1 讲师:余思雅 21天搞定800+核心词 Unit10 vt. 维护,维持 e.g. The two countries have always maintained close relations. 两国一直保持着密切关系。 maintenance [ˈmeɪntənəns] n. 维持 e.g. the maintenance of international peace 维护国际和平 maintain [meɪn'teɪn] 频次8 vt. 处理,解决 频次8 e.g. The next meeting will address the problem of truancy. 下次会议将着手解决学生的逃课问题。 n. 地址 频次9 Do not write your address. 不要写出你的地址。 address [ə'dres] 频次17 n. 论据,理由 e.g. His strong arguments persuaded me to accept his conclusions. 他的强有力的论据说服了我,使我接受了他的结论。 argument ['ɑːgjʊm(ə)nt] 频次7

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第 1 页


21天搞定800+核心词 Unit10vt. 维护,维持

e.g. The two countries have always maintained close relations. 两国一直保持着密切关系。

maintenance [ˈmeɪntənəns]

n. 维持

e.g. the maintenance of international peace 维护国际和平

maintain [meɪn'teɪn] 频次8

vt. 处理,解决 频次8e.g. The next meeting will address the problem of truancy.


n. 地址 频次9Do not write your address. 不要写出你的地址。

address [ə'dres] 频次17

n. 论据,理由

e.g. His strong arguments persuaded me to accept his conclusions.他的强有力的论据说服了我,使我接受了他的结论。

argument ['ɑːgjʊm(ə)nt] 频次7

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adv. 容易地

e.g. Learning languages doesn’t come easily to him.学习语言对他来说不容易。

easily ['iːzɪlɪ] 频次6

n.日常饮食 频次6

e.g. to have a healthy, balanced diet 有健康和均衡的饮食

e.g. My diet is made up of rice and vegetables.我日常的饮食包括米饭和蔬菜。

diet ['daɪət] 频次6

n. 节食(没考过)

e.g. He is on a diet to reduce some weight.他正在节食以减轻体重。

dietary [ˈdaɪətəri] 频次1

adj. 饮食的

n. 必需品

e.g. A good book is a necessity when travelling.出门旅行时,一本好书是必不可少的。

necessary [ˈnesɪsərɪ] 频次6

adj. 必要的

e.g. Do you have the necessary skills for this job?你具备做这项工作所必需的技能吗?

unnecessary [ʌnˈnesəsəri] 频次2

adj. 不必要的

necessity [nɪ'sesətɪ] 频次5

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n. 抱怨

e.g. You have no cause for complaint.你没有理由抱怨。

complaint [kəm'pleɪnt] 频次5

vi. 相互作用〔影响〕

e.g. Mother and baby interact in a very complex way.母亲与婴儿以非常复杂的方式相互影响。

interaction [ɪntər'ækʃ(ə)n] 频次9


e.g. Price is determined through the interaction of demand and supply.价格在供需的相互作用中形成。

interact [ɪntər'ækt] 频次5

n. 环境

e.g. He was forced by the circumstances to do this.他做此事是为环境所迫。

e.g. He lives in poor circumstances.他生活在贫困的环境中。

circumstance [ˈsɜ:kəmstəns] 频次5

adj. 不可避免的

e.g. It was an inevitable consequence of the decision.那是这个决定的必然后果。

inevitable [ɪn'evɪtəb(ə)l] 频次5

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n. 军事

adj. 军事的

e.g. In some countries all the young men do a year's military service.有些国家,所有年轻男子都要服一年兵役。

military ['mɪlɪt(ə)rɪ] 频次5

n. 工程师

e.g. His dream is to become an engineer.他的梦想是将来成为一名工程师。

engine ['endʒɪn]

n. 引擎

engineering [ˌendʒɪˈnɪərɪŋ] 频次2 n.工程学

engineer [endʒɪ'nɪə] 频次5

① adj. 特定的 频次2

e.g. You have to finish the work within the given time.你们必须在规定时间内完成这项工作。

② prep. 鉴于 频次3

e.g. Given her interest in children, teaching seems the right job for her. 考虑到她喜欢孩子,教书看来是很适合她的工作。

given ['ɡɪvn] 频次5

n. 联系

e.g. There is no connection between them.他们之间没有什么关系。

connect [kə'nekt] 频次3

vi./vt. 把……联系起来

e.g. I was surprised to hear them mentioned together: I've never connected them before.听到有人把他们俩扯在一起,我感到很惊奇,我以前从未想到过他们之间有什么关系。

connection [kəˈnekʃn] 频次5

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disconnect [ˌdɪskəˈnekt] 频次1

vt. 使分离,使脱离

e.g. We’ve disconnected ourselves from living with fire. (2017年)

我们已经将自身生活与火灾的共存中脱离出来。 adj. (有关)历史的:通常涉及历史、史学、过去的事实

e.g. the historical background to the war 这次战争的历史背景

historically [hɪ'stɒrɪklɪ] 频次2

adv. 历史地

historical [hɪ'stɒrɪk(ə)l] 频次5

historic [hɪ'stɒrɪk] 频次1

adj. 历史上重要(或著名)的:通常用以表示有重要历史意义

e.g. a historic building/monument有历史意义的建筑/ 纪念碑

a historic occasion/decision/day/visit/victory 历史性的时刻/决定/日子/访问/胜利

① vt. 应用 频次3e.g. We should try to learn economic theory and apply it.


② vi. 申请 频次2e.g. I am applying for a fellowship.


apply [ə'plaɪ] 频次5

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application [ˌæplɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n] 频次3

n. 应用;申请

e.g. The manager received twenty applications for the post.经理收到了二十份求职申请书。

e.g. You can run several applications at the same time.你可以同时运行好几个应用程序。

vi. 出现

e.g. She finally emerged from her room at noon.中午,她终于从屋里出来了。

e.g. The truth emerged at last.真相终于大白了。

emerge [ɪ'mɜːdʒ] 频次5

emergency [ɪ'mɜːdʒ(ə)nsɪ] 频次1

n. 突发状况;紧急事件

e.g. the emergency exit 紧急出口

e.g. The government has declared a state of emergency following the earthquake. 地震发生后政府已宣布进入紧急状态。

① vt. 建立 频次4e.g. We have established trade ties with these regions.


② vt. 安置 频次1e.g. They established themselves in their new house.


establish [ɪ'stæblɪʃ] 频次5

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adj. 足够的

e.g. Individual efforts are far from sufficient.个人努力是远远不够的。

e.g. We must work hard, but equally we must get sufficient rest.我们必须努力工作,但同时也要有充分的休息。

insufficient [ˌɪnsəˈfɪʃnt] 频次1adj. 不充分的,不足的

sufficient [sə'fɪʃ(ə)nt] 频次5

vt. 获得

e.g. He failed to obtain a scholarship.他没有获得奖学金。

e.g. They obtained a loan from the government.他们从政府那里得到一笔贷款。

obtain [əb'teɪn] 频次4

n. 优势

e.g. The advantage of a good education is very great.受到良好教育的益处很大。

disadvantage [dɪsəd'vɑːntɪdʒ] 频次4

n. 劣势

e.g. If you don't speak good English, you'll be at a big disadvantage when you try to get a job.你要是英语讲得不好,找工作时就会处于非常不利的地位。

advantage [əd'vɑːntɪdʒ] 频次4 advantageous [ædvən'teɪdʒəs] 频次1

adj. 有利的

e.g. You're in a very advantageous position.你处于非常有利的地位。

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vt. 使……相信

e.g. Your argument is too weak to convince me.你的论点太薄弱了,说服不了我。

convince [kən'vɪns] 频次4convinced [kən'vɪnst]

adj. 确信的

e.g. I am convinced of his honesty.我对他的诚实深信不疑。

e.g. The boy is convinced that if he reads enough, he can explore as many career paths as he likes. 这个男孩坚信:如果他博览群书,那么他就可以按照自己的意愿


vt. 观察;注意到

e.g. She has observed the stars all her life.她一生都在观察星星。

e.g. He observed that it had suddenly grown much colder.他注意到天气突然冷了许多。

observe [əb'zɜːv] 频次4observer [əbˈzɜːvə(r)] 频次1

n. 观察者,观测者

observation [ɒbzə'veɪʃ(ə)n] 频次4

n. 观察(力)

e.g. She is a student of keen observation.她是一个观察力敏锐的学生。

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vt. 打算

e.g. I intend going to Beijing.我打算去北京。

intend [ɪn'tend] 频次4 intended [ɪn'tendɪd] 频次2

adj. 打算的,计划的

intended purpose 原来的目的

be intended to do/for (表目的)可用于

e.g. This book is intended for children. 这本书是为了儿童而写的。

unintended [ʌnɪn'tendɪd]

adj. 非故意的,非计划中的

vt. 承认

e.g. We hope you can acknowledge your mistake in public.希望你当众认错。

acknowledge [ək'nɒlɪdʒ] 频次4

① n. 担保,保证 频次1e.g. He put up his house as a guarantee.


