NAI National Workshop Manual | March 2009 1 National Workshop Planning Manual 1.0 Preface The NAI National Workshop has evolved over many years into a well-respected event. It is known for providing excellent programs and networking opportunities for participants. When NAI and its predecessors (Association for Interpretive Naturalists, AIN and Western Interpreters Association, WIA) had little or no staff, a strong volunteer committee was critical to the success of the event. Although since 2005, NAI staff have performed most of the workshop planning and execution, but a strong volunteer effort is still critical to workshop success . One hallmark of NAI National Workshops is the local flavor each workshop committee brings to the event. The workshop both generates and consumes considerable resources of the organization each year, so it is imperative that workshop committees follow the guidelines in this manual. The associate director must approve any substantial deviations from these guidelines. The NAI Board of Directors has passed specific workshop guidelines that prescribe certain as-pects of every NAI National Workshop. Changes to board-approved workshop guidelines must be approved by the board. This manual organization lends itself to each workshop committee member easily removing and duplicating the sections pertaining to their responsibilities for their subcommittees. We hope your participation will result in the most successful NAI National Workshop to date…and thank you for taking on this challenging but rewarding task!

1.0 Preface - National Association for Interpretation€¦ · National Workshop Planning Manual 1.0 Preface The NAI National Workshop has evolved over many years into a well-respected

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Page 1: 1.0 Preface - National Association for Interpretation€¦ · National Workshop Planning Manual 1.0 Preface The NAI National Workshop has evolved over many years into a well-respected

NAI National Workshop Manual | March 2009 1

National Workshop Planning Manual

1.0 Preface

The NAI National Workshop has evolved over many years into a well-respected event.

It is known for providing excellent programs and networking opportunities for

participants. When NAI and its predecessors (Association for Interpretive Naturalists,

AIN and Western Interpreters Association, WIA) had little or no staff, a strong volunteer

committee was critical to the success of the event. Although since 2005, NAI staff have

performed most of the workshop planning and execution, but a strong volunteer effort is

still critical to workshop success . One hallmark of NAI National Workshops is the local

flavor each workshop committee brings to the event.

The workshop both generates and consumes considerable resources of the organization

each year, so it is imperative that workshop committees follow the guidelines in this

manual. The associate director must approve any substantial deviations from these


The NAI Board of Directors has passed specific workshop guidelines that prescribe

certain as-pects of every NAI National Workshop. Changes to board-approved workshop

guidelines must be approved by the board.

This manual organization lends itself to each workshop committee member easily

removing and duplicating the sections pertaining to their responsibilities for their


We hope your participation will result in the most successful NAI National Workshop to

date…and thank you for taking on this challenging but rewarding task!

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2.0 General Conference Guidelines

2.1 TitleThe title for the workshop will be “NAI National Workshop” and all promotional materials will use this term. Never call it a “conference”—some agencies don’t support conference participation but do support workshop training. For many years the event was called the National Interpreters Workshop, or NIW, but the new term should be encouraged and used.

2.2 Selecting a SiteThe NAI associate director and the events manager select a host facility by following a review of proposals submitted by invited cities about five years prior to the workshop.

Site locations should:

• adequatelyservethelogisticalneedsofupto1500people

• beeasilyaccessible(includingbyairandfordisabilityaccess)

• beunified–exhibithall,lodgingandconcurrentsessionsmustbeincloseproximity

• havereasonablymodernfacilities

• providegoodoff-sitesessionopportunities

• beattractivetoindividualsandfamilies

• bepricedtoreflecttheprofileofNAI’saverageworkshopparticipant

• allowforthepossibilitiesoflocalexternalfunding(corporations,foundations,etc.)

The following rotation schedule for future workshop sites includes:






InJanuary,2008theboardagreedthatinordertorunNAImorelikeabusinessthatstafflook into the idea of rotating the national workshop between four or five cities that best fitourneedsandareattractivetoparticipants.RFPsweresenttopotentialcandidatesin2008andthistypeofrotationwillbeginwithamulti-yearcontractfor2013and2017workshopsinthefirstoffourlocations.ThesecondRFPwassentfor2014and2019,allowing2018tobeawildcardcityselectedin2013.

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2.3 Selecting a DateThe NAI National Workshop will be held in the fall, preferably in November before Thanksgiving, unless special circumstances occur which would make changing the time more advantageous (a joint workshop or a special weather-related theme, for instance). The National Workshop should not be scheduled immediately before or after October 1st,thestartofthefederalfiscalyear.NAI’sstaffwillnegotiatedatesoftheworkshopwith the workshop host city and facilities.

2.4 Length/Schedule of NAI International ConferenceThe workshop should be four days in length (excluding registration day and pre-workshops). The traditional workshop format is:

Monday: pre-workshops,pre-workshopoff-sitesessions,InterpretiveManagementInstitute,NAIboardmeeting(optional),RegionalandSectionLeadershipCouncilmeetings(optional), miscellaneous federal agency meetings (optional)

Tuesday: registration,pre-workshops,pre-workshopoff-sitesessions,InterpretiveMan-agement Institute, NAI board meeting, Native American welcome, exhibit hall opening and evening social in the exhibit hall, miscellaneous federal agency meetings (optional)

Wednesday: keynote presentation, concurrent sessions, exhibits, silent auction, evening special events

Thursday: concurrent sessions, exhibits, silent auction, federal agency awards, media awards

Friday: off-site sessions, live auction

Saturday: concurrentsessions,NAIboardmeeting(optional),NAIAwardsBanquet

Dates should attempt to avoid known date conflicts with other conferences such as:

North American Association of Environmental Educators (NAAEE)

Watchable Wildlife




etc… but this may be unavoidable due to hotel availability or the fact that NAI plans five years out and other organizations do not. The events manager stays in touch with these organizations to let them know when our workshops are scheduled.

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2.5 Staff ResponsibilitiesStaff assigned to the NAI National Workshop include:

• associatedirector–budget,contractnegotiations,generalmanagementofevent,key-note selection, sponsorships and in-kind donations

• eventsmanager–contractnegotiations,committeeoversight,logisticsmanagement(food,AV,spaceprogramming,scheduling,transportation,off-sitesessioncoordination), keynote selection, ads in National Workshop program guide, exhibit hall, exhibitor solicitation

• publicationsdirector–logodevelopment,allprintedmaterial(registrationbooklet,pro-ceedings, program guide, etc.)

