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  • 7/24/2019 107869jik


    It's a cold night in New York City, Monday, the fourteenth of April, two-

    thousand three, at about eight pm. Naina is coming back from leaving her friend,

    Rohit, at his place, and is sitting at a bus stop in front of Central Park,

    waiting for the bus to take her to her home street.

    Suddenly, she hears a weird sound: the sound of person. She tries to

    Find the source of the sound. She looks under the bench, only to find a shrunken

    person, shivering. The person was wearing a torn jacket and pants. The jacket

    was torn enough that even water could pass through it with ease. She bends down,

    picks up the person, and keeps him in her pocket.

    In the meantime, her bus arrives; so she climbs the bus and heads home.

    The next day, at ten fifteen am, Naina is sitting on her bed; making sure her

    little person is having a nice nap. She then gets up and takes a coffee cup in

    her hand, sipping it slowly, and picks up a fat book, called "On Desk MBA".

    Meanwhile, the person wakes up, only to find a new environment around him. Naina

    notices him moving a bit, and keeps the cup on the table as she goes near him,

    and says, "Hi how are you feeling?"

    The man replies, "Fine, but how did I get here?"

    "I brought you here with me last night."

    "But, why?"

    "Well, because you were in a bad shape last night, under the bus stop. Plus, I

    like to help special people."


    "Yes: you're special 'cause you're tiny! Listen, I know it's kind of odd, but

    can I be your friend? Huh?"

    The man takes about five minutes, before replying, "Yes."

    Naina picks him up for a hug, and says, "Thank you! Oh, I've made a new friend!

    I'm Naina."

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    "I'm Dave."

    "So, what should I call you? Mr. Dave?"

    "Just call me Dave."


    "Hey, this shirt?"

    "I know it's not yours you were shivering last night so my younger sister gave

    it to you."

    "Sister... hmm, younger sister?"

    "Yes, her name is Riya, you want to talk to her should I call her?"

    "Yes, of course."


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    As Riya enters, Naina says, "your bhaiya is awake."

    "Really?" She replies, with a flare of excitement. She then pulls up a chair

    near the bed, and says to Dave, "Hi, bhaiya."

    "Hi, Riya."

    "How are you feeling bhaiya?"

    "Fine for the moment. Thank you, Riya"

    "Thank you for what Bhaiya?"

    "For the Shirt."

    "Oh, it's ok."

    Then Naina says, "Riya why don't you go and prepare for you exam, ok?"

    "Ok, sis," Riya says as she leaves the room."

    "Nice girl," Dave says.

    "Anyway, you want to eat or drink something?"

    "We'll eat later. First, tell me where I'm going to stay."

    "With me."

    "With you? Why... and how?"

    "Well, first of all, I don't want you to be crushed, so I can keep you with me

    for your protection, and you can sleep on my bed to stay warm, cause I have seen

    you shiver, and I won't let you again."

    "Huh. As you wish. Can I get something to eat, please?"

    "Oh, you don't need to beg for it. Ok, I'll see what I have got you. Non-



    "Ok, then let me check... In the meantime, I'll tell Riya to take care of you."

    She then leaves the room.

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    A few minutes later, Riya enters the room, shuts the door, walks over to the

    bed, and sits down right next to Dave. "Mind if I sit next to you, bhaiya?"

    "No, I don't."

    "So, how did you become so small?"

    "Well, to tell you the truth, I came to New York City to die. I had run away

    from my house after a fight with my sister, who is two years younger. I made

    myself this small by a device I made, which I call the Minimizer. It usesnuclear power of one point two gigawats of power to physically get control of

    any person's atomic structure, and change it. So, I just kind of used it on

    myself, and shrank."

    "Why did you want to die?"

    "Cause... I don't know. I hate the world. There's no love for me in it, that's


    "Why do you think like that, Bhaiya? We're here for you! We'll take good care of

    you, Bhaiya."

    Naina returns, and says, "Well, there was not much non-veggie stuff in the

    kitchen, but I do have this veggie pizza left from last night. That will do."

    "It will." Dave asks.

    Naina opens the box, and cuts a piece of pizza for Dave and gives it to him. He

    eats up the piece, and lies down again, for a moment.

    "Need more?"

    "No, but I think it would be great if I just could get something to drink."

    "Ok, why not? Riya, will you get Bhaiya some water?"

    Riya replies, "Why not?" She then leaves the room for a few minutes. She comesback with a bottle of water. "Here you go: I got a bottle of water just in case

    if anyone else wanted to drink."

    Naina opens the bottle, fills its cap, and gives it to Dave to drink. Dave

    drinks up the water, and the Naina picks him up, and says, "Well, I need to

    study. I hope you don't mind sitting on a pencil stand while I study?"

    "Well, it will hurt a bit, but I think I can manage."

    While Dave tries to sit on the pencil stand, Naina pulls out a book, opens it,

    and starts to read. About fifteen minutes later, Dave stands up, and goes and

    hugs Naina's arm. Naina then picks him up with two fingers, and dangles him.

    Then she smiles, and hugs him and kisses him. She then sneezes, throwing Dave

    back to his seat.

    Naina rubs her nose, and gives Dave a horrid look, and says, "I-I'm s-s-sorry! I

    didn't mean to..."

    Before she can finish her sentence, Dave replies, "It's all right. I know you

    didn't mean to hurt me."

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    "Ahh, listen, you said something about a younger sister. What's her name?"

    "Priya (reference kya kehna)."


    "Oh, I have to go to the market and get some vegetables, but I can't leave you

    here with Riya, so you only tell me where would you like to ride? In my purse,

    or in my pocket?"

    "I think your pocket is better."

    "Ok, then: hop in." With a little help, Dave jumps in into Naina's top pocket of

    her coat. "Listen, if you need anything, just pinch me, and if you want warmth,

    you can cling to my heart, ok?"

    "Ok, Miss Naina."

    "Not Miss Naina. Just Naina, ok? And, while we're at it, I'll take you to a

    doctor as well, if you are willing and up to it, that is."

    "Why not? I'm ready for anything!"

    "Well, then: Let's go, shall we?"

    Naina picks up her purse, and then tells Riya, "I'm going to the market. I'll begone for a while."

    She then takes a bus, and goes to the hospital. She finds the receptionist, and

    says "Listen: I need to see a doctor; it's urgent."

    The receptionist replies, "Yes? Ah, Doctor Pari is the person your looking for.

    Go left, down the corridor, then left, and find the door with his name on it."

    Naina then enters "Ah, Doctor Pari?"

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    Then Pari replies, "Yes?"

    "Oh, thank god! Doctor, I have a very rare case: will you see this?" She then

    takes Dave out from her pocket, and keeps him on the table, leaving Pari


    "Hi there!" Pari says to Dave. Then Dave, backing off to Naina, says, "H-H-Hi"

    "Ah, now: don't be scared. I only want to help you. How did you get so small?"

    "I made myself this small, using a device I made, and call the Minimizer. It

    uses nuclear power of 1.2 gigawats of power to physically get control of any

    person's atomic structure, and change it. I used it on myself, and shrank


    "Oh, poor thing!" He then looks at Naina, and says, "well, I can find out if

    there's a way to reverse the reduction process from this Minimizer, as he says,

    but for the time being you can use this." She takes out a bottle of black powder

    and sprinkles over Dave. Both watch as the powder is sucked into Dave's body

    like sponge. "Well, this powder is a toner: it will make you... shall we say...


    Then Naina asks, "Durable? I don't understand?"

    "Well, you can now tie him up to the car wheel and drive without any fear. You

    see, he's like sponge now, so he won't be squashed or hurt, and he doesn't need

    to breath, so you just treat him like a normal person, ok?"

    "Ok, Doctor. Thank you! How much are the fees for this... check up?"

    "Please, don't bother: it's a special case. So what can I say? I'll keep it free

    of cost!"

    Then Naina picks up Dave, and puts him in her purse.

    "Ok, Doctor." Naina leaves the hospital, and enters the vegetable market nearby. She buys some vegetables, and returns home.

    As she enters the room, she puts her purse on the bed, then Dave comes out, but

    Naina does not see him, and accidentally sits on him. She takes off her shoes,

    and then realizes that Dave is under her butt!

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    She gets up and sees Dave lying there where she was, and says to him, "Are you

    okay? Oh god, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do that!"

    Dave gives her a thumbs up, and says "At least the toner works!"

    Naina picks him up, and hugs him, saying, "I am so sorry Dave"

    "It's all right, Naina! You know what? When you sat on me, I kind of liked it,

    having that squashed feeling..."

    "I'm sure you do. Now you better lay back and rest here while I go to the

    bathroom." She tucks Dave into her quilt, goes to the bathroom, and locks the


    Riya enters the room, approaches the bed, sees Dave lying down with his eyes

    closed, and says, "Aw! So sweet! A puny little shrunken man! Hey, I'm talking to

    you shrimp! How dare you sleep in my sister's bed, huh?"

    Dave wakes up, and backs away from Riya.

