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University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

Commencement Program

December 18, 200.S

Associate, Baccalnureate and Master's Degree Ceremonies

10:00 a.rn.

Quandt Fieldhouse

Associate Degree

Baccalnureate D_~gree

CoUege of l,etters and Science

I:OO p.rn.

Quandt Fieldhouse

Master 's Deg ree

Baccalaureate Degree

College <d. Professional Studies

College of Fine Arts and Communication

College of Nat1tral R eso1trces

University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Officers

Linda H . Bunnell, Chancellor

Virginia M. Helm, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Greg M. Diemer, Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs

Robert T. Tomlinson, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs

Todd J. Kuckkahn, Executive Director of the Foundation and

Assistant to the Chancellor for Advancement

University of Wisconsin System Officers

Kevin P. Reilly, President

Don J. Mash, Executive Senior Vice President

Cora B. Marrett, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Deborah A. Durcan, Vice President for Finance

Freda J. Harris, Associate Vice President for Budget and Planning

Patricia A. Brady, General Counsel

University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents

David G. Walsh, President

Mark J. Bradley, Vice President

Roger E. Axtell

Elizabeth Burmaster

Eileen Connolly-Keesler

Judith V. Crain

Danae Davis

Gregory L. Gracz

Thomas A. Loftus

Milton McPike

Charles Pruitt

Gerard A. Randall, Jr.

Peggy Rosenzweig

Jesus Salas

Christopher M. Semenas

Brent Smith

Michael J. Spector

Welcome from Chancellor Linda H. Bunnell On behalf of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, I welcome you to our

Winter 2005 Commencement Ceremony. Commencement is one of our most

time-honored and cherished traditions, one we have practiced for 110 years. The

University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point held its initial commencement ceremony

on June 26, 1895.

"Families, townspeople, faculty and students gathered at 10 a.m . in the

Assembly Hall for this historic occasion. Dr. Benjamin S. Terry of the University

of Chicago presented the address and spoke on the topic 'What is an education?'

Seven members of the class received diplomas in elementary education. "1

Today we will be honoring over 531 s tudents, their families and supporters, as they celebra te this major

achievem ent from a university that now includes four academic colleges offering over 100 program

choices within 50 majors, plus 78 minors and 16 graduate programs. We honor these students, and all

who have made it possible, for their achievements, learning, and rigorous work.

Completing a university degree is a major accomplishment, one not achieved without significant

sacrifices by the students themselves and also by their families, associates, and friends. It is my honor to

present these students to you for your own personal and unique ways of sharing your great joy in their

success on this most special day.

I am confident that the faculty and staff of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point have broadened

the intellectual horizons and contributed to many, many happy memories that will last the lifetimes of

those graduating today. I thank them for their contributions to this day of celebration as well.

It is my p leasure to confer these degrees and to honor our Winter 2005 graduates at this most

magnificent of UWSP traditions.


~dv~ Lin da H . Bunnell


1 Justus F. Pau l, The World ls Ours: A History of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. 1894-1994 (Stevens Point: University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Foundation Press, Inc., 1994), p. 34.

The Speaker

Tamara J. Butts Moore

Tamara Moore, a 1992 alunma of UWSP, is Interim Dean of

Students and Director of Student Recruiting and Admissions

Counseling at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.

A native of Jefferson, Wisconsin, Moore majored in business

administration while at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens

Point and earned several honors, including the prestigious

Albertson Medallion and Chancellor 's Leadership Award upon

her graduation . She served as president of the Student

Government Association, was the two-time recipient of the University Leadership

Award and was named the Distinguished Continuing Student in Business

Administration, Lee Sherman Dreyfus Outstanding Junior and Student Government

Senator of the Year. She also won scholarships from the Division of Communication and

the Alumni Association. Moore was a member of the Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society,

National Collegiate Student Government Honorary and National Residence Hall


Moore has worked at the University of Colorad o at Colorado ~prings since 1998, where

she recently completed a master's degree in public administration. In addition to her

current job, she has also served as marketing director for the campus housing village.

Moore is a motivational speaker and a member of the American Society of Public

Administration and Colorado Nonprofit Association. She served as a fellow of the

University of Colorado Emerging Leader Program and of the American Council on

Education Academic Management Institute.

Prior to working at the campus she was a business consultant for Enlighten Creative

Business Solutions. She resides in Colorado Springs with her husband, Kirk, and son .

