20 Steps to Finding a Pastor

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STEP 1: New Pastor Needed....................................................................................................... 4

STEP 2: Deacons Recommend Search Committee ...................................................................... 4

STEP 3: Search Committee Affirmed by the Church................................................................... 5

STEP 4: Search Committee Organized........................................................................................ 5

STEP 5: Determine Profile for New Pastor ................................................................................. 6

STEP 6: Church Questionnaire ................................................................................................... 6

STEP 7: Find Potential Candidates ............................................................................................. 7

STEP 8: Receive from All Available Sources ............................................................................. 7

STEP 9: Request Initial Information ........................................................................................... 8

STEP 10: Possible Interviews ..................................................................................................... 8

STEP 11: Visit with Candidate on His Field ............................................................................... 9

STEP 12: Consider and Present Best Candidate .......................................................................... 9

STEP 13: Recommend to the Church.......................................................................................... 9

STEP 14: Invite Candidate to Preach .......................................................................................... 9

STEP 15: Candidate Meets with Deacons ................................................................................... 9

STEP 16: Church Affirms with Vote......................................................................................... 10

STEP 17: If Not Affirmed, Go Back to #12 and Repeat ............................................................ 10

STEP 18: Candidate Affirmed and Accepts............................................................................... 10

STEP 19: Search Committee Dismissed.................................................................................... 10

STEP 20: New Pastor is Called ................................................................................................. 11

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APPENDIX A .......................................................................................................................... 12

STEP 4: Search Committee Organized – Procedure of Operation

APPENDIX B........................................................................................................................... 13

STEP 6: Church Questionnaire

Letter to the Congregation from Search Committee

APPENDIX C........................................................................................................................... 15

STEP 6: Church Questionnaire

Profile to the Members of _________________ Church

APPENDIX D .......................................................................................................................... 17

STEP 9: Personal Biographical Sketch

APPENDIX E........................................................................................................................... 19

STEP 9: Doctrinal Questions and Survey

APPENDIX F........................................................................................................................... 20

STEP 10: Additional Questions to be Answered by the Candidate

APPENDIX G .......................................................................................................................... 21

STEP 10: Discussion Thoughts for the Personal Interview

APPENDIX H .......................................................................................................................... 22

STEP 10: Other Information to be Asked by Search Committee

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STEP 1: New Pastor Needed

Seeking the Will of God in Finding a New Pastor

1. Seeking the will of God is the first and foremost step in securing a new pastor. Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church and there must be a spiritual attitude of submissiveness to Him and His guidance. The attitude of earnestly desiring the absolute will of God ought to permeate the Pastor Search Committee.

2. The selection of a new pastor is of such utmost importance that every effort should be made to approach this awesome responsibility in a prayerful and orderly manner.

3. No event is as crucial to the future of the church as is the selection of a new pastor; therefore it warrants the most careful consideration.

STEP 2: Deacons Recommend Search Committee

Persons Serving on the Pastor Search Committee are to be Recommended by the Deacons and Approved by the Church

1. All Search Committee members should be persons who are willing to serve the church, because it will require much work! They must be spiritually motivated to give their best, for that is what it will take.

2. All Search Committee members should have earned the respect of fellow church members by their demonstrated Christian maturity and involvement in the life and work of the church. They must have the confidence of the church membership.

3. The number of members of the Search Committee will be seven.

4. The Search Committee will organize itself with a chairman, an associate chairman, and a secretary/clerk.

5. The deacons will make recommendations to the church for the persons to serve as the Search Committee and the church will give its approval.

6. The chairman of the deacons is the elected leader of the church and will be responsible for the day­by­day direction of details. He should not be burdened with the added responsibility of being chairman of the Pastor Search Committee.

7. All Search Committee business should be held in strict confidence by all Search Committee members. Indiscretion on the part of any member of the Search Committee can result in injury to the church, and/or any candidate being considered. Improper care and breach of confidence is inexcusable and not acceptable. The lack of confidentiality can create problems among the committee members and in the church; and “leaks” of information will produce a lack of integrity within the church.

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8. The absolute confidential handling of all candidate information is necessary. Sharing this information is not ever to be considered, even with spouses. Discretion, integrity, and wisdom are required of the Search Committee.

