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Usman Institute of Technology


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Usman Institute of Technology




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The contents of this prospectus

have been presented as clearly as

possible, but in case of any

ambiguity the interpretation of UIT’s

management will be taken as final.

UIT reserves the right to modify any

statement or condition in any

section or part in this prospectus as

it deems fit, it accepts no

responsibility for any consequences

of such modifications.

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Usman Institute of Technology


Table of Contents

In Memory of Muhammad Usman .......................................................................................... 05

UIT’s Motto ...................................................................................................................................... 06

Director’s Message ......................................................................................................................... 07

Section 1 .......................................................................................................................................... 08

General InformationWhy UIT? ................................................................................................................................... 09

Vision, Mission, Objectives and Core Values ................................................................. 11

Governance ................................................................................................................................. 12

Affiliation and Degree Awarding Authority .................................................................... 13

The Campus ............................................................................................................................... 14

Faculty .......................................................................................................................................... 16

Students ....................................................................................................................................... 28

Section 2 .......................................................................................................................................... 30

Academic ProgrammesBachelor of Electrical Engineering (Computer Systems) ......................................... 34

Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Telecommunication) ......................................... 35

Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Electronics) ......................................................... 36

Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Power) ................................................................... 37

Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) ........................................................................ 38

Bachelor of Science (Software Engineering)................................................................. 40

Section 3 .......................................................................................................................................... 42

Admission Information

Section 4 .......................................................................................................................................... 50

Rules and Regulations for Examinations

Section 5 .......................................................................................................................................... 52

Fee Information

Pakistani Students .................................................................................................................... 53

International Students ............................................................................................................ 53

Refund of Tuition Fee ............................................................................................................ 54

Section 6 .......................................................................................................................................... 56

Financial Aid and Awards

Section 7 .......................................................................................................................................... 58

Infrastructure and Support Services

Section 8 .......................................................................................................................................... 62

Industry Academia Linkages, Professional Development & Alumni Network

Section 9 .......................................................................................................................................... 66

Students’ Regulations & Behaviour

Section 10 ........................................................................................................................................ 68

Events & Achievements

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In Memory of Mr. Usman


In Memory of

Muhammad Usman


Usman Institute of Technology was

established under Usman Memorial

Foundation by Hasham Family in

memory of their eldest son

Mohammad Usman, who left this

world at a young age in a tragic


A befitting tribute to the departed

soul and an extraordinary gift to

nation, the Usman Institute of

Technology upholds the noble

mission of service above self in

furthering the cause of higher


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Usman Institute of Technology


UIT’s Motto

Would You Not Deliberate

This is a question that the Quran puts to mankind. In interpretation, however, it is a subtle call for thinking,

contemplation and reflection, a theme that has been repeated in the Quran several times in a variety of

contexts. The Quran has not simply handed down an advocacy for thinking and reflection as a free floating

abstract but has provided a kind of pathway starting with thinking about “self” to the “creations in the

universe”, “conquest of universe and forces of nature”, leading ultimately to the understanding of the

“Creator Himself”. For example: “Do they not reflect within themselves” [30:8] “Indeed, in the creation of

the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding

who reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth, [saying], “Our Lord, You did not create this in


“…… and We (thus) present to people similitudes that perhaps they will think”.[59:21]

“He has made subject to you the Night and the Day; the Sun and the Moon and the Stars are in subjugation

by His command. Verity in this are signs for men who use wisdom.” [16: 12]

“Every human initiative starts with a thought” says Maulana Rumi, “That is followed by action”.

The French philosopher Descartes on his truth-seeking journey came to doubt everything: except ability

to think. Thus, his words “I think, therefore, I exist” became the beacon of the Renaissance and the western

civilization for centuries to come.

Allama Iqbal lamented just over a century ago in his Reconstruction: “For the last 500 years, religious

thought in Islam has been practically stationary.”

This Divine Message is placed in the logo for our students, other members of the UIT family and any one

who reads it to engage in reflective thinking along the lines prescribed in the divine guidance.

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Director’s Message


Director’s Message

After over 20 years of building a solid foundation of high quality engineering and

computer science education and research, both at the undergraduate and master’s

levels, Usman Institute of Technology (UIT) is embarking on a journey to reach the

next level of excellence. It aims to not just produce high class engineers and

computer scientists but professionals and change agents. These agents of change

other than being better human beings and better citizens of our beloved country,

would be ready to tackle the problems that beset our country with leadership,

ingenuity and the highest level of moral and ethical values.

In its path to excellence UIT graduates will now get locally and internationally respected NED University’s

degrees in a private, centrally located, serene, apolitical and highly enriching educational environment.

Providing students excellent opportunities to enhance their knowledge and skills and then go out and serve

the nation with dedication and high level of professional excellence. Highly congenial environment provides

ample opportunities to establish lifelong bonds of friendships. Ample opportunities exist to not only develop

technical knowledge and skills but also leadership, critical thinking, innovation, inter-personnel,

communication and entrepreneurship skills.

The world of today is characterized with rapid changes in technology, information overload and degradation

of moral and ethical values. UIT graduates are able to succeed in this environment as they have the “Learn

to Learn” ability, to cope with new technologies that will come their way after graduation; ability to critically

analyze large amounts of data to come up with innovative solutions and then be able to make rapid decisions

as to which solution to use. While doing this they will continue to uphold meritocracy, integrity, transparency

and moral values in the face of degradation all around.

Over the years UIT’s over 3,500 graduates who have gone out in the field are creating trail blazing paths and

making a difference in Pakistan and abroad in various areas of endeavor. They are making their impact felt in

many fields. A sample of organizations where they are making difference are: Accenture; Atlas Group; Avanza

Solutions; Bank of America; British Telecom; BOURBON; Cybernet; Ericsson; Etisalat; General Tyre & Rubber

Co.; Huawei Technologies; HUBCO; Indus Motor Company; Jaffer Business Systems; King Fahd University

of Petroleum & Minerals; K-Electric; Mobilink; Mobily Saudia; Motorola; National Telecommunication Corp.;

Netsol Technologies; Orange Stream, Australia; Pakistan Army; Pakistan Cables; Pak Suzuki Motor; Pakistan

Telecommunication Company (PTCL); Pfizer; Saudi Electricity Company; Shell; Saudi Telecom Company;

Siemens; Sony Corp.; Standard Chartered Bank; Telenor; Ufone; Unilever and Walmart.

UIT provides a number of scholarships for brilliant and needy students.

The Final Year Projects of UIT students’ have been awarded many prizes at various competitions and UIT’s

faculty have published many books and many research papers that have been published in journals of repute.

I would like to welcome the students’ of 2016 intake to the UIT family. I am sure that the four years that they

spend at this institute will be professionally enriching and enjoyable and they would remember these years

throughout their life.

Dr. Zahir Ali Syed


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Why UIT?

General Information


After 22 years of proven excellence, UIT is now embarking on the journey to reach the next level of excellence. Some

key features of UIT are highlighted below:

• High Quality Technical Education

m Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Education at both Bachelors and Masters level

• NED degree

m In its path to excellence UIT graduates will now get locally and internationally respected NED University’s


• Accreditation

m Engineering programmes are accredited by Pakistan Engineering Council

m Computer Science programmes are accredited by NCEAC (National Computing Education Accreditation

Council). UIT has recently been accredited in the “W” category for three years. This is a great honor for

UIT as only 18 Universities out of 101 have attained this distinction.

• Qualified and Experienced Faculty

m UIT is proud of its faculty who are well qualified and experienced in their relevant fields. They play a very

important role in the life of a student as teachers, mentors, counselors and advisors.

m These dedicated teachers involve students in decision making at all levels with respect to academic,

extra and co-curricular activities, help them in their projects and groom them to pursue their academic

journey smoothly.

m UIT’s faculty have published many books and many research papers that have been published in journals

of repute

• Over 3,500 Graduates are Making their Mark in Pakistan and Abroad

m UIT has graduated over 3500 students to date who are gainfully employed in the industry, businesses,

software houses, government organizations and a variety of other enterprises. A number of them have

started their own entrepreneurial ventures. Many have risen to top positions in their fields. A sample of

such organizations are: Avanza Solutions; British Telecom; General Tyre & Rubber; HUBCO; King Fahd

University of Petroleum & Minerals; Motorola; Orange Stream, Australia; Pfizer; Pakistan

Telecommunication Company (PTCL); Saudi Electricity Company; Saudi Telecom Company; Shell;

Siemens; Sony; Standard Chartered Bank; Telenor; Unilever, Ericsson, Huawei Technologies; Indus Motor

Company; K-Electric; Mobilink; Mobily Saudia; National Telecommunication Corporation; Netsol

Technologies; Pakistan Army; Pak Suzuki Motor; Pakistan Cables; Pakistan Security Printing Corporation;

Ufone; Transworld Associates; Atlas Group; Cybernet; DESCON Power Solutions; Jaffer Business


• Graduates Development in a Wholesome Manner ( Better Learners, Human Beings and Citizens):

m Students “Learn the ability to Learn”. This gives them the ability to handle new technologies that come

their way even after their graduation.

m Students are exposed to an adequate mix of humanities and extracurricular activities for a wholesome

development of student’s personality

m Students become friends of animals, plants, all other beings and environment.

m Students develop to be professionals and change agents who are ready to tackle the problems that

beset our country. To do this they develop skills such as leadership, critical thinking, innovation, inter-

personnel, communication and entrepreneurship skills. They are also imbibed with the highest level of

integrity, moral and ethical values.

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Usman Institute of Technology


• Scholarships

m UIT provides a number of scholarships for brilliant and needy students. It even provides fully funded

foreign scholarships to do Master for brilliant UIT graduates.

• Industrial Liaison

m UIT is working towards stablishing a very strong industrial-academia linkage program. The main

components of which are:

• Industry assistance in the Final Year Projects (FYP) of students.

• Industry - UIT joint projects to work towards solution of technical problems faced by the industry

and the nation.

• Meaningful internships for students.

• Industry to take part in Job Fairs at UIT and conducting interviews for employment of UIT graduates.

• Meaningful Industrial Visits for students, graduates and faculty of UIT.

• Faculty Industrial exposure/placements. Industry staff exposure/placements to academic


• Arranging lectures/workshops/seminars/conferences by Industry experts.

• Board of advisors from Industry.

• Industry advice in starting new programs and curriculum development/changes in new/existing

programs as per industry needs.

• UIT to arrange trainings for Industry staff as per Industry requirements.

• High Quality Facilities

m State of the art labs, well stocked library and purpose built class rooms.

m Wi-Fi enabled campus

m Indoor Sports

• Conveniently Located and Peaceful Environment

m The congenial location of the UIT campus is an advantage for most as it is easily accessible by all modes

of transportation from all parts of Karachi.

m UIT’s students don’t get involved in activities that are counterproductive to education. Consequently,

over the last 22 years of its existence, The UIT campus has remained peaceful and InshAllah it will

continue this practice for years to come.

• Final Year Projects Have won Many Competitions

m The Final Year Projects of UIT students’ have been awarded many prizes at various competitions

• It is a Not-for Profit Institute

m Established in 1994 through a benefaction of Usman Memorial Foundation, UIT is a not-for-profit

Institution. Any surpluses generated, are ploughed back into the development of UIT.

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Vision, Mission, Objective and Core Values

VisionTo be a center of excellence for creating new and useful knowledge and to produce professional leaders who

could compete with the best in the world and who would bring in a paradigm shift in the quality of life of the

people of Pakistan.

MissionUIT’s mission is to create new and useful knowledge for solving Pakistan’s and international problems and produce

leaders who are technically excellent, socially and environmentally responsible, innovators, professionals and

entrepreneurs who would act as change agents for the betterment of society and Pakistan.

