02 Systemic Hypertension

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Definitions of hypertension

Elevated arterial blood pressureis a major cause of prematurevascular disease leading to

cerebrovascular eventsischaemic heart disease and peripheral vascular disease

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Blood pressure is the pressure exerted bythe blood against the walls of the bloodvessels especially the arteries

It varies with the strength of the heartbeatthe elasticity of the arterial walls thevolume and viscosity of the blood

and a persons health age and physical


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onset between $ years of age

increases over $ years of age

sex males in young adulthood and early

middle age

females after the age of $$ years

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The prevalence

hypertensions is higher among blacamps and

older persons especially older women

Hypertension increased with age and is

higher in young men than in young


although the reverse is true in older


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Hypertension - IntroductionHypertension - Introduction

Silent Killer ndash painless complications

It is the leading risk factor ndashMI HF CRF


Responsible for the majority of office isits

mber one reason for drg prescription

$amp of poplation Complications bring to diagnosis bt latehellip

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his re(uires the heart to woramp harder than

normal to circulate blood through the blood


Blood pressure is summarised by two

measurements systolic and diastolic

which depend on whether the heart muscle

is contracting systole) or relaxed between

beats diastole)

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ormal blood pressure at rest is within therange of ++mm-g systolic top

reading) and mm-g diastolic bottom


-igh blood pressure is said to be present if

it is persistently at or above + mm-g

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Ideal Mean Aterial Pressure

012) is defined as mm of mercury

which corresponds to +34 and can be

calculated by 012 5 D2 6 + 72D2)0ean 1rterial blood pressure depends on

the flow of blood from the heart cardiac

output) and the resistance to flow in thesmall arteries and microscopic resistance

vessels arterioles)

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Regulation of BPRegulation of BP

BP = Cardiac Output x Peripheral Resistance

Endocrine actors

8 Renin ngiotensin P H ldosterone

eural actors

8 $ympathetic Parasympathetic

Blood ampolume

8 $odium ineralocorticoids P

Cardiac actors

8 Heart rate Contractility

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Classification of blood

of blood pressure

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(ou Have)) iastolicampalue)



ormal lood pressure +ess than - +ess than 0

High1normal loodpressure

+ess than - 012or

$tage 3mild4hypertension

20122 501-2

$tage 6 3moderate4hypertension

00102 70182

$tage 3severe4


012 01602

$tage 5 3very severe4


60 orhigher

60 or higher

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Signs and symptoms

Hypertension is rarely accompanied yany symptoms and its identi9ication isusually through screening or when

seeing healthcare 9or an unrelatedprolem proportion o9 people withhigh lood pressure reports

headaches 3particularly at theac o9 the head and in the morning4

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3uing or hissing in the ears4

altered vision or 9ainting episodes

lthese symptoms however are more liely

to e related to associated anxiety thanthe high lood pressure itsel9

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Control of Blood PressureControl of Blood Pressure





Blood ltolume

a6 1ldosterone

ltasoconstrictors1ngiotensin II


2g = gtinins

ocal actors

p- -ypoxia eural actors

α1drenergic 8 9ons

A 1drenergic Dil

9ardiac actorsate = 9ontract

-umoral actors

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Pea blood pressure

2eaamp blood pressure levels in humans occur

during the mid morning at about +

10) then decrease progressivelythroughout the remainder of the day to

reach a trough value the following morning

at around 10

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efinition of Circadian Rytm

9ircadian rhythms are daily cycles of

physiology and behavior that are driven by

an endogenous oscillator with a period of

approximately one day

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Norally circadian rhyths

are synchroniCed with the 3 h

environment by stimuli which alter the

phase of the underlying brain circadian pacemaamper

or most organisms including mammalsthe primary phaseshifting stimulus is light

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hese processes include

sleepwaampe cycles

body temperature

blood pressure

release of hormones

his activity is controlled by the biologicalclocamp which is located in the suprachiasmtic nuclei of the hypothalamus inhuman brains

It is highly influenced by natural daramplightcycles but will persist under constantenvironmental conditions ExamplesDisruptions to the circadian rhythm cancause problems with the sleepwaampe cycle

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9ircadian rhythms are regulated by threecomponents

+) the circadian pacemaamper or clocamp

3) an input mechanism which allows theclocamp to be reset by environmental stimuliand

)an output mechanism which regulates physiological and behavioral 2rocesses

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Hypertension types

Primary Hypertension -igh blood pressure ofunidentified cause 1ccounts for of cases of

high blood pressure he identified risamp factors in

primary hypertension are as follows age onset

between $ years of age increases over $years of age sex males in young adulthood and

early middle age females after the age of $$ years

$econdary Hypertension is -igh blood

pressure in which the cause can be identified

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+ EssentialIn more than $ of cases an underlying

cause cannot be found 2roposed mechanisms

includeExcess renal sodium retention

ver activity of sympathetic nervous system

enin angiotensin excess-yperinsulinemia

1lterations in vascular endothelium

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actors contriuting to the development o9 Essential


FGenetic actors

hypertension is more

common in some familiesand in some ethnic groups

liampe 1frican 1mericans

FEnvironmental factors

include obesity alcohollacamp of exercise and excess


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Emotional stress can cause uite large

increases in blood pressure$ Prominent amongst te pysiological

responses to stress is an increase in actiity

in te sympatetic neres Postural canges eampert stresses on te

cardioascular system reuiring effectie

refleamp responses to constrict arteries and

eins and stimulate te eart to controlblood pressure maintain brain blood flo(

and preent loss of consciousness

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Regular oer)consumption of alcool can

raise blood pressure dramatically as (ell as

cause an eleation upon (itdra(al

Te seerity of obstructie sleep apnea

syndrome OSS is an independent factorcorrelated to diurnal ypertension

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here is some evidence that supports a

hypothesis that the primary fault in the

pathophysiology of hypertension is adefect in the

calcium binding of the plasma membrane of

the cells of a pressureregulating center inthe nervous system

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+) Secondary ypertension+) Secondary ypertension

Renal hese account for over 4 of the cases ofsecondary hypertension he common causes arediabetic nephropathy chronic glomerulonephritisadult polycystic disease chronic tubulointerstitialnephritis and renovascular disease

Endocrinal hese include 9onns syndrome adrenal hyperplasia


2haeochromocytoma 9ushings syndromerugs and toxins Pregnancy1induced hypertension

ampascular coarctation of aorta vasculitis


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Hypertension in neonates is rare occurring inaround 06 to gt o9 neonates

lood pressure is not measured routinely in the

healthy newornHypertension is more common in high ris


variety o9 9actors such as gestational age

postconceptional age and irth weight needs to

e taen into account when deciding i9 a lood

pressure is normal in a neonate

Hypertensie crises

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Hypertensie crises

7everely elevated blood pressure e(ual toor greater than a systolic +4 or diastolic of++ H sometime termed malignant oraccelerated hypertension) is referred to as a

hypertensive crisis as blood pressuresabove these levels are ampnown to confer ahigh risamp of complications

2eople with blood pressures in this rangemay have no symptoms but are more liampelyto report headaches 33 of cases)and diCCiness than the general population

th t i

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ther symptoms accompanying a

hypertensive crisis may include

+visual deterioration

3breathlessness due to heart failure

general feeling of malaise due to renal

failure0ost people with a hypertensive crisis are

ampnown to have elevated blood pressure but

additional triggers may have led to a sudden


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eergency hypertensivemalignant hypertension is diagnosed

when there is evidence of + direct damage to one or more organs as a

result of the severely elevated blood pressure

+his may includehypertensive encephalopathy caused by brain swelling and dysfunction

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characteriCed by


altered level of consciousness

confusion or drowsiness)etinal papilloedema

fundal hemorrhages

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1exudates are another sign o9 target organ


1Chest pain may indicate heart muscle

damage 3which may progress to myocardial

in9arction4 or sometimes aortic dissection

1tearing o9 the inner wall o9 the aorta

1Breathlessness cough and the

expectoration o9 lood1stained sputum are

characteristic signs o9 pulmonary edemathe swelling o9 lung tissue due to le9t

ventricular 9ailure

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1inaility o9 the le9t ventricle o9 the

heart to adeuately pump lood

9rom the lungs into the arterial


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In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

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Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

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coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



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9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


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he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


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outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

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Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


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0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

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maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

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Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

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+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

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Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

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Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

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treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

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Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

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Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

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yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

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1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

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Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

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Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

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important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

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Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

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or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

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Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

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oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

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1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

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1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

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An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

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ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

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increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


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Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

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Definitions of hypertension

Elevated arterial blood pressureis a major cause of prematurevascular disease leading to

cerebrovascular eventsischaemic heart disease and peripheral vascular disease

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Blood pressure is the pressure exerted bythe blood against the walls of the bloodvessels especially the arteries

It varies with the strength of the heartbeatthe elasticity of the arterial walls thevolume and viscosity of the blood

and a persons health age and physical


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onset between $ years of age

increases over $ years of age

sex males in young adulthood and early

middle age

females after the age of $$ years

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The prevalence

hypertensions is higher among blacamps and

older persons especially older women

Hypertension increased with age and is

higher in young men than in young


although the reverse is true in older


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Hypertension - IntroductionHypertension - Introduction

Silent Killer ndash painless complications

It is the leading risk factor ndashMI HF CRF


Responsible for the majority of office isits

mber one reason for drg prescription

$amp of poplation Complications bring to diagnosis bt latehellip

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his re(uires the heart to woramp harder than

normal to circulate blood through the blood


Blood pressure is summarised by two

measurements systolic and diastolic

which depend on whether the heart muscle

is contracting systole) or relaxed between

beats diastole)

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ormal blood pressure at rest is within therange of ++mm-g systolic top

reading) and mm-g diastolic bottom


-igh blood pressure is said to be present if

it is persistently at or above + mm-g

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Ideal Mean Aterial Pressure

012) is defined as mm of mercury

which corresponds to +34 and can be

calculated by 012 5 D2 6 + 72D2)0ean 1rterial blood pressure depends on

the flow of blood from the heart cardiac

output) and the resistance to flow in thesmall arteries and microscopic resistance

vessels arterioles)

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Regulation of BPRegulation of BP

BP = Cardiac Output x Peripheral Resistance

Endocrine actors

8 Renin ngiotensin P H ldosterone

eural actors

8 $ympathetic Parasympathetic

Blood ampolume

8 $odium ineralocorticoids P

Cardiac actors

8 Heart rate Contractility

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Classification of blood

of blood pressure

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(ou Have)) iastolicampalue)



ormal lood pressure +ess than - +ess than 0

High1normal loodpressure

+ess than - 012or

$tage 3mild4hypertension

20122 501-2

$tage 6 3moderate4hypertension

00102 70182

$tage 3severe4


012 01602

$tage 5 3very severe4


60 orhigher

60 or higher

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Signs and symptoms

Hypertension is rarely accompanied yany symptoms and its identi9ication isusually through screening or when

seeing healthcare 9or an unrelatedprolem proportion o9 people withhigh lood pressure reports

headaches 3particularly at theac o9 the head and in the morning4

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3uing or hissing in the ears4

altered vision or 9ainting episodes

lthese symptoms however are more liely

to e related to associated anxiety thanthe high lood pressure itsel9

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Control of Blood PressureControl of Blood Pressure





Blood ltolume

a6 1ldosterone

ltasoconstrictors1ngiotensin II


2g = gtinins

ocal actors

p- -ypoxia eural actors

α1drenergic 8 9ons

A 1drenergic Dil

9ardiac actorsate = 9ontract

-umoral actors

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Pea blood pressure

2eaamp blood pressure levels in humans occur

during the mid morning at about +

10) then decrease progressivelythroughout the remainder of the day to

reach a trough value the following morning

at around 10

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efinition of Circadian Rytm

9ircadian rhythms are daily cycles of

physiology and behavior that are driven by

an endogenous oscillator with a period of

approximately one day

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Norally circadian rhyths

are synchroniCed with the 3 h

environment by stimuli which alter the

phase of the underlying brain circadian pacemaamper

or most organisms including mammalsthe primary phaseshifting stimulus is light

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hese processes include

sleepwaampe cycles

body temperature

blood pressure

release of hormones

his activity is controlled by the biologicalclocamp which is located in the suprachiasmtic nuclei of the hypothalamus inhuman brains

It is highly influenced by natural daramplightcycles but will persist under constantenvironmental conditions ExamplesDisruptions to the circadian rhythm cancause problems with the sleepwaampe cycle

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9ircadian rhythms are regulated by threecomponents

+) the circadian pacemaamper or clocamp

3) an input mechanism which allows theclocamp to be reset by environmental stimuliand

)an output mechanism which regulates physiological and behavioral 2rocesses

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Hypertension types

Primary Hypertension -igh blood pressure ofunidentified cause 1ccounts for of cases of

high blood pressure he identified risamp factors in

primary hypertension are as follows age onset

between $ years of age increases over $years of age sex males in young adulthood and

early middle age females after the age of $$ years

$econdary Hypertension is -igh blood

pressure in which the cause can be identified

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+ EssentialIn more than $ of cases an underlying

cause cannot be found 2roposed mechanisms

includeExcess renal sodium retention

ver activity of sympathetic nervous system

enin angiotensin excess-yperinsulinemia

1lterations in vascular endothelium

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actors contriuting to the development o9 Essential


FGenetic actors

hypertension is more

common in some familiesand in some ethnic groups

liampe 1frican 1mericans

FEnvironmental factors

include obesity alcohollacamp of exercise and excess


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Emotional stress can cause uite large

increases in blood pressure$ Prominent amongst te pysiological

responses to stress is an increase in actiity

in te sympatetic neres Postural canges eampert stresses on te

cardioascular system reuiring effectie

refleamp responses to constrict arteries and

eins and stimulate te eart to controlblood pressure maintain brain blood flo(

and preent loss of consciousness

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Regular oer)consumption of alcool can

raise blood pressure dramatically as (ell as

cause an eleation upon (itdra(al

Te seerity of obstructie sleep apnea

syndrome OSS is an independent factorcorrelated to diurnal ypertension

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here is some evidence that supports a

hypothesis that the primary fault in the

pathophysiology of hypertension is adefect in the

calcium binding of the plasma membrane of

the cells of a pressureregulating center inthe nervous system

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+) Secondary ypertension+) Secondary ypertension

Renal hese account for over 4 of the cases ofsecondary hypertension he common causes arediabetic nephropathy chronic glomerulonephritisadult polycystic disease chronic tubulointerstitialnephritis and renovascular disease

Endocrinal hese include 9onns syndrome adrenal hyperplasia


2haeochromocytoma 9ushings syndromerugs and toxins Pregnancy1induced hypertension

ampascular coarctation of aorta vasculitis


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Hypertension in neonates is rare occurring inaround 06 to gt o9 neonates

lood pressure is not measured routinely in the

healthy newornHypertension is more common in high ris


variety o9 9actors such as gestational age

postconceptional age and irth weight needs to

e taen into account when deciding i9 a lood

pressure is normal in a neonate

Hypertensie crises

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Hypertensie crises

7everely elevated blood pressure e(ual toor greater than a systolic +4 or diastolic of++ H sometime termed malignant oraccelerated hypertension) is referred to as a

hypertensive crisis as blood pressuresabove these levels are ampnown to confer ahigh risamp of complications

2eople with blood pressures in this rangemay have no symptoms but are more liampelyto report headaches 33 of cases)and diCCiness than the general population

th t i

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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ther symptoms accompanying a

hypertensive crisis may include

+visual deterioration

3breathlessness due to heart failure

general feeling of malaise due to renal

failure0ost people with a hypertensive crisis are

ampnown to have elevated blood pressure but

additional triggers may have led to a sudden


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eergency hypertensivemalignant hypertension is diagnosed

when there is evidence of + direct damage to one or more organs as a

result of the severely elevated blood pressure

+his may includehypertensive encephalopathy caused by brain swelling and dysfunction

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characteriCed by


altered level of consciousness

confusion or drowsiness)etinal papilloedema

fundal hemorrhages

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1exudates are another sign o9 target organ


1Chest pain may indicate heart muscle

damage 3which may progress to myocardial

in9arction4 or sometimes aortic dissection

1tearing o9 the inner wall o9 the aorta

1Breathlessness cough and the

expectoration o9 lood1stained sputum are

characteristic signs o9 pulmonary edemathe swelling o9 lung tissue due to le9t

ventricular 9ailure

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1inaility o9 the le9t ventricle o9 the

heart to adeuately pump lood

9rom the lungs into the arterial


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In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

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Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

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coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



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9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


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he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


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outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

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Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


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0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

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maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

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Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

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+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

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Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

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Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

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treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

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Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

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Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

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yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

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1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

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Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

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Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

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important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

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Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

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or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

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Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

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oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

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1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

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1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

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An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

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ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

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increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


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Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

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Page 3: 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Definitions of hypertension

Elevated arterial blood pressureis a major cause of prematurevascular disease leading to

cerebrovascular eventsischaemic heart disease and peripheral vascular disease

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Blood pressure is the pressure exerted bythe blood against the walls of the bloodvessels especially the arteries

It varies with the strength of the heartbeatthe elasticity of the arterial walls thevolume and viscosity of the blood

and a persons health age and physical


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onset between $ years of age

increases over $ years of age

sex males in young adulthood and early

middle age

females after the age of $$ years

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The prevalence

hypertensions is higher among blacamps and

older persons especially older women

Hypertension increased with age and is

higher in young men than in young


although the reverse is true in older


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Hypertension - IntroductionHypertension - Introduction

Silent Killer ndash painless complications

It is the leading risk factor ndashMI HF CRF


Responsible for the majority of office isits

mber one reason for drg prescription

$amp of poplation Complications bring to diagnosis bt latehellip

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his re(uires the heart to woramp harder than

normal to circulate blood through the blood


Blood pressure is summarised by two

measurements systolic and diastolic

which depend on whether the heart muscle

is contracting systole) or relaxed between

beats diastole)

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ormal blood pressure at rest is within therange of ++mm-g systolic top

reading) and mm-g diastolic bottom


-igh blood pressure is said to be present if

it is persistently at or above + mm-g

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Ideal Mean Aterial Pressure

012) is defined as mm of mercury

which corresponds to +34 and can be

calculated by 012 5 D2 6 + 72D2)0ean 1rterial blood pressure depends on

the flow of blood from the heart cardiac

output) and the resistance to flow in thesmall arteries and microscopic resistance

vessels arterioles)

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Regulation of BPRegulation of BP

BP = Cardiac Output x Peripheral Resistance

Endocrine actors

8 Renin ngiotensin P H ldosterone

eural actors

8 $ympathetic Parasympathetic

Blood ampolume

8 $odium ineralocorticoids P

Cardiac actors

8 Heart rate Contractility

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Classification of blood

of blood pressure

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(ou Have)) iastolicampalue)



ormal lood pressure +ess than - +ess than 0

High1normal loodpressure

+ess than - 012or

$tage 3mild4hypertension

20122 501-2

$tage 6 3moderate4hypertension

00102 70182

$tage 3severe4


012 01602

$tage 5 3very severe4


60 orhigher

60 or higher

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Signs and symptoms

Hypertension is rarely accompanied yany symptoms and its identi9ication isusually through screening or when

seeing healthcare 9or an unrelatedprolem proportion o9 people withhigh lood pressure reports

headaches 3particularly at theac o9 the head and in the morning4

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3uing or hissing in the ears4

altered vision or 9ainting episodes

lthese symptoms however are more liely

to e related to associated anxiety thanthe high lood pressure itsel9

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Control of Blood PressureControl of Blood Pressure





Blood ltolume

a6 1ldosterone

ltasoconstrictors1ngiotensin II


2g = gtinins

ocal actors

p- -ypoxia eural actors

α1drenergic 8 9ons

A 1drenergic Dil

9ardiac actorsate = 9ontract

-umoral actors

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Pea blood pressure

2eaamp blood pressure levels in humans occur

during the mid morning at about +

10) then decrease progressivelythroughout the remainder of the day to

reach a trough value the following morning

at around 10

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efinition of Circadian Rytm

9ircadian rhythms are daily cycles of

physiology and behavior that are driven by

an endogenous oscillator with a period of

approximately one day

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Norally circadian rhyths

are synchroniCed with the 3 h

environment by stimuli which alter the

phase of the underlying brain circadian pacemaamper

or most organisms including mammalsthe primary phaseshifting stimulus is light

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hese processes include

sleepwaampe cycles

body temperature

blood pressure

release of hormones

his activity is controlled by the biologicalclocamp which is located in the suprachiasmtic nuclei of the hypothalamus inhuman brains

It is highly influenced by natural daramplightcycles but will persist under constantenvironmental conditions ExamplesDisruptions to the circadian rhythm cancause problems with the sleepwaampe cycle

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9ircadian rhythms are regulated by threecomponents

+) the circadian pacemaamper or clocamp

3) an input mechanism which allows theclocamp to be reset by environmental stimuliand

)an output mechanism which regulates physiological and behavioral 2rocesses

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Hypertension types

Primary Hypertension -igh blood pressure ofunidentified cause 1ccounts for of cases of

high blood pressure he identified risamp factors in

primary hypertension are as follows age onset

between $ years of age increases over $years of age sex males in young adulthood and

early middle age females after the age of $$ years

$econdary Hypertension is -igh blood

pressure in which the cause can be identified

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+ EssentialIn more than $ of cases an underlying

cause cannot be found 2roposed mechanisms

includeExcess renal sodium retention

ver activity of sympathetic nervous system

enin angiotensin excess-yperinsulinemia

1lterations in vascular endothelium

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actors contriuting to the development o9 Essential


FGenetic actors

hypertension is more

common in some familiesand in some ethnic groups

liampe 1frican 1mericans

FEnvironmental factors

include obesity alcohollacamp of exercise and excess


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Emotional stress can cause uite large

increases in blood pressure$ Prominent amongst te pysiological

responses to stress is an increase in actiity

in te sympatetic neres Postural canges eampert stresses on te

cardioascular system reuiring effectie

refleamp responses to constrict arteries and

eins and stimulate te eart to controlblood pressure maintain brain blood flo(

and preent loss of consciousness

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Regular oer)consumption of alcool can

raise blood pressure dramatically as (ell as

cause an eleation upon (itdra(al

Te seerity of obstructie sleep apnea

syndrome OSS is an independent factorcorrelated to diurnal ypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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here is some evidence that supports a

hypothesis that the primary fault in the

pathophysiology of hypertension is adefect in the

calcium binding of the plasma membrane of

the cells of a pressureregulating center inthe nervous system

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+) Secondary ypertension+) Secondary ypertension