② vt. 担保,保证 频次3e.g. I guarantee to fulfill the task.


guarantee [gær(ə)n'tiː] 频次4

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vt. 说明,阐明

e.g. This chart is used to illustrate all the changes.这张图片用来解释所有的变化。

illustration [ɪlə'streɪʃ(ə)n]

n. 示例

illustrative ['ɪləstrətɪv]

adj. 说明的,解释性的

illustrate ['ɪləstreɪt] 频次4

vt. 暗示

e.g. He indicated to me that we could never be good friends again.他向我暗示我们再也不可能成为好朋友了。

imply [ɪm'plaɪ] 频次3

vt. 暗示

e.g. His silence implied agreement.他沉默不语意味着同意了。

indicate ['ɪndɪkeɪt] 频次4

n. 比例

e.g. A large proportion of my time is spent in studying.我的大部分时间花在学习上。

percentage [pə'sentɪdʒ] 频次3

n. 百分比,比例

e.g. A high percentage of the female staff are part-time workers.女职员中,兼职工作的人占很高的比例。

proportion [prə'pɔːʃ(ə)n] 频次4

vt. 分配

e.g. Our teachers assign too much homework.我们老师布置的家庭作业太多了。

assignment [ə'saɪnm(ə)nt] 频次2

n. 作业,功课

assign [ə'saɪn] 频次4

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n. 预算

e.g. Congress has approved the new educational budget.国会通过了新的教育预算。

budget ['bʌdʒɪt] 频次4

n. 环境,背景

e.g. His decision can only be understood in context. 只有了解来龙去脉才能明白他的决定。

contextualize [kənˈtekstʃuəlaɪz] 频次1vt. 将…...置于背景中考虑

context ['kɒntekst] 频次4

adj. 民主的

e.g. a democratic country/system/government民主国家/系统/政府

democratic [demə'krætɪk] 频次4


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vi./vt. 比较,对比

e.g. We compared the two reports carefully. 我们仔细地比较了两个报告。

We carefully compared the first report with the second.我们仔细比较了第一份报告和第二份报告。

compare [kəmˈpeə(r)] 频次14 comparable [ˈkɒmpərəbl] 频次1adj. 类似的,比较的

e.g. The situation in the US is not directly comparable to that in the UK. 美国的情况与英国的不能直接相比。

comparative [kəmˈpærətɪv] adj. 比较的;相比的

e.g. a comparative study of the educational systems of two countries 两国教育制度的比较研究

comparison [kəmˈpærɪsn] n. 比较,对比

vi. 转换

e.g. She made the switch from full-time to part-time work when her first child was born. 第一个孩子出生后她就从全职工作改为兼职工作。

switch [swɪtʃ] 频次10

prep. 尽管

e.g. Despite applying for hundreds of jobs, he is still out of work.尽管他申请了数百个工作,但仍然在失业中。

despite [dɪˈspaɪt] 频次7

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vt. 忽视

e.g. I made a suggestion but they chose to ignore it. 我提了个建议,但他们不予理会。

同义替换 ≈ overlookneglectdisregard

ignore [ɪɡˈnɔː(r)] 频次7

vt. 认为;看待 频次4e.g. Her work is very highly regarded.


e.g. She is widely regarded as the current leader's natural successor. 人们普遍认为她是现任领导的当然继任者。

同义替换 ≈ consider

regard [rɪˈɡɑːd] 频次7

① n. 注意,关心 频次3e.g. He was driving without regard to speed limits.


② n. [pl.] (用于信函结尾或转达问候)致意,问候

With kind regards, Yours… 谨此致意,……敬上

regard [rɪˈɡɑːd] 频次7 with regard to sb./sth. in regard(s) to sb./sth. (formal) 关于;至于 频次3

concerning sb./sth. e.g. a country's laws in regard to human rights


regardless 频次2 adv. 不顾,不加理会

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n. (公司、组织的)收入,收益;(政府的)财政收入

e.g. A government's revenue and expenditure should be balanced.政府的财政收入和支出要平衡。

revenue ['revənjuː] 频次6

adj. 高级的,资深的

e.g. She was unfit for such a senior position.她不能胜任这样的高级职位。

e.g. He is a senior member of the committee.他是一名资深的委员。

senior ['siːniə(r)] 频次6

vt. 鼓励 频次3e.g. Her parents encouraged her in her studies.


vt. 促进 频次3e.g. Sunlight encourages the growth of green plants.


encouragement [ɪn'kʌrɪdʒmənt]

n. 鼓励 频次1e.g. Your encouragement made me more confident of my future.


encourage [ɪn'kʌrɪdʒ] 频次6

adj. 实践的,实用的

e.g. Your invention is not practical.你的发明不实用。

practicality [ˌpræktɪ'kæləti] 频次1n. 实用性

e.g. I'm not sure about the practicality of that suggestion.我还无法确定那个建议的可行性。

impractical [ɪm'præktɪkl] 频次2adj. 不切实际的;不实用的

practical [ˈpræktɪkl] 频次6

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vt. 认识到,了解 频次4

e.g. He didn't realize his mistake.他没有认识到他的错误。

e.g. A wise man realizes his limitations.人贵有自知之明。

realize/realise ['riːəlaɪz] 频次5

vt. 实现 频次1e.g. to realize the national dream 实现了民族梦想

e.g. She never realized her ambition of becoming a professional singer. 她从未能实现成为一名职业歌手的志向。

realize/realise ['riːəlaɪz] 频次5

① n. 积极的行动,倡议 频次3e.g. The Prime Minister’s initiative has much to commend it.


② n. (主观)能动性 频次2e.g. He’s got no initiative in his work.


initiative [ɪ'nɪʃətɪv] 频次5 initiate [ɪ'nɪʃieɪt]

vt. 开始,发起

e.g. They wanted to initiate a discussion on economics.他们想启动一次经济学讨论。

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n. 试验 频次4e.g. She agreed to employ me for a trial period.


vi./vt. 测试(能力、质量、性能等)(British English) 频次1

trail [treɪl] 频次1n. 踪迹

e.g. The wounded animal left a trail of blood behind it.受伤的动物在身后留下一道血迹。

trial [ˈtraɪəl] 频次5

n. 分散注意力的事;使人分心的事

e.g. I find it hard to work at home because there are too many distractions. 我发觉在家里工作很难,因为使人分心的事太多。

distract [dɪˈstrækt] 频次3vt. (使)分心

e.g. You're distracting me from my work. 你使我不能专心工作。

distraction [dɪˈstrækʃn] 频次5

n. 时间表,日程 频次2e.g. I'll work out the schedule.


vt. 安排 频次2e.g. The leader has scheduled another meeting with them.


e.g. The sale is scheduled for tomorrow.大减价定于明日举行。

schedule [ˈʃedjuːl] 频次4 <美> [ˈskedʒuːl]

① vt. 实现 频次1

e.g. to fulfil your dream/ambition/potential 实现梦想 / 抱负;发挥潜力

② vt. 使高兴;使满意

e.g. He needs a job that really fulfils me. 我需要一份真正令我感到满足的工作。

fulfill/fulfil [fʊl'fɪl] 频次1

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fulfillment / fulfilment [fʊlˈfɪlmənt] 频次4

n. 满足感,成就感;完成,履行

e.g. her search for personal fulfillment 她对个人成就的追求

e.g. Visiting Xi’an was the fulfillment of a childhood dream.游览西安实现了孩提时的一个梦想。

fulfilling adj.让人感觉有意义的;令人满足的 频次3

adj. 对各方都有益的,双赢的

e.g. This is a win-win situation all around. 这是一个各得其所的局面。

win-win [ˌwɪn ˈwɪn] 频次4

adj. 巨大的,极大的

e.g. The sight of such an enormous crowd astonished us.看到如此庞大的人群,我们惊讶万分。

enormously adv. 非常,极其 频次1

enormous [ɪ'nɔːməs] 频次4

n. 理想 频次3e.g. She 's looking for a job, but hasn't found her ideal yet.


adj. 理想的 频次1e.g. The ideal candidate will be an effective communicator.


idealize [aɪ'diə'laɪz] 频次1vt. 把……理想化

e.g. I warned you not to idealize me.我告诫过你不要把我理想化。

ideal [aɪ'dɪəl] 频次4

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vt. 产生

e.g. His business yields big profits.他的企业获利大。

e.g. Much thinking yields wisdom.多思出智慧。

yield [jiːld] 频次4

adj. 值得……的e.g. This book is worthy of reading.


e.g. A number of the reporter’s findings are worthy of note.这份报告里有些调查结果值得注意。

worth [wɜːθ]adj. 有……价值

e.g. How much is this painting worth?这幅画值多少钱?

worthy [ˈwəːði] 频次4

adj. 年度的

e.g. The firm has an annual turnover of $75 million.这家公司的年营业额为7500万美元。

annual ['ænjuəl] 频次4

vi./vt. 集中

e.g. The crowds concentrated round the palace.人群汇集在宫殿的四周。

e.g. I can't concentrate with all that noise going on. 吵闹声不绝于耳,我无法集中精神。

concentrate on 集中时间做某事 频次2e.g. You should concentrate on the road when you're driving.