ObjectivesIn pursuit of this mission, UIT endeavors to create new and useful knowledge that:

l is of applied nature

l can be used to solve problems that are faced by Pakistan and the world at large and to train a community of

engineers, technologists, computer scientists, both men and women who:

m are better human beings

m are better citizens

m are lifelong learners

m are application oriented

m are capable of independent and critical thinking

m are innovative and resourceful in solving complex problems

m have the entrepreneurial spirit

m are rational human beings

m have strong interpersonal and managerial skills

m show tolerance to others’ views

m treat humanity, nature, environment with respect and affection

m undertake endeavors to up-grading Brand “Pakistan” on an International map

m promote engineering products, software exports, attract investments and technology transfers.

Core ValuesFaith, moral uprightness, professional competence, love of humanity and nature, pursuit of excellence, innovation

and life-long learning are values to be adopted, practiced and preached. The physical facilities, environment,

culture and ambience of UIT are reflections of its vision, mission and core values. Similarly, the conduct and

behaviour of its faculty, students and staff embody these core values and manifest these in their lives.

General Information


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Usman Institute of Technology


Managing Committee of UMF

l Mohammad Kasim Hasham ................................ President

l Mohammad Ebrahim Hasham ............................ Member

l Mohammed Hussain Hasham ............................ Member/Treasurer

l Khurram Kasim ................................................... Member

l Ahmed Ebrahim .................................................. Member

l Dawood Usman Jakhura .................................... Member

l Mohammed Bashir Kodvawala ........................... Member

l Mehmood Nanji .................................................. Member

l Samir Hoodbhoy ................................................ Member

l Muhammad Hanif Aziz ....................................... Member/Secretary

l Prof. Dr. Zahir Ali Syed ...................................... Member/Director UIT


UIT ensures compliance with the rule and regulations of relevant stutuary bodies and

policies of Usman Memorial Foundation (UMF).

UIT is governed by the Management Committee of UMF, in accordance with best

governance practices that safeguard the interests of all its stake holders.

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General Information


Affiliation and Degree

Awarding Authority

All Undergraduate Degree Programmes of Usman Institute of Technology are affiliated with the NED University

of Engineering and Technology.

Students who comply with the conditions prescribed by the University and successfully fulfill the requirements

of the degree programmes are awarded degrees by NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi.

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Usman Institute of Technology


UIT’s campus is conveniently located at Abul Hasan Isphahani Road, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi. It has, in

its neighborhood, NED University of Engineering and Technology, Institute of Electrical and Electronics

Engineers, University of Karachi, National Institute of Public Administration, National Institute of Performing

Arts, Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology, National Institute of Management, Institute of

Industrial Electronics Engineering, Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Pakistan and Sindh

Board of Technical Education.

UIT campus is environmental friendly and its facilities are appropriate to the needs of a Centre of Excellence

in the field of Engineering, Science and Technology.

Its infrastructure provides:

• Purpose built class rooms

• Well stocked library, which is equipped with internet facility

• Wi-Fi enabled campus

• State-of-the-art laboratories

• Cafeteria

• Auditorium

• Seminar Room

The campus buildings are punctuated with aesthetically laid out plantation and multicolored flowers that

serve as an ideal backdrop to an extremely absorbing environment of serious technical education pursuit.

The Campus

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General Information


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Usman Institute of Technology


Engr. Prof. Dr. Abdul Qadir

Ph.D. (Electrical Engg.),


M.Sc. (Electrical Engg.),


B.E. (Electrical Engg.),


Professor and Head, R&D

Engr. Prof. Shaikh

Ghulam Hussain

M.Sc. (Electrical Power

and Control), University

of Nottingham, U.K.

B.E. (Electrical Engg.),


Prof. Dr. Zahir Ali Syed

Ph.D (Electrical Engineering)

University of Southern

California/Stanford University, USA

MS (Electrical Engineering)


B.E. (Electronics)

Dawood College of Engineering &

Technology (UoK)

Prof. Masood ul Haq

M.Sc. (Applied Mathematics),

University of Karachi.


Hawaii University, U.S.A.

Head, Department of

Humanities & Sciences

Engr. Prof. Dr. Muhammad

Ghazanfar Ullah

Ph.D. (Telecommunication & Control),


M.Engg. (Computer Systems),


B.E. (Computer Systems),



UIT’s Faculty

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General Information


Engr. Dr. Syed Talha Ahsan

Ph.D. (Electrical Engg.),

University of Manchester, U.K.

M.S. Electrical Engg.

(Communication & Signal Procecessing),

The Ohio State University,U.S.A.

B.Sc.( Hons Electrical Engg),

UET, Lahore.

Head, Department of

Electrical Engineering

Engr. Parkash Lohana

M.S. (Computer Science),

University of Detroit Mercy, MI, USA

B.E. (Electrical Engg.),

MUET, Jamshoro.

Engr. Raza Jafri

M.Sc (Electrical Engineering)

UET, Lahore

B.E. (Electrical Engg.),

NEDUET, Karachi

Engr. Idris Mala

M.S. (IT),

Hamdard University.

M.Engg. (Telecommunication),

Hamdard University

B.E.( Electrical Engineering)

NEDUET, Karachi

Engr. Nasreen Naqvi

Presidential Award


M.Sc. (Electrical Engg.),

Clarkson University, U.S.A.

B.E. (Electronics), DCET.

M.Sc. (Applied Maths)

University of Karachi

B.Sc. Hon (Maths & Physics)

University of Karachi


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Dr. Fahad Samad

Ph.D. (Network Security)

RWTH Aachen University, Germany

M.S. (Information Technology)

NUST, Pakistan

B.S. (Computer Science)

University of Karachi, Pakistan

Acting Head, Department of

Computer Science

Engr. Dr. Muhammad Moiz Anis

Ph.D. (Information Communication


Telecom Bretagne / Rennes-1 University,


M.Sc. (Communication Engineering-Radio


Aalto University, School of Science and

Technology, Finland.

B.E. (Electronics),


Dr. Muhammad Wasim

Ph.D (Information Technology)

Hamdard University

M.S. (Mobile Computing and Information Systems),

UIT, Hamdard University

M.Phil. (Bio-Physics), University of Karachi.

M.Sc. (Physics),

University of Karachi.

M.C.S. Hamdard University

Engr. Touseef Ahmed Rajput

M.S. (Telecommunication Engg.),

UIT, Hamdard University

B.E. (CSE),

UIT, Hamdard University

(Abroad on study leave)

Engr. Salman Jafri

M.Engg. (Computer Systems), NEDUET.

B.Sc. (Electrical Engg.),

UET, Lahore.

Engr. Adiba Jafar

M.Engg. (Computer and Information

Systems Engineering),


B.E. (CSE),


Engr. Tabassum Waheed

M.Engg. (Computer Systems Engineering),


B.E. (CSE),


Engr. Muhammad Waseem Zeeshan Ashrafi

M.Engg. (Telecommunications),


B.E. (Electronics),

UIT, Hamdard University

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General Information


Engr. Babar Siraj

M.Sc. (Computer Science),


B.S. (Bio-Medical Engg.),


(Abroad on study leave)

Engr. Fauzan Saeed

M.S. (Mobile Computing and Information Systems),

UIT, Hamdard University

MS Computer Engineering


B.S. (Computer Systems),


Engr. Atif Fareed


(Telecommunication Engg.),

UIT, Hamdard University

B.E. (CSE),

UIT, Hamdard University

Syed Faisal Ali

M.S. (Artificial Intelligence),

Iqra University.

MCS (Networking and Web Engineering),

Iqra University.


University of Karachi

Abdul Aziz

M.S. (Mobile Computing & Information Systems),

UIT, Hamdard University


UIT, Hamdard University


University of Karachi

Engr. Abdul Rahman Mahmood

M.S. Computer Engineering,

(Specialization in Software),


B.S. Computer Engineering,


Engr. Talha Ahmed Khan

M. Engg. (Telecommunication),

UIT, Hamdard University

B.E. (Electronics),

UIT, Hamdard University


Muhammad Misbahuddin

MS (Software Engineering & Management)

Gothenburg University, Sweden

M.C.S (IT) PIMSAT, Karachi.

B. Sc (Pass) Karachi University, Karachi

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Engr. Haris Zikrur Rehman

M.S. (Radio Frequency & Wireless


University of Leeds, U.K.

B.S. (Electronics),


Engr. Faraz Ahmed Shaikh

M. Engg. (Telecommunication),

UIT, Hamdard University

B.E. (Electronics),

UIT, Hamdard University

Engr. Zohaib Jawaid

M.Engg. (Industrial Electronics),


B.E. (Electronics),


Danish Ali Farooqui

M.S. (Information Technology),


B.S. (Computer Science),

University of Karachi

Engr. Shaheer Ahmed

M.S. (Computer Networks and Communications),

UIT, Hamdard University

B.E. (CSE),

UIT, Hamdard University

Engr. S. M. Zia uddin

M.E. (Industrial Controls and Automation),

UIT, Hamdard University

B.E. (Electronics),

UIT, Hamdard University

Engr. Dr. Zeeshan Shahid

Ph.D. (Electrical and Electronics Engineering),


M.Sc. (Electronics Engineering), IIUM.

B.E. (Electronics Engineering), UIT.

Engr. Rabia Bilal

Assistant Professor

MPhil (ENGG)

University of Sussex,UK

MS (Electronic ENGG with specialization in



BS (Electronic ENGG)



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General Information


Engr. Syed Kazim Ali

M.Sc. (Wireless Communication Systems Engg.),

University of Greenwich, U.K.


UIT, Hamdard University

Engr. Asif Hussain

M. Engg. (Telecommunication),

UIT, Hamdard University

B.E. (Telecommunication),

UIT, Hamdard University

Engr. Rehan Ahmed

M.E (Telecommunication)

UIT, Hamdard University

B.S(Electronic Engg)



Engr. Syeda Aimen Naseem

M.E. (Communication & Signal Processing),

UIT, Hamdard University

B.E. (Electronics),

UIT, Hamdard University

Engr. Syed Muhammad Naveed ul Haq

M.S. (Wireless Systems),

Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm,


B.E. (Electronics),


Prefer not

to give


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Usman Institute of Technology


Engr. Muhammad Hammad Munami

M.E. (Industrial Control and Automation),

UIT, Hamdard University

BS (Electronics),


Mr. Zeeshan Saleem Khan

M.S. (MIS),

Glasgow Calendonian University, U.K.

M.S. (Computer Networks & Communication),

UIT, Hamdard University


Columbia CW University, Manchester

Campus, U.K.

BS (CS),

UIT, Hamdard University

Engr. Maria Andleeb Siddiqui

M.E. (Computer Networks),


B.E. (Telecommunication),


Engr. Shehla Andleeb

M.Engg (Electronics),


B.E. (Electronics),

Dawood College of

Engineering & Technology

Engr. Mashal Tariq

M.Engg (Telecommunation),


B.E. (Electrical),



Engr. Farhan Ahmed

M.E. (Telecommunication),

UIT, Hamdard University

B.E. (CSE),

UIT, Hamdard University

Engr. Rabbia Zuberi

M. Engg. (Telecommunication)

UIT, Hamdard University

B.E. (CSE),

UIT, Hamdard University

Engr. Muhammad Sameer Ahmed

M.E. (Industrial Control & Automation),

UIT, Hamdard University

B.E. (Electronics),

UIT, Hamdard University.

(Abroad on study leave)

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General Information


Engr. Sana Yasmeen

M.E. (Industrial Control & Automation),

UIT, Hamdard University

B.E. (EPE),


Institute of Information Technology

Engr. Muhammad Asad Hussain

MS (Computer Network & Communication)

B.E. (Electronics),

UIT, Hamdard University

Engr. Muhammad Umair Usman

M.E. (Industrial Control & Automation),

UIT, Hamdard University

B.S. (Electronics Engineering),



M.S. (Computer Science & Information

Technology), NED University of Engineering &


(in prog),

BS (Computer Science),

University of Karachi.

