008 Understanding Vibration and Energy

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  • 8/11/2019 008 Understanding Vibration and Energy


    008 Understanding Vibration and Energy

    Dr. Carlos Blair

    And I say good evening to you one and all. Well it is indeed a pleasure for me to ave

    te opportunity of on!e again manifesting in tis manner. And as I !ome fort tis evening I

    ope in some small "ay "e migt bring some enligtenment and upliftment to ea! of you so

    tat in your o"n manner# you migt go fort to find tat greater a$one$ness and pea!e# tat

    pea!e tat is spo%en of as te pea!e on eart and good"ill to all of man%ind.

    I&m Dr. Carlos Blair and I most espe!ially "is to "el!ome all of tose "o migt be

    ere for te first time. And as you&ve probably re!ogni'ed I&m (ust a little bit Englis# but I

    ope you "on&t old tat too mu! against me.

    I %no" tat David as already some"at anti!ipated "at I migt spea% upon be!ause I

    "ould say# yes indeed you&re !orre!t# in tat I&m "or%ing to"ards re$doing te various lessons

    tat ave been done previously tat inadvertently "ere destroyed in te pro!ess of taping.

    And tis evening I&ve !osen to spea% upon a sub(e!t "i! I tin% "ould be a ni!e !arry

    troug# as it "ere# from te first alf of te !lass and tat is sin!e all of you "o are already

    some"at a"are at least# of te area of vibrations as "ell as energies. And I "ill spea% on tat

    sub(e!t be!ause I find tat it&s an area tat is of very great basi!s but still very mu!

    misunderstood by most in te pysi!al body.

    )irst of all# s!ientifi!ally spea%ing# as it "ere# all materials# "eter it be fles# "eter it

    be of "ood or minerals or "atever form it&s in# is and does ave an individual vibratory level.

    It is te rate at "i! te vibrations are moving in !on(un!tion "it te mole!ular stru!ture of

    tat ob(e!t tat !auses it to be "at it is. It is not at all unli%e tat "en you !ange te form#

    "eter it be "ater tat you !ange into i!e# as it "ere# or into "at you %no" as steam. It is

    done by te pro!ess of !anging te vibratory levels of te mole!ular stru!ture of it. And all of

    man%ind "eter it be fles or "eter it be of te tings around a man# does indeed ave its

    individual vibratory level.

    And I "ould li%e to spea% first of all on te area of vibration be!ause# as I say# it is so

    often misunderstood. I&m appy to say o"ever in te past fe" years# as it "ere# in your

    s!ientifi! realms# s!ien!e as indeed be!ome more involved "it te realities of vibration tan

    previously. *ere "as a time# as an e+ample# "en man "as tougt to be not at all sane "en

    tey tougt of voi!e traveling# as it "ere# over te little "ires "at you !all te tele# you see.

    And tat is troug a vibratory level tat tat !omes about# mu! te same as ele!tri!ity and

    many of te oter tings tat man as brougt into being.

  • 8/11/2019 008 Understanding Vibration and Energy


    ,o" I "is to spea% so tat I migt be understood# rater tan misunderstood# about te

    simpli!ity of vibration. *oo often time&s man in a pysi!al body tin%s of te vibratory !anges

    bet"een imself# as it "ere# and tose of us in te spirit "orld as being a great margin or a great

    distan!e of !ange# and tat is not true. It is very minute and very minor in reality and tat is

    "y it is possible for !ommuni!ations su! as tis to ta%e pla!e. It is a pro!ess "ereby te

    medium# "eter it be my medium or anoter individual as a medium# as te ability# as it"ere# to raise te vibratory levels to "ere tey !an !oin!ide "it te vibratory levels of tose

    of us in te spirit "orld and to# in oter "ords# ma%e te !onne!tion# as it "ere.

