1925- Our Lord-s Return (OCR, Texto Reconocido)

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1925- Our Lord-s Return (OCR, Texto Reconocido)Folleto de los Estudiantes de la Biblia (Testigos de Jehová)Jehovah's Witnesses

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  • . '


    His Parousia, His Apokalupsis, and

    Bis Epiphania


    Aiso: London', .Jllngland; Melbourne, Australia; Torouto, Canada; Cape Town, So. A frica ; Orebro, Sweden ; Magflebmg, Germany; Copenhngen, Denmark; Berne, Swltzerland; etc.

    1.925. '


    PRIN'rED .IN U. S. A'.

    [NT Copyrighted by




    BOTH profane and sacred history agree upon

    the following facts, to wit: That about A. D. 1 there was bom in Bethlehem a babe, who was named J esus; that he grew to manhood's estate; that he was a great teacber ; that he was crucilled on a cross of wood, and died; and that the Christian religion is based u pon the teachings of this great Teacher, J esus of N aza.reth.

    The Bible teachings abundantly prove that J esus of N azareth, at the age of thirty years, was baptized in the river J ordan ; that he selected twelve disciples, who we1e bis special pup:ils dming the three and one-half years that followed; that bis crucillxion had been foretold by J ehovah's prophets; that on the third da y after his death he was resurrected from the dead; that forty days thereafter he ascended into heaven and ten days later the holy spirit was give:p. to bis faithful disciples, who were waiting at J erusalem as directed by him; and that these disciples conudently expected the second coming of J esus Chl'ist, and that later, in their epistles to the Church, they spoke of his coming again. These facts are cqnceded by all who believe in the Bible. Therefore, if the Scriptures conclusively establish the fact of his second coming, then we should expect to :find therein proof as to the manner of his coming, the time of bis coming, and the purpose of his coming the secm1d time. In this order we examine the Scriptural evidence.

    The Faet of Jesus' Second Coming

    When Jesus was bapti7:ecl in the Jordan, he was there ackn.owledged the Son of God, as it is Wl'itten: "And 3

  • Our L01:rl/ s Retu1'1 lo, a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." (Matthew 3: 17) Afterwards, when J esus was in the Mount of Transfiguration with Peter, James and J ohn, he was again acknowledged as the Son of God : "While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them; and, behold, a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whmn I am well pleased; hcar ye him." (Matthew: 17 : 5) J esus often spoke of J ehovah God as his Fathe1, and of himself as the Sn from heaven: "Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what lie seeth the Fatber do: fo what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise. For he Father loveth the Son, and sheweth him all things that himself doeth: and he will shew him greater works than these, that ye may marvel." (John 5 : 19, 20; John 9: 35-38) Again he said: "But these [things are written, tho.t ye might believe that J esus is th.; . Christ, the Son of God; and that, believing, ye might ha ve life through his name." -J ohn 20 : 31. Being the Son of God, the words which J esus spoke must import absolute verity. Ris testimony alone is sufficient to establish a fact at issue. He said that the word which he spoke was by the authority of the Fatl1er, J ehovah. ( J ohn 14: 10) Concerning bis second coming J esus Christ spoke with certainty a short time be:fore his death. To his disciples, gathered about hin1, he said: "In m y Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know." _(John 14: 2-4),

    Vur Lo1d' s Return

    . . t ou" _ ---

    mf il.ess. r will come o Y :r will not leave J01.1. co hoi

    d h.

    I said unto you, 8) y e ha ve ear ow '(John 14:1 . nto you If ye loved me, and come agam u .

    I go away,

    I . d 1 go unto the Father . y e would rej oie, becauseth

    a:a ; ( J ohn 14: 28) l'hese :for my Father lS greater . f

    . the fact of his second words are proof boncluslve o

    . 1 1 ,, 1' 1 uld

    commg. T - j .:... sta-ted tliat he wo .A.fter hs :resnrrectlon s-

    '(J Jin 20 :,17)' G d hi Father m heaven. 0 ascend to o ' s al times not in hls Re appeared to the _discip;e:;:ated by 'himself :for glorified body, but m a . to them beore he the very purpose f ;pJ

    ear! the da y that he 'did ascended to J ehova

    hi o alsciples on the si de of the ascend he gthered

    Th e he ()'ave them sorne parting i[ount ? Oh ves. advis:d the to go to J erusalem and mstruct10ns. He

    . the power of the holy wait until tbey should recelVe be his witnesses. "And pirit that they migh\here:s while they beheld, he when he had spoken ese

    d '. d ,.,- out of their . nd a clou recelve lUill was taken up ' _a

    e looked stedfastly toward heaven, sight . And while th y men stood by them in white as he went ':P, behold,

    _we men of Galilee, why stand apparel; wlnc also sal '

    ? This same J esus, which is up mto heaven - lik ye gazmg . h shall so come m e taken up :from you mto aven, . t hea""'en" (Acts h Qeen hrm 0'0 m o ,, . manner as ye ave . tu es proe that the:.;e witnesses, 1. 9 11) Other scnp r t f

    . -. a . l were an !Tels sen rorli h thus testi:ied io hls lSClp es,

    . b . t bl' ,., w 0

    of being Witnesses to es a lSa heaven for the purhpose

    'tnesses testified that he would their :faith ; and t ese WI , come again

    t .'

    whicli tlie disciples received thoroughly The tes Imony . CT d . . d t,.,e a:postles of J esus' second commb, an m convmce 11

  • 6 Our LMd:s Retwn

    . n!!h:;r:gthed

    eafter, as_ well as their speecli.

    . or s asoensiOn whe th h rece1ved the gift of the 1 1 . . ' n ey ad

    stood up before the multitlod

    y spd

    nlt: the apos.tle Peter

    u e an al el. "H [ J h shall send J esus Christ w hich b f

    . e e ovah]

    unto you: whom the h' e ore ''as preached

    times of restitution of a lleta

    lv_ens mus

    } . t recelve nntil the

    1m o-s w nch G el h th by the mouth of all his hol o 'r h

    a spoken

    began."-Acts 3: 20, 21. y p op ets smce the world

    St. Paul, who was sent b th L d . . ambassador begotten and

    y . tee

    d or as hls speClal


    ' anom of the hol t lll1 er mspiration wrote . "F I

    y spin ,

    o:ffered and th t f. or am now ready to be

    ' e lllle o my departu. .

    bave fought a good :fi ht I hav I lS at hand. I

    1 ha ve kept the faith :g

    hcefor =:hd


    d coure,

    me a crown f . h lS al up for

    righteo . d o ng teo_usness, which the Lord the

    us JU ge, sha ll !!lve me at tb t d '

    to me only, but unto aitthe a ay=

    . and not

    ing." (2 Timoth 4. 6-m also that love hls appear-

    must die and waft fr : Tbe Apo

    _stle knew that he

    coming of the Lord H ;

    dresurrctiOn at the second

    e >a prev10usly spok f .. h.

    m another epistle . "F if . en o u 1s

    and rose . . or we beheve that J esus died

    will God :' :It bsi: the; a which sleep in J esus the word of the Lord that

    r whe say U?to you by

    . ' e w nc are alwe and re

    mam unto the coming of the Lord shall t -

    them which are asleep "(1 Th al no jn:event

    ess omans 4 14 15) A urter proof of this :fact We cite the :folloi : . 1 S mth1ans 1 : 7. 15 . 23 . 1 TI al .

    no or-


    ' . ' 1ess omans 2 . 19 . 2- Th sa onians 2 : 8 James 5 . 7 8 . 2 p

    ' es-.

    ' , , . eter 1: 16; ili _ _ pians 3: 20. :M:uch more Scriptural r f -1


    adducecl concerning bis second comin oo n:lg t be

    ample to establish the point. g, but thJs see.ms


    1 !

    Ou.r Lo1a: Return

    Manner of His Coming

    Sliould we expect the Lord at bis second coming to

    appear to man in human form; and if not, wby not?

    Thls question must be answered in the negative, f9r

    the reason J esus Christ is no longer a human but a

    spirit being. Concerning this St. Paul says: "N ow

    the Lord is that Spirit." (2 Corinthians 3: 1'1) Jesus

    explained to Nicodemus that a man cannot see a spirit

    being. He saicl: "That which is born of the flesh is

    fl.esh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

    Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born

    again. The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou

    hearest the souncl thereof, but canst not tell whence

    it cometh, and whither it goeth; so is every one that is

    born of the Spirit." (John 3: 6-8) Tbe Lord Jesus

    was put to death as a human being and was raised

    again out of death a spirit being.-1 Peter 3: 18.