Najmus Sahar Ilyas

Mphil (Islmaic Studies in

process -UoK

M.A. (Gold Medalist Islamic

Studies with Computer


Muhammad Asif Jameel

M.Sc. (Applied Mathematics)

M.Phil. in Progress

Federal University


Engr. Asif Gulraiz

M.Sc. (Electrical Power),

Brunel University.

B.S. (Electronics),


Syeda Anum Rashid


University of Karachi

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Usman Institute of Technology


Ahmed Farid

Msc Mathematics

University of Karachi (Gold medalist)

Msc (Geophysics)

Bharia University

M.Phil in process

University of Karachi

Shaheryar Nadeem


Certified Accountancy


Syed Zakir Shah

MA in Political Science –


MBA (HRM-IQRA University)

PhD in Progress-

University of Karachi


Engr. Zohair Tariq

B.E. (Electronics),

UIT, Hamdard University

(Abroad on study leave)

Engr. Rana Javed Masood

M. Engg.

(Industrial Controls and Automation),

UIT, Hamdard University

B.E. (Electronics),


(Abroad on study leave)

Engr. Babar Khan


(Industrial Controls and Automation),

UIT, Hamdard University

B.E. (Electronics),

UIT, Hamdard University

(Abroad on study leave)

Sumbul Zehra

M.Sc. (Mathematics),

University of Karachi

B.Sc. (Hons),

University of Karachi

Mudassar Jalal

M.S. (Applied Linguistic,in process),


M.A. (English Literature),

University of Karachi

M.A. (International Relation),

University of Karachi

B.A. (Hons),

University of Karachi

Prefer not

to give


Prefer not

to give


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General Information



Syed Shahrooz Shamim


(In Progress)


UIT, Hamdard University.

Engr. Areeb Ahmed

M.Sc. (Electronics and Communication),

University of Teesside, U.K.

BS. (Telecommunication), FAST-NUCES.

(Abroad on study leave)

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Usman Institute of Technology



Engr. Kashif Ali Arshad

B.E. (Electronics),

UIT, Hamdard University

Engr. Ahsan Farooqui

B.E. (Electronics),

UIT, Hamdard University

Engr. Mehr-un-Nisa

B.E. (Electronics),

UIT, Hamdard University

Engr. Muhammad Umair

B.E. (Electrical),

UIT, Hamdard University

Engr. Farhat Husnain Naqvi

BS (Electronic-SSUET)

Engr.. Fiaz Ahmed

BE-Electrical QUEST

PGD(Electrical Power-

MUET Jamshoro

Engr. Tahzeeb Jamal

BE (Telecom-NEDUET)

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General Information


Prof. Dr. Zahir Ali Syed

Director, UIT

Ph.D (Electrical Engineering)

University of Southern

California/Stanford University, USA

MS (Electrical Engineering)


B.E. (Electronics)

Dawood College of Engineering &

Technology (UoK)

Roshan Zameer


(Academic Administration

and Examinations)

PGD (Stats), UoK, PGD (B.I) HU

M.A (Economics) Uni. of Sindh


Mohammad Jawed

Deputy Controller of Examinations

B.Sc (Hons.)

M.Sc (Physics)

Shabana Naz

Manager Finance


Cost & Management Accountant.

Razia Yunus

Manager, Student Affairs

and Quality Assurance


Engr. Syed Kazim Ali

Manager Industrial Liaison

and Placement Bureau

M.Sc. (Wireless Communication

Systems Engg.),

University of Greenwich, U.K.


UIT, Hamdard University

M. Arsalan Pervez

Manager MIS

MSc. in Computer Networks

Administration & Management

from University of Portsmouth,


BSc.(Hons.) in Computing -

from University of Portsmouth,


Muhammad Umer Hafeez

Manager Networks

MS (Computer Networks)

BE (Computer Science)


Naghmana Ansari

Sr. Librarian

MBA Finance, HR, MIS


Ahson Nasim

Head HR & Admin.

Masters of Business Administration in

Marketing, KHI

Bachelors of Business Administration in

HR / Marketing, KHI

Bachelors in General Business, USA

Certified Human Resource Manager, CILT

(UK Registration)


The management offices of the Institute provide infrastructure to support the pursuit of excellence and innovation in education,

student welfare, faculty support, keen and continuous maintenance of the physical facilities and systems. The main offices


They are responsible for ensuring that the Institute operates effectively, serving the needs of its student body, faculty and staff.

Prefer not

to give


Prefer not

to give


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Usman Institute of Technology



Students, undoubtedly, are the most enterprising and

valued members of any educational institution. UIT is a

firm believer in that and holds its students in high


Students, both females and males, are equal members

of UIT family with faculty and staff. As respectable

members of this educational fraternity and future hope

of the nation, every effort is made to ensure their

security on campus and to preserve their dignity, self

respect and aspirations.

UIT believes in a holistic development of students.

Students are encouraged to take initiative and

participate in a variety of committees, events, sports and

upgrade their skills. These opportunities are listed and

described under “Student Affairs” and “Facilities and


Student Affairs

Student Affairs Office is an integral component of

student life on campus. It is a division of service and

support to enhance students’ growth and development.

In other words, it is a helpful friend of students even

before they are admitted to UIT as freshmen and

sustains that relationship even after graduation as alumni

of UIT.

Its service areas include, amongst others:

• admissions, all relevant information and advice.

• student financial aid and scholarships

• academic advising and counseling (in coordination

with faculty advisors)

• sports and other enrichment activities ( in

coordination with extra curricular activities


• alumni services

Student Handbook

To further assist the student, a “Student Handbook” is

available on the website. All the student related

information is provided in the Handbook so that the

students may know as to what is where, who is who, and

where they have to go and whom to contact in case of

any issues, problem or to satisfy their information needs.

Student Advisors

Students are assigned 'Advisors' who are members of

the faculty. Students - advisor session take place

throughout the entire period of students’ stay at UIT.

Role and Responsibilities of the


The role of the Advisor is to act as a councillor and help

the assigned students to overcome their personal

problems which may otherwise be distraction to their

studies. Advisor also monitors and assists in student

academic pursuit and keep a check on their discipline

and general behaviour during their stay at UIT.

Advisors have the following responsibilities :

• provide counselling and help to build their

confidence, invites and asses their suggestions for

appropriate action.

• provide assistance to students for dealing with their

personal problems.

• monitors their academic performance and behaviour,

gives them timely advice and arranges academic

assistance where necessary.

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General Information


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Academic Programmes




• Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Computer Systems)

• Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Telecommunication)

• Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Electronics)

• Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Power)

Computer Science:


• Bachelor of Science (Computer Science)

• Bachelor of Science (Software Engineering)

Academic Programmes

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Academic programmes are designed keeping in view the

standards of internationally recognized universities. The

courses are structured in such a way that students acquire

sufficient analytical understanding and application skills to

enable them for adapt to changing technology.

The outlines of each course indicate the minimum coverage

of the course. Advancements taking place in different areas

of technology are reflected in the course contents as a

regular addition.

A lecture breakup will be prepared by each course teacher

and will be distributed to every student at the beginning of

the session to help students plan their studies effectively.

Presently the following programmes of study leading to

Bachelor degrees are offered at UIT:

• Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Computer Systems)

• Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Telecommunication)

• Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Electronics)

• Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Power)

• Bachelor of Science (Computer Science)

• Bachelor of Science (Software Engineering)

Course Numbering System

In a course number “AB XYZ”, “AB” are alphabets and

“XYZ” digits. “AB” denotes the academic discipline that are

listed below:

EL Electrical Engineering

CE Computer Systems Engineering

EE Electronics Engineering

TE Telecommunication Engineering

PE Power Engineering

CS Computer Science

SE Software Engineering

HS Humanities & Management Sciences

MS Mathematics & Sciences

Courses of Studies

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Academic Programmes

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Usman Institute of Technology


Semester ICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

EL111 Linear Circuit Analysis 3+1

EL113 Introduction To Computing 1+1

MS111 Calculus And Analytical Geometry 3+0

MS112 Applied Physics 3+1

HS111 English Composition And Comprehension 3+0

HS112/HS113 Islamic Studies / Ethics 2+0

Total Credit Hours 18

Semester IICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

EL112 Workshop Practice 0+1

EL124 Electronic Devices And Circuits 3+1

EL125 Programming Fundamentals 2+1

MS113 Differential Equations 3+0

HS121 Communication Skills 3+0

HS122 Pakistan Studies 2+0

Total Credit Hours 16

Semester IIICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

EL210 Basic Mechanical Engineering 3+0

EL211 Digital Logic Design 3+1

EL212 Electrical Network Analysis 3+1

EL213 Data Structures & Algorithms 3+1

MS224 Complex Variables & Transforms 3+0

Total Credit Hours 18

Semester IVCourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

EL225 Engineering Drawing 0+1

EL220 Signals & Systems 3+1

CE201 Computer Arch. & Organization 3+1

MS222 Probability Methods In Engineering 3+0

MS223 Linear Algebra 3+0

HS212 Professional Ethics 3+0

Total Credit Hours 18

Semester VCourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

CE320 Database Management System 3+1

CE321 Operating Systems 3+0

CE323 Software Engineering 3+1

EL321 Communication Systems 3+1

MS321 Numerical Analysis 3+0

Total Credit Hours 18

Semester VICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

EL303 Computer Communication Networks 3+1

EL224 Microprocessor Based Systems 3+1

CE324 Data Warehousing And Data Mining 3+0

EL413 Digital Signal Processing 3+1

HS321 Technical and Business Writing 3+0

Total Credit Hours 18

Semester VIICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

CE432 Embedded Systems 3+1

CE430 Digital Image Processing 3+1

HSXXX Management Sciences Elective 3+0

HSXXX Social Sciences Elective 3+0

EL490 Final Year Project 0+0

Total Credit Hours 14

Semester VIIICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

CEXXX Elective-I 3+0

CEXXX Elective-II 3+1

HS422 Organizational Behavior 3+0

EL490 Final Year Project 0+6

Total Credit Hours 16

*FYP is evaluated throughout the final year; however grades are

awarded once, in Final Semester

Grand Total of Credit Hours in Bachelor of Electrical Engineering

(Computer Systems) : 136

Bachelor of Electrical Engineering

(Computer Systems)

Course No. Course Title Credit Hours

EL313 Linear Control Systems 3+1

TE414 Digital Communication 3+1

CE436 Computer Graphics 3+1

CE439 Systems Programming 3+1

CE443 Artificial Neural Networks 3+1

CE431 Parallel & Distributed Computing 3+0

CE441 Software Project Management 3+0

CE442 Software Quality Assurance & Testing 3+0

List of Electives

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Bachelor of Electrical Engineering


