.. THE .HEAVENLY SECRET, Mr. Gsobob Coorrn sends this stately and ruttalned poem of the grave theme of Immor- tality Doe the dark and soundleea firer Stretch so wido The homeward-rollin- g tide Over wbjyh bavo eroded Oar lovea and.c&rly lost, ThVtb$Jr uiisealed eyes may never tte, rhffarthwidc, . Where still amid this celL&nd misery Wo hide? Is the realm ef their trilui lion ' ClosB'atJiand ' - To this ,eurjl vine land? Nearer than we dream T Can they cateli tho el ram Of onrimilos ad hear I he wards we speak ? And see eurdeeds T And looldnefleeperthan oar eyes mar seek. Oar need? Do they mingle in otir gladness ? Do thezsnevo Whenijrayi ef good wo leave? , Do they knew each thought and hope? WhHe wo In shadows crone. Can they hear the, J? ataro'a high behest, YotlMkraepewer To UiA Us frsra earlll or to arrest ' The hoar? - ",- When they find as bowed in Borrow Do theyjjgh? "Or when the efcrth jasses by Kor them, da they To net The eares that here beset Their well beloved? Or do they wait (D be it thus) And wateh beside tho golden gato Form? Wo tare ywrning for their seeret: 'ioough wc eall jtm answer ever fall Jfpes oerdoHed ears To quell ear nameless fears. Yt Gftfi is over all, whate'erxaay be, ABcVtrusung so, PaSe-we- . my heart! a little while, and wo Shall knew. THE GRAVE OF ALBERT SIDNEY JOHNSON. The MeWIcftfefiffrsays : A lady correspondent. In a reeeet stroll through the Saint Louis Ceme-tr- y, in the oity of New Orleans, visited the crave of General jALiatr Sidsiy Jonssoif, and fonnd n written optleph pasted upon a roach board at- tached to tho tomb. In her note to T.T., our fair correspondent says the was affected to tears upon rsadingjt, and took, tho trouble to ogpy it, vbcIm lim. She beet us to find out the author, and she sheuM be gratified in that desire if it wcro possi- ble for T. T. to do so. Here H the beautiful epi taph: 3If MEMORIAJI. Defflau this stone is laid. t. ' j - xjr a season, Albebt Sidhet Johxstox, A General In the amy of the Confederate States, Who fell at Shiloh. Tennesiee, On the sixth day of April, A.D., High teen hundred and sixty-tw- o; A man tried in many blch Offices And erltieal enterprise)!, And feund faithful in all. His life was ono lone saeriSco of Interest to And even that life, on a woful Sabbath, Did far yield as a holoeaast at his country's need. Net wholly understood was he while he lived; Bat, lu his death, his greatness stands oonfess'd In a people's tears. Resolute, moderate, clear of envy, yet sot want-I- n that Oner amotion which makes tnen treat and pure. In his honor impregnable; In Jita simplicity sublime. No country e'er had a truer son no eauso a nobler -' champion; No people a bolder defender no principles a - stabler victim Than the dead Boldicr Who sleeps here t The eanita for whieh he Dorishod Is lost ao peeplS'Ior wnom no lougnt are crusncd he hBDBS In which he trusted axe scattered The Mac ho loved cnide no more the charging But his 'famccouricn'd to the keeping of that time, which, Happily, is not to inaoh the tomb of Virtao as its shrine. Shall, In tbejreon to oome, firo modest worth, to noWe ends. In lienor, now, our treat captain rests; A bereaved people mourn him. Throe commonwealths proudly claim him; And history shall eher&h him Amonc thosocholeer spirits, who. holdinc their oenseleneo unmix'd with blame, Usto been, in a U conjunctures, true to them- selves, their country, and their God. UOflER tVIEEIAMS HCVItCII rOKIIIS KBJIAIXS-III-H EODV AnSOKEED VX THE KOOT OF A TKEE-- A CDKIOUN VSCmiSiT. Iicr. J. II. SIcCahtv, of Cincinnati, is writing a eerioa of articles for tho India! Mtpotikiry, on lloaint WtixiAAts, tho founder of the State of Hhode Island. In the lost number wo 'find the following curious and Interesting statomont concerning the remains of (ha distinguished mttn : ' , Ninety years after hii death, in 1771, steps wore tak6n"tb erect to him nome sultnble monument, but the storms of the devolution . , WltUU wit uu w uw iiw.n iim. .v.ww.vwu. i recently the question has been ngltated anew, and WiUJAQis may yet at least nave some outward sign to mark his greatness and per-twtnn- his name. During a period of One hundred and oSghty-thre- e years not even a rough stone has been sot up to mark the grave of the rounder of Ilhode Island, till the precise locality of his grave has been almost, forgotten, and could only bo ascer- tained by tho most careful investigation. Suffice It to say, however, tho 'epot was found, and tiro exhumation made a short time ago, though there was little to exhume. , On scraping oil' the turf from the surface of the groundtlie dim outline of seven graves, contained within less than ono fiquaro rod, revealed the burial 'ground of Eoqeu Vtiir X.IAM& In colonial times each family had its own burial ground, which was usually near the family residence. Three of these seven graves wero those of children, tho re- maining. four were adults. The easterly grave was identified as that of Mr. s. On digging down into the"charnel howe." it was nmcd that everything had paaseu into oblivion. The shapes of the oomns qsmld only bo traced by a dark line of oarbonaeogus matter, the thickness of tho sides of the coffins, with their ends distinctly defined. The rusted remains of lite hinges and nails, with a few fragments of wood and a single round knot, was all that could be gathered from his grave. In tho crave of his wife there wis not a trace of anything save a fiinglo look Of braided hair, which lma survived ute lapse of more than one hundred and cigltty ycaw. Kear the gravo stood n venerable apple-tre- e, when and ly wheta planted, is not known. This troo hadeont two of its main roots into the graves of Mr. and Mrs. Williams. The largorraoK'had peshod Its .Way through the earth till it reached tho prcciscspot occupied by Ike skull of Koobb Wj&liams. There, ranking a turn, as if going around the skull, it followed the direction of tho backbone to th lilni. Here It divided into two branches. vending one along each leg to tho heel, where they both tunftd tipward to tho toes. One of these roots . formed ajslight . crook ht the iknee-- x whieli 'snakes tho - whole bear' a " very olose resemblance lo a human form. TJiU singular root is pro-scr- d with great care, not only as an of a great "principle in vegetation but for it great histonc association. There were the graves,' femptied of every particle of hn-ra- dtwtl !t a trace of Anything was left! ' It is knewn"tokeistry that all flesh and gelatinous matter giving consistency to the bonw are resotvea into raruoniu aau giw, h, .nrf ntr. while the solid lime-dn- st nsu- - allv remains. But in this case even the plumnhate of Hme of the bones of both waves was U goncl There stood the "guilty apple tree," as w sl at tho time, oaught in the vrj- - act of "robbing the grave." To explain the pheoonen is not Ute desisM ct this artielo- - Beeh an explanation oonral given, and many other similar oases ,Mmi1. list this fact niBst be admitted: Utergs.Blc matter of IVooiHt Williams had been tranMuttted into tlte apple tree; it had pawed into.fle woody fibre, and was capable f propellfns a steam eaginej it hnd bloometl irs ,. Afn nwl. more, it had cone into Mast, w " 9 the fruItXrsoi year to year, so that tlte ques- tion might be asked, "Vho ate Rooiift Wii XHEiiLOra. aiuuuj a Elder AllhS, an aged mlnletecla port oT Tarn uauy bi "l " - been but Imperfectly developed. The .Elder liad been greally ausoyed, especially daruig prater, by the reeueat oemw '"""' ofhwioagregation. The aisles reeowndoa ., .1 c hAM who saw fit to co ouandaffda oshoed y the tread of the tle!rps and pdWcs oMttWe, had just seen Jr. t TL TOlutn ihoaph Rtronr in cxhartatiwi, was bt weak w 5'nor. and hfaswl was Wed wit ilrt Mm. raungin his andletwrMy Mrvaytncluaek, , pimja, "thwa that wXfln;tW that Was out uy ml and lt P 10 tnwijpis MEDICiTi NOTICE. t--b viv KTRKKt. CTNCIX. 11 V. M.lTfwith foM llre TMRSIJtTHI ?HlCt&lJ. Ue is HflC- - Set aa4lJUrtlf4lrt BCfitof;C'hrrfiMi.e!es. BANKERS! BROKERS. tbos. 8. tuna. s- - 3. TARBOX, President. Cashier, NATIONAL SAVINGS COMPANY, OOEXKE CX10S 1VB COtlEOK STREETS. The follewinc are the rato paid for uneurrcnt money. These quotatiea me liable to fluctuate, but map-b- depended on tor a sufficient length of time fer remittances to be received by mall or express, if forwarded with out delay. TMKESSK Bank of Fulto- n- savannah 43 Bank of Tennessee, old " theStateofOa23 tissue-- -- - v City Bank of Aucusta--l Planters' Bank farmers' and Alechan- - Unien Bank..- - .16 a uink 13 Bank of Cbattanooea VO Mechanics' Bank --03 i' Commerce .par Mm-hMii- i' and Plan- - " Knoxville .40 tetj'Bank 13 V Memphis par 44 " Middle Tcnn9G Union BanK- - 10 Paris .par "' Wcsitnnn4Sn m-iu- -u.. Buek's Bank par of Cape Fear S HI... T - Ttl ' Charlotte.. 20 Commercial Bank 93 Clarendon -- 05 Merchants' par Commerce .15 Nern " Pf yayettejrUJe-J- P . Lexlneten.4l0 Bat&oelblletR; N. Carolina.1 KoSThertflianki-- 4 25 , Wadesboo'-- W BTrHdera'llank. par Washington 03 Llfeand Ueneral injur Wllmlntton 18 ance uomp&ny, " YaneeyvUle-- 05 Commercial Bank 18 SOUTH CAEOLISA. Pirmm' Hank of N. Bank of Camden --53 Carolina 31 Charleston 29 Merchants' Bank.- -. 3S Chester. 22 Bank of Roxboro' 20 " Georgetown 21 Miners' and Planters' " Hamburg. 18 Bank 2o " Newberry- -. 68 " the State of S. viegibia. Commlrefal'Sr:-- : Bank of Berkley EiehanceBank 18 ., mm!-,7I"- S yarmcrfandSxchante ft"rTiT,1-!- Bank 03 . . r u at t t. 01 TT)inirtn.HH. WHSZ& Bank oUhmend-.l- O, Planters' and Mechan- - " filTf35 ies'ank 20 .e Etato Bank OS Virginia....- -; 20 gouthwesternB. - It 65 Bank of Virgini- a- 25 Union Bank-- - 66 Locisunx. Central Bank of Va .20 Bank of America -- a Danville Bank-- . -- 20 Louisiana 05 Exchange Bank,ofVa0 " Js ew Orleans95 Fairmount Bank 7Q Canal Bank-- .. 95 varmcrs'Bank of Fin- - Bank .95 castle 35 gittiens' City Bank.-- 95 Formers' Bank of Va20 Louisiana State Bonk-8- 5 Manufacturers' and Meebanies'and Traders' Farmers' 80 Bank .95 Merchants' Bank. .40 Merchants' Bank 95 Merchants' and Mc- - Soutliern Bank ..par chanies- '- 5 Union Bank. 95 Northwestern Bank90 New Orleans Scrip 95 Southwestern Bank 35 Traders' Bank.. 25 BankofMobile. 95 " Montgomcry-8- 5 " Selma- - 28 Ooi,j GtralBank--- .- Silver. Dollars- - OeiamerMal Bank. 28 Hal vca and BastemBank. M Quarters 133 Northern Bank.- - -- ) C;i-- ss nimfx end TTnlf Southern Bank 96 Dimes 133 CBOBQU Vouchers.. .... 00 Central BIadBank;T?.eBonds -.- TO Georgia Jtailroad and PifS? . S0,,V Rin7S Banking Qompany-- 90 BankofSllddleGa. 87 The above bonds are MarineBank 88bou;ht With coupons Nashville and Chattanooga Kallroad Stock. 35 MISCELLANEOUS. MIKE POWERS THE Largest Clothing Merchant IN THE CITY. ' iA" nniE subsckibebtTakes pleasure in X informing his eld friends and former patrons that he has resumed business AT JUS OLD STAND, No. 12 PUBLIC SQUARE, t. On the Southeast corner of Market street, where ho is prepared to sell ' ; First Class CI o tiling! Prices to Sait tlio Times, An experience of Twcntj;-llv- o ycnr jn tho business, justifies him in tho assertion, that he is capable of SUITINQ all who may favor him with their patronage. ' jJLi.ii.Jk; jimmy jtfi&s; No, IS Public Square, corner Market street. au7 3m 37 UNION STREET, NASnVILLE. TENN. 1, C. COLLIER Wholesale xkd Bktsii. BOOKSELLER & STATIONER Keeps constantly on hand tho largest and best assorted sioce 01 BOOKS AND STATIONERY Of every Imaginable kind to ho found in any on home In tho boutn. antigoiter mem at BEDUGED PRICES. WILL ALWAYS SELL ON AS AND terms iu the market will permit, or as any other houte can give. Among tho great vd- - nf nrllrlpK colli hv Wv. C Cnl.LltR. ttfo the following: School 41ook of every kind 'used in the State, Law Book?. Medical Books. SoTeatlSo Books, Theological Books, Agricultural Books, and nil varieties of Miscellaneous Books, includ ing Histories, iilognpnies, 1 raven, rtovou, ana Illustrftled Works.. In fact the stook Includes every variety or Books and Stationary, to whieh he invites the attention of dealers tiefero nurshasing, as ho is confident he o.in fluer the greatest facilities, and cangivewturactlon.-- f' TTT, sep2-6- m 37 Union St., Nashville. Tcnn. RUPTUBE! BTTPTURE! 1 v i TISELP-ADJUSTINQTEUS- S. -- O- HUT! I II UFCi AUU VANTAGE, vis 1. It UllchL olean and easr: no tirowuro on the back; with motion inward and upward. Tthss na snrlnes or Pads: the Button is smooth and durable, and will not absorb perspira tion; tnepressuro is equal 00 an parts 01 me Hernial aperture, without infringing on the Sper- matic Card, (a quality posscHed by no other TrsH, as the freqtnorof Varicocele in thete who have worn tho various kinds can testify,) thus : the aperture being relieved of pressure becomes firmly cWsed by adhesive innamation, thereby performing a ruro. 3d. It adapts itself to any position: van be ap- plied at any agos csnnct be thrown out of place, nor can tho intestine'- be" forced by any strain or meveuiect. 