1 Introduction Lesson - Reading 3-15

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  • 8/3/2019 1 Introduction Lesson - Reading 3-15



  • 8/3/2019 1 Introduction Lesson - Reading 3-15


    My name is ________ and Im a 48-

    yr-old man with chronic renal failure.

    About 8 days ago, I underwent

    cadaveric renal transplant. Today I

    was told I developed pathologically

    elevated creatinine levels.

  • 8/3/2019 1 Introduction Lesson - Reading 3-15


    My name is ______ . Thing is, twenty-four

    hours after placement of a catheter, I

    developed fever and chills. Within 1 hour my

    systolic blood pressure fell 30 points and I

    developed swelling in my extremities and

    severe edema in my lungs, as demonstrated

    by chest x-ray. Despite valiant efforts by the

    hospital staff, I died a few hours later.

  • 8/3/2019 1 Introduction Lesson - Reading 3-15


    My name is _______ and Im a 32-year-old

    woman. I came to the emergency

    department because ofsudden blindness.

    They asked about my history, and I told

    them about my right leg giving out from

    time to time, causing me to have episodes

    ofweakness and falling.

    In this mornings MRI they pointed out

    that I had periventricular plaques.

  • 8/3/2019 1 Introduction Lesson - Reading 3-15


    My name is _________ and Im 23 years

    old. I came to my physician with a

    bacterial infection. He asked me about

    my history and I told him I have a history

    of recurrent bacterial, fungal and viral

    infections. My last blood test showed low

    levels of all my immune cells.

  • 8/3/2019 1 Introduction Lesson - Reading 3-15


    My name is ________ and Im a 12-year-old

    girl. I was brought to my pediatrician 3 monthsago by my mother because I had a fever. The

    physician noticed I had features of albinism

    and my mother stated that Ive always looked

    this way. The physician diagnosed

    staphylococcalinfection and gave meantibiotics.

    Now, Im back with streptococcalinfection.

    Apparently my medical records indicate that I

    have had repeated bouts ofstaphylococcaland

    streptococcalinfections for my entire life.

  • 8/3/2019 1 Introduction Lesson - Reading 3-15


    My name is _______ and Im 8 years old. I

    have cystic fibrosis. Although I do everything

    Im told to do by the grown-ups, my lungs

    keep getting infected with bacteria. Im not

    so much bothered by that, but more that theeffects of the infections are much stronger in

    my case than other children.

  • 8/3/2019 1 Introduction Lesson - Reading 3-15


    My name is ________ and Im a clinical

    researcher studying how to make vaccines

    more effective. I just combined an

    experimental vaccine, with Freunds

    complete adjuvant. By this I obtained

    enhanced vaccine potency.

  • 8/3/2019 1 Introduction Lesson - Reading 3-15


    My name is ________ and Im a 32-year-old man with Hodgkin's lymphoma. A

    month ago I underwent bone marrow

    transplantation, my brother was the donor.

    After transplantation I was put on a

    course ofimmunosuppressants and was

    monitored for immune cell blood content,

    with no apparent abnormal findings since.

    This week, they found out that I have

    developed an immune attack against my

    own intestine.

  • 8/3/2019 1 Introduction Lesson - Reading 3-15


    My name is _______ and I dont know

    how I ended up in Immunology class!

  • 8/3/2019 1 Introduction Lesson - Reading 3-15


    My name is ________ and Im a 12-

    year old boy from Haifa. I live on anti-

    allergy pills and if I ever forget to takethem, I really really really suffer.

    In fact, it doesnt even help me if Itake the pills after an attack had begun.

    We just moved to Arad and my life

    improved greatly!

  • 8/3/2019 1 Introduction Lesson - Reading 3-15


    My name is _________ and Im Dr. Lewis post-doc

    fellow. Despite Dr. Lewis plead, my family went on

    vacation last year, we went to Thailand. My daughters

    and son ran barefoot on the beach. They all came home

    with this:

    I will never go on

    vacation again! Instead

    I will work in Lewis lab

    all day long!

  • 8/3/2019 1 Introduction Lesson - Reading 3-15


    My name is _________ and Im a bottle of powder

    from smallpox lesions.