Semester ICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

EL111 Linear Circuit Analysis 3+1

EL113 Introduction To Computing 1+1

MS111 Calculus And Analytical Geometry 3+0

MS112 Applied Physics 3+1

HS111 English Composition And Comprehension 3+0

HS112/HS113 Islamic Studies / Ethics 2+0

Total Credit Hours 18

Semester IICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

EL112 Workshop Practice 0+1

EL124 Electronic Devices And Circuits 3+1

EL125 Programming Fundamentals 2+1

MS113 Differential Equations 3+0

HS121 Communication Skills 3+0

HS122 Pakistan Studies 2+0

Total Credit Hours 16

Semester IIICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

EL210 Basic Mechanical Engineering 3+0

EL211 Digital Logic Design 3+1

EL212 Electrical Network Analysis 3+1

EL213 Data Structures & Algorithms 3+1

MS224 Complex Variables & Transforms 3+0

Total Credit Hours 18

Semester IVCourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

EL225 Engineering Drawing 0+1

EL220 Signals & Systems 3+1

EL224 Microprocessor Based Systems 3+1

MS222 Probability Methods In Engineering 3+0

MS223 Linear Algebra 3+0

HS212 Professional Ethics 3+0

Total Credit Hours 18

Semester VCourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

EL301 Electronic Circuit Design 3+1

EL323 Electrical Machines 3+1

EL312 Electromagnetic Field Theory 3+0

EL321 Communication Systems 3+1

MS321 Numerical Analysis 3+0

Total Credit Hours 18

Semester VICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

TE305 Wave Propagation And Antennas 3+1

TE326 Wireless And Mobile Communication 3+0

EL303 Computer Communication Networks 3+1

EL313 Linear Control Systems 3+1

HS321 Technical and Business Writing 3+0

Total Credit Hours 18

Semester VIICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

TE414 Digital Communication 3+1

TE434 RF & Microwave Engineering 3+1

HSXXX Management Sciences Elective 3+0

HSXXX Social Sciences Elective 3+0

EL490 Final Year Project 0+0

Total Credit Hours 14

Semester VIIICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

TEXXX Elective-I 3+1

TEXXX Elective-II 3+0

HS422 Organizational Behavior 3+0

EL490 Final Year Project 0+6

Total Credit Hours 16

*FYP is evaluated throughout the final year; however grades are

awarded once, in Final Semester

Grand Total of Credit Hours in Bachelor of Electrical Engineering

(Telecommunication) :136

Course No. Course Title Credit


EL413 Digital Signal Processing 3+1

TE437 Navigation & Radar Systems 3+1

TE438 Optical Communication 3+1

TE439 Satellite Engineering 3+1

TE440 Transmission & Switching Systems 3+1

Course No. Course Title Credit


TE441 Information Theory & Coding 3+0

TE442 Mobile & Pervasive Computing 3+0

TE443 Multimedia Communication 3+0

TE444 Next Generation Networks 3+0

List of Electives

Academic Programmes

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Usman Institute of Technology


Semester ICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

EL111 Linear Circuit Analysis 3+1

EL113 Introduction To Computing 1+1

MS111 Calculus And Analytical Geometry 3+0

MS112 Applied Physics 3+1

HS111 English Composition And Comprehension 3+0

HS112 / HS113 Islamic Studies / Ethics 2+0

Total Credit Hours 18

Semester IICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

EL112 Workshop Practice 0+1

EL124 Electronic Devices And Circuits 3+1

EL125 Programming Fundamentals 2+1

MS113 Differential Equations 3+0

HS121 Communication Skills 3+0

HS122 Pakistan Studies 2+0

Total Credit Hours 16

Semester IIICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

EL210 Basic Mechanical Engineering 3+0

EL211 Digital Logic Design 3+1

EL212 Electrical Network Analysis 3+1

EL213 Data Structures & Algorithms 3+1

MS224 Complex Variables & Transforms 3+0

Total Credit Hours 18

Semester IVCourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

EL225 Engineering Drawing 0+1

EL220 Signals & Systems 3+1

EL224 Microprocessor Based Systems 3+1

MS222 Probability Methods In Engineering 3+0

MS223 Linear Algebra 3+0

HS212 Professional Ethics 3+0

Total Credit Hours 18

Semester VCourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

EL301 Electronic Circuit Design 3+1

EL302 Instrumentation & Measurements 3+1

EL312 Electromagnetic Field Theory 3+0

EL323 Electrical Machines 3+1

MS321 Numerical Analysis 3+0

Total Credit Hours 18

Semester VICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

EL332 Integrated Electronics 3+1

EL304 Power Electronics 3+1

EL321 Communication Systems 3+1

HS321 Technical and Business Writing 3+0

Total Credit Hours 15

Semester VIICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

EL313 Linear Control Systems 3+1

EEXXX Elective-I 3+1

EE411 VLSI Design 3+1

HSXXX Management Sciences Elective 3+0

HSXXX Social Sciences Elective 3+0

EL490 Final Year Project 0+0

Total Credit Hours 18

Semester VIIICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

EE442 Introduction To Nanotechnology 3+0

EEXXX Elective-II 3+0

HS422 Organizational Behavior 3+0

EL490 Final Year Project 0+6

Total Credit Hours 15

*FYP is evaluated throughout the final year; however grades are

awarded once, in Final Semester

Grand Total of Credit Hours in Bachelor of Electrical Engineering

(Electronic) :136

Bachelor of Electrical Engineering


Course No. Course Title Credit


EL415 Solid State Drives 3+1

EE431 Industrial Electronics 3+1

EE439 FPGA-Based System Design 3+1

EL413 Digital Signal Processing 3+1

TE305 Wave Propagation & Antennas 3+1

Course No. Course Title Credit


EL417 Digital Control Systems 3+0

EE438 Laser & Fiber Optics 3+0

EE440 Opto-Electronics 3+0

TE326 Wireless & Mobile Communication 3+0

List of Electives

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Semester ICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

EL111 Linear Circuit Analysis 3+1

EL113 Introduction To Computing 1+1

MS111 Calculus And Analytical Geometry 3+0

MS112 Applied Physics 3+1

HS111 English Composition And Comprehension 3+0

HS112/HS113 Islamic Studies / Ethics 2+0

Total Credit Hours 18

Semester IICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

EL112 Workshop Practice 0+1

EL124 Electronic Devices And Circuits 3+1

EL125 Programming Fundamentals 2+1

MS113 Differential Equations 3+0

HS121 Communication Skills 3+0

HS122 Pakistan Studies 2+0

Total Credit Hours 16

Semester IIICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

EL210 Basic Mechanical Engineering 3+0

EL211 Digital Logic Design 3+1

EL212 Electrical Network Analysis 3+1

EL213 Data Structures & Algorithms 3+1

MS224 Complex Variables & Transforms 3+0

Total Credit Hours 18

Semester IVCourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

EL225 Engineering Drawing 0+1

EL220 Signals & Systems 3+1

EL224 Microprocessor Based Systems 3+1

MS222 Probability Methods In Engineering 3+0

MS223 Linear Algebra 3+0

HS212 Professional Ethics 3+0

Total Credit Hours 18

Semester VCourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

EL302 Instrumentation & Measurements 3+1

EL323 Electrical Machines 3+1

EL312 Electromagnetic Field Theory 3+0

EL321 Communication Systems 3+1

MS321 Numerical Analysis 3+0

Total Credit Hours 18

Semester VICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

PE331 Power Generation 3+1

PE302 Power Distribution & Utilization 3+1

EL313 Linear Control Systems 3+1

PEXXX Elective-I 3+0

Total Credit Hours 15

Semester VIICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

PE434 Power System Protection 3+1

PE432 Electrical Power Transmission 3+1

HSXXX Management Sciences Elective 3+0

HSXXX Social Sciences Elective 3+0

HS321 Technical and Business Writing 3+0

EL490 Final Year Project 0+0

Total Credit Hours 17

Semester VIIICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

PEXXX Elective-II 3+1

PE435 Power System Analysis 3+0

HS422 Organizational Behavior 3+0

EL490 Final Year Project 0+6

Total Credit Hours 16

*FYP is evaluated throughout the final year; however grades are

awarded once, in Final Semester

Grand Total of Credit Hours in Bachelor of Electrical Engineering

(Power ) :136

Bachelor of Electrical Engineering


Course No. Course Title Credit


EL304 Power Electronics 3+1

EL413 Digital Signal Processing 3+1

EL415 Solid State Drives 3+1

PE439 Power System Stability & Control 3+1

Course No. Course Title Credit


PE443 Renewable Energy Systems 3+1

PE442 Advanced Electrical Machines 3+0

PE444 Electrical Machine Design 3+0

List of Electives

Academic Programmes

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Usman Institute of Technology


SEMESTER - ICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

CS111 Introduction to Information and

Communication Technology (ICT) 3 + 1

CS112 Programming Fundamentals 3 + 1

EE111 Basic Electronics 2 + 1

HS111 English Composition and Comprehension 3 + 0

HS112/HS113 Islamic Studies/Ethics 2 + 0

MS111 Calculus and Analytical Geometry 3 + 0

Total Credits 19

SEMESTER - IICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

CS121 Object Oriented Programming 3 + 1

CS122 Discrete Structures 3 + 0

CS123 Digital Logic Design 3 + 1

HS121 Communication Skills 3 + 0

HS122 Pakistan Studies 2 + 0

MS121 Multivariate Calculus 3 + 0

Total Credits 19

SEMESTER - IIICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

CS211 Data Structures and Algorithms 3 + 1

CS212 Computer Architecture and

Organization 3 + 0

HS211 Technical and Business Writing 3 + 0

MS211 Linear Algebra 3 + 0

MS212 Probability and Statistics 3 + 0

Comp. Sc. University Electives – I 3 + 0

Total Credits 19

SEMESTER - IVCourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

SE221 Introduction to Software Engineering 3 + 0

CS222 Data Communication and Computer

Networks 3 + 1

CS223 Microprocessor and Assembly

Language 2 + 1

MS221 Differential Equations 3 + 0

Comp Sc. University Electives – II 3 + 0

Total Credits 16

SEMESTER - VCourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

CS311 Introduction to Database Systems 3 + 1

CS312 Operating Systems 3 + 1

CS313 Theory of Automata 3 + 0

CS Electives – I 2 + 1

Comp. Sc. University Electives – III 3 + 0

Total Credits 17

SEMESTER - VICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

CS321 Artificial Intelligence 2 + 1

CS322 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3 + 0

CS323 Numerical Computing 2 + 1

CS Electives – II 3 + 0

CS Electives –III 3 + 0

Comp. Sc. University Electives - IV 3 + 0

Total Credits 18

SEMESTER - VIICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

CS411 Human Computer Interaction 2 + 1

CS412 Compiler Construction 2 + 1

CS413 Information Security 3 + 0

CS490 Final Year Project* 0 + 3

CS Electives –IV 3 + 0

Total Credits 15

SEMESTER - VIIICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

HS421 Professional Practices 3 + 0

CS490 Final Year Project* 0 + 3

CS Electives - V 3 + 0

CS Electives - VI 2 + 1

Total Credits 12

Bachelor of Science

(Computer Science)

Total Program Credit Hours of Bachelor of Science

(Computer Science) :135

* The Final Year Project is of 6 credit hours divided into two semesters (VII & VIII)

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Course Course Credit Code Title Hours

CS351 Computer Graphics 2+1

CS352 Web Design and Development 2+1

CS353 Wireless Networks 3+0

CS354 Management Information Systems 3+0

CS355 Object Oriented Analysis and Design 3+0

CS451 Cloud Computing 3+0

CS452 Data Warehousing 3+0

CS453 Mobile Computing 3+0

CS454 Fundamentals of Data Mining 3+0

CS455 Fuzzy Logic 3+0

CS456 Information System Audit 3+0

CS457 Digital Image Processing 2+1

CS458 Artificial Neural Networks 2+1

CS459 Computer Vision 3+0

University Electives

Computer Science Electives

Course Course Credit Code Title Hours

HS151 Financial Accounting 3+0

HS152 Psychology 3+0

HS251 Philosophy 3+0

HS252 Economics 3+0

HS253 Marketing 3+0

HS351 Human Resource Management 3+0

HS352 International Relations 3+0

HS353 Technopreneurship 3+0

Bachelor of Science

(Computer Science)

Academic Programmes

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Bachelor of Science

(Software Engineering)