• membershipmanager–registration,post-eventparticipantlist

• businessmanager–financialtransactions

• AV/ITtechnician–AVmanagement,websitemaintenance

2.6 Steering CommitteeTwo years before the workshop, the associate director and events manager will hold an informational meeting for those who might be interested in helping with the upcoming workshop. A steering committee generally emerges from that meeting. The regional director of the region in which the workshop will be held also may recommend committeemembers,buttheassociatedirectormustapprovethecommittee.Preferencein selection of workshop committee members will be given to those who reside in the host city or region and those who can bring with them various elements of support from their agency or organization.

The workshop committee will consist of the following chairs:

• workshopchair• worksdirectlyunderthesupervisionoftheeventsmanageronallmajordeci-

sions• developsagendasforconferencecallsandnotifiesthoseinvolvedofthecalls• ensuresthatcommitteemembersmeetdeadlines

• programchair• issecondinlineshouldworkshopchairbecomeunabletocarryoutduties• makesrecommendationsforoff-sitesessionsandspecialevents• handlespeerreviewofpresentationproposals• organizesauctions

• publicity/promotionschair• workswitheventsmanagerandart/publicationsdirectortodevelopworkshop

promotions• developslistofnon-membersinthehostregionwhomightattend• developssignplan

• volunteermanagementchair• coordinatesvolunteersforworkshopactivities

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Other NAI members who play an integral role in the NAI National Workshop (but are not part of the steering committee) include:

• InterpretiveMediaSectionrepresentative(MediaAwards)

• NationalAwardsChair

• ScholarshipCommittee(CUASection)

2.7 CommitteesEachchairshoulddevelophis/herowncommitteeasneededtoaccomplishspecifictasks,but only staff-approved committee chairs will have the responsibility for decision-making or input. Co-chairs may not be appointed by workshop committee chairs; however, if a committeechairrequiresassistance,heorshemaydesignateanassistantorcommitteeof as many people as deemed necessary to accomplish the necessary tasks. Assistants or committee members will not be present on conference calls or on-site meetings and are not eligible for the registration discounts provided to the four steering committee. If a committee chair becomes unable to serve, the events manager should be notified immediately and a suitable replacement will be found.

In addition to other specific duties, all committee chairs will:

• provideworkshopchairwithlistofcommitteemembers,theiragenciesororganizations,addresses,andphone/faxnumbers(workshopchairwillforwardlisttostaff and committee members) and keep the list current

• developdetailedtimetablefortasksandtrackaccomplishmentsofhisorhercommittee (with events manager)

• keepcopiesofallcorrespondenceandemail

• provideinformationasneededtoeventsmanager

• copyalllistedNAIstaffandworkshopcommitteeoncorrespondenceandemail

Committee chairs shall be selected based on the following criteria:

• NAImember(allworkshopcommitteechairsandcommitteemembersmustbeNAImembers)

• abilitytomeetwithworkshopcommitteeonaregularbasis(conferencecalls)

• abilitytomeetdeadlines

• previousattendanceatnationalNAIworkshop(s)

• provenleadershipandorganizationalskills

• supportofemployerintermsofworkreleasetimeandaccesstoofficeequipment

• commitmenttocompletedutiesasassignedduringplanningprocessandworkshop,in-cluding follow-up activities

• skillorproficiencyintheareaassigned(seepositiondescriptionsinthismanualforskillsrequiredofeachcommitteechair)

• emailcommunicationisessentialforallworkshopcommitteemembers.

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2.8 Important Contacts and CommunicationsNAIheadquartersofficetollfree:888-900-8283

Staff contacts: executive director: [email protected] associate director: [email protected] membership manager: [email protected] publications director: [email protected] events manager: [email protected] IT/AVtechnician:[email protected]

NAI Website: www.interpnet.com

The NAI website has an NAI National Workshop link that contains the registration packet in downloadable or interactive format, and may be used in other ways to promote NAI National Workshop activities. The NAI website is the official website for the workshop. A workshop com-mittee may create their own website for intra-committee communication, but such a website will not be available to the general membership.

Committee members can track attendance and compare with previous years at www.interpnet.com/NAINationalWorkshopreport.Committeecontactlistandphotoswillalso be posted on this site.

2.9 Communication and Support Services/Conference CallsTwoyearsbeforetheworkshop,theworkshopcommitteebeginsquarterlyconferencecalls initiated by the national office. One year from the workshop, the workshop committee begins monthly telephone conference calls. These one-hour calls occur at a mutually agreed upon time that does not change (for example, the first Friday of the monthat9a.m.Pacifictime).MinutesaretakenfromeachcallbyNAIstaffandcopiesare sent to workshop committee immediately following the meeting. Each committee will decide whether weekly calls are necessary the month before the workshop. NAI staff can send out bulk emails, sorted as needed for committee use. A supply of NAI letterhead stationery and envelopes will be provided to workshop committee members as needed. NAI letterhead should be used for all correspondence related to the workshop. The workshop logo can be provided as an e-file so it can be printed directly on the letterhead as part of your correspondence.

2.10 Slogan/Logo The slogan is determined by the workshop committee. It provides unity for the overall program and activities, but does not necessarily dictate the content of all program sessions.Thesloganshouldreflecttheworkshoplocationand/oraddresscurrentissuesrelated to interpretation. The slogan should be used in conjunction with the workshop logo to readily identify the workshop. TheworkshoplogowillbedesignedbytheNAIart/publicationsdirectorwithinputfromthe committee. The NAI logo, workshop logo, or reference to the workshop must appear prominently on all print or electronic media. It is important the logo specifications be followed closely to ensure continuity.

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Thecorrectfileformatmustbeusedinallprintandwebinstances(vector-basedEPSor high-resolution TIFF in print, GIF in web and projected media). The logo may not be skewed or altered.

2.11 Goals of NAI National Workshop

1) Haveasuccessfuleventmeasuredbyanevaluationsothatparticipantsleavewithtechnical knowledge or skills, and the desire to attend future workshops.

2) Provideanaffordabletrainingvenueaccessibletobothstudentsandprofessionals.

