2 DESIGN SEOUL WHO’S WHO SeoulDesignCenter


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First Printed Date March 31, 2006

Publisher Kwon, Myung-kwang

Editor Lee, Soon-in

Design group Image & Imagination

Publishing group Seoul Design CenterAddress 1Fl., Seoul International Design Plaza,

128-8 Yungun-dong, Jonno-gu, Seoul, Korea 110-770Phone +82-2-747-9100Fax +82-2-747-9300URL www.seouldesigncenter.com

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any from

by any electronic or merchnial means without

written permission from the Seoul Design Center


Page 3: 2006_Whoswho


006 Message from the Mayor of Seoul

007 Message from the President of SDC

008 Design Seoul Who’s Who Forum

018 AGI

020 Ahn Graphics

022 AXIS Design

024 B&A Design Communication

026 CDR Associates

028 Clip Design

030 Communication Design 601Bisang

032 Cordhands

034 Creative Directors Association

036 Crosspoint

038 Dadam Design

040 Design Blue

042 Design Continuum

044 Design & Communication

046 Design Fever

048 Design Mall

050 Design Park

052 Design People

054 Design Touch

056 Dito Design

058 Domus Partners

060 Dsrtict

062 Flur

064 Fusion Design

066 Hendi

068 Hong Design

070 Imagedrome

072 Image & Imagination

074 Imonggiga

076 Inno Design

078 Innoiz

080 Intergram

082 Jay is working

084 Jeon Associates

086 Kahram Design

088 Kodas Design

090 Linocoms

092 Min Associates

094 Moto Design

096 Need21

098 Ocon

100 Post Visual

102 Sandoll

104 Seol Design

106 Seoul Design Center

108 Sodium Partners

110 Studio Baf

112 Typomedia

114 Uone Design

116 Wallga Design

118 Zio

120 Index

122 Project Log

124 Design Seoul Who’s Who Center

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006 007

Message from the Mayor of Seoul

Now Design should speak

Congratulations on the first publication of ‘Design Seoul Who’s Who’: reports

on design trend and innovation in Korea. The publication is especially

meaningful in that it is one of the few in the list selected as leaders in the

design industry.

I have no doubt that reliable information provided through Design Seoul

Who’s Who will contribute to a boost in the design industry, and ultimately

add a major plus to the nation’s competitiveness.

At a time when the design industry is taking on an ever more important role,

Seoul, the capital of Korea, is doing its part to further nurture and foster the

industry. The publication of Design Seoul Who’s Who adds a new

momentum towards this trend.

I hope anyone who is interested in the design industry in Korea - where it

came from, where it stands today, and where it is heading to - will find this

book both helpful and informative.

3. 2006

Lee, Myung-bak

Mayor of Seoul

Message from the president of SDC

Expecting Evolution

The beginning always makes our heart throbbing, because it triggers the

behavior that allows us to leave the ground on which we stand and dream to

move to the opening market. The very first issue of ‘Design Seoul Who’s

Who’, planned and published by the Seoul Design Center also makes my

heart beat faster, because it means that this publication will be a guidance for

the new beginning to a great number of designers in the design industry.

We expect that this annual publication will motivate Korean designers to

leave their land where they have settled down peacefully and move to an

extensive and fertile land. This century is represented as the nomad era that

transcends specialty and the individual and does not allow us to stay in one

place. Media convergence breaks down the wall between the fields and brings

technological fusion and complexity.

Seamless innovation and trend creation, never failing evolution of design

culture and endless passion… This will be a true implication that ‘Design

Seoul Who’s Who’ should deliver with the lapse of time.

3. 2006

Myung, Kwang-kwon

President of the Seoul Design Center

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008 009

Design Seoul Who’s Who Forum

Lee, Soon-in: The very first issue of Design Seoul Who’s Who aimed to

introduce design companies in Seoul, which developed innovative

design. Being distributed to design related institutions and

organizations, the Chambers of Commerce and Industry, and overseas

branches of public companies, this publication will publicize the stature

of Seoul design, help companies with design and promote capabilities

of design companies.

The expectancy effect of the first issue is to foster the design company’s

global competency in Seoul and Seoul design’s role as a hub, discover

new industries and encourage business expansion in order to lead

future trends in the industry.

Some areas of Korean design belong to the first rank in the world. The

creativity level of some Korean design companies meets global

standard. However, there has been neither single system nor window for

a Korean company to make inroads into the foreign market.

In this first issue, we regarded innovation as a key factor to recommend

companies and aimed at selecting companies that contributed the most

to innovation as cultural and social phenomena.

Even though the method to select companies had a mere rational and

logical basis because it was the first time, we expected to improve the

selection criteria step by step in the future.

What difficulties did you have as a chair of each editing committee when

you recommended companies?

Kwon, Hyeok-soo: The guide suggested me to recommend 10

companies, but I recommended 15 companies. It was difficult for me to

recommend because the selection criteria for innovation should be fair.

The criteria were more or less subjective rather than objective because

the direction for selection was decided in relation to internal and

external competitive power of a company. Since I had to recommend

companies Which performed over the last 5 years, I depended on

reputation and public confidence of a company. I referred to design

journal columns to choose companies for communication design

category. What I thought unfortunate while recommending was that the

selection process had a weak measure. It was difficult to come to a

sound agreement, for example, emerging companies had lower


Lee, Soon-in Professor of the Graduate School of Industrial

Arts, Hongik University/Director of Planning

and Management Office, the Seoul Design



Kang, Boo-yun Creative director of Sinwoo Col, Ltd./Adjunct

professor of the College of Design and Crafts,

Gyonggi University

Kwon, Hyeok-soo President of the Design Society

Institute/Adjunct professor of

Communication Design, Kyungwon University

Chang, Dong-hoon Professor of Visual Information Design, the

College of Art & Design, Ewah Woman’s


Jeong, Cheol President of SDA/Adjunct professor of

Interior Design, Induk University

Cho, Jae-kyung Professor of Industrial Design, the College of

Art & Design, Ewah Woman’s University

Design Seoul Who’s Who좌담회

이순인:Design Seoul Who’s Who의의미는혁신적인디자인


디자인유관기관, 해외공사등에배포함으로써서울의디자인의

위상을알리고, 디자인수요처의디자인개발을촉진하며,







디자인회사들의크리에이티브수준도세계적이라고본다. 그러나




보았으며, 문화, 사회현상으로서이노베이션에가장많이기여한








권혁수:10개사기준을미루고15개사정도를추천하 다.

선정기준을공정성의문제에서보면추천이어렵고, 대내외적으로


공정성보다는주제성으로서부각될것이라고본다. 5년을소급하는



그러한데이터를활용하 다. 추천하는입장에서의아쉬움이라면,




이는앞으로발행주기와관련, 보완될것으로본다. 또한Who’s



좌 장

이순인 홍익대학교산업미술대학원교수


강부연 (주)신우실장



권혁수 디자인사회연구소대표



장동훈 이화여자대학교조형예술대학


정 철 SDA대표



조재경 이화여자대학교조형예술대학


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010 011

reputation for recent activities and future prospect. I hope that the

criteria will be improved as new issues are published.

Also I recommend adding a new company list as an appendix to Who's

Who. The Seoul Design Center could use these raw materials to

establish a database later.

Chang, Dong-hoon: Because the applicable scope of Multi-media

category has been changing variously, it is difficult to set the scope.

Multi-media used to mean web in the past, but now it includes mobile

communication, game, internet TV and more. Because of the time limit

I had difficulty to recommend companies covering extended areas such

as mobile communication, tangible interface and ubiquitous computing.

Cho, Jae-kyung: The procedure of selection could be an obstacle to the

evaluation on originality and diversity of a company which this project

aimed to discover. Design companies in Seoul have technological

competitiveness, but they are relatively underestimated compared to

current assets because of their weak marketing and promotion power.

We need to discover design companies with excellent technology in

many different specialized areas and actively promote them abroad. The

criteria for selecting leading companies should be decided after further

consideration on both quantitative and qualitative standards such as

finance and marketing, and taste and style.

Kang, Boo-yun: Recently packaging design companies have been

booming. Yet, we had many difficulties to set the criteria and select

companies. The packaging design category committee members met 2

or 3 times to decide the criteria. We set firstly clarity and fairness,

secondly professionalism and reputation, and thirdly sales volume.

Nevertheless it was still difficult for us to select companies because the

boundary between these criteria and innovation was not clear. Next

selection should be improved by solving these criteria problem and

giving a fair chance to many packaging design companies through the

establishment of a database.

Jeong, Cheol: The fact that environmental and interior design, unlike

other design categories, had less exposure to the public made it difficult

for us to recommend companies. Speaking of fairness, we had a hard

time to explain to the designers belong to the association member or

non member companies why we had to evaluate the companies which

had performed over the last 5 years. It was also difficult for us to

recommend companies because environmental and interior design

category covered interior, exhibition and display design. This time, we

selected companies based on frequency of exposure to the media

(magazines) and the association database. However, the criteria for

environmental and interior design category are too simple and need to

be improved in the future. And we need to have enough time to decide

which criterion should have more weigh; e.g. individual reputation such

as a star designer or the health and capability of a company based on

the financial report.

Lee, Soon-in: It is appropriate to have a concept of recommendation

rather than evaluation or selection. The first issue regarded innovation

as a key factor.

How does each category interpret the meaning of innovation?

Jeong, Cheol: Fundamentally, I think design itself is innovation.

Innovation could mean different things depending on a viewpoint as we

see various forms in diverse space; for example, it can begin with a

concept then flexible thinking on function, material, details, color

scheme or construction for space.

Kang, Boo-yun: Packaging simply meant packaging in the past, but now

it includes engineering. We have to find out how to innovate packaging

with full consideration to form, material, harmfulness on the human

body, and recycle besides cost reduction.

Cho, Jae-kyung: The scale of manufacturing-centered design projects

varies like the difference between conglomerates and small and medium

size companies. We are familiar with innovation in high technology and

new media. On the other hand, we have less understanding on low tech

and high touch which allow more creative design approaches. Italian

designs positioned themselves for world’s 100 brands aims at low tech

and high touch. Korean design companies focus on electric, electronic,

and automobile products, but Italian design companies acquire added

values in textile and fashion industry. Freed from a technological

approach, we need to employ an emotional approach taking internal

mechanism, material and surface as a single object. Innovation in our




어떻게설정할것인가에대한어려움이있었다. 과거멀티미디어는

웹을의미하 으나오늘날모바일, 게임, ITV등범위에대한고민을

안겨주고있으며, 모바일, 텐저블인터페이스, 유비쿼터스와같은




디자인기업의고유성, 다양성을보는데장애를가져다줄우려가

있다. 서울시의디자인업체들은기술력에있어서는국제적인


자산가치에비해상대적으로저평가되고있는실정이다. 특화된


적극적으로발굴하여해외로홍보해야할필요가있다. 향후








미팅시간을가졌었다. 첫째는편집위원으로서투명성, 공정성인데

어디에기준을두고평가를해야되는지둘째는전문성, 지명도나


것이다. 이러한모든내용들과이노베이션의접목은판단기준이

애매하고또한선정하는데공정성에서실질적인어려움이많다. 차후



정부철: 환경,실내디자인은다른분야와달리공개적노출빈도가

적은편이어서추천의판단이쉽지않았고, 5년간의활동을소급,

비교하는것은협회의소속회원(사) 뿐만아니라회원(사)가아닌


있다. 또한, 환경, 실내디자인분야역시인테리어, 전시, 디스플레이

등분야가많아서추천의애로가있었다. 특히, 이번경우는


데이터베이스를기본으로선정하 으나, 이러한단순한선정기준

개선이환경, 실내디자인분야에서볼때앞으로의과제라고볼수

있다. 그리고추천기준을개인의지명도, 즉스타를발굴할것인지


것인지는, 충분한선정기간의고려가필요하다.

이순인:평가, 선정이라는용어는적합하지않고추천의개념으로

보았으면한다. 그리고이번창간호는추천의주요요소를



정부철: 근본적으로디자인해나가는자체가이노베이션이라고

생각한다. 이것은풀어야할대상에따라그성격이달라진다.

예를들면, 공간에어떠한컨셉을적용할것인가부터시작하여

기능은물론, 다양한의식에부합할수있는유연한사고전개, 새로운

소재나디테일을어떻게적용할것인가, 컬러스킴, 컨스트럭션등등,





단순히‘싸다’라는의미를벗어나형태, 재질, 인체의유해성, 사용




격차가만큼심하다. 우리들은대체로하이테크, 하이미디어를전제한

이노베이션에익숙하다. 반면에디자인의창의적어프로치가비교적

자유로운로우테크, 하이터치(Low Tech, High Touch)에대해서는

인식이부족하다. 세계100대브랜드에포지셔닝한이탈리안

브랜드들은대부분로우테크, 하이터치디자인을지향한다. 우리나라

전문디자인업체의타깃품목이전기, 전자, 자동차에집중되어있듯이

이탈리아는섬유, 패션브랜드로디자인의부가가치를획득한다. 굳이

기술적, 어프로치에얽매이지않고내부메커니즘과재료그리고


해결해야한다. 우리시대의이노베이션은단지첨단의과학기술로

이루어내는새로움만이아니다. 미래를끌어들이는상상력을실체의

상품으로창출해내기위해서는예술과기술그리고철학과경 이


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012 013

age does not mean newness generated by cutting edge science and

technology. To create an imaginative product for the future, we need to

approach innovation with a holistic solution which supports art,

technology, philosophy and management as one unit.

Chang, Dong-hoon: In multi-media design, we can consider innovation

in terms of application of hightech and new media. One way to achieve

innovation is to discover a new area by hiring media technology.

However, we have to be careful not to apply previous design concepts

and methods to new media. We have to create and develop new design

concepts, roles, philosophy and methods. The reason why web design

had a crisis rather than a chance was because designers focused on

visual aspects emphasizing formative arts and fail to catch the essence

of media. Web design components are visual 30%, planning and

scenario 30%, technology 30% and others 10%. It means that we need

to have a holistic approach for multi-media innovation.

Kwon, Hyeok-soo: Korean design professionalism began in the 1970s

and had a paradigm shift for the new millennium in 2000. The

development pattern of Korean communication design shows many

layers. We can divide design companies into two categories; art work

based companies and concept based companies. Preliminary art works

emphasize on ideas, but concept becomes an important element in a

process for producing design.

For example, a CI or brand design for a company simply meant putting

on garments on the body in the past, but now it means how it exists and

works in everyday life.

I think it can be innovation that the trend has a concept generated in the

context of human life and a content revealed in the form of design.

Tell us about the design trends over the last 5 years in each category.

Kwon, Hyeok-soo: Communication design included multi-media and the

new genre added complexity and expansion to this category. Due to the

change, it has stepped into a new stage of diversifying communication

design issues besides media issues. The trends during the last 5 years

showed that design became an object for socio-cultural identity.

So far, communication design has played a role as an agency for

advertisement and promotion, but now the age of knowledge and

information requires social imagination and humanistic consideration.

In response to this change, design and design activity in the market

have spread the trends of individual realization and social

consciousness such as ‘an intelligent designer’ and ‘a citizen designer’.

Especially, in publishing design area we see more cases that design

shares copy rights and royalty rights, and brand design registers patent

and trade mark.

Chang, Dong-hoon: We can call the middle of the 1990s the introduction

stage of multi-media represented by computer graphics and web, and

the last 5 years the settlement or development stage represented by

wireless internet, mobile technologies, interactive TV, and online games.

For web has settled down in everyday life and business after going

through technological and artistic experiments, now it has a design

tendency to pursue personality based on the sound and stable ground.

Cho, Jae-kyung: We have to understand the changes in our society from

a cultural point of view before discussing design trends. The experiences

gained by two major global events during the 1980s and 1990s gave us a

chance to set a new paradigm for our history, and the self

consciousness on our culture highly increased across the society. For

design, culture and arts, it was the time of returning to the essence and

core, and self confirmation. As passing the stage of design by reference,

design pursues its own color to reach a higher stage of completion and

stronger identity. The explosive expansion of visual and motion picture

communication by mass production of mobile and digital media devices

contributes to the great development of design market.

Kang, Boo-yun: The transition from the analog age to the digital age has

changed distribution structure and market environment and has

brought out a great number of new products in the market every day. A

rapid life cycle and various specialized life styles have become the

cornerstone of changes. According to a consumer behavior research

result, a consumer spends only 0.2 second on a packaging design. To

survive in a competitive market packaging design tends to differentiate

the design process to develop eye-catching high quality design for a

product on display.

Lee, Soon-in: To actively lead business at home and abroad, we have to

have a business-oriented approach. This is an important issue in order

to achieve global competency.

장동훈: 멀티미디어디자인에서이노베이션은하이테크,

하이미디어의적용이라는측면에서생각해볼수있다. 계속진화해




방법을적용하는것이아니라, 매체에걸맞는새로운디자인개념과

역할, 철학, 방법론을개발하고발전시켜나가는것이다.


않고조형성만강조하는시각적측면에서만보았기때문이다. 웹은

시각30%, 기술30%, 기획시나리오30%, 기타10%이다.