SEMESTER - ICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

CS111 Introduction to Information and

Communication Technology (ICT) 3 + 1

CS112 Programming Fundamentals 3 + 1

EE111 Basic Electronics 2 + 1

HS111 English Composition and Comprehension 3 + 0

HS112/HS113 Islamic Studies/Ethics 2 + 0

MS111 Calculus and Analytical Geometry 3 + 0

Total Credits 19

SEMESTER - IICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

CS121 Object Oriented Programming 3 + 1

CS122 Discrete Structures 3 + 0

CS123 Digital Logic Design 3 + 1

HS121 Communication Skills 3 + 0

HS122 Pakistan Studies 2 + 0

Gen. Education/University Elective – I 3 + 0

Total Credits 19

SEMESTER - IIICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

CS211 Data Structures and Algorithms 3 + 1

HS211 Technical and Business Writing 3 + 0

MS211 Linear Algebra 3 + 0

MS212 Probability and Statistics 3 + 0

Supporting Elective – I 3 + 0

Total Credits 16

SEMESTER - IVCourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

SE221 Introduction to Software Engineering 3 + 0

CS222 Data Communication and

Computer Networks 3 + 1

Supporting Elective-II 3 + 0

Gen. Education/University Elective –II 3 + 0

Gen. Education/University Elective -III 3 + 0

Total Credits 16

SEMESTER - VCourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

CS311 Introduction to Database Systems 3 + 1

CS312 Operating Systems 3 + 1

SE313 Object Oriented Software Engineering 3 + 1

SE Elective – I 3 + 0

Gen. Education/University Elective -IV 3 + 0

Total Credits 18

SEMESTER - VICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

SE321 Software Requirement Engineering 3 + 0

SE322 Software Design and Architecture 3 + 0

SE323 Software Verification and Validation 3 + 0

SE Elective II 2 + 1

SE Elective – III 3 + 0

Supporting Elective – III 3 + 0

Total Credits 18

SEMESTER - VIICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

CS411 Human Computer Interaction 2 + 1

SE412 Software Project Management 3 + 0

CS490 Final Year Project* 0 + 3

SE Application Domain Elective – I 3 + 0

SE Elective – IV 3 + 0

Total Credits 15

SEMESTER - VIIICourse No. Course Title Credit Hours

HS421 Professional Practices 3 + 0

CS490 Final Year Project* 0 + 3

SE Application Domain Elective - II 3 + 0

SE Elective V 3 + 0

Total Credits 12

Total Program Credit Hours of Bachelor of Science

(Software Engineering) :133

* The Final Year Project is of 6 credit hours divided into two semesters (VII & VIII)

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Bachelor of Science

(Software Engineering)

Course Course Credit Code Title Hours

CS313 Theory of Automata 3+0

CS321 Artificial Intelligence 2+1

CS322 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3+0

SE351 Aspect Oriented Software Design 2+1

CS354 Management Information Systems 3+0

CS355 Object Oriented Analysis and Design 3+0

CS413 Information Security 3+0

CS451 Cloud Computing 3+0

CS452 Data Warehousing 3+0

CS453 Mobile Computing 3+0

CS454 Fundamentals of Data Mining 3+0

CS455 Fuzzy Logic 3+0

CS456 Information System Audit 3+0

SE457 Business Process Re-Engineering 3+0

Computing and Software Engineering Electives

Course Course Credit Code Title Hours

HS151 Financial Accounting 3+0

HS152 Psychology 3+0

HS251 Philoscophy 3+0

HS252 Economics 3+0

HS253 Marketing 3+0

HS351 Human Resource Management 3+0

HS352 International Relations 3+0

HS353 Technopreneurship 3+0

University Electives

Course Course Credit Code Title Hours

MS121 Multivariate Calculus 3+0

MS221 Differential Equations 3+0

CS323 Numerical Computing 3+0

SE351 Software Engineering Economics 3+0

MS351 Operations Research 3+0

Supporting Electives

Academic Programmes

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Admission Information


Guidelines for Admission

1 Candidates are required to apply online at the

admission portal, the link of this portal is available at

the UIT website (www.uit.edu).

i They are required to fill the online form, upload

their photos and the scanned copies of the

required documents.

ii Application processing fee of Rs. 3,500 is to be

paid at any branch of Bank Al-Habib Ltd. A

scanned copy of the application processing fee

challan must also be uploaded on the above

mention admission portal.

2 Applications received in one discipline shall not be

transferred to another discipline.

3 The candidates applying for admission must provide

scanned copies of the following:

i Secondary School Certificate and Marks Sheet

or equivalent documents

ii HSC Marks Sheet or equivalent document

iii Equivalence Certificate from IBCC for foreign

examinations, if applicable

iv Migration Certificate in case of having passed

HSC (Pre-Engg) examination from a Board other

than Karachi Board.

v Candidates having passed Cambridge Higher

School Certificate or General Certificate of

Education (‘A’ Level) Examination or equivalent

examination must submit relevant document to

establish their date of birth.

4 Online application form, all fee and documents

attached with it shall not be returnable.

i Incomplete applications shall not be considered.

ii The complete application of each candidate along

with the scanned documents must be submitted

online no later than 1700 hours on the date

notified for the submission of Admission Form by

the Institute, on the website. Any application

received after this time and date or found

deficient in any respect will be summarily

rejected. Any certificate or matter in addition to

the specified requirements given above shall be

treated as irrelevant and discarded.

Eligibility Conditions

1 The applicant must have passed either Higher

School Examination (HSC) from any authorised

Board of Intermediate Education in Pakistan or an

equivalent Foreign Examination recognized as

such by the University and should fulfill the

following conditions:

i The year of passing the examination should not

be earlier than the three years prior to

submission of the application.

ii Each applicant should have obtained at least

60% marks in aggregate.

iii For admission in Engineering Programmes,

subjects examined at the HSC level must include

Pre- Engineering subjects of Mathematics,

Physics and Chemistry.

Any Applicant who has passed HSC Pre-

Engineering or equivalent Examination or HSC

Science General with subjects of Mathematics

Physics and Computer Science shall however be

considered for admission in BS (Computer

Science) and BS (Software Engineering)

Note: Admission to such candidates shall only be

offered in above disciplines subject to

availability of seats in these disciplines. Such

candidates, if admitted, shall however, not to

be allowed any Change of Discipline after First


Note: An applicant who has passed HSC Part I from

one Board of Examinations and HSC Part II from

any other Board of Examinations shall not be

considered for admission.

No student, already enrolled in NED University,

can be considered for admission again.

2 Other than the above eligibility criteria, applicants are

required to have either passed Pre- admission Entry

Test of NED University with at least 50% marks, or have

scored at least 800 in SAT-I and have also secured at

least score of 1500 in SAT-II with subjects of Physics /

Chemistry / Computer Science, and Mathematics.

Equivalence of Foreign Qualification

1 An applicant who has passed A-Level or any two-

year Pre-University Examination at 11th and 12th

grades or 12th and 13th / OAC Grades (or similar

Examinations) with subjects of Physics, Chemistry/

Computer Science and Mathematics must submit an

Equivalence Certificate (obtained from Inter-Board

Committee of Chairmen) along with his/her

Application Form for admission.

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2 For an equivalent examination recognized as such by

this Institute in which both the letter grades and marks

are given then equivalent percentage shall be

determined on the basis of letter grades with

equivalent percentage to HSC (Pre-Engineering) in the

subject of Mathematics, Physics / Chemistry /

Computer Science as follows:

Letter EquivalentGrade Percentage

A+ 90

A 85

B 75

C 65

D 60

E 50

Determination of Merit Position

1 The overall merit in respect of the eligible candidates

for provisional admission in first year of engineering &

sciences of this Institute for new academic session

shall be determined on the basis of marks obtained in

the SSC, HSC or equivalent examinations and NED’s

Entrance Test.

2 The merit list shall be determined on the basis of the


Share of Marks obtained in the SSC Examination 10%

Share of Marks obtained in the HSC. Examination 40%

Share of Marks obtained in the Entrance Test 50%

3 For applicants who have passed their qualifying

examination in 2013 or in 2014 or in 2015, their merit

positions for the purpose of admission shall be

determined after deduction of 10 marks from the total

obtained in their respective qualifying examinations.

The same deduction shall apply in case of


4 In case of tie for merit position in the selection for

admission, the tie shall be resolved by the following


i For applicants with Pre-Engineering / Computer

Science: The candidates aggregate percentage or

marks in the subjects of Physics/ Chemistry/

Computer Science and Mathematics at the HSC

or equivalent foreign examination shall be

considered for determining the order of merit.

ii In case of further tie, aggregate marks obtained in

NED’s Pre-Admission Entry Test shall be used for

resolving the merit.

iii Any further tie shall be resolved by considering the


a For applicants with Pre-Engineering/Computer

Science: Marks obtained in sections of

Mathematics then Physics. and than Chemistry

/ Computer Science of NED Pre-Admission Entry


Rejection of Application

1 The application shall be rejected summarily in case the

applicant is found guilty of any suppression or

misrepresentation of material facts at any stage.

Display of Merit List

1 The Merit list for each discipline will be notified and

displayed on the Institute’s website.

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Higher School Certificate (HSC), Pre-Engineering (Physics,

Chemistry & Mathematics) with a minimum of 60% Marks.


Cambridge High School Certificate Examinations with

Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry at Principle level, or

G.C.E. "A" Level with Mathematics, Physics and



American Grade 12 Diploma plus Achievement Test results

in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. (with a score of at

least 500 in each).


International Baccalaureate Certificate with Mathematics,

Physics and Chemistry.


Shahadah Al-Thanawia Al-Aammah (TAUJIHI), Higher

Secondary School Certificate with at least Grade 'JAYYED'

of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Egypt or equivalent of any

other Arab country.


Any other academic qualification that is considered

equivalent to the above by the Admission Committee.

Mathematics weightage 25%

Physics weightage 25%

Chemistry weightage 25%

English Language weightage 25%

i) Copy of SSC Certificate.

ii) Copy of HSC Consolidated Mark Sheet.

(Students waiting for results, must submit photo copy of

their admit card of HSC-II).


Equivalence certificate in case of holders of certificate

issued by non-Pakistani Universities / Boards.

iii) Copy of CNIC or Form-B.

iv) Three recent passport size photographs.

4 Years full time (Monday - Friday) and maximum seven


University awards degrees to the students who complete

all semesters with prescribed credit hours securing a

minimum CGPA of 2.00 without failing in any course.

At the time of admission Rs. 98,500/-

after that Rs. 73,000/- per semester.

For further details please see Section 5

Higher School Certificate (HSC), Pre-Engineering (Physics,

Chemistry & Mathematics) with a minimum of 60% Marks.


Higher School Certificate (HSC), Science General (Physics,

Computer Science & Mathematics) with a minimum of 60%



Cambridge High School Certificate Examinations with

Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry at Principle level, or

G.C.E. "A" Level with Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.


American Grade 12 Diploma plus Achievement Test results

in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. (with a score of at

least 500 in each).


International Baccalaureate Certificate with Mathematics,

Physics and Chemistry.


Shahadah Al-Thanawia Al-Aammah (TAUJIHI), Higher

Secondary School Certificate with at least Grade 'JAYYED'

of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Egypt or equivalent of any

other Arab country.


Any other academic qualification that is considered

equivalent to the above by the Admission Committee.

Mathematics weightage 25%

Physics weightage 25%

Chemistry/Computer Science weightage 25%

English Language weightage 25%

i) Copy of SSC Certificate.

ii) Copy of HSC Consolidated Mark Sheet

(Students waiting for results, must submit

photo copy of their admit card of HSC-II).


Equivalence certificate in case of holders of certificate

issued by non-Pakistani Universities / Boards.

iii) Copy of CNIC or Form-B.

iv) Three recent passport size photographs.

4 Years full time (Monday - Friday) and maximum Seven


University awards degrees to the students who complete

all semesters with prescribed credit hours securing a

minimum CGPA of 2.00 without failing in any course.

At the time of admission Rs. 84,500/-

after that Rs. 64,000/- per semester.