3) Giveparticipantstheopportunitytoexperienceprominentculturalandnaturalfeatures in and near the workshop venue through special events, programs, and off-site sessions.

4) Permitabroadrangeofhigh-qualitypresentationstobegivenwithatleast50%volun-teered papers and the remainder of papers to be solicited. All papers will be subject to selection by a peer review process.

5) Seek a balance between educational content and social events.

6) Seek,throughpromotions,attendanceofatleast1000people.

7) IncreasemembershipinNAI.

8) Throughworkshopsessions,addressmattersofnationalconcernandincludeadiverse range of topics to interest different kinds of NAI members (natural history, cultural history, management) and include both demonstrations of skills and techniques,andexamplesofsuccessfulprograms.

9) Striveforgenderandethnicbalanceamongkeynoteand/orgeneralsessionpaidpre-senters.



2.12 Complimentary Rooms and ServicesComplimentary rooms or services will be obtained from the meeting site as a matter of negotia-tion; however, certain items have been identified as standard comps while others will never be complimentary. Not charged for hotel rooms or registration:

• NAIpresident

• NAIstaff

Not charged for registration:

• workshopcommittee(4)

• NAIstaff

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• workshopsteeringcommittee

• NAIstaff

• NAIboard

• awardschair

• awardwinners

Generally paid for services:

• keynotespeakers,accordingtocontract

• IMIfaculty,accordingtocontract

• pre-workshoptrainingpresenters,accordingtocontract

• entertainersforspecialevents,bands,accordingtocontract

Sometimes comped or paid for services (check with associate director)

• boardmembers(payareducedregistrationfeewhichincludesonlyeventsandmealsincluded in basic registration; optional special events, pre-workshops and off-site sessions are paid for by each board member)

• off-sitesessionleadersorbushostsmaybecompedtheoff-sitesessionfee

Never comped or paid for services

• concurrentsessionspeakers(Thesearevolunteeredorsolicited.)

• registrationfeeswillnotbewaivedforpresentersotherthankeynotes

• exhibitboothfeesincludeoneregistration;guestregistrationsarerequiredforadditional booth attendants.

• generalcommitteemembersorNAINationalWorkshopvolunteers

NOTE: Staff negotiates contractual relationships for keynotes, programs, special evening events and off-site sessions. Committee members who wish to suggest alterations to any contracts must discuss the changes with NAI staff.

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3.0 Workshop committee Time Line/Check List

The workshop chair should use this time line to keep workshop committee on track by entering dates specific to his or her NAI National Workshop. (Note: Staff responsibilities are not listed in this timeline.)


• inauguralmeetingatNAINationalWorkshoptwoyearsout(Interestinbeingonthecommittee will be determined at this meeting.)

• developand/orrefineslogan(publicity/promotionschairandworkshopcommittee)

• developpromotionalplan(publicity/promotionschair)

• developand/orrefineslogan(publicity/promotionschair)


• developtravelingpromotionalmaterialsforuseattheNationalWorkshoptheyearbefore(booth,slideshow,etc.)(publicity/promotionschair)


• exhibitboothatcurrentnationalworkshop(publicity/promotionschair)

• promotionalpresentationatcurrentnationalworkshop(publicity/promotionschair)


• beginmonthlyconferencecalls

• identifypotentialspecialevents(programchair)

• identifyoff-sitesessionoptions(programchair)


• promotionalarticlesinInterpNewsandregionalnewsletters(publicity/promotionschair)

• assisteventsmanageringettingphotosofoff-sitesessionorspecialeventsitesforuseinregistrationpacket/webpage(programchair)

• beginvolunteersolicitation(volunteerchair)


• presentationproposalsduetoprogramcommitteeforreview(programchair)

• papersdistributedtoprogramcommitteeforpeerreviewprocess(programchair)

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• deliverresultsofpeerreviewprocessforspeakerstoeventsmanager(programchair)

• locatesomeonetodevelopanddistributethedailynewsletter(publicity/promotionschair)

• locatevolunteers(volunteerchair)

5 months before the workshop

• Confirmationletterssent(programchairandeventsmanager)


• contactvolunteersandassigntasksforon-siteactivities(volunteerchair)

• finalizearrangementsforauctionwithauctionvolunteer(programchair)

• workshopprogramguidecontentsubmittedbyallworkshopcommitteechairstoevents manager

• writegenericnewsreleaseandsendtoNAIstaffandregionalandsectionnewslettereditors(publicity/promotionschair)

• sendnewsletterarticlestoregionandsectionnewslettereditorssolicitingauctionitems(publicity/promotionschair)


• confirmvolunteerchairandneedsfortraininghuppersandstruttersattheauction(pro-gram chair)

• workwitheventsmanagertoidentifybushostsforoff-sitesessions(programchair)


• volunteersselectedandnotified(Volunteerchair)

• workwitheventsmanagertobringororderauctionbidsheets,itemtags,etc.(program chair)


• arriveatworkshopsite

• attendpre-conmeetingwithhotelandconventioncenterstaff(workshopcommittee& NAI staff)

• setupAVroom/workshopoffice/registrationarea(workshopcommittee&NAIstaff)

• deliverofficeequipmentandsuppliestoworkshopsite(NAIstaff,workshopchair)

• Assembleregistrationmaterials(NAIstaff/steeringcommittee,workshopvolunteersas arranged by vol. chair)

• Installallsignage(publicity/promotionscommitteeandIT/AV)

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At the workshop

• holddailycommitteemeetingsfortroubleshooting(eventsmanagerandworkshopchair)

• monitorTicketTraderTableandallothervolunteerfunctions(volunteerchair)

• monitorroommonitors(programchair)

• makecertainthatspeakersgetspeakergiftsandthattheyunderstandtheprocessforroommonitorstomonitorrooms/sessionevaluations(programchair)

• prepareanddistributedailynewsletter(getroomnumbersofparticipantsfromhotelstaff each evening and print enough newsletters that they can be put into general sessionroom.Makesurenewslettersponsornameand/orlogoisinallnewslettercopies(publicity/promotionschair)

• ensuresthatroommonitornotebooksandconcurrentsessionevaluationsaredistributed to each meeting room and evaluation forms are replenished as needed in each meeting room (program chair)

