1930 - 2014 Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport (DIIT) named after Academician V. Lazaryan named after Academician V. Lazaryan Project

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Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport (DIIT) named after Academician V. Lazaryan named after Academician V. Lazaryan Project SEREIN in Univercity Professor Zhukovytskyy Igor Head of the Department "Computer Engineering" DIIT, 2, Lazaryan st., UA Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine Phone: +38(056) , Fax +38(0562) , Review of activities, which is held in our university under the project SEREIN At first, we introduce this project to students, who get Bachelors Degree on our faculty. Also, we have placed the information about the project on the website of the University. Additions to the PhD specialties passport . , , , - , , . , , , . Changes in the passport of specialty Transport systems II. 2. , , , , , . 6. . . 11. - , , , , . 18. . . . . , ( , - , ), , , , , , , . Changes in the passport of specialty Exploitation and repair of means of transport . 7. , , , , . 9. , , , , , . 13. , , , , , . . ( ). The methodological support is preparing on this discipline Professor Igor Zhukovytskyy. Research interests - management information systems for railway transport. Building systems require to ensure their functionality and information security. Under his leadership, developed and implemented a number of automated systems in Ukraine and Russia. Organized at the University of new specialty - "Safety of Information and Communication Systems" (2004). Developed a number of courses "Applied cryptology", Protection of computer networks", etc.. Author of several monographs, AS, more than 150 articles. Dr. PhD Ostapets Denis. Research interests - management information systems for railway transport and protection of information in information systems. Developed a series of training courses: "Complex systems of information protection", rotection of information in computer systems and networks" and others. Author of the book and a number of scientific papers in the direction of his scientific interests. Assed training at the institute of information security with the KPI. Senior lecturer in computer Tikhonov Aleksandr Research interests - design of microelectronic devices Railway automation, management of information security. Advanced - engineering and social psychology. Conducts active research in this direction. Author of the book and a number of scientific articles in the field of scientific interests Assed training at the institute of information security with the KPI. Our University has the status of Branch of the Academy Cisco. In April, on the basis of our University was held the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad on Cyber security Directions within Olympiad: Cryptology Security of information and communication systems Technical means of information protection Information security management First place went to the team Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics Second place went to the team Dnipropetrovsk national university of railway transport named after academician V. Lazaryan Third place went to the team V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University