^j^iefitheT Forecast ^bii«i^ly fair tpiilvjit » um1 nuiiOuys lltUe ph>LHf«» lu tflinpomtiiro. AJiuiimiim yi^lerdny 8As ntliil'' qium;18. thlfl Vnoriiliiic 14. , Six Irrlffatod OoiintloH hi Idiiho Tocky’s News TODA Y VOb. XVII. Nf>. 20H-T. C10NT9. :i:w iN ka M jH, iu a ii ()^, s , \ ’. oiji {)) av , jjk (; k .\ihkh h. nui OKKlClAIj COUNTV NKWSPAIMO CAMPAIGNSPyRS 'Coroner Probes Accident Death Juryjmen Inve^stigfate Crash Fatal to , Woman Now Deal, Hoping to Dodgo Snowball," Worried at Bffootivon'ob *— WU!I.ij8 LAHOE POWERS hx ii(iote^/to Join in HouBlno: FlghCWkh Ploa for Tax • Exem)lt Bondn , ; Ify fvVLH C. WILWW .WABHINQTON, Doo. fl KUi)- — Ntoyt‘.Doalerfl hope to ikxlffn iho r otiti^oy Inflation iinowbhll holnir t^llqd. up by rath«r ChnrloB ' ■" ' rhljn, Dfitrolt’/i radio . .lOro Ui Bomo nnxloly horo 6vor tln>» dem»ti«trAtod orfoollvononn iit R tiUiat* .CoUffhlln'fl .ctinipniKn. Hbi nUohal Union for Boolul Junllco Wfu lAunohed abAut thrco wookn 'Nnw moro than 500,000 mom ht^n are' cinlmftd. ITroin D«iroJt onmn ynpnrbi timt Iho radio nrlAiil will havn it rn]irn> ^onlatlvo Voro nliortly uft<n' con* crciw convonc0. Atoanllnin tltu ntin< ilny iiArmon from Dntroil will tit- irnot itiuro thouAandB of niipporl- cm Jf pnut experlonco In nny orlt- orlon, ' llntid Rxomptlon ! THbrn aro rumora of Homitlhlng flow. 1^ .Dolnjlt. WanhlnRl'on ox- ftootJI TnUior Coughlin to Join the liouslng conlrovomy with a plan f o nxfltnpC from taxation nil h/jnd« iiAU<)d to rnlae private capital fur liomo conntruotlon. .Thd trouKUry \von't Ul<6 that. But homo huyora Will Ihlnlt It a pr«tty pond Idfla. Mnt(ej( now hoiiAea ohcapQi'. F ath er CotJifhlin naii alllf)d )ilm' self In iiomfl deface with. Ronator RlmAr Thomaa, D„ Okla., pgaln a lOAdloflr flonffrtulonal oxponnnt of eurr«ney tnflatlon, The T^wnaind plan hal«»\cd In California deaio;nod to iruar* anleoi.^00 a>mo»th lo avoryone flO or mnr.o yearn oW doo« not won, ry capital ataleamen. nor do the Ut«y))an aoofpUea. . ' ' « Potvi«rfiil .\yeupon tlut,Fathor CouKhlln und hi>> ro> i}lo-««n ««fulona did IntimWftle <ipjfrea«rt«n. There w o n6' Ulreet, Intlmlda* tion. Dut the rado priotit'ii lldlon* or« began wrUinr. to WoahinKton. Oonffreoalonal aeoretarloa woro tho flrat to complain.' Mo«t of thorn ana;yere<I the flrut few Jjundrod \<itter* without eVon tollinjf their (Continued on z. Column 0) C'tironof'N Jury in llii' ctitHi' of .lifrii. ^HriUi dc((t(i t,)ok ThiirHtljiy, jm* thN rrsult of tin n u to . unillHldii tu>iT Fllor WtHini^uy iilRht, mu-hcd n v«r'- dlnt at R p. m. tttdiiy, dnrliirliit; tho accldoiit.to have UiM)ti.unuvoldal»l(!. TnntlnioDy In nn liuiUfnt u:>'"W- Inir out of Ihn dnuth Thur/idiiy of Mra. Sarah Holton, ;iii, fojlitwJnp an auto aaoldAnt northwoat of Fll- fti Wodnnaday nlRht. wn« holnir hoard this aftomoon iiy Dr. F. A. Dwldht. F^lflr, county coronor. Tho nnarlnR' oponcwl in iho fJlH- triot court moma ihtN >nornin(T> after tho /olIowInK ninn ninn had boon ompanbltvl aM JtmirH: ’K. D. IJnjwn, C, T.’ BranliotJ, O. A. Bohwarl*. H. P. Harjror, O, n,' .lonpn. .T. a, Btftwurl, CJ. W nciui, j; ir. Mnlton lind D. D.UIvonl. On tho atand tiilH mornlni' w< m« Charlcfl.DlguH. Huhl. In who»n car Mm. Dolton wna a pa>iH>’nt;nr at tho timn of thfl fatal accl(>ont; L. W. Ilawklnu, IciJor, formor (lu|iiily c(amr> wartJon, In front of wJinim hoine tlio mishap t«tok iilaon; Fon- tnlnn Coopor, MUito traffic offiet^r; \nd n . C. GIvflnH, deputy Hhorlff. Thu latter two hnd hc'^n calli'd to Iho Mflonn of tho nccidnnt. l>«nlnt I.I|;hlM Out Fow- now fuclji witrn fli'V«itopiuI, tho wltnofl>i confh:nr;iit that hiji car was run into from tlio roar by driven - by CnrJ lIoJl«nJw(;l(. Tho latter iiJiHorln hrt no rcnr il};htH on the Dl^cv \:iir, and ^lalntalna tho llyhtii wnr« In u<><nl onlor. lIoliontMuk Hayn iin wiiiJ hllndod l)y lltfhtx fi‘<i>n a car com* inff in the opixwUo niroctlon, nn<l th a t Itfl afK>1i na thl.i car hiul ])axn* ftd. the wHIiaion to/>u j)laro. Tear Gas Aids Rescue of Besiefled Employes < S U’bllf (ho iiihlvvrut \vaH rohtdvoly froo froni|(«lrlko dtHordorM, .riitn'd at Uir niiiyrim, <)., hlinit or (lii> Kuynn^ dliilhhiK iniinnfiu'lutcrN. whi'n', tindrr covi'r iif k i-liiuil of triir khw. iih Khowii Itori'. Iii'uh'i'i'*! » (iri(iTH woro roiintvi'tl in.ii iiiovini: \'aii pi«lu>lH rriiin llir ( ’Irvi-liiiiil-hii.vm i- itliiiil iiilli- i'd about, o{'(;io(;’ tho uorkiTU iiiid ifiiiliij; ttiolr t'li>thhi|;. I'IcUctM frooi Cli'volaiid iiHriiipfid In tlio IlnryruM plant allor (ho (ilovoland pljiiit iiim rlom-d fottiiuliur n ntrlUo. ’ OAyiEYASHEAD Filer Man Kfocled PrcHidoiit Of. Twill I ’allii Dlvi.'sioi) In Idaho Qroiip N. ]y.\yli‘ .y Ii-\v |ir Flhir, l-'ullH liiiMfiry illalrlct The piggfl car wont forward IRO toilay wuM 111.- Twin divliilriii of fooi, Wltnenaea teatlflfid, ami turn' oil over on Mra. Hollon. Hh« wa» tak^n to the Uubl liofl|dtiil whoro nho <litKl at li;nO a. m. Tliuraday. FufieraJ aetTlctfw w<ir« condwt-'lod horo yentordiiy. Quoatlonora of tliu wltnciuioa ut (Cuntlnuod on Pagu 2, Column 4) BOISE MAN HERE ASIERAIEAOER Olarenoo % B ig g s ' Buoooods. Bob H. Watner,a8 County • Admittistrator ... Uolan, arrlv' and today htul BMumod the ,position of aollng county IBRA admlnlstratnr, auo> coodlns: Bob H. Wamor. Blggfl wsa appointed by P. O, Meredith, atatd admlniiitrawr. Ho hsip b^cn .Ada cotinty adnrihUtm- tor for the paat.iUx* months. HIm Ion a t Bolao. ta to bo flllui 'iotdi- .Foaa or Bonnor county, a Mid 'here today. Mombora 'of .Qlgtfo* family will ai'rivo In Twin F ^la aa fM)on‘aa a Iboatlon is fouhdi Tho new v local dffltilal atutod today that ho waA .Happy to be m ' Twin Falla'and l^ked forward t Claronc<^ 10. Biggi flfl here .last night i Wlnilitratlon h«r«,. , VDtlrlalr Iha. pbrlpdnlnco Warnor'a over. tbo.<prpt««t of tho » Twb}' FallA.county ^allof aaaoola* I' to 'a itucoeHaful ad' „_W Deo..8 ..1 U.l;l—Foiir loth»r ' o f l4ew: YorH’« nont houaii early today, . , ; ,war0 '<mJMred; fnoluding a 7D*yeBr>Q)d^rlpptl)d woman. ^ The doad}wer«, trapped on the '.^p riVB'atory,, outmodt^d la.'oibnoy. as; John' ion; Lawrenoe Ulb« aiid tfirp. Uln^ iort'l^oftr v ^ ' AGENTSRECOVEB ' URSCHELINEY Additional $30,000 DiBcovorotl In Hills Noar Portland, U. S. Announoos WAaiilNOTON, Dpi:. H HM:) — .‘’odural ttgonta havo niciiVia-ed a .otal of fia-j.oon of tljo Uriic|jo| iildnup ranaom monoy. Ihc liopnrt- inent <if Jusllco annouiuUul tmlay, Op^ratlvoH found JHO.OOO iiUJdon n tiio iiiKfl noul* I'ortland, Orv., yoHtoniuy ami $14,000 moro in liio mmo vicinity about Ihroo wookn igo. - I*rovlojta>y they tllHoovorod *80.000 Bti l ’aradlHo. Toxhm. Tliii dopartmont mild all l>i» hionoy nA far rccovurrd w<iuld bn fsjturnpd to CharioH K. Urmshoi, wealthy Oklahoma buHlnoHH .man, Who wau kUlnanod imd hold until ho paid $200,000 rannVTi'n. “ . . Juatlce offlclala. aald much of tho balance never would bo recov< &reJ booRuae it h a d . b o o /r Nj>i>nt b y tho ki<inaporii, in of whom-havo boon 'convicted. In and noar H t. I’auJ. M inn. SNOW, COLD MOSTOF lion, iltt vvafi choKi'M by tin* hoard of ;<lirool«rM I d > iiii- hooiI Mall Koimildl, Twin i-'ailN, who wan not a nanilUlato for tito plitoo. Dayloy laid iio.iii mimo<l tn.lay, rrilh)wiii»f a nmollrijf *if iho tjrow- orH u t till) c o u r t lu)ii»ii> biHt ovi<tUn((, wiiKU idx t)f nlno OirootorM w«-yo rn-oloctoii, and ti nlmilar iralhoilnjf lit J(^ronie ynntiirUtiy . ivf.ti’rnixai wlmn two ^ilrpfitora woro ro-muiiod, Tho direatora choao Wlliifl Uanip- Klin, Hannon, aa Vico pruold^nl of tho oriranlzatlon, nnU rculuctod C. 0 . Thoni«M, Flinr, hh Hocrotary- t1'o^^nJror. Duylfly wan dcHljrnatod MH Htato dintotor utirl Ntiito diroctoi' nt liirt.'o. ^iris Probers Offer Foreign Inquiry Aid ,WlLL ^GER$ REGLAMATION OROyiH BARRIE l A D DECLARES Sun^fJcurod Wciit Told Thiit Miui Cun Av<-rt Kiiviij'csi; . Hy Irriijatioii 17 rilp-TKCTS UNDKR WAY U. S. Oliidf A.!;;i!rt.u Proianit Adniinintriilion Woi-kin;; For Ooordiniition JM WII.I.JXM J-I-V.V.V HAI.T l„VK'K (.'ITV. I i.e. H <ri FRANCE UPHOLDS JUGOSLAV STAND IN BALKAN FIGHT Italy Supports B'lmgary At Bitter League Parley ^I'hinriod roclainalion >'an' di•foat droll 1ii. O iinniiM ilniic- I*; 1 w .n o d Moadv.f tho II, H. iK.iviiii of li'C- lamallon told 'tiio .Vali<mal U< Illation. atiiHjrlalk.n luday I‘'arm <'r.'i in fiim->i>an-d u r o a ;'1 d o not I'ivo up hiipo and aliai ImniiNl aoi-oa li'.nii.'y li n o w that noxt yoar man will liavo c.iun >)tod n a ilin ' w ith ilylco or dan 1, ho aald lo a jijx'iK'li ])i'opai>'U foir <li-ll v.rry h.-roat 11 .•»: m , MST. Protood.m for W< st h'odoral rocjam allim l.’i liol ili-ly (j'uvotod tfi bi'lnt.'inj; in-vi.' linid.‘i 111 -- to nilllviitlon, .Moad doc laro.l. lla hmilnoii.'i poll(!y not only rall.'i I'or Ask European Powers To Carry Out Inquiries WA.MHINin'ON. n.i;, H (I'.l') ■ 'I’ll ....... . munltlonji hivo;itlj:iilluir r(iniinltti'i', u rii-ra w*!i!i{ of ti-iill* aiony by Anun ioa'a i.^iullnjr arm.i mamifucturorji. wa>j midy loflay lo ajiuint ulnillar In'inlrloii' It bupi'fl woiiUi Htart In o th e r 4-<iiuii Clialrman Ooiald i*. Nyo, It., N ?>., roltffMN'd a - ' t o Onukt llritain or any <>UioV mitioii tim t pdj^ht <lof(lro to itiH|H)ct liii l)ool<H of ItH m unitions iuim]iitni<'a. Toutlniaiiy lnt'oin|il<‘lo N y o ’n InviiHtltatorw. liowovor, woru confi'oritiwl by tlio proljlom of ploclnjf-toiT'-lhor a <iijtconnv |ij(rluro of jMud-war actlvllloH by Alll^^rlt:lln• jiian’tifucturoni. lltimc dlnajipolntnionl wiii< oxproHHod ut Tti("imUi*'^aA ro»'dl of towlhnony lijiunl llui'Iaal foi^r djiya. Movoral Iiii|.nrtuiil. 1Ki<'« wor*i li'fl incompU’t I>lr«mtor*4 N a m i’il Tho «ilrnct()rn ro*i»lontcd horo In- niudo'l Duyloy, Thonian, tiampaon; II hmh Am|pri«on, MurtaUifh; Uier\ Wiiltno.v, Kiiin>orly; anil .Kd Olin- iiti’Hil. Twin Falbi. Now dlrootoid chnnon arc J. H. KoldhUfain, Kim* borl.v, Hiiotitinitinif Mcbmldt; W. A. UnbUiHon, Fllc'r. auonoodlniv !.<. W. Hnwlcin'i,' and II- A. Uobortti, of till) MaxJiltiin-lCibin lorrltory, plnclnif W alter Itonrf, i}jior4 wurii ii'ik iiii.oiit. I jWiion tho comn>ill‘’u bi-^an tlio Inquiry laat Hoptonibor, Nyn anc‘ Ii Ih colloairuoA HouKbt r.vlilonco t< piom pt rthnliar int|iiirloH abiv»a<l. “Wo aro roady to I'ivo iill ujc I hI aiu'^o poiialbtu to fonui^n lnr|Ulr)c>i,‘ Nyo eald. Kfrong Artrumont Myo told now/tpaporinon tixi com iiilttoo obtalni'il a fitron^f ary;un)cnt .for olimlnallon of privalo manii- fnctliro of munltlonn vC-hcn cvl<l<!ncn I At tho north ahlo mootlni,^ Nlrlt | intiVKluced to aiiow tim t Am Wava-JJov(3i:fl U. S. in ■Bt Extended OnBlaught Of Winter rre>Mi?............. .. anQW and cold covoroH » United Statoa und moat of Canada t 9datf« carrying aub- j}orma). teiHparaturea even to Flor* Idk and shiotnerlng northorn atutoii er In anqw. . lermotneters roae allghtly Ihla iTai li'. Traopon and I.farry Millor woro rr'dli'iuod. In atton'laiuio a t the «i:»uilim iior«< laut nvoninir wan (Joorjco .T. Cob* blny, Hlackftiot, alatu nHMOoialion f ironidont, wlio diiiuimnod tijo woric- n({H of titc dontoNtIc allotinnnt hill, llarvny H. Malo, county oxtoniiion aR^nt, oxplatned tbn methodN to bo UHod in’diHlrlbutton of tho boncfit payniontH. A group of recommon* dAtioriN addr/rHAiKj, to tho atfitn monihtff of tiu» ajiiiooiutlon at I'O' catollo Monday waii adopted, Init tho (!nntontN of the rcnolutionH Avoro n u t tllvulg’*'*!-, 10x|)ro)«ill<m>i of apj>rodianon to tho wori< of tho Proftldnnt Mall Hchmlilt, and othor rotlrln(( offl* (torn woro nnido liy Iho ^roworM* gmup. , I . L ,:A . Truffody Avartdd aa X^edostrlan Boes Exploiivo on Rails f Striko.Tom Oity Of I LOS ANG}££.«SS, Doo, ((/.Ift- deaner In anqw. Thermometer- .— ...... .... . . morning P.W western pTaina. but; A alick of dyi»amlte waa found to k rarlRpr ....................... ... ^ ......... ooat'experienced tho day on tho trwlw of the airlko' CQld _ of , the ^ e y . ■hurried ^ Apgolua atreet rail ■hortiy Bttat* two troltoy cura ............. ' ithor aectlon pf )x|>ei _ ill’,- in d ’ i'iStW leld, V^, wer«; tho .ooldeiit .sp o an n ;‘tiwi, oown^y. a degMes bolow ^ero/:'. v'’''*'"- A t Wo<M>Pna«. Can., It w aa' 84 .. , ae»ri«« >ntnua Iciweat i n g o v e r i t toRlpemMi^ ;MMoM«d tblil momq i to bita; it f^iruUHy loj, Thirt^n p5»pnt wer<^ fcreaM ' I'and la i' UWVMUtIT- T had ooilldivd In tho oily AQoording.td polioe,,a p<KlefitriBn found the dynamite reallng aqunro* ly on th« TaiikrA alreet car paJta- woUtd'hove bebnTilown ,vtp utd. lean companion aold .soorol prooca lura lo roroignurH nft«>r tiio war. -/Hon. A rthur H. Vanibinbrtrir. H.' MIcb.. HupjH)rli)d Nyo’n conlonllon. tind «aid toHtimony dlMcloHwl “thal whon tho IInlto<l Htal<jH <lovolopH a now w»a|>on wo m uat imp<>*'l' *bo knowlodjfo l<> jwlcntial. onomicii »o that our munltlonn makcra can oporuto tholr plant* at capacity.” ClMiJJongo rro lw m Du •I'.jnt company oxocutlvpii ciudlongod »mmilUo<'mcn'M chnruoK Ihiit information vaiuahio to tho war and navy doparlmoulH r«tiuTli- w i, forolgn nmnufaoturorB. "You aro maltitJJC HorlouM acounallonii," ono official Muld. Tho t'ommlttoo'H urtHwcr waa a document, Hhowluif that u hlifh offU’oi' In Iho wiir «|«partmont oji* proHHi'<l tho <»plnion m ’ina-l th a t It wuH "vjujlly moro lmi»ortant" t*> flnwmrago Iho JJu iv>nt munltlowJ huMlnotw than to "fln<lonvor to pw* lent nuuvufactiftng Bccr0 t«." Return of Broker -------------Bla'sU-^^Kidiuip?’ TUUSA. Ollln., D..0. H l|l.l:l. \V, A. Dolanpy, «r., Tuha broker, ro* lurnod bonm today aftnr a nlgiit'H ubHonQft (lurinf; whioit it had boon foftrod ho was hidnnpod. Ho aald - a fmiton aulomubilo ratllalor on a bUNlnoNH trip dulaynd hla return hero. HMVICUI.Y 1III.I.H, Calil. tNTtainly miwn Iti tl»o papiTn to- day. ‘’IMuwitin (Irltij: iK|iimi rx- t'culi'ii til!." "Tl»oiiniinilii nf liuii- Karlaii/t drivi'n from .luj;"- Hluvla." ••Nnruiuri II. Pavla >'lv*.'« .wai'jiij)/; Id JajDin Dial iililp rutlo rvill not Ijo chaMKO'l." Now tiii-ro la tlii'oo jioparulii ovi-nlii, i-aoh oimui'li to iitarl itn own war. Uul llr.io will loll wlili^li ono i)f liu’ IhriMi piovoil tho moiit ooMlly. 'I'wo of thoMo «!•<• ih!allnK with tiu’lr nwn In- ti-rnat arfalra, anil T Jiiiit iinrt>M' iiiilo Lo >100 ua dlL'tiUi.' li<‘Viind niir'own l)u>’d.'ni. Yoiini, KILLS NINE «N jiovornnioiit loiina lo no rcpiiUI iml thill lain! alroaily i-iiHlvitlcd lie nnv- I'ii. Ita piU'iwiJio tn l<i protvd. w ater uiiiijillivi - tin- mi'iifiiii'(^ «<r •'wi'.nli-ni w<'allh, pnpulallnii, and .■ii-niirity .»f rural lifo-'v , .■ Iliidi'r Itu' pi'ftK'nl udmliil.'itnitlon rff.K-ta tc. /<np(iJy wiih-r N '< land.'i, fonnoi'ly hnplinziinl an. I Kiviitly liidiviiliiallatl<5, havo lir-'U tSi-nrdlnaliMl. iio jiit|<l. Maoy I'rojootn lu 11 wciitorii Jitulca 17 ijri>ji-ct.‘i aro nndor ronid riKrlltiri. l-’un.l;i al- roady allottod for worlc l<Hal Jin.'i,- noo.ono. An ad<iitiuim! will bo nocoiaiary, Moad aai<l. Tlio oa.>it hati Imni'flttfd rroiii Wi'jdorii atatA roclamitUon, ancoid- tiiK M'-'"!- Onh'Mi for uiatoiialji (frntilhin<!<| oil I'ai'*’ -• ^'-'oJumn .’I) >ll|Clll , 'Il'lM li <d' Ki ............... ii'i A. nilfjii ;||V 'iVv'i' lluilai'o J ’"li * * ii\ iiii: I'MTiCD I'ltnss I Uti- ll.ilK.in .Ti.sis- ■•'nl.'ii wil li .hi|.;iisla\ iji's Ic- tnr iirl-. i.r li'iT.irisiii, i Ml.liT. Iliiii!iiir\ pi,.a-, t' I. Jt;i!.V .Mj.jr In -.lolriisr ( oluiri*'-’ llial iliiil- ii-linliii|i nssnsiiitia; <v posl-wai’ ironly iJ' llimjr/))-y iin/1 <>f A lifter (jtou' s as ■HiDifiary Vieios •Refugee (rroups. ' l('<.pMli;lit. tflltt. -Cult l i l ' I ' A l ’IO.ST, |)IT. S Il't'i Aii(;.T iiiuiinl.'il In lIuoj;Hry l«>- <h.v a;, r. porl.s oonI Inu.'il cf •n anivini; at inm- >^pi'll>'d t'nini' Du'lr IVlll)-. )oUltM. i/.ko, 1.1' ' ivhi-: Vlllll runtio iiid 'I.-,I t.. fal.'tr M-- III llial .lu^'D.'ilavian a-ii’.| llunKary an .\hl( fu liiliiil>ilii I'll t>i 111. Firoa .f tilo DANA ASKS PLAN ON RECLAMATION AHWociation Proiiidciil— Far-SiBhtod Oluirtinft- of WoHtorii Noodi! rill, i-’ltli whioli t lu’r lni'ur;dnr Ivlliaiui Who omloa fro(jiii'nt).v I'liiiia'ii III). rt'< Kolm'ni'i:onii'nta n poH<-<- ill! .11/ilriol ap- );iiviTniuont (o 111 unimiinltlon' ifpoll any t'ur- (if till) baiida phindor p»liti<Sii I wiio hofi.ro. Jl^)'i)iilav Portland PoHoo, Sciivch Ohoiip HoIqIh for Moro Viotiina Of "Doliorn” Orjcy POUTLANn, Oro.. Uoc, H H I!), Apjuiri^nl vlcllinH nf u "iloiiorn." or doniitnrod aloniiol orj'y, nino inon Jtiid dii'd in rlioap roondnjr hoiiRoH | today and Ibron othorn woro iiori* onidv III In I'o^lcu rmortr*’ncy hOHr pital. Tho nlno nil diod lilnco (I p. m. Frhlay and pollno woro vifilllntf olhnr roondnt;' lioijaoH nnd chuup hoinia- lo doUu'mino IT thorn won* moro vicllnui. Aili.oUKh it waH nnt dnriiiltoly known tiiat nil woro vlotUiiH of lon(ilnr/:il; alodliol. pnjjKininjr tinlll autopHloa Iran Ito ' norfju’tnoii, hIx woro luiown to pollno iiH "dohin’n" drinkcrH, and tiio otiinrM apitoarod lo bo «if liio itanio typo, Tn i>oxHoHHi»)U o f Honii> o f thom woro ftuind donaturo<i alcohol bol- t|08. pllilnly n>arl(iHl "polwm;" * Althoii^'h ihaithHVrom tlopaturod alcohol jiidnnninK’ aro not infro; uuont. Inn nuiuhor r>f. ihuin occur- ring HUflh a abort tlmn‘lnrt-pnttorr > Mmtd Komo of tho HiimnioN to a choiulMt for analynlH to dotormino if, tho ixdaon ah’ont wuh ununually vlhihmrn— ---------- -- ' H A I/r I.A K 1-: C IT Y , m all,' Doc. H O'lii- K.'oL- nialim i Jioodi. Icir Uio 'X l '2T) voarH aliimld bo tdiarlod at ICO, Proiilrlont Mnrnl»all N. Oana of tlio NaUnnal Itoolamallon aami- ;latlon liiday advlaoil w.'nt»Tn iitatrji In projiontlnjr hiii annual ro- port. Ill: pro<lictoil t.Iiut irdm inlutrallon faith fn'rofhiniallon'H valiio to tio- cjoty will ho provon ity “furtiior al- I'lcationH lo moot woll-dolormthoil nooda." M oro than SHOO,000.0110 al- ly hiiN iioon alloiinti'd for laurh worlc. Ihuui'iiald. Diinii,' iKlvocHlo of dovoliipniont of Ihn woi^t thrru'ii'h nclontiric; plan nltii: for moro (ban a rpiarlor »>f r ncnliiry, roconunondiid: llrgtHi Miirvoyn 1, Contlnnanco nml compii^lion of anil and, walnr aiirvoyji. a, , I'roflocut^on of national pni- (jraniH of lanil and walor iillllza- llon. . , ' ;i. novolnpmrint of an atllludo nn ompldyniont • of rovrniioa I roni pawor planlH incidonl lo roolania- tion |iroJ»;rlH lliat Hbali roproaont broad and cilrond Jud)ti>tont. .1. Oonllnminco of riKlaniullon an u nutloniil policy. n. Oi'Kanl/atlon of Hlron^ idato rofdiiinatlon i;roii)>H with atoaiinp- llon of fidl roapoiiidlililly. li Crciill'))} of a hii.'-iHialivo coui' millno to nionl with I'ronitlonl Itoonovolt an«l with wonldrn con- .turiuuduual.duIu^Uuiui^iKjaii. on. Ihu. prohlom of tho forthcomlntf IAkIh- lallvo program a« it affi(jH roc- m iJ^T flIltl/H ATTAilllKIl lIAHKISMurta, )'a.. Doc. 8 IIM‘i Htato, city and Htoclton pollco today oontlmtod Ihoir Moni-oh for I alx-/oot Negro who attaekod 30- Vcar*old Uuth I.»«!<ipor, Stoolton nigh »chool girl, uflni^ rlrlving her I Invalid father away y/Sth a pintni, Brass , BandSy \ Cablet Leaders Feature Nazi Relief Cdmpdign ' Dijp. 3 ba!nd«,' cabinet mln]/jt«r<i.'. (ipot*. llghbi and tin alnii t>o^i t ^ y i N asrW inter r«1t«&'oarr)paI^. i I -t Tl»«‘[TOV*fnm«nt iw <3oe|'inff an<l Paui '*aaeph Ooab-t boI»^twp,of. the tiowerful fig- urea, 6f Hltlei; reglm«^at>- «od 'WrifMly p a o ^ , tlh‘W m ................... ianm<^'>M*' CHEST"TOrSLS REACH $9;90i2.83 Tilt' $10,000 m ark In ihi Twin Fiiila Community choat. campaign will bo pHanod bnfore nightfall. It waa prodictvd oonfidentTy today, leaving but lakOOO to l*e raiaml lo reach the oovotod goal of $12,000 . pfflalala reported tnla afternoon.* At.nooh the'pledgoa totaled $0,* (K)2.8d, and four ntnro name* were add«d to tho 100 per*o«Mt llat of oontrlbutorf. Theae Inoludad Harry' D«A)oit and employes. Park hotel apd'enaployea, Cinder«lla ahop ahd amidbyA* '^ayfalr * ahop^ -and loyw,.. £ IW, II woll an tho li'roK* ulani. w.Ti' at tho fruntloi- In- duy. nont with tlio aiuiorli-il nb- Jcoi of provontln;;^iny rofuj;<'oH frniii ri'liii'iiliur ' .lui'oiilavlan fiidl. f'onmiojil HIKor 'I'ono (if novv.'ipiipor rcininiont horo wail jrrowiiijt ovor /diarpor and oxidlooionl Incroaiiod an tiio pitiful jiTiaip)! (if rufujiooa iir- rlvod, , Ijili-nt anlvata at wlx-iuro thia oiirroa|)iiiidont luui Jual rtduriiod. woro moHtiy jioiiiiiuilH. Thoy Jiald thoy woi'i< Inld of tho doportatlon ordor at II o'clooU In Iho'm orninjr ti>id wurnod to loavo in Iho aftor- noon. Thoy inchidi'd a nii^i who liad imdornmio an oporatlon a fow daya ai;i>, ao'l a woman auffor- InK from fovor aftor tho iiirth nf a child. N;uun fCKIHdlHl Tn ono parly woro Iloman Caliiollc nuna, tioro Iloman Catliollr priojitH anil a protoiit- ant pa»d(ir. Thoy loti .Iho roCij-. j;i'oii Jn prayor whon thoy had croiiHod llio frr.nlior. MoHt of tbo ri*filKoo!J had all liiolr. poHia'HHlonii.'ln amall hoxoa a n d JarM. AIRMAIL FLIER City lo Chicago, CauAo of thn accident waa not oatabllNbod Immndiutely, Chief CInrU Itttlph Gontry of the Dranlff llnoa waa on routrt hero to Inveati* gH lo, The craijh occurred ot,dawn. So complfttnly w'ua the plane de* alroyed by flamofl that it Wap DOt until Mvoral hnura latat* that iden» H4 uotjho oraft and the pilot .waa eataWlaho^'’'' Moior^urled - . The .'motor of th« plan« wa«i’bur-, ied Jn tho froaen gitnmd af— **- hlghyvay. The remainder'‘ plane,. excepting the tall IdentUloaUai^. |i|)arka,rt ))Uin othor 'r ' • ' All of.tft^aU •. iiiiil .'limn- III >r I hiM |.rariati' atrs lilllr h n-M illr. VjJ /Jj'MIS,, mil n'4 ilT Njlltluiori ; .Jii(xoKlnvia 11Hi'oU Hi\oriiiiionl. Hiiyu .'.ilo<| r u r “ iiiji.iv;" IhiiiK'iM'iniiH, lull, i-lninuo in jiiilii-.y in oxin-llinu. oC p i• ii/»r)i/Nw u'Jmi siilijfois. ■ (Ci>IOrii,dil. Iti.-li, I'nitod I'roHn) . \u-r. m (tim l^'i-i'iioli l-’iiri-iKM .Miiiiriior IMorro l-:i\al '.iilnl v\illi .IliKosllivia ill ;i I'iili-r Ilalliini ilispulo licl’ort' ilio l.i'ju;ii'' o|‘ .ViilioiiM onumtir 1' 1‘l a y , tiiilic.'ilirtj' tlial I'Vanoo.. ''“Iisidon, 11II tit'll ry imlirootly U'Uill\’ I.r auuri'ssioji iiKiiiiiMl tlin ' •III'.'iivla \'.s, hi oiiiitraid lo Ihir j.onillon takon 'ly l'‘ianio. tho tUillan (hilogntn ain,' to llio dufontio of liiingary. and tiupporto.d pi-o]iuun|fl for rO' vlalon of llio pofit'War troutloa vvhlcii tlio HuiiapoHl u"vornmont liiiH lonjr proUmlod. ThiiH'Tlniy and . lliinjrary woro nlicnitd boforc the council aualnKl JugoHlavln, i<un*. ;»u'tod by irranoo, CzochoRiovakW' mil oihor Balkan allica. I.uviU'M puaitlon In Iho Ualkun IlHputu had boon awaited oagerly '*ooauK<' b(dh Franco and arrot lirltalii pmvhntaly aloo<l aaldo tnd attonipUjd lo quiSlHlalk of War; Artlcl«» Tnti , Tim Kronch foreign nilnlatcr fieiW’ lh() league council that the Leo^o covenant i^tntahui pfneiplea np« pllraiiip to the «ll«puto, tn which Jujronhivlu ciiargrtrf H urtgaryw U h toriMrlAm, incluillng tho ajivasalna*. tion oC-Klng Alexander. r ‘'I'htmo principloa are contained ' In urticlo ten. which imposes 04 all I-.cai{iio nion»b<M-« th e d u ty o f re - spooling nn<t maintaining th^.tcr* ritorlal .Inlogrity .and political “!ir- doptnidoncu of all olnor mombers,'.' - ).uval aald. JugoHlavla haa cha^M llial iiunk'wry wa« roaponaiblo tor fContlnuod on Pago 2. Cuhimj^ 1) U .S HANDS OFF,^ HDLL Votcnin Ohinatro Aviator Dion In Fljiminff Wrock Near Mifliiouri Oily C D LlI\rilIA , Mo.. TX*c. R dUlt -- Li:W_iJmviJU.^ai)^ClJlougu^-tt of hio iiraidff Alrllnofi. waa burned doalh oiirly today whon hi« air* II piano oraNhod alongaido V- highway 40 noar here. Bowon was Ttytng~mrthy-nir-ruuiB fmm “‘ Socrolary of 8Ute Aaae^^ Amorioa Not H e d d l^ g i';• In Balkan Or)sii < •VVAHlflNGTON, Dce. 8 <li Tho United Statea ia malnti atrirt lumda off polloy li .lugiiNiavla - (iungar; contri Hocrolary of Stale Oord«l|> omphaaixoil twiay. Ho aaJd tho aute del ia receiving numernufl ,oat porU from Ita foreign flcOr^i atalloned in Bhjrop^ )>tiK contain auch a maiw <' tory and oonf}k}ting<; offlclj' IclalJ bero OM not that thoy know the U While, adrplttlnc .di ovor t h e ---------------- - UrMO ,J offlolaU here ayn. . acting part in th«, ing on . In GeneVa* < Burepoan )«ad«ra uppr 7 »t .Biis.'.'Sclitt^Ull Dc

tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014-12-12 · ^j^iefitheT Forecast ^bii«i^ly fair tpiilvjit »um1 nuiiOuys lltUe ph>LHf«» lu tflinpomtiiro. AJiuiimiim

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Page 1: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014-12-12 · ^j^iefitheT Forecast ^bii«i^ly fair tpiilvjit »um1 nuiiOuys lltUe ph>LHf«» lu tflinpomtiiro. AJiuiimiim

j iefitheT Forecast^ b i i« i^ ly fa ir tp iilv jit »um1 nuiiOuys

lltU e ph>LHf«» lu tflinpom tiiro . AJiuiimiim y i^ le rd n y 8As ntliil'' q ium ;18. thlfl Vnoriiliiic 14. ,

Six Irrlffatod OoiintloH hi Idiiho

Tocky’s News


VOb. XVII. Nf>. 20H-T. C10NT9. : i :w iN k a M jH, i u a i i ( ) ^ ,s , \ ’.o i j i {))a v , j j k ( ; k .\i h k h h . n u i O K K lC lA Ij COUNTV N K W S P A IM O

CAMPAIGNSPyRS' Cor oner Probes

Accident DeathJuryjmen Inve^stigfate

Crash Fatal to , Woman

Now Deal, Hoping to Dodgo “ Snowball," W orried at



h x i i ( i o te ^ / to J o i n in HouBlno: F lghC W kh Ploa f o r Tax

• E x e m ) lt B o n d n

, ; Ify fvVLH C. W IL W W .W A BH INQTO N, Doo. fl KUi)- —

Ntoyt‘.Doalerfl hope to ikxlffn iho r o t i t i ^ o y Infla tion iinowbhll holnir

t^ llqd . up by r a th « r ChnrloB ' ■"' rhljn, D fitrolt’/i rad io . .lOro Ui Bomo nnxlo ly horo 6vor

tln>» dem»ti«trAtod orfoollvononn iit

RtiUiat* .CoUffhlln'fl .ctinipniKn. Hbi nU ohal Union fo r Boolul Junllco Wfu lAunohed abA ut thrco wookn

'N nw m oro th an 500,000 mom ht^n a re ' cinlmftd.

ITroin D«iroJt onmn ynpnrbi tim t Iho rad io nrlAiil will havn it rn]irn> ^onlatlvo Voro n liortly uft<n' con* crciw convonc0. A toanllnin tltu ntin< ilny iiArmon fro m D n tro il w ill tit- irn o t itiuro thouAandB of niipporl- cm Jf pnut experlonco In nny o rlt- orlon,

' lln tid R xom ptlon! THbrn aro ru m o ra o f Homitlhlng flow. 1^ .D oln jlt. W anhlnRl'on ox- ftootJI TnUior C oughlin to Join the liouslng conlrovom y w ith a plan

fo nxfltnpC from tax a tio n nil h/jnd« iiAU<)d to rnlae p riv a te ca p ita l fu r

liomo conntruotlon. .Thd trouKUry \v o n 't Ul<6 th a t. B u t homo huyora Will Ih ln lt It a p r« tty pond Idfla. Mnt(ej( now hoiiAea ohcapQi'.