4th. It is not complicated, and cannot get out of orucr. ithi It is tlje only Tinrs in .thiueeuntry that wfll frraannlly wre the most ehsunale &i well as recent coses of Hernia. As no two eases of Hernia are alike, it!) ncces saryte hare a personal examlnatK"nf 'and an in- strument made to suit the peculiarities of the eae. Jiafiweneei, can be.glven in this city, of eases EJVE THIRTY YEAHfe' STANDING having been PERMANENTLY cured by thij Ait eemmUBicatiens should he addressed (with stamp) to DK-- T. ST. CYXRKISS.: Nashville, TcnnH Manufacturer and sole Proprietor. "rjfice. No. 47CoirthJsfreWilaJrs.V6rii4slte MAxwdlaye. JriSBt To Nashville Advertisers. THE EXAMINER, TS a large. printed newspaper in Its Sixth 1 year uablwhrd at Uallatjn, Sumner county, Tesn, en the Leutsvlle and Nashville IUilraad, in one or tho wealthiest portions of ; and airoul&tin; at every Poetwfice in Sumner. Smith. Taemn. Overton. Fentress and Maeen counties, aad in the upper Cumberland river sections of Tesnef see andKentucky. it is tfsocly paper EaM of Nashville, In ad wtrict tevrraUbundrcd Bttles long, in the ereat Tliaero rccleq, and to business Men of all k(mkf SashJ vTH. if ho desire to reach the trade? Usnnlry JJeT-ywi- U A valuable Adrertisihg Medium. Ths advantages of seoHriog the trade f Tobaeeo seetMm woriB many mnnesi m oowars are. ax one apparent. No deviatiM fro published terns. TKBHS JUtTSaLT IS A6TAS8K; lM. 3v. Uu. 6j. lY. nare $4 00 $ 7 ue mm si&ixi jgioo "reeiuTSt 1ft 2fl eu S "C0 60 00 mt coltt'n, 36, 36 HO 1 eelatnn. SB M co ri 'ro 110 4 qaare, 1 KcekjtlS ( : Address, .11. R. HEIGHT ACOPBWheri. .waM lm TOAMBOATa 1800. 1807. NASHVIIXEj CAIRO AND NEW OEEANS TBI- - WEEKLY PACKETLINE .ABOVE LINE COMPKLSES tiplendid Passnnger Packets, leav ing Itashville dnring the scasocas follows r Master, leaves Nashville TUESDAYS at 12 o'clock, h; NANirviU.E. Wilst Sinus, Master, leaves Nashville TUURSUAYS. at 12 o'cloekii. Tmtn$v5?i:U.'Wr' o it. - . ., "' vwiiiutt,amcjr iiu Cumberland river, and conlimieto.run'rcgularly throughout the business season, as "per above schedule, making close connection at Cairo with tho regular Packets for St. Louis, Memphis and New Orleans; issuing through Tickets to I'assen- - fers. and giving through Bills of Lading for to the above cities, and all available way landings, at the very lowest rates. Every effort will bo made by tho Officers and Agents of this line to render it reliable and deserving the pat- ronage of Shippers and the Travelling Public CORBETT & BOYD. No. 21 Front Street-Up- per Wharff NuhVillet acmucbsuc semi bm. RARILROADS. The Old and Reliable Route TO THE EAST, VIA. THE- - BALTIMOBE & OHIO K R. THE GREAT BORDER LINE OF TOE WAR. THE OXLT P1BECT EOUTE TO Antlolnm, Harper's Ferry, Jlarllii.s-bur- g, -- Tonocncy, anfl nil of tlio CnniiialsriiH of tlic Valley or Virginia. Csmbining Speed, Safety and Comfort, with Sce- nic Grandeur and thrilling Rcmuisi-cencc- s of the war. IHg ONLY DIRECT BOUTB TO Oaklnnd, Bcrlislcy Sprine!, ncilford, nntl nil tlio errcnt linttlc I'iclflH or.tbo.XasU .J rpWO DAILY FAST TRAINS FROM BELL-- AIRE and Parkeraburg to Baltimore, Wash- ington, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and all Eastern Cities, and the only route by which through tickets, or through baggage checks, can beprocured to Washington City This is the only route by which Merchants have the privilege of the Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston Markets, at the price of a ticket through by one of the other lines; and by paying two dollars additional, tho traveler can virit Washington City. First class Sleeping Can on. all Night Trains, .Baggage checked through from all principal in the West, S3. Ask for Through Tickets by tho Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Tickets by this' line can be procured at all tho principal Railway Offices in ths West. JOHN L. WILSON, L. M. COLE. Master of Tronsportion, General Ticket Agent. ecpSeod Nashville and Decatur.Railway. . Short Line Between Noshvtllo nnd lIuntHvllIc, Mobile, VlcliNbnrgr, New Orleans, ' nnd nil Intermediate points. ;i'iAu .' r Tlnragu to Htmpli! iriltont Chasgo of Can; only On: Change tdran Nashville and Mobile, sad ' Set Orleans FARES 1A8 l )MW . J&.oWeST. CONNECTIONS'OERTAIN 'NDRELLABLE. Lurama'a-fSlccping- j, Garavion: all Nigrlit Trains. j OJTAWD AFTEKSnNDAT, SEPTEM-- , 1800 and until further nd- - Trains will run as follows : Memphis, Mobile nnd Sen- - Orleans Express, Dally. Leaves Nashville. Timo from Nashvville to . ".Decatur C hours 37 min Arrives at Docatur. Momphis 16 hours 50 4:17 a.m.! minutes.- - - " Memphis, 30 p. m. 38 hours 5 min. " Mobile. 11:45 a.m. N. Orleans 44 hrs 50 min1 " N.OrIeans,S0r.M. Time from Memphis to Leaves N. Orleans. Nashville 15 hr4Smin. 3:00 r. M. Louisville 24 hrs 35 min.. " Memphis, 00 p. m. Time from New Orleans " Mobile. 7:00p.m. to Nashville S3 hours Arrives Nash- - 43 minutes. villo,&tt a. v. Louisrillo 47 hrs 35 min. iouisville, 2:36 p. M. Time from Mobile to Connects at Nashville Nashville 34 brs 43 mm and Louisville direct Louisville 43 hrs 35 min. with Trians for all points. J Iliuitsvllle Mall. Daily, Except Sunday Leaves Nashville at 7:40. a. m.; arrives atDccatur at&00 p.m.: nrrives at HunUvillo at 7:13 p. M.: leaves HunUvillo at3:12 a.m.; Decatur at 5:30 a. ji; arrives at Nashville at 1:55 p. M. Connects direct for Louisville, and with afternoon Trains on N.& C. 4N. & N. W. & E. & K. R. It.iforall points on those lines, CoIninblnAecomniodatlou Traln.Dally, i:xcept Nnndny. Leaves Columbia at 7:15 1. m.: Arrives at Nash- ville lit. 10:00 A. M.; leaves NashviUoat S: 15 P. u.: at Columbia, G:00 v. H. Through Tickets can he procured at tho office of the Nashville City Transfer Company. North- east corncrof Summer and Church streets, and at tho Broad Street Depot, Nashville, Tennessee. JT. It. VAX 1Y!VE, scpl Ucneral Superintendent. JOE. CHILLS AND PEVEK ! XT ho tlio Best: HURjLBY'S AGUjE tonic Never Fails Always to be Depended Upon-Nothi- moro reliable than Hurley's Tonic WILLcnreAguennd Fever, Chills Dumb-Agu- e. Every person who has tried Hurley's Tonio speaks in tho highest terms of it. As a curative agent it it unsurpassed and more certain than quinine. No bad results from uring HURLKY'STONIC. Everybodyshould uso HULEY'S AGUE TONIC. Send orders to. HURLEY, RUDDDLE Proprietors,. Louisville, Ky. IIurleyH Stomach Hitters, ' For Debility, Loss of Appetite, Weakness. Indi-ctatj- pr.lruiipia, want of action 00 tho Liver. 4iMtderey Btimaeh. there are no bitters 'that compare with these in removing-thes- distressing 6ouipJaJnU. FJrsale orean ba.bad atawSDrug SftSre in the United States, or from the proprie- tors. Louisville, Ky., corner Seventh and Green streets, to whom all orders should be addressed. Hurley' Sarsnpnrllla. The RTcat Blood Purifier, ja a Spring and Sum- mer Medicine stands unriraled, removes all im- purities ;ro'm the blood, anil gives health and strength to the system. Hurley, ruddle & cc Proprietors. Hurley's Popular Yl'orm Candy. As this is really a Specific for Worms, and the best and most pala e form to give to children, it is not surprising at it is fast taking the place of all other preparations for worms it being tasto less, any child will takd it ' , - Oriental Pearl .Drops. For Beautifying the Complexion, effectually re moves Tan, FreekleS. IIlBtebcs, and giving the skin an elegant smoethtiess not easily attained by any other. Its use among the lad i us of fashion in the East, gives it a character for efficacy whieh at onco stamps it as Infinitely superior for the toilet of a lady. Ink. I Ink! Ink! Seaton's Chemical Writing Fluid Is becoming d for its superior quality. Having boen introduced only about six years, it has be- come tho principal in use with tho36""who want a fine, freo flowing ink. nnd for its permanency it is decidedly "the best ink for records that can be used. For counting houses, banks orschools.it it nneqalled, and needs only to be tried to bo ap- proved. For salo by Druggists and Merchants everywhere. HURLEY. HUDDLE & Corner Seventh and Oreen streets. Louisville. Kentucky. For sale by Berry. Demovllle Wharton: J. K. Harwell: Littercr & Cabler: Pulliam & McCul-leug- h; Blood i Gregory, Nashville: and by nil Druggists. janol3 lydiw Cliolcral Cholera!! Cholera! II JUST RECEIVED 1,000 BOTTLES QRJSFENBURQ DYSENTERY SYRUP, irjlIICII never failr in a few hours to cure t f Cholera, Uyeentery. iinpinf. Soreness, and all other Bowel CtnpUint. it is recommended by lt. T. K. IIIltn4RD, Chairman of the Hoard of Health, at New YnrkVwho retorts that he sent this raediciHQtAtheQuarantinr llospitals, where the Cholera th. xifted. buta'ter its uso not a single ease was reported. PRICE, 30 CEXTS PER BOTTLE, To he had.at TitBPPARD A CO, Collego strecct, where all the Qnefeaberg Medicines may bo had. ,sep5 m FOR SALE. ' 2iJStni-'Wlie- el Steamfcbat, rvF ABOUT NINETY -- FIVE (95) TONS 0a?j3h"i for trade where Hiht cranihl and miu4 Apply to C. CASTNER, Stenbenvllle, Ohio. o she. caa bs test. Iicp2Mlw-- n f, t TINWARE, &c. Tiifc Co- - THE WROUGHT I It OH Cooking Stoe. This Stove is Well knovrn over tbe Soutli ana West Tor- - Convenience, Economy nnd Durability So simple and convenient that a child can use it; So economical, that in coal and wood, yon con save its cost in a single year. So durable that many nre now in uso that were made by the subscribers Twenty Years Ago. IT HAS ATTACHED TO IT A COPPER BOILER, containing from 12 to 20 gallons, by which tbe waste heat is mado available to keep on hand, a constant supply of hot water, so sys- tematized that each member of tho family may draw from the fountain without interfering with cooking apparatus. ft We; make these sizes of tho above excellent Cooking1: Stove, containing all modern improve- ments, nnd warranted that in every instance, that thay will give full satisfaction. TREPP'ARD & CO., . If AKUFACTCBEH3 OF Tin, Copper;- - nnd Slice t Iron WnrcS IIEALSR3 IX American nnd English Hardware. Special attention given to Roofing, Galleries, and all out-do- work, by Mr. F. A. TfiKPrAsn, irbb is admitted by all, to be tho best out-do- workman in tbe State; there now being roofs in good repair that were put on by him twenty-fou- r years ago. TltEPPAItD & CO., audi No. 1-- North Collego street TENNESSEE COLONIAL AND TTTimigration Bompaaiy Incorporated by nn,Act of tlieGencrai Assembly of the State of Tennessee, Passed. May SJtb.' ISBO.'"'-1- - ' Authorized .Capital, $1,000,000'. 20,000 Shares of $50 Eaclu ORGANIZATION. Ono thousand shares of Stock having been sub- scribed, tho Company proceeded to organize by the election oftho followinglloonl of Directors; Maj.-Gc- n. OEO. II. THOMAS. Mai-Ge- n. R. W. JOHNSON. SAMUEL WATSON. ,.r MICHAEL BURNS. J. W. PARRAMORE, C. C. GIBBS. A.D. M. HEFLEB0WER. OFFICERS. KtKCTi:D KT TBE BOARDS Mai.-Ge- n. President. , Mal-Gc- n. R. W. JOHNSON, Vice President. : FELIX It. CHEATHAM. Secretary. ANSON NEISON. Treasurer. JOSEPH SA.UDEK, Gen'l Im. Agent. TnE LEADING OBJECTS OF' TOE are to encourage immigration to our State, and to supply the demand for every descrip- tion of labor. They proposo to accomplish the first of these objects by purchasing lands; whero Suitable water power cr other advantages' may be had Tor manu- facturing purposes ; and alio by purchosinglandl, in large tracts, near cities, rivers and railroads. Thesa lands will be divided into suitable lots de- tracts, and alternate tracts sold to the immigrant at or near cost, tho purchaser paying h cash and tbe remainder in one, two and three years. The Company will also act as agent for large landholders who desire to havo their lands colo- nized. Tho Compuny proposes to supply the demand for labor by furnishing Mechanics, Gardeners, and all description of laborers. They will secure this labor by being able to guarantee employment at remunerative prices in tho most healthy and genial climate of tho world, and they expect to satisfy the employer by guaranteeing, the deliver-in- s of tbe laborers to him at any shipping point or railroad station. Our system for furnishing all kinds of labor to all partrof tho State we expect to mako perfect; For tbe detail we refer to bur circular on labor. Tho profits of tbcCompany will bo derived from the ultimato sale of the altcrnato tracts of lands retained, and'from the building up of villages and towns in places adapted to that putposcandirom tbe aiding of manufactories and the general devel- opment of the agricultural and mineral resources of tho Stato. and also from the direct fees derived from the supplying of operative?, Tho basis of our stock being tbe lands of the Company, any improvement of them must enhance the valuo of the stock in thesame ratio, and there- by bo a safe and profitable investment to the stockholder. The principal office will be in Nashville, Ten- nessee, and tbe Company design to establish' in every county in the State. Subscrip- tion books aro in tbe hands of Anson Nelson. Treasurer; Felix R. Cheatham, Secretary; and Jos. Saudek, General Immigration Agent, who aro authorized to rcqeive subscriptions lor the stock of tbe Company. , OEO. II, THOMAS. Pres. Tenn. Col. & Im. Co. FrLixR.CasAiHAV.Seo'y. jnel-t- f Commission and General, , Agency Business. 