9. Good ethical conduct and practice mean that Search Committee members will place the welfare of the church above any personal viewpoints and pet ideas. Sensitivity to the needs of the church requires Search Committee members to be led by the Holy Spirit in search for the decisions that must be made.

STEP 3: Search Committee Affirmed by the Church

The Church Approves the Search Committee with a Pledge of Prayer Support

1. Throughout the entire search process the Search Committee will make it a matter of prayer priority to find the person God has to be the new pastor. Each meeting of the Search Committee will begin with prayer, with each member praying audibly from their knees. Not only will this approach open their hearts to the Lord and His will, but it is also a powerful weapon against satanic attacks at this crucial time for the church.

2. Each group in the church will also meet regularly for the purpose of prayer support as long as the process takes. Prayer should occupy a prominent place on Sunday and on Wednesday nights, and at all other services. The ministry teams should be in prayer for the search process at their meetings.

3. Intercession for the search process should not be just one more item on the prayer list. It must be priority!

STEP 4: Search Committee Organized

An Organized Procedure Will be Followed for the Process of Finding a New Pastor

1. The Search Committee will establish procedures of operation, such as the Twenty Steps. By establishing a procedure of operation, the Search Committee will eliminate much confusion among its members.

2. The chairman of the Pastor Search Committee should communicate from time to time with the church to inform them of what is being done to prevent misunderstanding and encourage patience.

3. The duties and chief responsibilities of the Search Committee are: a. Establish an orderly procedure of operation. b. Establish a profile of characteristics desired in a new pastor. c. Secure information about prospective candidates. d. Investigate prospects to determine their qualification to meet the established

characteristics desired. e. Interview choice prospects one at a time. f. Invite prospects to visit with the Search Committee. g. Decide and agree to recommend one prospect to the church for a vote of approval.

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h. After one prospect is affirmed, notify all others who are being considered. 4. See Procedure of Operation (Appendix A).

5. The Search Committee may seek the counsel of highly respected leaders that they may enlist – pastors and evangelists who have sources to recommend. It is important to guard against merely considering some friend of a Search Committee member or church member without adequate prayer and information, and submitting that person to the process of search. The help of former pastors and/or the resigning pastor can be a vital link of continuity. The former pastor should not be permitted to designate his successor by manipulation of the process, but his advice and counsel can be invaluable and should be sought.

STEP 5: Determine Profile for New Pastor

Know the Characteristics Desired in a New Pastor

1. The Search Committee will prepare a profile list of characteristics and qualifications that are desired in a new pastor; such a list will serve as a guideline for evaluating specific persons.

2. The Search Committee will be wise to permit the congregation to express themselves as to this profile.

3. By seeking God’s leadership and prayerfully reaching an agreement on the kind of pastor needed, the Search committee can greatly reduce the frustration of the assignment of finding a new pastor.

4. The Search Committee can determine a profile by arranging the following list in the order of what they consider important (numbering from 1 to 8):

__ Administration, organizational ability __ Enthusiasm for visitation __ Works well with young people __ Preaching ability __ Personal evangelism and soul­winning __ Warm, friendly personality __ Ability to give counsel __ Other

STEP 6: Church Questionnaire

A Questionnaire Will Be Distributed for the Congregation to Describe the Characteristics and Profile They Desire

1. Letter to Church from Search Committee (Appendix B)

2. Questionnaire for Church (Appendix C)

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STEP 7: Find Potential Candidates

The Search Committee Will Find Potential Candidates

Here are some spiritual and character qualifications that, according to I Timothy 3 and Titus 1, every pastor should possess:

1. Outward Reputation ­ Have a good reputation even when his life is lived as an open book (I Tim. 3:2; Tit.

1:7) ­ Be well thought of, even by those outside the church (I Tim. 3:7) ­ Be irreproachable in his marital relations (I Tim. 3:2; Tit. 1:6) ­ In other words, a pastor is to be a man who has a good reputation in his church, in

the community, and in his home.

