R A 45-foot :hes’ 40’-fool cl~ss sloop (NY ,2 ,, Wilfred (’Foot) Ohio.: E. F. 1 roche has won the Mack- 40-foot CtHler. veteran 02[ times, has been handled all Rochester Races, 2nd ira, her class by Gmeiner for 11 years, and is ac- d Heaa, Grosse at l.,ake Erie’s huge Put-in-Bay Re- knowledged to be oae of the most bert B. Pingree’s 60-foe galta last season. ~itart. dangerous racers on the lakes, end ira elapsed time in ................... [Mills Trophy) race, and third il! The race is a Pc|tel. Olcott: A 5-year- elapsed and fourth in corrected time I ~0rmagnetit willf°rsettlethe the q, yawl handled by Charles 1 the Po ’t Hu "on-Mak nac Pingrce ¯ , ¯ - p ¯ lel a veteran, has raced 10 Mackinacs, the giant blue yawl Escapade of A Ha’r sea of Iock m t The Pet ..... ’:’ i Det’o t can t e down one of the fat- was 61h in her class in the last Bet- Her number is 48, le,~t grand-slams ira Great Lakes muda race: sailed three St. Peters- Blue Sea 4lh,, Rochester’ Y. C.: burg-Hawma races, but showed her Vincent J. Mt Ive3,’s 44-f0ot yawl, es- ya’chting history. Escapade.ah’eady speed best in a sizzling sat of 5~A. [ has won the Mills trophy race for days from Miami to New York. Has pecially groomed for" this year’s Lake E’rie’s distance title: aid both 1<-18 on sail. race. and a veteran of the first Roch- the Chicago-lvlackinac and the Pt. Desire, Rocheslcr Y. C- A 42- esler race. Huron-Mackinac. ’" Jack, Yet ’igstown Y. C. and RYC: One naulical barrier the fabulmis foot yawl handled by Bob Brktges, The 37-fool ,lack. a converted 6- I "Eskie" musl hurclle is the defending Kodak Park architectural engineer, meter, is the haby of the fleet! ct£am ’enture 3rd 0[7 Rochester den[if ted with Y-52, and all all-Owned by Ken lqamilton, it is be- Kodak Park crew. "Yachl Club, a ing handled by Hamillon and Her~ Sashay, Youngstown Y. C.: Elmer Wahl 02[ RYC and racing under the 52 - foot dream I, (P, ud) Do3,1e’s 40-foot Owens cut- burgees 02[ both clubs. yawl handled by G e o r g e Ford ler. Do3,1e lost the tasl Free/nan Cup Skookum 3rd, Rochesler g. C’.: to Ford and Venture 3rd 133, barely Commodore F. Rifler Shumway’s 63- whichlose ahaSdistanceYet tO mac minute and 17 seconds; in three foot schooner. She has 110 on her years Sas.lt’i/y has well her cla~s ira sails. race in the two the Canadian Nalional Exhibition Heron, Royal Canadian ¥. C.: years since it left and Royal Canadian Yacht Club Flarry D. Greb’s 52-foot schooner.. the shipbuilder’s regallas. She is consklered one of - ways. Also. the the lastesl 40-footers on the lakcs. race tames on Her mrmber is 129. an almost leg- Sweel Chm’iod, Youngstown Y. C.: cndary running C. J.