo weak; rtc.

hishrr 92« coopa: M> p»>rlnB Prlcra unwanlr a.nla.a.poona-iow.r-t<..uaa hlBhac;_h

cawa hana 27-31.2; llihl hcna 2:-23; to* j'VjiU 8»-»fc|-lr»ac»_H.J(JJ ;..olJ.r('0*lam_2J“alawra* *7. ________ep to I i . , li


dlhea- IDAHO PALLS. Jan. 22 «■)—(F3M1

lallona; fair wire InQulrr: demand bul ptacllcallr no Uadin*; aoma

Th53S fSb"^h track. No aalm r««10 IlV Uallrarfl aalra ahlpplnB point buladack: Ml^^fob aWpplne

IO0-S5O «rowara callara In be wa.hrrt rary» V n ^ » ^ i V * V c U j ; ° r ; . ' : f e " '

itc d r i '[T*’* ” »'* !5I ana o; wiiat-tI f iW it* . raliicr ntW .-.pracll^llr n.

'chfllte mand: too few aolta <0 vlabllah maj nd low ItU'TaTlilont'ealllnr racnUUont-'Bet

i w , c . ™ -^ Cluraa US | waaha-l 2 Inch occa.lona •I bulla <'■> : MlnniaoU and North Dakota por hla commafclala unwaahad tar

l a i ^ 4.21: North Dakou and Mlnnaaou I'or I42.4.91-t-j>«at..w jr! nnrl^a fiD-lb-J

^ „ f ^lumpht^US lA 2,710.76: Tesaa TtluiM iida Onion auppll.* ralhcr lishl; dn c hald 4tow; matktt about alradv.

. Track aaln ICO Ibi.l 1 Mlnn«»ol* Ya Globaa 74 per ccnt 2 Inch and larsar • Int_aljty_dt^a]^ctr^r03:jnl«^^ear 1<

51’c StlO lb. (aw 3,t0l Idaho and Orrson Sw«a Sp< 1 aowa *''d largar canarallr food• -*111-1----- •V l 'y'f '.I-'— ..■atllnn » l«>> **?; * " . • I’’'*' ..........

~ P o ta to “andiO nior I 'te 1:: F u tu res-ta.j£rw. _(Cotirt*»y-E .-W ^M enoberis.a eia” to Company. Dki Dldr- .Pboae » ataadr:I iboroi JANUART ONIONS■ onl to tM l'h lsh . IJ.02 low: 13.01 ckaa• :s,Olk cart iradN.aiijhUT KERRUARr ONIONS-------- -.M.M J i l .h ^ u .10. low..»J,l3-«!l»*lcan trtdcil

MAnCn ONIONfl - n o n i>,U hlih. tl.<« low. u,4* alcaei

11.00: can traded.T alaara MARCTt'TURKn’S ------Mdr te Tama 'il^atpa .0 :0 bid, no o»an; no aaW.

U tah orRlnally wns called "Dl MrLiid nam e used In th e Boo:

Mormon, n jean ln j •'honej- bee.“


_ltl,00 Al.(ka Cl0»ar, cl.an No. I rrad»_No i !

ITwo d*.{«» ijuolaJl------------------- TOTATOtS------------

(Mott daal.n out ef market pa: _ l 7.90 (Inal datUlon 00 n.w ctlllns prkaa.)

UVE POULTRT t I (VI Culimd (uvl, 4'Tba. and u iii—

M t«glI0rn-tiiwl.-4-lb*.-*nd-e»Tr=-___J j. Au.ua .Whll,, 4 Iba. and orar______

Colored.aptlnsa ________I_______—

^ I 'm (SwlIl aod companr rrlcfal ■nUTTERrAT No.J_Batleffat ________________

ti» wi*h ' ^**lar* eoolad)iB daltr EGR POOL5a (rom Tha followlss pricaa war* asppIU

tha Idabo E»r IToducar. ef Twin Pal: _ « .» 0 ^ .Xo. S (Jan. 7-12._ tncloal**):

Jl.dtum*' * '• ~ ~

~ n ! « * * :

^ . ...... T

Expert Opens_ JLoxjallSuExej

“OniFireRaK-- --- ( m » i 'T u r o i r t“—-— •w flour condlUons and resulted In no chai ‘ In ftM Injurance.rate*. Open ce TSiSS pJeUon of th U .ta rre r be wlU w

a municipal Jlre protocUon rep

•> ? S 1aclllUe*a"*~*****^” * * ***— T his report; available In four

><i« **’ "Ux weeks a fte r the survey Is m t i » i « t by fire insurance i

ij'm I , derw rltaw In s tudy tn j local . loFi'H- risks and exposures In the light-------.w hat— m uaJdpal— tire— prolccl

'facllltlca arc afforded here. ? i r r c —rtte-reporl'0 i*o-w in«jo **on«n

^ liuu rance _ co n ip a n lR L _ * n d ._ ti * special agents, and to city offlc

ll (a*4 for their use In p lanning how Improve fire protection (acllil

I ciorar *nie report abo la available to ot 4o‘r 3 . Interested groups.

Davis pointed ou t th a t wftUe b th e bureau and tb e city are

______ itr e a te d .ln ^ w e r ln K f l r t j M wc i „ rates, the bureau feels the local

d e i ^ m e n t >s undermanned, sa id tbe bureau .would like to see

- i S i t i v e r cCTit Instead of 80 pe r cent 24oi! th o local lire# p u t ou t wllh sr J.52U fire Unes.

—•■ TT — V o n 'h a re - to -bu lld -you r-w i i!«2U and (ire departjpdnts to meet i'«7S »-orst po.-alblB condltloav" he c<

mentcd, DavLt expects to comp .9214 hla graditiR lurvey In 10 days a

which bureau surveyors w liuiw i old and new JiuUdlngs for t:

*■}?» DavJa explained • standard 144H irradlng achcdule was establlshec

ICIO a t th e reguut- o'f ^Iro Insura companies by the N ational Be

ra ii ijs of Fire U nderwriters. Thin : No‘ "i adopted by the board folios .49a; to study by various c ity officials

was channcd slightly In ItMJ, 'V im S He said tho schedule endca'

m ii3 (a apply tho best engineering; pi IIH to t(5f5 to givo the c ity credit for lc h!«h- dcfcii.ies. Individual rate.i I No. s determined through tliese credit

relation to Individual deflelcnclc T ho bureau, required under s

law. is Aupported upon a pro 1---------- basls-by—flra - tn iu ran ra rompa

' ] dolng_bu8lncss ,ln IilBho,_Tlio_ reau ’a functions-Include rato-c

( i s strueUon and examination of I ports submitted by fire Insum

agents ta verify th e ir compula i r p r m m m r — —

Navy Enlistment Quota for Monti

; ;i™j Is Filled for T.:har: 92 T he locnl navy recruiting 19 C 71;

»»nta » tb is m on th rit 1* announced by "i ■’tw r .« IW bert Roso and ENC John Lt itka S2, benu. However, tho-reeru ltera- t;»«»ip“ a rc accepting applications for,;

.", to leave Feb. 4 and expect noetflctlSwniurlnK-Fcbruury.— -

‘ —Tha-rccrultcrs-jilsojuiaDUiice— ■ ■■ portunltlog-for-commlM lnns l a_____ U._S. naval reserve suppljM»rra_ln o "been reopened a fte r having 1

closed about six months.-M alo I i^Ucants m ust bo 19 to 27 years

--------- - and fcm nlo-appllcants-tnust-bl■3MN1— to 37 years old.

Applicants for these comailsa nd m ust be college graduates wltl ne tart credits In economics, commi

, business adm inistration or te 2 i ? ^ i englnccrlngr suWects o r m ust 1 raporici. th e ir m aster’s or. doctor’s degre« a*™*'r.w fields.I lubjTCt A fter receiving the ir commlss: t. they-wlU-bo placcdAa-lnacUvB.at

■buttbejrmajrTOiuesfc acUva’du ,uio tr- desired.

K.P. Hubbs Dietot com. SHOSHONE. Jan . » ^ E o b «ado Mo Bubbs, a resident of Shoshone ilo n.i car JJ)18_ d ifd Bt the Alexander nu;

*'* home hero a t m idnight Monday-ihiaaata- -lowlag.an llln fii of IhrrfijnnniMcCiura* M r. Hubbs was bom Ju ly 10,uomuS n e w Bellevue, -Ho was a w atct111, sicK a t M agfc_rc»egolr,_Bineral aer^ 1"'"^*'* are pcodtng._________________


ir 70 p«- OR-A helicopter lifted th e bodli M t-lSfi. .tb roa.i'lftlm i nf t T .17 rrjcua-t

medium crash from a snowcovered Oly ■»j fair peninsula Bjounlala to te ycsten

j .a a f l- — — C a U n i a • WATCH TH-------- 3 ^ l i * SPACE DAI

ir« a e ^ of 'M agte Valley** f ' auctions and for the date t

leaaj-»». -U M lim -w llh lip p ea rH K tb B -^News. Check the ir a d l (or loea

caa) 771 and aU necenary tn fom aU on

— .......... -JANUARY 24Ed nejtm anek

AdveriUement. Jan. 2Z-2J "Deser* O scar A Harold Klaa*, Audlook of - - - - , _ee.“ I----------1 ATTENTION FABMERSt

W hen you plan a farm sa , , -eon tact.th i> ,Tlm5fcMeffs.I>r

' Sale departm ent. Let us e: p la in how you can cov

NO.T.OU Maglo Valley compleUly _ 9ic-n2a one em ail cost. I t will sa' _ i 4c4 ta you jjQijj tjme aod money.


= £ F O R D E A D a m ' U S E L E S S


.G oodins 47 . R u p e r t ! Z—IL"- -----Twin Fulls SU—= S ^ ia> A H O ^H ID E

C T T A tX S W X Q

TWIN P A i ; t S , _ r o A H a

® T j v i n E a l l s 1

f o a (U lS K ILO CTCtES) (1(50 l»C /Q *ADO JKtlB i ln u jm o u ^ a *003

*anne K-UI.X-ua Naw» ^ 5 o »rJiangc TrtO •Roria-a Gallarr i30 •»eom- _7l30-JTh; Dlack Mu*«tua._ :00 •!

• i:iOO PllBdcn rrolla • I i«S St

J ; ;:e u n - S:»o Calt l* Prarar. 1 :5# HJ 4ir« - i t f o UoUr’a roiii— -------------------ffVt nf Llord Jama.. Nawa ^gh t or 7^ Hurlalib. Naw. a.m.

7130 •liI?b^Car'Ja''J^*fJa“

r i ; s!iivi-sr"!!si!:im ies. i " . U ‘n . j ! ^ V ii:oo*iI o ther 1 :>0 •A».IbiI the storm 11:20 •!