    The disciples and faithful followers of J esus Christ

    bave the promise that they shall share the blessings of

    tbe chief resurrection and be changed from human to

    spirit beings. They shall see the Lora as he is because

    tbey will be like him and be received unto him. Human

    eyes will not see the Lord; for a human being cannot

    see a spirit being and live. (1 Timothy 6: 15, 16) For

    'tls reason J esus, wben instructing bis disciples just be

    fore bis deparlure zyom earth, said: ayet a little

    wblle, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me:

    because I live, ye shall live also." (John 14: i1.9) Here

    is bis positive statement that the world will see him

    no more, but that bis disciples will see llinl; and they

    will see bim for tbe same reason that he stated: ar

    will come again, and receive you unto myself; tbat

    wbere I am, tbere ye may be also. Ancl whither I go

    ye 1mow, ancl tbe way ye lmow."-J ohn 14: 3, 4 ..

  • 8 Our Lord' s Return

    . The manner of our Lord' d . . . .

    m detall in STUDIES IN s econ commg IS d.iscussed

    u pon this parlicul . THE CRIPTURES Vol. Two; and

    "We t b _ar pomt we quote therefrom as follows .

    mus eru; m rnind also th t .

    a human being; that as 'a Juan

    a or Lord is no 'longer

    a ransom for men ha be bemg he gave himself

    ' vmg come a m f PUl'J)ose. (1 Timothy 2. 6. H b.

    an or that very

    15: 21, 22) He is now ilihl e re7s 10: 4, 5; 1 Corinthians Therefore Paul said 'Th

    Y exa ted, to the divine nature

    tlie fiesh, yet now, hencef ve have kown Christ afte

    ( orinthians 5: 16) He wd w we

    .h1m [so] no more.'

    givmg .spirit being (1 Co .


    . ta1sed from the dead a Jife

    of th,e earth earthy H m ums 15: 45), and not a nz,am,

    or degree; for. we ;nuste t n Jonger lmman in any sense

    (See Volullle 1, Chapter 10)et what we llave leauned

    and distinct. Since he is no 1 at. natures are separate

    a human being, we must noton


    m n? sense or degree

    as hman being, as at the xp ct hlm to come again

    commg IS to be in a d'f:"' first advent:. His second

    d.ff ' 1 .e1ent manner

    1 erent pmpose.''-STun ' , as well as for a

    Page 107. IEs rN T,HE Sc&IPTtmES Volume ?

    The Scriptural proof is 1 . ' -,

    J esus ascended into he con e_ uslve that the Lord

    that never again will hea,br

    en .bs

    lplrit being di vine, ancl

    i 'thf e VlSl e to huma

    al ul members of the Chur l h n

    _eyes. The

    because he will receive th ? f owever, will see him

    chanrred into his lik em

    O m o_ glory when they re

    . o. . eness. f thls .st J ohn d .

    spuation wntes concerniD h. . un er m-

    :fidelity and loyalty: "If dself and others of like

    we shall be; but we know th t not yet appear what

    h ; for we shall see him as ; . ,we shall be like

    Smce this scripture can h . lS. (1 John 3: 2)

    en ce to the Chmch only ,:;t;h fulillmet. with l'efer-

    fust resurrection and are d es J?artwipate in the

    proof that no human m e divme beings, it is

    glorified body. Upon te wl see the Lord in bis

    H..titP OF Gon, as follows: s pomt we guote from .TRE


    Manner of Hi.s Coming (l

    11Seeing, then, that Jesus Chrlst is a g\orious spirit

    being with a divine organism, and tbat as the wind can

    not be seen, but comes and goes, so a spirit can th


    come and go witl1out being discemed by human eye


    could not our Lord be present and yet not observable


    any natural E:yes? That is exactly according to the fact


    Satan is a spirit being. For many centilries Satan has

    been the god or invisible ruler of the present evil worl


    (2 Corintbians 4: 3, 4) ; yet no human eyes ha ve seen Satau,

    although men have felt bis intluence and still feel it. Satan

    is not only t11e god of this world but tlle chief one oi

    his wicked, invisible heaven ; . that is to sa.y, the invi


    l'uling order of things composed of Satan and the other

    fallen a.ngels who exercise po:wer over human bings. The

    apostle Peter saicl: 'We, according to his prom1se, look fo


    new. heaveus and a new earth, wherein dwelletll righteous

    ness.' (2 Peter 3: 13; Reveln,tion 21: 1-5) The coming of

    the Lord is the new heavenly kingdom. This new ruling

    power, the Messiah, is invisible, and will be invisible to

    human eyes, but will establish in the earth visible agencies

    and representa ti ves; munely, a new social nnd politicaJ

    o:der of things. We shou:

  • 10 O u?' Lo,rd' s Return

    they may ascertain th . of time. U pon this we q



    pomt u pon tlie stream " , .

    Wl approval the followin . For mstnnce, our Lord said 'Beb

    g .

    and, 'As it was in the days ot' N old, I come as a tbief,'

    the dnys of the Son of oah, so sball it be also Ir

    They did eat they drankmat

    nh [

    the dys of b is presence] : ' ey marned w th g.ven lll marr iage' 'And kn

    . Ives, ey were

    'And w hen he [Jsus] was e;eduntil the flood came.' when the kingdom of God s ho 1 ed of the Phatisees,

    and said, The kingdom of G du d come, he answered them

    [m . o cometh not with b arg.nal rending "not wth t

    o servation 16: l 5; Luke 17: 26, 27; ate:ad. s ho_w"].'-Revelation STunms IN THE Sc&IPTURES V 1

    4 29, Luke 17: 20.''-.

    , o ume 2, page 142. Referrmg to his second e

    to those who would be f .tohful


    g, an as a warning ((w t h

    ru to him .J a a e therefore . for y kn ' esus sa1 :

    Lord doth come , But

    ov: not what hour your of the house had known .


    hs, that if the goodman

    come, he would have wce watch the tllief would

    suffered his house to be broken

    a;!d would not have

    . 43) Thus he established the f p.

    tll (Mtthew 24:42,

    like a thief, is unobserved anda t at his appearance, will know of the :first part f hi a only the watchers 0 s presence.

    The apostles had this same understand :ho often wrote and spoke of th g. St .. Paul,

    the day of the Lord" a ' e Lord s connng as

    rf ' sal : 'For yo 1 pe ectly that the da f th

    urse ves know thit1f m the nio-ht o h e Lord so cometl as a

    d af "' . or w en they shall p an s ety; then sud den dest t

    say, eace as travail upon a woman

    " 1ilc;

    eth upon them; not escape. But ye, brethren

    and th:y shall that day shou1d overtake 0

    are not darkness, that . children of light, and the hils a thief. y e are all not of the night, nor of darkn:

    of the da y; we are not sleep, as do others . but 1 t

    . Therefore let. us , e us watch and be sober:

    Manne1 of His Ooming 11

    (1 Thessalonians 5 : 1-6) The apostle Peter, referring

    to the same t1ng in alm.ost the identicallanguage, says:

    "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the

    night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with

    a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent

    heat; the earth also, and the works that are therein,

    shall be hurned up."-2 Peter 3: 10.

    The Lord J esus in discussing the manner of bis

    second coming, according to the King James version

    of our Bible, said: "For as the lightning cometh out

    of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall

    also the coming of the Son of roan be." (Matthew 24:

    27) It must be manifest to the thoughtful person that

    the lightning here does not refer to the explosion or

    burning of elect-ricity in the a ir dming a thunder-storm;

    :for that does not come out of the east and shine unto

    the west. It comes from every direction, and the

    shining is only instantaneous. The w

  • ' .