(Chuck) Spaukling’s 52-footizut- fight belwecn ter (number 270 on sail). German- GEORI-dE Escapade and designed and buih in Holland ca- FORD the big, black lirely of teak. The Chariol took and veautiful Kittyhawk 02[ Cleve-fom’th in Ihe one famous Fastest land. race off the Coasl of England ,Thumbnail descriplions: Spaulding has shorlcned canwls to %:eniure 3rd, RYC: Smiled by comply with Cruising Chlb of Amer- George Ford with a crt:w of 10 in- ica rules, and is hoping for" heavy cluding his wife: 52-foot yawl. Free weather. man Cup winner last year" and this Ben Bow, Grosse PI., Mich.,:[ victor in last year’s sm’te’ (335-Geo’ge A B ss’ 56- . schoole" _"_ ,,,,_ \»., _, ,.,5 _ >f,:">f 1 2 ti 1 \ »' trti , »_ " it ' _ - _ _ I , ,, C Q »' "A J w § :V` "_` `;_` ,',V,` VV" ' V'>V >," . ii A C »»~ .». » »¢ A Q i_i, V~ ii.ct v * ' `l ` ;' » `»` » _ `\§ » » » . f » _f¢>1=fZ~faw= J P*mmf4 tr_» Y _ 1__a mf 4 tr_» _ 1 a .ah » ~ » ~ t.stt i 1 _ l ' þÿ";ziSi> ¬t¢¢n1__ _ fasiheésriisiliek; .~»~ yact1,tS»;j111T\1¢)_ ¥ll{<>¢1>¢S*¢" like" , _ *W'1Pl?> »" et! *' I C50 ,V .E thang'thaw;rh¢_.*_a'1rtehse¢.atr;oaa1 ¢lenSi¢d";t1mf=ss0f A45 11011155-f 581 m»m11¢s < .i3»9Ff;fW??P"$~;»C=#*T1*5F$_`fYl>15<5f?f°F' .mf n " 7 rrieinz '¥*',5l'15?'!l_ "%' j"f` 1- \' = ',` 1 _ ' f= ,», ~% han§ti¢=1_v*S#iittart§§<:1,z\s§i$;;;f¥2%§.%tIti$saairsaé 1f*f;Es¢ai»:\<|q;1;BHvri¢wfY~ Detroit# c 1 c0wnW~ " i "c/\i'\._ ~rv: . __ - . ~ rv: - þÿt&i§§!\l¢t"1Tl¥#Iiil1?1¥§l'»5f§¢$?U¥?'¢i§;é5X5&,G9?t$l't> ¬Q\=@*°lY.'f> S""¢'ll'YfS°¥'"fW°'tif_ - ~ ` 7 ` < _ I ¥3¥?¥*'ff1 fa11_¢l:féltlNYY§if?c§¥3~»t?f_%'5£¥c>Ef#3ll*1?$.§.f?¥¥33'¥% t<*¢llil=lf'#_H"`<| f»'"Clii4\f\'!-\Y\~r73%.* if T " ` -r -. ~ ' f * 'C 1 » ~ "~f 0 ~ 1 W_`1 . ikeelécentertwoartl_~_ Be'si___,,j_,_¢§E¢gf_1_é§_ ,»_',_ __»" S ,Q '=,,§f' __,,j_,_¢§E¢gf_1_é§_ ,»_',_ __»" S Q '=,,§ f' i§l;al§c_s'freeordt mentionedQal1o,yg,~_,~l3s¢{<~, ~__V 'f i 9' I f iaézrr1Gr1'aiit1.t=<;iaafast;laminaeirsrta1¢a_1#.=as<1¢=t1<»1¢s ft" <»w¢f~» ca11=r'==~\1»=e' 1 f ~ 16 _ ara;.,;, rwrrfiffr<>»~1r==@r ruat-»=<»»\sM.f=¢rnwlif ~ Qriagfratznites ._ ~ . __ = 1 " r»it<\t_¥ii»vt#1ad asffwattt » ==n<133 V, » ~ ~f<fc.fff zogsri/fee 33 V, » ~ ~f < f . fff zogsri/fee þÿstertiittiAittikiFraiifistillitiéffait;5'£I?»§fiti¢SK¢§r=_i_°, ¬>1=ti99'@9l.fifvsdi"fUf°"f1950_"B¢\`mt~flH f Q " kv at '_ :yt "i, M _ , _ »!,r ;>ri ,_ K - ~` ~, ` ' f='S*°1'l'h"11 i ' tisir » » i " " ` ' HMT_»th¢_;@S¢ra_t¢_ltct;bo=1t_refer ,crts ~ 9; z _ '_», ` * ":' _ .~ »: 3 ,V` '~' »' '»`i` " þÿ ?5lI?i¥afl ¬??1f»W§Si"._SC1'at¢l1-§_b§3¥"f§{i§5ith`°.flat! " ' "" ,'~~ ,'J__,` `f_ ig ` þÿ tT ¬¢i*fiit\til=tit"1`§¢¢§}z»fi_ltfiSlt¢Cl_f5.;§t¥lf§,i!tii.,Hilti 4; '"»f'ifi f ` `i" .i._l l . _ . , ' ' is " ' Q 4 ,_.