F a th e r CotJifhlin naii alllf)d )ilm ' se lf In iiomfl d e face w ith. R onator RlmAr Thom aa, D„ O kla., pgaln a lOAdloflr flon ffrtu lonal oxponnnt of eu rr« n ey tnflatlon,

T h e T ^w naind p lan hal«»\cd In C alifo rn ia deaio;nod to iruar* a n le o i.^ 0 0 a> m o » th lo avoryone flO o r mnr.o yearn oW doo« no t w o n , ry c a p ita l ata leam en . n o r do the Ut«y))an aoofpUea. .

' ' « Potvi«rfiil .\yeupont lu t ,F a th o r CouKhlln und hi>> ro>

i}lo-««n ««fulona didIntim W ftle <ipjfrea«rt«n.

T h e re w o n 6 ' U lre e t , Intlmlda* tion. D u t the ra d o priotit'ii lldlon* or« b egan w rU in r. to W oahinKton. Oonffreoalonal aeo retarloa woro tho f lra t to co m p la in .' M o«t of thorn ana;yere<I th e flrut few Jjundrod \<itter* w ith o u t eVon tollinjf th e ir (C on tinued on z . Colum n 0)

C 'tiro n o f 'N J u r y i n l l i i ' ctitHi' o f . l i f r i i . ^ H r iU i d c (( t( it , ) o k T h iirH tl j iy , jm* th N r r s u l to f t in n u t o . un illH ld ii tu> iT F l l o r W t H i n i ^ u y i i lR h t , m u - h c d n v « r '- d l n t a t R p . m . t t t d i iy , d n r l i i r l i i t ; t h o a c c l d o i i t . t o h a v e U iM )ti.u n u v o ld a l» l(! .

TnntlnioDy In nn liuiUfnt u:>'"W- Inir o u t of Ihn dnuth Thur/idiiy of M ra. S a ra h Holton, ;iii, fojlitwJnp an au to aaoldAnt no rthw oa t of F ll- fti W odnnaday nlRht. wn« holnir hoard th is aftom oon iiy Dr. F . A. D w ldht. F^lflr, county coronor.■ T ho nnarlnR' oponcwl in iho fJlH-

tr io t c o u r t m om a ihtN >nornin(T> a f te r tho /olIowInK ninn ninn had boon ompanbltvl aM JtmirH: ’K. D. IJnjw n, C, T.’ BranliotJ, O. A. Bohw arl*. H. P. H arjror, O, n ,' .lonpn. .T. a , Btftwurl, CJ. W nciui, j ; ir. M nlton lind D. D .U Ivon l.

On tho atand tiilH m orn ln i' w<m« Charlcfl.DlguH. Huhl. In who»n c a r Mm. Dolton wna a pa>iH>’nt;nr a t tho tim n o f thfl fa ta l accl(>ont; L. W. Ilaw klnu , IciJor, form or (lu|iiily c(amr> wartJon, In fro n t o f wJinim hoine tlio m ishap t«tok iilaon; Fon- tnlnn Coopor, MUito tra ffic offiet^r; \nd n . C. GIvflnH, depu ty Hhorlff. Thu la t te r two hnd hc'^n calli'd to Iho Mflonn o f tho nccidnnt.

l>«nlnt I.I|;hlM O utFow- now fuclji witrn fli'V«itopiuI,

tho wltnofl>i confh :nr;iit th a t hiji c a r w as ru n into from tlio ro a r by

d riven - by CnrJ lIoJl«nJw(;l(. Tho la t te r iiJiHorln hrt no rcnr il};htH on th e D l^cv \:iir, and ^ la ln ta ln a tho llyhtii wnr« In u<><nl on lo r. lIoliontMuk Hayn iin wiiiJ hllndod l)y lltfhtx fi‘<i>n a c a r com* inff in th e opixwUo niroctlon, nn<l th a t Itfl afK>1i na thl.i car hiul ])axn* ftd. the wHIiaion to/>u j)laro.

Tear Gas Aids Rescue of Be siefled Employes < ■ S

U’b llf (ho iiihlvvrut \vaH rohtdvoly froo froni|(«lrlko dtHordorM, .riitn 'd at U ir n iiiy r im , <).,hlinit or (lii> Kuynn^ dliilhhiK iniinnfiu 'lutcrN. w h i'n ', tin d rr covi'r iif k i-liiuil of t r i i r khw. iih Khowii Itori'. Iii'uh'i'i'*! » (iri(iTH woro roiintvi'tl in.ii iiiovini: \'aii pi«lu>lH rriiin l l ir ( ’Irvi-liiiiil-hii.vm i- itliiiil iiilli- i'd about, o{'(;io(;’ tho uorkiTU iiiid ifiiiliij; ttio lr t'li>thhi|;. I'IcUctM frooi Cli'volaiid iiH riiip fid In tlioIlnryruM p lan t a l lo r (ho (ilovoland p ljiiit iiim rlom-d fo ttiiu liur n ntrlUo. ’

OAyiEYASHEADFiler Man Kfocled PrcHidoiit

Of. Twill I ’allii Dlvi.'sioi)In Idaho Qroiip

N. ]y.\yli‘.y Ii-\v |ir


l-'ullH liiiMfiry illa lrlctThe piggfl c a r w ont fo rw ard IRO

toilay wuM 111.- Twin

divliilriii of

fooi, Wltnenaea teatlflfid, am i tu rn ' oil over on Mra. Hollon. Hh« wa» tak ^n to th e Uubl liofl|dtiil whoro nho <litKl a t li;nO a. m. T liuraday. FufieraJ aetTlctfw w<ir« condwt-'lod horo yentordiiy.

Q uoatlonora of tliu wltnciuioa ut (C untlnuod on P agu 2, Colum n 4)


Olarenoo % B ig g s ' Buoooods. Bob H. W atner,a8 County

• Adm ittistrator

... Uolan, a rrlv ' an d today htul

BMumod the ,position of ao llng co u n ty IB R A ad m ln ls tra tn r , auo> coodlns: Bob H. W am or.

B lggfl w sa appo in ted by P. O, M eredith , a ta td ad m ln iiitra w r. Ho hsip b^cn .Ada co tin ty adnrihU tm - to r for th e paat.iUx* m on ths. HIm

Ion a t Bolao. ta to bo flllu i 'iotdi- .Foaa o r B onnor county , a M id 'here today .

M om bora 'o f .Qlgtfo* fam ily will ai'rivo In T w in F ^ la aa fM)on‘aa a Iboatlon is fouhdi Tho new v local dffltilal atutod to d ay t h a t ho waA .Happy to be m ' Tw in F a l la 'a n d l ^ k e d fo rw ard t

Claronc<^ 10. Biggi flfl h e re .last n ig h t i

W lnilitratlon h«r« ,. ,V D tlrlalr Iha. pb rlpdnlnco W arnor'a

over. tbo.<prpt««t of tho » Twb}' F allA .co u n ty ^ a llo f aaaoola*

I' t o 'a itucoeHaful ad '

„_W Deo..8 ..1U.l;l—Foiir loth»r ' o f l4ew : YorH’«

nont houaii early today, . , ; ,war0 '< mJMred; fnoluding a 7D*yeBr>Q)d^rlpptl)d woman. ^

T h e doad}w er« , trap p e d on th e '.^ p riVB'atory,, outmodt^d

la.'o ibnoy. a s ; John 'ion ; L aw renoe Ulb«

aiid tfirp. U ln^

iort'l^oftr v ''

AGENTSRECOVEB ' U RSCHELINEYAdditional $30,000 DiBcovorotl

In Hills Noar Portland,U. S. Announoos

W A aiilN O T O N , Dpi:. H HM:) — .‘’odural ttgonta havo niciiVia-ed a .o ta l of fia-j.oon of tljo Uriic|jo| iildnup ranaom monoy. Ihc liopnrt- inent <if Jusllco annouiuUul tmlay,

Op^ratlvoH found JHO.OOO iiUJdon n tiio iiiKfl noul* I'o r tlan d , Orv.,

yoHtoniuy ami $14,000 m oro in liio mmo v icin ity ab o u t Ihroo wookn igo. - I*rovlojta>y they tllHoovorod *80 .000 Bti l ’aradlHo. Toxhm.

Tliii dopartm on t mild all l>i» hionoy nA fa r rccovurrd w<iuld bn fsjturnpd to CharioH K. Urmshoi, w ealthy O klahom a buHlnoHH .m an , Who wau kUlnanod imd hold until ho paid $200,000 rannVTi'n. “ .. J u a t l c e o f f l c l a l a . a a ld m u c h o f t h o b a l a n c e n e v e r w o u ld b o r e c o v < & r e J b o o R u a e i t h a d . b o o / r Nj>i>nt b y th o k i< in a p o r ii , i n o f w h o m - h a v o b o o n 'c o n v ic t e d . In a n d n o a r H t. I ’a u J . M in n .


lion, iltt vvafi choKi'M by tin* hoard of ;<lirool«rM Id >iiii-hooiI M all Koimildl, Twin i-'ailN, who wan not a nanilUlato fo r tito plitoo.

Dayloy laid iio.iii mimo<l tn.lay, rrilh)wiii»f a nmollrijf *if iho tjrow- orH u t till) co u rt lu)ii»ii> biHt ovi<tUn((, wiiKU idx t)f nlno OirootorM w«-yo rn-oloctoii, and ti n lm ilar ira lhoiln jf lit J(^ronie ynntiirUtiy . ivf.ti’rnixai wlmn tw o ^ilrpfitora woro ro-muiiod,

Tho d irea to ra choao Wlliifl Uanip- Klin, Hannon, aa Vico pruold^nl of tho oriranlzatlon, nnU rculuctod C. 0 . Thoni«M, F linr, hh Hocrotary- t1'o^^nJror. Duylfly wan dcHljrnatod MH Htato d in to to r utirl Ntiito diroctoi' n t liirt.'o.

^iris Probers Offer Foreign Inquiry Aid

,W lL L ^GER$


l A D DECLARESSun^fJcurod Wciit Told Thiit

Miui Cun Av<-rt Kiiviij'csi;. Hy Irriijatioii


U. S. Oliidf A.!;;i!rt.u Proianit Adniinintriilion Woi-kin;;

F or Ooordiniition

JM W II.I.JXM J-I-V.V.VHAI.T l„VK'K (.'ITV. I i.e . H <ri


Italy Supports B'lmgary At Bitter League Parley

^ I 'h in r io d r o c l a i n a l i o n >'a n ' d i • f o a td r o l l 1 ii. O i in n i i M i ln i i c - I*; 1 w .n o dM o a d v . f t h o I I , H. iK .iv i i i i o f li 'C -l a m a l l o n to ld ' t i i o .V a li< m a l U<I l l a t i o n . a t i iH j r la lk .n l u d a y

I‘'a rm < 'r . 'i in f iim -> i> a n -d u r o a ; '1 d on o t I 'iv o u p h i ip o a n d a l i a iI m n iiN l a o i-o a l i ' . n i i . 'y li n o w t h a tn o x t y o a r m a n w i l l l ia v o c . i u n >)todn a i l i n ' w i t h ily lco o r d a n 1, ho a a ldlo a jijx 'iK 'li ])i 'opai> 'U fo ir <li-ll v .r ryh . - r o a t 11 .•»: m , M ST .

P r o t o o d .m f o r W< s th 'o d o r a l r o c j a m a l l i m l.’i lio l ili-ly

( j 'u v o to d tf i b i ' ln t . ' in j ; in-vi.' lin id .‘i 111--t o n i l l l v i i t l o n , .Moad do c l a ro . l . l l ahmilnoii . ' i po l l ( ! y n o t o n l y ral l . ' i I 'or

Ask European Powers To Carry Out

InquiriesW A.M HINin'ON. n .i ; , H (I'.l') ■

' I’ll....... . m u n l t l o n j i h iv o ; i t l j : i i l l u i rr(iniinltti'i', u r i i - r a w*!i!i{ of ti-iill* aiony by Anun ioa'a i.^iullnjr arm.i m am ifucturorji. wa>j m id y loflay lo ajiuint u lnillar In'inlrloii' It bupi'fl woiiUi Htart In o th e r 4-<iiuii

C lia lrm an O oiald i*. Nyo, It., N ?>., roltffMN'd a - ' t o Onukt llrita in o r any <>UioV m itioii tim t pdj^ht <lof(lro to itiH|H)ct liii l)ool<H of ItH m unitions iuim]iitni<'a.

T outlniaiiy lnt'oin|il<‘lo N yo’n InviiHtltatorw. liowovor,

woru confi'oritiwl by tlio proljlom o f ploclnjf-toiT'-lhor a <iijtconnv |ij(rluro o f jMud-war actlvllloH by Alll^^rlt:lln• jiian’tifucturoni. lltimc d lnajipolntnionl wiii< oxproHHod ut

Tti("imUi*'^aA ro» 'd l o f towlhnony lijiunl llu i'Iaa l foi^r djiya. Movoral Iiii|.nrtuiil.

• 1 Ki<'« w o r* i l i ' f l in c o m p U ’ tI>lr«mtor*4 N am i’il

Tho «ilrnct()rn ro*i»lontcd horo In- niudo'l Duyloy, Thonian, tiam paon; IIhmh Am|pri«on, M urtaU ifh; Uier\ Wiiltno.v, Kiiin>orly; anil .Kd Olin- iiti’Hil. Tw in Falbi. Now dlrootoid chnnon arc J . H. KoldhUfain, Kim* borl.v, Hiiotitinitinif Mcbmldt; W. A. UnbUiHon, Fllc'r. auonoodlniv !.<. W. Hnwlcin'i,' and II- A. Uobortti, of till) MaxJiltiin-lCibin lorrlto ry , plnclnif W alte r Itonrf,

i}jior4 wurii ii'ik iiii.oiit.I jWiion tho comn>ill‘’u bi-^an tlio

Inquiry laa t Hoptonibor, Nyn anc‘ IiIh colloairuoA HouKbt r.vlilonco t< p io m p t rthnliar int|iiirloH abiv»a<l.

“ Wo aro roady to I'ivo iill ujc IhI aiu'^o poiialbtu to fonui^n lnr|Ulr)c>i,‘ Nyo eald.

Kfrong A rtrum ont Myo told now/tpaporinon tixi com

iiilttoo obtalni'il a fitron^f ary;un)cnt .fo r o lim lnallon of p riv a lo manii- fnctliro o f m unltlonn vC-hcn cvl<l<!ncn

I A t tho no rth ahlo mootlni,^ N lrlt | intiVKluced to aiiow tim t Am

Wava-JJov(3i:fl U. S. in ■Bt Extended OnBlaught

Of W interrre>Mi?............. ..

anQW a n d cold covoroH » U nited S ta toa und m oat

o f C an ad a t9datf« c a rry in g aub- j}orm a). te iH paraturea even to Flor* Idk and sh io tn e rln g n o rth o rn atutoii

e r In anqw . .lerm otneters roae a llgh tly Ihla


li'. T raopon and I.farry M illor wororr'dli'iuod.

In a tton 'laiu io a t the «i:»uilim iior«< laut nvoninir wan (Joorjco .T. Cob* blny, Hlackftiot, a la tu nHMOoialion

fironidont, wlio diiiuimnod tijo woric- n({H of titc dontoNtIc allo tin n n t hill, llarvny H. Malo, county oxtoniiion

aR^nt, oxplatned tbn methodN to bo UHod in ’ diH lrlbutton of tho boncfit payniontH. A g ro u p of recommon* dAtioriN addr/rHAiKj, to th o atfitn monihtff o f tiu» ajiiiooiutlon a t I'O ' catollo M onday waii adopted , Init tho (!nntontN o f the rcnolutionHAvoro n u t tllvulg’*'*!-,

10x|)ro)«ill<m>i of apj>rodianon to tho wori< of tho Proftldnnt M all Hchmlilt, and o th o r rotlrln(( offl* (torn woro nnido liy Iho ^roworM* gmup. , I .

L,:A.Truffody Avartdd aa X^edostrlan

Boes Exploiivo on Rails f S triko.Tom OityOf I

LOS ANG}££.«SS, Doo, ((/.Ift-d ea n er In anqw.

T h erm o m e te r- . — ...... . . . . . .m o rn in g P .W w este rn pTaina. b u t ; A alick o f dyi»am lte waa found to

k rarlRpr .......................... ^ .........ooat'experienced tho day on tho trw lw o f th e a irlko ' CQld _ o f , th e ^ e y . ■ hurried ^ Apgolua a tre e t ra il

■hortiy Bttat* two troltoy cura ............. ' ithor aectlon pf


_ ill’,- i n d ’ i 'iS tW le ld , V ^ , wer«; tho .ooldeiit . s p o a n n ; ‘tiw i, oow n^y.

a degM es bolow^ e r o / : '. v'’''* '" - ‘

A t Wo<M>Pna«. Can., It w a a ' 84 . . ,a e » r i« « >ntnua Iciweat i n g o v e r i ttoR lpem M i^ ;MMoM«d tblil m o m q i to b ita; i t

f^ iruU H y lo j , T h i r t ^ n p 5 » p n t wer<^ fcreaM

' I 'a n d la — i ' UWVMUtIT-

Thad ooilldivd In tho o ily

AQoording.td polioe,,a p<KlefitriBn found th e d y n am ite re a lln g aqunro* ly on th« T a iik rA a lre e t c a r paJta-

woU td 'hove bebnTilown ,vtp utd.

lean com panion aold .soorol prooca lura lo roroignurH nft«>r tiio w ar. -/Hon. A r th u r H. Vanibinbrtrir. H .' MIcb.. HupjH)rli)d N yo’n conlonllon. tind «aid toHtimony dlMcloHwl “ th a l whon tho IInlto<l Htal<jH <lovolopH a now w»a|>on wo m uat imp<>*'l' *bo knowlodjfo l<> jw lcn tia l. onomicii »o th a t o u r m unltlonn m ak c ra can oporuto tho lr p lan t* a t ca p ac ity .”

ClMiJJongo rro lw mD u • I ' . j n t c o m p a n y o x o c u t lv p i i

c i u d lo n g o d »mmilUo<'mcn'M c h n ru o K I h i i t i n f o r m a t i o n v a i u a h i o t o t h o w ar a n d n a v y d o p a r lm o u lH r«tiuTli- w i , f o r o l g n n m n u f a o t u r o r B . "You a r o m a ltitJJC H orlouM a c o u n a l lo n i i , " o n o o f f i c i a l M uld.

Tho t'ommlttoo'H urtHwcr w aa a docum ent, Hhowluif t h a t u hlifh offU’oi' In Iho w iir « |«partm ont oji* proHHi'<l tho <»plnion m ’ina-l th a t It wuH "vjujlly m oro lm i»ortant" t*> flnwmrago Iho JJu iv>nt munltlowJ huMlnotw th an to "fln<lonvor to pw* len t n u u v u fa c tiftn g Bccr0 t«."

Return of Broker -------------Bla'sU-^^Kidiuip?’

TUUSA. Ollln., D..0. H l|l.l:l. \V, A. Dolanpy, «r., T u h a b roker, ro* lurnod bonm today a f tn r a nlgiit'H ubHonQft (lurinf; whioit it had boon foftrod ho w as hidnnpod.

Ho aald - a fmiton aulom ubilo ra tlla lo r on a bUNlnoNH tr ip dulaynd hla re tu rn hero.

HMVICUI.Y 1III.I.H, Calil. tN Ttainly miwn Iti tl»o papiTn to ­day . ‘’IMuwitin (Irltij: iK|iimi rx- t'culi'ii til!." "Tl»oiiniinilii nf liu ii- Karlaii/t drivi'n from .luj;"- Hluvla." ••Nnruiuri II. Pavla >'lv*.'« .wai'jiij)/; Id JajDin Dial iililp ru tlo rvill n o t Ijo chaMKO'l."

Now tiii-ro la tlii'oo jioparulii ovi-nlii, i-aoh oim ui'li to iita rl itn ow n w ar. Uul llr.io will loll wlili^li ono i)f liu ’ IhriMi piovoil tho moiit ooMlly. 'I'wo of thoMo «!•<• ih!allnK w ith tiu’lr nwn In- ti-rnat a rfa lra , anil T Jiiiit iinrt>M' iiiilo Lo >100 ua dlL'tiUi.' li<‘Viind n iir 'o w n l)u>’d.'ni. Yoiini,


j i o v o r n n i o i i t l o i i n a l o no r cp i iUI i m l t h i l l l a i n ! a l r o a i l y i - i iH lv i t l c d l i e nn v - I' ii . I t a piU'iwiJio tn l<i p r o t v d . w a t e r ui i i ij i l l iv i - t i n- mi' iifiii i '(^ «<r • 'wi ' .n li - ni w < ' a l l h , p n p u l a l l n i i , a n d .■i i-niirity .»f r u r a l l i f o- ' v , .■

I l i i d i ' r I t u ' p i ' f t K ' n l u d m l i i l . ' i t n i t l o n rff.K-ta tc. /<np(iJy wiih-r N'< l and. ' i , f o n n o i ' l y h n p l i n z i i n l a n . I K i v i i t l y l i i d iv i i l i i a ll a tl<5 , h a v o l ir- 'U tS i - n rd lna l iM l . i io jiit|<l.

M aoy I'rojootn lu 11 wciitorii Jitulca 17 ijri>ji-ct.‘i

aro nndor ronid riKrlltiri. l-’un.l;i al- roady a llo ttod fo r worlc l<Hal Jin.'i,- noo.ono. An ad<iitiuim! will bo nocoiaiary, Moad aai<l.

Tlio oa.>it hati Im ni'flttfd rroiii Wi'jdorii atatA roclamitUon, ancoid- tiiK M'-'"!- Onh'Mi fo r uiatoiialji(frntilhin<!<| oil I'ai'*’ -• ^'-'oJumn .’I)

>ll |Clll, 'Il ' lM

li <d' Ki...............i i' i A.n i l f j i i

;||V 'iVv'i'l lu i la i 'o J ’" l i

* *

i i \ i i i i : I 'M T iC D I ' l t n s sI Uti- ll.ilK .in .T i.sis-

■•'nl.'ii w il li .h i |.; iis la \ iji's Ic- tn r iirl-. i.r li 'iT .ir is iii, i Ml.liT. Il i i ii ! ii ir \ pi,.a-, t' I. Jt;i!.V .M j.jr In - .lo lriis r (

o lu iri* '-’ l l ia l i l ii i l - ii-lin liii|i n s sn s iiitia ; <v p o s l-w a i’ i r o n ly iJ' llim jr/))-y iin/1 <>f

A lifter (jtou's as ■HiDifiary Vieios • Refugee (rroups.

' l('<.pM li;lit. tflltt. -Cultl i l ' I 'A l ’IO.ST, |)IT. S Il't'i

Aii(;.T iiiuiinl.'il In lIuoj;Hry l«>- <h.v a;, r. porl.s oonI Inu.'il cf

•n an iv in i; at in m - >^pi'll>'d t'nini' Du'lr


i/.ko, 1.1' '


runtio iiid 'I.-,I t.. fal.'tr M-- III llia l .lu^'D.'ilavian a-ii’.| llunK ary an

.\hl( fu liiliiil>ilii

I'll t>i 111.

F iroa .f tilo


AHWociation Proiiidciil— F a r - S iB h to d O lu irtin ft- o f

WoHtorii Noodi!

rill, i-’ltli whioli t lu’r lni'ur;dnr Ivlliaiui Who

omloa fro(jiii'nt).vI'liiiia'ii III). rt'<

Kolm'ni'i:onii'nta n poH<-<-


.11/ilriol ap- );iiviTniuont (o 111 unim iinltlon ' ifp o ll any t'ur- (if till) baiida

phindor p»liti<Sii I wiio h o f i . r o .


Portland PoHoo, Sciivch Ohoiip HoIqIh for Moro Viotiina

Of "D oliorn” OrjcyP O U T L A N n, Oro.. Uoc, H H I!),

A pjuiri^nl vlcllinH nf u "iloiiorn." or doniitnrod aloniiol o rj'y , nino inon Jtiid dii'd in rlioap roondnjr hoiiRoH | to d ay and Ibron othorn woro iiori* onidv III In I'o^lcu rmortr*’ncy hOHr p ital.

Tho nlno nil diod lilnco (I p. m. F rh la y and pollno woro vifilllntf o lh n r roondnt;' lioijaoH nnd chuup hoinia- lo doUu'mino IT thorn won* m oro vicllnui.

Aili.oUKh it waH nnt dnriiiltoly know n tiia t nil woro vlotUiiH of lon(ilnr/:il; alodliol. pnjjKininjr tinlll

autopHloa Iran Ito ' norfju’tnoii, hIx woro luiown to pollno iiH "dohin’n" drinkcrH, and tiio otiinrM apitoarod lo bo «if liio itanio typo,

Tn i>oxHoHHi»)U o f Honii> o f t h o m w o r o f tu in d d o n a tu r o < i a l c o h o l b o l - t | 08 . p l l i l n ly n > a rl(iH l " p o lw m ;" *

A l th o i i ^ 'h ih a i th H V r o m t l o p a t u r o d a l c o h o l jiid n n n in K ’ a r o n o t in f r o ; u u o n t . I n n n u i u h o r r>f. i h u i n o c c u r ­r i n g HUflh a a b o r t t l m n ‘ ln r t- p n t to r r

> Mmtd K om o o f t h o H iim nioN t o a c h o iu lM t f o r a n a ly n lH to d o t o r m i n o if , t h o i x d a o n ah ’o n t w u h u n u n u a l l y v l h i h m r n — ------------ '

H A I / r I . A K 1-: C I T Y , m a l l , ' D o c . H O 'l i i - K .'oL- n i a l i m i J io o d i. Ic ir U io

'X l '2T) v o a rH a l i im ld b o t d i a r l o d a t ICO, P r o i i l r l o n t M n r n l» a l l N . O a n a

o f t l i o N a U n n a l I t o o l a m a l l o n a a m i- ; l a t l o n l i i d a y a d v la o i l w .'n t» T n

i i t a t r j i In p r o j io n t l n j r h iii a n n u a l r o - p o r t .

I l l : p ro < lic to i l t .I iu t i r d m i n l u t r a l l o n f a i t h f n 'r o f h i n i a l l o n 'H v a l i io t o tio - c jo ty w i l l ho p r o v o n i ty “ f u r t i i o r a l- I 'lc a t io n H lo m o o t w o l l - d o lo r m th o i l n o o d a ." M o r o t h a n SHOO,000.0110 a l -

l y hiiN iio o n a l l o i i n t i 'd f o r la u rh w o r l c . I h u u i ' i i a l d .

D i in i i , ' iK lv o c H lo o f d o v o l i i p n io n t o f I h n w o i^ t t h r r u 'i i 'h n c lo n tir ic ; p la n n l t i i : f o r m o r o ( b a n a r p i a r l o r »>f r n c n l i i r y , r o c o n u n o n d i i d :

llrgtHi Miirvoyn 1 , C o n t l n n a n c o n m l c o m p i i^ l io n

o f a n i l a n d , w a l n r a i i r v o y ji .a , , I 'r o f l o c u t^ o n o f n a t i o n a l p n i -

( j r a n iH o f l a n i l a n d w a l o r i i l l l l z a - l l o n . . , '

;i. n o v o l n p m r i n t o f a n a t l l l u d o n n o m p l d y n i o n t • o f r o v r n i io a I r o n i p a w o r p la n lH i n c i d o n l l o r o o l a n i a - t i o n |iro J» ;r lH l l i a t H b a li r o p r o a o n t b r o a d a n d c i l r o n d J u d ) t i> to n t .

.1 . O o n l l n m i n c o o f r i K l a n i u l l o n anu nutloniil policy.

n. O i'K anl/atlon of Hlron^ idato rofdiiinatlon i;roii)>H w ith atoaiinp- llon o f fidl roapoiiidlililly.

li Crciill'))} o f a hii.'-iHialivo coui' m illno to nionl w ith I'ronitlonl

■ Itoonovolt an«l w ith w onldrn con- .turiuuduual.duIu^U uiui^iK jaii. o n . Ihu.

prohlom of tho fo rthcom lntf IAkIh- lallvo p ro g ram a« it a ffi(jH roc-

m iJ ^ T f l I l t l /H A T T A illlK Il lIA H K IS M u rta , ) 'a .. Doc. 8 IIM‘i H tato, c ity an d Htoclton pollco

to d ay oontlmtod Ihoir Moni-oh for I a lx -/oo t N egro w ho a ttae k o d 30- Vcar*old U uth I.»«!<ipor, S toolton nigh »chool girl, uflni^ rlrlv ing her

I Invalid fa th e r aw ay y/Sth a pintni,

Brass, BandSy \ C ab let Leaders Feature Nazi Relief Cdmpdign

' Dijp. 3ba!nd«,' cabinet mln]/jt«r<i.'. (ipot*. llghbi and tin alnii t>o^i t ^ y

iN a s rW in te r r«1t«& 'oarr)paI^. i

I -t Tl»«‘[TOV*fnm«nt iw

<3oe|'inff an<l Paui '*aaeph Ooab-t boI»^tw p,of. the tiowerful fig- urea, 6f Hltlei; reg lm «^at>- «od 'WrifMly p a o ^ , tlh‘W m...................

ia n m < ^ '> M * '


Tilt' $10,000 m ark In ih i Tw in Fiiila C om m unity choat. cam paign will bo pHanod bnfore n ig h tfa ll. It w aa prodictvd oonfidentTy today, leav ing b u t lakOOO to l*e raiaml lo reach th e oovotod goal o f $12,000 . p ffla lala re p o rted tn la afternoon.*

A t.n o o h th e 'p le d g o a to ta led $0,* (K)2.8d, a n d fo u r ntnro nam e* w ere add«d to tho 100 per*o«Mt llat of o o n trlb u to rf. Theae Inoludad H a rry ' D«A)oit an d em ployes. P a r k hotel apd 'enaployea , C inder«lla ahop ahd amidbyA* '^ a y f a l r * ahop^ -and


£ IW,

II woll an tho li'roK* ulani. w.Ti' a t tho fruntloi- In- duy. nont w ith tlio aiuiorli-il nb- Jcoi of p ro von tln ;;^ iny rofuj;<'oH frniii ri'liii'iiliur ' .lui'oiilavlan fiidl.

f'onm iojil HIKor 'I'ono (if novv.'ipiipor rcininiont

horo wail jrrow iiijt ovor /diarpor and oxidlooionl Incroaiiod an tiio p itiful jiTiaip)! (if rufujiooa iir- rlvod, ,

Ijili-n t a n lv a ta a t wlx-iuro th ia oiirroa|)iiiidont luui Jual rtduriiod. woro moHtiy jioiiiiiuilH. Thoy Jiald thoy woi'i< Inld of tho doportatlon o rdor a t II o'clooU In Ih o 'm o rn in jr ti>id w urnod to loavo in Iho af to r- noon.

Thoy inchidi'd a nii^i who liad imdornmio an opora tlon a fow daya ai;i>, ao 'l a w om an auffor- InK from fovor a f to r tho iiirth n f a child.

N;uun fCKIHdlHl Tn ono p a r ly woro Ilom an

Caliiollc nuna, t io ro Ilom an C atliollr priojitH anil a protoiit- a n t pa»d(ir. Thoy loti .Iho roCij-. j;i'oii Jn p ra y o r w hon thoy had croiiHod llio frr.nlior.

MoHt of tbo ri*filKoo!J had all liiolr. poHia'HHlonii.'ln am all hoxoa and JarM.


City lo Chicago,CauAo of thn accid en t w aa no t

oatabllNbod Im m ndiutely, C h i e f CInrU Itttlph G o n try o f th e D ran lff llnoa w aa on routrt hero to Inveati* gHlo,

T he craijh occurred o t,d a w n . So complfttnly w'ua th e p lane de* alroyed by flamofl th a t it Wap DOt u n til M voral hnura latat* t h a t iden» H4 u o t j h o o ra f t an d th e p ilo t .w aa ea taW lah o ^ '’' '

M o io r^ u rled - . The .'motor of th« plan« wa«i’bur-,

ied Jn tho froaen gitnmd af— **- hlghyvay. The rem ainder'‘ plane,. excepting the ta ll IdentUloaUai^. |i|)arka,rt ))Uin

o th o r ' r ' • 'A ll o f . t f t ^ a U

•. i i i i i l . ' l i m n - III>r I h iM | . r a r i a t i '

a t r s l i l l l r h n-Millr. VjJ /Jj 'MIS,,

m i l n'4

i lT

N j l l t l u i o r i ; .Jii(xoKlnvia

11 H i'oU

H i \ o r i i i i i o n l . H i iyu.'.ilo<| r u r “ iiiji.iv;"IhiiiK'iM'iniiH, lull, i-lninuo in jiiilii-.y

in o x in -llin u . oC p i • ii/»r)i/Nw u'Jmi s i il i j fo is . ■

(Ci>IOrii,dil. Iti.-li, I 'n itod I'roHn) .\u -r. m ( t i m

l^' i-i ' iioli l-’i i r i - iKM . M i i i i r i i o r I M o r r o l - : i \ a l ' . i i l n l v \ i l l i . I l i K o s l l i v i a i l l ;i I ' i i l i - r I l a l l i i n i i l i s p u l o l i c l ’o r t ' i l i o l . i ' j u ; i i ' ' o | ‘ .Vi i l i o i iM o n u m t i r 1' 1‘l a y , t i i i l i c . ' i l i r t j ' t l i a l I ' V a n o o . . ' ' “ I i s i d o n , 11II t i t ' l l r y i m l i r o o t l y U'Uill\’ I.r a u u r i 's s io ji iiKiiiiiMl t l in '• I II'.'iivla \'.s,

hi oiiiitraid lo Ihir j.onillon tak o n 'ly l'‘ian io . tho tUillan (hilogntn ain ,' to llio dufontio of liiin g ary .

and tiupporto.d pi-o]iuun|fl fo r rO' vlalon of llio pofit'W ar trou tloa vvhlcii tlio HuiiapoHl u "v o rn m o n t liiiH lonjr proUmlod. ThiiH'Tlniy an d . lliin jra ry woro nlicnitd boforc th e council aualnKl JugoHlavln, i<un*. ;»u'tod by irranoo, CzochoRiovakW ' mil o ih o r B alkan allica.

I.uviU'M puaitlon In Iho U alkun IlHputu had boon aw aited o agerly '*ooauK<' b(dh F ranco and a r r o t lirlta lii pm vhntaly aloo<l aaldo tnd attonipU jd lo quiSlHlalk o f War;

Artlcl«» Tnti ,Tim Kronch foreign n iln la tcr fieiW’

lh() l e a g u e council th a t th e L e o ^ o covenan t i^tntahui p fn e ip le a np« pllraiiip to th e «ll«puto, tn w hich Jujronhivlu ciiargrtrf H u r tg a ry w U h toriMrlAm, inc lu illng tho ajivasalna*. tion oC-Klng A lexander. r

‘'I'htmo principloa are co n ta in e d ' In urticlo ten . w hich im poses 0 4 all I-.cai{iio nion»b<M-« the d u ty o f re- spooling nn<t m a in ta in in g th ^ .tc r* rito rla l .In log rity .and p o litic a l “!ir- doptnidoncu of a ll o ln o r m om bers,'.' - ).uval aald. JugoH lavla h aa c h a ^ M llia l iiunk'wry w a« roaponaiblo to r fC ontlnuod on P ag o 2. Cuhimj^ 1)


Votcnin Ohinatro Aviator Dion In Fljiminff W rock N ear •

Mifliiouri Oily

C D L lI\rilIA , Mo.. TX*c. R dUlt - - Li:W_iJmviJU.^ai)^ClJlougu^-tt of hio i ira id ff Alrllnofi. w aa burned

doalh oiirly to d ay whon hi« air* II piano oraNhod alongaido V-

highw ay 40 noar here. Bowon w as T ty tng~ m rthy-n ir - ru u iB fm m “‘

Socrolary of 8 U te A a a e ^ ^ Amorioa N ot H e d d l^ g i ' ;•

In Balkan Or)sii <

•VVAHlflNGTON, Dce. 8 <li Tho U nited S ta te a ia m a ln ti

a t r i r t lumda o ff polloy li .lugiiNiavla - ( iu n g a r ; co n tri H ocrolary o f S ta le O ord«l|> omphaaixoil tw iay .

Ho aaJd tho a u t e del ia receiv ing num ernufl ,o a t p o rU from Ita foreign flcOr^i ata lloned in Bhjrop^ )>tiK co n ta in auch a m aiw < 'to ry and oonf}k}ting<; o f f lc l j ' ‘IclalJ bero OM n o t th a t thoy k n o w th e U

W hile, a d r p lt t ln c .d i ovor t h e -----------------


offlo laU h e re ayn. . a c tin g p a r t in th«, in g on . In GeneVa* <B urepoan )«ad«rauppr 7»t

.Biis.'.'Sclitt^Ull Dc

Page 2: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014-12-12 · ^j^iefitheT Forecast ^bii«i^ly fair tpiilvjit »um1 nuiiOuys lltUe ph>LHf«» lu tflinpomtiiro. AJiuiimiim

mge Two


I t a l y f iu p p o rtH H in u ju r lm in in L uukiio P a r l e y o n B iH c*'

, ' U iillcan D lttp u to

■ (C dntlnuod K rom rn jrn <?»«) '■ pc.nu ltt Inii tiirivirlkt. iilDitiTii Ui ojioi'fil*) In Muiij'iiry.

II w un ni(!ii|lc<l t;m t aUlclK tho u> flnilii/r-

UfVtiKlon. wiiii tlio ('liit’f ruiiMHi (>10TjiIi i *'!! «li*; r.^il >)ln tlio(x'HJ'lln.