시작되었으며, 2000년에들어서 레니엄으로패러다임의전환을

가져왔다. 한국에서커뮤니케이션디자인의발전양태는다양한

층위를가진다. 디자인스튜디오는아트웍기반의디자인프로덕션을

끌고나가는회사와프로듀싱개념의스튜디오가있다. 초기의

아트웍은아이디어를중시하는경향이었으나, 프로듀싱과정에서는

컨셉이디자인결정의중요요소로등장했다. 다시말하면, 그동안




인간삶과일상생활의컨텍스트에의해컨셉이도출되고, 이에




각분야가갖고있는특성에서지난5년간의‘ 디자인트렌드’를



멀티미디어의복잡성과확장성이추가되었다. 이변화는미디어의


진입하고있다. 지난5년간의트렌드에서내용적인문제는사회

문화적정체성의문화주체, 즉디자인이시장, 장르에가시적으로


광고, 홍보분야의커뮤니케이션은에이전트역할만으로성장했으나

지식, 정보의커뮤니케이션시대는디자인과디자이너에게사회학적



디자인’, ‘시민으로서의디자이너‘라는표제와같은시장과장르의


확산되고있다. 특히출판디자인분야에서저작, 인세의권리와

의무를공유하는사례가늘고있으며, 브랜드디자인분야가특허,



멀티미디어의도입기 다면지난5년간은무선인터넷과모바일,

인터랙티브TV, 온라인게임등멀티미디어의정착기, 발전기라고할

수있다. 웹의경우기술적, 조형적으로다양한실험의시기를지나



조재경: 이시대의디자인트랜드를논하기위해는먼저문화적

관점에서우리사회의변화과정을이해하는자세가필요하다. 지난

80, 90년대우리사회는새로운역사의패러다임을열어나간양대



자기확인의시대라할수있다. 이른바의존적디자인(Design by



되었다. 다양한형태의휴대용단말기와대형디지털미디어가대량

보급되면서시각과 상의커뮤니케이션이폭발적으로증대된것


강부연: 아나로그시대에서디지털시대로변화되면서현시장의


출시되고, 또한빨라진라이프싸이클과세분화된라이프스타일은

많은변화의초석이되어왔다. ‘돋보임의원리’즉, 소비자가

제품포장디자인에머무는시간은0.2초다. 이러한시장경쟁력에서



이순인: 국내외적비즈니스형태를긍정적으로끌고나가기

위해서는비즈니스오리엔트되어야한다. 이것은국제적경쟁력을


Page 8: 2006_Whoswho

014 015

What do you think is the most important factor to increase global design

competency in each category?

Jeong, Cheol: For Korean design to achieve global competency, it needs

to solve the current problem - design fee on an institutional platform.

This has a close relation to the pride of designers; in other words many

passionate designers loose their intention because they get

disappointed at low design awareness in the society and get tired of over

competition, illegal copy and piracy problems. However, good news is

that the Korean Society of Interior Architects/Designers (KOSID) is

working on a license policy to enhance institutional competitiveness and

it seems to contain all the elements that make Korean design stronger.

Kang, Boo-yun: It is true that troubles like revealing the design cost table

during the competitive presentation have always circled under the same

environment. Design competitiveness, the global mind, brand power,

and design process will be the key words to make us increase global

competency and belong to the countries with strong design power. Also,

if Korean companies raise product and design quality by innovating

packaging materials, they will have a better chance in overseas market.

Cho, Jae-kyung: To lead design trends we need to enhance the global

mind throughout design industry and improve education and policy.

The greatest asset we have is high quality man-power. Especially, we

need to pay attention to global promotion for design business in order

to offer overseas jobs to talented designers.

Chang, Dong-hoon: Internet has expanded our market and arena

worldwide transcending time and space. We need to have an open mind

and linguistic ability to response to diverse cultures.

Kwon, Hyeok-soo: Global design competence can be evaluated in terms

of product manufacturing, distribution, sales and marketing based on

the principle of a free market economy. On the other hand, the

competency relies on the ability of Korean design to cultivate a strategy

for global culture management. Our design routine, environment, spirit

and attitude can have a world-historical meaning. For instance, the

criteria to grant a star designer should meet the global standards; still,

we need to set Korean standards by discovering and defining our design

identity. This, together with external competency, will be a key factor to

eventually make Korean design stronger.

Tell us about the relationship between business and socio-cultural

implication focusing on technological development in each design


Kwon, Hyeok-soo: The socio-cultural identity of design is the definition

and nature of design itself. It is indispensable to justify sustainability of

design. Design should return the meaning and value of design to the

society and reflect culture. It is not an ethical activity but another form of

business that a company returns its profit to the society. Therefore,

Korean design should be a barometer to determine Korean

socio-cultural implication and reflect Korean socio-cultural symbols. I

expect that Korean design gains maturity by finding and solving

problems through community activities and gatherings for co-existence

and mutual prosperity.

Chang, Dong-hoon: We have to pay attention to the evolutionary

changes of the society and market that technological development will

bring forth. There was a huge demand for web designers when a website

was introduced around year 2000 and a great number of web designers

were produced through accredited schools and other channels.

However, the market was quickly oversupplied. In many cases,

designers did not create proper values because they did not have

capability to understand the market flow or lead the market. Mobile and

UI design sector seems to be under the same situation. Design should

forecast the future and lead changes as well as respond to them timely.

We need to invent new design area, develop its role and methodology,

and educate designers.

Cho, Jae-kyung: Global design means multi-culture design. Preceding

design is design that creates something different and new based on local

culture and consciousness. Japanese design went through the bubble

economy and recession in the 1990s. Japanese designers had greatly

expanded design area and enjoyed thriving days for 30 years before the

recession started, thanks to the in-house orders and other orders from

domestic companies. However they fail to make a ground for global

market. The North-Eastern Asian culture zone connecting Korea, Japan

and China will draw the newest technology and design, and this emerging

market place will be the biggest battle for design in the 21st century.

각분야에서는‘ 디자인의국제경쟁력’을갖추기위한중요요인이


정부철: 우리의디자인이국제경쟁력을가지기위해서는제도적


선결되어야한다고보다. 이것은디자이너의자긍심과도 접한

관계가있는것으로, 현재우리의실정을보면많은시간과노력으로





한국실내건축가협회에서는(KOSID) 라이센스제도를추진하고



강부연: 좁은시장에서의마찰즉경쟁프리젠테이션,


환경에서순환되어왔던것이사실이다. ‘디자인은곧경쟁력이다’

국제적인마인드, 브랜드파워, 디자인프로세스는국제경쟁력을

키우고한층디자인선진국으로가는키워드가될것이다. 또한



조재경: 디자인트랜드를선도하기위해디자인계전반에걸쳐


개선되어야한다. 우리가가지고있는최대의자산은우수한

인적자원이다, 특히재능있는디자이너들이해외에서안정된

일자리를마련할수있도록디자인비지니스의 로벌프로모션에


장동훈: 인터넷은우리의시장과활동무대를시공간을초월하여





생산과유통, 판매의마케팅차원에서그국제적경쟁의수위를


그러나다른한편으로보면, 그경쟁력은세계화의문화경 의

전략으로서한국디자인의현실이있다고본다. 우리의디자인

일상과환경, 정신과태도가곧세계사적의미를갖는다는것이다.


주목해야할것이다. 예컨데스타디자인을육성하는정책의기반이

‘국제적수준’만을좇는것이아니라우리의디자인역사, 디자인



각분야디자인에서는발전하는기술력에초점을맞추어‘ 비즈니스와


권혁수: 디자인의사회, 문화적정체성은그자체가디자인의

정의이며본질이다. 기업의이윤을사회적으로환원하는것이

도덕적인활동이아니라또하나의비지니스인것처럼, 디자인의

의미와가치를사회적으로환원하고, 문화적으로반 하는것은



계기이며, 또한한국의사회, 문화의반 표상의산물이어야한다.

우리사회의공공, 공존, 공 을위한회합과활동속에서디자인




주목해야한다. 2000년을전후하여사회곳곳에서웹이도입되면서

엄청난수의웹디자이너를필요로했고, 정규교육기관뿐아니라


되었고, 많은경우시장의흐름을읽고이를이끌어갈만한역량을

갖추지못하 기에제대로가치를창출해내지못하 던것이

현실이다. 지금새롭게열리고있는모바일, UI디자인분야도

마찬가지일수있다고본다. 디자인이변화에시의적절하게대응할

뿐아니라미래를내다보고선도해나가야한다. 새로운디자인

분야와역할의개발, 방법론의구축, 인재양성이필요하다.

조재경: 로벌디자인은곧멀티컬쳐디자인이다. 지역의문화와


선행디자인이다. 90년대일본은디자인사회전반에걸쳐버블경제와

더불어디자인불황시대를겪었다. 그것은지난30년간양적으로



못했기때문이다. 이제한반도와일본그리고중국으로이어지는


Page 9: 2006_Whoswho



Kang, Boo-yun: ‘Culture code’ always exists through all ages and for

design it exists in product quality and marketing as a tertiary. It always

represents and supports consumer’s needs and trends as well as

business and technology in response to environmental changes.

Jeong, Cheol: The biggest problem that environmental design business

has is that our society displays a lack of awareness on design and

designers. Korean environmental and interior design have developed

greatly in accordance with the rapid economic growth, however I can not

help thinking that the capability of Korean design and designers is

under-estimated. For example, some of our major Korean clients which

have a great influence on Korean environmental and interior design give

an important project to a foreign design company and ask a Korean

design company to adjust the original design considering Korean

circumstances. Many big projects that the public would know upon

hearing the names were done by foreign design and it is pity that there is

only a sense of ostentation in the society, not satisfaction nor

completion. There seems to be some Koreans to prefer western culture

and have less confidence in our culture. Domestic designers may have

less experience and capability, but the creativity of environmental and

interior design should reflect our life. The good things about Korea can

also be good for the world. We should challenge to actively show our

design to the world. If the very best Korean design elements are applied

to a 5 star hotel like Shilla and impress foreigners, this will improve

Korean design capability and change the image of the company as well.

Therefore, the socio-cultural value in design will increase as important

projects are done by Korean design.

Lee, Soon-in: I like to thank all of you, committee chairs and members

for recommending good design companies in each category. In the first

issue we selected companies which had performed over the last 5 years.

We plan to publish the book annually and expect to improve the criteria

for selecting companies based on the business environment analysis.

The next selection is schedule to be held in November so that we can

distribute the book in the first month of the New Year.

The companies listed in this book were edited in alphabetical order

without making division for category as convergence became design



강부연: ‘文化코드’는어느시대든항상존재하고따라붙는

수식어로디자인에서보면제품의퀄리티, 마케팅등에언제나

존재하고있다. 이는언제나그시기의환경변화에맞추어소비자의

니즈, 트랜드의형성으로비즈니스전략과제품의총체적기술력으로


정부철: 환경분야디자인비즈니스의가장큰문제는, 디자인과



발전하 지만, 아직도국내의디자이너, 디자인사무실의능력이

저평가되고있지않나하는생각을떨칠수없다. 예를들어, 우리의

실내, 환경을이끌어주는메이저클라이언트들중외국에디자인을

의뢰한후, 국내의디자인사무실에는그기본디자인으로한국

실정에맞도록조정하는역할만을맡기는것이다. 말만하면금방알

수있는대형프로젝트등은해외의존도가매우높으며, 만족도및


대해아쉬움이크다. 국내디자이너의경험이적고, 역량이크지

않다고판단할수도있으나, 환경,실내분야의디자인크리에이티브는

우리의삶을담는것이므로, 서양선호사상과문화적열등감, 자기

것에대한불신감등이그기저에있다고도볼수있다. 가장한국적인

것이가장세계적이라고할수있다. 우리의디자인을세계에알릴수

있는기회가주어져야한다. 예를들어, 신라호텔같은곳에가장

한국적인디자인요소가개발, 적용되고, 이러한디자인요소의

감흥을외국인들이느끼게된다면, 한국과한국의디자인능력뿐


생각된다. 따라서좋은프로젝트들이국내역량에의해수행되어질

때, 디자인전반에대한사회문화적가치도상승될것이다

이순인: 그동안각분야에서훌륭한디자인회사를추천해주신


이번창간호가지난5년간을소급하여선정했다면, 앞으로는매년

발간할예정이며1년간의산업현장을분석하여, 그해의트렌드를





편집은분야별구분없이기업명의A, B, C순서로편집할것이다.

Page 10: 2006_Whoswho


1 The Museum of Everyday Life (12 vol.) /Sakyejul/1999-2004

2 Korean History Read by Topics (40 vol.) /Hansol Education/2004-2005

3 Schoolbook for Living World History (two vol.) /Humanist/2005

4 CI and CIP for Busan Daily Newspaper/2004

5 PIP for Culture Hub City Gwangju/2005

6 EIP for Paju Children’s Book Festival in PajuBook City/2003

7 CIP for Borim Publishing Company /2005

8 <Paju Children’s Book Festival> /Paju Book City/2003

9 <Frederick Wiseman Retrospective> /Ilju Art center/2005

10 2005 Frankfurt Bookfair <The Battle of Visions>Exhibition Catalog/Arco Art Space/2005






Philosophy and Introduction:Design can be defined as a field ofmanufacturing things human beings makeuse of on the basis of understandingpeople, society, technology and nature. Thus, design is not something random butan integrative and planned process ofmarketing, engineering and humanunderstanding. This can be applied to the rest of otherfields as well: in graphic art, architecture,interior, fashion and multi media, designis the potential infra which will lead us tothe new age along with technology. AGI, an integrative design companyfounded by professionals, aims atactivating such thoughts for a lasting andpowerful design.

Reference:publication designeditorial design & publication planning- book design: cover & jacket design,

complete interior design, layout throughcomposition

- publication: contents & publicationplanning, publication planning consulting

- magazines & catalogs- company brochures & annual reports

identity design - company and community identity design- brand identity design- event identity design

space design- exhibition planning and design


Address 4th Fl., ANT bldg., 197-8, 10 Donggyo-dong,Mapo-gu, Seoul 121-819

Phone +82-02-3141-9902Fax +82-02-3141-9927e-mail [email protected] www.e-agi.co.kr



4 5 6 7

8 9


Page 11: 2006_Whoswho

020 021

1 Ahn graphics calendar, 2005Designed with contributed typographic artworks byworldwidely well-known designers such as Massin,Helmut Schmit, John Warwicker, and Ahn Sang-soo.

2 Exhibition Catalog for Gwangju Bienalle, 2005With the theme of “Light into Life”, Gwangju Bienalletook part in Korea. This book introduces works by artistswho came into the spotlight for the past few years.

3 Design DBDesign DB is a design magazine containing variousdesign contents from inside Korean culture.

4 Asiana CultureThis is Asiana airlines’ monthly in-flight magazine called“Asiana Culture”

5 Wang-se-ja-ip-hak-do(the entrance ceremony for prince Hyo-myung)This book was specially remade with the aim formaintaining the important cultural property. Koreantraditional paintings contained in the book illustrate theentrance ceremony (1817) of Hyo-myung Prince ofChosun Dynasty.

6 Korea life 2004 plus & moreThis is a brochure design for KOREA LIFE INSURANCECO., LTD.


Ahn Graphics was founded in 1985 andhas been one of the leading designagencies in Korea. With 100 staff, AhnGraphics is providing total design servicesfor on and off-line including editorialdesign, web design, publication of books,publication of magazines, mediaadvertisement etc.. In particular, AhnGraphics’ strongly experimental works inthe field of editorial design have beenjudged as strong stimuli to many Koreandesigners.


Address 260-88 Sungbuk 2-dong, Sungbuk-gu, Seoul, Korea 136-823

Phone +82-02-743-8065 Fax +82-02-744-3251e-mail [email protected]

[email protected] www.ag.co.kr


n G




2 3




Page 12: 2006_Whoswho

022 023

1 Michelan (B-type)2003-2004Seochodong Seochogu,Seoul

2 Riverway2001-2002Hannamdong Yongsangu,Seoul2003 GAIN Design Group Awards prizewinning work

3 I-Want2005 Hakikdong Namgu,Incheon

4 SK View (A-type)2005Banpodong Seochogu,Seoul

5 Hermann Haus 2005Paju,Kyung Ki Do


Axis Design is an Interior design companywith a 17 year track record for majorlydesigning distinctive, modern, andhigh-end residential spaces.

In residential spaces-SiYoung,Choi(president) is one of theunchallenged Interior designers fordignified, modern living spaces in Korea.

Axis Design has won numerous awardsfrom Korean Society of InteriorArchitects/Designer and other NationalAwards.

The firm has designed for various projectscooprating with Samsung, LG, Hyundai,Doosan Construction Companies over theyears.

Reference:“The choice of design is equivalent to thechoice of one’s life style.If a human being can improve one’squality of life and experience comfort bydesign, why wouldn’t it be the best choiceone has ever made?” -Si Young, Choi(President)


Address #710, Namsan Mansion, 726-74 Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu Seoul, Korea

Phone +82-02-794-7924/82+82-02-792-5873

Fax +82-02-793-1915e-mail [email protected]






2-a 2-b



Page 13: 2006_Whoswho

024 025

1 Aldo Coppola Completed: Oct. 2004Location: 621-2, Shinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea

2 Aimo e nadiaCompleted: Nov. 2003Location: Seocho-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea

3 Natural house Completed: Mar. 2003Location: Gyeonggi-do, Korea

4 Table 2025Completed: May. 2005Location: Chungdam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea

5 Bistro DCompleted: Nov. 2005Location: Chungdam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea

6 I-Park penthouseconcept: White river in the houseCompleted: Oct. 2004Location: Samsung-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea


Projects:-Sungbuk-Dong House ‘Gallery’-LARIA & LISSE(Multi Cultural Complex),Yang-Pyong

-Retail design of ‘EVEMAN.COM’-Penthouse design for ‘I-PARK’-Chinese Restaurant ‘Lai Lai’-Natural House, Ga-Pyung-Aldo Coppola-Champs-Elysees Fitness Club-Samsung publishing company & Aimo eNadia

-Table 2025, Chung-dahm-Puzzle Haus, Chung-dahm-WaldHaus ‘the Museum’, yangji-Bistro D, Chung-dahm

Education and Experience:·Feb, 1982

Graduated College of Art, Hong-ikUniversity with B.A. degree in IndustrialDesign

·Feb, 1997Graduated College of Architecture &Urban Design, Hong-ik University withM.A. degree in Interior Design

·1988Established B & A Inc.