__ þÿ Qtlilhltftli_¢§lg°'l§'L_13f<"?lf ¬':liYl;'i;ESi¢_ait'3¥1§ii'7fQI?*ZiU°iP@l_Vi. `.' . 'lil ' fi' 'rf .R IT fi 6* 'lt ilf i:.b';~*`f ' ' 1 rl r will_fameaabewtf;~s;1;fz¢1ea¢i1~f1zft;¢raa¢.§ it.. t»an¢¢f\2,sUrns.C0tUR$E,.sif5ifi5?'; 5'l'*f°°'t"?"V1Asyf'""'sS="'ff'?tf?. m0m Urns .C0tUR$E,.sif5ifi5?'; 5' l '*f°°' t"? "V 1 syf'""'sS="'ff'?tf?. m 0 m þÿ`I{§i¢BQ"'@li¥li¥l1'| ¬¥l1i _;_', toL_he";¥that`»I§ift_y_hayvkfdocs_ her . ._ . f ,`_' 1:;_;,_'_ ~,,, _V _ _ """""'""`"" RWM"Ci'lPi3i!li~`E7l1;li¥ESl~Y`i`§ll(li`L'Si\\l'Pg`l>¥i$lT=¥inV weather '_', that ,ls a}"m'ite' too' (4548) _V°f°"5" of l*1$t1¥Y,¢3!Jf$_'_R°¢lli V¢l'?""" °f }°"°V'°"5 R°°h¢5F°f ';"°"5= Goti~tnftittee_,(;hait*m`a1t~§~'§l3_ttd ,,," Ciotzsliner1jgt1t»:_`fQr~__Escapade;~_` j_ ester'Race.~l3en,Bow,ba1rnsVto\'»mecl>1n; ~;rl..ndy `Lmden, Rochester Yacht Y ` Th<==t12\1'14d¢' lf>f=\'=\<>i11B 1'11t>°*P'!'°"Yi '2t1iat¢|f¢}'ructt-5iti~svc; A '4~5~l7o/ot *"°_ Ft- L*"""'*S""°'C*'F»¢3"Y» tfM.'_Wf @'","' '*"lh"" M~ 3- H"g"°" 4°'l°"' p~a[{;cu1a',~iy vas _ii rmqvyw outiforxttm ttNeW Y»6l,k,M.%2,; claw ,gimp (NY 5 Nassau ancitbt. tPetershurg~Havana Qwens feuttor. basin _ and througlrtlie§_pic_rs_ to, ont mm 'h~ah~;|lcd_ h5j5¥Wnfl.édj(T066 races, ywtunntng the schooner Ztrophy ~_qf;|,m-0,,_ 5¢m(|uSky_ Ohio; }5_ F_ 1hé_`lRl(6,i5\§/lil bcfa t'are`,o'ne inloeat Gméinci A ,ichc hw won ,hc M.,Ck_ 1" the §"l'{"aP" 1`*\¢¢_,i"'Fl UUSSIUZ 'he Emmons" 40-foot cutter, veteran of §hi§tory. For the' 'henefit__of'g_Qlvez\eli¢ ' ri' " ' overall prxzeby only »6~mirtutes'. i, golers, theqyachts þÿ\\lill=`IlilO_V ¬,» oritbati least ,an hour beforeffthe i3,»}v.;Qfin1. start. f I __ 'j`fl`l1e race is a uniquely powerfulf' magnet for the yachting fraternity, iot' it will settle the question whether the giant hlue yawi 'Escapade of Detroit can tie down Oncol' the fat~ test grand~slarns in Great Lakes yaellting history. Escapadualready has won, the Mills trophy race tor Lake E'rie's distance title; fand both the Chicago ~lvlacl'and~thePt. 'and the Pt. Huron-Macltinac. *One nautical barrier the fabulous "i§st must hurdle is the defending elgitirnp, the Venture 3rd ot Rochester .>»==_»;=,¢.=,__~ Yacht '_Cluh,l `a 52 _ _foot dream Yew] l1""°'l¢'l 'bl' G C 0 T 2 0 FCM 'WF "'"""'"° race ll`l the_ two ,Qi ._,=;. years since itlett the 'shiphuildefs ways. Also, are þÿaQ=E¢=1-§1;j"~E;f*i3§ ¬i§.§i§ ' .-i§i=i¥'"§i`1_f race carries on i'l't_ oy~_ an almost. :cg- ,"' eudary running i§i2§§i§i§fQaiff;2;i§;'l3Qi~;i§§§.