POINTER , SER ES VI VOL. V Stc\'ens Point, \Vi s. December 7, 1950. No. 9 Pointers Will See Alaskan Huskies~ Friday Is Official Opening of Live Deer in Pre-Christmas Parade Ropes of ~vcrgrc~n _ garlands comp lc: tc with a lbm:c, and Alaskan Counc"1l's "Operat·1on Week ·en-"" ,tiu ng over bus,ness d,st,Kt streets and Eskimo costumes contribu t< a JnJ red 45- in ch be ll s (hghtc~ :t much to th<: parade's popul:trity. · big prc-Om stmas ce lebrati on and this vast array, spent m:inr years in t t night) heral? forth Steven~ Points Mr. Hammond, who has g:nhcrcJ Students, Gr1duates Have IM V . d A . . . Off d plr, 1dc 10 held Saturday, Deccm- Al:iska and has "mushed. over th" AcceptedT emporary Job any arle C IVI ,es ere ber r 1 11 ": d;era~l:a~ ~~e~ lastat" entire nonh<:rn SCCl 1on of tha.t tcrc Several CSTC students and reccn~ Arc you in a rut ? Would you like to do somet ~ing different, and Hu;~: w~f h~~hiight th~ two ~o 1 u~ mor[ with _dbogkteams Sc~er 3 I years gr3duatcs ha,,e accepted temporary discover the social side of the people whom you see stradd ling texts rive mu, h ' h ·1 1 b . ago ecamc ac totheUn1tedSr:uc.:s tcach·n,. ass· t D J e hk d . k' y . h L- I I . clb hf ldh long parade, w 1c w1 . egm at . 10 with a group of Co lorfu l Eskimo ~nJ · 1 o • ,g~men s. ~n .~ sc ·c ays a wee . ou m1g t LX; p eas:rnt }' s urprise y t e un you cou a,•e o\-lock Saturday morning. Starting Alaskan costumes and several Esk:mo recen~y scJ~~ttutel at ; ittsq ll e for :tt an ice skating party, chi li supper, da nce, and caro li ng party with fellow on Michigan ave nue near the Armory dog teams and Siberian \~olf 3 wee an tchar Lun ~cte<l as the stud ents. thl' parade will go downtown via Huski e Th . , ~udo_ lph coach :lo~ physic~ I educ:i.· . . . . , .. . .. ~l.un street, then to the s.o~t~ side H:l.mm~~d ~r;:(.~/i~~m:tsart :fra~hcc tion 1~st r uctor d~rmg the illness of F~1~ay 1s the 0H1c1a~ opening. of O~crat 1 ~n. Weekend, th_e Student St ngs avenue up Divi sion 10 h. h I P , the regular teacher. Cou nC! I s effort to help keep students here week-ends, and pro,•1ded tht:re k r~reet and ea;t on Clark to 11 _ w 1 .~ la~ grown from rear to year DeLoyd Stertz s ubstitutc,t at Strat· isn't unseasonab ly cold . weather , an ice skating party will be held Friday r Jr. avenue and back to the rntl tt. IS now rcco.s:nized as the ford during the illness of an in- night at the rink next to P. J. Jacobs High school. Besides the skate rs , ~nois r7' 1 ~er in the pre.Christmas paraJe stru ctor there. Both Phyllis Peter· spectators are invited to watch or aci as "gra nllstand" judges of the figur .e r.~ory. . · h u: · . son and Carman Lane accepted eight s and races. After the skat ing The Campus Cafe wi ll be the scene 1he Stev~ns Pom\ Cd amber of Stevens Point stores will be opC'n tempo rary assignments in Mosinee, of a Big Thaw, provided by hot soup and chili. An added att ract ion will Commer~e as coi:"p etc arrange- ?n Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. where Phyllis taught home econom· b<: a performance by CSTC's Latv ian studen t, Gundaris Pone, who already mc nt with Ea~l Fh Hammon; h°.f m or~er to acca.mmoda1e th .: public in and Cuman took ove r the music has the reputation of hcing an expert violinist. Another of Centra l State's Aurora, Nc _ bras a, t e owner O t is on this celebration day . classes. accompli shed musicians, Frank Wesley, will accompany him. huge :l.nd diffe rent parade. The cost, On Saturday night, the Training S. UOO, ha.s been footed by t~e C. of School gym will be the scene of the C., the n ty of Stevens Pomt, the Student · Cou ncil's "Sweate r Ball" Junior Chambe~ of Comr:ie~ce, the Very danceable music will be furnish- Sou.t h Si. de Bus.mes~ assooat ion and ed by an orchestra made up of some . \'mous industrial firms and profes- Centra l State s tudent s. sional persons. . Plans for Sunday night include the The Hammond pre-Christmas use of Nelson Hall' s recreation room p1r1Je and Esk~mo show., wh i:'h for a weinie roast and caro l singing possesses bot h color and va ri ety, will pa rty. The Christmas season will be intetest not only children but adults greeted by ... the students :i. round a (including coll ege students). For the deco rated Christmas tree, and every· chi ldren there will be fairy book one is urged to cake part. cha r.i.ctcrs, a clown unit, a Santa The Nelson Hall recreation room float, a \'G'isc Men unit and a c~oral has become a permanent pa rt of si ngers' float drawn by the midget .. Operation Weekend." Through the mule Ce:l.m. A South American unit efforts of the student council, Mrs. Mr. Taylor will Speak At AKL Venison Dinner M. N. Taylor, executive director of .. Trees for Tomorrow," will be th<: principal speake r at the :i.nnual ,enison dinner held by Alpha Ka p- pa Lambda Saturday, Decembe r 9, at 6:}0 p.m. in Nelson Hall. Because of a co nserva tion conference which is being held here in Stevens Point this weekend, there will be several othtr notables in the conservation dtpart ~ent at the dinner. Following the rnain speaker, one of two new films recent ly pur chased by the conservation department here :it CSTC will be shown. Either ." The Str:i nd Grows" a nd '"The Strand Breaks'· from the Web of Life series or "Sunrise Serenade" will be pre· sent ed. Margaret Angel, dorm di rector, and the dorm coun ci l have ·co ntr ibuted 1he use of 1he recreation room to the entire s tudent body, under the g~id- ancc of campus org:tnizations, every Sunday from 7 to 10 p.m. Thert; is a separate side entr;.nce, wh ich can be used by the visi tors. The room will be redecorated, and . talented student artists are beirlg scouted to paint murals on the walls. The spacious floor makes the room idc.-ally suited for dan cing, and a .. Coke.-" machine is present for liquid refreshment s. Card playing, ping pong games, or just sitting arou nd a chee ry fi replace are among the almost unlimited uses of the. room Wh.ich shou ld become a popular meeting JS TIDS .. THE DUNG .. ? Looklng at the maze of wlrH. coU. tube, and the like. one would ohno.t lh.lnk th.at H wcu the solution place for all students. to Phil HCllTI,onq. but II l1 •nly the coi:uole ol the RadJo Work, bop. Working on 11 ore the Work,bop techn.ldan,. 0 'Mo" Meade ond The room wi ll open its doors this Ed Fu.nt!nberg. qellinq II In 1b(IJ>II for the h&0•y broodccutinq 1chedule ol th• Workabop. Sunday ni ght at 7 o'clock. Carols • will be sung unde r a Chri stmas tree Workshop Wizards: Edith Phillips Dead in a festively decorated room, while ·a fire will be bu rning in the firepl ace Music for the eveni ng's enterta i"M"k H !I M d Ed R W"ld Edi t h J. Phillips, a former stu· for roasting the wieners ~nd marsh- mt ' nt "''.ill 1:>e pr'ovided by. Bill Cook I e- appy O an un I dent at CSTC, died at 11 :25 p.m. ma ll ows. Every student IS urged to who will .s mg several baritone solos Finall/c modern science has found senior and a veteran Workshop m3n w d d come · · ace d b F k W I e nes. ay, No. ,•ember 2 9, at a Th·c fo,mer name, the Recreat1 'on ompan1e Y ran es ey. the per ect place for persons with besides). Out of town guests expected to be split personalities. All that has to be Ab.out this time ·· Mo" m~n~ges to Marshfield hospital. Room, too, is now obsolete, a nd present arc Douglas Hunt of the done is, to lock them up so no one ment ion that the Workshops time on Miss Phillips was the daughtc:r of something more appr op ri ate for its \Yisconsin Conse rvatio n Commis· else cm steal them, gi\'e them a little the air has !>ten extended from three Fred and Evaline Phillips of Ncsh- new purpo~e .is necess~ry. The Stu- s1on; Dick H~mp, Mosinee, re~e n~Iy preliminary trammg and then turn fourths of an hour to an hour and a koro, Route 2. She attended CSTC de nt Cou ncil is appea.ling to the Stu· ~hostn outstanding conservation 1st them loose as radio announcers ha!f, to point out, with pa rdonable and was graduated from the two year de nt body for suggestions Co: a clever in Wisconsi n ; Harvey Abraham, Okay, so you say the above state· p ri d.e, the new tape recorder·; and ~o r~ral cou rse in Ju ne of this year. new nan:,e. Watch the Pou~ter f':'r he. ad of the legislative interim com· ment is slightly exaggerated .. Lets get in an urgent plea fo r more Radio Smee August she had been teaching the details of a contest which will mntcc; and Robe rt Travis, head of peek in on .. Mo'· M:ead. down 1? the Workshop p laye rs. third grade at a school in Colby. be sponso~ed soon to r:iame the Rec the Jsscmbly conservation commit· radio works hop for a little while. room for its new function. , . let. "Now here is what I wanted to St-udent Orch•stra w,·11 Play for Saturdar afternoons, CSTCs aud,- tcll you about _ Hold it!" tom~m wil_l soon be the scene of >! •J He fli(ks a switch. ' mov~e m~tmees. Rece~t full-length B ·A Courteous Dr"1ver "We now p«sent Frankie, (he Operation Week-End' S Sweater Ball mo~oes .w,11 be shown m .'.he coll~ge mutters ··tcathe rlungs·· unde r his . aud 1toriu~ as part of ~pc.ratio.° breath) ~ane and his version of Don your favo ri te sweater, and get as long as it keeps you wa rm, 3.Jld Weekend ~Jans. !he aud1to.CJum 1s· 6iCTJ> Those Little Whit e Lies.' ready to meet the cr owd at the shows your personality, says :"the ~l re.ady outfitted with a full size pro- ·- "Now as I was sayi ng, we moved Sweater Ball, says the Student Coun· Council. JCCt 1 on screen, a nd as soon as ar- - -::::::- th:i.t patchrack _ the gadget with ci l, on Satu rday, December 9. An or- Besides dancing, prizes, and re- rangemcn ts ca~ be .made, Saturday . These little pointers can mean the the holes in _ oOt to where it would chestra, ~ade up of some CSTC stu- freshments, hilarious skits will be put afternoon movies ~1.l~ be a regula~ dif~crence between your being a be easier to reach fr?m the c~?t.rol dents will pl~y tunes to fit . every on, utiliz in g some of the best talent part of campus ac tivities. ) polished driver or just another driv· console. Oh what a JOb of rewin~g mood , and satisfy any taste, be 11 fox in the school. Andy Redmann is the . ( er. \X 1 atch this column for the: that was! - just igno re those " .8· trot, waltz, ballad or be-bop. chairman of the affair, and he has IVJng oncert "Courtesy of the Weck" OBSERVE TRAFFIC REGULATIONS I' . 1. Rrac tically every traffic col- is i on in\'olves at least one law vio· Inion 2. Ht!p prevent accidents by ob· SCr\'ing regulations. arette butts ~s they a.rc n· t an essc~t ial The ~tudent Cot.m: il ·has .plann~d been capably assisted by many of the Norma n~. J:(~utzen and his .Men's part of the in s1~ll at. 1on :i.nyway. a f.u~-iamm~d evening wuh gift studen ts in making arrangements. ~lee club will hit t~e ~oa~ this eve- Just about this ~1m~ Ed Fursten· c~rt1f1cat~ prizes for the fellow and Wat ch the h alls for posters, and nmg for the organizations las.t out berg comes wandering in. g irl wearing the most novel or most encou rage your friends to pull their of town concert before the holidays. " Hey 'Mo·" he says, "write me attractive sweater s. The Quality cashmeres and angoras out of the The men making the trip will lave out a cheat 'card so I won't forget Store and Mo~ern Togg~ry Sh'?f. moth balls, and make you way to the early this ~ve ning for Hancock wheie those two lines that int~oducc ~ur ~ave each contr~buted $5 g1f.t cert1 · Training School gym on Satu; day a concert 1s ~hed ulcd for 8 p.m. at tape recording of the Senior Bal l. icates for the winners. Cardigan , or night. The admission cha rge is only the Community H alJ. The members (You get that way when you're a slip·On, argyle or ski, it matters not, (5119 STVDENT ORCHESTRA, pa 9 41 wi ll rc:t urn. sho rtly after the concert .