For further details please see Section 5

S.No Information

Bachelor of Electrical Engineering BS (Computer Science/Software Engineering)





Entrance Test











Admission Information Summary

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Admission in First Semester

1 Reporting in Person

Applicants whose names appear in the Merit List

should personally report for Submission of

documents and Medical Fitness Test at the

Admission Office on the date and time specified for

reporting, as provided by the Institute at the time of

submission of Application Form.

2 Documents Required

Applicants must submit the following documents as

mentioned against each of them, to the Admission


i Attested Photocopy of the Admit Card of Pre-

Admission Entry Test.

ii Attested Photocopy of the S.S.C. or Equivalent

Examination Mark sheet and Certificate.

iii HSC or Equivalent Examination Mark-Sheet

Original (this will be retained by the Institute).

iv Equivalence Certificate from IBCC for Foreign

Examination; if applicable (this will be retained by

the Institute).

v Affidavit of non-political activities in original.

vi Three Passport Size Photographs.

vii Migration Certificate (for candidates of other than

Karachi Board) in original.

Original documents retained by the Institute will be

returned after the completion or termination of studies

at this Institute.

Applicants are warned that in their own interest they

should retain sufficient number of attested

photocopies of their documents/ certificates as the

originals are not likely to be returned during their

period of study at the Institute.

The names of applicants who do not submit the

original documents on the specified dates shall stand

deleted from the Merit List. No plea whatsoever shall

be acceptable in such cases.

Medical Fitness Test1 Each candidate shall be examined for Medical Fitness

by NED University’s Principal Medical Office (PMO). For

Medical Fitness, candidates shall have to:

i Deposit Rs.1, 200/ - (Rupees one thousand and Two

Hundred only) with the NBP and HMB, NED

University’s Branches using NED University’s Medical

Fitness test voucher available at these banks. Please

ensure that the voucher is stamped, by the bank’s

staff, where the money is deposited.

ii Provide the above mentioned stamped voucher to

the Principal Medical Office (PMO) of NED University

along with chest PA view X-Ray, two passport size

photograph and attested photocopy of Matriculation

Certificate. In case of foreign examinations

candidate’s proof of date of birth should be provided.

The Medical Fitness test report shall be sent by NED

University directly to UIT.


The applicants, who fail to appear for medical

examination on the specified dates, their names shall

be deleted from the Merit List. No plea whatsoever shall

be acceptable in case any candidate fails to appear on

the scheduled date.

Medical Fitness Requirements1 The eye sight, aided or unaided, should not be poorer

than 6/9 in one eye and 6/12 in other eye while near

vision should be N5 at least with glasses.

2 The chest expansion should not be less than 4cm and

X-ray of the chest should be satisfactory.

3 The limbs , including the feet and toes, should be

unrestricted movement of all joints

4 The candidate should not suffer from any remarkable

skin disease.

5 Colour blindness –even if vision is otherwise normal –

will disqualify applications for the discipline of Electrical

Engineering. Candidates may, however, be considered

for other discipline.

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Admission Information



1 If the candidate whose name appears on the merit

list decides to get admission, then he / she shall be

required to:

i Pay the following amount through Pay Order in

favour of Usman Institute of Technology.

a Rs. 98,500 for all Engineering programmes.

b Rs. 84,500 for Computer Science and

Software Engineering programmes.

ii Submit an Affidavit of non-participation in

political activities and non-indulgence in

unwanted activities on Non-Judicial Stamp Paper

of Rs. 20. You may download the template of the

Affidavit from the UIT’s website (www.uit.edu).

iii A Candidate applying under more than one

discipline - once admitted in any discipline will

automatically forego his / her preference and

candidature under other disciplines.

iv The name of candidates who do not submit the

original documents and/ or fail to appear for

interview / admission or from the the Medical

Fitness Test on the scheduled dates , shall be

deleted from the Merit List. The candidate may,

however, appeal, giving justification for non-

appearance on the scheduled dates for


2 Students’ Identity Card

Candidates who are admitted shall be issued Student

Identity Cards. All students are required to carry and

produce original Institute Identity Cards whenever


Employment Simultaneous Enrolment

1 All undergraduate degree programmes are regular

full time day programmes. No student admitted in

this Institute shall be allowed to engage himself/

herself in employment or maintain simultaneous

enrolment in any other course of studies in other

educational institutions. Violation of above may lead

to cancellation of admission.

Cancellation/Withdrawal of Admission

1 The Chairman Admission Committee can cancel or

withdraw admission of any candidate.

Medium of Instructions

1 The medium of instructions and examinations shall

be English.

Admissions in Subsequent

Semester/Years of Study

1 Admission in any Semester shall be allowed only

during the first three weeks after commencement of

that Semester.

2 Admission in Fall Semester of any Year shall be open

to any student. While admission in Spring Semester

of any year shall be open to students who had

registered in Fall Semester of the preceding Year.

3 Any student who fails to obtain at least 2.0 CGPA in

any Semester shall remain on probation during next

Semester. If such student obtains less than 2.0 CGPA

in the subsequent semester he / she shall remain on

second probation and shall be allowed to register in

the following semester.

4 Any further registration in subsequent semester shall

be allowed subject to the condition that the student

has obtained at least 2.0 CGPA after second

probation, otherwise; he/she shall not be allowed to

register in subsequent semester and shall be

required to improve grades of previous courses

already attempted. Admission of such students shall

be cancelled, who after being on second probation

during Second Year Fall Semester fails to obtain

atleast 2.0 CGPA on completion of that semester.

Along with CGPA, the student shall also be required

to fulfill the following conditions:

i For admission in Third Year, the student must

have passed all courses of the First Year, or

80% of the courses up to the Second Year.

ii For admission in Fourth Year, the student must

have passed all courses up to the Second Year.

5 In all circumstances, re-admission to any student

shall only be granted in the semester where the

student has discontinued his/her study due to any


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6 A student admitted in any semester can only register

in courses offered in that semester. This subject to

not having passed these courses earlier.

The exceptions to this rule are given below.

7 Registration in at most two courses offered for any

junior batch(es) in a Semester may be allowed by the

Head of the Department concerned in the following

cases subject to payment of prescribed fees:

i If the student has been admitted in Second Year

Fall Semester on migration basis and

consequently required to pass (additional)

course(s) of First Year in which he/she is not

eligible for exemption.

ii The student having been allowed change of

discipline is required to pass such course(s) in

which either transfer of credit has not been

allowed or the student has not studied the

course(s) earlier.

iii The student having been allowed to register any

course(s) in which he/she had failed earlier.

iv The student’s request for registration in any

course(s) is permissible under the following


a Any student who has passed all courses of

any year of study and his/her CGPA is less

than 2.0 may be allowed by the Head of the

Department concerned to repeat course(s)

of that semester in which his/her GPA is less

than 2.0.

b The student will be allowed to register in at

most two courses at any time, if

simultaneously admitted in any other

semester/ year of study.

c The student may however register in the

course(s) as and when offered.

d Better grades in course(s) shall be

considered for determining his/her


Admission on Migration Basis

Admission on migration shall be allowed in relevant

discipline under extra ordinary circumstances subject to

the following conditions:

1 Seat(s) is available in relevant discipline.

2 Applicant must pass First Year of studies completely

in the institution where he/ she was initially admitted.

3 Admission shall only be offered in Second Year

(Fall semester)

4 Applications for migration shall be called in the

month of July on prescribed form which is required

to be submitted along with processing fee of Rs.


5 Candidates offered migration shall be required to pay

non-refundable migration fee of Rs. 675,000/-

through pay order in favour of Usman Institute of


6 Student admitted on migration shall be given

exemption in all such courses of first and second

year which he/she has passed during study in

previous institution. However, he/she shall be

required to register and pass all such courses of the

discipline in which he/she is offered admission which

he/she has not studied in previous institution.

Duration of Programme

1 Courses of studies leading to the degree of Bachelor

of Engineering (BE) and Bachelor of Science (BS)

shall be of four (4) academic years’ duration.

i Maximum seven academic years shall be

allowed for each Four-year degree programme.

ii Any student admitted in second year on migration

basis shall have one year reduced from maximum

allowable period.

Cancellation of


1 Admission of any student of First Year of Studies in

any discipline shall be cancelled If he/she does not

appear in the Fall Semester Examination.

2 Admission of any student of any Year/ Semester who

has been rusticated from the Institute on account of

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Admission Information


serious breach of discipline for any specified period

shall be cancelled and notified. However, after expiry

of the period the student may be allowed

readmission in the same Year/Semester where

he/she left off, if otherwise eligible.

3 Admission and enrolment of any student of any Year/

Semester who has been expelled from the Institute

on account of major breach of discipline shall be

cancelled after due process and subsequently

notified. The student shall not be eligible for any

subsequent admission in the Institute.

4 Admission and enrolment of any student shall be


i who after being on second probation during

Second Year Fall Semester fails to obtain 2.0

CGPA on completion of that semester.

ii who without informing UIT, fails to register in any

Semester after the dead line of registration.

5 Withdrawal from Semester/Programme

i Withdrawal from any semester or programme

may be allowed only in extra-ordinary

circumstances. Withdrawal from First Year Fall

Semester shall not be allowed.

ii The student shall be required to apply for

withdrawal through concerned Chairman along

with evidence supporting his/her request for


iii Any student seeking readmission after

withdrawal shall only be considered for

readmission with junior batch provided that:

a The student has officially withdrawn earlier

from the semester or programme.

b The period of discontinuation of his/her

studies does not exceed three academic


c The student produces an Affidavit on Stamp

Paper of prescribed amount declaring that

during the period of his/her discontinuation of

studies he/she was neither on the Rolls of any

other Educational Institution nor was

convicted by any Court of law.

Grade Improvement

1 Any student who has passed all courses for grade

improvement of any year of study and his/her CGPA

is less than 2.0 may be allowed by the Head of the

Department concerned to repeat course(s) of that

semester in which his/her GPA is less than 2.0.

2 The student will be allowed to register in at most

two courses for grade improvement at any time, if

simultaneously admitted in any other semester/ year

of study.

3 These course(s) can only be from the list of courses

offered in the respective semester.

4 Best grade for any courses obtained out of multiple

attempts shall be considered for determining his/her


5 Any student who is eligible for award of degree but

still desires to improve CGPA for any reason may be

allowed by the Head of the Department concerned,

subject to the following conditions:

i No provisional certificate/ degree has been

issued to him/her.

ii Duration of completion for the degree does not

exceed the maximum limit of 7 years.

iii Any student may be allowed to repeat all

courses of the final year, if request for the same

is received withen two weeks of` announcement

of result. This request should also include

cancellation of his/her earlier final year results

Note: These Regulations or part thereof may be

revised/corrected by the UIT as and when

necessary and shall be notified accordingly.

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Rules and Regulations for Examinations


Semester Examination

1 Semester Examinations are held at the end of each

semester. Schedule of such examinations shall be

notified by the Examinations Department.

Class Attendance

1 Any student, who registered during the semester, will

be allowed to appear in the examination only in such

course(s) in which his/her attendance is at least 75%

during the semester.

Admit Card

1 Admit Card for the examination shall be issued to any

student who is eligible / allowed to appear in the

course(s) as mentioned on his/ her Admit Card.

2 The Admit Card must be in possession of the student

while appearing in the examination for any course for

which he / she has been allowed.

Grade Points

1 Grade / grade point equated with percentage of

marks and other grades shall be as follows:

Grade Grade Marks Remarks


A+ 4.0 94 – 100 Extra Ordinary

A 4.0 85 – 93 Excellent

A – 3.7 80 – 84

B + 3.4 75 – 79

B 3.0 70 – 74 Good

B – 2.7 67 – 69 Above Average

C + 2.4 64 – 66 Average

C 2.0 60 – 63 Satisfactory

C – 1.7 57 – 59 Adequate

D + 1.4 54 – 56

D 1.0 50 – 53

F 0.0 Below 50 Fail

P - 50 – 100 Pass in non-credit course

IP - - In progress *

X - - Exempted

I - - Incomplete

W - - Withdrawal

WU - - Withdrawal Unofficially

*To be evaluated in Spring Semester for Final Year project

or any specified Design course.

