1 Amazon Web Services: Fueling Innovation and Entrepreneurship SOA Web Services Edge 2006 Jeff Barr Web Services Evangelist Amazon Web Services [email protected]

1 Amazon Web Services: Fueling Innovation and Entrepreneurship SOA Web Services Edge 2006 Jeff Barr Web Services Evangelist Amazon Web Services [email protected]

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Page 1: 1 Amazon Web Services: Fueling Innovation and Entrepreneurship SOA Web Services Edge 2006 Jeff Barr Web Services Evangelist Amazon Web Services jbarr@amazon.com


Amazon Web Services:Fueling Innovation and

EntrepreneurshipSOA Web Services Edge 2006

Jeff Barr

Web Services Evangelist

Amazon Web Services

[email protected]

Page 2: 1 Amazon Web Services: Fueling Innovation and Entrepreneurship SOA Web Services Edge 2006 Jeff Barr Web Services Evangelist Amazon Web Services jbarr@amazon.com


Introduction & Background

> Software development background

> Veteran of several startups

> Visual Studio team at Microsoft

> Almost 4 Years with Amazon

> Amazon Web Services Developer Relations Team

Page 3: 1 Amazon Web Services: Fueling Innovation and Entrepreneurship SOA Web Services Edge 2006 Jeff Barr Web Services Evangelist Amazon Web Services jbarr@amazon.com


What Is Amazon?> Online Retailer

• US, UK, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, China

> Technology Consumer• Multi-National Web Sites• Vast Data Warehouses• World-Class Logistics

> Technology Provider• Amazon Associates• Marketplace Sellers• Software Developers

Page 4: 1 Amazon Web Services: Fueling Innovation and Entrepreneurship SOA Web Services Edge 2006 Jeff Barr Web Services Evangelist Amazon Web Services jbarr@amazon.com


The Web Services Concept

> The Programmable Web Site:

• Support for industry standards – HTTP, XML, SOAP, XSLT

• Remote access to data and functionality

• Decoupling of data and presentation

• Creation of a platform to attract software developers

• Vehicle to unlock developer creativity

• Means to leverage our technology investment

Page 5: 1 Amazon Web Services: Fueling Innovation and Entrepreneurship SOA Web Services Edge 2006 Jeff Barr Web Services Evangelist Amazon Web Services jbarr@amazon.com


What Is Amazon Web Services?

> APIs that give developers programmatic access to Amazon’s data and technology

• Building-block web services

• Web-scale infrastructure

• E-commerce capability

• Content, data, and information

• New business models

• Customer-created content

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AWS Product Family> Amazon Mechanical Turk

• Artificial Artificial Intelligence• Paid Internet-scale workforce

> AHP – Amazon Historical Pricing

• Data warehouse access for product pricing

> SQS – Simple Queue Service• IT building block

> Alexa Top Sites• Top sites by Alexa traffic rank

> AWIS – Alexa Web Information Service

• Data warehouse access for web crawl data

> AWSP – Alexa Web Search Platform• Roll your own search engine

> ECS – E-Commerce Service• Direct access to Amazon’s product catalog

> Amazon S3 – Simple Storage Service• Storage for the Internet

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AWS Business Models> Free – 1 call per second, send us traffic

• E-Commerce Service

> Monthly Fee

• Amazon Historical Pricing

> Usage / Resource Based

• Amazon S3, Alexa Services, Simple Queue Service, Amazon Mechanical Turk

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Amazon E-Commerce Service (ECS)

Complete access to the Amazon product catalog

• Rich data schema

• Millions of products

> Shopping cart & checkout

> Wishlists

> Revenue Model: Link to Amazon Associates program

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Successful ECS Applications

tvmojo.comtvmojo.com associate-o-matic.comassociate-o-matic.com

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Business Model: Click Sharing

Install Install on on


Developer’s Associate IDDeveloper’s Associate ID Site Operator’s Associate IDSite Operator’s Associate ID


10% to Developer10% to Developer

90% to Site Operator90% to Site Operator

Associates CommissionsAssociates Commissions

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Alexa Web Information Service

> Alexa Web Information Service

> Access to 300 TB of Alexa crawl data

> 10 billion web pages

> 5 functions:

• Crawl

• Search

• Url Info

• Category

• Web Map

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Alexa Web Search Platform> Build your own search engine!

> 3 Steps:• Specify pages to access within the 300TB archive.• Write parallelizable application to process these pages.• Publish results as XML feed or as web service.

> Pricing – everything costs $1:• 50 GB of data processing• 1 CPU Hour• 1 GB of data downloaded• 4000 web service requests

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Amazon S3Simple storage service

> Storage for the internet - web service to read and write data

> 15 cents per Gigabyte-Month to store data

> 20 cents per Gigabyte to access data

> Private and public storage

> Scalable, reliable, cost-effective, and simple!

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Amazon S3 Properties

> Web-scalable• Scale to support unlimited number of applications• Use scale to increase reliability

> Reliable – 99.99% availability• Managed replication• Self-repairing• Fast• “Take it for granted”

> Cost-effective• Pay for what you use – storage and bandwidth• Amazon datacenters with industry-leading operating costs• Expect hardware failures

> Simple• Built for use in any application• Focus on innovation, not figuring out storage

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Amazon S3 ApplicationsS3 ExplorerS3 Explorer filicio.usfilicio.us Jungle DiskJungle Disk

S3 Ajax WikiS3 Ajax Wiki Backup ManagerBackup Manager

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Amazon S3 Applications> Smug Mug

> Ookles

> Chicago Crime

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Amazon Mechanical Turk

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Man Versus Machine

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But Not Really

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Amazon Mechanical Turk

Provides Web Services API for computers to integrate human intelligence directly into their processing by making requests

of humans

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Put The Human In The Loopwhile (read (photo))


ContainsHuman = CallMechanicalTurk(photo);

if (ContainsHuman)

{    acceptPhoto(photo);  } else

{    rejectPhoto(photo); }


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How It Workswww.mturk.com


Artificial, Artificially

Intelligent Software


Human Intelligence Tasks (HITs)

Completed HITs

Worker Qualifications

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What This Means

For Software Developers

> Solves problem of building applications that until now have not worked well without human intelligence

For Businesses

> Efficiently, effectively and inexpensively complete millions of tasks that require human intelligence

> Previously unimaginable business ideas are now feasible

For Anyone

> Make money using the skills you already have whenever your schedule allows

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Sample Mechanical Turk Sample Mechanical Turk Business – Business – Casting Words

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> Podcast transcription service provider

> Transcribes audio into high-quality text

> Amazon Mechanical Turk

• Workers transcribe podcasts and index text within search engine

> Amazon S3

• Storing the podcasts and related files

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Summary Of Our Offering> 8 powerful and unique web services

> Commercial-use licenses

> Reasonable licensing terms

> 160,000-member developer community

> Bright future

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Page 35: 1 Amazon Web Services: Fueling Innovation and Entrepreneurship SOA Web Services Edge 2006 Jeff Barr Web Services Evangelist Amazon Web Services jbarr@amazon.com


Thanks!> Contact Info:

• Jeff Barr

• Web Services Evangelist

[email protected]

• http://aws.typepad.com