·Member of KOSID & KIACEO of B & A INC. (Architecture &Interior)

Publication:‘Erasing and Becoming Transparent’ -publisher: Edition-AD PRESS

(Domestic), Dae-ryun Univ. Press, China(Overseas)

Awards:KOSID Awards: 3rd place Korea Interior Design Best Awards(2000-2004): 5th place


Address 186-1 Gaepo-dong, Kangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea

Phone +82-02-445-5005Fax +82-02-3411-8434e-mail [email protected]




n C








3 4



Page 14: 2006_Whoswho


1 Kia Motors CI, 2002

2 Storyway BI, 2005

3 National Museum of Korea MI, 2002

4 Gwangju Design Biennale EI, 2005

5 Ziller BI, 2005

6 Hyundai Motor CI, 2002


Founded in 1973, CDR is offering amultidisciplinary range of brand strategy,naming, CI·BI design, package designand the other design related service to ourclients.As the nation’s most accomplished andrecognized branding and designconsultancy, CDR will help our clients toget the best identity solution for theirbrand power.


Address Bukang Bldg., 63-5 Nonhyun-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea 135-010

Phone +82-2-518-2470Fax +82-2-3442-6229e-mail [email protected] www.cdrkorea.com






1 2

3 4



Page 15: 2006_Whoswho

028 029

1 2004, Digiana, Digital Mp3 Player

2 2005, Poskom, Portable X-ray system(Veterinary)

3 2002, Soi Electronic, Confernce Phone

4 2005, Dexcowin, Portable dental x-raysystem

5 2003, Nautilus Hyosung, TTW ATMSYSTEM (Banking Machine)



Clipdesign corporation provides highquality service in the planning ofproducts,development of design, andverification of mass production in theconsumer communication design.The company stages forward forinnovation and marketable products with agroup of expert designers in all the fields.

To come up with creative designs forproducts and to see the success throughimproving products by collaboratingdesign, production, blueprint, sales,advertiserment departments.

Clipdesign will become the company thatwill be your backbone in bevelopment ofproduct, advertisement and marketingthrough its long and prosperousexperiences in the field.

Clipdesign is a leading company in thefield where two departments, design andmarketing, come together and becomeknown as design marketing.

Good design & best seller:Clipdesign will tell you how this is true.To be a best selling product, every part ofit should be a perfect component. Onlygood products can become best sellers.All our good designs are the results of ourcommited efforts based on this belief.Join hands with clipdesign.we will respond to you with our gooddesign.This will be the best investment for you ifyou want to make your product a truly bestseller.


Address 6th Fl., Chiljoo Bldg., 125-8 Yangjae-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea, 137-130

Phone +82-02-545-6862Fax +82-02-575-9862e-mail [email protected] www.clipdesign.co.kr


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oullim(“ ”) creative(!) out, in(...)

4 601SPACE PROJECT (2003. 153 X 205mm. 432page)This book is an architectural drama interpreted afreshfrom a designer’s point of view. It relates the process ofrenovation of the building over a period of 240 days, andnarrates the lives and philosophies of people at 601 infive chapters or five “Sai” (which means space inKorean). The sensitive design of the book, whichconsiders the building as a kind of living thing, expressesthe joys and sorrows felt between the building and thepeople in it, at times like a large-scale epic, at other timeslike a heart-felt lyric. Especially, the conceptual map, inwhich every component of the building is arranged,functions as another<601 Space Project> in a smallerscale. Various kinds of innovative expression wereattempted such as the package resembling the gate andthe book cover resembling the sky.

5 VIDAK 10th Anniversary Korea Visual CommunicationDesign Festival 2004 (2004. 1310 X 930mm. awarded Silver Pencil of OneShow 2005)These are the posters for Korea Design Festival 2004commemorating the 10th anniversary of VIDAK(VisualInformation Design Association of Korea). The 3-pieceseries consisting of “creative(!)”, “oullim(“ ”)” and “out,in(...)” can be seen as a whole or separate pieces.

JOY, my friend from Mars ANGER, my friend from Mars SORROW, my friend from Mars PLEASURE, my friend from Mars




601Bisang:601Bisang, founded in 1998, is a creativedesign group pursuing youthful andpowerful designs. “Things that cannot be done by everybody,and that have never been done before.”The hardest thing to do in this world is todo something differently, do somethingdifferent and to do it well. (Excerpts from The Founding Message of601Bisang, 1998)601Bisang was different from the start.

Creative Mind:An attentive consciousness that canrecognize familiarity through an unusualview and an experimental spirit are thecornerstones of 601Bisang. The creativeworld of 601Bisang, which rejectsmannerism, develops at the point where aclear concept accompanied with excitingsearch meets warm-hearted vision andhumanism.

Vision:601Bisang’s passion for the value ofdesign extends beyond the mere pursuit ofprofit to art-centered projects. Designstudents indicated, in a recent survey,601Bisang is the No. 1 company theywould prefer to work for. 601Bisang’scompetitive power in the future is wellindicated through design awards that ourdesigners received both at home andabroad. The awards include the GoldMedal of New York Art Director’s Club,Silver Pencil of One Show, and the GoldPrize of Korea International PosterBiennale.


Address 481-11 Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu,Seoul, Korea 121-842

Phone +82-02-332-2601 Fax +82-02-332-2602e-mail [email protected] www.601bisang.com














1 2note: time.space (2001. 240 X 190mm. 308page. awarded Gold Medal of New York Art Director’s Club2002)This is a doodle. A doodle in space throughout time. Adoodle in time throughout space. This book is a space toput down the thoughts that cross our minds. A space thatwe can fill as time goes by. Time following the traces ofthose who passed through our lives. ‘Looking at oldthings in a new way’ has always represented my attitudeas a graphic designer toward exploratory and creativeendeavors.

2 communication design in korea: VIDAK2005(2005. 255 X 225mm. 376page) This annual for the Visual Information Design Associationof Korea was created by incorporating the various phasesof evolving human life and presents the harmony amongthe VIDAK members as well as all designers in a largercontext.

3 my friend from Mars (2005.1500 X 1090mm)“Scientists continuously raise the possibility that lifeexists on Mars; so that Mars becomes a planet of life withthe cognition that Mars is the closest planet to the Earth.my friend from Mars-Joy, Anger, Sorrow, Pleasure is theresult of both the imagination and study of Mars. If lifeexists on Mars, what does it look like and what emotionsdoes that life from have? The answer to this verycomplicated question is very simple. It is a friend thatlooks a little weird but still friendly. It would bemeaningful to reflect on our own identities and valuesthrough meetings with friends from us. my friend fromMars-Joy, Anger, Sorrow, Pleasure explores that which ishidden whitin us and is part of our future lives. I am nowsitting across from my friends I have invited. We aretaking a deep breath together”

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1 COREhands ‘At the morn’Pyongchang-dong, Jongro-gu Seoul, Korea

2 Dr. Hong’s 100 chung kuk Samsung_dong, gang nam-gu Seoul, Korea2005. 10

3 Alliance wedding hall/Cafe loungeGamsam_dong, dal sau-gu Dae gu, Korea2005. 10

4 The wine barGamsam_dong, dal sau-gu Dae gu, Korea2005. 10

5 Kolon Park polis Samsan_dong, dal su-gu Wul san, Korea2005. 10

6 Kyung dong housing Pavilion Yun san 2_dong, yun je -gu Pu san, Korea2002. 7




Since most of the people today areaccustomed to the fast paced society, it israther difficult for them to understand theconcept of looking back and enjoying theloose lifestyle without any haste. In fact, itwould be much easier than before forthem to simply accept the explanation ofthe technology that leads us to theubiquitous computing society. In thisprocess, most of us are forgetting aboutthe traditional space that was harmoniouswith the nature. But we shouldacknowledge the fact that the traditionalspace adaptable to the nature can actuallyenable us to keep ourselves mentally andphysically healthy. Learning the wisdom offinding the essential sensibility of human-beings through the traditional space is oneof my greatest wishe.As the head of Corehands, a professionalcompany for architectural plan and interiorarchitect design, Kim, Boo-Gon and thecompany are working on restoring ourtraditional phenomenon in today’swesternized atmosphere. Their works arefocused on the connection of mutualunderstandings in open spaces. Theypresent a new method that allows thecharacter of traditional space to blend inwith modern lifestyle traits. This way ofexpressing the traditional Koreanphenomenon in a modern sense is what adesigner who designs spaces for multiplexlife pattern should seek.


Address At the Morn., 476-7 Pyongchang-dong, Jongro-gu, Seoul, Korea

Phone +82-02-396-2845 Fax +82-02-396-6377e-mail [email protected] www.corehands.com









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1 Bek Se Ju, Korean Traditional Wine. The complete makeover for the Korean traditionalwine to compete within fast moving market byattracting younger generations.

2 Grace of Nature Fruit Beverage, Woongjin Foods Co.

3 Absolute Powdered Milk, Maeil Dairy Co.

4 Ziller Mixed Nuts, Sempio Foods Co.

5 Sun Program Premium, Pulmuone

6 Seasons Low Tar Cigarettes, KT&G


Philosophy:Benefits from uniqueness are not enoughto satisty people in present era. Yourbrand needs to connect emotionally. Nolonger a product or a service, your brandmust be an experience to people. CD’sAssociation helps define, research andvisualize that experience. Working as anintegrated team with your ad agency andother consultants, we recast yourpositioning statement as an emotional,and memorable experience. Working withcultural anthropologists, we transformyour brand experience from statement intoa statement with more effective and activevisual brand essence”. Using this visualstimuli in consumer research, we thenverify your brand’s true emotional andrecognition equities. Now does the designprocess begin. We first design yourbrand’s single most effectivecommunication tool and your packagesecondly. Brand logos, package graphicsand structures are our core deliverables.However, we also help you to integrateyour brand’s visual essence across allmedia and across all the global cultures.CD’s Association, the synthesis of brandidentity strategy and design.


Address 247-10 Nonhyun-dong,Gangnam-gu, Seoul,Korea 135-010

Phone +82-2-548-3822Fax +82-2-549-2679e-mail [email protected] www.cidis.co.kr



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036 037

1 LG Electronics “TROMM”BI

2 Kwangjuyo Distilled Soju “Hwayo” BI

3 Evezary CI Renewal

4 CJ “Drum Beat”BI Renewal

5 Jinro Soju “Cham Yi Seul”BI

6 LG Electronics “XCANVAS”BI Renewal

7 Winia Mando “Dimchae”BI Renewal

8 ChungPung “MUGU”BI

9 Doosan “Chongga Jip Kimchi” BI Renewal

10 Hanmi “Wholly Grinded Whole Soy Milk”BI

11 Daewoo Construction “iaan”BI

12 Hanssem “Kitchen Bach”BI

13 Doosan Soju “Chu-um-Chu-rum”BI

14 Somang Cosmetics “Beauty Credit”BI

15 Hankook Tire CI Renewal

16 Winia Mando “WINIA”BI Renewal

17 Doosan Soju “San”BI

18 Samil-Pharm CI Renewal

1 2 3 13

4 5 6 14 15

7 8 9 16 17

10 11 18


Samsung Corp ‘Essess Fashion’CIP/BIP/Ssangyong Oil CIP/Nation Life Insurance CIP/Busan SewonDepartment Store CIP/Cheil Jedang ‘Dasida’BIP/SamsungElectronics Soft Operation Division“NICES” BIP Orion’Choco-Pie’ Package Design/ObokFoods CIP & Package Design of WholeProductsDaehan Pulp ‘Bosomi’ BIP/WoobangTower Land BIP/Cheil Jedang ‘Sik-MoolNara’ BIP Binggrae Milk ‘SangQ, MilQ’ BIP/JinroStandard ‘Carlton Hill’/Daesang GroupFasion Mall ‘MESA’ BIPDaehan Pulp ‘Clean Nara’ BIP/Jinro‘Chamnamutong Malgun Soju’BIP/Daesang Group CIPDoosan Majunag BIP/Obstetrician ‘Future& Hope’ HIP/Jinro Soju ‘Chamjin Yiseulo’BIPDoosan Bears CIP Renewal/Amore Pacific‘Innisfree’ BIP/Samil Pharm CIPMyungdong Clothes Cosmetics ‘Todacosa’BIP/Sungshimdang BIP Renewal ‘Chongga Jip’ BIP Renewal/Doosan Liquor‘Chung Ha’ BIP Renewal Sampyo Soy Sauce BIP Renewal/DoosanLiquor ‘San’ BIP/LG Electronics ‘TROMM’BIPKT&G ‘Raison’ BIP/LG Electronics PDPTV‘XCANVAS’ Logo Design Renewal Amore Pacific Health Food BIPRenewal/Evezary CIP RenewalHanmi ‘KongDoo’ BIP/Doosan Liquor‘Peers Club’ BIP/Kookmin Bank PB‘GOLD&WISE’ BIPChungpung ‘MUGU’ BIP/Daewoo Apt‘iaan’ BIP/Lotte Chilsung Cup Coffee ‘Twoin Love’ BIPCJ ‘Beat’ BIP Renewal/Doosan Chongga‘Tufu Chongga’ BIP/Hankook Tire CIPAmore Pacific ‘Laneige Girl’ BIP/Nestle‘Taster’s Choice’ BIP Renewa/WoongjinRice-Cooker ‘CUCHEN’ BIP SomangCosmetics ‘BEAUTY CREDIT’ BIP Daesang Chung-Jung-Won ‘Sunchang’ BIPRenewal/Doosan Chongga “Chongga JipKimchi” BIP Renewal Hanmi ‘Wholly Grinded Whole Soy Milk’Package Renewal/Kwangjuyo Distilled Soju“Hwayo” BIPWinia BIP Renewal/DimchaeBIP/Hanssem ‘KITCHEN BACH’


Address 260-19 Itaewon-dong,Youngsan-gu, Seoul, Korea 140-202

Phone +82-02-797-7211Fax +82-02-797-7210e-mail [email protected] www.crosspoint.co.kr





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038 039

1 Navigation “INAVI UP”Thinkware Co.,Ltd2006 iF Design Award winner

2 Mobile Phone “A8”Amoisonic Electronics Co.,Ltd ChinaLaunched in 2001. Gold prize at “Innovative Product Design Award 2002 in China”8milion units were sold in total

3 Electronic Dictionary “RD-9000MP”SHARPLaunched in 2005

4 MP3 Player “iAUDIO U2”Cowon System Inc. Launched in 2004.2004 Top 100 Products from CNET

5 Smart phone “728”Yulong Computer Telecommunication Scientific Co.,Ltd ChinaLaunched in 2005

6 Robot, “URC(Ubiquitous Robot Companion)”ETRI, 2004


5 6


Established in 1992, Dadam DesignAssociates is one of the earliestprofessional product design consultingfirms in Korea. Dadam has long been engaged in theresearch and development industrialdesign, and is willing to provide full-rangedesign development services with thehighest quality to our clients.Headquartered in Seoul, a spot of worldleading fashion and high-tech industries,the company has 20 design experts withan average of over 10 years’ experiences inthe product design industry, and 5marketing professionals in both China andKorea. It is the energy and competitivenessbrought by superior yet differentiatedproduct designs that have altogetherdriven our company grow fast since itsinception.

The products we have consulted anddesigned cover a wide range of industries,including Telecommunication Products,Digital Networking Products,Entertainment Device, Display Products,Home Appliances, Medical Instruments, etc.

Dadam Design has built strategicpartnerships with companies around theworld by implementing “Soft Innovation”strategies, timely market responses andextensive industrial experiences.Accordingly, Dadam has grown up fast inthe last decade and emerged into the topclass of leading design consultingcompanies all over the world. Thecompany has sustained long-termrelationship with many global companiessuch as Samsung, Intel, LG, Phillips,Siemens, as well as big names in Chinasuch as Amoi, Huawei, ZTE, Konka,Panda, UTStarcom, Great-wall and so on.Many of our works have gained usexceptional reputation with various designawards.


Address 2nd Fl., Yang Bldg., 544-5 Dogok-dong, Kangnam-gu,Seoul, Korea 135-270

Phone +82-02-574-6050Fax +82-02-574-6070e-mail [email protected] www.dadam.com


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Company Description:A group of strategists with a very differentperspective

We live in an age of keen competition andthe world demands us to have a broaderview and an active mind. The ultimate goalis to become a group of strategists thatcan drive the creativeness and deliverdifferentiated service with a quite differentperspective. Keeping this in mind, westrive to see every object and everysituation with a new mind set. Ourcharacter is sustained by our youthfulhistory and originality that define the trueBlue, and will take us to new heights as weprepare for the future of design.

History of Designblue:2005- opened Designblue Branch in Shanghai - established Communication Blue

(Advertisement & Promotion)2004- Hanwha Group’s website won the 1st

prize for Enterprise Communicationawarded by the Ministry of Culture andTourism

-‘Tous les Jours’ website won the 1st prizefor the Website of the Year voted by KIDP

- won the Gold Medal at the Web Awardhosted by Tous les Jours Impress

2003- opened Designblue Branches at Shilla

hotel in Jangchung-dong and Jejudo- held the 4th Public Contest of Korean

Designers’ Self Promotions 2001- ‘Lunchbox’ episode of Designblue’s Diary

won the Finalist in Asian Graphic Award- won the Finalist for Cyber Advertising

Awards at Cannes InternationalAdvertisement Festival

2000- held ‘i2001’, the 1st Public Contest of

Graduation Works of Design College1999- Designblue Inc. was founded


Address Designblue Bldg., 77-1Nonhyun-dong, Gangnam-gu,Seoul, Korea 135-120

Phone +82-02-515-6333Fax +82-02-546-8304e-mail [email protected] www.designblue.co.kr






1 Client: yoo-KProject: yoo-K brochure

2 Client: Samsung CorporationProject: RAEMIAN 2005 Ubiquitous

3 Client: VOGUE ChinaProject: VOGUE China CF

4 Client: THE SHILLAProject: 2004 Seoul Catalogue

5 Client: HanwhaProject: Hanwha Website RenewalURL: www.hanwha.co.krAward: Minister of Culture and Tourism GrandAward for 2004 Business Communication,Sponsored by Ministry of Culture;2004

6 Client: Hanssem InteriorProject: Hanssem Website RenewalURL: www.hanssem.co.kr


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042 043

1 $100 LaptopDesign Continuum and MIT Media Lab has designed aprototype of a $100 laptop, a compact, durable, no-frillslaptop. With a hand crank, the laptop will be usable even inelectricity-free areas.Client: MIT Media Lab, 2005-present

2 Siemens SF65 Camera PhoneClient: CellON, 20042005 Chicago Athenaeum, Good Design Award

3 Samsung Techwin UF-80 Digital PresenterClient: Samsung Techwin, 20042005 IDEA, Silver Award2004 Chicago Athenaeum, Good Design Award

4 NIH PediSedateAnesthetic gas delivery system for childrenClient: NIH (National Institute of Health), 2004

5 Samsung SDI Vixlim Slim-type CRT TVPromotion purpose design concepts for new slim type CRT technologyClient: Samsung SDI, 2004



Philosophy and Introduction:We turn our passion for understandingpeople into inspired strategy,breakthrough in product design &compelling brand experiences.