2. Inner Disposition ­ Not selfish, quick­tempered, intemperate, violent, or overly interested in material

things (I Tim. 3:3; Tit. 1:7) ­ Have a love for people and for that which is good (I Tim. 3:2; Tit. 1:8) ­ Be sensible, mature, well­balanced, and self­controlled (I Tim. 3:2; Tit. 1:8) ­ Be Christ like and devoted to God (Tit. 1:8) ­ A pastor with the right kind of inner disposition should have right attitudes toward

himself and toward God, and should reflect Christian maturity.

3. Christian Experience ­ Not a novice or new convert (I Tim. 3:6) ­ Prove himself faithful and able to guide others by managing his own household

well; should have believing and obedient children (I Tim. 3:4; Tit. 1:6) ­ Be a skillful teacher (I Tim. 3:2), one who has been taught what is true and knows

how to teach it to others (Tit. 1:9)

STEP 8: Receive from All Available Sources

The Search Committee Will Consider All Sources for Recommendations for a New Pastor

1. The Search Committee will diligently consider many sources to give recommendations for prospects, and not limited to only one or two.

2. Persons in Christian organizations who are held in high regard and respect, and those who are friends of the local church, will provide choice sources for recommendations.

3. Not all persons recommended will be what the church needs, but in order to find the person God has for the church, all recommendations should be considered.

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STEP 9: Request Initial Information

The Search Committee Will Seek Initial Information from Candidates

1. The Search Committee will seek initial information from all candidates. This will enable the Search Committee to determine which candidates to consider further.

2. Personal Biographical Sketch (Appendix D)

3. In the biographical sketch, the prospective candidate will give some references and other responses. This stage of the process requires careful consideration and attention. It will take time and patience, but it is time well spent.

4. Doctrinal questions to be answered in initial information application (Appendix E).

5. The Search Committee must not shortchange the process by failing to get adequate references and other responses. This stage of the process requires careful consideration and attention. It will take time and patience, but it is time well spent.

STEP 10: Possible Interviews

The Search Committee Will Schedule a Personal Interview if the Candidate is to be Considered Further

1. Not all of the prospective candidates will require further consideration other than the initial information received. The Search Committee will determine which should be contacted.

2. By the time the Search Committee meets face­to­face with the candidate, it already knows much about him from the initial information received, references contacted, and other inquiries made by the Search Committee.

3. The Search Committee may have already asked for a sample taped sermon message at the time of the initial information request.

4. Additional Questions to be Answered by the Candidate (Appendix F)

5. Discussion Thoughts for the Interview (Appendix G)

6. Other Information to be Considered (Appendix H)

7. At this interview such matters as salary, housing, allowances, moving expenses, and other matters will be discussed. There must not be any misunderstanding or vagueness regarding these matters.

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STEP 11: Visit with Candidate on His Field

The Search Committee May Visit the Candidate on His Field if Necessary

1. Depending upon the circumstances and/or what is most convenient, the Search Committee could visit the candidate on his field for an interview.

2. The Search Committee should be sensitive to the situation and protect the candidate with privacy and confidentiality.

3. Surprise and unannounced visits are not the best way to conduct the business which is being sought. The Search Committee may extend the prospective candidate the courtesy of telephoning him and getting his approval for such a visit.

STEP 12: Consider and Present Best Candidate

Considering All Information and Factors the Search Committee Will Decide Upon the Best Candidate and Present Him to the Church

1. The Search Committee will weigh all the factors involved. All the factors are not equal; some are more important than others. This should be taken into consideration.

2. A warning: Be sure each Search Committee member considers all the factors before selecting the best candidate possible.

3. Both the Search Committee and the church should understand that the candidate is not to be judged only on the basis of a sermon delivered, but rather on the basis of the thorough examination and information of the candidate. This is the basis of the recommendation of the Search Committee to the church.

4. After fully considering all factors, the Search Committee will make a decision and recommend the best candidate to the church for affirmation and approval. This decision will be a united agreement from all of the members of the Search Committee.

STEP 13: Recommend to the Church

STEP 14: Invite Candidate to Preach

STEP 15: Candidate Meets with Deacons

1. When the best candidate is selected by the Search Committee, the candidate will be invited to preach before the church.

2. Only one candidate at a time will be recommended and invited to preach before the church. This enables the church to consider only that candidate, not engage in a “popularity contest.”