    12 Our Lotd' s Return Greek words which we desire h . . Pamusia, (pronounced pa

    er to spemally mention: (pronounced ep-if-an' -i-


    )-s:); (2) epiphaneia

    (pronounced ap-ok al' 0 . ')

    (3), apokalupsis, T

    - - op-s1s . he word patrousia m epiphaneia means a eanin

    eans l!tesence. The word tion of. Apokalups

    p g or bttghtness or manifesta-. . tS, means to take off th ts, to d1sclose or to teveal to mak .

    e cover; that In the followinrr' texts

    ' l t

    e mamfest orto appear. . o . re a mrr to the L d' commg the word panous.

    o or s second lated ptesence . and in

    .UL. appears and should be trans-1 t d

    ' givmg the texts bel t a e presence. thc Wol'd . . . ow I 1s trans-

    "What shall be . m queshon bemg in italics:

    24: 3. the sign of thy ptesence ?" -Matthew

    "So shall also the Matthew 24: 27 37 l;

    esence of the Son of man be."-"They that a1

    e hrit's t h

    ians 15: 23. ' a 18 presence."-1 Corinth-

  • . .

    l{fi Ou1 Lord' s Return second coming is from the G properly translated reveal d

    reek apolcalups-is.. and "The su:ffe

    o- . e or uncovered. to b

    nnbs of this present t . e compared with th 1

    . une are not worthy m

    ,us.' Romans 8: 18.

    g ory which shall be .tevealed 'ReJOlce, inasmuch as

    su:fferings; that, when bis !re are partakers of Qhrist's

    be glad also with exeedinb o:y sall be 1'evealed, ye may

    ''.An inheritanc g Joy. -1 Peter 4 13

    :f e mcorruptibl d

    &.deth not away reserved . h e, an unde:filed, and that

    by th ' m eaven for yo h e power of God throu h .

    u, w o are kept ;re y to be revealed in the las t.

    fal unto salvation, .

    A partaker of the o-lor une. -1 Peter 1: 4, 5.

    tl. Peter 5: 1. b Y that shall be tevealed."-

    ' "Every man's work shall be m . tlay shall declare it b .

    ade manifest : for the :LITe." (1 Corinthian's 3

    se lt shall be 1evealed by dently is to the testing th Here the rcference evithe period of his presence n the Lord's people during .Apostle's words thus

    e end of the age The f h

    agree with 0 L d'

    o t e sarne testings . ur or s prophecy

    covered, that shall o:arng that "there is nothing Luke 12: 2.

    e revealed [ uncovered] ." _ _ "Hope to tlle end for the o-r . unto you at the revelation

    f e thaCt

    hrls to be brought

    1:13. esus ist."-l,Peter

    , "The Lord J esus shall be r Jling :tire [judgments a a

    :aled fro heaven .. . in taking vengeance "-2 Th

    g al .

    all unrighteousness ]' , "S th

    . ess omans 1 . 7 8 '

    , o at ye come behind . . . ' . coming [ apo lcalupsis-reveal m

    no gift; waiting for tlie

    Christ." (1 Corinthians 1: 7ment] of o Lord Jesus

    need to keep active, watchin ) The ?rd s people will

    blessing until the manifest f and waitmg for the great

    a Ion or t:evealment,_ of tha

    1Manne1 of His Oorning 15

    Lord; but i:f watchers, they shall be made aware of his presence (pa1ousia) and of the work of "harvest"

    beforehand, and shall share in the revealment. "Tbat the trial of your faith ... might be :found unto

    praise and honor and glory at the appearing [ apoka

    lupsis- revealment] of Jesus Christ."-1 Peter 1: 7.

    "For the earnest expectation of the creature [ man

    Jrind] waiteth for the mamifestation [ apokalupsis-revealing] of the sons of God [the Church]."-Rom. 8:19.

    "The same day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained

    fire a:nd brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them

    all. Even thus shall it be in the da,y when the Son of

    man is 1evaled." (Luke 17: 29, 30) That is to say,

    the judgments of the coming "time of trouble", as

    predicted, .will begin as soon as "he salt of the earth", the saints, have been cbanged; and thus tbe Son of

    Man will be 1evealed a pN;sent J udge, who has for some time been present, sealing and gathering his "elect".

    Of course these three Greek words do not mean three

    appearings of the Lord; but this clistinction enables one

    to see what the teA.-ts mean with referencc to his presence,

    to the manifestation of his presence and to the revelation

    or uncovering of things pertaining to bis presence.

    The word coming, which is translated presence, does

    not mean to be on the way, but presence after having

    arrived. Angels may be present round about human

    beings and be unse,en; and in this sen se the Lord, at

    bis second coming, is present, near to those who rely

    upon him, yet unseen and surely unseen by those who

    do not rely upon bim.

    When our Lord ascended on high, and the angels

    .stood by and witnessed to his disciples, they said: "This

    same J esus, which is taken up from you into heaven,

    shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him g

  • 16 Our Lord's Return into heaven." ( .Acts 1 : 11) This does not say that those who saw him go will see him come, nor that any one elsc will see him come; but it does say that the manner of bis going will be in the manner of his coming. The Lord J esus went away quietly, and no onc evcn knew about it except his faithful followers. Re had plainly stated to them that in a little while the world would see him no more, but that his disciples would see him. (John 14:19; 16:16-19,22) The world has never scen him and never will see him; but the disciplcs will see him when changed into his likeness. .As he wcnt away secretly and quietly, so in this same manner is his second coming. .At the beginning of the Lord's presence it is to be expected that onJy those who are faithfully watching the signs of the times, tbe fulfilrnent of prophecy, ancl who are stuclying the Word of God and watching themselves to keep in harmony therewith, w:ill understand. This manifestation or bright shining will increasc to thcm as they increase in knowledge in the spirit of ihe Lord. The revealing of the Lord's presence will gradually cxtend to the world and will be made manifest especially to the world in a time of trouble, just as J esus indicated when he said: .And they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven, with power and grcat glory."-Matthew 24: 30. Clouds are symbols of trouble; and as the trouble u pon the world increases, and the world is told that the Lord is prescnt, and tbe proof is given to show bis presence, natural men will begin to see and understand that the day of the Lord is here, that the Lord has rcturned, ancl that the kingdom of heaven is at hand. The great privilege of telling the world this good news of the Lord's presence, the manner of the coming and pur-




    j 1


    The Time of His Coming 1"1 . crranted to the faithful followers. pose, he has acl:;

    s t>that the Lord would be preset, The o.regomg

    . that thc true, loyal Chns-yet inVIsible to han eeshis a earing and who are tians, who love hrm :erful evJt would know about watching for that. wo d tliat raduly that fact would his presence first'

    an h g

    ld and in duc time the be made manifesdt to


    ebc";eelcd fully to those who 1 of the Lor mus

    t 1 w g ory . h'm Thesc progresslVc s eps s lO love and appreClate 1

    d with l'eferencc . hich the words are use the sense m w 1 pa1ousia epiphaneia, and to his presence; name y, '

    apokalttpsis. . th n.o A text that is often confusing conce


    t . e 7.

    . . h Lord's comincr is that of cve a lon . ner of t e meth with cloucls; anu every eye shall "Behold, he co

    t f "t tcd clouds symbolizc trou ble. h " As here o ore :s a , a

    sce lm. l t d " ee" is from the Greck wor Tht- word here trns a e

    Ds . J es Strong to mean d is o-1ven by r. am h h


    an t> . . nder-tanding of the te}.rt, t en, "discet11". The pi O


    ler u he earth incident to the th t as the trou e upon

    h 1 lS a

    f th Lord increases, t e .peop E time of the presence o ef the Lord 'l'hey will be '11 a' ern the presence o .

    d th Wl lSC f the trouble . an u informed as to . the melan alm]

    g e made know to them h. ence wlll !ITac u Y . f

    lS pres . o th t the trouble lS because o until they all dtscem

    d a

    chancre of dispensation from the Lord's presence an a t> the old to the new order.

    The Time of His Coming . . f Christ i s not popular with The second commg o

    Th say . He will come the clergy of this day. knos whn and therefore sorne time, but no one '

  • 18 O:U1 Lord' s Re tu m it is no use to try to find out. Probably tlieir ignorance of the subject is due largely to the fact that they do not want th Lord to come ; for bis coming will upset sorne of the1r pet schemes. Their lack of knowledge may be due also to the fact that they are not loyal to the Lor. M.aybe it is. due to the fact that they are too much mtox1cated with the politics of this evil world, and hence are asleep to the evidences of the Lord's second coming.

    St. Paul says that those who :fail to m1derstand will be those who are asleep and drunk (1 Thessalonians 5 : 7) . To be asleep means to be oblivious to the :facts and cucumstances surrounding one ; and to be drunk means to be intoxicated with the things that are conrary to the Lord's kingdom. In defense of ther willing 1gnorance on the subject of our Lord's second coming ey quote the words of J esus in Matthew 24 : 36, thus: But of that day and hour knoweth no man no t te angcls of heaven, but m y Father only." But j e:s did not there say that no one would ever know except the Father. If the contention be true that no one would ever lrnow, then of course the Lord J esus would never 1mow, which is wholly unreasonable. When Jesus spoke thse words he was still on the earth. After he was cruCified and resurrected from the dead h J . ''All . . e e sa1c1 . power 1s g1ven unto me in heaven and in earth." (Matthew 28: 18) Surely at that time he must have had full and. complete knowledge of bis second coming. No one will question that Jesus now knows o:f bis seond coming. It must also be conceded that sorne will know when he does come. Even the clergy claim that th:y may Jrnow sorne day; and as the scripture aove clted states, at a proper time a1l s11all discern him. In the same discussion J esus also said: "W atch


    . , , 1 '

    1 11



    The Time of H is O oming 19.

    tlierefore :for ye know not wbat bour your Lord dotli come." (:Mattbew 24 : 42) lb y should he admonish any one to watch unless he intende

    .that the watcan

    should know of his arrival at the ttme of hls arnval? I:f the watchers would never 1.-now, then there would be no use :for them to watch. The Lord never asked anyone to do a useless thing. The :fct that he told bis disciples to watch is proof onclus1e that, the

    rue watchmau would know at the time of lus Lord s arnval..