M •J'aul JJarrer ' b.mj ^e both iM Dlnsa Uall Roundup :2:I3 Sce in - l>9 I^n Allen. Nawa 12:45 M

d. He rot Kill Klub Show 4:00 *.we 100 :S « 1‘ ■"•-IV J in S Jent of SS lii'i:?;:" s;“S •!small - ioa 'A alU rdy Famllr . » i s * i

:90 :Dr. KllUalra COO '.-water. .. 'Lf m IIe t the loloo T h l OlSat Ad»*BUirf 7:30 *1 ) com- H M FIlBdrrt' Frolle 8:00 *1mplete ^

iMpeet N a t i v e o f A l b i o :

- ^ - C l a i m e d - t y - D e shed in H A Ilx y . Jon . a a -B e r t Ro urance a-form er resident of B roadfon T ^nrd native of Albion, died a t a

‘ desto, CaUf.. hospital Sati iiowinff momlng. D eath was a ttribu ted u iLBd a ttack following an au t

bile accident T hursday. Bervlcci leavers ^ held-Tuesday o t Stockton, C • prac- Mr, licoXer o'as bom Dec. 17. for Ils and caoie lo Broadford w ith bl! <s are enUi from Albion when h e a dlU In .Junior In h lph school. Ho Was i , j l j j uated from th e Bellevue h igh s r atato >“'<1 Brigham Young-unlvcralt:

lived In Broadford untU 10 inaales. ago ^'hen ho moved to . Foci l o h u T Tatcrm ovlng-lo-CftllforaiB r-ni e io n .- ft:m ernB crof-tha-t.O S-church , of re - surviving a rc his wWoif’: urance daughters, Sharon, Gayle and "i utatlon Booker, and one son. Ramse:---------- S tockton^'hlaH 'aronts, M r^and

John Itooker, Stockton: four si i Mrs. Clarence Allred, G anne tt;

l [ A lbert Durfee, Almo; Mrs. i , ‘ Foreman, Ely, Nev., and M rs

i f h Sorenson, Stockton, and tu-o t ers, Cliff Rooker, Stockton,

P T r Harold Rooker, Modesto.

Snd n i G u i l t A d m i t t e d eecepted t -i~llriW —Ijdi'ceii CliaL’im-Bllii -B U R L E Y . Jaa._22—Uoy Kl )r m en 20. pleaded guilty In probnte no re - Tuesday m om lng to a. chan

^1.* n n . W. Tucker sentenced him lo OOi ^ t h ^ in tho-cm inty-Jall.------------------

i i “ K m neT -w ns-chn rgednH th - lnR -«M ,W -from -tho-U U -at_I

,i« lounge w here he fs Janitor. Hi ?,ra oili arrested In R upcrt n t 0 a . m.

^ 31 ft-re<iiiest from the -B urlcy i ' “ Rupert Ciller H .'C . Sm ith maii iL«!(ma “rrcst as K inney wa-i purchas v lth 45 glasses In a druglunerce, = = j = | j | | = 2 = = ^ ^ =


S A H I; ---------- - I - w m - s c l h r r P a b l l i n ^i A g _ 1 m ile w e s t a n d V / i n ,1 p. d e lrB a n k ,.o n _ ; - - 20 since ’ ' _ _ ,

^ THLSale S ta rts 12:00 Noon


^ C I V E S TJa n . 23 10 M I L K C O W S — A l l ' odles o f 8 w e e k s . B r e d tola-plM a. , , jr„ , ^ i ,n » __________

S S S l° Enbe-G ucrnscy-Shorl ■ —’ S p o t— S h o r th o r n , 7 go

■ Y \ B lac k i(i— H o ls te in . 7 g k I — ju n c = G T r e r n s c y ^ h o r t '

— : - R e d — S h o r t h 6 r n r 6 - g n ’ - | - g - - H a g — G u e r n s e y , 5 g a l l L l a E J n n e — H o ls t e in . 5 g a lk g . r .H o lly — H o lflto Jn , 6 g a )I

B lu e - ^ H o ls f e in ; 6 Rallt B a b y — Rb.ari, 6 g a llo n

'A ILT 5 S h o r t y e a r l i n g m ix e d I farm A ll p r o d u c t i o n r c c o rd i 9 tb e lr g iv e n o n s a le d a te ,

oeaUon'-HAY and

I ALFAI16 tons 1s t cu tting hay, bt

. a clean haybuetJ. cutting hay, bi_______ clean hay---------- 15 tons 3rd cutting hay, t(

Some baled clover hay, w 300 bales atraw , string anC

. taXt Oats, approxim ately iso bi P'nrm . 3Kheat, approxim ately 150 I 8X» T Jartey, apprtnclm'aUiy 150 cover'~

« v e P O U L 'I ____ - m m i i a O e f f b o m - h e;__W a te r f o u n t s , b ro o d e r■ M B n e o u s c h ic k e n ccii

— - - ^ M I S G E t t JDeLaval 3»unlt mllking ma

_ - 273 am p. M arquette electrln u 'Weldlnc table; forse; 125-

drlU: a sets 'taps ond c g rease wrenches, 7-lnc:

I 10-gallon cream cans;

t 65

E= = iP H i! O r a u c t io n e e r s , Osa

R a c J i o S c h e d u l e s

- K V M V -------E E F L - A I E I :(O T KH.O-M.7 Ml

---T“.---^•Cote-Cla.-aub---------------*r*apla Ar* »«»ar Sli-Flftaa* EdIOo

•Tba Una Up _ Cfaii. C.aiofRupart at T"ia falU . • j,^ fthapaodr

-;srs.':.s;‘.f5S•You!'lha World IS i?o iIpa?iadlM^i«b«•Dane O ttbnl" \ \ ;}“ ^

“ S ednc^dat ’ ireD SM D iT-


: S ^ “^ M ^ T r « l loit* TlckVr T a '^ T li .

•youn* Dr. Maleaa P-” -jKVMV Noon WUtea 1 2 N«n^N«t.^Mark

?A U an'jaX n Kawa «■'*Tuml.l.-a«l Tmpot * 30•c"b*r> * "*

I i ?I,M .B 9:00 xOnaMan-a Fam• hL c JI'Il . JsIS Nln»-nft*rti Bfl

N o S e a s o n

Rooker. justice court Monday when )rd and 'pi,.j,(ic(i guilty of unlawful-p “ sculon of migratory wutcrfot

aturday .-as arrested Snturied to a Ofovcr C. Davla, conservnl

officer. The officer charged Jo wllh shooUng a duck acro.vi

■ highway from a car out of s 17.1518, fon nnd without a lleensc. 1 tils par- violation occurred on Rock erewas a I__________

s grad-

P a r l d n g F m escatello, cityofficers collecUd tlO In I H o - ^ for parking vIoTatlona'~TJonda:

- - Poitlns-Ji cach for ovcrUmc i ; Uwee jn~ were Wayne McMurray, Gi 1 Blsble Deiweiier, Mrs. Arthur Ma sey, all jgvy, j . nequa. Charles 8 nd-Mrs, tc4o>rTlean-6weeleyrE.^.-Mo■ sisters, — — - • — tt; Mrs.

m l TERR e c e n t l y I d e n i i f i e t

o n f t c W I T A r 'L I

J^'wurt - -f* JIfuissarBTBrge of es « pr— P R O F E S S IO N A L

-T -R E A ^:E D -X I^t-8tonl— ---- I , I --BoydX — W r^O L J tHe was

police. P e n t a . P o . s t

ig store.

: t i o nractioTrthc-follffwins-nrticleft-loca

or je ro ma or 2»^ mi


TOCK— --------------------,l will bo fresh within Oliver '.‘70 a registered white- Oliver "6—..... ■-------- ---- -Mnniir<r!irthom , 8 gallon cow Oliver 18 jallon cow - Oliver hagallon cow Oliver ha

rth o rtir8 “ inil!oii “cow“ uiiver hnrallon-cow----------- - f A W Culon-cow---------------------------lion cow , Oliver 7-i . b n .C I .,7 . ... ---------------

A . C . C O U Birdsell C

n i ' d 'U , , .m be S S i i5:--------------------- :------ -2-wheol-t

— pallod GRAIN zie.«ALFA 5-ft, turn'baled, wire Ued, good • 6-ft. fres

string tied McCormiiwire tJo 4-section

3 o r 4 . ,o50 bu. David BrW bu. J . _ .____________^ ’MifaC'typ

Hay pilotL T R Y CylinderftffnsHayinr^OfSnntr-er and other miscclla- \VnnH rin

■ I'ors;, - A N C O O f ^ —nachlno flth l l stall cocks 2-S(jctlon;trlc welder 2-WhpfI r !5-lb. anvil; 3 vises: press ' •!1 dies; 3 electric grinders; PniTrnch table saw; saddle; 12 i"oG -For a; milk cart .- gtocl

T E R M S : d A S H :

UTMAMEIand Harold Klnas,...........

_ . / '

” 1 Air W a r n i n g

m JS et to Stage I 'e s tsS u n d i

________ BOISE, Jan .‘’ 23. W - ^ 'S o u li r Z jd a b o i t e i i i r - ^ a n i l n g - n e t

■ plMM fly over 25 tow ns M d i J , • from M ounU la H om e-«astw ar

_____R e p o rta -K llU ie Jc lc p h o n c ^Boise in te r cenusr wfiereTETTl

;ba,u» WlU be plotted. ’ .Mal. T . A. B urda, tU te r c.

commander, said th e cxexclao ^be the f irs t In a series to te s

i r ^ ^ volunteer Bt

■id.-------- M a]oiJluidft.flaI(LM ounlalnJ ■ T Tilr-forc8-bttw-has-*f/ered->>^i^ ------ p lK n e s 'a n a 'p lM tJn n id " tb * -^'«• patrol and Idaho a ir naU onal |

havo volunteered tbe lr coopen Observers will bo alerted a t ^

tain Home. H am m ett, O lenns 3 .bake King Hill, b um . Suit}. Tw in •alara Hanseo, Burley. Declo, Ame

Falls,- Pocatello. Aberdeen, sp rm ^le ld ; M o relan d r-B lac Shelley, Rigby, R lrle, Rexburg.

* ' dale, SU Anthony. Id ah o Faui ______ rn rk er. • , ‘Itotl “

aiWoD Marines Seeking — XrewVoIunte

Former tnarlne c o n » nv personnel ean volunUser- for a

J I mum of one year of active diS - i” ^ t A h e ^ h e l d - u p o n . d ^

Jt iJ announced by S /S g t. WIUI ’2 J ' ! King, marine corps rec ru iter

T herir ill 'bo -aM iB ncd -d lr^cirday Uctlcnl units a t Cherry Point,atlon or El Toro, Calif., a n d canJones grate Into the regular m arines the Tho se rsean t sa id th is progran■ sea- Feb. 15. i

Tlie He also announced th e enlls :reck. q] non-citizens In th o m arine

- U permitted provided they are Ifled In all respecU fo r enlist However th e tr e n listm en t mi ICS approved by tho roarioo corps mandant.

1 bonds ..