concentrate ['kɒnsntreɪt] 频次4

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concentration [ˌkɒnsnˈtreɪʃn] 频次1n. 专心,集中

e.g. This book requires a great deal of concentration. 这本书需要全神贯注才能读懂。

adj. 当代的

e.g. contemporary fiction/music/dance 当代小说 / 音乐 / 舞蹈

life in contemporary Britain 当代英国的生活

contemporary [kən'temprəri] 频次4

n. 程序,手续

e.g. maintenance procedures 维修程序

e.g. What's the procedure for opening a savings account?开一个储蓄帐户有什么手续?

procedure [prə'siːdʒə(r)] 频次4

adv. 很少,罕见

e.g. He seldom eats breakfast.他很少吃早餐。

e.g. She seldom showed her feeling.她不常表露自己的情感。

seldom ['seldəm] 频次4

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同义替换:≈ rare [reə(r)] 频次2adj. 罕见的

e.g. Snow is rare in that country.雪在那个国家是罕见的。

rarely ['reəli]

adv. 很少,难得

e.g. She rarely went anywhere except to her office.她除了去办公室以外,很少去别的地方。

n. 试图,尝试

e.g. I passed my driving test at the third attempt.我第三次才通过了汽车驾驶员行驶执照的考试。

attempt [ə'tempt] 频次4

vt. 象征

e.g. The use of light and dark symbolizes good and evil. 用光明与黑暗来象征善与恶。

symbol [ˈsɪmbl] 频次1n. 代表

e.g. White has always been a symbol of purity in Western cultures. 在西方文化中,白色一向象征纯洁。

symbolise /symbolize [ˈsɪmbəlaɪz] 频次4

① vt. 低估

e.g. We underestimated the time it would take to get there. 我们低估了抵达那里所需的时间。

② n. 低估

e.g. a serious underestimate of harm to the environment对危害环境程度的严重低估

estimate [ˈestɪmət , ˈestɪmeɪt] 频次3vt. 估算

e.g. We estimated (that) it would cost about €5,000. 我们估计要花费大约5,000 欧元。

underestimate [ˌʌndərˈestɪmeɪt , ˌʌndərˈestɪmət] 频次4

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① vt. 题名 频次1e.g. He entitled the book Crime and Punishment.


② vt. 赋予权力 频次3e.g. He entitled us to enter his office at any time.


entitle [ɪn'taɪtl] 频次4

n. 协调化 (harmonization)e.g. The author accomplishes this harmonization through skillful plotting.


harmonize ['hɑːmənaɪz] 频次1(=harmonise) vi. /vt. 协调

harmonization [ˌhɑːmənaɪ'zeɪʃn] 频次3


21天搞定800+核心词 Unit12 n. 失败

e.g. All my efforts ended in failure. 我的一切努力最后都无济于事。

failure ['feɪljə(r)] 频次10

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adj. 许多的

e.g. Words can have multiple meanings.词汇可以有许多释义。

multiple ['mʌltɪpl] 频次7

adj. 敏感的

e.g. Take it easy. Don't be so sensitive. 放松点,别这么敏感。

insensitive [ɪn'sensətɪv] 频次1

adj. 不敏感的;(对他人的感受)未意识到的,漠不关心的

sensitive ['sensətɪv] 频次5

adj. 典型的,代表性的

e.g. This meal is typical of local cookery. 这是有当地风味的饭菜。

同义替换 ≈ representative [ˌreprɪ'zentətɪv]

typically ['tɪpɪkli] 频次1adv. 通常,一般

e.g. The factory typically produces 500 chairs a week. 这家工厂通常每周生产500把椅子。

typical ['tɪpɪkl] 频次5 stereotypical [ˌsteriə'tɪpɪkl] 频次2 adj. 老套的,陈旧的

e.g. stereotypical cartoon 老套的漫画

stereotype ['steriətaɪp] 频次4n. 老一套,刻板印象 频次3v. 对……形成模式化(或类型化)的看法 频次1同义替换:prejudice [ˈpredʒudɪs]

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答案句:Schools in the family of vocational education “have that stereotype...that it’s for kids who can’t make it academically,” he says.(2018 阅读理解A text1 )

22. There exists the prejudice that vocational education is for kids who . [A] have a stereotyped mind [B] have no career motivation [C] are financially disadvantaged [D] are not academically successful

n. 成见,偏见

e.g. a victim of racial prejudice 种族成见的受害者

同义替换 ≈ stereotype

prejudice ['predʒudɪs] 频次4

adj. 微妙的

e.g. Her whole attitude had undergone a subtle change.她的整个态度发生了微妙的变化。

substitute ['sʌbstɪtjuːt] 频次2vt. 代替

e.g. If you can not go yourself, please find someone to substitute you.你如果不能亲自去,请找人代替你。

subtle ['sʌtl] 频次4

n. 后悔,感到遗憾 频次2

e.g. I have no regrets about leaving Paris (= I do not feel sorry about it). 我一点也不后悔离开巴黎。

vt. 后悔,感到遗憾 频次2

e.g. If you don't do it now, you'll only regret it. 你如果现在不做,以后一定会后悔的。

regret [rɪ'ɡret] 频次4

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adj. 随机的,随意的 频次2 e.g. a random sample/selection


at random 随机,随意 频次1 e.g. Names were chosen at random from a list.


randomly ['rændəmli] 频次1 adv. 随机地

random ['rændəm] 频次3

vt. 改革,改善

e.g. The law needs to be reformed. 法律需要进行改革。

n. 改革,改善

e.g. the reform of the educational system 教育体制的改革

reform [rɪ'fɔːm] 频次4

vt. 导致,促使 频次3 e.g. The thought of her daughter's wedding day prompted her to lose some weight.


adj. 迅速的 频次1 e.g. In business, a prompt reply is imperative.


promptly ['prɒmptli] 频次1adv. 立即,迅速地

e.g. He went there promptly. 他连忙去那儿。

prompt [prɒmpt] 频次4

adj. 注册的,登记过的

e.g. The shares issued by a company may be registered shares or unregistered shares.公司发行的股票,可以为记名股票,也可以为无记名股票。

register ['redʒɪstə] 频次1vi./vt. 登记,注册

registered ['redʒɪstəd] 频次3

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vt. 力劝,敦促

e.g. She urged him to stay. 她力劝他留下。

urgent ['ɜːdʒənt] 频次4 adj. 急切的,紧急的

e.g. There is an urgent need for food and water. 现在亟需食物和水。

urgency ['ɜːdʒənsi] 频次3n. 紧迫,急迫

urge [ɜːdʒ] 频次3

adj. 最初的

e.g. Our original plan was to go to Spain, but it was too expensive.我们的最初计划是去西班牙,但是去那里太贵了。

original [ə'rɪdʒənl] 频次3

n. 选择(的自由)

e.g. I haven't much option in the matter.在这件事情上我无可选择。

choice [tʃɔɪs] 频次21n. 选择(权)

e.g. If I had the choice, I would stop working tomorrow. 如果让我选择,我明天就停止工作。

option ['ɒpʃn] 频次4 alternative [ɔːl'tɜːnətɪv] 频次1n. 指可供选择的事物、其中一种选择(多指两项选择)

e.g. You can be paid in cash weekly or by cheque monthly: those are the two alternatives. 你的工资可以按周以现金支取,或按月以支票支取。


possibility [ˌpɒsə'bɪləti] 频次5n. 指某种情况下可选择的事物(不一定要做出选择)

e.g. We need to explore a wide range of possibilities. 我们需要探究各种可能的情况。

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adj. 孤立的,隔离的

e.g. Elderly people easily become socially isolated. 上了年纪的人很容易变得与社会隔绝。

isolated ['aɪsəleɪtɪd] 频次3

adj. 漠不关心的

e.g. People have become indifferent to the suffering of others. 人们对别人的痛苦已经变得无动于衷。

indifferent [ɪn'dɪfrənt] 频次3

vt. 提出

e.g. to file a claim/complaint提出索赔 / 申诉

profile ['prəʊfaɪl] 频次3n. 形象

e.g. First, they collected profile photos from a dating website. 首先,他们从一个交友网站上收集了一些外形照片。

file [faɪl] 频次3

adj. 过多的

e.g. Excessive drinking is bad for the health.过度的饮酒有害健康。

excessive [ɪk'sesɪv] 频次3

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vt. 提升,提高

e.g. He made many efforts to enhance his reputation.他做了许多努力来提高他的声誉。

enhancement [ɪn'hɑːnsmənt] 频次1n. 提高,增强

enhancer [ɪn'hɑːnsə(r)] 频次2n. 增强者

enhance [ɪn'hɑːns] 频次3

vt. 拥抱

e.g. I will face all difficulties and embrace every challenge.我将面对所有的困难和每一个挑战。

vt. (欣然)接受 频次3e.g. She embraced my offer to go to the hospital.


