02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL

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  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL



    Syakib Bakri

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    The classification of blood pressure and hypertension

    Shin et al. Clinical Hypertension (2015)

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    Hypertension as a Risk Factor 

    Hypertension is a significant risk factor for: – cerebrovascular disease

     – coronary artery disease

     – congestive heart failure

     – renal failure – peripheral vascular disease

     – dementia

     – atrial fibrillation

     – erectile dysfunction

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    Blood Pressure andRisk of Stroke Mortality

    Lancet 2002;360:190313

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    Blood Pressure and Risk of !s"#e$i"Heart %isease &!H%' Mortality

    Lancet 2002;360:190313

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    CA eath Rate per !"#""" $erson%years

    100( 9099 )0)9 *+*9 *0*, -*0




    iastolic B$ &mmHg'

    Systolic B$



    !")+ !!), ,), ,)- .)(


    (/)* (-)+ (-)( (/).










     .eaton et al/ Arch Intern Med 1992; 1+2:+66,

    ffe"t of SBP and %BP on edusted 4% Mortality: MR5!

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    !$pa"t of Hi#.or$al Blood Pressure on t#e Riskof 4ardio7as"ular %isease

    N Engl J Med 2001;3,+:1291*

    Cumulative incidence of cv events in men without hypertensionaccording to baseline blood pressure

    (130-139) mmHg

    (121-129) mmHg

    (< 120) mmHg

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    Benefits of reatin Hypertension

    8 ouner t#an 60 &redu"in BP 10+6 $$H' – redu"es t#e risk of stroke y /(1

     – redu"es t#e risk of "oronary e7ent y !/1


  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    Benefits of reatin Hypertension

    8 redu"tion in t#e risk of "oronary e7ents

    Lancet  199*;3+0:*+*6,

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    Blood pressure $easure$ent usin aus"ultation $et#od&1'

    8  fter restin for + or $ore $inutes in a ?uiet@ appropriateen7iron$ent

    8  7oidin s$okin@ al"o#ol@ or "affeine efore$easure$ent

    8 Measurin 2 or $ore ti$es at 1 to 2$in inter7als in one7isit

    8   "uff =it# a ladder at least ,0> of ar$ "ir"u$feren"e=ide; )0> to 10> of ar$ "ir"u$feren"e lon &a standard

    ladder for adults: 13 "$ =ide; 22 to 2, "$ lon'

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    8 Maintainin t#e upper ar$ "uff at t#e #eart le7el8 !nflatin t#e "uff rapidly and deflatin slo=ly at a speed

    of 2 $$ H per #eart eat

    8 !dentifyin t#e lood pressure as t#e systoli" lood

    pressure at t#e first Aorotkoff sound; t#e lood pressureas t#e diastoli" lood pressure at t#e fift# Aorotkoffsound

    8 Reardin t#e lood pressure as t#e diastoli" lood

    pressure at t#e fourt# Aorotkoff sound in prenan"y@arterio7enous s#unt@ and "#roni" aorti" insuffi"ien"y

    Blood pressure $easure$ent usin aus"ultation $et#od&2'

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    8 akin lood pressure in ot# ar$s on t#e initial 7isit;suse?uently usin t#e ar$ of #i#er pressure for$easurin lood pressure

    8 akin lood pressure in les to e"lude perip#eral

    arterial disease@ =#en pulses in t#e lo=er etre$ities are=eak

    8 Repeatin t#e $easure$ent t#ree or $ore ti$es toesti$ate t#e a7erae systoli" and diastoli" pressure in

    "ase of arr#yt#$ia8 Measurin BP after 1 and 3$in standin in elderly

    persons and persons =it# diaetes and suspe"tedort#ostati" #ypotension

    Blood pressure $easure$ent usin aus"ultation $et#od&3'

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    Blood Pressure ssess$ent:Patient position


  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    Re"o$$ended e"#ni?ue for Measurin BP:Standin BP

    8 Perfor$ in patients – o7er ae 6+

     – =it# diaetes

     – if t#ere are sy$pto$s of postural #ypotension

    8 4#e"k after 1 to + $inutes in t#e standin position and ift#e patient "o$plains of sy$pto$s suesti7e of#ypotension

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    4riteria for %ianosis

    8 5irst Cisit – SBP D1,0 andor %BP D90 $$H &at least t=o $ore

    readins@ t#e first readin s#ould e dis"arded andt#e latter t=o a7eraed'/

     – SBP D1)0 andor %BP D110 $$H s#ould edianosed as #ypertensi7e

    8 re?uire i$$ediate $anae$ent/

     – SBP 160–1*9 andor %BP 100–109 $$H  se"ond

    7isit =it#in one =eek for "onfir$ation of H./ – !f a7erae BP le7els is =it#in stae 1 rane  se"ond

    7isit =it#in 2 =eeks for t#e assess$ent of H./

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    4riteria for %ianosis

    8 Se"ond Cisit – Patients =it# $a"ro7as"ular &4%@ stroke@ or P%'@

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  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    4riteria for %ianosis of Hypertension


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    Benefits of

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    .ot all patients are suited to #o$e $easure$ent

    8 Jndue aniety in response to #i# lood pressurereadins

    8 P#ysi"al or $ental disaility pre7ents a""uratete"#ni?ue or re"ordin

    8  r$ not suited to lood pressure "uff &e// "oni"als#aped ar$'

    8 !rreular pulse or arr#yt#$ias pre7ent a""uratereadins

    8 Ka"k of interest

    The vast ma4ority of patients can be trained to measure

    blood pressure

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    !nitial 7aluation


  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    !nitial 7aluation


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    !nitial 7aluation

    8 History –  "o$pre#ensi7e fa$ily #istory s#ould e otained

    =it# parti"ular attention to H.@ %M@ dyslipide$ia@pre$ature 4%@ stroke@ P% or renal disease/