S"n^rfcr Betty -PescR -H I-L onff-«w o)^ GMreo Brown; joe-B landford and Rl lanske, Botlmcr.Seibcr Byron Snyder posted S3 for

M ITESl e d i n T w i n F a l l s S t r u c t u r e

emmeot-SBd State Acrlcultu ra l C ollet i t control for bolb Termite* ftnaT)ecn:

i t - e O N T R Q I r - S E R V i e e M B E R S O F A L L T Y P E S

t & T reatiii8_C cPhone lla g e rm a a —2031

I S A I jmiles cast and 1 sou th of tb e Wi

l ANa 24Lunch on Groui

— MACHiNERY---------'.‘70” trac tor ■'60" trac to r-!ofrderfor-“60”-tracto r-----------18-inch hang-tin plow lang-on b<l^n planter lang-on spud and bean cultlvatoi langronjiean.cutter . , — Oliver equipment f i ls e ither "<

''70”-tra c to r)----------------- ------ rf-ft. 'hnny.ftT^r-RncITturnBTe plow .............jmbine, complete fo r gra in or bei I Clover huller, size 8i/a tired wagon and rack tiretl wagon and box -trailer-with-tnnk-for-fipraycr-.-: lions,-pump, Bpray bboms'and'H , all completemWe fresno - — ------------esno, horse drawn iump rakanick Deering spud digger nick Deering 6-ft. gra in drill m steel harrow section harrow hitch 3radley_7-ft. disc.? p c j > o l o ; a c r r i c k --------------------------Icr Ditchcrircom shellerom-ahollep— —V------------------—and rack

loat SnowTilow, home*nijicere manure spreader •'d«-r«k&----------------1— ra n n r f f l jp 'r e a a c r ' ^m steel harrowi machine trailertype phosphate spreaderord IJ/j ton truck, g ra in bed i>ck rack, good one

Kr Qwffier.. . . ■CLERK. John A. D an

’ Clas^’® _ p E ic K :^

lu lh m i ">» S S ?le tw o rt i Hiahii, -----------------’rt s u n . . tiudii;

when JIS°g L 5 i i o . ^ ’ U d clUes

cen ter _*»"MNotth “*I Wo\lld PeBVuT~~.

Vr'.u'j;■ ^nir.cn.1 fcv «ai

n Home ' . b t- a irrv > ^ d r l l - a lr •‘‘ijiuiA.it-VTii U jT sSII Buard --1 craUon.; Moun- w..^, I W5 Perry, vi.iijia.m j . is - 4 . , ^ n Riljji,m crlcan ^ • ’ a l

ackfoot-,- "atW fBu-it-i.ijia'??! g .N e w . fa>*

aviation _»»in s.,.n r J i ' **f tr a ln l- bCHOOlS & fT

e r here, r«lu,“ V,‘“ ‘' ^ :^ctly_to '»£-i.lJuSir^It, V. C., i?.7!;'5;Tu

am ends nogs uju*, *;

r .s :listment. V ? h’

T» com- . Twin I-.IU, l2kT ^ * . rKAi'Kiiimctn

- aa »ama. I’tow aiLU. — -NhKl)—*-aarp*.tfrT tu l

_IZM->I, N oJcti^Sl'

Z “i :.□ Jji;LL_Dun<iT

2:rI( miJX-rrKiiiKs cb„rt.ifclaervlcr. Pick 4 «

U31.W. i=: NTI»0^,..d

Ptrltncr.IP, Cr.r«n..a’.

I L - HtLP VWHTBJE\i-t:iiiE:.sci:DBMa«ii

lese iiou s ^ K ^ t i r a a l cay. "ehiM -tn” h l r t - ^ - iQ r • tlo .'l’-lt. TlMjim j

>______ ._ G R A D IM T B n

■ c i S J- raoaij

' ■ 'ru u . « T iB ^

Qrt.h. JOUUWEYMAHi v ^

............ afa/ »»P«r*«»**J*!!i


'u n a s ^ „ r i V a J « 4 iBMftli. *S.'

'lda^ _ A U ^ » J * '*

SALESMitor . u. k.




'-APPLIC® ______ _______ n e b d e

. * ta

j i e w s p a p e ®'


: K lC ffi®

— *


! =irn a ll jii MtitV*** ^

Page 9: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...lub a t»*—"nie * tod»y «h*r*« «ul I* gy.^U'.ble- twe»tert,, >'Q. 2S2- - oice

0 -% & r’r s r s : r ^ n s i

OB-b e n t -* '- V FeSlVIOB STATION ^

' rf o rjfn.« u- s- ^PBON* * ;__________ ^^ , — HO

,,» d o f |« ^ M"*!"'” **'- TO

agency *-5

L o c a t io n s '-5 o r ie n t --------- l l>. m t u nptUlf* o»lt« t; S t 7 , 7 . S r * “ r

OB BENT diMtloa on alXMl 1vv«1i ^

• Sli -1

T) ROBERSON . 1 AGENCY....__, . J ^ 1 1 StS'ofth I

f i ^ P ROOMS ~ p1 , fxOntd. «-W•^ f M'li: « » m j itMoo- J. ,«Mt f i t . _ J-----• m la. </«ntl«mtB. pr^ ^ r r A.«i.. KMt. “ -riu iii t«f tSo: i w i >rir.lM EMt_______

*“ ’• 5

Is ’a p a r t m e n t T " “

r‘.'fk^°‘' — —Mt BMdirn I rooou, clot* - ftrtt M««. f.Ml, Bodtfn. prlrai* Mtb. n

n E ls r ' "• ‘- ’l naat 4P4iun«nt.i. nuU

■n. cnviia bith. tntntne«.p

n!i-Mlh, (urKM*. <;tous4 -T !i Ilut. nioii*-l<IM or

i Eiuesablt n u . £*•:• ^

S^£lltir»tr^Aaul = NiSHED APTS.

tK- aint. L. r . g u b«it ]hw inu.________ J>OH. Ul 4U| North. 1

aii>rini«tit'i wllh flr»- ♦ ;»air hut. rh<.n» »M4 Wixnt, (iKtrla r>nt> bkUs. furnlih*d. ISIS

>, I ranmi, hath. lUnct, . fucnl.h»l. IK.OO _*

S f e r a l ’i S - ' l f■uVuri.l i

CUTCI Vllli AsirlmmtA. 1rwtD H O U S E S ~ I•M, Qclitn houia. (SO. '*s r —;---- :---- ------ i

iSHiP H 0 I J 5 K ~ '™ fcMoa. ‘••rdta ipot. I

^^Ritph HaTflt MoTlnr

*Im “ ■ J Oil Cutnata. Icqul^ <

«»>. nr»l U U I, Skr.lea. *

‘r . v ^ -"■.■"ni.Sb tnonllL I tl iad ~

I'AVtNUn NOliTlI 1

£ ^ r s £ p

^ M N T . LEASE i«fwai hnm*. unlufnlih«l. '

^».^«Jpmrat. r«{»rCTt J

» iSiK,. '

- for r e n t _i ^ i - all -

--tOAHO------------------ ! ■OWVE. Inc.- ! '

g T O LOAN ;

nOMKLi .MT • “n

.N.TEnn7 i;

• S i - . - - J

I _


o r O W KM t^»-W «jB. «!otrr. •ehook

SniEiniODllluB*. tolltunuHit.-TiirtiWC’ ■1 ten . Phoni 0»»«.n«._____________ _

H005E on ^ , ‘^ 7 , ” * •'"**' **'• '


MODERN J.b*dfoom.-lm(B»aUtr-poaM«tlon.—-lt»»7th Attnut Notth. I'hont <ai-M.


TO l)B MOVKDl 4-To.im rlailrrnl hnui».A. Murray, Jr.. T cnllni toulh. Kim- ~ brrlr. SH-JI. r

S.ROOM b»««in«nt bom,, imall down p»r- m,nt. ta>7 urm*. Inqulr* t i t Auiiln

TO I1G MOVKDl :-mnm Ituulitnl haul,,— *<i ^ ^ t.nEDnOOU modrrn homt. oil (uVna;*,

4 rooma In baarmant. iinarata plumblnx.fhoi'a IK.M. KInilHTi,._____________ [_

t-UCDROUM mocjarn InaulalH - hom,. - j>rMlil,nllaI alraal. ctoaa lo acboot, varr r

I'UBOROOMS. moJfrn, full baarmanl. furna^a >to1|*r.^^.arsa ]<il. l’oaan{J^D

r.IIKOnOOM fno.lfrn hom,. (ull baaeiB.nt. {urnaca. door •train. (I{A Urau. WIU conaldar lata moUcI car u doon paynxnt.-Phona aoai-n._____________________

•NIOH-b«n»i—b»a»T*»««on.—S-bodroonn.- * larxa Il'lnc room. fInUhad bumant. 2 jlrtplacM. »0 Iluchanan. ^Phoaa liCTJ.

mrnt! *IIa»'a»af»lS!ni' ro“ tM d°ll,ln^HI llujhatiati. Thon, W9.|>.


Orlirr-ln Utallon I141 Halfl Ata. W «l T»U JM

IDEAL LOCATIOK ■lol. larga llrlni an4 dlnln* roocna. Ilr<akf«>l room, off MmI VlKhan. llnulifut woodwork, i'riead at lU.tM.

----- :---- CJllTjrCA-HrtWiTidtT------------ -~ TTTH_fTtTtT>TO tn -p v r ry __ Z ITl> ' rhonta IIIIK I

-------- ?TCAIU,YNmVHOME ^Ona b«clroom on main (Inor. two lovaly p flobbeil rooma In hatrmpnl. Oil fur*n . t ^ PrlcrJ (or Immadlaia aala. '

■ ARTHUR T. WATSON rca.o-Tab/j I11<lr. ^

**alok»r. ^'cS.V .lUtr\t* *’“ ariSt. ax\nilot. Utlttllatt, irrmf,

-TniPLKX.-aio,*- ln.-«.balha.- -Sukar. Inmnia lUa par month. U,«0« «Iowb,

C^ECIL C .'jO N E S CpaUlr» Dank * Truit Phona 1041

^.1,(500 DOWN . . .J.Dadroom. alrlctlr nif«1«rii homa. wall ^ locatad, rioia l.i achoni, wonil,r(ul latvj. -

*»i TnRir^lala ooairaaioii. Frietja.160.


t aam, tarllla aoll. with mnJrfB hooa. -bofa««.Hn-TVln-Kii»,Ft8|iW«i -

m aern. »,rr valuabl, land with baau- IKul (.room hom,. Ilaillant heat and fornl«had‘»paTim»iit In baaan»aiit.-Wlll- -

-f^jl’ n/ornuhad or fornlfhpd'with a ll'i'roicarout builnna with net Incgma tUO par month. Idaal (or euuvla to os»

CITIZEN'S AGENCY Waat Flta Polnla—Twin Talla

Pban»»14 Itaa.. U»1 or » :M .

ARE YOU INTEREBTED IN . . .A flna homt In top locatlont Cuitom (onamcllsn. Eztra^btacment him^ Wt ■I iV boT ^ I laTorpornl* *hr'» f,alur« plua rxctllanl ttrmi. lloth homn art <arp«tid. loo. ,


- ' ^ ^ a g e n c y “ ‘^ ~Drl»a.I_n lfeallora_ ___ _

APPRAUNO PnOPOSITION2 Dcdrnoma. axtra In (Inlihad buamtnt. coal atoVsr, r«r«llon room, dlnttlt.'ary larza lot. a>c«ll,nt location and terma,. Saa thU wonderful bur lwl«r.

KToand. I6 » » ly " illnnu ,’Tlial**^- IhrouBhout. Oil furnact. H«t» [n wW wnthar for IK.OO ptr monlh.Juit |:,000 down, balanca Ilka Ttnl-


Phona :<4t or ll»»

BY OWNER Phone 3407-W

, Lnrge New Home With I.KOOM UENTAL APT.

........ — In-yULL-tlAflEMKNT------------r--Larsa llWni carpcllnr.

rwm,’’ u'r»a‘‘‘^ch°^|*wK^^ *lltndlx laundry, lo'tTof bulLlni. l^rr* _ ckada. weather alrltiprtl. luulataj. •rurnact, atokrr.' alt conJItlontr.-

jlaieratnl aparlmrnt hat ««n kltth«B « and bath. ^ _

- » E ¥ ' U S V ! S t « l H S « r - -p«r,nnltU. And all for llJ.tOO. J

FARMS FOR SALE _« ACItE farm, fair lmpro»«n,nu. U>cat4 p

iouth. 1 aa.t Murtaugh- ».-n. S«ara- NOHTllbllTK BO Vor"iala or rtnt- lmprs»M

M acraa. Modarn homaa In n ltr for aal.«ir rent. Macaw. W li . n i , r .________

■ RAN CH ’■J.!M AcrW, •RancVwlnlcn «8-hnil.- Irc* aprlns waUr. B« ua (or dtull*.