Transforming Business through Design At Design Continuum, our integratedteams of researchers, strategists,designers and technical specialists focuson design, strategy, product and branddevelopment that achieves our clients’business objectives.We bring consumer, technology andmedical innovations to market readiness.We help develop new ideas and breathenew life into old ones.We connect consumers to companiesthrough every conceivable avenue.Most importantly, we do our homeworkand we make sure what we deliver willresonate in the marketplace.

Reference·Founded: 1983·Global offices: Boston, Milan and Seoul·Honors: 175+ awards for outstanding

innovation. Recent awards include;Industrial Design Excellence Awards(IDEA), iF Award China, Red Dot, I.D.Magazine Design Review, ChicagoAthenaeum Good Design Awards, andmany more.


Address 98-12 Pyungchang-dong,Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea 110-846

Phone +82-02-720-7178Fax +82-02-720-3702e-mail [email protected] www.dcontinuum.co.kr







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044 045


Company Description:For the past 15 years, D&C has been one ofthe leading design companies in Koreaproviding Total Design Service in areas ofconfectionary, electronics, foods andfinance. This company creates its uniquedesign style by pursuing values includinginnovation, human, communication andpleasure. The company’s best professionalgroup, well-planned design system andknow-how make win-win partnershippossible.

Company History & Winning Awards:1990. 7 D&C was launched1993. 12 Acquired qualification for official

industrial design firm (Korea Authorized Design FirmsAssociation Membership)

1999. 9 Secured business cooperationwith GK Graphics Inc. in Japan

1994~1997/1999/2001~2005Won KOREA PACKSTAR Award(Package Design Award)


Address 3-4Fl.m Dong-Woo Bldg., 426-19 Gongdeok-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea

Phone +82-02-326-2636Fax +82-02-333-4820e-mail [email protected] www.designdnc.co.kr



& C









1 “World Cup Time”/KT&G CORPORATION/2002:Concept-Dynamic Korea:Tobacco series released for 2002 FIFA WORLD CUPKOREA/JAPAN:Harmonizing dynamic aspects of traditional Korean danceand soccer







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046 047

1 2005 BENETTON KoreaKorean Site for world wide fashion brand-BENETTONCreated advanced image of Benetton using splendid colors, appropriatelayout, and simple but clear motion.

2 2004 GQ KoreaKorean Site for GQ (World wide men magazine)Established new online identity by providing unique structure that fits wellto target users who are fashionable and sensuous.

3 2005 Samsung Electronics SGH-X620Global Promotion Site for SGH-X620 (Mobile phone)Emphasized sophisticated image of the product by visualizing dot, line andplane.

4 2005 Samsung Electronics YP-T8Global Promotion Site for MP3 player YP-T8Theme in ‘Sound and Picture’, New approach that applies worldwide trend-hybrid image into site.

5 2005 LG CYONBrand PR Site for CYON-LG’s mobile brandAdapted Flash for the first time for Electronics Brand Site, CYON’s uniqueidea that interactively shows various information.

6 2005 Samsung Electronics YH-J70Global Promotion Site for Hard type MP3 player YH-J70Provide new experiences to customers by interpreting the function ofproduct using graphic & story telling.


Philosophy and Introduction:Designfever: the CREATIVE MINORITY

Design Fever, established in 2000, is acreative consulting group that makes freshideas and qualified designs for new media‘CREATIVE MINORITY’, which is thephilosophy and motivation of DesignFever. Wherever it is in media or device,we do our best to be creative in the projectthat requires design. We publicize all theportfolios from the past 6 years, thatshows we have done our best and havemade good quality in every project.Every year, all employees go abroad for aworkshop and participate in internationaldesign conferences. We share fun and weare the most prestigious agency forcreativity.

Reference:·Samsung Electronics: Mobile &Telematics GUI/CES2006 Las Vegas Z5Exhibition Booth Design/CES2006 LasVegas YM-P1 Moving Picture forExhibition/Mobile Global PromotionSite/MP3 player Global Promotion Site·SK elecom Membership Site/UTO Site·LG CYON Brand Site·BENETTON KoreaBrand Site·VOGUE Korea Site·GQKorea Site·Yahoo! Local Search Site·Thefilm of TaeGukGi (Brotherhood of War) PRSite·Warner Music CF MANIA TV CF

Awards·Web Award Korea 2005 for Brand, finalist

BENETTON Korea·Web Award Korea 2005 for Service, finalist

SKT Membership·KeBIA Award 2005 Greatest Award,

Samsung Electronics YH-J70·KeBIA Award 2005 for Company PR,

LG CYON·fwa: favorite website awards (usa) Great

Site, Samsung Electronics YH-J70·2005 Good Design Web winner, Samsung

Electronics YH-J70·2005 Good Design Web winner, LG CYON·Web Award Korea 2004 for Media,

Gold Medal VOGUE Korea·Web Award Korea 2004 for Media,

Silver Medal GQ Korea·Web Award Korea 2004 for

Entertainment, Great Site TaeGukGi(The brotherhood of War)


Address 3rd Fl., Tae-il Bldg., 343-19Seokyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea 121-837

Phone +82-02-325-2767Fax +82-02-325-2012URL www.designfever.com











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048 049

1 19” LCD Computer FlatopClient: ATEC, 2004Venture Design Award Gold Prize

2 Home Network SystemClient: Seoulcommtec, 2004IF award

3 MP3 Cellular Phone DesignMall, 2004Korea Industrial Design Award Gold Prize

4 Kimchi Refrigerator Dimchae Client: Mando Wonia, 2004Good Design Awrd

5 Bluetooth HeadsetClient: Scurecorp, 2003Venture Design Award Silver Prize

6 Multi-Ski carrier TRSClient: NDL, 2005Geneva Supplies Exhibition Gold Prize(Sports supplies Division)Good Design AwardVenture award Gold PrizeKorea Industrial Design Award Gold Prize


Introduction to DesignMall:DesignMall is consulting firm for productinnovation and design with “Big Idea”.

Through twelve years, we developed originative designs ofnumerous hit products for our clientsinside and outside the country. We considered clients’ expectations ofachieving their goals through design &development. For each client, we create and bring outsuccessful Product Innovation with ourexcellent Design services.

Philosophy:Integrated logic technologies, ethicresponsibilities, magic ideas to createproduct such as look good, feel good andgood stories.

Mission:We are the bridge for connecting client’sNow and Future to help for achieving thesuccessful business.

Vision:We will be the word-wide first classProduct Innovation Consulting Company.

History of DesignMall:·1994

Foundation to DesignMall ·2000

Trade Day-Contribution to exportproduct design awarded - Minister prize of Commerce Industry

and Energy·2002

Design Business Model Contestawarded Korea intellectual PropertyOffice commissioner prize

·2003Korea Design & Brand award Presidentof Korea prize

·2005Korea Industrial Technology Associationquotation Company Research Center(No. 20052093)Korea institute of Design Promotionawarded Korea Top Design Studio(from 1998)


Address 4th Fl., Woomeong Bldg., 1617-38 Seocho-dongSeocho-gu, Seoul, Korea

Phone +82-02-597-1306Fax +82-02-597-1308e-mail [email protected] www.designmall.com











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050 051

1 Hi Seoul The design projects an active, friendly image for acampaign to boost pride in the capital city.

2 KIST (Korean Institute of Science and Technology)The design makes effective use of “I” and “1” toproject and image of confidence and openness atKorea’s finest research organization.

3 Kyobo LifeAn image of new life, a bird, and fruition project animage of the preciousness of life and respect forsuch, for Kyobo Life Insurance.

4 ARIRANG BroadcastingThe streamline design projects Korea’s English-language channel as modern, cultural, intellectualand sophisticated, and the use of small lettersindicates a viewer-and culture-oriented image.


Philosophy and Introduction:Established in 1984, Design Park has ledthe CI and BI industry in Korea on thebasis of its philosophy of “second to nonein creativity.”

Through extensive cultural and marketanalysis, the company readily graspscorporate, market and consumer trends todevelop the finest in scientifically definedand effective strategies. Such approacheshave led to the successful corporate andimage marketing for over 400 clients.Designpark also employs a highly effectiveand systematic branding service systemfor strategic identity consulting, andconsequently, in cooperation withcorporations, conducts in-depth identityresearch and, as a result, strong brands.

Design PARK:- P for the basic passion to develop

outstanding brands- A for developing strategies ahead of

everyone else- R for the realization of creative dreams- K for the know-how that is continuously

renewed and applied to each project


Address 4Fl., Dongsung Art Center,1-5 Dongsung-dong,Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea 110-510

Phone +82-02-708-1721 Fax +82-02-708-1777e-mail [email protected] www.designpark.co.kr









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052 053

1 This noodle taste bases on soybean pastewhich is very different from other noodles sowe focused our thoughts on how we expressedthat and also this noodle is for younggeneration therefore we created our designs toappeal to them.

2 Client wanted to appeal young generationfemale with a sense of both the tradition andthe present therefore we tried to find detailelements to express their wants. This designhas both sides of sense.

3 This product is a beverage for younggeneration but the previous design was a littlebit old-style, so we did our best to create a funand young image for target consumers.


Philosophy and Introduction:With the goal to be the best communicatorfor both consumers and clients, DesignPeople always try to do our best! Wemanage all kinds of product design ofyours with our own know-how.

We had been founded as I&D first in 1996,then the Design People Corporation wasestablished in 2001 to focus on creativityand professional mind. We provide highquality works for C.I.(Corporate Identity),B.I.(Brand Identity) and package Design.We let clients have an opportunity toexperience the best design with highsensitive creativity and also to have strongwill about environment. We alwayswelcome clients to work with us.

Reference:1996. 12 Establish I&D 1998. 03 Acquisition of license for design

specialty by ministry ofcommerce, industry and Energy

1999. 09 Strengthen the marketing team2000. 10 Winning the prize in a part of

medical supplies in 9th Koreanpackage design award

2001. 04 Establish Design People Ltd.


Address 396-3 Segyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea

Phone +82-02-336-0639 Fax +82-02-336-0341e-mail [email protected] www.dpeople.co.kr








Page 28: 2006_Whoswho


1 Dongwon F&B “Chaaein” 2005Jasmine Greentea, Sawollae Greentea,GyeoulaeBlacktea, Chrysanthemum teaIt is made to be oriental and recognizable easily.It also considered reliability and features ofproducts, and pursues the fashioning of drinks bytargeting on men and women in twenties.

2 Clorox Korea “Combat Speed” 2004

3 Maeil “Del’z” 2003Orange, Aloe, Mango

4 Aekyung “Home Clinic” 2005BI System & Package Design

5 KT&G “ESSE Field/One” 2004Vivid life leading in super slim cigarettesAbosolute value leading in super slim cigarettes


Designtouch has brought up newpossibility which can introduce enterpriseand Brand Package Design into specializedand creative image of a company.Above all, based on wide experiences andresults in the field of Brand PackageDesign, we are performing successfully asa communicator which connectsenterprises and consumers with the beststrategy.We carry out a strategic Visual MarketingCommunication in order to consolidateand develop enterprises and brands.

Reference:Established Designtouch in February 1992·No. 14 of Certified Industrial Design

Specialized Company·Korea Design Firms Association·Korea Package Design Association·Korea Package Design Institute


Address 2nd Fl., Nexus Bldg., 68-11 Nonhyun-2dong, Kangnam-gu, Seoul,Korea

Phone +82-02-3443-1543/4Fax +82-02-3443-1545e-mail [email protected] www.detouch.co.kr










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056 057

1 Waterline (2005) Client: Pulmuone WatersIt is Natural Mineral Water that has a plenty of calcium and various minerals by being drew up and purified fromsubterranean water.It helps maintaining health of family and the women’s beautiful bodies.The design for this water product is based on the motive of pure, clean and live-active water drop.And it is metropolitan design with refined and fashionable sense.Also it means the helpful water for women’s health who love their body and their life as contemporary city women.

2 Aora (2005)/Client: Kooksoondang

3 Heal Green (2005)/Client: Choheung

4 Hoasen (2003)/Client: SP Food

5 Swan Carpet (2004)/Client: Hyosung

6 Lotte Castle (2001)/Client: Lotte E&C

7 Potato Chip (2005)/Client: Lotte Confectionery

8 Beta Blue (2005)/Client: Lotte Confectionery

9 Blue Chip (2005)/Client: Aekyungd

DITO DESIGN which has planners anddesigners who have various marketingcommunication know-how is goingforward to thorough marketingcommunications and consumer-orienteddesign marketings. We have good partnerships with ourclients based on global level of design andstrategic solutions with understandingclient’s needs and world trends inCorporate Identity, Brand Identity, PackageDesign areas as below domestic andinternational winning of prizes.Also we are doing our best to improve anddevelop the domestic design quality.

Awards:The New York Festivals·Bronze Worldmedal

Let’s Be Package Design (1994)/Lotte Chilsung Beverage Impression B.I(1998)/NamYeung L&F·Finalist

Lotte Castle B.I/Lotte E&C

Pinnacle Award·Grand Award

Impression B.I (1998)/NamYeung L&F·Finalist

Tinkerbell Package Design (1997)/OXY

Korea Packstar Award·Let’s Be Package Design

(1994)/Lotte Chilsung Beverage·Barocaffe Package Design

(1999)/Goutiers·Tamlla Dosaegi Package Design

(2001)/Lotte Ham&Milk·Waterline Package Design

(2005)/Pulmuone Waters


Address 4th Fl., Myungmin Bldg.,525-27 Shinsa-dong, Kangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea 135-888

Phone +82-02-3446-0971/2Fax +82-02-3446-0973e-mail [email protected] www.idito.com


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058 059

1 2004 “GICO” CIGyeonggi Innovation Corporate (GICO)’s symbolmark ‘G’ is visualized from the words both Gyeonggiand Global. As we use a rising arrow which surroundsthe circle, we expresses the GICO’s will-combiningand developing not only Gyeonggi-do but the earthwith a development which is able to continue with thecycle of nature.

2 2004 “SAMSUN Logics” CISamsun Logics Corporation’s CI expresses theirintention as an integrated worldwide tradingcompany holding creativity and enterprising spirit.With dazzling red color, this symbol could make thecompany speak out their entrepreneurship to take offto a great company and an adventurous spirit thatnever fear for failure and add cultivatedinternationalism.

3 2005 “Dream Bay MASAN” BIsymbol mark visualizes the mean of “Dream Bay” toa shape of highly excited person. It presents their willtoward future growth and Masan Citizens whobecome happier with that growth.

4 2005 “DAESANG” CIDaesang’s logotype visualizes the Chinese character “大”means big and is used for Daesang’s Chinese name-and anelephant’s ivory and is developed to the Chinese character“人” means people-which resembles two persons dependingeach other. The logotype’s gold color means the future whichpeople raise and share their attaining together and thisreformed Gothic type shows their modernized and prospectiveimage.

5 2005 “CASS” BICass BI visualizes ‘TOK!’, a concept of Cass, through thosekeywords; youth, vitality and freshness. This expresses the‘TOK!’ through strong blast (Big Bang) and light divergingpattern and presents dynamic image and freshness of youththrough tilted logotype.

6 2003 “OB” BIOB BI expresses the ‘Korean representative beer motivatingreal fellowship’ with those keywords refreshment, activity andmembership as Korean. The iceberg pattern which is used theshape of the freezing ice indicates the fresh taste of OB beer.Also the ‘Taegeuk’ design, two huge commas united to make aperfect circle, is applied to emphasize the beer as a Koreanrepresentative one.


Introduction:Domuspartners is best integratedBranding Communication Company indomestic, such as from building strategyfor enforcing and developing corporateand brand asset, in addition creatingidentity and doing integrated progressaccorded with every communication insystematic guide.


Address 3rd Fl., Soosan Bldg., 82-13 Nonhyun-2dong, Kangnam-gu,Seoul, Korea 135-818

Phone +82-02-545-1971 Fax +82-02-545-0922e-mail [email protected] www.domuspartners.com



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1 SAMSUNG overseas exhibition website: Comdex (2001)

2 SAMSUNG Electronics Matrix phone microsite (2003)-London International Advertising Award

3 SAMSUNG Brand campaign 2phase “imagine” (2005)

4 SAMSUNG.com (2003-2005)/Brand 2phase online consulting (2005)

5 Honda Korea website (2004)

6 SAMSUNG overseas exhibition website and offline promotion: CeBIT 2005

7 SAMSUNG Mobile D500 (2004)

8 SAMSUNG DigitAll 2003

9 SAMSUNG Mobile & Olympic 2006 Torino Winter Games Promotion site (2006)

10 Iriver.com: Iriver eBranding Project (2004-2005)

11 Hana bank & Seoul bank site integration (2002)

12 SAMSUNG DTV portal screen GUI, PUI (2005)

13 SAMSUNG AnycallLand.com (2005)

14 SKY IM-U100, U110 GUI (2006)Client: SKY Telech

15 Project name: SAMSUNG Mobile products microsite: z107 (2004)Client: SAMSUNG


d’trict d’fines d’gital:D’strict provides creative consulting withits visualized digital solutions to globalcompanies. We are carrying out variousbusiness activities including identityintegration of digital media brands, UI andGUI development for new devices, brandpromotion for new media, and creativedevelopment for the devices of the nextgeneration. Also we are conductingspecialized research activities with specialtask forces such as Flash EngineeringTeam, Visual Producing Team, and UserResearch Team for specialized R&D.As one of the world’s best digital creativecompanies, we have been very excited toextend the frontiers of new media.