POINTER - epapers.uwsp.edu · POINTER , SER ES VI VOL. V ... tc with a lbm:c, ... on Michigan avenue near the Armory dog teams and Siberian \~olf 3 wee an tchar Lun ~cte

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Page 1: POINTER - epapers.uwsp.edu · POINTER , SER ES VI VOL. V ... tc with a lbm:c, ... on Michigan avenue near the Armory dog teams and Siberian \~olf 3 wee an tchar Lun ~cte

POINTER , SER ES VI VOL. V Stc\'ens Point, \Vis. December 7, 1950. No. 9

Pointers Will See Alaskan Huskies~ Friday Is Official Opening of Live Deer in Pre-Christmas Parade

Ropes of ~vcrgrc~n _ garlands comp lc: tc with a lbm:c, and Alaskan Counc"1l's "Operat·1on Week·en-"" ,tiung over bus,ness d,st,Kt streets and Eskimo costumes contribu t< • a JnJ red 45- inch be lls (hghtc~ :t much to th<: parade's popul:trity. ·

big prc-Om stmas ce lebration and this vast array, spent m:inr years in t t night) heral? forth Steven~ Points Mr. Hammond, who has g:nhcrcJ Students, Gr1duates Have IM V . d A . . . Off d plr,1dc 10 ~ held Saturday, Deccm- Al:iska and has "mushed. over th" AcceptedT emporary Job any arle C IVI ,es ere ber r 111

": d;era~l:a~ ~~e~ lastat" entire nonh<:rn SCCl 1on of tha.t tcrc Severa l CSTC student s and reccn~ Arc you in a rut ? Would you like to do somet~ing different, and Hu;~: w~f h~~hiight th~ two ~o

1u~ mor[ with _dbogkteams Sc~er3I years gr3duatcs ha,,e accepted temporary discover the soc ial side of the people whom you see stradd ling texts rive

mu, h ' h ·1 1 b . ago ecamc ac totheUn1tedSr:uc.:s tcach·n,. ass· t D J e hk d . k' y . h L- I I . clb hf ldh long pa rade, w 1c w1 . egm at . 10 with a group of Co lorfu l Eskimo ~nJ · 1 o • ,g~men s. ~n .~ sc ·c ays a wee . ou m1g t LX; p eas:rnt }' surprise y t e un you cou a,•e o\-lock Saturday morning. Starting Alaskan cos tumes and several Esk:mo recen~y scJ~~ttutel at ; ittsq lle for :tt an ice skating party, chi li supper, da nce, and ca ro li ng party with fellow on Michigan avenue near the Armory dog teams and Siber ian \~olf 3 wee an tchar Lun ~cte<l as the students. thl' parade will go downtown via Huski e Th . , ~udo_lph coach :lo~ physic~ I educ:i.· . . . . , .. . .. ~l.un street, then to the s.o~t~ side H:l.mm~~d ~r;:(.~/i~~m:tsart :fra~hcc tion 1~st ructor d~rmg the illness of F~1~ay 1s the 0H1c1a~ opening. of O~crat 1~n. Weekend, th_e Student

St ngs avenue up Division 10 h . h I

P , the regular teacher. CounC! I s effort to help keep students here week-ends, and pro,•1ded tht:re ~~ k r~reet and ea;t on Cla rk to 11 _ w 1

.~ • la~ grown from rear to year DeLoyd Stertz substitutc,t at Strat· isn't unseasonab ly cold .weather, an ice skating party will be held Friday r Jr. avenue and back to the rntl tt. IS now rcco.s:nized as the ford during the illness of an in- night at the rink next to P. J. Jacobs High school. Besides the skate rs, ~nois r7'1~er in the pre.Christmas paraJe structor there. Both Phyllis Peter· spectators are invited to watch o r aci as "granllstand" judges of the figur.e

r.~ory. . · h u: · . son and Carman Lane accepted eights and races. After the skat ing The Campus Cafe wi ll be the scene 1 he Stev~ns Pom\ Cd amber of Stevens Point stores will be opC'n tempo rary assignments in Mosinee, of a Big Thaw, provided by hot soup and chili. An added att ract ion will