    "Where the hell do you think you're going, you little mouse? Come here!" With

    that, she snatches Dave from the bed, and puts him on the cold, freezing study

    table, and says, "I think this a suitable place for you to rest. Here, use this

    as a quilt when you start getting cold" and hands him over a piece of thin

    cloth, which wasn't even his height. "Oh, yea, by the way, that's supposed to be

    mine!" She tears his shirt apart, and leaves.

    Naina comes out, saying, "I'm back! I hope - hey, what the hell happened in

    here? A tornado?" Then, she sees Dave shivering on the table, without a shirt.

    Naina goes near him, and asks, "What happened to you? Where's your shirt? Who

    did this?"

    She looks at little Dave, as he says, "Y-Y-Your sister did all this. S-She tore

    my shirt apart. Look..." then he shows Naina the torn apart shirt, and throws

    the piece of cloth and sits down.

    "Poor thing! Come here: come on here and don't cry, ok?" She says whileShe hugs him. She takes him to her bed, and tucks him back again, and says,

    "Wait right here: I'll be right back!"

    She leaves the room, and enters Riya's, and sees Riya with Jass (Riya's friend),

    and says, "Riya, come with me! You too, Jass!" then all three enter Naina's

    room. Naina stops Jass and says, "Just stay here, and listen." Then she asks

    Riya, "Riya, did you do this?"

    "What, Didi" Riya replies.

    "Why did you tell Dave to sleep on the study table, and tear his shirt apart?"

    "Because I don't want him to sleep on your bed, and, by the way, that was

    suppose to be my doll's shirt!"

    "So? Can't you share some of your stuff?

    "Yes, I can; but only to normal people, not rats like him!"

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    "He is not a rat, you understand? And whether you like it or not, you have to

    share your doll clothes with him, because he needs them, ok? Now go, and I don't

    want this to happen again!"

    As Riya leaves the room, Jass comes near Naina, and asks, "Didi, who's Dave?"

    "Jass, Dave is human, like you and me, but he's only six inches in height."

    "Six inches!"

    "Yes, I found him last night at the bus stop. He had fainted. I brought

    Him home and helped him. Riya gave him this shirt to wear..." Naina shows her

    the torn shirt.

    "Can I see him? I promise not to hurt him! I'll help him! I only want to be

    friends with him!"

    "Yea, sure. But, first you better get him another shirt, cause he's a bit naked

    from the top."

    "Yea, sure! I'll be right back." She leaves the room, and returns with a brand

    new red colored shirt, and gives it to Naina. "Here you go, Didi."

    "Now, just wait a moment till I dress him up, ok?" She puts her hand inside the

    quilt. "Ah, here your are..." Naina pulls out Dave, and dresses him up. "There

    we go: as good as new! Oh, by the way, this is Jass: Riya's friend. Don't worry:

    she won't hurt you. She only wants to be your friend."


    Dave waves his hand to Jass, and says, "Sure, I'll be her friend. But on one

    condition: that she won't do the same thing to me as your sister just did!"

    Jass says, "I won't, aa Bhaiya."

    Naina says to Dave, "Dave, you must be hungry. I better make something hot for

    you to eat and stay warm."

    "Hey wait. I only have the capacity to share with someone, warm like what?"

    "Don't worry, I'll share with you, my dear. I was just making some carrot


    "Ok: no problem!"

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    Then Naina says to Jass, "Jass, take care of Bhaiya until I come back, and don't

    tease him, and make sure that Riya does not repeat what she did. I am sending

    her up here to study, ok?"

    "Right, Didi." She picks up Dave, and gives him a hug, and says, "Ah, I wanted

    to hug you like this, Bhaiya!"

    Meanwhile, Riya enters the room, and sees Jass hugging Dave, and says, "Jass,

    what the hell are you doing?"

    "What do you mean, what am I doing?" She puts Dave on the bed, "Didi has

    instructed me to make sure that Bhaiya is all right, and has also said to make

    sure you don't hurt him."

    Riya pulls up a chair to the study table, and starts to study. Then, Jass picks

    up Dave, and asks him, "Bhaiya don't you feel kind of strange?"

    "Strange in what manner"

    "Well like I'm holding you like this and all, you know about your size."

    "See, Jass, first of all, I don't care. I mean, I am such a small guy in front

    of you, and I can't do any thing in front of you, so I have to live life

    according to your environment and besides. This isn't the first time I got


    "Really? You were shrunk earlier in life?"

    "Well, prior to this time, yes, and I had to stay at my best friends place with

    her, and she was not less than you or Didi here. She used to do the exact same

    things: cook food, make me sleep with her, and give a bath in the sink."

    "Wow, what was her name, Bhaiya?"

    "Not was, is."

    Yea, yea is."

    "Shalu, Shalu Saxena (dil hai tumhaara)."


    "Bhaiya, I know I am being a bit childish, but can I talk to her?"

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    "Yea, why not? What was her number? I think I had her number... she had a GSM

    Mobile... what was her number... I got it; 98-110-12345!"

    "Do you think I should give her a call?"

    "Yea but let me do the talking."

    "But how?"

    "Speaker phone."

    "Ok, one minute: let me dial her number."

    She switches on the speakerphone, and dials the number. A voice comes on.


    Dave asks, "Is this Shalu?"

    "Yes. May I know who you are, and how did you get my number?"

    "It's me: your little living Barbie doll"

    "Dave? Is that you, Dave?"


    "Oh, my god, it's been what? Four years since we have met? Where in the whole

    world are you, man?"

    "I am in NYC"

    "NYC! That means were in the same city!"

    "You don't say! Then come over 29-Mafin Street, New York."

    "I'll be right there!"

    Fifteen minutes later, the doorbell rings. Naina opens the door, and looks at a

    girl no younger than her about twenty-five years.

    "Hi, I am looking for Mr. Dave."

    "Yes? Why not? But who are you?"

    "I am shalu now please I want to talk to him it's urgent"

    Naina takes Shalu to her room. Before entering, she says, "Just wait: I have

    some other people inside, so let me get them out. Then, I'll call you in."

    Naina enters the room, and says to Riya, "why don't you go in your room, and

    listen there's a girl standing outside just send her in."

    "Ok, Didi." As she leaves the room, she looks at Shalu, then says, "Aa they are

    calling you inside" and goes to her room.

    Shalu enters the room, and Dave says, "Hi, Shalu!"

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    "Dave! It's really you! How come you're so tiny? Weren't you cured?"

    "Ah, Shalu, Priya & I got into a fight, and, well, this is the result. Listen: I

    think you need to brush up on your Barbie doll care taking tips again!" He


    "I think I would."

    "Ah, by the way, meet Naina. She has been taking care of me since I got here.

    Then, this is Jass. She's also been helping me out." Dave looked at Naina,"Listen: if you don't mind, can she stay here for a while? Like till I'm cured?

    It will be better for you; at least you will be able to do your work, and if she

    will be here then you won't be tired, either."

    "Why's that?"

    "Cause, she has a rejuvenating machine."

    "Yea, sure. If she's up to it, it's ok with me. I always wanted to make new


    "Yea, that's ok. Dave, why won't I stay with you? But where will I sleep?"

    "If you want, I can arrange for a bed in my room."

    "Something's burning!"

    Jass asks, "Burning?"

    Dave says, "Smells like carrot to me"

    Naina says, "Carrot? Oh my god! The carrot souffl!"

    Naina rushed down to check. Meanwhile, Jass asks Shalu, "So, what should I call

    you? Didi?"

    "Yea, that's ok with me."

    Dave says, "Ah, it's going to be nice bathing with your warm hands again!"

    "Oh, shut up: I know your joking!"

    Jass asked, "Joking? What do you mean? He didn't like to take a bath from you?"

    "He used to hate it, but I loved it! I remember how I used to do it..."

    Meanwhile, downstairs, Naina is talking to Rohit, her best friend, "what can I

    say man"

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    "Wait, I better gets him something"

    "No no, don't, please?"

    "As you wish. Is he cute?"

    "Rohit, he's only six inches tall!"

    "Six inches!"


    "Man but how I mean it's totally impossible, Naina!"

    "He had built some machine that uses gamma rays at fast rate and what not why

    don't you do one thing: ask him this at least you can have a chance to talk and

    be friends with him?"

    "Ok." Rohit follows Naina to her room. While entering, Naina says to Dave "I'm

    sorry: the souffl was completely burnt till I could reach it, so I'll just fixup something else. By the way, this is my friend, Rohit. Rohit patel he is in

    advertising, and since the last three years hasn't made any progress."