,"lt iii n f|i)«‘iill()n t<)<iny <>r p iittliiu . liiUi opi'i-iitioii Iho nn llio r lty

vv’?i]<'h (ti<t ('(iKnall InU* jjlvu Jiij:OK\uviii mvV-

luriu’tlon whlnli ;it)o lin/i <1 t<i (■•laliii iiiid III o isk 'r to <lruw.’ /io m th»» Mur»<)Hlon crlir.s. i)ii> m-ct’imnvy Jijjiwui o f liitoritiilloniil iioJlilJiJ'lly,*’ /^■ivjil roijf(niu'<|.-

'Hill Ntjitofiiiiiiii jM'llitvilou t tliiit TUxir K*':l{|iiii>ll. o f JMin- Kury iidiniltRil l»t*ror<' thotllllL thO llHHllllUllIH 4))>|l|llli'<l llu il ' )rai'liiH |iuMN|x)rt>i llhiK.illy litit. <ii'i n u t <U-ny w .'j i ' >;t)ililtit' lIixnKAriiiu

liiillitii AiiMU’«>n< Xj i ViiI W liori, Jjiv iil »Jiii'nUlti(.',

- Dui'oi) A lo l^ of I lu ly ly t<» tlw FH'Uch

,0t^|liimtl4in (if, appoiiltii ^>r nw bijon ‘ o f llio jinHl-wnr

tt'ciitUm Uy w hich !H i»irury liiiit iu u ch te rr ito ry .' <]<)aurlli«'><| Mu! )>|tia <k>i kjjienjicf hi Dm ot

Alolsl fcpllcsl:"M y c<»uMlry w ha tlm /Iru t i<>

.Rfflnii (ho itrlnolpio (Hal tl]o tri'ijHoH flhouW lx) Mdiiplfil to nmv ro(|UU'oa»uulB, wW oh In llui W nl w a y (o (,'uni'iuititii ]>rcsi.'rv'Allon of jicaflo.

"H ow ov.tr, I ta ly hn>. n^way« Im- llflVotl llfa l ttiifl >:liLj>tiilI()n niiiHt Ua uclilov.vi th ro u g h loyul mtitliivJH."


N ew s in Briefhi> H V nilllltr 'r lninM

t ' l i iKr Il i i i t n l i r li if I IIiIm ilxiiiirlnii'ut >V ‘I'lix

<Jjaiij;o' IKlliilj.yiy I ...

ilay ii\/iilnK

Mr'.i A iuia Arti, Twlti I'lillii. Iiiui »‘iili'rt''l Dll' Inuinltiil'* lor

Irrii I nil'llt. (M r I Wliu-nmn )ia>* hiW'U (tliiinifiiKMl rtilluvvliiic .'0 ;i' n|in'ail<Hi,' ■ainH.'^iiini > iaiirii, 'i'<.vtii

HTcclirnl tr.'iitiiirlit,

M iililitl OprriH K latliiaAniiiiiuiui'ini'iil la iiiiuli- )>y M. I^

Holnii'ii of Mil' iiprnlii{; .o f 11 .\tii- l (jivuiiK 'vy I'vci'lvlnjr »fic or-M l'' tirw h(iil.|/il|;iiIlia roiiii-i* (»f Hrfniul av r iin r

a p ‘) Tllii'i) liti'i'ct iioliUi. Mr. Ilnlini'ii, iiiana|;i-r o f tin- iii-w iilii- tloil, Iiiifi hia'ii iiiiiiociiUt-d ht' anoO iur cri'aiitiM'y coiu^r'rn.

W i l l K.'t Mt H ' l i i iK n a l i ' uA t tlx ' rc>i;iiliir iiniiillily iiici'ttn^''

o f. III.. Tw in Kailir (tlal'rii-l Hoy Knrait (;r>iiiiiiM Itia Miilulay irt I'l p ni., tiu ' qui'iitloii o f . olianiflni!' tint

wU { <!iM\Hlili'ri^i|. Thv i«‘jia|on loDiorrow wilt Iti: liiHil lit till* h f'u lq iiarto rit of .tin- (Jliitrlntf H r r i i l l v r 111 l)i«> •n) ii - rl ff »i o f f l r i - , JUIll IIJIIO/I)' tll l i IllUllllCMlI IlKlTfT'l'H J.n h o CDii ft i tl r ri ' i j w i l l I).- t l ' , . ' i i u m i a l r«!porf« o ( tifl'lccyn. ,

l l a i i n i l O v o r T a i l a yl-'olloa'lni; lionriiijr li,‘i ',a v ' l>ro-

b a l . ' J i i rl , «. t f j i i y I C in n c y t . „ |H v , vViiltdi- H nlton. ai;niiic(| or i(t;iuiju' n .fjd cli.ick, wail Ijoiinrl')V.‘r I I »ni*w.-r In ti„, „ ,,x t tm ii o f illMtrlcl. co u rt. Tin; clircli wiiu Hljflll-l| w ltli lh<


Stui-Sciirod Woiit Told That Miin Oiin Avort Hiivii/'c;i

By Irrigation '

( C o i i t l i i u o i l I ‘VoMi I 'k 'i 'x <^>iuO Im v i) i i jn '. 'd iv l u p f a c t o r y whi>.>l;t In -J4 i i i i t l i ’ii. T i l l ! a l i ’xiMlyn i u 'u l lim i lu ik l W ixvil l o<»)0 w o r l i . - r i i i o i * i n o n t (h em :mi),0(>(» U)a>i lio i iiv / o f }n \m r .

A n y ' I 'u h i r o r i - c l im ia t lo i i p r o j r c l iMiiHt, J i i f o i l l i n w r<;i|iilr<»nu 'titf-, -M cilil . a i t t J , T l i i -v a r r ; .

M iiu t C a n t n i l U 'a t « r 1 .. U tH iH ?::rl-lon t l i a t t l io M i|i |> ly o f

w a t i - r III l i m l t o a u u t j u u i.M tio t o u - t r o l l e d n in n - . - f f r c t l v i - t y .

D a v i 'lo iu n L 'i i t f . i .v i w i l l I n l i i r -w S t\^ 1 - — o e i tc i - f i j t u r o

I t l i j ‘ l a v . i l o p i n r n l i i i u i i l n o t In* p u n u l l - I t 'd .

:t. l>i-<ij<'(;|.-i i i iu J it hi* lo i’iil ix l W liiM o IIH'V w i l l I 'i 'in l i 'i ' tlH ' { ;n ’iiL- c-fit v a l i i t ’ o f a | ; r i ( n i l l i i i ’<i u i k I In* d i i . ' i i r y .

IM iiiin i'i l i r r l j { a l l o n n a n itix li-d th u voinunUf. pUiM oi'j- IKul ‘‘I f » ./ h ' t t l a r c o u ld I 'D l t io ld o f a p|r(M> I o f iiiii<l aii<l »i*!cnn-' a j i h a n ^ In t h o ; w n l i T o f a (MinaV la> w o u l d In /in n n ' w a y d l j r in a n d n i ic c u c d ," ^ fc '! ld f ia ld . 1nii:ntorri

" T l i c I n l i f a t l o a f a r n n - r h a i i to Ik: a H U Ulod I r r l j t u t o r m i d a »U U li<l n i i l t l v a to r , '* M e a n N ljit iu l.

C i t i iM ld rm l lo i i o f h y d ro -< .’1 r c ( r i r p t>W iT p v o ili ii ;U i)n la v l l n t j ia rV o f l i n y r c c l i tn in H o i i p iv i j r c f , A fo a ti di-- c l i i r i 'd . T l i r r i i In lU 'o m n ; a ( l i i r i i i l tn |MiW(-r p o l i c y f o r a t a t

TDAnO EVli:NING:TlMK.-Ji'. TWIN FA U ^. IDAflO f ljih ird a .y , D H o r td ltn i '8 , 1()"4

At T h e' Theaters“COUNT OF MONTE CRJStO ’

and wait 1 ^I'ptfi(.ray lw al, w ho fll.Ml th.- rdniir.'H

H in Of, iH h i ' U n n d i . r h .a id ;In th .i anK H in t o»’ s i .n o n .

EUnfni I jnu ll ttml Doiuif in ii (oiihhhiti'iM t f r o m /\t« .v u ii< 1 r(> 'O i i iu iih ’ n f -M n n t« * Ih nl i i f ' a d v t 'i i t i i r K N to r y ( l a i f c a n to H t a t lu ) O r |i |i i> ii ii i th < r a l« r H iiiid iiy - T i i i i l u h i fill- till* I i i h I l l n i c n l l i i i O r p h o i i n i lu N hnvi’In tr ti ntii|f<* a tu l k i in 'o n i’ p r i i j f r u n i Im’j k Iw J h y U iihm I '^ rr lN * IT ro m lw i iy V u n lt l rM « i» lli i t H tiij ic a n d " I A m A T h l« if ," n iy* .< » 'ry h l l , a n t l i i '

Now D,oal. HoplniT to Dodg'o "S now ball," Wprriod u t

EffootivouOBR •

(Cohliniind r r o m Pnifo Om») Nl^luHnion>»inployurM ' uhouL lha now m|ilio<) pmpni^iindit'.

n u t w han Irttloi-H boKmi arrlvlnij bv h u n d rn la ntntcHmcn luaruoil itil about F a th o r CouffhUn iin<l MIh )hin whloh then wnfl ti> '‘roducm •ha gold oiinc_«."

.UurolveM 'I'r«'»l*l«int' UooMi'velt wiiuld liiivo

'ilouii i t nnywny, hut tJut fuvt a m - n o t ho ovorionlu'it t h a t w hnn Dm

,d<ill(ir wtm UrtvnlUQd, thnuHiinilH of F ii th rr CoiuOilin'x llMtonorH iiocopt- od It n»i II rc ii l lu i tlo n 'o f tlin nidlo (irator'H p rogrnm .' T>iitrt>ii n i r wnvoH now cu riy l<>

Hunday, IlntnncrH u (iomand for nltm lniilinn of "biinUorR’ iKmdR." Ttin ad in ln lH tru tInn ' )mn no niidh nIaiiH, llnni<flrfi t>ohr{ii n ra (ntornnl hi’iirlit^ corllficnioti o f i;ovnrniounl\|

K/tlfjor Cnitutiihi /«( ........................................ llH a I

Seen TodayI^flcodoil moAAOd^n, rt'fnrrrid to

iji M))h colum n youtorduy 1m: "T ho fl...nr of i>opn bloonm lr(tho dnrUfSHl and tlnopont <lun- jfi’ort.” . . . . A lirljibt ' Mun, plorcliifr tho.HinoUo ond (ng of Tw in I' iiUh,' purly thlH montlniT' . . . . N«WBlH)y. Jum pliij' ulonjr on IiIh hinynin, w ith hlH b roa th on tho cold a ir, ronninttUnK' ainot<o coniluff from tho hum an

" loooniotlvo. . . . F inn tirra v of othjii' ,l)Joy<!liiM, parkod In I'tvinL of tho p icturn houflOH. . ■ . Htor«- owhiT, .b raK K loif.that hi> c o t tr> woj'lc baforn Hun-up. ■ iJ tt ln kid. tiundlod np w ith ovorulln ovor n cotil, truUlnjf alonij In a t ro t iRthlnd bin m othur, down towji, tlui rhlht'H faco nalily from th«! fr«Hh a ir, l)Ut m vcal- In^ th a t h" nmtrliul a hanky. <pil<!k. . . . I3ap|K«r uliJi'U, com- plalnln}' th a t tho d ir t oaUHo<l )>y ao iniioh amoUn and coal dunt, li|a>«'(i It hiipoHulhiu for lilni to

'w r a r a ah lrt m orn than <u)n day.. . . PoiHon w ho ban apnnt Ilia jlaa t wonk co'Ucotlnif “oiuiy- mom»y,'‘ flnd ln j; to hla roK»’«’t th a t 110 fa r h o 'h a d acutnniilatm j no morn th a n $no w orth.


Ootinsol W ill Appeal J u ry ’s Action ill Ooovioting

P lan t Ownor .

Romance, Humor in Roxy's New Story


"f«ir a ll I he alnlo.H aloiij; ..........1IU<; thi! CoUnnbla. tho Colorado,

iid thi' I 'la tt .i ," h,. ;,tiid.. -./oJin Al. ffaw , H(. f a u l , Aflnn., a [n u ’ndjci- o f H c'crntary IcU nr ii;i-,

tlonal n-cla inatlo ii jwilluy com m it-j ti'<‘. lold tho coiivTcncir t ha t ' t h c j )tily Itatila fo r dov-'iopniDUl <»f tht-'|

Two Sots of Lovoru Elopo A «.Third P a ir Sookn


(OQpyrJjrht, lo w . I'm w .)nO L l.Y W O O D . n « (5 , '8 <IU!) -

U)V0 am dln tr «n thrc<i p a lm of

l> lv iim « A p tiro s-K lI ’lindlnjf i'»K!nlpL o f piv»of a t in'i v-

Ico on t t jf du 'foudaul, jiti'a. <if M m ..Aiif/n» WImdWnjf f<-v u' dlvon-'o tloi. m iiri<'i.;“ iiy ufn )in Alfi'i'd W lriifililnj; <ut irrtaiudii j u n it pr<inniui tu tin: o f d<‘>ii'rtl<>n d a tln j ' I'.uni IJ>'c. in . Ktjit<‘M U<'pori in.'to. him irra iilod in dlntrlcLc o u rt. Tim roiiplo n^iiri'liHl a t IJur- Icy. a«'pl. 20, 1D1!<:. iiml ar<* p a r - oiil/i <»f tw o <laiijrhliuvt, a/ri'ii d and 'I. A ttorm ^y fo r llm p la in tiff wan A. J . Xlyoni.

I ^ m i 'i n c i t . l i i in u a '. a n d c l i a r m a r a i ,ij “>‘itlil t o III- (’n n ih l iH 'd h i K K O - l t a -

‘ d ln 'i i f i l m v . 'r a ld t i »)r L , m . M o ii I - j l o n u T y ' i i r i i in o i i i i n o v i 'l . , ' 'A i j i i i ' oC l i r i 'o n f : a h l n : i . " u i in i ln j ; l< ) m ii ir o w I'l .liHfK'ii ilu.Ky UuHttcf t<,f a rcul o f i)v« t « tay ji.

T im ■ p jiriin 1-. f t;aL urin jr H ix ti'rn - y«rar-i>lK A m if illijrlfy . c.iiic.-rn:. a

I ti:iir»?d firphiin hrroln.- who law i.iit In a u r lc u l tu r .r . " A n d ro c ia m a - 1 ' ' ' i ‘' - y '

l)t<nnmHliiili(»ii l?inl»'r .WayA novel w<vxi riiii]ip in i' <l<;mon-

H tnitton waM to irM n ndcr w ay a t th« M ountain Htal«*ii Im plem en t com pany hiilldliiir a t 2 p. ni. to - <lay, Kitci- M cO iaifn . na tio n al cham pion , holjiir th e p rinclpnt a t- In to tlo n , Ikiy H routn wcr.? /rijiw lir

w han Unlvcit an d aKi'x


i ia i t i i f ;i:i ii)H' la.........................., ‘ \vi}(U 111 a n d a p p c a l l n i f . T a k iH i I n t o

lii n«)(-t'i.j*Hry U ' n n .y a l j r l c t m - ^ 1 , , , „ ( „ „ , i , id i .« .u | ic d b a c h o -

' b i r a il< l t ip b o iU i r h r o t h i t r a n d iilii*I ti r w il l ) Im i I c N p i^ c ti 'd th< ' o r p l iu n *

a ; | i ' t o 111 'M d'lbi‘m »i. l io y , i i l l r w liii i . i iK ’i r h i ’.'i i 't ii a n d I r a n i l i i a ’iim , t l n . l r U Jv r.'i, W 'hfNf d o h u r / ; r j . Jic.w'iH’iT , l i i i a im K '''* ti) i:*‘t * '< to i i i u i iy a

h a r i i n i - 'n a i r i . T ill ) ‘ i i t o r ;

m a iii 'i . ' w i t h { trIII) It

h« aald. purl l*raj'rt'«H

porti.'il t h r I’olliiwlnjr auicri'iiii low ard thi lr , ii,lllni«t>; •t’lilamuMtin j.'oulii durliijr tha yi iir:

Id a h o - Orjcanlv-atloii o f »ilat.i •ccliiniatloa coimnltti'<; and I'ocxI :onatru^t!ai) |iro|'r>'fai on Mnalio

an d Holin' rlv t'r projiict.'i.M niitanii Itr'c iam atloii w ork an-

aiinn'd by MomanaiiH, I iu - , civic

: r a p i r . hri

>ii;anl/.atlon and U. H. .b n m iii of

cooj>n'atliin ' claiiiatioii.

/ I t h I

'o i l io y Ih 'I i i i ..............VII j t l i iy ii Ih i- b u y o f i h , ' y o i i l l i -

■ hill

4^ivv it in u m ir <’>1 i»rc<i p a lm o f a t 1 ;.10 p. ni.H«llyw<xHl nowlywwJs, totitty^UwiU w aro . dan ionu tra tt'd . I-at*ir In tbw fHifht fro m « « fo u rth ^ouplfl nft«u-, aftonw xm tbnro wim t<i la* a w*>.)d- onlt o ! lh » brlufeHt r«J»;n^ on *'C- ,.Jw>pplnir conloat, w ith M cClarpn <ird. . *(>fforlnK to conipott! aj'ftbiHt all

l l o r r y Clfly M ount, Jr., d c c ln r '’ eom oM on « ba«lM.thciro .w an n « ltho r rhym o aJor| ---------- -

„ ----- I - . • . . fo r rri»lmt4*I 'c tltlo n of Mni. C yiitlila A.

Ab*'ll and M ary n . MclMicrron to

r»Mi*in In ttw lr olopm w it to Vnmn,A rlz., Iiuit Wfok.^lfrncMl n com plain ti i i an n u l hln h iarH atfa to Vk»Ju i.

aa t..r« j,„ ua oxoci.inni of tli« 0,1■ ftaki th o y n«parttt*vj Jun t nlno dayn

n t te r J iihIIop E arl A . Froomftn, Arl»tna*fl ‘'m nrry ln jf JudKa,*' unltftd llt*m In iin oiirly-niornlnff vCoro- rwony.

BJvelyn Vonablfl an d Kvalyn L»y«, )»>wftv<y, MW only IjnpplntfijB Ahead w 'lth thn hujihiindii th ay niitr- rlnd yMt«.pdny In Y um a.

A^Imi V chablfl, w h o aa rm sl aomo moK o f lo riil dliitlnotUin jtonio tlm o «i?o w bon Ijor fnlhftr rofimud to lot h « r kiM Iwfoj-tf tlio ojiniflra, w aa marrliHl Ui H al M ohr, ca inoram nn. Mlwi I j iy o jiuotIimI FriMili I jiw to n , p r i t in h Juvonllo octo r.

. iTIorla HwjuiHon an d l l r rh i 'r t Al^irnhall. ^/ho frpfjuontly ni'o nicn- \ionc<t a s p o ten tia l brlda and

ta la o f lloum y Alw)] lylui d<od J. baa tiorn filed iii p ro b a ta cm irt. am i d a to fo r tho lKniflu)' baa la'cii tint tiy Jud)r*’ Oiiy L. K hiuay for

,1H. Tin* will w aa cxocuti'd O ft. I'll. ItiJH, a t Huhl. and niumai

Ahi'Jl iinii Mm. Aft'ffj/’iTon ji« ad m ln la tra to ra . A dditional lu-lni to UiP cHtal.!, w tilch In uiitim atcd to bavi* a vahio «if J120,S7H. a ra a son, W Uliart. and tw o ifranddaujrlitura, K ranci ji I,. W hitby an d N ora A. WiU‘)»'}M'/)n. d . Uoy<}, ilijJil, }aa t lo rn r y fo r th r ptitltloniu'ii.

I .

Of l|ii' Htiii'yw h in i -

, . ..................... . . • 'n i l i i i '. Till*l o l c a p la y o . l i ,y U r o w n , JU d c n U r a t U y . i in d 0 , p . J l , . ) r i 'h i a liu )

f 'o i i i o d y h lu h l l i 'h t i i , I', a n i l H a r r , l l a i t a n . . c l i a r a c - t i . 'd l a n n c , c u i i t r l b u t c a m a n y

i l ‘IW»'


-'Anmi of ('.ri'on ■ (labl.-a- biia b u n In Mu- top ra n k of b ia l-iad lrr |iov<fla fo r ria- pi.at y..,ini, m on. ban a inllll'in <:op|..»i of ihc l.ajik

bavin,: biTH ,'iold In tin, ITnltJid.i ta t i 'a anil f;anadii.

not th a on ly Individual wltli a pub- |llo Multftnoj ooununlllnK thla, To p rin t m nnoy Inatiaul of borrowltiK It la o n trlK h t Inflation,, Infliillon l ‘r» irran i

'f'ha T liom aa infliition pro(;iiun- fo r thia Hcanlnn la an followa:

I. Onvaluo thi> d o llar to tho no cont a la tn to ry lim it. ,

'J, U otlro outjiUinilinjf curn'iiov h ind an b fitltu tr fo r thu iiUm varl- •iticH o f uKialltiir limni’y a alnjriu pa-

p o r nnrroncy hackod t»y thi> IrtMi- n u ry ff<dd and allvnr atookH-

T liom aa alao prnpostiH lOiHolnto Ifovornm nnt con tro l of tho fodoral rcuarvo nyutom, tilthorto Hubjoot III modoratii Wa>«hlnjxton J^ilUtniioi. T hiM idm bilatra tlon Intonda lo r«at* l7.a NOnia Huob ovnrlordahlp b u t ho f a r bna not In tln tatod nxactly how.

llllilra and llnoka fai* nil URmi n t(ho (iloH Hook H toni— Adv.

IIA ill t lS D in iO , I 'a ., Doo. H (|l.l!) ' fJounmd fo r Frod O. P erklna,

Nniall b a ttiiry m an iifau tu ro r uhnr,(' od w ith vlokitln jr N itA w ngn pro- vUlotva, inim m llatoiy will .upjiual’ hIJi convlotlon ohaIlitn(rin(f tho oon- H tltu tlonallly o f thn b n tlro nntlonul bKiufltrlal rocovpry net, It wuu aii- nouncod t/xlay. f

I'orklnn, froa on Ty>n<l, will bn iHoiitnncod M onday. IIo la tlubln to la f i n e . <tf JtiOl) on oaob o f tiai I countfl. A Ju ry yvstorO ay found him I iru llty on 10 o f 11 counta.I T))o s to ra g e lia tte ry coila pr«- aorlboH a m in im um ’wiiko of •lO conta an h our. P o rk h ta paid 20 couta In hlfl Hraall u a il« ry manu* faciturln,,' p la n t 'ln Yoru, P a.

Porklna offnrixl no tUifonMu,' but hiM coimaol told tlm Ju ry tb u t 20 o^intii'an-'bour w au bctt^^r th an no wa«fw a l u ll nn<l b o lto r th an Uia doht.

Youngest SolonTIJHTLIO N. I). «lM‘i -

A rlo Jit'K/ra Ih hoHovwl to bn the yonnjioiit a tn tn loKlalator in the tln lto it S la to a . Tliu 21-yoar-old tltipubllciin w aa oJootod N ov.'fl. Ila w ill-m )t lH> 22 until a f ta r ho biHUiUad , ln t ..................oponln),' In •

UU'jirda (/'i>r(«u, uppm rliiK In <iin' <»f tln< w oridu' fiiiooiiu utat;t) inyhlarhN,. “ F iro lm m d." with iiloi' adiiT Htnrn, . V ornsi Toan- dale, A nita Ij iu Im*. l.laiiH A t- u ll i, ir .'I.ii T icidndnw ', lla h a r t ('avuniHii(h, l>iirottiy *|'ri'c, U<dt- f i t M arrat, C. .\u b rc v Kmltii and Wpi’iic.T C tiurlam . Tin' nro- dn -'llaa opaai. u t tlu< Idaba tiinuiri'ow,

j Coroner Probes Accident Death

uriioni. w «r« wUnrBHt'a a t thn I-ayo* ( j iw lo n ct'rom oay. w h ich cam « o uurprliui iioi-«.'I Tim Clni.'liinatl anil M ohr,iiowaVi'r, t(Kik tho co lony liy aur-

j ^rl/a*. T hoy had told frlm ida th a t (im rrlaK o pliiaa had lioan aiuihdon* «vl. 11 w a a MUh V'c^mblu'a f lra t )niirrlii(.'» and M ohr'a th ird , tihc

■ 4,'av a hor a};o aii 31.i J Mlaa iJiyr* la illvorctwi from b»'r * ^li'a t hujiband, .Mimnj’ H alo, I./nul<>n V «taKc aiitor’ Tin* co lony f^'ll^d u tliliii bridal! ■ p a r ty w ith tin ' rn tiirn of Juno

I'nxl Ani.'H from OJil- ca jjo wluMi! th ‘»y vv«'iy> m arrl/n! Wty^U "ifo .

i Colncldoiu-a or ’not. Cbilri' IloddI )vaa ntrlckoM with infliK'iixa the ( Oay Ahf wim ciud to p(’rf<>rni i VllJalttciw ttji...I A U h o iiffh tli<? j i t c t u r i 'h a a n b a c k 'I 'K ruuiul *>/ 'hoapWiUs, *toctora nnd ' n\lraDii. t u a aclrcna w o n 't fill tb<i ■ ^-olorPhyiilO lnnx w ild , |o<lay ' nha

■j>roh»bly wt)iilil .haw ' to atny at Jiionio n .w o o k , '


I N iitlonn l Afutnclatldii ' o f '(..atliir , C nrriara, h riuiiih .TJ, ulid ita u u x lll' ^ r y htAt in Jo in t wi'iwlon laat « lm r u t thrt Wiina of M r..im il U i a . ; 17. A. R b ilth <ib>ct itfflcora-

/ , S m ith , retirln ff {>rvMid{>nt, j>r<f«id- « i fit t.ha bnsliieiM m eotlnj,' ilu rin jr

i.whloK nlN auiiorlAtion cbo«u O. J.. J ’re ik tfl iU primtdonb r«'«loato(i ,C ly n n H m ith m vlcn pr«Mld«nt, Ami

nnm w l J . A . P hlU lpi jMwratnry. T h* '• #«xlJlflrv;aJ»p|«d Mrtf. O lynn S m ith

. ,#» p r« il(i« h l; M rt. J . A . Phm ipn, —:,vto> pnaaMwU^ a v lo r , M o n ta ry * tm « a u ro r .

11. J*UKXV irAN CiKI) m i<jri i ( iv o.N t

. UATON ROTTGIC, La.. Duo. H ilU-)- D r. .Iaini3« M nnim- S m ith . IjOiii/tl-

iinii a tu to w nlvi'nilty prmilik'nt. w ho o rdcri'd thu auaiimiiilQn luiil / «!X |)U biioiui In tlii> Kiivlili! ci'nm .nihip illaputo, wan huni'cd In uffliry from til.- im lvi-ralty flairpol.! narly t.O (biy.

AttJ»cii*'d t<; t}»f fro n t and hack of till* l‘r l ,-•y witrc* p lacarila iisid- bur: " Jan w a M iairoc H inltb ,” a)ul below, ‘Mlniiiilo tho Htooff*-, hpiiK'' t h f T Jth m onth , e ig h th day . 1I»:m ."

I ta n ia ril A uto cianpany . a l Hic- lid av.-iiu<> and Hi-cond a lln c t rant,

p u l lU'W mtidobi of tho lOCtfi ,Ply- iimuUi aiiton)i>blli->i on exhibit ion today,

'KfW fi-a tiirra of tbo earn lnrluil,ir I'fpiallz.'d wi'ljrJil. ncW bitilvinnriit \Hnvi-d, u t\ooil, Mimpll-Ill'll vi-nlllatlon iiyatinn, an i-ii- lai'ircd ra d ia to r alicll an d a ,'iilont traniinilMiloii iiyati'iii.

M ora room la provided t»y a ii o n - ...................... ............birK‘'d body, w h ich prcian vca Hid | Into clrciim iitancoa o f licr dea th a lruam -lino cffcc l o( t 'a r lic r moih'la an d atum pfl thc> c a r . a a th a m out mod

K^JJJtiniicd }-'jnni ivi*;,, 0 /i« ) thi. liupioiit w oiv O. W. W lthani. I'rom iciiilnu alto rm -y . and IDlwanl Habcock. pr.)«i cutoi-<>li-ct. Tho ju ry wau o r.li 'icd by tin* <H;«-«;ilor t<i "In- qu lra In to w ho L)i« piuann wax, and whoii iiHil ivlu'i/f a n d J>y w hat

iaim a lif caiiio to Jiar dciitb, and

Workman Riteg to Bo Held on Sunday

IMJItMOV, lii'.i, H (Hiii-clal) - - l*uiioral ai rvlciii for T, W. W ork-

whoiir rlculh took pJaca Jioro n ir ly l-'riduy nioriibiK. will be con- diicti'd Hiinilay a t l;:n i p, m. tiii3 I. I>. s tali.Mnai-li-, w ith liiiiliop JCiUpli 1'. Dnaiiili^t. of tho lirat w ard , in/charKo-

Ilu rla l will hi- In n,„ Oakloy cMiiot.-ry uiid*.'r thu aiiiiplcm of thu 1 IMyiio m rirliniry.

t ’ojilinnaiirt T ram 1 lOft p, .HTA<;i‘: NIIOWM AT

• ft:On - 7iS0 -

ficvolopiiifnt achiovod by I'lym outlj.

\V’. 11. l ia rn a rd , p rop rln to r, an- noiinCi'H ih a l In a fow ilaya ihiyi UKift iniry.'ilc'ra will bo on tilaplay. and lliu i ihiT now modola wfll hi- cliido iiixi'a and alKlita aa well na AlrfJuw a. 1

11>Jtn Ubirlou iiiid V m r l l a a k a ! rtk-o Haw rwMly » t tho Clou |l« m k '

.At L a Itochcllo, F ranco , u m an piiL iw o llvo oyiitora on a aliclf a n d , ‘ In flic m om lnir, foiiiut 'tw o (ulcf! w ttti tlia lr hunda boiwei'ii theili



.lOK-ll N,\VMYou can bo laui- tbi- folkij you huvo I

on iont you tak e a braatlUiiK ajadl, JO)i w lm t ir** tiia t y .a r jl aiwayii find (..'oo'd 'f(m«'S n t . .

■----------- lINOLte JO E -K 'R ------KIDDIES

I'uidi aliai,;: \ Yiai I

■III flop tho an aliiii |)i>>

lOc [na X Y ADULTS



l o t — KNItH 'K ll.A V I ~ 2 5 c

Aildod I 'tn a l r k a p lo r of•rrniw UKi> iiiDKU"


O .s T U I'J H T A (JK


ir> IV aph-l H IHk . \ r t a

— O.V HfJItlCI-J.V—

; ‘l AM A T H I E P " Iticardo C dj'Iox

.Ma ry A ator




I 'l t 'T U l iT T I A T im m F O N r, o t iU«J W o ria 'B I Vb.i>iou«I BMir*1 My«t«ciul ,

fo r H ^ e w ev0 o«r<I p a rty , a t w hich

lUtHM wi]J 'enter*

matta „ -_r<ltwo orgimltMy . s r ,

Ihr two — ____ — ___ ___ w . . . , .V:, , o th e r poet ofCloe em ploy-

>tiJd to cU J .tio tir w hloh

HURRY! LA STTIM ES TODAY!- 1- M .IJH 8CIUI<tN * 0 T « - 1-

W f O U T -R ID E S '

A f n ) ’ w p ' S K v ^ K R A M H o t n t > n i o w i


U o im r A tu 'itI - A n llii T.<mUt<V. A n b j ^ y H ii iH b . I > o r « « iv T r»w Itoh i. iriHrrut • H|wiiof«r C hariitnt

C.UVUimMtfh V K U ftSK T R A H IM I.K

U K ]A ltl> 0 t'O U TBiS^

-I v -/*T1REBII?D*'

• l-’ A rt« |# d '.|., mtakny Mkhum jtTuriitun: , MiislolU “( J l i t l , KIMVM


.sTAnfj} ’I'OMomtowi

A P loluro Ah IJi'i.yt . A« Tho tn in ia r la l Novoll

•TI"' lUio>.|.'»^l i m n .o ..t

'•41 IlKI IU-,f'Ti'i) V.III!


I LA-NDiftkl'ul

An IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFTt o t h e H m n e i s a — —

DEXTER WASHERWtiat I Have Always Wanted, and I’ll Make a Small Deposit

Today on the LA YAW AY Plan at MOON’S I

PHONE OR WRITE TODAYYou follc.s who need a g'lis engine w asher i'or instance— W HY P A Y MORE when w e have very dopcndublc m achines a t $69 .95 , $79.95 , etc,? Equiriped with unquestionably the fin est Kas engine th at can be liad — a BRIGGS & ST R A T ­T O N 4-cycle kjih ontrine. A sk the housew ife who ow ns one, it starts and runs amoorthly thi'oug-h all i<inds o f weathor.

Get One Notv Why Wait?



Do you know the rom ance, the thrills, the stories of

this em pire’s early d a y s ? A r e y o u fam iliar w i t h the e v e n t s w h i c h

m arked tho steady pi'oj>-ross o f t h i s

ccarimonwealth f r o m the saijc-ridd^n desert to ,t h e i'ortiie irrigated w ealth 61'* today? I-teal, lively interest lies in the reliving, o f those events and you arc inVited to hear about . . . ,.

“ E a r l y E o i p i r e

E ) a y s ^ ’

Tune in — j c T F IS u i j d a y ' 2 P. M

prograw of tb« Vbole truot wUle'eiiiuin«' proiruns v‘ ■ "In varloo* oommiUiai»« wlthm Hio -

9 bniadoatU and l u r a of tbv.ihaiiy sxoitliitr u id lively evt^lta t4«f-tMinUU-y«uag «mplr«------- -------i— — :—

onvlijnn (rf lAii tra?t.

w i t h J b h r i'E . H a y e s a s n a r r a t o r T h e ’' T W I N 'EMJPXBJE.,

Page 3: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014-12-12 · ^j^iefitheT Forecast ^bii«i^ly fair tpiilvjit »um1 nuiiOuys lltUe ph>LHf«» lu tflinpomtiiro. AJiuiimiim

m B '^ 'rstim E : e n d s c a r e e r s o f s i x g o p h e r s t a M.MINNESfllAMJ ^ ~W W G A M E , B U T S A M E O L D S Y S T E M S

Ail'Ahioriofin Qntircl Inohidod Among Tninsfors Expootod

To Bo Bnnnod

l ly OKOIUJH KIKIiNHVO IIICA(JO. « (iiiii . . . j j „ r

yiinl'fl n rx l r<wjlbnir conoh nti«i the ra lo o f «lx M lnnowitii (frlillw>ri nlnrn

iWor<« t»in nhlof to|»lOM o f (it^flUMlon lit <hn unrm ul Dfp; Ton nio«l.liiir to- •\ny.

Th<i llMllml Pr<v«n linn l« 'arn«!. from n noiirof. th rit 7/« r i

viiimI'h noxL <!ouo)) w ill l»i ii lln r- * vui-d nmii', nn<l th u t hbi clilof nn-

Hlnlant mowl hUcly w \\) bo fjroriro •'Potny". C ln rk . form 'or IJ. o f K iu i' ntiH nn<! iMitlor coiiolr wlio |)l1ol<><l tiU) D otm U pwfcHHlonal Iciihi liiiit nniiHo'n.

DiW'llOno of tlin I la rv iin t iuc*n inoni*

1' ln«ntJy JnofU/ontid fo r thfl•nonnhinc: Job Jh OlJarlUi TJijoll, e|imrl<irhu<;k o f « ilocaOo ajcn, vvil- Hum Hlnjj'hirtn, Ilitrv .nru iH ioctor <jf nlhloticH, l« boi'n <lniwinK '*i» Hio lo/jiio 4!n<U» roirardtnuf J la rv a n l ’H jiour'ch fni' a iiiKMNtMHor to CHHoy, A rnold IForwoon, forin»tp lln rv a iy l couch and OilcafjVi hii/)!' no/in m an, hiin btiun byIfliifjIiHin I'offurdJnfr tf*o n«iw whUjJi Ifl likoly to b.i nuMlfl-<hI u^l«ir Yiito'fl now (ItMil laut Hoa- non whlc)} lm n j/;b t Jn iJufiJty Pond, fo rm e r Y a|n halfbanU, iix ro a ch nn<l ‘‘Or»^iiuy" Neiilo lui fhi«'f itiiHliilunl.

*rb« jTiU'-ully iv^pi'oiii'ntatlv*'** hiild jv tbrtift 'lm nr auimloa lival iiiK ht r r - Ranllnjc Iho 3Jl(T T<>n'n ru le wbloli jSrovldoir fo r o n ly t.hrn« ynam o f, var'nUy onm pollllon. In wblnli Intor- oolh'iflatfl com pel it ion hxlwoon' /jv>«)jnn?n pJ«y«r» dm n ywtro f vui'nily p a rt Inipalion.

HIx <J(>ph< rM O iii I t waH lrarnnxI r<>tlab|y Ib a t tlio

Tlijf Tun will niiilci; no n’pflolul rul- Injl; to nj>ply lo M lnnrm ita'ii nix trannfflrn from o th o r w itich. p iirm it froxhnmn ron ip rH - tloii. Tito upp llcatlon o f IbiM ruin ci<un*rt Ibn M lnnonola nnrcurM o f JUH Jlvvuv, nll'Amoi'lcnn ifUflwJ; Winn KoHlUa. fuiiba«!U: Gfloriro Hvon<i/ion. tacU lr; A r t Cliirl{»«)n. h a lfback , nnd V om on Ooch, u iian l, a ll tninnforK fronJ ot-ln>r hcIjooIjj. In add ition .1 H «van.-K m ini, w ill 1om«? a y«nr of viirn ity com petition , b u t ntilk luui m u ith« r y « ar to jjlny.

Thf) Hltr ’I'lsn roHchi'Ji hav<! vnt<>d tij m nko tw o rocojunHUjdalioriH to thfl natiORal footbfttl ruloji ro m n ilt titfl. iiM followA:

1. P flrm lt'. a ntibatiUlta to tuilf iiA itoon a* lu* «int«irfl tlm

'iitt>a<l o f w a llin g u n til u ftu r on«ipiay-

<lltirlly iLatAmiH• ,2. C la rify tho ru le a« to w iu'n a bu il-cftrrl«r Is po rm lttw l to m ake a Ij^tflrul tUnno offlclalH uUowft' runnoi* to in trM l ufhu" h« bus hi,>en tacklvi! und otiinrH di)iiiU<‘w a liitiirnj u fto r u luck ltir h»»i hiji bAJidN on /I nm nor.