377 Broadway, Nw Torlc. UNDERSIGNED EMBRACES THIS THE of informing his friends that ho has returned to the city-o- f JMew York, and resumed tho Commission and General Agency Business, and offers his services tosuch at may rCijuira tho assistance of an Agent in either procuring Mer chandize or disposing of inch products as they may have for sale. His long familiarity with, goods in almost all departments of trade, and his. extensive acquaintance with business men. quali- fies him for making purchases upon most advan- tageous terms, enabling him, not infrequently to. buy upon better terms for his customers than they could for themselves, if they were heroin person. Ho will not only select partial or Entire Stocks of Goods for Country Merchants, but will purchase: and ship Pianos. Sewing Machines. Carriages, Furniture, and Machinery of all kinds. Medicines, Rooks, or whatever else tbeneccssities of Planters, Physicians. Lawyers. Tradesmen, or ethers, may require from the great center and entrepot of bu- siness and commerce. It may not bo amiss to Say, in this connection, that credits are now more circumscribed than be- fore the war four months being now ths outer limit, while for many kinds of what aro denomi- nated Staple Goods, Net Cash Prices prevail. Whero purchasers may wish to procure goods on time, or part on credit and part for cash, their memorandums should be accompanied with pro- per testimonials as to solvency and punctuality, unless their croditis well established in this mar- ket. My charge for purchasing goods, or for selling Cotton. Tobacco, or other produce, is twp and one-ha- ir per cent, I take the liberty of referring lo the undermentioned gentlemen-- , for many of whom I have bad the pleasure of transacting business: UtcncRisccs. Hon. N. S. Brown, and Rev. J. B. McFerrin, Nashville; Hon. A. Wright. Mem- phis: Thos. Martin. Kq Pulaski, Tenn: Hon. A. 0. P. Nicholson. Columbia, Tenn.; Hon. R. L. Carnthcrs. Lebanon, Tenn.; Hon. G. W. Jones, Fayetteville, Tenn.; Hon. E. A. Keeble,Mnrfrces-boro- V Tcnnj J. JI. Parker. Esq., Jackson, Tcnn.; CoL W. P. Dowtl, Aberdeen. Miss : Co I. James Brown. Oxford, Miss.: Hon. A. 1U Johnson, Ray- mond, Aliss.r Cel. 11. W. Walter. Holly Springs. Miss.; Wm. II. Allen. Esq- - Jackson, Mis4 Chax. W. Marti). Bsq Pontotoc, Miss.; Major J. H. Turner C Hutnbuj, Miss. julyO ALSTON B. ESTES. Wood-Worki- ng Establisment rpHB UNDERSIGNED 1TAVE IN PULL J. operation their shop for Manufacturing. B&sht Doors, Blinds, inside and ont, both stationary and pivot slats ; Moldings, Cornices; Brackets, Washboards and Castings. Door and Window Frames. ornamental and plain; Mantle Pieces, Weatherboarding and Flooring, dressed ready for use : .andj every tittcriptioa of wood-wor- k con- nected with building. We arezdsc. prepared to contract for Buildings entire, or in part,' Ws have been at heavy expense in procuring and pitting up Machincry.And hopeby punctuality and dWpatch, to merit and receive the eastern of puciio. - Orders from any section of the Southern coun- try will be punctually tilled. , Our Shop is in immediate connection with the Locomotive Shops of tbe Nashville and Chatta- nooga Railroad Company, near the Sewanee Coal Yard, on Cedar Street, Nashville. Tennessee. TURBIVILLE tPULCHER. angS to 1st jan. "&7. TO POLITICIANS. TTJE HAVEA LARGE NUMBER (JFLmisla-- I f tot. UxtoxAgD AuskiCAjcx. oocsd in Book farm, containing tno full rcporUor the- - inrs and speeches tor sessions of 1S69 and Apply at this oSae. 'an -- COTTON FACTORS la.n.KEio- - W.E.OU0B0CBSS, j.tohseowtc. BEiD,CHAOBOUBME&C0. - " (Sttcocsforsto Prench-A-Co.- ) Cotton and Tobacco Factors. ..; . i . , , , ' U" .. AXD GXXXBAL . . s.f . , . .' iJ ' , ' . Coniiklssoii 3Icrdiants, CORNER OP CLARK AND FRONT-STREET- S iJfASUVIIXE, TESX jnncT lr ' O. C. BOOKS.-AV- JSO. L. SArFAEKANS. DOBBIXS.- - J. J. PLEASANTS. o. c. boone & co., cottost jtIotoes, i A5D CKNSB.II., h COMMISSION MEBCHANTS, NO. 12 JEFFERSON STRET, Opposite Commercial Hotel, - Memphis, Tenn., Are prepared to make liberal advances'on 'Cot- ton and other Produce shipped to them, and to fill all orders for Plantation Supplies. aulS 3m ASCK.R. DOBBINS, J.J.rLElSAXTS, Phillips Co.. Ark. Huntsville. Ala. JNO. L. SAVfAREAKS, O. C.B0ONE, Memphis. Tenn. Memphis, Tcnn. Dobbins, Pleasants & Co., CottcnFactors, ajidQeneralCominission Mercliants, No. 121 Gravier Street, corner of Carondelct, New Orleans. aul8 3m JSa. SHALI.CE0S3. JSO. K. COOK. Lata Mitchell Armstrong. Mitchell, Shallcross & Co. Commission and Forwarding Offico 3G 1-- 2 Second street, between Main and Washington, LOUISVILLE, KEXT D CliX. Particular attention paid to Oorders and Con- signments. - jy2D-:5- win wiwwMBBWBaMnw I'll1 1 n n agMMMpwa P. O. HURT. w. c. nun H U RT& CO., ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN IJ5IJ3, tit- : plaster paris, . .. txtdraitlic cesiext, land . . plaster, ., . H - ' MRE BRICK AND CLAY, ' LATHS SAWED XSO SPLIT, , .THREE PEXNI' JSTAILS. . And other materials for building atreduccd prices "TTTB ' HAVE IN STORE '!A LARGE AND VY well assorted stock of WINDOW SASH, tA" Glazed,) OF ALL SIZES. Which wo will sell for LESS THAW HALF what they would cost to be made. Orders for LIME and SAND receive prompt at tention at LOW RATES, at ?1W.424 ?SoutiJU'CoIlege 'Street, ppbsito Hamilton's Worchouso, :iy2(Mm NASHVILLE, TENK. TEHHESSEE PD PACIFIC RAILROAD STOCK. SUBSORIPTIOiNT OF STOCK ' IN THIS ROAD HE NOW 0FEN AT THE FOLLOWING! A.Offices:: . ., '. ' JOSEPH XT. ALLEN, Treasurer, iUnloh Bank. ' . J. IV. PAltMOUE, Secretary, No. 4b Collego ' street. TV. I. RERRT, Booftscller. No. 20 Public Square. JOHN P. CAMPBELL, Agent, No. 25 Pub- lic Square. ,'.",; i Will you bear an honorable part (in this Crca , STATE AND,NATIONALfR0AD,. Which-wl- li give Nashvilla'CoAU advantages, equal to any other city,? It is not doubted that this road will open to our city ono of the largest and richest j COAL. OIL axd otueV MINERAL ItE(il6NS In the world. It will giro , . DO Miles tlio Shortest anil Cheapest-Ront- to New Torlc, nnd 50 Silica Iho Nenrest Ronto to 3Iom-pltls'o- Xch OrlcAns. Every motivfr'of interest and sclfprotectlon urges' that we should all . Knbscrtbo.'Pjromptly nmljLlbcrnilx . It is urgently requested that EVERYICETIZEN subscribe from one to one hundred, share to his iacun8, at once. This wiu, insure a .tpeedyjandjElorious success tho, crowning glory of our city and State. . . jy!rtf.' Pf-AFO'S- I .PIAHO AND IrniSIO'HOUSEv I . - o it.:. j $o. 54 UNION" STREET. . Ho'&i, , ' NASnyiCLE. '&NNESSEE. ! Miisio jPutlislicx AND DEALER IN PIANOSi MELODEONk CiniRCKASD'PARipR ORGANS. ' All kinds of MusicatMercbandisc- - PIANOS TUNEIi I ' And all kinds of Musical Instruments. Repaired. .. 43rMusic Books bound on thorl jaotlte."S PARTIES IN, THE COUNTRY WISniNQ in the mus's line, cap send their or- ders to me, stating the. article they want, and I will make the selection for them, which, if it does not suit, can be exchanged. The tash must ac- company each and every order- - A liberal .dis- count will be made to school and teachers. lit sunt to callox BENS0N ozrocx ronciuS-xx- o a PIANO. Plnnos nnd SIcIodcona to Bent. I have on hand a, large stock of School Books and Stationery, which. I will sell at New York prices, so as to make room for, my large stock of musical goods that aro to arrive sota, ' ' Jyl2-3- .CD. BENSON. The Great Southern Piano llanufaciAiry. WM. KNABE cO CO., MAtrrrACTUBiss or FIRST PREMIUM. GOLD MED AI. GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT ? rrUIESE TNSTURMENTS -- HAYING BEEN X before tho public for the past thirty years, have, upon their excellence alone, attained an uxrcscHASEn R that pronounces tbcxu unequalled. Their TONS' nin)i!nu irml Mer. richness, sweetness, and , no singing quality, as well u peat.pnrity of in- tonation and harmonioosness throughont the en- tire scale. Their TOUCH is pliant and elastic. And U entirely fre from the stinnesi found in so many pianos, which catues the performer to so easily tire. In WORKMANSHIP they eannat ho excelled. Their action if con- structed with a ear and attention to every part therein that characterises tho finesfsieehaslam. None hot the best Masoned, material is used in their manufacture, and they will accept the hard ,ntgcs of the concert room with that ef the Parlor on an equality onaSected in their melody: in fact, thejr are constructed ' MN6f FOR A YEAR BUT FOR, EVER," All our Square Piano haveournewlmurovad Grand Scale and Axraffe Treble. Krery Piano fully warrantedfor Frve Yeaw. SOUS LUCK, Agent,' t. Jyls-S- si NashviUe, Texmeate. ; BOOTS & 'SHOES. T.'D. PHILLIPS, or C0LC3tBU,tKty.,'vnTn BOEEB, &BE0THERS, MAHUrACT1J&KK3 AXD WHOLkSALK &CALCE3 IX CITY AND EASTERN MADE BOOTS AND SHOES, No.432 Market street, belowFifth street. South Side, Philadelphia. a 023 3m M0KR0E, SMALTZ&C0., TPOLQALr PEALKB3 IK EASTERN AND CITY MADE BOOTS' AND SHOES, Jfo 601 Market Street, James JioxcoE. Northwest corof Fifth street, JOS.E.SHALTZ. PHILADELPHIA. X.S.ST0EE3. au23 let M. J. M0 0R E, or xobth cAhoLiSA, wrra Hood, Bonbright& Co., WB0LE3ALZ DSALEES IX Foreign and Domestic pjair goods, No. 529 Market Street, (and 52S Commerce st- -) PHILA DELP IIIA, OFFER UNHSHAL INDUCEMENTS TO BUYERS. . having always ffi Storo many very Desirable and Scsrce Goods, made to order by Philadelphia Manufacturers. au23 3m McFerran, Menefee & Hensley, - LATE McFerrdn D, Menefee, Commission;Merchants ... Ubd. CIOTTOX FACTORS, 102 AND 104 WEST SECOND STREET J. C Ji'rtSBAX. E. J. KCXEVEE, , jr. b. n'rsssAX, CINCINNATI. u. c. hkkslxy. jyl7-3- Retail Depot North End Morkethouse. Prices Eeduced to Suit the Times. THE LAKE KINGSTON ICE CO. Are now selling at tho following rates to regular customers : Per ton ...l eent Office NbrSortli College . Street. r SPARLING'S iilLACItUERTtY TFINE. SURE CURE FOR DIARRH03A. A For sale by all Family Grocers and Druggists. IV . W. 'XUXTEW. Wholesale Agent. Nos. 21 k 23 College street. jc29-t- f ashville. HUGH McOREA & CO., SCCCESSOE3 TO A. IIAIfllX.TON & CO., Cotton aiidTpacco Factors, .' STORAGE, ' - : FORWAEDING "ND . tOMMISSION Market Street, - - - iVaglivllIc. UNDERSIGNED HAVING TAKEN THE above Warehouse, will purchase and sell Cotton, Tobacco, Bacon, Lard, or any other Produce, on Commission. Planters favoring us with their business may rely on gettint the high- est market price for their Produce. Our charges will be as low as any house in' the city. Should bur old friends faVor'us with orders for Groceries, they may rely on having goods purchased at tbe lowcs!?hiarkct prices'. We will give our attention to pooci3 torwardca to us Trom ower cities, snip pers may rely on having their goods forwarded pr jinptly by the first train or boat after their ar- rival. t)ur office is on Market street, whero the old books of llCGH McCrtEA & Co. can be found Dy inose interested. 'Hoping for a share of public patronage, we sub- scribe ourselves, etc jan!3 HUGH McCREA 4 CO. . . A CARD. " We respectfully introduce to our old friends onr successors in business, Hcan McCkia. !c Co. who. continue the .Commission business at. our standi No. 2S South Market Street. : Our own office is No. .23 College Street, wn'ero we hope all parties who are indebted to us will at onco call and pay their accounts now due;' and all parties who have any claims against ns will prep sent them for payment, as wo wish to elose up onr business at an early day. ' JanI3--tf A'. HAMILTON" & CO. Qrpcerj Store, l No. JUS Nort7i,C7ierrit St., . .NASHVILLE, ; .TENN. V. . 1 . i YTEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A'IlARGE IV and complete assortment of everything in their lino, of the ' i tir VERY BEST 'QUALITY. IMPORTERS OF FINE AND GENUINE GEItllAIf. SPANISH. ITALIAN nnd FBENCH WINES AND LIQUOHSj And HAVANA SEOAJtS. Alto on hand the best CHEWING TOBACCO. . Jnly4 Tennessee Division Fo. 3D, SONS OP TEMCPKRANCE, Tl fEETS EVERY FRIDAY. At P. M, AT lVi Sons' Hnll, Masonic Temple. V. A. iAAAiti, Vr . tr. .'R. EastiIax, R. '.rjsf. Tf 'ant 2m ' I-- . J; "LTIMSDEN .'&: CO' vaxcttactoxess axd eialirs is HIDES, OILS, tMTHER, Findings, Curriers' Tools, No. 9 SOUTH MARKET STREET. No. O NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. inlylg-t- f 'I '' liLeMOINE & WILLIAMSON, AKCIHI'tCI?, 4 0Eco.Ko,"lI North Cherry t'Unear Church. P. O. BOX 373 NASHVILLE. ; i "rjLANS. SPECIFICATIONS AND- - ESTI- - J. JttATHH. prompuy executed. A variety ct Drawinfaar Cottages. Villas. Hot Houses. uar-tut- es dsns. Parks, etclTto suit all loealitles'and aa be sees at this office. au24 Zm FREE SOIjL. HAVE C3 LOTS SITUATED ON THE HTOn 1 eaad next tbe Nashville Fair Ground, with-- S fiVe mioEtes' walk of tho Street Railroad convenient to a splendid spring, with a beautiful riew r N&shrSHe. To any person who wH "build a neat, handsome not expensive) BRICK MOUSE. 