Renal hese account for over 4 of the cases ofsecondary hypertension he common causes arediabetic nephropathy chronic glomerulonephritisadult polycystic disease chronic tubulointerstitialnephritis and renovascular disease

Endocrinal hese include 9onns syndrome adrenal hyperplasia


2haeochromocytoma 9ushings syndromerugs and toxins Pregnancy1induced hypertension

ampascular coarctation of aorta vasculitis


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Hypertension in neonates is rare occurring inaround 06 to gt o9 neonates

lood pressure is not measured routinely in the

healthy newornHypertension is more common in high ris


variety o9 9actors such as gestational age

postconceptional age and irth weight needs to

e taen into account when deciding i9 a lood

pressure is normal in a neonate

Hypertensie crises

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Hypertensie crises

7everely elevated blood pressure e(ual toor greater than a systolic +4 or diastolic of++ H sometime termed malignant oraccelerated hypertension) is referred to as a

hypertensive crisis as blood pressuresabove these levels are ampnown to confer ahigh risamp of complications

2eople with blood pressures in this rangemay have no symptoms but are more liampelyto report headaches 33 of cases)and diCCiness than the general population

th t i

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ther symptoms accompanying a

hypertensive crisis may include

+visual deterioration

3breathlessness due to heart failure

general feeling of malaise due to renal

failure0ost people with a hypertensive crisis are

ampnown to have elevated blood pressure but

additional triggers may have led to a sudden


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eergency hypertensivemalignant hypertension is diagnosed

when there is evidence of + direct damage to one or more organs as a

result of the severely elevated blood pressure

+his may includehypertensive encephalopathy caused by brain swelling and dysfunction

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characteriCed by


altered level of consciousness

confusion or drowsiness)etinal papilloedema

fundal hemorrhages

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1exudates are another sign o9 target organ


1Chest pain may indicate heart muscle

damage 3which may progress to myocardial

in9arction4 or sometimes aortic dissection

1tearing o9 the inner wall o9 the aorta

1Breathlessness cough and the

expectoration o9 lood1stained sputum are

characteristic signs o9 pulmonary edemathe swelling o9 lung tissue due to le9t

ventricular 9ailure

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1inaility o9 the le9t ventricle o9 the

heart to adeuately pump lood

9rom the lungs into the arterial


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In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

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Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

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coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



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9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


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he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4367


0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

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Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

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oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

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1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

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An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

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ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

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increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


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Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

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Page 4: 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Blood pressure is the pressure exerted bythe blood against the walls of the bloodvessels especially the arteries

It varies with the strength of the heartbeatthe elasticity of the arterial walls thevolume and viscosity of the blood

and a persons health age and physical


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onset between $ years of age

increases over $ years of age

sex males in young adulthood and early

middle age

females after the age of $$ years

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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The prevalence

hypertensions is higher among blacamps and

older persons especially older women

Hypertension increased with age and is

higher in young men than in young


although the reverse is true in older


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Hypertension - IntroductionHypertension - Introduction

Silent Killer ndash painless complications

It is the leading risk factor ndashMI HF CRF


Responsible for the majority of office isits

mber one reason for drg prescription

$amp of poplation Complications bring to diagnosis bt latehellip

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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his re(uires the heart to woramp harder than

normal to circulate blood through the blood


Blood pressure is summarised by two

measurements systolic and diastolic

which depend on whether the heart muscle

is contracting systole) or relaxed between

beats diastole)

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ormal blood pressure at rest is within therange of ++mm-g systolic top

reading) and mm-g diastolic bottom


-igh blood pressure is said to be present if

it is persistently at or above + mm-g

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Ideal Mean Aterial Pressure

012) is defined as mm of mercury

which corresponds to +34 and can be

calculated by 012 5 D2 6 + 72D2)0ean 1rterial blood pressure depends on

the flow of blood from the heart cardiac

output) and the resistance to flow in thesmall arteries and microscopic resistance

vessels arterioles)

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Regulation of BPRegulation of BP

BP = Cardiac Output x Peripheral Resistance

Endocrine actors

8 Renin ngiotensin P H ldosterone

eural actors

8 $ympathetic Parasympathetic

Blood ampolume

8 $odium ineralocorticoids P

Cardiac actors

8 Heart rate Contractility

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Classification of blood

of blood pressure

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(ou Have)) iastolicampalue)



ormal lood pressure +ess than - +ess than 0

High1normal loodpressure

+ess than - 012or

$tage 3mild4hypertension

20122 501-2

$tage 6 3moderate4hypertension

00102 70182

$tage 3severe4


012 01602

$tage 5 3very severe4


60 orhigher

60 or higher

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Signs and symptoms

Hypertension is rarely accompanied yany symptoms and its identi9ication isusually through screening or when

seeing healthcare 9or an unrelatedprolem proportion o9 people withhigh lood pressure reports

headaches 3particularly at theac o9 the head and in the morning4

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3uing or hissing in the ears4

altered vision or 9ainting episodes

lthese symptoms however are more liely

to e related to associated anxiety thanthe high lood pressure itsel9

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Control of Blood PressureControl of Blood Pressure





Blood ltolume

a6 1ldosterone

ltasoconstrictors1ngiotensin II


2g = gtinins

ocal actors

p- -ypoxia eural actors

α1drenergic 8 9ons

A 1drenergic Dil

9ardiac actorsate = 9ontract

-umoral actors

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Pea blood pressure

2eaamp blood pressure levels in humans occur

during the mid morning at about +

10) then decrease progressivelythroughout the remainder of the day to

reach a trough value the following morning

at around 10

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efinition of Circadian Rytm

9ircadian rhythms are daily cycles of

physiology and behavior that are driven by

an endogenous oscillator with a period of

approximately one day

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Norally circadian rhyths

are synchroniCed with the 3 h

environment by stimuli which alter the

phase of the underlying brain circadian pacemaamper

or most organisms including mammalsthe primary phaseshifting stimulus is light

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hese processes include

sleepwaampe cycles

body temperature

blood pressure

release of hormones

his activity is controlled by the biologicalclocamp which is located in the suprachiasmtic nuclei of the hypothalamus inhuman brains

It is highly influenced by natural daramplightcycles but will persist under constantenvironmental conditions ExamplesDisruptions to the circadian rhythm cancause problems with the sleepwaampe cycle

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9ircadian rhythms are regulated by threecomponents

+) the circadian pacemaamper or clocamp

3) an input mechanism which allows theclocamp to be reset by environmental stimuliand

)an output mechanism which regulates physiological and behavioral 2rocesses

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Hypertension types

Primary Hypertension -igh blood pressure ofunidentified cause 1ccounts for of cases of

high blood pressure he identified risamp factors in

primary hypertension are as follows age onset

between $ years of age increases over $years of age sex males in young adulthood and

early middle age females after the age of $$ years

$econdary Hypertension is -igh blood

pressure in which the cause can be identified

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+ EssentialIn more than $ of cases an underlying

cause cannot be found 2roposed mechanisms

includeExcess renal sodium retention

ver activity of sympathetic nervous system

enin angiotensin excess-yperinsulinemia

1lterations in vascular endothelium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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actors contriuting to the development o9 Essential


FGenetic actors

hypertension is more

common in some familiesand in some ethnic groups

liampe 1frican 1mericans

FEnvironmental factors

include obesity alcohollacamp of exercise and excess


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Emotional stress can cause uite large

increases in blood pressure$ Prominent amongst te pysiological

responses to stress is an increase in actiity

in te sympatetic neres Postural canges eampert stresses on te

cardioascular system reuiring effectie

refleamp responses to constrict arteries and

eins and stimulate te eart to controlblood pressure maintain brain blood flo(

and preent loss of consciousness

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Regular oer)consumption of alcool can

raise blood pressure dramatically as (ell as

cause an eleation upon (itdra(al

Te seerity of obstructie sleep apnea

syndrome OSS is an independent factorcorrelated to diurnal ypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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here is some evidence that supports a

hypothesis that the primary fault in the

pathophysiology of hypertension is adefect in the

calcium binding of the plasma membrane of

the cells of a pressureregulating center inthe nervous system

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+) Secondary ypertension+) Secondary ypertension

Renal hese account for over 4 of the cases ofsecondary hypertension he common causes arediabetic nephropathy chronic glomerulonephritisadult polycystic disease chronic tubulointerstitialnephritis and renovascular disease

Endocrinal hese include 9onns syndrome adrenal hyperplasia


2haeochromocytoma 9ushings syndromerugs and toxins Pregnancy1induced hypertension

ampascular coarctation of aorta vasculitis


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Hypertension in neonates is rare occurring inaround 06 to gt o9 neonates

lood pressure is not measured routinely in the

healthy newornHypertension is more common in high ris


variety o9 9actors such as gestational age

postconceptional age and irth weight needs to

e taen into account when deciding i9 a lood

pressure is normal in a neonate

Hypertensie crises

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Hypertensie crises

7everely elevated blood pressure e(ual toor greater than a systolic +4 or diastolic of++ H sometime termed malignant oraccelerated hypertension) is referred to as a

hypertensive crisis as blood pressuresabove these levels are ampnown to confer ahigh risamp of complications

2eople with blood pressures in this rangemay have no symptoms but are more liampelyto report headaches 33 of cases)and diCCiness than the general population

th t i

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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ther symptoms accompanying a

hypertensive crisis may include

+visual deterioration

3breathlessness due to heart failure

general feeling of malaise due to renal

failure0ost people with a hypertensive crisis are

ampnown to have elevated blood pressure but

additional triggers may have led to a sudden


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eergency hypertensivemalignant hypertension is diagnosed

when there is evidence of + direct damage to one or more organs as a

result of the severely elevated blood pressure

+his may includehypertensive encephalopathy caused by brain swelling and dysfunction

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characteriCed by


altered level of consciousness

confusion or drowsiness)etinal papilloedema

fundal hemorrhages

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1exudates are another sign o9 target organ


1Chest pain may indicate heart muscle

damage 3which may progress to myocardial

in9arction4 or sometimes aortic dissection

1tearing o9 the inner wall o9 the aorta

1Breathlessness cough and the

expectoration o9 lood1stained sputum are

characteristic signs o9 pulmonary edemathe swelling o9 lung tissue due to le9t

ventricular 9ailure

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1inaility o9 the le9t ventricle o9 the

heart to adeuately pump lood

9rom the lungs into the arterial


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In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

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Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

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coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



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9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

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Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

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Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

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Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

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Page 5: 02 Systemic Hypertension

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onset between $ years of age

increases over $ years of age

sex males in young adulthood and early

middle age

females after the age of $$ years

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 667

The prevalence

hypertensions is higher among blacamps and

older persons especially older women

Hypertension increased with age and is

higher in young men than in young


although the reverse is true in older


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Hypertension - IntroductionHypertension - Introduction

Silent Killer ndash painless complications

It is the leading risk factor ndashMI HF CRF


Responsible for the majority of office isits

mber one reason for drg prescription

$amp of poplation Complications bring to diagnosis bt latehellip

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 867

his re(uires the heart to woramp harder than

normal to circulate blood through the blood


Blood pressure is summarised by two

measurements systolic and diastolic

which depend on whether the heart muscle

is contracting systole) or relaxed between

beats diastole)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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ormal blood pressure at rest is within therange of ++mm-g systolic top

reading) and mm-g diastolic bottom


-igh blood pressure is said to be present if

it is persistently at or above + mm-g

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Ideal Mean Aterial Pressure

012) is defined as mm of mercury

which corresponds to +34 and can be

calculated by 012 5 D2 6 + 72D2)0ean 1rterial blood pressure depends on

the flow of blood from the heart cardiac

output) and the resistance to flow in thesmall arteries and microscopic resistance

vessels arterioles)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Regulation of BPRegulation of BP

BP = Cardiac Output x Peripheral Resistance

Endocrine actors

8 Renin ngiotensin P H ldosterone

eural actors

8 $ympathetic Parasympathetic

Blood ampolume

8 $odium ineralocorticoids P

Cardiac actors

8 Heart rate Contractility

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Classification of blood

of blood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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(ou Have)) iastolicampalue)



ormal lood pressure +ess than - +ess than 0

High1normal loodpressure

+ess than - 012or

$tage 3mild4hypertension

20122 501-2

$tage 6 3moderate4hypertension

00102 70182

$tage 3severe4


012 01602

$tage 5 3very severe4


60 orhigher

60 or higher

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 1467

Signs and symptoms

Hypertension is rarely accompanied yany symptoms and its identi9ication isusually through screening or when

seeing healthcare 9or an unrelatedprolem proportion o9 people withhigh lood pressure reports

headaches 3particularly at theac o9 the head and in the morning4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 1567




3uing or hissing in the ears4

altered vision or 9ainting episodes

lthese symptoms however are more liely

to e related to associated anxiety thanthe high lood pressure itsel9

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 1667

Control of Blood PressureControl of Blood Pressure





Blood ltolume

a6 1ldosterone

ltasoconstrictors1ngiotensin II


2g = gtinins

ocal actors

p- -ypoxia eural actors

α1drenergic 8 9ons

A 1drenergic Dil

9ardiac actorsate = 9ontract

-umoral actors

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 1767

Pea blood pressure

2eaamp blood pressure levels in humans occur

during the mid morning at about +

10) then decrease progressivelythroughout the remainder of the day to

reach a trough value the following morning

at around 10

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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efinition of Circadian Rytm

9ircadian rhythms are daily cycles of

physiology and behavior that are driven by

an endogenous oscillator with a period of

approximately one day

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Norally circadian rhyths

are synchroniCed with the 3 h

environment by stimuli which alter the

phase of the underlying brain circadian pacemaamper

or most organisms including mammalsthe primary phaseshifting stimulus is light

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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hese processes include

sleepwaampe cycles

body temperature

blood pressure

release of hormones

his activity is controlled by the biologicalclocamp which is located in the suprachiasmtic nuclei of the hypothalamus inhuman brains

It is highly influenced by natural daramplightcycles but will persist under constantenvironmental conditions ExamplesDisruptions to the circadian rhythm cancause problems with the sleepwaampe cycle

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9ircadian rhythms are regulated by threecomponents

+) the circadian pacemaamper or clocamp

3) an input mechanism which allows theclocamp to be reset by environmental stimuliand

)an output mechanism which regulates physiological and behavioral 2rocesses

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Hypertension types

Primary Hypertension -igh blood pressure ofunidentified cause 1ccounts for of cases of

high blood pressure he identified risamp factors in

primary hypertension are as follows age onset

between $ years of age increases over $years of age sex males in young adulthood and

early middle age females after the age of $$ years

$econdary Hypertension is -igh blood

pressure in which the cause can be identified

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+ EssentialIn more than $ of cases an underlying

cause cannot be found 2roposed mechanisms

includeExcess renal sodium retention

ver activity of sympathetic nervous system

enin angiotensin excess-yperinsulinemia

1lterations in vascular endothelium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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actors contriuting to the development o9 Essential


FGenetic actors

hypertension is more

common in some familiesand in some ethnic groups

liampe 1frican 1mericans

FEnvironmental factors

include obesity alcohollacamp of exercise and excess


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Emotional stress can cause uite large

increases in blood pressure$ Prominent amongst te pysiological

responses to stress is an increase in actiity

in te sympatetic neres Postural canges eampert stresses on te

cardioascular system reuiring effectie

refleamp responses to constrict arteries and

eins and stimulate te eart to controlblood pressure maintain brain blood flo(

and preent loss of consciousness

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Regular oer)consumption of alcool can

raise blood pressure dramatically as (ell as

cause an eleation upon (itdra(al

Te seerity of obstructie sleep apnea

syndrome OSS is an independent factorcorrelated to diurnal ypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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here is some evidence that supports a

hypothesis that the primary fault in the

pathophysiology of hypertension is adefect in the

calcium binding of the plasma membrane of

the cells of a pressureregulating center inthe nervous system

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+) Secondary ypertension+) Secondary ypertension

Renal hese account for over 4 of the cases ofsecondary hypertension he common causes arediabetic nephropathy chronic glomerulonephritisadult polycystic disease chronic tubulointerstitialnephritis and renovascular disease

Endocrinal hese include 9onns syndrome adrenal hyperplasia


2haeochromocytoma 9ushings syndromerugs and toxins Pregnancy1induced hypertension

ampascular coarctation of aorta vasculitis


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Hypertension in neonates is rare occurring inaround 06 to gt o9 neonates

lood pressure is not measured routinely in the

healthy newornHypertension is more common in high ris


variety o9 9actors such as gestational age

postconceptional age and irth weight needs to

e taen into account when deciding i9 a lood

pressure is normal in a neonate

Hypertensie crises

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Hypertensie crises

7everely elevated blood pressure e(ual toor greater than a systolic +4 or diastolic of++ H sometime termed malignant oraccelerated hypertension) is referred to as a

hypertensive crisis as blood pressuresabove these levels are ampnown to confer ahigh risamp of complications

2eople with blood pressures in this rangemay have no symptoms but are more liampelyto report headaches 33 of cases)and diCCiness than the general population

th t i

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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ther symptoms accompanying a

hypertensive crisis may include

+visual deterioration

3breathlessness due to heart failure

general feeling of malaise due to renal

failure0ost people with a hypertensive crisis are

ampnown to have elevated blood pressure but

additional triggers may have led to a sudden


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eergency hypertensivemalignant hypertension is diagnosed

when there is evidence of + direct damage to one or more organs as a

result of the severely elevated blood pressure

+his may includehypertensive encephalopathy caused by brain swelling and dysfunction

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characteriCed by


altered level of consciousness

confusion or drowsiness)etinal papilloedema

fundal hemorrhages

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1exudates are another sign o9 target organ


1Chest pain may indicate heart muscle

damage 3which may progress to myocardial

in9arction4 or sometimes aortic dissection

1tearing o9 the inner wall o9 the aorta

1Breathlessness cough and the

expectoration o9 lood1stained sputum are

characteristic signs o9 pulmonary edemathe swelling o9 lung tissue due to le9t

ventricular 9ailure

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1inaility o9 the le9t ventricle o9 the

heart to adeuately pump lood

9rom the lungs into the arterial


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In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

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Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

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coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



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9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


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he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

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Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

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Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

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Page 6: 02 Systemic Hypertension

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The prevalence

hypertensions is higher among blacamps and

older persons especially older women

Hypertension increased with age and is

higher in young men than in young


although the reverse is true in older


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Hypertension - IntroductionHypertension - Introduction

Silent Killer ndash painless complications

It is the leading risk factor ndashMI HF CRF


Responsible for the majority of office isits

mber one reason for drg prescription

$amp of poplation Complications bring to diagnosis bt latehellip

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 867

his re(uires the heart to woramp harder than

normal to circulate blood through the blood


Blood pressure is summarised by two

measurements systolic and diastolic

which depend on whether the heart muscle

is contracting systole) or relaxed between

beats diastole)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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ormal blood pressure at rest is within therange of ++mm-g systolic top

reading) and mm-g diastolic bottom


-igh blood pressure is said to be present if

it is persistently at or above + mm-g

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Ideal Mean Aterial Pressure

012) is defined as mm of mercury

which corresponds to +34 and can be

calculated by 012 5 D2 6 + 72D2)0ean 1rterial blood pressure depends on

the flow of blood from the heart cardiac

output) and the resistance to flow in thesmall arteries and microscopic resistance

vessels arterioles)

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Regulation of BPRegulation of BP

BP = Cardiac Output x Peripheral Resistance

Endocrine actors

8 Renin ngiotensin P H ldosterone

eural actors

8 $ympathetic Parasympathetic

Blood ampolume

8 $odium ineralocorticoids P

Cardiac actors

8 Heart rate Contractility

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Classification of blood

of blood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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(ou Have)) iastolicampalue)



ormal lood pressure +ess than - +ess than 0

High1normal loodpressure

+ess than - 012or

$tage 3mild4hypertension

20122 501-2

$tage 6 3moderate4hypertension

00102 70182

$tage 3severe4


012 01602

$tage 5 3very severe4


60 orhigher

60 or higher

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Signs and symptoms

Hypertension is rarely accompanied yany symptoms and its identi9ication isusually through screening or when

seeing healthcare 9or an unrelatedprolem proportion o9 people withhigh lood pressure reports

headaches 3particularly at theac o9 the head and in the morning4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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3uing or hissing in the ears4

altered vision or 9ainting episodes

lthese symptoms however are more liely

to e related to associated anxiety thanthe high lood pressure itsel9

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Control of Blood PressureControl of Blood Pressure





Blood ltolume

a6 1ldosterone

ltasoconstrictors1ngiotensin II


2g = gtinins

ocal actors

p- -ypoxia eural actors

α1drenergic 8 9ons

A 1drenergic Dil

9ardiac actorsate = 9ontract

-umoral actors

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Pea blood pressure

2eaamp blood pressure levels in humans occur

during the mid morning at about +

10) then decrease progressivelythroughout the remainder of the day to

reach a trough value the following morning

at around 10

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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efinition of Circadian Rytm

9ircadian rhythms are daily cycles of

physiology and behavior that are driven by

an endogenous oscillator with a period of

approximately one day

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Norally circadian rhyths

are synchroniCed with the 3 h

environment by stimuli which alter the

phase of the underlying brain circadian pacemaamper

or most organisms including mammalsthe primary phaseshifting stimulus is light

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hese processes include

sleepwaampe cycles

body temperature

blood pressure

release of hormones

his activity is controlled by the biologicalclocamp which is located in the suprachiasmtic nuclei of the hypothalamus inhuman brains

It is highly influenced by natural daramplightcycles but will persist under constantenvironmental conditions ExamplesDisruptions to the circadian rhythm cancause problems with the sleepwaampe cycle

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9ircadian rhythms are regulated by threecomponents

+) the circadian pacemaamper or clocamp

3) an input mechanism which allows theclocamp to be reset by environmental stimuliand