Htopfl to oiii'b (Irink ln i; a t mu'. TflU Kiimnn will bo ta k o n n ex t •on. T ho uthlfltlo illiflolorM'ojrrntMl t h a t <lrlnkinR' Innrnuitftt conMldor-

* ab ly lHnt Hoasou, an d dncidwl to tivkci “ posltlvft moaxuitiH tow nrtl rn- duoitiB'iJHnklnft*."

pe n M aW orP IT T S IG N G A M E

N e t ■ M o g u l s I t O u s t

A m e r i c a s T e m m B u m s

N ittany Lions ,P lan Ronowal o r G rid Relationii With

Panthors in '35

. S T A T B COpUCGK, Pa. <IM?> — Pnnn S ta to an d ,X;nlvArnity of P ittH burgh will n'Humo football ri v tttry Jo 1035, tif tc r a th r«o -y«nr lapsA, by p lay ing tho nnUi Kf^mo of

B turtlnir In -Anothor ii»w o npon^n t on th e

N I tta n y LionH* Rcboiluio iii Wvut* e rn M aryianci." oohchocl by Dluk

' H arlow , a Ponn fltu to iiUjmmin, •rtio tw o tonnm Imvo n«vor m ot on tho g rid iro n , b u t hUvc com potcd In Othqr MportH.: l 4 n n jState'ff li»tln;r. wiUt

' tho ono oxcep).ion liutod. onponontu olaHMU ofl "onclont rivalH’’ ;

O ct. B, Lifibunon V alloy: O ct. 13, WoMtorn M ary land : Oci- 10, b tgh ; Oot. '2Q. P lttn b u m h ; N ov. . S y m c u m ; N ov. 0, L afay n tto ; Nov, \6 \ P o n n w y lv an la r‘Nov-.'-®ar*H«ck'Mil

V a n K la v e re r t W in*‘ B o u t f ro m G a r c ia

Uy IIICNKVN lo w Y o m c , Dii«. a ir.i'.) - •

T b o ti«iu!Utiv«i cfmiinltl<‘<' «if iiin U n ltn i Htat(-M Law n ’iVnni/i iih- iiorlatlon, wlioint^'nuitnin-rii iiii* till) (jiillpliii (if Iho ooiirt. td iiay will n jro t in tij/'................ Pom pi'iun i-ooni nr tin-Viindorl)lit lintiii, and taUo iitopx to <t!in)lnat(» (hnno niofit «5n)'air’ Ini: fAtlowH,' “ th ii.trm nla bumii."

‘,"l'ounlf| hintifi," ax you d o u b t' li tH know, ill tlxi tni-m oritit^U folk to dcoiorllio tliOMii ic(i> c roam -pnntud yojinjr nmn wiin,

'a rn it’d w ith a ^ikkI fornJuuid, a * full' hitnUhntuI, <{ancv>

HlHpn„ii rom iintlo h o ar t nn«l pi’nid\*i! tuiit(‘M, pliiy tftnn ia—a t Hi;in«il>yOy olHn'ii i>_>^pfnm'lb * ’ Vi<nr-r<iiind. Im r a yonntr miin w ith a nlco pi-ofliit, <)>nt(!<*rut tnb lo n>anni')>t, au d n >imnnU\ Nnc, ‘‘tonnfM huituiiJtifT'" iiin* hahiyX ho kioai lifn. .

IVu V:n»y It'n Mitimt, rHHvnna; imuI

nutlca In tbo wlnl«*r; Nf(nitr<uil, W rHl ChoHlcr an d N iiw porl in tlm aunjojpr. A n » l- l f ho Is pro- flolont •'nnuKh, thi'n i'ii alw nya iL t r ip to W«vop« ur A \i«lriillii U> finlJdJ an onjoyablo Inttirludtv . Tim «xi'nu(lvi' KonimUtoi*, ac- fionilni; tn W ulti-r M orrill Uuil w ho, iiH pn>Hi<lfint t)( th«* U. H. h . T, A-, 1« In » poxJIJoj) to know . Intondu to p u t a Mtop to thin- UnloHH tho ballotinjr taki-H a n unoxpt'ct^d tu rn today , th i’


W i'jc U litllUl}uU.

ri'fi’Tnui; t« Ivolt' nniT'L

^ tb# ^isUo ^ m o to Mporb IOL.WWOOD. Doo. B — Ibo. StArji - anfl rslrlpoji Olympia i-Vim_JKlaver«n. U d. HoHantl, "hlold. wnr b« nrflsentod to tho l«lon»d Ce?mifofT>3aroIa^ EnC m«lfn|p atr—ihtr-ufam t4eoU ion»d

l ^ n i l a , (1 0 ) ; 7 i« d d y Younir. 137, (di<«w) H a l (Hftmanoeic. 128. Wlim- tnfftoD. C al... ,(4 ) j J im m y W ake- :(l«ld, l 4 s , H o I I y m ^ , ahoUed John< iiy M arttnfes, 143. Oomt^ton. .Cal., <i)S Frod<ila Bnolann, 130.’Lo« An* M iM , S a b y N oU paailata . 191. 0 a n Fi-apoUco,

Wtli(UiintD«fetiU 'V , W i » e a t B o i s e

, , B o i t m , D m j 8 T ljrti- A o y m Bwiume, dwUlan«l t o r i . ( i q i i D onIB<nU)i,> -liaycwd ^ajikla

ATovomont U nderw ay to Koop “ T a in t” Limited to Ono

. Sport Affootod

MIAMI (IMfi—Tho barriur “onoo n pro alWuya u pro," whiuJi ]\ai\ trippod Homo of tbo bunt hiuh* hUrdlcra in Amoricari utlilutUiH, may bo Vail’d off Uio'fiold of Nport lit tho appronohlnir Amatour Ath- |nt(c Unton nationnl conviinlion horo Oofl, 7«fl.

AooorUing to J , U, ILornon. gonor- « l o h aJrm a n .o lJJ ja convontioi) com - m ttte o and iK 'crotury o f tho fjcn> board iUaooiatkin of thn A. A. U., a roBoiutlon w hlyh w ould p o n n it piltow-muwHod'i p ro w rcnttarii to ' •k ift a in a to u rish ly on tho b aa k o t. to i l .ooprt, an d ov«n ullow Ihu bitf • h o U o f th# Viatic in m o d «j

c.omn^llloi; w ill )^);(nniilj,'nl.- a ruli! fiir))|il(liii|r u pliiy.T, in»y or iclvi, (»u»\ “iiinnlii iMinmiini’” iiior.* lii.tii two nmntiiii a ycur. h'iil' fuct imtJn'y will n(rct-pi trav»'lllnjr '‘x- pi'iifii-)i, m om and hnani. th a t, liny tniiruunJcntii Miry «?n- liT m uiit hit c iitlri'ly mi t)ic-ir own.

M any Hoini-PrriH Thfii >-ul» Will t)o ndopt<><i,h<'-

rauiio, to uiii Mr. riall'i* own wordH, ' ‘Wf Jirn tirod <ir Jjavlnjr ti'iwlii, u l’lin‘ (irttiih’iir «p.irf, oiulUtrfld np wltli a im nch of Hond-piou."

Aalniil ir ho ciitln’l ' th in k llu> rtilo woiiltj ai;iid iiuvnriii of Aj«r;rlciv'}i m njil rap iib lo pliiy- iTH nctn-ryiniJ Inlo tho pi'ofi^n- ;d<«Hi{ I'iipkH, Mr- hhJM;

I t prohnlily will, bu t wo w ill bf-' t<» luivt! th e atnni- proii bt'Oiiniii iint anti ou t j)i'0 ' f(r;i>il(inaln. I t Will ho biittiu- fo r Irnnlit. Homo iilrcaily hayi* tu rn - <'d profdH.’ilnnai, .l(novvinir> wii <V4>r(' n<iln(C til (at«t tti(H nli’p."

' ' l}uU, of tuiiirHit, w iuin't Ui’ -(N u p n rl)

L.-Klnr Hollo ■ryono known, Mr. Ij> tt

playod a iiia ln u r timniii aololy o f bin Invo fo r tho Kanm

h in d thn n |iportiin< ty It jirov|(l*>d Ui»\ tu Hlvidy Uu' V lora and i;*auna i*f tlio varioun ulati'ii. JCapitclaUy M ni'iu

Will l i l t TnMrnoyu ThlH bvoiMlitldii a t "Itsnn^u

biiniK" 1h Portuin to w<n-k )mvoc w ith max\y tcim iu tournnnK'HlH. Chil»H wliiuii* tournoya biivo nl- w nyn d n iw n a natio u lii floid will find tJuj«iiii'lv«’A m im ia top- rank in ir piayitrit, and a touruny minijn thn HtarH doean’t a t t r a c t m uch n t tlio j;alo . A nd toninu- montu th iit Hon't d ra w .*iro Hoon abnndonfid.

T hi' Kxoiiutlvo conun itt«» liliio w»{ conHldf«r thf« oiivlHnbillfy of i ;ro a lh iR 'an A rnrrican Wlmbh'* <|on by com blnu' tbo mnn'H and w \n«on'« li>»rnii»)W)tM In lo ono . bijr tw o - wooks Htand. Thiii wouUt Iw u Hcnulhia mov«, fi>r m oro thiin oni» roniion. iti- 'th tr- firHt ploao, tho ' wumpn'M toiirnu- nuin t Ih nu t a ttra c tiv o nnoutrh to d raw nlonci. In tho iu>iton»i,

,m o hin tournrtm put. w ith wo- nton anil man ataVH oompotlnK daily, would nffor ciiHtnniuro n moro lnt*n^i«tinff p r o ^ r n m . T hird, it w ould cunH titutn a auv* intr In nionuy and tim a nil a nm nd .


L o c c y , I Io lH n irb o ry Pick StavH W ho'W ill Biittli) Emitcni

Toiun .Ian. I

HAN KfCANCISCO. C;il., IJ,.,;. H ‘i'.l?' • Coi>clii-.T l ‘on;y I,ot;t?y o f i).>ii- v iT im d iiiihi; iiiiiiiiiiriit't'v or Wmiii- liUiluti .Slatu loiluy conipli't.ul the POIHOUJK'I or llu. ull-wriiL t.‘ani wiiloh will play nn oiujivm iili-f.inr

Ml.! S h iln r chiirKv l ; . '« N„w .|iiv.

1 iiclHir nildwi'iiti'i-n niirii.'-nithwi^iit.Tii mduj.dJi iir.:iii'iili'ii ill (.bn lliuMip or ii^'iilor iiliini from .!oHrK--H woMl or Hi.- Mlmilii- :ilp|ii i-lvrr.

'('tin ftiii'iip fnc(u<(r'fl;MiKl/i: Mom.-, Urojicm; pi iMiliio.

M . Miii-ya; H ay li’iKjua, H i.utlurn M.ilhoillnl. Ji.id JJiJJ JJuWwM'd..Tn.'io r.ldlti! m il l O ly i i i j i ] , ; nU ili

'l'lir«‘n f ’oiiMt T iu‘k|(‘N

JONIORS DEFEAT S E N i S ,2 4 - 2 3

T i i f c o I n t o r - O l u i i u Hoop T i t h i By W i n i i h u r T l i r i l l c r in

K i i i i i l B i u jo n d i i

T w i n li’u llf i i i l j r h iirlnM ii J im lo i;/i lu - ld ' lb« lnl< .i'-ir |ii(iii n h a t i tp lo i i ; i l i ip t o d a y , a r t r r J it jiv lii ir iif f a H o tilo r l l i j 'iw a In thi< l l l u l a i ' j r a n i i ' y i- ii( t« n ( iiv tu -.vm a l lu 'I l l . 'r , ii-i t o :j:i.

i- 'r i-u h im -n n o i i f d o u l tin - iw ij/ho- lov.w Jji i i v n t h r r r ln i i r h iilU < \ j ; i

t o M), l o w i l l t in : ......... f r i i / .r.i'i* L l h r o l n ’n fV i'r th iv .w w i t h

2 0 iK 'frondii; l o i ;o W o n lil t- (<irt h o J u n lin v i In IIk - I '.lii'tinp lnn .'il ilj) t in m lr . P r o v lo n i i i o t h a t t l i c lu -tilo t.s h a d a l a j ' .H i u n p u v U lh iic v iiU y ( o ( iK iu b f r o m t i i o i d io r t i<nd o f a 111 lo n b a l f ' t l n i i i n c o i 'o . .

D i im l m i io I'li-M t l l a i r ■ T J in J u 7<loj'a i)«>n»inH trvl {)»» f i r f i l h a l f ( 'O n i|ilc ‘t<i]y, r i iu i l i ln tf n i o r r r r -

I fin -.U v" U in n u v o v U a n d I x ' l t o r p iu in - InjC w i l l * ' l o w i ' r l n j r H ;iy 'r i j i 'n » u ‘ a tc o i i t i ' i ' a j i d f ijm .'d y JU ll . '■ Jcliirrinaii III f o r w a r d U 'lid tn ir a n i iU u c l t t h a t iiw ani|> i:< l lli if ) ; ia < lu a ( in { ; In(till ( h l n l < |U arI< 'r , f io w c v i 'i ', H k ' j i .- n lu r a b r^jfiiii u « |c li- rfu lii i '< l . 'i p u r l th a t . ii<:oi-<'d I I |H iin ti i i in i l )u-1d th< rtiiupnm lo I'lv.

\S 'i t l i r iv i- n i ln u U 'j i l o ir<i In Ih -' f i n a l |) .- i '1.h I, ( ! i .‘ Jii-iii.ir.-i c u t. lom i,' w i t h f v i ' r y t h i n ; r In thi> a r iK 'im l T h e y c l l n i l i . 'd to w i i l i l n <.n,. p . a llh<‘ Ju tU o i 'i i a l ■>{ l o l i i . S c l i l l f n i a t i ! ian l( i i ' r i i - l d r ;o i i | t<i iim li< ‘ I t 'J ll t HI. a n d I t . 'r i i f W ll lf im u t d u p l l i u i t v d till* I 'i 'a t to p iiiiti t h e .'K'or<; u |> t<U:i U» ' i j . W i t h lU tU i o v .T a m i n u t . l .- f t . Hob ntir^iii .■mnU,it hnnity h I d io t l h i ‘ t 'o in u .

O a i i i d . ' K o n I I . ln c - o ln ’a f iv . - lh r < .w . 'n d f . l m a t -

I c r n o n a d o u b l i - f o u l w h i 'i i M a r ' vU \ lU v lc a ’ f o u l U iiui . l i i lU 'd ( « Kinlc

T i i r n iu - a n d .S id i l f r i u a n to ) ) p .‘<l the j u n i o r b a rra(5 < - w i t h f o u r f f 'd if

alf? f r e e t h r o w a jf l iN 'r , i t iT j i i ' W in i iu u i i folli-c!lc-<i l.h ro i- b a j t lu 't f l

,aii<J t w o fotil t)i* ' -'<'0 -i i i v l I t i u ’im l i in n v d ij\

b a a lc c t .’i..U ln o u p i i : . l i i n lo r a I ’ v n n 'i a n d

H c h l f f i n a n . f o r w a r d a ; T in 'in r t 'f c .-n - t c r ; r / i u lH ' i i b c l m a n d O . .M niilh , K U ard /i. H u li.- ill lu tio ii ii I J n o o l n an<i M ld d i o to u , S o n l o r l i H u t .i i i a n d l la ( '< jn , r o rw iU 'i la ; H o w a r d W il -

h l a n i i i , c o n l o r ; W l l l ia in . ' i a n .I'.I. Ktinul‘1.

J ic o r i! by q u a r i i - r i i f ■.T u n lo ra .............................» 7 r>H i'i i lo r i i .......................... n n 11

K ki IIU ht l-’in U h I n t i n ; f ro i i l i - a o p l i c l a i i h . 't l i .

lln 'l'.'i w o n o u t In tlii^ f i n a l o n d i i 'o ' i a jv iilr o f f r i '* ' il i U o ty . 'I’h it ju jp l io i i i o r .-II liiiit porli»l l.^uil 111 10 l;i > "il|

Bozvlvig licintei—Iiy—


G m r S . ' I f . I.'iiij,•Miiiltir l<>'i<m, hm l 1.i : i | i n . ' a 1Hit th<»i<. ;OlVM' 1>U■ltr<l l ip , ,n .Ill' ll i r a t n r , lu;ll■<•10 h o w

"W o Smitlo. nI «otbor. ■■ M ild Al

. o a i u to Niiiiiii(oiim. Tho.v l uob

. nploro in Iho II^lolH y or ........... ..fOMt f ill '• )«.V p.ihifs

' .lolinni.0 .Stlll.I.iMK 'dlinj; i'.tart.'il, bij

Niiw«|mpon„<m a I Siiiilli ' Uiiuiiil l iy A ln inxinn Tw o

I.t!llJJUl( Gllllll'!! '

f '.'V rflltrc 'f i l l !

a l tin - S i i iU li 111 , I,.I',, if ( h e 'I 'I m i,

,1 Al_ j) ln '

rd ):a <iiii1 li,

‘Vli.'iji i!aj)tiii('d I'VI llUit n j);||l

llacj ,I I h r

IhiwI. ' . I t i l l , h . - l l r r ' l l i - |;c l l l oi i / ; l i , ' } , i i l i | 111-; ” N'<it i, t l l l l l . " I I . ' OplllC’.l t l l i l t <if a vifill t Iti I h . ' Iilxt.li n- lii 'il K i 'i i ic w a s j i r i ' l l v ,;o

lil.'i ' .1,,

IfiinarJo-if <'(iiirh-y Iju h .-u : "A tdrllo- iu madi< by i:« 'illai' ’i-m all u i lh OIK- l»all.' Iftoy I'i.V I J in .l . m i n i . ( I fot;i ( niu>." nu t hi- Old ......... .doiibh- lint llii' hn*t ynmi- urit-r t»\ii Njdlt^ and Iwn r r rd ix had IUh wniri' »\ay bidinv par. ( Ii:ir- Ii-.v'h fiml bail < rrla liil.\ fb-«- ii,\ Htnni* o r ib iitii- h I ii |' |,< p lu s , ,.j,riia.s'.'

M iilli- iHriii.'j ,1 'IH H'l 1.

Talking French} ' I r k s Strangler On Paris Jaunt.Its UflVMOI.OK l ‘A i'|(A ICI>

1‘AltlM 't'1‘1 K.i VHLraniflor” V li i , l o i i n y IlniiMi w o r l d 'a u ^ n n t -

lliiK c h a n i i i l im , In l i a v ln i f t i i . i u t r i l j f .I- o f lil ii cai'.'iM ' Ih iiiio ( la y i i a jp i ln H t- i r i i r h (•ooU lii} ' u n d K r c iu ib V frliH , " I 'm ; io l / i h o t f t a n y o f .r - 'K i a p p l r r i i In K r a n r o , " r o n f i d c d ■wlH " l f n Mil. w a l t o r j i t h a t iin« n iil i i/r i i i f a l l |,h i‘ t r o u b ii* . •

r i l i 'M ' ii f |ro u « l " T h i 'i i c w all.M 'ii t h i n k t h a t Ix .-- iM"- I ’ll! a h i i i ik v f .d lo w lli .« y 'v ii '» to hrluf;. nil- In unuii p i,«»j of I 'd ." h r c c in i l iu i . 'd , “ A m i w h . tn '■y d (j, 1 j i i i i i n a l u r a l l y b a v o |o

. T h a f a w h y T iu • i i t u d v l n r no l h a l I . 'a n ti- ll t b o n i In n o t ti> b i 'ln i : m e i iu o h r ln h

l l i lL L . -So r i i r I 'v i- i i i 'a iu i j 'c d t o k i-n p 75Ti<- (i/i(( n i- o ia i . l 'M l p o u n d H / '

a d i o l t t m l t h a t r u o lu n j . ' w a il im r . i i d b e n t

iH‘i-al r u l e , liu l. h o cr»)f«>Nia<d k n o w ,I I ,If,IT a b o u t c h n r -

ill.-d ^M.'iiU l h a n a n y c ln - fI liiit

K ill \ j o |{ . i b . ' r t j i w a a n 't o n t inp n .j i i i / i , 'VI. <10 l , h Ir; i ii i in ti lr . '; d id 1)/.'.’ilU f l f. >r h im , ,

U o llv ■ .lon .-:i, a t I r i i . l 1I'.ir t i l 'T lm .'J i , lo .l l> ..lli j; i in i ja a t .'V .'' r.v •U iln i; . . . b iu h 111n j ; l o i:a : lllll

, iiliio lilK b to t a l . K. illy ',‘( lii.i 1 j-.iiw a i l t i l 0 k liK l a l l i> .i\vh-n : lilc -m a r k li11 o a c h f l a m r . NM.v ■l.-a .l iiii r .H o l ly ._

“ A '/ a r l u t l o n o i ahot.-i. til l l t ' : iw h a t r VO aai< 1 H n i l t t v o l til.-T ln u '. 'i . I I I n th i- o r y . ••ml.l h o ; " 'n r . iVrtl o t th 'o p i in i k n o w ■ w h o r . ' y o uK o ln ir l o h i t '.•111, ) t n t a

n 'M 7- -2n

1 yi-ii

lu 'o w a t iy I I 'l" ;ii.i.i luiio;. I

Hmllh boat Mtnith!

l.i'H < ’o w a n m u l t i - n i l : - I ' n i a ‘ .Ml p o i ' r o a t b i i u l o r . H a l f t h o (hiio I (fat lh<* pioM ilowii: )i»lt t h o t i m o th / \ v U '‘t »no « la \v ii ." !..<•» h a i l p l t - n iy o f h a n l h i c k o a MjdUx.

"I idl.>ulc| haV,' hiid tlio hi)jbi‘!it acor.? In llia t n.‘i;ond Kami:." aiil.l .rimmlo MiiIhMi, "I r«>llfd tho mo.'d Iwilla!" You, J linm lr, b u t too m any

’h.,-ri> tlic plii.'i wiTi-n't, AI thrtl, Iiowcv'cr, .h in w i ciitix- hitcU

n lci'ly In the lant };ain<', kn<)cklnj; ’.tm fo r a .louhl.t tn th.- Uth and 7lh rninu-M. T la il'a tho ol.l


Boya Trim Hollinter; Oirlii Iioiio Priictico Oanie to

Twin Pall!»

III I'i^'luil

I wa

al liroKoil S'tf'akM lolln-i' I'l'iijiDn w h y I'vo

i:n)> on ihrnc l-VonchIt t o b e l,,J}

W a rliarooal broikjiJ iM I..' pr.-parod.".'’hilt jio tblnliH nboijt f Iti lnj; tlirow n 'jiroum l nn" n ial. iiv III (loinif th.>

. hlnincir. tho "ntranK lor'- •Phori, -w iu 'j, w,' /rat In u clinch

w.' a r m I ;il.-.-p|iiK', aa iiotni- o f tho ' 't|mrt;i writiTi* IIU.- to m aka out.

...... Ihinliinn all tbo timo. W hat> Ir.v ni'x t anil w lia t trlcku I'on.'iil m ay pull.”I'I liiiid l lia t hit plami to rn- a l-'njjjr« ij»tlJ wj>rJn|r.



hold I li.- oi

llA /K I,T O M , III

Oil nli,'hl, ' ''iill.-i Klrlir

i«I>.'riall - d llollliiu- I- . aial 111'

pi . I 't l f

Tbo/al/JratiJ.i. W»«Jiln/r-Ion M talo; 'l lllo ii, WaiihlnMton (Jlydi- C artiT , H onthcrn M>!thiidliit O c irn o Mndilox, K an aaa iUaW, <ini: illtn Ihtrlii'i;, Unlvoi'iilty of Han K n in c tH ia> .

(luardfi: ^ t o J a o, W aaliint;ton .Stato: MiU'iia, .lunu'tt Htmioy, \S'aiihiiij;ton. and Hoyor. i/. C. I.,. A

<LV ntoni:'l.avry t', an<J l<'raiikil>i Molor, Niibrauka. Hiuika: N iohidint. 81. M ary 'a

W nrbiirton , U. fl. C .; ClcmonH, TI K. C.; Hnikotdiy, W anh ln t'ton : Ba latino and ao tirr io , H a n ta 'C la ra , flohn UlMiard, Toxaii, luid Itoy H orry, Tiilna.

No Unly«r/)ily o f C alifornia m H lanfnrd jdayorii w oro Invltod bn cauHo lM)ii) toanui a ro playinif vlu.’- w hom on N ew Y oar'a day, thi (.I'oidon Ki.’iirn in H a w aii and ^tim- ford In th<> IloBo Howl.


BHtmoro horo, o ttendanoo of m o re th a n aoq toogul* of A m er­ican ip o r t , r« p re io n iln ir a ll aoo- Uon« o t tb a Cdunery» la ttntlolnatoil.

- Itovo lu tlonury P lanT h* tpaotao lo o f Mu^c B ao r put-

t W th » ah o t In 1086 O lym ­pics. Jo h n n y W dlam iillor niavirio ioo hooktty fq r .tb o A. A,

tho de lM taU ir , Im utliln

RK SBsar,

P l l l l i ’S RECORDInUrn^onul Body Oleom. Big

Orden Wtoc BaWr To r ight Brtglttn

P A R J8 , Dbo^ g , „ h ,^

oldad th a t ' PHiofo Ofcmeca'a boMlnff ^aponl w a . « n ta n ,i .h « t . a«d It d ?

B nar, ti«nvy> t h « B e l .

Mftinifftotnrer and Awooffttog Take Control; Buddy Ryan

Naniod Manag'or

I ’OUTLAND. Orn.. t)oo, R r in n l iMTartijomonta w aro rnaJo to ­d ay in th« ri<inl throuffb w tn c r nwnnr*hlp of tii.» P ortlw jd baso- hull - c l u b o f tho 'P ao lfio ooaat

ohanjrod h a ^ t* . pawrfnir frnm tlio con tro l o f ,4om T u m tr . lt« proHidant fo r .m a n y yonra, •. p . J , S clw rtar, P o rtlo n d m anu- fftotiiror. nnnounond th a t ha aad aw<oolut,oN havo purabuBod 00> Dor .c.«nt ot-IhiuitoflkJnahiLClub..,— -

Tko prtco they p aid wiui n o t nn* nftun<sod. b u t i t w a a oatim atfld to

batw oen 140.000 and *00,000 In cnahi S*or,thjit «»rh th« now owt^ora will aoqulro tbo oiub

| a t r « t h v o b ^ r p a r l t an d Rume bro-

in Ui(» final nilnnt»» C arpoiitur toiui i;d a flct<l i;oal from tin; iil<lu of tho floor to tlo thft atandlnif.

,1.,1‘ad ln ir I'coroni Wc-n- fJlvonti. for tlio no|)lioiuori')i, w ith tw o fiokl llilalu: l'<ir tiiH froiib. ( \irpotil<'i', w ith , tw o flold K‘«ilu, and Doly, w ith f<uir froi! (hiowii.

T..lnou|)ii: F i’oiih—OnrpL'ntor and lllll, f<irwaiHlii; A baboar, contiu-; D l^y and Klx-'riJJ, j'iijuvIjj. Bophii- inori'H -Clvona and ^m lth , for- wai-<l;i: Androwii, coiitor; U m jr “ I'd Andoriion, KUardii- .Hiibiitltullona: !l'’wjiih '.H kiuu-iuul T n inm or. .S^tpho-

im- IMitzlor. .

Thin liitH Imou no wih-U fo r tho ani-har m on—thoy Juvt caultln 't Kot i'oiii{(, “ A nd," Mild Cup Urlii«<|{ar to <MiurIoy • Ijirwon, “« v n«'n ar«» Kiipjwwrdh*' JJIHMf.'* ■


( hoyii n u l n t c f . ■ i ia r j ; i n

.lthoU|;h ( tiiu.-ii tho In

J lo J h I'lirly

h o M ln j r 0n i .- l ; i t i r r i-orno<-Ll( vjjdln/' JloUwh-r ^ iijin iilii w i;i'i ' b a n d l i :a p p i - i l b y a i-iiii.jn c r . ' i 'im . 'J i i i b i i i l io l l i 'n r u l u r . ' j io ! ii ii l i i i i t i , '; i . • •

In tho Kli'l"’ n ractlr.- j^iinio, tlv Tw.in Kalin UrulnoHoji riiodiod t.,i miioh n f f o M a I V !• and dor.-indvi idritnjMh lo r tlio lliu '.ilton maldonn !/«-d iiy Aiidroy illnk lo , tho vlidtoi

IdlU an oarly

’I'ho jjlrla’ linoiip lllnkli- an>l llay d i r woll and C, Sm ith, iia iiml M. Law ron' iilltutloiiji ' L. iJiw 1-araoii, M. Sm ith, 'larlc , flaUnor. Ifaz.-/toii l.iiry , f.ow ai'ilii; M.-tt

d bold It

; Tw in l‘’alUi f.ii'wartlM; Col

;nntorii; Tiioiu !, (!*>‘U'<lti. B u b ■n(;.>. ICirkinan I'hlHlpii, Itf.M

ifran aji<l nd I ‘<

FOR SPLIT/MEETMilinii-BlUinoro P lan A ttracts

Booroa of Form er Qolf Stay-at-Honicfl

M IAM I, Kki. Ill.lli — /A rocord, fluid fo r thn 3riU,ni)0 M iam i n i i t- , inoro O prn iioomod nrohuhlo today iiH toiirnam«>nt ofrlcliibi rcporti'il a. i hiuivy un try froj)i thn fo rm er y tuy- j a t-hom o profoHHionat o I f n r ». | Uurfld hy lh«* prnHpiictu of cutUnU' inlo tho rlcli pri}:o;m»don w itiiou t havln if to I ho Wg’- tim e «tur« o f ,th n unuui, the IttHanr proa havo attoKt«'«i th o ir inlori’Ht by en to rln y thp «ihamploniihlpH to bo ployed Doc‘.H -14.

Tho Innovation, suggobtod b] Col. Ifonry Ij. D ohorty, proikionL o f Dm J''lorida Y oar W uiw i C]u)>A. w hich »piitH tho Opon In to tw o di vUlonii, tiio “IJom blng" and “P u r' suit'* aqUudrmm to brlilif a b o u t t mopo «Miuai dlvifliou o l Lho-.caah..

«, H tn ‘

Ooftgf, B attle }’o«tur Fo6tbalI S lv o ; r

Invttdo fcv- h..

T SparNo mooii ;t

p r lx o ii. H t r u o k . a p o p u l a r c h o r d . " I l o i n b i n g iiq t iijuitdron'

W ith 17,500 t// bo aw ardm J am ong tho w in n ers In tho "Umpb- Ing S quadron ," fo r w hich proa who ttnlahod lu n o n g .th o f i r a t 80 and ttoH in tho 1031 N a tio n a l Open ju id ftmong* tho low 04 an d tie s In th« 1034 q u alify in g round o f tho P. U .',X . onam pionxnip 8 r^"T F ira^» r thB' b ig Umo i tn r a have boon com ­ing in to lin o .''

OUn' D u trd , na'tlonal Opon bham - pion, w a s No, ’ —

My 1iInlU.d Pn>««N ntro I>am« hiiH travoloij to

Callftirfifii tn p lay ocui o f tho lil(r foa turna on tfMlay'ii fuothall pro- irriim whloli will v irtu a lly cloiio til^NDUHOn.

T h o r a m l i l l u i ; I r i n h p l u y U . S . 0 . i n a I 'a n u i o f l l t l l o a ) | : n i r i c a n n > b o - caU H o o f th i i r o c o r d n : o f b o t l i h o Iio o Ib .

J.,. H. ir , jffK'ii lo ICniixvillo to moot Tonnoiiiam In w lm t idioiild bo

axc^JJvfjt Im nir, w ith lJi» l.oiil- Mlana Tlgorii favorod,

I Tho HoutiiwoHt wan tlio acoiii^ of I tw o intorHnotiomil claiihoii, w ith .M ichigan Ktato ag a lm it tiio Toxuu Agglofl und T o x u B Ciiriutiun u galnn t H anta C lnra.

In tho tuml caliof'c football hn« •lopurlod h u t H unday fana will w utoh th/i Now Y ork OianU* l>at- tio tho Clicliijfo llriirn fm- tiio iiro leiiguo uhainpkinfihlp.

i)rli;);ii and I'i>olt' /;ijiir<J«. >Jijb;itllntloj»>» UinjiJ, CJia<J- w ick, Wobl). HtokoHliorry, ilarisl,

R a c e H o i-«e« 'H it • H e a d -o n :. K iU ed

NI':W OHUOANH. Doc. H UMli - - Two lioraoii w orltliij' o»it a t fa ir

iiindn nii-o tra c k Imro tiiday col- d hoad-on and Woro. killoil. Tho

■rciJii! Ijoyn vvor.- harlly Jiijun-d I wor.t laki-n to C liarlty bon-

p ltal.

S p a t-tan S ta r G e ts B m L e a g u e O ffe r*

inAST 1 N a (IM!i riinMui<»r nov.ir tlrln^f -iioiVVfhfo r now faci'H anil a ta n i Iuin tiiriiod to M ichigan .Mlato'N iiaaoball toum.

frvlnii “ Uur.z" H artllnjr. M tata’a rirtit iMUK^nnm h ia t y«'i>r, btiH >id- m ittod tiia t ho huH iiiid taIkH With iioth M imajrcr M ickoy Cochrano

f.th o tlKorii and lUli T orry of tho CilnntH.

j-’ollowfnK *K>lh taikii, however, ho droldmi to finish hln coilPtfo ■aroi')' bi'foro r(>nHldcjjn|«'-

In to prnfoHiilonul bascbuji. U ari- linK thrown unO ImtH rig h t handod.



O F C U R T D A V ISI-O U TI.A N P. Or.', dU?' — A

chaiico n-nuiHc back in 102?) n tiu to d <tff C urtlii DavlM <m a Iiiti'blnjr cai'o.-r,

Uiivla, now a N atlonul loiiguo ■plUditnjr wfiir. w»« t-m ployed in an Oroj{iin liiinbor <;amp-

(Jno Sunday, Im knocko<l 'oft bin HiiwinUl liotlfH lo n g onongh 'I.) malco a tr ip to rSrnnt! I^nndo, lunibi-r vllla^o of 200 nnulH,

bioiobuiv li'inri w un phiy- ' ' ovi-rdali'. a riv a l «5amp.

A f te r watchlnii: tho homo to a o i 'i t liu iy h to r p itc h e r iifto r pilohor, P av ln niiid:

" llo ii. I can jiltch b e tto r th a n . Ibo.io CUivonhilo follcrn.”

A nd th^ Ciovordftlc m a n a g e r tooK him a t h/x word.

ll<> D ont I t d u e l Ui IkkKo, Hlauku im d Irti*

diiloniil hliio fihirt o f tho loggar, I^iavlu iitfodo (o thn m ouna. Ho iiliinluMl C.raiul Ttnmln Vrf th o thrco Inninj'a iio workoiL So Inrl- pn.'/MOd wan (iio C kivordaln

t h a t h»' HluTnnl liiivlit .lor i'ir|;uiar Sunday n u iu n d .d u ty , doii/ilto protoalM hy }3/iv In.

In DavlH jo inod Ibo V or* ' nnnlii tonm, w hich waM th o n In tlio Nmnli I . , o w o r Cnlumbltf loitjfun. !{« w on II do*on g am ea or no, Incliidini; u n o n -h it, no*' run coiUahI.

Tho ooxL RoMHon fo u n d h im a t Tone. Ilii finiMhml th o a«aaon w itii AHlitand. !(<• w a s aign«^ tn thn iiprintr by tho Bun F ra n o is w HralM.

IIo waji iiont to'SlAlt I.jt!ko, ib itt,rn tu rn o d lo tho HouIm jn lOSd. n.^ w a a ih-afte.l by th o P h iliie ila n t y**iu'.


. p a rk an d som e pro-

C inC A Q O , Do<3, 8 KIklC tiyler,' Chlpngo C uba outfloldor, will bo back w ith tho n o rth iiido

th e tsontrary., MrtiBg*!; anil . Vliw P rM ldcn l

M s V - " ‘?aui" « r

RAy Joiner and

aviSJfa, Sd^a"£p5S„*ia^il!3i f 'e r r a r c rW ^ o .b lo o k v Um fom aer 5???? flooded o f .

R o b t,a n fl L_* .......baseman StUn Jlkok,

H a iro ld AncTerccmi l l ' S w . «' m » —

Afte? This-

C a r S ta rtin g r H a r d ?Install A New v

G O O D R IC H B A T T E R Y ^

A L s m i t h ; IN C ,PnONB 1471

___ t ’timo daw n a n d nbMryoiintririipli^'lHSW irg u'feW*ipimtw. ,

W*« u m t r u l an d ta ln in g ap o r t . , . imA viwlL'

' giuuiuitM u ia t Toa‘||.youf oarM—eveA au61i om m a* A na llln «hat favorite ww> tlr® o f youral

o t bMirtlny Is fk*‘

In en^ynrMmt ona needed ex-,’ i

y«w W ^»;. I

• f > 5 5 te

our i _ o t U i,t c .

not« n s a iV 'g u w t ootidlUcm all and ' ‘

-Wt 9drd.

O ff,I

Page 4: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014-12-12 · ^j^iefitheT Forecast ^bii«i^ly fair tpiilvjit »um1 nuiiOuys lltUe ph>LHf«» lu tflinpomtiiro. AJiuiimiim

tPAHO EVENING TIMES. 'TWIN FATX3. IDAHO . Sntiirdny, PccRiiibcr 8, 1 il3i

T K riK M lO N IO MH

fi lii>ivH«rt WIro H«»-Vlrii UnU.-.l I'l i;u ll N 1C A ,K.