  • 8/3/2019 1 Introduction Lesson - Reading 3-15


    My name is _______ and I was just

    evacuated from my home to a safe-house

    because my husband hit me. I can still

    describe the last slap in the face, it hurt

    so bad! Turned red, swollen, immobile

    and warm. But after a while it returned to


  • 8/3/2019 1 Introduction Lesson - Reading 3-15


  • 8/3/2019 1 Introduction Lesson - Reading 3-15


    My name is ______ and Im a Neutrophil. Im

    also nicknamed PMN (for polymorphonuclear).

    When the kid with cystic fibrosis spoke I

    remembered how each infection he had, Irushed out from the blood stream as I was

    attractedto the inflamed area within minutes,

    crossing many barriers on the way.

    When I reached the damaged region, I spilled

    my content and also swallowed the bacteria!

  • 8/3/2019 1 Introduction Lesson - Reading 3-15


    My name is _______ and Im a Macrophage. I dontroam the blood, I actually sit inside tissues as a resident


    When I sense damage, I immediately turn very active

    and start to spread the word to other cells around me,

    causing damage, swallowing local elements and creating

    a lot of injury.

    I think my reputation should be rectified, ask me


  • 8/3/2019 1 Introduction Lesson - Reading 3-15


    My name is _______ and Im a T cell.

    My school is the thymus, thats where I learn to

    become what I am and also have to promise not to

    attack the body that I live in.

    While I myself can identify a single antigen, my

    friends and me altogether can target almost the

    entire universe of molecules!

    I hate immunosuppression!

  • 8/3/2019 1 Introduction Lesson - Reading 3-15


    My name is ______ and Im a B cell.

    I also have very specific taste in

    antigens like the T cell, in fact, I

    generate antibodies when called

    upon. But, I also uptake molecules

    from my surroundings and present

    them to T cells. When excited I turn

    huge and change my name to a

    plasma cell.

  • 8/3/2019 1 Introduction Lesson - Reading 3-15


    My name is ______ and Im a

    dendritic cell. I sit literally in every area

    and tissue of the body, scouting for

    molecules to uptake, carry with me and

    deliver them to T cells.

    If I do it when my surroundings are

    inflamed, the T cells will respond

    aggressively. Otherwise, things look quite

    differently! Ask me about Crohns


  • 8/3/2019 1 Introduction Lesson - Reading 3-15


    My name is ______ and Im a Lymph node.

    I collect vessels from distal locations, which

    contain lymphatic fluid and also dendritic cells.

    Inside, I allow these to engage with T cells

    and B cells.

    The fluid leaves by a single duct and

    eventually reaches the blood circulation.

    Me? I sit behind your knee, draining your

    foot to see what molecules your DCs collected.

  • 8/3/2019 1 Introduction Lesson - Reading 3-15


    My name is ______ and Im a protein in the Complement

    system. Not cells, not tissues, were just a group of

    circulating proteins that can start a cascade of cleavageevents from various triggers. Once activated, we can kill a

    cell, and we can attract cells to a damaged area.

  • 8/3/2019 1 Introduction Lesson - Reading 3-15


    My name is ______ and Im an

    Antibody. Also a protein. Im very

    specific about my target, which

    makes me a wonderful tool for


    The fun thing is, that my

    chromosomal DNA that makes-up

    my amino-acid sequence is not like

    the rest of the body! Weird ha!

  • 8/3/2019 1 Introduction Lesson - Reading 3-15


    My name is ______ and

    Im your bone marrow!

  • 8/3/2019 1 Introduction Lesson - Reading 3-15


    Skin? Immunology?

  • 8/3/2019 1 Introduction Lesson - Reading 3-15


    Who do we attack?

    Infectious? Non-infectious?


  • 8/3/2019 1 Introduction Lesson - Reading 3-15


  • 8/3/2019 1 Introduction Lesson - Reading 3-15


  • 8/3/2019 1 Introduction Lesson - Reading 3-15


    Is it a T cell disease?

    Is it a B cell disease?

    Is it both?

    Is it neither?

    Is it an inflammatory disease?

    Is it viral?

    Is it a toxin-related disease?

  • 8/3/2019 1 Introduction Lesson - Reading 3-15