)an output mechanism which regulates physiological and behavioral 2rocesses

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Hypertension types

Primary Hypertension -igh blood pressure ofunidentified cause 1ccounts for of cases of

high blood pressure he identified risamp factors in

primary hypertension are as follows age onset

between $ years of age increases over $years of age sex males in young adulthood and

early middle age females after the age of $$ years

$econdary Hypertension is -igh blood

pressure in which the cause can be identified

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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+ EssentialIn more than $ of cases an underlying

cause cannot be found 2roposed mechanisms

includeExcess renal sodium retention

ver activity of sympathetic nervous system

enin angiotensin excess-yperinsulinemia

1lterations in vascular endothelium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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actors contriuting to the development o9 Essential


FGenetic actors

hypertension is more

common in some familiesand in some ethnic groups

liampe 1frican 1mericans

FEnvironmental factors

include obesity alcohollacamp of exercise and excess


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Emotional stress can cause uite large

increases in blood pressure$ Prominent amongst te pysiological

responses to stress is an increase in actiity

in te sympatetic neres Postural canges eampert stresses on te

cardioascular system reuiring effectie

refleamp responses to constrict arteries and

eins and stimulate te eart to controlblood pressure maintain brain blood flo(

and preent loss of consciousness

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2667

Regular oer)consumption of alcool can

raise blood pressure dramatically as (ell as

cause an eleation upon (itdra(al

Te seerity of obstructie sleep apnea

syndrome OSS is an independent factorcorrelated to diurnal ypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2767


here is some evidence that supports a

hypothesis that the primary fault in the

pathophysiology of hypertension is adefect in the

calcium binding of the plasma membrane of

the cells of a pressureregulating center inthe nervous system

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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+) Secondary ypertension+) Secondary ypertension

Renal hese account for over 4 of the cases ofsecondary hypertension he common causes arediabetic nephropathy chronic glomerulonephritisadult polycystic disease chronic tubulointerstitialnephritis and renovascular disease

Endocrinal hese include 9onns syndrome adrenal hyperplasia


2haeochromocytoma 9ushings syndromerugs and toxins Pregnancy1induced hypertension

ampascular coarctation of aorta vasculitis


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2967


Hypertension in neonates is rare occurring inaround 06 to gt o9 neonates

lood pressure is not measured routinely in the

healthy newornHypertension is more common in high ris


variety o9 9actors such as gestational age

postconceptional age and irth weight needs to

e taen into account when deciding i9 a lood

pressure is normal in a neonate

Hypertensie crises

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Hypertensie crises

7everely elevated blood pressure e(ual toor greater than a systolic +4 or diastolic of++ H sometime termed malignant oraccelerated hypertension) is referred to as a

hypertensive crisis as blood pressuresabove these levels are ampnown to confer ahigh risamp of complications

2eople with blood pressures in this rangemay have no symptoms but are more liampelyto report headaches 33 of cases)and diCCiness than the general population

th t i

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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ther symptoms accompanying a

hypertensive crisis may include

+visual deterioration

3breathlessness due to heart failure

general feeling of malaise due to renal

failure0ost people with a hypertensive crisis are

ampnown to have elevated blood pressure but

additional triggers may have led to a sudden


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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eergency hypertensivemalignant hypertension is diagnosed

when there is evidence of + direct damage to one or more organs as a

result of the severely elevated blood pressure

+his may includehypertensive encephalopathy caused by brain swelling and dysfunction

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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characteriCed by


altered level of consciousness

confusion or drowsiness)etinal papilloedema

fundal hemorrhages

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1exudates are another sign o9 target organ


1Chest pain may indicate heart muscle

damage 3which may progress to myocardial

in9arction4 or sometimes aortic dissection

1tearing o9 the inner wall o9 the aorta

1Breathlessness cough and the

expectoration o9 lood1stained sputum are

characteristic signs o9 pulmonary edemathe swelling o9 lung tissue due to le9t

ventricular 9ailure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1inaility o9 the le9t ventricle o9 the

heart to adeuately pump lood

9rom the lungs into the arterial


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In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



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9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


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he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


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outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

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Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

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Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

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Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

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Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

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Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

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yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

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Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

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Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

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Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

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or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

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Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

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oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

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An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

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increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


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Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

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Page 7: 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Hypertension - IntroductionHypertension - Introduction

Silent Killer ndash painless complications

It is the leading risk factor ndashMI HF CRF


Responsible for the majority of office isits

mber one reason for drg prescription

$amp of poplation Complications bring to diagnosis bt latehellip

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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his re(uires the heart to woramp harder than

normal to circulate blood through the blood


Blood pressure is summarised by two

measurements systolic and diastolic

which depend on whether the heart muscle

is contracting systole) or relaxed between

beats diastole)

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ormal blood pressure at rest is within therange of ++mm-g systolic top

reading) and mm-g diastolic bottom


-igh blood pressure is said to be present if

it is persistently at or above + mm-g

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Ideal Mean Aterial Pressure

012) is defined as mm of mercury

which corresponds to +34 and can be

calculated by 012 5 D2 6 + 72D2)0ean 1rterial blood pressure depends on

the flow of blood from the heart cardiac

output) and the resistance to flow in thesmall arteries and microscopic resistance

vessels arterioles)

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Regulation of BPRegulation of BP

BP = Cardiac Output x Peripheral Resistance

Endocrine actors

8 Renin ngiotensin P H ldosterone

eural actors

8 $ympathetic Parasympathetic

Blood ampolume

8 $odium ineralocorticoids P

Cardiac actors

8 Heart rate Contractility

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Classification of blood

of blood pressure

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(ou Have)) iastolicampalue)



ormal lood pressure +ess than - +ess than 0

High1normal loodpressure

+ess than - 012or

$tage 3mild4hypertension

20122 501-2

$tage 6 3moderate4hypertension

00102 70182

$tage 3severe4


012 01602

$tage 5 3very severe4


60 orhigher

60 or higher

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Signs and symptoms

Hypertension is rarely accompanied yany symptoms and its identi9ication isusually through screening or when

seeing healthcare 9or an unrelatedprolem proportion o9 people withhigh lood pressure reports

headaches 3particularly at theac o9 the head and in the morning4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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3uing or hissing in the ears4

altered vision or 9ainting episodes

lthese symptoms however are more liely

to e related to associated anxiety thanthe high lood pressure itsel9

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Control of Blood PressureControl of Blood Pressure





Blood ltolume

a6 1ldosterone

ltasoconstrictors1ngiotensin II


2g = gtinins

ocal actors

p- -ypoxia eural actors

α1drenergic 8 9ons

A 1drenergic Dil

9ardiac actorsate = 9ontract

-umoral actors

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Pea blood pressure

2eaamp blood pressure levels in humans occur

during the mid morning at about +

10) then decrease progressivelythroughout the remainder of the day to

reach a trough value the following morning

at around 10

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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efinition of Circadian Rytm

9ircadian rhythms are daily cycles of

physiology and behavior that are driven by

an endogenous oscillator with a period of

approximately one day

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Norally circadian rhyths

are synchroniCed with the 3 h

environment by stimuli which alter the

phase of the underlying brain circadian pacemaamper

or most organisms including mammalsthe primary phaseshifting stimulus is light

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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hese processes include

sleepwaampe cycles

body temperature

blood pressure

release of hormones

his activity is controlled by the biologicalclocamp which is located in the suprachiasmtic nuclei of the hypothalamus inhuman brains

It is highly influenced by natural daramplightcycles but will persist under constantenvironmental conditions ExamplesDisruptions to the circadian rhythm cancause problems with the sleepwaampe cycle

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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9ircadian rhythms are regulated by threecomponents

+) the circadian pacemaamper or clocamp

3) an input mechanism which allows theclocamp to be reset by environmental stimuliand

)an output mechanism which regulates physiological and behavioral 2rocesses

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Hypertension types

Primary Hypertension -igh blood pressure ofunidentified cause 1ccounts for of cases of

high blood pressure he identified risamp factors in

primary hypertension are as follows age onset

between $ years of age increases over $years of age sex males in young adulthood and

early middle age females after the age of $$ years

$econdary Hypertension is -igh blood

pressure in which the cause can be identified

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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+ EssentialIn more than $ of cases an underlying

cause cannot be found 2roposed mechanisms

includeExcess renal sodium retention

ver activity of sympathetic nervous system

enin angiotensin excess-yperinsulinemia

1lterations in vascular endothelium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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actors contriuting to the development o9 Essential


FGenetic actors

hypertension is more

common in some familiesand in some ethnic groups

liampe 1frican 1mericans

FEnvironmental factors

include obesity alcohollacamp of exercise and excess


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Emotional stress can cause uite large

increases in blood pressure$ Prominent amongst te pysiological

responses to stress is an increase in actiity

in te sympatetic neres Postural canges eampert stresses on te

cardioascular system reuiring effectie

refleamp responses to constrict arteries and

eins and stimulate te eart to controlblood pressure maintain brain blood flo(

and preent loss of consciousness

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2667

Regular oer)consumption of alcool can

raise blood pressure dramatically as (ell as

cause an eleation upon (itdra(al

Te seerity of obstructie sleep apnea

syndrome OSS is an independent factorcorrelated to diurnal ypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2767


here is some evidence that supports a

hypothesis that the primary fault in the

pathophysiology of hypertension is adefect in the

calcium binding of the plasma membrane of

the cells of a pressureregulating center inthe nervous system

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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+) Secondary ypertension+) Secondary ypertension

Renal hese account for over 4 of the cases ofsecondary hypertension he common causes arediabetic nephropathy chronic glomerulonephritisadult polycystic disease chronic tubulointerstitialnephritis and renovascular disease

Endocrinal hese include 9onns syndrome adrenal hyperplasia


2haeochromocytoma 9ushings syndromerugs and toxins Pregnancy1induced hypertension

ampascular coarctation of aorta vasculitis


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Hypertension in neonates is rare occurring inaround 06 to gt o9 neonates

lood pressure is not measured routinely in the

healthy newornHypertension is more common in high ris


variety o9 9actors such as gestational age

postconceptional age and irth weight needs to

e taen into account when deciding i9 a lood

pressure is normal in a neonate

Hypertensie crises

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Hypertensie crises

7everely elevated blood pressure e(ual toor greater than a systolic +4 or diastolic of++ H sometime termed malignant oraccelerated hypertension) is referred to as a

hypertensive crisis as blood pressuresabove these levels are ampnown to confer ahigh risamp of complications

2eople with blood pressures in this rangemay have no symptoms but are more liampelyto report headaches 33 of cases)and diCCiness than the general population

th t i

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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ther symptoms accompanying a

hypertensive crisis may include

+visual deterioration

3breathlessness due to heart failure

general feeling of malaise due to renal

failure0ost people with a hypertensive crisis are

ampnown to have elevated blood pressure but

additional triggers may have led to a sudden


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eergency hypertensivemalignant hypertension is diagnosed

when there is evidence of + direct damage to one or more organs as a

result of the severely elevated blood pressure

+his may includehypertensive encephalopathy caused by brain swelling and dysfunction

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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characteriCed by


altered level of consciousness

confusion or drowsiness)etinal papilloedema

fundal hemorrhages

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1exudates are another sign o9 target organ


1Chest pain may indicate heart muscle

damage 3which may progress to myocardial

in9arction4 or sometimes aortic dissection

1tearing o9 the inner wall o9 the aorta

1Breathlessness cough and the

expectoration o9 lood1stained sputum are

characteristic signs o9 pulmonary edemathe swelling o9 lung tissue due to le9t

ventricular 9ailure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1inaility o9 the le9t ventricle o9 the

heart to adeuately pump lood

9rom the lungs into the arterial


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In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

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Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

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coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



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9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


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he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


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outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

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Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

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maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

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Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

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Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

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Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

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treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

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Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

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Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

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yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

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Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

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Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

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Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

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or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

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oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

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1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

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An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

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ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

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increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


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Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

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Page 8: 02 Systemic Hypertension

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his re(uires the heart to woramp harder than

normal to circulate blood through the blood


Blood pressure is summarised by two

measurements systolic and diastolic

which depend on whether the heart muscle

is contracting systole) or relaxed between

beats diastole)

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ormal blood pressure at rest is within therange of ++mm-g systolic top

reading) and mm-g diastolic bottom


-igh blood pressure is said to be present if

it is persistently at or above + mm-g

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Ideal Mean Aterial Pressure

012) is defined as mm of mercury

which corresponds to +34 and can be

calculated by 012 5 D2 6 + 72D2)0ean 1rterial blood pressure depends on

the flow of blood from the heart cardiac

output) and the resistance to flow in thesmall arteries and microscopic resistance

vessels arterioles)

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Regulation of BPRegulation of BP

BP = Cardiac Output x Peripheral Resistance

Endocrine actors

8 Renin ngiotensin P H ldosterone

eural actors

8 $ympathetic Parasympathetic

Blood ampolume

8 $odium ineralocorticoids P

Cardiac actors

8 Heart rate Contractility

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Classification of blood

of blood pressure

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(ou Have)) iastolicampalue)



ormal lood pressure +ess than - +ess than 0

High1normal loodpressure

+ess than - 012or

$tage 3mild4hypertension

20122 501-2

$tage 6 3moderate4hypertension

00102 70182

$tage 3severe4


012 01602

$tage 5 3very severe4


60 orhigher

60 or higher

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Signs and symptoms

Hypertension is rarely accompanied yany symptoms and its identi9ication isusually through screening or when

seeing healthcare 9or an unrelatedprolem proportion o9 people withhigh lood pressure reports

headaches 3particularly at theac o9 the head and in the morning4

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3uing or hissing in the ears4

altered vision or 9ainting episodes

lthese symptoms however are more liely

to e related to associated anxiety thanthe high lood pressure itsel9

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Control of Blood PressureControl of Blood Pressure





Blood ltolume

a6 1ldosterone

ltasoconstrictors1ngiotensin II


2g = gtinins

ocal actors

p- -ypoxia eural actors

α1drenergic 8 9ons

A 1drenergic Dil

9ardiac actorsate = 9ontract

-umoral actors

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Pea blood pressure

2eaamp blood pressure levels in humans occur

during the mid morning at about +

10) then decrease progressivelythroughout the remainder of the day to

reach a trough value the following morning

at around 10

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efinition of Circadian Rytm

9ircadian rhythms are daily cycles of

physiology and behavior that are driven by

an endogenous oscillator with a period of

approximately one day

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Norally circadian rhyths

are synchroniCed with the 3 h

environment by stimuli which alter the

phase of the underlying brain circadian pacemaamper

or most organisms including mammalsthe primary phaseshifting stimulus is light

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hese processes include

sleepwaampe cycles

body temperature

blood pressure

release of hormones

his activity is controlled by the biologicalclocamp which is located in the suprachiasmtic nuclei of the hypothalamus inhuman brains

It is highly influenced by natural daramplightcycles but will persist under constantenvironmental conditions ExamplesDisruptions to the circadian rhythm cancause problems with the sleepwaampe cycle

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9ircadian rhythms are regulated by threecomponents

+) the circadian pacemaamper or clocamp

3) an input mechanism which allows theclocamp to be reset by environmental stimuliand

)an output mechanism which regulates physiological and behavioral 2rocesses

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Hypertension types

Primary Hypertension -igh blood pressure ofunidentified cause 1ccounts for of cases of

high blood pressure he identified risamp factors in

primary hypertension are as follows age onset

between $ years of age increases over $years of age sex males in young adulthood and

early middle age females after the age of $$ years

$econdary Hypertension is -igh blood

pressure in which the cause can be identified

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+ EssentialIn more than $ of cases an underlying

cause cannot be found 2roposed mechanisms

includeExcess renal sodium retention

ver activity of sympathetic nervous system

enin angiotensin excess-yperinsulinemia

1lterations in vascular endothelium

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actors contriuting to the development o9 Essential


FGenetic actors

hypertension is more

common in some familiesand in some ethnic groups

liampe 1frican 1mericans

FEnvironmental factors

include obesity alcohollacamp of exercise and excess


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Emotional stress can cause uite large

increases in blood pressure$ Prominent amongst te pysiological

responses to stress is an increase in actiity

in te sympatetic neres Postural canges eampert stresses on te

cardioascular system reuiring effectie

refleamp responses to constrict arteries and

eins and stimulate te eart to controlblood pressure maintain brain blood flo(

and preent loss of consciousness

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Regular oer)consumption of alcool can

raise blood pressure dramatically as (ell as

cause an eleation upon (itdra(al

Te seerity of obstructie sleep apnea

syndrome OSS is an independent factorcorrelated to diurnal ypertension

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here is some evidence that supports a

hypothesis that the primary fault in the

pathophysiology of hypertension is adefect in the

calcium binding of the plasma membrane of

the cells of a pressureregulating center inthe nervous system

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+) Secondary ypertension+) Secondary ypertension

Renal hese account for over 4 of the cases ofsecondary hypertension he common causes arediabetic nephropathy chronic glomerulonephritisadult polycystic disease chronic tubulointerstitialnephritis and renovascular disease

Endocrinal hese include 9onns syndrome adrenal hyperplasia


2haeochromocytoma 9ushings syndromerugs and toxins Pregnancy1induced hypertension

ampascular coarctation of aorta vasculitis


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Hypertension in neonates is rare occurring inaround 06 to gt o9 neonates

lood pressure is not measured routinely in the

healthy newornHypertension is more common in high ris


variety o9 9actors such as gestational age

postconceptional age and irth weight needs to

e taen into account when deciding i9 a lood

pressure is normal in a neonate

Hypertensie crises

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Hypertensie crises

7everely elevated blood pressure e(ual toor greater than a systolic +4 or diastolic of++ H sometime termed malignant oraccelerated hypertension) is referred to as a

hypertensive crisis as blood pressuresabove these levels are ampnown to confer ahigh risamp of complications

2eople with blood pressures in this rangemay have no symptoms but are more liampelyto report headaches 33 of cases)and diCCiness than the general population

th t i

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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ther symptoms accompanying a

hypertensive crisis may include

+visual deterioration

3breathlessness due to heart failure

general feeling of malaise due to renal

failure0ost people with a hypertensive crisis are

ampnown to have elevated blood pressure but

additional triggers may have led to a sudden


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eergency hypertensivemalignant hypertension is diagnosed

when there is evidence of + direct damage to one or more organs as a

result of the severely elevated blood pressure

+his may includehypertensive encephalopathy caused by brain swelling and dysfunction

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characteriCed by


altered level of consciousness

confusion or drowsiness)etinal papilloedema

fundal hemorrhages

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1exudates are another sign o9 target organ


1Chest pain may indicate heart muscle

damage 3which may progress to myocardial

in9arction4 or sometimes aortic dissection

1tearing o9 the inner wall o9 the aorta

1Breathlessness cough and the

expectoration o9 lood1stained sputum are

characteristic signs o9 pulmonary edemathe swelling o9 lung tissue due to le9t

ventricular 9ailure

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1inaility o9 the le9t ventricle o9 the

heart to adeuately pump lood

9rom the lungs into the arterial


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In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

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Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

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coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



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9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


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outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

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Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

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Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

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Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

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yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

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Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

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oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

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Page 9: 02 Systemic Hypertension

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ormal blood pressure at rest is within therange of ++mm-g systolic top

reading) and mm-g diastolic bottom


-igh blood pressure is said to be present if

it is persistently at or above + mm-g

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Ideal Mean Aterial Pressure

012) is defined as mm of mercury

which corresponds to +34 and can be

calculated by 012 5 D2 6 + 72D2)0ean 1rterial blood pressure depends on

the flow of blood from the heart cardiac

output) and the resistance to flow in thesmall arteries and microscopic resistance

vessels arterioles)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Regulation of BPRegulation of BP

BP = Cardiac Output x Peripheral Resistance

Endocrine actors

8 Renin ngiotensin P H ldosterone

eural actors

8 $ympathetic Parasympathetic

Blood ampolume

8 $odium ineralocorticoids P

Cardiac actors

8 Heart rate Contractility

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Classification of blood

of blood pressure

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(ou Have)) iastolicampalue)



ormal lood pressure +ess than - +ess than 0

High1normal loodpressure

+ess than - 012or

$tage 3mild4hypertension

20122 501-2

$tage 6 3moderate4hypertension

00102 70182

$tage 3severe4


012 01602

$tage 5 3very severe4


60 orhigher

60 or higher

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Signs and symptoms

Hypertension is rarely accompanied yany symptoms and its identi9ication isusually through screening or when

seeing healthcare 9or an unrelatedprolem proportion o9 people withhigh lood pressure reports

headaches 3particularly at theac o9 the head and in the morning4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 1567




3uing or hissing in the ears4

altered vision or 9ainting episodes

lthese symptoms however are more liely

to e related to associated anxiety thanthe high lood pressure itsel9

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Control of Blood PressureControl of Blood Pressure





Blood ltolume

a6 1ldosterone

ltasoconstrictors1ngiotensin II


2g = gtinins

ocal actors

p- -ypoxia eural actors

α1drenergic 8 9ons

A 1drenergic Dil

9ardiac actorsate = 9ontract

-umoral actors

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Pea blood pressure

2eaamp blood pressure levels in humans occur

during the mid morning at about +

10) then decrease progressivelythroughout the remainder of the day to

reach a trough value the following morning

at around 10

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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efinition of Circadian Rytm

9ircadian rhythms are daily cycles of

physiology and behavior that are driven by

an endogenous oscillator with a period of

approximately one day

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Norally circadian rhyths

are synchroniCed with the 3 h

environment by stimuli which alter the

phase of the underlying brain circadian pacemaamper

or most organisms including mammalsthe primary phaseshifting stimulus is light

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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hese processes include

sleepwaampe cycles

body temperature

blood pressure

release of hormones

his activity is controlled by the biologicalclocamp which is located in the suprachiasmtic nuclei of the hypothalamus inhuman brains

It is highly influenced by natural daramplightcycles but will persist under constantenvironmental conditions ExamplesDisruptions to the circadian rhythm cancause problems with the sleepwaampe cycle

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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9ircadian rhythms are regulated by threecomponents

+) the circadian pacemaamper or clocamp

3) an input mechanism which allows theclocamp to be reset by environmental stimuliand

)an output mechanism which regulates physiological and behavioral 2rocesses

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Hypertension types

Primary Hypertension -igh blood pressure ofunidentified cause 1ccounts for of cases of

high blood pressure he identified risamp factors in

primary hypertension are as follows age onset

between $ years of age increases over $years of age sex males in young adulthood and

early middle age females after the age of $$ years

$econdary Hypertension is -igh blood

pressure in which the cause can be identified

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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+ EssentialIn more than $ of cases an underlying

cause cannot be found 2roposed mechanisms

includeExcess renal sodium retention

ver activity of sympathetic nervous system

enin angiotensin excess-yperinsulinemia

1lterations in vascular endothelium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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actors contriuting to the development o9 Essential


