2010 FFA Forestry District Contests General Knowledge Test PPT

2010 FFA Forestry District Contests General Knowledge Test PPT

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Page 1: 2010 FFA Forestry District Contests General Knowledge Test PPT

2010 FFA Forestry District Contests

General Knowledge TestPPT

Page 2: 2010 FFA Forestry District Contests General Knowledge Test PPT

Florida was surveyed using the Section Township and Range (STR) system. Under this system, how many Sections are in a

typical Township?

A. 6B. 25C. 36D. 43E. 640

Page 3: 2010 FFA Forestry District Contests General Knowledge Test PPT

Silviculture is defined as?

A. The ability of the strees to last foreverB. The practice of relying on seed production to

regenerate a forestC. Sampling a forestD. The science of producing and tending a forestE. None of the above

Page 4: 2010 FFA Forestry District Contests General Knowledge Test PPT

What are Mycorrhizae?

A. Fine tree roots that absorb the bulk of nutrients and water

B. A fungus that causes tree roots to rotC. Beneficial fungi that aid a root to absorb

water and nutrientsD. A National Park in AustraliaE. The resin inside a tree

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When is the best time of year to plant trees in Florida?

A. All year longB. June through AugustC. September through NovemberD. March through MayE. December through February

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A stand of trees with an overstory made up of 75% Longleaf Pine, 20% Turkey Oak, and 5%

other tree species would be considered ____.

A. PureB. Uneven-agedC. Mostly pureD. Mixed

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Which southern pine species provides the most benefit to wildlife?

A. Slash pineB. Longleaf pineC. Loblolly pineD. Ponderosa pineE. Spruce pine

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Magnetic declination in Florida can range from ___ to ___.

A. 0 to 360 degreesB. 0 to 3 degreesC. 0 to 20 degreesD. 0 to -3 degreesE. 0 to -20 degrees

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How much of Florida is covered by forests?

A. About one-halfB. About one-thirdC. 35.7 million acresD. About one-quarterE. 9.4 million acres

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Each Section in the STR system is how big?

A. 36 square milesB. 10 square milesC. 6 square milesD. 2 square milesE. 1 square mile

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When planting Longleaf pine on pasture land for wildlife, how many trees per acre are recommended?

A. 512B. 726C. 605D. 806E. 500

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Pond cypress communities grow in pockets of low topography and usually form a group of trees in the shape of a ________?

A. ConeB. DomeC. DepressionD. TriangleE. Oval

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Which of the following processes might be used during the regeneration of a stand of pine trees?

A. TransportingB. LimbingC. SortingD. DibblingE. Felling

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Monitoring of Florida’s voluntary Silvicultural Best Management Practices reveals a ____ rate of


A. 27%B. 645C. 81%D. 98%E. 99%

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Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) is measured at what height from the ground?

A. 3.5 feetB. 4.5 feetC. 6 feetD. Chest height, no matter how tall you areE. None of the above

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Which of the following was historically the dominant pine species found in Florida?

A. Sand pineB. Pinyon pineC. Loblolly pineD. Longleaf pineE. Slash pine

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Florida’s forest have a ___ impact on Florida’s economy.

A. MinimalB. $32 millionC. $16.6 billionD. ModerateE. $16 million

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Forestry is ….

A. The science of producing and tending a forestB. The art and science of managing forests to

produce products for the benefit of societyC. The science, art, and practice of managing

and using trees, forests, and their associated resources for human benefit

D. The science of growing treesE. A tree in the forest

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On a hot summer day a large tree can transpire ___ gallons of water.

A. 10B. 50C. 450D. 900E. 1500

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One of the cheapest and most effective practices in the management of pines is ___.

A. ChoppingB. fertilizationC. ScalpingD. BeddingE. Prescribed burning

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Each year, every person in Florida uses enough wood and paper to make up a tree ___ feet tall and ___ inches in diameter.

A. 80, 21B. 60, 16C. 100, 21D. 100, 16E. 75, 18

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Which of the following describe one board foot?

A. A section of lumber that measures 12 inches by 6 inches by 2 inches

B. An 18 inch long 2” x 4”C. A block of wood that measures 12 inches by

12 inches by 1 inchD. 144 cubic inches of woodE. All of the above

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In the early 1900s, which was Florida’s biggest industry?

A. CitrusB. Timber harvestingC. HuntingD. Naval storesE. Cattle ranching

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____ is necessary to maintain Florida’s ecosystems.

A. FertilizerB. FireC. SuccessionD. Daily rainfallE. drainage

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When outside factors are required in order to maintain a forest community, this results in a ___.

A. SuccessionB. ProcessionC. Sub-climax communityD. Pioneer speciesE. Forest change

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The cork cambium is responsible for producing the dead cells that make up the ___ of the tree.