10:00 a.m. Quandt Fieldhouse

Grund Mu.r.~lwl

James D. Stokes

Professor of English

College of Letters and Science

Faculty Marslwls

Jamee L. Hubbard

Assistant Professor of Biology

College of Letters and Science

Kevin Neuman

Assistant Professor of Business and


College of Letters and Science

Student Marshals

Diane Lloyd Gilio

Associate Dean

College of Letters and Science

Scott D. Orr

Associate Lecturer of Political Science

College of Letters and Science


Dan Dietrich

Professor of English

College of Letters and Science

Nerissa Nelson

Assistant Professor

University Library

1 :00 p.m. Quandt Fieldhouse,

Grand Munlwl

Susan Hughes Gingrasso

Professor of Theatre and Dance

College of Fine Arts and Communication

Fnrulty Mar..lutls

Guillermo Penafiel

Professor of Art and Design

College of Fine Arts and Communication

James M.Gingles

Professor of Health Promotion and Human


College of Professional Studies

Student Marshals

Eric M. Anderson

Professor of Wildlife

College of Natural Resources

Katherine Folk Clancy

Assistant Professor of Water Resources

College of Natural Resources


Robert A. Bell

Professor of Biology and Water Resources

College of Letters and Science

Patricia Holland

Professor of Music

College of Fine Arts and Communication

Chancellor :S Leadership Award Recipients

Lisa M. Anderson

Tera Auch

Andrew J. Bloeser

Melissa A. Chambers

Erik Dirgaria

Jennifer E. Garnsworthy

Daniel J. Gutierrez

Heather Hammond

Allison Himle

Amber D. Hoffmann

Mark F. Jepsen

Joshua A. Kamrowski

Daylanne M. Kaquatosh

Callista Kearney

Li Syan Ko

Valerie A. Kolonko

Angela Leong

Allison P. Luedtke

Lauren McGrath

Elizabeth Roznik

Paula M. Schulz

Jennifer L. Seefelt

Jennifer L. VanderKooy

Zia Yang

The Chancellor 's Leadership Award was established in 1978 at the urging of

Chancellor Dreyfus. The award recognizes UWSP graduates who contribute

significant leadership, demonstrate campus and / or community service, and

display a commitment to personal growth. The award comes in the form of a

one and a half inch bronze medallion emblazoned with the University Seal

presented with a purple and gold ribbon.

- --~

Order of Exercises

December 18, 2005


University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Commencement Band

Scott D. Teeple, Assistant Professor of Music

Processional Guests will please be seated during the processional.

Presentation <~{Colors University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point ROTC Color Guard

Welcome Chancellor Linda H. Bmmell

National Anthem Kathryn E. Miller, Soloist

College of Fine Arts and Communication

Honor Announcements

Provost and Vice Chancellor Virginia M. Helm

Speaker Introduction Chancellor Linda H. Bunnell

Commencement Address

Tamara J. Butts Moore University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

Class of 1992

Class of 2005 Speakers 10:00 a.m.

Callista M. Kearney

Chancellor's Leadership Award 2005

College of Letters and Science

1:00 p.m.

Daniel J. Gutierrez Chancellor's Leadership Award 2005

College of Fine Arts and Communication

Presentation of Candidates for Degrees

10:00 a.m. Ceremony

Associate and Baccalaureate Degree Candidates

Lance R. Grahn, Dean

College of Letters and Science

1 :00 p.m. Ceremony

Master:~ Degree Cmulidates

Provost and Vice Chancellor Virginia M. Helm

Baccalanreate Degree Candidates

Joan Deguire North, Dean College of Professional Studies

Jeffery W. Morin, Dean College of Fine Arts and Communication

Christine L. Thomas, Dean

College of Natural Resources

Conferral of Degrees Chancellor Linda H. Bunnell

Charge to Graduates

Chancellor Linda H. Bunnell

Charge to Alumni Cindy M. Polzin

University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

Class of 2001

Alma Mater - " The Purple and the Gold" Words are printed on the last page of the program.

Recessional University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Commencement Band

Guests are asked to remain seated.

Masters Degree Programs

College of Letters and Science

Master of Science in Teaching - Biology Hein-Frank, Julie

Master of Science in Teaching - English Cedor, Timothy

College of Professional Studies

Master of Science in Communicative Disorders -Speech and Language Pathology Sudmeier, Sally

Master of Science in Education Bergmann, Amy Borski, Lynn Bougie, Thomas Brinkman, Matt Casta, Evelyn Dunahee, Ellen Duxbury-Rengel, Lenore Erickson, Robert Herek, Terri Hornung, Louise Kissinger, Colleen Lammert, Sarah Mataczynski, Anne Pease, Louise Swiontek, Jessica

/'h i ''"!'!'" /'hi.

Phi Kar>f)(I Phi

Turbin-Hartjes, Michelle /'hi l\a1,1111 !'hi

Turner, Wade Vrieze, Mark Zelent, Rebecca

Master of Science in Human and Community Resources Fasula, Kimberly Habrat, Susan Lazers, Kari

Master of Science in Elementary Education Ballschmieder, Donna

Kottke, Aaron

Meeks, Kelly Taylor, Youa Thao

¥ .