FGenetic actors

hypertension is more

common in some familiesand in some ethnic groups

liampe 1frican 1mericans

FEnvironmental factors

include obesity alcohollacamp of exercise and excess


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Emotional stress can cause uite large

increases in blood pressure$ Prominent amongst te pysiological

responses to stress is an increase in actiity

in te sympatetic neres Postural canges eampert stresses on te

cardioascular system reuiring effectie

refleamp responses to constrict arteries and

eins and stimulate te eart to controlblood pressure maintain brain blood flo(

and preent loss of consciousness

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Regular oer)consumption of alcool can

raise blood pressure dramatically as (ell as

cause an eleation upon (itdra(al

Te seerity of obstructie sleep apnea

syndrome OSS is an independent factorcorrelated to diurnal ypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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here is some evidence that supports a

hypothesis that the primary fault in the

pathophysiology of hypertension is adefect in the

calcium binding of the plasma membrane of

the cells of a pressureregulating center inthe nervous system

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+) Secondary ypertension+) Secondary ypertension

Renal hese account for over 4 of the cases ofsecondary hypertension he common causes arediabetic nephropathy chronic glomerulonephritisadult polycystic disease chronic tubulointerstitialnephritis and renovascular disease

Endocrinal hese include 9onns syndrome adrenal hyperplasia


2haeochromocytoma 9ushings syndromerugs and toxins Pregnancy1induced hypertension

ampascular coarctation of aorta vasculitis


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Hypertension in neonates is rare occurring inaround 06 to gt o9 neonates

lood pressure is not measured routinely in the

healthy newornHypertension is more common in high ris


variety o9 9actors such as gestational age

postconceptional age and irth weight needs to

e taen into account when deciding i9 a lood

pressure is normal in a neonate

Hypertensie crises

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Hypertensie crises

7everely elevated blood pressure e(ual toor greater than a systolic +4 or diastolic of++ H sometime termed malignant oraccelerated hypertension) is referred to as a

hypertensive crisis as blood pressuresabove these levels are ampnown to confer ahigh risamp of complications

2eople with blood pressures in this rangemay have no symptoms but are more liampelyto report headaches 33 of cases)and diCCiness than the general population

th t i

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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ther symptoms accompanying a

hypertensive crisis may include

+visual deterioration

3breathlessness due to heart failure

general feeling of malaise due to renal

failure0ost people with a hypertensive crisis are

ampnown to have elevated blood pressure but

additional triggers may have led to a sudden


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eergency hypertensivemalignant hypertension is diagnosed

when there is evidence of + direct damage to one or more organs as a

result of the severely elevated blood pressure

+his may includehypertensive encephalopathy caused by brain swelling and dysfunction

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characteriCed by


altered level of consciousness

confusion or drowsiness)etinal papilloedema

fundal hemorrhages

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1exudates are another sign o9 target organ


1Chest pain may indicate heart muscle

damage 3which may progress to myocardial

in9arction4 or sometimes aortic dissection

1tearing o9 the inner wall o9 the aorta

1Breathlessness cough and the

expectoration o9 lood1stained sputum are

characteristic signs o9 pulmonary edemathe swelling o9 lung tissue due to le9t

ventricular 9ailure

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1inaility o9 the le9t ventricle o9 the

heart to adeuately pump lood

9rom the lungs into the arterial


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In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

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Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

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coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



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9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


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he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

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Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

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Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

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Page 10: 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Ideal Mean Aterial Pressure

012) is defined as mm of mercury

which corresponds to +34 and can be

calculated by 012 5 D2 6 + 72D2)0ean 1rterial blood pressure depends on

the flow of blood from the heart cardiac

output) and the resistance to flow in thesmall arteries and microscopic resistance

vessels arterioles)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Regulation of BPRegulation of BP

BP = Cardiac Output x Peripheral Resistance

Endocrine actors

8 Renin ngiotensin P H ldosterone

eural actors

8 $ympathetic Parasympathetic

Blood ampolume

8 $odium ineralocorticoids P

Cardiac actors

8 Heart rate Contractility

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Classification of blood

of blood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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(ou Have)) iastolicampalue)



ormal lood pressure +ess than - +ess than 0

High1normal loodpressure

+ess than - 012or

$tage 3mild4hypertension

20122 501-2

$tage 6 3moderate4hypertension

00102 70182

$tage 3severe4


012 01602

$tage 5 3very severe4


60 orhigher

60 or higher

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Signs and symptoms

Hypertension is rarely accompanied yany symptoms and its identi9ication isusually through screening or when

seeing healthcare 9or an unrelatedprolem proportion o9 people withhigh lood pressure reports

headaches 3particularly at theac o9 the head and in the morning4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 1567




3uing or hissing in the ears4

altered vision or 9ainting episodes

lthese symptoms however are more liely

to e related to associated anxiety thanthe high lood pressure itsel9

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Control of Blood PressureControl of Blood Pressure





Blood ltolume

a6 1ldosterone

ltasoconstrictors1ngiotensin II


2g = gtinins

ocal actors

p- -ypoxia eural actors

α1drenergic 8 9ons

A 1drenergic Dil

9ardiac actorsate = 9ontract

-umoral actors

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 1767

Pea blood pressure

2eaamp blood pressure levels in humans occur

during the mid morning at about +

10) then decrease progressivelythroughout the remainder of the day to

reach a trough value the following morning

at around 10

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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efinition of Circadian Rytm

9ircadian rhythms are daily cycles of

physiology and behavior that are driven by

an endogenous oscillator with a period of

approximately one day

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Norally circadian rhyths

are synchroniCed with the 3 h

environment by stimuli which alter the

phase of the underlying brain circadian pacemaamper

or most organisms including mammalsthe primary phaseshifting stimulus is light

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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hese processes include

sleepwaampe cycles

body temperature

blood pressure

release of hormones

his activity is controlled by the biologicalclocamp which is located in the suprachiasmtic nuclei of the hypothalamus inhuman brains

It is highly influenced by natural daramplightcycles but will persist under constantenvironmental conditions ExamplesDisruptions to the circadian rhythm cancause problems with the sleepwaampe cycle

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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9ircadian rhythms are regulated by threecomponents

+) the circadian pacemaamper or clocamp

3) an input mechanism which allows theclocamp to be reset by environmental stimuliand

)an output mechanism which regulates physiological and behavioral 2rocesses

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Hypertension types

Primary Hypertension -igh blood pressure ofunidentified cause 1ccounts for of cases of

high blood pressure he identified risamp factors in

primary hypertension are as follows age onset

between $ years of age increases over $years of age sex males in young adulthood and

early middle age females after the age of $$ years

$econdary Hypertension is -igh blood

pressure in which the cause can be identified

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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+ EssentialIn more than $ of cases an underlying

cause cannot be found 2roposed mechanisms

includeExcess renal sodium retention

ver activity of sympathetic nervous system

enin angiotensin excess-yperinsulinemia

1lterations in vascular endothelium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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actors contriuting to the development o9 Essential


FGenetic actors

hypertension is more

common in some familiesand in some ethnic groups

liampe 1frican 1mericans

FEnvironmental factors

include obesity alcohollacamp of exercise and excess


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Emotional stress can cause uite large

increases in blood pressure$ Prominent amongst te pysiological

responses to stress is an increase in actiity

in te sympatetic neres Postural canges eampert stresses on te

cardioascular system reuiring effectie

refleamp responses to constrict arteries and

eins and stimulate te eart to controlblood pressure maintain brain blood flo(

and preent loss of consciousness

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2667

Regular oer)consumption of alcool can

raise blood pressure dramatically as (ell as

cause an eleation upon (itdra(al

Te seerity of obstructie sleep apnea

syndrome OSS is an independent factorcorrelated to diurnal ypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2767


here is some evidence that supports a

hypothesis that the primary fault in the

pathophysiology of hypertension is adefect in the

calcium binding of the plasma membrane of

the cells of a pressureregulating center inthe nervous system

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2867

+) Secondary ypertension+) Secondary ypertension

Renal hese account for over 4 of the cases ofsecondary hypertension he common causes arediabetic nephropathy chronic glomerulonephritisadult polycystic disease chronic tubulointerstitialnephritis and renovascular disease

Endocrinal hese include 9onns syndrome adrenal hyperplasia


2haeochromocytoma 9ushings syndromerugs and toxins Pregnancy1induced hypertension

ampascular coarctation of aorta vasculitis


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2967


Hypertension in neonates is rare occurring inaround 06 to gt o9 neonates

lood pressure is not measured routinely in the

healthy newornHypertension is more common in high ris


variety o9 9actors such as gestational age

postconceptional age and irth weight needs to

e taen into account when deciding i9 a lood

pressure is normal in a neonate

Hypertensie crises

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3067

Hypertensie crises

7everely elevated blood pressure e(ual toor greater than a systolic +4 or diastolic of++ H sometime termed malignant oraccelerated hypertension) is referred to as a

hypertensive crisis as blood pressuresabove these levels are ampnown to confer ahigh risamp of complications

2eople with blood pressures in this rangemay have no symptoms but are more liampelyto report headaches 33 of cases)and diCCiness than the general population

th t i

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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ther symptoms accompanying a

hypertensive crisis may include

+visual deterioration

3breathlessness due to heart failure

general feeling of malaise due to renal

failure0ost people with a hypertensive crisis are

ampnown to have elevated blood pressure but

additional triggers may have led to a sudden


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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eergency hypertensivemalignant hypertension is diagnosed

when there is evidence of + direct damage to one or more organs as a

result of the severely elevated blood pressure

+his may includehypertensive encephalopathy caused by brain swelling and dysfunction

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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characteriCed by


altered level of consciousness

confusion or drowsiness)etinal papilloedema

fundal hemorrhages

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3467

1exudates are another sign o9 target organ


1Chest pain may indicate heart muscle

damage 3which may progress to myocardial

in9arction4 or sometimes aortic dissection

1tearing o9 the inner wall o9 the aorta

1Breathlessness cough and the

expectoration o9 lood1stained sputum are

characteristic signs o9 pulmonary edemathe swelling o9 lung tissue due to le9t

ventricular 9ailure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3567

1inaility o9 the le9t ventricle o9 the

heart to adeuately pump lood

9rom the lungs into the arterial


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In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3767

Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4067


he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4167


outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4367


0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4467

maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4667


+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4767

Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4867

Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

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increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


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Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

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Page 11: 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Regulation of BPRegulation of BP

BP = Cardiac Output x Peripheral Resistance

Endocrine actors

8 Renin ngiotensin P H ldosterone

eural actors

8 $ympathetic Parasympathetic

Blood ampolume

8 $odium ineralocorticoids P

Cardiac actors

8 Heart rate Contractility

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Classification of blood

of blood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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(ou Have)) iastolicampalue)



ormal lood pressure +ess than - +ess than 0

High1normal loodpressure

+ess than - 012or

$tage 3mild4hypertension

20122 501-2

$tage 6 3moderate4hypertension

00102 70182

$tage 3severe4


012 01602

$tage 5 3very severe4


60 orhigher

60 or higher

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Signs and symptoms

Hypertension is rarely accompanied yany symptoms and its identi9ication isusually through screening or when

seeing healthcare 9or an unrelatedprolem proportion o9 people withhigh lood pressure reports

headaches 3particularly at theac o9 the head and in the morning4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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3uing or hissing in the ears4

altered vision or 9ainting episodes

lthese symptoms however are more liely

to e related to associated anxiety thanthe high lood pressure itsel9

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Control of Blood PressureControl of Blood Pressure





Blood ltolume

a6 1ldosterone

ltasoconstrictors1ngiotensin II


2g = gtinins

ocal actors

p- -ypoxia eural actors

α1drenergic 8 9ons

A 1drenergic Dil

9ardiac actorsate = 9ontract

-umoral actors

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Pea blood pressure

2eaamp blood pressure levels in humans occur

during the mid morning at about +

10) then decrease progressivelythroughout the remainder of the day to

reach a trough value the following morning

at around 10

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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efinition of Circadian Rytm

9ircadian rhythms are daily cycles of

physiology and behavior that are driven by

an endogenous oscillator with a period of

approximately one day

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Norally circadian rhyths

are synchroniCed with the 3 h

environment by stimuli which alter the

phase of the underlying brain circadian pacemaamper

or most organisms including mammalsthe primary phaseshifting stimulus is light

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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hese processes include

sleepwaampe cycles

body temperature

blood pressure

release of hormones

his activity is controlled by the biologicalclocamp which is located in the suprachiasmtic nuclei of the hypothalamus inhuman brains

It is highly influenced by natural daramplightcycles but will persist under constantenvironmental conditions ExamplesDisruptions to the circadian rhythm cancause problems with the sleepwaampe cycle

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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9ircadian rhythms are regulated by threecomponents

+) the circadian pacemaamper or clocamp

3) an input mechanism which allows theclocamp to be reset by environmental stimuliand

)an output mechanism which regulates physiological and behavioral 2rocesses

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Hypertension types

Primary Hypertension -igh blood pressure ofunidentified cause 1ccounts for of cases of

high blood pressure he identified risamp factors in

primary hypertension are as follows age onset

between $ years of age increases over $years of age sex males in young adulthood and

early middle age females after the age of $$ years

$econdary Hypertension is -igh blood

pressure in which the cause can be identified

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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+ EssentialIn more than $ of cases an underlying

cause cannot be found 2roposed mechanisms

includeExcess renal sodium retention

ver activity of sympathetic nervous system

enin angiotensin excess-yperinsulinemia

1lterations in vascular endothelium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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actors contriuting to the development o9 Essential


FGenetic actors

hypertension is more

common in some familiesand in some ethnic groups

liampe 1frican 1mericans

FEnvironmental factors

include obesity alcohollacamp of exercise and excess


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Emotional stress can cause uite large

increases in blood pressure$ Prominent amongst te pysiological

responses to stress is an increase in actiity

in te sympatetic neres Postural canges eampert stresses on te

cardioascular system reuiring effectie

refleamp responses to constrict arteries and

eins and stimulate te eart to controlblood pressure maintain brain blood flo(

and preent loss of consciousness

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2667

Regular oer)consumption of alcool can

raise blood pressure dramatically as (ell as

cause an eleation upon (itdra(al

Te seerity of obstructie sleep apnea

syndrome OSS is an independent factorcorrelated to diurnal ypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2767


here is some evidence that supports a

hypothesis that the primary fault in the

pathophysiology of hypertension is adefect in the

calcium binding of the plasma membrane of

the cells of a pressureregulating center inthe nervous system

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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+) Secondary ypertension+) Secondary ypertension

Renal hese account for over 4 of the cases ofsecondary hypertension he common causes arediabetic nephropathy chronic glomerulonephritisadult polycystic disease chronic tubulointerstitialnephritis and renovascular disease

Endocrinal hese include 9onns syndrome adrenal hyperplasia


2haeochromocytoma 9ushings syndromerugs and toxins Pregnancy1induced hypertension

ampascular coarctation of aorta vasculitis


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2967


Hypertension in neonates is rare occurring inaround 06 to gt o9 neonates

lood pressure is not measured routinely in the

healthy newornHypertension is more common in high ris


variety o9 9actors such as gestational age

postconceptional age and irth weight needs to

e taen into account when deciding i9 a lood

pressure is normal in a neonate

Hypertensie crises

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Hypertensie crises

7everely elevated blood pressure e(ual toor greater than a systolic +4 or diastolic of++ H sometime termed malignant oraccelerated hypertension) is referred to as a

hypertensive crisis as blood pressuresabove these levels are ampnown to confer ahigh risamp of complications

2eople with blood pressures in this rangemay have no symptoms but are more liampelyto report headaches 33 of cases)and diCCiness than the general population

th t i

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3167

ther symptoms accompanying a

hypertensive crisis may include

+visual deterioration

3breathlessness due to heart failure

general feeling of malaise due to renal

failure0ost people with a hypertensive crisis are

ampnown to have elevated blood pressure but

additional triggers may have led to a sudden


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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eergency hypertensivemalignant hypertension is diagnosed

when there is evidence of + direct damage to one or more organs as a

result of the severely elevated blood pressure

+his may includehypertensive encephalopathy caused by brain swelling and dysfunction

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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characteriCed by


altered level of consciousness

confusion or drowsiness)etinal papilloedema

fundal hemorrhages

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1exudates are another sign o9 target organ


1Chest pain may indicate heart muscle

damage 3which may progress to myocardial

in9arction4 or sometimes aortic dissection

1tearing o9 the inner wall o9 the aorta

1Breathlessness cough and the

expectoration o9 lood1stained sputum are

characteristic signs o9 pulmonary edemathe swelling o9 lung tissue due to le9t

ventricular 9ailure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1inaility o9 the le9t ventricle o9 the

heart to adeuately pump lood

9rom the lungs into the arterial


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In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4167


outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4367


0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4467

maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4667


+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

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Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

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yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

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1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

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Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

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Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

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Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


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Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

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Classification of blood

of blood pressure

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(ou Have)) iastolicampalue)



ormal lood pressure +ess than - +ess than 0

High1normal loodpressure

+ess than - 012or

$tage 3mild4hypertension

20122 501-2

$tage 6 3moderate4hypertension

00102 70182

$tage 3severe4


012 01602

$tage 5 3very severe4


60 orhigher

60 or higher

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Signs and symptoms

Hypertension is rarely accompanied yany symptoms and its identi9ication isusually through screening or when

seeing healthcare 9or an unrelatedprolem proportion o9 people withhigh lood pressure reports

headaches 3particularly at theac o9 the head and in the morning4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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3uing or hissing in the ears4

altered vision or 9ainting episodes

lthese symptoms however are more liely

to e related to associated anxiety thanthe high lood pressure itsel9

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Control of Blood PressureControl of Blood Pressure





Blood ltolume

a6 1ldosterone

ltasoconstrictors1ngiotensin II


2g = gtinins

ocal actors

p- -ypoxia eural actors

α1drenergic 8 9ons

A 1drenergic Dil

9ardiac actorsate = 9ontract

-umoral actors

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Pea blood pressure

2eaamp blood pressure levels in humans occur

during the mid morning at about +

10) then decrease progressivelythroughout the remainder of the day to

reach a trough value the following morning

at around 10

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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efinition of Circadian Rytm

9ircadian rhythms are daily cycles of

physiology and behavior that are driven by

an endogenous oscillator with a period of

approximately one day

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Norally circadian rhyths

are synchroniCed with the 3 h

environment by stimuli which alter the

phase of the underlying brain circadian pacemaamper

or most organisms including mammalsthe primary phaseshifting stimulus is light

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hese processes include

sleepwaampe cycles

body temperature

blood pressure

release of hormones

his activity is controlled by the biologicalclocamp which is located in the suprachiasmtic nuclei of the hypothalamus inhuman brains

It is highly influenced by natural daramplightcycles but will persist under constantenvironmental conditions ExamplesDisruptions to the circadian rhythm cancause problems with the sleepwaampe cycle

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9ircadian rhythms are regulated by threecomponents

+) the circadian pacemaamper or clocamp

3) an input mechanism which allows theclocamp to be reset by environmental stimuliand

)an output mechanism which regulates physiological and behavioral 2rocesses

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Hypertension types

Primary Hypertension -igh blood pressure ofunidentified cause 1ccounts for of cases of

high blood pressure he identified risamp factors in

primary hypertension are as follows age onset

between $ years of age increases over $years of age sex males in young adulthood and

early middle age females after the age of $$ years

$econdary Hypertension is -igh blood

pressure in which the cause can be identified

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+ EssentialIn more than $ of cases an underlying

cause cannot be found 2roposed mechanisms

includeExcess renal sodium retention

ver activity of sympathetic nervous system

enin angiotensin excess-yperinsulinemia

1lterations in vascular endothelium

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actors contriuting to the development o9 Essential


FGenetic actors

hypertension is more

common in some familiesand in some ethnic groups

liampe 1frican 1mericans

FEnvironmental factors

include obesity alcohollacamp of exercise and excess


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Emotional stress can cause uite large

increases in blood pressure$ Prominent amongst te pysiological

responses to stress is an increase in actiity

in te sympatetic neres Postural canges eampert stresses on te

cardioascular system reuiring effectie

refleamp responses to constrict arteries and

eins and stimulate te eart to controlblood pressure maintain brain blood flo(

and preent loss of consciousness

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Regular oer)consumption of alcool can

raise blood pressure dramatically as (ell as

cause an eleation upon (itdra(al

Te seerity of obstructie sleep apnea

syndrome OSS is an independent factorcorrelated to diurnal ypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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here is some evidence that supports a

hypothesis that the primary fault in the

pathophysiology of hypertension is adefect in the

calcium binding of the plasma membrane of

the cells of a pressureregulating center inthe nervous system

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+) Secondary ypertension+) Secondary ypertension

Renal hese account for over 4 of the cases ofsecondary hypertension he common causes arediabetic nephropathy chronic glomerulonephritisadult polycystic disease chronic tubulointerstitialnephritis and renovascular disease

Endocrinal hese include 9onns syndrome adrenal hyperplasia


2haeochromocytoma 9ushings syndromerugs and toxins Pregnancy1induced hypertension

ampascular coarctation of aorta vasculitis


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Hypertension in neonates is rare occurring inaround 06 to gt o9 neonates

lood pressure is not measured routinely in the

healthy newornHypertension is more common in high ris


variety o9 9actors such as gestational age

postconceptional age and irth weight needs to

e taen into account when deciding i9 a lood

pressure is normal in a neonate

Hypertensie crises

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Hypertensie crises

7everely elevated blood pressure e(ual toor greater than a systolic +4 or diastolic of++ H sometime termed malignant oraccelerated hypertension) is referred to as a

hypertensive crisis as blood pressuresabove these levels are ampnown to confer ahigh risamp of complications

2eople with blood pressures in this rangemay have no symptoms but are more liampelyto report headaches 33 of cases)and diCCiness than the general population

th t i

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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ther symptoms accompanying a

hypertensive crisis may include

+visual deterioration

3breathlessness due to heart failure

general feeling of malaise due to renal

failure0ost people with a hypertensive crisis are

ampnown to have elevated blood pressure but

additional triggers may have led to a sudden


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eergency hypertensivemalignant hypertension is diagnosed

when there is evidence of + direct damage to one or more organs as a

result of the severely elevated blood pressure

+his may includehypertensive encephalopathy caused by brain swelling and dysfunction