Phona :4 « . or :4Il-W E'r«nl“l ‘- -

1962 ------------

f a r m s f o r s a l e li“ ACIll.J. JO ------

w iir , I "ii>> B® r ~ "obI "1“

ixkaimI 4 TnUn ,u l . Ttock Cr^k Mil

. . v 100 ACRES!™sr'K,‘r s x ' i i " . ! ; .

■ - - ^ ' y ' M a w - '* * y * ' '118-Narth-tlncoIi------- JiSaaTiaaK .- —

* ■ ‘ ' W

•• . r o n SALE OR TRADE

naw^lm mV’"' * “ * ' *“ *" Po oiilM T^liiy- ■ *-»

Ji!™'j^ViJlL accasL -A -tm aU -icrtiK t___nr«r Twla J ,l |, „ p .n 5,,m,«L

BOX 38.B, m iE S -N E W S •” '•*

r a n c h e s AND FARMS

Tnylor criilnir tor l.SOO «h„v. 'hit I * Io"m II w’l, u^ o J»oaia Kami, ona XO acrta. with


rr»rfT.T*Ur KlJe, Phuna COS I ^


■ J3.000 DOWNI „

Uodim (.Wdroon homa. i balhi. dinlns , ,room, banmant, larasa. 1* Acr« farm- ’IncetOTnl wlih luU wairr rilhU ”• Within iwi, nil>a uf Twin, ft'a afamllr home wlif, (,nd ,nou»h lo pro- 111vicl, pitnir of f.ol. Tcrmi ar« nay. uPric. lU.loa, w. »tnc«; IhU to tall "gulckK^ h^ lu it If you art _Vl

— ^R&^FESTATE—' — SERVICE a g e n c y j

444 Vala .<;outh Phont :U4

— — Yovn opi'ohtunity----------- rUay> north nl Ilup,tl. I.and nulvaltnl


:in Arm, I3H culllratr.l, 110 In wat pand .dy ny tuw_T»n- linw .^ ont yJvromt, luliJrtM JA, l?S2 Irakc. S27JO0. PiI7,t00 down, balan. . txccllrnt contract. „

CATTT.KllANCH' £ -31M W >»r aiutind caiiaelLy. cicamnl. .g, Improvamanta, aicluiivo turr>l rltbti,. practically anow (rea « r i . aliundanealhrl>liit I'mn ano aconrrr, flihlnc. I hunllnr. Can rurcha.r I5u hrad catlla and mxhlnrry al maikal prkc. llanch»M,SM... W .i down. ______ ______

------------Tl,tACaC--VAliLEY-r-Trr-^.INVESTMENT CORP. ~

> Phoat- »44£.' »iei-J E»cnlngt __


2700 AcrcaOver l« acre* IrrlsaljH. ISO acrra^dff ^ U n" w«hi aupVofi'l&O hV.T ?h'v,ly moUun-homaa^plmtT-of'ireititillitln^ •—

't .n an t houa*. and hulldlnr* l.ocatad ” ,j,Wj"

lie rt I. a chanca lo owi a tood Placa W (or tW.OW.OO. Coma In and talk U

A OOOD FARM■90“Acr*«. S mllra from,Twlti FalU.-'A- _£ BOOd ptoducUrt /arm". IJf.SWT .T'rmt. rjtl

TracL'"j:V.O^ !iw

____ nACON Al I.AW aENCSJ---------Renl EstnU ~

Sl* Main Norlh Phona


---------m-HeAT>'RAHOH— ^ ■=A 1110 arra ranch In th. UmhI Vallcr, "■* -localnl -» mlln trom Salmon Cll>. ^Includri arc I « head whll.fae. cow., WA60 hwd p lck^ heltari. ' » 0

hiil'liKin.-” ^ iim" 'SKS : : * ? o r T , r r .Itt^.'TSu u‘n J tU pricrt rUht. and e.*» tcrmi art —

-Bvallablt.'-Contkct th t- Idaho ->alU-«» — _!jB^«a.«(f|Ctj:or_a!Ldeia]l*:_______

600 HEAD RhNCH '1310 acm denied land, with ranst hU ndl'.W m orrin th. paiturta. In- cfudad ar»,«9 liaad DJack Anco* wwfc 270^«arllnr^^il^e<r. an.I irraln, anci compUlt lln. power equip-

..want—Tlili-«tn-ba.iuirdmtil-KlUl_cr- — wll^uuiha eatU»..or,anr parl lh«l««f._ ^.ocalH ln Iht Salmon-itUtHcl.-Ttr™* available, dtpeqdlni en Ihe amount of caltla purcbaaed with thl> arlup.

' ” • c o o k • i " REAL ESTATE CO.-

OmCES Idaho Talla ^and Rilmon, Idaho _

Waho >'all« pJ-o"* «<»Salmon Phont IH-W

"^^fA R M S^FO R RENT--------’‘‘*?nn°'‘.m‘*;ir» ran t-'ho‘'Ila/!!ua !‘l4V ^

LIVESTOCK & POULTRY T“ Mlllk cow., aon., fr«h. oUiera iccliTS TH;

aooti. 017ft.m. nuhl.______________—IIULSTUN hrary iprln«rr, cominf ^

j aS HOLSTEIN —Guarniry heKer (reah with h.lfer ealfi

ona Guemanr cow, heafy «H'>BS,r. ona „ Guerntay anrlniw h«lf,r. ef.; Qtilncy._ ^


F or DEAD nnd t?SELESS •_

A N I M A L S . ■ “------P » 6 n B US COLLECT * ,


IDAHO HIDE“ — F T S L r o w c o : -------- V— •— • —* sa

^ . z z z z z ^ t

T ' ’ ~ .T IM E S -N E W S , T W IN


niB(fTl,w ArtlfJrUl JflatiplBaJloB ttr r . =77^ lea, llolateln. Ouarntty, Jareay as4 Mllklai Shorthorn. Phoat I tl. Jtraat.

CUSTOM SLAUOimStNO es tha.farra aiKl kauM to locktr 77777

U. D. CACCER ®‘ 5'-- ■ , • f t


Hydraulic Equipment ,Poalll.e «onUo1, hrdraalla tractor lift.

' Lew eeit bydraulla maaBr* loadar*.

■ALi£N“SCO T:^R L—III plaea aoulh ef Peal Offlca, Filar

■ Ptaa. »J p -

t 'ru c s tB e d s ---------- 1 -p. Cnlo. bMi asd aiock aomblBiUes p

Farublt Cellar Touio WaaktrPouio Pllan I J

Perukit Berun I *Coseaior DalU or Cbala*


««• tad Arenua Soutb | cat

TKACTOBS &I t l l FEIICUSON, Ilka paw. Prlcad

rithl. J uiI t t l VAC Caia with htBfOB plow ITII r- l ! wllh hanson plow bb4 eulOeator.

nC-Alll, Chalmrra with mewar . _ titSKarmall Itraular wllh mower------IJ« ___VC Ca.t ................ •--------------- UH J

nt-Neir:U.««llrrTTict«Tr»PfcJ«II>n’,tJ---------- ^NORTHBIDE^-----


---------- coonmcrtOAiio-----------

- — —r — - — ...........— ..- .I _ch

FARJI EQUIPMENT mCheck thla llat and ral yoar order' p‘l PUeid for tuulpaiat you will ca«l (or jloi





Paul OlUJi Durley Each. Jiak*_L ' .~........... . — -____ - - r - . - " I l

SEEDS & PLANTS-YKLHiWZWaom-awwt-cJuitt-aM^ Uk .5^

frcm^irowtr. Contacl Wm. SlaufJer. f,,

HAY. GRAIN 8, FEED n rUALEO clor.r bay. 4 aoulh, IH waat |!

" i ’i L v s '™ . '” ' ' ' r iM TON lai, Snd cultin* alrlnftlad hay. *. Phont a it-Jt. Filtr. ________^

TON.H flrat ciiM~l<ay. MO MaiJrona. tl

. JMahway. Phont DIH-Ri. ~ ~ Cll t-EHI)' trlndlBB and cmJaaaaa mlalBt. La'a ~~innrnB~c&.~PMKi~ttTcw. * "CpijALCl) HAY for aalt U« Matbawa.. MuiUUBh-Idaho, Photui_nJ». ___JEJr i;U )—UnlNDINQ.' Monnahaa,_UUllW. ^

Sarvlca. 17t»-R.'TwIb r«ll< or zi-Klr <lu<

ATTENTION fttdaraTnd famtrai Slaam SXr u e ? , g

3 i s r i » . ‘ s :' ley and iraln. Oakley Mllllnt 777

- —Co.—PfaoBa-MtL-nr-jwInJalla. 17»frW.,

CHOICE Srd aulUni wM Uad hty. » n ll« sA aoulh, tllar or ti Bnrth, I waat Bartar B‘'' Stort. Clamellt. F

- _ W A b t l£ p TO b u y " 1WANT 10^

WANTEDt r a t rolorad hana. tco prlcaa, LA Unllaa * Poultry Tarw. Phoaa 114I,

MODCUN 2.b«!rp«Bi b w P«& ^a«ple

— Highcst-Pricos-Pald-----FO R OLD BODY MFTAL,


ENAMELWAnJi ACMpTCD’_____ Munt Be Prepared ________ —

. . . . . . T o 'O u r - S ^ t f ^ o r n . . .