1 will make s deed to lot 100 by ISO feet, with eat charge. Thia proposiUon open to DOt more than eit perns.olcr KMlITUl Sept. 3d. 1SS6. ep4-l- m CINCINNATI: CARDS, .j PaqAIaASK4. tv. 4u,r( (WJiPORTIR. WHOLESALE G&P..C EES SB. AND GENERAL CoiiimissioAi Iffer(Sants JtO.flS VINE STREET, West Side, ' Between Front and Columbia, ; CINCINNATI, OHIO. marSO d6m , ' STANDARD SCALES OF ALL KINDS, Cotton Beams and Frames, Cotton,Hay and Bag Presses, Warehouse Trucks, - Baggage Barrows, COPYING PRESSES, &c. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. 125 Walnut street, CINCINNATI apl ly ELSAS BLOCK. O.G.PEUGS, JOS. B. GXBHAftT, Hii L'oirrs, . BOWSSSOOK. General Partners. Special Partners-- PRUGII & jLOWES, Importers and Jobbers oi Foreign and Domestie DRY GOODS, White7 Goods and Notions, NO. 134 KACE STREET, Between Third and Fourth SU.,Elsas New Block. CINCINNATI, OHIO. mar30-dS- m johjt v. WATSOS. JOS. L. tlXKO. WATSON & BERG, WHOLESALE OLOTHIEES, No. 13S Bate Sired, CineiniMli, O. W YT. IIINKLB. FORMERLY OF NASH-- T T ville and Louisville, U with the above house, and will be pleased to see and wait on, hi friends and acquaintances. xoar30-d6- m n. r. bead. KOEQAK, BZAD k CO., vanmilU. BEAD, MORGAN & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, 138 Eaee St., bet. 3d & 4th, CINCINNATI, OHIO. mar39-d6- m Wlf.'CI.XSBAT. CZO. B. WEIDLEB, r.o, ci. siAjT. c. r. cWin,. ' WIT. CLENEAY & SONS,' COMMISSION 3IERCHANTS, For the purchase and sale of Cotton, Tobaccoj Flour. Grain, Pork. Bacon, Lard. Hen.!', Whisky, Urass Seeds; and all kinds of Pro- duce, and Dealers in pure Bourbon Whisky. 2Y. E. Corner of Second and Vtnt Strtet; Cincinnati, Ohio. Ajcnts for "Sunny Side." "Broad Guage," "Legal Tender." -- HoraoComfort." "Anderson's .Choice," andMagnoliaMills XXXFamily Flours. 83 Liberal Advances made on Consignments. " tr2J dAw6m. JOBS WTXMB, THOUAS WILLIAMS. A.X. 8ACXIT, a. w. rccii. (Successors to Wynne, Jones' Co.,) WHolKSALKDIALIBalX JForeigiv nnd Domestic No. 89 Pearl street, between Vine and Race, , . CINCINNATI, O. jn'ar2S d6m e. v. Bisnor. w. t. nisnor, .,n.,Bisnop. ' u B. 51. BISHOP & CO., i Wholesale Grocers, iJ,Nb. 36'TVT A'TN STREET, CINCINNATI. OHIO. mayZfm JOHK T- roOTE. 3. K. NASHi a. m. xcsrnY. TE, WABE & 00.. Nos. 17 and 19 West Columbia St.', OllSFOINNATI, i 'BISTIEEERS OF COEOONE, SI'IKITS. AMWIIOIj, , ASD DOMESTIO LlQlCJORS AND , WINES. DEALBBS 1$ QKSCptB ' ilOBERTSON COUNTT, BOUKBON, RYE, AND MONONO AIIEEA (WHISKIES .Proprietors oftho oelebrated brand of ,Orang'o Valley Whisky. jnaylS dlr " SPENCER HOUSE," ponNjzR qi: rnoNl and jjroadwat. .. CINCINNATI,. OHId, A.' P1UTT, Proprietor. IVPni fithtHeSpcscerilouse." and will bopleased to see his' many old and valued' friends throughout tne bouts. marZJ-dS- ' B. SCHWEGMANN, i'" ' ' " DEALER IN Vigor's, Idqicors anid Tobacco, No?Sl 'Pnblie Landing, Coriier if' Sycamore, .CINCINNATI. 0. marSS d6m it " W 1' VC W. WARSOX, Late of Cochran, Wason ATalbutt. JX9SK H. TALBUTT. Late of Paris, EyM - nJBSSX W CAGX, - - Late of Nashville, Tenn. WASSON, TALBUTT & PAGE, Successors to Cochran, Wasson k Talbutt, COTTON FACTORS, Manufacturer's Agents for the sals of Bagging and Rope, General Commission and Produce 31 EHCHANTS, ' And Dealers in Flour, Hemp, Grain, Seeds, Wool, , . Feathers, Pork, Bacon, Lard. Ac. ;Also, EielniiVd agenta for the stlo,ofi.JIU Tal- butt A Co.'s Celebrated Pure Copper Whiskeys, irora rarw, Aiouroon vouniy,Hy.. No. SO VINEST ATL0. BlrSBBXCXS. Jas. A. MeAllister & Co., Nashville, Tennessee Huth McCrse A Co, " " Evans, Fits A. Co, " Commercial Bank, Memphis, Tennessee. Ta?Ior,McBwln.J)akefc CoMemphisTtiin. - " mar3H-d5- nr JtOM OHLY, Practical T'ailor, Uu permanently loeated at NO.I3 NORTH CIIERRinKTBEET. lie has Just received from New Y6rk one of the finest STOCKS 0V GOODS aver brought to the Hy. fsbl-t- f BUY "EOUIt WOOD, 'vFIIIJLE ITtIS CHEAP. ItEiirvEBin) ANYwnHRS pr the oity following rates Proas' one to ten cords, perjserd.i W Ten cords and o ver, fjS. Cherry ttioet, or at this See. jyU-- U LOUISVILLE CARDS. tOOISVitLE HOTEL, FBOPBLETOBSj Louisville, Kentucky; This House has been refurnished throughout, mar20-6a- u o U3 o EH r a r ( a C5 JL.. P A H CO a a H CD . o o . T o a a C a o 3 d a 2 1 H S m cs s n a o Or The Oldest Stand in the West ! D. P. HOGAN & A. DUTEEL, Wholesale and Ketail Manadcturers of Wigs, Scalps, Braids and Girls, and all clhtr kinds of Hair Work, And Importers of Fancy Goods, Perfumery, Ae, 85 Fourth st. between Main andMarket, LOUISVILLE. KY. Manner of takingMeasureofa WIffbyany person: 1. Round the bead - In 2U lines C 2. From'Ear to Ear - 0 O 3. Temple to Temple 0 0 4. From Forehead to Nape 0 0 5. From Temple to Temple 0 0 marSO d6m ED. WILDEE & CO., HOLESALE DRUGGISTS, DEAEEItS IN TOBACCOS AND CIGARS, DYE-STUFF- S, OP ce op F- - xsi to cs tr ST AND GLASSWARE. IMIAYE .ItEMOVED TO OUIt NEW And Spacious Warehouse, Marble Front, North Side of Main street, NEARLY OPPOSITE LOUISVILLE HOTEL, CXK DOOR EE LOW Till COKHEB OF SIXTH, Wherd we have opened an entirely new stock of Goods, and will offer to the trade, together with DRUGS AND MEDICINES, A. varied assortment of Druggists' Fancy Goods. Liquors, Cigars, and Tobacco, Comprising the most complete assortment- - in one house in this country. AH of which- - we shall offer at manufacturers', andless than manu- facturers' prices. mar31 dly TONSORIAL SALOON. FRANK PAKKISIT, rnnE old estaulished and ever iie- - I LIABLE DA RUE It and Hair Dresser, has the honor to Inform his many friends and the public, that his Shaving and Hair Dressing Sa- loon, next door to the New Express Building, and opposite the Masonio Temple, still remains open for their custom. His barbers are expert in their business, attentive and polite, and always fully up to the latest styles and fashions in their line. Ho solicits a call from all old and. new friends, promising to all full satisfaction. BATH ROOMS! KEEP COOL! KEEP CLEAN 1 1 FRANK PARISH'S BATH ROOMS, In the rear of his Shaving and Hair Dressing Saloon, are fitted up with all the modern improvements. Oentlemen can blways obtain Hot, Tepid, or Cold liaths, at a moment's notice. Call on FRANK PARRISH, jnljWm S8 Church Street. ZUCLID WATIB&aCfeZ. 3. T. CUHMIXGS. X. 0. riARL, WATERHOUSE, PEARUCO., ISTOiPlO NEW STIIEEX, NEW YORK. BUT AND 8EIX, Coin, Exchange and South era Bank Notes, and Securities of all klcds 'HAKE COEEECTIONS and Purchase Sight and Thn?D rafts, on all acetusiblo points. BITT KTOCKS ANV GOED, Solely on Com- mission, requiring ample margin fn alt easel AXEOW rOTJR PEI1 CENT I NTEH EST on Dally Balances, subject to Sight Check. 47 The correspondence of our Southern Mends i respectfully solicited. tsavl d6m P. Nl. RYAN, MANDTACTT7RER OF FRENCH BURR MILL STONES, TILL SPINDLES, MILL MACHINERY. JjX of all descriptions; Steam Engines, Saw and llritt Mills, Hoisting Screws. Smut Machines. Helling and Hatting Cloth. Screen Wire. Mill Picks. Plaster of Paris always on hand and mado All work sold by me warranter!. I also contract for the ereetion of Flouring Mills. Corner of College and Broad Htrectn, Ixathtille, TenntHtt. m 21 ly . JAMES C. 3HALONE, 1 TTOIUifJE 1 JMT XIf, NASHVILLE. TENNESSEE. Office 27 West side Publie Square, corner of College and Deaderiek streets Post Officer Box 183, Ian21-- ly !N" E "W" LI Or EC T. GEEWAS & ALBEETSOF, 'Practical PlumborH, NO. 33 CHURCH STREET. Naahvlllc, Tenn HAVK BECOMR AGENTS FOR TUB FJf. KTATE VAX JCACUINS, fer supplying DwtUlsgs. Stores. Faeterie and Pablia liuildlets with a pare and br&Eant light, equal to the best gas, at one-thi- rd the cost. Persons can view the practical operations of the maefaine. and leam particulars of cost, by apply J tag at eer tatahtUhmeat, 35 Cburah street. 3X. 0. U'rCBBAX, r. r. ABKgTBOxa. xo.u a'riKKAX, xxaxrxs. McFerran, Armstrpng & Oo. (Lata Mitchell k Ano'troar,) PHOTISIOX CEALEKS - - Commission Merchants, Carers of tho celebrated 1VEA.G-NOXaI- HAM. 5&fl',3tl,"'J!!ft?.IIl' Second, and Ntotteaadlweaty-frurlvwhlngto- B street. ' ' xrisYTxix, irr. GRO'CEEIES, itQTJ0ESff&c. , S. BAtLIT, 8. X. OBBWAT, P dy jo f Maury eo. oTGIies county. jai v usjxy. r, vzutrpx, . e vyisoncounw. or muhmviuc. Ala. uiivwm i co. Cotton, Ooni mission "ISO . WHOIaESAiLjE GJROOERY and 7 BvdailjSt., t . N.ViS II V IIXE, TENNESH EE ' W1 BEQ LEAVE TO RRTDRN THANKS to our friends fer tho vitrr HhersI shuo ef patronage bestowed npos atcr hesse the past season, and would say that, havlag enlarged our feeilitles ftr STORINtl- - COTTONj eiwM greeared to give every atteatfos to the STORAGE. SHIPMENT OF AM. tTTON onr friendsmay entrust to oar ears. We premise that every effort will bo used to secure tee very HIGHEST 3TAKKET I'KirjE, whether sold here or in othrr asarkats. Will make CASH ADVANC otherProdoeoshippedloBS. w 0 ALWAYS BR AS LOW AS KHLIABiiK HOUSK. JAJtEN SI. CARSET AND WM. T. SAMPLE will give their nfdNfiied aMeatien to the Cotton Department, a4 wilt strafe, every nerve to make it to the ietaraat of tarter to patronise us. We wlH at all times keep a feH sleek ef Bagging. Rope and Twine, and all grades oi Fleur tor sals at the lowest priees. WANTED. We wish to pvehaso washed and nnwashed WOOL. FEATHlRS AND Wx&l FKDlT.and will alwaytgive the SHOT PRICKS. QAIEET, ORDWAY CO. Fancy 5"Ionrt Fancy Flonr !! .by kftiHwIo k CO.'S tele-1S-L whieh we will warrant in every tajtenee. We will also keep several other brands of FWur, wMh wefiv to the trade at the LOWEST CASK MlCKS. Dealers will do well to examine ear rWur be- fore purchasbhur. BAILEY, ORDWAY Jt CO. au22 $m BWIN6 C0. IN THE TRADE AG-AI1T- . NORTHWEST CORNEROgfcOEIOE AND SI'ITINO'STRIlETfi,' - Naslx-rilltJ- , TciiiTpH ce. uc WE ARE NOW RBCBIVINQ AND 1TAVE ' in Stare. th (ollewlng large amlv fresh GrecerleJ, whieh ww wftl' seH((ow to the trader SO hh'ds Sugar, all grades; 250 barrafaRefoexI Sugar: 50 " 4ikegsSyrafe 50 " Copperas; , i 50 ' Vlra Appio Vinegar; fi , 1500 ' Ftear, SsteHvWe and tlarki-villoM- iif 50 " Whisky. aM grades; 50 ' Prime Leaf Darf; 60 kegs da d 200 packitesTebaee: 400'bags prlme-OeSee- ' 500 kegs .Nails; . . 200 boxes Soap; 100,000 Cigars, a complete assortment; 25 tierces choke SWar Cfared nam; With all other artWes Jn the greeety line. tep!2 BEMOYAL. BRIEN & TEEAXT0K HAVE THIS.DA Y ItEJIOVED TO TIIEIR EARGE AND COJI3IODIOCS JFlV C -- IPi OOf" WttTollOUHC, NO. SO SOUTH COI.EEGE STREET, NASHVILLE, TSNN.'. WHERE TnEY WILL BE HASBY TO SEK old friend and wMmers, and wMld avail tbemselvat of the present opportunity of returning thanks fer the liberal share of patrea-rag- e heretofore bestowed opes this house. And they hope by their enlarged fceilttios m Storage and Salo of Cotton, Tehaeee, and other CTHHjtry Produee, to merit a ooatisuaaee of the same. They willinnkc liberal Ciuli mlvnnc on Cotton, Tobncco, nnd nil Produca conslfrncd to their enrc. Their term will always ho as low as any re- sponsible house, here or etsowhere,, ; They will at all times keep oa hand a fall and eompleto steek of GROCERIES, AND PROVI.SIONN, FEOCR, BACON, E.1RD; Ac. Ae., Which they will ffBimwtM t the Tdei erery instance, at ma uwm jinrri iMin BKIHN A THAXTON, sepS No. 50 South College (I rest- - SMITH, PARKES & ST&RK, COTTON AiTOMClGO P A C Te6 K Sre in 430 OMMKAi, C o m miiss i o n M er &h a n ts No. S SoathMnrkef Street, ' NyuViiilk Bg'wtiA A, b. 8TAar,TusealaA!haata. ,i f; .,ti TTAVJNO TAKEN THE A69VE WiAE XX HOUSE, we are prostaraa la da a gal Coramlnien IlatiseM, ad I keep y on band a large supply of GROCERIES, GRAIN, Ete EtM For the Triulo at LOW PKIOW, ,Seeial.atUstf6n given to fsrwardtog Frethb. Large storage aaoMjiitfes oo raoMifM terms. HXil, cAAASB SC CAA BR. IVrhUtIIIo Cotton Slarkct. It is a gnrra4iy admlttod fcet that the pfan iwv adapted in Tahaaso alM efselUsg at Awm. reserving tbe privilege of reJtfec the best bW if not satisfactory to tit Ptaater. has given mora satisfaction, and uniformly aaMsed Fredoeo to Sell Higher than. Any Other Method, and betiertag that thb wffl proveewallyMvstki-tAOtor- y in Cotton a Tubaeoo, M ett. SnMb. Parke k Stark, of Nashville, Teaaesseu, havu ceneiaded to adopt thir . ITS ADVANTAGES ARK NUHEROCX. It draws together all the hajM. In this and many othtr markets, the initWwun hetweea whom lasore the highest tskt ppee fer eh bide offered. Baeh bat b Mate (M bsyef. sj that he can tee its coei)Uc, iftth a naIj &lly draws. jfaewisg Its quiMty. ai The owner either ia porsoa. or Wrepih hts agent, has the right to rjMt the sale w the prieeintatWaory.-- 8 These advantages are senrei to r with the same expense of Msg as nsder the M4 system. The antversal aalistaeHim given to all who hart tt tested this irMwa it preof that this Is par exeeHeaeotho best that be bad. itp-- tf Notice to Planters and Others having Cotton in tlic liantlH of A. HAMILTON & CO. HevcrnI Hundred Bale of Welinve stored wWi us preflwH to the ftntef Jaury.. aadwa hrjr a4lr the our haadg. A. HAiULTOJi A 00. lepl fca ATTORNEY AT t AV, f FFIOK, No. h Ohesty stretti rt w OeadertoK strew. PERKINS, SWENSON k Co., OBKBRAL , ... Commission Mcreliauts, V Caress. 5 , xsvsx.N. Yw ktof Aate, Sfexas. w x. riKtx. I ptgkiM Jt OeX.0. pi