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    !nitial 7aluation &4lini"al History'

     – %uration and pre7ious le7els of #i# BP

     – Leneral sy$pto$atoloy &usualy asy$pto$ati"'

     – Sy$pto$s and indi"ators of oran da$ae

     – Sy$pto$s suesti7e of se"ondary "auses

     – !ntake of drus or sustan"es t#at "an raise BP – Kifestyle fa"tors dietary intake of fat@ salt and al"o#ol@ s$okin

    and p#ysi"al a"ti7ity@ =ei#t ain sin"e early adult life

     – Sleep #istory Sleep apnea

     –Past #istory or "urrent sy$pto$s of "oronary artey disease@ #eartfailure@ "erero7as"ular or perip#eral 7as"ular disease@ renaldisease@ %M@ out@ dyslipide$ia@ ast#$a or any ot#er sinifi"antillnesses@ and drus used to treat t#ose "onditions

     – Pre7ious anti#ypertensi7e t#erapy

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    P#ysi"al a$ination

    8 =ei#t8 #ei#t

    8 ody $ass inde/

    8 =aist "ir"u$feren"e:

     – $etaoli" syndro$e

     – risk for type 2 diaetes/ Hi# risk   102 "$ in $enor )) "$ in =o$en/

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    P#ysi"al a$ination &4ardia"'

    8 Heart rate r#yt#$ – "topi" eats

     – atrial firillation

    8 Sins of "ardio$ealy

     – for"eful@ laterally displa"ed api"al i$pulse  KCH/8  n a""entuated aorti" se"ond sound

     – espe"ially =it# %BP 7alues 100 $$ H/

    8   fourt# #eart sound

     – atrial enlare$ent

     – in"reased 7entri"ular stiffness

    8 a t#ird #eart sound

     – dilated "ardio$yopat#y

     – redu"ed KC fun"tion/

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    P#ysi"al a$ination &do$en'

    8 Periu$ili"al or flank ruits

     – renal artery stenosis@ espe"ially if t#ere is a diastoli""o$ponent/

    8  "ti7e@ for"eful pulsations alon t#e aorta

     – nor$al findin in youn@ – ado$inal aorti" aneurys$ in older/

    8 Palpation of t#e ado$en &laterally'

     – trier a BP sure in indi7iduals =it#p#eo"#ro$o"yto$as

    8 Poly"ysti" kidneys palpale in t#e flanks

     – related renal insuffi"ien"y

     – $ay e t#e etioloy of t#e patientIs #ypertension/

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    P#ysi"al a$ination &.euroloi"'

    8 ea$ination for – $otor ner7e fun"tion

     – "ranial ner7e fun"tion@

     – ait@

     – stan"e@

     – "oordination

    8 i$portant to estalis# a aseline for t#erapeuti" follo=up/

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    P#ysi"al a$ination &Perip#eral Pulses'

    8 #e "arotid arteries  presen"e of ruits/8 Perip#eral arteries:

     – asen"e@

     – redu"tion@

     – asy$$etry of pulses@

     – "old etre$ities@

     – is"#e$i" skin lesions

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    Shin et al. Clinical Hypertension

    Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Subclinical 5rgan amages

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Subclinical 5rgan amages

    Shin et al. Clinical Hypertension

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    6aboratory 78aminations

    Shin et al. Clinical Hypertension

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    6aboratory 78aminations

    Shin et al. Clinical Hypertension

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    6aboratory 78aminations

    Shin et al. Clinical Hypertension

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    Se"ondary H.

    8 Leneral 4lini"al 4lues – Se7ere or resistant H./

     – n a"ute rise in BP o7er a pre7iously stale 7alue/

     – Pro7en ae of onset efore puerty/

     – e less t#an 30 years =it# no fa$ily #istory of H.and no oesity/

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    Se"ondary H.

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    %rus and sustan"es t#at "an indu"eara7ate H.

    a) Cogh an! col! me!icines" eye an! nasal preparations (most o#them are o$er-the-conter) may contain sympathomimeticagents (!econgestants) that can in!ce or aggra$ate H%& schas

    8 'henylephrine hy!rochlori!e" !ipi$alyl a!renaline hy!rochlori!e"tetrahy!rooline hy!rochlori!e" naphaoline hy!rochlori!e.

    8 phe!rine" pse!oephe!rine hy!rochlori!e.*) Corticosteroi!s an! +na*olic Steroi!sc) &S+,s" incl!ing coi*s!) Se Hormones : strogen / progesterone (Contraception"

    replacement therapy)" an!rogens" !anaol (semisynthetic

    an!rogen)e) +nti!epressi$e +gents: %ricyclic anti!epressants" *spirone"

    oetine" thiori!aine hy!rochlori!e#) ,mmnosppressants: cyclosporine" tacrolims" rapamycin"


    g) ietary Spplements: ginseng" natral licorice" yohim*ineh) Her*al 'ro!cts: mainly relate to !ietary spplements that

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL



    ,t is not st 4.'.

    Paradi$ S#ift in H #erapy

    1. +lter the mo!i6a*le ris #actors2. 7eep the S' < 180 an! ' < 90

    3. 're$ent or halt or re!ce %

    ; =H" CH" CH>" C=+" C?>" '= @?etino.

