Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, On Sunday, September 14, Pastor Gloria Dovre, assistant to the bishop, will be at Swedesburg to lead worship and preach. I will have the opportunity to be the assisting minister that day. After worship, the whole congregation is invited over to the Parish Hall for a meal of sloppy joes, provided by the Evangelism Committee. Following lunch, Pastor Dovre will lead a retreat that will help us look to the future as a congregation. There will be a time in the retreat for committees to meet together and talk about how that particular group can help us as a church to look out beyond ourselves. If you are not on a committee you are invited to sit in on one that might hold special interest for you, or get together in a group to look at our church as a whole. Newsletter- September

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

On Sunday, September 14, Pastor Gloria Dovre, assistant to the bishop, will be at Swedesburg to lead worship and preach. I will have the opportunity to be the assisting minister that day.

After worship, the whole congregation is invited over to the Parish Hall for a meal of sloppy joes, provided by the Evangelism Committee. Following lunch, Pastor Dovre will lead a retreat that will help us look to the future as a congregation. There will be a time in the retreat for committees to meet together and talk about how that particular group can help us as a church to look out beyond ourselves. If you are not on a committee you are invited to sit in on one that might hold special interest for you, or get together in a group to look at our church as a whole.

I hope and pray that you will take the time in your schedule to be a part of this process. It is always good to look at ourselves, praying for God’s guidance for our future direction.

You are also invited to join a small group as we read and discuss the book Unbinding your Soul. While we especially encourage our

Newsletter- September 2014

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leaders to be a part of this four week study, all of you are more than welcome to join us on Wednesday evenings, September 10 through October 1, from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall.Sunday, September 21, will be another special day, as we welcome Philip Latessa, the Executive Director of Empower Tanzania. This is a group with lots of Iowa connections that works in Tanzania to help with economic development. Mr. Latessa will bring our message that day, helping us to see how we can connect in a real way with our companion congregation in Ngaeni. He will be available after worship at the Parish Hall for any questions you might have about Tanzania.

I hope you will come over to the Parish Hall after worship for a meal. The Tanzania Companion Coordinators will provide the meat and drink; you are invited to bring side dishes, salads and desserts.

Following the dinner, we will have an auction to raise funds to help send some of our members over to Tanzania to visit our companion congregation, the Pare Diocese office, and get better acquainted with the country. This trip will take place in December. Please keep these travelers and our companion congregation in your prayers.

It was so exciting a few weeks ago to get an email from the new pastor at Ngaeni. Pastor

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Elisa Mrutu seems very enthusiastic to renew our relationship, and is the first pastor there to contact us in this way. It is a goal of the Tanzania Companion Coordinators to provide the way for Ngaeni’s pastor to come to Swedesburg during our 150th anniversary year.

Love in Christ,

Pastor MarkFall Worship Schedule

Sundays in September: 8:30 a.m. Confirmation beginning September 14 9:00 a.m. Sunday School10:00 a.m. Worship

September 7 Rally Sunday and Congregational MeetingSeptember 14 Retreat – everyone invited and

encouraged to attendSeptember 21 Tanzania Potluck and Auction FundraiserSeptember 28 CROP Sunday Drive

150th ANNIVERSARY UPDATEOur 150th Anniversary Steering Committee has been finalized as follows: Dawn Bodenham, co-chair; Randy Morgan, co-chair; Julie Ostby, secretary; and members Vicky Bergstrom, Johanna Crawford, Art Lauer, Ralph

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Sandeen, Darrell Smith, Gail Smith, Tom Wenstrand, Shelly Wickham, Keith Zihlman and Pastor Mark.

We have finalized the dates for a three day event starting Friday, June 17 continuing through Sunday, June 19, 2016. The Steering Committee members and the dates are the only two items which have been finalized.

Committees are: Media/Publicity; Historical; Worship/Programs/Music; Food; Games/Saturday Afternoon Fun; Interiors; and Capital Campaign.

The 150th anniversary committee is requesting assistance with the committees set up for the 150th anniversary celebration. If you can help out in any way, please sign up on the sheets in the entryway (narthex). There are 7 different committees for you to choose from, pick as many as you are able.

One committee which will be quite active in the near term is Interiors. There are multiple decisions to be made concerning details of refurbishments in the lower level of the Church and in the Parish Hall.