    Rohit says to naina "naina naina can I speak please"

    "Ya sure go ahead"

    Rohit to Dave and shalu "hi" "hi" "hi"

    "Im Rohit and I want to be friends with both of you if it's ok with you that


    "Ok with me ask shalu"

    "Fine with me to"

    Jass to Rohit "bhaiya yours cell is ringing"

    "Oh thanks jass, hello yes Rohit here no sir we dont do magazine covers but I

    can do is that make a poster out of your requested file yes sir sure 15 minutes

    right sir ok sir"

    "Naina I have to go yaar some client has come up but I go Mr. Dave I wanted to

    ask you how did you get so small? "

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    "Oh please just call me Dave, well I built this machine which I call the

    Minimizer. It uses nuclear power of one point two gigawats of power to

    physically get control of any person's atomic structure, and change it. So, I

    just kind of used it on myself, and shrank"

    "Cool, well anyway see you all later"

    "Bye Rohit"

    "Bye naina"

    " Dave you didnt tell about this minimizer"

    " Well you see shalu I wanted to tell you then I thought that I would just keep

    it a surprise"

    "You na Ill just - forget it"

    " You just keep up Ill take care that burnt souffl"

    Then naina leaves the room and enter's the kitchen

    "I better fix up something for Dave"

    Then naina starts boiling water to make some tea for all

    "Oh Dave I almost forgot akash is in town and today is his wedding and I have to

    be there and I wont be back before at least two in the morning so please try to


    "C'mon shalu have I ever said any thing to you"

    "Thanks I knew that you would understand" she picks up Dave and then kisses him

    "Here you go tea for every one"


    "Thanks but why did you bother you should have told me"

    "No no its ok"

    "By the way naina I have to go for a party tonight its my other friends wedding

    so I have to be there"

    "Oh naina didi I almost forgot a got this mail from your MBA institute regarding

    to you exam date"

    "Oh on not again now when is it in the next 20 days my god how will I study"

    "Listen ah if you dont mind I can help you with that just tell me how much of

    you course is left I can teach you MBA and I not joking I have studied MBA my


    "Thanks but why will you teach my I mean it will look completely strange you

    that a little doll like you is going to teach his own caretaker ahh no offence"

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    " Non taken why cant I help a friend when you are helping me protecting me from

    danger hearing god knows all kinds of things for then can't I do this much in


    "Ohh so sweet thank you" then she picks up Dave and hugs him

    "Oh my got it's eight I better go otherwise Mr. dinesh khanna will kill me"

    "Who? ""My boss who else remember refresh apple juices today I had to take new cover

    shots with sameer well I better go and naina dont mind but I will be late so

    please just have my bed ready for me please huh"

    "Shalu ok I will you relax ok"

    Shalu leaves the place to her office


    "Dave shall I tuck you in coz Im sleepy"

    "Ahh naina dont but you will be disturbed by me if I sleep here so then can't I

    sleep on this shelf above"

    "But it's freezing cold there you want to sleep there then just wait"

    Saying that naina just enter's Riyas room and brings the doll sized bed for

    Dave and places on the shelf above the bed

    "Here you go little Dave climb aboard" with that naina just tucked Dave in the

    little bed "good night naina"

    "Good night Dave now I am closing the light if that's ok with you"

    "Ya it is " naina closed the light and went of to sleep

    About two and half hours later naina woke to drink some water she drank thewater from her water bottle then looked at Dave he was shivering like a leaf

    "Poor thing he would consider shivering rather than have me disturbed but then I

    will just have to help him" naina just picked him up and while hugging him she

    tucked him in her bed Dave then suddenly woke up what happened" "nothing you

    were shivering so that's why I am making you sleep with me"


    She then kisses Dave and then closes her eyes when suddenly she heirs the door

    bell ringing

    "Ahh Dave someone is at the door Ill just check you take care of your self ok"


    Naina then goes down the stairs and open's the door it's shalu

    "Ahh" "hi"

    "So had a nice party"

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    "Nope it would have been better with Dave around in normal size that is by the

    way where is he"

    "Asleep" "oh" "you want me fix something up for you"

    "Nope I going to change and then to bed"

    " Ok but where are your clothes"

    " I bought my bag along dont you remember" "ooh must have forgot any way I am

    going to bed"

    Naina then lies down on her bed as shalu comes out of the toilet after changing

    her clothes then she just reaches towards Dave and gives him a kiss

    "Goodnight my little baby"

    And then she also turns in.

    End of part I

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    next morning Dave is talking to shalu about the party last night

    "So had a nice time there"

    "Well you know you boring wedding's are but it was important so i had to go the

    preparation of all things were good"

    "who is the lucky one"

    "Sonya kapour"

    "again, why?"

    "well in the last four years sonya's father past away so there was no one for

    her to trust exept akash so they got married"

    "oh i see, poor sonya"

    "anyway c'mon i better you somthing to eat ok"

    "hmmm i dont know i'm not hungry right now"

    "have something?"

    "not yet shalu maybe later"

    "as you wish"

    then naina enter's the room saying

    "well breakfast is ready come downstairs"

    "ok i'll just bring dave"

    then shalu picked up dave and took him downstairs to the kitchen and kept him on

    the table facing riya look at riya dave started to back away back away

    then looking at naina dave says

    "naina after breakfast i'll start your classes"


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    "didi dont want to have breakfast"

    "why riya what happened"

    "i not well, i going to my room"

    as riya gets up and leaves naina looks at jass

    "dave your not having anything"

    "i dont feel like eating somthing right now naina"

    "why what's wrong"

    "i am feeling like to eat somthing and dont force me either"

    "allright as you wish"

    "i'm done and i better leave for my office""ok bye" "bye" "bye didi" "bye all"

    then naina said "jass we both will hav to go to the liberary today"

    "but didi dave bhaiya will not be bale to go"

    "hmm ya right that means he has to stay alone for little while"

    "how much time naina"

    "mhh not much dave only an hour"

    "ok then i can manage"

    "you sure"


    "ok then c'mon we better study now" then naina just picked up dave and too him

    in her room and kept him on the study table and took out her book

    "ok now dave this one is still incomplete"

    "hmm ok then just read the remaining and then i'll just give some questions on

    it ok"

    "ok"with that naina started reading as dave silently sat on the pencil stand

    after a few miniutes naina kept the pencil in the pencil stand closing the book

    and putting it aside she took of her specs and started crying

    dave aproached naina then he hugged naina, naina looked up at dave as dave wiped

    naina's tears asking her "what happened?" then naina just hugged her and kissed

    her then said

    "my concentration is to weak for all this i cant study any more"

    "naina if you didnt hav the power to study you should hav told me there's no

    problem c'mon now dear wipe you tears c'mon please"

    then naina wiped her tears and kissed dave "thank you little dave"

    "naina dont mind i think you need to get some rest why dont you lie down"


    naina lay down on her bed keeping dave on her pillow"naina dont mind can i ask you a question?"

    "ya go ahead"

    "you dont share your innerfeeling's with any dont you"

    "why you asked"

    "just like that no reason i just wanted to cofirm that what i think about you is

    it correct or not? "

    "oh so what do you think about me"

    "well i think your a nice girl i mean you want to help people well your

    beutifull, sexy and all but you dont hav one thing which is a good smile and for

    got sake those specs dont suit you at all and dont mind but i really love your

    hair and one mor thing you dont like to share your feeling's with anyone"

    "ohh so that's all"

    "hmm yup that's all"

    "hmmm you know your the first person say to all that to me with out even bieng

    scared otherwise rohit tried once but could not succed"

    "sceard i dont need to sceard from you your my friend arent you? "

    "yes i am"

    "then i dont need to sceard from friends. friends are like helpers"

    "hmm you love my hair right"


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    "then take this"

    naina then took a strand of hair and handed it over to dave"


    "what why c'mon hold this c'mon"

    with that dave took her hair and hugged it

    "ahh there so warm so soft"

    "you liked to hug them"


    "dave you said somthing about that i hide my feeling's right"

    "yes i did why""actually i do but the thing is that i wanto share but i dont know whom to share

    them with"

    "well if you want you can share them with me"

    "i dont know if i should"

    "its your wish i am only trying to help you because if you do share with me it

    will make you feel better"

    "well i got nothing to lose so i better do share them with you"

    "allrite then i think you should start of from the begining"

    "well dave you see i and riya were not the only ones here well there was mom,

    dad one brother named shiv and a sister named gia and i was never ever so sad in

    my life untill oneday my dad he killed himself i cant reveal why then a few year

    later my mom had to go to LA for shiv's operation then on the news i heard that

    the flight in which they were had crashed then all of my happiniess was stolen

    from me and you asy that i dont smile dont laugh well whenever i want to there

    thoughts just invade me i'm lonly nobody loves me here not even riya"

    "why do you say like that naina i love you ya i love buddy"

    "oh dave thank you" with that naina just huggs him

    "naina you know one thing the people who we really love you like your mom and

    dad after they die where ever you go what ever you do there allways watching

    you and i bleave at this moment they are crying with you at this moment as well

    now you cant wipe thier tears can you but you can stop them"

    "how? "

    "simple by laughing smiling bieng happy you know with you large dimple when ever

    you feel sad just touch it you'll start smiling wht dont you try it out c'mon

    try it"

    naina just touched her dimple and smiled

    "you see it works perfectly""oh dave"

    "but wait let me finish you know you dont have that perfect face which you were

    suppose to have"


    "what please naina your beutifull NAINA you know what your name means?"