    8. 're$ent or control A (as H% B A ishaar!os)

    5. 're$ent or control yslipi!emia. 're$ent or control n!othelial


    D. ?e!ce mor*i!ity an! mortality

    . ,mpro$e EF+G Eality +!ste! i#e

     %+G e mst

    stri$e to

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    Treatment Approaches:

     – Kifestyle

     – P#ar$a"oloi"al

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    Kifestyle $anae$ent

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    K!5SK M

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    5b4ective of lifestyle changes in


      Ko=er lood pressure  Mini$iNe dru use  Redu"e o7erall "ardio7as"ular risk  !$pro7e out"o$e

      Maintain or i$pro7e ?uality of life

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    Kife style $odifi"ation for $anain #ypertension

    Chiang et al. Iornal o# the Chinese Ae!ical +ssociation D (2015)1e8D

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    Potential Benefits of a Fide Spread Redu"tion in%ietary Sodiu$

    8 1 $illion fe=er #ypertensi7es

    8 + $illion fe=er p#ysi"ians 7isits a year for #ypertension

    8 Healt# "are "ost sa7ins of O,30 to +,0 $illion per year relatedto fe=er offi"e 7isits@ drus and laoratory "osts for#ypertension

    8 !$pro7e$ent of t#e #ypertension treat$ent and "ontrol rate

    8 13> redu"tion in 4C%

    8 otal #ealt# "are "ost sa7ins of o7er O1/3 illionyear

    1/ PenN %/ Cdn J Cardiol 200)2/ offres MR/ Cdn J Cardiol 200*:23&6'

    Redu"tion in a7erae dietary sodiu$ fro$ aout3+00 $ to 1*00 $1@2

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    Re"o$$endations for ade?uate daily sodiu$ intake

    2@300 $ sodiu$ &.a'

    E 100 $$ol sodiu$ &.a'

    E +/) of salt &.a4l'

    E 1 le7el teaspoon oftale salt

    8 ,"1 of average sodium intake is in processed foods

    8 5nly !"1 is added at the table or in cooking

    Age Ade2uate9ntake




    !.%-" !-"" (+""

    -!%0" !+"" (+""

    0! andover 

    !("" (+""

    !nstitute of Medi"ine@ 2003

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


     Sodiu$: Metaanalyses

    #e 4o"#rane Kirary 2006;3:1,1

     7erae Redu"tion of sodiu$in $day

      1)00 $day

      2300 $day

    HypertensivesRedu"tion of BP

    +/1 2/* $$H

    */23/) $$H

     7erae Redu"tion of sodiu$in $day

      1*00 $day

      2300 $day

    ;ormotensives Redu"tion of BP

    2/0 1/0 $$H

    3/61/* $$H

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    Salt $e"#anis$s leadin to #ypertension:

    8 By epandin t#e etra"ellular 7olu$e

    8 Hi# salt intake in"reases t#e a"tion of aldosterone

    8 Hi# salt intake is a per$issi7e fa"tor for t#e #ypertensinoeni"

    effe"t of aldosterone8 !n"rease in t#e sodiu$ "on"entration proressi7ely in"reases

    endot#elial "ell stiffness@ "auses in#iition of endot#elial .<synt#ase and de"reases release of nitri" oide

    8 4#anes in plas$a sodiu$ "on"entration are trans$itted into t#e

    "ererospinal fluid trierin t#e release of "ardiotoni" steroids@na$ely@ analoues of diitalis su"# as ouaain and$arinoufaenin =#i"# "ause 7aso"onstri"tion

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    ;5;%B655 $R7SSR7%R76AT7 7FF7CTS 5F 97TAR< SA6T

    8  t#eros"lerosis

    8 Stroke

    8 Keft 7entri"le #ypertrop#y

    8 Proteinuri" kidney disease8 Heart failure

    $ t ti h i f th d l t i di l

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    $utative mechanisms of the deleterious cardiovascular

    effects of e8cessive dietary sodium through blood pressure

    increase independent of blood pressure

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


     ll "ases of #ypertension s#ould restri"t sodiu$ intake toapproi$ately 6 sodiu$ "#loride salt or 2/, sodiu$ perday y adopted t#e follo=in $easures:

    8Redu"e salt for "ookin y +0>8Sustitute natural foods for pro"essed foods/

    8.o sprinklin of salt on dinin tale

    87oid salty sna"ks su"# as pi"kles@ "#utneys@ papad@ salted nuts

    8Jse salt sustitutes "ontainin potassiu$

    8 7oid $edi"ations su"# as anta"ids as t#ese are ri"# in salt

    Kif t l R d ti f H t i

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    ietary Sodium

    Kess t#an 2300$ day

    &=ost of the salt in food is >hidden? and comesfrom processed food'

    ietary Potassium%aily dietary intake )0 $$ol

    Calcium supplementation

    ;o conclusive studies for hypertension

    =agnesium supplementation

    ;o conclusive studies for hypertension

    Kifestyle Re"o$$endations for Hypertension:%ietary

    High in:8 5res# fruits8 5res# 7eetales8 Ko= fat dairy produ"ts

    8 %ietary and solule fire8 Plant protein

    6o@ in:8 Saturated fat and "#olesterol

    8 Sodiu$


    Kif t l R d ti f H t i

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    78ercise should be prescribed as an ad4unctive to pharmacological therapy

    Kifestyle Re"o$$endations for Hypertension:P#ysi"al "ti7ity

    Should be prescribed to reduce blood pressure

    5re?uen"y 5our to se7en days per =eekF

    !ntensity ModerateI

    i$e 3060 $inutesType 4ardiorespiratory "ti7ity

      Falkin@ oin


      .on"o$petiti7e s=i$$in


    Kif t l R d ti f H t i

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    Kifestyle Re"o$$endations for Hypertension:Fei#t Koss

    Height# @eight# and @aist circumference &C' should be measuredand body mass inde8 &B=9' calculated for all adults)