e.g. embrace the ideas of 采纳……的想法

embrace [ɪm'breɪs] 频次3

adj. 理想的,期望的

e.g. My desire for a desirable house will come true in the near future.我要买一幢称心如意的房子的愿望在不久的将来将会实现。

desire [dɪ'zaɪə(r)] 频次4n. 愿望

e.g. I am filled with the desire to go back home.我心中充满了回家的渴望。

vt. 渴望

e.g. We all desire health and happiness.我们都渴望健康和幸福。

desirable [dɪˈzaɪərəbl] 频次4

adj. 有能力的,能胜任的

e.g. I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself, thank you. 谢谢,我完全有能力自己做。

e.g. She's a very capable teacher. 她是一位能力很强的教师。

incapable [ɪnˈkeɪpəbl] 频次1adj. 没有能力的

e.g. She seemed incapable of taking decisions.她似乎无法作出决定。

capable [ˈkeɪpəbl] 频次3

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vt. 重视

e.g. I attach great importance to this research. 我认为这项研究十分重要。

attach [ə'tætʃ] 频次3

vt. 加速,加快

e.g. Sunshine, fresh air, and rest often accelerate a person’s recovery from sickness. 阳光、新鲜空气以及休息往往可使病人尽快康复。

accelerate [ək'seləreɪt] 频次3

prep. 通过

e.g. I heard about the sale via Jane. 我从简那里听说了这次大减价。

via ['vaɪə] 频次3

adv. 不幸地,遗憾地

e.g. Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend the meeting. 真可惜我不能参加这次会议。

fortunately ['fɔːtʃənətli] 频次1adv. 幸运地

unfortunately [ʌn'fɔːtʃənətli] 频次3

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adv. 有点,稍微

e.g. I was somewhat surprised to see him. 见到他我颇感诧异。

somewhat ['sʌmwɒt] 频次3

vt. 抵抗,抵制

e.g. She says she will resist a single European currency being imposed.她说她会反对在欧洲推行单一货币。

resistant [rɪ'zɪstənt] 频次1adj. 抵抗的,抵制的

resistance [rɪ'zɪstəns] 频次2n. 抵抗,抵制

e.g. As with all new ideas it met with resistance. 和所有的新观念一样,它受到了抵制。

resist [rɪˈzɪst] 频次3

vt. 指出,认为

e.g. I reckon (that) I'm going to get that job. 我认为我会得到那份工作。

reckon ['rekən] 频次3

adj. 主要的

e.g. Our primary concern must be the children. 我们首先要关心的必须是儿童。

e.g. primary school 小学

primary ['praɪməri] 频次3

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adj. 必然的,符合逻辑的

e.g. logical mind 逻辑思维

e.g. It was a logical conclusion from the child's point of view. 从小孩的观点来看这是个合乎情理的结论。

logically ['lɒdʒɪkli] 频次1adv. 逻辑上,合乎逻辑

illogical [ɪ'lɒdʒɪkl] 频次1adj. 不合逻辑的

logical ['lɒdʒɪkl] 频次3

n. 法规

e.g. an important piece of legislation 一条重要的法规

legislation [ˌledʒɪs'leɪʃn] 频次3

vt. 突出,强调

e.g. The report highlights the major problems facing society today. 报告特别强调了当今社会所面临的主要问题。

highlight ['haɪlaɪt] 频次3

n. 等同物

e.g. Even the cheapest car costs the equivalent of 70 years’ salary for government worker. 即使是最便宜的汽车,价格也相当于一个公务员70年的薪水。

equivalent [ɪ'kwɪvələnt] 频次3

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adj. 关键性的,至关重要的

e.g. a crucial factor/issue/decision 关键性的因素 / 问题 / 决定

e.g. Parents play a crucial role in preparing their child for school. 父母对孩子做好上学的准备起着至关重要的作用。

crucial ['kruːʃl] 频次3


21天搞定800+核心词 Unit13

adv. 在其他方面,亦, 另 频次2e.g. I wanted to see him but he was otherwise engaged (= doing sth else).


adv. 否则,不然 频次2e.g. Shut the window, otherwise it'll get too cold in here.


完型填空 干扰项 频次3

otherwise [ˈʌðəwaɪz] 频次7

n. 车辆

e.g. motor vehicles (= cars, buses, lorries/trucks, etc.) 机动车辆

vehicle [ˈviːəkl] 频次6

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n. 表现

e.g. the country's economic performance 国家的经济状况

e.g. It was an impressive performance by the Chinese team. 那是中国队一次令人叹服的表现。

performance [pəˈfɔːməns] 频次5

n. 偏好,偏爱

e.g. It's a matter of personal preference. 那是个人的爱好问题。

reference [ˈrefrəns] n. 参考 频次2reference book 参考书

preference [ˈprefrəns] 频次5

n. 专业人员 频次1e.g. the terms that doctors and other health professionals use


adj. 职业的 频次4e.g. professional qualifications/skills

专业资格 / 技能

professional [prəˈfeʃənl] 频次5

vt. 延长,伸展

e.g. There are plans to extend the no-smoking area. 现已有扩大无烟区的计划。

extend [ɪkˈstend] 频次5

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adv. 几乎

e.g. to be virtually impossible 几乎是不可能的

e.g. This thing's virtually useless.这玩意儿几乎一点用也没有。

virtual [ˈvɜːtʃuəl] 频次2adj. 几乎……的;虚拟的

e.g. He married a virtual stranger. 他娶了一位几乎素不相识的女子。

e.g. Facebook and Google, the two virtual giants脸书(Facebook)和谷歌(Google)这两家虚拟的巨头

virtually [ˈvɜːtʃuəli] 频次4

vt. 意识到,承认

e.g. They recognized the need to take the problem seriously. 他们认识到需要严肃对待这个问题。

同义替换≈ acknowledge

recognize/-ise [ˈrekəɡnaɪz] 频次4

n. 创造,革新

e.g. an age of technological innovation 技术革新的时代

innovation [ˌɪnəˈveɪʃn] 频次4

vt. 忽视

e.g. She has neglected her studies. 她忽视了自己的学习。

neglect [nɪˈɡlekt] 频次4

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n. 干涉,干预

e.g. They resent foreign interference in the internal affairs of their country. 他们憎恶对他们国家内政的外来干涉。

interference [ˌɪntəˈfɪərəns] 频次4

adj. 相反

contrary to sth 与……相反

e.g. Contrary to popular belief, many cats dislike milk. 与普通的看法相反,许多猫不喜欢牛奶。

on the contrary 与此相反;恰恰相反

e.g. -‘It must have been terrible.’ - ‘On the contrary, I enjoyed every minute.’ -“那一定是很糟糕。”


contrary [ˈkɒntrəri] 频次3

n. (由众议院和参议院组成的)美国国会

e.g. Congress will vote on the proposals tomorrow. 国会明天将对提案进行投票表决。

Congress [ˈkɒŋɡres] 频次3

n. 智慧

e.g. a woman of great wisdom 才女

e.g. words of wisdom 至理名言

wise [waɪz] 频次2adj. 明智的

e.g. You're a wise old man: tell me what to do. 您是位睿智的长者:告诉我该怎么办。

wisdom [ˈwɪzdəm] 频次3

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vt. 转变

e.g. Solar energy can be transformed into power. 太阳能可以转化为能量。

transform one’s thought processes同义替换 ≈ remodel the way of thinking

transformer [trænsˈfɔːmə(r)] 频次2n. 变压器

transform [trænsˈfɔːm] 频次3

vi./vt. 集合,召集

e.g. All the students were asked to assemble in the main hall. 全体学生获通知到大礼堂集合。

assemble [əˈsembl] 频次3

n. 偏见

e.g. He has a bias against Japanese products.他讨厌日本的产品。

biased [ˈbaɪəst] 频次4adj. 有偏见的

e.g. a biased report 有偏见的报道

unbiased [ʌnˈbaɪəst] 频次1adj. 公正的,没有偏见的

e.g. The witness is unbiased and so reliable.那个证人公正,且是可靠的。

bias [ˈbaɪəs] 频次3

adj. 基本的,根本的

e.g. Fresh air is fundamental to good health.新鲜空气对健康是不可缺少的。

fundamentally [ˌfʌndəˈmentəli] 频次2adv. 从根本上;基本地

e.g. Fundamentally, there are two different approaches to the problem.从根本上说,这个问题有两种不同的处理方法。

fundamental [ˌfʌndəˈmentl] 频次3

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vi. 繁荣,兴旺

e.g. A business cannot thrive without good management.管理不善的企业不可能兴盛。

thrive [θraɪv] 频次3

n. 特权 频次1e.g. Education should be a universal right and not a privilege.


