Amnesty International Salisbury Group Minutes of the Monthly Meeting on Thursday 8 th November 2018 7.30 pm 24 Atwood Road 1 Chairman’s Welcome Present: Andrew, Fiona, Ria, Eddie, Peter and Lesley Apologies: Tony, Farha, Michael S AH 2 Minutes of previous Meeting – These were agreed. LC 3 Treasurer’s Report – None was received. MP 4 Campaign Reports Death Penalty Please see the Salisbury Group Website www.salisburyai.com for the full international update covering the USA, Malaysia, Japan, the UK, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Pakistan, Germany and Israel. Of particular note: The Pakistan Supreme Court struck down the death sentence for blasphemy imposed on Asia Bibi, who had been on death row for 9 years, with 8 in solitary confinement. This resulted in country-wide protests and calls for the death penalty for the Judges, together with fears for the safety of Asia and her family. An Independent Councillor for Teesside and an MP in Lincolnshire have called for the reinstatement of the death penalty in the UK. The Cabinet in Malaysia have agreed to abolish the death penalty and to halt all pending executions. The proposal will now be discussed by the Government. More than 1,200 LC 1 | Page

salisburyai.files.wordpress.com  · Web view11/11/2018 · RH will be attending and will try to include workshops relevant to the Group’s current campaigns.. Write for Rights –

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Page 1: salisburyai.files.wordpress.com  · Web view11/11/2018 · RH will be attending and will try to include workshops relevant to the Group’s current campaigns.. Write for Rights –

Amnesty International Salisbury Group

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting on Thursday 8th November 20187.30 pm 24 Atwood Road

1 Chairman’s WelcomePresent: Andrew, Fiona, Ria, Eddie, Peter and LesleyApologies: Tony, Farha, Michael S


2 Minutes of previous Meeting – These were agreed. LC

3 Treasurer’s Report – None was received. MP

4 Campaign Reports

Death Penalty

Please see the Salisbury Group Website www.salisburyai.com for the full international update covering the USA, Malaysia, Japan, the UK, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Pakistan, Germany and Israel.

Of particular note:

The Pakistan Supreme Court struck down the death sentence for blasphemy imposed on Asia Bibi, who had been on death row for 9 years, with 8 in solitary confinement. This resulted in country-wide protests and calls for the death penalty for the Judges, together with fears for the safety of Asia and her family.

An Independent Councillor for Teesside and an MP in Lincolnshire have called for the reinstatement of the death penalty in the UK.

The Cabinet in Malaysia have agreed to abolish the death penalty and to halt all pending executions. The proposal will now be discussed by the Government. More than 1,200 prisoners are currently on death row.

A new film is currently inspiring conversations about the death penalty across Japan. The film focuses on conversations between a Prison Chaplain and six prisoners on death row. The script is based on interviews with Chaplains, former prison officials and others.

In Missouri, Brett Kavanaugh, controversially appointed Supreme Court Justice, may hold the key vote in the case of Russell Bucklew, who has challenged his execution by lethal


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injection on the grounds that his medical condition could result in severe pain. Kavanaugh has asked whether there are legal limits on the amount of pain suffered before making his decision. Note: Prisoners on death row who challenge their method of execution are legally obliged to offer an alternative.

Urgent ActionsDate format day/month/year

USA – Tennessee – UA 183/18 – Edmund Zagorsky, who had been on death row for over 30 years after allegedly receiving ineffective council, was scheduled to be executed on 11th October. As Tennessee has a new three-drug lethal injection protocol, a temporary stay of execution was granted to allow for the necessary preparations to be carried out. From 21st October, Mr Zagorsky was at imminent risk of execution. (Circulated to DPLWG 15.10.18.) Information was received from AIUK that Mr Zagorski’s execution date had been set for 1st Nov. (Circulated to DPLWG 23.10.18)The execution took place on 1st November.

Egypt – An email action was received from Reprieve with a petition calling on the Egyptian Government to stop sentencing children to death in mass trials. (Circulated to DPLWG 16.10.18.)

There is no Group Death Penalty Urgent Action this month. In its place the Group will take action on behalf of Trân Thi Nga, the Human Rights Defender


World Day Against the Death Penalty

The above photo and message below were received from the Anti-

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Death Penalty Group.

Thank you to everyone who took part in this Action.

‘On World Day Against the Death Penalty, activists from the Anti-Death Penalty Project delivered 2 spectacular, 6-foot tall bamboo plants to the Embassy in Japan. The plants were covered in hundreds and hundreds of your wishes for an end to the death penalty, and the release of Matsumoto Kenji, who is on death row despite severe mental disabilities.

The Embassy accepted delivery of thousands more of your messages, as well as a letter calling for Matsumoto’s release, the partner of which was delivered to Embassies around the world by Amnesty sections.

A huge thank you to the thousands of you who acted for Matsumoto, and to urge Japan to bring the world a step closer to freedom from the death penalty.’

North Korea

None was received.