    Hypertensive and all patients

    B=9 over (- n"ourae =ei#t redu"tion Healt#y BM!: 1)/+2,/9 k$2

    aist Circumference=en -102 "$ omen -)) "$

    For patients prescribed pharmacological therapy: =ei#t loss #asadditional anti#ypertensi7e effe"ts/ Fei#t loss strateies s#ould e$ploy a$ultidis"iplinary approa"# and in"lude dietary edu"ation@ in"reased p#ysi"ala"ti7ity and e#a7iour $odifi"ation

    CMAJ 200*;1*6:11036

    Kif t l R d ti f H t i

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    Kifestyle Re"o$$endations for Hypertension: l"o#ol

    6o@ risk alcohol consumption

    ; Jomen: maimm o# 9 stan!ar! !rinsKee

    ; Aen: maimm o# 18 stan!ar! !rinsKee

    ; 0-2 stan!ar! !rinsK!ay

    A standard drink is about !/( ml or - o of @ine &!(1 alcohol') +/! m6 or

    !( o of beer &-1 alcohol' /+ m6 or !)- o of spirits &/"1 alcohol')

    Kifest le Re"o$$endations for H pertension

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    Kifestyle Re"o$$endations for Hypertension:Stress Manae$ent

    Hypertensive patientsin =#o$ stress appears to e an i$portant issue

    !ndi7idualiNed "oniti7e e#a7ioural inter7entions are$ore likely to e effe"ti7e =#en relaation te"#ni?ues

    are e$ployed/

    Stress management

    Be#a7iour Modifi"ation

    ; h l i l T t t; h l i l T t t

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    ;on%pharmacological Treatment;on%pharmacological Treatment

    9ntervention Recommendation 78pected systolic blood

    $ressure reduction &range

    eight Reduction =aintain ideal body mass inde8&("%(+ kg3m('

    -%!" mmHg per !" kg

    @eight loss

    ASH eating plan Consume diet rich in fruit# vegetables# lo@%

    fat dairy products @ith reduced content ofsaturated and total fat

    ,%!/ mmHg

    ietary sodium

    restrictionReduce dietary sodium intake to !""

    mmol3day &()/ g sodium or * g

    sodium chloride'

    (%, mmHg

    $hysical Activity 7ngage in regular aerobic physicalactivity# for e8ample# brisk @alking

    for at least +" min most days

    /%. mmHg



    =en (! units per @eek

    omen !/ units per @eek (%/ mmHg

    All put together reduce SB$ by

    (" to -- mmHg

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    reat$ent for #ypertension a""ordin to t#e risk

    Shin et al. Clinical Hypertension (2015)21:2

    t t l it#

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    reat$ent alorit#$

    Chiang et al. I Chinese Ae! +ss D (2015) 1-8D

    reat$ent of dults =it# Systoli"%iastoli"

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    reat$ent of dults =it# Systoli"%iastoli"Hypertension =it#out

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


     4onsiderations Reardin t#e 4#oi"e of5irstKine #erapy

    8 Jse "aution in initiatin t#erapy =it# 2 drus in =#o$ ad7erse e7entsare $ore likely &e// frail elderly@ t#ose =it# postural #ypotension or=#o are de#ydrated'/

    8  4 in#iitors@ renin in#iitors and RBs are "ontraindi"ated inprenan"y and "aution is re?uired in pres"riin to =o$en of "#ildearin potential/

    8 Beta lo"kers are not re"o$$ended as first line t#erapy for patientsae 60 and o7er =it#out anot#er "o$pellin indi"ation/

    8 %iureti"indu"ed #ypokale$ia s#ould e a7oided t#rou# t#e use ofpotassiu$ sparin aents if re?uired/

    8 #e use of dual t#erapy =it# an 4 in#iitor and an RB s#ould only

    e "onsidered in sele"ted and "losely $onitored people =it#ad7an"ed #eart failure or proteinuri" nep#ropat#y/

    8  4in#iitorsRBsRenin in#iitors are not re"o$$ended &as$onot#erapy' for la"k patients =it#out anot#er "o$pellin indi"ation/

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    BP lo=erin effe"ts fro$ anti#ypertensi7e drus

    8 %ose response "ur7es for effi"a"y are relati7ely flat8 )0> of t#e BP lo=erin effi"a"y is a"#ie7ed at #alf

    standard dose

    8 4o$inations of standard doses #a7e additi7e loodpressure lo=erin effe"ts

    Ka=/ BMJ  2003

    reat$ent of Systoli" %iastoli" Hypertension

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    reat$ent of Systoli"%iastoli" Hypertension=it#out

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    Ratio of !n"re$ental SBP lo=erin effe"t atQstandard dose– 4o$ine or %ouleG

       9  n

      c  r  e  m  e  n  a   l   S   B   $  r  e

       d  u  c   t   i  o  n  r  a   t   i  o


       b  s  e  r  v  e   d   3   7  8  p  e  c   t  e

       d   &  a   d   d   i   t   i  v  e   '

    Fald et al/ 4o$ination Cersus Monot#erapy for Blood Pressure Redu"tion@The American Journal of Medicine@ Col 122@ .o 3@ Mar"# 2009

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    %ru 4o$inations "ontId

    8 4aution s#ould e eer"ised in "o$inin a nondi#ydropyridine 44B and a eta lo"ker to redu"e t#erisk of rady"ardia or #eart lo"k/

    8 Monitor seru$ "reatinine and potassiu$ =#en"o$inin A sparin diureti"s &su"# as aldosteroneantaonists'@ 4 in#iitors andor aniotensin re"eptorlo"kers/