    -ou %no" it&s li%e you ave to ave tem te same or tey don&t mat! up. As I ave spo%en

    previously# it "ould not be at all unli%e te radio tat you %no". If you ad it on tat doesn&t

    ne!essarily mean you&re going to ear "at is tere. But it&s still tere you&re (ust not earing it

    be!ause you aven&t tuned to te proper freuen!y# as it "ere. But "en you do tune to tat

    proper freuen!y ten you be!ome a"are troug your o"n normal senses tat indeed it is

    tere. *at does not mean tat it&s not tere "en you&re not tuned into it. *e same is true"it tose of us in spirit. We do ma%e te passing and# at tat time# !ange our form from tat

    of te pysi!al body to tat of te spiritual "i! is indeed of a different vibratory level. /o

    tat in simpli!ity is e+a!tly te pro!ess tat is utili'ed in manifestations su! as tis.

    It migt be "ell also for you to !ontemplate for a moment# te vibratory levels tat

    you&re familiar "it and tat is as te medium ad spo%en earlier in te evening pertaining to

    people being at different levels and rates of vibration. Ea! of you in te pysi!al body many

    times on a daily basis "ill !ange your vibratory level sligtly. *at is "at !auses "at man&s

    !ome to %no" as depression or inspiration. *at is "at appens "en te old boy gets in te

    pulpit# as it "ere# and gets a little bit fired up and inspired and e&s "or%ing from a little igerlevel of vibration tan normal. But also if you "ere to see im e+tremely depressed# "i! is

    rater rare# you "ould find again tat te vibratory level you "ould be sensitive to reali'e tat it

    "ould be of a lo"er nature.

    It is li%e tose of you "o are !ombined into one troug te bonds of matrimony. -ou

    "al% into te ome before anyting is even verbali'ed bet"een you# te oter individual almost

    %no"s tat tat one as ad a good day or a bad day "itout anyting being said be!ause you

    are indeed sensitive to te vibratory levels of tat individual.

    It is mu! te same "it tat of tose "o are indeed finding temselves in a situation

    tat tey&re not !omfortable in. It&s be!ause your vibratory sensor# so to spea%# tells you tat te

    level tere is !ontrary to "at you en(oy or te rate at "i! you&re vibrating at tat time.

    Vibration !annot ta%e pla!e "itout putting fort energy. Wen energy is e+pelled# it is

    brougt about troug te vibration. As an e+ample "en tis little !lass "as to get into a

    solitary !ontemplation of tougt "it te ord&s 1rayer# ten you ave a vibration of te

  • 8/11/2019 008 Understanding Vibration and Energy


    overall group and a !ange of vibration. If it "ere tat you "ould get into anger you "ould find

    a different vibratory level# ere in te entire room as it "ere.

    By te same to%en "en you sing as it "ere# you find yourself rea!ing anoter or a

    different# yet# vibratory level. Ea! of tese do put out energy# not only tat !an indeed be

    measured# but also tat man (ust "it is o"n levels of sensitivity !an# indeed# sense# as it "ere.

    Vibration !anges ave more to do "it te situations tat are ta%ing pla!e in your "orld

    today tan most any oter single ting. It is part of nature# as "ell. Wen you ave storms# asit "ere# you ave a vibratory !ange in te atmospere tat man is affe!ted by. )or some it

    migt be upliftment# "ile to anoter it migt be times of gloom# or as it "ere# depression#

    be!ause no t"o individuals rea!t in te same e+a!t manner to te same vibratory levels.

    Anoter very simple e+ample of te e+pansion of your o"n levels "ould be tat "i!

    you %no" as te "istle tat tey ave made for te purpose of !alling dogs# tat man !annot

    ear# be!ause te freuen!y# te vibratory level of it is above man2s normal earing !apa!ity

    "it is normal earing sense. 3o"ever if man "ere to raise is vibratory level ten e# in

    turn# !ould indeed ear tat "istle te same as te animal does. 4y medium# as an e+ample#!an ear tat "istle and it is one of te means by "i! e previously been tested.