chroniclingamerica.loc.gov€¦ · .. THE .HEAVENLY SECRET, Mr. Gsobob Coorrn sends this stately and ruttalned poem of the grave theme of Immor-tality Doe the darkand soundleea firer

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.gov€¦ · .. THE .HEAVENLY SECRET, Mr. Gsobob Coorrn sends this stately and ruttalned poem of the grave theme of Immor-tality Doe the darkand soundleea firer


Mr. Gsobob Coorrn sends this stately andruttalned poem of the grave theme of Immor-tality

Doe the dark and soundleea firerStretch so wido

The homeward-rollin- g tideOver wbjyh bavo erodedOar lovea and.c&rly lost,

ThVtb$Jr uiisealed eyes may never tte,rhffarthwidc, .

Where still amid this celL&nd miseryWo hide?

Is the realm ef their trilui lion 'ClosB'atJiand ' -

To this ,eurjl vine land?Nearer than we dream TCan they cateli tho el ram

Of onrimilos ad hear I he wards we speak ?And see eurdeeds T

And looldnefleeperthan oar eyes mar seek.Oar need?

Do they mingle in otir gladness ?Do thezsnevo

Whenijrayi ef good wo leave? ,

Do they knew each thought and hope?WhHe wo In shadows crone.

Can they hear the, J?ataro'a high behest,YotlMkraepewer

To UiA Us frsra earlll or to arrest 'The hoar? - ",-

When they find as bowed in BorrowDo theyjjgh?

"Or when the efcrth jasses byKor them, da they To netThe eares that here beset

Their well beloved? Or do they wait(D be it thus)

And wateh beside tho golden gatoForm?

Wo tare ywrning for their seeret:'ioough wc eall

jtm answer ever fallJfpes oerdoHed earsTo quell ear nameless fears.

Yt Gftfi is over all, whate'erxaay be,ABcVtrusung so,

PaSe-we- . my heart! a little while, and woShall knew.


The MeWIcftfefiffrsays : A lady correspondent.In a reeeet stroll through the Saint Louis Ceme-tr-y,

in the oity of New Orleans, visited the craveof General jALiatr Sidsiy Jonssoif, and fonndn written optleph pasted upon a roach board at-

tached to tho tomb. In her note to T.T., our faircorrespondent says the was affected to tears uponrsadingjt, and took, tho trouble to ogpy it, vbcImlim. She beet us to find out the author, and shesheuM be gratified in that desire if it wcro possi-

ble for T. T. to do so. Here H the beautiful epitaph:

3If MEMORIAJI.Defflau this stone is laid. t.

' j - xjr a season,Albebt Sidhet Johxstox,

A General In the amy of the Confederate States,Who fell at Shiloh. Tennesiee,On the sixth day of April, A.D.,High teen hundred and sixty-tw- o;

A man tried in many blch OfficesAnd erltieal enterprise)!,And feund faithful in all.

His life was ono lone saeriSco of Interest to

And even that life, on a woful Sabbath,Did far yield as a holoeaast at his country's need.

Net wholly understood was he while he lived;Bat, lu his death, his greatness stands oonfess'd

In a people's tears.Resolute, moderate, clear of envy, yet sot want-I- n

that Oner amotion which makes tnen treatand pure.

In his honor impregnable;In Jita simplicity sublime.

No country e'er had a truer son no eauso a nobler-' champion;

No people a bolder defender no principles a- stabler victim

Than the dead BoldicrWho sleeps here t

The eanita for whieh he Dorishod Is lostao peeplS'Ior wnom no lougnt are crusncdhe hBDBS In which he trusted axe scattered

The Mac ho loved cnide no more the charging

But his 'famccouricn'd to the keeping of thattime, which,

Happily, is not to inaoh the tomb of Virtao as itsshrine.

Shall, In tbejreon to oome, firo modest worth, tonoWe ends.

In lienor, now, our treat captain rests;A bereaved people mourn him.

Throe commonwealths proudly claim him;And history shall eher&h him

Amonc thosocholeer spirits, who. holdinc theiroenseleneo unmix'd with blame,

Usto been, in a U conjunctures, true to them-selves, their country, and their God.


Iicr. J. II. SIcCahtv, of Cincinnati, iswriting a eerioa of articles for tho India!Mtpotikiry, on lloaint WtixiAAts, tho founderof the State of Hhode Island. In the lostnumber wo 'find the following curious andInteresting statomont concerning the remainsof (ha distinguished mttn : '


Ninety years after hii death, in 1771, stepswore tak6n"tb erect to him nome sultnblemonument, but the storms of the devolution

. ,WltUU wit uu w uw iiw.n iim. .v.ww.vwu. irecently the question has been ngltated anew,and WiUJAQis may yet at least nave someoutward sign to mark his greatness and per-twtnn-

his name. During a period of Onehundred and oSghty-thre- e years not evena rough stone has been sot up to mark thegrave of the rounder of Ilhode Island, tillthe precise locality of his grave has beenalmost, forgotten, and could only bo ascer-

tained by tho most careful investigation.Suffice It to say, however, tho 'epot was

found, and tiro exhumation made a shorttime ago, though there was little to exhume. ,

On scraping oil' the turf from the surface ofthe groundtlie dim outline of seven graves,contained within less than ono fiquaro rod,revealed the burial 'ground of Eoqeu VtiirX.IAM& In colonial times each family hadits own burial ground, which was usuallynear the family residence. Three of theseseven graves wero those of children, tho re-

maining. four were adults. The easterlygrave was identified as that of Mr. s.

On digging down into the"charnelhowe." it was nmcd that everything hadpaaseu into oblivion. The shapes of theoomns qsmld only bo traced by a dark lineof oarbonaeogus matter, the thickness of thosides of the coffins, with their ends distinctlydefined. The rusted remains of lite hingesand nails, with a few fragments of woodand a single round knot, was all thatcould be gathered from his grave.

In tho crave of his wife there wisnot a trace of anything save a fiinglo look Of

braided hair, which lma survived ute lapseof more than one hundred and cigltty ycaw.Kear the gravo stood n venerable apple-tre- e,

when and ly wheta planted, is not known.This troo hadeont two of its main roots intothe graves of Mr. and Mrs. Williams. ThelargorraoK'had peshod Its .Way through theearth till it reached tho prcciscspot occupiedby Ike skull of Koobb Wj&liams. There,ranking a turn, as if going around the skull,it followed the direction of tho backbone toth lilni. Here It divided into two branches.vending one along each leg to tho heel, wherethey both tunftd tipward to tho toes. Oneof these roots . formed ajslight . crook htthe iknee-- x whieli 'snakes tho - wholebear' a " very olose resemblance lo ahuman form. TJiU singular root is pro-scr- d

with great care, not only as an of

a great "principle in vegetation butfor it great histonc association. There werethe graves,' femptied of every particle of hn-ra-

dtwtl !t a trace of Anything was left!' It is knewn"tokeistry that all flesh and

gelatinous matter giving consistency to thebonw are resotvea into raruoniu aau giw,

h, .nrf ntr. while the solid lime-dn- st nsu--

allv remains. But in this case even theplumnhate of Hme of the bones of bothwaves was U goncl There stood the "guiltyapple tree," as w sl at tho time, oaughtin the vrj-- act of "robbing the grave."

To explain the pheoonen is not UtedesisM ct this artielo- - Beeh an explanationoonral given, and many othersimilar oases

,Mmi1. list this fact niBst be admitted:Utergs.Blc matter of IVooiHt Williams hadbeen tranMuttted into tlte apple tree; it hadpawed into.fle woody fibre, and was capable

f propellfns a steam eaginej it hnd bloometl

irs ,. Afn nwl. more, it had cone intoMast, w " 9

the fruItXrsoi year to year, so that tlte ques-

tion might be asked, "Vho ate Rooiift Wii

XHEiiLOra. aiuuuj aElder AllhS, an aged mlnletecla port oT

Tarn uauy bi " l " -been but Imperfectly developed. The .Elderliad been greally ausoyed, especially daruigprater, by the reeueat oemw '"""'ofhwioagregation. The aisles reeowndoa

., .1 c hAM who saw fit to co

ouandaffda oshoed y the tread of the

tle!rps and pdWcs oMttWe, had just seenJr. t TL TOlutn ihoaph Rtronr in

cxhartatiwi, was bt weak w 5'nor. and

hfaswl was Wed wit ilrt Mm. raunginhis andletwrMy Mrvaytncluaek,,pimja, "thwa thatwXfln;tW that Was out

uy ml and lt P 10



11V. M.lTfwith foM llre

TMRSIJtTHI?HlCt&lJ. Ue is HflC- -Setaa4lJUrtlf4lrt BCfitof;C'hrrfiMi.e!es.


tbos. 8. tuna. s- - 3. TARBOX,President. Cashier,



The follewinc are the rato paid for uneurrcntmoney. These quotatiea me liable to fluctuate,but map-b- depended on tor a sufficient length oftime fer remittances to be received by mall orexpress, if forwarded with out delay.

TMKESSK Bank of Fulto-n-savannah 43

Bank of Tennessee, old " theStateofOa23tissue-- -- - v City Bank of Aucusta--l

Planters' Bank farmers' and Alechan- -Unien Bank..- - .16 a uink 13Bank of Cbattanooea VO Mechanics' Bank --03i' Commerce .par Mm-hMii- i' and Plan- -" Knoxville .40 tetj'Bank 13V Memphis par 44" Middle Tcnn9G Union BanK-- 10

Paris .par"' Wcsitnnn4Sn m-iu- -u..

Buek's Bank par of Cape Fear SHI... T - Ttl ' Charlotte.. 20

Commercial Bank 93 Clarendon --05

Merchants' par Commerce .15

Nern " Pf yayettejrUJe-J- P. Lexlneten.4l0Bat&oelblletR; N. Carolina.1

KoSThertflianki--4 25 , Wadesboo'-- WBTrHdera'llank. par Washington 03

Llfeand Ueneral injur Wllmlntton 18ance uomp&ny, " YaneeyvUle-- 05

Commercial Bank 18SOUTH CAEOLISA. Pirmm' Hank of N.

Bank of Camden --53 Carolina 31Charleston 29 Merchants' Bank.- -. 3SChester. 22 Bank of Roxboro' 20

" Georgetown 21 Miners' and Planters'" Hamburg. 18 Bank 2o" Newberry- -. 68" the State of S. viegibia.

Commlrefal'Sr:-- :Bank of Berkley

EiehanceBank 18 ., mm!-,7I"- S

yarmcrfandSxchante ft"rTiT,1-!-Bank 03 . .

r u at t t. 01 TT)inirtn.HH.WHSZ& Bank oUhmend-.l- O,

Planters' and Mechan- - " filTf35ies'ank 20 .e

Etato Bank OS Virginia....- -; 20

gouthwesternB.-It 65 Bank of Virgini- a- 25

Union Bank-- - 66

Locisunx. Central Bank of Va .20Bank of America -- a Danville Bank-- . -- 20

Louisiana 05 Exchange Bank,ofVa0" Js ew Orleans95 Fairmount Bank 7Q

Canal Bank-- .. 95 varmcrs'Bank of Fin- -Bank .95 castle 35gittiens' City Bank.-- 95 Formers' Bank of Va20

Louisiana State Bonk-8- 5 Manufacturers' andMeebanies'and Traders' Farmers' 80

Bank .95 Merchants' Bank. .40Merchants' Bank 95 Merchants' and Mc- -Soutliern Bank ..par chanies-'- 5Union Bank. 95 Northwestern Bank90New Orleans Scrip 95 Southwestern Bank 35

Traders' Bank.. 25

BankofMobile. 95" Montgomcry-8- 5" Selma- - 28 Ooi,j

GtralBank--- .- Silver. Dollars- -OeiamerMal Bank. 28 Hal vca andBastemBank. M Quarters 133Northern Bank.- - -- ) C;i-- ss nimfx end TTnlfSouthern Bank 96 Dimes 133

CBOBQU Vouchers.. .... 00

Central BIadBank;T?.eBonds -.-TO

Georgia Jtailroad and PifS?.S0,,V Rin7S

Banking Qompany-- 90BankofSllddleGa. 87 The above bonds areMarineBank 88bou;ht With couponsNashville and Chattanooga Kallroad Stock. 35



Largest Clothing Merchant


nniE subsckibebtTakes pleasure inX informing his eld friends and former patronsthat he has resumed business


t.On the Southeast corner of Market street, where

ho is prepared to sell ' ;

First Class CI o tiling!