Commer~e as coi:"p etc arrange- ?n Saturday f rom 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. where Phylli s taught home econom· b<: a performance by CSTC's Latv ian studen t, Gundaris Pone, who already mcnt with Ea~l Fh Hammon; h°.f m or~er to acca.mmoda1e th .: public in and Cuman took ove r the music has the reputation of hcing an expert violin ist. Another of Centra l State's Aurora, Nc_bras a, t e owner O t is on this celebration day . classes. accomplished musicians, Frank Wesley, will accompany him. huge :l.nd diffe rent parade. The cost, On Saturday night, the Training S.UOO, ha.s been footed by t~e C. of School gym will be the scene of the C., the n ty of Stevens Pomt, the Student ·Cou ncil's "Sweater Ball" Junior Chambe~ of Comr:ie~ce, the Very danceable music will be furnish-Sou.th Si.de Bus.mes~ assooat ion and ed by an orchestra made up of some . \'mous industrial firms and profes- Centra l State student s. sional persons. . Plans for Sunday night include the

The Hammond pre-Christmas use of Nelson Hall' s recreation room p1r1Je and Esk~mo show., wh i:'h for a weinie roast and caro l singing possesses both color and va ri ety, will pa rty. The Christmas season will be intetest not only children but adults greeted by ... the students :i. round a (includ ing college students). For the deco rated Christmas tree, and eve ry· chi ldren there will be fairy book one is urged to cake pa rt. cha r.i.ctcrs, a clown unit, a Santa The Nelson Hall recreation room float, a \'G'isc Men unit and a c~oral has become a permanent pa rt of singers' float drawn by the midget .. Operation Weekend." Through the mule Ce:l.m. A South American unit efforts of the student counci l, Mrs.

Mr. Taylor will Speak At AKL Venison Dinner

M. N. Taylor, executive director of .. Trees fo r Tomorrow," will be th<: prin cipal speake r at the :i.nnual ,enison dinner held by Alpha Ka p­pa Lambda Saturday, December 9, at 6:}0 p.m. in Nelson Hall. Because of a co nserva tion conference which is being held here in Stevens Point this weekend, there w ill be several othtr notables in the conservation dtpart~ent at the dinner.

Following the rnain speaker, one of two new films recent ly purchased by the conservation department here :it CSTC will be shown. Either ." The Str:i nd Grows" and '"The Strand Breaks'· from the Web of Life series or "Sunrise Serenade" will be pre· sent ed.

Margaret Angel, dorm di recto r, and the dorm coun ci l have ·contr ibuted 1he use of 1he recreation room to the entire student body, under the g~id­ancc of campus org:tnizations, every Sunday from 7 to 10 p.m. Thert; is a separate side entr;.nce, wh ich can be used by the visi tors.

The room will be redecorated, and . talented student artists are beirlg

scouted to paint murals on the walls. The spac ious floor makes the room idc.-ally suited for dan cing, and a .. Coke.-" machine is present for liquid refreshments. Ca rd playing, ping pong games, or just sitting around a cheery fi replace are among the almost unlimited uses of the. room Wh.ich shou ld become a popular meeting

JS TIDS .. THE DUNG .. ? Looklng at the maze of wlrH. coU. tube, and the like. one would ohno.t lh.lnk th.at H wcu the solution place for all students. to Phil HCllTI,· ,onq. but II l1 •nly the coi:uole ol the RadJo Work, bop. Working on 11 ore the Work,bop techn.ldan,. 0'Mo" Meade ond The room wi ll open its doors this Ed Fu.nt!nberg. qellinq II In 1b(IJ>II for the h&0•y broodccutinq 1chedule ol th• Workabop. Sunday night at 7 o'clock. Carols

• will be sung unde r a Christmas tree Workshop Wizards: Edith Phillips Dead in a festively decorated room, while

·a fire will be bu rning in the fireplace Music for the evening's enterta in· "M"k H !I M d Ed R W"ld Edi th J. Phillips, a former stu· for roasting the wieners ~nd marsh-

mt'nt "''.ill 1:>e pr'ovided by. Bill Cook I e- appy O an un I dent at CSTC, died at 11 :25 p.m. ma llows. Every student IS urged to who will .smg several baritone solos Finall/c modern science has found senio r and a veteran Workshop m3n w d d come · · ace d b F k W I e nes. ay, No. ,•ember 29, at a Th·c fo,mer name, the Recreat1'on ompan1e Y ran es ey. the per ect place for persons with besides).

Out of town guests expected to be split personalities. All that has to be Ab.out this time ··Mo" m~n~ges to Marshfield hospital. Room, too, is now obsolete, and present arc Douglas Hunt of the done is, to lock them up so no one ment ion that the Workshops time on Miss Phillips was the daughtc:r of something more approp ri ate for its \Yisconsin Conse rvatio n Commis· else cm steal them, gi\'e them a little the air has !>ten extended from three Fred and Evaline Phillips of Ncsh- new purpo~e .is necess~ry. The Stu­s1on; Dick H~mp, Mosinee, re~e n~Iy preliminary trammg and then turn fourths of an hour to an hour and a koro, Route 2. She attended CSTC dent Council is appea.ling to the Stu· ~hostn outstanding conservation 1st them loose as radio an nouncers ha!f, to point out, with pa rdonable and was g raduated from the two year dent body for sugges tions Co: a clever in Wisconsi n ; H arvey Abraham, Okay, so you say the above state· p ri d.e, the new tape reco rder·; and ~o r~ral cou rse in Ju ne of thi s year. new nan:,e. Watch the Pou~ter f':'r he.ad of the legis lative interim com· ment is slightly exaggerated .. Lets get in an urgent plea fo r more Radio Smee August she h ad been teaching the details of a contest which will mntcc; and Robert Travis, head of peek in on .. Mo'· M:ead. down 1? the Workshop p laye rs. third grade at a school in Colby. be sponso~ed soon to r:iame the Rec the Jsscmbly conservation commit· radio workshop for a little while. room for its new function. , .

let. "Now here is wh at I wanted to St-udent Orch•stra w,·11 Play for Saturdar afternoons, CSTCs aud,-tcll you about _ Hold it!" ~ tom~m wil_l soon be the scene of

>! •J H e fli(ks a switch. ' mov~e m~tmees. Rece~t full-length

B·A Courteous Dr"1ver "We now p«sent Frankie, (he Operation Week-End' S Sweater Ball mo~oes .w,11 be shown m .'.he coll~ge mutters ··tcatherlungs·· unde r his . aud1toriu~ as part of ~pc.ratio.° breath) ~ane and his version of Don you r favo rite sweater, and get as long as it keeps you wa rm, 3.Jld Weekend ~Jans. !he aud1to.CJum 1s·

~ 6iCTJ> ~ Those Littl e White Lies.' ready to meet the crowd at the shows your personality, says :"the ~l re.ady outfitted with a full size pro-·- ~ "Now as I was saying, we moved Sweater Ball, says the Student Coun· Council. JCCt1on screen, and as soon as ar-

- -::::::- th:i.t patchrack _ the gadget with ci l, on Satu rday, December 9. An or- Besides dancing, prizes, and re- rangemcn ts ca~ be .made, Saturday . These little pointers can mean the the holes in _ oOt to where it wou ld chestra , ~ade up of some CSTC stu- freshments, hilarious ski ts will be put afternoon movies ~1.l~ be a regula~

dif~crence between your being a be easier to reach fr?m the c~?t.rol dents will pl~y tunes to fit .every on, utiliz ing some of the best talent part of campus activities. ) polished driver or just another driv· console. Oh what a JOb of rewin~g mood , and satisfy any taste, be 11 fox in the school. Andy Redmann is the G· . ( er. \X1atch this column for the: that was! - just igno re those " .8· trot, waltz, ballad or be-bop. chairman of the affair, and he has IVJng oncert

"Courtesy of the Weck"


I' .1. Rractically every traffic col­ision in\'olves at least one law vio· Inion

2. Ht!p prevent accident s by ob· SCr\'ing regu lations.

arette butts ~s they a.rcn· t an essc~t ial The ~tudent Cot.m: il ·has .plann~d been capably assisted by many of the Norman~. J:(~utzen and his .Men's part of the ins1~ ll at.1on :i.nyway. a f.u~-iamm~d evening wuh gift studen ts in making arrangements. ~lee club will hit t~e ~oa~ this eve-

Just about this ~1m~ Ed Fursten· c~rt1f1cat~ prizes for the fellow and Watch the h alls for posters, and nmg for the organizations las.t out berg comes wandering in . g irl wearing the most novel or most encou rage your friends to pull their of town concert before the holidays.

