0pin-1232.02 AIA

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  • 8/12/2019 0pin-1232.02 AIA


    8thApril, 2003



    The Executive- Cli!" BY HAND

    #$t$r Cli!" %eprt!e&t PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL

    A!eric& I&ter&ti$&l A""ur&ce C$ Lt'

    Level 25, #e&r AIA

    (( Jl& A!p&)

    50*50 +ul Lu!pur Attn : Cik Noor Anita Ibrahim

    %er ir"

    Re Accidnt on !"##"#$$$ in%o%in' m(%an No" )*+ !$!! and m(%an No" CAB


    Trmroh +a'i.trat/. Co0rt 10mmon. No" 2-34,35665


    e reer t$ the $vecpti$&e' !tter hich i" ixe' $r heri&) $& the 29th of April, 2003 &'

    ppe&' hereel$ $ur vie" $r $ur c$&"i'erti$&.


    The "uect !tter $ the $ve"tte' cti$& i" & cci'e&t hich $ccurre' $& 5.11.2002 l$&)

    Jl& 6e"r Je&)7 1*, Je&)7 Ph&) &' i&v$lve' $ur i&"ure' !$t$rv& $. 9# 5(55

    'rive& $ur i&"ure':" 'river, ;ri i& Tu''i& &' !$t$rv& $. CA6 *3(( 'rive& the

    Cli!&t. It i" c$!!$& )r$u&' tht $th $ur i&"ure' &' the Cli!&t " trvelli&) i& the

    $pp$"ite 'irecti$& $ ech $ther. Acc$r'i&) t$ the p$lice rep$rt l$')e' $ur i&"ure':" 'river,

    he "tte" tht t the !teril 'te, he " 'rivi&) the i&"ure' !$t$rv& t$r' hi" h$u"e i& Je&)7.

    he& he reche' Jl& 6e"r Je&)7, !$t$rccle " trvelli&) i& r$&t $ the i&"ure':"


  • 8/12/2019 0pin-1232.02 AIA


    uic7l pplie' the r7e" i& $r'er t$ v$i' c$lli'i&)

    i&t$ the rer $ the le'i&) !$t$rccle. A" c$&"e>ue&ce $ $ur i&"ure':" 'river:" tte!pt t$

    v$i' & cci'e&t ith the le'i&) !$t$rccle, he l$"t c$&tr$l $ the i&"ure' !$t$rv& &'

    c$lli'e' i&t$ the Cli!&t $& the $pp$"ite "i'e $ the r$'. 9ive& the $ve circu!"t&ce", e re

    $ the vie tht the C$urt $ul' i& ll li7elih$$' i&' $ur i&"ure':" 'river "$lel t$ e l!e' $r

    the cci'e&t " he h' 'ut t$ 7eep "e 'i"t&ce t the rer he& $ll$i&) &$ther

    !$t$rvehicle. $ c$&triut$r &e)li)e&ce i" ttriutle t$ the Cli!&t " he " c$!i&) r$!the $pp$"ite 'irecti$& &' $ul' &$t hve h' e&$u)h ti!e t$ rect he& $ur i&"ure' !$t$rcr

    l$"t c$&tr$l &' e&cr$che' i&t$ the Cli!&t:" pth $ trvel. Thu", the i&"urer" $ul' hve t$

    prepre !eeti&) the i&"t&t cli! i& ull.

    64 78ANT8+

    The cli! i" $r the u"ul he'" $ '!)e" hich "hll e 'elt ith i&'ivi'ull $r the "7e $

    clrit.i4 *nra dama'. 9or ain and .099rin' and o.. o9 amniti.

    The Cli!&t:" i&urie" c$!pri"e' $ lcerte' $u&' t the r$&tl re)i$&,

    cererl c$&cu""i$& &' "$t ti""ue i&ur. ?vi&) t7e& i&t$ c$&"i'erti$& the

  • 8/12/2019 0pin-1232.02 AIA


    u"ul ct$r" i.e the Cli!&t:" )e &' curre&t r'" $r the"e tpe" $ i&urie",

    e >u&ti '!)e" u&'er thi" he' t$ e re)i$& $ R#5,000.00

    ;1 : 0b ?#$$!@ +D $, Ch0a Ch> Thiam %. Ho

    ?5666@ +D #6#4

  • 8/12/2019 0pin-1232.02 AIA


    $ul' hve ee& i&curre' i& the $r'i&r c$ur"e $ eve&t" &' $u)ht t$ e

    ll$e'. e rec$!!e&' "u! $ R# 50.00 t$ cter $r thi" ite!. e re &$t i&

    receipt & '$cu!e&t" "upp$rti&) the cli! u&'er ite!" 4 &' )4 &' e $ul'

    rec$!!e&' )i&"t ll$i&) the "!e t thi" u&cture. e re"erve the ri)ht t$

    'vi"e $u urther i& the eve&t "upp$rtive '$cu!e&t $r the cli! u&'er ite!" 4

    &' )4 re receive'. All$le '!)e" u&'er thi" he' $ul' he&ce t$tl R#

    153.00 $r " R# 150.00.


    e $ul' rec$!!e&' "ettle!e&t $ the $vecpti$&e' !tter t R# 5,000.00 &' the u"ul 10

    " )ree' c$"t". All relev&t '$cu!e&t" re e&cl$"e' hereith $r $ur peru"l &' rete&ti$&.

    +i&'l let u" hve $ur i&"tructi$&" vi"-B-vi" "ettle!e&t $ the $ve !tter "$$&e"t p$""ile.