Working with the Parish/Property Improvement committee, it is the intent to have an idea of the size and scope of improvements and related costs by the end of August. There will be an SELC congregational meeting Sunday, September 7, to discuss these plans and to vote on an overall plan with priorities. Now, in September, there may not be any projects finalized with one possible exception. Most likely, we will have a firm proposal about the replacement of the church roof. Most of the projects will be preliminary plans with rough ideas of cost. The meeting has two

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purposes: 1. To vote on any projects which have been fully developed; 2. To vote whether or not to proceed to finalize plans on other projects—subject to what we are willing to spend from current funds available and subject to what is realized with our fund raising efforts. If the congregation in September is favorable towards these projects, then we will proceed with fund raising. The intent is getting a fairly well defined sense of direction in September so we know where to spend the time, effort and energy to finalize plans. None of these projects will proceed without formal congregational approval. We most likely can vote on more finalized plans at our annual meeting in January, 2015.

Some 150th anniversary event decisions will be finalized in the near term weeks and months. Some decisions will not be decided until well into the year 2016. We will make our best efforts to keep the congregation informed with this added thought—the best way to be informed is to get involved!

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Radio Sponsorship

The Evangelism Committee has made the decision to start broadcasting our worship service on KILJ in September. We will take our taped hour worship service, and edit it to a half hour program to be aired the following Sunday on the FM station at 11:30. The cost is $50 per week. You may sign up for a whole week at $50 or you may sign up for partial sponsorship at $25. Please sign up in the narthex (entryway).

Congregation Council and Church Finance Notes

The Council met on Thursday, August 21, 2014. The next regular Council meeting will be Thursday, September 18, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.

Financial Report 2014 General Fund Activity (as of August 26, 2014)

Gifts $129,625.95Ministry Expenses $124,159.69Mission Support $7,235.51Net Income ($1,759.25)

Swedesburg Women of the ELCA

WELCA Calendar of EventsWednesday, September 24

Rachel Group meets 9:15 a.m.Lynn Graf, Hostess

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Phyllis Shadley, Study LeaderMary/Martha Circle meets 2:00 p.m.

Mary Hookum, Hostess

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Outdoor Worship will be held September 7 at 10:00 a.m. There will be a potluck dinner following the service. Hot dogs and drinks will be furnished. This will be a Thrivent** supported event. We will collect a free will offering. The offering, in addition to the amount contributed by Thrivent, will go to our college students. Please bring a dish to share. Chairs will be set up but as in the past, you are welcome to bring your favorite lawn chair.

**Families of college students, contact the church office before noon on September 5 to let us know if the student in your family would like to benefit from the fundraising efforts, with the money to be used to help pay for college books or other educational supplies. Call Mary at 319-254-2216 or email [email protected].

Christian Education

September means back to school and that means Sunday School! Regular Sunday School and Confirmation classes will begin on September 14th. Confirmation students will meet at 8:30 a.m., while elementary and preschool students will meet from 9:00 - 9:50 a.m. We'll be using the Kids Own Worship curriculum again. This will be our second year of a three-year sequence that covers most of the Bible. This month we're back to the Old Testament, studying from the book of Genesis. Once a month we'll take a break from Kids Own Worship for a fellowship and fun Sunday. On these Sundays, we'll dig deep into a special topic or activity. It's going to be a great year!

The schedule for September / October: September 7th - Rally Sunday! Meet at the

parish hall at 9 a.m. We'll be doing "God Work,

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Our Hands" projects- making placements for Congregate Meals in Winfield, and a nice flower keepsake for giving to someone special. We'll end our activities with the traditional balloon launch to kick off a great new year!

September 14 - Lesson: God Creates Adam & Eve

September 21 - TANZANIA SUNDAY with a guest speaker, special music and more!

September 28 - Lesson: Adam & Eve Sin October 5 - Lesson: Cain & Abel October 12 - Lesson: Noah Builds the Ark October 19 - FALL FESTIVITIES we’ll be making

some autumn goodies to give away! Then join us Sunday afternoon at Harvestville Farm in Donnellson!

October 26 - Lesson: Tower at Babel

Looking forward, we've set the date for the youth Christmas Program on December 14th, with a rehearsal and pizza party Saturday, December 13th.

Finally, anyone interested in helping with Christian Education, please contact Emily Kann. Extra hands are always "handy"!