" Hey 'Mo·" he says, "write me attractive sweaters. The Quality cashmeres and angoras out of the The men making the trip will lave out a cheat 'card so I won't forget Store and Mo~ern Togg~ry Sh'?f. moth balls, and make you way to the early this ~vening for Hancock wheie those two lines that int~oducc ~ur ~ave each contr~buted $5 g1f.t cert1 · Training School gym on Satu; day a concert 1s ~hedulcd for 8 p .m. at tape reco rding of the Senior Bal l. icates for the winners. Cardigan, or night. The admission cha rge is only the Community H alJ. The members

(You get that way when you're a slip·On, argyle or ski, it matters not, (5119 STVDENT ORCHESTRA, pa9• 41 wi ll rc:turn. shortly after the concert.

Page 2: POINTER - epapers.uwsp.edu · POINTER , SER ES VI VOL. V ... tc with a lbm:c, ... on Michigan avenue near the Armory dog teams and Siberian \~olf 3 wee an tchar Lun ~cte


THE POINTER December 7, 1950

VOL IV THE POINTER No. 9 - * "ES The Inquiring Reporter Asks

='=,,"','°lil""h,"'d=w=«7kl"',=a=«=pt=eah,"'lid7,=,,=.=.,-.. =.m'=1.=,,7;,=.= ... =,,"'.od"',.=,=,aas=,"=.,.=,=,=,,=.,=,=,= .. =,,=,=,,,=,=, I s l y LIN k h A B b the Centul WiJC'OntlO State Tncbcn Collc,cc. SubKription Price $) .00 per ynr. __,,,,,,,,,...- D y Th" t to

Enued u teeoo.d-elu, autt.u M&r 26, 1921 , at the PO&t: office at S1cvc111 Point. Whconiin, - 0 OU In e m om '"'" "'' Aa

01 """' '· '"'· The ed;1or has ,,;d 1h,t 1he Po;nter

EditOC•in<hicf - Fu,d H . L1Lcikc, 81) i?i::rg~~~o:cT~~W; New, Editor - G1etchc11 Hohrcin ; would be bc.ttcr off 1r there w~s more Should Be Used Against China? Asmunc - Pat Oerac: (.;ompo1itioa ediloc - Ray Venn: AJ.Ji.unu - Fnnk lxGuirc, Dn1d Rou. effort and time put into ccrt:1111 types .. ~;j~~i;;;~~;:~~t; ~:~:J~:1~;tr:;1o~E:i~~~~t~t~l,;+:fa~i~C::t~l~T. of writing. Well, this is suppos:J For this wt:ek"s student opinion we e.ver be sure thlt Russ1:1 wouldn't Barban Lewis, Dick ) Ma.tin, Norma Mayer. Dolou:s Miller. l>iry SchiJcwJld, 5Jlly Scr,bncr. to be a co lumn that sparkles with wit, poll the inc1uiring reporter chose a use tt :is a return to Amcric.1?" ~!tjo~~m~:::rc.'1'~~1fctt~ctoi!i!~'~o~~f::'.· ~~:~~~, R~~b;~~=Tr.;:!r~dA~.iT;'" if!~~hs.~~'i:V satire, sarcasm, and occ.tsion:111~ ut.·;tion that 1s of cur rent interest Mary Jo Reznichek ;_ "~ btlie\'c the ~o"n"oc;~Jt:0~~::u~ ~n:k ~C:::Cr:; PEdi!kriairAdti~:-~1~~

1~~"B;,{h~cG~~~~~~~'· C.uhcr,nc humor - where arc these elcmen~s. ~nd import.mt.l' not only to us here use o~ the atom bomb 1s immoral:tnd

BUSCNESS STAFF It would ~ better for all p:1.rt1~s : 1 CSTC. but :tbo to people ev~ry- ~h:1.t 1t shou ld not h:1.vc been ukQ uusina5 man.1"u - ChJrlcs Hodgdon, )O? Church St .• Phone 101s: A»inanu - Ken GJuh, c_oncerned , it thcr~ were people• wil· when·. The question, " Do you thmk in Japa n. I can see ~nly disastrous

lr ... ,:.",.~ ... 81i~,·_.;H~,,·,·.R~N~,~",:r,,_:r:,,h-:,:,,,;,: ~rn'~.,'rn,",:_i~.'.s ••• ~.:.:.~H~".',.~ .•• '· .• i.:,,· ••. ,-.,'--°.-,:,:', .• '.},i,J.~nnnB;w,:, .• ;e,r~A:,:,.y,.J!cu,,,.!~ !mg to try to write - who \l,~ul~ the atom bomb should be used conscque~ccs ahead ,f \\'C or inr

11 LC H ... contr ibute to sm:h a column. It 1sn t against Chin,l, or is t~1crc . an~~ llC:r oth~r nation ~r~p an :1t?mic bomb Robert

5· Lewis. casr! solution to this critic:d s1tuat1on? re- during the ex1st!ng conflict."

Pres. Hansen Realizes Wish ~ . • . • . suhcd.-in the following .in.swer~: . C:llrencc Kaner: " I t . should be Now thi s 1s not a cb1m th:u alt is Betty Mehnc: " I Jon t think 11 a\'01ded as much as possible, to Dre.

perfect with the paper - there could 1 0 IJ bl' used just yet; but ce rt:iinly \'Cot a full-scale war in the Orlcnt In his first address to the students of CSTC, upon arriving here in be a lot of impro\'Cmcnts, we k?ow. f f1 "~c go

10 wJr with China, we will from brc.iking out befo re we Jrc pJe·

December of 1940, President William C. Hansen expressed the hope that Let's see somc conc_rctc ~ug,gest1ons. robably u:,l' it." plrccl! And secondl y to avoid the use he would "have the good fortune to remain here longer than the former le is e~sy to compl:un. Why not tr_Y P Joyce Wc~t: "It d~finitel)' should of the ~omb to h~JJ on to ls m.tny of presidents have." The four years preceding l\fr. Hansen's arrival at CSTC ~o wrne somethmg? Add your bit not be used yet. It' tlungs get worse, our a ll ies :ts P?Ssi.~ lc before the full had seen a rapid turnover in presidents, four having come :i nd gone in that if you are not happ)'· ·c ('Ould use it for J ihrc.tt, but we sca le w:i.r begins. period. Last week Mr. Hansen rea lized his wish of 10 years ago. through • • ~\•n't forget tlut thC)' (Russi :i) rnuld . P,t_O'Brien :_"Usethe400,000 N,1. the obse rvance of hi s tenth an ni versary as CSTC' s...p.r.esident- D .... I r

ln this same add ress to the student body, President Hansen st ressed New Ad(~ress ept. give us the s:i me treatment. " t iona ists . on ·ormosa ~o fight the the importance of doing our best today, and the inadvisability of "putting lee A. Miller So G 2 PJt Fox: " RussiJ h.1s the atom Communists,. and then if thJt fails. thi ngs off" until tomorrow. In his IO yea rs of se r\'ice here, Mr. Hansen "C' ~i\•ision bomb too, we know, :ind they're i_ust use itte atom .~omb with the :ippro\'JI

b d d' . I f h' J' d I h I . . . ff U.S.S. Brown. DD _546 . . waiting for us to make the f1rst of the U. N. ~: d:~ :u~~ ~;tfu::f,'!r ~h~ i~.t~sre~~s i~f :;is, th1i:o~!n, ~r.:t:~~!r. e orts c/ o F. P. 0 . San h:inosco, C:1hf. move." Je rry Jelinek : " Yes, life is chr1p

Despite the C\'Cr increas ing p ressure of administrat ive duties, Mr. To you uninitiated -1

Lee is ·t Severi)' Ziebarth: "No. don't uSe in China and it wi ll work :is a de. mnsen has never been too busy to give valuab le time to any st udent sonarman on a destroyer, w lOSC ma,· it! If I were a fe llow in Korea, I'd mor:i. lizer of the Ch inese!" who fee ls the need of help or advi~. No CSTC stuJent need feel hesitant ing address is a fleet post ~ff ice. probably h:n•e a different opinion,-" Bob Dehlinger : "Directed prop,

• • Harold Doedy: "Don't use the a· aganda is worth a hundred atomic about seekin~ advice from President Hansen . Did you see the cartoon of two bomb! Use g.is! \'{/ hat good is t he bombs."