    The man who is watching :1 thief whom he ex:pects to come, and to whose knowledge the proof that the thief has arrived is brought either by the seuse o:f hearing or the sense of sceing, surely would h.-now of the thief's arrival. Jesus likeued his second coming to the approach of a thirf. Whom did he e:-.-p

  • o lJur. Lord' s Retu1.n St. Pan! was a. real Ohrist,In. He was not a D. D., who cannot nnderstand, such as are the D. D.'s of this present time. (Isaiah 56 : 10, 11) Here the Prophet . says that sorne who claim to be watchmen will be blind apd ignorant ; and that these would be D. D.'s, sleeping and iying down, loving slu.mber. H e then says that they aJ"e greedy, never able to get enough, shepherds of congregations that . cannot nnderstand; that they loo out only for thE!mselve.s, to get gain from their own congregation. The true watchers are not of this class. .T},e Lord had given St. Paul a vision of his plan, including his second coming. (2 Oorinthians 12 : 4) Addressing hmself to the tme and faithful followers of J esus, who diligently seek to know his way of light and to walk therein, the Apostle said : But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For you;rselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night . . . . But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. Y e are all the children of 1ight, and the children of the da y ; we are not of the night, nor of darlmess. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others ; but let us watch and be sober. For they that sleep, sleep in he night ; and they that be drunken are 4runken in the night."-1 Thessalonians 5 : 1-.7

    Times and Seasons . From th'e foregoing scriptures we should expect fo :find Biple proof of th times and seasons of oup Lord's presence. 'l'hese times and seasons were foreshadowed jn prophecy. Prophecy means the foretelling of fqture vent:> in guar.ded phrase so that at the tinle uttered they cannot be understood, but are understood at the time of ful:filment. When these event take place, sucl:

    The Time of His Oorning 21

    then this fulfilm.ent is as a fulfilment of pr


    y, ts . and when the physical properly called the physiC

    d a

    h ' all eyes can d:iscern tfacts are open .to every/fue ord's presence will be them. Hence m due t

    . ture b the physical facts. macle known to every cr d . knded Ohristians to It is manifest that

    t:entlf prophecy, the times understand, from

    _ the

    bis resence. He uttered some and seasona ratin? to lf aJa now these prophecies are of the propheCles hrmse ' being ful:filled.

    T eviclence as to when to J esus gave us the posl webl f the wheat and the . He crave a para e o l t

    expect hm1. b d f heaven is likenec un o tares saying, "Tbe kmg om od . his field : but while

    ' ' h. h ed crood see m a man w lC sow b

    d owed taTes am.ong h' emy carne an s men slept, lS en . B t when the blade was the wheat, and we:

    1 h frit, then appeared the sprrulg up, and br b

    ts of the bouseholder carne tares so. So he


    aidst not thou sow good sed and sald unto hrm, , tben hath it tares? He sald in thy field ? from whence h d this Tbe servants An emy bat one . unto them, . et tho tbat we go and gather them saicl unto hlm,

    . W . l t wbile ye oather up the tares, up? But he sa1d, N ay ' es 'th the Let botb grow t al the wheat Wl

    h t ye roo up so

    . . d in the time of arves together until the harvet . Gther ye together :first the I will say to the reape:s, b dl to burn them ; but d b. d them m un es

    30 tares, an m . barn ''-Matthew 1 3 : 24- gather the whea mto m y

    ble . J esus sald that he was Interpreting his own paa ' d seed . that the field the roan who had sown t

    le:oare the' children of the is the worl d ; that the good

    the cbildren of the wicked kingdom ; that the taoar

    swed them is tbe de-\ril, nd one ; that the enemy . f 1 ld -Matt. 13 : 37-39 . tbat tbe harvest is tbe end o t 1e wor .


  • 22 Our LMd's Retum

    . From this statement of the Master it is clearly sliown

    that at the end of the age, or world, there must be & . harvest ; that J sus Christ must be present as the Maste of tbt har e t d th .


    '"". v s ' an at the harvest will consist of

    gathermg togethe: the true followers of Christ . to ne bdy, and of binding together he counterfei


    ass for detruction. Statd in other phrase there e q, gathermg of the true vine class, true 'Christlans, and the arvesting of the vine of the earth, nely, the nommal Babylonish systems of the world Smce the Master himself stated that he .would t. thi t' t .

    come a s

    _ e o recelve his own, tbe truly consecrated

    Chnshans, to himslf, and that he, as the Master of the harvest, would direct what should be done it follo that he must b present befare the beginning of t= harvest and durmg the time of the harvest. It would also follow that he would be present before tbe end of th world, or age.


    J ehovah caused the prophet Daniel to write the salint eatures of events that would come to pass durin the rule f the worl d po':ers that would be in existence 1rom the hme of the empue of Persia until 'the ti f th end" Th t h. l D .

    me o e .

    . a . w le amel wrote was prophecy . that

    s to say, _gmded by the divine power, he recorded long m advance the happeniugs. of certain events, which of themselve show that this prophecy could not be understood til the events had transpired. DanieT wrote (}oncermng these events, but did not nnderstand th ;r'hey

    h are set forth in his prophetic utterancs recor

    m t e book of Daniel chapters 7 to 12 . 1 . Daniel 1 lf a

    ' , 1nc us1ve. . umse sru : "I heard, but I understood not .

    thn s .ald I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of thes

    things? And he said, Go thy way, Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end M any,

    :TJie Time of His Oomilng 23

    sliall oe purlfied, and made white, and tried ; but the

    wicked shall do wickedly : and none of the wicked shall

    under;;tand : but the wise shall understand."-Daniel

    12 : 8-10. ;.I'he Lord had caused Daniel to

    record specifically

    what would happen when the time o:f the end should

    begin. The "time o:f the end" means a specific period

    at the end of Gentile dominion. "And at the time of

    the en d shall the king of the south push at bim : and

    the king of the north shall come against him like a

    whi;rlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with

    many ships : and he shall en ter into the countries, and

    sha11 overflow and pass over. He shall enter also into

    the glorious land, and many countries shall be over

    thrown."-Daniel 11 : 40, 41.

    The fulfilment of this prophecy fixes the beginning

    of the "time of the end" ; for the -prophecy definitely so

    states. The crunpaign of -the great warrior N apoleon

    Bonapaite is clearly a fulfilment of this prophecy, as

    reference to the historical facts concerning his campaign

    plainly shows. The 'ing of the south" mentioned in

    the prophecy refers to Egypt ; the ''king of the north"

    means Great Britain, which was then an integral part

    of the Roman empire. Napoleon was in Egypt, :fighting

    the Egyptian armies, which were led by Murat Bey, and

    which he defeated. His victory struck terror not only

    to the Egyptians, but far into Africa and Asia ; and

    all the surrounding tribes submitted to the great con

    queror. Wbile he was doing this; the British in the

    north, under the leadership of Iord Nelson, were mak

    ing an e:ffective attack u pon N apoleon's forces at sea .

    N-apoleon began this Egyptian campaign in 1798, fin

    ished it and returned to France in October 1, 1799.

    The campaign is briefiy, yet graphically, described in

  • 1

    ln'Pp4ep;y, ver$es ,o to 44; and bing complete lp. t 79 m_arks, wcpramg tP thf') Prophet's O)VII word, the hgmn..ng pf th "time pf the end".