I>ub1bl Twill I'ullti, Miiho

(ir Coiiunii.u, Mil

■ u s » o a irT x o M iia t iibn y tM n lo P , iM y u l.i.) ii> A .iv iu i

.....................................lli.t II)’ llio v.iir-uy jHull. WMIllil ||I|.I«», • v.r.u l i y M i i l l . (II|1I>1.1» M ii tio . (III.. Vo,ir

All rwjtilrml liy l'‘W ''rIII li» iiiilillH>i»it wiKiUiy, will ti [<llt>M>' pUl'MIIIiOt to Ui'i'tllU) li>-IIIN

liy . iiirliKllolloi t) |,> (.'tmiilo

l i : i l KCM IM .I. n a t Wina t . M j:i-iM ;iii:NTA rivi::i •

■ ^l. «?. MdllljNlll'iN .V I 'l l , IM;.NflllH T»w.ir. Utii.li »‘ai| l'-n.iiit|iM'

' I D A H O ' S M Q U O U l ' K ( ) l ! l . ; K M

T h e r e i s n o d e n y i i i K l l u i t l l i o s l a t i ! i i ( l i i ) i n i s ( i a l i n i i ,

i i i e l l K - l i n j ; t l i e H ( i ' ' e n i n r a i i d t h e m e i i i l ) e r s n l' t h e K l a t e

U ) ( ^ i9 lu t u r e l i a v o a | ) i ' o ) ) l e n i n n t l i e i r h a n d s r e g a r d i n g '

| ) i ' O H p e c t i v e l i ( i i u i r l e j j ; i K l » l i o i i .G o v t i i ' i i n r U oh k i s t o n i e e l T u e s d a y w i t h t ) i e s l a t e

l i ( |U i ) i ' a d v i s o i ' y h n a i ' d , a t w h i c h t i m e i t i s o x p e e t e d

t h e m o i i i b e r s w i l l r e v e a l tr i h i m t h e r e e i i h i i i i e i i d a t i o n s ■ n u u l e . ' T h e s e h a v e n o t ' a s y e t l i e e i i a n n o i m e e d t n t l i e

p u b l i c . M e i i i h e r a o f th l> e i i m n i i s s i D H w e i - e ' a p i i i i i i i t e d l i y t h e ( i n v e r n o r , a n d w h i l e t l i e i r s u g g e s t i e n s a r e e n ­

t i r e l y u n o f f i c i a l , i t i s l i U e l y t h a t t h e p l a n , t h e h o a r d p r o p o B o s w i l l c a r r y m o r e w e i g h t t h a n a l i y e o i n i i i t ;

f r o m k i 'o 'M.ik w l i i c l i h a v e n o t m a d e K t i u l i e s o f t h e

r i i i e s t i o n . . . , . •T h e r e a r e m a n y p o s s i b l e w a y s o f h a n d h n f ; ' h i | i i ( i i ' ,

a s H U n i i i ip f w i t h o u t q u e s t i o n t l i a t t h e l e K i s l a t u r e w i l l

l e i f a l i z o i t s s a l e , b u t i n r e a l i t y t h e a l t e r n a t i v e ’ t o p r i - W n k s a l e , i s , s t a t e l i q n o r s t o r e s ,^ ^ V i h m t e v e r m e t h o d i s a d o p t e d e v e n t u a l l y , t h e r e i s

. c e r t a i n t o b e e r l t i c i s n i , - l n i t in t i u ! i n t e r e s t s o f a l l t h e c i t i z e n s a n d t h e s t a t e a s a w h i d e , t h e l e g i s l a t u r e i s e u ;

t i t l e d t o t h e b e i j e l i t o f e v e r y i n t e l l i f i ’e n l s i i r ' K e s t i o n f o r

• h i i n d l i n g t h e i h i i J o r t a n t i i r o b l e m . I n d i v i d u a l s a s w e l l

■ a s g r o u | ) B s h n n l d n i a l i e k n o w n t h e i r i d e a s r e A 'a r < lin n '

l i q u o r c o n t r o l .

< 'i i .\ r 'i 'K ii VI


A n Bxoluslvo K vonlng T tm e a , D olly R ep o rt o»i tho Jrijiit-llov lng H vonta In'- th e N ntlon '« CiipHal by nn WKport In to rp ro to r and

C om m ontttto r (C opyriifh t} 'loS4, by P n u rM a llo n )

Ton}} and /Iri/i tnoveil rli\/llmiictiU]}, ciii'ili) on the crotvJeJ floor.


!.'( hill iil'l'y

Mill! Tuny. Ifo Jnlrft- nil III Mill .i:li'l— Klluuii

T N S U I , L d N L Y A S Y M H O I ,

T h e a c q u i t t a l o f S a m u e l I n s u l l n i a y p i - o v o k e I h e e y n i c i l l t o n e w r e n i a r l c v a b o u k - t h e d i f f i e n l t y o f f i n d i a K

« ' m i l l i o n d o l l a r s K u i ^ y o f a n y t h i n g : b u t i t s c h i e f . i i n - l ) O r t i m c e ia i t s w a r n i n g - t h a t w e ' e a n n i i t b l a m e t h e i l i s -

lU ite r H o f r e c e n t y e a r s o n i n d i v i d u a l s .■ M r . I n s u l l w a s a . s y m b o l — b o t h . b e f o r e t h e c r a s h

a n d a f t e r I t . W h e n s o m e t h i n g v e r y u n p l e a s a n t h a | i - p e n o d t o u s , w e i n n n e d i a t e l y t r a i n e d o i u - h e a v y K u n s

d n . t h i s s y m b o l . B u t t h e r e a l t r i n d ) l e a l l i d o n n ' w a s n o t

j v i t h t h o B y m b o l , b u t w i t h o u r o w n r e a c t i o n t o i t ." I n , t h o y o u r s b e f o r e t h e . l i to e lc i p a r U e t w e n t U e n i o -

(5 1 -u t ic , M r . I n a u y w a s u p o n a ( j o l d e n t h r o n e ; a n d h e w o u l d n e v e r h a v e s t a y e d t h e r e a m i n u t e i f w e h a d . n o t

H s s e n t e d t o i t .

N a t u r a l l y e n o i i n h , w i i e n t h e h o t t o m f e l l o u t o f e v -

B r y t l i i n f i , p e o p l e ’s i d e a s w e n t i n t o r e v e r s e . I n s t e a d o f I d n l i z i n K t h i s u t i l i t i e s n u i / i n a t i ? , t h e y t r i e d t o b l a m e

f i m f o r c v e r y t h i n K . A R r e a t m a n y p e o p l e l o s t a f t r e a t j j c a l o f m o n e y i n hi,<) c o m p a n i e s — s o t h e y f e l t , i n t h e i r

w i s d o m , t h a t t h e o b v i o u s r e m e d y w a s t o t h r o w h i m ' i n

J U iil.q ■ N o w i t s h o u l d h a v e b e e n a p p a i ’o n t t h a t t h e o b v i o u s

r e m e d y w a . s n o t l i i n K : o f t h e k i n d . ' I ' h e s e u n l u e l i y i n - I J o s t o r a w e r e v i c t i m i z e d , n o t b y a n y o n < ‘ m a n , b u t b y n c o m b i n a t i o n o f f o r c e s ; b y t h e m . s e l v e s , f i r s t o f a l l , a i u l

h y t h o t e m p e r o f t h e t i m e s , . s e c o n d a r i l y .H o w w a a t h i s v i c t i m i z a t i o n m a d e p o s s i b l e ' ' C l i i e r

l y b y t h e f a c t t h a t W e . s u s p e n d e d o u r c r i t i c a l j u d g m e n t

i n f a v o r o f a g r e a t d e s i r e t o . h a v e a l l o u r p r o b l e m s . a o l v e d b .v t h e p o w e r o f f i n a n c e ,

; W e k n e w t h a t m a n y t l i i n A ' s w e r e o u t o f j o i n t i n o u r c o u n t r y . T h e l i f e w a s b e i n g g r o u n d o u t o f a g r i c u l t u r e ,

i l l a b o r w a s g e t t i n g l o s s t h a n i t s s h a r e o f t h i n g s , t h e d e -

j . v o l o p m e n t o f m a s s p i - o d u c t l o n a n d s u p e r - f i n a n c o w a . s

' p ’ l i f ' S u p s t u p e n d o a s p r o b l e m s . w h i c h w e h a d n o t e v e n . I r i e d ' t o s o l v e . B u t w e w e r e e a g g r t o . f o r g e t a l l - a b o n t

t h o s e , t h i n g . s — w e s i m p l y x e f u s e d t o b e l ) o t h e r e d , b y

i ' ' t h e m — i n t h e h o p b ' l h a t b y j i i l i n g s t o e k . s a i i d b o n d . s i i i )■ | h i g h e n o u g h w e c d u l d b e ' f l o a t e d o v e r i n t o a N e w ' l O n i

; ' ' w i t h o u t e f f o r t o f l i u r ' o w n .;' ■ I t d i d n ’t w o r k . W e . s h o u l d h a v e k P o w n t h a t i t

; . w o u l d n ’t w o r k , b u t w e n e v e r l e t o u r s e l v e s a s k q u e s -

; t i o n s . W e h a v e b e e n s i t t i n g a m i d t h e w i e e k a g e f u r r - ■ . a e v e r n l y e a r s , n o w ; a n d c u n ' r e n u ' d y i s n o t t o p u t t h i s

' o r t h a t m a n i n j a i l , b u t t o c h a n g e t h e p ; ? y c h o l o g i e a l

i ' b a c k g r o u n d a g a i n s t w h i c h t h e s e n i e i i o p e r a t e d . I n -

I . . s u l l ’s a c q u i t t a l o u g h t t o b e a t i m e l y ' r e m i n d e r o f t h i s .

■ U . S . I N A N T A R C T K ^

— n i c J J j u L e [ L S t ! i t t ' 3 - a o c i n 3 - t o J u L v e - r e c e i v e d - t i t l e , - o r s o m e t h i n g r e . s e m h l i n p i t , t o a c o n s i d e r a b l e ( p i a n t i t y

■ o f n o w l a n d . l A d m i r a l B y r d , h a v i n g e x p l o r e d a l a r g e K t i ' o t c h o f h i t h e r t o u n d i . s e o v e r e d l a n d i n t h e . \ n t a r c t i c

I ' c l a i m s i t f o r t h e U n i t e d .S ta te M i n t h e t r a d i t i o n a l m a n ­n e r .

A l l i n a l l , n o w , t h i s c o u n t r y h a s a , m o r ( > m - h ' . s s v a l i d ■• c l a i m - t o s o m e 2 ( ) ( ) ,0 ( ) 0 s q n a r i ' m i l e s i n : t h e v i c i n i t y i t f

t h o S o u t h P o l e . ,

;■ _ .■,To. b o s u r e , t h e r e i s j i r e c i o n s l i t t l e t o . s h o w t h a t ,

t h i s l a n d i s e v e r g o i n g t o h e w o r t h a n y t h i n g t o n s ., E v e n i f t h o f r o z e n s o i l t i h o n i d b o f o u n d ' t o h e r i c h i n

t n l n o r u l W e a l t h , f o r i n a l a n e e , A n t a r e t i e a i.s a m o r t a l l y

| _ J _ C 2 l i l . S 2 t L o l j j l a c C - t l m L h i i K l i l e a a i l y j ' e a i s L d o v o l o p m o n U ., I t o th o e n d o f t im e .!'■,- I S t i l l , w i t h t h o w o r l d a l m o s t c o m ) i l o t e l y m a p p e d a n d

iji; . ' s u r v e y o d , i t i s s o m e h o w t h r i l l i n g t o h e ’ a b l e t o c l a i m

f ■ l i n e w t e r r i t o / i e s i n t h o t i m e - h o n o r e d w a y — b y r i g h t o f ft. . d i s c o v e r y . ' ■ ' '

w lnilnl i i;lli:..Tly.

uli. n-.l’ itiKldi Illy

:ilt li> ll l« ix i l l l t lllKl Il< i Iki wiiy." Ann i:al y.iiclic.’il tiic3 p o iiii. An

liji'iitlili'M i. Iiitr licas ,J . ,y n u id y . T o n y . nc n il, irazf’d cldwn iil In.’ lii.ctiincly. • y rV ?” TlM’ii.

'Ilirllc .liii'i'd Wiillii.

T l iu n iin i i- u i ' - a n t iK 'd i i iu : ti i A n n ; i n n lUm w a :i i i t n iP u i l (nr<;<tl n m il ..... . nf w Im<iiT i .n y n i n ; l i i ' i l u | i rI'.lii'ii Iiiiiiil iiuilH.

I'rnmhl. u<l Into I)


m tlnni'.l (n linlil

I W h ll.’ t itlrl'u .■>I WlllllK'l)


<iy III

I l;i Ili<

'i'ony iiniiwi.’i'

’iinl Kil • "Voii.11 . ll.h i- l,” l l - i i l l d ay .”

.'(iii’t inncli <1 linr tiiiinli


M) «p llilii 1(1 Mioniilly, Ml. " I jJon’t

r . '" Anil ' I ’nj I'ot-

•■yi . I In

.n'alilN}; fur l\>- . Iiti

I a H u ll ,

at ilowri , lil;i

WlH'ii lliry wnrti i:»iKi Ann •■Whii III 1,1k;, T.iny?”

••I tli(iiii;lit I iiilrndiicm l you. i;il.'un W alla .u ."

A nn. m;ltU’(l, milil, ".'Hii you cjhl. JIul an Jn lrm hicllon ilowiii'l. llU'o ono till) plctnri!."


oltc,’ il IIJ*.y.i lit.


■ 111 (Till l<;ti;

:ir (III

rxjilaln >iniii<> nf | (hill tn lilni, liiK It wan Inipiinnllili.'| wllli hill Him an urihnit tiarrUu' j iijjalnnl Jmr wonlii. |

Tony iialil frunkly . "I novtir ih n n i'h l 1 wnu ii m nrryliij! niii'n. Wllli HO nmiiy iniirrlminH koIiii: un (III) rocldt it iiuoini’d ii lot n( (innl)Io luid wnuti> of tinin to (In ^oiinicU up W'lth a w rddliii; niid

. ilii^ii i;ii to (III) iixpouttii mid troiibU’ of liuvlnir rioinoliody’cnt It fo r yon. iU.’u?”

icily 1100. Tony

• Ui'lcli.'- 'I'.iiiy lu.I.r raiilly. -W ull, iliiMi — 'clii-aliciiit-low u' iiic.tlyj aiiiin II mi. I.oolc lii-rii. Ann. I'ciirro nnl r.oliw: J-'alona on nm. iro yon'.’ lJuw 1 liato u jcMlnnj ivom an!” »

nahl Ann. " I iirmultio I w oii'l. T hat I'l, I w on’t nliow IL- l l ’ii iiluiwliiir It ilia t III 110 >ion-ltI. I'll ni;v«r lit. a nlirrw."

AN N (ll.ln’t ed ld n 'H io llir .„ ........................ ......

> Iniit. I’orhnpu imt even tho lru l Tlie ^ t l io u K l i t miida li»r a llllln iilclc.

•'Muybii onrn will Iio tllfforont," Tony concodiiil un tho ulluncc-

L utur, oatlni: «Ilniinr In tlio pa­vilion. tho Unit m ilo r if t hi hur hniiplnoQU cnmo. Ann hucdino coii- ticloiiii of ttia L'Irl iioaloil uL a tn- hlu iKiiir l>y.

Wlion eiio n lrl nnd h e r oncort *roiio to luavu tlio j;lrl wtoiipud hiihlnij T tiny, pliioInK u hm ul on lilH Bhuultlor. •■fliirprlHod?" uh<3

fpO M Y uuhl!' •'Ymi'n;loiirtphL-r. Ann."

over aiMl cuiij;lil lu:r liliii: It linnl. ‘'Wo I Iho (tcvll. hnl I 'l l ' yon .”

"Nfj,” uiihl Ann. '‘II T h » y lliii’ iu’d III.

liy daufliii;. Wh.'it in .u-.:r« inirl of u nii T h i-y w iT C a l r i i i . ', T n

. Iltllo iihl- III r.jiK-lMiil haiMl, r.riiv y row 111(0

• (•i'li.’l>ra(lon iidi.T ir lli.!y id .'y

■ lid A I

Ian Ilni

•’Ann, y on 'ro n o t!" Harah wiui wlilir nwalfii now. Hlio rttarhod ff 111.) Iiod lainii nnd Itoodod tho roni willi II iiort IlKht. A iui'm Iiiiiilnoiiii iiy.Mi nifit-

"Ko nood to iiiilc wlio. tlio liicliy d n iil 111. Ai'ii you iiury? Tuny'u nil nwfiil rhik."'

" l lu ’n uohwr to aoltlo down. Wiiit and iKin."

“ Oh, ytaJi! Wol), whon do I klim tho h r ld o n rn o n rr '

••Hoim,’’ Anil liMd vniiuoly, ro- ninnliorliiu Tony tiud iiuld,

C A K A II, n o t loo oiitlinliitlcnlly, w allud fo r iili;nii of T ony’ii

•■ni'ltUiiir dow n ." They woro not roillu-oinliiir. T ony wujit blltholy anil.K aily on lihi wiiy.

Ann .ixiilahiiiil loyally . th a t Tony had (>i huvu rticnsttioii, i l wail woi'ldnu lihniiolf to duutU ovo hill now co n tiac t, Xvyliiu htirU to cut iihrad.

Mnt Hi'pUiinluir, paiiHod. Octoli ^iUiiiiL_N/>y.i.'mlJur_cutmj-uud_waut

UoiKtnilicr. HlUl /lid It woi'ii no rlui;

:;ii.. told iMinitilf nho niiint iiii iil^niiililo.- Jlow conht tlio down liaynii’iil nvor ho niaiiiu:i;<l whoii Tony v-iiil no cjxtravaium t nhout ll.iwiTii, dh in i'ra , and diiiii^lni:?

Tniili-lii, for linilanuc, tlio_y worn I'lannliiH (o danco nt Mio .Ini^. II.|i|a>lni;

hill W lh ii t i l l

•chuiilra wni an d . no m nllo r how

cIliiKlni; clone IV ' 111 ,larli iilliei,' ' e.\lrav.i(;aii t, Tony would no t niliminovhi]: rli.vtlm ilnilly. ea.illy 1III (lie ' lllll l\U’IH'l(>erowdeil ihuir. •• 'l.o.'* ::iirah aaiu, coinlnir In

Lovlnu' ea. ■U iillii ■r 1.0, they ; anil (om.Ini:; tier hu t aiildo. •'W oll,coiiliIn’L nviT n a l ly Ann wa;Mr( Illltl a day? 1 d o n 't know(old buT.ilf. Ylilni'■■'I. 1ifuiile, ! w li.n I'vo 1leun iincli a mob w ant-ooiililn 't niail IT — Ilenpl,, lllio; Ini; iHioliii. <Dh. Ann. 1 havo a iiiiiii-ICIIeen with lie r prcdatiury ey r.i;:.. fu r y.nil! 1 nict Tony and

A t, 1- o'clo cl( Ann Ul.'l^-'(1 orr: liu.aiUie.l mII lo ((.'11 you lioniuihliiKh er pnmiiii anId UllpiH,'d ln( ini[i<u(ant liad-. coino np an d honhenth-lilcu i;o wn.

u hut-jc o u ld n 't 11uiliu It to iiliih t. iiluiil

lin 'd o ip ln iii ia tn r.""y n ij numii ho hm ’l conilni;?*' "Thiit'H w hnt hn iinld.’; “ Kuniiy. lio d id n 't phono .'' *'t.loodiii‘Hii. you d o n 't uxpMCl

T o n y to ho oonvtnithnm l? A ny­way, horo '4 (I hritiik. Mac ciilUid

'Milu n 'fto riio o n ’liiid uiiUod nut (o iicnro up a dn tn fo r Dick llandall. a ciiiilornor of hla. D irk blow In w ith fou r tickolii fo r lloh lo VVil- non iiiiil iiukod Mac (o i;ut lilni a dulo. rv«*'homi workltiK my poor lirain ovordnio. In tlinra nny l'oo«l roiumii why t*oU tilionldn'l hn W ok’H d iito?”

"T ony ■wouldn't liku It.'* "T ony I'*‘•Wull. I 'l l CO.” Aim iiivJd.Slio p u t on ho r now ulcy-hhia

iln'iiii, pnwdoroil hor lovely iitdn Unit wail II poiirl iialhi, now tlial thii iiuiniiror tiiii hud w orn off. nnd woiU— n o t too happily . .

I t wnii w hllo Anil waH danctni! Mint nho m ot tho oyoH of Potor ICohdall. Ho aaw h er and Krlamtd. and Ann llftod litir h an d hi i:ay iialiitu an nho w hirled pniit.

••Tliiiro'ii ro to r Kondall," .Barah nnid ^ator.

“ Iil tho Rlrl w ith him Valorln ISottiintt?" Ann niikod.

Tho i:Vl hi J’oliir'H nrnia wim droUiHid III w hllu. I l5 r oyoH woro

"\V ho ylHo?" n ick nnBwuri'd. "T lio n on iio tt islrl hiuiit (>o loudlnu Kondall n round Wltli h llndum on. aiirt covtnlnly hno him foolml.'*

" I’olor'H tlio orlfclniil oiio-'wiminn man,'* Biirah o*plnhiod."—’ i l l n ’ Valiirhi lloiiiifltt—'* aiio ntoppcd.

ruly iihu should hit nniliidod w ith niio of tho uroat Kondnllii," Aiiii'n vulco wna piiszlcd.

“ Did you over know n woninn to ho uatlnflutl?” Maa aoUud.

It WIUI JiiMt nn (liny y-ora loitv*' Ini; tliu t Ann honrd Tony'u lauuli. Tony nnd liln party worn RotthiR o u t of n cu r oa Mac tiin iod lily ca r from tho ourh.

Ann hnd tlnio to rucosnizo tho Itlrl wlio wiiH holdliitf Tuiiy'ii iirai,

; yi) a t h im . It wan i'^iloun W allaco.

('Xo llo Conthni<‘d ) '

Publid Foi'iim

»ii.ii ii:li th

orlal .nllylu, llo.

U p to n S in c l a i r is so ttinpr, o u t to te l l h o w liiv g o t l i c k e d in C a l i f o r n ia — r n t l io r , h o w lie c o t licU ell in

„ , ,F a 8 h I r t g to n . , . )

P E N a i O N f . . I N a l j n A N C E

KdlUir K vi'iiln/ 'nm cii. n .-a r Hlr;—;Wuk-iirnm of the «-i>unlry lavnui to )»' inKiiKi'd th rnuf.ll itu < di-

himn.'i in «!J rn i ‘r{,'i-lii' I'or national ohl nj;''

.ikI Jill) Iniairaneu lawn.■ nv.T. IhiT.! liaii ho.-ll lillle

n*l'eri-ii('(i o'li (ii‘,,how iiiifh lawulj;h t a l f .v t iii.ih ’idiiiiUi, and only

hazy mill iiin-i'i'(aln »iiij;j;iMit hum fur I'alaliin inimey th e law a would n - llllrr .

Of iroui'ni'. nufh iiihuir (l>;lall»i I!i IHHV I.hl III "Old ac .i” and w lm t

foiiidU I I I I f i h ' * ' itiiifht u rop ijrly lu- li'ft fo r il.'clalon to Iho jn-n.ona I'n trun ti’il wKli th e -><llMii«'nidnjr of th e fund)!, • Jlul llK' (jUi'idloiiM nf w li.'tlie r Job liUMiian< n and oh la,;.- pi'iinlon luw« would h a d (o ii fo n d ni pi-oiiiij;e. w llh n (iix on t^viuy pay eiivi-lopn nnd (ho noc.iiHity of Koldiii: pernilmiliin from aimii- hieiil o fflrla l hi o rd e r fo r om- (o rh iiiit'o hill pluc:o ol' naliJeiKs-, aro wol'(h (hhiUlilu' Uhtail.

Ui<ally, tho (jiie id ton 'o f flim nivn i-itlKed by Iho pro|to)irir hiwn idioiild bo <>aay to nolve. Am a iiUKi'eatloii; f.ol, (liK (diU a i’(< |u<hid<iii (tho am o u n t to bo dorUUul by I'xpcrt accoiiiitantii, o f (',oui'ai)l ho p ith lto (iv.iryorie ovi'i- a corta in iik'o. (I JUiUMoal Iho 11^0 of no, botaillia' I uitU—UM uw-lM *~Uml^oU U— itvijiyonn u nder 20 In tlio mlioobi an d colU'LM'»i; tlu 'n w llh u vorv few lnldllioiiH to (hn pi-,'a«iiit jrov- ornniKiit payro ll, ibu ro».t o f tho popiiliitlon w ould huvo K<‘od jipv- on inn -n t JoUm tvhlch w ould m uki’ imiHHTfwury uny paymonlM from tho Job Iniuirnnco fund, w hich <'ould (bon lH< iilifld fo r pnyhii; thu old

pciiuUin.I '. 'H .i Tho jo b liiiium nco fiiml

wou4«l lM> ,croHtP4l by h ta x ta»<

H istory of Tw in Falls City and County

;vS FUOM~i‘’lL f e O!-’ TlilO TIMK8

1 5 Y e a r * A g o

A piititi.m iiKaln.'it th .' n innliiir of Sunday p iclu re alwwa wan r.-ad la.'it I'V’i'iiiiiK a t llici liinial iii.'flliiK il' tb.! H. V, I*, U, o f Ihi' HaptlMt 'iitiri-li. T Iu t ." ari! iilri'iuly a niim- i.'r o f ;il,;ii7.ni and ev. rydiie n l tho 11.'.•linn rxpn.'im-d a willlnKni-n;) to

J' Ik Ii I Iiii'ini'ni uwniiijr :ir) ai-i'i'ii if la'i'd potaloe.'i, on Die D ietrich m e t in I.liH'oln county , ivi!viv<>d itioul $tSO an nn 'o m ore limn thu iiarU el price fo r them , beniuiie

they wn-o conahh-rnl •■lii;ll)l« for 'l lir ie .ith .n , IMtiil.ie.i to be elljrlhle <r thi.'i ra d iiir miint be Inspected

Ihree (Im ia. IJn lfo rm lly and <|iiul- Ity of pr.Kluel, in iid<hlhin lo froe- ih>m fi-oin dbiva«ie, ,ire ni-eranary (lualitli'ji ro rc e r tlf ic a th iii . _______

.hdin McTiitoah. who him been ipeii.ltnjr the piiJJl f<'W dayn in Cali- f.triiln, haa iv tu rn etl U\ Tw in Kalin Mi-j:. M cliitoah will n iiiabi In Call- i.in iia to r llu ' w ln lr r ’.

m uch UH jio<e<wury) on r iu pUiyo. w h lrh would, o i H ^ i


You May Not Know That—.

' T i l l ' l i ' i 'u i . s I)!’ J i i r t i i l i e i ' s o l ’

' I ) | | ‘ s h i l o u c i i u l o i n i i l l io i lM '

' III ' r o | i r i ' . ‘a ' i i l a i i \ ' t 'H i ' \ | t i i ' i ‘ii

■ 11)1’ r i rfd_III' t l iin in iiiitli,loaviiit,'' I I h ' s l i i to ’ w 'ilbu iil 'an y lo}ri>.Iiil<irs i in ii l ilioso i-loelo il in N'dvoiiilM-r liiki* iirt’ij-o ill .liiM uary ,

p ahl wIllhiKly hi o rd o r to ’ hold hbi Job. V ory t>i*npprinuiv.

I 10. (1. w ; Ywlii P'allH, Tilabp, _______Ih 'f. r>. IP.'II.

2 7 Y e a n A g oA n o lb ir irrlu a llo n pro^.'ct haii

hei'uii th a t wilt add Jioarly :ioo,n(io aoi-ea m oin to tho Ir rli 'a tis l hind tr lb u la iy (o Ih o 'illy <if Tw in Falhi. ArUiili'ii of IncoriMii'atlon werj:. fllwl in llohui H aturduy fo r ilio Tw in J-'albi an lnm n riv e r Irrljriitloii ]ii-<>je(rt w llh II ciipltall:<iitlon of .?.'i00,000. T he h irorjK iratlon conn'a an (lie rcnuli ol’ a canvaiifi hy llm piximotnni <if tho iichnino. In whhdi they havtt nuceoiuifully ralao<l oap- llal for llM> <;oinph'tlon <if tho con- a tn io lio n w ork. Tim m«>n who luivo eiiK'inc'ori'^l the m u tte r a io II. L. UolliHter, C hlrajro, C. U, l lu r t t , Itolae, I. U. JVrrliiit. U oliprt Me- (;olluni and OeorKo Hpraipio o f thla city , all <ir w hom an^ well known on tho t ra c t aa proniotorw vif hoc- cw iiifu l-iitliiaU o iu iJ itjjL C ljj.-------------

Oakley Man Speak*^ For Pension Group

IIUIII.KY, !).■«.' « (HjmMlin Towniieiid 01d-Ajr*i reiUlloil cliib m et 'I'ui'iiday evenlnu In tho liluh iii'hool au d llo rh im w ith 1110 nu-m- bera and vlwltoiH proHoiit InedutllnK a liiiKe dnlenatloii .fro m OuUhiy. whi le a now citih Ih hidiijr formml.

W illiam M iirtlndah ', Oakloy. waa Ibe apciikor fo r tho iwoiilnif find p a rt of (ho tli'iin w aa devoted to an iireii forum dlHciiHMkm, Itopro- aen la livea from tho H urloy ohib arc lo m> to l>oelo Tuetiday. Doc, U , (ii lirlp oruiutl^o im o llu y ui'oup. lihKl't. piiplhi of .Mru, Chlort Call ljn\Tr*novjim l"'nntnrtnlnm rnt~nnm '»- horn and 'M rH . W. II. Itopor u<>vo 11 readlii/r calh 'il '"I'hn Towimond 1‘hin,"

01J> IIUIIMJIG rO N O K M N K Di.A N C A aric ic ; w ih , tii.ii) - Th.*

old oovortvd hrldKo .>v«r th o 'W U - oonHlii H lver u t »<^H4'oh«l. onn of tb«* biNt nnd bidievod to bo tho old;

" t e." J i i J t e fO iliv 11“,*been c'rtndt'MiniHl by Iho .a n iiU C olinly boainl. Tho nR-ynnr-old «p;m w in bi) rnplaocwl liy u tnodorn lino nexl'Kliinniri*.

: ^ { .


l^ ir w ho iMiilnVA th » thiim iin (huttliiy In su lilnd hy tho phinotH, thlH tlully lt0r04tt!0{H« U uiiilbiiul b y a notcxl tut(roloeer. In ^ad d itio n to ' InforniU tlon of gonorul hitor<^Ht. It oiitlhiN i ln> fo rm utinn »f.n |H 'rh il InttiroMt (<> pi'moiiH Im rit on th e denltfnutod diUou.

n ic o ic M iiK ii i » .T oday la fuvorabln fo r doallnjf

w llh «ddor poopio In a iioclul w ay. I t ahio fiivoni aoriiniH ontortnln* m cn t. I t iH jfond fo r biilldintr bounea and fo r buylnir nlothoH. I I Ifi fo r tiin a to fo r h irin g aorvaiitJi. Tho <hiy jrrowH In to lt« hoHt porlod a f t ­e r .dlnn»*riit iilijlit.

Ulrlh(1ot4«You Hlioiild havo nuiflh ciirlo« |ly

and till) ab ility to h» a touuhur or In terp re ti'r. I t Hboiikl h o 'tn icx p o c t' ediy favorabln 'T nr yod from Ju n , 1 thronjrh Kl. llKin. ,

Ih in t 'o r of fire , aocldnnt, tv niith conduct from Oot. 10 throiilrli 13.IPJtrK— —---------- -----------T .

Hocliilly f a v o r a h l n JuiTA SS UirouKh '2n . luaR.

'W rlto le tlo ru o r tuUo uliort IrlpM on noo. 17 an d IH, Ib.'U.

ClIIORK, W A S n I N 0 T O N - Tho w hllo nhlrtn huvo oh(pi(i:od tics. Ttiosn ‘blacdt crapoH thoy w ore ho lon»('lh mournbifj: fo r Now, Doal doflolon' olnii havo Intoly born dlnctinlod, Tho dronnod InduntrlallMt. you m ay havii notlnod. In now Hotting: n m ore ohoorful «tylo.

IL Hlart«<l alKiiit throo woekn bo- foi-o'olootion. , ' . • ,

A t th iit tbnn tho Hollwnthor boyn nniit w ord down (lio Hldndlmt iid-

IvlNlnf; a Iohh c r itica l a ttilu d o to ­w ard Iho Now Doal. Tho limdor' Khip hi HiippoHod'to havo hci<<n un-

Idortakon hv Iho IntolllL'cmtly dl- foctod N ationa l AHHOolatlon of M aniifaotiirora. A t loiuil tho han<l- outn from that. Influentia l irronp Intoly havo aiiniimod u now ooopor- ntlvo t()iio.

P'roni a a trlo tly hijHlnoHa atancl-

rolnt. ovoryoiU' horo conaldnra th a t 1)0 ohant'<i of <Atyln Ih tho boat thhiK lh a t rou ld havo happened fo r


OAIJKKTho cnntrlbDtbiK roaiuin fo r tho

ohanjro Ih njoro im j>orlant anil Ifii/i obvloiiH than tho olootlon. I t hail Un <loop rootn In tho ifrow lnjf fool- l>i(f tliu t m onoy could ho m ado In bualnoitu tnday if m oro men w(>uld i(o ni|(. and try to do It. Inntoad of Mlltlnjf • down ' yollllnir /o r holp. They hiif>Hh to roalli^o ' th a t they oould nuikit inorit num oy by.accopt< InK* ooiuhtionii and try lntf ta .J 'iiu tho lr huHlnoNH p ro fitab ly In tho ir^'ht (if'uxiatln if condltlona. inNUmd of dovotlnif thomaolvou to flKhtlnjr aya ln jjt »ioniotliln«' they (!Ould n«it dianj'i* anyw ny.

Tin. boya In W all H troet cauK ht in to th a t fli'Ht. They foiijcbt airolnHt

ri'uu latlon , bu t whon thoy wore lickml, thoy Htartvd try ln if to mnko m oney im tlcr ro|n»hitlon by oonpor- ath in ra th o r than hy Klooniy roalat-

ThiiL diioH n o t m oan thu Inihni- trlallalA, 'th e finanoiorx and tho hankorH nn t fo r tho Now Doal. or th a t thoy will Htund i t any loiifrer th an thoy havo to. IL moann m ere­ly th a t tiioy g o t wino.

KN O O IIItA dK M K N TTho Docombor, rnrlln ta lk by Mr

n o ............

Hoadont donlrlitir ad(lltiAn»l Uifonitatlnn »A|runlln|' t h e i r horoHooiHw ur« Invltod to ootu- inunl<u»l4< with OoUviiic* In c*re of thU nW^pnp«r. BncloM » 8'(<«nt «t4ini|MMl4 •elf'O ddrcM od .«IIVdi)|MW

N e w P a r i o n i l K e , IsB u i l t a t G o o d i n g

r i o o i i iN a , Viw. IT (Spooliil) “i - n r , A ndrow W nrnifr CRllod u Moo- ond^nuiothiK o f jio rth nldo. mini** ■Uiwt -horo-tiiiir-W ettk.^-A ll lion m nm bom, oxcopt llov. 0 . R. IClllu. K alrfluld, uUondMl. ■ Roy. I.^Uiiy W a lk o e .. H urloy, w ua aUUOMt.

Ilupori wij* mudo on tho pnrMn' nufl which hiut boen .orooteil Iwaido tUn ohiH'ch. Kev, W. O. Bowan Mid litM family uro now ucoupyinir tho- hou«fl. • .

iclBHty-B tx' o ft i ta n i o r m tg lam i m ore thun HO yonrn old U tn p ^ to tho iiU ar In 1932; ono b ridegroom w ns flO y u ars old. ----- -

can flonato r .Whito. I ( U ra u n de- foatM W hIto, th o y ,w ou ld 's tool tho old, Innccuntift Hapubllcnn Hlof^nn: ' "A h M aine jjoofl. « ) gooB, tho nn- tlori."

Annthm* ^ood tnlUlng^ poin t thoy aro nropnrinK' In th» rync th a t tho. Hoipito Ih corLiiin lo bo DomocrHllo' « f to r 10:»}. N o ^ o n o u irh nennlor» aro up fo r re y fo c tlo n in '30 to do- * prlvo tho D /n o o ra tH of control. T hoy can toll tho co u n try th a t tho olectlon of n KepiihliRaii proiddont would only Ixitoh thlngH up.

Hut. thoHo a ro m nroly oxtranooim viHlomi. Tho n ia l ono In bam<d on tho poHHlbilitlna of oHtahllHhlnrr fi ’ IldOHovolt IJom ocratic dyniiHty tin ao lf-no rpo tuatln i; an tho old Ho- . .pdblliian maohlnct. Thn DomocralH now havo unntr<il of putronHsrw riown lo tho doir cjitohor In .m o n t alatoH, In tw o yoarn they nan maUo ovory ru ra l fro« dftllvery num Into a voto deliverer, aa tjio Ilo im bll' cann illd.

'n O 'I’K SlonL d ark hftrwo hot fo r .

floor loader>;hlp In >th r Itopreiii>ntiitlv<i Mr>


n v m o cra tlc hoHfioii m ay dn> tho apoakorflhlp, T am m any .

controllo<l by P 'arloy, Illhioln by iKoo, !*onriaylvanlu by fJuffwy. Now ' .huHity by Mooro. will Jjot tho lr lieadii (o j'o tho r nn It «hortiy . *•

N olthfir Hiinato'r L a Kitfflitlo nor M r. HoohovoIL will ovor a d m it It. h u t ono of tho thinKH thoy a ro «up-- noHod ill havo tulUod ab o u t u t tho W hito lIouHo Ih tho poHnlblllty of a iino ln tin jf Homo m om born of I j i iMillotto'H now I'l'o/'rojMilvo -p a rty

thoHo varloufi K“vu,rnmont «om- miHHlonii. Tlio law will p e rm it It.

WiiMhin^tnn m ourns nomn nxccN lont llopub llcan conirrowimfln c u t ilown in Iho llooBovolt nwoon, In- d iid in jf Olydo Koll(»y yf Ponnsyl- van ia nnd Krod l lritto n of IllinolM.

ho will b roak tho ,b|plgot and rollof planii In tho rudlo iipoQtih. Thin will bn m ore oncourafcing nowa th an. lurajfingr buHlnoHfl hui) boon i itxtiootine: t Hubjoct. f . t.

A RcpubHcan au th o rity hiia flif- urod o u t th a t tho oloctlon nIiowwI .

f 7.n<7.000 in tho, Pom ocratlo voto mIiIco 10B2, whllo tho U opiibllcan poll dooroaaod only

^.000. ThlH vvHH pi'obubly duo to m hny inn ith rrn Ooinocratii n o t ' bothorUiK to voto.