-L 6---------------------------------------

Master 's Deg ree Programs, continned

College of Fine Arts and Communication

Master of Arts in Communication Fisher, Sonya Gjertson, Nancy Merkel, Kristine Mihm, Barbara

/'hi /{"l'I'" !'h i

College of Natural Resources

Master of Science in Natural Resources Anderson, Michael

Buettner, Michael

English, Kelli

Franckowiak, Ryan

Graczyk, Gary

Hall, Michael

Jenniges, Stephanie

Mayorga Castro, Marisol Weeks, Jordan

Phi l""l'i'" Plii


Baccalaureate Degree Programs

College of Letters and Science

Bachelor of Arts Arzt, Tina

Auch, Tera S11rr1111" Cum /,,w.d•' Phi l\11pf"' Phi

Baldischwiler, Amanda

Basalamah, Adhamm Fate ff

Bloeser, Andrew

Bucholz, Adam

-~ummu Cum J..aude Phi Kap11a /'hi

Carrigan, Jessalyn

Cofrin, John

Collins, Timothy

Derrig, Rebecca

Duehr, Elisabeth

Dunnigan, Christine

Epstein, Weston

Flesch, Jared

Flint, Jacqueline

{~l 1 1n L al1rfo

Goldberg, Scott

Gruetzmacher, Sharlene

Haag, Jennifer

Hannon-McFarland, Hilary

Hartung, Hiliary

Hasselbacher, Todd

Hoffmann, Elizabeth

Homp, Aaron

Huang, Yu

Iversen, Bryan

Jepsen, Mark

Katzmarek, Aaron

Kautza, Deven

Keehan, Katie

Klann, Amanda

Klepp, Brian

Korth, Kimberly

LaPoint, Meghan

Larsen, Lynette

Lee, Jordan

Levend usky, Amber

Maciejewski, Teresa

McGrath, Lauren

'lJuµnfJ ( .'nni L"ud e

C11 m J,1111d1'


College of Letters and Science

Bachelor of Arts, continued Meidl, Amanda

Miles, Jr., Ellis

Mulroy, Macushla

Nehring, Kristi

Nelson, Amanda

Philbrick, Laurie

Raymaker, Andrea

Rosenkranz, Kathleen

Ryskiewicz, Jennifer

Schmitt, Nancy

Schreiner, George

Schuelke, Cassandra

Seefelt, Jennifer

Sirvio, Brent :H".~ "" l:u111 Lwuf., l 'h.i l\."l'I'" /'Ii i

Smith, Marcus

Stefanoski, Theresa

Swant, Sarah

Timm, Rebecca

Wakefield, Cade

Walters, Tamara

Waters, Robbi

Weber, Peggy

Weifenbach, Sandra

Werner, Peter

Werth, Jod y

Will iamson, Hayley

Xiong, Mai See

Yang, Zia

College of Letters and Science

Bachelor of Science Aarrestad, Brandon

Aarrestad, Haley

Adams, Jeffrey

Allen, Erin

Allen, Steven

Anderson, Justin

Baer, Candace


College of Letters and Science

Bachelor of Science, continued Bakken, Clint

Bale, Adam

Bale, Christopher

Barden, Matthew

Beaudry, Constance

Bechard, Alyson

Beckman, Lindsay

Beversdorf, Johanna

Beyer, Amanda

Binder, Bonnie

Bohl, John

Cum / ,,atule

Cum !..auric

Cum l~aude

Cum Laude

Cum Ln11de

Bohn, Jacqueline

Boland, Timothy

Burger, Daniel

Bushman, Ryan

Carlson, Erik

Ceplina, Heather

Chapman, Julia

Cherek, Steven

Clark, Andrew

Clark, Justin

Clausen, Samuel

Crego, Joanna

Cross, Candice

Cummings, Brady

Cusick, Carin

Dickinson, Michele

Dirgaria, Erik

Doro, Katherine

Drall, Matthew

Elack, Clifford

Ellison, Kristin

Erskine, Holly

Ewoldt, Melissa

Fahney, Dustin

Paskell, Jessica

Flick, Kevin

Phi _Kappa f'hi

Folz, Aaron

Forsman, Laura

Freeberg, Eric

Frome, Michael


Phi KapJ>a /'Iii

--!-----------College of Letters and Science

Bachelor of Science, continued Gaarder, Andra :l'/a,!f llft. Cunt / ,a.w le f'h i /'"1'1"' Phi