    -ou see# vibrations play a mu! more important role in ea! of your lives# tan you

    previous to no" ave probably !ontemplated or ad a"areness of. -our appiness brings a

    vibration# it brings "it it energy !anges# upliftments# e+!itement. Depression is of te

    negative# it&s a lo"ering of te vibratory levels and of !ourse te purpose tat I&ve spo%en of so

    many times of setting aside time ea! day for meditation and prayer# to find a greater a$one$ness

    "it your 5od# is for te purpose of raising and uplifting te vibratory levels. *is is e+a!tly

    "at transpired "en 6esus te Crist "as on te 4ountain of *ransfiguration. 3is appearan!e

    te !ange in is appearan!e !ame about be!ause of is ability to !ange is o"n vibratory rateof is pysi!al body. *at is not te only e+ample# tere are many# many tat you "ould find in

    your s!riptures or tat "i! you !all your Bible.

    All of te times of is appearan!e after te resurre!tion "as e utili'ing te energies# as it

    "ere# in bot te pysi!al levels as "ell as in spirit# to manifest imself in "at you in modern

    language "ould !all troug te utili'ation of materiali'ation# not eteriali'ation# be!ause tat

    again is of a different vibratory level# and "en *omas trust is and into te "ound of te

    side e found tat it "as indeed solid. *at "ould indi!ate in itself tat it "as "at you %no"

    to be as materiali'ation. If it "ere merely tat of eteriali'ation it "ould ave been possible toave seen but not to ave felt# as it "ere# troug te sense of tou!. Again# te differen!e

    being tat of a vibratory level !ange.

    It is easy for man in a pysi!al body to very ui!%ly overloo% te importan!e tat e

    plays in oters lives troug is rate of vibration. *at&s "y you feel love# one to te oter

    *at&s "y you feel e+!itement# upliftment# depression# anger# and all te oter variations of te

    emotions# is be!ause it is troug te !anging of te vibratory levels.

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    *ese# as I say# do bring about a !ange in te energy tat&s being brougt fort# terefore

    it !an and as indeed s!ientifi!ally no" in your "orld been very !arefully measured# and I&m

    ere to tell you tat in te !oming fe" years te strides tat&ll be made in tis area "ill surpass

    all of man&s understanding at tis moment in time. It is li%e te pro!ess by "i! s!ien!e as

    !ome fort to potograp# as it "ere# te energy fields not only around pysi!al beings but also

    pysi!al ob(e!ts and material ob(e!ts. All ave tat energy and te vibratory rate.

    ,o" I don&t "is to belabor te sub(e!t at all. I tin% I&ve tried to# as best I !ould#

    bring it into a level of simpli!ity tat "ould not be diffi!ult for all to understand. And so no" I

    believe I "ill open it to uestions# as it "ere# pertaining to te sub(e!t on "i! I ave spo%en.

    Question: I understand if you do not eat red meat, that raises your vibratory level?

    Dr. Blair7 *e not eating of it "ill of !ourse# be!ause te blood meats# as it "ere# does

    indeed lo"er it to more of te animal levels. And yes# it is desirous if you&re "or%ing to"ard

    your o"n personal development and attaining a iger vibratory level# of !ourse it "ould

    beoove you not to utili'e te red blood meats. *at is true.

    Question: Is there any way of knowing whether youre approaching any level or not? As

    far as say making contact with your guides?

    Dr. Blair7 Well# most definitely. Wit te old boy e isn&t a bit doubtful "en espe!ially

    if e is !onta!ted by olling /tone. Be!ause is vibratory level is enoug# "ell it&s %inda li%e

    somebody sti!%ing a sti!% of dynamite in your po!%et# you see. 3e lets is "ereabouts be "ell

    %no"n. But to put it in a simpler term by all means you do be!ome a"are of a iger rate of

    vibration as it raises on a gradual basis# your a"areness of it "ill also in!rease. -es. And tat

    again is anoter reason for te purpose of your meditations and prayer times.

    Question: I want you to explain what happens to the vibratory rate when you go into

    meditation, especially when going forward or backward in what people call time?

    Dr. Blair7 All rigt I&ll be glad to do tat. Again you are indeed in bot instan!es still

    en!ountering te same ting. -ou are raising your vibratory levels to a iger level "i!

    allo"s you to remove yourself some"at from te pysi!al body and get into "at is

    !ommonly referred to as tat of being astral# as it "ere# and ten on!e tat is a!!omplised you

    !an go in eiter dire!tion by (ust !oi!e. -es.