vt. 给予特权 频次2e.g. We want to privilege them because without the top graduate

students, we can't remain a top university.我们希望给予这些最顶尖的研究生特别照顾,因为没有他们,


privilege [ˈprɪvəlɪdʒ] 频次3

adv. 主要的,一般

e.g. They have mostly invested their money in expensive real estate. 他们已把钱主要投资到昂贵的房地产业了。

mostly [ˈməʊstli] 频次3

adj. 智力的

e.g. intellectual curiosity 求知欲

intellectual [ˌɪntəˈlektʃuəl] 频次3

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vi. 消失

e.g. The plane disappeared behind a cloud. 飞机消失在云层里。

disappearance [ˌdɪsəˈpɪərəns] 频次2n. 消失

disappear [ˌdɪsəˈpɪə(r)] 频次4

vt. 实施,组织

e.g. to conduct an experiment/an inquiry/a survey 进行实验 / 询问 / 调查

e.g. The negotiations have been conducted in a positive manner. 已积极进行过谈判。

conduct [kənˈdʌkt , ˈkɒndʌkt] 频次6

n. 补偿/赔偿(物/金)

e.g. He received one year's salary as compensation for loss of office.他得到一年的工资作为失业补偿金。

compensation [ˌkɒmpenˈseɪʃn] 频次3

n. 出价 频次2

e.g. At the auction (= a public sale where things are sold to the person who offers most),

the highest bid for the picture was £200.


n. 努力争取 频次1 bidder [ˈbɪdə(r)] n. 投标人 频次1

e.g. a bid for power


e.g. Peking's successful bid for the 2008 Olympic Games


bid [bɪd] 频次3

n. 出价 频次2

e.g. At the auction (= a public sale where things are sold to the person who offers most),

the highest bid for the picture was £200.


n. 努力争取 频次1 bidder [ˈbɪdə(r)] n. 投标人 频次1

e.g. a bid for power


e.g. Peking's successful bid for the 2008 Olympic Games


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n. 机制

e.g. When a person is ill, the body's natural defence mechanisms come into operation.生病时,人体内的自然防御机制就会开始工作。

mechanism [ˈmekənɪzəm] 频次3

n. 接触

e.g. eye contact 眼神接触

e.g. His fingers were briefly in contact with the ball. 他的手指稍稍地接触了一下球。

contact [ˈkɒntækt] 频次3

n. 气体;天然气

e.g. Air is a mixture of gases. 空气为混合气体。

e.g. greenhouse gases 温室气体

fossil fuels [ˈfɒsl fjuːəl] n. 化学染料(如煤或汽油)

petrol [ˈpetrəl] n.汽油

gasoline [ˈɡæsəliːn] n. 汽油

gas [ɡæs] 频次3

n. 结构

e.g. changes in the social and economic structure of society 一个社会在社会结构和经济结构上的变化

e.g. the structure of the building 这座建筑物的结构

structured [ˈstrʌktʃəd] adj. 系统的

e.g. We have introduced a more structured training programme. 我们已经推出了一门更系统的培训课程。

structure [ˈstrʌktʃə(r)] 频次3

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adv. 直接地

e.g. He drove her directly to her hotel. 他驾车直接把她送到了她下榻的旅馆。

direct [dəˈrekt] 频次1vt. 把…对准(某方向或某人)e.g. Most of his anger was directed against himself.


directly [dəˈrektli] 频次3

n. 量

e.g. This work has grown in volume recently. 这项工作的量最近增加了。

volume [ˈvɒljuːm] 频次3

adj. 中等的

e.g. students of moderate ability 能力一般的学生

e.g. moderate salary 一般的/中等的工资

moderately [ˈmɒdərətli] 频次1adv. 一般地

e.g. She only did moderately well in the exam. 她这次考试成绩还好。

moderate [ˈmɒdərət , ˈmɒdəreɪt] 频次3

adv. 极其,极端

e.g. She found it extremely difficult to get a job. 她发觉找工作极其困难。

extreme [ɪkˈstriːm] 频次3adj. 极端的

e.g. We are working under extreme pressure at the moment. 目前我们正在极大的压力下工作。

extremely [ɪkˈstriːmli] 频次3

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adj. 过分的,过度的

e.g. They complained about the excessive noise coming from the upstairs flat. 他们抱怨楼上发出的噪音太大。

excess [ɪkˈses , ˈekses] n. 超过,过分

excessive [ɪkˈsesɪv] 频次3

n. 看法,评估

e.g. his assessment of the situation 他对形势的看法

assess [əˈses] 频次3vt. 评估,评价

e.g. It's difficult to assess the effects of these changes. 这些变化带来的效果难以评估。

assessment [əˈsesmənt] 频次3

adv. 看来,显然

e.g. He paused, apparently lost in thought. 他停顿下来,显然陷入了沉思。

apparent [əˈpærənt] 频次2adj. 显而易见的

e.g. It was apparent from her face that she was really upset. 从面容上一眼就可以看出她确实心绪烦乱。

apparently [əˈpærəntli] 频次3

adv. 显然,显而易见

e.g. Diet and exercise are obviously important. 显然,饮食和运动是重要的。

obvious [ˈɒbviəs] 频次3adj. 显然的

e.g. I know you don't like her but try not to make it so obvious. 我明白你不喜欢她,但是尽量别表露得那么明显。

obviously [ˈɒbviəsli] 频次3

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21天搞定800+核心词 Unit14n. 表演 频次1e.g. a firework display


vt. 展示 频次4e.g. The exhibition gives local artists an opportunity to display their work.


display [dɪˈspleɪ] 频次5

adj. 意识到的;明白的

e.g. He was well aware of the problem. 他很清楚这个问题。

awareness n. 知道,认识 频次1

aware [əˈweə(r)] 频次4

vt. 支配,主导

e.g. He tended to dominate the conversation. 他往往左右着交谈的内容。

e.g. She always says a lot in meetings, but she doesn't dominate. 她在会上总是滔滔不绝,但她的话没什么影响。

dominate [ˈdɒmɪneɪt] 频次4

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vt. 察觉到,注意到

e.g. I perceived a change in his behaviour. 我注意到他举止有些改变。

perceive [pəˈsiːv] 频次3

adj. 有雄心的

e.g. They were very ambitious for their children(= they wanted them to be successful). 他们望子成龙心切。

ambition [æmˈbɪʃ(ə)n] 频次1n. 追求的目标;雄心

e.g. She never achieved her ambition of becoming a famous writer. 她一直未能实现当名作家的夙愿。

ambitious [æmˈbɪʃəs] 频次3

n. 情绪,心情

e.g. She's in a good mood today (= happy and friendly). 她今天心情很好。

mood [muːd] 频次3

n. 贷款;借款

e.g. housing loan 住房贷款

e.g. a car loan (= a loan to buy a car) 购车贷款

e.g. to take out/repay a loan (= to borrow money/pay it back) 取得 / 偿还贷款

loan [ləʊn] 频次3

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vt. 转移 频次1e.g. How can I transfer money from my bank account to his?


n. 转移 频次2e.g. electronic data transfer


e.g. After the election there was a swift transfer of power. 大选之后权力迅速交接。

transfer [trænsˈfɜː(r) , ˈtrænsfɜː(r)] 频次3

adj. 对……极重要的

e.g. Reading is of vital importance in language learning. 阅读在语言学习中至关重要。

vital [ˈvaɪtl] 频次3

vi. 消失

e.g. Many types of animals have now vanished from the earth.很多种类的动物现在已经从地球上绝迹了。

vanish [ˈvænɪʃ] 频次2

adj. 全世界的 频次1e.g. Music has been called the universal language.


adj. 普遍的 频次1e.g. Such problems are a universal feature of old age.


universal [ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsl] 频次2

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vt. 激发

e.g. The exhibition has stimulated interest in her work. 展览增进了人们对她作品的兴趣。

stimulate [ˈstɪmjuleɪt] 频次2

vi./vt. 分开

e.g. She split the class into groups of four.她按四人一组把全班分成若干小组。

e.g. Jim has just split up with his girl-friend.吉姆刚刚跟女朋友吹了。

split [splɪt] 频次2

vt. (为……)做广告

e.g. to advertise a product/a business/your services 做广告宣传产品 / 企业 / 你的服务项目

e.g. The cruise was advertised as the ‘journey of a lifetime’. 这次航行被宣传为“终生难得的旅行”。

advertisement n. 广告 频次2 advertiser n. 广告商 频次2

advertise [ˈædvətaɪz] 频次2

vi./vt. 退休

e.g. My dream is to retire to a villa in France. 我的梦想是退休后在法国住上一栋别墅。

e.g. My father retired at the age of 60.我父亲六十岁时退休了。

retirement [rɪˈtaɪəm(ə)nt] 频次1n. 退休

e.g. She took to painting after retirement.她退休后爱上绘画。

retire [rɪˈtaɪə(r)] 频次2

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vi./vt. 重新开始

e.g. He got back in the car and resumed driving. 他回到车上,继续开车。

resume [rɪˈzjuːm] 频次2

n. 静修(期间)频次1e.g. He went into retreat and tried to resolve the conflicts within himself.