Garnsworthy, Jennifer !Hap-na Cum l.:1nule Phi Kapf'''· /'h i

Garvoille, Steven

Gast, Kevin

Gawrisch, David

Gewiss, Scott

Giese, Cynthia

Gile, Nicole

Gjertson, Joel

Gray, Matthew

Gross, Robert

Grosskopf, Melissa

Grusczynski, Kyle

Guenther, Thomas

Hadi, Jon Hamann, William

Hansen, Brenna

Hansen, Matthew

Haskins, Shannon

Hebert, William

Him.le, Allison }1,tgna C1un LfJucfo Phi Kappa Phi

Hitz, Kelly

Horban, Susan C 1L111 Lande

Inda, Kerry

Johnson, Josh Jones, Ryan

Kaquatosh, Daylanne

Kasukonis, Benjamin

Kawleski, Scott

Kearney, Callista !l11tl{1u1 Cnm f~uude

Keller, Samantha I Kessler, Sarah r Keyzer, Jessica C 111n /'.aude

Kiekhaefer, Jeremy I King, Rhonda


King, Thomas

Kirchenwitz, Rebecca

Klopotic, Lindsay

Ko, Li Syan

Kolonko, Valerie Mag na Cwn Laiull! Phi Kappa. Phi

Konietzki, Amy


College of Letters and Science

Bachelor of Science, continued Korger, Austin

Kramar, Matthew

Kroeplin, Noel

Kruse, John Kuehl, Allison

Kurszewski, Kari

La Yake, Sandra

Lambright, Jessica Langbecker, Danielle

Larson, Kelly

Lato, Jeffrey Lenaker, Steven

Lensmire, Matthew

Lepak, Solitair Liedke, Jennifer

Liska, Shawna

Lonning, Yvon

Lorrigan, Bridgette

Madsen, Rebecca Malcore, Matthew

Mallak, Jamie

Mann, Nathan

Marshall, Aaron

Maus, Eric

Maxwell, Stefanie Meister, Melissa

Metz, Marcus

Meyer III, Robert

Micklas, Steven

Mohr, Jonathon Moskal, Peter

Moss, Caren

Mossbarger, Sarah

Mras, Katie

Mrozek, Amy

Murray, Shannon Nauman, Jennifer

Nieman, Katherine

Oginski, David

Olson, Lynda

Orlikowski, Donna

Cum l:.alllle

Cum La ude

J1ng na (,'urn Lu.ude

Hag na Cnm Lwde

G l.UU r,a1ule

'Hag un Cum I.mule Phi Knpp1< Phi


College of Letters and Science

Bachelor of Science, continued

Ostby, Lindsay

Patel, Rajshree

Pelo, Kimberly Pike, Patrick

Piotrowski, Timothy

Place, Rachel

Pugh, Keith

Rao, Robin

Reed, Peter

Reif, Daniel

Rettmann, Travis

Richards, Tom

Ross, Joel

Ruby, Jennifer Ruys, Kari

Sackmann, Michael

Salzmann, Wendy

Schmidt, Bryan

Schmidt, Erin

Schneider, Sarah

Scholl, Jacquelyn

Schuler, Lisa

Schultz, Jean

Scott, David

Serpico, Tiffany

Shanks, Douglas

Shier Jr., William

Shute, Jeremy

Simonis, Russell

Spear, Jennifer Spencer, Stacy

Stafford, Allison

Stilp, Carol

Stoffregen, Jonathan Strasse, Sara

Struck, Joshua Stueber, Alexa

Suprise, Heather

Curn La ude

:l/agna Cum l.11.11de Ph i Kappa !'hi

:Hagun Cu.111 Larul•1 Phi .l\:11pp11 ./'Iii


College of Letters and Science

Bachelor of Science, continued

Szelagowski Jr., Edward

Tanzer, Rachel

Techlin, Tamara

Tetzlaff, Barbara

Tetzlaff, Heather

Thomas, Erin

Thompson, Evelyn

Tomcek, Kristina

Summa Cum / ,011111'

Tracy, John

Tsuchida, l'v1asayo

Vande Berg, Lindsey

Visner, Jessica

Walter, Traci

Wendt, Joanna

Wenzel, Andrea

Wiczek, Stephen

Wilatoski, David

Wilde, l'v1ichael

Windsor, William

Winkler, Beth l'v1arie

Winterfeldt, Charmain

Wittkopf, Ryan

S1.111ww Cum /,a111ll'