Prices to Sait tlio Times,

An experience of Twcntj;-llv- o ycnr jn thobusiness, justifies him in tho assertion, that he iscapable of SUITINQ all who may favor him withtheir patronage.

' jJLi.ii.Jk; jimmy jtfi&s;No, IS Public Square, corner Market street.

au7 3m


1, C. COLLIERWholesale xkd Bktsii.


Keeps constantly on hand tho largest and bestassorted sioce 01

BOOKS AND STATIONERYOf every Imaginable kind to ho found in any on

home In tho boutn. antigoiter mem at

BEDUGED PRICES.WILL ALWAYS SELL ON ASAND terms iu the market will permit, or as

any other houte can give. Among tho great vd--nf nrllrlpK colli hv Wv. C Cnl.LltR. ttfo the

following: School 41ook of every kind 'used inthe State, Law Book?. Medical Books. SoTeatlSoBooks, Theological Books, Agricultural Books,and nil varieties of Miscellaneous Books, including Histories, iilognpnies, 1 raven, rtovou, anaIllustrftled Works..

In fact the stook Includes every variety orBooks and Stationary, to whieh he invites theattention of dealers tiefero nurshasing, as ho isconfident he o.in fluer the greatest facilities, andcangivewturactlon.-- f' TTT,

sep2-6- m 37 Union St., Nashville. Tcnn.


1 v i




1. It UllchL olean and easr: no tirowuro on theback; with motion inward and upward.

Tthss na snrlnes or Pads: the Button issmooth and durable, and will not absorb perspiration; tnepressuro is equal 00 an parts 01 meHernial aperture, without infringing on the Sper-matic Card, (a quality posscHed by no otherTrsH, as the freqtnorof Varicocele in thete whohave worn tho various kinds can testify,) thus :

the aperture being relieved of pressure becomesfirmly cWsed by adhesive innamation, therebyperforming a ruro.

3d. It adapts itself to any position: van be ap-plied at any agos csnnct be thrown out of place,nor can tho intestine'- be" forced by any strain ormeveuiect.

4th. It is not complicated, and cannot get out oforucr.

ithi It is tlje only Tinrs in .thiueeuntry thatwfll frraannlly wre the most ehsunale &i wellas recent coses of Hernia.

As no two eases of Hernia are alike, it!) nccessaryte hare a personal examlnatK"nf 'and an in-

strument made to suit the peculiarities of theeae.

Jiafiweneei, can be.glven in this city, of eases


having been PERMANENTLY cured by thij

Ait eemmUBicatiens should he addressed (withstamp) to

DK-- T. ST. CYXRKISS.:Nashville, TcnnH

Manufacturer and sole Proprietor.

"rjfice. No. 47CoirthJsfreWilaJrs.V6rii4slteMAxwdlaye. JriSBt

To Nashville Advertisers.THE EXAMINER,

TS a large. printed newspaper in Its Sixth1 year uablwhrd at Uallatjn, Sumner county,

Tesn, en the Leutsvlle and Nashville IUilraad,in one or tho wealthiest portions of ; andairoul&tin; at every Poetwfice in Sumner. Smith.Taemn. Overton. Fentress and Maeen counties,aad in the upper Cumberland river sections ofTesnef see andKentucky.

it is tfsocly paper EaM of Nashville, In ad wtricttevrraUbundrcd Bttles long, in the ereat Tliaerorccleq, and to business Men of all k(mkf SashJvTH. if ho desire to reach the trade? Usnnlry

JJeT-ywi- U A valuable Adrertisihg Medium.Ths advantages of seoHriog the trade f TobaeeoseetMm woriB many mnnesi m oowars are.ax oneapparent. No deviatiM fro published terns.


lM. 3v. Uu. 6j. lY.nare $4 00 $ 7 ue mm si&ixi jgioo"reeiuTSt 1ft 2fl eu S "C0 60 00

mt coltt'n, 36, 36 HO

1 eelatnn. SB M co ri 'ro 110

4 qaare, 1 KcekjtlS ( :Address, .11. R. HEIGHT ACOPBWheri..waM lm


1800. 1807.



.ABOVE LINE COMPKLSEStiplendid Passnnger Packets, leav

ing Itashville dnring the scasocas follows r

Master, leaves Nashville TUESDAYS at 12o'clock, h;

NANirviU.E. Wilst Sinus, Master, leavesNashville TUURSUAYS. at 12 o'cloekii.

Tmtn$v5?i:U.'Wr'o it.

- . ., "' vwiiiutt,amcjr iiuCumberland river, and conlimieto.run'rcgularlythroughout the business season, as "per aboveschedule, making close connection at Cairo withtho regular Packets for St. Louis, Memphis andNew Orleans; issuing through Tickets to I'assen- -fers. and giving through Bills of Lading for

to the above cities, and all available waylandings, at the very lowest rates. Every effortwill bo made by tho Officers and Agents of thisline to render it reliable and deserving the pat-ronage of Shippers and the Travelling Public


No. 21 Front Street-Up- per Wharff NuhVilletacmucbsuc semi bm.


The Old and Reliable RouteTO THE EAST, VIA. THE--



Antlolnm, Harper's Ferry, Jlarllii.s-bur- g,

--Tonocncy, anfl nil of tlioCnniiialsriiH of tlic Valleyor Virginia.

Csmbining Speed, Safety and Comfort, with Sce-nic Grandeur and thrilling Rcmuisi-cencc- s

of the war.


Oaklnnd, Bcrlislcy Sprine!, ncilford,nntl nil tlio errcnt linttlc I'iclflH

or.tbo.XasU .J

rpWO DAILY FAST TRAINS FROM BELL--AIRE and Parkeraburg to Baltimore, Wash-

ington, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and allEastern Cities, and the only route by whichthrough tickets, or through baggage checks, canbeprocured to Washington City

This is the only route by which Merchants havethe privilege of the Baltimore, Philadelphia,New York and Boston Markets, at the price of aticket through by one of the other lines; and bypaying two dollars additional, tho traveler canvirit Washington City.

First class Sleeping Can on. all Night Trains,.Baggage checked through from all principal

in the West,S3. Ask for Through Tickets by tho Baltimore

and Ohio Railroad. Tickets by this' line can beprocured at all tho principal Railway Offices inths West. JOHN L. WILSON,L. M. COLE. Master of Tronsportion,

General Ticket Agent. ecpSeod

Nashville and Decatur.Railway..

Short LineBetween Noshvtllo nnd lIuntHvllIc,

Mobile, VlcliNbnrgr, New Orleans,'

nnd nil Intermediate points.

;i'iAu .' rTlnragu to Htmpli! iriltont Chasgo of Can; only

On: Change tdran Nashville and Mobile, sad' Set Orleans

FARES 1A8 l )MW . J&.oWeST.


Lurama'a-fSlccping- j, Garavion: all NigrlitTrains. j

OJTAWD AFTEKSnNDAT, SEPTEM--,1800 and until further nd--

Trains will run as follows :

Memphis, Mobile nnd Sen-- OrleansExpress, Dally.

Leaves Nashville. Timo from Nashvville to. ".Decatur C hours 37 min

Arrives at Docatur. Momphis 16 hours 504:17 a.m.! minutes.- - -

" Memphis, 30 p. m. 38 hours 5 min." Mobile. 11:45 a.m. N. Orleans 44 hrs 50 min1" N.OrIeans,S0r.M. Time from Memphis toLeaves N. Orleans. Nashville 15 hr4Smin.

3:00 r. M. Louisville 24 hrs 35 min.." Memphis, 00 p. m. Time from New Orleans" Mobile. 7:00p.m. to Nashville S3 hoursArrives Nash-- 43 minutes.

villo,&tt a. v. Louisrillo 47 hrs 35 min.iouisville, 2:36 p. M. Time from Mobile to

Connects at Nashville Nashville 34 brs 43 mmand Louisville direct Louisville 43 hrs 35 min.with Trians for all

points. J

Iliuitsvllle Mall. Daily, Except SundayLeaves Nashville at 7:40. a. m.; arrives atDccaturat&00 p.m.: nrrives at HunUvillo at 7:13 p. M.:leaves HunUvillo at3:12 a.m.; Decatur at 5:30 a. ji;arrives at Nashville at 1:55 p. M. Connects directfor Louisville, and with afternoon Trains on N.&C. 4N. & N. W. & E. & K. R. It.iforall pointson those lines,CoIninblnAecomniodatlou Traln.Dally,

i:xcept Nnndny.Leaves Columbia at 7:15 1. m.: Arrives at Nash-ville lit. 10:00 A. M.; leaves NashviUoat S: 15 P. u.:

at Columbia, G:00 v. H.Through Tickets can he procured at tho office

of the Nashville City Transfer Company. North-east corncrof Summer and Church streets, and attho Broad Street Depot, Nashville, Tennessee.

JT. It. VAX 1Y!VE,scpl Ucneral Superintendent.


XTho tlio Best:HURjLBY'S AGUjE tonic

Never Fails Always to be Depended Upon-Nothi-

moro reliable than Hurley's Tonic

WILLcnreAguennd Fever, ChillsDumb-Agu- e. Every person

who has tried Hurley's Tonio speaks in tho highestterms of it. As a curative agent it it unsurpassedand more certain than quinine. No bad resultsfrom uring HURLKY'STONIC. Everybodyshoulduso HULEY'S AGUE TONIC. Send orders to.

HURLEY, RUDDDLEProprietors,. Louisville, Ky.

IIurleyH Stomach Hitters, '

For Debility, Loss of Appetite, Weakness. Indi-ctatj-

pr.lruiipia, want of action 00 tho Liver.4iMtderey Btimaeh. there are no bitters 'thatcompare with these in removing-thes- distressing6ouipJaJnU. FJrsale orean ba.bad atawSDrugSftSre in the United States, or from the proprie-tors. Louisville, Ky., corner Seventh and Greenstreets, to whom all orders should be addressed.

Hurley' Sarsnpnrllla.The RTcat Blood Purifier, ja a Spring and Sum-mer Medicine stands unriraled, removes all im-purities ;ro'm the blood, anil gives health andstrength to the system.

Hurley, ruddle & ccProprietors.

Hurley's Popular Yl'orm Candy.As this is really a Specific for Worms, and thebest and most pala e form to give to children,it is not surprising at it is fast taking the placeof all other preparations for worms it being tastoless, any child will takd it ' , -

Oriental Pearl .Drops.For Beautifying the Complexion, effectually removes Tan, FreekleS. IIlBtebcs, and giving theskin an elegant smoethtiess not easily attained byany other. Its use among the lad i us of fashion inthe East, gives it a character for efficacy whiehat onco stamps it as Infinitely superior for thetoilet of a lady.

Ink. I Ink! Ink!Seaton's Chemical Writing Fluid Is becoming

d for its superior quality. Havingboen introduced only about six years, it has be-come tho principal in use with tho36""who want afine, freo flowing ink. nnd for its permanency it isdecidedly "the best ink for records that can beused. For counting houses, banks orschools.itit nneqalled, and needs only to be tried to bo ap-proved. For salo by Druggists and Merchantseverywhere.

HURLEY. HUDDLE &Corner Seventh and Oreen streets.

Louisville. Kentucky.For sale by Berry. Demovllle Wharton: J. K.

Harwell: Littercr & Cabler: Pulliam & McCul-leug- h;

Blood i Gregory, Nashville: and by nilDruggists. janol3 lydiw

Cliolcral Cholera!! Cholera! IIJUST RECEIVED


irjlIICII never failr in a few hours to curet f Cholera, Uyeentery. iinpinf. Soreness, and

all other Bowel CtnpUint. it is recommendedby lt. T. K. IIIltn4RD, Chairman of theHoard of Health, at New YnrkVwho retorts thathe sent this raediciHQtAtheQuarantinr llospitals,where the Cholera th. xifted. buta'ter its usonot a single ease was reported.

PRICE, 30 CEXTS PER BOTTLE,To he had.at TitBPPARD A CO, Collego strecct,where all the Qnefeaberg Medicines may bo had.

,sep5 m

FOR SALE.' 2iJStni-'Wlie- el Steamfcbat,rvF ABOUT NINETY -- FIVE (95) TONS

0a?j3h"ifor trade where Hiht cranihl and miu4

Apply to C. CASTNER, Stenbenvllle, Ohio.o she. caa bs test. Iicp2Mlw--n

f, tTINWARE, &c.

Tiifc Co- -


Cooking Stoe.

This Stove is Well knovrn over tbeSoutli ana West Tor-- Convenience,

Economy nnd DurabilitySo simple and convenient that a child can use it;

So economical, that in coal and wood, yon consave its cost in a single year.

So durable that many nre now in uso that weremade by the subscribers


BOILER, containing from 12 to 20 gallons, bywhich tbe waste heat is mado available to keepon hand, a constant supply of hot water, so sys-tematized that each member of tho family maydraw from the fountain without interfering withcooking apparatus. ftWe; make these sizes of tho above excellentCooking1: Stove, containing all modern improve-ments, nnd warranted that in every instance, thatthay will give full satisfaction.



Tin, Copper;- - nnd Slice t Iron WnrcS


American nnd English Hardware.Special attention given to Roofing, Galleries,

and all out-do- work, by Mr. F. A. TfiKPrAsn,irbb is admitted by all, to be tho best out-do-

workman in tbe State; there now being roofs ingood repair that were put on by him twenty-fou- ryears ago.

TltEPPAItD & CO.,audi No. 1-- North Collego street



TTTimigration Bompaaiy

Incorporated by nn,Act of tlieGencraiAssembly of the State of Tennessee,Passed. May SJtb.' ISBO.'"'-1- - '

Authorized .Capital, $1,000,000'.

20,000 Shares of $50 Eaclu

ORGANIZATION.Ono thousand shares of Stock having been sub-

scribed, tho Company proceeded to organize bythe election oftho followinglloonl of Directors;




Mai.-Ge- n. President.,

Mal-Gc- n. R. W. JOHNSON, Vice President. :

FELIX It. CHEATHAM. Secretary.ANSON NEISON. Treasurer.JOSEPH SA.UDEK, Gen'l Im. Agent.