n. 休养处,僻静处 频次1e.g. a country retreat


e.g. island retreat小岛的修养场所

retreat [rɪˈtriːt] 频次2

vt. 使成为,使变得

render sth +adj.e.g. to render sth harmless/useless/ineffective

使某事物无害 / 无用 / 无效

e.g. Hundreds of people were rendered homeless by the earthquake. 成百上千的人因为地震而无家可归。

render [ˈrendə(r)] 频次2

adj. 深切的,深远的

e.g. profound changes in the earth's climate 地球气候的巨大变化

profoundly [prəˈfaʊndlɪ] 频次1adv. 极大的

e.g. We are profoundly affected by what happens to us in childhood. 童年发生的事深深地影响着我们。

profound [prəˈfaʊnd] 频次2

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adv. 相反地,反过来

e.g. This newspaper story could damage their reputation; conversely, it will give them a lot of free publicity.报纸上的这篇报道有可能损害他们的名誉,不过


conversely [ˈkɒnvɜːsli] 频次2

n. 职业

e.g. Please state your name, age and occupation below. 请在下面写明姓名、年龄和职业。

occupy [ˈɒkjʊpaɪ] 频次1vt. 占据

e.g. These books occupy a lot of space.这些书占了很大地方。

occupation [ˌɒkjuˈpeɪʃn] 频次2

vt. 调查

e.g. The FBI has been called in to investigate. 联邦调查局奉命进行调查。

investigate [ɪnˈvestɪɡeɪt] 频次2

vt. 创造,发明

e.g. He invented the first electric clock.他发明了第一个电动机械钟。

invent [ɪnˈvent] 频次2

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invention [ɪnˈvenʃ(ə)n]

n. 发明

e.g. Fax machines were a wonderful invention at the time. 传真机在当时是一项了不起的发明。

reinvent [ˌriːɪnˈvent] 频次1vt. 彻底改造,彻底改变

e.g. They have tried to reinvent their retail stores.他们一直在尝试改造他们的零售店。

inventive adj. 有新意的,创意的 频次1 e.g. She has a highly inventive mind.


adj. 最初的

e.g. My initial reaction was to decline the offer. 我最初的反应是要婉言谢绝这个提议。

initiate [ɪˈnɪʃɪeɪt]

vt. 开始,发起

e.g. They wanted to initiate a discussion on economics.他们想启动一次经济学讨论。

initially adv. 开始,最初 频次2

initial [ɪˈnɪʃl] 频次2

vt. 消耗 频次1e.g. Within three days they had exhausted their supply of food.


vt. 使筋疲力尽 频次1 e.g. Even a short walk exhausted her.


exhaustion [ɪɡˈzɔːstʃən] 频次1n. 耗尽

e.g. the exhaustion of natural resources 自然资源的枯竭

exhaust [ɪɡˈzɔːst] 频次2 exhausted [ɪɡˈzɔːstɪd] 频次1adj. 筋疲力尽的

e.g. I'm exhausted. 我累死了!

e.g. to feel completely/utterly exhausted 感到筋疲力尽

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adj. 漂亮雅致的

e.g. an elegant room/restaurant 雅致的房间 / 餐厅

同义替换 ≈ elegance [ˈelɪgəns] 频次4n. 优雅

elegant [ˈelɪg(ə)nt] 频次2


答案句:Long is Britain’s best-known Land Artist and his Stone Circle, a perfect ring of purplish rocks from Portishead beach laid out on the gallery floor, represents the elegant, rarefied side of the form.

41. Stone Circle

[A] originates from a long walk that the artist took

[B] illustrates a kind of landscape-orientated light

conceptual art

[C] reminds people of the English landscape

painting tradition.

[D] represents the elegance of the British land art

[E] depicts the ordinary side of the British land art

[F] embodies a romantic escape into the Scottish

outdoors[G] contains images from different parts of the sam

e photograph.

elegant [ˈelɪg(ə)nt] 频次2

n. 死亡;厄运

e.g. Why are people so full of gloom and doom? 为什么人们如此沮丧悲观?

e.g. gloom and doom 悲观失望

doom [duːm] 频次2

n. 民主政体

e.g. In a democracy, power must be divided. 在民主政体中,权力必须分制。

democratic [ˌdeməˈkrætɪk] 频次4adj. 民主的,民主政体的

democracy [dɪˈmɒkrəsi] 频次2

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vt. 与……矛盾

e.g. The two stories contradict each other. 这两种说法相互矛盾。

contradictory [ˌkɒntrəˈdɪktəri] 频次1adj. 相互矛盾的

e.g. We are faced with two apparently contradictory statements. 我们面前这两种说法显然是矛盾的。

contradict [ˌkɒntrəˈdɪkt] 频次2

adj. 复杂的

e.g. It's all very complicated—but I'll try and explain. 尽管这一切都很难理解,但我会尽力解释。

complicated [ˈkɒmplɪkeɪtɪd] 频次2

vi. 竞争,对抗

e.g. Young children will usually compete for their mother's attention. 小孩子通常都会在母亲面前争宠。

competent [ˈkɒmpɪtənt] 频次1adj. 有能力的

e.g. He's very competent in his work. 他非常胜任自己的工作。

compete [kəmˈpiːt] 频次3

vt. 补偿;弥补

e.g. Nothing can compensate for the loss of a loved one. 失去心爱的人是无法补偿的。

vt. 给(某人)赔偿(或赔款)

e.g. Her lawyers say she should be compensated for the suffering she had been caused. 她的律师说她应该为所遭受的痛苦得到赔偿。

compensatory [ˌkɒmpenˈseɪtəri]

adj. 赔偿的

e.g. He received a compensatory payment of $20 000. 他获得了2万元的赔偿金。

compensate [ˈkɒmpenseɪt] 频次2

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vt. 采纳;采用

e.g. All three teams adopted different approaches to the problem. 三个队处理这个问题的方法各不相同。

e.g. Try to adopt a more relaxed manner. 试着换一种更加放松的方式。

adopt [əˈdɒpt] 频次2

adj. 特别的,不寻常的

e.g. She has a very unusual name. 她的名字很特别。

unusually [ʌnˈju:ʒuəlɪ] 频次1adv. 特别地;非常

e.g. an unusually cold winter 异常寒冷的冬天

unusual [ʌnˈjuːʒuəl] 频次2

adj. 通常的

e.g. She sat in her usual seat at the back. 她坐在后排平时惯坐的位子上。

usually [ˈjuːʒuəli] 频次12adv. 通常地

e.g. I'm usually home by 6 o'clock. 我一般6点钟回到家。

usual [ˈjuːʒuəl] 频次2


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n. 策略

e.g. marketing strategy 营销策划

strategic [strəˈtiːdʒɪk] 频次1adj. 战略性的(根据全局而安排的)

e.g. strategic planning 战略性规划

strategy [ˈstrætədʒi] 频次10

n. 商业广告

adj. 商业的

e.g. the commercial heart of the city 城市的商业中心

commercially [kəˈmɜːʃəli] 频次1adv. 商业上

commercial [kəˈmɜːʃl] 频次4

n. 区域,地区

e.g. The talks will focus on economic development of the region. 会谈将着重讨论该地区的经济发展。

region [ˈriːdʒən] 频次4

vi. 滞后,落后于

e.g. The little boy lagged behind his parents. 那小男孩落在了父母的后面。

e.g. Modesty helps one to go forward (make progress); conceit makes one lag behind. 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。

lag [læɡ] 频次3

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vt. 调整

e.g. The software we use has been modified for us. 我们使用的软件已按我们的需要作过修改。

vt. 缓和

e.g. to modify your behaviour/language/views 使你的行为 / 语言 / 观点更容易让人接受

modify ['mɒdɪfaɪ] 频次3


e.g. What would you do, for instance, if you found a member of staff stealing? 比如说,如果你发现有职员偷东西,你会怎么办?

for instance 频次3

n. 预测,预报

e.g. sales forecasts 销售预测

vt. 预测,预报

e.g. Experts are forecasting a recovery in the economy. 专家预测经济将复苏。

同义替换 ≈ predict

forecaster [ˈfɔːkɑːstə(r)] 频次1n. 预测者

forecast [ˈfɔːkɑːst] 频次3

n. 复苏

e.g. The economy is showing signs of recovery.


n. 恢复

e.g. She is on the road to (= making progress towards) recovery.


recover [rɪˈkʌvə(r)] 频次1

vi. 复原,恢复

e.g. The economy is at last beginning to recover.


e.g. He's still recovering from his operation.