Superstar-level staff with the best referenceand know-how in the country includingcreative directors Junhan Kim and EunseokChey presents the brand value of d’strict.Not limiting ourselves as media specialistsof specific fields, d’strict is developing intoa world-wide specialist organization thatconsults display-based visual outputs.

Reference·Online promotion-web, cd-rom, movie

SAMSUNG Mobile & Olympic 2006Torino Winter GamesSAMSUNG Mobile Promotion MicroSites (2003~2006)Anycall.com/Anycall Land.com (2005)SAMSUNG funclub.com UK project(2005-2006)SAMSUNG overseas exhibition web siteand offline promotion (2001-2005)Samsung.com Brand 2nd OnlineGuideline (2005)Iriver eBranding Project (2004-2005)Honda Korea site (2004)Nate.com (2003)Lotte E-store (2003)

·Mobile UI/GUI projectSKY Teletech IM-U110, U100-GUI(2006)SK Telecom 1 mm (2005)SK Telecom-Melon Expert (2005)SAMSUNG DTV portal screen GUI, PUI(2005)SK Telecom Nate on (PC, Phone, PDA)(2003)


Address 4-5th Fl., Dongsung Bldg., 95-14 Nonhyeun-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea

Phone +82-02-515-5456Fax +82-02-515-5256e-mail [email protected] www.dstrict.com














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062 063

1 2005 “Qee Toys” LaneCrawford HongKong Department

2 2005 “Fashion Ripple” LaneCrawford HongKong Department

3 2005 “Fashion Ripple” LaneCrawford HongKong Department

4 2005 “Qee Toys” LaneCrawford HongKong Department

5 2005 “Mouse Spa” Amore-Spa, Avenuel, Lotte Department

6 2005 “Amore Green” Amore-Spa, Avenuel, Lotte Department


Design Philosophy:FLUR aims to recover the dignity of theworld centering on material and humanbeings and to return to the age ofinnocence through a combination oftechnology, media and space on the basisof design concept. And it intends to usetechnology to create space that canrecover the dignity and innocence ofhuman beings through more creative andelementary thoughts.

Meaning of FLUR:FLUR is a combination of “Flux of thePixels” and “Blur the Boundaries” <Flux of the Pixels>This means the fluid flow of pixels, themost fundamental units of digital imageexpression. FLUR aims to realize the future culturemany people have been dreaming of as thepresent culture through digital imageprocessing that enables an indefiniteexpression of imagination. <Blur the Boundaries>This means indefinite expansion andgrowth by crossing over the boundariesbetween areas. The world gives meaning to each otherand we come to have much more powerthrough communicating, harmonizing andevolving in all areas including society, theeconomy and culture.

Business Area:<Manufacture of Interactive Media andSpace Design>We satisfy the customer’s various needsaccording to applied space and designmethods using RMS (Reactive Motion-graphic Solution/patent pending)developed by FLUR for the first time in thenation. (Fairs,museums, showrooms,science museums, overseas exhibitions) <Supply of Advertisement BusinessServices and Solutions>We provide an integrated advertisementsystem for business activities using I.A.S.(Interactive-integration AdvertisementSystem/patent pending) developed by us. <Establishment of Space systemIntegration Construction>We realize space integration systems forthe digital convergence age such as anintegrated building management system,parking control system, etc.


Address 4th Fl., Yongho Bldg., Dogok-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea

Phone +82-02-529-0991 Fax +82-02-529-0442e-mail [email protected] www.flur.co.kr



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064 065

1 KT/VOIP Phone (2003)

2 Decolee/Ess-Board (2003)Ess-Board is brand new type of Leisure-Sports supply. It thrusts power by twisting energy like rowing.It has designed for the cover changing manually and decoratively, or tunning it. And It is well-designed product for easy-moving in backpack ways.

3 Samsung/Cordless Phone SP-C757 (2003)

4 Komelon/Finger Protecter measuring tape (2004)

5 Samsung/Humidifier HU-5050S (2004)


Philosophy:FusionDesign, started in 1998, Seoul, isdesign consultancy that providesinnovative solutions in product design,graphic design, GUI and multimediadesign. Based on our work experienceswith prominent companies like SamsungElertronics, especially in product design,FusionDesign participates from thebeginning phase of product planningthrough concurrent engineering with theclient. Our final goal is to developsuccessful design and create experiencefor the user.Our understanding of human desire andbehavior comes from various productdesign experiences and knowledge.FusionDesign’s ideology focuses not onlyon economical value but also on culturalvalue through ‘Successful Design’.

Experience the successful business withFusionDesign.


Address 3nd Fl., Art Bldg., 1449-1 Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea

Phone +82-02-583-0793 Fax +82-02-583-0796e-mail [email protected] www.fusiondesign.co.kr








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066 067

1 Komaco Chuncheon Training Institute (2005)Locate: Seo-myeon Chuncheon-si Gangwon-do

Designer thought out two axises which divide north with west, east with west, from theorganic shape like a kidney bean. The two axises can be seen from the outside not as the direction of mass but as theexposed concrete wall with absent minded look. As the face of nature is changed along the directions, the building also has many looksbecause of these axises. These axises resolved in the space survive in the building.There is a corridor in the deepest spot of building filled with the power of nature. Thecorridor is straight and long like the extension of axis, as was expected.Long journey of light on it presents even piety as well as interest. The corridor really makes us stand between tension and interest. It is just the creative training institute of Komaco, Korea making communicationcompany.

2 Korea Institute of Science and Technology (2004)Locate: Wolgok-dong Seongbuk-gu Seoul

3 Midas Valley Golf ClubLocate: Gapyung

4 ‘Hendi’ the building-President Room(2004)Locate: Hannam-dong Yongsan-gu Seoul


Introduction:HENDI has began to create the new spacewith the philosophy of “HumanEnvironmental Design”.It has been working in pursuit ofArchiterior which is an unified concept ofArchitecture and Interior. Our professional staffs are ready to assistyou in all phases of interior designcoordination as well as exterior design forthe better space of human beings.With the experience of 40 year, Ourinterior design can guide you commercialor residential remodeling project from theground up. So long as the space is being, HENDI willkeep on making the efforts.

Reference History:1966 Establihed “Dae Jin Design

Institute”1974 Change the name of the above

institute to “Bin Son Interior DesignInstitute”

1975 Change the name of the aboveinstitute to “HENDI: HumanEnvironmental Design institute”

1980 Move into Shin Dang-Dong office1985 Reorganize into Corporation

“HENDI CORP”1986 Acquired the License of a Koea

Specialty Construction. (Inerior Construction)

1987 Construct the Building of aCompany at Shin Dang-Dong

1995 Found Corporation in China “JILINHENDI Engineering Co,.LTD,”

1998 Acquired the “ISO 9001” (Korean Standards Association-Quality Assurance)

2004 Construct the Building of aComoany at Han Nam-Dong


Address 1-90 Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea

Phone +82-02-2252-4466 Fax +82-02-2252-9908e-mail [email protected] www.hendi.co.kr





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068 069

1 Hanwha Stores. Co.Galleria Department Store Visual Identity RenewalProject

2 Hotel Shilla-Bakery ‘Artisee’Visual Identity (Packaging) Project

3 Leeum, Samsung Museum of ArtArchitecture Guide Book

4 Leeum, Samsung Museum of ArtNews Letter

5 Hanwha Group2004 Annual Report

6 Cultural Heritage AdministrationChangdeokgung Guide Leaflet

7 Samsung Electronics2003 Annual Report

8 AmorePacificMonthly Beauty Magazine ‘Estheraphy’


Introduction:Hongdesign is the creative group thatdesign print graphics, publications,identities, packaging and signage. We create all the time.

Awards:·Samsung Electronic Annual Report of

2003, 2004 :the Gold Award at the International ARCAwards (in electronic companies &systems: other countries)

·Hanwha Group Annual Report of 2004:the Bronze Award at the GalaxyAwards(in AR design category)

·KT Annual Report of 2004:the Broze Award at the InternationalARC Awards(in telecommunication:other countries)

·Samsung SDS Brochure 2004:Awarded at the 14th KoreaCommunications Awards 2004

·Hotel Shiila Bakery ‘Artisee’:Awarded at the British Design & ArtDirectors Club 2005 (VisualIdentity/Packging)

Reference:- Founded in 01.November.1994- Registered Publication Business in

20. May. 1997


Address 153-14 Samseong1-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea 135-878

Phone +82-02-555-4428/4750 Fax +82-02-555-4478e-mail [email protected]

[email protected] www.hongdesign.com












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070 071

1 Samsung Torino 2006 Olympic Winter Games Website (2006)

2 Corporate Branding Microsite for Daum Communications (2004)

3 Ozfactory/3D Contents & Solution Division of Imagedrome

4 Movie Portal ‘nkino 3.0’ Website Design Renewal (2005)

5 Samsung Life Insurance Website Renewal (2003)


Introduction:Imagedrome is a leading e-serviceconsultancy providing digital businessstrategies and solutions, creative designproducts, and cutting-edge informationtechnology.

Since its establishment in 1995, we haveprovided the wide range of services toidentify, design, develop and deploy digitalstrategies and solutions for the leadingcompanies and startup businesses inKorea. We know the right way to leadclients’ digital businesses to success.Our brilliant human resources and theiraccumulated knowledge and experienceallow our clients to be confident in success.

Imagedrome is more than an e-serviceconsultancy. We play a role as a businessincubator creating new digital businessmodels to be an Internet innovator groupthat leads the changes of emergingeconomic paradigms of the 21st century.Digital technology revolutionizes themethods of communication by whichcompanies communicate with the world.

Imagedrome supports clients by providingthem with visions, strategies, solutions,implementation tools, and auditing toolsthat enable clients to commune with theircustomers, the world, in new ways ofcommunication.

Business Divisions:Imagedrome is a full service e-businessconsultancy, offering total businesssolutions including the initiative, innovativedigital business strategy, creative digitalmedia design and content, state-of-the-artsystem and information technology.·e-Business Division:

Creative online business consulting,modeling, building and incubating·Creative Implementation Division:

Online strategy & planning, userinterface design, websiteimplementation, multimedia design andcreative application development·Oz Factory Division:

High-quality 3D modeling, rendering,animation products & services.(OzFactory has more than 1,000 highquality NURBS modeling properties.)


Address #202, Daekwang Bldg., 552-22 Dogok-1dong,Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea

Phone +82-02-572-1257 Fax +82-02-572-1254e-mail [email protected] www.imagedrome.com









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072 073

1 Promotion Brochure for a new recruit of Samsung, 1996

2 Brochure For Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance, 1996

3 Naming and identity for the Raon Golf Club, 2003

4 New identity for the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family(MOGEF), 2005

5 SK Telecom V.I.P Magazine 「it」, 2003~2005Bronze Prize won at the 2004 Astrid AwardsSilver and Bronze Prize won at the 2005 Astrid Awards

6 Brochure for KIA MOTORS, 2004Silver Prize won at the 2005 Galaxy Awards

7 One of the results of <Design Culture Movement> project with “DOG·GOD” as a theme, 2005

8 Brochure for Samsung Corporation, 2005


I&I is a design editing studio establishedby a first-generation art director of Korea’publication design in 1991.

We seeks for new definitions for each ofour design works. We invest in variouscommunication measures, find theoptimal intersection between design andindustries, and select the most effectivemeasure, so our clients can be loved byusing our designs. This is how we look atdesigns and the spirits of our designerswho have accomplished honorableoutcomes in the keen competitions ofartistic and academic sectors.

In general, our method to formulate adesign concept takes the following steps :

To be prepared to approach It isimportant to recognize what the client’sobjective is. To begin with, what is said should beattentively listened to. To get into conversation Project managersor interested parties, designers, and editorshave a conversation with each other. To practice meditation Going in formeditation in a lonely space helps us delve into the nature of the project, lettingour imagination run wild. To get focused and immersed. To ask why and get verification Thefollowing questions are asked : “Is it trulybased on objectivity?” and “Isn’t the truenature being missed?”To stake self-respect, or to imagine whatthe face of an angry client is like It isneeded to think again to see if it lendsitself to maintaining the pride of I&I.

We believe design is not mere handiworkto express objects through visual means,but a process of defining a problem andfinding effective communication measuresfor fluent visual communications and cleargoals. So we aim for design works that arenot merely given projects, but educationmodels to advance a bright future ofKorea’ visual communications.


Address 13-22 Nonhyun-dong, Kangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea 135-010

Phone +82-02-549-7800Fax +82-02-549-2151e-mail [email protected] www.ii.co.kr


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074 075

1 Eine Kleine (2004) Music EducationInstitution for kids, which encapsulatestunes of musical instruments

2 Hyundai Department Store Renewal(2005) Children clothing, game & toyshops and kids resting room,motivated funny and organic forms

3 Deep courtyard (2002) country housecourtyard for the disable

4 Le club de Vin (2003) wine shop andacademic house originated fromShanghai in the late Ch’ing Dynasty


Philosophy of Design:Good design obtains three characteristics.Design with joyfulness, with truth and withmoving. Design with moving is the bestamong them. How wonderful design couldmake people to be touched. This is thevery reason that design can make changesthe world. IMONGGIGA starts its designworks on the basis of technical expertise toaccomplish design structure, formativeperfection and above all, humanities’imagination. Those are its powerful toolsto complete design and functions beyondphysical boundary.

History:1998 establishment of Enkeidesign2003 Golden Scale Award 2003

(new figure)2004 raising a house with dream, change

the company name to IMONGGIGACo., Ltd.


Address Seocho Bldg., 1487-3 Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea

Phone +82-02-514-7525 Fax +82-02-514-7415e-mail [email protected] www.imgg.co.kr





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1 MP3 Player N10, ReigncomThis pendant-style MP3 player straddles the line between fashion andtechnology. Utilizing a combined necklace and headphone cord givesthis player the jewelry look, while the innovative OLED display gives theinterface a clean, simple look. Red Dot Design Award Winner, GermanyDesign Zentrum, 2005

2 MP3 Player iFP 1000, ReigncomThe original IFP-100 has become one of iRiver’s signature products, andthis player (IFP-1000) picks up on the styling of the original and addssome great new features. The addition of a clever pop-out camera andcolor screen means the player can be used for taking and viewing photosin addition to its usual MP3 capabilities. Silver Award, IDEA (IndustrialDesign Excellence Awards), 2005

3 Young Kim Teaguk Collection, T-Line

4 LobsterUniquely designed gas burner that can be lit by opening the lobster’slegs-highly convenient and easily storable. Gold Award, IDEA (IndustrialDesign Excellence Awards), 1993

5 Protech, Hard Case Golf Bag Even for long hull flights, this hard-case golf bag is safe and convenient.This is the first product that adopted the “Design First” concept-designerpresenting an idea to a company.The Best Product of the year, Business Week, 1990Bronze Award, IDEA (Industrial Design Excellence Awards), 1991


5 i

INNODESIGN Inc. is a professionaldesign consulting group founded in 1985in Silicon Valley, U.S.A. With a profoundunderstanding of technology and leadingtrends in the market, INNODESIGN isactively conducting business throughdesign consultation for major globalcompanies.INNODESIGN has always stayed one stepahead by innovating the designer/clientrelationship. Our unique process, called“Design First”, proposes design ideas toour client companies before they come tous with specifications and firm productplans. This allows creativity and innovativeideas to set the company’s direction, andresults in their products leading themarket. Partnering with our clients andinvesting in the initial design process hasreduced their risk and time, and makesINNODESIGN jointly responsible for theproduct’s success in the marketplace.

Rewarded Gold/Silver/Bronze Prize,IDEA(Industrial Design Excellence Award)Best Product Designer Twice, BusinessWeekRewarded Distinguished Service Medal,Korea Design and Brand Award, Ministryof Commerce, Industry and Energy Rewarded Silver Prize 2005,IDEA(Industrial Design Excellence Award)Rewarded Excellent Prize 2005, Red DotDesign AwardRewarded Excellent Prize 2006, iF DesignAward


Address 577 College Avenue, Palo Alto, California, 94306, U.S.A.

Phone +1-650-493-4666Fax +1-650-493-6198e-mail [email protected]

[email protected] www.innodesign.com


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078 079

1 Min Associates Website, 2004www.min.co.kr

2 Opening Title Movie for ‘IFI 2007 BUSAN CONGRESSINVITATION’, 2005 ‘JEONG’-beyond reason and sensibility

3 Sign System design for ‘HAYYIM’ Building, 2005

4 SK Telecom mobile service UI/GUI, 2004 ~ 2006NATE Service UI Guideline, Imagecall, MMS 4.0 UI, 1mmCizle Expert

5 KT WiBro service Launcher GUI for PDA or PC, 2006

6 Brand Consulting for ‘aAwoo’ service, 2005BI, Character System, Web UI/GUI, Mobile UI/GUI



About INNOIZ:INNOIZ is an Interaction Media groupfocused on consulting, informationarchitecture, user research, design andusability test in the Interaction Media Area. We design interaction, information,identity and experience.The goal of INNOIZ is to be a culturalinnovator, who designs innovativeexperience and leads culture.