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3. Preaching contests where several possible candidates are to be considered in one vote are to be avoided. Having one candidate at a time with a “yes” or “no” vote with a three­fourths majority necessary for approval is the best (according to FBC Bylaws).

4. The candidate may have a meeting with the Search Committee and the deacons at this time.

STEP 16: Church Affirms with Vote

The Church Will Affirm the Candidate with a Ballot Vote

1. There ought to be a short time after the visit of the candidate and the vote of the church. This will give an opportunity for both to pray and seek God’s will in this important matter.

2. The vote for the calling of a pastor will be by secret ballot. It is wise to present this at the service that will have the best attendance possible.

3. The Search Committee has selected only one candidate; therefore, there is no competitive voting (FBC Bylaws require a three­fourths majority vote for the calling of a pastor).

4. If the response of the candidate is positive, then he should be assured that a letter will soon be sent giving the specifics in detail of the call.

5. The call of a pastor should always be made for an indefinite period. A vote that is required each year takes away a sense of security for both the pastor and the church.

STEP 17: If Not Affirmed, Go Back to #12 and Repeat

If the candidate is Not Affirmed, the Search Committee Will Go Back to Step #12 and Repeat the Process

1. While it is possible for a church not to affirm what the Search Committee has recommended, rarely will that happen.

2. If so, then the Search Committee will return to STEP 12 and consider the list of candidates and select another for further consideration.

STEP 18: Candidate Affirmed and Accepts

The Deacons Lead the Church to Arrange a Welcome for the New Pastor and His Family

1. Letters should be written to any person the Search Committee has contacted to inform them of the action of the church in calling a new pastor.

2. The deacons will arrange to welcome the new pastor with these services: a. Make the first Sunday very special; have a large attendance to welcome the new pastor. b. Arrange for a reception, perhaps on Sunday evening. c. At an early date, conduct an installation service, inviting appropriate people (such as

former pastor), local pastors, and friends of the church.

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STEP 19: Search Committee Dismissed

The Search Committee Should be Dismissed with Proper Commendation

1. The church should want to do something appropriate to express their gratefulness for the Search Committee and the diligent work they have performed.

2. If the search process has gone like most, the Search Committee has shared, prayed, and worked together so closely that they have forged new and lasting friendships. This is an unseen blessing for serving on the Search Committee.

STEP 20: New Pastor is Called

New Pastor Arrives and Begins Ministry

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1. Before a formal search can be done, the Search Committee should first prepare a profile of the desired new pastor and what they are looking for.

2. A questionnaire for the church may be distributed to the congregation to get their input. Special groups (deacons, ministry teams, etc.) may be asked to share their views about the kind of pastor needed.

3. By seeking the Lord’s leadership and the church members’ input, and prayerfully reaching an agreement on the kind of pastor needed, the Search Committee can greatly reduce the frustration of their assignment.

4. The Search Committee can save themselves hours later if they first agree on and establish some ground rules and operation procedures such as: 1) how prospects will first be contacted; 2) how candidates will be evaluated; 3) dividing questions among Committee members to ask the candidate when interviewed, etc.

5. The Search Committee will ask and receive from each person they decide to pursue: a. Initial information

i. Personal Biographical Sketch (Appendix D) ii. Doctrinal Questions Survey (Appendix E)

b. Personal references to be checked (these are to be checked out carefully)

6. After studying carefully the qualifications of each prospect, the Search committee will place these names in priority order. There is no rush, for this is important information to be received.

7. Select the first choice and proceed. Invite that prospect for an interview, or visit with him on his field.

8. Questions and items of discussion are to be from both the candidate and the Committee. The Search Committee will distribute among its members:

a. Additional Questions (Appendix F) b. Discussion Thoughts for Interview (Appendix G) c. Other Information to be Considered (Appendix H)

9. When the Search Committee is united in their choice for a prospective person, they can recommend that he be invited to preach before the church, and for a vote of affirmation to be taken.

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Dear Church Family Members:

Our church has entrusted seven fellow members with the task of seeking a successor to our pastor, __________________, who has retired. We trust you will remember us in prayer as we fulfill this responsibility in a God­honoring manner.