    "thats right eyes if naina wont have eyes that what will she have? i hope you

    wont have a problem taking them of"

    "no i had a little problem with the eyes before but that was cured i still wear

    them coz i'm use to it"

    "then can you take them off for a miniute please"

    "ya why not"

    with that naina took of her specs

    " oh my god naina dont mind but your a beauty queen"

    "ohh please dont lie"

    "no i am not joking look in the mirror yourself"

    naina just looked herself in the mirror and kept looking for a while

    "shocked naina"

    "in a way"

    "i think you should remain this way from now on"

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    "ok no problem"

    "you know i liked to be hugged and kissed by you"

    "oh i see"

    "whenever you feel that your bored then you can play with me i hav no


    "yess i can play with you whwn i'm bored"

    "fine with me"

    "ok listen how whould you feel if i kept you in my cleavage"

    "well if you want"

    "allright"naina plucked dave from her pillow and tucked him in her cleavage

    "ahh naina your so warm"


    "you like bieng in there"

    "well you know i whould love to sleep here"

    "then why dont you"

    "nope coz now that your refreshed we better get back to work coz you have a exam

    to prepare for and i promised that i will teach you"

    "yeah you know what you wait here i'll get the book and start reading"

    naina brought her book on the bed and started to read and dave sat down right

    down in fornt of naina facing her and her new look


    after two hours of studing naina said to dave

    "well dave i think you should hav somthing eat and besides its lunchtime"

    "ah naina i really dont know what's happend to me i not feeling hungry at all i

    think it's theside effects of that black powder"

    "maybee your right dave anyway i better carry you down stairs theres no point

    for you to stay alone here""ok"

    then naina just picked up dave and went down for lunch naina then put dave on

    the table and got her self some food

    "dave bhaiya why dont you hav somthing to eat you havent eaten any thing since

    you got up"

    "no jass i'm fine"

    "ok bhaiya as you wish"

    "ahh didi we will be needing to go a little early to the libarary because today

    is wednesday the liberary remains closed after 4 pm"

    "oh ya thanks jass but then that whould mean leaving in about another half-hour

    dave i belive that will hav to remain here so before leaving i'll tuck you in my

    bed you just watch some tv till we dont come back"

    "ya sure naina"

    "well i'm done"

    "jass wait up i comming too"

    "ok didi"

    naina just put her plate for washing and picked up dave and went up to her room

    tucking dave in the bed naina callout for riya

    "riya come here for a miniute"

    "ya didi comming"

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    riya came in the room

    "yes didi you called"

    "ya riya your bussniess studies notes are in the computer just print them later

    when you need them i am leaving the computer open"

    "ok didi"

    "dave here you go here's the TV remote ok"

    "ok naina"

    "allright dave take care of yourself and dont get into any trouble"

    "ok yaar"

    naina and jass left the place and cought the buss to the liberary


    priya (dave's sister) is in her living room crying

    "i shouldn't hav done that i am such a basterd i should hav known that he would

    run away"

    there on the living room dining table there was a note which said

    "my dear sister priya

    i'm sorry i misunderstood you

    should hav known that you will

    oppose the minimizer but still

    its my creation if it caused

    you pain then i'm sorry i

    only wanted to creat this

    because it was my dream

    and you know that i dont

    leave any of my dream's

    i am sorry i had to leave

    please try to understand

    your's dave"

    "mr.shah please find out where dave is"

    "maam we hav already searched the whole of dallas i belive that he's not in


    "then search in other countries i only whant my brother back"

    "yess maam"

    MEANWHILE BACK IN NEW YORK in the liberary

    "didi do you think that this should help"

    "well jass i beleive so we will ask dave bhaiya bout it"

    then another girl from behind came up to naina

    "excusme did you just say dave"

    "yes but then how are you related to dave"

    "i'm his friend from kasoli nishaand this is rohit"(referance koi mil gaya)

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    "rohit oh my god another rohit"

    "i'm rohit mehra"

    "ahh i see"

    "acually i had a major problem relating to my brain and dave was the only person

    to help me out"

    "ya he had give two lack of rupess for rohit's surgery"

    "wow i didnt know that he was such a helper"

    "he is a really nice guy he just cant see a friend suffer"

    "anyway i'm naina why dont we get some coffee"

    "ya sure"

    "fine with me"

    "but didi what about bhaiya"

    "dont worry he'll be allright"

    "ok as you wish didi"

    "i'll call up rohit as well"

    "rohit but rohit is here"

    "not rohit mehra rohit patel"

    "oh ok"

    "hi i am jass didi's sister's friend"

    "oh i see""so like what should i call you both didi-bhaiya ?"

    "yea sure"

    "rohit is comming in a few miniutes"

    "just hope sweeto didi is not with her"

    "c'mon sweeto is mad"

    "anyway how did you find dave"

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    "long story"

    "ahh i see"

    "ahh rohit is here rohit this is nisha and rohit mehra right"


    "ok these dave friends"

    "how many friends has he got"


    "well anyway dave must expecting us i better go"

    "listen if you dont mind can we come along"

    "ya sure"

    naina rohit jass nisha and rohit boarded the buss and went to naina's home

    naina and jass entered her room only to find no dave in the bed

    "dave dave where are you buddy"

    "didi take a look at this is'nt this dave bhaiya's clothes"

    "ya oh god just hope that everthing is allright"

    "haaah look didi on the table its dave bhaiya"

    "oh my god dave"

    "oh my god his whole body is swolen jass"

    "who could hav done all this"

    naina then tried to wake up dave as he woke up he backed away from naina

    "here take this and wrap it around yourself your naked"

    dave took naina's hankerchif and wraped around him self

    "what happend dave c'mon tell me please"

    "tell me one thing naina is there any ristriction for eating food here"

    "no there isnt"

    "then why was i treated like this"

    "what happend"

    "as you went your sister came in to get her notes from the computer and then

    while they were bieng printed she snached the remote from me and started to

    switich channels i didnt say anything but i was feeling hungry so i asked that

    if i could get some leftover's and then she stripped me naked like this and did

    all this to me"

    "oh my poor baby c'mon here"

    with that she hugged dave to her heart

    "you hungry? "

    "yes""ok i will just somthing for you my dear you just stay warm in my bed and jass

    just stay with him"

    "ok didi"

    with that naina entered the kitchen and started to heat up some small chicken

    pieces for dave as rohit patel entered

    "what happend naina"

    "rohit dave has been assaulted by riya"

    "what? "


    "my god for what"

    "he only wanted something to eat and she just dave had not eaten anything since

    morning rohit"

    "i better explain riya about it"

    "no i will please rohit"


    naina then took the heated warm pieces of chicken to her room for dave

    "here you go little one eat jass just help him out untill i'm back"

    "where are you going naina"

    "going to give riya a piece of my mind dave"

    "no please she get on me more next time"

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    "no she wont you eat and relax ok every thing will be fine"

    naina then grabbed dave's torn clothes and entered riya room

    "RIYA what's all this"

    "what didi oh this well he was troubling me so i just"

    "i just what he had just asked for left overs and you stripped him and started

    to hurt him"

    "i had no other choice he was irratating me"

    "oh wow riya if some asks you for food you get irratated that's great no problem

    you didn't give him food na now you also wont get dinner and tommorows breakfast

    then lets see how you come up""no didi please"

    "what no didi now suffer"

    naina then exited and locked riya in her room

    then nisha confronted naina

    "what happend wheres dave?"

    "ahh nisha dave is resting at this moment"

    "can i just see him"

    "ya sure but dont disturb him"


    naina and nisha entered naina's room

    "there he is on the bed"

    nisha aproached the bed and saw a tiny doll in the middle

    "that's just a doll naina"

    "niisha" call out dave

    "dave is that you oh my god your your tiny"

    "i know and dont ask me how i got tiny"

    "where's priya"

    "at home in dallas"

    "DALLAS why isnt she with you"

    "coz we had a fight"

    "oh i see"

    "anyway how are you and where's"

    "dave dave"

    "bhiya oh my god"

    "dave c'mon answer me look at me"

    nisha touched this chest his heart was still beating

    "naina i believe that he has fainted""what"

    "oh my god"

    "jass just pas the phone please"

    naina picked up the phone reciver and dialed dr. pari's phone number

    "hello ya doctor pari this is naina who brought the special case of that 6 inch


    "yes yes"

    "ya he's some how fainted can you please come over the adress is 29-mafin-street

    ya thank you"


    the doorbell rang naina opened the door and dr. pari and shalu came in

    jass lead pari to naina's room and shlau asked naina

    "what happend"

    "nothing dave was attacked by riya"

    "ohh WHAT"

    "listen i better get to the doctor"

    "ya i'm comming to"

    then doctor pari exmined dave and said

    "he was attacked right?"