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characteriCed by


altered level of consciousness

confusion or drowsiness)etinal papilloedema

fundal hemorrhages

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1exudates are another sign o9 target organ


1Chest pain may indicate heart muscle

damage 3which may progress to myocardial

in9arction4 or sometimes aortic dissection

1tearing o9 the inner wall o9 the aorta

1Breathlessness cough and the

expectoration o9 lood1stained sputum are

characteristic signs o9 pulmonary edemathe swelling o9 lung tissue due to le9t

ventricular 9ailure

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1inaility o9 the le9t ventricle o9 the

heart to adeuately pump lood

9rom the lungs into the arterial


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In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

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Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

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coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



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9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


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he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


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outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


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0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

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maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

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Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

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Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

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Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


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Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

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Page 13: 02 Systemic Hypertension

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(ou Have)) iastolicampalue)



ormal lood pressure +ess than - +ess than 0

High1normal loodpressure

+ess than - 012or

$tage 3mild4hypertension

20122 501-2

$tage 6 3moderate4hypertension

00102 70182

$tage 3severe4


012 01602

$tage 5 3very severe4


60 orhigher

60 or higher

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Signs and symptoms

Hypertension is rarely accompanied yany symptoms and its identi9ication isusually through screening or when

seeing healthcare 9or an unrelatedprolem proportion o9 people withhigh lood pressure reports

headaches 3particularly at theac o9 the head and in the morning4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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3uing or hissing in the ears4

altered vision or 9ainting episodes

lthese symptoms however are more liely

to e related to associated anxiety thanthe high lood pressure itsel9

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Control of Blood PressureControl of Blood Pressure





Blood ltolume

a6 1ldosterone

ltasoconstrictors1ngiotensin II


2g = gtinins

ocal actors

p- -ypoxia eural actors

α1drenergic 8 9ons

A 1drenergic Dil

9ardiac actorsate = 9ontract

-umoral actors

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Pea blood pressure

2eaamp blood pressure levels in humans occur

during the mid morning at about +

10) then decrease progressivelythroughout the remainder of the day to

reach a trough value the following morning

at around 10

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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efinition of Circadian Rytm

9ircadian rhythms are daily cycles of

physiology and behavior that are driven by

an endogenous oscillator with a period of

approximately one day

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Norally circadian rhyths

are synchroniCed with the 3 h

environment by stimuli which alter the

phase of the underlying brain circadian pacemaamper

or most organisms including mammalsthe primary phaseshifting stimulus is light

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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hese processes include

sleepwaampe cycles

body temperature

blood pressure

release of hormones

his activity is controlled by the biologicalclocamp which is located in the suprachiasmtic nuclei of the hypothalamus inhuman brains

It is highly influenced by natural daramplightcycles but will persist under constantenvironmental conditions ExamplesDisruptions to the circadian rhythm cancause problems with the sleepwaampe cycle

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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9ircadian rhythms are regulated by threecomponents

+) the circadian pacemaamper or clocamp

3) an input mechanism which allows theclocamp to be reset by environmental stimuliand

)an output mechanism which regulates physiological and behavioral 2rocesses

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Hypertension types

Primary Hypertension -igh blood pressure ofunidentified cause 1ccounts for of cases of

high blood pressure he identified risamp factors in

primary hypertension are as follows age onset

between $ years of age increases over $years of age sex males in young adulthood and

early middle age females after the age of $$ years

$econdary Hypertension is -igh blood

pressure in which the cause can be identified

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2367


+ EssentialIn more than $ of cases an underlying

cause cannot be found 2roposed mechanisms

includeExcess renal sodium retention

ver activity of sympathetic nervous system

enin angiotensin excess-yperinsulinemia

1lterations in vascular endothelium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2467

actors contriuting to the development o9 Essential


FGenetic actors

hypertension is more

common in some familiesand in some ethnic groups

liampe 1frican 1mericans

FEnvironmental factors

include obesity alcohollacamp of exercise and excess


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2567

Emotional stress can cause uite large

increases in blood pressure$ Prominent amongst te pysiological

responses to stress is an increase in actiity

in te sympatetic neres Postural canges eampert stresses on te

cardioascular system reuiring effectie

refleamp responses to constrict arteries and

eins and stimulate te eart to controlblood pressure maintain brain blood flo(

and preent loss of consciousness

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2667

Regular oer)consumption of alcool can

raise blood pressure dramatically as (ell as

cause an eleation upon (itdra(al

Te seerity of obstructie sleep apnea

syndrome OSS is an independent factorcorrelated to diurnal ypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2767


here is some evidence that supports a

hypothesis that the primary fault in the

pathophysiology of hypertension is adefect in the

calcium binding of the plasma membrane of

the cells of a pressureregulating center inthe nervous system

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2867

+) Secondary ypertension+) Secondary ypertension

Renal hese account for over 4 of the cases ofsecondary hypertension he common causes arediabetic nephropathy chronic glomerulonephritisadult polycystic disease chronic tubulointerstitialnephritis and renovascular disease

Endocrinal hese include 9onns syndrome adrenal hyperplasia


2haeochromocytoma 9ushings syndromerugs and toxins Pregnancy1induced hypertension

ampascular coarctation of aorta vasculitis


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2967


Hypertension in neonates is rare occurring inaround 06 to gt o9 neonates

lood pressure is not measured routinely in the

healthy newornHypertension is more common in high ris


variety o9 9actors such as gestational age

postconceptional age and irth weight needs to

e taen into account when deciding i9 a lood

pressure is normal in a neonate

Hypertensie crises

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3067

Hypertensie crises

7everely elevated blood pressure e(ual toor greater than a systolic +4 or diastolic of++ H sometime termed malignant oraccelerated hypertension) is referred to as a

hypertensive crisis as blood pressuresabove these levels are ampnown to confer ahigh risamp of complications

2eople with blood pressures in this rangemay have no symptoms but are more liampelyto report headaches 33 of cases)and diCCiness than the general population

th t i

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3167

ther symptoms accompanying a

hypertensive crisis may include

+visual deterioration

3breathlessness due to heart failure

general feeling of malaise due to renal

failure0ost people with a hypertensive crisis are

ampnown to have elevated blood pressure but

additional triggers may have led to a sudden


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3267

eergency hypertensivemalignant hypertension is diagnosed

when there is evidence of + direct damage to one or more organs as a

result of the severely elevated blood pressure

+his may includehypertensive encephalopathy caused by brain swelling and dysfunction

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3367

characteriCed by


altered level of consciousness

confusion or drowsiness)etinal papilloedema

fundal hemorrhages

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3467

1exudates are another sign o9 target organ


1Chest pain may indicate heart muscle

damage 3which may progress to myocardial

in9arction4 or sometimes aortic dissection

1tearing o9 the inner wall o9 the aorta

1Breathlessness cough and the

expectoration o9 lood1stained sputum are

characteristic signs o9 pulmonary edemathe swelling o9 lung tissue due to le9t

ventricular 9ailure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3567

1inaility o9 the le9t ventricle o9 the

heart to adeuately pump lood

9rom the lungs into the arterial


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3767

Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3867



coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4067


he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4167


outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4367


0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4467

maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4567

Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4667


+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4767

Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4867

Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4967


treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

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Page 14: 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Signs and symptoms

Hypertension is rarely accompanied yany symptoms and its identi9ication isusually through screening or when

seeing healthcare 9or an unrelatedprolem proportion o9 people withhigh lood pressure reports

headaches 3particularly at theac o9 the head and in the morning4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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3uing or hissing in the ears4

altered vision or 9ainting episodes

lthese symptoms however are more liely

to e related to associated anxiety thanthe high lood pressure itsel9

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Control of Blood PressureControl of Blood Pressure





Blood ltolume

a6 1ldosterone

ltasoconstrictors1ngiotensin II


2g = gtinins

ocal actors

p- -ypoxia eural actors

α1drenergic 8 9ons

A 1drenergic Dil

9ardiac actorsate = 9ontract

-umoral actors

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 1767

Pea blood pressure

2eaamp blood pressure levels in humans occur

during the mid morning at about +

10) then decrease progressivelythroughout the remainder of the day to

reach a trough value the following morning

at around 10

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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efinition of Circadian Rytm

9ircadian rhythms are daily cycles of

physiology and behavior that are driven by

an endogenous oscillator with a period of

approximately one day

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Norally circadian rhyths

are synchroniCed with the 3 h

environment by stimuli which alter the

phase of the underlying brain circadian pacemaamper

or most organisms including mammalsthe primary phaseshifting stimulus is light

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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hese processes include

sleepwaampe cycles

body temperature

blood pressure

release of hormones

his activity is controlled by the biologicalclocamp which is located in the suprachiasmtic nuclei of the hypothalamus inhuman brains

It is highly influenced by natural daramplightcycles but will persist under constantenvironmental conditions ExamplesDisruptions to the circadian rhythm cancause problems with the sleepwaampe cycle

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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9ircadian rhythms are regulated by threecomponents

+) the circadian pacemaamper or clocamp

3) an input mechanism which allows theclocamp to be reset by environmental stimuliand

)an output mechanism which regulates physiological and behavioral 2rocesses

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Hypertension types

Primary Hypertension -igh blood pressure ofunidentified cause 1ccounts for of cases of

high blood pressure he identified risamp factors in

primary hypertension are as follows age onset

between $ years of age increases over $years of age sex males in young adulthood and

early middle age females after the age of $$ years

$econdary Hypertension is -igh blood

pressure in which the cause can be identified

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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+ EssentialIn more than $ of cases an underlying

cause cannot be found 2roposed mechanisms

includeExcess renal sodium retention

ver activity of sympathetic nervous system

enin angiotensin excess-yperinsulinemia

1lterations in vascular endothelium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2467

actors contriuting to the development o9 Essential


FGenetic actors

hypertension is more

common in some familiesand in some ethnic groups

liampe 1frican 1mericans

FEnvironmental factors

include obesity alcohollacamp of exercise and excess


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2567

Emotional stress can cause uite large

increases in blood pressure$ Prominent amongst te pysiological

responses to stress is an increase in actiity

in te sympatetic neres Postural canges eampert stresses on te

cardioascular system reuiring effectie

refleamp responses to constrict arteries and

eins and stimulate te eart to controlblood pressure maintain brain blood flo(

and preent loss of consciousness

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2667

Regular oer)consumption of alcool can

raise blood pressure dramatically as (ell as

cause an eleation upon (itdra(al

Te seerity of obstructie sleep apnea

syndrome OSS is an independent factorcorrelated to diurnal ypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2767


here is some evidence that supports a

hypothesis that the primary fault in the

pathophysiology of hypertension is adefect in the

calcium binding of the plasma membrane of

the cells of a pressureregulating center inthe nervous system

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2867

+) Secondary ypertension+) Secondary ypertension

Renal hese account for over 4 of the cases ofsecondary hypertension he common causes arediabetic nephropathy chronic glomerulonephritisadult polycystic disease chronic tubulointerstitialnephritis and renovascular disease

Endocrinal hese include 9onns syndrome adrenal hyperplasia


2haeochromocytoma 9ushings syndromerugs and toxins Pregnancy1induced hypertension

ampascular coarctation of aorta vasculitis


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2967


Hypertension in neonates is rare occurring inaround 06 to gt o9 neonates

lood pressure is not measured routinely in the

healthy newornHypertension is more common in high ris


variety o9 9actors such as gestational age

postconceptional age and irth weight needs to

e taen into account when deciding i9 a lood

pressure is normal in a neonate

Hypertensie crises

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3067

Hypertensie crises

7everely elevated blood pressure e(ual toor greater than a systolic +4 or diastolic of++ H sometime termed malignant oraccelerated hypertension) is referred to as a

hypertensive crisis as blood pressuresabove these levels are ampnown to confer ahigh risamp of complications

2eople with blood pressures in this rangemay have no symptoms but are more liampelyto report headaches 33 of cases)and diCCiness than the general population

th t i

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3167

ther symptoms accompanying a

hypertensive crisis may include

+visual deterioration

3breathlessness due to heart failure

general feeling of malaise due to renal

failure0ost people with a hypertensive crisis are

ampnown to have elevated blood pressure but

additional triggers may have led to a sudden


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3267

eergency hypertensivemalignant hypertension is diagnosed

when there is evidence of + direct damage to one or more organs as a

result of the severely elevated blood pressure

+his may includehypertensive encephalopathy caused by brain swelling and dysfunction

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3367

characteriCed by


altered level of consciousness

confusion or drowsiness)etinal papilloedema

fundal hemorrhages

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3467

1exudates are another sign o9 target organ


1Chest pain may indicate heart muscle

damage 3which may progress to myocardial

in9arction4 or sometimes aortic dissection

1tearing o9 the inner wall o9 the aorta

1Breathlessness cough and the

expectoration o9 lood1stained sputum are

characteristic signs o9 pulmonary edemathe swelling o9 lung tissue due to le9t

ventricular 9ailure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3567

1inaility o9 the le9t ventricle o9 the

heart to adeuately pump lood

9rom the lungs into the arterial


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3767

Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3867



coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3967


9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4067


he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4167


outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4367


0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4467

maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4667


+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4767

Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4867

Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4967


treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

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3uing or hissing in the ears4

altered vision or 9ainting episodes

lthese symptoms however are more liely

to e related to associated anxiety thanthe high lood pressure itsel9

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Control of Blood PressureControl of Blood Pressure





Blood ltolume

a6 1ldosterone

ltasoconstrictors1ngiotensin II


2g = gtinins

ocal actors

p- -ypoxia eural actors

α1drenergic 8 9ons

A 1drenergic Dil

9ardiac actorsate = 9ontract

-umoral actors

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Pea blood pressure

2eaamp blood pressure levels in humans occur

during the mid morning at about +

10) then decrease progressivelythroughout the remainder of the day to

reach a trough value the following morning

at around 10

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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efinition of Circadian Rytm

9ircadian rhythms are daily cycles of

physiology and behavior that are driven by

an endogenous oscillator with a period of

approximately one day

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Norally circadian rhyths

are synchroniCed with the 3 h

environment by stimuli which alter the

phase of the underlying brain circadian pacemaamper

or most organisms including mammalsthe primary phaseshifting stimulus is light

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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hese processes include

sleepwaampe cycles

body temperature

blood pressure

release of hormones

his activity is controlled by the biologicalclocamp which is located in the suprachiasmtic nuclei of the hypothalamus inhuman brains

It is highly influenced by natural daramplightcycles but will persist under constantenvironmental conditions ExamplesDisruptions to the circadian rhythm cancause problems with the sleepwaampe cycle

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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9ircadian rhythms are regulated by threecomponents

+) the circadian pacemaamper or clocamp

3) an input mechanism which allows theclocamp to be reset by environmental stimuliand

)an output mechanism which regulates physiological and behavioral 2rocesses

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Hypertension types

Primary Hypertension -igh blood pressure ofunidentified cause 1ccounts for of cases of

high blood pressure he identified risamp factors in

primary hypertension are as follows age onset

between $ years of age increases over $years of age sex males in young adulthood and

early middle age females after the age of $$ years

$econdary Hypertension is -igh blood

pressure in which the cause can be identified

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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+ EssentialIn more than $ of cases an underlying

cause cannot be found 2roposed mechanisms

includeExcess renal sodium retention

ver activity of sympathetic nervous system

enin angiotensin excess-yperinsulinemia

1lterations in vascular endothelium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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actors contriuting to the development o9 Essential


FGenetic actors

hypertension is more

common in some familiesand in some ethnic groups

liampe 1frican 1mericans

FEnvironmental factors

include obesity alcohollacamp of exercise and excess


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Emotional stress can cause uite large

increases in blood pressure$ Prominent amongst te pysiological

responses to stress is an increase in actiity

in te sympatetic neres Postural canges eampert stresses on te

cardioascular system reuiring effectie

refleamp responses to constrict arteries and

eins and stimulate te eart to controlblood pressure maintain brain blood flo(

and preent loss of consciousness

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2667

Regular oer)consumption of alcool can

raise blood pressure dramatically as (ell as

cause an eleation upon (itdra(al

Te seerity of obstructie sleep apnea

syndrome OSS is an independent factorcorrelated to diurnal ypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2767


here is some evidence that supports a

hypothesis that the primary fault in the

pathophysiology of hypertension is adefect in the

calcium binding of the plasma membrane of

the cells of a pressureregulating center inthe nervous system

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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+) Secondary ypertension+) Secondary ypertension

Renal hese account for over 4 of the cases ofsecondary hypertension he common causes arediabetic nephropathy chronic glomerulonephritisadult polycystic disease chronic tubulointerstitialnephritis and renovascular disease

Endocrinal hese include 9onns syndrome adrenal hyperplasia


2haeochromocytoma 9ushings syndromerugs and toxins Pregnancy1induced hypertension

ampascular coarctation of aorta vasculitis


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Hypertension in neonates is rare occurring inaround 06 to gt o9 neonates

lood pressure is not measured routinely in the

healthy newornHypertension is more common in high ris


variety o9 9actors such as gestational age

postconceptional age and irth weight needs to

e taen into account when deciding i9 a lood

pressure is normal in a neonate

Hypertensie crises

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Hypertensie crises

7everely elevated blood pressure e(ual toor greater than a systolic +4 or diastolic of++ H sometime termed malignant oraccelerated hypertension) is referred to as a

hypertensive crisis as blood pressuresabove these levels are ampnown to confer ahigh risamp of complications

2eople with blood pressures in this rangemay have no symptoms but are more liampelyto report headaches 33 of cases)and diCCiness than the general population

th t i

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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ther symptoms accompanying a

hypertensive crisis may include

+visual deterioration

3breathlessness due to heart failure

general feeling of malaise due to renal

failure0ost people with a hypertensive crisis are

ampnown to have elevated blood pressure but

additional triggers may have led to a sudden


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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eergency hypertensivemalignant hypertension is diagnosed

when there is evidence of + direct damage to one or more organs as a

result of the severely elevated blood pressure

+his may includehypertensive encephalopathy caused by brain swelling and dysfunction

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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characteriCed by


altered level of consciousness

confusion or drowsiness)etinal papilloedema

fundal hemorrhages

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1exudates are another sign o9 target organ


1Chest pain may indicate heart muscle

damage 3which may progress to myocardial

in9arction4 or sometimes aortic dissection

1tearing o9 the inner wall o9 the aorta

1Breathlessness cough and the

expectoration o9 lood1stained sputum are

characteristic signs o9 pulmonary edemathe swelling o9 lung tissue due to le9t

ventricular 9ailure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1inaility o9 the le9t ventricle o9 the

heart to adeuately pump lood

9rom the lungs into the arterial


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In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

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coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



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9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

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Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

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Control of Blood PressureControl of Blood Pressure





Blood ltolume

a6 1ldosterone

ltasoconstrictors1ngiotensin II


2g = gtinins

ocal actors

p- -ypoxia eural actors

α1drenergic 8 9ons

A 1drenergic Dil

9ardiac actorsate = 9ontract

-umoral actors

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 1767

Pea blood pressure

2eaamp blood pressure levels in humans occur

during the mid morning at about +

10) then decrease progressivelythroughout the remainder of the day to

reach a trough value the following morning

at around 10

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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efinition of Circadian Rytm

9ircadian rhythms are daily cycles of

physiology and behavior that are driven by

an endogenous oscillator with a period of

approximately one day

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Norally circadian rhyths

are synchroniCed with the 3 h

environment by stimuli which alter the

phase of the underlying brain circadian pacemaamper

or most organisms including mammalsthe primary phaseshifting stimulus is light

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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hese processes include

sleepwaampe cycles

body temperature

blood pressure

release of hormones

his activity is controlled by the biologicalclocamp which is located in the suprachiasmtic nuclei of the hypothalamus inhuman brains

It is highly influenced by natural daramplightcycles but will persist under constantenvironmental conditions ExamplesDisruptions to the circadian rhythm cancause problems with the sleepwaampe cycle

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2167

9ircadian rhythms are regulated by threecomponents

+) the circadian pacemaamper or clocamp

3) an input mechanism which allows theclocamp to be reset by environmental stimuliand

)an output mechanism which regulates physiological and behavioral 2rocesses

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Hypertension types

Primary Hypertension -igh blood pressure ofunidentified cause 1ccounts for of cases of

high blood pressure he identified risamp factors in

primary hypertension are as follows age onset

between $ years of age increases over $years of age sex males in young adulthood and

early middle age females after the age of $$ years

$econdary Hypertension is -igh blood

pressure in which the cause can be identified

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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+ EssentialIn more than $ of cases an underlying

cause cannot be found 2roposed mechanisms

includeExcess renal sodium retention

ver activity of sympathetic nervous system

enin angiotensin excess-yperinsulinemia

1lterations in vascular endothelium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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actors contriuting to the development o9 Essential


FGenetic actors

hypertension is more

common in some familiesand in some ethnic groups

liampe 1frican 1mericans

FEnvironmental factors

include obesity alcohollacamp of exercise and excess


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2567

Emotional stress can cause uite large

increases in blood pressure$ Prominent amongst te pysiological

responses to stress is an increase in actiity

in te sympatetic neres Postural canges eampert stresses on te

cardioascular system reuiring effectie

refleamp responses to constrict arteries and

eins and stimulate te eart to controlblood pressure maintain brain blood flo(

and preent loss of consciousness

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2667

Regular oer)consumption of alcool can

raise blood pressure dramatically as (ell as

cause an eleation upon (itdra(al

Te seerity of obstructie sleep apnea

syndrome OSS is an independent factorcorrelated to diurnal ypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2767


here is some evidence that supports a

hypothesis that the primary fault in the

pathophysiology of hypertension is adefect in the

calcium binding of the plasma membrane of

the cells of a pressureregulating center inthe nervous system

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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+) Secondary ypertension+) Secondary ypertension

Renal hese account for over 4 of the cases ofsecondary hypertension he common causes arediabetic nephropathy chronic glomerulonephritisadult polycystic disease chronic tubulointerstitialnephritis and renovascular disease