TWIN FALLS ' “ * ; , AUTO PARTS • SE:' ■ ■ * T

I b u s i n e s s a n d P R


Ho.ira, walk. .— fa aa ma— ' ^i • CLEANEnS & pygRS_____ __ ^

i • CO.miEnCIAL FRtNTlNG 5;:I Quality prlntlnt of all kloda. Tlmaa^^S. 5 ?’ J £ £ n iii____________________iui■ •! FLOOn SAflDING - ~ J

”• *• o V iM ^Ktwl I'feifle. t u Snil A.e- No. Phona tioi;,• ,\fA 7T/l£SS r e n o v a t i n g T

,MACT1^8E3_r«no.alYl^E"««»^M»«* iS• ' MONEY TO LOAN ^ ^

■£,. u|-rorT*nn-«iITeI^lMni.--«n-lnt™r -5;

• MOTORCYCLES ' iT ilUalasCKUnr. Fk. Ul> 411 WtlB At*, X. Cul

T N F A L L S , I D A H O

• PETSHAVk I eoill.'"J.uppUa- H l " 1 ’k.ona {Hii

am .Bt, Twin Vail., ■ CleAUAUCerS ~4or “ ,a ; i tlM

atock and cat^ birdi. 441 Uartln fitraat. Uiii:

^»aijail5M**nd**upplJaa. lil '^ llb ' aeaiiut P l iBaal. Pbona «1»-J, tl

BABY CHICKS m81-r.CIAU tarly Order pric.a unlll January “j

to. Aaaonad hnvln Includlnt Cnnea Ifc. Ilampahlm. Whlta Rotki. Auatra. Whltaa, Ltfhorna l‘.c. I'eatact aalrv ---

U. .1. APPROVED ■ I *'lly.Llna Hybrldt

' Ntw Kampddr,!. Whlta RocktXaUbaa ^Md'ay a ^ Friday

Phona ;«:.W, nuhl CARTER HATCHERY

■ ^ c------- FARM-MASTER


For Fu tu re DeJJvery ^ALSO _


BM.VK.H rh IrV ._________ _j

Turn your dlm« Into poultry dollara-'I'or whether you hav* lull cf apac. or Juit rB-llttlr. w h«h,r you ara a pro* fmlona) or r tr l Ilm* j-oulirymae. you , can rely on Karm-Ma.-.er AAAA Grade * Chlcka. from Innf ealabllihad baleh- rrlei. You can hava top quality hrollera , tnd fryna 'a a ^ fur marktt by aprln«

?or**U>*(r*f*I('ataadr*f rowjh, *”'*SUrt Rl(ht Todu-I I

J u t oaa Saar*Future Dall'trr Chkk Fits


„ g q q d j h i m g s .j :o ^ e a t _ _

buihai. i^ in r

APPl.Ea^^ll.(W^jHd u p /^ ^ ^ Koile '

r*yr*^rtr?BM~AilrtlaCT-Awoa-Eeat.—' BUHU Unuty anplra. Irwin llodtnaub nr>

SOllTKII Jonathan, I1.M. Oelleloui, Win.t» Uanin^.j^llonM. li.oo, Dtllycrtd. 1

i'OTATOKS. lIUMtta. Ontoin; alao tu lfp ^ , uiM .^ Idahn^Crow,™ Aaaoclatloa. IH '

.WILL TIIAUK (Ood 'td Uukk at part down t.rmant on hom,, Phona OMUll,

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE .WINDOW ahadu,^ >«*' to 4i: . Odd aliat

7 l O ^ ‘ »-: poln. bcoiiTiia. I, n w ac k . ’ ’ aon. Phona ■

MtACTICALLY pair akia. .kl boon, -al,.^ .lg-w d^Co«plet«._t»,CO ._Twln _

d«ll»’ary.'^Tw’B *?alla ’cquIjM n^ Coa-'

SCHUOL-UUa t>ody. Suluhla for.trtllit houea. Oil burntr and unk Included, _ tion.oe. 430 4lb Avanut, Phona _

1 Il.r. l.KJiASe Ctntury motor. 1T4® rjim.1191 H.P. Maattr motor, l.phaia,I'M rpm,^tU, UnUl In^azecllint condl-

1 HKMINfiTON too li~ * H Matnum at aiholftal, prlct- I ♦»e,ll,nt uaad Jlar.ta tai't rccoriirr, tISS. Camarai, projecton,

- vlrwm.-flaih-«un«. m l«rs,n. K»ctt*pllia. Wall nityloek'a Coronet Cam.ra

F u r n it u r e & ~a p p u a n c e s

Phon. ItU-W,

^ tluuo- Tho'; wai0.m-llt.»»^t.««-&0.B:. --

**and Y Electric. Twin Kalli.HOTI'IIIIJT'ranee. Ilka n«w. tlO*.iO. H

- —iiTirY-WrctTlc^TWIr—K.U., ■ -WANT to lell year furniture? Call Uacta

VallfT Auellon. rhnne~iaa-J —.......—AUTOMATIC waiBtr «ooq cfln-lltlon, u>^

- --B-Tnnnthi, 47«.«r-<C»-Aihrt4<»-ni — -NEW AND uiad^alKtrla raniaa ^ Uaka ^

BLOND Uble modal ridle-phonotrtph. Ef« callant condllloB. Al>9 blua Upcatr7 bad da'cno. Phnna »SM.

aact. Iiw> Klm«>.flr Itaad. ;LAIICiE 111* Duo-TTitrm all h« l.r In ai-

ctlltBl condition, eotnplau wllh circu.lallni aod foretd draft faaa. Phont

I TWIN PA LLS-SEW INO^ ------ M ACHINE-SXCHANOB------ -................. nulf — BELI. r

New aDd~Used'Uftchlnes

r . S u - . - T C . a w . " . - ■1:1 U.lB At,. E u , ^ F b w . IIM


: -

SEPTIC unk tnd ceatpool olaanlBl. n«o-y„“.y c "

P E 'O F E S S I O N A L

,:tory• nfLJf£A I£iL-W -ASIi£jLJi£PAlR. _

~ oil llwtrr A Waahar-3tr»k»--tM*-w.— -■ ••'R U .N/H/NC & HEATING

M g t Plumblni and HK Co. |-hen«-W,- • BADfO nKPAlR SERVICE

- -«-flfcFflfGfiflATiCW -S£iW iC£ . 7 . ,

t n - S ^ k " ^ r , r ‘ ; |o - n ; : ! iT ;p ^ ^ ^

_■ 81? >lh Avi P* ioio.Uoovtr Ralea aBd H ^lee. «?OBa XIM.

. _1C^C. An.lfr."" Company. Twin Falli._• V1-:N£77A.V U LiN D S »

Tf ■eiSnlBi. leiiWr^nr.-^eBJi.iC-ytooa. :-J7a. .^ • W A T m SO FTENERS_________

Z CuUlsaa Soft Watar Btrviot. PboBt 2:1. _1

• RADIO & MUSIC ' 1 '

" " c ^ f u d r e - r j u T i ;______________ :____• S i .U»KD PIANO. IICD.OO. liood epn.lllk.n. - —

-Jh o l" j!?L SPIANO UAItOAmSt Uood u« l plarx mil*

tll.CO dewB. I>4« par moBlh. Clavda S»S3RrowB Unle C<i»npaBr. Twin Falli. ■

EXCELLENT rondlllOB. Wera and PonJa — uaHl piano, t t Inehn hlrti. UMondtlU>n. ally (uaran t^. tlm^l down payni.BI,

W#-BUlCK-»peat«»-*-leor-tedan,^.ll-»^ ------CNMrlea. l i l t Hudaon S-door, ptlcKl to

. .»ll. »U Van nurrn. rrtnlnia.

' W E N E E D C A R S Z Z


C A L L O W A Y & M c M A IN 'S

u t MAIN RAST I P U O N B tH W _______


let "* “I»I-------- *'8,la.l" Ua«l Cat SUb— _

Truck Lana W «t . ' ^ T '-------------CHEVROLET-If<r rim lm uw Moor. A bMuIr In

III! Hpeclal Daluia Town aadaa. Haa naw aherlblock and UanamlaaloB.A car thal haa hlih tam e. • talut ..................... ..............WM

CHRYSLER L _Itl l Roral 4-door. If you’ro looklnr ___

for a elaaa Chrraler. thla la IIIOnly 11,000 actual Inllaa. ....... I-----Fully el)ulBped «’»«»

DESOTOt i l l Diluit ludor, Haa radio, haaltr.

..lliUd dtW*. aae Ihla car and olh.rt ..... ...... .............. .lie »

FORD ,H- -I»«r»:?ii«it|»»-«up*.—A-Bl6«-4Jt*B- -

" - u ,^ .MERCURY

I ltl Club raupt. Radio, healer, and omdrlva. DaauUful aaal

-------ac«aa.-iatlUhti .............I lH l , _jt(NASH

f#S»’.'!laieaman~ ■4;i.»r. OeVrdriet,hea.ar, bad, racllnln.____

1141 -MO' «.door. Radio, healtr.' o»,r- 'I t l l AmbaMador**4.door. ~oVardrlrt,• he.l-L broadcloth ophoUtfrT. *•'

I t l t 4-door aadan’.” wi«lh'ir ty,. «o«my**'ear°““.!.*.!’l ! . '.! 'l_ _ im

OLD 3MOBILB hydramallc drhe. Try ua on c

:»<r Striae *•7i'’'''cyiib~»»dJni Radio, J(l haaur, hydramatle. tta t tcrtn . L _

p l v w o u t o ' ‘ ^-^aia.a I . . . nn,^ .».« I«>,v« ___

o” ;-_ Johj a_ Bwd, *'ht llrtre Ihtrt*__ _

— ^ W I L - L S --------- —_ _ U S E D ^ C A R .D E P .T .____ —Jlt,_ '^ck_U na_W .at___ r boaa ___



_____ , _ U S E D C A R S

---------- — L f tte - M o d o ls ~ - r ------- —_____• * IBT»irCHEVROCET"«5or-MJa-n-.»l«r- “

i -Imi >■'J 1IS> CHEVROLET autloB

; IIM CIIEVftOLCT tHloor tadiin-lini j" Uto CHEVROLET <.^aai.ni»

r " i ^ r o n T t ^ r awia, -------- £: 114* FORD l-paiaea«n e n ip e _ tl ltl ’ l l l l PLYMOUTH 4-d«or aedtn t t t I- - . H * - P .« ,T 0 - 4 - ^ . . r - « - p . a J U : ^

l«rClinVSLV,R 4.door aadai._.IU«» l l « PACKARD t-door iadaa— l »M* -IMt-JLDaMODiLB-d-dgCT-atdaa-lltM- —

— O ld e r M odelfl—i r 4rClTEVR0 LET 4Joor arfaa. I lU ' :tit41:6llEVROLET l-»aaaaa«5 -

1141 CHEVROLET I-door (adaa.t 411 l i l t CIIEVnOtET t-door aedan.l 4M Uto CHEVnOLET 4-door aedao.l I4t II JWJ CHEVROLET i-ioar udMn-t « l I tu VOUD '-door ladan ..I 3tS 1141 FORD Dualnaaa coupa ------1 111

- _ii4i_PORn_4.<io«L»t4*'>_.— J J ’* J z : .4 lll;roBD J.ilgar.H dM ,w i-««»-*CI

l i l t PLYMOUTH Moor aedaa —I i»i 1140 PLYMOUTH* 4-door aadan-l t t l jg 1941 IIUICK t.;>aaa.nter coop*. I 4»IMt DUICK'4-dMr'a'adaa — l- i l 'IH It41 STUDEBAKER 4-looraadan________________ t 141 ^Il(» STUOEBAKER 4-doof

lllt.OI.DSUODILE l-«aaarBcar

l l H ^ « A i D 4-loor aedaa — I IM ”

O lher LftU tn d Older : - - Modela — N ot L ifted _ ,l

\ ■ ■ . C Q M 1 E R C ? A L 3 ----------- - J ,- TotrCHEVlfOLET'Mon. chaa.la^ ,^^

i, l l i l ciiEvnoLirr «;-iob , ii--pkkap -._________________ _________

. » « CHEVROLET H-to» plakop.l BM L- I t l l rOIlD H.toa pickup , ^ ^ 1 6 1 1

“ 1131 KOUD H4-toa wllfi b«l___t *«I ]«U FOnD IH-Ua with bad ,—1 JU »L l»S4 FOBD m-toB wllh bed-----1 « lJ l l i l INTERNATIONL »l-tc» . ,

p k k u p ------------------------- 1 HI!tlO INTERNATIONAL H-t«a ,,

pickup________________ I H I *'

- ■.. m t RTUDEDAKER^tonrd -pickup,, ............. —t i m - - -

^ ' G L E N G . J E N K I N S - ■ • S A L E S a n d S E R V I C E p

^ — cSiXc-TErtH?----------------- c x sir— ~

AUTOS FOR SALIm « CHEVROLET riattll.i t^oor. lUdIo

and, haatar. Low mllea*.. Ilka new Ithrcaihouc. TVte <rad^ Call mUT. j

l t}|l| CIlgVnOLCT H'Y"_____________ I ^« ll« . II4TI. Trada or Urma. Phone ' = tllt-R , - ■ ■—