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    "hmm ok just put this cream on his body it will calm down the swelling and give

    this syrup for his faintness he hill regain himself in about one and a half hour

    and as soon as he wakes up just give him somthing to eat ok"

    "ok doctor"

    "naina what had happend"

    "ya naina what happend"

    "ahh shalu nisha actually he had not eaten anything since morning so when i was

    at the liberary he asked my sister riya for some food and she did all this"

    "why""dont know"

    "great just for food your sister attacked him"

    "nisha i didn't expect it either"

    "you have a sister or a monster"

    "she a bit mad nisha since dave is here she has gotten a little angry"

    "wow great"

    "shalu didi can you come here for a miniute"

    "ya jass"

    "can you sit here for a miniute i ned to go to the toilet"

    "ya sure"

    "poor little dave i never thoght that this whould happen"

    "its ok shalu it happens"

    "ya nisha you never know what life has in store for you"


    "anyone seen rohit"

    "rohit mehra or patel"



    in a few miniutes rohit patel arrived at naina's home

    "rohit where were you?"

    "naina i just gone to get some stuff"


    "well one miniute"


    "here we go i hav sandwiches pastries for everyone two cakes and some flowers

    and a get well soon card for dave and by the way two of those sandwitches and

    pastries are for dave""oh rohit there is no need"

    "oh naina if one of my suffers i cant even do this much for him"


    priya is sitting with her best friendjhanavi(referance har dil jo pyar karega)

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    JHANAVI"Jhanavi what do you think i should do"

    "how can i tell this is between you and him how can i involve myself in it"

    "please jhanoo"

    "but why did he go away"

    "dave had invented this device that shrinks things so he showedit to me by

    shrinking himself and i just got a little angery at him that why did he make

    such a thing then later i kept him with my self and slept the next morning hewas gone and this note was there on the living room table i and he was writing

    somthing on the very same paper later that day i think he knew what was comming"

    "priya just relax be cool here take some water (after a few moments) what have

    you donetill now to find him"

    "i hav given an adds in papers tv and almost everywhere for him on international


    "international grounds why"

    "coz mr. shah says that he is not in dallas"

    "oh i see"

    "we can only wait for sometime"

    then daves phone just rang

    "hello" said a voice


    "dave is that you?"

    "no dave in not availible at the moment who are you?"

    "priya dont you recognize an old friend"

    "shalini is that you" (referance dil chahta hai)

    SHALINI"yes it is and i am comming to dallas to your house is about thirty minimutes"

    "how did you get our adress"

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    "dave gave it to me a week ago when we were leaving from mumbai and comming


    "five days ago then how come your comming today"

    "coz i stayed in london for a few days i am calling from the airport i'll just

    get there and talk to you there till then bye"

    "bye shalini"

    "who was that priya"

    "shalini who is she priya?"

    "some friends of dave from his collage in mumbai"

    "ohh ok""there comming here in half an hour and if they get to know about what has

    happened between dave and the'll just"

    "relax priya every thing will be fine"

    "we can only hope"



    "hi priya"

    "hi guys"

    "ah gus this my friend jhanavi she used to study MBA with dave"

    "oh hi"

    "jhanavi this is shalini this akash this sameer, puja sidarth in short sid and


    "oh my thats a bit confusing"

    "dont worry jhavini now were her there's will be no confusion"

    "ok mr. akash"

    "not mr. akash only akash and goes for all of us"

    "priya where's dave?"

    "ah shalini dave isnt here"

    "what then where is he"

    "we dont know"

    "dont know what do you mean my dont know?"

    "shlini a we hav had a little fight between us and he just left and went away"

    "WHAT where did he go?"

    "i dont know"

    "wow on which thing did you fight on?"

    "well this"

    "what is it""a minimizer"

    "that's what i am asking what is a minimizer"

    "well it just shrinks things"

    "nice joke priya"

    "its no joke it really shrinks things you dont belive be wait i'll just show


    "ok show me god damnit just use it on me c'mon priya shink me"

    "ok shalini but one thing is there that there is no antidote to this so if your

    shrunk then your shrunk forever"

    "i dont care just shrink me"

    "ok no problem just sit on that sofa will you"


    shalini sat on the sofa as priya aimed the minimizer at her and then started to

    charge it the machine becan to hum shalini had become a little sceard but she

    was ready for what was comming in about two miniutes a greenish white beam came

    over on shalini and covered her completly shalini was totaly engulfed in the

    beam she closed her eyes then the beam dissapeared and then as soon as she

    opened them she got a shock she was sitting on a very big object a large field

    then she got to know that the field was not a field but the sofa "oh my god" she

    said the sofa was huge the room was huge as if it were enlagred but then she

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    realized that the room had not been enlaged but she was shrunk shrunk down to

    the size of a Barbie doll as shalini stood up a giant face came towards her

    making her fall the face resebled priya

    "see i told you it shrinks things"

    "you really were right priya i'm sorry i got a little angry"

    "oh its all right but you know now your shrunk for ever i hope you know that?"

    "really you mean i'll be a little six inch barbie doll for the rest of my life"

    "yup but dont you worry well will find a way to get you back to normal size"


    "theres an science institute near by on whose recommendation dave made thisminimizer i'll havit checked if there anyway to reverse it the process"

    "wow great now you want a couple of giant scientists to check me"

    "dont worry i'll be there to help you in the same room"

    "all right"

    priya then called the science instute and two scientist came over to check the


    "hmm professor jones what do you have to say"

    "well professor smith if the same machine is powered with uraniam isotopes

    rather that plotonium that should to the trick"

    "but professor itsnt there a way to tave both of these in one machine"

    "well it is ma'am but we will hav to rechanalize every thing in machine"

    "how much time will it take professor"

    "well with the recalabration ans power suplies i would say one day at most"

    "do it sir please and professor there any way we can her out of trouble"

    "hmm aa hmm yes there it one miniute"

    the professor takes out a bottle of black podwer from his bag and sprinkles it

    on shalini then shalini sneezes

    "well that's it now you wont need to worry about it any more"

    with that the doctors left the place


    dave awakes from his faintness

    "aa aa naaaina"

    "dave dave how are you feeling now"

    " a bit drousy i am having a headache and feel like as if a bomb has blown in my


    "you relax and eat this"

    "no i dont wanto eat anything""c'mon its the doctors orders"

    "allright what is it"

    "its a sandwitch"


    "yea rohit bought id for you now c'mon hav"

    which that she just kissed dave on the head and gave a small portion of the

    sandwitch to Dave Dave ate up the the portion of the sandwitch


    "feeling better?"


    "good by the way nisha is downstairs you want me to call her up so that you can

    talk to her"


    "ok just one miniute jass take care of bhaiya"

    then in a few miniutes nisha and shalu entered nainas room and sat up next to

    dave on the bed

    " how are you feeling now dave "

    "better nisha"

    "good you should take care of your self"

    "please nisha i am not in the mood for a lecture right now"

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    "ok as my little dave feels"

    "anyway nisha how are you comming up "

    "fine i got a job in the NEW YORK BANK"

    "not bad and how is rohit, uncle, and mehra aunty"

    " rohit is downstairs just talking to the other rohit uncle is nomore dave and

    mehra aunty is doing well"

    "i'm sorry about uncle nisha"


    "nisha what time is it?"

    "its 8pm""oh where are you staying anyway just leave two houses on the left on this very


    "wow that's near by"

    "didi can i go to riya she is calling me?"

    "yes you can but dont open the door"


    with that jass exited the room and naina took her place

    "dave sould i get somthing for you "

    "not but then some tea will do some good"

    "ok i'll get it for you"

    then naina exit the room and jass confronts her

    "didi riya wants to talk to you about dave bhaiya"

    "ok i will talk to her you just cook some tea for dave bhaiya"

    then jass enter's the kitchen and starts cooking tea

    and nisha comes and calles rohit (mehra)

    "rohit just come talk to dave"

    "ok nisha comming"

    nisha and rohit enter's naina's room

    "hi dave"

    "hi rohit buddy how are you doing"

    "i'm fine got a job in a software company but what happened to you"

    "dont ask"


    "listen buddy i still owe you your two lakh of ruppies"

    "no you dont and dont talk about it allright"

    naina and riya enter the room

    "bhaiya can i talk to you for a miniute""no you cannot get away from me" said dave backing away from riya as she

    aproached the bed

    "please bhaiya"

    "no i dont want to talk to you"

    "one miniute riya dave listen to her just once"

    "allright speak up"

    "bhaiya i'm sorry for i did i really am sorry please forgive me please i had

    been very rude with you i didnt know what had heppened to me please bhaiya be

    friends with me i wont hurt you again and even i do the you retaliate i wont

    stop you please bhaiya please"


    "yes bhaiya"

    "i forgive you"



    "oh bhaiya"

    with that riya picked up dave huged him a little tight

    "hey a little easy"

    "oh sorry"

    "here's tea for you dave bhaiya"

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    riya just kept dave back in bed and jass aped him a bottle cap filled with tea

    "thanks jass"

    "you have tea in a bottle cap?"

    "yes why?"