• assistsIT/AVstaffpersonwithdailydistributionandcollectionofAVequipment(program chair)


• coordinatelistswitheventsmanagerandsendthank-younotestosponsors,keynotes,speakers,andVIPs(programchair)

• sendthank-younotestohotelstaffandworkshopcommittee(workshopchair)

• sendthank-younotestoallworkshopvolunteers(volunteerchair) 30daysafter________________________

• submitfinalcommitteereports(allchairs)

• participateinfinalwrap-upconferencecall

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4.0 Workshop chair

4.1 Position Description and Responsibilities

• maintainalistofallcommitteechairs,addresses.phone,faxandemailaddressesanddeliver to workshop committee and NAI staff; update list as needed

• developandmonitordeadlinesforworkshopcommittee

• determine/monitortimelineforoverallworkshopduties

• settiming(considertimezones)andagendasforworkshopcommitteeconferencecalls (limit calls to one hour); notify events manager , associate director, and vice president for programs of all meetings and calls so they can be initiated from the national office using NAI conference call line

• takemeetingandconferencecallminutesanddistributetochairs,staffandvicepresi-dent for programs when NAI staff cannot do it

• handlegeneralcorrespondenceandroutetoappropriatecommitteechairsasnecessary

• scheduledatesandsitesforon-siteworkshopcommitteemeetingswitheventsmanager

• keepeventsmanagerandvicepresidentforprogramsupdatedoncommitteeproblems or needs

• contactlocaluniversitytoinvestigatepossibilityofCEU’sofferedforNAINationalWork-shop

• coachandcheerthecommitteechairs

• researchDepartmentofRevenueregulationsforNAI,AssociationStore,andexhibitors selling items in exhibit booths

At or after NAI National Workshop:

• meetson-sitewithhotelstaffandNAIstaff2-3dayspriortoworkshoptoreviewallar-rangements

• servesaspointpersonforon-sitecommitteedecisionsduringworkshop

• attendsdailycommitteemeetingduringworkshoptotroubleshoot,discussnextday’sevents and committee chairs’ needs

• keepsalistofnamesandsendsapersonalnotetothegeneralmanageraftertheeventto single out those hotel staff who were especially helpful

• sendsthankyounotestohotelstaffandotherswhomadelifeeasierduringtheevent,including support agencies

• solicitswrittenevaluationreportsfromeachcommitteechair,compiles,anddeliversto NAI staff, vice president for programs, next year’s NAI National Workshop chair.

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5.0 Program chair

5.1 Position Description

• recruitsprogramcommitteemembersasneededtoaccomplishprogramcommitteetasks

• providesworkshopchairwithlistofcommitteemembers,agencies,addresses,phone/fax/email

• coordinatesprogramcommitteetoreviewandselectvolunteeredpapers(Thereshould be three reviewers for each track.)

• coordinateswithCUAsectiontoreviewallresearchpapers

• contactssectionleaderstoreviewpapersappropriatetotheirsection’sinterest(seelist of tracks on call for presentations)

• provideson-sitecontacttotroubleshootforpresentersduringworkshop

• workswithpresentersofpopularsessionsandeventsmanagertore-schedulesessionsif meeting room was overcrowded

• provideslistofvolunteerneedstovolunteerchair

5.2 Program Committee Responsibilities

• developsdetailedtimetablefortasksandtracksaccomplishmentsofcommitteenumbers

• maintainscommitteelistandcontactinformationincludingemailaddressesandforwards this to workshop chair

• keepscopiesofallcorrespondenceandemails

• identifieslistofpotentialregionalkeynotespeakersandsubmitstoeventsmanagerfor final selection and contracting

• reviewsandrecommendsvolunteeredpaperstoeventsmanager

• workswitheventsmanagertosolicitpotentialprogramsfromspeakerswithknownex-cellentpresentationskills(Nomorethan50%ofprogramsessionsmaybesolicited.)

• prepareslistofpotentialspecialeventsforspecialeventsnightwithcontactsandsubmits the list to events manager

• prepareslistofpotentialoff-sitesessionvenueswithcontactsandsubmitsthelisttoevents manager for final selection and contracting

• workswitheventsmanagertosolicitMarketplaceofIdeaspresentersiftherearenotenoughproposalssubmittedthroughCallforPresentations

• coordinatesroommonitorswithvolunteerchair

• trainsroommonitors

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5.3 Samples for program chair

5.3.1 Presentation Selection Worksheet (used by committee to evaluate proposals)



Do you think this will make a good session?

Will the session be stimulating and educational?

Will the presentation be interactive?













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6.0 Publicity/promotions chair

6.1 Position Description

• developsdetailedtimetablefortasksandtrackaccomplishmentsofcommittee

• providesworkshopchairwithlistofcommitteemembers,agencies,addresses,andphone/faxnumbers

• keepscopiesofallcorrespondenceandemails

• provideslistofvolunteerneedstovolunteerchair

• recruitscommitteemembers(aminimumof3issuggested)

• hascommitteemembersassistwithdesigningboothatprioryearNAINationalWorkshop to promote your event; and NAI National Workshop live promo at prior year

6.2 Publicity/Promotions Committee Responsibilities

• developsandimplementspromotionalplantoinclude:website,workshoppromotionbooth and live workshop promo during previous NAI National Workshop, region and section newsletters and InterpNews articles

• preparesandsubmitarticlesandphotosforNAIregionalandnationalpublicationsand like-minded organizations

• workswithNAIstaff/publicationsdirectortolineuppromotionsandnewscoverageof workshop and serve as local contact (executive or associate director serves as NAI spokesperson)

6.3 Samples for publicity/promotions chair

6.3.1 Generic Press ReleaseThis press release is a service of the National Association for Interpretation (NAI) for use by NAI National Workshop participants from your agency. To complete the press release, have the release re-typed on NAI letterhead completing the blank spaces. The release may be sent to any of the local news media in your area; however, local newspapers and smaller radio stations may be most receptive.



(PLACE)-Naturalists,historicalinterpreters,naturecenterdirectors,siteguidesand other edu-cators from across the nation attended the National Association for Interpretation’s (NAI) National Workshop. The theme for this year’s workshop was ___________.Theworkshopwasheld(date)at(place).