A. PhloemB. HeartwoodC. XylemD. Bark E. deadwood

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When implementing Best Management Practices (BMPs) you minimize impacts on:

A. Soil qualityB. RoadsC. Air qualityD. Water qualityE. Answers A & D

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Managing a forest so that the amount of timber harvested each year does not

exceed the amount grown is known as?A. Economic modelingB. Sustainable Forest ManagementC. Poor planningD. SilvicultureE. Ecological Forest Management

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Young Longleaf pines stay in the grass stage for an extended period of time in order to ____.

A. Develop an extensive root systemB. Avoid the frequent fires of the Longleaf pine

ecosystemC. Feed the Brown Spot Needle Blight fungusD. Form the “grass” of the Longleaf/wiregrass

ecosystemE. Avoid the fusiform rust fungus

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A live crown ratio of less than ___ % indicates that a stand should be thinned.

A. 25B. 33C. 50D. 66E. 75

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Prescribed burning between a timber harvest and tree planting has what benefit(s)?

A. Improves habitat for wildlifeB. Controls Brown Spot Needle BlightC. Reduces competing vegetationD. All of the aboveE. Only A & C

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Choose the three classes of soil particles.

A. Sand, dirt, and clayB. Soil, dirt, and dustC. Clay, loam, and siltD. Sand, silt, and clayE. Sand, dust, and clay

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Sustainable forest management requires balancing ___, ___, and ___ needs.

A. timber, wildlife, aestheticB. Social, economic, ecologicalC. Pulpwood, sawmill, reforestationD. Wood, water, wildlifeE. Silvicultural, wildlife, water quality

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An uneven-aged stand could be best described as …

A. Having 90% of the trees from the same species

B. Having all trees the same height and diameter

C. Having a mixture of trees that all started at the same time

D. Having trees from all stages of lifeE. Having an age that is not divisible by two

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What might be an indicator that a stand should be thinned?

A. A basal area greater than 120 sq ft per acreB. Recent growth rings are narrower than

previous growth ringsC. The live crown ratio is greater than 33%D. All of the aboveE. Only A & B

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What is a Knuckle-boom Loader used for?

A. Loading seedlings onto trucksB. Dragging trees to a loading deckC. Cutting trees into chipsD. Felling treesE. Loading cut trees onto trucks

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A back fire is a fire that ___?

A. Burns the coolestB. Runs with the windC. Burns into the windD. Burns parallel to the windE. Burns the hottest

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Pick the statement that best describes Special Management Zone (SMZ)

A. An area along a stream where no trees may be harvested

B. And area that limits silvicultural operations that might disturb water quality of a nearby water body

C. A “Do not Disturb” zone around a body of water designed to protect water quality

D. Any area of the forest that requires special attention

E. A forest area infested with invasive exotic species

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People spend billions of dollars each year to recreate in Florida’s forests and natural areas.

A. TrueB. False

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Prescribed fire is …

A. A fire used to cultivate a forestB. The application of fire, by trained individuals,

used under specific conditions, to achieve measurable results

C. A non-destructive forest fire used to reduce dangerous fuel level

D. Any fire in the woods that is not out-of-controlE. The best forest management tool available to


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Which species of pine tree provides the most benefits to wildlife?

A. Sand pineB. Slash pineC. Loblolly pineD. Longleaf pineE. Pond pine

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What is an increment borer?

A. A boring tool that is used by the forest products industry in the production of utility poles

B. And insect that damages the xylem of a pine tree by incrementally boring into the wood

C. A tool used to bore into the soil during tree plantingD. The larval stage of a wood borer that drills holes into

treesE. A tool used to take a sample of wood from a living

tree for the purpose of determining the trees age or growth rate

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How many chains are in half a mile?

A. 40B. 66C. 80D. 360E. 640

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A Wedge Prism is used to?

A. Determine fuel loads in the forestB. Drive a saw kerf to prevent binding a

chainsawC. Estimate tree heightD. Measure basal areaE. Determine plot locations when cruising


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Concrete floors require ___ times more energy to produce than wood floors.

A. 2B. 5C. 12D. 21E. 25

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One of the ways Longleaf Pine benefits from Prescribed fire is by?

A. Burning off it’s needles makes it grow fasterB. Killing the fungus that causes Fusiform RustC. Eliminating the alternate host of Pitch CankerD. Destroying the fungus that causes Brown

Spot Needle BlightE. Depositing nitrogen in the soil

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What height measurement might you use while cruising sawtimber?

A. Total geightB. The height to an 4 inch topC. The height to an 8 inch topD. Any of the above could be usedE. Doesn’t really matter, as long as you are


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One cord of wood contains ___ cubic feet of wood, air, and bark.

A. 66B. 80C. 90D. 128E. 240

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Which of the following products does not come from trees?

A. Plastic grocery bagsB. Paints C. CosmeticsD. ToothpasteE. Rayon fabric

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How many square chains in five acres?

A. 1B. 10C. 20D. 50E. 100

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Which practice is used in wet areas to raise seedlings out of standing water?

A. BeddingB. ChoppingC. ScalpingD. Mechanical plantingE. None of the above