    8 !f a diureti" is not used as first or se"ond line t#erapy@triple t#erapy s#ould in"lude a diureti"@ =#en not


  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    rug combination in hypertension :

    PreferredACE inhibitor/diuretic

    ARB/diureticACE inhibitor/CCBARB/CCB

    Hopkins A Bakris LK/ Curr Opin Nephrol Hyperten/2010;19:,+0,++

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    Acceptable!bloc"er/diureticCCB #dihydropyridine$/!bloc"erCCB/diureticRenin inhibitor/diureticRenin inhibitor / ARBThia%ide diuretics/& '!sparingdiuretics

    rug combination in hypertension :

    Hopkins A Bakris LK/ Curr Opin Nephrol Hyperten/2010;19:,+0,++

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    (ess e)ectiveACE inhibitor/ARBACE inhibitor/!bloc"er

    ARB/!bloc"erCCB #nondihydropyridine$/!bloc"erCentrally acting agent/!


    rug combination in hypertension :

    Hopkins A Bakris LK/ Curr Opin Nephrol Hyperten/2010;19:,+0,++

    reat$ent of !solated Systoli" Hypertension

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    reat$ent of !solated Systoli" Hypertension=it#out

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    4#oi"e of P#ar$a"oloi"al reat$entfor Hypertension

    9ndividualied treatment8 4o$pellin indi"ations: – !s"#e$i" Heart %isease – Re"ent S Se$ent le7ationM! or nonS Se$ent le7ationM! – Keft Centri"ular Systoli" %ysfun"tion – 4erero7as"ular %isease –

    Keft Centri"ular Hypertrop#y – .on %iaeti" 4#roni" Aidney %isease – Reno7as"ular %isease – S$okin

    8 %iaetes Mellitus – Fit# .ep#ropat#y – Fit#out .ep#ropat#y

    8 Lloal Cas"ular Prote"tion for Hypertensi7e Patients – Statins if 3 or $ore additional "ardio7as"ular risks –  spirin on"e lood pressure is "ontrolled

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    9ndications and contraindications of antihypertensive drugs

    Shin et al. Clinical Hypertension (2015)

    Choice of single drug or combination drugs according to the level of blood

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    Choice of single drug or combination drugs according to the level of blood

    pressure and the global cardiovascular risk

    Shin et al. Clinical Hypertension (2015)

    Cas"ular Prote"tion for Hypertensi7e

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    Cas"ular Prote"tion for Hypertensi7ePatients: Statins

    Recommendations on management of dyslipidemia# statins arerecommended in high%risk hypertensive patients @ith

    established atherosclerotic disease or @ith at least + of the

    follo@ing criteria:

    8 Male8 e ++ or older 

    8 S$okin

    8 otal4H%K4 ratio of 6$$olK or #i#er 

    8 5a$ily History of Pre$ature4C disease

    8 KCH

    8 4L anor$alities

    8 Mi"roalu$inuria or Proteinuria


  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    Cas"ular Prote"tion for Hypertensi7ePatients: S

    Consider lo@ dose ASA

    Caution should be exercised if BP is not controlled .

    =onitoring and Adverse 7ffects @ith

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    =onitoring and Adverse 7ffects @ith

    Antihypertensive rug Therapy

     d#eren"e to anti#ypertensi7e $anae$ent "an

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    e i$pro7ed y a $ultiproned approa"#

    8  ssess ad#eren"e to p#ar$a"oloi"al and nonp#ar$a"oloi"al t#erapy at e7ery 7isit

    8 ea"# patients to take t#eir pills on a reular s"#eduleasso"iated =it# a routine daily a"ti7ity e// rus#inteet#/

    8 Si$plify $edi"ation rei$ens usin lona"tin on"edaily dosin

    8 JtiliNe fieddose "o$ination pills

    8 JtiliNe unitofuse pa"kain e// lister pa"kain

    8 Repla"in $ultiple pill anti#ypertensi7e "o$inations=it# sinle pill "o$inationsT

     d#eren"e to anti#ypertensi7e $anae$ent "an

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    e i$pro7ed y a $ultiproned approa"#

    8 n"ourae reater patient responsiilityautono$y inreular $onitorin of t#eir lood pressure

    8 du"ate patients and patientsU fa$ilies aout t#eirdiseasetreat$ent rei$ens 7erally and in =ritin

    8 Jse an interdis"iplinary "are approa"# "oordinatin =it#=orksite #ealt# "are i7ers and p#ar$a"ists if a7ailale

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    8 Blood pressure that remains above goal &!/"3."mmHg in non%complicated patients !+"3," mmHg inhigh risk patients' in spite of the concurrent use of of

    three antihypertensive agent of different classes

    8 9deally# one of the three agents should be diuretic andall agents should be prescribed at optimal doseamounts

    8 9ncludes patient @hose blood pressure is controlled

    @ith use of more than three medications8 In a compliant patient 

      esistant Hypertension

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    9FF7R7;T9A6 9AD;5S9S 5F ;C5;TR5667 H

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    9FF7R7;T9A6 9AD;5S9S 5F ;C5;TR5667 H

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    Uncontrolled blood pressure

    on 3 or more antihypertensivesConsider ambulatory blood

    pressure monitoring if

    available to rule out “white-

    coat” phenomenon

    Correct identifiable causes if

    present; consider work-up ofsecondary conditions

    Insure therapy meets !C-" criteria for compelling indications


    diuretic present%diuretic present%

    'dd low-dose diuretic

    (chlorthalidone )*+, mg

    preferred; titrate to *,mgd.

