15 Ways to Slowly Destroy Your Career

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  • 8/11/2019 15 Ways to Slowly Destroy Your Career


    15 Ways To Slowly Destroy Your Career : By Emmie Martin | Business Insider Sat 7 un! "#1$ 11:%#

    &M IST

    T'ere are (i) mista*es t'at +an instantly ruin your re,utation at wor* or e-en )et you .ired/ But more

    +ommonly! it0s t'e )radual a++umulation o. smaller o..enses t'at *ee,s em,loyees .rom )ettin) a'eadin t'eir +areers/ Bad 'a(its! su+' as )i-in) +urt res,onses to emails or *ee,in) to yoursel. all day! +ould

    (e 'urtin) your re,utation w'et'er you reali2e it or not/ 3ere are 15 (ad (e'a-iors t'at will slowly

    erode your +redi(ility and +ost you in t'e end/

    1/ You don0t ada,t to t'e +om,any +ulture/ E-ery wor*,la+e o,erates under its own set o. so+ial

    +ustoms/ 4ot ma*in) an e..ort to assimilate into t'is +ulture +an ma*e you seem disa,,ro-in) orud)mental/ T'is 'olier6t'an6t'ou attitude is alienatin) to +owor*ers and ma*es it seem li*e you don0t

    +are a(out .ormin) ,ositi-e relations'i,s in t'e o..i+e/

    "/ You ma*e e+uses/ 4ot ta*in) res,onsi(ility .or your mista*es and .ailures will +at+' u, wit' you/Waitin) until t'e day a ,roe+t is due to e,lain w'y you0re (e'ind! .or eam,le! tells your (oss t' at

    you +an0t mana)e your time well/

    %/ You do t'e (are minimum/E-en i. you always meet deadlines and +onsistently turn in 8uality wor*!

    doin) only t'e (are minimum ma*es you seem +om,la+ent/ 9n t'e ot'er 'and! loo*in) .or

    o,,ortunities instead o. waitin) .or t'em to .all into your la, s'ows your (oss t'at you0re dri-en and+are a(out your .uture at t'e +om,any/

    $/ You don0t .ollow t'rou)'/W'en you .ail to do w'at you say you0re )oin) to do! .rom resto+*in) t'e

    ,rinter to +o,y editin) your nei)'(or0s re,ort! you )arner a re,utation .or (ein) unrelia(le/ ee,in)your word s'ows t'at you0re a++ounta(le and +an (e trusted wit' more res,onsi(ilities w'en it +omes

    time to (e +onsidered .or a ,romotion/

    5/ You dress li*e a slo(/9n+e you0re settled into a ,osition! it +an (e easy to let your a,,earan+e .all (y

    t'e wayside/ 3owe-er! .ailin) to loo* ,ut6to)et'er undermines your +redi(ility and aut'ority and may

    ma*e you seem li*e you don0t +are / ;emem(er t'e a)e6old sayin): Dress .or t'e o( you want/

  • 8/11/2019 15 Ways to Slowly Destroy Your Career


    1#/ You write (rus8ue emails/ 4o matter 'ow .riendly you are in ,erson! terse lan)ua)e +an easily (e

    mis+onstrued in an email/ E-en i. it0s unintentional! rude emails immediately sour your re,utationaround t'e o..i+e and *ee, ot'ers .rom wantin) to intera+t wit' you/

    11/ You don0t ma*e meanin).ul +ontri(utions/ Sayin) somet'in) in a meetin) ust .or t'e sa*e o.s,ea*in) doesn0t add anyt'in) ,rodu+ti-e / Instead! ,re,are a'ead o. time! and remem(er 8uality o-er

    8uantity w'en s'arin) ideas/

    1"/ You0re always late/=re8uent tardiness si)ni.ies to +owor*ers t'at somet'in) else is more im,ortant

    to you and t'at you don0t -alue t'eir time/ It ,aints you as disres,e+t.ul and un+arin)! ma*in) ,eo,le

    wary o. trustin) you/ 4o matter w'at it ta*es ! always .ind a way to (e ,un+tual /

    1%/ You ne-er sto, tal*in)/Yes! it0s )reat to )et to *now your +owor*ers! (ut i. you0re +onstantly

    so+iali2in)! it ,re-ents e-eryone around you .rom )ettin) t'eir wor* done/ ee, t'e +'atter to your

    lun+' 'our and (rea*s to a-oid annoyin) ot'ers and (e+omin) t'e ,erson no one wants to wor* wit' /

    1$/ You i)nore emails/ =ailin) to answer emails in a reasona(le time.rame not only .rustrates t'ose

    w'o need res,onses .rom you! it si)ni.ies to +ollea)ues t'at t'ey aren0t wort' your time ! +an +auseyou to miss deadlines! and )enerally ,aints you as un,ro.essional/ @lt'ou)' answerin) ea+' one as

    soon as it0s re+ei-ed is im,ra+ti+al! ma*in) a +ons+ious e..ort to stay on to, o. your in(o )oes a lon)


    15/ You0re rude/Doin) )ood wor* doesn0t matter i. no one wants to wor* wit' you / 4ot only does

    rudeness alienate +owor*ers! (ut most mana)ers won0t tolerate a(rasi-e and in+onsiderate em,loyees/

    ;emem(er! (ein) ,olite is a *ey to winnin) ,eo,le o-er/