....__ Few col ege presidents are as qu ick to support and endorse school cave men drawi.1.1g :rn!ma ls on a wall. a-bomb except for destro)'ing every· Marvin Fait : " There' s bound to be activ it ies as is President H:insen. He has made it hi s po licy to appear, C?mment _ Is dm~saur spe lled thing wit hin

3 ten mile radius?" a war anyway. Let's use it and grt it

whenever possible, at most co llege fu nctions despite the press o( his with two or four legs? . Thora Fink: " If we cou ld be su re over sooner."

present duties. • • •.. • . Russi.t didn't have the :i -bomb, I'd Donald Betry: "The use of onro We wou ld like to congratulate President Hansen on his tenth an- C?mment of _th'C week. W' h:it 1s say sure, go ahead and use it, qui('k. bomb wou ld mean !he use of mln)·

niversacy of se rvice to CSTC. May our college continue to prosper for the ,dea of havmg a weak end pro- l. have a brother-in-law over in Ko- more and that it turn would meJn J

the next decade under his ab le management. gram?" • rea and he probably just e\•acuated treme ndous amount of total de.

Home Ee Parlors Scene of Formal Even after quite a few notices - Pyongyang with the others. But, can st ru ct ion !" the hig h and mighty sen iors are not

UDENT ORGANIZATIONS PS·, Beta-Ps,· Soror,·ty ln,·t,·at,·on . rouow;ng d;rect;on, ,on«rn;ng ,11.;, " Iris" pictu res. Incorrect ones arc

The Home Economics Pa rlo rs toastmistress, the patronesses and the ~~t~~ ct~~t and can not be used. Home Economics Club December 14. All members :1.nd,their were the .scene fo r the cand lelight adviser spoke b riefly. \'{fith the • • Monday, December 4, was the eve friends arc invited. ini tiat ion ce remony of Psi Beta Psi singing of "Winter Wonderland" S . of the Home Economics club Christ- Refreshments lrc being plannedb)' sorority, Saturday e\'ening, Decem· and "White Chri st mas" by l trio The ann ua l Phi Sig Style how is mas sale and also the regular business Eleanor Curti s, entert:1.inmcnt b)· ber 2. As 22 girls pledged the newl y composed of Faith Spencer, Dorothy in the first stages of organ?atirn. meeting. The girls were busy during Ross Papke, and decorations by fo~med sororit)', Mrs. Elizabeth Omernik, and Rosemary Boote, the Raplh Roberts is the director or t ti s the meeting putting last minute Hugh Curtis. · Pfiffner presented each of them evening was brought to a close. year's p ro.duction.. st itches on some of the articles. Plans • • • with a peach colored rose, the sor- Committee cha irmen chosen were Do you know what's the difference ·were made fo r a ga la Ch ristmas p:i rty Gamma Del ta o rity flower. The chosen patronesses as fo llows: Rese rvations and food, between a duck _ one leg is both to be helJ in January .at Sims Cot· The ann ual G amma Delta Christ-of the so ror ity are Mrs. Herbert Muriel Necrhof; decorations, Helen the same. tag~. . . . mas pirty put on by the first sem-Benn, Mrs. John McComb, Mrs. Ne ls Reinecke; transportation, Elmarie • . Elean~r Curtis and \'<lmmfred ester p ledges will be held Thursdly 0 . Reppcn, and . Mrs. Raymond E. Sbertole ; invitations, Jean Perry; and Newsy Bits: Pierre w_1 II represent the CS!C Home evening, December 14. The follow-Specht. Mrs. Warren Blodgett is enterta in ment, Beverly Mueller. A record _ Eco~om ics club at t~e Pro_vmce Con- ing committees wi ll be in charge of faculty adviser. .:; S S H Norman Hinkley, CSTC graduate, vent1on of the. W isconsin . College the party: entertainment, Jerr)' Boct·

The fo llowing office rs we re in- econd1ry eniors ave and his wife, the former Betty Gust· Ho~e Ec?nom1cs cl~bs .. 1 he con· tchcr and Doris Schu ltz; cle:in-up, sta lled: Betty Mehne, president ; Bev· (h T h S h I in, also a CSTC alum, are the p rou d vc n!1 on ~·1 11 .be held m Clucago. Dale Rindfleisch; refreshments, Jean erly Ziebarth , vice-pres ident; Mar· ance to eac c 00 arents of a 13 pound, eight ounce 1 he Ins picture ;"'as taken of those Ferdon and Joy Lane. cella Schantz, recording sec retary; El- Each year, a group of seniors in the baby boy. This blessed event oc- present at the meetmg. Refresh~cn ts • • marie Sbcrtole, cor responding secre· Secondary d ivis ion :ire given a chance cured last week in Prairie du Chien, ~ere ser.ved followed by a movie on Rural Life Club tary; Delores Witte r, treasurer; Bev- to conduct classes at the p J. Jacobs where H inkley is the high school 1 owle s1 l:erware.. • The Christmas Jlrty of the fur.ti erly Mueller, assista nt treasurer; High schoo l. The ma in purpose of music di rector, and it set a. ba~y w ,

5 A Life club was hcl Monday night in

Beatrice Peplinski , historian; and this prog ram is to give the students poundage reco rd fo r. the hosp ital in i··r . 1

" Gd d h w•sc a festively decorated Rural Assem· Rosemary Boote, member at large. ·1 ty g1r s atten e t e w A .

After the initi:ition ce remony, a an opportuni ty to p rove themse lves that city. B' 1. 1 s· · 1

F 'd bly. The party opened wi1h the sing·

;:~:: :·:h~r;:!:i:: tt"t,:~;~'. ~n:~~:n',:'i~;1 s~er"v't:.s .'J:e~:::~~; ·r:~ An;.Wco:rh-;.;, , CSTC jun;o,. and n;'fi,f ~'.,:,1i{:~1~0lc'~;m f


r~m '; :;i ~~,o~;y g:!~~~t ,n~'~;;o~!~";~l mallow snowmen and skati ng fig- ~~= c~~:!~~\s !:r~!?th:d~i~;~\:~~~~ ~}s s7~!:~:h;of~~~:;e ~~~yp;re

1~t~1:i to f,blt ;:;°\~_uples". attending were ~fe~el~~~: r!~~~r·w!t~nt:.~ d!~::

urines made of {)ipe cleaners decor- superv ise and give assistance to the' a b:iby boy_ born on November 24. the 19 and little siste rs, \vho. were and Faith Spence r anJ Cli(forJ f~:d:~fc~a~~~ie l u;};e~~~; ;::v~da~~ students. Bill J r. was born at St. Michael's dresse , s~me as boys w_ea rmg Jeans, Swanson each sang a so lo.

For this semester the student teach· hospital. colo~e~ shins_ and b?w ties, and so.me Games were Jed by Marian Sch"·Jb ------------ ers at P. J. Jacobs and the subjects Now wed - .is girls weari ng gady coloreJ ski rts and Nancy .Curry and Frances ~erb· 1

Attends Meetings they are teaching are; Conservation, Bob Ellingson, a last s~mes'\~r K!'ad and b~ouses. . er read two Christm3 :, scle<11ollS-Richard Lund and Donald Sa rgent ; now employed by Ehe W1sc.onsm Pub- Tl~~ .party ~tarted off with two fun E:ich person brought a gift. The

Mrs. Mildrede Williams of the physical education, Wilbur Cox and lie Service Corporation in Stevens pr~v1~ 11"!g mixers led by Marga ret party ended with the passing out of Training School facwt ly attended a William Koch ; Freshman science, Point, .and Beverl y Berg, a CSTC Th1rk11l, fo llowed by squ~re danc ing the gifts and with the se rving of re· mee~ing of the ~lementary Educat ion Norvin HoJm, Royal Kott and Ray. sen ior from Iola, were ma_rried on called by De Verne Matth1son, \'v'ood freshments. 1

In~tttutes on Friday, December 1, at mond Venn ; chemistry, Maurice Saturday, December 2. Bob is due to County 4-H l~ader. . Milwauk~e State Tea~?ers college Meade and Edw::trd Furstenburg; don Uncle Sam's khaki this month. The de('orat1ons c~~s1sted of num-and the New Teacher conferenc:, geogrlphy, Rudolph Horn ; biology, Bev is returning to CSTC. cr?us poste rs prov1d111g :in appro· Wesley Satu.rday, D~ccm~r 2, at ~he Uni· Muriel Nccrhoof and Mary Schade- Forward, March! p ri ate bar.n dance effect. Hot cocoa "Wesley Day" was obSCr\'cJ on versaty of ~1scons1n at Mad1so?. wa ld. Charles Hanke is teachi ng Included in the Portage County anJ _cookies wc~e serve~ afte r the December 3 and the forum was he~J