Wix, Abigail

Worlin, Shannon

Zache, Dawn

Zimmerman, l'v1ichael

Zinthefer, Lori

Associates Degree Bilbrey, Jason

Greiner Jr., l'v1ichael

Kuehlman, Theresa

l'v1iemietz, Dale

Vanscyoc, Tara


--!-----------------------------CoUege of Professional Studies

Bachelor of Arts Anderson, Lisa

Beschta, Ellen

Chambers, Melissa

Derse, Lisa

Hischke, Sarah

Koehler, Karen

Pecor, Dona

Swartwout, Amanda

Thorman, Jennifer

Bachelor of Science Arnold, Teresa

Bartz, Abby Bauer, Gabriel

Becker, Blake

Bell, Paul

Bielmeier, Amy

Brauer, Kelly

Bulgrin, Jeremy Burr, Dawn

Carley, Aaron

Chafin, Danielle

Cleworth, Amberell

Cucchiarelli, Timothy Czlapinski, Jessica

DeBoer, Joel

Dentz, Samuel

Denzer-Johnson, Beth

Dombrowski, Jennifer

Everson, Kristin Filber, Michelle

Foemmel, Rebekka

Gilbertson, Kimberly

Gillen, Kari

Giuntini, Allison

Gleisner, Mary

Green, Caitlin Hagen, Katie

Hammen, Brenda

Hammond, Heather

Hansen, Kimberly

Summit Cum. Lnude

Su rrwm Cum Lnwle /'h i ll.t1ppn !'hi

;\'lnp.11a Cr11n Lulld<>

Summ" C 1t111 Laude /'hi !"'PP" / 'hi

Cum Laude

Summa Cnm Lundi'

Cum f ,un(fr

:Haµn" ( .'urn f.tlltdf•

Currt f ,f t 1tdt•

Summa Cum Lande P/1i l\1111pa Phi


College of Professional Studies

Bachelor of Science, continued Harris, Heather

Havel, Jessica

Hermus, Melissa

Hilger, Lea

Hintz, Kristi

Hoffmann, Amber

Howe, Kelly

Hrubes, Sarah

Hughes, Jean

Kaiser, Richard

Katzfey, Angela

Keller, Marissa

King, Bethany

Kreibich, Mollie

Krombholz, Benjamin

Ksicinski, Jennifer

Kuehl, Christine

Langbecker, Malia

Lee, Mai Chue

Leister, Jill

Lucas, Jillian

Luedtke, Allison

Maney, Dillon

Mash!, Holly

Maves, Harmony

Mcinnis, Thomas

Mixa, Kelly

Mosher, Amy

Mullooly, Daniel

Niemi, Sara

Novinska, Daniel

Olson, Sheri

Opelt, Teresa

Oswald, William

Ourada, Ashley

Pazurek, Jessica

Plucker, Carrie

Plumer, Angela

Reindl, Melinda

Rhinehart, Christopher

Roberts, Kristine

Surnma Curtt {,1u1.d<> Phi Kappfl Phi

Cum Lamie

Cum Lande

,'-iumrru1 ( :nm Latufo Phi l\appn Phi

Cum f.,ande

Cw11 f,awle

Cum /,mule

Clun Laude

illagna Cum, Laud e

.'ltugna Cum J,1uule

,;,;,;umrna Cnm Lo1ufo Phi l\.n111u1 Ph i

Cum. Lim,/,,

Snm m.a C u1n IAttule

iWagrw Cum f,11111le


College of Professional Studies

Bachelor of Science, continued Sackmann, Amy

Schauer, Jennifer

Schmalz, Jacquline Schmertman, Amanda

Schneider, Nicole Schulz, Danielle

Schulz, Paula

Scott, Shannon

Sheller, Yedda

Smith, Stephanie

Smudde, Kristin

Somers, Candice

Statz, Bridgett

Stetler, Jessica Thao, Methuselah

Toltzman, Bridget

Urbaniak, Amanda

VanLankvelt, Kathryn

VanderKooy, Jennifer

Waksmonski, Joseph Warpehoski, Kathryn

Weis, Sheena

Wenzel, Sarah

Williams, Julie

Zweck, Kelly

<:11111 t<11ulc l'hi l\.111i1u1 / 'Iii

l'h. i J\11f>f"' f'lii

.llnµrut Cum /,aude /'Ii i K1t />/><t Phi

<:uni f ,undP

C 11111 l.a"'le

f'hi l\.af'pa /-'hi

Sunuua. Cum, Loutle

<:urrt l .n11tf,,

S1u11ma ( :nm L1J1ult• /,.hi KafJ/Ht !'hi

:\fol-'"" Cum f,r111d 1,

:\lap !io Cam f ,oudr'

