SAP AG 2000 Course Goals Course Objectives Course Content Course Overview Diagram Main Business Scenario Background to AFS Contents: Course Overview

01 ICP310 SAP AFS Introduction

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SAP AFS Apparel and Footwear Solution ICP310 training course

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Become #amiliar wit strategies #or managing te
uni$ue re$uirements o# a!!arel and #ootwear
demand management using SA% &'(
Course Objectives )*+
At te conclusion o# tis course, "ou will be able to:
-denti#" ow AFS su!!orts standards and
business !ractices in te a!!arel and #ootwear
su!!l" cain #or te a!!arel and #ootwear industr"
De#ine and create multi.dimensional material grids
and include tem in te material master 
Describe a sales grid and te grid control data
/0!lain te relationsi! between re$uirement and
stock categories witin a coverage strateg"
Add a coverage strateg" to material master 
  SAP AG 2000
Course Objectives )1+
At te conclusion o# tis course, "ou will be able to:
Create a sales order #or AFS materials
Set u! AFS !ricing conditions
/0!lain Seasonal %rocessing in AFS
De#ine 2alue Added Services
Set u! %re!acks and Assortments
/0!lain te #unction o# te F/&T Generator 
Ceck Available to %romise )AT%+ #or AFS materials
Outline te order sceduling !rocess
&un M&% #or AFS materials
Allocate and release an order #or AFS materials
Course Objectives )(+
At te conclusion o# tis course, "ou will be able to:
Outline te allocation and release !rocess
-nclude si!!ing and billing in te sales order
!rocess in AFS
%er#orm Mass Customer and Mass Data Cange
Obtain in#ormation #rom te Sales -n#ormation
S"stem )S-S+
Create a rus order 
  SAP AG 2000
Course Objectives )4+
At te conclusion o# tis course, "ou will be able to:
%er#orm stock trans#er including SD deliver"
Create a multi.store order #or AFS material
Create and call o## a contract
%rocess return si!ments
%rocess !urcase.to.order and make.to.order 
Describe te AFS.&etail inter#ace
Unit 11 Sales -n#ormation S"stem
Unit 12 Additional Order T"!es
Unit 13 AFS.&etail -nter#ace
Unit 14 Conclusion
Unit 4 AFS %ricing
Unit 6 Seasons
res!onsible #or setting u! demand management at
"our com!an"6
&'( Data Structure versus AFS %roduct Structure
Material grid in sales order entr"
Available to %romise )AT%+ stock ceck
%rices and ta0es
Credit card !rocessing
  SAP AG 2000
-nventor" management at material number and si@e level
Multi.level contracts
Si@e de!endent BOMs )Bill o# Material+
Si@e s!eci#ic de!endent re$uirements
Fle0ible !lanning
Develo!ment Sco!e: MM'%%
  SAP AG 2000
-nventor" management at material number and si@e level
Multi.level contracts
Si@e de!endent BOMs )Bill o# Material+
Fle0ible !lanning
Deliver" AFS &elease *6 )A%>A version+
Cole >aan
ustin -ndustries
/ccolet, D?
GEA, 9?
>ead T"rolia Mares, AT
Overland, 9?
Salamander, D
Al!argatas, Ar)"ntina
Bauer 3ike >ocke", -anada
Calida, Swit,"rland
/ccolet, ."n#ar
Florseim, USA
>ead T"rolia Mares, Au$tria ( USA
ustin Boots, USA
&eebok -nternational'Greg 3orman,
Salamander, G"r#any
Su!erior 9ni#orm, USA
2anit" Fair Cor!oration, USA