recovery [rɪˈkʌvəri] 频次3

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vt. 承受,忍受

e.g. They suffered huge losses in the financial crisis.他们在经济危机时遭受了巨大的损失。

suffering [ˈsʌfərɪŋ] 频次1n. 痛苦,受难

e.g. Her words mitigated my suffering.她的话减轻了我的痛苦。

suffer [ˈsʌfə(r)] 频次2

vt. 使标准化

e.g. We should standardize our service.我们应当使我们的服务标准化。

standard [ˈstændəd] 频次4n. 标准

e.g. There is no absolute standard for beauty.美是没有绝对的标准的。

standardize/-ise [ˈstændədaɪz] 频次2

adv. 轻而易举地

e.g. I don't readily make friends. 我不轻易交友。

readily [ˈredɪli] 频次2

n. 供给

e.g. housing provision 住房供应

e.g. The government is responsible for the provision of health care. 政府负责提供医疗服务。

n. (法律文件的)规定,条款

e.g. This provision gives the president total and unchecked power. 这条规定赋予了总统绝对及不受约束的权力。

provision [prəˈvɪʒn] 频次2

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n. 繁荣,兴旺

e.g. The country is enjoying a period of peace and prosperity. 国家正值国泰民安、繁荣昌盛的时期。

prosperity [prɒˈsperəti] 频次2

adv. 此外,而且

e.g. The young find everything so simple. The young, moreover, see it as their duty to be happy and do their best to be so. 年轻人觉得每件事都那么简单;而且,他们把幸福视为自己的


moreover [mɔːrˈəʊvə(r)] 频次2

n. 闲暇,空闲

e.g. These days we have more money and more leisure to enjoy it. 如今我们有更多的钱和空闲时间来享受了。

leisure [ˈleʒə(r)] 频次2

adj. 不受影响的

e.g. Football is not immune to economic recession. 足球不可能不受到经济衰退的影响。

adj. 免除的

e.g. No one should be immune from prosecution. 任何人都不应免于被起诉。

immune [ɪˈmjuːn] 频次2

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n. 小说

e.g. a work of popular fiction 通俗小说作品

e.g. science fiction 科幻小说

nonfiction [ˌnɒnˈfɪkʃən] 频次2

n. 非小说作品

fiction [ˈfɪkʃn] 频次2

vi./vt. (使)逐渐形成,逐渐演变

e.g. The idea evolved from a drawing I discovered in the attic. 这种想法是从我在阁楼里发现的一幅画得到启发的。

e.g. Each school must evolve its own way of working. 每个学校必须形成自己的办学方式。

evolve [iˈvɒlv] 频次2

vt. 装备

e.g. to be fully/poorly equipped 装备齐全 / 简陋

e.g. He equipped himself with a street plan. 他随身带着一张街道平面图。

vt. 使有能力,使有所准备

e.g. The course is designed to equip students for a career in nursing.此课程旨在使学生能够胜任护理工作。

equipment [ɪˈkwɪpmənt] 频次2n. 设备

equip [ɪˈkwɪp] 频次2

n. 争端,争论

e.g. The union is in dispute with management over working hours. 工会与资方在工作时间上发生纠纷。

vt. 争论

e.g. The issue remains hotly disputed . 这个问题至今仍在激烈地辩论中。

dispute [dɪˈspjuːt] 频次2

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vt. 环绕,围绕

e.g. Tall trees surround the lake. 环湖都是大树。

e.g. As a child I was surrounded by love and kindness. 幼年时我备受关爱。

surrounding [səˈraʊndɪŋ] n. 环境,周围的事物 频次1

surround [səˈraʊnd] 频次2

n. 贮存,贮藏(空间)

e.g. There's a lot of storage space in the loft. 阁楼上有很大的存贮空间。

storage [ˈstɔːrɪdʒ] 频次2

store [stɔː(r)] 频次7

n. 商店 频次5

vt. 贮存 频次2

restore [rɪˈstɔː(r)] 频次4

vt. 恢复

e.g. We hope to restore the garden to its former glory(= make it as beautiful as it used to be) . 我们想把这花园变得和过去一样美丽。

vt. 拒绝

e.g. to reject an argument/a claim/a decision/an offer/a suggestion 拒绝接受一个论点 / 一项要求 / 一个决定 / 一项提议 / 一个建议

e.g. You make friends with people and then make unreasonable demands so that they reject you. 你和别人交朋友,然后向人家提出无理要求,结果被人家拒绝。

reject [rɪˈdʒekt ; ˈriːdʒekt] 频次2

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rejection [rɪ'dʒekʃ(ə)n] 频次2

n. 拒绝

e.g. painful feelings of rejection 遭到拒绝的痛苦感受

vt. 拥有

e.g. The gallery possesses a number of the artist's early works. 这座画廊藏有那位画家的一些早期作品。

possess [pəˈzes] 频次2

n. 政治(事务)

e.g. party politics 党派政治

e.g. He's thinking of going into politics. (= trying to become a Member of Congress, etc.) 他打算步入政坛。

politics [ˈpɒlətɪks] 频次2

n. 部分

e.g. Only a small portion of the budget is spent on books. 购书只占预算的一小部分。

portion [ˈpɔːʃn] 频次2

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adv. 尽管如此,然而

e.g. Our defeat was expected but it is disappointing nevertheless. 我们的失败是意料中的事,尽管如此,还是令人失望。

nevertheless [ˌnevəðəˈles] 频次2

vt. 证明……正确 频次2e.g. Her success had justified the faith her teachers had put in her.


vt.对……作出解释 频次1e.g. You don't need to justify yourself to me.


完形填空 干扰项 频次1

justification [ˌdʒʌstɪfɪˈkeɪʃn] n. 正当理由 频次1

justify [ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪ] 频次4

vi./vt. 减少

e.g. The world's resources are rapidly diminishing. 世界资源正在迅速减少。

diminish [dɪˈmɪnɪʃ] 频次2

n. 属性 频次1e.g. Patience is one of the most important attributes in a teacher.


vt. 把……归因于 频次1e.g. She attributes her success to hard work and a little luck.


attribute [əˈtrɪbjuːt ; ˈætrɪbjuːt] 频次2

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vt. 欣赏,重视

e.g. Anyone can appreciate our music.任何人都能欣赏我们的音乐。

e.g. His talents are not fully appreciated in that company. 他的才干在那家公司未受到充分赏识。

appreciate [əˈpriːʃieɪt] 频次2

n. 大量,丰盛

e.g. Fruit and vegetables grew in abundance on the island. 该岛盛产水果和蔬菜。

abundant [əˈbʌndənt] 频次1adj. 大量的,丰盛的

e.g. Fish are abundant in the lake. 湖里鱼很多。

e.g. We have abundant evidence to prove his guilt. 我们有充分的证据证明他有罪。

abundance [əˈbʌndəns] 频次2

n. 项目

e.g. What's the next item on the agenda? 议程的下一项是什么?

n. 一件商品(或物品)

e.g. The computer was my largest single item of expenditure. 电脑是我花钱最多的一件东西。

item [ˈaɪtəm] 频次2

adj. 紧密相关的,切题的

e.g. a relevant suggestion/question/point 相关的提议 / 问题 / 观点

e.g. Do you have the relevant experience? 你有相关的经历吗?

relevant [ˈreləvənt] 频次2

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adj. 古怪的,奇怪的

e.g. They're very odd people. 他们那些人都很古怪。

odd [ɒd] 频次2

n. 程度

to… extent到……程度;在……程度上

e.g. The pollution of the forest has seriously affected plant life and, to a lesser extent, wildlife. 森林污染严重影响了植物的生存,其次也对野生动物造成了影响。

extent [ɪkˈstent] 频次2


21天搞定800+核心词 Unit16n. 模型,样式 频次3e.g. a model aeroplane


n. 模范,典型 频次1e.g. a model student


vt. 将……做成模型,复制 频次3 e.g. The program can model a typical home page for you.


同义替换 ≈ simulate vt. 模拟

model [ˈmɒdl] 频次7

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vt. 重塑,重造

e.g. to remodel the way of thinking 重塑思维方式

同义替换 ≈ to transform one’s thought processes 转变思维过程


remodel [ˌriːˈmɒdl] 频次1


答案句:However, Cortina said, early exposure is beneficial. When younger kids learn computer science, they learn that it’s not just a confusing, endless string of letters and numbers — but a tool to build apps, or create artwork, or test hypotheses. It’s not as hard for them to transform their thought processes as it is for older students.

21. Cortina holds that early exposure to computer science makes it easier to .[A] complete future job training[B] remodel the way of thinking[C] formulate logical hypotheses[D] perfect artwork production

remodel [ˌriːˈmɒdl] 频次1

vt. 发布 频次1e.g. to release a movie/book/CD

发行电影 / 书 / 激光唱片

e.g. Police have released no further details about the accident. 关于这次事故,警方没有透露更多的细节。

vt. 释放 频次2e.g. Firefighters took two hours to release the driver from the wreckage.


完型填空干扰项 频次3

release [rɪˈliːs] 频次6

adj. 现代的,当代的

e.g. Stress is a major problem of modern life. 压力是现代生活中的主要问题。

modernize [ˈmɒdənaɪz] 频次1vt. 使……现代化

modernism [ˈmɒdənɪzəm] 频次1n. 现代主义

modern [ˈmɒdn] 频次6

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vt. 粘住 频次1e.g. We used glue to stick the broken pieces together.


stick to sth. 坚持 频次4e.g. She finds it impossible to stick to a diet.


e.g. She stuck to her story. 她坚持自己所说的。

n.(车辆的)变速杆,换挡杆 a stick shift 频次1 stick 的过去式和过去分词:stuck

stick [stɪk] 频次6

adj. 被难住的,陷(入)/ 困(于)

e.g. I got stuck on the first question. 头一个问题我就答不上来。

e.g. We were stuck in traffic for over an hour. 我们遇上堵车,堵了一个多小时。

stuck [stʌk] 频次6

n. 权威

e.g. in a position of authority 当权

e.g. She now has authority over the people who used to be her bosses. 她现在管辖着过去是她上司的那些人。

authoritative [əˈθɔːrəteɪtɪv] adj. 权威性的 频次1

authority [ɔːˈθɒrəti] 频次6

vt. 否认 频次2e.g. to deny a claim/a charge

否认某种说法 / 指控

e.g. There's no denying (the fact) that quicker action could have saved them. 无可否认,如果行动快一点,本来是救得了他们的。

vt. 拒绝(给予)频次1e.g. They were denied access to the information.