RW has emailed Connect North Korea proposing a visit, and is awaiting their response. She has also joined their Facebook page.


The Group agreed the Vigil should be deferred until the New Year.

Daniel Trilling’s Talk ‘Exile and Refuge on the Borders of Europe’ will take place at the Salisbury

Methodist Church at 7.30 pm on Monday 10th December – Human Rights Day. The Group will circulate posters advertising the event. Cards will be available to sign for Nonhle Mbuthuma and Geraldine Chacón. (Note: PC had approached Waterstones regarding the possibility of a book-signing. They would have been happy to do so in principle, but the event was too close to Christmas.)

RW has joined the closed Facebook group Wiltshire for Refugees, which is campaigning for more non-accompanied children to be allowed to come to the UK

Planning will take place early next year in readiness for Refugee Week, which takes place from 17th-23rd June.



5 Social Media Report - Web and other media statistics, October 2018 PC

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A quieter month in October after the record month in September. Facebook has declined again this month from being the main source of interest.

Web siteThe figures are: Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct 186 198 216 207 305 486 193

ViewsAll time: 12,044

Top four country views:October

UK 61

USA 56Germany 9France 6

It is also worth mentioning that we had 4 views from China.

Top posts:1. Government loses the surveillance case 2. Case against human rights. This has now received 122

all-time views3. Events in Salisbury


A quieter month following the record number of impressions last month. Impressions:

April May June July Aug Sept Oct

2138 1420 3543 4493 2824 17k 1310

The top tweet was the announcement of the Trilling talk in December. We have 145 followers.

FacebookA further drop in interest on this platform this month. Up till now, Facebook has been performing strongly and we have seen a steady increase in the reach. This month it plunged to 70 down from 95 last time. Whether this is just a blip or represents a problem that Facebook is having over its data handling remains to be seen.

The post about future events was the one which attracted attention

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An increase in the Tumblr statistics and we now have 9 followers. This is the first time we have seen any activity on this platform for some months. 17 are following

YouTube & Flickr

Total views of the North Korea video stands at 2000. Views on Flickr have gone past 5000 and 976 views of the still image.

Group Web site: www.salisburyai.com Twitter: www.twitter.com/salisburyai

Facebook: www.facebook.com/salisburyai

Tumblr: www.salisburyai.tumblr.com

Content always welcome!

6 Citizenship Day

Technical problems had been an issue, but the sessions were well received – in particular the music video about refugees.

A meeting is to be held to review and update the programme.

No responses had been received from the other Schools and Colleges which had been contacted.


7 Human Rights Act

It was noted that the meeting was being held on the 20th Anniversary of the UK Human Rights Act. AH was congratulated on his letter celebrating the Act in the Salisbury Journal.


8 Monthly Action

Groups are invited to take action on behalf of Seyi Akiwowo, a Women’s Rights activist who has been abused on line.

The National Conference and AGM 2019 will take place in Nottingham on 13th-14th April. Booking opened on 1st November. RH will be attending and will try to include workshops relevant to the Group’s current campaigns..

Write for Rights – AH will respond to the request for Groups to write to their MP, and will contact John Glen asking him to drop in to Amnesty’s Annual Human Rights Day reception on 12th


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December at Speakers House, and to take action on some of our cases.

9 Christmas Tree Festival – St Thomas’s Church – 3rd-10th December

A workshop to produce themed decorations will take place at Great Durnford at 10.00 am on Monday 12th November

PC will arrange for the tree to be PAT tested. AH and FD will arrange for the tree to be erected on 3rd

December P and LC will collect the tree on 10th December.


10 Write for Rights

The Christmas Card signing will take place in the Library Passageway from 9.00 am to 12.00 mid-day on Saturday 10th December. Cards will be available for 4 women:

Geraldine Chacón – Venezuela Nonhle Mbuthuma – South Africa Atena Daemi – Iran Nawal Benaissa – Morocco.

JP will provide the cards, and will be asked to provide the tables. AH will produce a rota.


11 Carol Singing

This will take place on the evening of Tuesday 18th December. Those able to help are asked to be at 24 Victoria Road at 6.30 pm.


12 AOB

RH advised the Group that she will be following the online course ‘Make Your Schools Human Rights Friendly’.


13 Forthcoming Events

● Christmas Tree Festival – 3rd-10th December

● Daniel Trilling - Human Rights Day Speaker – 10th December

● Write for Rights/Greetings Cards Stall - 15th December

● Exhibition of Refugee Photographs – January 2019 – TBC

● Refugee Vigil – to be re-arranged in the New Year


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● Arts Centre Film – 8th March 2019

● Market Stall – 8th June 2019

Next Meeting: Thursday 13th December 2018 Time: 7.30 pm Venue: 4 Victoria Road

www.salisburyai.com www.twitter.com/salisburyaiCampaign box and banner:

Should you wish no longer to receive Minutes of meetings, or other communications from the Group, please let us know by emailing our Group Secretary at [email protected]

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