1051 FORDCluh Cualom Coupa. t.aaa than H.OOO mlln. Itadla and healar. IXca way

. & SERVICE: i ! !n,l A«.nut Soutb Phone JSI

I TWIN f a l l s ” 1_O=lQUIPME_NT_C0.____ _


alcnali. undtreoatfd I,, — l l t t i ... -l»4»-WUneBAKtTl-aninpt«r^R«al- ----

D.luie l.do«. Oetrdrlra. allma-______ . . , a . «*'

H it MKRCURY 4-door aadiB wlUiradio, heaUt. laat cortn and tl< white aldawall tlraa. A

■ i n r V S I e ^ - s u T e r tH i s r a - w s s r -**',^ ._ ^H ^a d lo . htalar and aeat

• l l « ClIKVn^LCT S-Soor. ficiS.' i» ll.inally clean Inilde' and aUt for

1I3B CHEVROLET |.door. A ___________Located on Truck Ua«

Talepboae l«tt• I B

I BLUE-RIBBON 1Used Cars *'

T he Ouarsnteed ^— '-U sed C»r ■ - • — —

.m « .5T,UDEnMCER,C^rn.nd»rIIffaL r =Daluie SedaB. ClIraallMt haaUr,-•«trdrl,a .-rad la.—lew—BiUaa<e __

(Inlth like n.w, O B ly _ _ ll7 l8 IIM CHEVROLET Slylallna Deluxe

bedan, 4*doer. Juat like* aaw.A eW » .»0 .’7 »V»

-4»4l^!i^ll»U >.?^-Club .Seda^* .^ . __dlo. heaUr, orerdrlea, aaat teran.

------- An-»xteption»ltT'*l»»a"e*T.--------- —Only ..................................IIMI

J i l l MERCURY 4-Joor aedaa. Hew lla.

l i l t PACKARD - r 4-loor SedaB.Ntw blaek (Inlib, naw aeat corara." r “ t oBiy’! lil! ! !^ i^ !iL ? ti« o ;;

tl< t CHEVIWLET AtroaedtB. Vttr

SCHWARTZ AUTO CO.K P Jad A l'e .ll 7boB*Ill >'

' li

^ r ~ T R E E “ T ! ■ - | 7

___LjOQ.Gallonfl-of G aa.............^----------- ..4— ,PL P B -■!--------------=: =-------lO-Erea-LubB-Joba.. . _|

CalNnr BtU > IIM FOItD "I* <-loor _tlSI3 l l l t l l l l l FORD S-door _ _ _ I 1MI I III IMl OLDSMOniLE "t.” J

11.000 mlln. Excel­lent condition _ _ _ IM I» l l l l l

1141 DODCE 4-loir J____I t » -I 411-Iflll NASH 4-dOflf « m _1110 CllEV Coupa ■« Ul I 111 _

COMMERCIALS —»4» FOBD S-ton (naw motori-IHtl j—

_1P4P CHEyjiq_l^__ H-loa IIWI _ 1I4T CHEVROLET Pasal — I TU

StTtral olhtr rtal bayt In pr«-war ean and tretks



To^ReduM ’

— :— y o a -a ty B r ro K t________ _i• TA* PCnPOSM - • — ^ our Itock ot used c tn

- O om e-In And- M aks--------- —......... __________________________

m e ^ U ^ L L |h t* rn ^lliO FORD 4-loer. }1,0M naraalaad

Mtnal aillw. DaauUful dark cretn. wllh whlu aldrwalla. bit puab. , buttoB radio. baatOT a»d cvardrlTa, *

l « I CHEVROLET Coarartlbla. •,««— r,

; icoo dlJCOUUt. ^ <U ll CHRYSLER

^ ^ l i ^ n y eltaa. uted ear. you'U

11(1 BUICK 4-loor Super tedan, S-toea ' »ratn. radio and baatar.

U II CHEVROLCT 4-lSor SpeclaU W.. _ ooo mllea, Haalar oaly Will i l r t _ a Btw car na iaa tet (pd • ««»• aldtrable djamat,

_lll».CliE^O LCT IW to w J^ e^ l l j _

-WlriJOUrirTSrTBat-Dam^ ,btaulllul-car-wllb-radlo,-baaltr- ‘- and fluid drlra, j j

H it O L D S ^ B jL E ^ r S ^^tU a. ^radio, btalar. aunahada. autalUa -

IIH FORD t-tOB. t-apeed. practUaQy aaw crala and ^ bed. 1« , ^ nllea. Now It wbtn U t *iat bey-

_ a n bar, thtlr tneki. Cheek thU |-

1141 INTtnMATtOHAL P la k o p . 4- feet abapa, ^

-------------- NORTH SIDE- ' - ’AUTQ CO.

P h o a o llt . 2(aa* .U a]»

- ______JTcn1nw„hT. ABPCialatall_____


- F or Your J41AP— ■ . ■ :

ee*- ' 1


' • PHONE Sill

C 0 M P A R .B Q

U : . . . .----------------A-------------------------■ ------------- ----

, IT

_______________ . .Y ... _S A V E M O N E Y ! i

l i l t FORD VI caatoa Mdan «!tk 1dl^ oyatdrlr^ haaUr aM ^

UU HUDSON Commodora'ilatiiaa wltk radio. oTtrdrlTa asd beater—411H

-WT-rrUPEBAKKB C«»»a»4w-B-^-----cal dalujie l-paaatam

-l«T CffE^O^ET^ rUtau tU r 4^t m

t i l l DaSOTO Coatooi 4-do« vllkdie, boater asd (laM drlT«__fU((

b ^U r eTtfdrlra »»d

U ll cnm rgLtR ^ii»iK»-o*da« _ i m . _(i4[ pLYicocrm cik «mp« »f(k n«

U.U MtWCURT 4-door {A r x * . .

B-U -Y y -R -O - l i B-Y^R-O-K T W I N F A L L S .M 0 T 0 R C 0 a

1.________ FOR A , ■ IGOOD WILL

USED CAR............It*8-B«mard*a ■ ■ ■ —

THE BEST FOR YOU '------------ I N '52------------- r ->

I b a Barnard '. Uaed Car ' _ _ _

u il p6K T IA ^*r_J^al^lB ^• s d 'c r v .... .........I I im

llTdnmatU. S-toaa (rM s.u-.nit>

IIH PONTtAO Strawllaer V 4-4«w — aedaa. Urdnoalle, lUU Msa

flnlab I I t i l l PO N m U T ’ Slraagillaw-ScpT 3

craaa Itolah. ........ lU tt- “

E s m « i r . r ! i i z 3 ! s s "-tUT-pONTrAO-T-StTaaatlaw-MMr^

CoBraaUoBal drire, dark

HIT r O K I l ^ ‘r JM wir^adia. laf^ .SItit !!!,“!!— — H - i ie u

ALL ABOVa QAMA]l 04tilpped with radio* aol battM*.

Moat «( tlMa biT* M l e e m

' BARNARD’S■ • • .u^ed C tr L o t ........... ...

i i n . 1 ~ —

— W E^R E-STA Y IN a-_ri -IN TH ISTO W N l

— :Car Uaad Can auat b« 1M« . rlih t or m aaa’t btv ona.

___ ___ ;

iwpoor eeamltBoa, That** ew policy. Waat t* p im Itt

~ • Thw dtlra la today. ^ tbw« / __

U4T KAISEB ' ^4eor Mdaa ipatUL Radio. h t a ^ ^ _ y _

------- clicB ear. ca»~~ ~ ~” ~ ll« l'-iaia/tf»ar»TTi»y

healar, orerdrlra, A top av, m y loar atUaan aad cleaa.

UIT roaD |V |« P la ^ ^ Nnr Hi>>| "tlraa.

alaaa.U il MXRCURT d-door aadaK, Radla.

boaUr, MW Uraa. ae* »ala(. A r«al aisart «ar, '

U4I rORD Sapor Dalsie 4-doer aaW -.Radio, baatar. MW »ial..C0Tm.

Very «o*d tltaa.

TTery -low.-mUeai*— Ptartr.etT««h*r- ~ c b ^ e r makaa aad 'modala la n i t aU.

Opea Sasdays asd .ETtalan


Ml UalB Ave. Eatt Tboaa Osr pronlaa b year aatlatacUoal


— dlaoa-4»«ai - w f .......... ...............................TRAILKR HOMESl Lota aad lota ef trail*

on ta Bteek. IH i Aadanoa. I t l t Tarn* Cntlaar aiy^loada^e<^ ^r^ a^^W iUaiv

T H ^ tX H s v is e - i jK "Itoo Kimberly Road . ■ .

fiisizzri-i-........ TRUCK S A t^ S

----------------US and Avonuo South • fboad »

' . -'--lii

Page 10: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...lub a t»*—"nie * tod»y «h*r*« «ul I* gy.^U'.ble- twe»tert,, >'Q. 2S2- - oice

[ I I — P A G E - T E N ^ — —

I Choice Nears H Fur StudeDilr

flifc ---------^ParU«lpAnU-fo£_tht_UIent. »ho■ u ; - to bo held Jftn. 31 nnd Peb. 1 w;

be'unnouncK l Friday a t T*-ln F bI M i l hl(th school.'W l Lucille Lansdon. d irector of tl n . o u t. will arrive In Tw ln-FalU Salu: U day.■ I I T he Joiirnalliim departm ent H i — sporiMrltiE (he production w ith La ^ H | ry Church a s 'n ta n a g e r and L. H | | . Schroyer. Journalism Ihntructor. i m i advt-vr. Raymond Peck, M arllj ^ B i 'WarlnR. Jean 8t«w art. D utz.Lani ^ H l ^on. It<^i Miller and aylvia w n iH — tle -are U-rlUng ihe scrlph---------- rI H l A rta Mae BaRlify. chairm an. Aui ■ |H ' rey MoniRomery. P n t Bell. Otor H IM Qoodyear and Carolyn Milner a b I j I i In charae of publicity. Diane Eme

don 1* In charge of proftrams wli ;! i* Claudia B nllard ,'ehalrm an; Phyll

Taylor. Merllyn Bal.-«h and Oi

, I \ ; ' - InvlU tloM for trylnff o u t Ior ll ' l j *how were under th e direction ■ 4 i _ _ _ a x l v l » W hittle, chairm an; Rom Ml i .ljil let. P a lslcH bse 'and P l iy iu r ib y lo i

T ryouts will be «upervhed by Bl----- M arUn and Sharon Car4on..Syly

•lU k ' W hittle and Shirley }{oemer a y i l l chairm en e! m akeup m il proper ■ H I commlltees. wllh Carol Ann Statv I I I bury, Charleen Kolmeji, Sharon Cn ■ W »on and Jo McDowell as commlI W — tcnnrn :--------------------------------------;;■ H I Shirley Ralvereon Is lu charge i ■ H I ushers w ith Raymond PccK In chan I H I 't h e .atnRe. Bob Mnrtln. Bu ■ H i JjASSdon and Oary S packm an 'n I W taking: care’ of lineup.