    "cant you hav it in a normal cup"

    "rohit then he wouldnt be having tea he would be swimming in it, oh sorry"

    "hmm its ok you right i whould be taking a dip in it"


    "well shalu i hope your mom understands you better now"

    "after the marks you made our world has changed""good"

    dave finished his tea and took a sigh of relief

    "feeling better dave"

    "ya shalu by the way how did your cover shot go"

    "as usual but this time were aproved my global INC. and our supervisor is MS.

    ROMILLA DUTTA"(reference lakshya)

    ROMILA DUTTA"that news reader who cover the news of operation Vijay"

    "yes cool na"

    "yea no one has ever got a chance to work with her specially on cover collages"

    "hey guys what's you program for dinner"

    "ahh well i think we should to out coz no food here exwpt cornflakes and i dont

    think that's going to be a good dinner"

    "your right"

    "but where"

    "i know where lets go to water's edge what do you say"

    "no problem with any one here"

    after a few miniutes everybody hired a cab and went to water's edge


    "priya how am i going to eat dinner?"

    "dont worry i hav all that aranged it all"

    she plucked shalini and kept her on the dinner table next to a giant quaterplate

    "you hav your dinner in this "


    priya then took a normal eating spoon and poard some pulses for little shalini

    and pased a hot roti in plate

    "how will i hav such a big roti"

    "should i feed you like a baby?"

    "no thanks can you cut this roti into a quater""ya sure here you go a quater"

    shalini sat down and tore a piece of roti and dipped it in the pulses and ate

    "hmm it lack a bit of salt" she thought and stood up and went towards the salt

    keeper "should i help" asked priya and she replied "no thanks" during her little

    journey she tripped and fell in to the plate of rice with her head deep into it

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    "oh shalini if you wanted some rice you should hav told me there was no need to

    do all this"

    "jhanavi please dont tease her"

    priya pulled out shalini from the plate of rice just to see that shalini hair

    was all rice

    "oh poor thing dont i will just clean that up for you allright what did you


    "a little salt"

    "hmm ok just come with me"

    priya picked up sahlini and her plate and went into her room kept her plate andstarted to feed her

    "my poor salini dont you worry you'll be fine once that minimizer comes back

    i'll enlage back to normal ans shrink jhanavi so that you can hav your revenge"

    "theres no need priya it was my mistake thats all i cant take more"

    "allright then i better wash your hair"


    she picked up shalini and went into the bathroom


    "well that's for snacks now what for dinner"

    "hmm i and rohit will share a pasta"

    "i am a gujrati so normal pulses and roti for me"

    "didi what are you having"

    "well riya i'm having a salt and pepper chicken with dave bhaiya"

    "ok then order two coz then i'll share with jass"

    "ok and you shalu"

    "pulses and roti"


    naina and all gave the order and began eating after somtime after they had eaten

    dave asked naina

    "can i just somthing to drink naina"

    "ya sure i'l just get a coke can for you but i dont hav change"

    "naina take from here i keep a lot of change"

    "thanks rohit here you go dave drink"


    "well our huse has come we better leave aa naina can i talk to for a miniute


    "ya sure nisha what is it?""actually after meeting dave again i just dont like to leave him but i cant help

    it either"

    "if you want you can stay with us for the night"

    "can you do it? i mean will you be able to manage it"

    "ya mom and dad arent there so there foom is almost closed if your there atleast

    it can be used"

    "hmm and rohit"

    "what rohit?"

    "well aaa forget it"

    "c'mon lets go home"

    after reaching home naina opend her mother's room and gave dave to nisha

    "allright hav a nice night all three of you"

    nisha tucked dave in the bed as she did he had gone of to sleep

    "nisha dave is"

    "shh he's slept"

    "oh i see"

    "goodnight rohit and good night dave"

    nisha kissed dave and hugged him then they all slept

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    "there we go shalini your hair is good as new"

    "thanks priya for the help"

    shalini just hugged priya

    "no problem"

    then akash came in

    "ahh priya can i take shalini now"

    "yea sure akash"

    aksh just picked up shalini and kissed her

    "c'mon shalini let's get some sleep"


    "ok priya good night"

    "good night akash good night shalini"



    "i am closing the light now shalini"


    "ahh shalini today when i was teasing you and i was calling you a doll i just

    want to tell you that it was all a joke i didnt mean to hurt you""i know akash c'mon lets get some sleep"


    then akash switched off the light and they both just slept


    everybody was getting ready for breakfast

    "here you go guys cornflakes for riya and jass cornflake crums for dave fruits

    and milk"

    "should i order bonvita milk for you rohit"

    "no thank you nisha"

    "didi how much of your coarse is left"

    "well jass only"

    "only about another five chapters"

    "but dave i have seven unfinished"

    "i know the last two chapters are basically like a grossary of the book and you

    wont need that if you follow my rules"

    "how do you know"

    "naina you forgot you showed me your book yesterday on the table you yourself

    said that the last two chapters are irrelavent"

    "oh yea must have forgot thanks dave"


    "naina, dave, nisha, rohit look at this"

    "what shalu"


    she opened the news paper to the lost and found page

    "a man nammed dave has been lost since the last week notice that this man's

    hight is only 6 inches and was wearing a blue jacket and white trousers if foundplease call 98-110-89339"

    "dave isnt this your phone number"

    "it is its my cellphone number nisha"

    "that means priya is looking for you"


    "then what are you waiting for call her"

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    "no naina"

    "you still angry from her"

    "well no"

    "then call her"

    "allright connect the call"

    naina switched on the speaker phone and dialed the number


    "priya dave this side"

    "dave how where are you are you allright"

    "i'm fine priya i'm in new york""new york how did you get there"

    "with a little help from a woman"

    "oh i see dave please forgive me i didnt mean to hurt your feelings"

    " i know priya that's why i called listen come over"

    "dave i hav a little problem here"

    "what problem"

    "shalini akash and all have come over and by mistake i used the minimizer on


    "priya you know what have you gotten shalini into now you know that the

    shrinking process cannot be reversed"

    "i know that's why i sent it to the institute here from which you had approved

    the project"

    "priya dont mind but you have gone nuts that's my project not there's"

    "but they say that it can be reversed if they changed the material used for


    "priya if they open that thing then they will know about the secret of that

    thing so its better you call up the institute and get the minimizer back and get

    every body here in new york i'll tell you what to do then"

    "ok give me the address"

    "29-maffin street-new york and listen get here as soon as possible i want to

    examin shalini my self atleast its better than having looked over by giant


    "ok will try to get there by tonite"

    "and listen get my phone along and tell mr. shah that i will need some money

    atleast get my FD the one my dad gav"

    "ok i will till then take care of you little self"

    "yea and you too"naina then pushed the speaker-phone button and switched of the phone

    "c'mon dave lets have somthing to eat"

    "yea naina"

    naina then poured milk for dave in a cup taken from riya's dollhouse anfer milk

    she put cornflake crumsfor him and gave dave a little spoon to hav with

    "thanks naina"

    "welcome dave"

    "naina after eating we better get to our work"

    "ya otherwise i'll be having a big problem on my head"

    "no you wont i'm there na"

    "wait wait what are you two talking about"

    "well you see nisha i aa teach naina MBA"

    "you teach her MBA at such a size"


    "you dont hav any problems"

    "what problems could i have"

    "ya what problems could you have"

    "well nisha i better leave otherwise my boss is going to kill me"

    "ok rohit bye"


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    "what happened shalu"

    "nothing just aving a little ache in my foot"


    "i think sombody stept on it"

    "oh do you want me to help"

    "dave please it's bearable"

    "what ever it may be"

    "but you hav to teach naina as well"

    "dont worry naina can sit down and study while you can lie down on your bed and

    i can massage you feet""dave there's really no need"

    "but it hurts when you walk"

    "well no but it does hurn on the downward portaion you know the"

    "ya i know dont worry a little oil will get you up and runinng again"


    "hey dave how much will you help people huh"

    "as long as they have problems"

    "your so nice and cute to"


    nisha picked up dave and kissed him

    "dave you know i missed you so much all these years"

    "everybody does"


    "nisha nisha i'm sorry i was just joking"

    "hmm ok"

    "c'mon naina lets get ready for your class and aa jass can you help shalu didi

    up to the room and riya you to"

    "ya sure bhaiya"

    "why not"

    riya and jass helpt shalu climb up the stairs to naina's room as naina and dave


    "yes sir i'm sorry sir i cant come i hav a foot injury ok sir no sir i only

    wanted to inform you the cause for which i was not able to come ok sir"

    "who was that"

    "my boss dave"

    "hmm ok tell me where's the pain shalu"

    "a little down yea here ahhh ohh thanks dave""naina just take out the next chapter and start to read it when your done just

    tell me"

    "all right dave"


    "shalini dave called this morning"

    "what did he say"

    "he said that he's expecting us in new york"

    "ohh i see WHAT NEW YORK how did he get there in new york"

    "i dont know but he's also said to reterive the minimizer from the institute"

    "what then how am i going to get normal"

    "that's why dave has called all of us so all you just pack your bags coz our

    next stop is new york"