=_i3f;'_=Vi l` i g h t between "" "`i" Escapade and FORD the hig, black and oeautiful Kittyhawk of Cleve- land. fflttlmhnail descriptions: ji§Venture 3rd, RYC: Sailcd hy George Ford with a crew of I0 in- cluding his wife: 52>foot'yawl. Free man Cup winner last year and this; victor in last year's shorter (335= inae three times.'l1as~ been handled t»y"omemei~ for ll years, and is ae~ knotvleclgetl to be one of the most dangerous racers on thc lakes. Stormy Petrol, Olcott: A 5-year~ old, 51-foot yawl handled by Charles A. §Harriso,n, ol" Lockport. The Pctrel was 6th in her class in the last Ber- mttda race; sailed three St. Peters- burg-Irlavana races, hut showed her speed hest in a sizzling sail of 5% days from Miami to New York. Has l(-`lX 'on sail. Desire, Rochester Y. C.: A 47.~ foot yawl handlecl hy Bob- Bridges, Kodak Park architectural enginccrf icl_entil`iecl with Y-52, and all all- Koflak Park crew. Sashay, Youngstown Y. C.: Elmer li (Bllfl) þÿD ¬ryle`s 40-foot Owens eut- ter.'Doyle lost the last Freeman Cup to Ford and Venture 3rd by barely one l't"lll'llllC,tlll(l I7 seconds; in three years Sas-ltily has won her class in the Canadian National Exhibition and Royal Canadian Yacht Cluh regattas. She is considered one of the fastest. 4tl-looters on the lakes. Her numher is IZ9, Sweet' Chariot, Youngstown Y. C.: C. .IQ (Chuck)"Spaulding's 52-foot eut- lcr (numhcr 270 on sail), German- dcsigned and huilt in Holland en- tirely ot' teak. The Chariot took fourth in the one famous Fastest race off the Coast of England. Spaulding has sl1ortencd'cunvas to comply with Cruising Cluh of Amer~i ica rules, and is hoping for heavy! weat her. Hen Bow, Grosse Pt., Mich.; (refuge A. Bass 56-lt. schooner Red'Head, G1~ossc`Pt.,ftvt`ich;: _Gilii all Rochester Races, 2nd in her class at Lake Erie's huge Put~in-Bay Re-I bert_B. 7Pingree's 6l)-toobfyawl, sec~"V»gat_ta last season. ond in elapsed time in the Lake Erie "'>"" '~"*""1"""°""*' (Mills Trophy) race, and third ,inx elapsed and fourth in corrected timel in the Port Huron-M_al a veteran, has raced 10 Mackinacsf Her number is 48. Bitte Sea 4th,_Rochestcr Y. C.: Vincent .l. Mulvey's 44-foot yawl, cs- pecially groomed for this year`s race, and a veteran of the first Roch- ester race. Jack, Youngstown Y. C. and RYC: The 37-foot lack, a converted 6-l meter, is the baby of the {leet.t Owned by Ken Hamilton, it is l1c~l ing handlecl hy Hamilton and Herb. Wahl ot? RYC, and racing under the] burgecs of both clubs. l Skookum 3rd, Rochester Y. C.:; Commodore F. Ritter Sl1umway`s 63-' foot schooner. She has 110 on her sails. Heron, Royal Canadian Y. C.:, we D- G"°s_¥>_fS__5?ft<2Qt S°"e°"°"~'