H Oeiiiohstration of m Rabbit Control Is fiffl Set in Buhl Ares■Jb *'" Owen Ellis. U. S. «.ih nnd w lk■ ' life service rcpre.ientntive, .will cotIIIl ’ ' duet a Jnckratibll control demorl l s I »troUon n l 3 p. m .'F rU lay n t 11

• »oulh of Biilil. w ea the r.and rone— Twrmlttlnir.- It - was nnnounced- 1:

»' ' County ARcn t C. W. Dalgh.Ellis ft.ilced Idrmcrs to"brihit“ Wl»

am ount of sood nunllty nlfnlfn Iint i t r r ; ----- ihejr-w ish-m lnetl—wlU»-»tryol>nlr' • i'H pasta aa poison bait. A pnrtli IllllU 'vlll be 'made. Federal, stai| | W __ and u u n ty aRCnciea nre eoopcraiB H inif lli tlie project.' ..........“ V.7..n W . D algh auxRcsta th a t the formt

^ coRimlttee In .th n t nre 1110 jBckrabbll control. E liu -will tI j l In charge of ba ll mixing. Dnlg J l l ta ld h e ^ lll be unable to a ttend tl- U l l dfm onstm tlon bfcau.^e of iv rnndlcl n n la g engagement.I H Ellis has been working In varloi| W p a rts o f Tn’ln Falls county on Jacl ^ W | . ..z ab b lt conlrol and saya he hopes'i

b e able to get to Roseworth soo w here W. E. BoaluTlght Is chai:

I B | f — tnftn-of-ihe-JnekH*W>ll-eommUto IHlHI otllclals em phaiilud Jaill a j 111— rabb lta-are-on Uio tnereas»—aa- i^^ lur— «otlor»-n8aln* t-lhem ,-C ontro l-a i

tlvltlv.i are*belns cxtcnded'to'sag^ — -b ru sh grating lands, and the coui

ly ngcnl aaka fanners to nspc--------- Rraklns— Innd— coneentmtlons- -

Jackrabblts to him or Ellls.

|iji. Local Resident’s lli Sister SuccumbI M athilda Qustafson, 73. diedI I I 13:10 P4n. Monday a l Moglc Vnll

i l l i ll M em orial hospital. She was he | H 1 from Des Moines, In.. vL’iltlng hI I R — *uiftr. .T>Trfi,.jLnnft Q, T}flYlr, Hl i n n JF ou rlh avenue east.

fw ill Sweden. 8 h e eam» to ti U U -----United-Statcs-W heu gbe wns a vrr! ■ & old nnd had apenl h e r entire life I H B — D es-M otne5.-She- hnd—>-Ultcd-h

a b le r here alnce Nov. is,I H n r Survh-ors Include two sisters, M IHl Itl Boyle, Twin Falls, and Mrs. E.

----- 8ponv.'Des-Molneat-ft-nephewr-JoI’ijjilHi Spons, Des Moines; three nlcc

■ Mra. Stevo Pnatoor, Amstcrdni . ,M f3.-B trH in.M llchelh'M ackm '^a '— M ra, Edna W iteJdon. Dm Molne* \ Services will be held a t 3 p.

j T uesday a t the Tw in FaUs mort• i^ , n r / chapcrw lth tlie Re\% Albert;^^|1 ' " 'P a r re t l olllclMlng. T lie ’body..wr i l ----- b e -tf lken-to-D ca-M olnes-for^flt^ I' aervlces and Interment.

Ill I Spud Stock LowI I -------- IDAHO-FAU£r-JAn.-33-ajV—I I I JeJnt '-/edeniN slai* rrpo r; lod■■ 1 estim ated the stocks o tm crchanu iM t • - p o ta to e s - ln - th e -h f tn d s - of—IdaI I growers and local dealers on JiI I I--'l--at~U ,M 1.000-'bu*lieU .:4A tt.Jnn| n th e lo u l was 20,420.000 baihels aI I 10>year average ts 16.034.000

Ih K 1 MOTHERS TO MEET■ I L SHOSHONE, Ja n , 23 Ro | H | K ;.njoiher& for Shoshone PTA Mil nv M I — Wedne.'day n t Uie L:™ f~ ::-coln--Achool-catot<irUul - , —

i=ZZ3ZZZZZiW I !j . 236_SH0SH0NM-T' EET.|l ' ' — :

Speaks Wednesda

>how ^will

r a iu

thoitu i^



M jd.‘lorla ........ “ « L. A. SKINNER

*P«*k » 7®**l •* P- ">• WedBcaday ,

th e .Seventh-day AdventUt churc He l« w o c la te aeeretary 0 ^ “

'g enera l conference of Siweritl ' day Adventlsta.mS; __•_^ ^SSpeaker Chosen

— For Youth Ral:Zj. a '. S k in n er, asM cltlo secret

of tlie general conference o t S Cnr- enth-dny A dvcn tlsu , will be gi '" I t - gpeiilcer n t a youth rally 'a t i

p. in. w etincsday nrU ie S c v ^ tliv ;e of AdvciitLst church , large . Elder S k in n er wn.i ,chM«n B u u chnpcron the A m erican dcIctCAta 'n re Europe to th e P a r is >oUUl COt)g!

ln.it July. H e hns been hold Pn th linder c lu b leader.ihip train

f courif.t arwl orsafllrlni.' I’fllh/Jn. club.i In nil p a r ts of North Amerl

r During mld-iP52 he is pinnnlng I.S extended tr ip th rough SouUi Am

ICA In Uie In tere st of Mission, e a Volimicer work.

Eldfr S k in n er has-vlslted Idj confercnce chu rches in lhe cnpac of MLislonary Volunteer « c re i for the N orth Pacific Union conf ence with headquoiters in Portia

°”S Divorce Asked by Countjr-Residei

n ln i- Mrs- J a n r t Iteeves Miilllgan. C rtln l tlcford, filed « u ll In dl.itricl co ita te Mondial seekinR a divorce from M 'r a t . Mullliinn w hom nhe married Dec

1061. In T w ln -F n lls-------------------■liia. ‘ Oilevbus m cn tn l nnd phyMcal <t

ferinit are g rounds for divorce lls1 i,c In 11'' c o m p l a l n L _____.,„w Community property wmcirX' • he M ulllsan seeks li]cludes househ

U(.{. furniture, a house trailer, 1043 p

•loiLt She asks, th e co u rt to restrain : - - t husband from dlsposinfc of tlie^pn •s 'to c rty and ordered to paj' the l»alai

Alto asked n fe reasonable o» tt«« aHmony, costs, and !^* -sS M lIo iro n ic r-ro rm er-n tth V erJ^ . . (I Reeves. Mrs. MulllBan’«_atlonipy ! ac! ........

H "DOYOirS I These Fell<lbs W ell,d^^at ^

Miua, ,

iccc" V ^ - f ® ^. _ n n d ___ _________________ h a d jli

’tf"™ L iml'’H' jL'm -

lodny S i c Jiidc.'t clUblc decldcd now.Idaho —r - ----------------- Joln.- You wil

Jnn, Is lo train.ftTu_'V -W c.hftvc.a^uM c.to.flli'uH c.J and NIGHT COURSES. DAY CC DOO.


LItv 1_______ • __________•

'Come ai an' the bl dclivx

W g

^LtS—MOTORW EST ‘ ^ _____

lay Treatment Part _jOLffiauLWillB(

UsedNextWeiO nJr m inor bu t tlro fconsun

- worlc-r«niaina.to-be-donea&.Uie-- t* y s io tn e n ip r« J e w n rte n r o rM .. -VAlley Memorial hosplUil. nccon

to J . C. McOllvray, adm lnlstn w ho reported tho trea tm en t sec •will be placed In use nex t week.

_____A nphnlt tl le-haa-heen. U ld-onfloor In 'th e various treali) room s and the walls have 1 p a in ted^ Remaining work Incl InstaltnClon of equipment and « ous Item s of hardw are, plus hi Ins of doors and Installing ki

_ lock-s.

<y}Cne^before the exercise rooi p laced^nr~-u« . PalnU ng- the i rem ains to be done In the exei room. A fter the exercise ncr.

anih opened, special equipment wll developed nnd built for it.

' V M cO llvray pointed ou t sCam ih uymna.slum equipment often

^(K — to-m oot-U i8..needa_a£_pcraoni covering from polio o r fracti A m ons items of equipment plai fo r th e exercl-ie room are a m

— •— o ipT jf-«-cnr-to -H re-pn tten tfl-T [ tlce In getting In and ou l of a

i | a n d auch other Items as are f<

problems. ^

,“;i; Meeting SetH^tl'ny JERO M E. Jan . 33-M r* . R<

• Daley. Jcrom e county cpmma :n to fo r th e American C ancer society itcs In nounces plans for a public mei H8rtis to be held a n r p r m ; Wednesde Biding th e county courtrooms, nlning A preview ot film s on cancer finder be sJioh'ji nnd prosrnm cbnlrme lerlca. orgnnltn tlons nnd a ll o lhcr It ng nn ested persons are urged to all ^m er- OrgnnlrAUons mny then choose 1 lonary to be shon-n to the ir members

Ing c an cer m onth.Idnho -----------------------------

I’S Hailey Mati DieH AILEY. Jan . 23-W ong Yen

a _ re s ld e n t -o f-H alle y -io t-a p p :

y M onday-a t-U je-H nlley-C U nl^-

p lta l following n long lUnesa. previously-had-llve<l-ln-H alley-

' '1 * ^ hnd w orked a t Eddie Chen's caI C as- __QrnvesUle services hnva beercourt ten ta tively for THursHny.

1 Mlko -----------------------------------------------

2 Ply- __________________fer»c»vlnflsup

prop- chtoptfbyfaHlGlance c/rM^O ysur c

n tto r- f IT

T H n e r -------- r H r T n i£ N o i . i r » o s - t tN t»Py_l5. J? errlao -H o lel-------------—Phoae



^ I D t + T - ^ p r # | | E

' d i d ,- 0 ^ ^

iciin. they b o t h /.the .mme onno r- __________(les. O ne fellow

’Tttvrai’: tiie o th e rI his to p rep a re “TnTrKcr' jUturlJl

s o f -y o u r ’.stnndaxd of living will be nw. You w on 't fnll Into good paying will enm -them r-Tlio wny-to enrn-lliem -

Hc.inarc llaic-TraOME.STUDV' COURS COURSES. Inquire nowl


me sec the roomiest cor in Ameriot ' an)-vvhcrc‘ncar Its low, low pricc— r big. bcauiiful N ash Siaicsm an.that livrrs more th a n ZS miles to tho ilon At ax-er.tge highway speed.^jlablc w ith such wqnjicrfuMuxurT ilui«,n$ A irliner. Rcclining Scat, TVin ds, W eather Eye Conditioned Air ^unrananlirecTnansm issioii diaicc3._=_; eluding H ydra-M atic D r i« . Com e in d trade Tor the biggcsi buy o f all.