LWR School Kits

School days will soon be here so we need your help filling school bags for Lutheran World Relief. Through LWR we can reach out to those in need. To the children who receive school kits, these supplies mean the difference between getting an education or not. Our local WELCA purchases the school bags for these supplies. All items should be new and in good condition. A box will be set up in the narthex (entryway) for these supplies. Items that are needed include:

4 70 sheet notebooks, wide or college ruled (8” x 10 1/2”),

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1 30 centimeter ruler or a ruler with centimeters on one side and inches on the other,

5 black or blue ballpoint pens, (no gel pens) secured with a rubber band

5 unsharpened #2 pencils with erasers, secured with a rubber band

1 box of 16 or 24 crayons1 2 ½” eraser1 pencil sharpener1 blunt pair of scissors

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Blood Drive

The Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center will be in Swedesburg on Tuesday, September 2 at the Parish Hall, 201 Academy Avenue. To donate blood, contact MVRBC at 800-747-5401, ext. 1281 or visit www.bloodcenterimpact.org. Please eat before donating and bring photo identification.

Tanzania Companion Coordinators

Pastor Mark and his wife, Pastor Connie Spitzack had a pulpit exchange on Sunday, August 17. Pastor Connie, who has been to Tanzania, also met with the congregation after church to talk about youth involvement in the church in Tanzania.

There will be a potluck fundraiser on September 21 after Worship at the Parish Hall. It will include a potluck, where the coordinators will provide the meat, asking the congregation to bring salads and desserts. An auction of donated items will happen at the fundraiser.

Altar Flowers

There are openings for altar flowers on September 21 and 28. If you can help beautify the sanctuary by providing flowers for the altar, you may sign up in the narthex (entryway) or contact Mary in the church office at 254-2216. Thank you for your assistance!


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Put Sunday, October 5 on your calendar as the day that the Evangelism Committee hosts a hayride for the church and Swedesburg community. Meet at the parish hall for the rides from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., as well as enjoying roasting hot dogs over a bonfire.

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2014 Fall Theological Conference

Pastor Mark will be attending the Southeastern Iowa Synod Fall Theological Conference, September 28-30, 2014 at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Davenport.

This annual event provides opportunity for leaders to gather together for three days of fellowship, learning, and dialogue with one another. The theme for this year's conference is "Speaking with Greater Boldness: Public Witness on the Model of Philippians.

Led by the Spirit: Together in Conversation

Join Bishop Michael Burk as he leads a time of conversation focused on creating a deeper understanding of what it means to walk together as we are Led by the Spirit to fulfill the mission of Christ’s church. In addition to time in a large group setting, each gathering will also provide opportunity for congregations within each conference to engage with one another, form connections, and make decisions. Each conference is responsible for nominations and elections to the synod council, Churchwide Assembly in August 2016, and other committees. This event combines the annual conference assembly and The Evening with the Bishop from prior years.

Who: All members of the Southeastern Iowa SynodWhat: Time for conversation, listening, and relationship building

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When: Tuesday, September 16 6:00-8:00 p.m.Where: Peace Lutheran Church, West Burlington

SELC is in need of a representative to attend on our behalf. If you are interested in being the representative for SELC, please contact Pastor Mark.



The WACO CROP Drive has existed since 1967. The total collection for the WACO CROP Drive 2013 was $33,012.76. What a wonderful way to help those around the world with many needs. Out 2014 goal to be collected in the WACO district is $33,500.00.

CROP SUNDAY is September 28, 2014. You may also give to CROP through SELC’s Sunday offerings throughout October by making checks payable to “WACO CROP Drive” or noting “CROP” on the envelope. The CROP DRIVE ends November 1. CROP operates under the Church World Service organization. See www.churchworldservice.org for more information. Gary Anderson is our local CROP canvasser.

Additional 2014 Vacation Bible School Pictures

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Additional 2014 Vacation Bible School Pictures

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Additional 2014 Vacation Bible School Pictures

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Additional 2014 Vacation Bible School Pictures

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Additional 2014 Vacation Bible School Pictures

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Direct Support Professionals Week

Do you know someone who is a caregiver to a loved one? It is often both a demanding and meaningful role. At LSI, nearly half of our staff statewide serve in a direct care role, whether it’s providing support or respite to a person with an intellectual disability or providing care for the children and youth who live on our Beloit and Bremwood residential treatment campuses.