完型干扰项 频次2

deny [dɪˈnaɪ] 频次5

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vt. 回忆起,记起

e.g. She could not recall his name. 她想不起他的名字。

e.g. Can you recall exactly what happened? 你能记起到底发生了什么事吗?

e.g. Ning recalls spending a confusing year in the late 1990s selling insurance.宁回忆起20世纪90年代他卖保险时那困窘的一年。

recall [rɪˈkɔːl] 频次4

n. 反应

e.g. Your clothes are often a reflection of your personality. 穿着常常反映出一个人的个性。

reflect [rɪˈflekt] 频次2vt. 反映

e.g. She could see herself reflected in his eyes. 她在他的眼中看到了自己的样子。

reflective [rɪˈflektɪv] adj. 沉思的,深思的 频次2

reflection [rɪˈflekʃn] 频次4

n. 要素

e.g. Cost was a key element in our decision. 价钱是我们决策时考虑的主要因素。

element [ˈelɪmənt] 频次3

n. 承诺 频次3e.g. She doesn't want to make a big emotional commitment to

Steve at the moment. 她不想在此刻对史蒂夫在感情上作出重大的承诺。

e.g. the government's commitment to public services 政府对公共服务事业作出的承诺


e.g. the commitment of resources to education 对教育的资源投入

e.g. Achieving success at this level requires a commitment of time and energy. 取得这种水平的成就需要花费时间和精力。

commitment [kəˈmɪtmənt] 频次3

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commit [kəˈmɪt] 频次1vt. 承诺,保证

e.g. The President is committed to reforming health care. 总统承诺要改革卫生保健制度。

vt. 做出(错或非法的事)

e.g. Most crimes are committed by young men. 多数罪行都是年轻人犯下的。

n. (某职业、政党等成员的)大会,集会

e.g. to hold a convention 召开大会

convention [kənˈvenʃn] 频次2

conventional [kənˈvenʃənl] 频次1adj. 传统的

e.g. It's not a hotel, in the conventional sense, but rather a whole village turned into a hotel. 从传统意义上来说,这并不是一个旅馆,而是变成了旅馆的整个村庄。

unconventional [ˌʌnkənˈvenʃənl] 频次1adj. 非传统的

adj. 简明的 频次1 e.g. a brief description/summary/account

简明扼要的描述 / 总结 / 叙述

e.g. Please be brief (= say what you want to say quickly). 请简明扼要。

n. 声明,指示 频次1 e.g. to prepare/produce a brief for sb.

给某人准备 / 制订指示

briefly [ˈbriːfli] adv. 简短地,简要地

brief [briːf] 频次2

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n. 掌管,负责 频次1e.g. She has charge of the day-to-day running of the business.


vt. 使……承担责任(或任务)频次1e.g. The committee has been charged with the development of sport in the

region. 委员会已被赋予在该地区发展体育运动的职责。

charge [tʃɑːdʒ] 频次2


e.g. She withdrew her hand from his. 她把手从他的手里抽了回来。

withdrawal [wɪðˈdrɔːəl] 频次1 n. 撤回,收回

e.g. the withdrawal of support 不再支持

withdraw [wɪðˈdrɔː] 频次2

adj. 包容广阔的

e.g. The party must adopt more inclusive strategies. 这个党必须采取更广泛的策略。

inclusive [ɪnˈkluːsɪv] 频次2

adj. 愚蠢的 ≈ fool/foolish/stupid

e.g. a silly idea 愚蠢的想法

silly [ˈsɪli] 频次2

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n. 可持续性

e.g. These issues all affect the sustainability for growth. 这些问题都会影响到增长的可持续性。

unsustainability [ʌnsəsteɪnəˈbɪlɪtɪ] 频次1 n. 不可持续性

sustainability [səsˌteɪnəˈbɪlɪti] 频次2 sustainable [səˈsteɪnəbl] 频次1adj. 可持续的

e.g. sustainable economic growth 经济的可持续增长

sustain [səˈsteɪn] 频次1vt. 保持,维持稳定

e.g. a period of sustained economic growth 经济持续增长的时期

sustainably [səˈsteɪnəbli] adv. 可持续地 频次1

n. 学分<美> 频次1

e.g. make up credits 补学分

e.g. You must pass the examination to get credit for the course.你必须通过考试才能获得那门课程的学分。

n. 信用 频次1

e.g. Credit is everything to a trader.信用对于商人来说至关重要。

credit [ˈkredɪt] 频次2

adv. 发自内心地

e.g. Humor is one way to change your view viscerally.幽默感是一种从内心深处改变你观点的方式。

同义替换 ≈ instinctively [ɪnˈstɪŋktɪvli] 频次2adv. 本能地,凭直觉地

e.g. Jane instinctively knew all was not well with her 10-month old son. 简凭直觉知道她 10 个月大的儿子情况不对劲。

viscerally [ˈvɪsərəli] 频次2

文件中找不到关系 ID 为 rId2 的图像部件。

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instinct [ˈɪnstɪŋkt] 频次1n. 本能,直觉

e.g. Children do not know by instinct the difference between right and wrong. 儿童并非生来就会分辨是非。

vt. 影响,决定

e.g. The film's budget dictated a tough schedule.影片的预算决定了拍摄进度会很紧张。

dictate [dɪkˈteɪt] 频次2

vt. 使……过时

e.g. Modern ways of cooking have outmoded the hearth.现代的烹饪方式已经淘汰了炉火式烹饪。

outmode [aʊtˈməʊd] 频次2

adj. (房屋,金额数量等)不太大的,适中的

e.g. a modest little house 简朴的小房子

e.g. The research was carried out on a modest scale. 这个研究项目开展的规模不算太大。

e.g. Swiss unemployment rose to the still modest rate of 0.7%.瑞士的失业率上升到了0.7%,这个百分比仍然不算太高。

modestly [ˈmɒdɪstli] 频次1adv. 适中地

modest [ˈmɒdɪst] 频次2

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adj. 难以理解的,混乱的

e.g. The instructions on the box are very confusing. 盒子上的使用说明令人费解。

confuse [kənˈfjuːz] 频次2vt. 弄混乱,弄糊涂

e.g. The road signs confused the driver.这个路标把司机弄糊涂了。

confusing [kənˈfjuːzɪŋ] 频次2

vt. 表明 频次1e.g. This speech may mark a change in government policy.


n. 符号 频次1e.g. I put a mark in the margin to remind me to check the figure.


Part A Directions:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions after each text by choosing [A], [B], [C] or [D]. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)

mark [mɑːk] 频次2+37

vi./vt. 说起,谈论

e.g. She remarked how tired I was looking. 她说我看上去显得特别累。

remark [rɪˈmɑːk] 频次1 unremarked [ˌʌnrɪˈmɑːkt] 频次1adj. 未被注意的

e.g. His absence went unremarked. 没有人注意到他不在场。

remarkable [rɪˈmɑːkəbl] 频次1adj. 引人注目的

e.g. She was a truly remarkable woman. 她是一位真正非同凡响的女人。

remarkably [rɪˈmɑrkəbli] adv. 非凡地,引人注目地 频次1

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n. 观念,信念

e.g. We each have a notion of just what kind of person we'd like to be.我们每人都有一个自己想成为什么样的人的想法。

notion [ˈnəʊʃn] 频次1

adj. 有道理的,可信的

e.g. Her story sounded perfectly plausible. 她的说辞听起来言之有理。

implausible [ɪmˈplɔːzəbl] 频次1adj. 似乎不合情理的

e.g. It was all highly implausible. 这毫无道理。

plausible [ˈplɔːzəbl] 频次1

adj. 猛烈的

e.g. I took a violent dislike to him. 我很讨厌他。

violent [ˈvaɪələnt] 频次1 violently [ˈvaɪələntli] 频次1adv. 强烈地

e.g. She shook her head violently. 她拼命摇头。

violence [ˈvaɪələns]

n. 暴力,狂热

e.g. crimes of violence 暴力犯罪

e.g. domestic violence (= between family members) 家庭暴力

e.g. The violence of her feelings surprised him. 她感情之强烈使他吃惊。

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n. 适应

e.g. The process is called heat acclimation and is routinely seen in athletes training in hot weather. 这过程称为热适应,最常见于在大热天里受训的田径选手。

adaptation [ˌædæpˈteɪʃn] 频次1n. 适应,作出调整

e.g. Most living creatures are capable of adaptation when compelled to do so.大多数生物都能在迫于压力的情况下适应新环境。

acclimation [ˌæklɪˈmeɪʃ(ə)n] 频次1

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