R C O .__________________T W I N F /

' ■ , ....... T I M E S - N E W S . 1

t Garden Schoi *eek — Postponed

A gnrdervjchool for Magic V. sum lni re sia e n tA -^ J s ira lly sclJKJuledllC-QCW. h p5 1"M4We' ■H nrc!r7” And"8-1n-Dttier't(r se cording tise of ilie American Legion ha Jlrator. is announced by C. W. Dnisli. ci section ty agent,

AVS. H om . extension wr^'lce •on-U » -U culturlu ,^»M -been nik*d-to ■atment range for outside spcaken by e been program com m ittee whlcli liiol neludes' TJyrd W aller. Mrs. Sidney Srnlt ■d varl- R . Dougln.v, Mrs. T. W. Hides,:

h ang- ence S c h u lu nnd Dalgh. knobs u o y d W tigh l. Kimberly:

Lowder and J . P. Smllh are n gOIt—b r beta uf-th^n rm ngem cn ts -jnd -l room Is llIts~C om m itte« 'and David-E.- e walls J- D. McCollum, Mrsi Eusen exercise Ham mond a n d Kownrd-MoIJat oom U th e exhibits committee, will b« Dalgh sa id subjects coaslc

for presen ln tlon ' by local spei landnrd Include p la n t diseases, floircr n falls to*rnptiy,_soll imprpvemeiii. fl in a -re -- n rm ngrm enta. n oulelc stiuly ot actures, nuals and perennials, ornani' >lanned trees nnd shrubs plus lallcs on . moek- flowers as tuberous begonias,

f a car

' Robert mander ely. an- meellngaday In -------- :------

cer will rmen of • Inter- a ttcnd.

se films

rcn On, ipproxl-i<5-n:hira l-b o s - _________584. Ho _____________

'»n «t~ MEN'S NAP-1

WORK GLOVR E S . Softly napped.- lnside~n BiiHi w nrm thi Sturdy 2.ply c

w rbtiil Full cu t . . .m p»0 p iiv spvrrnl ____________ _

pa irs tomorrow,-...................a^lhoA '


•• Com fortable long-wenrlng - -y o u - d - f xpect::to find oi

‘ dolliirs more! Heavy dui~**~* I .pK -tnn Iippff t ninrlf nnlyA Sizes,7 to 11..................


M nde for rouch weari I ' \ D urab le leather uppers . . A 1 „ ru b b er sole. A .shoe he'll ' / ; ! nnd w cari Sizes 3 lo 0....... .

e = =Menfs=tanyi1 iCL -WORK-SOeK"" . __ H cd -R M _ t9 C -P .rj. rclnf--------- | .Jongur__ jvcnr._N o ,_unec

aenms, Tops hnve smooUi ous kn it. Random col lO 'i ,to 12 .............................. v ]

CL WOMEN'S I PANTIESI Rnyon k in t panties wllh e F - ‘ tic t ip s . . . bojid or clt L ____ 1—Jim . Buy tcvfraL tomor

k ' ..^be


F A L L S _________________ ~ ^

. T W I N F A L L S . r D A H O _

9ol for Talley" Isi U nttt^arch 7; Valley Phlo delphinium , roses. Iris, d lied In »nd KlndioU. .■H until . TTie -school ls_b/m?-*Ponior ■ »eeur«- <hc ■axMniloa'.aervlcc.ZilorUg; hnll 11 ccrym en and garden clubs In

1. coun- oua p a r ts of Magic Valley.

Church Scheduh 2-Day Parley H

cs.Fl'or- A nnual mid-year council c U nited B rethren church. Idahe

• Tvin ference. will open here n t 0:30 e i n m Wednc-sdny nnd continue th

ffia '-M ji :,---------------------,-------E.-FOK, _M cry U E _ N cm n lcii.-lo c a l i sene I. &ald a round 2o deteRatcs are e: a t form ed from churches lu w estern

Ington a n d Orenon as well as : n.sldered Sessions will be held a t lh( ipeakers church, located n t T hird t c r pho- artJ T h ird street east., flower Beginning tonight Bishop _of_an- ^ ^ i_ H u n U n g t9n, Ind.. wlll_cc ahieiiliiT cvcnscllatic ' services 'a t ’ lirc c on BUCh Se-Mlona nLw will b c held a as, del- p. m . W ednesday and 'T liu rsd


> - O U T

Y E S --------nnd “ trac— for'T idded ■H S H ISk

' coti.iirucUon. K nitted K m U y * ^ . for working • cnsel

— 3 tor 1 *00lV Y - D U T Y f m

I E S ____ V. i y;ing .slw c^jvU h_fcnlurcs.

only In" shoes I co a lln s l'——— H S ? duty cord rubber soic.s.

: v Y ...........................

I Lots of service herel I W H b S . . . extra long-wcarlng

3 . 4 9 ^

;k s ------------Inforced for________ -ncom toniible ___ H ^ H B B L S ioUi cotitinu- color. Sizes

h ela'sV • y ^

O c^ \^ ' ^

^ ' ' ' ' ^ ^ ^ ^ h e v r c

D R A P E FVoii’li find cleiir prliit>,

-----iTrrT-'irdtsiitki'SiMinrnk"rij.i)))JiK J;ibrlc. HlJ>q' J;i loniorrou-, -vocd


W onderful fit . , , 1 ciil! \Vetl-*liiii)rd I .^mnrt styles in Uct

. . ------cry trim s. _Hutry

__________________ ----------------- ------------------- L ■ _________

__________ ■ -

^ f e C A Y M O D E -

i i ^ ® S - N ¥ L O N 5 - —' All perfect qualltv! I3c;ni

hn.'c . , . In -.:n;iri • • o ffer ot discontinued coV

w on't last long.• I lu rry in tomorrow ........

• : . - 1 ^


- f f t a missionary p o r ty /n i t ^7 8 Anderson. P e clo. »h.• 9 ^ t l o n p ic tuS T T in ir-W olr-B dahlias , W Ca»dy-anil_pop

balls were sold, ___________w e d by — ~ 1

( j B H s X f i x a H v- f i n d s a m a z i n g r c l i

les a s ' s a "Sere30 a m AIL-DMK moy b r ta s ba ck :

s s L r ’Scfof'" ?X h ' SSlkyoumnyDccd.Ai.L-.DBANl3

iT daho In lro n .h lsh ln c e rc a lp ro U ln .. w ! vldes essential B a n d D v ltan

.he local hnblt-form lnK. E n t cuavenue X c U o V « da lly ; d

„ Llovd & of liquids. 1 / note o S c a fte r 10 dnys. se n d em p ty cn

-Vhif.^h- -to-K elloB 8X JtatU c,Crcck..Ma t 7:30' nndtfetDOtnn.rYOCRMOKnr8.

•Jtlay.’. AJ»Trll»mi»nt______

I . CD/Big, feature it

- H O U S E - 1

■ A blc, big Rroup of spec

■ 'purcliase dre,i;ie.i . . . to -sell

------ rthlJ-11ny-prlool-jrouaL4lmlgood .^lection on new prl) . . . smart designs . . . In t

\ j.»f. Myles you like to w ear! I ■'VfivA - cVl■rla•■ • .-you'U -s:

pleni}'! SIzea J2 to 20 . 38 to •IB._

W; I _ Beoutif

'T aH c-f'oft.-ve lvety-e '

E-Ulc. ndd a n cxclUnc-s design. . . lup It off wl .■sculptured edge nnd have ft tcrrlllc vnluc Ot only 5,00! See .the geous colors . . . In ' ble o r twin bed sizes.

M E N 'S

- W O R K

^ ■ ^ 5 r — — - B O Y S f

- - J a g k i

— Severn! Mvl(

b u t nil Itrrili----- ._a i_ lhL ,_ llJU

i / % k | 7 .. .«»irryjxi.j<)u“ size you.ca:

• R YM>arklln« hhades _______________

InK chevron tex-; ihls .itiirdy. easy ........... ...............

9 8 C - ^ - H E A V '

S H £ E TA large Mw Warm sh rri

P S ‘ suvitiK pric. 11. I. .M lrn-mitor l S l j ' " S ; ' r \ l«.r: Z l - 0 0 = BBpiiiS

------------ ---------- L A R G I

- F L O U F--------------------— ------ — JV-roncirnTO

' qiiallly. you ;iiiil!ul1y ihcer 51 . und u '.' .,v<trt ^hadcs. Spccial over Thcy'n::olors only! T hey . blrnclint-

' ■111 tnke iirV— y A V lt:;in.MPr cIcm' » p r i mv . . _ ^

. ? n ! I s E E . .lursdny.

H Z ^ T tW ^ ^FOR ■.■

‘ ' e s C L O T H E Sl i e f SEE THESE H IG HleUtod QUALITY RACKS,.,...;-------

— GAR-Rm °tS d 10 G A LL O N ^ A l lc lo ^ L E A K P R O O F........

ir /r lrw O U T D O O R R U B B IS H |

S - t i - - - J O - Q U A R I - g A L V A N i:

‘£ r S ' S N O W SH O V ELS n .p ro -am lns. ____ \cupful: d rink M m . H■tisfled * ------- . *enrtonM ic h ,.. P H O N E 8 0• BAOtl ______

S 7 8 8t e m ! ,

d m s s e ^

“ ^ 5 0 ___________>rlnU1 th e H A

Buy . ■ _ • ________

iful Chenille ^

? J A 0 S ^ i

s1"TC ^0 G “id you ^

. ■ Vle eor- H ■ '1 dou- ^ ^ 1

% #

S HEAVY ^ ^ eS W TS - ±rlnc grey A A Ac twin . . X H ^ U I k pri's famous. thiitorfc-tuU^-----___________ ' ■ _Un■iviiy zipper f a s tn e r . 'F u ll c u t Poiy ot pockcta. Sanforized too! Roc^Q. , ___________________

^ W I N T E R - — — S I

:ets-------------------py it ' . O m . An

H .O O »lili'_prlcc— 5 1 ^ ^ _______e____ -d ie•prictil now for bigger savings! Iwt oiuorruw-intirnlnK-.. ..w c-h av c - ,Ja c can ii:c . . . Y ou'll .save plenty! ben



extra i i # % A

“3 . 4 9 “■•ICO. Sev- ^. in blK bold plnlda to choose Wc ■;il))e -'.iiU'JiPd ciuln. B u y sev- Yo, H-i'i blnrikct-s now- . . . ligh t- too nki’U in w nrm weather.

JESIZE JlIR SACKg _Buu'il ,liem m for

4 / Cir.lty 3 2 x 3 5 , B.„

• • . rm brolderyl Stock brc _^a.vi',pli-m yi • I t


r O R T I N G ' R A c i

............- 2:29.JAGi-PM tj.49I BURNERS, W / c ,„ _ _ _ IIZEP PAILS________ ^

— . - - JW I

• S h o p E v e r y

— D e p o T t m e n r

WOMEN'S ^ PURSES— —A group o f spccliUfy , ■ ' priced purses tor '■this event! You'll l |UntLgmnrl.nc.«r_ _ ■ ■Much, box and envelope lyla ?ood a.s.',ortmcnt of new eoloi Lpmorrowl Snve plentyl

S I M U f c C T E D —

P E A R L SAnd w hat beauUes 11

mnny atylc.i to 1 1a iooso-from L O nc.______ T .:wo. three and even four-sn .acca:.. several, choker slyla . ' Jeaulltul. sim ulated pearu. M ookliiR . . . you'd regularly pW'

S T A I N L E S S - S T E

F L A T W A R E S nA 24.pleeB s e t ‘of ^ 8talnle.v5 table war#. , . a t a price tha t means real savings. Wonderful for kitchen . . Yotfll B'ant one foryourK U .- oo i SttN’e here!

J R . B O Y S ' , B I B O V E R A E I SJlm Penney o'nlu f l p tor llttlo fellows. . . W | Juat llio thing fof • g ' crawling arovmd 0” , . S :old drafty f l« r s . M«* ^ 3-0*. blue denim . • • brother'sl Buy scvend P»«I to 5.