    /e-evaluate0ptimi$e combination as follows1

    ' or 2 4 C 4 5

    ' spironolactone #*+,- mg/d to+- mg/d$

    If blood pressure

    remains uncontrolled 

    * if not already part of 

    regimen, consider B for 

    addition if pulse >84

    '6 'C7I or '/2

    2 6 2eta 2lockerC6 CC2 (long-acting.

    56 5iuretic

    If blood pressure remains uncontrolled, adjust regimen to include:

    If blood pressure

    remains uncontrolled 



    Tre!et CLB" et al# $outh Med# %&&'()&)*%+,)--.)/0

    &&uggested algorithm for the treatment of resistant hypertensionuggested algorithm for the treatment of resistant hypertension

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    If blood pressure remains uncontrolled, adjust regimen to include:


    4 '/2

    * CC2s

    (different types.

    alpha-blocker or


    alphabeta blocker


    (e+g+ Clonidine.or or or  

    " #asodilator $e%g%


    Trewet CLB, et al. South Med. 2!"##$2%''(#)*

    Aey Messaes for t#e

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    Manae$ent of Hypertension

    1/ ll adults s#ould #a7e t#eir lood pressure assessed at allappropriate "lini"al 7isits/


  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    hat?s still importantI8

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL



     012 A((For Your Kind Attention

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    ssess$ent for Reno7as"ular Hypertension

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


     ssess$ent for Reno7as"ular Hypertension

    Patients presentin =it# t=o or $ore of t#e follo=in "lini"al "lueslisted elo= suestin reno7as"ular #ypertension s#ould ein7estiated/

    !/ Sudden onset or =orsenin of #ypertension and ae ++ or -30 years

    !!/ #e presen"e of an ado$inal ruit

    !!!/ Hypertension resistant to 3 or $ore drus!C/ rise in "reatinine of 30> or $ore asso"iated =it# use of an

    aniotensin "on7ertin enNy$e in#iitor or aniotensin !! re"eptorlo"ker 


  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


     ssess$ent for Reno7as"ular Hypertension

    #e follo=in tests are re"o$$ended@ =#en a7ailale@ tos"reen for renal 7as"ular disease:

    8 "aptoprilen#an"ed radioisotope renal s"anE

    8 doppler sonorap#y

    8 $aneti" resonan"e aniorap#y8 4aniorap#y &for t#ose =it# nor$al renal fun"tion'

    E captopril%enhanced radioisotope renal scan is not recommended for

    those @ith glomerular filtration rates *" m63min'

    S"reenin for Hyperaldosteronis$

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


     S"reenin for Hyperaldosteronis$

    S#ould e "onsidered for patients =it# t#e follo=in"#ara"teristi"s: – Spontaneous #ypokale$ia &-3/+ $$olK'/

     – Profound diureti"indu"ed #ypokale$ia &-3/0 $$olK'/

     – Hypertension refra"tory to treat$ent =it# 3 or $ore drus/

     – !n"idental adrenal adeno$as/

    S"reenin for Hyperaldosteronis$

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


     S"reenin for Hyperaldosteronis$

    Screening for hyperaldosteronism should includeplasma aldosterone and renin activity &or renin


     – $easured in $ornin sa$ples/

     – taken fro$ patients in a sittin position after restin at least 1+


    8  ldosterone antaonists@ RBs@ etalo"kers and"lonidine s#ould e dis"ontinued prior to testin/

    8   positi7e s"reenin test s#ould lead to referral orfurt#er testin/

    S"reenin for P#eo"#ro$o"yto$a

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


     S"reenin for P#eo"#ro$o"yto$a

    8 Should be considered for patients @ith the follo@ingcharacteristics: – Paroys$al andor se7ere sustained #ypertension refra"tory to

    usual anti#ypertensi7e t#erapy;

     – Hypertension and sy$pto$s suesti7e of "ate"#ola$inee"ess &t=o or $ore of #eada"#es@ palpitations@ s=eatin@ et"';

     – Hypertension triered y etalo"kers@ $onoa$ine oidasein#iitors@ $i"turition@ or "#anes in ado$inal pressure;

     – !n"identally dis"o7ered adrenal $ass;

     – Multiple endo"rine neoplasia &M.' 2 or 2B; 7onRe"klin#ausenIs neurofiro$atosis@ or 7on HippelKindaudisease/

    S"reenin for P#eo"#ro$o"yto$a

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    S"reenin for P#eo"#ro$o"yto$a

    8 S"reenin for p#eo"#ro$o"yto$a s#ould in"lude a 2,#our urine for $etanep#rines and "reatinine/

    8  ssess$ent of urinary CM is inade2uate/

    8   nor$al plas$a $etanep#rine le7el "an e used toe"lude p#eo"#ro$o"yto$a in lo= risk patients ut t#etest is perfor$ed y fe= laoratories/

    Kaoratory ests

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


     Kaoratory ests

    $reliminary 9nvestigations of patients @ith hypertension

    1/ Jrinalysis

    2/ Blood "#e$istry &potassiu$@ sodiu$ and "reatinine'

    3/ 5astin lu"ose

    ,/ 5astin total "#olesterol and #i# density lipoprotein "#olesterol&H%K'@ lo= density lipoprotein "#olesterol &K%K'@ trily"erides

    +/ Standard 12leads 4L

    4urrently t#ere is insuffi"ient e7iden"e to re"o$$end routine

    testin of $i"roalu$inuria in people =it# #ypertension =#o donot #a7e diaetes

    Kaoratory ests

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    Kaoratory ests

    Follo@%up investigations of patients @ith hypertension

    8 %urin t#e $aintenan"e p#ase of #ypertension$anae$ent@ tests &in"ludin ele"trolytes@ "reatinine@lu"ose@ and fastin lipids' s#ould e repeated =it# a

    fre?uen"y refle"tin t#e "lini"al situation/8 %iaetes de7elops in 13>year of t#ose =it# dru

    treated #ypertension/ #e risk is #i#er in t#ose treated=it# a diureti" or eta lo"ker@ in t#e oese@ sedentary@