............ 'w '- i tno itopuDiican pollivolt will contJiin tlniHo now 12.300,000. Thin Wh

luiH boon Moiirotly cooUlnj' u p In 'bin confitroiiooH w ith hunlnunH

and b u d g e ta ry offlclalii. IIo han ab o u t cloanod up tho buulnonH conroronoiiH. {.atoly ho {fot dow n to Homo Ninall fry vvJioho naniwi did no t ap p o a r in tho paporn. and nood no t havo.

Thn h in t hnji Iwon droppiid Lhat

Th<t D ocom bor UooNoVolt radliS upoooh iH tho one U pton Rlnolalr haa ,b«ton w iiltinff for, b u t It w ill n n t K<> fu r onouffli to plcnuo him.

B. P. W. To Seiid Box To Children^l HonieBtlllM OY, Dno. 7 (S p o o ln D -^ llii

llUHliifHM and Profoiwlonnl W omon P ro b ab ly in«|ndvd^>KJI) 1^, pliinn »>iut TuoHtlny ovoninjf a t tho homo •• Holf-help hnnnil oh fa rm h o m o -, o f Mra. Itu b y M cCorm ick . w lUi

dlnif. II conHorvativo fivo-yoar , W«'«-I^ona Dyo iirtd Mlmi Ollvo Knr- bulldlnir proK rnm . w ork r<;IIof. a , r o l l , iiHHiutunt hnHtcHHon. T h o .o lu b promlund ond o f tho dolo — iui<l dcoidod ' Lhat oiicli m om hor whonld ponnlbly cvon a flotiitln.n o f r e c o v - h rln u ii jflft fo r a jrirl In tho rkdno iry bondH In am all ilonomlnatlonB. I Chlldron'H homo. Minn M ona I..OWO

Thn o tlp ir |>lmiii fo r lii/llnR th e i tho ^ ro u p w llh a plunolumbi:

u ro u p A Mrn. Alice Stoono rojid 1

p a p e r on "W om on'a aa h irio s" iin<l ICvHlyn M unllcr (.'iiva 11 roiulinff. Tbo (dub ChriHtnuiH p n rty Ih to bo Pco. IH a t tho homu of MM. I-oo P n w 0 y w ith Mins M uviruorlto Huarfi, MiiiH lloa trlco JoiiHop and MlflH M urjorlo T h rockm orton un lioiitcnsAH.

heavy iruluHtrlon, Vallrond rooriran iza tion . N R A . A AA . otc„ m ay aw ait hlH moiiHaeo to conirri'iifl. w hich huH boon fn tho procoaa of fo rm u la tio n fo r Hovoral wooka.

DUKAMINC.Tho N«tw DoalorH aro a lre ad y

diiy-droam injf ab o u t lllUd. Tho w aythoy fijruro it ou t. Mr. Ilooiiovolt , --------- -— ------------------- -canno t Ioho, T ho lr idoa Ih to g -o t; C ram od ) ‘l<ituro« and M ottoe* to w ork oarly on M alno. Thoy w a n t 1m u varh*ty o f hIka« iind prlc«*

run tho lr n n p u lar J>oniocratlc to bo hnd u t tho Olo* iSook voriuir BraUn .iit,'uiiiHt Uopubll- Nlor«>—A dv. >

SSSSSSSS:B::S::BBBB8aBaBBSBBBBBBBB»2jP7v. Wilson, Fuendeling, 5

Oaks and Fuendeling |annDunce the opening o f their o ffices a t ■

228 Main A venue South , . ■ •Twin Falla, Idaho S

» . W. U ’lIJJO N , M, » , i M . J , ■ 'IIK N IIU N d , M, » „ MiHllrlmt mid ■ MlirKB^VI V A I.K I 11. rU K N D lC I.IN d , M, » „ Ol»il..lrlo» ■

i- i io N K o r ■

M jO V I) K, OAKH, M. K,vo, Kiir, N.»«. ilnil T hrilu t ■ I> II0N K f t ■


Dines QualityVVe Are Reducing Prices Oh

DINES QUALITY COAL . Duo to a Lower Freight Rato)

yAr d p f ic e sLump Gittal. . . . . . . . . ....,$0.10Stote Cojil. . . . . . . . 8.60® t €oal. . . . . . . 8 . 1 0m & m c o a i . . . . . 5.75MncblStoierCoal.. . . . r f M

City Delircry 75c' SHiVNiiBi COAL CO.

’’Iju'ffMt Oo»J DiUiri In idaho'': V■•PHONE 375..rt; ' '

Page 5: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014-12-12 · ^j^iefitheT Forecast ^bii«i^ly fair tpiilvjit »um1 nuiiOuys lltUe ph>LHf«» lu tflinpomtiiro. AJiuiimiim

Sutnl’(]«y. T)o«^ml)or fi.-IOlii r P A H Q E V E N I N G T T M K g , T W I N F A T .T .3 . m A n O

o c l e i - ^GOMIISIG HERE

.You Aro ,I»vil<'<l to 'r«>|i’pli(kiio'V«)ii? Hixiliil IIViiim, M l..... . :IH U4<f(»r« Kh.HO a. iii.

UOVAf. N K KillliO ltS ^K i.K cn' NK%v c * r r i ( jw u s -

Mri». j T h rlin u ' Ti-<'ndw*)ir whh olnotmt n rA n lo o f l^ y u l Nol)'|ilK>rM

• Ilf A.ii|ortcn liinl ovunlnt; tr<.> u itiKOlinir a t Uto Oii<l F oUowh hull. Hho.RUCQ«u}clM Mr«. W lnlfrml W hlto- liotiil. O th e r offlcnrH Alnnt«ul worn Mix . Uluncho U rulh, v irc oracle: hfrn. \VhUoh«u<l, punl oruclci; chun- n*j|»r, M'rs. A ltn iJiukny; ri'iKuilnr, AlliiH M yrlln AmJoiHon; lucolvor, MrH. M pry C olrm an, nmrwhnll, Nfi'ii. Ijiniim CraviM; Intii’r koiiIImoI. MrH. IilH»«U)or Hojit; fniUir imiitlnol, ;.Ini..M abitI yoiinir; iiUini>i'<iT, Mrn. lit’llo (iroi^iio, un'l m unition. Mni.

'D oroU jyI'ltinn wvrit ouMinoil fo r ti

C h r lH tn m n p u r l v f o r D<tu. u i f o r 111! Jtoyul NolKhbnrH, Uiclr ohll(lr«in iiiul lh « lr KrtmdnhlUlrori. A ClirlHt- .luuH' tro«, n Biirilu Cliiitii, iinii iiti

j)n>fl:nuu byMm. W. J. HollonhouU niid hor co n im ltlro will b<i f<)iitlir<in of thin im rly . Pftronl* urt* nxiimntiul to itrlitg' foi*.t;h«)ir uhlldron andII u i r i OMchiui){i'< will bA cdiutiictnii.

. orrlcni-fi hiiVA mn<l« II f|u lll, w h lrliw ill bo iiwurilnd a t Ihlii Unit]' F o r fiij'tJit)!* Jnform ullon 'on «hn fiullt, ini»mbfli's a ro rucnmHtod to call Mrfl. Trnu(Jwo)l o r o llio r of/lctTH.

A liiricp num ln 'r a ltm tlo d lajit nljfht'nn*umUm. Mni. Aiuiln K i'in |t- ton dii'iHitnil Ihit in'i-viiii; of jw- rrt'filuiK'nln-

•tf If- l ‘IN 0 0 1 II.K IKn iN N K ic P A ir i 'v h i v i - u m io n

MoniUcru of M and M. olili) iit> lomlwl a 7 o ’doclj dlrinr^r riMi.-iilly

- C a l e n d a r - -Tw in l>'nHH Chuptfir Nj>. au.

O rdvr o t tho lilaHtnrn Htiir, wll^ m oot a t H p, m . Tuuj*dny a t llin

'MiiHonlo iHiiiplc. Tho iinniial olrotlon of offlctTH will lie Imld.

# #Tw in Fulbi ohaptor, Diiiii'h-

lorii o f tho .Aiuorlcait* Hnvolu* tion, will o ittc rlaU )' n t a }{UoKt

' toil a t 2;ii0 p. ni, Monday a t tho bonin o f Mni. II. W. Wllimn. 21t( )Cl|;hth avoiuin iiortli.

* * # oliiNM of Iho iJAptlnt

-fihuroh will hold a pot-l*l{-ftiip- pitr III p. nt. Mundiiy nt lh<* bomn of Mrit. H ort Hwofit, nilO Hluo ijiUoM IxMihivarrl. Jlun-

.hiindM iiiid «»icortn of iiinmhorn will tin Iliv^ryoiiif III rn-(HJontnd to hrlnK hur nwii tnhln unrvlrn jintl a am all jjlft fur tho a iu n ia l oxchaittrn, Mhi. It. N. NiuioiniiUcr hi cha lrn tan of tho aiiidiitant horiloHtioii.


)(., r . r>oul,'laii)>. paulorf):4ri, a . ' t», Clnin^h luhoiil,

W arhiirj'i mip('H»litnil<'iU. iOiMVirfi /o r 111) iiK'’»‘'I U a. in .W'oiiililji. Hnbjoct. "MyD om im lnatlon.”

p. ui, Honlor Yonni; r<'>- ploM* Hnrvln'.

II. 111. ItU rrm iw llat'' Yoiinu !’«'oplfir iiorviori,

A Horlctji fif fivjiii tintpiny, "U lth i'r to l'j;i;.rr< irn i." will Iw Klvpii on coiiiiot;iitlvo Kinulay iltt'hlM. T he fli'Ht oplHodo whl<;h ]

’ <toalu w ltli tho hiinlHhnu'nt n f Uojfor

"Ood thi- f)n ly (-'ijuni' nml Crr'- atorV ill tlio Hiilijfct of ifiix. i'on-Hi'rnii'ii In all CMniri'hi'>i ni' OhrUd, Hi:li‘iitliil, oti„ .'’tinnluv, IX'-

T i t i '—a"l


J E R O M E'I'hi- aii>:i>|i|ii>th> wu»i ltiv<<til.o<l In'

JMi;; i)y Ailolphr'-.M iix

n i r i l i V in i c r , ; i n :!il b y U l i n i f f -l.i

It.T h o C n l d r n ' 1'i ‘K t. I:i f i o i i i . I r i 'i ' -

i n l a b 111: 10. - 11.*; l .« r 'i l In th>^I r u o ( 5(id , l l . ‘ III I h ' ' liv l iiK a n d iiH . 'V .T li i i i t ln j ' K l n j ; : •• i l f I m l l ii n n d o Ihi* m r t h h v hlfi p c iw i'r , l i r l i iU h .• iil i th ll iih c 'J lln - w t . r l . l liy lil:i \v l i i i l i i in , 'i in i l l i a t l i i i t r c l c t i i ' i l o u t I)«- h t 'u v n i i i t jy h ill i l l t i c r r l l u n . "

A ii i i in i r I h i ' < 'l t i i t l |in i i c ii i i ip i 'l i i in ir m-Hrniii.n in lln- i..l)..w- t l l f H ilil .’ ; ■■Thnti a n -

WI1lliin»t wilM>o K'von Hniiday ovo- wvi tliy, O l.on l. t .................nlnff a t 7:.’lO, Thi> play will bo d l- |,„ || honor and p aw ir: ii.r (hui refill'd hy Mni. .CJoorj'i' W arhorjr. jhiint «;r<'|iti>i| nil thinjr'i. mnl fnf i

I 7:U0 p. 111. Wiulni'Kdiiy rv riiln i '. |i |»a)anc they ii priiyor inrotliiii

■I C hoir p ra c tlro H nnday iirtonionn 'n t 2:Jlf> and 'I'hurJiilay i-vi-nlilif a t

a t tho homo of Mr. and Mni,W llllanm. FoliowhiK tho dhnior. plnnchlii wiiM tho dlVfliMlon of thn fvoiiinir. Mrn, CharloM Z arh and

fSr'iuJfur s ip "liuvoi;(^nn)h am) I'Ori'n MUlnr. Halo ^Ijovorfonjh ivi;«ilvod ttui travo lllh j' a m » a w / iv' "

M ™ " c " M ?' .m li iAVk Mr«, CIu iHoh Zncli, Ml'.' iillil M ra J llo im rln ir Mr«. Uulc Wllilmnn,(■.111. Hcvorcomli, Mr. luiil M ni. nmrrlni(o

■ I.nrort M inor, nn.l llin liiint uiiil liiiii- Wiimlii M urtlii. Mrn. 1. i.h>


Orto of tho ploananti'iit of thn y i'iir 'a hi<'i-tiii)(ii of thi , I'uiit Mat- nm ii' oluh wuH tho |tkitiUiol( d inner hold laid ovonliiK at- tiio luiiiir of Mi'H. C .’0- Kln»fHl>in*y «m Main avoiiuo n«irth, Covorn w«ro laid fo r I’D lit a tiihio m ado iittraotivo w ith ChrlHtinaii douuriitlonH and noliiHot- tiv fayoiH. MiH. 1C. A. Ijniilan wan aiKilatant hofiL«'a<i. Mrn. ' Nr l l l i * Oriiuihy, I-A.H AiitroloN, a foriuor iniuntiiir of tlm cliih, wa;i ii ( 'ik-iiL

Offlr.<-ir<i i-lonto<| -diirlnir ii iiliort himlnoHfl niootlnu w oro; Mm. tliio Liiit«ii, pritMl<lont; Mrii, K. A. Ij i i i -

I, vIco proHidont, and Mni, l'‘n i | Lloyd, Hoorotary.

MIuh M ary ’laiio MyorUi IM*yoar'o lil aviniifollMt. Mill h«<i;hi u oaiiipaiun lit tlio Kotir Hijniiro <ioH|M'l I'hiircli, F lf lli uvoiiiio mill Thiril |(tr«'ol oiiHt, TiioHil,iiy, | ) it . I I , a t 7;H0 p. m . Tho, .yciuni; ulrl Ih' >talil to havo rooontly ciiii* (Inrtod Novi'ral .uiiiu'oHUful I’liiii- palifiiM ill wi'Htorii Idaho.. Htio prt'iichi'N, Niiit;H iiiul playM a t all m*rvl<-OMr


Klmbcrly-Hiinmm Yojitlui Got Likurulu a t Honoi* Ooui’l


ItK 't'IIK I. ' r i ‘.MI*I.F.•mo Third AVI’. W rnt H. M. David. pHHtor

niinday nnrvlottii:[ lA'Ti. ni. - 'H in a lay lu'-hnol. ClaiiHra fo r all aK‘111. Iv- 'A lld rllt, mipor- ihlonili-nt. - . .

n- ni. -M ornlni; wornhlp.II p.‘,n i.— VoiniK I 'oojiIo’h inoi’t-

li>i;. All yianijf poopli- of .th o com - inun ltv Invited.

7 :;ut - lilvanifllfd lc aorvioo. Mti- iiio, nonjn'oiratloijal iiiniilnK, j:ofiJn!l p roa rh in j'.

T iioailay 'ajid Tlm rm lay. p. i n - nihl.v jichdol. No tu ition chy-Ko. lirin ir.Iilh lo iind noti! IkkiU.

Kiinday, 2 p. ni- • Tho ■'U.ilhol Ti-mpln nroiulcnid,” ovor KTl-'I. P iia to r Iluvld aJii'ilUlnit.

i n iH T MK.THODIHT »-:i*l.sr(H*ALTor. Hhoiihoiuwiuid I'Viurlii

W illiam Itanil Vounf', paidor fl:-tr» a. ni. - •• Cliui'ch aLdiool.

niniiui-n fi>r uJI T. }•’. U'JIl/iui,iinprrlnliindoiit,

11 . a. III. I'ulilii: wondiip. Thonio, "H ow Hliall U'o 'fliinlt <<f (:;od." Antiiom hy cho ir im d fr ili

I l M f i I

id" (U ovHalloii .,

CIIIIISTIA N 'Aiidi'ni.>ri. iHliii.Mi

111. niblc< ii('it(.i>|. ]-'r;iiil. Slaoli. m ipiM iiilcndi'nt..|/I:-1.‘S r.. m. I.unl'ri .‘Jiiiiitn- ; .ik

w<>r/»io(i. ; "CJii'J/dian I'.'HnoHHtjII w ith I’oVVi’l'." I li'Vlil - 1),S W om rn 'a fJhrlntian Mi.-inliinnry oloty.

0:.'10 ji. in, C ln iid lan Knd.-iivor7::U) p. ni. 'W .intiiip. .Hpn'.la

imialt’: Kimiii-rly Mal«‘ q n u rlr t (ioi-nion; "Kop.-ntanirr |ini| i)nKlii|;dOni oi broadoiiid ov<-i ■ Tho- piiiilir 1(> t i l l * IK-l 'Vl l' L'

lid.’’ Thlji KTKI.

:i r d r . t l i a l l v W r i e r , n o f t l l r ( 'h i i r i ' h .

M K N .S(»M Ti; IIUKTIIKKN IN C ll l t lS T

A. W. n a r lJ r /i i l , pa.'itiii'- M n i i d a y i i i r l m o l . MornlnK w t n a t i l p

I, I ' H ' r n l n j ;11 a. Ill,V::uj- p,7-III |). 10, W i'diin

i(!<‘t.iii)'. lilblo ;i(ndy.I'r,.

D o l l H o u s e B o u » t s L i t f h t s , T e l e p F ^ o i i e


i i i w r o N (i i:i s iiiio t

un«l Mr. luiik M ra. .W alt.i I^irimn w ho woro jtiloNln,

MIMS KAINKHi :n t k i i t a i n m o i . u h

l*lno<;blo 1‘iirrolif m ot at. tho lioinn (jf MlJiH r^oronn Itiiini'H on r-,, ,t llilr iKilllovur.! yM tnrrtiiy It^rramiiiiwitii, mlifU niu im . TAI«» ' li,>il« MoIJmiiil.l liili; In Iho i<yonlnit, carrli'il .liil woll firm n t th.i <;iil'.li< plnviid C'lirlntiiliiii .color #cli«in» M ri.'.lditrlriK tho .lirti.rnoon, an»l MIhh »nd Kr«?on.

•N ttf illa , HimiOH won low Hooro prill). iAlmi IfiiKul Hfly.'.Ior'onui. WfM fXiHKItH H IA O K a ffUoiit of thn i»lub. K.»fi'«*Hhmontn wi<rti hervod.

HAN91CN. !)(•<;. 7 (fipoclal). ....................................................... Hlxti'un uwnrdii w o n '’niailo at. lin!

D inti'li o n tfrta lm x l lartt.im iilnir iiL iKindKMly-llan'm-n Hoy Hront Court a m lncellan«ou« hhownr a t th o .o ^ Honor, ooiulunl.'d horo W.iflnm- iKiino o r Mrrt. W llduum '# fa the r, ‘t»y *'vonlnjr by tho i;..nniilll.'.' H urt M artin , «sn .>mth uvonuo m ado up of ,v. H. C o w I o m . oiiair- n o rth . rw o n ty Kijpjilii a(ion.h‘<l‘and '*'■ NylMatl. n . 3 . Moymproiionti'-l Mr»(. VVlldman u lth n t - [and II. .1. M. tca lf. Tho la tU r pn tran tlvo T he pvonlaj; wiui

t i T JIIU T B K N ATTBNI>HO i’fAK C I-llU .M KK'l'iNd

(llffhlatid VlfW Iht* weoU a t tho hobio of Mrn, ItVlim Mnth(«wjion. T hlrtoon nivnv hor« u ttonJod . Mm, Ifl, M. Oiiojit

D IN N K R -FO H VVlNNMHK :Monihorn <)f Mrn, C. It. Chuiii*

horlaln'B. li'omt, w Ikv w^ro lo(ior«. in hixt yoar'n rontt'Mt fo r piibliahoil coniponltionH, on to rlalnod Iho win*

. , . , norx. Mr«. liJthol.'CJray’n tviuu, a t a iuh m ot one* d ay m „t ovonln^ a t tlin. home

'o f Mrn. T h ro m IJox. C(mru w r o laid fo r V2 nL. ono lonir tahU; l)rli,''hlly (li^utratff^l-in Uho Chrlnt-

prcMldont, proNldwl fit thn ImulnoM PoIloW lny tho dinnerni<M«tinff. C lub priiut w o n t to Mm. ................Mat! H erron . 'Mrs. JCdlth Clnrlt lin- ilHtfd tho hAfitojifi hi HorvinK ro* fri>iihm«ntii. * # n iU K B (;iJK «T H ',A’fT K N U C A U D KK8 HION

M m. T . ,V- Huilnon w «m luifitrnny juiinrtla^ q flern n ^n to Qnl Vivo ' iiHHOcilitlon of HIkuui Dfllta ThI a t 'Hrld{r<> c l i^ . M r«.*U o»»ld GnivoH and Mrn. U, P . Qrov«N wun hlK>t aoori) |irl*ea n t cwrdn, I’olnRottiiM

I Hovoral inomliorH rond piihliuhi-d w urkn nx ln furn \u l pro^'rani rontrl*

|hullonH and titu bvonlni; wiih tipciit nnclftlly. ‘ ‘ ' m ' ’


TwoJvo momb(;rH of the. ahiuuii liht......... " ••tenilod an K o ’clock dlnnor hint ovonlnjf in th e N ew llo(for«f>n hotnl dlnlnjr room . Wylnnd Lind

wut'o ' iiMtd OA' Uiblo doooratlonn. i iravn thn hln tury o f thn nr}rni>l>:U' Mra> R iohnrd H un t., Mrn. Ornvox lion In a brief tinU. Sam lI«dHtroin iind M m . W a lto r IJ ix ’SNUueeAtiJoHt#. , prowldod n t thn buflUiniut mooting

•it « w hich follnwMl.M KMnUJLCI

IU v \N CUlitlHTMAM K V RN T» /■pifjiB fo r a ChrlHtmaH p n rty ifor i o u n j f M ttrrlod Pooplo'n chum of tho C hrU tlnn church itni) fo r tho dlfltrlfahtion of a num ber of C hrliit ' M u« 'huaU etii'w orn miido InMt ov«> iBlf a t th« hom o of C. r . UowIom.

TO l»lt»CHKNT DUAAfA M UU TA U O H . Dec. 8 (Hpficlal)

— M. t A. will proHent a dranni. "A n Old FttJihlonod Mothflr." Dcc. 10 n t thd high Hchool uwlllorlum. C hnrac to rs n ro : Inc* Juno and C llf' fo rd Tolm nn. Dorl« ClawBon, G rnht

t^ttcber.. T h o ! •vonlnjr wan iipont Bnto*, U ion an d J««ilo IMcUott. Boclnlly a f tn r tho bUHlnoM m o o tin g ., F ra n k and D oris-K gb«rt.Twenty'm ei«b«>rii uttondw l. I^oo an d IClvIn U lackburit.

T U N ig A N D ttKIKT

IllaframnM Kl Marian M artin H««\v C h a r t Inciialod

1‘A TTK H N 0203 ■

Tunio frockti, a f lu r tnklnif- thn , fflkhlon World by a t

a ro ruphJly Joining' th e .ru n k a n f tho "m uiit hiUrflji," I f * fin Wandor a lth ar , fo r th ey m ak« vhort wonum look ta lle r and ta l t women look re g a l. Thia ch a rm in g frock fol-

t-ha« n lM -tU ^ ta ll fo r wxtra s m a i l h ^ . NiiIIo«j t o r li]«Unoo« how' Uia tunio bnttonji up th e baok-rM id how ItJi to flly d ra p ed yoke In fro rtt jolna a im a r t co lla r a t th e ahou ldar aslmii w here It la eipphaalaed w ith chio bultona. I t m a y be m ad e tun io length o r ih o r te r , a« y ou p re fer . And th e ■Ulrt, follow a faahlnn'a trend

M .tc a l f . iito d till- rf>il(iwln}Mi'conrl i:laii{/ - John tiourlry .

fSrant 1‘alinaiIi.’’o, H oim rt l-'orn- u a l l , ■

V lnit claim N oah Ollivor, Ciif- lon Nolliioii, C lifford 'N'oiliion and )tlaki> Froollch.

M u rlt .badcoii - I'au) B cott. }t|ii|(o l * ' r o o l l ( T h , I'inoUnoy Klnoiild, Kon> n rth (!o<illor. Iviui Moycii. Howard Moriliion, C lifton NcllHon. Clifford Nollwin atid NoAh O lllv .r.

J<To Mvanii lujloil a«4 r l r ih ul o ooiirt, aiHl It.'v, 1*: U W hlto

(lulivorr-d an tiildi'i'fia iili'ciailn)' li'<i«ltii, tho will to do. itoiii^' nonur- Ihlntf fo r otluTii and alli'Kianro.

yviiiiiva ii u v i tm ii i >11- . , ....................r.T llon of I 'n if. N ornuin McO.ii'ly, wa» iihoul tlir tno.-ii pojnilar

-t;On p. in. Vonp.fni- Mlaa Jonu- wllli ttio cliD.In'n lii K o\(,u iyphino T iirorlin iorlon at. tho or,ran ; »"• 1'*''* u ................ lollviolin aolo. Mm. ljai<-lla Hciini'ldor;- hln .lann.laiijrlil- r, Hoio- MiiKi Moiiiiio Carliiiin will ainjr. U riu r .'* ‘V ll.Vdo. 10.,iiird ila tlo n l>y tlio paa to r. I 'Imjvit/. hiiill th ■ Iioum.' fo six

(i:.'lO p, in, K pw orih loarfiio. All out of lU l imj;ar Ixyoun/; pooplo not attondii'n ....................... . ............ ‘

HANSENchiiri'h ni,[h t follownlilp »iup-

po r w ill hu hold a t 7 p. ni. Krlduy.M. A muMiciil and iito rary

J)i:UKrH>H han hoen arran jiod , fio- jiiirlinunt hdadH will t;lvo n^portii.

Hannon council will nioc't i i l 2:.10 ■'m. 'I'huraday . l.loc. l.'l. Dovo-

ilonii w H l'h o in chur^to of Mrn. Holiinnoit« U o|| call rciiponiioii will bo. "C hrlntnian iiU}CK '*t*<»>‘*i" ‘i»‘l th e proffrani will alnu foatiiro Oliriutmnti. M rn. Hhronloy will bo Icador. Mru. H. G ailoy and Mra. LaCoiirno will bo hontoaaun..

Mrn, H u ltt .Tonnini’H In norlounly ill a t hor bonus horo.

C an ; Wl/iornan MUffored tho lotiii of hlH%hiinib in a wood naw T uoiit day . Tho ront of hln hand wan norl- ouaty c u t alno.

.M oro than'.4ft<rmomborH of tho L n taw ah club and tho lr hUHlmndn ntt(<ndo<l tho 0:30 o'clock homo- producta lUnner Tuonduy evening a t the homo o f M r. and Mrn, H a r­old Koonljf. Tho uuobIji worn Moalod ut on« Iwrjrn tnbjo w hich wu* doc«* ra tod w ith candloa and Chrint/nnn HymlK>lH. Mm. J . H. Uarnon p layed tw o h u rm o n in i itoloa uuil Mrn. It.

Nfyblnd and Mra. H a ro h l KoAnlg L'avo a Hkit on titlod "Tho Rtlvor l.ln in g .” M rs. V irgil WilatSn- un<l Mra, A. )0. G iah a a n g 'im d uutod u oonplo of NuirrO aongn. Tho re a t of Ihfl evening WiiN H|>ont aoclally.

Phiy-M -W ull Itridgo olub mot W mlnoaday iit tho homo o f Mra- L, H. C arte r. A ll tho m em bora and one guoat, Mra. C tydn 'W alkor, ut- tcnde<l.

Priaoa w ore aw artlm l M ra. Mux G ailoy a n d M ra. MaV-garot iCviina, H ofroahm enta woro aorved by the

-.vhn-o aro invllrd,7::ui p. m. Kriday • Ciiolr r

hi'iuiiai, N orm an /iloC m ty , iliro lor.

I 'l l lW r IMIK.MIIVTKUIAN’(1. L, Clarlc. p aa to r

10 a. 111. -C hurch achool for all ;ij,'o-j;nuipa. lO. V. r.arnon. auporin- tcndont.

“ II a. m.- M ornin;; w ornhlp. .'ijio- olal nuDdciil and oi',;un nunibcra.

l.Miu'mon. “Tiio Hllilii an Iniph^iiiont in lUiildlng."

Jilrtior Chui-(!h hurvioo fo r t;lill- dion undor 12 yoara._-U::ift p. ni. Yomu; follt'n hour. i;o rn ld W nilarp, coiinaolor. Topic, "Mliiiiion-Klold Prohloinii." Loador, Minn .lov Moon-houuo.

A oorillal wi-Icomo to all.

< iHiKCir o r Titi-'. NA'/..vukNi:L. r>. Mmltli, piuitiir

{i;'ir> a. in. Hunday ncliool. II. r:ivi‘iia. niipi-i'intondiriil.

ni. -.Mornlnu woinhlii. Hor«- inon niihjvct. "Tho I lo iirt Cry of Unua." .SpiK’lal nin)'liiK'

;i to 4 p. m. -Tho aunnliiiui Gon- lud H our o ver K T FI. Tho H a rm on ' [an Q uarto t of N orlhw ont N nzur- ono collojjo will iiing, and Dr. K .1-j. Gilm oro will niicak.

«:ao p. ni. -r Y ounjr Ponplo'a niocllntr.

7:110 p. in.- Hvonintr ovanKcIln- tic aorvlco. Hov. Alva I 'o rry , (iin»d- inir. in charjro.' .Hubjoct, "Ho Turnod and \V«'iit A w ay In a n a j;o ." -

odd liimliiM- llia t 1 ro llar. I t la-coinplclt!

i i l ) i i u t . I i l ; i............... . ............. Ill o i.T trir

Httlilii. Iwil'iKv’ood j'loora, a lied fcn' jlioroll^y'H hahy <lolla, a rori-top liloali, toy loli'pliono, liriKJiii, roi'U-

iilK chair; wa.'ito •Ijiiiilci't and a •dilna cloiit't w ith toy Tli.^Iiouao wan liuilt. at a i.'0 !:(_ of ^I0.

, (!»n'inany oontalii!i nuai- tlian youth lioati-l.s. Tli.vi.-

uro provlilod an im ovorni|;lit iilrip- j'lnjf plai'i* fo r younj! hlld-r;!.

. i f l ^ O I .Y<>ung People nf tho 9 r. Kn-

w o rth L^eaguo'V ill be hoaloaa to ih t f X flB B fa im r7 > r"fli« » r-rD w n i - a f a ra lly H u n d a y 'a / tv rn o o n and eve­n ing. Y oung peoD le-frum CaaDo- /o ru to R u p e rt w ill bo .proaont.

Tho H horm an clrclo of the G. A. K. will hold a po t-luok dfnner T ueaday a fte rn o o n a t th e hom e of Mra. 9 . R. l* rlor.‘All m om bera aro roquofited to be proaent aa there will bo elocUon of offioera.

T he L a d ie f Af th e It. N .vA! re- quea t t h a t a ll th e m om bera bo p roaen t a t th e m ao tlng to bo. holtl ^ le a d a y even ing a t th e W oodm an hall. T h ere w ill bo eloqtlon o f offl-

. i l A I I .K V . n , , ' . ,s rS |i . i f i i i nK im . ' i a l -I. ' I r. 'f '.o rVT IiaiU M i. OU’. w h o Hi,-,| T ill ii . '- i ia y a lt h o h o in . ' <ii| iii.'i n i i . l . 'f , •Mr.'i. Iil;cn i i i i i i l ; d . 'r . \ v ili I..' Ill'll! il 1 •.’ .[I. IllS u iK fa y a l S t , C l ia i ir .- i- r a l l i i i l i . -i - l iu r c l i . I n i I 'n i i . ' i i t i.s 1i> II.' - illH a l l r y r . - im • l .’iy .

.M r. T h a n 1111, n li:i< 'li.'liip i ' l n t o r 'a a p p n - n t l . v d u r io ) ; 111;:fKiyhiMVl In 1 i a i i . y . A ll a y . >un;; i i i a nl ie w r n t tu |/> v .- l i . W y o .. a n d I'li-KiiK.-cl 111 !it( iiic r a l ; d iu : I " f a m imlu T o f y . 'i in i , K ij^ lU .-.'ii in .i i it li.s

l l i i j ; ' ! i i i i | r l l ini- : '^, h ('<1 lo Ilalii-y.

H i.' t;i m i i v iv . 'i l 1)S' h r 'd l i i - i t i .O iii 'i ir T i i a i i i i o i.ii.'l H.'U T l i a m in iH .th . i f H a l l . 'v ; t l i : . . - J iiiiti 'H i. .Mr.'. I d i i l lJ i im tn t .T , ( l a i i i v . .M r.- I .iav l.l Iv o llo y . JM cah.1. lu i. l .M rs .' -M .in .' A n l! ,io ii,v . i-<)i'iit.'i:<i.

oiint. FOIJU KQrAHKF if th aveniic ancl Thii'd stroi’ t

2 p, in .—HiuKliiy nchotil,3 ji, in .—WoraWp,.R p. ni.— li'vangollHtic «orvlco«. iJpginnlnjr Tuowluy, Doc. 11,. a t

7:.'1» p. m „ MIhh M nry Jap i' WyorM. g irl ovangellHl. will n liir t hor cam* paign n t thin church.


r i l U n t l l l O F TIIM AKCKNfHION V;i‘i K 0 0 r A i .

Third Avc. N o rth u t SM onil S tie o t V ic to r K, N ow m an. ro c to r

H oly com m union a t H n . m. C hurch RChbnl n t ti;40 a. m.

' M orning p rayor an d sorm on n t 11 n, m ., excopting thn f ira t Bun: <lay of tho m onth, .

HT. RDW AUU'H O A T IIO U C F a th o r H. B. HoitmBM. pnator Uunihiy maHfioN a t K and 10:30

a. m.W ook d ay mansea n t 8 a. m. C onm iunlon HiinduyMi

of th o 'iK lra t S unday 1 m en.

Hocon«l H uhday fo r wom en. T h ln l S un d ay fo r y o u n g poopJe, F o u rth Bundny fo r children.

I Suburban Churches I ^ ------------------------------- ♦

Truitt« w ho h a icere.

Mca. .....................been v ia llin g a t th e hom e o f hof d au g h te r, M ra. R obort Cble, In.

§h*rS”*'Deni(Mir«te Control

W ailtiin^pn Solonit

IIA N H B K <)OMM(INITV ICdgar \j. W hite, m in la ter ,

10 u. m. •■'Morning worahii)< Sor^ m on hy th e naatoi*. A nthem hy ch o ir u n d er ' tho d irec tion of Glah. . • .

11 a. m .—-Sunday echool. lU rv o y ro m w a lt , auperlntenM «nt. . i

C hoir p ra c tice W odaeaday 7tS0 p. m-—All m em bom reqiieatod >tO a tte n d . ■

M IIR T A lJG il OOMMUNITYS d g a r t , . W hite, m ln ls ler

. 10 a . m r - 'S u n d a y . u h o o l. WU* lian i L tndau , su p eiin ten d en t. , ,

■ llJK ) at in , -V R egular'm om lniC i ^ r a h l p . fieim on by p aa to r, S r~ c la l m ualo by cho ir u n d e r d irect] o f M ra. Change. • ,

''KIMDKBLY "HVn^Oi>lST Oi Xt Androwa.

. 10:00 a . n>t S un d ay 1 ' lltO O a . m . VMc ‘

SUL ,M kad tA h ^ g a' bopy w t t e '__

:AmoM ahd. j

For Dependable Battery Service Use



Kyle M. WaiteE L E O T R T O IA N

N ext to P. 0 .

'B B H B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B H B a B B B B B B B B B B B a v

Glow Boy Circulators, and. '. . . ,

Glow "MaM_ Rjmges. will add 'te ' the cprtfOi^.arid cheer

, r o f any h o n t e ; . - ;

SEE TiHtEM A T THjp; TWi]N FALLS e m p i r e E X P O S ltt< » iq r i^ e I

■ . M f ' K T A t ' C i r | ; . ' i ■. .S r.'-; j . c i ' i a l l; • K iv. ' H ii y l' ; . ' :aii >1 Mjlli .'.ir.:uii;-. 1

. ' .I .iij .- . ' v c n in i : tli l i i ' i n* . . ; t l o n i i . - r l v l ui .uv

.-,.-.•11 If. iiiii d l l '- ; ii ii;11, Huy

, .Mc'outu o f M u r t i n i n l i T i l . - Ill ' ‘i i i i i i ’r!ilill> •<!' t i l . ' <^nJrill a l . Il i.>1>divi i | i - i l ' Ir il . i 111.' I<ill<i i u l i iK Iiii ii.ll>,;

! ' r i i a t c K i i ki 'I- -I ‘u l i lK in . l iM.i. i : •. I t n i w l i i P .T ldi i . ' t , a.ii l i i i t ai i l Il'lMll'l . ,[I i i i i i ' oi n i ^-i ' , t ’.oiii iKi 1 m a n . '

: i'<-i'i(iiiM, I'liii'i I ii ' i ' k. r, l . i . ' i i a ■ lii ' . ' ii-i i i ' f i t , i i o w j i i i i i ; . ' . ' i (. t ' o l (.'11 T i i m i -

l i i ' i i . i j i io l-;i ' lii ' i ' t . • a n . ) U u y T i i r r u - r

K i i l a i i d I 1

I l ' :,i);l. ' H . u v i i r i .M. In' u.Mi , !■' I'l-i t : I ' . l i ll" Cl.iw.-i 111, 1i.-i.M.'ilaii 1; \V il- 'i i a ri i .M./i i i m i i i . Cl . 'MU .M' ■1 1 Ill,I t ol i i - r l i . . <' lUld l t r . " l lOarl .

. i l a lMi ' . ' i n a U . ' i . i i lu •• .M.'Vi' s, l.-:vl- 'K ran . ' i . ' t K yjx ' I t , a;.; ; ; : . l ; i i if,

l l lailH' .' l D. .V, W . l l l r l :• D .iv . 1 >.1! a n '1 H i ’oo>;on, Ki-ii .M.jIim 1'. -Iwhii I i :iv :i.-

.V. . j '» i ni i .Moy.' . ' i ; ( » • liM J ir :Iw ; ) r ' l l .i ' -i yi i iK ' u va l ,l< ilin.'; .11, ;

1 l i ' a d .T ; A r l i i i Hat . ' ; . , : t ; . ., i;Uaii t ; l, iol- ,I l l s W 'a l lt/T . \S’l i l . .n t H ia l i 'l , Uolii' l-I ,

C h a n e . ' ' , M v i v l l ,i:.'> a m i D e a n l - j u l .