Grade Point Averages

1 Grade Point Average (GPA) for any semester and

Cumulative Grade Points Average (CGPA) for more

than one semester shall be calculated as under:

Marks Distribution

1 Marks distribution for each final examination and

sessional evaluation shall be as under:

i Each theory paper, practical, design course and

Final Year Project shall have 60% marks for final

examination and 40% marks for sessional


Award of Degrees

1 Any student who was admitted in First Year and has

passed all courses as prescribed for his/her discipline

with at least 2.0 CGPA shall be eligible for the award

of degree in that discipline.

2 Any student who was admitted directly in Second

Year on migration from any recognized Institution and

has passed all courses as prescribed for that

discipline with at least 2.0 CGPA shall be eligible for

the award of degree in that discipline. The

course(s), if any, in which the student was allowed

exemption on the basis of having studied the

course(s) in the former Institution shall not however

be counted for determining his/her GPA/CGPA.



Very Good


(credit hour of a course x grade point)

Total credit hours of the coursesCPA/CGPA =

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Fee Information


Programs Fall-2016

Pakistani StudentsBachelor of Engineering (BE)

One Time Cost (for new students)

Admission Fee .................................................................................... Rs. 15,000

Enrolment Fee .................................................................................... Rs. 5,500

Security Deposit (Refundable) ............................................................ Rs. 5,000

Per Semester (for new and continuing students)

Tuition Fee ........................................................................................... Rs. 62,000

Semester Charges .............................................................................. Rs. 6,000

Co-curricular Activities ........................................................................ Rs. 2,000

Examination Fee................................................................................... Rs. 3,000

Total (for continuing students) ....................................................... Rs. 73,000

Total (for new students) .................................................................... Rs. 98,500

Fee Per Course

Course Registration ............................................................................ Rs. 14,000

Examination Fee ................................................................................. Rs. 3,000

Bachelor of Science (BS)

One Time Cost (for new students)

Admission Fee ..................................................................................... Rs. 10,000

Enrolment Fee ..................................................................................... Rs. 5,500

Security Deposit (Refundable) ............................................................. Rs. 5,000

Per Semester (for new and continuing students)

Tuition Fee ........................................................................................... Rs. 53,000

Semester Charges ............................................................................... Rs. 6,000

Co-curricular Activities ........................................................................ Rs. 2,000

Examination Fee................................................................................... Rs. 3,000

Total (for continuing students) ....................................................... Rs. 64,000

Total (for new students) .................................................................... Rs. 84,500

Fee Per Course

Course Registration ............................................................................ Rs. 14,000

Examination Fee ................................................................................. Rs. 3,000

International Students (BE & BS)

One Time Cost (for new students)

Admission Fee .................................................................................... US $ 500

Enrolment Fee .................................................................................... US $ 100

Security Deposit (Refundable) ............................................................ US $ 150

Per Semester (for new and continuing students)

Tuition Fee (Single / Dual Nationality).................................................. US $ 4,000 / 3500

Semester Charges .............................................................................. US $ 100

Co-curricular Activities ....................................................................... US $ 100

Examination Fee ................................................................................. US $ 150

Total (for continuing students – Single / Dual Nationality) .......... US $ 4,350 / 3,850

Total (for new students – Single / Dual Nationality) ....................... US $ 5,100 / 4,600

Upto a maximum of 10% increase in the tuition fee is estimated each year to cover inflation and increased costs.

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Refund of Tuition Fee

A student who registers and decides not to attend the semester / course for any reason whatsoever,

or chooses to withdraw during the semester must inform the Academic Administration office in

writing that he / she is discontinuing the studies.

The date on which the Director (Academic Admin. & Examinations) receives the written intimation

determines the percentage of tuition fee to be refunded as given below:

1. During 1st week ............................................ 80%

2. During 2nd week ............................................ 70%

3. During 3rd week ............................................ 60%

4. During 4th week ............................................ 50%

5. After the 4th week ......................................... 0%

Please note:

1. Students discontinuing their studies without written intimation are not eligible for any refund.

2. Fees other than the tuition fee are not refundable.

3. Students who are rusticated, suspended or expelled from UIT on account of a disciplinary

action are not eligible for any refund.

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Fee Information


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Financial Aid and Awards


Financial Aid and Awards

UIT offers a number of Scholarships, Grants and

Awards to brilliant and needy students. It also offers

concessions for siblings (student’s brother or sister

should be an existing student at UIT) and children of

UIT’s staff members.

Usman Gold Medals, Merit

Certificates and Cash Awards

Six Gold Medals, Merit Certificates and Rs. 25,000

Cash Awards will be given annually to graduating

students. The selection would be on the basis of

obtaining the highest CGPA in each of the six

disciplines i.e. in the Bachelor of Electrical

Engineering (Electronics), Bachelor of Electrical

Engineering (Telecommunication). Bachelor of

Electrical Engineering (Computer Systems), Bachelor

of Electrical Engineering (Power), BS (Computer

Science) and BS (Software Engineering).

Haji Hasham Foreign Masters


Starting from the year 2020 two graduating students

from the 2016 batch, one each from the Bachelor of

Electrical Engineering and the Bachelor of Computer

Science will be awarded fully funded scholarships to

do Masters abroad. The selection would be on the

basis of obtaining the highest CGPA in their

respective disciplines. These students must attain a

minimum CGPA of 3.85 to be selected for these

awards. From 2020 onwards this would become an

annual affair.

Hajiani Amina Hasham Meritorious

Scholarship (full waiver)

Students from the new intake who got at least 85 %

marks in the intermediate exams (or equivalent grades

in O/A level exams) and 85% marks in the NED/UIT

admissions test would be eligible for this scholarship

for the first semester. In addition, continuing students

who attain at least 3.85 CGPA would be eligible for

this scholarship. Three students from each batch (i.e.

12 per semester) would be awarded these

scholarships based on the order of merit.

Hasham Foundation Scholarship

(full waiver)

Hasham Foundation Scholarship would be awarded

on need cum merit basis. Needy students from the

new intake who got at least 70 % marks in the

intermediate exams (or equivalent grades in O/A

level exams) and 70% in the NED/UIT admissions

test would be eligible for this scholarship. In addition

continuing student who maintain at least 3.5 CGPA

would be eligible for this scholarships. Three

students from each batch (i.e. 12 per semester)

would be awarded these scholarships based on the

order of merit.

Siblings and Children of UIT’s Staff

Members Concessions

UIT also offers tuition fee concessions for siblings

(student’s brother or sister should be an existing

student at UIT) and children of UIT’s staff members.

In the case of siblings one student pays full and the

other gets 50% concession in the tuition fee. While

staff members enjoy 85% tuition fee concession for

their children.


The responsibility to establish the financial 'need'

rests with the students. Students are advised to

explore alternate funding sources before applying to

UIT. An evidence of such an effort should form a part

of application for financial assistance. Absence from

or failure in any examination, lack of progress and

assiduity in studies, breach of discipline or

reprehensible conduct shall entail the loss of

financial aid granted to any student.

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Infrastructure and Support Services


Library and Information Resource Centre

Library & Learning Resource Center is the backbone of

an academic environment. Not only is the actual

physical library one of the main spots where the

students enhance their knowledge and complete their

assignment. They also have a wide range of a services

available at this centre.

The UIT library and Learning Resource Center is

designed to meet the needs of students and faculty.

UIT’s library & LRC is a well–stocked, air conditioned

and fully computerized library, which serves as a

catalyst in the learning process. To ignite the intellectual

spirit in young minds, a stock of the latest books,

collection of video/audio CDs, industry and company

information are also available. The library also has the

facility of Book Bank; students who find it hard to afford

expensive books can get these books for the entire

semester, entirely free from this Book Bank.

UIT Library & LRC is committed to providing study spaces

that meet the diverse learning styles of our students. In

order to provide an environment that is conducive to

studying. The library is divided into several zones to meet

the diverse needs of the UIT community.

Reference Zone

It is located at the ground floor where students can

consult reference sources like encyclopedia,

handbooks, dictionaries and Project Reports.

Group Study Zone

This zone is allocated for the students who want to

study in groups. It is equipped with study tables and

power sockets for laptops.

Quiet Zone

This zone is designed for quiet and individual study

with separate study carrels. In this section, students can

use their electronic gadgets like laptops, and tabs.

Tutorial Room

Tutorial Room is available for faculty members, in case

any student requires attention / help in any subject. It is

featured with wall mounted whiteboard and can

accommodate ten students at a time.

Computer Lab

The library computer lab is available to support

teaching, learning and have specific resources to aid

student’s research. All the computers are connected

with internet and intranet.

Besides this, IEEE, ACM and other journals and

magazines are available to update students and faculty

about the latest technology in various fields.

The library & Learning Resource Center plays a

significant role in fulfilling the information needs of

users and help them to pursue academic excellence.

The library & LRC provides the following facilities &



• Book Bank

• Computer Lab

• H.E.C Digital Library

• Internet Access

• Network Printing

• Online Public Access Catalogue

• Various Zones as described earlier

• Wi-Fi


• Ask a Librarian

• Book Bank

• Latest arrival information

• Inter Library Loan

• Reference

• Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI)

• Searching Assistance

• Online book reservation service

• Orientations Program

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Management Information System (MIS)

The department of Management Information Systems

(MIS) is responsible for innovations in products, to help

UIT’s technological advancement. This department is

engaged in creating, implementing and managing

innovative new products such as organizational ERP to

keep Usman Institute a step ahead of the competition in

the field of Computer Science and Technology. The

department is also providing software solutions for ever

growing need of automating the academic processes. MIS

department shares acquired knowledge and expertise from

its Research and Development with all the academic

departments and hence this research work is further

utilized to help developing final year projects by the

students. Maintenance and enhancement is the most

important secondary function of the MIS department.

Existing products should be maintained according to

specifications and requirements and new products should

be implemented to facilitate the growth of computational

and technological needs of the institute.

The following systems currently in use have been

developed by the department, after thorough analysis and


• Book Bank

• Student Portal

• Website of UIT

ERP in education is not a new concept and its

implementation have been revolutionizing institutional

management for sometime now, helping institutions to

improve their operations, thus making them manageable

and more transparent. The development of technology and

widespread demand for computing concepts has led UIT

to incorporate this state-of-the-art ERP solution and offer

the following systems which would facilitate both students,

faculty and staff alike:

• Alumni System

• Class Scheduling System

• Faculty Evaluation System

• Faculty Progress

• Fixed Assets System

• General Ledger

• Graduate Directory

• Human Resource Management System

• LAB Management System

• Library Management System

• Payroll Management System

• Provident Fund Management System

• Online Quiz System

• Student Information System and Management

(includes online admissions)

Department of Information Technology

Department of Information Technology facilitates computer

usage at UIT by providing personal assistance coupled

with user instructions. IT department provides user’s a

suite of services and resources. The IT services provided

are as follows:

Campus Computing Facilities

The Institute provides a wide range of computing

resources and support services. There are more than five

computer laboratories at UIT with approximately 250


A Wired (Office LAN) and a Wireless network (WIFI) are

available to support campus computing needs and for

sharing different computing resources.

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These computer resources have a wide variety of software

installed to help facilitate academic tasks, research and

development operations.

Main Computing Services

The services offered by the Department include:

• Personal space for data storage

• Various to network softwares, e.g. Microsoft Office

• Network printing services

• Access to disk for storage and moving of large files

• Computer Labs Services

• Secure wireless network

Data Center

UIT’s Data Centre is the hub of enterprise level IT services.

It consists of multiple servers which perform multiple

operations to meet UIT’s students, faculty and

administration needs.