    =it# #i#er fastin lu"ose and =#o #a7e un#ealt#yeatin patterns/ ssess for diaetes $ore fre?uently int#ese patients/

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    #e Role of "#o"ardiorap#y

    8 "#o"ardiorap#y is useful for: –  ssess$ent of left 7entri"ular dysfun"tion and t#e presen"e of

    left 7entri"ular #ypertrop#y

    8 "#o"ardiorap#y is not useful for routine e7aluation of

    #ypertensi7e patients

    .4* &$eri"an' 4lassifi"ationof Blood Pressure

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    of Blood Pressure

    Category Systolic iastolic

    5ptimal -120 and or -)0

    ;ormal &PreH stae 1' -130 and or -)+

    High%;ormal &PreH stae 2' 130139 and or )+)9

    Stage ! &$ild #ypertension ' 1,01+9 and or 9099

    Stage ( &$oderate to se7ere#ypertension'

    ≥160 and or    ≥100109

    9solated Systolic Hypertension&!SH'

    ≥1,0 and -90

    The category pertains to the highest risk blood pressure

    E9SHJ9solated Systolic Hypertension) 

    JAMA 2003;2)9:2+60*2

    ssess$ent of t#e o7erall "ardio7as"ular risk

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


     ssess$ent of t#e o7erall "ardio7as"ular risk

    8 of #ypertensi7e patients #a7e ot#er"ardio7as"ular risks

    8  ssess and $anae #ypertensi7e patients fordyslipide$ia@ dysly"e$ia &e// i$paired fastin lu"ose@diaetes' ado$inal oesity@ un#ealt#y eatin andp#ysi"al ina"ti7ity

    ssess$ent of t#e o7erall "ardio7as"ular risk

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


     ssess$ent of t#e o7erall "ardio7as"ular risk

    Cardiovascular Risk Factors

    8 Presen"e of Risk 5a"tors – !n"reasin ae – Male ender  – S$okin – 5a$ily #istory of pre$ature "ardio7as"ular disease &ae- ++ in $en and - 6+ in =o$en' – %yslipide$ia – Sedentary lifestyle – Jn#ealt#y eatin

     –  do$inal oesity – %ysly"e$ia &diaetes@ i$paired lu"ose toleran"e@ i$paired fastin lu"ose'

    8 Presen"e of aret

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    Patient preparation and posture

    Standardied $reparation:

    $atient1/ .o a"ute aniety@ stress or pain/2/ .o "affeine@ s$okin or ni"otine in t#e pre"edin

    30 $inutes/3/ .o use of sustan"es "ontainin adreneri"

    sti$ulants su"# as p#enylep#rine orpseudoep#edrine &$ay e present in nasalde"onestants or op#t#al$i" drops'/

    ,/ Bladder and o=el "o$fortale/+/ .o ti#t "lot#in on ar$ or forear$/6/ Vuiet roo$ =it# "o$fortale te$perature

    */ Rest for at least + $inutes efore $easure$ent)/ Patient s#ould stay silent prior and durin t#e


    Blood Pressure ssess$ent:P ti t ti d t

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    Patient preparation and posture

    Standardied techni2ue:


    8 #e patient s#ould e"al$ly seated =it# #is or#er a"k =ell supportedand ar$ supported at t#ele7el of t#e #eart/

    8 His or #er feet s#ould

    tou"# t#e floor and less#ould not e "rossed/


  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    8 9nade2uately treated hypertension&pseudo%resistance'


    nder treatment

    Treatment @ith inappropriate agents 9ncorrect blood pressure measurement

    hite coat effects

    =edications nonadherence $seudo%hypertension

    Under Treatment (Suboptimal Medical

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL



    Clinical inertia 3 the provider4s failureto increse therapy 5hen the treatmentgoal is not reached,

    (ac" of "no5ledge of treatmentguidelines

    2nderestimation of cardiovascular ris" 

    The use of spurious reason to avoidintensi6cation of therapy,

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    Medication Poor Aderence

    High cost of treatment Comple8 medical regimen

    Adverse effect of medical therapy

    $oor relation bet@een doctors

    and patients

    Clinical clues su!!esti"e of

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL



    =arked hypertension in the absence oftarget organ damage

    Antihypertensive therapy produces

    symptoms consistent @ith hypotension in

    the absence of successful reduction of B$ Radiological evidence of pipe stem

    calcification in the brachial arteries

    Brachial artery pressure higher than lo@ere8tremity pressure

    Severe and isolated systolic hypertension

    Clinical clues su!!esti"e of #$ite

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    coat% effects

    Clinic blood pressure measurements areconsistently higher than out%of%office


    $atients sho@ signs of overtreatment#

    particularly orthostatic symptoms)

    $atients @ith chronically high office blood

    pressures values but an absence of target

    organ damage)


  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    9nade2uately treated hypertension &pseudo%resistance'

    True resistant hypertension


    Associated factors:

    =edications &;SA9# oral contraceptive#

    sympathomimetic# corticosteroid# erythropoetin#


    78cessive alcohol consumption

    Chronic kidney disease


    5bstructive sleep apnea

    9dentifiable causes

    $rimary aldosteronism

    Renovascular disease


    Coarctation of the aorta

    9ntracranial tumor 

    reat$ent of Hypertension in Patients =it#!s"#e$i" Heart %isease

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    !s"#e$i" Heart %isease

    8 4aution s#ould e eer"ised =#en "o$inin a non %HP44B and a etalo"ker 8 !f anor$al systoli" left 7entri"ular fun"tion: a7oid non %HP44B &Cerapa$il or


    8 %ual t#erapy =it# an 4! and an RB are not re"o$$ended in t#e asen"e ofrefra"tory #eart failure

    8 #e "o$ination of an 4i and 44B is preferred

    1/ Betalo"ker 2/ Kona"tin 44B

    Stable angina

    AC79 are recommended for most

    patients @ith established CAE

    ARBs are not inferior to AC79 in 9H


    EThose at lo@ risk @ith @ell controlled risk factors may not benefit from AC79 therapy

    reat$ent of Hypertension in Patients !ith Re"ent S Se$entle7ationM! or nonS Se$ent le7ationM!