    From the time of he overthrow of Zedekiah ( 606 B. C.) mg tp {ltaphsffi'l+f'!pt Gf the Gentile universal empir lfflqr eppchadpetJzp.r, the organizations of the "lf8Pl4 pwers pr goyernmj;s have been designated in the pnntmes by God's prophet as ''beasts". The prp.phet PttrP.fll ( 1 ; 7, 8) pescrihes a "fourth beast, dreadful nd te1Tible:" This te:nible beast was a form of goveptwent PP1D.posed pf three emenf;s or component parts ; nel;y :P,f!)fess}ona.l IJOlitil}ia:ns, great :financien, and epplcsmtJCal laders. Tli atanic organization qecarre drelJiJd'pl :d terrip}e from the time that these three forces were united. Of thts unholy trinity ve _-the :P.apapy, t?e ecctesia$tlaf elemnt, in the saddl r1

    _dmg and lic days ended

    in 1829, and the 1335 days in the close of 1874. Let the

    re!Hler judge carefully now :..cct u'a tely these dates mark

    the understanding of the vsion, and :.11 tlle prQpbeccs con

    nected with the Time of the .End, and. the sep4r-ating,

    cleansing, and refining as by flre, to brlg God's cl:\ildren to the childlike, humnle, tl'nstful conditiQn Qf mlnd and lieart

  • 26 Our Lord' s Return

    needful tbat tbey might be ready to receive and appreciate God's way and ime."-STUDIES lN TliEl SCRIPTURES, Volume 3, page 84.

    There are two important dates here that we must not confuse, but clearly differentiate; namely the beginning o:f "the time o:f the end" and o:f th; presence of the Lord. "The time of the end" embraces a period from A. D. 1799, as above indicated, to the time of complete overth:cow of Satan's empire and the establishment of the lcingdom o:f Messiah. The time of the Lord's second presence dates from 1874, as above stated.

    The latter period is within the :first named, of course, and at the latter part -of the period known as "the time of the end".

    The derst.anding of the propflecies witli reference to "the time of the end" and the Lord's presence was purposely concealed by J ehovah until the due time Dniel desired to know what would be the end of thes tlungs, but God said to him : "But thou O Daniel shut up the words, and seal the book, even'to the tim of the en d." (Daniel 12 : 4) It "is reasonable to expect tat J ehovah would indicate something by which "th

    _e tune of he end" could be discerned when it

    an:1ved. He did not say to Daniel to look for some words emblazoned across the sky that the end had com but told him to look for such evidences as could b seen and understood by men who were familiar with the prophecies, and ho in the light of the prophecies should be watching :for their :ful.filment. God did not expect Daniel to understand these in his da y .for he said: "Go thy way, Daniel ; for the words are ;losed up and sealed till the time of the end."-Daniel 12: 9.

    When that time should arrive, what was to be expected? J ehovah answers: "Many; shall run to and

    Tlie Time of His Oomng 2"1

    fro and knowledge shall be increased." (Daniel 12 : 4)

    Frm shortly aftcr 1799, the date of the beginning of

    "the time of the end", we should expect to :fi.nd an increase

    of knowledge, particularly with reference he Bible. Prior to that time the people had been kept m


    of the Bible. It was the practice o the Papacy to for

    bid my one aside from the clegy class o have access

    to the Bible ; in fact, to ha ve m possess10n a copy o:f

    the Bible was made a crime uncler the Roman law,

    subjectina the offender to heavy penalties. In 1799

    the baastly power of Rome, predominated by the Papal

    system, received a deadly wnd. . The peole had n:en

    taurrht to believe in the d1vme nght of kmgs to xule

    and the divine right of the clergy to domnate the

    conscience of the people. Wben N apoleon took the

    Pope a prisoner and carried him away to France, d

    when later he re.fused to ]IP.rmit the Pope to crown him

    as king, but put the orown_ on himself and _

    treated the

    Papal claimed authority w1.th contempt, th1s began to

    open the eyes of the peoples of earth, kings as well

    as people, to the :fact that Papacy did not possess the

    divine right it claimed. . . . A. short time theTeaiter the :first B1ble soc1ebes that

    ever existed were organized. The British and Forcign

    Bible Society \l'as established in 1803 ; the N ew Y 01:k

    Bible Society in. 1804 ; the Berlin-Prussian Bible Society

    in 1805; the Philadclphia Bible Society in. 1808; and the

    .American Bible Society in 181 '7. The B1ble was ttans

    lated and published in many different languages, and

    sold at such low prices that the poor could have accest1

    to it and within a short time millions of Bibles were in the hands 0f the people. The Papal system de


    11ounced these Bible societies as "pestiferous Bible

    societies". The time had come, liowever, or an in

  • r

    crease of lmowledge ; and the Lord was :fuHilling liis promise by putting the Bible within the reach of those who are hungry for truth. The people began to learn that God is no respecter of persons; that kings and popes, priests and the common people, alike must all render their account to the Lord and not to man.

    From that time forward there has been a great col'responding increase of knowledge in all the societies and, in fact, in all lines of learning. l'he common school, always opposed by the Papacy, has afforded a means of general education and increase of lmowledge fo.r people in all walks of life. Colleges and universities have sprung up throughout the earth. With the increase o:f knowledge on various lines have come the numerous inventions that man now has, time- and labor-saving machines, etc.

    Befare 1 ?'99 the means of transportation wre sucli that a man could travel only a short distance in a day. He must go either in a vehicle drawn by horses or oxen, or afoot; and when he would cross the sea he must go in a sailboat that made little progress. In 1831 the fust locomotive steam engine was invented. Such wonderful progress has been made iD. this regard that now one can travel through almost any part of the earth at a rapid rate upon a railway trin. Late:: carne the electric engines and electric motor cars and gas engines ; and now there is a tremendous amount of travel in every part of the earth. It is no uncommolt t,hing for one to travel at the rate of seventy-five to one hundred miles per hour ; and particular! y is this true by; means of a fl.ying machine, which is a modern invention.

    God's prophet designates this same time as "the day; of God's preparation". In Nahum 2 : 1-6 the Prophet records his :vision of a railway train traveling at a

    The Time of His Ooming

    Jligh: rate of speed, as another evidence of the day of preparation :for the establishment of Christ's kingdom.

    In 1844 the telegraph was invented, and later the telephone. These instrumenta were first used with wi

  • 30 Ow Loril's Retum

    in tbe year 1874, the date of our Lord's second presence, tbat tbe :first labor organization in the world was created. From that time forward tbere has been a marvelous increase of ligbt; and the inventions and discoveries have been too numerous for us to mention all of tbem here. But mention is made of some of those that have come to light since 1874, as a further evidence of tbe Lord' presence since that ate, as follows : Adding maes, aeroplanes, alumrnum, antiseptic surgery, artificial dyes, automatic couplers, automobiles barbed wire, bicycles, carborundum, cash registers, ;elluloid, correspondence schools, cream separators, "Darkest Africa," disc ploughs, "Di vine Plan of tbe Ages " dynamite . ' ' electric railways, electric welding, escalators, :fireless cookers, gas engines, barvesting machines, illuminatincr gas, induction motOTs, linotypes, match machines, mono types, moti o u pictures, N orth Pole, Panama Canal, Pasteurization, railway signals, Roentgen rays, shoc sewing machines, smokeless powder, South Pole, submarines, radium, sky scrapers, subways, talking machines, telepbones, typewriters, vacuum cleaners and :wireless telegraphy. '"

    The Harvest Yrne Lord used tbe natmal harvest to illustrate tne

    iiarvest of his people at the end of the age. There was a harvest of certain of the J ews at the end of the :J ewish Age. ( J ohn 4 : 35, 36) There is a parallel harvest period in the Gospel Age ; and since tbe Lord used the natural wheat harvest of Israel as a pictme of the harvest of bis people, it might not be out of place bere to say tbat from the time of the beginning of the J ewish harvest until Pentecost was fi.fty days;


    and carrying out tlie Biblical rule of a day for a year, it would not be umeasonable to conclude tbat tbe harvest of tbe Gospel Age would co:ver a period of fifty years.

    During tbe period of time since 1874 there has been a great gathering together of Christian people from diferent quarters of the earth, without regard to reed or denomination. These have come from both Oatholic and Protestant churches and outside of all churcbes. They have not sought members, but they have

  • r

    32 Our Lotd' s Retum

    systems, which teach everything except the Word of the Lord. In these various denominational systems are professional politicians and conscienceiess profiteers, who are designated in Scripture as the principal of the fl.ock, and who indeed are the principal ones in the congregation because their infl.uence tlirects the clergyman or pastor m the course which he shall take. ,They do not profess full consecration to the Lord; but they look upon the denominational church, as it is, as an organization for social enjoyment and political purposes. .