0 f' f Qriagfratznites HMT »th¢ ;@S¢ra t¢ ltct;bo=1t refer 1951... · ya’chting history. Escapade.ah’eady speed best in a sizzling sat of 5~A. [burg-Hawma races, but showed

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Page 1: 0 f' f Qriagfratznites HMT »th¢ ;@S¢ra t¢ ltct;bo=1t refer 1951... · ya’chting history. Escapade.ah’eady speed best in a sizzling sat of 5~A. [burg-Hawma races, but showed

RA 45-foot :hes’ 40’-fool

’ cl~ss sloop (NY ,2,, Wilfred (’Foot) Ohio.: E. F.

1 roche has won the Mack- 40-foot CtHler. veteran 02[times, has been handled all Rochester Races, 2nd ira, her class

by Gmeiner for 11 years, and is ac- d Heaa, Grosse at l.,ake Erie’s huge Put-in-Bay Re-knowledged to be oae of the most bert B. Pingree’s 60-foe galta last season.

~itart. dangerous racers on the lakes, end ira elapsed time in ...................[Mills Trophy) race, and third il!The race is a Pc|tel. Olcott: A 5-year- elapsed and fourth in corrected timeI

~0rmagnetit willf°rsettlethe the q, yawl handled by Charles 1 the Po ’t Hu "on-Mak nac Pingrce¯ , ¯ - p ¯ lel a veteran, has raced 10 Mackinacs,the giant blue yawl Escapade of A Ha’r sea of Iock m t The Pet ..... ’:’ i

Det’o t can t e down one of the fat- was 61h in her class in the last Bet- Her number is 48,le,~t grand-slams ira Great Lakes muda race: sailed three St. Peters- Blue Sea 4lh,, Rochester’ Y. C.:

burg-Hawma races, but showed her Vincent J. Mt Ive3,’s 44-f0ot yawl, es-ya’chting history. Escapade.ah’eady speed best in a sizzling sat of 5~A. [has won the Mills trophy race for days from Miami to New York. Has pecially groomed for" this year’sLake E’rie’s distance title: aid both 1<-18 on sail. race. and a veteran of the first Roch-the Chicago-lvlackinac and the Pt.Desire, Rocheslcr Y. C- A 42- esler race.Huron-Mackinac. ’" Jack, Yet ’igstown Y. C. and RYC:

One naulical barrier the fabulmis foot yawl handled by Bob Brktges, The 37-fool ,lack. a converted 6-I"Eskie" musl hurclle is the defending Kodak Park architectural engineer, meter, is the haby of the fleet!ct£am ’enture 3rd 0[7 Rochester den[if ted with Y-52, and all all-Owned by Ken lqamilton, it is be-Kodak Park crew."Yachl Club, a ing handled by Hamillon and Her~Sashay, Youngstown Y. C.: Elmer Wahl 02[ RYC and racing under the52 - foot dream I, (P, ud) Do3,1e’s 40-foot Owens cut- burgees 02[ both clubs.

yawl handled byG e o r g e Ford ler. Do3,1e lost the tasl Free/nan Cup Skookum 3rd, Rochesler g. C’.:

to Ford and Venture 3rd 133, barely Commodore F. Rifler Shumway’s 63-whichlose ahaSdistanceYet tO mac minute and 17 seconds; in three foot schooner. She has 110 on heryears Sas.lt’i/y has well her cla~s ira sails.race in the two the Canadian Nalional Exhibition Heron, Royal Canadian ¥. C.:

years since it left and Royal Canadian Yacht Club Flarry D. Greb’s 52-foot schooner..the shipbuilder’s regallas. She is consklered one of -ways. Also. the the lastesl 40-footers on the lakcs.race tames on Her mrmber is 129.an almost leg- Sweel Chm’iod, Youngstown Y. C.:cndary running C. J.(Chuck) Spaukling’s 52-footizut-fight belwecn ter (number 270 on sail). German-