During September’s National Direct Support Professionals Week, we celebrate all the ways in which these professionals help children and adults achieve their goals and build meaningful lives. Sometimes that means helping an adult with a disability live on his own for the first time. Other times it means helping a child who was sexually abused have a safe, caring environment in which to heal. Your prayers and support of LSI open up so many new possibilities for children, families and adults!LSI is proud to be an affiliated social ministry organization of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Learn more at www.LSIowa.org and www.facebook.com/LSI.iowa.

“LSI is a lifesaver”

Just going grocery shopping used to be a difficult task for Scott, who has autism. However, today Scott’s future is full of new possibilities. The changes, said Scott’s mom Karen, are partly because LSI took the time to know her son.

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“LSI has done a great job just getting to know Scott and understanding him,” Karen said. “They’ve just done phenomenal things with him. The staff all treats him like their own. The doors are just opening up right and left for him. We’ve seen him do things we never thought he would be able to do.”Scott’s family can now spend more time with him in the community. “Before it was hard to take him along to do things for fear of not knowing what would happen,” she said. “Now it’s just ‘C’mon, Scott, let’s go!”

“LSI is a lifesaver,” Karen added. “I don’t know what I’d do without them. It’s been wonderful. Scott has grown as an individual, and we just can’t thank people enough.” As Scott grows, Karen said her ultimate goal for Scott remains the same.

“I just want to see him as independent and happy as he can be,” she said. “Nothing makes you happier than to see a smile on his face.”See more stories, past and present, at LSI’s anniversary website at www.LSIowa.org/150.

October Newsletter Deadline

The deadline to have your items listed in the October newsletter is Friday, September 19 at noon. Submit any item to Mary McLerran in the church office at 254-2216 or email the office at [email protected] before noon.

Federal Privacy Laws Reminder

Remember that if you are hospitalized our church is usually NOT contacted by the hospital. Because of Federal Privacy Laws (HIPPA), if you or a member of your family are hospitalized, and would like Pastor

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Mark to visit, the church member or family must contact the church and let us know. Please let the church office know. You can reach the church office at (319) 254-2216.

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BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTKaci, Nikki, and Brooklyn Chacon welcomed Kenna Nicoleborn July 31, 2014. Kenna weighed 6.9 lbs. and was 19.5 inches long. Grandparents are Chris and Randy Morgan. Congratulations!

BAPTISMS:Angelina EvaMarie Martinez, whose parents are Nicholas Soderquist and Tina (Czyz) Martinez was baptized August 3, 2014. Sponsors are Joseph LaBarbera and Stephanie Hummell.Anissa AnnMarie Martinez, whose parents are Nicholas Soderquist and Tina (Czyz) Martinez was baptized August 3, 2014. Sponsors are Joseph LaBarbera and Stephanie Hummell.Anthony Stephen Kemp-LaBarbera, whose parents are Joseph M. LaBarbera and Stephanie L. Hummell was baptized August 3, 2014. Sponsors are Billy Kenny and Tina Martinez.Michael Joseph LaBarbera, whose father is Joseph LaBarbera was baptized August 3, 2014. Sponsors are John A. Flores and Carrie L. Flores.Delaney Mariah Smith was baptized August 10, 2014. Her parents are Adam and Brooke (Ellis) Smith. Sponsors are Brandon Ellis and Natalie VanSickle.Lincoln Marcus Burnham was baptized August 31, 2014. His parents are Kyle and Ann Burnham. Sponsor is Adam Graber.

PRAY FOR:ELCA missionaries Rev. Brian and Christine Palmer in Liberia.Rev. Elisa Mrutu and people of Ngaeni Lutheran Parish, our partner congregation in Tanzania.friends and loved ones experiencing health concerns.


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to all the volunteers that assisted with the successful Churchmen’s Meal and Ice Cream Social.to Jennifer Wagner for her years of dedication to this congregation as our music director. to Connie Spitzack for worshipping with us on August 17 and discussing how youth are involved in the church in Tanzania.to all the volunteers who are willing to give their time and talents to the 150th Anniversary committees.

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1897 140th StreetP. O. Box 88Swedesburg, IA 52652


September 7 Rally Sunday with Lunch and Congregational meetingSeptember 14 Retreat for allSeptember 21 Tanzania Potluck and auctionSeptember 28 CROP Sunday

Worship begins at 10 a.m. Join us!

Handicapped accessible. website: www.swedesburglutheran.orgemail: [email protected]