College of Fine Arts and Communication

Bachelor of Arts Alden, Jonathan

Ang, Chang Pin

Baris, Holly

Baumgartner, Melissa

Bell, Tracy

Bjerke-Kroll, Emily Borneman, Rachel

Bossert, Andrew

Carbajal, Olivia

Catalano, Gail

Chaudoir, Jacques

S 11rru11a Cum La111/e Phi Kappa Phi

Cnm Lande


College of Fine Arts and Communication

Bachelor of Arts, continued Chojnacki, Brent

Deuster, Tarin

Engebretson, Amber

Evans, Nicola

Gavin, Stephen

Hurley, McKinsey

J urovic, Anna

Koeshall, Lisa

Kopka, Ann

Krajnik, Neal

Kratz, Laura

Krszjzaniek, Eric

Leben, Jaime

Lee, Robin

Lehmann, Amanda

Leong, Angela

Lim, Suat Yen

Low, Tammy

Majewski, Laura

Meredith, Jaime

Niedfeldt, Robb

Pang, Jo Leung

Peterson, Rachael

Raudebush, Justin

Reynolds, Caroline

Ritchie, Leah

Scharenbroch, Scott

Siebold, Rebecca

Stanford, Christopher

Steffen, Cassandra

Stein, Sara

Stevens, Rich

Mngna Cn111 Lane/,,

Telischak, Amanda

Vetter, Alex

Walmsley, Lindy

Wells, Millaine

Williams, Adam

Williams, Amanda

Wong, Lok Ki Callista

Cum f ,,,,,d,,

c "'" {,'""'"


College of Fine Arts and Communication

Bachelor of Music Bautz, Brandon

Behnke, Amy

Demske, Lindsay

Eggert, Maggie

Gajewski, Nicholas

Grebe, Nicole

Gregg, Guy

Miller, Kathryn

Mitchell, Daniel

Olstead, Danielle

Ross, Tyler

Seelhorst, Mark

Zoppa, Amanda

( :um IAtude

.'ituuma ( :um l..atule

:l'la~1u1 ( .'um. / ,uutlt•

Cu m l.u 11dt'

<:11111 / ,u.utlt·

Bachelor of Fine Arts Bieri, Craig

Brooks, Ginny

Buick, Lucas

Gutierrez, Daniel

Huber, Christianna

Jaroch, Heather

Montross, Sarah

Soik, Jennifer

Witkus, Shannon

Bachelor of Science Budd, Dustin

Fisher, Chad

Griffin, Patrick

Hoell, Joseph

Holm, Derek

Mews, Travis

Polacek, Valerie

Severson, Casey

Stanley, Amber

Zelhofer, Wayne

f'/1i A.a11pa /'h i,

f'li i Kappa f'hi

Phi Kap1m /'hi

/"Ii i K" f' i'" />hi

!'hi /\.aptm !'hi


College of Natural Resources

Bachelor of Science Ambrose, Laura

Arndt, Ross

Aumann, Sarah

Backhaus, Paul

Barnard, Rebecca

Bartley, Matthew

Bauhs, Sarah

Beard, Ryan

Beck, Jason

Bender, Justin

Beran, Jordan

Boos, Matthew

Brand, Steve Breitenbach, Luke

Carlson, Christopher

Christensen, Matthew

Christenson, Clark

Cole, Christopher Crandall, Ross

Demorest, Kate

Dufek, Matthew

Elder, Jacob

Erber, Luke

Fieweger, Joseph Fuller, Samuel

Gardner, William

Gebhardt, Peter

Gilbert, Justin

Grund, Adam Haas, Kurt

Hall, Tiffany

Hanson, Dan

Heiar, Robert

Hudak, Andrew

Jacobson, Kyle Jensen, Nicholas

Johnson, Karrie Kamphuis, Marissa

Kamrowski, Joshua Kath, Darian

Kehoe, Kimberly

Kinsman, Peter

Koeser, Andrew

S11t1ww C11m J,wu/,,

Cunt /,1u1de

Cwn f,amle


College of Natural Reseources

Bachelor of Science, continued Lambert, Autumn Landers, Chad Lenaghan, Eamonn Liebergen, Daniel Lindau, Michael

Long, Jonathan Lueck, Stacy Maass, Samuel Martinelli, Greg Milliren, Julia Molback, Matthew

Moye, Edward Mrdutt, Chris topher

Odekirk, Joshua Parsons, Matthew Pautzke, Tonya Peterson, Cody

Rhein, Kevin Riha, Thomas Rochester, Jason Roznik, Elizabeth Sabelko, Scott

Sandbo, Holly

Sauer, Jeffrey Sauter, David Schaub, Jacob Schneider, Paul Schoenfeld, Michael

Schuppe, Mark Schutte, Nicholas

Shipley, Chad Sinkula, Adam Slifka, Kyle

C1tm l..arule

( .'um l~audc•

.lluµ.1u1 Cum l.o tulf'