Endocrinal hese include 9onns syndrome adrenal hyperplasia


2haeochromocytoma 9ushings syndromerugs and toxins Pregnancy1induced hypertension

ampascular coarctation of aorta vasculitis


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2967


Hypertension in neonates is rare occurring inaround 06 to gt o9 neonates

lood pressure is not measured routinely in the

healthy newornHypertension is more common in high ris


variety o9 9actors such as gestational age

postconceptional age and irth weight needs to

e taen into account when deciding i9 a lood

pressure is normal in a neonate

Hypertensie crises

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Hypertensie crises

7everely elevated blood pressure e(ual toor greater than a systolic +4 or diastolic of++ H sometime termed malignant oraccelerated hypertension) is referred to as a

hypertensive crisis as blood pressuresabove these levels are ampnown to confer ahigh risamp of complications

2eople with blood pressures in this rangemay have no symptoms but are more liampelyto report headaches 33 of cases)and diCCiness than the general population

th t i

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3167

ther symptoms accompanying a

hypertensive crisis may include

+visual deterioration

3breathlessness due to heart failure

general feeling of malaise due to renal

failure0ost people with a hypertensive crisis are

ampnown to have elevated blood pressure but

additional triggers may have led to a sudden


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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eergency hypertensivemalignant hypertension is diagnosed

when there is evidence of + direct damage to one or more organs as a

result of the severely elevated blood pressure

+his may includehypertensive encephalopathy caused by brain swelling and dysfunction

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3367

characteriCed by


altered level of consciousness

confusion or drowsiness)etinal papilloedema

fundal hemorrhages

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3467

1exudates are another sign o9 target organ


1Chest pain may indicate heart muscle

damage 3which may progress to myocardial

in9arction4 or sometimes aortic dissection

1tearing o9 the inner wall o9 the aorta

1Breathlessness cough and the

expectoration o9 lood1stained sputum are

characteristic signs o9 pulmonary edemathe swelling o9 lung tissue due to le9t

ventricular 9ailure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3567

1inaility o9 the le9t ventricle o9 the

heart to adeuately pump lood

9rom the lungs into the arterial


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In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3767

Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4367


0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4467

maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4667


+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4767

Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4867

Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

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increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


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Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

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Page 17: 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Pea blood pressure

2eaamp blood pressure levels in humans occur

during the mid morning at about +

10) then decrease progressivelythroughout the remainder of the day to

reach a trough value the following morning

at around 10

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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efinition of Circadian Rytm

9ircadian rhythms are daily cycles of

physiology and behavior that are driven by

an endogenous oscillator with a period of

approximately one day

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Norally circadian rhyths

are synchroniCed with the 3 h

environment by stimuli which alter the

phase of the underlying brain circadian pacemaamper

or most organisms including mammalsthe primary phaseshifting stimulus is light

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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hese processes include

sleepwaampe cycles

body temperature

blood pressure

release of hormones

his activity is controlled by the biologicalclocamp which is located in the suprachiasmtic nuclei of the hypothalamus inhuman brains

It is highly influenced by natural daramplightcycles but will persist under constantenvironmental conditions ExamplesDisruptions to the circadian rhythm cancause problems with the sleepwaampe cycle

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9ircadian rhythms are regulated by threecomponents

+) the circadian pacemaamper or clocamp

3) an input mechanism which allows theclocamp to be reset by environmental stimuliand

)an output mechanism which regulates physiological and behavioral 2rocesses

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Hypertension types

Primary Hypertension -igh blood pressure ofunidentified cause 1ccounts for of cases of

high blood pressure he identified risamp factors in

primary hypertension are as follows age onset

between $ years of age increases over $years of age sex males in young adulthood and

early middle age females after the age of $$ years

$econdary Hypertension is -igh blood

pressure in which the cause can be identified

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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+ EssentialIn more than $ of cases an underlying

cause cannot be found 2roposed mechanisms

includeExcess renal sodium retention

ver activity of sympathetic nervous system

enin angiotensin excess-yperinsulinemia

1lterations in vascular endothelium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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actors contriuting to the development o9 Essential


FGenetic actors

hypertension is more

common in some familiesand in some ethnic groups

liampe 1frican 1mericans

FEnvironmental factors

include obesity alcohollacamp of exercise and excess


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Emotional stress can cause uite large

increases in blood pressure$ Prominent amongst te pysiological

responses to stress is an increase in actiity

in te sympatetic neres Postural canges eampert stresses on te

cardioascular system reuiring effectie

refleamp responses to constrict arteries and

eins and stimulate te eart to controlblood pressure maintain brain blood flo(

and preent loss of consciousness

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Regular oer)consumption of alcool can

raise blood pressure dramatically as (ell as

cause an eleation upon (itdra(al

Te seerity of obstructie sleep apnea

syndrome OSS is an independent factorcorrelated to diurnal ypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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here is some evidence that supports a

hypothesis that the primary fault in the

pathophysiology of hypertension is adefect in the

calcium binding of the plasma membrane of

the cells of a pressureregulating center inthe nervous system

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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+) Secondary ypertension+) Secondary ypertension

Renal hese account for over 4 of the cases ofsecondary hypertension he common causes arediabetic nephropathy chronic glomerulonephritisadult polycystic disease chronic tubulointerstitialnephritis and renovascular disease

Endocrinal hese include 9onns syndrome adrenal hyperplasia


2haeochromocytoma 9ushings syndromerugs and toxins Pregnancy1induced hypertension

ampascular coarctation of aorta vasculitis


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Hypertension in neonates is rare occurring inaround 06 to gt o9 neonates

lood pressure is not measured routinely in the

healthy newornHypertension is more common in high ris


variety o9 9actors such as gestational age

postconceptional age and irth weight needs to

e taen into account when deciding i9 a lood

pressure is normal in a neonate

Hypertensie crises

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Hypertensie crises

7everely elevated blood pressure e(ual toor greater than a systolic +4 or diastolic of++ H sometime termed malignant oraccelerated hypertension) is referred to as a

hypertensive crisis as blood pressuresabove these levels are ampnown to confer ahigh risamp of complications

2eople with blood pressures in this rangemay have no symptoms but are more liampelyto report headaches 33 of cases)and diCCiness than the general population

th t i

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3167

ther symptoms accompanying a

hypertensive crisis may include

+visual deterioration

3breathlessness due to heart failure

general feeling of malaise due to renal

failure0ost people with a hypertensive crisis are

ampnown to have elevated blood pressure but

additional triggers may have led to a sudden


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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eergency hypertensivemalignant hypertension is diagnosed

when there is evidence of + direct damage to one or more organs as a

result of the severely elevated blood pressure

+his may includehypertensive encephalopathy caused by brain swelling and dysfunction

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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characteriCed by


altered level of consciousness

confusion or drowsiness)etinal papilloedema

fundal hemorrhages

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1exudates are another sign o9 target organ


1Chest pain may indicate heart muscle

damage 3which may progress to myocardial

in9arction4 or sometimes aortic dissection

1tearing o9 the inner wall o9 the aorta

1Breathlessness cough and the

expectoration o9 lood1stained sputum are

characteristic signs o9 pulmonary edemathe swelling o9 lung tissue due to le9t

ventricular 9ailure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1inaility o9 the le9t ventricle o9 the

heart to adeuately pump lood

9rom the lungs into the arterial


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In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4167


outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4467

maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4667


+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4767

Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

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or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

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Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

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oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

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increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


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Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

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efinition of Circadian Rytm

9ircadian rhythms are daily cycles of

physiology and behavior that are driven by

an endogenous oscillator with a period of

approximately one day

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Norally circadian rhyths

are synchroniCed with the 3 h

environment by stimuli which alter the

phase of the underlying brain circadian pacemaamper

or most organisms including mammalsthe primary phaseshifting stimulus is light

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hese processes include

sleepwaampe cycles

body temperature

blood pressure

release of hormones

his activity is controlled by the biologicalclocamp which is located in the suprachiasmtic nuclei of the hypothalamus inhuman brains

It is highly influenced by natural daramplightcycles but will persist under constantenvironmental conditions ExamplesDisruptions to the circadian rhythm cancause problems with the sleepwaampe cycle

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9ircadian rhythms are regulated by threecomponents

+) the circadian pacemaamper or clocamp

3) an input mechanism which allows theclocamp to be reset by environmental stimuliand

)an output mechanism which regulates physiological and behavioral 2rocesses

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Hypertension types

Primary Hypertension -igh blood pressure ofunidentified cause 1ccounts for of cases of

high blood pressure he identified risamp factors in

primary hypertension are as follows age onset

between $ years of age increases over $years of age sex males in young adulthood and

early middle age females after the age of $$ years

$econdary Hypertension is -igh blood

pressure in which the cause can be identified

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+ EssentialIn more than $ of cases an underlying

cause cannot be found 2roposed mechanisms

includeExcess renal sodium retention

ver activity of sympathetic nervous system

enin angiotensin excess-yperinsulinemia

1lterations in vascular endothelium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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actors contriuting to the development o9 Essential


FGenetic actors

hypertension is more

common in some familiesand in some ethnic groups

liampe 1frican 1mericans

FEnvironmental factors

include obesity alcohollacamp of exercise and excess


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Emotional stress can cause uite large

increases in blood pressure$ Prominent amongst te pysiological

responses to stress is an increase in actiity

in te sympatetic neres Postural canges eampert stresses on te

cardioascular system reuiring effectie

refleamp responses to constrict arteries and

eins and stimulate te eart to controlblood pressure maintain brain blood flo(

and preent loss of consciousness

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Regular oer)consumption of alcool can

raise blood pressure dramatically as (ell as

cause an eleation upon (itdra(al

Te seerity of obstructie sleep apnea

syndrome OSS is an independent factorcorrelated to diurnal ypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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here is some evidence that supports a

hypothesis that the primary fault in the

pathophysiology of hypertension is adefect in the

calcium binding of the plasma membrane of

the cells of a pressureregulating center inthe nervous system

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+) Secondary ypertension+) Secondary ypertension

Renal hese account for over 4 of the cases ofsecondary hypertension he common causes arediabetic nephropathy chronic glomerulonephritisadult polycystic disease chronic tubulointerstitialnephritis and renovascular disease

Endocrinal hese include 9onns syndrome adrenal hyperplasia


2haeochromocytoma 9ushings syndromerugs and toxins Pregnancy1induced hypertension

ampascular coarctation of aorta vasculitis


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Hypertension in neonates is rare occurring inaround 06 to gt o9 neonates

lood pressure is not measured routinely in the

healthy newornHypertension is more common in high ris


variety o9 9actors such as gestational age

postconceptional age and irth weight needs to

e taen into account when deciding i9 a lood

pressure is normal in a neonate

Hypertensie crises

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Hypertensie crises

7everely elevated blood pressure e(ual toor greater than a systolic +4 or diastolic of++ H sometime termed malignant oraccelerated hypertension) is referred to as a

hypertensive crisis as blood pressuresabove these levels are ampnown to confer ahigh risamp of complications

2eople with blood pressures in this rangemay have no symptoms but are more liampelyto report headaches 33 of cases)and diCCiness than the general population

th t i

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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ther symptoms accompanying a

hypertensive crisis may include

+visual deterioration

3breathlessness due to heart failure

general feeling of malaise due to renal

failure0ost people with a hypertensive crisis are

ampnown to have elevated blood pressure but

additional triggers may have led to a sudden


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eergency hypertensivemalignant hypertension is diagnosed

when there is evidence of + direct damage to one or more organs as a

result of the severely elevated blood pressure

+his may includehypertensive encephalopathy caused by brain swelling and dysfunction

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characteriCed by


altered level of consciousness

confusion or drowsiness)etinal papilloedema

fundal hemorrhages

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1exudates are another sign o9 target organ


1Chest pain may indicate heart muscle

damage 3which may progress to myocardial

in9arction4 or sometimes aortic dissection

1tearing o9 the inner wall o9 the aorta

1Breathlessness cough and the

expectoration o9 lood1stained sputum are

characteristic signs o9 pulmonary edemathe swelling o9 lung tissue due to le9t

ventricular 9ailure

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1inaility o9 the le9t ventricle o9 the

heart to adeuately pump lood

9rom the lungs into the arterial


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In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

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Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

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coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



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9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


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he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


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outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


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0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

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maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

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Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

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Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

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Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

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Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

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Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

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yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

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1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

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Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

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Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

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Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

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or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


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Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

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Page 19: 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Norally circadian rhyths

are synchroniCed with the 3 h

environment by stimuli which alter the

phase of the underlying brain circadian pacemaamper

or most organisms including mammalsthe primary phaseshifting stimulus is light

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hese processes include

sleepwaampe cycles

body temperature

blood pressure

release of hormones

his activity is controlled by the biologicalclocamp which is located in the suprachiasmtic nuclei of the hypothalamus inhuman brains

It is highly influenced by natural daramplightcycles but will persist under constantenvironmental conditions ExamplesDisruptions to the circadian rhythm cancause problems with the sleepwaampe cycle

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9ircadian rhythms are regulated by threecomponents

+) the circadian pacemaamper or clocamp

3) an input mechanism which allows theclocamp to be reset by environmental stimuliand

)an output mechanism which regulates physiological and behavioral 2rocesses

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Hypertension types

Primary Hypertension -igh blood pressure ofunidentified cause 1ccounts for of cases of

high blood pressure he identified risamp factors in

primary hypertension are as follows age onset

between $ years of age increases over $years of age sex males in young adulthood and

early middle age females after the age of $$ years

$econdary Hypertension is -igh blood

pressure in which the cause can be identified

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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+ EssentialIn more than $ of cases an underlying

cause cannot be found 2roposed mechanisms

includeExcess renal sodium retention

ver activity of sympathetic nervous system

enin angiotensin excess-yperinsulinemia

1lterations in vascular endothelium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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actors contriuting to the development o9 Essential


FGenetic actors

hypertension is more

common in some familiesand in some ethnic groups

liampe 1frican 1mericans

FEnvironmental factors

include obesity alcohollacamp of exercise and excess


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Emotional stress can cause uite large

increases in blood pressure$ Prominent amongst te pysiological

responses to stress is an increase in actiity

in te sympatetic neres Postural canges eampert stresses on te

cardioascular system reuiring effectie

refleamp responses to constrict arteries and

eins and stimulate te eart to controlblood pressure maintain brain blood flo(

and preent loss of consciousness

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Regular oer)consumption of alcool can

raise blood pressure dramatically as (ell as

cause an eleation upon (itdra(al

Te seerity of obstructie sleep apnea

syndrome OSS is an independent factorcorrelated to diurnal ypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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here is some evidence that supports a

hypothesis that the primary fault in the

pathophysiology of hypertension is adefect in the

calcium binding of the plasma membrane of

the cells of a pressureregulating center inthe nervous system

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+) Secondary ypertension+) Secondary ypertension

Renal hese account for over 4 of the cases ofsecondary hypertension he common causes arediabetic nephropathy chronic glomerulonephritisadult polycystic disease chronic tubulointerstitialnephritis and renovascular disease

Endocrinal hese include 9onns syndrome adrenal hyperplasia


2haeochromocytoma 9ushings syndromerugs and toxins Pregnancy1induced hypertension

ampascular coarctation of aorta vasculitis


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Hypertension in neonates is rare occurring inaround 06 to gt o9 neonates

lood pressure is not measured routinely in the

healthy newornHypertension is more common in high ris


variety o9 9actors such as gestational age

postconceptional age and irth weight needs to

e taen into account when deciding i9 a lood

pressure is normal in a neonate

Hypertensie crises

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Hypertensie crises

7everely elevated blood pressure e(ual toor greater than a systolic +4 or diastolic of++ H sometime termed malignant oraccelerated hypertension) is referred to as a

hypertensive crisis as blood pressuresabove these levels are ampnown to confer ahigh risamp of complications

2eople with blood pressures in this rangemay have no symptoms but are more liampelyto report headaches 33 of cases)and diCCiness than the general population

th t i

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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ther symptoms accompanying a

hypertensive crisis may include

+visual deterioration

3breathlessness due to heart failure

general feeling of malaise due to renal

failure0ost people with a hypertensive crisis are

ampnown to have elevated blood pressure but

additional triggers may have led to a sudden


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eergency hypertensivemalignant hypertension is diagnosed

when there is evidence of + direct damage to one or more organs as a

result of the severely elevated blood pressure

+his may includehypertensive encephalopathy caused by brain swelling and dysfunction

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characteriCed by


altered level of consciousness

confusion or drowsiness)etinal papilloedema

fundal hemorrhages

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1exudates are another sign o9 target organ


1Chest pain may indicate heart muscle

damage 3which may progress to myocardial

in9arction4 or sometimes aortic dissection

1tearing o9 the inner wall o9 the aorta

1Breathlessness cough and the

expectoration o9 lood1stained sputum are

characteristic signs o9 pulmonary edemathe swelling o9 lung tissue due to le9t

ventricular 9ailure

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1inaility o9 the le9t ventricle o9 the

heart to adeuately pump lood

9rom the lungs into the arterial


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In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

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Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

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coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



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9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4167


outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4267

Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4367


0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4467

maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4567

Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4667


+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4767

Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4867

Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4967


treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5167

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5267

yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

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Page 20: 02 Systemic Hypertension

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hese processes include

sleepwaampe cycles

body temperature

blood pressure

release of hormones

his activity is controlled by the biologicalclocamp which is located in the suprachiasmtic nuclei of the hypothalamus inhuman brains

It is highly influenced by natural daramplightcycles but will persist under constantenvironmental conditions ExamplesDisruptions to the circadian rhythm cancause problems with the sleepwaampe cycle

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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9ircadian rhythms are regulated by threecomponents

+) the circadian pacemaamper or clocamp

3) an input mechanism which allows theclocamp to be reset by environmental stimuliand

)an output mechanism which regulates physiological and behavioral 2rocesses

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Hypertension types

Primary Hypertension -igh blood pressure ofunidentified cause 1ccounts for of cases of

high blood pressure he identified risamp factors in

primary hypertension are as follows age onset

between $ years of age increases over $years of age sex males in young adulthood and

early middle age females after the age of $$ years

$econdary Hypertension is -igh blood

pressure in which the cause can be identified

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2367


+ EssentialIn more than $ of cases an underlying

cause cannot be found 2roposed mechanisms

includeExcess renal sodium retention

ver activity of sympathetic nervous system

enin angiotensin excess-yperinsulinemia

1lterations in vascular endothelium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2467

actors contriuting to the development o9 Essential


FGenetic actors

hypertension is more

common in some familiesand in some ethnic groups

liampe 1frican 1mericans

FEnvironmental factors

include obesity alcohollacamp of exercise and excess


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2567

Emotional stress can cause uite large

increases in blood pressure$ Prominent amongst te pysiological

responses to stress is an increase in actiity

in te sympatetic neres Postural canges eampert stresses on te

cardioascular system reuiring effectie

refleamp responses to constrict arteries and

eins and stimulate te eart to controlblood pressure maintain brain blood flo(

and preent loss of consciousness

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2667

Regular oer)consumption of alcool can

raise blood pressure dramatically as (ell as

cause an eleation upon (itdra(al

Te seerity of obstructie sleep apnea

syndrome OSS is an independent factorcorrelated to diurnal ypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2767


here is some evidence that supports a

hypothesis that the primary fault in the

pathophysiology of hypertension is adefect in the

calcium binding of the plasma membrane of

the cells of a pressureregulating center inthe nervous system

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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+) Secondary ypertension+) Secondary ypertension

Renal hese account for over 4 of the cases ofsecondary hypertension he common causes arediabetic nephropathy chronic glomerulonephritisadult polycystic disease chronic tubulointerstitialnephritis and renovascular disease

Endocrinal hese include 9onns syndrome adrenal hyperplasia


2haeochromocytoma 9ushings syndromerugs and toxins Pregnancy1induced hypertension

ampascular coarctation of aorta vasculitis


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Hypertension in neonates is rare occurring inaround 06 to gt o9 neonates

lood pressure is not measured routinely in the

healthy newornHypertension is more common in high ris


variety o9 9actors such as gestational age

postconceptional age and irth weight needs to

e taen into account when deciding i9 a lood

pressure is normal in a neonate

Hypertensie crises

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Hypertensie crises

7everely elevated blood pressure e(ual toor greater than a systolic +4 or diastolic of++ H sometime termed malignant oraccelerated hypertension) is referred to as a

hypertensive crisis as blood pressuresabove these levels are ampnown to confer ahigh risamp of complications

2eople with blood pressures in this rangemay have no symptoms but are more liampelyto report headaches 33 of cases)and diCCiness than the general population

th t i

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3167

ther symptoms accompanying a

hypertensive crisis may include

+visual deterioration

3breathlessness due to heart failure

general feeling of malaise due to renal

failure0ost people with a hypertensive crisis are

ampnown to have elevated blood pressure but

additional triggers may have led to a sudden


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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eergency hypertensivemalignant hypertension is diagnosed

when there is evidence of + direct damage to one or more organs as a

result of the severely elevated blood pressure

+his may includehypertensive encephalopathy caused by brain swelling and dysfunction

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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characteriCed by


altered level of consciousness

confusion or drowsiness)etinal papilloedema

fundal hemorrhages

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1exudates are another sign o9 target organ


1Chest pain may indicate heart muscle

damage 3which may progress to myocardial

in9arction4 or sometimes aortic dissection

1tearing o9 the inner wall o9 the aorta

1Breathlessness cough and the

expectoration o9 lood1stained sputum are

characteristic signs o9 pulmonary edemathe swelling o9 lung tissue due to le9t

ventricular 9ailure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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1inaility o9 the le9t ventricle o9 the

heart to adeuately pump lood

9rom the lungs into the arterial


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In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4167


outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4267

Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4367


0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4467

maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4567

Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4667


+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4767

Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4867

Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4967


treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5167

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5267

yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Page 21: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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9ircadian rhythms are regulated by threecomponents

+) the circadian pacemaamper or clocamp

3) an input mechanism which allows theclocamp to be reset by environmental stimuliand