    Question: Is that also vibration?Dr. Blair7 -es te vibratory levels do rise yes. As my medium gets out of te body tere&s

    a period in "i! te body# eart rate# is blood pressure# all te measurable temperatures and

    all# rise# at te first sign of is releasing imself. But ten sortly after e as released imself#

    su! as e "as being monitored no"# you "ould find tat is eart rate is mu! lo"er tan

    "en e&s in te pysi!al body# is temperature does drop and also is respiratory levels drop.

    All tings !alm do"n some"at# you see. Be!ause e&s not putting te strain upon te eart

    and nervous system of is o"n pysi!al body# as it "ere. And before I get into te oter


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    David# tere are t"o involved tere# "at sould I say# te ta%ee and te rigtor#

    you migt !all er. -es# but tere&s t"o involved. It is indeed a "oman# and it "ill be ta%en

    !are of# yes# very ui!%ly in fa!t. ,o" didn&t "ant to not ta%e !are of tat be!ause I %ne" it

    "as important.

    Question: !oure laying on a bed like and you feel like youre floating up and down on

    the bed, is that a change of vibration?

    Dr. Blair7 -es it is.

    Question: I had the feeling like I was laying on the bed with my back touching the bed

    and I turned over like a somersault"

    Dr. Blair7 Well "at is appening tere is you are !anging te rate of vibration "i!

    must !ome about in order for you to e+perien!e "at is %no"n as an out of body e+perien!e# as

    it "ere# and even toug you&re not out of body entirely# you are removing self to te e+tent tat

    you ave a"areness of ligtness in body and yes# tat is te beginnings of te vibratory !ange.

    -es it is. 4any of you# as you %no"# my medium as been sitting in tis manner for some tirty

    years but tere "ere many years in te beginning "en e ad great diffi!ulty in releasingimself and allo"ing us to utili'e te body in tis manner. It used to ta%e "at you %no" in

    terms of time in your "orld# as mu! sometimes as :; minutes# as it "ere# for im to let go and

    get out and allo" us to get in. And vi!e versa "en it "as over. And e used to !oug and gag

    and# my goodness# you tougt e "as about ready to ma%e te transition imself. -es. But it

    "as be!ause e "as not used to te !ange in te vibratory levels.

    Question: Is it possible, theoretically, for any of us here or whatever to sensiti#e our self

    so that we could become receptive to your presence"

    Dr. Blair7 -es# by all means# and again tat "ould be te primary purpose# or te primary

    means for tat to !ome about "ould be tat of meditation# as it "ere# and prayer tougt. -es.

    Question: $rayer has a physical effect, I dont want to use the word physical but it has a


    Dr. Blair7 -es tere is energy involved in prayer. And you migt "ant to read a very

    interesting boo% I believe tat my medium# you migt as% im about it# be!ause I&ve %ind a

    loo%ed over is soulder some"at# and tere is a boo% tat e as# I believe it&s someting


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    Question: (ertainly" Admitting that words create vibrations that are being sent out in the

    air, I would assume that they also create an inner vibration in the person themselves and that

    vibration must have some effect on subconscious, whatever" Is there a simpler terminology we

    can get back to using to communicate with ourselves that would create more favorable


    Dr. Blair7 By all means. )irst of all# spea% to 5od from your eart in simpli!ity# as it

    "ere# and not# you %no" e doesn&t get too impressed# I don&t believe# so you don&t ave toverbali'e in great vo!abulary. But spea% simply from te eart and "at you&re saying is

    definitely true. -ou see if you sout in anger# you most definitely put tat vibratory level into

    te eteri!# as it "ere# and ten you&re going to respond a!!ordingly to it# but by te same to%en

    if you be!ome very prayerful in your attitude and in your spee!# as it "ere# ten you&re going

    to also put tat energy and tat rate of vibration into te eteri!# and you&re going to respond

    a!!ordingly. -es.