TnE LEADING OBJECTS OF' TOEare to encourage immigration to our

State, and to supply the demand for every descrip-tion of labor.

They proposo to accomplish the first of theseobjects by purchasing lands; whero Suitable waterpower cr other advantages' may be had Tor manu-facturing purposes ; and alio by purchosinglandl,in large tracts, near cities, rivers and railroads.Thesa lands will be divided into suitable lots de-

tracts, and alternate tracts sold to the immigrantat or near cost, tho purchaser paying h

cash and tbe remainder in one, two and threeyears.

The Company will also act as agent for largelandholders who desire to havo their lands colo-nized.

Tho Compuny proposes to supply the demandfor labor by furnishing Mechanics, Gardeners, andall description of laborers. They will secure thislabor by being able to guarantee employment atremunerative prices in tho most healthy andgenial climate of tho world, and they expect tosatisfy the employer by guaranteeing, the deliver-in- s

of tbe laborers to him at any shipping pointor railroad station. Our system for furnishing allkinds of labor to all partrof tho State we expectto mako perfect; For tbe detail we refer to burcircular on labor.

Tho profits of tbcCompany will bo derived fromthe ultimato sale of the altcrnato tracts of landsretained, and'from the building up of villages andtowns in places adapted to that putposcandiromtbe aiding of manufactories and the general devel-opment of the agricultural and mineral resourcesof tho Stato. and also from the direct fees derivedfrom the supplying of operative?,

Tho basis of our stock being tbe lands of theCompany, any improvement of them must enhancethe valuo of the stock in thesame ratio, and there-by bo a safe and profitable investment to thestockholder.

The principal office will be in Nashville, Ten-nessee, and tbe Company design to establish'

in every county in the State. Subscrip-tion books aro in tbe hands of Anson Nelson.Treasurer; Felix R. Cheatham, Secretary; andJos. Saudek, General Immigration Agent, whoaro authorized to rcqeive subscriptions lor thestock of tbe Company.

, OEO. II, THOMAS.Pres. Tenn. Col. & Im. Co.

FrLixR.CasAiHAV.Seo'y. jnel-t- f

Commission and General,

, Agency Business.

377 Broadway, Nw Torlc.

UNDERSIGNED EMBRACES THISTHE of informing his friends that ho hasreturned to the city-o- f JMew York, and resumedtho Commission and General Agency Business,and offers his services tosuch at may rCijuira thoassistance of an Agent in either procuring Merchandize or disposing of inch products as theymay have for sale. His long familiarity with,goods in almost all departments of trade, and his.extensive acquaintance with business men. quali-fies him for making purchases upon most advan-tageous terms, enabling him, not infrequently to.buy upon better terms for his customers than theycould for themselves, if they were heroin person.Ho will not only select partial or Entire Stocks ofGoods for Country Merchants, but will purchase:and ship Pianos. Sewing Machines. Carriages,Furniture, and Machinery of all kinds. Medicines,Rooks, or whatever else tbeneccssities of Planters,Physicians. Lawyers. Tradesmen, or ethers, mayrequire from the great center and entrepot of bu-siness and commerce.

It may not bo amiss to Say, in this connection,that credits are now more circumscribed than be-

fore the war four months being now ths outerlimit, while for many kinds of what aro denomi-nated Staple Goods, Net Cash Prices prevail.Whero purchasers may wish to procure goods ontime, or part on credit and part for cash, theirmemorandums should be accompanied with pro-per testimonials as to solvency and punctuality,unless their croditis well established in this mar-ket.

My charge for purchasing goods, or for sellingCotton. Tobacco, or other produce, is twp andone-ha- ir per cent, I take the liberty of referringlo the undermentioned gentlemen--, for many ofwhom I have bad the pleasure of transactingbusiness:

UtcncRisccs. Hon. N. S. Brown, and Rev. J.B. McFerrin, Nashville; Hon. A. Wright. Mem-phis: Thos. Martin. Kq Pulaski, Tenn: Hon. A.0. P. Nicholson. Columbia, Tenn.; Hon. R. L.Carnthcrs. Lebanon, Tenn.; Hon. G. W. Jones,Fayetteville, Tenn.; Hon. E. A. Keeble,Mnrfrces-boro- V

Tcnnj J. JI. Parker. Esq., Jackson, Tcnn.;CoL W. P. Dowtl, Aberdeen. Miss : Co I. JamesBrown. Oxford, Miss.: Hon. A. 1U Johnson, Ray-mond, Aliss.r Cel. 11. W. Walter. Holly Springs.Miss.; Wm. II. Allen. Esq- - Jackson, Mis4 Chax.W. Marti). Bsq Pontotoc, Miss.; Major J. H.Turner C Hutnbuj, Miss.


Wood-Worki- ng EstablismentrpHB UNDERSIGNED 1TAVE IN PULLJ. operation their shop for Manufacturing. B&sht

Doors, Blinds, inside and ont, both stationaryand pivot slats ; Moldings, Cornices; Brackets,Washboards and Castings. Door and WindowFrames. ornamental and plain; Mantle Pieces,Weatherboarding and Flooring, dressed ready foruse : .andj every tittcriptioa of wood-wor- k con-nected with building. We arezdsc. prepared tocontract for Buildings entire, or in part,' Ws havebeen at heavy expense in procuring and pitting upMachincry.And hopeby punctuality and dWpatch,to merit and receive the eastern ofpuciio. -

Orders from any section of the Southern coun-try will be punctually tilled. ,

Our Shop is in immediate connection with theLocomotive Shops of tbe Nashville and Chatta-nooga Railroad Company, near the Sewanee CoalYard, on Cedar Street, Nashville. Tennessee.

TURBIVILLE tPULCHER.angS to 1st jan. "&7.


f tot. UxtoxAgD AuskiCAjcx. oocsd in Bookfarm, containing tno full rcporUor the- -

inrs and speeches tor sessions of 1S69 andApply at this oSae. 'an


la.n.KEio- - W.E.OU0B0CBSS, j.tohseowtc.


- " (Sttcocsforsto Prench-A-Co.- )

Cotton and Tobacco Factors.

..; . i . , , , ' U" ..AXD GXXXBAL . .

s.f . , . .' i J

' , '.

Coniiklssoii 3Icrdiants,



jnncT lr '


o. c. boone & co.,cottost jtIotoes,

i A5D CKNSB.II., h


Opposite Commercial Hotel, - Memphis, Tenn.,Are prepared to make liberal advances'on 'Cot-

ton and other Produce shipped to them, and to fillall orders for Plantation Supplies.

aulS 3m

ASCK.R. DOBBINS, J.J.rLElSAXTS,Phillips Co.. Ark. Huntsville. Ala.

JNO. L. SAVfAREAKS, O. C.B0ONE,Memphis. Tenn. Memphis, Tcnn.

Dobbins, Pleasants & Co.,CottcnFactors, ajidQeneralCominission

Mercliants,No. 121 Gravier Street, corner of Carondelct,

New Orleans.aul8 3m

JSa. SHALI.CE0S3. JSO. K. COOK.Lata Mitchell Armstrong.

Mitchell, Shallcross & Co.

Commission and Forwarding

Offico 3G 1-- 2 Second street, between Main andWashington,

LOUISVILLE, KEXT DCliX.Particular attention paid to Oorders and Con-

signments. - jy2D-:5-

win wiwwMBBWBaMnw I'll1 1 n n agMMMpwaP. O. HURT. w. c. nun

H U RT& CO.,'


IJ5IJ3,tit- :

plaster paris,. .. txtdraitlic cesiext,

land. . plaster,., . H- '




And other materials for building atreduccd prices

"TTTB ' HAVE IN STORE '!A LARGE ANDVY well assorted stock of


Which wo will sell for LESS THAW HALFwhat they would cost to be made.

Orders for LIME and SAND receive prompt attention at LOW RATES, at

?1W.424 ?SoutiJU'CoIlege 'Street,ppbsito Hamilton's Worchouso,






HE NOW 0FEN AT THE FOLLOWING!A.Offices:: . ., '. '

JOSEPH XT. ALLEN, Treasurer, iUnlohBank. ' .

J. IV. PAltMOUE, Secretary, No. 4b Collego'

street.TV. I. RERRT, Booftscller. No. 20 Public

Square.JOHN P. CAMPBELL, Agent, No. 25 Pub-

lic Square. ,'.",;i

Will you bear an honorable part (in this Crca

, STATE AND,NATIONALfR0AD,.Which-wl- li give Nashvilla'CoAU

advantages, equal to any other city,?It is not doubted that this road will open to ourcity ono of the largest and richest j


In the world. It will giro , .

DO Miles tlio Shortest anil Cheapest-Ront-

to New Torlc, nnd 50 SilicaIho Nenrest Ronto to 3Iom-pltls'o-

Xch OrlcAns.

Every motivfr'of interest and sclfprotectlonurges' that we should all

. Knbscrtbo.'Pjromptly nmljLlbcrnilx .

It is urgently requested that EVERYICETIZENsubscribe from one to one hundred, share

to his iacun8, at once. This wiu, insure a.tpeedyjandjElorious success tho, crowning gloryof our city and State. . . jy!rtf.'



. - o it.:. j

$o. 54 UNION" STREET. . Ho'&i,

,' NASnyiCLE. '&NNESSEE. !



All kinds of MusicatMercbandisc- -PIANOS TUNEIi I '

And all kinds of Musical Instruments. Repaired... 43rMusic Books bound on thorl jaotlte."S

PARTIES IN, THE COUNTRY WISniNQin the mus's line, cap send their or-

ders to me, stating the. article they want, and Iwill make the selection for them, which, if it doesnot suit, can be exchanged. The tash must ac-company each and every order- - A liberal .dis-count will be made to school and teachers.

lit sunt to callox BENS0N ozrocx ronciuS-xx- o

a PIANO.Plnnos nnd SIcIodcona to Bent.

I have on hand a, large stock of School Booksand Stationery, which. I will sell at New Yorkprices, so as to make room for, my large stock ofmusical goods that aro to arrive sota, ' '

Jyl2-3- .CD. BENSON.

The Great Southern PianollanufaciAiry.


MAtrrrACTUBiss or


rrUIESE TNSTURMENTS --HAYING BEENX before tho public for the past thirty years,have, upon their excellence alone, attained anuxrcscHASEn R that pronouncestbcxu unequalled. Their

TONS'nin)i!nu irml Mer. richness, sweetness, and

, no singing quality, as well u peat.pnrity of in-

tonation and harmonioosness throughont the en-

tire scale. TheirTOUCH

is pliant and elastic. And U entirely fre from thestinnesi found in so many pianos, which catuesthe performer to so easily tire. In

WORKMANSHIPthey eannat ho excelled. Their action if con-

structed with a ear and attention to every parttherein that characterises tho finesfsieehaslam.None hot the best Masoned, material is used intheir manufacture, and they will accept the hard,ntgcs of the concert room with that ef the Parloron an equality onaSected in their melody: infact, thejr are constructed '

MN6f FOR A YEAR BUT FOR, EVER,"All our Square Piano haveournewlmurovad

Grand Scale and Axraffe Treble.Krery Piano fully warrantedfor Frve Yeaw.

SOUS LUCK, Agent,'t. Jyls-S- si NashviUe, Texmeate.


T.'D. PHILLIPS,or C0LC3tBU,tKty.,'vnTn



BOOTS AND SHOES,No.432 Market street, belowFifth street. South

Side, Philadelphia. a023 3m



BOOTS' AND SHOES,Jfo 601 Market Street,

James JioxcoE. Northwest corof Fifth street,


M. J. M0 0 R E,or xobth cAhoLiSA, wrra

Hood, Bonbright& Co.,WB0LE3ALZ DSALEES IX

Foreign and Domestic

pjair goods,No. 529 Market Street,

(and 52S Commerce st- -)


BUYERS. . having always ffi Storomany very Desirable and Scsrce Goods, made toorder by Philadelphia Manufacturers.

au23 3m

McFerran, Menefee & Hensley,


McFerrdn D, Menefee,

Commission;Merchants... Ubd.


102 AND 104 WEST SECOND STREETJ. C Ji'rtSBAX.E. J. KCXEVEE, ,jr. b. n'rsssAX, CINCINNATI.u. c. hkkslxy. jyl7-3-

Retail Depot North End Morkethouse.

Prices Eeduced to Suit the Times.


Are now selling at tho following rates toregular customers :

Per ton ...l eent

Office NbrSortli College . Street.

r SPARLING'SiilLACItUERTtY TFINE.SURE CURE FOR DIARRH03A.A For sale by all Family Grocers and

Druggists.IV . W. 'XUXTEW. Wholesale Agent.

Nos. 21 k 23 College street.jc29-t- f ashville.



A. IIAIfllX.TON & CO.,

Cotton aiidTpacco Factors,





Market Street, - - - iVaglivllIc.

UNDERSIGNED HAVING TAKENTHE above Warehouse, will purchase andsell Cotton, Tobacco, Bacon, Lard, or any otherProduce, on Commission. Planters favoring uswith their business may rely on gettint the high-est market price for their Produce. Our chargeswill be as low as any house in' the city. Shouldbur old friends faVor'us with orders for Groceries,they may rely on having goods purchased at tbelowcs!?hiarkct prices'. We will give our attentionto pooci3 torwardca to us Trom ower cities, snippers may rely on having their goods forwardedpr jinptly by the first train or boat after their ar-rival. t)ur office is on Market street, whero theold books of llCGH McCrtEA & Co. can be foundDy inose interested.'Hoping for a share ofpublic patronage, we sub-

scribe ourselves, etcjan!3 HUGH McCREA 4 CO.

. . A CARD. "

We respectfully introduce to our old friendsonr successors in business, Hcan McCkia. !c Co.who. continue the .Commission business at. ourstandi No. 2S South Market Street. :

Our own office is No. .23 College Street, wn'erowe hope all parties who are indebted to us will atonco call and pay their accounts now due;' and allparties who have any claims against ns will prepsent them for payment, as wo wish to elose up onrbusiness at an early day.' JanI3--tf A'. HAMILTON" & CO.

Qrpcerj Store,l No. JUS Nort7i,C7ierrit St.,


V. . 1 . i

YTEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A'IlARGEIV and complete assortment of everything intheir lino, of the '

i tir







Tennessee Division Fo. 3D,SONS OP TEMCPKRANCE,

Tl fEETS EVERY FRIDAY. At P. M, ATlVi Sons' Hnll, Masonic Temple.

V. A. iAAAiti, Vr . tr..'R. EastiIax, R. '.rjsf. Tf'ant 2m '

I-- . J; "LTIMSDEN .'&: CO'

vaxcttactoxess axd eialirs is


Findings, Curriers' Tools,


NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE.inlylg-t- f 'I ''


0Eco.Ko,"lI North Cherry t'Unear Church.P. O. BOX 373 NASHVILLE.