)an output mechanism which regulates physiological and behavioral 2rocesses

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2267

Hypertension types

Primary Hypertension -igh blood pressure ofunidentified cause 1ccounts for of cases of

high blood pressure he identified risamp factors in

primary hypertension are as follows age onset

between $ years of age increases over $years of age sex males in young adulthood and

early middle age females after the age of $$ years

$econdary Hypertension is -igh blood

pressure in which the cause can be identified

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2367


+ EssentialIn more than $ of cases an underlying

cause cannot be found 2roposed mechanisms

includeExcess renal sodium retention

ver activity of sympathetic nervous system

enin angiotensin excess-yperinsulinemia

1lterations in vascular endothelium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2467

actors contriuting to the development o9 Essential


FGenetic actors

hypertension is more

common in some familiesand in some ethnic groups

liampe 1frican 1mericans

FEnvironmental factors

include obesity alcohollacamp of exercise and excess


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2567

Emotional stress can cause uite large

increases in blood pressure$ Prominent amongst te pysiological

responses to stress is an increase in actiity

in te sympatetic neres Postural canges eampert stresses on te

cardioascular system reuiring effectie

refleamp responses to constrict arteries and

eins and stimulate te eart to controlblood pressure maintain brain blood flo(

and preent loss of consciousness

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2667

Regular oer)consumption of alcool can

raise blood pressure dramatically as (ell as

cause an eleation upon (itdra(al

Te seerity of obstructie sleep apnea

syndrome OSS is an independent factorcorrelated to diurnal ypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2767


here is some evidence that supports a

hypothesis that the primary fault in the

pathophysiology of hypertension is adefect in the

calcium binding of the plasma membrane of

the cells of a pressureregulating center inthe nervous system

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2867

+) Secondary ypertension+) Secondary ypertension

Renal hese account for over 4 of the cases ofsecondary hypertension he common causes arediabetic nephropathy chronic glomerulonephritisadult polycystic disease chronic tubulointerstitialnephritis and renovascular disease

Endocrinal hese include 9onns syndrome adrenal hyperplasia


2haeochromocytoma 9ushings syndromerugs and toxins Pregnancy1induced hypertension

ampascular coarctation of aorta vasculitis


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2967


Hypertension in neonates is rare occurring inaround 06 to gt o9 neonates

lood pressure is not measured routinely in the

healthy newornHypertension is more common in high ris


variety o9 9actors such as gestational age

postconceptional age and irth weight needs to

e taen into account when deciding i9 a lood

pressure is normal in a neonate

Hypertensie crises

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3067

Hypertensie crises

7everely elevated blood pressure e(ual toor greater than a systolic +4 or diastolic of++ H sometime termed malignant oraccelerated hypertension) is referred to as a

hypertensive crisis as blood pressuresabove these levels are ampnown to confer ahigh risamp of complications

2eople with blood pressures in this rangemay have no symptoms but are more liampelyto report headaches 33 of cases)and diCCiness than the general population

th t i

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3167

ther symptoms accompanying a

hypertensive crisis may include

+visual deterioration

3breathlessness due to heart failure

general feeling of malaise due to renal

failure0ost people with a hypertensive crisis are

ampnown to have elevated blood pressure but

additional triggers may have led to a sudden


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3267

eergency hypertensivemalignant hypertension is diagnosed

when there is evidence of + direct damage to one or more organs as a

result of the severely elevated blood pressure

+his may includehypertensive encephalopathy caused by brain swelling and dysfunction

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3367

characteriCed by


altered level of consciousness

confusion or drowsiness)etinal papilloedema

fundal hemorrhages

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3467

1exudates are another sign o9 target organ


1Chest pain may indicate heart muscle

damage 3which may progress to myocardial

in9arction4 or sometimes aortic dissection

1tearing o9 the inner wall o9 the aorta

1Breathlessness cough and the

expectoration o9 lood1stained sputum are

characteristic signs o9 pulmonary edemathe swelling o9 lung tissue due to le9t

ventricular 9ailure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3567

1inaility o9 the le9t ventricle o9 the

heart to adeuately pump lood

9rom the lungs into the arterial


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3667

In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3767

Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3867



coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3967


9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4067


he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4167


outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4267

Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4367


0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4467

maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4567

Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4667


+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4767

Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4867

Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4967


treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5167

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5267

yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Page 22: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Hypertension types

Primary Hypertension -igh blood pressure ofunidentified cause 1ccounts for of cases of

high blood pressure he identified risamp factors in

primary hypertension are as follows age onset

between $ years of age increases over $years of age sex males in young adulthood and

early middle age females after the age of $$ years

$econdary Hypertension is -igh blood

pressure in which the cause can be identified

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2367


+ EssentialIn more than $ of cases an underlying

cause cannot be found 2roposed mechanisms

includeExcess renal sodium retention

ver activity of sympathetic nervous system

enin angiotensin excess-yperinsulinemia

1lterations in vascular endothelium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2467

actors contriuting to the development o9 Essential


FGenetic actors

hypertension is more

common in some familiesand in some ethnic groups

liampe 1frican 1mericans

FEnvironmental factors

include obesity alcohollacamp of exercise and excess


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2567

Emotional stress can cause uite large

increases in blood pressure$ Prominent amongst te pysiological

responses to stress is an increase in actiity

in te sympatetic neres Postural canges eampert stresses on te

cardioascular system reuiring effectie

refleamp responses to constrict arteries and

eins and stimulate te eart to controlblood pressure maintain brain blood flo(

and preent loss of consciousness

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2667

Regular oer)consumption of alcool can

raise blood pressure dramatically as (ell as

cause an eleation upon (itdra(al

Te seerity of obstructie sleep apnea

syndrome OSS is an independent factorcorrelated to diurnal ypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2767


here is some evidence that supports a

hypothesis that the primary fault in the

pathophysiology of hypertension is adefect in the

calcium binding of the plasma membrane of

the cells of a pressureregulating center inthe nervous system

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2867

+) Secondary ypertension+) Secondary ypertension

Renal hese account for over 4 of the cases ofsecondary hypertension he common causes arediabetic nephropathy chronic glomerulonephritisadult polycystic disease chronic tubulointerstitialnephritis and renovascular disease

Endocrinal hese include 9onns syndrome adrenal hyperplasia


2haeochromocytoma 9ushings syndromerugs and toxins Pregnancy1induced hypertension

ampascular coarctation of aorta vasculitis


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2967


Hypertension in neonates is rare occurring inaround 06 to gt o9 neonates

lood pressure is not measured routinely in the

healthy newornHypertension is more common in high ris


variety o9 9actors such as gestational age

postconceptional age and irth weight needs to

e taen into account when deciding i9 a lood

pressure is normal in a neonate

Hypertensie crises

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3067

Hypertensie crises

7everely elevated blood pressure e(ual toor greater than a systolic +4 or diastolic of++ H sometime termed malignant oraccelerated hypertension) is referred to as a

hypertensive crisis as blood pressuresabove these levels are ampnown to confer ahigh risamp of complications

2eople with blood pressures in this rangemay have no symptoms but are more liampelyto report headaches 33 of cases)and diCCiness than the general population

th t i

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3167

ther symptoms accompanying a

hypertensive crisis may include

+visual deterioration

3breathlessness due to heart failure

general feeling of malaise due to renal

failure0ost people with a hypertensive crisis are

ampnown to have elevated blood pressure but

additional triggers may have led to a sudden


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3267

eergency hypertensivemalignant hypertension is diagnosed

when there is evidence of + direct damage to one or more organs as a

result of the severely elevated blood pressure

+his may includehypertensive encephalopathy caused by brain swelling and dysfunction

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3367

characteriCed by


altered level of consciousness

confusion or drowsiness)etinal papilloedema

fundal hemorrhages

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3467

1exudates are another sign o9 target organ


1Chest pain may indicate heart muscle

damage 3which may progress to myocardial

in9arction4 or sometimes aortic dissection

1tearing o9 the inner wall o9 the aorta

1Breathlessness cough and the

expectoration o9 lood1stained sputum are

characteristic signs o9 pulmonary edemathe swelling o9 lung tissue due to le9t

ventricular 9ailure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3567

1inaility o9 the le9t ventricle o9 the

heart to adeuately pump lood

9rom the lungs into the arterial


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3667

In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3767

Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3867



coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3967


9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4067


he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4167


outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4267

Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4367


0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4467

maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4567

Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4667


+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4767

Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4867

Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4967


treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5167

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5267

yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 23: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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+ EssentialIn more than $ of cases an underlying

cause cannot be found 2roposed mechanisms

includeExcess renal sodium retention

ver activity of sympathetic nervous system

enin angiotensin excess-yperinsulinemia

1lterations in vascular endothelium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2467

actors contriuting to the development o9 Essential


FGenetic actors

hypertension is more

common in some familiesand in some ethnic groups

liampe 1frican 1mericans

FEnvironmental factors

include obesity alcohollacamp of exercise and excess


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2567

Emotional stress can cause uite large

increases in blood pressure$ Prominent amongst te pysiological

responses to stress is an increase in actiity

in te sympatetic neres Postural canges eampert stresses on te

cardioascular system reuiring effectie

refleamp responses to constrict arteries and

eins and stimulate te eart to controlblood pressure maintain brain blood flo(

and preent loss of consciousness

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2667

Regular oer)consumption of alcool can

raise blood pressure dramatically as (ell as

cause an eleation upon (itdra(al

Te seerity of obstructie sleep apnea

syndrome OSS is an independent factorcorrelated to diurnal ypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2767


here is some evidence that supports a

hypothesis that the primary fault in the

pathophysiology of hypertension is adefect in the

calcium binding of the plasma membrane of

the cells of a pressureregulating center inthe nervous system

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2867

+) Secondary ypertension+) Secondary ypertension

Renal hese account for over 4 of the cases ofsecondary hypertension he common causes arediabetic nephropathy chronic glomerulonephritisadult polycystic disease chronic tubulointerstitialnephritis and renovascular disease

Endocrinal hese include 9onns syndrome adrenal hyperplasia


2haeochromocytoma 9ushings syndromerugs and toxins Pregnancy1induced hypertension

ampascular coarctation of aorta vasculitis


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2967


Hypertension in neonates is rare occurring inaround 06 to gt o9 neonates

lood pressure is not measured routinely in the

healthy newornHypertension is more common in high ris


variety o9 9actors such as gestational age

postconceptional age and irth weight needs to

e taen into account when deciding i9 a lood

pressure is normal in a neonate

Hypertensie crises

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3067

Hypertensie crises

7everely elevated blood pressure e(ual toor greater than a systolic +4 or diastolic of++ H sometime termed malignant oraccelerated hypertension) is referred to as a

hypertensive crisis as blood pressuresabove these levels are ampnown to confer ahigh risamp of complications

2eople with blood pressures in this rangemay have no symptoms but are more liampelyto report headaches 33 of cases)and diCCiness than the general population

th t i

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3167

ther symptoms accompanying a

hypertensive crisis may include

+visual deterioration

3breathlessness due to heart failure

general feeling of malaise due to renal

failure0ost people with a hypertensive crisis are

ampnown to have elevated blood pressure but

additional triggers may have led to a sudden


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3267

eergency hypertensivemalignant hypertension is diagnosed

when there is evidence of + direct damage to one or more organs as a

result of the severely elevated blood pressure

+his may includehypertensive encephalopathy caused by brain swelling and dysfunction

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3367

characteriCed by


altered level of consciousness

confusion or drowsiness)etinal papilloedema

fundal hemorrhages

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3467

1exudates are another sign o9 target organ


1Chest pain may indicate heart muscle

damage 3which may progress to myocardial

in9arction4 or sometimes aortic dissection

1tearing o9 the inner wall o9 the aorta

1Breathlessness cough and the

expectoration o9 lood1stained sputum are

characteristic signs o9 pulmonary edemathe swelling o9 lung tissue due to le9t

ventricular 9ailure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3567

1inaility o9 the le9t ventricle o9 the

heart to adeuately pump lood

9rom the lungs into the arterial


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3667

In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3767

Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3867



coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3967


9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4067


he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4167


outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4267

Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4367


0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4467

maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4567

Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4667


+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4767

Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4867

Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4967


treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5167

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5267

yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 24: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2467

actors contriuting to the development o9 Essential


FGenetic actors

hypertension is more

common in some familiesand in some ethnic groups

liampe 1frican 1mericans

FEnvironmental factors

include obesity alcohollacamp of exercise and excess


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2567

Emotional stress can cause uite large

increases in blood pressure$ Prominent amongst te pysiological

responses to stress is an increase in actiity

in te sympatetic neres Postural canges eampert stresses on te

cardioascular system reuiring effectie

refleamp responses to constrict arteries and

eins and stimulate te eart to controlblood pressure maintain brain blood flo(

and preent loss of consciousness

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2667

Regular oer)consumption of alcool can

raise blood pressure dramatically as (ell as

cause an eleation upon (itdra(al

Te seerity of obstructie sleep apnea

syndrome OSS is an independent factorcorrelated to diurnal ypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2767


here is some evidence that supports a

hypothesis that the primary fault in the

pathophysiology of hypertension is adefect in the

calcium binding of the plasma membrane of

the cells of a pressureregulating center inthe nervous system

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2867

+) Secondary ypertension+) Secondary ypertension

Renal hese account for over 4 of the cases ofsecondary hypertension he common causes arediabetic nephropathy chronic glomerulonephritisadult polycystic disease chronic tubulointerstitialnephritis and renovascular disease

Endocrinal hese include 9onns syndrome adrenal hyperplasia


2haeochromocytoma 9ushings syndromerugs and toxins Pregnancy1induced hypertension

ampascular coarctation of aorta vasculitis


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2967


Hypertension in neonates is rare occurring inaround 06 to gt o9 neonates

lood pressure is not measured routinely in the

healthy newornHypertension is more common in high ris


variety o9 9actors such as gestational age

postconceptional age and irth weight needs to

e taen into account when deciding i9 a lood

pressure is normal in a neonate

Hypertensie crises

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3067

Hypertensie crises

7everely elevated blood pressure e(ual toor greater than a systolic +4 or diastolic of++ H sometime termed malignant oraccelerated hypertension) is referred to as a

hypertensive crisis as blood pressuresabove these levels are ampnown to confer ahigh risamp of complications

2eople with blood pressures in this rangemay have no symptoms but are more liampelyto report headaches 33 of cases)and diCCiness than the general population

th t i

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3167

ther symptoms accompanying a

hypertensive crisis may include

+visual deterioration

3breathlessness due to heart failure

general feeling of malaise due to renal

failure0ost people with a hypertensive crisis are

ampnown to have elevated blood pressure but

additional triggers may have led to a sudden


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3267

eergency hypertensivemalignant hypertension is diagnosed

when there is evidence of + direct damage to one or more organs as a

result of the severely elevated blood pressure

+his may includehypertensive encephalopathy caused by brain swelling and dysfunction

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3367

characteriCed by


altered level of consciousness

confusion or drowsiness)etinal papilloedema

fundal hemorrhages

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3467

1exudates are another sign o9 target organ


1Chest pain may indicate heart muscle

damage 3which may progress to myocardial

in9arction4 or sometimes aortic dissection

1tearing o9 the inner wall o9 the aorta

1Breathlessness cough and the

expectoration o9 lood1stained sputum are

characteristic signs o9 pulmonary edemathe swelling o9 lung tissue due to le9t

ventricular 9ailure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3567

1inaility o9 the le9t ventricle o9 the

heart to adeuately pump lood

9rom the lungs into the arterial


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3667

In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3767

Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3867



coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3967


9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4067


he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4167


outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4267

Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4367


0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4467

maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4567

Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4667


+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4767

Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4867

Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4967


treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5167

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5267

yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 25: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2567

Emotional stress can cause uite large

increases in blood pressure$ Prominent amongst te pysiological

responses to stress is an increase in actiity

in te sympatetic neres Postural canges eampert stresses on te

cardioascular system reuiring effectie

refleamp responses to constrict arteries and

eins and stimulate te eart to controlblood pressure maintain brain blood flo(

and preent loss of consciousness

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2667

Regular oer)consumption of alcool can

raise blood pressure dramatically as (ell as

cause an eleation upon (itdra(al

Te seerity of obstructie sleep apnea

syndrome OSS is an independent factorcorrelated to diurnal ypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2767


here is some evidence that supports a

hypothesis that the primary fault in the

pathophysiology of hypertension is adefect in the

calcium binding of the plasma membrane of

the cells of a pressureregulating center inthe nervous system

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2867

+) Secondary ypertension+) Secondary ypertension

Renal hese account for over 4 of the cases ofsecondary hypertension he common causes arediabetic nephropathy chronic glomerulonephritisadult polycystic disease chronic tubulointerstitialnephritis and renovascular disease

Endocrinal hese include 9onns syndrome adrenal hyperplasia


2haeochromocytoma 9ushings syndromerugs and toxins Pregnancy1induced hypertension

ampascular coarctation of aorta vasculitis


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2967


Hypertension in neonates is rare occurring inaround 06 to gt o9 neonates

lood pressure is not measured routinely in the

healthy newornHypertension is more common in high ris


variety o9 9actors such as gestational age

postconceptional age and irth weight needs to

e taen into account when deciding i9 a lood

pressure is normal in a neonate

Hypertensie crises

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3067

Hypertensie crises

7everely elevated blood pressure e(ual toor greater than a systolic +4 or diastolic of++ H sometime termed malignant oraccelerated hypertension) is referred to as a

hypertensive crisis as blood pressuresabove these levels are ampnown to confer ahigh risamp of complications

2eople with blood pressures in this rangemay have no symptoms but are more liampelyto report headaches 33 of cases)and diCCiness than the general population

th t i

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3167

ther symptoms accompanying a

hypertensive crisis may include

+visual deterioration

3breathlessness due to heart failure

general feeling of malaise due to renal

failure0ost people with a hypertensive crisis are

ampnown to have elevated blood pressure but

additional triggers may have led to a sudden


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3267

eergency hypertensivemalignant hypertension is diagnosed

when there is evidence of + direct damage to one or more organs as a

result of the severely elevated blood pressure

+his may includehypertensive encephalopathy caused by brain swelling and dysfunction

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3367

characteriCed by


altered level of consciousness

confusion or drowsiness)etinal papilloedema

fundal hemorrhages

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3467

1exudates are another sign o9 target organ


1Chest pain may indicate heart muscle

damage 3which may progress to myocardial

in9arction4 or sometimes aortic dissection

1tearing o9 the inner wall o9 the aorta

1Breathlessness cough and the

expectoration o9 lood1stained sputum are

characteristic signs o9 pulmonary edemathe swelling o9 lung tissue due to le9t

ventricular 9ailure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3567

1inaility o9 the le9t ventricle o9 the

heart to adeuately pump lood

9rom the lungs into the arterial


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3667

In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3767

Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3867



coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3967


9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4067


he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4167


outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4267

Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4367


0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4467

maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4567

Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4667


+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4767

Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4867

Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4967


treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5167

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5267

yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 26: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2667

Regular oer)consumption of alcool can

raise blood pressure dramatically as (ell as

cause an eleation upon (itdra(al

Te seerity of obstructie sleep apnea

syndrome OSS is an independent factorcorrelated to diurnal ypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2767


here is some evidence that supports a

hypothesis that the primary fault in the

pathophysiology of hypertension is adefect in the

calcium binding of the plasma membrane of

the cells of a pressureregulating center inthe nervous system

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2867

+) Secondary ypertension+) Secondary ypertension

Renal hese account for over 4 of the cases ofsecondary hypertension he common causes arediabetic nephropathy chronic glomerulonephritisadult polycystic disease chronic tubulointerstitialnephritis and renovascular disease

Endocrinal hese include 9onns syndrome adrenal hyperplasia


2haeochromocytoma 9ushings syndromerugs and toxins Pregnancy1induced hypertension

ampascular coarctation of aorta vasculitis


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2967


Hypertension in neonates is rare occurring inaround 06 to gt o9 neonates

lood pressure is not measured routinely in the

healthy newornHypertension is more common in high ris


variety o9 9actors such as gestational age

postconceptional age and irth weight needs to

e taen into account when deciding i9 a lood

pressure is normal in a neonate

Hypertensie crises

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3067

Hypertensie crises

7everely elevated blood pressure e(ual toor greater than a systolic +4 or diastolic of++ H sometime termed malignant oraccelerated hypertension) is referred to as a

hypertensive crisis as blood pressuresabove these levels are ampnown to confer ahigh risamp of complications

2eople with blood pressures in this rangemay have no symptoms but are more liampelyto report headaches 33 of cases)and diCCiness than the general population

th t i

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3167

ther symptoms accompanying a

hypertensive crisis may include

+visual deterioration

3breathlessness due to heart failure

general feeling of malaise due to renal

failure0ost people with a hypertensive crisis are

ampnown to have elevated blood pressure but

additional triggers may have led to a sudden


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3267

eergency hypertensivemalignant hypertension is diagnosed

when there is evidence of + direct damage to one or more organs as a

result of the severely elevated blood pressure

+his may includehypertensive encephalopathy caused by brain swelling and dysfunction

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3367

characteriCed by


altered level of consciousness

confusion or drowsiness)etinal papilloedema

fundal hemorrhages

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3467

1exudates are another sign o9 target organ


1Chest pain may indicate heart muscle

damage 3which may progress to myocardial

in9arction4 or sometimes aortic dissection

1tearing o9 the inner wall o9 the aorta

1Breathlessness cough and the

expectoration o9 lood1stained sputum are

characteristic signs o9 pulmonary edemathe swelling o9 lung tissue due to le9t

ventricular 9ailure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3567

1inaility o9 the le9t ventricle o9 the

heart to adeuately pump lood

9rom the lungs into the arterial


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3667

In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3767

Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3867



coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3967


9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4067


he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4167


outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4267

Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4367


0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4467

maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4567

Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4667


+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4767

Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4867

Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4967


treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5167

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5267

yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Page 27: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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here is some evidence that supports a

hypothesis that the primary fault in the

pathophysiology of hypertension is adefect in the

calcium binding of the plasma membrane of

the cells of a pressureregulating center inthe nervous system

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2867

+) Secondary ypertension+) Secondary ypertension

Renal hese account for over 4 of the cases ofsecondary hypertension he common causes arediabetic nephropathy chronic glomerulonephritisadult polycystic disease chronic tubulointerstitialnephritis and renovascular disease

Endocrinal hese include 9onns syndrome adrenal hyperplasia


2haeochromocytoma 9ushings syndromerugs and toxins Pregnancy1induced hypertension

ampascular coarctation of aorta vasculitis


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2967


Hypertension in neonates is rare occurring inaround 06 to gt o9 neonates

lood pressure is not measured routinely in the

healthy newornHypertension is more common in high ris


variety o9 9actors such as gestational age

postconceptional age and irth weight needs to

e taen into account when deciding i9 a lood

pressure is normal in a neonate

Hypertensie crises

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3067

Hypertensie crises

7everely elevated blood pressure e(ual toor greater than a systolic +4 or diastolic of++ H sometime termed malignant oraccelerated hypertension) is referred to as a

hypertensive crisis as blood pressuresabove these levels are ampnown to confer ahigh risamp of complications