    "ahh excuse me i am priya actually"

    "yes yes your daves sister i am naina daves aa caretaker"

    "ahh can you please take me to my brother"

    "yes why not"

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    "dave my brother"


    they both hugged each other

    "i'm sorry dave"

    "no priya i'm sorry did you bring the minimizer"

    "yes and shalini too she's in my purse"

    "let me see her"

    "dave dave please help me out please make me normal again please""yea shalini of course that's why i called you here"

    "but tell me dave how can we reverse the shrinking process"

    "see naina its not that simple when ever the spent fuel or plotonium is charged

    and thrown at a object it forms a envelope around it and increases air presure

    inside the envelope nut outside the object that causes the object to shrink to a

    perticular size"

    "oh i see"

    "priya when i was about to design the reverse process this gap came up and i was

    unable to finish the project"

    "but then what to we need to finish it"

    "i am comming to that nisha now listen to me carfully because if there's any

    mistake then there can me more problems"


    "open the panel next to the size indicator"

    she searched for the panel and opened it


    "ok now there are two valves in it one contains a greenish liquid dont open that

    because radiation will spread and kill us all"


    "the next valve is the one in which we need to fill uranium"

    "URANIUM but how will we find uranium i mean just dont walk into a store and buy


    "no but we will have to aprove it from a nuclear institute for medical grounds"

    "and how you think we can do that"

    "simple my secretary shakshi's friend is a under cover ajent from RAW and his

    wife has been posted at a nuclear institute here in new york we can get it from

    her"(referance for name "shakshi": "ye rastein hai pyar ke")


    "what's her name?"

    "aaa reshma" (referance: "the hero")

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    "can you cennect me to her on the phone"

    "no not reshma but yes i can connect you to shakshi"

    "why dont you"

    "ya sure"


    "mis shakshi i am dave your bosses friend"

    "yes sir what can i help you with"

    "i wanted to talk to mis reshma khaana"

    "oh ok so do you wan me to give you her number"

    "yes please do"

    "aa better of let connect you to her right now"


    "hello this is reshma"

    "ya mis reshma we need your help please"

    "yes please go ahead""listen maam i hav device which i made on my own and in order to finish it i

    require some uranium isotopes can please arange them"

    "hmmm allright but i need to look at the device what do you call it and what

    does it do"

    "the minimizer it shrinks things"

    "ok give me your address"

    "ya its 29-maffin street-new york ok i will be there in about half an hour"



    "sombody called about uranium isotopes from this house"

    "yes please follow me"


    "hmm yes interesting who ever designed this is a true ginius who has designed

    this device"

    dave came forward

    "i bleave that whould be me"

    "hmm you do have a nice brain"

    "maam can you please tell me about the uranium isotopes"

    "yes i will you the isotopes but first i want to examine your body for any side

    efects of the radiation"

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    reshma picked up dave from the bed and kept him on the table then unbuttoned his

    shirt then took out a gygometer from her bag and started to scan dave

    "hmm you completly safe from radiation at this moment the uranium isotopes are

    down stairs how many will you be needing"

    "well about 10-15 grams of it"

    "with that quantity you wont be able to enlarge much"

    "yess i know but we only have bout 2 vicims of the shrinking"

    "very well"



    "allright priya just lift me up to the control panel now power guage is perfect

    ahh yes power shift switching to valve two and done allrite priya just aim it at

    shalini and shoot"

    priya kept dave on the table and shalini on the chair and fired in a wink of an

    eye shalini was restored to her original hight

    "thank god i'm back to normal thanks dave"

    "and congratulation you hav made another new chapter in science now you better

    get normal dave"

    "oh oo i think we hav a problem"

    "what were out of uranium it need's to be charged"

    "one moment let me see that reading"

    "ya sure dave"

    nisha picked up dave onto the control panel

    "hmm according to this the recharg time is another 12 days according to the

    power support"

    "great now my brother has to shrunk like this for another 12 days"

    "dont worry i'll take care of him"

    "but naina"

    "i want to he the first person who's got the change in me from the last 10 years

    i want to take care of him for the his last 12 days of being shrunk"

    "ooo shit"

    "what happened riya"

    "mail from you MBA INSTITUTE and is says here that you exam has been preponed

    for day after tommorow"

    "what rubbish let me see that"

    "see for your self""oh my god dave i'm dead i cant give the exam day after tommorow"

    "dont worry day after tommorow you will give the exam"

    "but how dave i still have three"

    "unfinished na i tell you a way to clear them all in one day later"


    "but Dave what about this minimizer"

    "relax 12 days only then i'll be back to normal"


    "aa shalini i hope your feeling better"

    "well sort of"

    "it feels strange after point of views in such a fast pace right dont worry you

    will recover soon"

    "ya i hope so"

    "you sound tired why dont you get some rest shalini"

    "aa dave why did you want the FD"

    "priya you bought it?"

    "ya its in my bag"

    "good just call this number and tell that were interested"

    "what is it"

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    "somone is selling the front house so before it goes just buy it as soon as


    "why do you want to buy it"

    "because i think till were here we will need a house you dont want all this

    group to sleep in one house because naina will get disturbed and i think it's

    time we better finally settle ourselves"

    "you right"


    "there we go dave it our property now"

    "good now you all better shift""ya but we all will meet for dinner?"

    "of course nisha's place"

    "ya sure"

    "we can order from somwhere and eat"

    "no problem"

    " ok till then bye my little big bro"

    "ok see you soon my big little sister"

    "uf i'm tierd i am going to sleep"

    "mind if i join you"

    "not at all"

    naina picked up dave tucked him in her bed then got in as well and then hugged


    "i dont know why when ever i'm with you i'm allways happy"

    "it happens"

    "dave dont mind but if you wake up early then wake me up as well"

    "ya sure"

    then they both hugged each other and slept half-hour later dave woke up and look

    at naina who was still snoring badly dave went upto naina's face and kissed her

    on her chin as he did so naina brought her hand and kept it on dave then dave

    strugled to set him self free from her hand and then woke up naina

    "hmm what happened"

    "it's dinner time naina if you hav'nt forgot by chance"

    "oh ya i better change my dress"

    "ok and can you give some new clothes as well"

    "ya take them from riya i'll call her for you"

    naina called riya

    "riya dave bhaiya is calling you""yes bhaiya"

    "riya do you have somthing else to wear i mean jeans and a t-shirt or somthing


    " ya i do hav jeans and a t-shirt wait i'll just get it for you"

    "thanks riya"

    riya bought her doll clothes for dave

    "aa naina i hope you dont mind me changing my clothes in bed so riya just please

    can i hav some privacy"

    "yea no problem dave"

    "allright bhaiya"

    dave naina jass and riya changed as fast as possible naina kept dave in her

    purse and all four left for nisha's house

    every reached nisha's house an nisha allready had dinner ready on the table

    every body took thier seats naina took out dave and kept in on the dinner table

    next to her dinner plate

    every body had dinner priya and dave decided that untill dave returns back to

    normal size he will stay with naina and help her for her examination

    and they also decided that priya would visit dave everyday

    late night fell as every body turned into bed

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    "naina please get up"

    "uf oh now whats wrong with this pillow" she got and saw little dave lying down

    under her cheek she picked up dave and hugged him and kissed him"oh dave i'm so so sorry i didnt knew that you were there under me"

    "it allright naina i was just tring to wake you up"

    "why dave"

    "you dont want to give the exam tommorow"

    "oh yea i'm sorry one miniute just let me get refreshed"

    "refreshed tell me how would feel if you were trown off from a story of a


    "what do you mean"

    "i'll tell you later"

    "ok" naina got up and got refreshed and refreshed dave as well then before

    starting to study naina just made some coffee for dave and her self

    "ok dave now what shall we start with"

    "first what you need is a referance book which i dont think you have"

    "ahh well no"

    "then we better go to the liberary but i wont be able to go along"

    "dont worry i'll tuck you in my shirt's pocket under my muffler no one will ever


    "hmm nice idea"

    naina picked up dave and kept him in her shirt's top pocket

    "naina just dont rock the ride pleasebecause i feel like a roller coaster in


    "well i'll try to"


    "riya i and bhaiya are going to the library to get some book for my exam

    tommorow you want to join along"

    "ya sure didi i have to pick up some books as well"

    naina wore her coat in order to hide dave than they all took the bus to theliberary

    after reaching the liberary naina kept her purse on a chair next to riya

    "riya you just stay here i and bhaiya will be right back"

    "ok didi"

    naina entered MBA REFERANCE ASILE and started to see some books

    "dave see this one"

    dave peeked out of her pocket and started to read the chapter index then looked

    above in to the rack

    "naina this one and the second book staring from the left that's all we will


    "ok dave"

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    naina bought the books and riya collected her outstanding book's as they reached

    home naina saw nisha and priya standing outside

    "naina where were you"

    "i had gone to the liberary to get some books to read for my exam tommorow on

    dave's suggestions"

    "oh i see"