    While this work has been going on, the Lord has been gathering together the truly consecrated Christians without regard to creed or denomination, and he has designated them as "wheat". This great work of gather-1ng together Christian people can be designated in no other way than as a harvest,. and fully means that which was foretold by the Lord .Jesus. It has never been the purpose of these Clristians to assemble themselves as Bible Students to induce anyone fu joiu them ; :in fact, they have no membership roll. [.['heir purpose is to enlighten men and women concerning'the Divino Plan, and by this means to enable them to see that God has something better for mankind than the creeds of Christendom have taught. This circumstantial evi

  • 34 Ow Lord' s RetU1'n

    The End of the World Tlie end of the world and the second presence of tlia

    Lor.d snchronize as to time. From 1874 to 1914, a ]Jeriod of forty years, was the day of the Lord's preparation. The year 1914 i s so de:finitely marked in the Scriptures as being the end of the world and the time of the Lord's presence that there can be no reasonabla doubt about it. The fact that there was a period of preparation before the end of the world shows condusively ihat the Lord must be present before tha end of the world takes place, and that the world would end duJ.'ing the time of his second presence. (:Malach:t a : 1-3) It follows, then, that the same signs or poofs

    Jesus having taught his disciples concerning liia second coming, and having informed them that the world't wo:uld end at o during that time, theyj desired t{J

    The End of the W o1ld 35

    ow liow they might be able to ascertain the fact of h1s yresence and wha woulcl be the indication or proof o 1t to them or to any. one. He was sitting on the s1cle .of th :Mount of Olives when his disciples came to him pnvately and propounded the question : "Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign [proof or indication] of thy presence, and of the end of the world?" (:Matthew 24 : 3) The world as here usecl does not mean the earth. The earth will never end or pass away ; for "God himself that :formed the earth and made it; he hath established it he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited." (Isaiali 45 : 18)

  • ,


    a covenant with them. J ehovah dealt with the nation of Israel, exclusive of all other nations, for a number of years. They had many kings, sorne good and so"ID;e bad. Zedekiah was their last ldng ; and because of hil!. mckedness God said concerning him : "Therefore thus saith the Lord God ; 'Because ye ha ve made your iniquity to be remembered, in that your transgressions are discovered, so that in a1l your doings your sins do appear ; because, I say, that ye are come to remembranc, ye >'hall be talcen with the hand. And thou, profane Wlcked prince of Israel, whose day is couie, when iniquity shall have an end, thus saith the Lord Gd, Remove the diadem and take off the crown ; this shall not be the same : 'exalt him that is low, and abase him that is high. I will overturn, overturn, overt:un, t; _

    and it shall be no more, until he come whm;e nght 1t 1s, and I will give it [to] him."-Ezekiel 21 : 24-27. .

    In the year 606 B. C. Zedekiah was overtbrown ; he was taken a prisoner, and was carried away to Bablon. N eba'Chadnezzar establisbed in that year tbe fust umversal empire, and the Gentile times dat fron: that e fonvard. Tbe length of tbe Genble tnnes 1s de:fin1tely , fix:ed in the Scriptures as a period of seven symbolic times of 360 years eacb, or a total of 2,50 years. This period, beginning witb the year 606 B. C., neces.; sarily must end in 1914 A. D.

    God bad declared that he would overturn the right of the descendants of Abrabam to rule, thereby permitting the Gentiles to have an uninterrupted sway until he should come whose right it is. Tbe one "wbose

    . right it is" s the great -i[essiah, Christ J esus the Lord, It would be reasonable to eA.'Pectim to be present sorne time befare he would take unto himself his great power to reign. His presence begin.ning in 1874, he has

    ---..... - ...

    Tlie End of tlie World 37

    arrie'd. on. liis liarvest work from 1874 forward, but has not interrupted the Gentile dominion until that dominion should end. ['he end of the Gentile rule, therefore, would mark necessarily the legal end of the :present order ; therefore, the end of the world. W e should expect, then, to :find that 1914 marks the beginning of the end of the old world, or arder of government ; and that this would take place during the :presence of the Lord he de:finitely stated.

    When the Gentile dominion legally ends, tlie or'der l'leing a wioked one under the supervision of Satan, th god of the e vil world ( 2 Corinthians 4 : 3, 4), and all these nations lying in the wicked one (1 J ohn 5 : 19), it would be expected that the Gentile kingdoms and nations would strive b hold on to their power, :But when the proper time should come it would also be eA.'Pected that the Lord, whose right it is, would iake over the affairs into his own hands. And so it is said: ((We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou bast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned. And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fea:t thy name, :small and great ; and shouldest destroy them_ . which destroy the earth."-Revelation. ll : 17, 18. '

    It will be observed that the Lord does not do all of his work in a twenty-four-hour day, but that grad:ually he performs his sovereign will. Speci:fically answering the question concerning the end of the world during the time .)f his presence, J esus said: "N ation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom : d there shall b e famines,_ and pestilences, and earth-

    . 1

  • 38 Our Lord's Return

    qnakes [literal and symbolic-revolntions] in divers places. All tbese are the beginning of sorrows." (:Matthew 24: 7, 8) Exactly on time, at tbe end of tbe Gentile dominion, at tbe beginning of the end of the world, nation rose against nation and kingdom against killo-dom in the most devastating war that man ever b ' dreamed would come to tbe world. Tbere followed in its wake a great pestilence, tbe Spanisb influenza, wbich swept the eartb ; and then came a famine raging amongst ma.Dy peoples and kindreds of tbe earth ; and there ba"\le been revolutions, as well as many literal earthquakes in varions parts of the earth. And these, said the Master, mark the begiJming of the end of the worl

  • 4'0 Otw LMd: s Retu1n

    some put into the :front unks of the assaulting army. 'One

    Cln:istian man, for instance, who refused to take human

    life because of bis faith in the Lord, was placed in the

    front rank of attack during battle. A soldier was

    placed on either side of him with gun and bayo:net,

    and instructed to kili him if he attempted to escape.

    He went through the battle. Most of bis regiment was

    annihilated, including the two guards by his side. When

    the battle was over, this Christian brother had not a

    scxatch. Again he was put in a similar position ; and

    again he went through another .battle without injury.

    He was then cha:rged with being insane bee&use he

    would not :fight, and was placed in an insane asylum

    and kept there for a period of time, when he was tw:ned

    out. Re then proceeded to proclaim the message of

    the Lord's presonce and bis gloTious, incoming kingdom.

    The persecution in Great Britain of the same class

    of Christians, and in Canada, and in the United States

    -long boasted of as the land of the free and the borne

    of the brave-was so terrible that words are inadequate

    to describe it. Number 27 of the GoLDEN AaE mag.aiine

    issued September 29, 1920, gives a detailcd description

    of mauy of these wicked persecutions, which mark a

    clear ul:filment of these prophetic utterances' of the

    Lord. The ones who had the privilege of passing

    through them, and who had the many evidences of the

    Lord's blessing, rejoicing because accou:nte,d worthy to

    suffer as our Lord had suffered, remembered J esus'

    ,vords : "The servant is not greater than his lord.

    If they have persecutecl me, they will also persecute

    you."-John 1 5 : 20. J esus furthermore said . "Th.is gospel of th

    e k:ing-

    dom shall be preached in all the world for a witness

    unto all .aations : and then &hall the end come." (Mat-

    The Regathering of Israel 41

    tliew 24: .14)'. In the year 1919 many of the Bible Students m di:fferent parts of the earth emerging fom ar! camps .and prison dungeons, rejoicing in their pnvileges agam assembled ; and with united action th went forth to procla the message of the presen of the Lord, and partlCularly the messa()'e "The W ld Has Eded-Millions Now Living wii Never D:, clearly m ful:filment of the words of the Master in tle teA.rt last. quote. Numbers of public lectures delivered upon thJs subJect throughout Christendom have gladdened t?e -hearts of hun clreds of thousands of peo le com:fortmg those that mourn In 1920 th'

    p '

    t to . 1s message

    ':as pu m . P.rmted form in the book enhtled "Mil-lion Now Llvmg Will Never Die" ; and in the lands wheie the greatest persecution -prevailed against the peope of the Lord, greatest hs been the witness. With-m mght months 2,500,000 copies of this bo k .

    1 d th h o . were

    P ace m e ands of the people and yet th goe

    a ' e message s on, giVmg a Wl er and wider witness, looking for-ward to the full consummation of "the time of the end" and the end of the old order and the incoming f Messiah's k:ingdom.