2eople with blood pressures in this rangemay have no symptoms but are more liampelyto report headaches 33 of cases)and diCCiness than the general population

th t i

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3167

ther symptoms accompanying a

hypertensive crisis may include

+visual deterioration

3breathlessness due to heart failure

general feeling of malaise due to renal

failure0ost people with a hypertensive crisis are

ampnown to have elevated blood pressure but

additional triggers may have led to a sudden


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3267

eergency hypertensivemalignant hypertension is diagnosed

when there is evidence of + direct damage to one or more organs as a

result of the severely elevated blood pressure

+his may includehypertensive encephalopathy caused by brain swelling and dysfunction

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3367

characteriCed by


altered level of consciousness

confusion or drowsiness)etinal papilloedema

fundal hemorrhages

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3467

1exudates are another sign o9 target organ


1Chest pain may indicate heart muscle

damage 3which may progress to myocardial

in9arction4 or sometimes aortic dissection

1tearing o9 the inner wall o9 the aorta

1Breathlessness cough and the

expectoration o9 lood1stained sputum are

characteristic signs o9 pulmonary edemathe swelling o9 lung tissue due to le9t

ventricular 9ailure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3567

1inaility o9 the le9t ventricle o9 the

heart to adeuately pump lood

9rom the lungs into the arterial


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3667

In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3767

Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3867



coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3967


9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4067


he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4167


outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4267

Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4367


0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4467

maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4567

Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4667


+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4767

Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4867

Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4967


treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5167

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5267

yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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Page 28: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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+) Secondary ypertension+) Secondary ypertension

Renal hese account for over 4 of the cases ofsecondary hypertension he common causes arediabetic nephropathy chronic glomerulonephritisadult polycystic disease chronic tubulointerstitialnephritis and renovascular disease

Endocrinal hese include 9onns syndrome adrenal hyperplasia


2haeochromocytoma 9ushings syndromerugs and toxins Pregnancy1induced hypertension

ampascular coarctation of aorta vasculitis


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2967


Hypertension in neonates is rare occurring inaround 06 to gt o9 neonates

lood pressure is not measured routinely in the

healthy newornHypertension is more common in high ris


variety o9 9actors such as gestational age

postconceptional age and irth weight needs to

e taen into account when deciding i9 a lood

pressure is normal in a neonate

Hypertensie crises

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3067

Hypertensie crises

7everely elevated blood pressure e(ual toor greater than a systolic +4 or diastolic of++ H sometime termed malignant oraccelerated hypertension) is referred to as a

hypertensive crisis as blood pressuresabove these levels are ampnown to confer ahigh risamp of complications

2eople with blood pressures in this rangemay have no symptoms but are more liampelyto report headaches 33 of cases)and diCCiness than the general population

th t i

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3167

ther symptoms accompanying a

hypertensive crisis may include

+visual deterioration

3breathlessness due to heart failure

general feeling of malaise due to renal

failure0ost people with a hypertensive crisis are

ampnown to have elevated blood pressure but

additional triggers may have led to a sudden


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3267

eergency hypertensivemalignant hypertension is diagnosed

when there is evidence of + direct damage to one or more organs as a

result of the severely elevated blood pressure

+his may includehypertensive encephalopathy caused by brain swelling and dysfunction

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3367

characteriCed by


altered level of consciousness

confusion or drowsiness)etinal papilloedema

fundal hemorrhages

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3467

1exudates are another sign o9 target organ


1Chest pain may indicate heart muscle

damage 3which may progress to myocardial

in9arction4 or sometimes aortic dissection

1tearing o9 the inner wall o9 the aorta

1Breathlessness cough and the

expectoration o9 lood1stained sputum are

characteristic signs o9 pulmonary edemathe swelling o9 lung tissue due to le9t

ventricular 9ailure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3567

1inaility o9 the le9t ventricle o9 the

heart to adeuately pump lood

9rom the lungs into the arterial


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3667

In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3767

Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3867



coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3967


9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4067


he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4167


outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4267

Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4367


0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4467

maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4567

Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4667


+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4767

Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4867

Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4967


treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5167

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5267

yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 29: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 2967


Hypertension in neonates is rare occurring inaround 06 to gt o9 neonates

lood pressure is not measured routinely in the

healthy newornHypertension is more common in high ris


variety o9 9actors such as gestational age

postconceptional age and irth weight needs to

e taen into account when deciding i9 a lood

pressure is normal in a neonate

Hypertensie crises

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3067

Hypertensie crises

7everely elevated blood pressure e(ual toor greater than a systolic +4 or diastolic of++ H sometime termed malignant oraccelerated hypertension) is referred to as a

hypertensive crisis as blood pressuresabove these levels are ampnown to confer ahigh risamp of complications

2eople with blood pressures in this rangemay have no symptoms but are more liampelyto report headaches 33 of cases)and diCCiness than the general population

th t i

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3167

ther symptoms accompanying a

hypertensive crisis may include

+visual deterioration

3breathlessness due to heart failure

general feeling of malaise due to renal

failure0ost people with a hypertensive crisis are

ampnown to have elevated blood pressure but

additional triggers may have led to a sudden


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3267

eergency hypertensivemalignant hypertension is diagnosed

when there is evidence of + direct damage to one or more organs as a

result of the severely elevated blood pressure

+his may includehypertensive encephalopathy caused by brain swelling and dysfunction

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3367

characteriCed by


altered level of consciousness

confusion or drowsiness)etinal papilloedema

fundal hemorrhages

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3467

1exudates are another sign o9 target organ


1Chest pain may indicate heart muscle

damage 3which may progress to myocardial

in9arction4 or sometimes aortic dissection

1tearing o9 the inner wall o9 the aorta

1Breathlessness cough and the

expectoration o9 lood1stained sputum are

characteristic signs o9 pulmonary edemathe swelling o9 lung tissue due to le9t

ventricular 9ailure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3567

1inaility o9 the le9t ventricle o9 the

heart to adeuately pump lood

9rom the lungs into the arterial


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3667

In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3767

Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3867



coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3967


9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4067


he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4167


outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4267

Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4367


0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4467

maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4567

Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4667


+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4767

Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4867

Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4967


treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5167

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5267

yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 30: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3067

Hypertensie crises

7everely elevated blood pressure e(ual toor greater than a systolic +4 or diastolic of++ H sometime termed malignant oraccelerated hypertension) is referred to as a

hypertensive crisis as blood pressuresabove these levels are ampnown to confer ahigh risamp of complications

2eople with blood pressures in this rangemay have no symptoms but are more liampelyto report headaches 33 of cases)and diCCiness than the general population

th t i

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3167

ther symptoms accompanying a

hypertensive crisis may include

+visual deterioration

3breathlessness due to heart failure

general feeling of malaise due to renal

failure0ost people with a hypertensive crisis are

ampnown to have elevated blood pressure but

additional triggers may have led to a sudden


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3267

eergency hypertensivemalignant hypertension is diagnosed

when there is evidence of + direct damage to one or more organs as a

result of the severely elevated blood pressure

+his may includehypertensive encephalopathy caused by brain swelling and dysfunction

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3367

characteriCed by


altered level of consciousness

confusion or drowsiness)etinal papilloedema

fundal hemorrhages

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3467

1exudates are another sign o9 target organ


1Chest pain may indicate heart muscle

damage 3which may progress to myocardial

in9arction4 or sometimes aortic dissection

1tearing o9 the inner wall o9 the aorta

1Breathlessness cough and the

expectoration o9 lood1stained sputum are

characteristic signs o9 pulmonary edemathe swelling o9 lung tissue due to le9t

ventricular 9ailure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3567

1inaility o9 the le9t ventricle o9 the

heart to adeuately pump lood

9rom the lungs into the arterial


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3667

In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3767

Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3867



coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3967


9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4067


he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4167


outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4267

Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4367


0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4467

maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4567

Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4667


+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4767

Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4867

Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4967


treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5167

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5267

yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 31: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

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ther symptoms accompanying a

hypertensive crisis may include

+visual deterioration

3breathlessness due to heart failure

general feeling of malaise due to renal

failure0ost people with a hypertensive crisis are

ampnown to have elevated blood pressure but

additional triggers may have led to a sudden


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3267

eergency hypertensivemalignant hypertension is diagnosed

when there is evidence of + direct damage to one or more organs as a

result of the severely elevated blood pressure

+his may includehypertensive encephalopathy caused by brain swelling and dysfunction

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3367

characteriCed by


altered level of consciousness

confusion or drowsiness)etinal papilloedema

fundal hemorrhages

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3467

1exudates are another sign o9 target organ


1Chest pain may indicate heart muscle

damage 3which may progress to myocardial

in9arction4 or sometimes aortic dissection

1tearing o9 the inner wall o9 the aorta

1Breathlessness cough and the

expectoration o9 lood1stained sputum are

characteristic signs o9 pulmonary edemathe swelling o9 lung tissue due to le9t

ventricular 9ailure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3567

1inaility o9 the le9t ventricle o9 the

heart to adeuately pump lood

9rom the lungs into the arterial


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3667

In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3767

Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3867



coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3967


9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4067


he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4167


outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4267

Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4367


0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4467

maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4567

Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4667


+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4767

Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4867

Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4967


treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5167

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5267

yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 32: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3267

eergency hypertensivemalignant hypertension is diagnosed

when there is evidence of + direct damage to one or more organs as a

result of the severely elevated blood pressure

+his may includehypertensive encephalopathy caused by brain swelling and dysfunction

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3367

characteriCed by


altered level of consciousness

confusion or drowsiness)etinal papilloedema

fundal hemorrhages

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3467

1exudates are another sign o9 target organ


1Chest pain may indicate heart muscle

damage 3which may progress to myocardial

in9arction4 or sometimes aortic dissection

1tearing o9 the inner wall o9 the aorta

1Breathlessness cough and the

expectoration o9 lood1stained sputum are

characteristic signs o9 pulmonary edemathe swelling o9 lung tissue due to le9t

ventricular 9ailure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3567

1inaility o9 the le9t ventricle o9 the

heart to adeuately pump lood

9rom the lungs into the arterial


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3667

In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3767

Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3867



coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3967


9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4067


he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4167


outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4267

Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4367


0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4467

maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4567

Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4667


+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4767

Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4867

Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4967


treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5167

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5267

yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 33: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3367

characteriCed by


altered level of consciousness

confusion or drowsiness)etinal papilloedema

fundal hemorrhages

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3467

1exudates are another sign o9 target organ


1Chest pain may indicate heart muscle

damage 3which may progress to myocardial

in9arction4 or sometimes aortic dissection

1tearing o9 the inner wall o9 the aorta

1Breathlessness cough and the

expectoration o9 lood1stained sputum are

characteristic signs o9 pulmonary edemathe swelling o9 lung tissue due to le9t

ventricular 9ailure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3567

1inaility o9 the le9t ventricle o9 the

heart to adeuately pump lood

9rom the lungs into the arterial


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3667

In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3767

Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3867



coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3967


9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4067


he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4167


outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4267

Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4367


0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4467

maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4567

Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4667


+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4767

Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4867

Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4967


treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5167

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5267

yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 34: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3467

1exudates are another sign o9 target organ


1Chest pain may indicate heart muscle

damage 3which may progress to myocardial

in9arction4 or sometimes aortic dissection

1tearing o9 the inner wall o9 the aorta

1Breathlessness cough and the

expectoration o9 lood1stained sputum are

characteristic signs o9 pulmonary edemathe swelling o9 lung tissue due to le9t

ventricular 9ailure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3567

1inaility o9 the le9t ventricle o9 the

heart to adeuately pump lood

9rom the lungs into the arterial


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3667

In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3767

Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3867



coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3967


9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4067


he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4167


outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4267

Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4367


0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4467

maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4567

Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4667


+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4767

Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4867

Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4967


treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5167

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5267

yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 35: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3567

1inaility o9 the le9t ventricle o9 the

heart to adeuately pump lood

9rom the lungs into the arterial


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3667

In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3767

Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3867



coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3967


9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4067


he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4167


outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4267

Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4367


0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4467

maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4567

Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4667


+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4767

Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4867

Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4967


treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5167

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5267

yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 36: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3667

In pregnancy

Hypertension occurs in approximately 10gt o9pregnancies

ost women with hypertension in pregnancyhave pre1existing primary hypertension uthigh lood pressure in pregnancy may e

the 9irst sign o9 pre1eclampsia a seriouscondition o9 the second hal9 o9 pregnancy andpuerperium

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3767

Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3867



coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3967


9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4067


he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4167


outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4267

Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4367


0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4467

maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4567

Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4667


+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4767

Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4867

Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4967


treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5167

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5267

yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 37: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3767

Pre1eclampsia is characterised yincreased lood pressurethe presence o9 protein in the urineIt occurs in about $ of pregnancies and is

responsible for approximately + of all

maternal deaths globally2reeclampsia also doubles the risamp of

perinatal mortality Jsually there are no symptoms in pre

eclampsia and it is detected by routinescreening

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3867



coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3967


9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4067


he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4167


outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4267

Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4367


0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4467

maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4567

Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4667


+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4767

Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4867

Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4967


treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5167

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5267

yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 38: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3867



coronary artery disease

are the most commoncauses o9 death

although hypertensive

patients are also prone

to renal 9ailureperipheral vascular



892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3967


9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4067


he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4167


outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4267

Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4367


0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4467

maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4567

Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4667


+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4767

Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4867

Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4967


treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5167

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5267

yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 39: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 3967


9lassification of blood pressure levelsaccording to the British -ypertension 7ociety)

9ategory 7ystolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

ptimal K +3 K 4

ormal K + K 4$-igh normal ++ 4$4


Grade I mild) ++$

Grade 3 moderate) ++L ++Grade severe) M+4 M++

Asolated systolic hypertension

Grade + ++ K

Grade 3 M+ K


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4067


he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4167


outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4267

Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4367


0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4467

maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4567

Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4667


+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4767

Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4867

Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4967


treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5167

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5267

yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 40: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4067


he patient with mild hypertension is

usually asymptomatic

1ttacamps of sweating



-igher levels of blood pressure may be

associated with epitasis or nocturnalBreathlessness may be present owing to left

ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac failure


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4167


outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4267

Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4367


0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4467

maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4567

Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4667


+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4767

Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4867

Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4967


treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5167

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5267

yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 41: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4167


outine investigation of the hypertensive

patient should include

E9GJrine stix test for protein and blood

asting blood for lipids total and high

density lipoprotein cholesterol) and glucose7erum urea creatinine and electrolytes

I ti ti f l t dI ti ti f l t d

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4267

Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4367


0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4467

maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4567

Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4667


+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4767

Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4867

Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4967


treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5167

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5267

yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 42: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4267

Inestigation of selected casesInestigation of selected cases

9hest Nray

1mbulatory B2 recording


enal ultrasound

enal angiography

Jrinary catecholamines

Jrinary cortisol and dexamethasonesuppression test

2lasma renin activity and aldosterone


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4367


0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4467

maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4567

Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4667


+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4767

Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4867

Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4967


treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5167

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5267

yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 43: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4367


0uch of the disease burden of high blood

pressure is experienced by people who arenot labelled as hypertensive

population strategies are re(uired to reducethe conse(uences of high blood pressureand reduce the need for antihypertensivedrug therapy

ifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure before starting drug therapy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4467

maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4567

Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4667


+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4767

Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4867

Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4967


treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5167

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5267

yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 44: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4467

maintain normal body weightfor adults eg body massindex 383$ ampgm3)

reduce dietary sodium intaampeto K+ mmol day K g of

sodium chloride or K3 g ofsodium per day)

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4567

Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4667


+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4767

Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4867

Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4967


treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5167

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5267

yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 45: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4567

Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisampwalamping M min per day most days of the weeamp)

limit alcohol consumption to no more than unitsday inmen and no more than 3 unitsday in women

consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables eg at leastfive portions per day)

Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood

pressure as much an individual antihypertensive drug 9ombinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can

achieve even better results

M t

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4667


+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4767

Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4867

Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4967


treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5167

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5267

yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 46: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4667


+i9estyle modi9ications includes

dietary changes physical exerciseweight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justifyimmediate use of medications lifestylechanges conjunction with medication

1ntiinflammatory approaches should be a promising strategy for treating bothhypertension and atherosclerosis

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4767

Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4867

Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4967


treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5167

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5267

yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 47: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4767

Different programs aimed to


psychological stresssuch as biofeedbacamp

relaxation or meditation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4867

Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4967


treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5167

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5267

yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 48: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4867

Dietary change such as a low sodium diet is

beneficial 1 long term more than weeamps)low sodium diet in

1lso the D17- diet a diet rich in nutswhole grains fish poultry fruits and


diet is also rich in potassium magnesium

calcium as well as protein

N l i lN l i l

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4967


treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5167

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5267

yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 49: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 4967


treatmenttreatment eight reduction 1 BA should e 6- gDm6+ow19at and saturated 9at diet+ow1sodium diet 1 7 g sodium chloride per day+imited alcohol consumption 1 6 unitsDwee 9or

men and 5 unitsDwee 9or women eating plan which is rich in potassium and

calcium Chronic intae o9 diets rich in pomace olive oil

improves endothelial dys9unction in spontaneouslyhypertensive

iets rich in 9ruits and vegetales reduce loodpressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5167

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5267

yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 50: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5067

Dynamic exercise 8

1t least minutes brisamp walamp per day

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption

educe cardiovascular risamp by stopping

smoampingincreasing oily fish consumption

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5167

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5267

yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 51: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5167

Parmacological treatment sould beParmacological treatment sould be

based on te follo(ingbased on te follo(ing

lthe initiation o9 antihypertensive therapy insuFects with sustained systolic loodpressure 3BP4 G 70 mmHg or sustained

diastolic BP G 00 mmHg

An patients with diaetes mellitus theinitiation o9 antihypertensive drug therapyi9 systolic BP is sustained G 50 mmHg ordiastolic BP is sustained G 20 mmHg

An non1diaetic hypertensive suFects treatment goals BP

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5267

yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 52: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5267

yp F g50D- mmHg An some hypertensive suFects these levels maye di99icult to achieve

ost hypertensive patients will reuire a comination o9antihypertensive drugs to achieve the recommended targets

An most hypertensive patients therapy with statins and

aspirin to reduce the overall cardiovascular ris urden

lycaemic control should e optimied in diaetics 3Hc 8gt4

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 53: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5367

1ntihypertensive medications are not

effective for everyonecostly and result in adverse effects that

impair (uality of life and reduce adherence

0oreover abnormalities associated with

high B2 such as insulin resistance and

hyperlipidaemia may persist or may even be exacerbated by some antihypertensive


Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 54: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5467

Parmacological TreatmentParmacological Treatment

$everal classes o9 drugs are availale to treat

hypertension lthe usual are

3a4 CE inhiitors or ngiotensin receptor


34 Beta1locers

3c4 Calcium1channel locers

3d4 iuretics

3e4 Other drugs as I1locer direct

vasodilator or centrally acting drugs

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 55: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5567

Choice o9 antihypertensive


he choice of antihypertensive therapy is

usually dictated bycost convenience the response to treatment

and freedom of

side effects

Co morid conditions may have an

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 56: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5667


important in9luence on

initial drug selection eg

J1locer in angina

lthiaide diuretics and calcium

antagonists in elderly people

CE in heart 9ailure post A type

diaetic nephropathy

RBs in type 6 diaetic nephropathy

intolerance to CE

I1locer in enign prostatic hypertrophy

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 57: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5767

Aeroic e$ercises

eroic exercises may play an important

role in the treatment o9 lood pressure o9hypertensive individuals treated in the

long run

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 58: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5867


or many years physical inactivity has

been recogniCed as a risamp factor for

coronary heart disease 9-D) and mostrecommendations suggest regular physical

activity as a part of the strategy in

preventingreducing 9-D

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 59: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 5967

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the 9irst treatmentrecommended

to lower BP and improve cardiovascular health

lthe e99ect o9 physical activity on $BP and BPis uneual ith increased levels o9 activity

there is an almost linear increase in $BPwhereas BP tends to decrease

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 60: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6067

oderate1intensity 350K80gt ampO6 max4

aeroic exercise is associated with asigni9icant reduction o9 lood pressure in

hypertensive and normotensives

participants and in overweight as well as

normal1weight participants

reducing L

1regional sympathetic out9low61 total peripheral resistance

1 heart rate

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 61: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6167

1 exercise has een shown to augment

vagal tone endothelium1mediatedvasodilatation

1 insulin sensitivity and mood

1 and to lower cholestero

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 62: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6267

1Resistive exercise training has een shownto decrease $$ activity

1increase arore9lex sensitivity 3an index o9re9lex vagal control o9 the heart which

carries relevant patho physiological

1High intensity training may paradoxicallyincrease arterial sti99ness in healthy


An hypertension sympathetic activation

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 63: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6367

An hypertension sympathetic activation

represents a mechanism potentially

responsile 9or the day1night lood

pressure di99erence

evening exercise signi9icantly reduced the

nighttime lood pressure Arrespective o9a morning exercise period

nitric oxides release y moderate

exercises as a vasodilator on endotheliumcell o9 lood vessels that increases lood

9low while lowering lood pressure

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 64: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6467

ecreases in catecholamine and totalperipheral resistance

improved insulin sensitivity

and alterations in vasodilators and

vasoconstrictors are some o9 thepostulated explanations 9or the

antihypertensive e99ects o9 exercise

sympathy inhiition and enhanced vagalactivity

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 65: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6567

increase in diastolic blood pressure of more

than + mm-g during or after exercise

represents a coronary artery disease


892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 66: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6667


Hypertension is te commonest cause of maor morbidity

but less tan a uarter of patients are adeuately treated$

reduction in cardioascular disease mortality and

morbidity can be acieed troug improed treatment and

control of ypertension$

greater coice of drugs are aailable for ypertension

tan for oter cronic diseases$

Rational coice of single and combination drugs facilitated

by understanding teir effects on te renin system but

systematic trial and error may still be necessary$

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767

Page 67: 02 Systemic Hypertension

892019 02 Systemic Hypertension

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull02-systemic-hypertension 6767