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The NAI National Workshop featured over (number) presentations on topics ranging from natural and cultural history interpretation to management skills and marketing. The participants were addressed by keynote speakers including: ______________________.(elaborateonkeynotes,specialoff-sitesessions)

The National Association for Interpretation is an organization of more than (number) members in the interpretive field. NAI’s mission is, “Inspiring leadership and excellence to advance heritage interpretation as a profession.” NAI services for its members include regional , national, and international training opportunities, certifications, a jobs service, scholarships, regional newsletters, a national newsletter, and two national magazines. The National Association for Interpretation can be reached at (current phone numbers and address information).

6.3.2 On-site Daily NewspaperPurpose:ProvidedailyupdatesofworkshoptoNAINationalWorkshopparticipants.


Distribution:ProvidedlastthingeachnighttoNAINationalWorkshopparticipantsbyslipping the publication under the hotel doors of participants staying in host hotels.

Who does what: Designated committee member writes and arranges for distribution. Often much of the content can be pre-written and laid-out before arrival at workshop. Front side may be pre-printed prior to arrival at workshop. Check with NAI staff for sponsor of newsletter.


Approximateproductionschedule:Havefirstday’sdailynewspaperpre-printed,broughton site then stuffed in registration packets. Distribute by slipping under hotel room doors (requirespermissionandroomlistfromhotel)orplaceinkeylocationsinhotel,suchascontinental breakfast, etc. Work with events manager to work out getting room numbers of workshop participants.


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7.0 Volunteer chair

7.1 Position Description

• developsdetailedtimetablefortasksandtracksaccomplishmentsofcommittee

• providesworkshopchairwithlistofcommitteemembers,agencies,addresses,andphone/faxnumbers/emailaddresses

• keepscopiesofallcorrespondence

• updatesjobdescriptionsforvolunteerneedsusinginformationfromsteeringcommittee

• workswitheventsmanagertoarrangeformessageboard(s)inregistrationarea

• determinestrainingandorientationneedsforvolunteersandprovideappropriatetraining

• workswitheventsmanagertoorganizeavolunteerroom,ifspaceandcontractallow

• recruitsvolunteers

• providesscheduleofvolunteerpositionstoAV/ITtechniciantopostonwebsite

• selectskeyvolunteerstobetrainedineveryon-sitecapacity,knowwherethosevolun-teers are staying, in case you need to contact them; let them know how to contact you iftheyneedtomakeachangeintheirscheduleorhavequestions

• distributesvolunteerpins

• ensurethatspeakergiftsaredistributedthroughroommonitors

7.2 Samples for Volunteer chair

7.2.1 Volunteer Follow-Up Letter

You are scheduled for the following activity:

Date____________ Time____________



Job Description



Pleasecheckinatthevolunteertableintheworkshopregistrationareaatleast30minutes before the scheduled activity


Thank you so much for you help--we couldn’t do it without you!

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7.2.2 Suggested volunteer needs

Auction Volunteer

• AuctionItemCheck-In(need4ormore)—Assistsauctiondonorsinfillingoutform; logs in auction items and assigns each item a number; enters data into computer

• “Hupper”(need4ormore)—Assistsauctioneerbyidentifyingthoseindividualbidderswhoarebiddingonagivenitem.Musthaveastrongloudvoice,befocusedand not be shy in crowds.

• $$BucketPerson(need1)—Walksthroughbiddersandothersattheauctionencouraging them to add cash to the money bucket

• PriceDropMonitors(need2)—Staffthepricedropbooth;informbiddersofhowthe system works; ring the bell at half hour time intervals; take bid sheets to cashier table after each bell

• SetupCrew(need15)—Assistauctionchairwithsettinguptheliveandsilentauction items, bell auction items, and cashier line

• SilentAuctionMonitors(need4ormore)—Staffssilentauctionareatoanswerquestionsandserveas“security”fortheitemsonthesilentauctiontable;picksupbidsheets at the close of the auction; identifies winners and enters information into the database

• Strutter(need10—scholarshiprecipientshelpwiththis)—Assistsauctioneerbyshowing individual items through the audience; if a par-ticular bidder is interested in getting a closer look at an item, the strutter will take it over to where that person is sitting; in a heated bidding war the strutter is expected to walk the item between the bidders in the attempt to have bidders bid higher on the item

Audio-Visual Assistant (need 6; various times to help IT/AV distribute / collect AV equipment)AssistNAIstaffbyplacingAVequipmentineachlocationwhereitisrequiredthenremovingtheequipmenttostorageattheendoftheday;andaccountingforequipmentat the end of each day. This is especially important at the end of the workshop so that all AVispackedbeforetheAwardsBanquet

Audio-Visual Keynote Assistant (need 1/keynote)AssistNAIstafforcontractorwithanyAVneedspriortoandduringkeynotepresentations, let speakers know when their ending time is approaching, show keynote to book signing, if they have one following the keynote presentation—this generally is the publicity/promotionschairsincetheirdutiesarecompletedbythetimetheworkshoptakes place.

Banquet Ticket Checker (need one at each entry)Greetbanquetparticipants;checkticketsatthedoorandpointparticipantsto-wardcashbarand/orvacantplacesattables.

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Bus Host (need 15)Greetsparticipantsastheygetonthebusforagivenspecialevent;answersquestionsabout the event and ensures that all participants get back on the bus at the conclusion of the event; takes tickets from participants as they get on the bus; marks their names off lists and directs them to the location for their bus

Speaker Hosts (need 100—or coverage from specific program committee members)Introduce concurrent session speakers to the audience and thank them with a gift from NAI; hands out and collects evaluation forms; posts “session full” sign when room fills; assistswithAVandanythingelsespeakerneeds

First-Timer’s Table-Reception Information Specialist (NAI Board Member) Orient new members to NAI, the NAI National Workshop, and the venue.

Floater (need as many as possible) Assists with NAI National Workshop flow wherever needed.

Greeters/Ambassadors (need 10)Greet participants as they arrive at the hotel by directing them to the hotel and conference registration areas; also greet participants as they enter the opening reception. (sometimes convention center staff will handle this job)

IMI Monitor (need 1)ContactIMIpresenters/organizerstoseeifthereisanythingyoucangetforthem.

