2010 United Wellness Group Brochure Sm

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United Wellness Group Workplace Wellness Programs Brochure

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Page 2: 2010 United Wellness Group Brochure Sm

Why Wellness? Increased Productivity• Decreased Health Care Costs• Increased Retention•

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Why United Wellness? 100% Engagement Goal• On-Site Education & Coaching• High Impact Fitness Technology•

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Health Promotion

Wellness CultureDevelopment

Peer Support System •Development Competitions•Organizational •Policy Insight Wellness •Environment Architecture

Individual Health Coaching ModulesRisk Factor BasedPersonal Programs:


Wellness EducationOn-Site & WebinarsCategories Include:

Exercise•Nutrition•Stress Management•

Special Populations•Group Programs:

Weight Loss•

Smoking Cessation•


Education Coaching Support

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ConvenienceIntegrated Technology

Health Coaching PlatformHealth Risk Assessment•Wellness Workshops•Exercise & Nutrition Tools•Wireless Pedometer Tracking•Event Registration•

Organizational Tracking & ManagementBehavior Based Incentive Tracking•HRA Reporting Engine•Healthy Behavior Tracking•


Reminders that gently prompt you to keep your health information up to date.

Easy access quick links to keep users informed and involved.

A summary of your wellness metrics, and how you are doing in relation to your goals.

Health ProfileCompleted: Yes

WeightBMI exceeds 25

Blood PressureUpdate every 90 days

CholesterolCholesterol is below 200

Blood GlucoseGlucose is over 120

Cardio LogUpdate every day

Strength TrainingUpdate every 7 days

Food LogUpdate every day

PedometerUpdate every 7 days

WorkshopsOn Track

Event RegistrationDaily Weight Log

Track My WeightDaily Weight Log

My Progress See how to make the right choices

Track my ExerciseGoal and progress tracking

Exercise LibraryPick a program or design your own

Meal Planner & Healthy Recipes Get nutritional recommendations


You worked very hard! Here are your current results:

Current BMI: 28.66 Weight: 173lbs. Weight change: 15 lbs lost Goal: 155 lbs. Exercise level: High Incentive Points: 1575 New Messages: None

Water ConsumedGoal: (8 cups a day)

Today: 3 Cups

Wellness Plan Quick Links Today AboutMyWellness.com

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CustomizationTargeted Marketing

Risk Group Stratifi cation Demographic Segm

entation Localized Communication I


st B







e E-mail Direct Mail Telephone

Analytics Based Marketing

Multi Factorial SegmentationHealth Risk Factors•Demographics•Readiness for Change•Department Level Segmentation•

Customized CommunicationsPreference Based Individual Communications•Synchronized Multi-Medium Campaigns•Localized Information •

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AdvancementActive ManagementAudit

Culture & Program•Claims & Biometrics•Ergonomics & Facility•Employee Interests •& Preferences


Measure Execute

DesignGoal Setting•Targeted Education •& CoachingAccountability •& Incentives

MeasureAwareness, •Engagement, & Change Tracking

ROI Analytics•

ExecuteWellness Culture •TransformationProgram Integration•Project Management•

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Schedule a Consultation1-877-899-8996

Get Online for More Information:www.UnitedWellnessGroup.com

E-mail Us Your Questions:[email protected]

Send Us Your Proposal Requests4669 Southwest Freeway, Suite 560 Houston, TX 77027

United Wellness Group L.L.C.