    "c'mon in"

    naina nisha riya priya and dave entered the house naina took out dave from her

    pocket and then kept him on the table

    "there you go dave""thanks now listen naina just go though chapter's two and four from the pink

    book and chapters ten and fourteen from the blue book when your done just call


    "allright but where will you be"

    "with my sister"

    "oh and i'm sorry today morning for what i did"

    "it's ok it happens and i used to it"

    "ok see you later then"

    naina went in to her room to study priya picked up dave and kept in on her lap

    "dave just tell me how does it feel to be puny"

    "well kind of strange but enjoyable"


    "let me get normal then i will shrink you and show you "

    "no thanks i am fine the way i am"

    "why dont you want to look cute and all"

    "well i belive dave that priya is cute all ready"

    "ya nisha is infact she'z the best sister i could ever have"

    "trying to flirt with your own sister dave"

    "how can i flirt at a size like this i dont wanto get squashed"

    "dont worry little one i wont squish you i will only hug you"

    priya picked up dave and hugged in and didnt notice him drop in her loose T-


    "dave dave where are you dont tell me you got squashed please dave forgive me"

    then she heard a peuny voice

    "priya priya i'm in your shirt"

    priya then noticed a bump in her shirt with a shape of a man she the pulled out

    the bump it was dave"sorry dave i wanted to"

    "i know "

    priya just kissed dave and smiled at him

    "you want to eat somthing"


    "i'll just check what's in the kitchen"

    nisha just went inside the kitchen and checked the fridge for food then jass

    just stepped in

    "what are you looking for didi"

    "you dave bhaiya's hungry so i just checking if there's somthing for him that he

    can eat"

    "wait didi here's some roasted chicken breast pieces i'll just heat them up"

    jass heated the pieces of chicken and gave it to nisha

    "here you go dave"

    "how did you get it i mean"

    "jass heated it up"

    " oh ok"

    dave eatup the pieces of chicken

    "ahh done no more food for me till the evening"

    priya gigled and picked up dave and kissed him

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    then riya came in to the room and joined them

    "hi" "hi "hi"

    "so bhaiya i hope if you dont mind can i please take a picture of you"


    "well like after you will return to normal i wont able to meet you because you

    wont be having time and nither i "

    "oh riya why wont i have time for my friends abut still if you need one then

    take it i have no ploblem"

    riya took a picture of dave and gave a picture of naina, jass, rohit, sweeto and

    her to priya"riya what's this for"

    "just in case if we dont meet again"

    "we will meet again riya after i grow back to normal i mean"

    "ya bhaiya i got what you were suppose to say"

    shalu then entered the convertaion

    "hi guys hi dave"

    "hi shalu"

    "dave i need some help"

    "what kind of help shalu"

    "well aa yesterday when aa i was returning for the office i was bieng followed"

    "by who"

    "i dont know"

    "then how can i help you"

    "well i saw him with you and nisha in a photo which nisha carries in her purse"

    "nisha just show me the photo"

    "one miniute dave"

    nisha pulled out a photo of her with nisha rohit and raj


    "raj what the hell is he doing in new york"

    "i dont know must be upto some scam again"

    "who is he"

    "his name is raj he was the leader of the bully gang in kasoli he always use to

    cause trouble in town"

    "specially to rohit"


    "because he was abnormal at that time he was what shall i say mently chalanged"

    "oh""but somehow i had ended there war"

    "but dave why would he follow shalu"

    "that what troubles me as well"

    "anyway dave do you what do you think we will do of the minimizer i mean after

    you will be normal and all"

    "aaa priya i have though of opening a compny of it"


    "that's right you during the construction of various things different kind of

    methords of shrinking but i will launch the first company which will specialize

    in this not just for the government but for the public"

    "but bhaiya how will it help the public"

    "simple you know under ground rails there just to much crowded if we shrink

    people down till there 25% of there original hight for example let say there are

    seven five foot men extra then they can shrink temselfs using a personal code

    they will be two feet tall and there be pleanty of room for people having two

    feet hight after traveling and reaching there desired destination they and

    enlage them selfs to normaland then there are doll housesfor like saying peope

    without homes can be kept in dollhouses with other people as friends or pets

    like you and me for example"

    "ya it's possible"

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    "but dave you will have to give the shrunken people and the enlarged people some

    right's which"

    "i have allready got them ready"

    "oh ok"

    naina just came down

    "dave all these are done now what should i do"

    "ok now just open the second chapter of the pink book"

    naina opened the book

    "ok now question one to sixteen from this chapter now open to chapter four hmm

    ok question seven nine eighteen and twentey and the first five questions fromall the chapters in your text book ok and listen make then into notes and then

    relax take a break we'll do tommorow then"

    "allright dave"

    naina then leaves

    "aa priya how's shalini feeling now"

    "well she's feeling much better she's out of the hangover"

    "good for her"

    "she was really horrified"


    "shalini when got shrunk she was really terafied she was shiviring when she saw

    my face"

    "must be she was what 6 inches life gets a bit though like today morning when i

    was tring to wake up naina first i shook her gigantic arm man it was really

    heavy then i climbed on her large stomach and made my way through her huge

    breasts then on her chin and then i finally had to shout in her large ear then

    by mistake she kept her one ton head on me then she woke up"

    "ohh my poor little baby"

    priya picked up dave and hugged him again this time her grip was a bit tighter

    "priya do one thing squeeze me"

    "but why dave"

    "dont worry i have been given a special toner that enables me to be



    priya picked up dave and then kept him in between her legs and shut them tight

    dave was been squeezed in there like a tomato but he wasnt bursting "aah its

    feels like as if am been pressed by two warm pillows"

    nisha pulled out dave"you like to be suqashed right then take this"

    she stood up and kept dave on the sofa and then sat on him tight

    "i hope i not hurting you dave"

    "nope no pain till now"

    "nisha please get of my brother"

    "nope priya i wont"

    "hey priya i can get her of me in just a second you want to se how"

    "ya sure dave"

    dave opened his mouth and bit nisha on the but nisha stood up in a second

    "oooooooouch dave why did you bite my but"

    "well you were not getting of me thats why i hope you liked it"

    "ya sure i did"

    "my little dave come here for a second"

    then shalu took of her pendant and the picked up daveand tied him to it dave was

    kicking his tiny legs in air

    "shalu let me go you know i dont like to be suspended in air let me go"

    "aaw little dave dont worry your not going anywhere"

    then shalu wore her new dave pendant dave was facing her shirt

    "aww dave you look so cute hanging from there"

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    shalu then picked up dave set him free and made him sit on her palm and hugged

    him to her face and then she hugged and kissed and hugged and kissed and hugged

    night fell naina had finished her studies all friends were sitting for dinner at

    naina's house

    "nisha just tell me how you make this fish and the sause it's so tasty"

    "shalini if i tell you my secret then how will it remain a secret"

    "yes very true"

    "aa rohit remember when i had come to kasoli with dave and you droped that

    chicken allover my hair"

    "yea and you had raj to bash him up for a mistake which he didnt do""please nisha dont remind me that time"

    "by the way raj is back in town"

    "how can you tell nisha"

    "well dave i saw him at the mall three days before"


    "anyway shalini what's wrong why arent you eating"

    "i'm not feeling well dave"

    "why what wrong"

    "nothing akash i dont feel like having"

    "priya did you have inspected by a doctor in dallas when she was srunken"

    "aa yes"

    "what did the doctor to you while he was inspecting you shalini"

    "nothing he just put some of this black powder over me"

    "and did this powder absored in your skin like sponge"

    "yea why?"

    "naina its the side effects of the same powder dr. pari gave me"

    "hmm i believe so i think we sould call her"

    "no its late night and i dont want to disturb her for a single question we will

    see about it tommorow till then shalu just try to eat somthing"

    shalini got up and put some curd for herself and started to eat

    "dave i aa still have two question whose answers i cant get so can you please

    help me out"

    "ya sure after dinner"


    "naina dont mind but will you be having some nice movie posters"

    "well i believe that i must be having in my computer yes i have one of MUGHAL-E-

    AZAM but it's black and white""wow thanks naina i said latest movies not so old"

    "i'm sorry rohit that's the only last movie which i liked in fact thats the only

    movie i have seen in the last ten years"

    "oh ya i'm sorry i am asking the wrong person"

    "well were done dave we all will see you tommorow then all right"

    every body left naina's house and started to their houses

    naina picked up dave and kept him on her right shoulder

    "dave just in case you dont want to fall just grab my hair all right

    "yea sure"

    naina put the plates for washing in the dish washer and went up to her room afer

    reaching her room she kept dave on the study table

    "naina just show me the questions"

    "ya here they are yea these two are the onw which arent marked"

    "hm ok listen turn to the nineth page of this chapter from here till here all

    right and for the second question's answer is from the second line of page ten

    till the last line of the very page when your done just tell me i just want to

    lie down"

    "why dont you lie down in my bed"

    "no atleast you can tell me when you want and besides i'm not sleepy yet"

    "all right"

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    dave ley down on the huge surface of the table looking at naina who was read