The J?l~JOr speaker at the Milwau· physical education at the Emerson drift quota for the 29th of Novem- dancing. C~-cha1r~en for the affair at 9: 1 :5 a. m. at the church. Then I e l kec meetrng was. Dr. Florence B. school. ber were four Ste\'ens Poin t men who were Phyll is Ja.rnick and Glenna members attended the church services Stratemeyer, a nationally known edu= attended CSTC at once time Bob Cl:trk. Chaperon ing were Mrs. Eliza. in a body . .At 1 :4:5 p.m. a hike WJS cational leader in the fields of teach- Wesley Players Will Westenbe rge r Dick Westenbergyt beth Pfiffner and Miss Miriam Mos- taken by the g roup . A ('hili supper er educ~~!on and cu rric~.lum. Carl .Adamski.and Duane Dawley ar~ er, WSG';. advi se rs. was se rved at 6 o'clock :ind \\?csler

At a New Teacher conferen.ce Present "Other Wiseman" the newst members of Uncle Sam·s • • and MYF g roups had supper 10· j

hel~ on Saturdar at . the Me~onal rapidly expanding army. Trigon get her. d l!mon at the Un1vers1t~ o~ W1scon- Wesley Players, the dramatic It's a teacher's college, but _ The.- T~igon Christmas party will After supper Reta. FontJine._an n s10, the problems of beginning teach· g roup from Wes ley, 1s giving a E S .1 f 1 . be held m the Presbyte rian church Arthur North led some g:imcs. I he ers, who had returned to the univer- Christmas play, "The Other W ise- ugene m, ey, one O ast years basement at 7 :30 p.m. on Thursday the g roµp ad journed to the sane1u:?· sity that day, were discussed under man," at St Paul's Methodist cli"'urch CST C g raduates, now the manager of ' for cfevotiona r services. Ne .1~

1 the leadership of Dr. G len Eye. The on Wednesday night, December 13. one 0! _the loca l theate rs, has accep~ed low." It at least served we ll as a Clintsman Reta Fontaine, Munch first part of the discussion was de- The program will begin at 8 :1' o·- a pos ition as manager of a Janesv ille conversation piece. Ncerhof, 'Kay Pierce, Je:in KcJC voted to the prob lems of the new clock with an o rgan preludt . .After theater. W ane a Vacation ? and Mr. North took pa rt in the de·

;~:; of theer;;:i~e~ft;~t5V:i~~~~ :~~ pi:~ic:n G~~:~in!i17i;:n;e ~~~~~~~ !as?~?ar~~1:o~; ;;;ag:? i~t a~~~~ ate~\l~e rh~:i~ngd\ a ~.~~k~S~~r,;~~; vog~n~ecem~cr 13 at 8 : I S the \V/rs·

sin, who had observed classes taught mas music. Donald Douglas wi ll mg ga rage busmess at W ild Rose. vacation now. The grade sch I Icy players will present the ,ra~~o- 1 by the beginning teachers. conclude with the '" Lord's Prayer." Spell down - Laona, where Esthe r is teach· 00 at mine "The Other Wisc MJn. ic

During the second part of the dis. Dolores Newhall is director of the The members of the decoration destroyed by fire last we t~g, ~ as publi~ is invited to attend this ser,·· russion, the ne':" tea~h~cs t~emselves, play and her cast inclu?es David committee f~r the .~nior b.~11 must husband, Dick Berndt, is te:chin ~~ 1cc. presented their d1ff1cu lttes. The But ler. Donald Stassel, Fntz Schade- have been m a mellow mood the high school there and th t b ~Id third part c~nsisted of group meet- wald, Edwin Heuer, Charles Robin · when they painted the sign that was ing it O.K. so Dick · .. \ ~1

,; •

ings o'f beginning students and mem- son, Catherine Magee and G lenna erected over the stage at the l egion while Esthe; is on vaca\\ s a~ng bees of the staff for the discwsion of Clark. Hall Satu rday night. For that is how Christmas time though 1


~ me specific problems which arise in the All students, faculty and frie nds the last pa rt of the theme title two weeks '':l('~tion ani he .

11 ·have

various subject fields. are invited. "marshmallow" came oue - "mel- only one. s e ave

Sigma Tau Delta , I Sigma T au Delta's winte r outinf

which will be held a~ Nor~J\J; Knu tzen's cotage on Pike LJke,

./ (See OftCAfflZAf.&q}fl', pcui• I ) l

, I

Page 3: POINTER - epapers.uwsp.edu · POINTER , SER ES VI VOL. V ... tc with a lbm:c, ... on Michigan avenue near the Armory dog teams and Siberian \~olf 3 wee an tchar Lun ~cte

u eccmbcr 7, 1950 THE POINTER

-CST c c t T l w h I II this year. Being one of the few un·

· · . agers o ang e it l FIFTH QUARTER ~~1~:~r ~~~~e~«~1~~:~~~n~~t~t~·~ ~~~,:,~,t1b:!!k~:~


S N b K h M d co oppose Valparaiso University in t Or ort n1"g ts O One of Co,ch Quandfs biggest the Cigar Bowl and ba,•e also rcceiv- the 1950-5 I SClSOn with a bang last • ~ n ay problems in shaping up his squad is ed feelers from the Dairy and Corn week by pl:i.ying a 12 game schedule. . . . to find a reliable starting combina. Bowls. After the shooting was over several

Po in1cr fans w ill ~e a famili a r spc:cd and aggressiveness under the ti on. Just about 1 11 · 12 varsity play· teams boasted outstanding offensive !int·Lfp on Mo~day n~g~-when the nets. N? t an especially ta ll team the e rs a rc rather evenly matched. So scores combined with g ood defensive !:It. No_rbcr! Kn,phts ."d into town. No rbc~t mes :i re no1ecl for pa~s in- hcncC the problem of finding and \V/e feel tha t l:J. Crosse will make record s. However, picking a po· li.1tl' time 1s So clock at P. J . J:icobs terceptmg and fa ncy ba ll handlmg. shaping fi ve reli:ible starters. n gre.tt showing in a post season tential champion at this very early Hi.d1 school gym. . . Squad Ready • • •. game :ind will show people just how stage of the season would be h1rd to

In fac t the only not_i ccablc ch:i n~e 1 o cope: with the "boys from the From the reports we heard, the tough_ the Te:ichers College Confer- do. on the DePere squad IS CoJc\ Ah•,n banks of the Fox," Coach Hale whist le blowers at Northland were a ence ,s , WCTU Lm Week·, """I" ........ t

1 t~:;qu;t~~ ::a:. .


ik;;' ;e~lm t;:;~~ 51'.;~~~: .. w~iag~:';e a:, d re~~~t s~~/t; little trig~er happ,/" Whitewater wou ld be ano ther tea m ~,'.\ t;:•. ::il r:~i~i:tds :: :::ii lkrmody, who 1s now hnc coach ,it ~1a,,c indic:ited they :i re in fine scor- .Tommy Curry, who Jearn7d his thnt could well represent the confer. Chi Dells ..... .. A:? Black Hawks ........ )9

;\f.trquettc. . d I b . mg form . The Purtc and Gold tocks under Co:ich Quandt is still encc in a bowl game T he Quakers Beef Trust ....... ·U Kin~s (overtim:) The Nor~~rt1n~ squa 1:i.s een in ment~r·s bigg:s1 hea ~chc is i1 his making heavy pr int in t~e news- fayed 3 fine brand ~f football this Rambl ers ..........

67 Sr:i j:.s ..... :::::::::::::::


il~t competition s'.nce the start of th.e squads _exct ss1\"C fouling. The ref. pa pers. '.,he La Crosse ~eg,ster rnll s feason and also wound up as an un. Sp::ukies .............. J t Zippers ............ .... .. 27 ,l·,ison. Coach Skat returne~ ,to .l11s eree p~mted an ~ccusing finger at Tommy .onl: of t~e ~.mest college defeated a nd untied team. (overtime)

.1\n1.1 mate r, Ma~quette Unn e rstty, the Pomt<.-rs 57 times during their halfbacks m 1hc nauon. Curry ave r- . Ghosts .. ::i; {~t: r~ .................. ... 27

.inJ obliging ly _his boys wa lkc~ of! two gamts with Northland and aged a fir st down eve ry time 1he * • • ~0t~~~ ................ ~J Terrors ......... ·::3~ with a 61.:53 v1~tor)' · The Kn ig ht s Houghton. This game also will be .football was handed hi s way, ave r· Other teachers co lleg e quin ts a re

1:,ss ................... ]? Beef Trust . .. .... }7

Jbo gave the DcP:tul Blue De.moos, Coach Q ua ndt's last ch:ince to test aging IO . I yards per try. finding their non -coferencc foes a Ramblers ............ 6 3 Zippers .................. 27 one of the ~est college teams rn ~he his charges befort entering league * * • tough crop to beat. La Cros::c lount ry, quite a batt le before losmg conmpe1ition on December 20 T he La Crosse foo tball team_ ~as dropped a 6Q.:;9 th riller to Dubuql•c, out 8·1-70. . against 1'.1ilwaukee. come in for it~ share o f recognmon last Satu rday. and Rn•er Falls absorb·

Kosnar 0utst3.ndmg ed a y ;.39 drubb ing at the hands of The two players most responsil,le (ST( p

O s Q Augsbu rg :

for the Norbertine show ing are ointerS rop eaSOn penerS; ~-----------, ~omic K:;ari a~1n C~~~~dH:;t~~ . • h" T h T . h e Keys made. ;"~~:~din;

0 s:. Nofbert cager in Northland, M,c tgan ec r1ump • Bicycles for Sole and. Rent.