J f a(!."lltt Cum. Laude

Cl1111 /.,o rtfle

.l10µ1HL C1tt11 l.uude

T'h i K"l'fHI Phi

Phi l\.c1p1m Phi

Smith, Samantha

Spurgeon, Jim Sternhagen, Alexis

Stewart, Stephanie Terrill, Mark

Teschler, Jason Vang, Ka

Cum, Laude Phi Kappn f'hi

Verdegan, Corey Voelker, Joshua Webster, Nicholas Wiese, Aimee Ziemienski, Dean

:l1a~1w, C11t11 Lawle

Cum Laude


Phi Kappa Phi Phi Kappa Phi is a national honor society that encourages superior scholarship in all

academic disciplines and recognizes those persons of good character who have excelled

in scholarship. The names of those students who have earned this distinction are noted

in the commencement program.

Undergraduate Honors

The faculty has established a program of academic honors to recognize undergraduate

students for outstanding academic achievement.

There are three levels of undergraduate academic honors, which are awarded on the

basis of grade point average for all courses attempted. Those students graduating Cnm

Lande have achieved an overall grade point average of 3.5 to 3.74; those graduating

Magna Cnm Laude have earned an overall grade point average of 3.75 to 3.89; and those

achieving a Snmma Cum Laude designation have earned an overall grade point average

of 3.9 or above.


Special Honor Designations

Teal tassels represent Alpha Kappa Delta, the National Sociology Honor Society.

Red and white honor cords represent Lambda Pi Eta, the Communication Honor


Blue and white cords are worn by members of the National Residence Hall Honorary,

which focuses on recognition, scholarship, service and leadership in the residence halls.

Colored sashes are worn by students who have spent one or more semesters abroad

and represent the host countries of UWSP's semester abroad program: Australia,

England, France, Germany, Poland and Spain.

Twisted cords of white, black and blue are worn by students who are members of

Omicron Delta Kappa, the National Leadership Honor Society.

The blue, brown and gold honor cord represents Gamma Theta Upsilon, the

International Geographical Honor Society.

Twisted cords of green and purple are worn by students who are members of the Kappa

Delta Pi Education Honor Society.

White, purple and gold honor cords represent Phi Upsilon Omicron, the National

Honor Society in Family and Consumer Sciences.

Scarlet and black cords are worn by students who are members of Sigma Tau Delta, the

English Honor Society.

The cloisonne enamel on brass-finish medallion which hangs from a red, grosgrain

ribbon depicts the symbol and greek letters for Pi Sigma Alpha, the National Political

Science Honor Society.


Academic Regalia


The origins of the academic dress date back to the 12th and 13th centuries when

universities were beginning to form. It is still open to question as to whether academic

dress finds it sources chiefly in ecclesiastical or civilian dress. It is often suggested tha t

gowns and hoods were the simplest, most effective method of staying warm in the

unheated, stone buildings which housed medieval scholars.

In the days of King Henry VIII of England, Oxford and Cambridge first began

prescribing a definite academic dress and made it a matter of university control to the

extent of its minor details. The assignment of colors to signify certain faculties was to

be a much later development and one which was to be standardized only in the United

States in the late 19th Century. An Intercollegiate Commission comprised of

representatives of leading institutions met at Columbia University in 1895 and adopted

a code of academic dress which besides regulating the cut and style and materials of the

gowns, prescribed the colors which were to represent the different fields of learning.

In 1959, a Committee on Academic Costumes and Ceremonies, appointed by the

American Council on Education, again reviewed the costume code and made several

changes. In 1986, the committee updated the code and added a sentence clarifying the

use of the color dark blue for the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree.

Agriculture - Maize

Arts, Letters, Humanities - White

Commerce, Accountancy, Business - Drab

Dentistry - Lilac

Economics - Copper

Education - Light Blue

Engineering - Orange

Fine Arts, including Architecture - Brown

Forestry - Russet

Journalism - Crimson

Law - Purple

Library Science - Lemon


Medicine - Green

Music -Pink

Nursing - Apricot

Oratory - Silver Gray

Pharmacy - Olive Green

Philosoph y - Dark Blue

Physical Education - Sage Green

Public Administration - Peacock Blue

Public Health - Salmon Pink

Science - Golden Yellow

Social Work - Citron

Theology - Scarlet

Veterinary Science - Gray

The Gown

Pattern. Gowns recommended for use in the colleges and universities of this cow1try

have the following characteristics. The gown for the bachelor 's degree has pointed

sleeves. It is designed to be worn closed. The gown for the master 's degree has an

oblong sleeve, open at the wrist, like the others. The sleeve base hangs down in the

traditional manner. The rear part of its oblong shape is square cut, and the front part

has an arc cut away. The gown is so designed and supplied with fasteners that it may

be worn open or closed . The gown for the doctor 's degree has bell-shaped sleeves. It is

so designed and supplied with fasteners that it may be worn open or closed.