    Question: %ould chanting of mantras be considered&

    Dr. Blair7 4ost definitely# yes# prayer# !anting mantras# but most of all# tat of uiet inner

    sear!ing troug "at you %no" as prayer and meditation. -es.

    *at is "y 6esus te Crist# as it "ere# on many o!!asions troug$out is ministry

    found it ne!essary to go off to be by imself for te purpose of attuning is o"n a$one$ness "it

    is 5od. -es.

    ,o" I believe you ave anoter uestion tere 1aul.

    Question: %hen some people experience a great emotional trauma, a sickness or an illness,

    sometimes they have a flash of illumination" Is that because of the vibratory rate?

    Dr. Blair7 -es# by all means# yes# obert last evening# I guess you migt say# tis day# it "as

    rater late as it "ere# found imself being very igly vibratory# as su!# "ile "or%ing "it a

    young !ild# as in te !apa!ity of allo"ing imself to be te !annel for ealing. And you !ould

    not do tat "itout is pysi!al body being fully a"are of te drain of energy tat "as put fort

    in te pro!ess. And ten# of !ourse# being e+tremely# as it "ere# tired "en e got to is ome#

    e ten of !ourse# e "ould lie tere and loo% at te !eiling# as it "ere# you %no". 3e&s a little

    bit "ired# as you migt !all it. -es.

    -ou see a good e+ample of tat# is tis day obert# my medium# ad very little rest# as it

    "ere# last evening and e as ad# by far# more tan normal strenuous a!tivity for imself tis

    day. /o te pysi!al body itself "as lo" in energy as "ell as te vibratory level ad lo"eredand prior to te time of is !oming into te !ur!# as it "ere# for te sermon# ten e indeed sat

    do"n in meditation and as%ed 5od almigty# as it "ere# for te energy# te inspiration# te

    upliftment in order to fulfill te purpose tat e "as ere to do# and of !ourse !ame fort to do

    (ust tat. 3e "as glad to get out of te body and let me ave it

    rigt no". And still "en I&m finised "it it and give it ba!% to im# e goes ome# e&ll

    probably not be able to sleep for a"ile be!ause is vibratory level is too ig# so it as to !ome

    do"n to a normal state for sleep. -es.

  • 8/11/2019 008 Understanding Vibration and Energy


    And do "e ave oter uestions pertaining to te sub(e!t at all> David "at time is it

    no"> *e o!% is a little bit nervous# e says it&s getting !lose. -es# "e&ll allo" for more

    uestions. -es.

    Question: !ou speak of timelessness&

    Dr. Blair7 In spirit yes# but my medium# e is very timely. 3e allo"s me$if I sould go beyond

    te time tat e and I agreed upon and I misuse te privilege of utili'ing is body in tis

    manner# ten by is free "ill of !oi!e e "ould (ust say ?Well I&m not doing it anymore.@

    Question: %hat I was going to ask is that you are very much aware of time"

    Dr. Blair7 Well I must be "ile I am utili'ing te body. -es. *at is li%e you being in a foreign

    !ountry# you !ertainly "ant to be a"are of teir !ustoms tere. -ou see# even toug it may not

    !oin!ide "it your o"n understanding.

    Question: )ut being on the other side of the veil is in addition too'in other words you dont

    forget the time sense, but you add to it, other dimensions"

    Dr. Blair7 Well "e don&t ave it at all over ere. But "en I&m dealing in a spa!e tat involves"at man %no"s as a time frame# ten of !ourse# I ave to re!ogni'e it and abide by it. -es.

    Question: )ut are there not se*uences of events?

    Dr. Blair7 In spirit>

    +esponse: !es"

    Dr. Blair7 Well eternity is forever is it not> -es# tere is not time as you %no" it to be# and I

    ave endeavored previously and too effe!tively I&m afraid# to try to e+plain "at it is li%e to not

    be in !onne!tion "it "at you %no" as time. -es. It&s very diffi!ult# it&s beyond man&s

    !ompreension in reality# yes. But it is indeed an e+!ellent uestion.