Our Business Area:Interactive Media Consulting & Design1. User Research2. Brand Identity3. UI & IA Planning4. GUI Design/Interactive & Web5. Usability Test


Address 6th Fl., 476-21 Seokyo-dong,Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea 121-842

Phone +82-02-322-0142 Fax +82-02-322-2451e-mail [email protected] www.innoiz.com



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080 081

1 Title: Over The Limit (2005)Client: Samsung E&CClass: BrochureConcept: Bring Competence and performance into relief

2 Title: How does tomorrow feel? Client: Samsung ElectronicsClass: Annual ReportConcept: Samsung Electronics is the Leader of the Business, Design,and Everything

3 Title: DoveClient: UnileverClass: PackageConcept: Emphasize Doveness, Sense of Purity

4 Title: ZiplocClient: Korea JohnsonClass: PackageConcept: Localization, Emphasize Product Benefit

5 Title: Re VeiwClient: SK E&CClass: MagazineConcept: Life Trend Magazine for High Profile Audiences




Intergram is an award-winninginternational marketing design firmlocated in Seoul. Our multilingual team provides effectivesolutions for a diverse clientele seeking tointroduce new products and services,revitalize existing brands or update andreposition their image.

The project and client list include spaceidentity and implementation programs forSamsung worldwide factories, Samsungchildren’s museum, KT Plaza, SK Global:brand identity/packaging for Unilever,L’Oreal, Nissan, SmithKline Beecham, SCJhonson, Motorola, and SK Corporation:collaterals for P&G, Hermes, Benetton,Elle sports, Nestle, Citibank, Coca Cola,Samsung Electronics, Posco, SK Group,and Lotte Group.

We bring to each project a distinct creativeenergy seasoned with marketing savvytailored to the needs of each individualclient.


Address 2nd Fl., Intergram Bldg., 616-4 Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea 135-080

Phone +82-02-557-4963 Fax +82-02-508-5677e-mail [email protected] www.intergram.co.kr







Page 42: 2006_Whoswho


1 Dr. Ahn Plastic & Esthetic Clinic

2 Consulting Room

3 Motion Graphics on free-form wall

4 Main Signage for Entrance

5 Logo, Name Card & Brochure for Clinic


Philosophy and Introduction:Jay is working began its operation in year2000 as a design company providing anoverall design solution for space andvisual information. Under the firm beliefthat the most powerful marketing strategyis creating good designs, Jay is workingintegrated architectural and interiordesign, communication and visual mediadesign into a three-dimensional space. Asthe result, it is recognized as an authenticimage-creating group. Works of Jay isworking were presented in residential andcommercial spaces and cultural projects.The company has established thefoundation of complete multi-dimensionalidentity by unifying individual design fieldsunder single coherent concept.

Principals:Jang, Soon Gak, Concept Director & SpaceDesigner Graduated Hanyang UniversityMajoring in Architectural Design ObtainedMaster’s Degree at Universite de Paris ICompleted Courses for Doctor’s Degree atUniversite de Paris I Worked as a Designerat Paris AAR&A Established a DesignCompany, Jay is Working Served as anInterior Design Professor at HanyangUniversity Received JCD Silver Award,KOSID Designer of Year Award, etc.Invited to Seoul Living Design Fair as aGuest Designer Song, Jong Hyun, CreativeDirector & Visual Designer GraduatedEwha Womans University Majoring inVisual Information Design ObtainedMaster’s Degree at Parsons School ofDesign and Pratt Institute, New YorkWorked at Cheil Communications Servedas a Communication Design Professor atDaejeon University

Concept:Interior design for Dr. Ahn Plastic &Esthetic Clinic received KOSID (KoreanSociety of Interior Architects/Designers)Golden Scale Award in 2005. The designstrictly divides function and movementefficiency of the clinic under the concept of‘cyber-elegance.’ It maximizes dramaticaspects of the space by arranging naturaland antique atmosphere in the modernand high technical clinic environment.


Address Seocho Bldg., 1487-3 Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea 137-869

Phone +82-02-597-5902 Fax +82-02-597-5903e-mail [email protected] www.jiw.co.kr


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084 085

1 Naos Nova_ wine lounge_ design_ 2005

2 YongSuSan_ korean resturant_ design &construction_ 2004

3 De Vill ‘Wha, Su, Mok’_bar_design &construction_ 2004

4 noseungeun_ fashion shop_design &construction_ 1996

5 Tower Palace II _ penthouse_ design_ 2003

6 Tool Pub_ bar & karaoke_design &construction_ 2002

7 Nouvelle Cuisine ‘Gung’_fusionrestaurant_design & construction_ 1998




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Scope of work:Interior Architectural Design/Interior Construction/Construction Adminstration/Building Consultation/Design Standard Development/Residential design/Exhibition/Show Room Planning & Design/Fashion Retail Planning/Renovation/Adaptive Reuse/Product Design/Commercial Space Planning/Shop Consultation/Marketing Consultation/Programming & Space Plannig/CI, SI, BI/Graphic Design

Profile: Served as Professor, Graduate School ofArchitecture, Konkuk UniversityAdjunct Professor,Hansei UniversityDirector of Design for the Korean Societyof Interior Architects & Designers (KOSID)Director of KOSIDDesign Advisor to the OrganizingCommittee for the 2002 FIFA World Cup

Won the Ninth Environment and CultureAward of Korea (1998)Won the KOSID Awards (1994, 1997, 1998)Won the Great Masters Awards (1997, 1998, 2001, 2004)Won the Calmea Award of KOSID (2000)Won the Silver Prize of the JapaneseSociety of Commercial Space Designers(JCD) Design Award (2003)

Selected Artist at Oro D’ Autore in HongKong (1998)Simoni Oer Ricaldone Lorenzo-ItalyInvited Artist at Flowers Un Flore Per LaVita in Italy- Solo Exhibition

“A Tame Rabbit With Water & Bird”(Dukwon Gallery)“A Tame Rabbit” (Cho Sunghee Gallery)

- Duo Exhibition “Flesh” (Hanwon Museum of Art)


Address #20 UN Village, 1-253Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea

Phone +82-02-790-8140 Fax +82-02-790-8148e-mail [email protected] www.jeonshihyung.com


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086 087

1 IC TECH Co., Ltd./2002Far Infrared Halogen Heater2002 Good Design2002 Success Design

2 ISTEK Co., Ltd./2005Portable Multi Meter2005 Design Venture Bronze prize2005 Good Design

3 EINTECH Co., Ltd./2004Personal Multi-Media Player (Rotate Type/Slide Type)

4 vietor DEOCOM Co., Ltd./2003HMD(Head Mounted Display)2003 Design Venture Business Model Gold prize

5 petRIVALKOREA Co., Ltd./2004Multi Media Robot With Wireless Communication


Kahram Design Consulting Inc. is theindustrial design company that providesTotal Consulting over the length andbreadth of all courses that is related todesign development such as designmarketing, planning products, makingdesign development plan, designdevelopment of new products, toolsdesign, and mass productionmanagement. At Kahram Design that sets a goal tocreate new products that can contribute tomaximize success of enterprisemanagement with is new concept.Young designers who have prominentability and experience of each field gathertogether and develop about 200 projectssuccessfully covering various genres suchas IT, Sport Leisure, medical instrumentsand so on, and get lasting concern andlove from clients of each field.

Reference:1992. 5

Kahram Design established

1994. 4 Registered with Official Industrial DesignProfessional Company (KIDP No. 30)

1997. 1Joined Official Industrial DesignProfessional Company Association(No.18)

2000. 1 Changed Kahram Design Co., Ltd.Corporation.

2003. 10Winning KIDP Venture Business ModelContest

2004. 1 Winning Cheongwadae Visiting SouvenirContest

2004. 8 Joined Korean Consulting Association

2001. 2002. 2003. 2005 Korea Institute of Design Promotion(KIDP) Superior Industrial DesignProfessional Company (Top DesignSelected)


Address #201, YEMAEC Bldg., 135-6 Songpa-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea

Phone +82-02-414-5595Fax +82-02-419-5652e-mail [email protected] www.kahram.com










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1 2003 SIEMENS Ultrasound Equipment ‘G40’

2 2005 Humidifier

3 2005 Digital DVD Projector ‘CINELA’

4 2002 Kusshand Built-in system


“Difference” is our business.These simple words make up a sentencethat stands for our hard worked lives forthe last 15 years. And it will continue to be our goal to keepthis true.We feel it is our business to cautiously anddiscreetly achieve a ‘difference in theusability’ amongst this chaotic state welive in. Even with a well designedproduct,it is clear that it can only be thebest when users can interact with itcomfortably.A product that sells well is the reason forKODAS DESIGN.

Exhibitions:2003 World Best Design2004 Seoul Design Festival2004 Design Korea (Beijing)2005 21th KIMES 2005 World Best Design2005 Seoul Design Festival


Address 1640-2 Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea 137-070

Phone +82-02-585-8936Fax +82-02-585-8938e-mail [email protected] www.kodasdesign.com









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090 091

2 Goryeong-Gun 2006

3 Hwasung Nonghyup 2005

4 Imsil Nonghyup 2004

5 Gimpo Nonghyup 2004

6 WESSER 2003

7 Kellogg’s Fruits Ring 2004

8 YUHAN Cosnel 2005

9 Unilever Gift Set 2005

1 Tobawoo ,2005Tobawoo is a joint brand for Korean beef produced in the Chungnam area that the “Tobawoo” brand namewith implication of purely local Korean beef, and in order to emerge the Korean image, the calligraphicexpression technique is utilized to symbolize it in powerful brand format. In consideration of its features as joint brand, the design considers the applicability and diversity, and forthe case of package design, it contains the image of Korean beef produced in environmentally cleancondition in a way of expressing the clear and fresh image of Korean beef. Furthermore, the Tobawoo character is also developed to facilitate in active promotion.


1994Lee Kwon Sik established Design Companythe Leadcom1997Leadcom received the Industrial DesignCompany Certification by the KIDP 1998Leadcom was appointed the “The DesignCampaign for the Export Products” as adesign development company1999Leadcom was certificated the Top 10Design Company by the KIDP Leadcomwon the Prize in the 1st Han Yong-KyoPackage Design Award2000The company name was changed fromLeadcom to Linocoms2001Linocoms was certificated the Top 10Design Company by the KIDP Linocomswon the KOTRA President’s Prize in theKorea Industrial Design Award2002Linocoms won the Prize in Excellent Awardin the 1st Design Venture Business ModelLinocoms won the KITA President’s Prize in the Korea IndustrialDesign Award Linocoms won the Prize inthe Packstar Linocoms was certificated theGood Design2003Linocoms was certificated the Top 10Design Company by the KIDP Linocomswon the SBC President’s Prize in the KoreaIndustrial Design Award 2004Linocoms was certificated the Top 10Design Company by the KIDP Linocomswas certificated the Success DesignLinocoms won the Prize in the Packstar2005Linocoms was certificated the Top 10Design Company by the KIDP Linocomswas certificated the Success Design LeeKwon Sik (Linocoms CEO) took office asPresident of the KPDA


Address Linocoms Bldg., 524-5Sinsa-dong, Kangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea 135-888

Phone +82-2-514-3871/8271/2971Fax +82-2-514-1872e-mail [email protected] www.linocoms.co.kr





2 3 4 5

6 7



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1 Path of History

2 Sungbook Ville House, Seoul/Korea Architects Association Award

3 A Nomadic Office

4 Korea Development Bank, Seoul


Brief History: Working from a small traditional Koreanhouse near the Secret Garden (Biwon),Min Associates first opened its doors in1970 with just one staff member. Today, itis a firm well recognized for its design andprofessionalism and boasts a highlytalented staff of 30 as well as animpressive list of projects and clientele.Designs by Min Associates are noted fortheir sublime integration of traditionalaesthetics with modern sensibilities. Overthe years, the firm has continuously strivedto create interiors marked by beauty ofrestraint and controlled minimalismbalanced depth and warmth.

When the 1990’s brought about aburgeoning market for interior design, MinAssociates met the unprecedented growthin industry with the establishment of sistercompanies that together would provide acomplete range of services. Min ITS(formerly Min International) is a companydedicated to execution of design andfurniture, while Min & Partners providesarchitectural services. The three Minaffiliated entities provide a complete andsystematic framework through which themost demanding of international qualitywork can be completely expertly andefficiently.

Min Associates has built a reputation forits creativity and quality of services. It isthe recipient of numerous awards andrecognitions including those from thePresident of Korea and the Korean Societyof Interior Designers and the KoreanArchitects Associates. It has also receivedthe Republic of Korea Culture andEnvironment Award, the DuPont AntronDesign Award and others both from homeand abroad, solidifying the firm’s positionas a leader in the industry. The firm’srecent and current involvement in themost prestigious projects in the countrysuch as the Blue House Annex, Rotunda,Sungbook Ville House, Posco Center, SKHeadquarters, Korea Development Bank,SK Telecom Headquarters, Kangwon Land,and the new National Museum of Koreafurther attest to the firm’s esteem.


Address Chungsin-dong, Jongno-gu Seoul, Korea 110-844

Phone +82-02-798-0110 Fax +82-02-790-5076e-mail [email protected] www.minasso.com





1 2



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MOTO design is a product designcompany located in Seoul, Korea. Foundedin 1988, MOTO has performed over 1,000product design projects and designconsultants and is processing 50~60projects in various items per year. MOTO aims to achieve the best results incultural, economic, and social valuethrough harmonizing the business goals ofits clients, product functionality,consumers’ life styles, consumers’emotional desires, and trends of time.MOTO is a creative group of professionalmembers who have been participating in alot of various projects and designs. Theyare very passionate and have unique sensein establishing distinct concept anddesign. MOTO is a well-organizedbusiness network composed of a core ofwise and professional specialists. It has anoutstanding information system that offersfast and accurate design process. MOTOis a very competitive design companywhose work can give sympathy to peoplethroughout countries in the world. Moto’sdesign philosophy embraces nature, auniversal element that binds and bondspeople and nature. That is why everydesign concept you see from MOTO wearsa unique style that is simply that-simple,and Natural.

Reference:Established MOTO DESIGN (Inc) in 1988Composed of 17 DesignersPerforming 50~60 of design projects peryearWon a main prize in JAPAN GOODDESIGN FAIR,1996(FOREIGN PRODUCT PRIZE, The firstwinner in KOREA)Won the first Prize in KOREA DesignPower and other related design Prizes over30 timesWon the Daily publication HIT ProductPrize over 50 timesWon KOREA GOOD DESIGN Mark Prizeover 80 times


Address Moto bldg., 77-19 Nonhyun-dong, Kangnam-gu,Seoul, Korea

Phone +82-02-518-3341~2Fax +82-02-518-3343e-mail [email protected] www.motodesign.com


to D



1 2005 Chatter Box for HONGJIN CYCLE

2 2005 WIP 7000 for UNIDATA

3 2005 MP3 Player for ORACOM

4 2005 MP3 Player ‘Qoolqee X’ for HANTEL

5 2005 Sliding Cellphone for LENOVO

6 2005 Wireless Phone for HITACHI CABLE

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1 Need21 office_Mookyoojae_2001

2 Oriental Clinic_Myungokhun_2005

3 Oriental Clinic_Walwhasoo_2004

4 Japanese Restaurant_La sendai_2002


Interior design is not “PURE ART”.Therefore, our projects always start fromthe clients. We make an effort to approachour client’s goal, whatever it is. But, wealso try not to pass over design creativityand keep trying to experiment materials,light, time and their relationships. We havea great passion for new and experimentalprojects.

Our office, Mookyoojae representsfreedom. The gold fish swimming in thespace inspires the design staffs, and theblank spaces displaying the properties ofmaterials stimulate the possibilities ofcreative design.


Address 53-20 Hyewha-dong, Jongro-gu, Seoul, Korea

Phone +82-02-762-9560 Fax +82-02-744-8739e-mail [email protected] www.need21.co.kr







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1 Dibo the Gift Dragon- Genre: Preschool Edutainment- Format: 3D CGI Puppet-look TV Series Animation- Length: 52 x 11’- Target: Pre-schoolers & Parents- Stage: In Production

2 Pororo the Little Penguin- Genre: Preschool Edutainment- Format: 3D CGI TV Series Animation- Length: 52 x 5’- Target: Pre-schoolers- Stage: Completed

3 Pororo to the Cookie Castle- Genre: Christmas Special Adventure- Format: 3D CGI Direct-to-Video Animation- Length: 1 x 70’- Target: Family- Stage: Completed

4 The Island of Inis Cool- Genre: Comic Sitcom- Format: 3D CGI TV Series Animation- Length: 26 x 13’- Target: Family- Stage: Completed

5 Pororo the Little Penguin Season 2- Genre: Preschool Edutainment- Format: 3D CGI TV Series Animation- Length: 52 x 5’- Target: Pre-schoolers- Stage: In Production


OCON is an independent animationproduction company based in Seoul, Korea.Established in 1996, OCON focuses on thedevelopment and production of high-qualityCGI animation and has now built a totallyprofessional team of more than 60 creativeartists and highly skilled animators.Our experienced and talented experts in 3Danimation ensure professional productionmanagement, thus guaranteeing thesuccess of projects and the higheststandards in terms of time and budget. OCON’s portfolio includes 3D animationTV series such as ‘Dibo the Gift Dragon’,‘Pororo the Little Penguin’, ‘The Island ofInis Cool’ and a variety of commercialsbased on the latest CGI technology.OCON cooperates as a producer, co-producer and service provider with manyother leading domestic and internationalanimation companies for a diverse rangeof projects.