    The Regathering of Israel J esus urtherm.ore said that the regathering of Israel

    to Palestme (Luke 21 : 24) would be f th 1

    one o e most conc uslVe proofs of his presenee and of the end of th world. A full

    . discussion of this point, together wit

    many other pomts concerning the end of the o ld . st forth in e:au in the above-mentioned book, 'M lions Now Llvmg Will NeveF Die" Tllere . h

    1 111 1s s own

    conc llSlvely that the prophecies hav been fulfill d actl.y; on time; that Israel is; now being regathered :n;;


  • OVIl' Lord:s RetVII'n

    . 1 th Lord fo:retold. l'eouilding Palestme exact Y as . e . J s Qaid . "And when these thmgs begm to come ass thn look up, and lift up your2

    h_ead s ; for your

    redem;tion draweth nigh."-Luke 21: 8 1 k . further throu

  • 44 Our Lord's Retum

    in two great lines and send the good, who would b


    \ery few, off to heaven and all the others to this la


    of :ftre and brimstone. Naturally the people, being th


    taught, havc desired to k:now nothing about the Lord


    seconcl coming. Others ha\e taught that t

    he Lord comes the second

    time for the purpose of burning the earth to a cri


    and destroying every living thing on it, except a few

    saints, who are taken off into some ethereal place. This

    likewise has so shal{en man's sense of justice that h


    has even rccoiled frpm any teachings concerning th


    second coming of the Lord. These doctrines an n


    only false, hut grossly dcfamatory of Jehovah God

    and of his bcloved Son, Christ J esus.

    The earth will never be destroyed by :fire. God created

    it for man's habitation, a11d has promisctl that the earth

    shall ab\de forever. (Isaiah 45 : 12, 18 ; Ecc1esiastes 1 :

    4) Again, thc Lord says : "The ea.rth l1ath he given to

    the child.ren of men." (Psalm 115 : 16) It is onlv

    reasonable to con elude that J ehovah, a.ftcr creating the

    wonderful planet we call the earth, aud permitting i


    to be made more beautiful ceutury a.fter century, woul


    not destroy it ; and he will not.

    In support of the misconception and false teachino-s

    just mentioned, the words o1' S. Peter are often quoted,

    which follow : "But the el ay of the Lord will come

    as a thief in the night ; in the which the heavens shall

    pass away \\rith a great noisc, ancl the elements shall

    mett with tervent heat ; the earth also, and the works

    that are thereh1, shall bl'; burned up . . . . The heavens,

    being on fire, shall be dissolved, a11d he elements shall

    melt with fervent heat."-2 Peter 3 : 10, 12.

    It is manifest that the Apostle i here using symbolic

    language. He tates rhat the Lord comes as a thief l


    45 The Purpose of His Coming

    illustratillg liow quietly , d an unobserv dl hl- commg or appearing takes pi e y s second

    noted. Then we must ' ace, as we have already

    l conc ude tb t th

    e ements here ment d a e other man

    t lOlle are S b r

    aken symbolically, mean the J::. lC. The heavem,

    trol, conssting of Satan d 1

    _viSible power of con

    well as bis visible agencie: in unseen agencies, as ymbolically represents or ani

    e arth. The earth

    dominion. The elements g

    h zed soCiety under Satan's

    selfisb elements of the ea tb ere meant are the various

    political parties lod r

    t' composed of ecclesiasticism

    ' ge sys ems et th ,

    up the various elements f 1 ' c., at go to make

    ee tbat these are all discod 1 society ; and we can temselves. They shall all

    a:e are warring amongst wlth fervent heat . tb t .

    ssolved, and shall. melt

    t. , a 1s to ay d .

    une of trouble. ' urmg the heated

    But the Apostle states in tl . chapter : "N evertbel

    le thirteenth verse of tbs

    1 k f ess we, accordin to h.

    oo or new beavens and g lS promise

    rigbteousness" . mean atb

    new earth, wberein dwelleth

    ' mg ereby tb t new mvisib!e power of control M _a 'we. look for a

    a new earth, society organized esslah s kmgdom, and

    the place of the old Th .

    dalong new lines, to take

    t e wor s he h

    o the mundane sphere or o-1 b r ae no reference

    race resides. ' b 0 e upon whicb the human

    Tbe symbolic fue is now b .

    troublesome time that . urmng

    :fiercely in tbe

    . we see amo t tb nahons of tbe eartb ; and it will n

    _gs e peoples and

    tbe false systems of Satan' cotmue to burn until all

    stroyed. This is a further s :pue are completely de

    ence at this time ll eVI ence of tbe Lord's pres-

    h. ' as we as one f tb

    w wh he comes. 0 e purposes for

    There are tbree separate d d. . Lord of glory appears th

    an lst:nct reasons wby tlie e second time. .Tbese

    . reasons

  • 46

    are : (1)" That he may gather togethr his saints, tlie

    faithful followers of himself, who consbtute the Church,

    and receive tham into his glorious presenc ; . (_2) to

    destroy Satan's empire, consistin of the mv1s1ble as

    well as the visible rule of the devil; and ( 3) to set up

    his own kingdom, through which kingdom all the fam4

    ilies of the earth shall receive a blessing. .

    The apostle Paul, addressing himself to those who

    have consecrated themselves wholly unto the Lord, o

    have been begotten and anointed of the holy spmt,.

    and who are following in the Mastcr's footstes! says :

    "The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spmt, t?at

    we are the children of God : and if chlldren, the11 hens ;

    heirs o God, a11d joint-heirs with Christ; if so. be that

    we suffer with him, that we may be also glonfied to

    getber." (Romans-8 : 16, 1 '1) These are they tat are

    called to fol1ow in the :footstcps o:f J esus, endurmg the

    same kind of trials and persecutions which Jesus en

    dured. (1 Peter 2 : 21) Concerning this same class

    S t. J ohn says : "It doth not yet appear what we shall

    be : but we lmow that, when he s11all appear, we shall

    be like him : for we sball see him as he is."-1 John 3 : 2.

    This is the class to whom J esus addressed these words :

    nBe thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee

    a crown of life." (Revelation 2 : 10) hese are the

    ones mentioned by the Psalmist, speaking as the moth

    piece of the Lord, when he says : "Gather my sa'tnts

    together mo me ; those that ha ve made a covenant

    with me by sacri:fice." (Psalm 5 0 : 5) This is. the same

    dass mentioned by the Lord as the wheat, whlCh would

    be (Tathe.red into bis barn during his presence and at

    the bend of the harvest. (Matthew 13 : 30) I

    t is the

    same class referred to as the body of Christ, in the

    words o the Apostle : "And he is the head of the body,

    ... ..

    !J.'lie Purpose o His Oom"ing

    tlie cliurcn : ;h is tbe beginning, tbe fustbo:iln :fom tbe. dead; that m all things he rn.lght ha ve .the preemmence. For it pleased the Fatber that in him should all fulness dwell."-Colossians 1 : 18, 19.

    J_es1s is likened unto a bridegroom, while the Cburcb

    is likene uno a b1ide. ( J ohn 3 : 29 ; . Revelation 21 : 9 ; 2 COTmthians 11 : 2) Many beautiful word-pictur.es or types appear in the Old Testament, wbicb God caused to be made for the purpose of teachipg .his great plan to tbose who would searcb for tbe truth. Oe of these pictures is that of Isaac and Rebekah. Abraha tbe father o:f Isaac sent bis servant Eliezer into a distant land to find a wife :for bis son Isaac. Tbe servant took ten camels and went into :M:esopotamia unto the city o:f Nahor. There he found Rebekah


    tb daugter o:f Bctbuel, a virgin very :fair to look upon Elezer took a golden earring o:f a balf a shekel weght, and two bracelets for ber hands of ten shekels we1ght of gold." Rebekah agreed to accompany Eliezr: to become the wife o:f Isaac. And Rebekah aros and her damsels, and they rode . u pon the camels, and -folwed the roan [Eliezer], wbo brought her unto Isaac. .And Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent

    and took Rebekah, and sbe became his wife " after bi mo_tber Sarah's deatb.-See Genesis 24. . '

    . In this picture .Abraham is a type of J ebovah ; his e Sarah, a e of _the Abrabamic cov.enant, from

    whicb tbe. Mess1a.? &prmgs ; Isaac, tbe son, a ty,pe of J esus hnst; while Rebekah is a type of the Cburch, the bnde of Christ. Eliezer, .Abraham's servant is a type of the holy spirit, whose mission it is to invite the Chmch and to assist her, and ultimately, to bring her and ber companions to the antitypical Isaac, tbe Lord J esus, tbe Bridegroom,. .