HarMi 1.. w;; . j

C u o o o l - . \ lu i lc H . it .'/V, ii ' ii.l . •r ; Mii.l '\S ' l i l l i i . 'V, a . . ; i i . ' itaiil ; D u l l III A d a m - ■!K.ti. Ov . - A n d . - n . Ill, n y d . 'm a i l , C l l n l . i u I ' l i ul a . i<) I v a n .M.iV.'-'-

.1. 1. L . ' . ' . H a i l ' Sri<<\v, l‘' iMiikl t .- .- . | a r i i i C .- . 'i i \V iil i k . - r a i .• i-ail-

l . l i d ah 'M ( o r m-'iiilt.*! i ih l p '

I 'lao MltitlmiiM.i, hoHnldf Voi ('liiiHtiuiiH <iirtu mill (‘\iT.vduy in.> a t t i l l - C l o H i t o i i h S t i l l . ‘— A d v .

M O T H E R S-i- IIKAH + '

■I ' l ) " l . i i n c - n i i n i n j ;I' ! U K ' i i t i o ' i i i i i l T o , < n u n a

.111,1 ) I l.irli .Miiciilij;; ( ) \ r r Kr-L-i’y HUTU CLAllK KVANS


Why Tab

T ill' I';n: c h .\:'.•c i l . - n l < l ,;>liii .'I.,

r .\K M i;K S ’ .vi T O .M tm iu :

DlBTIUCT MANAGKllSl l . tKKV N i ; i . S ( l N T tk iii I'-nll-i. Id iiti'i

M, I'’, ( i i . m ;v|(lip> -lt. Iclllll.lN. 1 ;.

i.iiiidliii;. I.talio M . I'-. i ; i ; i m i < j

sii,.^iiMi>.', l.h ih ..

AGKN'I’aI.O t' H i:i.l.K K

Tuo> raiivi, ld;'>li.> -H , N, j N < ii.i;r .u i< ;iiT

I 'ii.'i. hi.iii,.1;. 1.. L \ N ( M

r:<ihi, Idiitio\ . . S , > J .< iO \V I N'

Uiilil, Idaliii \ . I.,

'. l . i.iin.-, Idiih.i h \ i : k v ( . I IV K A M

.................. Idah.iI). .M .,.IA<'0|ts;

lliill.-.v, lilali.i

uMussolini, the Turk,and The Eastern (Question”

W h i i t doe.'-, i t m e a n to l l io r o u t o f t h e w o rld '.- ’

0 . F . O o lc , B ib l e l e c l t n o r, w i l l K iv e t l i i a i i i t e r e i i t i i i |{I c c t i i r o f r o m 11 l i i b l ic i i l , h i n t o r i c a l , a n d d ip l o m a t i f i v i o w p o |n t , D o n o t f i i i l lo h c i i r i t , H o l d a y o u r i n t e r - c u t u n t i l t h e liviit l u o n io n t .

SUNDAY■DEC. 9, 8 P. M.

Adventist Church

T l d r d lu u l T h i r d N o .

T u e s d a y , D e c . 1 1 .

“ T h o T w o W ltnoHHOfl A t- tu fiU o d b y th o B o iii i t O u t

o f t h o B o l to n i lo iw P i t . ” r . i ’, r o i . i : . i.r^ -H irnr

Wcdnontlay, Doc. 12—' ‘The Hintovy of tho W orld In Oftr- tnou!;.” * y '

Thuriidiiy, Dec. 1 3 ~ “ How Mon Today May Bo Sure Tlittt JofinH .Obrliit lu tho Qnly Biivior.” — 'Mi

Friday, Dnc, 14—"A Stiirtliiiff Aiiironomioal ProdiotMn- Fnlfillod.” '

Sunday, Dcc. 10—"Tho United Staten in Prophooy and H iutory.”

You W ill Knjoy tho Old Bonjrii Led by J . B. Stonhens Sonjr Service 7:30 - - Lecture 8 P. M.

A Wook of Exceptionally Intoroatlng- SubjeoU

Dr. J. T. DavisA nnounces the O pening o.f H is


Nothintf bul tho very boat of'.inatorials and u olitHH of workinnnuhip th a t ia unsurpasaod.


A L l W OliK OOMPLETED I'll our own mod- orn laboratory nndor the d irect Huporvision of Dr. DuvIh himsoU.

NO OKABOE DOR BXAlOl AT'td d i a g n o i l i o f (h a t r i io o o o d iU a n «{ y o u r , I a r id tM th ,

oKansxBV’oI V-'"



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WANT ADST K M C I * r i ( » < : K :lH

T IM K H n .A H M ir iK M U A T K H

ICiirii lniu-rt.i«ii, Iiiir lliix .lin „ (fo r finit n liiiicitloMJi)!l lll llr-l 'llo itll,

I» T l l l l f ....... ..........................•• .0 ? ' iI 'r w .- l v n

Umiirt I N o imIi

Mm n :1 cluivij

IIIOIltllH- I/.•l*V 1(11111*1. r |..T 111,,, ..tuU.iM f o r lliit'H . M li ilti :

llUlill. ))<• (>nlrr<:<l l i l i i l c d . u f

N e w T o d a y

l-'OU O A l.l’.— M ijicolliitiooUB....... ^


I 'V IK llDiirll ftiili

l A I .K I;K ilw li

tA L KN e w I '-iih -h llllU H -M n !in il r | ; i t « 'n i c o u ii i l

l l A i a t W A K l l .

AUT(» IV U ili '

I.fir >iiiH'n .trrll 1u i‘l IjIII.'i.

lll lKlInI'*"”

NeWft o f R e c o rdK u iio n ilii

i i l u n r i i v^ m ll, ' In

O i.'ifiu ji O o u ri

d d .la i D rill'III III' b . 'l . l 111 th e T w ,1. T i l l ' 1, *1b a f , ; ' ' I n i . ’

p u k ,

L o c a l M ark e lft

' U llrlH

il l ICr'iH i l l ’ U .hIii

,F O H .MAI.I'I i* iirl{, M l i i ' i t y

N K \V l ,V K I J U N I H / I j ' : n iii iiii . - i tl i S I . N tij 'U i.

jl. iiKOty IK' nxuiri'. k i c i ;n o k l '

tv i.iv , a ll ■r Imw.iIiij;; ■ liopn v.-

(’didi (fill (

.-.1 111' I'll IlH>ni h

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l*..iiltr.V m , i.v i^ r -J Jkin. . 111. liiKlrr A Him

iin iS 'i


Ihii. ;i';, litli. !i).

'l l h r u i l r . n i . l i iD l l i •<l lTy.;r.-i

T * ! i n |) c n u . i i r « in

C l a s s i f i e d ! - . " 'SITUATIONB w a n t e d

’ ~ ■ ’ '1. I ' l i y Sl.iiT .

F IC U i’l'H A N D V K O K T A H I.IiS

A I . I . i;i:!;IM M r ii<niii;ih ) iy Io n

! 'sillO C IlirA ^ JO I.IVKMTOCUi'.ift.m i! ‘ •i i k :a (J<,), D i-c. i. iim:i

ir>,iliiO. A ii l i in i ; I t ln m ) ; |>ii(; m; iioui- . . f l . l lO In ill K i|) yi!.:i(l < 'n iii|iu is '< l w i t h $11.lU

Vi.:iri hint Mutiiidiiy.i^rirO A Cri. n ..e , « u ,uiiws r » r « i ; i w r

. 1;......i s louvr; i.Nih J.ir hli;i..-r. In cnnuul/i/doji hoiiHo «pIIIi,k. Corn

.......'f, ..........I': -IIMIK; r'.in im r.'.l l< ri. Ia;il ^m i .loj.r.im.ml J.y « <ii<cillnu of '2

........li‘ l liHiilin .»() l>> lift c-<iiilii,(„ ;j JjlinlH.lii,;h rr; ;;h-.'j. iu<i:itl.\ :.r, rml.-i him o ^urml m>wu Jn tli» •wh.ml till

I (111,1 ti’.'iliiii; liiiiilid l!r. 1<*. :ifi «;.'||1»I I,( U liiillifili nalin-o, luit. t ljiili;(H w.ii-lc-i'ii.l; I..). (ilniiKhliT I - . ' . i HmI. IimiI(i..| upoculallvi. In lrn .u l.

N ia W V O U K , k-)ec. K H 'i:i i i i u rU n t (T|nii.*t|, lo w e r . A liu iK n .IiiriP ii)) ..A lll.H l f J lH 'ii ll.m l A lllH C h r i lm o n .A n m r lo i i i i C l in ...Am orlriin Hinlliitor ............A D U ’i ' I r a n H m n l l l t i i ' - ................Icim 'I'ctojihuiio .............



i m i u

M ic iin T o lm r n * H ................ h; i %A t ia r o n d i i f.!on(nM' : ................ I I KiA r n m i i r .................................................. r>%A lo h lN o n . T n p n h f i ,c- Mi>nlil V o n 4 %

• A f l u n l l r I to f U i ln i r ........................A i i b i i r n M o lo r w .............................. ! a ilj l u J l l m i i r n A O h io .......................... 1ftIK 'n iIlK A v l i i l lo r i ................ ............. tO^Ki]l<’l l i l« ) |o i i i H I k iiI IKinh

W A N T K f) • h u l k . W r I l P n .

\ \ 'A M T I - ; i ) H .w i i i i r lu 't t i .- , K x p o r l r n c . - i i , , Im .


inru and truclcM. Jn n . 1). W hitn.

^ W A N T I O n T O Ilt.JY --:;|n.r)n r n r a .w n ic ] ( . K n r n i« n i ’ A u lo ' H iip p ly

iriin I'n rtH IM uum


A P P L E Si-'lni) riiH- (|»:<)K.v l>y triK'Uloiiil

nl- r;>rl..rMl Knnu's - lli'llrioiik - ItliichlwlcH (U tlr.- I I '. . U«s. IIM

H. 11. LONG»(H SUi.HlM.m- S t. WVhI

M-Hlc I l - lV or.’-i u- 1 hi;u:

...... i-iio

1(1111.’hT.d.’i I'd . In y c i ir l l i i j iH a r .m i u .,iiiiiK n..r I'Wi'.’i .

j<:hi)li'o f.-cdlnjr III

I O .M A IIAO .M A II A , |J<'

■ll l i i i l l t S 7 , hnlt!.- .'diiiiKlilt'i’ ? f t .7 5 to $11.(10;

i( . .s;i: ni<-d. to III ^ r .- ’io t o .$(i,:ift.

L l V 'K STO C Il

. ?iH vr. .' in,;;i'

'.-5(1.1 * C a U I . '

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tdO; for w<

. i.dy iii{ i:>.

:kI ■Id r l m l r . iiih'j

A ilo ’in U p m i iy H l m j i i w '. t H r h o o l ,» f n .-H » i tv f 'u M n r o . l lo i .O U i i h l in < l |r . P h o n o l» . M r.‘i. H i It:. {{oiiolK'Hi*.

H A IR DltKSSKUSI. .SI.M l.• H l'IC C IA I ., O i r - (h r n i a i

N iit i ir j i l »l!.fHl, Iran ( ilh P l i o n h M n i. l l n i i i i .

710U D A Y aV K ClA LH - Oil [i..r- m i i t i i .n i w i tv . . X l .n o imd i in . U i- iru - | « r S-l.nO u m l S 5 ,i)0 ) i ..a h 'r! c « M p .- r - mniuiiU w av t’H $:i75 and $1.7ft. j:io Muin Avn. N. H t - r -W ln d -n . phono D87.

W AN’p ^D TO UUY* ^ V K A u k i n t m k m a u k k t l.’O K I ' f l p C O U N . A la o w ln 'i i l . (H ilit. a n i l l i a r l i - y . ( .J lnh .i H .-i-d K-. K r n i n< i. 2 l M - l t h A v . '. .So. IM ioni- •JOI.

\V A N 'r i :h i-’AUM i .a n i >. Wdi

W 'n ir 1I7.\ ( \


liij;liol.Mir.-i !-• Iu-1

iJil.Vft; V<:al t o pI f c - d i i i ' . ' i ^ I ’ - Y r . t . i

aiiii.'p; 100(1; aalalili ^ liun\Mi \Jiiwai'.. .:f>fl I hiilan.:.- on run dln-cw - m ;

I I-'rlday liial w<;<-k; kllllnf

m ui'kid i '.in jJ lo k; Ijiilk

I l n a v y r a l i i i i w o n t r« ip o rU « l l o Im <Mil. h i i t h I n to q i i i i l l t v iii tit ( ) i i> n il'lly I . . r A i'i : ..M lin o w li.- a l . . A J jo t lo i- d o - n i n d k : f l o u r ih ti ii i i 'n r l w a n r o p o r l i - i l

< iU A I N 'I 'A IH .KcrircA ao , dou. h >ii,iii-oniiu

nmi.ro (•k.iiu:f)p<Ml i r i j . 'h IXlW C lou .

\V lH ‘a « . n o w :1.01! I.O 'J i', l . o n ; . 1 .0 lR{,-i{,


. \ f a y I.O'I

.\r.iy 1.(111,01

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'I I O U P A Y HIMUt;rAL- ..A fn n ■ w ith «iv<M'y d ry flnff‘-i

wav.) a t nOt*. O ur Hoottl.- lilnK' lot n t Sn.7ft. O naniiito .'d p,-r. m an«nU uml up. I'hoiio

Thi* J.uu.uty llox. ov.n- K^hram in- fphnHon'M-PAINTINO — DEOORATINO

P ain tln tr. ' iCiilxonilnlnu, ifininni?. tC. L. Hhiiffor. 2 0 $^.

MlSOBLLAN£OUS .'" hX y r s ’'sVc’c o n n iVXn iT“rjTchanjro. ‘TftyM m orn and aullH kiW' «>r." Now ttiirt CTw'<|. JMioni- 7.'|,

G A H BU IlPrrO ItS . C n r h u ro tor

KrtH iin«l m*rvku'. 1*\ 0 . II . M otor rvlco. 2:10 tthOHlKSnn St. W .. Vwin Kalis.M A lTU K H m Q a r«'noviit*)rt. und

recovcroil.' Clonn w o o r l!()nlb. WnHju'd iMid cnixlt'tl JtOc. F iin il- h ire ijpho|»titrln |f. T w i n Kallu AJfiiltri>iiM K actory . Phono 01-W.

y A K S n M IS O E L L A ^O U SCull ouiKi-.irj

IW A N T K IJ -Aliy Kard.in varK ily tend hcuuH o r oorn. ■ Kidl.^r Hox 704. Hi, A nthony. Idiuin.

W A N T I':n —V'wmlturo r.<pit^Inir iu)l)n]Ht(irluit. w indow iihmln w ork .

. f;r<iiiii U rnloy J<’u n il ti ire Co. l|hpn« BBp.


, ItouJi.'. furnliihi'd nr ‘ oi- w ith in on.- mile

AcUUviiH n o x lOHX I

unlurnlahi-il. Ii tif Tw in Full.n ar<! Th<> T lnu a

Younjf m arrltid m an w antii tc ' tiin t Mmnll houno In o r ab o u t T w in

C’liMh o r w ill w ork fo r inun<i. :i:m- n rd . Avit. 10a*d. I'hono OJHO-lH. -


N<.. Jt f«>r Kin;

r o u riKNT 0 th Av«. No.

M (; i lT Koud.'ki'.' ■ n 'n t . A vani l lo t . l

Furfilahi'd A p t. :U0


KOR S A I.R I lioiia.-ii, K<u' fo rm atio n I'hi.n.* fS o r 21.

i.'nti'.l ■ilnjr r.i.

a p tc r . T ljr vin Kullti

r . 'd d .-n t. . lid D ll' '

Mv.'i r.'linica tijrhl. >i’il< • 210 p.iim.l.T.-i . Ovi'i'vvili;ht laiP-

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NOTH K o r I 'ltn vTj;; s ' i . i :( H '' K S I A T K n \ ■

y.XKii'.'Vim I n t .h r l - i o h a t o r o u r l n f T w in

| r „ l l , i f m i i i t v . H la tM . i f I d itlin .I N T M I.: M A T l 'K R f )K T M K

K H T A T K O F D A V I D I 'A T - U K :I v. D .-c . 'a i i . 'd ,

N O T I C I ': ill ] |.t h . ' 2 ' l t h (1. IV ( . r Dec i b e r . III .'11. a t10 </ ( d n c k . A, .M„ ' w iD i i

IliH l b . ' r . ' a f l e r . t h e iiiKl.- rsi | ' , ;n-. 'd, l - Mc i i r I . P i i l r i . i-k, l - N ec n l ( . i r . iflh>' W i l l . ill I d R ' d . i l . f D av l i l I . J ’n l -r l e k , d . ' e c i i -■K',|. w i l l II a l ini - lvat . !i i ab ' t . . Di<- b iK b . ' i d b k k b - r a n . I ! a ib -l e d 1.1 n l l r m i i D . m b v l b . ' a a i . lP i <d l al . - C. >iiH, a l l t h e r iK'hl , , D ll - 'a i u la n d t o .'III' h .11 Dll ' f. ) ll . .wii i (; . . l . ’a-c r i b . I'.l p i. -e (II- p.i, h. 0 ,' p ' l l e s .l a t e l o . - a l , ' .1 111 Tvvi n 1••alia, (• . . u n l yo f T w i n I'' all-i , .'-^tal :>f I d a h <1. t . i-w i t :

1 ' a i 'Ce t 1 T r i b* r . ' . lT \ , •.1 r.M un . l Tb i I-.'.' I ll ) . .fK i11.d r IIIill S u b . l i vl:i i.>n .,1 Di.-N . i>rtb.-a, ' It i j i i i . r t e r t b, -.V 0 r t b W .' I< 1 CJ -I. ' I' i . s’ i ' ; ' .N W \ > o l S e c t T vv.t i l v -

t . T .n v o ;i l ‘‘ l . T .'U ( 10)S' ,>l- P . i um: SeV .-U l >• -n


MD u n a k l .S!i< N a l l , f u v u i K . :u h a i i i ; l i ,

K l m h .T ly

i ld i -n l ; l - . - r r v I ’I .t D o d . '.o n , (

u a k t T , r . 'p o i i t o h . l o | ; ; D .

S choo l Heftcl L ists H o n o r R o ll P u p ils

sr, (w jri.v.-i.

'P O I t r i . A N l S I .IV K M I 'O C K■ I 'O U T L A N P . O n '..* D .'C . H (I'lH -

( U H n A I - 1I<ij;m: (;■i . r n p a r e d o n ow.-.'ll .'IJ.'O. 1l u i r k . ' l in o i itlv 2.’’.c b i j ; l i -e r ; b u lk b. ' t t c i ' K n id e ld : , - 2 i r . Ilui,fd .M l. p l a l i i . ' r k in d a $ d ,;if . ' l o w i i :22 r.-:tl.% lb ,'i, sr.,.M> I. . , td ; IlKlllIlKhl.'i ,f.’..fiO l o .f.d, f.'W l . l .fd .2 .'. a n d'a'»).)v.'; p u e k in jc - i . r .'1 S I . 2 : lo^!|,r.(). . a m . lo lh l li ;b i[V v.-if;b ta t . iS I , 7 ,’.; l o j i t - .: . '.le r pli^i 1 S I f)0

t ’a t tle : 0 . . i n p a r e . l o n e w c . 'k iiko,

M t ' i i T A i r c n , r>>'< T il.- I i / in n r m i l fc i

nl.*-d in u id c a l m i i . i lllIlH v n ll th . 'l a OMM-.

A. U

i i i . 'm b n v i iTJi mid T i f | j i l a y . .m w h lc :h U .- f r .- id n n .

y in ;< ‘a n i l l n . ' l l a „rL l . l o v lO ili . r tr i

f .a Ii’j-li ./oluii.

n a n . K i- n n .- t l i H rlu K fi, H i 'l t y K iir l a n d 'I 'I l 'I i i ul 'Kra.l.., V

R itc» fo r I n f a n tl u p l i ' r r . i v . 'd O , . . siTVIc-- ". 'v

{{nil.I .1 o I Kjila

>hn O I« d h i> r- H iT th a O ld - M>->dciM l l i l n l

I I . - u l -


f '. iD l t a l Sli> .-k

Classi f iedDirectorylU’MlHIIIHihIU HllMln^MK IMrilM a iH i r r o f ti iM li iim l o f

------- '----- T uInT iilU ""------

SHOE R EPA IR IN at h i iW n h itv i) t i m <iiilv itu u d i

. t i i r r l t o r y l o .S 'r iT C I I a l l k in . i n .1 flIvoi'H, . ln c U ii ln i){ lii .llv ii ' i ln . 'H A hm 'Ji. N «) « 'x t r a r l i a r t ; . ' j i . . T w ii K uIlH H h«a. I l . 'p a l r l n i r . \ 'S 2 H lu i «lM»to w*‘«l. riu.-n.' aii.s.


r tm ir t(lan n . A u l o l«»pH u m ( «iyr- tid n fppulr. ciinvuH und •

• roiuilrinir- TlxumiUe I'o ii & Uody W ork*.


aso Bluln Av«niia Boiilh.


. I UI<1 cKlllnjr oanfci en jrraved o r ' p rin ted . W ^ny « orreo t Btylrt* to , qhooM f r o m / C*l| a t th * Wv(»- . n tnff T lm ea offteo .; S5« M ain

A.VA. Burt. T«i*phoo« aa.

P l o . ' k S . - 1' , 'Oly- f i v e I ' 7 M . . f l . l a h ot h e C1 ! , V . . I Tvvl.ri F n l l a . M a b o . I N T I I K MA ' Ii i c . a . l l t u r t o Di -• n l l l i - l a l p l a l K S T A T K <1t b . T . i d o n tl in 111. ' . , i | l . ' . - A H i ' : i .1., 1o|- t il .- K . ' . ' . . i d ' T , , f T w l n l- 'all: . P n U . ' - i l l A N TC‘. ai i i l , \ ' .

P a n - i ' l ,-|: l . u 1 T . ' i i (.10 ) ' in.liid;.;,- 7 l h .h

. ) f ( . V o l

- ,il.l <• 11,'.',

H l i . e k K . i r C l l v . d T v

tv -n lMv in i.--.

,• i l i n ill:; bi . i

<i( . I h . ' ho , :u--

'iv h . T I .Mh .

i d iv l a v .

K lv . ' n ii' 1 r.'.

i - n r d i i u r lo I ll.-H '.-I .111

t h e o i d e l .1 I n l b .

a l p l i . l• , . iri<-. '

. ' t ; l o . d ( ' , , i i r t

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M. .1 m .>f

( l l Di,- U . ' i ' ( 'n l l l l t y .

o r ,I . 'I ' 1,1 T w i n F a l l a ('.,111'tFall. ' ),

1 lot. C o u iI l ly . l l

Id K \ 111.I' 111.'.I l l ..........

I l lu - F n i l iA l i ' '

t il l- ilr.-.t p u ld l . a m i l i . ' | . . n - t l i . '

la i.l 1;il . ' Id

,:d i_ ua l. l

1<1 l - r . i h a l i - ( ’.

.1.'. .-.I

I. I ’ATIIK'IC. .if th . - W il l a

D a v i d I ’l i t n .

N O T i r i ' ; n i < ' i : i : u r i o i ( MK M TATI']..,pF DAVI D K. KU-

llltollT. D.vi'iisi'il,N .d l i ' . ' I.'i h . ' r r l n ' j;lv<-ii by ih i ; u i i -

i l . 'i 'fo i-n . '. l A d r n l i i h d r a t . i r o ( 111.' F ' l t a l . ' o f D iiv l i l K , F i r l x T t . d .'( '( •a ll-

1, tu lh<- .'XMdltoi'K Hiul uU \u-V .n » Imvbur r la l m . 'i a K d in i i t th ^ ' l id d .H 'i 'a » c .l . t i l - t 'X h lb l l Ih .- i ii11)1 till' u .- i 'C d im ry vi.iichi'ra. w llh-

1 hIk ni.intli). ail<-r Dim flrat piihll- itlon of Uil» n.dl.-.', t.i lh.> a.'tid

A»lM«in**.l ra lo r iil I h»*iv u 'l .r \VlHmm, Tw in l-Nilhi, Iitv >.1' Tu'ln Falln, H lulc Of

Idaho, llilH -b.diiK tli.i Ih'dl plai^’ d for till* inniHiiotk.n cf lb.-

buulm-mi fif Niild <>Nlal.>..itrd Nov.'niljKi', 2‘lth ,

At.HiartT 1. Kf3ui.:uT. A .im lnlH lrator of lb.- K»dat.' .d D avid K. Kjsb.-rt, dr. ihI.

'a l ia , .T il u i m l n i r a , n v iv . - , | 1

.! c h i ld d i e d y i - i d .T d a v f t l \ c h i i i ip U a l . - l l . ' lit '

m ; r i l ' l h I, M a r y l:

D o n d h v

W’lln" M

a n d A n ; K n id . ', H .‘:

I lly , 0 1 . 'II .I .in O o o d iu a n ; 1

v ln . . I 'l l d o n .1

L.-.N’.' u l H iid . ly

'C l. ',I in t i n n t .

K X l'U l'M SIO N Ol'*W .- w i s h t . . D ia n k

n d n . - i | ; b h o i a f i . r (1 m l n v i n n a t h v id m w n . 'i - r n t ilb O ‘.'‘- '> .an r| d . i i i i r l i t .T , a n d ( , . .'X ji

TIIA N K K. i i i r f v l. 'i id

. ' I r k l n d n i a

aDc: I ,, Dll'c . W in , u u l l y .


N O T K ’K OV 1‘r i lM r A 'r iO .V OKri.M i: .A ri'o iN T K .i) f o h r i i o v -

IN(J W ir-I- KTC\

! ,'!on , V iv ia n I I . '.• d b . '. 'k , W a l t e i • D a v .| / . . ' l p b a M o y e a a n . l U .d ll .T l 1.......l a n v . 'n l h i i r a d .- . . l e a n H. ■yi.-. X .ir a| M a . ' .C u m n i ln i '1. I la a l l I.. •w ia . D .i r -i « . l b v P e r k i i iH , N’.d l P .T l l in n . l l . r -

l) . - r l U e . 'i- e a n . 1 I '.'ll.'n U o L iK h thj ; r a . l . i , M a rj : ; . i r .- t I .In d . A.laH . '. 'U b e c k . L a i :i r . 'l - T i 'i i . ' a n d ’ .l.i!a '<p i i i n e H .iy le .

F i '. 'a b i i u in . H e r t h i n i ' Kl< • w a r t ;i;.ip lK iiiion '.- i. I v a n M .iv H .- t tvi v r k i n n . I .i .v a .-T n lm a; M a r k.M n .r n n o n a o .I D e l p b ln . ' ’ T l■ i r n e i :jim io i'M , Hi-i'D iiiI lk )y l .- , l^ die I-'i id i .- r ,a n d M d d n 'd H h .o . 'h . ' P . 'c k ,

W iU b il . - ; . l u n . ' T o l

‘n b .V a., '~ ^ 'i r -

K in i. i M c F a r l a n .l , A f l m i A .h i! 1 lo i '. iD iy X’in ln j r a n d l.h K 'o in I . r e .

I n D u- I ' r o h a l i '.d ' T w in F a l l i i .qiui.- *nf I M ifisouri Facitigf

i S e e d C o rn L a c kM K l< i


hlKli<-r. Kdly '$ l

d r y I. plain'

d o w n to s a ,2 .’'-: b<s . i , 7 r > . to ,v s-a.iri; I 'c e.'#:i.:>ri. i;o.>.l .youn»r.'fi'l; lo \V (iiitlid'Ji Ull.Jf2.2.'i; b i i l ja S2,2f. U.« o o . | i in . l c h o l i i . ' V.$d.r>i), . x t n i n i L ' l o pm e d - ( S - i . r . o ,

la lv e j i a n d v.

H h e e p : c o n ip a r . - dnuirkvlt Jdn.jij; l o 2:K..0 .I t .1 c h .d c . - fa tS ll.lO ; 1l o p .i:d.2fi, m e dSft.2.'i 1lo ^ft..'iO comy.-arlln j;ii .f-l «k>w n;l.l ■ U2. b.-ller jc ra .


OatM,D . 'i ' . . . ,

' Ma y . . J u ly . ,

I w . v « ' .I d . '.: ,. ,: .M a y „.Inly..■ U.v.

,JI2T ; ,0 2 7 ,'.-o:i

.1HK. old:

irl.-y, n.. .HSi.y/. .h;ia

t.) .'s;i,:tr.dfiT .-i ; tu W !’, S2.W 1 to

.fa.Ilfi to I c i i l l . ' r j ! fl l . l. s;i. I.>p $ :i,2 r .; 'i i l e r a lo ,j;. .7fi. c o m . to I - a l r r / i ,$ 2 .n O t«

OIK- W (;id( » |{o ,i ) i} ;h c r : h u lk

la n i b a ,?:i,7r, Ui I, t o j-<«hI U ln J;i , ....v v n t . i S I : j d i i l n (!w.*a S I

l.-,'i r p io t .- d t o ,


Dfivor,' Yoiuipf Fiiincoo Aiiionp,’ Viotiinn of Rail Trat';«rly

In Kiinunii

D(iri -M i'u t

p m .;a h a n t o n , K a n . , il '.P l -A n i l l n u M i (M-oHiiinir a i n . ' a r b « r . ’ lii td u l i ; b t <-.i»t t h r llv .-ii o f f iv o p a r i io n i i . T h .- y w vi'* ' r l d in j ; In It ( ; a r w h a n h i t b y « M k u io u r l P a c i f i c t r u l l

n i ':N V i:u i .«v i ;s t ( k k

. H d.l’i ’ U 'a d v : iH-i-f II u n d b c i f -

$1 to,$r.; b u ll- .


i l . 'a . l y t(.f.^i.iio V

' lo i-d .'i n fiiirl, m I lb .

l ! i : i l , lU d l.1 I b a t T n c 'i i la .v . Ib » - , ; i 'n ib . - r , l i i : i l . a t 10 It' i i a id i l n v , l i t D ll'

a a i d O o u r t , a t Di.^I th .- C i t v o f T w i l l f T w i n K a l in , S t a t . -

.ih .> , h a a b . '. 'n a p ]> o ln ( ..-d a a tb.> a n i l p l a n - l iu ' p r o v in K lh<- W il l 111 M u m .'I- A h . 'l l . d c i i - a in - . l . a n d b c a r i n ) ; Ih .- a p p l i c a t l . m o l

( 'v i i t h i a A A b t l l a n d M a r y D . M r -

of la:Mlm

n in j ; t . . b .' w i l l f i n d ItH b u iib .- li i o f pu rp .K U '.s II.

irlali/.-.l. for

•ir ab .irt aho '.uou|;b I'om ■xt aprlnir,

by Ih.- .l.'pa a t lb.- U ni’

I'l , FuU .-r d ro iitb 01

bcjiinIh.' ala(:


.•..r.lln"' m .'ut .1•(.ll,y 0

Fhi'.'I' L .'tl.'

•.Ill f.. Dll- IM th.'

Till,-, ni.' h. l2Di 1■I'. U CD . DA'ri'Mi:r.-i u;m.

( ’I,

;ita,ry wl li.TMiin Int.M'.-al.'d mii

I ciint.'iit th.< i.anu-.Ic- to be pribllidi.'d tl ii.l 17tb ihiya i.f D.-.:.'ii

Iblii 7Di .lay <d’ IV c.'n

M r . HI.ACK, 'rk III 111.' V n ih a l.' Ciai HOYD.lor l-.'tlUoncra, ll Huhl, l.labo.

A rm y P o s t S e e k in g . B a s k e tb a l l S ta r s

lin N T IN fJT O Nni'lc Ham la 'I .1

It. ;.iduu:


IM 'U M C NOTKMiJ ih IIKKFJIV (ilV F N . tb a t I w in a.dl Ihc f.dlow-

li.'il .'id ra y an lnuil In ac- w ilh Di.- law In nimIi If and lu'ovi.l.-.l, a l pub- n t.-i tm- b lr;b .-a f bi.l.l.'l-

law ful m o u iy of lb.- UuUcd Hlati-a. on tin- HtU dii-y «d'

an u a ry , lU.'in, a t llu- hour of 2:00 V l.ak D, M. (.M .iiintaln ,Timi-i. nt

prcmliK'ii occiipl.-.l by t:. II.

Don .if hi.TImmaii, Ky.

T b .‘ Iw .i’ fav .kti4iw n.dhlujr t'vvr, T li.d r Mi. ..m iln il.-d"w llb

Hcri;.-anl .1, J . Fnim : on n '(.rn ltlm ; .tiity hi-r llm l Du- Fort Tlmma .laiil liaa a.:hi'dl)b-.t lii lu.-nlal baiik .'tbajl tmil In.diliu; fo r j-ooil uuili

W. Va, iClIl 'kill]It Iba t |:

ilatloncd a l I-fill


V.l n.-ph.-w; bout't-im mwiiV V> nm Tili.'ll.ali:

r t


U. (<.,A., . c K p lu ln u . l I .iiniinun-, In tra -n 'i 'l -lU'y and hi lal.-

I .1,ior«'


iid.-r. Hi

Roiil Efltato Trniiufiirn.InraniiathMi rundHtit l .hy

lnt4<ni>ouiitahi 'I'ltlo lln u riiiity C’oii>|iAny

I'laiit cn.l of M ain HIn-.d. In Twin Kalhi CnnnlV, H tato of Idaho:

1 llribd<dn row . m oiitly hlaek In ro lo r. M I.. 4. y .'arti oM, w.djrhl a jipn ix liiia to ly U no

\\Ki>M<;.m»AV. nn<0.*i D.-i'd; J , 1, Hilv.-rA to O, I ;'n $1. p a rt d 11 20,D . '.- . l ; O . D . T h o m p i i o n . It

.l .- m 'r l ) » - d a il >, <’ A n d .- r iu i i i , l o t i : i b io t n 11 r - t~f“hrm ‘l ' * ' ***

jioiitiihiDat.-.l lit Twin KhIIh. Irlnho. thiH

vlb day «if iV in 'iiibi.r. lll.'U,\‘l H J-llA T F It.

|H b.-iifi, TivJi» C oun ty , Idiihu.

it: >1, ll.di $,M<0. lot

i.Tla I. ft blocli

"M, Ful- UiO Twli)


T llflK H D A V . IID .'.'d; D. (ir.-.'nflt'M to M. <1rn>n-

ri.'ld, S i. lo t I I blook 2S Fllnr.H W l.I.dW l l.» A. Wll-

HaniM. if\. lot \n block HO TwhV Fallu. .

DF.'JVl-JU. O do.. D Catlli-: a.'iO; m arki'tii, fil.MTH S-l lo S7 ftf; «:<: oni 5 :! to SH.7:i; ra lv ft'.;.l.*r(i an d ntock S2 to .'{U.

JI<i;;,T IdOd; mi vvoak; top S<l-l!»; S(J.l,^; packing- aov pi};n . ll.liO to

OOHKN l.IVKKTOCKodiH iiN , D.'i'. H iim;i---(U h i:)A)Iloira: fo r w.tck, ’ alciuly to

tr.inn : b.'fit drlv.dnii la te around (I: bulk n iix i'd -b lilch .-n i ^.-^.ftO.I.i

.'pn.7.’ : pju-Uinir S'l to - 'i.Mi.Giittb-: fo r w.n-k: at.-iuly lo nn- vn ly liliihi-r; boal .•dcorn $ft.lO on

loa.I I'ood 10-10 lb. fc.l Idahoii; bulk nu^d. and ^o-xl atcvra and hidfi-ni .Tll.no t«i S'l.r^O; com. «lairy-br.-d jjti'cra iiiul h.-lf.-ra ,?:i,2r> (biwn: bulbi S2 lo S2.7ft; };(M*d an.I ch.ili-.- v.'al- .‘111 Sl..'il> to .Sft,

S lu 'cp: fo r wa.dc. alwujt idcady; loiid H'J-.lb, M abo .anib). Jli,2ft; load 70 lb . l.laho iVcd.^r/i .tft.lO; ih lvo ln fa t lanibH i'i,71i to toi-d.+ii in.7r) lo ll.r.O ; loa.I c.bolcc Idiiho (.-well jdrjkitfbt; truckload bnck« Jl-Ur* w itb nhrlnk .'i p i'r cent.

T h e d tiH d w .in ) L a u r i t i ic o VViint,22. d r iv .u - 0f th f l C K -; Id a .a k d o r .i r .d t - n W .-a t, 10; t h i . l r i iu d h f l i '. 'M n i,

.O w e n W i'^ d ; M n i. n .- i i W iilJ .! , a n d'h e r d a u i ; b t e i ’, M lia i C j i tb . ; r U i‘- W a l-j . ' . IH . A ll Hv .-d hiI P l e a . , a n l ( m .

Y o .in i r w e a t a im l M li.a W a l j e1 w .- r e e n ju * I{ ' i b e e n m an-1.'-.:

d a n .! 1 iMkon,

1 w .- r e l o b a v .-

. T h . ' t r a i n . ■ a n i- x t r a p u l lh ik ' aw r . ' c k e r . .h>l n o li i th i i'd ( h e a u l o m o -b ib - . T i l l - flvt1 w e r e k ilh - .l b u i l a n t ly -

I.' Caa.i, C.(.^hl., Mil., HI Cliryidur 1 Co(-ii Cola

r c l a l H o lv .-iilJ i ................t\ A> Hoiilh.tin ............