Keynote Host (need up to 3)MeetsVIPsatairportandseesthattheygetcheckedinathotelandreturnedtoairportontime;makessureVIPsareintroducedtoeventmanager,executiveandassociatedirectors,board president, and other board members

Marketplace of Ideas Monitor (need 2)Staffs Creative Corner to assist presenters with anything they might need.

Membership Table (need lots)Greet prospective members and talk to them about joining NAI.

Newsletter Circulation Assistant (need 5/night)Serves as “runner” for the newsletter staff by delivering newsletters under doors of NAI National Workshop participants after they are printed each night; task will take place after10pm.(newsletterwillbedevelopedbypublicity/promotionscommittee)

Opening Reception Greeter/Checker (need 4)Greet participants as they arrive at the opening reception; direct them to the food tables and the bar; check for workshop nametags; directs participants to Native American welcome.

Packet Stuffer (need lots)Stuff registration packets on Sunday afternoon and haul them to registration area

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Pre-workshop Session Monitor (need 5)Contactpre-workshoppresenters/organizerstoseeifthereisanythingyoucangetforthem.

Poster Runner (need 2)HelpIT/AVputupsignageforeachvenueandoutsideeachconcurrentsessionroomatthe beginning of each day and makes sure signage changes as the sessions change. (Check each year with NAI IT person to see if this job will be necessary.)

Registration Assistant (10 at various times)Greet and register NAI members and their guests at the conference registration table.

Room Monitor/Greeter—Hospitality Room (need 4)Staffs hospitality suite; greets participants; refills snack bowls as needed; serves as “security” for the room and lets hotel staff know when the room is vacated so it can be locked each night. (There may not always be a hospitality room; it is dependant on sponsorship.)

Set-up Crew (need lots)AssistwithAVsetup(ifnecessary)andtabledecorations(ifused)atbanquetonSaturdayafternoon;setupNAIPlaceonSundaymorning;AssistNAIstaffinsettingup Association Store (books and logo clothing) in the exhibit hall and with moving the AssociationStoretotheNAIPlace

Special Event Host (need 5-10)Staffs special events to ensure that the event is running smoothly and assists with anything that is needed for the event on-site (for evening event, may need several)

Stage Manager (need 1)Coordinatesscriptswithawardschair,boardpresident/executivedirectorandothers;handles movement onto and off of stage during morning awards, an-nouncements, keynotespeaker—thisisgenerallythepublicity/promotionschair.

Ticket/Nametag Checker (need 2/entrance at each event or meal function)Monitordoorsatbanquettoensurethatallparticipantshavepurchasedatickettotheevent and that everyone who enters the door has a ticket; checks nametags at keynote events to ensure that all who enter have proper name badges; makes certain that those who attend meal functions have proper tickets or name badges. Ticket Trader Table (need 4)Staff Ticket Trader Desk in one-hour shifts to assist participants who want to buy or sell ticketstospecialevents,off-sitesorawardsbanquet.

Volunteer sign-Up Table Volunteer (need 5)Staffs table and encourages volunteers to sign up to assist with NAI National Workshop tasks.

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Other volunteers recruited through Interpretive Media Section:

• MediaAwardsCrew—Assistswithsetupandcleanupofthemediaawardsvenue;ensuresthatawardplaquesthatwerenotpickeduparetakentotheappropriatelocation(recruitingishandledthroughtheVisComcommittee)

• InterpretiveMediaBoothMonitor—StaffsVisComboothinexhibithall;answersquestionsaboutVisualCommunicationssectionandtheMediaAwardsCompetition—comesfromVisCommembership(committeedoesnotneedtorecruit)

7.3 Auction Details (auction volunteer) 7.3.1 Things to do before the auction

• writesauctionpressreleasesandmailtopublicitychairtointegrateintosubmissionsto all region and section newsletter editors

• writesauctionarticleforInterpNews,checkwithNAIstaffforproductionscheduledead-line and forwards article to publicity chair

• workswithassociatedirectortosolicit3-4big-ticketitemsforliveauction

• solicitsregional/sectionalbasketsfromeachregion&section.Contactregionsandsections6monthsbeforeNationalWorkshop,andagain1-2monthsbeforetheevent.

• contactsvolunteers,includingscholarshipwinnersandscholarshipcommittee,toassist with carrying out the auction

• workwithmembershipmanagertoremindworkshopparticipantsaboutauctionitems in confirmation letter

• contactsnationalofficeforanystoredauctionmaterials,forms,bidpaddlesoritemsleft over from the previous year

• ordersbidpaddles,ifneeded(lookunder“auction”intheYellowPagesorusepreviousprovider,MissouriAuctionSchool)

• arrangesforon-sitelogisticalneedswitheventsmanager

• preparesannouncementsregardingauction

7.3.2 On-Site Logistical Needs

• providestexttodailyon-sitenewslettertoupdatesuccessfulbiddersandlettingthemknow where and how to pick up their auction items

• workswithvolunteerchairtogetvolunteersforauctionitemcheck-intohelpregistrants sign in auction items (or use your own committee members)

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7.3.3 Auction Supplies• auctionitemtags(500),string,tape,pensforcheck-in• bidpaddles(1000)(seeifextrasareleftoverfromthepreviousyear)• silentauctionbidsheets(600)and300secondsheets• receiptbooks• addingmachineorcalculator• pens/pencils• identifyinghatorbandannaforstruttersandotherauctionworkers• cashbox• struttersandhuppers• clothesrackandclotheshangersfort-shirts• posterrackfordisplayingposters• easelstodisplayartwork• boxesanddolliesformovingitemsfromplacetoplace• belltoannounce“pricedrops”

7.3.4 Organizing the Auction

• workwithsalesmanagertosolicititemsfromexhibitors2-3monthsbeforeNationalWorkshop

• solicititemsfromworkshopparticipants(throughregionandsectionnewslettersandregistration packet)

• coordinatewithsalesmanagerthesolicitationofitemsfromlocalbusinesses,previous “big-ticket” donors, personal contacts, agencies in the region where the workshop is being held, region members

7.3.5 Check-In of Items at NAI National Workshop

• useself-servicecheck-inofitemsastheyarriveattheworkshopinprominentlocationnearregistrationbooth.Leaveboxes,pencils,anditemtagswithinstructionsfordonorstofillout.Providetapeandstringforattachingcardstoitems.Haveblankcertificatesavailablefordonationsthatareintangible.Havevolunteersassistwithcheck-in and carrying items to storage.