Awards:2005·Dibo the Gift Dragon

-STAR PROJECT (KOCCA) 1st Place-Cartoons on the bay PULCINELLAAWARDS 2005 (Italy) Jury’s SpecialMention

-Cartoons on the bay (Italy) Best TVSeries Final Selection

-Chicago International Children’s FilmFestival (U.S.A) Final Selection

-AniMadrid Film Festival (Spain) FinalSelection

-KIDSCREEN Coverpage Main ·Pororo the Little Penguin

-Cartoons on the bay (Italy) Best TVMovie Final Selection

·The Island of Inis Cool-Cartoons on the bay (Italy) All audienceFinal Selection

2004·Pororo the Little Penguin 2

-STAR PROJECT (KOCCA) 1st Place ·Dibo the Gift Dragon

-Pilot FilmSupport Program (KOCCA)1st Place

·Pororo the Little Penguin-Best Korean Character 2004 CulturalMinister Award


Address 2nd Fl., TopsVenture Tower, 1591-3 Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea

Phone +82-02-3444-4411Fax +82-02-3444-4430e-mail [email protected] www.ocon.co.kr








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100 101

5 Experience KIA (http://www.kiamotors.com/Experience/Experience_Index.html, 2005) : the branding website for the ‘KIA motors’

6 CYON idea HOUSE(http://www.cyon.co.kr/good/popup/cyonidea/en/index.jsp, 2005) : the promotional website for the ‘CYON idea’ campaign

7 BEANPOLE International (http://international.beanpole.com, 2005):the branding website for the ‘BEANPOLE International’ campaign

8 Samsung DMB (http://www.sec.co.kr/product/dmb/index2.jsp, 2005) : the promotional website for the ‘Samsung DMB’ campaign

1 the Uninvited (www.postvisual.com/showcase/theuninvited, 2003) : an official movie webiste of ‘the Uninvited’

2 the Scandal (www.postvisual.com/showcase/thescandal, 2003) : an official movie webiste of ‘the Scandal’

3 Paran.com (http://box.paran.com, 2004) : the promotional website for the ‘Paran.com’

4 So Cool, Curitel (socool.curitel.com, 2004) : the branding website for the ‘Pantech & Curitel’

6 7 8







PostVisual is a digital branding agencyleading successful e-branding in variousbusinesses and institutions based upon itsunique planning and strong design powercreating diversified online experiences andexchanges. PostVisual knows definingoneself will confine it within the frames ofits own design concepts or trends of thetime. That is why we describe thePostVisual design as moving andchanging. We want to be remembered as adesign company with ever changing,evolving and enriching spirit.

And we are seeking to devise an optimizeddesign for specific projects in line witheach brand image and meticulousplanning. We aim to achieve the mostoptimal design for each project byrecognizing and reflecting every singledifferentiating point in terms of projectnature, goal and brand identity andpreferences of target groups. We believe“the most optimal design is the best.”PostVisual encourages our staff tomaintain flexible attitudes and the spirit ofexperimentation in design planning.


Address 3rd Fl., 407-6 Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea 121-840

Phone +82-02-3142-3966Fax +82-02-3142-3925e-mail [email protected] www.postvisual.com




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1 Microsoft Vista ProjectHangul Window System Font Project, next version of Microsoft is not focused on simple design but focused inaccordance with design and technology. Technically, it materialized of being the most suitable screen indicationadding the Hinting skill, not just simple combination with outline font and bitmap. Also, regarding the design, itbasically upgrades the quality for Hangul’s formative part and proceeds to design work for the best condition ofscreen display. Now, in 2006, an Exclusive U.I. Font will be making way for new circumstances of Web Display Font.

2 An Exclusive Newspaper Font: Chosun and JoongAng Daily NewspaperCompleted Chosun Ilbo Font in 1999, passed 103 years, since the first publication of DOKRIP Newspaper has a greatsignificance that is the first horizontal writing for newspaper font which are made along with balance and legible.Numbers of newspaper were changed from vertical writing to horizontal writing, but all fonts have never developedfor horizontal writing font only. JoongAng Daily Newspaper, through the research and investigation of new concept,has attempted renovation of newspaper design along with font development for readers and functions. NewspaperFont developed by SANDOLL will be designed and produced for new concept and creative design within digitalcircumstance.

3 The Text Font for Design HouseSANDOLL has provided the best quality for font environment to monthly magazines, “House full of Happiness” and “Design” published by Design House.

4 Various Sandoll Fonts



3 4


SANDOLL Communications Inc. (hereafterSANDOLL) has been preceded Korean fontmarket during the last 20 years and lived upto aesthetics of Korean font with the pioneersprit as a professional font developingcompany.

SANDOLL established the 1st Korean fontdeveloping company in 1984 under theslogan of “We are liable for Hangul (KoreanLanguage)”, when anyone did not have anyinterests to develop Hangul beautifully andcommodious which is a source of our bestpride of Korean nation and culture.

Beginning of the SANDOLL’s 60 Fontsdevelopment in 1987, SANDOLL which hasdeveloped and launched over 230 Koreanfonts has observed its pride and dignityalong with establishment spirit and beautyof various Hangul fonts. An ExclusiveNewspaper Font which is treated the besthonor in Fonts Developing Business wasdeveloped by SANDOLL for supporting toChosun Daily Newspaper in 1999. In 2002,SANDOLL developed and providedNewspaper font for title, headline and text toJoongAng Daily Newspaper. SANDOLL wasselected a Microsoft Corporation’s fontdeveloping partner for VISTA, next version ofOS and it brought the result that SANDOLLsettled down as a representative fontdeveloping professional group in Korea.

Stubborn spirit for one way and obviousvolition for developing dignified designmatches with Korean’s sentiment and finallychallenge mind that against with a suddenturns of font technology revolution andchanges are SANDOLL’s spirit and mind.

SANDOLL who has made an effort toimprove for Hangul’s cultural potentialvalues finally accomplished not only forcultural and economic values but also forthe representative font brand withauthorization from Korean citizens. Hangulexists, therefore SANDOLL exists as well,Korean citizens who love Hangul exist,SANDOLL still turns on the lights.

“The letter design becomes a measure of itscultural and artistic level” -CEO (Geum-Ho, Seok)


Address 206-15 Myongryun-dong,4-ga, Chongro-gu, Seoul, Korea

Phone +82-02-741-3685 Fax +82-02-742-0310e-mail [email protected] www.sandoll.co.kr




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1 Gasparo/Cello caseCello case made by Carbon-fiber 2.1kg

2 Histar/Pamcess

3 LS Industrial Systems/RF-ID Reader

4 LG Electronics/Kimjangdock Refrigerator

5 Cevien/Design Shower Puzzle





Seol Design is an official design consultingcompany authorized by Ministry ofCommerce, Industry and Energy in Koreaand KIDP (Korea Institute of IndustrialDesign Promotion). All our staffs pursuenot only developing innovative industrialand environmental design but the alsoresearching user interface and user-friendlydesign with our original creative mind. SeolDesign possesses competitiveness inradical data analysis and designmanagement from ranging from design,production to post management and welead our client to have competitive powerthrough solid warranty of quality andmanufacturing process. Moreover, Seol Design is composed ofgood members, who have wide experienceson each field and an excellent scholarlybackground. From these reasons, we cancomply with an era of internationalizationfor new design.

History:Established as Yung Design, 1994.Established Seol Design ResearchInstitute, 1995.Re-founded as Seol design Co, Ltd, 1997.Work together with ISIS.U.K, 1999.- Selected as one of the best 10 designs in

Korea (youil industry, paper money binder)- Selected as the millennium product of

Korea (LG electronics, kimchi refrigerator)- Hosted an exhibition of new production

for minor enterprises- Produced Alva lighting by our selfSelected as Top 15 korean design firmamong 356 design firm, 2002-2003.10 Success Design award were selected byKIDP, 2001, 2002, 2003.5 Good Design award were selected byKorea Government, 2001, 2002, 2003.Honored “ Venture Design Award”, 2003.Published by “Best Design Firm of SeolDesign”Art and Design House (Product DesignMagazine) in China, 2003.Award of the Prime Minister, Good DesignProducts Selection (Casparo Cello case),2004Award of the Administrator PPS, GoodDesign Products Selection (Cebien DesignShower), 2005


Address 6th Fl., Dongyong Bldg., 106-4Yangjae-1dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea 137-891

Phone +82-02-529-9650/1Fax +82-02-529-9652e-mail [email protected] www.seol.co.kr


l D




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1 MILKIS (Lottechilsung Co.,Ltd. 2000)As a carbonated milk drink with a colorful logoand background touch, MILKIS shows more thana 20% sales increase every year, thanks to a newgeneration-oriented and more dynamic re-design.

2 OXY SSAKSSAK (Oxy 2001)This product’s design has maximized an ad costsavings effect, along with an easy discriminationof product features and uses for consumers, byintegrating kitchen cleaner and bathroom cleanerinto one brand, “OXY SSAKSSAK”

3 SCOTCH BLUE (Lottechilsung Co.,Ltd. 2000)This is a hit product that created a sensation inthe domestic markets of foreign whisky and winewith a distinguished and coordinated design ofwhisky’s tradition and luxury.

4 TRAST (SK Pharma Co.,Ltd. 2000)A yellow package designed-product proposed tobe in line with yellow color ad marketing strategy.Boosted by a 48-hour powerful effect, TRAST hassecured more than 90% in consumerrecognition, and is competing for the top orsecond place in sales.

5 HWARANG (Kumbokju Co.,Ltd. 2002)A traditional alcoholic drink displaying a steeprise in sales through luxurious and conventionalstyle of re-design with an aim to enter intoMetropolitan Seoul Area from Yeongnam Area.


Established in January 28th, 1982, SeoulDesign Center is Korea’s first companyto expert in package design and BI.Package design must satisfy both mental(product, design) and physical (scientificfeatures,technology) demands.Balancing technology (quality) andsensitivity (design), package designcombines the image of product, design,marketing and advertisement.To make a hit product, Seoul DesignCenter truly visualizes the overall motto ofcompany, product strategy and marketingtechniques. We do our best playing a corerole of convincing the customers, makingproduct sales become successful.

Reference:Lottechilsung Co.,Ltd.MILKIS, COLD and other various productspackage design

KT&GTHIS, ESSE, SIMPLE and other variousproducts package design

OxyOXY SSAKSSAK and other variousproducts package design

SK Pharma Co.,Ltd.BI Package Design

SK Chemicals Co.,Ltd.SPEED KILLER BI package design

Kumbokju Co.,Ltd.HWARANG package design

BullsOne Co.,Ltd.BULLS ONE SHOT, BI package design

Seoul Tak Ju MAF AssociationCI, Jang su, Can package design

Keumyang Int. Inc.Wine package design


Address 4th Fl., Moon Hwa Bldg., 47-15 Jeo-dong, 2-ga, Choong-gu, Seoul, Korea

Phone +82-02-2272-8646/7, +82-02-2269-7477

Fax +82-02-2278-8771e-mail [email protected] www.seouldesigncenter.co.kr












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108 109

1 CJ group CI systemConcept: Enjoy your life, CJFrom food manufacturing-driven companyTo represent new vision and value of CJ as a lifestyle provider.

Corporate Brand PlatformCorporate NameNomenclature systemCorporate sloganIdentity systemBrand Book2002

2 Pulmuone CI systemConcept: Pulmuone Brand Revitalization

Identity Renewal StrategyCorporate IdentityPackage Template Design SystemApplication Design SystemCI Manual2002

3 Daewoo Prugio Brand name & BI systemConcept: Promising premier Living, PRUGIOTo develop an umbrella brand for Daewoo Apartments

Brand NameBrand Identity SystemSign systemModel house graphicsCharacters2003

4 Konkuk university UI systemConcept: Kunkuk Leadership Build-up

Communication NamePrimary Identifier (Authority mark & Communication mark)Application Design SystemUI Manual2005

4-a 4-b

3-a 3-b





SodiumPartners is a creative-servicescompany specializing in banding andidentity communications.

Our unique approach through word andimage harmonization distinguishes ourbrand naming, brand Identity, brandpackaging, signage systems as well asbrand look & feel solutions unparalleled tothe competitors’.

Over 7 years focusing on our corecompetence to create long-lastingrelationships with clients and theircustomers, employees, partners andshareholders, we have successfullyhelped many companies andorganizations establish brand leadershipin the global market places.


Address 5th Fl., Junlim building, 187-1 Yeongeon-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea 110-460

Phone +82-02-2253-1988 Fax +82-02-765-1989e-mail [email protected] www.sodiumpartners.com







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110 111

1 “Korean Currency,” a cultural product series based on ancient Korean currencies from the collection of theHoam Art Center. Each product in the series came in one of six varieties and was produced in limitedquantities. In line with the product concept “Vestige of Time,” the design work focused on giving each producta sense of elegance and quality, and the impression that it had been hand-stained. Winner of the 2004 KoreaDesign Awards’ Gold Prize in the graphic category. (Samsung Foundation of Culture, 2004)

2 The press kit for the launch of “Jinseol,” a premier line of Sulwhasoo cosmetics. Its eye-catching designfeatures a cell-phone strap made of amber and a wooden case, one side of which is plated with reddish copper,which are both intended to highlight the strategic merits of the Jinseol cosmetics line made of ingredientsextracted from Korean red pine. (Amore Pacific 2005)

3 Contemporary Short Novel Series (Hollym Corporation). For this project, BAF played the role of a producer,overseeing the entire publishing process from planning the series and selecting the featured literary works todirecting the creation of illustrations. It was a special project, through which BAF acquired the productioncopyright for the books. The series is composed of short novels written in Korean and translated into English,with illustrations intended to help readers come to an in-depth appreciation of the works. (Hollym Corporation, 2004-Present)

4 The website for promoting the “VIUM” brand, which is associated with the modernization of Korean traditions.The project encompassed everything from storytelling to the production of an image book, product book andwebsite for the brand, “VIUM.” (VIUM, 2002)

5 A photo album titled “A Man Named Insu…” Based on the hit movie, “April Snow,” which starred internationalfilm and TV sensation Bae Yong-joon, the album was specially designed to target the Japanese market.The cover design featured the use of tracing paper to give the impression of gazing through a frost-coveredwindow. (BOF, 2005)


As its name indicates, Studio BAF-whichstands for Beyond And Further-hasacknowledged no boundaries in itscompletion of design projects in a varietyof fields.With a design philosophy that places nolimits on the analog and digital realms, thecompany has ranged widely in the fields ofbook and web design, and carried throughwith a wide range of projects from theplanning and design stages to editing andprinting. Moreover, by engaging in branding andpromotional work for clients, the companyhas played the role of a productiondesigner, moving from theconceptualization of branding ideasstraight through to their transformationinto startling reality.Founded in 1995, Studio BAF has a nine-member staff including Creative DirectorRhee Na-mi.

Client includes: Hotel Shilla, KT, Amorepacific, LG Chemical, Ssamzie, Crown Bakery,Casamia, Samsung Foundation of Culture,Beautiful Foundation, Bank of Korea,National Museum of Contemporary Art,National Folk Museum of Korea and more


Address 2nd Fl., 9-1 Gahoe-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea 110-260

Phone +82-02-763-5262 Fax +82-02-763-1969e-mail [email protected] www.baf.co.kr






2 3 4

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Company Profile:Spcialized in typograph based design since1961, Typomedia have contributed tocultivating design philosophy. So far, withmore than 30 publishing companies, it hasup-dated book design in the country andmade many bestseller titles. Renovative design in newspapers andmagazines and systematic companyidentity program are also to give a nicechange to meet the company.

Additionally, it has also continued digitalfont development which are for wellreading and dislaying at every kind ofmonitor. With those catch-up, thecompany is trying to develop itself to bethe one of the best in on & off-linetypography.


Address 130-18 Dongsung-dong, Jongro-gu, Seoul, Korea

Phone +82-02-3675-2822 Fax +82-02-3675-2832e-mail [email protected] www.typomedia.co.kr




1 Daily Sports Mannual, Page 1, Page 4, Page 15

2 The Enchanted World Series book design..

3 The Garden of Gods, Angkor Wat, book design

4 OnDesign CI

5 YongWol Book Library CI

6 Gagamel CI

7 The YeoSu Municipality.

8 The Mokpo Municipality

9 2 Bytefont Institution CI

10 The 2nd Kwangju Viennale, Promotion EI

11 Cover Desing, Style H

12 Cover Design, Her Story

13 Pink Frog CI

14 Daily Sports. Title

15 Prosecutors’ Office


4 5 6

7 8 9

10 11 12

13 14 15


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114 115

2 2003 Daemyung Danyang Condo Outdoor Spa and Water Park “Enjoy! Four Seasons”The main theme of the facility is Health and Joy with the use ofMediterranean white lighting, man made rocks and huge graphics toconvey the beautiful outdoor images inside. The facility consists of theBade pool and the sauna. There is also an outdoor spa for the year roundspa experience.

3 2000 Asan SpavisUsing the hot spring water to facilitate and promote health and relaxation,Spavis consists of the Bade pool, outdoor hot springs pool, separatesaunas for men and women, and various restaurants. The circular shapedbathe pool can facilitate water exercises and water therapy as prescribedby the Oriental Medicine Clinic. The outdoor hot springs pool is for thewhole family to enjoy with running water, family spa, cave waterfall,couples spa, walkways, and water slides. The spa area uses a skylight onthe ceiling area above 6 meters in height which increases the inflow ofnatural light to the indoors to enhance the feeling of openness.

1 2004 C.G.V. Yongsan XIUniquely utilizing its space, Yongsan C.G.V. sets itselfapart from the existing movie theaters. Its new concept asthe network of theaters offers different realities whereimagined worlds and the world in reality coexist. Thelobby depicts the Yongsan station of a hundred years intothe future using model space shuttles and conveying thefeelings of the universe. The gigantic shape of an eggrepresents a self wandering in space. Ticket counter forVIP is also shaped like the power plant needed for spacetravel. The floor of the main hall represents Seoul and theblue strip represents the Han River.


Uone Design creates Emotional designs: 21 st century design is a new frontier whichhasn’t yet been conceived of or created.No one can truly lay claim to the field,which calls for dreams for its realization.The concept of ‘emotional design’ refers tomaking human dreams a reality throughfuturistic interior design, an area in whichU-ONE has been preparing andconducting research since 1974. U-ONEwill continue to create Superiorfuture-oriented designs, Spaces whereNature and Man can coexist, and Designswhich all the world’s people can share.U-ONE will continue its constant researchand tireless preparation. Expect greatthings from U-ONE, a future-oriented,rapid-growing design company.

Design Marketing Communication: Uone Design builds a total DesignMarketing Communication for customers’satisfaction through the extensiveexperiences and success. Uone Designalso focuses on Research andDevelopment as a leader for building anddeveloping the future design environment.