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL





    Beta%blockerand AC79 or








  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    Systoli" %ysfun"tion

    Beta%blockers used in clinical trials @ere bisoprolol# carvedilol and metoprolol)

    !f additional t#erapy is needed:

    8 %iureti" &#iaNide for #ypertension; Koop for 7olu$e "ontrol'

    8 for CHF class 99%9K or post =9 and selected patients @ith 6K dysfunction &see notes': Aldosterone




    L AC79 and Beta blocker L if AC79 intolerant: ARBTitrate doses of AC79 or ARB to those used in clinical trials

    !f 4! and RB are "ontraindi"ated: HydralaNine and !sosoridedinitrate in "o$ination

    !f additional anti#ypertensi7e t#erapy is needed:

    8 4! RB 4o$ination

    8 Kona"tin %HP44B &$lodipine'.on


     reat$ent of Hypertension in sso"iation Fit# Stroke

     "ute Stroke:

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    Treat e8treme B$ elevation &systolic

    ((" mmHg# diastolic !(" mmHg'

    by !-%(-1 over the first (/ hour

    @ith gradual reduction after)89f eligible for thrombolytic therapytreat very high B$ &!,-3!!" mmHg'



    Avoid e8cessive lo@ering of B$ @hich can e8acerbate ischemia

    reat$ent of Hypertension in Patients =it# KeftCentri"ular Hypertrop#y

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    Centri"ular Hypertrop#y

    Hypertensive patients @ith left ventricular hypertrophy shouldbe treated @ith antihypertensive therapy to lo@er the rate of

    subse2uent cardiovascular events


    Hydralaine# =ino8idil can increase 6KH

    6eft ventricular hypertrophy

     AC79 ARB# CCB Thiaide iuretic BB &if age belo@ *"'

    reat$ent of Hypertension in Patients =it# .on%iaeti" 4#roni" Aidney %isease

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    %iaeti" 4#roni" Aidney %isease

    Chronic kidney disease

    and proteinuria E

     4!RB:Bilateral renalartery stenosis

    AC79 or ARB &if AC79 intolerant'

    Combination @ith other agents

    Additive therapy: #iaNide diureti"/Alternate: !f 7olu$e o7erload: loop diureti"

    Target B$: !/"3." mmHg

    E albumin:creatinine ratio MACRN +" mg3mmol

     or urinary protein -"" mg3(/hr  

    =onitor serum potassium and creatinine carefully in patients @ith CO prescribed an AC79 or ARB

    Combinations of a AC79 and a ARB are specifically not recommended in the absence of proteinuria

    reat$ent of Hypertension in Patients =it#Reno7as"ular %isease

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    Reno7as"ular %isease

    Close follo@%up and intervention &angioplasty and stenting or surgery' should

    be considered for patients @ith: uncontrolled hypertension despite therapy@ith three or more drugs# or deteriorating renal function# or bilateralatherosclerotic renal artery lesions &or tight atherosclerotic stenosis in a

    single kidney'# or recurrent episodes of flash pulmonary edema)

    oes not imply specific

    treatment choice



    4aution in t#e use of 4! or RB inilateral renal artery stenosis orunilateral disease =it# solitary kidney

    reat$ent of Hypertension in asso"iation =it#%iaetes Mellitus

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    %iaetes Mellitus

    Threshold e2ual or over !+"3," mmHg and Target belo@ !+"3," mmHg



    Erinary albumin to creatinine

    ratio ()" mg3mmol in men or

    (),mg3mmol in @omenE









    E based on at least ( of + measurements

      "o$ination of 2 first line drus $aye "onsidered as initial t#erapy if t#elood pressure is 20 $$H systoli"or 10 $$H diastoli" ao7e taret

    Combinations of an AC79 @ith an ARB are specifically

    not recommended in the absence of proteinuria

    reat$ent of Hypertension in asso"iation =it#%iaetes Mellitus

  • 8/19/2019 02. Hypertension Syakib Bakri - BPJS 2015 FINAL


    %iaetes Mellitus

    =ore than + drugs may be needed to reach target values for diabetic patients

    !f 4reatinine o7er 1+0 W$olK or "reatinine "learan"e elo= 30 $l$in & 0/+ $lse"'@ a loop diureti" s#ould e sustituted for a

    Threshold e2ual or over !+"3," mmHg and TARD7T belo@ !+"3," mmHg



    AC7 9nhibitor or ARB



    *, ACEInhibitor orARB


    +, 7.P!CCB orThia%idediuretic

    =onitor serum potassium and creatinine carefully in patients @ith CO prescribed an AC79 or ARB

    Combinations of an AC79 @ith an ARB are specifically not recommended in the absence of proteinuria

      "o$ination of 2 first linedrus $ay e "onsidered asinitial t#erapy if t#e loodpressure is 20 $$H systoli"or 10 $$H diastoli" ao7etaret/ 4o$inin an 4i and a%HP44B is re"o$$ended/