• whencollectingitemsdonated,checkthattaghasbeenfilledoutandattachedproperly

• separateitemsforsilentauctionorliveauction(shouldbeyourchoice,notthedonor’s)

• storeitemsuntilneeded

• makenoteofdonorsofanyitem(s)worthover$150

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7.3.6 Silent Auction Items

• preparesilentauctionbidsheetwithitemdescription,openingbids(setlow),andbidincrements

• setoutitemssobiddingcanbeginontime

• pickupbidsheetsanditemsatspecifiedtime(nolatebidding),makesurethatbidding closes after concurrent sessions are over

• pickupbidsheetsandtransferwinningbidandnameofsuccessfulbiddertoitemtag

• notifywinnersimmediatelybypostingalistofwinnersinacentrallocationandpublicizing that location in the daily newsletter

• allowauctionwinnerspickupandpayforitemsduringpostedhoursuntilafternoonof live auction where items can also be picked up and paid for; only NAI staff will take money for auction items

• giveslistofsilentauctionwinnerstoPublicity/promotionschairforinclusioninon-site newspaper and announcements during workshop

• changesitemseachdaypriortoandincludingauctionday

7.3.7 Live Auction Procedures

• setoutitemsforpreviewabout30minutesbeforeauctionbegins(dopromosofbigticket items during meals throughout workshop, and in daily newspaper)

• limitliveauctionto2hoursatthemostandbeginbiddingontime—donotscheduleentertainment before, during or after the auction. You will lose your audience.

• strutterspickupitemfromtable(withitemtagattached),carriesittoauctioneer

• Auctioneerholdsitup,handsitbacktostrutterwhocarriesitaroundroomwhilebidding is going on

• whenfinalbidistaken,strutterhandsthesuccessfulbiddertheitem,fillsoutbiddernumber and amount on tag, then takes tag to cash-out table

• bidderscancashoutanytime-alltheirliveauctiontagsshouldbeatthecash-outtable(they should bring their own silent auction item tags after they pick up their items)

• onlynationalofficestaffarepermittedtocollectmoneyforauctionsales

• NOTE:Auctioneersneedtoremembertonotonlymoveitemsalongquickly,buttoget the most money possible for the item. Auctioneers need to constantly remind audience members that the scholarship auction is about giving to the future of the profession and not getting the best deal on what they purchase.

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7.3.8 Other Events During Live Auction

• ifitemsareleftthatarenotinliveauction,doseveralshort(45min.)silentauctionsduring live auction

• haveat-shirt,poster,andbookareawherethepriceforanyitemsbeginshighatstartofevening($50)anddropsin$5amountsevery10-15minutesthroughouttheevening; have a loud bell to ring to announce price drops

• considerhavingdoorprizesorafreebeveragetickettoencourageattendance.

• haveahandoutorsignageatthedoor(orateachauctionactivity)todescribethedifferent activities and how they work

• forsmalleritemsduringliveauction,considera“pennyauction”where$1ticketsaresold, and participants can buy as few or as many as they want. They drop as many tickets as they want in the appropriate sealed bucket (one for each item on table. Draw winners when table closes

7.3.9 Follow-up

• completereport&sendtonationalofficeandscholarshipcommittee

• sendthank-younotestothosewhospentand/ordonateditemsthatnettedover$150

• sendequipmentandmaterials(suchasauctionpaddles,pens,creditcardmachine,etc) and any donated items that are leftover to national office for storage

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8.0 NAI National Workshop Glossary

Classroom style—indicates the set-up of a meeting room with rows of tables in front of chairs.

Drayage—the “stuff” that accompanies the exhibit hall; the decorating company willusuallyar-rangefordrayage—transportation/shippingofexhibits,drapes,boothfurniture, etc.

Green room—practice room for speakers

Hupper—someone who stands in the audience during the auction to draw attention to a bid by yelling and pointing to the bidder.

Interpretive Sourcebook—proceedings of the workshop; a collection of program papers.

NAI National Workshop— Annual event previously known as the National InterpretersWork-shoporNAINATIONALWORKSHOP.

Solicited Presentations—presentationswhichhavebeenrequestedbyProgramcommittee of individuals known to have specific presentation skills or subject matter expertisegermanetotheworkshoptheme.Presentersarenotpaidandmustadheretostandard guidelines as presented in the call for presentations and selection process.

Strutter—someone who “struts” through the audience during the auction with the item being bid on so the audience can see it. Also brings items waiting to be bid on up to auctioneer.

Theater Style—indicates the set-up of a meeting room with rows of chairs, one behind the other.

Volunteered Presentations—presentations which come in “over the door” in responsetotheCallforPresentations.

Workshop committee—consists of four chairs as outlined in board-approved guidelines:Work-shopchair,Programchair,Publicity/PromotionsChair,VolunteerManagementChair.

Workshop Office—headquartersforNAInationalworkshopcommitteeandstaffwhileon-site.DailymeetingsareusuallyheldhereandAVequipmentmaybestoredhere.

Workshop Program Guide—the booklet given out at registration with all the workshop scheduling and information in it.

Workshop Promotion Booth—anexhibitboothand/orpromotionalmaterialsatnational or re-gional workshops to encourage participation at the upcoming national workshop

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9.0 Board Approved Workshop Guidelines

The NAI Board of Directors will only consider exceptions to these guidelines on a case by case basis.

9.1 TitleThe title for the workshop will be “NAI National Workshop” and it will be referred to as such in all promotional materials. The term “National Workshop” may also be used.

9.2 Workshop Schedule

1. TheNAINationalWorkshopwillbeheldinthefall,preferablyinNovemberbeforeThanksgiving, unless special circumstances occur which would make changing the time more advantageous (a joint workshop or special weather-related theme, for instance). The Workshop should not be scheduled immediately before or after October1st,thestartofthefederalfiscalyear.

2. The Workshop should be four days in length (excluding registration day). The workshop should ideally follow this format:

• BeginonaTuesdayeveningwithregistration,theexhibitopeningandeveningsocial

• Wednesdaywillincludeconcurrentsessions,exhibitsandsilentauction,andeveningspecialevents(Thiswillchangestartingin2012.)