Reference:Founding Date: August 25, 1974Business Areas: Design Research,Planning II, Interior Design, Management, Construction, Display Image Business,Remodeling, Environment Design, Cruise DesignBusiness License: Interior ArchitectureConstruction (Seoul 01-52)/ISO 9001 (1997)


Address Uone Bldg., 794-1 Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu Seoul, Korea

Phone +82-2-798-3721~6Fax +82-2-798-9090URL www.uone.co.kr









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1 w-stdio (2005)

2 Table-N(2005)


Design Philosophy:無(moo)the formative thought in performing worksis started from essence and nothing,which means nothing in human time andspatial preconception. It is the start ofdesign concept and preparation of myworks.

裸(na)It is a foundation of a rational thought andit also symbolizes essence, which is themethod of looking for axis of design worksvia rational analysis and comparison.

雨(woo)(woo)becomes the symbolic basis ofdesign access and it makes itself free froma wrong observation because ofpreconception or minuteness. In otherwords it is regarded as an intuitive value.Besides it becomes the beginning ofabsolute condition toward it climax.

水(soo)My little will originated from essencerepresents the stage of an expert which istranscendental form of informativethought via the course of essence andclimax as all of streaming water finally gettogether into the sea.

CEO of wallgadesign Park, Seong chil


Address 475-12 Pyungchang-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea

Phone +82-02-512-8291~3 Fax +82-02-512-8294e-mail [email protected] www.wallgadesign.com









1-d 1-e

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1 2005International Conference HallThis hall was transformed into rectangular shape andimproved the former image, and produced as atmosphere toimply the energy at the space, where is not often immovable.It was focused on the expressions to centralize globalenterprise and act as the bridge to a subject, which is called as‘urban oasis’

2 Location: Seoul, Incheon, Suwon, Jeonju, Daegu, Busan,Ulsan, Daejeon, Gwangju, Seogwipo (10 Regions)Area: 30 Pyeong(30*(About)3.24m2=(About) 97.2m2)Purpose: Information CenterStructure: Steel-frame StructureInterior Closing: Floor/Extruded Cement-Panel/CoatingExterior Closing: ST’L PANEL/Fluor-Plastic Coating

3 2005POSCO Headquarters Culture Gallery In planning a cultural space where people gather, the floorplan should comply with a regular circulation pattern, thefocus should target the point that attracts the public gaze, andthe wall shouldn’t be cluttered. A modern feel should pervade,and the space should offer its users a unifying feeling.

4 2005Hilton Hotel Chinese Restaurant Diverse spaces share a simple design concept: A place thatallows customers the chance to enjoy their meals to the fullest.Although the restaurant is medium sized, efforts were made togive it a modernistic and luxurious feel.


Design Motto:We do design the most comfortable spacefor many people on the basis of functionand harmony, and have a responsibility ofthe endless A/S.

Company Introduction:Our company is operating a Design Teamin Interior Division, Construction Team,each Design Team and ManufacturingTeam in Furniture Division.

Staffs are comprised of 70 people, also wepossess furniture manufacturing factoryespecially. Accordingly, we directly produce all of thefurniture for in the spaces whenimplementing interior design. We also have a subsidiary company inVietnam, so we have been doinginternational cooperation-work.

History:1986. 11 Dongsung Furniture & Interior

Co. Ltd founded.(Representative: Park,Koon-Hee)

1991. 8 Jangwon Furniture & Interiorfounded.

1993. 4 Joined Seoul FurnitureIndustries Cooperative

1994. 12 Obtained Special ConstructionBusiness License

1995. 4 Joined Seoul AdvertisingMaterials ManufacturingCooperative.

1995. 8 Changed company name to ZIOInternational Inc.

1995. 11 Joined Korea ExhibitionIndustrial Cooperative

1997. 4 Completed Gimpo Factory2000. 6 Obtained ISO 9001 certification2005. 12 Established ZIOVI design JV


Reference:POSCO Co., Ltd POSDATA Co., Ltd Grand Hyatt Hotel Hilton HotelChosun Hotel (Shinsegae)Shilla Hotel (Samsung)Intercontinental Hotel (LG)Korea Gas CorporationJaeil Country Club (Jaeil Sports Center Co., Ltd)


Address Doshim Bldg., 132-4Nonhyeon-dong,

Phone +82-02-3443-1911Fax +82-02-3443-4604/5e-mail [email protected] www.ziointerior.net






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INDEX 018 AGIⓐ 4th Fl., ANT bldg.,

197-8, 10 Donggyo-dong,Mapo-gu, Seoul 121-819

ⓟ +82-02-3141-9902ⓕ +82-02-3141-9927ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.e-agi.co.kr

020 AHN GRAPHICSⓐ 260-88 Sungbuk 2-dong,

Sungbuk-gu, Seoul, Korea 136-823

ⓟ +82-02-743-8065 ⓕ +82-02-744-3251ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.ag.co.kr

022 AXIS DESIGNⓐ #710, Namsan Mansion,

726-74 Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu Seoul, Korea

ⓟ +82-02-794-7924/82ⓕ +82-02-793-1915ⓔ [email protected]

024 B&A DESIGNCOMMUNICATIONⓐ 186-1 Gaepo-dong,

Kangnam-gu, Seoul, Koreaⓟ +82-02-445-5005ⓕ +82-02-3411-8434ⓔ [email protected]

026 CDR ASSOCIATESⓐ Bukang Bldg., 63-5

Nonhyun-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea 135-010

ⓟ +82-2-518-2470ⓕ +82-2-3442-6229ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.cdrkorea.com

028 CLIP DESIGNⓐ 6th Fl., Chiljoo Bldg., 125-8

Yangjae-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea, 137-130

ⓟ +82-02-545-6862ⓕ +82-02-575-9862ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.clipdesign.co.kr

030 COMMUNICATION DESIGN601BISANGⓐ 481-11 Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu,

Seoul, Korea 121-842ⓟ +82-02-332-2601 ⓕ +82-02-332-2602ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.601bisang.com

032 COREHANDSⓐ At the Morn., 476-7

Pyongchang-dong, Jongro-gu, Seoul, Korea

ⓟ +82-02-396-2845 ⓕ +82-02-396-6377ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.corehands.com


Gangnam-gu, Seoul,Korea 135-010

ⓟ +82-2-548-3822ⓕ +82-2-549-2679ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.cidis.co.kr

036 CROSSPOINTⓐ 260-19 Itaewon-dong,

Youngsan-gu, Seoul, Korea 140-202

ⓟ +82-02-797-7211ⓕ +82-02-797-7210ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.crosspoint.co.kr

038 DADAM DESIGNⓐ 2nd Fl., Yang Bldg., 544-5

Dogok-dong, Kangnam-gu,Seoul, Korea 135-270

ⓟ +82-02-574-6050ⓕ +82-02-574-6070ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.dadam.com

040 DESIGN BLUEⓐ Designblue Bldg., 77-1

Nonhyun-dong, Gangnam-gu,Seoul, Korea 135-120

ⓟ +82-02-515-6333ⓕ +82-02-546-8304ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.designblue.co.kr

042 DESIGN CONTINUUMⓐ 98-12 Pyungchang-dong,

Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea 110-846

ⓟ +82-02-720-7178ⓕ +82-02-720-3702ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.dcontinuum.co.kr

044 DESIGN & COMMUNICATION ⓐ 3-4Fl.m Dong-Woo Bldg.,

426-19 Gongdeok-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea

ⓟ +82-02-326-2636ⓕ +82-02-333-4820ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.designdnc.co.kr

046 DESIGN FEVERⓐ 3rd Fl., Tae-il Bldg., 343-19

Seokyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea 121-837

ⓟ +82-02-325-2767ⓕ +82-02-325-2012ⓤ www.designfever.com

048 DESIGN MALLⓐ 4th Fl., Woomeong Bldg.,

1617-38 Seocho-dongSeocho-gu, Seoul, Korea

ⓟ +82-02-597-1306ⓕ +82-02-597-1308ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.designmall.com

050 DESIGN PARKⓐ 4Fl., Dongsung Art Center,

1-5 Dongsung-dong,Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea 110-510

ⓟ +82-02-708-1721 ⓕ +82-02-708-1777ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.designpark.co.kr

052 DESIGN PEOPLEⓐ 396-3 Segyo-dong, Mapo-gu,

Seoul, Koreaⓟ +82-02-336-0639 ⓕ +82-02-336-0341ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.dpeople.co.kr

054 DESIGN TOUCHⓐ 2nd Fl., Nexus Bldg.,

68-11 Nonhyun-2dong, Kangnam-gu, Seoul,Korea

ⓟ +82-02-3443-1543/4ⓕ +82-02-3443-1545ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.detouch.co.kr

056 DITO DESIGNⓐ 4th Fl., Myungmin Bldg.,

525-27 Shinsa-dong, Kangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea 135-888

ⓟ +82-02-3446-0971/2ⓕ +82-02-3446-0973ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.idito.com

058 DOMUS PARTNERSⓐ 3rd Fl., Soosan Bldg., 82-13

Nonhyun-2dong, Kangnam-gu,Seoul, Korea 135-818

ⓟ +82-02-545-1971 ⓕ +82-02-545-0922ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.domuspartners.com

060 DSRTICTⓐ 4-5th Fl., Dongsung Bldg.,

95-14 Nonhyeun-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea

ⓟ +82-02-515-5456ⓕ +82-02-515-5256ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.dstrict.com

062 FLURⓐ 4th Fl., Yongho Bldg.,

Dogok-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea

ⓟ +82-02-529-0991 ⓕ +82-02-529-0442ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.flur.co.kr

064 FUSION DESIGNⓐ 3nd Fl., Art Bldg., 1449-1

Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea

ⓟ +82-02-583-0793 ⓕ +82-02-583-0796ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.fusiondesign.co.kr

066 HENDIⓐ 1-90 Hannam-dong,

Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Koreaⓟ +82-02-2252-4466 ⓕ +82-02-2252-9908ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.hendi.co.kr

068 HONG DESIGNⓐ 153-14 Samseong1-dong,

Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea 135-878

ⓟ +82-02-555-4428/4750 ⓕ +82-02-555-4478ⓔ [email protected] ⓤ www.hongdesign.com

070 IMAGEDROMEⓐ #202, Daekwang Bldg.,

552-22 Dogok-1dong,Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea

ⓟ +82-02-572-1257 ⓕ +82-02-572-1254ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.imagedrome.com

072 IMAGE & IMAGINATIONⓐ 13-22 Nonhyun-dong,

Kangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea 135-010

ⓟ +82-02-549-7800ⓕ +82-02-549-2151ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.ii.co.kr

074 IMONGGIGAⓐ Seocho Bldg., 1487-3

Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea

ⓟ +82-02-514-7525 ⓕ +82-02-514-7415ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.imgg.co.kr

076 INNO DESIGNⓐ 577 College Avenue, Palo Alto,

California, 94306, U.S.A.ⓟ +1-650-493-4666ⓕ +1-650-493-6198ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.innodesign.com

078 INNOIZⓐ 6th Fl., 476-21 Seokyo-dong,

Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea 121-842

ⓟ +82-02-322-0142 ⓕ +82-02-322-2451ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.innoiz.com

080 INTERGRAMⓐ 2nd Fl., Intergram Bldg., 616-4

Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea 135-080

ⓟ +82-02-557-4963 ⓕ +82-02-508-5677ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.intergram.co.kr

082 JAY IS WORKINGⓐ Seocho Bldg., 1487-3

Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea 137-869

ⓟ +82-02-597-5902 ⓕ +82-02-597-5903ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.jiw.co.kr

084 JEON ASSOCIATESⓐ #20 UN Village, 1-253

Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea

ⓟ +82-02-790-8140 ⓕ +82-02-790-8148ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.jeonshihyung.com

086 KAHRAM DESIGNⓐ #201, YEMAEC Bldg.,

135-6 Songpa-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea

ⓟ +82-02-414-5595ⓕ +82-02-419-5652ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.kahram.com

088 KODAS DESIGNⓐ 1640-2 Seocho-dong,

Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea 137-070

ⓟ +82-02-585-8936ⓕ +82-02-585-8938ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.kodasdesign.com

090 LINOCOMSⓐ Linocoms Bldg., 524-5

Sinsa-dong, Kangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea 135-888

ⓟ +82-2-514-3871/8271/2971ⓕ +82-2-514-1872ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.Linocoms.co.kr

092 MIN ASSOCIATES ⓐ Chungsin-dong, Jongno-gu

Seoul, Korea 110-844ⓟ +82-02-798-0110 ⓕ +82-02-790-5076ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.minasso.com

094 MOTO DESIGNⓐ Moto bldg., 77-19

Nonhyun-dong, Kangnam-gu,Seoul, Korea

ⓟ +82-02-518-3341~2ⓕ +82-02-518-3343ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.motodesign.com

096 NEED21ⓐ 53-20 Hyewha-dong,

Jongro-gu, Seoul, Korea ⓟ +82-02-762-9560 ⓕ +82-02-744-8739ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.need21.co.kr

098 OCON ⓐ 2nd Fl., TopsVenture Tower,

1591-3 Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea

ⓟ +82-02-3444-4411ⓕ +82-02-3444-4430ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.ocon.co.kr

100 POST VISUALⓐ 3rd Fl., 407-6 Seogyo-dong,

Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea 121-840ⓟ +82-02-3142-3966ⓕ +82-02-3142-3925ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.postvisual.com

102 SANDOLLⓐ 206-15 Myongryun-dong,

4-ga, Chongro-gu, Seoul, Korea

ⓟ +82-02-741-3685 ⓕ +82-02-742-0310ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.sandoll.co.kr

104 SEOL DESIGNⓐ 6th Fl., Dongyong Bldg., 106-4

Yangjae-1dong, Seocho-gu,Seoul, Korea 137-891

ⓟ +82-02-529-9650/1ⓕ +82-02-529-9652ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.seol.co.kr

106 SEOUL DESIGN CENTERⓐ 4th Fl., Moon Hwa Bldg.,

47-15 Jeo-dong, 2-ga, Choong-gu, Seoul, Korea

ⓟ +82-02-2272-8646/7, ⓕ +82-02-2278-8771ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.seouldesigncenter.co.kr

108 SODIUM PARTNERSⓐ 5th Fl., Junlim building, 187-1

Yeongeon-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea 110-460

ⓟ +82-02-2253-1988 ⓕ +82-02-765-1989ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.sodiumpartners.com

110 STUDIO BAFⓐ 2nd Fl., 9-1 Gahoe-dong,

Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea 110-260

ⓟ +82-02-763-5262 ⓕ +82-02-763-1969ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.baf.co.kr

112 TYPOMEDIA ⓐ 130-18 Dongsung-dong,

Jongro-Ku, Seoul, Koreaⓟ +82-02-3675-2822 ⓕ +82-02-3675-2832ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.typomedia.co.kr

114 UONE DESIGN ⓐ Uone Bldg., 794-1

Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu Seoul, Korea

ⓟ +82-2-798-3721~6ⓕ +82-2-798-9090ⓤ www.uone.co.kr

116 WALLGA DESIGNⓐ 475-12 Pyungchang-dong,

Jongno-gu, Seoul, Koreaⓟ +82-02-512-8291~3 ⓕ +82-02-512-8294ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.wallgadesign.com

118 ZIO ⓐ Doshim Bldg., 132-4

Nonhyeon-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea

ⓟ +82-02-3443-1911ⓕ +82-02-3443-4604/5ⓔ [email protected]ⓤ www.ziointerior.net

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122 123

The First Steering Committee meeting with the Chairmen of (VIDAK/KAID/ADADA/KOSID/KPDA)

Appointing the Steering Committee/Request of Recommending the Editing Committee

Request of Recommending the Design Agencies to the Editing Committee

Jan. 1, 2006

Jan. 9, 2006

Jan. 13~19, 2006

The First Sectional Editing Committee meeting with 54 Design Agencies Selected among 116 Candidates

The Second Steering Committee’s Final Selection of 51 Design Agencies

Holding Symposium with Sectional Chiefs Editing Committee

Jan. 20, 23~24, 2006

Feb. 4. 2006

Feb. 17. 2006


Page 63: 2006_Whoswho



organizing committeeKim, Jong-deok Vice Chairman of ADADA (Asia Digital Art and Design Association)

Park, Hea-sook Chairman of KOSID (Korean Society of Interior Architect/Designers)

Shur, Ki-heun Chairman of VIDAK (Visual Information Design Association of Korea

Lee, Kwon-sik Chairman of KPDA (Korea Package Design Association)

Chung, Kook-hyun Chairman of KAID (Korea Association of Industrial Designers)

editorial committeeKang, Boo-yun Creative Director of Sinwoo Co, Ltd

Kwon, Hyeok-soo President of Design Society Institute

Kim, Kai-chun Professor of Kookmin University

Kim, Soo-jeong Professor of Seoul National University

Kim, Eung-hwa Professor of Hanyang University

Kim, Een-seok Creative Director of Creativeair Co, Ltd

Kim, Wonk-young Professor of Chungang University

Kim, Joo-yun Professor of Hongik University

Kim, Joo-won President of Imonggiga Co, Ltd

Kim, Hyun President of Design Park Co, Ltd

Kim, Hyun-suk Professor of Hongik University

Myung, Kye-soo Professor of Konkuk University

Park, Inn-seok Professor of Korea National University of Arts

Lee, Sung-sik Professor of Yonsei University

Lee, Seung-hoon Professor of Hanseo University

Lee, Won-ho Manager of Samsung Electronics Co, Ltd

Lee, Hyun-ju Professor of Yonsei University

In, Chi-ho Professor of Hongik University

Chang, Dong-hoon Professor of Ewha Woman’s University

Jang, Wook-sun Professor of Hoseo University

Jeong, Cheol President of SDA Co, Ltd

Cho, Eui-hwan Artdirector of The Chosun Ilbo Daily

Cho, Jae-kyung Professor of Ewha Womans University

Han, Jung-wan Professor of Hanyang University