C nntliK.ntal Oil of D oluw aio Corn IW u n tHD» P o n t (l.l N.mmurii .............K aatm an K odakIi;li'(\ A ulo LUo .......................Ml.-c-trl(! Pow .-r Mjrlit ,:.......Fd.'C Flliil .•...........<;..n.-nii Khictric. fji-n.-nil Foodii , ,,<{.-ncral M otora(i.iody.'iir Tlr.> ..........................In I.-rnatk inal llai-v.-iiH'r In te rn a tio n a l Tel.!|ih(in.f . ....JMina M anvill.i .....................K .'nnei;idt C.ippi-r

■ NliiW VOUIC, Dao. H d',!!! HIocKji iiauKod In today’H «b o rt nrn- ak in ' w itlj volmu.x Jiniall. .Monn’ k)iiia.H amoimt«*d In .m o . o r tw o IMilnlii bu t in II m a jo rity o f In- »laii«i>a lb.<y w.n • /rau tio tu il. A fow liwiicH cloja-.l hljjhor. ntui iKinia ato(d(H imi(k< new hlubn fo r thii y «ar

Hall*;] ItMliiy iippr<i>{lmat4)d -Id0.< Olin jihnreii (;oinpar.-.r w jlb •470,000

, . iihaivii' h int Hatui-ilav. C urb hiiIoh r , 1 win-fl tri7.0(m aban;* ««:alnid. HMMKIf.4

-■10%! ,iftni(,■■ 1H%, (kb’H.

UK % IJ2 ■


, l.'J'.'i ilP.i; M-%

. w .«e iiiiiiti-.n «I idiarcij laut Hatur<hiy., Dow .romui pr<dliiibiury (doiilntr iuveriiKc« jdio\,C(i In.niidrlal HiaH.’l.

Iff 0,:i.'l, riUUoa.P nil.f*n. o ffiitiiity. iH..’ n <iff o.in.

s p e c i a l WIREC;«iurlrny. of

Hiidh.r, W«'«:tMH!r <!onuiany KIUh Hhlir. Vhuufi tHU

-wV InM onlji.m uiry W ard Nmdi M olora .. . N atk .nu l D nlry PnidN iifl D ia tllh ira .......N.'W York C.-nfral , P aid tard MoHwi Paraniounl. Puhlb; . P .'iina. -It :K..1. C, P.-nni y Co. Pun- Oil Ka.U.i Ki.dio Ite.Vni


• IN V K K’f.MKNT 'nU IK T.4■Id, liiv .................... ...........................S 2 .1 0111, Triial, A.*.................... :,•p- fl'i'iial ......................................S 2ir. Inc....................... •........... . . - ^ l . r i d



f'"*'|>.......................K.-illi tJ rp linm i

1I4>N1>KO l.C 2ni Vc.l........................I-’MC .'I P(^t...........................

MININ4J H'lyK’K.'i abo Midb.'i- I^i.b* ...........

. .'5im,«7.". ,,?(».4,HVn


ay Hton'ji Ko.-bu.'U

i'll Dnl.m (Ml

M tn. CllV Copp. r


:.,7i-7ft ----- 0-

■ny. Va. unnn P i i c i f l c ............

i l a n i U n im b i .........i l a r d O il o f q i l l f .

H t a n . l a n I O il o f N . .1,Oorp......• iin i i - A i i ic rU ;a ............ii lo n C a r b ( d .- Xi C i irh o

U n io n P a c iO f ; .........U n l t . - d A i r c r a f t ...............I J n l t . i i J C o r j ) ........................D . H. H t. 'c l , c o m m o n .,W ’a r n i ' r U r .m ............W . 'i i t i 'r n U n io n ..............

. 'b o u i ie M li ic tn c I.‘. \V . W 'o o lw o r lh C o . ..

. -Ill

..lOft: ;- I'D.

. fi D



The. d rin k D onna rofewiloiial dancoi', .wa,\

llluc O: cyiinld.i


Di-c. « I N adon. 2:».-

a.. jcailyh.-adii o r patroiiu of .th ' cftfc- waji jxihion d ea d ly r'potnindum -pati'onji who

tbx K‘i'1 <lrarn th.i dniucfhL •<l today .Id th.! lau irh te r and tli

b rij 'h t IlKhtn of th e .lijchL ohiji tho lormiM- Hi^attb? jrl«’l pan«‘-'d tab le to tabb*. tcaldnirly hokllnjr <i'il th .' cup In h»r hand hu t i;rfufilnjT to l.t|, any oii<v<l>'h>u f>'«»n it.

.Iiurlc libikH, rt pati-on, trk-.l lo w r.-at It from h er .iiin.l. Hi?fon? be could r.iach th«! i’M ldanci-r dninlc l u contcntJi.

A lltll.i Intor Jdu (■ollapacd and tw o hourii u fti 'r t:u il nh.> died In. Mont.^r..-y bo.-ipltal.

li'vli-iidii /aild th a t ah.! bail bci-n HIMindiUit. V


Mr. Cream Producer

THe Mri|uarCr^mei^I<liihn'*i ohlcat cveiurtid'y,

• •. ninmuMoe tho op«nln|.f of. II IHIW moiloni orojiin ro-

, colvinir fitfttlon on thoi!o» nor of 2nil Avojiuo undiU-tl Btrotit, Sonth..

p to )^ In totliiy imt! lot nii tloniojiBtralo onr policy----- of'SorvicoTi'nnl'Hifrhor-l^riooffrRnmmnboryotrnlwayii-----

(TQt u uquitvo (loal w ilh tho Mntuiil.

M. E. HOLMES, Mgr.

V. K \PIIA N <1KAm erican Huper P o w e r .......... i-i;,CUb-ti fU.rvlcr, common .......... f d '{,

I Ai Hhari' ..........Ford M idcr L td ................... N o Hah-aSiuudilmi Mlnoii ....................... 12flw lft & Co. •................................ i 7 ;i;n n lt'’.'.! Founditrii ................ ;>(,

W h isk y R e ce ip tsRule.! Securities

f’LARKHiiirna, w. vii. ii',i:i-~W blfdty' I'ocelphi b-.-huf n ff.T .'d for jiiile in WtMiV V lrjjlnln an* comikl- (ir.'d HxcurltKia in thlfi a la ti) and nonae.piMitly nuud. ho re(£latored . w ilh Ih^ »ari:urUk.n dlvlxloii. H arold ' K. lln id fo rd , dlroctnr. hiiH au - 1 noum ed . Tbo practl.:.! of ii.-lllmr KHu-lpla. larifely from P..nii«vl- 'an lu and Ohio, Inn be.<n r<diiK

i n A i i o ro T A T O k sTDAHO FA LLH , D.ti:. H (UKDA)

-F rid ay (juo tatlona: T.luho u p p rr valley, IV In l--’alhi-I{url..y i>olntn Kiuaa.tH .b u lk outw dijrlit c'aiib to Krowei'fi p.M' <^wt. U, H. t ’a ftOc lo .*ic. U. H. 'i'li 2f1c. .


P id a lo ea: jiloiidv; I^ in |; Iidand flOo lo $1,15 b ajn M ain.. HOc lo Sl.iio p . r 1H» llu.,; Idaho J l.8 0 to .$2.15 »>o.S.

. MIKIAU NI :VV YORK, Dei;. 8 (n il .

HuK'ar I'utur.-.'i (!loiic<| ii.;(ihnnK«Nl to 2 polnla hljrher. SjkiL 2-1H«u. Doc. l,KH-,l»l, Jan , 1,7(1-77,. M aroh l.HO- til. M ay l.Hft-Hd. .July I.HII, H/*pt. i,U(i-.n;i, Hah-Ji 72nn lonu.


MAN VHANV1HCO HAN FllANCI.S;CO, Diio. « dUM H u tte r: 02 Hcore l»l scorn

0; (10 iicor.( 2D, IUuj' h: ]arj;«i i(-d. 2D /j; iinuill

I fo r ■ tlmii.

■■Dm nil ■■■■■■■■■■■A v o i n T i iK i t i m i i t

lla v p y o u r liuritoHH and ro- intlnnl N O W I

M AX'K KAltNRHH H IIO I' AnroMU Htr«s^t rroiii Hulo (Iruum l

T urkeys W antedWe will start receiving Turkeys at oiir

place of business in Twin Falls

Thursday, Dec. 6thand continue all this week and next week

Call u.'? about your poultry, R'oe.se ti^ l 'ducks, HiR-hc.st'ciish prices

W ildm an Produce C om pai^

----------Phone^TS -

JOINT PUBLIC SALE~'\V<V Will iiall li t ))libll(i Yor iu u h on tlii) l l» r ry O. iVrMMiH

riiriii, oiiu utllH mill oMtvrimrtli inlln iiortli of WaMhinstMli UidiiHtl, IV li i FiiIlM '

Tuesday, December 11 a t 1 p. m.irOKKKH— Borrol horao, m nooth m outh , W‘’lKlit iftOO: brow u w uro. -sn innth wolfifhflRno,'(lATTI-K,—.I<>r»«y cow. H yitnr» old; Juruoy cow, (I y«iir« old; rod ' cow. » yoiir«.6liJ( rod-yonrllMs: holfdr. Thaii# lifA ohold* •irrade d n iry o<»wm. . ,VOMVtm'K WNM o r l*OWlCl( M A dlH N B R V —<Jotn l« tln r of iriinn-A ll T rn c to r. In itpod i-ppnh', \yJlh oddltlona] opan drive wlmoln und f ro n t whmd px toniilon .'a -row c u ltiv a to r: tandom fl»ld dlflo; O liv e r H-lt,. ronoviitor; P . Si O. liJ.in. 3>way i l o w M«- tDorndok*Denrl»K'’7*fl; pow er mowon; hlngAd Hwatbor.fDnlM iino: I-m w M gCornilck-Doorlnir pow or 'potA to d l« r« r : , M cO om lok-

. / B h n n t u . i . . ..M/» —u u J?.*!j

an d .D*<«*Hnu Bhn« lyjio hoot im d houn drill w ith M oder' atLM bm w it: |a i« a U'Volffv o r . f l o u t - m f t c h l n o r y h as a ll a ttaohniontR an d lu In oxcidlmi,t o<milUlon, Qo(mI hny do rr lo k fu lly equlppe<(: wotfon iind.riuik; b««iLu>)tl hfiin u iiltlvu tu ri m dnuru w r« a (t« rt fm a il field dlmi; min.viji'^L 4-^oollon Ntnol bn rruw ; not ifootl) hamelM,. .Qollar*>

"'n^vV—'app, in» xinfT'flfAOT Urtrnr^Bwrnr• - f t - - .......... .. — ..iin k lfa iraHtwok bonn u truw ; larjfo Htauk o lo v v oba/f^ • " ,,, —Good chlnken o r broodar houaoi oom blnaU aA eahln htKino-.-Thit»o.bulltllnir» o«n b« m oved w ith o q t oootr(^«rfly

(Itsrdon. hiibU. und ama^l loo liK -iaony o t b » Itu h a .TBttMl# — C A S H ' ;

Harry C.V I. .1. H„ll.„.l»H,k, A i.cH p .y u ;,.

Page 7: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014-12-12 · ^j^iefitheT Forecast ^bii«i^ly fair tpiilvjit »um1 nuiiOuys lltUe ph>LHf«» lu tflinpomtiiro. AJiuiimiim

. >

Snlurdiiy, hiKuiin'luT H, 1!»:M

Page 8: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014-12-12 · ^j^iefitheT Forecast ^bii«i^ly fair tpiilvjit »um1 nuiiOuys lltUe ph>LHf«» lu tflinpomtiiro. AJiuiimiim



' Wdiihlngton Oonforonuo Opann ' U nder Q uidanco.of U. S.! A t to r n e y G e n e ra l

aW A BIM N O TO N , J>.'c K il.lN . Vfhf tin* luilinn'ri "h|nlliuux" nf tlu ' D lllliij 'rr Iv jif Wii.'i n>-ciL'lulitn«l Iv’ri' iMiiljy Iti t.h" ‘Mh-i i- I^*' «if IJ«* *<i>|lon'>l i;otir'iti'(‘»w'<' o>\ flyttno cnlloi! liy A llt»nuiy tli'n i-nil Ifninoi' 8 . C iuiiinlnuii. i

iCHinln<On. v.'liUiJt <'(itit IJii- iinllrm l im m m lly iw» w.OI k u \ nMn»|rf-t|>i «>r Hvcn. h'lui riiiiH>'il Ili« B ^hiiiiln trallon li> nil ,hiwonfo rd o in rn l to »ed cninpiilirn.

llHvurnorH iinO nt^mr hltjh nffl- OlillH of CIUJIj Nllllf’ won- ll)Vlfl-<l to

' Iho rtmrrj-ot»!i' {ojfi'tlmr w ith di-lo- K&t«N from loudltiir udlli.-K tin 'l ^roiii lnu>tl nintllual, unnliilnj'i- cat. ^ollKloitn, piili-lotlc mill s\^<irii)-norffAnlKntlonn wlinnn a<^tlvltli<n (xtiir

tl'o matUr<)l<i »t th«orlnm problpni.

I F o u r I'oJtli ' ’ lin (lop itrtiiion l of Jiiitilcu liiiu

uU llpnd n rnur*polnl iin>{;ntni an.fdl own:

1, CHiitinH iiiul prnvnnllon of d 'lh )o--n tton t{»n w ill ho piilil to i i(! iinclorlviiis' nnuiii’fi of rrltiio ,A id . pofMlbilltioii o f* pr«v»iit liiK it tbftiugh o<lucullnni»l. .nivlo. rcll- g)oun linU. w nlfaro jvork.112, InveH tl^ntlim . cliit<«iLi<iii and ^gprahoniiion - ~ tlio aotlvt' |ioHr«

■'8. C rlriilhal o o u rU and proxucu- l ia p - w ith flinpliiiMlH on mihUIh«: j tu ild o aw tflo r a j» l inoni oorlain ftnd.eU>ftlnx *jp IwRrtl loiiplitv^oji Vl\ut often havn onnblod tlm utnh.Tworld to /[o u t the ,lnw.'•4 . p e tc n tlo n . pnm lo . probritlon

a itd p a rd o n —ihiN willup of prlaoii condilioiwi

to 'p r e v e n t p«capi'n imd ojuUnjf of b iiraon nncl parnltt uhuMfiH iiinlcr WJllch m iiny nilm lnalii liav r Ihwmj .Ut-Hod loo*t> la p ro y ij(;iiln aft<-r

iryJng only fi-Hctlori/i.- "f ih i'lr intb oos..BtlinulMt«d by


V a c a t i o n o v e r

Rnhirdn>V Dcpj>;nhor,>?,\tn .

(.riivlllt; U 'lin il Kprill(;»t, (t.t., to r r lt ln l to \\'a«ihlii|tl«iii uihI faco (h r v lial piohli'nm iif an |iii-<>n>liiu I’ri'H ldnit^(liowtH'oll’M Miullr 'MUM hroiidi'r lliiiii ov<‘r. IIIM Motitintrn li<)H<lay hail IlfMi o n tu ’di’d \ t l th couf«'r-

i4<ac'«-M an li'iflHlatlou to Ix* paNHi-d t h k 'U’hit4ir<

Stiilo Group Oonvoninf'' W ith Govornor to Map Idiiho


I n O I H I ' ; , ' I ). !c, H ilMtj - I' ho r o a - j i l i l o i ' a l l o n o f p l a a i i l n t ' l i ' i f l a t n t l ' i u f o i ; . I d a h } i w i l t l ie t i n- j i . o i ' r a h i f o r M o n d a y w h n i llir- a t a t o p l a n n l n i r h i i n r i l ii ; jniiinhl«-n In t l i o o f f | o « <ifi CJov. Hull Uojui , T f io p n i ; ; r a i n

I w’iH alHo Itirliido Ihn layJnjr <if pinna fo r pn>M<ntatlon n l ttin Ho' a ttlii mooting. IJnr. VJ to 14 fo r Iho i ’aolflri noitl>w«i»il, ro tlu n u l Jioar^l.

I Muinhorii o f tlu ' )K>nr<l ar« Ku- yi'nit A. Cox. olialftiiU iivU. l*v Mi:- Ivolvi^y, vl<;o nliiiirnian, U . .U'o<'>n, a la l’t" plann'ii-..7 oonmiUanf. p a n .1. C avanai'h . ^ 'w ln I‘'alh», F, C. liiininm l, Hohcrl- Coulti’r, /itatiH land (Nnnnilxalonor. II, W. Farbi, (;onitnlHMl<nn!r, o f ro d a n n itlo n , I.«w- 1m Wlllliiniii, coDiinlanlnnor o f pnl>> 11<! wolfari)., ( io vornor 1to>M Ix an rx-offlclo nwnibor. •

; Hovoral a<lvliK>ry ro n in illti , w<n-l( w ith tlio Iwtard bu t Uic . wi H no l 1)0 callt'd In Mcuiday.



ihe :lmUlRtlnK tlu> d e^ th or DllllnRnr un<l oiho


A djouniod Miihb Mootinff Will • Koconvono to Oomploto

Poniiion Aotlou


M o t h e r , / i h ' m k 7 7 / g e t d a d J ^ a T — - / — l i f o r C h n s l i m s . .


jiiiina ' nioirtlnt: uinlin' ,Hu T w in l''all» .t^nw ill titjva ivm r iiL Dm

l''iilla rru m ty croiuf-luvotn 'IJiiiiiilav a t H ]). ni.. It la•aonoiuictMl |jy Janu-ii H, vVlu-lan. p iilillcity «ll- ri:«:tiir of lln'

'rh«- U ral nm-'i.i o it-t'tlnj' in id rr (dub anaplcca witii hold-No. U7 and WHH di-vot«d to Ibi’ (^onaldrniUnii of lb« aiib ji'i'l lit old a)-«- p<‘inikotia. A coniiniUiM?, coiuiIhLIiijc of L. W.

fod- WllllaiUH, 1::. M addloi: and VVbu- , .• " • •1. wan a|ipi>|jit«-d w itb Ina trn r-

bu t TTiothodH o f offiK!. tl<»n« to iltafL ii pn tltlon ri‘(|ii<r*dl»ir

m e n ea in oi ....................................... -npt4d jranffstorM u n d Ihn huoiiohh In , am ip lrra O iaiU ndhcrK U uh tho n>»adt' I)'-'!' ' 'I 'l ''ctf Icooporntloo botwnoti highly tra lh o d fcdorul fiirc:oM iinri local aUtfioritluA.’ "Thfl puriKiHo o f Hu' confni'pnct!."

A tlo m o y f.lcnoraJ CmjimliiKii •!Iji lo evolvj' a pnuM lral p ro ijran i o f obJncllvifH th n t wilt coniniciui ItJiolf to th o »iiipp«n-l of tho A nirr- Icftn peopln. •

" W h a t la miUKht l« nn llhu r ®ral p m g rp m alonn n o r n a ta tti pnv

.m alone,

MrnilMirii of Tw in Kallii OtItI I<‘ol- UiWH UH wrfli,'»>r idnfffo r lh« conilnjr ycH»‘ bint ovonlnjr a t 111" hall. Thfty «taK<«ld rill p ractlco In noconil w orklu p ropnn itlon fo r tbn loop InK- a t Unhl Dcc. J2 iit w hich they will p u t <\n tbn nnron-i dogrco.

W illiam Thlntton will bii jioljlo i;ran<l o f tlin Jodjfo in iJio cotnltijj your. Moniborn o f hlii u la ff will bJ>: Choiit«r C lark , vlco Krand; }•>! VVnllit, r»icKir<llnjr »auii<tary: Ivan rrlf^ii. Unaiiclal niurrottiry: O. ^\^ O orrbdi. li-<iiuujrL-r. and IC. O. Jljilnrji. tnnitrn-. |

Tim now iitJiff will J)i! Ina tiillrjl ' In J a n u a ry .

I>r. n o \ ’«*i*«or, KiHit SiM>4-litllut. <)v- n jjC . O. AiMlorNon. r*h. HntW— Ailv.

Oliirntu'.o Jlitlnca,. Iillko, Nov., anil Mbai May Ht’hon, I'ocatoltfi. Wfrfl inarrii'il Afnnday aflt'rntHin at. th<' o o n rt hiniiit^ .ludi'c Itoiiii li. J ia d ' tloclc jiorfonniHl tb»! cort.'niony.

Mr.n, H nrhiu D. lk>lNt •m lrrtatiK wl tho \Vi'dni!iutay Hridjf(^ clnb a t a 7 o'clotdt (Ilnni'i- llil.n w (n-1{, PVnir ta b lra wore In i)lay. Mni. A. D. Hllva won blirli Hcoro aw ard , and Mni r'iml llafl'iocu m-coiiil bljrh. (Jiu-at prlzo wi'iil ii> Mrfi. T iunm n Andor/joji.

'I'bi* lln il o f a iionrii of prlvijtit danerH, upoiuion-d by (li<> >il(;h acboo] jdm lont body, wiui (<lvi-n I-'i-lday, iivi'iiinjc a t the Lincoln ficbool KUilltnrinin. T he <Iani;c.'( will be iH ld c-v<u'y lw(i w.'clcii d iirln jr till! baidU'tbiill iii-a.sou. Adcqnat'^ laijirrvlnloii vvlll hi' jn'ovidird fo r i-iicb cvi-nt.

RITES HEED FORK unrra l worvicoif for-M r«. Hnrah

Lydlu lio llon , vlolhu T hurm lay of ln jn rli‘n rocrlv^il tho ovcnlnir, bn- foro In art aiitomobliij wroclc nonr Fllflr, wnro iK'lil yciito’t ln y afto r- n<M)u a t tH«t Wbllp m o rtu a ry rh n - | pid. Uov. O. f.. CliirU, jiriHlor o f l)i<’ I-’ ln it I'rds 'iy torbui •.-.r.u'ch. con* duo tfil tint H(jrvlco, r n d .Tanmn ]loynol(l/(,* acconipnnn^d by Mm- M. N. T«Miy, fnralHlio<l niU"'".

A. S. Ilriujw , A. H ulhiirfonf, W illiam Uu(io, John D illon, Lron- aivl Cooli and IJrnont C<vd( lailvcd iui_ pjill bi'arorii. Tlin. w i i 'tu a ry <11- roclw l Intcrnxm l In K llrr ct?m«itnry b«.‘jitd<’ Ibo jyravo of lior fatlu-r.

Doflonoy Orua'ftd'o Intoniiifiod By Plodgo to Bo Givon to

OatholloB Sunday

Nl-nv YOUK. Unfi. 8 ur.I-i -Movlo j)rodii<:rra iind dlNlribii|.orH worrloil 1,'idMV abo jit lb*' h itrna lflw l ram * piiijfn of tho CutholJo holrnrchy

t/, lOHt Imlfxmnt iiiollon platnr«a, b ill npnkrHnion fo r tho InduHtry m nb tla lnod an offloial RllQnno, t

I t wax nnld p rlvnto ly , nownvor, t h a t ono nontonuo In tho plndifo nil C'atbolloH In tho Unllc<l HliltnH will bn atiUod to tuUo n l mnnn to m o r ' rm*-. w orried Ihnm nioro lhari nny ot)nir. Tl ulodifod ntTHlnHt-ultond' MMtiu a t UmalorH Ih n t nhowod pic- U iicit' claaalflnd nn indoccnt nn n m n ttn r of poHoy. Thin, thn offloJul HiUd. could rulJi ninny oji exh ib ito r ltd tho diiclKlon ( ifl'w h iit plcturoi) Abinild bo hoycotlo<l w an not nub ' jno l to nxaot dofin ition .

20.000,000 C iithotiril . 'Tho 'C athoH o popUliillon of lh«

Unltcid HtntcM num bon i 20.000,000. A lithorltk 'H of tho N ow V ork 'nroh* diooono oHtlnnilod th n t 7fl por oont w ould bo In attondnnoo a t Bundny ninKHOM. TbdV eflllm atod th iit iit IiatHl in ,000,000 w ould plcidRo to Ikoyoott /lim n lifltod hy Ihn ohuroh an Indooonl n t ton to rrnw 'n mnnnoH.

Tho Hat of appro v ed nnd rt1#uip* provotl flJmn compllrid hy tho l-rfi- Bion of Dononoy council o f 'tho ChluajfiJ firchdlocoHo. w hlph will ho pfintoil In ovory dlocowb In tho c o u n try fo r tho ffuUlnnco of Cnth* filloH. wnii nuido puhllo tortny.. I t llijtod 37 cn rro n t p lo tu rcn nn cbum "A ," th a t Ifl-nultHbla; S2 lui clnnfi " n ." th a t Ih nu lta^ le fo r nchJltR b u t n o t fo r ohlldi'on, find 30 In claHfl "C ." th n t In iinnuitdblo fo r idthor adullM o r chlldron-., T h e UhI will bo rovlgcxl wookiy.

M ho WoHt'n now p ic tu re wan llutod In clafw “ It." Jitiui Flarlow'n now flint w iu p u t in cIiiiih “C."

LIJNOIilCOM IIV^M)li^pl/tcopal Guild held n huich<^oii

a t tho homo o f Mrn. M. T . Wbit* narU W w lncaduy afto rn o o n . Twolvo ladluii nttondm i. Tho i^roiip npnnt tbi! afto rnoon nowIijr In proparn* tlon fo r tho CbrlHtmuM bnwuir. w hich in to bo bob: n«ixt Hntur<lay-

'I'ho Dorcan ffundny iichool uIhhh will moi't w ith .i lrn . h . Mfj’Cvfrrd Tunw lay n/lornodli, Thu lllbl/i nt'inly hour will ho lod by thn pan- to r. ' . •

A nnlrin nioolliiK will b« tiold u l H p, m, TunnchJy In tlm O huroh of

/ th o N azjirniin fo r . tho tn iln lnu '. w o r k o r n f o r n communlty*wU(o Inijrvoy. Tho fo u r .ohurfihon o f Kim- i'B*rly w ill un lto In u Burvoy o f KlUJ-*: . borly nnd tho nu rround ln t; to rrl- tfiry <m WoUnosdky. Tho Chrlnt- Ian, N axarono. L. n . S. iind Mf>thn* dint ohuroh u ro purllolpatinR -

Honorlnff th o lr wtxldinfr nnn lw r* « iiry , Dr, and Mrn. O. L.. V<lnlUft woro hoHtn n t n tu rh o y dlnnor T uow lny ovonlnff- C ard s w oro tho dlvoralon o f thn ovunlnp:. M r. and M rs. J o r ry P o in t wnd sm all daURh* lor. Frnnoni? M ario, Mr. an d Mr«. Toni I lo jtm u n a k . Arnold und I^>m- o r Svancnra. Buhl, M r. an<l Mr«.

,TI. E . I'ow or/1 an«l M r. n n d Mrs, Jo h n n a l to m }{lini>orly.w orn ipJoBtfl. '

.Iwouin I>onton nponc tho ThanUn* fflvht};, holiday v isiting a t tho homo o f bin parontjf. M r. an d Mrn. U, 11. IDonton. Louln in a Junior a t tho U nlvorslty o r Idaho, M oscow.

All .oMctrlo nljjnn o r hlllboar<bi w h ich compotii w ith tho ll|(h ta on th« A n : do Trlom pJio hav«' biton harr«ul In Purln.

PARIS C H P I F ? ■ Ef

S vb coop«rtttloti In tho nphero of t “ .t u iaho «:oiiKr.>iiaKmal iloiountlnn erlm o preven tion an d orhn inal law l<“ »‘l ‘hiv. C. Hon Uohh to atrlvo fo r knro roem D nt'am on ir Ih.i fo d t 'iu l. ' Ih.i onau tm .m t .*f a w orkablo, of- Mtale an d local Bov«rnmont)i. aw ‘ a nd nnipbi old aj;o nonaloii

• Well a s th o ac tiv e JuislHtancd of all I'lan. und Hi prcnont II fo r Individ-oKlClMl uiid otlunw U o, ltn ‘ l a ljin a tu rca a l an a d jin irn rd ima-

w hloh can p a r tlo lp a tc In a Hua-‘ " .....Calned n a tio n a l m ovom unt to dnal w ith tho urim lnal ntoiiaci}."

• A nniuil C'rIpM* Toll ' T h e an n u a l toll o f crim o. cjitl-

tn * t« l by th e dop itrln io n t of Jiintlco• DffljDlaU a t 513.1)00,000,000 oi- m om

in n tia lly . <^xceodn tho to ta l of thodabU owod to thin coun try .

I t comoH to noiLTly onu-hnlf llm ' foderal Rovernm onl'H to ta l do|it.



I RO'Vi.Tho d o p ar tm o n t of Ju»tln« po«n ro innircod In an e ffo rt (o nur to ll tho d ra in U|M>n roHourcoa of hi ^ t lm A te bualnoHM and law -»bldlnif •ellisonn. W ith tho b ack in g o r tho ( •n ia ld e n t and conjfroKJi Ciiininini^H

expkndod fn )m 400 to <100 thi- Berconnal o f tho illvbiion o f Invoii- tlgmtlon. N ow luwH havo wldiini>d

a u th o rity (»f thoNo (lOO fftloral, Bi-enU.

Grkde Students Win Honor l^oll Listing

■ H ( n ju x M lf T ill- 'fidlovvlni' honin' n d l haa la'cn an - | ilininco*! f<n' Mn- Hocinnl alx w ri'li t toHod by thn tra idn 'rit o f Ihi' I>< i'p

iJrook Huhool: K li 'h l b );rnilr. A honorH. H otty Hlu-ldon; 1< honora, l lo lrn M irachi. Ilnh 'n IIortlnK . Vor- , la M ltohcll. J-’loy<l Th(jnip““ > U otty btriiwHur, |Clb D oris Von Llntlorn.

Bovonlh uriido, H hoi

1‘rlnm ry conl'fit'nt'i! w:il be ln-iii bitnt a l tlnr 1,. u . b. (rjuiicli mrxl Huiidily «'V«'iiln|!:.

. J . A r th u r .Swcntum. 'I\vin b 'albi.t ' i>. r«'lv«'il till' ro n tra n t lo , (-jvi.-t a j now balrony lu th e .hli'h iiclmoi i;yminm lum bi-nt. Tho atnirlur<> will c<»d aj)|)i'oKliiiatcly $700. aii<l will I jical people. Tin: w ork la unilor I wny now, and will bo t:oMi|iIot<>d fo r Iho liaiiki'tbiiU tii aiion.

Iv, T. P a lti'rao n . wiipurinti'niti-iil, p iano ftir tbc


Car is Hereinu'cha^ii’d

H>l iiniaic

>thv W hdloy. Clu'irlrti C.'<dci a ix th trnido. •


bau »ICh<:

, W .‘<ln.‘wbiy..foi* Cnminln.'i, who wa.'i opiMiiti'd

* on fo r a ru p liiri 'd a;-,iiindlx Ai'v- 'o ra l monlb.'i aj;o, Iti re iua ln ln j; In [T w in I'’ulbi. wh<‘r«' lu; will rocctv*- 'vU»lct ray trca ln u m td iiovtu'ul timi'Ji

Wi'c'lC..M iirlau);b .'ichitol ch lldrn Knvr

1 doiiiitioiiji lu l)i<' <.’lilldi'4'ir(i llonn- a l lioDii' ail TMIowh:-M lmi Tolinan 'x

. c r o o k Hohooi. K i i 'h tb ):ind r. a .........Mliia Cllno'ii room ,

j f l. 'K l; Mr. K|pliiUo]>f')> room . 77 u o u y ,o„a w .. ,u „ .„ w ,r , |

IXK.IIK, «n<l w i t h t b o a d d i l U m o f

,' H \ « n w l u r n r d I n t o b . - a d q i i i i r U - r a ,

m u . Mao KiiHy. J^w nll, W i a H t r u f f . ' ' " “ ' ’yj'*. " T ..ln ,;.n I m dM a , n . - a u -

S nnilav at tlm L. 1), M. ii.irrenH-nl iiiiwUnK- Till- oliltil’a ^ 'ninill'athor blt'iL'ii-<l h rr , and K<"’f b«*r tin- naiii>- o f Jo an l<oj'i>tlnc.

Mr. and Mrit. KIkIu Whocloclt. l-m-ati'llo. th .' wi'i'U-rnil .itth.- bo tnr of ... ........ Mni.H '-nry Tolm an.

.Mrn. C’|lff<n<l H tarry and aoii, M arvin, and o •nrphnw . Uni'obl My- iuM'Hii. ri 'tu rn i'iJ .W i'rlmviday al'Un- a m onth'll v ImII w ith rrlalIvf.n In MrjilMiiMi. N. n . '

Jo h n O idrlilj;.' a ii'l bln itonn, Hoy and l^m n lf . w bo havo npoiil thu Mnmmi<r-h<-i'i', ti-ri n . i ,it1y I'or lln'ti li imi* In Aru-m ta, U'lm.

uhtdnp,. irlrih irru<lo, A lionmH, I.V'Ua K uoora, M arian H truw tn-ri it lion- orn, Kllbi D ana, Jc.nn Ki-Ih'y, Anton Z ^ sa tu . .

K oiirth k 'radc. n honom , C b arira 'b o p lfa .' ICunlco llllim ^r, M artin Novnk.

T h ird ifrach'. A honors, ■ K<illll .C iU 'r: li .. honora, Miu:k Uuci'A n.

Paillitin . Jonf« , l.)«an«' Hlndf''*'8ooon(^ tfrnilo, A hiniorti, JacUlo

filovonn; » honorH, J . ll. Lo.wiii..{ r 'im t A honoi'H, DavidHhHtun, i<'lorop(j«' Ko]iiiH'v<'i': >> hohom , Allco iCoMoy, r i i a r b "<•

• tehH tton .- A nlln C’ox, Jo h n H ill,' An^n^t lloliind.


t h e f n i n l l y -a


C h r l s t m a a

n««d o n l-^ lh e y oeejl o n e! Artd .

> H r < t . ' S o l H i r N O V t C b ^ ( r o q i ,, j ■ Htr«« M oduli. A ll ^r# U t j 19

; 4 .b a tU n t« f> » « rd . M aoy n d u i l v e f t a a j r ...............................


5 Typewriter Exch, AgencyO R . S H B E W O O D

' 4 : i ^ U o T W fu "^ a ilB , I d a l i o ^“ / ■ P h o n e '9 0 ■ ‘

1 ^ M i K S BOLD . . '


'Poday, ii-I'cvolutionai’.v l-’I.vmouLli !h lipi'o. And wlion wo , wii.v “ I'ovohitiunai'.v.’’ \vc inoiin u par flilToi’ont I'l'om aiiythiim-

yiiu huvu evei'known.’ .......■ ^ ' Ifa an'L'Utli'cly'novv l<ind'Ot~nxitqmobilo‘ .^oiYft'huicVetl"

IVoni tho ground u|) to make m odern iiiotoi'inu' safer.In all your life, you've never driven a car like this. It

niai'k.s the ft'i'eatost step I’orwurd in low prieod car design in f’irteen, years. Y ou,w iint to travel faster. Rut you need a ear that’a easier to control . one that's ,saCor on today's conu'ested hitvltways. That car is -the iiew 193,5 Plymouth . . . Am erica's first ,Hi(>-h Speed Sai’et.y-Car! It’saitterly dii’- ferent. . A nd'iooks it. , ’ ' ' ' '

‘ See It on Our Floor

B A R N A R D A U T O GQ;^ H R Y ^ ^ E R P L Y M O U T H

Idilho Roolamivtion Dlrootor ABSiimos PrcMdonoy of

Auaoolation■ ■ I ,

HAWC l.AKfC CIT'i-. Doc. fi (tUJl'lb. W. I'^arla, Idaho commlsHlonor

<if roulam atlon. l^Hlny asflumcd .hla iliilliiti itM proHldonl of, Iho W oatorii Aoaoolatlon of Rtc.to BnKlnoorfr.

O lh ar now o fficers nml d lrootora «V tho orffiinlzatlop arm C . • EJ. H lrlcklitnd, Or«., ro lirln i; p rcsl> . d o n t an d d ircd lo r; an d T h om as 'M . MoOluro o f Now M oxlco ,.dlrootor.

D urinj? tho n e x t y o a r F arl* ^111 • iiuporviso offortfi o r »ne asaoola* t l o n ' t o accom plish tho following?, w ork , rocomm onded by reso lu tion :

W atflr fttirvay1. Hurvoy of nndnrground .w a lo r

RourcoH nn<l th o ir conn-ol In w oat- orn fltntoB,

2. WHtabll/ihmont o f a m oro do- tallo<l p roo lp itatlon HUrvoy by the fw loral w nallior burf.aua. •

3. A ppo ln tm on t of i»omo f<y|oniL tlo p arlrn o n t to 'c o n d u c t a lliort»ugh Hnow su rvoy t h a t Hprlnfj rim -off w a lo r w a y ho m oro aco u ra to ly «»• tlmatod.^

. ^ -

C H R I S T M A S F R I G I D A I R Ea w a . i t s y o u


Q fvrf InwlMndfi, ihmightrnl hrotHcni. Icrrn »oni —ill ijfc-'iinlv'inp thejf pfrplfijiing prnblrms o( v/|i,u to give the family by selecting Tilt'. c:im lST M A S P lU G inA m U . it ii the exprrsuion of your thoughiful loving carc through tjie years —The Gift Supremr.

Shr will l>c deli^lited tliat your gift ii * gVn- ‘ uinr I'Vigidiirf, with .\ll the rrigidaire fe^turci—- lltr sii|Kr frcc:cr, Cf>lil control, .hydr.H'>r for vcgci.»hlcK, .-Jiul .ujiom.ui(; icc tray.rclcj«r,

Oncc TMH CimiSTN^AS FRIGIlJAmi'gn^s 10 work in the fantily kiiclicn, rcfrrgcMlion irouMofc and worries Ai^endcd-for all timc.Thcf**. iK ni'vtT the Klightc&i imcertAinty aGogi food, chtrastcd to TirE CimiSTMAS''f^KlGTDAmr!:''^ for^ifi^ kreping, for low-tcmperaturc.5 ,protect the origin.d flavor and freshncM of all foocU'

Wc h.ive a bcautifd! nterling silver mcd.il)ion' w. iling to be engraved with "her" initials and the djte--\viih<»ui c(wt to you. Tliin medallion' c.in either be .iffixed to the dobr.of T n ii ’ CHRISTMAS HRIOIDAIIlli or gfycn ncpiratcly

I it.i »tn!irt jewel ease , ^ ‘. T hi! C h ristm as F uigidaihe awalra you it our tthowroom ~ ready for delivei^. !p*rop. in bSmorrow—before, the ‘ holiday;.tkcfrt»>~ let

' lu'iell you about th« ', let M« make airranpenilth^! for delivery , finfl iMuUation on Clifistnlat ' ' '* V* ' /


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