• Thursday-concurrentsessions,exhibits,andsilentauctioncontinue,agencyawards in the afternoon with evening media awards and agency awards (Excellence Awards)

• Fridayisfieldtrainingdaywithliveauction

• Saturdayismoreconcurrentsessionsendingwiththeawardsbanquet

• IMI;pre-workshopcourses(5-12),andtheNAIboardmeetingwilltakeplacetheMondayandTuesdaybeforetheworkshopbegins.

3. Anychosendateshouldattempttoavoiddateconflictswithotherconferencessuchasthe NAAEE, Watchable Wildlife, and Society of American Foresters, etc.

9.3 FinancesOverhead expense for national office services are built into the NAI National Workshop and defined by the overall NAI budget, which the board of directors approves annually. Any excesses of profit above the defined amount for national office overhead goes into NAI’s general operating budget. Auction proceeds go into the scholarship fund or other similarly designated fund as declared by the board. Amounts above the annual student scholarship disbursements will be distributed as certification training scholarships. Thehostregionreceivesaminimumpaymentof$2000or10%ofthesurplus,whicheverisgreater.(Startingin2013,regionswilleachreceive$200/yearor10%ofthesurplus.)

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The workshop should be reasonably priced so that interpreters without agency support, seasonal employees, etc., may participate. Spouses and students should have a reduced rate covering fixed costs. Non-member registration fee includes the cost of membership in NAI for the following year. The early registration cut-off should be at least two months before the beginning of the workshop. On-site registration fees should be higher than pre-registration fees. The sum of day registration fees must exceed the cost of full registration. The executive director together with the associate director will be responsible for setting thefixedcostsofregistration(suchasmeals).Membersoftheboardofdirectorspayareduced registration fee that will include those events and meals covered by regular basic registration. The national office will be responsible for handling all workshop funds. Receipts or invoicesarerequiredforalldebtsandreimbursements. Allcontractsforregistration,AV,foodservice,meetingandexhibitspace,decorators,transportation, printing, and special events must be approved and signed by the associate director or executive director. Whenever possible, it is essential that contracts stipulate finalpaymenttobereceivedin30daysafterthecloseoftheworkshop.Contractsmustalsoincludeanon-complianceclause,“apenaltyofupto15%willbeimposedonanycontractor who fails to comply with all terms of the contract.” The national office is accountable for all workshop income and handles workshop registration. The national office will accept credit cards used by the government (AmericanExpress,Visa,MasterCard,Discover).Thebudgetwillbebasedonabreak-even point determined by the associate director in the national budget.

9.4 PublicityRegistration packets will be distributed in the spring and should include information on the site, hotel and transportation, off-site sessions, keynotes, special events, pre- or post-workshoptrainingcourses,andIMI.

9.5 Workshop Content

1. Anationalbusinessmeetingwillbeheldduringtheworkshop(thismeetingmaybe held during a single or multiple sessions at the discretion of the board and staff). Time will also be set aside for region and section meetings. The committee should also set aside time slots for agency meetings and awards but not at the expense of NAI activities.

2. The majority of concurrent sessions will be from volunteered papers selected by a peer review process. No speakers will be paid unless all workshop participants will benefit (keynote speakers, for example). Session topics should include both techniquesandsuccessfulprogramsinnaturalandculturalhistory,management,and research. The program committee should solicit papers in addition to putting outageneralCallforPresentations,whichshouldbeavailableontheNAIwebsiteprior to the preceding workshop. Workshop sessions should include a diverse range of topics of interest to different kinds of NAI members (i.e. natural history, cultural history,management)andincludebothdemonstrationsofskillsandtechniques,andexamples of successful programs.

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3. Noprogramshouldbepresentedduringameal.Generalsessions,suchaskeynotesor media awards, can begin after meal service has been cleared, or meal service clearing must cease during the presentation.

4. Pre-workshopTrainingSessions(5-12)shouldbescheduledbeforetheworkshopandshould be of reasonable cost to encourage attendance. The national office will pay 50%oftheprofitsafterexpensestotrainingcourseinstructors,aspercontract.

5. TheInterpretiveManagementInstitute(IMI)willbeheldfortwodaysbeforethework-shop.RegistrationforIMIwillbehandledwithworkshopregistration.

6. The workshop proceedings, The Interpretive Sourcebook, will be available on CD-ROMattheworkshopaspartoffullregistration,andshouldfollowestablishedguidelines. Extra copies will be sold through the Association Store.

7.Exhibitsshouldopenthefirsteveningandthetwofollowingdays,withaminimumof16hoursexposurewithatleast5hoursofexclusivetimeduringwhichnootherevents are scheduled (such as an opening reception and continental breakfasts or breaksintheExhibitHall).Exhibitorsshouldalsobeencouragedtosharetheirexpertise by proposing concurrent sessions.

9.6 Logistics

1. Thereshouldbeaminimumof15breakoutroomsforconcurrentsessions,inaddition to space for the workshop office and the board meeting room. The majorityofbreakoutsshouldhaveacapacityofatleast75peopletheatre-styleandAVequipment.Sessionlengthsshouldbe60minutesand120minuteslongwith25-minute sessions for research papers.

2. Wherever possible, the committee should use soy inks and recycled paper for printed materials, glass and china for meals, and encourage recycling during the conference by providing a recycling location.

9.7 Special Events and Off-Site Sessions

1. TheNAINationalWorkshopwillincludeabanquet,scholarshipauction,off-sitesessions, special evening events, and a media awards ceremony.

2. Thebanquetwillincludeapresentationofprofessionalawardsandadance.Nootherprogram should be included.

3. Asilentauctionshouldbeheldbeforetheliveauctiontoreducethenumberofitemsin the live auction.

4. Coach-stylebuseswillbeusedfortripsoverthirtyminutes,iffeasible.

5. Registrants will have first option for field training and special events. Non-registered participants will be allowed to attend these activities on a space available basis. An adult who is registered for the workshop must accompany children attending these events.

6. One afternoon or evening should be set aside for Excellence Awards (agency awards).

Approved by the NAI Board of Directors 5/93, revised 8/97, revised 7/01, revised 11/02, revised and approved 11/03. (Board approval for the manual is no longer required.) revised 2/09