  • 48 Ou1 LMd' s Re t-u m

    Before J esus departed from the earth he said to

    rus disciples : "I will pray the Father, d he shall

    give you anqther Comforter, . . . even the sprrt of truth ;

    . . . I will not lea ve you comfortless ; I will come to

    you. Yet a little while, and the world seeth me :w

    more ; but ye see ll\e: beca use I liv, ye shall live also." (John 14 : 16-19) Eliezer here p1clures the com forter the holy spirit, which was given at Pentecost, at

    which time the way was opened and the invitation was

    (Yiven to roen who ]ove the Lord to become followers of

    the Lord J esus m1d be of the bride class. The ten

  • 50 Our Lo1 a: s Ret1M'n

    remain; shall be caught up together with th:em in the

    clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so _

    shall we

    ever be witb the Lord."-1 Thessaloruans 4 : 1o-1 "1.

    Some have misconstrued this scripture to mean.


    the Lora would appear the secmd time, and giVe a

    eat shout, ad wak

  • p2 Out Lord:s Retutn

    :f the nation o:f Israel, the tliem, and a:fte'r the :f ecame the god of the whole only nation of God SaU: . 3 4) He is designated by world. (2 Corinthlans !e of this world. He is :uso the Lord J esus as the P f the air ( Ephes1ans . f the power o d named the pnnce p h . sl"ble ruler. The Lor ' . h s t e mvl S tan' 2 : 2)' whlC mean ld the destruction of a . s through his propht, to d the visible. Addressm empire, both the IDVlSl e anus he says : "Lift up yom the faithlul followers of J es 1 on the earth beneath ; eyes ,to the heavens, and

    n: {ay like smoke, and the f"'r the heavens shall va ent " (Isaiah 51 : 6 ) ' v ld like a garm di earth shall wa..x ? k pictures destruction ; an . shin like smo e The vanl g . old it is cast away. -when a garment lS ' .b the destruction of tlie The apostle "Peter descr:t es 3 12) He then adds d th (2 Peter : old heavens an ear .

    d b a new heavens and new.. th t this shall be followe. Y

    ( 2 Peter 3 : 13} a . dwelleth r:tghteousness. . earth wherem of the Lord's second commg That one of the purposes f S tan is plainly stated by; is to destroy the wor o. :th from the beginning. St. J ohn : "The deVI sm; God was manifested, that FoT this purpose the Son o f tl devil." (1 J ohn 3 : 8) t the works o le hin he might des roy t ' i-s doing that very t g. The Lord J esus now resen

    th invisible oTganization 1 f the devil are e kn wn The wor S o . a the visible organiza han . o called the hea-vens an and with his brJde ag.. h Of bis presence . as the eart . . . d d . "And he that over-th h. It lS recor e . t h" , sociated wr rm, k unto the end, o rm cometh, and keepeth mfh w:tons : and he shall Tule will I give power over. e. the vessels of a potter them with a rod of rronh. as s . even as I received of shall they be broken t? s v.e;6 27) The nations are :my Father." _(Revelaba

    . nd Satan's empire iS b . g dashed to p1eces, now em

    The Kingdom of Righteousness 153 crumbling. Soon Satan will be bound that he may deceive the nations no more, while the kingdom of the Lord is e::dending blessings to thc nations.-Hev. 20: 1-3. Concerning the Lord at his second coming fue prophet wrote :

  • 54

    Befare the foundation of the world God ordained

    that the promised blessings should come through his

    kingdom to be established on earth ; and for this reason

    J esus taught his disciples to pray: "Thy ki.ngdom come.

    Thy w}ll be done in earth, as it is in heaven." (Matt.

    6 : 10) Seeing now that the Lord is present, it can

    be annou:l1ced with authority and with absolute cer

    tainty that fue kingdom of heaven is at hand. A king

    dom embraces both the royal family Qr niling hous


    and the do:rninion over which the king rules.

    W11en God overthrew Zedekiah, the last king of Israel,

    he said that the overturning should last until he should

    come whose right it is, and he would give that one

    the kingdom then. (Ezekiel 21 : 27) Now Christ is

    king, and the kingdoms of this world are his (Reve

    lation 11 : 15) ; for he is Lord of lords and Ki.ng of

    kings: (Revelation 17 : 14) Of him it was propheti

    cally written : "The government shall be upon his

    shoulder ; and his name shall be called W onderful


    Counseller, Tlie mi.ghty God, The everlasting Father,

    The Prince of Peace. Of the i.ncrease of his govern

    ment and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne

    of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, an& to

    establish it with judgment and with justice, from hence

    forth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will

    perform this.''-lsaiah 9 : 6, 7.

    This is also called God's kingdom :in tliat all things

    are of the Father and all things by the Son. The Lo


    speaking of that kingdom a.t a time when Satan's em

    pire is going to pieces and when his kings are fallin


    said "In the days of these kings shall the God of

    beaven set up a kin.gdom which shall never be destroy

    ed :

    . it .,hall break in -p1eces and consume all these

    kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.'' (Daniel 2 :


    , .

    Th'e Kingdom of Righteousness

    'Th' . ' Y kmgdom is an e .1 t' . 145 : 13) "He shall ha

    :r as g. kmgdom." (Psalm. sea." (Psalm 72 : 8)


    :on also from sea to

    of the people be " (G . 49 shall the gatherin!!

    enes1s 10) "Th

    be king over a11 the earth , z h . e Lord shall In this kin

    - ec mall 14 : 9.

    Church, his g!oame shHalle he :dasso'JAn. ated with Cprist the sa1 d I . you a kingdom, as my Father h th .

    appomt unto

    that ye may eat and drink a appomf:ed unto me;

    dom, and sit on thrones u a my table l1l my king

    Israel." (Luke 22 ; 29, 30)J dkff th twelve .tribes of

    Church "To him tl t agam he satd to the

    .th . la overcometh will I grant to t

    Wl me m my throne 81

    am set down with m ' even I_ also overcame, and

    ti 3 Y Father m his throne " (R el

    on 21) And th ev a-

    th . ese shall rern with Chr"st

    ousand years. (Revelation 20 4 6) . 1 a

    of the Lorn will bring bl . ' This kmgdom . ht essmn-s to the peo l "W' ng eousness shall l1e J'ud th"' . p e. Ith "

    ge e poor " (I ah e shall deliver the needy." (Ps

    72 . sru }1 : ) hon shall not rise up the second tin

    ' . 12) .Affiic

    "All nations shall call h. bl dle. (Nallum 1 : 9)

    " nn esse " (P a1m

    For the earth shall be fill d . s 72: 17)

    the glory of the Lord as t wlt the knowledge of

    -Habakkuk 2 : 14. ' e wa ers cover the sea.',

    The Revelator havi.ng .

    kingdom of Chrfst would r7o the biessings ibis and symbolic phrase described it th:s eF e, in poetic saw the holy city, ilew Jerusal

    . . And I _John

    God out uf heaven em, commg down from

    her husband. And ]: 1::red.,. a b.ride adorned for

    saying, Behold, the tabern great voe ott of heaven,

    he will dwell with th ac e of God Is mth men, aoo

    and God himself sh::f' band hey shaU be bis people,

    God, And God shall . e mth them, and be their

    Wlpe away a1l tears from their

  • Our Lora:s Retu-rn

    eyes ; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow,

    nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for

    the former things are passed away. And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, 1 make a1l thlngs new. And he said unto me, Write : for these words are trua

    and faithlul." (llevelation 21 : 2-5) When Jesus was describing to his disciples the things that would transpire proving his second presence, he well knew the blessings that it meant to them. Re said : (( And when these thlngs begin to come to .;pass, then look up, and lift up your heads ; for you.r reaemption draweth nigh." -Luke 21 : 28.

    N ow the scriptlll'es hereto:fore cited, in the light of . extraneous evidence, prove beyond a doubt that. the Lord, the King of glory, is present ; that he has manested bis prescnce to bis faithful followers, and that this manestation is now being gradually made 1mown to

    the world. Those who possess faith in God, in his

    W ord, in Christ J esus, looking back over the way which the Lord has led bis people, have every reason to rejoice ; and the Psalmist has put the words of joy in

    their mouths and causing them to say : ((Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all bis benefi.ts." (Psalm 103 : 2) The world has long groaned and travailed in pain, waiting for the coming of the kingdom, that su:ffering hum.anity might be delivered. (Romans 8 : 19-22) Let the peoples of the eartli who sorrow be comforted with the glad tidings that the King of glory is here ; that the kingdom of heaven is at hand ; and that the millions who will be obedient to him shall never die, but live forever in a restored earth, a veritable Paradise.-Isaiah 55 : 1 ; Revelation 22 : 17.-

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    Precle.stinated: General U . ed The ew rea IOn e . . V.

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