Materinl. As a means of adaptation to climate, the material of the gowns may vary from

very light to very heavy provided that the material, color, and pattern follow the

prescribed rules.

Color. Black is recommended.

Trimmings. Gowns for the bachelor 's or master 's degrees are untrimmed. For the

doctor 's degree, the gown is faced down the front with black velvet; three bars of velvet

are used across the sleeves. These facings and crossbars may be of velvet of the color

distinctive of the disciplines to which the degree pertains, thus agreeing in color with

the binding or edging of the hood appropriate to the particular doctor 's degree in every



The Hood

Linings. The hoods are to be lined with the official color or colors of the institution

which granted the highest degree held by the wearer; more than one color is shown by

division of the field color in a variety of ways such as by chevron or chevrons.

Trimmings. The binding or edging of the hood is to be velvet or velveteen, two inches,

three inches, and five inches wide for the bachelor 's, master's, and doctoral degrees,

respectively; the color should be indicative of the subject to which the degree pertains.

Chancellor~ Medallion and

the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

Ceremonial Mace

The Chancellor's Medallion and the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Ceremonial

Mace were both handcrafted by Henry M. Runke, former chairman of the Art

Department. The Medallion was cast in a 14k gold pendant in 1968 and contains a

purple amethyst to represent the school colors. The four sectioned areas beginning near

the center symbolize the four colleges of the university and terminate as prongs for the

gem. The Mace, carried by the Grand Marshall of academic processions, was completed

in 1976 and has a square base on which important dates from the school's history are

recorded. The most prominent feature is the head of the Mace which is a miniature of

the cupola on Old Main- the school's symbol. The inside of the Mace also contains a

purple amethyst.


University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

Alumni Association

The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Alumni Association welcomes our Winter

2005 graduates to the ranks of University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point alumni. To honor

this occasion, members of the Future Alumni Association will present each new

alumnus with the gift of a UWSP key chain. We hope this will serve as a reminder that,

no matter where life may lead our graduates, they will always have a home at UWSP.

The Alumni Association serves to strengthen the ties between 62,000 Pointer alumni

and their university home. Our alunrni are among this university 's most important

assets and collectively constitute a major force in shaping the reputation of our campus.

The association seeks to help alumni stay in touch with former classmates and friends

who have graduated from UWSP to make their mark, professionally and personally, on

the nation and the world. The association also provides a variety of services to alumni

and friends of UWSP, including the Pointer Alumnus newspaper, alumni reunions,

homecoming, alumni travel, alumni directories and other special events.

All graduates and anyone who has attended UWSP are automatic lifetime members of

the nondues paying association. Support for the Alumni Association is provided in part

by the UWSP Foundation, by proceeds from an alumni endowment and by gifts from

alumni and friends.

All of our alumni share memories of their years at UWSP, and they in turn have

contributed to the success of the campus. We urge you to continue to think of yourself

as a vital participant in the future of your alma mater and always welcome your

support, involvement and ideas.

Those interested in learning more about the UWSP Alumni Association and its Board of

Directors are encouraged to contact the Alumni Affairs Office at (715) 346-3811 or (877)

764-6801, or by e-mail at [email protected]. The UWSP Alumni Association Web site

can be accessed at www.uwsp.edu / alumni / .


THE PURPLE AND THE GOLD Central State Teachers College

O riginal song writte n by

Kenneth Pray

~ jb J. )I J F' I F ""'....

I~ J D r r I. 0th - er schools of val or boast Of

2. Al - ma Ma - ter, our Wis con sin. Dear

~jb r· ~ F ~ I J J I J. ) ~ ~ I r· ~ vie - tor - ies ga - lore, Of tau re ts ne - ver lost. Of

Ste vens Point we toast, Re cal ling for - mer limes, Of

~~Ii ~

~ · ~ ~ r I r· ~. j I J ~ r D I r r f ~ tri - umphs by the score; Let them tell you of their prow - ess of

chat - lenge and re pose. On the banks of old Wis - con - sin, A

~ ~lz ~

r· p F ftr I F' #[ ---'J= I •· ~ ~ r r

war riors strong and bold, But their col ors ev - er

- lum ni glor ies told; We of fer our al

~ &'' r f * s I D1 r· D I r· 11

low - er To the Pur - pie and the Gold~

- legi - ance To the Pur - pie and the Gold!



The students in this program have been recommended for the appropriate degrees by their

faculty, subject to satisfactori ly completing all graduation requirements.