Knight_ histor,r _ ~ill handle one of The CSTC Pointers ot off to a Lose to Tech Hetzer's Cycle Shop the guard pos1t1ons. Commg up fast . . g b

K , · 1 - Ch k Holt shaky start" m 1hetr 1950·51 :isket· The game again.St Mich igan Te~h 737 Church Street fo r d osnad de~! eti :~e spe~d~ter. H:~: ba ll campaign , last weeke nd, when was a wild and high scor ing contest spec Y. an t ~ne o( the forwa rd they dropped out of town non-con· with the Michigan five holding too ~o~ttil~~; ~ther forward is Don fcrcn ce games to North land_ o f Ash- much of a sco rin g punch for the · P · 6• " b II I d i" cc · I la nd, 63 ·56, on Thursday night and Poin ters. !;hn;~~; wfu · re:a ll j~nh n~~~-:~la~~; then were tipped 75·65 ~y _Michigan The foul line again hurtThthee PCoS,TntC-··c;owd his back" passes. The center Tech :it Houghton, Michigan, last ers, bu t not qu it e as bad .

SCRIBNER'S DAIRY Pasteurized Dairy PToducts

Phone 1376


117 North Second St.

Ir )'Ou DON' T read this ad

tell us!I

"THE PAL" On Clark Street 5 ot will be unrded by Dick Lenss. Saturday. . qu intet was accused of 25 mfr:tchons J . ·t Le f 6'2" height he is a The free throw !me spelled the during the contest and Tech potted

,0e~r :ebou~ der and plenty agg res· diffcre?cc in 1he N~nthland game as 21 ·of 1heir gift th rows. 1 ;, \'C unde r the nets. the Pomte rs committed 32 personal Two men, Don Cotta and K~n

The Knight's biggest asset is thei r fouls. Northland dropped 27 of_ Seaton , accounted for 43 of the v1c- Jewelry, Radios, Records

We ·Rent Records and Player ___ ...;.. ___ . _____ thei r charity heaves and that spe ll ed to r's points the fo rmer caging 18 For a personalized Ch rist'!las Belke's Cut Knudtson's the difference. co,ch Hale Quandt', and the latt~r 25. BiU Wagner ,g,i\

• team outscored _their opronents from paced the Steven~ Pomt a!tack, th is Jacobs & Raabe I Lead to One Game Margin the floor, nettong 24 f,eld goals . to time with 18 poonts on SIX baskets

gifl. gh•c a portrait from


Northland's 18, but the _g ift line and an equa l number of free throws. Bclh's Lumber ~o mpany closed proved the downfall of the loca l Close behind him came Chet Polka

the g~p between first a~d second qu in tet. wit h 1:; tallies on five buckets nnd pb cc in !he college bowling_ lea&u~ Bill W agner paced the pu rple and five free tosses. br sweeping_ a three game seri es wit old attack ns he dropped in six .------------, the Brunswick .team .. At_ the sa~e fie ld oals and a brace of ch arity Building Material time Knudtson s mnmta_me? the ir throwf for 14 points. Don Schneid· Feed,, Seeds, Coal&: C.oke

. slim one game lead .br .. w1 nnmg two ers took run ner.up laure ls for the g,me from the Ph, S.'gs. C,mp~s p int five on four buckets for e;ght. BR EI TEN STE I N CO• Cafe bowlers gave not ice that their ~I'

Phone 57 217 Clark St. cell.ir post was a temporary ooe as ta ,es.

ther swept three games from the <;hi ..-----------,I"-============:; Dclts and in the battle for third INTRA·MURAL SCHEDULE r-

pl:lc/ Don's Coney Is land gave ground to AKL by d ro pping two S;l mes to this team.

John Irvine Jed a ll bow lers by, biJsting the maples for a high game of 206 and high series of :;:; l. Oth­er bowlers to crack t he series honor roll were G. Chick with 532. Marv Johnson. 519, J. Stenz, 5 I}, W . Thomas, 507, nnd Dick Turzinski, 506.

Alpha Kappn l ambda with an 848 cook single game hono rs. and Do_n's Coney Island , though beaten twice, won series honor by smashing a 2342 cou nr.

Mondar, December 11 Colle~e Grm :

4 :U Chi Delu vs. Jokers S: IS Black H:i.wks vs. Terrors

Tuesday, December 12 College Gym :

4 :1) Hornets vs. V3ndal s S: lS Ph i Sigs vs. C:adavcrs

· Thursda)', December 14 Cu lle~e Grm: .

4: IS Ghosts vs. Zippers S: IS Truckers vs. Mongrels

Monday. December 11

4:15 Tr:i i~itsss~~~0JP~t:~

S: IS S1.1gs vs. Ghos1s Wed11esday, December 13

Tr3ining School Gym : 6 :30 Jokers vs. Terrors BOWLING SCORES­


7·30 Chi Dells vs. Van<l:il .s L 8 ;30 Pubs vs. Black Hawks

ti 11_:..:..---------~1 Knudton·s Market ........ 19

We s.mce oll moke1 Wo1hh1g Mochlne, RefrJguoloo, Stove,


e For Sports Wear

e For Dress Wear

Shippy Bros. · Clothing

Westenberger's Across from tM Post Office

t2 ::====::;::::;:::;::~ :t B E L K E I

Please open before Chri,tma.,

Belke Lumber Co....... .. ........... 18 Don's Con(y bland .. .. ........... 16 Alph;i Kapp:a Lambda ................ U CJmpus Cafe ............................. 14 Brunswick ...... ...13

~~f ~:~ts .. ::::: ............. :::::::::::: ~i INTRA.MURAL BASKETBALL

STANDINGS Ret! Division ~h~:

1~ers ...... .............. ............... ... ,

~~fkiT5ru .. st ..................... .. .... ...... ..

JJ~·s .. ......................................... ..... , Kin~} .......... .......... .... .... .............. u ~llj:S Zippers

\\hi1e Division ~·cru All S1:1 rs .. Ph i Sii,.:s . GJJvers M•lnJ.; rcls Truckers ..... ~uuuse Kids

Blue Oivision Puh, fl.11 Delcs •. · ltnrnets ...

~f .. ~t~1!wk·~ J•1hn Tlfr1>rs

w ........... 1

............. ... 1 ..... I

........... 0 ........ 0

... o .o w

............. 1 .......... 1

..... .. 1

....... 0 .... 0 ... 0

...... 0

:~ Lumber ·and "Mfg. Co._ - the door 0£ the Graham-" BUILDING-MATERIAL Lane Music ~hop. IS 247 ~ · Second St. Phone 1J04 ~~~~~:Io.Accessories, and

L 0 0 0 I I I ti 2

L 0 0 0 0 t I I

L 0 ,0 0 0 I

' t '

THE SPOT CAFE Home Cooked Foods

Good Coffee 414 Main St. Phone 95

Carroll's Music Shop

You r Rucrrd Headquarters

Modern Toggery "Tiu! !lien's Store"

On !\fain Strcel

On the South Side 809 Strongs Ave.


Let Sama's helpe rs help you

- visit TOYLAND

at the ·


422 Main St.

McIntyre's Elec. · Phillips Studio

Phone 759W The Fine.rt in Photography

809 Strongs Ave .

SAVE on Greyhound's low one-way fares AND SAVEAGAIN-10% or more each way-on Round Trip Tickets!*

MUwaukH, Wl1 ............ 13,40 ' Chleaqo. 111 . ............. 4.75 Mpi. .. Mhu:1. .... 4,'5 SI. Pa:uJ, Mhui. .. ............ 4.40

~r..c&o~"W1~1' ::::::::;::: tl~ Janenllle, Wla . ............ 3.25

&:n:~:;: i~~-- .. ::::::~:::~ H!