It is very important that we have your complete support in prayer. We are aware of the great responsibility we have in seeking God’s will for a pastor for our church. We must all submit our wills to Him as never before, and trust the Holy Spirit of God to meet our need!

We are aware that many may already have preferences and we ask you to be patient and prayerful and permit us to seek all possibilities in God’s timing.

Never before have we needed unity as we do now. Determine through prayer that you will be submissive one to another and not permit or develop an independent spirit to disrupt this divine task, or to hinder in any way the sweet, sweet spirit of our church. We stand together patiently and prayerfully that the body of Christ not be fragmented in any way! God forbid!

Please respect the confidentiality of our task as the Search Committee. We have agreed together that we will not share the important business we are transacting with anyone, even our spouses, until the proper time. The violation of confidentiality could create problems for the church and the Committee, and produce a lack of integrity on our part; and “leaks” of information could cause personal harm to the person or persons being considered. This violation is not acceptable!

It may be helpful to you if we share some information about the procedures by which the Search Committee has agreed to operate:

1. It is the Search Committee’s task to seek complete information regarding all those whose names are received or recommended.

2. We shall select after prayer and mutual counsel those persons who seem to us to be the most promising. We shall write and/or call them to determine their possible interest, and from interviews decide which one we wish to recommend for our congregation to consider.

3. We shall not present to the church more than one candidate at a time and that only after we have given the church full information regarding him.

4. It is our prayerful hope that the Lord may lead us to make a united recommendation for you to consider.

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Please remember that this responsibility of searching for a new pastor will require some time. We need your patience and confidence. It is not possible for us to tell anyone whom we are considering, lest the prospective candidate be embarrassed in an untimely manner; so please understand when we cannot talk about this.

We could be absent on certain Sundays, but do not ask us where we are going, where we have been, or whom we have seen.

We are enclosing a questionnaire that will help us in our task. Please fill it out and bring it to church so that we can use this information in our search for a pastor. Also enclosed is a diagram of the search process, Twenty Steps to Finding a Pastor. Please understand that when we are ready to make a recommendation, all church members will be given a complete information report about the person whom we will ask you to consider.

Thank you for the trust you have placed in us, and please do not fail to remember us in prayer.


Pastor Search Committee

____________________________________________________________ Chairman

____________________________________________________________ Assistant Chairman

____________________________________________________________ Clerk

____________________________________________________________ Member

____________________________________________________________ Member

____________________________________________________________ Member

____________________________________________________________ Member

Enclosure: Church Questionnaire

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Profile to the Members of (Insert Church Name) Church

What qualities do you consider to be important in the next pastor of our church? What direction do you think the total program of the church should be taking?

The Search Committee is eager to know how you feel about these questions. If you will carefully answer the following questions, giving your input and opinion, you will help us in our effort to find the person to lead our church!

1. Please number in order of importance (1 to 8) what you consider to be the most important qualities in a prospective pastor.

__ Administrative/organizational ability __ Works with young people __ Enthusiasm for visitation __ Preaching ability __ Personal evangelism and soul­winning __ Warm, friendly personality __ Ability to give counsel __ Other: __________________________________

2. Would you like our church to have more or less emphasis on the following? Write “More” for “I would like greater emphasis.” Write “Less” for “I would like less emphasis.” Write “Same” for “I would like about the same emphasis as now.”

__ Expository Bible preaching __ Evangelistic preaching __ Personal evangelism __ Group Bible study __ Small group prayer __ Young people’s activities __ Foreign and home missions __ Fellowship activities

3. Please indicate your gender:

__ Male __ Female

4. Please indicate your age:

__ Over 50 __ 35­50 __ 20­25

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__ 15­20

5. If you have an age preference for a new pastor, please check:

__ 25­35 __ 35­45 __ Over 45

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Name: _______________________________________________

Home Address: ________________________________________


Phone: _______________________________________________

Birthplace: ____________________________________________

Marital Status: _________________________________________

Wife’s Maiden Name: ___________________________________

Wife’s Home Town: ____________________________________

Children (in age order): _______________________________________________________________


Formal Education: Year/Degree

__________________________________________________________________________________ (High School) __________________________________________________________________________________ (College) __________________________________________________________________________________ (Seminary) __________________________________________________________________________________ (Other)