Departments, Classrooms and Labs

Offices, laboratories, and classrooms throughout the

campus are wired into a large network. The departments

are connected to each other over the network with full data

security and integrity. Staff and faculty can easily access

their storage area from any location in UIT. Classrooms are

equipped with computer and multimedia projectors. Labs

are equipped with latest hardware and software.

Network, printing and internet services are also available

in all the labs.

IT Support Services

Department of Information Technology (IT) Information

System Group (ISG) is the central point of contact for

assistance, information, and referrals pertaining to all of its

services. Assistance, information and referrals can be

provided through email, phone and online requests.

Electrical Engineering Laboratories

In Engineering Education, Laboratories are the link

between theoretical and practical knowledge. A number of

state-of-the-art Electrical Engineering Laboratories have

been established in order to cater for the full breadth and

depth of Bachelor of Electrical Engineering program. List

of these laboratories is given below:

• Electrical Engineering (EE) Laboratory

• Electronics Laboratory-I (EL-I)

• Electronics Laboratory-II (EL-II)

• Electrical Machines & Drives (EM&D) Laboratory

• Digital Systems (DS) Laboratory

• Communication Systems (CS) Laboratory

• Power Engineering (PE) Laboratory

• Physics Laboratory

• Workshop

These laboratories are fully equipped with the latest test &

measurement equipment and training boards / systems, to

impart practical knowledge in the different areas of

Electrical Engineering like Electronics, Telecommunication,

Computer Systems and Power.


UIT provides transport for Industrial visits/recreation and

other official duties. Students have to organize their own

transport for coming to and going back from UIT.

Photocopying, Printing Stationery -

and Bookshop

A bookshop on the campus provides facility to students for

photocopying and laser printing at competitive rates. A

selected stock of stationery, that students often need, and

assortment of books are also available.


The Institute's cafeteria provides students a place to relax

and get together with fellow students. A UIT supervisory

committee ensure proper services and hygienic foods.


Students coming from outside Karachi will have to arrange

their own boarding and lodging.

UIT Website

All the prospective candidates and their parents are advised

to visit UIT website www.uit.edu for all the relevant


Infrastructure and Support Services

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Industry–Academia Linkages


Industrial Liaison Department Services

Industry–Academia Linkages plays a vital role in

development of any country. It helps in coming up with

solutions to problems being faced by the industry and the

nation, exposing students and faculty to the needs of the

industry, development of programmes and curriculum that

meets industry needs, finding employments for graduates

in the industry, coming up with improvement of the Final

Years Projects of the students, knowledge sharing and

skills enhancement for both the industry and universities,


UIT’s Industry Liaison Department (ILD) is aggressively

working to take these linkages to the highest level. In this

direction it is working on the following aspects:

l Industry assistance in the Final Year Projects (FYP)

of UIT’s students.

l Undertaking joint projects with the industry to solve

problems being faced by the industry

l Industry assistance in developing meaningful

internships for UIT students.

l Industry to take part in the Job Fair and conducting

interviews at UIT for giving employment to UIT


l Industry for arranging relevant and meaningful

Industrial Visits for students, graduates and faculty

of UIT.

l Industry to assist in Faculty Industrial

Exposure/Placements. Industry to also place its staff

in UIT for a specific period.

l Industry to assist in arranging

lectures/workshops/seminars/conference by industry


l Industry to assist in arranging board of advisors for

industrial Linkages enhancement.

l Industry to assist UIT in starting new programs and

assist in curriculum development/changes in

new/existing programs as per industry needs.

l Industry to help in providing career consultancy and

polishing CV’s of the students

l UIT to arrange trainings for Industry’s staff as per

Industry requirements.

ILD in the previous year arranged internships for 200

students and arranged industrial visit in diverse

organizations such as SIEMENS Pakistan, Toyota Indus,

PSO, Pakistan Cables, K-Electric, Descon Engineering,

PARCO, Electro Dynamics Works, Lucky Cement, Thatta

Cement, Sui Southern Gas Company Ltd (SSGC), KINPOE,

KNPC, Pakistan State Oil (PSO) Pakistan Steel Mills,

Younus Textile Mills, K-Electric Azm Learning Institute,

Pakistan Cables Limited, K-Electric Bin Qasim Power

Plant-1, Engro Vopak Field, Pak-Arab Refinery Ltd

(PARCO), The Automators, General Tyre & Rubber,

Company (GTR), Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), Pakistan

Broadcasting, Corporation (PBC) etc.

ILD also counsels students on career planning and

preparation of CVs.

Continuing Education Seminars (CES)

Continuing education is an essential component of an

educational institution and a need of a dynamic and

visionary faculty. These sessions usually contain a

presentation/workshop on pedagogical aspects and

techniques of teaching. Also, it includes multidiscipline

presentations to broaden intellectual horizons and

showcase the world at large.

Informative Seminars

Seminars are conducted on a regular basis. Learned

scholars, writers and scientists are invited regularly to

address the students and talk about technology trends,

burning social issues, etc.


The Department of Computer Science and Continuing

Education Seminar Committee with the collaboration of

TED arrange seminars for faculty members, professionals

from industry and students of UIT, event being called

TEDxUIT. TED is a global nonprofit organization focusing

on “Ideas Worth Spreading”. Today, TED is a global

platform for disseminating ideas and good thinking. TED

conferences bring together the world's most fascinating

thinkers and doers, who are challenged to give the talk of

their lives (in 18 minutes or less).

IEEE Student Branch

It has been formed to encourage participation of UIT

students in various academic and technical activities like

seminars and exhibitions. Also IMPETUS (IEEE

Membership Plan to encourage top UIT students) has been

Industry Academia Interaction, Professional

Development and Alumni Network

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Usman Institute of Technology


launched, under which two best students are financed by

UIT for membership of IEEE (USA).

IEEEP Student Branch

IEEEP Student Branch at UIT is actively engaged in

students' activities like seminars, conferences and

workshops under the patronage of IEEEP.

Association of Computing Machinery

(ACM) Student Chapter

Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) has officially

chartered UIT’s ACM Student Chapter. This is world’s largest

educational and scientific computing society. It delivers

resources that advances computing as science and a

profession. The chapter provides a range of activities and

services including talks by practitioners, visits from

prominent speakers, the ACM Lectureship Circuit Program,

technical and career workshops, field trips to computing

installations, and social activities.

Continuing Professional Development


At UIT, Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses

helps young engineers to enhance their technical knowledge

and communication skills. UIT is a licensed branch of

Professional Engineering Bodies to organize professional

activities like seminars, workshops, refresher courses, and

conferences in collaboration with Pakistan Engineering

Council. UIT has got a well developed program of

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) that organizes

such events and courses for PEC Registered Engineers.

Research and Consultancy

The Institute encourages the faculty to undertake research

and consultancy projects that meets the industry needs and

facilities are provided for this purpose based on this work

faculty can publish papers and interpret theoretical

concepts in the light of practical realities.

Alumni Association

UIT’s Alumni are the most important manifestation of UIT's

quality of education and training. Alumni are making their

mark on society wherever they go; within the country or

abroad and in this way UIT’s reputation is enhanced.

Alumni represent a platform for sharing knowledge,

resources and ideas for positive impact amongst the UIT’s

undergraduates in particular and society in general.

An Official Alumni Association is working with the

collaboration of Industrial Liaison Department (ILD). This

Association organizes seminars to offer industrial exposure

to students. Also, the association members stay connected

with the UIT’s undergraduate students. This Association also

help in offering internships, job placements, FYP’s and

industrial visits for the students.

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Industry–Academia Linkages


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Students’ Regulations & Behaviour


Students’ Regulations &

BehaviourA high standard of decency and discipline is expected

from UIT’s students. The Institute demands a high

standard of behaviour from its students in their manners,

demeanour, speech and action. They are expected to be

pleasant, soft spoken, neatly and smartly dressed at the

institute specially during classes, labs, seminars co-

curricular activities etc.

Disorderly behaviour during examinations or in any other

situations may result in irrevocable dismissal from the

Institute. Disciplinary Committee consisting of senior

faculty decides all discipline related issues and awards

appropriate punishment including fines, suspension from

classes, dismissal and rustication from the Institution.

The following list gives some of the rules and regulations:

1 All students shall confirm to the rules and regulations of

the institute.

2 Breach of rules, misconduct, irregularity in time keeping,

lack or un-reasonable progress in studies, etc., will

render a student liable to disciplinary action including

expulsion or rustication from the Institute.

3 Students who abstain themselves (for seven days at a

stretch without notice) either from lectures or from

laboratory work will not be allowed to resume their study

until satisfactory explanation is submitted and


4 A student desirous of leaving the Institute must apply in

writing and such application must be countersigned by

the student’s parent or guardian. Admission once

cancelled shall not be restored.

5 Students may be permitted to form or carry on only

such associations or clubs as are provided under the

Rules. Such associations or clubs must be open for all

the students regardless of religion, sex, cast, province,

sect, community or political leaning. In no

circumstances will any association, the object or

membership of which is directly or indirectly sectarian,

ethnic or political, be permitted. No member of the

association or club can invite any outsider in Institute

without prior permission in writing from the Director

Academic Administration.

6 No functions are permitted to be held by the students

in the Institute without prior permission in writing from

the Director.

7 The following among others, shall constitute acts of

indiscipline for which action may be taken against the

student or students:

i Involvement in any political/

ethnic/religious/sectarian activities or disputes

within Institute premises.

ii Creating law and order situation in the Institute


iii Threatening /pressurising student, faculty and/or

officers of the Institute inside or outside the Institute


iv Damaging or destroying Institute property.

v Teasing or harassing or molesting of students inside

or outside the Campus especially the opposite


vi Creating disturbances in class rooms, laboratories

or any place on the campus.

vii Exerting any external political or any other pressure

for getting favourable decisions such as, but not

limited, to passing examinations, exemption from

attendance or any other purpose.

Note: Indulgence in any of the above acts, can result in

appropriate disciplinary action which may include

any of the following:

a Warning letter

b Fines, upto maximum amount of Rs. 10,000

c Suspension from class for a specified period,

which may include full semester duration

d Expulsion from the institute

Every student must carry Identity Card which may

be demanded at the time of entrance to every


Duplicate Identity Card will be issued on written

request on the prescribed form after payment of

Rs. 200.

Note: Director’s decision in all matters shall be final.

Leave of Absence

• Under exceptional circumstances, students may apply

for leave of absence to the Head of the Department who

may sanction such leave for short periods. The grant of

such leaves will not be acceptable as a plea for not

attaining the required percentage of attendance.

• No student is eligible to sit for the Examination unless

he/she has at least 75% attendance at the Theory,

Laboratory and Practical classes.

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Events & Achievements


Final Year ProjectsWinners at SENTEC'15 (NED University)

Android Controlled Smart Wheelchair for Physically Handicapped 





HMI Based PLC Controlled Automated Cylindrical Dryers

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Self-Balancing Two Wheeled Robot with Variable Weights

Final Year ProjectsWinners at Geeks '16 (Bahria University)

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Events & Achievements


Final Year Projects

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Final Year Projects

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Events & Achievements


Industrial Visit to K-Electric

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Usman Institute of Technology


Industrial Visit to Pakistan Cables

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Events & Achievements


Seminar / Workshops

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Usman Institute of Technology


Seminar / Workshops

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Events & Achievements


Seminar / Workshops

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Events & Achievements


PEC Visit

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Events & Achievements



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Usman Institute of Technology


Blood Donation Camp

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Events & Achievements


Orientation Program

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Usman Institute of Technology


Women’s Day

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Events & Achievements


Speech Competition

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Usman Institute of Technology


Student’s Week

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Events & Achievements


Student’s Week

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Usman Institute of Technology


Student’s Week

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Events & Achievements


Farewell Party – Batch 2012

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Usman Institute of Technology


Farewell Party – Batch 2012

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Events & Achievements


Farewell Party – Batch 2012

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