GEORI-dE Escapade and designed and buih in Holland ca-FORD the big, black lirely of teak. The Chariol took

and veautiful Kittyhawk 02[ Cleve-fom’th in Ihe one famous Fastestland. race off the Coasl of England,Thumbnail descriplions: Spaulding has shorlcned canwls to%:eniure 3rd, RYC: Smiled by comply with Cruising Chlb of Amer-

George Ford with a crt:w of 10 in- ica rules, and is hoping for" heavycluding his wife: 52-foot yawl. Free weather.man Cup winner last year" and this Ben Bow, Grosse PI., Mich.,:[victor in last year’s sm’te’ (335-Geo’ge A B ss’ 56- . schoole"

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þÿ�`�I�{�§�i�¢�B�Q�"�'�@�l�i�¥�l�i�¥�l�1�'�| ¬�¥�l�1�i _;_',toL_he";¥that`»I§ift_y_hayvkfdocs_ her . __



_ .


f ,`_' 1:;_;,_'_ ~,,,~ _V V _


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` """""'""`""

RWM"Ci'lPi3i!li~`E7l1;li¥ESl~Y`i`§ll(li`L'Si\\l'Pg`l>¥i$lT=¥inV weather'_', that ,ls a}"m'ite' too' (4548) _V°f°"5" of l*1$t1¥Y,¢3!Jf$_'_R°¢lli V¢l'?""" °f }°"°V'°"5 R°°h¢5F°f ';"°"5=Goti~tnftittee_,(;hait*m`a1t~§~'§l3_ttd ,,," Ciotzsliner1jgt1t»:_`fQr~__Escapade;~_` j_ ester'Race.~l3en,Bow,ba1rnsVto\'»mecl>1n; ~;rl..ndy `Lmden, Rochester YachtY ` Th<==t12\1'14d¢' lf>f=\'=\<>i11B 1'11t>°*P'!'°"Yi '2t1iat¢|f¢}'ructt-5iti~svc; A '4~5~l7o/ot *"°_ Ft- L*"""'*S""°'C*'F»¢3"Y» tfM.'_Wf @'","' '*"lh"" M~ 3- H"g"°" 4°'l°"'

p~a[{;cu1a',~iy vas _ii rmqvyw outiforxttm ttNeW Y»6l,k,M.%2,; claw ,gimp (NY 5 Nassau ancitbt. tPetershurg~Havana Qwens feuttor. ~

basin_and througlrtlie§_pic_rs_ to, ont mm 'h~ah~;|lcd_ h5j5¥Wnfl.édj(T066 races, ywtunntng the schooner Ztrophy y ~_qf;|,m-0,,_ 5¢m(|uSky_ Ohio; }5_ F_

1hé_`lRl(6,i5\§/lil bcfa t'are`,o'ne inloeat Gméinci A ,ichc hw won ,hc M.,Ck_1" the §"l'{"aP" 1`*\¢¢_,i"'Fl UUSSIUZ 'he Emmons" 40-foot cutter, veteran of


For the' 'henefit__of'g_Qlvez\eli¢ ~' '

' ` ri' " '

overall prxzeby only »6~mirtutes'. i,

golers, theqyachts þÿ�\�\�l�i�l�l�=�`�I�l�i�l�O�_�V ¬�,�»oritbatileast ,an hour beforeffthe i3,»}v.;Qfin1.start. f .

I __

'j`fl`l1e race is a uniquely powerfulf'magnet for the yachting fraternity,iot' it will settle the question whether

the _ giant ,hlue yawi 'Escapade ~ of

Detroit can tie down Oncol' the fat~

test grand~slarns in Great Lakesyaellting history. Escapadualreadyhas won, the Mills trophy race tor

Lake E'rie's distance title; fand both

the Chicago ~lvlacl'and~thePt. 'and ~ the Pt.Huron-Macltinac. '

*One nautical barrier the fabulous"i§st must hurdle is the defendingelgitirnp, the Venture 3rd ot Rochester