Christian Service:

Dates Church Position

________ to ________ __________________________________________________________

________ to ________ __________________________________________________________

________ to ________ __________________________________________________________

________ to ________ __________________________________________________________

(Attach your picture in this space)

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Present Health Condition: ___________________________________________________________


Confidential References:

Name: ____________________________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________________

Name: ____________________________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________________

Name: ____________________________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________________

Please give a brief testimony of your conversion and call to preach: _________________________






Business and/or Military Experience: __________________________________________________






Other Information: _________________________________________________________________



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Write a brief explanation of your beliefs in the following areas:

1. Your view of the Scriptures

2. Your view of evangelism (world and local)

3. Your view of church government (pastor, deacon, congregation)

4. Your view of church growth and suggested plans

5. Your plan of worship services and use/style of music

6. Your plan of visitation (personally and by church members)

7. Your convection on tongues, miracles, and healings

8. Your conviction on the use of alcoholic beverages and drugs

9. Your conviction concerning abortion

10. Your position on the security of the believer

11. Your position concerning eschatology

12. Your position concerning ecclesiastical separation

Other Comments:

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1. Briefly explain your own assessment of your spiritual gift or ability for the ministry.

2. In your current ministry, what is the most rewarding/satisfying area of work? Why?

3. In your current ministry, what is the most frustrating/lease satisfying area of work? Why?

4. Have you ever been divorced?

5. Has your wife ever been divorced?

6. In your opinion, what is the single, most pressing need of the evangelical church in this country?

7. Describe your personal habits in the last twelve months in the following areas:

a. Personal prayer and devotional life (apart from sermon preparation)

b. Personal evangelism, soul­winning

c. Family nurture

d. Physical exercise

8. Have you grown/matured spiritually in the past two years? In what area?

9. Please list some of the books you have read in the past two years that have impressed you.

10. In terms of your personal ministry, what is the most significant book you have read (other than the Bible)? Why?

11. Write a brief sentence or two on these four subjects as far as priority for a pastor:

a. To maintain an exemplary Christian life

b. To master the study of the Word of God

c. To model a commitment to pray

d. To multiply leaders in the church

12. Other Comments:

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STEP 10: DISCUSSION THOUGHTS FOR THE PERSONAL INTERVIEW (To be divided among the Search Committee members)

1. Please describe three or four of your favorite achievements. (What did you do? How did you do it? What happened? What was the most satisfying thing about that achievement?)

2. What do you see as your personal strengths and weaknesses?

3. In what ways do you and your wife complement each other?

4. Describe the current dynamics in your own spiritual life. What is God doing in you right now?

5. Describe the training, experience, and special talents that have prepared you for this position. a. Education b. Goals (personal and family) c. Personal study and communion with God d. Health and exercise

6. What do you consider to be your major strengths?

7. What has been your greatest struggle?

8. What is your philosophy of decision making? How do you make decisions?

9. Please list your special interests and hobbies.

10. Without giving a financial disclosure statement, what is the current status of your personal/family finances?

11. What is your philosophy about missions and the involvement of the church?

12. (For the wife:) Give a brief testimony of your salvation, call to the Christian ministry, Christian experiences, spiritual gifts, education, goals (personal and family), personal study habits, and personal prayer and devotional habits.

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By inquiring from references, calling former associates, etc., the following information should be considered by the Search Committee:

1. What do members of his former church(es) think of his ministry?

2. If there are others on his church staff, what do they think?

3. How do other pastors and denominational workers regard his work, and regard him personally?

4. What kind of husband and father is he?

5. What is his wife like? What are her abilities as a homemaker, as a wife/mother, and as a church worker? Is she friendly? Does she minister to others?

6. Are his children well­behaved? Are they Christian?

7. How does he get along with people?

8. Does he control his temper?

9. What are his personal habits in regards to amusements?

10. Is he a people person, and/or is he interested in helping others?

11. Does he have a servant’s heart?

12. How well does he minister to the sick, the needy, and people in trouble?

13. What is his moral record?

14. What ability does he have as a preacher, teacher, soul winner, and leader of people?

15. How does he appeal to people regarding stewardship and finances?

16. How active is he in organizations in the community other than the church?