    ,o" I&m going to (ust brea% it off ere for a moment be!ause I don&t# by any"ay or

    means# "is to sligt anyone and# of !ourse# I %no" tat 5inger as ad some uestions tere

    for me tat I "ould !ertainly "ant to !ontemplate and be re!eptive too.

    -ou ave !arried tem troug pretty "ell so I&ll (ust give you te opportunity.

    +esponse: o thats all right I cant think of any, really"

    Dr. Blair7 I&m teasing you some"at you reali'e> I&m doing tat be!ause se as$"ell I "on&t

    get into tat.

    +esponse: -o ahead"

    Dr. Blair7 /e&s been giving te medium "at you "ould refer to as a rater diffi!ult time# as it"ere# sin!e te last "ee% be!ause e didn&t allo" enoug time and so terefore se !ould not

    as% er uestions# you see> /o I (ust tougt I&d be ni!e and %ind and tougtful and allo" for

    it ere before "e ran out of time. -es. ,o" if "e ave oter uestions# I&ll !ertainly entertain

    tem at tis time.

    Question: I would like to have some information on dream analysis and what importance you

    give to dream analysis" Also I would like to know the source of your dreams" .oes that come

    directly from your?

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    Dr. Blair7 4y dreams or yours>

    +esponse: /y dreams"

    Dr. Blair7 I&m teasing you a little of !ourse. I %no" "at you&re saying. -es. Well# first of all# it

    "ould ta%e a great indeptness and time to properly ans"er te uestions in te fullness tat

    tey deserve. But I !an# I believe in a tumbnail s%et! ere# (ust say# yes not to all dreams but

    to many dreams tere is great validity be!ause many times man is indeed not in# "at e refers

    to a true dream state# but rater in an out$of$body state "ere e is pro(e!ting imself for"ard

    and e is en!ountering# in reality# in advan!e of tat "i! is going to appen mu! as it "as"it te visions tat are spo%en of in te Bible# su! as tat "it 6osep and ta%ing onto imself

    4ary for a "ife# and te ta%ing of er and te !ild out of te !ountry and various forms of

    instru!tion tat ave !ome about in tat manner. -es. And it# most inventors# "at you !all

    inventors are re!eiving teir instru!tion primarily in "at tey "ould !onsider a dream state#

    you see. If you "ere to read upon te istory of te one you !all Edison# I believe it is# tat

    brougt into being "at you %no" as te ligt bulb. -ou "ill find in reading of tis one tat e

    "or%ed very arduously for many years "it te !on!ept to no avail and ten e said# ?And ten

    one day I lie do"n and in a dream I sa" it !learly# got up and promptly invented te ligt bulb@#

    you see. -es. *ere is !ertain validity.

    Question: .o these dreams come from your guides or your teachers or do they come from?

    Dr. Blair7 ,o not at all. It !omes from your levels of astral pro(e!tion as you migt !all it.$

    Question: %ould that be your soul self?

    Dr. Blair7 Well# I !an see tat I migt get a dis!ussion started ere tat "ould ta%e anoter "ee%

    /o I best not stay on te sub(e!t beyond "at I sould. Be!ause# as I say# to give it proper time

    "ould indeed reuire te better part of "at "e refer to as one of te periods# yes. But I "ould

    be glad to address tat one of tese days soon.

    ,o" I believe tat I migt surprise te old boy and get im ba!% into te body on time

    for a !ange# you see. 3e "on&t %no" o" to a!t to tat. And before I do toug# I do "is to

    again e+press tose of us in spirit&s gratitude to tose of you in te pysi!al body for all tat

    you&re elping to bring into manifestation# not only ere "it tis little !ur!# but more

    importantly into your o"n lives and lives of tose people tat you !ome in !onta!t "it on a

    day to day basis.

    It is indeed a pleasure for me to ave tis opportunity and as I leave I as% only tat 5od

    pour fort is ri!est of all blessings upon ea! and every one of you. And may you ever "al%in is ligt and %no" is love. But most of all may you be filled "it is pea!e. 5od bless you

    one and all.