.>»==_»;=,¢.= ,__~ Yacht '_Cluh,l `a

52 _ _footy dream

Yew] l1""°'l¢'l 'bl' G C 0 T 2 0 FCM

'WF "'"""'"°

race ll`l the_ two

,Qi ._,=;. years since itlett the 'shiphuildefs

ways. Also,t


þÿ�a�Q�=�E�¢�=�1�-�§�1�;�j�"�~�E�;�f�*�i�3�§ ¬�i�§�.�§�i�§� �'� �.�-�i�§�i�=�i�¥�'�"�§�i�`�1�_�frace carries on

i'l't_ oy~_ an almost. :cg- ,"' eudary runningi§i2§§i§i§fQaiff;2;i§;'l3Qi~;i§§§.=_i3f;'_=Vi l` i g h t betweeni



Escapade andFORD the hig, black

and oeautiful Kittyhawk of Cleve-land.

fflttlmhnail descriptions:ji§Venture 3rd, RYC: Sailcd hy

George Ford with a crew of I0 in-cluding his wife: 52>foot'yawl. Freeman Cup winner last year and this;victor in last year's shorter (335=

inae three times.'l1as~ been handled

t»y"omemei~ for ll years, and is ae~

knotvleclgetl to be one of the most

dangerous racers on thc lakes.

Stormy Petrol, Olcott: A 5-year~old, 51-foot yawl handled by CharlesA. §Harriso,n, ol" Lockport. The Pctrelwas 6th in her class in the last Ber-mttda race; sailed three St. Peters-burg-Irlavana races, hut showed herspeed hest in a sizzling sail of 5%days from Miami to New York. Hasl(-`lX 'on sail.

Desire, Rochester Y. C.: A 47.~foot yawl handlecl hy Bob- Bridges,Kodak Park architectural enginccrficl_entil`iecl with Y-52, and all all-Koflak Park crew.

Sashay, Youngstown Y. C.: Elmerli (Bllfl) þÿ�D ¬�r�y�l�e�`�s40-foot Owens eut-

ter.'Doyle lost the last Freeman Cupto Ford and Venture 3rd by barelyone l't"lll'llllC,tlll(l I7 seconds; in threeyears Sas-ltily has won her class inthe Canadian National Exhibitionand Royal Canadian Yacht Cluhregattas. She is considered one ofthe fastest. 4tl-looters on the lakes.Her numher is IZ9,

Sweet' Chariot, Youngstown Y. C.:C. .IQ (Chuck)"Spaulding's 52-foot eut-lcr (numhcr 270 on sail), German-dcsigned and huilt in Holland en-

tirely ot' teak. The Chariot tookfourth in the one famous Fastestrace off the Coast of England.Spaulding has sl1ortencd'cunvas to

comply with Cruising Cluh of Amer~iica rules, and is hoping for heavy!weat her.

Hen Bow, Grosse Pt., Mich.;(refuge A. Bass 56-lt. schooner


Red'Head, G1~ossc`Pt.,ftvt`ich;: _Giliiall Rochester Races, 2nd in her classat Lake Erie's huge Put~in-Bay Re-I

bert_B. 7Pingree's 6l)-toobfyawl, sec~"V»gat_ta last season.

ond in elapsed time in the Lake Erie "'>"" ~ '~"*""1"""°""*'

(Mills Trophy) race, and third ,inxelapsed and fourth in corrected timelin the Port Huron-M_ala veteran, has raced 10 MackinacsfHer number is 48. _

Bitte Sea 4th,_Rochestcr Y. C.:Vincent .l. Mulvey's 44-foot yawl, cs-

pecially groomed for this year`srace, and a veteran of the first Roch-ester race.

Jack, Youngstown Y. C. and RYC:The 37-foot lack, a converted 6-lmeter, is the baby of the {leet.tOwned by Ken Hamilton, it is l1c~ling handlecl hy Hamilton and Herb.Wahl ot? RYC, and racing under the]burgecs of both clubs. l

Skookum 3rd, Rochester Y. C.:;Commodore F. Ritter Sl1umway`s 63-'foot schooner. She has 110 on hersails.

Heron, Royal Canadian Y. C.:,

we D- G"°s_¥>_fS__5?ft<2Qt S°"e°"°"~'