..... Trip

S6.I$ l ,$$ 1.40 7.9S :uo 4.U !I.IS 7.40 ,.20 3,70

a.. ..... Wr, Trtp

Wa1,1aau. Wl1. . .. ... ,70 1.30 Waupoea:. Wla. . ..... .70 1.30 Martneue, w i. . ............ 3.30 S.U Rhlneh:u1der, Wia . ...... 2.20 4.00

~et~:i:~i;;::~::2::~:tii Hi Marshlleld, Wla . ............ . 10 1.30 8elol1.wi.. .. ............ 3.SO 1.30 b onwood. Mich . ....... ,- 3.2S $,IS

(U. s. Tu Lctro) IU. $. Ta Emo) •Good for 6 ~011th1 (IIO day1).

Ger full detail, TODAY . .. visit or phone:


Page 4: POINTER - epapers.uwsp.edu · POINTER , SER ES VI VOL. V ... tc with a lbm:c, ... on Michigan avenue near the Armory dog teams and Siberian \~olf 3 wee an tchar Lun ~cte

TH£ POINTER December 7, 1950

ORGANIZATIONS Gilbert Faust Partakes Thanks I Annual Senior Ball Eight Schools Receive "A"

Attended by 90 Couples In One-Act Play Contest (Co111Lnv.d lzoiii J>G9• 2)

\:;';,:,:i;r ~~'. Wednesday mning. In Registrar Meetings I wish to express my ,in,trt­thanks to everyone who ltd 't:d t mJkc our Senior Ball a .. ~,,ts: Approximately 90 couples danced The sectional hish SfhOOI one-act The · affair · 1s being ._pbnncd When the Associ1tion of CoJ.

.. In a Mars~mallow \X'orld" at the play co_ntcst hc·ld at CSTC Friday re- through the following committees: Jcg i:tt c RcgistrJrs met in 4

.M.1dison annual Senior Ball b st :i.turday suited rn eight winners of ''A" r.:it· Tr.1 nsportat ion , hirlcy Jacobson, fast Frid.1y, Gilbert W/. b.ust ':"':15 night. ings who wiil be eligible to part· Suzan ne Swan ke and Harold Neitzel ; lmong those ~ttcndi_ng the mc~ting

I hope you all hJd a fine 11 1: 1<:. •

Lloyd Peterson President , Senior c1.i~s Snowladcn boughs and figures of ic ,pa1c in the state contest to be held iO\•it:ttions. B:trbJra Lewis and Dor- in the Mcmor11l Union. Dr. Milton

snowmen d~ orated the wa ll s o~ the at i\bdison early tMs month . Six- thiJnne Rcbc lla; ref reshmcnts, Hdrn Long horn of Pla1tc,•i!Je Te:ic~e~s col - ';============-' Legion ballroom for the occ:¥io~. tce!1 high schools, from the Stevens La Leikc, Virgin ia Gmciner and lcge is president of the associauon. POINT CAFE Abo"e the s1age, where Hal Hen nig Point, La Crosse, and Oshkosh dis- Shirley Jacobson. . . 1 1 f h

d h · M d, · I d I · d All new members :ire urged to sub· . Followrnf 1 1e c 0.se O I c reg-an is , o ern:ttrcs p aye ' tic tncts c~~~:te: mit material for the winter issues o1 ist r:trs mcc11ng, Mr: Faus! attended 3

f~!mi:t:::. spelled out in marshmal- The A winne rs and the plays the .. Rectangle,'· the n:uiona l Sigma mcctinf: of the W 1s~onsm Te1chers A t Your Service

6 A.M. - I A. l\f. each gave are as fo llows: P. J. Ja e- T I) 1 r bl' . coll ege deans :tnd registrars, also held The sen iors and their guests obs High school, Ste"ens Point , au e ta ite rary pu ,c:itton. at the Union.

danced from 9 to I o'clock. At 10 ;30 "'Breakfast;" Greenwood, "" \'(f ill of Pr imary Council r---------------------- -~ p.m., King Lloyd Peterson and Queen the \'(f isp;" La Crosse Aquin:ts, Primary Council was host to the Mary Ann Petersen, attractive in an '" \'(l'hy I Am a Bachelor ;"" Mosinee, In termed iate-Upper Elementary d i­off-the-shoulde r white form:il, led "" Mind Set;.. Green Lake, "Ugly vision at a Christmas party December the grand march. They we re follow- Duckling ;·· Luxemburg. " The 4 in the Training School gym. ed by Charles Bruce, vice-president, \Y/onder Hat ;" Marinette, "Sub- The program included a reading and Carole Gilbertson, George merged;"' \'Q'aupu n, " The \'Q'onder by Reta Fontai ne ent itled '" The Lit -Mosey, treasurer, and Rosemary Har." tlest Angel" and Christmas se lections Badten, and Phyllis Peterson and Ed- d b N · G b I J 1· D ward Furstenberg who subst ituted Lel~n M. Burroughs chai rman. ~f sung y anc1e oc e, u 1e can [ K G k ' CSTC s speech department was criti c and .Joan Fehrenbach.. E,•e ryone

0~/:0d ~sr/'Rs:c:~~d·E. Gotham judge and Walter. Schmid_t, Kau- joined in _and sang '7hristmas carols

M d M F y k \YI C J kauna was the sectional chairman. accompa nied at the piano by Barbara r. an rs. ra n · row an ' Bea Candle favo rs were given out

Mrs and Mrs. Vern Varney acted as afte·r refreshments we re se r"ed. The chaperones ror the dance. Plans Being Completed party was concluded with ·uke box

C.omm1tt_ces worked under the foJ. danci ng. J lowing chairmen : Robert Karsten, Or• For ~hristmas Concert .

Eca Rho chestra; Jeanne Menner, invitations; Allen Bracm, hall arrangemen ts; Louis Jacoboski , publici ty ; Gerald Rued, dccorati.ons ; Muriel N ccrhof, refreshments; and Robert Cook,

Plans are · being completed and There wi ll be a meeting of Eta fi nal arrangements made for the an- Rho at the E"angclica l :ind Reformed nual Christmas Concert to be given chu rch ton ight. It wi ll begin at 7 :30. Sunday and Monday even ings, De- Transportation will be provided cember 17 and 18, tn the college au- from the east entrance of the school ditorium, under the direction of at 7 :1 5 o'clock.

tickets and programs.

Peter J . Michelsen. The Mixed Miss Sw1llow Attends

Red Cross Meeting Chorus and the Girl' s Glee club, as STUDENT ORCHESTRA well as the symphony orchestra, arc busily practicing for this climax of

Miss Mar ie Swallow, Traini ng the Yu letide season. School office sec reta ry, attended an The Sunday night concert will be American Red Cross meeting at reserved for the public and tickets Madison _ this past. week-end. Miss arc now a\'a1lable at the drugstores Swallow is t~e chairman of the Vol- downtown. The concert on Monday untary Services for the . Portage even ing is to be presented especia lly County Chapter of.the Amencan _Red for students and facu lty and college Cross. The meet ing was . p resided activity ca rds will serve as tickets. over by Betsey .Northup. directo r of The complete program for the Chr ist· V?luntary Strv1Ces Chapters for the mas Concert will appear in next m1dwestcrn area . week's issue of the Poin ter .

Pres. Hansen Honored

Guest at Informal Tea President William C. Hansen was

guest of honor at an informal tea Monday afternoon when faculty members, the office staff and the maintenance staff surprised him in honor of his tenth ann iversary at CSTC.

Vari -co lored chrysanthemums dec­orated the tea table in the Home Economics dining room whe re co lo r­ful Christmas cookies and coffee were sen •ed. Miss Helen Meston and Miss Emily Wilson poured.

Assisting Miss May Roach, chair­man of the facu lt y, in making ar­rangements fo r the tea , were Miss Bess ie May Allen, Miss Meston , Miss Wilson , M iss Monica Bainte r, Gi lbert W . Faust and Dr. Harold M. T oto.

Gives Conservation Talk Catherine Konop, sophomore in

the Rural d ivision at CSTC, gave a talk on conse rvat ion before the Wis­consin Isaac W alton League when it met at Sheboygan last Satu rday. Her talk, en tit led .. Conscr"ation Means Better l iving for a Bette r World" won her first place in the state con­servation spea.Jc.ing contest last sum­me r when :moo 4-H club me mbers vied for hono rs.

T oys Galore!!

at the


Skates - Skies

Football, - Basketball&

Hippity Hop to

Van Arsdale, Williams

Visit Madison Schools Miss G ladys Van. Arsdale, 1hird

g rade supervisor in the Training School , and Mrs . Mildrcde Williams, second grade supervisor, spent Thurs­day, November 30, in Madison, visit­ing various Madison schools and see· ing g raduates of CSTC who are teaching in the p rima ry grades in the Madison schools.

Where Smart Men Shop




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