; i"rjLANS. SPECIFICATIONS AND- - ESTI- -J. JttATHH. prompuy executed. A variety ctDrawinfaar Cottages. Villas. Hot Houses. uar-tut- es

dsns. Parks, etclTto suit all loealitles'andaa be sees at this office. au24 Zm


1 eaad next tbe Nashville Fair Ground, with-- S

fiVe mioEtes' walk of tho Street Railroadconvenient to a splendid spring, with a beautifulriew r N&shrSHe. To any person who wH

"build a neat, handsome not expensive) BRICKMOUSE. 1 will make s deed to lot 100 by ISO

feet, with eat charge. Thia proposiUon open toDOt more than eit perns.olcr

KMlITUl Sept. 3d. 1SS6. ep4-l- m


PaqAIaASK4. tv. 4u,r( (WJiPORTIR.



CoiiimissioAi Iffer(SantsJtO.flS VINE STREET,

West Side, ' Between Front and Columbia,; CINCINNATI, OHIO.

marSO d6m ,



Cotton Beams and Frames,Cotton,Hayand Bag Presses,

Warehouse Trucks,- Baggage Barrows,


125 Walnut street,CINCINNATI

apl ly


General Partners. Special Partners--

PRUGII & jLOWES,Importers and Jobbers oi Foreign and Domestie

DRY GOODS,White7 Goods and Notions,

NO. 134 KACE STREET,Between Third and Fourth SU.,Elsas New Block.


johjt v. WATSOS. JOS. L. tlXKO.


OLOTHIEES,No. 13S Bate Sired, CineiniMli, O.

W YT. IIINKLB. FORMERLY OF NASH-- TT ville and Louisville, U with the above

house, and will be pleased to see and wait on, hifriends and acquaintances.

xoar30-d6- m

n. r. bead. KOEQAK, BZAD k CO.,vanmilU.


BOOTS AND SHOES,138 Eaee St., bet. 3d & 4th,

CINCINNATI, OHIO.mar39-d6- m

Wlf.'CI.XSBAT. CZO. B. WEIDLEB,r.o, ci. siAjT. c. r. cWin,. '


For the purchase and sale of Cotton, TobaccojFlour. Grain, Pork. Bacon, Lard. Hen.!',

Whisky, Urass Seeds; and all kinds ofPro-duce, and Dealers in pure Bourbon

Whisky.2Y. E. Corner of Second and Vtnt Strtet;

Cincinnati, Ohio.Ajcnts for "Sunny Side." "Broad Guage,"

"Legal Tender." -- HoraoComfort." "Anderson's.Choice," andMagnoliaMills XXXFamily Flours.

83 Liberal Advances made on Consignments." tr2J dAw6m.


(Successors to Wynne, Jones' Co.,)


JForeigiv nnd Domestic

No. 89 Pearl street, between Vine and Race,

, . CINCINNATI, O.jn'ar2S d6m

e. v. Bisnor. w. t. nisnor, .,n.,Bisnop.'

u B. 51. BISHOP & CO.,i

Wholesale Grocers,iJ,Nb. 36'TVT A'TN STREET,


mayZfmJOHK T- roOTE. 3. K. NASHi a. m. xcsrnY.

TE, WABE & 00..Nos. 17 and 19 West Columbia St.',







(WHISKIES.Proprietors oftho oelebrated brand of ,Orang'o

Valley Whisky.jnaylS dlr

" SPENCER HOUSE,"ponNjzR qi: rnoNl and jjroadwat.


A.' P1UTT, Proprietor.

IVPnifithtHeSpcscerilouse." and will bopleased to

see his' many old and valued' friends throughouttne bouts. marZJ-dS-


Vigor's, Idqicors anidTobacco,

No?Sl 'Pnblie Landing, Coriier if' Sycamore,.CINCINNATI. 0.

marSS d6m

it " W 1'VC W. WARSOX,

Late of Cochran, Wason ATalbutt.JX9SK H. TALBUTT.

Late of Paris, EyM- nJBSSX W CAGX,- - Late ofNashville, Tenn.

WASSON, TALBUTT & PAGE,Successors to Cochran, Wasson k Talbutt,

COTTON FACTORS,Manufacturer's Agents for the sals of Bagging

and Rope,General Commission and Produce


And Dealers in Flour, Hemp, Grain, Seeds, Wool,, . Feathers, Pork, Bacon, Lard. Ac.;Also, EielniiVd agenta for the stlo,ofi.JIU Tal-

butt A Co.'s Celebrated Pure Copper Whiskeys,irora rarw, Aiouroon vouniy,Hy..


Jas. A. MeAllister & Co., Nashville, TennesseeHuth McCrse A Co, " "Evans, Fits A. Co, "Commercial Bank, Memphis, Tennessee.Ta?Ior,McBwln.J)akefc CoMemphisTtiin.

- "mar3H-d5- nr


Practical T'ailor,Uu permanently loeated at


lie has Just received from New Y6rk one of thefinest STOCKS 0V GOODS aver brought to theHy. fsbl-t- f



ItEiirvEBin) ANYwnHRS pr the oityfollowing rates

Proas' one to ten cords, perjserd.i WTen cords and over, fjS.

Cherry ttioet, or at this See. jyU--U




Louisville, Kentucky;This House has been refurnished

throughout, mar20-6a- u

o U3o EH r

a r (

aC5 JL..


aaH CD

. oo.T


a Ca

o 3 da 2 1

H Sm cs sn a oOr

The Oldest Stand in the West !

D. P. HOGAN & A. DUTEEL,Wholesale and Ketail Manadcturers of

Wigs, Scalps, Braids and Girls, and all clhtrkinds of Hair Work,

And Importers of Fancy Goods, Perfumery, Ae,85 Fourth st. between Main andMarket,


Manner of takingMeasureofa WIffbyany person:1. Round the bead - In 2U lines C

2. From'Ear to Ear - 0 O

3. Temple to Temple 0 04. From Forehead to Nape 0 05. From Temple to Temple 0 0

marSO d6m






OP ce op F-- xsi to cs tr ST



And Spacious Warehouse, Marble Front,



Wherd we have opened an entirely new stock ofGoods, and will offer to the trade, together with


A. varied assortment of

Druggists' Fancy Goods.

Liquors, Cigars, and Tobacco,Comprising the most complete assortment- - in

one house in this country. AH of which- - weshall offer at manufacturers', andless than manu-

facturers' prices. mar31 dly


FRANK PAKKISIT,rnnE old estaulished and ever iie--I LIABLE DA RUE It and Hair Dresser, hasthe honor to Inform his many friends and thepublic, that his Shaving and Hair Dressing Sa-loon, next door to the New Express Building, andopposite the Masonio Temple, still remains openfor their custom. His barbers are expert in theirbusiness, attentive and polite, and always fullyup to the latest styles and fashions in their line.Ho solicits a call from all old and. new friends,promising to all full satisfaction.


FRANK PARISH'S BATH ROOMS, In therear of his Shaving and Hair Dressing Saloon, arefitted up with all the modern improvements.Oentlemen can blways obtain Hot, Tepid, or Coldliaths, at a moment's notice. Call on

FRANK PARRISH,jnljWm S8 Church Street.


X. 0. riARL,


NEW YORK.BUT AND 8EIX, Coin, Exchange and South

era Bank Notes, and Securities of all klcds

'HAKE COEEECTIONS and Purchase Sightand Thn?D rafts, on all acetusiblo points.


mission, requiring ample margin fn alt easel

AXEOW rOTJR PEI1 CENT INTEH ESTon Dally Balances, subject to Sight Check.

47 The correspondence of our Southern Mends

i respectfully solicited.tsavl d6m




TILL SPINDLES, MILL MACHINERY.JjX of all descriptions; Steam Engines, Saw andllritt Mills, Hoisting Screws. Smut Machines.Helling and Hatting Cloth. Screen Wire. MillPicks. Plaster of Paris always on hand and mado

All work sold by me warranter!. I alsocontract for the ereetion of Flouring Mills.

Corner of College and Broad Htrectn,Ixathtille, TenntHtt.

m 21 ly .



Office 27 West side Publie Square, corner ofCollege and Deaderiek streets

Post Officer Box 183,Ian21-- ly


'Practical PlumborH,NO. 33 CHURCH STREET.

Naahvlllc, Tenn


supplying DwtUlsgs. Stores. Faeterie and Pablialiuildlets with a pare and br&Eant light, equal tothe best gas, at one-thi- rd the cost.

Persons can view the practical operations of themaefaine. and leam particulars of cost, by apply Jtag at eer tatahtUhmeat, 35 Cburah street.

3X. 0. U'rCBBAX, r. r. ABKgTBOxa.xo.u a'riKKAX, xxaxrxs.

McFerran, Armstrpng & Oo.(Lata Mitchell k Ano'troar,)


Commission Merchants,

Carers of tho celebrated

1VEA.G-NOXaI- HAM.5&fl',3tl,"'J!!ft?.IIl' Second, and

Ntotteaadlweaty-frurlvwhlngto- B street.' ' xrisYTxix, irr.


, S. BAtLIT, 8. X. OBBWAT,P dy jof Maury eo. oTGIies county.

jai v usjxy. r, vzutrpx, .e vyisoncounw. or muhmviuc. Ala.

uiivwm i co.

Cotton, Oonimission"ISO .


and 7 BvdailjSt.,t .


W1 BEQ LEAVE TO RRTDRN THANKSto our friends fer tho vitrr HhersI shuo ef

patronage bestowed npos atcr hesse the pastseason, and would say that, havlag enlarged ourfeeilitles ftr STORINtl- - COTTONj eiwMgreeared to give every atteatfos to the STORAGE.

SHIPMENT OF AM. tTTONonr friendsmay entrust to oar ears. We premisethat every effort will bo used to secure tee veryHIGHEST 3TAKKET I'KirjE, whethersold here or in othrr asarkats.

Will make CASH ADVANCotherProdoeoshippedloBS. w 0


JAJtEN SI. CARSET AND WM. T.SAMPLE will give their nfdNfiied aMeatiento the Cotton Department, a4 wilt strafe, everynerve to make it to the ietaraat of tarter topatronise us.

We wlH at all times keep a feH sleek efBagging. Rope and Twine, and all grades oi

Fleur tor sals at the lowest priees.WANTED. We wish to pvehaso washed and

nnwashed WOOL. FEATHlRS AND Wx&lFKDlT.and will alwaytgive the SHOT PRICKS.


Fancy 5"Ionrt Fancy Flonr !!.by kftiHwIok CO.'S tele-1S-L

whieh wewill warrant in every tajtenee. We will also keepseveral other brands of FWur, wMh wefiv tothe trade at the LOWEST CASK MlCKS.

Dealers will do well to examine ear rWur be-fore purchasbhur.





Naslx-rilltJ-, TciiiTpH ce.uc

WE ARE NOW RBCBIVINQ AND 1TAVE' in Stare. th (ollewlng large amlv fresh

GrecerleJ, whieh ww wftl' seH((ow tothe trader

SO hh'ds Sugar, all grades;250 barrafaRefoexI Sugar:

50 " 4ikegsSyrafe50 " Copperas; , i

50 ' Vlra Appio Vinegar; fi ,1500 ' Ftear, SsteHvWe and tlarki-villoM- iif

50 " Whisky. aM grades;50 ' Prime Leaf Darf;60 kegs da d

200 packitesTebaee:400'bags prlme-OeSee- '

500 kegs .Nails; . .200 boxes Soap;

100,000 Cigars, a complete assortment;25 tierces choke SWar Cfared nam;

With all other artWes Jn the greeety line.tep!2






WHERE TnEY WILL BE HASBY TO SEKold friend and wMmers, and wMld

avail tbemselvat of the present opportunity ofreturning thanks fer the liberal share of patrea-rag- e

heretofore bestowed opes this house. Andthey hope by their enlarged fceilttios m Storageand Salo of Cotton, Tehaeee, and other CTHHjtryProduee, to merit a ooatisuaaee of the same.

They willinnkc liberal Ciuli mlvnncon Cotton, Tobncco, nnd nil Producaconslfrncd to their enrc.

Their term will always ho as low as any re-sponsible house, here or etsowhere,, ;

They will at all times keep oa hand a fall andeompleto steek of



E.1RD;Ac. Ae.,

Which they will ffBimwtM t the Tdei ereryinstance, at ma uwm jinrri iMinBKIHN A THAXTON,

sepS No. 50 South College (I rest--



P A C Te6 K Srein

430 OMMKAi,

C o m miiss i o n M er &h a n tsNo. S SoathMnrkef Street, '


Bg'wtiAA, b. 8TAar,TusealaA!haata. ,i f; .,tiTTAVJNO TAKEN THE A69VE WiAEXX HOUSE, we are prostaraa la da a galCoramlnien IlatiseM, ad I keep yon band a large supply of


GRAIN, Ete EtMFor the Triulo at LOW PKIOW,

,Seeial.atUstf6n given to fsrwardtog Frethb.Large storage aaoMjiitfes oo raoMifMterms. HXil, cAAASB SC CAA BR.

IVrhUtIIIo Cotton Slarkct.It is a gnrra4iy admlttod fcet that the pfan iwv

adapted in Tahaaso alM efselUsg at Awm.reserving tbe privilege of reJtfec the best bW ifnot satisfactory to tit Ptaater. has given morasatisfaction, and uniformly aaMsed Fredoeo to

Sell Higher than. Any Other Method,

and betiertag that thb wffl proveewallyMvstki-tAOtor- y

in Cotton a Tubaeoo, M ett. SnMb.Parke k Stark, of Nashville, Teaaesseu, havuceneiaded to adopt thir .


It draws together all the hajM. In this andmany othtr markets, the initWwun hetweeawhom lasore the highest tskt ppee fer ehbide offered. Baeh bat b Mate (M bsyef. sjthat he can tee its coei)Uc, iftth a naIj &llydraws. jfaewisg Its quiMty.

ai The owner either ia porsoa. or Wrepihhts agent, has the right to rjMt the sale wthe prieeintatWaory.-- 8

These advantages are senrei to r

with the same expense of Msg as nsder the M4system. The antversal aalistaeHim given to allwho hart tt tested this irMwa it preof that thisIs par exeeHeaeotho best that be bad.

itp-- tf

Notice to Planters and Othershaving Cotton in tlic liantlH of


HevcrnI Hundred Bale ofWelinve stored wWi us preflwH to theftntef Jaury.. aadwa hrjr a4lr the

our haadg.A. HAiULTOJi A 00.

lepl fca


f FFIOK, No. h Ohesty stretti rtw OeadertoK strew.


Commission Mcreliauts,V Caress. 5, xsvsx.N. Yw ktof Aate, Sfexas.

w x. riKtx. I ptgkiM Jt OeX.0.
