新新新 新新新 ( 新 ) Unit 2 Unit 2 What’s the What’s the matter? matter?

新目标 八年级 ( 上 ) Unit 2 What’s the matter?. ear arm hand leg foot head eye nose mouth tooth(teeth) face stomach back Where is his neck? neck

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新目标 八年级 ( 上 )

Unit 2 Unit 2

What’s the What’s the matter?matter?








Where is his neck?


Language goals:

1. Talk about your health 2. Give advice

Illness: at the doctor’s ( 在医生的诊所 )

have a toothache have a stomachache

have a headache

have a cold

have a fever

have a sore throathave a sore back

What’s the matter with you?

I have a toothache

Illness: at the doctor’s ( 在医生的诊所 )

What’s the matter with you?

I have a stomachache.

What’s the matter with you ?

I have a headache.

I have a cold.

What’s the matter with you ?

What’s the matter withyou?

I have a sore throat.

What’s the matter with you?

I have a fever.

What’s the matter with you?

I have a sore back.

A: What’s the matter?B: I…


3 2

5 4

1b. Listen and look at the

picture. Then number the

names (1-5).Nancy___ Sarah ___ David___

Ben ___ Judy ___


Nurse: What’s the matter, Nancy?

Girl: I _______________.

Conversation 5

Nurse: What’s the matter, Judy?

Girl: I ________________.

have a toothache

have a sore throat

Conversation 4

illness advice

2a. Listen. Match the problems with

the advice.

1. fever

2. sore throat

3. stomachache

4. toothache

a. lie down and rest

b. hot tea with honey

c. see a dentist

d. drink lots of water

2b. Listen again. Fill in the blanks.

You should ______You should ____________________________________________

I have a I have a ________.________.sore throatsore throat

drink drink some hot tea with some hot tea with honey.honey.

Nurse: What’s the matter, Sarah?Girl: I __________.Conversation 2 Nurse: What’s the matter, David?Boy: I __________________.Conversation 3Nurse: What’s the matter, Ben?Boy: I _______________.

Listen and fill in the blanks.

have a cold

have a stomachache

have a sore back

Conversation 1

You should __________You should __________Oh, I have a Oh, I have a __________.__________.toothachetoothache see a dentist.see a dentist.

I have a I have a

____________.____________.stomachachestomachache lie down lie down and restand restYou should ______ You should ______


I have a_____.I have a_____.You should You should _______________._______________.feverfever drink lots of waterdrink lots of water

What’s the matter with YaoMing?He has…He should …

What’s the matter with the girl?She has…She should …

What’s the matter with the boy?

He has…He should …

What’s the matter with the girl?She has…She should …

A: What’s the matter?

B: I have a toothache.

A: Maybe you should see a dentist.

B: That’s a good idea.

Act in pairs as the doctor and the patient (病人 ).



What’s the matter?

What’s wrong?

What’s the trouble?

Language points:

I have….He/She has….

You should/shouldn’t….He/She should/shouldn’t….

1. 躺下并且休息2. 喝热蜂蜜茶3. 嗓子疼4. 发烧5. 喝大量水6. 看牙医

lie down and rest

drink hot tea withhoney

have a sore throat

have a fever

drink lots of water

see a dentist

Exercise 1

1. You ______ ask questions actively in class.

2. Everyone ________ talk in the reading room.

3. We ______ say “Goodbye” to our parents when we go to school. 5. -- I have a bad cold. ( ) -- You should ____________. A. drink some coffee B. do some exercise C. go to see a doctor D. stay up late6. He’s tired. He should _____ down. ( ) A. lie B. lay C. lying D. lied7.-- You’d better drink some hot tea. ( ) -- That _______ a good idea. A. sounds B. sound like C. like D. hear8. – What would you like ? -- ____________________________. ( ) A. Hot tea with honey. B. Hot tea in honey. C. Honey of tea. D. Hot honey with tea.




Exercise 2





1. Please give me a cup of tea ____ honey.

2. Jane has a stomachache. She ________ eat

anything now.

3. My father had a toothache two days ____

4. Open your ______ and say ah ...

5. When you have a sore back, you ______

see a doctor.

I. 请用方框中的词语完成下列句子。shouldn’t, with, should, ago, mouth






II. 请按括号内的要求完成下列句子。1. He should go to see the dentist. ( 改为否定句 )

He ___________ to see the dentist.

2. Her brother has a sore throat. ( 改为一般疑问句 )

____ her brother ____ a sore throat?

3. I have a toothache. ( 就划线部分提问 )

_______ the __________ you?4. What’s the matter? ( 改为同义句 ) _____ is ______?

shouldn’t go

Does have

What’s matter with

What wrong

5.Kate shouldn’t eat something. (否定句)

Kate _______ eat ___________.6. 为什么不躺下休息 . Why not __________ down and_________.7. drink, should, some ,you,day ,every, milk.

8. you, a,had,dentist,see,better.

should nothing

lie rest

You should drink some milk every day.

You had better see a dentist.

An apple a day  keeps the doctor away.