01.19.14 Traditional Bulletin | First Presbyterian Church of Orlando

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The Supremacy of Christ | January 19, 2014 | Dr. David Swanson | Hebrews 1:1-14 | Copy of the weekly bulletin as handed out in the Sunday worship service. Join us each Sunday for live worship at fpco.org/live.

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Page 2: 01.19.14 Traditional Bulletin | First Presbyterian Church of Orlando

January 19, 2014

Thank you for coming to First Presbyterian Church of Orlando this morning! So glad you’re here. We worship together as a church family in four services on Sundays: Traditional worship in the Sanctuary at 8:30 and 11am, and Genesis worship in Lee Fellowship Hall at 9:45am and 11am. If you’d like to connect and learn more about this church family, someone will be available at the front of the room after worship, or you can visit fpco.org/guest.

Next Step

Coming Up

Save the Date

How are you gifted? What is unique about you? Beginning next Sunday at 9:30am, Gifted to Serve (part of our School of Discipleship) is a 6-week workshop where you can learn how God has uniquely designed you to serve Him. Through discovery of your spiritual gifts, abilities, personality, passions and experiences you’ll gain insight and desire to serve God and others more fully. Registration is $10 for materials; save your spot now at fpco.org/register.

Ladies, join us this spring and dive into a deep 7-week study of prayer together, in Becoming a Woman of Prayer, by Cynthia Heald. 3 session times available (morning and evening), and begins the week of January 27. Register now at fpco.org/register.

Weekday School is now enrolling children 2½ - 5 years old! Parents are invited to learn more at 6:45pm on Tuesday, January 28. Tour classrooms, meet staff, and hear about the school philosophy. For details, call the WDS office at 407.996.5864. weekdayschoolorlando.org

Transform our city, one job at a time through Jobs Partnership. Be part of Life & Work, a 12-week employability training program, available to men and women in our community who are stalled in their lives, their jobs or both. Anyone who has gotten and held a job has the ability to help; mentors and job counselors are needed one night a week to help guide participants. Volunteer training begins January 27, and the spring class begins February 18. For more information, email Greg at [email protected]

• Divorce Care Wednesdays, beginning Feb. 5

• Serve Day March 1

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You’ll recognize the Ascription of Praise today comes from the book of Revelation. We are borrowing the words of the four living creatures and of myriads of angels as we ascribe worship to God. You may also have noticed that there are seven words of worship. In the Hebrew, seven is shevah. It is from the root savah which means to be complete. (Sabbath comes from the same root.) God rested on the seventh day of creation. It was finished. It is therefore not surprising that we would have seven words of worship from the heavenly host. Seven is the perfect number. A week is seven days and is universally accepted in all cultures and times. The eighth day starts a new cycle. Seven completes the colors of the spectrum (rainbow). Seven completes the musical scale. The eighth note of a scale repeats the scale anew. As we ascribe our worship of God this morning, reflect on how perfectly God completes each of the seven words. - Dr. Dan Sharp

(Please silence all phones and electronic devices.)

GatheringPrelude Our Father Who Art In Heaven sweelinck/buxtehude Announcements

*Organ Meditation Prelude on Toulon healey/willan

*Call to Worship All People of God don fontana *Processional Hymn of Praise Praise to the Lord, the Almighty Hymn No. 71

Ascription of Praise Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come. Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise for ever and ever. Amen!

Organ Praise

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*Passing of the Peace St. Paul always greeted with the words, “The peace of God be with you.” This is an appropriate way to greet fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, and so we say, “The peace of the Lord be with you” and respond, “And also with you.” We then pass this greeting of peace to one another. At the passing of the peace we should earnestly desire God’s peace upon each person we greet.

Call to Prayer Spirit of the Living God daniel iverson

Pastoral Prayer

The Sacrament of Baptism S Chandler Marie Luff, born March 20, 2013, daughter of Kylie & Chad Luff. (8:30) S Hampton Rollins Gaylord, born July 1, 2013, son of Meredith & Scott Gaylord. (11:00)

Charge to Congregation

Song of Commitment Take Their Life and Let It Be Consecrated Hymn No. 466

ThanksgivingThanksgiving Through Tithes and Offerings *Doxology Praise God From Whom All Blessing Flow

Hymn No. 34

*Prayer of Commitment

Proclamation of God’s WordAnthem of Affirmation At the Name of Jesus

Ralph Vaughan Williams The Chancel Choir

To Hear God’s Word Prayer for Illumination Dr. David Swanson *Scripture Reading Hebrews 1:1-14 Pew Bible p. 846 Message Jesus: Not New, Not Improved The Supremacy of Christ

Sending*Hymn of Prayer Fairest Lord Jesus Hymn No. 123

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*Invitation and Charge

*Benediction Lantz Amen Daniel Sharp

*Postlude Chorale and Fugue on “Fairest Lord Jesus” gordan young

* All who are able are invited to stand.

Assisting in Worship: Rev. Donna McClellan, Dr. Dan Sharp and Josiah Armes.

Visual Arts: The flowers on the Communion Table are given to the Glory of God in loving memory of Jack Spears by his wife, Frances, children, Libby and Gordon, and their families.

Congregational CareAs a caring body of believers, please remember in your prayers those recently hospitalized or recuperating at home: Jordan Ellis.

To be added to our prayer list call the Pastoral Care office at x1455, or submit an online prayer request at fpco.org/prayerrequest.

GenerosityStewardship Report as of January 12, 2014

Tithes & Offerings This Week Fiscal Year-to-Date Budgeted $252,562. $3,570,058. Received $275,769. $3,581,530. Surplus/(Deficit) $23,207. $11,472.

Give online from your smartphone: fpco.org/give.

Town Hall MeetingMany of you have responded to our Congregational Survey in October, and we’d like to share those results and conclusions. Be with us today for our special First Pres Town Hall Meeting, 12:30pm in the Sanctuary.

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Join us for an evening of worship through music. ‘When We Rise’ albums will be available on the evening of the concert by donation. Proceeds from album sales are able to fully benefit First Pres mission partners in Madagascar, at the Topaza Orphanage. 100% of the proceeds will go to the reconstruction of an essential building destroyed by a cyclone in July of 2012.